'Quality of Life Concerns' Letter To Tweed New Haven Airport

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July 6, 2022

Tweed New Haven Airport

ATTN: Sean Scanlon, Executive Director
SENT VIA E-MAIL ONLY to sscanlon@flytweed.com

ATTN: Andrew Levy, Chairman CEO
SENT VIA E-MAIL ONLY to alevy@aveloair.com

ATTN: Andrew King
SENT VIA E-MAIL ONLY to AKing@avports.com

Re: Quality of Life concerns

Dear Mr. Scanlon, Mr. Levy, and Mr. King:

In recent weeks, East Haven neighbors living in the vicinity of Tweed New Haven Airport
have been voicing their justifiable concerns about the negative impacts the increase in
flights in and out of the airport are having. We hear them loud and clear: as Avelo has
announced more flights to new destinations, the volume of flights has directly impacted
the quality of life for those residing near the airport. Warmer weather is upon us and
residents are opening their windows and spending more time outdoors.

While we recognize that we have no control over the increase in flights, we want to make
sure that every attempt possible to mitigate their impact is being made. As you are aware,
and as you have already heard from each of us, we too are receiving more complaints
about increased noise throughout the day, and now unsettling plane noise into the
night. We are also receiving complaints about the strong smell of jet fuel. We certainly
understand that you, as the director, also field these complaints and do not shy away from
speaking to concerned residents.

With that being said, we also recognize there has been a significant investment in
mitigation programs from roofing and windows to air systems. But, to date, there seems
to be an overwhelming investment on the New Haven side. We’re not begrudging the fact
that our New Haven neighbors have received these benefits, we simply believe that more
East Haven residents should be evaluated for, and ultimately receive, this same quality
of life community aids. In the longer term, we eagerly await the completion of the FAA
mandated Environmental Assessment which will provide significant data, and ultimately
guidance as to where federal aid will be directed.

Nevertheless, in the immediate short term we have serious concerns, and thus we are
urging swift action. Together, we are requesting that the Tweed New Haven Airport
Authority implement an electronic early intervention/good neighbor reporting system.
Such a system will allow neighbors to voice concerns directly to the authority and aid the
authority in expeditiously responding to and addressing such concerns. More importantly,
such a system would provide our offices and your organizations with information on where
to proceed with informed action to address the quality-of-life issues that some are
experiencing. While the Authority may have ideas for these types of information
reporting/gathering systems, we suggest that platforms like “See, Click, Fix” and other
open-source platforms allow for this type of reporting. We ask this so that there can be
meaningful, but swift actions to address problems in real-time.

In addition, we urge the Authority to immediately implement the most stringent and
comprehensive air quality monitoring program possible. While we understand
regulations require only certain testing, we are recommending and requesting that you
voluntarily implement monitoring that exceeds those standards. After all, this is a
neighborhood airport and its air quality impacts are of significant consequence to the
immediate residential area. This is not an airport or airfield with a significant open space
buffer between airport operations and residential areas.

You are aware that East Haven is an environmental justice community as defined by
section 22a-20a of the Connecticut General Statutes. By definition—protection of
residents’ environment and health in such communities, and “meaningful public
participation” are mandatory in many instances. We need your immediate assistance to
address not only the short-term quality of life concerns being reported to us, but also to
rebuild trust and improve communication so that our residents have a meaningful voice
in your organizations’ undertakings.

We look forward to your prompt response and your anticipated efforts to address our


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