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Operating Manual

TOX®softWare Server

Edition 2.2.5_06 8/2010

TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Riedstraße 4 D - 88250 Weingarten

Tel. +49 (0) 751/5007-0 Fax +49 (0) 751/52391 e-mail:
Table of Contents

Contents .................................................................................. Page

1 About this manual .......................................................................3
1.1 Observe these instructions....................................................3
2 Properties of the TOX®softWare Server .....................................4
2.1 Integration into the modular system ......................................4
2.2 Ethernet network environment ..............................................5
2.3 Connection via a serial port...................................................6
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server ......................................7
3.1 Starting the TOX®softWare Server .........................................7
3.2 Selection of authorisation level..............................................9
3.3 Add / edit / remove controllers .............................................11
The menus 'Add' and 'Edit' ..................................................12
Add / edit Line-Q (EDC Compact) .......................................14
Add / edit Line-X (LF9400) ..................................................18
Add / edit CEP 400 device...................................................20
Add / edit EPWx device.......................................................22
Add / edit EPW 400 device ..................................................23
General information on removing devices ...........................25
3.4 Add / edit PLC device...........................................................27
3.5 Add / edit / remove position sensors.....................................29
3.6 Add / edit / remove other devices .........................................29
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server..............................30
4.1 Access management...........................................................30
4.2 Load adapter list / Save adapter list ....................................31
4.3 Properties............................................................................34
4.4 Backup and restore .............................................................37
Backup ................................................................................39
5 Closing the TOX®softWare Server .............................................45
6 Information on connection to an Ethernet network ................46

BA 2
1 About this manual

1 About this manual

1.1 Observe these instructions
This manual was designed to assist in using this software for its intended purpose.
Following this manual will reduce commissioning time and downtimes and prevent

Copyright, Warranty
This manual and all attached documents are copyrighted. These products are in-
tended for use by our customers.


This manual corresponds to the issue date and SW version.

Issue date: 31.08.2010 v 2.2.5_06
This software is warranted according to our standard terms and conditions. The
warranty is voided if
− the product is altered or tampered with.
− parameters or functions are added without our knowledge or permission.

Software errors
Please report any errors you may have found in this software to:
Riedstraße 4 D-88250 Weingarten
Tel. +49 (0) 751/5007-0 Fax +49 (0) 751/52391

The text and the translation of this manual have been prepared very carefully.
However, TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK cannot accept obligations or legal responsibility
for incorrect specifications and their consequences.
Any changes to this manual are at the discretion of TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK.

Additional information, structure of the software package

The definition of the symbols and abbreviations used, general
instructions as well as fundamental information on the
TOX®softWare package can be found in the manual
'TOX®softWare SUITE – Elements – Installation'.

BA 3
2 Properties of the TOX®softWare Server

2 Properties of the TOX®softWare Server

2.1 Integration into the modular system
The TOX®softWare Server program is the interface between the TOX®softWare and
various devices which can be visualised, parameterised and operated with the
Theoretically, any number of connections can be defined here which can then be
accessed by the HMI and/or Worx. The number is limited by the PC hardware on
which the TOX®softWare is installed.
The TOX®softWare Server program is used for communication between
TOX®softWare Worx or the TOX®softWare HMI and the hardware controllers –line-Q
(EDC Compact), line-X (LF9400), CEP 400 and EPW 400 – as well as to manage
data which are transmitted by the hardware controller.

Working environment to load

the software modules:
Connect HMI Configuration Control of the spindle:
Drive for machines:
TOX®-EDC Compact
TOX® spindle
Creation of run-time pro- Controller LF 9400
TOX®softWare Worx

Operation of the spindle:

TOX®softWare HMI

Data management and

TOX®softWare Server

Example TOX®-ElectricDrive

Working environment to load

the software modules: Process monitoring for Machines with
Connect HMI Configuration TOX® clinching processes: TOX® clinching tools:
e.g. TOX®-CEP 400 e. g. TOX® robot tongs
Creation of run-time pro-
TOX®softWare Worx

Data management and

TOX®softWare Server

Example TOX® process monitoring CEP 400

BA 4
2 Properties of the TOX®softWare Server

Working environment to load

the software modules:
Press monitoring for TOX® Machines with
TOX®softWare WORX pressing tools: TOX® pressing tools:
e. g. TOX® EPW 400 e. g. TOX® press
Creation of run-time pro-
Software module EPW 400

Data management and

TOX®softWare Server

Example TOX® press monitoring EPW 400

In the TOX®softWare Server program, the basic settings are made for the integration of
the complete package in a network (e. g. management of the EPx and EPz devices,
TOX® process monitoring CEP 400, TOX® press monitoring EPW 400 or a PLS;
connection to the BUS system).

2.2 Ethernet network environment

Modules with an Ethernet interface (e. g. hardware controller for TOX®-ElectricDrive;
CEP 400) are only addressed in the network via their IP address. As the modules
are addressed by the Windows operating software via module addresses, the
Ethernet data server allocates a logical module address to the physical IP address.
These settings are stored in a host file (*.INI), which can be edited on the setting
side of the Ethernet data server. Four settings must be made for every module in
the Ethernet:

• Module (controller, process monitoring device)

Here the logical module address is entered under which the module can be ad-
dressed. The setting of the controller or of the CEP / EPW must correspond with
the setting of the TOX®softWare Server program.

• ID
The physical address of the hardware controller is defined by the ID number. This
is the address under which the controller can be addressed, for example via
RS232 on the front panel.
More than one module can have the same physical ID address in the Ethernet if
these modules do not communicate with each other (Ethernet cross-traffic) and
not with other bus systems (CAN-bus, Profibus).
If modules are to communicate with each other or to be connected with each other
in another bus system, these modules must be assigned different physical ID ad-
dresses. As the physical ID address can only have values between 0 and 127, a
maximum of 127 modules can communicate with each other.

BA 5
2 Properties of the TOX®softWare Server

• IP address
The IP address of the modules is entered here. The IP address of the module con-
sists of the IP address which is entered in the type plate and the physical address
(ID) of the module.

• Name
Here the modules can be assigned names. These names provide a clear overview
and can facilitate assignment of names.

BUS systems
If a conventional bus system is used for communication,
we can provide you with documentation on integration
(Profibus, Fieldbus) on request.

2.3 Connection via a serial port

The selected serial port is exclusively reserved for communication with the TOX®
devices and is no longer available in Windows, e.g. for modems.

If you wish to use the interface for other programs again, select the setting 'No
connection' as the serial port. The port driver is then disabled.

If you change the serial port, this change is always only
enabled after the system is restarted.

BA 6
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

Default installation
Installation of the complete TOX®softWare is described in
the manual
'TOX®softWare Basics / Installation'.

3.1 Starting the TOX®softWare Server

As usual in Windows, you start the program 'TOX®softWare Server' by
double-clicking with the left-hand mouse button on the program icon
'TOXsoftWare x.x.x_xx Server'.

You can also start the program from the program group: to do this, open the pro-
gram 'TOXsoftWare x.x.x_xx Server' in the Windows toolbar under

The Start window appears briefly:

BA 7
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

When the program has been started, you can see the main window. The address
of a TOX® device is already pre-set there in the display panel:

The example shown is a Line-X installation. The connection is therefore the 'Tox-
Server – EpzAdapter'.

In all described examples of this documentation of the
TOX®softWare Server, a connection with a
Line-X controller is generally shown.

If a device in the list is not ready (for example if no connection to this device could
be made), the relevant entry is marked in light red.
There is a report in the lower half of the main display window of the TOX®softWare
Server in which the events which have occurred since the current start of the ap-
plication are listed.

BA 8
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

3.2 Selection of authorisation level

The software can be run on various authorisation levels. Each authorisation level
has different access rights.

When the application is started, the default setting is authorisation level 1. If you
wish to make changes to the program, you must first log on at authorisation level
3. Authorisation level 3 is generally required to make changes to the TOX®softWare

To set the authorisation level, click on the 'Log on' button or use the entry
'Log on...' in the menu 'File\Access management'.

First enter the default password 'tox3' in the input window 'Log on'. This gives
you access to level 3.

Press 'Cancel' to close the window without changes. The authorisation level re-
mains at the one set before the window was opened.

BA 9
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

When the 'OK' button is pressed, the authorisation level is changed and a corre-
sponding message appears:

When this message is confirmed with 'OK', the displayed authorisation level is en-

If the password entered was incorrect, this message appears:

Acknowledge this message with 'OK' to close this window. The input window for
the password is displayed again. Enter the valid password here (max. 30 charac-
ters, no special characters, observe upper and lower case).

If you wish to change the authorisation level, you must first click on the
button 'Log off...' or select 'Log off...' in the menu 'File\Access manage-
ment'. This resets the authorisation level to level 1. Then you can log on
again at a different authorisation level.

If you wish to change the password for the current authorisation level,
click on the button 'Change password...' or select 'Change password...' in
the menu 'File\Access management'. A window to change the password
is opened. The password is changed as described in the chapter '4.1 Ac-
cess management'.

There is a text box to the right of the buttons in which the current access level is
displayed. In the box next to the display of the access level, the currently config-
ured work directory of the TOX®softWare is displayed. This directory also contains
the adapter configuration.

BA 10
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

3.3 Add / edit / remove controllers

Menu structure
The program TOX®softWare Server is generally configured during commissioning
and only started later by the user. The set connection options set up the necessary
connections for working. The settings of an already configured device can also be
subsequently edited.

These two menus are available for configuration of the TOX®softWare Server:

• File
The 'File' menu contains the device-independent configuration options for the
server application. These settings are the same for all devices.

• Device
The 'Device' menu contains the device-dependent configuration options. The spe-
cific functions can be configured here for every device – Line-Q (EDC Compact),
Line-X (LF9400), CEP 400 and EPW 400.

Access level 3 is required to change the setting.

Add device
After the TOX®softWare Server is started, new connections for the TOX®softWare
Server can be set up and configured in the 'Add' sub-menu of the 'Device' menu.
A selection of device groups is displayed in the 'Device/Add' sub-menu. The selec-
tion group 'Controllers' contains all controllers and process monitoring devices of
TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK which can be used with the TOX®softWare. When you
select the required entry here, the associated configuration window is opened:

Line-Q (EDC Compact) the configuration window for the EDC-Compact control-
ler is opened (connection via Ethernet or a serial port).
Line-X (LF9400) the configuration window for the Lenze Force 9400 con-
troller is opened (connection via Ethernet).

BA 11
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

CEP 400 the configuration window for the TOX® process monitor-
ing system CEP 400 is opened. (Connection via Ethernet
or a serial port).
EPWx the configuration window for the TOX® process monitor-
ing system EPWx is opened. (Connection via Ethernet or
a serial port).
EPW 400 the configuration window for the TOX® press monitoring
system EPW 400 is opened. (Connection via Ethernet).

Edit device
To edit an already configured device, the window 'De-
vice\Edit\...' is opened, which offers the same setting options
as the window 'Device\Add\...'. The main difference is the
additional button 'Delete' in the Edit window. In this manual,
the windows 'Device\Add\...' are shown in the description of
the functions.

The menus 'Add' and 'Edit'

The name of the adapter is part of the connection name and must be unique. The
connection name must not be assigned twice in the adapter list for any connection.
If this is the case, a message informs you of this after you press 'OK':

The connection type, the IP and the port number are described in the sections on
the individual devices. In the case of the Ethernet connections, the connection
type TCP/IP cannot be changed. The IP address must correspond with the IP ad-
dress of the target device. For the port, the same port can be used as for the other
The configuration window is closed without changes with the 'Cancel' button. The
new settings for the adapter are accepted by pressing the 'OK' button. The server
attempts to set up a connection with the new configuration.
After a new adapter is added, a message appears asking whether the altered
adapter list is to be saved. The changes are then available the next time the server
is started.

BA 12
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

The message is closed without saving the adapter list with 'No' and 'Cancel'. With
the next restart, the configuration valid up to now is loaded without the current
changes. The adapter list is updated and saved by pressing 'Yes'.
After a new adapter is added, the main window in the server may appear as fol-
lows (example EPz adapter):

BA 13
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

Add / edit Line-Q (EDC Compact)

Click on the entry 'Line-Q (EDC Compact)...' in the menu 'Device\Add\Control-
ler' or 'Device\Edit\Controller' to open the configuration window for this device.
The window to edit existing adapters can also be opened by double-clicking on the
adapter connection in the main window of the server.

If a new device is added, the configuration window with the default settings for the
connection type Ethernet TCP/IP appears:

When a device is edited, the current connection settings (Ethernet or serial) are

• 'Device'
Enter the unique name of the server here. The name can be freely selected;
these names provide a clear overview and facilitate assignment of the devices.
The name is permanently assigned to the server–adapter combination and is
used in the TOX®softWare as the connection definition.

• 'Connection type'
In the 'Connection type' category, select the required port 'Ethernet TCP / IP' or
'Serial' by clicking on the selection button.

BA 14
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

• 'Connection settings'
The settings in this window depend on the selection of the connection type. First the
connection settings for the Ethernet port (in the window shown above) are de-

Module number:
The Profibus address is set with the module number. The addresses are between
'0' and 'F' (hexadecimal).

Correspondence with module number Line-Q

The module number of the hardware controller (EDC-
Compact) must always correspond with the module number
given here. This module number is set on the hardware
controller on the knurled screw under the connection 'X 1'.

With the time given here, the accessibility of the connected device is queried. The
default setting is 100 ms (maximum retrieval speed).
If data are transmitted in the system via RDT, timeout errors can be corrected by
reducing the retrieval speed.

Logical IP address:
This entry depends on the IP address of the Ethernet network assigned to this ap-
plication. The default setting of the IP address is

IP address device:
This entry cannot be edited. The IP address of the device, which depends on the
module number and the logical IP address, is displayed here.

Interaction module number IP-address:

The module number influences the IP address of the device:
If the module number is increased from '0' to '1' and if the
logical IP address remains the same, the value after the en-
try 'IP address device' is increased by 1.
Module number logical IP address
IP address device
Important: When allocating IP addresses, ensure that no
IP addresses are assigned twice in one system.

BA 15
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

The port via which the controller is to be addressed is set here (default setting for
Line-Q: 24.832).

If the 'Serial' port was selected in the category 'Connection type', the window with
the connection settings for the serial port appears:

• 'Connection settings'
Module number:
The Profibus address is set with the module number. The addresses are between
'0' and 'F' (hexadecimal).

Correspondence with module number Line-Q

The module number of the hardware controller (EDC-
Compact) must always correspond with the module number
given here. This module number is set on the hardware
controller on the knurled screw under the connection 'X 1'.

BA 16
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

Line-Q controller
Set the required address
with a suitable screwdriver.

With the time given here, the accessibility of the connected device is queried. The
default setting is 200 ms.
If data are transmitted in the system via RDT, timeout errors can be corrected by
reducing the retrieval speed.

Select the intended port here (COM 1 to COM 4) and, if necessary, change the
baud rate (default setting: COM 1 / 56,000 bauds).

Close the configuration window

Confirm your selection or changes in this window with the 'OK' button or with
the 'Enter' key.

Confirm or cancel the message asking whether the changed adapter list is to
be saved.

The new entry appears in the display panel of the main window.

BA 17
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

Add / edit Line-X (LF9400)

Click on the entry 'Line-X(LF9400)...' in the menu 'Device\Add\Controller' or 'Device-
\Edit\Controller' to open the configuration window for this device.
The window to edit existing adapters can also be opened by double-clicking on the
adapter connection in the main window of the server.

If a new device is added, the configuration window with the default settings for the
connection type Ethernet TCP/IP appears:

When a device is edited, the current connection settings are displayed.

BA 18
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

• 'Device'
Enter the unique name of the server here. The name can be freely selected;
these names provide a clear overview and facilitate assignment of the devices.
The name is permanently assigned to the server–adapter combination and is
used in the TOX®softWare as the connection definition.

• 'Connection settings'
Only TCP/IP is available as the connection type. This connection type is the de-
fault setting and cannot be changed.

The timeout defines the interruption period in communication between the server
and the controller which is not yet registered as a connection interruption. The de-
fault setting of the timeout for Line-X controllers is 500 ms.

IP address:
The IP address defines the IP address of the controller under which it is attempted
to address the device. The controller must be in a reachable network with this ad-
dress so that the TOX®-Server can make a connection. The default setting of the
IP address is

The port used is 9.410. This port can be freely selected but should only be
changed if the port is occupied by other software on the target system.

Close the configuration window

Confirm your selection or changes in this window with the 'OK' button or with
the 'Enter' key.

Confirm or cancel the message asking whether the changed adapter list is to
be saved.

The new entry appears in the display panel of the main window.

BA 19
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

Add / edit CEP 400 device

Click on the entry 'CEP400...' in the menu 'Device\Add\Controller' or 'Device-
\Edit\Controller' to open the configuration window for this device.
The window to edit existing adapters can also be opened by double-clicking on the
adapter connection in the main window of the server.

If a new device is added, the configuration window with the default settings for the
connection type Ethernet TCP/IP appears:

When a device is edited, the current connection settings (Ethernet or serial) are

• 'Device'
Enter the unique name of the server here. The name can be freely selected;
these names provide a clear overview and facilitate assignment of the devices.
The name is permanently assigned to the server–adapter combination and is
used in the TOX®softWare as the connection definition.

• 'Connection type'
In the 'Connection type' category, select the required port 'Ethernet TCP / IP' or
'Serial' by clicking on the selection button.

BA 20
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

• 'Connection settings'
The settings in this window depend on the selection of the connection type. First the
connection settings for the Ethernet port (in the window shown above) are de-

With the time given here, the accessibility of the connected device is queried. The
default setting is 100 ms (maximum retrieval speed).
If data are transmitted in the system via RDT, timeout errors can be corrected by
reducing the retrieval speed.

IP address
This entry depends on the IP address of the Ethernet network assigned to this ap-
plication. The default setting of the IP address is

Here the port is set via which the CEP 400 is to be addressed (default setting:

If the 'Serial' port was selected in the category 'Connection type', the window with
the connection settings for the serial port appears:

BA 21
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

• 'Connection settings'
With the time given here, the accessibility of the connected device is queried. The
default setting is 100 ms.
If data are transmitted in the system via RDT, timeout errors can be corrected by
reducing the retrieval speed.

Select the intended port here (COM 1 to COM 4) and, if necessary, change the
baud rate (default setting: COM 1 / 56,000 bauds).

Close the configuration window

Confirm your selection or changes in this window with the 'OK' button or with
the 'Enter' key.

Confirm or cancel the message asking whether the changed adapter list is to
be saved.

The new entry appears in the display panel of the main window.

Add / edit EPWx device

Click on the entry 'EPWx...' in the menu 'Device\Add\Controller' or 'Device\Edit-
\Controller' to open the configuration window for this device.
The window to edit existing adapters can also be opened by double-clicking on the
adapter connection in the main window of the server.

If a new device is added, the configuration window with the default settings for the
connection type Ethernet TCP/IP appears.
When a device is edited, the current connection settings (Ethernet or serial) are

For description, see CEP 400

The setting options correspond with those of the CEP400.

BA 22
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

Add / edit EPW 400 device

Click on the entry 'EPW400...' in the menu 'Device\Add\Controller' or 'Device-
\Edit\Controller' to open the configuration window for this device.
The window to edit existing adapters can also be opened by double-clicking on the
adapter connection in the main window of the server.

If a new device is added, the configuration window with the default settings for the
connection type Ethernet TCP/IP appears:

When a device is edited, the current connection settings are displayed.

• 'Device'
Enter the unique name of the server here. The name can be freely selected;
these names provide a clear overview and facilitate assignment of the devices.
The name is permanently assigned to the server–adapter combination and is
used in the TOX®softWare as the connection definition.

• 'Connection settings'
Only TCP/IP is available as the connection type. This connection type is the de-
fault setting and cannot be changed.

BA 23
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

With the time given here, the accessibility of the connected device is queried. The
default setting is 800 ms (maximum retrieval speed).
If data are transmitted in the system via RDT, timeout errors can be corrected by
reducing the retrieval speed.

IP address:
This entry depends on the IP address of the Ethernet network assigned to this ap-
plication. The default setting of the IP address is

Here the port is set via which the EPW 400 is to be addressed (default setting:

Close the configuration window

Confirm your selection or changes in this window with the 'OK' button or with
the 'Enter' key.

Confirm or cancel the message asking whether the changed adapter list is to
be saved.

The new entry appears in the display panel of the main window.

BA 24
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

General information on removing devices

There are two ways of removing a device:
• Menu "Device\Delete"
To remove a registered device, first mark the relevant entry in the display panel of
the main window of the TOX®softWare Server.
If the required device is marked, the menu entry 'Remove' is enabled in the
'Device' menu.

Click on the menu entry 'Remove'.

• 'Device\Edit' window
Open the configuration window of the required adapter either with the menu
'Device\Add\Controller\...' or by double-clicking on the adapter name in the
main window of the server.

Click on the 'Delete' button in the bottom left-hand corner to delete the dis-
played adapter from your adapter list.

Click on the 'OK' button to save the changes for the adapter.

Click on the 'Cancel' button to reject the changes made.

BA 25
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

In both cases, the following message appears stating which type of adapter is to
be removed:

Confirm the deletion process with the 'Yes' button or with the 'Return' button.
The process is cancelled with 'No' and the adapter list remains unchanged.

After an adapter is deleted, a message appears asking whether the altered

adapter list is to be saved. The changes are then available the next time the server
is started.

The message is closed without saving the adapter list with 'No' and 'Cancel'. With
the next restart, the configuration valid up to now is loaded without the current
changes. The adapter list is updated and saved by pressing 'Yes'.

BA 26
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

3.4 Add / edit PLC device

When 'PLC' is selected in the 'Add' sub-menu, a window is opened in which the
PLC adapters which are supported by the TOX®softWare Server are configured.
When you select the required entry here, the associated configuration window is

Configuration information PLC

In order to integrate the TOX®softWare pack into a PLC
environment, please contact TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK.

Enter the name of the PLC used here.

• Type
In the configuration window, choose between the two PLC types DeltaLogic Net-
Link PRO and Hilscher card in this list box.

Configuration of DeltaLogic NetLink PRO

When the PLC type DeltaLogic NetLink PRO is selected, the input window is
adapted to the configuration of the NetLink PRO S7 adapter:

The PLC-side data block number and its length are displayed in the column
'DataBlockNo' for each volume definition.

BA 27
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

'Assembly number'
Select the assembly number here.

'PLC number'
Select the PLC number here.

With this setting, a timeout can be defined which is to be observed between the queries to
the PLC in favour of other communication partners in order to reduce the queries to the
PLC. If a timeout of more than '0 ms' is set, the information interval of the PLC, for example
display of current values of position or force, is also slowed down. For the default setting '0
ms', the query interval is based on processing, i.e. a new query is started as soon as the old
query has been processed.

Select the required timeout time here.

Confirm your input in this window with the 'OK' button or with the 'Enter' key.

Configuration of Hilscher CIF PIC device

When the PLC type Hilscher card is selected, the input window is adapted to the
configuration of the Hilscher card:

'Assembly number'
Select the assembly number here (selection switch 1-4).

Confirm your input in this dialogue window with the 'OK' button or with the 'En-
ter' key.

The new entry (identifiable by the pre-set 'PLC') appears in the display panel of the
main window.

BA 28
3 Operation of the TOX®softWare Server

3.5 Add / edit / remove position sensors

When 'Position devices' is selected in the 'Add' sub-menu, a window is opened in
which all external position sensors which are supported by the TOX®softWare
Server are configured. When you select the required entry here, the associated
configuration window is opened:

Configuration information for position sensors

To integrate the position sensor, please contact TOX®

When one of the listed entries is selected, the associated configuration window is

When the entry 'Z715' is selected, the configuration dialogue for the position sen-
sor Z715 is opened.

When the entry 'ZD340' is selected, the configuration dialogue for the position
sensor ZD340 is opened.

When the entry 'AX430' is selected, the configuration dialogue for the position
sensor AX430 is opened.

3.6 Add / edit / remove other devices

Heat controller KS40-1
When 'KS40-1' is selected in the 'Add' sub-menu, a window is opened in which the
external heat controller which is supported by the TOX®softWare Server is config-

Configuration information heat controller

To integrate the heat controller, please contact

BA 29
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

4.1 Access management

Observe access level

A password change only becomes effective at the access
level at which you are logged on. To change the pass-
words of the other access levels, you must log on again
there and change the password of this level.

• Change password
Click on 'Change password' in the menu 'File\Access management':

The following input window appears:

Enter the current password in the upper box.

Enter the new password in the middle box (max. 30 characters, no special
characters, observe upper and lower case). The inputs are displayed as '*****'.

Enter the new password in the lower box to confirm.

BA 30
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

To accept the new password, close this dialogue window by clicking on the 'OK'
button or pressing the 'Enter' key. The change is rejected with the button 'Cancel'.
When 'OK' is pressed, the following is checked:
− Is the old password correct?
− Is the new password the same in the first and second boxes?
If these conditions are met, the password is set.
If one of the two conditions is not met, a corresponding message is issued. Ac-
knowledge the error message with 'OK' and change the input in the window
'Change password'.

4.2 Load adapter list / Save adapter list

Device management
The 'Device' menu contains the configuration options for the devices which can be
defined in the TOX®softWare Server for working with HMI and Worx. This chapter
provides a brief overview of the available options. The individual device configura-
tions are explained in the relevant chapters of this manual.

Changing the configuration

Changed connection configurations can be saved in the TOX®softWare Server. If a
changed connection configuration is available after the server application is re-
started, it must be saved. If this is not the case (the configuration was not saved),
the last saved configuration is loaded after a restart (generally the connection with
the default adapter).

In principle, any number of connection configurations can be saved to load the cor-
rect one for the current application. For this process, free hard drive capacity as
well as write rights must be available for the required memory area.

After every configuration change, you are asked whether the change should be
saved. If the change is only to be applied temporarily (for example for testing pur-
poses), the adapter list cannot be saved. If the change is to be saved permanently,
save the adapter configuration.

Press 'Cancel' to close the window without accepting the changes.

The updated adapter list is saved with 'OK'.

BA 31
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

Adapter list
In the 'Adapter list' sub-menu, existing adapter lists can be loaded or reconfigured
settings saved in the file system as an adapter list (*.tsv):

• Adapter list / Load ...

To load an existing adapter list, select the entry 'Adapter list/Load...' in the
menu 'File':

Then the 'Open' window is opened. There you can change to the folder containing
the saved configuration. A configuration file is identified by the file extension

If you mark a file in the list, the selected adapter list is loaded with the button
'Open'. The connections defined there are displayed in the main window of the
TOX®softWare Server.

BA 32
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

Press 'Cancel' to close the window without accepting the changes. The server
continues to work with the current configuration.

A list box is opened with the arrow after the entry 'Search in' or 'Save in'. There
you can select the path containing the file to be loaded.

• Adapter list / Save ...

To save an updated adapter list, select the entry 'Adapter list/Save...' in the
menu 'File':

Then the 'Save' window is opened. There you can change to the folder containing
the updated adapter list. A configuration file is identified by the file extension

Enter a file name.

If an existing file is to be replaced, click on this file to accept this name.

Confirm the save process under the file name with 'Save'.

When an existing file is replaced, a message with a prompt is displayed. To re-

place this file, acknowledge the message with 'Yes'. The message is closed with
'No' and you return to the 'Save' window.
So that the file is saved with the correct file extension, the file type .tsv (adapter
list) must not be changed in the corresponding box. Otherwise this adapter list
cannot be loaded again.

Press 'Cancel' to close the window without accepting the changes.

BA 33
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

4.3 Properties

The server name and port are given and the language version is changed in the
menu 'File\Properties'.

BA 34
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

• Category 'Registry'
In the 'Registry' category, the server name and the port are configured.

In the text box 'Server name', a character string is set which defines the
TOX®softWare Server in the combination Server–Adapter (connection) in the

If this name is changed, all configurations in the HMI Con-
fig and the HMI screens of the TOX®softWare must be

The 'Port' text box defines the port number which is reserved for the TOX®softWare
Server for communication with external devices. This port number should only be
changed if the pre-set port 1099 is occupied by another application on the target
In addition, the language of the TOX®softWare is configured in this window. The se-
lected language applies to all TOX®softWare applications and the configuration cor-
responds with the language selection in the HMI Config.

If the language of the TOX®softWare Server is changed,
this also has an effect on the HMI Config as when chang-
ing the language in the HMI Config in the server.

The text box 'Path to tox directory' defines the path of the TOX®softWare work directory. In
the default setting, the text box is empty and the path refers to the folder CURRENT
DRIVE\tox e.g. 'C:\tox'. With the button at the end of the text box, a file-open window is
opened in which a different work directory can be selected. It is checked whether a 'tox' di-
rectory already exists in the path selected there. If there is no 'tox' directory there, a corre-
sponding error message appears and the path is not accepted. The path name is dis-
played without the 'tox' folder, for example 'C:' for 'C:\tox'.

• Category 'Language'
The 'Language' category lists the languages available. The factory setting is 'Eng-

Change the language by clicking on the relevant selection button.

Press 'Cancel' to close the window without accepting the changes.

BA 35
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

The changes are accepted with 'OK' and the following message appears:

Acknowledge this window with 'OK'.

After the TOX®softWare Server program is restarted the next time, the selected
language is available.

When the checkbox 'Time synchronisation' is enabled (only with Line-Q and
Line-X), the PC time is sent to the relevant controller every time the TOX®softWare
Server is restarted.

If the checkbox 'With version display' is disabled, the version information is dis-
abled in the title bars of the TOX®softWare Server, HMI Config, HMI and Worx. In
addition, the version display in the top right-hand corner of the HMI is hidden.

• Access management
Automatic log on for the TOX®softWare is enabled with the checkbox in the cate-
gory 'Access management'. In the text box 'Output', an output is defined whose
signal is analysed as the condition for logging on. If the output is set there, log on
at level 3 is enabled and all assigned changes can be carried out as after a man-
ual log on. If the output is not set, log on remains at access level 1 or is reset to
access level 1.

• Automatic log off

If the checkbox 'Active' is marked in the category 'Automatic log off', the
TOX®softWare Worx and the TOX®softWare HMI are automatically logged off after
the specified time window expires. This time window is defined (in seconds) in the
'Timeout' input box when automatic log on is enabled.

• Backup
In the 'Backup' category, the current system or the software configuration can be
backed up or restored. This process is described in the chapter '4.4 Backup and

BA 36
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

4.4 Backup and restore

When working with the TOX®softWare, both the configuration of the software and
the configuration of the target device are changed. In order to use an earlier ver-
sion of the configuration, a backup must first have been created with the software.
These backups can then be load a previous version to the controller and PC by
restoring the software.

There are three possible starting points for the backups and restore functions:
• 'Properties' menu of the TOX®softWare Server
• TOX®softWare Connect HMI Config
• Sub-menu 'Overview/Backup' in the modules
− Pressing (line-Q)
− Pressing (line-X)
− Clinching (line-X)
− Clinch riveting (line-X)
− Punch riveting (line-X)
When carrying out a backup or restore process from the modules, in addition to
the software configuration the target device (adapter) can also be backed up or re-
stored. For this, a third category 'Project' can be selected in the configuration win-
dow which is not available when working from the TOX®softWare Server or
TOX®softWare Connect HMI.
The screenshots for 'Backup' and 'Restore' correspond to the display after opening
from an HMI module (including the function Backup/Restore Adapter).

At the top of the configuration window, the current application name is displayed,
which indicates the current target configuration which the software or device type
used supports.

The input box 'NetUse' enables a network drive to be connected exclusively for
backup or restore purposes. For this, a valid NetUse command must be entered
in the text box which addresses the (accessible) target drive. The NetUse com-
mand to disconnect the connection in the lower text box is generated automatically
according to the NetUse command for connection. This function is enabled by the
checkbox 'Active'.

Generally, for backup and restore, it is checked whether the source and the target
are accessible. This is carried out via a test access to the configured directory. If
the source and/or target are not accessible, a corresponding message is issued
and the backup or restore process is cancelled. When using the NetUse function,
testing of the directory is repeated for approx. 30 seconds if the test fails before
the process is cancelled. This repeat of the test prevents the process being can-
celled immediately after the first test in the event of a time delay by access to a
remote drive.

BA 37
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

In the default setting, the backup and restore window in the current work directory
uses the 'backup' folder. If the work directory is 'C:\tox', then 'C:\tox\backup' was
created as the target of the backup. This path can be changed in a file selection
window which is opened with the relevant buttons to the right of the display box
with the assigned backup path. With the checkbox 'Active', each category can be
enabled or disabled separately for the backup or restore process.

The source or target is specified in each category from which the relevant area is
backed up or restored.

In the default setting, the sources or targets refer to the following paths:
− Project: ToxWorkdirectory\offline\
e.g. C:\tox\offline
− Configuration: CurrentProgramDirectory\..\data\
e.g. C:\Programs\tox\toxware...\data\
e.g. C.\tox
− ToxWare: CurrentProgramDirectory\
e.g. C:\Programs\tox\toxware...\
e.g. C.\tox
The sources and targets for 'Configuration' and 'ToxWare' are pre-set by the current
program directory. Backup or recovery of the configuration and software can only be
carried out from the installed software installation (downgrade not possible). The
work directory is also set after it has been configured in the TOX®softWare Server.

The project source or the project target may change if the backup is accessed via
a module. If an offline adapter has been assigned to the module in the configura-
tion window with a different path or name, this is used as the source for the project
backup or project recovery.

The backup or recovery is started with the current settings with the 'OK' button.
When the 'Cancel' button is pressed, the window is closed without changes.

BA 38
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

The name of the backup folder or backup file must be unique. This is achieved by
using a current timestamp as an extension of the backup source (e.g. 'data', 'tox-
ware', 'ep...adapter'). This name can be extended by further components in the
'Label' textbox. It is advisable to extend the timestamp with a meaningful extension
such as 'Delivery' or 'Commissioning'. The description is placed at the beginning of
the name as the sorting criterion and separated from the rest by an underscore '_'.
If the name is empty, the underscore is also omitted.

• Category 'Backup project'

If 'Backup project' is enabled with a tick in the checkbox, a data backup of the off-
line adapter is started when the 'OK' button is pressed. Then the current status of
the offline adapter is available for a later recovery. The backup is saved in the de-
fined backup directory (path in the category 'Backup project').

The name of the backup file is composed of the following parts:

e.g. test_EPzAdapter_2010_01_13_08_47_18.epzproject

BA 39
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

During the backup process, the following message is displayed:

The source and target path are displayed in this window.

• Category 'Backup configuration'

If 'Backup configuration' is enabled with a tick in the checkbox, a data backup of
the software configuration is started when the 'OK' button is pressed. Then the
current status of the software configuration is available for a later recovery. The
backup is saved in the defined backup directory (path in the category 'Backup con-

The name of the backup directory is composed of the following parts:

Name_data_ year_month_day_hour_minute_second
e.g. test_data_2010_01_13_09_03_29
Name_tox_data_ year_month_day_hour_minute_second
e.g. test_tox_2010_01_13_09_03_29
When the configuration is backed up, the complete 'data' directory is backed up
from the program directory in which the HMI and server configuration are saved.
All program files of the software (*.jar) in this directory are omitted from the
backup. In this way, the configuration can be backed up to a newly installed
TOX®softWare without overwriting new functions. The following directories and con-
tents are also backed up from the Toxworkdirectory.
− Toxworkdirectory\adapter list
− Toxworkdirectory\iffbs
− Toxworkdirectory\msgcustom
− ToxWorkdirectory\offline
− ToxWorkdirectory\sequences

During the backup process, the following message is displayed:

The source and target path are displayed in this window.

BA 40
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

• Category 'Backup ToxWare'

If 'Backup ToxWare' is enabled with a tick in the checkbox, a data backup of the
software and the software configuration is started when the 'OK' button is pressed.
Then the current status of the software and software configuration is available for
a later recovery. The backup is saved in the defined backup directory (path in the
category 'Backup ToxWare').

The name of the backup directory is composed of the following parts:

Name_toxware_ year_month_day_hour_minute_second
e.g. test_toxware_2010_01_13_09_03_29
Name_tox_data_ year_month_day_hour_minute_second
e.g. test_tox_2010_01_13_09_03_29
A backup is made of the complete program directory of the TOX®softWare, includ-
ing the program files (*.jar). In this way, the complete TOX®softWare which existed
on the system at the time of the backup can be restored. Newer program files and
current settings are then overwritten. The following directories and contents are
also backed up from the ToxWorkdirectory.
− ToxWorkdirectory\adapter list
− ToxWorkdirectory\iffbs
− ToxWorkdirectory\msgcustom
− ToxWorkdirectory\offline
− ToxWorkdirectory\sequences

During the backup process, the following message is displayed:

The source and target path are displayed in this window.

After a backup, the directories of the last backup are entered in the 'Path' textbox.
In the default setting, for example, this is the folder ToxWorkdirectory\backup.

With the relevant buttons to the right of the 'Path' textbox, a window can be
opened in which a backup can be selected which is within the access range of the

BA 41
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

• Category 'Restore project'

If 'Restore project' is enabled with a tick in the checkbox, the data backup of the
offline adapter displayed in the selection box is loaded to the controller when the
'OK' button is pressed. Then the archived status of the offline adapter is available.
Note: All changes made since the backup are overwritten.

After recovery is started, the adapter model is generated from the backup file. This
is displayed with the following message.

This message displays saving of the data on the controller:

BA 42
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

If the update was successful, the message is closed and the

adapter model is loaded again. If problems occurred during recovery, these are
also displayed by relevant messages, e. g.:

• Category 'Restore configuration'

If 'Restore configuration' is enabled with a tick in the checkbox, a data backup of
the software configuration is started when the 'OK' button is pressed. The configu-
ration of the selected backup is then copied to the current status of the software

All files in the 'data' directory are then replaced from the program directory in
which the HMI and server configuration are saved. All program files of the software
(*.jar) in this directory are omitted from the recovery. In this way it is possible to
continue working with updated program files while retaining the old configuration,
for example after reinstallation of the TOX®softWare.

The data of the following directories are also backed up to the current ToxWorkdi-
− ToxWorkdirectory\adapter list
− ToxWorkdirectory\iffbs
− ToxWorkdirectory\msgcustom
− ToxWorkdirectory\offline
− ToxWorkdirectory\sequences

During the restore process, the following message is displayed:

The source and target path are displayed in this window.

Restart after restore

After restoring the configuration, the TOX®softWare must
be restarted.

BA 43
4 Configuration of the TOX®softWare Server

• Category 'Restore ToxWare'

If 'Restore ToxWare' is enabled with a tick in the checkbox, a backup of the soft-
ware and the software configuration is started when the 'OK' button is pressed.
The software backup or the configuration backup then overwrites the current
status of the software or software configuration.

All files in the 'toxware' directory are then replaced from the program directory. All
program files of the software (*.jar) in this directory are also replaced. Note: When
continuing to work, older program files may be used which may differ from the last
version in terms of the scope of functions.

The data of the following directories are also backed up to the current ToxWorkdi-
− ToxWorkdirectory\adapter list
− ToxWorkdirectory\iffbs
− ToxWorkdirectory\msgcustom
− ToxWorkdirectory\offline
− ToxWorkdirectory\sequences

During the restore process, the following message is displayed:

The source and target path are displayed in this window.

Restart after restore

After restoring the software and configuration, the
TOX®softWare must be restarted. Because all files of the
currently used software are overwritten, problems may oc-
cur when the software is closed. If this is the case, close
the processes 'runhmi.exe', 'runwrx.exe' and 'runtsv.exe'
with the Windows Task Manager.

BA 44
5 Closing the TOX®softWare Server

5 Closing the TOX®softWare Server

The program can be closed with the menu item 'File\Close' or the key combination
'Alt'+'F4' or with the button [X] in the top right-hand corner of the title bar.

If the TOX®softWare Worx or TOX®softWare HMI are still open at this time, it is no
longer to work online with these applications.

Working offline after closing the

TOX®softWare Server
If the program TOX®softWare Server has been closed,
communication between the server and the hardware
as well as between the server and TOX®softWare Worx is
interrupted. No data can be transmitted to the server. It is
only possible to work offline with the Software Worx.

BA 45
6 Information on the Ethernet network

6 Information on connection to an Ethernet network

If you cannot obtain a connection to the adapters configured with the TOX®softWare
Server with the TOX®softWare Worx, carry out the following steps:

Check whether the correct axis address and IP address are set in the type
plate via the RS232 interface on the front plate. In addition, Ethernet capable
firmware must be loaded and the device must be equipped with an optional
Ethernet module (as standard with EDC-Controller, option with CEP 400).

Test with Controller EDC-Compact (lineQ): If all settings of the connected

adapter are correct and if the device is connected to the Ethernet network, the
LED 'SRX' in the front plate should flash irregularly.

Test with CEP 400 / EPW 400: When a program is switched over on the proc-
ess monitoring system, the display of the main window is also changed accord-

Check whether your hub or switch has detected the device. Almost all network
components (hub, switch etc.) indicate with an LED whether a remote station is
available. If this is not the case, have the network wiring checked.

In the input prompt of the Microsoft tool 'PING', you can check whether your PC
can access other network nodes via TCP / IP. First attempt to access other PCs
in the network. If this is not possible, check the settings of the network envi-
ronment. The TCP / IP protocol must be installed. Your network administrator
should also check whether IP addresses are assigned twice in the network,
therefore causing a fault in the network You can read out the local TCP/IP con-
figuration with the command IPCONFIG.
If you can access other nodes with PING, attempt to access the adapters with
this signal. You must be able to contact the adapter with PING so that the Worx
software can work via Ethernet.

If you can contact the adapter with PING but not the system environment of
Worx, check the firewall settings again.

BA 46

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