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The text discusses the SCAMPER creativity tool.

After reviewing this in the text, complete the

following chart with examples not found in the text. In the explanation column briefly explain
how the example relates to the question.

Questions Example Explanation

Substitute: What else instead? Vehicles to run on electricity When vehicles run on
Who else instead? Other
ingredients? Other material? instead of fossil fuel electricity instead of gas
Other time? Other place? (Fossil fuels), this means air

pollution will dramatically

decrease. Instead of needing

to put in fuel, the vehicle

needs to be charged.

Combine: How about a blend? Vehicle and GPS system Incorporating the GPS system
Combine purposes? Combine
materials? into a vehicle’s computer to

make travelling easier and

more convenient. The vehicle

will have a screen and the

driver can input the

destination and follow the


Adapt: What else is like this? Phone cover to hold Adapting your cellphone
What other idea does this
suggest? How can I adjust to Credit/Debit cards cover to be able to securely
these circumstances? store your bank cards. The

phone pouch will hold the

cards so you have what you

need in one place.

Modify: Different order, form, Growing watermelons in Custom growing of
shape? Minify: What to make
smaller? Slower? Lighter? square shapes watermelons into square
What to do with less shapes through manipulating
frequency? Magnify: What to
make higher? Longer? the growing process of a
Thicker? What to do with
watermelon, this dramatically
greater frequency?
improves the quantity per

shipping and decreases

shipment costs involved as

they can ship more in the

same amount of space

Put to other uses: New ways to Recyclable trash in exchange Being able to use your
use as is? Other uses I
modified? Other places to use for vouchers recyclable trash to get
an item or movement? vouchers, tickets. This will

also encourage cleaner

environments. The machine

weights your recyclable trash

and gives you a voucher with

the pre-determined voucher

amount depending on how

much trash you gave

Eliminate: What to remove? Waterless carwash products In drought situations people

Omit? Understate?
are restricted from washing

their cars, with a waterless

car wash product people can

still enjoy clean cars

regardless of the drought.

This is the same as waterless

hand wash, but for cars

Rearrange: Other layout? Solar panels Using the sun to generate

Other sequence? Transpose
electricity for your house.
cause and effect? Transpose
positive and negative? How Instead of using the sun to
about opposites?
give light in your house, you

use solar panels to use the sun

so that you can use lights

when it is night

Reverse: Interchange A generator which conducts This is instead of using

components? Other pattern?
Backward? Upside down? electricity electricity to produce

something, it uses fuel to

produce electricity, a

backwards motor.

CITATION: - Universiteit Stellenbosch business-management lecture-notes bus1101

Assignment will be assessed using the following criteria:

• The chart contains accurate examples for each of the 8 questions.

• The chart contains accurate explanations for each of the 8 questions.
• Writing is clear. Used appropriate grammar and writing to express ideas. References (if
used) were cited properly.

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