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Plan orm 1 med Flonda for Spain in 1492, he ost important early (2. VISIT) victor enturies There is @ general (3 BELIEVE) elise amongst peo ty qute (4. CONNECT) uncotiectectwtn whether or not they ve been there themselves. that Flodda is 2 good place to go. In fact 118 almost (5. POSSIBLE) isipascilbl, not to enjoy yourself in Florida today, given the wondertul (6. SELECT) ciliction of facilities available to tourists Some of the word's most popular tourist (7 ATTRACT) ccttyacteitre located in the state whose (B SAND) Sawly, eaches welcorrs 40 milion people each year These days t seems (9. POINT) Qaitlscs. to descnbe Flonda’s geography and chmate After all, few people would have (10. DIFFICULT) Aicubty 1 finding it on a map and most would know what weather to expect there THE TRAINING PROGRAMME youre ©. INTEREST) wdoreeted sn getting ft. then what you need is a t - Altnoug improving physical (1. fi this n Dug quét bing CamScanner an be 9 (6 REDUCE) Veduictiviin both blood pressune hough it is (8 POSSIBLE) Ray aisO Mean that people who feel unhappy and who ‘augh so much, suffer more often from physical (10. ON TIME a big issue Parents are often keen to impress en the (1. IMPORTANT) i Puget being punctual because they see it as an of (2 POLITE) poliACtSS and consideration for others i i also 4 quality that (3. EMPLOY) Sunplayse, regard as very positive, and those who are (4. USUAL) ung ual may end up being (5. SUCCESS) wins ccasefialew careers as a result. Inmay be however. that less punctual people have (6. CHOOSE) <(ncfin_ more (7. RELAX) Yeloxd MMestyle than those who always arrive on time They may find it (8 $1 -akeessful wnen so much emphasis s placed on timekeeping. peed a ss PATIENCE impatience when brea fos n ar ia 'c quét bing CamScanner ARGUE) a\Quiuticts that an interest in classical music should be ahi ‘Gea that chitin are (7 INTEREST) \ ing. The group goes into a ‘School and g sical piece and then this is followed by work. These sessions have Proved: now become a regular feature in ‘Some schools. Gilet rowel ors They reject the RM) Prormance @ short cla: Xx plavolteior how the instruments Owain THE WILD WEST In the USA, people have a (0. FASCINATE) “vest of the cowboy era. This has led to (1. VARY) Yatio (2 TOUR) Tourist who are travelling « exibitions wis sxatttng, Pug quét bing CamScanner GROWING UP IN A BIG FAMILY e ever met, | grew up in a family of eight children. As the \herited a position with some benefits but also quite a few (1 ADVANT Siam) ¢ oom of my own, - so (2, PERSON) potsoal of On the other hand, our house was often so (3 0 running in all (4. DIRECT) _Qivecione 1S and sisters on hand there was of coe different to do difficult for Mum or Dad to. wanted eed help she would just who she really wanted, just to see , but now that rqule wwe re adults we get on (10 Psat ie lastical never we Met Up. WILDLIFE IN DANGE! world is the «© of the mayor (0. ENVIRONMENT, envyonmental __ concerns in today’s ae list of (1. DANGER) plants, birds and animals. The (2. BIG) threat i all to wi ‘of course. Man, who must take prew bigs the (3. APPEAR) Lard of these species. Whales, all require greater (4 ae a OAK MA as (5. le threaten to dave them to extinction. U Dug quét bing CamScanner S. which S08 Played on an indoor court. The first tennis all stones 6 “ one. (7. LUCK) i . balls are now Consisting of two haif shells of rubber covered with loth. than before; bright yellow is a Jot (10. creens than the traditional white JAMAICAN ADVENTURE LOUR) 0. VISIT) visitors __ the main attraction of Jamaica lies in its glorious beaches (1 EXCITE) S\ci+Qhy of the nightlife that is associated with them. And ind our first-class hotel is located on its own (2. AMAZE) ca ‘beach on the island's north coast irl of (3. ENTERTAIN) range of (4 THRILL) Nayillthag _ water Sports ¢ »cal music in the eveding . (5. LIKE) ok > fea! Jamaica will not be (6. LIMIT) i he ow mae t! ifport bus because we organize AROMCC _ interior of the island. You will be (8. high up into the Biue Mountains, ‘s vaileys and Ho 4G ene yah Dug quét bing CamScanner

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