Case Study On Substance Abuse

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Case Study On Substance Abuse

Sociodemographic details:
Name: Mr. R
Sex: Male
Education: 10th
Occupation: Employed
Socioeconomic Status: Poor
Family Type : Nuclear
Informant: Self
Information: Adequate and reliable

Chief Complaints:
According to patient –
“I can’t able to sleep properly during nights”
“I’m having difficulty to stop take drugs”

According to Informant:
Difficulty to sleep without consuming drugs.
Not feel like eating food.

Personal History:
Mr. R is a 19 year old male who has came to the city to do work and support
his family financially, he joined as contract based worker in some chemical
factory which is located in city outskirts. There he met some people who has a
habit of smoking cigarettes and sometimes they smoke marijuana and one day
he tried that and he got used to it. One day he agreed to do a work for money,
the work is transporting of marijuana from tribal area to the city, they travelled
some far and they got caught by the police at the check post. He has a police
chargesheet on him as a Smuggler.
Present Illness:
He came to city 2 years(around 2020) before to do work and support his family
financially at that time he tried marijuana and slowly got addicted to it. During
that time the central government has imposed lockdown throughout the
country for Covid 19, during that time he has lost his job as he was a contract
labor and he used to work at some other place as daily wage worker and he
used that money for smoking marijuana, and he has done the same thing till
2022 January and he lost his work. He has no money to purchase marijuana to
consume it, as he spent all his money on smoking marijuana. He was not able
to control himself by not smoking marijuana, At that time in order to get some
money he agreed to do a work of transporting marijuana from tribal area to
city. He finally ended up in a Juvenile Home.

Mental Status Examination:

General appearance-
Estimation of age : Older than Stated
Eye contact : Absent
Dress : Shabby
Attitude towards examiner : Cooperative
Rapport : Easily established
Psychomotor activity:
Goal Directed activity : Decreased
Level of activity : Moderately active
Tone : Normal
Pressure of speech : Difficult to interpret
Mood : Not so good
Perception : Sleeping disorder
Cognitive Functions :
Attention and Concentration : aroused
Memory : Recent
Abstractibility : functional
Judgement: Inappropriate
Insight Level: level 2
According to the report , the patient has showed symptoms has worry,
troubled sleep, irritation. The patient experiencing these symptoms if he not
get the marijuana regularly. The report concludes that the patient is suffering
with Substance dependance syndrome.

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