Branch: Computer Science & Engineering Semester: Vi Subject: Microprocessor & Assembly Language Programming (4KS04) Unit-I

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Branch: Computer Science & Engineering Semester: VI

Subject: Microprocessor & Assembly Language Programming (4KS04)


1. Draw and explain internal architecture of 8086 microprocessor .

2. Sketch the software model of 8086 microprocessor and explain function of each
3. Explain data types supported by 8086.
4. Draw and explain 8086 flag register.
5. Explain how memory is segmented and access in 8086 of giving suitable example.
6. Describe the register organization of 8086.
7. Write a note on segment register and memory segmentation
8. Explain physical memory organization of 8086.
9. Calculate the value of each physical addresses that follows. Assume all the numbers
are hexadecimal numbers
1)1000:1234 2)0100:ABCD 3)A200:A2CF 4)B2C0:FA12
10. Draw and explain address generation unit with example.
11. Differentiate between signed and unsigned numbers with example.
12. Explain I/O address space of 8086.
13. Write a note on stack of 8086 microprocessor.
14. Explain memory address space and data organization by 8086.
15. The contents of memory location B0000H are 0016 and those at B0001H are F6.
What is the data stored at address B0000H? Is the word aligned or misaligned?
16.What should be the offset required to map physical address location 002C316 if the
content of the corresponding segment registers are 002A16 ?
17. Consider the following Fig. and Answer the question
Memory Address Data

0072D 1101 1111

0072C 0101 0101

1. What is the data word shown in the fig.?

2. Express the data word in Hex ?
3. Is it stored at even or odd address ?
4. Is it an aligned or misaligned word of data?


1. What is addressing mode? Explain all addressing modes with example in 8086
2. Write a short note on following instructions with example.
7) IMUL 8) DAA
3.Categories various memory operand addressing modes of 8086 with suitable example.
4. State and Explain arithmetic group instructions of 8086.
5. Explain data transfer group instructions of 8086.
6. Explain Instruction format used in 8086.
7. Identify the addressing modes used in instruction and justify it.
a. Mov AL,BL b. Mov AX,OFFH c. Mov [DI],AX d. Mov DI,[SI]
e. Mov [BX]+0400H,CX f. Mov [DI]+0400H,AH g. Mov[BX][DI]+0400H,AL
8. Explain addressing modes
a. Relative base index register addressing mode
b. Register indirect addressing mode
c. register direct addressing mode
9. Write program to move the content of memory location 0500H to register BX to CX at
immediate bit 05H to data residing in memory location. how whose address computed using
DS=2000H and result of addition in 0700H assume that data is located in
segment specified by data segment register DS which contain 2000H.
10. Memory location 00490H through 00493H contains respectively 0A,9C, 82 and 78. What
does AX contain after each instruction? (Assume that SI contains 0490H and BP contains
MOV Ax, [SI]
MOV Ax, [SI + 1]
MOV Ax, [SI] +[BP]
11. Assuming (AX) = 0010H, (BX) = 0100H and (DS) - 1000H. What happen if the
instruction is executed.
12. Two byte sized register are stored at symbolic offset address: NUM1 and NUM2
respectively. Write instruction to generate their difference and store it at NUM3.The
difference is to be performed by subtracting the value at NUM1 that the at NUM2' Assume
that all storage location are in the current data segment.
13. Given that (BX) = 637D, (SI) = 2A98, Displacement = C237. Determine the effective
address if applicable resulting from these register and addressing mode:
i) Immediate Addressing mode ii) Direct Addressing mode
iii) Register using BX. iv) Register indirect using BX
v) Register relative using BX. vi) Based indexed addressing mode
vii) Based Indexed relative addressing mode
14. Explain and list the instruction set of 8086 microprocessors.
15. What is direct addressing mode? Explain with example.
16. Write a program to perform addition of two 16-bit numbers stored in Ax=1234H and
BX=ABCDH using 8-bit register. Make use of ADC instruction.
17. Write a program to perform subtraction of two 16-bit numbers stored in Ax=ABCDH and
BX=1234H using 8-bit register. Make use of SBB instruction.


1. What is the result in BX & CF After execution of the following instruction.

Assume prior to the execution of the instruction (CL)=04 H,(BX)=1234H and (CF)=0
2. Explain the following instruction(i)XOR (ii) TEST (iii)SHR by giving examples.
3. Explain the flag manipulation instructions of 8086.
4. Explain the following instructions by giving example:-(i)NOT(ii)CMP(iii)JMP
5. Explain in details all Loop handling instructions.
6. Given that DL=8D ,CL= 03 and CF=1.Determine the result after execution of the shift and rotate
(v)ROL DL,CL (vi)ROR DL,CL (vii)RCL DL,CL (viii)RCR DL,CL
7. Explain CALL and RET instructions.
8. What is the effect of execution of following instructions on the status flag?
MOV AX,1234H
9. Write logical instruction sequence for generating a logical result in memory location RESULT
(RESULT)=AL.(NUM1)+( NUM2).[AL ± BL]
Assume all parameters all byte size.NUM1,NUM2 and RESULT are offset addresses in the current
data segment.
10. Implement above operation using shift and arithmetic instructions:-
7(AX) - 5(BX) - (BX/8) --> AX
11. Explain various control flow and JUMP instructions with examples.
12. Find the values in the destination for each line of this program:-
MOV AX, 5485H
13. Explain process control instructions of 8086.

14. Given DL=8D H ,CL=03H and CF=1.Determine the result after executing the following
15. Explain the shift and rotate instructions with examples.
16. Add the contents of the memory location 2000H:0500H to the contents of 3000H:0600H Store the result in
17. Write a program to set the Data segment to 1000H, Extra segment to 2000H Stack
segment to 3000H and Code segment to 4000H.


1. Differentiate between :(i) NEAR and FAR Procedure

(i) CALL and JUMP instructions (iii) MACRO and SUBROUTINE
(ii) INTRA and INTER Segment Procedure.
2. Explain SUBROUTINE.What is the difference between SUBROUTINE and MACRO.
3. Write a program to exchange the content of AX register with BX register without using MOV
and XCHG instructions.
4. How stack is implemented in memory?Explain stack related instructions.
5. Write a procedure named CUBE that cubes the content of BL and place the result in
BX.Assume that this procedure is called from main program which is located in the same code
6. Write a procedure named SQUARE that squares the content of BL and places the result in
BX.Assume that this procedure is called from main program which is located in the same code.
7. Write a recursive procedure named factorial to calculate factorial of N.Calculate this factorial
by passing ‘N’ as argument to this procedure.
8. Explain SUBROUTINE and subroutine handling instructions.
9. What is stack?How stack is implemented in memory?Explain stack related instruction.
10. What do you mean by MACRO.Explain nested MACRO by giving example.
11. Explain SUBROUTINE and subroutine handling instruction.
12. Describe the instructions PUSHF, POF and RET.
13. What are the advantages of MACRO over Subroutines.
14. What is recursion? Explain with the help of Stack.
15. What is Stack Frame? Explain with example.
16. PUSH AX and POP AX explain the effect of these instructions on stack using SP increment
and decrement operation.
17. How parameters are passed using stack? Explain with example.


1. Explain Various Interrupt instructions used for 8086 Interrupt processing.

2. Explain with the help of diagram Interrupt Vector Table (IVT).
3. Explain context switch mechanism in interrupt ?
4. What are Interrupts types and priorities?
5. Explain the following : i) INT N (ii) IRET (iii) CLI
6. Explain Interrupt Processing sequence of 8086 with the help of flowchart.
7. What is interrupt? Explain interrupt execution mechanism in 8086.
8. What is ISR? How it is executed when interrupt occurs.
9. Explain types of interrupts.
10. What is interrupt? Explain priority interrupt with suitable example.
11. How interrupt program context switching mechanism of 8086.
12. Explain Hardware and Software interrupts.
13. Explain Enabling and Disabling of interrupts.
14. Explain internal interrupt functions of 8086.
15. What do you understand by maskable and non-maskable interrupts.
16. What is difference between WAIT and HLT instruction.
17. What is the difference between IRET and RET.


1. What is IOT? Explain in brief.

2. Draw and explain the framework of Internet of things?
3. Give overview of Internet of things.?
4. Draw and explain conceptual framework of IOT?
5. Explain IoT Architectural View?
6. What is the different technology behind IoT explain in short?
7. What are the different sources of IOT? List them.
8. Give advantages and disadvantages of IoT.
9. With the help of examples explain the concept of IoT.
10. What is M2M explain in brief?
11. Give the difference between M2M and IoT?
12. List and explain the application and examples of IoT.
13. What are the important components of IOT?
14. Explain the various application of IOT.
15. What is Machin to Machin communication? Explain.

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