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Second Edition

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Second Edition

Bibliotf!ca I C A P

Second Edition

Dwight C. Hirsh
N. James Maclachlan
Richard L. Walker

Dwight C. Hirsh, DVM, PhD, is cmeritus professor, Authori7.<1tinn tn phntocopy items for internal or per-
Department of Patl1ology, Microl.Jiulogy a11d sonal use, or the interna! or personal use of spccific
Im mu nology, l Jnivcrsity of California-Davis. clients, is granted by Blackwell Publishing, provided that
thc base fcc of $.10 per copy is paid dircctly to the
N. Jan1es MacLachla11, DVM. PhD, is protcssor, Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive,
Dcpart1ncnt of Pathology, Microbiology and Oanvcrs, MA 01923. For those organizations tl1at have
l1nmunology, Universíty of California-Davis. bee11 granted a photocopy lic<.:n:.c l.Jy cc:c, a separate
'Y'-t<'m of paymt>nt.<; has hf'Pn arranged. ·rhe fec code
Richard L. Walker, DVM, Pl1D, MPVM, is profe:;sor of for users of the Transactional Rcporting Service is
clinical cliagnostic bacteriology, California Animal Health 0-8138-0379-9/2004 $.1 u.
and Food Safcty Laboratory, Univcrsity of Califorrúa-
Davis. l'rinted on ac1d-free paper in the United States of America

© 2004 13lack'Well Publishing Flrst editlon, © 1999 Blackwcll S\.:ieuce, 111c.

J\11 rights reserved Second edition, ©7Jl04 Bl;ir.kwell Publishing

Blackwell Publishing Profession¡ll Library (>f Congress Cataloging-in-PubJicatio11 LJata

2121 Slatc Ave11ue, An1es, Iowa 50014, USJ\ Vctcrinary microbiology / [edited byj Dwight C. Hirsh,
N. James MacLachlan, llichar<.l L. Walker.-2n<.l e<.J.
Ordcrs: 1-800-862-6657 p.; cm.
Office: 1-515-292-0140 lncludes bibliograpllical refe1 en ces a11d index.
fax: 1 515 292-3348 ISBN 0-8138-0379-9 (;ilk. paper)
web s1te: l. Yelerü1ary microbiology.
lDNLM: l. Animal Population Groups-microbiology.
Blackwell Publislung Ltd 2. Veterinary Medicine. QW 70 VS86 2001] J. Hirsh,
9600 í.;irsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DOJ UK Dwight C. 11. MacLachlan, N1gel James. fII. Walker,
Tel.: +44 (0)1865 776868 Richard L., DVM.

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s:io Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia 636.089' 69041-dc22
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To Lucy, Dw1ght, and Ellzabeth for years of patience and understanding; and to the memory of my brother, Harry.
-DH1ight C. Hirsh

'lo Kcn and Marion for lighting the fire of in quisitivcncss.

-N. [ames MacLachlan

To Dee Dee and Mary for thPir ~11pport,, and focus on what is really important.
- Richard L. Walker

Contributors iX 19 Moraxella 119

Preface Xi 20 Pseudornonas 122
21 Taylorella equígenitalis 12 5
PAR'r l IN'fROl)UCfION 1
1 Parasitism and Pathogeni(_ity 3 22 Spiral-Curved Organisms l: Borrelía 128
2 lmmune Responses to Infectious Agents 6 2~ Spiral-C:urved Organisms TI: Rrachyspira
LAUREL]. GERSHWJN (Serpulina) 131
3 Laboratory Diagnosis 15 DvVIGHT C . H IRSH
Dw1c1 1T C. HrRs11, YUAN CmJNc. Zr.E, ANO 24 Spiral -Curved Organisms 111: Campylobacter,
ANTHONY E. CASTRO Arcobacter, Lawsonia 134
4 Antimicrobial C hen1 o therapy 26 DWlGAT c. HIHSH
]OHN F. PR1:sc<J1T 25 Spiral-Curved Organisms TV: Helicobacter-
5 Antimicrobial Drugs: A Str<itegy for R<ition<il TJse The Spiral Shaped Microorganisms o f the
and Ll1e Ran1iflcalio11s of Misuse 44 Gastroi.ntestinal Tract and Livcr 141
6 Vaccincs 48 26 Spiral ~Curved ()rganisms V: Leptospira 118
27 Staphylococcus 153
28 Streptococcus and Enterococcus 159
7 Family Enterubacleríac:eae 57 DWlGHT C. H TRSH AND ERNST L. BlllF.RSTETN
DvVTGHT e:. HrRSH 29 Arcanohacterium 168
8 E11terobact:eriaceae: Escherichía 61 Ü\"/JGHT C. H lRSH AND ERNST L. BIBERSTEIN
DWIGHT C. HIRSH 30 Bacillus 170
9 Enterobacteriaceae: Salmonella 69 Ü\.YIGHT c . HIRSH AND ERNST L . BlllERSTEIN
DWIGHT C. HIR~H 31 Corynebacterium 175
10 Enterobacteriaceae: Ye.rsinia 75 DvVIG HT C. H 1RSH AND ERNST L . RTUERSTEJN
DW!GHT C . HIRSH 32 Erysipelothrix 181
11 Enterobacteriaceae: Shigella 81 RJCHARO L. WALKER
ÜWJGHT C . lllRSH 33 Listeria 185
12 Pasteurellaceae: Pasteurella, Mannhein1ia 84 R ICllA RI) L. WA l. KBH
DWTGTTT c . HrnsH AND ERNST L. BIBERSTEIN 34 Rhodococcus 190
13 Pasteurellaceae: Actinoba.cillus 91 D\\TIGHT C . I-l!RSH AND ERNST L. BIBP.RSTEIN
DWIGHT e . HIPSH AND IlP.NST L. BlBEPSrEIN 35 Non- Spore-Forming Clbligat e Anaerohes 193
14 Pasteurellaceae: Haen1ophilus a11d Histophilus 95 DWIGHT C. H!RSH
Dw1GHT C. H IRSH AND EHNST L. BIBERSTEIN 36 Clostridiu1n 198
15 Bordetella 100 DWIGHT C. HJRSH AND ERNST L. IllllERSTE!N
lYWIGHT C. H IRSH ANO ERNST L. Hl.BERSTl'.fN 37 filamentou s Bacteria : Actinorrzyces, Nocardia,
16 Brucella 105 Dermatophilus, and Strcptobacillus 215
17 Burkholderia mallei and Burkholderia :38 A!fycobacterium 223
p::;eutlornu lid 113 DWKiHT C. HlRSli AND ERNST L. BIBERSTEIN
DWTGHT C. HTRSH AND ERNST L. BIDERSTEIN 39 C;h/an1ydíaceae 2~.'i
18 Francisclla tularensis 117 DWIGHT C. TlJRSii AND ERNS'l' L . DIJJERSTEIN

viii Contents

40 Mollicutes 240 58 Tognviridae ;in<I Plaviviridae 351

41 Rir.kett.~iae: Rickettsia, Coxiella, and Orientia 250 59 Orthomyxoviridac and Bunyaviridae :~61
DWJGHT c. HIRSH 60 Paramyxoviridae, Fifoviridae, and Bornaviridae 369
42 .Hhrlichiac: Ehrlíchia and Neorickettsia 253 YVAN C HUNG Z F.F. ANO N . ]AMES MACLAC:HLAN
JANtT E. fOLEY, ERNST L. BJBERSTEIN1 ANO 61 Rhabdoviridae 377
43 Anaplasmataceae 257 62 Coronaviridae and Arteriviridae 383
44 Darro11e/laccae 260 63 Rcoviridac 398
45 Ycasts Cryptococcus, Malassezia, and Candida 265 64 Birnaviridae 407
16 Dermatophytes 273 65 Retroviridae 409
47 Agents of Subcutaneou s Myro<;p<; 279 66 Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies 427
48 Agents of Systemic Mycoses 285

67 Circulatory System and Lymphoid T issues 4~7

49 Pathogenesis of Viral Diseases 301 68 Digestive System anrl A<;<;oci;ited Organs 446
50 Parvoviridae and Circovirirlae ~0.5 69 lntegumentary System 45!:)
.'il Asfarviridae and Iridoviridae 312 70 Musculoskeletal System 468
52 Papillomaviridae and Polyomaviridae 315 7l Ner vous System 474
53 Adenoviridae 317 72 Oculdr lnf~ctiurn, 482
54 Hetpesviridae 320 73 Respiratory Systcm 487
55 Poxviridac 333 74 U rogenital System 496
56 Picornaviridae 339
57 Culidviridu~ 346
Con tribu tors

Alex A. Artl<tn:>, DVM, MS janet E. Foley, DVM, PhD

Protcssor, Department of Medicine and Epidemiology; Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine anrl
Director, California Animal Health and Food Safety Epidemiology
Laboratory Systern Scl1ool of Vele1ina1y Mcuil.:ir1e
School of Veterinary Medicine University oí California
University of California Davis, California
Davis, California
James G. Fox, DVM
Udeni B. R. Balasuriya, BVSc, PhD ProfC'c;c;or anrl Ilirector, Division of Comparative Medicine
Associate Research Molecular Virologist Massachusctts lnstitutc ofTcchnology
Dcpartn1ent of Pathology, Microbiology and Cambridge, Massachusetts
School of Veterinary tvledicine Frederickj. Fuller, PhD
Univcrsity of California Professor, Depa1l111enl of Povulaliu11 Health and
Dav1S, c:aiifornia PathobioJogy
College of Veterinary Medicine
Bradd C. Barr, DVM, Pl1D North Carolina State Univcrsily
Professo r, Departme11t of Pathology, Microbiology, and Raleigh, North Carolina
Tm munology;
California Animal Hcal th and Pood Safcty Lnboratory LnurelJ. Gershwin, DVM, PhD
SchooI of Veterinary Medicine Professor, [ )epartment of Pathology, ~1icrobiology, and
University of California Immunology;
Davis, CA 95616 Chief, Clinical Immunology, Virology, and Microbiology
Ernst L. Biberstein, DVM, PhD Veterinary Medica! Teaching Hospital
Professor Emeritus, Department of Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine
Microbiology, and In1111unology Universily ofCali(urnia
School of Veterinary Medicine Davis, California
lJnivcrsity of California
Dovi:i, California D"vight C. Ili.l'.sh, DVM, I'hD
Professor Emeritus, Departmcnt of Pathology,
Anthony E. Castro, DVM, PhD Microbiology, and Immunology
Department of Veterinary Scicnccs School ofVeterinary Medicine
Pennsylvania State U11iversity U1 1iver:.ity uf Califurnia
University l'ark, l'ennsylvania Davis, California

Bruno B. Chomel, DVM, PhD Rickie W. Kaste11, Plill

Associate Professor, Dcpartment of Population Health lJepartment ot Population Health and Reproduction
and Reproduction School of Veterinary Medicine
School of Veterinary Medicine Univcrsity of California
U rli ver:.i l y uf CCtlifur1lia Davis, California
Davis, California
Rance B. LeFebvre, PhD
Richard M. Donovan, PhD Prufessor, Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and
V iral and R1ckettsial Visease Laboratory Tmmunology
í:!'lliforni;i Oep;irtment of Health Services School of Veterinary Medicine
Richmond, California University of California
Davis, California


Thls book is intended for vcterlnary students, to accom- Part TV deals with the intectious agcnts in the context
pany and supplPmPnt thPir first courses in pathogenic of the host. This section is organized by organ system.
bacteriology-mycology and virology (Parts l tl1rough III), Each urgan system is dtscussed flrst as a microbial habitat,
as well as subsequent courses dealing with infectious dis- followerl hy disc11ssion of tbose infecti01.1s agents that
cascs (Part IV). The focus includes pathogcnic mcchanis1ns mainly affect that particular systen1.
and proccsses in infectious diseases; methods of diagnosis; 'fhe content and organization of this book varíes some-
and principies of resistance, prevention, and therapy. A what from the last cdition of Veterinary Micro/Jiology
worki11g k11uwl1::<.lge uf general mlcroblology is assumed. (1999). Most notable is the organization of the infectious
Beyond serving as a rPso11ríP for students, the book is agents discussed in Part 11, the bacteria and fungí. Thcsc
also meant to serve as a convenient reference for vete1li1a1- agcots are now dlscussed w!thout regard to major organ
ians and veterinary scientists whose main line of activity system, huta long morP traditional grounds (i.e., morphol-
and expertise is outside the areas of microbiology. ogy and gram reaction in the case of U1e bacteria! ageut:s,
The book is divided into four sections. l'art l deats with and yeast vs. mold for the fungal agents). A major changc
the general characteristics of the host-parasite relation- in the content of this cdition is thc addition of Part TV,
shlp, laboratory diagnosis of condltlons Involving an in- which deals with the infectious agents along more clini-
fectious etiology, antimicrobial treatment, and prevention catl y useful lincs. In addition, we havc climinatcd rcfcr-
of iufecLious disea:;1::. ences fron1 the end of each chapter. Aside from a space-
Parts n (bacteria anrl fungi) anrl 111 (vin JSPS) present the saving device, allnost universal access to the Internet and
infectious agents that affcct thc veterinary species. TJ1c vi1 Lual librarie:; cuak<:: :;uch references redundant.
chapters deating with the bacteria! agents are grouped We gratefully acknowlcdge Natalie Karst, whose help is
mainly by morphology, and their gram stainingcharacter- much apprcciatcd. Spccial thanks go to Dede Andersen
lsttcs. ·rhe fungal agents are S?;rouped mainly by morpho- and Tad Ringo of Htackwell Publishing, who have been un-
logic characteristics (yeast, mold). ·rhe viruses are grouped believably patient and extrcmcly hclpful in gctting our cf-
a long taxonomic grounds. fort to press.

- ... Parasitisni and

Veterlnary m icrot>iology deals wlth mlcroblal agents af- colonize a damaged heart valve and initiate b acteria! en-
fecting animals. Such agpnts arP ch;:iractPrizPd according docarditis. In the absence of such a lesion, however, they
to their ecologic arrangements: parasites live in pern1anent would be clearecl u11eve1 1Lfully via the ruacrop hage system.
association with , and at the expense of, animal hosts; Similarly, the frequent entranc.e of i ntPstin;i 1 h;ictPria int(l
saprophytes normally inhabit the inanimatc cnvironmcnt. vascular channels normally leads to their disposal by hu-
Parasites that cause their host no discernible harm are moral and cellular defense mechanisms. In immuno-
called co1nmensals. The term symbiosis usually refers to re- incompetent hosts, however, such cntrancc may lcad to
ci prucall y !Jeneficial asso<:iatlons of organisms. ·rhls fatal sepncemia.
arrangement is also callPci n1utuali.~1n . 'fransfer to a new host or tissue, or a change in host re-
Pathogenic organisms are parasites or saprophytes that sislance, are con1rno11 ways lltat cou1Iuer1sal parasites are
cause disease. The process by which they establish them- convcrted into active pathogens. Com1nensalism is thP sta-
selves in a host in.dividua] is infection, but infcction nccd blc form of parasitic existence. Tt ensures survival of the
not be followed by clinical illness. The term virulence is microorga11ism, which active disease would jeopardize by
somctimes used to inean pathogenicity but sometimes to killing the h ost or evoking an active im1nunc response.
express degrees of pat hogenlclty. Either effect deprives the agent of its habitat. Evolution-

Sorne Attributes of Host-Parasite Relationships

ary selective pressure therefore tends to eliminate bost-
l-'ara:.ile relatio11slilp~ tl1at threaten the survival of either
partner. It does so hy allowing milciPr str;iins of thP
pathogen, "vhich permit Iongcr surviva1 of the host and
thereby facilitate thcir own dissemination, to replace the
Many pathogenic microorganisms are host-specilic in that more lethal ones. It also favors a rcsistant host population
they parasitize only one ora few animal species. 1'he cause by screening out highly susceptible stock. ·1he trend is thus
of equine strangles, Streptococcus equi subspecies equi, is es- toward commensalism. Most agents causing serious dis-
scntially limited to horses. Others- certain Salnione/la ease have alternative modes of survival as com mensa1s in
tyµc::., íor cxarnple-liavt.: a bruaú liust rangc. Tltc l>asís for ti~~11Ps o r hosts not subjcct to disease (e.g., plague) or in the
this difference in host specificity is incompletely under- inanimate environment (e.g., coccidioidon1ycosis) . Olhers
stood, bu t it may in part be related to the need for specific cause cl1ronic infections lasting months or years (tubercu-
attachmcnt ctevices between host (receptors) an d parasite losis, syphilis), during which thcir disscmination to othcr
(adhesins). hosts ensures t heir survival.
Sorne agents in.f ect sevcral host species but with varying
effects. The plague bacillus Yersinia pestis behaves as a com-
111e11sal parasile i11111a11y, bul l>y 110 111ca11s all, s1nall rodent Criteri a of Pathogenicity-Koch's Postulates
species but causes fatal disease in rats and humans. Evol11-
tionary pressure may have produced sorne of these diffcr-
The presence of a microorganism in diseased individuals
ences, but not others: C'occidioides in1mitis, a saprophytic
does not prove its pathogenlc s1gnificance. To demonstrate
funi:,'"Us requiring no living host, infects cattle and dogs
thP ca11s;:il role of an agent in a disease, the following qual-
w1th equal ease; yet it produces no clinical signs in cattle
ificatio11s or "postulales" for 1nulaLed by Ruuert Kuclt
bt1t frequently causes progrcssive fatal d isease in dogs.
(1843-1910) should hP s;:iti~fiPrl:
Poten ti al path ogens vary 1n thel r effects on different tis-
sues in thc san1c h ost. 'l'hP•richin coli that is com:men- l. The suspected agent is present in all cases of the
sal in thc intcstine can cause severe disease in t11e urü1ary <.liscase.
tract and peritoneal cavity. 2 . The agent is isolated from such disease anci rropa-
Sorne microorganisms that are commensal in one ha- gatcd scrially in pure culture, apart from its natural
bitar may turn pathogenic in a habitat that is patholo,gí- host.
cally altered or otherwise compromised. 'fhus, oral strepto- 3. Upon introduction into an experimental host, thc
cocci, which occasionally c1llcr the !Jloollstream, may isolate produces the original disease.

4 PART 1 Introtluction

4. ·rhe agent can be reisolated from this experimental by such bacrerlal enzymes as collagenase and hyaluru-
infection. nidase, which are produced by .m.any pathogPns. Mic:ro-
urga11is1ns are also spread via lyinph and blood vcssels,
Thcsc postulutcs are idcals that are not satisfied in ali
cases ot infectious diseases. 'Ihe prcsence of sorne rnicroor- the bronchial tree, bile ducts, nerve trunks, and mobile
ganisms cannot be demonstrated at the time of disease, es- phagocytcs.
pccially in affected tissues (e.g., tetanus, botulism). Others c;rowth in or on host tissue is a prerequisite of patho-
genesis for ali pathogenic organisms, except the few that
lose virulence rapidly after isolation (e.e., T.f'ptnspira spp.),
wllilc slill ull 1e1 s, Lhough i11dispcnsable for pathogenesis, produce toxins In foodstuffs prior to lnges'tion. In urc..lcr Lu
multiply to pathogenic levels, thPy m11st hP. ahle to neu-
require undetermined accessory factors (e.g., Pasteurella-
tralize liusL defense efforts. Rclevant adaptations of various
related pneumonias). For sorne human viral pathogens
bacteria include firn1 attachment to prevent mechanical
(e.g., Cytomegalovirus), no experimental host is known,
removai; repulsion or nonattraction of phagocytes; and in-
and sorne agents (e.g., Mycobacterium leprae) have not been
terference with phagocytic funct1on by capsules and cell
grown apart from thcir natural hosts.
walls, by leukotoxic activity, or by prevention of phago-
cytic digestion. Sorne bacteria dlgest or tlivert autibuc..lie:-.
and deplete complement. Sorne dcstroy the vascular sup-
Elements in the Producti on of an lnfectious ply to tissuc, sltulling out dcfcnsive resourccs and sus-
Disease pP.nding antimicrobial activity in the affccted area.
With host defcnscs ncutralizcd, microbial growth can
Effectiv<-' rransmission through indirect contact occurs by proceed it nutritional supplies are adequate and the pH,
ingestion; inhalation; o r mucosa], cutancous, or wound temperaturc, and oxidation-rcduction potcntial (Eh) are
contamination. Airborne infection takes place largely via appropriate. Iron is often a llmltlng nutrie11t. Microbial
droplct nuclci, which are 0.1 to Smm in diameter. Particles ability to appropriate iron from iron-binding host proteins
ot this size stay suspended in ai r and can be inhaled. Larger (transferrin, lactoferri11) is a faclor in virulence. Gastric
particles settle out but can be resuspended in dust, which acidity acco11nt.~ for the resistance of the stornach to n1ost
may also harl)Or infcctlous agents fruu1 11011re::;piralury pathogenic bacteria, alth ough exprcssion of altcrnativc
sources (e.g., skin sq11;imps, fpcf's, saliva). Arthropods may sigma factors when bacteria are in stationary phase rcsults
se1 ve as 111ecl1anical carriers of pathogens (e.g., Shigella, in an RNA polymerase that transcribes genes whosc prod-
Dermatophilus) or play an indispensable part in the lite cy- ucts help the pathogcn resistan acidic environmen1 (c.g.,
cles of diseasc-producing agc11ts (plague, eh rlichioses, viral Salmonella, E. colí) . The hlgh body temperature of birds
encephalitides). may cxplain thelr resistance to sorne discases (e.g., an-
Attachment to host surfaces requires interaction be- thrax, histoplas1nosis), while low F.h rcquirements ac-
tween the agent's adhesins, whlch are usually proteir1s, cuu11l for lhe 1eslriclio11 of an<terobic growth to devitalized
and the host's receptors, whicl1 are most oftpn carhohy- (Le., nonoxygenated) tissues or tissues i11 which sirnulta-
c..lrale residues. Exan1plcs of bacteria! adhesins are fimbria! neous aerobic growth has lowcrcd the Eh.
proteins (Escherichia co/i, Salmonella spp.), P-1 protein of
Mycoplas1na pncumoniac, and afimbrial surface proteins
(sorne streptococci). Examples of host receptor substances Pathogenic Action
include fibronectin for sorne streptococci and staphylo-
COCCI, 1nannose for many E. l ·uli strairis, C111d sialic acid for Microbial disease manifests itself either as dircct damagc
M '. pneumoniaf.. to host structurcs and functions by or viruses, or
Attachment is inhibitcd by normal commensal flora as damagc duc to host reactions such as those triggercd by
that occupy or block available receptor sltcs and discour- e11dotoxin or immU11e responses.
age colonization by excrcting toxic metabolites, bacteri
ocins and microcins. ·¡ his "colon1zat1on resistance" is an
Direct Damage
important defense mechanism and may be assisted by mu-
cosa! antibody and other antlbactcrlal sutJs'tances (dc- Exotoxins are bacteria! proteins, which are often frccly cx-
fensins, lysozyme, lactoferrin, organic ilcids). creted into the environment. The differences between en-
Pc11clralio11 of hosl surfaces is a variable requircmcnt dotoxins and cxotoxins are shown in "fable 1.1.
among pathogens. Some agents, having rcached a primary 'lwo types of exotox.ins exist. One acts cxtracellularly or
target cell population, pcnctratc no farthe r (e.g., entero on cell membranes, attacking interccllular substanccs or
toxigenic E. co/i). Others traverse surface membranes after cell surfaccs by enzyrnatic or c..lclerge11l-like 1nccha11isms.
inducing cytoskeletal rearrangements, resulting in "ruf- It includcs, for ex;implP., bacteria! hemolysins, leuko-
fles" that entrap adhered bacteria or passage betwcc11 cp- cidi11s, collagenases, and hyaluronidases, which may play
ithelial cclls (e.g., Salmonella, Yersinia) . Tnhaled facultative an ancillary role in infections.
i11tracellulC1r pa1 asi Les like Mycobacteriu111 tuberculosis are ·rhc othcr type of exotoxin consists of proteins or poly-
takcn up by pulmonary macrophages, in wl1ich they may peptides that en ter cells an d enzymatically disn1pt cellular
multiply and travcl via lymphatics to lymph nodes and processes. 'I'hesc usually consist of an A fragment , \"1hich
other tissues. l'ercu taneous penetrat1on occurs mostly has enzymatlc activity, ar1d a B frag1 ne11L, wh.ich is respon-
through injuries, including arthropod bites. sible for binding the toxin to its target cell. Exotoxins are
Dissemination takes place by cxtenslon, aitled perhaps e11coded chromosomally, on plasmids, or on bactcrio-
Chaprer 1 Parasitism and Pathogenicity 5

Table 1.1. Exo- and Endotoxins Compared


Oftcn spontaneously diffusible Cell-bound as part of ccll wall

t'rotems or po1ypept111es t1popo1ysaccnande (llprd A1s toxic component)
Produced by gram-positive and gram--negative bacteria limíted to gram-negative bacteria
P1udule a )inyle, pharrnacologically specific effect Produce a range of efferu, largely due to host-
derived mediators
Each is distinct in structure and reactivity a<cording to Ali similar in structurc and effect regardless of
its bacteria! species of origin bacteria! species of origin
Lethal in minute amounts (mice : nanograms) lethal in largcr amounts (micc ª micrograms)
Labile to heat, chemicals, storage Very stable to heat, chem1cals, storage
Convertible to toxoids (= nontoxic, immunog-enic toxin- Not convertible to toxoids
u~r ÍV<SlÍV~)); ~lid l i!lllilUXÍll prodUttiOll

phages. 'fh e function the toxins serve th<> hac:tr.riri is not lmmune-Mediated Damage
Viruscs produce injury by destroying the cells in which Tissue damage due to immune reactions is considered
thcy replica te or by nltcring ccll function, appearance, and elsewhere (see Chapter 2). Co1nplement-mcdiated re-
growth c11aractcr1st1cs. sponses (such as inflammation) and rcaction5 rct.cmbling
Endotoxins are lipopolysaccharides, whích are part of lmmedlatc-type allergic phenomena can occur in response
Lhe g1an1-negali vt: ct:ll wall. Tlit:y cu11:si:st uf puly:;accharide to rnrlotoxins or to peptídoglycan without preceding
snrfacr ch;iins, which m;iy be viruJence factors and so- sen si liL.ali011.
matic (0) antigens¡ a core polysaccharide; and lipid A, Specific imrnune responses partic:ipatf' in thr patho-
where the to.xicity resides. genesis of many infections, particularly chronic !n"anulo-
Lipopolysaccharides bind to lipopolysaccharidc- matous intections such as tuberculosis. Lesions a:'e dueto
binding prote1 n (a serum protcin), which in turn transfers cell-mediated hypersensitivi.ty, which is established in the
it to the blood phasc of CD14. The CD14-LPS complex ~arly weeks of lnfection. Cell-mediated responses intensify

blnds to Toll-llke receptor protelns on the surface of inflammatory responses and tissue destruction upon sub-
macrophagP cPll<; triggering the release of proinflamma- .sequcnl encounle1s wilh Lhe ageul ur ils vrulcili tl1ruugh
tory cytokines. These substances eUcit n1anifestations of thc relcase of effector substances from T lymphocytes (e.g.,
endotoxemia, including fever, headache, hypotension, cytokincs, pcrforins).
lcukopcnia, thrombocytopcnia, intravascular coagula- lmmune mechanisms apparently contribute to ane-
tion, intlammation, endothelial dan1age, hemorrhage, mias seen in anaplasmosis, and the haemotrophic my-
fluid extravasation, and circulatory collapse. Many of coplasmas. ·rhe antibody response to hemoparasitism does
thcsc rcsult from l) activation of thc complement cascade not distinguish between the parasite and the host erythro-
and 2) production of arachido11ic acid metabolites: prosta- cyte. Both are removed by phagocytosis.
gl<111di11:-, lt:ukuldeut::-, a11d LlinJ111buxa11e~. T11t: piler1u1u-
f'na proctuc:f'cl hy P.nclotoxins closrly rrsrmhlr risprcts of
gram-ncgativc septicemias, but most of them can also be
duplicatcd by pcptidoglycans of gram-positive bacteria.
lllllllune Responses to
Infectious A gen ts

The imrnune response to infectious agcnts is comprised of receptors (usually 1n the for111 uf <.:'11 bol1ydratcs that are
a series of i11nal.c and acquired mcchanisms that work to- part of glycoprotrins nn the surface of t11e host cell) and
gether tO prevent lnfectl011, if possible, auu to COJllrol Ll lt:: adl1esins on the n1icrobe cell surfacc, 2) thc chcmicals in
pathogeoic effects of organ ism~ that arC' ahlc to evade the the imrnediate environment ot thc microbe- l1ost interac-
ilútiaJ i11nale in11nu11e dcfenses. In recent ,vears t here have tion, in part duc to products sccreted by competing mi-
hc>cn significant advances in undcrstanding several croorganisms (e.g., microcins, bacteriocins, and volatilc
heretofore unappreciated innatc dcfcnscs. Direction of im fatty acids) and in part dueto products secreted by thP host
mune responses tor appropriate anti-pathogen responses (e.g., acid envlronmcnt of the stu111'1cl 1, defe11sü1s sccreted
by immunon1odulatory cytoki nes and appropriate m echa- by Paneth cells, the contents of hilC' in the uppcr small in-
nisms of antigen presentation are now wcll defined. This tcstil1t, ur Ll 11:: 1..onle11L of sebun1 on thc ~kin), and 3) thc
chapter emphasizes the current knowlcdge defining how availahility of nutrient substances.
the irnrnUI1e :,y:,t¡;111 cu~Lon1i2es Lhc response depending The establishment of thc normal flora is a dynam ic one,
11pon thP typc of pathogen encountcred. with replacement at various exposed Iocations with ml-
crobes more capable of living at a particular site (nichf')
than the ones preceding. In auditio11, lltt in1n1une systcn1
lnnate lmmunity appears to play some role, sinrP it has heen shown that
111e1ubers of Lhe norn1al flora are very poorly immu-
Anatomic Features, Physiological Processes, and Normal Flora nogenir in thf' host fron1 which thc microbes are isolatcd.
This suggests that in1mune responses to microbcs attcmpt-
'Irauitio11ally, i111 1'1lt:: i111111Lu1ily has bccn con:;idered to be ing to colonizc a particular locatlon (niche) will rcsult 1n
composed of anatomic features. physiological functions , thc blockage of association between adhesin (microbe)
microbiological barricrs (thc normal flora), fluid phase with receptor (host). Jf a microbc cannot associatc, then lt
components, and ceUular constituents. t-or examplc, thc '"'ill be replaced with one that "vil!. 'fhis occurs 11ntil ll
mucosa covered nasal turbinates form an initial "sticky" strain uf microlJ~ i~ e1H.:ou11Ltred Lhal is n1ore sin1ilar to thc
barrier to remove largcr particles from the inhalcd alr. host than it.~ prP<l0ccssor, which is subsequently "acceptcd"
Smaller particlcs that gain access to the respiratory trllc-t as part of the normal flora of that particular animal. Thc re
encou11ter t ltt cilia lt::d t::pill1elil1111 and 111ucus blanket that sult ís an ecosystem composed ot numerous species of bac-
pff0ctively produces a mucociliary apparatus; this works to teria and fungí that are associated '"'ith an abundance of
rcmovc inhalcd n1atcrial from the lower respiratory tract. ruches, each of \\ºhlch is oclupieu wil11 i:1 particular species
Within the gastro1ntcst111al tract, peristalsis and the vomit of mícrobe most s11itP<l to liYP at that location. TI1is "occu-
rcflex have similar effects on removal of undesired mate- JJl1tio11" no'.:>Ull:> i11 a barrier to colonization (infection) by
rial from the body. The flushing actlon of the bla<.luer i:, microhes that are not members of the normal flora, thus
important in prcvcnting urine stasis, which prf'<lisposps to the term colo11iz(,tion resistancc.
IJacterial iufcct io11.
'fhe nor111al flora plays a11 iJ11portan t role in preventíon Cellular Responses in lnnate Defensc
of colonization by more viru1ent organisms. These bacte-
ria and fungí establ1sh a unique relationship with t he host, The innate phl1:>C uf the iu1n1unc response has bccn de-
a relationship that begins as the microbiologically sterilc scribed as a "speed bump" for pathogens. ·rhere are several
fctus begtns its journey <Iown the blrth canal. Acquisitiuu ce11 l) pes Lhal participate in innatt: defense. Thc phago-
of bacteria and fungi begins immediatPly, with infPction cytic cell is of particular importance in detensc against bac-
(colonizatiuu) uf ali t::Xposed su1faccs, including rnucosal teria! pathogcns. Thcrc are primarily two types of phago-
s11rfacP.~ (alimen tary canal, upper respiratory tract, and cytes in 1nammals, the polymorphonuclear Jeukocyte
distal gcnitourinnr y truct), "'ith microorgonisms from the (11eutrophil) and the macrophag.: Whilf-> thP ni>ntrophil'~
birth canal and from tl1e 1nother's immediate environ- 1nain role i:, reuLoval uf foreign n1aterial a11d t hc killing
ment. The association of rnicrobe with thc host is not hap- and sub~P<¡11Pnt rP1noyaJ ofbactcria, the macrophage plays
hazard but rather is an association that depends upon 1) <t tlual 1ole by acling asan antigcn presenting ccll for initi-

Chapter 2 ln1111une Responses Lo Infeclious AgenLs 7

atio.n of an acquired immune response_ A third type of cell pleme11t (CR). These receptors facilitate firm attachment
that is important in the innate response against viruses is of the opsonized bacterium to the neutrophil. Next,
lhe natural killer cell. pseudopoclia for111 arou11d tht: orgaui:>ru a11d ther1 fu:;e to
form a phagocytíc vacuo/e containing the organism. Sorne
The Neutrophil. Thc polymorphonuclcar lcukocytc, ncu- organisms are more rcadily cngulfcd than others. f.or ex-
trophíl, is a bone-marrow- derived end-cell that normally ample, the presence of a polysaccharide capsule causes an
comprises 30% to 70% percent of the total leukocytes in organism to be resistant to phagocytosis. J\fter engulf-
the peripheral blooct of various species. The neutrophil is a 1nent, lysosomal granules fuse with the phagosome mem-
gr::inn l{)r'ytir lPn k{)rytP ::inri rr)nt::iin <: two typP<: ()f gr;.in1.1 les· br.;.ine to fo(tll the phngol)lSOsome. 'l'he eventual eliminati()n
primary or azurophilic granules and secondary or specific of the engulfed organisn1 occurs witl1in tl1is slruclure.
gra11ules_ Neutrophils spend 011ly about 12 hours in circu- Bacterial killing is accomplished by a series of metabolic
lation, then go into the tissucs where they survive for an and enzymatic events. Metabolic activity increases within
additionaJ two to three days. Within the bone marrow a neutrophil during phagocytosis. Oxygen consumption
there is a large storage cornpartment for neutr.ophils. A increases and light energy is emitted (chcmilumincs
bacteria! infection within the lJody causes a rapid mobl- cence). ·rhis metabolic or respiratory burst involves oxida-
lization of this pool and thP. nP.utrophils ac.c.11m11l<itf' <it thf' tion of glncose by tl1e hexosemonophosphate shunt. Bac-
site of the infectious process. They are attracted by the tericida! p roducts are ge11erated. Superoxide radical:> are
chemotactic factors, C3a and CSa, which are generated produced and converted to H 2 0 2 by superoxide disrr1utase.
subsequent to activation of the complement system. The Hydrogen pcroxidc is toxic for bacteria that lack catalase.
process of neutrophil accumulation begins by adhcrence of The enzyme myeloperoxidase, present in azuropl1il gran-
the circulating neutropl1ils to the vascular endotheliurn ules, catalyzes the oxidation of halide ions to hypohalite,
(111argi11atio11), exlruvusuLiun i11to ti:;:;ue space:;, and chemo- which Is also toXic to microorganisms. Thus the myeloper-
taxis of the cells toward the focus of injury. Tnvacling mi- oxici<ise-hydroge11-peroxide-halide system is efficient in
croorganisn1s are ingested by neutrophils in a process bacteria! killing. Susceptible orga11is111s are killed vviLhi11
called phagocytosís (Figs 2.1 and 2.2). rninutes. lnside the prilnary granules of neutrophils, en-
Phagocytosis of bacteria by neutrophils involves severa! zymes rclcascd during dcgranulation act on protcins,
steps. First, initial recognition and binding occur. This liptds, carbohydrates, and nucleic acicts to degrade the
process is made more efficie11t by the presence of opsonins killed bacteria! cells. Some of these enzymes are collage-
con:>i:>tir1g of irnrr1unoglobulin and/or complement con1- nase, elastase, acid. phosphatase, phospholipase, lyso-
ponents. Opsoni7.<ition co<its t hf' s11rf<ice of a partic.le, neu- zyme, hyaluronidase, acid ribonuclease, and deox yribonu-
tralizing the net negative charges, which n1ight otherwise clease. Lysoz;yrne can cleave glycosyl bouds i11 lhe bacLerial
cause the neutrophil and bacteria! cell to repel each other. ceJJ wall, making the cell susceptible to lysis. Also, lyso-
In addition, on thc ccll mcmbranc of thc ncutrophil, rc- somcs contain cationic pcptidcs (dcfensins) that form
ceptors are present for antibody (Fe receptors) and for com- lethal pores in bacteria as well as fungal cell walls.

F 1G U R E 2 . 1 . NP.11trophil response toan infP.dious agP.nt: A. Neutrophils arP. prP.sP.nt in thP.

circulation. 8. Neutrophils express adhesin molecules (CD18) and adhere to the endothelia/ ce/Is in the
blood vessel. This process is cal/ed margination. c. Neutrophils pass rhrough rhe endorhelial ce/Is by
díapedesís. D. Neutrophí/s, now extravascu/ar, respond and move along a chemotactic gradient.

A B e D
8 PART 1 I11troduclio11

F 1G U RE 2. 2. The process of phagocytosis: A. A bacterium is opsonized by antibody. The antibody

binds to ;:in Fe receptor on a phagocyte. B. The phagocyte begins to engulf the attached bacterium.
C. The phagosome containing the bacterium fuses with lysosorr1e~ ;,, !11e µhdyutyte tytoplasn1 to forn1
a phagolysosome. D. The bacterium is killed and digested. E. The bacteria/ breakdown products are
eliminated from the ce//. Some parts of the bacterium wi/I remain on macrophage membrane associated
MHC lid}} /1 10 be used in antigen presentation to T ce/Is.

- A B e

o E

Macrophage. The macrophage is a mononuclear cell de- cationic peptides (defensins) WhiJe the ne11trophil rP-
rived from the bone marrow. For severa! days after release :.µ0111.l:. lo a sli111ulus rapidly, lile n1acrophage is n ot p res-
from the bon e marrow, it circ11latPs ;:is a hlood rnonocyte hc- ent until later in an infectious proccss, often after 8 to 12
fore going into the tissues, where it becomes a functional hours. In sorne instar1ccs, ncutrophils may eliminate an
macrophage. Free macrophages are prcsent in many parts organism before macropl1agcs arrive in any great number.
of the body and are named accordi ngly, for cxa1nplc, alve- When tissue destruction has occurred as a result of an in-
olar macropl1ages (lung) and peritoneal macrophages. fla1nmatory response, macrophagcs are attracted to tht:
Fixcd macrophages line sinus cavities that filter blood. area by products from dying neutrophil" and hac.teria.
These lnclude the Kupffer cells (Uver), Langerhans cell~ ·rhey pl1agocytose the debris and remove it. In sorne in-
(skin), histiocytes (connective tissue), mesa ngial cells (kicl- stances, macrophages may engulf particulate material that
11ey~), a11d sinus-lining cells of the spleen., lymph n odes, they are unablc to digcst. Whcn this occurs, the macro
and bone marrow. Sorne of thesc macrophages are impor- phage may migrate to a mucosa! surface such as the respi-
tant in antigen processing for induction of an immune re- ratory or gastrointestinal tract for elirnination from thc
sponse (described later in this chapter). body.
The macrophage differs from the neutrophil in that it Sorne microorganisms !lrP morP e.asi ly killed by phago-
has a longer life span in tlssue and can reuse phagolyso- cylcs than others. Bacteria that have polysaccharide
somes. 111 additio11, macroph;iee<> stim11 l;itprl hy rytokines capsules are less readily engulfed than unencapsula ted
(e.g., i11lerfero11) or n1icrobial products (e.g., lipopoly- countcrparts. ()psonizing antib<>dy or complement corn-
saccharide) result in activation of n itric oxide synthasc ponents must be present to coat such organisrns before
that catalyzcs thc production of nitric oxide (NO) from phagocytes can engulf them (as described above) Sorne rni-
l-arg1n1ne. NV 1s toxic to many bacteria, espec1a11y those croorganls1n:; are rea<.llly !Jlld!)Ul.ylu;)eu, 1.Jut <Ht: able Lo
residing 1N"ithin macrophages (e.g., Salmonella, Listeria). grow intracellularly. For example, microorganisms such as
The macropl1agt: is silnilar to llie 111:ulrupl1il it1 ll1al loxic Listeria 111011ocytogenes and Mycobactcrium tuberculosis are
oxygen metabolites are generated for h;ictpri;il killing and not killed after phagocytosis by macrophages. Organisms
Lhe lysosomes contain potent hydrolytic enzymes and may produce factors that inhibit phagolysosome fusion or
Chupler 2 Iuuuune Responses to lnfectious Agents 9

even escape the phagolysosome into the cytoplasm, thus are recognized by the attached immunoglobulin. In th1s
preventing exposure to enzymatic degradation. These or- way the NK cell collaborates "l>Vith the acquired immune
ganis1ns rcquirc n1acrophagc activalion by i11lerferon ·y, a sysle1u lu eli111i11ale i11fcctcu ct:ll=>.
product of both NK ce lis and activated T helper 1 cells.
Gamma-Delta T Cells. T cells that display membrane recep-
Natural Killer (NK) Cells. Natural killer cells are a central and tors called yo chains (gamma-delta T cells) constitute a
important component of the innate immune response to small percentage of the circulating pool of lymphocytcs ill
vlruses and sorne bacteria. ·rhe NK ceu is a distinct lineage nonruminant species. In ruminants, however, gamma-
of lymphocyte that, unlike the T and B lymphocyte, does delta T cells may rcpresent up to 30% of the circulating
not have a specific receptor for antigen-i.e., tl1ey do nol Jyo1phocyle poul. I11 111ust spccics, garnrna-tlelta 'f cells are
rearrange genes encoding membrane receptors. Yet, this pre.sP.nt in thP l:imin:i propria underlying mucosa! epithe-
cell type is able to recognize and target cells for destruc- lia, strategically beneficia! sites for cells il1volved in host
tion. NK cells comprise trom .)-:lUo/o ot Jymphocytes in the detense.
peripheral blood and more than 90o/o of lym phocytes in Functional studies in mouse models and also data from
the placenta. 'fhelr functlon lncludes cell mediated immu- human bcings has demonstrated a role for these cells in
nity, :inti horly-rlPpPn<lf'n t <'Plh1 l;ir cytotoxir.ity, produc- defense against mycobacterial pat hogens. The role of
tion of interferon yearly in lnfection, and secretio11 of a va- gan11na-deJ La T ct:lls i11 i1111ate defense again st l\1ycobacte-
riety of other cytokincs. 1n the ad u lt m am mal NK cells riurn tuberculosis appears to he most import :int f''1rly in the ·.
develop within the bone marrow from hcmatopoictic ccll infcction. Activation of these cells by M. tuberculosis anti-
precursors. NK cells are responsive to several cytokines and gens is dcpendent on accessory cells, such as alveolar
they secrete cytokines, including interferon y, and tumor macrophagcs, which providc co-stimulatory molecules.
necrosis factor a. (TNFa.). The NK cell response is coordi- The l1gands on the rnycobacterium that stunulate the
n;itpcl ;inri mnrl11l1itPrl hy rytnkinP( th;¡t inr.lude interfer- gamma-delta T cclls have recently been shown to be small
ons Cl and ~ and lntcrleukins 2, 12, 15, and 18. Recently a phosphale-cvr 1lai11i11g u1ulecules. The major effector func-
variety of reccptors havc been identified on NK cells. These tions of gamma-delta T lymphocytes in <leff'nsf' against M .
receptors allow thc NK ccll to cithcr kill a targct ccll, orto tuberculosis is in cytokine secretjon and in cytotoxic effec-
turn off the potent1al k1ll1ng response. Inhibitory recep- tor cell tunctjon. These cells produce interferon y, 'l'Nfa, r
tors expressed on NK cells includc the killer immunoglob- anda smaU amount of IL 2.
ulin-llke receptor (KIR). This receptor binds to MHC class I Gamma-delta l ' ce lis ha ve a role 1n limiting viral replica-
moleculcs on body cclls and facilitates an inhibitory re- tion in sorne viral diseases. In mouse models of influenza
sponse lh1ough aclivalion of inuacellula1 Lyrosi11e- ln1=>ell vi rLI:> iufc<.:tlun these ce lis accumulate in the lung presum-
inhibitory motifs. This function prevents the powerful ahly to resolvf' thf' pnf'11monir prorf'~. Tn both mouse
killillg capacity of thc NK cell from acting on normal body n1odels and in human patients the role of gamn1a-delta T
cells. ln contrast, when a cell Jacks MHC class 1, the NK cell cells in resolution of herpes simplex-1 infection has been
recognizes the absence and begins the process of killing demonstrated.
that target ceu.
The NK cell is particularly effective in eliminating Toll-like Receptors. ·10!1-like receptors (TLR) are a primitive
tumor cells and cells infectecl wlth sorne viruses. A number mechanlsm of lnnate immunity. They are defined as
of vin1sf'~ (:inrl ~nml' ti1mor rf'lls) rlown-regulate cellulilr pattern-recognition receptors and are p resent on a variety
MHC class l 1nolecule synLhesis. 'l'hese vi1uses effeclively uf i111111u11e a11tl utlier cclls. Originally described in Droso-
evade the acquircd T cytotoxic cell (CD8) response (de- phila, these molecules and thei r signaling p:ithw:iys :irf'
tailcd latcr in thi:; chaptcr) by rcmoving th c 'lvfHC molc - important for dctcction of invud in g puth.o gens in fruit
cule tt1at presents antigen to cytotoxic T cells. However, flJes, mammals, and ptants. ·rhere are 10 k.11own ·rLR jn
the NK cell targets these cells that display the "missing mammals. Jlach 'fLR recognizes a specific compon en t of a
self" appearance. NK cells are important in eli1nination of pathogen. for exampte, TLRl , 2, and 6 recognize various
hPrpPs vir11.~f'S . For l'x:implf', in h11m:in hPings thatJackNK inicrobial cornpon ents. TLR2 recognizes lipoproteins,
cells, the diseases varicella zoster and cytomegalovirus in- lipoleichoic acid fio1n gra111-pu::.ilive lJacteriC1, and lipoara-
fection (both herpes viruses) are often fatal, whereas the hinoman nan from myroh:irtPria . TLR3 recognizes double-
normal individual is ablc to succcssfully recover from stranded RNA, and is therefore in1portant in viral recog-
tnese 1nfect1ons. 1 he mecnan1sm by whicn tne NK cell nition. ·rtl<4 has a role in transducing the signals of
kills the target involves secretion of perforin molecules lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from gram negative bacteria.
llii:tt C:1rc étlJh: tu puke hules in the cell membrane, permlt- ·rLR5 ts act1vated by flagellin, its spectfic ligand. Thus.
ting caustic granzymf'~ f'ntry tn thf' rytnsol. TLRS is important in the response to flagellated bacteria,
The carly production of interferon y by NK cells is 11elp- bul nol tu Ll 1v:.e ll 1at C1re not. When the baso lateral surface
ful in injtiating a T helpcr 1 type response {described later of the intestinal epíthelium is e.xposerl to fl:igellin an in-
in this chapter) that activates macrophagcs for more cffi- flammatory response occurs. This is the site of expression
Cient killing of sorne bacteria. Other killing mechanisms ot the ·rLRS. ·rLR7 is activated by certain synthetic com-
includc antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). pounds that have anti viral activity. TLR9 rccognizcs bac-
NK cell:; lli=>pléty Lltt: ccll 11u.:1n1Jrane receptor CD16, a low- teria! CpG motifs in DNA. These motifs have recently been
affinity IgG receptor. Ry 11sing this rf'<'Pptor to billd IgG, identificd as important immune modulators (stirnulating
the NI< cell is able to participate in ADCC, ki1Ji11g cells ll1al a T Hl res¡.¡uu~c).
1O PART 1 Tntroduction

RPrognition of viruses by TT.R has hcen reported for which are phenotypically c:D4 and functionally called
sorne viruses. 'fL1~4 binds to onc of thc major surface pro- hclpcr T cclls, produce additional cytokines to influence the
teins on respiratory syncytial virus (l~V), an important dcvclop n1ent of B ceus, which are spccific for the antigen.
pathogen of human children and bovine calves. In an ex- Under the influence of ·r ccll-produced IL-4, B cells dc-
perin1ental mouse model with mutated 1'LR4, RSV was velop and rnature i11tu pla::.111<1 cells secreling antibodies.
found to be cleared less efficiently than from mice that 1-IPlpPr '(' rells procltJC.P rred()minantly IL-4cr11elper 2 cells
have normal TLR4. Otl1er vJruses, such a:> rnuuse II1a1u- v11'u2), whicl1 facilita le production of IgG 1 and lgE.
mary tumor virus, have been ~hown to hincl 1'I.R4 to envc- Another subset of T helper cells responds to presented
lupe p1olelt1s. 111 addition, signaling through ·rLRJ and antigen by making other cytokincs. l 'hese cytokines are
·rLR7 has been shown to induce synthesis of alpha and important in act:ivation of macropbages for killing fa cu l ra-
beta intcrfcrons. tive intracellular bacteria and for supporting otl1er cell-
Other studies with ·rLH. mutant mice have demon- mediated responses. ·r helper type 1 cells produce i11Le1-
stratcd the importance of thcsc receptors in resistance to feron y and IL-2, ü1 addition to 11,.. 12. As noted above, the
bacteria! lnfection. TLR4-mutant mlce are higlrly suscepti- i11ili<tl p1oduclio11 of IL- 12 by the dendritic cell or NK cell
ble to infection with the gram-ncgative bacteria, Salmn- can prejudice the T 11clper cell respon se towards 1'111 • 'fhis
nellu lyphirnuriurr1 . Whereas, 1llicc dcfective in TLR2 are response may be initiatcd through 'fLR binding to the dcn-
highly sensitive to infection with g ram-positive bacteria, dritic cell.
Streptococcus pneun1oniae. J\ntigen presentation for intracellular pathogens fol-
lows the endocytic pathway through tl1e cylu:.ol. When a
virus is replicating in thP rytnsol, v iral proteins are proc-
Acquired lmmunity c:.::.eJ ar1d u11iLed with MJ-IC class l mole<.."Ules. 1'hesc pep-
tide-MHC complexes are then sent to the surtace ot thc
Generation of the lmmune Response cell where they are bound by the CD8 cytotoxic T cells.

The initial step rcquired for initiation of an acquired Effcctor Function. 1'he ultimate result of antigen presenta-
immune response 1s presentation of an antigen to T lym- tlon to CD4 T lympllocyLcs Is the development of an im-
phocytes. mune response. As stated above this response is mPdiaterl
by the type of cytukir1e e11v i1 onn1enl ll1at has been cre-
Antigen Presentation. There are severa! cell types that are c.a- ated. If the T H 2 cytokínes are present, and for most patho-
pal>lt:: uf a11tige11 presenlalion: de11dritic cell, macrophage, gcns there are usually sorne, thcrc will be a humoral (anti
.B lymphocyte, anrl speriali7.Pd c.el ls in the skin called body) response. When the pathogen has skewed thc T
Langerllan's ce/Is. Of these cell typcs, the dendritic cell is hclpcr ccll response towards Ttti cytokine production (this
considered to be a "professional antigen presenting cell" occurs with facultativc rntracellular bacteria a11d viral
antl as such is most efficient at antigen presentation. Tt is pathogens), cytokines are produced to actívate 1nacro-
currently bel1eved that the dendritic cell involved in pri- phages and CD8 ·r cells to become mure effective killer:..
mary antigen presentation is rcsponsible for determining
what type of iuuuw1e re::.)JoH::.e i::. geue1 aled in response Lo Humoral lmmunity (The Antibody Response). The initial introduc-
the pathogen . Suhsets of dcndritíc cells are responsive to tion of antigen to a host followed by presentation of anti-
different cytokines¡ thcy in turn produce cytokines that gcnic peptides to C~D4 'l' cclls rcsults in stimulation of lhcse
influence the 'l' Cell response towards a humoral ('fH2) Of a cells to become ·r helper typc 2 cells secret:ing cytokines
ccllu lar Cftn rcspo11se). For example, production of lnter- that assist B cells in diffcrentiatiing into cells that become
Jeukln 12 (IL-12) by c.1endritic cells is required for initita- antibody produclng plas1na cells. ProJuctiou of lnlerleukin
tion of a Tu 1 response in T lymphocytes. Binding of 'l'LH. 4 (ll.-4) by thPSf' T 112 rell~ results in expansion of B cell
by dendritic cells ar1tl )Jhagucyte::. U1dl pi esenl a11Ligc11 ir1- clones specific to the dífferent epitopes on thc antigen. The
fl11PnrP~ the type of response that is induced, so that it J3 cells also recognize antigenic epitopes on the microbc
is appropriate for thc type of pathogen that is invading and in additio11 develop binding of co-stimulatory mole-
the host. cules on the T cell. Then under the influence of ·r cell cy-
The proccss of antigen presentation occurs either by tokincs, these B cells differentiatc into antibody-produring
the extraceUular (phagocytic) pathway, or by the endo- plasma cells (Fig 2.3).
cytic (cytosolic) pathway. Jnactivatcd and killed organ- The fir.~t antihorly to he produced is lgM and it appears
isms, once digestetl a11J )Jro<:e::.:.eú iu a pl1agoson1c, are in the circulation 7 to 10 days aftcr initiation of the im-
ho11nd to (major histocompatibility) MHC class II mole- mune response. Next, TgG appcars but does not rise to very
cules and are brougl1t to thc ccll surf<icc for presentation to high titcrs in this primary immune response. Subsequent
CD4 ·r (helper) lymphocytes. c11counters ;vith antigen rcsult In a secuuuary ur <111a111nes-
Recognition of the aotigen/MHC class 11 complex by a 'l' tic response. In the secondary r<'~ponse, the kinetics of an-
cell wíth the same MHC: class ll ls refcrred to as MHC- tiliuJy appearar1ce lt1 Lhe circulation are more rapid and
reslrictio11 and is a characteristic of the arquirt>rl immune the quantity of antibody produced is greater. Most impor-
response. Productiun uf JL-2 l>y ll1e T <:ell occurs afler bind- tantly, the isotype that predominates in the sccondary re
ing with the antigenic. peptide and co-stimulatory mole- sponse is predomjnantly lgG. ·r11e longer half-Jife of IgG fa-
cules. Interleukin-2 is a T ccll growth factor that facilitates cilita tes the maintenance of an antibody titer higher for a
clonal expansion of the participating 1· cell. ·rhese ·r cells, Jonger duration of time. Often evaluation of the immunc
Cltapter 2 J1nrnuue Res¡;o11ses tu h1fectiuu~ Agent~ 11

F1G U RE 2 . 3 . lnteraction of antigen-presenting ce//, T helper ce//, and 8 ce// in the

production of antibody.

+ Antigen

l'W'J . .

~º'\ ¿_ _ TL-4, TL-5

\( )) ....__, ' ti·o1n 1'h2 cell

L>evelop1nent of
Expru1sion ofB plasma cells
ce 11 elon!".'>
Th2 cell cell

response (lgG versus IgM) to a disease agent can yield im- have capsules are particularly resistant to engulfment hy
portant information as to the chronicity of the exposurc. phagocytcs unlcss thcy have opsonins present.
It is a well-accept ed diagnostic procedure to obtain acute Generally, the IgE response is limited to parasitic infec-
and convalescent serum samples to be evaluated for anti- tions and hypersensitivity reactions to various cnviron-
lJody tlter an<l tsotype. Cienerally, when a cllsease agent is mental allergens, such as pollens and grasses. Occas1onally,
rPsponsible for clinical sign.s two to three weeks after the IgE is elicited in response to vaccination against sorne bac-
initial appearance of sign.s, the titer will l1ave h1creased by lerial a11d viral palhngeu::;. Whe11 tlll::; occur~, very ~eriuus
at least fourfold if the agent was in volved in the infectious aclvP.rsP. rP.sponsPs, s11ch ;:is ;:in;:iphylactic shock, can result.
process. In an initial exposure to a disease agent, IgM is th.e Often tl1ere is a hereditary predisposition toward IgE pro-
predominant isotype, while a second or tertiary exposure duction and these individuals are at increased risk of hav-
(or vaccination) will elicit mostly JgG. ing such a vaccine reaction. For immunity to parasite infec-
tions, IgE may assist in the phenomenon of "self cure," in
Effector Functions of Antibody. Antibodies can neutralize which large numbers of nematodes are purged from the ¡,rut
virus, bacteria, and soluble toxins. Sorne isotypes of anti- by mast cell mediator-induced smooth muscle contrac-
hndy (TgG, TeM) Ciln lysf' tilT8Pt CPlls ;:iftf'r ;¡('tiv;iting thP tion AltPrn;itivPly, ~nmP i nfP~t;itinns ilrP. contr.olled by :.:in-
complement cascade. Antibodies can facilitate phagocyto- tibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), in which
sis by acting as opsonins to help phagocytes adhere to mi- IgE binds to eosinophils by low-affinity Fe receptors and fa-
ccobes. The antibody response tbat is important in defense cilita tes release of major basic protein and othcr caustic cn- bacteria! disease depends on the pathogenicmech- zymes on the parasite surface.
anisms involved, the site of th.e infectious process, and the
isoLype of Lhe a11Libody elic:iled (Tal>le 2.1). Ir1 a <.lisease
caused by an extracellular toxin, such as tetanus, antitoxin Table 2.1 . Effector Functions of Antibody
antibodies are important to neutralize and bind tl1e toxin
before it can biI1d to cellular sites and initiate clinical Sife of Actione
signs. Th·is mechanism is ilnportant in diseases such as
tetanus, anthrax, and botulism- all roxin-mediated dis- lgM lntravascular Complement fixatíon,
eases. In some instances, when a nonimmune host is at agglutiaation
risk of developing a Loxin -n1edi.aLed disease, iuuue<.liate a<.1- lgG lntravascular CómP.lei;ner1t fixation,
ministration of antitoxin (a solution containing antihocl- neutralization
ies to the toxin) is required to prevent the disease. In order Ti,,ue 'fli:lt't!' Opsonization, ADCCº
to eliminate intectious agents, antibodies serve as opso- JgA Secretions: respiratory, , Neutralízation,on
nins as well as initiating the complernent cascade (activa- GI, salivary mucosa! surfaces
tion through the classical pathway). Opsonins lead to in- lgE 5ubcutaneous Mast-Gell sensitization,
creased uptake by phagocytic cells, whereas complement ~ubm.uc0sal ADCC
activation leads to il1ilialion of iufla1111uatio11 an<.l genera-
tion of compounds that are detrimental to thP. infP.<:tions ªAntíhorly-ilepP.n8eot r.ellular ~t~dty
agcnt (e.g., 1ne1nbrane attack complex), as bacteria that __. . .

12 PART I Introduction

lgA is a ver y desiratJle response to infectious agents that Table 2.2. Effector Funaions of Cell-mediated lmmune
affect mucosal surfaces. Since secretory IgA (STgA) is pro- Responses
tected by a secretory component from digestion in the gut
t>: proteolytic e11zymes, it is the most efficient antibody to Medianism
be active in the cnvironment of thc gastrointestinal
lumea. Ihere lt ca11 neutralize viruses and bacteria to pre- CDS MHC class 1with pept1de Perforin, granzymes, fas-fas
wnt tbeir respective attachn1ent to cellular receptors. li9and, TNFa
.:>Unllar!y, SlgA ls effect:lve wltl1l11 the secretlor1s of tt1e re::;- M:icroph:igc with intr3ccllul3r lntcrfcron y mcdiatcd

piratory tract. Refore a virus ora hac.terinm can infecta cell organtsms activaJion of macrophage
it must first bind t o a ccll surface protein that acts as a re- NK CPll fell~ l~ckin!J MHCI PP.rforin-mP.rfü
cep:or for the infectious agent. Thus. binding of the infec-
~o:lS agent by antibody can inhibit bü1ding to thc rect~p -
:, a.J.d thus lower the intectivity ot the agent. For pected opposite response. In the presence of CD4 ·r lyn1-
_11a:n¡J'.e. influenza virus exprcsses a hernagglutiJ1in that phocytes that make the so called ·r helper cytokines, thc
biI1ds :o certain glycoproteins expressed on epithelial cells 1nacrophage is armed and able to circumvent the bacteria
~r.. ~he respiratory tract. Bindi11g of a11tibodies to thc he- and to kili. The cytokines induce lysosomal fusion and in-
::nagglutiniI1 preveuts e11try uf the virus iutu tl1e:,t: <.:ell:,, crease macrophage !Jacteriocitlal activity. Macroµhagt:::. are
and di<>ea<;e is preventcd. ac.tivated fol lovvi ng the production of interferon y by these
Antibodies are 1nost effective against viruses that un- 'fHl cells. This subset of T helper cells is stimulated subse-
dergo a vire1nic phase, when there are numerous virus q uent to the production of IL-12 by intected macrophages
particles in the extracellular environment. Viruses such an<l NK cells. Th1.1S, the "arn1ing" of inacrophages results
as intluenza virus, for example, are r1eutralized by antibod- in destruction of the infectious agent that tl1e macrophage
ies specific for the major surface antigens (hernagglutinin prcv.iously had been unable to destroy (Fig 2.4).
and neuran1inidase). Other viruses- herpes virus, for
exainple-r.emain very closely assoriatt>ci with ct>lls ;inci clo Killíng of Vir11s-lnfected Ce/Is by Cytotoxic TCe/Is. Pathogt>ns, s11rh
n ot present n1uch opportu11ity for antibody-111ediated inac- as viruses, ll1at live a11d grow inside of cells are best con-
tivation. ·rhe IgA isotype is especially effective on mucosa! tained by elirnination of the cell in which they are repro-
su1·faccs and fu11ctions to ncutralizc virui;cs bcfore entry ducing. Viru:; protcin.:;<: in th<: cyto::;ol are ablc to
into the body. Secretory IgA is an extremely effective de- ciate 'INith surface molecules of the cell for presentation to
fense against respiratory and gastrointestinal viruses, as well 1' cells. Cytotoxic T cells (CD8) recogn.ize an antige.n.ic pep-
as viruses tl1at cause systemic disease but enter vía the oral tide that is l1eld in the groove forrned by the chains of the
route. Virus neutralization occurs because the antibody MHC class I molecule on tl1e cell surface. All nucleated
binds to surface detern1inants of the vlrus a.n d prevenls ll1e ce.lls llave MHC cla~s I 011 t.l1eir surfa(.:e a11<.l are LJ terefure
virus from binding to the cellular receptors to vvhich it n1ust ahle to hind and present antigen from inside the cell in
attach in ordcr to initiatc thc infcctious proccss. thi:; manner. Recognition of the combination of MTIC
The relat1ve 1mportance of ant1body and ce11-mearatec1 cJass l ana antigenic determinant by cytotoxic J' cells (by
inunune respo11sc depends u pon the pathogenesis of the ;vay of aspecific 'f cell receptor) results in the release of pe:-
<.lisease. Fur t'.Xdru¡;le, l.Jacteria tl1at produce potent exotox- forins that make small pores in the cell membrane. 'fhis a!-
i ns, su ch as Clostridiurn tetani, require a11tibodies to neu- lows destructive enzyn1es called granzyrnes to enter the C) -
tral izc the toxiJ1. Heavily e.n capsulaled bacteria, sucl1 as tuplC;1su1. In C;1d<.li.tiu11, tuu1ur uec.rusis fdctor u. ls ¡;rutl ut=~­
.Klebsiella pneurnonía, require opsonizing antibodies for ef- Death of the cell is facil itated hy the interaction of Fa<;-Fas
fcctivc i;cmoval of thc bacteria and ulti1natc killing by ligand system, stin1ulating apoptosis. One CD8 T cell car:
phagocytes. ln contrast, bacteria that are capable of living repeatedly kili infected target cells, programn1ing one x
within pl1agocytcs, such as Listería rnonocytogenes, are not, and the11 on to the next ce11 to kili it (Fig? .5
effectively killecl by an antibody, and requlre the ·r Hl The cyrotox.ic T ceu is an efficient way to decrease \42.
respo11s<~ Jor cffective eli1nination. Sin1ilarly, viral infec- progeny in an infected host.
Lio11s produce viren1ia, sucl1 as il1fluenz:a, are l1<111dled
well by an appropriate a11Ubody response; compared witb Effector Ce/Is Can Use Antibody to Bind Target Ce/Is. Antibod' ct...=...
herpes viruses that are cell-associated and require a cell pendent cellular cytotoxicity (Ai)CC) occurs wl1en ar;u
mediated imn1une response for effective control. body binds to a cell that has receptors for thé Fe portlO!'
im·n 1unoglobuJin G or E. The Fe receptor for t he ga:::=~
Cell·Mediated lmmunity. Cell-medlated ilnmune responses chain is CD21 and the luw affinity lgE rt:(.:e¡.>tur i$ CD2.3
mediated by T cells involve two different mech.anisms: ma- 'l'ht>Sf> molecnles are prt>sent on several types of eifectr.c
cropl1agc activation ar1d cytotoxic T cell activity (Table 2.2). cells, includir1g neutrophils, 1nacrophages, NI< cells are
eosinophils. 1·11e attachment of antibody to a cell tha: p..--e-
Killing of Facultative lntracel/ular Bacteria by Activated Macrophages. viously had no receptor for antigen renders it and:c~
A variety of bacteria have the ability to prevent phago- specific and capable of binding antigen. Besides ~1~ >:c-ll3,.
son1e-lysome fusion. Bacteria that fall into this category eosinophils and macrophages can also beco me in\·o,-ec o
include Brucella, !v'lycobacteriun-1, Listeria, Saln1onella, Rho- ADCC. ADCC is an effective u1ethu<.l uf killiu~ ~ ·
dococcus equi, and others. Wl1en tl1is occurs, tl1e macro- ferteci with microorganisms (viral, hactPrial, or ;'m:=
phage is oflen killed by Ll1e bacteria, ratl1er Ll1a11 tl1e ex- well as parasites. In the case of parasites, the eosir ::- - ,....._
Chupler 2 !II1111uuc Responses tu lnfectious Agents 13

F 1G U RE 2 . 4 . Destrudion of an intracel/ular infectious ae1ent by activated macrophages

stimulated by T helper ce/Is.

lFN y

• •
Macrophage infected CD4+ Tcell Activatcd n1acrophagc has fusion of
" 'ith facultative activated by ly::.osuu1c::. w itJ1 pliugoso111t: unJ
intraeellular bacteria;
bacteria! kills and digcsts intracellular
phago-lysoson1e fusion is
inhibited and killing
anti gen bacteria nftcr contact wi th y
docs not occur lntcrfcron fro1n ( ;fJ4 1 ht:lpt:r ct:ll, ,.
type l

F IGUR E 2.5. DP'1"r11rtinn nf ;¡ vir11s-infected ce// by CD8 T ce//. u

:r: ,...
CDS T Cell
programs First cell uies and T u~c
viru s- ccll movcs on to
p rogram the neX"t
infected cell
iufecled cell to die
<i -
to die
:J ..J
• • -
.::::. ...

leases granules contalnlng major basic protein rendering the 1n VIVO sk1n tcsting for cell-mediated responses has
the cuticle of the parasite permeable. been of even greater use. For determination of recent infec-
tiun status, serum samples are obtained during acute ill-
;incl ;ig¡¡in ?. to 3 ~vccks later. 'fhese acute and con..,:a-

Evaluation of lmmune Responses to lnfectious lescent samples are thcn assayed for anLibody liler u:.i11g
one of the methods describcd in Table 2.3. When the titer
Agents has increascd nt lcast fourfold (two clilutions), seroconYer-
s1on has occurred and the disease agent tor ,,·ruch the
The use of serological assays to evaluate exposure to or in- titers are specífic is confirmed as having stimulated a re
fection wilh baclclial and vi1a1 paLhugens has ueen a cent response. Table 2 .3 lists the common types of immun-
mainstay for control of infectious diseases. Tn addition, for ocli;ignostic tests and sorne examples of disease for \,;hicb
so1nc infcctions, such as those with mycobacterial species, the method has been/is being used.
14 PARr l Jntroduction

Ta b 1e 2. 3. Assay Methods for lnfectious Diseases

Type of Assay Application/Example

Precipitin in gel Coggin's test for antib-Ody to equine infectious anemiavirus (EIA}
. lomplement fixation Antibody titer to Bruce/la abortus
Agglutination Antibody titer to harleria/SalmonPl/a
lndirea lmmunofluores<.ente Anti!Jody ti ter to canine distemper virus (CDV)
Direct lmmunofluorescence Antigen detection in cells: CDV, feline leukemia virus (FeLV)
Virus neutra!ization fuoctional titer of antibody thut prcvcnts virill infcction; cquinc influenza,
bovine respirato¡y syncytial virus
ELISA Detection of antigen (FeLV, parvovirus} or antibody ag11in~ viral, harterial,
fungal, and protozoan antigen)

Antibody-Based Serology (e.g., interferon y), an intraclermal skin test with antigen
frou1 tl11;: µaLl 1vge11 can often be u~ed to de1nonstrate expo-
The current trt:!11u fvr i111111u11odiag11osis utilizes the solid surc or infection. Reccntly, in vitro correlates have been
phasi>-hinding assays, such as thc e nzyme-linked ü11mu- u:;c<l for :iomc di:;cn:;c:;. -,.,1ycobactcriu1n bovis infcction can
nosorbent assay (ELISA). ·rhcsc assays are generally more be diagnosed with intraderrnal infection of tuberculin.
sensitivc than assays based on precipitin formation or WithiÓ 48 to 72 hours of antigen injection, crythema and
complcmcnt fixation. Depending on the disease to be di- tnduration at thc site are apparent in infecteu ¡;atienls.
agnosed, ELISA can be designed to detect antigen (as in fe- Infection with Mycobacteriurn avium subspPciPs jJseudotu-
line leukemia virus and canine parvovirus infections) or berculosis (f uhne:. ageul) ca11 be detected by in vitro
antibody. E.LISA has the atlvantagc tl1at ll 1e fo1 rnal is easily incubation of patiPnt lymphocytes with antigen and sub-
adaptable to eithPr ;i q11ick (positive or negative) read-out sequent analysis of interferon "f levels iJ1 thc culture super
oc Cl titcr dctcrmina tio n. natant. lntection by a<1ditional organ1sms tnat are an1ong
the group callcd facultative intracellular pathogens can be
Cell-Mediated lrnrnunity-Based Diagnostics detected using similar testing strategies.
For those pathogens that induce a strong ·r helper 1 type
immune response wlth production of associatt:!d cytvki11e:;
BtbJioteca I C A P

Laboratory Diagnosis


Bacteria and Fungí are the 1na jor dangers in not analyzi11g samples prornptly.
For t his reason, it is important that the sample be kept
A key decision made early in the diagnostic workup is rnoist (for a sy.ringe fu ll of exudare, this is obviously not
vvhether the patient's condition has an infcctious ctiology. an important consideration) and, if conditions warrant
This decision is important because drugs used to t reat con- (see below), a ir excluded. Molst11ess is inai11lai11eu l>y plac-
ditions witl1 noninfectious etiologies- corticosteroids, for ing the sample in a transport (holding) medium com-
exan1ple- are ofter1 contrainc.licated for treat ment of con- poscd of a balanccd salt solutlon usually in a gelled ma-
ditions with an infe.ctious one, for t.vhirh antibiot i.cs are t nx. Because t11is medium does not contain any nutrient
appropriate. material, m icroorganisms in the sam ple m ultiply poorly if
One of the first majo r goals of tl1e microbiology labora- at ali (and thereby relative numbers and ra rios are pre-
tory is to isolate clinically significant microorganisms serve.o) h11t rf'm ain viable for a time, at least for overn ight
from an affected site and, if more than one type of mi- (exactly how long depe11ds u pon ll1e n1icroorga11 iSHL
croorganism is present, to isolate them in approximately involved- beta hemolytic Strcptococcus, for exan1p le, does
the sarne ratio as occurs in vivo. Whether an isolate is not survivc as long as Eschcrichia coli) . Swabs should al-
"clinically si.gnt ficant" or not depends upon the circum- ways be placed in transpo.rt mectium, regardless of the
stances of i50Jation. For ex.a n1ple, the isola lion of large tirne elapsed b etween processing and collection. Fluids
numbers of a particular microorganis1n from a normally that may contain anaerobic bacteria (e.g., exudate from
stcrilc sitc in thc prcscncc of an inflammatory cytology ciraining tracts, peritoneal and pleural effusions, abscess
wou ld be int erpretect as significant . n1aterial) sl1ould be cultured in1n1edialely. If lllis 111aLerlal
Attention must be given to the si te cultured as well as to is contained in a syringe, then the air should be expelled
t he method of obtai11ing the sample for culture. The deter- a11d a stcrile stopper placed over the needle. If a swab is
n1ínation of significance is rn ade a great deal easier if the used to collect the sample, it should be p laced in an anaer-
:;arnple i:; ul>taiueu fruu1 a r1ur1nally :;terile site . Obtaining obic tra11sport medium. If a syri nge full of san1ple ca11not
a sample from the.alimenta ry canal, anci expe.c:ting mPan- be processed immediately, t he syringe should be e1nptjed
in gful answers, may be unrealistic unless one is looking for into an anaerobic transport rnedi um and held at room
the presence or a bsence of a particular microorganism, for Len1pe1alure. Siu1ilarly p laceu svval>:; are treated ir1 the
examplc, Salmonella oc Campylobacter. same 1nanner. Do not refrigerate sampl <-~'> suspecteci of
containing anaerobes because sorne species do not toler-
ate reduced t emperatures.
Sample Collection
Care mu st be given to how the sample is; if not,
Demonstration of an lnfectious Agent
interpretation of results niay be difficult. Most infectious
processes arise subsequent to t he contaminatio11 of a com- ·rhe preser1ce of an infectious agent is acco1nplished by ex-
p romised sur.tace or site by microorganisms t h at are also a am.i nation of stained sm ears made fron1 a portion of thc
part of the flora occurring on a contiguous mucosal sur- clinical sample, culture techniques, molecular/in1muno-
face. In other words, microorganisms isolated from an af- logical methods, ora con1bination of t h ese methods.
fectec.l site are o ften similar (if not ldentlcal) to those foun d
as part of thf' normri 1flora of the patient. Direct Smears. Information obtain ed from examination of a
~lai11 eLI ::.111ear ls Vdlud!Jle !Jecause tt m aybe t he first indica-

Transport of Samples tion (and sometimes the on ly onP) that anin fectious agent
is present. ;\!so, '"'hat is seen (shape, staining charactecis-
1·11e soo11er the sample is processed in the microbiology tics) will help guide the choice of therapy 24 hours before
laboratory, the better. Realistically, the time bet ween sam- culture results are available. At lcast 104 microorganisms/
ple colleclion and p rocessiug 1uay range from minutes ro ml or gram of n1aterial must be p resent in o rder to be read-
hours. Sample drying (al! m icroorganisms) ancl Pxposure ily detect ed microscopically.
to a noxio us atmosphere (oxygen for obligate anaerubes) A:s is tlie case witt1 a sample obtalned from a normally

16 PART 1 lnl1oduclion

sterile site, the presence of bacteria ln bladder urlne is a slg- without cvidcnce of an infta1nmatory response can be ex-
nificant finding. Howcver, lnterprctation of the results of plained by conlaminated collection devices; contamina-
¡¡11;1ly:.i:. uf uri11c :.Cl111µlc:. u1Jlai11etl IJy ¡;al11eler or by liou uf lite ¡;ull1::clio11 device f1on1 a co11Liguous, i1or111ally
"catch" is difficult hecause of the confounding presence of nonsterile si te; contamination of the mcdium inoculation
flora flushed from the distal urethra . Finding bacteria by devicc in the microbiology laboratory; or contamination
direct smear in concentrated (the preferred) or unconcen- of the medium bctorc lnoculation. Collection devices
trated u rine obtained by percutaneous aspiration of blad (e.g., catheters) sterilized by liquid disinfectants quite
der unne 1s a s1s.rn1ficant f1nding. Demonstration of l bac- often becomc co11tamina1cd by microorganisms able to
teria/oíl field in a drop of unconcentrated urine (which live in such fluids (Pse11don1onas is notorious far this).
has been allowec.I to dry and theu stair1eu) represer1ts <11.Juul Plille:. 111ay lJe :>llt:aked iu any fasl1ion as lo11g as individ-
1os to 106 h;:irtPri;:i/ml of 11rinf'. ual colonies are produced after incubation. Assessing rela-
Two types of stain3 are available, thc grarn :;tain and tivc numbcrs is vcry subjcctivc, und cvcry laboratory has its
Romanovsky-typc stains such as Wright's or viemsa. Each own way of doing this. Rclative numbers of microorganisms
type of stain has advantages and disadvantages. The gram may be reported by noting how much growth occurs on
stain is useful in that the shapc a11d thc gran1-staining the surface of thc platc. Obviously, gro~vth of one colony
characteristics of the agent are seen. Tl1e disadvantage of (the offspring of 011c bactcdum) vs. growth af colonies over
the gran1 staln IS that the cellular contcnt of the sample is the whole pl<1te wuulu !Je viewed differe11Uy will11cspect to
not readily discerned On t h e other hand, a Rnm;inovsky- sign ificance. Determination of tl1e actual numbers
lype stain gives the observer a feel ing'for the cellular na- of bacteria present is only important whcn analyzing urine
ture of the san1plc and whether or not there is an infec- obtained by "catch" or cathetcr because of the problem of
tious agent prcscnt. Cytologic cvaluation of the sa1nple is contamination of the sample by bacteria in tl1e distal ure-
very important in assessing the significance of the n1i- thra. In this instance, disposable calibrated loops contain-
croorganism sccn and subscquently grown. ing 0.001 or 0.01 mi of urine are used to inoculate appropri-
ate media (blooc.l/MacCunkey, fur excuuµle) . Greater ll1an
Culture Techniques. Media are inoculated with a portian af ios bacteria/mi of 11rinP ohtainPrl hy catheter or "catch" is
the specirne11. l110<..:ulaliuu :.l1uulu IJe ve1(01u1ed ll1 a se111i- co11sidcred significant (i.e., the bacteria are more likely to be
quantitativc fashion (especially samples of bladder urine coming from the bladder rather than the distal urethra).
obtained by catheter or catch). Acrobic Bacteria. l"hc standard med.ium inoculated for
Determination of the relative numbers ot microorgan- the isolation of facultative lllicroorganisms is a blood agar
isms in a sample greatly helps interpretation of signifi- plate. Many laboratories include a MacConkey agar plate
cance. Colonies of m1croorganísms gro>vlng on ali four as well (or as a "split" plate with blood agar on balf ancl
quadrants of a petri plate indicate that there are largc MacConkey agar on the other half). MacConkey agar is
number:. uf rni<..:ruurga11.l:.111:> ill tl1c :;au1µlc. If a sa111µle u:.eful ue¡;au:.t: e11L1::1ic n1ic1oorga11is111s (n1eu1bcrs of the
yiPl<IP<I onP or two coloniPs growing on the plate, the sig- Family Enterobacteriaceae, e.g., Eschericllia coli, Klebsiella,
nificancc of thcsc calonics and th us the question as to the Enterobciclcr) grovv very well, as does the noncntcric T'scudo-
infectious etiology of the condition would be in doubt. 1nonas. Most othcr noncntcri.c gram-negative rocts and ali
"Enrichment" prior to plating of a sa1nple obtained from a gram-positíve microorgan ísn1s do not grow well on this
normally sterile site should never be done beca use one mi- n1cdium. Borcletel/a g rows as tiny pinpoint colonies after 24
croorganism can grow to numbers that equal 1nany thou- hours; b11t aftPr 48 ho11rs of incuhation, the colonies will
sa11ds in a very short period o í l i111c. Obviously n1ore cTe- he quite large. A:;sessing the growth on MacConkey agar
<lence wi 11 hf' givPn to a prnc:ess from wh ich thousands of will help greatly in d etermining the prescnce or absence of
microorganisn1s were i:;olated than to a sample from enteric organisms, the group of bacteria n1ost difficult to
which one was isolated. An important exception to this dcal with therapeutical ly.
general "rule" is whether the presence or absence of a par- Anaerobic Bacteria. Anaerobic bacteria grow on blood
ticular microorganism is s1gnifica11t, e.g., Salmonelfa in a agar that is spectally prepared by ridding t he metliu111 a:s
fecal specimen. from a clinical pcrspective, the use of en- much as possible of oxygen a nd its proc1ucts. 'f'he plates
richrnent !Jrotli:., utllt:r tl1a11 fur ll tt: uele1111 i11aLion of Lhe con1e fron1 the n1anufacturer in sealed pouches designcd
prPsPncP or ;:ihsPnC<' of a particular species of bacterium, is to exclude air. After anacrobic plates are inoculated, they
n1ore troublc than it is worth. Too often, eruichment cul- should be placed in a container of flowing oxygen free
ture results lead to the unnecessary workup and treatment Cü 2 or placed directly into an anaerob1c environment.
of a contaminating microorganism. (Note that anaerobic blood plates that have been removed
Determination of significance is aided by the cytology from thcir pouchcs should be stured in fluvviI~ uxyge11-
of the sample obtained from thc affected site. Isalatian free C02 orinan anaerobic PnvironmPnt.)
(clemonstratiou) uf 11uu1cruu:> 1uil.:ruuq~a11is1ns f1on1 a nor- Whcn to inocula te n1edia for anaerobic lncubation de-
m;:illy stPrilP sitf' without thc presente of inflammatory pends upon the source of the sample. Processing samples
cells should be viewed with suspicion. The one exception for anacrobcs is tim<.'-cOnsuming and expensive. The most
to this rule is cryptococcal infection wherein the samplc common si tes or conditions that contain anaerobic bacte-
may contain a large number of yeast cells but vcry few in- ria are draining tracts¡ abscesses; pleural, pericardial, and
flamn1atory cells (thc cryptococcal capsule is immunosup- peritoneal effuslons; pyometra; u~tt:u111yelili:.; aud lungs.
pressive). The isolation or demonstration of a "significant Anaerobic culture of sites that contain a population of
number" of fru111 a 11ur111ally :>lerile sile a11aerobic bacteria as part of the normal flora is wasteful
Chapter3 Laboratorv

.,...:...: a, d istal urethra, oral cav1t y). An excep- where rnany animals are at risk and prompt, accu-
=-:;:;.:c --e cr.lhl re of cl11oclenal aspirates for assessment rate cl iagnosis is critic;:il to t he instit11tion of control
~-_,.• O""<'..-gro"l-,·th. In this instance, the relative num- methods (such as vaccir1ation).
'::!:~a:re ··;hat are sought (overgrowth is usually con- 3. In instances of potentially zoonotic d iseases like ra-
u.:::==.;::::. --::-se~r ~,·ben the total number of bacteria, anacr- bies, West Nile fever, cquine cncephalomyelitis, par·
- ~-"bes, exceeds 108 /ml of co11tents). Anaerobic ticularly when human exposure has ocurred.
: ¡:!:e urinary tract is not routinely pe.rformed be- 4. In deter1nining the et iology of new d isease, or in
~:s:-~::: _ecovery of these rnicroorganisms from this site defintng uncharacterlzed aspccts of eXlsting ones.
t:e::e.:nelY ;a re.
Tissues for virus isolation should be collected from re-
.: :c...z ..11munologic Methods. Sometimes it is ilnportant to ccntly dcad animals whenever possible (Tables 3.1 and
dctcrrninc thc prcscncc or absence of a particular microor- 3.2). Collection of appropriate specimens during the acute
ganísm as quickly as possible so that appropriate measures phase of the disease, and in.clusion of additional submis-
can be ta.k en to deal '"'ith the problem. This is especially sions from similarly affected animals, enhances the like-
true vvhen infectious agents are suspected that pose a lihood of isolating viruses. Thc following factors should
threat to other anima Is, inch1cling h1 1m;:in c·;:irp givers (e.g .1 l.Je cu11~iuered in selecting clin ical specimens: 1) type of
Saln1011ella, Leptospira). Likewise, son1e infectiou s age11ts d isease (e.g., respiratory- l11ng or trachi>a, or vc~slcular­
take so long to grow in culture tl1at formulation of a ra- vesicle or skin biopsy), 2) tl1e age and species ofhost, 3) the
tional therapeutic strategy is difficult (e.g., sorne funga l nature of the Iesions in affected animals, and 4) the size of
agents, Mycobacteriu1n). Still oth ers are hard to detect be- carcasses (able to be shipped on ice?). 'fhe following is a
cause they are difficult to culture (e.g.1 Leptospira, rick- systematic approach for the rapid laboratory diagnosis of a
t::tt~iae) or 11ave r1ut been cultured in artificial media (e.g., viral-caused disease in animals:
C/ostrídium piliforrnis, T,aivsonia intrar.t?ll11/aris) . Tn these il1- l. Exa1u i11atioo (gro~~ a11u histologic) of the dlseased
stances, various tech.n iqucs are available. animal/tissues as a p resumpti ve diagnosis for ;:i vir;:il
Immunologically based tecl1niques make use of anti- etiology.
bodies specific for t he n1icroorganisrn in question. ·rhese 2. Measurement of the developrnent of viral-specific
antibodies are usually imrnobilizect on a soUd support and antibodies (acute and convalescent sera) during
are used to trap t he agent. The presence of the t rapped clinical disease.
agent is then detected speclflc antibody that has been 3. Imm unohistochemical st of tissue sections
labeled in sorne way (usually with a color reagent). Sorne with virus-specific antibodies to detect JodJv.idual
kits 111aking use o( l11is app1oach are co1nn1ercially avail- vi ral anti gens in the tiss11e_
able (e.g., Salrnonella). 4. Ex.amination of feces, plasma, o r serun1 by in1-
Molecular tcchniqucs utilizing DNA probes specific for n1unoassays that detect specific viral antigens (e.g.,
a segment oí UNA tl1at is u11ique to the microorganism ir1 rotavirus in feces, fcline leukemia viru s in serurn,
q uestion, or the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using bovine respiratory syncytial virus in lung).
specific DNA primers, have been designed for a num ber of 5. Exarnination of positive- or negative-stained speci-
agents. mens by electron microscopy to identify the rnor-
phology of virus. 'l'his d iagnostic procedure is lim-
ited by the co11ce11tratlon of viral parlicles required
Virus fordetection (>105/ml).
6. Isolation or am p lification of infcctious virus in cell
General Considerations cultures and identification of the virus propagated
The diagnosi.s of viral diseases traditiunally has been both from clinical su bmission.
tedious and tüne-consurning, but i11creasingly is expedited
Many viral diseases do not kili the host, but the host
by modern technolohries such as the polymerase chain re-
may serve as a reservoir of virus and disseminate the virus
action. Prompt and accurate diagnosis of viral diseases is
therefore essential for an effective course of disease preven- to other co11tact a11in1als. Serological assays cae1 ~0111eti rnes
tiou a11tl <.:011trul. be used to determine which animals carry specific viruses
Pn1pf'r methods of collecting and processing clinical and which animals are suscept ible to infection.
specin1ens anda con1plete history are vital lo ll1e successful lt is to be emphasized that merely isolating a virus from
an animal does not necessarily implicate that virus as thc
isolation of viru ses. 1'issues that are extensively autolyzed
or poorly stored usually do not yield infectious virus be- causative agent o.t any <lísease t hat is occurr1ng- 1n tnat an-
imal. It is very important to confirm that the isolated virus
cause of the suscept ibility of most viruses to detrimental
en,rironmental conditions. Viral isolation and/or identifi- produces a sirnilar cli~t::ast:: in the sau1e u r relatec.I species,
catiou shuultl l.Jc atternpted in the followin g conditlons: which may even involve the inoculation of susceptible or
nonim1.uune a11i1nals. When two or more viruses are iso-
l. During outbreaks of vesicular disease in livestock Jated from a specimen, a clear interpretation of the role of
(e.g., fout-and-mouth d isease in cattle, pigs, sl1eep, each isolate in the disease process is alsC> necessary. Finally,
or goats). it must be remernbered that vaccine stratns of viruses can
2. During outhreaks of clise;:is~ in J;:irgr :1nimal popula- also be reisolated from vaccinated anilnals, and can b€
tiC>ns such as feedlots, poultry houses, or catteries confused witl1 true field strains.
18 PAKr 1 Introuuctio11

Table3.1. ~uggested ~pecimens from Mammalian Species for Virus tsolation and ldentificatlon

Type of lllness Common Name or Associated Other lnfections Oinical Specimens to Collect Diagnostic klentification
or lnfection Virus Tem

Kespiratory Adenovirus (bovine, porcine, Nasal and ocular secretions, feces, lu119, VI (CPE), HA, CF, FA, VN
canine) brain, tonsil
lnfectious canine heµalilb Spleen, liver, lymph nodes, kidney, blood VI (CrE), HA, FA, VN
Bovíne viral díarrheü (muc<>s<>I Genital, abortions, enterk Nasal secretions, oral Jesions, lung, splei!n, VI (CPE and virus interference},
disease) (pestivirus) blood, mesenteric iymph nodes, intestinal FA, VN
mucosa, vaginal secretions, fetal tissues.
uncloned blood
lniectious bovine rhinotracheitis Central nervn11~ ~Pm Nasal and ocular secretions. lung. tracheal VI (CPE). FA. VN
(her ¡.¡e)vir U)) (CNS), yt11ilal, swob, tr0<heol >C9ment, broin, voginol
abortíons secretions, serum, aborted fetus, liver.
spleen, kidney
Feline rhinotracheitis (herpesvirus) Nasal and pharyngeal secretions, VI (CPE and inclusions), FA
conjunctival membranes, livP.r, lung,
1pleen, kiú11ey, )dlivary gland, brain
Equine rhinopneumoniti~ Genital. abortions Placenta, fetus, lung. nasal secretions. FA, VI (ECE and CPE}, VN
(herpesvlrus) lymph nodes
tnfb1P.n2a (f>llnine. porcine) Nasal and ocular secretions, lung, tracheal VI (ECE), HA. Hl
(orthomyxovirus) swab
Parainfluenza (bovíne. equine. Nasal and ocular secretions, lung, tracheal VI (tCE), HA. HI, VN
porcine, ovine, canine) swab
Bovine respiratory syncytial Trachea. lung, n¡¡s;if iecrPtinns, dnttf'd hlood VI (CPE). fA ELISA
virus (pneumovirus)
Bovine herpesviru~ 4 (Mnv;1r, Abortíons (?) Trachea. lung, nasal secretíons. fetus. clotted VI (CPE), FA, V~
DN599) blood
Reovirus (bovine, equine. canine. Feces, intestinal mucosa, nasal and VI, HA, HI
feline} pharyngeal secretions
African horse sickness Whole blood in anticoagulant. lesion VI (CPE and mice), VN
(orbiviru')ª material. naql ~ml ph;,ryn(JP~I <Pl'rPtionc
Malignant catarrhal feve~ W11ule !Jlood in anticoagulant, lymph nodcs, VI (CPE}, CUSA, rA, VN, EM
(herpesvirus) spleen. lung
Pseudorabies• {herpesvirus) CNS, genital, abortions Nesal secretions, tonsil, lung, brüin (midbrain, VI (CPE and rabbits), VN,
pons, medulla), spinal cord (sheep and EUSA, FA
canle), spleen (swine), vaginal secretion,
Canine herpesvirus Kidney, liver, lung, spleen, nasal. VI (CPE and inclusions), FA, VN
oropharyngeal, añd vayi11dl >t!l.I dions
Por(ine inrlucinn horly rhinitis Turbinate, nasal mucosa EM, VI (CPE), FA, VN
Equine rhinovirus Nasal secretions, teces VI (CPE}, VN
Maedi-V15na, ovine progressive CNS CSF, whole blood, salivary glands, lung, VI (CPE and sheep}, VN, Cf
pneumonia (retrovirus, mediastinaf lymph nodes, choroid plexus,
lentivirus} spleen
Bovine rhinovirus Nasal secretion~ VI (CPE}, VN
Rift valley fPv<>rª (hovinP, ovine) Whole blood in anticoagulant. fetus. liver. Vl (CPE and rnice), VN, CF, FA
(pi 1lebovirus) spleen, kidney, brain
Enteric B.ovine enterovirus Feces, oropharyngeal swab VI (CPt)1 VN
Transmissible gastroenteritis Feces, nasal secretions, jejunum, ileum VI (newborn pig~). FA. fM
Neonatal diarrheas
1. Rotaviruses Fece), ~mdll inlestine VI (CP( witn trypsin), ELISA,
2. l'a1voviruses Abortion Fcc~,intestinal mucor..o, rcgion;il lymph VI (CPE}, fA. EM, HA, HI, VN
nodes, bram, heart
Chapter 3 Laboratory Diagn.osis 19

T a b 1e 3. 1 . Continued

T~p_e -of Jllness Comllion Name or Associated óther lnfettions €1inical Specimens to CoJlect Diagnost{c ldentífic.ation
of lnfcdion Virus Tes:t:S

VI (ll'~ witfi trypsin), fA, tM


3. Coronaviruses feces, small intestine

Picornavirus. ~Jv1ffll (enteroviru5) Feces, intestine, brain, tonsil. fiver VI (CPE), VN, EM
f'olioencephalitis (Teschen, CNS BraiA, intestine, feces VI. (CPf),. VN
Talfan) (enterovirus)
Rínderpest• (mO:rbiHivirus) Blood in anticoag.ulant, spleen, mesenteric VI{CPE ·and cattle), AGID,
lvmph nodes Cf, VN
Peste des petits ruminantsª Blood in anticoagulant, spleen, mesenteric VI {CPE and goats), VN, Cf,
(morbilfivírus) lympll nodes AGIO
C.entral nP.rvnus Rahi1>' (lyssavirus) Brain, salivary gtand VI (mice <md indusions), FA, VN
system (CNS)
Equine encephalomyelitis Whole bíood, brain. cerebrospinal fluid, VI (ECE and micel, HA; HI,
{VEE,ª EEE, WEE)b (alphavirus) nasal and pharyngeal secretions, pancreas vN, cr
LotJpíng ill encephalomyelitisá ~

(flavivirus) Whole bfood, brain, cerebrospina1fluid VI (ECE and CPf), FAr VN, HI
Hemagglutinating Brain, sP,irial .eord, tonsH, blood VI (l'PE), HA, HAO, VN, FA
encephalomyelitis virus
Caprine arthritis encephalitis Arthritis B[óod, spinaf cord VI (f PE), Afilo, Fl.ISA r
(retrovirus, peAtivirus) ~
Japanese Bencephalitisª Brain, CSF VI (ECE and mice). lgM, VN, CF. e
(flavivirus) HI, FA, ELISA
Berna disease (unclassífied} l!rain, spínal cord
Vl(ECE and rabbits), FA,.Cf "
Prion diseases" Brajn VI (mice and sheep), MI{?)
Mucous membranes Poxviruses Lesion scrapings, lesions, fluitls, VI (ECE, CPE,.and rabbits), HA,
and skin 1. swiñe pox (suipoxvirus) crusts. liver. spleen Hi. VN, FA, FM
2. vaccinia (orthopoxvirus)
3. cowpox (ortliojlo:XVirus)
4. sheep and goat.poxª

Foot-and-mouthª disease E.nteric lesion material, tonsil, vesicular fluid, hoof VI (CPE and neonatal mke),
(Aphthovirus) lesions, esophageal-pharyngeal (ep) CF, VN, FA, AGID, ELISA
flaid,s, ali tissues
Bovine ma111millitís (herpesvirus) lesion scrapings, lesions, teat swab, fluid VI (CPE), VN
exudates from lesion
Vcsicul¡ir stomatitisª VcsiCular fluid, epltheliaf (OVering of lesions, VI {CPE), VN, CF
(ves1culov1rus) whole blood, regional lymph nodes,
V.esicular exanthema of swineº Vesicuíar fluid, epith,elía! covering of foot VI (CPE), Cf, VN, AGID
(t!alicivirus) lesíon, tonsil lymph node, serum, nr;il ;ind
nasal leslons
5111/ine vesicular diseaseª Vesicular fluid. epithelial Eovering of lesion. VI (CPE). VN, FA, AGIO
(cntcrovirus) oral or nasal !esions
Papillomaviruses Neoplasia Lesion ma.teri.ál, warts, skin scraping EM, cell transformation, PA
Contagious ecthyma ORF Scabs, lesions on lip VI (fCE and CPE); VN, !\(;ID,
(parapoxvirus) fA,.EM
Bovine papular storhatitis Les.ion hiop~. 'ff~rin9 m11nle, mouth, teats VI (ECE and t':PE), EM
Genital and/or Enteroviruses CN5, respiratory Vaginal secretions, serum from dam or s-0w, VI (CPE). VN
ab.ortions nasal swab, tonsil, btaín (swine), feces
(cattle and swine)
Parvovirus (swine) Vaginal secretions, serum from dam or sow, VI (CP.E), FA, HA, HI
lung (mummified fetus)
20 PAKr l lntro<..luction

Table 3 . 1 . Continued

Type of lllrress Common Name :or Asso<latéd Ot!Jer lnfections Clinícal Specim!!lls to <oltect Diagnostic ldentíficat.ion
or Jnfection Virus Tests

Bluetongue, ~plzooirc Hemorrh?glC syndrome; serum from dam, fetal·heari, hepar1n1zed VI (CPE and E·CE)c Cf, AGID, FA,
liemorrhagit disease of deer, (virertlia), respiratory blood, spleen, hone marrow, lympn nooes, VN, EM
lbaraki íorbiviFu.S) lung,.~emen
Equine viral arteritis (Pestivirus) · Whole blood, nasal and pharyn9ea~ VI (€f'El. GF, AGIO, FA
~ecretiops; placenta, fetus; spleen, nostril,
lymph nodes, conjunctíval sac, semen
Border disease (hairy shaker) CNS Brain, spleen, bi·ood, bone marrow VI (CPE and interference),
(pestivirús) FA, VN
Alabaneª {Bunyavin1s} Plac~nta, 'fetal muscle, Aerve tissues VI íCi'E and svtl<ling min~),
.. FA, Vft HI, HA
Hemorrliage Ho9 choleraª (pestivirus) Tonsíl. spleen, líver. brain, lymph nodes VI (pigs), FA, VN
syadrcome (vtremia)
Equine iM.fectious. anen,:iia Who.le blood, spleen, lymph nodes VI (CPE and horses), FA, VN, CF,
(retrovjrus, PeAtivirus} EUSA, AGIO
Atrican swine feVer1 (lridovirus). Btood in anticoagofant, spleen, liver, tonsil, VI (CPE and pigs). HAO, HA, Cf,
iy·mph nodes FA, RIA (r;idioimmum'las.lay),
EllS.I\, JtOP (im111unoelectro-
Narrobi sneep dísease• S¡¡leen; blood (plasma), mesenteriC'lymph VI (intracerebral suckling mice),
(Nairovirosl nodes FA
Ríft v<!lley fever" (phlebovirus) Fetus, J)looa io antkoagtilant; livcr, splccn, VI (CPE and suc~ling )'lamsters
kidÍley, braln, serum or mice), VN, Cf, A(jJD, ,HI, ~A
.......,.., .
..~.......asta Retrovirus (bovine, fetirie) lmmunodéficiency, Lymph·nodes•. metastatie;growths, b.lood in VI, reverse traoscriptase, Ef\111
(ontovirinae) leo1<emia, anemia antiEoagulant serum ELISA, fA, Western
i mmunoblot

AGIO=·aga>gel immunodiffuSion, Cf = Eomplement tixation, EOFAl = complement.fixatioll for avían Jeukosis, CPE= cyto11athic efféct. ECE = embryonating chicken eggs, EM = électron microscopy,
FA = imm11nofloorescenr.e. HA =hem,ag9l11:tinin. HAO = hema~orption. RI = hemagglutination inhioitiori, RJA = radioiinmunoassaY., VI =virus isolation,VN =J1irus neutrali:ration, MI = molewlar/
'lleportable ;'1!$eaie or a foreign animal dísease in l!níted States.
~VEE =Venezuelan equíne enc~flalomyelltis, EEE= eastem equine encephalomyel.itis, WEE =western equtne encépl\alomyelitis.

lsolation of Virus from Clinical Specimens

lular monol.ayers and absorbed 1 hour or longer at 3.SºC to
Cultivation in Tissue Culture. Viruses are isolaled fro111 cli11ical 37ºC, and tl1e inoculun1 is left 011 or renioved and fresh
specimens hy inoculating susce.ptihlP primary or contin11- media added. Ino(u!ated and uninfected cell cultures are
ous cell cultures derived fro m the host or related species, observed for 7 to 10 days. Viral cytopathic effect (CPE) in
embryonated eggs. o r laboratory animals. Specime11s sub- cells is usually evident betvvee11 24 and 72 11ours tor most
mitted for viral isolation should be placed in virus trans- cytopathic viruses (Fig 3.1 ). However, for most clinical ma-
port media (e.g., a balancect salt solution containing an- terial containing low concentrations of virus, several (>3)
tibiotics) in sealed containers for safet y in handling. They blind cell passages are recommended.
shoulcl tJe clearly itlent ifiecl l>y appropriate labeling, an<..l Afler a virus has been den1onstrated at lin1iting dilution
s11hm on ícP (4ºC:) or froze.n (- 20º\.)_ to replicate in a cell by CPE or other parameters. infectious
Specimens should be collected from live animals during virus is released from cells by th..rcc c::yclcs of hcczc- t haw or
acute pl1ases of tl1e disease. Dependi11g on the specific dis- sonication, tol1owed by centrifugation anct storage to
ease process, excretions or secretions, swabs of body orí- maintain maximum infectivity. Eacl1 virus isolated should
fices or liquids (lymph o r blood), and tissue conected by be itlentifie<..l as to .s pecies of origiu, 111orpl 1ulogic Lype, pas-
biopsy are all suitable specimens for viral isolation. ln the sage leve!, and host cell used for propagation.
laboratory, tissue specimens are processe<..l as a 10% or ZOo/o
(w/v) homogf'n<ltf' in ¡¡ h;:il;:inc.Pd s;:ilt snh1tion ;:ilong with Embryonated Eggs. A n1nnher of mammalian viruses, and
antibiotics. lleavily contaminated specimens may b e fil- many avían viral pathogcn::; cun be isolutcd in cmbryonat-
tered to remove other microorganisms. Virus isolation ing chicl<en eggs (E(:E). A key to successful viral isolation
should be conducted in cell cultures free of contaminating in ECE is the route of inoculation (Fig 3.2). Candled ECE
agents such as noncytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus that die within 24 hours after inoculation are considered
or mycoplasma. traumatic deaths. Subsequent deatbs of inoculated ECE
To isolate virus, tissue homogenates are p laced onto cel- are placed at 4QC for ~everal l1our:s (to avoid he111orrhages)
Chapter 3 Laboratory Diagnosis 21

Table 3.2. Suggested Specimens trom Avian Species tor Virus lsolat ion and ldent itication

Typ_e 9f fllness Cq11mi9n Name or Assoóated Clinical Specimens to Collect

Respiratory Newcastle disease CNS Tracheal or cloaca! swabs, luffq, spleen, ijver; VI (ECE, CPE), VN, HA, Hí
WNDª (paranwxovirus) kidney, bone marrow
Avlan. Influenza• (fowt plague Diop In egg production, n achea, lung, aif sac, sinus exudate, liver, V~ (tlt), HA, HI, Alli'; VN
virus) (ortfiomyxovirus) enteríc spteen, blnod, croara! ~;ih
lnfectious bro11chitis (corol"lavirus) Ne¡ih~osis, drop in egg lun_g,.trachea¡ ttacheal swabs VI (ECE tr.id1eal rí119 lullur'e~),
production VN, HA HI, EM
Herpesvirus of
1. psittacines (Pacheco's Disease) liver¡ spleen, lntestine VI (ECE, tíirds), VN, FA, EM
2. cranes
3. pigeons
4. owls
s, fakons
Laryngotfacheitis (herpesvirus) Trach~a or tracheal'E!XUdate, lung VliECE, CPE), AGPr VN, FA
J\vian adenovirus Eggclrop syndrome, Trachca, lung. air sacs, intestine, feces VI (ECE, CPE), AGP, VN, FA
hepatitis, enteritis
f'r\terk (pronavira! enteritis of turkeys lotestine, bursa of Fabr(dus, ceca VI (ETE), FA, V.N
Reovirus lntestine, teces EM, VI
Central nervous Avían encephalomyelitis Brain VI (Chkks. ECE), VN; FA
system (enterovirus)
Alphavirus infections (eastern Serum, _b.rain, heart, spteen. liver Vl (ECE, mlce, CPE). VN, CF, HI
and western equine
Turkey meningoencepñalitis Brain, spleen, serum VI (EE:E, mice, CPE), VN, Hr
Mutous membranes Avipoxvirus Nodular skin resiol'is, scab Vl ·(ECE-, CPE), AGP, HA, VN, FA,
~flJ.I ~i'-i11 l. Pi9~011 pox immunoperoxídase
2. Canary pox
3. fowl pox
4. TurJ<ey_ pox
Hemorrh¡¡gic syndrome Vi'ral arthritis- (reovirus) Synovial fluid from ti&iotarsal or VI (CPE, ECE), J\GP, VN, FA
{viremia) tibiofemoral joints, spleen swab
Dt1ck plague (duele virus Liver, spleen, blood VI (CPE, EDE), VN
enterttts) (herpesvirns) .
Hemorrttagic. enteritis of tutlieys Jnte~inal rontP.nts, splP.P.O VI (CPF, poulfs), A'GP, EM
or marble s¡¡leen of pheasants
(, t~pe2J
TurJ(ey viral hepatitis Liver Vl·(fCE)
fnfectious bursal disease lmmunosuppression Spleen, bursa VI (ECE), VN, AGP
Fledgling disease (papovavirus) Bone marrow, kidney, heart, spleen VI (CPE), VN, E.M, EA
Chicleen anemia agent lmmunosuppression, Spleen, bursa, thymus, 'blood VI (chicks), EM, VN, ELISA
(parvovirus) pancytopenia
Neoplasia leukosis and sarcomas (rettovirus, W.líolc J:> lood, plasm<i, ~loacal 5wab5, RT, VI (CPE, cell ttaosform,ati.on,
oncovirinae) rne<omum, albJJmr.n, embryos, tumors ECE), ELISA, FA; COFAL lmm.unosuppressiori, Spleen, tumor tissue, beparinizeil biood VI (Cl1E, ETE), FA, R-T; AGP, VN
(1el1 oviru~, ontuvitin'éle) lymphoma
Mare!<'s disease (herpesvirus) Blood, tumor, liídney, spleen, feather~ VI (<;PE, !iCE), AGP. VN, FA

AGJD =agar gel fmmuoodiffusioQ, AGP agar gel ~recipitin, Cf = ~oniplement fixatioQ, COF.Al =cpmpJement-fixation for avian leukosis, CPE = c:ytopathic effect. ECf =embryooating chicl:en eggs,
EOE = ernbryonating dQd( eggs, EM =electron mía:oscopy, EJE= embryonating turke.}'l!ggs. FA =,immuoofluor.<rPnre,. HA: hom•gglotinin: HAD :hell)adsorption, HI ~hefnaggltitination inhibi-
tion, RIA= tadloJmmunoassay, RT ~ reve,se tra~ciiptase, V1" virus isolatíon, VI>!= viws n•4.traliz,ati 0n, WND = velogeniGviscerotropic f>!cwcastlc diocosc.
22 PART I Introduction

F 1G U RE 3 . 1 . Cytopathic effect (syncyti;i/) nn hnvinP fpt;¡/ kídney ce/Is by the herpes virus of
malignant catarrhal fever (X200).

·,. •

• •
.. ~ .


V, •

• \ l

"• • ,...
.~ ••


• •• •

' •

. .
~ ~·\


"'. •
• ~~ ,. •
41 ,,., • · • "

F 1 G U RE 3. 2 . The chicken embryo (10 to 12 days olú) <Jnú ruule~ uf ínutuldliu11 lu reach the
various ce// types (as indicated). For chorioallantoic membrane inoculation, a hole is first drilled through
the egg shel/ and shell membrane; the sheU over the air sac is then perforated, causing air to enter
between tf1e sf1el/ rnernbr<Jne cnú l/1e tl1uríuallanloic 111e1nbrane, creating an artificial air sac, where the
sample is deposited. The samp/e comes in contact with the chorionic epithelium. Yolk sac inoculation is
usual/y carried out in younger (6-day-old) embryos, in which the ynlk sac is larger. (RPprnd11rP.d with
pertnission from Davis BD et al. Microbiology. 2nd ed. llagerstown, MD: Harper and Row, 1977.)
Chorioallantoic membranc inoculation

Amniotic cavity
Shell membrane

Shell yA!rsac
Amniot ic inoculation

\ \ Yolk sac inoculation

Yolk soc
Allantoic inoculation

cavity Chorioallantoic membrane
Chapter 3 Laboratory Diagnosis 23

prior to collection ot tluids or visual examination ot the virus. In IEM, specific antibody to a virus, prcferably poly-
embryos and egg membranes. Embryos that are stunted, clonal, is mixcd 'vith virus for 1 hour to produce antigen-
dcformed, edematous, or hemorrhagic, and membranes antibody complexes. ·rhese immune complexes are cen-
that contain lesions (Le., pocks) should be homogenized trifuged at 1000 X g onto Formvar-coated grids, then
in a slcrilc bala11ccd salinc as a 10% (w/v) suspei1sion aud :.lai111:Ll wil11 4% PTA, ¡.¡H 7.0 and examined by EM. T he re-
repassaged in ECE or cell cultures. To avoid toxicity, a dilu- action of viral fluids with <;pPcific ;.in1tP or conv;.ilP<:Cf'nt
tion of thc inoculum is done. serum as vie"ved by EM determines if a virus is associated
with a specific diseasc. This procedure has been used suc-
Animal lnoculation. The inoculation of susceptible labora- ccssfully for viruses associated with infectious diarrhca.
rory anlmals remalns a useful procedure for the identifica-
tion proccdure for the idcntification of sorne viral patho- lmmunofluorescence. lmmunofluorescence is a visible fluo-
gens, particularly thosc Lhal are llighly fasLidious and re:;c1:11ct: acce11Luatct.1 uy ultraviulet light as a specific anti-
difficult to propagate in other systems. body covalently ho11n<l to ;.i f111orochromf' (e.g., fluores-
cein isothiocyanatc, rhodamine) t hat con1bines '"'ith a
ldentification of Viruses or Viral Antigens in Clinical Specimens fixed antigen. This technique provides a sensitive and
rapid method for detecting and identif·ying spccific viruscs
Electron Microscopy. Electron mlcroscopy (EM) can be used in eíther tissues or cell cultures (Fig 3.3). Tmmunofluore-
to rapidly identify the morphology and size of any virus scence is detectable by either a d irect or indirect proce
prese11t in a speci111en 01 isolaLed in cell cullurt:. uf ECE. dure. ·rtie c.llrect 1m mu nofluorescence test employs a virus-
Tentative diagnosis of viral diseases can be made hy EM on spP.c.ific ;.intiho<ly l:ihPlrrl with f111()rP~rPin t h ¡¡t combü1es
thin sections of affcctcd tissucs and ccll-frcc homogcnatcs with a specific viral antigcn Jocated in cells or tissues. Thc
of clinlcal speclmens. !"he use of t::M for diagnosis is lim- indirect test requires the use of a fluorescein-labeled anti-
ited, however, because thc mcthod is not very sensitive serum to a virus specific immunoglobulin.
(> 105 virus partlc.:les/ml are requlred to see a single viral Immunohistochemical staining uses tl1e same ap-
partic.lP on ;.i 200 mPsh gri<I), :inri viruses from different proach, except that thc virus-specific antibody is either di-
specics have similar morphology and size. 1eclly 01 iudi11:clly lauele<l \Vith ar1 enzyme. The presence
of the enzyme is determincd hy a<ldition of its s11h.-,;tr;ite,
lmmune Electron Microscopy. Immunc clcctron microscopy and the reaction detectcd by a color change. The advan-
(IEM) enhances detection of viruses in tissues, cells, or tage ot immunohistochemical staining over immunofluo-
fecal specimens by reacting specific immune sera with rescence is that a fluorescent microscopc is not rcquircd,

F 1G U R E 3 . 3 _ Cytoplasmic immunofluorescence in fetal

bovine lung ce/Is produced by BVD virus (X200). (Reproduu=ú wiú1
perm1ss1on from Castro AE. Bov Pract 1984;19:61.)
24 PAR!' I Introducllo11

and the use of an enzyme-enhancement step greatly in- cattle, equine infectious anemia, and equlne arteritis Virus
creases the sensitivity of the procedure. infection of stallions.
Serology can help to rapldly establish a diagnosis when
Nudeic Acid Hybridization. Molecular hybridization tech- vir;il isol;ition prnc1>f111r1>s <lrP nPgativP. St>rology c:an also
niques have lcd to the synthetic production of viral DNA be used to definitively rule out the presence of specific
probes that are highly specific for individual víruses. These viruses in a given discase outbreak, whereas a negative
probcs are labclcd with various dctcction systcms that viral isolation cannot.
allow idcntitication ot the presence of individual viruses,
citl1cr in tissucs or in extracts of them. Serum Virus Neutralization (SN) Test. Most viruses produce a vis-
lble cytopathlc effect (CPE) in cell cultures. CPE is usetl tu
Polymerase Chain Reaction. The relatively recent develop- determ íne thP prPsPncP of prot1>ctive or virus-neutralizing
rne11l of lile polyrne1ase cl1aü11eaclio11 (PCR) has revolu- antibodies in a serum. 'fo quantify the amount of neutral-
tionized the rapid diagnosis of many viral diseases. The izing antibody, serum fron1 an animal is serially diluted by
importance of the procedure lies ü1 its ability to amplify twofold dilutions and mixed with a known amount of
small amounts of viral DNA or lZNA even trom contami- virus (generally !>O to 300 infect1ous doses of virus-·rcrD50)
nat:ed specimens, and on its ability to be conductcd on a for 1 hour at 37ºC prior to inoculation of a volume of the
large seale so that vast numbers of san1ples can sin1ultane- mixture !nto antmals, embryonatlng chicken eggs (ECE) ur
ously be evaluated. Furthermore, technical developments cell cultures. Tbe SN test is vPry spt>cific ;:inrl highly sensi-
such as real-ti111e PCR <tlluw ll11:: 4uaJ1Lilalion of len1plale live, but lt is titu.e-consun1ing and expc11sive. The SN can
th;:it is prcsc nt in a sample, which is reflectíve of the viral be used to confirm recent infection of animals it paired
load. Thc PCR assay is based on the cyclic synthesis of a sera are cvaluatcd.
DNA segmcnt limited by two specífic oligonucleotides
that are uscd as prirners to specifically amplify portions of Hemagglutination lnhibition (HI) Test. Viruses that possess a
the viral genomc. I'ropcrly run, the PCR assay is both sen- hcmagglutlnln protein (IiA) will agglutinate erythro-
sitive and specific, although thc identification ofviral nu- cytes, a fact that has been used to quantify the amount
clelc acld does not prove that lnfectious virus was present, (titratt:) uf lht:~e viru;)e:> U1al élfe present in a san1ple.
so PCR-posiliv<' s;implc>s ohPn shoulci hP suhjerted to tra- The HI test can he used to identify or type a virus through
ditional virus isolation procedures. the inhibition of hemagglutination by virus-spccific an-
tiserum .
Enzyme-Linked lmmunosorbent Assay. 'rhc cnzymc-linked im-
m unosorbent assay (ELl:SA) is a rapid, highly sensitive im- Hemadsorption-lnhlbition (HAD-1) Test. The HAD-1 test is based
munoassay adapted to measure viral antigen or antibody on the ability of certain virus-infected cells (monolayers)
(see Chapter 2). ELISJ\s have been developed for numerous to attract speclflc erythrocytes to their surface. 111e prc:;-
avían viral pathoge11s (e g , avían laryngotracheitis virus, ence of hPm;ici~orhin g PrythrocytP ch1st1>rs on a c:ellular
avian cnccphalitis, Newcastle disease virus, infectious monolayer indicates that viral protein (hemagglutinin)
bronchitis virus, and reovirus), and increasingly are being has accumulated on the surface of the cell membrane. The
dcvclopcd to dctcct viruscs that infcct othcr spccics of do- hcmadsorption phcnomcnon can be inhibited by pre
mestic animals. treatment of virus-infected cells for 30 minutes, usually at
ambient temperature with twofold dilutions of antisera
Serologic Detection of Viruses followcd by thc addltlon of O.Q5<)'ó to 0.5% erytl1rocytes.
Antibody (Ab) c;in be quantifipfl hy comp;:iring the oh-
Mos l viruscs u.:;ually c lic it an in1n1une response in the served "vashed virus-infected cell monolayers that contain
host; thus the detection of a humoral (antibody) or cellu- adhered clumped erythrocytes on the surface of the cell
lar response is often used to determine prior infection of (Ab negative) with the cell monolayers that contain free-
an animal with a viral pathogen. Serologic assays measure floating erythrocytes (Ab positive).
humoral immunity in animals, and assays for measuring
cellular immunlty to vlruses are used lnfrequcntly in vet- Complement Fixation. Compleu1e11t fixalio11 (CF) lesls en1-
erinary diagnostic medicine. ploy thP c;:isc;:icie of compleme nt in reactions of viral anti-
Vifuses have cerlain anligens that are type- or group- gens that fue complement-usually guinea pig-whcn
spccific and that in part determine the serologic assay combíncd to antibody. Although CF has been used in early
uscd. Scrologic diagnosis of virus infcctions typicully rc- test tube assays to detect virus (e.g., leukemia viruses),
quires the collection of paired samples: an acute (at or virus-infected cells, or virus-specific antibody, the com-
prior to the onset of clinical signs) and a convalescent plexity of the assay and the ti me required have led to its re-
serum (1 O to 28 days later). A fourfold or greater rise in an- placement by slmpler prucctlur~.
tibody titer (the reciproca! of the serum dilution) inciir;itPs
recen l or ongoing viral ilúeclion. Antibody levels in single lmmunodiffusion. The immunodiffusion (ID) proccdurc is
serum samples are more difficult to interpret, although the routinely used as a diagnostic tool to monitor the spread of
presencc of antíbody is indicativc of prior cxposurc (or rc- specific viral pathogens in various animal diseases (e.g.,
sulting trom the passive transfer of maternal antibodies .in bluetongue, equíne infcctious anemia, bovíne leukosis,
young animals) which is especially important in chronic caprine arthritis, encephalitis, infectious bursal disease).
discases with a carrler state like bovine leukemia virus In The basis of the te~1: is thc al.JiliLy uf cerlain soluble viral
Chapter J Laboratory Diagnosis 25

;:intigPns to d iffuse in a semisolid medium (agar) with the

formation of a precipitin line with specific antisera. F 1G U RE 3. 4 . Western immunoblot of bluetongue virus
lnununoelectroosmophoresis combines the ditfusion prolein> u>iny >e1 u111 obldined before and after natural infection
p rocedure with the principle of movem.e11t of charged pro- with BTV serotype 17. Virus proteins identified are given in the right
margin; LMW represents three low molecular weight virus proteins
tein molecules in an electrical field. Since most viral anti-
that have not been previously defined; X represents an additiona/
gens assl.nne an electrically negative charge, applicatio.n of noncharacterized virus protein; P designates specific BTV protein; NS
an electrical current u1uve~ tl1e viral µarticle Lu l11e <iuuue. is the nonstructural virus protein. 1 anPs A and R rPpresent prP.- anrl
Following Plec:trical migration, the antigen can he eluci- postinfection serum, respective/y. Jmmune complexes were detected
dated by the use of a positive antiserum that migrates to- in lane B using a biorin-avidin-enzyme probe, e.g., biotin-tabeled
ward the cathode. 1'his technique has been used to detect rabbit antisheep /gG in association with peroxidase-/abe/ed avidin.
antigcns of African swinc fcvcr virus. (Reproduccd with pcrmission from MA Adkison <ind JL Stott.)

Radioimmunoassay. 'fl1e radioim1nunoassay (RJA) is an ex- B

quisitely sensitlvc method for quantifying antigens oran-
tibodies when onP C'omponf'nt is r;:idio-J;:¡hf'lf'd . Altho11gh
RIA has an advantage for detecting minute amounts of an-
tibodies, the need for a scintillatio11 counter to measure ra- r
dioactivity and ve.ry pure reagents limits use of this assay r
to appropriately equipped diagnostic laboratories.

Enzyme-Linked lnununosorbent Assay (ELISA). ELISA~ are highly

spf'cific ;:in<l sensitivf' imm11no;:issays in which the spf'ci-
ficity of the react.ion can be enhanccd by increasing the
leve! ot puriíicatio11 ot the antigen or antibody employed.
= :;;t -
The ELISA can detect nanogran1 levels of IgG-, IgM-, and
IgA-type antibodies. ELISAs can be made quantitative if
appropriate standard curves are developed. Numerous t
co111111ercially available assays for avían and n1an1n1alian ~
viruses provicle qualitative information on antibody to
various viruses, whereas other.'\ detect the viruses them- ~ ...J

selves in clinical specimens. The blocking ELISA evaluates

thc ability of a test serum to displace the binding of a virus
protein-specific antibody to its antigen.
- NS2 e""'
Western lmmunoblot Assay. The Western irnn1unoblot assay J-Pe
can detect antibodies to a full range of vir;:i 1 protf'ins ;is rf'- ~
vealed on a slrip oI nitrocellulose paper as discrete bands - .. - - P7
by electrophoresis. When a serun1 sample is applied to the
nitrocellulose strip, antibodics from animals infcctcd with
- X
a specihc virus bind to the specific viral proteins at the ap-
propriate positions. 'fhese bands become dark and distinct
t.vllen tlle n itrocellulose paper is treated with a reagent (Fig
3.4). Because it provides a ful l viral antibody profile of the
serurr1 sarnple, tllis test is the u1osl sµec.ific viral diagnosuc
test c11rrently availahle.
-- LMW

Antimitrohial cirugs exploi t differences in structure or bio- 3. Bacteriostatic or bactericida/. 'fhis distinction is an ap-
chemical functio11 between host and parasite. Modcrn proxi1nation that depends on drug concentrations
chemotherapy is traced to the work of Paul Ehrlich, who and tlle organism invoJvcd. For example, penicillin
devotcd his lifc to discovcring agcnts that possessed selec- is bactericida! at high concentrations and bacterio-
tive toxicity. ·rhe first clinically successful broad-spectrum static at lower ones. The <.li~tiIH.:tiuu uelween baclc-
antibacterial drugs were the sulfonamides, developed in ricidal and bacterioSti'ltit is critica! in certain cir-
1935 as a result of Ehrlich's work wlth synthetic úyes. It cwnsta11ces, such as the treatment of meningitis or
was, however, the discovery of pcnicillin by Fleming ano of septicemia in neutropenic paticnts.
its úevclu¡.n11c11L 1Jy Chai11 a11d florcy in World Wax 11 that 4. Phannacodynamic activity. Antibactcrial action is
IPci to the subsequent discovery of turther antibiotics, concentration- or timc-dependent (see below under
chcmical substances produced by rnicroorganisms that at dosing considerations).
low concentrations inhibit or kili other microorganisms. S. Mechanism o( action. Llke pharmacodynamlc activ-
The chemical 1nodification of many of the drugs discov- ity, this is dependcnt on the drug class, and is cii~­
ered early in the antibiotic rcvotutlon has led to the devel- cusse<.l below. ·rhis is pruuably t11e n1ost useful oftl1e
opment of new and powerful antimicrobial drugs with classifications, sintP i t cir.1 r.nn i nes the previous four
p1 UJ!C1 lil:::) Ui:>li1!1..l f LVI 11 ll 11;:i 1 p<tt<:u l:>. Anlibiolic:; and classification approachc:s.
their derivatives have more importance as antimicrobial
agcnts than do thc fcwcr synthctic antibactcrial drugs. By
contrast, antiviral drugs are ali chenucally synthesized. Mechanism of Action of Antimicrobial Drugs
The term antimicrobial will be uscd throughout to indude
both antibiotics and syntheric ant1mlcrobial drugs. The rnarked structural and biochcmical diffcrcnccs bc-
lmportant milcstones in the development of antimicro- twecn eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells give greater oppor-
IJial <.lrug~ are ~l1uw11 i11 Figure 4.1. The LherapeuUc use of tunity for selective toxicity of antibacterial drugs com-
;intin1itrobial drugs in veterinary medicine has followcd pared to antifungal drugs becausc fungí, like mammallan
thcir use in human medicine because of the high cost of cells, are eukaryo tic. Dcveloping selectively toxic antiv\ral
thei r <levelopment. <.lrugs is particularly difficulL llccause viral replication de-
pr.nds largely on the metabolic pathways of the host cell.
This chapter mainly discusscs antibactcrial drugs.
Classification of Antimicrobial Drugs ·rhe mechanisms ot action ot antibacterial drugs fall
into four catcgorics: 1) inhibition of cell wall synthesis,
J\ntimicrobial drugs can be classified in a number of ways: 2) damagc to cell membrane functton, 3) inhibition of 11u-
cleic acid synthesis or function, and 4) inhihition of pro-
1. Spectrurn of activity against class of microorganism. tci11 :.y11Llic~is (Fíg 4.2).
Penicillins are narrow spectrum because they inhibtt
only bacteria; sulfonamides, trimethoprim, and lin-
lnhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis
cosamides are broader bccausc chey inhibit both
bacteria and protozoa. Polycnes only inhihit fungi. Antihiotics that interfere with cell wall synthesis inc.lude
2. Anli/Jucleria.l activity. Son1e antibiotics are narrow- pcnicill in~ and cephalosporins (bcta.-Jactam nntibiotics),
spectrum in that they inhibit only gram-positive cycloserine, bacitracin, and vancomycin. ·rhe bacteria! celJ
(bacitracin, vancomycin) or mainly gram-ncgativc wall is a thick envelope that gives shape to the cell. This
bacteria (polymyxin), whereas broad-spectrum tough wall outside the cell membrane ls a major differeucl!
drugs such as tetracyclines inhibit both gran1- between bacteria and mammalian cells. Tn gram-positivc
positive and gram-negartve bacteria. Other drugs 1.Jactl::ria i Lcou:si:-ls laigely of a t h ick !ayer of peptidoglycan,
such as penicillin G or Iincosamides arP most active which gives the cell rigidity and maintains a high internal
agai11~L grain-posilive baclcria but will inhibit sorne osmotic pressure of about 20 atmospheres. In gram
gram-negatives. negative bacteria this !ayer is thinner and the 1nternal

(;hapter 4 Antimicrobial Chemotl1erapy 27

FIGURE 4.1. Milestones in antimicrobial therapy

Human lnfectious Oisease Antibacterial Agents

8 Penicillin dto;covered

Serious infections - first suttonamide released
respond to sulfonamides ~8

Morey demonstrates '40

penic.illin's effectiveness
4 Strcptomycin, fir3t aminoglycoside
8 Chlo~tetracycline. first tetracycline

z Erythromycin. first macrolide

Peniciltin.. resistant infections :..- 4

become clinically sioníficant
6 Vancomycin

'60 . Mern1c1111n. pen1c1111nase-res1stant penicillin

Gentamicín, anüpseudomonal aminoglycosíde
Cephalothin. first cephalosporin
Gentamicin-resistant Pseudomonas - - -.... 8
ano melhiC1llin·resistant staphylococcal Am11<acin, ammog1ycos1oe tor
infcction~ bec.ome clinicalfy $ignificant 9entamici n-r~si stant strains

Beginning in earty 1970s, increasing Z
trena ol nosocu111icd i11ret.:tiu11:> üue to
opportunistic pothogens 4 Carbenicillin. first amipseudomonal Betalactam
Amp1cillin-resistant infections _..-__.;y Cefoxitin. expanded-spectrum
beconle r1equeot
/ cepna1ospor;n

Cefaclor, oral cephalosporin
with improved activity
...... Cetotaxime, antipseudomonal cephalosporin
AIDS-related ba.cte1ial i11ftt.:lio11:> ---~
z Mox:il3ct3m, first oxa-BMinhibitor
4 ~~ Clavulanic acid-amoxycillin,
:--...::---.... broad Beta·lactamase 1nn1011or
6 ....... lmipenem cilastatin, first
staphylococcal infections ~
- Norfloxacin, ncwcr quinolonc-5 for urinary tract in!cctions
ALheu11a111, li1s1 111onobactar11

~~ lmproved macrotides
Vancomycin-resistant Newer quinolones tor systemic use
enterococcl " - 2
M1dtic1r110 rP.!=::iSif::tnce --........_
Myco/Jacterium tuberculosis ......._ ...... 4
..... Oral, e><tended-spectrum
Penicillin-resistant - 6 .....- ceohalosooñns
Streprococcus pneumoniae -.
8 - drug& fara11livi1at
Er r~c..:Live
HlV infection
lncreasino resL<lanr.o nf --->-2000
community-acquired infections: ,_ . Oxazolidinones
·resistance crisis" 2
Reduction antimicrobial ---~
use. bener prescribing guides 4
. Broader·spectrum

osn1otic pressure correspondingly lower. Peptidoglycan tide bridge from one tetrapeptide to another, so that the
cor1sists of a polysaccharide chain made up of a repeating disaccharide backbone is cross-linked both ;vithin and be-
disaccl1aride backbone of alternating N-acetylglucosa- tween layers. ·rhe cross-linkage between transpeptides
mine ¡:..¡· acetylmuramic acid in beta 1,1 linkage, n tetra g ives the cell wall rcmarkablc strength. Sc..-e ral cn zyme!;
peptide attached to the N-acetylmuramic acid, and a pep- are involved in transpeptidation reactions.
28 PAKT 1 Introduct1on

FIGURE 4.2. Mechanisms of aetion of antibacteria/ drugs.


~~~ GELL WALL ' -

' - '---. BETA-LACTAM
"--.. srncrTOGílAMIHS


,_.._,,-. RIFAMPIN
• ~
\ ___)

1 •
( sos '
----- ·~
,, AMl/NOGI vr.osmFS

. '"'--~
" ....,...

·rhe ettect of beta-!actam antibiotics (penieillins and ncgat1ve bacteria because of their lipopolysaccbaric.te and
cephalosporins) is to prevent the final cross-linking in the lipid exterior, and the presence of beta-lactamase enzymes
ce11 wa!l, lnhlblt!ng divlslor1 and creatlng weak points. lr1 rnany grarn-11egativc orga11i;:.111~. TJ1e re111a1kable acliv-
Among the targets of these drues ;.irt> pt>nicillin -hincling ity agai nst gram-negatives of sorne of the newest peni-
protcins (PBPs), of which there are three to eight in bacte- cillins and cephalosporins is the result not just of thcir im-
ria; many of these PBPs are transpeptidase enzymes. They proved ability to enter gram-ncgativc cells and bind I'BPs,
are rcsponsiblc for thc formation and rc1nodeling of the but to their ability to resista variety of beta-lactamasc en-
cell wall during gro'vth and division. Dúfercnt PBPs have zymes found in the periplasmlc space of gram-11egarive
different affinities for drugs, explaining the variation in bacteria. More recently, beta-lactamase-inhibiting clr11gs
the spectrum of acrton of dlffcrcn t beta-lactarn antibiotics. witli uo i11tri 11:.ic a11 LilJacle1 ial aclivily, su ch as clavulanic
L1egradative rnechanisms are also involvPc1 in <Pll wall pro- acid and sulbactam, have been combined witl1 amoxicillin
duclion. The:;e are carried out by autolysins, and son1e or ticarcillin to expand thc spcctrum of activity of th ese
penicillins act partly by decreasing normal inhibition of latter compou11ds by neutralizing enzyn1es that might
Lhc autolysins. otherwise degrade then1.
'!'he action of beta-Jactam antiblol1cs is thus to b lock 1.lacitracin and vancon1yc1n tnhlblt the early stages in
pcplidoglycan synthesis, which scvcrcly weakens the cell peptidoglycan synthesis. 1'hi>y arP active only against
wall, an<.l to prornott:' t11e actiu11 uf ll te aulo lysi11s, "vhich gran1-positive bacteria.
l y~i> tht> CPll. ílPta-lactams are active only against actively
g1owing cell:;. The greater activity of sorne beta-lactams Penicillins. Sir Alexandcr f.lcming's observation that
against gram-positive bacteria is thc rcsult of the greater colonies ot staphy!ococci lysed on a plate that had become
quantity of pcpti<loglycan and highcr osmotic pressure in contaminated ~''ith a Penicillurn fu 11gus was the discovery
gram-positive bacteria, the impermeabt11ty of sorne gram- that led to the development of antiblotlcs. In 1940, Chain,
Chapter 4 Antirnicrobial Che1notherapy 29

Florey, and tl1eir associates succeeded in producing thera- nosa. Temocillin is hi.gl1ly resistant to beta-lacta.mases in-
peutic quantities of perlicillin from Penicilliu111 notaturn. cluding extended-spectru1n cephalosporinases, and has
.Almost a decade Iater, penicillin G becan1e widely avail- broad-activity against members of the family Enterobac-
nblc for clinicnl use. In thc ycnrs that followcd, this antibi- tcriaccae, including othcrwisc rcsistant isolatcs. Myco-
Otic was found to have certain limitations: its relative in- plasma and mycobacteria are resistant to penicil lins.
stability to stomach acid, its susceptibility to inactivation Resistance. ln gram-positive bacteria (particularly
by penicillinase, and lts relatlve lnactivlty agalnst most coagulase-posltlve staphylococci), resistance is mainly
gram-ncgative bacteria . Tsolat.ion of the active moiety, 6- througb production of extracellular beta-lactamase (peni-
a111inopenicillanic acid, in the penicillin molecule has re- cillinase) enzyn1es that break tl1e beta-lactan1 ring oí 111osl
sulted in the design and development of se1nisynthetic penicillins. Resistance in gram-11egative bacteria result~, in
penicillins that overcome so1ne of these limitations. part, fron1 a wide v ariety of beta-lactamase enzyrr1es and
·rne deve1op1nent ot the cep11aJosporin tamily, which also trorn 1ow bacteria! permeability or lack ot penicillin-
shares with penicillin the beta-lactam ring, has led to a re- binding protein receptors. Most or ali gram-negative bacte-
markable array of drugs with in1proved ability to penetrate rJa express low levels of species-specific chron1oson1a1Jy
rliffP.rt>nt gram-nP.gativt> ha<.tt>ria 1 spP.cit>s anrl to rt>sist ht>til- mt>cliatt>cl bet;i-J;ictan1ase enzymes >-11ithin the periplasmic
lactamase enzymes. ln recent years, other naturally occur- space, and these sometin1es co11tribute to resisla11ce.
ring beta-lactam antibiotics have been describcd that lack Plasmid-mediated beta-lactamase production is wide-
the bicyclic ring of the classical beta lactam penicillins and spread among common gram-ncgntivc bacteria. Thc cn-
cephalosporins. Many oftl1ese new drugs have potent anti- zy n1es are constitutively expressed and cause high-level re-
bacterial activity and are highly resistant to beta-lactamase sistan ce. The majority are penicillinases rather than
el tly1ne:;. cephalosporinases. The most widespread are ·rEM-type
C.l"in ically i n1 portant pen icill íns hP. cliviclt>cl i nto six ht>t:i-lact:imases, which readily hydrolyze penicillin G and
groups: ampicillil1 rather than n1ethicillin, cloxacillil1, or carbeni-
l. Beuzyl pe1licilli11s a11d it:; lu11g-acti11g fur1ns. Injec-
cillin. The less widespread ()XA-type beta-lactamases hy-
drolyze isoxazolyl pcnicillir1s (oxncillin, cloxacillin, and
tahle penicillins, highest activity against gram-
related compounds). SHV-type beta-lactamases are founcl
positive organisms, but susceptible to acid hydrolysis
particularly in Klebsiella pneumoniae but may be found in
a11d beta-lactamase inactivatio11 (e.g., penicillin G).
other members of the family Enterobacteriaceae.
2. Orally absorbed penicillins, spectrum similar to
A rnajor recent advance has been the discovery of broad-
benzyl penicillins (e.g., pen.icillin V).
spectrun1 inhibitors ofbcta-lacta111ase (e.g., clavula11icacid,
3. Antistaphylococcal isoxazolyl pe11icillins. Relatively
sulbacta1u). These drugs have weak antibacterial activity
reslstant to staphylococcal beta-lacta.n1ases (e.g.,
but show cxtraordinnry syncrgis1n whcn ad1ninistcrcd
cloxacillin, methicillin) .
with penicillin G, ampicillin, a1noxicillin or ticarcUlin be-
4. Exlended-spectrun1 penicilli11s: An1inopenicillins
cause they irreversibly bind the beta lactamase enzymes of
(P..g., <imoxic.illin, ampicillin).
resistant bacteria.
5. Antipseudomonal penicillins: Carboxy- and ureido-
Absorption, Dístríbution, and Excretion. The pe11icillins
penicillins (e.g., carbenicillin, piperacillin, ticarcillin).
are organic acids that are generally available as the sodium
6. Bcta-lacta1nnsc rcsistant pcnicillins: 1'crnocillin.
or potassium salt of the free acid. Apart from the isoxazolyl
Antitnicrobial Activity. Penicillin G is the most active of penicillir1s and penicilliI1 V, acid hydrolysis lin1its the sys-
the penicillins against gram-positive aerobic bacteria sucl1 temic availability of most penicillins from oral prepara-
as non beta lactamase- producing coagulase-positive sta- tions. Both ampicillin and amoxicillin are relatively stable
phylococci, beta-he1nolytic streptococci, Bacillus anthracis in acid.
and other gram-positlve rods, corynebacteria, Er)lsipelo- The penicillins are predominantly ionized in the blood
Lhrix., Lisl1::riu, auu agaiu:;L 1uust a11aerolJes. Tt i.s u1uderately pla~u1a, 11ave relatively ~rnall apparent vulu1nes of distritJu-
active against the more fastidious gra1n-negative aerohes tion, and have short half-livP.s (0.:S to 1.2 ho11rs) in :ill
such as Tlae1nophilus, Pasteurella, and s<nne Actinobacillus, species of domestic animals. After absorption, penicillins
but it is inactive against members of the family Enterobac- are widely distributed in body fl.uids. Beca use of their high
tcriaccac, Bordetclla, and J>scudomonas. 1'hc pcnicillinasc- dcgrcc of ionization and low solubility in lipid, they attain
resistant isoxazolyl penicillins (oxacillin, cloxacillin me- only low intracellular cqncentrations and do not penetra te
thicillin, and nafcillin) are resistant to coagulase-positive 1.rell into transcellular fluids. 'fhe relatively poor di.ffusi.biJ -
sLaphylococcal penicilli11ase, bul are less aclive peui- ity uf penicillins across cell membranes is reflected in their
cillin G against other penicillin-sensitive gram-positive rnilk-to-plasma conct>ntration r;i tios (0.3) . The rel<itively
bacteria. Most gram-negative bacteria are resistant to then1. low Lissue levels auained nLay, 1101-vever, lJe clirlically effec-
Ampicillin and amoxicillin are slightly less active than tive beca use of the high .sensitivity of susceptible bacteria
pcnicillin G against gram positivc and anacrobic bacteria to pcn.icillins and thcir bactericida! action.. Ampicillin an d
and are also inactivated by pe11icilllnase produced by an1oxicillin1 in additlo11to11aving a wider spectrun1 of an-
coagulase-positive staphylococci . 'fhey have considerably timicrobial activity, pe11etrate cellular parriers more read-
greale1 aclivily agail1st gra111-11egaLive !Jacteria. Tli.ey are ir1- ily than penicillin G. Their somewhat lor1ger half-lives
effective against ]Jseudomonas aeruginosa. C~arhenicillin ancl might ht> attri buted to enterohepatic circulation. Penetra-
ticarcillin resemble ampicillin in spectrum of activity with tion to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is usually poot bul is e11 -
the notable difference of having activity against P aerugi- hanced by int1ammat.ion. In addition, active removal of
30 .PART l lntroduction

penicillin from CSF is diminishcd by inflammation. The tam. and cefoperazone) are characterized by reduced ac-
pcnicillins are eJiminated almost entirely by renal excre tivity against gram positive bacteria, modest activity
tion, which results in very high Ievels in the urine. The against ]"J. aeruginosa, and rcmarkable activity against
renal excretion mechanisms include glomerular filtration m embers of the family Enterobacteriaceae. So1ne third-
and mainly proximal tubular secretion. generatlon cephalosporins (e.g., ceftal'..idiu1e) are higl!ly
Adverse Effects. Penicillins are remarkably free of toxic active against .P. aer11ginnsa at thE> Pxpense of activity
cffcc..:I~, 1::vc11 al doses grossly in excess of 1l1ose recon1- against me1nbers ofthe family Enterobacteriaceae. fourth-
me n<l<'d. The major adverse effect is acute anaphylaxis; generation cephalosporins (e.g., cefepime, cefpirome)
mildcr hypersensitivity reactions (urticaria, fever, an- havc vcry broad-spcctrum activity and are stable to hy
gioncurotic edema) are more common. A11 penicillins are drolysis by many beta-Jactamases.
cross sensitizin g and cross rcacting. Anaphylactic reac- Resistance. Methicillin-resistant coagulase-positive sta-
tions are less common after oral penicíllin administration phylococd are resistant to ali generatiuns uf 1.:epl1aluspvr-
than after parenteral administration. Many of the acute ins. Plasmid-mediated rf'si~tan cP to first-, second-, and
toxlcl ttes repurted iI1 a11ilual;) a rt: ll 1t: lux.ic effecls of lhe lhi rd-generation drugs has been dcscribed in gram-
potassium or proc;iinf' with wh ic:h the penicillin is com- negative bacteria. Emergence of rcsistance in Enterobacter,
bincd. The use of penicillin in guinea pigs invariably Serratia, and P. aeruginosa during treatment \vith third
causes fata l Clostridium difticile colitis, and use ot ampi- generat1on úrugs resuits from derepress1on or inaucible,
cillin in rabbits causes fatal C. spiroforrne colitis. chromosomal beta-lactamase enzymes, which in turn re-
sults in broa<.l-spectrurn resi:;ta11c..:t: lo bela-laclan1 a11tibi-
Cephalosporins. Cephalospori ns are natural or semisyn- otics. In addition, plasm írl-mE><liiltP<I resistance to third-
thetic products of thc fungí Cephalspurium spp.; tl1t: relalt:d generalio11 cepl1alosporins is increasmgly reported. Tt can
cephamycins are derived from thP i!C'tinomycetes type of involve either TEM- or SHV-beta-lactamases or other beta-
uaLlt:1ia. 1'11e i1ucleus of thc scmisynthetic cephalospor- Iactamase families including CTX-Ml, which hydrolyses
ins, 7-aminocephalosporanic acid, bears a clase structural cefotaxime. These beta-lactamases are inhibited by clavu-
rcsemblance to that of tl1e pcnicillins, which accounts for Ianic acid. More recently, broad-spectrum cephalospori-
a common mechanism ot action and other properties nases (cepham ycinases), CMY-2 beta-lactamases, have
shared by these two classes of drugs. Th ey are bactericidal. been recognized on plasmids of E. coli and Salmonella;
Like thc pcnicillins, cephalosportns have short half-lives, these are not inhi!Jited l.Jy c..:lavulauic acid.
and most are excreted unchanged in the urine. Attach- A hsnrpti.nn, Distrihutinn, and F.x.cretion. Cephalosporins
II1e11t uf varivus R groups lo lile cephalospora11ic acid i1u- are water-soluble drugs. Of thc first-generation cephalo-
c:l<'us has resulted in compounds with low toxicity and sporins, cephalexin, and cephadroxil are relatively acid-
high therapeutic activity. 'i'hough notan ideal description, stablc and sufficicntly wcll absorb ed from the intestine to
the classification of cephalosporins as belonging to gener- be administered orally to dogs and cats, but not to herbi-
ations relates to their increasíng spectrum of activity vores. Other first-generation cephalosporins must be ad-
against gram-negative bacteria because of improved pene- ministered parenterally although they are often painful un
tration of cells and their progressive resistance to the beta- intramuscular ínjection<I irrit;iting on intr;ivenous in-
1<11.lct111d:>t::S of g1a111-negalive bacteria. jection. Second- and third-generation cephalosporins are
Antimicrobial Activíty. The first-generation cephalo- someti n1es available for oral use and could be give11 to dogs
sporins (e.g ., cephalothin, ccphalcxin, ccphaloridinc, and cats by this routc rathcr than parenterally. Following
and cefadroxil) have a similar spcctrum ot activity to absorption from injection si tes, cephalosporins are widely
ampicillin, with the notable difference that beta- distributed into tissue a11d body flui ds. Third-generation
lactamasc-produci11g staphylococcl are susceptible. They cephalosporins penetrate cerebrospinal t1uid ruudcraL~ly
are active against a variety of gram-positive bacteria such well, and because of thPir high ;ictivity against gram-
as <.:vag ula~e-pvsi li ve staphylococci, r11a11y slrcptococci negative bacteria have particular potential application in
(cxcept enterococci), corynebacteria, and gram-positive the treatment of meningitis.
anacrobes (Clostridiu1n). Among gram-ncgativc bacteria, Adversc Effccts. Ccphalosporins are relatively nontoxic
Haen1ophilus and Pasteurel/a are susceptible, as are sorne antibiotics in humans. Allergic reactions occur in 5% to
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, J>roteus, and Salmonella. 10% of human patients who are hypersensitive to peni-
Enterobaccer and P. aen1ginosa are reslstant. Many anaero- clllln. Jntravenous and intran1u:;c..:uli:ir iujeclions of son1c
bic bacteria, except members of the Bacteroides fragilis drngs ilrf' ;in irrit;int.
gruu¡.¡, are ~u;)ct:plible . The second-ge11eration cephalo-
sporins (e.g .. cefamandole, cefoxitin, and cefuroxime) Other Beta-Lactam Antibiotics. The last 20 years have seen the
ha ve i ncreased resistan ce to g;am -ncgativc bcta- discovcry of other naturally occurring beta-lactam antibi-
lactamases and thus broader activity against gram- otics. These include the cephamyci.ns, clavulanic acld,
ncga l ive bacteria as well as against bacteria susceptible to thienamycin, the monobactams (such as aztreonam), the
the first-generation drugs. Thcy are active against so1ne carbapenems (such as irnipe11e111), Lllt: PS-con1pou11ds, a11d
strains of Enterobacter and against cephalothin-resistant E. the c;irpf'timycins- ;ill compounds with the basic beta-
l·uJi, Klebsiellu, a11tl Prvleu.\. Su111t: B. (iugilis ace susceptible. lactam ring but v.'ithout the bicyclic ring structurc of thc
f.ik<' the first-generation cephalosporins, these drugs are classical beta-lactams. All are highly resistant to beta-
not active against P. aen,ginosa or Serratia. Thc third- Iactamases, and many possess potcnt antibacterial propcr-
gencration cephalosporins (e.g., cetotaxime, moxaJac- ties or are used m combination with earlier beta-lactams
Chapter 4 Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 31

(ampicillin, amoxicillin, ticarcillin) for tht>ir pott>nt ht>ta- Nitroimidazoles. Nitroimiclazoles, such ;is mf>troni<l;izolt>
lactan1ase inhibitory effects (clavulanic acid, sulbactam, and din1etridazole, possess antiprotozoal and antibacterial
tazobactam). Carbapene1ns (biapenem, imipenem- properties. Activity within bacterial cells is due to the
cilastatin, meropencm) havc cxcept.ional activity against unidentified, rcduccd products of thc drug, which are only
clinically important aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, with seen in anaerobes or microaerophiles. Nitroimidazoles
the greatest activity of ali anti.m icrobials against gram- cause extensive DNA strand breakage either by inlúbiting
negative bacteria. the DNA repair enzyme, UN ase 1, or by forming complexes
1Aríth the nucleotide bases the enzyme <loes not recog-
Damage to Cell Membrane Function nl<:t:. Nitrui111ida<:oles are bacLericidal to anaerobic g1an1-
negative and many gram-positive bacteria and are active
Antibiotics that damage ccU mcmbrane function include against protozoa such as 1ritricho1nonas fetus, Ciardia larn-
the polymyx.lns, the polyenes lampnoter1c1n, nystat1n), /Jlia, and Hzsto1nonas 1neleagnct1s. c11ro1nosoma1 resistance
the imidazoles (tniconazole, ketoconazole, itraconazole, may cause slíght increases in n1inimum inhibitory con-
fluconazole, clotrtmazole), and monensin. 'I"he cell mern- centrations (MIC) but, as is tl1e case for 11itrofura11s,
hrilnt> liPs hPnf>ilth the c:ell \"lall, enc:losing the cytoplasm . plasn1id-encoded resistance is rilre. Nitroimidazoles ;ire
lt controls the passage of materia]s into or out of the cell. generally well absorbed after oral administration, but par-
lf its function is damaged, cellular contents (proteins, nu- enteral injection is highly irritating. 'f'hey are \.Vell distrib-
cleotides, ions) can leak from the cell and result in cell utcd throughout body tíssucs and fluids, including brain
damage and deatl1. and cerebrospinal fluid . Excretion is throu~h the urine.
The most serious potential hazard is tl1e controversia) re-
Polymyxins. Tl1t: strui.:turt: oí ll1e polyinyxillS is such LltaL port of carcinogenicity in laboratory animals. For this rea-
they have well-clefined separate hydrophilic and hydro- son., these drugs are not used in food animals.
phobic sectors. Polyn1yxins act by binding to n1embrane
phospholipids, which results in strltctural disorganization, Nitrofurans. Like the nitroimidazoles, the nitrofurans are
pcrmcability damagc, a11d ccll lysis. The polymyxins are sc- antiprotozoal but have wider antibacterial activity; they
Ject1ve1y tox1c to gran1-negat1ve bacteria because of the are 1nost active unáer anaerobic co.náltions. Atter entry
presence of certain phospholipids in the cell membrax1e into the cell, bacteria) nitroreductases produce unchaTac-
and because the outer surface uf tlu: uuter 1uet111Jra11e u[ terized unstab le reduction products, which differ \.Vith
grarn-negative b;ictPria consists rna in ly of 1ipopolysac- eacl1 type of nitrofuran . These products cause StTancl
ch.aride. Parenteral use is assocíated wíth nephrotoxíc, neu- breakage 111 bacteria! DNA.. The nitrofurans are synthetic 5-
rotoxic, and neurornuscular blocking effects. 1'he major nitrofuraldehyde derivatives with broad antimicrobial ac-
clinical applications are lirnítcd to thc oral trcatrnent of tivity. Toxicity and low tissue conccntrations límit thcir
gram-negative bacteria! infections. use to the local treatment of infections and to the treat-
ment of urinary tract infections.
Polyenes. The polyenes are selectively active against fun6'1
since t11ey only affect m.embranes containíng ergosteroL Fluoroquinolones. Fh1oroq11in olonPs (c:iprofl oxac:i n, clano-
Polyenes inllilJit tl11:: furruation of 1nen1brane lipids, forn1- floxaci11, difloxacin, enrofloxacin, orbifloxacin, sarat1oxa-
ing porPs through which the vital contents of the cyto- cin) are active against gram-negative bacteria. ·rhey cause
plasn1 are lost. See the section on antifungal therapy, selcctive inhibition of bacteria! DNA synthcsis by inhibit-
below: ing UNA gyrase (topoisomerase JI) and DNA topo1so-
merase IV. DNA gyrase is in.volved in packing (supercoil-
lmidazoles. lmidazoles interfere with the biosynthesis of ing) DNA into bacteria! cells whereas topoisomerase IV is
sterols and bind cell 1nelnbrane phospholipids to cause involved in relaxing supercoiled DNA . FluoroquinolonP<;
leakage of cell i.:outeuts. They are aclive againsl Lhe fungal are baclericidal drugs. Nalidixic acid (a quinolone rarely
cPll mt>mhr;:ine. See the section on antifungal t herapy, used because of toxicity) is most active again~1: gram-
below. negative bacteria except 1~ aeruginosa, but the newer flu.o-
roquinolone derivatives are broader spectrum and active
against sorne gram-positive bacteria, includü1g mycobac-
lnhibition of Nucleic Acid Function
teria. /\ctivity against Mycoplasma and rickettsia is also an
Examples of drugs that inhibit nucleic acíd function are important attribute of the newer fluoroquinolones . l' he
nitroimidazoles, nltrofurans, nalldiXlc acld, the fluoro- fluoroqu1nolo11es are rapidly absorbed after oral ad1ninis-
q11inolon<->c; (ri rroflox;iri n, rl;inoflox;irin, rliflnx;icin, Pn- tr;ition ;inrl h;ivp h;ilf-l iv<->c; v;irying f rom 4 to 17. honr~
roflOX3CÍil, orbifloxacin, sarafloxacin), novobiocin, ri- ·rhey are \.Videly distributed in tissues, and inay be conce11-
fampin, sulfonamides, trimethoprim, and 5-flucytosine. trated, for example in. the prostate. Penetration into cere-
Because the mechanisms of nucleic acid synthesis, replica7 brospinal fluid is about half that of serum, whicb makcs
tion, and transcription are similar in ali cells, drugs affect- these drugs useful to treat n1eningitis. ·rhey are being in-
ing nucleic acid functío11 have peor selective toxicity. Most troduced rapidly into veterinary use, particularly for use
act IJy IJiudiug tu DNA tu inlrilJit it:; replication or tran- against gram-11egative bacteria and Mycoplasma. One
scription. Drugs with greater st>lectivt> toxicity ilrt> the sul- drawback is the fairly rapid development of chromosoma-
fonamides and trimethoprim, which inhibit the syntl1esis lly n1edia Led resistan ce, wlricl1 in Curnpylubacter jejuni and
offolic. acid. P. aeruginosa can produce high-lcvel resistanc:e ;:iftt>r singlP
32 PART 1 Introduction

nuclcotidc mutations but is more gradual in other bacte- phth;ilyls11lf;ithi;i7.olc-') so th;it thf'y v.'111 hP slaK
ria, usually as thc rcsult of cumulative rather than individ- sorbed; these are intended far use in the treatme::~
ual nucleotide mutations. Resistance can also result from teric infections.
dccrcascd pcrmcability of thc ccll wall as wcll as from ac- Antin1icrobial Activity. Sulfonamides are broad-spe._-'"'---"--
quisition or enhanced activíty of an efflux pump that ac- a11ttm1crob1al drugs. They are active against aerot~ ~ _
tively transports fluoroquinolones from the cell. positivc cocci and so me rods and sorne gram-n ega::r· =,,._
tcrla, includlng members of the family Enteroba-:.-c-::-f.:a::r::::!
Rifampin. Rifampin, which has particular activity against Many anacrobcs are sPn<>itivP.
gra111-¡Ju:>i livt: l.laLlt:lid a11d 1nycobacleria, 11as ren1arkablc Resistance. Resistance to sulfonamides in pa~'! -=--
selectivity of inhibition of bacteria! DNA-depe11dent ri- and nonpathogenic bacteria isolated from animals is
bonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase. llifan1pin prcvcnts inlti- sprcad. This situation rcflects their exten ::;ive use in :..:.._•:=?:::::
ation of transcription. Resistancc deveJops rap idly as the and veterinary med1ctnc for many years. Sulfona.rr:-d_
resul t of chromosomal mutatio11 1 so that this drug is rarely sis tan ce may occur as a resul t of m utation causing o< ""--~-:=-
used on its owr1 but rather is uscd in com b ination with ductlon of para-amlnobenzoic aci<.l (PABA) or a:> o It'SU:1
other antimicrobial drugs. a structural chane<~ in th e cli hyclrofolic: ;i c:i <l-synth~
en zyn1e wilh a lowcred affinity far sulfon amides. ~ 1,.._.,._
Sulfonamides and Trimethoprim. S1JI fonamidcs are synthetic often, sulfonam ide resistan ce is plasmid-mediated.
dr ug::; w ith broad antibactcrial an d an tip rotozoal proper- Absorption, Distribul'ion, and Ex crction. Most sclf
ties. ·rhey intertere with tJ1c biosynthesis o t tolic acid an d am1C1es a re rap1a1y absorbed trom th e gastroinresrina . - ..... ~­
prevent thc formation of purine nucleotides. Sulfona- an d distributed widcly to ali tissues and body fluids
mides are funct lona! analo¡.,rues of para-amin obenzoic acid cluding :>yr1uvial auu 1.:c.::reui osp ina! fluid. 'fl1ey aie bo~­
and compete '"'ith it for the same enzyme, tetrahydropter- to p lasma proteins to a variable extent. ln actctition - , ....___
oate synthetasc, formlng nonfunctiona.1 folie aci<l aua- fc.::11::11ces a1nong sulC011an1idcs in extent of binding, th~=­
Iogues and inhibiting bacteri;il growth. SPIPctivP toxic:ity variation among species in binding of individual si.± -
of sulfonan1ides occurs beca use man1maJian cells have lost ami des. E.xtcnsive (80%) protein blnding serves to incc
their ability to synthcsi7.C folie acid but rather absorb it half-life. They enter cerebrospinal tluid well.
from thc inlcstinc, whcrcas bacteria must synthcsizc it. In Sulfonamides are eliminated by a com bination o f ::-.:n-
the bacteria! cell, pretormed folie acid is progressively ex- excretion and biotransformation processes in the 'i\
l1austed by severa! bacteria! divisions. This combination of elimi11ation processes contributes
Othcr drugs affect folle add synthesis by int erfering thc spccles varlatlon in tl1e 11alf-life uf iI1uiviuual :...tJ.~.t=:-
witl1 the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase. One example is amides. While a l;irgP nnmhPr of sulfon;imide prE>pa;a-
tri111elliupri111, wltiLh i:. :.1:l1:1:lively loxic lo bacteria ralher is availablc for use in veterinary medicine, many oi 7 3!5
than to mammalian cells because of greater affinity for the are different dosage forms of sulfamethazine. This St._,,._,_
bact eria! enzyme. 'fhe enzyme inhibits the convcrsion of amidc is most widcly uscd in thc food-producing an.:':l.E
dihydrotolate to tetrahydrololatc, produci ng wit h su lton- anct can atta in effective plasma concentrations (""•th!:: = u
· _

amidcs a scqucntial blockade of folie acid synthesis. range 50 to 150 µg/ml) \vh cn ad n1i n istered either o ra:·-
parentcrally. Duc ro thei r a lkalin ity, rr1ost paren:c..
Sulfonamides. The sulfonamides con stitute a series of weak preparations should on ly be ;idm inistPrP<I hy intra,-.,,..,-
urgallic acids Lhal e11Le1 n1osl Lissues and body Iluids. 1'11e iI1jcction. Prolongeu-release oral dosage forms of sulfa.~-­
degree of io nization ancl lipicl solubility of the large n un1- h azi ne are available .
ber of individual sulfona1nides influenccs absorptlon, de- Advcrsc Ef(ccts . 'fhc sulfonamid es can produce a widc-
term ines capacity to pc11ctrate cell membranes, and can riety of sicte effccts, sorne of which may have an alle::.: .
affect thc ratc of climination . Sulfonamides exert a bac- basís w h crcas others are du e to direct toxicity. The m : =
tcriostaric effect agalnst both gram-positive and gra1n- com mon a<lverse effc.::ct:; are uriuary lracl dislurl.Ja1........
negative bacteria and can also inhibit other m icro organ - (cryst;il lt1ri;i, hPmat11ri;;i, o r even ohstruction) and hema~
i:;u1.s (:.u1ue ¡JI They are available il1 a wide variet)• poietic disorders (thrombocytopenia and leukopení_
of preparations for either oral or parenteral use. Thcy have Sorne ad verse effects are associated with particular sul:" -
lnrgcly bccn abandoncd bccnusc of widcsprcad rcsistan cc, amidc5. Sulfodiozinc and i;ulfasalazine given for 1011g p.<=-
ditficulties in administrat1on 1 and the existence of better ods to dogs to control chronlc hemorrhagic colitis h ~
alternatives. Ccrtain individual sulfonamides are com- caused keratoconjunctivitis sicca .
bined "''lth trlmcthoprlm In fixed ratio (5:1) cornl.JiI1otiu11
preparations that have the advantage of both synergistic Trimethoprim-Sulfonamide Combinations. 1rimethoprim is co::::-
cu1<.l l.léiclt:riLi<.lal t:fft:Ll:>. bined with a varicty of sulfonarnides in a fixcd ratio. 7'-
Individual sulfonamides are derivatives of sulfanil- combination produces a bactericida! ettect against a \\iC~
amidc, which contains the structura1 prercquisitcs for an- rangc of bacteria, with sorne irnportant cxceptions, ar. _
tibacterial a<.'1:ivity. 1·he various derivatives ditter in physic- also inhtb1ts ccrta1n other microorganisms. Veterina.•
ochemical and pharmacokinetic properties and in degree prcparations contain trimethoprim combined with sul~­
of antimicrobial activity. The sodium salts of sulfonam ldcs diazlne or sulfauoxi11c i11 llit: 1:5 1alio. Oll1e.c anlibacter
are readily soluble in water, a11d parenteral p reparations diaminopyrimidines comhinPcl with sulfonamicles for De'
are available for intravc11uus au1niuJ:>LraLio11. Cerlain sul- il1 anin1als include baquiloprim a11d orn1etoprim.
fon ilmiclP molPc11IPs ilrf' <IPsigned for Jow solubility (e.g., Antirnicrobial Activi ly. ·rrimethoprim-su lfonam ide coc -
r:hapter 4 Antimicrohial Chemotherapy 33

"')n~ h;.ive a generally broad spectrum and usually Tetracydines. ·retracyclines interfere with protein synthesis
· ~ricidal action against n1any gram-positive and gram- 1Jy i11llilJitiug tl1t: lJir1ding of aminoacyl tRNA to the recog-
__::ve aerobic bacteria, including members of the family nition site. The various tetraryrlinPs havt> simi111r ;intimi-
c.;;...:- bactcriaccac. ·rhe combination is active against a largc crobial activity but differ in pl1armacologic characteristics.
?Ort.Jon of anaerobic bacteria, at teast under in vitro Antinzicrobial Activity. Tetracyclines are broad-spectrum
-ditions. A1ycoplasma ar1d J>. ueruginosa are resistant. drugs active against gram-positive and gram-ncgativc bac-
·-nerglsm occurs when the mlcroorgan1sms are sensi- tena, 1ncluding ricketts1a aod chlamydia, sorne mycoplas-
--,..,. "') hoth dn1gs in the combination. When bacteria are mas, and protozoa such as Theilcria. Tetracyclines have
=;:.,:.·:int to sulfonamides, synergism n1ay still he obtained guod activity against rnany gram-positive bacteria, the
up to 40% of cases, even when bacteria are only moder- more fastidious nonentPrir h;irti>riil ~11rh ilS Actinohacil111s,
susceptible to trimethoprim. Becausc of diffcrcnccs Dordetella, Drucella, Ilaen1ophilus, sorne Pasteurella, and
,...,,_ "een the trimethoprim and sulfonamidc in distribu- many anaerobic bacteria, but thcir activity against these
n pattern and processes of elimination, the concentra- bacteria and against membcrs of thc family Entcrobactcri-
......,.•;. ratlos of the two drugs wlll dlffer conslderably in tis- aceae are l1m1ted by acquircd resistance. I'seudomonas
-.........:. a nci 11rint> frnm tht> ratio in thi> pl11sm;.i. This variation aeruginosa is resistant, except in urinary tract infectiolls 1
not important since the synergistic interaction occur~ whcrc, uecause of their t1igh concenttattons, tetracyclines
"'a wide range of conccntration ratios of the two drugs. may he drugs of c:hoirt>.
Resistance. Resistance to sulfona1nides is due to struc- Resistance. Widespread resistance to the tetracyclines l
·al alteration in the dihydrofolic acid synthesizing en- has considerably reduccd their usefulness. Such resistancc
-me (dihydropteroate synthetase), whereas resistance to is high leve! and usually plasmid- and transposon-mcdi- · UJ
.....1ellluprirr1 usually results frorn plasmid-encoded syn- ated. Cross-resistance between tctracyclines is complete. :J:
• oCStS of a resistan t ciihyci rofolatf' ri>rl11rtil~f' Pnryme Rae- Adverse Effects. Tetracyclines are generally safe antibi i-
- 31 resistance to the combination has progressively de- u lit:)) witl1 a reasonably high therapeutlc index. The main W
ped with use of these preparations in animals. adverse effects art> as~ori11ti>rl with thcir severely irritant CJ)
,bsorption, Distribution, and Elimination. Trimethoprim nature, with disturbances in gastrointestinal flora, wilh <(
- :ipid-soluble organic base that is approx1mately 60o/o their ability to bind calcium (cardiovascular e.ffects, teeth ._
..;nd to plasma proteins and 60ºAi ionized in the plasma. or bone deposition), and with thc toxic cffccts of degrada- :J -1
.:. cun1l>ination of physicochem!cal properties enables tion products on liver and kidncy cells. Their use in horses
""" ci n1g to distribute widely, to penetra te cellular barriers has largely been abandoned beca use of a tendency to pro-
nonionic diffusio11, aJ1d to atlain effeclivc co11ce11lra- duce broad-spectrun1 supprcsslon of the normal intestinal
t.. ns in most body fluids and tissucs, including brain and
<.... rcbrospinal fluid . Hcpati.c .m ctabolism is thc principal
¡: ¡ocess tor el imination ot trimethopri m. ·rhe halt-lite and
flor;i ilnrl filtill superinfection with Salmonella or Clostri-
diu111 dif(lcile. -m
-:-action of the dose that is excreted unchanged in the Chloramphenicol and Florfenicol. C hloramphenicol and flor-
L:ine vary widely among different species. The drug is fenicol are broad-spectrum, generally bacteriostatic drugs
ell absorbed following oral administration in dogs, cats, that bind the SOS ribosome, distorting the region and in-
~~llJ horses or from injet:tion sltes in these and other hlbltlng the peptidyl transfcrasc reactlon. They are stable,
;w'C'i f'~. 1ipirl -~ol11hle, neutral compou nds.
.J.dverse Effects. Serious sidc effccts are uncommon; A11ti111icrobial Activity. Chloran1phenicol and florfenicol
~'lose that do occur can usually be attributed to the sulfon- are active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacte-
;i..mide component. Oral trimethoprim sulfonan1ide has ria, including chlamydia and rickcttsia, and sorne my-
·ne advantage over other oral antimicrobials of causing coplasmas. Most gram-positive and many gram-negative
.ttlc disturbance among the normal intestinal anaerobic pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic bacteria are susceptible,
;ilcroflura. though restsrance ls increastng In memhers of the family
Enterobacteriaceae. Florfenicol is less active against mem-
bers of the family Ente1obacte1h1eceue bul has liigli aclivity
.,hibition of Protein Synthesis
against Haernophilus, Mannheirnia haetnolytica, and Pasteu-
:..xamples of drugs that inhibit protcin synthesis are tetra- rclla. Thc drugs are gcne rally b acteriostatic.
cyclines, aminoglycosides (am1kac1n, gentam1cin, kana- J<esistance. Most resistance is the result of plasmid-
mycin, neomycin, streptomycin, tobramycin, and others), encoded acetylase enzymes.
d11 1iuucyclituls (spectiuurnycin), cllloramphenicol, lln- Absorption, Distribution, and Excretion. In dogs, cats, and
cosamicies (, linromyrin), ;.ind macrolidcs preruminant s, chloramphcnicol is well absorbed from the
azithron1ycin, clarilhro1nycin, e1 yll110111yci u, tylu.siu, tia- lutestine; in rumina11ts thc drug Is Inactivated after oral
mul in, and othcrs). Because of the marked differences in acim in istriltion. Rer;.iuse of its low molecular weight, lípic.l
ribo5omol structurc, compo:;ltion, nnd function bctwccn solubility, and modest plasn1a protcin bindi11g, lhe drug is
p rol<a ryotic and eukaryottc ce lis, many i mportant antibac- well distributed in rnost tissues and fluids, including the
terial drugs selectively inhibit bacteria! protein synthesis. cerebrospinal fluid and aqueous humor. The half-life of
•.\11 LilJiutic.s affcctiI1g protein synthests can be dlvlded into chloramphenicol varies widely in an1mals from a low of 1
those affcc:ting tht> 10S rihoc;omi> (tPtr11ryclines, aminogly- h our in horses to 5 or 6 hours in cats. In neonates the half-
cosidcs, aminocyclitols) and those affecting the 505 ribo- life i)) cun:;idcra!Jly longer. The drug Is malnly ellminated
some (chloramphenicol, macrolides, lincosamides). hy g lucuronicie c:onj11g11tion in the liver.
34 PART 1 Introduction

Advarse Effects. The fatal aplastic ane1nia seen in l in Resistance. Most clinically import;-int rt>sistanct> is
25,000 to 40,000 t1urnans treatt:tl with chlura.iuvlrc11icul caused by a variety of R plasn1id-specified degradatíve cn-
clot>s not occur in animals, although prolonged high dos- zymes locatcd in the periplasmic space. Certain of these
ing may cause rever:iiblc abnormnlitics in bonc mnrro~v cnzymc:; inactivatc only thc oldcr •uninoglycosides (strep
activity. ·rhc potential tor nondose-related fatal aplastic tomycin, or neomycin and kanan1ycin), but others are
anaemia in l1uma11s has led to its prohibitior1 for use in broader spectrum. 'fh.e remarkablc property of arnikacin
food animals in most countries because of fear of the is its resistance to many of thc c11zyn1es t hat inactivéltc
presence of drug residues in meat products. Florfenicol other aminoglycosides. Plasmid-mecliatt>d rPsistance to
does not have effect and so has selective use for foutl :>lreµ1u111yci11 is v•>'idespread and con1monly linked to sul-
animals. fonamides, tetracyclines, and ampicillin. Chromosomal
resistance to streptomycin, but not to the other aminogly
Aminoglycosides. The aminoglycosides are bactericidal. The cosides, develops tairly readily during treatrnent.
mode of action of strcptomycio is best understood. Absorption, Distribution, and E:.:cretion. Aminoglycosides
Streptomycin 11as a variety of complex cffccts 111 tbe bacte- are poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tral.t, 1.Ji11u Lu
ria! cell: a) it binds to a specific receptor protein in the 30S a low extcnt to plasma proteins, and havt> limited capacity
ribosomal subunit, distorting the codon-antlcodon inter- to 1;;:11tcr cclls a11d penelrale ccll u lar barriers. ·r11ey do not
actions at the recognition site and causiog misrcading of r0.adily attain therapeutic concentrations in transcellular
the geuetk: cuue :>u Ll1aL faulLy prolclns are produced; b) it fluids, particularly cerebrospinal and ocular fluid. Poor dif
hinct~ to "initiating" ribosomes to prcvcnt the formation fusibility can be attributed to their low degree of lipid sol-
of 70S ribosomes; and c) it inhibits thc clongation reaction ubility. ·rheir apparent volumes of distribution are rela-
of protein synthesis. ·rhe othcr aminoglycosides act SJ1n1- tively small, and their half-llves are short (2 l1uurs) i11
larly to streptomycin in causiog mistranslatioo of the domestic animals. Even though these dn1gs have a small
gcnctic code and in irreversible inhibition of initiation, al- volume uf uistril.Juliu11, seleclive binding to renal tissue
though thc cxtent and type often differ. They have mul- (kiclney cortPx) occurs. Elimination takes place entirely by
tiple blndlng sites on the rilJoso1nc, wl1erca:> :>Lreplo1nycin renal excretion (glomcrular filtration), and uncha.ngcd
has only one, ;-incl can also inhihit the translocation step in drug is rapidly excreted in the urine. ln1pairecl renal func-
protein synthesis. Spectinomycin is a bacteriostatic arni- tion dccrcascs tl1cir rate of excretion and makes adjust-
nocyclitol antibiotic that is believed to inhibit polypeptidc rnent of the maintenance ctosage necessary to p revent ac-
chuin clongation at thc tra11slocation step. cumulation with attendant toxicity.
·r11e aminoglycoside antib1otics are polar organic bases. Major changes are taklng place 1n recornrueu tlatiuus fur
Their polarity largely accounts for the similar pharmacokl- in tra111uscular dosage with ami noglycosiciPs, wh ich is
netlc properties that are shared by ali members of tl1e r11uvi11g frorn ll1ree lin1es daily to a single daily dosagc.
group. Chemically, they con~i~t of a hPxosP nuclPus to This has the effect of increasing therapeutic efficacy, since
wl1ich an1ino sugars are attached by glycosidic linkages. antibacterial activity dcpcnds oo both peak concentra
All are potentially ototoxic and nephrotoxic. The newer tions and total conccntration, and of reducing toxicity,
uminoglycosidcs are more resistant lo plasmid mediated since the oephrotoxic effects depend oo a threshold effect,
enzymat1c degradation and are less toxic than the older concentrations above which have no further action. ·rhis
compouods. Amikacio > tobramycin > gentamicin > dran1atically changed understandíng of aminoglyco~icit>
neomycln = > strcptomycln in potency, spec- uu:>agt! 111ay increase Lhe use of tl1e less toxic members.
trum of activity, and stability to pl<ismi<i-mPrliat ed resist- Adverse Effects. All aminoglycosides can cause varying
ancc. Tl1is acUvity 111irrors thc chronology of introduction dc.:grccs of otot oxicity ond ncphrotoxicity. "fhc tcndency to
of the drugs, with streptomycin being thc oldest ot t he produce vestibular or cochlear damage varies with the
ami noglycosides. drug: neo rnycin is the most likely to cause cochlear dam-
Antirn1crob1al Activity. Am1noglycos1c.les are particularly age ancl streptomycin to cause vestibular clarnélge. Ncpl 1ru-
active against gram-negative bacteria as well as against my- toxicity (aCL1te tubular necrosi~) occ11r~ in association with
cobacterla and sorne mycoplasma. AnaerotJic bacteria are µrulu11ged Lherapy and excessive trough conccntrutions of
usually resistant. As a general rule, gr;im-positivt> hactt>ria the aminoglycoside (particularly gentamicin) in plasma.
are 1esislanl lo older drugs (strcptomycin, neornycin) but The arninoglycosidcs can produce neuromuscular block-
may be inhibited by newer drugs (gentamicin, ami.kaci n ). A age ot the nondepo1anz1ng typc, wh1ch causes flacc10
particularly useful property is the activity of newer arnino- paralysis and apnea. This is most likely to occur in associa-
glycos1cles against P. aeruginosa. 'rhcir bacteridclal action on tlon with anesthesia.
aerobic gram-negative bacilli is markedly influenced by pH;
they are most active in an alkall11e environment. lncrea:seu A1ninocyclitols. Spcctinon1ycin is an a111in ocyclitol antibi-
local acidity secondary to tissu(' damag<> may account for otic with a spectrum of activity and mechanism ot action
ll1e failu1e of an a111i11oglycoside to kili usually susceptible similar to that of kanamycin but without the toxic effects
microorganisms at infection sites or in abscess cavities. of the aminoglycosides. lt is normally bacteriostatic and Is
Combinations of aminoglycosidcs with penicillins are not particularly active on a wcight basis. Its activity against
oltcn synergistic; the concurrent admrn1stration of the gram-oegative bacteria Is unpretlil.tabll.! 1.Jecau:>e uf natu-
oewcr beta-lactam antibiotics with gentamicin or to- rally resistant strail1s. Chromosomal resistance dcvelops
bramycln has been usecl to trcat serlous gram-negativc iu- readily bul does oot cross-react ""ith arninoglycosidcs.
fections, for example, those caused by P. ru n1ginnsa.
Plasmid resistance is uncommon but often extcncls to
Chapter 4 Antimicrobi;:il Chemotherapy 35

r--:.-- ->myrin The clrt1g h¡¡s most of the ph;1rm;1coldnetic be <ivoided ln this species. ·ry1osin and tiamulin adminis-
~es of aminoglycosides but appears to penetrate tered intravenously to calves n1ay produce severe nervous
ü:!"E~.::rospinal flujd better. It has been used in agricultmaJ depression. The drugs should not be given orally to rumi-
~ - ce to trcnt snlmoncllosis nnd mycoplnsmn infections. nants bccausc of thcir potcntial for disturbing the n1men
flora .
.;;,::::: des. Macrolide antibiotics are bacteriostatic with ac-
- partlcularly agatnst gram-posltlve bacteria and my- Lincosamides. Llncomycin and clindamycin have antibac-
..... -~ 'TTI" Thf'y bind to SOS ribosome in competition with terial activity mainly against gram-positive aerobic bacte-
""'-""-ramphenicol and inhibit the translocation step of ria and against anae1obic bacle1ia. The d1 ugs bi11d Lltt: 505
;:ii:e·n synthesis. ·rhe precise mechanism of action is un- ribosomal subunits at binding si tes that overlap with those
- ·-n. Mncrolidc nntibiotics (azithromycin, clnrithromy- of chloramphcnicol and the macrolides. 'fhey inhibit the
- <'rythromycin, tylosin, tlamulin, and spiramycir1) peptidyl transterase reaction. ·rhe lincosamides, lincomy-
"'action and pharmacokinetic properties similar to the cin and clindamycin, are products of an actinomycete
....::... u~mldes. Llke the llncosamldes they are llpid soluble, with activlty and mechanism of action similar to t hat of
--·e rlr11gs th;:it ;:irP ronrf'ntr;:itr<I in ti s~11P compared to the macrolides. Lincomycin is most commonly used in
:um and penetrate cells well. veterinai:y 111edicine, allhougl 1 i Lis lt:s:. active un a vveight
.411ti1nicro/Jial Activity. Eryth ro mycin has an antibact er- basis t han cl indamycin. Lincosamides are active against
c. spectrum sín1ilar to penicillin G, but it includes activity gram-positivc acrob.ic and ali anaerobic bacteria, and
:;ainst penicillinase-producing coagulase-positíve staphy- against mycoplasmas, but most gram-negative aerobes are
.._occi, Campyfobacter, Leptospira, Bordetella, rickettsia, rcsistant. Clindamycin is more active t h an Jinco mycin
~u1yLlia, :;uu11; 111ycuplasrna, anti atypical mycobacteria. agalnst anaerobes and may be bactericida!. Chromosomal
; =iay he hact <'ricicla 1 ;:it h igh roncPntr;:ition<;_Tylosin ¡¡nd stepwise resistance develops fairly readily, and plasmid-
~amycin are less active than crythromycin against bac- n1ediated rcsistance is co111111011. Cros:.-n:::;i:;ta11ce between
~"ia but more active against a broad range of rnycoplasma. lincosamides is complete and commonly occurs also '1-Vith
-:u:iulin has better <tctivity than the other macrolidcs macrolidcs. Lincomycin is readily absorbed after oral or
__....::st anaerobes, 1nclucting Brnd1yspirn flyodysenterine, intramuscular administration. Food delays and reduces ab-
- l i distinguished for its remarkable activi.ty against my- sorption. The absorption of differcnt clindamydn com
~...-~rnas. Azithromycln and clarithromycin are particu- pounds is variable. The lincosamides are >'lidely distrib-
-:\_ active against non-tuberculous mycobacteria. The ac- uted in body tissues and fluids, including the prostate and
. of Lht:::.e lwu Llrug::. agaiusl a variety uf ir1tracellular mil.k, but cerebrosplnal tluld concentrations are low. They
~~::,-ia not only rl<'pf'nrl<; on intrin<>ic: ac:tivity hut pPnPtr;:itp in tr;:icPll11 l;:irly hPr;;i11<;P nf thPir 1i poph i lir propPr-
i:S:>on thc oftcn rcmarkablc conccntratioo of thc drugs in ties. Most excretion is through the liver. The major adversc
•..o.. . including macrophages. Azithromycin may concen- ettect ot lincosamides is their ability to cause fatal diarrhea
-., 200-500 fold inside macrophages compared to its in horses, rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters. In rabbits,
;:!ID concentrations. fatal diarrhea results from proliferation of Ctostridiunz
ílesistance. Onc-step chromosomal resistance to eryth- spiroforme or G'. difTicile. Oral lincosamides at low concen-
mvctn develops falrly readily, even during treatment , trations produce severe ruminal disturbances in adult
4< is generally unstable. Plasmid-mediated resistan ce is runlinants.
-'11111011. C1 oss-resist a n ce bel ween eryl hro n1ycin and lin-
- ~mides and other macrolides is common. There is little
..n;"ormation about resistance of veterinary path ogen s to Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Drug Dosage
-'!osin. Development of resistan ce to tiam u lin app ears to Prediction
oe relatively uncommon; organisms resistant to tian1ulin
-'-º"v une-way cross-reslstance wit h ot her macro liúes. The use of antimicrobial drugs in treating infections de-
4hw¡rptinn, f)i~trihutinn, and F.xr.retinn. F.rythromycin pends on thc rclation of the quantitative susceptibility of
~ea rate and estolate are well absorbed after o ral adminis- the mlcroorganlsm to tissue concentrations of drug. The
::::ation, but the base is not. Intramuscular injection of antimicrobial susccptibility of many veterinary pathogens
c:ythromycin is very irritating. Thc nbsorption of tylosin is predictable and clinical cxpcric11ce l1as eslablished effec-
..:om the intest1ne var1es with the formulation. Tiamulin is tive dosages for infections caused by these organisms. In
• '"ell absorbed. 1'hese drugs are weU distributed through many bacteria, howcvcr, thc prcscnce of various mecha-
!Jutly tissues anti fluitl!>, except the cerebrospinal t1uld. nisms for acquiring resistance means that susceptibility to
:-i'>~ue roncpntr;:ition<: oftPn PxC'PP<I SPr11m conc:entrations, a particular antibacterial drug may need to be tested.
aotably for azithromycin and clarithron1ycin, '"'hich are
-herefore often dosed once a day or less frequently. In the Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
::ase of spiramycin, such tissuc conccntration is extreme
and is associated "v1th t1ssue b1nd1ng. A large proportion of ·rhere are two general methods for antimicrobial suscepti-
dlesc drugs is degraded in the body, but sorne is excreted bility testing in vitro: the dilution method and the diffu-
.i1ruugl1 tl1c kltlucy anti the liver. sion method. The d!lution method gives quantitatlve in-
Adverse F,ffert~. M;:irroli<IPs i'lrf> gPnPr;:illy safe drugs formation on drug susceptibility while t he diffusion
though painful on injection . 'fheir potential for causing ir- n1elhod ~ivc::::. 4ualilative (or at tJest serniquantltatlvc) ln-
reversible diarrhea in adult horses mea ns they should formation. The tests m11<;t hf' pPrformed under standard-
36 PART I lntroduction

ized conditions. The description of a bacterium as suscep- Ta b 1e 4. 1 . Mínimum Concentration of Tetracycline lnhibitory to
tible or resistant to a11 a11tiuli<.:ruulal urug depeuds ul Li- Sclected Vetcrinary Pathogcns
m<'ltPly on clinical success or failure of treatment. Quanti- Minimum mhibitory
tative informatio11 011 susccptibility is obtained in the Concentrati\>11 (µg/ml}
laboratory under artificial circumstances, wl1ich cannot
easily takc into account host defenses, the dynamics of MICso* MIC90•
drug dísposition, or tl1e dynamics of interaction of a vary-
ing drug concentration with a bacterium in the host envi- Bordetella bronchiseptica 2 L
ronrne11t. Nevertl1ele5:., ioft<.:lio11s caused by bacteria clas- Bruce/la canis 0.25 0.25
sified as resistant in s11scPptihility tests rarely respond Corynebacreríum pseudotuberculos/s 0.25 0.25
successfully to trcatment, except under exceptional cir- Escherichia co/i 4.0 64.0
cumstances. Infections caused by bacteria classified as sus- Kfebsiella pneumoniae 2.0 64.0
ceptible can be predicted to do so, dependíng on the dini Mycopfasma canis 4.0 8.0
cal circumstances, nature of the lnfect1on, appropriate Parteurella multodda 0.5 0.5
dosage, and a variety of other factors-some of which are
discussed bclow. •Highest MICso of 50% of i:;olate< te<tcd, MI<:,¡,¡ of 90% of isolatos te<ted. The MIC of
~iflere11t u19•nC.111>.v•>wilh strain and spe<ies.
L)i/ution A ntirnicrobial Tests. Antimicrohi;il clr11gs o f
k11uw11 (JUle11cy are prepared in doubling d ilutions of con-
centra tions similar to t hose ach icvable in the tissues of pa-
tients given usual drug dosagcs. Thc highcst dilution at interpretation of zone diamcters as susceptible, resistant,
which there is no visible bacterial growth following inocu- or intermediate relates to serum drug cu11<.:t11Lrations of
lation and incubation is thc mínimum inhibitory concen- antibiotics in diffPTPnt :inim:il spPcips commonly achiev-
tratlon (Ml C), which is usually less than tl1e lllit1i111u111 able u11der standard dosage rcgimens. From thcsc drug
bactericida! concentration (MBC) for cln1gs ('rahle 4 .1 ) . con centrations, MIC breakpoints have been selected and
1"he advantage of deterruiJú11g 4ua11tilative susceplibil- extrapolated to zone diameters in providing the intcrpre
ity of ;in nrganism is that this information can be related to tative standards. A specialized modilied diffusion system is
knowledge of drug conccntrations in particular tissucs in thc E test, wl1ich is a modified diffusion concentration gra-
the precliction of appropriate drug dosage. ln medicat dient strip system that gives quantltative results.
practice, Mi(-: rcsults are usually interpreted by the system
of categories suggested by the u.s. National Comrnittee for
Design of Drug Dosage and Pharmacodynamic Properties
c:tinical Laboratory Standards (NCC:LS) . 'fhese interpreta-
tive guldclines take into account tl1e irtl1ere11t :;u:;ct¡.>Liliil- Ph a1111acokinelic descriptions of drug disposition in d.iffer-
ity of the ore;inism to P.:!Ch cln1g, thP pharmacokinetiC and ent animal species, wben combined with quantitative sus-
pharmacodynamic properties of the particular drug, ceptibility (MIC) data and knowlcdgc of the pharmacody
dosage, site of infectíon, and drug toxicity. These cate- namic properties of the antimicrob1al, allow predictíon of
gorics are 1) susceptible, meaning that the infecting organ reasonable drug dosage in animals.
ísm 1s usually inhibited by concentrations of a particular Pharmacokinetic propertles lnclude the route uf au-
antibiotic attained in tissues by usual dosage; 2) intermedi- ministration , rate of absorption, rat(' of <1istrihution, vol-
ately susceptible, meaning that tht! ir1fet.ti11g orga1ús1u i:. un1e of dislribulio11, a11d route and rate of elimination.
inl1ibited by bloo<l or tissuP concPntrations achieved with Pharmacodynamic properties include concentrat ion ver-
n1¿1xin1un1 dosage; and 3) resistant, mcaning that it is re- sus time in thc tissuc and othcr body fluids, as well as at
sistant to normally achíevable and tolerated concentra- the site ot i.ntection, toxicoJogic cffect, a11<.1
tions of antimicrobial drugs. /\ fourth category, flexible, effect at the site of infection. The pharmacodynamic ef-
has recently been íntroduced by the NCCLS Subcommit- fects at the slte of Infectlon lncluue tl1c MIC, MBC, con-
tee on Veterinary Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing centration-dependent killing pffect, post-antihiotic effect,
(1999). ·rhls indicares the availa!Jility i11 tl1e U1tlttu Stales sub-MIC effect, post-antibiotic leukocyte enhancemcnt
of the U.S. Food and Drug Aclmini<;tration flexible Iahel, (PALE) effect, as well as first exposure effect. for sorne
whicl1 allows veterinarians to adj u st the dose, within a ("conccntration-dependent") antimicrobials (aminogly-
givcn range, based on the MIC of thc pathogen. cosides, tluoroquinolones), kllhng is a function of antimi-
Diffusion Antimicrobial Tests. /\ standard concentration crobial concentration relative to MlC, a function that may
of a pure culture of tl1e pathogen is placed on appropriate perslst long after drug conct!11tratiu11:; are below MIC. For
agar and individual filter paper discs containing known these drugs the tota 1;imo11 n t of the drug above MIC ("area
concentratlons of lndivi.dual antlfJiotics are ¡.>laced 0 11 Lhe uJ>.dcr ll1c curve") is also important. For otl1cr ("timc-
agar, which is l 11cubated for 18 ho11r~ at 1.')ºC. Th e zone of dependent") anti1nicrobials (bcta-Iactams, chlorampheni-
i11hibilion arou11d each disc is n1easured and the measure- col, lincosamides, macrolides, tetracyclines, tri n1etho-
ment is refer rcd to a chart that classifies tbe organism as priro-sultonamides), bacteria! inhibition is a tunction of
being susceptible, resistant, or intermediately susceptible the ti1ne that tissue concentrations exceed MIC; these
to the particular ant:tb1ot1c 1n eacn a1sc. 5tanaaras for per- <Jrug:; tl1erefore llave Lu !Je Lo iudü1laü1 co.nccntra-
forming these tests are defined. Under standard condi- tions at the site of infection above MIC. For these drugs,
tlons, t h ere is a li11ear iI1vtr:.1:: 1elalionship bclwcen the di- the total amount of drug abovc MIC is not irnportant since
ameter of the zone of growth inhihition and MTC. The no additional killing occurs with increased concentrations
Chapter 4 Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 37

(an<.I in<.lee<.I for some drugs killing may actually decrease at in cxtravascuJar tissue fluids, principally the interstitial
lllgh co11cenLraLio11s). The 111axi111u111 i11terval uf drug dus- fluid. They penetra te capillary endothelium through pores
ing should preclude resumption of hacterial growth. that arlmit molecules with a molecular weight of less than
about 1000. Passage across biological 111e1111Jrancs suclJ as
Factors Affecting Tissue Drug Concentrations. Dosage. The dosage into tissue cells or across nonfenestrated capillary Pnrlo-
rcgimcn is made up of the siz.a of the dose, which is limitcd thclit1m <.lepends on drug ionization, lipid solubility, mo-
by drug toxicity, and the dosage interval, wh1ch 1s dcter- lecular weight, and the amount of free drug prescnt. Lipid-
mined by the half-life of the drug. 'l'he dosage interval re- soluble and nonionized drugs such as the macrolides and
qui1ed Lo n1aiuLai11 Llierapeulit: Lissuc cuuce11tratiuns by chloramphenicol distribute wcll and even concentrate 1n
intravenous dosing should not exceed twice the half-lifP ti<;<;11P, whereas ionized and weakly lipid-soluble drugs
for most antibiotics, but giving drugs by other routes such as penicillins a11d an1i11oglycu!>ille:. uistrilJute puorly.
lengthens the dosage interval. ·rhese physicochemical differences largely de.tC'rminP thP
Routcs of /\dministration. Antibactcrial drugs can be ad- pharmacoJ..;netic characteristics of the drugs; ll1us, anli110-
ministered by a wide variety of routes-for example, intra- glycosides and penicillins have small apparent volumes of
venoi1s, intramuscular, oral, subcutaneous, intramarn- distribution and short h;llf livc:: aftcr intravcnous injcc-
n1ary, inlraulerine, 01 respi1 alury: tlon and are eliminated tl1rougl1 the urinary tract, 'INhereas
m;icrolides and tetracyclines havc large apparent volumcs
1. Jntravenous injection of a drug gives immediate
of distributio11 a11d longe1 half-livcs aud are eliminated In
high serum drug concentrations, which rapidly de-
part through the liver. Penetration of srf'rial sitf>S in the
cline as thc d rug is disl1ibu Led. I11Lrave11uus <.lusing
body such as thc central nervous system, eye, and prostate
may he the only way to exceed the MTC. of somP
pathogens, but frequent dosing by this route is gen-
erally impractical in vcterinary medicine.
(which among other dilterences lack capillary pores) is
only by low molecular wcight, lipid-soluble, nonionized u
2. Intramuscular injection is commonly uscd in vctcri-
Prntein Rinding ofDrug. Tn general, serum protein bind-
nary medicine because it gtves good serum concen-
ing of drugs up to 90 pe1ce11l i:, uf liltlc clir1icai importan ce.
trations within 1 to 2 hours of administration. The
Aminoglycosides and polymyxin hind extensivPly tn intr;i-
n1a jor advanlage is Lhal i11Lra111u.scular ir1jection
ccllular constitucnts a11d thus are inactivated by pus.
gives the highest serum concentration of ali routPs
Excretion A-1cchanisn1s. ·rhese determine thc concentra-
other than intravenous, a lthough subcutaneous in-
tion of drugs in the organs of excretion . Rc1narkably high
jection is a reasonable alternalive. Drug formula-
concentrattons of drugs may be achieved in urine or bile.
tion can be prepared to givc slow rclcasc of thc drug
J>hysiological Barriers. Anatomic-physiologic barriers in
after intramuscular 1nject1on and thus protong
lhe b1aiu, cere1Jru:.piI1dl flui<.l, eye, and mammary gland re-
dosage intervals to reduce handling of animals.
duce the entry of drugs from thP hloorl_ lnflammation re-
3. The oral administration of antlmicrobial drugs is
duces but does not abolish thcsc barriers.
limiten to n10J1ogastric and preruminant animals
Uuration of Treatrnent. Although it is axiomatic that a
and to young foals. Tl1e oral dose is genera11-y severa!
drug must be present for adcquatc time at thc sitc of infcc-
times greater tl1an the parenteral dose hecause the
tion, the variables affectinp; time of treatment havc not
drug is less well absorbed. Although the oral route is
been defined. The response of different types of infection
otten the easiest way to administer drugs, it is not al-
tu antibiotics varíes, and cllnlcal experience with differenL
ways the most reliablc. Sorne drugs (aminoglyco
tyr~s of infertion i-; impo rtan! in assessing response to
s!des, polymyxins) are not absorbed fron1 the intes-
treatment. ln general, if no response lo l1ealrneul i:. ulJ-
tine, others are destroyed by stomach acidity
servcd after two days, diagnosis and trcatment should he
(bcnzyl pe11icillin), ancl abso1plior1 1I1ay lJe iiupairc<.l
reassesscd. Trcatmcnt shoul<.I be continued for 48 hours
byfood (asoccurs with ampicillin, tetracyclines, lin-
aftcr symptoms have resolved, dcpending on the severity
comyci11). Admü1istration of antibiotics in water is
of in fection. For serious infections, treatment should last 7
ncvcrthelcss a particularly simple, convenient, and
ro 10 days. Sorne uncomplicatcd infcctions, such as cysat1s
inexpensive way to trcat livestock because it in-
in ff'males, have been successfully trcatcd with single doses
volves little if any handling oí animals and avo1ds
of antibiotics.
the expense of mixing antibiotics in feed .
4. lnfeclio11s of ll1e udde1, fe111ale ge11ilal trdLt, exter-
na! car canal, and skin are commonly treaterl hy
loc11l 11pplication of antibiotics. Tligh drug concen-
Use of Antibacterial Combinations
trations are obtained without systemic toxic effects.
Combinations of drugs sometimes have dramatic success
The concentration of free drug in the serum largcly
where individual drugs faiJ. An outstanding early example
determines the conccntration in tissue tluids, since
i:; ti 1e use uf penicillin-streptomycln combinations in ente-
pcnctration of drugs in to intcrstitial fluids in most enclor;irclitis in humans. However, early studics of
li:>$ues uf tl1e lJu<.ly is through pores iI1 capillary en-
thc outcoroe of con<bination lrcaln1e11L oí pHcu111u1..u1..1..<1l
meningitis in humans showed the serious clinical effects
Pl1ysicochernical Properties ofthe Drug. ·rhese charactcris- of mixing bacteriostatic an.d bactericida! drugs. Thc im-
tics largely delern1i11e Lhe e.>tleul uf tite distribution of a portancc of antagon1st1c interactions between drugs is
d rug in the body. Most antimicrohial rln1gs rlistribute well greatest in those infections or patients where immune de
38 PART I Tntroduction

fenscs are poor- meningitis, endocarditis, or chronic os- use of antimicrobial drugs in rontrollíng infPction in ani-
teomyelltls- or where imrnunu<.leficie11cies are ¡Jrese11 L, 111a!s a11d l1un1ans. The use of antimicrobial d.r ugs <loes not
and whPrP a hact Pric:irlal action is needed. If a bacteriosta- induce resistance in bacteria but rather eliminates the sus-
tic drug is ni.ixed witl1 a bactericida! drug, thcn thc formcr ceptible bacteria and !caves the resistant bacteria already
may neutralize the latter, w!1ich may be crucial for clear- present in the population. The exposure of animals toan-
ance of infection from certain sites or infections (menin- timicrobials is the basis of selection for the evolution ancl
gitis, endocarditis, chronic osteomyelitis). In other pa- spread of resistance genes anti resista11t lJacleria. The ge-
tients or diseases, because of the complexity of the netic processes involved in thP rlPvf'lopment of resistance
hosr-ba<.:tertal- a11tlllllcrulJlal l11Le1acliu11, il is Lu· i11 bacleria are prcciscly those involved .in thc cvolution of
tert PithPr synergistic: or antagonistic effects clinicaUy, and bacteria generaUy. What has surprised people has been the
it is likely that antagonistic effects of drugs are "laboratory speed and scale with which resistance has emerged in
artifacts" with no clinical meaning. many bacteria! pathogens, a phenomenon that seems to
A drug combination is additivc if the combined effect of bave increased in recent years.
several drugs is the sum of their 1ndcpendent activities Resistance to antlmtcrobial úrug:. ca11 !Je classified as
measured separately, syncrgistic if the combined effect is constitutive or acguired .
significantly greater than their independent effe<.:ts, anú
antagonisdc if it is significantly less than thf'ir inrlPpenrlPnt
Constitutive Resistance
effects. Syuergi:s111 a11d antagoois111 are not absolute char-
actPristic:s; such interactions are often <lifficult to predict, Microorganisn1s may be resistant to certain a11tibiotics be-
vary with bacteria] species a11d strains, and may occur only ca use tbe cellular mechanisms required for antibiotic sus-
overa narrow range oí concentrations. No single in vitro ceptibility are absent from the cell. Myc;uplusrna, for exan1-
mcthod detects ali such interactions. l'he methods used ple, are resistant to benzyl penicillin G hecause they lack a
to determine in vitro intcractlons are generally time- <.:t!ll wall.
consuming and are not often available in the laboratory.
Antlmlcroblal combinatiuu:. art: írt:l!ueutly sy11ergistic Acquired Resistance
if they involvf' thP following mechanisms: 1) sequential
inhibition of successive steps in metabolism (c.g. 1 Acquired, genetically based resistance can arise because of
trimethoprim-sulfonan1idc combination), 2) sequential chromosomal mutation or, more importantly, througti
inhibition of ccll wall synthesis (e.g., vancomycin- the acquisition of genetic material. Chromosomal mut;i.
pcnicillin, mecillinam-ampicillin), ;~) facilitation of drug tlons tend to produce changes iu lJaclerial cell sLructures,
entry of one antibiotic by another (e.g., beta-lactan1- whereas plasmid-mediate<I rf'sistanr.e tends to encode syn-
amlnoglycoside1 polymyxln-sulfonaml<.lt:!), 4) il1liilJiLiu11 lhesis of enzyn1cs that n1odify antlbiotics. Chromosomal
of inactivating enzymes (f' .g., ampici lli n-c:lavulanic acid), resistance is often a gradual, stcpwise process, whercas
and S) prevention of emergence of rcsistant populations plasmid rcsistancc is oftcn high-level, all-or none, resist-
(e.g., erythromydn-rifampin combination against Rhodo- ancc. t::xamples of important mechanisms of resistance are
coccus cqui) . 1) enzyn1atic inactivation of antibiotics, 2) failure of bacte-
As suggested earller, to sorne extent antagonism be- ria! permeability, 3) alterat1on In target receptor:., 4) uevel-
tween antibiotic combinations is a laboratory artifact that opment of by-pass mcchanism<; in mPtaholic pathways,
depends on the method of measuremer1t a11<.l i:s tl1us, wiLh 5) developn1ent of enzyn1es with low drug affinity, and
son1e exceptions, unimportant clin ically. ·rhe antagonistic 6) removing antimicrobial drugs from the cell through et-
effecls of son1e con1binations are, however, detected clini- flux pumps.
cally. Antagonism may occur if antimicrobial combina- (;11romosomal lvlutation to Resistance. Chron1oso1nal
tions involvc thc following mechanisms: 1) inhibition of mutation to resistance is generally a minor problem. Mu-
bactericida! activity (e.g., bacteriostatic and bactericida! tatlons to anrlbiotlc resistan ce are :.µuu.La11eous evc11ts in-
drugs used to treat me11ingitis where, depending on the volving changes in rhromosomal DNA sequences unin-
time-dose relation, bacterici<.lal effl:!cts arl:! preve11Led), íluenced by the presence of antibiotics. Such mutations
2) competition far drug bin<fing sitf><; (P.g., macrolide- may lead to other changes that !cave the cell ata disadvan-
1..hlo1an1pl1en.icol con1binations, "vhich are of uncicnr tngc :;o that, in thc ab5cncc of antibiotic selection, these
clinical significance), 3) inhibition ot cell permeabi!ity mutants may gradually be lost. MutatJon to antibiotic rc-
mcchanisms (e.g., chloramphcnicol or tetracycline- sistance can be dramatic, as in the case of singlt>-step mu-
aminOglycoside combinations, which are of unclear clini- tatlon to streptomydn rt:sistara.:e vvhe1e MIC incre<1ses a
cal significance), and 4) derepression of resistance en- thousandfo.ld, o r gradual, as in the case of cbromosomal
zymes (e.g., new thlrd-generatlon cepl1alu:.¡.iuriu autibi- rcsisla11ce to penicillin wh.cre a series of n1utational cvcnts
otics with older beta-lactaJn <1r11gs). may gradually increase thc MIC: ot the organisms. ·1hese
diffcrcnccs occur bccausc when antibiotics affect one tar-
get site, chromosomal mutation is a single-step process,
Resistance to Antibacterial Drugs whereas v..11en severa) targets are affected, mutatíon to rP-
slstance Is a multistep procc:s:..
The potential for mutation and for genetic exchange be- ºfhe rate of m11tation rliffers for, and is characteristic of,
tween aJI types of bacteria, comblne<.I \•vitl1 tl1e sl1orL lJacLe- eacl1 antibiotic. Sometimcs antibiotics are uscd in combi
rial generation time, is of major importancp in límiting the nation to overcome the possibility oí mutation to rcs1st-
Chapter 4 Anti m irrohi;i 1 í.hi>mothPri!py 39

~~---ne chance of mutation to resistance to two antibi- son and bactcrium. Thc importance of transposi-
the p1oducl o( lhc chances o( n1ulalion for eacl1 a11- lion as a key eh:11 u:11 l i 11 1c:.i:.La1 u.. c ll a11:.ft:1 i:. Lhal
._...'"'., ... alone. Jn veterinary medicine, mutational resist- transposition is independent of the recombination
-.r.t"""c: has Iimited the use of streptomycin, novobiocin, proccss of thc bactcrial ccll- homology ~vith thc in-
~~-;nn, anct, to a lcsscr cxtcnt, crythromycin. It appears teracting LJ_ A is not required_ l'lasmids trom di-
~ increasingly limiling the use of fluoroquinolones. verse sources often possess identical antibiotic inac-
~.. ~tingly, for fluoroqulnolones, there are dlfferences tlvatlng genes because of rransposons _ There are a
:E:~~n <;pPrii>s in thP import;inrP of <;inglP-~ep muta- variety of diffcrent types of transposons that carry
- ín the dcvclop1nent of resistance. For Ca1npylobacter resistance genes; sorne tra11sposons n1ay even cause
-¡ and Pseudo1nonas aeruginosa, a single mutation ata conjugation. Sorne transposons may contain inte-
~cular si te in the gyrA DNA gyrase gene can Iead to clin- grons (scc bclow). Thc simplcst form of a transpo-
:esistance whereas in E. coti a single mutation may lead son is a resistance gene flanl<ed on either side by an
.cly a slight reduction in susceptibility. insertion sequence, the smallest form of mobile ge
., .. hrornosomal mutatlon resultlng in multiple antlbl- netlc element. Because of the widespread naturc of
-""'"" :esistance has hr@n <IPsrrihP<I for rlinirally rPlPvilnt in sertion sequences in bacteria, there is essentially
-:e:-ia. The region involved, thc Mar (multiple antibiotic no gene in bactcrial genoines Lha Lca1uroLlJe 11101Ji-
... stance) locus, controls efflux systems resulting in resist- lized and moved to othcr bacteria! geno1nes as a
- ... e: to a varicty of drugs without modification of the transposon.
....-ugs. 4. Integrons. lntegrons are increasingly recognized as
Transferah/e Drug Resistance_ Gcnetic exchange as a widcsprcad genetic elements associated with multi
a ... se of aulil1iuli<.: rt::.i:;Lar1<.:t: i:; uf 111ajur irnport<:1nce in vet- ple ctrug rcslstance in gram-negative e11teric bacte-
e.-L-iary medicine. (Jnlik<:> chrorri osomal resistanrP, whirh ria An integran consists of an integrase gene anda
ccurs in individual bacteria, transfer of genetic material site-specific inlcgration sile inLo wl úclt Ll1t: inte-
--oouces epideniic or in/ectious resistance. often to several grase can insert antimicrobial drug resistance cas-
a=iñbiotics at one time and even, though rarely, in tl1e ab- settes. Ovcr ninc typcs of integrons and over 60
sc.-.1ce ot anCibiotic sclection. The extrachromosomal DNA different gene cassettes llave been identified in
~ "'lecules rcspo11siblc for antibiotic resistance are usually gram-negative enteric bacteria, with sorne inte
.i:.11útl:., wlú<.:h iI1 thi!) context are sometimes called R fac- grons contatntng as n1any as seven dlfferent resist-
- "(or R pln~miri~) . ThP plasrnid DNA responsible for resist- ance genes on their cassettes. In addition, sorne bac-
;?..'lce can reproduce itself withu1 a ccll a11d spread to oll1e1 lt:ria 1uay <.:arry <.:a!)sctte!) in their genomes 'vhlch
.:ells by transduction, conjugation, transposition, or inte- have not incorporatP<I in to intPgron~ h11t m;iy bP !!S-
~:-ons: sumed to be capablc of so doing. lntegrons (with or
without resistance-gene cassettes) may be found in
l. Transduction. A process by which plas1nid DNA is in the chromosome or in plasmids.
corporated by a bacterlal virus and then transferred
to another bactcriu1n. An example is transfer of a
Clinical lmportance of Antimicrobial Drug Resistance
bt>t<:1-l<:1ct<:1rna!)e gene frorn pt>rlicillin resist<:1nt to sus-
<P[lti hlP <;tf'I [lhylororci. 'l"hP i m [lOrt;inrP of tr;insrl11C- Arq11ired drug resistancc has become a majar p roblem in
ti.on in sprcad of antlmicrobial resistance h as proba- pathogenic bacteria of veterinary in1por lance. lL is con1-
bly been underesti1riated but tl1e narrow specificity mon in many species, although sorne bacteria, particularly
of hactcriophagc~ may havc limitcd thcir role in re- gram-positive bacteria such as many streptococci and
sistance transfer. coryncbacteria, have remained highly susceptible to com-
2. Conjugation. 'fhis refers to plasmid-mediated trans- 1nonly uscd drllgs. As a result, in many cases diseases pro-
fer of reslstance. In th ts common process of gene d uced by these oacceria llave aeclínea cons1derably 1n im-
tr;in.<;fi>r, ;i <lonor h!!rtf'rium synthesizes a sex pilus, portance, to be replaced by diseases produced by bacteria
which attaches to a recipient bacteriurn in a n1ating tl1at l1ave the abili ty lo evolve 111ort: rea<.lily. Acquiretl re-
process and transfcrs copies of plasrnid genes to the sistance to pcnicillins is frequent in coagulase.-rositivP
recipients. Thc donor rctains copies of thc plasmid staphylococci, and acquired multiple antibiotic rcsistance
genes but the rec1pient has now become a potential to many common antibiotics seriously limits their use in
donor. Conjugation can occur not only between members of thc family Enterobacteriaceae such as Salmo-
spc<.:ies of tll~ s<:1me gener<:1 but also across genera nel/a an<l E. colí. Acquired resistance is increasingly ob-
an<I f;imiliP<;, <;o that <;imil;ir pl;ismids ca.n be found served in nonenteric bacteria such as Pasteurella, Bordetella,
in a wide range of unrelated bacteria. Plasrnids are ru 1d H11er11upltilu:; <:111u h<:1s IJeen identified tn vlrtually every
often partly constructed from transposons and intc- pathogenic hacterial g<'n11<; a<; wf'll ;i<; in the normal flora.
grons (see below). 'fhere is to sorne extcnt a causal relationship between
3. Transposition_ Short DNA sequences known as tra11s- antimicrobial drug use and the dcvelopment of resistance
posons ("jumping genes") can transpose from plas- but its importance varies with diffcrcnt pathogcns and cs-
rrútl to plasmld, pl<:1smid to chromosome, or chro- senrially rcflects their abil1ty to adapt to changing circu1n-
mosomP to pl;isrnirl . A tr;in~poson copy usually stanccs, i.c., to evolve. The dcvelopment of resistance has
rc1nains at the original site. The freque11cy of Lrans- lJet:11 p<:1rtl<.:ularly well c.Jocumenrcd among enteric bacteria
position is characteristic of the particular transpo- in VPtPrinary mP<lic·ine. Thc intestine is a major site of
40 PAl(T 1 Introduction

transfer of antibiotic resistance both because of the vast 1ent clone of S. 'fyphimurium DT 104 (a partiutlar phage
numbcrs of bacteria present, the u~e of oral antimicrobial type) h<i:S di:sseu1ir1atetl witlcly t l 11uugh callle on a global
dr11g~. ;:incl hPci'111sP nfthP npportunitiPs for sprE>ad of thesc basis and has spread from this basic reservoir into othcr
bacteria between intensively reared animals kept undcr anirnal species and to humans. 'fhis isolate has a florfcni-
unhygienic conditions in closc associatlon with their ma- col and tetracycline resistancc cncoding gene flankecl by
nurc. Whilc tl1c sprcad of drug rcsistancc is not so well two integrons carrying a beta lactamase and streptomycin
documented in individual compan1on animals such as resístance gene cassette. This cluster of genes form part of
horses and dogs, analogies to the situation 011 farms are a larger, distinctive, region called Salfnone//a genomic is-
useful In understandiI1g llov• spread occurs. lanc.11, which rnay have l.Jccu a pla:.111itl Lhal has inlegratcd
Where multiple drug resistance is encoded on "pl;oismici into thP chromosome; this island has also been identificd
01 an inlegron, lhe use of any antirolcrobial to which re- in otl1er Sabnonella serovars, including Agona.
sistance is er1coded by onc of the genes present will help
maintain the entire collection of genes. Hospital-Acquired Resistant lnfections
l11tesli11al Escherichia coli. Extensive stucly of antimicro-
bial resistance in intestinal E. coli in an imals has provided Acquired antimirrohial rf'sistance in resident hospital bac-
information on the rnechanisms anc.1 ecotogy of anrtmi- teria is a nlajor problem in hun1an ho:-;pitals and is incrcas-
crobial resistance. These studics have shown the relation- ingly recognized in veterínary hospitals. ·r11ere is a causal
ship !Jetweeu tl1e exte11l uf re::.i::.La1 •Le a11d lhe degree of a11- rclationship bctwcc11 antimicrobial use in hospitals and
timi<'rohial use. For exa1nple, resistance iI1 E. coli from the ctevelopment of rcsistance in bacteria. Colonization of
adult ruminunt:s at pasture is slight, w!1crcas it is pro- patients by rcsistant opportunist bacteria is hard to prc-
nounccd in intensively reared animals where antibiotic vent bccausc of sharec.1 air spal:cs a11u e11vi101u11enl, utcn-
use is common. These E. coli may be resistant to up to 10 sils, and veterinary staff. ln aciclition, patients with scrious
clinically useful drugs as a result of plasmid-mediatec.1 re- illnesses tnay be treated with broad-spcctrum antimicro-
sistance. Among enterotoxigenic E. coli from farro ani- bial drugs, thus removing the normal colonization resist-
mals, plasmid-111ediated resistance to tetracyclir1e:s, :sulfuu- ance of the body, including thc largc iI1tcstine, provided
amidcs, and streptomy<'in is now prñ<'tirally universal, and by the normal microbiat ti ora, which are dcstroyec.1 by such
is incrcasingly coinmon to ampícillin a11d i1eo1nycin. drugs. 'fhese paticnts 111ay also be immuoosuppressed by
Ant ibiot ic-resistance encoding plasmids in enterotoxi- their illnesses or by treatrr1ent t1y lmrnunosuppres:sive
gcnic E. coli in swine and calves may also include genes for drugs. Under sucl1 circLtmstances these patients can r1•ac1-
v irulcncc determinants such as toxin production or ad- íly IJe colouized l.Jy l.Jat:Leria ll1al t11e eilher i11l1insically rc-
hesins. Although an unexplored area, antibiotic use may ~ist;int to many antimirrohial drugs (e.g., Acinetobacter
thus potentially promote the transfcr of virulence genes spp., C'itrobacter spp., E11terococcus spp.) or that have ac-
benveen bacteria. quired resistance.
\Vill1il1 ll1e intestine, R plasn1ids are found in E. coli and
in the more dominant anaerobic flora of the large bowel.
\\l'ithin a short time of trcating an animal "vitl1 an antibi- Public Health Aspects of Antimicrobial
Otic, the t . coli and much of the anaerobe populatlon bc- Resistance in Animal Pathogens
come resistant to that ar1tibiotíc, principally beca use of se-
lectlon of resistant strains but also bccausc of enhancec.1 'l'he use of ar1tirnicrouial age11t:. i11a1li111al::., µa1 licularly in
transfer of R plasmids. In the absence of antin1 icrobi;ils, intf'nsivf'ly rearect livesto<'k, can rcsult in antimicrobial-
con.dlllo11s in lhe largc bowcl sccn1 to prevent the transfer resistant bacteria rea ch i ng lhc hu man population through
of 1{ factor:>. Short-term oral use of antimicrobials is fol- a varicty of routes. The scale of the contribution via tl1ese
lowcd by high lcvcls of E. coli rcsistancc, which fall once ro u tes has not been determincd and i ndeed, because of thc
the antimicrol)ials are removed beca use the ma¡ority of R comptexity of resistancc in bacteria! pathogens, would be
plasmic.1 bearing E. coli are not good intestinal colonizers. hard to determine preciscly.
However, the continuous presence of antimicrobials is as- Mo:st a11tiuliuouial rt:::.i:.lar 1Le in hu111a11 pathogens
sociated with extensive resistancc, which persists long <'omp_<; from antimicrohial use in human medicine. How-
aílt:r lhe anlinlicrobial is ren1ovcd sincc resistant E. coli ever, antimicrobial-resistant bacteria of animal origin,
that are good ir1tcstinal colonizers have been selected. such as Enterococcus spp. and E. coli, can colonize the intcs-
Salrnonella Typhi1nuriutn. Multiplc nntimicrobial resist- tines of people. Heavily cxposcd humans (e.g., farn1crs
ancc is a major problem in Saln1011ella lyph1n1unum anc.1 is who use feed containing antlmlcrobials, slaughterhouse
often the result of chromosomally i ncorporated inte- workcrs, cooks, and other food ha11dlers) oftPn hrivf' a
grons. Among s. Typhimuriun1 slralns, clones of certain higl!cr lucitle11ce of re::.islanL /!,. coli in tl1eir feces than thc
phagc types are characterizeci by thc presence of mn ltip lf'- gPnPral population. Contamination of mcat by intestinal
auliu1h.:1ul.Jial 1esislanl inlegrons. 'fhc cxte11t of resistance bacteria at slaugl1ter is extensivc and an importunt routc
is mosl rnarked among calf isolatcs bccause the extensive by which resistant bacteria reach pcople. While many of
use of antimicrobials in sorne typcs of calf rearing and the thcse bacteria are nonpathogcnic, 1nany pathogenic bac-
na tu re of sal 1nonellos1s 111 calves apparently provide an op- terlal species trom the lntestlne:s of ¡u1irr1al:; cau~e zuuuolic
portunity for the development and spread of resistant infections in humans (e.g., Snll11011ella, Campyloharter je-
Salt11011ella. Recently, a multiply reslstant and highly viru- jur11) a11tl tl1e:sc infecliu11s 1nay be hardcr to treat beca use of
Chapter 4 Antimicrobial Chen1otherapy 41

..-.-_~·=red resistance. Tb.e nonpathogenic bacteria of ani- relat ive importance o f different antimicrobial drug classes
- acq uircd by human5 are a potential 5ource of re5ist- in human medicine and analyzes the r.i:>l<s of production
-c sen es for human pathogerlic bacteria other than the of resistance and its acquisition by humans, depending on
~e bacteria. ·rhese bacteria may reach humans not the proposed usage of the drug. ·rhe Center for Veterinary
_ Ihrough the food chain tJut also through vvater con- Medicine ir1tends to reassess the safety of ali antimicrobial
~ :iatf'<i hy rf'sistant hactf'ria of animal origín. dr11gs 11sf'<i in fooct anim::ils in a prioriti7ed de-
:he topic of the contribution of antin1icrobial use in pending on the type of risk analysis propo:;ed for new drug
=animals for growth promotion and disease prophylac- approvals.
_.,_ p':.l.Tposes to resistance in human pathogens has been It seems likely that antimicrobial drugs important in
s-ubject of repeate<.1 review over many years, but the last human medicine will be removed from use as growth pro-
~.:: years has seen the issue subject to the most intense n1oters or long-term. disease p rophylacti.cs throughout the
~!tiny. Tl1e rnajor driving force for tl1e renewed deln1te un world. 'I'his is in keeping \.Yith the important prudent- use
-,,, !Jrudenc:e oft1sing antimicrohial drt1gs in food animals principlf' that antimicrobial drugs should only b e used
~ growth pron1otíon and dísease prophylactic purposes when the benefits are clear and subst<1ntial.
;._¿s been the alarruing increase in resistance in humar1
-tllogens, particularly those causing "community-
Control of Antimicrobial Resistance
... ;~uirecl" (e.g., Streptococcus pneurnoniae) infections rather
c-a !l hospital-acquired in.fections. ·r11is 11as led to a total Avoiding the use of a drug is the best '"'ªY to control an-
e;:ppraisal of Llre use of ali a11ti111icrolJial urug:; i11 all cir- tirnicrolJial resistance. Most ma¡or national veterinary
.;:::..;n~a ncf's. Another factor driving the change is evidence medica! associations have published p rudent-use guide-
t-om Europe that vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus fi:te- liI1es Ior ll1e oplünal use of auLi1uicrolJial age11ts tl1at are
rzmz (VRE), a serious and essentially untreatable hospital- rcadily available on their web sites. Prudent use is definf'ct
,_,:quircd pathogcn of immunocompromiscd human pa- as optimizing the efficacy of antimicrobial drug use
-:ents, were being selected in intensively reared farm while minimizing the developme.nt and spreacl of resist-
~i mals by the use of avoparcin, a glycopeptide antímicro- ance . .A.lthough t hese guidelines are general in scope, they
_:31 drug u:;eu et:> a gro1-vtl1 pruu1uter a11d di:;ea:;e propl1ylac- are ir1creasingly supplemented by specles or veterinary
::X. These VREs were alrnost universal in the intestines of prac:til.f>- type g11i<1f'lini>s that are sometimes case-specific.
= eated animals and were found in a small proportion of Further refinement of such guidelines will occur the
-.ealthy humans in Euro pe. By contrast, they werc not pres- fu tu re.
cnt in healthy humans in the United States, where the drug
~ not used. 'fhese findings \.Yere a demonstration of the
scale of the movement of resistant bacteria from animals to Antifungal Chemotherapy
2umans, which was clearly measurable. Another driving
factor was the entry of Sweden into the European TJnion in 'l'he susceptibility of ft1ngi to dífferent di·ugs is often, but
1999. Since Sweden had banned Lile use of all anlin1icrobial nol always, prediclable. Fungal drug suscepLibiliLy Lesling
C:ugs as growth promoters and disease prophylactics for is technically complex and simple methods parallelingthe
""Iany years, in order to bring its practices into line with disk diffusion antibacterial susceptibility test are not gen-
:t°!.ose of otl1er European Union (EU) countries it either had erally available.
:o changc its rcgulations orto changc thosc of thc EU. lt
.l.Sed the VRE evidence to persuade the EU to change poli-
Antifungal Agents for Topical Use
d es on the use of antiinicrobial gro°l'. th prornoters, most of

·\-h1Ch (avoparcln, bacltracin, splramycln, tylosln) were Many chemlcals have antlfungal properties and are used
banned in F.urope in late 1999. This han has withstood for topical treatment of fungal infections of the skin ancl
court challcnge and seems certain. to remain. A similar ban sometimes of the rnucosal surfaces. 'l'hese include pheno-
h as occurred in Australia, and seems likely in Canada and lic antiseptics such as hexachlorophene; iodides; quater-
Japan. nary a.m moniurn antiscptics; 8-hydroxyquinolinc; salicy-
In the United States, there has also been extensive reex- lamide; propion ic, salicylic, and undecar1oic acids; and
amination of the use of antimicrobials in animals. One no- chlorphenesin . .A.mong the more effective topical broad-
talJlc deci:;iu11 wa:; to rever:;e tl1c approval uf fluoro- spectrum antifungal drugs are natamyclo (a polyene an-
q uinolones for treatment of F.. cnli sept ic:em ia in c:hic:kens ti microhia l), clotrimazole (an im_idazole compound), r1ys-
because of the rapid develop1nent of fluoroquinolone- tat in (a polyene antin1icrobial), <u1d ketocon azole and
resistance in C. jejuni. Tt was estimated that as many as miconazole (see below).
14,000 people annually treated for campylobacteriosis l1ad
their treatment affecte<.1 because they were infectecl with
Antifungal Agents for Systemic Use
resistant bacteria acquired from fluoroquinolone-treated
c ltil:ken:;. Tri addltiou, tl1e Center for Veterir1ary Medicine The recent development of the imidazoles (ketoconazole,
of the TJ.S. f.ood and Drng Arlm in istration has recently de- itraconazole, a.n d fluconazole) has been a major advance
veloped a guidance document for the evaluation of lhe in1- in sysLe111ic fu11gal tl1crapy because of thei.r oral adminis-
pact of resistancc as part of the regulatory approval of new tration. relative lack of toxicity, anct effectiveness. The ear-
antimicrobial drugs. 'l'hc documcnt takcs into account the lier 1najor antifungal drug for systen1ic use, an1ph0Lericif1
42 PART 1 lntroduclion

B, h;id thf' dis;idvantagcs of toxicity and requiring intra- Antiviral Chemotherapy

venous administration, but it did have the advantage of
fungicida! activity. Antiviral Drugs
Griseofulvin. Griseofulvin is a fungistatic antimicrobial
that inhibits mitosis and is active only agalnst dermato- Thc dcvclopmcnt of nontoxlc chemicals for therapeutic
phytes (ringworm fungi) . Resistance in sorne dermato- use 111 v1ra1 wseases is far more ólfflcult than tne deve1op-
phytt:::. Ita::. ue1::11 11::po1 led lo develop during treatn1ent. ment of antibacterial drugs, but the Iong-term prospects
Griseofulvin i~ f'fff'ctivP against rin&'-vorm fungí only if ad- for antivlral che1nothcraµy iJ1 a11i111als are encouraging.
n1i1listered orally. The drug is incorporated into keratin in Human immunodeficiencyvirus (HTV) inff'rtion in people
thc basal cells of the epidermis and rcaches the superficial has led Lo lhe dcvclopment and introduction of antiviral
dcud und pnrnsitizcd kcrntlnized epithelium through pro· drugs effective against retroviruses. Viral replication de-
gressive maturation of thc basal cells. pends largcly on thc active pnrticipntion of the metabolic
Arnphotericin. An1photeri<.:in B is a polye11e a11tiinicro- pathways ot the host cell, and the balance between pre-
bial, lil<e nystatln, whlcll blnds ergosterol, tl1e prlr1clpal vcnti ng viral replicatlon and wrecking cellular rnetabolism
sterol of the fungal 1ne1nbrane, causing lf'a kage. of the cell is delicate. Only a relatlvely small number of uscful urug::.
cu11l1::11L::.. IL is a b.road-spcctrun1, generally fungicida! an- have been described, and thcir spectn1m of an ti viral activ-
ti rn icrobial. lt is active against Blasto1nyces derrnatitidis, ily b ofl1::11 11arrow. Work has concentrated on selective
l Tistoplas111a caps11/at11111, Cryptococcus ncoforrnans, Candi da drugs that use virally encoded enzymes e.i ther as specitic
spp., Sporot/1rix schenckii, and Coccidioides immitis. Strains targets for inhibition orto nctivntc drugs v.rithin virally in-
of fi lamentous fungi, though commonly susceptible, vary fected cells. Recen tly these have included many drugs pref-
from extrcrnc susceptlbllity tu rc~1::.ra11ce. A111phuL1::1iLiu J3 ercntially phosphorylated by virus-specific thymidinP ki-
must be ad1ninisterPd intravpnously. Renal toxicity is an nase and further phosphorylatcd by cellular enzyn1es; the
inevilablc sidc cffc<.:t of such treatment and must be mon- resulting trlpl1osphatf'S of thPse second generation antivi-
itorf'<1; th<> <'ffpct is reversible if the drug is stopped. ral urug::. iulliuil viral DNA polyn1erase, actas bogus sub-
Amphotericin is the most important drug availablc for stratf'S for this rn1.yme, or both.
treating systemic mycoses caused by dimorpllic tungi and Basic anti viral targets include the following:
by ycnsts. lts prime place is increasingly being challenged l. Inhlbltlon uf viral allacl1111enl to cclls (im-
by thc 1midazoles, \Vhich are less roxic and easier to ad- m11nogloh11lins, rpce.ptor homologues)
mü1ister. The drug is given by slow intravenous injection, 2. Inhibition of uncoating of vlruses (amantadinc, ri-
usually cvery other day over 6 to 10 week::.. Lipid fo11nula- mantadine)
tlons cont<1ining amphotPricin B, though expensive, show 3. lnhibition of DNA or RNA synthesis
grcat promise clinically becau;5e of lowcr kidncy toxicity. 4. Nuctcos1de anatogues t1óoxur1órne, Victarabine, rri-
Flucytosi11e. 5-ilucytosine is deaminated in the fungal fluridine; acyclovir, ganciclovir, ribavirin; foscarnet
cell tos fluorouracil, which is incorporated into messen- 5. Inhlbltion of rt!vcr~c tra11::.cripla::.e (zidovudine)
ger KNI\ to produce garble<l codons and faulty proteins. lt 6. Inhibition of mRNA translation (;intisf'nsf' oligonu-
has a narrow spe<.:trum of activity, which includcs most cleolidcs, Lnlcrfero11s)
Cryptococcus neo(c1nnc111~ aud 11lé111y Curuliclu., !Jul wosl fila- 7. Inhibitors of posttranslational modification (pro-
1nentous fungi are resistant. Resistance dcvelops readily tcnsc inhibitors, glycosylation inl1ibitors)
during treatment. ·rherefore, flucy tosinc is oftcn uscd only
in con1bination witll other ctrugs, usually an1photericin. Antiviral drugs are generally only effective prophylucti-
lmidazolcs: Kctoconazole, Miconazole, ltraconazole, Flu- cally or in thc carly stages of disease vvhen viral replication
conazo/e. 1n1idazolcs in terfere wtt h the b iosynthesis of er- is occurri ng. Rapid diagnosis is thcrcfore required. Al
gosterol and bind fungal cell rnembrane phospholipi.ds to tho ugh no antiviral drugs 11avc been approved for vctcri-
cause leakage of cell contents. Ketucouazule, 111ico11azole, nary use, ·rabie 4.2 summarizes the potential of currently
itracona7ol<', ;1 nd f111con;i70Jp ;i rf' fu ngistatic against a availal)le medica! anllvlral compounds for tupical ª'id sys-
widc rangc of yeasts, dimorphic fungí, and dermatophy- temic use in animals. Thc desir<ihlf' ch;iracteristics of vet-
tes; thcy also have sorne antibacterial and antiprotozoal e1 inary an UviJal co111pounds are broad-spectrum efficacy,
activity. Kctoconazolc, itraconazole, and flu<.:onazole ap Jow cost, ease of actministration, and lack of drug residues.
pear to be more active than m1conazole and are the fa- Few of thc antivirul drugs nvailablc possess these charac-
vored drugs for systcmic ad1ninistration because they can teristics, although sorne of the 1mmunomodulators may
be given orally rather than Kctucu11azole, have them.
itraconazole, an<1 fl11con<17.0IP ilppPar to produce few sig-
nifican! advcrsc cffects in humans and animals, but liver
damage has been reported in people given ketoconazole.
'l"hey appcar to be an cffcctivc trcntment for many sys
temic tungal infections in <logs and cats, but there !las
bccn little experience with their use in other animal
species. ·rhey havc thc dlsadvantage of fungistatic actiu11;
prolonged trcatment may hf' nf'rPss;iry in serious infec-
lion.s Lo preven 1 l he rclapsc3 that have occurrcd, and this
is expensive.
r :haptP.r 4 Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 43

Table 4 . 2 . PotP.nti;il Topkril anci Sygpmic Applic;ition of Antiviral nrugs in Veterinary Medicine

Drug Topkal Systemic Possible Veterinary Use

Acyclovir + + Herpes lnfectlons

Amantadine + EquinP infl11P07il rrophyl;ixi(
2-deoxy·D-glucose + Herpes infectioos
Foscarnet + + Herpes infections
Ganciclovir + Cytomcgalovirus infcctions
tdoxundme + Herpes infections
lnterferon + Feline herpes, feline leukemia, feline infectious peritonitis
Methisazone + Bovine vaccinia or pseudocowpox
Rih;wirin .. + Influenza, para influenza, bovine herpes, canine distemper,
feline infe<.tious peritonitis, feline calicivirus
Vidarabine + + Canine herpes
Zidovudine + Feline leukemia virus, equine infectious anemia, feline
immunodeficiency virus
Antilllicrobial Drugs: A
Strategy for Rational U se
and the Ralllifications of

Antiffilcrob1al drugs are ttsed to treat (therapeutic) or pre- Is There an lnfectious Agent Present?
vent (prophylactic) disease produced by infectious bacteria!
agents. Most of the discussion that follows will deal witl1 Apart from having the results ot bacteriotogic culture in
therapeutic use of these drugs, though commPnt will hP hand, this question can be answcrcd by experience (e.g.,
1uau1: rcgi:11Lli11g p1opJ1ylaclic use wl1en appropriate. fur- ali similar cases have hact an infect1ous component) or mí-
thcr, the discussion will deal only with bacteria! agents. crobiologically. It is the microbiological aspect of the deci-
sion process that will be the focus of the discussion here.
Unless noted otherwise, all subsequent remarks w ill hf' fo-
Strategy for Rational Use cuseu Ofl in feltiOUS (JfOCt::>:>t:S i llVolving 110Il1lally Steri le
(or nP;:irly '\tf'rilf') sitf's.
1'111:: <.lc<.:biu11 tu u~e a11li11Jic1obial d1 ugs therapeutically in- One of the most rewarding methods that can be uscd to
volves the determination of ivhether there is a11 infectious determine the presence or absence of an infectious agent is
agent present. Some considcration (though this rarcly oc- thc dircct smear (see Chapter 3). Examination of a direct
curs) should be given to whcther the intectious process ac- smear answers two very important question.s: Is there an
tually poses a threat of sufficient seriousness to outweigh infectious agent present? And, if so, what is the agent
the rlsks of use of these drugs (dlscussect below), and llkely to be? Ans~vers to lJutlt uf thc:.t: yut:slions help justify
whcthcr the infectious process will resolve ivithout thcir the use of ;:in <intimicrohi;:il ;:igcnt, and, what is equally im-
u:.c. Tlic :>i:1111e con1111ent should be n1ade about prophylac- portant, help determine which one is likely to be effectivc.
tic: use: tonsideration should be given as to wl1ether th ere After it has been dcmonstrated that an infectious agcnt
is an unacceptably high prevalencc of in fcctious com plica- is prcscnt, Le., m icroorg¡1nisms are seen in t he d irect
tions following a certain procecture to justify use of antimi- smear, tlle next step in the process is to make an educatcd
crobial drugs. guess as to their identity. 'fhis is the most importa11t step in
Central to the decision to use antilnicrobial drugs is the thl:! proce:;:; ir1 thc rG1tio11G1l u:.t: uf anU1nicrobial drugs-to
demonstration that an infectious agent is part of thP clis- h;:ivp in mind what it is you are going to be treating. Expe-
t:'a~-=: µroct:::.:. u11der conside1aLion. ·r11e gold standard for rience and rctrospective data are keys to this dctcrmina-
this determination, of course, is the result of microbiolog- tion, and allow the clinician to tormulate a "microbiolog1-
ical culture. Strict application of this standard is unrcalis- cal differential list" with the proper hierarchy. By noting
tic, however, because the dccisions to use antimicrobial the shape of the microorganisms seen in the dlrect smear,
drugs are made severa] days before culture data are avail- certain members of thc differential list can be "r11lf'd in" or
able. Therefore, as an aid in determining that a particular "rulcu out." Ge11erG11ly, bacteria come in. two shapes; rods
proccss has an infect ious component, certain cl11Ps ;:i rP ;:ind tocci. Filamentous forms (Actinom.vces, Nocardia) are
u:;cu. 1'111:: I11feclion Con trol Con1n1lttee at t h e Veterinary trcated as a separat e category. Of coursc, if 110 infectiO\.lS
Mt>dical Teaching l-Iospital, University of California, has agcnts are seen but other clues point to infectious process,
drawn up guidelines to be used as aids in t hc dccision- a mlcrobiological differential list is still constructed, but it
making process (Table 5.1). w11l be more difficult to "rule In" or "rule out" certain rni-
The following scl1eme is use<l to justify the therapeutic croorganisms or groups of microorganisms bt>ca11sf' of thc
use of an antimicrobial drug the day tf1e patient is first seen. la<.:k uf vi:.ual clue::..
·rhe whole purpose of the exercise ls to answer thP follow- More sophisticated mcthods involve tl1e detection ot
ir1g 4uc:.tiu11:.: 1:. there an iniectious agcnt present? What is prokaryotic (bacteria!) DNA in a normally sterile site. A
thf' hest antimicrobial drug to use? polyn1erase chain reaction (l'Cll) that uses universal

Chapter S Antimicrohial l)r11gs: A Srrategy for Rational TJse and the Ramifications of Misuse 45

-.:ole 5 .1 . Guidelines for Rational Use of Antimicrohi~I AgPnts What Is the Best Antimicrobial Agent to Use?

• Demonrtration of an infectious agent

If an infectious agent is observed in the direcl so1ear, Ll1e
-· answer to the first qucstion posed ahove has hf'en an-
• Clinical data (at lean two of the following) swcrcd. If nonc are seen, yet the other clucs are present
a. Fever pointing to an in!cctious process (see Table 5.1), the first
question has also bccn answered in the affirmativc. Thc
b. leukocytosis
c. Localized inflammation
next step in the declslo11-making process is "'1-vhat antimi-
d. Components ot the sample
crohial drug <:ho11l<I hP 11.;;pci?" To ans"'1er this question, it is
e. Radiographic evidence important to have in mind the "n1icrobiological ta1geL"
f. Elevated serum fibrlnogen
Depending upon thc site from which the sample was ob-
tained and what was sccn in thc dircct smcar, an educated
guess can be made as to the identity ot the agent(s) in-
volved. Retrospective data are uscd to suggest what antimi-
- -im Pr~ for prokaryotic L)NA allows for this detennina- cru\Jial ag<;:JJ t~ wuultl lJe t:>fft:>ctive for the 1nicroorganisms
tion. "fhe disadvantage to such a detern1i11ation is the lack on the microhiologic;:i l <lifferential list. Then, depending
: an "isolate" to identify and to test for susceptibility to upon distribution, toxicity, and expense, a final cl1oice is
.L"ltimicrobia 1 agcnts. made.
Observation of bacteria in a direct smear may seem to The ncxl day, the microbiology laboratory should b e
-esult in the formulation of a n1icrobiological d ifferential able to furnish infor1nation that is useful in determining
~-:.t uf entlless posslbllitles. Experience and retrospective the appropríatencss of first-day choice of antimicrobial
±!ta allow for thP p;:iring clown nf the list, keeping only the age11t(~)- TI 1c lal>uratury can, for instance, tell you whether

most con1n1on in p1ope1 ltie1a1cl1ical urtlt:r. Fur exarnple, ;:i roci-~h;:ipPd bacteria seen in direct smear is a 111ember of
-"""'. samples from dogs, Bordetella is almost never founcl ex- the family Entcrobacteriaceae (e11le1ic g1ou1i) wltlcl1 i:; a11
("{>pt from thc rc:;pirotory troct, ond hcrc it is not com- cxtremely important piece of information since memhers
monly found tn samplcs obtained from the lower tract ot of this group are unpredictable with respcct to susccptibil-
:>atients with clinical signs of pneumonia. Likewise, in ity pattcrns (due to the propens1ty of this group of mi-
.Lmples from dogs, Pseudo111onas Is hardly ever found in lo- croorganisms to possess resistance-encoding genes, see
-;¡tions othcr than thc externa! ear or the lower urinary ~haplcr 4 a11tl l>l!luw) and, a!> a const>quence, more expen-
=act. Bordetellu 01 Pseutlorr1011us would be very u11lik<;:ly s1ve and morr toxic antimicrohial drugs are used if their
.:andidates for rod-shaped bacteria in a sample of exudate prescncc is likcly.
f!om the peritoneal cavity of a dog. Aside from "common Oblígate anacrobic bacteria pose a special challenge. It
-:icrobiological sense," there are other clues that are help- is important to suspcct thcir prcscncc carly bccausc thc
-U:. For example, misshapen or long, slender rods are al- niethods used to conf1rm them are lengthy; and, just as
n!OSt always members of the anaerobe group (especially importantly, most laboratories do not perform suscepti-
~ seen in malodorous fluid obtained from a norrnallv billty tests on thcm. Even if they did, the results would
, ster-
..:e si te). not be available for at least a week after sample submis-
4/im1•ntary Canal-A Specinl Case. Seeing a n1icroorga11- sion. Thcrc are, howeve1, son1e clues lhal help Lielerr 11i11e
~1 in a norn1ally sterile site does not pose tnuch of a prob- whether membcrs o( this group are present. A major clue
..., in dctermining whether there is an infectious process is odor. Tf an cxudatc or fluid smells fetid, there is a good
:::.cnt. Infcctious discascs of norrnally contaminatcd sitcs chance that obligate anaerobes are present. Without
-~th, vagina, gastrointestinal canal), however, pose spe- smell, an educated guess can also be madc as to their pres
.:,, problen1s. '!'he alimentary canal is the only contami- ence dependtng upon the si re fron1 >vhich. the sample was
- -:ed slte where the dlrect smear can help determine obtained and the shape of the rnicroorganism (mis-
"'i:-ther thcre is an infcctious bacteria! d isease. ·rhere are shapen, slende1 1rids).
_:--ce conditions in which direct sincar ca11 aid il1 Ll1e diag-
s~s and treatment: I) diarrhea associated wjth Campylo-
xu:r, 2) Hclicobactcr-associatcd conditions of stomach and Ramifications of Misuse of Antimicrobial Agents
--:estinal canal, and 3) JJracflyspira (Serpulina)-associated
w...seases. In the first condition, the observation in stained Tn aclclition to ohviou~ hi>nefit~ ciPTived frorn antimicrobial
=.g., Wrlght·Gtcmsa) smears of curved rods, in the second, agents, thcrc are risks involved with their use. Tl1ese risks
.-,, observation of hclical-shaped rods, and in the third, involve the patient as well as others that share the same
"!e observation of spirochctal shapes suggesl lhal an infec- environmcnt, includlng oursclvcs. Thc risks concern re-
~us agent may he associated with the ahnormal signs oh- sistance to antimicrobial agents.
crved. In ali three instances, the presence of a microorgan-
:n \vith a uniquc characteristic gives the visual clue
e<:essary to makc an cducated guess as to the etiology of
:..'1e abnotmal s\gns. More sophisticated techniques (PCR) ln general, therc are t\vo mechanisms whereby bacteria be-
iave heen shnwn to be useful in determining the presence come rcsistant: mutation and acquisition of genes encocl
o_f other pathogcnic 111ic1001ganisn1s, e.g., Clu:;lridiurn di((i- ing the reslstant phenotype. Mutations occur randomly
:ile or thc genes cncoding its toxins. (i.e., thcy are unrelated to the prescnce of t he drug). Tf ~
46 PA RT 1 Tntro<l11rtion

mutational cvent ipvolves DNA encoding a target for a par- ablc, from two (which seems to be ;iho11t tht> mínimum) to
ticular antimicroblal drug, then n:sistancl:! to that <.lrug 1uu1~ ll1a11 seve11. ·r11e genes cncoding resistance lo almost
may rPs11lt. Otht>r mutational cvcnts may have more ali of the co1nmonly used antimicrobial drugs are found
"globul" effects, however. for ín:stuncc, thc chromosomol on p la::;mid Dl'V\. 'fhc cxccptions are resistance to thc fluo
gene encoding the transcriptional activator residing Ln the roquínolones, the polymyxlns, and 1netronidazol e.
Mar (111ultiple antibiotic rcsistance) locus results in 1nulti- Consequently, after conjugation, a susceptible str;iin of
ple drug resistance. TI1c 111ccl1anism for this pheno1ne11on bacteria may have acqulred r<:!slstancl:! to a 11u1111.Jer o( a11-
is the deregulation of control of chromosomal ge11es gov- timicrobial agents and h;1vf' thi> pntt>ntial to pass these re-
crnlng the flux of drugs across rhe bacteria! cell •vall. 'fl1u:., :>blai1ce ge11es 011 Lo yet another, whilc keeping a copy for
the "mttltidrug resistance" ph<>notypt> i~ <lut> to changcs in themselves.
t l 1t: L1ansporl systems of thc ccll wall, leading to resistance ln additio11 to bcing mobilc by means of conjugation,
to just about any clinically useful antibiotic (e.g., fluoro- resistance genes are mobile 1n their own rigl1t. Mobile
quinolones, beta-lactams, tctracyclincs, and chloram genes, called transposable genetic elernents or transposons,
phenicol). Orugs are pumped out of the bacteria! cell be- move from one piece of DNA to anotl11:!r. Mo::.L ofle11, Lhe
forc they reach therapcutically useful concentrations. 1'his information encoding resistan et> to ;i p;irticular antimicro-
phenotype has becn described for J!,scflerichia coli, Salrno- bial age11L is on a lransposon. The importance of this is
nella, Pseudornonas aeruginosa, Prote11s v11lgaris, K/P.hsiP.lla, 1·hat, in the hospital environment where bacteria are cx-
and (~arnpylubcu.:ler. posed to a nurnbcr of diffcrcnt nntü11icrobial agents (and
ThP majorway in which bacteria bccon1e resistant, l1ow- by detinition theywill have acqu1rcd the gene neccssary to
ever, is through the acquisition of DNA that encodcs rcsist- cope with each of these antimicrobials), the genctic pool of
ance to antimicrobial drugs. 'J'hcsc genes may conta1n the resistance genes is very la rge. Antl since tl1t: gt:11es lhe1n-
information for enzymes that inactivate certain antimicro- selves are mobile, they v.•ould have tht> tt>nrlency to insert
bials by acetylat1on or phosphorylation (aminoglycoslde themsl:!lvl:!s 011 a11y 11u1nber of plasn'lids, plasmids
and chloramphenicol modifying cnzymes), for enzy1nes with many and varied resistance genes. Bacteria (both
rt1at JnaL-rlvalt: l.Jy l.J1eaki11g uv11u::. (l¡ela-la<:ldillases and gram-positive and grum-ncgotivc) containing such R plas
ct>pha lospori nases that inactiva te pen icillin/ampicillin mids would be extremely difficult to kíll or suppress wirh
and ccphalo::;porins, respcctivcly), or for protcins that are antimicrobial drugs if they were to becon'le Lnvolved with
involvcd with transport of an antin1icrobial (tetracyclincs), a disease process.
or thcy may cncodc a targct protein different fro1n the na- Another mechanism whereby bacteria may becomc re-
tivc (susceptible) one (a diffcrcnt tetrahydrofolate reduc- sistant is through "trapplng" of seg1uc111::. vf resislance-
tasc is responsible for triincthoprim resistance). encoding DNA (called cassettt>S) hy ~t>gments of DNA (inte-
DNA encoding these varlous enzyn1es can be ¡¡c4uiretl g1011s) 1esiding il1 lhe chron1oson1e, on a plasmid, or
by bacteria il1 several ways: 1) thPy c;in t;ikt> up ONA from witl1in a transposon. Integrons contain the DNA needed
thci1 cnvironn1ent (called tra11s(on11atio11); 2) thcy may be- for the insertion of thc cassette (an integrase), a recogni
come "infected" by a bacteria! virus tl1at contains the re- tion unit that is "recogni.z ed" by the cassette, and a pro-
sistancc genes the virus had acquired from a previously re moter (the cassettes do not usually have one). 'fhcrc are
sistant bacteria! host (called transduction); or 3) they can many rypes of cassettes, but the most cornrnunly vccur-
"receive" it from other bacteria by a sexual process (called ring are those that contain rf'~i-;t;inrt>-t>ncoding genes.
conjuga1ion) . Although thcrc ar<:! examples uf each uf tl1e:.c Seve1al casselles co11taining severa! resistancc cncocling
occurring in nature, the n1ost common mt>thorl of f)NA genes can associate with a particular integron, of which a
acquisllion is Lhrough conjugation, at least for tbe acqui:;i- bacterittm may bavc 1nany. Intcgrons are very common in
tion of resistance genes by bacteria in an environment gram-negative t)acteria, and 11ave been reported iI1 so1ne
containing antimicrobial drugs. gra111-positive species.
Acquired UNA may exist within the bacteria! cell sepa- Integrons contalnlng anthnicru!Jial re:.i:. La11ce-e11cod-
rate from the chromosomc (extrachromosomally). This ing genes, and R pl;ismiris St>t>tn to he quite common
exrrachromosomal DNA ls calletl a plasmid. lf the µla:.u1itl a111011g 111cn1bers of the family linterobacteriaceae. lt is cx-
contains genes encoding resist;i nct> to ;intin1icrohial drugs, tremely difficult; therefore, to prcdict which resistance
t l 1t:11 Lhese plasnlids are callcd R plas111ids. R plasmids may genes will be prcsent, espccially if the R plasmid l1as been
encode information for conjugatio11, and if so, such plas- "constructed" from the res1stance gene pool in a hospital
mids are transmissible and thcrcfore have the capacity to environ1nent. For this reason, a major effort shoulci be
move trom one bacteriun1 to another, either witl1in a fa m- made i.n "ruling out" or "ruliug i11" 111e111bers of Lhis group
il y (e.g., Ji. coli to E. coli, or F. coli to Salrnonella) or outside on the microbiologir::il <liffer<' ntial list for a particular site
of a family (e.g., E. coli to Pasteurellc1). 'l'hi:s tra11:s11li:s::.ilJiliLy or co11dltlon.
has been noted for gram-positivP ;;ind gr;im-nt>gative hacte- Within 24 to 48 hours aftcr the initiation ot antimicro-
ria, [~11 vbligale aerobcs, and for facultativc and obligate bial thcrapy, dramatic changes oc<..-ur in onc of the 1najor
anaerobes. lt appears to be most clinically relevant among host dctense systems of the patient, the normal flora.
members of thc fan1ily Entcrobactcriaccac (e.g., E. coli, 'l'hese changes are reflccted in the replacement of the nor-
Sa/111011ella, Klebsiella). mal flora with bacteria resi:.ta11L Lo Lhe a11linúcrobial drug
A particular bacterium may contain a numbcr of differ- being used. To undt>rst;ind why this is a risk, it is important
cnL plasmids, severa! of whlch may be H. plaslllitl:.. Tite LO u11dcrstand the role of the normal flora as a host dcfcnsc
number of resistance genes enr«1<1f'<I on ;i plasmid is vari- barrier.
Chapter s Antimicrobial Drugs: A Strategy for Rational Use and the Ramifitations oí Misuse 47

--~ Risk coproteins that co;it thP rPll~ ;ifti>r fihronectin is gane. It
should be notcd, too, that if the animal is treatcd wilh an-
- 'onization resistance (see Chapter 2) is a term that de timicrobials as well. thc strcptococci would also be re-
!IU:Ut!:. Lite lur1C1te iu11nuntty C1ffortle<.l tt1e host by lts nor- moved since the oral streptococci are very susceptible to
-~1 flora. Tt is thP normal flora ;inc1 thP mechanisms most antimicroblal agents. There is recent evidencc that
::creby thc norrnal flora is maintained that prot:ct thc shows that sorne gram-negative enteric bacteria possess
5: from colonization (infection) by extraneous m1croo r- acthesins fo1 rect::plors 011 fiuronectin, underscorlng the
':r'-isms. This is an importa11t conccpt sincc p rcvcntion of importance of keeping the normal floríl int;ict . Th<> reslllt-
~:on i7.ation by agents with pathogenic potcntial (e.g., íng changc from a flora composed of relatívely ínnocuous
~'1nont•lla) or prevention of colonization by resistant bacteria (nonhemolytic streptococci) to one with patho-
...:3_j'ls of 111icroorga11is111s is key to 1ni1J.i11J.i;dng the risk we genic potential (members of the enteri~ group) becomcs an
--=-our patients take in living in an environmPnt ront;im- important issue lf compromise occurs 1n a normally ster1le
- -""d by mícroorganis1ns. contiguous site (e.g., the lung).
....olonization resistance can be decreased by a num ber
..2\ltside influences, principally stress, and by antimicro-
,,· agents. Jf t he cotonization res1stance is decreased suf- Rísk to Others
ently, then replaccment will occur (a surface <loes not Antimicrobial agents select bacteria that contain genes en-
"' - unoccupied!) . coding resistancc to t hat particular d rug. ilecause the
..\nti m irrohi;i l ;igi>nts decrease colonization resistan ce genes encod1ng res1stance are almost always tou11d on R
~spí talized dogs were 38 times n1ore likely lo have ac- plasmid DNA, antimicrobial use selects for resistance
- ..rl:ed resistant Safmonella if they were first given an an-
L:ñotic). Within 21to18 hours after administration of an 01;:u1;:::. Lo other ali Ul>iotlcs a::. well. In the hospi~al cnvuo~­
ment where antim icrohials ;i rp 11sP<1, thi> env1ronment 1s
-:.rtmicrobial, the normal flora is depressed to the degree contaminated ~vith m icroorganísn1s containin g very n10-
~ -..a.t resistant strains start to recolonize since those mi- bile genetlc material encoding resista11ce to a variety of an-
oorganis111s Llial rt::plact:: tl1e 11orrnal flora will be reslst- timicrobial agents. We are a part of this cnvironmcnt, and
-¡ to the antin1icrohial drug arlministPrPrl. 1'hpsp ri>si~t­ therefore also partake in this gene pool. Even with an in-
~t strains may be a part of the normal flora (e.g., norn1al, tact colonization resistance, we are transiently colonized
.~:nedicated dogs pcriodically shed large num bers of R wil1 1 uacleria tlt:riveu fro111 anirnals placed ln our care.
- asmid containing E. coli i.n their fcces-thc rcason for -rransient coloni1.ation is c>no11gh for con¡ngation and sub-
-;:;sis unknown) or from the animal's environment. ln ei- sequent passage of resistance genes to our resident norn1al
~-:cr case, the replacement strain wíll be resistant to the an- nora. If by chance the host human is also being medicated
-=:!!icrot>lal belng used. Having rcslstant bacteria occupy- with antimicrobials, th e chance of colonization with rc-
~g ;i ~11rface is not harmful in itself, unless the resistant sistant animal strains increases, as docs the possibility of
.:::ain has the ability to il1vadc Lhc hosl cell Lo which il has passage of an R plasmid.
':'.'ai-'1ed access. But as mentioned above, if a normally ster-
~ sitc contiguous to the recolonized surface becomes
mpromised, bacteria (now resistant bacteria) ~.ll con- Summary
i2minate, and the resulting disease will be more d1ff1cult to
:.:eat. This recolonization effect is the reason beh1nd the ln outlining thc rational use of antimicrobíal agents, this
-~ommendation that prophylactic use of antimicrobial chapter emphasizes the importance o1 two questions: Is
__.:ul::> t::xL1;:11tl 110 lu11ger tl1C1u 24 to 48 liour~. there an ínfectious component to the disease process
Colonization resistance is rcduced hy thP. strPss of ill- under conslderatlon? And, tf so, what anrirnicrobial drug
'.€5-S and the stress of nevv social/envi.ronmcntal experi- would be cffcctíve? The direct smear is a tool that is useful
e:ces. ·rhese changes occur secondary to changes in the in asccrlai11iJ1g whelhe1 a11 i11fi;:cliou::. co111µo nent exists.
- ormal flora. What appears to transpire are changes in thc Once it has becn reasonably established that there is an in-
=.en1ents responsible for the maintenance of t l1e stable, fcctíous component , a "microbiological differential líst"
::wrmal flora. Although these changes have been defined (in hierarchícal order) is created anct further shapcd de-
~osl p11::cisely i11 Liie orc1l cavity, tl1ere are uata that suggest pending upon visual clues obtained from the dircct smear.
~at they al so occur in the inte.<;tínal r.ana 1. l n thP oral r;iv. Experience and retrospectivc susceptib1hty data are used. to
;::--. thc cpithelial cells are coated with fibroncctin, a glyc~­ determine which an timicrobial drugs would be effect1ve
~rotein . i:ibronectin contains receptors for streptococc1, for Lhe n1osLlikel y uf Llu:: co11stituents of t he mlcrob lologi-
=i..:e most ab undant microorganisn1 found on tl1c bucea!, cal differential Jíst. A final rhoicP is m;iclP after considering
•:igual, and gingival surfaces. It is the strcptococei that ex- distribution, toxicity, and cost.
~'.lde olher, potentially more dangerous microbes from as-
Antimicrobial drugs should be treated as an environ-
~ia liug will 1 llie oral cavity (u1ost woultl agree t~at these mental pollutant. They exert very powcrful sclcctivc pres-
- ·ould be n1icroorganisms h elonging to thP PntPnc grollp sures o n thc gene pool in which we all partake. ln atlditíon
such as E. coli or Klebsiclla). The amount of fíbronectín to being potent selective agents, antimicrobíals are a risk to
.:oating these cells decreases in the stressed animal, leaving Lhuse palii;:nt::. receiving them by dlmlnlshing host defense
.r·ailablc underlying attachrnent sites (for gram-ncgativc barriers.
::!icroorganisms) either on the cells themselves or on gly-

lntroduction clear cells cannot destroy following uptake. Sorne terrn tl1i~
im1nune state (i.e., activation of macrophages) ce/111lnr hy·
Vaccines are substances that are used to elicit immune re- persensitivity.
sponses to prevent or minin11ze dist!ast:: pruLlult:Ll l>y infec· Cytotoxic 'í lymphocytes rPcogn ize affected l1ost ce lis
tious agcnts. Vaccines can be cnn1po'\t>d of the infectious (c.g., 1.:ells iofeclcd with virus or bacteria) . In so doing,
ageut il~t:lf (t:ilher livc or killed), a portion of the agcnt these lymphocytcs secrete substances that result in the
that induces a protcctive immune response (subunit vac· <leath of thc affcctcd host cell. If the affectcd bost cell con-
cine), or a product of thc agent. Products containing a tained an inlcctious agent, that agent would now be llbcr-
killcd bacteria! agcnt are more propcrly called baccerins. ated and in contact with other host immune participants
Products that have toxic activities are called toxins, and (e.g., antibody, complement, activated ruauovhages).
toxrns that have bccn inactivated are calleo tuxuids.
To be effective, vaccines must eliclt <tn imm11nt> rc~­ Generation of the lmmune Response
sponse that ir1tcrfcre~ vvill1 Lhe "lifc style" ofthe infectious
<18Pflt. Antigens that are processed by antlgen·processil1g 1.:~11::. via
the exogenous pathway elicit antibodit>s. ·rhus, extracellu·
lar bacteria (live or killed), inactivated viral particlcs, por·
Humoral Immunity tions (s11h11nit'\) of virus, and products are processed by the
Antibodies function im1nunologically by binding to epi· exogenous pathway. Epi topes are presented to thc immune
topes on the surface of the infectious agent and/or one of system in context of MHC-11 by an ailtigen·presenting ccll
its products. By binding to the surface of an infectlous that secretes IL· 1 and little, if any, !L 12. T helper cells (fHz
agcnt, antibodies interfere with attachn1ent to host tareí•t subset of C:U4 lymphocytes) respond to this stimulus by sc-
cells by stearic iutl'.rfcre1 Jlt: a11d/01 by cha!1gü1g the charge creting cytokincs that trigger an antibody response (U.-4,
or hydrophohiciLy of the surface of the agent, and trigger 1L·5, IL· 13).
the complement cascade generating products that are op· Sorne infpctious agt>nts rcplicate within cells. Tf the
sonic and products that are damaging to agents that have agent multiplies within a roononuclear phagocytc, thcn
surface membranes. Antibodies that bind to products of antigens are processed by"vay of the exogenous and/or en·
infectious agents can block tl1e attachment of the product dogcnous pathways (see below). /\.s outlined above with
to receptors on cell u lar targets and/or change the co11fie11- extracellular antigens, antigens of intracellular agcnts
ratlon of the protlu1.;l rt:::.u!Liug in a change in binding are presented in context of Ml-TC-11, but tl1e <tntigf'n.
;.i ffi ni ty. prcsentlng c.:ell Selretes 1L·1 a11Ll IL·12. 1L·l2 stin1ulates ·r
helpPr ct>lls (I'H 1 suhset) while turning off cells of thc TH 2
subset. ·rH 1 cells secrete INf·gamma, rcsulting in the acti
Cell·Mediated lmmunity vation of mononuclear phagocytic cells. Sorne of these
Cell-mediated immunity is an immune response that re· "intracellular" agents (some viruses, bacteria, fungi) repli·
sults in the gcnt~r•1tion of "activated" macrophages a11d/or cate in the cytoplasm of mononuclear phagocytic.: cell:>.
specific cytotoxic 1· lyinphocytes. Th!s aspect of the im· A11tige11s from these agents are also processed hy thC' en·
mune response concerns agents that live insic1t> of cPlls, dogenous pathway, as art: auligens liberated within non·
vvhich are tl1us prolt:1.:Lt:d fro111 interaction with the ele· phagocytic c.c>lls, so that epitopcs are presented to the im·
mt>nts of the humoral components of the system. n1une system in context of MHC·l. .Epitopes presented in
Activatcd macrophages are mononuclear phagocytic this fashion are recognized by CU8 cytotoxic Iympho·
cells that havc come in contact with lnterleukin 1 (IL· I) cytes. These lymphocytes function by lysing infected tar.
un<l interfcron. y (l1'lF gamma). Such cells have incteased gets, i.e., cells expressing epitope-MliC·I complexe:>.
phagocytic and enzymatic actlvity, contaiu iI1lrt:ast:d
amo unts of n itrie oxide, a11d h avt> incrPased production of
Lytukiues, such as lurnor necrosis factor (TNf) and IL-1, DNA Vaccines
and incrt><ist>d expression of MHC class 1(MHC· ll). ·rhis in·
crease in activity is thought to be responsiblc for thc de DNA vaccines are those in which the gene encoding the
struction of infectious agents that nonactivated mononu· antigen in qucstion is inserted lnto a pla::.111i<l vector 1hat

Chapter 6 vaccines 49

'has a strong pro1noter (e.g.. cytomegalovirus immediate/ over the years. ·rhese inelude 1) adrninistering .1 ive virulent
early promoter; SV 40 early promoter) that will result in ex- virus in an anatomical site so that the target tissue or tis-
tnession of the target gene, a termination seque11ce (poly.A sues are not infected, 2) administering Jive virulent virus
tail), and a number of cytidine-phosphate-guanosine to animals ata time of relati ve resistan ce to disease expres-
CpG) motifs. The function of tl1e CpG 111otlf (a II1otif :;iu11, 3) cu11curreul ad111i11islraliu11 uf live virule11L virus
"nmmon in bactPrial gPnomPs) is to dirPc.t the antigen and immune serum, which no longer is acceptahle for oh-
p rocessing cell to secrete lymphokines that favor T Hl lym- vi.o us reasons, 4) use of live avirulent viral strains (e.g., at-
phocytes. ·rhe construct is administered in any number of tenuated or "modified live" viruses). and 5) use of inacti-
..\-ays (intramuscular, intradermally, upon a mucosa! sur vated virus. ln recent years, additional approaches to
face), but intramuscularly is the most con1mon. Myocytes vacctne development have becoine These in -
:hat become transfected serve as antigen-presenting cells clude subunit, synthetic peptide, and recombinant prod-
&id express a11tige11 in co11text uf MHC-T (lur11 011 CI)8 T ucLs. Regardless of vacci11e Lype, Ll1e desi red resulL is Lo
'ymphoc.ytPs). Tt is unc.lear ho1,v antigen is expressed in induce immune responses specific for viral antigens ex-
context of MIIC-II (for CD4 T lymphocytes). Possibilities pressed on the virion surface or on the surface of infected
include MHC-JT antigen-presenting cells (macrophages/ cells, so that the immunized host is immune when ex-
dendritic cells/B lymphocytes) becoming transfected, or posed to the virulent virus. 'fhe rational development of
rransfected myocytes transferrtng the plasmid consn·uct to an efficacious viral vaccine requires an u11derstanding of
~fH C-II antigen-presenting cells. viral pathogenesis, o.f p.rotective ilnmune responses in-
DNA vacci11es have been successful in eliciling proLec- duced followi11g i11fecl.ion, a11tl of Ll.ieir pruleil1 :;p1;:ciJici-
tive immune responses (both humoral and cellular) to a ties. The latter point is of obvious importance for develop-
<ariety of bacteria!, viral, and protozoal microorganisms; ing reco1nbinant and synthetic peptide vaccines.
h-01-vever. commercial DNA vaccines are not yet available in Concerning pathogenesis, the followtng three general
•·eteri11ary medicine. types of viral infections occur:
l. Infections that are confined to the mucosa! surfaces
of the respiratory or gastrointestinal tracts. In such
Adjuvants instances, local in1munity in the form of secretory
antibody (e.g., IgA) is important. The role of cell-
Adjuvants are used to influence the nature of t he immune
mcdiated immu11ity (CMI) is less i.vell characterized
response elicited by an antigen. The response is influenced
in :;ucl1 iufectior1s.
at various stngcs, dcpc11ding upon the adjuvant. Sorne ad-
2. Tnft>c.tions that he.gin at m ucosa] l1ut then
juvants function as depots, so that antigen is slowly re-
cause a systernic i1lfection with viremia, and subse-
leased over an extended period of time to maximize the
quent infection of distant target tissues. In these in-
immune response. Examplcs lnclude water/oil emulsions,
fcctions, botb immunity at the mucosa! surface as
.minerals/salts (bentonite, aluminu1n), and inert p;irtic:les
well as system1c 11nmunity are important.
1n icrospheres). OLher adjuvants direct activity to t he 3. Infections that gain direct entry into the host's cir-
processing step in the initiation of t11e im1nune response.
culation via lnsect bite (arthropod-born.e viruses),
Examples in.elude "imrnune stimulating complexes" inadvertent inoculation, ora traumatic break in an
<TSCOMs) composed of cholesterol-phospholipid struc- epllhelial surfacc. Jn sucll. infections, systemic im-
tures that contain the immunogen, and liposomes (lipid
munity is the primary line of defense.
vesicles) . "Targeting" various cornponents by using
various cytokines as adjuvants can influence imrnune 'fhese mechanisrns of viral il1fection and subsequent
responses. For example, TL-1. activates T lyrr1phocytes, IL- llisse111i11ation 111ust IJe consideretl iu vacciue tlevelop-
1/. and INF-gamm:i infh1i>ncP thP hPlpPr ·r lymphoc.ytP ment. Modified live (attenuated) and inactivated (killed)
subset selcction, an,d gra.nulocyte macrophage colony- virus vaccines dominate thc vcterinary vaccinc markct
stimulating factors activate macrophages and increase effi- fiable 6.1).
ciency of antigen processing.
Live Attenuated Viral Vaccines
Viral Vaccines Tlie <tLLeuuaLed viral vacci11e~ iuclucle <trlificially aLLeuu-
ated (1nodified-live) strains of virus or naturally occurring
Immunization of animals with viral vaccines is critica! to viruses vvith reduced virulence for the host. The origin of
t he prevention of many viral diseases. 'fhe basis of an effec- t hese naturally attenuated isolates may be the natural
tive vaccine is its ability to induce an imrnune response or host, or a closely related virus isolated from a different
responses capable of eliciting protection to subsequent host; for example, the cowpox virus was initíally u sed to
field exposure to patl1ogenic viruses. A multitude of vac- vaccinate humans against smallpox. The major require-
ciu1;: preparatio11s l 1ave 1Jee11 tlevelupetl a11tl us1.:d ovt::r tlie 1ue11ts uf sucl1 an i1pproacl1 are that it induce adequate im-
years. with variable success. The success of a potential vac- n1unity and that the attenuation (lac.k of v in 11PncP) of thP
cine hinges primarily on safety and efficacy; h<n.Yever, eco- vacci ne straLn be stable. The majority of vaccines currently
nomics also continue to dictate vaccine design, develop- u sed today in veterinary medicine are attenuated virnses.
n1ent, and ultimate production on a comn1ercial basis. The most common approach to viral attcnuation is thc. dc-
Various approaches to vac(.ination have been employed velopment of host-range mutants. Other approaches in-
50 PART I Introduction

Table 6.1. Types ot Viral Vaccines A unique approach to expression of cloned viral genes
is the use of hetcrologous viral expression vectors. Vac-
l. Uve Viral Vaccines clnla virus has wldely been used as an infectiuus va<.:<.:i11e
A Attenuation for low virulence of viruses that produce natural expression vector hpc·a11'\P it is a virus that has widely heen
diseases. used as a human vaccine and the fact that at least 22 kilo-
B. Host rangc mutants- use of different viral strains infecting bases of the vaccinia genome can be deleted without loss
d1fferent host spec1es that are relate<! antigenically to the virus of infectivity. ºfhe latter attributc givcs rcscarchcrs amplc
strain that produres a natur;il rli<eaSP in the original ho~. space in which to rnsert tore1gn c1onea genes and nas the
C. Relu111bi11dnl hele1oloyuu) vi1dl valor Vdtti11e>--to11struction of an potential to permit inscrtion of multiple foreign viral
infectious viral recombinant that expresses protective antigen(s) of genes for the purposc of designing rnu1tivale11t a11u iuulli-
another virus that produces a natural disease. Construction of a viral vaccines. A major potentia! advantage of surh infPc-
recombinant virus with insertion of genes with known antiviral tiuu:. va<.:1.:i11e veclv1:. i:. lhe pole11lial for lnduction of cellu-
activitics or with known immunorcgulotory functioos. lar immunity by inserting exprcssed viral proteins into the
D. Recombinant homologous viral strains attenuated by targeted host cell membrane in contcxt with histocompatibility
mutations on deletions of genes coding for specific virulence anti gens.
factors tllat produce a natural dlsease. Co n struction of delction mutants is another potential
E. Nonreplicatíng recombinant viral vector vaccines capable of mechantsn1 of virus attenuation; thus, tl1e selelllve dele-
replicating to high titer in vitro but unable to grow effidently in tion of genes that expn~ss f;:ictors for vi rulence, persistence,
vivo. or iIIuuuuu:>u¡.¡¡.¡re:.:.ivn ca11 oflen be accon1plished with-
11. lnactivated Viral Vaccines out compromising viral replication. This approacl1 re-
A. lnactivated viral vaccines by chemical methods. quircs a thorough understandil1g of thc virus and the
B. lnactivated viral vaccines by physical methods. pathogcnesis ot the dísease it causes; a deletant vaccine
C. Purlfied vira! antlgens ustng monoclonal antibody immunoaffinity has bccn dcveloped to prevent pscuc.lorabies in swi11e. The
chromatography. thymidinc kinase gene is deleted ln t.he pseu<..loral.Jies vac-
D. Cloned viral protein )Ubunit Vdttines µ1udutal in eukd1yotíc or cine strain, which is able to induce an immune response
prokaryotic cells by recombinant DNA technology. wlthout producl ng dl:>eilse. Furtl1cru1ur1::, Ll1e genes encod-
C. Synthetic viral polypeptide vaccines representing immunologically ing virus glycoprntPins gpl, gplll, or gpx are deleted in the
urpident domains of viral surface antigens. vaccine strain. The presence of antibody to these specific
F. Direct injection of plasmid ONJ\ encoding viral protective antigens virus antigcns can be used to differentiate field-strain in-
into tissues in vivo. fected animals from vaccinatcd animals, an important ad
G. Use of anti·idiotypic antibodies as antigens to induce an antiviral vanee iJ1 detining the epidemiology and control of this
antibody response. disease.
Nonrepllcatlng recombinant viral vectors that are not
capable of replication in vivo but that can express forPign
p10Lei11s du1 i11g abo1 live i11feclio11s can induce humoral
and cell-mediated immunity in immunized hosts. Experi-
elude development of temperature-sensitive and cold- mental studics show that dogs or cats are rcsistant to wild-
adapted 1nutants (missense mutations), deletion mutan ts, type rabies viral challenge when inocuiated vvith avian
and recombinant viruses. pox-rabies glycoprotcin recombinant viruses. 'l'his type of
Host-range mutants are developed by serial passage in a vtral vaccinc has the distinct advantage of belng safe in the
host system different from the natural host to be vacci- immunosuppressed host.
r1ate<..1, usually lal.Juratury a11i11ictl:., e1ul.nyv11aled chicke11 l'here are adva11tages a11d disadvantages to attenuated
eggs, or, increasingly, cell cultures. Upon serial passage in viral vacclncs. Table 6.2 lists the general characteristics of
these system s, vin.1ses often lose their virulence for thc livc attcnuatcd as comparcd to killcd viral vaccines. A
natural host dueto accumulation oí mutations in the viral major advantage of líve viral vaccines is their ability to
ge11on1e that result in changes in virus specified proteins. replicate within the host and thereby elicit both humoral
The basis of attenuation of many modified live virus vac- and cellular tmmune responses. In the case of viral ir.Lft::<.:-
cines, however, is poorly characterized and the possibility tions attaching primarily to the m11cosal surfaces of the
of reversiun tu virul~IH.:c aftcr gru~vt11 iu l11e 11alural hosl is respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, administering at-
a lways a concern. tenuated viruses by the nasal or oral routes stimulates local
Conditional lethal mutants have been generated \-Vith immunity. Economic considerations also favor attenuated
the intent that such viruses wou!d exhibit limited replica- vaccines due to the lower cost of production and the typi-
tion in the host and so serve as vaccines. Temperature- cal absence of a requiremcnt for adjuvants, immunopoten-
sensitive mutants are typically created by mutagenesis tiatlng agents, and the need for ruultiple lI11111uJiizaLions.
and phenotypically selected on the basis of temperan1re. While attenuated vira I vaccinPs continue to provide the
Cold-adapted mutant!> are ge11erateu l.Jy J!IUJ!agaLion al 1nainslay of veterinary vaccines, there are a variety of po-
surrPssivPly lowpr tE>mpPratures, thc cnd product being in- tentially serious disadvantages to their use. Significantly,
capable of rcplication at normal temperatures. The cold- only a fine linc scporatcs n1odification and !oss of im-
adapted mutants typically acquire rnu!tip!e mutations in munogenicity. ·l hus, modified Uve vaccine strains of virus
genes encoding virulence and are relatively more stable require a compromisc between loss of virulence of the
than temnerature-sensitive mutants. virus and loss of lts lmmunogeni<.:ity l.Jel:au::;e u1a11y viruses
Chapter 6 Vaccines 51

_ Relative Advantages and Disadvantages of Live vs. lnactivated Virus Vaccines

-act1vated Virus Vaccines
Many inactivated vaccines have been developed for use in
vetertnary n1edicine. Virus inactivation has most com-
Criteria Live lnactivated
monly employed formalin, beta-propiolactone, acetyleth-
fmmunity Long Short ylenei1nine, 0 1 bina1 yeth yle11c::i 111i111::. Atltliliu11al u11::tl1utls
Adjuvant No Yes include ultraviolet light, gamma irradiation, psoralcn
satety Variable Usually very safe compounds, and ozonc gas. Thc primary advantage of
Complications (potential} Reversion to virulence, Sensitization kHled virus vacdnes is safety-many potential disadvan-
spread to susceptible tages of live-virus vaccines are climinated since no virus
anima Is rcplication uc<..urs. Virus for lnact!vat!on has becn pro-
Potcntial contamination Possiblc Mínima! duced in Jahoratory animal~. !'mhryonatP<1 rhirken eggs,
lnterference Poss1ble Mínima! and, most commonly today, in ccll cultures. From an eco-
Cort Mini mal Significant nomicviewpoint, viruses that grow to high titer in cell cul-
lmmunomodulation Not requlred Required tures and exhibit first order inactivation kinetics providc
Vaccine marker Possibly genetic marker Serologic marker the best candidates for vaccinc prcparation. Adjuvants are
Stability Poor Good typically required to induce good immunity 'l-vitl1 killed
CMI induction Yes No viral products, a11d n1ultiplc doses a!'e usuall y re~ui ri;:tl.
local secretory immuníty Yes No With thc continued develop1nent of better adjuvants and
Reassortment/recombination l'ossible No immunopotcntiating complcxcs (ISCOMs), inactivated
Persirtent Yes No vaccines will prove more effcctivc. Inactivated vaccines are
also relatively stable under advcrse conditions, and their
pulc11tial fur strain interference In mult!valent prepara-
tions is reduced compared to att<'n11atf><1 varrinPs.
Thcrc are, ho\•vever, certain disadvantages associated
exhibit reduced immunogenicity as thcy become attenu with the use ot inactivated virus vaccines. Most inactivat-
ated. furthermore, accurate assessment of viral attenua- ing agents are toxic, an<l sorne are carcinogenic. Unlike live
'ion can often be difficult since consistent experimental vlrus, tnactlvated vaccine virus IS not quantitatively am-
repioduclion of clinical disease i:-. difficulL wiLIJ c1::rtaiu plified, so it reguires adjuvant <ind multiple inoculations.
Yiruses. In such instances, a vaccine virus considered to hP. J:lurthern1ore, such preparations do nol ü1duce strong cel-
attenuated may produce clinical diseasc under special cir- lular immunity, since inducing such responses requircs
cumstanccs involving stress, physíologic imbalancc, or that thc antigcn be prcscntcd in association with histo-
concurrcnt infections with other organisms. Viruses that compat1b1hty ant1gens on ccll surfaccs (processed via the
exh1b1t a w1de host range are also problematic. Vuus atten- endogenous pathways, see above). Nor are such vaccines
uated for one animal species may reta in virulence for more a~~uciatetl ~.Yitl1 c.levelopruent uf local secretory immunity,
\Usccptlble species, and since attcnuated vlruses cause an du<' to the usual parentPral routf> of varcination.
::1ctivc infection, transmission to other species may occur. Thc succcss of viral inactivation depends on tl1e inacti-
A n1ajo1 concer11 h1 ll1e use of attenuated viruses is 1e- vant and viral characteristics. While most viruscs can be
·:ersion to virulcnce. This phenomenon has plagued vac- successfully inactivated, the retention of critica! antigenic
cinc development and licensing ovcr thc years. Reversion intcgrity is variable. Antigens responsible for inducing
to virulcnce is a more serious possibility with those viruscs protective imn1unity must be preserved. A possible com-
that enjoy a wide host range or that are biologically trans- plica Lion of inactiva ted vacciue use i~ tl 1e JJOLe11Lial fur <u 1-
mlttect by arthropod vectors. Whlle the virus may appear i rnal sensitization such that an exacerbated clinical disease
stablc in the host far '"'hich the v<iccine was intended, re- is cxpcricnccd upon cxposurc to virulcnt field virus. 'fhis
vcrsion to viJule11ce n1ay occu1 in Lhe vectoi 01 in othe1 sensitization is not well understood, but it is apparently
specics. Vaccination of pregnant animals must also be of immunologically precipitated by an unbalanced immune
conccrn, sincc attcouated viruscs may be pathogenic for response such as humoral vs. cellular immunity, immune
the developing tetus. Vaccinating animals with rcduced rP<;pon<;P to nonnentr;¡Ji7ing epi topes, or preferential stim-
immunologic responsiveness can result in expression of ulation of lgE.
cllnlcal disease. Development of subunit vaccincs is currently an area of
AdditionaJ negative features of attenuated virus vac- extensive research¡ it includcs purification of viral sub-
cincs includc 1) tl1e polenlial Coi 1easso1 L1nenL (viru~i;:~ units, rccombinant technotogy, and peptide synthcs1s.
\vith scg1ncnted genomes) or recombination betvveen vac- Thc basis of a subunit vaccine is an in11nunogenic protein
cinc strains or with wild-type virus to create new viruses, (01 pt::ptitle .s1::que11ce.s) capalJle uf eliciting protective tm-
L) tack ot a vaccine marker tor scrologic differentiation of munity. Such proteh1s would he founcl on thP
vaccine and wild-type virus expnsure, 3) development of virion surface and contain epitopes capable of inducing
persistcnt infections, 4) poor stablllty of vaccine virus, cs- neutralizing antibody. Vaccincs can be prepared by dis-
peria lly in hot tropical areas, and S) replication interfer- ruption of tl1e virus followed by protein purification. 'fhe
ence betwccn viruscs in n1ullivalcnt vaccines. Viru:;i;:~ tl1at potentlal cost of such preparat1ons has precluded their
exhibir continucd antigenic drift present another dilem- commercial development, but recent biotechnological ad-
ma sincc ncw isolates must be continually attenuated and vances have offered alter11atives via recon1bi11a11L DNAa11u
tested tor satcty and etticacy. peptide synthesis technologics.
52 PART 1 lntroduction

·rhe approach to dt>vf'loping rec.omhinant vaccines in- sociation with a bacteria! toxin, 2) those that result from
volves inscrtion of DNA that contains lhe desired viral ge- t hc scqucluc of extraccllular multip lication of tl1e bacteria!
nomic coding seque11ces into an appropriate expression agent, and 3) those that result from tl1e sequelae of lntra-
vector. Thc viral or complementary DN/\ (cDNA) is in- cellular multiplication.
sertetl into a plasm1d or bacteriophage followed by infec-
tion of susceptible prokaryotic cells such as Jischericliia coli;
yeast cells, or n1ammalian cells. Multlple strategie:. 11dve
been used to construct vaccinc PxprPs~ion vectors, and Bacteria! toxins are of two kinds: exotoxins and en<.1otox-
IIHJ:>t i111.:lu<.le a st1ong pron1oter (constitutivc or in - ins. E11dotoxins are strictly defined as the lipopolysaccha-
duc.ihlc). Following infection of the cell with the plasrnid, ride portion of t h e gram-negative cell wall (it is the llpld A
the cloned cDNA can be cxprcsscd and the desired gene portion that is specifically responsible for t he "toxic" man-
product purified tor vaccine use. Recent attent1on has also ifestations). Muran1yl dipeptide, wlii1.:h is presenl in gram-
becn focused on the inoculation of plasmld DNA encoding positive cell walls ancl to a lcsser extent in gram-negative,
viral antigens direetly into animals. Such DNA vaccine:. al::.o I1as "loxic" properties. Wc have used quotation marks
offer tl1e hypothetical advantage of having viral glycopro- around "toxic" because both endotoxin and muramyl
tei11s cxpressed on thc :.urfa1.:e uf L1ansfected cells and in- dipeptide elici l thcir ''toxic" activities by inducing the pro-
ducing imm11nity without interferencc fro m passiveJy ac- duction ot a variety of cytokines t)y 11osr cell5. It is tJ1c de-
y_uired viral antibodies. gree of vigor of the host response that defi nes the toxicity.
Synthctic peptide vaccines have also been developcd. Exotoxins are proteins that interact will 1 hosl cells (usually
As with cloncd viral vaccines, the successful development after binding to a specific rPct>ptor) resuJting in deregula-
ot synthetic peptidc vaccines requírcs extensive knowl- tiu11ufl1u::.l cell fui1ction without undue harm to the ccll,
edge of the viral proteins involved in inducing protective intt>rference of thc normal physiology of the host cell(s),
immunity. Two basic approache:. are dvailable for dctcr- o r death of the host ccll.
mining critica! peptide sequencPs: 1) indirectly, fro1n nu- Antibodies elicited to various cp1topes on toxins that
cleuti<.le ::.ey_uences derived fron1 cloned viral genes, and rcsult in neutralization are sometimes called antitoxins. As
2) directly; by sequcnci n g purified peptides. Immunologi- mentioned previously, an antibody may block intcn:11.:Liuu
cally bascd pcptidc and epitope mapping to deter1nine betwee11 a toxin and its c<•ll11 lilr r~ceptor or chan.gc the
the regions involvcd 1n protective immunity fadlitate thc co1lfigurdl iur 1uf Lhe loxi11 so that it no longer has an cffcct
latter approach. An additional approach to determlning on the host cPll. Antihodies to exotoxins have been shown
critical peptide scqucnces is based u pon the projected tcr- lo be efficacious in preventing disease. Antibodics to cndo-
tiary structure of the viral protein, wlth the areas that toxins havc had n1ixed results as far as preventing disease.
demor1stratc lty<.lrovliilic cl1araclcristics serving as candi- ·1oxoids are toxins without toxic activity tl1at can elicit
rl;ite sec¡uences. One major drawback of synthesizing pep- an immune rt!Sponse, i.e., a11t1bodies (see above for expla-
t idc vuccincs i:> thc pote n ti al for criticol cpitopcs to be nation). Toxoids can be produced by cl1e.m ir;il in::irt iv;.1.
lormed by the tertiary structure (an epitope formed by tlon of the native tuxiti or IJy n1anipulations of the gene
juxtaposition of two separated peptide sequences). Such enrocling the toxin so that the toxin is inactivated. For ex-
epitopes confound attempts to deduce the pepti<.le :.c- ainple, iJ1 lhe case of A-B toxins (sce Chapter 8), whcrc thc
quence and realize such complex configurations in thC' A subunit is rcsponsible for the toxic activity ot thc toxin
syntht>tic µru<.lu1.:l. and the 13 subunits are rcsponsible for binding of the toxin
'l"h<> use of anti-idiotypic antibodies as immunogcns to to the l1ost, lhe gene encoding the A subunit can be elimi-
stimulate the production of viral ncutraJizing antibodies nated and a toxoid produced that is con1posec! of 13 SL1b-
has also been explored. ·rhe advantage of tl1is type of u11its. Antibody to llpopolysaccharide (e11dolox in) i~
immunoger1 may overcome viral variability problems by elicited by immuni7.ation with 111utants (called "rough"
inducing broaclly neutraliZing anllbodles. However, tl1b 1uula11ls) that produce vcry little of thc 0 -rcpcat unit of
type of vaccine induces only antibody r<><:ponses, not c.cll- the lipopolysaccharide (see Chapter 8).
mediatec.l resµuu:.c::.. ·rhc main advantage of toxoids is that they are safe.
Toxoids adm inistered parenterally el icit antibody (IgM
and IgG) that interfercs with toxin-host cell intcractions
Toxoids, Bacterins, and Bacteria! Vaccines tllat are not ata mucosa! surfa<.:c. 0 11 lhe otl1er hand, the
administration of toxoids on a mucosa! surface elicits an ti-
As with viral vaccines, the basis of an cffectlvt> toxoid, lJac- body (slgM and slgA) t hat interferes with toxin-host cell
terin, or bacteria! vaccine is the ;1bility to induc.e an im- interaction at the mucosa! surlace. ·1 he main disadvantage
mune respo11:.e ur re:.punses capable of eliciting protection of toxoids used for immunization by way of a mucosa! sur-
from fiPld exposurc to the pathogcnic microorganism. tace is their extremely short half-llfe.
Most of the principies outlined abovc with rcspect to viral
vaccines apply to products designcd to induce protective Bacterins
i mmunity to b;1cterial age11ts. The development of an effi-
cacious product depcnds on understandlng the patl1oger1- Baclerins are killed pathogenic bacteria. Thcy are usually
esis of the bacteria! disease that is to be prPvPntP<L produced by chemlcal killing ol the infectious agent, with
In general terru:., <.li:, produced by bacteria can be the aim to preserve bacteria! structures expressing epi topes
group<>d into threC' categories: 1) those that result from as- important in eliciting a protective lmmunc response. ·r11c
Chaprer 6 vaccines 53

-:unune response is almost always antibody (see above for Attenuation may be accomplished in a number of ways: se-
'planation). lection of a naturally occurring attenuated strain, repeated
Thc advanlage of bacle1i11s is Lhal lhcy are :;aft!. If au- passage on artificial media, or elimination óf a virulence
;:¡1niste.reci parenti>r;:illy, thi> ;:intih()rly elicited (IgM and trait by mutation of the gene encoding the trait.
;G) will be effective if the bacterin is 111ade fron1 a Tl1c 111ajur a<.lvautcigt::; uf IJacterlal vacclnes are directly
""'Jthogen that has an extraceUular life style. If the bacterin related to th.eir being alive. Live vaccines not on ly h::ivi>
_ administcred byway of a mucosa! surface, the antibody longcr half-livcs than their dead counterpa:rts (regardless
-.llclted (sTgM and sTgA) "l>Vill intcrfere with interactions of of Jocation), they will cxpress epitopes that may only be
;i.athogcn with host cells. The disadvantage is that the expressed in vivo, thus eliciting antibody to epitopes that
:nain immur1e respo11se is a11Libody so tltat u11ly ¡u1tiuuuy- the pathogen wlll also express follo\ving infeetion. An-
mediated protection \Vill oc:r11r. Th11s, hPtrtPrins adminis- other advantage is that Uve vaccines v.>ill elicit antibody
tered parenterally are not as cffective against intracellular and cellular hyp1;;r:;1;;u:;itivity (:;t!e above for explanation). A
oathogens. Bacterins placed on a mucosa! surface have ex- major disadvantage is th;:it livP v;:ircini><; m;iy procl11rP cli<:-
·remely short half-lives, a scrious disadvantage. J\nothcr casc, for cxamplc, throug.h reversion to the virulent phe-
úlsadvantage is that the pathogen is usually grown in notype. Also, if the vacci.nated host has reduced resistance,
•itro, and cpitopes expressed in vivo may not be expressed, then the vaccine is more apt to produce discasc.
-,·h ich ca11 resull in a pruuuct tliat rnay elicit antibodles
~vith inappropriate specificities.

Bacteria! Vaccines
Bacteria! vaccines are composed of attenuated versions ot
·he pathogen; i.e., they are live but reduced in virulence.

Bacteria and Fu11gi

Fainily Enterobacteriaceae

,--!>ers of the family Enterobacteriaceae ("enterics") Fimbriae or pili are protein adhesins that are co1nposed
-=disease in both food animals (e.g., neonatal diarrhea of subunits- pilin- and assembled in various configura
- sal11101it::llusis) a11d <..:olllµa1Iiu11 (e.g., urinary tions using dtfferent pilln molecules, which results in the
=::r L"Úections, abscesses). Approximately 35 genera com -'.r(!tion of clifferPnt types defined by their affinity for
-:=:s._ me family, but only .a few are consistently involved various carbohydrates. The ni.ost con1111only found fin1-
-- disease ot animals crable 7.1). briae have affinity for mannose-containing compounds.
These fimbrine are called typc 1 or comrnon fi1nbriae (also
termed F 1) . Type 1 fimbriae have not been concJusive1y
: : 5{ri ptive Features shown to be virulence determinants. On the other hand, a
variety of other vlrulence-associated fimbriae have been
:'"j;iology and Staining th;it (!ggl11tinate erythrocytes in the presence of
mannose. txan1ples of such n1annose resisla11l (MR)
~bers of the family are similar in morphology and stain-
hemagglutin ins are f 4 (K88) and FS (K99), tvvo virulence-
" ...11a ra<..:teristi<..:s, being pleomorphic, gram-negat!ve,
associatcd adhcsins tl1at are important in the pathogene-
---spore-forming rods that measure 2 to 3 µm by 0 .4 to
- t1111 (for an exarnple of gra1n-negaUve rod:., see Fig
sis of enteric disease produced by certain strains of
Escherichia coli.
-~-\l. It is difficult to tell memhers of one genus fro1n
Most members of the family possess mucopeptide anti-
se o f another by visual observatiot1.
gens in commo11, the so-called enterobacterial common
::e jlar Anatomv and Composition
.::-:= cell wall is typically gram -negative and consists of Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest
--er and outcr mcn1branes separatcd by pcptidoglycan.
.::...;.1ous proteins are found in each membrane, son1e tra- Cellular products of medica} interest con1mon to ali or
~-sing both. C apsules, flagella, and various adl1csins are most of the mcmbcrs of thc family are cndotoxins and var-
-uetimes present. ious siderophores.
-he capsule (K-antigens) is the outern1ost structural Endotoxin. Endotoxin is the term given the lipopolysac
_ :::!ponent of the bacteria! cell. Capsules of enteric organ.- charide (LPS) that is part, and extrudes from, the outer
-.; ;ire composed of c;:irbohydr;itf'S. Thf' v;irions types of membrane of t l1e gram-negat ive cell wall (see Fig 7.2). 'l'he
,-.. ~bohydrates, together with the types of linkages be- lipid portian of this substance is en1beddcd il1 tl1c ouler
--een the sugars, form the antigenic determinants that membrane and has the toxic properties associated \"1'ith
::efine capsular antigcns. Encapsulated entcric bacteria are cndotoxin. Thc most important constitucnt oí LPS as far as
'.'Elatively hydroph.ilic, a characteristic imparted by the the toxic n1anifestations of the molecule are concerned is
.::apsule. the lipid portion, called lipid A. LPS binds to lipopolysac
The so1natic antigens (O-antigens) are composed of charide-binding protein (a serum protein), which in turn
a.1tigPnic cletPrmin;ints formed by the different configura- transfers it to the blood phase of CDJ4. The CD14-LPS
-;ions of sugar types, and the linkages bet\-veen sugars con1plex bi11ds Lo ·roll-like l'eceplor prolein;s (:;ec Cl1apter
"ound in the 0 -repeat portion of the lipopolysaccharide 2) 011 the surface of macrophage cells triggering the release.
Figs 7.1 and 7.2). of proinfla1nmatory cytokines. It is these cytokines that
Flagella, which are cellular organelles used for locomo- are responsible, in part, for the ahnonnal signs associated
~on, are composed o f protein subunits (flagellin). with endotoxin.
<:nding upon the type of flagellln, dlfferent antigenic Síderophores. Siderophores (Greek for "iron bear1ng") are
- ·nants arf'. formf'<1. Thesf' ;intigenic determinants iron-carrying molecules (catechols or hydroxan1ates) of
...,prise the 11-antigens. In cells of n1ost Salnionella and bacterial origin. They fun.ction in Lhe solubilizalio11 a11d
~e other species, one or tbe otl1er of two sets ("phases") transport of ferric ions. Tl1ere is very little free iron in
_:°antigenic determinants are possible. In culture, sponta- hosts; nearly ali is associatcd with the iron-binding pro-
~rous pl1ase var1at1on occurs, that is, a shift from phase .l tein.s (ferr1tin, transferrin, and lactoferrin). Since iro11 is an
2 o r vice versa. The antigens of both phases, if present, absolute requirement fo( almost all bacteria, ·parasitic
-=-P d efine the serotypes. strains, especially invasive ones, must compete for iron.

58 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungi

Ta b 1e 7. 1 . Members of the Fam1ly Enterobacteriaceae

lmrort;int in;iry MP.dicinP. F 1G U RE 7 . 2 . Mo/pr11/~rorgani7ation of the outer membrane
Citrobacter Providencia of gram-negative bacteria. The chains of rectunglcs rcprcscnt thc
0-repeat units determining 0 -antigen specíficity. They are attached
Enterobacter Salmonel/a
to the po/ysaccharide core (irregular shapes), which is linked to
Escherichia Serratia
lipid /\ (fringed ob/ongs). These three components constit ute the
Klebsiella Shigella lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of the yrarr1-negdlive t ell wall. With t/Je
Morga ne/la Yersinla underlying zone of phospho/ipid (frinqed circles), LPS makes up the
Proteus outer membrane, an asymmetric bilayer that a/so contain5 protPint:
A-outer n1embrane protein A; PP-pore protein; DP-nutrient-
binding protein. Interior to the outer membrane lies the perip/asmlc
t(larP (PPS); the reptidoglycan /ayer (PG); and the cytoplasmic
membrane (CM) with carrier protcin (CP). (Rcproduced by permission
of Lugentberg B, Van Alphen L. Molecular architecture and function-
ing of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli and other gram-
F 1G U R E 7 . 1 . Anatomy of an enterobacterial ce// showing negative bacteria. Biochim Biophys Acta 1983;737:94.)
lv~d/i¿d(ion of ce// svrface antigens of Escherichia coli. Only one of
many peritrichous tlagella is shown. (Reproduced by perm1ssion of
B<irntim DA. et al íolihacíllo~i~. (IRA VPtPrinafY Monograph Series

mi:tmhr;ine - - -----.,.-

Cell wall - - - - - --

- - - - K-Capsular

Fimbriae --<< \ ';-/ PPS

• - - - - -- - - H- Flagella

Flagellum -----------=::::::===~

Most utilize siderophores that remove iron from the iron- is thc abscncc of cytochrome c, rnakiI1g tl1c111 uxiLla~c­
bindi ng protei ns of the host. ne¿yitive.

Growth Characteristics Resistance

Members ot this group ot microorgarusms are facultatlvc Sunlight, drying, pasteurizarlon, and the common dlsln-
anaerobcs. 'fhey utilize a variety of simple substratcs for fectants kill members of thc fan1ily Enterobacterif1Cef1e. In
growth. Under anaeroblc con<Jltluns, they are depeulleut u rubl, :-.l raLleLl e1 l vilu1u11eul:>, :>uLI 1 d:> J!<lslures, n1anurc, Ji t-
upon thc presence of fermPntahiP carhohydrate_ (Jndcr ter, and bedding, they can survive for many months.
aerobic conditions, the range of suitable substratcs in- Though many are susceptible to broad-spcctrum antimi
cludes organic acids, amino acids, and carbohydrates. crobial agents, their susceptibility is not accurate!y pre-
'rhe end products of sugar fcrmentation are useful it1 dictable and can change rapidiy through acquisition of R
making a11 identjtjcation. Al111ost au mcn1bcrs of tl11s plasmids, or resistance-encodlng DNA cassettes (which
group fermcnt glucose to pyruvic acid via thc En1bden- may ir1sert into numerous integrons J.ocaterl in thP
Meyerhof pathway. Sorne, such as B. coli and Salmonclla, genou1e <:u1t1 iI1 µlas111 iu!)) (see Cha plcrs 4 and 5).
produce succinic acid, acetic acid, formic acid, and ctha-
nul l!y way uf tlle r11ixed acid fer1ne11latio11 pathway. Variability
OthC'rs, 'iuch ª"
Klcbsiel/a and E11terobacter, produce buta-
nediol from pyruvic acid, thcrcby rc<lucing thc rclativc Variability of one isolate of enteric as compared to another
amounts 01 ac1d1c by-proaucts. wlthin the samc spectes or geuu:. llcpc11Ll:; upuu lite ~e­
An important diagnostically useful biochemical charac- netic basis for the trait unrlPr considcration. Differences in
terlstic of all the members of ttte fanilly EriLerubac.leriuc.eue lhe capsular, son1atic, or flagellar antigens account for
Chapter 7 Family Enterobacteríaceae 59

_~zbility among isolates of the same genus and species. ·rhe following are useful selective media for isolating
'"' variation among members of tl1e same ge11us and enteric pathogens.
1:!2.t::> in tlJt: (¡uuily, as wt:ll <ts atuong u1t:utl.Jt:rs of <.liffer-
-...=:genera and species, is accounted for hy the presencc~ of MacConkey Agar.
~-=:es residing on. plasmids encoding certain phenotypic lnhibitor: Bile salts and crystal violet (inl1ibil gra111-
~:s. Such traits as resistance to antimicrobial agents, pro- positive microorganisms).
_......~on of toxin, or secretion of hen1olysin may be plas- Substratc: Lnctosc- Salmonc/la, Shigella, and l)roteus do
- ;:: encoded and will vary on the presence or not ferment lactose.
~ce of a particular plasmid. Neutral red: If lactose is fermented (acid), colonies will be
7ransiUou fn)111 lhe s111ooth to Ll1e rougli ¡>ltt:uotyi.11:: oc- µink; if lactose is not fermented (peptides digested-
-·_s ~\'ith all members of the family. Likewise, change in hasic.), c.olonif's will be colorless.
-- - O-a11tigens 11as been sho,.Yn to occur following ly.sog- Usefulness: Very pern1issive 111ediun1. Salrnonella a11d
~- by certain bacteriophages (lysogenic conversion). Shigella readily grow on this medium (as do most
Susceptibility to various bacteriophages (phage typing) othcr cntcrics and Pscudo1nonas).
:.ametimes useful in demonstrating differences in iso-
:res (strains) of the saine genus and species. Phage typing Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate (XLD) Agar.
~ useful epidenliological Lool. lnhibilor: Bile salts.
Substrate: 1) Xylosf'- not fermented by Shigella (Salmo-
nella ferments xylose). 2) Lysine-isolales ll1al íer-
-=..:>oratory Diagnosis ment xylose, but not Iactose and sucrose, and are
lysine decarboxylnsc-ncgativc (Proteus rnirabilis)
__-:.-!'.' farnily
is composed of a large number of related, facul - produce colonies that will be amber-orange. Salrno-
=:_-iyely a11aerobic, oxidase-negative, nitrate reducing n.ella decarboxylates lysine. "J'he ratio of xylose to
=-am-negative rods. No clear divisions exist between the lysine is such. that an alkaline pH predominates
=-~ogn ized genera. Differentiation within tl1e family is ac- (more <lecarhoxylation) . Shigella does not decar-
;nplished by a combination of cultural, biochemical, boxylate lysine. 3) Lactose and sucrose-Salr11011ellu
~ serologic LesLs. A nurnber of r11a11uals <.leal exclusively and Shigella do not ferment these sugars rapidly.
-.-b this family, and because of the extreme i m - 4) Ferric salt-colonics of organisms producing H 2S
-{l:tance and prevalen ce of these organisms, an increasing (Salmonella; Proteus) Will have black centers (iron
r: .::".ll) er of programmed a11d/or co1nputerized identifica-
--:1 schemcs are commcrcially availnblc. Phenol red: Acid colonies (non -Salm.onella or non-
Shige.Tla) will be yellow. Alkaline colonies (possible
~·phology and Staining Salnzonella or Shigella) will be red.
Usefi¡/n.ess: An excellent all-purpose medium for both
-- are gram-ncgative rods. Ali look süniJar in the grarn- Sahnoncl/a and Shigella.
it.:ained smear.
Hektoen Enteric (HE) Agar.
:~ tura! Characteristics ln.hibítor: Bile salts.
Suhstrate: Lactose and salicin- Salmonella, Shigella, and
_!ethods used to isoJate enteric pathogens vary depending
son1e species of Pruleus a11<.l are lacto:;e-
-:>On ,.v hether the source of the sample is intestinal or ex-
negative and salicin-negative.
-:alntestinal. When the source is extraintestinal, isolating
Ferric salt: Organisms producing H 2S will forro black-
"ly of the family from normally sterile sites is significant.
_..,_ culLurt: u1t:<.liuu1 with wide aµµt:al is use<.l. The 1ne<.liurn ce11tered colonies.
Bromthyrnol bluc: Fcrmcntors of salicin and/or lactose
:or this purpose is an agar rnediurn c.ontaining red hloo<l
.:ells (usually sheep or cow). Incubation is at 35- 37ºC. will form yellow to orange colonies; isolates not ter-
menting these sugars 1.¡ill forrn green or. blue-g reen
When the source is intestinal, two consistently patho-
colo 11 i.t::;.
;enic genera may occur in fecal samples: Saln1onella and
Usefi¡/ness: Excellent for Salmnnella. ancl Shigella .
'-nigella. 1'11ough patllogenic strains of E. coli might be pres-
"'lt, there i.s no easy way to determine a pathogenic strain
:..on1 norn1ally occurring, 11011palhoge11ic slrains of E. coli. Brilliant Green Agar.
Jnhibitor: Brilliant green dye (supprcsscs thc growth of
.!\ll enteric media are devised to favor the identificatior1
of Salmonella, Shigclla, or both. Thc bases of the inedia are
most members of the family except Salmonella).
Substrc1te: Lactose and sucrose- Salrnonella (and so1ne
3.S follovvs :
:;traiu:; of Proteus) does not ferme11t these sugars.
l. An inhibitory substance, usually a bile salt ora dye. Neither does Shigella, hut Shig1!lla grows poody (if at
Thcsc substanccs inhibit gram-positi vc organisms ali) on t his medium.
from grovving. J>fleriol red: If sugars are not fermented (alkaline),
? . A substrate utilized or not by Salmonella, Shigella, colonies \·Vill be red; if sugars are fcrmcntcd (acid),
and by few others. colonies •ViJI be yellow-green (dueto the color ot the
3. A pH indicator to tell if the substrate has been background dye).
cha11ged. Usefulness: Excelle11t for isolating Salmonella.
60 PART II Bacteria and Pungí

Enrichment Media. At times, the numbers of Salrnonella or E111 icl1111eul fo1 Shigella is nol easy becausc it is rather
Shigella in fecal samples may be too low ( <104 /gm) to be <ie- sensitive to commonly used inhibitory substances found
tecled 011 Ll1e prin1ary plating media discussed above. in selenite f and tetrathionatc brotl1s. An cnrichmcnt
'fhcrcforc, in addition to being plated directly to a selective broth called gram-negative (or <.JN broth) is used in the same
mediurn, thc fecal samplc is also placed in an cnrichmcnt manner as selenite is used for Sa lmonel/a.
mcdiu1n. l'o detect Saln1onel/a by utilizing enrichment Men1bers ofthe genus Pseudomonas (especially P. acrug-
methods, at least 100 sahnonellae/gm are needed. inosa) inay b e found in feces, but tl1is is probably an in-
l;or Saln1onella, enrichn1ent may be achieved by incu- ~ig1Jiíicanl fi11di11g. Pseuúorr1or1us (11ol a .u1en1ber of the
bating Ccccs for 12 to 18 hours in selenite F broth. During fam ily Enterobacteriaceae) will grow on enteric m edia. This
llu11;:, l lrt:: g1owlh of 01 ganisn1s oLher Ll1a11 Sal111011ella is microorganism does very littlc to thc substratcs othcr than
suppressed, whereas growth of Saln1011ella is not. After the the peptides and peptones and thus mimics Saln1onella
12 to 18 hours have elapsed, an aliquot of thc broth is and Shigella on selectivc media. Pseudomonas is oxidasc-
streaked onto a plate of selective medium (e.g., brilliant posítive, a useful distinction.
green agar).

The genus Escherichia, a i11en1ber o! tl1c fan1ily Enlerubutle- 3 . CS31.I\. The protcl11 CS31A (like Fl 7) is a plasrnid- r
riaceae is composed of severa! species, but only E. coli is an cncoded adhesin respon.~ihlP. f()r ::icihf'rence of scp· r
important pathogen of anirnals. 'fhis species, the major fac- ticcmic ("inv asive") strains of E. coli to the sn1all in -
ultative gram -negative spccies comprising the normal flora testi ne target ce lis.
of the gastrointestinal tract, is thc cause of septicemic dis 1. AAF. The adhcsin AAF (aggrcgative adherence fim -
ca~t: in foals, calves, piglets, pupplcs, and lambs; of diarrhca hriae) is responsible for the adhercnce of enteroag-
in nc>Wh()rn f::irm ::inim::ll<;; ::lnrl nf PrlPm::i rli<;P::l<;P in pigs. It gregative E. coli to their small in testinal epithelial
rnay also be opportunistic in almost ali animal species (e.g., cell Largets.
in urinary tract disease. abscesses, and pneumonia). S. Bfp. '!'he Bfp adhesin (for h11ncilP forn1ingpilt1s, dt1e
to its propensity to tangle togcther and form "bun-
dles" when viewed under thc clectron microscope)
Descriptive Features is responsible for the adherence of cntcropatho-
genic E. coli to their small intestinal epithelial cell
Cellular Anatomy and Composition targets.
6. Curli. Curli are auhesins that promote adherence to
The anatomy of the n1emJ)ers of the genus Escherichia is extrace.Jlular matrix pr()tf>in~
typical for the family J:..nterobacterit1ceae. They may possess 7. On1pA. Omp...\ (o utermembrane protein A) is a pula·
capsules (K antigens), 11agella (H a 11lige11s), or auhe:siu:s tive adhesin used by enterohemorragic E.coli in ad-
fimbria or pili), and ali possess a typical gram-negative herence to large intestinal cpithclial ccll targcts. )
cell wall composed of lipopolysaccharides (0-antigen) and
proteins. Capsule. Capsular polysacchar1dcs (K-antigens) are im-
portant for those microorganisms (such as invasive strains
of E. cofi) that come in contact l"llth elements of the in na te
Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest imm11nf> ~y~tf'm of the host. Capsula r substances protect
Adhesins. Adhesins (also knovvn as fin1bria or pili) are pro- thc oute r membrane fron1 the n1c111brane allack con1ple.x.
tcins that mediate adherence to target cells in the gastroin- o! thc complement cascade, and inhibit tl1e microbe from
testinal tract and to cells comprising the niche for the attach mcnt to, and ingcstion by, phagocytic host cells.
strain. Bccause of their relative hyd rophobicity, adhesins The capsule is thought to endow a degrec ot hydrophilic-
111ay abo ¡.iro1note i:l$~U<.:iatiou wlth the memhrane of ity relative to the membrane of phagocytic cells. Most cap
phagocytic cells. Adhesins are imp()rt::int vi r11lPnce f::ictors sules are ncgatlvely charged, as are thc membranes of
\\'hen the microbe is <>n mucosal surfaces. Escherichia cofi ph::lgocytic cells.
produces many different types of adhcsin, most being Ceff Waff. Th.e cell wall of lh~ 111e1111Jer:s uf tlli:s gl:!nu:. i:.
!inkcd with strains associated with a spccifíc discasc. one typical of gram negatives. The lipopolysaccharicic>
..\lmost ali of thc adhesins promote adherence to glycopro- (LPS) in the outer membrane is an important viculenc.e de-
teins on thc surface of epithelial cells of the intestinal terminan t. Not only is thc lipid A co1nponent toxic (endo-
úaL l: toxin), but the lengt h of thc ~idc c hoin in thc 0-rcpcot
unlt hlnders the attachment of the membrane attack co1n-
1. F4, FS, F6, F41. 'l'he fimbria! adhP.sins F4 (f()rmPrl y plcx of the complement systcm to the o uter membrane.
known as K88), FS (K99), f.6 (987P), F17, and F41 are LPS binds Lo lipopoly$a<.:<.:l1ariue-1Jlntling protein (a seru1n
uscd by cnterotoxigenic E. coli to adhcre to target protci n), which in turn transfrrs it t() thf> hlood phasc of
celIs in the sn1all intestine. F1, FS, and F6 are usunlly C:Ol4. Thc CD14-LPS complex binds to 'loll-like receptor
plasrnicl-encoded, while f4 1 is chromosomal. proteins (see Chapter 2) on the surfacc of macrophage cells
2. F17. '!'he protein Fl7 (llke CS31A) is a plasmid- triggering the relea se of proinflam matory cytokincs
cncoded adhesi11 re:.µ011:.iulc for atlherence o.f sep- Enterotoxins. Enterotoxins are usually plasmid-encoded
ticemic ("invasive") strains of /~. cnli to their small proteins. Escherichia co/i produces at least three: labilc
intestine target cells. Loxi11 (LT), :staule toxin (ST), anti Enteroaggregative E. cofi

62 PART 11 BacLeria a11d Fu11gi

heat-stable enterotoxin l (EAST l ). ·rhese protein exotoxins associated ion transport proteins resulting in block-
affect the control of cyclic nucleotide activity within ~he age of absorption of NaCl. In wild strains of entero-
"targ~" <.:ell, vvllicl1 results i11 <.leregulatiu11 uf \vater a11d tuxige11i<.: E. c:uli, STa i:> 111tn e co1nn1ot1ly found.
e\Prtrnlytf' sPrrPt1nn hy thf' afff'rtf'<i hnst re\\: ~- F.nteroaggregative E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin 1
(EASTl) is an en t erotoxin similar in actio n to STa by
l. Labile toxi11 (L'f). L1' affccts the ade11ylyl cyclase sys- being functionally similar to guan ylin.
tcm. LT is composcd of two subun its, A and B. Th e B
Other F:nteríc Tox íns. Escherichia coli produces oth er pro-
subunit is a 1nultiincr that b1nds to gangliosides on
teins that affect t he cells of the intestinal tract . Though
the surface of the intestinal host cell, followed by
these products have "enterotoxic" activity, the term "en-
translocatlon of the A subunlt across the host cell
membrane. Thc A subunit, ;1fter artivation, rlt><ivt>s terotoxin" is reserved for LT, ST, and EASTl as discussed
above. ·rhe other enteric toxlns lnclude shiga and sh1ga-
nicoli11an1ide from nicotinamide adenine dinu-
like toxins, cytotoxic necrotizing factor, a plasmid en-
cleotide (NAD) and then couples the remaining ri-
coued tuxi11, ar1<.l a cyLoleLhal-disLending toxin:
bosyl adeninc diphosphatc onto thc e rcgulatory
protein ol the adenylyl cyclase enzyme system. The l. St:r (for Shiga and shlga-/ike coxin). SLTs (also
result is deregulation of adenylyl cyclase, causing known as Vero tissue culture toxins because of their
overproductio11 of cyclic AMP (cAMP) followed by characteri:;tic cffe<.: L::. 011 V1::10 cells) are p.rotein tox-
opcni11g of chloride channels in crypt cells (sn - ins similar to shiga toxin prod uced by Shigella (see
<.:alleu 1.:yslic fibtosis lransn1cn1bra11e con ductance Chapter 11). These toxins are composcd of an A sub-
regulator chloride channels) and the blockage of u n it and a B subunit. ·rhe ~ subunit is responsiblc
NaCI absorption in apical tip cclls. As a consc- for binding of the toxin to endothelial cclls. The A
quence, water and electrolytcs (chloride, sodium, subunit inhibits protein synthesis of the target cell
and bicarbonate ions) are Iost into the intestinal (an endothelial cell) following interaction with the
lumen. These events lead to díarrhea, hypovolemia, 60S ribosomal subunit. Tl1erc are lwo lypes of shlga-
metabolic acidosis, and, if the acidosis is severe, hy- like to.xins, ST:f-Tancl s1 ;r.11. Sl.T-T is neutralized by
perkalemia. Tt1ere are twu ::.ervlugi<.:ally ui::.Li11cL 5ub- antibody specific for the shjga toxin produced by
classes of LT. LTI is plasmid-encoded and neutral- Shigella spp.; SL'f-11 is not. SI.;f-1 is p robably ictentical
ized by anticholcra toxin antibodics; LTII is ncithcr. to sh iga toxin, whereas SLT-IJ is a variant. A family
Lfl has been isolated lrotn t:. coli affecting h umans of b acterioph ages has been shown to encode the
(L'l'h-1) a11d swine (LTp-1). LTIJ has been isolated sl1iga an d shiga-like toxins. A varian t of SLT-TI,
fro1n cattle, water buffalo, hurnans, and food. called SLT-Ile, is respons!ble for the vascular da mage
2. Stable toxin (ST). Tl1ere are n~·o kinds of ST: STa and characteristic of edema disease of swine. The genes
STu. The genes encoding STa are lucated un a tra11::.- e11<.:ulli11g SLT-Ile do 11ol appea1 lo be bacteriophage-
pos;ihlt> t>lt>mi>nt. Tht> gPnf's for s·rh are not. STa assodated.
causes fluid accumulation in the intestincs of suck- 2. CNF (for cytotoxic necrotizing factor). CNFs are pro-
ling mice and piglets; STh causes fluid accumulation teins that interact with epithelial cell small G'l l'-
onJy in piglets and weaned pigs. The toxins are not binding protein Rho, resulting in membrane "ruf-
rclated antigenically. STa affects the guanylyl cyclase fles." There are rwo types of CNF, CNFl and CNF2,
system by deregulating cyclic GMP (cGMP) synthe- which are im munologically related and simila r in
sls, resulting in flui d and electrolyte accurnulation iu si;(.e. The gt:11e e11coding CNfl is located on the
thf' hnwt>l l11mi>n snhSP<]11rnt 1·0 hlockage of sndium chromosome in a Pathogcnicity Isl.and (a clu ster of
and chlorid e ion (and thus water) absorption (tip genes encoding v írulcncc dctcrminantfsl, an inte-
cel!s) a11d Joss of chloride ions (crypt cells). 1'he re- grase protein , a specitic insertion site, and mobil-
ceptor for STa is a 1nembrane bound guanylyl cy- ity). The Pathogenicity lsland that contains the
clase. This receptor, when bound, results in the syn- gene encoding CNl;l al so contain:i tl1e genes c11<.:u<.l-
thesis of cGMP. Increase in intracellular cGMP leads ing a nun1ber of othcr rhrnmosomally encodcd vir-
to the opening of chloride chaiu1els witll tl.te r~ull­ ulence lrails, e.g., hcmolysin, serum resistance, and
a nt flow of chlori<lf' ancl watt>r into the intestinal the adherence protcin Pap, needed by sorne strains
lumen. The STa receptor is normally the target for of E. coli to adhcrc to urinary troct epithelium an
guanylin (a 15 amino acid paracrine regulator), tecedent to urinary tract drsease. The gene encoding
which is produced by goblet cells. Guanylin appcars C:NF2 is plasmid-based.
responsible for hydration of mucus that is also pro- 3. Pet (for pJasmtd-encodeu tu.x.h1). Pct i:s <t :seri11e .fJlO-
duced by goblet cells. STa and guanylin have com- tease enteri.c-arting toxin that affects the cellular
mon C-terrnini. S'f l> l>iu<.ls lo a sulfal.ide cecepLor cytoskeleton of affected intestinal epithelial cells,
followt>d hy syntht>sis of rt\MP activating a G regula- resulting in d am age to the cell a nd stimulatin g an
tory protein. This leads toan increase in intracellular inflammatory response. Diarrhea is thou ght to re
calcium concentration, which in turn activates pro- sult trom prostaglandin synthesis by the recruited
tein kinase C. Protein kinase C phosphorylates pro- PMNs and affected epithelial ceUs, as well as activ;:i-
teins composing the chloride channels resulting in tiu11 uf variou::. i11osilol-signaling pathways within
loss of chloride and water into the intestinal lumen, affected host cells. ThP nPt rcsult is the secretion of
as well as the pt10::.pt1orylatiu11 uf tite 111e111b1ane- ch.loridc ions and water.
Clzapter 8 Enterobacteriaceae: Escllerichía 63

-l. Cdt (for cytolethal áistending toxin). (~dts are a

tam- protein, 1'ir (translocated intimin receptor) inserted
ily of related toxins that affect the mammalian cell into the host cell membrane.
cycle. A role in pathogenlclty has not been pro- 3 . Type III secretion system. ·rhe genes encod1ng a
vidcd. Type ITI secretion system (an assemblage of pro-
Lei11~-1uore th<1u 20-thdt form a hollow tube-Ul<e
Hernolysins. Escherichia coli prodl.lCe at least threc he
struc.turP. th ro11gh whirh pffrrtor proteins are "Jn-
--:olyslns: alpha hemolysin, enterotiemolysin (Ehx for en- jected" into host "target" cells) also located within
,.rol1emorragic E. coli, and cytolysin A (Cly):
LEE (see above).
l.Alpha hemolysin. Alpha hemolysin (Hly) as well as 4. Esp. The genes encoding Esp (for EPEC signnling
enterohemolysin (scc bclow) belongs to the R·rx protein, also located \\'ithin LEE, see above) act1vatcs
(rPpPats in toxin, so called because of the common a tyrosine phosphokinase in the affected cell result-
fearure of repeats in glycine-rich seque11ces willlli1 i11g i11 <.:ytoskclet<1l rearrangements leading to "col-
the protein) family of toxins (see also Pasteurella! Japse" of thC' mirrovilli (PffarPmPnt). Diarrhea oc-
Mannhcimia lcukotoxin in Chaptcr 12, Actinobacil- curs secondary to increases in intracellular calciun1
lus haemolysin in Chapter 13, adenylyl cyclase ions and activation of protein kinase C. Protein ki- of Bordetella in Chaptcr 15, lvforaxel/a cyto- nase C is responsible for phosphorylation of pro-
tuxin in Chapter 19). r-ny ts secretcd by many viru- teins composing the chior1de channels resulting in
lent stra ins of Ji. r.nli. l .oss or g;.iin of hly by genetic loss of chloride and water into the intestinal lu1nen,
manipulatio11 produces corresponding chan.ges in as well as ll 1e ¡.¡l 1os¡.¡horyl<1tlon of the membrane as-
virulence of E. coli strains. Hly damages cell mem- sodated ion transport protPins resultine i11 block-
branes, and is detcctcd by growth in vitro on a age of absorption of NaCI.
med1um conta1n1ng red blood cells.
2. Enterohemolysin. Enterohcmolysin (Ehx, for en-
tt:roheruorragic E. culi toxln) as well as Hly (see
ahove) helongs to thP n'f'X (rPpP;.its in toxin, so The variability of E. coli resides in the antigcnic makcup of
callcd bccause of the common fearure of repeals in the 0-repeat units (type of sugar subun1ts, how the sub-
glycinc-rich seque11ces within the protein) fam ily of units are hooked togcthcr, and the length of the chain),
toxins (sce nlso Pastcurclla/Mannhcimia lcukotoxin Lhe con1posi Lio11 uf Ll1c fl<1gt:ll<1r protein (flagellin), and the
in Chapter 12, Actinobacillus haemolysin in Chaptcr composition of the capsule~. ·rhrr<' arP at lPast 80 distinct K-
13, adenylate cyclase toxin of Bordctella in Chapter antigens, approximatcly 165 serologically distinct 0-
15, Moraxella cytotoxin In Chapter 19). Evidence groups, and at least 50 scrologically different tlagellar (H)
suggests that Ehx may be the result of a defect in the antigcns. 'fhc 0 -, H-, and K-antigcns are used in serotyping
secretion system for Hly. Ehx is secreted by many a particular isolate. ror example, 0141:K85:H3 describes
virulent strains of E. coli (especially those that pro- an isolate with antigens of the 141 scrogroup, capsular
duce SLT, see above) and is detected on media that <1utigeu numt>er 85, and flagellar antlgen number 3.
contains red blood cells and added calcium.
3. Cytolysin A. The gene cncoding cytolysin A com-
monly occurs among strains of E. coli. Expression of Ecology
cytolysin .A. (Cly) occurs following infection of the
t.>acterial cells with the temperate bacteriophages Reservoir and Transmission
F.hyl ancl 2 (inc.orrPrtly tPrmrcl "f.ntProht>mol)ISins
1 and 2"). Strains of E. coli capablc of producing clisease reside in the
Jower gastrointestinal tract and are abundant in environ-
lrun llcquisiliun. lron is an alJsolute growth requirement ments inhabited by aillinals. ·rransmission is throl.lgh the
r most, if not ali, living things. Sic1Prophores (e.e., aer- fecal-oral route.
bacti n) that remove iron from host iron-binding proteins
.-re necessary if a microbc is to have invasive capabilities.
',.scellaneous Products. M1scellaneous ccllular products in-
Mecl1c.1r1isrr1s unú Diseasc: Pullc:rns. It is very diffic.ult for most
._;udc the following:
strains of E coli to produce <liseasP hrrausP thPy clo n()t
l. Acid tolerance. RNA polymcrasc containing RpoS havc the ne.ce.ssary genes encoding thc proteins needed to
(the sigma factor associatcd with stationary phase) do so. lt the genes are acquired (by transduction, conjuga-
preferentially transcribes genes responsible for acid tio11, or transformation), the nonpathogcnic strain rnay be
tolerance (survival at pfi, 5), allowing safe transit changed to one with pathogen1c potential. -i he type of dis-
through the stomarh . ease produced would depend upon the genes acquired.
2. lntimin. lntimin is a protein encoded by eae (for E. Er1tc10Loxi¿;enic: Diurrheu. ·rhis disease occurs In neonatal
coli attaching lffacing) locatcd within a Pathogeni- pigs, calves, and lamhs, ancl in wPanling pigs. Jt has been
city lsland (a cluster of genes cncoding virl.llcncc dc- reported in dogs and horscs.
terminant(s), an integrase protcin, a specific inser- Enterotoxigenic diarrhea is caused by strains of E. coli
tion site, and mobility) callcd LEE {locus effacing E. that produce adhesins that promotc attachmcnt to glyco-
culi) . Intimin anaches to another secreted bacteria! proteins on the surface of cpithelial cells of the jejunum
64 PART ll Bacteria and Fungi

and llcum, anct an cnterotoxin(s) that affects the epirhelial stralns of E. coli (EAggEC) assoclated wlth this ctisease are
cell (to which the enterotoxigenic strain of E. coli is ad- isolated from weaned pigs and calves with di;irrhi>a .
!icrctl), rc=>ul Li11g i11 Jlwtl :-.eLrcliu11 a11d dia11hea. Bolh .EAgg.EC adhere lo cells li11ü1g lhc s1nall intestine by way of
traits are necessary for disease to result, since unless the in- thc AAr adhesin. l~ollowing adhesion, EAggEC secrete a
gested strain adheres to these cells, peristalsis will move it prot-cin (cncodt~d by a gene tcrmcd agg for aggrcgation)
into the large boweL 1'he cells ot thc jcjunurn anct t11c that promotes the fom1ation of a sheet of microorganisms
ileum are susceptible to the action of enterotoxin; tl1e cells strongly adherent one to another (so1nc have referred to
of the large bowel are not. Thls as a "biofilm"), thus the descrlprlon, "enteroaggregél-
At least four adhesins may be found on enterotoxigenic tive." EAggEC produce EAS'fl and Pet, both pott>ntial
E. coli, F4, F5, f6, arH1 f41. 'fhey µu:.:.e:.:. ~uurc lru~l ~µct.:ic~ Lauses of diarrhea.
spt>cificity: F4 anct F6 are almost always associated •vith iso- 'fhe diarrhea is usually watery (though blood and
lates frorn swine; fS \Vith isolates from cattle, sheep, and leukocytes may be obscrvcd in sorne cases). Histologically,
swine; and f41 with thosc from cattlc. The epithelial cell sheets ot bacteria (entrapped in mucus) will be seen cover-
rcccptors for thcsc adhcsins rcgulatc the age incidence of ing the small intestinal epithelia.
this disease as well. ln calves anct lambs, the receptors lnvasíve Dísease. Associatlon of susceptible animals
appear transiently during thc first wcek or so of life. (usually a neonate that has received inadequatf' i1rno11nts
Analogous receptors are presenr In plgs throughout the uf t.:ulu~lrur11 vr coloslrun1 of inadcquate quality) with in-
first six wf>Pks of life. There are rnany uncharacterized ad- vasive strains of E. coli may occur by way of the conjuncti-
hesins that probably play a role. vuc, inadcquatcly treatcd un1bilicus, or ingestion. If the in-
Aside from the adhesins outlined above, some entero- vasive strain associatcs via ingestion, it first adheres to
toxigenic strains of E. coli cxprcss curli. So, in addition to target cells in the distal small bowel. Adherence is probably
adhercncc to g!ycoproteins on the surface of ep1thelial related to expression of any number of acthesins, L>ut
celis, somc strains adhere to extracellular matrix protcins. c:S31A is one that is comrnonly associated with inv;isivP F..
-r11c prcscnce of curli may explain the mercase ln the win- coli. Likewi~e, tlre adhc=>i11 Fl 7 01iginally described on a
dow of agc susccptibility to enterotoxigenic disease in ani- pl:i<;micl tPrrnPct Vir (so-called hecause of its association
1nal:. cuut.:urreully i11feclcd wilh iotavirus or crypto- with virulent or invasivc E. coli) is prevalent on invasivc E.
sporictia, two agents that may cause enough tissue darnage coli. following adherence. invasive strains "induce" their
to lcad to exposure of extracellular matrix protcins. own uptakc by cxprcssion of either CNfl or CNF2, result-
Tn addition to ad11erence to the target tissues ot the ing in the forn1ation of "ruffies" that entrap adhering bac-
small intestine, enterotoxigenic strains inust have the ge- teria and "pull" them into the intestinal epithelial ccll.
net1c capability of synthesizing enterotoxin. Strains pro- Entry into the lymphatics and subscquently the L>lootl-
ducing only s·r are the most common, followed by those stream follovvs. Extensive multiplication within thP intPs-
secretlng uotll S'l' arH.l L1~ autl tllc11 uy lllU=>C :,ccrclil1g LT Linal epill1elial cell probably docs not occur. The mecha-
only. nism by which the invasive strain gains access to
Sorne of the adhesins and enterotoxins are encoded on lyrnphatics aftcr uptakc by thc cpithclial ccll is unknown.
plasmid DNA. As a consequence, it is ditticult to predict l.ikewise, the mechanism of entry into lymphatics after as-
which strain of E. coli posscsscs thc gcnetic information sociation with conjunctivae or thc un1bilicus is unknown.
necessary to produce disease. Sorne adhcsins prefcr to be Once the epithelial surface is traversect, expression of ad-
associatcd with ccrtau1 serotypes. In particular, the genes hesins is repressed (otl1erwisc adhesi n-expressing hartPria
encotling the µruteiI1 fur the F4 l al.llic:.i 11 are al1110::,t ah-vay~ could adhe1e Lo l1osl pl1agocylic cclls with disastrous con-
fo11nct vvithin strains of F.. coli of the 09 and the ()101 sequences for the bacteriu1n).
scrogroup:;. A:; m ight be cxpcctcd, thc genes cncoding thc Thc infccting strain 1nulti plic~ in thc ly1nphatics and
proteins tor f41 adhesi11 are locatcd on chron1oson1al blooclstream ano endotoxcmla develops (Fig 8.1). Death of
DNA. the host occurs if antibacterial therapy, the iinmune sys-
Followlng lngestlon by the host, cnterotoxigenic strains tc111, ur !Jull1 Ju uuLrcJ1tOVt: Lhe n1icroorga11ism.
of F.. coli adhere to target cells, 1nulli ply, and secrete entero- lnvasive sttains h;ivP <;pPci:il qualities, e.g., they n1ust
toxin. Fluid anti elettrulyte~ at.:t.:u111uldlc i11 lhe luu1en of escape pl1agocytosis, cornplernent-mcdiated lysis, and
thP inti><;tinP, rpsulting in ctiarrhea, dehydration, and elec- havc a mcchanism to acquire iron. Capsule and various
trolyte imbalances. In time, thc infecting strain is moved outcr mcrnbranc protcins confer rcsistance to comple
distally away from the target cell and the disease process ment-mediated lysis (serum res1stance). How capsules pro-
stops, due probably in part to thc ccssation of expression tect tl1e outcr mcmbrane frorn insertion of the membrane
of the adhesin along with a decrease In available substrate attack complex is not k.r1U\'Vll. Ccrtai11 t.:apsules (such as
following the aln1ost explosivc multiplication of the strain Kl) ilrP rhPm ir;:illy simih1r to the surface of host cells in
in the sn1all iutesti111::. Uule:-:, sttµ:. ate laken Lo correcl the that t h cy are composed mainly of sialic acid. Con1plemcnt
fl11id ;:ind PIPrtrolyte imhalanccs, the disease has high components associating with surfaces composed ot sialic
rnortality. acid are shunted to degradative pathways rather than am-
"I"he diarrhea produced is watery and nonbloody. There plif1cation and formation of membrane attack complexcs.
are mini mal, if any inflammatory changes in thc small in- Escape from phagocytosis is also related to c;ipsult> anct
tcstine. Bacteria will be observed histologically coating the certaln outer membrane prutci11::.. Huw ouler n1embrane
villi of thc rnid to distal portions of the small intestine. proteins function as antiphagoc:ytic factors is not known.
Entcruaggregalive Diarrheul Di:>eu:>c. Et 1lc1oa~g1egalive Thc genes encoding the adhesin (e.g., CS31A, F17) and
Chapter 8 Enterobacteriaceae: t,scherichia 65

F1G U RE 8 . 1 . Cascade of biologically active m ediat ors F 1G U RE 8. l . EfPrtron photomicrograph of an enteropatho-

following interaction o f lipopolysaccharide (LPS) with thc bo dy. genic strain of Escherichia coli (CPCC) showing (a) b undle f orming
W/ie11 gt d111-negative 1nicroorganisms grow In the body, LPS is plll, (b) the arraching and effacing les1on produced by this strain,
released (no t on purpose, but when a bacteria/ ce// makes LPS, sorne and (e) a d iagramma tic depiction of the genpr;itinn nf thi~ IP~ion
of ít escapes). Jf LPS is in the b/o odstream (endotoxemia), then a See t ext for expl<>notion of Tir Jnd intimin. WASf': Wiskett-Aldrich
generalized cytokine "storm" p lus activation of sanie o ( (/11:: e11¿y111e syndrome protein; Arp213: nuc/eat/on s/te protein. (Reproduced
cascades (comp lem ent is one) results in intravascular clotting, an d with permission of Donnenberg MS, Whittam TS. Pathogenesis and
increased vascular permeahility, whirh /p;uf( tn rlecreased organ evolution of virulence in enteropathogenic and enterohemorr<>gic
pcrfusion and mu/tiple organ failure, and very serious pH problems. Escherichia coli. Journal of Cli11ildl /11ve)liyation 2001;107:539.)
Thís Nstate* is cal/ed *septic shock. N /he same occurs 1n a limited
area if LPS is liberated "locally" (as might occur when a gram- a b
negative bacteria grows in tissuc). (•JL 8 vttracts PMNs, and MCAF
{111dl1uµlidy1:: lf11::111utdllil fdttor] atuacrs macrophages.)

lncrPa~P va~nrlar
1 SomnogeniL ¡. -_,,.
n- @U- -.,,Co-m- p.,..le-m-en"""t- . permeability {attract
inflammatory cells)

~ 1LP5 bindíng protein

1Macrophage 1

f TNF ll-1 ll-6 1

'. In crease vascular permeability- arachidonic acid pathway (TNF on endothelium)

l lncrease intravascular clotting- ara(hidnnir arid rathway {TNF on endothelium)
1 Attract inflammatory cells- (TNF/ll-1 induce endothelium to produce IL-8 and MCAF)*
4. Release of acure phase proteins (liver) (IL-6)
5. Endogenous pyrogen (TNí, IL-1, IL-6) (brain) · nr
6. Somnogenic (TNF, IL-1 )(brain) ~

1 3 4

th ose responsible for siderophore production reside on Bfp. Bfp is responsible for "targeting" the particulaI ü1les-
plasmids. As mentioned above, the genes encoding fl7 tinal epithelial cell that will become involved in the
h ave been associated with the plasmid Vir, as has t he gene proccss. After association with an intestinal epithelial cell,
encodlng CNF2; rhose responsiblc for siderophore produc- a more intimate attachment occurs hy way of intinlin,
•ion havP hPPn as~ociated with thP. plasmid pCoJV. In the which binds to the protein Tir that har. heen insertcd into
,attcr instance, t h e siderophore genes aJe linked closely LI 1c "t<trgete<.l" cell. Esp protel os are produ ced and are "in-
-,,ith t he gen es for the pro duction of colicine V. ·rhe jected" in to thf' targf't cell by way of t he 1'ype IIT secretio11
siderophore, aerobact in, has a high affinity for iron. system . Th e Esp proteins produce tl1e effacernen L 1 1::~iu11,
Many of the strains with invasive capabi lity, except and diarrhea. Many EPEC also produce enterohemolysin
~hose from foals, p roduce a hcmolysin (Hly) an d are he (Ehx). It is unclcar what role Ehx plays in enteropatho-
.11ulytic un bloou agar. genic disease.
Histopathologically thf'rf> are inflammatory changes in Sorne attaching and effacing strains of E. coli are lysoge-
;J\·er, spleen, joints, and meninges. There n1ay be he111ur- ni:t.ed with the bacterlophage(s) that cncode the shiga-ltke
:hages on pericardium, peritoneal, an<l a<lrf'nal toxins SLT-I and/ or SLT-11. These strains are termed entero-
corticcs. ller11oriagic E. e,uli (EHEC) IJe<.:<tuse, In addition to producing
Nonenterotoxi~enic JJiarrheas. Enteropathogenic strains attaching and effacing lesion .~, thf'y alc;o p rnrl11rP hPmnr-
o f R. colí (EPEC) produce diarrhca in ali animal species, in rhagic dia rrhca. Howcvcr, the target cells are those of the
cluuiug l1un1an !Jeings. EPEC do not produce ST, LT, or any large intestine. 'J'hu s, the Btp adhesin is not involved, and
other d ia rrhea assoc.iatf'd toxin . Thcy do, h owever, p ro- evidence strongly suggests that it is Ompi\. 1'h c prototypc
duce a characteristíc lesion in the in teslinal lfacl ll 1al i:> d e- EHEC ts a strain of E. coli of the serotype o l57:H'/ that pro-
scribed asan attaching and effacing lesion. The characteris- ci11rf's disease in human beings, and calves given the strain
tic lesion occurs because of thc "collapsc" of the microvilli experimentally. Followiu~ altacl 11nent (the large intestlne
of the affccted cell giving the hlstopathologic appearance via OmpA), an attaching and lf'sion is produced
of "effacement" (Fig 8.2). The location in the tract is the (thc intirnin produced by EIIEC strains is slightly dilfeienl
distal :>111all i11testine, and upper large. from that produced by EPEC, reflecting the different target
EPEC: have a nnmhi>r of attributes that are involved in cell), and SLT is produced. The SLTs affcct cndothelial cells,
pathogenesis. 'fhe first is the produclion of Lhe adhesin leadlng to rheir injury and Ioss of integrity. ·rhe ettects of
66 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungí

.SL'l's are local, i.e., the endothelial cell under the cell to Other clinical syndromes seemingly caused by E. coli in-
which EHEC is attacl1ed, and systemic, i.e., the endothe- clude cellulitis, synovitis, pericarditis, salpü1gitis, and
lial cells elsewhere in the body but mainly in the kidney panophthalmitis.
and brain. 'fhe local effect is hemorrhage. ·rhe systemic ef- The E. coli responsible for this disease have been shown
fecls or SLT, al lea:.t i11 l 1ur n<111:s, rt::sult iu a :sy11<.lrurne calle<.l to pos:se:s:s sorne of tl1e sarne virulence <.leter111i11a11ts as
the hern0/)1tic uremic syndron1e (HlJS), characterized hy 1ni- those isolatecl from mamn1als, most notahly adhesins,
croangiopathic hemolytíc anemia, glomerulonephritis, production of aerobactin and associated iron-regulated
and thrornbocytopenia. How SLT is absorbed locally or outer 1ne1nbrane proteil1s.
systeru.ically is not understood. HUS does not appear to be
a significant sequela of EHEC-based disease in nonhuman
animals. Approximately 5% to 10% of human patients af- lmmunologic Aspects
fected with EHEC (almost all are 0157:1-I?) will develop
rllJS. Virtually all strains of 0157:H7 procluce F.hx. Immunologic defense against diseases produced by patho
All affected anin1als acquire EPEC:/El-IEC by way of the genic E. coli occurs at two levels: at the site of attachment
oral route. Tt is not clear whether EPEC have zoonotic po- to the target cell and through destruction of the bacteria or
tcntial, but anin1als (including humans) probably acquirc neutralization of its protluct:s.
the infecting strain by the fecal-oral route. Strain 01.)/:H/ P.nterntoxigenic /)iarrhea. Specific anti-adhesin antibody
is a part of the normal flora of nonhuman animals, espe- (slgA and slgm) found in colostrum and milk, prevent at-
cially bovines. Huma11 bei11gs become lnfected folloWing tacbment to "target cells." Likewise, specific anti-Ll' neu-
ingestion of contan1inated food, mainly beef. At slaugh.ter, traUzes LT enterotoxin.
the surface of Ll1e carcass becon1es co11tan1inated with Enteroaggregative Diarrhea. Specific anti-AAF (adhesln)
fecal microorganisms. 'fhe surfaces of cuts of meat derived antibody (sigA and slgM) found in colostrum and lnilk
fro1n an infected carcass are readily sterilized by cooking. prevents attachment to "target cells."
When the meat is ground, the n1icroorganis1ns on the sur- Jnvasive I>isease. The neon.ate acquires im1n11ni1y from
face become mixed throughout. Though improper cook- tl1e dan1 a11d, depc11dil1g upon the isotype of the im-
ing will readily kill surface microorganisms, including munoglobulin (IgA, IgG, or IgM) the type of protection
0157:H7, thosc insldc may not be killed. diffcrs. for tl1c first 36 hours or so of lifc, ingcstcd lgG and
Dia.rrhea a:ssucialed will1 EPEC will be walery, usually lgM attach to receptors on the surface of epithelial cells of
without blood and inflarnmatory cells. 111e characteristic the small intestine. Transfer across the cell into the sys-
histopat.bologic les ion .i s an "attaching and effacing" one af- temic circulation follows attachment. If the antibodies are
fecting cells of the small intestine. Attachment is localized. specific for a virulence determinant, then disease may not
Diarrhea associated with EHEC will be hemorrhagic. The re:sult if tl1e neo11ate e11cou11ter:s a patl1ugeuic st.rai11 ex-
characteristic histopathologic Jesion will also be an "attach- pressing that virulence determinant. For example, anti-
ing and effacu1g" one, but affecting the large intestine. capsular antibodies acquired from the dam will protect the
Edernu Di::;eu::;e. E<.leu1a di:sea:se is ar1 acute, often fatal newborn from fatal invasive disease by strains of E. coli
"enterotoxemia" of weaned pigs. The disease is character- possessing that particular capsule.
ized by subcutaneous and subserosal edema, caused by ab- Nonenteroroxigenic Diarrhea. Specific anti-Bfp antibody
sorption of SI.:f-IIe produced by certain serotypes of E. coli (slgA and slgM) found in colostrum and milk preve11ts at-
(e.g., 0111 :K85, 0138:K81, and 0 139:K82). The toxin at- taclu11e11t tu "target cells." A11til!ody :specific for SLT will
taches to and affects enclothelial cells throughout the pig, neutralize this toxin, preventing its activity on endothelial
resulting in extensive edema. 'l'he toxigenic strains inhabit ce lis.
tlI<:: large l!ow<::l uf r1uru1al pigs, anu tl1e:se strains are Edema Disease. Antibody specific for sr;r lle will prcve11t
thought to increase in numhers during nutritional, social, the edema associated with this condition.
or physical stress. It is imperative, tberefore, that the dam be exposed ei-
·r11e typical lesion is generalized edema of various or- ther naturally or artificially to the microorganism and its
gans and tissues (e.g., head, neck, colon, stomach, intes vi ruler ice delerr 11ina11 Ls befo re parluri Lio11. Sucl1 exposure
tine, brain). allows for antibodies to be made for secretion into
Colibaci/losis of Fo1vl. Colibacillosis of fowl is an eco- colostrum and milk.
nornically irnportant disease caused !Jy invasive strains of
F:. coli. 1..he disease takes many fo rms in fowl, depending
upon the age of the host and mode of infection. Laboratory Diagnosis
'fhe egg surface can be contaminatect vvith potentially
pathogenic strains at the time oflaying. 'fhe bacteria pen Demonstration of Enterotoxigenic Strains of Escherichia coli
etrate the st1ell and infect the yolk sac. lf the l)acterta grow,
the embryo dies, usually late in incubation. Embryos that Enterotoxigenic strains multiply to numbers approaching
survive rnay die shortly after, with losses occurring as late 1os tu 109/uil uf luuli11al conle11Ls. If the anin1al survives
as:~ wf'f'ks aftf'r hatching. the fluid and electrolyte imbalances, large numbers are
fowl may also be infected by the respiratory tract and shed into the environment. Diagnosis is based on tbc sus-
develop respiratory or septicemic disease. The course may picion that the disease is dueto enterotoxigenic J:::. coli. ·rhe
be rapidly fatal or chronic, inanifested by debilitation, di least troublesome and least invasive procedure (and also
arrhea, and respiratory distress. the least reliable) for verification of this suspicion is to
Cltupli:r 8 iut.i:ui:: it.hiu 67

.:a::::;.~:lStrate large numbers of specific adhesin-expressing tive. Histopathologically, a diagnosis of enteroaggregative

in the teces. Den1onstration e11tails plating a portian clisease is su pported by the presence of sheets of bacteria
_ :'ecal sao1plc onto a selective n1ediun1 (MacConkey associated with the intestinal epithel.iun1.
__: •or example). As adhesins are expressed poorly on se-
• c10: media, a number of colonics are subculturcd onto
Demonstration of Strains Producing lnvasive Disease
--aa tJ1at will promote the expression of the various ad-
"'""!.S: for F4, E medium; for FS and F6, Minca medium; The 1nicrobiological diagnosis of invas.ive disease is based
.....__ :or F41, E or Minca n1edium. Slide agglutination tests upon the demonstration of E. coli in sterile sites
~un on each colony using antiserurn specific far the or locations (joint, bone marrow, spleen, or blood). In fo1Nl,
=ous adhc.sins. An enzyn1e-linked in1111unosorbent the sa111e siles are cullured, plus lhose grossly affected
..__ __ has been developed to measure directly the presence (lung, air sac). Dead in-shell embryos are cultured. Culture
~ and F5 adhcsin-cxprcssing bacteria in feccs. Such a of th.e livc.r is to be avoided even though the Kupffer cells re-
-~t'!od eliminares many of the problems inh.erent in the move bacteria trom tl1e blood , because retrograde move-
;;:::a.;-sis of feces for fimbriated bacteria. Gene-specific ment of enter.ic bacteria during the. agonal stages of the dis
_ ..::1ers have been developed so that demonstration of ap- ease complicates tl1e n1icrobiologic find.ings.
--i:iriate genes in isolated colonies can be made by use of
-e polymerase chain reactio11.
Demonstration of EPEC/EHEC Strains
~more reliable n1ethod to verify the clinical diagnosis
.onterotoxigcnic E. coli-induced diarrhea is to quantitate Thc. presence of genes encoding shtga-like toxli1s can be
:.::: number of Ji. coli in the small intestine. Nonnally, determined by specific DNA probes or by PCR. More cum-
...::.c:-e should be very few E. coli in such sites, especially in bersome is the demonstration of cytotoxin activity for tis-
.....;r: 1ejunum, and the presence of large numbers of bacte- sue culture cells (vero cells).
- 'n these locations is highly suggestive of enterotoxi- The demonstration of attaching and effacing strains as
-:r.pjc E. coli disease. San1ples are plated 011lo differenl Lhe cause o[ Lli:;ed:;e il1 the live anirr1al is more clifficult.
-e<lia chosen to promote the expression of the various ad- Aside from biopsy of intestinal mucosa an<l thf> ñnding of
-esins, and colonies are p icked and testcd '~'ith thc mono- attaching and effacing lesions, detection of genes associ-
::>eei.fic anti-acthesin sera. Examination of stained smears ated with EPEC/EHEC:, eaeA, bfp. or slt have been used
: contents of the small intestine is another methocl (specific DNA probes or polymerase chain reactio11 with
b3.5ed upon the increased numbers of enterotoxigenic E. scquence-specific primers), or function assays testing for
_ -1 in this location; find.i.I1g > 100 per oil immersion field SLT activity for tissue culture cells. Fecal isolates obtained
iplies > 106 /u1l oí co11te11ts. Altl1ougl1 this 1netl1od lacks frorn a selective n1edium (e.g., MacConkey agar) can be
pecificity, it strengthens the diagnosis. testeo for thf> genP.s or proci11cti nn of <;higa-likP toxin in
n uorcsccnt-labeled a11tibody techniques provide the culture supernatants tha t are tested for cytotoxicity for tis-
=::siest 1nethod and are probably the most reliable except sue culture cells. Most of these isolates have been shovvn to
- ~ demonstration of the toxin. S1nears of scrapings taken produce urcasc, an uncommon trnit for E. coli. Eschcrichia
-om the small intestine are flooded with antisera that coli 0157:H 7 does not ferment sorbitol. t-.1acConkey agar
.Le specific for the various adhesins. After treatment "''ith containing this sugar instead of lactose is used to examine
~;.iorescent-labeJe(1 secondary antiserum, preparations are teces for the presence of sorbitol negative isolates, vvhich
-=xam ined for labeled bacteria adhering to the epithelial are then tested for antiserum specific for ()157 and/or H7.
cells. Since Ehx produclio11 is found will1 co11siderable nun1ber
Enterotoxin production by isolated strains of E. coli is of SLT-producing strains of E. coli, den1onstration of these
:-cst dctcc'tcd by utilizing an ELISA test spccific for ST and :;train:; can be n1adc on blood agur plat cs supplemcntcd
LT. 1'his test is repu ted to detect 140pg/ml of Sr (> 100 \.Vith calciurn.
:imes more sensitive than the suckling mouse assay) and
.,90 pg/ml of i.:r.
Demonstration of Strains Producing Edema Disease
E. coli containing tl1e genes encoding the various ad-
::esins, as "''el! as the entc.rotoxi ns can be detected by using 'l'he n1icrobiological cliag11osis of eLle r11 a Llisease ueµe11us
9~A probes or polymerase chain reactio11 (PCR) primees upon the isolation and demonstration of certain serotypes
spccific for thc corresponding base sequcnccs cncodiJ1g a that have been shown to play a role in this diseasc. Tl1e
specific trait (e.g., an adhesin or an enterotoxin) . .Such characteristic gross and m icroscopic tissue changes inake
f>TObes or primers have been used to deteet the genes (in this disease relatively easier to diagnose pathologically
bacteria)·in feces as well as in culture. than microbiologically.

)emonstration of Strains Producing Enteroaggregative Disease

Treatment, Control, and Prevention
"'.solates suspcctcd as being capable of p roducing entc.roag-
~.regative diarrheal disease, can be tested for their ability to ·rreatment of an animal that has diarrhea dueto an infec-
associate HEp-2 tissue culture cells in aggregative pat- tious cause centers on correcting fluid and clcctrolyte im-
tern (the "gold sta11dard"). However, demonstration of the balances. If t he is in shock due to cardiovascular
:'.1rese·n ce of [ )NA associated with the genes encoding collapse, then the fluid and electrolytes (sodium bicarbon-
EASTl and/or AAF is cerlainly easier and n1ore cost effec- ate, I<CI) are given TV; if not, oral electrolyte solutions are
68 PA1tT Il Bacteria and fungl

given. Since the animals are acidotic, soctium bicarbonate cordi ng to susceptibility trenels ln the practice area.
is included. Adding glucose to oral electrolytes will en- Usually E. co/i isolatcd f:rom farm ::inimals are susceptible to
hance the absorptioo of the sodium ions lJeix1g ex<.:rt:tt:u. ge11la1nicin or an1ikacin, trimethoprim-sulfonamides, and
The use of a11tilnicrobials is controversia!. Beca use the cnn- ceftiofur. They are usually resistant to tetracyclines. strep-
<.:entratio11 uf a11li111iL1obic acllievablc (and available) in to mycin, sulfonamides, ampicillin, nnd kanamycin. Th.:
thP lumen of the howel is not known. the results of in vitro severity of the sütns ot endotoxemia has been rectuced e:-..-
susceptibility tests to guidc thcrnpy nrc of doubtful reliabil perimentally by administering antibodies to the lipid r..
ity. Administration of nonabsorbable antimicrobics (such portion of thc LPS.
as r1eomycin) will sufficiently reduce the numbers of E. coN Prevention a nd c'on tro l of thP e ntcric diseases produced
in the upper small bowel to allow c.:orrectiox1 uf fluiu auu by pall1ogenic strains of E. coli are one and thc samc. ThL
electrolyte imbalances. Sucl1 rec111ction occurs even key is sound husbandry practices. It is important tl1at thc
though in vitro tests sl1uw tl1al sLrains of E. coli con1n1o nly dam be exposed to the antigcnic dctcrminants of the vari
test "resistant" to n<>omyci n. The fact that in vitro tests ous virulence tactors cxpressed on or by the infectin~
1ueasure susceptibility to microgram amounts \-vhcrcns strains. Exposure can be provided naturally by placing the
milligram amounts may be available locally accounts for dam into the environment in which parturitiur1 will Lak1.:
the discrcpancy. place or artificially by vaccinating the dam wíth prepara-
J\ntimicrobial agents, fluid, and electrolyte augmenta- tion s cor1taiui11g tlie a11Lige11ic d etenninants pcrccived te.
tion are necessary to successfully treat septicemic diseasc bf' ;:i threat to the newborn. Commercially produ ced pre-
produceel by invaslvc strains uf/:!,. luli. Iuvasi ve disease re- parations containing monoclonal antibodies to the ad
sults in an endoto:xemi;:i progressing to a Iactic acidosis be- hesins (for ETEC) can be given orally to the neonatal an.-
<.:ause of decreased organ perfusion secondary to hypotcn- mnl. Although this practice will not significantly reduet.-
sion and disscminated intravascular coagulation. ·rhis the incidence of diarrhea, it will reduce the severity au-.
should be taken into account whcn the electrolyte replacc- mortality.
ment is chosen. Antim icrobial agents shoutct be chosen ac-

The genus Sal1nonella is a member of the family Hntero/Jacte- cells comprising the niche for the strain. Because of thcir
riaceue, and is composed of two spccies, S. bongori and S. en- rclativc hydrophobicity, adhesins mny nlso promotc asso-
.r:ritu. ·rt1ere are six subspecies w!thln S. enterica, enrertca c1ar1on with the membrane of phagocytic cells. Ad!1esins
somet imes clesignatecl as s1 1hsperiP~ T), salarnae (subspecies are important virulence factors only ~vhen the microbe is
~I), arizonae (supspecies lila), diarizo11ac (subspecies Illb), on 111ucosal surfaces. 1'here are at least thrcc different ad-
1011tenac (subspccics IV aI1d VII), and indica (subspecies Vl) hesins implicatecl in the intPr~rtion between salmonellae
those bclongi ng to subspccics V wcrc placed in to S. bon- and target cells (M cells, intestinal epithelial cells) of lhe
~on) . There are numerous serotypes (serovars), more than host-Pef, Agf, and Lpf:
1000, within S. bongori, and thc subspecies of S. enterica.
Tlic 111ajority of these serovars have been glven names that 1. Pef (plasmid encoded fimbriae) are responsible fo1
::irc capitalized and depicted in roman print. Others are attachment to small intestinal epithelial cells.
-:ncrely denoled by anlige11ic fv111 1ulat:. Thuse 1.Jelu11giI1g tu 2. Agf (thin aggrcgativc fimbriae, or curli) are responsi-
S. bongori and S. enterica subspecies JI through VII are ble for attachment to small intestinal epithelial
mainly associatcd with cold-blooded vertebrates, while cells.
those belonging to ~. enterica subspccies I are more com- 3. Lpf (long polar {imbrlae) are responsible for attach-
monly found in mamn1als and birds. However, each serovar ment to M cells.
is capa ble of produciI1g discasc rcgardless of the host.
In this chapter, the subspecies designation will not be Capsule. The role ofthe capsule (Vi) is unclear. Since sal-
u:.t::ú u11l1:::.s i1upurta11l lu tl1c Lliscussiu11. fur exa1uple, monellae are primarily intracellular parasites, possession
Sal1nnne/la enterica suhspecir.c; e11terira serotype 1·yphim11- uf a capsule uoes not seem to be a srrategy that Is co11sls-
ri um will first be denoted as Sall11011ella enterica serotype tPnt with the role thic; c;tr11ch.1rP has in other microorgan-
Typhimurium, and then, simply S. Typhimurium . isms (i.e., antiphagocytic). However, Vi prolecls lhe oule1
membrane from effective interactions with membrane at-
tack complcxcs gcncratcd by thc complernent system. ·rhis
is useful in protecting salmonellae when extracelluiar.
Descriptive Features Cell Wall. ·rhe lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in thc outcr
me.m branc is an important virulence determ1nant. Nol
Cellular Anatomy and Composition
only is the lipid A component toxic (endotoxin), but thc
Thcrc is onc capsular typc, Vi (for vir ulence), Lh(Jugh n1o:;L lt:11~ll 1 uf 1l1e :.iut:: Llirtiu iu LIJt:: ()-1t:!pt::al u11lL l1lI11Je::rs ll1e
members of thc gcnus do not produce one. ·rhe cell wall is attachmcnt of the membrane attack complex of thP. com-
typical of gram-negatlve bacteria, composcd of lipopoly- plcmcnt system to the outer membrane. LPS binds to lipo-
saccharide (LPS), and prote1n. Thc antigcnic composition polysaccharide-binding protein (a serum protein), which
of the polysaccharide portion of the LPS in part deter- in turn transfers it to the blood phase of CD14. Thc CD14-
111 i 11cs tlle serotype. The kind an<.l number of sugars to- LPS complex binds to ·roll-like receptor proteins (sce
gether with the linkage between them determine the anti- Chapter ?) on the surface of macrophage cells triggering
genic dctcrn1 i naJ1ts con1prising Lhe 0-au Lige::11s uf the tlie ndease of proinflammatory cytokines.
particular isolate. The 0-antigens, together with the J!,ffector (Tnxin) Prnteins. SP.vPral of thP gPnes responsibic
antigenic determinants on thc surfacc o f thc flagclla for Sahnnnella virulencc are located in clusters, called
(H-antigens), which are posscsscd by most salmonellae, J>athogenicity Islands, a cluster of genes encoding viru-
help to define an isolate serologically (Table 9 .1). 'I'his clas- lcncc deter1ninant(s), an integrase protcin, a spccific inscr-
:.ificaliu11 :;cl1eu1e is call~d the Kauffman-White schema. tlon sitc, and mobility. There are at least five ~almonella
Pathogenicity lslands (SPis). While SPI-1 is found in both
spt:!cit:s uf Sulmunella, SPI-2 (an<.l presumably SPI-3 thiough
Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest
S) is found only in S. P.n/Prirn Ali five SPis contain genes
.1dh esi11s. Adhesins (also known as (in1bria or pi/1) mediate encoding the proteins necessary for the ·rype 111 sec1e::Liu1J
adherence to target cells in the gastrointestinal tract and to system (though the genes and thcir products are differcnt

70 PA!{f II Bacteria and Fungí

Table 9.1. Representative Antigenic Formu las tor Salmonellae merase containing Rpo.E is involved with survival \.Vithin
phagocytic cells.
0..g)'OOP. Sl!rovari~ty At\tig~nic wrmulaª Virulence Plasmids. Salmonellae possess plasmids ofvar-
ious sizes, son1e of which have been associated with
B 5.)/mo11el/¿¡ Typhimuriuni 1,4,S,12:i:1,2 lence. 'l'l1e n1osl 11olable is a fanuly of large (approximatelr
B Salmone//a Agona 4, 12:f,g,s;- SO to 100 kilobases [kb]) plasmids, termed "Salrnonella vir-
D Salmonel/a Dublin 1.,9,12:9,p:- ulence plasmids" (Spv plasn1ids) that are found within
E Salmoriella Anatum 3, 10:e,h:1,6 those species of salmonellae with potential to produce dis-
G Salmonel/a Worthington 1,13,23:z:l,w se.nlinated disease. Sorne of the genes (spv genes) carried by
tl1ese plasmids are necessary for intracellular growth and
a 0-antigens: boldt.ace ournerals. Phase 1 1-!-antigen: lowerr>1e letter. Pha~"' 7 ti-anti· are regulated in part by RNA polymerase cont<'lining thf'
gen: Aumcral (or lowcrcosc letter). ::;t(;ltiur 1ary vitase sigrna factor, RpoS (sec "Stress Proteins,"
ahove). Other genes on these plasmlds are responsible for
serun1 resistance and may be involvcd with adhcrcncc and
invasion of the cellular target.
for each island), a11d tnay or n1ay not contain thc cffcctor Misce/laneous Products. The transcriptional regulato;,
proteins (tl1ose proteins that interact v\Tith the 11ost "tar- SlyA (for salmolysin), is in part responsible for survival of
get" cell). The Type lII secretion syste1n consists of an as- salmo11ellae within 111acrophages, perhaps afforrling prn-
semblage of proteins (more than 20) that form a hollow tectiou fru1u ll1e loxic products ge11erated by oxygen-
tube-like structcire through wl1icl1 effector proteins are dependent pathways. 1'he products of the phofY/phoQ ope-
"i11jecled" ü1Lo 11osL "Larget" cells. ron are responsible for resistancc of salmonellae to de-
The effector proteins associated with SPI-1 include Ssps fc11sins found in the Iysoson1al granules of phagocytic cells
(Sal111011el/a secreted proteins1 encoded by a numbcr of ssp (by dirccting the remodeling of the salmonella outer mem-
genes located within SPI-1), and Sops (Salmonella outer brane). Tl1e product of the shdA (for sheddi11g) gene governs
protein, encoded by a number of sop genes, located outside fecal shedding of saln1onellae by an infected host. This gene
of 5PI- l) . Ssps and Sops are invoJved \Vith uptake of salmo- is restricted to serotypes of S. enlericu ::;uu:sped.e::; en.ler icu. A1 L
nellae by the target cell(s) by inducing membrane "ruffles" (for lll'robic reg11 hition r:ontrol), is a h\To-con1ponent globa:
that fulluw tl1e rearrauge111e11L or lhe aclin cyLoskeleto11 regulator systen1 involved witl1 intraccllular survivaL
following the activation of the small GTP-binding pro-
teins, CDC42 ar1d Rae. In addition, Ssps also interacts with
caspase-1 causing the death of activated macrophages. Ecology
The effector proteins associated with SPl 2 include Sses
(secret\on system effectors, encoGeG ny a number of sse Reservo\r
·genes located within SPI-2), Ssas (secretion system appara-
Lus, cncoded by a 11un1ber of ssa genes, located wi lhin SPI- 'fhe reservoir for members of the genus Salmonella is the
2). Both Sses and Ssas are induced hy low pH (stomach, gastrointestinal tract of lvarm- and cold-blooded ani1nals.
phagosome), and interfere with inacrophage functlo11. Sources of infection include contaminated soil, vegeta-
The effector proteins associ.ated '"'itl1 SPI-3 iI1clude Mgts tion, water, and compor1ents of animal feeds (such as
(ma.i,>nesium lransport syste1n1 e11codedby a number of mgt bone, meat, and fish meal), particularly those containing
genes located within SPI-3). These genes are induced by n1ilk- 1 n1eat-1 01 egg-derived co11stituei1ts, and the feces oi
low concentration of magnesium ions (as occurs \·vithin infected individuals. Lizards and snakes (usually asympto-
rnaLTuphages), aud the encotled proteins ctppear to be im- matic) are comn1only infcctcd, somctimcs with scvcr:~
portant for survival inside of macrophages. serotypes. Sallnonella enterica subspecies enterica are aln1ost
The effector proteins associated with SPl-4 and SPl-5 are exclusively found in 'INar1n-blooded mammals and birds
associated with intracellular survival, and as yet are not (evi<.lence suggests that the possession of the :;ful.A. ge11e
clearly defined. prod11ct is rPsponsihle).
Enterotoxin. Members of the génus Salmonella secretean
enterotoxin, Stn (Salmonella enterotoxin) associated with
vvater and elec:trolyte secietion by t1ost target cells. Stn dif-
fers fro·m cholera toxi n and 1:r of l!sr.herichia r.nli (see lnfection occurs following the ingestion of salmonellae.
Chaptcr 8) by being a peptide rather than being composed The outcon1e of the interaction between host and
of subunits. 'I'he role (if any) of Stn in the production of di- Salmonella depends upon the state ot the colonization re-
arrhea is unclear. sistance of the !1ost (a measure of the "" produced
Jron Acquisition. Salmonellae produce siderophores (e11- by the norn1al flora), the infectious dose, and the particu-
terobactin) when growing in iron-lin1iting conditions. lar species of Salmonella. Disease mayor may not occur fol-
Stress Proteins. Stress proteins are definell as proteins lowing ingestiou. lf it occur::;, it ruay du su i1u1uedialely or 1

macle when the mirroorganism is placed 11nder conditions at sorne later date. In the later instance, the initial interac-
of stress (e.g., 11eat1 cold, low pIJ, high pJI). RNA poly- tion may rcsult in the colonization (without disease) of
n1erase containing RpoS preferentially transcribes genes the host, but with a change iI1 the intestinal enviionmenl,
responsible for acid tolexance (survival at pH 5) and regu brought on, for example, by stress or antibiotics (activities
lates genes found on Spv plasmids (see belo\-v). RNA poly- that affect the normal flora), and disease may follow.
Chapter 9 tnterobacteriaceae: Salmonella 71

-:-=:mogenesis pbages mainly) witl1in. phagoso1nes. Not only are the inva-
sivc strains bcttcr ablc to withstand thc action of lysoso-
:ZChanisrns. The most common clinical man ifestation of m al contents, sorne "sort" to phagosomes that do not fuse
2lalonellosis is diarrhea. In certaJn 1nsrances (clef!ned by with lysosomes. The presenting signs are usually, but not
.'.:DSt factors, the strain of Salmonella, and dose) septicemia
always, septicemia and shock (see Fig 8.1). Strains produc-
xcw·s. Ho:>l fac lors include age, ü11111u11e sta tus, co11cur- ing thi<: form of clisP:ISP Psc:ipP rlPstr11ction by thf> host :incl
::2!1t disease, and "health" of the norn1al flora (coloniza- n1ultip ly within macrophages of the liver and spleen, as
~o:i resistance).
well as intravascularly. During the dissemination process,
Stationary phase salmonellae appear best suited to ini- salmonellae are occasionally outside of the intracellular
=te disease, because under these conditions, R.NA. poly- environment and therefore at risk from the formation of
-:ierase containing the alternative sigma factor, RpoS, ini- complement membrane attack complexes on their sur-
:iates transcription of genes responsible for acid tolerance faces. 'fhis occu rrence is cliscouraged by at least two n1ech-
~t.l subsequent survival t11rough the stou1acli. Alsu, RNA i"lnisms: a proc'h 1ct of thP Spv p l:isrnicl ;inci t he IPngth of the
""Olympr;isp cont:iining RpoS is ;i positivP. rP.gnlato r for t hP 0 -repeat unit of the LPS (there is a direct correlat ion be-
;enes found on the Spv plasmids. tween 0 -repeat length and viru lence).
The target cells are the M cells atop the lymphoid nod- Invasive salrnonellae are capablc oí sccrcting a sidcro-
~es and thc epithelial cells of the distal small intestine
phore, enterobactin that ren1oves iron from the iron-bind-
...:!d the upper large bowel. If the target cell is "vacant" rel- ing proteins of the host, although it is doubtful whether
::.::ve to the numbers of salmonellae (a reflection of the col- tllis i~ 11eeded within the cells of the host.
ontzation resistance), disease may result. Vacancy of the Multiplic.;ition of thP organism res11lts in endotoxemia
-;>Jget cell depends u pon the stah1s of the normal flora. If (see Fig 8.1), which accou nts for most signs and t he course
::":e flora ls disrupted (stress, antibiolics), tl1e11 ll1e in fec- of illness.
tious dose does not have to be as high for salmonellae to Pathology. If the infcctious proccss is limitcd to thc in-
5'tin access to t he target cell. It appears that tl1e M cell is testinal tract, the Jesions vvill consist of a hemorrhagic in-
:'.le preferred target, and it is t his cell tl1at is affected first. flammation of the distal small intestine and large bowel.
.-.dl1esion is the first step in the disease process, mediated ·r11ere 1nay l.Je superficial necrosis. In the septicemic form
':>y one or more of the adhesins Agf, Pef, Lpf, o r by others of the diseasP., thP.tP. ilrf> inflamm:ito ry c.h:ingt>s in livPr,
:et to be determined. Follo\.ving adhesion, salmonellae are spleen, and intestinal tissue. 'fhere may be hemorrhages
:nrernallzed following the induction of membrane ruffles 011 pericardium, peritoneal surfaces, and adrenal cortices.
!U the target cells t riggered by Ssps and Sops subsequent to
~l)eir "iujecliou" by L11e 'I'ype III secretion systern . 1'he lar-
5t:t cell is irreversibly damaged by t his interaction, under- Disease Patterns
5oing apoptosis. Sahn.o nellae are now found "vithin the Ruminants. Salmonellosis 1s a slg111flcant dlsease of rumi-
:arget cells, the lymph nodule, and submucosal tissue. An nan.ts, mainly cattle. Th.e d isease affects young (usualJy 4
...c"lflammatory response is initlated by release of various to 6 weeks of age) as well as adult anin1als. Anin1als in feed-
c!:temokines from affected host cells, as well as release of lots are commo11ly affected. The disease may be a septice-
?roinflarnmatory cytokines following host int eraction mia orbe lirn ited to the enteric tract. Pneurnonia, he1nato-
'\'ith cell >vall LPS- activities that result in an i11flux of ge11ously acquired, is a comrnon presenting sign in calves
?Qlymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocytes (P1vfNs) and with septicemia due to S. enterica serotype Dublin (S.
:nacrophages. Tl1e influx uf PMN~ i11ay !Je reflected i11 a Dublin). Abortion may follow septicemia. S. enterica sero-
::;ansient peripheral neutropenia. PMNs are highly effi. type Typhimurium, S. Dublin, and S. enterica serotype
dent iI1 phagocytosing and destroying salmonellae, the Newporl are Lhe sero Lypes con11nonly isola led íron1 callle,
macrophage less so. If the immune status of t he host and S. Typhimurium the serotype from sheep.
the charactcristics of the salmonellae are such, the infec-
tious process is arrested at t his stage. Diarrhea is thought to Swine. Salmonellosis in swine can p resentas an acute, ful-
:-esult from prostaglandin synthesis by the recruited PMNs minat ing septicemia oras a chronic debilitat ing intestinal
and perhaps by the affected host cells), as well as activa. disease. The form depends upon the strain of Salmonella,
don ofvarious inositol-signalingpathways within affected the dose, and the colonization resistance of the infected
hosl cells. The nel resull is the secretion of cl1loride ions a rLiu 1aJ. The <liseast'. is ~eeu 1nu~t ufter1 in pigs t11at l1ave
and water. ·rhe role of Stn in the production of diarrhea is heen stressed. Such conditions occ.ur oftP.n in fP.edP.r pigs,
w1clear. an age group in which salm.011ellosls co1nmol1ly occurs. S.
lt the infecting strain ot Salrnonella 11as properties that Typhimurium and S. enterica serotype Cholerae-suis are
allow disscmination (posscssion of SPI-2, 3, 4, and 5- thc prcdominant scrotypcs.
associ.ated gene products that allow growtl1 within
:nacrophages; Spv plasmid encoding ability to gro~" intra. Horses. Adult horses are comrnonly affected with
cellularly and serun1 resislance; PhoQ/PhoP syste1n alluw- Sulrnunellu. '!ºhe pattern is úiarrhea, though septicemia i.s
ing resistance to defensins; SlyA allowing resistance to seen oc.c.asionally. r:olic, gastrointPstin;il sui:gery, and an-
oA-ygen-dependent by-products; arcA), septicemia may tlmicrobial agents predispose the horse to the develop-
result. 'fhe likelihood ot occurring is increased if im- ment of clinical signs. 'fhe agent is either carried normally
m une status of the host is diminished. Salmonellae dis- (as in approximatcly 3% of clinicully normal horscs) or ac-
seminate and multiply within phagocytic cells (macro- quired from other sources (e.g., a veterinary hospital). ::i.
72 P 1\ltT 11 Bacreria and Fungi

Typhimurium and S. enterica serotype Anatum are most Antibodies specilic tor surtace structures of Safmone/1
commonly isolated. possibly adhesins, prevent adherence to target cells. Tui::
newborn is protected passively by ingesting speclflc sl;.-
Dogs and Cats. Salmoneliosis is uncommon in dogs and or IgG 1 (bovine). The immunologically mature animal_
cats, although carriage is rcµurtculy lLigh i11 cli11ically 11or- vruLecLed by ex.udaUon of specific io1n1unoglobulins (Ig'
m;il po11n<1 <logs (11pwar<1s of 3.)%). When outhreaks occur and IgG) at the si te of invasion or by the production of Sc-
they are usually associatcd 'vith a common :source, such as cretory immunoglobulins.
contaminated dog food or "treats" (e.g.• dried pig's ears). Another. more novel approach has been to feed animL
Saln1onclla should be high on the microbiological clifferen microorganisms that out-compete salmonellae for nich_
tial list for cats w1th s1gns of septicemia. along the gastrointestinal tract. Competitive exclusion. :...
this phenomenon is called, may be quite usPf11l hf'c;iu-
Poultry. Scc "Salmonel losis of Poultry." Llit:urt:Lically, saln1011ellae of a11y serotype would be e.;
cluded as long as they shared the same niche as the co:=-
peting strain.
Antibodies in the circulation act as opsonins and pr --
Sabnonella spp. a re ubiquitous gcographically and zoolog- m ote the phagocytosis of the organism . Destruction of th.,
ically. Sorne scrotypes are relatively host-specific (S. salmonellac that have been phagocytosed follows the i .....
Dublli1-cattle; S. cnl'erica serotype Typhisuis- swine; S. munological activation of the macrop.hagPs by spf'rifira
enterica serotype Pullorum-fowl), whlle others, notalJly sti1uul<1lt:d 1y 111 J?llocyles cr cells). though activa te_
S. Typhimurittm, S. Anatt1m, and S. Nf>wport, afff'c.t a wide macrophages are damaged or killed by Ssps. NK cells l;:
!Ju~Lra11ge a1nong whicl1 fcral birds and rodents play im- Sal111onella-infected cells.
portant roles in interspecific dissemi.J.1ation of infection. Acquired immunity revolves around activation
Long periods of asymptomatic and convalcsccnt shcdd- macrophages, which takes place as follows . After initiaI ::"'-
ing ensure widespread, unchccked distribution of the teraction bctween salmonella and macrophage, IL-12 iS :=-
organisms. leased by the affected macrophage. IL-12 activates the ;
Clinical outbreaks are correlated with depressed im- subseL ofT helper cell!) (see Cliaptt:r 2). TJ 1is subsel sec1e_::-
mune states, as in newborn animals (calves, foals) and amone othc>r cytokinf'S, intprferon gamma, which ac-
:.l1e:.:>eu duulls, f.ld1 lu1i1:11l 1..vvv:., eY.uiue swgical palie11Ls, v11tc.:s n111crophages. Activated macrophngcs are cffici~­
and swinc with systcmic viral diseases. Ali animals are at killers of intracellular salmonellae.
increased risk of developing discasc if thcir normal flora is 1\rtificial immunization against salmonellae is diffict.-
disrupted (stress, antibiotics). These circumstances render Ilacterins have had limited success. Apparently, they ~
anima Is susceptible to exogenous exposure or activation of not stimulate strong cellular immunity, even thoi.:_
silent infecttons. abundant antlbody is produced. Antibodies that are p: -
Humans appear to be susceptible to all Salmonella duc:cd loc:ally or p;i.<;sf'<i in colostr11m or milk interfere \\-;-
:-.e1ulypes, lhe n1osl in1porla11l sourcc for wl1icl1 are ani- adsorption to the target cell and protcct against diseasc
m;ils an<l thPir hy- products. Poultry and poultry products this location. Macrophages can be activated and antibP-;:
(cggs) are a major source of Saln1011el/a in humans. Sa.lmo- production stimulatcd in response to modificd livc ·~
nella enterica scrotypc Entcriditis (e.g., phage type 4) is es- cines. lt given o rally, these vacci nes stimulate local secr ~
pecially adaptcd for egg transmission. Whether a person tory immunity and ccll-mediated activation of phago0-
dcvclops discase following ingestion of salmonellae from cells. Aromatic-dcpendent mutants of Sa.lmonella sh_
tl1c environrnentdepends upon the dose of organisms, tl1e promjse as effective modified live vaccines, especially _
serotype of Salmonella, anti t11e 1.:uluniz<1tio11 re:sista11<.:e uf calvt'.:>. uruA u1ula11Ls of Salrnonella cannot n1ultiply v.itt:
thf' inff'Ctf'<i i n<l ivi<111al. Salrnonella Typhjmttrium is most the host since vertebrate tissue does not contain :.
common, usually producing gastroent eritis. Sorne 11ccdcd prccursors for aromatic acid synth.e sis.
serotypcs havc greater invasion potential, for example, S.
Cholerae-suis (from swine), anc.l S. Dublin (ir1fected milk).
·rhou~h S. Typh1murium DT104 (the Definitive Type Laboratory Diagnosis
designation specifies a particular phage type), which is ac-
qulrcd fro1n cattle, appear!) more pru11e to sy!)ten1ic <.lis- 111 cases of intestinal üúcction, fecal samples aie coliect.::_
ease, tho11gh thi~ h;is hPPn <liffic.ult to prove experimen- in systemic disease, a blood sample is collected for sta-
tally. Asymptomatic reptiles have become an important dard blood culture. Splccn and bone marrow are cultiLI:"_
sourcc of Saln1oncl/a in humans. tor the salmoneuae when postmortem diagnosis of s:-
temic salmoneliosis is required.
Fresh fecal samples are placed onto une or mure ~elt:"...-
lmmunologic Aspects tive media, including MacConkey agar, XT.f) ;igar, Hf'ktnt>-
t:lllt:ric 111ediun1, and brillia11t green agar. For enrichmen:
Proter.tion <lf'pf>n<l<; 11pon spf'cific ancl nonspccific im- Selenite F. tetrathionate, or gram-negative broth (GN) is
n1unological factors and microbiological defense mecha- recommended.
nisms. Discasc may be prevented by an intact colonization Salmonellae appear as lactose-nonfermenting colon1es
rcsistance at Lhe leve! of the target cell (see Chapter 2). on lactose contai ni ng media (lactose-fe.rmenting strains oi
Whcthcr 1nfecnon can be prevented is not kno\-vn. Salrrzonella have been reported, but these are rarely en-
Chaprer 9 Enrerobacrertaceae: Salrnonefla 73

:::ountered). Since most serotypes of salmonellae produce ministration of JS, a rough variant of E. coli, h as been
~1$, colonies on iron-containing media (e.g., XLD agar), shown to stimulate the p roduction of antibody to the core
-!ley will llave a b lack ce11ter. Suspiclous colonies can be LPS. Both rnetl1utls appear to µrevcn t a1H.l <.:011t rul tl 1e sig1 is
::ested directly with polyvale11t an.ti-Salmonella antiserum of disease produced by systemic salmonellosis.
J r inoculatetl into differeutial iue<.lia a11Ll LI 1e11 Lesled wil11
antisPra _
·ro cultivate salmoncllac from tissuc, blood agar can be Salmonellosis of Poultry
De.finitive identificatior1 involves determination of so- Paratyphoid
;;iatic and flagellar antlgens and possit)ly bacteriophage
::ype. "Paratyphoid" is salmonellosis produced by any of the
Va1ious Sa/rnonella-specific DNA probes and primers for motile strains of Salrnone/la (all but S. enterica serotype
:he polymerase chain reaction have been developed for Pullorum and S. enterica serotype Gallinarum are motile).
_dc1,tification as \-VCll as dctcction in samplcs (food, fcccs, The disease produces its h ighest losses in the first?, v1eeks
ater) containing other microorganisms. o[ life as <t sepli<.:e11Ilc Llisease. Survivur:. uecu111e <t::.y111plu-
A multiplex polymerase ch.ain reaction (PCR) assay matic excretors.
".lSing pr.i1n ers designed to detect the common diarrhea- Infection is through ingestion. 'l'he source is usually
as~oci atPd 111icroorganisms of swine (Rrachyspira hyodysen- teces or tecally conta1ninated materials (litter, Uutt, water).
:eriae, La:t-tlsonia intracellularis, and Saflnone/la) 11as been Diagnosis is made by culturing the organism from af-
d.escribed . fectecl tissue (spleen, joints) fron1 b irds that had bccn
showing clinical signs of disease. Tt is more difficult to de-
LecL a11 a~y111plo111alic carrier !Jecau:se :sucli carrier:s u11ly pe-
Treatment, Control, and Prevention riodically shed the organism in feces. So1ne have suggested
thnt culture of fluff nnd littcr could be usc.d to dctcct cnr-
'\ursing carP is thf> princ.ipal treatment for the enteríc. form rier flocks.
ofsalmonellosis. ·rhe use of antirnicrobial agents is contro- Treat ment <loes not elim inate carriers, alth.ough it does
>ersial. Sorne studies sho\.v that antibiotics do not alter the control mortality. T'reatment regimens have inclucletl
course of the d isease. In addition, thcre is cvidcncc that avoparcin, lincom ycin, furazolidone, streptomycin, and
a11tibiotics promote the carrier state and select tor resistant ge11la11 Iicin. Exclusion of sal1nonellae by feeliing "cock-
~n:ains . Proponent f- of antibiotic usage .recommend a tails" o f normal flora has heen used •vith sorne success to
:nen1ber of the fluoroquinolone class of drug (e.g., en- reduce thc nu1nbcr of salmoncllac shcd b y carricr birds
:ofl oxacin or ciprofloxacin). (competiti ve exclusion).
TJeaL1ue11 L of Lhe sysLen1ic forn1 of saln1onellosis in-
d udes nursing care and appropriate antimicrobial therapy Pullorum Disease
'.lS determined by retrospectively acquired susccptibility
<lat a. Since saln1onellae survive in the phagocytic ceJl, t he Pullorum disease, causeli by 5. Pullorum, ls rare in N orth
:i.ntirnicrobial drug should be one that penetrates the ccll. America but not in the rest of the -vvorld. The disease has al-
Exan1ples of those that ciistribute in this manner include most been elin1inatet1 in the Unitetl States tlue tu a l>reetl-
:?lllpicillin, e11rofloxacin, trimethoprim-sulfonarnides, in.g flock testing progr::im.
~nd chloramp11en1col/florfen1col. 'freatrr1eut uptlu11s 111ay Sal111011ella I'ullorun-i infects the ovil of turkeys and
"'<' compron1isPcl cl11P to ac.quisition of R plasmids o r inte- chickens (see fig 74.7}. 'fhus, the e1nbryo is already in-
~ons encoding rcsistance to n1ultiple antibiotics. A serious fected when thc egg is hatched. The hatchery environ-
;iobal epidemic of S. TY11him urium D'f104 (the Definitive ment is contan1inated follovving hatching of an infected
7°ype dcsignation specifies a particular phage type), a type egg, leading to infection of other chicks and pottlts.
:' salmonella that affects h umans and other animals Morlality is tlue Lo sepli<.:e111ia a11d is grealesL i11 lhe seconcl
~ ·orld>vide, contains a "cluster" of antibiotic resistance- to third week of life. Surviving hirds carry the hacterium
encocling genes withi11 its chru111osuu1e. Tbis ''<.;luster," aJ1.d may pass it to their offspring. Tt is difficult to detect in-
nilli>cl "SalmonPll::i genomic ísland 1" (S<~TI), contains the fected breeding hens by bacteriologic n1eans. Agglutina-
::i'enes for resistance to arnpicillin, chloramphenicol/ tion titers, produced 3 to 10 days after infection, are used
'Jorfenicol, strepto1nycin/spectinomycin, sulfonamides, and to detect carrier birds.
=etracyclines bounded by n-vo integrons. SGil has moved Eliminating infected breeding birds detected serologi-
mto S. enterica serotype Altiany (fish in Southeast Asia) and cally controls this disease. 'l'reattnent with a11tirnicrobial
5. enterica serotype Paratyphi B (tropical fisl1 in Singapore). agents (ma inly sulfonamiclP<;) rP-rl11c.P.s mortality in in -
Salmonellosis is controlled through strict atteutiun to fected flocks .
protoc.ols clesigne.d to curt::i il the spread to susc.eptíhle an í-
:;nals of any contagious agent found in feces. Artificial im- Fowl Typhoid
;nunization with modified live products has shO\'Vn prom-
~e (e.g., aroA mutants, see above). Atten1pts have been Fowl typhoid, caused by S. Gallinarurn, is an acutc scp-
:nade to treat and prevent the endotoxemia produced t)y ticemic or chronic disease of domesticated adult birds,
<he syste1nic form of the disease by adn1inistering serum mainly chickens. Fowl typhoid is rare now in t he United
...-untaining antHlodies to the core LPS. Like\<Vise, the ad- States dueto control programs.
74 PART 11 Bacleria aud Fuugi

The clisease is cliagnosed by culturing the organism hatching eggs, which become infected follow ing ingestion
fron1 liver or spleen. It is treated witl1 antimicrobial agents, by the 11en. Feces also spread it.
IIldinly :;ulfo11a1Hilie:; (:;ulfd<{UÍ.UOXdUilC) auu !IÍ trofura11s. Diag11osis is 111ade by culluring sali11011ellae fron1 tl1e
Fowl typhoid is c.ontrolled hy management and eliminat- liver, spleen, blood, lungs, or kidneys of affected birds, or
i11g infected birds. A bacterin made fron1 a rough variant of from dead poults and hatch dcbris.
S. Gallinarum. 9R, has been shov"n to decrease mortality. Most serotypes of Salmonella entcrica subspecies a.n -
zonae and S. enterica subspecies diarizoniae possess R plas-
n1ids, which sometilnes makes ít difficult to prevent and
Avian Arizonosis
t·reat tllis disease. Various antimicrobial agents such as fu- enl:erir.o. ~nbspecies arizonae and S. entericct suf) razolídonc and sulfa1nerazine added lo feed llave !iÍIO\'\".C
species diarizoniae (Arizona htnsftLtwii) most often iso- some success in lowering morta\ity. ln)e.c.tion of c'lay-old
lated fro1n reptiles and fowl, although these species can be poults with gentamicin or spectinomycin decreases n1or-
isolated from any animal. 'lürl<eys are most commonly af- tality, but survivors still harbor (and shed) the organism.
fected. There are 55 serologic types affecting fowl, with Control measures should be aimed at prevention rathc:-
type 7: 1, 7,8 most comrnonly isolated in the United States. than treatrnent. .Because of tl1e multiplicity of serotypes,
Salmone/la enterica subspecies arizonae and S. enterica no effective vaccine is available.
sub:>.¡Jecie:; diurizuniut: dre 111ai11t ained in turl<ey flocks via

Enterobacteriaceae: Yersinia
DWl<..TH'J' c. Hl!ZSH

;;enus Yersinia is included in the family Enterohacteri- Descriptive Features

.._ There are 11 species, one of '"'hich, Y. ruc:kcri, affec."ts
rtsn. Yersinia enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis are Cellular Composition and Products of Medica! lmportance
ciated with mesenteric ly1nphadenitis, terminal ileiti.s,
z=::,........·~e gastroenteritis, ancl septicemia. While Y. enterocolit- Yersinia pestis contains the plasmids pYV (encoding the
"fects mainly don1estic animals and primates, Y. ·1ype 111 secretion system, Yops, and LcrV), pMTl (encod-
:-intu berculosis affecls largely birds and rodenls, and ing the capsule, and Ymt), and pPCPl (encoding pcsticin,
occasionally domestic animals and prin1ates. Plague, coagulase, and plasminogen activator). A chromosomal
-5C'd by Y. pestis, is a rodent-based zoonosis. T'he zoono- locus called the High Pathogenicit)' Island contains the
;ospects of Y. enterocolitica, Y. interrnedia, Y. frederiksenií, ge11e:; eucoding iron uptake, and the H1ns phenotype. Also
- ·: k ristensenii are uncertain. Yersinia aldovae, Y. rohdei, located on the ch rornosomf' ilrf' thf' gt>nf's f'nroding the r
::JllareNi, and Y. bercovieri are without k11own patho- protein Gsr.
-~.. ~ potential. Capsule. The capsule plays many roles, the most impor-
tant of which are interference with phagocytosis (an-
tiphagocytic), and the protection of the outer membrane
: ~cr i ptive Fea tu res from the deposition of membrane attack con1plexes ge11er-
ated by activation of the complement system. The capsule
:-:r.ology and Staining of Y. pestis is <illlf'rl (~;ifl (for r.apsular antigen fraction 1),
and is encoded by genes that reside on pl<15n1id pMT1
=bers of lhe ge,nus Yersinia are gran1-negalive coc- (which also carries the genes encoding the toxin Ymt, see =
.:_cilli. Bipolarity is cornmon in tissue smears. Most bclow).
des are flagellatcd at ambient temperatures. Cell 1t\Tall. The cell wall of Y. pestis does not have 0-
antigen (rough phenotype). T'he lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
'::.. •th Characteristics in the outer membrane is an important Virulence determi-
nant. LPS binds to lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (a
:r:s_~Jae grow on ordinary laboratory media, including serun1 proleil1), wl1icl1 in lurn Lransfers il lo lhe blood
;:;Conkey agar, although they grow slower than rnost phase of CD14. 'I'he CD14-LPS complex binds to loll-like
- ~ - mf'nlhf'rs of thf' f;imi ly l~nterohar.teria1:eae. (~olony <li- receptor proteins (see Chapter 2) on the surface of macro-
~~-:ers rangc from under l 1nm (Y. pestis) up to 1.5 mm for phage ceus triggering the release ot prointla1nmatory
~ other yersiniae. They are not hemolytic when grown cytokines
;:;:ood agar. High Pathogenicity lsland. High Pathogenicity Island
~ b iochemical activities and resistance, yersiniae re- (HPI), so-called because its presence is related to lncreased
.e::: ..,!e other members of the family Enterobacteriaceae. virulence as com.pared to strains that do not contain it, ls a
cluster of chromoson1al genes involved >vith iron acquisi-
tion (see below, "!ron Acquisition ").
=::>IN/A PESTIS (PLAGUE BACILLUS) Htns Phenotype. The Hms (for hcmin storage) phenotype
is associated with iron acquisition and colonization of
~- .;:ia pcstis is
thc cause of thc rodcnt-bascd zoonotic dis- fleas (sce below, "!ron Acquisition").
[ron A cq11isition. Iron is an absolute growth require-
;;c=-:: caUed plaxue. In human patients, and susceptible do-

..="2c animal specics (mainly cats), plague is manifest as a u1e1tl aud 111u:;t lJe rernoved frorn iron-binding proteins of
CiL ~ymphadenitls (bubonlc plague), pneun1onia (pneu-
the host. Thf' genf's f'nro<ling proch1rts involved with i ro11
- --e p!;igue), or septicemia (septicemic plague). Analysis acquisition reside on a chromosomal _p athogenicity is-
:J'\A sequences of the genes encoding the 16S riboso- land I-IPI (a cluster of genes encoding virulence determin-
ant(s), an integrase protein, a spccific inscrtion sitc, and
- R."lA indicates that Y. pestis is a subspecies of Yersinia
-.Jot11bcrculosis. mobility.) 1'he rIP1 of Y. pestis encodes the genes for the
iron-acquiring sideroph.ore yersiniabactin, and the Hms
(for hernin storage) phenotype. Colonles growing on the
s11rfac.f' of hloorl ;igar plates that displ<iy the Hms pheno-

76 l'ARr II Bacteria and .Fungí

type appear pigmented (they are not) dueto the binding 7. Gsr. Gsr (for global stress requirement) is expressed
of hcmoglobin (or Congo Ilcd if prcscnt). It is probable at 37ºC while Y. pestis is within the macropl1age
that bound hemoglobin is used as a source ot iron. '!.'he pl1agolysosome. 'fhe Gsr protein is responsible tor
genes responsible are encoded by the pgm (for pig1nent) thc survival of Y. pestis within this environ_men t .
locus. in addition to playing a role in iron acquisition, the
Hms phenotype is someho\'\• involved ~vi t h colonization
and blockage of Lhe provenlriculus of fleas.
1ype 111 Secretion Systern. ·rhe 1'ype III secretion system Yersínia pestis is serologically uniform. 'rhere are three bio-
consists of an assemblage of p roteins (more than 20) t hat Lypes (1Jased on ca1bohydrale fern1enla lio11 a11d abílily Lo
torm a hollow tube-like struch1re through which etfector reduce r1itrate): Antiqua, Medievalis. and Orientalis.
proteins (Yops, LcrV) are "injected" into host "target" cells.
1'he genes encoding tl1e proteins needed by the Type III se-
cretío11 syste1n reside on plasmid pYV (along with the Ecology
gerH:'.::i er1couiI1g Yop:; a11u LcrV, :;ee IJeluw) .
Tnxin~. Yersinia fJP.stis pro<iuces a numher of toxins that Reservoir
are secreted by way of a Type III sccrction systcm (see
above): 1'o lerant rodent:; in enuernic areas (see IJelvvv) conslilule
thP. plague rP.servoir. 'rhey rarely develop fatal d isease and
J. Yops. Following thei r "injection" int o macro- are called 1nai11te11a11cc or enzootic hosts. In North A.lncrica
phages, Yops (for Yersinia outer protein) interferc a long the coastal regio ns of California, the meado'"' mouse
with the actin cytoskeleton, therel.Jy l.JlockiI1g b1icrotus californícus is such a host.
phagocytosis, and down ri>g11lating thi> inflam -
n1atory response::; by the inhibition of N.F-KB. Transmission
"lnjection " into neutrophils, results in a decrease
in thc cxprcssion of cndothclial ccll-adhcsion 1'ransmission is by fleas . They may carry Y. pestis to more
proteins, theret)y reducing ettective inflamn1atory susceptible, eplzootlc, or an1p lification hosts, :;uch as
responses. The genes encoding Yops reside or1 the grou11d squirrels or ra ts. Wh1>n thPSP dii>, still nthi>r hosts,
plas1nid pYV (also known as pCDl) . 'fhe genes sucl1 as 11u111ans, are attacked. Tnfected mammals 1nay
residing 011 this plasmid encade Yops, LcrV, and spread plague by the airborne route. Oral acquisition is by
Lhe ·rype lll secretion syslen1. 'l'hey are down regu- predation, cannibalism, and scavcnging.
lated at 26ºC, and up regulated at 37ºC and low
2. LcrV. LcrV (íor lovv calciun1 response virulence, also
known as Factor V) is a protein located on t he sur- Fleas feed on an infected host . Yersinia pestis inside fleas
face of Y. pestis. LcrV has severa! roles: it aids in the proliferate until they b lock (obstruct) the flea's proven-
"injection" of effector proteir1s (e.g., Yops) into tar- triculus (function of Ymt and Hms). "Blocked" fleas in-
get cells; after "injeclion" i11to pl1agocylic cells, il fes l a new hosl and conlan1inale lhe feeding site with
reduces the excret ion of proinflamn1atory cytokines Y. pestis ~vhen attempting to feed . At flea ten1perature,
and inl1ibits ncutrophil chcmotaxís. 'fhe genes en- the 1'ype lll secretion syste1n, Yops, LcrV, Cafl, and Gsr
codi ng LcrV reside 011 tl1e plas1nid PYV (also kI1own are not produced. ·rhe bacteria, thus introduced into a
as pCDl) . The genes resid.i ng on this plasmid en- vertebrate host, lack defcnse against the host 's innate im-
cocle Yops, LcrV, and the Type III secretion systen1 . n1 u ne sy5tem, ancl are killed when ingested by neu-
·rhey are down regulated at 26ºC:, and up regulated trophils (an inflam1natory response is generated due to
al 37ºC and Io'-v calciu111. products of tl1e flea bite along w ith t he gram-negative
3. Ymt. The genes encoding Y1nt (for Yersinia rnouse cell '"'al i components of Y. pestis) . In mononu clear
toxin) reside on the plasmid pMT (vvhich also co11- phagocytcs, ut iuam1nalian tcmpcraturcs, nnd low-
tains the genes tor tl1e capsule, see above). Y1n.t is a calcium ion concentrat.ions, and while protected by Gsr,
phospholipase D that is expressed at 2SºC (and Y. pestis activates the Type 111 secretion system; produces
poorly at 37°(:), and p lays a role in protecting Y. Yops, Lcrv, and Cafl; and is released from t he phagocytic
pestís from t he digestive enzymes within the midgut cell following initiation of apoptosis. Yersiniai> acquiri>
of fleas. res istan.::c to furthc-r phagocyt osis and int racellular
4 . Pestlcin. Pesticin is a bacteriocin produced by Y killingby neutrophil and mononuclear pl1agocytes (LcrV
pcstis v.•itl1 an uncertain role in the production of reduces the excretion of proinflammatory cyt<)kines, and
disease. Ge11es on plasmid pPCPl en.c ode JJesticin inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis; "injecte(1" Yops prevent
(along with Plasminogcn Activator). phagocytosis; Cafl prevents phagocytosis and promotes
5. Plasminogen Activator. Plasminogen Activator is re- serum resistance). ·rhus, early in the d isease process, Y.
spo11sible for tl1e coagulase, fibrinolytic, ;ind C3 pP.stis is an intracellular parasite, and later, an extracellu-
degradative activity of }~ pestis at 37ºC. 011 lar one.
plasmid pPCPl encode Plasminoge11 Activator Extracellular mult iplication made possible by iron
(along with Pcsticin) . acquisition systems and capsule production elicits a hem-
6. Coagulase. See "Plasminoge11 Activator," above. orrhagic inflan1matory lesion, followed by local lymph
Chapter 10 Enterobacteriaceae: Yersinia 77

"?IX.: involvement (bubo). This form is called bubonic lmmunologic Aspects

-e intection commonly becomes septicemic and, if Specific resistance to plague probably requires antibody
-uted, terminates fatally (an endotoxemia aided by and cell-medtated responses. Capsular antigens (Fl anti-
-= -unction of Plasminogen Activator, which accelerates gen) evoke opsonin formatíon. Antibody to the LcrV anti-
..:;i:ition of disseminated intravascular coagulation, see gen is p1vl1:cliv1:. of intracellular organisms de-
_ .í ) . Su1nc i11<.livi<.lual:. <.lcvcluµ plague µ11euu1orlia an<.l pends on activated macrophages. lmmunity follo\-ving
:::e.:. r. pestis in sputum and droplet nuclei. Others con- rccovery is good, but temporary. Dctcction of antibodies
~"L primary pneumonic plague from this source and to Y. pestis in rcsistant species (e.g., canids) is a way of de-
. ....:lsmit it by the samc routc. Under epidemic conditions termining the presence of the organism in a particular
~ :orm is nearly always fatal. environment.
•.-...'llong do1nestic animals, cats acquire natural clinical
~on, often by ingestion of infected prey. Signs in-
_\!e 1egioual (p<trlil.'ularly 111a11<.lil.Jular) lyruµha<.lenitis, Laboratory Diagnosis
- .:r. depression, anorexia, sneezing, coughing, and occa-
nally central ncrvous systcm disturbances. Most cases lJiagnostic attempts should be supervised by qualified
==.e fatally. Lesions, main ly in the respiratory and alimen- public health personnel (see below). Sa1nplcs from affcctcd
--- tracts, include lymphadenitis, tonsilli.tis, cranial and sites (i.e., edematous tissues, lymph nodes, and nasophar-
"ical e<.lema, and pneumonia. ynx), transtracheal aspirates, cerebrospinal fluid, and
Human plague has been traced to feline infections. 1.Jluud (fur culture and scrology) are collected.
oecled i1101.:ulaliuu ruute:; are via cuts, bites, scratches, Di Tf'Ct smf'ilr~ ilTP px;im i nPci fol lowing immunofluores.
=:.!. airborne and flea-borne pathways, although the latter cent, Wayson's staining, or Gra1n staining. Culture is do11e
~"llikcly sincc thc cat flca (Ctenocephalides felis) does not on blood or intusion agar. Tdentífication is confirrned by
">::-....;me blocked. immunofluorcsccnce or bacteriqphage susccptibility.
Mlce or guinea plgs ínjected subcutaneously With Y. pestis
=~ ::miology die within 3 to 8 days. DNA techniques utilizing molecular
probes 01 Lhe an1.11lificaliu11 uf sµecific DNA sequences by
""'"-zue is concenlrated in ce1 lain ende1nic areas iu :;uutl1-
_- and southeastern Asia, southern anct \-vest c:entral
the polymerase chain reaction are avail;ihlf'.
Serologic tests (hemagglutination, hemagglutination-
- -'ca, western North America, and north central South inhibition, enzyme-Jinked immunosorbent assay [ELTSAJ)
-..:::e:ica. Endemicity largely parallels presence of enzootic are useful for retrospective studícs.
-¿ epizootic rodent hosts. Human plague epidcmics havc
- -orically been prec1pitated by ímportation of infected
-i.. -s on board ships coming from endemi.c regions. Today, Treatment and Control
h t human cases result from infectton following contact
-;., n1r;i l wild anima Is (sylvatíc plague). If plague is suspected in domestic cats, tl1e follov,rü1g rec-
Plague is a discase of roden ts. The orga11isn1 is n1ain- ommendations from the Centers for Disease Control
~"led in enrlem ic hosts (c:erta in spec:ies of Mir:rntus ;incl apply:
~nzyscus, i.e., voles and mcadow mice). Endemic hosts
...:e infected following the bite of infected fleas. Though l. Arra11g1:: i111r11c<.liatcly with local and state public
.:-demic hosts are fair¡y resistant to development o f health officials for lahoratory cliagnostic assistancf'
::c:-ious dlscase, when thetr populattons rapictly increase and stcps to prcvcnt sprcad and contarnination.
~<l <;preaci of Y. pestis is rapid, die off of endemic hosts oc- 2. Place all suspect cats in strict isoJ.ation.
--..:s. Infected fleas, having a shorlage of preferred hosls, 3. When handling such cats, wear gown, mask, and
~ on epidemic, highly susceptible species such as gloves.
- ;;;iiric dogs, rats, micc, und ground squirrels. What con- 4 . 'freat every suspect for íleas (SO/o carbaryl dust for
tutes an endemic host and an epidemic host is some- residual effecl).
::at clouded since there is considerable overlap between flea elimlnat1on should precede rodent control.
~-e n·vo.
Aminoglycosides, ch loramphenicol, fluoroquinolones,
:n f'nciemic areas, infcctions are clustered during the and telracycli11e a1e efft:t.:live a11lí11licrobic.s.
-:!.." ID months. "Off-season" plague affecls n1osUy persous No vaccines for animals are availahle. Prntf'ction of hu-
-..3..1.dling infected rabbíts, bobcats, and occasionally house mans by bacterins is transient.
- ts. Carnivorcs such as canids (wild and domestic), bears,
::.ccoons, and skunks, as well as raptors, seroconvert fol-
""·;ng infection (ingestion, flea bite), but rarely develop
't4....'1.ical disease. Cat fleas and dog íleas, Ctenocephalides felis YERSINIA PSEUDOTUBERCULOS/S
&:ld C. canis, respectively, do not transmit Y. pestis effi-
~ enUy becau~t: 11t:illier ílca 1.Jecurnes "blocked." Thus, ln- Yersínia pseudoruberculosis is associated with mesenteric
·::ce-J.on of humans from an ínfec:ted rat (rilrf'ly clog) occ:urs lymphadenitis, terminal ileitis, acute gastroenteritis, and
tton1 infcction3 of scrutchcs or bites with infected saliv¡i or septh::cn1i<.l, affecling 111<ti11ly l.Ji1u:. a11u 1ulle11L:., auLI uuly
- a m inhalation of in tected droplets. occasionally domestic animals and primates. Yersinia pseu-
78 PART 11 Bacteria and fungi

dnt11herculnsis is closcly rclatcd to Y. pestis, and many con- Toxins. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis produces toxins thac
sidcr }~ pestis to be a subspecie:;. are involved with pathogenicity:
1. Yops-See above, "Yersinia pestis, Cellular Con1pos~­
tion and Products of Medica! Irnportance."
Descriptive Features 2. LcrV-See above, "Yersinia pestis, Ccllular Composi-
tion and Products ot Mec1ica11mportance."
Cellular Composition and Products of Medica! hnportance

Yersinia pseudoh1berculosis contains the ptasmid pYV (en- Variabi 1ity

codes the 'l'ypc 111 sccretion system, Yops, and LcrV). A
chromosomal locus called the High Pathogenidty Jsland Tlrt:re are av¡.¡rvxiu1al1::ly 21 serolypes based 011 variabilit:-
contai11s thc genes for iron uptake. Also located 011 thc of the somatic (O) antigens.
chruu1u::.u111e a re ll 11:: g1::11t:::. 1::11coding Lhe proleins Ail, I11v,
YarlA, ancl Gsr.
Adl1esins. l'ersi11ia pseudotuberculosis produces t hree ad- Ecology
hesins that are rcsponsible for adherence to~ integrins 011
thc luminal surfacc of M cells and the basolateral surface Reservoir
of ileal epllhclial cells -Ail, Inv, and Yad:
Ycrsinia pscudotubcrculosis is a parasite of wild rodents,
1. Ai l (for attachment invasion /ocus) adheres to re- tagomorphs, and birds, but it infects other mamrnals and
ceptors on thc surface of M cells. Ail al:su ¡.¡rute<.:Ls reptiles and persists in the environment. The cat is the
the outer mcrnbrane from insf'rtion of the mem- most commonly lnfected dome~tic u1au1u1al. M inor eµ i-
l;1a111:: allack co1nplcxcs gcnerated by activation of demics occur among sheep, pigs, nonhuman primates,
the complement systcm. íuwl, a11u JJt:::l bi1ds.
2. lnv (for i11vasin) adhercs to rcccptors on thc surfacc
of M cells and thc basolateral surtace of ileal epithe- Transmission
lial cells.
3. Yad (for yerslnla adhesin) adheres to receptors on Exposure is primarily through ingestion.
thc surfacc of M cells and the basolateral surface of
ílea! e¡.¡it l 1elial Lt:ll:.. Yad aJso pro lec ls ll1e o u ter Pathogenesis
m<'mhranc from insertion of the membrane attack
complcxcs gcncrated by activation of the comple- Yersinia pseudotuberculosis attaches to M cells of lymphoic
rnent system . nodules of the distal small intestine following cxprcssion
of the cell surface proteins lnv, Ail, and YadA. Attachment
Ccll Wall. 'l'hc ccll wall of Y. pseudotubercu/osis has O triggers actin cytoskeletal changes resulting in a "zipper-
antigens (smooth phenotype). The cell wall of the mem- ing" pl1enomenon that Ieads to the enclosure of the cen
bers of this genus is one typical of gram r1egatives. Thc membranc around the attached yersiniae, resulting in
lipopolysaccl 1aritle (LPS) í11 tht:: uuter 111e1111Jra11e i:s au iu1- llreir iI1Ler11alizatio1 1. Iule1 nalized n1icroorga11isn1s pass
pnrt;:int vir11 lf'n<'f' c1PtPrminant. Not only is the lipid A through to the lymphoi<.I nodule where they are pl1agocy-
con1ponent toxic (endotoxin), but the length of the side tosed by macrophages within the nodulc. Exprcssion of
chain in the 0-repeat unit hindcrs tl1e attachment of the Gsr permits intracellular survival. Within rnacrophages
mcmbranc attack complcx of thc co1nplem ent system to (37ºC, low calcium), the 'fypc 111 secretion apparatus is ac-
thc outcr mc111brane. LPS bi n<ls to lipopolysaccharide- tivatcd, Yops and LcrV produced. Ingested yersinae are re-
binding prote in (a ~erum protein), which in turn tr<insfers l e:i1:P.ll :iftPr initi;itinn nf ;ipnptn~i~ nf thf' n1;:icroph;:igp
i L lo lht::: blood phasc of CD14. Tl1e CD14-LPS con1plex Now extracellular, ycrsiniac lnterfere with furtl1er phago-
hinds to 'lbll-like receptor proteins (see Chapter 2) on the cytosis. Invasion of thc basolateral surface oí ileal epithe-
surface of macrophage cells triggcring the release of proin- lial cells occurs following attachmcnt of YadA and I11v, and
flammatory cytokines internalization tollows. J ntlammation induced by extra-
High Pat'1ngcnicity Jsland. See above, "Yersinia pestis, cellular yersiniae (lps), together with interferon secretion
<.~ellular Composition and Products of Medica! lmpor- by natural klller cells and gamma delta T cell-recognitior.
ta11ce.". of infected epitheliaJ cells (as well as lipopolysac.chariclf'),
Tro11 Acquisition. !ron l:> an alJ:>ulut1;: gruwth rc4uirt:::111c11L, 1esulls in a11 inll ux of polymorphonuclear neutrophil
;:inc1 m11~t hf' rPmovPrl from iron-hinding proteins of the leukocytes (PMNs). Extracellular yersiniae avoi<.l phagocy-
host. The genes cncoding product:> involved with iron ac- tosis (Yops), and dcstruction by complement mediated
quisition reside on a chromosomal pathogenicity island. mcchanisms by expression of Atl and YadA, both ofwhich
Thc HPI of Y. pseudotuberculosis encodes the genes for the impart complement resistance. Yersinia pseudotuberculosis
iron-acquiring s1derophorc yersiniabactin. acqui res lron from lron-blndlng proteins of t!re hu:st ful-
T)1pe 111 Secretion Syste111. See above, "Yersinia pestis, Cell- lowing secretion of yersiniabactin (f'ncoc1f'rl within the
ular Composltlon ancl Proclu<.'t:> of Me<.li<.:al Jru¡.¡urta11<.:e." I-IPI). Dia11hea i.s lhoughL to result from prostaglandin
<Jsr (Glo/Jnl Stre~~ Rr>r¡11irP.rnmt). SPP a hove, "Yersinia pestis, synthesis by the recruited PMNs (and perhaps by the af-
Ccllular c:omposition and Products of Medica! Im- fected host cclls), as wcll as activation of various inositol
portance." signaling pathways within affected 11ost cells. The net re-
Cllapter 10 Enterobacteriaceae: Yersinia 79

s the secretion ot chloride ions and water. Septicemia soma! locus called the High Pathogenicity Jslanct contains
-IS fro1n the host's inability to "clear" yersiniae from the genes for iron uptake. Aiso located on tl1e chromo-
~ed sites (scrum reslsta.nce, antlphagocytlc tralts, and some are the genes encoding the proteins .1-\il, Inv, YadA,
"-"lvenginrr). The rt•sult is enteritis and septicemia. Gsr, and Yst.
~:-sfnia pscudotu/Jcrculosis causes il1testi11al infectio11s Adhesins. See above, "'r'e1siniu pseucluluberc,ulu::;í::;, Cell-
- :orn1ation of necrotic foci in the intestinal wall, ab- ular Composition and Products of Medica! fmportance."
.cr=. nal lymph no<lcs, and víscera, particularly livcr and Cell V\fal/. See above, "Yersiuia pscudotuberculosis, Cell-
--,,~. There may be vomiting, ctiarrhea, or constipation, ular c:omposition and Products of Medical Importance."
·eight loss, pale to subicteric mucous Inembranes, Gsr (Global Stress Requiren-1ent). See above, "Yersinia
~ ..!.epression. Fever is inconsistent. Few cases are diag- pestis, Cellular Composition and Products of Medlcal Im-
-d clin ic<illy <intemortem . Mastitis is seen in cattle a11d portance ."
\io n i11 ruminants ar1d n1.or1keys. h• in1111unocon"1pe- High Pathogenicity Island. See above, "Ycrsíníc.t ]J<:.Slb, Ce\l-
-- humans, the disease is generally an enteritis and ab- ular Composition and Products of Medica! lmportanc~. "
-~nal lymphadcnitis that is sclf-limiting or rcsponsivc /ron Acquisition. See above, "Yersinia pseudotu!Jerculosis,
~-=-atment. <..:ell.ular Co1nposition and Products of Medica! In1por-
~ =~-niology
T'ype 111 Secretion Systern. See above, "Yersinia pestis, Cell-
ular Composition and Products ofMedical !Jnportancc."
~otuberculosis occurs worldwide. Cases tend to clus- Toxins. Yersinia erzterocoliticu produces a 11 ur11 l.Jer uf tux-
"' tbe cold months. In cats, prevalence is biased toward ins that are involved with pathogenicity:
__ :. rural, outdoor cats.
l. Yops- See above, "Yersinia pestis, Cellular Cornposi-
lio11 and P1oducls of Medical Irnporta11ce."
- :-iunologic Aspects 2. LcrV-See above, "Yersinia pestis, Cellular C~ornpnsi ­
tiqn and Products of :tvledical Importance."
"""-al infection lea.ves surviving individuals in1111une. 3. Yst (for Yersinia stable toxin)- Yst is a chromoso-
mally encoded enterotoxin unique to Y. enterocolit
-.Lent live vaccin.e protects against homologous chal-
=-~- It is not available co1nmcrcially.
ica. Yst affects the guanylyl cyclase systen1 by dereg-
ulating cGMP synthesis (il1creases in intracellular
cGMP leacls Lo tite oper1i ng of chluride cl 1<:111nel:;
= "'Oratory Diagnosis with the resultant flow of ch Inri de. a nd watf'r i ntn
the intestinal Jumen), resulting in fluid and elec-
--":-:tosjs involves isolation of the agent antemortem trolyte accumulation in the bO\-vel lu1nen subse-
reces or lymph nocte aspirates. lsolation, particularly quent to blockage of sodium and chloride ion (and
_,,_ m ixed sources, is enhanced by cold enrichment, thus w ater) absorption (ti p cells) and loss of chlo-
-- ~, incttbation of a 10% mixture of inoculum in a ride ions (crypt cells) (see also, ST enterotoxin of
- -·~al medium. for severa! weeks at 4 ºC. DNA tech- Escherichia culi, Chapter 8). u tilizing molecular probes or the a1nplification of
'"':ir DNA sequen ces by the polymerasP chain reacti.on Variability
: .!"'ailable.
"fhcrc are approximatcly 34 0 -antigcn une! 20 I-1-untigcn
serogroups. O groups 3, ~. 21, 8, and 9 are associatect with
-·=-atment and Control classical disease of the gastrointestinal tract. ·rhere .are five
'"""otut>erculosis responds to the same antimJcrobics as
Reservoir and Transmission
Water. food, soil, fruits, vegetables, and asympton1atic in-
_ -;:a enterocolitica is associated with rnesenteric lym- dividuals from 11umans to mollusks have been proposed as
~Lnitis,terminal ileitis, acute gastroenteritis, a11d .sep- reservoirs for Y. enterocolitica. Expression of certain viru-
-~ia in domestic animals and primates.
lence determinants at 22ºC to 2SºC suggests that mam-
mals acqulre Y. enterocolitica from a "cold" source (water
and food, for example) rather than a warm -b looded ani-
:;;criptive Features rnal. Infection follows lngestlon of organisms expressing
thP acl hPsin .
==. _ ar Composition and Products of Mediral lmriort;incP
:i•n,z enterocolitíca contains the plasmid pYV (encodes
:-· pe III secretion system, Yops, and LcrV). A chromo- Exposure is primarily through ingestion.
80 PAl~T Il Bacteria and fungí

Pathogenesis media containing bile salts are somewhat inhibitory to i:

enterocolitica; especially at 37°C. MacConkey agar is least
The pathogcnesis of disease produced by Y. enterocolitica is inhibilory. ·r11ere are special inedia designed for tl1c isola-
thc samc as Y. pseudotuberculosis (scc abovc). In addition to tion of Y. enterocolitica (c.g., CIN mcdium). Cold enrich -
<11arrhea assoc1ate<1 w1th 1nvas1on ot ep1the11a1 cells an <11n- mcnt of t hc samplc at 4ºC a ids in attem pts to isolate smal
flammation (as with Y. pseudotuberculosis) , Y. enterocolitica numbers of Y. enterocolitica from a contaminated environ-
produces Yst. mcnt. Isolatio11 from t issue necessitates t h e use of blo0<..
agar plates in.cub ated at 37ºC. DNA techniques utlJizln ~
Epidemiology molecular probes or t he amplification of specific DNA se-
quences by Lhe polyn1erase chaiJ1 rcactio11 are available.
Certain serotypes are geographically restricted. 0:8 is in-
digenous to the United States but not the rest ot the world.
():3 until recently 'V. as rarely isolated in the United States
Treatment and Control
but is common in the rest of the world, and is becoming
more so in the United States. 0:9 has not been reported Antimicrobial agents useful for treating disease product;...
outstde uf Europe. by Y. enterocolitica a re the fluoroquinolones, tetracyclinc:
Tht> rh iPf intPrPst in ;in imal yPrsin iosis derives from its triluet h u pri111-:>ul f u11'11u id es, a nd c11!01 an1pl1e11icol. -
possible epidemiologic relation to hun1an yersinial infec- plasmids are comn1on in Y. enterocolitica, and genes ene.oc·
tions. Outbreaks lin ked to anin1als and animal p roducts ing resistance to tetracyclinc and strcptomycin are mO'
havc bccn rare. Serotyplng and biotyping su ggest that commonly tound.
there is littlc relationship between animal strains and
human disease isolates.

lmmunologic Aspects
"F.ntPrir rPrlmouth" is a hemorrhagic inflammation of tÍ'"~
Ycrsinia cntcrocolitica is an extracellular microorganism. perioral subcutis of frcshwater fish, particularly rainlx..
l'hagocytic cells readily destroy it, even t hough the mi- trout. Infection is systcmic and causes significant morta..
croorganism excretes proteins (Yops) that in terfere with ity in 11atcheries of North Amcrica, Australia, and Euror-~
this p rocess. Most o ften, Y. entcrocollttca disease is self- 'l'he agent is disseminated by asym ptomatic carrier fi<.
limiting dueto the innat e immune respo n se: phagocyto- and possibly rip arian ma1nmals (muskra ts). Outbreaks a~
:.i:., ly:>i:> uf i11fecled epilheli<ll cell:>, i1 011 sequesl1alion, a11d pear to be related to massive exposure.
complement proteins. ·rhe patl1ogenesis of this diseasc 11as not been o
A serologic relationshlp between 0:9 serotype, com- scrilJeu. A prutease, Yrp (Ycr:.il1ia ruckeri prule<l:>e) <1¡.>pc.._
mon in swi11e, and Bruce/la spp. has complicated swine to play an important role since inactivation of the encr
brucellosis eradication programs. ing gene significantly reduces virulence.
Outbreaks are brought under control with antimicr
bies (e.g., sulfonamides, tetracycline, tri1nethopri-
Laboratory Diagnosis sulfonamide), and bacterins ha ve been successful in 10'' ""-
ing mo1ta\ity .
Samples of feces, lymph node biopsy, and biopsy from af-
tected t issucs are cxamincd microbiologically. Selective
Enterobacteriaceae: Shigella

~"'"lwr~ of thf.> genu$ Sfiigella bPlong t o t hf.> f<imily LPS binds to lipopolysar.r.haride-binding protein (a serurn
~cteriaceae, and cause bacillary clysentery in pri- protein), which in turn trans(e.r:s il lo tl1e blood phase of
......::5,. The discussion that follows is limlted to the disease CD14. "l'he CD14-LPS complex binds to Toll-like (eceptor
-,,.,n.,'1uman primates. The disease occurs aln1ost exclu- protcins (scc Chaptcr 2) on thc surfacc of n1acrophagc cclls
!n captive primates and appears to be relatect to triggering tl1e release of proinflammatory cytokines
~":l.I situations (c.g., transportation, crowding) or im- "lnvasion" Proteins. Virulence factors (invasion pro-
~~u~ogical tly~functiuns (e.g., silnian acquiretl irnmun- teins) produced by members of this genus are mainly en-
n::·cency syndromr.). Hurnans may he affec.ted hy a li cocti:>ct on l;:irge p lasmi.ds (terrn.ed invasion plasmids). 'fhese
- ~cies of shigellae, S. dysenteriae, S. flexneri, S. boydii, genes, for the n1ost parl, are regulaled by al leasl si.Ji. chro-
_ ~ sonnei, whereas nonhuman prin1ates are affected by mosomal genes. The plasmid gene products cncode pro-
zrr.eri, S. boydii, and S. sonneí. teins that are rcsponsiblc for a 'fypc III cxcrction apparatus
whereby son1e i11vasion proteins (lpa for invasion plasmict
antigen) are "in jected" in to host cells, namely lpaB,C. 'fhe
: a ::riptive Features ·rype III secretion system con sists of an assemblage of pro-
tf'ins (morf> than ?.O) that form a hollow tube-likc structure
-= ~· Anatomy and Composition through vvhich effector protein.s are "il1jected" into hosl
"target" cells:
..!!atuu1y uf tl1e u1cu1l.Jers uf tl1e ge11us Shi:5t:llu is typi-
- the family ' However, they rossess l . lpal3. "Injection" of lpal3 (like IpaC) into the host
~' capsules (I< antjgens) nor flagella (IT anti.gens). All
target cell leacts to activation of small CiTP-binding
=-~=ss adhesins (IpaD) and a typical gram-negative cell proteins of tl1e Rl10 family resulting in cytoskeletal
.:omposcd of lipopolysaccl1arides (O antigen) and changes anct the for1nation of "ruffles." IpaB also is
-ens. responsible for lysis of the membrane of t he pl1ago-
~-;.ere are four serotypes, identification of which is de- so1ne contalnlng entrapped shigellae. Wlthln
ie=.~nt upon the con1position of the 0 -repeat units of macrophages, IpaB activates caspase-1 resulting in
-popolysaccharide (LPS). Each of the four serotypes a popto:;is.
~n given species desig11alion. Will1iI1 each species 2. lpaC. "lnjection" of lpaC (like lpaB) leads to activa-
-o: are a number of serotypes (Table 11.1). Conversio.n of tion of small GTP-binding protcins of thc Rho fam-
.>crotype to anothcr is undcr thc rcgulution of thc ily resultíng in cytoskeletal changes and the forma-
= ...:es::::i con tained within a l'athogenicity Jsland (Shi-0 for tion of "ruffles."
~a lsland) a cluster of genes encodingvirule11ce deter- 3. IcsA. The surface prot ein IcsA (for intracel.Jular
--r2,..l\S), an integrase protein, a specific insertion site, spre;id) is required for intracellular . lcsAis re-
::rrobility. ln t he case of Shi-0, the genes are contained quired and is sufficien.t for actin deposition and
.na defeclive (in1n1obile) lysogenic bacleriophage, so motility \\7hen shigellae are within host epithelial
- crological traits are stable. cclls.
4. lcsB. 'l he surface protein lcsH (tor intercellular
•,._ ar Products of Medical lnterest spread) is for intercellular spread.
".!SinS. A su rface protein, IpaD (for invasion protein anti- Enterotoxins. Two e11terotoxins have been described,
·s responsible for adherence of shigellae to g integrins ShETl (Shigella entcrotoxin, encoded within the chromo-
~e surface of M ceUs, and lhe basolaLeral surface of sor ual Pa Lhugeuicily Isla11<.l, Shi-1- a cluster of genes en-
~ -e ~ ntestinal epitl1elial cells. coding virulence determinant(s), an integrase proti=>in, a
::dJ Wall. The cell wall of the 1nembers of this genus is specific insertion si.te, an.d mobility) and a 63kL)a product
~-ypical ot gram negatives. ·rhe lipopolysaccharide of the sen gene (Shigella enterotoxin, encoded on the inva-
fS in the outer membrane is an important virulence de sion plasmid). How these proteins elicit fluid sccrction is
""'"..:;,,nant. Not only is the lipid A com.ponent toxic (endo- not known.
•: x1a,, b ut the length of the side chain i:n the 0 -repeat Exotoxins. Shigella clysenteriae is the only member of the
~ - hin de1s Lhe aLLacl1111.eul of Llte 111e1111Jraut'. attilck cuu1- gruup that has t he genes necessary for production of shiga
- _ of the complement systen1 to the outer memhrane. toxin . Shiga toxin is chron1oso1nally encoded . 1'he toxin is

82 PART 11 Bacteria and fungi

Table 11.1. Species of Shigella Ecology

Species Group {Types) Reservo ir
S. A (1-10) The reservoir for members of the genus Shigella is thc largc
S. ffexneri 8 (1-6) bowel of clinically ill, recovered, or asympton1atic pri-
S. boydii e c1-1 s¡ mates
S. sonnei D (1)

'fhc discasc is transmitted by the fecal-oral route, but the
iufcctivc du:>c i:> :>V :>111all lllal fon1iles n1ay also play a role.
a prolein of 70,000MW composed of an A subunit Memhers of the genus Shigella are grcatly jnfluenced by
(32,000MW) and íivc ident ical B subunits (each about thc colonization resistance (a n1easurcmcnt of thc "bar-
7700MW). The targct cclls fo r thc toxin are thc cndothclial rier" effect the normal flora has in cxcluding ''foreign" mi-
cells that linc blood vcsscls. lleceptors on these cells are croorganisms from the tract) in the large bowel. Antimi-
recognizcd by thc B suhunit. The toxin, by vvay of the A crohial clrugs, stress, or dictary changes pron1ote rlsk by
subunlt, inhlblts peptlde ct1a1n elongation at the level of reducing colonization resistance (by decreasin8 the n1.11n-
the rihosome by affecting elongation factor 1-clf'pf'ndf>nt l.Jers uf liH.: J1ori11al l1v1a resulling i11 a reduction of the
processes. 'l'his actlon rcsults in the death of the cell. ·rhe "harrier"), which may lead to diseasc in asymptomatic car-
production of toxln is iron-regulated (by way of Fur. see ricr animals o r by lowcring thc orul do:;c nccdcd for infcc
bclow), more bcing produced in conditions of low iron tion and subsequent disease.
concentration. 1he v1rulcncc of a particular strain or iso- Thc 1node of transm ission of S. fle,Yneri 4 associated with
late is directly related to the amo unt of toxin produced. periodontal dísease of nonhumar1 primates is unknown,
Other Exotoxins. Shigcllac produce at Ieast two other ex- but it is assumed to be feces.
otoxins that, at least theoretically, play a role in pathogen-
esis. 'l'!Je~c twu ¡.¡rulciu:> i:1fl.'. SigA a11Ll PiL:
1. SigA (for ShigeUa lgA protease). SigA is postulated ro
play a role by inactivating Shigella-specific lgA in the Envíronmental cues triggt>r thP Pxprf>ssion and excrction
intestinal tract, therelJy i:1lluwiug tl1e Llisease ¡.¡ro<.:<:::>:> of virulence protcins. Ingested shigellae safely traverse the
to progress. SigA is encoded withln the chromoso- stomach (RpoS dircctcd acid tolerance response). 'fhe tar-
mal Pathogenicity Island, Shi-1. gct cclls are thc apical surface of M cells in the large íntes
2. Pie (lor protcin involved in intestinal colorúzation). ti11c to wruch sh1gellae attach by way of IpaD after diges-
Pie is a scri ne pro tease, v•lhich is thought to digest tion of thc ovcrlying mucus !ayer (Pie) . Cell-associated
intestinal mucus that overlays the intestinal epithe- bacteria are rrappe<l ln the "ruffles" formed follow111g the
lial cells so that shigellae have access to host "tar- "injection" of IpaB,C by way of the Typc IIT secretion sys-
get" ccll~. 'J'l1c gcuc:1 c11<.:uui11g Pi<.: ar<:: willli11 ll1e le1n. Son1e of lhe shigellae witl1i11 the vacuole are trans-
chromosomal Pathogpnicity lsland, Shi-1. ported into the nodule, where the uptakc is again trig-
gered, but by macrophages within thc nodulc. Ingcstcd
Regulatory Gen es. Shigellae possess a number of genes
shigellae may initiatc apoptosis o~ the macrophage (lpaH)
whose actlvatlon results frorn certain envirunmental cues.
and/or other abnormalities reflected in a drop in concen-
Thf>SP inchu1P i:nr ano íln RNA polymPrasp containing
tration of lntracellular adenosine t ripl1ospl1ate (ATP).
Either effect results in the dcatl1 of the m~crophagP. Thr
l. Fur ((erric utilit:c1tiuu rcspu11:1c-iru11 ltvels). Tl1e Fur libcratcd shigcllac adhere to the basolateral surfacc of thc
systPm "sPnsps" avai lahlP iron conccntration, and colonic cpithclial cel l (TpaD) and induce their own uptake
when low (as would be inside the host, since most as bcforc. Shigcllac escape.: thc.: vacuolc by sccrctio11 of IpaB
iron is bound to host iron-binding proteins), acti- resulting in thc deposition of the microorganism into the
vatcs thc synthcsis and sccrction of the sidero cytoplasm of the epithelial cell. Expression of les and for-
phorc, acrobact1n, and sh1ga toxin (see above). matlon of actln at one pole of the bacterlum results in in-
Genes \AJithin the Pathogenicity Island Shi-2 encode tracellular movernent. Movement appears to hf> more con-
Fur. centraled along actin "stress fibers" and shigellac with
?.. RNA polymPra<;P. R A polymerase containing RpoS their actin "tails" move toward cadhcrin proteins marking
prefercntially transcribe:> gene:> re:>ponsible for acid intcrccllular bridgcs. Thus, shigellae n1ove laterally. IcsB
tolerance (surviva1 at pH 5), pern1itting safe transit lyses the aouble membrane resultmg úom movement be-
t hrough thc stomach. tween cells. Affected host cells together with dead and
dying macrophages secrete varlous chemokines (i11<.:lud-
ing TL-1 and IL-18), which rcsults in an intPnSP inflamma-
lo1y 1esponse. Likcwisc, cxtracellular shigellae also initiate
Slúgellae are "typP<I" h;ispc1 11pon thP makeup of the 0- inflammation (by virtue of their LPS). Transepithelial mi-
antigcn (spccies designation). Within each specie:>, there gration of polymorphonuclcar ncutrophil leukocytes
are a number of serotypes (see ·rablc 11.1). (PMNs) is stimulated l)y Ll'S. Natural Killer cells llave been
Chapter 11 Enterobacteriaceae: Shigella 83

-plicated in lysis of infected epithelial cells, a11other of inflammatory cells, cellular debris, and red blood cells
-:iamn1atio11-inducing process. l'issue destruction with (RBCs). Such a fi11dil1g is 11ol diagnoslic, however, since en-
-.;...11erous PMNs is the hallmark of dysentery caused by teritis produced by Campylobacter results in the same signs.
¡¿jgellae. 1'he origin of hemorrhage p roduced by non- Thc prescncc o,f curvcd rods in t he direct smear suggests
~ga toXin-producing shigellae is not known, but the tis- that Campylobacter is the cause ot the disease.
-t destruction, ~vhich includes endothelial cell damage, The sa1nple is plated onto a selective medium that is less
;¡robably responsible. PMNs phagocytose and d.estroy inhibitory than media for isolat.lon of salmonellae.
~ gf'llae, lim.itiog the process to the intestinal tract. Suitable media include MacConkey agar, XLD agar, and
!:>iarrhea is brought about by the activation of phos- Hektoen. E11teric n1ediun1. SS agar is often Loo i11hihiLory
-::-;olipase e (perhaps dueto "ruffle" formation) leading to for sorne strains of shigellae, and hrilliant grf'f'n clot>s not
-creases in intracellular calcium io11s, activation of pro- work at ali. Por enrichmen t, GN bro th is preferred. Selenite
~::::: : kinase e and subsequent pnosphorylation ot proteins or tetrathionate broths do not enrich for shigellae.
-= rhe chloride ion cha11nels a11d those of tl1e membrane- Shigellae appear as lactose-nonfermenting colonies on
~d ated ion transport proteins involved In NaCl absorp- lactose-containing media. Although sorne species (S. son-
ti. Thf'Sf' activitif's Jp;id to cii;irrhf'a . nei and S. boydii 9) ferment this sugar, n ot enough is fer-
The role of enterotoxin in this disease is unclear. The di- n1e11ted will1in lhe 24- to 48-h o u r incu1Jalio11 µeriotl to
::.dlea, sometimes watery, may be caused by interactions affect the selection of appropriate colonies for further test-
"'e11terotoxin \vith small epithelial cells and in ing. Suspicious colonics are tested directly with shigellae-
- -'-r b e due to changes in t he colonic epithelium brought specific antisera or inoculated into ditferential media and
mout by tl1e inv asion/ir1flammatory process. then tested with antisera.
Stti¿;c:llu dy~c:nleriue pro<.luces shiga toxin. This toxin Primers have been desigoed to amplify (by the poly-
:a;nages suhmLJc.osal P.nclot ht>lia l ct>lls (ht>morrhage) and merase chain reaction) D N A specific for shigellae. This
,....ay cause t h e development of hen1olytic u ren1ic syn- assay 11as bee11 used lo detecL aud i<le11 ti (y rnernlJers uf this
..::om e (HUS) (see Chapter 8). genus.
Shigella flexneri 1 has been en.c ountered i n periodontal
sease of monl<eys. A causal role is suspected but unde-
:::::ed. Treatment, Control, and Prevention

;:: ;:;:miofogy Treat1nent of siligellosí.s involves nursing an d supporting

care. A11lin1icrobics are iI1dicated in serious cases buL uul
--¿ disease is seen almost exclusively in captive primates. routinely since their use in an anin1al facility selects fo rre-
sistant strains. 1rimethoprim-sulfonamide, or a fluoro-
quinolone, is effective against most strains and these drugs
- ""IU nologic Aspects do not disrupt the normal flora (colonization resist ance)
as much as other antimlcroblals. The yeast Saccharomyces
- ~ion from bacillary dysentery is by specific secretory boulardii has been shovvn to reduce susceptibility of exp er-
:mmoglobulin fOUild Oil tl1e lu111iual Side Of lhe inles- i111enlal anin1als to challenge by Shigella flexneri, suppos-
- - G1na l. ·rhPsP. antihorliP.s prevent adherence and suhse- edly hy interfering with attachment of shigellae to host
n-t u ptake. Shigellae are serum-sensitive (i.e., they are target cells.
~:.Jy destroyed by complement-generated membrane
~ck complexes), and PMNs deal with them effectively.
,;. :-esult, extracellu lar shigellae (those outside of the M
ma crophage, and colonic epithellal cell) are dealt
effectively !Jy coruµleu1e1rt µrotei11s iu Ussue OuiJ:;,
......:. the c.onstit11P.nts of t he inflammatory exudate (com-
=ent proteins and PMNs).
- n ether n onbuma11 primates after infection and dis-
......_-.¿ are resistant to reinfection ( exacerbat ion) is not
--11. Reinfection or exacerbation occurs in human be-
;s in st ressful situations such as in prisoner-of-"1-,rar
"'"""p5. Bacterins gi ver1 o rally or pareuterally llave IJeen in-
--::rtve. Somf' protP.ction has hP.en demonstrated follo,.,-
-:: '"accination with avirulent, live oral vaccines. These
-= =ot univer.sally available.

-=.:ioratory Diagnosis
-=-r~l swahs or samplP.s of ff'C.f'S ohtainf'cl from thf' rf'ct1 1m
=oo!lected for laboratory diagnosis. Direct exan1ination
;.:2ined smears of fecal material V'.1ill reveal the presence
Pasteurellaceae: Pasteurella,

'fhe family l'asteurellaceae contains the genera Actinobadl- Structure and Composition
lus, Gallibacteriu1111 Hae11·1ophilus, Histoplúlus, Lonepinella,
Mannf1eirnia, Pasteurella, anct /lhocoenobacter. AH but Lone- Capsules contair1 acidic polysaccharidcs. ·r11e capsule of ]).
pinella (L. koalaru1n-a tannin degrading bacteriurn iso- multocida typc A is made of hyaluronic acid, the capsule of
lated from normal Koala feces) anct (iallibacteriurn (G. type D is made of hl:!parin, and the capsule of type F is
anatis-isolated from the intestine of n orm al ducks) con- 1nade of cho11droilin (see below, "Variabilily," for discus-
Lai 11 :)¡Jt::L'it:::) l l 1<:1 l <:11 e VÍ 11 11;:úi\.:al illl¡JOita11ce. sion of P. multocida capsule nomenclature). Sorne P. multo-
All the memhers of the family Pasteurellaceae are gram- cida and M. hae1110/ytica strains express adhesins.
negativc coccobacilli. Thcy are facultative anaerobes, and Cell walls are typical of gram-negative microorganisms
typically oxidase-positivc (which sets them apart trom consisting mainly oí lipopolysaccharides and proteins.
me1nbers of the family Enterobacteriaceae). Most are com- Sorne of the latter are iron-regulated (Le., they are ex-
mensal parasites of anlmals. pressed undcr iron-poor conditions).
·rhe genus J>asteurella, particularly P. haemolytica, has
u11dergone extensive taxonomic changes over the past sev- Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest
<'ral yPars. l'n~tl'11rPlla hnPmnlytirn ¡¡tone time contained 17
capsular types, and 2 biotypes (A for arabinose ferme11la- Adhesins. Sorne, and probably all members of the famil y
tion, and ·r for trehalose fermentation). Thus, each strain Pasteurellaceae p1oduce adl1esins (aud possibly 111ure tha11
of P. haen1olytica was idcntificd by a lcttcr (cithcr an A or T) one kind). A type 4 fimbria (adhesin) has been descrihed
aesignating tne b1orype, a11d a number (l- 1/J aes1gnat1ng for avían :;train:; of /'. 1nultocida, nnd nn adhcsin (tcrmcd
the capsular type. For exa1nple, P. haernolytica of the A bio- Adhl) 1s expressed by M. haernolyttca. As with other mi-
typc posscssi11g a lype 1 capsule was úe:)ig11<:1ted as P. hue- croorganisms, the expression of adhesiJlS probably de-
rnnlytica /\ 1. C.i>nPtic :in:ilysis <;howed th¡¡t all of the A bio- pends upon envlronmental cues. That is, adhesins are ex-
typcs con1priscd a new and separate genus, dcsig11ated as pressed while the microorganism inhabits an epithelial
Man11heirnia. 1'hus, al! but one of the P haernolytica A bio- surface, bul repressed when lhe 1nicroorga11isu1 is iuside
types beca me Mannhcirnia hacrnolytica. Thc onc cxccption, the host where adherence to a phagocytic cell could he dis-
P. haemolytica A11, beca me a diffcrent species, M . Xlucosida. astrous. M annheirnia haernolytica and I~ trehalosi produce
All o f the ·r biotypes wcre p laced i11to a new species, P. tre- fibrinogen-binding p roteins. 'lhe role of t hcse proteins is
hulusi. C0Hse4uently, "Pasteurclla haenzolytica" is obsolete. unclear at present, but in the streptococci (see Chapter 28)
Discusse<i in this chaptPr arf' thf' g<'nf'ril PasfP.11rella and flbrlnogcn-blnctlng protelns lrnpart a11 antiphagocytic
Ma1111hei111ia, whose men1bers p lay an in1portant role in propPrty to thc~ strcptococcal particle by "coating" the bac-
discascs of severa! animal species (Table 12.1). Photobacte- teria! cell, thercby "coverillg" sites for con1plen1e11t activa-
riu1n da111scla (prcviously Paslcurc//a piscicida) and Rieme- tion (and thus dccrease opsonization, and the gcncration
rella anatipestifer (previously l'asteurella anatipesti(er) wi 11 of functional mcmbranc attack complC){cs) as wcll as those
be discusscd briefly, as will Eugonic fermentor 4 (EF-4) a recognized by serum proteins (collectins/ticollins) thatop-
bacterium that resembles Pasteurella. sonize foreign particles. 1·he hyaluronic add capsule of
type A strains P. mu/cocida serves as an adhesin probably
simil:ir to hyaluronic ¡¡cid encapsulated Streptococn1s pyo-
Descriptive Features gc11cs (Chapter 28), which binds to human epithelial cells
via CD44, a hyaluronic acid-binding glycoprotein.
Morphology and Staining Capsule. Thc capsule plays many roles, thc most impor-
tant of which are interference \vith phagocytosis (an-
Members of the genera Pasteurella and i\4.annheimia are tiphagocytic) and the protection of the outer membrane
gram-negative coccobacllll measuring 0.2 µm by up to 2.0 from thc deposltion of membrane attack complexes gencr-
pnL Bipolarity, that i~. thf' <;tainíng of only the tips of cells, ated by activation of the complement system. The amount
is demonstrable with polychron1e stains (e.g., Wright's of capsule produccd is .in.versely proportional to the
stain). amount of available iron . Tn vivo, where the amount of

CfzaptPr 17. Pnsteurellaceae: Pasteurella, Mnnnheimia 85

Ta b 1e 1 2 . 1 . Memher~ of the Genera Pasteurella. Mannheimia, Gallibaeterium, and

Phocoenobacter and Their Usual Source or Associated Condition

Species Usual Soun;e or As50ciated Condition

Pasteurel/a aeroqenes Associated with gastroenteritis in swine; abortion in swine; fowl

P. avium Rcspiratory tract of fowl
P. bettyae (CDC Group Hli·!>) Human Bartholln gland abscess; septicemia in immunocompro-
mised patients; periparturient septicemia in human infants
P. caballi Pneumonia and assoclated conditions in horses
P. canis PnP.umnni;i in n09s; nther •mouth" related conditions in dogs
P. dagmatis Respirato1y lldtl ol doy~; 1~pi1dt01y lract of fowl
P. gal/inarum Respiratory tract of fowl
P. langaa Respiratory tract of fowl
P. Jymphangitis Bovine lymphangitis
P. mairi Abortion in swine; septicemia in piglets
.f . 111ullvtitld Pneumonla and resp1ratory condltlons in ruminants, swine, dogs,
and cats: other "mouth" related conditions of dogs ;md rats;
septicemia in ruminants; septicemia in fowl; absces~s and
pneumonia in rabbits
P. pneumotropica Pneumonia in rodcnts
P. stomafis Pneumoma m dogs; other "mouth" related conditions in doc¡s
P. ~kyenu~ Septicemia in farmed Atlantic salmon
P. 1es1uúi11i> Respiratory traas of desert tortoise and box turtles
P. trehalosi (P. haemo/ytica T-strainsl Pneumonia and septicemia in niminants
P. volantium Wattles of fowl
Mannheimia haemofytica (Pasteurella Pneumonia and respiratory conditions in ruminants
M. granulomatis Panniculitis in ruminants; respiratory conditions in ruminants, deer,
~nd h~rQs

M. glucosida Resplratory condltions of ruminants

M. ruminalis Norm;il flor;i nf r11mPn
M. varigena Respirato1y tract condition~ ul 1u111i11dr1l> anu swin~; ~~pticemia in
ruminants and swine; mastitis in cattle
Gal/ibactcrium JnJtis (PJstcurc//¡¡ anatis) Intestinal contents of normal duck5
Phocoenobacter uteri Uterus of harbar porpoise

.._ 11hle iron is low, the amount of capsule forn1ed is lcss Toxi11s. Jvfannheirniu aud Pu:,leurellu µrotlu<.:e a number
.ililcient to protect the microorganism from phago- of protcins witl1 toxic activity. At least two of th ese are im-
- -.,., and comple1nent-medialcd lysis). Pastcurclla multo- portant in thc pathogenesis of disease (i.e., reduction of
t -pe A capsules are made of hyalurontc acid, type V virulence results trom inability to produce these toxins):
~sw.~s are made of heparin, and type F capsules are inade an R'l'X, and a Rho activating toxin:
nd rol t ln (see below, "Variabillty," for discussion of P.
~-·""11 capsule nomenclature) . These substanccs are l . RTX toxin. The R'l"X (repeats in toxin, so called be
~~¡ if not ide11tical) lo hosl Lissue cu111pur1er 1l:;, au<J arl:' cause of the common feature of repeats in glycine-
¡oorly antigenic, as wcll as binding complement rich sequences within the protein) type of toxi11 is a
'1Cnts poorly (and are therefore, antiphagocytic). leukotoxin (Lkt) produced by M. /Juernulylica, P. Lre-
·-a1uron1c ac1a capsule also serves as an adhesin tor /1a/osi, and P. g/ucosida (a comparable toxin is pro-
-_rory tract epithelial cells as in thc case of capsule duced by P. aerogcnes, P. 1nairi, and M. varigcna).
---..... :.Lrai11:; of !>. multocida (see above). Though similar 111 amino acid sequence to otl1er
' \'n i/. Lipopolysac.chariclP (1.PS) i>li rifs <1n i11flamma- mcmbers of the RTX family (sce also l!.scherichia he-
-.. sponse following binding to lipopolysaccharide- cuulysins ir1 Ctiapter 8, Actinobac//lus haemolysin in
n~ ; protein (a serum protein), which in tur n transfers C:haptP.r 1'.~, a<IPnylyl cycl<isc toxin of Bordetella in
e blood phasc of CD14. 'J'he CD14-LPS complex Chapter 15, Moruxe//a cylulox.i11 iu Chapter 19), Lkt
~:.:;. · Toll-like receptor proteins (sce C hapter 2) on lhe specifically affects bovine leukoc.ytes, an<I Prythro-
i macrophage ce lis triggering the release of proin- cytcs. Thc cffect on erythrocytes probably has little
:..:::=~ . ~u ry c.ytokines. In addition, LPS is not only direct:ly importance in vivo, but is responsible for the he-
-t>c;piratory tract epithelial cells, but also acts syn- molysis observed when M. hacrnolytica, P. trchalosi,
_ .;.....;;a ·~ \vith thc M . liur:rnofylit.u h:ukvtvJliu t!JaL aífe<.:L:> an<l P . glucostaa are grO\>VD on blood agar ptates. LKt
- - - macrophages (see belO\>V). hinrl.; to CD18 (a í?.2 integrin), which is expressed on
86 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungi

thi> s11rfr1ci> of hovinc leukocytes (neutrophils, ma- phagocytic cells. lt is unclear what role this protein might
crophages, platelets, and lymphocytes). At Jow con- play in thc pathogcncsis of disease. If capsule íormation is
centrations, Lkt causes target cell activation, at down regulated in vivo dueto lo"v available iron concen-
highcr conccntrations, apoptosis is initiated, and at trations, thcn the toxic outer membrane protein might
very h1gh concentrations, necrosis is produced (due serve to protect the m icruurgo1J.i:>1u fru111 vhagocylosis.
to production of transmembrane pores). Upon con-
tact wlth Lkt, neutrophils degrauulate releasi11g vo-
Growth Characteristics
tent enzymE'~ th;it proc111ce ;is well as aggravate in-
fian1n1ation, macrophages rclease proinflammatory Pasteurell11 and Ma1111llei111ia grow best in the prcscncc of
cytokines (magnified in the presence of LPS), Jym- scrum or blood . After overnight incubation (35- 3/"C),
phocytcs undergo apoptosis and necrosis, and colonics are about 11nm in diameter, clear, and smooth or
platetets respond by increased adhesion. In addi- mucoid. Mannl1eirnia flae"1olytica, P. trehalosi, and P. glu-
tion, tissue mast cclls degranulate releasing vasoac- cosida produce hemolysis on ruminant blood agar. Ali are
tive amines. In summary, LKT drivt:s CJ ti:>:>ue- gram-negatJvc, nonmotíle <.:u<.:culJat:illi. Tl1ey are faculta-
dcstroying inflammatory responsf'. tive anaerobes, typic;i lly oxirlasP.-positive, reduce r1itrates,
2. l\hu CJcli valing Loxh1. 'f!1e Rho activating toxin is and allack carbohydrates fermcntatively.
procluced by l~ rnultocida capsule type D, (see below,
"Variability," for discussion oí P. multocida capsule
1101nenclature) associated with Atropl1ic Rhil1itis of
swinc. 'fhe toxin, Pmt (P. rnultocida toxin), stimu- Cultures die within 1 or 2 weeks. Disinfectants, heat (.SOºr.
lates two dlfferent signallng proteins: the :>111011 for 30 minutes), anti ultrCJviuh.:t ligill are p10111ptly lethal.
GTPase Rho, and heterodimeric G proteins. l JnlikP Pasteurella n111/tocida survives for months in bird carcasses.
similar tuxio:. (CNF p1uduced by Escherichia coli, see Pu:,leurellu and Mannhei111ia, especially from food ani-
Ch;iptPr 8, ;incl dermonecrotic toxin produced by mals, have become increasingly resistant to penicillins,
Bordctclla bronchiseptica, see Chapter 15), Pmt docs tctracyclines, and sulfonan1idcs, to which they were origi~
not enzymatically affect either ot these regulatory nally susceptible. The gene encoding tetracycline resist-
protcins. However, the interaction of Pmt with ei- ance is unique to J>asteurella and J...fannheitnia. Resistance
ther results in toxicity mediatcd by increases in ln- encoding genes are frequently assoclated with R pla:.uliu:..
tracellular calcium. ln addition, Pmt binds to vi-
men tl n, an intract!llular iuler111ediale filan1ent
respon.,iblP for provirling mechanical strength to Variability
the cell. Pasteurella multulida cuu:>i:.t:. uf five capsular (A, B, D, E, F)
3. Miscellaneous toxins. Sorne strains of P. multodda and 11 ~om;itic (1-11) serotypes occurring in 20 different
produce hyaluronidase and neuraminidase. The con1binations. Serotypes are often related to host spcci-
role played by thcsc cnzymes in the pathogenesis of ficity and pathogcnicity. The serotype is designated with a
disease is unclear. It is tempting to speculate that lcttcr dcsignnting the capsule type anda number designat-
hyaluronldase Is actlVt! ÍIJ vivo auu 111ay be 1espon- ing the soma tic type, e.g., A: l.
sible for the m icroorg;inism 's ahi 1ity to "spread" Mannheirnia haetnolytica consists of 12 capsular types (1,
Lhrougl1 tissue. Neuraminidase has been postulated 2, 5-9, 12-14, 16, 17), P. lrehulu:;i, fuur. (3, 4, 10, 15).
to play a role in the colonization of epithelial
surfaccs by rcmoving tcr1ninal sialic acid residues
trom rnucin, thereby n1odlfying normal host innate Ecology
lron Acquisition. Rpc;iusP iron is an ahsolute growth re-
quire111enl, n1icroorganisms 1nust acquire this substancc Pasteurclla and Mannheimia are carried on mucous mf'm-
if they are to cxist within the host. Sorne avian strains ot branes (most commonly in the uruvl1a1yngeal region) of
P. 111ultocida produce a sidcrophore, multicidin, which is susceptible host species (;iciherence to these surfaces is due
neither a pnenotate nor hydroxynate type siderophore. lo adheslns). Carri11ge m11y be widcsprcad, a:; with P. multo
Siderophores have not bcen demonstrated in Pasteurella cida in carnivores, or exceptional, as \-Vith aVJan cholera-
or 1\lfannheirnia fru111 ul11t:r sources or species. However, producing strains in birds or hemorrhagic septicemia-
Pasteurel/a and MnnnhPimia hind transferrin-iron com- producing stra1ns 1n ruminants. In avian cholera, one ho:>t
vlexes by virLue of iron-regulatcd outer membrane pro- species may serve as reservoi r for another.
teins expressed under iron-poor conditions (so-called
transferrin-binding proteins, or Tbps). Iron is acquircd Transmission
from the transterrin-iron complexes that bind to the sur-
face of the microorganism. Pasteure/la multocida also Infection is by inh;il;ition, ingestion, or bites and scratch
binds heme and hemoglobln, which are utlier pu~~ible wounds. Many infections are probably cndogcnous. In
sources of iron. bovine hemorrhagic septicemia and avian cholera, envi-
Mi:.1..elluneous Products. Sorne avían strai ns oí P. 1nulto- ronmcntal contamination contributes to indirect trans-
cida express an outcr-membrane protein that is toxic to mission.
r.ltapter 12 Pa~tr.11re1laceae: Paste11rella, Ma11nheirnia 87

;;thogenesis and iron scavenging are crucial for survival of the

organisms within the host. Outer membrane pro-
cc1zanisn1s.In general, there are thrcc manifcstations of tPins on ;ivi;in <;tr;ii ns of P 1nultocida appear to play
- ~teurella/ Mannheimia-inctuced disease: respiratory tract
sorne role by decreasing phagocylosls. Signs aud
-;;oJvement, septicemia, and trauma-associatcd condi
outco1ne of this disease are attributable to endo-
- ::>ns: toxcmi.:i (scc Fig 8.1) .
l. Respiratory tract involven1ent is e ither pneumonia 3. Trauma-related conditions are those in which
or uppcr tract disease (Atrophic Rltinitis in swinc). "mouth" m icroorganisms (Pasteure/la is the most
P11~u111u11ia is seen wu:st frequently in ruminants con1111on) are iuo<.:ulatcLI i11tu tite site of infection.
and is usually associated wi th M. liaP111nlytir.a, P. rnul- Examples include bite wounds, licking compro-
tocida, or I'. trehalosi. Environmcntal stress (e.g., miscd sites (e.g., a surgical wound).
shipping, weaning), virus infection, or other bacter- Pathology.Lesions vary wilh sile of infecLiu11, virulc11<.:e
ia! infections (e.g., Mycoplas111a) usually precede of strains, and host resistance. In septicemias, vascul;ir
pncumonia, and are thought to decrease host de- damagc rcsults in hemorrhagc and fluid loss but little ccl-
fenses of the tract allowing commensal bacteria liv- lular 1n flammatory response. Focal necrosis in parenchy-
ing in Lile up¡;er Lra<.:l (u1usl <.:uuuuunly M. haemoly- matous organs or ulcerations of mucous meinbranes may
tica, P. multocida, or P. trehalosi) to infec.t tht> lt1ng u<.:<.:ur. Mammals develop generallzed hemorrhagic lym-
(1nblc 12.2). Mannhei1nia liaen10/ytica/P. trehalosi phadcnopathy.
trom the upper respiratory tract is deposited in the Tn most pneun1onias, inflan1n1ato1y cells are pruu1i-
Iung, and secrete Lkt and, along with LPS from thclr nent, with erythrocytes, neutrophils, and mononuclear
ccu walls, initiate a11 intense inflammatory re- cells appcaring and predominating successiveJy. The tissue
sponse with fihrin deposition. Though P. 111ultocida appearance changes accordingly trom reddish-black to
has nol bee11 showu Lu ¡;ruLlu<.:c Lkt, it:s deposition red, pink, and gray. Necrosis, abscess forrnation, and fibrin
in thc lung initiates an inflammatory rP_<;ponsP hy uc¡.>u!>ltion vary in severlty. In chronic fo\•\Tl cholera,
virtuc of havlng LPS. Capsule, iron-scavenglng abil- cascop11r11lfnt inflammation occurs in joints, middle ear,
ities, and pcrhaps binding oí fibrinogen enhance ovarics, or wattles.
survival of the bacteria within the Iesion . Atrophic rhinitis of pigs (see also under Bordetella bron-
Upper tract disease is lirnited to Atroph1c Rl1initis chiscptica, Chaptcr 15) is a chronic rhinitis accompanying
of swinc. The serious (or progressive) form of this dlsturbcd osteogenesis adjacent to the inflamed areas.
ubcasc is une in which Bordetel/a bronchiseptica (see Tne rea sed osteoclastic and dimin ishcd osteoblastic activity
C:hfl ptt>r 1.'i) fírst ;iclhPrf'<; tothf' n;;¡~;il mucosa, and se- destroys thc turbinates and bones of thc snout, resulting in
cretes a toxin, called dermonecrotic toxin, wl1ich <iistortions of facial stn1ctures (see f.ig 73.1 ). Histologically,
mildly damages the epithelium. Capsule type D fibrous tissue replaces osseous lissue. Bu11e atrupl1y is Cl<.:-
strains of P. multocida adhcre to this mildly damagcd companicd by inflammation of varying acutencss.
epithelium and secrete l'mt (thesc strains do not The pathology of lesions that are "mouth" related is un-
readily adhere to a normal epithelium). It is Pmt that remarkablc with neutrophils predominating.
is responsible for the destruction of the nasal turbi-
nates. The action of B. bronchiseptica toxin alone,
Disease Patterns
wilhoul Lhe parUci¡;aliou of P. r11ulluLidu, results ir1 CI
1nild, nonprogressive turbinate hyp()plasia. Cattle. The most common form of hovine
Pnt'11mnnia .
2. Scpticcmic disease produced by members of the "pasteurcllosis," involving M. haernolytica, P. rnultocícJ.u, or
family l"asteurellaceae is almost cxclusively caused P. trehalosi, is shipping fever, a fibrinous pleuropneumonia
by Pasteurella in ruminan ts (hcmorrhagic septice or bronchopncumonia sccn whcrcvcr cattle, especially
mla In cattle; septicemia in shccp) or in avían spe- calves, are transported, assem blcd, and handled under
cies (avian cholera). Why these strains produce stressful conditions (see Figs 73.6 and 73.7) . Whilc thc ul-
septlcernia is not understood. HO\\l'ever, capsule timatc cause is uncertain (see Table 12.2), the agents pro-

-i:ile 12.2 . Etiologic ond Possiblc Contributory Factors in Bovine Shipping rever (after C.A. Hjerpe)<

Bacteriaª Envlronmental Stress

•.fannheimia haemo/ytica Mycop/asma bovis lnfectious b<ivine rhihotracheitis virus) Exhaustion. starvation, dehydration. weaning. ration <h~ngf!s,
"'osteurella multocída Mycoplasma dispar PJrJinflucnz¡¡ 3 overcrowding, chilting, overheating, excess or irregular
- IS!ophllus somni Ureaplasma Bovine respiratory syncytial virus high·energy feed, poor ventilation, excess humidity, non-
respiratory disease, castration, dchorning, sociul maladjustment

O-Jier bacteria uncomrnonly associated: Salmonell~. Streptococcus. Staphyloroccm aur1>1K, F<fhl>rirhi;, rnli. Arrñnobactetium. pyogenE<, obfrgate anaero~, Ch~mydfa.
"'he< viruws uncommonly associatod: bolñne virus diarmea virus, >donoviru<, rhinoviM, reovirus, hcr¡>C$VÍ<U$, cntcrovirus, ca!i<lvirus, and coronavinn.
"crpc, CA. Bovinc respiratory disease complex. Curr Vet Ther 198ú;2:G70.
88 PART II Bacteria and Fu ngi

ducing severe illness and death are bacteria, most com- Avian Species. Avían Cho/era. Avian cholera, a systemic in-
n1011ly and aculely M. haernolytica capsule type l . fe<..: tiu11 uue tu P. rnullotiúu (111osl corurnonly capsule lype
'fl1e onsct, 1 to 2 weeks after stress, is marked by fever, A), is acquired by ingestion or inhalation and affects
inappetence, a11d listlessness. Respiratory signs (nasal dis- mainly turkeys, waterfowl, and cl1ickens. Tbc pcracutc
chargc, cough) are tew and variable. At more advanceá form kills about 60°/o ot intected birds without preceding
stages, the fever may drop but respiratory distress will be signs of illness. The acute type, marked by listlessness,
obvious. Abnormal lung sounds can be detected, espe- anorexia, diarrhea, and nasal and ocular discharges, may
cially over the apical Jobes, which are first and most se- last several days and be about 30o/o lethaL The subacute
verely (:lffe<..:l eu. fur1u is u1uslly re:>J!iralury and is n1a11ifeslcd by rales and
Hemorrhagíc Septicetnia. Hemorrhagic septicemia is an mucopurulent nasal discl1arges. In chronic fowl cholera,
acute systemic infection with J>. 1nultocida, serotype B:2 there is localization of caseous lesions. Pastcurclla galli-
(Southern and Southeast Asia) or E.:2 (Atrica), occurring in narum. is sometimes isolated trom chronic cases.
tropical areas as seasonaJ epidemics Y\1ith high morbidity
and mortality. Signs include high fever, deprcssion, Dogs and Cats. Mouth Related Conditions. Pusleurellu rnullo-
subcuta11eous edema, hypersalivation and diarrhea, or cida (cats) and f> canis (dogs) are fo11ncl alongside predon1-
sudtle11 tle(:ltll. Ali ex<..:relions and secrelions are l1igbly iI1a11lly anaerobic flora in wound infections, serositides
inf~~ctious. (e.g ., feline pyothorax), and foreign body lesions.
Mastitis. Mann'1ei1nia haernolytica may cause mastitis
with much tissue destruction, J1emorrhage, and systemic Equine. Respiratory Tract Conditions. J.Jasteurella caballi oc-
toxic co1nplications, which are often fatal. A somewl1at curs in equine respiratory disease, usually in association
less severe form is caused by P. multocida. with Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepídemicus.

Sheep and Goats. Septicernia. Septicemic pasteurellosis, usu- Laboratory Rodents. l'asleurellu pneurnulropica, a co1nn1011
ally dueto P trehalosi in feeder lan1bs and M. haemolytica in commensal, may contrih11te to opportunistic infectio11s
11ur~i 11g lar11bs, 1esen1bles bovh1e l1en1orrhagic septicemia, such as p11eun1onia. Phenotypically simila r organis1ns in
although intestinal involvement is o ften absent and the other hosts p robably helong to different species (e.g., P.
morbidity rate is much lower. dagmatis).
1!.nzootic JJneurnonia . .Enzootic pneumonia of sheep 1s
the avine equivalent ofbovine shipping fever. Mannheirnia Human Beings. Pasteurella rnultocída (a11d rarely other pas-
haernolytica is most often involved. teurellae) causes wound infections in hunians resulting
Mastitis. Gangrenous mastitis due to 1'vf. haemolytica fron1 a11ilnal bites or scratches. A second form, especially
(usual) or P. lrehulusi uccurs Jale in laclalion, 1"7l1e11 large Íll tl1c resviralury lracl, is usually 110l directly traceable to
lamhs h ruise the udder and provide the inoculun1 from animal sources.
t heir oropharyngeal flora . Acute systen1ic reactions ac-
compa11y disease oí the udder, parts ot which unáergo
necrosis ("blue bag") and n1ay slough. Epidemiology
·rabie 12.3 shows the relative roles of exogenous reservoir,
Swine. Atrophic Rhinitis. Atrophic rhinitis of young pigs (3 dissemination, a11d stress in various conditions associated
weeks lo 7 n1on lhs) leading Lo Lurbh1ale destructio11 a11d with Pasteurella and Mannheimia. In avian cbolera, feral
secondary co1nplications results from synergistic nasal in- sources are sometimes implicated.
fection by J>. 1nultocida (usually capsule type D) and
Bordetella bronch.iseptica. ln addition, ammonia (in concen-
tratio11s so1n etimes found in swine-rearing houses) acts lmmunologic Aspects
synergistically with Pmt.
Signs include sneezing, epistaxis, and stainins of the Basis of lln1nunity
face due 1.0 lear-ducl obsLruclion. Skeletal ab11orn1aliti.e s
rroduce lateral deviation of the snout or wril1kling due to (;irculating antibody is significant in protection against
rostrocaudal compression. Secondary pneumonia is duc in hemorrhagic septicemia and fowl cholera. The type-
part to the elimination of the turbinates as ctetenses of t he specific capsular antigens are esse11ti(:ll i111111u11ogens in he-
respiratory tract (see Fig 73 .l). n1orrhagic septicemia . With other forms of disease associ-
Pneurnonia. A fib rinous pneumonia, associated with f'. ated with Pasteurella and Mannhcinúa, the picture is lcss
multocida, often follows viral infections. clear. Both antitoxíc and antibacterial antibodies are im-
portant in protection .
Rabbits. Respiratory Tract Conditions. "Snuffles," a muco-
purule11t rhinosinusitis of rabbits due to J>. 1nultocida, Artificial lmmunization
develops under stress of pregnancy, lactation , or n1isn1an-
agement. Complicat ions include bronchopneumonia, Pastcurella adjuvant bacterins are effective in preventing
m iddle and iru1er car infection, conjunctivitis, and sep- bovlne hemorrhagic septice111ia, coufe1ring p rolection for
ticemia. up to 2 yi>ars. Antiserum is useful for short-term protection.
Genilul Truc;L Diseuse. Ill Lhe genital lracl, J>. rrzultocida The essential attributes of an effective avian cholcra
may cause orchitis, halanoposthitis, and pyometra. vaccine are not k.nown. Field perfor1nance of l)acterü1s has
Chapter 12 Pasteurellaceae: Pasteurella, Mannhcimia 89

Ta b 1e 1 2 . 3 . The Relative Roles of Stress, Agent lntroduction, and Agent Disscminiltion in

Various Types of Pasteurel/a lnfections

lmportance of:

l11l1U\lui.llu11 ur Obsemlnatton of fnVlronmental or

Agent into Agent Wrthin Individual Stress
Population Population or lnjury

Avian cholera +++ ++++ ?

BovinP hPmorrhagic septicemia +++ ++++
Bovine )hiµµi11y fever, uvine enzootic + ++ +++
pneumonia. avine septicemic
pasteurellosis, rabbit pasteurellosis
Human pasteurellosis +? ++++
Sporadic pneumonia in ruminants, +++·+
Pasreurella infection in dogs and cats

l"!Jeml. • =irrelevant; + =contributory; ++ = Slgnifleant; +++ =criúcal; ++++ =paramount

- inconsistent, even with autogenous preparations. ampli fy spccific rcgions of the bactcrial chromoso1nc by
~ pro1nising havt: l.Jt:t:u live vaccines contalning atten- the polymcrase chain reaction are available for demonstra-
-...o..~=" orga nisms (e.g., CU or M-9). Attf'n11;ition appears in- tion and identification of Pasteurella/ Mannheimia.
e;- rclatcd to immunogcnicity.
•ost shipping fever vaccincs are bacterins of mixtures
. haen10/ytica, P. rnultocida, and P. trehalosi combined Treatment and Control
s>..ISpect viruses and other bovine bacteria! pathogens.
o::::J:ts are inconsistent. Vaccination of calves with bac- Disea.;p<; rroclncf'cl by Pnsteurella/Mannheimia respond to
, prepared from M . haernolytica reduces the degree of timely an timicrobial therapy. St1ai115 fror11 1.:anlivores and
:-ization of the upper respiratory tract by this organ- humans are generally susceptible to almost all antimirro-
::he effectiveness of n1odified live vac1.:i 11 1::~ await.s fiel ti bials. Most Pastcurc/la/Mannhein1ia show moderate rcsist-
~ation. Recombinant Lkt alone does not protf'rt
ance to a 1ninoglycosides, w t1ich is probably not significant
e from 1\lf. haemolytica-induced pneumonia. ·rhe gene clinically. Those from food- producing animals vary. In
:c.., g Lkt has bee11 cloned into thc genome of- and these species, cost and withdrawal requirements before
;:-s¿quently cxprcsscd by-white clover, the strategy slaughter are additional considerations. Consequently,
- : m 1mmun1ze by teed1ng. No data are available on the sulfonan1ides, pe1licilli11 G, ceftiofur, tllmicosin, florfeni-
---..r-1mess ofthis method. col, and tetracyclines are preferre.rl. ·rh Pir appropri<1tcness
=er1rellu rr1ull1u..iúu ;111u B. brunchiseptica bacterins with should be confirmed by susceptibilíty tests. Sulfonan1ides,
t:X::::'._C. are val uable in the control of atrophir rhinitis.
pe11icillin li, fluoroquinolones. and tetracycline are used
to trcat avian cholera.
Sullonamides, penicillin G, and tctracyclines in swine
_::~ratory Diagnosis and poultry, are suitable for mass medication via feed or
water, the1apeuli1.:ally or p rophylactlcally.
;e- :.xamination Managementpractic:P.<; rlirrcted at rcd ucingstress are im-
tissuc imprcssions, scdiments of transtracheal portant in preventing Pastcurclla/Mat1nheitniu-assu1.: iateu
-..-~es. and, 1n birds, bloocl smears can be stained with disease in Uvestock.
-:-chrome stain (e.g., Giemsa, W right 's, Wayson's) Immunization has been dcpcndablc o nly in bovine he-
cé - ""111li11eu for bipolar stalning microorganisms. The1r morrllag1c septicemia and atrophic rhinitis control.
":'."3é'!1Ce is s11ggf'sti ve but not unique to Pasteurella/
1eirnia . On Gran1 staln, Pasteu.rellu/lvfunnheimia clo
o;:i~ disti nctive.
,......,,..-~= - and ldent ification Rie1nere/la anatipestifer, the age11l of "new uu<.:k disease,"
- - ~lla/ Munnhein1ia grow overnight (35-:37ºC) on produces asevere polyserositic disease especially of rl 11rk-
-:? o r shc'<"P hloocl agar and are identified using diffcr- lings (duck septicemia, infcctious serositis of ducks). At
=~ :ests . Capsule a11d son1aLic Lypi11g are <.lone in a rcf- various times in the past, thjs microorganism has been
=:""X'..-.: '..aboratory. DNA probes and primf'r<; rlf'.;igned to called Pasteurclla anatipestifer or Moraxella anatipcstifcr.
90 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungi

Descriptive Features Culture plates are incubated under i11creased c;1rho~

dloxlde tension.
Rietnerellu uuutipestifer is a gram-negative, norunotilc, cn-
capsulated, occasionally bipolar coccobacillus. It grows
best under increased carbon dioxidc tcnsion on blood or Treatment and Control
chocolate agar (see Chapter 14 for a descr1pt1on of tl1is
agar). Colonies are nonhcmolytic, transparent, and may Sulfonam1dcs (sulfamethazi11c, sulfa<..limethoxlnc, sul-
exceed 1 mm in diametcr after 24 hours of lncubation. The faquinoxaline) may be given prophylactically in fppc1 or
organism is oxidase and catalase-positive, proteolytic, fPr- water. Penlcillin G, tt'tracycli11e, e1ylhron1ycin, and novo-
1nents no carlJuhyllrale:::., <111d survivcs for \'Veeks in litter. biocin arP 11st:>c1 therapcutically. Corticosteroids adminis-
ThPrf> ;irf> 21 s0rotypes (1-21) occurring in severa] combi- tered along with antibiotics (penicillin C) do not iníluence
nation.s. resolution of lesions.
Vaccination with killed or live avirulent bacteria of ap-
propriate serotypes is beneficia!.
Reservo ir
'l'he agent occurs in ducks and otl1cr fowl. Carrier blrds
constitute the rcservoir. Photobacteriurn damsela contains two subspecies, pisricida
and da111sclac. Pholobactcriu1n dan1sela ssp. piscicida (pre,-¡_
ously classilicd as l'asteurella piscicida) is the agent of fish
pasteurellosis. Photobacteriu1r1 damsela ssp. dan1selae was
lnfection occ11rs via respiratory, percutaneous, and possi- previously classified as V/brío darnsela. Botl1 :.ubspecies
bly other routes. produce septicemic disease in farmer1 m;i ri nP fish of a vari-
ety of spe<.:ies. Plrulubc1Lle1 iurn d.a111scla ssp. da1nselac is capa-
Pathogenesis hlf> of rroctucing septicemia in n1ammals (dolphins and
Rie1r1erella anatipesti(er septicc1nia causes sudden mortal ity, Pholobacteriu111 da1nsela is a gram-negativc, oxidase-
or, less acutcly, respiratory sigu:. wiLll s11eezing, coughing, positivc, halophilic rod. Differe11tiation of the subspecies
and discharges fron1 no<;P anct eyes. ~entra! nervous in- is done using trad1tional biochemical tests, or by dctcrmi-
volven1enL produces head tremors, torticollis, and ataxia. nation of DNA sequences of the gene encoding lhc 16S
Diarrhea is also seen. rRNA (subspccies-speclftc priI111::r:. are available and the
Fibrinous polyscrositis is observed in the acute disease. test is done by using thP polymPrase chain reaction).
·rhe exuda te Is mostly m ononuclear. ln proLracted cases, fi- Both subspecies are susceptible to a variety of anti-
broblasts and giant cells are sccn. microbials, including tctracyclines and beta lactams. h
Mortality rates vary fru1u 5º16 Lo 75%; duraUon is fron1 plasmid-mcdiated resistance has rnadc treatment difficult
one day to i;Pvf>ril 1 Wf>Pks. in sorne outbreaks.

Group EF-4 (Eugonic Fermentar)
()nly ducks are consistently a t risk. Stress factors play a
significant predisposing role. Young birds are most sus- A gram-negative i1onmotile bactcriu1n, superficially rc-
ceptible. scmbling Pastcure/la spp., occurs in the mouth of carni-
vores and sporadically causes apparcntJy endoge11um
fatal, a cu te focal, pyogranulon1atous pncu mnn i;:is. 1n hu-
lmmunologic Aspects ma ns lt Is 1n1plicatec.J iu aui111al hi Le wou11d infections.
lt is oi<idasP, c;italase, and nitrate-positive; it fer1ncnts
.Kccoverea 01rds are res1stant fouowing rc-expostue ro tlH.: glucosc slovvly and h11:s no othcr dingno~tically dcp('ndable
bacterium. lmn1unity is serotype-specific anrt may he in- characteristics.
duced lJy 1Ja1.:leri11:.. lsolates frorn humans stemming from animal bites test
susceptible to the macrolldes (erytl1ro111yciu, cla1ilhron1y-
cin, azithromycin), ccphalosporins, ;1mpicillin, tetracr-
Laboratory Diagnosis cline,, a 11d fluoroquinolones.

lsolation and identificat1on ofthe agent are mandatory for

diagnosi~. ()rga.r1is1ns 1nay be demonstrated in organs and
fluids by Gram stain or lmmunotluore:-.ce111..t:.

~e family l'asteurellaceae contains thc genera Actinobacíl- Cell Products of Medica! lnterest
Gallihacteríurn, H(./ernophílus, Histophilus, Lonepinella,
'a11nheimia, Pasteurel/a, and J'hocoenobacrer. All but Lone- Adhesins. The role of adhcsins, as in other microorganis1ns,
_-:nella (L. k()afarum-a tai1nln degrading bacterium iso- i ~ to alJuw the bacterlum cxpressing them to ad herc to
_re<l fron1 norn1al Koala fcccs) and Gallibacleriurn (G. cells liníng ;i p;irtic11J;ir niche, as well as to t he surfacc of
~:..itis-isolated from the intestine of normal ducks) con- so-callcd "target" cells prior to ll1e i11itialion of d i$t::a!>e (in
:=!~!1 spccics that are of medical importance. sorne cases, niche and target cclls may be the same). Th<>
.-\lthough thcy are genetically disti11ct, tl1e genera expression of ndhcsins depcnds upon various environ-
ctinobacillus and Pasteurella overlap phenotypically. As mental cues. Sorne, and probably ali, members ofthe fam-
rhe case wlth the gcnus Pasteurel/a, the genus Actinoba- iJy Paste11rellaccac exprcss adhesins (a11d possibly more
- '}IL<; i~ 11nrlPrgoing a considerable amount of taxonomic tliau 011e kind).
~~ange. As of this writing, tl1e genus Actinobucillus L"OIJ- Exccpt for A. plr>11rnp11r1J1noniae, virtually nothing is
~"1S 20 species, many of which are associated with dis- known about the adhesins of thc otl1er acli11obacilli assu-
~ in severa! animal species (Table lJ.1). Discussed in ciated ~vith diseases of animals of vcterinary irnportance.
'C.:5 chaptcr are A. equuli subspecies equuli (previously A. /\ctinobadllus plcuropncu111oniae adheres to two different
~uli, the cause of neonatal septicemia of foals), A . cqu- ccll types, those lining the nasal cavity and tonsilar crypts
~ subspecies haetnolylica (previously A. suis-llke, and oc- (as is the case with carrier animals), and the cells of the ter
=---s mainly in respiratory tract disease of horses), A. lig- minal bronchloll and alveoli (antecedent to disease).
,tt:.')ii (the age11t uf pyogranulomatous processes, Artin()harilf11s ple11ropne11moniae produces two structures
-:imarily of n1min;.ints), A. s11i~ (;.issoci;ited wlth respi- that function as adhesins. '!'he fi1sL is a11 adl1e:;iI1 i11 tl1e
-:;:ory, septicemic, and locali7.ed infectio11s of swine), classic sense, i.c., a structure composed of protci n suh11 nits
...::d A. plcuropncumnniae (the agent of porc:inf' plt>11rop- ''\'hose main function is to bind to tl1e surface of hosl ceUs.
::-umonia). 'rhese adhesins are type 4 fimbria, and it is unknown to
·\11 the members of the family Pasteurellaceae are gram- which ccll typc thcy adhcrc. Thc othcr, ccll wall lipopoly-
-:::-gative coccobacilli . ·rhey are facultative anaerobes, and sacchandc, 1s not usually cons1aerect an actt1esin . Never-
-pically oxldasc-postttvc (setting them apart fro m mem- theless, thc lipopolysaccharide (in particula r tl1c core
- :<; of thf' f;.imily P.ntf1rnhacteriaceae) . Most are commensal po1 lio11) lJf A. µleu1uµneu1T1uniue i:s re:;pon:;ible for tbe ad-
~arasites of animals. herence of this microorgan is1n to c:Plls of thf' lo11vPr respira-
tory tract of swine.
c.:apsules. 'fhe capsule plays many roles, t he most impor-
tant of ~vhich are intcrfcrcncc with phagocytosis (an-
)~scripti ve Features tiphagocytic) and protect1on of the outer mernbrane ITom
the deposition of membrane attack complexes generated
• rph ology and Staining !Jy aL"tivation of the complement system. The amount of
capsule procli1rf'<l i~ invPr~Ply proportional to the amount
.e_rnbers ot the genus Actinobacillus are gram-negative
of availablc iron. ln vivo, where the an1ou11l of availablc:
--.ccobacilli, approximately 0.5 µm wide and variable in
iron is low, the amount of capsule formed is less (but suffi-
cicnt to protcct thc microorganism from phagocytosis and
complemcnt-mediated lysis). It is difficult to reconcile
:··Jcture and Composition capsule expression and lipopolysaccharide as an adhcsin
in adherence in A. pleuropneumoniae.
_..apsules are polysaccharide. The cell wall is typir;.il of r.r>ll Wnll 1 ipr.polysaccharide elicits an inflammatory
::-::lm negativc microorganisms consisting mainly of response following associalion wilh lipopolysacL"l1aride-
,opolysacchar1dcs and proteins. ~on1e ot the Jatter are binding protein (a serum protein), which in turn transft>rs
~n-regulatcd (i.c., they are expressed under iron poor it to thc blood phnse of CD14. 'fhe CD14-LPS complex
:iditions). b1nds to ·1011-like receptor proteins (see Chapter 2) on the

92 PART II Bacteria and Fungi

Table 13.1. Members of the Genus Actinobacillus and Their Usual Source or Assoc1ated


A. actinomyceremcom/tans
Usual Sourcc or Associated Condition

oral cavity, perlodontal dlsease in primates; endocardi1ís in primates

A. arthritidis SeptirPmia of foal1 and horses; normal flora of oral cavity of horses
A.capsulatu; Althritis of rabbits
A de/phinicola Septicemia in sea mammals
A equuli ssp. equuli Septicemia in neon~tlll foJls
(A equu/1)
A. cquuli ssp. haemolytica Respiratory tract conditions in horses
{A suis·lll<e)
A hominis Respiratory tract conditions in humans
•A. incJolilu; • Pleuropneumonia end pneumonia in swíne
A. lignieresii Chronic granulomatosis in ruminants ("Wooden Tonque")
"A. minor• PleuropneumoniJ Jnd pncumonia in swine
A muris Respiratory tract conditions of rodents
A. plcuropncumonicJc Pleuropneumonia in swine
•A. porcmus· Pleuropneumonia and pneumonla In swine
A. rossii ReproductivP trart of 1ow1
·A. salpingítldts• Condition; uf lht! 1espiratory and reproductive tracts of chickens
(will hP<omp Gallibaáerium sp)
A )l.u(iae Septicemia in harbor porpoises
A seminis Reproductive conditions of sheep (epididymítis in lambs); normal flora
of gcnitJI tract of sheep
A succinogenes Bov1ne rumen
A. suis Respiratory tract conditions, and septicemia in swinP
A. ureae Resplratory tract condltlons in humans

surtace ot macrophage cells trigger1ng the release of proin· a CAMP reaction when cross-streaked wit!1 a !Jeta
flammatory cytokines toxin- producing strain of (Sf'f' l.hap-
Toxins. Members of the genus Actinobacillus produce at ler 28). The effecl on crythrocytes probably plays
least two products th;it h;:ivp toxic activity. The most i m- little if any role in disease production. There are four
porlant is an RTX type of toxin, and thc other is the en- types of Apx toxin (Apxl, ApxII, ApxIII, ApxI\.
zyme urease: each with a ditterent degree of cytotoxicity (ApxI 1.
thc most potent of the four, followed by ApxIII, anc!
l. RTX type toxin. The RTX (repeats in toxin, so called then ApxII- the poterH.: y uf ApxIV i~ unknown
bccause of the common fcaturc of repeats in Actinobacilli may conta in the genes encoding an~
glycine-rich sequcnces wlthln the protein, see co1nbir1a lio11 oí thc four toxins. In thc case of A
Escherichia coli hcmolyi;in in \.hartPr 8, Pasteurella/ pleuropneun·1oniae, serotypes (see "Variability," be·
Mannheirnia leukotoxin in Chaptcr 12, adenylyl cy- Jow) l, 5, 9, 10, and 11 produce Apxl, al! thc sero
clase toxin of Bordetella in Chapter 15, Moraxella cy- types (except serotype 10) produce ApxII, serotype.
totoxin in Chaptcr 19) typc of toxin is produced by 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 produce Apxlll, and ali of th ..
A. pteuropneun1oniae, A. suis, and A. rossii. The toxin serotypes produce ApxIV. Ac:linubcllillus rossii pro-
is termed Apx (for A. pleuropneumoniae toxin). Ac· duces Apxll and Apx!TT, wherea<; A. suis produce
tinobacillus equuli ssp. hae111olytica produces a very Apxl a11d ApxJI.
similar toxin, Aqx (for A . Pq1111li toxin). Even though 2. Urcase. Urease produced by A. pleuropneul1'1onia.
A. lignieresii contains the genes cncoding Apx, it has bccn shown to be important in disease pru-
does not express them (lacks a functioning pro- CluceCl by this m1croorganism (it is unkno\':
motcr) . As with othcr RTX type toxins, there is a whether this cnzyme p lays a role in the diseases pre
dose effect. ;\t Jow concentrations these toxins in- d uced by the other Ufl:!a~1;:-¡.¡u:.i Li ve species of act.·
tcrfere with macrophagc and neutrophil fur1ction nobacilli). TJre;isP is rPsponsihle for the liberation
by trtggertng degra11ulallu11, a11ú al lligl!e1 LUuL1::11- ai11111onia from urea (thc nssocintion con:;tunt of
t rations tht>y arf' rytolytic for macrophagcs, neu- pleuropneumoniae ureasc is extremely high allO'\o\1r _
trophils, and alveolar epithelial cells. In addition, effective association with the very low concentr:.
the RTX toxins lyse erythrocytes (explaining the !1e- tions of urea found in blood and tissue fluids). In a
molytic phcnotypc of actinobacilli expressing them dition to attracting and activating neutrophils a!"
whcn grown on blood agar), and are responsible for macrophages, ammonia il1hi!JiL:; phagolysosor-
Chapter 13 Pasteurellaceae: A r:tinnhar ilfus 93

fusion and increases the pH within phagolyso- ?. rloes not). Artinobacill11s suis has at least two somatic
somcs, thcrcby rcducing tl1e effectiveness of various serotypes (Ol and 02).
acid hydrolases. ·rhese ettects result not only in a de-
crease in the host's ability to clcar the microorgan-
i:.111 from tl1e lung, but also to assurc effeetive colo- Ecology
nization of thP 11ppPr rP<;piratory tract, thereby
promoting the carrier state (mutants unable lo p10- Reservoir
duce urease are clearcd rapidly from the respiratory
rract). Ac:tinoharilli (Pxcept possibly A. caps11lnt11s) are commen-
sal parasites on n1ucous n1en1branes. Ac.linubucillus pleurup-
-tcquisition. Bccause iron is an absolute growth re- ncumoniae are rnore closely associated with the respiratory
-ent, microorganisms must acquire this substance tracts of sick or recovcrcd animals.
dre t o exist wlthln the host. Actlnobacilli bind
--:::=::_.tin -iron romplPxes by virtue of iron-regulated
lr:~ ~en1brane proteins expressed ui1dc1 i1on-JJOor 1.:ou-
so-called transferrin-binding protcins, or Tbps). Except in neonatcs, most uctinobacilloscs are probably cn-
.icquired from the transfcrrin-iron complcxes that dogenous infections. Neonatal toats acqutre A. equuli ssp.
rhe surface of the microor.ganism. ln adclition to eq1111li before, at, or shortly after birth from their dams,
_, ng iron by way of 'fbps, Actinohacillus pleuropneurno- co111u1u11!y vi<1 the umbilicus.
- •o ulili:t.e::. ::.iuerophores (both hydroxamates and
:m~ '.s) produced hy othPr spPries o f bacteria even
_ - •t does not produce them itself. Pathogenesis
. ~laneous Products. Other products produccd by ac- ,Vfechanis1ns. Most disease produced by 111e1111Jer::. uf the
.::.:::- ~!Ji (spccifically A . plcuropncu1noniac) that 1nay play genus Actinobacillus result from "contamination" (infcc-
~ disease production include Ig/\ and Jg0 proteascs ti<>n) of a normally steríle, compromiscd sitc by microor-
""'~ adherencc, and opsonization, rcspcctively), and ganisms living on a contiguous site (niche). Common
_s111ic SUJJt:roxitle tlis1nutase (suggcsted as a strategy compromises are viral infections, trauma, or stress. Sorne
-~"'~t digestion within thP phagolysosome by inacti- Lin1es il b uiffi1.:ult to determine the nature of the ante-
....__ uperoxide molecules). cedent event (P<;pPri ~ Il y true for n eonates with septice-
mia). Deposition o f actinobacilli into a nonually :.tcrile
:il:::C- Characteristics site results in initiation of an inflammatory response due
to the lipopolysacchnridc of thc ccll wall, and urease if the
~acilli grow on b lood and scrum-containing media infecting stra1n produces this enzyme. ·rhc capsule inter-
ro 42ºC. Colony sizes at L.4 hours reach 1- 2 mm. feres with ph.agocytosis (antiphagocytic) and protects the
...-rtnobacilli (A. indolicus, A. rninor, A. pleuropneurno outer membranc from the deposition of me1nbrane attack
rype 1, and A. porcinus) require nicotinamide ade- romplexes generated by activation o f the complement sys-
!!udeotide (NAO) for growth, while A . pleuropneu- ten1. Transferrin-binding pr0Lei11:. µarticiµate in iron ac-
biotype 2 uucs not. Hemolysis depends upon quisition. The R'fX toxins (J\px, Aqx) int<'nsify the inflam-
o n of Apxl, ApxTT, or Aqx (toxin~ with hernolytic mntory response by activating and damaging neutrophils
and macrophages. ll the infectious process involves the
- 'Jhydrates are fermented without gas production. Jungs, alveolar epithelial cells are also damaged. Urcasc-
o rthon l troph cnyl beta d galactopyranosidasc produc111g actinobactlli that are phagocytosed res1st dc-
--:ase, "beta-gaiacrosidase"), a11d nitratase are typí- ~trHc:tion by generating an1monla, and perhaps superoxidc
' r-sent. No indole is produced, and most strains grow disn1utase. Opsonit.a Lio11 i:. reuuceu IJy tlle productlon of
""'-=-.Conkey aga1 (l¡ut µoorly). Cultures die Within a lgG protease.
~,. -riey are facultative anaerohPs, an<l typirally oxidase- In the case of neonatal septicemias (A. cquuli ssp. equuli,
in particular), actinobacilli gain access to the systemic c:ir-
culation. Capsule and 'fbps permit mtlitiplication within the bloodstr.eam rcsulting in an endotoxemia (see Fig 8.1).
J>ntholog)'· Lung lesions (usually produced by ,•\. equuli
.xillus pleuropneu1noniae contains R plasmids en- ssp. haernolylic.u, A. pleuropneumoniae, and A. suis) are sup-
- ·csistance to sulfona1nides, tetracycline, and peni- purative. lnflammatory rPlls are promincnt, with erythro-
cytcs, neutrophils, and mononuclear cells appeadng auu
prcdominating successively. 'fhe tissuc appearance changes
.. :r accordingly from reddish-black to red, pink, and gray.
A soft tissue process, mainly produced by A. lignieresii, is
i..i llus /ignicrcsii and A. equuli are antigPnirally di- a chronic granuloma in the ruminant tonguc. At its center
.,e six soma tic types of A . lignicresii have son1e rela- is a colo11y uf A. li8nieresii, rlnged by eos!nophilic, club-lii<e
.:wgraphic an<I host species predilection. ·rhere are processes forming a "ro~ette ." Tl1e complex is surrounded
-'-'-.;..-tic serotypes of A. pleuropneutnoniac (1- 15), and by neutrophils and gra11ulation li:.:.ue 1.:ontaining
-~ ~ (biotype 1 rcquires NAO for growth, biotype macrophages, plasma cells, lymphocytes, giant rPlls, and
94 PART JI Bacteria and Fungi

fibrohl;ist<;. Plant fihPrs ilrP oftP.n prcscnt. Through coales- In the case of Porcine Pleuropneumonia, c h;
cen ce, larger granulomas (1 cm or more in diameter) may asymptomatic carricrs are thc apparcnt reservoirs. D!s
be formed. lnfectioo sprcads to lymph nodes, producing occurs when nonimmune an1mals are exposect to sutx..
granulomas along thc way. The proliferative tissue reac ically infected individuals. That prevalence is híghes
tion causes thc tongue to protru<.le from the mouth. 1Jrher the colder m o nths Is due probably rnure tu••
tissues in the vicinity, and occasionally along the gastroin- (i.e., the mixingof individll<llS with rliffpre nt exposure
testinal tract, may be lnvolve<.I, along with i:1.Llji:1.ce11t lyu1µ1J luri1::.) Lha11 clin1alic factors.
nodes. Superficial lesions oftf'n 11lcPriltP. In shePp, suppu-
1aliv1: i..nfeclio11s occur around the head and ncck and in
the skin and mammary gland. 'fongue involvement is not lmmunologic Aspects
The pathology of "Wooden Tongue" suggc:.l:. d
mediated hyperscnsitivity. AntihorliP.s of no knO\.\'Tl -
Disease Patterns
Leclive fu11clio11 appcar during infection. The benef
Ruminants. "Actinobacillosis" or "Wooden Tong11P" involv- hacterins have not bccn established. Antibody to A. ,
i11g A. Ii;sriiere~ii uccu1s in run1inanls a11d, rarely, dogs a11d ropnc:u1noniae is opsonizing and colostrum protects p ie
horses. ln ruminants, the agcnt (normal inhabitant of the Antibody to KrX-type toxin is protcctlve.
nasopharynx) is p robably inoculatcd by trauma (plant
fibers). initiating the process described. Thc course is pro-
tracted and 11ealing slow. Interfercnce with feed intake Laboratory Diagnosis
causes weight loss and dehydratlon.
Actinohacilli can oftcn be demonstrated in gram-sta
Swine. Pneumuniu. Ac;linuúuc.illus pleurop11eur11oniae (sero- exudates. They grow best on blood agar under incre_
typP~ 1 ;inrl .'i ;:irp more common in North America; sero- amounts of carbon dioxide (35-37"C). Colonics are e _
typc 2 i3 more common in Europc) cousc:; n primary pncu :;ticky. Spcciation is accomplished by cultural and
monia ot swine, particularly young p1gs 2 to 6 months old. chcmical tests. DNA prlmers have been <.levelupctl tu a__
Sprcad is favored by crowding and poor vcntilation. Early identification by means of thc polymi>r;ise. chain rea~
signs incl ude fever and reduced appccitc, followeLl witl!i11 a
day by acute respiratory distress. Anilnals m.ily rliP within
24 liuur:;. Morbid ily 1nay reacl140%, witli n1ortality up to Treatment and Control
24ºAl. Survivors show intermittent cough and u nsatisfac-
tory v.•eight gains. Chronic infections, oftcn v\'ithout pre- Porcine pleuropncumonia is controlled an d treated ~
ceding acute episodes, are the source of persistent herd combination of management pract1ces, immunopror
problcms. Lesions consist of fibrinous pneumonia and laxis, and ai1timicrobial therapy. Management pracn
pleur1t1s. Arthr1t1.s, men1ng1ns, and abortion occur as co1n- lnclucte minimiZing contacr of piglets with mi:lture .._
plications. Pneumonia in older aniroals may be caused by rier) animals (e.g ., "ali in, ;ill 011t11 ri>aring practices; ide-
A. suis. ficalio11 a11d elin1ination of carrier sows by serological ~ ­
Si>pticPmi;i of young pigs and arthritis, en- ing, culture, and/or by polymerase c11ain reaction u
docarditis is sometimes associatcd with A. suis. primers dcsigncd to dctcct thc genes encoding one of
apx gcnes- apxlV appears to be the most useful since
Horses. Pncumonia. Bacteria! pneumonia in horses (of any unique an d in all serotypes). Vacclnation strategies incl ...
age) is usually associ.ated witll a mixture of beta l1en1olytic bacterins (these are serotype-specific ar1d d o 11ot µre'
strcptococcus (usually S. equi subspecics zooepidemic11s) carrier states) and mociifiPrl livP v; es (A. pleuropnl!!r
anda gram-negi:ltive rnicrourga11i:.u1 (cv111111u11ly A . equuli 11iae -v.rith Apx and ureasc dclction mutants). Potent:_
ssp. ha<'mnlytir.a)_ useful antimicrobial agents include penicillin G, tetr~
Septicernia. Foal septicemia due to A. e.quuli ssp. equuli clinc, gcntamicin, kanamycin, cephalosporins, tilmico
("sleepy foal disease") occurs within a few days ot birth tiamulin, florphen1col, ceftiofur, enrofloxacin, "
and is markcd by fever, inappetence, prostration, and diar- trimethoprim-sulfas.
rhea (see fig /4.1). Anima Is surviving the first day typically In "Wooden Tongue" iodides givc11 vrally or inlr_
develop lamcness due to (poly)arthritis. Sorne foals de- nously promptly ri>rl11cP the inflammatory swelling, \.\"!"!
vclop um bl 1ical infection~ wlth tlt i:. 111icroorganisn1 is the n1ain clínica! problcm. Avoidance of harsh, dry
("n;ivpl il l"). reduces the likelihood of developn1cnt ot t h is conditic. -
Cood foaling hygiene, including nave! disinfection
duces the likelíhood of foal septicen1ia. Potential effec-
antimicrobials for treatment of septice1nia produced ¡,,
Actinobacilli are opportunistic pathogens dis- equuli ssp. equuli in elude µer1icilli11 G, cefliofur, and ~~
ease when their host's integrity is compromised, as by tamicin.
trauma, lmmaturity, or otht:!r :.trc:.:.. Tri:lwua tu wucous Actinobacillus equuli ssp. '1ae111olytica responds to !!'
mcmbr¡¡nes of rnmin;ints hy rough feed may cause 11erd antimicrobics.
outbrcaks suggestive of transmissiblc diseases.
Haemophilus and

Jmily Pasteurellaceae contains thc genera Actinobacil- Cellular Constituents and Products
-:Ullibacteriu111, Haen,1ophilus, Histophilus, Lonepinella,
.eimia, Pasteurella, and Phocoenobacrer. Ali but Lone-
Capsules are polysaccharide. The ccll wall is typical of
and í.allihacteri11m contain species that are of med- gram-negative microorgan1sms consisting mainly of
"""'!PO rtan ce.
lipopolysaccharides and proteins. Sorne of the latter are
e::1bers of the genus Haemophilus, beyond sharing thf' iron-regulalcd (i.e., Llit:y are expressed under iron-poor
uaits of thc farnily J>asteurellaceae, require for prop- conditions).
n one or both of two 6>TOwth tactors: porphyrins
:==- or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (Nl\D, Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest
- • originally called X (heat-stable), and V (heat-
'actor, respectively. Sorne members of the family Adhesins. The role of adhesins, as in othcr microorganisms,
_ _...~_llaceae showi11g Lht::>t: 11eed:; are genetically unre- Is to allow the bactenum expressing them to adhere to cells
-v t11e type species T-1. influmzaP. (a~~ociated with lining a particular niche, as well as to the surface of so called
:!ryngeal, middle car, and respiratory tract co11di- "Largel" <.:t:ll:s prior tu the initiation of dlsease (in sorne cases,
~ hurnan patients) . niche and target c~lls m;:iy hf' the samc.>). 'fhe expression of
.cussed in this ch•tpter are Haemophilus paragallina- adhesins dept:nds u pon various environ111enla1 cues. So111e,
· 'ie cause of infectious coryza in chickens), H. para- and probably all members of thc family Pasteurellaceae
·he cause of a septicemic disease called Glasser's dis express adhesins (and possibly more than one kind).
'polyserositls, and secondary respiratory disease of Histophilus somni also produces a particular surface pro-
;ind Histophilus so1nni (the cause of septicemic, res- tein, appearing as ñbrils when viewed with an electron mi-
.=:.~~. and genilal Lracl disease iu calUt'. a11d :;l1e::ep). croscope. Thesc structures are responsible for the b1nding
.:!us somni is the name now given to those n1icro- of thf' mirroorea nism to endothelial cells (in which apop-
- sms prcviously dcnotcd as "Hae1nophilus sornnus," tosis is triggered "vilh subsequeul fil;rin de::pu:>itiun, see
-npllilus agni," "Histophilus ovis." Hrietly discussed is below, "Mechanisms"). The protein comprising this fihril -
_.._. b.icteriu111 rhinotracheale, a bacterium that is not a lar network is onc of two immunoglobulin-binding pro-
::r:=: ~: of the famlly Pasreurellaceae, but phcnotypically te1ns (lgBPs) produced by Histophilus sornni- in particular,
'inically) resembles some strains of H. paragalli- the so-called high molecular wcight IgBP (scc below).
Little else is known about the adhesins ot the haemo-
-'1e members of the family PasteurP.llar.eae ;irp gr;im- phili and H istophil11s, except for the human pathogen H.
~ coccobacilli. Th cy are facultative anaerobes, and í11fluenzae, wl1ich product::s :se::vcral (also called fimbriae or
-~ ox1dase-positive (setting them apart from mem- pili) that are responsihle for adhPri>ncP to human upper
:he family Enterobacteriaceae). Most are commensal rcspiratory t ract epitheliurn.
---- o uf IDimal:s. Capsules. ·rhe capsule plays many roles, the most impor-
tant of which are interference with phagocytosis (an-
tlphagocytic) and the protection of the o uter membrane
.. -~= ..·ptive Features from the deposition of membrane attack complexes gener
atcd by aclivalil11 1uf the complemcnt system. Haemophilus
.._.,...._- : ogy and Staining influenzae and H. paragallinarum produce capsules.
Ce// Wall. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) clicils an infla1111ua-
e-:. uf tl1e genera Haetnophílus and Histophilus are tory response following bínding to Jipopolysaccharidr-
·~- :cegative roct.~. IPSS than a micrometer wide and 1 to 3 binding protein (a serum protcín), which in turn transfcrs
-::; . but sometimes forn1 longe1 fila.rut:.ut:>. Sorne !>-pecles lt to the blood phase of CVI4. ·rhe CD14-LPS complex
- :.1/linarum and H. infiuenzae) are encars11l;itPrl. binds to Toll-like receptor proteins (see Chapter 2) on thc

96 PART 11 Barteria and Fungi

s urface of macrophage cells triggering the release of proin-

flammatory cytoklncs F1G U RE 14.1 . Satellitic growth of Hocmophilus on a feeder
The cell wall lipopol y~arrharic!C' of Histophilus somni is streak of Staphylococcus. Haemophilus was lnoculated eveniy over
Le1111ed lipooligosaccharide (LOS) . LOS, under the direc- the entire surface. The staphylococcus was then inoculated in a
tion of the gene lob (for LOS biosynthesis), undergoes single streak.
phase variation rcsulting in diffcrcnt cpitope expression
subsequent to changes in the carbohydrate portions of the
LOS. Histophilus son1ni that phase vary are more virulent.
Explanations for thts lnclude lmmune evasion, aud phasi.:
varying isolates are more serum r<>sist;int (i!n in vitro rncas-
un;: uf n~sistance to con1plen1ent n1ediated lysis) than
thosr that do not phasc vary. Clinical isolatcs (from cen-
tral nervous system, lungs, joints, and aborted fetuses)
phasc vary, most isolates trom carrier sites (prepuce, va-
gina), do not (or cannot).
·1 herc are nvo different il11munoglobulln-blnding pro-
teins (IgBPs) expressed o o the st1rface of Histophilu.~ .~nrnni,
a 41 l<Da p roteiu, <111u a liigh n1olecular weight protein
(100 - .1:10 kDa). lloth fgBPs bind imrnunoglobulin, but thc
high inolecular wcight p rotein prcfcrcntially binds IgG¿.
Immunoglobulin molecules bind to lg!H's by '"'ªY of the Fe
portion rcndcring thc antibody ineffectual in opsonization
or triggering comp!cment activation. In addition, the hlgh
molecular vveight lgBP serves asan adhesin (see above).
fron Acquisltíon. BC'cause iron is au a!J~ulu le g1owll1 rc-
quiren1ent, microor1y111isms rn11st acqu ire this substancc if
L11ey are Lo cxist within the host. Ifacmophili and Histo-
pl1ilus bind transferrin-iron complexes by virtue oi iron- Resistance
regulated outcr mcn1branc proteins expressed undcr iron-
Haen1ophilus and Histophilus are readily killed by heat an ...
poor conditions (so-called transferrin binding proteins, or
die rapidly in culture and storage unless freeze dried -
·rbps). l ron is acquired from the transferrin -iron com-
stored at minus 70ºC. t\t cool temperatures, H. paragaf1 -
plcxcs that bind to the surface of the rnlcroorganisru.
narutn survives in exudates for severa! days.

Growth Characteristics
Mcmbcrs of thc genera Haernophilus an<l Histophilus are
Serotypes rnay differ in pathogcnicity and geograph
tacultative anaerobes, typ1cally oxidase-positive, and ar-
prevalence, and determine the specificity of bacter:.r-
tack carbohydrates fermentatively. Carbon dioxide en-
induccd irnrnunity. 111ere are thrce serotypes (A-C in th
hances growth of sorne stra.i.ns. On ade4uate rueuia i11c111-
so-called Page scheme, or I-III in the Kume scheme) of ~
bcrs of this genus produce within ?.4 tn 4R hours turhidity
paragallinarum anti dt lt::ast sevelf uf l-1. purasuis. NAD i n~~
i11 bruLh ai.1d colo11i.cs 1 1nn1 in diameter on agar (35-37º<~) .
pPnc!Pnt ~tra i ns of ff. paragallinarurn have been isolatt:'
c;rovvth factors may be supplied as hcmin (X factor) and fron1 South Africa. Since NAD-dcpcndcncy is used in t
NAD (V factor) . A mcdium naturally containing them is
cultural diagnosis ot lnlectious <.~oryz.a, tl1is has becorne
chocolate agar, a blood agar prepared by addition of blood
serious issue.
when the n1elted agar is at 75- 80°C (rather than SOºC
when rnaking regular blood agar). 'fhi!> pruLt::uurc lilJt::1aLes
NAD fro m cells and inactivates Pn7ymes clestructive to
Alternatively, a "feeder" bacterium (c.g., Staphylococcus) Reservoir
n1<1y be inoculatcd across platcs wherc llaemophilus has
been streaked. ()n otherwisc i.nadequate media, growth Members of the generd Huernupl1ilu~ and Histophilus li\·t:
occurs only near the feeder streak, a phenomenon called the uppPr rPspi r;itory tract, or in thc Jov.•er genital tr.:~
sacellitisn1(Fig14.1). lt 1nay be duplicatcu uy Lu111111e1cially Haernophilus parasuis lives in the nasopharynx of nor:-
prcpared X and V factor-impn•gn;itpfl filter papers placed swine, while H. paragallinanJ111 is more closely associ:
v11 ll1t:: i11oculaled area (fig 14.2) . for thc X und V factor rc- \vith thc rcspiroto(y tract~; of sick or recovered p ou
quirements, see ·rable 14.1. ffistophilus son111i is found in .normal cattlt' lJutli i1
lower genital tract (prepucc, vaein;i) <IS Wf'IJ as in the Uf''.°
Biochemical Activities rt'spiratory l1acl. Oddly, isolates fro m these sites do •
see1n to phasp v;iry their LOS (and are tht1s relativcly a•
flae1nopl1ilus and llislopl1ilus of anirnals are uxida:.e a lld ulcnt) . Histopllilus so11111i also inhabits thc lowcr gc.r
nitratase-positive and ferment c;irhohyclr;ites. tract of n ormal shccp.
Cltapler 14 PusteuH:lluc,eue: Hue1Tiup/1ilus <1111.l Histuphilus 97

f 1G U RE 1 4. 2. Determination of cofactor needs with (left to righV XV, 11, and X factor-
imprcgnatcd filtcr papcr discs. Growth has occurrcd around the XV and X discs (lower left and
right), but not the V disc (top center). The organlsm accordlngly was identified as Haemophilus
haemoglobinophilus, which requires X but not V factor.


Tab l e 14.1. Pathogenic and Common Species of Haemophilus and Histophilus

X V Host Clinical Signifkance

Haemophilus influenzae + Human Me11i11gili1, ;eplic~mid, ulilb, ~¡.iiylullilil,

H. pilrilgilllinilrum
H. parasws
conjunctivitis, bronchopneumonia
lnfertious coryza of fowl
Secondary pneumonia, Glásser's disease
Hirtophilus somni -· -· Cattle, sheep Septicemia, meningoencephalitis,
pneumonia, abonion, epididymitis
H. fe/is + Cat Conjunctivitis of cats
H. /1demuylubiriupl1ilu> + Dog None (opportunistic)

"Requires <yrt(e)ine, is stimul•ted by thiamine pyrophosphate.

- ·s- ss1on lysts (LOS phase variation) and survives within phagocytic
__:r.1ss1on of hacmophili ancl Hi~tnphi/11~ is prob;.ibly cclls by an unknown mechanism. !ron is acquired by re-
_ ....._-.-¡e o r by close contact. Indircct transmission is likely 111oval (10111 L1a11sferri11:. uf Lhc hu~t. Effective immune re-
=::::::=:-: cpidemics. sponses are evaded by means of phas<> variation of the
outcr surface (LOS). In addition, antibody (especially that
• belonging to t11e IgG2 isotype) binds to lgBPs by their Fe
: : :'lCSIS
portion (antibody bound in such fashion docs not triggcr
.1s111.s. Di:it'.ase is usuall y pru<.luced v.1 hen haemophlli
&:::..:~ complement activation, nor does it serve as an opsonin).
- - -...,rophilus fin d thcir way to a norm;:illy sterile site (a Histophil11s sornni adheres to endothel ial cclls by way of the
e exception is JI. paragalli11aru111). Whether an ü1va- high 111ule<.:ul<1r ~veight IgBPs, and trlggers apoptosis of this
enotype is triggered by as yct sorne undefined event cell. 'l'hromhosis occurs upon th<> s11rface of the damaged
-·~ •íhis somni septicen1ia, for ex<implc), or whcthcr it cndothelial cell. Intravascular multiplication brings aboul
~appe nstance "contam1nat1on" of a previously endotoxcmia (see Fig 8.1).
__-,,_:-:-?ised site (e.g., H. parasuis pneumonia following Dcposition of Histophilus sotn11i or J-1. parasuis into the
«r both Is nor known. lowcr rcspiratory tract stimulates an inflammatory re-
- ~T1'ÍC'P mir <fjc;p;:ic;p prnrl11rPrl hy 1-listophilus son1ni, sponse by virtue of their ccll wall lipopolysaccharidc (also
:aoorganism is resistant to con1plemc11t-n1edialed k11uw11 <1s lipooligosaccharldc, or L()S). Iron is acquired
98 PART II Bacteria and Fungi

from transferrin. Immune evaslon occurs beca use of LOS infection uf chickens. it C1ffect:. l.Jirtl:. uf vraclically ali ages.
phase variation, as well as IgBPs sidetracking antibody mP- ThP ~igns inrlnc!P nasal clisc.harge, swelling of sinuses, fa-
dialed opso1lizalio11, a11d con1plcn1cnt activation. llisto- cial ede1na, and conjunctivitis. With air sac and lung in·
philus so1nni survives intracellularly within phagocytic vo1ven1ent, rales ruay be <ietected . ln t he uncomplicatec
cclls (H. parasuis does not have this property) . infection, mortality is low. Loss of productivity is the most
Haeniopl'lilus paraxallinarum is resistant to complement damaging aspect. Superlmposcd lnfections with my-
1nediated lysis and phagocytosis because of its capsule. coplasmas and helminth parasites exacerbate and prolong
Though llttle is kno\vn regardl ng the procluctiun uf clisease UUll.Jreaks. Qf OLhe1 species, 011ly japanese quail are highl~
by this microorganism, thP lipopol y~arrha ricle c.ompo- susceptible.
nent uf thc cc.:11 wall Lrigger:. an inílan1n1alory respo11se.
Pat11nlngy. Ali infections have suppurative components Sheep. Histophilus so1nni causes respiratory and mamman-
brought about by the chernistry of thc gram-ncgative cell infcctions, epididymitis of immature rams, and occasion-
;vall, which triggers the release ot prointlamn1atory cy- ally septicemias (see Fig 74.6).
tol<incs from macrophages. lnfection of lungs, body cavi-
ties, and 10111ts te11ds to be serofibrinous to fibrinopuru- Dogs and Cats. Dogs. flaernuphilu~ huerr1oglobinopllilus1 z
lent. Bacteria! colonization of the merlingeal vessels commensal of th.e caninP lowPr genital tract, sometime<
produces a thro1nbotic vasculitis lc<itliug tu e11cephalilis causes cystitis and neo11atal infcctions. Its role in balano-
and men ingitis. 1-IPmorrhagir nrcrotizing processes are posth itis and vaginitis, where it is frequently tound, is un-
caused by l-Tistophilus so11111i. ccrtain.
Powl coryza is marked by catarrhal intlammation with Cats. Hae111opf1ilus (e/is is associated with conjunctlvltls
hcterophil cxudates. (follo"ving Chla1n)'dophila fe/is and l11fycoplasma spp. in pre-
Disease Patterns
Cattle. Thrornboembo/ic Meningoencepl1nlitis. TEME CThrom-
l.Jue111\.Julic flteningoe11ccpl<alitis) is a consequence of sep- Ali the agents namcd, cxcept for H. paragallinarum, ir.
ticemia produced by Histop/lilus sornni leading to throm- habit normal mucous membranes of the respiratory o-
botic meningocnccphalitis und infarcts i11 brain and genital tract. Sources of infection are therefore often er.-
cerebellum. ·r11e preencephalitic stage is marked b y high dogenous to herds or indivlduals. Colonization of pig
fever. With central nervous system (CNS) involven1ent, with H. parasuis probably occurs vvhile anin1als ar
motor and behaviora.1abnormalities develop. shlelclecl IJy maternal i111111u1ti1 y. Glasser's disease il1 pigs a.
J>neu1nonia. Histophilus son111i occurs in pneumonic proc- all agPs orrnrs in previously H. parasuis-free, stressed pop·
esses, u:.ua1ly \'Vill! oll1e1 agenLs, for exan1plc Pasteurella/
1 ulations.
Mannlleirnia spp., as part of the shipping fever complex. Respiratory and septicemic diseases produced b'
Septicc111ic Discasc. Histop/lilus son1ni may produce sep- Histophilus sornni are similarly related to stress factors, :i
ticemia (manitcsting as an endotoxemia), sometimes re- the1r predileetion for feedlots and the fall and winrt-
sulting in arthritis, mycoarditis, or abortion. months suggests.
Jlbortíon. Abortion dueto Histophilus sornni sometirnes oc- Haemophilus aru.l Histuphilu~ a1e gene1ally hosl-specifh..
curs. Whether this is secondary to septicemia, or to genital
trat:I tli:.ea~e (i11ilialed by an ascendiJ1g route) is unknown .
lmmunologic Aspects
Swine. 1'11cu111onia. Hacrnophilus para:;uis can cause bron
chopneumo11ia secondary to virus infections (e.g.1 swine Clrculating antibody develops In lnfecteu i11divitlual:; an ....
influenza). Other bacteria (e.g., Paste11rel/a spp. and Myco- has a protective funrtion, at IPast in mam mal s. Presence
plasma spp.) may also participa te. :.cru111 aulil.Jody cor1elales well with resistance ::
Septicernic Disease. In young weaned pig•;, H. parasui<; ffistnphilus sornni infection. The role of cell-mediated im-
al:.u t:au:.e:. Glasser's disease (polyserositis), an acute in- rounity is unkno•vn.
flammation affecting pleura, pcritoneum, mediastinum, Immunity develops atter infection . following infec-
pcricardium, joints, and meninges. Wcaning, transport, tious coryza, it extends to heterologous serotypes.
and management stress are prectisposing causes. 'fhe d1s- Immunoprophylaxis is used to control infectio:_
ease strikes sporadically within days of the stressing event. coryza, polyserositis (Glasser's disease), and TF.ME. Raer -
Morbidity and mortality are often low because uf ~viue­ ri11:. preveuLseiious diseasc but not infection owing to h
spread acquired resistance, but they m;iy hP high in previ- 111ologous serotypes. u11t::xvosed herds (e.g. 1 spccific pathogen-free herds).
Oisease manifestations include fcver ancl general malaise,
rcspiratory and abdominal distrcss, lamencss, and para- Laboratory Diagnosis
Jytic or convulsive signs. Recovery begi.ns in 1 to 2 wecks.
Similar syndron1es are dueto Mycoplas1na h)'orhinis. Recovcry of the organism from infPctt>cl tissnes or fluid<;
u:.ually requited Lo eslablish a diagnosis, though detecti-
Poultry. Jnfectious Coryza. Infectious coryza (causecl hy H. of genus and species-spccific DNA makes this considerab'
purugtlllinururr1) i:. ai1 acule contagious upper-respiratory casier (however, diagnosis madc in this manner is withcr_
Chapter 14 Pasteurellaceae: Haen1ophllus and liistophilus 99

sola te, maki ng type and suscepttbility testing difficult, Bactenns are of vaJue in prevention ot 'l'EME but are Iess
:'.'.or impossible). Observation of gram-negative rods in effective in other Histopl1iltis son111i infections.
-.:iecimens ¡.aio1 lu cullu11:: 111ay ::.ugg1::::.t Huernuphilus ur His-
-·:ílus infection. Jsolation of such an organism is fol -
"Cd by demonstration of a growth factor requircment.
lrganisms requiring X factor cannot convert delta- 0RN ITHOBACT ER IUM RH INOTRACHEALE
:t.~!.."'!olevulinic acid to urobilinogen and porphyrin. The
:?!'lyrin rest determines this ability and X factor require- Ornítllobactcriu1n rl1inotrachea/e is a grarn-negative rod
-=nt most reliably. Definitive assignment to a species usu- that resembles sorne members of the family Pasteurella-
~equires addilional Lesls. ceae. It is a facultative anaerobe, whosegrowth is enhanced
--:fectious coryza is diagnosed by culture or hy serologi- by carbon dioxide, is oxidase-positive, attacks carbohy-
~ ~cans (agglutination, agar gel immunodiffusion, and dratcs fermentatively, and does not grow on MacConkey
""""!agglutination-inhibition tests). ·rhe polymerase chain agar. Il req ui1es neilh1::1 purvt1yri11~/l1c1uc (factor X) nor
c:-!on with prímcrs spccific for H . paragallínarurn (thc nicotinamide adenine dinucleotidc• (NAD, NAf)P; f;ictor
-2 test) is quicker, and less cxpcnsive tha11 classical cul- V). Tt is important to note, however, that it is not a member
- · tf'chniques (NA[).c\ependent and NAD-iI1dependent of the fa mi Iy Pasteurellaceae, and in fact is nota n1ember of
---:!.ns react in ét sin1 ilar n1anne1 in lhis Lesl). Ornílhubucle- any recognized group of microorganisms. Based upon thc
rhinotracheale (scc bclow) is a gram-negative rod- sequence of the DNA en cocling the 165 ribosomal RNA, it
-=""d bactcrium that mimics hacmophili (and other is more closcly related to Ríen1erella and Capnocytophaga.
- ~bers of the family l'asteurellaceae), and is often iso- Thcrc are 12 se10Lype~ (A-L), with A bcing the most
~ frorn thc respiratory tracts of bi rds. It is not, however common.
~-dependcnt (as are the classical strains of H. paragalli- Ornithobacteriu111 rhínotrachcale causes (by unknown
:.i11. ~f'f' ;ibove, "Variability"). NAD-independent vari- mechanisms) respiratory tract disease (sinusitis, airsacculi-
.c=::- of 1 l. paragallí11arun1 are difficull lo diffe1e11 Liale Iro1u tis, pneumonia) in birds (domestic and wild). In turkcys
.11otrachea/e, except with the HP-2 test. and chickens resplratory tract disease may be relatively
mild, rcsulting in poor performance, or severe '\.\rith in-
creased n1ortality. ·r1ansn1is:>iv11 b l1orizuutal (acrosols,
-·::tment and Control contaminated fomites) or vertical (it is unc:le;ir wht>thf'r
this is transovarian or cecal contamination of eggs).
~ animal haemophili are susceptible to penicillin G, With thc appearance of NAD-independent strains of
~~" ~ur, a11tl tctracycli11c::.. Histuphilus surnni is susceptible Haernopl1ilus paragallí11an1m (see above) diffcrcntiation of H.
- :phenicol, peni<:illin G, tilmirosin, ;incl tptr;iryrline. paragalli11arun1 from O. r/1inorracl1ente is d1fficult by classical
J!e septicemíc-meningocnccphalitic forro, timeliness culture techniqucs. A polyn1erase chain reaction- based test
~~ :naintenancc of trcatment are critical. (HP-2, see abuvt:) yuickly anti casily tliffcrentiates the n.vo
- : infectious coryza of fowl, crythrornycin or sulfon- organisms.
~ ~s can be administered in feed or water, but may also Most isolates of O. r!zínotracheale are susceptible to an1-
ntrolled hy el im í nation of carriers and immunization picillin, erythromycin, penicillin, spectinomycin, tetracy-
~ctividuals at risk. Poultry producers may clepopulate cline, and tylosin. Vaccination with autogcnous bacterins
_.:-cd flocks. When breeding stock m ust be preserved, reduces morbidity.
-'--'-""' a<l<li liu11s are vacci tt<itctl <it 16 wccks, fuur wccks bc-
~in ing the infected flock.

Members of tl1e genus Burdetellu are grar11-11cgalive cuc- sponsible for adl1erencc to host cells. These adhcsins ir -
cob<t<'illi belonging to the f;imily Alcaligenaceae. There are clude fimbriae (or pili), filamentous haemagglutinin, per-
eight species described, sorne of which are important taetin, cell wall lipopolysaccharidc, tracl1eal colonizatio,..
pathogens of humans and other animals (fable 15.1 ). All factor, and pertussis toxin. Ali are posítively regulated tT
but one (B. pctrii) are acrobic bacteria that are parasites of the BvgAS regulon (see below, "llegulation of the Cellula:
ciliated respíratory epitheJJum. Boráetella petrii is a faculta- Products of Medica! Intercst").
tive anaerobe that lives in the environmer1t and l1as not
l. Fimbriae. Fimbriae are protein structures co.rr-
t)een associatcd with disease. Bordelella pertussis, B. puruper-
posed, in part, of subunits (pilins) responsible fe·
tussis, and B. bronchiseptira are ve ry rlosely related, and
adherence to recepturs u11 hosl cells. Bordetella fim-
pro bably belo11g lo tl1e san1e species. Bordetella pertussis
briae adhere to ri liate<I Ppithelial cells of the respir::
(and, rarely, B. parapertussis) causes whooping cough in
Lory tract. They are encoded by four structural gen--.
humans. Of veterinary unportancc, and thc main topic of
fi1112, fi1113, fimX, and fi111A that give rise to at lea
discussion in this chapter are H. broncl11sept1ca, which has
four scrotypcs (scc below, "Variability") .
been implicated in porcine Atrophic Rhinitis, canine ken-
2. 1:uamentous haemagglutirun. fha (for filamentor.:.
ncl cough, and bronchopneumonla In many species, and
haemagglutinin) is a protein adhesin that has ~
B. avi11rn, the cause of rhinotracheitis of birds (mai.nly
tcast th ree activities assoclatcd with various c!-
mains within the protein: adhcrence to ciliate
eµitl1elial <..:ell:; uf l11t:: 1espi1alory trae l and n1ac.
Descriptive Featu res phages (hy way of an "Arg-Gly-Asp" or RGD x:
quence targeting complement receptor 3 on h
Mor pholo9y and Stainin9 cells); adherence to ciliated epithclial cells ot t.
respiratory tract and phagocytic cells (by way o
Bordetellae are pleomorphic gram-negative coccobacilli, "carbohyclrate recognJtlon domain"); and a hw
about 0.5 ¡11n X up to 211m in size. magglutinil1.
3. l'erlacU11. Pr11(for pertacti11) is an outer membra~
Structure and composition protcin that functions as an adhesin. Like Fha
above), pcrtactin contains an "Arg-Gly-Asp" or IltJ
1'he cell wall is typical of gram-negative bacteria being sequence. Though a particular host target cell .
composcd of lipopolysaccharidc and protein . .Bordetella not been identified for J>rn, it is likely that cilia.
bronchiseptica produces a capsule. Most 1f not ali members epithelial cclls of the respiratory tract, as wel! _
of the genus produce fimbria] adhesins (pili). Bordetella phagocytic cells are the targets for tl1ls adhesi n
bronc/1/septica and B. avium are motile !Jy peritricl1uus 4. Cell vvall lipopolysaccharide. Cell wall lipopol y~
flagella charide of B. aviu111, and by inference B. pertussi
parapert11ssis, and B. bronchiscptica, serves as an _.
Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest hesin by binding to ciliatcd epithelium of the re-.
ratory tract, and as a "shield" to cover the o_
With tew exceptions, /J. pertuss1s, li. parapertussis, B. bron- membrane prorecting !t from the actlon of nie-:
chiseptica, and B. avium produce (or at least have the genes brane attack complexes gener;1ted by the rolT':-
to produce) many of the same products iruporta11t i11 tlic 1ueul systen1 (see below).
pathogenesls of disease (T;ihlf' 1.'i .7.) . 5. Tracheal colonization factor. Tracheal coloniza~
Adhesíns. Thc role of adhesins, as in other microorgan- factor (lcf) is a protcin u<lhcsin that bh1ds to cili-
isms, is to allow the bacterium expressiI1g the1n to adhere epithelial cells oí thc respiratory tract.
to cclls Hning a pürticular nichc, as wcll as to the surface of 6. Pertussis toxi11. Ptx (for pertussis toxin) is bot~
so-callcd "target" cells prior to the initiat1on of disease (in ADP-ribosylating toxin (see below), andan adhe:-
sorne cases, niche and target cells may be the same). The Following synthesis, a portion nf Ptx is exr-
expresston of adhcsins depends upon various enviru11- f 1u1u ll1e bacteria! cell, and a portion remaim
m P nt;i 1 l'llP~ tached to its surface. It is the surface-associate<i ~
Bordetellae produce a numbcr of structures that are re- tion that serves as thc adhesin. The host cell t~ ..
Chapter 15 Bordetella 101

Table 15.1. Members ot the Genus Bordetella and Their Usual Source or Associated

Usual Source or Ass:ociated Concfition

801cletelld pet l~b Whooµiny lough in hu111a11 pdlienb

B. parapertussis Whooping cough-like condition in human patients: uncommon cause of
pneumonia in sheep (sheep strains different from human strains)
B. bronchiseptica Associated with Atrophk Rhinitis in S\vine; respiratory tract disease in a variety
of animals
B. avfum Rhinotracheitis in pouluy (espedally turlceys)
R. hin1ii Normal flora of fowl
B. hofme>ii A>>U<.idle!l wilh upper 1e>pi1dlu1y ltdtl !li>t:d>e, d11!l >eµliu:mid i11 humdll ¡Jdlitmb
B. trematum Associated with ear and wound infections in human patients
8. petrii Environment

Table 15 .2. Distribution of Cellular Products of Medical lnterest Within Selected Members
of the Genus Bordetella

l'roduct O.pertmm O. pon1pcrtu"i' O. b<onchixptica B. ovium

Adenylyl cyclase + + + +
Brk + + +
(d¡J)Ule +
DNT + + + +
Fha + + +
Fimbria + + + +
lron scavenging + + + +
LPS + + + +
Pertactin + + + ?
-· -· }

Trdtl1edl lyluloxi11 ~
• + + +
Type 111 secretion system :¡. + + +

'Genes encodinq Ptx are present, but thi?"toxin is not produced.

\Vhich Ptx adheres are ciliated epithelial cells of the .ratory tract sccrctions and within phagocytic cell
respirarory tract, and phagocytic cells. granules. Llpopolysaccharide binds to lipopolysac-
charide-binding protein, w hich transfers it to the
Cipsule. 'fhe capsule plays many roles, the most impor- blood-phase of CD14. ·r11e CD14-LPS coiuµ lex. bluds
- · of which are lnterference wlth phagocytosis (an- to ·roll-like receptor proteins (see Chapter 2) on the
- "gocytic) and protection of thc outer membrane from surface of macrophage cel Is triggering the release of
ceposilio11 of 1nen1b1ane a llack con1plexes generaled proinflammatory cytokines. The composition of
~-n,,-ation of thc complemcnt system. the LPS (presence or absence of the 0-repeat por-
JI Wal/. Thc ccll wall of thc mcmbcrs of this genus is tian, its length, and charge) 1ntluences the extent of
~·•pical ot gram-negative bacteria being composed ot protection against the complement system and an-
-~aydrates, lipids, and protein. Bordetellae possess liwlcru!Jial pcptltles. LPS cornposition is regulated
r>Irsaccharlde and outer membrane proteins that are by the RvgAS regulan (see below, "Regulation of the
rtant virulence determinants. CellulaI Producls of Medica! lnle1esL").
2. Outcr mcmbrane protein. Brk (for Bordetella resist-
Lipopolysaccharldc. The llpopolysaccharide (LPS) ancc to killing) is on outcr mcmbranc p rotcin. Drk im-
in the outer memhrane is an important virulence
parts res1stance to damage by the complement sys-
determinant. Not only is the lipid A component
tem (bestows the serum resistant phenotype). Brk is
tox.ic (, but the length of the side chain
regulated by the BvgAS regulan (see below, "Regula-
in the 0 -rcpcat unit hindcrs thc attachmcnt of thc
tion of the Cellular Products of Medical Interest").
membrane attack complcx of the complement sys-
tem to t hc outer membrane and imparts resistance Exotoxins. There are four exotoxins produced by thc bor
Lo auliu1h.:ru!Jial pruteiHs (uefeHsins) found in respi- detellae that play lmportant roles in dlseases associated
102 PART 11 Bacteria an<l Fungí

with IDCf!lbcrs o1 this genus: tracheal cytotoxin, der- by secreting a sidcrophorc and utilizing siderophor'2"
mo~1ecrot1c toxin, adcnylyl cyclase toxin, and pertussis ma<le by other species of n1icroorganism. In addition th~
tox1n. Ali, except trachcal cytotoxln, whlch is a portian of utilize the !ron found in heme and hemoproteins. '
;,he ceJJ i~1all, are re,gulated by the BvgAS regulon (see below, Under conditions of iron starvation (as would occur 1~
Regulallou uf lht: Ct:llular P1uuu<.:L::. uf Mt:Ji<.:al Iutt:re::.t"). Lhc llu:-..t), lJorJctcllac ::,ccretc a 11yJroxawatc-tyµc sü.ler<..-
phorP callPci a/caligin. Rorclt>t<>llae also havc thc ahilin· +
l. ·rracheal cytotoxin. ·rracheal cytotoxin is a portian
utilizc cnterobactin, a siderophore produccd by membe:
of the cell "vall, and damages ciliated epithelial cells
of thc family Enterobacteriaceae. These siderophores (alca:.-
lJy iutcrfcriug with DNA It aI:-..o lJinds to gin and enlerobactin) remove iron from the iron bindir:
n1acrophagPs triggPring tht> rt>lease of proinflamma-
pro~eins of tl1e host (transferrin and lactoferrin), making
tory cytokincs. ava1lable to the bacterium.
2. Dermonccrotic toxin. DNT (fo r dermonecrotic
~~1ne anti ht:rnoproteins (allJunliu c1I1tl he1uu.1.1exi11) a;-i:
toxin) is a membcr of a family of toxins vvith similar
actct1t1ona l so1irrf's of iron. The outer memhrane protei:-
structures an<l b1ological activity. The other "der-
that binds thes~ substanccs, Dhu R (for Dordetella heme 1rp-
1no11ccrotic" toxins i nclude Pmt produced by Pasteu-
take receptor), 1s rcgulatcd by lcvels of available iron b·
rella rnultoclda (scc Chapter 12), and CNfl an.d CNF2
mcans of thc cxtracytoplasmic sigma factor Rhu (for reEU-
produced by f.:scherichia coli (see Chapter 8). These
lat1on of hc1nc uptal<c) and t h e Fur regulon (see Escherichf...
toxin:; are :;o nan1cd hecause <lern1onecrosis follows
coli, Chapter 8).
the ir in jection in to the skin, an occurrence tl1at does Type fil Selrelion Sy:;Le1n. A ·rype III :;eLreLiou svsleru lid:.
not occur nnturnlly. DN·r dcnmi11atcs and transglu- h<>t>n idPntifiPct in thc bordctcllac (unde r the control ofth ....
tamates (preferred) the small GTP-bindíng protein UvgAS regulon, scc bclo"v, "Rcgulation of the Cell uia-
Rho blocking its G'l'Pasc activity (Le., GTPase activat- Products of Mcdical lntcrcst"). The Type III secretion $\...,_
lng protelns are unable to correctly bind to n1odified tcm consists of nn asscmblagc of protcins (more than 2c
Rho). 'fhese modifications result in changes in the
that torm a hollow tube- like structure tl1rougl1 which e.-
a<.:tin <.:ylu::.k\!l\!luu uf affc<.:lcu <.:cll::. a11u i11hilJiLio11 oí t~ctot ?; are "'H'\\cc.ted" \nto host "tariet" ce\\s. ......
clifft>rPntiation of ostt>Ol)lasts in honc tissue. yet, Borderella effecror proteins have not been identifie...
J. i\dcnylyl cyclo:sc toxin. Adcnylyl cycla:;c toxin is a but hnst "t;irzrt" crll~ (t r;ich<'<ll t>pitht>li;if ct>ll.~, phago0-
bitunctional protein \.Yith adenylyl cyctase as weH as cells) undergo apoptosis as a result of effector protein "ir-
hemolytic activity. Adenylyl cyclase toxinenters the
jection" resulting in loss of epithelial integrity, and e\·...-
.host cell, and follo,ving "activation" by calmodulin, sion ~f the immunc systcm of the host (decreased ¡)hagv-
1ncreases the intracellular concentration of cA~P.
cytos1s, and dccrcascd antigen processing which leads r
Affe<.:ted cell::, lose control of intracellular levels of reduced imrounc responses).
cAMP resulting in an inability to regulate ion and Regulatio11 of the Cellular Products ofMedical Tnterest. Bo;-
fluid flow in~o ai:d out of the "target" cell (respira- detellae transcriptionally regulate the genes encodin:
tory tract cp1thcl 1uml. Loss ot control o1 cAMP lev- protlu<.:ts involved in the protluction of tlisease. Tl1ese ir-
els in phagocytic cells results in reduction of this
c ludP thE> gt>nPs Pnrocting all of tht> acthesins (firnhriae, fi -
cell's ability to phagocytose and kili. T he hemolytic
amentous hacmagglutinin, pcrtactin, the character of th~
activity is associated with an RTX motif (repeats in
cell "vall lipopolysaccharide, tracheal colo11ization facto;
Loxir1, so callt:d lJe<.:ause of the common feature of
and pertussis toxin), pertactin, Brk, toxi ns (ad e nylyl c-
rrpr;its in g lyrinf'-r irh SP<J.11Pnrt>s within tht> pro-
e lase, DNT, pcrlussis toxin), alcaligin, and the Type III s~
tein, see also J!,scllerichia coli haemolysin in Chapter cretion system. Ali are regulated by the products of tl'-
8, l'asteurclla/Ma11nhei1nia leukotoxin in Chapter 12,
gcucs c11cotl<::tl in uvgt\ anti uvgS (fo r BvrJctella virul<::nl.c
AcLinobacillus haemolysin in Chapter 13, Moraxel/a
s~n~s~ and are rcfcrrcd to as the RvgAS regulon. BvgS is
cyt?toxi~ i~J Chaptcr 19). By vir t uc of the RTX-type
h1shd1ne kinase that acts as a "sensor" of environment-
lox1n acl1v1ty, adcnylyl cyclase toxin is also a pore
cues resulting in autophosphorylation ot one ot its his::.-
fv1111iug .1.11vtei11 lltal la1gct:; i1eutJ0.1Jl1il:;, iuacrv-
dine residues. 'l'his phosphatc is thcn scrially transferred ~
phages, and lymphocytcs.
an aspartate residue, then to anothcr llistidinc befo:~
4. Pertussis t<>xin. Pertussis tox in (Ptx) is an ADP-
bcing uscd to phosphorylate BvgA. Phosphorylated B'~
ribosylating toxin \-vhich ribosylates "activated" het- i::. a Lrc111::.criµlio11al a<.:tivalor uf tl!e geues e11codiJ1g .:
erotrimeric (; proteins (G'fP bound) rendering them
incapablc of rcturning to thc inactivc state (GDP-
. mentioned above. lt is unclear exactlv , what t.. -
e11VJ.ronmental cues are that are "sensed" by Bordere
bound). "Activatcd" G proteins stimulate adenylyl
Growth at 37"C in low concentrations ot Mg~ü 4 and n:~
LyLla:.t: lt:aui11g lu i11L1t:ased level:; uf i11tracellula1 tinic acid activates the regulan. Though gn)\-vtl1 at 374 r
cAMP. Abnormal\y high concentration of cAMP re- compatible "''lth a parasiric state, it is ttnclear what :-
sults in loss of fluid and ion flow in to and out of the MgSO.¡ and nicotinic acid concentrations play in vivo.
cell, and it the cell has phagocytic function, interter-
ence \vith uptake and intracellular killing. The role
of Ptx as an adhesin is discussed above. Growth Characteristics
lron Acq11isilio11. Because iron is an absolute Do-rowth re- All but onc ol thc species ot Hordetella are strict aerobe5 ~
. .
qwrement, 1n1croorganisms must acquire this substance if riving energy from oxidation of amino acids. Bordr_
they are to exist ~vithin the host. Bordetcllae acquire iron petrii (the exceptlon) is a facultative anaerobe. Borde.,.
Chapter 15 Bordetella 103

--..d1isepticu and B. uvíurrt grow on 01di11ary lal.i~>ral.ory dist:ussed dl>ove (see atJove, "Cellular Products of J\1edical
--.:.2 (3S-37ºC), including MacConkey agar, under at- Tnterest"). Attachment of hordetellae to c:iliiltf'cl Ppithelial
l:i..:5?heric conditions; the former is inconsistently he- cells follows expression of adhesins (fimbria e, filan1entous
- _'"lic on blood agar. haemagglutinin, pertactin, cell wall LPS, tracheal colo-
nization factor, pertussls toxin- scc Table 15.2 for listing
-':"--~mica( Activities of which aclhes1ns are produced by which bordetellae).
Multiplication occurs (iron is scavenged from host iron-
-.;..:-rella avium and B. bronchiseptíca are catalase and oxi- l>iudiug proteins- lactoferrin, transferrln- and. from
,,.,.e positive, ferment no carbohydrates, and utilize citrate hen1e and hPmoproteins; horc!Ptf'llae 011ter membrane is
::.:: o rganic carbon source, but only B. bronchiseptica re p.rotected from co1nplement-ge11erated n1en1brane attack nitrate and splits urea. complexes by capsule, LPS, Brk) and infla1nmation is initi-
ated (LPS; death of epithelial cclls duc to "injection" of cf-
fector proteins; tracheal cytotoxin). Infla1nmation and Joss
of the ability to control fluid and ion flow into and out of
-..- ~ella spp. are klllcd by hcat or disinfectants. 'rhey are trat:hedl epithelial cells (increased production of cAMP
.:rptlble to l)road-spectrum antibiotics and polymyxin, from effects of increasPcl ;:ictivity of <'lcl<"nylyl cyclase) leads
-!lt to penicillin. 'fheir environmental survival is epi- to increased mucus and fluid accumulation in the upper
-;ologically sig11ifica11t. respiratory tract. Ciliated epithelial cells become ineffec-
tual in clearing secretions (cilial paralysis dueto incrcascd
=:iility levcls of cAMP and cytoskeletal changes brought about by
the action of DNl'; death of ciliated cell dueto tracheal cy-
a~rtme11t of typing schernes has been developed, Lotox in, and the unillentified effector protein "injected"
-. ~ly for epldc111iological pu1 poses. by way of thc~ ·ryf)P 111 sPcrPtion system) . lfnencapsulated
- : least four serotypes have been described for bordetel- bordetellae (ali but V. bronchiseptica) adhere to inflanm1a-
~d upon thc Fim protcin (scc above, "Adhesins").
tory cells (by way of filamcntous haemagglutinin, per-
=- mete/la bronchiseptica dissociates into tour phases tactin, and pertussis toxin), and relcasc adcnylyl cyclasc
--::ng in colonial characteristics, b.emolytic activity, sus (interferes with phagocytosis an<.1 killing), pertussis toxin
:e::::s:an stability in saline, ease of coloni.zation, a11d. toxic- (i_n terferes '1-Vith phagocytosis and killing), and "injection"
:SOme strains appear to be host-specific. of ali effect.or prutein (interferes with phagocytosis). If
:I'Jee serotypes, l>aseu 011surfdt:e agglutini11s, dre recog- phagocytosis oc:c11rs, horc!Ptell;ie survive within phagoly-
:;:.;:.rC tn B. avi um.
sosomes (nature of their LPS) and also escape into e11do-
Some 20 heat-labile (I<) and hcat-stable (O; 120ºC/ cytic compartments that do not lead to lysosomal fusion .
.-'n) antigens exist. Many are cornmon to severa! spe- The consequences of Bordctella-induccd changcs in thc
Others are species- and type-specific. ciliated portions of th.e respíratory tract are varted: depres-
:ordetella hronchiseptica from pigs appear different from sion of respirat ory clearance 1nechanisms, facilitating sec-
-= srrains from dogs a11d horses (which are also different ondary complications (e.g., pneumonla); in pigs, B. bron-
~ each other) .
chise¡1tira provides nasal irritation, rendering the
turbinales susceplible lo lhe aclion of Lhe deru1011ecrolit:
-__:; o gy toxin (Pmt) of Pasteurella multocida, which has emerged as
the primary agcnt of Atrophic Ilhinitis ("progressive
Atrophic Rhinitis," see Ct1apter 12). IJ P. rnultociaa does not
become involved, DN'f as well as ali of th.e products de-
,;.a.el/a spp. are mainJy parasites of ciliated respiratoty scribecl above, produces a mild, reversible turbinate hy-
~~ tissue. Bordetella bronchiseptica occurs in wild and do- poplasia ("nonprogressive Atrophic Rhinitis"). Pneumo-
~-;SJc carnivores, wild and Iaboratory rodents, swine, rab- 11ia, if lhis occurs, is due lo i11flau1111atory responses C111cl
- and occasionally horses, other herbivores, primates, the inability of host phagocytic cells and complement sys-
...;;__ turkeys. Altl1uugh prubably not part of the residcnt tcm to easily clear bordetellae .
_ _,.,,. it is found in tl1e nasopharynx of hPalthy :inimals. J>atholo«<:Y· Destruction of ciliated respiratory epitl1e-
3ordetella aviun1 inhabits thc rcspiratory tract of in- Iium is the hallmark of Bordetella initiated diseasc. Thc
-ee fowl, principally turkeys. process is a suppurative one affecting various portions of
the tract (rhinitis, sinusitis, tcacheitis). Compromise of the
-....,-:iission clearance n1echa1tis1us oI tl1e upper respiratory tract may
lead to a suppurative pneumonia ;:in<l ;iirs:icculitis with
--. malian infections are prin1arily airborne, wl1ile in Bordetella itself or sorne other microorganism.
- ~ indirect spread via water and litter is common.
Disease Patterns

·wnis111s. BoJdctc:llae "se11se" va1iou::. e11viro1111u.:11tal Swine. Atrophic Rhinitis. 'fhe progressive form of Atropllic
;es :eading to activation of the BvgAS regulon lc~ading to nhinitis is <11 JP to romhinPrl infPction withP. nn1ltocida and
- ;egulation of the various genes encoding thc products B. bronchiseptica, and was discussed il1 Chapler 12. 1'he
104 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungí

nonprogressive form of tl1is disease follows infection with sitize dendritic cells, which results in a dccrcasc in im-
B. bronchiseptica alone, and is transient and self-Jimiting. 1nune responses dueto iI1efticient antigen processing.
Pncumonia. Bordetc/la-mediated compromise of the host
defenses of the upper respiratory tract sometimes leads to
Protective Role
secondary pneumonia associated with B. bronchiseptica or
sorne ot her microorganis1n. Local antibody ls believed to preve11t B. bronchíseptica col-
onizatio11 in dogs. No ot her immune responses 11ave been
Dogs and Cats. Canine Infectious Traclzeobronchitis (l<ennel sl1uw11 tu !Je vruteclive.
Cough). Kennel cough is associated with B. bronchiseptica. Rordetella avium antíseru1n is ineffective in protecting
Thc natural discasc is oftcn accompanied by canine para- turkeys, but maternal in1munization reduces losscs i.r:
influenza virus, canine adenoviruses 1 and 2, and canine challenged progeny. Antibody to acthesins prevents adl1er-
herpes virus. While most dogs recover within a few weeks, ence to tracl1eal epitbelia.
the bacteriurn ca11 persist fur r11u1 1Ll1:-.. Tra11sfe1 lo suscepli-
b le cats has heen demonstrated.
Pneurnonia. Bordetella. bronchiseptici1 is sometimes iso- lmmunization Procedures
Jated from samples collected from pneurnonic lungs, often Bacterins used on pregnant sows provide sorne colostra·
from dogs with canine distemper. imn1u11ity tu IJiglets, especially '\'vl1e11 including toxigenic
Cats. Bordetella bronchiseptica produces a mild upper res- P. rnultocida strains. Bacterin-toxoid preparations protec:
piratory tract infection in cats, mainly those housed in piglets.
colonies (upper respiratory t ract infections in cats are also Intratracheal administered live attenuated vaccine ha;;
associated with herpe~ vin1•;, r;i lirivir11s, Nfyr:nplasrna, been beneficial in. kennel cough control.
Chlan1ydophila) . Cats, like dogs, carry the organism asymp- Of B. aviurn vaccines, those u:sing atte11ualed live orga11-
tomatically (up to 19 weeks) following recovery. Transfer to isms intratracheally have bee11 most effectivP..
susceptible dogs has becn dc1nonstratcd.

Poultry. Turkcy Coryza. Turkey poults infected with B. Laboratory Diagnosis

avium develop tracl1eobronchitis, sinusitis, and airsacculi-
tis. Signs include nasal exudate, conjunctivitis, tracheal Nasal swal.>s (Atrophic Rhiiliti:s), sediJuen Lof Lranstrachea.
rales, and dyspnea. Morbic.lity is lligh, l.Jut u1ur ta¡iLy, ex- washes (c;:ininf' trache.ohronchitis), and tracheal SV·l ah
cept by seconclary infection, is ge ne rally Jow (<Sº;ó). Re- (coryza of turkeys) are cultured on blood and MacCon~
covery may begin after 2 weeks, aithough sorne illnesses agars. Routine Jaboratory tests are used for .identificatio::
may Jast 6 weeks. A polymcrasc chain rcaction bascd nssay u tilizing prime:.
ctesigned to amplify various species-specific segments
Laboratory Animals. Rabbit bordetellosis. Bordetella /Jronchisep- DNA is available for determining the presence ofbordete·-
tica infections in rabbits are usually asymptomatic. How- lae as well as for identiflcatlon purposes.
ever, in association with other infectious ageut:s (e.g., RnrdPtP.lla aviurn rPact~ likf' Alt:aligenes (aecalis in rou tií'-
Pasteurella mu1tocida) may be involved with broncho- laboratory tests. Cellular fatty acid analysis diffcrcntiate!
pneumonia. the two. A n1icroagglutination test is used tor serodiagnosis.

Atrophic Rhinitis affects pigs under 6 \«.reeks o ld , when os-
Treatment and Control
teogenesls and bone remolleling are rnu:st activt:.. Affected
Thc progressive form of Atrop!1ic Rhinitis is not treatab~"'­
p igs sprt>acl R. hronr:hiseptir:a. The ultimate source<; are car-
Preventive measures include maintenance of an aged ~
rier sows, in whicl1 carricr rates decline with age.
herd with a low carrier rate; thorough d isinfection a- ._
Canine kennel cough usually affects young, nonim-
c1eanup of farrowi11g 11uuse:s a11d 11urseries afler eacl1 ~
munc dogs that acquire it from clinically affected individ
vaccination (see ahove); prophylactic use of sulfonamice:-
uals, as well as recovered carriers.
in feed or water; and elimin ation of carrier sows based --
Bordetella avium causes disease main ly in young poults.
nasal swab culture.
'fhe contan11nated environment is impurta11t iI1 perpetu- Canine tracheobronchitis responds inconsistently -:-
atin.g the infection.
antibiotics. Vaccination (see above), fumigation of kl:I.
nels, adequate ventilatio.n, and isolation of aff1~cted do::-
are useful preveutiv<:: praclices. l'elracycli11e ren1ain.s ~
lmmunologic Aspects dn1g of choice.
Dordetellcz aviu111 is suscepti ble to tetracyclinc, crytl-..: -
Pathogenic Factors
n1ycin, and nitrofura11toin , but resistant to penicillii:
Depressed cell-mediated responses havc bccn obscrvcd in streptomycin, and sulfo11a1nides. 1vfass medication ar.._.
experimental H. avium intections. ·rheir relation to natural vaccination may prevent outbreaks witl1out el!m tn ~-­
disease is undetermined. Bordete!Ja bronchiseptica can para- the infection.

:>i:> i:. a11 i1úcctious bacteria! disease caused by charldc. Specifically, the A and M anrigcns are found in
rs of the gen u-; Bruce/la. Tt is a ciisPasP of '"'orlc1wic1P varying concentrations among the different smooth
-·--~ncc and affects a number of animal species. Bru- Bruce/la species. 'l'l1e oule1 u11::1111;1a11e <.:outaius otl1er
·e oblígate parasites, requiring an animal host for 1najor surface antigens. The peptidoglycan !ayer (3 nm to .'i
_ _ , "'lance. Infections tend to locallzc to the reticuloen- nm) is more p romincnt tl1an that of Escherichia coli. The
...__.., di system and genital tract with abortions in fe- pcriplasmic space varíes tro1n 3 nm to 30 nm. Th e cyto-
rid epididymitis and orchitis in males tl1e most plasmic nlcmbrane is a typical thrce layered lipoprotein
n clinical n1a11ifeslalions. Cllro11i<.: infcctions are membranc. L-form variants are recognized and may play a
n. role in persistent infections.
,-D:-JA hybridization studies show that Drucella is a ·rhe n1ol% G Te of DNA is 58-59. Most Bruc:ella species
---.. pecific genus based on level of overall homology. have two circular chromosomes. Plasmid DNA ha-; not
- -ditional species names for the different bruceJias bccn dcmonstratcd. Thc cntirc genornes of Drucella suis
.ie to be used in a biological species concept system and B. 111elitensís have been sequenced and are likely to pro-
~-'' ~ host range, in addition to the presencc of species- vide substantial insight into factors relatcd to virulence
"1arke1s. 'l'he dassical 110111c1 1<.:laturc is used ir1 this and pathogenesis. The overall fatty acid composition is
- :\dditional Brucella "species" havr rrc:ently bPPn sufficiently unique to be useful for identification and tax-
....'CI from marh1e mammals. Thc different Brucella onon1ic pur poses.
c:xhibit host preferences and vary in severity of t he
causect. Dye and phagc susccptibility along with
~:nical, cultural, and serologlc characteristics are Cell ular Products of Medica! lnterest
d istinguish among species. The six traditional Bru- Cell Wall. The cell >vall of the members of this genus is one!> are B. afJortus, B. carlis, B. 1nelirensis, B. neoro- typical of g ram ncgativcs. Thc lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in
1·i~, and B. suis.
the outer membrane is an important virulence determi-
. spccies of Brucella are capable of causing disease nant. Not only is the lipid A componcnt toxic (endotoxin),
-ans. Infections are chronic and debilitating. The but the Iength of the side chain in the 0 -repeat unit hin-
brucellosis in humans are relatively nonspecific dcrs the attachment of the membrane attack complex of
~ :vidua ls wíth brucellosis are somctimes labeled
l he con1plen1e11Lsyslen1 Lo l11e uuler 111e;:111lJra11e. LPS biI1ds
_ ,......, o ndriacs hecause of the va¡,rue prcsenting clinical
to lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (a serum p rotein),
which in turn transfcrs it to the blood phase of CD14. The
CLJ14-LPS complex bit1ds to 'loll-like receptor p roteins (see
Chapter 2) on the surface of macrophage cells triggering
the release of proinflammatory cytokines. In addition, the
cell wall lPS of brucellae aid in its survival within ma-
.t:=: :igy and Stainlng
rs of the genus Brucella are small, gram-negative Jirythritol. Erythritol (a fo11r-carhon alcohol) is one of
-~ cilli measuring 0.6 to 1.5 µm by 0.5 to 0.7 µm in severa! "allantoic fluid factors" found in the gravid uterus,
..s are fa1rly un1form and can casily be mistaken tor and appcars responsible for the prefercntial Jocalization to
Tlley are typically arranged singly but also occur in the reproductive tract of the pregnant animals. "Allantoic
clu~ters. No capsu les, flagella, or spores are pro- flul<t facrors" stimulate the growth ofbrucellae.
nowever, an PxtPrn;:il f'nvf'lc.ipe has been demon- 0 11tcr Membrane Proteins. Porin protcins in the outer
ii.:::::3! ny clcctron m icroscopy around R. abortus, B. rneli- r111:: r11 bra1H:~ are tl1ought to stlmulatc delayed-type hyper-
nd B. suis. Brucella stain red with Macchiavello and sensitivity anrl ac.c:ount fnr the varying susceptibility to
_ ,...,, d Ziehl Neelsen stains. dyes observed for the different species.
Miscellaneous Products. Production of adenine and gua-
nine monophosphate by Bruce/la inhibits phagolysome
-----~--'"· Structure and Composition
fusion and activanon of the myeloperoxidase-halide sys-
~=J:i._e po<;SP<;<; ¡:¡ typic;:il gram-negative cell \-vall. tem. Bn1cella are ablc to inhibit apoptosis in infected ma
-~"1--nt surface antigens are located on thc lipopolysac- <.:roµltage!>, thereby preventlng host cell elimination. Sol-

106 PAtrf .Il Bacteria and Fungí

uble protein products int1ihit ·rNF-alpha production. The Ecology

Vi r (for vir11/r>nrr>) opPron PnroclPs ;i TypP TV Sf'C'rPtion
systen1, which appears to be involved with intramacro- zoologic and Geographic Reservoirs
phage survivaL
As oblígate parasites, Bruce/la require an a11Lmal rese;..,._-
Host prcfercncc is cxhibitcd by the different fh __
Growth Characteristics species; however, a broad host range has been d.s;;;;:::
strat ed for son1e species. Survival tirne outside th e:.
On initial isolat ion, colonies are not apparent until 3 to variable and depends on temperature and m o1üiS<;;:::;;-
5 days' incubation. Most colonie:; are lletectell 1.Jy 10 tu 14 Colder weather extends survival time.
days, b11t in somP c.;:ises incuhation for up to 21 days is Cattle are tl1e prefert:u.lial hosL for B. abortus. O lhc _
required. Grow th is best in an aerobic environment at imals, including hison, camels, and yaks, are comm L.
37ºC but occurs between 20º C and 40ºC. Optimal pH is infccted. The d ifferent biovars of B. abartus havc dit!c-~
6.6 to 7.4. Brucclla avis and sorne biovars of B. abartus re- geographic d.i stributions. Biovars 1 a11d 'l have a worlc
quire an increased co11ce11trati.on of C0 2 . Enriched distribution., while biovar 3 is predomi.nantly four .:.
media with 59/o serum are required by B. abartus biovar 2 India, Egypt, an.d Africa.
and B. ovis. Swine are the preferential host for B. suis biovar l_ -
Bruce/Ja colonies have a r.h;iractf'ristic hl11ish color biovar is widely distril.Jutt:J. Bivvar 2 is ÍOLHld ü1 swine __
wl1en exan1ined witl1 obliquely transmitted light. Colo- \"lile! hilrf's (l.epus timidus) , predominately in westerr: _
nies 11ave sn1ooth or nonsmooth morphologies that are central Europe. l3rucel/a suis biovar 3 is prcdominatd~
d etcrn1incd by thc prcscncc or abse11ce, respectively, of the covered from midwester11 North An1erica in the L:- __
polysaccharide side chain in the lipopolysaccharide. States. Biovar 1 affects reiI1deer and caribou in -~~....
These morphologic v ariations are the result of sponta- Canada, and Siberia.
neous mutarion and are intluenced by speclfic grovvth fac- Brutella rnelitensis infects goats and sheep worldwíc-c
tors. Smooth colonies are ivhite, co11vex witl1 an entire cept for North An1erica, Australia, dJltl New Zt:a1c
eJge, dilU 11ave a crea111y co11sisle11cy. No11sn1ooth colonies Ca1nels, alpacas, and Jh1m;:is arf' ;:¡ lso i nfected.
have intermediate, rough, or mucoid forn1s. Rough colo- Brucella avis infections are lin1ited to sh.e ep and D. e;,-:_
.n ies are dull yellow, opaque, and friable. Thcy are difficult infections are limited to dogs. Both have a worldwide dis::
to suspend in solution and agglutinate spontaneously. The bution. Brucella ncotomac has only been found .in the '"e
mucoid colonies are siinilar to the Tough colonies except rat (Neotoma lepida) with geographic distribution. lim itai -
for havir1g a glutinous texture. the Salt Lake Desert of Utah. Recently, B. rnelitensis aru:
suis have become esta1Jlis11ect in cattle ill so1ne M id_
Eastern and South American countries, respectively.
Tlie 11cwly recvg11ized Brucella. species fou11d i11 n1a.........
Brucellae survive freezing and tha\.Ying. Under proper e11- mammals also show host preferences similar to other E~
vironmcntal condition!.;, thcy survivc for up to 1 1no11tl1s cella :>pccic:>. lvfnrinc Brucclla :;pccic:; (propoGcd spcci~
in milk, urine, water, and clamp son. Most disinfectants ac- B. cetaceae and B. pinnipediae) have oeen found in a nurr::
ti~le against otl1er gram-negative bacteria kill Bruce/la. of species of sea 1na1nmals and are considered h
Pasteurization effectively kllls Bruce/la in milk. adapted and e11zootic in large populations of these a_-
mals. Patl1ology is typically m inilnal and tl1e ma.~
Bruce/lu :species are currenlly considered opportu11ists
Diversity seconda.ry pathogens.
!he Brucella genome appears to be very stable. Strains asso-
ciated with a specific animal host l1ave a unique genon1ic Transmission
Thf' colony morphology of Rrucella varies from rough Bruce/la are disseminated by director indirect contact \•-
to smooth forms (see "Growth Characteristics,'' above). infcctcd animals. lngcstion is the most common routt:
Brucella a.bortus, B. melitensis, B. suís, and B. neoton1ae entry, although exposure t11rough ttie conjunctival z:::
typically isolated in thc smooth form but can ctevelop genital mucosa, skin, and respiratory routes occurs. "'.""
rough forms oo subsequent laboratory passage. Brucella 1najor so urce for exposure tu B. uburlus ir 1 cal Lle a 11l'. _
avis is always in a Tough forn1. lsolates of B. canis have a melitensis in. sh<"<"P ;:in<i goats is through aborted fetns..
111 ucvitl appeara11ce. 111 ~e11e1cd, ~iuvvll 1 ~LI ai11~ vf B1 u ccllu the placenta, and postabortion utcrinc fluid:;. Abortcd =-
are more virulent than rough strains. sue and fluids are also a common means for transrnis2 -
Variations in C0 2 requiremcnt, H 2S production, urcasc of B. suis and B. canis. Genital infections in cat tle rout i.Ge.
production, susceptibility to differing concentrations oí clear within 30 days after calving and cows are not cons_
ccrtain dycs (thionin and basic fuchsin), and susceptibil- ered infectious for other cattle after that time. Genital -
ity to naturally or mutagen-derived bacteriophages ac- fections ln swine, in sorne case:;, per:si:sl lo11ger lhan lh
cou11t for diversity among species and biovars within in c;ittlf'.
species. 1'he different species vf _Brucel/u vary i11 hosl pref- lngestion of milk from infected cattle and goats .is ;;7".-
Prf'n<'f' an<i <if'gr<"f' of virulPnce within and among animal other source for infection of calves and kids. Virect t~
spcc1es. fer in utero has also b een documented.
Chapter 16 Brucella 107

.::.:ections of thc accessory sex glands of males allo\"IS Thcrr. is preff'rf'ntial loc;:ili7;ition to thP rPprorl11rtivP
.:iissemination of organisms through the semen. tract of prcgnant animaJs. Unknown factors in the gravid
.:t1ons can occur in the accessory sex organs Without uterus, collectively referred to as al/antoic fluid factors,
.:ular or epididymal lesions being prescnt. Venereal stimulate the growth of Bruce/la. Erythritol is considcrcd
111i:>:>h>n of B. suis in swine, B. ovis In sheep, and B. to be one of these factors.
in dogs is common. l Jrinf' is rinothf'r vehicle for dis- Experimental infection studies have demonstrated
--:J.ating n. ca11is to other dogs. lhal, al the cellular levcl, Bruc:ellu locali;::es into the clster-
-.sects may play a minor role in transmission and nac of the rough endoplas1nic rcticulum of trophohl;ists of
- -tenance of infection in a herd. Facc flics have been thc placcntome. lnfection subsequently spreads to the
-n ro take up and excrete Brucef/a in their feces. fetus. ·rhe exact mechanism of abortíon is unclear; how-
ever, likely possibilities are that abortion results from 1) in-
. terference with fetal circulation dueto the ex1sting placen-
titis, 2) the direct effect of, and/or 3) fetal stress
•u1is111s. Y:ollowing exposure, IJrucella penetrate intacl resulling f10111 tl1t:: i11fia11unatory response In fetal tlssue.
-..osaJ surfaces. In the ali.mentary tract, the epithe1ium Although less is knovm ahout thf' frictors involved in lo-
'l:':ing the ileal Peyer's patches are a preferrcd sitc for culizution of Bruce/la in the reproductive tract of n1ales, the
-:. After penetrating mucosa! barriers, organisms may presence ot growtl1 stimulating compounds may be a fac-
-rigulfed by phagocytic cells. Br11cella are internalized in tor. 'fhe prolonged bacteremia observed with sorne of thc
- c.:ophages by generalized 111t::111lJra111! ruffling and Brucella species accounts for the greater likelihood for ex-
::::;;;...:ropinocytosis. Various mechanisms are PmployP<l by tragcnital manifestations to occur in animals infected with
-:ella to allo"" for survival inside phagocytic cells. Son1e ll 1o~c ~i>t:cies.
:..'le genes for intracellular survival are actually shared Pathnlngy. ThPre are grossly visible lesions in the pla-
·-:. plant pathogcns and cndosymbionts. Brucella are ca- cen ta associated with Bruce/la abo1 lio11s. 111 tercotyle-
_..,'. e ot surVJving ana mu1np1y1ng ins1de macrophages by donary thickening With a yellow gelatinous fluid is pres-
'ifying the phagosome maturation process and creat- ent. ·rhe cotyledons are frequently necrotic, ycllo,"1-gray in
- .i.n inlraceJJulaJ enviro11111c11L ~uili1l>le for multiplica- color, and covered vvith a thick brown exuda te. The degree
;:. :\cidification of the phagosome induc.r.s thf' virR pro- of necrosis varies among the Brucel/a species with B. meli-
~¡;r for the Viril complex, an important virulence factor. tensis infections i11 goats uciug iuost severe. The aborted
--e \ 'irB operon appears to encode a 1'ype IV secretion sys- fetus is frequen tly edematous. Ahomri~::i 1 contents may be
- and is likely involved in intraccllulnr trafficking and turbid and have a lem on-yellow color. 'J'he most con1n1011
- ;.cropinocytosis. Phagosome maturation is arrested at histologic findings in the fetus are bronchitis and bro11-
?S between acidification and phagolysosome fusion. chopneumonia with a predominatcly mononuclear ccll
=..1tri1cellular survival in macrophages and, to a lesser ex- infiltrate. In general, Bn.1cel/a induce a granulomatous-
~. nP11trophi l.<; is f'n h;inrerl by su pprt'.'ssing the myeloper- type inflammatory reaction.
dase-11202-halide systen1. Superoxide disn1utase and Tu 111ales pali>iil.Jle enlargement of the epidldymis, espe-
;alase production may play a role in defense against ox- cially involving thf' tail portion, is common. Epididymal
-~vc killíng. Stress proteins have been demonstrated in lesions are characterized by hyperplasia and hydropic de-
-...c.e11a, however their role in virulence is considered mar· gcncration of tubular epithelium. Rcsulting extravasation
e -.:JI. 'fhese proteins are thought to play a role in protect- of spcrm lcads to thc formation of a spcrmatic granuloma
4 organlsms from hyclrolytic enzymes, oxygen radicals, (F1g 16. L). Tn bulls with orchítis the scrotum is swollen,
- , myeloperoxiclase killing systems in the phagolyso- largely due to an inflammation of the tunica and fibrinop-
me. Tbe lipopolysaccl1aride of Brucellu is d ireclly as~oci­ uruleut exuuate in the tun!ca vaglnalis. ·rhe testicular
ed with virulence and is thought to play a role in enhanc- parP.nrhymri hPromPs necrotic and is sometirnes replaced
: intraccllular survival. Production of adenine and by pus. Pathology of the accessory scx organs includes pro-
:-.-L..1.ine monophosphate by Bruce/la inhibits phagolysome statitis in dogs and fibrinopurulent seminal vesiculitis
•on and activation of the myeloperoxidase halide sys- in bulls .
....,. Bruce/la are able to inhibit apoptosis in infected Extragenital tract pathology includes lymphocytic en-
'>CTOphages, thereby preventing host cell elimination. dophthalmitis in dogs (B. canis), purulent or fibrinopuru-
"uble protcin producls il1l1ibil TNF-i11plta proüu1..,1ion. It lent synovltls in swine (B. suis), osteomyelitis in dogs and
::ielieved that the variations in virulPnC'f' oh~erved among swine (B. canis and B. suis), necrotizing and purulent bur-
-ce Brucella species may, in part, be related to the greater silis iu liur~cs (B. uburlus), anú hygroma development in
:.Litv ot sorne species to avoid host defenses. cattle (B. abortus).
Following entry into tl1e host, Brucella organisms, ei- Visease Pattcrns. The primary clinical manifestations of
--;.er free ln the extracellular environment or in phagocytic brucellosis are related to the reproduclive tract. In general,
·1~. localizc to regional lymph nodes. 'fherc they prolifer- anima!s do not exhibit overt systemic illness. In fcmalcs,
- :e and infect other cells or a1e killed a11ú Ll 1c i ofection is abortlon Is the most common presentation. No premoni-
·=:minated. Sorne cattle appcar to be innately resistant to tory signs are usually apparent. Abortion in cattle com-
..:::fection. ·rhis rcsistancc is rclated to the macrophages' monly occurs iJ1 tl1e fiftl! 111outl1 of ges1:ation or later.
,_ 11lty to contain the organisms. from the regional lymph Retained placenta is a possihlr. sf'<]11Plri. ~Pm;iles usually
- .xies, Brucella disseminate hematogenously and localizc abort only once, presumably duc to acquired inlillunily.
- the rctlculoendorhelial sysrem and reproducnve tract. Hrucella melitensis infections in goats and sheep are similar
108 PART JI Bacteria and Fungi

F 1G U RE 1 6. 1 . Swelling and irregular conformation of the tail of the epididymis of a ram

ínfeeted with Brucella ovis (A). Cross-seetion of the tail of the epididymis showing a pocket of
inspissated matefla/ result1ng from extravasation of sperm {IJ).

to H. ahnrtus in cattle except t hat acute mastitis devclops in C:hronic infectio11s v.rith R. abortus in cattle can result
goats lnf<::cted with 13. rnelitensis. ·rhe mastltis in goats prc- hygromas. Horscs i11fcctcd with B. ubortus devclop "P'
scnt·s w ith palpable noclu les in the udder and milk tJ1at is evil" or "fistulous withcrs" and present 1~>ith fistul _
clottcd and watery. Abortions in swine can occur at any tracts o riginating from thc atlantal o r supraspinous bur~
tlme in gestation and are rclatcd to time of exposure. rt>:.pectively. lnfectio11:. i11 liu1:.e:. u:.ually resull íro111 ce.
Abortions in dogs dueto [{ cnni<> oc:cur <irounci SO ci::iy<> of t.ict with infPcte.c1 cattlP.
gt>!>tatiuu. Brutella uvi:> i11fecliu11!> i11 :.liee.1:1 ouly 1a1ely 1e- J3ruccllosis i..11 l1un1ans is primarily a disease of the ret
sult in abortions in ewes. ulocndothelial system. A mild lyrnphadcnopathy, spler
In males, epididymitis and orchitis are thc most com- mcgaly, and hcpatomcgaly may be dctected. Onset of si;-
mon presenting signs. Lesions are usually unilateral but occurs within z to 3 weeks of cxposurc. Clinical signs;:
n1ay be bilateral. Semen cxaminaUon reveals increased nonspecific and include alternating fever and chills \\~
numbers of neutropl1ils in acute cases. Ne utrophils are few night sweats, fatigue, musclc and joint pains, an<.l ba ..
in number in more chro11ic infcctions. Bruce/la ovis infec- aches. l1epression ancl insomni;;i <irP com1n on . SpC'c-'
tiun:s in rau1!> prc<Jo n 1i11ate;:ly afft:cl tl1e epid idyn1is wilh cllnlcai n1a nifestations of infections includc a rth r itis,
tPsticular lesions being u ncommon. Palpable lesio11s in the teomyelitis and endocarditis.
cpididy1ni:> of mature rams are frequently thc rcsult of in-
fcction ~vith B. avis, i\1hereas epididymitis in yearlings and Epidemiology
ram lamb:s are usually caused by a varicty of other organ-
1sms. In bulls, infection with B. aborn1s frcquently involves Humans acquire infections !Jy l1autlliI1g Li!>:.ues co11Lai11
the testicle. Dogs infected with B. canis develop scrotal L~r11cella organisms. Rrurt>lla 1nelite11sis is considered t
swelling a:s a result of fluid acl:u111ulaliou iu U1e lw1ica. 1nost virulent species for humans followed by B. suis c1C'rn1atitis may develop because of consta11t licking abortus, and B. canis. Bruce/la avis and B. neotornae do :-:
of thc scrotum. Infections of the male genital tract rcsult in infcct humans. Common sources for infection are abor
clccreasetl fertili ty and, in sorne cases, s terility. fetuscs, placentas, and postabortion uterine flu ids, a!:
Exlragenital m anifestations dcvclop in many an imal which con tain large n u mbers oí organi s111s. Veterinaria::-
spcc1cs. Swine in fected wit h 13. suls may deveJop art h ritis, ranchers, an d slaugttterl!uu:>c 1.vurker:. a1e par liculail.
cspecially in the large joints of thc li mbs, or lu mbar r isk For <icq11iring in fPcti on.~.
spondylitis. Lesion:s in the lu1111Jar ve;:rlel;1ae res ull i11 Ussue The prolonged bactcrcmic phase of B. suis infcction
necro'\i'\ th;it p11ts prP_<\surc on lhe spi nal c:ord and can lead swine poses a special risk for slaughterhouse vvorkers h..
t() posterior paralysis. Dogs infected ~vith B. canis can dc- dling infcctcd tissucs. Tndividuals who participate in -
velop mcningoencephalitis, osteomyclitis, discospondyli- huntmg of feral swine are also at risk for contracting B.
tis, and anterior uveitis. Ocular manifestations in dogs infections. Relatively few cases of infections in hum·
may be thc 1D1t1al presenting sigo for canine brucellosis. dueto B. canis have been repurtctl. I11Llividuals al 1isk
Chapter 16 Bruce/la 109

~e1 ~vorkers and brccdcrs co1ning in contact with con- which appear initially after infection, and low Jevels of lgG
- =-"nated fluids from infected dogs. will cause complement-mediatcd lysis of Brucella. Elcvatcd
.::fected animals also shed organisms in the mill<. Raw levels of IgG antlbodlcs, howcvcr, appcar to actas blocklng
~-or raw milk products of bovine or caprine origin are antibodies that m odulate the ability of the complement
.:~ sou1ce:> fui i1úections in hun1ans. Maril1e n1anm1al n1e111brane attack con1plcx to lyse cclls. This n1ay account
- -:.ella species have caused intracerebral granulomas in for resistance to complement-mediated lysis in the tace of
~ans . high spccific antibody lcvcls and thc lack of corrclation bc-
'"'cddental selt-inoculation with live Bruce/la vaccine tween protection and high antibody titers. ·rhe blocking
~- 7'S can result in disease. l-luman-to-human transmis- antibodies are opsonizing and promote uptake by phago-
~ iS rare. cytes where Brucella have developed mechanisms for sur-
vival and proliferation.
:-.:.~eristics of lnfection inAnimal Populations. Susceptibility to Phagocytic cclls unablc to elin1i11ate Brucella play a role
:.-..:tíon depends on age, sex, breed, and pregnancy sta- in dissemination of organisms to other parts of tbe body
Youngcr animals tend to be more resistant, and fre- and in pcrsistcncc of infcction.
_;1Uy clear iufecliuu~, allho ugh latenL i.nfecUons do lgA autoantibody has been demonstrated in dogs in-
2 r. Less than 3º/Ú of animals infected at birth remain in- fected with B. can is and may explain sorne of the observed
~~d as udults. Scxuully rnaturc unimals are mucl1 inorc effect on fertll!ty.
._x¿ptible to intection, regardless of gender. Most ani-
~ infected as adults remain infected for life.
'-{erd size and animal denslty are directly related to Mechanisms of Resistance and Recovery
alencc of discase and difficulty in controlling infec- Effcctivc immunity is primarily ccllulur in oature. Specifi-
•• in a populallon. Calving praclices also play a 111ajo1 cally sensitized ·r lymphocytes release cytokines that acti-
:n the spread of hruc:ellosis. Separa te c:alvi ng pe ns vate macrophages, which in turn control Brucella by reactive
. for n1inímizing exposure of uninfected animals. oxygen intermediates. Bn1cella can actívate NK cells by in-
-ether a herd raises its own reptacement animals or pur- duci ne antigen-prcsenting cells to secrete IL-12. NK cells can
~es replacement animals affects the potential for intro- then kili infected target cells. A n1orc cffeclive ü11111u11ily de-
-Ctlon Jnto the herd. velops "''hen animals are infccted prior to sexual maturity.
:.'": contrast to cattle, where bulls play a relatively minor
boars are more llkely to be a source for introuuclng
'1' 1/n into a swine h errl Roth vPnPrP::il tranc;mission ;:inrl
Artificial lmmunization
-,,,.lurc to abortcd fctu:sc:s and fetal n~cmbranes are in~- canle are 1mmun1zed w1th e1ther nonVlable (B. abortus

-.ant for maintaining infections in a herd. Confinement 45/ 20) or attenuated live (B. abortus strains 19 and RB51)
o:-t:>eding swine in common pens or lots provides the vaccines. These p1oducts p1ovide p1otection úo111 abo1-
...::- setting for spread1ng infection. Management practices tion, the major mode of dissemination, but not from infec-
_ -::eted at climinating infected boars and minimizing ex- tion. A single dose at 3 to 7 and 4 to 12 months of age is
..:re to aborted tlssuc grcatly reduce the inciuence of uis- required with B. aborh's strain 19 and strain RBSl, respec-
".2:X' in commercial swine operations. Feral swine serve as a tively. Two doses 6 weeks apart in animals over 6 months
~ voi1 fo1 13. su is and a1e n1orc con1n1only infected tban of age are requ1red w1th B. abortus 45/20. Adult cow vacci-
_ .:::mercial swinc in sorne countries. Tn sorne European nation is sometimes performed as a regulatory effort to
.:ntrics whcrc 8. suis biovar 2 is found, thc Europcan harc control inft!ction In a hen.l. Strain 19 is uccasionally sl1eu
- as a source tor intection in swine. in thP mi lk ;:incl c;:in c;:i11SP (lhortions in c:attlP. Aclult vac:c:i-
::>issemination of n. 01 is in shccp occurs during the
nation with D. abortus strain RD51 only rarely causes abor-
-eed1ng season. Olctcr raros are more llkely to be infected tion. Bulls should not be vaccinatcd becausc orchitis can
- '1 yearlings. lntrodt1ction of an in fected ram during tl1e dcvclop. Thc typc of vnccinc uscd is gcncrnlly cstablishcd
_CIJi ug seasu u ca11 lea u tu ra µid sµreau uf iufecliuu by the particular country's regulatory agency in charge ot
·ri n thc flock . 'l'r::insmission occurs when an uninfected brucellosis control. Recently, in a number of regulatory
- b rccd:; u cwc rcccntly brcd by un inf<:ctcd rum . Thc c-,,vc programs 13. atJorrus straln RB.51 has replaced stra1n 19 as
~ aiainly as a mechanical vector tor transmitting infec- the approved calfhood vaccinc because it does not inter-
=>n.. Homosexual activity of rams is another means of fere with serologic evaluation.
-eadlng lnfcctlon among rams. Bruce/la melitensis Rev 1, a partially attenuated vaccine,
"">gs io suburban areas are least likely to be infected is uscd to control bruccllosis in goats and shccp causcd by
~ - B. can is. Prcvalcncc of infcction is grcatcst il1 eco110111- H. melitensis. A killed product, Hn,cella melitensis H38, is
.......:-- depressed arcas. Closc confincment settings such as also available.
":::cls incrcasc thc likclihood for transmitting infections. Bacterins for control of B. ovis are availablc, but their ef-
ficacy is limited. Bruce/la n1elitensis Rev l has been used to
-:nunologic Aspects prolecl againsl B. ovis infeclions in sheep; however, il cau-
not be used in countrics free of B. tnelitensis because the an-
tibody litcrs intcrfcrc with serologic evaluations for D.
- - :ine Mechanisms in Pathogenesis
n-1elitensis intection.
dencc indicates that antibodies against Bruce/la play Vaccination is not practiced for control of disease
::i a protectlve and detrlmental role. IgM antibodies, caused by B. suis or B. canis.
110 PARr 11 Bacteria and Fungi

Laboratory Diagnosis
F 1G U R E 1 6 . 2 . Culture pfate from the supramammary lymph
node from a cow that reacted positive for serum antibodies to
Specimens llrucell a abortus. Numerous Brucella colonies are growing on the
Great care should be employed when working with in- selective Brucella media with ethy/ vio/et. Four large co/onies of
fected tissues and cultures in the laboratory. Ali Brucella onother bacteria ore o/so present.
cultures should be handled following biosafety leve\ 3
pra1...tices l.Jecause uf tl1t: 9utt:ut.ial fur laborátory infecLion.
All lahoratory proc:edures should he performed in a man-
ner that prevents aerosolizatio11, and all work should be
conducted in a biological safety cabinet.
Appropriate san1ples for diagnosis ofbrucellosis depe11d
on the aniJnal species affected, species of Brucella involved,
and clinical presentation.. Abscess material, semen, and
vag1r1al flulus assuclateu wiLll rece11L auv1 liuu::. a10:: u::.o::ful
for rt>covt>ring organisms anten1ortem. Milk samples from
cattlc and goats are use<l in antemortem isolation attcmpts
and fo r immunodiagnostic evaluation. ln dogs, blood cul-
tures are useful for isolation of B. canis beca use of the pro-
longed bacterenlla that occurs. Serum is ltsed for serologic
eval uatio11.
Samples collected at necropsy shoul<.l include splee11,
liver, udder, and multiple lymph nodes, inch1cling the su-
prau1a111n1ary, relropl1ary11geal, interna! iliac, lumbar, and Animal inoculation is the mostsensitive method for d.:-
mesenteric lymph nodes. The supramammary lymph tection of Brucella and is sometimes necessary when V€:"""
node is superior to other lyn1ph nodcs for isolating Brucclla low nun1t>ers of organisms are prese11t. Guinea pigs are th:
from dairy cattle. AbomasaJ fluid and lungs of the aborted most sensitive laboratory animals for this pnrpose. T''
fetus and the placenta are the preferred specimens i11 the guinea pigs are il1oculated a11d at 3 and 6 weeks postinoc-
case of abortion. In males the epididy1nis, testlcle, and ac- ltlation an animal is sacrificed. Serum is examined for a:.-
cessory sex organs are examined. tibodies and tissues are culturcd for organisms.

Direct Examination tdentification

Gram stains of fetal stomach contents from an aborted Presumptive identification of Brucella species requircs
fetus and the placenta revea! largc nun1bcrs of gram- <.leu1u11:>tratiI1g culu1lies u( gra111-11egali ve coccobacilli ll=
negative coccobacilli. Using carbol fuchsin rather than are nonhen1olytic, catalase positive, and oxidase positi ~
safranin as a counter-stain in the gram-staining procedure (except for D. ovis and sorne strains of B. abortus). Mos:
makes organisms more easily detectable. Modified Ziehl- species, except B. avis, are strongly urease positive. Glucos..:
Neelsen and Macchiavello stains are also used to demon- and lactose are not ferme11ted by any of the specie:;
slrale Brucella. Orga11isn1s can be detected ü1 sen1e11 but are Agglutination in unadsorbed antismooth Bruce/fa sen•;.;
usually in low numbers. Brucella is difficult to detect by di- helps in presumptive identification of smooth strains_
rect examlnati.on in othcr samplcs, cspccially from chron- Dt:fi11itive ide11lificalio11 is usually periorn1ed by •
icall.y intected animals. Bruce/la reference laboratory. A fluorescent antibody test -
used for rapid identification. Urcasc production, C0 2 :-:-
lsotation quirement, H 2 S production, oxidation of metabolic su.:-
strates, agglutination in monospecific antisera, growth..::
'fissues are cultured directly on solid media. Milk cultures the presence of varying concentratlon of thionin, a.i:..:.
are performed by centrifuging milk at 5900 to 7700 x g for basic fuchsin and phage typing are used to determ ir-
15 n1inules or by allowin.g for gravity crean1 separation to svecies aud biovars wilhi11 species (Fig 16.3). Brucella ab. ~­
occur overni.ght. Both the cream layer and sediment, if the tus strain 19 can be differentiated from field strains of ~
ccntrifugation tcchniquc is uscd, should be platcd on so lid abortus by its lack of rcquircmcnt for C02 for growth a.G.:.
media. Commonly used media il1clude serum dextrose, inhibition by 5 mg/ml penicillin or l mg/ml of erythrito..
tryptose, and brucella (Albin1i) agars. St rain RBSl can be differentiated from field strains ar:.
If contarnlnatlun ls llkely tul.Je a prul.Jlt:Ju, J:;ulaliu11 al- srra1n 19 by úemonstratlng lt:; rt::;i:;tauct: Lu 1ifau1pi11 (ZC
tt>mpts shonlcl he made using media containing actidione pg/m l), st<"lining with c:rystal violet, and aggiutinatic=..
(30 mg/L), bacitracin (7500 U/L), and polymyxin B (1800 with acriflavin.
U/L). Seiective inedia are used hoth with and without the Polymerase cl1ain reaction (PCR) methods have bee=
incorporation of cthyl violct (1:800,000) (Fig 1.6.2). describcd for diffcrcntiation of Brucella species. Pe;.
Cultures should be incubated at 37ºC in 10% C02 for a restriction fragment length polymorphism, particularly
mínimum of 10 days and up to 21 days in highly suspi- the omp2 gene, has proven particularly useful. A deletio-
cious cases. in the ery locus can be used to dlfferentiate Strain 19 fro=.
Chaprer 16 Bn1ce/la 111

: G U RE 1 6. 3. Lysis of a confluent lawn of Brucella abortus F 1G U RE 16. 4 . Brucella milk ring test for detection of
th increasing tenfold dilutions of Tbilisi phogc (B. abortus specific antibodies in milk. In a negative sample, the added, st ained Brucel la
Jidge). The "rout ine test dilution" used is the hlghest dllut/on antlgen remains dispersed in t he milk port1on and the cream /ayer is
• '10winq confluent ~vsis where phage is applied. At t he 10-5 dilution. white (left). In a positive sample, the antibodieI reart with ~tainerl
-dividua/ plaques are becoming apparent. antigen and thc complcx riscs to thc top in the cream /ayer. The
cream /ayer appears purp/e (rlght).

~ strains of B. abortus and the presence ot an insertion fected swine do n ot have detectable antibody titers. Hercis
...ence in the i.vboA gene, which encades a glycotrans can be scrccncd by thc bruccllosis card test. Tests such as ri-
e, can be used to differentiate Straln RBSl from field vanol agglutination and 2-rncrcaptoet han ol agglu tination
.,~ are used for confirmation .
Rams are tested for antibodies to B. ovis u sin g either a
complement fixation test or ELTSA.
-- .nodiagnosis
Fo1 <.:anille uruccllosis, screenlng Is performed with a
=:.bOdy dctection is commonly used for diagnosing bru- rapid slide agglutination tP.~t (R~A1') . The RSAT is sensitive
<.is and in control program:;. Somplc:; tcstcd includc but not vcry 3pecific, therefore positivc rc.sult.s .should be
'-"~.:1. milk, and occasionally semen. A number of iJn- confirmed with additional tests that are more specific. An
r¡odiagnostic tests have been dcvclopcd for cattle. agar gel immunodiffusion test using cytoplasmic antigcn
tests detect <lifferent classes and types of antibodies is more specific but not as sens1t1ve as the RSAT and is used
--. vary in t h<>i r ~<>nsi tivity ;in<! specificity. In dividual as a confirmatory test.
d samplcs can be tested by tube aggluti n atio11, plale
_ utination, rose bengal platc, or card tests. ()ther tests Nonculture Detection Methods
.-de thc buffcrcd platc agglutination assay, rivanol ag-
. rtat1on, complement ft xation, and cnzyme-linked im- A number of nonc11lture methods, including PCR, im-
so rbent assay (ELISA). m unopcroxida sc staining, Dl'lJ\ probcs, nnd co ngglutinu-
·t:\lucutly, llighly sensitive but less speclfic tests are tion, have been described for dctection of Hrucella in tis-
--"'""' ~or ser<'<' O ing p11rpos<>s ;:inri ;:i rf' followed by more spe- sues and fluids.
·ots for confirmation purposes. A sin1ilar approacl1 Lo
used in cattle is employed when testing goats ancJ

fo r B. mclitcnsis. Sera are screcned with a test such as Treatment
- .se bengal test and results contirmed with a more spe-
·est. As a general rule, trcatmcnt of infected livestock is not at-
... k 1:. s1.:ree11cd wltll the Bruce/la mili< r1ng test, Whicn tempted because ot the h igh treatrn en t tailure rate, cost.
,fies specific antihocii<>s in mi 1k. ·rhP test is p erformed and potential problem s related to maintainin g infected
•.uk tan k Tn ilk samples as a means of scrce11ing dairy i:luilnals in the tace of ongoing eradicatio n programs.
- .)tained Bruce/la an tigcn is added to milk . If an tibod- Tetracycline ;:in<! clihydrostrcptomycin have b een used to
-e prescnt, agglutinated antigcn is buoycd to thc top treat D. ovis infections in ran1s \'Vilh va1iable resu!L:;. OnLc i:I
'" rising cream and a purple r1ng develops at the top ot palpable epididymal lesion is present, a11tibiotic treatment
be (Fig 16.4). wiH not be beneficia!. l'hc prcscncc of abscesses and fibro-
Iogit. Le:;L:; i:lrc 1.:ornrnonly used to Identlfy infected sis in tissues of the accessory sex organs makes penetration
~--- - he rds and monitor h<>rcJ <>tilh1<: Thcse tests are less "1-Vith antibiotics to these areas difficult.
;:;;:::i:::;_;e when testing individual pigs bccause son1e iu- ·rreatment of dogs with brucellosis requires a prolongcd
112 PART 11 13acteria and Pungí

course of antitJiotic t11erapy. The cuu1uil1aliu1J of dihy- Test and Slaughter Without lmmunization
drostrPptomycin and tetracyclinc or minocycline for a 2-
to-4-week period is commonly used. fluoroquinolones lmmunization control programs are not used for swin.:-
may also be uscful; however, only Iimited inforn1ation brucellosis. ·rhe most successful method of control is de-
about thcir effectiveness is available. ·rreatment failurcs are population of the entlre herd and restucki11g wil11 u11in-
common. Treatment should also consist of neutering af- fected replacement anima Is. MPthods other than depopi.:-
fected animals. Treatment is not recommendcd in canine lalion, such as removing only adult animals and retainin~
breedlng colonles. In this case, inft:cted dug:s shuulu IJc weanlings, are less successful. Re1noval of only the serolou:
culled . ical rcactors will not control infection in the herd.
Conl.incment operations and closed herds make establish-
ing and maintaining a swine herd free of brucellosis read-
Control and Preventi on ily achievable. In sorne instances, u1::puvulalio11 is vraL-
ticed with B. m elitensis infPctions in sheep and goats.
Approaches at control and prcvention of brucellosis de-
pend on the animal species Involved, Brucella specie;), Control Methods for Bruce/la ovis
managcment practices, and availability anrl pfficacy of
vacciue:.. AJJvruacht::s used lo control brucellosis includc Removing inlected rams and prevent1ng new infections in
1) immunization alone. 2) testing and re1noval of infectcd raros are the main means of controlling B. ovis infection ir:.
animals in conjunction with an immunization program, a flock. Practices that allow for intruuu<.:tiu11 uf i11ft:Llt'L
and 3) testing and removaJ of infected an1mals without rams into a flock, such as loaning of raros, should tK
immunization. avoided. Yearling rams should be maintained separatelc
from mature raros. Ali rams should be palpated tor cpi-
didymal lesions at lcast t wicc a ycar before breeding seasor..
Control by lmmunization Alone and rams with palpable lesions culled. Serologic tests
Tmmuni7..ation by itself reduces the number of abortions (ELISA, C:F) are used to identify infected raros without le-
and, thereby, reduces potcntiul for cxposure . .By itself, im sions . .Serologic testlng should be perfuru1cu a 111i11i111u1n
rnunization will not rcsult in eradication ot the intection of two times before ra1ns are turned in to brPPci PWPS.
in a herd. ln1munization alone should be considered as a Vacclnation ca11lJ1::1::111vluy1::LI bul ils effi cacy is lin1 ited and
means of controlling the leve! of disease only. it intPrfPrPs with scrologic interpretation. No effort is
~1ade to ~ontrol infections in ewes. Ewes, although play-
1ng a role 111 transmission of infection at breeding, are only
lmmunization Followed by Test and Slaughter tran sicntly infccted and 11aturally eliminate the infectioi1
Control of bovine brucellosis routinely employs a combi- by the next breeding season.
nation of vaccination of females and a test and slaughter
program. Cattle are vaccinated at a young age and evalu Control Methods for Bruce/la canis
ated vv1th rmmunodiagnostic tests when they rcach sexual
mat urity and vaccination titers havc di1ninishf'ci. Vaccinil- Prc:vc:n.tio11 of canine brucellosis involvc3 :;crologic tc:iting
liu11 wiLl1 slrain 19 is approxi111ately 70% effective on an of dogs p rior to breeding. Males are aJso evaluated by paJ-
inciivirlual hasis h11t more effective when evaluated on a pati n~ for epididymal and testicular lesions. In breeding
herd basis. ln experimental challcnge, vaccination with coton1es w1th brucellosis, 1nfected animals identified b\'
strain Rl351 providcd protection similar to vaccination serologic tests are removed. Repeat serologic testing is per-
with strain 19. Any animals identified as infected a re formed to identlfy prevlously undetectt:u iuf<::<.:tt:u a11i-
cullcd fron1 the herd and slaughtered. Routine testing Is mals lJntil at IPa~t thrPP nPgative test results are obtained.
done by the milk ring test in dairy cattle o r blood tests a kennel should not be considered free of bruccllosis.
from beef <.:attle at ::.laug11ter. A ~i11dlar v1og1a1n is Jollowed Kennel areas should be thoroughly disin!ected with qua-
with R. m1ilit<?nsis in fPctions in sheep and goats. ternory ammonium compounds or iodophors.
Burkholderia mallei and
Burkholderia pseudomallei

"llbers of t he genus Burkholderia are gram-negative, aer- membrane from membrane attack complexes generat ed
c rods. As of Lhis wriling, Lhert: art: 24 ~ ¡;ecies l.Jelonging followlng actlvation of the complement system (V\rhich is
::his genus, most of which live in soil and/or produc:P. m ::t ni ff'~t ;is a serum -resist ant phenotype). Mutants gener-
.easc in p lants. Members of the B. cepacia complex pro- ated by insertional il1acllvalion of Lhe ge11t::. cucuuiug tl1t:
~ disease in compromised human patients (e.g., those capsule are avirulent.
·"- cystic fibrosis; chronic granulomatous discasc). Two Cell Wall. The cell wall of B. tna/lei is typical of gran1-
::?.Jbers of this genus, B. mallei (the cause of "g1anders" negative bacteria. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the
- -i::irily in equids) and B. pseudomallei (the cause of "me- o ute r membrane is an important virulence determinant.
dosis" in a varieLy of species) a1t: i111vur1.<111t in veteri- Not only Is the lipid A component toXic (endotox1n),
--~ medicine, and are the topics of discussion in this h11t thf' lPneth of the side chain in the 0-repeat unit hin-
- ~ptcr. Both produce pyogranulomatous disease. ders the attachn1ent of t11e n1en1b1a11e aLLack cuu1plex uf
the complement system to the outer memhrane. T.ipo-
polysaccharidc binds to lipopolysaccharide-binding pro-
t ein (a serum protein), which transfers it to the blood-
E- ~K HOLDERIA MALLE/ ·phase of C Dl4. The CD14 LPS complex binds to Toll-like
receptor protein s (see Chapter 2) on the surface of ma-
- vzoldcrla mallet Is a gram-negatlve, aerobic rod that crophage cells triggering the releasc of proinflammatory
c;.pc; "gla nders," once a widespread disease of Equidae, cytokines.
~é remains in1porta11t 011ly u1 Asia (Mongolia and China) Miscellaneous Product5. Burkholderia n1al/ei a cluc;-
.:.'l pockets of activity in India, Iraq, ·rurkey, and the ter of genes encoding a Type TII secrction system (an as-
- .ilippines. Glanders is a systemic pyogranulomatous dis- semblage of more than 20 proteins that form a hollow
~ varying in acuteness and severity. It also affects mem- tu be li ke structure t hrough which cffector p rotcins are
.;..-s of the cat family and occasionally dogs, goats, camels, "injected" ínto host "target" cells). Effector proteins have
- eep, and humans. not been characterized, however, nor has a "target" cell
IJc~JJ iuf:!ntifit:c.L
Proteases, lipases, and a phospholipase C have b een
;~scri ptive Features den1onstrated u1 lhe cullure fluids of B. rrtullei. Nu11e:: uf
these products have b een shown to play a significant role
:rphology and Staining in discasc.
_..:rklroldt:ria 111allr:i are gran1-negali vi:: 1ods 0.5 µu1 wiut: d11u
-.dable in lcngth . Growth Characteristics
Tlit: ur8a11isrn gru\vs best on media contalning glycerol
: ··ucture and Cornposition or blood. Nonhemolytic colonif'~ r!Pvelop in 48 hours or
_..rt/1olderia mallei produces a carbohydrate capsule. rhe more at 20ºC to 41 ºC. They range from n1ucoid to rough in
cJ wall is typical o f gram-negative bacteria composed of tive possible forms. Confluent growth is common. Burk-
-. opv ly~d CCharic.le dIHl protein. Being nonmotlle, flagella holderia mallci <loes not grow on MacConkcy agar or at
-1' not produced (differentiating it from B. pseudomallei 42ºC.
nich is n1otilc).
Biochemical Characteristics
~ lular Products of Medica! lnterest
RurkholdPria mallei is aerobic and oxidase and catalase-
.::ipsula. Thc only dcmonstrablc function thc capsule plnys po3itivc; it reduces nitratc~ a nd hyd1olyLe5 u11::.:i. GluLu:>t: i:.
.:: dlsease produced by B. mallei is to protect the outer attacked oXidatively.

114 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungí

Resistance infecled 11orses or 11orsen1eat, and appear to be dead -eo:::

l{esistance is unremarkabJe, aJthough in dark, damp, and
cool environmc11ts the agent can survive for months. Ami-
noglycosldes, cl1loramphenlcol, fluoroqu1n.olones, macro- lmmunologic Aspects
lides, sulfonan1ides, and tetra(yclines in hi.bit .R. mallei i.n
Humoral and cell-mediated responses occur.
Appare11l rec.overy fro111 gla11de1s, i11cludiug Joss of da:-
mal hypersensitivity, has been observed under natural oon--
Ecology ditions, but with.out .incrcascd rcsistancc to rcinfcction.
No met hod of immunization is knOWil.
Tnfected Equidar?<ire the reservoir.
Laboratory Diagnosis
Transn1ission Nodular contents are cultured on blood or glycerol a~:.::
Exposure occurs via contaminated feed, water, and fo- 1'hey may be examü1ed for gram-ncgativc rods and b~- i::::­
m ites, and sometimes through inhalation and wounds. munotluorescence.
Infectious material originates mostly in the resplratory Guinea pigs and hamsters are highly susceptible to fa;¡_
tractor skin lesions. infectlon with virulent strains.
Any suspect isolates should be submittecl to a qua Hf>~­
reference laboratory. Differe11tiation from B. pseudo1n~
Pathogenesis is important.
Pathology. The basic nodular lesion is made up initially of Serologically, glanders is diagnosed by complc.m ent ~­
ncutrophils, fibrin, and red cells. 'fhe neutrophils degener- ation tests employing aqueous bacteria! extracts as an::-
ate and the central necrotic area becornes surrouuueu uy gen. The intradermo palpebral n1allein test detects C--=
l"pithetioid ancl gi;int cells ;ind h.y lymphocytes emhedded mediated hypersensitivity, which indica tes infection ¿:i...:.
in gra11ulatio11 tissue. Near epithclial surfaces, ulceration is has served as a basis for glanders eradication. Mallein is_
common. Strair1 variations determine tl1e suppurative vs. heat extract of old B. mallei broth Lultures.
granulomatous predo1ninance in lesions. A polymerase chain reaction- based assay tl1at utili--
Mechanisrns. Although toxins are suspected in patho- primers specific for D. rnallei is available for detection ar;.:.
ge11esis, the mechanisn1s are uncertain. Primary lesions identification.
fon11 al tl1t IJOi11t uf tutry- tlit µ!Iary11x, (or txa1u¡.¡lt.
Infection spreads along lymphatics, producing nodular le-
sions on the vvay to lymph nodes and the bloodstream,
Treatment and Control
which dissemil1ates the agent. Metastatic lesions form in
tl1e lungs or other orga11s, such as spleen, liver, a11d skin, Although glanders is treatable by many antimicrob~c:
(see above), treatment is inappropriate in countrie.
producing cutaneous glanders ("farcy"). Lesions in tl1e
con1n1illed Lo glanders eradicalion. Equi11e in1porls (ro:;:;
nasal septum may be prin1ary, hematoge11ous, or second-
endemic areas are mallein-tested, and reactors are ~­
ary to a pulmonary focus.

Disease Patterns
(~!anders. A.c ute infecti.ons are characterized by fevcr, nasa1 BURKHOLDERIA PSEUDOMALLEI
discharge, a11d lympl1adenitis of bead and neck, with
swelli11g along thc uppcr rcsp.i ratory tract They tend to Burktiultleriu pseutlornullei are aerobic gran1-11egalive, fac_
end fatally in <1bout two weeks a11d predon1inate in don- tative intracellular rods that cause a pyogranulomat<Y.:!..
keys and felids, less so in n1ules. disease called "melioidosis," a disease superficially rese--
In horscs, protractcd chronic and subclinical infcctions bling glanders. Important distinctions are that 1) melic
are typical; signs, if present, include occasional fever, per- dosis affects a wide host range and 2) the agent is a sap:
sistent respiratory problems, skin abscesses ("farcy buds"), phyte (an endosymbiont of amoebae living in r.~­
a11d nodular lnduratlo11 of cranlaI lympb nodes. environment), whose prevalence is unaffected by eli.rni!~
Human exposures are t raced to acutely ill horsf's <incl lio11 of i11fected a11i1nal:;.
n1ay lcad to acute or cl1ro11ic infections. Ali acutt infec-
tions and 50°/o of cbro11ic ones were fatal prior to the ad-
vcnt of c.ffcctivc antin1i.crobials. Descriptive Features
Epidemiotogy Morphology and Staining
1'l1e persiste11ce of glanders depends on an infected horse Burkholderia pseudornallei are gram-negative rods 0.5 ;::=
population. Susceptible noncquids acquirc glandcrs from widc and variable in lcngth.
Chapter 17 Burkholderia rnallei and Burkholderia pseudornallei 11 S

: ··.icture and Composition Ecology

-rkllolderia pseudornallei produces a carbohydrate capsule.
e cell wall Is typlcal of gram-negatlve bacteria composed
Reservo ir
'ipopol y~;:iccharide
a11d protein . Reing motile, flagella Burkholderia pseudoniallci is considered a soil a11d water
--. produced (differentiating it fro111 B. rnallei wl1ich is dwc!Jer (most likely an endosymbiont of arnoebae).
"lffiOtile). Although most p revaient between 20º northern and
southern latin1de, extra tropical foci do exist, for example,
in France, Tran, China, and North America.
~ ular Products of Medica! lnterest
esin. Burkholdcria pseudo111allei adheres to amoebic Transmission
~hozoites prior to uptake (and by infcrcncc adhcrcncc
..,hagocytic cells). Adherence is by means of the flagellar Lngestion, wound infection. and possibly arthropod bites
tein Fli (for flage/lin). introduce infection. In humans, consumption of infcctcd
~.1p:>ule. 'fhe ur1ly c.lemunstrable funcrlon the capsule animal products and airborne 1nfect1on maybe signiiicant.
been shown to play in R. pseudnn1allei is to protPrt th <-'
er men1 brane fron1 n1en1brane attack con1plexes gene1- Pathogenesis
.... following activation of the complement system is 1n;n1ifcst as a scrun1-rcsistant phcnotypc). Mu- Meclla11is1ns. ileing an endosyn1biont of an1oebae, B.
•s generated by iI1sertional inactivation of the genes pseudornallei is adapted to survive within phagocytic cells
Jding the capsule are avirulent. of the host. Microorganisms are taken up by a proccss of
..:JI Wull. Tl1e cell wall uf B. p:>eudurnallei is typical of "coll!ng" phagocytosis and surv1ve w1thin the cell by
...,-negative bacteria. The lipopotysarrhari<lP (l.PS) in being resistant to lysosomal contents (e.g., defensins), and
utcr membrane is an important virulcnce determi- by cscaping phagosu111e:. a11d pllagolysosumes. Actin-
- . ot only is the lipid A component toxic (endo- bascd motility has been observcd within phagorytir rPll<>
__..... , but thc lcngth of thc sidc chain in thc 0-rcpeat (see Chapters 11 and 33), and actin-associated ubudding"
!11nders the attachment of the membrane attack occurs from affected to nonaffected cells. Host cells in-

p!ex of the complement system to the outer mem- fected with B. pscudoniallci rclcar.c proinflammutory cy-
t:. Li puµoly s<1ccharic.1e bind:; to l!popolysaccharide- tokines, and undergo apoptosis.
~;ng prot·c>in (;.i sernm protPin), which transfers it to Pnthology. The lesions are primarily pyogranulo1natous.
-Jood-phase of CD14. The CD14-LPS con1plex bi.11ds S111all ¡jlJ:;ccsses tenll tu Cü(;llt'sc:e, tlevelop!ng into largcr ...J
·1-like recepto r p roteins on the surface of macro- suppurative foci or gr;.in11 l oma~.
- "' cclls triggcring t hc rclcasc of proinflammatory D
cellnneous Products. The chromosome of B. pseudo-
possess at Ieast one Pathogeniclty Tsland (a cluster of
Disease Patterns
Melioidosis. This d1sease is typically systemic. Manifesta-
encoding virulence determinant(s), an integrase tions dcpcnd on the extent and distribution of lesions.
~::e... •. a :.pccific i11:;ertiu11 :;itl!, a11J 111ul.Jility) er1cucling a Thc equlne disease may mimic glanders. In cattle, acute
JI secretion system (an assemhlage of more than 20 and chronic infections can localize in Iung, joints, and
'.1S that form a hollow tube-like structure through uterus. A1·thritis and lyn1 phadcn il is occur iJ1 sl1eep. Goals
el tcctor proteins are "injected" into host "target" suffer loss of condition, respiratory and central nervous
However, effector protcins havc not bcen character systcm disturbanccs, arthritis, and 1nastitis. Si1nilar signs
-ior has their "effect" bcen delincated. A "target" cell are seen in swine, along ~vith abortions and diarrhea. Uogs
t been identified. dcvclop a febrile disease with localizing suppurative foci.
,eases, liµa:;e:;, C1.11d a µl1u:.phuliµase C have been
'"1Strated in the culture fluid~ of M. pseudomallei
~~ n v itro. None of these products have been shown
a significant role in disease production. Clinical disease is usually sporadic. The host rangc> in
mammals is virtually unlirnited, and avian cases are rc-
ported. Human intections range trom the rapidly fatal to
_ __. · - Characteristics
the subclinical. .A. wet environment, such as a swampy ter-
_ B. rnallei, B. pseudornallei grows on MacConkey agar, raln or rice paddies, is related to exposure.
nresence of 2% sodium chloridc, and at 42°C.

---f'e lmmunologic Aspects

=--~- '

--'--~,.,:-ria pseudomallPi is kil1Pc1 hy and

c1i~infectants Complement-fi:xing and indircct hemagglutinating anti-
• survive chilling and freezing in biologic speci- bodies are produced duri11g i11fcctiur1s. Cell-mediated
;s generally susceptible in vitro to fluoroquino- hypersensitivity has been demonstratPcl in infPrtP<l goats
ctracyclines, chloramphcnicol, trimcthoprim- Succcssful vaccination of horscs and zoo anin1als is re-
_z=:~ hoxa2ole, and novobiocin. portcd.
116 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungí

Laboratory Diagnosis Treatment and Control

Tht> mi>tho<is for isolating an<i i<ii>ntifying R. mallei apply Antirnic:rohia 1susc:eptihi lities should he verified by labora-
to B. pseudon1allei. Chilling and freezing of specimens tory tests. Fluoroquinolones and the tetracyclines are con-
should be avoided. Motility, growth on citrate, growth at sidered drugs of choice. Vaccines are not commcrcially
42°C, and rcduction of nitratcs to gascous nitrogen distin- available.
guish H. pseudomallei from B. mallei. A polymerase chail1
reaction-based assay utilizing primers specific for B.
pseudomallei is available for detectlon and ldentlflcatlon.
Francisella tularensis

fe1nbe1s uf tlie ge11u::. Frur1Lisellu élrc gra111-I1egative, aero- branc. Llpopotysaccharide binds to lipopolysacchande·
c. rods. ·rhere are two species: F. tularensis, anct F. philnmi- binding protein, 't<\•hich transfers it to the blood-phase of
•.;gia. Thcrc are four subspecies of F. tularcnsis: tularensis CD14. The CD14-LPS con1plex. J;ir 1tls lo Tull-like receptor
~reviously known as b.iotype A, oras subspecies nearctica); proteins on the surface of macrophage cells triggP.ring the
iartica (previously known as biotype .B, or as subspecies rclcnse oí prointlam m.atory cytokines. As mentioned above
ul.iearct/ca); novtcida; and rnediasiatíca. Francisella tularen- ("t: cllular Anatomy and <.:omposition"), the potency of
<;11 h-.pecies tularensis and subspecies holartica are facul- lipopolysaccharide of F. tularensis, as compared to othcr
,., ·ively intraccllular pall1oge11s of hu111a11s a111.l, ur1tler gram-negarlvc microorganisms, is much less. Neither thc
~ited epidemiologic conditions, occasionally infec.t do- rPa~on nor the role for this is known.
- estic nnimals (shccp, horses, swine, carnivores) produc- Acid Phosphatase (Acp). Tlit: At:p (fur acitl phosphatase)
~ thc díscase tularem.ia. Francisella pl1ilorniragia and F. tu- of 1:. tularensis suppresscs the respiratory hurst of phago-
•1<11sis subspecies novicida and subspecies 1nediasiatica are cytic cells, cspccially ncutrophils.
uncertaln animal pathogenicity. Products of the lntracel/ular <.Jrowt/1 Locus (Jgl). The 23 kDa
protein, termed lgl (for intracellular growth locus), is asso
<:iate<1 wlth the prevention of fusion of phagosomes (con-
:: escri ptive Featu res t::iin ing P. tularensis) with lysosomes. However, acidifica-
tion of t hc pl1agoson1e still 01.:1.:ur~, fé!<:ili tatir1g irun
: rph ology and Staining acquisition from intracellular iron stores. How thesf'
cvcnts occur is not known. lgl also prevents secretion of
tularensis is a gram-negative coccobacillus,
proinftammatory c:y"tokines by intected macrophages.
-easuring les~ than 1 µ1n in any dimcnsion. 'l'hey can pass
Macrophage Growth Locus (Mgl). 'l'he Mgl (for tnacro-
·1:r memhranes of 600 nm porosity. In older cultures,
phage growth tocus) proteins are associated with preven-
- ·;e pleomorphisn1 develops. Gicmsa stain is preferred.
tion of the fusion of phagosomes (containing F. tu/arensis)
with lysosur11es. Huvvever, ai.:itliflcatlon uf the phagosome
:~ :.llar Anatomy and Composition occurs, facilitating iron ac.q11isition from intracellular iron
stores. TTow these events occur is not known.
-.cisella tularensis proctuces a caps11 IP composed of lipids
- J- -<:>0A1), arnino ac.ids, and c.arbob.ydLales. ll possesse::; a
.:-an1-negative cell wall, whose lipopolysaccharide portian Growth Characteristics
ndotoxin) has substuntially lcss toxic activity than the
Francisella tularensis is a fastidious aerobe. 'f'he p referred
iX>POlysacct1aride foun<1 in the cell walls ol other g ram-
medlum Is glucose-cysteine-blood-agar. Two to four days
::egative microorganisms.
of incubation (35- 37ºC) produce grayish, viscous, oxidase-
11egative colonies 1 Lo 4 r11u1 i11 tlia111eter. 1e:-'ts for acillifi-
:~llul ar Products of Medical lnterest cation of carbohydrates anct c:itr11lline 11rPi<lase ac-
tivity permit subdivision of the F. tu/arensis into biotypes A
-.1ps11le. Capsules protect the outer memhrane from the
(now designated subspecies tularensis) and B (subspecies
:icmbranc attack complex of the complement cascade.
holnrtica), which differ in geographic distribution, host
.-.."lee capsules ot microorganisms inhibit attach-
speclflC!ty, and V.irulcnce for humans (see "Epidemiology,"
....,ent to, and ingestion by, phagocytic host cells, it is un
below) .
. ear what the role (aside from protccting the outer mem-
FtufltiSt'. l/u lulc111:roi:, :.u1 vi ve:. <:~ilLI 1e1uµeratures fur
-ranP. from complPm ent compone11ts) of a capsule is for F.
months in water, soil, and animal tissues.
:;.larensis, an intracellular parasite (see below).
Ce// Wall. l'he cell wall of the 1nembers of this genus is
ne fairly typical of gram-ncgntive bnctcria. Thc lipopoly-
..í:Charide (LPS) in the outer mcmbrane is an important
.:ulence determinant. Not only is the lipid A component
-.i<: (cutlutoxin), but the length of the slde chain tn the
-repeat 11nit hin<IPrs the attachment of the membrane at- The reservoirs of F. tularensis are infectcd lagomorphs
1..k complex ofthe complen1enJ systcn1 to the outer iue1u- (llares, rabbits; subspecies rularensls) and rodents (sub-

118 PART II nacteria and fungi- Graxn-Negative Rods

~pecies hulurlica) . Sorne t1ave suggested that F. tularensis is vector activlly and co11tact with the reservoir. Waterbom ;:
<in t>n<losymhiont of frff-living <imofhil. i n fections predo111inate in fall and winter. Francisella tu-
larensis subspecies tularensis is predon1inant in Norti:
Transmission America, and F. tularensis subspecies holartica is predorn!-
nant in Europc and Asia.
Tl1e n1ore virulent subspecies tularensis (predomi11a11t in
Nortl1 America) is trans1nitted largely by ticks and hemo-
phagous insects. Surface waters co11ta1nlnated by rodents lmmunologic Aspects
are sources of infectio11 witl1 tl1e less virulent subspecies
holartica (predon1inant in Eurasia). h1gcstio11 of i11fected Solid, largcly cell-n1ediated ilnn1u11ity follows recovery ir;.
pcey spreads F. tularensis to the predator. Sheep on the h umans. Anin1als in endemic areas carry antibody. Its re1a-
~vc:;tcrn rangc:; of ]'¡orth An1crica are infcct cd by way of ti on to immu nity i::; unrclatcd. A livc attenuated vaccin-e
ticks. Transmission by animal bite has been documented. (e.g., LSV for live strain vaccine) is used in hum.ans at
Humans are commonly infected by contact (percuta-
ncous, co11junctival, inhalation, in.gestion).
Laboratory Diagnosis
Demonst rat ion of t he organism 1n exudates is by
Pollo•ving the infectious eve11t (bite, inhalation, in.gcs- Romanovsky-typc stains (Wright's or Giemsa), immun o
tion), F. tularensis comes in contact with tissue fluids (com- fluorescence, and culture. Jsolation is facilita ted by injec-
plement protcins) followcd by initiation of an inflamma- tion of suspect n1aterial into m ice o r guinea pigs.
tory response (chemistry of cell \~•all). <.::omplement Rising serum t ube agglutination t iters (1 :>80) are evi-
protcins (cspccially the membrane attack complex) are in- dence of infection.
cttectual dueto the presencc of the capsule. Early arriving DNA primers are available for the <liag11u:;i:, a 11d ideuli-
neutropl1ils do not easily eliminate the organism (suppres- fication o f Francisella by the polymer<ist> ch<i in rt~action .
sion of the respiratory burst by Acp; it is unclear whetl1er See "G1owll1 Characteristics" earlier in this chapter for
the capsule plays a role at this st:1gf). Tntr<ic:ellu l<ir growth isolation mediurn.
occurs following pl1agocytosis by macrophages (made pos-
síble by a suppressed respiratory burst by Acp, lack of fu-
sion of phagosomcs and Iysosomcs by lgl and Mgl pro- Treatment and Control
teins, and iron acquisition fron1 iron-binding proteins
'1-Vithin the phagosome under acid conditions). lntracellu- Aminoglycosides (especially streptomycin) are effecth·E
la.c growth of F. tularensis results in apoptotic deatb of the drug:; fur tre<1 ting 11uu1a11 tulare1nia, bul due lo toxicit;
macrophage. Liberation of the microorganism is followf>rl ot hf>r <intimic:rohials are preferred. The fluoroquinolones.
by an0Ll1er "rou11d" of pl1agocyto.sis. Endotoxen1ia (see Fig have been uscd successfully, and are a safe alternative to
8.1) follows if the infectious process reaches the dissemi- the aminoglycosides. Tetracycline has been ettective in an -
natcd pbasc. i1uals. Other antimicrobials (1nacrolides, beta lactams..
Chloramphenicol) are less effect1ve. Conrrol measures are
ai m ed at limiting tick exposure and access to c:ont<imi-
naled feed a11d waler.
Tnl<irf>mi;i is ;i northern disease, its southern limits being
Mexico and Mediterrancan Africa. Seasonal peaks reflect

\.fpmhPr<: of the genus Moraxella are gram-negative rods Ce// Tl\lall. The cell wall of the members of this gcnus is
m d cocci belonging to tl1e Ia111Hy Mo1u.xelluleue. Tl1e ger1us one typlcal of gram-negative bacteria (except for the ab-
.foraxella is subdivided into two subgenera, Moraxella <:PnrP of the 0 -repeat unit). The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in
containing thc rod-shapcd mcmbcrs of the genus) and the outer n1en1bra11e is an i1u¡.iucla11t virulence determ1-
rubgenus Branl1amella (the coccoid members). 'l'here are 14 nant. LPS binds to lipopolysaccharide-hinding protPin (a
;;iembers of thi.~ genus (see 'Table 19.1), most of wl1ich are serum protcin), which transfcrs it to the blood-phase of
~ul.'.la ted with <.liseases of human patlents. From a veteri- CD14. Th e CD14-LP.S complex binds to Toll-like receptor
~ perspPrtivP, Moraxe/la subgenus Moraxella bovis (here- proteins (see Chapter 2) on the surface of macropl1agc cclls
_-:er rcferred to as Moraxella bovis) is the 1nost i111purta11t tr!ggertng the release of proinflammatory cytoldnes.
-~:nber of the group. Moraxella bovis is the cause of infec- l\xntoxin~. The most noteworthy toxin produced by M.
u.s bovinc kcratoconjunctivitis (IBK), thc most common bovis, is an RTX (repeats in to.xi n, so called becau:se;: uf tlt..:
-cu1ar d1scasc of cattle. common feature of repeats in glycine-rich sequences
within the protein) typc of cytotoxin (scc also Escherichia
: :scriptive Features coli haemolysin, Chapter 8, Pasteurella/Mannheimia leuko-
toxin, Chapter 12, Actinobacillus haen1olysin, Chapter 13,
··phology and Staining a<.h.:uylyl cyclase toxin of Bordetella, Chapter 15). This
cytoxin, somPtimPs referred to as "hemolysin" dueto its
~ raxcllac are short, plump gram-negative rods, 11.5 µm bchavior on blood agar p lates, has been tern1ed Mbx (for
:..:> to 2.5 mm, and are often arrangecl in pairs ("diplo- J\foraxella bovis toxin). Mbx is a porc-forn1ing toxin •vith
;cil!i") o.r short chains (Fig 19.1). spccificity for conjunctival and cornea! epithelíal cells,
and neutrophils. Mutants unable to produce Mbx are
: ·-. cture and Composition avirulent.
Tron Acquisition. Because iron ts an absolute growth re-
- e:: cell wall is typical of gram-negatlve bacteria being quirement, microorganísms must acquire this substance if
;:iposed of Hpopolysaccharide and protein. The lipo- they are to exist \-Vitl1in tl1e hos1:. Mo raxellae acqulre lron
·: :>accl1ariue uf 1noraxellae uue:> not contain 0 -repeat from the iron-hindingprotpin<: ofthP hn-.t (tran~fprrin anit
-=-~t:> . in contrast to many other gram-negative micro- Jactoferrin) by expressing 'lbp and Lbp (for transferrin-
;-:;inisms (c.g., mcmbers of the family Enterobacteriaceae). and /actoterrin-binding proteins, respectively) on their
• he fimbria! adhesins (pili) ot M. bovis are virulence de- surface. Tbp and Lbp bind their respective proteins giving
:minants and can be lost in subculture (see below, moraxellae access to iron .
.a1ablllty"). Capsules may be present on fresh isolates. Miscellaneous Prod11cts. A numbcr of proteins with toxic
acLivilies are p1oduced i11 vilro lJy 'NI. buvis. 'I"hese inclu<.le
::. !.llar Products of Medical lnterest complement-degrading protp;i~P<:, lip;ises, phosphoami-
. dases, peptidases, and proteases. Thcre is little evidence
"1esins. The role of adhesins, as in othPr mirroorganisms,
showing that any of these play a ro le in vivo.
:o allow the bacterium expressing them to adhere to
~s lining a particular niche, as well as to the surface of
;;..called "target" cells prior to the initiation of discasc (in Growth Characteristics
:ne cases, niche and target ceUs may be the same).
~raxelln bovis produces a type 4 pilus (fimbria) that ad- Moraxella bovis grows hPst at .'~.<;º\.in the presence of serum
·eres Lo con j u11clival auu coru..:al t!pitht!lial cells. This and blood. No growth occurs on MacConkey aga1 01
- ·us is similar to those of Pseudomonas aP.r11ginosa, Neis- anaerobically. In 48 hours, fresh isolates produce flat, he-
~-na gonorrhoeac, Dicholobacter nodosus, Pa.steurella rnulto- molytic, friable colonics, about 1 mm in size that corrode
-.ta, and Vibrio cholerae. Mutants unable to produce this the agar and autoagglutinate when suspended in satine.
-.!.'iesin are avirulent.
....Jpsule. The capsule plays many roles, the most impor-
Biochemical Activities
l)f which are interference with phagocytosis (an-
:::;:=:¿:ocytic), and proLecliou uf Llte;: oute;:r rnembrane from Moraxel/a bovis is oxidase-positive, nontermenting, and
dcposition of membrane attack romplPxPs generated catalase-variable. Nitrates and urea are not attacked, but
~ ... vation of the complement system. p10Le;:iu:> are lligested.

120 PARr 11 Dacteria a11d Fungi

Table 19.1. Mernbers of the Genus Moraxe//a and Their Usual Source or Assotiated

Specles Usual Sóurce or Assodafed (:omlition

Moraxel/a atlantae {COC Group M-3) Septicemia in human patients

M. boevrei Respiratory tráct ot normal goats
M. bovis lnfectious kerato~onjunctivitis in cattle{IBI<)
M. cuniculi (Neisseria runicµ/i) Respiratory tract of raliblts
M. canis Respiratory tracts of normal dogs.and cats
M. caprae R~1µir<1tu1y traüs el 11ormal goal5 and sheep
M. catarrhalís (N. catarrh¡¡/is) Middle ear infectíons in d'lildren; upper respiratory tract infections
in human patients
M. caviae (N, caviae) Respir.atory traét ot g'\.linea p(gs
M. Jacunata Conjunctivitis~nd keratitis io human ,patients
M. lincolnii Res¡iiratocy tract of .tiuman patieots
M. nonliquefaciens Respiratory tract of 11ormal human patients; blood, spinal
fluid, and lungs of compromised human patíents
M. ov/s (N o\/ís) Keratoconjandiliitis in sheep
M. osloesis Nematodes; varíous conditions in human patients
M. phenylp.vruvíca Respiratory tract of normal human patients; blood stream of
compromisca humaff patients

F 1G U RE 1 9 . 1 . Moruxcllu bovis in thc cornco:i of o:in cxpcrimcnto:i//y infcctcd calf.

There Is evidence of digestion of cornea/ substance around the bacteria/ ce/Is. scanning
electron micrograph, 22,000X. (Photograph courtesy of Dr. G. Kagonyera.)
Chapter 19 Moraxella 121

Resistance the ulcers proceeds from the pPriphPry and requires sev-
era! wecks. Central scarring may persist for 111011lhs.
Resistance to phy<;ical an<l chemical agents is not remark-
Though a selt-limiting disease, losscs occur becausevision-
able. It is usually susceptible to con1n1only used a11Lil.Jiutics.
impaired animals do not forage and lose condition .

In culture, M. hovis undcrgoes colonial dissociation (phase
IBK is a highly infectious <li<;Pa'>i>, mostly of beef cattle.
varialiuH) ¡.irutlucing smooth butyrous colonies composed
of cells, which Jack pili (<1111> to invcrsion of the pilin en- Young animals are prefercntially affected, probably Llut: tu
lack of acquired immunity. Lack of eyelid pigmentation
coding gene) and infcctivity, and are lcss auloagglutinal>le.
and prominent placement of eycs are apparcnt predispos-
Pili are irnmunogen ically di verse, and this trait is responsi-
ing factors, as is vitamin A deficicncy.
ble for a classification schcmc bascd on scrological sirnilar-
Prevalence is greatest during summer and early fall,
ities. Nonhemolyt1c var1ants are nonpathogenic.
whe11 envi1u1111 1t:11tal stresses are maximal.

lmmunologic Aspects
Reservo ir
Antlbodies of all isotypes are produced during infection,
.\lfnraxt'lla hovis occurs worldwidc on the bovine conjunc- with secretory lgA predominating locally. Temporary re-
tiva and upper respiraL01 y 1nuco:.a1 uf ten without clinical sista11ce lo 1t:i11fcctiun fullows rccovery. T11e relative roles
:nanifestations. in immunity ancl rc>rovPry of general vs. local responses
and humoral vs. ccll-mediated rcspo11ses are u11:.ettletl.
. . Experimental bacterins and fimbria! antigens stimulatP
resistance, optimally to homologous challenge. Appar-
::n:.semination is by dlrect and indirect contact, including ently, fimbria! proteins, Mbx, and proteolytic enzymes
:':ying ino;ects and possibly other airborne transmission. l1ave protection-inducing activity. Fimbrial vaccines are
con1me1cially availa!Jle.
!«hanisn1s. Disease produccd by M. bovis is closely linked Laboratory Diagnosis
~:::cytoxin (Mbx) and pili. Attachmcnt (pili) to conjuncti-
-al epithclium is followed by dcstruction (Mbx) ot con- The agcnt may be demonstrated in smears of exudate,
~'1ctival and cornea! cells. Growth of M . hovis in the con most convincingly by immunofluorescence (by using anti-
-z.ctival and corneal Ieslons Ieads to inflammation IJutly sveciflc for M. bovts antlgens). Exudate is cultured on
~m -negativc ccll wall). Mbx-mediated lysis of neu- hloocl agar an<l Mora.'Xella are identified by colonial charac-
phils a1nplifies i11fl<!111u1atiuI1 auc.I tissue destruction. teristics, oxidase acLiviLy,, ¡.iroteol ysis, and fall-
:nvironn1ental factor<; impliratP<l include ultraviolet ir- ure to fermcnt carbohydrates. Spc>c.ific flnorescent anti-
~~iati on, flies, dust, and woody pasture p lanls, all of body conjugatcs can be applied dircctly to suspect colonies
'"'.ich contrit>ute to irritation of the target tissues. Con- on p lates tor idcnlilication even o f dissociant colonies
---rent infections with viruses, such as bovinc hcrpcsvirus (epifluorescence). Poly1nerase chain reaction-based assays
_ ·nfectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus) a11d adenovirus, utilizing M. bovis-spccific primers are available for detec-
-·.·coplasma (1\tfycopl asma hovoculi), bacteria (Listeria tion and idcntification.
'.'nocytogenes), and ncmatodcs (Tflelasia), may com plicate
-!? disease.
Treatment and Control
: .sease Pattern and Pathology Affected animals should be placed in a dark stall, free from
-:tectious Bovine Keraroconjunctivitis (TBK). IBK begins with dust and fl1es. Topical corticosteroids may relieve the in-
.::vasion of conjunctiva and cornea by M. bovis, rcsulting flamrnation, while antimicrobial drugs, given topically or
.n eden1a anda predominantly neutrophilic 1nflammatory systemically, may be beneficia!. Long-ac.'ting tetracycline
:6ponse. Jt may progress from mild epiphora and cornea! or florfPnicol ar(' considered the drugs of choice.
.:.ouctiug lu ¡.iru<.luctiun uf severe edema, corneal opacities, Fimbrial vaccines a1e Lile 111osl ¡.irulllisir1g specific pro-
-ascularization, ulccration, an<l n1ph1ri> IP;uiing to uveal phylactics.
:--olapse and panophthalmitis (see Fig 72.2). Healing of
DwrGH'f C. HrRsH

Members of the genus Pseudornonas are gram-negat ive, aer- ride-binding protein, which transfers it to the blood-phase
obic rods. Of the rnany recognized species of I'seudomonas, of CD14. Thc CD14-LPS complcx binds to 'foll-likc recepto:
only P. aeru,'{inosa is of veterinary importance. Previously proteins (see Chapter Z) on the surface of macrophage cells
named pseud.omonads of veterinary importance, P. mallei triggering the release of proinflammatory cytokines.
and P. pseudornallei, have been moved to the genus Burk- lron-Acquiring Systems. Irun is a11 alJ:>ulute gruvvtli rt>-
holderia (see Cl1apter 17). · quirement for ali living tl1ings. Ps.eudomonas ar~ruginosa
Pseudornunus ueruginosu is very rarely involved wilh pri- produces tl1e iro11-acquiri11g siderophores p}'Ochelin and
mary di.sease, although it is extremely important in clini- pyoverdin, as '-vell as using the siderophores produced by
cal medicine. Most strains are resistant to the commonly other bacteria living in its cnvironmcnt (c.g., cnterobactin
used anti.luicrobial agents and are therefore sometimes and aerobactiI1). 'fhese products are used to remove iron
dLfficult to eliminate when they contaminate a compro from host iron binding proteins.
mísed site. Exotoxins. Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces a number
of protein exotoxins: exotoxin A, exotoxin S, exotoxin T,
exutoxin U, exutuxin Y, ela:sta:>e, a11J ¡1 uu1ube1 of oll1er
Descriptive Features proteins with activity (proteases, phospholi-
pases) . .E.xotoxins S, 1', U , and Y art~ "injected" into host
Morphology and Staining cells by way of a Type 111 secretion apparatus (an assem-
blagc of protcins- morc than 20- tl1at form a holloi;.v
The organisms are gram-negative rods, O.Sto 1.0 ¡1m hy 1.S
to 5 .() prn . tube-like structure through which effector proteins are
"injected" into host "target" cells):

Cellular Anatomy and Composition l. Exotoxtn A. Exotoxin A i.nhibits protein synthes1s

hy rihosylation of Plongation fartor-2 (F.F-2) follow-
Pseudomonads produce a typical gram-negative cell wall, h1g receplor-111edialed endocylosis.
surrounded by a carbohydrale-conlai1ú11g cavsule. All 2. Exotoxins S and T. Exotoxins S and T ribosylate
members of t he genus are motile by n1eans of polar fla- host cell G1'f'-binding proteins, intcrrupting cell
gella. Pili (fimbria! adhesins) are produced. íun.ctions relying on the actin cytoskeleton, e.g.,
Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest 3. Exotoxin U . Exotoxin U is cytotoxic, but the mech-
anism is undefined.
Adhesíns. Pseudomonas aer11gínosa produces several prod- 4. Exoloxh1 Y. Exoloxin Y is a11 adc11ylyl cyclase that
u<.:l;:, ll.1at ;:,erve a:> adl1t:siu;:,. Tlit:st:. iucludt: a JlJulJrial ad- raises tbe amount of intracellular cAMP to damag-
hesin that has affinity for certain glycoproteins on epithe- i11g Jcvcls.
lial cells. In addition, t here are non-fimbria ad.hesins, an
outer memhrane protein witl1 affinity for mucin, and an- Miscellaneous Products. Pseudomonas aeruginosa pro-
other, the lipopolysacchatide of the cell wall that has duces bactcriocins (pyocins) and pigments (pyocyanins).
affinity for chloride channeJ proteins. Pyocins are useful epidemiologically for tracing epidemics
Capsule. The capsule prot ects the outer membrane from within the hospital environn1ent. Pyocyanin has toxic ac-
the membrane attack complex of the complement cas- ti\1ity and is used asan aid in the laburatury iJl:'.11LificalioL
cade. The capsule also inhibits attachment to, and inges- of P. aeruginosa. Pyocyanin rearts with oxygen to forro re-
tion by, phagocytic host cells. active oxygen rad icals t hat are toxic to eukaryotic and
Cell Wall. The cPll wall of the memhers of this genus is prokaryotic organisms. Pseudomonas aeruginosa protects i~­
011e typical of g.ran1-negative bacteria. The lipopolysaccha- self from thc toxic cffccts of pyocyanin by increasing syr..
ridc (LPS) in the outer 111embra11e is an important viru- thesis of catalase and superoxide dismutase.
lcncc dctcrminant. Not ouly is the lipid A compone11t Product Regulation. Regulation of the expression and e...:-
toxic (endotoxin), but the length of the side chain in the cretio11 of cellular proclucts invulveJ i11 t!JI:'. palhoge11esh
0 -repeat unit h inders the attachment of the me.m brane at- of disease producen hy P. aeruginnsa is complex. Secretio::
tack complex of the complement syste111 tu lile ouLer of products that are secreted by way of the 'fype III secre-
membran<!. Lipopolysarrharicle h incls to lipopolysaccha- tion apparatus (exotoxins S, 1', U, and Y) is initiated iollo•"-

Chapter 20 Pse.udo1no11as 123

·,g hacteria-host cell interaction. 'fhe remaining bacteria] Bovine. Conditions in which P. aeruginosa is associated
cell products are under the control of thc "quorum scns- include mastitis (uncommon).
.ng" system of P. aeruginosa. ·rhe genes that encode these MiScellane.ous. l'seudornonas ae.ruginosa is an uncommon
!J'FOducts are expressed when concentrations of bacterially cause of septicemia in immunocompromised animals, but
?IOduced homoserine lactones reach a threshold leve! (a a frequent cause of bacteremla in human belngs wlth
-~uo.rum"). All P. aeruginosa cells excrete homoserine lac- burns, leukemia, or cystic fib.rosis .
.011t::., IJuL Liie couce11 L1alion is Loo low lo lrigger virule11ce
-zene expression until a critica! number of bacteria] cells is
:eached. Finally, A and a11 c11doprotcasc are also
:eguJated by levels ot pyoverdin. When free iron concen- 'lhe organism is ubiquitous in the enVironment. lJisease
:ration.s are low (as wo1lld be the case in vivo), these two determi11a11ts therefore lie largely with the hosts and their
protei ns are expresse<.1 and excreted. immediate environment. In a veterinary hospital, how-
ever, a number of situations favor selection of this organ-
i:s1u. P:seudurnunas aeruginu::;u t11rive:; in wet, poorly aeratecJ
<:1owth Characteristics
environments within the hospital, espe.cially in surgery
?:;eudurnunus uerusínu~u isobligaLe aerobe, derivi11g e11-
a11 areas within support bags that have not been properly
ergy from the oxidation of organic materials and using oxy- dried, in 11oses on anesthetic machines that have not been
gen as a terminal clectron acccptor. It grows on all common cleaned and dried properly, or in disinfectant solutions
media overa wide range of temperatures: 4 ºC: to 41 ºC. that have not been changed frequently. These situations
result in an increase in the nu1nber of pseudomonads in
the e11vi1011111ent of tl1e con1pron1ised anin1al (sile),
Ecology thereby increasing the risk of infection (contamination).

lmmunologic Aspects
~ lost members of the genus Pseudornonas live in soil and
,·ater. Pseudon1onas aerugínosa may also be found ln the Speciftc immunf' responses <lo not seem to play much of a
:eces of n.ormal an.imals, but notas a mernber of t11e nor- role in pathogenesis or resistance, though artificial protec-
!!1al flU['1 (i.e., l11ey are lra11sienls). tion has been shov.rn to occur in anirnals vaccinated with
cxtracts of the organism or cxotoxin A. Thc most impor-
:ransm1ss1on tant consideration is to decrease tl1e risk of infection by re-
ducing the concentration of the organism in the environ-
:Uvironmental or endogenous exposure is constant, and ment of thc patlent, in addition to reducing the extent of
most infections are secondary to compromised host de- compromisc, for example, by rlf'<lning ;"Jnd drying an in-
:cuses. fecLed ear.

Laboratory Diagnosis
~fechanísrns. Pseudornonas aeruginosa contaminates areas
..::: the body that possess reduced numbers of 11or1nal flor'1. Pseudomonas aerugínosa grows well on blood agar :m.edl um.
Disruption of the norm;"Jl flor;'! is almost always dueto an- The colonies are somewhat large, >1 mm in diameter, gray
:!microbial agents. Since P. aeruginosa is resistant to most (gunn1eLal), rough, usually with a zone of hen1olysis. A
~mmo nly used antimicrobial agents, it will replace t he plate containing P. aeruginosa has a characteristic odor,
- ormal flora. Tf the si te colonized is compro1niscd or con- reminiscent of corn tortillas. Desides being oxidase-
Liguous to a compromised site, there is risk ot infection oí positive, a trait that sets it apart from members of the fam-
~e site. Tissue destruction follows initiation of inflarnma- ily Entcrobactcriaccac, it turn:; triple :;ugur iron ugur :iligbtly
:ion (cell wall), and liberation of exotoxin(s) and py- alkaline (without gas), utilizes glucose oxidatively, gro'"'s
ocyanin. at 42ºC, and forms a blue-green, chloroform-soluble pig-
Pseudornonas aeruginosa is also isolated fron1 certain sites ment, pyocyanin. Resistance to sorne antl1n1crobials is due
of animals that have no history of antimicrobial therapy. to permeability barr.ier of the Pse11don1onas cell wa 11, and to
others because of inactivation dueto products encoded by
:>isease Patterns plasmid-based genes (R plasmids).

.9og ((:at). Conditions in which P. aeruginosa is associated

; nclude otitis externa, lower urinary tract infection, and Treatment and Control
Horse. Conditions in which P. aeruginosa is associated ·rreatment involves corre<.."tion of compromise and, if nec-
!nclude iuetritis (vagirlitis) sccondary lo prolo11ged Lreal- essary, Lhe use of au a11ti111icru!Jial agt11t. P::;eudun1unus
:nent with antimicrobial agents, keratitis, and conjunc- aeruginosa is usually susceptible to gentamicin, tohran1y-
tivitis followiJ1g trcatment of corncal ulcers with topical cin, amikacin, carbenicillin, ciprofloxacin, and ticarcillin-
steroi.d-antibiotic mixtures. clavulanic acid, and these agents are used for the treat-
124 l'ART 11 Hacteria and t<ungi

.me11t of soft tissue infections. In the canine urinary tract, gentamicin. Tt shoul<l he note<l that there are no in vitrf'
tetracycline achieves concc11trations sufficicnt to kili most tests that predict susceptibility/resistance of a11 isolate
isolates. Most pseudon1onads are susceptible to levels from infectious processes that will be treated topicaU:-
achieved by antimicrobial agents in otic preparations: en- (e.g., the ear).
rofloxacin, neomycin, polymyxin, chloramphenicol, and
Taylorella equigenitalis

embers of thc gcnus Taylorclla are grani.-negative, facul- nant. Not only Is the lipid A compon ent to.xlc (endotoxin),
_:.J\'ely anaerobic rods. ·rhe genus contains two species, T. h11t the length of the side chain in the 0 -repeat unit hin-
;.¡igenitalis, the cause of contagious equinc metritis ders the attach111e11L uf the membrane auack complex of
_f.:\f), and T. aslntgenitalis, an inhabitant of the genital the complement system to thP 011tPr membrane. Lipopoly-
::.a of cl inically normal male donkeys. Because of its clin- saccharidc binds to lipopolysaccharide-binding µroteir1 (a
- and economic in1por lance, T. equigenitafis wlll be diS· serum protein), which transfcrs it to the blood-phasP of
'.\ed in detaiL J3ecause of its phenotypic similarity to T. CD14. The CD14-LPS complex binds to Toll-like receptor
;enitalis, T. asinigcnítalis will be briefly described. proteins (see Chapter 2) on the surface ot macrophage ccHs
triggering the release of proinflammatory cytokincs.

-• . ORELLA EQU/GENITALIS Growth Characteristics

Taylorella equigenitalis is a fac11ftative anaerobe that grows
.llu equigenitalis causes an acute, suppurative, self- optimally at 37ºC under 5% to 10% carbon dioxide 011 cl10-
---'"'&ciisease of the uterus of mares calJed contagious colate agar (see Chapter 14) in a rich base (Columhia,
-.: meL1ilis (CEM). TI1e c.lisease results in temporary Eugon ). After 48 hours of incubation, colonies have a di-
~-, is high ly comm11nicable, and is followed by Iong- ameter of l mm and may enlarge turther upon Jonger in-
.,.....-i asymptomatic carriage of Lhe agenl. Slallio11s de- cubation. They are shiny, smooth, grayish white, waxy,
~o signs of illness but rnay remain carriers of thP aud sometimes pleomorphlc.
~-- .:idefinitcly. 'fhc discasc is geographically límited at The organi~m is oxidase, catalase, and phosphatase-
positive and produces no acid f101n car1Jol1yurates.
The agent is unrelated to other gram-ncgative hac.tP.ria .
..-.=:··ptive Features
Resistan ce
• ·; ogy and Staining ·rhe resistance ot T. equigenitalis is not remarkable. Samples
4 equígenitalis is a gram negative coccobacillus, on swabs can be shipped in transport medium undcr rc-
S µm by S to 6 µm in size. frlgeration an<l successfully cultured w1th1n 48 hours of
c:o llection.
Most anlibloLics exceµL slrt:pto1nycin inhtbit T. equigen-
- _·: and Composition italis, although they are strain-s11scP.ptihlP to this antibi-
__..¡ equige11italis produces a carbohydrate capsule otíc. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, linco1nycil1, and
~e·1 \vall that is typical of gram-negative bacteria clindamycin are sufficiently well tolerated to have been in-
"t:::::::: .::::nposed of lipopolysaccharide and p rotein. It is in- cluded in selective isolation media.
::ntly piliated. It shares sorne antigens with Haemo-
~asteurella, and Bruce/la.
Apart from harboring streptomycin-susceptible variants,
-=............ - oducts of Medica! lnterest
Lhe specie~ aµpears to be antigenically homogeneous,
:he capsule protects the outer membrane from thongh sorne strains (as defined by DNA analysis, sce
-~brane attack complcx of thc complement cas- below) appear n1ore virule11L L11a11 otl1ers as measured by
.._,::. --=.e capsule also inbibits attachment to and inges- entry into cells in vitro.
"agocytic host cells. Molecular methods such as Random Amplification of
a!l. The ccll wall of T. equigenit.alis is typtcal of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and pulsea tield gel electropho-
_ _~ -- sative b acteria. The IipopolysacchariciP (T.PS) in resis of restriction endonuclease-digested DNA have iden
:=. mcmbranc is an important virulence detern1i- Lified differeut strains of T. equtgenitalis.

126 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungi

Ecology status. Antibody is present in vaginal mucus, but its rela-

tion to infection is unknown.
Reservo ir Bacterins do not prevent infection, but do reduce it::
Taylorella equigenitalis is a parasite exclusively of the equine
genital tract. Antibodies to thc agent but no infections
have been found in cattle and humans. Laboratory Diagnosis
The re:;ervolr 1!5 in E.urope, t>ut the ageut ha:; l>1::e11 r1::t:uv-
PrPcl from ;inim;il~ \.Vith C:F.M in J;ip;in, Austr;ili;i, ;ind Diagno:;is of CEM and carrier identification require de-
North America. monstration of T equigenitalis in the ge11ital tract. In clini-
cal cases, the agent can be dcmonstrated in the uterine e."-
Transmission udate by Gram stain.
Definitive identification of an infected animal requires
1'a)'lorella equigenitalis is scxually transmitted, although its rc¡;Ht:atc t:ulLur1:::. uf avp1op1iale specime11s (see under
occurrencc in ncwbor11 and vlrgln anin1als suggests alter- "Treatrnent and Control," below) on chocolate Eugon aga;
native means of transmission. (prcparcd with horsc blood) with and without addcd strcp-
tomycin. A third medium incorporating clindamycin anc
Pathogenesis trimethoprim permits growth of ali strains. Plates are e,.,_.
amined daily from the sccond ro the seventh days of
Witl1in a ícw days of cxposure, a purulent endometritis de- incubation (sce "Growth Characteristics," above). Gram-
velops with variable amounts of exudatc. ·rhc main dam- 11egative, uxiua:.1::-vu~i live, and calalase-positive organisms
age is to uterine epithelium (exclusive of glands), wl1ich from s11spect colon ies must be confirmed serologically. An:-
becomcs covcrcd by ncutrophilic exudate. 'fhe cellular identification of T. equigenitalis should be considercd tcnta-
infiltratc in the endomerrial stroma is predominantly tive until confirmed by a competent reference laboratory.
mononuclcar. Epithclium is eroded or undergoes severe A polymcrasc chain rcaction (PCR) based assay has
ucgc11crativc t:l1<111gc:.. Tl1c ulc1 iue iufeclion usually sub- been developed and found to be more sensitive tl1a11 tradi-
sidcs spontaneously within several weeks. Endometrial re- tional culture techniques uscd to identify affected animals
pair is complete and there is no lasting impairmcnt of and to ldentlfy Jsolates.
breeding performance. lntection has been demonstrated Serological testing (CF) may be done on snspect m;ire<;
in placentas and newborn foals, but abortions havc been belween Lhe CifLeenlh and fortietl1 day postbreeding.
1·here is no fever or other sign of illness. 'fhe 011ly effect
rnay lJe f<tilurc uf t:o111.:c¡;tiuu. Altcru(ltivcly, there 111ay lle a Treatment and Control
m11coici to mucopur11lent vulvar ciischarge of variahle
abundancc sorne days after scrvicc; interna! examination Uterine infusions of disinfcctants or antimicrobics and
reveals a cervicovaginal exudate of uterine origin. Externa! systcmic antibiotic tccatmcnt are uscd in attempts to r~
signs of disease disappear within 2 weeks, although the duce the sevcrity and dura ti.on of illness and perhaps abort
uterine infection may persist longer. tl1c cacrier state. Their benefit has been questioned.
Topicat treatment of affected mares conslsts of a cleans-
Epidemiology ing of the c.:litoridal fossa with 2o/o chlorl1exidine followed
by liberal applicaLloi1 of nilrofurazo11c ointn1ent (0.2<M>).
1I1a¡;¡;arcut ¡;cr:;btcnt:c uf T. 1.:t1ui¿;1.:niluli:; i~ frey_ue11l i11 re- ·rhe prepuce, urethral sinus, and fossa glandis of stallions
covered mares and in stallions in endemic areas. 'fhe foci importcd in to thc Unitcd Statcs of Amcrica from couotcies
of carriage in mares are the clitoridal fossa and sinuses; iI1 in which CEM is known to exist are cultured. The stallions
stallions, the foci are the prepuce, urethra, and the ure- are then bred to two uninfcctcd rnares, which subse-
thral fossa and sinus. quently are sampled threc rimes for culture of t:liturida'.
Dissemination of infection is tied to breeding opera- fossa and clitoridal sinuscs. In mares to hP imported, earh
tiuns and the movement and use of infected animals. of Ll1ese si.Les is cullurcd rcpcatedly throughout 011e estr us.
Sorne countries require surgical obliteration of the cli-
toridal sinuscs in importcd mares.
lmmunologic Aspects In CEM-endemic countr1es, attempts at control have in-
cluded mandatory veterinary examinations, negative cul-
Recovered animals show increased resistancc for severa! tures of ali anlmals lntcnded for breeding, ar1u :;upe::rvi.:;iuu
months, manifested by milder signs and lower numbers of of the movement of horscs.
bacteria when reinfected. The mechanism of rcsistance is
u11t:e1 lai11.
Complement-fixing scrum antibody appears late in the
first vvcck and riscs for 3 wccks aftcr experimental cxpo- TAYLORELLA ASINIGENITALIS
sure. Uuration ot titers in mares varies, but tests are cons1s-
tcntly positive during the third to the seventh week post- Taylorella asinigenitalis is a gram-negative, facultativel y
1nicct1on. T1ters are apparently unrelated to the carrier anaeroblc rod that Is phenotypically similar to T. equigeni-
Chapter 21 Taylorella l!quigenitalis 127

At the p resent t ime the only ~"ªY the two microorgan- CE1'4. Ho~.vever, mares do test positive \~•hen t he C(Hnpl e -
can l>e <.liffere11tiatc<.l is l>y a polyu1erase cltaili rea<.:- 111e11t fixation test is use<.l to i<.lentify anirnals infecte<.J with
- - _hat utilizes especially designed primers. T equigenitalis. This, coupled with t he fact that isolati>s of
-::~vlorella asinigenitalís appears to reside in the genital T. asinígenitalis and T equigenitalis are similar phenotypi-
- ...Jo. of donkey jacks. It can be transmitted to mares by cally, makes identification of horses with T. equigenitalis
--=al service, but not by artificia l means. Depending (an economically dcvastating discasc) difficult. At this
~ the strain of T asinigeniralis that is used, sorne af- time, the signtficance (other tha11 making control of CEM
-ed mares develop clinical disease that is similar to more difficult) of T. asinigenitalis is not known.
Organisllls 1: Borrelia

Borreliae are spirochetes transmitted a11d r11aintained pri- Chapter 2) on the surtace of macrophage cells triggertn.~
marily by ticks. 'l'he infections they cause have blood- t he release of proinflamn1atory cytokines.
borne phases acco1npanied or followed by general and Jo- T-Temolysin. Hemolysin activity has becn associated \-Vit t
calized manifestations. B. burgdorferi.
Animal pathogens include B. anserina, the fowl :;piro-
cl1etosis agent; B. theíleri, o mild pathogi>n m;iin ly of c.;itth~;
and B. burgdo1ferÍ serlsu lato, con1prised of three geno- Growth Characteristics
species, the cause of Lyme disease in dogs, horses, cattle, Of the borreliae pathogenic for animals, B. anserina is
a11d humans. Tick-bor11e relapsing fcvcr borrcliac of hu- propagated in embryonated hen's eggs, and B. burgdorfer
mans (B. hermsii, B. parkeri, B. turicata) occur asymptomati- sensu lato is cultivated at 33ºC on modified Kelly's
cally in. feral man1mals, birds, and reptiles. medium (BSK), an enriched serun1 broth made selective b:-
inclusion of kanamycin and 5-fluorouracil.
The organisrr1s are :o;low-growing 1uicruaeru¡Jllile:s (duu-
Descriptive Features bling times of 17. to 18 ho11rs). 'l'hf'y ferment gluc.ose anG
possibly otlJer carbohydrates.
Morphology and Staining Survival of borreliae is about a week at roon1 tempera-
turc in b lood clots, severa! months at 4°C, and indcfinitc a:
Borreliae are gram-negative but stain poorly. for demon- Jess t han 20•<.:.
stration by light microscopy, silver, or Romanovsky-type
strains (Gien1sa, Wright's) are best (Fig 22.1 ) . Dark field ex-
amination reveaJs spirals and motility. Variability
A numher of genes enc.oding outer surface proteins ha,-.,
Cellular Anaton1y and Cornposition been identified in severa! Dorrelia species. The antigenic
variability available to tl1c sp.irochetes is utilized for im-
ilorreliae have a structure like other spirochetes, with an mune evasion in the relapsing fever borreliae. Lyme dis-
outer sheath encasing the axial fibrils consisting of 15 to ease spirochetes are also equipped to express a wide rang1:
20 endoflagella (dependlng on specles). of outer surface proteins. Though not utilized as with the
Members of the genus .Borrelia are u.n ique pro- relap:siI1g fever uurrel.iae, au iu11uu11e evasion funclion v-
karyotes in. that they have a linear double-stranded chro- these antigens may still be involved in their maintenanct
mosome of approximately 900 kbp and a multiplicity of and expression.
linear and circular plas1nids that may in fact constitutc
components of the genon1e.
Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest
Reservoír and Transmission
(;el/ Wall. Memhers of the genus Rorellia have a gram-
negative cell wall. The lipopolysaccharjde (LPS) in the Pathogenic borreliae of anin1als are vcctorcd by ticks
outer me1nbrane is an important virulence determinant. Ticks become infected at sorne stage in their life cycle b:
Not only is the lipid A con1po11ent toxic (endotoxin), but feeding on infected anilnals. Son1e vertical (tr~u1sovarian
the length of thc side ch.ain in the 0 -repeat unit hinders maternal) trans1nission occurs. ()ther artllropods ma•
the attachrnent of the n1e1nbrane attack complex of the serve as short-term vectors. Infection occurs by woun.:
complement systerr1 to tl1e outer u1eu11Jrane. LPS 1Jir1Ll~ lu co11la.111i11aliou, usually du1i11g feeding by infected ticks.
lipopolysac.charidf'-hinding rrotein (a .serum protein), Passage via placenta, 1nilk, and urine has been docu-
which in turr1 transfers it to the blood phase of CD14. The mented. With birds, infection may occur by coprophagi.=
CD14-LPS complex binds to Toll-like receptor proteins (see and cannibalism.

Chapter 22 Spiral-Curved Organisms l: Borrelia 129

- =__,R E 2 2 . 1 . Section of liver from il horse showing presence
- :..::rrella. Steiner Sí/ver stain, TOOOX.
Borrelia. theileri causes a lnild febrile anemia, most often in

.. African and Australian cattle, and occasionally in sheep
and horses. Tl1e di.sease is associated with severa! species of Licl<.s. Tl1e µa ll1uge1llc iuecha1Ji:sn1(:s) i:s r1ot urH.ler-
stood. Most information comes from fiel<i c.ases, whic.h
may be complicated by other tick-bor11e infcclio11s. Al-
• though not routinely treated, animals respond to tetracy-
cline. Tick control is advisablc.

Lyme disease is caused by D. burgdor(erí sensu lato, a patl1-
ogenic spirochete. Genetic analysis now defines three
genospecies, B. burgdorferi scnsu stricto, B. garínii, and n.
atzelii. Borrelia burgdor{eri sensu stricto is the predominant
·-~gen es is
pathogen of North America.
-= ~toxin is incriminated in tl1e pathogenesis of relaps-
- ~~-er and probably other bor.r elioses. Hemolysin activ -
Dlstrlbutlon and Transmlssion
-_,s becn described in Ly1ue clisease spirocl1t:Lt:s.
Endemic areas in.elude the North American Ati anti e states.
as well as Minnesota and Wisconsin¡ parts of thc North
American South and far West; most of continental Europe
- MA L BORRELIOSES and Britain¡ Russia; Asia; Japan; and parts of New South
Wales ln Australia. May through Octobcr is the time of
: : ;~fl/A ANSER/NA peak p rPva lt>nrP. Tnrrt>:ising spread of the disease is attrib-
uted to increased deer populations, i11creasin.g hun1an
~..'.!a anserina causes fowl spirochetosis in chickens, movement into ru ral areas, and t he dissemination of in-
• h~"S, gccsc, ducks, phcasants, p igcons, canarics, and fectcd ticks by migratory birds. 'rhe agent is harborcd by
.....e specics of wild birds. Onset of disease is marked by several ixodid ticks (.primarily Jxodes scapularis and J. paci-
:-- depression, and anorexia. Affected birds are cyanotic ficus in North America). The tick has a 2-year life cycle
.:. jevelop a greenish d iarrhea. Later signs may include comprlsed of a larval, nymph, and adult stage, requiring a
'":Lysis and anemia. Mortality ranges from lOo/o to al- blood meal at each molt. Deer mice, white-footed mice,
1001X>. Necrnpsy reveals splenon1egaly a11cl ~vicle­ and oll1er sn1all rodenls serve as reservoirs for Lile spiro-
eEd hemorrhages. The enlarged liver may contain chete. Borrelia burgdorferi has been isolated from the u rine
.=otic foci. Peripheral blood is often sterile. of dogs and cows as well as milk from infected cows, poten-
-.T.fa11 spirochetosis occurs on ali continents and in all tially serving as aJternate routes for exposure and infec-
i2!!'.-~ ofbirds. The young suffer high mortality rates and die tion.
c:-lier, septicemic stages o f infection. FoJJowing an out- Hu man Lyme borreliosis, caused by B. burgdorferi, typi-
-=-'· the agen.t generally disappears the flock cally begins with a skin lesion (erythema migrans) often
...;L_n 30 days. followed vveeks or u1011ll1s laler !Jy ut:ural, cartliac, anu
-:'lf' lt>:irling vf'rtnr, Arga.~ pr~rsir:us, c'an rpmain infer.ted :irthritic complications. F.ndotoxin, hemolysin, immune
O'·er ayear and can pass the agent transovarially. complexes, and in1n1u11osuppressio11 n1ay be i11volved in
~::::nporary immunity, apparently antibody mediated, pathogenesis.
J,,-s recovery. Ant i.sera confcr protcction for severa! In othcr animals, dogs are most <>ftcn affected, witl1
~ - Inactivated vaccines m.ade fro1n infected blood or manifestations of polyarthritis, fever, and anorexia the
--pro pagated B. anst>rina are beneficial. most coxnmon signs. 1vfalaise, lymphadenopathy, carditis,
'pirocheleS a1e detllO!lSlrable ill blOUU lJy uarkfielu IIIÍ- auu rt:11al c.lisease lklVt: also lJeen noted in dogs. S11n1lar
>i...-Opy, stained smear, or immunotluorescence. Suspec.t sih'Tls have also heen rt>pnrtf'rl in clomesti.c cats, thougl1 fe-
- -eria l (i.e., blood, spleen, or Ji ver suspension) maybe in- line b orreliosis is rare.
_ ated into t11e yolk sac of S-to-6- day em bryonated eggs. Borreliosis also occurs in horses and cattle . T11 horses,
:och etes \-vill appear within 2 or 3 days. Antigen or an- polyart hritis, ocular a11d ncural involvcmcnt, and foal
- .e.y m ay be demonstrated in agar gel diffusion tests. mortality have been reported.
=:vrrelia anserina is susceptible to penicillin G, tetracy-
-=:::, chloran1phenicol, slre¡JL0111yci11, ka11a1uycin, arH.l ty-
- Im1nune serum has protective potc~ntial ano h:ir-
-.,...,..;--~·1s produce long-lasting immunity. Diag11osis involves den1onstratlo11 of Lhe agenL in lissues
...ontrol ot ectoparasites is essential. and fluids (darkfield, immunofluorescence microscopy),
130 PART 11 Bacteria and fungí

antibody in serum or other fluids (indirect immunofluo- Artificial lmmunization

rescent test, enzyme linked immunosorbcnt assay, ELISA),
or DNA amplification of tissue or fluid samples using Antibodies produced in response to vaccination \\"'!~
genus specific DNA primers and the polyrnerase chain re~ hurgdor(erl have proveo effective in preventing iniect: ~~
a.:lion. J;ihnr;itnry ;inim;:il~ ThP~P nh~Prv;itinn~ h;ivP Jpd to the
Culture is laborious and often unrewarding. However, velopmcnt o f a commerciaHy available whole cell bdl..~...=.~
culturing cnr punch biopsies from infected dogs and mice for use in canines. Subunit vaccines comprised of ,,,,~,,_
has proven to be reliable. Culture of synovial fluid from af- surfacc protcin A (OspA) are also commercially aYai_.~~a,,;;;
fected joints is also possiblc. 13SK is n goo<l isolation Protective immunity tor these vaccines is not : ~
medium. The sp1rochctcs grow best at 33ºC. Protective in1munity also appcars to be of short dura::.
ano llrnltetl tn range, prolJalJJy due ro cons1deralJlehe:::::.
gent>ity in th f' OspA antigf'n. Tt has hPi>n <lemonstr.o
Treatment and Control that thc OspA antigen is synthesized by B. burgdorfe ri
while in thc 1nid-gut of the tick vector. Its synthes:
'l'etracycline, doxycycline, enrofloxacin, erythromycin, turncd off during the first 24 hours of a blood meal as --
and pcnicillin e; urc gcncrally cffcctivc, although not in- spirochetes migrate toward tl1e tick's mouth and su...
variably so. ·nck control is vital. quc nt inoculation into the ma1nmalian capillary. ~­
(./spA subuntt vacctnes runcnon 111 a cwo-step proce-
Vacciníltf'<'I mf!mmals st>r vi> ílS antihndy fílctoriPs to Os~

lmmunologic Factors which in turn must be delíverect to the midgut of a feedi-_ _

tick to neutralize the spirochetes at this site.
A humoral iminunc response appcars essential for protec-
tion against B. burgdorferi infectio11. Most animals appear
to selt-immunizc with no apparent clinical manifestations
subscquent to exposure to the spirochete.
Organisins II:
Brachyspira (Serpulina)

..embers of lhe geuus Bruchyspíru are gra111-uegative, is ;u1 irnpurtant virulence determinant . Not only is the
-:-;al-shaped ohligately <in<ii>robic b;icteria belonging to lipid A component toxic (endotoxin), but the length of the
:::= family Spirochaetaceae. Brachyspira hyodysenteriae is the side cbain il1 tl1e 0 -repeat unil l1inders the atla1.:l11ueut uf
~sative agent of swine dysentery, a disease of actively the membrane attack complex of the complement system
=:t1'ving pjgs. Brachyspira pilosicoli (Anguillina coli) is asso to the outer membranc. Lipopolysacchnridc binds to thc
~:ffl \\1ith intestinal spirochetosis of pigs in the post- plasma protein Jipopolysaccharide-binding protein,
'"!!aning period, dogs, birds, and humans (usually those which then binds to CD14. The CD14-LPS complex binds
;.;:;a~ are i111u 1u11oco.1I1JJruu1ised). Bruchyspiru uulbur;.;i i~ a tu a 'full-like receptor (see Chapter 2) on the surface of
-:...-e cause of human spirochetosis. Other hrachyspiras macrophage c.ells, triggi>ring thP rPlP<iSt> of proinfl;im1na-
-~ uncertain pathogenic potential include n. intennedia tory cytokines.
z::~ B. murdochii. Brachyspira innocens, found in teces of Cytoxin/Hemolysin. 1'he protein, Tly (for cytoxin/he-
-:::pt omatic as well as asymptomatic pigs, has little if any molysin) is responsible for the strong beta-hemolysis dis-
-~-.:iogenic potential. "Brachyspira canis" is often tound in played by B. hyodysenteriae in vitro (the degree of hemoly-
: intestinal content of sympto1natic as well as asympto- sis in vitro is often used to differentiate S. h)'Dd}'senteriae,
~~tic dogs. whtch is strongly beta-l1emolytic, from B. innocens and B.
pilosicoli) . This protein is a virulence determinant in vivo.
Muta11ts that are unable to produce Tly are less virulent.
: ?scriptive Features Tly is a pore-for ming c.ytotoxin affec.ting host target c.ells
(goblet cells and colonic epitl1elial cells) .
~ ·phology and Staining Hemolysin. A.nother hemolysin, Hly (for hemolysin) has
been described, but its relation to virulcncc is unclear.
c;¡r!ryspira hyodyse11terh¡e and D. pílosicoli an~ loosely coiled Flageua. Flagella, though present on virulentas well as
~ _:ochetes. 6 to 11 µm long by 0.25 to 0.35 µm in width avirulent br:achyspiras, appear necessary for virulence.
- :: 23.1). Another very similar brachyspira, B. innocens This Lrail is related Lo 111ove111en L Lhrough Lhe inleslinal
- eso-called small spirochete), is often found in the teces mucus to gain access to target cells in the large intestine. It
- ?igs with signs of dysentery as well as in normal feces . has also been shown that virulent strains have an affinity
hyspira innucens rneasures 5 tu 7 µrn by 0.2 µrn tightly for intestinal mucus.
:::!led .
• ne brachyspiras are gram-negative, but this character-
- is not used to identify or detect them. Romanovsky- Growth Characteristics
- ~ stains (e.g., Wright's, Giemsa) are more in .to.U u11::1111Jers uf t l1e genus Brachyspira. are obligate ana-
...r--0:'lstrating these organisn1s in smears. erobes.
Brachyspira hyodysenteriae is strongly beta-hen1olylic, a
:.· Anatomy and Composition trait that has been used by sorne to differentiate it from B.
innocens and B. pilosicoli, vvhich are weakly bctn-h cm o lytic
-~ne typical of spirochctcs. Thc axial filament of D. hy- (Fig 23.2).
--;-,eriae is made up of 8 to 1;¿ flagella inserted at either Rrachyspira hyodysenteriae and B. pilosicoli are resistan t
---=·:: i.nnocens has 10 to 13 flagella, and B. pilosicoli 1 to 6. to high concenlralions of sµecti1101nycin, a characteristic
useful in isolating these organisms f rom fi>ces. Brachyspi ra
- • ~ · Products of Medica! lnterest hyodyscntcríae and presumably D. pilosicoli ren1ain infective
for long periods it enclosed within organic n1aterial in
- : JJ. T he hrac.hyspir<is possess a gram-negative cell temperatures of SºC to 2SºC. They do not withstan.d dry-
~-~-:e lipopolysaccharide (LPS) il1 the outer iuerulJrane ing or direct sunlight.

132 PAKr 11 Bacteria and Fun<ri

F 1G U RE 2 3 . 1 . Brachyspira hyodysenteriae in a co/oníc scrapping of a píg with swine

dysentery Victoria Dlue 4R stain, 1000X.

rlíiíl!lba1 ;r w

.@fil O '~

FIGURE 23.2. Brachyspira hyodysenteriae growing on a
b/ood ;:ig;:ir p/;:itc.
Reservoir and Transmission
'fhe reservoir for B. hyodysenteriae is the gastrointesr'~--:­
tract of pigs, especially asympto1natic carrlers of the Of82~
ism (animals recovered from tl1e disease). The agen t :=-.
bee11 isolated fron1 tl1e feces of dogs, rat:s, a11d n1ice li>'~
on farms where the disease exists. Transmission is thro~~
thc fecal-oral routc.
.Hrachyspira pilosicoli has been isolated from dogs, bi~=­
and hu1nans. ·rhere is evidence that humans 1nay acq~·--..,.
B. pilosicolí from affected dogs.

Brachyspira hyodyscntcriac multiplics and produces di<e..,
ín the colon (swine dysentery). Tt appears that B. hyo<T
teriae alo11e will not produce disease. Other bacteria -
mally found in the colon of pigs, such a:; Bacteruides l~
tus, B. fragilis, Fusohacterium n<!r.rnphnrum, (~ampyloi- -
coli, a Clostridiu.111 sp., and Listeria denitrific.111s, have t-=
s~1ovvn to be involved in this supporting role. Superficia.
agulation necrosis witl1 cpithelial cell erosion is obse: ..
Edema, hypere1nia, .b emorrhage, and influx of pol~-::­
phonuclear neutrophil leukocytes (PMNs) into the m·,_.·'--'-
and submucosa are seen. There is failure uf <.:ulu11ic abs-·-
There are at least twelve serotypes of B. hyodys<'nt<!riae. tion.;1tion, b ro11ght ahout hy c.ytotoxin-mE><i" --
Fi.Hgerpri rr Li 11g isolales by 1neans of reslriclion-le11glh destr uction of colonic target cells (goblet <:ells ini. :...
polymorphisn1s of whole-cell DNA, DNA. encoding riboso- t hen enterocytes), may induce a secretory diarrhea. .-..
mal llNA, L)NA encoding specific genes (c.g., flagcllin), scqucnccs cncoding known enterotoxins have no<_""'~
and n1ultiiocus enzyn1e electrophoresis has den1onstrated found in B. hyodysenteriae.
the hetcrogcneity of lnen1bers of this species as well as the The signs of disease are rat her typical. Affected PÍ0
otl1ers (B. innocens and B. pilosicoli). void gray to strawberry-colored fece~, be<.:u111c Jeh) d:" -
Chapter 23 Spiral-Curved Organisms ll: Brachyspira (Serpulina) 133

servation of large, loosely coiled spirochctcs in diarrheal

:. iJ ~ t; l '?.. '?.. e.tacn·r:.?ita ?ilosi<:.o\\ in the intestinal lt é!Ll <JÍ d \ete'.) \'.) pre~umpt\ve ev\oence o\ \n\ett1on with 13.
; Nith 1ntest1nal spirochetosis. Transmission electron micrograph, hyodysenteriae (swine dysentery) or B. pilosicoli (intestinal
_::Jt 40,000X. spirucl 1closis) (see Fig 23.1 ). Brachyspira innoccns may be
present in s:implPs from pigs w ith swine dysentery, hut
t hése will be smaller and have lighle1 Ct>il:., a uistiuctlon
that is somctimes difficul t to make.

lsoliiti on/ Detection

Isolatiuu uf B. hyodysenteriae and B. pilosicoli from fecal
san1ples is acco m pli~hPd by inoculation onto blood agar
plates containing spectinon1ycit1 (400 µ~/1111). 1'11e plates
are incubated 24 to 48 hours in an anaerohic environn1Pnt
containing 10% carbon dioxidc. Colonies of D. hyodysente-
riae will be small and strongly beta-hemolytic; thosc of B.
pilosicoli will not be as strongly hemolytic (see Fig 23.2).
A 111ulliµlt!x polyn1crase chain reaction (PCR) assay
using prim<'rs <lPsigned to dctect the DNA of common di-
arrhea-associatcd n1ic1oor~a11i:;1us (B. hyodysenteriae, Law-
sonia intracel/ularis, and Sa/nu111P.lla) has been described.

~. 1n the extre1ne, be acidotic and hyperkalemic. Tem-
~ture generally re1nai ns normal. Morbidity ratcs in sus- Bruchyspiru hyodysenteriae must he differentiated from R.
-:ible pigs will he close to 90o/o, with mortality in un- innocens. This is hf'_"t <1onP by gas chromatographic analy-
~Pd hcrds of approximatcly 20% to 40%. Duration of sis of volatile fatty acids or by DNA ¡J1uui11g/a11alysls.
ess ra11ges f10111 few uay:. to several weeks. Survivors Unfortunately these techniques do not Iend themselves to
be permanently stunt·r<1 anrl remain asymptomatic performance in a busy diagnostic laboratory. Therefore,
rlders. 'fhere is no easy way to detect such ani111als. observing thc strengt h of the beta-hemolysis. fructose fer-
ntestinal spirochetosis of pigs (post-wcaning period), mentation (R. innocens will be positive), and índole pro-
:s.. birds, and humans is associatcd with B. pilosicoli. lluLtion (B. l1yodysentertae wlll be positive) are traits used to
clisease is characterizcd by a milct, persistent diarrhea make thP <li<:tincti.on. Though the hemolysis trait seems to
... low n1ortality. Biopsies of affected colon show large be relatively stablc, the 0Lhe1 LesL:. <irt: ~0111ewhat variable
:L:Jps of spirochetes adhering "en d on" to the intestinal and misidentifications are possihle. Rrar.hyspira pilosiroli
-hpJium (fig 23.3). hydrolyzcs hippurate¡ JJ. innocens <loes not. l3rachyspira pi-
losicoli is ditterentiated from "B. canis" by molecular
meaos (sequence of the gene thc 16$ rRNA com-
- '"'lUnologic Aspects bined with multilocus enzyme electrophorcsis).

- e is known about the immunologic facto rs of thcse

-c2ses. Plgs recovered fro1TI swinc clysentery are resistant Treatment, Control, and Prevention
-.-infection. llacterins have mct with sorne success in re-
_"1g the seve1 iLy of Lhe ui:.casc iu affeLted sw1ne. L>rugs shown to be cffective in treating swine dysentery
and intestinal spirochetosis in swinc include o rganic ar-
senicals, tylosin, gentamicin, nitroturazone, virgini-
...:_ oratory Diagnosis amycin, and lincomycin. These have been used at low pro
phylaclic lt::vcls, lJut it should be kept in mind that drugs
-: e Collection used routinely to prPvPnt the disease will ultimately lose
their effectivcness. Metronidazole is Lile 11:<.:u1111111;:11ucu
_ samples from affected animals showing signs of thP
treatment for dogs with intestinal spirochetosis.
_...J5e are uscd to dctcct B. l1yodysenteriae and .TJ. pilosicoli.

~r: Examination
of fpc;,l material are stained with a Romanovsky-
-:-c ~tain (e.g., Wright's, Gie111sa) or carlJul fuchsin . Oh-
Organism.s III:
Campylobacter, Arcobacter,

Mcmbcrs of the genera Ca111pylobacter, Arcobactcr, and once classified as members of the genus Vibrio. 'fhey are
Lawsonia are gram-negative, curved rods. ·rhey are associ- not.
atcd with diseases of the reproductive and intestinal tracts. Can1pylobacter jejuni and C. co!i are major causes of gas-
Taxonom1cally, Campylobacrer and Arcobacter (previously troenter1t1s ln people and nonhu1na11 µriiuatt:::., a11d ha\c;
classified within the genus Canzpylobncter) are members of been found in fecal s::implf's from dogs and cats with diar-
the farnily CampylubaLlmaLt:ut:. Luw;,uniu Llves nol appea1 rl"1ea. Carnpylobacter jeju11i is the more commonly isolatec.
tn hf' rf'latf'd phylogenetically to any other species of path- of the two. Though C. coli occurs in high numbers in swine
ogenic bacteria. dysentery and was once thought to be the causative agen r
the disease is caused by Hrachyspíra (Serpulina) hyodysente-
riae (see Cl1apter 23). Both C. coli and C. jejuni may occur ir.
Descriptive Features feces of normal animals.
Cnmpylobacter concisus has been associated with gas-
Morphology and Staining lrviI1lt::>lil1al ili::.t:a::.t: vf hu111ans.
Can1pylobacter helveticus has been recovered from th
Members of the genera c;ampylobacter, Arcobacter, and Law-
sonia are gram-negative, slender, curved rods that measure
feces of dogs and cats with diarrhca.
c..;ampylobacter nyo1ntest1na11s and <..,. mucosat1s were once
0.2 to 0.5 µrn !Jy 0.5 to 5 µm. Whe11 twv vr 1nore l.Ja<...terial
implicated as contributors to the swine proliferative en-
Cf'lls arf' placed together, they form Sor gu llwinged shapes
teritis complex. Thls dlsease Is caused by Lawsuniu inlracel-
Lhal n1ay appear as "spirals" (Flg 24.1).
!1.1lnris (see below), a microorganism that produces this dis·
1-:a:.1-: i 11 cv11ve11tio11al pigs Ül pu re cullure, son1cth in::
Cellular Anatomy and Composition neither C. hyointestinalis nor C. nzucosalís will do.
Ca111pylobactcr lari, i:;olutcd from thc fcccs of osympto
Members of the genera Campylobncter, Arcobacter, and
mat1c gulls (from which it gets its nan1e), has also been iso-
Lawsuniu have typicaJ gra.111-111-:galivt: ccll wall:>, cavsules,
Jated from the feces of various hosts, including dogs, birds
::inc1 fl;igplla.
and horses. Tts role in tlisease i:> uuccrtaiu.
Carnpylobacter sputon1111 is sometí mes isolatf'c1 from tli.-
prepuce of bulls or vagina of cattle, but are not considere....
(AM PYLOBACTER significant.
Carnpylobacter upsa/icnsis has bccn isolated from feces
Members of the genus Campylobactc'r are implicated in en- dogs and cats \.Yith diarrhea. Entenc d1sease and abortio::-
tcric and reproductive diseases of animals. ·rhough tl1c have been associated with this microorganism in human
genus contains 15 specles, only a few have bee11 implicated
in <.lisea::.t::. Tht:::> t:' incluut: C. {elu;,, C. jejuni, C. coli, C. con-
Descriptive Features
cisus, C. he/veticus, C. hyointestinalis, C. tnucosalis, C. lari,
and C. upsaliensis.
Cellular Products of Medical lnterest
Two species of Can1pylobacter are important in regard to
the genital tract and reproductive performance: C. fetus Adhesin. Can1pylobacter jejuni involved with f'nteric <lisf'a
and C. jejuni. Can1pylobacter (etus has t~vo sulJ:>pecies: verze- µrvLluct: a 1uaiu1ose-resislan l adhesin that binds to
realis and fet1.1s. The disease produced by these organisms is fucose-cont::iining rf'cPptor on the target cell (epithelia.
::.01111-:tiiuc:> rcft:rrt:Ll lu a::. vihr iu;,b bt::cause lhe agents wcrc cells of the small intestinc).

Chapter 24 Spiral-Curved Organisms III: Catnp)'IObacter, Arcobacter, La1vsonia 135

tein that increascs intraccllular cAMP follo,.ved by cell

= G U RE 2 4 . 1 . Cd111µylol>atl er felu ~ ~ulJ~peUes fetus in the death (a cytolethal dlstcnding toxin, see Chapter 8); a pro-
;-omach fluid of an aborted /amb. Gram stain, 1000X. tcin that has hemolytic activity (hemolysin); anda protci n
tltat was shuwn tu Induce hepatitis in mice (hepatotoxin).
All of these toxic compounds have a tenuous association
wilh Lhe disease 111ucess lu l1Ulllaus and other ani:mals.
Miscellaneous Products. Campylnhartt>r jejuni posscss a
Typc TTT sccrction system (an assemblage of proteins-
more tnan LU-tnat torm a hollow tu bc-like st ructure
th rough which effector proteins are "injected" lnto host
"target" cells). ·rhe proteins involved wlth this syste1n1 Cía
(for Campylnh;i1tPr inv;ision antigens) are responsiblc for
triggering lhe uplake uf C. jejuni after adherence to intes-
tinal epithelial cells.

Growth Characteristics
Can1pylobacter spp. a re m icroaerophilic (with the excep-
tion of C. hormnis which appears to be obligatcly anaero
bic), re4ulriug an atmosphere contaln!ng 3o/o to 15º/o oxy-
gen and 3% to :'l% 1arbon dioxide fo r growth. Sorne, such
as C. ¡ejuni, grow at 42°C, a charactc1islic Lhal i~ useful fur
its selectivity in isolation from intestinal sources. Unlike
mcmbers of the fam ily Entcrobactcriaccac, thcy are oxidase-
positive. They do not fer1nent or oxidize carbohydrates,
generating cnergy from oxidation of amino acids or tricar
...1psule. 'fhe glycoprotein capsule protccts thc outer boxylic acitl iuterrnetliares through the respiratory path-
-brane from tl1e mcmbrane attack complex ot the way. Though thPy po<;<;Pss catalasc and superoxide dismu-
plement cascade. Thc capsule also inhibits attach tase, these enzymes are over~vl1cln1ed by lhe excess uf
~to, and ingesuon by, phagocyrtc host cells. hydrogen pcroxide and superoxide anions formed \.Yhen
!l Wall. The cell wall of the members of this genus is they are grown in thc prcscn cc of atmospheric concentra-
:··pi cal uf grau1-11cgati ve bacteria. The l!popolysaccha- tions ot oxygen.
LPS) in the outC'r memhr;ine is an impnrt;int viru-
~ determina11t. Not only is the lipid A con1po11ent
-:: endotoxin). but the length of the side chain in the Variability
~at unit hinders the attachment of the membranc at- Campylobacter ferus subspecies fetus contains nvo serovars,
.:omplex of the complement systcm to the outer A-'?. and B, based o n heat-stable surfacc antigens. Strains
...,rane. Lipopolysaccharide binds to the serum pro- with both antigcns occui. Curnpylu/Jctt ler (elus su!Jspe(;ies
.:popolysaccharldc-binding protein, "vhtch transfers venerealis has two serov;irs, A-1 ;incl A-<:11b l. The serovars
thP hloorl-phase of CD14. 'fhe CL)14-LPS complex differ not only with rcspcct to heat-stable surface anligen
'--'• to Toll-like receptor protcins (sce Chaplc1 2) on Llie (A) but also culturally and biocheniically. (,'arnpylobacter je-
..e of macrophage cells triggering the rclease of proin- juni possesses one serovar C, bascd on a hcnt-stablc surfacc
...._.-:1atory cytokincs. antige11. Carnpylobacter jejuni has twenty-two serovars as
_Tocoxin. campylobacter ¡e¡un1 1nvo1vcd with enteric dctcrmined by analysis of extractable heat-labile antigcns
e secrete a toxin "vith similar activity to cholera toxin (Lior scheme) 01 lwt:r1ty-tluee serovars by utilizing ex-
.1e heat-lauilc tuxin (LT) uf Eschericl1ia coli (see tractable heat-stable antigens (PennPr <;<hPmi>).
•er 8) by increasing intr;ic.ellul;ir IPvPls of cAMP and
~ · ... letal rearrangements. Iloth toxins are in1n1unologi-
: Eolated and bind to the sanie ganglioside (GMl ) on Ecology
_:face of tl1e target cell. Can1pylobactcr coli and C. lari
-·'-<=e uncharactcrized substances w 1th cytotonic and Reservo ir
'.:ÍC activi ty.
-·coxins. Curnpylubacter jejuni involvcd wlth enteric Catnpylobacter fetu s subspedes venerealis. ·rhe reservoir of C.
""produce a numher of prnteinc; '""ith rytotoxic activ- fet11s ssp. veneren/is is thc preputiai crypts of the bull (main)
.:sc cytotoxins includc a heat and trypsin labil.e pro- a11d Liie vagina uf carrier animals (rare after one to two
-u küa in size which is neutralizcd by antibody to breeding seasons "l<\rithnnt re-exposure).
_,.._ .ke toxin (scc Chapter 11); a 73 kDa protcin, tcrmcd Ca111pylobacter fetus subspccies fetus. 'fhe reservoir fur C.
: Campylobacter 1nvasion antigen) that is inserted fetus ssp. fetus is the intestinal trac.t of infP<ted (r.ecovcred)
~e target epithelial cell allowing subscquent invasion shccp (pcrhaps through contamination fron1 a
..t:l1 (a TyIJe III sccn:uon sysrem may be 1nvo1vea, see ga11n1aaaer).
a protein ac.tivP on Vi>ro tissue culture cells; a pro- Catnpylobacter je¡uni. The rcservoir for C. jcjuni is thc
136 l'ART 11 Hacteria and Fung¡

intestinal tract of normal animals (cspccially young rumi- Enteric Visease. c.;ampylobacter ¡ejuni adheres to cells of
nants, various birds, asy1npto1natic d<>gs and cats) or ani the srnall intcstine, cspecially thc distal segments. 'l'hc or-
rnals that have had the disease. ganism rnultlplies and invades the target epitln.:lial c~ll
Other Can1pylobacters. The sources of C. Inri, C. helveti- (Cia), with resultant inflamm;itinn . lt is 11nc:crtain whether
cus, and C. upsalie11sis are not known but are presumed tu ll 1e toxiI1s elabo rated by C. jejuní are rcsponsible for thc dis-
be the intestinal tract of infected individuals. FP<PS from ease. However, the LT-like toxin is thought to deregulate lhe
healthy puppies aud kittt:H::. have been sl1own to contain adenylyl cyclase systcm as dcscribcd for enterotoxigenic E.
C. 11psaliensis. coli (see C~hapter 8). At the same time, the cytotoxln c.le-
stroys the mucosa! cpithelium. Thc inflammatory response
Transrnission elicited by Campylobacterinteractlon with tl1e tCJrget t:¡.>ilhe-
Iial cells, and the c.:hemistry of thf' ce ll wall lead~ to the de-
H.eproductive Disease. Acquisition of carnpylobacters affect- velop111c111 uf tliairl1ea. Diarrhea follows prostaglandin sy11-
ing the reproductive tract occurs either venereally (C. frt11~ thesis hy the recruitcd PMNs (and perhaps by the altccted
ssp. venerealis, cattle) or by inge::.tiu11 (C. (elus ssp. fetus and host ce lis), as well as activation of vnrious inositol signaling
C. ;e;uni, sheep and goats, rarPly cattle). path>vays within atlccted host cells. The net result is the se-
Enti;rit Dbcuse. Acquisltion of campylobacters associ- crction of chloride ions and water. The bactericidal effects
:itPcl with cnteric disease (C. jejuni, C. coli) occurs by the of serun1 <.lestroy C. jejuni that escape into the ly111phalics
fecal-oral route, dircct or indircct, n nd is probably the a11d into the systemic circulation l)i;:irrheal feces contain-
rnain mode of spread. lng cell debris aud 111ucus are produced, and pro<lucts of thc
infl;imm11tory response are scen in direct smears. Mucus
and blood are sometimes secn grossly.
Reproduaive Diseu~e (Guille). The agent (;. (etus ssp. venere- Epidemiology
alis is introd11<Prl into a susceptible fen1ale by a11 iI1fected
bull al coltus. The organisn1s remain at thc ccrvicovagi.nal Reproductive Visease (Cattle). Thc disease is seen mainly in
junction until the end of estrus. 'l'his is probably a conse- beef cattle, slnce the ager1t i~ e ffectively killed by tcch-
qucncc of thc incrcnsed blood supply and active polymor- niques used to prep;irP ;inci store semen for insemination
phonuclear neutrophil leukocytcs (PMNs) seen in tl1e re- il1 llie dairy industry.
pro<luctive tract during this time. The organisms m11ltiply Reproductive Disease (Sheep and Goats). ·rhe gallbladder
at this site and, when conilitio11::. ¡¡re suitable, move into of sheep, and prcsumably gonts, may become colonized
the uten1s. 1'\1rther m11ltiplication and perhaps active in- witb Can1pylobacter. lt this occurs, t hese animals bccome a
va:.ion resull in inflammatio11 of the uterus v.¡ith rcsultant source of infectious organisrns for susceptible stock.
endometritis and cessation of pregnancy. "ll1c animal wilJ Enteric Visease. In acldition to proc.lucing dist:a)t'. of the
return to cstrus. 'f!1is process continues u n til t he fe1nale reproductive tract of animals, mc->mhPrs of the genus
makes an iinmune response sufficicn1 to elimir1ate the Campylobuc/er are a sig11ifican 1 cause of human c.lisease
agent from thc uterus. Subsequcntly, the endomctriti.; l,antpylnfJacter jejuni is onc of the leading causes ot gas-
subsides, and the animal couceivt:~ é!llU p1egna11cy goes to troenteritis in human belngs. Human beings in devcloped
term. Sporadic abortions somctimes occur. societics acquire e;. jejuni from symptornatic or asympto-
Cli1lically, there are signs of repeat breeding and ex- matic companion anin1als (dogs and cats) and from food
tended cycles (10-to-60-day cycles; 21 days is normal), such as raw milk, water, and poultry products. Mu::.L :>!Jl."
which are usually mnnifcsted in an infectcd herd as pro- radie cases probably arise from c:ons11n1ption of irnprop-
longed calving intcrvals anc.l extended calving periods. In erly 11a11dlctl poullry or contact witb infected pcts
addition, the herd bull will show loss o f conditio11. ThP whercas large outbreaks rnost often occur from contaC'
herd, if it remalns closed, develoµ::. i111111u11ily, a11d calving with raw milk or contaminatcd water. The feccs of approx-
intervals gradually r<>htrn toward normal. This process imately 10% ol asyrnptomatic dogs and approximately 5
take::. yea1s, howcvcr, and the economic consequcnccs o f of asymptomatic cats are found to contaln C. jejuni Thí:.
thr_disease are disastrous. pcrcentage may be higher l.11 animal::. ac4uüed fron1 an.-
Reproductive Visease (Shccp and Goats). These species are n1al shelters. "I'he ceca of approximately SOo/o of chicker
infected following ingestion of C. fetus ssp. (etus or c. je- sa1npletl cu11lé!i11 C. jejuni. At slaughter, these organism
¡uni. Following ingestion, the organism son1Phow ga i ns contaminate the e11vironment and, as a consequence, ai-
entry into the bloodstr1::a111 a11d localizes iJ.1 the prcgnant 111ost as n1any chicken carcasses found in stores will b-
uterus, especially in thP latter stages of pregnancy. contaminated. From 2°10 to 100% of cattle may uc liealll,
h1cubalion may be as long as 2 months. A placcntitis de sheddcrs of C. jejuni, a circumstance that may expl;iin on--
velops along with infection oí thc tettts (amniot1c fluid) breaJ<s of campylobacter-induccd liia1 Lheal disease follo\'·
nnd abortion results. The placenta, fluids, and fetus con- ing ingestion of 11np;istPurizcd rnilk.
tain Iarge numbers of thc organism an<l actas a sou1ce uf
infpction fo r susc:cptihle animals. Abortions, when they
occur, are usually in "storms" occurring in grcat numbcrs lmmunologic Aspects
relatively suddenly touowing a few scattered abornons.
Cattle are rarely infected '.vith C. (etus ssp . fetus and, when Reproductive Disense (Caltlt~).
l)PVPloprnent of an active im·
they are, sporadlc abortlons are observed. llll111e response results in the uterus being cleared of the o·-
(;hapter 24 Spiral-Cu rved O rganisms III: Campylobacter, Arcobactcr, Lawsonia 137

:a_'lism. Sp0riñr c;pn1m IgG and IgM function by initiating Romanovsky). Fluorcsccnt antibody-stained prepa1alio11s
-ne complement cascadc (IgG and I~M) auu uy actlng as have preven useful in detection. Campylobacters exhibit a
pson.i zing agents (lgG). In the latter case, these antihodi ~.c; characteristic "tumbling" motility when observed in wct
'"'.nd to the antigenic determinants composing the capsular n1ounls of affectcd rnaterial.
_,ttgens, resulting in the phagocytosis and subsequent de- Reproductive Dí~P.ase (Sheep and Goats). Gram (carbol
11ction of the agent. Secretory IgA, IgG, and IgM specific fuchsin as counterstain) or prepara-
r surface ~Lructures uind a11d prevent the adherence of tions of stomach contents from ahortPcl fPtuses often
"le organ ism to the s~1.rface of the cpithelium. All isotypes, demo11stratc thc age11t (see Pig 24.1). Such fi11Lliug:;, in
~ specific for the flagellar a11lige11s, µreveu t movement of conj unction with doughnut-shaped necrotic foci somc-
~ore organisms from the vagina. Animals clf'ílr tht> PntirP times found on the liver, help support thc diagnosis (scc
-act of the agent if they are not rcinfcctcd. Clearance rarely Fig 74.5). Exau1ination of wet mounts of affected material
...ies more than one year. The mechanism responsible for is sometimes uscf111.
ra ring is unknown but is p robably due to the fact that tl1c Rnteric Disease. Stained (G1a1n sLaiu with carbol fuchsin
~:npylobacle1s have tu deal with an immune response as as counterstain; Romanovsky-type stain) ~mears of fecal
·¡as the normal flora of thP vagina. material will revea! numcrous slcnder, curved rods in n1osl
Thc disease can be controlled by vaccil1atlng heifers or cases ot diarrhea produced by C. jejuni.
\"'S vvith bacterins o r by eliminating carrier an imals, in-
iding the bull. Bulls do not carry the organism effi- lsolation
::::!tly untll they are older than about tive years. The most
'nmonly held explanation is that the preputial crypts of Reprod11ctive Dísease (Cutlle). Smegma, vaginal fluid, or
_:er bulls a1e dee¡;cr and more hospitablc than the shal- stomach contents are plateo onto media that contain an-
-er crypts found in yo11ngt>r h11 ll~ timicrobial agcnt:; (vonco rnycin, polyn1y:ti11 B V! e, a1IU
Reproductivc Discase (Sheep and Goats). Shccp aud guats trimerhopri1n are common Jy added to decreasc t he
= illlmune following abortion. The basis for this irnmu- growth of noncampylobacters; amphoterici n Bis included
- is mainly antibody of the IgM and IgC types. These in son1e forwulatlons to lnhibit growth of fungí). ·rhe
....bollit!S btnd to the surface of the agent while it is in t he plate is incubated at ~7°C in an atmosphere containing 6%
:'.ldstrpam, resulting in removal by phagocytic cells in oxygcn and 5% to IO'Xi carbon dioxiue. Piares are exam-
-= '.~ ,-er and spleen. A11Liliud y lJound to the surface also ined in 48 hours.
~tes the complement c.asraclf' leading to lysis of the Reproductive Díscasc (Sheep and Goats). Abomasal con-
--=:::r. Thc imrnune response is also effeclive i11 killing or- tenrs and liver (aborted fetus) are plated onto blood agar
- .sms that had reachcd the placenta but hacl not yet plates (with o r without antimicrobials, dcpcndin g upon
~uced enough damagc to tcrminate pregnan cy. lhe de::gree uf contamlnation). The plates are incubated at
:':iertc Dlsease. Circulating antibody develops as a result 37ºC in an atmo-;phere containing 6% oxygen and SO/o to
-íection. The disease is self-limiting due to the com- 10% carbon dioxide. Plales a1t! exa1nin~d In 48 hours.
-=K~ effe::cts uf secretory antibody and the normal flora . Enteric Disease. Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli are best
isolated from affccted intestinal samples on selecl.ivt!
m edia containing antimicrobial agents (e.g., Campy-CVA
...:: ::ratory Diagnosis containing cefoperazone, vancomycin, and ampl1otericin
B). 'fhe plates are Incubated at 37ºC, or at 4zvc when isola-
-- ¿ Collection tion of r.. jeiuni or C. coli from feces is attempted , in an at
mosphere of 6% oxygeu aud So/o to 10o/o carbon dioxide.
d11ctivc Disease (Catl'le). Samplcs for culture or obser-
-~~ are best taken trom the prepuce ofthe hull. SmPgma
.:eted by aspiration into thc tip of an insemination ldentification
-...,-""'- If the female is to be cultured, samples are col- Tsolation of a gram-ncgativc, curved rod that is oxidase-
-- from the anterior vagina. With either sex, 101Jfi of positive is presumptive evidcnce that a rnember of the
= d 01 20 arürnals (whlchever is greater) are sampled genus Campylohacter (or "Arcobacter," see bclow) h as been
-;nostic testi ng. isolalt:Ll. Tl1uugh thcre are a number of fermentation reac-
~-.iuctive Dísease (Shecp a11d Gouts). Sa111µl~s from the tions that havP hl'Pn rlP~rrihed far the identification of
a.::a thc abomasum of the aborted fetus are most rP- Carnpylobacter, thesc are tedious and Li111e consumlng.
-~-." ~- The placenta and fluids of thc abortus are usually Methods based on detection of specific DNA sequc~nces
. :amlnated. may be used for identification (e.g., gencration of fJag-
:;:;;r;_ Disease. Fecal samples are taken for thc diagnosis ments of a certain s1ze following amplification of specific
..111i infecliou~. DNA sequences by polymerase chain reaction, or dctcrmin-
ing the seque::11<.:t! of the gene encoding ribosomal KNA) .
~-~ ::.... amination Likewise, analyses of rPll wall fatty acids have been useful.

-'-'--·i·e Disease (Cattle). T11t: luw numbers of campy-

::;;;:~;. together with the high n11mbers of organisms of
- ~al flora m akc it diffi.cult to observe Lhe carnpy- Serodlagnosis is sometimes used in the diagnosis of repro-
--=:::::¡:¡~~ small curved rods) in stained s1nears (Gram or ductive disease involving Campylohactcr-associated disease
138 PART IT Bacteria an.d f.ungi

in cattle. In particular, the disease can be diagnosed by n1eticulous adh.erence to hygienic measures, such as har-"-
tests of cervicovaginal mucus for antibody to campylobac- washing, cleaning, and disinfection protocols.
tcr antigens. For collection, a tampon is placed in tl1e 1'here are no im1nunizing prepara tions that will prew::::.-
v<1giua 111::<1r t11e <.:l:!rvix. Fulluwing rt:uiuval, tl1e u1u<.:u:; i~ t:r1tt:ritis proJu<.:t:u l>y C. jejuni.
coll ec:tc~d and diluted serially. Agglutinins appear in the
cervicovaginal 1n.ucus in 3 to 80 days of infection and per-
sist for approximately 7 n1onths. Samples are collected 4 to
5 days aftcr cstrus or 1to 2 days beforc. Samplcs tal<en a tes- ARCOBACTER
trus are too d1lute due to tl1e excess mucus. The presen.ce of
blood invaHdates t h e test. Antibody to C. fetus can also be Me1nbers of tlle genus Arcobacter are associated with d1a:-
detectcd by using an enzyme-linke<.I in1 munosorbent assay rheal conditio11s (calves), 1.n astitis in cattle, and reprodu~­
(F.T JSA). Rr>portt>clly, this tf'~t ran hf' nin on samples c:ol- tlve dlsease of livestock, especialiy .swint:. Tlrt: geni.:.
Jected during estrus and will be positive vvithin 18 to 40 Arcohar.ter (at onf' ti n1f' cit>signated as Campylobacter-l ikeo--
days after infection. ganis111s) contains t h ree species '"'itl1 pathogenic poten tu.
for humans and other animals: A. cryaerophilus, A. butzler
and A . skirrowii.
Treatme nt
Reproductive Disease (Cattle). Bulls can be treateci parenter- Descriptive Features
ally 1'\'ilh slrepton1ycin. For topical treatn;ent, a n aqueous
soiution of penicilli.11 and strepto1nycin is instilled into the Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest
prcpucc. Vnccinatio11 of bulls has been reported to clear Virtually nothing is known about the cellular products C'
the carricr state. Arcobacter, aside fron1 a typical cell wall (see abo•·é
·rhe disease is best co11trolled by preven tion. Sound h us- " Campytobacter").
bandry practices reduce tl1c chances of introducing the cn-
ganism into the herd. T he use of young b u lls t hat h ave
te.stt:d ueg<1Llve 1·vltt:11 l.Jrt:d to a vi1 gi 11J1eifer, aud barringof Growth Characteristics
replac:ernent heife rs or cows originating fron1 herds with Men1bers of the genus Arcobacter are aerutulen.111t, a trai:
unk11own history, are means to keep out campylobacters. that separates them from Campylobacter. Thcy gro\>V over z
Once t he agent is in the herd, a nun1ber of a lternatives a re widc tcmpcraturc rangc, and sorne strains of A. butzlcr
available. T·he least acceptable to t he p roducer is to rest the grow at 42.ºC.
herd for one breeclinK season and cull the bu lls. Tl1is elim-
inates the organis1n from the females a11d removes a source
uf tl1t: org<uli.s1u vvl1t:11 1Jret:úiI1g re.su1ue.s. Artifi<.:i<1l
nation is a very effective '"'ªY to control and elirn ina te t he
di::;ea:;e from a herd. Antibiotic treatrnent of females is un- Reservo ir
rewarding, but bacterins are used to prevent t he disease ín
herds in which it is endemic. Vaccination is performed The reservoirs of 1lrcobacter are presumably the ir1testina:
yearly. tracts and the imn1ediate e11viro11ment of affectcd animals
Reproductive Disease (Sheep and Goats). Ad mi11istering (calves vvith diarrhea, cattle with mastitis, aburted p ig fe-
<111til>ioti<.:.s <.:ar1 :;top al.Jortiuu :;turru.s. 'fl1t: effe<.:ti ve b t uses). A:;y1 uptu111atic :;wi11e, callle, aud pou!Lry n1ay servt:
penicillin G . Aho rting evves should he isolated fron1 t hose as an important reservoir for humans.
that are apparently unaffected.
Administering a bacterin prior to breeding can prevent Transmission
the d isease.
Enteric Disease. The enteritis produced by C. jejuni is It is unknown how anima1s acquire arcobacters, tl1o ugb
most often self-limiting. Macrolide antibiotics (clar- lI1gestiOll or entry through other mucosal surfaces are
ithromycin; eryt hrorny<.:in, tylusin) re1nai11 the Jrug~ u f li kel y vossib ililies.
choice for treatment of (~. jeju11i díarrhea. Tetracyc1ines
are cffcctive when 111acrolides cannot be used, alt hough Pathogenesis
tetracyc1ine-resistant strains exist (R p lasmid- based). Most
can1pylobacters frorn animals are susceptible to fluoro- Little is known regarding the interactions o f Arcobacter
quinolone antit)iotics. Ho,·vever, due to the 11igh rate of with the host.
1nutational resistance can1pylo bacters l1ave t o this group
of antitJiotics, a resistance that souH:>tilue.s u<.:cur:; wlüle a11- Epidemiology
imals i'lrf' heing trea ted, fluoroguinolones a re not the drugs
of cl1oice. ln additioJ1, d.iarrhea dueto C. ¡e¡uni most often Very little is known about thc cpidcmiology of thc discases
occurs in younger ani1nals, most too young to be sately associated with Arcobacter infection. ·r11e organ1sm is prob-
treated wi t h this group of drugs. ably an inhabitant of t he intestinal tract of asym p to1natic
(:ontrol in t he veterinary hospital and kennel req uires swine, cattle, and poultr y.
Chapter 24 Spiral-C:urvPd ()rganisms TTI: Ca1npylobacter, Arcobacter, Lawsonia 139

11munologic Aspects LAWSONIA

':e immune response of affected animals to Arcobacter has 'l'he genus La~vsonia contains only onc spccies, L. intraccl-
r been clarillcd. /u/aris, previously known as ílea/ symbiont intracellularis. lt
is an obliga te intracellular microorganism causing prolifcr-
ative enter1tls of swine. rhe microorganism is also associ-
_:boratory Diagnosis ated with a similar condition in birds (emus, ostriches),
l.Jlue fux, <.leer, <.logs, horses, rabblts, and rodenrs ("wet tail"
:.:-,ple Collection of hamst.ers).
·~obacters have bcen isolated from stomach contents,
j 1Py, and placenta of aborted swine fetuses. Fecal sam-
es are takeJ1 for the diag11osis of A1cub11c..le1-assuciateu
Descriptive Features
~rrhea .
Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest

: •i.'ct Examination Adhesin~. intrace1l11/aris exprcsses a surface pro-

tcin, LsaA (for Lawsonia surface anlige11) that is responsihle
".3m (carbol fuchsin as counterstain) 01 Ro1nanovsky-lype for the attacl1ment to and entry into target cells (the ;ipical
;::.. Wright's, Gicmsa) stained preparation of stomach surface of in1mature intestinal epithelial cells).
-tents, kidncy impressions, or placenta! fluids often c·eu Wall. ·rhc cell wall of the mcmbers of this gcnus is
".":10nstrate the agent in affected swine fetuscs. Little is one typical of gram negative bacteria. 1'he lipopolysaccha-
·~-n regarding the usefulness of direct smcars in thc di- rtue (LPS) tn rhc ourer memorane 1s an 1mportant viru-
- .vsis ufArcobacter-assoclatcd diarrhea. An important dis- lencP c1PtPrminant ot only is thc lipid A component
CTion is diffPrPntiating Arcohacter from Campylobacter- toxic (cndotoxin), but tl1e lc11glh of L11t: sille cl1<:1in in the
_1cult without specific antibody (e.g., fluort::sct::ully 0-repeat unit hinders the attachment ofthe m emhr::inP at-
led antibody). tack complex of the complcn1cnt system to thc outer
membrane. Lipopolysaccharide binds to the serum pro-
· ;:ion tein, lipopolysaccharide-binding protcin, which transfers
it to the blood-phase of CD14. The CD14-LPS complex
same n1cdia uscd lo isolale Curr1pytubulLt:r is successful hinds to Toll-like receptor proteins (see Chapter 2) on the
• -.rcobacter. Arcobacter does not requir<' thc> s::i mP ::itmos- surface of macrophage cells l1iggt:ri11g LI 1c relea se uf proin-
.ric environment as do campylobactcrs. They wilJ, how- flammatory cytokines.
~ grow in a microaerophiliic atmospherc.

Growth Characteristics
Lawsonta inlracellutaris has not been grown in lifeless
_tion of a gram-negative, curved rod that is oxidase- media.
tive is presumptive evidence that a member of the
"='"'J.S Carnpylobaclcr (sce abovc) or Arcobacter has been iso-
_._ Though thcrc are a number ot termentation reac- Ecology
-s that have becn dcscribed for the identificat ion of
bacrer, these are tedious and time consum lng. Reservoir
riods based on detection of spccific !)NA sequences
e prove11 useful fo1 idenliflcaliu11 (c.g., generation of The reservoirs of L. intracellularis are the intestinal tracts
.::".1ents of a certain size following amplification of spe- and the immediate environment of affected animals .
- D~A scquences by polymerase chain reaction, or de-
""'"'-:~ng the scqucnce of the gene encoding ribosomal Transmission
. Likewise, analyses of cell wall fatty acids havc bccn
_;;;:¡:{_ ! . lnfcction occurs following the ingcstion of an anin1al
product contaminatcd with infected feccs.

. ;cobacters, A. butzleri and A. cryacropllilus, are resist- Followi11g i11gt::.liuu, L. intracellutaris associates with and is
~ the macrolidc antibiotics but susceptible to the intcrnalized (endocytosis involving actin polyrnerization)
===~-clines and fluoroquinoloncs. Whether these mi- by immature (crypt) cclls of the distal sn1al1 u1lesli11e (duc
r-,,anisms havc the same resistancc problems as with in part to Lsa). After internalization, the microorganisms
...o.mpyloh::icters is unknown. escape from the vacuole tnto thc ccll cytoplasm where
-catment of arcobaclcr-associaleu cv11uitiu11s in swine multiplication and spread to adjaccnt cells occurs. ·rhere is
rly documented. Use of autologo11s h::ictPrins has as yet n o evidence to suggest that L. intracel/ularis utilizes
_ , . "!' promisc. aclin volyu1erization (see Chapters 11 and 33) as a means
140 PART 11 Bacteria and fungi

of propulsion anll spreall througl1 tl1e cell cytoplasIIL a IIlOllifieu acid-félst :stélill (u:se 0.5°/o acelic acid for 3 0 :sc~­
Affec.ted c.ells proliferate resulting in the c.harac.teristic. le- onds for decolorization) are someti1nes used to dem<rr
sio11s associated \'Vith this disease. An inflammatory re- strate organisms in this site. Immunol1istochemical meú:-
sponse in most cases is mínima!. ~wine proliterative enteri- ods are used to detect the presence ot t11e m1croorgan1s-
tis is a disease complex involv ing a number of intestinal in fixed tissue.
abnormalities: intestinal adenomatosis, necrotic enteritis,
regional ileitis, and proliferative 'hemorrhagic enteropa-
tl1y. Thicke1lin g of Ll1e ileal wall, bul including, on occa-
sion, segments on either side, characterize the disease. Lawsonia intracellularis has not been grown in lifeles:
Inedia. Howcvcr, DNA mcthods (DNA pro bes, or t he use ....
UNA primers to amplify La\vsonia-specific sequences i r
using the polymerase chain reaction) have been develope:.
Lawsonia intracellularis is w idcly distributed among swine that enable the detection of this microorganis1n in tisst.::
herds worldwide (sorne estimat es run as high. as 509/o of or feces.
herds are infected). 'fhe disease is most often apparent as
poor performance. Affected pigs ("•veaners" and gro\-ving tdentification
pigs), infecled w hile nursing or sl1ortly tl1ereafter, do not
make target weights. Overt manifestations of disease (diar- The nature of the lesion, together with t he results of dire~
rhea, often bloody) are not a common prcscntation, a11d smear examination, is presum·ptive evidence that L. in u-J-
are often brought about by stressful situahons. However, ce/lularis is involved. Methods utilizing DNA. analysls a:::
infectio11 of mature pigs commonly results in clinical quick, easy, and specific.
disease. A multiplex po1y1uera:se cl1ai n reaclion (PCR) a5-s¿
using p.rimers designt>d to detect the com1non diarrh e-
associated 111icroorganisms affecting swine (B. hyodysr
lmmunologic Aspects teriae, Lawsonia intracellularis, and Salrnonella) has bee;:
Both humoral and cellular immune responses are gener-
ated following infection of susceptible species. There is
sorne suggesti0n that an immunosuppressive pheno1ne- Treatment
non may account for the progression of tl1e disease. A di-
1nínished inflammatory response thélt is corn1norlly olJ- llave show11 U1at tl1e leUacyclines a re~
Cli11ica.I (ria.Is
served supports this notion. effective in treating disease produced by L. intracell.!.-
Alternate drugs include tia1nulin and tylosin.
Excluding the organism trom swine herds is at p'5" -
Laboratory Diagnosis the most desirable method of control. 'rhere is a rel<r.:
sl1ip between berd size and occurrence of the d..Y=::::~
Sample Collection (smaller t he herd, Iess disease) . Tl1us, a small "ali -
out" J¡erd type n1anagen1e11L systen1 see.u1s the mos-
Scrapings of affected intestinc are uscd to diagnosc prolif- cient way to prevent this disease.
erative enteritis. Lil<ewise, tonnalin-fixed tissues acquired
from affected sites are also used.

Direct Examlnatlon
Impression smears of the intestine of swine with prolitera-
tivc enteritis contain small curved rods '1-Vithin the cells
Jining the area. The silver stains, such as Warthin-Starry, or
Organisllls IV:
Helicobacter The Spiral
Shaped Microorganisllls
of the Gastrointestinal
Tract and Liver

.istrie spiral shaped microorganisms havc bcen noted in pm). Ali express flagella uiffl:'.ri11g in number and distribu-
-mans and other arumals for more than a ccntury. After tion (Table 25.2), and except for H. pullonun and H. roden-
t: discovery of Helicobacter pylori in diseased gastric tissue tiun1, thc flagella are shcathed.
:1umans Jn 1982, hellcobacters have bcen cultured from
~tom;ichs of ferrets, non-human primates, dogs, cats, Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest
- 3msters, cl1eelahs1 dolphi11s, wl1ale~, autl harp seals.
-1ese gram-negative, m icroaerophilic c:urvrcl to spir;il- ·r11c cellular products of medica! intercst listed below are
~pcd bacteria isolated from gastric rnucosa of hun1ans for H. pylori (the n1ost studicd of thc hclicobacters), unless
-d othcr animals during the last 20 years have created a otherWise stated. It is assumed that other helicobacters dcal of interest because of their causal role in gastric will have similar traits and characteristics.
..easc. The type spec1es1 H. pytori colonízes the stomach Adhesins. f\dheslns are proteins that mediate adherencc
:!O to 95o/o of adult human populations worldwide. This to t;irgi>t cells in the gastrointestinal tract and to cells com-
.. rourgauisrn causes perslstent, active, chronic gastritis prising the niche for thc strain. Helitubuc.ler pyluri expresses
-1 pPptic u leer di sea se in h·umans and al so has been at lcast two adhesins with spt>c:ifirity for eiistric epithelia:
-;.;ed to the develop1ncnl of gaslric ade11ucae<..:ir101na anti l. Sialic acid-blnding adhesin (SabA). SabA (for sialic
_.:. trie mucosal- associated lymphoma. In addition to gas- acid-úi11ui 1tg udhesin) bin<.15 to slalylated glycopro-
' hclicobactcrs, an incrcasing number of species of teins on the surfarf' of g;istric epithelial cells .
•1cobacter have been isolated trom the lower gastroin- 2. Blood group nntigen-binding adhcsin (Ba.bA). BctlJA
tinal tract of mammals and birds. At least 27 membcrs (for blood group antígen-binding adhesin) binds to
.he gt:11u~ lielicubacter have heen identlfted and named fucosylated blood group antigens found on gastric
ahli> 2S. l ). Members of the genus Helicobacter are taxo- epithelial cells (Lcwis blood group).
mically distinct fron1 lhc genus Curnpylu/Jucler, which
-1.SO havc spiral rr1orphology a11d grow un<l<~ r m i- Ce// Wall. The Hpopolysaccharidc (LPS) in the 0111·pr
-;;-aero phílic condition:;, u:; wcll reside in thc gnstroin- mcmbrane is an important virulcncc dctcrmi nnnt. l'~ot
-jtJnal tract. The con1plete genomes of both 11. pytori and only Is the lipid A component toxic (cndotoxin), but the
·repnticus have been sequenced. · IPngth of the side chain in the 0-rcpcat unit hinders the
attachn1enl of lht: 1111:1111.Jrane attack complex of the com-
plement system to thc 011ti>r mi>mbrane. LPS binds to
:: escriptive Features lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (a seru111 pr0Ltd11),
which in turn transfers it to the blood phase of CD14. The
::•phology and Staining CDl4-LPS complex binds to Toll-likc receptor proteins (see
Chapter 2) on thc surface of macrophage cells triggering
t:mbcrs of the genus Helicobacter have a vast array of mor- thc release of proinflammatory cytokines
~ologies, ranging from spirals (c.g., H. pylori, 0.5-l.O by cag Pulftu8eriic1y lsland. cag (for cytotoxin-associated
: "'-5 µm), to slightly bent rods (e.g., H. mustelae, 0.5 by 2 gene product) Pathogf'nicity Island (a cluster of genes en-

142 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungi

Table 25 .1. Habitats of Helicobacrer species

Helícobacter taxon Source(s) Primary Site Secondary Site

H. bízzozeron/F' Human, cat, dog, cheetah, Stomach
primates. wild rats
H. canís Human, cat, dog lntestine liver {dog)
H. canadensis Human. wild geese lntestine
H. cinaedi Human, hall15ter, macaquc, lntC$tinc Blood, brain, joint (human)
H. fennel/iae Human lntestine
H. pullorom Human. dlicken lntestine Liver (ú1itke11)
H. pylori Human, m;;raque. cat Stomach
Flexispitil (Helkoúdth!r) Human, dog, sheep, mouse lntestine Placentalfetus (sheep)
taxon gb Blood (humans)
H. winghamensis Human lntc1tinc

H. aurati Hamster Stomach. intestine
H. acinonychis Cheetah Stomach
H. bilis Mouse, dog, rat cat lntestine liver {mouse)
H. cetorom Dolphins, whales Stomach
H. cholecystus Hamster Gallbladder
H. fe/is Cat. dog Stomach
H. ganmani Mouse lntestine
H. hepatictl( Mouse lntestine
H. llldllllUld~ Cat woodchuck lntestine Liver/woodchuck
H. mesocricetorum Hamster lntestine
N. muridarum Mouse, rat lntcstinc
H. mustelae Ferret, mirik Stomach
/-/. pametensis Birds, swine lntestine
H. rodentium Mouse lntestine
H. salomonis Dog Stomarh
H. 5UÍ~ Piy~ Stomach
H. typhlonius Mouse lntestine
H. trogontum Rat lntcstinc

• t ikely the same as •H. hei/maMií.• "flelicobaeter heilmannii" (form¡rly Gastrospirillum hominis) has the same phenotype as
listed here for H. biuozeronii. Only a single "H. heilmannii" strain has been isolate<l by cultu¡e, and thus it has not been in
duded in Table 1.
°Formerly regarded as· Flexispira rappini"-now has been subgrouped 1nto ten taxa.

coding virulencf' df'tt>rminant[s]. an integrase protein, a Flagella. Motility is vital for H. pylori to tind its '"'ª
sp~cifi<.; i11scrtio11 si Le, and n1obilily) encades the Cag pro- through mucus in order to adhcrc to gastric cpithclial ccll
tein (sce below), and a 'f ype lV sccrction system, which Urease. Urease hydrolyzcs urea (secreted by gastric cp-
mcdiates translocation of Cag in to host cclls. ithel ial cells) forming ammonium ions. Ammonium ion
Cytoletl'lal lJistending 'Jbxin . A cytolethal distend1ng neutralizc stomach acid, thereby allowing the 111icruur-
toxin is produced by H. hepaticus, H. bilis, H. rnarmotae, H. ganism to live in the gastric envirnnmi>nt. l Jrease al ~
pullorun1, and fT. cinaedi. ·rhis proteln produces significaut :;li1uulale:> lh.e p1oduclion of inflammation.
in vitro cytopathic effects in cell lines <1nd ca11si>s ri>ll c.yc.le Vacuolating Cytotoxin (Vac). Yac (for vacuolating cyto-
arn.:sl. !L i:; 110L known whal cffcct thi:; cyt otoxin has in toxin) is responsiblc for disruption of the epithelial cell
vivo. barrier stimulating an inJ'lammatory response.
Cytotoxin Associated Gene l'roduct (Cax). Cag (for cyto- Miscellaneous Products. Gastric hclicobacters colonize
toxin-associated gene product) is a protein encoded in the the mucosa and induce an inflammatory response. Leve!~
cag Pathogenicity lsland (see above). Cag is secreted, and of reactive oxygen species arC' t hPrPhy inrri>ased. Helico-
subsequcntly phosphorylated by gastrlc epithelial cells. fJuc.let p ylor i inininlizes oxidative damage by producing su-
'l'he phosphorylated product leads to polymeriz;ition of peroxide dismutase and catalase. -i·hc recA gene products
cellular actil1 resulliug iu dis1uplion of cellular functíon. play a role in repair of damagcd DNA.
Chap ter 2S Spiral-C:urvPrl Organisms IV: Helicobacter- The Spiral Shaped Microorganisms 143

-~ble 25.2. Characteristíc$ That Diffcrcntiotc Hclicobactcr Spccicsª

Growth Reslstance to":

Helicobactel catalase Nitratl! Alkaline Aa!tate "f'(ilutamyl At With1% Nalidixk
taxon Production Reduction Phosphatase Urease Hydrolysis Transferase 42( Glydne Acid Cephalothin flagella

H. bizzozeroníf + + + + + ... + R s Bipolar
H. canis + + + + s 1 Bipolar
H. canadensis + +/- + t + R R Mono/Bipolar
1.¡_ cínaedi ... + + s l Oipolar
H. tennelliae t + t + s s Bipolar
- pullnn1m + + Nod + R s Monopolar
~ pylori + + + + R s Monopolar
: exispira +/- + t + R R llípolar
Hclicobiletar) toxon se
- '"mghamensis + ND + R R Bipolar

- acinonychis + + + R s Bipolar
- aurati
- :iilís + + + + + R n Sipolar
- chotecysrus + + + + + 1 R Monopolar
P/i~ + + + + ... + R s Bipolar
- dUI 111.Í + + + + + s R Bipolar
- repatícus + t + + + R R Bipolar
- rnarmotae + + + + R R Bipolar
- rr;e50Cficetorum t t t ND + s R Bipolar
- "luridarum + + + + R R Bipolar
- -uste/ae t + t + + t + s R Peritrichous
- ::iametensis + + + + + s s Bipolar
- "Odentium t + + + K R Bipolar
- ¡¿Jomonís + + + + + + NO R s Bipolar
-agontum + + + + t NO R R Bipolar

~. wba<te species are oxid~ive and lack the ability to oxídíze or ferment carbohyd<ates in rovtine reactions.
,,-,ce is determined by disk dfffuslon. lsolates are lncubated fOf severa! days at 3rc on blOO!kontaining rnedium contaimng ~o µg anttbtotic dísts. Miaoaerophllte conditions are typically
= aaQ 111wbation times vary between organisms. Resistance (R) is defined as the complete absence of an inhlbition zone, whereas intermediate (I; zones usually <15 mm) and susceptible
.isually >20 mm in diameter) isolates have visible inhibition zones of variotJS sizes.
-¿ s.:me as •H. heílmannii.' • Helicobacter heilmannii" (formerly Ga1tro<;pírilf11m hnmíní<) h>< th• .omP pheootype as listed here for H. bízzozeronií. Only •single •H. heilmam:iii' strain has
~ by culture, and thus it ha< not been indudQd in this table.
·~;¡¡¡raed as "Ffexisptra rappini"-now has been subgrouped inro ten taxa.

:::=a- - Cllaracteristics high humidity with microaProphilic conditions (10%

C02, 80<}6 Nz, 10% II2).
~z:~•><" helicobacters are fastidious, selective media are
~e ::Or isolation. A con1111ercially avdllal.Jle medium con-
of brucella agar with lOºAi horse hloorl as well ;i<; varlabllity
... mycin (10 mg/l), polymyxin B (2500 units/l) and
-erhoprim (5 mg/J). Fresh media are recommended for Hclicobacter pylori exhibits a high d0.gri>f' of genomic hct-
'Tial growth. Specific 1-falicobacter sp. also may have dif erogcnicity, duc in part to nucleotidc substitutions an1011g
• anliuio tic susceptibilltles; therefore, selection of a11- strains. However, H. pylori Iacks a SOS mutagenesis path-
:cs in culture merlia may determine the success of way, and the large number of nuclcotidc substitutions are
--!"non. The organisms do not grow w1der aerouic or probably ctue to mcchanisms such as replication tictelity
~~:obic conditions and achieve optimum growth in ;i dcficiencies or mismatch repair dcfects.
144 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungi

Ecology face epithelia, occasional intracpit hclial lcukoc;-

son1e degenerating glands. Of the glandular epitl:1e .:
Reservoirs only t h e parietal cells are markedly altered ...\b- -.
findings include vacuolation, enlarged size, and :- ~---­
Gastric hclicobacters reside in the gastric mucus layer of a degeneration consisting of hoth karyolysis ancl - ¿~­
variety of n1am1nals. Enterohepatic 11elicobacters' ecologi- rhexis. The presence of large nun1bers of !l. pyl~
c<tl 1Iicl1es <1re tl1e crypts of tl1e colon arH.l cecum, and in gastric n1ucosa of commercially reared cats is ass. ~~
son1c~ cases, the organisrn also t h e h ile c;:in;:iliculi with a lymphofollicular gastritis, characterizcd tr
of tl1e liver. Animals maintained in closed colonies- phoid aggregates and diffuse int1ammation in th.:
reared in pou11ds or kennels, for example- often have pre- 1n.ucosa and lamina propria.
valence rutes of gastric helicobacters approacl1ing 100o/o. Helicobacter pylori colonizes the gastrointestinal ="'-
Sorne l1el icobacters colon ize specific hosts wh ile others are gnotohiotic ciogs o rally rhallenged with this mirrr>----
t:apable of infecting a number of different animal species. ism. Such dogs are colonized with JI pylori in all pa.-
Mamn1als, and birc.!s in sorne cases, n1ay b e reservoirs for tl1e stomach examined: cardia, fu11dus, antrum, an:.
zoonotic transmission to humans (see "7.oonotic Poten- loric ant rum; thc fundus is tl1e 1nost heavHy colon ..
tlal," below). Focal to diffuse Iymphoplasmacytic infiltrates with f.,,-~-­
Sit1ce the original observation of helicobacters in mice formation a11d focal infil tration of neutrophils
in thc 1990:;, it is now known that Hclicobactcr spp. are eoslnophils ln the gastric lamina propria are olJ5e:~"'"~·
prevalent in 1nany roden t colonies both commercial and Also, gnotobiotir ciogs orally inoculated with H. fe/i.; -
academic, throughout the world . 1'hey are also ü1creas- the organisn1 recovered from all areas of the stomacl1,
ingly isolated fron1 the intestines of huma11s, other mam- colonization being 11eaviest in the body and an~
mals, and birds. 'fhough the epizootiology of these enteric Occasionally, H . fe/is is obscrvcd vvithi11 the canalicu..
infections is unk11ow11, lhe bacteria appare11lly persist iJ1 gastric p ariet al cells.
the intestine for the life of mice, other rodents, a11d per- Ex peri m entally, "H. bizzozeronii" ("H. heílrnan--;
haps other animals as well. causes m ucosa-associated Iymphoma in rnice and is ü :1,
with the saine d iseases in h u mans.
Transmission The hisLopalhological changes occurrh1g in ll1e sl, _
ach closely coincided in topography with the presenet
Both oral-oral and fecal-oral routes are probably operable H . 1nustclae. A superficial gastritis p resent in the bod;·
in transn1ission of gastric helicobacters. Transmission of t he ston1ach shows tha t H. rnustelae is located on the sl.4-
intestinal helicobacters is via the fecal oral route. 1'here is face of the mucosa b ut 11ot in the crypts. In the dw._
cu11 Li11 ued cu11 truversy wbether vla\Jle, \Jut uo11-cultur- antru m, infla1n mation occupies t he full thickness of t::,,
able, coccoid forros of helicohacter exist in the environ- mucosa, t he so-called d iffuse antral gastritis described ~
ment , and if present, whether they are important in trans- humans. In t his locatio n H . mustelae is seen at the surfaC>.:
mission to susceptible hosts. in the pits, and on the superficial portion of the glancis. ·-
tl1e proxin1al an trum and thc transitional mucosa, a prt-
Pathogenesis cancerous lesion, focal gland ular atropl1y, and regenera-
tio11 is present, in addition to those lesio11s seen 111 the d is-
Although it is now knowo that both urease and flagella are tal antru1n .
necessary to sustain colonization of Helicohacter spp. il1 tl1e The liver lesion present in naturally H. hepaticus-
gaslric inucus, n1echanis1ns are being aclively explored Lu ir1fecteu rnice prugressively ir1<..:reases in severity. It is <tn ir.-
explain the chronic inflammation induced by some heli- flam matory and ne.crotizi ng lesion, wh ich involves the h i:-
cobactcrs. Thcsc include several putative bacterial viru- p atic parenchyma, the portal triads, and importantly, the
lence tactors, (adhesins, Cag, LP:>, Vac, and orease, to- small in tralobular hepatic venu les. 'fhe \.videspread, multi-
gether with certain proteins exp.ressed by genes located on focal hepatitis and single cell to coalescing hepatocellula:
the cag Pathogenicity Island), which ln tl1e persiste11tly in- necrosis appears to be random in distribution. Within
fected host, initiate sustalned productlon of proilúlan1111a- both the parenchymal perivascular leslo11 and the affected
ll)ry cyloki11es. portal triads, varia\Jlt: uegrees uf oval, Ilo, a11cl Kupffer cell
hyperplasia a re present. There is an age-associated increase
in cell proliferation in infected animals, whlch is not seen
in uninfected control mice. Liver celJ proliteration is more
Helicobacter fe/is and "H. bizzozeronii" ("H. heilmannii") pronounced in male mice than in age-matched female
llave been associated vvith gastric h istopathology in labo- inice. Tl1e increased leveJs o f hepatocyte proliferation in-
ratory-reared beagle dogs. When these b acteria were ob- dices in H. hepaticus-infectecl male mice are consistent
~erveu il1 lovv 110111\Jers e.g., i11 lhe fundus o f lhe slo1nach, willr ll1e ul.Jserv<1liu11 oI iJJC.reased hepalo1nas and 11epalo-
the organisn1 was considered innocuous; ho,.vever, in large cellular carcinom as ohserved in H. hepaticus-il1fccted
numbers, as seen in the cardia and fundic pyloric junctio11, aged A/JCr male mice. More recently, it has bccn dcmon-
thc organisn1 1nay induce ly1nphoreticular hyperp lasia strated that the B6C3Fl and B6AF1 hybrids are susceptible
and n1ay cause premature se11escence of parietal cells. The to H. hepaticus-lI1duced liver tumors, indicating liver
presence of gastric Helicobacter-l i ke organisms (GI-ILOs) is tumor for1nation susceptibility is a <.1ominant
. trait. Helico-
often accompanied by reduction in m ucus content of sur- hacter canis has also been observed in a dog liver with n1ul-
Chapter 25 Spiral-Curved Organisms IV: Heficobacter-The Spiral Shaped Microor~anisms 145

tifocal hepatitis, in a liver of a rhesus monkey i.v1th hepati- H el1cobacter n1arrnotae, originally isolated from the dis-
::is, a11d in woodch ucks with hepatitis. Helicobncter hepati- eased livcr of woodchucks, has a lso been isolatcd and char
i:u:. C111u H. bili~ i11fecliu11 C1rc C1:>:.uciatcu with iI1flarr1matory acterlzed from the teces of cats, as has been H. bilis.
bowel disease in immunodeficient micr íln<l only infrf'- Helicol1acter cinaedi and H . fennelliae, have been linked
quently in !l. hcpaticus infcctcd immunocompetent mice. to procti lis and colitis in in1n1u1101.:u111pronlised hu1uar1~,
r he immune response to H. hepaticus infection appears to and septicemia in n eonates. ()f interest is the recent isolíl-
be T helper 1 n1ediated since splenocytcs produccd largc tion, bascd on cellular fatty acid analysís, of JI. cinaedi
3mounts of interferon ( when stimulated witl1 H. hepaticus from the teces ot dogs, a cat, and rhesus monkeys.
.mtigens. No rrnally, l1umans and other animals remain Helicobacter (ennelliae has also been identified in the fece:;
·,ypo1e:.po11:.i ve:: ur lulera11 l tu ti 1ci r uw11 e11teric flora. In of a dog and a macaque.
:1atients with inflammatory howel disease, toleran ce is clis-
:uptcd as individuals become "hyper-responsive" to en- Sheep. "Flcxispira rappini"was fi1 st isolaleu fru1u a 11u1r1a11
.:ogenous cnteric antigens. IL-10 is a T helper-2 cytokine patient with diarrhea. ln the same householcl, thf' hílc-
i th anti inflammatory and T helper 1 suppressivc cffccts, tcrium was isolated from the feces of a young asympto-
.lnd the lack of IL-10 manifests predictably as an unop- matic dog. A similar bacterium has been cultured from
:-osed ·r helper-1 im1nune response. 'fhe IL- IQ·/· mice aborted ovine fetuses and was givcn the provisional namc
;eared conven Lionally prese11l wi ll 1 t: 11Lerucolitis, !Jut sutJ- "Flexisptra rappíni." Apparently "F. rappini" crosses the pla-
.equent rcaring in specific pathogen-free (SPF) fac ili ties re- cf'nt;.i in pregnant sl1eep, induces abortions, and causes
-:rictcd thc inflammation to the colon, whereas in germ- acute hepatic neo:osis i11 ll1e fe Lus. l:'.xperi 111e11tally, "l:'. rap-
:::ee TL-10-/· there is no Iower bowcl inflammation. Thus, pini" causes abortions and necrotic hepatitis in guinPíl
_1teric bacteria! antigens including H. hepaticus con- pigs. Annlysis of t h c DNA cncoding the 16S rRNA shows
::ibutc to the induction of colitis and more recently 1nduc- that this microorganism belongs in the genus Helicobacter.
'"'n of colon cancer in rag mice and TGF~ 1 deficient mice.
Helicobacters of Rodents. To date, 12 spccies of Helicobacter
have been isolatcd from the intestinal tract and/ or livers of
: sease Features
iodenls; Lwo uf l11e:se::, H. heputic:us and H. bilis have been
-:.-:>rets. Helicobacter mustelae is routinely present in fer- isolated fron1 the ceca, colons, íln<l livPr.:: of mice.
~ (}..1usLela putorius furo) with gastritis and pcptic ulccr:;. Hclicobactcr 1nuridaru111 colonizes the lo,ver intestinal
.:rets lnfected with. H. mustelae, are recognized clinically tract of rats and n1ice, and undcr certain circumstances
\"Omiting, 1nelena, chronic weight Ioss, and lowered colonizes the gastric tissue of mice and induces a gastritis.
i:.uiilucrit. Acutc episodes of gastric bleedtng can also be "Flextspira rappini" colonizcs the colons an d ceca of
·ted on occílsion. H'elir.nhar.ter rnn~telru• híls also been mi ce.
.....:nonstratcd within the pyloric mucosa of ferrets with Helicobacter cinuedi a11d H. rr11::>uc..ric..1:Lurum color1izes tl1e
•oric adenocarcinoma and mucosa-associated lym- intestinal tract of asymptomatic hamstcrs .
~ma of lhc stomach. Helicobacter aura ti is isolated from hamstcrs with severe
_ -¡¡, Swine with gastric disease have a higher prevalence Helicobacter trogontunz and H. bilis havc bccn isolatcd
H. suis (closely related to "H. heílmnnnii" type 1) associ- from the colons of rats, H. rodentiu111, H. typhlonius, and H.
\ gastric ulcers located in the parsoesophagea. gan111a11i from the colons and ceca of mice a11d H. cholecys-
lus l 1a::. 1Jec11 cultured frorn diseased gallbladders of harn-
"Uman Primates. H'elicobactcr pylori has bcen isolated sters. Clínica! signs in infrctt>il rorl Pnt<: h;ive n.ot been
-, nonhuman primates, p<1rticula rly macaques. 'rhe noted, except in im n1unocon1promised n1ice infected with.
=-ence of H. pylori in gastric mucosa ot intected monkeys H. h epaticus or H . bilis wherc diarrhea and/or rectal pro-
:'ten accompan ied by a lymphocytic plasmacytic gastri Iapse may be present.
-!lat appa rently persists. c;linical slgns h avc not been
~ht>rl Primates are also commo nly colonized with Helicobacters in Birds. Helicobacter parnetensis is a urease-
_e astric spiral "H. heilrnannii"-like 01ga11isn1s. Mosl re-
0 11egative enteric helicobactcr lsolated from wild bird and
. y enteric h elicobacter havc bccn isolated from porcinc> fc>cP<; .
=::it'.¡qucs and cotton top tamarins with idiopathic colitis. Ilelicobacter pullorurn has been isolated f1on1 ceca uf
asymptomatic chickens, the livers and intestinal content~
;;.;s and Cats. Clínica! signs in pet animals, attributable to of chickcns w ith hepatitis, and fcccs of humans with gas-
b"cter-assoclated gastritis mayor may not be present. troentent1s. There is speculation that H. pu./forunz may be
ht1rtr1r pylori has been identified in lOOo/o of the stom- the microbial agent responsible for the syndrorne termed
....__, exan1ined fron1 a group of specific p<1Ll1ugeu free, avían vibrtontc hepaCiLts describcd in both chicken s and
~toma tic

cats, obtained frorn a commercial vendcH-. hJ rkPy.-;. 'Though Campylobacler jejuni has been suggested as
.obactcr carris has bccn isolatcd from feces of norm al an ctiological agent iJ1 tl1is disease, stuuic:; co11ducted to
- - • arrheic dogs and normal cats. ·rhis microorganism ascertain w hether C. jejuni (derived from humans or ch ick-
o been isolated from the liver of a puppy diagnosed ens) produces hcpatopathy have failed. Most rccently, wild
11g an active, multifocal hepat1t1s. Helicobacter canis geese have been identitied as rcservoirs for H . canadensis, a
- · - ,... hf'Pn cultured from the feces o f c hildren and adult hclicobacter first identified in diarrheic humans and mis-
-----:s suffering fron1 gaslioente1 ilis. classlfled as H. pullorun1.
146 PART ll Bacteria and Fungi

Zoonotic Potential Laboratory Diagnosis

Helicubacter pylori-ínfected cats have been scree.ned by cul-
ture anct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence Direct Exarnination
of JI. pylori in salivary secretions, gastric juice, gastric tis- In addition to using a Gram stain on homogenized gastric
sue, a11d feces. Helicobacter pylori ;vas cultured from sali- tissue for a rapid, presumptive diagnosis, the urease activ -
vary secretions in 6 of 12 (50%) cats and from gastric fluid 1ty of tl1ese gastrlc bacteria is utllized. A dlagnostlc t est fo:
samples in 11 of 12 (91 o/o) cats. Isolation of H. pylori from fe- urease is commercially available tl1at detects urease activ-
line mucosal secretions suggest a zoonotic risk from expo- ily in gaslric Lissue willlin 15 n1i11utes to 3 11ours. Tl1us, a
sure to personnel ha11dling H. pylori-lnfected cats ln vi- gastric biopsy can be minced and placed directly in to urea
varia . However, to date, there is 110 indication based 011 broth anda posi.tivc rcaction obtaincd in 1 hour.
several epiden1iological studies tl1at pets pose il1creased Gastric brushing cytology can be performed during
risk of H. pylori zoonotic transmission to humans. routine endoscopy. Cells and mucus that adhere to the
Because "H. heilrnannii" ("H. bizzozeronii") and to a brush are applied to a glass sllde, air-dried and stained with
lesser extent H. felis colonize a smatt percentage of humans a Giemsa stain. Por visualizatio11 of gastric belicobacters,
with gastritis, and no environrnental source for these bac- oil in1n1ersio11 n1ag11ilicatio11 (lOOX) is used. Phase micro-
teria been recogntzed, pets in severa! published reports scopy is also helpful in establishing a tentative diagnosis.
have been iinplicated in zoonotic transmission of these
n1icroorganisn1s. l!1 Gern1any a rece11L survey of 125 i11di-

viduals infected with GHLOs provided information in a Jsolation and Jdentification

questionnaire regarding animal contact. Of thcsc paticnts, Helicobacters can now be isolated routü1ely fron1 the gas-
70% had contact with one or more anilnals (as compared tric tissue of infected humans, ferrets, nonhuman pri-
with 37o/o in the "normal" population). More than a three- mates, and increasingly from other laboratory, domestic,
fold preponderance of males over female patie11ts witl1 and wild animals. It is more difficult to isolate H. felis from
GHLOs was recorded. Lio~s a11d cats, a11d unlil very recenlly H . bizzozerorzii ("H.
SiI1ce H. c;ínuedi ha:s l!t:e11 i:sulateu fru111 l1u111a11:s a11u tl1t heilmannii"), the large gastric spiral, was uncultivable.
normal intestine flora of hamsters, it has heen suggested I-Iowever, this organism has now been isolated fro1n both
that pet harnsters serve as a reservoir for transmission to dogs and humans. 1-/e/icobacter salornonis has been isolated
humans. Also given that H. canis, Flexispira (He/icobacter) from dog stornachs as well. When attempting to grow H.
rappini, H. pullorum, and H. canadensis, have been isolated fe/is, H. bizzozeronii, and H. salomonis, it is very important
from animals and diarrheic humans, the probability that to use moist plates, which are incubated lid uppermost.
these helicobacters are also zoonotic agents exists. These species do not form distinct colonies, but rather bac-
t eria ! gro'\o\rth consists of a very fine spreacling film, which
could easily be dismissed as water stains. Another limiting
lmmunologic Aspects factor in isolation of gastric Helicobacter spp. from animals
and humans is tl1e neccssity of obtaining gastrlc blopsies.
A variety of serolo!,>ic tests have been used to n1easure the The organisms are not routinely cultured from gastric juice
increased anti-H. pylori- specific IgG and Ig/\ antibody or feces. Enterohepatic helicobacters can be isolated on
found in humans with different types of gast ritis a11d duo- t he same selective antibtotic media u sed to isolate gastric
denal or gastric ulcers. The rnost popular tests have been helicob;icters. Also, the use of O 45 JI or 0.65 p fil ters to se-
an enzyrne-linked irnmunosorbant assay (ELISA) uslng lectively filter feces helps 111inimize contan1ination from
glycine-ext ractecl antigen or \.Vhole-cell sonicates of the other enteric organisms during primary culture on selec-
bacteria. The severity of gastritis in terms of int1amn1atory tive agar. Higl1er hydroge11 levels in the gas n1ixture- i.e. 1
Tesponse does not correlate with levels of antibody. 10°16- enhances recovery of the enterohepatic helicobac-
Specific serum IgG a11tibodies to gastric 11elicobacters in ters. It is now recognized that helicobacters and campy-
animals have also been used to diagnose those both natu- lobacters can be a mixed infection and isolated from tbe
rally and experimen tally infected with Helícobt1cter spp. sanie fe<:es ofboth animals a11d huma ns. PolymerasP chain
Analyses of serum and rnucosal secretions by ELISA ln H. reaction (PCR)- based assays n1ay therefore be required in
pylnri nat11rall y infecteci c;:its reve;ils ;in T-T. pylori-spPcific many cases to verify whether mixed infections exist in the
IgG response, and elevated IgA anti-11. pylori antibody lev- samehost.
els in salivary and local gastric secretions. Like humans. Fig11re 25.1 and Table 25.2 outline tbe various pheno-
though helpful in diagnosis, neither secretory nor seru1n typic characteristics of various helicobacters that are used
antibody responses are protectíve. to isolale and idenlify helicobaclers fron1 gaslric biopsies.
Helicobacter hepaticus has appare11tly developed strate-
gies to evade host immune responses silnilar to those of Molecular Methods
gastric helicobacters. H<'.licol1acter hepaticus i nfected A/JCr
mice with hepatitis have a persistent IgG anti body re- DNA prilners specific for genes encodlng various proteins
sponse to this rnicroorganism, which does not confer pro- specific for helicobacters, as well as primers specific for seg-
tection. Younger mice, whose intestinal crypts are colo- ments of DNA encoding the 165 rRNA, have been de
nized with H. hepaticus, but without appreciable hepatitis, scribed and used for demonstration in samples and identi-
do not have elevated IgG antibody to H . hepaticus. fication by the use of the polymerase chain reaction.
Chapcer 25 Spiral-Curved Organisms IV: Helicobacter-The Spiral Shaped Microorganisms 147

1 Figure 25 . 1 . lsolati on of Helicobacter from gastric biopsies.

BIOPSY ] - Free2e in 20% glycerol

[ Store at -20C

M«..1oos~1 tiss1.1e 0.5 m i of 20% glucosé Sélacted ti&Guet:

Formalín fiKed
~r.r~pino 4r. 11nlil innr:1 1l~tinn prQp;ired for EM

-------- TISSUe Gtinder
phase microscopy

lnoculoto ti33uO homogenate Gram stain lnoculoto in o. cclcctivc incdio

into uroo broth (counter stain with (Brucolla agar w ith 10% blood)
· Vancomycin 10 mg/L
•Polymyxin B 2500 ug
•TrimAthn()ñm !i. mg/l

Uro:ieo • G rom ncg.:itivc l ncub.,te 37C "nd 42C

wtthin 1 hour mo:phok>gy dependont S-..1 doy.) in ge.-s mixture
(up t.o 24 hrs) on spociq_s is;.obt9d ( 5% co,. 5% ~· !)()'!(. N,
10'll. CO,, 10% H,_ 80% N,)

!)•/o u , (m1croaerob1c)

Gram negatlve organlsm

Mvtilily T
Oxidase 'T
Urease •
Cotolesc +

-~: at ment and Control dnacdi infcction succcssfully. Thc occurrcncc of in vitro re-
sistance of isolates of H. cinaedi to ciprolloxacin suggests
_-obncter priori. A triple-therapy regimen consisting of that fluoroquinolones should be used with caution.
'-h.:ill iu au<l 1uctru11i<l¡¡zulc1 ur tctr¡¡cycline an<l "Flexispria (He/fcobacrer) rappiní"-llke organisms have
_;:;o nida7.olP., in comhination w ith hismuth s11hs;ilic.y- been isolatcd from imn11.111ocon1petent and immunoin-
given for 2 to J weeks has proven to be cfficicnt in con1petent (X-linkcd aga111n1aglobuline1 nia) childreu.
dication of rf. priori. Indeed, this antimicrobial regi- 'J'hese isolates have had variable susceptibility to a number
- .;n. plus ranitidine, has p roven successful in treating pa- of antimicrobials. However, most isolates have sho~vn sus-
- ¡s with utcer disease. In studies comparing th1s treat- ceptibílity to imipenem, metronidazole, minocycline, and
- .:r. t to those patients receiving ranitidine alone, ulcers rifampin, and intermcdiate sensitivity to doxycycline.
011Iy Jicalcu raster, uut tlte recurrt::nct:: uf ulcers was sig- Studles In ferrets indicate that thc triple therapy con-
cantly less than the antihiotic-trr.atP<I group whf'rf' H. sisting o f amoxicillin (30 mg/ kg), metronida2ole (20
~..¡ had been eradicated. Recently, thcrapy regimens mg/kg), and bisn1ulh sulJ:,alicylatc (17.5 1ng/ kg) (Pepto-
_ ..,g proton pump inhibitors (e.g., omepra7.ole) in combi- Rismol original form11lil, Proctor & Gamble) three times a
-ion with othcr antibiotics also havc shown consider- day for 3 to 4 weeks has successfully c1 adica led H. rnuslelue.
e e!flcacy 1n erad1canng H. pylon. ~everal reports de- L>osages ot clarithromycin and ranitidine bismuth citrate
-:bing antimicrobial therapy in domestic dogs and cats tl1at successfully eradicat ed H. n1ustclac wcrc 12.5 and 24
• ..i1 gastriti:. ltave faileu to erauicdte the large gastrlc splral n1g/kg of body \"7eight per os every 8 h rs, respectívely for a
:.:anisms from the sto1nach of ;i nim:-ils. 14-day period.
- ;er Helicobacters. Antimicrobial susccptibility testing of HelicolJu¡,ler flepalic;us- irife.cte.d mlce recclving triple
- d naeái indicatcs that tetracycline, chloramphcnicol, thcrapy consisting of amoxicillin, mPtronirlazole, and bis-
A.:.d various aminoglycosides should be effcctivc in trcat- muth 3x daily for 2 weeks by gastric intubation cradicaled
-=- - infections with this miaoorgan1sm. Apparcnt relapses thc microorganism. Use of antibiotic impregnated dietary
i·I. cinnedi bacteremia have occurred in pcople treated wafers has not been succcssful in cradicating this micro-
:1 ciµruíloxaci n uespite its previous use to treat H. organism.
Organisills V: Leptospira

l.PptospiraP a rP spirochi>ti>s tha t arP morphologically a11d microscopy. Typical cells have a hook at each end makir::
physiologically uniform but serologically and epide11.1 io- tl1e111 S- or C-sl1aped. Wct n1ounts revea! ll1cn1 Lo !:>::
logically diverse. Domestic animals most coinn1only af- motile.
fcctcd are dogs, cattle, swine, and horses. Canine leptospi- Leptospirae are gram-negative b ut stain poorly ar.:.
rosis tn.anitestations are septicemic, hepatic, and renal thus, unrecognizable in routinely fixed, stainecl smea!"'"
disease. ln cattle and swü1e, septicemic illness is largely 'fhey can be den1onstrated by fluore.scent antibody or sL
confined to the young, whilc abortion is tl1e priI1cipal ver impregnation (Fig 26.l).
1nanifestatio11 iI1 adults. Abortion and recurrent uveitis
( l llVVU l>lii lUUI::>:>, Vi JJt:liVUÍL vpl1ll1al1uia) ale lht' lUU:>l Cellular Anatomy and Composition
common manifestations in horses. California sea lions are
susceptible to acutc, scpticcn1ic le.ptospiral infections. Leptospiral cells consist of an outer sheat h, axial fib~
Other host species. though susceptible to infection, de- ("endoflageJJa"), and a cytoplasrnic cylinder. '!he oute:
velop clinical signs less frequently. Leptospirosis in hu- sheath combines features of a capsule and outer m ee:
mans is typically an acute febri le disease. brane. A cell mernt)rane and t he peptidoglycan !ayer of tt..::
'l'axonomy studies, based on DNA analyses, have led to cell \vall cover the cytoplasm ic <..)'lü1der.
the description of eight pathogenic species: Leptospira
horgpetersenii, f .. inarlar., T.. interrogans sensu stricto, L. Cellular Products of Medical lnterest
kirschneri, L. 111eyeri, L. noguchii, L. sa11tarosac, and L. weilee.
Notwithstanding, leptospires are classified and referred to Cell Wall. Members of the genus Leptospira have a graT:"-
by their antigenic composition. Thcy are currcntly sortcd ncgative cell wall. 'l'he lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in th"
into 23 serogroups . Lept ospire tsolates placed within oule1 1nec uura11e is au iluµortaut viruleuce determinar;-
these scrogroups are further characterized and ide11tified Not only is the lipid A component toxic (endotoxin), h1 -
a11tige1lically as unique serovarietics (serovars), of which the length of t he side chail1 in tl1e 0 -repeat unit h inde.:
there are more than 200. RPferenci> to t hese organisms the attachment of the 1nembrane attack complex of tt=
is typically by genus and serovar in clinical setth1gs, (l.e., complement system to the outer membrane. LPS binds::
Leptospira serovar canicola is the accept ed designation of lipopolysaccharide-binding prot ein (a serun1 proteir:.
the most common canine pathogcn found in North which in turn. tra11sfers it to the blood phase of CD14. Tt.<:
An1erica. Other serovars important i.n Nortl1 i\merica CD14-LPS co111plex !Jiud~ Lu Tull-like re<.:eµtur µroteiI1s (se=
and tl1eir principal hosts and clinical hosts (in parenthc- Chapter 2) on the su rface of macrophage cells tri ggeri~­
ses) are: thc rclcasc of proinfla1nmatory cytokines
Hemolysin. ·rhe hemolysin (a cytotoxin) produced t;c-
icterohaemorrhagiae: rodents (dogs, horses, cattle, swine) some serovars Leptospira is a spl1ingomyelinase C .
grippotyphosa: rodents (dogs, cattle, swine)
canícula: dogs (swine, cattle)
pornona: cattle, sv.rini> (horsPs, shPi>p, s~;i lions) Growth Characteristics
hardío: cattle Leptospirae are oblígate aerobes, which grow optimally a-
bratislava: swine (horses, sea lions) 29ºC to 30°C. Generation tin1e averages about 12 hou--
No growth occurs on bloo<.l agar or other routine mect¡,.:_
Descriptive Features 'fraditional mPdia ari> i>ssentially rahhit sPn1m (10ºAi), in sr...-
lutions of peptones, vitamins, electrolytes, anct bufft:.!'
Morphology and Staining Sorne newer media have substituted polysorbates a~
bovine albumin substituted for rabbit serum. Protein is r. -
Leptospirae (from the Greek leptos, meaning "thin") are required. Unlikc most prokaryotes, lcptospi rae are not ab•.::
tightly coiled spiral organisms. Because tl1ey stain poorly, to synthesize pyrimidines and th us 5-fluorouracil is addE:-
they require darkfield or pl1asc contrast mlcroscopy for vi- to growth media as an inhibitory agent to contarrlinati::~
sualization. The spirals are bcst demonstrated by electron bacteria and fungí .

Chapter 26 Spiral-Curved Organisms V: Leptospira 149

F 1G U RE 2 6. 1 . Leptospira interroga ns, serovar pomona in the renal tubules of a pig.

Levaditi si/ver stain, 1000X.

~-íost media are fluid or semisolid (0.1 % agar). In fluid demiologic significance of such associations is not es-
__ dia , little turl.Jillity Llevelups. Iu seruisulid u1edia, tablished.
:::::;:::-,\· th is concentrated in a disc- called a "dinger zone"- Roclrnts arr thr most frequent leptospiral carriers, with
.....:cut 0 .5 cm below the surface. wild carnivores ranking second. No n1a11.1n1al ca11 be ex-
cluded as a possible host. Typically reservoir hosts show
· .;{hemical Reactions mínima!, if any, signs of discnsc.

'"""-ptospirae are oxidase and catalase-positive; many have

.:tase activity. Sorne produce u rease. Identification be- Transmission
-o:Jd genus is based on serology. Species-specific L)NA pri- Exposure is through contact of n1ucous n1embranes or
_ ers in conjunclion vvilh Lhe polyn1erase chain reaclion skin with urine-contaminated wat er, fomites, or feed .
:CR) have also heen developed for a more accurate char- Othcr sourccs are milk from infcctcd cows and genital sc-
1CTerization of pathogenic leptospirae. cretions from cattle and swine of either sex.

:_¿ptospirae are killed by drying, freezing, heat (SOºC for 10
Clínica! a11d pathological manifestations suggest toxic
°!liJ1uLe:s), soav, bile salLs, deLeigenLs, acidic environrnenls,
.!..:d putrefaction. They persist in a moist, temperate envi-
1ncchanisms. Filtratcs of tissuc fluids from cxpcrirncn-
tally infected animals contain cyt otoxic factors that p ro-
:;Jnment at neutral to slightly alkaline pH (see "Epidemiol-
::-gy," below). duce vascular lesions similar to those seen with lep-
The spirochetes enter the bloodstream subsequent to
.ari¡ibility n-iucous n1embra1-ie or reproductive inoculatio11, colon.iz-
_.!o re Lha11 200 servvars o í varasi lic leIJLOSIJirae exi:sL Tl1t:y ing particularly liver and kidney, where they produce de-
gcncrativc changcs. Othcr affcctcd organs may be muscles,
<UY in host and geographic distribution, and in pat ho-
.::enicity. eyes, and meninges, where a nonsuppurative meningitis
may develop. Hemorrhages result from damaged vascular
endothelium. Ali serovars produce these cbanges to vary-
::cology ing degrees. Leptosj>ira serovar pomona in cattle causes
intravascular ben1olysis due Lo a hen1olylic exoloxin. Au-
toimmune phenomena may also contribute to this con-
dition. Sccondary changes include icterus due to liver
~1em.bers of the genus Leptospira inhabit the tubules damage an.d blood destruction, and acute, subacute, or
o f mammalian kidneys. Tl1ey have been isolat ed from chronic nephritis dueto renal tubular injury. 'l'he cellular, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates, but the epi- exudates contain predominantly lymphocytes and plasma
150 PA!tT 11 Bacteria and Fu11gi

cells. In surviving ani rnals, leptospirae are ren1oved from cially in piglets, while abortion and infertility are the man-
circulation with the appearance of antibo<ly but persist in ifestations in sows.
the kidneys for many weeks (see Fig 26.l).
Horses. Equinc lcptospirosis is due most often to serovars
pon1ona, grippotyphosa, and icterohae1norrhagiae. Signs in
Disease Patterns natural infections have been fever, mild icterus, and abor-
Most leptospiraJ infcctions run an inapparent course prob- tion. Leptospirosis is involved in equine recurre11t uvcitis
ably due to infection of the animal by a host-adapted (periodlc ophthalmla, muun IJ!ir1dncs:s; :scc "ll1uuu11ulugiL
scrovar. Clinicnl infcctions manifcsting overt signs are pri- F;:ictor.~." hi>low). l .Pptn~pira sprovar pnrnnna and an as yet

martly due to non-host-adaptcd scrovar infeetions. These unidentified leptospira havc bccn cuJtured from the aque-
occur 1nainly in dogs, ca ltle, and s'<Vine; increasingly in sea ous humor of horses with clinical signs of this disease.
líons; occaslonally in horses, goats, ancl sheep; and excep-
tionally in cats. Miscellaneous Species. In small ruminants, Jeptospirosis,
usually dueto serovar pornona, resembles that seen in cat-
Canine. Leading serovars involved are icterohaemorrhagiae tle. Tnfectlons wlth seruv<1r:s hurclju a11u ;srippulyphusu alsu
and canicola, with thc lattcr thc n1on.: common. lncrcasing occur. EpiciPmirs rl11P to sProv;ir pnrnnna h ave caused high
i1umbcrs ot dogs with acute renal failure d ue to serovars n1ortality an1ong California sea Jions periodically since the
grippotrphosn, pomona, and bratislava infections are being 1940s.
The n1ost acute form affccts young pups preferf'nti;:illy, Humans. Humans a re susceptible to all serovars with no
p1oducing rever 'vilhout Jocalizing signs, and is con1- host-adaptcd strains i<lentified. Jnfcctions cause fever,
monly fatal within days. Hcmorrl1ages are often apparent icterus, muscular pains, ra:shes, a11d i1011:suppurati ve 1nen-
antemortem on mucous mcmbrancs and skin, or mani- ingitis, manifestations v;irying somc.what with the
fested hy epistaxis or by bloodslained teces anú vomitus. serovars involvcd. A 111aligr1ant forrn, most oftcn associ-
Jcterus is absent. ated with serovar icterohaen1orrhagiae, can cause fatal liver
Tl1e icteric type runs a slower course, and hemorrhages or renal diseasc.
are less conspicuous. lctcrus is prominent. Renal localiza-
tio11 cau::.c::. Jlitrugc11 rt:lt:11liu11, l'vhile 1enal casls and leuko- Epidemiology
cytcs appcar in thc urine.
Thc urcmic typc, centered in the kidneys, results subse- Thc many tolcrant hosts and the protracted shedder state
quent to either of the types of infections described above perpetua te leptu::.piru::.i::.. Iudi rct.:L eXJ?OSu1e depends on
or may develop in their absence. It may be acute and rap 1nilrt anrt '-VC't condilions, which favor environmental sur-
iclly fatal with signs of gastrointestinal upsets, uremic vival o f lcptospirac. More direct transfer occurs by urine
breath, and ulcerations in the anterior aJirnentary tract; or aerosols in milking barns and cattle sheds or by canine
it u1ay rull a ::.low cour::.t: will1 lit:layt:u un::.t:l. Tltt: rt:latiu11- courting habits, which may explain the male bias of ca
ship of leptospirosis to ch ro nic interstitial nephritis lead- nine leptospirosis.
ing to uremic death is controversia!. Contaminated bodies of water are i n1portant sources of
infectiuu tu liv~::.tock, a4uati1.: u1a1uu1al::., a1.1d hu111a1 1~.
Cattle. 'fh e predominant manifestation of bovine lep Anima l hanrt lcrs, scwcr workers, field hands, n1iners, and
tospirosis is abortion, usually late term, but may occur at vctcrínarians are at íncrcased risk of exposure.
any time following infection. J\bortion is d ueto primary
fetal Ul..!<ttlJ rc1tlicr thG111 t.Jlacc11tal i11fecliu11. Fetal re teuti uu
with progressive autolysis is common. Abortions due to lmmunologic Factors
serovar ilardjo, the host-adapted serovar for cattle, are pri-
n1arily a prohlem ot heiters in dairies due to management lmmune Mechanlsms of Disease
practices that differ between beef cattJe and dairy opera-
Immunologic mechanisms may relate to sorne features or
tions. Leptospira serovar 11arrtjo infections affect calves in
lcpto5pi ral discasc:
utero, lea<ling either to abortion or "weak-calf syndrome."
'fhe::.e iufeclions a1e often subclinical or n1ay be 111arked by 1. The hen1o lytic anemia characteristic of septicemiL
"milk-rtrop synrtromf'," reproductive failure, and infertil- leptospirosis duc to servar pon1ona in ruminants !
ity. Chronic infcction of the kidneys and the shedding of associatcd with thc prcscncc of cold h emagglu-
leptospirae in urine are common. tinins, suggesting an autoimmune process. The re'-
Acute leptospirosis dueto serovar po1nona affects mostly ative roles of this and the bacteria! hen1olysin a:L
calves and sometimes adult cattle. lt is n1arked by fever, uncertaln.
hemoglobinuria, icterus, anemia, anda fatality rate of 5% 2. Canine chronic interstitial nephritis is con.<>icif'r~
to 15o/o. by 111any a poslleptospiral lesion. A leptospiral etiol-
ogy is suggested by a frequcnt history of leptosp.-
Swine. ·rhc scrovars implicated in porcine leptospirosis in- rosis and thc prcscncc of leptospiral antibod-
clude serovars po1nona, icterof1ae1norrhagiae, canicola, particularly in urine. An immune-basecl etiology •
tarassovi, /Jrntisla~·a, and tnuenchen. As in bovine Jeptospiro- attractive, as antirenal antibody has been demo:--
s1s1 sept1cem1a witt1 icterus and hemorrhages occurs, espe- strated in lnfected dogs.
Chapter 26 Spiral-Curved Organisms V: Leptospira 151

3. Evidence of a leptospiraJ basis for equ1ne recurrent Direct Examination

uveitis (periodic ophthalmia, moon blindness) rests
MPthoc1' of c1irPct vis11;il demonstration are wet mounts,
i11 parL un leptu~piral a11tiliuuy a11d its relative titers
cxamined by darkfield (or phasc) niícroscopy, in1111u110Ilu-
in serum and aqueous humor. The condition has
bccn rcproduccd in horscs and dogs cxperimentally orescent stains, and silver impregnation of fixed tissue.
Routine darkfield micrüscopy should be limitcd to
by using leptospiraJ antigens.
urine. Other body fluids conta1n art1facts morphologicall y
similar to leptospirae. Brief, low-speed centrifugation
le(hanisms of Resistance and Recovery clea1s LI 1e;: :.µeci.iue11 uf i11t~rf~ring particles but will not
sediment leptospirae. Methods 11.~ing formlllini7.Pcl 11rinp
ecovery from acute leptospirosis c:oincic1f'.~ with thi> ci>ss;i- have been described, but they destroy motility, 'l\ hich aids

::>n of septicemia and the appcarancc of circulating anti- in thc idcntitication of leptospirae. Negative results of di-
- ...<Hes, usually during the second week of infection. rect examinations do not rule out leptospirosis.
--otective antibodies are of lgM and TgG isotypcs and are Fluorcscent antibody has been uscd on fluids, tissue
_ rected mainly at the outer sheath anti gens. sections, homogenates, organ impressions, and, most ef-
Agglutinating antibodies, which persist aftcr recov- feL:li ve;:ly, llll al.lurtell l>uvine f~tuses, where examlnation of
.~..')', i~ 110L ar a i11<..licatiu11 uf iuuuuuity IIOr uf the shedder kidney is most rewardi ng. Silvt>r-imprt>gnated sections
ratc, which may exist in the presence or ahsenc:i> of <inti- must be interpreted with. caution, because argyropl1ilic tis-
!>ody. suc 1ibrils mimic leptospirae.
lmmunity toUowing recovery is generally solid and DNA amplification using the polymcrasc chain rcac-
4:rovar-specific. Repeated abortions due to serovar hardjo tion togcthcrwith specific DNA primcrs has become an ex-
-.ave been reported in co,\fs, probably dueto weak in1mune cellent diagnostic tool for detecting the presence of lep-
-.-..ponse to this hovine-adapted serovar. luSiJiiae in ct11irual tissues and flulds.

- 7ficial lmmunization lsolation and ldentification

_.:cination with bacterins is used in dogs (bivalent con- The nlcdiun1 of Ellinghauser1, McCulluugh, Johnson, and
-üing serovars icterohaen·1orrhagiae and canica/a). /\ biva- Harris (EMJH medium) is a good isolation medi11m, i>spi>-
dlt bactcrin containing serovars grippotyphosa a11d
cially for serovar hardjo, the slowest growing of the
··nona is also commercially available. 1'hese bacterins are
com rnon scrovars. Replicate inoculations are 1nade into
u1prlsed of killed, whole-cell leptosplrcs. Toxlc compo- EMJH medium with and without sclcctivc inhibitors
- nt~ of thi>.~P proc111rts, ~nrh ;:is endotoxin, may be re- (5-fluorouracil, neomycin, cyclohex1m1de). Cultures are
-:-onsible for the adverse reactions reported in dogs. exam ined microscopically at intervals during incubation
ln North America, cattle and swine are vaccinated with fui up lo :.everal 1noutl1s.
pentavalcnt bactcrin containing thc most common Animal inoculation (hamsti>r' or gninP;:i pigs) elimi-
:Jrth American serovars (fzardjo, grippotypfzosa, pomona, nates minor contaminants from the prirnary inoculun1,
-.aohae1norrhagiae, and canica/a), with thc addition of which is injccted intraperitoneally. Blood is drawn period-
~:o\·ar bratislava anda second scrovar f1ardjo component ically for culture starting a fcw days aftcr inoculation. Aftcr
.:: sorne vaccines. Humans who are at risk may opt for vac- 3 to 4 weeks, the animals are killed and their kidneys ex-
.naliuu as we;:IL ProLecLiu11 i::. ::.eruvctr-:.pecifi<.: auu teu1po- amined and cultured for leptospirae. Jf irlfected with lep-
-::ry, requiring at least annual hoosters. Vaccination pre- to.splrae, they will have dcvclopcd antlbody. Any isolate
~nts overt disease but not necessarily infection.
ri>rovi>ri>c1 hy thi>si> methods can bC' identified morphologi-
cally as a 1nen1be1 of Lhe ge11u::. Lcplu:;piru. Defi1litive ider1-
tification is carried out hy refercnc:e J;ihoratories.
_aboratory Diagnosis
iagnosis of leptospirosis must be established by labora- Serology
"•Y co11fi1111aLio11. Dircct examination is often unreli;ihlP 11nc1 r11lt11re l11bori-
ous, cxpensive, and slo'"'· Serology is the most common
!:mple Collection diagnostic method. ·rhe microscopic agglutination test
employing live antigen is most widely uscd. Othcrs in-
.,. uu1 1iviI1g sulJjects, t;lood, urin<::, cercbrosplnal fluid, clude macroscopic plate and tube agglutination tests,
.. ~eri ne f111 ic1.~, 11nc1 p l11ri>nt;:i I cotylc~dons are examined. complemcnt fixation tests, and enzyme-linked antibody
~lood is usually negative after the first febri le pl1ase. Milk a:-.say:.. Paircll sa1nples are preferred: onc collected at first
destructive to leptospirae and nota pron1ising source for presentation and one 2 wi>Pk.~ lllti>r. Tf leptospirosis was
_-.iltures. Urine should always be testcd. the problern, a fourfüld or greater rise in titer should have
From cadavers, including aborted fetuscs, kidneys are occurrcd in the interval. In bovine abortion, these rela-
±e most likely organs to harbor leptospi rae. In septic fatal- tions may not hold. This is duc to thc fact that scrovar
..:t::. (i11<.:ludi11g al.lurtions) many organs, espccia1ly the /1ardjo infections ot cattle clicit a very weak immune re-
_;;er, spleen, l11ng, hr11in, ;:inc1 i>yP, may contain the agent. sponse that is probably dueto their adaptation to this an
Culturing is done promptly after san1plc colleclion. hual species.
152 PA1rr TI R<'lC'tPria ¡¡nrJ !=11ngi

Treatment and Control phylactically. Howevcr, cvidcncc of leptospiral infection in

the kidneys and reproductive tracts of cattle subsequent to
Leptospirae are susceptible to penicillin G, fluoroquino- antibiotic treatment is not uncommon.
lones, tetracycUnc, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, and Vaccinalion ge11erally preve11ls disease. ll does r1ol p1e-
erythromycin. Treatment, to be of benefit, must be insti vent infection nor shedding, although it does reduce its
tuted early, possibly cvcn prophylactically in cases of cxtcnt.
known exposure. Doxycycline is used to treat humans pro-

...-:-.,hylococci are spherica\ gram-positive bacteria that di- I'resumably, the othcr species have sin1ilar trails and cha1-
.:.1: in scveral planes to form irregular clusters. ·rhey are acteristics that make them potentially pathogenic.
- -sent in thc upper respiratory tract and on other epithe-
- ~urfaces of ali warrJJ-lJluuucu aulu1als. Four of sorne 20
Adl1esí11s. Staphylococci produce a number of surface
proteins that bind to a var1ety of extracel lular matrix pro- ,.
?e(:ies are of veterinary importanc:r.: S. a11re1LS, S. inter- teins of the host (fibronectin, fibrinogen , collagen, vitro
Jius, S. hyicus, and S. schleiferi subspccies coagulans. Sta- neclin, Ia11 1i11iu) . 1'he:;e "adheslns" have been termed
lococcus aureus is a common pyogenic agent in humans MSCRAMi\lfs (rnicrohia 1 s11 rfacP r.omponents recognizing
-d severa! animal species. Staphylococcus intcrrncdius is adhesive 1natrix rnolecules). Staphylococci produce a 11uu1-
·e leading pus-formlng bacterium in dogs. Staphy/ococcus ber of different adhesins, giving ~orne .strains afñnity for a
.:us, which is found in severa! species, causes exudative ccrtain tissuc typcs (bone, kidney, bladdcr) .
..:1:1111lc.lls of s~v111e anu sometlmes, bov1ne mastitís. sca- Capsule. ::,tap11y1ococcus aureus produces 11 serologically
ococcus schleiferi suhspPcipc; rnag11/n11s (a long with S. in-
"'ledius) is sometimes associated with otitis externa of
distinct polysaccharide capsules. The genes encoding cap
:,ult: µrotluction are located on a Staphylococcal Cassette
::s. Staphylococcus sciuri and S. x.vlosus (and rarely S. epi- Chro1nosome Gt>nPtic>mf'nt (SCC.cnp). SCCs satisfy the <(
~nidis) are univcrsally prcscnt on skin and sorne mucous characteristics outlined for defining a Patl1ogeniciLy
-.:nbranes, but are ra rely pathogenic. Pathogenic staphy- Islancl: a cluster of genes encoding virulence determi-
.. .cci usually produce the enzyme coagulase (see below). nant(s), an integrase protcin, a spccific insertion site, and
rnobility. The capsule is thought to act in preventing
: : scriptive Features Ce// Wall. The cell '"'ªll of the members of this genus is 1

one typical of gram-posi tive bacteria. ·rhe lipoteichoic

• ·::hology and Staining acids and peplidoglyca11 uf lhc gra111-posit1ve cell wall in- 1
~!"lylococci are 0.5 to 1.5 µm in diamctcr and gcncrally teract with macrophage cell~ rPc;11lting in thf' relPase of
;i strongly gram-posit1ve. In exudates they form clus-
proinflammatory cytokines.
pairs, or short chains (Fig 27.1). Spores and flagella are Enterotoxins/Pyrogenic Toxin Superantigens. Coagulase-
.11. E11<.:a¡.>:.ulatiu11 i:s varJalJlc. positive staphylococci produce n group of cxotoxins of
similar slze and three-dimensional shapc. These include 11
cntcrotoxins (SE, for staphylococcal enterotoxin) A-M
_:ture and Composition
(Lhcre is no f 1101 J), and ll1e Lvxi<.: sl1uck sy11Liro1ue toxin
.. ell wall consists of proteins and polysarrharirlt>s. (fSST-1 ). The genes encoding these toxins are located on
~ protein ("clumping factor," "bound coagulase") is Pathogcnicity lslands (SEI3, SEC, SEl<-M, TSST-1), pro-
y present in S. aureus and S. interrnedius. Clumping phagcs (SEA, SEE), or plasmids (SED). Ali are small proteins
- intcracts in vitro with fibrinogcn to produce an (20,000 to 30,000 in molecular wcight) and dissimilar in
--.,,...-~-nation-lil<e reaction. Another, Protcin A, produces pr1mary amino acid sequence, but remarkably similar in
--o..~ation by combining with the Fe fragment of immu shape. They are resistant to heat and digestive enzymcs.
uli11:.. Tht: prt:LioIDiI1ant poly:sacchar1de is teJchoic 1"hc SEs, ~vhicli are mually i11ge:sted as a preformed toxln,
'lked to peptidoglycan. Tts alc:ohol moiPty is rihitol in act by binding toan undefi ned recPptor in the wall of the
-~:.s, and glycerol in S. epidennidis and S. íntennedius. intestinal tract triggering reflcx stimulation of the von1it-
---enoid pigments in the cell rnernbrane can imparta ing ccnter. Both SEs and TSST-1 are superantigens, and
.:n" (Latin: "aureus") color to colonics of S. aurcus. A part of the systemic symptomntology mny be rclatcd to the
--__,,... e Is sometimes produced by S. aureus, and often a cytoklne "storm" that results from the interaction o1 1'
'.:>capsule," a loosely associated carbol1ydrate struc- lymphocyte receptors, macrophages, and t hese toxins
p1oclucec.1 lJy :strains <.:au:siI1g lJovlne mast1tis. wl1icli are n::leased in vivo (TSST-1 crosses mucus men1-
branes, the SEs do not).
- : • Products of Medica! lnterest
Exfolíatíve Toxins. Stapl1ylococc11s aureus produces lwo
cxtoliative toxins (sETA, El"B), and S. hyicus produces three
: \'1.·hat follows has been determined for S. aureus, the antigenically differcnt cxfoliativc toxins (shETA-C). The
.1lt:11:.ivcly studied specles of staphylococcus. genes encod1ng the Efs of S. aureus are Jocated either on a

154 PART II Bacteria and fungí

FI G URE 27.1 . Staphylococcus aurc us in urinary sediment from a cat. Gram stain,

. .~
""-~· )-
,..,.. ·.

• ••
• ..
. • -
• •••• •

-· •
..... •

prophage (sETA) or plasmid (ETB). The exfoliative toxins agar at 37ºC, a partial hemolysis ("water-stain" ar-
are atypical glutan1atc-specific serine proteases. ·rhey tar- peara11ce) that occurs an<.l goes to co1upletiou u=
get the intercellular adhesion protein, desmoglein (a cad- furtl1er incubation at lowt>r tP.mper<iturP.s (Fig 27.2
l1eri11), found only in lile epidernlis. Whelhe1 lhe exfolia- Its role iI1 vivo is unclear, but damage to host CeL
tive toxins are superantigens, is unsettled. membranes is a reasonable assumption.
T-Ten10/ytic Toxins. 1'he re are four hemolytic toxins 3. Gamma toxln. Gamma toxin is a bicomponcr·
(alpha, beta, gamma, and delta), so-called because of their toxiI1 composed ot two proteins that combine •
action on erythrocytes in vitro. Heinolysis is not a prop forman active moiety. This toxin stimulates degraL
erty ot)served duriI1g the disease process. The l1emolytic ulation of pl1agocytic cells, thereby intensifying ~-
tox.ins are ex.pressed siogly, in ion, or not at all.
TJ1ey tlifíer a11lige11 it.:ally, l.Jivclie111it.:ally, a11tl i11 Llieir
effect on the erythrocytes of various species. The genes
F1G U RE 2 7 . 2 . Staphylococcus beta toxin activity on bovine
encoding the hemolytic toxins are located on the chro-
b/ood agar. For explanation, see text.
l . Alpha toxin ..A.lpha toxin acts on membrane lipids,
is hemolytic in vit ro, is mitogenic, is lethal to rab-
bits follo•ving intravenous injectio11, and is r1ecro-
tizing u pon intradermal injectic>n. The n1ajor effect
in vivo is related to its insertion into membranes.
The toxin is excreted as, vvhich con1e to-
getl1er in tl1e l1ost ccll n1en1bra11e to forn1 a c..yli11de.r
througl1 wl1ich io11s flow. Loss of membrane in-
tegrity in a variety of ccll typcs rcsults in .u11toward
ettects on the host. At high concentrations alpha
toxin initiates target-cell death by necrosis (ion and
ArP depletion). In lower concentrations, apoptosis
is triggcred . I.n certain instances, coagu1;1s1~-posi ti vt>
staphylococci are internalized by nonprofessional
phagocytes (endothelial cells, sorne epithelial cells),
but c:;cupc th.c>oroc to multiply within t hc cy
toplasm. Endoso1nal escape is thought to be associ-
ated vvith alpha hemolysin-mediated lysis of the en-
dosomal membrane.
2 . Beta tox.i11. Beta toxi11, a phospholipase C is prt>va-
lent i11 a11in1al strains. Beta toxin p roduces broad
zones of "hot-cold lysis" on sheep or cattle blood
Chapter 27 Staphylococcus 155

flammatory responses and tissue damage. Gamma Peptide Pheromone or AIP, wbich is the modified product
toxin is not observed surrounding colonies growing encoded by the agrD gene) produced by other staphylo-
0111.JlouLl agar plate::; ::;iuce il i::; i11hibitecl l.Jy agar, l.Jut cucci iI1 tl1e irrnne<liate er1vironment. Each staphylococcal
viTtually ali strains of coagulase-positive staphylo- cell produces a hasal lPvPl of AIP, ;incl will produce more,
cocci produce the toxin. when a certain environmental concentration of AIP is at-
_ Delta toxin. Delta toxin lyses cells of various species tained (quorum sensing). AIP induces the formation of
by a detergent like action but is inh ibited by seru·m. RNATTJ (not its translatcd product) t hat rcgulat cs thc tran-
Like gamma, almost ali strains of coagu lase- scription of many of the genes involved with st aphylococ-
positive straios produce this toxin. Its role in dis- cal disease (global regulation). Thus, when tl1e numbers of
ease, however, is undefined. ::;tapl1ylucucci iI1crea:;e tu a certain rnass, th.e increased
amount of AIP directs the up regulation (by way of RNATII)
Acquisition. Staphylococci with pathogenic poten-
- ;;n of certain genes (those e1icoding 11e111olysi11s, enlerolox-
~e., coahTUlase-positive strains) grow bett er in iron- ins, exfoliative toxins, leukotoxins, lipases, serine est erase,
~~-":cted conditions (as would occur in vivo), 0.5 compo.rcd dcoxyribonuclca:;c, :;taphylokinnsc, hynluronidasc, phos-
;!!ose staphylococci with less potential (coagulase- pholipase, and capsule productio11), while down regulat-
.:-"ive strains) . lTnder iron-limiting conditions, the ing those gene products that are made 1o\7hen AIP is made
~gu:lase-positive strains produce siderophores, auroche- iu les:;er aruuuut:; (aclhe:;ins).
- ;nd staphyloferrin, which are responsible for iron ac-
-.Si:tion from cxtraccllular sourccs (transfcrrin, lactofer-
Growth Characteristics
- Staphylococci also utilize the siderophores produced
_-~er bacteria, specifically enterobactin and aerobactin Staphylococci grow overnight on common laboratory
-:= gram-negatlve organisms . media, over a Wide temperature range, and atmospheric
. niknr.idin. Like gamma 11emolysin, leukocidin, also conditions producing on agar smooth opaque colonies
-n as the Panton-VaJenti11e toxin, is a bico111ponenl over 1 u 1111 iI1 clíarueter.
.......__._ In fact, sorne of t he proteins encoded at the locus
-z..c.~""ining the genes for gamma hcmolysin, forma part of
Biochemical Characterization
e: .:>Cid í n . Leukocidin stimulates the degranu.l ation ot
:::ocytic cells, thereby intensifying inflammatory re- Staphylococci are catalasc-positivc, facultative anaerobes
-"5e5 and tissue damage. that attack carbohydrates oxidatively and tennentat ively.
¡,TTF (M11ltiple Peptide R1Jsistance Factor). MprF bestows
~ice Lo Ll1e aclio11 uf clefe11::;in:; tl1ruugl1 tl1<:: ly:>iI1yla-
=:= of phospholipids in the cell memhranes of coagu-
-N)Sitive staphylococci. Not only <loes this permit sur- Staphylococci withstand drying (especially in exudates)
- \\l'ithin defensin-containing phagolysosomes (this for weeks, heating up to 60ºC for 30 minutes, pH fluctua-
¡¡:¡,s :'!Ot protect against oxygen-dependent killing, how- tíons frorn 4.0 to 9.5, and salt conccntrations of 7.51J1l,
it allows existente within niches that are bathed i11 which are used in selective media for isolation of staphylo-
:'::lSin s (upper respiratory tract, intestinal tract, genital cocci.
Staphylococci are inhibited by bacteriostatic dyes (e.g.,
iü:P.llaneous Products. Staphylococci produce a crystal víolet), bile salts, disinfectants like chlorhexidine,
~:a of other products that n1ay or n1ay not have a role and n1any ai1ti111icrobial drugs.
-"6lse production. 'l'hese products include lipases, ser-
_::oteases, thiol proteascs, metaloprotcascs (aurc-
-~~: , esterases, deoxyribonucleases, staphylokinase (a
• :=t'nogen activator), hyaluronidase, and phospholi- Colonies vary from smootl1 (S) to rough (R). G ("gonidial")
-.::::.C5.. Urease, an enzyme produced by coagulase-posítive and L (wall-less) variant s reflect progressive cell wall loss
"""'-- ~:lococci is ;:issoci;:ited with the production of uroliths produced by unfavorable environmental conditions, such
--=e canine bladder. Coagulase, an enzyn1e t hat causes as a11libiolic LreaL111enL.
""""'~-ia coagulation in vitro and aids in the identification Isolates can be "typed" hy their <;usceptihilities to hacte.-
~~e patl1ogcnic spccics: S. aurcus, S. intermedius, S. riophage lysis. Phage-typing sets have been developed for
~...rm ssp. coagutans, and sorne S. hyicus, probably has hun1an, bovine, and avían S. aureus.
i.f any role in vivo. Resistance to beta -lactam antimicrobics is dueto posses-
-:."JUlalion o(the Cellular Products o(Medical Interese. 1·he SiOn of a plasmid-encoded penicillinase (beta-lactamase),
.,_._-_·ction of m;:iny of the products involved with patho- or the presence of a Staphylococcal Cassette Chromo-
=~~15 of staphylococcal disease is regulated by way of a son1e Ge111::ti.c Elt::111er1t cur1taíning the gene that encodes a
-..=n-sensing, global-regulatory system. Aside from the. pPnic.i llin-resistant penicillin-bi11ding protein (SCCrnec).
r::::; ;egu latcd products, most if not all of t11e products of Tolerance, a rarer forn1 of penicilli11 resislance, is allribuled
~~~-::sr are regulated by the aKr-sar (for accessory Kene reg- to failure of autolytic celJ wall enzymes. Intrinsic penicillin
-= ~ staphylococcal accessory gene regulator, respec- resistance may be due to ch.auges in pcnicillin-binding
:sy,)tern. 1'his system ts comprlsed of a series of genes proteins (enzymes responsible for cell synthesis, see
.,_-J. ano sarA) whose products "sense" and respond to Chapter 4).
- "'lactone-contain ing pl1eron1011e (A u loinducing Re:;í:;ta11ce to other antimicroblcs is common.
156 PAI~T 11 Bacteria and Fungi

Ecology ctogs). -roxic shock syndrome cloes not commonly occur ~­

at all) in the veterinary species.
Reservoir l'l1e e.xfolialive loxü1s n1ay play a role ü1 exud;1tive det-
matitis of pigs. A conditio11 rese1nbling staphylococca
C~oagulase-positive species S. aureus and S. interrnedius in- scaldcd-skin syndromc has hccn dcscribcd in dogs.
habit thc dist<1l nasal passages, externa] nares, and skin, es- vatho1ogy. J'he typ1ca1 1es1on is tne atJscess, an innam-
pecially near mucocuta11eous borders such as the per- matory focus in which participating cells have been de-
i neum, external genitalia, and bovine udder. They also stroyecl by the combine<.! effects of hctcterial au<.l iuflaII1ma-
occur as transie11ts il1 the gastrointestinal tract. tory cell activity. 1'his confrontation between leukocyt6
Coagulase-11egative staphylococci, especialJy S. scíuri and n1icroorganisn1s produces pus, a n1ixture of host ce...
and S. xylosus (and rarely S. epidermidis) are predominant debris and bacteria, living and dead. In an abscess, ptis .-
amo11g the resident skin flora but also colonize the upper surrounded by intact leukocytes and fibrin strands. Unles-
re:;¡;iralvry lract. 111 :.1.vi11e, geueralizalion applies Lo thc pus is drained, a tibrous capsule will gradually bE:
S. hyicus, a species potentially pathogenic, especially for formed . In chronic, ulcerative staphylococcal ..,,vound in-
piglets. fections ("botryomycosis"), fibrous ele1ne11ts predo.tfu-
Staphylococci are found worldi~1 ide in warm-blooded nate, interspersed vvith pockets of suppuration.
anin1als. Interspecies spread (e.g., humans to cows, dogs to
l1un1ans) appears to be limited.
Disease Patterns

Transmission Although all warm-blooded animals can be clinically a:-

fected by coagulase-positive. staphylococci, the prevalen~
Staphylococci sprea<.l lJy <.lirect cu1d i.11dirt:ct cvulacl. Man y and form of such interactions vary a1nong host spectes
anirn;i 1infi>ctions ;irp proh;ihly enct og~nous, that is, caused 'fhe n1ore com1no11 presentations are listed, a11d it shotLC
by a resident strain. lJt: kept in rnin<.l that sta¡.il1ylvcocci can affecl any organ

Dog and Cat. 1'he term canine pyoderma covers many cJin_-
lvtcchanis1ns. The deposition of staphylococcal cells into a cal pictures, all of which include sorne degree of pyoger:!.
norrnally steríle s1te is the first step in the infectious skin inflammation associated vvith bacteria! infectior.
p ro<.:ess. Presumably, the i1un1bers of staphylococci at this Staphylococcus inl'ermedius is the chief bacteriuin ilnpL-
stage i-vould be fcw, and thc amour1t of AIP (see above, cated. Its contribution and the degree of suppuration a:c
"Ri>gnliltion of thP Cellnlilr Products of Meliical Interest"), va riable. Tn chronic and recurrent forms, cell-mediated h\-..
loiv. 'fhus, expression of adhesins (MSCRAMMs) results in persensitiviLy and iu1111uue cornplexes are Lhoug11l lo bt:
adherence to extracellular matrix proteins. Inflammation involved. Host aspects, incJuding genetic, endocrine.. and
is initiated by cell wall constituents (peptidoglycans and imrnunological factors, may plny an importar1t pnrt.
lipoteichoic acic.1s), and by deposition oí complement pro- Osteomyelitís (especially discospo11dylitis) and arthritiS
teins on the bacteria! cell surface leading to the generati.on are frequently associated with S. intermedius.
of splil producls Lhal are cl'Je1nolaclic a11d a11a¡;ltylvtoxl<.:. Mastitis is trequently assoclated witl1 S. interrnedius.
At this stage, the infecting strair1 may be elin1inated, or Otitis extPrna is usually a n-1ixture o f ye;:ist (Malassr.zía,
not, depe11ding u pon bacteria! factors (inoculun1 size, vir- see Chapler 45) aud b<tcleria. T!Je bacteria frequenlly asso-
ulence of the straiI1) and host factors (strength of the in- ciated with this condition are S. intermedius and S. schleiferi
nate ilnmune systen1, underlying diseasc or dcfccts such ns ssp. coa,r:ulans.
the extent of tissue damage). Tf the rnfecting strain is not !'ripie Phosphate (struvite, apatite) urolithiasis is a l-
controlled and eliminated, their numbers increase so that most always infectious, with S. intermedius as the etiologic
tt1e concentration of AIP rises lea<.ling to the <.lo•vn regula- agent. Other bacteria frequently found 1nclude 1~seudo­
tion of adhesi11s, and the up regulation of capsule and tox- monas (see Chapter 20), Proteus (see Chapter 7), and Entero-
ii1s. Siderophore produclio11 aids i11 lhe acquisilion of iro11. COl:cus (see Cha¡;ler 28).
'l'he capsule prevents further phagocytosis; tl1e toxins ag-
gravate tissuc damage by dcstroying recruitcd inflamma- Ruminant. t\s a leading cause ofbovinc mastitis, S. aurcus ri-
tory cells (n1embrane active toxins, and triggering degran- vals !:>treptococcus agalactiac (see Chapter 28). lnfection oc-
ulation). ·rhe predominant pattern of staphylococcal curs vía the teat canal, and tl1e course of the infectious
pathogenesls is suppuratlon and abscess formatlon. Syste- '
process varies from subclinícal to acute suppurative, gan-
n1ic effects inay be the resul t of sup<~rantigen activity. grenous, or chronic, depending on the infecting str;iin, in-
Ccl1-111cdiatcd in1n1u11e pl1e110111e11a inte11sify inflan1- fecling dose, a11d hosl resista11ce. Bovine n1astitis is son1e-
matory responses in sorne stapl1ylococcal ir1fections whi.le tin1es caused by coagulase-11egative staphylococci, notabty
spatially confining them. In so1nc forms of ca11il1c pyo- S. epiderrnidis, S. hyicus, S. xylosus, and S. sciuri.
dcrrna (juven ile pyoderrna, tolliculitis), cell- and antiboc!y- Tick pyemia ot lam bs, resulting from inoculation of in -
mediated hypersensitivity may be induced. digenous skin S. aureus by tick bites, may be acute '"'ith tox-
'!'he ent erotoXin-induced diseases (food polso11ing) are emic deatl1, or chronlc wlth dlssen1inate<.1 abscess forrna-
not prominent in animals (tl1ougl1 so-called "garbage can tion. lt is often linked with tick-borne fevi>r (c;iusect by the
er1le1ilis" n1ay be stapl1yloc.occal in rickellsia.l agenl Anaplasrna phagocytophila, Chapter 43).
Chapter 27 Staphylococcus 157

;oscess disease of sheep, resembling caseous lymphade- ln bovine mastitis, staphylococci may enter the gland
~ w hich is caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, during milkir1g. Manageznent practices and milking hy-
.J:...;?~er 31) is caused by an anaerobic subspecies of S. aureus. giene influence prevalence significantly .
·1ransmission of S. aureus between animals and humans
:. · re. Mastitis i11 111ares is frequently associated vvitl1 S. occurs infrequenlly.
~- Prolonged environmental survival of staphylococci
:'ectoral abscesses are sometimes associated with S. au- pennits their indirect tra.nsmission.
Coryriebacteriurn pseuaotuberculosis is tar more com-
-=- ~- however).

cord abscesses after castration are sometimes lmmunologic Aspects
ociated with S. aureus.
Possible in1n1une n1ecl1anisn1s in palhogenesis l1ave al-
- • - ~'E!.Exudative epiderrnitis (greasy pig disease) dueto S. ready been cited.
--US affecting young pigs (7 weeks). lt is often systemic
- rapidly tatal, attecting the lungs, lymph nodes, kid-
Recovery and Resistance
-~. and brain. Skin lesions are characterized by a thick,
:. 1: iSl1-brown exudate (Fig 27.3), especially around the Clearance of staphylococci depends chiefly on phagocyto-
-- ;in d sis. Humoral factors are apparently important because
agan1n1aglobulinen1ic individuals suffer frequenl infec-
- ---~ "Bumblefoot" of gallinaceous birds is a chronic tions. Cell-mediated factors contribute to localization ancl
---granulomntous proccss in thc subcutnncous tissucs of rcsolution of Iesions.
- ~ foot resulting in thick-waUed swellings on one or more J{ecovery trom stapl1ylococcal infection confers no last-
~t:s. This condition is associated with trauma together ing resistance.
_'! S. aureus.
(\taphylococcosis in turkeys, a bacteremia locaJizing ü1
Artificial lmmunization
~ and tendon sl1eaths, is often produced by S. aureus.
The benefits of vacciI1ation are doubtful. Commercial or
autogcnous wholc-culturc prcparations, toxoids plus bac-
::...:em iology
terins, are used prophylacticaily on dairy cattle and some-
~?hylococcal diseases (e.g., pyoderma, otitis externa, times in small animal dermatology t o treat persistent
_-nary tract and wound infections) often arise endoge- Infections. Although successes have been report.ed, coo-
- :usly. Studies on humans suggest widespread staphylo- trolled evaluations are lacking.
'-'-<tl culu11izatiu11 witlliu 11uurs oI birtlt. i11fe1..- U se of :.La¡..>hylucoccal ¡..>l1age lysate:. a1H.1 11011svecific
~s appear to he decisively detennined hy host factors. stimulants of cell-mediated imrnunity in cases of

F1G U RE 2 7 . 3. Porcine exudative epidermitis (greasy pig disease). The skin is covered and
thP hri~tfP~ are matted hy ah11ndant hrownish ex11date (arrow) made 11p of epidermal debris and
inflammatory components. (Photograph courtesy of Dr. Hurvey O!under.)
158 PAnT JI Bacteria and Fungí

sponsive pyoderma awaits :;upport by adequate clillical or Treatment and Control

experimental evidence.
Absccsses are dra1oed of pus. For the most supertidaJ forrn.s
of pyoderma, topical application of mild antiseptics (3Q
Laboratory Diagnosis hexacltlorophene) may be aúequate.
F.xtPn'\iVP, inaccPs'\ihlP, anc1 c1issPminatPc1 proC"PSSPS re-
Sample Collection quire systemic treatment. Staphylococci are commonl·
Aspira tes from unopened lesion s, in sterile syringes or ster- resistant to penicillin G, streptomycin, and tetracyclinÉ
ile containers, are preferred. 5wabs in transport media are Usually cffcctivc antim icrobics includc pcnicillinase-
acceptable. Milk is collected into containers under sterile res1stant pcn1ctlhns, fluoroqumoloncs, chloramphcn1co!
precautiou:.. l3lootl a11ú urir11:• culture routines are appro- cephalosporins (first generation), vancomycin, lincosa.
priatc for sta phylococca 1 isolation. mides (llncomycln and clindamycin), the macToliúes (err-
thromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin), anc1 trimethÓ-
prim-sulfas. Clavulanic acid inactivates the beta-lactamase
Direct Examination produced by S. aureus and S. interrnedius, therefore cell war
011 gram-staincd fllms, stapl1ylococci appear as gran1- antibiotics containing this substancc are protected (e.g.
positívc cocci in pairs, clusters, or short chains (see Fig clavulanlc acid/amoxicillin). Th.e penicillin ase-resistan;
27. l) . Tu S(J<.:CllJ1e11~ frvu1 ~k l11 J.JU:.Lule;::., Ll1e::y 1uay !Je;: :>JJar:se;:. penicillin cloxacillin is effective in treating staphylococ~
1.11aslilis , C::~JJt:C ially i11 dry cows .
For staphylococcal cystitis, penicillins remain cffectiYe
lsolation and ldentification because of their high urinary conce11trations. Cloxacillli:
Bovinc blood agar is bcst for thc dctcction of bet a toxin is used topically and systemically on exudative epidcrnlif~
("water stain" appearance), which is diagnostic for coagu- duc to S. hyicus.
lase-positive staph ylococci (S. aureus, S. intermedius, and S. A controversia! approach to prevention of staphylococ-
schlei{eri ssp. coagulans; see Fig 27.2). Colonial appearance cal infections in infants utilizes "bacterial interference~
is as described . Biochemical tests are tised to identify the implantatton of a nonvirulent strain to preclude colo-
ni7::itif'ln hy vir11IPnt <:t::iphylf'lrf'lrri ThP mPthf'lrl <:ho~'
slaphylococcal isolales. Coo101ercial kiLs are available.
p romise for control o f staphylococcosis in turkeys.
Streptococcus and

STRE PTO COCCUS Cellular Products and Activities of Medica! lnterest

Adhcsins. Streptococci produce a nun1ber of surface pro-
Streptococci are gram.-positive cocci occurring in p airs and tcins that bincl to a varicty of extracellular matrix proteins
chalns; they show considerable ecologic, physiologíc, of the host (fibronectin, fibri11ogcn, collagcn, vitronectin,
sProloglc, and gen etic diversity. There are 55 recognized lamín in). These "adhesins" have been termed MSCAAMMs
specics wi thin ll1e genus, bul only a l 1a11<.lf ul is regularly as- (microbial surface components recognizing adhesive ma
sociated with diseases of veterinary import;incP. 'íhPsP, LI ix rnulecules). Sorne MSCRAMMs, specifically those that
along with thc 11istoricaUy important streptococci mainly bind fihrinogen (M protPin, othPr«, <;ee below, "Cell Wall"),
affecting primates are shü\.\Tll in 1able 28.1. impartan antiphagocytic property to the streplococcal pa1-
The streptococci are supcrficially "grouped" by how ticle. "Coating" of strcptococcal ceUs with this host pro-
they grow on blood agar plates. Effects on sheep or bovine tein, is thought to result in the "covcring" of sitcs for con1-
hlood agar are used to divide streptococci into three types: plc1nent act ivation (and thus decrease opsonization) as
Alpha-lternolytic (u) úu 11ul lyse erythrocytes well as those recognized by serum proteins (collectins/
but produce a zone of green disc:olor;ition around the íicullír1s) that opsonize foreign partlcles. The hyaluronic
colonies (change the hemoglobin to methemoglobin). acicl c;ips11IP of S. pyog(ln<~~ is an ac.lhcsin (as well as impart-
Yrost commensal streptococci of animals are alpha-he- ing antiphagocytic effects, see below), will1 affi11ily fu1
molytic. Strcptococci that do this are sometimes referred human epithelial ce lis via c:044, a hyaluron ic ;icicl-
to as "viridans streptococci." .rhey are not hemolytic in the binding glycoproteill. Whether the hyaluronic acid cap-
true sense of the word. sules ot streptococci ot veterinary importance also act as
Beta-l1en1olytic streptococci (B) lyse erythrocytes and pro- adhesins is unclear. Other adhesins are responsible for billd-
duce a "clear" zone arou11d thc colonies. Most pathogenic tng of srreptococci to host cells. Psa (for pneumococcal sur- -
L)' lJC:> face adhesin) is a lipoprotein found on S. pneumoniae,
Ga1n1na streptococd ('y) are nonhemolytic. Most are non- S. equi ssp. equi, ai1d S. equi ssp. 1.ooepicJe111icus au<.l is rcspor1-
pathogcn ic. sible for adherence to cells lining the upper and low0r
Capsule. ~orne species ot strcptococci p roduce a capsule.
Descriptive Features Streptococcal capsules are composcd of hyaluronic acid.
Hyaluronic acid, also a constituent of mammalian connec-
'-'orphology and Staining tivc tissue, is poorly antigenic and does not readily bind
con1plen1enl con1ponelll:. (allú i~ thus, antiphagocytic).
~trcptococci vary from sphcrical to short bacillary celJs, Hyaluronic acid capsules may also serve asan adhPsin («PP
about 1µm in diameter. lJivision occurs in one plane, pro- abovc).
::iucing pairs and chains. Chain formation is variable, c·e11 Wa/I. 1·he gram-positive cell wall contains proteins
:hough sorne species (e.g., S. cqui subspecics equi) are con- and polysaccharides that are of medica] intcrcst. Thc
i ~cnt chain formers (Figs 28.1, 28.2). llpotelchoic acids and peptidoglycan of the Riam-positive
Young cultures are g1an1-posili vt:. I 11o::xu<.lates aucl ulc.Jer cell wall interact ivith macrophage cells resulting i11 the re-
cultures (> 18 houis) organisms often stain grarn-n PgativP. lease of µrui 11ílauuuatury cytuklnes. A flbrillar surface pro-
tein, termed th e 'tvf protpin (a MSCRAMM) imparts an-
Structure and Composition tiphagocytic properties by binding fibrinogen (see above).
Pyrogenic Toxin Supcrantigens. Most of what is known
~eptococci havP ;i typic<1l gram -positive cell wall com- about the streptococcal pyrogcnic cxotoxins (SPEs) in-
"'."Osed of proteins and polysaccharidcs. Capsules are 1uau1:: volves those produced by Strcptococcus pyoxenes (a liroup A,
-· sorne species. Cell wall polysaccharides (C-substance) beta-hemolytic streptococcus affccting people, see Table
..:e somctimcs uscd in strcptococcal idcntification (see 28.1 a11<.l lJelow, "Variability"). Strepcococcus pyogencs pro-
.elo,v, "Variability"). duces sevpr;il SPF.~: SPF.A, C, G-1, J, and Z (SPEF has bcen

160 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungí

Table 28.1. Streptococci of Veterina1y Jnterest

Species \411$!ill.e.l!i_G1'.9UR Ho~tSJl!!~Íes,;_~ff&tedª f,ri,~cipa!.Q¡sea~~s Remarks

Strep,tococcus. pyogenes A Humans, rodents (dairy cattle) Pharyngotonsillitis, pyoderma, erysipelas, Poststreptococcal immune
puerperal tever, rheumatic fever, sequelae. Morethan 50
glomerutonephrjtis (mastitis) serotypes (B)b
5. agafactiae B Oairy cattlee (sheep, goats) Mastitis S serotypes (o:, B, ¡)
humans' kats, dogs) Neonatal ínfectíons
·5.dysgalacti<w ssp equisimHis e Swine, horses (hum¡¡ns, dogs) Miscell<Jneous 5uppur<Jtivli conditions .g scrotypcs (B)
S. dysgalactiae ssp. dysga/actiae e Dairy cattle Mastitis 3 ~erofypes (o. 1)
S. equi ssp. equí e Horses "Strangles" 1 .serotype (13)
5. equl ssp.zooepldemlcus e liorses (towl, dogs, rumlnants, Secondary pneumonl~ rniscelJaneous 15 seroty¡¡~s (B)
lab animals. humans) suppurative conditions. genital and
neonatal conditions
Enterococcus spp. d D All species Many opportunistic infections, canine urinary Normál gut flóra (n, y)
tract infections, chicken septicemi~
S. porcinus E Swine Jowl abscesses o.serotypes (B)
S. canis G Carnivores Feline 1ymphadenítis, miscellaneous pyogenic (B)
co~tlltions ot'Clogs and cats, humans"
S. suis R (:type- 7.) SwinP (hum;m~-R) !iJP.onatai infections. septicemias. pneumonia React D
s (=lyp~ 1) (humans- se¡Jticemia, arthritis, meningitis) antiserum (ex, y)
S, uberis Cattle Mastitis (u;, y)
). pneumoniae Primates (lab animafs, cattle} Pneumoniá, septicemia (mastitis, calf More than 80 serotypes (a)
septicemia, meningitis)

• Parentheses indicate that species is affe<ted, but only rarely.

b Typ.e of hemo~¡sis on sheep blood agar.
'<:attle and hu!l1<ln strains are diíferent.
0ThlS'genus has been proposed based on nudetc acid studies. Not ali group Dstreptococci belong to it (e.9., S. bovfs, S. equlnus).
"lanme ana tiuman stram> appear d1tterent.

shown to be a DNase). Sorne streptococci of veterinary in1- bind to cholesterol-containing rafts in the eukaryotic cell
portance, S. equi ssp. equi for exan1ple, have been shown to n1en1brane, forn1ing a pore, resulting i11 death of the cell.
produce SPEs as well (see below). 1·he genes encoding the Regulation of the Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest. Ex-
SPEs are chro1noso1nally located. 'fhe SPEs are supcranti- prcssion of virulcnce-rclated genes in S. pyogenes is regu-
gens, and part of the systcmic symptomatology may be re- Jated by at Jeast three global systen1s (whether these sys,
lated to the cytokine "storm" that results fro1u the interac- te1ns occur in other streptococci is unkno..,vn). 'fhe first is a
lluu uf 'f lyu1pllucyle cell receplu1s, 111ucrupl1uge::;, u!Hl "growLl1 -µ1ta~t: relatt:u ::;ig11ul" Ll1aL i!> u1Hlefi11ell, !JuL cer-
these toxins. tain genes (including those encoding streptolysin S and
Miscellancous f'roducts. The streptococci produce a num- DNases) are up regulated during stationary pl1asc, while
ber oí proteins in vitro with "toxic" activity. 'l'hese so- others (including those encodiI1g capsule, streptoki.nase..
called toxins rnay or may not play a role in discase produc- streptolysin O, ru1d a protein called rnultige11e regulator in
tion. and include a peptldase that degrades CSa (Scp for group A streptococci or Mga) are up regulatcd during late
streptococcal cysteine protease), the hernolysins responsi- exponential phase of growtl1. The second syste1n involves
!Jle [ur l!ela-!1e111oly::.i~ 011 ~Jieep !1lo(JU agur piule:. (!>Lrep - regululio11 by Mga. Mga ilself is regulaled by growll1 pl1ase
tolysins () anc1 S), hy;iluroniclilSP, DNilSPS (P.g ., SPEF, which ;is wPll ;is othPr 11nc1Pfínec1 enví ron mental cues. Mga up reg-
is a DNase), NADases, proteases (e.g., SPED which is a cys- ula tes the ge11es encoding the M protein, and Sep. Pinally, a
teine protease), and streptokinases (a fibrinolysin) . Strep- third system involves the protein Cov (control of virulencel.
tolysins O and S are 1nembra11e active substa11ces a11d rnay Cov down regulates all of the genes that were up regulatee
serve in vivo to damage cell membranes (tl1ey are tnade by growtl1 phase, except Mga. The gene encoding c:ov, likf:
in vivo since antibodies are produced to tl1ese substances Mga, responds to undeflned environmental cues.
by patients that have streptococcal disease). Streptolysin
<)and suilysin O (produced by S. suis) are cholt>sterol- Growth Characteristics
binding cy+.olysins (see for exan1ple, listerial listeriolysin
O, C:hapter 33; clostridial pertringolysin O, Chapter 36; ::>treptococci have tairly exacting growth needs best satiS-
and arcanobacterial pyolysin, Chapter 29). Tl1ese toxins fied by media co11taining blood or serun1.
Chapter 28 Streptococcus and Entcrococcus 161

F 1G U RE 2 8. 1 . Streptococcus e4ui lUbsp. equi in pus from ceNica/ lymph node of a

horse. Gram stain, 1OOOX.


F 1G U R E 2 8. 2. Strcptococcus equ i subsp. zooepidemicus in ce1Vica/ exuc.ldLt: fio111 ¡¡

111d1e. Gr¡¡rn stain, IOOOX.
, -

. •f

. "

.\fter overnlght incubation at 37QC, streptococci pro- tolerate these conditions (see below). Virídans strPptorocci
_ce clP<'IT colonies, usually less than 1 mm in diameter. vary >Vith respcct to hcat and bile resistancc. Only S. pncu-
-~psulated forn1s, such a;) S. e4ui ::.::.p. cqui, µru<.Juce moniae 1s blle-soluble. ~treptococci tolerate U.U2o/o sodium
_er, mucoid colonies. azide, which is used in streptococcal isolation media.
'.lathogenic species grow bcst at 37ºC. Palhogeuic :;treµtucucci are usually susceptible to pen1-
cillins, cephalosporins, m;:icrolides, chloramphenícol, and
trim cthoprim-sulfonamides¡ they a1e ofle11 resistant to
::..-emical Activities
aminoglycosides. fluoroquinolones, and tetracyclinP.
-=ptococci are> cat;:il;:ise-negative facultativc anaerobes,
-·ing energy fron1 ferrueuli:ltiou. Variability

= itance Rebecca Lansfield developed the serological method used

to group ~trPptococci based upon serologic similarities of
--hemolytic streptococci can survive in drícd pus for cell wall polysaccl1aiide. Tliis rnethod Is called lansfield
~- TI1ey are 1<.llle<.1 ar .s.s·c ro 6o·c in 30 m inutes, and serologic grouping. Groups are designatert hy r;ipital let-
-t>ited by 6 ..'i% sorli11m and 4()<l{i bíle (except S. ters (A to V) . Serologic subdivisions exist in most strepto-
....<..rtiae), 0.1 % methylene bluc, and low (lOºC) and hlgh coccal species except S. equi ssp. equi (see Table 28.1 ). Strep-
- """ temperatures. Members of the genu~ P.ntf'cror.ocrus tococcus pyogenes has sorne 70 immunotypcs, bascd on M
162 PAitT II Bacteria and Fungi

and other proteins, while s. pneumoniae has over 80 capsu- marked by a serous or purulent 11a:;al uis1.:l1arge, tl!:- ~­
lar types. In S. pyogenes, change from rough (matte) to temperature risf', lor;il p;iin, cough, and anorexia_ -
:;111uull 1 acco111pa11ies loss of M protein a11d virule11ce. Cell gional Iymph nodes, abscesses develop, which ty-¡:-:•....._
wall deficient forms (L forms) also occur. rupture and drain within two weeks. Recovery follO\•-
ovcrDll mortality rate is under 2%. Complications L'1._
pyemic disse1nination to meninges, lungs, pericarG..
Ecology and abdominal viscera, or extension to the gut<_.._
pouches. Purpura hemorrhagk;a, a Ty¡;t: IIJ hypt'.r:.e1_
Reservo ir ity manifested by subcutaneous swellings, mucosa! ~
orrhages, and fever, may follow thc acutc discasc by_
Most streptococci of veterinary interest live commensally in three weeks.
the upper respiratory, alimentary, and lowcr genital tract. Bacteria! pneumonia/pyothorax in horses is almo
ways associated with a beta-hemolytic streptococcus
Transmission S. equi ssp. zooepidemia1s (hereafter referred to ;is S. 7
dtmzicu:>) lJ1::iI1g tl 1e 1nosL con1n1011ly isolated. In addié
'l'hose streptococci that <lH' ront;igious (S. equi ssp. equi, S. gram-negative microorg;inism (Actinobacillus is the :-
porcinus, a11d S. agalactiae) are transmitted by inhalation or co1nn1on, see Chapter 13) is frequen tly found along,,-:-
ingcstion . sexually, congenitally, or indirectly via hands zooepidemicus. 1'he infectious p rocess is endogenous.
and fomitcs. microorganisms involved are part of the normal flon
the upper respiratory tract, which then contamin2-
compromised lung (e.g., following an episode of -
pneumonia). Streptococcus zuuepidernit us (plus lhe ol.
Mechanisms. 1'he relation of streptococcal p roducts to are deposited in the lune ;incl initiatf' or amplify a pree.-
pathogenesis is Jargely spcculatlve, with the followiI1g i11g i11ilau1malory proccss (cell wall constituents, p:-
exceptions. The capsule of S pnP11moniaP. i.~ a proven viru- genic exotoxins). The intensity of the inflammatory -
le111.:e factor. M proleh1 is ar1 in1portant virulence determi- sponse is not as extreme as with the response initiated
nant, and antibody to it is protective. Other antiphago- S. equi, nor are the constitutional signs as severe. Hov•e'
cytic cell constituents and cytotoxins of streptococci are it is presumed that tl1e mechanisms involved in the pat;..
probable virulence factors. genesis are similar. Pyothorax !s probably an extenslor.
Streptococci trigger inflarnmatory processes tha t lead to the pneumonic process just desr rihPrt 1.ikP pn<'11mo ni~
suppuratio11 and abscess formation . t.uvepiderrlicu.s is Lhe n1osl co111111on isolate, combined "~­
JJathology. Th.e basic p;ithologic proress rf'sf'mhle.s that a gram-negative species. Unlike pneumonia, an obli~­
of :>la¡;hylucuccal iufeclion, i.e., ll1e typlcal les.ion is an ab- anaerobe (Bacteroides or Fusobacteriu1n are the most co=
scess, an inflammatory focus in which participating cells mon, see Chapter 35) is frequently found as weli.
have been destroyed by the combined cffccts of bacteria! Genital tract diseases in horses are associated with
and intlammatory cell activity. ·rrus confrontatíon be- zooepidemicus, which is frequently associated with cerv11...
tween Jeukocytes and microorganisms produces pus, a tis and metritis. Infections in newborn foals, which a.;
mixture of host cell debris and bacteria, living and dead. In often umbilical infe<.tion:; (11av1::l 111, IJyoseplicen1ia, jo.
an abscess, pus is surrounded by intact leukocytes and fib- ill, poly;irthritis) disse.minate via the bloodstream to joir.-
ri u :>lra11ú:.. U11Jess Lhe p us is drained, a fibrous capsule will and the renal cortex. The microorganis1ns originate fro:-
gra<lually be formed. the genital tract of the dam (they are a part ot .her norm:..
Disease Patterns Beta-hemolytic streptococci (S. zooepídemtcus Is th.
most common) are associated with a variety of misrf'll--
Equlne. 5trangles is a highly contaglous rhinopharyngitis 111.:ou:> l.:011uillu11s i11 h orses il1cluding osteomyelin
caused by S. equi su bspecies eq11i (hereafter referrecl to ;is S. arthritis, ahscesses, and wounds. All are endogenous, wil: -
equl). Aft1.:r ue¡;osilion on lhe 111ucous n1embranes of the the infccting strain arising from the normal flora .
uppe r respiratory tract, S. equi adheres to epithelial cells by
way of MSCRAMMs (M protein, fibronccti n -binding pro- Swine. Cervical lymphadenitls of swine (jowl abscess) is -
tein, tibrinogen-binding prote1n, l'sa) ana nya1uron1c ac1a contagious aisease affccrtng swtne. 1't11:; couu1uu11 1:. a:.:>o-
capsule. Adherence triggers internalization and subse- ciated with S. porr.in11s (prP.viously known as "Group !:.
quent localization in the :;ulJcµitlJelial :;paces. Celi wail Streptococcus"). The diseasc is analogous to strangles bu:
constituents as \.vell as pyrogenic exotoxins (SPFH ;incl el in ically less drama tic and frequently not diagnosed un ti
SPEI) iiüli.ale an acule inflan1n1atory response. Capsule, M slaughter. Its most damaging aspcct is carcass condem
protei n, and Scp protect S. equi from opsonization and nation.
phagocytosis. Streptolysins may act to dcstroy host cclls by Secondary pneumonias in swine are sometimes assoc!-
damaging their membranes. Systemic symptomatology ated with S. dysgalactiae ssp. equisimilis.
may be due to the superantigen effects of pyrogenic exo- Streptococcus suis, S. dysgalactiae ssp. P.q11i~imilis ;ind
toxins (SPEH and SPEI). Other "toxlns" may contribute tu :>tre¡;lucocci belo11gh1g lo Groups L and U cause neonata.
the proccss by digesting DNA (DNases), fibrin (streptoki- septicemia, pneumonia, arthritis, and meningitis. The
nas1::), a11u 11yaluro11ic acid (hyaluronidase). The disease is exotoxin, suilysin, a cholesterol-binding cytolysin (see
Chapter 28 Streptococcus and J:,nterococcus 163

=bove, "Cellular Products and Activities of Medica) Animal streptococci have limited public health signifi-
m terest"), is produced by s. suis. lt has been proposed that cance. The Group B streptococci that cause disease in
~is cytotoxin is active in vivo and may account for sorne human infants are apparently distinct froni. bovine st rains,
of the tissue damage associated with this disease. but infections vvith S. zooepidernicus have been traced to in-
fected mHk, and S. suis (Type 2) has caused serlous infec-
, uminants. ThP Jp;:i<1ing ;:igpnt of strPptoc:occ;:i l m;:istitis is tions in swinP h;:indlers. The Gro up G streptococci affect-
S. agalactiae. Less frequent causes are S. dysgalactiae ssp. ing dogs (S. canis) are apparently different fron1 the Group
ivsgalactiae (hereafter referred to as S. dysgalactiae) and G streptococci affecting human patients.
S. uberis.

)ogs and Cats . Secondary pneumonias affecting dogs and lmmunologic Aspects
_at:; are :;u1netiII1e:; a:;:;uciateJ with S. cuni~.
T..ahoratory c.rits oc.c.risionri lly experienc.e c.ervic.a l lym- lmmune Mechanisms of Disease
:-hadenitis fro1n which S. canis is isolated (sec fig 67.5). ·rhe
Human poststr.eptococcal diseases (rheumatic fever, acute
:.-ondition probably arises endogenously being precipi-
tated by an unkr1own event. glomerulonephritiS) are attributed to immunopathogenic
Streptococcus canis is associated w ith septicemia in new- mechanisms. Similarly, equine purpura hemorrhagica fol-
born puppies. lowil1g strangles is probably inHnune co111plex- 111ec.liateJ.
Streptococcus canis has been associated wiLh a Loxic
shock- like syndrome a11d necrotizing fasciitis in dogs. No Recovery and Resistance
·irulence-associated traits have been defined as they have
"!'he main defenses against streptococcal infections are
.:or similar conditions seen in humans affected w ith S. pyo-
genes. phagocytic, and the antiphagocytic M protein elicits pro-
tective antibodies. Animals recovered from strangles and
'rimates. Streptococcus pneumon iae is a leading cause of cervical lyn1phadenitis are at leasl Leu1porarily iJ11111uue tu
!Jne un1onia, septicenlia, and 111eningitis i11 pri111ales. reinfection.
i>neumococcal pneumonia in monkeys runs an acute Polysacchar,idc capsules of S. agalactiae and S. prieu"
course with high mortality rates. '!'he lesions are those of a moniae evoke the forn1ation ot opsonizing antibody. In
streptococcaJ pneumonia, their appeara11ce determines re
!lbrinous p leuropneumonia. Recent shipment and viral
.ilfection are common antecedents. covery from infection. In bovine inastit is, no useful in1mu-
nity develops : Cows, unless treated, remain infected.
\Uscellaneous Species. Cervical lymphadenitis in guinea pigs Ex11eriu1eulal eviúe11ce :sugge:st:; Ll1at anticap:;ular lgGz.-
type antibody is protective.
:s caused by S. zooepídemicus ssp. zooepidemícus.
Septicen1ic disease in fish from frPshw;:itPr !H}11ac11lh1rf' Ali immunity is serotype-specific.
farn1s and fron1 salt-\'Vater environn1ents has been asso-
ciated w.itl1 S. iníae, a beta-hemolytic streptococcus with- Artificial lmmunization
out a Lansfield designation. People handling (cleaning/
A whole-cell bacterin an.d an Jvf protein vaccine are avail-
:iecropsy) affected fish are at risl< ot developü1g celJuli-
tis, er1docarditls, or arthrit is presumably following self- able for vaccination against strangles. Neither is uniformly
pffpctivf', anrl oftPn Plicits loc;:il rP<"lrtions ;:it t hP injection
site. An intranasal avirulent live vaccine that stin1ulates es-
Septicemic clisease in seals is associated '"'ith S. phocae, a
sential local antibody responses appears promising.
Jela-hen1oly Lic slreplococcus tha t reacls lo Lansfield
Feeding live avirulent cultures has produccd immunity to
zroup a11tisera C and F.
Septicemic disease and dermatitis in opossums is associ- porcine jowl abscesses.
ated with S. didelphis, a beta-hemolytic streptococcus with-
out affiliation ivith kt1own Lansfield groups.
Laboratory Diagnosis
: pidemiology Sample Collection
Healthy individuals n1ay carry all the streptococci dis- Aspirates from unopPnf'd IPsions, in stPrilP syringPs or ster-
cusscd, and many infections are probably endogenous and ile containers, are preferred . S'l>vabs in transport n1edia are
stress-related. Neo.natal iníections are commonly mater- acceptable. Mili< is collected into containers under sterile
::!al in origin. precautions.
Strangles and porcine lymphadenitis are cont agious
diseases preferably affecting young ani1.nals (past infancy) .
Direct Examination
Streptococcus equi and S. porcinas are spread by co11ta111i-
nated food, drinking water, or utensils and by recovered Smf.ars of exu<1atPs o r sediments of suspect fluid s are fixed
animals, which may remain clinically healt hy shedders for and gram stained. Streptococci appear as gran1-posilive
:nonths. Mili<ing equipment, unskilled attempts at intra- cocci in pairs, short chains, and in sorne instances very
m.ammary .m edication, and unsanitary milking practices long chains (typically sccn in pus aspirated from cervi-
often spread Streptococcus agalacriae among dairy CO\-VS. cal lymph nodes of horses i11fected with S. equi- see Fig
164 PART 11 llacteria and f.ungi

28.1). SlrevLococci l1ave a teuueucy to lose their gram- sheep or bovine blood agar plate. At righr ~ _
positivity and sometimes stain wt>akly gram-positive or. this line, and approximately 0.5 cm from ~
gram-negative. pect S. agalactiae is inoculaled. Afler i11culJa-<~;,,,.-­
molysis by CAMP-positive bacteria v.ii: --
hanccd in thc bcta-toxin zonc (fig 2 8..3
Culture combined action of these two toxins on sh:::---
Exudales, 111ilk, lissue, urlut:, Lra11:;tra<.J1eal a:spirate:s, auu bovine blood agar 1)roduces Iarger and cleare:: ~
cerebrospinal fluid are cultured directly on co•v or sheer of l1ernolysis than eitl1er agent alone (see Fi; :_
blood agar. Jncubation at 37ºC in 3% to 5% C0 2 is prefer- This reaction has diagnostic value.
able_ Streptococcal colonies, smooth or mucoid, will ap- 2 . Bacitraci11 se11sitivily. Bacitrac.u1 disks (O.Ch ~:::

pear 111 18 to 48 l1ours. It is sometimes difficult to distin- inhibit growth of S. pyogenes oo blood agar. __
guish alpha frorn beta hemolysis. Intact erythrocytes action is not cntircly co.n sistcnt or specific.
remai11 adjace11t to alpha- but not to beta-hemolytic 3. Hile esculin agar tests the ability of 4Uo/o bi.'..-.-
culu11it:s. Beta-hernolytic :strain:s consister1tly lyse rec.l cells tolerant bacteria to hydrolyze esc'Ulin, a char-..,..--
in hloocl hroth; alpha-hPmolytic strains of animal origin tic of those belonging to Lansfield Group D.
ge11erally do not. 4 . Optochin sensitivity. Growth of S. pne11111oni..<=
Identification relies on a combination of classical tech- 11ol oll1e1 alpl1a-l1e111olytic slreplococci, is int>-:.
niques (detcrmination of Lansfield grouplng and bio- around disks impregnated witb optochin (eth.
chemical tests), and molecular techn..iques (e.g., determL- drocuprcin hydroch loridc).
nation of the sequence of DNA encoding tbe 16S
ribosomal DNA, or using species specific prin1ers in the
polymerase ch.ain reaction). Commercial klts are avai.lable Treatment and Control
for both purposes. Other useful diagnostic tests includc
the following: Loca!iL:ed SUJJJJUralive co11diLio1.1s are drai11ed of JJU:S.
For systemic treatment, penicillin G and ampicillb
l . 1"hc CAMP phcnomcnon (namcd aftcr Christic, cffcctivc on most bcta-hcn1olytic and virida11s streE- -
Atkins, and Munch-Fetersen) reflects hemolytic cocei. Cephatosporins, chloramphenicol, and trimec_
synergisn1 between staphylococcal beta toxin and a prim sulfas are alternatives. Streptococcal endocarditis
S. agalactiae toxin (CAMP protein sometimes re- treated with combined penicillin and gentamici.n. Susc_-
ferred to as cocytolysh1). A beta toxin-producing tibility to fluoroquinolones is unpredictable. Streptococ:::::..
stapl 1ylucuccus is iI1oculateJ a cross the equator of a toxic shock a11d necrotlzing fasciitis are treated with pe;:.c

F1G U RE 2 8. 3 . CAMP phenomenon on bovine blood agar. The dark Jine across the
field is growth of Staphylococcus aureus surrounded by a zone of beta-toxin activity.
Growing in fines at right ang/es to it are, left to right: a viridans streptococcus, Streptococcus
agalactiae, another viridans streptococcus, Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus, and
Streptococcus agalactiae. See text for discussion of CAMP phPnnmPnon. (Photograph courtesy
of Dr. Rich<ird W<ilker.)
Chaptcr 28 . Strcptococcus and Enterococcus 165

d llin G and clindamycin (clindamycin dccrcascs toxin what is k11own about these tvvo species also applie~ Lu ll1e
¡>roduction, and p en1cill1n Gis bactericida!). other m embers of the genus.
Penicillins (intrarnammary) are cffectlve for treating Ag,gregation Substancc. Aggrcgation substance is a surface
.11<1:.liti:; <.lue to S. asalactiae and most othcr streptococci. protein that promotcs adherence ot enterococci to each
~o r th<' many avail;ihlP ;i ltPrnatives, a specialty text should other (to form aggrcgates) and to epithelial surfaces (an
be consulted. lmportant aspects of 111astilis conL1ol lit: iu a<.lhesin).
~he arca of sa11itation and herd managcment. r.ap.<:ull?. Snm<' cnterococci produce a polysaccharide
For strangles, it is most beneficia! to trcat cxposed and capsule. l'he capsule discourages assu<.:i<1liuu witl1 pha-
affected animals prior to absccss for1nation and to con- gocytic cells by interfering with complement d eposi-
-::inue treatmcnt past the febrile stage. lnappropriate or in- tion and in1parting n relat ivc hyd rophilicity to the mi-
.ldequale Ll 1eraµy uf :;tr;1ngles is blamec.l for prolonging the crobe's surface. It is unlikely that the capsule is made
lness and causing "hast;i rcl strangl p~" (wic.lesprcad abscess while enterococci associate with enterocytes in the intes-
ormation vvith systcmic manifestations). Populalions al Li ual tract.
- sk may be vaccinatcd. Affected or suspccted horses r.ell \l\fal/. F.ntPrncocci posses a typical gram-positive cell
hould be rigorously isolated. wall. Cell wall peptidoglycan and liIJolt:i<.:l10ic init1-
ate an inflammatory response follo~ving their interartinn
with macrophages.
Cytolysin. Cytolysí n is a cytotoxin whose mechanism of
f NTER OCOCCUS cell destruction is not understood. Jt is also a hemolytic
Loxi11, lysir1g human and horse red blood cells (but not
..nterococci were once classified as Group D streptococci. sheep or hovi nP rP<I hlood cells, red blood cells most often
.. 111ike 1nost true members of the genus Streptococcus,
used in blood agar platcs). Cytoly:.i11 protluciion is under
·nese mic:roorgani~m<; possess phenotypic traits (resist-
the control of a quorum-sensing system .
:.nce to salt, bile, methylene blue, and giowlli al increa:;etl
Extracellular Supcroxidc. Sorne cnterococci secrete a su-
-emperatures) tl1at set them apart. Molecular genetic:
peroxide that appears to affo rd sorne protection against
..nalysis showed that thcy are uniquc, and prompted the killing by phagocytic cells. lishment of a n cw genus, Hnterococcus. 'l'here are 28
Clclulinuse. Sorne enterococcl produce a gelatinase that
pecics in the genus, most of which Iive in the intestinal is marginally relatPrl tn virule11ce.
~ac.:ts uf rnammals and blrds. ·rhey are mainly oppor-
!ron Acquisitio11. Enlerocucci protluce a hydroxamate
- nists that infect compron1ised sites to produce disease.
type of siderophore in response to low IPvels of iron.
~e1e are su111e (E. durans, E. hirae, and E. vfllorun1) that
.'.!Ve heen assoriatP<I with intestinal disease in neonatal
-nimals (piglets, foals, calves, puppies, killcns) as well a::. Growth Characteristics
_.:ult dogs and cats (though only the isolates from p iglets Enterococci prod uce clear to gray colonies 1- L. mm in di-
lve heen subjcctcd to thc gcnctic analyscs needed to ami>ti>r (either alpha- or gamma-hcmolytic) after over-
~fl nltivc1y determine the 1dent1ty or the 1solates). Ente-
n ight incubatio11 al 37ºC, Lhougl1 ll1ey will grow between
- .cocci are either alpha- or gamma-hemolytic on sheep or 10 to 45ºC. Entcrococci will grow in 6 ..'iºAi soclium chloride,
.... le re<.l !Jloo<.l cell-contain ing blood agar plates (see 40% bilc, and in 0 .1 % methylene blue.
'lve, "StrPptororr11c;").

Biochemical Activities
:escriptive Features F.nterococci are catalase-negative facu ltativc anaerobes,
deriving e11ergy í1on1 feriue1rl<1tiuu.
: ·phology and Staining
-rerococci vary from spherical to short bacillary cells,
ut 1 µm in diameter. Division occuIS in one plane, pro-
'"'ng pairs and chains. Enterococci are hardy microorganisms ablc to survive in
the environmcnt for extended pcriods of time. ·rhey are
able to grovv in 6.So/o sodium chloride and 40% bile, O.lºA>
• ~cture and Cornposition
n1cthylene IJlue, <111tl luw (lOºC) and hlgh (45.C) tempera-
-erococci have a typical gram-positive ccll wall com- tures. 1'hey are in tri nsic.a lly rPsio;t;in t to the beta-lactan1 an-
~d of proteins and polysaccharides. Polysaccharidc tibiotics (includi ng cephalosporins and pen icil li11a:.t:-
ules are made by sorne spectes. Most enterococci pos- rcsistant penicillins), aminoglycosidcs, clindam ycin, fluo-
• .ancefield Group D carbohydrate. roquinolones, and the trimcthoprim-sulfonamides (they
are effectlve scavengers ot thymidine found in exudates,
thereby bypassing the effect of the trimethoprim-sulfon-
== Jfar Products and Activities of Medica! lnterest
arnic.les). They are able to acquire resistance to high levels
~.::h ot what is known regarding cellular products and ac- of hPta-lactan1s, high levels of aminoglycosides, the gly-
ctes of medical intetest comes from study of E. faecalis copeptides (va11co111 yci11), Letracycline, erythromycirl, flu-
.. E. (aecium, tt1e most common enterococci producing o roquinolones, rifampin. and c:h lora mphPnicol SPli>rtion
~c;p in human patients. Presumably, sorne (if not all) of of vancomycin-rcsistant strains by the gro,'\'th promoter
166 PAKT 11 Bacteria and Fungi

avoparcin is discussed below (see below, "Epidemiology," Swine. cnterococcus spp. (E. durans, E. fzirae, E. villon1m
and Chapter 4). associated with diarrhea in piglets.
Enterococcus spp. should be expected in any 1.:un<ls
that results fron1 contamin;:ition of ;:¡ compromised
Ecology with fecal n1aterial (e.g., wound).

Reservoir Miscellaneous Species. Enterococcus spp. (E. durans, E. hirlk -

villorum) are associated with diarrhea in infant rats.
Enterococci live in the intestil1al tra1.:1. uf 111a1nrnals and
hirds as part of the normal flora of these species. Whether
the enterococci associated with "primary" disease, H. du- Epidemiology
rans, E. hirae, E. víllorurn, as opposed to opportunistic-type Most of the infectious processes fro1n whic·h enteroo......
discase, are inembers of the normal flora, is unknoiv11. are isolated are üue tu cu11ta1ni11alio11 w ilh n1en1bers o~
normal flor;i. ln hospital settings, nosocon1ial spread (e._
Transmission fonlites, hands of care giver~, soles of shoes) to coro¡:;~ -
.m ised si tes is a11 important issue. 'fhe epiden1iology ot ·-
Enterococci that are associated vvith opportunistic disease diarrhea-associated enterococci (.li. durans, E. hirae, E. iil -
are part of tl1e norn1al flora of the 11ost. It is unknown rurn) is unk11own.
whether this is true for E. durans, E. hirae, and E. villorum. Vancomycin-resistant strains of er1terococcl are a s.e-
ous problem in huu1a11rucdicj11e, beca use n1en1bers of t;....
Pathogenesis genus (f~sper.iall y /?. faecalis, a11d E. faecium) are major co-
trlbutors to nosocomially acquired disease. Entcrococd.;....
Except for E. durans, E. hirae, and E. villorum- associated dis- a group are very resista11t to antimicrobial agcnts SP--
ease, endogenous enterococci infect a comprornised site abovc, "Ilcsistancc"). Vancomycin (a glycopeptide anr~
(e.g., urinary bladder, moist externa! ear canal, catl1eter). otic) is one ot the few effective drugs for treatment of su"-'-
The cell wall peptidoglycan and Upoteichoic acids initlate infectious processes. Vancomyci n-resistant strains of ef.!~,,,­
an infla1nmatory response. Capsule, cytolysin, and super- rococci arose in Europe after the initiatitn1 uf feeüiug -
oxide puteut<1te the i11íla111111alory processes. another glycopeptide avoparcin (;l growth prornoterJ -
Enterococcus durans, E. hírae, and E. villorum associate fuu<.1-¡;r oduci ng ani1nals. ·rhough at first the vancomyc:í:--
with the villi (fronJ tip to crypt) of thc :;n1all intcstinc of rcsistant strains were limited to the intestinal tract of a.::..-
affected anin1als (see below). Associated diarrl1ea does not mals fed this antibiotic, thcy soon spread, as did the gene
appear to be due to an enterotoxin or epitl1elial cell e11coding vancomycin resistance lvanA), to the human ::-.-
damage. testinal tract. In the United States (where avoparcin \ \-a-
not allowed), injlH.1icious use of vancomycin in hum"-::
Oisease Patterns hospitals resulted in the same effect, i.e., an increase in se-
Dogs and Cats. Otitis externa is usually the result of infec- le1.:tive pressure rcsulliug i11 a11 increase in coloniz:atlon h-
van co m yci n -resistan t enterococci (especially in h osp i tals
tion (bacteria anú a yea:;t, Mulusseziu, ~ee Cl1apler 45) oí a
con1pron1i$ed t=>xternal ear canal. 'fhe bacteria involved are
usually an environmental species (e.g., Pseudon1011as and
Proteu_s, see Chapters 20 and 7, rcspectively} ora member ot Laboratory Diagnosis
the patient's normal flora (e.g., Enterococcus, Staph}'lococcus
Sample Collection
interrnedius, see Chapter 27).
Enterococcus is a common isolate frorn do8S with lower Aspirates from unopened lesions, in sterile syringes or st~­
uri11ary tract infections (see Fig 74.2B). ile containers, are preferred. ~wabs in transport media a:-::
F.ntf!ror:ot:t:11s spp. (P. durans, E. hirae, E. villorum) are asso- acceptable. Urine samples are obtained by antepubic cysro-
ciated with diarrhea in puppies, kittens, and adult dogs centesls (bladder tap), catt1eri.z.atiuu, ur u1idslrea1n calch.
and cats.
Aln1ost any compro1niscd site may be contaminated Direct Examination
\-vith an enterococcus.
Stained (C~ram's or Romanovsky-type such as Wright's o:
Horse. Enterococcus spp. (H. durans, E. hirae, E. villorun1) are G icn1sa) sn1ears of exudates are examined. Urine can be ex-
associated with diarrhea in foals. an1ined unstained or stained ((~ram's or l{omanovsb.1--
Entcrococcus spp. should be expected in any co11dltloa typc). Histopathologic sections of small intestine obtaineC. resutts from co11tamination of a compronused s1re from an1ma1s w1th associateCl enterococcal enterltls are
witl1 fecal material (e.g., street nail/sole abscess, ~.vound) . needed to demonstrate characteristic adhcrence of cocc;f
forms tu villi.
Cattle. Enterococc;us spp. (E. durans, E. hirae, J::. villorurn} are
associated with diarrhea in calves. Culture
Enterococcus spp. should be expecteú in any conditlon
that results from contamination of a comprornised site Samples arP. streaked onto the surface of blood agar plates
with fecal material (e.g., wuu1H.l). and incubated at 37ºC overnigl1t in air (bccausc entero-
Chaptcr 28 Streptococcus and Enterococcus 167

~e facultative anaerobes, any atmosphere will suf- dealt with by correcting the underlying compromise and
?aterococci produce clear to gray colonies 1- 2 mm in use of any of the otic preparations tl1at contain an antimi-
ili&I:::c':er (cithcr alpha- or gamma-hc1nolytic). Prcliminary crobial (topical concentrations of most i11corporated an -
...::.::-..:ication entails t esting for the production of catalase timicrob ics usually far exceed the ininimal inhibitory con-
::;::~~=-e), and ability to grow in 6.5% sodium cl1loride centration needed to inhibit gro,AJth of enterococcí).
-=- b1le. Most tsolates can be speclated by uslng com-
y Treatment options of d1arrheal disease associated wlth
!IE=-;.·y ;:ivailable kits, seqnencing the gf>ne f>ncoding the F.. d11rans, F.. híra(!, or F.. villorurn i'lre undefi.ned .
-;;-osomal RNA, ora combination of both.


=-"QO of the underlying condition is t he most impor-
"" .iect of t reatment of most situations from which en- Members of the genera Abiotrophia and Granulicatella "l>vere
"'::"::::.m· are isolated. ln son1e il1sta11ces, re111oval of tl1e discovered as sn1all colonies g iowing as saLelliLes arou1 1Ll
~,_.::.:nise is enough to in itiate host-elimination of en- other bacteria] when samples obtained from nor-
:;"";"'.'=:.~ (becausc thcy do not havc potcnt virulcncc dc- mal human m ucosa! surfaccs (eycs, genital tract, mouth,
-..:nts). This is an important concept because entero- respiratory tract) were inoculated onto blood agar plates.
~d to be quite resistant to antimicrobials (see 'fhe bacteria comprising t hese colo11ies were gram-
~~-- -Resislance"). ·roo, in lhose infecLious ]Jrocesses ]JU:;itiv«::, <.:atalase-r1egative cocci requiring vitamin B 6 for
~ i; a polymicrohic etiology (along vvith t he compro- growth (satisfif'rl hy t hf' ;irlrlition of O.OO?ºA:i pyridoxal hy-
":.!ccess can be achieved by correction of the com - drochloride to media) . These microorganisn1s were provi-
::::::=::.::e 2nd antimicrobic therapy aimed at the other (usu- sionally tertned "nutritionally variant streptococci," but
::e susceptible) microorganisms. later placed into the genera Abiotrophia and Granulicatclla
--ococci isolated from the Iower urinary tract of based u pon the sequence of the gene encoding the 165 rí-
~ usually susceptible to urine concentratiol1S of bosomal RNA.
.e::::: · >: 'ln-clavulanale, chlora111]Jhenicol, a11d Lelra<.:y- Cliui<.:ally, u1eu11.Jers uf tl1ese genera have been isolated
==~ ..:.~ though most urinary strains of enterococci test frorn the, ;ihsr.P.SSf'S, dP.n t;il pl;:iq11i>, joints,
iC!i::;::i::'b!e to trimethoprim-sulfonaroides, care should be corneal ulcers, and cardiac valve vegetations of huma11 pa-
¡¡....,;:=. - interpreting in vitro test results because of the tients. They have been isolated from the genital tracts, res-
--~.:: -:::_e-savaging ability of this group of microorgal1isms. piratory tracts, absccsscs, and cycs ofhorscs and ruminants.
----ococci associated with otitis externa in dogs are


Me111bers of lile ge11us Arcunobucleriurrt art:: µl1:::u111u.rµhic, Cl1aµtt::r 36). Jt is a µore-for1uing, cholestC'
non- spore-forming, nonmotile gram-positive hacilli. In dependent cytolysin that is a major virulence ee
shape, 1ne1nbers of this genus are "dipht heroids" (see minant for this species (mut ants deficient i:: --
Chapter 31 ), an·ct many were at one t i1ne inclu ded within protein have reduced virulence; antibodies to'.:
the genus Corynebacterium (e.g., C. pyogenes) as well as the protective). PLO binds to cholesterol-conta!:-~-·
genus Actinomyces (e.g., Actinomyces pyogenes). Sequence rafts in the eukaryotic cell membrane, form:::_
analysis of the gene encoding t he 16S ribosomal RNA re- pore, resultlng in death of the cell. PLO is a.S-
vealed that the ge11us Arcunubucleriurn is tl1e aµµruµriatt: sµo11sible Cor lhe he1nolysis observed whe.n -~- _
plac.c> for t h ese m icroorgan isms. genes is grown on blood containing media. --""-,_
Of the five n1embers of the genus, Arca11obacteriu1n pyo- PLO acts in vivo is not known, but it is assumed _-....
genes is the main species of veteriI1ary importance, being it damages host cell membranes.
involvcd in suppurativc proccsscs of rurninants and swinc. 2. Ncuraminidascs. Arcanobactcrium progenes proC-
Otl1er arcanobacteria of note include A. phocae, A. pluraní- at least two neuraminidases, Nans (for N-acet\~
malii11n, al1d A . hippocoleae isolated from the respiratory raminyl hydrolases). Hovv the Nans work .in '~
tract of seals, the spleen of a harbor porpoise and the lung not clear, but they appear to be involved i.n a:...
of a deer, and from an equlne va exudate, respectively. sion of the rnicroorganisms to host cell.s.
3. Miscella11eous products. Severa! proteins witl-__
teolytic activity in vitro have been demonstrarr-=..
well as a DNase. What roles, if any, these othe:: •
ARCANOBACTER/UM PYOGENES ins" play in the pathogenesis of disease a:c:
Descriptive Features
Growth Characteristics
Morphology and Staining
Arcanobacteriu.m pyogenes is a facultative anaerobe :e::~
Arcanobacterium pyogenes is a small, gram-positive, pleo- ing cnrichcd media and up to 40 hours to produce
morphic rod (0.5 µIn by up to 2 µm; Fig 29.1) that lacks cernible colonies on blood agar. Growth occurs opu._--....
capsules and metacl1romatic granules. The instability of at 37ºC and produces transluce11t, he1nolytic colon-=<'
the gram-positive reaction is comparable to that of strep to 1 mm in size.
Biochemical Activities
Structure and Composition
Arcanobactcrium pyogcncs is catalasc-ncgativc, fcrmcz_
Its cell v.1all peptiduglyca11 coutaius lysiue, rl1arnr1ose, anll tose, and digests protein (gelatin, casein, coagulated se;_
gluc.ost>. l Jn li kt> mt>m ht>rs of tht> ge.nt>r<i l.nrynehar.teri11m
and Rhodococcus, it does not contain n1ycolic acids.
Resistan ce

Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest Arcanobacteriurn pyogenes is susceptible to dryinÉ

(60ºC), d isinfectants, and beta-lactam antibiotics. ~
Cell Wall. The lipoteichoic acids and peptidoglycan of the sistant to sulfonamidcs, and increasingly so to tetrae"':
gram-positive cell wall interact with macrophage cells, re-
sulting in the release of proinflammatory cytokines.
Exuluxins. Arcunobucleriu.rn pyugenes prolluces a 11u1nlJer Ecology
of prot eins with toxic. propt>rties:
Reservo ir
l. Pyolysin O. PLC) (for pyolysin O) is produced by ali
straiI1s uf A . pyugi:ru::> (see alsu, streµtucuccal streµ - Arcunubucleriurrt pyu¿)t:rtes is found on rn ucous rneu... _
tolysi n O, \.hapter 28; listerial listeriolysin O, (including the rumen and stomach) and skin of Sl.::-'.l~
Ch.apter 33; an.d clostridial perfringolysin O, ble species.

Chapter ?.9 .Arcanobacteri11m 169

J l: .

: , GURE 29.1 . Arcanobacterium

=yogenes in pus from sheep lung. Gram •
~in, 1000X.

--=nsmission sloughing. Bacteria implicated in its etiology include A . pyo-

genes, Streptococcus dysgalactiae ssp. ctysgalactiae (see Chapter
_-ist infections are
probably endogenous. In "summer mas- 28), ancl non- sporP-forming ;inat>robes (set> C haptt>r 35).
:..~s." cow-to-cow spread, aided by flies, is thought to occur.

-=:.-ogenes1s. Epidemiology
Because ,4. pyogenes is a permanent resident of susceptible
-~iuinisms. Arcanobacteriurn pyogenes causes suppuratlve species, disease prevalence is sporadic and governed by
- _:cesses, usually complicatecl by other potentially pa tho- precipilali11g slress or trau1na.
~.Jc con1111ensals, especially non-spore-forn1ing anaer- "Sum1nf~r mastitis" is most prevalent in northern
-.e-; (, Pusnhar.teriurn, Porphyrnrnonas, Prevotella, Europe. Jt .is spread by flies attracted to traumatized teats.
-.ostreptococcus, see Chapter 35). Pyolysin O (PLO) is a
~ or virulence determinant (supported by the finding
-~- antibodies to PLO are protective, and mutants defi- lmmunologic Aspects
--:t in PLO are avirulent). Deposition of A. pyogenes (fro1n
~ ;itiguous surface or from the iin1nediate environn1ent) Itnmune r~~sponses to A. pyogenes are not '"'ell understood .
.;._,- a normally sterile ~ite initiate~ au iuflauunatury re- Infection or vaccination confers no useful resistance. The
--~,p (arlhPrPnc.P., hy way of Nans, cell wall constituents, usefulness of pyolysin as a vaccine remains to be demon
::;,on of PLO). The exudate (pus) consists of bacteria, neu- strated, but toxoids produced from PLO are protective in
... ~il s (live or dead), and host cell debris. laboratory anima1s.
Patl1olo3y. The lesions are abscesses, empyemas, or pyo-
---.-_uJomas. Abscesses are often heavily enea psulated.
~ offensive odors are contributions of anaerobic parti- Laboratory Diagnosis
~t:; .

Gram-stained smears fro1n tissues or exudates reveal gram-

- -:-;se Patterns µo:;ili ve µleu111orpl!ic ru<.l~ (~ee Fig 29.1) ufte11 uüxe<.l w itl1
other bacteria. Material suspected of containing A . pyo-
.=-'E. Arcanobacteriun1 pyogenes is involved in most puru genes is cultured on blood agar. Routine methods are used
- 'nfections of traumatic or opportunistic origins; to identify this microorganism. Primers designed to am-
-~~-.:i may be local, regional, or metastatic. Common lo- plify A. pyogenes specific DNJ\ by the polymerase chain re-
__,.___~· ~iu11~ CJre the luug, pericCJrtliurn, entlocCJrtliurn, action have been described.
___,_:ti. p eritoneum, liver, joints, uterus, renal cortex,
=::::.. bones, and subcutaneous tissues. In other suscepti-
;pecies (sheep, goats, wild rurninants, S>vine) similar le- Treatment and Control
.:;s may be found.
--~mobacterium pyogenes causes abortion and mastitis in. Incision and drainage of abscesses are essential. Although
_ ::.e. "Summer mastitis" is a communicable disease many antibiotics, including all penicillins, are active in
'--""'ng pdsture<.l dairy cattle <.luring their dry peri o<.!. lt often vitro, medical trean11ent alone is usually dlsappolntlng
...M"" a ilPstn1ctivP conrsP, ca11sing ahsrPsS formation anrl cine to inadequate clrug delivery to the lesions.

Members of the genus Badllus are gram positive, sporc- l. Lcthal torjn. The gen es e ncoding the lethai ---~­
forming, facultatively anaerobic rods that typically in- (LeTx for lethal toxin) are found on a pla'-..
habit soi 1and "''a ter. So me species cause diseases of insects. termed pXOl. LeTx is a binary toxin compo:;e.:
·r111:: u11ly Lu11::.i:;Le1n JJC1tl1uge11 uf vertet>rates, 1ncludlng "protective anttgen" (PA) and "lethal factor
humans, is B. anthracís, the causativf> agf>n t of anthrax PA is responsible for binding of LeTx to ~a;
Bacillus anthracis is a close relative of D. cereus that causes cells," wl1ile Lf is responsible fo1 ils lo:x.icaclivit
caninc and human food poisoning. and LF associate only after PA has been oligo......,..-
izcd on thc "target" cell surface (see below). t.:
zinc metalloprotease that inactivates mito __-
activated protein kinase kinases (MJ\PK kinases
8 ACILLUS ANTHRACIS sulting in the disruption of signaling path' _
within the affected cell (macrophages appear t
Descriptive Features the principal cell that LT affects, even though it
tf'rs scveral others). PA binds to cell surface rece~
Morphology and Staining 011 a variety of cell lypes. IL is aclivaled by furill.)
the cell surface resulting in o ligomerizat ion, "'· h
Cclls of B. anthracis are grarn-positive, nonmotile, roughty is followed by internalization of LT (as well asede-
rectangular rods with squarc cnds (about l µm by 3 to 5 lactor, see below). At low concentrations, the Le~
µ111). Cliai11:; uf ruds are common. Spores within the cell macrophage interaction results in a cytok..::.
cause no swC'll i ng. A caps11 le is forroed in vivo, o r l.1nder ap- "storro" leading to muttiorgan dysfunctlon, sim
propriate condition in vitro. to what occurs during endotoxemia (see Fig S -
Thal i::., u1u.Ier tl1e üúlul:'IH.:e uf LeTx, macropha~­
Cellular Composition become hyperresponsivP an<1 pro<111cf> lar _
amounts of tumor necrosis factor (fNF), interleuL
Thc capsule consists of a v-glutamyl polypeptide. Tl1e cell (lL)-1, and IL-6 resulting in increased vascular pt:
wall is largely polysaccharide. Covering the cell wall is a meability CfNF on endotheliu1n), incrcascd i:-
proteinaccous paracrystalline structurc (S-laycr). When B. travascular clotting (TNF on endotheliun1), attra
anthracls produces a capsule, the S-layer lies betwee11 it and tion of lnflammatory cells (TNF/IL-1 signalir.
the rest of the ccll wall. No virulencc propcrties have been e11doll1eliu111 lo vruc..luLc lL-8 ar1d macropha e
ascrlbed lo lhe S-Iayt:r ur it:; ¡.¡rute1n:;. chemotactic factor), release of acutc phase protpi-
(IL-6 on livcr), cndogenous pyrogen (TNf, IL-1, lL-<
Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest on brain), an<.1 somnogenic ('l'Nf, lL-1 on brain) . .
higher concentrations, LcTx produces apoptoL.
Capsule. ·rhe vegelalivc furru uf B. unthrulis produces a cap- death of affeaed mac rophages. Producrton of LeT·
sule composed of a o-glutamyl polypf'pti<1f>. Thf> genes en- is under control of the rcgulatory gene produc<
coding this structure are on a plasmid called pXOZ. The ex- ALXA (for u11lh1ax lu.A:i11 uclivatur), whi<.:11 rl:!:;pund
pression ol the genes encoding the capsule are under to as yet unknown environmental cues (see belo\
control of two regulatory gene products, AtxA and AcpJ\ "Rcgulation of Ccllular Products of Medica! Inter-
(for anthlax roxin activator and a11thrax capsule activator, est"). AtxA is also encocted on pOXl.
respcctlvely) which respond to cnvironmer1tal cues (see 2. Ede1na toxin. 'fhe genes encoding the ede1na toxir
bclow, "Ilegulalion of Celluldr Pruuu<.:t:; uf Mellical Inter- (Ed'fx for edema roxln) are found on a plasmic.
cst"). 'l'he capsule enables thc vegetativf> form to avoi<I termed pXOl. EdTx is a binary toxi n composcd o;
phagocytosis. 'fhe genes encodiog AtxA and AcpA are on "protecllve a11tigen" (PA) and "ede1na faclo1" (EF
the plasmids, pXOl (see below, "Lcthal Toxin") and pXOZ, PA is responsible for binding of EdTx to "targe-
respectively. cclls," whilc Ef is rcsponsiblc for its toxic aetivity. P.~
1oxins. A number of toXins are made by B. ant/1racis. The and E.F associate only atter PA has been oligomer-
most important of th.ese in the production of disease are i2ed on the "target" cell surface (see below). EF is a
ll1e lelhal loxi11 aud Lhe euema tuxil1: calmodulin-dependent adenylyl cyclase that in-

Chaplc.'T 30 Bacillus 171

creases levels of c1\MP witlún the atfccted ccll caus- 4. Regulation of the Cellular Products of Medica!
i ng <'lec:trolyte and fl11id loss. PA hind~ tocPll surface lnterest. ·rhere are n.vo proteins, AtxA and AcpA (for
rcccptors on a variety of cell types. It is activated by 11nlh1ax toxi11 uclivalor a11tl u11thrax i·apsule activa-
furins on thc ccll surface resulting in oligomeriz.a- tor, rcspectively) that are produc:eci in rPsponsP to
tion, which is followcd by intcrn<llization of EF (as cnvironmental cues. What thcsc cucs are in vivo is
well as lethal factor, sce above). l'roduction of Ed.l'x urtknown. Under t he appropriate conditions, how-
is under control of the rcgulatory gene product, ever, AtxA ir1creases the production of Lc'J'x, Ed'rx,
AtxA (for anthrax toxin activator), whlch responds and proteins involved in the "escape" from phago-
to as yet un known envi ronm Pnta 1 c11Ps (.~f'f' below, lysosomes and macrophagcs (presumably the an-
"Regulation of CelluJar Products of Medica! li1Ler- LIIrulysiI1s). AcpA production Is amplified under in-
est"). AtxA is also encoded on pOXl. creaseci amounts of C0 2 (5% or greater). Atx.A acts
3. Misccllancous "toxins." Scvcral homologues of pro- syncrgistically with AcpA in this rcgard.
teins snown to be important 1n v1ru1ence ot other
crucroorganisms have been discovercd in the L)NA
Growth Characteristics
~1::4ucr1ce of the genume uf B. anthracis. These in-
clude genes encoding proteins important in s11r- Rncillus anthracis is a facultative anaerobe and grows on
vival within phagolysosomes and on mucosa! sur- con1n1on 111edia beLwee11 l5nC auu 40nC. Colonies reach a
taccs (lnh and Mprr), escape from phagolysosomes, diametcr of 2 mm or greater in 24 hours at 17ºC:. <~olonies
and phagocyti.c cells (anthrolysins), and iron ac- grown in air havc a dull surface and wavy margin forn1ed
qutr!ng products (Dlp). by strands ot bacteria! chains ("medusa-hcad"). Cells are
a. lnh and MprF. The genomc of B. anthracis con- nonencapsulated. Colonies grown in greatcr tl1an So/o car-
Laius Lite ge11es e11cutli11g tl1c hurnulogues ofinh bon dloxlde on serum agar conta1n1ng 0.7o/o bicarbonate
(for immune inhibitor protei n) in Rar.illus r:rTl'.11~, are mucoid and consist of encapsulated bacteria (Fig 30.1).
and MprF (for 1nultiple peptide resistancc factor) Sporulalion occurs untler <IIJu11tlant oxygen, but not
in St.aphytococcus (see Chapter 27). which have while inside the animal. Organisms in infPc:tPc1 tissuP or
been shown to bestow resistance to defensins fluids cxposcd to air sporulate after severa! hours.
(found within the phagolysosome, and in se-
cretions bathing mucosal surfaces) by lysiny-
Biochemical Activities
lal iun uf pl1uspl1ulipids in the bacterial ccll
mc~mhrilnPs. Reactions differentiating B . anthracis fron1 R. ccr<:us, its
b. l\nthrolysins. ·rhe genon1e of B. anthracis con- nearest relative and a frequent contam1nant, are summa-
tains the genes encoding anthrolysins (also re- rized in ·rabie :~0.1.
fcrrcd to as anthralysins), which are homologues
of severa! phospl1olipase C and chotesterol-
binding cytolysins (anthrolysin O) in other Resistance
pathogenic bacteria (see also clostridial per- Vegetative cells in unopened carca<;Se><; may s11rvivf' for 11p
fringolysin O, Chapter 36; streptococcal strep- to 1 to 2 weeks, but spores can persist for decades in a sta-
lul ysi11 O, CltavLer 28; li~lt:rial listcriulysin O, ble, dry environment. Spores are killed by autoclaving
Chapter 33; and arcanohacterial pyolysin, (121 ºC/15 min) and dry hcat (lSOºC/60 min), but not by
Chapter 29). ·rhe phospholipases are pore-fonu- boiling (lOOºC) for less than 10 minutes. ·rhey are not
ing cytolysins, and anthrolysin ü. also a pore- highly susceptible to phenolic, alcoholic, and quaternary
forming toxi n, binds to cholcstcrol containing ammonlum dlsinfectants. Aldehydes, and chlo-
rafts in the eukaryot1c cell membranes. Though a rinating disínfectants, beta-propiolactone, and ethylene
definitive role has yet to be determincd, there is oxide are n1ore use ful. Heal fixaliu11 uf s111e<Irs tlues r1ut kill
strong evitlence that the anthrolystns are re- spores.
-~ronsihlP for lysis of phagoly~o~nme containing
n. a11thraces followed by the liberation of the n1i-
croorganism into the cytoplasm of the affected Variability
cell, as wcll as Jysis of the cell membrane leading Colon1al and patho~enic variability may be caused by en-
to llberation into the extracellular enVironment. vironmental manipulation or spontaneous mutations.
Note too, that the anthrolysins have hemolytic U11tler natural conditlons the bacterlum is antigenically
aclivily. ·rhis acli vi Ly is tleu1u11str<IIJle untler con- uniform .
ditions not used in the clinical lahoratory for iso-
lation and identification of D. anthracis (it is typ-
ically "nonhemolytic" under clinical laboratory
c. Dls. ·rhe genome of B. anthracis contains the Reservoir
genes encoding Dlp (for Dps like protein) which
is an iron-bindil1g vrult:ill 11uruulugue of that ·rhe soll IS the source of anthrax 1nfectlon for herbivores.
found in Escherichia coli calleci Dps (for DNA pro- Other species, including humans, are exposcd via infected
tccting protein under starvcd conditions). ani111als aud a1li1ual prutlucts.
172 PART JI Bacteria and Fungi

F1G U R E 3 O. 1 . Bacillus anthracis grown on ca/cium carbonate

agar under 20% carbon díoxíde for capsule productíon. Mcradyean
capsule stain, 7OOOX.

Table 30.1. Differentiation of Bacillus anthracis from Bacillus LeTx, Ed1'x, capsule, a11d other putative toxins (an-
cereusª throlysins, iron-acqulring products, defensin-resistance
factors). Inh and MprF aid in the surv.ival of B. anthrax
8. ililthr<idS" while it is in the phagolysosome. Anthro1ysins permit es.-
Motility cape from first the phagolysoson1e 1 and then t he
Hemolysis (sheep blood agar) :!: +++ m.acrophar,e itself. Production of LeTx triggers the hyp~­
Reduction of methylene blue ± +++ productio11 of cytokines leadil1g to n1ultiple organ dys-
Fermentation of salicin + functio11, shock, and depletion of clotting factors (see FiE
Growth at 45ºC ;- 8 .1), as well as apoptotic death of affected macrophag~
Mucoid coJonies on bicarbonate ao_ar + cd'J'x produces severe tluid and electrolyte ünbala11ces, IE-
under 20% COz sulting in localized edema and systemic shock. The cap-
susceptible to gamma phage + sule tliscourages further association of tlle vegetative forc:
with phagocytic ct>lls.
• Mod.ified after Burdon !';L isolatio!l'and identification of tJafilfus anthraCts. Pat11ology. In lissue, spores genninale and lhe vegetali\-.
Preseílted at the Symposium on Anthrax in Man, Philadelpnja, October 1954. form prolifera tes, prodúcing gelatinous edema. Inflarruna-
b Elífferent stralns exist, with most being moti!e.
tory rcactions are minimal. lnfection disseminates to retic-
utoenc1othelial sites. When these are saturated, a termina.
bacteremia occurs, with enormous numbers of organism...
Transmission in circulation. Postmorten1 findings are widespread llem-
orrhage.s; a hlack, e.ngorgecl, friahle spleen; tarry, noncloc-
The endospore is the "infcctious unit." lnfection takes ting blood¡ and abse11ce of rigor n1ortis. Bleedi11g at bod
place by ingestion of contaminatcd feed or water or via orífices is common.
\'>'Ound infection and artl1ropod bites.
Human infections occur via skin wounds (malignant
Disease Pattern
carbuncle), inhalation (e.g., "v.rool-sorter's dlsease") and,
exceptionally, ingestion, which is also the likely exposure Ruminants. ·rhe process described above is typical for rfit:
for predatnrs. n1ost susceptible species- cattle and sl1eep. 'fhe coUJ:k.
following an incubation period of 1 to 5 days, ranges fro!"'"
Pathogenesis a few hours to 2 days. Sorne animals d ie without overt cTI:-
ical signs. Othcrs dcvclop high fcvcr, agalactia, and t b ....
Mechanisms. Spores are acquired from the environment n1ay abort. ·rhere is congestion of mucous men1bran~
(e.g., soil, animal products, see above, "Transmlssion"). hematuria, hemorrhagic diarrhea, and often-regior_
They are phagocytosed by macrophages (polymorpho11u- edema. 'l'hese forms are regularly fatal. Occasio11al
clt>ar nt>ntrophil lt>ncocytt>s cio not appt>ar to play a role in show just localized edema oran ulcerative sk.Ln lesionar;.~
the disease process). The spores germinate within the recover.
phagolysoson1e con1partn1ent. Vegetative bacteria, re-
sponding to cues, produce the regulatory protcil1s AtxA Horses. Horscs dcvclop colic and diarrhea¡ edema also e~­
and AcpA, whích in turn up regulate the productio11 of curs, particularly of dependent parts and at the point of w-
Chapter 30 Bacillus 173

"ection (e.g., the intestine or thc throat) where it may produced by microorganisms lnto which the encoding
cause death by asphyxiation. Altern;:itively, thP course m;:iy 8PnP h;:i<; hf>Pl1 placP<I, shows promi<:P, il.<: c1o pJ;:intS into
-.e sepliccn1ic, as in run1inants. which the PA encoding gene has been cloned.

5.vine. In swinc, localization in phuryngcal tissucs is typi-

::al. An u lcerative lesion at the portal of entry is associated Laboratory Diagnosis
ith regional lymphadenitis. Obstructive edema may
cause death. ülcerative he1norrl1agtc enteritis and 1nesen- Sample Collection
·.-ric lymph;idenitis sometimP~ ncc11r.
During sample collection, precautions against contamina-
:arnivores. Carnivores (induding mink) are rarely affected; tlon ofthe environment are important. Blood maybe aspi-
·hcn thcy are, thc discasc pattcrn is similar to that in ratcd from a superficial vessel. Aqueous humor has the
~\·ine, although massive exposure throu,gh tainted meat added advanlage oí ren1oleness f1on1 sou1ces of early posl-
~ay trigger septicemia.
mortem contamination. Por direct examination, bloody
dischargcs fron1 orilices are samplcd.
-iumans. In h11m;ins, percutilnf>o11 .~ introc1urtion of sporf>s lf the carcass has been opened, spteen nlaterial may be
..:auses "malignant carbuncle" (pustule), a local ulcerative collected .
~--iflammatory lesio11 covered by a black scab (escl1ar). Pos-
s_ble complication s are subcutaneous edema and sep- Direct Examination
·~cemia. ·rhe case fatality rate is 10% to 200/o. A shock-like
!>~ate precedes death. Inhalation anthrax (e.g., "wool- Blood and organ smears are stained by Gram stain and a
<.> ner's dlsease") produces pulmonary edema, hemor- capsule stain such as McFadyean's methylene blue. Chains
:nagic pnP11monia, ano somi>timPs mi>ningitis. Mort;:ility of encapsulated, gram-positive, non-spore-torming rods
:zces approach 100%. (see Figs 30.l and 67.1) suggest B. anthracis. Contaminant
Baclllus spp. are usually not encapsulated and lack the
clipped, squared-off appearancc of anthrax bacilli. Fluore-
scent antibody helps in. the diffcrenlialion.
-. soil rich in calcium and nitra te, with a pH range of 5.0 to
:..O, favors sporulation and bacteria] prollferation at te1n- lsolation and ldentification
:;-ieratures above 15.SºC (60ºF), especially after flooding.
~e geogiaphy a11d seasonalily of oulb1caks rellecl such Bacillus anthracis grows on all common media. Presump-
:ucumstances. ln cattle, sheep, and possibly horses, out- tive ictentitication can be made by the characteristics out-
=:eaks begin with a few cases contractcd from thc soil. li ncd in Table 30.1 and the "stri ng of pearls" test (the
..!ter excretions and postmortem discharges seed the area, characteristic blebbing that occurs when B. anthracis con-
;econdary cases occur. Floods and industrial effluents tacts penicillin). Definitive identification is by specific
::om rendering works, tanneries, carpet milis, brush facto- bal:lcriu¡Jhagt: (ga11Lllla ¡Jhagc). Fluu11:::.cc11l a11libody a11d
-::es, or wherever else carcasses are salvaged may contami- IPctin<> of appropriate specific:ities are helpful. Bacillus
--:3te areas. Bone mea!, an animal fee<.l supplement, is a cereus is a commonly cncountcre<.l contan1inate that is
""lmmon vf>h ir lP in noni>nc1Pmir ilrPilS. \.;:irnivores (m ink) similar to B. anthracis in appearance. These two microor-
?.;e usually exposed via infccted n1cat. ganisms can he differentiated using variou s tests (see
Human exposures are contracted in occupations deal- Table 30.1).
..::g with animals and animal derived material such as im Experimental animals (mice, guinea pigs) are injected
X>rted h1des, wool, and bone. Anthrax occurring under in- subl:Utétut'uusly vvitl1 suspt'ct 1uat1::rial. Dt'ath frou1 éUJ-
.::.istrial conditions is often the lethal airborne version. thrax occ.11rs aftpr 24 hours. T.f>sions incluciP hemorrh;:igi>s,
gelatinous exudate near the inoculation site, and an en-
gorgcd spleen. The encapsulated agent is demonstrable in
11munologic Aspects blood and tissuc.

::~i>erimmune sera can prevent and alleviate disease.

-_'1tibactenal and antitoxic factors are thou¡;ht to be in-
"'Olved . In most species, immunity is directed against the Bacillus anthracis antigens can be demonstrated in extracts
-:otecuve anti.gen. Capsular polypeptlde falls to stimulate of contaminated products by a precipitatíon test using
:-· otPctivP ;intihnn y high -titPrP<I :intise1·urn (Ascol i .
Artificial immunization of livestock has utilizcd 1nostly
~dified live spore vaccines. Currently these are derived
Molecular Techníques
-om avirulent (noncapsulated) mutants. The most widely
-Sed is the Sterne vaccine (a strain of B. anthrads that lacks Vanous gene sequences have bcen targeted in the design ot
·~e pX02 plasmid). A cell-free vaccine consisting of con- primers that are used to amplify segments of DNA by using
_culrateu l:ulture filtrate has l.Jeen used on humans ex- the polymerase chain reaction. Examples include portions
- sed to industrial anthrax. lt prod11cP~ tPmporary p rotPC'- of the gene encoding the 16$ ribosomal RNA, and parts of
-'ln against cutaneous infection. Protective antigen, pOXl a11d pOXZ.
174 PAJo 11 Bacteria anc.l Fungí

Treatment, Prevention, and Control Prevention ot anthrax exposure through animal prod-
ucts imported from endemic areas requires disinfection of
Badl/us anthracis is susceptible to penicillins, chloram- such material as hair and wool by formaldehyde. Bone
phenicol, streptomycin, tetracycline, fluoroquinolones, m ea! is sterilized by dry heat (lSOºC/3 h) or steam (llSºC/
and erythromycin. Treatment should continue for at least 15 1lli11).
S days. In sorne areas, antiserum is given simu]taneously.
Antiserum is not available ín the Unítec.l States. In acute
anthrax, antimícrobial treatment is often unsuccessful.
Pupuldliuu:. dl 1i:.k. dtt:: VdLLÍlldlt::ll. a11uually.
When an outbreak or a case of anthrax has occurred,
Bacillus cereus can cause opportuniStic infections, most n o-
animal hcalth authorities are notified to supervise control
tably abortions and bovine mastitis. This is often acutel)
mcasures. Carcass disposal involves incineration (pre-
fcrrcd) or dccp burial (>6.5 ft) undcr a laycr of quicklimc gar1grer1ous anti rapi<.lly fatal or <.lestructive to e~1tire 4uar-
tPrs. FrPq11Pnt initiíltors ílrP 11clclPr surgPry ancl tntrama m -
(anhydrous calcium oxide) . Surviving sick animals are iso-
mary medications.
lated and treated. Susceptible stock are vaccinated. 'fhe
Bacillus cereus is also responsible for several forms of
premlses are quarantlnect for 3 weeks subsec¡.uent ~o t~1e
11uman food poisoning manifested by diarrhea or vomit-
last cstablishcd case. Milk from infected anunals 1s d1s-
ing, the former being assocíated with various foods, t ~.,­
carded undcr appropriate precautio11s. Barns a11d fe11ces
Iatter m ostly with rice. Toxins are involved: an emetic
are disinfected with lye (10% sodium hydroxide). Boiling
tuxin (cereulide) aud three ~ecretury t:I1Leru1.o.xi11s (HBL
for 30 minutes will kili sporcs on utcnsils. Surfacc soil is
NHE, '!").
cleared of spores by treatment wíth 3(1/o peracetic acid solu-
tion at the rate of 8 liters (2 gal) per square meter. Sorne
other material can be gas-sterilized with ethylene oxide.


\{embers of the gen us CorynP.hactp_ri11m arP plPomorphir, F.xntnxins_ r:nrynehacteriurn pseudntuherculosis producc•s
:Jon- spore-forming, nonn1otile grarn-positive bacilli. at lcast two exotoxins: a phospholipase D and a serine
Corynebacteria occur in packets of paralle! ("palisades") or protease.
crisscrossing cells ("Ch in.ese letters") that include coccoid,
:od, club, and filan1entous shapes. This pattern is called
l. Phospholipase D (PLD) . PLD (a sphingomyelinase
iiphtheroid after the type species C. diphtheriae, which is related to t he toxin of the b rown recluse spider) is a
-he CélUSe of hUIIlélil <Jipl1tl1eria (Fig 31.1). membranP-active toxin with activity on endothe-
()f the more than 10 species i ncluded in the genus, two
lial cells, lyses erythrocytes by activating com-
:!Ie.regularly associated witl1 diseases of veterinary in1por- p lement, produces dermal necrosis, and is .l ethal to
:3nce: the facultatively intracellular bacterium C. pseudo- a variety of experimental anirnals. In vitro, PLD
:-".berculosi$ (the cause of abscesses in ruminants and lyses sheep and bovine erytl1rocytes, inl1ibits beta
-a1ses), and C. renale (the cause of disease of the ruminant toxin of S tc1phylococcus aureus (Fig 31.2) and
=ogenital tract). Briefly mentioned in this chapter are Clostridium per(ringens alpha toxin (see Chapter 36),
-..4nubuculum suis (élt 011e tiu1e céllled Eubucleriurn suis ;u1u and potentiates 11em olytic activity of "R . equi fac-
- rvnehacteriurn suis), the cause of urinary t ract infection tors" (see Chapter 34) (Fig 31.3).
sows, and C. auricanis, associated with otitis externa and 2. Serine Protease. The role played by the serine pro-
~1natitis in dogs.
tcasc is unk11own, but antibodies to it are protcctive.
!ron Acquisition. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis pos-
sess a cluster of four genes, fag.4.- D (for Fe acquisitiongene)
encodiug µroteiu~ ll tal are i11volved wilh iro11 uplake. Tl1e
uptake systern is similar to the one used by enterobactin (a
catecl1ol-type of siderophore found in members of the
: =scriptive Features family Enterobacteriaceae). Deletion oí this gene results i11 a
decrcase in virule11ce.
: ·phology and Staining
~11ebacterium pseuduluberc:ulusis (Fig 31.1) is a typical Growth Characteristics
-,thProio. "!'he cP.lls range from coccoid to filamentous,
~'.!ffi by >3.0 µm, are non- acid-fast a nd nonencapsu- Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis is a facultative anaer-
-=-j· and often contain granules. obe. Tt grows best on rnedia contaiiliug l.Jlovd or serun 1. Al
48 ho11rs on h loocl agar (1S- 17ºC:), colonies are off-white,
duU, faintly hemolytic, and about 1 mrn in dia1neter. They
_::nrre and Composition can be pushed across the agar without disintegrating
_ ..:ell Wélll is t yµical vf gra111-posi live bacleria, 1-vitl1 tl1e (son1e describe this as pushing a "hockey puck"), and dis
- . :non of acid (DAP), arabino- perse poorly in liquids .
.. . ctan, an.d 1nycolic acids (branched chained fatty acids
-'":a chain lengt h for members ot tbe genus c;orynebacte- Biochemical Activities
of C 22 C3 8) . ·rhe cell vvall contains a high concentra-
of lipids. 'fhe agent ls catalase-posltlve. Sorne carbohydrates are fer-
- - ?.r Products of Medica! lnterest
·hll. The gran1-positive cell 1-vall contains polysaccha-
and lipids that are of medical interest. The lipotei- Disinfectants and heat (60"C) kill C. pseudotubercu/osis, but
~ ;icíd$ ond pcptidoglycan of the gram positive cell organisms survive well where moisture and organic matter
"'lteract 'l<Vit h 1nacrophage cells resulting in the release abound. Penicillins (inc!uding ceftiofur), erythromycin,
- :inílamrnatory cytokines. The high concentration of chloramphenicol, lincomycin, tetracycline, enrofloxicin,
- .:u11tril.Jutes to intraµl1agocylic survival and leuko- and lrin1eLhopri111-sulfonanlide are inhibilory in vilro.
.. . ·rhe agent is resistant to aminoglycosides .

176 PA10· 11 Bacteria and Fungi

F 1G U RE 3 1 . 1 . Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in pus from an equine chest

obscess. Note club sh tJpes, ptJlisading, uchinese letter" patterns, pt.::utl/VlfJltÍ>lll. <310111 >loi11,

- .,,,.. •
- - -
, - ,,-
~, •
_.,,.-! ,,
e ..... -
- •
' .. ... .,,

... . •

F 1G U RE 3 1 . 3 . Syncrgistic hcmolysis by Corync~:2"'

F 1G u RE 3 1 . 2 . lnhibition of slaµl1yluuJlldl úitld luxi11 (µho}- pseudotuberculosis (center) and Rhodococcus equi (pee ;:;-=
pholipase CJ activity on bovine blood agar by Corynebacterium Hemolysis is maximal where the diffusion zones of the :--. _
pse11dotuberculosis exotoxin (phospholipase D}. organisms overlap.

Variability Ecology
There are two biotypes that differ biochemically, serologi-
cally, and cpldemiologlcally: the "equine biotype," which Reservoir
isoli'!tPs from equine, and most bovine sources reduce ni- The ovine biotypc (scc abovc, "Variability") C. pseudotuh,
trates to nitrites (nitratc-positivc), a11d ll1e "ovü1e bio- culosis is found in lesions, the gastroi ntestinal tract of n Oi-
type," which isolates from ovine, caprine, and sorne mal sheep, and the soil of sheep pens. The reservoir of th .
bovinc sourccs do not (nitratc-ncgativc). equine type is not known.
Cf1apter 31 Corynebacceriun1 177

-_:- íssion marked by sweUing and abscesses, which rupture to Jeave

ulcers along its course. Hematogenous dissemination is
_; become infected through brcaks in thc skin (e.g., rare. Areas other than extremities are occasionally af-
_. . nds acqui1ed du1il1g sl1caling), goa\s probab\y follow- fected. Contagious acne (Canadian horse pox) is an un-
~ ::auma related to butting, and horses following breaks conu11011 equine folliculitis due Lo C. pseudotuberculosis
-e skin (e.g., biting flies). infection.
Pectoral abscess is also called "pigeon fever" and
· -::i9enes1s
. "breastbone tever." <;orynebacteriurn pseudotuberculosis
causes abscesses, usually in the muscles of the chest an d
·umisms. Coryncbactcriurn pscudotubcrculosis is a facul- caudal abdominal regton of horses. ·rhe infective mecha-
- --=elv intracellular parasitc whose resistance to phagoly- nism is not understood, but the seasonal peak (autum n)
m al disposal is relatcd to its surface lipids. a11d geograpl1ic rest1iclion (111ait1ly California) suggesl ru1
- ~rulence Is attrlbuted to PLD (and perhaps the serine arthropod vector. Thc lcsions of cutaneous ven t ral
-Pflse) and ccll wall lipids Roth the cPll w::ill an<I t h e exo- habroncmiasis anda midventral derma titis du e to horn fly
...::is initiate and aniplify an inflan1n1atory response. PLD (HaernatotJius irrita11s) activity are possible portals of entry .
..::::-.ages neutrophils, macrophages, and endothelial cells. Sign s such as swell ing, pain, and la 1ne ness depend on the
:0Howing in(ection, absccsses fo rm but remain localized locatlo11 and slze of the abscesses. septicemia occurs rarely,
- a exotoxin and/or protease are aL')sent or neutralized. b ut may rcsult in abortions, renal abscesses, de bilitation ,
-.1tholog)I. Ne utrophilic infiltration an d endothelial and death. Thc superficial lesions resolve slowly afler
- ,<1ge clk1racterí:le early cltanges. Tl1e lesions are ab- drainage.
'3.SeS . D istrihution, progrC'<;s, ;in<i ;i ppe;i r;i n c.e <i iffp r wi t h
. d es and routes of inoculation, but lymphatic involve- Sheep and Goats. Caseous lymphadcnitis of sheep and goats
- -=-:t is con sistcnt. Thc naturc of thc pus varies largely is usually traced to a break in the skin. After introduction,
;:.~ age of the lesion, which grossly appears creamy to d ry the agent ellcits a dlffuse tnflammation, followed by the
~ crumt>ly ("cheesy"). C)ld abscesses consist of dead formation of an absccss that coalesces and undergoes en-
-~ophages with peripheral neutrophils, giant cells, and capsulation. Inflan1111atory cclls traverse lhe capsule pe-
~u!> tissue. LesíOil!> alrnost always coutaíH just C. ripherally, adding a layer of suppuration and a new cap-
-- -iotuhP.Trulnsi~ . sule. Severa! such cyclcs givc thc lcsions, especially in
sheep, an "onion ring" appearance (rig 31 .4). Old lesions
acquire thick, fibrou s capsules. The general health is unaf-
: :;: : se Patterns
fected unless disseminat1on occurs to other lymph nodes,
- ·-..e. lllcerative lymphangiti'> of horc:P<: (rflrPly c;ittle) :is- viscera, or the central nervous system, causing progressive
---:ds tl1e lyrnpl1atics, usually of the hind limbs, starting at debiliLaLion (thiu ewe sy11d1on1e). MosL for1ns of it1fection
-= fetlock. Tts progress toward the inguinal region is are chronic.

F 1G u R E 3 1 . 4 . Caseous lymp hadenitis in a sheep. Lyn1ph nodes, lungs, spleen. Note

abscesses with concentric ring pattern, especial/y in t he lymph node, top right. (Photograph
courtesy nf flr í n rriP Rrnwn .)
178 PART II Bacteria and Fungi

Cattte. Cattlc occasior1ally develop skin infections with Other tests utilize agglutination, complement fixati.
.lyruµl1 r1uut.: iuvulverueut. Sucl1 epi:;ode:; are ofter1 acute indirecl he1naggluUi.1alion, hen101ysis inhibilion, gel
and can he epidemic. The most con1mon site is the lateral fusion, ar1d toxin neutralization. Members bclonging
body wall, suggesting that t raun1a initiatcs the dlsease by tl1is gcnus can be identified followlng 1111alysis of cell ~
producing breaks in the skjn. acid analysis (this method has not been as usefttl in s~
ation within the genus). Genus- and species-spec
Human Beings. A relatively benign lyn1phac.!enitis may result primers llave been developed to an1plify DNA l)y usin g -
foilowing infection in human patients. These infections polymi>r:isi> ch::iin rf>::iction.
generally follow ani rnal contacl (e.g., sheep sheare1s).

Treatment and Control
·rhc currcnt vicvv is tl1at C. pscudotubcrculosis is a11 anin1al In sl1eep a11d goats, antibiotic treatment is ineffec&
parasite and only an accítiental soil inhabitant. ln sheep, Control is aimed at limiting exposure by segregatioc
shearing, docking, and dipping are significant factors in culling of affected animaJs and at scrupulous sanitary C"2
the spread of infection . ln goats, direct contact, ingcstlor1, uuriug <tctivitie:> like shea1ir1g, dippü1g, a11d surg:~
and arthropod vectors must be consldered . Thc prev;i- procedures. Bacterin-toxoid combinations 1nay be he.-
lence of infection l11crcases with age. Caseous lyn1- ful in limiting infections. Modificd-livc products sh
pbadcnitis is onc of the important bacteria! infections of promise.
sn1all run1inants. Equine abscesses are handled surgically. Prolon:;--
·rhe hypotheses concerning equine exposure have been perlicillin therapy is used to prevent or treat dissemina¡__
considered. No age predilection been noted. Ulcerative disease.
lyn1pl1angitis is thought to reflect poor management and
is uncommon nowadays. "Pigeon fever" is limited to the
f<1r wt.::>tt.:ru Uuiteu State~. A1111ual µre v<1le11ce va ríes, :1ee1n- (ORYNEBACTERJUM RENALE GROUP
ing highest after a \·v et "''in ter.
Diphtheroid bacteria, traditionally called Corynebacterr:
renale but actually constitutlng thrcc spc.cics (:;ce belo-
lmmunologic Aspects colonize the lower genital tract ot cattle and someti:::::.
sheep..J\ssociated diseases are bovine pyelonephritjs :o ..
'J'ht> roli>s of ;intihncly ;incl ci>ll -mt>cli;itt>cl ri>sponsi>s th;it
ovine posthitis ("pizzle rot"). At one time, C. renale -
occur during the infectious process are undefined. considered to be comprised of three serotypes ('lype ;
Antitoxin limits d issemination of abscesses. Caseous lym-
anti !Il). Subset1uent DNA <1nalysis revealeti tl1at t Z-
phadcnitis can be progrcssivc, and cquinc absccsscs rccur.
si>rotype c.onstitntt>cl a sP.parate spP.c.ies: r:. rena/e (Typt>
Hacterin-toxoid con1binations prevent cüssemination C. cystidis (Type 11), and C. pilosu111 (Type III); together th::
(11ot iI1fection) i11 sheep for at least a year and evoke pro-
are referred to as the C. renale (}roup.
tective responses in goats and horses. Purlfied serlne pro-
tease il1 adjuvant elicits a protective response in sheep.
Muta11ts co11structed by knocking out specific ge11es that Descriptive Features
encode products related to virulence (e.g., PLD; aron1atic
a1nino acid production) rcsult in a n1odificd livc product Morphology and Staining
that elicits antibody and cell-mediated in1n1une re-
sponses. 'fhese modified live vaccines are effective immu- Members of the C. renale Group are typical diphthero...:..
nlzing product s. The cells range from coccoid to fila1nentous, are non-ac
fast, nonencaps11l;ited, and nfti>n contaín granules.

Laboratory Diagnosis Structure and Con1position

lntraceHular or extracel 1ular diphtlleroict-shapeci organ- '!he cell wall is typical of grarn-posítive bacteria, w itb -
isn1s may be demonstrable in stained direct smears of n1a- addition of meso-dia1nino-pimelic (DAP), arabir
terial from lesions (see Fig 31.1). galactan, and n1ycolic acids (branchetl ct1ained f<1tty a~
13lood agar plates inoculat ed with abscess material ancl with a chain li>ngth for mi> of the gen us r:oryneb..;.;:;;.
incubated for 24 to 4811ours (35-37ºC) produce sn1aU, off- riu111 of C 22- C: 38) .
white, faintly l1emolytic colonies tha t can be pushed in-
tact ("hockey puck effect") over thc ugar surfucc. Cellular Products of Medical lnterest
lnhibitior1 ot staph ylococcal beta toxin (see rig 31.2)
and sy11ergistic hen1olysis with R. equi (see Fig 31.3) con- Adhesin. Members of tl1e C. renal e Group express a fibr>
ftrm 1cten11flca11on of c. pseudotuberculosts. Suppress1or1 of prutel11 atil1e~l11 (pili, fi1111Jriae) uu Lheil :>u1fc11..e;:,.
tht>SP ri>actions hy antihorly ( hy SP.rtJ m from a n \,e/l Wall. The gram-positive cell wall contains pol~
infected animal) forms the basis of serodiagnostic tests charides, and lipids that are of medica! interest. The lir
(synergistic hemolysis inhibitio11 test). ichoic acids and peptidoglycan of the gran1-positi,-e
Chapter 31 Corynebacterium 179

\Vall interact witl1 macrophage cells resulting in the release and pyelonephritis. Rectal palpation reveals thicke11ed
of proinflammatory cytoldnes. bladder and ureteral walls, distended u.reters, an.d enla.rged
Urease. Meruuer:; uf tht: C. renule C;roup p1oduce urease, kidneys wilh obscured lobulatio11s. Early cases show pol-
;.;h ic.h is assoc.iated with the virulence o f this group. lakiuria, hematuria, and increasing degrees of abdominal
pain. Chronic infections progress to debilitation and
death due to ure1nia.
~Iowth Characteristics
"'1embers of the C. renale Group are facultative anaerobes Small Ruminants. Ovine posthitis ("pizzle rot"), the more
i::apable of gro,"ling on. most common laboratory media as common form of infection in sheep, is a necrotizing in-
-LOnl1e111ulytic, opaque, off-·wI1ile colo11ies ll1al develop flammation of the prepuce and adíacent tissues in wethers
i thin 48 hours at 37ºC= on blood agar. or rams. Disease clevelops in the prese11ce of the urealytic
age11l il1 a11 area constantly irrigated witl1 urine. An1n1onia
.: ~ochemical Activities is thougl1t to initiate the il1fla1nmatory process. A sirnilar
condition. occurs in goats. Only C. renale and C. pilosurn
• ~embers of tl1e C. renale Group have impressive urease have been tound in ovine posthitis.
;ctivity, which is demonstrable in most strains v.rithin
din ules of conlacl wilh its subst1ate. Glucose is slowly
_ddified, otber carbohydrates variably so. All strains are Epiden1iology
:::a:alasc-1Josjtive. Mcmbcrs of thc C. renalc Group produce Bovine pyelonephritis is found rnostly in cows near partu-
:::. protein, renalin, which results in a positive CAM1' test rition, appearing asan opportunlstic infection by a com-
see St-reptococcu.~ agalactiae, Chapter 28). n1ensal organlstn. Bulls are rarely affected, but are com-
mi>ns<il hosts of ;ill three types and the sole co1n111ensal
~ ;.sista nce source of C. cystitidis (Type III).
"Pizzle rot" occurs typically in animals on rich legume
-"lt' agents are not particularly resistan.t to heat, disinfec- pasture that is high in protcins, which incrcasc urca cxcrc-
-:=_.-¡ts, or a11tin1icrobial age11ts. tion, and estrogens, which cause preputial swelling and
u rine retention in the sheath.

lmmunologic Aspects
"IDbers of tl1e C. renal e Gro11p in h;i hit t he lovver gen ita 1 No useful in11nu11ity develops in the course of the infec-
-;!et of cattle and son1etin1es other run1inants. Occa- tion. SeruJn antibody is present and antibody coating
:maily they are implicated in urinary tract disease of (mostly IgG) of bacteria in urine occurs in bovine pyelone-
-,eep, horses, dogs, and nonhuman primates. No human phritis (not cystitis).
~=ections are known. Distribution is global. No in1n1unizil1g age11ts exist.

-":. :sm1ss1on Laboratory Diagnosis

5 anisms pass between animals by direct and indirect
-:::act. Many clinical cases are probably endogenous. Gross examination of urine may revea! the presence of red
blood cclls nnd high nlkalinity (pH 9.0). Microscopi.cally,
packets of pleomorphic gram-positive diphtheroid rods
~:.1ogenesis are seen (Fig 31.5) . '['he agent is readi\y cultuted from sedi-
' h esin-mecliated attachments to urothelium and urea ment. A generous lnoculum of colonial growth planted iu
~drolysis are considered critica! in pathogenesis. Urca one spot on a Christensen's ureil ilgar slant vvill procluc.e an
-eakdown with. production of ammonia initiates an in- alkali11e shift, urea hydrolysis, within minutes
--"-':UTlatory process, high alkalinity in urine (pH 9.0), and of inoculatio11. A diphtheroid isolate from urine capable of
~pression of antibacterial defenses, possibly througl:l producing this rcaction and fcrmcnting glucosc probably
~::.:11plement inactivation by ammonia. belongs to the e.;. renale Crroup.
Palhulugy. A chruuic iuflau1u1alory process successively
...,.olves the 11Jadder, ureter(s), renal pelvis, and renal
.:-;.~renchym.a in pyelonephritis in cattle. A similar inflam- Treatment and Control
-atory response occurs in small ruminants, but is usually
x alized to the distal urethra. Mcmbcrs of thc C. renalc group are susceptible to pe11i-
cillin, but antimicrobic therapy is successful only ín the
early stage of the infection.
-·~ease Patterns Ovine posthitis is treated by surgical care of leslons,
~.,ttle. Bovine pyelonephritis is an ascending urinary tract local antiseptic applications, dietary restriction, an d
..:ifectiun, lJeginniI1g witl1 cy~titiS, ¡;roceeding LO ureteriliS LesLosLero11e adn1inislralion.
180 PART TI Bacteria and Fungi

F1G U RE 3 1 . 5. Corynebacterium renale in urinary sediment
of a cow wilh µyelu11eµ/11ili;. Nutr: "diplrtheroid" configurations, (ORYNEBACTERIUM) SU/S
including palisades and " Chinese Ietters. " Gram stain, 3000X.
Ar.tinnhar.1J.l1J.m is an anaerobic diphtheroid, whic-':
was first described as Corynebacteriurn suís. lt is assoclatec
with urinary tract infection of sows (see Fig 74.3). L~
bovinc pycloncphritis, thc discasc is an apparcntly ascenc-
ing iI1fection by an urealytic diphtheroid agent, limited ~
females and often related to breeding operations, pre_;-
nancy, and parturition. Boars are frequent carrlers. Tt~
clist>ast> is rt>cognized in Brita.i n a.n d continen~
Europe but also in North America, Australia, and Ho::;
Kong. 'f'reatment is rarely successful.


í:nrynPhartPri11m a11rirani~ i<; ;i typir;i 1 rliphthProirl i<;oJ;i--

from various disease processes in dogs, mainly otitis e:>.-
ter11a and pyoderma. It has been isolated from the vag::-_
of normal canincs.

- rh11siopathiat? is the typP species of the genus

~ipe.lothrix charide capsule, whicl1 protects the microorganism from
-~is the species of prünary irnportar1ce. A second spe- phagocytosis.
~. E. tonsillarun1, 11as been described for sorne strains pre- Ce/l l!Vall. The cell wall of the 1uembers of this genus is
-=ly de~;ignated as serotype~; of E. rhusiopathiaa. Erysipa onc typical of gram positivc bacteria. Thc li.potcicho!c r
ix tonstllarum is biochemically and morphologicany acids and peptidoglycan of the gram-positive cell ,.vall in- 1
....;lar to E. rhusiopathiae but is genetically distinct by teract macrophage cells resulting in the release of
.,-DNA hon1ology. E1ysipelothrix tonsillarutn is only oc- ¡.iroi11 ílau1111i:ltury cytokines.
- ü nally involved in clinical disease and is nonpatho- Neurarninidase. Nr.ur:im in icl:ise prociuction varies di-
-c for An additional species, E. inopinata, has re- rectly with virulence of E. rhusiopathiae. Cleavage of sialic
~..tty been described. acid residues on endotl1elial cells leads to thrombus forma-
~'.Sipelothrix rhusiopathiae can be isolated from a wide tion. Neuraminidase is also responsible for adhcrcncc to
-=~ry of environmental settings as well as trorn the ali- cell surfaces.
- --~ary tract and lymphoid tissue .of healthy animals. Miscellaneous Products. Most strains of E. rhusiopathiae
..,.,. d isease, erysipelas, occurs il1 various anin1al species, produce hyaluru1üdase auu coagulase, tJut there lloes not
-: swine the inost frequently and severely affected. appear to be a relationsh ip ben-ve.en vi ru lencP :inci thPsf'
cr susceptible animals include turkeys and sheep. enzymes.
~· presentations include septicemia, a generalized
- form, arthritis, and vegetative endocarditis. In hu-
- --::s. ttle .m ost commonly recognized form of infection is Growth Characteristics
">eloid, a self-limiting infection of the skin, usually in- Growth is best on inedia supplemcnted with glucose.
Tilg the hand. Erysipelothrix rhusiopatlliae is a facultative anaerobe prefer- an enviro11ment co11tainiI1g 5% to 10% COz. Optima!
growth occurs at 30ºC to 37ºC and at a pH of 7.2 to 7.6;
--=rriptive features however, it is capable of growing overa temperature range
of 5ºC to 42ºC anda pH range of 6.7 to 9.2.
-: -:>logy and Staining
; _lothrix rhusiopathiae is a gran1-positive, non1notile 1 Resistance
~- acid-fast, non spore-forming bacillus, which n1eas
.z to 0.4 µrr1 t)y 0.8 to 2.5 µm in size. On subculture, Erysipeluthrix rhusiupathiac is resistant to drying and with.-
- -_-: colonies may develop and produce filamentous st:incls s:ilting, pickling, :incl smoking. Tt s11rvives for 11p to
óO pu1or111ore iu leugtli. 6 months in swine feces and fish slin1e at cool ten1pera-
tures. ft is killed by moist heat (SSºC) in 15 minutes, but
grows in thc prcscncc of potassium tclluritc (0.05%), crys-
I::::::-:-·e and Composition
tal Violet (0.001 º/o), phenol (ll.2o/o), and sodiu1n azide
-e!oth rix rhusiopathiae exhibits a cell waU typical of (0.1 %). lirysipelothrix rhusiopathiae is susceptible to peni-
:==,-positive organisms. It contains murein of the B I cllll n, cephalosporin, clint1amycin, and fluoroquinolones
:;pe. The diamino acid of cell vvaH peptidoglycan is but is resistant to novobiocin, sulfonarrlides, and amino-
-=- Tbe DNA tJase con1position is 36- 40 mol'31> G +C. A glycosides. Resista11cc Lo eryll1ron1ycin oleando1nycin ox-
1 1

~ccharidc capsule has heen desr.riheci :ind rPl:itPcl to ytetracycline, and dihydrostreptomycin has been ob-
--ce. Little is kl10V1'l1 about thc surface proteins of scrvcd. Rcsistancc is apparently not plasmid-mediated.
---dt:Jthrix. A protective protein, SpaA, shares similari-
- the e terminal regi.o n with choline-binding pro-
_: Srreptococcus pneumoniae.
Common heat-labile antigens account for cross reactions
=.....::--,._, Ptoducts of Medica! lnterest betwee11 strains. Heat-stab.le, somatic antigens account for
the existence of at least 23 serotypes. No relationship be-
- - ' - See "Neuraminidase," below. t1-veen 11osl species a11d :serotype has tJeen recognized.
c'4/e. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae produces a polysac- Serotypes 3, 7, 10, 14, 20, 22, and 2~ exhihit ;i highPr <iPgrPP

182 PART II Bacteria and Fungí

of DNA-DNA homology with the type strain of E. tonsil- In joints, acute synovitis often proceeds to rnore chronic
laruni than with the type strain of E. rhusiopathiae. Cul- articular changes. Synovial membranes becomc bypcrplas-
tures dissociate on passage fro1n convex, circular, smooth tic and villous anct are il1tiltrated with mononuclear cells.
colonics vvith entire edges to rough colonies with undulate Spreading of granulation tissue over articular surfaces and
edges. L-forms 11ave been reported. erosion of articular cartilage may occur. Ankylosls of the
joint may be the ultimate outcome. Localization to inter-
vertel>ral <.li:;k~ leaJs LO a deslruclive diskospo11dyl itis.
Ecology In valvular endocarditis, the Initral valve is most com-
monly involved with development of Jargc, valvular vcgc-
Reservoir tations dueto fibrin deposition and connective tissue pro-
liferation. Emboli Jnay produce infarcts in the spleen anc
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae is often recovered trorn sewage
cffluent, abattoirs, surface slime of fresl1 and saltwater fish, kidney.
In turkeys, the pathology associated vvith erysipelas in-
and soil. It has been recovered from over 50 species of
fet:tiu11:; l:; generally 1narked by co11gestion and intramus-
mamtnals and 30 species o f wild birds, and it can be iso-
r.ular and suhpleural hemorrhages (Fig 32.1). The liver anc
lated frorn tl1e tonsils of apparently healtlry ~vviuc, 1J1e
spleen are often swollen and tl1e abdo.m inal fat is pctcchi-
most prominent reservoi r.
ated. A swollen, cyanotic snood anct ctiffuse red.dening o:
the skin are frequent.
1·ransmission among anin1als is mostly by ingestion of Disease Patterns
contaminated n1aterial (surface \-vater, fish mea!). Wound
infcctions and arthropod bites are other possible routes. Swine. Swine with the septicemic form present with fever.
anorexia, depression, vomition, stiff gait, and reluctanc.:
to walk. Urticaria! Iesions in the skin may be palpai)le bc-
fore becorning visible.1' hey may be pink or, in severe. cases
Mechantsms. Strains ot E. rhusiopathiae vary in virulence. purpl1sh, espec.ially on tn.e abó.ornen, thi¡shs, ears, and tal..
Virulent strains produce 11igh \evels of neuran1i11idase, 1n severe cases, the skin becomes necrotic and is slough.e c
wllicl1 i!> con!ii<.lere<.I an important viru lence factor in acute If untreated, this form has a high mortality rate.
septic.emic. infec.tions. Ni>11r;:iminicl;isp clf';:ives sialic acid T..n a less severe form of erysipelas in swine, lesions are
present on cell surfaces, leading to vascular dan1age a11d lin1ited to tl1e skin bu t n1ay be accon1pa11ied by a n1ilc!
hyaline t hrombus formation. Neuraminidase plays a role fe.ver. Skin lesions <l rf' ri>d to p11rpli> rhomhoid;i ls-
in bacteria! attachment and invasion into cells. Antibodies "diamond skin disease." Lesions n1ay progress to necrosis
to neura1nil1idase are protective against experimental i.n- or resolve, leaving a mild scruffiness to the skin. Mortality
fections in mice. The presence of capsules has been de- is seldom associated with this forrn.
scribed and appears to play a role in resistance to phagocy- Localizat ion to certain tissues leads to chro11ic forms.
tosis by polymorphonuclear leukocytcs. Survival inside which may occur as sequelae to the acute stages or without
professional phagocyLes is in.1µo r la11l for µalhuge1licity. 111 previous illness. A vegetative endocarditis is manifeste<l b \·
t he presence of normal serum, acapsular mutants do not signs of r;ircli;ir ins11ffiriP.ncy or suddf'n death. Arthriti.s is
survive inside phagocytes, whereas encapsulated orga11- the other chronic forn1 seen in swine. Signs include lin1p-
isms survive and multiply. In the presence of i1nmu1.1e sera, ing, stiff gait, and enlargement of the affected joints.
organisms are readily killed. Infreque11tly, sows abort dueto Erysipclothrix infection.
Partial immunity of the host and Jow virulence of
strains are felt to account for the localized skin form in Birds. Erysipelas in birds, especially turkeys, is usually a
:;wilre. :;epticernia. Turkeys <.levelop a cyanotic ~kin, l>ecumt:
Localization of R. rhusiopatlziae in joints of S\"line leads
to fibrinous exudation and pannus formation. Subsequent
damage to the articular cartilage and an iinmunologic re-
sponse to persistcnt bacteria! antigcns in synovial tissuc F J G U RE 3 2 . 1 . Mu/tiple petechial hemorrhages on t he muse/E
and chondrocytes are responsible for the chronic articular surface of a turkey with an Erysipelothrix septicemia.
Valvular endocarditis, presumably initiate<.l by bacteria!
emholi and vascular infla rnmation, res11lts in c.hronic.
changes and damage to the heart valves.
Pathology. Pigs dying from acute erysipelas infections
exhibit hen1orrhages of thc gastric serosa, skelctal and car-
diac muscles, and renal cortex. Congestion of lungs, liver,
spleen, skin, and urinary bladder is frequent. Vascular
<.lan1age with inicrot hrombi is observed microscopically. A
mononu clear infiltrate p redominati>s in most r;isi>s .
Raised, pink to purple cutaneous lesions result from vas-
culitis, thrombosis, and ischemia.
r:hnjJter 32 Erysipelothri:x 183

c1roopy, and may subsequcntly die. A swollen cyanotic neither type appears to be highly protective against
snood, if present, is considered almost path.og11on1onic. chro11ic t:ry:;i pt:la:.. Attenuated vaccines are given orall)',
~1ortality rates range from 20/o to 2.'i%. C-:hronic manifesta- pari>nti>rally, or, in some countries, by aerosol. Whole-cell
tions include vegetative endocarditis and arthritis. Turkeys bacterins and soluble anligen a1e given subcuta11t:uu:sly ur
"ith endocarditis appear weak and emaciated or die sud- intramuscularly. Most commercial vaccines are prepared
denly without prior signs. Other affected avían species in from serotype 2. Ccrtoin strains havc becn rcfractory
elude chlckens, chukars, ducks, emus, parrors, peacocks, to vaccine-1nduced 1mmunity. Formalin-inactivated,
an<I phi>;:i<;ant<;. aluminum-hydroxide-absorbed bactcrins appeaI to be ef-
fecUve i11 lurkt:y:..
Sheep. Polyarthr1t1s is the most common presentation ot
E. rhusiopathiaa infection in shcep. Entry is thought to be
rhrough the umblllcus or wounds associated with castra- Laborat ory Diagn osis
~ion, rlocking, or shearing. Affected animals have a stiff
gait and, often, swollen joints. Thcy n1ay 11ave Lro uble geL- Specimens
ting up and dov•n. A cutaneous infection following d ip -
ping also occurs in shccp. Pncumonia has bccn dcscribed Specimens are collectcd from appropriate sites according
in ewes. tu :sign:s. Bloutl lultures from severa! affected ani.mals ate
useful in d i agno.~ing <;ppticemia . Necropsy specimens in-
Miscellaneous Species. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae causes clude liver, spleen, kidney, heart, a11d syn ovial Lissue.
arthritis and endocarditis in dogs. Erysipelothrix tonsil- Recovery of the organisms from skin lesions is also possi-
larum can also be a. ne pathogcn and has bccn isolatcd ble. In the more chronic forms, cultures from joints or
from dogs w1th enclocarditts. Septicemia and urticaria due heart valves are Iess successful.
to E. rhusiopathiae have been reported in dolphins. Hu man
:i1fecliu11:; uf :.kü1 autl sulJcutls art' callt'tl crysipeloid and are Direct Examination
seen mostly in animal an<I fish-han<lli>r<;_ Septicemia, en-
docarditis, and polyarthritis are rare. l luman "erysipelas" Specimens are examined by Gram stain for the prese11ce of
is a streptococcal infection. gram-positive rods. A negativc result does not preclude
?igs less ll1a11 3 i11onlhs and ove1 3 year:; uf age art: lt:a:;t
susceptible. Variable passive and active immunity proha- SamplPs arP plati><I on hloo<I agar and incubated at 37ºC in
bly accounts for agc-rclated susceptibility. Predisposing 10% C0 2. Colonies are often nonhen1olytic and pil1poil1l
:actors include environmental stress, d.ietary change, fa- after 24 hours' incubation. At 48 hours, a greenish hemol-
tigue, and subclinical aflatoxicosis. ysis may be apparent. E. rhusiopathiae is catalase- and
In turkeys, the male is most frequently infected, possi- oxidase-negative and nonmotile. Tnoculation of triple
bly through fight wounds. Tnsemination of hens with co11- sugar iron agar slants will show an acid reaction and H2 S
ia!I1inated semen is an 1·m portant source of infcctlon. production along the stab line (Fig 32.2). A "pipe cleaner"
type of growth occurs in gelatin stab cultures of rough
coloJ1ies held al ioon1 Le111veralurt: for 3 tu 5 <.lc1y:s.
lmmunol og ic Aspects Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae does not hydrolyze esculi n o r
urca, reduce nitratcs, or produce índole. Fermentative ac-
lmmune Mechanisrns in Pathogenesis tivity is weak. fermentable carbohydra tes include glucose,
lactose, levulose, and dcxtrin. Ji,rysipelothrix tonsillarum
Persistence ot antigen in thc joint tiss ue acts as a chronic
stimulus for immune reaction and dcvelopment of arthri usually ferments saccharosc while E. rhusiopathiae ctoes not.
ilS. In addition, an autolmmunc proccss secondary to the
Selective media containing various aminoglycosides
erysipelas infection may be responsiblc for sorne of the a11d vanco111yci 11 111ay U\:! usetl to isolate E. rhusiopatfziae
.:hronic joinl changes. frorn contaminated tissue. Othi>r .~f'li>ctivi> media contain
sodium azide (0.1 %) and crystal violet (0.001 %).
Serology is ot little value in diagnosing erysipelas infec-
Yechanisms of Resistance and Recovery tions. Polymerase chain rcaction assays have becn de-
'='ell-mediated and humoral responses occur, directed at scribed for diagnostic use.
-;;euramiltidase, pi olecli vt: :.urface protein, anú other cell
- ·ali components. Serum opsonins apparently play a <leci-
~1\·c role. Phagocytosis is carried out primarily by mononu- Treatment, Control, an d Prevention
ctear phagocytes.
Treatment with penicillin for at lcast S days is effective
.:.rtificial lmmuni2ation againsr the acure forms of erysipclas in swine. 'letracycline
and tylosin are alternatives, although resistance to oxytet
_-,ttcnuated vaccines and bactcrins have been used for vac- 1acycli11t: autl sorne macrolides has been reported.
2 nation in swine. While effectivc against the acute forms, Antiserum (e<Juini> origin) is sometimes used in conjunc-
184 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungi

tion vvith antibiotic therapy. Treat1nent of ic forros :...

F 1G U RE 3 2 . 2 . Hydrogen sulfide production by Erysipelothrix Jess successful.
rhusiopat hiae a/ong srab fine in triple sugar iron agar slanr. Good sanitation and nutrition are beneficial in p:-.:-
venting outbreaks. Infected carcasses should be dispose_~
of in a proper manner and replaceme11t aniinals isolata'..
for at least 30 days before il1troductio11 into tl1e h en:..
Vaccination is recommended in areas wlth prevlous bis-
tory of erysipelas.
In turkeys, pei.1lclllin. is the drug of choice. Subcuta:i-
eous in jection of penicillin and vaccination with erys:-
pclas bacterin are recommended, if practicable. Penicill!n
in the drinking water for 4 to 5 days has been effective ~
controlling sorne outbreaks. lnjectable erythromycin is -
recomn1ended alternatlve treatme11t..
<] ood n1anagement practices .including pr<"Vf'ntir;
flghling an1011g lo111s, proper insen1il1ation prac-
tices of turkcy bens, rotating turkey ranges away frorr:
contuminatcd arca~, and using vaccinotion in a rea¡; v<i th::
history of erysipelas are useful preventive and contrc

Listeriosis is an infectious disease affecting humans and sorne acidification, under which condition s LLO is most
many specles of anlmals and blrds. Of slx recognlzed active. Other roles include lysis of fcrritin vacuoles and per-
species of l.i.~teria-1 .., l.. ivannvii, l .. grayi, l .. mnno- haps its affect on s.econ dary vesicles fo rmed during L.
cytogencs, L. sccligeri, and L. welshi111eri-L. 111onocytogenes 111onocytoge11es n1oven1enl fro1n ceil to cell. LLO l:s al:su
and L. ivanovii are important pathogens. 1Wo subspecies of thought to ind uce apoptosis in hPp::itocytPs. lv;.inolysin,
Listcria ivano~·ii are recognizcd-subspccics ivanovii and another ch olesterol-dependent cytolysin, is the counter-
subspccics londoniensis. part in L. ivanovii. See also, streptococcal streptolysin O, in
Run1inants are the most frequently affected domestic Chapter 28; clostridial perfringolysin O, in Chaptcr 36; and
anlmals. Principal forms of listeriosis tnclude septicemia, arcanobacterial pyolysin, 1n Chaptcr 29.
encephalitis, and ahortion. Tn sheep ancl cattle, ahortion is Phosp11olipnses C. Phosphatidylinositol-specific phos-
the usual manifestation of L. ivanovii infections. Listeriosis pholipase Canda lecilhi11ase a1e iJ11¡.io1 La11l i11 u11::uiatiI1g
occurs \.VOrldwide, espedally in temperate climates. membrane lysis.
Misccllancous Products. A bilc salt hydrolase may pro·
mote survival and persistence ot Listeria in the intestinal
Descriptive Features lu1ncn. A p rotein, termed p60, may play a role i11 adher
enceto target cells.
Morphology and Staining
Listeria are gram-positive, non-acid-fast, non- spore- Growth Characteristics
furruíug, acaµsular ru<.l-shaµe<.l IJacterla, wliich rneasure
O.S to 2 11m hy 0.4 to O.:'i pm. Lisceria are facultative anaerobes that grow best under re-
duced oxygen and increas.ed carbon dioxide concentra-
llon. Growlh occurs al 4ºC lo 45ºC, wilh a11 o¡.ili1J1u1u al
Structure and Composition 30ºC to 37ºC. Simple laboratory media support growth,
Listeria has a typical gram-positive cell wall. Meso- preferably at an alkaline or neutral pJI. On sheep blood
diaminopimelic acid is t he major diamino acid. Cell wall agar, most strains of L. monocytogenes produce a narrow
polysaccharldes determine 0-antigen. Perltrichous flagella zone of hemolysis. Colonies are usually 1 to 2 mm in di-
an d motility are present at 22ºC. Motility is poor at 37ºC. ameter and appear blue-green in obhquely transm1tted
light on solid media such as tryptose agar. Colonies of L.
i vunuvii t y pi call y pru<.lucc a largcr a Htl r11ure in tense zone
Cellular Products of Medical lnterest of hemolysis.
..lctA .ActA protein is important in intracellular movement Listcria tolerates 0.04o/v potassium tellurite, 0.025~1
by actin polymerization and is also thought to play a role thallium acetate, 3.75% potassium thiocyanate, lOo/o
in ccll trophlsm (adhesion) and lnvas1on. NaCI, and 40% bile in media. Most strains grow ovcr a pf-T
Adhesins See "Internalins," below, and "ActA," above. range of 5.5 to 9.6. It has greater heat tolerance than other
Ccll Wall. The cell wall of thc n1en1bers of Ll1is gei1us is non-spore-forming bacteria; however, short-time high-
one typical of gram-positive bacteria. The lipoteichoic terr1p<::rature pasteurization is effectlve at killlng Listeria.
acids and pcptidoglycan of thc gram-positivc ccll wall in-
teract w1th macrophage cells resulting in the release ot Variability
p roinflamn1atory cytokines.
Hemolysln. See "Listerlolysin O," below. There are 16 recognized serovars in the genus Listeria based
Tnt·P.rna lins. Tntf'rnalins are surface proteins. res.ponsible on somatic (O) and flagellar (H) antigens.. 'I'here is no cor-
:nr adhesion and entry in to target ce lis. n::laliu11 uctweer1 :serovars and speclcs, cxcept that strains
Listeriolysin O. LLO (for listerio/ysin O) is a pore-forming, of serovar .'i are 1.. ivannvii. No rPl:itionship between sero-
::holesterol-dcpcndcnt cytolysin that is a major virulence vars and host specificity has been recognized. Various i1u-
jeterm1nant for th1s species (mutants defictent in this pro- cleic acid-based methods have been used to f11rther clic;-
·ein have reduced virulence; antibodies to it are protective). criminatc bctwccn Listeria strains for epidemiologic
:ne ma)or role for LLO is in the release of L. 1nonocytogenes analysis and strain tracking purposes. Whole genome se-
-om the phagosome into the cytosol fol lowing phago- quencing of specles '\.\rithin the genus has recently identi

186 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungi

ficd nu1ncrous genes found in virulcnt spccics but absent thc bloodstrcam. Various bactcrial ligands have been identi-
in avirulent species. fied for adherence and include proteins oí the n1ulti-gene in-
Smooth an.d rough colonial variants occur. In rough ternalin farnlly, A.ctA and p60. Nonphagocytic cells can in-
colonies, filan1ents 20 µm or n1ore 111 length may be ob- ternalize listeriae through a zipper-type rnechani:;ni. After
served . T..-forms develop on media containing penicillin intern;:ili7.;:ition, listeri;:ie esc;:ipe from the phagosorne, he-
<tnd have been isolated fron1 clinical cases in hun1ans. corne associated with actin filaments in the cytoplasm, and
propels itseJf to the cell's plasma membrane via polar assem-
bly of actir1 filamcnts (t\ctA). In this way, it is able to pass to
Ecology neighboring cells in plasma membrane protrusions and
tl1us host defense mechanisms.
Reservoir An alternative route of entry has tJee11 µroµoseu Ior CNS
infections through o;:im;:iged oral, nasal, or ocular mucosa!
Listeria have a worldwide distribution and have been iso- surfaces vía the neural sheath of peripheral nerve endings,
lated from soil, silage, sewage effluent, stream water, and particularly the trigeminal nerve. lt is postulated that cen-
over 50 species of animals, including rum.inants, s~vine, trípeta! migration along cranial i1ervE~s leads to infection
horses, dogs, Ci:lt:s, a11u variou:, sµecie:> of IJirds. 111 sorne of the central nervous systen1. Organisms have been de-
an~as. up to 70°Ai of hun1ans are reported to be asympto- monstrated in the myelinated ax.ons of the trigeminal
matic fecal carriers. Many isolates from environme11tal nerve an<l cytoplasm of rnedulli:lry IH::urur 1:,. 'flte lack of
sarnples, previously called L. monocytogenes, would now be viscf'r;:¡J involveme.nt supports a route other than hemato-
identified as one of the nonpathogenic species based on genous although a primary hematogenous route cannot
current taxonomic criteria. be discounted.
l'athology. With cc11tral nervous system involvement,
Transmission the cerebrospinal fluid may be cloudy and the meningeal
vessels congested. Occasionally, areas of softening in the
Soil conta1nination an<l ingestior1 of co11tC11ui11ateu feeu medulla are seen. Iiistologically, perlvascular cuffing pre-
;:irf' thf' prim;:iry modes of transmission of Listeria. Poor rl()min;itprl hy tymph()rytp<; ;in<i hi!';tiocytf's is commonl}'
quality silage, with a pH greatcr than 5 .5, is conunonly im- observed (Fig 33.1). Focal necrosis a11d 1nicroglial and neu-
plicated and accou11ts tor listeriosis often being referred to trophilic infiltrates are seen in parenchymal tissue_
as "sil<ige disease." An asy1nptomatic carrier can be a Result ing microabscesses are charactcrizcd by Jiqucfaction
source for furtl1er co11tami11ation oí the e11vironrnent and, of the neuropil. The rhomboencephalon area of tl1e brain
therefore, an iI1direct source of infection. is most commonly involved.
In the septicemic form, multifocal to diffuse necrosis in
the liver (Fig 33.2) and, less frequently, the spleen m.ay be
Mechanisrns . Exposure to Listeria occurs vi.a the oral route. In t he aborted fetus of ruminants, gross lesions are min -
Most Listeria are destroycd by gastric acids. Use of antacids imal. Autolysis is usually prcscnt as a rcsult of thc dcac.
and J-12 blockers increases survival rate and are considered fetus being retained for a period betore bei11g expelled.
riskfactors for developing listeriosis. Intestinal translocation
appears to be a passive process that can involve bot h intes- Disc;i~c P;ittcrn5
tinal epithelial cells and M-cells overlying Peyer's patches.
Ii1te111alin, a su1face prolein, a11d ils l.nte1acllo11 vvitl1 11ost Clinical outcon>e depends on the nun1ber of organisn1s in-
cell receptors rnediate entry. After passage th rough the intes- gested, pathogenic properties of the strain of Listeria, anc
tinal barrier, Listeria can be observed in phagocytic cells the immune status of the host. Septicemia, cnccphalitis
within the lamina propria. Further clissemination occurs vía and abortio11 are the major disease forms.

.. -


..,._ ...
- .. .. ??• ~

- ... ...
• ~

•• .. lt¡, el Aj)
p~ $>
F 1G U RE 3 3. 1 . Section lro1n the brain of a cow with the
encephalitic form of /isteriosis. Perivascular cuffing is present (H&E
• "' ~ Listeria monocytogenes was iso/ated
Chapter 33 Listeria 187

FIGURE 33.2. Section of liver from a 5-week-old foal that
died of Listerii:l rnonocytoye11es sepiite111ia. Asevere, diffuse necro- ·r11e widespread distribution of environmental and animal-
tizinq hepatitis was present. associated occurrence of Lísteria makes localizing the
source of a particular outbreak difficu1t. Contaminated
silage is a classic sou1ce oI infecLion. O Lher sources include
particularly organic refuse (e.g ., poultry litter). Stress fac-
tors prcdisposing to clinical disease include nutritional de-
ficiencies, environmental condi tions (including elevated
iron concentrations), underlying disease, a11d pregna11cy.
Cases are usually sporadic and may involve up to So/o of cat-
tle herds or 10% of sheep flocks over a two-month period
oI lin1e. Lisleriosis il1 a11ilr1als usually occur::. i11 Ll1e
and spring.
Most humal1 cases occur in urban environments in the
summer. ·l'here are occasional reports of listerial dermatitis
in veterir1arians and others after handling tissues from lis
terlal abortlons. Otherwise, animals are unlikely direct
sources of h uman infections. Human epidem.i.cs have been
traced t o food sources of anin1al origiu, i11clu<.li11g 111ilk,
Latin-style cheeses, 11ot dogs, and liver paté. Coleslaw
rnadc from cabbage originating on a farm with recent his-
tory of ovine listeriosis was thc source in one outbreak. In
many instances, postprocessing con.tamination is found to
be the source for Lisreria contamin.ation. Frequently there
Monogastrics and Neonates. Tlle :;eµtice1uic for1u rnarked by is also opportun ity for selective growth of L. rnonocytogenes
depression, inappetence, fever, and deatl1 is the most com- Lo occur duriug loug periu<.ls of refrigeration.
mon in monogastric anin1als and in i1eo11ates.

Chinchillas. Chinchillas are particularly susceptible to liste- lmmunologic Aspects

ri;.i J sf'ptic.f'mi;:i.
The 111ajorily of ltu111an ca:;es of Usteriosis are associate<.l
Horses. Septicemia in neonates is the most common pre- V\'Íth immunosuppressed individuals, the eldf~rly, the very
seutation in horses. young, and pregnant women. Likewise in anin1als 1
neonates and pregnant animals are predisposed; however.
Ruminants. Encephaliti.s. The encephalitic form, sometimes in sorne cases a predisposing immunosuppressive factor is
called circling disease is the most common form in run1i- not apparent.
nants. In cattlc, it is subacute to chronlc. Signs include de- As a facultatively intracellular parasite, Listeria is prirna-
pression, anorexia, and tenden cy to Circle in one direction., rily contained t>y cell-mediated responses. Humoral fac-
head pressing or turning of the head to one side, unilateral to rs may play somf' limitf'ci rnlf' in hnst ciefense.
facial paralysis, and bilateral keratoconjunctivitis. Similar No immunizing preparations have met vvith ~ignificant
signs are seen in sl1cep al1d goats, but tl1e co·urse is more success. Killed preparations have been ineffective, while
acute anct frequently fatal. live attenuated vaccines afforded SOlne protection in shccp.
Abortion. Abortion is common in ruminants, but also
occurs in other species. AtJortion is usually late tern1-
;:iftf'r 7 mnnths in cattlf' ;:inci 1?. wf'f'kS in sheep. The fetus Laboratory Diagnosis
m ay be macerated or delivered weak and moribund.
Retained placenta and metritis may result. Systen1ic signs Specimens
are rarc i.n thc cow unlcss thc fctus is rctaincd and triggcrs Laboratory dlag11osls ls based u pon isolation of the organ-
a fatal septice1nia. Although abortion is usually sporadic, ism. Spinal fl11id , blood, brain tissue, spleen, liver, abo-
abortion rates of up to 10% have been noted. Tt is uncom- masal fluid, and/or n1eco11iun1 are cultured, dependiI1g on
won tu fir1<l the encephalitic forrn and abortions occur- signs, lesions, and tissues available.
ri ng in ;.¡ singlf' 011thrf';:ik.
Conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis in run1inants \'Vi.t l1out as-
sociated abort ions J1as bee11 related to feeding on contam- Direct Examination
inated silage in elevated fecd bu.nkcrs. A direct smear of infected tissue may reveal numerous
gram-posi.tive rods in septicen1ias and abortions; however,
Humans. In hun1ans, meningitis is the most comn1on of fewer nun1bers of organisn1s are Lypically ol>serve<.l iu the
ihe three major forms of listeriosis. Still other disease man- encephalitic form (Fig 33.3). Negative findings are inc.on-
ifestations include infective endocarditis, oculoglandular clusivc. Immunol1istochemical staining with .specific anti-
d iscase, and dern1atitis. sera is also usetul in diagnosir1g encephalitic listeriosis.
188 PART fl Bacteria and Fungí

F 1G U R E 3 3 . 3. Gn'lm-st;iinPrl im{lrPssinn smP.ilr frnm thP.

brain stem of a goat with /isteriosis. Rare to small numbers of gram-
positive, regular rods are present (arrows).

lsolation lmmunodiagnosis
Samples are plated on sheep blood agar a11d incubated at Serology has not been useful for diagnosis due to the
35ºC in 10°/o C0 2 . Isolation of L. rnonocytogenes from brain prevalence of positive titers in apparently normal animals
tissuc may be cnhanccd by pour platc mcthods. Aftcr thc and cross-rcactions with Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus
initial isolation atten1pts, remaining tissue is stored at 4~C raecalis, and Arcanobacteriurn pyo¡;:enes.
for "cold enrichment." Such tissue is subcultured weekly
for up to 12 weel<s. Cold e11ricllrne11t i s 11ot necessary for
isolatio11 fro1n listerial abortions or septicemias.
For samples where contan1il1ation is likely, enricl1111e11t
and the use of selective media (lithiun1 chloride- F1G URE 3 3 . 4. Positive CAMP reactions of Listeria monocyto-
phcnylcthanol-moxalactam mcdium, Oxford medium, or genes (LM) with Staphylococcus aureus (SA) and L. ivanovii (LIV)
PALCAM Listeria selective 1nedium) are advisable. Various wilh Rhodocuccus equi (RE). A weak reaclion ís seen between L.
DNA-based and antigen capture methods for detection of monocytogenes and R. equi. No reaction is detected with L. innocua
(LIN). The variation in the degree of intensity of hemolysis of L.
Ltsterta llave been described, especially tor detectio11 ill monocytogenes compared to L. ivanovii is apparent. Listeria innocua
food products. is not hemolytic.

fypical colonies consisting of gram-positive, regular rods
are suggestive. Listeria is catalase-positive, n1otile at 25ºC,
and hydrolyzes esculin. Listeria rnonocytogenes is CAMP-
rositivP WhPn Cf()<;<;. <;trPilkPrl With ;¡ hPtil -tOJl'in produCin3
Staplzylococcus aureus on 5% washed sheep blood agar. A
similar phenomenon is observed when L. ivanovii is cross-
streaked with Rhodococcus equi. 1\ weak CJ\MP-like reaction
is sometimes observed between L. monocytogenes and J<.
equi. (Fig 33.4). In semisolid n1otility media incubated at
room temperature, a characteristic umbrella pattern of
motility develops 3 mm to 4 mm below the surface, dueto
lhe n1icroaeropl1ilic nalure o[ Listeria (Fig 33.5). A11 e11d-
over-end tumbling type of motility with intermittent peri-
ods of quicsccncc is sccn in hanging drop prcparations.
Acic1 is produced from glucose anc1 1-rhamnose but not d -
mannitol or d -xylose by L. nionocytogenes. Listeria ivanovii
differs by fermenting d -xylose but not 1-rllamnose.
Fluorescent antibody staining or agglutination with spe-
cific anliserun1is11elpful.
Mouse inoculation causes death vvithin 5 days, with
ncccotjc focí prc:;cnt in thc livcr. Thi:; proccdurc diffcrcnti-
ates L. rnonocytogenes from nonpathogenic species of ,4 . 7.

Listeria; however, it is rarely necessary for definitive identi-

(;hapter JJ Listeria 189

Treatment, Control, and Prevention

F 1G U RE 3 3. 5. Umbrcl/;i typc motility of Listcria monocyto-
genes In semi-so/Id motilíry media incubated at room temperature. Listeria 1no11ocytogenes is susceptible ín vítro to penícíllin,
a 111plclll1 n, erythromycln, tetracycllne, and rifamp1n.
C.hlortetracycline and penicillin may he~ <~ffr~ctive in t imely
treatment of cattle with meníngoencephali tís. 1·r eatment
1-i of sheep has been Jess successful. In human patients, the
combination of ampicillin and an aminoglycosidc (gcn-
tamicin) is the primary treatment approach.
Control measures includc rcductíon or elimínatío11 of
feedlng of silage, particularly poor-quallty sllage. Ali forms
of stresc; should he minimi1.c>rt. Affectc>rt animals should h<'
isolated and infected material disposed of properly.
Vaccination has not proven to be híghly successful and
may not be warranted due to the sporadic nature of the

Me1nbcrs of the genus Rhodococcus are pleomorphic, Vaps (A- G). Vaps are responsible for the n1icroorganism s
11on-spore-forming, nonmotile, facultatively anaerobic ability to survive within phagolysosomes (resistance ro
gram-positive bacilli. 1'h ere are 15 members of the genus acid and reactive oxygen intermediates) of macrophages
Rhodococcus, but only R. equi is ret,'t1larly associated wit!1 Whether Vaps are also responsible for interference vviti:.
dl:st'.a:sc uf a1liu1al:s, particularly cquillt'. fual:s, wl1ere it pl1aguly:so:surue fu:sior1 i:s likely, l.Jut ur1µruvt:1i. 111 adilitiun
causes pneumonia. Rhodococcus equi is a facultat ive int ra- Vaps down regulate expression of gamma interferon b::-
cellular parasite of macrophages. CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes of foals (but not of adul~
horses). With increasing age, there is a gradual increase ir:
the ability of CD4 and CD8 Iymphocytes to respond ane
secrete effective levels of gamma interferon in order to
RHODOCOCCUS EQUI mou11t an effective immune response. Gamma-interferoi:
is rcsponslble for activatlng macrophages needed to de-
Descriptive Features stroy phagocytosed R. equi.
Miscellarzeous Products. Rlzodococcus equi produces dif-
Morphology and Staining fusible /1 R. equi factors" (a phospholipase C and cholestero~
oxidase) which lysc crythrocytcs in sy11crgy with ph05-
Rhodococcus equi cells measure about 1 µin by up to 5 ~un.
pholipase V of C. pseudotuberculosis (see Fig 31.3). ·rhest:
In sn1ears, ::;Lro11gly gra111-µu:siti ve rud:s a11d cucci (:sorne
factors probably play little if any role in the pathogenesís
being 1nisshapen appearing as "'vatermPlon SPPcis") ari> oh-
of discase.
served. l'hey are encapsulated and are someti mes weakly
Growth Characteristics
Structurc and Composition Rhodococcus equi grows aerobically overa wide temperature
rauge (:startiug at lOºC) ou ruost rue<..lia. lvlucoi<..l colonies
·rhe cell walls conlaio 1r1eso-dia1ui110-µi1uelic aciu (DAP), ("spit-Hke") clevelop in ;ihout 48 hours, may reach l<irge
arabinogalactan, and mycolic acids (branched chained sizcs (> 70 mm), and may acquire a pink pigmentation.
fatty acids \Vith a chain Icngth of C 30- C 54 in I~hodococcus).
111e capsules are anc.i torm the basis of type
specificity within the species. Biochemical Activities
The agent is catalase, urease, and nitrate-positive but does
Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest not acidify routine fermentation media.

Capsule. In rr1ost species of gram-positive bacteria, t he role

of the capsule is to inhibit attachment to, and ingestlon
by, phagocytic host cells. Rhodococcus equi is a facultative The orga11ism withstands up to 2.5% oxalic acid and 5%
li1traceilular parasite of macropl1ages, which implies that sulfuric acid for 60 and 45 Ininutes, respectively, a feature the capsule is not expressed in vivo, or it has a differ- utilized in attempts at isolation from soil and feces. It is
ent role than the one men tloned above. killed at 60ºC within an hour.
Ce// Wulls. The gra111-1Ju::;ilive cell vvall c.:ur1tai.r1:s µuly:sac- Rhodococcus equi i:s :susceptil.Jle tu rifarnpin, erytl1rurny-
charides and lipids that are of medica! interest. The lipote- cin, gentamicin, and usually to chloramphenicol, tetracy-
icl1oic acids and peptidoglycan of the gram-positive cell cline, and trimethoprim-sulfonamides, but not to beta-
wall interact with .macrophage ce lis resulting in the release lactam antibiotics. The combination of rifampin and
of proinflammatory cytokines. erythromycin is synergistic in vitro, forming the basis for
Virulence-Associared J)roteins (Vaps). Virulent strains of R. the use of this combination for treating affected animals.
equi possess a large plasmid (85-90 kb) tl1at contains 64
upe11 re<tLli11g fr<true:;. Wilhir1 Litis pla::;111iu is <t Patltuger1i- Variability
city Island (a cluster of genes encoding virulence determi-
nant(::;), an integrase protein, a specific insertion site, and Twenty-seven capsular types are described. ·rheir preva-
mobility) that contains genes encoding the seven known lence varies somewhat geographically.

Chapt~r 34 191

Ecology horses. Rare uterine infections in mares are possibly re-

lated to perinatal expo:sure of foals.
Swine. Rhodococcus equi is recovered from. both tuberculo-
Rhodococcus equi occurs in soll and animal manure and, sis-like lesions in cervical lymph nodes of swine and nor-
perhaps secondarily, the' of mammals ancl hircls. mal nodcs. Its pathogen.ic role is disputed.
Disease is see11 n1ost frequently in horses, less fre-
quently in swine, and rarely in cattle, sheep, goats, cats, Humans. Rhodococcus equi pneurnonia is s.een in immuno-
humans, crocodilians, koalas, buffalo, and llamas. :;uppressed individuals. Affected fual:; are a11 u11cuuw1un
source for humans.
Miscellaneous. Sporadic suppurative diseases have been de-
fufection is acquired by inh.alation, ingestion, or congeni- scribed in diverse mammals. They are com monly localized
tally vla umbtlical or mucous mernbrar1e exposure. in lymph nodes, lungs, and u terus. Ful.minating bactere-
mias are observed in crocodiles and American alligators.
M echanis1ns. After infection, R. equi is opsonized by com-
plement components (C3b) generated by the alternate Rhodococcus equi is part of the equine environment. Tts
pathway. Opsonized R. equi associates with macrophages concentration varíes with the history of equine use of the
by way of tl1e Mac-1 complem.ent receptor, and is phago- premises. On problem farms, it is highest in the foaling
cytosed. Rhodococcus equi is a facultative intracellular para- and rearing areas. Suscepti bility coincides with the fading
sile, :surviviug i11 1uacropl1ages Ll1rougl1 suppressio11 of of n1ater11ally transrnitted irnrnunity and precedes natural
p hagolysosomal fusion, and if fusion occurs, survival immunization hy s11hclinical exposures. Gamma inter-
within the phagolysosome (Vap directed). ln adult horses, feron production by CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes from
an tibodies to Vaps (from constant subclinical exposure) young foals is repressed upon contact with Vaps.
which presumably "blocks" these proteins from interact- The seasonal peak in summer is attribut ed to the abun
ing with their targets (CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes), along dance of l) susceptible foals and 2) heat and dust, which
\vith CD4 an.d CD8 lymphocytes t hat secrete effective lev- impose added burdens on respiratory tract defenses.
els of gamma interferon, result in activation of 1nac10- Human infections are not uniformly linked to anirr1al
phages resulting in the elimination of the microorganism. contact.
fu (oal:;, 11ul. 011ly is Llle leve! of anlibodies Lo Vaps low dur-
ing the time of susceptibility (see below), but also the se-
crction of gamma-intcrfcron is down regulated (by Vaps). lmmunologic Aspects
r11e prognosis in foals is related to the amount circulating
anti Vaps antibody (passively acquired from the dam), the Fu nctional CD4 (T tti) and CD8 T lymph.ocytes (see
number of R. equi that reach the lung, and the virulence of Chapter 2) are necessary for protective immunity by "acti-
the microorganisn1. The numbers that reach the lung are vating" macrophages by way of gamma interferon.
related tu tl1e cu11ce11tratiu11 of Lhe n1ic!'oorganisn1 il1 ll1e A11Libody, perl1aps lo lhe virule11ce-associatcd proteins
environment, as vvell as the degree in which the defe.n ses (Vaps), is needed since maternally derived antibodies as
of the lung are compromised (see "Epidcn1iology," bclow). wcll as passivcly administcrcd antibody appcar to be pro-
Pathology. ·rhe organism is a parasite of macrophages. tective. 'l'hus, bot h cell-mediated and humoral immunity
The lesions of R. equi infection are abscesses and granulo- are important.
mas. Elements of gran.u lomatous inflammation include Horses past infancy show signs of immunizing expo-
macrophages and giant cells, with neutrophils predomi- sures to R. equi, resulting in humoral and cell-mediated
Hali11g i11 Llte caseopurulenl porlions. respouses. BoLh appear Lo be involved i11 enabling n1acro-
phages to kili infecting microorganisms. Antibody, de-
tecta b le by enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay
Dísease Patterns
(ELISA), appears at 5 months and is passed by colostrum
ci¡uine. Pneumonia in foals is the most significant mani- from mare to foaL Such passively acquired antibody de-
:€station of infection with R. equí. ·rhe agent affects mainly clines by age 6 to 12 weeks, which is roughly the time of
foals aged 1 to 6 months and causes a suppurative bron- the highest prevalence of this disease.
chopneu1nonia, p roducing large abscesses in Lhe lungs No 1Iu1uu1liz.i11g µruduct:; are curn1nercially ul.Jtal11al.Jle.
and hilar lympl1 nodes. Occasionally there is localizatior1 Attempts at immunization with Vap have heen disap-
ín joints, skin, and spleen. Ulccrative intestinal lesions pointing.
.gaining entrance via M cells overlying lymphoid nodules)
~vith abscesses in mesenteric lyinph nades are common.
The prognosis varies inclirectly with the age of t he foal Laboratory Diagnosis
at the time of onset and is poorest for t hose affected at less
than 2 n1onlhs of age. The case faLaliLy rale exceeds 50o/o. Dernunstration of R. equi in sarr1ples from respiratory tracts
Extrapulmonary disease occurs in foals and older of pneumonic: foa Is constit11tf'S a rliagnosis of R. eq11i pneu-
192 PART ll R;:icteria and fungi

• •

f 1G U RE 3 4. 1 . Rhodococcus equi in transtracheal aspira te
trom a pneumonic toa/. Note cocea/ and bac11/ary shapes. Cluster
on /ower left is suggestive of intracel/ular co/onization. Gram
stain, 1000X.

monia. In smears, organisn1s appear as il1tracellular and 'to\rith nodular or cavitary lung patterns and hil;.ir lymp h
extracellular clusters uf gr<1u1-pu:;iti ve coccl ur rou::. (Fig 11ode e11Iarge1nenl respond less frequc11tly to therapy tharr
:~4 .1 ) . 'fhe ictentity of typical gro>vth on hlood agar those with diffuse alveolar or interstitial reactions, The
(35- 37ºC) i:i confirmcd morphologicully, biochcmicully, prcfcrrcd trcotmcnt is crythromycin con<bincd wíth ri-
and by synergistic hemolysis (see f ig 31.3), Specific fampin,
prin1ers are available enabling amplification of DNA by Preventive measures include colostrum. intake, dust
n1eans of the polyn1erase chain reaction, Such techniques control, and removal of foals from contaminated grounds .
have sho\.vn to be useful in d iagnosis, as v11ell as detection Prophylactic antimicrobic treatment is justifiable in epi-
o[ l11e 11ticroorga11is111 iu the eu viro11n1e11L denlic silualions,

Treatment and Control

'l'he prognosis in R, equi foal pneumonia is always guardecL
Chest radiographs give valuable prognostic clues. Animals
N on-Spore-Forllling
Obligate Anaerobes

Non-sporc-forming obligate anaerobes are a con1po11enL is au i11 1JJurla11 l vlruleucc tlcterrnlnant. Not 011ly Is thc
of approximatcly 33o/o of bacteriologically positive sam - lipid A component toxic (cndotoxi n), h11t thP IPngth of t he
ples of pyonecrotic material obtaincd from normally stcr- side chain in the 0 -repeat unit hindcrs the attachn1ent of
ile sites of animals. On average, therc will be two species of the mcmbrane attack complex of the complcment system
obligate anaerobes admixed with facultative spccies in to the outer membrane. LPS binds to lipopolysaccharidc-
:;a111p!c:> of :>LH.:h material. bindJng prorein (a serum protein), wh1ch u1 turn transfers
Thf' g r;im-nPgativP, non- -;porP-forming oblígate anaer- it to the blood phase of CD14. l'he CD 14-LPS complex
obe Dicllelobacter nodosus, an linpo1lét11l cuulriliutor to to ToIJ-like receptor protclns (see Chapter 2) on the
"footrot" of srnall ruminents, will be discussed separately. surfacP of macrophagP cPll<; triget•ri ng the release of proin-
flummutory cytokine:s. Gram-po:sitiv<: 11nDcrobe:s produce a
cell wall containing !ipoteichoic acids and peptidoglycan,
Descri ptive Featu res which interact \Vith n1acrophagc cells, resulting in the re-
lease of prointlammatory cytokines.
Morphology and Staining Míscellaneous Products. Toxins and metabolic by-products
vvil11 Loxic activity llave uccu <.lcu1onstrated. These include
The non spore-forn1ing oblígate anacrobes com.prisc a a cytotoxin produce.el hy'riu1n nP.r.rophor11m, an
\\'ide vanety of gram-posit1ve ano gram-neganve bacteria enterotoxin-like entity secrctcd by Dacteroides fragilis, and
and include rods, cocci, filan1ents, and spiral organisms.
succinic acid, which is inhibitory to polymorphonuclear
neutrophil leukocytes (PMNs). Many produce protcolytic
Cellular Anatomy and Composition and other enzymes that may play a role Ln their patho-
genic activities.
Capsules, flagclla, and adhesins (also known as fimbriae or
pili) are cxpressed by some. The cell wall composition is
;:he samc as that ot their iacultative and acrobic counter- Growth Characteristics
parts. Obligate anaerobes do not u se oxygen as a final electron
acccptor; in fact, molecular oxygcn is toxic to this group of
Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest m icrobcs. W11en exposed to molecular oxygen, oblígate
anaerobes forro 11ydrogen peroxide and superoxide an-
Capsule. Capsular polysaccharides, if produccd, are impor- ions. Thcsc toxlc molecu!es are formed from the interac-
tant for thosc microorganisms that come in contact with tion of oxygen with various flavoproteins within the bac-
tbe proctucts and cells ot the host. Capsular substances teria! ce!L U11líke aerolole1a11l bacte1ia, uliligale a11acrouc:.
protect the outer membrane from the membrane attack do not produce superoxide dismutase, nor do they usually
complcx of the complement cascade (In the case of gram- produce catalase enzymes that break down superoxide to
"Pgative anaerobes), and inl1ibit the microbe from attach- oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, or break down hydrogcn
.:neul llJ, a11c..l i11ge:slio11 uy, pl1ago<.:ytl<.: llost cells. The cap- peroxide to oxygen and water.
.xi]e is thought to endo•v a dcgrcc ofhyclroph ilicity rPlativP
~.., thc mcrnbranc of phugocytic ccll s. ?vfost capsules are
- et;atively charged, as are the membrancs ot phagocytic Ecology
-ells. ·rhe capsule of the gra1n-negative anaerobes Bacte
"'fides (ragtlts, plgmented Prevotella, and Porphyrornonas in- Reservoir and Transmission
'*' an intense inflammatory response.
Ce// Wa/I. The ccll walls of lhe obligaLe auaerubes are Tl1t: non-spore-forming obligare anacrobes implicated in
-:e same as their facultative countcrparts. Gram-negative pyonP.crotic procps-;p<; are usually part of the normal flora,
-..,aerobcs produce a typical wall composed of lipopolysac- but thcy are sometin1es transn1illed by bites 01 ulher
~r1de (Ll'S) and protein. ·rhe LPS in the outer memhrane trauma involving contaminated fomites.

194 PART 11 Bacteria a11d fungí

Pathogenesis Association of enterotox1n-sccreting stra1ns of Bacte-

roides fragilis with diarrhea in calves, lambs, piglets, and in-
Disease results from the extension of the normal flora fa11t rauuits ha~ l.Jeen llescribell.
(both obligate and facultativc anacrobic microorganisms)
into a compromised site, either by contamir1ation ot a
wound '~'ith nearby normal flora or from inoculation into
tissue wíth contamlnated instruments or teeth. The kinds lmmunologic Aspects
of microbes found in samples of such material reflect the
sile oI u1ju1y 01 lht:'. 111iL1uuial ¡.>upul¡iliuu uf tht: i11uculiit· Immune responSC'S pl;iy a minor part in resolving thP rr-
onecrotic processes involving oblígate anaerobes.
ing agency. Proliferation of anaerobes depends on the es-
tablishment of anaerobic conditions by trauma, vascular
brcal<down, or concurrent intection with (facultative)
aerobes. Laboratory Diagnosis
Anaerobic bacteria cannot live in healthy tissue because
they cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. In compro- sample Collection
1ui:;eu ti:-;~uc, i11fla1n1u<1tury cell:; anu co-ínoculated facul- Anaerobic cu lture is timr-cons111ning <inri expensive <in<I
tative microorgan i s m .~ lower the F.h (a me<is11rP of oxygen should be used only when it holds a reasonable pron1ise of
conccntration) sufflcicntly for anacrobcs to grovv. supplying useful information. Material obtaincd from
Anaerobes e licit inflam matory responses clue to compo- sites that posscss a normal anaerobic flora (feces, oral cav
nents of their cel 1wall (lipopolysaccharide, gram negative ity, vagina) is not usually cultured anaerobically. Routine
species; peptidoglycan, gram-positive ancl gram-negative anaerobic culture of urine specimens orear, conjunctival,
species). Some anaerobes produce capsules that, due to or nasal :;wabs Is very rarely justifieu. Suppurative and
theír chemístry, are potent inuucers of abscess formation. necrotic proccsscs are the most promising so11rres of clini-
There ic; c;ome evirlence th<it co-inoc11l<iterl f<ici1l tative mi- cally significanl anaerobic bacteria.
croorganisn1s induce capsule production by anaerobes. Sa1nples of fluids for anaerobic culture are collected in
Synergy occurs between facultative aerobic and anaero- vcssels containing littlc if any molecular oxygcn. Thc casi-
bic microorganisms. Aside from triggering capsule forma- est way ís to collect the san1p1e Clirectly into a syrtnge and
t1on1 tacultat1ve spec1es scavenge oxygen, curtail phagocy- expel ali the air. Materials collected onto swabs o r
tosis of the anaerobic component, and may produce bronchial brushes musr be placed in culture immediately
enzymes (beta-lactamase, for example) that mlght protect or into an anaerobic environment (anaerobic transport
a penicillin-susceptiblc facultative or obligate anaerobic 111t:Lliu111). Rcfrigeratiou is detrilueutal to recuver y o:'
partner (and vice versa). anaerohíc haC'tC'ria; th11s, samplec; sho11ld not hP placPd a-
The most commonly isolated species of oblígate anaer- tcmpcraturcs lcss than 4ºC. Howcvcr, most samplcs that
obes are shown in 'lable 35.1. The most common sitcs or contain oblígate anaerobes contain tacultative species as
processes that contain obligate anaerobes are shown in well. Most facultative microorganis1ns grow in samples
Table 35.2. 11eld at 25ºC but poorly at 15ºC (a temperature harmless to
obligate anacrobcs).

Table 35.1. Most Common ly lsolated Oblígate Anaerobes Direct Examination

Gré11'!1-Ne9éltíve Rod~ Gram·Positive Cotci Gram-Positive. Rods Examination of stained smears prepared directly from the
collected material may give valuable clues regarding the
Bacteroides Peptostreptococcus Clostrídium presence ot anaerobic bacteria. Ma11y o bligate a11acrobes
Prevo te/la have typical, unique morphologies: rods are usually nar-
l'orphyromonas row and thread-llke in appearance; sorne havíng pointeé
Fusobacterium ends or bulges. Most of the gram-negative species stair:
Dichelobac:cer poorlywith the saffranine used in the gran1 slail1 (tl1us v.' ih
be pale staining in gram-stained smears). The 1nateria:
may havc a vcry rcpugnant odor if anacrobcs are prcscnt
whereas material without oblígate anaerobes ís usually no·
Ta b 1e 3 S. 2. Relative Frequency of Oblígate Anae robic Bacte ria especially malodorous.
wnh Kespect to u1sease t'rocesses
Process Percentage with Anaerobe
Succcssful isolation depends on the care taken by the labo-
Oraining tract 40-50 ratory in shielding the bacteria from oxygen. If the sample
Abscess 30-40 is not processed immediately after collection, it must ~
Pleural effusion 3~ held in a container free from oxygen, usually a containe;
n ... ~ . . . . J~.. I .. ((. . _: .... 1-• - - · -'- •-t.. _ ____.. ___ .e---_..... 1 .... ,..,. ~ c ...................~ ..... .- ...:J;- .. . ! J - · -
<;h.apter J S Non-Spore-rorming übligate .i\.naerobes 195

been fresh ly 1nade and stored in an anaerobic environment Ta b 1e 3 5. 3. Facultative Microorganisms Found in lnfect ious
(a spccial sclcctivc mcdium for isolating B. fragilis from Processes Conta ining Obligate Ana erobes
feces contains polyrnyxin il, trichlosan, novobiocin, and
nalidixic acid). After the plate has been inoculated, it is Facultative Microorganism
p laced into an anaerobic environment and lncubated at
37ºC. 1'he anaerobic envi.ronment is conveniently estab- Dogs/cats l'asteurella, en.terícs•
lished by tl1e il1teractio11 of a hydrogen.-containiJ1g gas Horse Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus, entericsª
>vith the oxygen found in air in the presence of a palladium Ruminant Arcanooacrerium pyogenes, enterics•
catalyst in a closed container, su ch as in a11 anaerobic jar or
iI1 a glove box. A major advantage ot a11 anaerobic glove box
1~1ith a built-in incubator is that inoculated plates can be ex-
amt.ned at any t1me without being exposed to oxygen.
Most ob.li3ate anaerobes grow slo•vly, especially during
the early st ages, and plates are not e.xan1ined for the first anacrobc will also contain a facult ative one. 1'he most
48 hours unless they can be examined in an 0 2 -free envi- comm on are shown in 'l'able 35.3.
ron men t (e.g., in a glove box). Sin ce facultative species will
grow anaerobically, colonies gro\-ving in an anaerobic env:i-
ronment must be tested for aerotolerance. D I CHELOBA CTER NODOSUS

ldentification Descri ptive Features

After an isolate has been shown to be an obliga te anaerobe,
t he genus to which it is determined by shape, Structure
gra1n-stai11ing characteristics, growth in the presence ot Footrot is a contagious infectious disease affecting the epi-
various antibiotics, and met abolic by-produ ct s formed dern1al portio11s of lhe fooLof sheep and goats. The fully
from an assortmer1t of substrates, as determined by liguid- developed lesions cause a crippling lameness. 'fwo gram-
gas chromatography. Reactions in prereduced anaerohi- negative non- spore-forming anaerobes a re primarily
cally sterilized media containing different substrates help implicated: Dichelobacter nodosus and Fusobacteríum necro-
deter1nine the species. Miniaturized identification systems phorum.
are commcrcially available. Gas chromatographic analysis Dichelobacter nodosus, the specific cause, is a nonmotile
of cell fatty acids is someti mes used to identify an isolate. rod 1neasuring 2 to 10 pm by 0.5 to 1.0 pm. ln smears from
lesious, iLs eucls are cu111111ur1ly ::;wullt:o (Pig 35.1). Pili
(Type 4, as are those of 1\1oraxella bovís, Neissería gonorrheae,
Treatment, Control, and Prevention I'asteurella ni.ultocida, and Pseudon1onas aeruginosa) act as
adhesins and confer t vvitching motility.
Treatment of infectious processes that contain an anaero-
bic component most importantly involve drainage and Cellular Products of Medical lnterest
the use o.f antimicrobial agents.
Susceptibility data are usually not available for at least Adhesins (Pili, Fimbria). Adhesins (pili or fimbria) are in-
48 to 72 hours after the sample is collected. Prior to this volved with adherence of D. nodosus to interdigital epider-
ri1n e, if the ptesence of oblígate anaerobes is suggested by mis that has been damaged by the proteases secreted by
lhe cli11ical presenlalion, direcLsn1ear, a11d olher circun1- Fusobucle1 iurn necrophorurn.
stances (odor), one of the following can be used : penicillin Cell Wall. ·rhe cell wall of the n1embers of this genus is
1ampicillin, amoxicillin), chloramphenicoll, tetracycline, one typical of gram negatives. The lipopolysaccharide
met ronidazole, and clíndamycin. "l"hough most anaerobes (LPS) in the outer membrane is an ilnportant v:irulence de-
\vill test "susceptible" to t rimethoprim-su.lfonamides in tcrminant. Not only is thc lipid A componcnt toxic (cndo-
vi tro, this combination 11as unpredictable activ:ity in Vivo toxin), but the lengt h of the side chain in the 0 -repeat
dueto tl1e presence of thytuidine i.n necrotic material. The unit hinders t he attachment of the m embrane attack com-
obligale anaerobes are resislant Lo ali of lhe au ü1Higlycu- µlex uf tbt: cu111µle::rne::r1t syste::rn to the outer membrane.
side antirnicrobial agents as well as to most of the fluoro- LPS binds to lipopolysaccha ricle-h incling (a Sf>n1m
q uinolones (trovafloxacin is the exception) . Approxi- protein), "vhich in turn tra11sfers it to the blood phase of
mately lüo/o to 20% oí the isolates, usually members of the CD14. The C~D 1 4-LPS complex binds to 1011-like receptor
B. fragilis group, will be resistant to the penicillins (peni proteins (see Cl1apter 2) on the surfacc of macrophagc cclls
cillin G, ampicillin, a1noxicil.Hn) and first- and second- triggering the release of proinflammatory cytokines.
generation cephalosporins due to the production of a ce- Proteases. Severa! proteolytic enzymes (serine and basic
phalosporü1ase, and ofLen lo lelracycline as we!L Re::;i::;tartt µrutea:;es) are secrete<.! by D. nodosus. The proteases are reg-
isolates are susceptible to clavulanic acid-amoxicillin, clin - ulate.d by the proclucts of two Pathogenicity Islands (a ch.1s-
damycin, mctronidazole, and cl1loramphenicoll. Antiini- ter of genes encoding virulence detern1inant(s), a11 inte-
crobial therapy shoulct be aimed at both the tacultative grase protein, a specific insertion site, and mobility)
and the obligate anaerobic microorganisms. Between 70% named Vap (for viru lcncc-associatcd proteins), and Vrl (for
and 80% of pyonecrotic processes containing an obligate virulence-related locus).
196 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungí

• .... ,..• . f ' •..

• • •
• ,. • - .. il

- .. ' ,,

• .. ..

•• •

.. 1 •
.. ~
..¡ F1G U RE 3 5. 1 . Exudate from ovine footrot. Mixture of ba<-
, •
,/' (
• • terial species, with Dkheloh;irtP.r norlo'IJs rP.cngnizable as /arge
• rods with swo//en ends: "dumbbells" (<irrows). Gram stain, 1000X

Growth Characteristics Pathogenesis

JJichelobacter nodosus is a strict anaerobe requiring added l'athogenic mechanis1ns include tl1e píii-n1ediated attach -
carbon dioxide and a rich n1edium, preferably containing ment to host cells, proteolytic activity, and synergy with F.
protein. After severa! days, smooth colonles about 1 m1n In necrophorurn, to wl1ichD. nodosus ::;upplie5 growth factors.
clia1neter are produced .
Disease Patterns
Tl1e seque11ce of eve11ls is lypically as follows :
Dichelohacter nodosus survives ü1 the ei1vironment 2 to 3
days and is killcd by disinfcctants and n1any antibiotics. 1. The in.te.rdigital epidenui.s is dam<igecl, most com-
n1only by 111aceration dueto persistent soaking.
2. Fusobacterium necrophorum, a constituent of the
Variability fecal flora, infccts the macerated skin a11d produces
Colonia l variation a:tid virulence are related to abu11dance superficial inflammation, hyperkeratosis, paraker-
of piliation. Virulence also varies with proteolytic activi- atosis, and necrosis (ovine interdigital dermatitis
ties of strains. ·ren n1ajor serogroups (A-T, 1vf) are recog- [OID]).
nized, and are based u pon ctiffcrcnccs in thc antigcnic con- 3. Dichelohacter nodos11s from a footrot lt:>sion colonizes
stitution of thc fimbria! adl1esins. Examination of the (with the aid of its pili) and proliferates i11 the lesior:
organization of the genes encoding tbese adhesins reveals initiated by F. necrophorurn, producing in rerdigit~
that atll1esir1s tJelunging to serogroups A, B, C, E, F, G, I, swelling. Invasion of epider1nal structures begins a!
and }.tf are organized differently than those encoding acl- the medial aspect of the claw ai1d, probably witl1 thE
hesins belonging to serogroups D and TI. Strains express- help of bacteria] proteases, advances to the epider-
ing adhes.ins ot the tormer are termed "class l" and the 1nal 1nalrix of Lhe lloof, evenlually :>epa1aLing il froll.
Jater, "class II." the dermal tissues ("underrunning").
Secondary invaders help maintain or aggravate f11e
Ecology process. The result is extreme lameness, which becomes
immobilizing when two or more feet are involved. Affecte<i
Reservoir animals may starve.

Tl1e sig11ifica11t reservoir is the infectec.l foot of sheep or Epidemiology

goats. Cattle ancl swine strains are of low vir11lf'nCf'.
Footrot OCCUIS 011 ali co11tine11ts. It is lllOSt SCIÍOUS in re-
Transmission gions with a mild clin1ate and periods of abundant rainfall
(>20 inchcs fSOO mm)). Disscmination of D. nodosus cssco-
Trans1nission is by direct or indirect contact. The brief en- tially ceases at ambient mean temperatures of less than
vironmental survival time of tl1e agent requires p ron1pt SOºF (lOºC), a11d footrot does not occur in arid regions and
colonizaliou of 11ew ho:.ts. improves durlng dry perlods in endemic areas. Ali ages o:
t.hapter .~.<; Non- Spore-Forming C)bli.gate Anaerobes 197

animals beyond nursing stages are susceptible, b ut genetic zinc sulfate, o r 5% tetracycline tincture. Use of chloram-
differences in susceptibility exist. Fine woo.l breeds are phenicoll (10%) is not permissible in the United St ates.
most severely affected. The agent is eli.minated from con- Formalin , copper sulfate, and zinc sulfate are used in foot
tan1lnated pastures wit hin 2 weeks. bat h:;. Three 1-hour 20%> sulfate soaks at weekly inler-
vals have proven effective without foot paring.
Systemic treatment with largc doses of pcnicillin and
lnununologic Aspects streptomyc1n nas neen successful 1n t he absence ot topical
Re:;i:;taJJCI:! i:; r1::lateLl lu ci rculaliug a11 lifi111brial a11 Libody; il Coulrol i:; aclJ.i1::v1::u by a cu1ubi11atiun uf repeatec.1 exa n1-
is serogroup-specific. Natural infection produces no im- ination, vaccination, treat 1nen t of active, ancl segre-
munity, but oil-ad juvant vaccines of appropriate speci- gation of active cases from the healthy flock. Care must be
ficity induce temporary protection and improve existing taken not t o add infected animals to the flock. Contami-
cases. nat ed lots should not be restocked for 2 wccl<s. Control
programs should be instituted d u ring dry weather.

Laboratory Diagnosis
Diagnosis is usually clinical. Dircct smcai:s from thc lcsion f OOTROT OF (ATTLE (IN FECTIOUS PODODERMATITIS:
revea! stou t rods with terminal swellings (see rig 35.1). f OULS)
Other mícroorganisms are usually also present , sorne of
w hlch- small gram-negative rods- often coaggregate Dichelobacter nodosus combined wit h Fusobacterium
aroun d D. nodosus. Immunofluorescence confirms identi- necrophor111n can cause a coronary and interdigital der-
fication . n1aLilis iu caLLle.
c:u lture (on selective media) is not routinely done. What is often called bovine footrot is etiologically ancl
Molecular techniques utilizing t he polymcrasc chain patl1ologícally distinct from the ovine disease. The chíef
reaction together with DNA primers specific for D . nodosus agent is F. necrophorum. Other bacteria, particularly pig-
(e.g., the genes encoding the fimbrial adhesins) have been mented anaerobic rods (Prcvotclla) are implicated. Thc
described for demonstration of the bacterium In samp1es p rocess involves the derm is and subcut1s, and produces a
obtained frorn infected feet as well as identification of iso- diffuse, often febrile necrotizíng cellulitis, which may ex-
lat1:::; gruvv 11. u11 ar Lificial 111edia. te111.l tu joiI1ts ur spreatl l1e1natuge11uu:;ly. Sinus tracts de-
velop in the foot region .
Injury, irritation, and maceratlo.n are likely pcedispos-
Treatment and Control ing factors. Their presence, rather than transmissibiJity,
probably determines disease prevalence.
Treatment begins with removal and exposure of d iseased Cases are t teated topically and by h oof trimming. Un-
tissue by hoof trimming, followed by topical application of complicated cases respond to systemic sulfona1nides or te-
disinfectants or antibiotics, su ch as repeated treatme11t tracycline.
•vitl1 5% to 109/o formalin, 5% copper sulfate, lOo/o to 20ºA>

Members of the genus Clostridiurn are gram-p osit ive, Tn liquid media, clostridia often grow in air provided a
spore-forming, anaerobic rods. In this chapter the d iseases reducing agent Is present (cooked ineat pieces, t hioglyco-
produced by members of this gcnus (Jable 36.1) will b e dis- Iate), though growth occi1rs only in red ur.ed p ortions of
cussed under two catcgorics: the invasive diseases (includ- tl1t 111tc.liuu1.
ing t11e e11tcrotoxem i;:i~ ;1 ncl cfiarrhP;:is) p rnd11r Pd by (~. per-
f ringens, C. 11ovyi, C. h11e1110/yticu1111 C. septicu111, C. chauvoei,
Biochemical Activities
C. dífficile, and C. pili(onne; and the noni nvasive diseases
produccd by C. botulinun1, nnd C. tetani. Briefl y discu ssed Clostridial cultures typically cmit putrid odo rs d ue to
will be C. sorrlelli1, C. collnun1, and C. spiro(orrne. products ot pcpticte catabolism, which is a comm o~ mode
of energy production.
Most clostridia attack carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, or
Descriptive Features nucleic acids. Biochemical reactions and their end prod-
ucts furui~ll a ua~i~ for ~µtcit~ idtnlificaU011.
Morphology and Staining
MPmhPrs of thP gPn11~ l.lostridiu1n are gram-positive rods RGsistancG
measuring 0.2 to 4 µm by up to 20 µm. Location and shape
of endospores are consistent within a species. 1'he vegetative forro is as susceptible to environmenta.
stresses and disinl:ectants as other ba<.teria. Endospor5
impart resistance to drying, heat, irradiation, and disir:-
Structure and Composition fectants.
Linle of medical relevance Is known of the ultrastructure
;:incl composition of clostricli;:i. A surfacP-a~socia ted struc-
turc characterizcd by ordcrly paracrystalline protein arrays THE INVASIVE CLOSTRIDIA
(S layer) is found in the cell wall of C. difficile. The role
plnycd by thc S !ayer proteins is unknown. Sorne clost ridia
have been sl1own to produce pili or fi mbriae (<.:. difflcile), (LOSTRID/UM PERFRINGENS
and oth ers produce adhesive stru ctures, presumably cell
wall p roteins. c:onsiderable cellular intraspecific antige1lic Descriptive Features
rlivPrsity ::inc1 intPrspPcifir rross- rPartivity exist hu t a re of
less int crcst than thc scrologic properties of toxins (see Clostridiu111 perfringens is a g ra 1n-positivc, sporc-forming
under respective species). Those that are motile have per- nonmotile, encapsulated obligately an aerobic rod tl1~
itrichous flagella. Of pathogenic species, C. perfringens and produces a varicty of toxins (see below, "Cellular Product
C. di!ficile are encapsulated. of Medica! Interest"). Four of these toxtns are u.sed rr
"type" members of this species. There are five typPS <li>sig-
Growth Characteristics 11ateu A lhrough E (Table 36.2).
Clostrídiun1 perfringells is associated with wound infec-
Strictness of anacrobic rcquircmcnts varies among clostri- tions (gas gangrene), cntcrotoxemias in ruminnnts, and c.·
dial species. In addition to an anaerobic environment, arrhea in a variety ot species.
clostridia prcfer 2% to 10% CO'-in their atmosphere.
Most pathogen1c cloStridia require complex media in- Ccllular Products of Medical lnterest
cluding amino acids, carbohydrates, and vitamins. Blood
or serum is beneflcial. Anear-neutral µH a11u temµeralure Aclliesin.s. Closll idiu111 perfri11ge11s possesses a numbcr ::.
of 37ºC ari> optim;:il. chromosomal genes whose sequences are similar to thos...
CrrO\'\'th is usually visible within 1 or 2 days. Colonies encoding adhcsins in other bncteria. ·rhcse include gen<::"
are oftcn irregular in shape and contour. Severa! clostridia encoding two tibronectin-binding proteins, and a prote:.::
S'i'Var1n ncross moist ngar media \.Yithout forming colonies. responsible for binding collagen. Whet her these st-
Most clostr1d1a produce hemotysis when gro~vn on blood quences truly encade functional adhestns remains to ~
agar. demonstrated.

Chapter 36 Clostridiu1n 199

Ta b 1e 3 6. 1 . Selected Members of t he Genus Clo~lridiurn <:111tl Their U~u<:t l Sour<.e o r

Associated Condition

Usual Source or Assodated Comjltion

Clostridium botulinum Botulism

(. chauvoeí B.lackleg in ruminants, p1gs
C colinum Enteritis·andilepatitis in birds
e difficile AntibiotiC/stress-induced diarrhea in horses, dogs, cats
e haemo'lytíaim R;idll;iry hP.mogtohinuri;i in nimin;ints
C. nuvyi Gas gangrene; big head in rams; black disease in rumina11ts
C. perfringens Gas gangrene; enterotoxemla in ruminants. pigs; horses; necrotic enteritis in
chíckens; lamb dysentery; struck in sheep; pulpy kidney disease in ruminants;
diarrhea in dogs, cats, -aná human patients
e piliformc Tyzzer's clisease
e septfcum Malignant edema in ruminants, 1Jigs; braxy in sheep; necrotic enteritis inchfckens
(, sqrdellíí Myositis and hepatitis in ruminants, horses
e 5piroforme Mu~uid enteritis uf rabbits;<1ntibiutic·induced enteritis in rabbits, guinea pigs,
foals; enterocolitis í11 foals
C. tetaní Tetanus

Tab le 36.2. Clostrídium perfríngens Types in Animal Disease thelial cells). In addition, beta toxin affects nervous
tissue by influencing the distribution of caldum
Tyfle Majot foxln Present ions across thcir mcmbrancs t hcrcby disrupting
normal nerve conduction. It is susceptible to the
Af11J1c1 Beta proteolytic activity o f trypsü1.
3 . .Bet d2 toxin. The l>etd 2 toxil1 (Cpl>2 for C. perfriu-
A + gPns hPt<i 2 toxin) is nPwly, h11t thP. role.
B ~ + + this toxin plays in associated disease is not well
o .+ +
characterized. The gene encoding this toxin is
sometimes located on a plasmid. Its n1echanism
E + + of actton is unkn.own. It is produced by C. per{rin-
gens isolated from t he intestinal contents of pigs
Type Estralnsoften presem in canle and sheep intestines, but are 1arelyimplitated i11 wit.h necrotic enteritis, horses With enterocolitis,
enterotoxemia. and dogs with diarrhea (beta 2 toxin-producing
strair1s dre isolat.t::c.l h::ss ofLe11 fro111 clinically nor-
n1al animals).
4. Epsilon toxin. Thc gene cncoding cpsilon toxin
Capsule. 'fhe role of the capsule in disease produced by
(Etx for epsilon toxin) is located on a plasmíd.
C. per(ringen::; i:s unLl1::fi11ed, bu.l iL p1obably acls as a deter- Epsilon toxin "targcts" lipld (cholesterol and
r ent to phagocytosis. Encapsulat.ion is an important viru-
sphingolipids) rafts found in eukaryotic cell mem-
lence determinant in '-vounds (e.g., gas gangrene), but branes, though the toxin co11centrates in brain and
probably not in the intestinal ca11al (e.g., enterotoxemias,
kidney. IL is a pern1ease tl1at acts by affecting tl1e
d iarrl1eal diseases).
cellular cytoskeleton resulting in an increase in the
Toxins. c:/ostridium perfringens produces a variety of pro-
permeabílity of epithelial and endothellal cclls (cs-
t ein toxins. Most, if not all are regulated by a global regula-
pecially the microvasculature ot the brain, leading
tory sy:stcui ("VirR/VirS," :;ee IJeluw):
to leakage of toxin into t hat organ). Etx is secreted
l . Alpl1a toxin. Alpha (Cpa or Ple for C. perfrin- as a protoxin t hat is activated by p roteolytic en-
gens alpha toxin or phospholipase e, respectively) is zymes.
¡;roduced by ali C. perf'ringens. Il is a phospholipase 5. lola Loxin. lola Loxin (1Lx for íola toxin) is a binary
e (a lecithinase) that hydrolyzes phosphatidyl- toxin composed of a binding portian (Ib) that
choline and sphingomyelin, both of which are con- binds the toxin to target epithelial cells, andan en-
stituents ot host cell membranes. Alpha toxin also zymatically active portion (la). After the toxin
displays the "hot-cold" lysis phenomenon (see binds to specific receptors on the cell surface, la
staphylococcal beta toxin, Chapter 27). gains entry into the cytoplasm. ·rhough it is not
2. Beta toxin . 'fhe genes encoding beta toxin (Cpb for clear precisely how entry occurs, it seems that a
C. perf1ingens beta Loxin) are locaLed on a pla~111id. µurt:: (<.:orupo:;ec.l uf lli) is forruec.l ir1 tl1e cell rnern-
Beta toxin is a pore-forming toxin, which da1nages hrane through wh ir.h Ta travPrsPs. Ta is an ADP-
host target cells (intestinal epit helial cells, endo- ribosylating toxin that ribosylates actin within the
200 PAnT 11 Bacteria and Fungi

host cell, resulting in disorganization of the cellu- Ecology

lar cytoskeleton and death of the affected cell.
6. Kappa toxin. Kappa toxin (Col for collagenase) is a Reservoir
collagenase. Col is thougl1t t o aíd spread of clostri-
dial cells t hrough the tissue. Clostridium perfringens, Type A, occurs in intestinal tracts o:
7. lvfu toxin. lvfu toxin (Nag for N-acetylgalactosaml- humans and other animals and in most soils. 'lypcs B, C
niclase) is a hyaluronidase. Nag is thought to aid D, and E are fou nd mostly in the intestinal tracts of ani-
spread of clostridial ceJls t11rough the tissue. mals, and their survival in soil is variable.
8. Theta toxin. See perfringolysin O, belO\"I.
9 . SioJidar.c. Siali da:;c (ncur a1ninidaoc, or }~an) re transmission
moves sialic acid residues from glycoconjugates on
cell walls of eukaryotic cells resulting in disrup- Transn1ission is hy ingestion. and wound infection.
tiuu:; of tl1~ iutt:!f(.:~llular utatrlx.
10. Hemolysins. A number of hemolysins are produced Pathogenesis and Disease Patterns
by C. perfringens. 1'heir role ü1 disease is unk11ow11.
11. Enterotoxin. 'fhe genes encoding C. perfringens en- Clostriclium perfringens has the follo>ving disease patterns:
terotoxin (Cpe for C. perfringens enterotoxi11) are
either cl1ro1nosome- (isolates trom 11uman cases ot l. Wound In(ections (Gas Gangrene). Clostridium perfrin-
food-related gastrointestinal disease), or plas1nid- gens Type .A., alone (}r with other bacteria, causes
based (isolates from ctogs with diarrllea, or frorn anaerobic celluliti~ anc.l ga!> ga11gre11e followi11g i11-
human patients with non- food-related gastroin- 0111lation into a normally sterilc site. The me111-
Leslinal disease). Enleroloxin is produced during b rane active toxins (alpha and perfringolysin O) ac-
sporulation of (~. per{ringens (less count for the tissue destruction. Spread of the
than 10<*.> of Type A strains, the strains in which proccss is aidcd by collagenasc (kappa toxin or Col 1 •
Cpe is most commonly found). When the endo- sialidase (Nan), and hyaluronidase (Mu toxin o:
spore is released, enterotoxin is also released into Nag). Encapsulated C. per{ringens resist phagocyto-
tlle surrounding milieu. Ent erotoxin is a bifunc- SiS. Th.ose tbat are phagocytosed escape the phago-
tional toxin, first forming a pore in the apical por- lysosome by secretion of perfringolysin <). The
tiu11 uf :>111a.ll ir1te:.tiual eµitl1elial (.:ells It:!:>ultiug ir1 p rocess is a necrolizing cellulilis or n1yo11ecrosis
fluid and electrolyte ahnormalities, as vvell as pro- with edema, hemorrhage, emphysema, and a fe-
viding access to tight junction proteins (specifi- brile, often fatal, toxemia. 'fhis type of C~. perfríngens
cally claudins and occuldiI1s). lnteractions of Cpe intecti.on in animats is rare, but when it occl1rs it is
with tight junction proteins result in. further losses associated n1ost often with injection sites deep in
in control of tluid and electrolytes. m u scle (mainly horses).
12. Perfringolysin O (also kno\.vn as theta toxin) . 2 . Enterotoxemias. Most animal diseases due to C. per-
Perfril1golysin O (Pío íor perfrü1golysin O) is a cho- fringens are inleslir1al a11d. involve 1"ypes /i., B, C, or D
lesterol-binding cytolysin (see also novyilysin and (rarely E):
chauvcolysin, below; streptococcal streptolysin O, a . Clostrídiun·zperfringens Typc A cntcrotoxcmia has
Chapter 28; listerial listeriolysin O, Cl1apter 33; and been i1nplicated in outbreaks of gastritis and h e-
arcanobacterial pyolysil1, Chapter 29). Pfo binds to n1olytic disease of run1inants (enterotoxemic
cholesterol-containing rafts in the eukaryotic cell jaundice, the "yellows," "yellow lamb disease"};
membrane, and forms a pore, which results in the iI1 hemorrhagic enteritis in cattle, horses, and
<.l<::atl1 uf tl1e c~lL 111 au<.litior1, Pfu is respur1sible fur i11fa11t alpaca!>; 11ecn.>lice11lerilis i11 pou!Lry; food
the lysis of memhranes enclosing l-. perfringens- poisoning in humans; and antibiotic-associated
inside of phagoly::;osomes, resulting in tl1eir escape diarrhea in humans; and is associatcd with dlar-
in to the cytoplasm of the phagocytic cell. rhea in dogs and cats (see belc)\v). ·nssue destruc-
tio11 is probably due to the n1embrane active
Regulation o( Toxin Genes. c;1ostridiurn perfringens gtob- toxins (alpha and perfringolysin ()), and the
ally regulates its toxin production by the t>vo-component toxi ns that affect connective tissue (collagenase,
r~gulatury syst<::u1, VirR/VirS. VirS i:. a hi:>ti<.liue kiua:;e tl1at l1yalul'onidase, and sialidase). Diarrl1eal d.isease
acts as a "sensor" of environn1ental cues resulting in au- in human patients and in dogs and cats is asso-
tophosphorylation of one of its histidine residues. This ciated with Typc A strains that contain the gene
phosphate .is then serially transferred to an aspartate e11coding Cpe (enterotoxin).
residu e, then to another histidine befare being used to b. Clostridhun perfrin_r5ens ·rype B enterotoxentia is
phosphorylate VirR, the "regulator." Phosphorylated VirR ;n1 "Old World" d isease. Closrridiurn per(ringens
is a trascriptional activator of the ge.nes encoding t11e prod- Type B causes "lan1b dysentery" in newborn
U(.:tS ruentior1e<.l above. Wl1at euviruurnt:!utal cue:; are lan1bs. Occasionally focils, calve::;, and n1ature
"sensed" hy r:. perfringens, is unknown, hut the con1posi- s!1eep and goats are affected. Beta toxh1 is consid-
tion of t he intestinal contents appears to play an impor- crcd thc principal factor producing hcmorrha¡,"Íc
tant role in the pathogenesis o f the enterotoxen1ias (see enteritis affeci:ing the small intestine. Its trypsin
below, "Epidemiology") . susceptibility explains in part the predilection of
Chapter 36 Clostridiurrz 201

the dtsease for the newborn (colostrum contalns tially lmmune animal, or \"lhen the an1ount of
antitrypsin substances). The signs are depres- toxi.n produced in the intestinal c;in;il is less) it
sion, anorexia, abdon1inal pain., and diarrhea. dan1ages the capillary endothelial cells in the
·rhe course is rapid, with mortality rates ap- brain so that toxin levels are increased in that
proachit1g lOOo/o. A chronic form occurs in oldcr organ. 1'his rcsults in a focal symmctrical cn-
anunals. ·rhe characteristic intestinal tesion is cephaloma1acia (see Fig /1.1). ln addition to
hernorrhagic enteritis. Extraintestinal lesions in- these changes (which are toxin-dose related),
clude congestion, edema, serosa! effusio11s, and epsllon roXln rrlggers catecholamlne release, re-
hemorrhages in various organs. The sign.s and su lting in adenylyl cyclase activation, cAMP-
pall1ology associated with this disease are dueto relatecl hyperglycen1ia and glycosuria, a fre-

the action of the membrane active toxins (alpha, quent finding in enterotoxemia.
beta, cpsilon, and pcrfringolysin O), as well as Gross lcsions may be abscnt. Postmortem au-
those products that ctestroy the connective tissue tolysis is rapid. Subserous and subendocardial
components. Epsilon toxin, being a permease, hemorrhages and excess fluid in the body cavi-
increases intestinal permeablllty, ensurlng lts ab- tles are sometlmes seen. Cerebral hemorrhage
sorption into the circ11latinn whf'rf' it ;ifff'cts v;is- and rlPgener;:itive lesion.s are common in less
cular endothelium, leading to fluid loss and acute cases. I-Iistopathology n1ay reveal enteritis.
edema, as well as damage to kidney function. Lambs may die without premonitory signs.
Beta a11d epsilon toxins also affect the nervous Convulsions occur in agonal stages and diarrhca
system, and tbe severe depression, .lack of re- in protracted cases. Cattle and older sheep show
sponse to corrective therapy, and high 1nortality neural manifestations. In goats, diarrhea is com-
may be clue in part to this activity. Since epsilon mon . Death rates are high 111 lambs. In calves
toxin rf'qnirf's ";ictiv;ition" hy p rotf'olytic f'n - ;inc:J goats, nonfatal subacute and chronic cases
zymes, its role in disease caused byType n strains occur.
is less Ílllportant than that played by beta toxin. e. Clostridium perfringens ·rype E produces a rela-
c. Clostridium pcrfringcns Type C ente:rotoxemia in- tively rarc for1n of entcrotoxcnlia in calves,
voJ.ves neonatal calves, foals, piglets, and lambs lambs, and rabbits. The membrane active toxins
worldwide. Clostridium perfringens Type C causes (alpha, iota, and perfringolysin O) together>vith
hemorrhagic enteritis ln these specles. This rype those toxil1s affecting connective tissue sub-
is associated witl1 necrotic e11teritides in humans stances combine to produce this disease. Hem-
and birds and an ofle11 rapidly fatal toxen1ia- orrhagic enteritis, and ulcerative abo.n1asitis
bacteremia of older sheep called struck. Beta (gastritis) are the pathologic lesions.
toxin is considered the principal factor produc- 3. Nonenterotoxe1nic Diarrhea. Nonenterotoxemic diar-
ing hemorrhagic enteritis affecting the small in- rhea occurs subsequent to the interaction of entero-
testinc. Its trypsin susceptibility explains in part toxin (Cpe) with epithelial cells of the small intes
the predilection of the disease for the newborn tine following sporulation of the microorganism in
(colostrum contains antitrypsin substances). that environment. Though any type of C. perfrin-
The signs are depression, anorexia, abdominal gens can harbor the genes encoding Cpe, Type A is
pain, ;ind cliarrhe;i. 1'he course is rapid, with the most common. This disease is one of the most
mortality rates near 100°16. The signs and commonly occurring food -related diseases in hu-
pathology associated with this disease are dueto man patients. ·rhe disease also occurs in dogs and
t.he action of the membrane active toxins cats. Signs range from watery to h.en1orrhagic diar-
(alpha, beta, and perfringolysin O), as well as rhea. In addition to altering fluid and electrolyte
those products that destroy the connective tis- flow of the epithelium, Cpe damages epithelial cells
sue cornponents. aud tight juuctiuu::; leatliug lo sluughiug witl1 ac-
el. (:tnstridiu.m JJerfringens, ·rype 1), produces an en- companying inflarnmatory changes.
terotoxemia ("overeating disease," "pulpy kid-
ney disease") in older lambs (<l year) and occa- Epidemiology
sionally in goats and calves. ·rhe key epsilon
toxin is secreted as protoxin activated by intes- Some normal animals, especially adults, commonly carry
tinal proteases (expl.aining predilections for C. perfringens in their intestinal tracts. During outbreaks of
ulder auiiuclls siuce culustruu1 cu11talns a11tit- tliarrl1eal tlisease, pathogenic strains survive in soil long
rypsin activity). Epsilon toxin increases intes- enongh to inff'ct othf'r ;inim;ils.
tinal permeabi1ity, ensuring its absorption into ·rhe determinant of enterotoxen1ic disease is the intes-
the circulation >vhere it da1nages vascular en- tinal environment, which is influenced by diet and age.
dothelium, leading to fluid loss and edema. Ovcrcating, especially 011 protein and energy-rich food
When toxin levels are high, affected capillary (milk, Jegume forage, graü1) is aln1ost a prerequisite. In
en.dothellal cells in the brain are damaged, and young animals, the excess feed is often passed, inade-
Ll1e re::;u)laul etleuia greatly i11creases tl1e in- quately digestecl, into the intestine, '"'here lt provldes a rich
tracranial pressure. When the amount of toxin mf'cii11m for proliferation and toxigenesis (up regulation of
i.s .lower, bowever (as might be the case in a par- the VirR/VirS systen11 see above) by ingested or reside11l
Chapter 36 Closr:ridium 203

highly heat-resistant spores. ·rhere are thrce types (A, B, Pathogenesis

and C), which differ biochemically, epidemiologically,
and pathogenlcally. Sorne would add C. haemolyticum as ()f <;PVPr;:il toxins procl11<Prl hy r.. nnvyi, ;:ilph;:i, het;i, ;inrl
Type D (see below) novyilysin, which are lethal and necrotizing, are of estab-
Clostridiu111 novyi produces gas gangrene, "big head," lishcd pathogenic significancc. 1'he pathogenic roles of
and "black disease" of ruminants. thc othcr toxins-Iccithinasc, hcmolysin, lipasc, and
1nyosinase-are uncertain:

Cellular Products of Medical lnterest l. Clostridium novyi Type A is implicated in gas gan-
grene of humans and wound infections in animals.
Toxins. Clostridiu1n novyi produces a number of protein ex- One of these, "b1ghead" of rams, starts as a fight in-
otoxins that are responsible for the diseases assodated jury at the top of the head. Toxic endothelial dam-
~vith 1t. Of these, the alpha and beta toXins, and the age (by alpha toxin and novytlysin) produces edema
cholesterol-binding cytolysin novyilysin have proven involving he;:irl, nerk, ;inrl cr;ini;:il thorax _Death oc-
roles in thc tliscascs protluccd by tl1is :.pccics. Toxir1s 11ave curs in 2 days. The yellow tinge of the eden1a fluid,
not hccn associated with strains of C. novyi Type C:: which is clear and gelatinous ,.,,ith little hemor-
rhage, is a postmortcm changc.
l. Alpha toxin. The alpha toxin is produced by C. novyi :l. Closlridiurn novyi ·1ype 8 causes intectious necrotic
Types /\ and B. lt is a glycosyltransferase that gluco- hepatitis ("black disease") of sheep and cattle, rarely
sylates llho GTPases rendering them ineffectual in horses and swine. Spores orlgtnating in the intes-
interacting with their substrates (i.e., they become ti ne reach the liver ;inrl rem;iin there dormant
biologically ü1aclive). In addilion, glycosylalio11 within Kupffer cells. When liver ce!Js are injured, as
blocks interaction of Rho GDP with guanine ex- by fluke migration, resulting anaerobic conditions
changc factor, and the interaction of Rho c·rr with allow the spores to gcrminatc. Vcgctativc growth rc-
G·rPase activating tactor, thereby preventing mem- Sults in toxin producnon (alpha and beta toXins)
brane cycling. As a consequence, severa] signaling and dissemination. Death may be sudden orwithin
pathways are disrupted, result1ng in a breakdown of 2 uay:s of clirlical on:set. Signs lnclude depression,
the cytoskeletal components of the affected cell, fol- anorexia, and h ypothermia. Necropsy rPvP;ils
lowed by its c.ieath. eden1a, serosa! effusion, and one or n1ore areas of
?.. Beta toxin . The beta toxi.n is procluced by C. novyi liver necrosis, containing bacteria. Subcutaneous
Typc B. Tt is a pl1ospholipase C (a lecithinase) that vcnous congestion secondary to pericardial edema
hydrolyzes phosphatidylcholine and sphingomye- áarkens tbe un<lersiáe ot t11e s.1<i11, suggesting the
1in (both of which are constituents of host cell name "black disease."
membranes), resulting in death of the cell. This 3. Closlridium novyi Type C, the reported cause of os-
toxin is also hemolytic. teomyelitis of \>\ iltPr h11ff;ilo in Southe;ist Asi;i, pro-

3. Delta toxin (Novyilysin ). Delta toxin or novy11ysin duces no toxins or experimental disease.
is produced by C. novyi Type A, ;inrl is ;i rholesterol-
binding cylolysi11 (see also perfringolysin O, Epidemiology
above, chauveolysin, below; streptococcal strep-
tolysi n O, Chaptcr 28; listcrial listcriolysin O, 'fhe agent occurs world\.vide. "Bighead" is recognized in
Chapter 33; and arcanobacterial pyolysin, Chapter Australia, South Africa, and North America . Distribution
29). Novyilysin binds to cholesterol-contah1ing of "blac:k disease" largely coinci.cles with that of the liver
rafts ln the eukaryotic cell membrane. Once fluke Fasciola lzepatica. Both diseases occur mostly iJ1 adult
bound, it for1ns a pore res11lting in thP death of sheep, during summer and fall. "Black disease" affects
the cell. prcfcrably wcll-nouri.sbcd animals.
-l. Miscellaneous toxins. Clostridium novyi produces a
numbcr of othcr protcin "cxotoxins" with unccr-
tain roles in the pathogenesis of dísease. ·rhese in- lmmunologic Aspects
clude a lecithinase (gamma toxin) produced by
Type A strains, a llpase (epsllon toxln) produced Circulating antitoxin (antibodies to alpha, beta, novy-
hy ·rypP A str;:iins, hPmolysin (7Pt;i toxin) prod11ced ilysin toxins) and antibody to ccllular components of the
by Type D strains, and a myosinase (eta toxin) pro- organism presumably are thc basis of inlmunity to C. novyi
duced by 1ype B strains. infect1ons. Whole culture bacterins and toxoids have pro-
phylactic value.

Laboratory Diágnosis
~:oServoir and Transmission
Liver lesions contain large gram positive to gram-variablc
• ~ A Is common ln soil. Types A and B occur in the nor- rods with oval subterminaJ, targe spores, 1dentiliable by
_,~¡ intP<;tine and liver of 11erbivores. Ali enter their hosts fluorescent anti- C. novyi conjugates.
ingestion or wound infection. Culture rcyuires tl1e strictest anaerobic conditions, es-
204 PA1tT JI Dactcria and Fungí

pecially for Type B, v.ihJch is also nutritionally fastldious. Epidemiology

r.1nstridi111n nnvyi m;:iy hP rlt>monstr;.ible in normal livers of
herbivores within hours after death. Bacillary hemoglobinuria occurs in Nort h America in the
'lbxu1, in serosa! effusions, can be demonstrated by ani- Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast st atcs and alono
1nal tests (sce undcr C. pcrfringcns, abovc), but antitoxins thc Gulf of Mexico, and in Latin America, parts of l:.ur~
far use 1n protcctton tests are notas readily available. ope, and New Zealand. Although swampy lowlands are
Dctcction in tissuc or identification in culture can be assoclatcd wlth cndcmlc dlscasc and flooding wlth the
ac~ompllsh~d by uslng molecular techniqu es. DNA
spread of infection, little is known of the agent's persist-
pruners des1gned to amplify species-specific portions of e11cc in soil. Shcddcr ani111als n1ay have a role in dissemi-
tli.e gene cncodi ng the flagellar protein flagellin li.ave bee1i. nation .
used successh1lly to differentiatc C. novyiTypes A, and B, C. Cases are clustcrcd in thc sccond half of thc ycar, typi-
hacmolyticurn, C. chauvoci, and C. scpticum. cally among well-nourished animals ayea r o r more of age.
Correlation with flukc infection is less consistent than in
"lJlack cJl:.ea:.c" (:.ce C. riuvyi Type B, a!Jvve) .
Treatment and Control
lmmunologic Aspects
Therc is no effcctlve treatment. Control is directed at elim-
üi.ating fl ukes and other hepatopathic agents. Prophy- Im munity is an titoxic. Animals in enden1ic a reas develop
Iactic vaccination (two 1n¡ectlons a mon th apart) with a sorne immu n ity. Wholc culture bacterin-toxoid s are effec-
bacterin -toxoid con1bination is generally effective.
tlve proph ylactlcally.


Laboratory Diagnosi s
Liver lesions are the best source of positive sm ears for
Cl~stridiu111 /1ae111olyticu111 is a no1i.e1i.capsulated , n1otile,
Cram stains and immunofluorescence tests. Cultivation
stnct ana<'rOhE', producing largc, oval, highly heat-
requires freshly poured blood agar and strict an aerobic
resistant sporcs. Clostridiu1n /1ae111olyticu1n (C. 11ovyi, Type
D) resembles C. nolfyi Type B in practically ali phenotypic
Detectiuu iu ti:.:.ue ur iue11lificatio11 iI1 cullure cau bt:
traits. Its toxin, a phospholipase C, is identical to C. novyi
accompli<;hp<f hy 11<;ing molPrnlar tE'chniq ue_<;_ DNA pri-
Type B beta tox1n (see above), but 1s produced in much
larger amounts. Serologic and toxigenic variants of C. hac- mers designed to amplify species-specific portions of the
mu/ytic:u111 have l>een notetl.
gene encoding the flagellar protein flagellin h ave been
uscd succcssfully to diffcrcntiatc C. novyiTypcs A, and B, C.
. <J~strid~~1111 /1nmnnlytir11m proc111C'f><; h;ici lI;iry ht>moglo-
flaernolyticurn, C. cflauvoei, and C. sept irum .
b1nur1a or red water" díscase of ruminants.

Treatment and Control

Early trf>a tmPn t of sirk an ima Is with a hroarl-spP.ctrnnl an-
Reservoir and Transmission
tibiotic (e.g., tetracycline), antitoxin, and blood t ransfu -
c:1ostridi11 rn hae1nolytir11n1 exists in the r uminant digestive sion produces good results. Ani1n als in endemic areas are
t ract, in the livcr, <ind in soil. Appearance of the disease in vaccinated minimally every 6 n1onths and preferably 3 to
n e\.v, widely separated regions suggests that movement of 4 weeks before anticipated exposure.
cattic piays a part in its disscrnination. ·rran smission is by
Clostridiu111 septicun1 is a short, stou t, and p leom orphic
1·11c pathogcnesis of bacillary hemoglobinuria mvolves in- gram positive, motile, spore-forming obligately anaerobic
gestion of spores, colonization of the liver, liver in jury,
rod. In sorne exudates, long filaments are found.
spore germinatlon, and toxigene:;i:; (:;ee C:. nuvyi Tvpe B Clostridiu111 septiann is the leading cause of woun d in-
"hl;ick <li<;P;i<;P," ;ihovf'). ·rhP toxin ic; a phospholip~sE' r.
fections (mallgnant edema) uf farrn a1illual:..
(beta toxin), which produces a hemolytic crisis and deatl1
within hours or days. Other effects include serosal effu-
sions and \videspread hcmorrhagcs. 'fhc diagnostic lesions
are circumscribed areas of llver necrosis ("1nfarcts"), w h ich
Descriptive Features
are t11e effccts of beta toxin. Clinically there are fever, pale,
Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest
lcteric mucous membranes, anorexia, agalactia, al>uorn i-
nal pain, hPmoglobin11ria ("rt>cl watt>r"), ;in<f hypt>rp nP:i. Tnxins. r.1nstridiu111 septicum produces a n umber of proteill
Pregnant cows may abort. exotoxins that are purportedly re::;pon sible for the diseases
Ch.apter 36 Clostridiurn 205

associated witJ1 it. However, alpha toxin has been detini- edematous, necrotizing process frequently follows fascial
tively shown to be the only virulence factor produced by planes as adjacent muscle is darkened.
this species: With muscular involve1ne11t and emphysema, there
may be close resen1blance to "blackleg" (C. chauvoei,
l. Alpha toxin. ·rhe alpl1a toxin produced by C. sep-
below) a11d "gas ga11gn::ue" (C. pt:r(rin¿;ens, CJoove).
ticurn is a pore-fo.rming, lethal toxin. Following se-
Crepitant swellings change from pa inful an<l hot to
cretiOn, it is bound to glycosylphosphatidylinositol
(C;PI)-anchored proteins on the eukaryotic cell sur- anesthetic and cold. Signs include fever, tachycardia,
anorexia, and depression. The course may be rapid and
face (n1air1ly e!1d0Lhelial cells, Lhough nol exclu-
fatal within a day.
sively). There, the ccll bound protcolytic enzyme,
"Braxy" (Scots) or "bradsot" (Danish) is a fatal C. scp-
furin, clcavcs it, rcsulting in fragmcnts insert
ticurn cold-weather disease of sheep. Clostridiurn septicz.a n
into the membrane forming pores Jeading to deat l.1
produces a lesion i11 Lite al.Jo1u.asal wall cornparable to the
of the cell.
-;11hr11t;:ineo11s one clescribed above. Clinical signs are
2. Beta toxin. The beta toxin of C. septicunz has DNase
and leukocytotoxic activity. 'fhe role played by t his mostly toxemia and g<1strointestinal disliess.
Lv., .iu i 11 Ll IC:: jJdLliVl:)<::l!<:::>i:> v( UÍ:><::a:><:: i;:, u11defiu1::tl.
Hu1nan wound infections due to C. septicum may de-
velop into cellulitis or "gas gangrene."
3. Gamma toxin. 'fhe gamma toxin of C. septicum has
hyaluronidasc activity. "fhc role playcd by t his toxin
in the pathogcnesis of disease is undefined. Epidemiology
4. Delta toxin (septicolysin O). The delta toxin of
"Malígnant eden1a" may follow such p roc.e.ct11res as r;:istra-
C. septicurn, also kno,~·n as septicolysin O, is a
rholesterol-binding cytolysin (see also perfringoly- tlon, docking, shearing, tagging, and injections. Postpar-
sin O ar1d novyilysin, above, chauveolysin, below; turient genital infections are sometimes linked to ctystocia
and unskilled obstetrical assistance.
streptococcal streptolysin O, Chapter 28; listerial
listeriolysin O, Chaptcr 33; and arcanobactcrial py- "Braxy" or "bradsot" ls seen mostly in Scotland and
olysin, Chapter 29). Septicolysin O binds to choles-
terol-containing rafts in the eukaryotic cell mem-
brane. Once bound, tt forms a pore resulting in the
death ofthe cell. The role played by this toxin in the
lmmunologic Aspects
patl1oge1H:::sis uf disease produced l>y C. septicum is
Imrnunity is probably antitoxin-dcpcndent.
5. Miscellaneous products. Clostridiurn septi.curn pro-
duces a number of other products (chitinases, neu-
ran1inidascs, lipascs, sialidascs, and hcmagglu
Laboratory Diagnosis
tinins) '"litl1 undefined roles in the pathogenesis of
Sporulated rods may be demonstrable in exudates by
Gra1n stain or immunofluorescence.
Clostridium scpticu1n grows on ruminant blood agar
under reasonably good anaerobic conditions, prc)ducing
Ecology witl1ü1 48 hours hemolytic colonies up to 5 mm in diame-
ter, wlth rl1izold contours and a freq uent tendency to
Reservoir and Transmission
sw;:i rn1.
occurs il1 soils worldwide and in Lhe
C lostridiun1 septicur11 'fhough recovery and identification of this age11t by
animal and human intestine. It is acquired by wound in- culture are not difficult, positive results should be inter-
fcction an.d ingcstio11. pretcd with caution. Clostrídíu1n septicurn is an aggressive
postmortem invader. lts presence may be unrelated to
Pathogenesis the problem at hand and may obscure that of more
significant pathogens, such as C. haemolyticum a11d C.
Wo11n<l infe.ction p rocl hy r:. SP.fJtir.11m is r;:illerl "111;:iJig- chauvoei.
n ant ederna." Ali oi the toxic products outlined above Den1onstratio11 ü1 Lissue or idenlificaLiou of i~olatts is
probably p lay a role, but only the alpha toxin has been possible by using DNA primers that have been designed to
shovvn to be definitively involved. Systeinic cffccts are amplify thc gene (or portio ns thereof) encoding the alpha
thought to t)e the result of endothe.lial damage through- toxin by means ot the polymerase chain reaction. .i\ll
out the body (leading to severe fluid and electrolyte imbal- strains of C. septicum contain the genes encoding this
au ces) as well as the edema seen locally. Membrane active toxin. Detection in tlssue or identification in culture can
toxins (alpha and delta), dissolution of connective tissue also be accomplished by using DNA primers designed to
components (gan1111a toxjn), alo11g wilh deslruclio11 of a111plify species-specific portions of th.e gene encoding the
polymorphonuclear leukocytes and release of their diges- flagellar prote.i n fl;1ge JI in. whirh h;:ivp hPPn 11<;f'rl <;11rrP<;S-
tive enzymes (beta toxin) may account for thc tissuc dc- fully to differentiate C. novyi 'fypes A and D, C. chauvoei, C.
srruction observed . hae1nolyticurn, and C. septicum.. Likewise, C. septicum can be
The infectious process radiates from the point of inocu- differentiated from C. chauvoei by the use of prirncrs to am-
latio11 witl1in hours to days of exposure. A hemorrhagic, plify tl1e 165- 235 DNA spacer regions.
206 PAKr II Bat:tcria aud Fungí

Treatment and Control soil transmits "blackleg" is circurnstantial (see under

"Epidemiology," below).
Prognosis sl1ould be guarded. Possible therapy includes RouLes of infeclion aJe not kI1ow11. Ei1doge11ous an.d
penicillin or tctracyclinc givcn systcn1ically, incision, soil-acquired infection via ingestion or injury is assumed.
drainage, and irrigation of Jesions with ant iseptics.
Calves are vac(inated at 3 to 4 months of age, sheep and Pathogenesis
goats at weanlng. Annual revaccination i:> auvi:;aule.
Hygienic precautions at ti1nes of likPly Pxposurf> arf> helph11. ·rhe alpha (necrotizing), gamma (l1yaluro1litlase), delta
(chauveolysin) toxins together with the neura1ninidase,
are uelieved to be iesponsible for the i11itial lesions.
Bacterial metabolism, producing gas from fermentation,
(LOSTRIDIUM CHAUVOEI mav be contributory.
SeediI1g ot tissues, especial1y skeletal muscle, wit h
Clostridiurn chauvoei is a gram-posittve, rnotíle, obligately spores from the intestine, presumably precedes disease in
anaerobic rod that produces subterminal or subcentral cattle. Co11ditions .favoring spore germination, t>acterial
spores. growth, and toxin productio11 cause formation of l?'ª.I lf>-
Clostridium chauvoei produces an emphysematous siuns llli:lfkctl uy eden1a, hen1orrh.age, and n1yohbr1llar
111::crutit.i11g 111yosilis ("blackleg") i11 cattle. necrosis. The centers of lesions become dry, dark, and e1n-
physematous dueto bacterial fcrmentation, while the pe
riphery is edematous and hemorrhagic. A ranc1d-butter
Descriptive Features odor is typical.
Microscopically, one finds degenerative cha11ges i11
Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest
muscle fibers disrupted by edema, en1physem.a, an11 hPm -
Clostridíurn chau.voei produces a 11umber of protein exotux- orrt1age. Leukucytic i1Jfillralion is 111inor.
ins that are purportedly responsible for the diseasPs assori- (]inirally, there is high fever, anorexia, a11d depress.i on.
aled wilh il: Lan1eness is com1non. Superficial lesions cause visible
swellings, which crepitate on being handled. Often lesions
l. Alpha toxin. The alpha toxin ot C. chauvoei is áe- are cntirely internal (diaphragm, myocardium, tongue).
scJibed asan oxygen stable hemolysin. This toxin is Sorne antmals die suddenly, others within 1 or 2 days.
most !i1<e1y comparable to the pore-form1ng, lethal
alpha toxin of C. septicurn (see above).
2. Beta loxin. 'fhe beta Loxin of C. chauvoei has DNase Epidemiology
activity. 'fhe role played by this toxi11 in the patho- "" occurs worldwide at rates that differ betwecn
genesls of disease is undefined. and within geographic areas, which suggests a soil reservoir
3. Gan1ma toxin. The gamma toxin of (_;. chauvoei has or climatic or scasonal factors yct to be defined. Young,
hyaluronidase acti vity. 1'he role played by this toxin well-fed cattle (<3 years) are preferentially attacked.
in the pathoge11esis of disease is undefined. Exertion, bruising, or acute indigestion are suspected
4. Delta toxin (chauveolysin). The delt a toxin of C. triggering eve11ts.
chauvoei, al:;u kI1uw11 as chuuvevlysin, is a cholesLerol- 111 sheep a11d sorne othf>r spP<if>_~, r:. chauvoei typically
híndi ng cytolysin (see also perfringolysin O, septi- causes wound infections resembling malignant edema o r
colysin O, novyilysin above; streptococcal strep- gas gangrene. Other clostridia (C. septicurn, C. novyi, and C.
tolysin O, Chapter 28; Iisterial listeriolysin ü, sordcllii) may be present.
(~hapter 33; and arcanobacterial pyolysin, Chapter
29). Ct1auveolysin binds to ch.olesterol-containing
rafts ix1 tl1e eukaryotic cell 1uen1brane. Once bound, lmmunologic Aspects
it for1us a µurc resullu 1g in Lhe dealh of the cell. 'fl1e
role played hy this toxin in the pathogenesis of dis- Circulating antibody to toxins and cellular componc11ts
ease produced by C. chauvoei is undefined. appare11tly determü1es resistance to(,'.. cflauvoei. Commer-
5. Neuraminidase (sialidase). ·rhe r1euraminidase of e;. cial formalinized adjuvant vaccines include up to six oth€.r
chauvoei removes sialic acid residues from glycocon- clostrid ial components.
jugates on cell walls of eukaryotic cells resulting iI1
disruptions of the intercellular matrix. ·rhe role
plc1ytu l.Jy Llü~ Lv-"i 11 i11 Lhe p athoge11esis of discusc j:; Laboratory Diagnosis
Sporulated gra1n-positive rods can be demonstrated in
s1nears of infected tissues and ide11tified with immunoflu-
Ecology orescent reagents (see Fig 70.4).
Clostridiun1 chauvoei requires strict anaerobic con<li-
Reservoir and Transmission tiu11:; a11u u11::uia rich i11 cysleiI1e a11d water-soluble vita-
Clostridium chauvoei inhabits the intestinf>, livf>r, anct other mins. '!'he. agent resemhles C. septicum a11d is frequentlyre-
U:;sues of susceplible a11d resistant species. Evidence that covered with it. Unlike C. septicurn it fermcnts sucrose but
Chapter 36 Clostridiurn 207

11ot salicil1 ;u1u will 11ot grow ilt 44ºC. 'fhe use uf DNA in the large intestine. Clustrídíum dífflcíle also produces a
primers to a1nplify the 16S- 23S DNA spacer regions (hy cell wall protein (Cwp66 for r.e.11 wall proti>in of fi6 kDa in
using the polymerase chain reaction) vvill differentiate C. size) v'lith affinity for intestinal epithelial cells.
septicum from C. chauvoei. 'fhis assay can be used to detect Capsule. Clostridiu1r1 difficile produces a carbohydrate
the microorganism in tissue. capsule that protects it from phagocytic cc1ls.
Detection in tissue or identificatio11 in culture can also Toxins. Clostridium difficile produces three toxins that
be accomplished by using DNA primers designed to am- are responsible for enteritis observed with this microor-
µlií y (l>y usil1g tl1e ¡;olyruerase cl1ai11 rea<..:tiou) sµecies - gauisrn: toxin A ("enterotoxin"), toxin B ("cytolysil1"), and
specific portio ns of the gene encoding the flagellar protei n ADP-rihosyltra nsfe.rasi>:
flagellin, which have been used successfully to differenti-
ate C. novyi ·rypes A, a11d B, C. chauvoei, e;. haernolyticun1, l. T'oxin A. Clost:ridiurn diftlcile Toxin A (ToxA or 1cdA
and C. septicum. for toxin C. d.ifficile) is a glycosyltransferase that glu-
cosylatcs Rho G'fPascs, rcndcring thc.m ineffectual
in interacting with their substrates (i.e., t11ey be-
Treatment and Control come biologically inactive). In additio.n , glycosyla
tion blocks lnteraction of Rho GDP \Nith guanine
Trcatmcnt is oftcn disappointing. Penicillin should be Px<'hangP factor, and tl1e iI1teraction of Rho G1'P
given intravenously at first, followed by repository torms with c;·rrase activating factor, thereby prevenling
intramuscularly. membrane cycling. Several signaling pathways are
Cattle are vaccinated at 3 to 6 months of age and ann u- disruptcd, rcsulting in a brcakdown of the cytoske-
a lly thereafter. Vaccination should precede exposure by at letal components of t he affected cell including dis-
least 2 weeks. During an oulbreak, all cal lle are vacci11atell ruption of the tigl1t junctions between intestinal
and given long-acting penicillin. epithelial cells. These changes result in death of the
Prcgnant cwcs are vaccinatcd 3 wccks prior to parturi- r.ell. 1'hi> Pnte.rotoxic p roperty of ·roxA, in addition
tion, whe11 infection often occurs. Lambs rnay require vac- to the cytotoxic effect:; ju:;t de5cribed, is due to ils
cination during t heir first year. ability to stimulate influx of PMNs by way of the en-
Change of pasture is advisable when cases are first ob- teric nervous systcn1 (through thc rclcasc of sub-
served. Stance P and mast cell degranulation). J>rostaglan-
din synthesis by tl1e recruited PMNs (and perhaps
by affected host cells), as well as activation of vari-
ous inositol-signaling pathways within affected
[LOSTRIDIUM DIFFICll. E host cells, resul ts in thc secrelion of cl1loride ions
and water (diarrhea).
Clostridiurn difflcile is a gram-positive, motile, encapsulated, 2. ·roxin B. Clostridiuni difficílc Toxjn B (ToxB or TcdB
sporc-forming anacrobic rod. This spccics produces ad- for toxin (~. difficile), like ·ioxA, is a glycosyltrans-
hesins (pili or filnbria), and its ceU wall contains paracrys- ferase that glucosylates Rho GTPases (see above).
talline arrays (S-layer) visible with the electron microscope. However, ToxB has little enterotoxic activity.
Clostridium difficile is a significant cause of diarrheal dis- 3. ADP-ribosyltransferase. Clostridiinn difficile pro-
ease in human beings (antibiotic-associated diarrhea duces a11 ,L\DP-ril>u:;yl Lransferase (Ctlt for C. diffi-
wlücl11nay ¡;rogn:::;s to µseutlo111t::H1l>rauou:; colitis), l>ut its cile transferase). Cdt is a binary toxin (see l-. per-
significance in other anirnals is less clear. The microorgan- fringens iota toxin, above, and C. spirofor1ne,
ism has been isolated from syn1ptomatic as well as asymp- below), cornposed of a binding portion (C:dtb) that
tomatic dogs and cats. Association with a "trigger event" binds to the target intestinal epithclial cclls and an
such as use of antimicrobial agents has bccn suggcstcd but enzymatically active portion (C~dta). After the
not proven. Clostridiurn difficile l1as also been isolated from toxin binds t o specific receptors on the cell sur-
normal horses; ho"l'.rever, it is more frequently isolated face, Cdta gains entry into the cytoplasm. Though
fl uu1 l1ur:;e:; wiLl1 lliarrliea a11ll a:s:su<..:ialt::<.l protel11-loslI1g it is not clear how e.ntry or.r11rs, it si>i>ms
enteropathy, implying a causal relationship. Pathological that a pore (composed of Cdtb) is formed in the
fi ndings in J1orses from which C. difficile has been isolated cell membrane through \.Yhicl1 Cdta traverses.
include hemorrhagic necrotizing e11terocolitis, typhlocol- Cdta is an ADP ribosylating toxin that ribosylatcs
itis, and pseudomembrauous colitis. As with dogs and actin withln the host cell resulting i n disorganiza-
cats, there is sorne suggestion of association with antimi- tion of the cellular cytoskeleton and death of th<.>
crobial agents, though C. diffíci/e-associated disease has affected cell.
!Jeeu reporte<.l in previously normal, unmedlcated foals.

Descriptive Features
Clos1rídiun1 difr1cile is quite variable. There are l2 sero-
Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest groups (A- I, K, X, and S), as well as substantial vai:iability
ü1 the gene e11cotli11g tlte flagellar protei11 flagellin (9 dlf-
.-idhesins. Clostridium ditflcile produces pili or firnbrial ad- ferent groups). Random amplífication of polymorbic DNA
h esins that probably play a role in adhcsion to targct cells (IlAPD) analysis dernonstrates nurnerous types.
208 P,\JtT JI Bacteria and Fungi

·r11ese di ffe1 e11Lt::> a11:: u~t:ful il1 c.leterrr1ining the epi- Treatment and Control
demiology of this microorganism.
Diarrhea-associated C. difficile rcsponds rapidly to metron-
idazole. Unfortunately, metronidazole-resistant strains
Ecology exist. Thc alternative antibiotic is vancomycin. There are
no vaccin es available. However, the use of orally adminis-
Reservoir and Transmission tereu yea!>t, Sacc:llarumyc:es buulardii, has been shown to be
Clostridiun1 difficilc is found in thc intestinal canal of nor- useful in prf'vPnting thf' clisease in hum;in patients. Tn
mal as well as clinically attcctcd animals. ·rhe spores are re- human hospitals, hand washing by health care personnel
sistant to most environmental stresses, ''.rhich results in is a very efficicnt mcchanism fo r curtailing spread.
their widespread distributlon In Iocations where animals Disinfectants are n ot effective against the spores.
are l1oused. ·rhere does not seem to be an overlap beh<Veen
ll1ose slrains Lhal produce disease il1 hun1au palie11l:;, a11d
those that are associated with animals.

Pathogenesis An acute fatal diarrhcal dlsease of laboratory mice with

Clostridiurn difficile adheres to mucus or epithelial cells of focal liver necrosis (Tyzzer's disease) is associated with a
the large intest ine by p ili o r fin1bria as well as tl1c surfacc spure-forrning organlsrn, Cluslridiunz pilifurrne, w!lich uc-
prolein Cwp66. Disease 111v:sl ofle11 follows a "Lriggt:r" curs in hunclles within hepatocytes. lt is unable to grow o n
event (e.g ., antihiotics, nonsteroidal drugs, chemothera- cell-frce inedia. Clostridiunz pilifor111e ls linked to identica1
peutic agents) that results in relaxation of the control the diseascs in rabbits, harcs, gerbils, rats, hamsters, muskrats,
normal flora has on the numbers of C. difficile. Toxins are dogs, cats, snow leopards, foals, and rhesus monkeys.
produced (ToxA, ToxB, and Cdt), resulting in dcath of thc Tyzzer's disease has been reported in a human patient in-
epithelial cells, wh1ch follows d1srupt1on of thelf actill cy- fected with the human immunodeficiency virus, but not
toskeleton and tight junctions. Prostaglandi n along with In lmmunocompetent persons.
the pruc.luLts uf tile ino!>ltul pathway stemming from the
intense inflammatory rf'<;pOn<;f' ('íoxA) n>sults in fluic1 ;inc1
electrolyte sccretion. Uiarrhea, with or without blood, Descriptive Features
Clostridi11rn pilifor1ne is a large, gram -variable, spore-
forn1ing rod lhal is u1uUl1:: by perilrichuu~ ílagella. Git:ru~a
Epidemiology and silver stains are preferable to hematoxylin-eosin and
C/ostridii11n diflici/e-assoc1ated d1arrhea appears to be Gram stains.
linked to administration of antibiotics, stress, chemother- Gro~vth has bccn obtained in embryonated hen's eggs
a¡.H::ulh.: age11l:>, ur uou~terolc.laJ anti-inflammatory drugs, and on cultured mouse hepatocytcs.
although ncwhorn foi!f<; havf' hf'f'n <>hown to develop dis- vegetattve cells d.le even when deep-frozen or freeze-
ease without a rccognizable "trigger" event. Whether this dried . Spores survive m o derate heating, freezing, and
organism moves among hospitalized patients, as with · tl1awing. Lille1 ren1aius i11feclive for 111011Lli:.. Slrai.11:. are
human patients in hum:in hospitals, is unknown. pathogenically and morphologically uniform.
Clostridiun1 clifficile isolated from dogs a11d cats with di-
arrhea do not commonly contain the genes encoding Cdt.

lmmunologic Aspects Reservoir and Transmission

·rhc sourcc of thc agcnt is thc infcctcd animal. Thc agcnt
Tn1n1unity is probably anliloxic, allhough lhe role of a11U- spreads by the ano-oral route and transplacentally. Many
bodies to C. difficile is unknown. Orally administered infcctions are believed to be e11doge11ous and stress
antitoxin (made in bovines) is protective for human pa- triggered.
Laboratory Diagnosis Lesions suggest hepatic invasion from the intestine via
lymphatics and blood vessels. foci ot coaguJation necrosis
1'he genes encoding the toxin(s) can be detected in feces by are periportal. ·rherc may be dissemlnation to the my-
assays based on polymerasc chain reaction (PCR). ocardi um. Parasltlzed cclls include hepatocytes, myocar-
Immunologically based tests are available for the detection diaJ cells, smooth muscle, and epithelial cells of the intes-
of ll1e Loxin (ToxA) in fecal specü11ens. Clostricliurr1 clifficile li11e, il1 which a dysentery-like co11dition n1ay develop.
can be isolated from feces by using a selective medium, Lymphadenitis, espccially of hcpatic nodes, is seen in foals.
CCFA (cycloserine, cefoxitin, and fructose agar). The course is usually under 3 days.
Chaptcr 36 Clostridium 209

Epiderniology terfere wit h the fusion of vesicles containing 11eurotrans-

1nitter with the me1nbrane lining the presynaptic cleft.
Outbreaks are often stress-related (crowding, irradiation, Jntcrfcrcncc is du c to hydrolysis of thc protcins involvcd
steroid administration). Morbidity is high in laboratory with "docking," which precedes fusion of neurotransmit-
animal colonies. case fatali ty rates reach 50o/o to 100%, es- ter-containing v esicles ~"1'ith the membrane lining the
pecially among yo11ng st ork. In many c.olonie.s, suhc.l ini - cleft . Hytlroly:;is of these prote.ins leatls to degeneration of
cally il1fected individuals are evidently present; these are t he. synapse. an<l hlorkage. o f ne.11rot ra nsmission.
often identifiable serologically. tio11 of the synapse takes several weeks to months .

La boratory Diagnosis
T.a h orato ry cliagnosis re.sts on thf. clemonstration of
b undles of in lracellular bacilli (0.5 µ111 by 8.0 to 10 µ111) 1 es- Clostrldium botulinum is a gram-positive, spore-forming,
pecially in hepatocytes surrounding lesions (see Fig 68.5). obli.gately anaerobic rod, which produces the disease botu-
Fluorcsccnt antibody uids diagnosis. lis111, a ueuruvaraly lic i11luxicaliuu ¡;J 1aracte.rizec.l l!y flaL-
A comp1en1ent f1xa t1on test that ut1l1zes an infected cid paralysis. ·rhe intoxication is caused by any of seven
mouse liver extractas antigen is used to determine the de- protcin ncurotoxins (A to G) that are identical in action
g.r ee u1 1 i11feclio11 i11 111ouse colouies. but díffer in potency, antigenic properties, and d.istribu-
tion. They are produced by a heterogeneous group of
clostridia, called C. botulinum (C. botulinum Group G has
Treatment and Control been renamed C. argentinense) on the basis of the toxins,
which in sou1e types (C <u 1Ll D) a11:: lJa1..leJivpl1age-
Treatm.ent of cli ni cal cases is usually unsuccessful. Prophy- encoded.
IacticalJy effective antimicrobic drugs include erythrom y- Botulinurn is scen mainly in ruminants, horscs, mink,
cin and tetracycline. and fowl, particularly vvaterfowL Svvine, carnivores, and
fish are rarely affected.
Other Species of Veterinary lnterest
C lostridiunz sordellii is associated w ith a fatal n1yositis and
Descriptive Features
hepatic disease in ruminants and horses, although the pre-
cise pathogcnic proccss is not known. 'I'he agent produces
numerous toxins and is experimenta1ly pat hogenic for c·1ostridium /:Jotulinurn is a gran1-positive, spore-tor1ning
many species o f animals. Mixed clostridial bacterin- obligately anaerobic rod. Ata pH near and above neutral-
toxoids usually contain C. sordellii. ity, it produces subterminal oval spores.
Clostridium colinum causes quail disease, ulcerative en-
teritis, and necrotizil1g hepatit is of severa! species of fowl
Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest
see l~ig 68.6). 'fhe agent is fasti d ious nutritiona lly ancl
forn1s spores sparingly. Jts life cycle is unknown, and a Toxirz. Clostridiurrz botulinurrz produces severa! proteins
:oxin has not been identified . 1'he untreated disease is usu- vvith "toxic" activity (botulinum toxin, C2 toxin, and C3
ally fatal. St rcptom)'Cin 11as been effective in t he field . cxocnzymc), but only botulinum toxin ha5 a central r ole
Clostridium spirofiJrrne is isoJated frequently from rabbits in the production of botulism:
'"ith juvenile enteritis ("mucoid enteritis"). It may be one
of several IIliLrourga11isu1s iiuplicaled. Ils exoLoxi n is iden-
l. Botulinu1n toxin. There are seven types of botu-
:ical to the iota toxin of e;. perfringens 'Jype E and the ADP- linum toxin (BoNT for botuli11um neurotoxin), dif-
~bosyltransferase of C. dífficile. It acts by ADP-ribosylating
terentiated by antige11ic ditterences. Letters A
through G depict the types. Tl1e type of neurotoxin
cetlular actin.
characterizes the strain of C. botulinum producing it.
·r hus, a strain of C. botulinum producin.g Type A
BoN'f wo uld be desc1ibed as C. botulinurn Type A.
7HE NONINVASIVE CLOSTRIDIA Ali seven types of BoN"l" are zinc endopeptidases
w ith identical activity, i.e., hydrolysis of the dock-
:::Iostridium botulinum (the cause of botulism) and C. tetani ing proteins required by neurotransmitter-contain-
:he cause of tetanus) produce disease strictly through the ing vesicles to fuse "\-vith t he presynaptic mcn1branc.
3Ctlon of neurotoxins- boruunum ana tetanus toxins, re- Though tl1e end result is the same (blockage of the
S?t'Ctively. 'fhough botulinum and tetanus toxins have the release of neurotrans1nitter), the various types of
same nlecl1anisn1 of actlon, tl1ey produce differenl dis- BoNT hyclroly<.e cliffere11t c.luLklug prott'.ins. 'fypt'.s A
=ases with different manifestations because the two toxins and E hydrolyze SNAP (synaptosomal -assoc.iatE~cl
:llfcct diffcrcnt sitcs in thc ncrvous system. p rotein), 'fypes Il, D, r, G hydrolyze VAMP (vesicle-
HotuJ.inu1n toxin and tetanus toxin block neurotrans- associated membrane protein also known as synap-
mitter release. Both toxi11s are zinc endopeptidases that in tobrevin), and Type C, wh.ich hydrolyzes SNAP and
210 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungi

syntaxin. <)nce hydrolyzed, the synapse degener- motor neuron). Four Lulture gruuµs are al:.o re1.:og11i.i:ed
ates, taking weeks to months to regenerate. (T;:ihlP ~6.~).
BoN1· is a "di-chain" molecule consisting of a
light chain (with zinc endopeptidase activity), a
hcavy chain composcd of a translocation domain Ecology
(rcspo11sible for forming a pore through whlch the
light chain passes), and a binding domain (respon- Reservo ir
sible for binding to nerve cells). Secreted with BoNT
are scvcral "accessory" proteins thought to aid the Reservoirs of C. botuli11ur11 are soil and aquatic sediments.
:.ui vi val uf Lhe Loxin in lhe gasLioil1Lestinal tract. Vehicles of intoxication are animal and plant material
BoNT binds to cholinergic nerve cells, each type contaminatcd from thcsc sources. When animals die, C.
botulinum spores, which are common in gut and tissues.
of IloNT binding to a diffcrcnt receptor. After bind-
ing, the toxin is intcrnalized by way of receptor- germina te and genera te tox in. This may be ingested by car-
mediated endocytosis. Vcsicles containing BoN1' re- rion eaters or co11taminate the enviruume1 1l. In rolling
main at the neuromuscular junction. Folio>'ving a vegetation, a similar prorPS'> orn1rs.
cleaving event, the light cha in (the zinc ~ndopepti­
dase) translocates acruss tl1e ve:.icle 111en1bra11e inlo Transmission
thf' cytosol of th t> n c rve cell where it hydrolyzes the
docking proteins. Apart from toxin ingestion, spore ingestion and wound
2. C2 toxjn and C3 exoenzyme. .Both the C2 toxin and contamination may lead to botulism.
C3 exoenzyme are ADP ribosyltransferases. C2 Spore ingestion is im portant in human infant botullsm.
toxin and C3 exoenzyme ribosylates G-actin and Wound-infection botulism is seen rarely in humans and
llho, respectively, resulting in disruptions in the cy- horses.
toskcleton. Neither enzy1ue a¡.i¡.i1.:ar:. Lu µlay a role in
the disease proces.s. Puthogencsis
I11~e:.Led BoNT is absorbed fron1 the glandular stomach
Resistan ce
and anterior small iI1testine and distributed via the blood-
Although heat resistance of spore~ varíes lJetweeu culturt:: stream. It binds to reccptors nnd cntcrs thc nerve cell after
groups (see below, "Variability"), tc.ixin typt>s, ;:inct strains, receptor-mediated endocytosis. J-tow HoNT gets fro1n the
111ui:.l heal al 120ºC for 5 n1inutes is generally lethal. bloodstream t o the surface of nerve cells is not understood.
Exceptions exjst. Low pH and high salinity enhance heat Vesicles containing toxin remain at the myoneural ¡unc-
sterilization. Hcating to 80ºC for 20 minutes inactivatcs tion. A fragment of the toxin (light chain) translocates
thc toxin. across tl1e vesicle 111eu1ura11e i11Lu U1e cylosol of Ll1e nerve
Salt, nitrates, and nítrites suppress germination of rPll ;:incl suhsequently hydrolyzes a "docking" protein
spores ln foods. (which protein depends upon which botulinum toxin
The synapse degenerates and Uaccid paralysis resuJts due
Variability to the lack of neurotransmitter (acetylcholi ne). When this
affects muscles of respiration, death dueto respiratory fail-
Thcrc are seven types of toxins; they differ in antigenicity, ure occurs. No primary lcsions are produced.
hcat resistance, and lethality for dlffcrent animal species Clirlical sigus iuclu<.le 111u~cul a1 i11coordll1alion leadinb
(rr()h;i hly rpl;itprl ti) rPrPptnr rlPn<:ity on thP ·"11rf<'lrf' of thf' to rec:umhency, extrusion of the tongue. and disturbances

Table 36.3. llotulinum toxin types: Uistribution, Origin, and Pathogeniclty

Type Cultural Geographk Occum!nce Affected Species Toxins

Types Present

A 1 Western U.S., Canada, ex·U.S.S.R. vegetables, fruits (meats, fishf Human~ (thilkeu~. 111i11k) A
B 1, 11 Eastern U.S., Canada, Europe, ex·U.5-S.R. Meat, pork produrt~ (v!!l]etables, físh) Humans (horses. cattle) B
Ca 111 New Zealand, Japan, Europe Veyeldlio11, i1wertebrotes, carrion Waterfowl C1(Cvb
CR 111 Australía. S. Africa. Europe. U.S. Spoiled feed. carrion Horses, cattle, mink, doqs (humans) Ci, D (C¡)
o 111 5. Afríca, ex-U.S.S.R., Southwest U.S., f rance Carrion C~ttlc, 1hccp (horses, humans) C2, O
E 11 N. America, N. Europe, Japan, ex·U,S.S.R. Raw fish, marine mammals Humans (f1sh) E
F 1, 11 U.S., N. Europc, ex U.S.S.R. Meat, fish Huma ns F
G' IV Argentina Soil Humans G

• Parentheses iodieale tnfre<¡uency or varlablllty.

b c2is nota neurotoxin but an ADP-ribosylating toxm attectmg Hurd movementacr~ membcanes. ns etfeas are cardiopulmonary.enteik, and ns role In animal botulism is poorly defirred.
<Str.1ins pcoducing this toxin are part of the SJlE(ies Oostridium Mgentinense.
Chapter 36 Clostridiu111 211

in food prehension, chewing, and swallowing (see Fig tion of thf> orgrinism, P.spe.c.ially frorn intestinal contents,
71 .5). No changes iu co11sciousness occur. 1'l1e te111pera- or postmortem demonstration of toxin is not definitive.
h1rf> ri>mrii ns normal unless secondary iníections such as Demonstration of toxin in teedstuffs, fresh stomach con-
aspiration pneumonia supervene. In nonfatal ca5c5, rccov- tcnts, or vomitus supports a diagnosis of botulism.
ery is slow and residual signs may persist tor months. loxin is extracted from suspect material (unless fluids)
Equinc grass sickness, a commonly fatal dysautonomia, af- overnight with salio.e. The mixh1re is centrifuged and the
fecting tlle enteric nervous system ls associated With the clear portlon ftlter-sterilized and trypsinizell (19'ó at 37nc
ingestion of BoN"l' secrcted by C. botulínum Type <.:: living for 45 mintites). G11inf>a pigs or mirf> arP. injec.ted intraperi-
in associatioII wi.tl1 l>lalles uf grass (as a biofiln1). toneally with the extract, mixtures of extract and antitox-
In birds the disease has hP.Pn nan1ed "limherneck" after ins, and extract heated to lOOºC for 10 minutes. Death due
the drooping head posture, which often causes waterfowl to botulism occurs within 10 hours to 3 wccks (average is 4
to drown. days) preceded by muscular weakness, 11mb paralysrs, and
respiratory difficulties..A.ny toxin must be neutralizable by
one of the C. botulinurn antitoxins.
Tsolation of C. hnt11/in11m from s11spi>rt fP.P.ds or tissue hP.-
Ty¡.¡es A a11cl B a1e found in all soils, il1cluding virgin soils; gins with heating suspect material for 30 rniI1utes at 6SºC
C, D, E, and f are linked vvith \.Yet environments- that is, to 80ºC to induce germination. Type E spores require, in
m uddy soils or aquatic scdimcnt. In nnimals, ·rypcs C and addition, treatment with lysozyme (5 n1g/tnl o f medium).
V predominate. 'J'ype (; living in biofilms on the surface of Culture anaerobically on blood agar plates. Identification
blades of grass is the source of BoN'f seen in equine grass is by biochemical reactions and toxin p roduction. In1mu-
sickness. nofluorescence is used· to identify sorne cultural groups. 1
Dead cats or rodents in feed can be sotirces of outbrea ks, Primer.s di>signPct to arnplify t hf> gi>nes i>nrocting thf> vari-
as car1 chicke11 111a11ure when used as a cattle feed supple- ous toxins (by t he polymerase chain reactlo11) can be used
ment. Outbreaks on mink ranches are usually due to to support tl1e demonstration that C. hotulinum has been ~ I

r.ainted meat, and thosc in fish hntchcrics to fish food con- isolatcd.
raining C. botulinum ·rype E spores that germinate in bot-
<-0m sludge. Decaying vegetation triggers outbreaks in ,~,a­
terfowl. As Iakes recede in summer leaving muddy shores Treatment and Control
or shallov.r pools, rotting plant material be.comes accessi-
ble. Clostridiurn bululinurn a11d i Ls Loxin are ingesLed a11d If recent ingestion is suspected, evacuation of the ston1ach
after death permeate the carcass, whirh is fP.<i upon hy and purging are helpful. Antitoxln treatment following
blowfly larvae wl1icb. absorb the toxin. Waterfowl ingcst- onset of signs is so1netilues beneficia!, especially for mink
!ng tl1ese larvae become intoxicated. and ducks. Mink aIIu otl1er aui111als al risk should be vaccl-
Typc D botulism is classi.cally linked to phosphorus-defi- nated '"'ith toxoid (Types A, B, C, D). L

d ent ranges, where grazíng animals feed on carcasses and Removal of affectcd watcrfowl to dry lund savcs many
bones that often contain botulinum toxin. In South African from exposure and drowning. Placing feed on dry ground
cattle, tbe condition is called lamziekte ("lame ilisease"). lures birds from contaminated areas.
Type B botulism has been seen in catt le rinct m11 les. In Guanidine and aminopyridine stimulate acerylcholine
~ Loxo- i11feclious bolulis1n 11
of foals ("shaker foal syn- release, and germine intensifies neural impulses. Clinical
d rome") and adult horses, no toxin has been demon- reports 011 tl1ei r u~e are few and 1nixed. - '
strated, but thc ugcnt has bccn isolated consistently from
Human botulism is usually traced to improperly
p rocessed meat, seafood, or canned vegetables. Infar1t lJot-
u lism involves clostrid.ial growth and toxinogi>nP.sis in the
11 CJostridiuni tetani is a gram-positive, spore-forn1ing, oblig-
inleslinal lracL, producing the "floppy baby syndro1ne.
ately anaerobic rod, wlúch produces the disease tetanus, a
Wound-infection botulism results from contaminated ex-
neuroparaly tic lntoxlcatton characterized by tonic-clorlic
terna! injuries.
convulsions. The intoxication is c111f> to a proti>in ni>11ro-
All mammals are susceptible to varying degrees to
lmmunologic Aspects tctunus, •vith horscs, ruminnnts, nnd s'.vinc rnorc suscepti-
ble t han carnivores and poultry. In al! animals, the mortal-
Resista11ce to botulisn1 depends on circulating antitoxin.
ity rate is high .
Sorne animals, such as turkey vultures, apparently acquire
immunity through rcpcatcd sublcthal exposure.
Descriptive Features
Laboratory Diagnosis Morphology

Diagnosis of botulisn1 requires demonstration of toxin in Clostridiu111 tetani is a gram-positive, spore-forming, oblig-
p lasma or tissue before death or from a fresh carcass. Isola- ately anaerobic rod. /\ distinguishing morphologic feature
212 PART II Bacteria and fungi

-.... -

F 1G u RE 3 6. 1. Clostridiun1 telani in lissues of a lao1b

recently castrated by the "elastrator" (rubber band) method.
'irrotiil impression. Gram rtain, 1000X.

of C. tetani is the spherical shape and terminal position of the ventral horn of the spinal cord. Follo,.ving ~
its spores ("drumstick," "racket," Fig 36.1). clcaving cvcnt, thc light chain (thc zinc cndopcpti-
dase) translocates across the vesicle membrane int;..
the cytosol of the n erve cell where it hydrolyzes the
Cellular Products of Medical lnterest
"docking" proteins invo lved with vesicles contain-
Toxi11s. (;/nstridiu.m tP.tani procl n cP~ two toxins (tetanolysin ing the neurotran smitters gan1ma arninobutyri...
and tetanus toxin), but only tetanus toxin is of clinical sig- acid (GABA) aud glyci11t::.
nificance: 2. 'fetanolysin . Tetanolysin is a c:hoJp_c;terol-hin<lin •
cytolysin (see also clostridial pcrfringolysin O
1. 'letanus toXin (tetanospasm1n). l he genes septicolysin O, novyilysin, chauveolysin, abo,·e·
tetanus toxin (1eNT for tetanus neurotoxin) are lo- streptococcal streptolysin O, Chapter 28¡ listcrial
calt:ll v11 <t large plasu1ill. TeNT Is released upon lysis listeriolysin O, Chapter 33; and arcanobacte-
of the clostridial c:elL rial pyolysin, Chapter 29). Tetanolysin binds to
1'here is only one type of ·reNT, a zinc e11dopep- choh:sterol-<.:u11tairliug rafts in the eukaryotlc ceU
ticlase, which hydrolyzcs the docking proteins memhrane. Once houncl, it forms a pon" rf's11lting
required by neurotrans1nittcr-containing vcsiclcs in the death of the ccll. Tctanolysix1 has no known
to fuse With the presynaptlC membrane. leN·r pathogenic signiticance in t l1e production of
hyrlrolyzes the docking protein VAMP (11esicle- tetanus.
~1ssociated 111cn1bra11e p10Lei11 1 alsv k11vwu a~ ~y11aµ­
tobrevin). Once tl1e docking proteins are hy- Growth Characteristics
drolyzcd, thc synapse degenerates, taking weeks to
months to regcnerate. Clostridium tetani grows on blood agar under routinP
TeNT is a "di-chain" molcculc consisting of a anaerobic conditions. There may be swarming. Its differ-
light chain (with zinc endopeptidase activity), a ential reactions (carbohydrate fermentation, proteolysis.
heavy chain composed of a translocation domain índole productio n) vary with the medium used.
(re~µu11:;iulc fur furrning a pore through which thc Spores resist boiling up to 1.5 hours, but not autoclav-
light chain passes), ancla hin<ling clom;iin (respon- Lng (121 ºC/10 min). Disinfection by sorne halogen com-
sible for binding to nerve cells) . pounds (3% iodine) can be effeclive willii11 severa! l1vur~,
TeNT binds to cholinergic nerve cells by virtue of b ut phenol, lysol, and formalin in the usual concentra-
receptors that are diffcrcnt from thosc rccognizcd tions are incffective.
by BoNT. These reccptors are composed of lipid con-
taining rafts and glycosylphosphatidylinositol Variability
(GP!)-a11<.:hured proteins. After blnding, the toxln Is
internalized by way of receptor-mediated endocyto- Ten sc>rologic typPs, hasPcl on flagPllar antigPns, arP some-
sis. Vcsiclcs containing TeN! travel by retrograde what related to geographic strain origin. TeNT is antigeni-
axonal transport to the inhibitory interneurons in cally uniform.
<;hapter 36 (;fostridium 213

Ecology Epidemiology
()ccurrence of tetanus is linked to the introduction of C.
Reservoir and Transmission LeLuni spures in to traurnatized tissue (see une.ter "Patho-
C/ostridiun1 tetaní is \-videly distributed in soil and is often a genesis," ahove): pPnetr;iting nai 1 \.Vo11nrls of t he foot,
transient in the intestine. Spores are introduced in to \.YOunds. barnyard surgery, t he use of rubber bands for castratin_g
and docklng sheep, ear tagging, injections, shearing
wounds, postpartum uterine infections, perinatal umbili-
Pathogenesis cal infections, and s1nall an1n1al fights and leghold traps.
Spore gern1ination requires an anaerobic environment as
found in tissues devitalized by crushing, burning, lacera-
tion, breakdown of blood supply (e.g., umbilical stump or lmmunologic Aspects
placen tal re1nnan ts), or bacteria] infection. U11der these cir-
cumstanc:es, C. tetani proliferates and its toxin diffuses via Ac:quired resistance to tetanus depends on circulating anti-
,·ascular channels or peripheral nerve trunks. The toxln at- toxln. Small amounts have been demonstrated in normal
taches to receptors on the nearest cholinergic nerve and is ru minants. Survivors of tetanus w ith the possihle Px<Pp -
!ntcn1alized within a vesic:lc, which travels retrograde in- tion of dogs and cats are susceptible to reinfection. 'l'he
side the axons to the cell boc.1ies in t h e ventral horns oí the amount oí toxin needed to result in tetanus in dogs and
spinal cord. The light chain of the toxin translocates ac:ross cats is son1etin1es large enough to elicit an antitoxin Je-
the vesicle membrane into the cytosol where it hydrolyzcs sponse.
~<locking" proteins and suppresses release of afferent in - Passive and active protection is p rovided by administra-
:tibitory n1esse11ge.r subslances (glyci11e, ganuua a11ü11obu- lio11 uf aJ1liluxi11 ur i1nu1urlizatiun vvith toxoid , respec-
:yric acid) causing the innervated muscles to remain in sus- tively (see under "Treatment and l.ontrol," hPlow).
~ained clonic or tonic spasn1s. Thc also travels within
the corc.1 to ot her levels affecting additional muscle groups.
Synapses degenerate following hydrolysis of the "doc:king" Laboratory Diagnosis
protelns, taking several weeks to regenerate.
The process described ("ascending tetanu s") is typic:al A gran1-stained smear from a suspect wound may revea.!
of anilnals noL h ighly suscepLible Lo Lela11us Loxiu (e.g., the typical "drumstlck" type of bacteria (see Fig 36.1).
dogs and cats). Only nerve trunks near the toxigenic site Their absence does not exclude tetanus, and their presence
absorb sufficient toxin to produce overt si.g ns. is 111erely suggestive as the n10.rpl1ology is 11ol un.ique.
"Descending tetanus" is typical of highly susceptible Wound exudate is plated on blood agar for anaerobic
species (horses, humans) in which effective toxin quan ti- culture. Increased agar contcnt (up to 4%) inhi.b its swarm-
:!es are disseminat ed via vascu lar channels to nerve end- ing, anda drop of antitoxin will inhibit hemolysis on that
·::igs in areas remote froln tbe toxigen.ic site. Toxin enters portion of the plate.
:he central i1ervous systein at many levels producing ge11- Replicate cooked meat broth cultures are incubate(1 and
eralized tetanus, frequently begin11ing cranially. The se- sorne are heated at 80ºC for varying periods (up to 20 min-
~ue11ce .reflects susc.eptibility of various 11euro11s. utes). Ali are iucubaLeu al 37ºC fur 4 uay:> a11u :;ul>culturetl
Disease Patterns. Early signs, following an incubation to blood agar periodically during that ti1ne. Previonsly un-
x riod of a few days to severa! weeks, are stiffn ess, m u S<-'U- heated ones are heated before subculture. Suspect isolates
ar tren1or, and increased responsiveness to stimuli: are ide11titied by differential tests and confirmed as tetanus
toxin producers by intran1uscular injection of a 18 hour
1. Tn horsP<::, r11min;:int~, and swinP , whirh 11s11;illy de-
broth culture il1to two inice, one of which 11as received
velop descending tetanus, retraction of the third anti.toxin .
eyelid , erectness of ears, grinding of teeth, and stiff-
Prituer:> uesiguell tu aiuplify tl1e gene encolling tetanus
ness of the tail are observcd. Bloat is common. in ru- toxin (hy the poly1nerase rhain rPartion) r;:in hP nsed to
n1inants. feeding becomes impossible ("lockjavv").
support the demonstration that C. tetani has been isolated.
Rigidity of extremitíes c.a uses "sa"l-vhorse" attitudes
and, evennially, recumbency. Tetanlc spasms occur
fi rst in rPsponsP to stim111i, h11t latPr become pern1a-
nent. 'rhere is fecal and uri11ary retention, sweatil1g, Treatment and Control
and high fever. Consciousness persists. Death, due
to rcspiratory arrest, occurs in lan1bs and piglcts ·rherapy aims at 1) neutralization of circulating toxin, 2)
within the first week, in adult animals in l to 2 suppression of toxin production, and 3) lifc support and
weeks. Full recovery requires weeks to months. symptomatic relief to the p atient .
2 . In carnivores, the incubation period tends to be The first objective is pursued by il1jection of adequate
longer, an<I lora 1 (asrPnd ing) tetanus (stiffness, dose:; uf a11Utoxil1: 10,000 tu 300,000 unlts for horses.
trcroors) is frequently seen near the original wouJ.1d. So me suggest intrathec:al aom in istration .
Progressio11 may be slower than in ungulates, but Wound care and large doses of parenteral penicillln or
signs and coursc are comparable. metronidazole are aimed at stopping toxin production.
Supportive treatment includcs use of scdativcs and 1nus-
Yiurtality is at least 50% an<l highest In the you ng. cle relaxants and exclusio11 of externa!. stimuli. Artificial
214 PART II Bacteria and Fungí

feeding by stomach tube or intravenously may be neces- observed. 1-lorses. un less actively in1munized, are given an-
sary after t h e hyperesthetic phase. Nursing care is most titoxin after injury or surgery, and depot penicillin.
importan t. Active immunization employs formalinized toxo id.
given twice at 1-to-2-1no11tl1 intervals and annually t here-
Prevention P;issive immunity passes from immunized mare to
nursing foals and to providc protcction for abou.
Wounds should be properly cleaned and dressed. During 10 weeks, when toxoid can be given.
surgical procedures, especially 011 a 111ass scalc undcr farm
conditions, appropriate h ygienic precautions should be
Filalllentous Bacteria:
Actinomyces, Nocardia,
Dermatophilus, and

:Members of the genera Acti110111yces, Nocardia, Dennatoplzi- host cells or oll1erbacle1ia ("cuaggrcgaliur1"). Surfcit:e anti-
illS, and Streptobacil/us produce filamentous forms at sorne gens are related to chernotactic and mitogenic activiti<'-~.
time in their growth cycle. Ench nnmcd spccics of Acti110111yces has group antigens
and severa! serologic subtypes.


Anin1al Actinonzyces spp. a1e capnophilic or facultalivr.:
~1embers of the genera Actinornyces and Nocardia are gra111- anaerobes. Ali require rich media, p referably containing
positive bacteria tl1at b'TO>v in branching fila1nents. Apart scrum or blood. No growth occurs on Sabouraud's agar or
:Iom this pattcrn, thcsc two genera havc littlc in common. at room temperature. i)evelopmcnt of rnacroscopic colo-
:iowever, their morphologi.c resemblance and similarities nies may require severa! days of incubation at 37ºC. Colo
~"l pathogenic patterns (pyogranulomatous inflammation nial morphotogy varíes berween and within species. He-
· ith fistulous traets) ¡ustify their conslderarton under a molysis is rare.
~om mon heading. Table 37.l their differential
Bioche1nical Activities
Aclinomyces spp. are cataJase-negative, with sorne cxccp-
tions (e.g., A . viscosus and A . can is) .

Jescriptive Features Resistance

Actinomyces spp. are read1ly l\tlled by heat and CUsintec-
''orphology and Staining tants and require frequent passagc to survive in culture.
fembers of the genus Actinornyces are gram-positive
.uphtheroid or filamentous rods, about 0.5 µrn in width.
- ·anrh ing fi l;imPnts, often bea<led due to u neven stain-
_,g, are most readily demonstrable in pathologic speci-
::Jens (Fig 37.1). In culture, diphtheroid forms predo-
::iinate (see Chapter 31 for a discussion of this mor- Mcn1bers of Lhe genus ALlinu1nyte:; ar<:: fuund un oral mu-
:-hotype). As of this writing, there are approximat ely cous membranes and tooth surfa<:Ps, thP m11rn11s mf'm-
:s species of Actinomyces, 1nost of which are associated branes of the urogenital tract, and secondarily (presum-
ith tliseases of human patlents. The few that are in- ably) in the gastrointestinal tract.
:>lved with pathologic ronditions in animals are listed
~Tab le 37.2.
Most actinornycotic infections are endogenous, tl1al is,
:::ucture and Composition
they are caused by introduction of a con1mensal strain
-rinomyces spp. have distinctive cell wall constituents (see into susceptible tissue of its host. Bites are another means
- ..111~ 37.1). Surface fibrils in A. viscosus rnay be adhesins for of transmission (rare).

216 PAHT 11 Bacteria and Fungl

Ta b 1e 37. 1. Contrast1ng Characterist1cs of Actinomyces and Disease Patterns

Common Pathogenic Nocardia
Ruminants. ''Lumpy jaw." In "lumpy jaw" of cattle (and oc-
casio11ally oll1er ru111i11ants), A. bovis and (exceptio11ally)
Charactéris¡k Actinomyces ~rtlia
A. israelii are introduced from an oral reservoir by a trau-
Source EFJdogenous Exogenous matic cvcnt (c.g., poor quality fccd) into thc alveolar or
Atmospheric requirements Anaer-0bidmicroaerophilic Aerobic paraJveolar region of tl1e jaw initiating a chronic rarefying
Gatalase - or-t -t osteomyelitis. This leads eventually to replacement of nor-
Growth on Sabouraud's agar + mal bone by porous bone, wbich is laid down irregularly
Acid' fostr>css + and honeycombed wit h sinus tracts containing pus. 'rhere
Penicillin susceptible Resistant• n1ay be dislodgen1e11l of teell1, inabilily lo chew, and
Cell wall contains meso OAPb + mandibular fractures. 'fhe lesion expands but has little
Lysine + tcndcncy for vascular disscmination. Sim ilar infcctions
Myc-01i( acid + occur in humans and m arsupials.
lymph nooe involvement Common
Granules iri exudate {"sulfur Common Rare Horses. "Poll Evil" and "Fistulous Withers." Supra-atlantal
granules") ("poll evil") and supraspinous bursitis ("fistulous withcrs"),
so1netimes contain Actinom.yces, usuaJJy alongside other
"Nocardja nova" are sus,:eptible to penicillin.
il bacteria (e.g., Brucel/a abortus).
bDiaminopimelic <icid. Cervicul Lyrnphudenilis. A.11 u11sµecia ted Actinornyces is
sometimes isolated from cervical abscess, n1imicking Strep-
tococcus equi subspecies equí infections.

Dogs and Cats. Actinomyces are couu11u11 i:>ulatt:'.) frou1 suµ-

Pathogenesis p11rativP SPrositiclt>s of small carnivores. Tn dogs, actino-
Pathology. Mernhers of the genus Actinomyces evoke pyo- mycosis may be associated (e.g., by licking) wlth foreign
gra11ulon1atous reactions by unkno,-vn mechanisms. boclies, particularly migrating grass awns, especially of
Bacteria] colonies form in tissue. triggering suppurative re- the genus Hordeu1n ("foxtails''), whicl1 so1nctilncs lodge
sponses in the immediate vicinity. Peripheral to this, gran- near vertebrae, causing actinomycotic discospondyli-
ulation, 1nononucJea.r infiltration, and fi brosis furnish the tis. Cutaneous actinomycosis in dogs is a rare nodulo
granulomatous element s. Sinus tracts carry exudate to the ulcerative Jymphangitis.
outside; the exudate often contains yellowish "sulfur gran-
11lt>s," which arP colonial masst>s s11rro11nrlP<i by a micro- Swine. Mastitis. Mastitis in SO\.VS is sometimes associated
scopic fringe of "clubs" consisting of mineral and possibly with Actinon1yces.
antigen-antibody complexes. They are also called rosettes Pneumonia. Actinornyces is sometimes recovered, along
(Fig 37.2, and see Fig 69.2). J\lternatively, Actinomyccs spp. wlth other bacteria, fro1n lung lesions in swine.
may be found, usually in mixect culture, in abscesses, Abortion. Actinomyces is sometimes recovered fron1
empyemas, or suppurative serositis. abor ted fetuses.

• •

.. • •
F 1G U RE 3 7 . 1 . Actinomycc5 spp. in aspira te from retrobul-
bar abscess ín a horse. Gram stain, 1000X.
Chapter 37 Filamentous Bacteria: Actinom)'ces, Nocardia, Dermatophilus, and Streptobacillus 217

Ta b 1e 3 7. 2. Members of the Genus Actinomyces Affecting lmmunologic Factors

An imals and Their Usual Source or Associated Condition

Tnfected humans show cell-mediated and humoral im-

Sl ecies . ____..,..._
....-,¡............... Usual source orAssociated ondjtiep mune respon ses .
Circulating antibody, produced during infection, con-
Actinomyces bovís Ruminant jaw ("lumpy jaw")
fers no protection. Speciflc res1stance, if any, is probably
A. canis Pyonecrotic processes of dogs; vagina of dogs
cell-mediated. Phagocytes kill Actinornyces. No artificial
A. catulí Pyonecrotfc processes of dogs
irnrnurlizatior1 is available.
A. colcocanis Normal vagina of dogs
A. hordeovulnerís f'lant awn-assofiated pyonecrotic conditions in
dogs and cats
A. hyovaginalis Abortion in swlrie; pneumonia in swine
Laboratory Diagnosis
A. ísrae/ii Ruminant jaw ("lumpy jaw"l- rare; PY.Onecrotic
processes in dogs-'rare
Sample Collection
A. marimammalium Disseminated disease in marine mammals ;\spirates from unope11ed lesions or tissues, p referably in-
:i\. naeslundii Abortion in sw.ine-rare cluding granules, are optimal.
A. suimasritidis Mastitis in swine
A. vacómaxillae Ruminant jaw ("lumpy jaw")-rare
A. viscosus Pyone<rotic p1oces~es of dogs a11d c,its Direct Examination
Suspected ex udates are exa1nined for "su]fur granules"-
yellowish particles, varying in firn1ness, up lo severa! n1il-
limeters in diameter. Granules are washed in saline and
placed o n a slidc in a drop of salinc. A. cover slip is gently
Epidemiology pressed dow11. rhe p reparation is examined unc1er sub-
dued light (see Fig 37.2) . Rosettes are suggestive of act ino-
Actlno.mycosis is no11communicable, except via bites mycosis, especially if bacterial-sized filaments extend into
(which is a rare forin of transmission). Contamination of the clubbed fringe.
bursae ur lJuuy cavilies 111ay l>t: 11<::111dtuge11uus ur result C ru:;l1eu grd11ules, exullate, or tissue irnpressions are
from r~rforations of the ;¡]jmentary trac.t, Or l)ocJy Vvi!ll. stained with Gran1 ancl ac.icl -fast sta ins (Kinyonn's).
Actinomycosis associated w ith plant awns ("foxtails") oc- n, gram-positive, beaded, non- acid-fast fila-
curs in outdoor dogs in semiarid areas. m ents suggest Actinornyces spp. (see f ig 37.1).
Actino1nyccs-associntcd discascs occur in goats, shccp,
wild ruminants, monkeys, rabbits, squirrels, harnsters, lsolation and ldentification
marsupials, and birds. Except for occasional reported isola-
tlons of A . ísraelii in dogs and cattle, there is little to sug- Most strains obtain.e d from antn1als do not require anaer-
gest interspecific transmission of Actinomyces spp. obic incubri tion but benefit from incr.eased car.bon diox-

F 1G U RE 3 7 . 2 . "Sulfur granule" in bovine pleural fluid showing an amorphous center

and clubbed fringe. Unstained we t mount, 400X.
.,,)i.~ ,.. - -•
• '

...• 'f.Í1
• .iw
218 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungí

ide. c;ranules offcr the hest c.hancf' of isolation from the Actinornyces spp. to form cell wall- deficient variants (L-
usually mixed flora. Colonies develop in 48 hours or more forn1s) n1ake lrealn1e11l of lhis condilion difficu!L
atter incubation at 3S- 37ºC. Organlsms of suggestive Where plant awns (foxtails) are prevalent, conscien-
morpl1ology and staining characteristics are tcstcd for tious grooming is a critical preventive step.
catalase activity. Isolates grown on blood agar som.etunes
give false-positive catalase results.
Precí:;e id.eutification inclucle~ cell wail analysis (see
Tahle :~7.1 ) ano hiochemical tests. M;iny ;inimal isolates NOCARDIA
cannot be assigned to existing species. DNA prin1ers based
upo11 the sequence of genes encoding the 165 ribosomal Nocardiae are aerobic, saprophytic, gram-positive, par-
RNJ\ have bee11 desig11cd for spcciation of mcmbcrs of this tially acid-fast fi lamcntous bacteria prcsc11t in most cnvi-
genus by using the polymerase cl1ain reaction. ronments. Diseases att ributed to mem bers of this genus
occur in rnammals, fish, mollusks, and birds (rarely).
Ge11eralized suppurative and pyogranulon1atous processes
Treatment and Control occur in immunosuppressed and massively exposed indi-
viduals. Currenlly, lhere are 30 species ü1cluded will1Ln
In bovine actinomycosis, iodine compounds given orally the genus. Nocardia asteroides, the species most often asso-
(1 to S gn1) duily or intruvcnou:;ly (75 rog/l<g) wcckly urc ciotcd in thc litcroturc witl1 disco:;c:; of unimol:;, h a:; bccn
used. 1reatment must be interrupted when signs of toxic- shown to be composed of severa! species (N. asteroides, N.
ity appear (hypersalivation, anorexia, vomiting) but can a.bscessus, N. 0macigeorgícci, N. fa.rcinica, N. nova, and N.
be resun1ed sorne weeks later. Accessible soft tissue lesions rransvalensts) . For t his reason, in the discussion that fol-
can be drained or excised. lows, a species designation will not be given to the nocar-
Pe11icillin a11d an1inoglycoside co1nbinalio11s are oflen dial agenls associaled wilh lhe various diseases ascribed lo
used on bovine actinomycosis. 1' he contribution of memhers of this genus, unless isolates were identified by
aminoglycoside is uncertain. Isoniazid per os has been ad- techniques (most1y DNA-based analyses) currently ac-
vocated. Bacteriologic cure of lumpy jaw will not restore cepted for identification of this group of bacteria.
normal bone structure, but the process can be arrested by
syste1nic medication aided by drainage, lavage (iodine),
and debridement of lesions.
Iu docs é111d cal:s, :>U.le t i y ( u1ciiuage, li:.1Vd1$t,, 1e-
Descriptive Features
moval of foreign bodies) is required, supplemented by Morphology and Staining
long-tcrm antimicrobic therapy. A penicillin derivative
(e.g., a1npicillin) is the drug of choice. Alternatives are Gram-st ained Nocardia spp. are indistinguishable from
eryth.romycir1, rifarnpin, cephaloridine, and minocycline. Actinomyccs spp. (Fig 37.3). Nocardiac alt crnutc bctwccn
Am inoglycosides a11d fluoroquinolones are ineffecttve. the coccobacillary (resting phase) and the actively grow-
Remnants of plant awns togetl1er with the propensity of ing fi lam entous forms.

F 1G U R E 3 7 . 3 . Noca rdia in pleural effusion of a dog. Without an acid-fast stain,

Actinomyces could not be ruled out Gram stain, 1000X.

. -·

Chapter 37 Filamentous Bacteria: Actinomyces, Nocardía, Dernu:i.tophilus, and Streptobacillus 219

Structure and Composition process with variable granulomatous features. Lympl1

nodcs are consistcntly involved. Hcn1atogenous disse1ni-
TI1e cell wall .is typ.ical of gram-positive bacteria, with the nation may result in osteomyelitis and widespread abscess
additio11 of meso-diamino-pimelic acid (DAP), arabino- formation. Central nervous involvement is rare in anim.als
galactan, an.d 1nycolic acids (branched chained fatty acids (thougt1 fairly common in human patients). Tn dogs, the
w iLl1 a Lhai 11lt:11gLI1 of C 46-c 60 for iYocardia). ·rhe cell wall
common fonn is thoracic empyema \<Vith granulomatous
contains a high concentration of lipids. N'o exotoxins are se1osilis. Exudales a1e sauguinopu1ulenl a11d scn11eli111es
known, but a superoxide disrnutase acts as a virulence fac- con tain small (<1 mm cliameter), soft granules consisting
tor. Soluble antigens- largely protein- are type-specitic. of bacteria, neutrophils, and debris ("sulfur granule-like").
·rhey usually Jack the microstr ucture ot sultur granules
Growth Characteristics sometimes see11 with Actinomyces infections (see above,
l'alhoge1licnocardiae are obliga le aerobes growi11g on sil11-
ple media (e.g., Sabouraud's) overa wide temperature range
(10 to 50ºC). Colonics, which appcar aftcr severa! days, are Disease Patterns
opaque anct variously pigmented. ·rhe colony surface,
lnfections ca11 be regional or disseminated. Local wound
'"'ªxy to powdery to velvety depending on the abundance intections may extend to contiguous a.reas or regional
of aerlal growth, becornes wrlnkled wltl1 age. Colonial di- lymph nodes.
<imeters may reac:h several centin1eters. Tn b roth, a surface
p eUicle or sedin1er1t is produced, but little turbidity. Ruminants. Mastitis. Bovine nocardial mastitis is often initi-
Biochemical activities include catalase production, a Led will1 "ho111en1ade" udde1 iuf usio11s ( co11La111i11aled
acidification of various carbohydratcs, and usually urca with Nocardia). Onset is sudden with fever, anorexia, and
abnormal milk secretion. '!'he affected gland is swollen,
hot, and paintuL l)ischarging listulous tracts may develop.
Resistan ce Lymphadenopathy is coinmon, and there is occasional
dissemination. The affected gland usuaUy beco1nes 11on-
Nocardiae thrive iI1 the e11viro11n1ent. Ali are susceptible to f1.1nctionaL Fatalities (SºA:. to lOºA:.) may occur during the
chlorine disin(ecta11ts (100 ppm/5 min) and benzalko- acule slage or upo11 r uplure of lhe udder. chloride (100 ppm/10 min). Bovine "Farcy." Bovine farcy is a chronic suppurative in-
fection usually starting at the lower limbs. lt involves the
Variability lymphatics of the extremities or head region and the asso-
ciated lymph nodes. Ulcers and discharging sinuses form
Colonial dissociation is seen in single strains. Scrotypes are along the path of lnfection. Affected a11imals remaln in
uased ou soluule antigeu:;. general good h ealth unlcss dissemination t o interna) or-
ga11s uccurs. Tl1e tlisea:;e is re:;trictetl to the tropi<..::; autl al-
trihuted to N. farcinica or Mycnhacteriu1n farcinogenes (see
Ecology Chapter 38) .
Miscellaneous. Pneumonia, abortion, an d lymphadcni-
Reservoir tis are somctimes (rarely) encountered associated with
Pathogenic nocardiae are saprophytes fou11d in n1any cli- Nocardia.
mates in soils and water, eitltcr as indigcnous flora or con-
taminants. Horses. in horses, rare local or ger1eral infectior1s with
Nnr.ardia are seen, the lattP.r seron<lary to profonnd c.onsti-
tutional disturbances (equine c:ushing's, combined im-
munodeficient foals) .
1·hree main routes of infection are inhalation, tratima, and "Norcardioform placcntitis.,, "Norcardioform placcntitis"
ingestion. Dust, soil, and plant material serve as vehicles. is a relatively uncomrnon condition of mares. ·rhe agent, a
\Jocardiac producing bovi11e mastitis are introduced an.d gram-positive branching, filamentous bacteria, is associ-
disse.m tnated by equipment and personnel. ated With placent ltls and abort l.on. 1'hough slmilar to
members of the genus Noca rdia in morphology, the cause
J>athogenesis of this condition is the bacteriun1 Crossiella equi, a 1111-
croorganism unrelated to Nocardia.
Mcchailisms. Pathogcnic nocardiac survivc within phago-
cytic vacuoles by preventing phagolysosome formation. Dogs and Cats. Dogs and cats develop debilitating, febrile
This is attributed to a surface Jipid. Other cell walI lipids illness. Pneumonia and suppurative pleuritis with em-
may trigger granulomatous reactions. Variations between pyema ls the common finding. Disseminati.on occurs to
strai ns an<l growth phasP.s in c.P.11 PnvPlopP ronstitnents <ire Ji.ver, ki.dn eys, bones, joints, and, rarely, the central nerv-
paralieled by changes in virulence and infectivity. ous syste1n. Case falalily rale exceeds 50o/o. Nocurclíu nuvu i::;
Superoxide dismutase and lysosomal er1zyme inhibi- the nocardial agent most con1monly encountered.
tion protcct against phagocytic killing. Myccto111a. Nocardial inycetoma ("actinomycotic myce-
[Jathology. Nocardiosis is a predominantly suppurative toma" see Chapter 47) has been reported in dogs and cats.
220 PART JI Bacteria and Fungi

Swine. Pneumonia, abortion, a11d ly1nphadenitis are taxime, and tobratnycin) aid in the identification of iso-
sometimcs (rarcly) cncountcrcd associatcd with 1'-Jocardia. latcs. Dctcrminution of thc scqucncc of t hc DNA cncoding
tl1e 165 ribosomal lZNA has also been used.
Miscellaneous Species. Nocardiosis observed in birds (rare),
whales, and dolphins are mostly respiratory with signs of
dissemination. Treatment and Control

Epiderniology Antimicrobic therapy of nocardial tnastitis 1nay produce

témporury clinical rclicf and ccssation of shcdding, but no
t>athogenic nocardiae occur worldwide, suggesting con- permanent cures. l~ontrol involves removal of infected an-
stant exposure. In huma11s, dlsease is assocíated largely ilnals, thorough disinfection of premises and equipn1ent,
with immunodeficiencies. This association ts established and scrupulous stabling a11d rnllking 11yglene.
in horses. In dogs disease may occur as a sequela toan in1- Tn other forms of nocardi.osi.s, tri.methoprim-s11lfon-
1n unosuppressive vir us in fecliou, e.g., ca11i11e llisle111per. an1ide therapy has produced in1pressive resul ts, especially
Canine nocardiosis is 1nost comn1on in pups. when combiued with surgery.
Ilovine nocardial n1astitis is most often traceable to Altcrnativc drugs includc minocyclinc and doxycy-
unsatisfactory hygienic practices. Typically infection is in- cJine. Nocardiae are fairly resistant to the fluoro-
troduced during the "dry period" with intramammary quinolones. Nocardia nova. responds to the penicillins and
mastitis therapy. Ac"Ute mastitis is triggered when onset of macrolides (erythromycln, claritl1romycln), and the tetra-
lactation flushes the organisn1 fron1 li1nited foci tl1rougl1 cyclines (doxycycli.n e, inl11ocycline).
tl1e lactiferuu::; duct ::;y::;te11i. .1\lter11atively 1 HUt:ardiu::;i::; a¡.>- Abscesses, e1upyen1as, and serosa! effusions are treated
pears spontaneously in one anin1al anct spreads in the by drainage and lavage. Granulomatous proliferations re-
course of milking operatíons. q u1rc cxc1s1on.


AntitJolly ancl cell -mediated immune responses, inclucling Dermatophilosis or strept othricosis (cattle and other
hypt>rst>nsitivity, con1monly develop du rin g n ocardial in-
species), rain scald or rain rot (horses), grease heal (horses),
fections. Yet severe nocardiosis in several species is asso- lumpy wool (sheep), and strawberry footrot (sheep) are in-
ciated with immunosuppression, particularly of cell- Ieclions duelo Derrnulophílus congolensis, a gia1n-posilive,
mcdiated responses. filamentous bacterium. In temperate climates, dermato-
A.n tibody apparently confers little p rotection. ~pecific philosis is often a cosmetic problem controllable by man -
resistance is largely cell-mediated.
agement practices. In sheep and cattle, especially in tropi-
No ptacticai immuniz.ation methot\ is ptesently available. cal areas, it can severely affect productivity.

Laboratory Diagnosis Descriptive Features

Branching, gram-positive, acid-fast beaded fila1nents,
Morphology and Composition
along 'INit h shorter, c::occobacillary forn1s, are fou11d in
s1ue<ir:s iu<tllt'. fruJI1 r1ucarúia-ir1ft:cted ::;a111ples, irnpre::;- The reprolluctive unit of D. cungulensis is the motile coc-
sions, and sections. t-;ranules are sometimes ohservect. coid "zoosporP.," ahout 2 pm in d iamP.tP.r. llpon gP.rminat-
Specimens for culture should not be chilled or frozen. ing, zoospores sprout a ger1u tube, about 1 µm thicl,;,
NocardiaJ colonies on blood agar, incubated at 37º(~ . will which elongates and thickens, d ividing both tran sverselr
be dull opaque, waxy to velvety, and hard to dislodge by and longitudina.lly, forming a strand severa! cell layers
loop or needle. Stains confirm nocardial morphology. thick. Enclosed iI1 a gelatinous sheath, constituent cells
Acid-fasti1ess may be lost 011 culture. Catalase tests are pos- become coccoid as they differentiate into 1ntdtiflagellated
i ti vt'., a11d ll1t: age11t fail:s tu grow ::;erially unller a11.<it:ruuic í,',UUspure::;, wlúcl1 are liuerated a::; tlie stra11tl tli:;i11legrate:.,
con.d itions. completing the life cycle.
Serologic (immunodiffusion, complement fixation, Derniatophilus has a cell wall containing n1esodiamino-
enzyme-linkcd immunosorbent assays) and cutaneous hy- piinelic acid, but lacking glycine and arabinogalactan.
persensitivity tests employing extracellular antigen to de
tect nocardial infection in cattle and dogs are of uncertain Growth Characteristics
sensitivity and are not generally available.
Id1::11tifica tiou uf lsulates i11vol ve::; ueteruli11atiu11 of cell Derrnuluphilw; cun<'<ult:n:;i~ grows 011 b lood and infusioi
wall constituents, as well as determination of restriction media, hut not on Sabouraud agar. It is aerobic and capno-
length polymorphism (RfLP) of DNA encoding the heat philic. Hemolytic colonies, which develop in 48 hours.
shock protein, GroEL. RfLP data con1bined with susce1)ti- vary trom 1nucoid to viscous and waxy, whitish-gray ta
bility to a battery of antimicrobial agents (piperacillin, yellov<, and smooth to wrinkled. Glucose a.n d sorne other
ampícillin, erythromycin, imipenem, ciprofloxacin, cefo- carbohydrates are attacked nonfer1nentatively. Catalase.
Chapter 37 Filamentous Bacteria: Actinom,vces, Nocardia, Derm.atophilus, and Streptobacillus 221

urease, and proteases are produced. The agent survives date and infected epiclermis. Thf' sr;ibs ;ire eas-
vvell in soil and on fomites. ily lifted by the hair, wl1ich protrudes from both surfaces.
l'here is colonial and antigenic variability, but ali The primary lesions are painless and nonpruritic.
strains appear to share antigens. Wetting favors their expansion. Biting arthropods can ln-
fect areas protected fron1 soaklng rai11 (aXilla, nank, ventral
trunk). Soaking provides the preparatory step for lesions
Ecology on tl1e back (equine "rain scald"), feet , and legs (ovine
"strawherry fontrot," eq11inf' "grf'a~e heel"). The extent
Reservo ir varíes from a few scabby areas of roughened hair or "lun1py
wool" to widespread loss of epidermis, causing secondary
Dermatnphilus congnlensis <loes not mult iply saprophyti- parasitisms or infections and eventual loss of the a11imal.
cally. Its reservoir is infected an.imals. Cattle, sheep, goats, ·rhis progressive forn1 affects Afncan cattle. Neglected
and horses are con1mon hosts. It has been d~agnosed in cases of "lumpy ~<Vool" may lead to complete solidification
swine, dogs and cats, turkeys, primates (including hu- of the fleece.
n1ans), and ~vild man1mals, including marine man1mals. Dermatophilosis in nonepioerm;:il tiss11e-tongue, the
The distribution of Ll. congolensis is worldwide, but its urinary bladder, ly1nph nodes, and subcutis- is reported
greaLest e<.:u110111ic s.ig.rüHcauce is i11 trupic<1l Africa. in cats (rare).

Transmission Epidemiology
Sprcad is by direct and indirect contact. Transmission oc- TJ1e prevaleu<.:e uf llerrnatophilosis depends on 1) infected
curs t!uough tlying and r1onflying, biting and nonbit ing animals; 2) dissemination, for ex;:imple, by artl1ropods or
arthropods. Tnjury by thorny range plants and shearing tho rny plants; and 3) susceptible hosts' epidern1i5 ren-
cuts may creare portals of infection or inoculare tl1e agent. dered accessible by traurna or '""etting.

lmmunologic Aspects
The disease is an exudalive epidern1ilis. ILs pri1nary aclivily
is confined to the living epidermis. As access to this is li1n- Antihody is vvidespread among r;ittle in endemic areas. Its
ited by hair, wool, sebaceous secretions, and the stratum protective role, relative to that of cell-mediated resistance,
corneum, infection depends on their disruption by soaking is at present unscttled.
ortrauma. Dcpositcd zoosporcs, rcsponding to a C02 grad.i- Attcmpts at artificial immunization have been incon-
ent, "home" into deeper ceu layers. Upon germination, clusive.
germ tubes and filaments arborize \<Vithin the epidermis
and colonize hair follicles. A laver, of inflammatorv , cells
(largely neutrophils) forros under thf' infected epidermis, laboratory Diagnosis
'vhicl1 keralinizes (see Fig 69.1). Beneatl1 tl1e i1eutropl1ils
new epidermis forms, whicl1 in turn is invaded. The even- Gram or Giemsa stains of ground-up scahs usually show
tual result is a scab consisting of Jayers of neutrophilic exu- typical phases of the life cycle described (fig 37.4). In suba-

f 1G U RE 3 7. 4. Dennatophilus congolensis in s111ed1 flu111 i:i

lesion ot "rain sca/d" in a horse. Gram stain, IOOOX.
222 PART II Bacteria and Fungt

cute and chronic cases, bacteria! elements may be rare and Ecology
lack, for example, multicellular branching filaments.
Zoospores resemble large cocci. They and other Dermaco- 'fhe reservoir is the pharynx of rodents, particularly rats,
philus fragments in skin debris may be identified by fluo- and possibly sn1all carnivores and swinc. Tnfection is by
1esc1:ul <11.tlibvdy. bite or other contact with contaminated material, includ-
Dermatophilus congolensis is cultured on blood agar ing ingestion, as in milk-borne "Haverhill fever" among
undcr S'J.6 to 10')6 carbon dioxidc at 35-37ºC. Colonics ap- humans.
pear within 4ts hours and when gram-stained are seen to Lesions are inflammatory and often purulent or
consist of branching filaments and zoospo.res. A wet necrotic. Rats and m1ce develop bronchopneumonia and
mount reveals motile zoospores. guinea pigs cervical lymphadenitis. In turkeys and mice,
sepUce111ic itúeclioos lead to polyartl1ritis or synovitis and
often death.
Treatment and Control ln humans, prostrating fevcr, accompnnied by a rash on
the extremities, precedes localization in joints, lymph
Acute cases are often self-limited. Mild cases respond to nodes, \ungs, or heart val ves. Mortality rates may approxi-
grooming and rcmovnl to sheltcr. Severe cases can be mate 10º1<:> in untreated cases.
t reated parenterally with penicillin G, tetracycline, chlo -
ramphenicol, or spiramycin.
Control should be allned at mlnlmlzing s.kin t rau ma lmmunologic Aspects
and exposure to rain and a rth ropods.
Little 1s known about immunity. Antibodies are produced
during infection.

The taxonomic position of Streptobacillus moniliformis, an

Laboratory Diagnosis
agent of rat-bite fever, is uncertain. In rodents, it causes Diagnosis requires demonstration of the agent. It can be
respiratory infections, and in rodents, turkeys, and hu-
visualized directly by immunofluorescent reagents and
u1<Uis, systt::uiic i11f1::ctiu11s tliat cu1111nu11ly lucalize iii
cultivated in thioglycolate broth and blood agar or other
rich media in a moist chamber. Identification is by mor-
phologic and biochemical traits. The agent produces a
un!que array of cell wall fatty adds that can be d etermined
Descriptive Features chromatographically. Production of L-form colonies is fa-
vored by special media (e.g., Rogosa's).
Streptobacillus monili(ormis is a nonrnotile, gram-negative,
¡.ilcu11iur¡.ilúc ruu that uftc1i gruws iii lung, lJeac.led filarnents
hearing knohhy irregularities. Tts cellular proteins varywith
gcographic a11d pathologic sources. ft requires blood or
Treatment and Control
serum-enriched media and incubatio11for 48 hours or more
The obvlous preventlve measure ls avotdance of direct and
at 35 37ºC to produce v isible gray, mucoid colonies. c:ontact with likely carriers. Effective an timic:ro-
Dissociation into cell wall-deficient L-forms produces
bics include penicillin G and tetracycline.
xnycoplasma-like colonies that are recognizahle among the
cur1vc11tiu1Hil culuuit:!s. lt is a fC1cultC1tiV4:! a1iat:!rulJe, oxidase
and catalase-negative, and ferrnents glucose and sorne other
carbohydrates. Its resistancc is not remarkable.

Members of the genus Mycobacteriurn are aerobic, acid-fast Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest
rutls. 1'here are a µµrux ir 11alc::ly 100 1111::1111Jer:; oJ Lhi::; gen us,
and although most are saprophytic organisms that live iI1 Alkyl H ydroperoxídase Reductase. Ahp (for alkyl hydroperox-
the environment, sorne are strict parasites inhabiting the idase rcctuctasc) is rcsponsiblc lor resistance to superoxides
mucous membranes ot thcir host. Diseascs produced by and reactive nitrogen intermediates found within 1nacro-
various species of mycobacteria include tuberculosis, lep phage phagolysosomes.
rosy (in human paticnts), and granulomatous diseases in D i 1nycof)1f Trehalose (Cord Factor). Dim ycolyl trehalose,
prcviously norn1al or compromised mammals, birds, rep- aniong 0 Lhe1 effec L::., iuuuobilizes ueuLropl!ils, i!CLS as a11
J le:., a11d fisl 1. adjuvant, evokes granulomatous responses, and causes mi-
tochondrial disruption to disturbances i.n cellular
rcspiration. lts re!ation to thc "corct" pattern ot mycobac-
terial gro,vth is not proven.
Descriptive Features !ron Acquisirlo11. See next secrton, "Mycobacrtns and
~orphology and Staining Myc,ubac,tin:. u11tl E.xuc,/1c:li11:.. M ycobacti11s a11d exoche-
:\fycobactcria are predominantly rod-shaped, about 0.5 lins are cell \Vall aminPS involvt><I in iron acq11isition. F.xo-
µm wide. and variable in length. Spores, tlagella, and cap- chelins are proteins that remove ferric iron from ferritin.
sules are absent. Mycobactin is a complex lipid residing in the cell mem-
Mycobactena, though cytochemically gram-positive, brane of thc microorganism and is rcsponsiblc fo ( transfer
often resist stain i ng with the Gram stain. ·rheir most noted of iron from iron-exochelin con1plexes to the bacterium.
:.-ralnl11g µruµerty Is l l1t:l1 al'.it.l fa:.L11e:.:.-i.e., u11\.t :.lai.ueu, S11lfolipids (or S11l(ntides) and fJhosphatid)'l Inositol Mnnno-
·ht>y rt>sist <lisc:olorat ion with 3o/o hydrochloric acid in sidc (PIM). Sulfo!lpiLls anti phus¡.>l1atid yl iJ1usitul u1a11 11u-
eth anol. Mycobactcria can be stained with fluorescent side (a pho,pholipicl) ::ii<I in rreventing thc respiratory
dyes (e.g.. auramine-rhodamine). burst and phagolysosomal fu sion, and intcrfere \-vith func-
tion of reactive oxygcn inter mediates following ingestion
by macrophagcs.
Structure and Composition Sur(ace Mycosiclcs. Surface mycosides (mostly glycolipids
:\1ycobacteriaJ cells abounct ln lipids, especially in t 11eir and peptidog!ycolipicls) are considered helpful in ensuring
'"alis. Lipids accol1nt fnr acirl f::i~tnPss and sorne patho- l.Jacterial :.urvival willtill 1nacrophages.
genic and in1111unologic properties. Waxes. Waxcs of various kinds are contained within the
Thc surface rnycosides (mostly glycolipids and peptido- cell 'l'\•all, have adjuvant activity, and actívate macrophagcs
~!ycoli pids) determine colonial characteristics, serologic Jeading to granuloma formation .
speciticities, and bactcríophage susceptJbilities.
Subsurface laycrs of long-chain branched mycolic acids
and their esters make up the bulk uf cell w¡¡ll liµids. Acid lmmunity to Members of the Genus
fastness somchow rlt>pt>n<I' 11pon tht>sP c:ell wall con- Mycobacterium-General
stituents. Mycolic acids are Jinked to the innermost pepti-
~ '1glycan !ayer by way of arabinogalactans (see aiso Mycobacteria display a variety of surface proteins, carbo-
-._._11cbactcrh11n, Chapter 31 ¡ Nocardia, Chaptcr 37). hydrates, and lipids on thcir surfaces. These substances
The presence of carotcno1d p1~ents in sorne mycobac- (mannose residues; lipoarabinomannan) or substances
-c:~ a ("chromogens" vs. "nonchromogens") and their that are bound to them (e.g., opsonins such as comple-
...!ght dependence ('~photochromogens" vs. "scotochro- ment protelns) react wlth receptors on the surface of
-;ogt>ns") i' a hasi' for r!a,~ifying nont11ht>rc11lo11s m y- macrophagec: (Pe , mannose receptors, complen1ent re-
.;.obactcria. ceptors, To!l-!ike receptors).

224 PART 11 Bacteria and Fu11gi

A numhP.r of fvfnt<; occ11r following binding of my- The presence of glycerol favors growth of M. tuberculosis
cobacteria to the surface of nlacrophages; tl1e t"l-vo n1osl (eugonic) and M. uviurn, l.Jul uul M. buvis (<1ysgu1lic).
important are 1) direct activation, and 2) phagocytosis Generation times of tubercle bacilli range fro1n 12
leading to ac.,'tivation. Dircct activation is thc rcsult of com- hours upward, and it may take weeks before colonies are
ponents of the bacteria (n1ai11ly lipoarabir1omar1nan) visible. A wetting agent, t'-veen 80, expedites grovvth in liq-
binding to macrophage cell surface receptors (e.g., the uid media, and transparent oleic acid-albumin agar media
CD14/Toll-like receptor complex). Following phagocyto- permits early discernment of colonies. Mycobacteriurn
si.s, Toll-like r.eceptors in the wall of the phagosome bind to avium grows more rapidly than mammalian types.
cell wall-associated lipoprotei11s, rcsullli1g h1 Lhe acliva- The 1na1n111alia11 species grow al 33nc lo 39nc, wltile
tion of the macrophage. avían and related mycobacteria (see below) grow at 25ºC to
Activatcd macrophages secrete a varicty of proinflan1- 45ºC, with the optimum being 11ear tl1e top of that range.
matory cytokines, the most important being interleukin <.:olonial growth of tubercle bacilli is dry
12 (IL-12). IL-12 induces the production of interferon y and crumbly. Avían forms grow in do1ne-sb.aped colonies.
(lNf-gamma), granulocyte monocyte colony stimulating
factor (GM-CSf), and migration inhibition factor (MIF), Resistance
which aLL1acl and aclivale ruacrophages. Aclivaled 111acro-
phages acquire the capacity to kill mycobacteria. INF- Tubercle bacilli survive exposure to 1N Na OH or HCl for 15
gamma np regulates macrophage expression of reactive to 30 minutes, a circumstance utilized i11 decontaminating
oxygen (peroxidases, superoxides) ar1d nitrogen (nitric diagnostic specilncns. Mycobacteria are resístant to many
oxide) intermediates that are responsible for killing il1- antimicroblal dr ugs, bacteriostatic dyes, and disinfectants_
gested mycobacteria. In addition to the production of Pheuolic disi11fectanls are lile n1osl effeclive.
IL-12, activatéd macropl1ages produce IL-8 (a chemokil1e Tuhercle hacilli resist drying and survive for long peri-
respu11sil.Jle íur altractiu11 u( PMNs), 111unucyte clteIJHJ- ods in soil. They are ki.lled by sunlight, ultraviolet irradia-
attractant protei n (MC.P) re_<;ponsihle for attraction of tion, a11d pasteurization.
monocytcs/n1acropl1agcs, and mo11ocytc inhibitory pro-
tein (MIP), which "holds" n1onocytes/macropl1ages, at- Variability
tractecl to the infectious focus (formation of a granuloma).
In addition to killing by reactive oxygen and nitrogen Genetically, the .n1a111n1alian tubercle bacilli are variants of
intermediates, ingested n1ycobacteria are also a target for one species, M . tuberculosis: human, bovine, and murine.
actívate<.! 'l'T-1 1 cells, gamma-delta 1· cells, and CD8 T cells, The vaccine strain BCG (bacillc de Calmctte et Guérin) is a
which kili hoth thf m;icroph;igf ;incl the n1ycobacteri.a 1noditied M. bovis.
within (granulysin is thought to be the inaterial responsi- The avian tubercle bacilli constitute one species within
ble). These T cells probably "recognize" stress proteins ex- the M. intracellulare group of saprophytic mycobacteria_ Of
pressed by macrophages containing mycobactcria. the approximately 20 numbered serotypes in the M.
This cell-me<.1iated response is characteristic of the in- aviut11-intracellulure con1plex, 1 lh1ough 3 are aviau Luber-
fection, and is central to resolution of the infectious cle bacilli.

Tuberculosis is a chronic graJ1ulomatous disease produced '["hP. SOl JTCf Of tllhfrC]f h;ici Jli i<; t11hfrC11 ]011<; Í no iVic111;:¡ ]$ .
by M. tuberculosis (the agent ot t he disease in prilnates), M. Ilumal1S perpetuate M. tuberculosis, cattle M. bovis, and
bovis (in other mammals), and lvf. aviurn subspecies aviurn chickens M. aviurn. The latter two can infect wild 1na1n-
(birds, hereafter referred to as M. avium). mals and other species of birds, respectively, which occa-
sionally become sources of infection for domestic animals.

Descriptive Features Transmission

úrowth Characteristics Tubercle bacilli are transn1itted via the respiratory anda.Ji
mentary routes through contaminated atrborne droplet
Tubercle bacilli are strict aerobes that grow best on com- nuclei, feces, urine, genital discharges, milk from infected
plcx orga11ic medié! such as LowensteiI1-Jensen's, which rn<urunary gla11u.s, ur cu11tar11i11ate<1 feeu a11<1 water.
contains, among other ingredients, whole eggs and potato PP.rc11t;inP.011s, tr;insplacfnta l, ;inct transova ria n (hi rds) in-
flour. A dye, n1alacl1itc green, inl1ibits contan1inants. Olcic fections are unusual. lntrauteriI1e infection oí calves oc-
acid-albumin medía, such as Middlebrook's 7Hl0 agar, are curred when bovine t uberculosis was comn1on.
al so used for isolation, often in (:on1bi nati.on ""ith
Lowenstein-Jensen's. Simple syntl1etic rne<.iid containir1g Pathogenesis
ammoni1J1n salts, ;isparagine, citrate., glycerol, minerals
and vitamins are unsuitable for isolation but support Mechanisrns and Pathology. The lnfcctious process begins
grovvth from large inocula. witl1 deposition of tubercle bacilli in the lung or on pha-
Chaj1t1~r 3R Myr.nhr.u:t1~ri11.m 225

;yngeal or int estinal mucous membranes. In p reviou sly The process clescribed is typical of human and rumi-
u11exposcu a11 i ruals, local inulliplicalio11 occurs wilhiI1. 11a11l tuberc ulosis caused by n1<n11n1¿1lia11 tubercle bacilli. Tt
Resistance to phagocytic killing (cell wall chemistry and is chro11ic; the lesion is called productivc or proliferativc.
shunting to endosomal compartme11ts rather than those Occasionally an acutc cxudativc proccss takcs place,
m at fuse witb lysosomes) allows continued intracellular marked by predominantly neutrophilic responses and
and extracellular multiplication. An infla1n1natory re- fluid effusioo. Tt is thought to be favored by such factors as
sponse (stemming from activation of macrophages, as well a large inJecting dose, focally deUvered; high virulence of
as sternming from the irritating nature of the mycobacter- the infecting strain; constitutional predisposition of the
!al <.:ell wall) i11volvi11g Jargely n1onocyles (wilh son1e l1osl; a loose lissue arcl1ileclu1e as in Lhe l ung, serous
PMNs) develops around the infectious focus. Infected host membranes, or meninges; and a higb. degree of tubercu-
cells and bacteria reach draining lymph nodcs, whcrc pro- lou s hypcrscnsitivity. Onc such acutc proccss is tuberculous
liferation and intla1n1natory responses continue. pneurnonia, which may cause extensive necrosis (Jargely
After tl1e first week, cell-mediated in11nu ne reactions due to an overly exuberant imn1une/inflammatory r.e-
b egin to modify the host response from essentially a for- sponse) and be rapidly fatal ("galloping consumption"),
eign body reaction (resulting from the irritating nature of resolve almost completely, or subside into the chronic
i he inycobaclerial cell wall) Lo a reaclio11 characlerislic of pallern.
!nfectious graoulomas. Activated macrophages acquire Ccll-mediated responses int1ue11ce the course of the dis-
thc capacity to kili mycobactcria. Thcir cfficicncy in doing casc in scvcral ways. Primary i.nfcction is disseminatcd via
so depends on the adequacy of the immune response and lymphatics to lymph nodes and beyond these tbrough the
t he virulence of bacteria. bloodstream, seeding many tissues.
Epit helioid cells appear among the macrophages. They Cell-mediated immunity and macrophage activation
h <ive oblong vesicul<ir nuclei <ind pale, poorly deline<ited elirnin<ite these foci, except '.vhere they have developed
cytoplasn1; they often becon1e the predon1inant cells. A furtl1esl-tha l is, Ll1e poinl of prin1a1y exposure and Lile
~hird, less co1nmon cell type is the Langhans giant cell, adjacent lymph node. Here primary lesions (Ghon or
~v-hich is probably a ccllular fusion procluct. It has a largc Ghon-Rankc complcxcs) pcrsist. Som.ctimcs, cspccially
amount of pale cytoplasrn and, peripherally, many vesicu- w ith alimentary tract exposure, they are "incomplete"-
_ar nuclei (Fig 38.1). Both cells are probably macrophage that is, or1ly tl1e lymph node lesion is discernible.
derivatives. ·rhey do not seem to be effective phagocytes. Once cell-mediated reactivity is established, sub-
Th.ei r bacteria] content presu mably carne from their sequent reinfection follows a different course: antigen-
u nu.:ropJ ta!'jt: precur~ors. specific 'f' ly n1phocyLes and acliva led n1acrophages
At the. cc~nte.r of the. Je.sion, caseation necrosis develops. prornptly converge on the site, contain tl1e infection, and
_A. fu11ction of the hypersensitive state, it may proceed to prevent lymphatic spread.
calcification or liquefaction. A.ntigen-speciíic ·r lympl1ocyte responses, ho,>Vever, also
J\t the periphery of the lesion are unaltered macro- n1ediatc cytotoxic reactions and cause extensive tissue de-
phages mixed with lymphocytes. ribrocytes appear, and a struction, which is characreristic of progressive tuberculo-
fibrous layer eventually invests the lesi.on, which is called a sis. While the lymphatic disse1nination is lünited by the
rubercle (Fig 38.2). irrnnune response, tiss ue Llaruage facilitates !Jacterial
1'ubercles may enlarge, coalesce, 8nd evenh1;i ny or.c11py sprea<i hy c.ontiguous exteosion, or erosion of hronchi,
sizable po.rtions of organs. Such tubei:cles consist mostly of blood vessels, or víscera, introducing infection to new
caseous material. areas. Wherever microorganisms lodge, this reaction will

F1G U RE 3 8. 1 . Li:inghans giant ce// with tubcrclc bacilli

(arrow) among epithetíoíd ce/Is in a bovine tuberculous tymph
node. Zieh/-Nee/sen stain, 7OOOX.
226 PART ll Bacteria and fungi

F 1G U R E 3 8. 2. Sector of tubercle showing a centrul ure<J of culcifícution (1 ),

surrounded Oy casearlon necrosis (2). Adjolnlng Is a zone of eplrhe/lold (3) and gldnl lt!//)
(arrow). The outermost zone (4) contains other mononuclear ce/Is, particular/y lymphocytes,
among which tracts of fibrous tissue are discernible. Hematoxylin-eosin stain. 1OOX.

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be rcpcated with c11n111l;itivf> rnns1,q11Pnrf>s. He1natogen- Sheep and Goats. ShPf>P ancl goats a re susceptible to 1\1. bovis
ous dissen1ination may produce 111iliary tuberculosis: multi- and perhaps slightly less so to M. aviun1, but they are resist-
focal tubercle formation throughout an organ. ant to progressive infection by i\1. tuberculosis. Visease pat-
"Reinfection tuberculosis" is most often endogenous; terns resemble those described in cattle.
that is, it results from reactivation of previously dormant
foci. Horses. Horses are rarely infected, but relatively more
often with M . avium thau wilh Jvl. fJuvi~. fnfeclion enters
Disease Patterns usu;illy hy thf> alimf>ntary tract, \vith primary complexes
related to pharynx and intestine. Secondary lesions may
Clinical tuberculosis is typically a debilitating illness be in lung, liver, splecn, and serous membranes. Lesions in
charactcrizcd by progrcssivc emuciation, erratic appetite, ccrvicul verteb.rae may he due to a secondary, nonspecific
irregular low-grade fever, and occasionally by localizing hypertrophic periostitis.
signs such as enlarged lymph nodes, cough, and diarrhea. Cross lesions are tumor-like. They lack caseation anci
Many uf these signs are tl1e cu11:.1:ljue11c..:e o f released gro:.s calcifici:ltiou i:111u cu11li:1i11 few lyn1pl1ocytes. There is
cytoki nP~. fihrohlast proliferation but usually no firn1 encapsulation.

Cattle. Cattle are usually infected with i\ 1. bovis, and the in- Swine. 5wine can be infected by tubercle bacilli, usually
fcction is centercd on the rcspiratory tract and adjacent via the alimentary route, but only M. bovis causes progres-
tymph nodes a11d serous cav1t1es. The disease is commonly stve disease with classical lcstons. Mycubacteriurn lubi:n.ulu-
progressive via air spaces and passages. Hematogenou s dis- sis infections do not adv;inrf> ril~t rf>gional lymph nodes.
scmlnatlon involving liver and kiuucy uccur:.. The ute1us 1'vlycobacteriur11 aviu111 infection, thc predominant form in
may ~PrvP ;is port;il for fpt;il infection, a pattern v irtually 1nany countries, may disseminate to viscera, bone, and
unknown in other domcstic animal:>. Surviving calves meninges. The lesions lack the organization of tubercles,
com 1no nly develop liver and spleco lesions. Udder intec- b ut contain granulomatous elements. c:aseation, calciflca-
tion is rarc ( <2CJ.6 of cases) but has obvious public health tion, or liquefaction is ncgligible. Bacteria may b e abun-
implications. dant. Epidemiologlcal studles as weU as gc11ctic a11alysis of
Infection with 1\1.. aviun1 is generally subclinical. Abor- M . avium isolatcs from ~\IVinP have shown that "bird A1.
tions rcsultlng apparently frorn localimliuu uf 1\1. uviurn il1 aviu111" is different from "swinc M. aviu1n" and "human 't.1.
thc uterine w<ill orr11r, in ~om<' instances repeatedly. aviu1n." For this reason, it has been proposed that swine
Mycobactcriu111 tr.wen:11losis causes minor, nonprogres- hun1an strains be designatcd as M. aviurn subspecies ho-
sivc Iesions in cattle. 1niniss11is.
Chapter 38 Jvlycobacterium 227

Dogs and Cats. Dogs and cats are readily infected witl1 M. sis. also are more suscepti.b le to mammalian t han
buvis but rarely witl1 JvL uviurr1. Dugs are al su suscevLible Lo to aviar1 bacilli.
M. tuherculnsis. Intestinal and ahdominal localization of
infection is more con1mon in cats than in dogs, reflecting Epidemiology
a likely alimentary route of exposure.
Hypcrtrophic pulmonary ostcoarthropathy (Maric's With eradication of cattle tu berculosis in industrial coun
disease, acropachia), a nonspecific periostitis most notice- tries, the traditional reservoir in domestic mammals has
ably affecting the long bones, sometimes affects tubercu- disappeared . Garne farn1s, animal park s, and zoos remain
lous tlugs (autl hurses). Tlte eliulugy seeu1s relaLetl Lo pul- foci of M . bovis in technically adva11ced cou11tries. Spo·
monary i11capacitation rather than to specific agent s. radie cases of canine tuberculosis often prove to be M.
Ulcerative skin lesions are more common in cats than tuberculosis infcctions traccablc to human contacts-
in other hosts, as is eye involvement, with tuberculous "reverse zoo11oses"- that are also fotind in 11onl1uman pri-
choroiditis leading to blindness. mates in laboratory colonies and zoos.
Lesions, especially in dogs, often more closely resemble ln commercial pou ltry establishments, rapid popula-
a foreih1l1 -body reacti.on than tubercles, since they may tion turnover ( <1 year) eliminating transgenerational
lack Lypical epiLhelioid and gianL cells, and nei Lhe1 case- tTansn1ission has eradicated M. aviu1n. It ren1ai11s a prob-
ate, calcify, nor liquefy. The course is usually progressive. lem. in barnyard flocks, however, particularly since t he
agcnt can survivc in soil for severa! ycars.
Primates. Primates are susceptible to the t'"'º mammalian Tuberculosis is typically a disease of captivity anct cto-
tubercle bacilli but resistant to M. avium. unless severely mestication. When wild a11d captive infected populations
compromised, as by human immu nodeficiency virus are compared, cllnical improvement and lack of spread in
(HIV) infection or p reexisting bronchopulmonary disease. free-living animals contrasted with deterioration and high
Sucl1 ü1dividuals also becon1e infected witl1 nonlubercu- con1n1unicability in confined gi:oups. Tuberculosis 111 wild
lous mycobacteria. populations seems to be a relative rarity. Nevertheless, M .
In humans, infcction is usually contractcd by inhala- bovis, probably origir1ating from cattle, is endcmic in badg-
tion of droplet nuclei originating from "open" human ers of southern Englan d and in brush-tailed opossums of
cases (t hat is, respiratory shedders). When tuberculosis Nevv Zealand, both of '"'hich are considered sources of in-
was widespread, most cases did not develop beyon<.1 the fection for livestock.
primary complex in the respiratory tract. A minority be- Tmmature inclivicluals often clevelop inore severe leslons
<.:arne progre:ssi ve <.:lini<.:al t ul.>e rculosis, reseu 1!Jli11g tl 1e than older ones. Breed susceptibilities differ: zebu cattle are
hovi ne. ciise.ase descrihed a hove. more resistant than European breeds, and fox terriers and
Infection with M. hovis typically occurred follo,-ving in- lrish settcrs are 111orc often infectcd than dachshunds and
gestion of unpasteurized .m ilk .from a tuberculous cow. Uoberman l'inscher dogs. !'he higher p revalence in <.tairy
Prirnary invasion, through pharynx or intcstinc, rcsulted than beef cattle may reflect closer confinement, longer life
in lymphadenitis ot adjacent nodes. Hematogenous d is- spans, and greater productivity stress among dairy cows.
se1nination to vertebrae could result in a hunchback, a Exemption from pregnancy and lactation may explain t !1e
condition now rare thanks to pasteurlzatioo of m!lk and lovve1 disease p revalence in bulls Lhan crn'\Ts, allhough in
eradication of bovine tuberculosis in in dustrial countries. dogs the reverse sex ratio is observecl.
Mycobacteriutn tuberculosis and M . bovis cause progressive
disease in captive non human p rimates, which are resistant
to M. aviurn, although intestinal infcctions rcscmbling lmmunologic Aspects
Johne's disease of ruminants (see belo,.\T) are associated
with members of the M. avium-intracellulare complex. ln1111une Mechanisn1s of Disease
Imrnunosuppressed hurnans, especially tl1ose with ac-
q uired immunodeficiency synd rome (AIDS) , appear sus- 'l'he key role of cell-mediatec! immune responses in the
ceptible to a variety of n,ontuberculous n1ycobacteria, pathogenesis of tuberculosis has been discussed (see above,
for example, J\1. gen.avense, mernbers of tl1e M. avium- "Irnrnunity to Men1bers of the Genus Mycobacteritun-
intraccllularc complex (scc abovc rcgarding M . aviurn from>r;:il). In thPir ;:ibsPníP t hP cliSP.::lSP m;:iy progress ;is a clis-
swine and humans, and the designation M. avi urn ssp. ho- seminating inflammatory d isease (as it does in athyn1ic
m inissuis), M. si1niae, }.{. marinum, and M . haernophilum. mice) vvithout the development of typical lesions.

Birds. Rirds are naturally susceptible primarily to M.

Recovery and Resistance
aviuni. Most poultry mfections occur via t he alimentary
canal and dissen1inate to liver and spleen. Bone rnarrow, Acquired resistance depends on cell-mediated responses.
lung, and pcritoncum are oftcn affected. Although thc Undcr natural conditions this develops along '"'1th hyper-
agent 11as been isolated from eggs, transovarian infection sensitivity, both ot ,.vh.ic.h are demo11strated in the Koch
' genavense affects canaries
o f chicks is rare . }.lf}1cohacterium phenomenon: an already tuberculous guinea pig suffers a
ancl parroLs. rapid, destructive, but limitecl reaction at the site of reex-
·rubercle formation stops short of calcification. pos11ri> to t11berc·le b;1cilli, \Nhile a virgin animal develops
Although M. aviznn affects many species of birds, persistent, p rogressive, disse111inating, and evenlually fat al
psittacines are resistant hut are susceptible to M. tuberculo- disease when injected at the same anatomical site.
228 PART II Bacteria and Fungí

lromune-mediated hypersensitive reactivity and protec- lmmunodiagnosis

tivc responses are separable: immunity can persist in ex-
perimentally desensitized an1mals and can be absent in Tuberculin Test. Ccll-mcdiatcd hypersensitivity, acquire<l
sensitized subjects. through infection, can be ctemonstrated systemically b~
Anlibudy lo tulJercle bacílll does not protect agalnst fever, ophthalmjcally by con junctivitis, or dermally by
natural infection. lol:al swelling, when tuberculln or its purifi ed protein de-
rivativP (PPD) is give11 by the subcutaneous, conjunctival.
o r intradermal route, respcc lively. 'fube1culi11;:, are IJacter-
Artificial lmmunization
ial peptides liberated into culture media during growth. To
Vaccination of huma11s 'l>vith BCG produces te111poraiy i111- sorne of them, orto their parent protcins, dclaycd-typc hy-
munity and hypersensitivity. The benefits of vaccination persensitivity develops during 1nfect1on.
havc been greatest wherc exposurc was most intense and In cattle, tuberculin, the equivalent of a 0 .2 to 0.3
negligiblc where prevalence was low. vac<.ination in hu- 11¡g/dose of 1Juvi11e PPD, i::. il1je<.:ted inttadermally 1n the
mans is focused on infants and tuberculin negative indi- ca11cial, v11lv;:ir, or anal skin or, in sorne sitt.tations, the n eck
viduals antlcipating exposure. region. In positive cases, a swelling (>5 n1n1) develuj.1::>
BCG has been used in calves. 'fhis practice is inappro- within 72 hours. Wbile tuberculin cannot induce the hy-
pda lc in counlries alle111¡;Lü1g tu eratlicate t uberculosis perscnsitivc statc, it may dcscn sitizc animals for weeks or
becausc it interferes with the intcrrrctation of t hf> t11bPr- months.
c u li n test. A positive test implies past or present infection, requlr
Myco/Jacterrurn rn1croti, the vole bacillus, stimulates im- 111~ Lllt: reacli11g a1111ual tu IJe slaugt1tere<.I and necropstc<1.

munity to bovine a11d l1un1an tuberculosis. Tts virulence is Where tuberculosis is rarc, no lcsions a re often fonnrl in re-
too variable to pcrmit lts use as a vaccine. actors (NVL, forno visible /csion reactors). Such apparentl y
Among subcellular experimental immunogens, a ribo- false-positive reactions are explained by hypersensitivity
sou1al pr1:¡;araliur1 is of ir1terest because lt produces protec- to nontubcrculous, related agents such as other mycobac-
tion wit)Jout tuherculin hypPr<:Pn<:itivity teria, or nocardiae. Simultaneous use of avian tuberculin,
which detects hypersensitivity to severa! nontuberculous
mycobacteria, often helps to decide, by comparative s1ze
laboratory Diagnosis assessment of the two reactions, whether sensitivity is due
prin1a1ily Lo 1ua1111ualiau or a t1eterologous tuberculln.
Sample Collection Other explanations for NV 1. ;:irP p;:irly states of infection, re-
mote location of lesions, or microscopic sizes of lesions.
Samplcs in clude tracheobronchial and gastric lavages; False-nega tives occur in an imals too recently infected
lymph node, thoracic, abdominal. and other aspirates; and in advanced cases in which ancrgy dcvclops due to
and urine, feces, and biopsy specimens. At necropsy, mate- antigen excess or 1mmunosuppression. Nonspecilic tac-
rial Is obtal11ed from Jesions. tors, such as malnutrition, stress, and impending or recent
parluriliu11, are alternative causes of anergy.
Direct Examination Rules goveming thf> 11sP nf t11berculin tests in eractica-
tion programs vary from country to counlry.
Flt1ids are concentrated by centrifugation in tightl y
Tuberculins of appropriate specificity are used on swine
cappcd conlainers. Sai11vlc:. ü1tentletl for microscopy only and poultry. In s'-vinc thc cars are injcctcd, in poultry the
are digcstcd and disinfecteci with hyporhlor.ite (bleach,
wattles (Fig 38.3) . TI1e reliability of tuberculin tests on
Clorox). S1ncars of sediment or l'issue are stained with a11 horses, sheep, goats, dogs, and cats is not established.
acid-fast stain, or with auramine-rhodamine where fluo -
rcscence microscopy is available. Histologic scctions are
SPrnlngy. .'\Prologic tests hllve not been useful in diagnosis
:.ta1111.·u w1t11 11emaroxyun-cos1n ano aciO-fast stams.
of mammalian tuberculosis. As a Iirsl slep in poull1 y Lu1J1:r-
PositivP rPs11lts should be culturally confirmed .
culosis eradication, a whole-blood agglutination test is
availablc. It is scn sitivc but lacks specificity.
Culture and ldentification
Oi~1::.liu11a11tl :.clectivt> tlt><.:ontamlnatlon are advisable es-
pccially with specimens likPly to cont:iin a mixtuie of mi- Treatment and Control
ldentitica tion is based upon growth characteristics (fast first- line drugs for tuberculosis thPrapy arP strPptomycin,
vers us slow), pigmentation (in thc prescncc or abscncc of isoniazid (INrI), et hambutol, and rifampin. Second-line
light), and biochemical rcact1ons. 1hese maneuvers are drugs are pyrazinamidc, para-aminosalicylic acid, kana-
bcst left to a reference laboratory. mycin, cycloserine, capreomycin, and cthionamidc. Bc-
DNA. µrobes, ~pecific for thc maln gro ups, are comn1er- cause resistance often develops undcr a single-drug regi-
cially avai lahle. Amplific;:ition of myco bacteria-specific men, a combination is commonly used; a favored onc in
fragments of DNA by use of the polymerase chai n reaclio11 hu111d11 111etlici11e IJ1;:i11g !NH-tthambutol-rifampin. Tteat-
is an important \.Yay to demonstrate or identify members men t is 9 months with rifamrin incl11ciPcl, 18 to 24
of this genus. months without it.
Animal inoculation s are somctunes used. Because of the public health hazards inherent in the
Chapter 38 Mycobacteríum 229

sertion sequence IS900 (though neither trait is absolute).

F1G U RE 3 8. 3. Positive tuberculin reaction in the left watt/e My1..ul;u1..·teriu1n uvium su!Jspe<.:ies paratuberculosis, h ereafter
of a ch1cken expenmen tafly 1nfected three weeks earl1er w1th referrecl to as Mycnbacteriu1n parafuherr.ulnsis, is the causa-
Mycnh;irtpri11m avi11m tive agcnt of a cl1ronlc, i.J:reve1slble wasLing disease uf ru-
1n inants called Johne's disease.

Descripti ve Features
Growth Characteristics
Llke the rest of the genus Mycol>actenum, M . paratubercu-
losis is an obligate aerobe. Tn thc past, the growth de-
pendency of M . paratuberculosis for mycobactin (an
iron-hinciing lipi<l, Sf'f' ;ihovr., "Cellular Produ ct s of
Medica! Tntcrcst") h as been used to differenliate i l fron1
other mycobacteria. Tl1is trait is shared, howevcr, with
othcr strains o f M. aviunz. Thc 1ncdium of choice is
Hcrrold's egg-yolk m ed ium . Most stralns are stimulated
by pyruvate.
Gruwtl1 is sluw. Development of visible colonies re-
quires 8 to 12 '"f>Pks of inc11h:ition at 37ºC.
Mycobactcriun1 paratuberculosis survives n1any n1011ll1s
in soil or in organic matter '"'hen protected frorn dircct
sunlight and drying.

1'he reservoir for M . paratuberculosis is the intesti nal tract of
retention of tuberculous animals, antituberculous chemo- i11feclt::d a11i111al::.1 i.Jullt l11e;: ¡;li11ically affe<.:tetl and, rnore
rherapy of animals is discouragcd. Prophylactic trcatrncnt importantly. those infected hut asymptomatic.. Tn an af-
·,\;th INH may be considered for pets recently exposed to fcctcd hcrd, infcctcd, asymptomatic fecal shcdders may be
tuberculosis. Sorne experimental successes with fNH for :lU times more numerous than thosc showing clinical
prophylaxls and treatment of calves have !)een reported. Tn signs. An infected animal may also shcd M . paratubcrculosis
countries with eradication programs, treatment is gener- into colostrum and m1lk, and may pass the organism to
ally di$couragcd or illegcil. her fetus in utero. M)lcobact<?riurn parat11hcrc11losis has bccn
Bovinc tuberculosis is controllcd by idcntification and
elimination of infected animal!;. This app ro¡1ch h as rcsultcd
:n near-eraclication of t he infection in rriany countries.
lsolated f10111 sen1en, seu üuife::rou:. LulJule;::;, a11 u tlt<:: vro:;-
tatc glands of infected bulls. -
Contint1cd surveillance is required to prevent resu rgence. Transmission
111 µou ltry, tuberculosis in backyard flocks is perpetu-
ated hy rC'tC'ntion of hi ros ano pC'r<;iStC'nC'P of <;Oi f C'Ont;im i- Thc infcction is usually acquired through the ingestion or
:lation. contact '~ith fccally contaminatcd matcrials (food,
Eradication of bovine, hun1an, and avian tuberculosis fom1tes). In utero iofection and ingestion of contaminated
·,·¡u diminish infection hazards for othcr spccics. colostrum or milk are also possible routes.

TH E AGENT oF JOHNE' S DISEASE The pat hogenic m ech anisms appear to involve cell-
n1ediaLed in11 11u1u:: µl1euuu1<::ua. ·r11e granulomatous lc-
.'11YCOBACTERIUM AVIUM SSP. PARATUBERCULOSIS sions associated with cli n ical o isri'lsP ri rf' rf'l:!tf'd to cf'l l-
mcdiatcd immunity. 'fhe organism is found w ithin macro-
!vcobacteríi1111 aviurn contains three subspecies, avium, phages in the submucosa of the ileocecal arca and tl1e adja-
.-.lfatuberculosis, and silvaticurn. A fourth suhspecies, ho- cent lymph nodcs (ileocecal) following ingcstlon. Extrain-
"'li11iss11is has bee::11 :-uggeste;:u tu c11co1npass ~trains that af- testlnal colonization suggests the ex1stence of a blood
cct swine and humans. Tn gcnC'r:il tf'rm<;, <;nbspecies phase, but this probably occurs after establishment of a pri-
'\.1ratuberculosis is differentiatcd from the other nvo by n1a1 y fucu:. of llúectiun in the lntest1ne. Whether this oc-
-eing mycobactin-dependcnt and possessing the DNA in- curs soon after infertion or J;itPr ¡., not known. Initially the
230 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungi

animal shows no signs of disease. The inr.ubation petiod be- bloocl monocyt<-'s h;1vP bf>f>n c!Pmonstr<itf>cl ;incl may hP. the
fare overt clinical discase is 12 n1onths or longer. n1anner in which sites outside of tl1e intestinal tract be-
After ingestion, M. paratuberculosis enters M cells over come infected.
lymphoid nodulcs of t hc ileocecal arca. Shortly thcrcaftcr,
macropl1ages \.Vithin thc nodule become infected, v.,ith M. Disease Patterns
paratuberculosis seen within phagosomes and phagolyso-
somes. Ingested n1icroorganisn1s limit production of su- Cattle. Anl1nals sl1owi11g clinical sigr1s present witl 1
peroxides and d iscourage fusion of lysosomes with phago- r.hronic vveight loss, c!i;irr hf>i-l, hut normal appetite and
son1es. Those will1in phagolysoson1es are relatively ten1perature. At this stage of the discase, the submucosa of
resistant to destruction (probably related to the chen1istry the intestinal tract, extendit1g both cranially as well as cau-
of thcir ccll wall), as wcll as thc production of pcroxidascs dally from tl1e ileocecal area is infiltrated with macro
such as Aph (see above, "Cellular l'roducts of Medical phagcs, epithelioid cells, and sorne giant cells that contain
Interest''). lntracellular 1\1. paratuberculosis acquire iron for large numbers of l\lf. paratuberculosis. 'fhe draining
growth \.vith the excretion of exochelins, •vhicb remove nod.e::; are aln1ost- dl~vays er1large<.1 ar1<.l fille<.l witli 111acro-
iron from macrophage ferritin. Iron is transported c:om - ph<iges cont;iining mycohac:tP.ria . 1'he classical g ross lesio n
plexed w ill1 exochelin across ll1e n1ycobacterial cell •vall to in cattle is a permane11t transversc corrugation of t he in-
the cytoplasmic mernbrane where mycobactin transports testinal mucosa caused by granulo1natous inflammation
the. iron into tl1c cclL Thcrc is cvidcncc that iron availabil- within thc lamina propria and submucosa (Fig 38 .4). ·rhe
ity dictates the d istribution of 1\1/. paratuberculosis, with extent of the 1ofiltration is not always related to the sever-
most iron available within macrophages of nodules ill the i ty of the el inical disease. 'fhe sympton1atic disease usuall)-
ileocecal area. progresses to a fatal outcorue.
Reli:;ase of cytokines by activ ated macropl1ages initiates
lite i11fla1n111alo1 y and in11nu11e responses. The rcspo.n scs Sheep and Goats. Diarrhea is nota co111mon c linical sign of
are initiated hy t he recruitment of specific TH 1 lympho- tl1e clisease in these species. Herd unthriftiness, however,
cytes and subsequent release of cytokines leadiI1g to the at- should prompt cxumination for M. paratubcrculosís. I ntes-
traction of rnacrophages to the site ot interaction oí 10.. tinal lesions in sheep and goats are less obv1ous than in
paratuberculosis and macrophage. Nor111ally1 gan1n1a inter- cattle. Weight loss has been a consistent finding with af-
feron (one of the released cytoklnes) would activare fected goats.
macrophages to deal effectively witl1 ingested mycobacte-
rid. A<.:ti v¡1tio11 is LOUlIJfOUlÍS<.!U, ltowever, l.iy galJHl li:I uel ta T
lymphocytes that are cytotoxic for the specifíe T fil lympho-
cytcs. 'fhi:; cytotoxicity i:> rcgulatcd by C DS T lyn1phocytc:>. 'fhc young animal is thc 1nost :iusccptiblc to infcction. Oldcr
ln addition, gamma interferon released by· l' lymphocytes is animals can be infected, but only v•ith very large inocula.
a poor activator of lYf.. paratuberculosis-infected macro- Many ruminant species are subject to infection. Clin-
pl1ages. Tbe interaction between these cell types results in ical disease occurs mostlv, u11der conditions of don1estica-
t h e formation of a slO\>Vly progressing granulon1atous reac-
lion as evidenced by Lile accurnulalion oí 111acroµbages io
the subn1ucosat region. Sorne n1acrophages die subsequent f 1G U RE 3 8 . 4 . Bovíne íntestine affected by Johne 's disease
to the m ultiplication of mycobacteria within them, result- show1ng permanent corrugat1on. (Photograph courtesy of Dr. Murray
ing in the release ot microorganisms and phagocytosis by Fow/P.r.)
other 1nacrophages. The granulon1atous response and cel
lular i1úiltrate lead ultimately to sloughing of tl1e n1ucosal
epit helium and release of infected macrophages and n1y-
cobacleria in lo lhe 1Lu11en. Son1e have "slaged" Lhe progres-
sion of this disease in ternlinology that is used in describ-
ing lcprosy (scc bclow, "Fclinc Lcprosy"): the carly,
Jo calized granulomatous lesion being tern1ed the "tubercu-
lo id " stage, and the later-occurring diffuse infiltrative
process being termed tlle "lepro1natous" stage.
The d isease in sorne affected animals progresses to mal-
absorplion, prolein-losing e11leropalhy, a11d overL cli11icaJ
disease. However, only 3o/o to Sº;ó perce11t of the anirnals in
an infected herd progress to clin.ical discasc. Othcr cco-
nomic losses are traced to breeding problems (e.g., longer
calving intervals), to reduccd 1nilk production due to an
in creased incidence of inasritis (not caused by l\1. paratu-
berculosís), and to general ill thrift.
ExlrainlesLi11al localizalion (e.g., n1an1 n1acy g!and,
fetus, sex organs of males) suggests a blood phase. There is
a direct correlation betwcc11 tl1c dcgrcc of disscmination
and the numbers ot 1\1.. paratubercutosis in feces. lnfected
Chapter 38 A1ycobacterium 231

tion or captivity, especially in association ~vith stress fac- ·rhough cell mediated imn1une responses are generatcd
tors such as parturition, crowding, shipment, or faulty di- followi11g infection, antibody responses are also observed
Ptary regimes. mainly during the "leprornatous" stage ofthe disease.
Genetics n1ay play a part, as c.ertain c.allle breeds
(Guernsey, Jersey, Shorthor11) seem to be preferentially
affcctcd. Laboratory Diagnosis
High prevalence ot inapparent shedders, chro11icity of
infection, and persistence in the environn1ent favor dís- Sample Collection
seminatio11 of the agent. The overall prevalence in U.S.
bovines is approximately 1%to3% (tl1e herd prevalence in From cattle, samples from the ileocecal area (intestine or
W esle1n Eu1ope <tlld Nu1LI1 A1111::1 h .. a l1a:. 1Ji::t::11 e:.Lü1111 Led lu ly mph nodcs) ore bc:;t, but mucosa! scrnpings from thc rcc-
b e as high as 50o/o). The i1uportance of transmission tum in the live anirnals are easier to obtain. Biopsies ot
through milk and placenta is unccrtain. ileocecal lymph nodes are performed on valuable cattle. In
Bacteria resembling M. paratuberculosis have been iso- sheep and goats, exarninatio.n of the ileocecal Iy1nph
!ated fro1n humans with Crohn's disease (regional ileitis), noc!Ps is thP most rP\<V'1rding. Sam p les of intestinal content
a tlisease remarkably similar to Johne's disease. or scrapings are least useful in these spec.ies.

Direct Examination
tmmunologic Aspects
Impression smears of lymph nodcs, or srncars of rectal or
The lesions and host responses are ma11ifestations of cellu- intestinal scrapings, are stained by the Ziehl-Neeisen pro-
lar immunity. 'fhe cell-mediated immune response proba- cedure. lvf.y cobacteriun1 paratuberculosis will stain acid-fast.
bly atcuunts fur the luw percentage of anlmals that Tltc::y art: ~lturt, slender rocls, occurrlng in bunches (Fig
progress to overt disp;ise. OthPr problPms, such as de- 38.S). Other acid-fast st;iining stn1ctures in sélmples (sapro-
creased milk production and increased calving intervals, phy tic mycobacteria or bacterial endospores) will be soli-
m ay be indirectly due to the generalized immunosuppres- tary and quite large. Sect ions stained with hematoxylin-
sion observed in infected anirnals. eosi11 reveal the typical granulomatous lesions. If staincd
Artificial in1munization is practiced in sorne areas of tl1e by acid-fast procedure, masses of io tra- and extracellular
-\·orld, and this practice seems to reduce the losses that organisms can be demonstrated.
occur dueto this disease, but it does not e1iminate the prob-
Pm. In the TJnited States, vaccination is not practiced be-
::ause of its real or perceived ü1terfe1c11ce wilh diagnosUc
:ests (see below), since vaccil1ated anünals will test positive Growth of the organism in vitro is ;i clPpPncl;ihlP \·vay to
:Or this discase and occasionally for tuberculosis as well. make the diagnosis. Fecal samples or lymph node biopsies

F1G U RE 3 8. 5. lmpression of mesenteric lymph node from a qoat with Johne's disease,
showing masses of minute intra- and extrace//ular acid-fast bacteria. Ziehl-Neelsen stain, about


o#ft.,- •
., •

232 PART ll Bacteria and Fu11gi

are first decontaminated with hexadecylpyridiniunl chlo- phocyte proliferation assay. The intradermal test requires
ride. The deconlan1inaled san1ple is placed i11 egg-yolk lhe i1 1Lraden11al i11jeclio11 of jol111in, followed by exan1i-
medium containing mycobactin (mycobactin J produced nation of t he injection site for swelli11g 48 to 72 hours
by M. paratuberculosís is prefcrred). Because son1e strains later. This test 1nay result in as h.igl1 as 75% falsc-positivc
are Lnhibited by sodiun1. pyruvate, egg-yolk n1edium vvith reactors.
and without this substance should be inoculated, as The IV johnin test is more specific. 10 sorne johnins, or
sl1ould the same mediuJn with and without m ,vcobactin. to their parent p roteins, delayed-type hypersensitlvity de-
Tl1c tiJne required to develop visible colonies is about 8 velops d uring t he infectious process. Reacting anin1als de-
wtek::.. Currt:1 1L Lt:Ll111i4ue::. alluvv fur Llie LleLeclio11 of one velop a feve1 of l .5ºF or l1igl1er Iollowing IV il1jection of
organism per gram of material. johnin. ·rhis test detects about 80º!& of the cases showing
A radion1etric p rocedure (BAC'fEC:-RCM) utilizing clinical signs, but not many asymptomatic shcdclcrs.
14C-palmitic acid followed by polymerase chain reacti.on ·rhc t h ird type ot test 1neasures t he cell-rnediated
amplification of the DNA insertion sequencc 15900 (a M. in1mu ne status of t he animal to M. paratuberculosis. Jm-
paratuberculosis-specific sequence of DNA) l1as been. de- munity can be measlired by an In vitro ly1nphocyte-
scribed and allows detection in f18:es in 2 to 4 ,,veek$. stim11J;:itinn tP~t PPripher;il hlnnrl Jymphocytes ari> ro l-
lectecl and exposed to johnin (or to its purified protein
derivative). lf tl1e anünal has developed cell-mediated im-
Molecular Techniques
munity to thc antigens of M . paratuberculosis, these lym-
A number ot l)NA tests have been developed for the phocytes '"'ill respond by p roliferating and releasing cy-
demo11stratión of the presence of M. paratuberculosis. Ali tokines. Proliferation can be measurcd by the addition of a
utilize a specific sequence for the developn1ent of probes radio-labeled nucleic acid precursor, or cytokines can !Je
or for the design of primers needed to an1plify DNA by ni.easured imm11nological ly (e.g., commercial kits are
u:sillg Llie polyu1erase chain reaclion. Specific sequcJ1ccs available to n1easure interferon-ga¡nma by an ELISA spe-
that have heen exploited are those found in the gene en- cific for t his cyto kine).
codil1g the 165 riboson1al RNA; the insertion sequcnce
IS900 (proper p rimer selection is crucial siI1ce there are Serologic Tests
scgn1cnts within this gcnctic clcmcnt whicl1 are sh.ared
with 151626, an insertio11 sequence found in subspecies Tt is important to note t hat serologic rests are designed to
aviurn; in addition, 15900 has 949/o identity with a DNA detect anti body. Anti bodies are formed during the lepro-
sequence from Mycobacteriu1n cookii, a saprophytic tny- matous stage of the <lisease, i.e., uuriug tl1e lCJter :stages oI
cobacteria); hspX, a gc11e c11codil1g a 11eat shock pro- the d ise;:ise aftf'r shf'<1<1ing h;:is rom m enred. ·rhe comple-
teül unique to M. paratu/Jerculosis; and F57, a fragn1ent of ment fixatio11 test will result in about 75% false-positive
DNA that does not hybridize with DNA f rom any ot her reactors. 'fhe other serological tests, thc agar gel i1n1nun-
bacteria. odiffusion (AClD) test and thc cnzyme-linkcd i1nmuno-
·1ests h ave been designed to determine the presence of sorbent assay (ELISA), are more specific. ELISA detects
J\1. paratuberculosis DNA it1 fcccs, tissuc, and b lood 1nono- sh edders before the .A.GID test, '"'hich becomes positive
cytes. Methods using feces, tissue, or n1ill< suffer from a only after large numbers of lv.f. paraluberculusis are in the
lack of se11sitivity, wl1ich is due to inhibitors found in feces.
these substances. Steps taken to ren1ove inhibitors found Both the ELISA and A(i!D tests have been shown to be
in feces, tissues, or milk greatly increases sensitivity. One useful in d iagnosing this disease in sheep and goats.
m cans of doing this is to "capture" lvf. paratubcrculosis with
paramagnetic beads coated vvitl1 antibody specific for tl1e
orga11is1n. Subsequen t passage overa n1agnet removes the Treatment, Control, and Prevention
n1icroorganisn1s, whicl1 are then analyzed t>y molecular
(or othcr) mea ns. At present there a re no economically useful antimicrobial
agents that are effectivc agail1st M. parat1Jberculosis in vivo.
'fhe 11ewer n1acrolides, such as clarithromycin, and sorne
lmmunodiagnosis experimental í1uoroquil1olones are effective in vitro, but
are too expensive to u se clinically. Hov.rever, clofazamine,
Immunodiagnostic proced ures are run in parallel '"'ith cul- 1.vith or without either ethan1butol or rifabuti n are used
tures of thc organlsm and examination of direct smears. vvl1e11 cirLun1:;ta11L<:::; warra11L (resulls have bee11 disap-
Available tests rely either nn t he presenre of antihody pointing with cure ra rely, if ever, occurring). M,vcobacte-
(forn1cd during tl1e lepron1atous stage of the disease) or on riutn paratuberculosis is resistant to isoniazid in vitro, and
delayed-type 11yperscnsitivity to extracts of t he o rganism probably so in vivo.
(elicitcd throughout thc discasc proccss). Elin1inating infect!;!d animals and preventing possible
spread within the herd J)est attack the disease. Husbanctry
procedures that n1ust be implemented in elude segregating
Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity Tests
tl1e neuuate fru111 tl1e lla111 a11d oll1e1 adull, ensur-
'l'here are tl1ree ge11eral types: ;:in intr;:i<1ermal test, an IV i ng that parturition takes place in noncontan1ináted areas,
jol111il1 (jolu1il1s are bacteria] peptides liberated into cul- and taking p recautions against feeding neonatcs potcn-
ture n1edia during growth .,.,1. paratuberculosis), and a lym- tially infectious, unpasteluized colostrum or 1ni lk. ln1mu-
Chapter 38 Mycobacteriurn 233

::iologic and cultural tests are applied to promptly iden- infla1n1natory responses are well developed.
dfy those animals t hat are infected and shedding. Cul- They cause i1eural damage, leading to anesthe-
- ure is used to confirm the results of the serological assays; sia, paralysis, dystrophy, disfigurem ent, and
~' is also used ü1 vaccü1aled 11erds wl1ere serological lesls 1nuLilalio11.
ire not reliab le. Molecular techniq ues t hat utilize n or1- S. The course extf~nds over years ;incl clt>r<iclt>s. Af-
~al samples (sucl1 as peripl1cral blood) show great prom- fected in.dividuals die of complications traceable
~e in speeding u p t he process ot identitying aftected directly or indirectly to imn1une disorders or neural
anima Is. destruction.
Pasteurlzation ls an important step in control on
dairies, not only in assuring that calves receive n1ilk or feline leprosy is a chronic noduloulcerative, nontuber-
culous rnycobacterial infection of the skin.
colostrun1 that is free of M . paratuberculosis, but also fron1
Its acid-fast agent is believed by m any to be
a public health perspective since the relationship b et,-veen
),J. paratubcrculosis and Crohn's Discasc is unclcar. High-
Mycobacteriu"1 lepraemuriurn, a cause of leprosy-like dis-
ease in rodents. It is cultivable on a special medium,
temperature, short-t ime pasteurization has been shown
::iot to be 100º/o effective i11 killing 1'1. paratubercu/osis in which also ~upvurts gruwth uf the feline isolate. Knowi1
M. lepraeniurium has failed to in ft>c.t c.ats. Howt>vt>r, st>-
naturally infected milk, but only if the numbers of m i-
croorgan isms in t ht> milk arP. largt>. This probably has .Uttle qucnce con1parisons of DNA obtained fro1n tissues of cats
wit h feline Jeprosy show significant identity with M. lep-
?ublic health conseq uence i11 areas where large quantities
raemuriu.rn .
of milk are mixed together from several dairies, thereby
dtluting any infected milk. I-Iowever, this may be vcry Sources, n1ode of spread, and pathogenic m echanísms
are unknown. Transmission by rodent bite or arthropod is
:rrtportant for producers that p rocess milk from a single
rarm. suspecled.
Preveutiu11 uf tl1e <.liseélse is <.lifficult . Since t here are few Judged from experimental infectlons, lt>sions of ft>line
:-e-gulations governing tht> salt> ancl shipmt>n t of possibly lcprosy dcvclop i112 to 6 mo nths. Nodules occur in cutis or
:.Ofected livestock, a producer 11as 110 way o f ascerLai1Ji11g su bcutis in many sites, and are freely movable and pain-
less. Ulceratio11 and lymph nodc involvcmcnt are frc-
whether a purchased an imal is unin.fect.ed except by test-
ing . Until i.tniform tc:;t :; an<l rcporting proccdurcs are cs- quent . The general health is unaffected. MicroscopicaJJy,
the lesions are granulomas consisting largely of monocytic
:ablished, the assurance that an animal is free of M. tuber-
culosis is not possible. With. variable I1eUllüphiJiC, ly lIIIJ]IOCytiC, IJlaSIIlCI, an<.J
gianr c.t>ll aclmixt11rt>s. Cast>ation necrosis and irregular
Parenteral vaccines, Uve and killed, are used in sorne
countries but are not universally available. neural involvement occur. Acid-fast bacteria abou11d
within histiocytes.
Limited obscrvat ions suggcst thc cxist cncc of lcproma-
tous and tubercu101d forms.
MI SC ELLAN EOUS MYCOB ACTERIAL Examination of stained (Ziehl-Neelsen) biopsies of af-
fecle<.l siles revedls large 11urnlJer!> uf aci<.l-fast organisms.
INFECTIONS Routine c.ulturt> for rapiclly growing mycohactt>ria or for
mycobacteria ca using tuberculosis are negative. Use of
FELIN E LEPROSY DNA technology (polymerase chain reaction amplifica-
tion of specific sequences¡ DNA probcs) aid in making a dc-
:llere is no true leprosy in domestic animals. Since a d is- finitive diagnosis. of cats is called feline lepras)', key features of the proto- ·rreat ment includes surgical excision of affected sites (if
.y pe (hu111a11) co11diLiOll are suu11 11ari;¿;1::d: pussilJle). Ant i!Jiotics such as clofazimine J1ave been trled
with limitt>cl s11cct>ss. Postsurgical relapses are com1non.
l . Mycohacterium Jeprae, the acid-fast causative bac-
tertum of human leprosy, has not been propagated
in vitro. Lin1ited infections can. be produced in ro-
dt>nts. Tht> nint>-banclt>cl armadillo is susceptible to (ANINE L EPROID GRANULOMA SYNDROM E
natural and experin1ental it1fecti o11.
2. Leprosy attects superficial tissues, mainly skin an.d Car1ine Leproid Granulom a Syndrome is caused by an
upper respiratory tract. Only in advanced cases are unculturcd, saprophytic spccics of Mycobacteriun1 (based
internal organs coloniZed. on sequence comparisons of IJNA obtained 1rom infected
3. Particular t argets of infection are peripheral nerves. tissue with other mem bers of this genus as regards the
4. 'fhe clisease IJlcture nu1ges lJetween two extremes: gene encoding the 165 ribosomal RNA). Diag11osis is
a . In lepr0!1'1atOu$ leprosy, hacterial prolift>r<ition is b;ised upon demonstration of nun1erous acid-fast or-
profuse. Poorly circumscribed nondestructive ganisn1s in stail1ed (Ziehl-Neelsen) b iOIJSie'.i ur su1eélrs
Jesions ctevelop, dominated by a monocytic re- of affected tissue or sites. The condition affects the suh-
sponse but little other lnflammatory reactivity. cutis and skin of thc pi nnae, fa ce, and body extrem ities.
Cell-rnediated immunity is suppressed, l)ut cir- It is freq uently self-limiting (though su rgical excision
culating immunoglobulins are h igh. or antib iotic t herapy will basten resolution). A c.on1-
b. In luberculuiu levrusy, lJacteria are scarce. bination of rifampicil1 and clarit h romycin has bee11 ef-
Lesions are granulomatous, ancl ct>ll-m ecli;ited fective.
234 PART II Bacteria and Fungí

ULCERATIVE DERMATITIS OF (ATS ANO 00GS DUE TO isolated are M. chelonae-abscessus, Jvf. flavescens , M. phlei, M.
stnegrnatis, M. xenopi, lvf. u/cerans, M. therrnoresistible) .
Percutaneous wound infection is the likely portal of
cn.try. Trcattncnt (surgical, antibiotics) has bccn disap-
Tl1e n1ost common prese11ting complail1ts are cbronic
pointing. Mycobacteriurn tórtuitum is susceptible in vitro to
(111011tlis lo years), 11onlie<tli11g ski11 le:>ious. Hislopal ho-
amikacin, cefoxitan, ciprofloxacin, clarithromycin,
logic evaluation of hiopsies of affected tissue reveals a pyo-
kanamycin, an<.1 minocycline, but resistant to doxycycHne,
grun ulo1nut ou:s inflummution. Micr oorguni:ims muy :ituin
Pryt hromycin,, tohra, t rimethopri1n/
poorly ("ghosts," or "speckled" structures, thought to rep - sulfonamides, and vancomycin.
rese11t nonstaining or poorly staining mycobacteria, re-
spectively) when stained with Gram's or a Romanovsky-
type stain (e.g., Wright 's, (";-iemsa). When samples are
stained with acid-fast stains (Ziel1l-Neelser1), orgarlisu1s ar<:: BOVINE MYCOBACTERIAL ULCERATIVE LYMPHANGITIS
not oftPn Sf>Pn.
Culture on standard blood agar medium will result in Nodulo-ulcerative skin lesions occur in cattle, particularlr
t he isolation of rapidly growing (48- 72 hours incubation) on the lower extremities and ventral trunk. ·r11ey resemble
colonics. Isolatcs are idcntificd by biochemical traits, and tubercles and typically cont ain noncultivable acid-fast
by UNA tests. The most commonly isolated in vvestern bacteria. They are of interest n1ainly because of their asso-
Nortl1 An1erica is M)'cobacteriurrz fortuitu.n1. (sporadically ciation with false-positive tuberculin reactivity.

Mcmbers ol the ramily Chlamydiaceae ("chlamydiae") are properties (scc Chapters 7 and 8, are specific to the family
oblígate intracellular gram negative bacteria incapable of Chlamydiaccac.
obtalnlng energy by rnetabolic activit ics. Their life cycle al- Thc gcnome size, 6.6 by 108 L>a, is among the smallest in
terna tes between noninfectious proliferativc stages and in- prokaryotcs. 'J"here is much RNA in the reticulate but little
fectious nonproliferaLive sLages. Tl11:: far11ily cuuti:lins two in the clcmentary boelies. In the reticulate body, electron-
genera, Chlamydia and Chlarnydophila. (: hlamycliaP a rP as- rlense material is fair:ly uniformly dispersed throughout
sociatcd with a variety of diseases affecting an assortment the cell inlcrior, wl1ile i11 Lht: Ll1::v1::lopi11g clc1nentary bocly
of animal species ('l"able 39.1). it becomes increasingly concentrated into a compact nu-
clcoid, which, in thc maturc clcme ntary body, occupies
most ol the cell (fig 39 .1 ).
Descriptive Features
Cellular Products of Medical lnterest
Morphology and Staining
Adhesins. r Tcparin-like derivates actas ad hesins by bindil1g
C hla n1ycliae are coccobacilli 200 l>y up Ll> 1500 111n ir1 size. to heparin receptors on cells of the host.
Though cytochemically gram-negative, they stain best Ce// Wall. Though the cell walls of the members of this
vvith Gimcncz, Macchiavcllo's, Castancda, and Gicmsa genus lack peptidoglycan, rhcy do contain lipopolysac-
stains. charide (LPS). As in other gram-ncgative bacteria, LPS is an
i111pot Lanl vi1 ule11ce de::te::rruiuaul. LPS 1.Ji11tls to lipupoly-
Life Cycle saccharide-hinding protein (a sc rum proti>in), which in
turn transfers it to the blood phase of CD14. The CD14-LPS
Elen1e11 Lary liodit:S, 200 to 400 TI TI 1 i 11 :.izc, en lcr suscepti- complex binds to Toll-like receptor proteins (see Chapter
ble cells hy receptor-rnediated endocytosis. The enclosome 2) on the surface of macrophage ce lis Lriggcring thc re le ase
~traffics" to pathways not involved with endosomc- of proinflammatory cytokines.
lysosomc tusion. Elementary bodies change into nonin- Míscellaneous Product~. A soluble hemagglutinin and
fectious, mctabolically active reticulate bodies, measuring ce::ll-lJou11d l!eat-li:tlJile tuxic effect, tlemonstrable ln mlcc
600 to 1500 nm, that generate, by binary físsion, a new and on rnacrophagcs ano neutrti lizti hlP hy typP-specific
crop of elementary hodies that are relcascd u pon ccll lysis antibody, is associated with elementary hut not reticulate
•by lysosoutal hosl e t rL:yr ne:::;). T11 vi lru, ll tc cyclc requires 30 bodies.
to 40 hours.
F.lcmcntary bodies appear red by Macchiavello's and
Growth Characteristics
(jimenez, blue by Castaneda, and reddish-purple by
Giemsa stain, while reticulatc bodics stain blue, green, red- Chlamydiae do not grow on cell-frcc 111edia. 'fhey grow
dish, anCI blue, respectively. Giemsa s tain is best for the well in thc yolk sac of embryonated chicken eggs and in
Pmonstration of both stages. tissue culture (c.g., L-cclls, McCoy cclls), where they form
intracytoplasmic colonies.
: tructure and Cornposition Reticulatc bodies transport adenosinc triphosphate
(A' l'P) lnro cclls and adenosine dlphospl1ate (ADP) out of
""'"ñe cell envelope ot clcmentary and reticulate hodies rc- ci>lls. Tn thP presence of A'I"P, peptides are synthesized. ·rhe
"'mblcs a gram-negative cell wall but lacks peptidoglycan . agents are "energy parasites." Ele111enlary bouic:; show lit-
trilam Inar outcr membrane consists of protein and tic biochcmica1 activity.
:x-ipolysaccharidcs. Proteins confer species and type-
'"':'CCificity, and n1ay acl as ad11esi11s. He::i>a• i1 r-like:: ucrivate:;
;::oduced by chlamydiae are also proposed to act ac; ad-
- esins by associating with heparin-binding reccptors on There is liltle iesislauce lo curru11011 tlisinfectants, heat,
- ost cells. ·rhc lipopolysaccharides, which havc endotoxic and sunlight. Elementary hodip_c; survivP in water for sev-

236 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungi

Ta b le 39 . 1 . Members of the Genera Chlamydia and Chlamydophila and Their Usual 5ource or Associated Condition

Usual 5ource or Associated Condition Obsoiete Taxonónw

Chtamyaia trachomatis l'rachoma, sexuafly transmitted disease, and lympilogranuloma venereum in

human patients
C. muriélarum Respirator¡ disease in mi<e and hamsters C. tracho¡¡;¡atis of mice
e suis Conjunctivitis, enteritis, and pneumonia in swine e trachomatis of swine
Chlamydophila abortos Abortion in rumiria11ts C. psittací abortíon 9roup
Cph. cavíae ¡:oojunctivil:is in guinea pigs c. psirraci inclusion conjunctiviJis agent
Cph. fe/is Conjunctivitis ano upper· respiratory·tract disease in cats e psittaci feline pneumonitis agent
Cph. µelot um Al.Jurliun, Lu11ju11divili~, enleritb, p11eumunia, dru.l ,i1C!11ilb j11 1urni11dnts (. petO/Ulfl
Cph. pneumoniae Respiratory disease in human patients, koala bears, and horses C. pneumoníae
Cph_psittaci Ornithosis/psittacosis in .birds, and human patients C. psittací avian group

F 1G U R E 3 9. 1 . Ch lamydophila p sittaci inclusion containing re ticulate bodies (RB), condensing

(011ns (CF), and e/ernenla1y bodies (EB). The nuc/eoid of the ele1nenta1y body /las a polar eccentric
locatíon but occupies most of the ce//. Transmission e/ectron micrograph, 15,000X. (Reproduced by
permission of Storz, J., Chlamydia/es: Properties, cycle of deve/opment and effect on eukaryotic ho5t
ce/Is. Curr Tapies Microbiol lmmunol 1977;76:167.)

eral days at ambient temperatures and apparently persist l . Chla1nydia trachomatis. There are tvvo biovarieties of
in dried a11imal cxcrctions for long periods. C. trachon1atis: thc trachon1atis biovar and thc ly1n-
phogranuloma venereum biovar. ·rhe trachomatis
biovar contains 14 serovari.eti.e s (A through K, Ba, Da,
and Ta). Serovars A, B, and C are associated with tra-
Son1e of the chlamydiae show considerable variability as cho1na, and serovars D through K are associated with
n1easured by ll1e disease and 11osl (biova1iely 01 biovar), sexually lra11s111illed diseasc. ·n1c lyn1phogranulon1a
and by antigenicity of surface str uctures (serovariety or venereum bi.ovar contains four serovars (L1, L2, L2a,
serovar). Bclo'"' is a description of tl1osc chlamydlae that and L3), which are associatcd wit h thc scxu ally
exhibit variability (serovars, biovars): transrnitted disease lyrnphogranuloma ve11ereum.
Chapter 39 C'h/amydiaceae 237

2. Chlamydophila pneumoniae. There are three biovars Chlamydial abortions ofru1ninants are associated with
of Cph. pneurnontae- biovar 1'WAR (named from the a placentitis with cotyledona.ry necrosis and edematous or
straiI1 designations of the original isolates TW- 183 leathery intercotyledonary thickening. Lesions in the
and Ar-39), biovar Koala, and biovar Equine- lhal n1ale geniLal l1acL of r uu1iuauls (epidi<.ly1ui:;, tt:::;ticle, U(:!fer-
are associated, respectively, with respiratory tract ent duct) are granulomatous.
disease in hlunan patients; conjunctivae, urogenital (:hlan1ydial enteritis is associated with a granuloma-
tracts, and respiratory tracts ot Koala bears: and res- tous inflammation of the lamina propria and submucosa.
piratory tracts of horses. Chlamydiosis ofbirds is n1arked by fibrinous serositis of
3. Chlarnydophtla pstttact. ·rhere are eight serov ars of body cavities, air sacs, and organ surfaces. Lung, spleen,
Cph. psittac:i, design.ated A throug!1 H . Serovar A af- and liver are enlarged and congested. Microscopically,
fects psittacine birds and h.u n1an patients in co11tact ll1ere is fibrinonecrolizing infla11u11atiu11 ~vitl1 u1u11u11u-
with them; serovar B is associated with pigeons, clear and heterophil leukocytes.
turkcys, and an unusual cause of bovinc abortion;
serovar e affects a variety of avian species and h.u-
Disease Patterns
man. patients in contact with then1 (mainly slaugh-
terhouse contact); serovar D affects turkeys, para- Ruminants. Abortion. Chlamydial abortion (almost al\-vays
keets, and human patients in cúntact with th.em caused by Cph. abortus) occu(S a1nong previously unex-
(n1ai11Jy slaugh.terhouse co11lacl), :>erov a r E affecLs ¡; 1;;we:, (e11zuulic a!Ju1 Li<J1 1 of ew<:::;) autl goat:;. AIJor-
mainly human patie11ts; serovar F affects parakeets; tion occurs sporadically in cattle and rarely in other
serovar Gis associated with bares and muskrats; and spccics. Ewcs abort typically late in p regnancy without
serovar H affects cattle. premonitory signs or atter effects, except for a vulvar dis-
charge and occasionally a rctaincd placenta. Bovine abor-
tions follow sin1ilar patterns.
Ecology Polyarthrítís. Chlamydial polya(thritis (Cph. pecorum)
affe1..l:> 1uaü1ly lau1lJ:, aull calve:,. lll ":;Liff la1u!J tll:sease"
~e servoir morbidity n1ay be 80o/o, but the mortality rate is 1°Ai. Tn
calves, therc may be systernic complications and high
The respiratory, intestinal, and genital tracts of n1a111111als mortality.
and birds constitute the reservoir. Nervous Systern. Sporadic bovine encephalomyelitis
(SBE) is a febrile disease predo1ninantly of young cattle
- ransmission that is caused by Cph. pecorurn. Clinical signs include loco-
rnotor, postural, and behavioral dlst urbances. ·rhere may
E..xposure is through inhalation or ingestio11 of infectious he milrl c.011gh. n;is;il cfi.;ch:irgf', ;incl di;irrhPa ThP cl i~<'ilSP
m a terial. Egg transmission occurs in sorne birds. lasts fron1 days to weeks, and morbidity and case fatality
rates may reach 5ü<Yo. Sorne outbreaks 1nay continue for
::athogenesis months, with new cases appearing irregularly.

.Jechanisrns. Elementary bodies attach to and are endocy- Avían. Avían chlamydiosis (ornithosis, psittacosis) is
.o:s<::d oy (:!pitll(:!Jia] c(:!ll:;, W}l(:!r(:! tl1ey UlUltiply, 11aving cau:;etl vy Cph. psittaci, antl is most significant economi-
somehow averted phagolysosomal fusion hy trafficking to cally in tnrkeys. Onset is insiclio11s ;incl m:iy occnr >vef'kS
e.."ldosomes that do not readily fuse to lysosomes. Synthe- after exposure. .Early signs are mappetence, weight loss,
sis of host DNA, RNA, and protein ceases and cells eventu- and the voiding of gree11ish-yellow, gelatinous droppings.
ally disintegrate through host enzyme action. Microbial Egg production is reduced. Severity varíes with strair1 v iru-
:nxicity (LPS) and tissue damage elicit inflammatory re- lence (toxicity); 1norbidity 1nay range from .)o/o to 80o/o,
sponses. mortality from 1ºA:> to 30%. Geese and ducks are sometimes
Pu.lhulugy. Pall!ulogic clia11ge:s vary wiLIJ lucalizatiu11 of affecte<.l, chickens exceptionally so. Subcllnical forms pre-
~ection. In pulmonary chlamydiosis, an exudative hron- rlomi n:ite in p igf'ons and psittacine birds.
chiolitis and bronchopneumonia develop mostly in the
3I11erior lobes as reddish-gray areas of consolidation with Miscellaneous. Pneumonia. Chlamydial pneumonias, pro-
~urulent exudate in the bronchioles. Microscopically, the duced by a varicty of chlamydiac (sec Table 39. l) are seen
~'f! allest bronchioles contatn predon1inantly neutrophilic particularly in pigs, cats, sheep, goats, and cattle, and are
exudates. In the acini, alveolar macrophages predomina te. often subclinical or part of mixed infections (enzootic
~den1a 1nay be 1narked . E¡;iLhelial dau1ag<:: iI1 th(:! l.Jron- sheep pneumonía, shlpping fever). l'he cUnical impor-
::~ioles is variable. Mononuclear cells gradually replace tanc.f' of 11nromplir.ated infections (e.g., "feline pneu-
2cutrophils, and ly1npl1oreticular cuffing is common in monitis") is uncertain.
-i.:minants. Conjunctivitis. Chlamydial conju11ctivitis, although re-
Ocular infections take the form of a catarrhal conjunc ported in cattlc, dogs, pigs, guinea pigs, and koalas, is most
:1\"ltls. noted in cats and lambs (see 'Jable 39.1). lt may pass
Chlamydial arthritis involves ali soft tissucs near af- through acute and prolonged chronic phases. In lambs,
:ected jolnls. Suppuralion, edeH1a, a111.l 11eu1orrhage are where it accompanies poiyarthritis, secondary complica-
rucceeded by granulomatous and fihrotic reactions. tions, keratitis, and corneal ulcerati.ons are seen.
238 PART II Bacteria and Fungí

Epidemiology enzyn1e-li o ked u11oadsorbent assay (F.T.TSA) ter.h -

nique detects chla111ydial antigen in vaginal discharges.
The natural reservoirs for the various species of chlamy-
diae appear to be the animal species in which the natural
disease occurs. Asympton1atic carriage is common. lsolation
Zoon otic act1uisitior1 of several species of chlarnyc.liae Chlamydiae are isolatcd on tissue culture line cells (1-Iel.a,
occ11rs. Most importantly is í.ph. psittar.i fron1 clinically af- McCoy for Chlamydia spp.; HEp-2, 1-Il., BGM, McCoy for
fected or asy rnptomatic birds (slaughterhouse workers, pet Chlamydophila spp.) or in fPrtilP chickPn Pggs. l)econtami-
owners). Unusual transmission for hurnan patients in- nation of suspect feces, placentas, urine, semen, and con-
cludcs Cph. fclis from cats and Cph. abortus from affcctcd junctival fluids can be accomplisl1ed by treatme11t with
sheep. combinations of gcntarnicin (SO µg/n1l), vancomycin (75
µg/ml), and n ystatin ('.)00 units/n1J). With tissue culture,
centrifugation of the inoculum onto the monolayer on a
lmmunologic Factors cover slip is beneficial, and addition of cyclohexiruiue (2
pg/n1l) provides an addeci hnost to ch larnydiae. Growt:h oc-
Recovery and Resistance cur~ ""ithin 2 to J days of incubation.
Ewes that have aborted rarely abort again, a11d calves re- Eggs are inoculated into the yoll< sac and candted daily
covered f1on1 SBE resist reit1fectio11. In other cbla111ydial thereafter. Yolk sacs of e1nbryos dying 3 or more days after
d iseases, which are often chronic and marked by remis- inoculation are examined for chlamydial inclusions.
sions and relapses, thcre is little evidence of heightened re- By either method serial subpassages are reguired to rule
sistance. out chlan1yd.!osis.
Ccll-mcdiated an d humoral immune responses are Presumptive isolates can be cnnfirmPd serologically by
de1nonstrable by skin tests, lymphocyte stimulation tests, in1n1u11ofluorcsccncc, con1plen1ent fixation tests, or by
and serological reactions. Protective responses appear to molecular means (see below).
be cell-mediated.
Serologic Tests
Artificial lmmunization
Complement .tixation and enzyme-linked immunosor-
Vaccination of anin1als agait1st chlamydial iI1fcctio11s bent assay (ELISA) tests are not generally available to vet-
often produces or1ly short-llved part1al protect1on, except erinarians, although genus-sped.flc a11r 1gens are markete<l.
against e11zootic abortio11 of ewes (see under "'l'reatme11t The presenc:e of antibody confirms a diagnosi.s only if its
<u1<.l Coutrol," bt:lvw). titcr increased fourfold during the course of illness.

Molec.ular methods
Laboratory Diagnosis
Molecular tcchniqucs havc bccn dcvelopcd that utilize
Diagnosis requires laboratory confirmation. Chlamydial DNA primers designed to amplify genes (or portions
inclusions are often demo11strable by appropriate stains thereof) er1coding the 16S and 23S riboso1nal RNA, an.d
(see "Life Cycle," above; Fig 39.2), including immunofluo- outer membrane protetn 2 (omp2) by the polymerase chain
rPscPncf within inff'r.ted epithf'lium and mac:roph.ages. An reactlon. These .methods allow the mfans fnr ciPtt>ctinn of

F 1G U RE 3 9. 2 . Chfamydial inc/usion (arrow) in a conjunctiva/

epithelial cell from a kitten. Wright sta1n, about 1uuux.
Cha11ter 39 Chlamydiaceae 239

chlamyciiaP in tis<;nf'<: nr f'X11rlates as well as identification Prevention

o f isola tes.
Vaccination against chlamydial infections has had vari-
able success. rormalinized vaccines are beneficia! in pre-
Treatment and Control venting enzootic ovin e abortion (Cph. abortus). Feline
chl<unydial vacclnes concaln!ng modified live or killed or-
'i'reatment ganisms attPnuiltf' rlinic-;:il illncss without curing or pre-
Tetracycline is the drug of choice in the treatrnent ot venting infection (Cp/1. {e/is). A vaccine for avían chla111y-
chlamydiaJ infections. In birds, flock treatment involves diosis is not availablc (Cph . psittaci).
_111.:orµorating the drug in feed. Moderate doses (200 Prompt disposal of infected material and scgrcgation of
g/ton) are adec¡uatP for <li<;Pa.<;P rontrol in turkeys. Higher affectcd animals is helpful in control of ovine abortion.
doses (2800 g/ton) are needed for tissue clearaJ1ce. To li111iL Young turkey poults should be placed in clean quarters,
o utbreaks of abortion in ewes, intramuscular injections wi ll 111u access tu lnfected dropplngs and unexposed topo-
20 mg/kg) of long-acting forms are given at 2-week inter- tentia lly contaminated air currents.
vals. Ietracycline is given orally to lambs (150 to 200 Regulations gove1uiug i111µorl uf exutic t>irds are de-
mg/kg) to prevcnt arthritis. For pet birds, tetracycline con signed to minimizc in troduction of psittacosis in to ho11sP-
taiuir1g millet (0.5 mg/g) ls avalla ble. hold and residcnt bírd populations.

The mollicutes are members ot thc order Mycoplas1natales terol in the membrane provides for osmotic stability. A
and class Mollicutcs (soft skin). Thcy are the sma.llest of the polar bleb 11as been demonstrated in sorne species and has
lrcc-Jiving prokaryotes and are devo1d of cell walls. Only a role in adherence to host cell surfaces. Capsules have also
1ncn1bers belonging to the genera i\lf}'coplasma and Urea- been desc ribed for sorne species.
plas1na are important In veterlnary me<.licine. Achule- Tl1e ruollicules have a sn1all genome (600-1,400 kb)
plas1na are son1etirnes cnco11ntPrP<1, h11t 11s11<1l ly <is c.ontam- compared to other bacteria. The base compositio11 is poor
i nan Ls. Mollicutes is the correct term to use when in guanine and cytosinc with thc molo/o G 1 C of DNJ\
collectively rcferring to members in this order; however, ranging trom 24 to 40o/o relating them 1nost closely to the
thc triviol numc "mycopla:;ma(s)" i5 also used for this pur Clostridium-Streptococcus-Lactobacillus group. Sequence
pose. l<cclasslf1cat1on of haemotrophic rickettsial species analysls of 165 rRNA indicates that 111ullicule=> a1e 1nost
of the genera Haen1oharto11elln and Eperytlzrozoon to the closely related to the genus C/n~tridi11n1. The entire genome
genus Mycoplas1na has been proposed based on 165 riboso- for sume species 11a:. l>ce11 :.ey ut:11Ct:d. "l11e n1oll icutes ap-
mal RNA (rRNA) gene sequence analysis. These have col- pP<ir to h;ivp evolved hy genome reduction. Transposons,
lL·cti vel y 1Jee11 gi ven Lhe Ll ivial na111c "l1aen1oplasn1as." plasmids, and bacteriophages have been dcmonstratcd in
The "nonhaemotrophic" mollicutes ("mycoplasmas") sorne species.
infcct a wide range of animal spccics. lnfcctions rangc
frorn subclinical to severely debilitating and sometimes
f::it::il diseases. Clinical 1nanifesta tioi1s in elude respiratory
and urogenital tract infect1ons, arthrltls, mastitis, anc.I sep- THE NONHAEMOTROPHIC MOLLICUTES
ticemia. Most pathogenic speciPs Pxhihit <i high <lPgrPP of
host spccificity. Infections in hun1ans usually present as ·rhe "nonhaemotrophic" moll1cutes include members of
respiratory or urogenital tract disease. the genus Ureaplasn1a and those of the genus M}'coplas111a
"fhe "haemotrophic" mollicutcs ("hacmoplasmas") that are not associated wlth red blood cells. Unlike the
also intcct a widc range ot animal species (espedally the "haemotrophic" mollicutes (see below), they can be
very young, or stressed). Hemolytic anemia is the most gruw11 i11 vitro 011 Hfeless inedia. Clinical manifestations
con1 monly cncountered manifestatlon follo,·v ing infec- include respiratory and urogenital tract infections, arthri-
tion wilh these bacteria. tis, mastitis, and septicemia. Most pathogcnic spccics cx-
hibit a high degree of host spcciticity. lntections in llu-
mans usually present as resp·i ratory or urogenital tract
Descriptive Features discasc (Table 40.1 ).

Morphology and Staining Cellular Products of Medical lnterest

Thc ccll morphology of thc mollicutes is extremely pleo Peroxide/Superoxide. Peroxides and superoxides are pro-
morphic. Cell shapes include spherrcal, ring-shaped, pear- duced and may be important In disruption of host cell
shaped, spiral-shaped, and filamentous forms. Cells intcgrity.
sometlmes appear as chalns of beatls, tl1e result uf asy11- Un:u.)c. U1ease, p1oduced by 1nembers of the genus
chroni1ed gPnomir rPplir<ition <ind c.cll division. The di- Ureaplasma, maybe involved in injury to hosttissue as a re-
a111eter of the spherical forrn rangcs from 0 .3 µm to 0.8 µm. sult of Lhc production of ammonia by urea l1ydrolysis.
Mollicutes stain poorly by the Gram method. Giemsa, Miscellaneous l'roducts. f.xper rmental inoculation of a
Custnncda, Dicnes a11d n ew methylene blue stains are 200kDa protein from thc supernatant of lvf.. neurolyticurn
preferred. cultures causes neurologlc slgns In 1nice. Va!;cular <.la111ag1:
in the brain is evident but th<' 1nt>ch<1nism of action je;
Structure and Composition u11clea1. Poorly defi11cd products, mostly lipoproteins,
from sorne mollicutcs induce interleukin-1, interleukin-6,
Thc n1ollicutes are not only devoid of cell walls but lack and tumor necrosis factor production from ::ictivated ma
the genetic capacity to produce one. They are bound by a crophages. ·rhis may account for the endotox.ic-like ac-
si ngle trilaminar membrane composed of proteins, glyco- tivity observed with sorne infections. 13ovine ureapla~­
proteins, lipoprotems, phospholipids, and sterols. Choles- mas produce IgA protcase, whtch cleaves IgA1 a11<.l1uay aiu

Cftupler 40 Mo/líe,ule::; 24 1

Ta b 1e 4 o. 1 . Animal Species, Agents, and Diseases Associated with Nonhaemotrophic

Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma


.... ..
Mycop/asma fe/is Coniunctivitis
Conimoo Clinical Manifestations

M. gatae Arthritis
Gattle M. a/kalescens Arthriti>. ma.stitis
M. bovigenitalium lnfertility, mastiti;, seminal vesiculitis
M. bovi; A.bsle;~~~. arlhrilis, mcc.titb, oüti;, [')neumonía
M. bovoculi Keratoconjunctivitis
M. calífornicum Arthritis, mastitis
M. canadense Arthritis, mastitis
M. dispar Alveolitis, bronthiolítis
M. mycoides subsp. mycoides Arthritis, pleuropneumonia lCBPPJ•
(srri~ll r.olony v~ri~nt)
U. dive1sum l11fe1 Ulity, fJJ1eurnor1io, vulvov.agini.Lis
Chickens M. galliseptícum Respiratory disease
M. synoviae Airsacculitis, sternal bursitis, synovitis
Dogs M. canis IJroge.nital tract disease
M. cynos Pneumonia
M. spumans Arthritis
Go;¡f~ M. ;ig;i/;irti;¡p Ag-alactia. artfiritis, conjunctivitis
M. caprícolum subsp. cap1 kolum A1 Lf ui li>, 1 11o~liti>, fJfleumurtio, ;eplicemio
M. capricolum suosp. capripneumoniae Pleuropneumonia (CCPP)b
M. conjunctivae Keratoconjunaivitis
M. mycoides subsp. mycoicfes Abscesses, arthritis, mastitis, septicemia
(large colony variant)
M.· myEoides suosp. capri Pneumonia, arthritis
M. putrefaciens Arthritís, mastitis
Horses M. fe/is Pleuritis
Mice M neurolytíc-0m ConjunEtivitis. l)eurological disease
M. pu/monis Respiratory disease
Rats M, arthrítidis Arthrítis
.M. pu/monis Respiratory disease, genitat tract disease
Sheep M. agalactiae Agalactia
M. conjunctivae Keratoconjunctivitis
M. ovfpneumonfae Pneumonia
Swine M. hyopneumoniae Enzootic pneumonia
M. hyorhinis Arthdtis, pnet1monia, polyserosítís
M. byosynoviae Arthritis
Turkcys M. gallisc,oticum Sinusitis, respiratory' di.sease
M. iowae Emhryo mortality, leg deform1ties
M. meleagridis Airsacculitis, decreased egg hatchabilít}\ perosís
M. synoviae Sternal bursitis, synovitis

ªCuntdyiou~ Uuvlc1e µleuruµtteu111011ici.

blontagious caprine pleuropneumon1a.

in avoiding the host imn1une response on mucosa! sur- creased C:0 2 . Beca use of tota1 or partiil 1 ina hi lity to syn-
faces. Other proteases, hemolysins, and nucleases are also thesize fatty acids, cxogenous sterols are required by
proctuced. Ureaplas11za and Mycoplasma. They are not, however, re-
quired by Acholeplasma. Gen.era of veterin.ary im.p ortance
Growth Characteristics are facultative anaerobes. Optima! pH for growth ranges
fro1n 6.0 for Ureaplasma up to 7.5 for other mollicutes.
Tl1e r1onhaernotropllic rnollicutes grow slowly and gen- Molllcute colonies are smaH and difficult to visualize
era lly rPquirP ~to 7 clays' inr11hiltion hPforP colonif's arP with thP 11n;:iirlPrl PYP r.olony ~i7P\: v;:iry fron1 O.OJ mm to
apparent. Growth is best at 37ºC in an atmosphere of in- 1 .0 mm. When observed with a dissecting n1icroscope,
242 PART II Dactcria and Fungí

F1G U RE 4 O. 1 . "Fried-egg" colony m orphology that is typica/
of many Mycoplasma species.
Thf' major rf'Sf'rvoir for t hf' nonh;lf'motrophic mollicntes
is the host they infect. Asyn1ptomat ically infected anin1als
carry organisn1s on m ucosa! surfaces including nasal, con -
ju nctival, oral, intestinal, und genital n1ucosa. 'fhc car
canal of goats has also been shown to be a reservoir for
sorne of the patl1ogcnic caprinc mycoplas.m as.

Trans mission
Transmission occu rs predon1inately by spread fro1n ani-
mal to animal through direct contact and is mcdiated
through aerosolization o f respiratory secretions or
through venereal transmission . Mechanical transmission
is also lmportant, especially with regara to bovlne and
caprine mycoplas1na mastitis. In poultry, vertical trans-
111 ission Ll1rough halching eggs is an in1portant n1eans of
n1any species exhibit a "fried egg" n1orphology (Fig 40.1). sprf'ad fnr man y of the pathogenic avian species. Contami-
Thls un1bonate appearance is the result of the central nated milk can be a source of infection for calves and goat
portion of the colon y embedding in to the agar with a pe- k ids. Little is known about the role of ectoparasites i n
ripl1eral Z(J11e of surface growlh. So1ne species produce transmission; hovvcvcr, pathogcnic caprine species have
film spots, \-Vhich are composed of cholesterol and phos- been isotated trom ear m ites of goats.
ph<>lipids and vvhich appear as a wrinkled film on the
media surface. rathogenesis
Mechanisms. Attachment to !1ost cells is the fi rst ste¡.> iu es-
Resistan ce
tablishing infection anc! is mf'ciiatf'd th ro11gh the anionic-
Tl1e lack of a cell 1'\1all renders H1ollicutes resislanl Lo Lhe ac- surf¿1ce !ayer 011 111ost n1ycop!asn1as. In sorne species, spe-
tion of anti n1icrohial agents that affec:t th e c:ell \-val! or its cial attachment structures have been demonstrated,
synthe:sis. They are sen:sitive to compounds that intcrfcrc which appear to be encoded by a commo11 ancestral ad-
with protein and n ucleic acid syntt1esis. Acholeplasrna hesin gene. Host receptors tor attachment are glycoconju-
species are resistant to l .So/o digitonin, whereas the grov.,th gates and allow for colonization of mucosa! surfaces. The
of otl1er mollicutes ls lnhlbited by thls concentratlon. In ciliostatic capability of sorne lvlycoplasrna species further
genf'ral, m ollicutes survive outside tJ1e host for substantial promotf's Psta blishmen t of infpctinn . ·rhf'rf' is Pvidence
peri<>ds in n10ist, cool environn1ents. Tl1ey are very suscep- that son1e Mycopla:;n1a species can penetrate and in-
tible to heat and most detergents (tween) and di sin fectants side non-phagocytic cell~ . Mycoplasn1as have also been
(quaternary amm<>nium, iodine, and phenol-based com- demonstrated to fuse \<Vith eukaryotic cell mernbranes.
pounds). Latent infections are commor1. ractors that allow for
persistence include n1echanisms to avoid the immune sys-
Variability tem such as antigenic variability of cell membra11e
lipoproteins or biological 1nilnicry factors
VariaLions in nuLrilional and al!nosphe1ic require111e11Ls sucl1 as agc, crowding, concurren.t infections, and trans-
account fo r so1ne of the diversity among genera and portation stresses lead to ovcrt disease. Breaks in integrity
species within genera. Differences in colony morphology of thc cpithclial barricr probably account for thc initial
and size can be used t o distinguish sorne of the molli- step in breaching l1ost defenses. Lipoproteins in the cell
cutes. Ureaplasma species produce substantially smaller membrane, acting as modulins, play a major role in cy-
colonies tl1an othcr n1olllcutcs and often lack the fried- tol<ine induction.
egg colony morphology. The colony size of M . 111ycoides Acute, septicemic forms of d iseasf' rf's11lt in a c-oag11lo11a-
subspecies rr1ycoides isolales fron1 goals is consisle11lly thy and widespread vascular thrombosis, which resembles
larger than those isolated from cattle. 'fhis size difference a gram-negative septicemia and is, at least in p art, n1edi-
is used to distinguish betvveen the two variants. While atcd t hrough induction o f cytokincs.
sorne antigens are shared among the mollicutes, anti- ·1·he pathogenesis of chroníc infections 1s dircctly re-
genic differences are sufficiently specific to allow for lated to persistence of the organisms in tl1e face of an in-
species identification. Animal host specificity is stro11gly tense inflammatory response. PeroXldation causes host tis-
exhibited by the pathogenic n101licutes and may be ex- sue dam.age. Activation of con1plf'mf'nt anci cytotoxic T
plained by specific 11osl receplors 11ecessary íor allacl1- Iyn1phocytes further contributes to host injury.
ment or the failure of the host to recognize host-adapted Virulence varíes among species and strains within
species as nonself. spccics and accounts for sorne of thc variations in disease
Chapter 40 Mollicutes 243

manifestation. ln sorne species, virulence is correlated occurs. Mycoplasrna synoviae also intects a wide range of
lvith presence of ano uter surface Jayer. A galacta11 polymer avían species. Synovitis resulting in lameness, swelling of
in M. mycoides ssp. mycoides has been shown to modulare jolnts and tendon sheaths, and retarded growth are com-
~he immune response an.d promote di.ssemination. Viru- mon presentations. Sternal bursitis is also frequently ob-
lence is rapidly lost by in vitro passage. Mycoplasn1a bovis served. Airsacculilis, wl1ich is usually subclir1ical 1 is au-
induces apoptosis in lymphocytes. Mycoplasma dispar can other rnanifestation. Myr.nplasma m1?leagridis and M . iowae
inhibit activation of macrophages. infections are rnostly limited to turkeys. Mycoplasrna. rnclca-
ln addition to specitic ettects related to mycoplasma, gricliS causes respiratory disease, predominately an airsac-
generalized effects on the imrou11e system may increase culitis, which is often clinically mild or i.napparent. Skel-
susceptibility to secondary infections with other bacterlal etal deforrnlties, including bowing or twisting of the
pathogens. tarsometatarsal bone and cervical vertebrae, are occasion-
Pathology. The lesions associated with mycoplasma in- ally detected. Decreased egg halchabilily is a serious conse-
fections vary from acutc to chronic and are dependent on quence of M. meleagridis infections. Airsacculitis, leg defor-
the agcnt involvcd and thc sitc affcctcd. In acutc infcc- mitics, and stunting in poults 11ave been demonstrated
tions, there is an i11flammatory reaction with an infiltra- experimentally with M. iowae. Decreased egg hatchability
:ion of neutrophils and fibrin accumulation. Geoeralized has also been noted with h.f. iowae infect.ions. Natural out
!nft:ctiou:s lt:a<l to <t filJrinopuruler1t exudare on serosal breal<s of conjunctivitis in finches causect by M. gallisep-
surfaces and synovial membranes. In persistent loc:ali7.ed fí(:11n1 hilvf> r;111sed substantial reductions in the finch pop-
i.nfections, tissue destruction can be substantial. Ab - ulation on the eastern coast of the Uniled SLales.
scesses may develop at presst1re sites in calves and are
characterized by an eosinophilic coagulative necrosis Bovine. Mycoplasma mycoides ssp. 111ycoides (small colony
·.,ith peripheral fibrosis. In cases of mycoplasma mastit1s, v ariant) is considered the n1ost virulent of the bovine my-
f}OCkets o.f purulent exudate may develop in affected coplasmas. It causes a respiratory disease, contagious
n1a1111nary Lissut:. Ev1::11 Lually tl11:: aift:ctt:<l gla11d l>ecornes bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), in cattle that ranges
5.brosed. In the acute stage of mycoplasma in fections of from a pPrsistent, subclinical infection to an acute, some-
m e joint, the joint becomes distended with fluid contain- times fatal disease. Cli11ical sig:ns il1clude respiraLory dis-
'.ng fibrin . As infections become chronic, there is villus tress, coughing, nasal discharge, and reluctance to move.
::iypertrophy of the synovia anda proliferative and erosive In severc cases, thc animal will stan.d with its i1eck ex-
arthritis develops. tended and mouth open to facilitate breathing. Subclini-
A marked pleura] effusion develops in respiratory tract cally affected anin1als serve as a source fOJ maintaining
!nfections dueto Nf. mycoides ssp. mycoides in cattle and M. and spreading infection in the herd. Most infections are
mpricol11m ssp. capripne11rnoniae in goats. The subpleural limited to the respiratory tract, although arthritis occurs
tissue and interlobular septa become thickened and fluid in calves.
5.lled. Affected areas of lung become hepatized with result- Mycoplasma mastitis is caused by a number of species. scqucstration of nccrotic tissuc. Mycoplas111a bovis is the most common cause and results in
An intiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells is often tl1e most severe disease. Mycoplasma californicum and M.
observed in mycoplasma infections, particularly arou11d canadense are also frequently involved. Mycoplasma alka-
··essels and in the submucosa. Peribronchial and peribron.- lescens and M. bovigenit.alium have also been implicated as
dliolar lymphoplasmacytic cu.ff.i ng is a characteristic find- etiologic agents on occasion. 1ypically, there is a drop in
-'1g i11 respiralory lracl infeclion. ·r11e profound lyrnpl10- 111ilk produclior1. Tltt: r11ilk be::cuH1t:::. tllick a11<.l iutt:rnúxed
~lasmacytic proliferation ohserved in many infe.ctions is ~vith a watery sec'retion and n1ay progress to a purulent ex-
éue to nonspecific mitoge11ic effects as well as to a specific uda te (Fig 40.2). 1'he udder is often swollen, although not
2 ntimycoplasmal immune response.
painful. Sometimes ali four quarters are involved. It is a de-
structivc 1nastitis and oftcn rcfractory to trcatmcnt. Most
J isease Patterns infections are limited to the mammary gland; however,
a.rtl1ritis subseguent to bacteremia occurs. In sorne cases
Júectio11s can 111anifesl in a variely of ways. Con11norr t.lisSt:I11inate<.l iufection results in periarticular involve-
;nanifestations include septicemias, disseminated infec- 1nent and fasc:i itis. Spread from c:ow to cow is directly re-
2ons involving multiple si tes, or localized infections. Com- lated to inadequate 1nax1agement and sanitation practices.
11100 manifestations caused by t11e ditterent pathogenic Mycoplasma respiratory tract infections in calves often
!peCies in major animal species are Usted in Table 40.1. present as pneun1onia in association with othcr bovinc
respiratory pathogens. Mycoplasma bovis is the predomj-
!.vian. Mycoplasmosis in poultry has important economic nant species recovered. Mrcoplasma dispar causes a mild
:onseq uen ces. lvíycoplusrrtu galliseplicurn caust:s a el trouic respiratory disease characterized by bronchiolitis and alve-
:espiratory disease in chickens, turkeys, and a number of oli tis and is us11ally precipit;:itecl by environmental stresses
:nhcr domcstic avían spccics. Clinical signs include cough- or a prirnary viral infection. Both J\.f. bovis a11d lvf. dispar
~"1~1 nasal discharge, and tracheal rales. 'lürkeys can de- can be recovered as commensals from the upper respira-
-:-etop sinusitis with production of a thick, mucoid exudate tory tract.
~at results in severe swelling of the paranasal sinuses. Urogen1tal tract i11fections are caused by M. bovigenital-
Jccasionally, clinical signs related to brain and joint in- ium and Ureaplasma diversum. Seminal vesiculitis in bulls
-ctlven1e11l are recognized. Decrease iu egg vroduction aJso and granular vulV!tls, endometritis, anct abortion il1 cows
244 PART II J3acteria and Fun"i

vaders. Mycoplasma spumans 11as l)een reported to cause

F l G U RE 4 O. 2. Milk from a cow with severe mycop/asma mas- arthritis.
titis. The mílk is thíckened with a watery component that contains
srna// flakes of 1nateríal. Mycoplas111a bovis was recove11=ú. Caprine. Mycoplasma infections in goats are economicall:-
important and can rcsult in discasc of cpizootic propor-
tion. Mycoplasrna rnycoides ssp. rnycoides (largc colony var:-
ant) infectio11s present as a mastitis, pneu1nonia, bursitis
or arthrltls in adult a1l11nals. Sorne does develop a genera1-
izecl toxi<· disease th at can be fat;11. A rapid ly frit;il sep-
ticen1ia is co1nn1on in kids. Those that su rvive develop a
chronic, destructive arthritis and/or bursitis (fig 40.4 .
Mycoplasma mycoidcs ssp. capri causes a plcuropncumonia
similar to that of goat strains of M. rnycoides ssp. rnycoides.
It l1as been proposed that M. rnycoídes ssp. m)'COídes (largf:
coJony variant) be combined wit h Mycoptasma mycoides
ssp. capri as a single subspecies capri b;isi><l on thi> high
DNA hon1olc>gy they share. Septicemia, arthritis, and m as-
titis occur with M. capricolurn ssp. capricolurn infections.
Mycoplasma capricolurn ssp . capripncitrnoniac (formerly M/
coplasma sp. F-38) causes conta¡.,>ious caprine p leuropneu -
monia (CCPP), '"'hich is s.i.milar to CBPP in cattle. Both ~L
are associated with botll o f these orga11isms. Both are agalactiae and M. putrefaciens cause mastitis. ·r11e rnastifu
found as normal commensals in the lower uroge11ital tract . d ue to M . putrefacíens is purulent in n;i11 1ri>, whili> infPc-
Arlh1ilis in calves occLus sporadically. While a nun1ber lions will1 M. agalactiae rcsult in a decrease or total cessa-
of different species can cause arthritis, i'vf. bovis is most fre- tion in 1nilk production. Both species can cause arthritis.
quently recovered. Other less commo11 presentations in- Mycoplas11·1a conjunctivae causes a kcratoconjunctivitis th ar
clude otitis media and decubital abscesses (fig 40.3). Otitis p resents with lacrimatton, conjunctival tlyperemia, anc
media usually occurs in co11junction witl1 respiratory dis- keratitis. Paru1us is sometim.e s evident.
ease. Dccubital absccsses have bee11 associated witl1 con-
fil1ed 11ousil1g conditio11s. M)lcoplasrna bovis, agaiI1, is tl1e Equine. Mycoplasrna felis is the 011ly species that has been
U:)Ud] dC)t;l ! l.. ~ulidly (:l~~ulici leu vvill1 lli~ed~e ü1 ll1t:: 1 1u1~1::: . IL i~ 1e1...uve1t::tl
from tl1e upper respiratory tract as a commensal b ut can
(¡¡nine. A numbcr of Mycoplasrna spccics havc bccn iso- ca use a p leuritis, usually related to soJnc cxcrt.ional activ-
lated fron1 dogs; 11owever, little is known ahout ttle role ity. 'ltle p leuritis is selt-limiting and trequently resolves
they p lay in d iscase. Experimental and clinical evider1ce spontaneously.
suggests M. canis can cause urogenital traer disease in-
cluding prostatitis, cystitis, endometritis, orchitis, and Feline. A variety of comme11sal n1ycoplasmas have been re-
epididy1nilis. 'file role of lvfyi;oplusruu i1 1 reproduclive <.li:s- <.:overe<.l IroII1 ruucusc1l :surface:s uf cat:s. Relc1tively few art
orders of the bitch is uncertain. Mycoplasrna spp. have associated with d iscase. -,.,1ycoplasma gatae has heen reco~·-
been associated with pneumonia, often as secondary in-

F1G U RE 4 O. 4 . Bursit is in a Z-mont h-old goat kid. The bursa is

distended with an amher-cnlnred fluid anda white fihrinous mate-
FIGUR E 40.3 . Abscess ínvolvíng sternal area of calf. The rial. Mycopl asma mycoides subsp. mycoid es (larg e co/ony varíant)
abscess was related to pressure trauma. Myco plasma bovis was was recovered. (Courtesy Dr. M. Anderson.)
recovered. (Courtesy Dr. H. Kinde.)
Chapter 40 Mollicutes 245

ered trom cats with arthritis. Mycoplasn1a fe/is has been as-
sociated with a serous to mucoid conjunctivitis. Typically Enzootic pneumonia in a pig caused by
F 1G U R E 4 O. 5 .
the con¡unctiva is edematous; however, the cornea is not Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. (Courtesy Dr. M. Anderson.)
M-ivolved. A mycoplasma-like organism has been associ-
aled wilh subcuLaneous absces:ses, bul neilhe1 Lile disease
nor the organism has been well characterized. Mycoplasma
5pp. have bce11 isolated as part of thc polymicrobial com-
?Onent trom pyothorax exudates.

•.1urine. Mycoplasma pulmonis causes a low-grade respira-

-nry disease in rats. Infections involve the nasal cavity,
::niddle ear, larynx, trachea, and lungs. Thc most commo11
clinical sign is a low-pitched wheezing or snuffling result-
.ng from thc purulcnt nasal cxudatc. In micc, clinical signs
are often inapparent, although a chattering sound and
continued rubbing of the cycs and nosc may suggest infec
tton ln the colony. Mortality is low and when lt occurs is •
-platcd to pneumonia. G·enital tract infections with M. pul-
"lOnis are also recog11ized ü1 rats. Mycoplasrna arthritiúis
causes a polyarthritis in rats and mice, altl1ough many in-
i1atlon of infection. Asymptomatic carriers, usually colo-
·ections are subclinicaL Experimental infections in micc
nized on mucosa! surfaces, serve as thc source for main-
-esult in 101nt swelhng and, in sorne cases, posterior paral-
taining organisrns i11 lhe puvulaliu11. Yuu11g a1ú1uals are
:·sis. Natural infections with M. n eurolyticum generally do
very susceptible to infection and generally develop n1orP
.iul L"au:.c tliscasc, altl1uugh L"unjunLLiVitis has been re-
scvcrc discasc than adult animals. As a rule animal path-
;x>rted. Experimental inoc:ulation with M. nP.urnlyf1r.un1 or
ogens are not considered to havc zoonotic potential.
cell-free filtrates causes a neu.rologic syndrome referred to
as rolling discase.
lmmunologic Aspects
Jvine. Compared to otber ruminant spccics, mycoplasma
~1fections in sheep are not as frequent or devast ating.
lmmune Mechanisms in Pathogenesis
.f1 coplasrna ovipneumoniae is associatcd with pneumonia

.md usually in conjunction with other cornmon bacteria! 'fhe immune response ofthe host is intimatcly involved in
• "1Lllvb1.:11:> vf 1111.: vvl111:: lt::>püalv1y 11a1...l. Oulurt:ak:> uf kt:r- tlle partiugenests uf t11sease. consequences of borh an ac-
_toco njunctivitis have been attributed to M. conjunctivae. tivP humoral ano CP.l111lar imm11nP Tf'~pon~f', '1S \<VPll ;is im-
...galactic mastitis caused by M. agalactiac is similar to that ffiUilOSuppressive effects of the pathogen itself, are in-
bserved in goats. Sheep can also be intectcd with many ot volved in the pathogenic process.
:..'1e oth er species that affect goats. Sorne mollicutcs havc bccn shown to posscss nonspc-
cific mitogenic properties and are able to induce a poly-
;orcine. A number of important clinical entities are associ- clonal B lymphocyte stilnulation to a variety of antigens,
.,.¡e::u willJ 111yL"uJJlasrna i11ft:L"liu11s in swint:. T11ft:L"Lit>IJS with lncludlng host antlgens. Mycoplas1na arrhriditis possesses a
J. hyopneumoniae presentas a chronic respiratory disease, sm;ill peptide that acts as a supcrantigen and stimulates a
;eferred to as cnzootic pncu1nonía (Pig 40.5). 'I'here is high broad population ofT lyn1phocytcs. Thc rcsulling produc-
"""'lOrbidity b ut low mortality. ·r11e principal clínica! sign is tion of various cytokines and intlammatory reaction are
_ chronic nonproductivc cough. J\ífcctcd pigs appcar un- detrimental to the host. Shared host and mycoplas1na
~hnfty and have retarded growth. Mycoplasrna hyorhinis antigens, such as the galactans found in thc lungs of cattle
.auses a S)rstemic infection in pigs between 3 and 10 weeks and in 111. tnycoídes ssp. n1ycoidas, can result in autol.cnmunc
- f age. Inilial signs include feve1, iuavJJeLeuce, aud lislle::~- dlscasc. Mycoplasmas actívate the complement cascadc by
-ess. Swelling of the joints and lameness frequently fol- the classical pathway, which contributes to the inflamma-
. "-. Thcre is a characteristic polyserositis that involves lury rt::.¡.iu11:;e::. Wllil~ u~n~fiL"ial in controlling infectlons,
..., eural, peritoneal, and pericardial serosa. Synovial mem- the inflammatory rp_<;ponsP can rP~11lt in <lamage to by-
.::-r:i.nes are also affected. Chronic infcctions rcsult in de stondcr host ccll:;. T'crsistcncc of antigen in selected $Ítc.:11
...-:eased weight gain. Mycoplasma hyosynoviae causes arthri- such as joints, allows tor turther damage due to develop-
·is in growing pigs 12 to 24 weeks of age. Lameness and ment of an imn1une cornplcx mediated inflammatory re-
~ocialed difficully wiLh ru obilily are ll 1e JJri11L"ipal L"liní- sponse. Induction of interlcukin l (IL-1), IL-6 and tun1or

._al signs. necrosis factor (TNF) from activated macrophages by

n1any 111ycoplasn1as leads lo acli valiur 1 uf L"ytutuxiL" ·r ly1n-
phocytes and results in an endotoxin-like effect.
Si1pprcssion or lack of the host immunc cesponse is im-
'le prlmary source of most of the pathogenic mollicutes portant in allowing tor persistence and avoidance of recog-
the host that they infect. Introductio n of an infected an- nition by the host. A number of Mycoplasn1a specics havc
---ial in loan u11i11fecled populaLi011 a1.:L"u u11ls fur disseuli- been shown to decrease phagocytic actiVIty of neutrophils
246 PART IT Bacteria a11d Fu11gi

and macrophages. Proposect mechanisms lnclude decreas- (Stuart's and Amies' without cl1arcoaJ) are suitable for
ing the respiratory burst (M. Liovis) or decreasing phagocy- transportit1g swabs. If a prolonged transport time (greater
Losis as a resull of capsule produclion (lvJ. dispar) . Anligens Lhan 24 ho urs) is expected, ::;CJ111ples sliulLld be sliipved
sl1ared between Mycoplasma species and the host tissues frozen and preferably on dry ice or in liquid nitrogen.
lnay rcsult in a biological i11imicry, v•hcreby the 11ost rec-
ognizes the mycoplasma as selt, leading to persistent ilúec- Direct Examination
tions. Antigenic variabil.lty is a11other mechanis1n em-
ployed to evade J1ost defenses. Tl1e pMGA ge11e family, The variability in microscopic n1orphology and poor
\~rhich accounts for 16% of the entire genome of 1 \ 1. gal- staíning with t h e Gram method make direct examination
liseplh.urn, geueraLes auligeujc va1 ia11 ts o.f a ruajor sui-face fo1 1.uost 11101Jicutes u1uewarding. Direcl fluorescei1l anLi-
protein . Incorporation of host antigens by mycoplasmas, a body tests and DNA fluorochrome staining have bee11 de-
condition referred to as capping, further aids sorne molli- scribed, particularly for diag11osing conjunctiviti.s and
cutes in escaping detection by the immune system. mastitis, but t11ey are not vvictely used.

Mechanisms of Resistance and Recovery lsolation

Age, environmental conditions, ge11etlc predlsposit1011, No one n1edia forn1ulat ion is suitable for growth of all of
cro,Mding, and concurrent ü1fections are ali .i nvolved in the mollicutes. ·rhe media selected sl1ould be based on the
contri!JutiI1g tu re:;i:;tauce Lo ü1 (ecliou or lack Lhereof. specific species or group of spccics of intcrcst. In general, a
Minimizing predisposing stresses will minimize disease. tairly complex inedia is require<.1. Serum is the usual source
Sorne of the lnnate host mechanisms for protection, such of sterols a11d is required by most species. Differe11t species,
as tl1e n1ucociliary escalator system in the respiratory tract, I1owever, grow better with different sources of seru1n. The
are lmportant in preventing colonization. exception is tl1e Acholeplasma, \.vhích have the ability to
'fhe chronlcity of 1nollicute infections suggests that the :;yr1thesiz.e tl1eir uw11 fatty acids and Lherefore do nol re-
immune response is not very effective at controlling infec- quire exogenous sterols. Yeast extract is also included as a
tion once established. Mycoplasmas stirnulate a 11urnoral source of growth factors . Growth of sorne species is en -
rt>sp<Hl!\P ;ind .~pf'cific antibodif's can hf' df'monstratf'd. hanced or requires incorporation of specific substances
Antíbodies have been shown to enhance clearancc. Cellu- such as vaginal mucus (M. agalactiae) and nícotinamide
lar immunity is also recognized, althougl1 less is knovv11 ade11ine dinucleotide (M. synoviae). Sorne goat mycoplas-
about it. In the facc of an inte11sc i11flammatory response, mas groiv on sl1eep blood agar as sn1all colonies and an
ho,~rever, m ycoplasmas generally appear able to avoid alpha-type ("green111g") hemolysis (Fig 40.6). Penici!Un.
elimil1ation. thallium acetate, and amphotericin. B are commonly
added to n1ed ia to inhibit contan1inating bacteria and
.f un gi. Specific sera directed against commensal
Artificial lmmunization mycoplasmas can be incorporatcd in media to allow for sc-
Vaccination is e1nployed to control so1ne mycoplasma dis- lecttve isolation for pathogenic species. For optimal reco,--
cases. A11 attenuated vaccine is used to protect cattle i11
a.reas "''here CBPP is e11zootic. Protectio11 lasts for approxi-
mately 18 mo11ths. Attenuated and killed, adjuvanted vac-
ci ncs have been used with variable success to control sorne F1G U R E 4 O. 6 . Growth of Mycopl asma mycoi des subsp.
capríne infections, specifícally those caused by M . agalac- mycoides (large colony variant) from a goat on a sheep blood
liae, M . mycuides ssp. capri, and 1\!J.. caprilulun1 s:;p. caprip- agarlMacConkey agar biplate. The sheep b/ood agar is in the lower
neumnniae. J nactivated vaccines afford sorne protection for ha/f of the p/ate. Tinv mvcoplasma colonies are evident. No growth
swine against i11fection '-vith Ñf. hyopneu111oniae and M . hy- is present on the MacConkey agar (upper half). This is one of the
orhinis. In poultry. live and inactivated vaccines are em - few mycoplasmas tha t grows sufficiently on sheep blood agar to
produce co/onies that are small but are still visible to the naked eye.
ployed to control egg production losses and respiratory
disease associated with M. gallisepticu1n infections.

Laboratory Diagnosis
Sample Collection
The appropriate sample for isolation attempt is determffied
by the clinical presentation and includes exudates, swabs
from affcctcd si tes, affccted tissues, and milk. 'fl1e ear ca11als
of goats can be sampled to detect inapparent carriers.
Because of tl1e niollicutes' fast idious nature, samples
should be submitted to the laboratory a:; suur1 a:; pussiule
after collection . D11ring transportation, samplf's shonlcl he
kept cool and n1oist. Various cornmercially available media
Cf1u11Ler 40 Mollic,ules 247

ery, samples are lnoculateú 111to lJotl1 a llqul<.l a11d solld

media and inc.uhated at 37ºC in 5o/o to 10% C02 for at least F1G U RE 4 O. 8. lmmunoperoxidase staining method used f or
7 days. Sorne species require longer incubation times. typing mycoplasma isolates directly on agar media. Two different
Semen and joint fluids may contain inhibitory factors and types of Mycoplasn1a are present in the sa1nple. One type (M.
should be diluted prior to cttlture to enhance recovery. bovirhinisJ stains when anti-Mycoplasma bovirhinis antisera is used
(darkly stained colonies); the other Mycoplasma isolate does not
Blind passages from broth to broth for up to three passages react wit h that antisera.
may enhance the recovery of poultry pathogens. Urea-
plasrna species are susceptible to pH cl1C1uges as CJ result of
hydrolysis of urea included in the media and must he suh-
cultured frequently to n1aintain their viability when isola-
tion attempts are made.

11 1.l<.: ro-
Pla le 111elli<t i:s exa111i11ell willt Ll1e a ill uf a lli::;::;ecll11g
scope. Colonies with the typical l1mbonate morphology
are stai.ncd dircctly witb the f)icn,es stai11 to differentiat e
them from other bacteria (Fig 40.7). ·rhe mollicutes stain
blue beca use of their inability to reduce methylene blue in
The stain. Other bacteria red uce methylene blue by using it
as a hydrogen acceptor iI1 maltose oxidation and therefore
appear colodess with tl1e Die11es staü1. The excepl.ions a1e
L-form bacteria, which exhibit a similar colo11y morphol-
ogy and staining rcaction as tl1c mollicutcs. L-forms must
be different iated fron1 mollicutes by demonstrating rever-
si.on of the L-form bacteria back to a walled form . antisera impregnatcd disks or antiscra p laced in wclls in
Digitonin sensitivity is used to distinguish i\1ycoplasma media and demonstrating a zone of inhibition. Metabolic
and [lreaplasma from Arholeplasma. A large zone of inhibi- inhibition tests use growth inhibltio11 in liquid media and
tion around paper disk:; salurated will1 l.5% digilonin will a color change based on pH asan .indicator system. Other
be present with Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma but only a ti>st prorerlures com m.only used to demonstrate specific rc-
small or no zone is observed with Acholeplas1na. Com- activity are direct or indirect in1n1u11oiluoresce11ce on
monly used f)iochem ical tests to further characterize iso- colony impressions, colony epitluorescence, and immu-
Iates include detection of phosphatase activity, fermenta nopcroxidasc staining of colonics on agur platcs (Fig 40.8).
n on of glucose, and hydrolysis of arginine or urea. Nonserologic methods for species identification using
Definitive identificatio11 is based on reactivitywith spe- polymerase chain reaction (PCR) have recently been de-
t.i fic antisera. A nurnber uf rnetl1ot1:; are ernployed lJCJseu scribed. Amplification of spedfic DNA sequences by PCR
on eithP.r the ;ibility of spi>rifir antisi>rri to inhihit growth and restriction endonuclease analysis of PCR products
or n1etaboli.sn1 or t he den1onstration of reactivity with a 11ave bee11 used for idenlificalion and characlerizal.io11 of
specific antisera using either a fluorescence or chrornogen- isolates. Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis
bascd dctcction systcm. Growth inhibition tests cmploy l1as been used for strain differentiation. llestriction en-
donuclease analysis, protein electrophoresis, and ribotyp-
ing have also been used to further characterize strains.
DNA sequencing of selected genes, especially the gene en-
f 1G u RE 4 o. 7 . Díenes-stained mycop/asma co/onies wíth
coding the 16S rRN.A., is becoming more important as a
dense/y staining centers and /ighter staining peripheries (75X). Lool fo1 Laxono1nic place111e11L of Myc,uplu:srna specie:;.
Antibiotics susceptibility testing of clinical isolates is
not routinely performed. No standardized method or ap-
propriate control organisms have been described.

Nonculture Detection Methods

J1n111 uuoperuxi<.lCJ:;e a11<.l irr1rr1uuufluurescent staining of
histopathologic sec.tions has heen 11sed suc.c.i>ssfully for
.identification of sorne species in tissues, including M. bovis
in cattle t issues, M. hyopneu.moniae in pig lungs, and sorne
of the poultry mycoplasmas.
A number of PCR methods have been described fo r
identification of pathogenic species directly from clinical
1naLerial. Poly111erCJse cl1aiI1 reaction tests for direct detec-
tion of sorne~ of the pathogi>nir poultry mycoplasm as are
commercially available.
248 PAnT II Bacteria and Fungi

lmmunodiagnosis tcsting and eli1nination of positive flocks and anlibiolic

treatment of hatching eggs to produce mycoplasma-free
.A nurnber of imrnunodíagnostic tests have been t1eve1oped
chicks. Trcat1nent of eggs involves immersing warmed
for many of the impottant mycoplasma diseascs. Ma11y
eggs in a chillect antibiotic solution, which promotcs an-
have not been standardized and are not in '-v1de use . Prob- tibiotic penetration in to the egg. Routine culturing of bulk
lems with sP.nsitivity, PspPci;illy with ;isymptomatic carri - tanks is used to monitor for mammary infections in co'i\·
ers, are common. Lack of specificity as a result of cross- and goat herds. Animals identified as shedcling organisms
reacting antibodies is also a problem. 111 ll1e n1ilk are usually culled.
Enzyrnc-linkcd immunosorbcnt assays (ELISAs), platc Preventing infection should be based on following
agglutination, and llemagglutination inllibition tests are stJ·ict biosccurity practiccs to prccludc introduction of ln-
routinely used to detect flock infections vvith A1. gallisep-
fected animals into a mycoplasma-free herd. Ne•v animals
ticum, l.ví. rneleagridis, and M. synoviae in poultry and are a11 should be quarantined and tested before being mixed
importéu1t part of overall eradication progran1s used by '\Nitl1 the herd. 'laking animals to shows and fairs at1d re-
con1n1ercial poultty operations. Con1n1ercially available turning them to the herd n1ay also serve as a so urce fo.r tn-
tests are available for poultry. troducit1g infeclio11. 'fl1is is a11 especially con1111011 sce-
11ario for outbreaks i11 goat herds. Good hygiene and
managcmcnt practi.ccs are important in p rcvcnting
Treatment, Control, and Prevention spread among animals \.Yhere infections are eI1zootic.
Because n1ilk can be a source of infection, especially in
Success of treatment varíes depending on the species in- goats, it sllould be pasteurized to prevent infecting young
volved, Lhe affecled sile, and lin1e course of tl1e d.isease. animals in thc hcrd .
Alt hough the mollicutes are susceptible to a 11umber of an-
tibiotics in vitro, treatment failures are common. Con1-
monly used antibiotics include tctracyclines, tylosin,
erythromycin, lincomycin, spectinomycin, a11d tilmi- THE HAEMOTROPHIC MOLLICUTES
cosin. Resistance to sorne of these a11timicrobials, particu-
larly of the i11acrolide class, has been noted. Animals that T·he haemotrophic mollicutes include microorganisms
uo (t'.;)¡JUlld LO Lrt'.alUlt'.llL oflt'.JI l.Jt'.C:Ulllt'. carrit'.C:>. pteviously iucluded in Lhe genera Haernobartonella and
Control measures depend on the disease status of the Eperythrozoon (Table 40.2). All are parasites of red blood
country, specific disease, and animal species infected. cells, and produce hen1olytic anemia in the young, or
Diseases such as CBPP and CCPP, which affect large popu- stressed individuals (Fig 40.9). Subclinically infected ani-
lations of animals, are controlled by test and slaughter of 1nals are the source for bae1noplas111as. Several members of
affected herds in countries attempting to maintain a clis- thiS group are transmitted by ectoparasites. Unlike t lle
ease free status. Vaccination, culling of infected animals, nonhaemotrophic n10Ilicutes, they have not been culti-
a11d 1Hauage111t'.u l cha11gt'.:s tu µrt:vt:11t ui;):Sl.'.11li11atiu11 are v<1ted u11 lifeless rnellia.
employed in countries where the disease is enzootic. Tn Infections witl1 this group of microorganisms are usu -
general, because of thc poor succcss in trcating infcctcd ally asymptomatic. Howcvcr, following a strcssful cvcnt
anítnals, culling of clinically ill animals is often employed (e.g., concurrent infections with FI V or J'eLV in éats in-
as a control measure in infected populations where test fected with M, hacnzofclis or M. hacn1orninut11rn) sometin1es
and slaugllter is not feasible. Industry-driven efforts, par- leads to the develop1uent of clinically apparent hemolyt ic
t icularly in the poultry h1dustry, have outlined measures anemia.
Lo elilniuaLe or prevelll i11fecLio11. ,<\Lle111¡;t:, tu erauicatc iu- Taft:ctiurrs witl1 tlre l1<1eu1o¡;la:;u1a:s uiay caust: ictt'.ru:;,
fections, particularly in breeding flocks, indude serologic splenomegaly, and hone-marrovv hyperplasia.

Table 40.2. Animal Species, Agents, ;incl Dise;i<;es Asso(iatecl with Haemotrophk

Animal Species Agent Cotnmon Cfinical Ma1Jif&$tatiims

Cat !v!ycop/asma haemofe/is Anemia (Feline lntectious Anemia)

M. haemomínutum
Cattle M, wen.yonii Anemia
Oog 1.4. haemocanís Anemia
Llama M. haemolamae Anemia
Mice M. haemurís Anemia
Opossurn M. haemodídelhidis Anemia
Sheep M. haemovis Anemia
Swíne M. haemosuís /\nemia
Chaptcr 40 Mollicutcs 249

;:: 1GU RE 4 O. 9. Mycoplasma haemofelis on feline erythro-

:ytes. Note cocea/ and ring forms. Wright's stain, 1OOOX.

Diagnosis is based upon clinical signs, dernonstration fication using DNA prin1ers and the polymerase chaln
Jf the agent in stained (a Romanovsky-type stain, e.g. 1 reaction.
-.,-Tight's or Giemsa) srnears of peripheral blood, or de- ·r reatment includes correction of the tlemolytic ane-
:~on of genus and species-specific DNA. following ampli- 1nia1 and one of the tetracyclines.
Rickettsiae: Rickettsia,
Coxiella, and Orientia


Members of the order Rickcttsialcs are minute obligate in it with the aid of transaminases, del1ydrogenases, and en-
tracelJular gran1-negative bacteria. ·rhey are basically para- zymes of the citric acid cycle. There is llttle glycolytic actív-
sites of arthropods. Two families, Rickettsiaceae and ity. Rickettsial adenosine diphosphate (ADP) is readily ex-
Anaplasmataceae, within this order are of veterinary inter- cl1anged for host ade11osine triph<>sphate (A:rP) acro~s cell.
est. The family Rickettsiaceae, which includes parasites of membranes. 'fhis "leakiness" of ric:kettsiaf' ca11sf's loss of
Liie vascula1 e11d0Lheliun1 (Rickettsia, Co.xiella., a11d n1etabolites, in.Ecctivity, and viability when agents
()rientia), commonly referred to as "rickettsiae,'' and para- are removed to extracellular sites, but is probably an adap-
::;ite::; of phagocytic cells (Ehrlichia and Neorickettsia), com- tatio11 to intracellular existencc rathcr than its cause,
monly referred to as "ehrlichiae." ·rhe family Anaplasma- which is unknow11. Within hosts, Coxiella burnetii is an ob-
taceae, cornposed of the genus Anaplasrna, parasitizes lígate intracellular, but it survives extracellu-
erythrocytes, pl1agocytes, and platelets. larly in the environment for months, formalin, ultraviolet
·rhc el1rlichiae (Ehrlichia and Neorickettsia) are discussed radiation, classical pasteurization at 63ºC for 30 minutes,
i11 Cl1a¡.itcr 4 2, a11d 1ue1uuer~ of tl1e fau1ily A11apli:!~rna ­ a11<l ucca~ioually even "flasl1" ¡.iastt:urizatio11 (71.ó"C for 10
tac:eae are disc:11ssect in C'.hapter 4:i. 'rhis chapter dPals with to 20 sec:oncts).
thc rickctt::;iac: Rickettsia, Coxíella, aod Orientia, tl1ougl1 Many mernbers of the rickettsiae are associated ~vi tl1 in-
only those associated with anin1al disease are discussed ü1 vertebrate vectors, and sorne can be passed transovarially
d.etail (Rickettsitz ricketl'sii, the cause of Rocky 1v:Countain in tick!; and mi tes. The pathogenic and ecologic relatio11
spotted fever il1 dogs and sheep, a11d c·oxiella burnerti, the ships of important rickettsiae are shown in Table 41 .J .
c;111s1~ of Q ff'ver in run1inants. ·r11ere are three of veterinary interest: R. rickettsii belonging
to the spotted fever group, R. fe/is il1 the lyphus group, and
C. burnetii. Rickettsia felis is inc.luded bec:ause preliminar)
research suggests tl1at it is an important small-animal de-
Descriptive Features rived zoonosis, although it is not pathogenic for cats.
Rickf'ttsiaf' mf'as11re 11p to 0 ..5 pm by 1.0 pm. Although
structurally gran1-negative, better visualiz:ation is achieved
with Gimenez, Maccl1iavello, or Giemsa stai11s. 'l'he forn1er RICKETTSIA RICKETTSll
two stail1 r.ickettsiae red, tl1e latter purple. Electrol1 micro-
scopically a11d chen1ically1 rickcttsiae resen1ble other
gram-negative bacteria. E11dotoxin is present (see Chapters
7 and 8). Cells are nonmotile. The life cycle of Coxiella bur- Reservoir and Transmission
netii includes an endospore-like phase. Rickettsiae entf'r
endothelial cells through endocytosis actively initiated by 'fhe agent of Rock]' Mountain spotted fcver (RMSF).
1netabolizing rickettsial cells. ·rhcy escape fron1 the pl1ago- Rickettsia rickettsii infects dogs (and people) in endemic
so1ne and n1ultiply in the cytoplasm and, in sorne cases, areas. It is carried naturally by some 20 species of ixodid
the nucleus. ticks, including Dermacentor andersoni (the wood tick) a11d
Rickettsiae are propagated in yolk sacs of chick em- D. varia.bilis (the American dog tick) in western North
bryos, cell cultures, and laboratory animals, notably America anc.1 D. variubili.s in tl1e easter11 ¡.iorlio11:> of Norllt
guinea pigs or micP. ThP optima! tPmpPrah1rP fnr growth is Amf'rica. !t is passe<l transovarially in ticks. Serologic sur-
33ºC to 35º<:, at which the generation time is about 9 veys suggest that most canine RMSF infections go unno-
hours. ln cell culture, good growth mayreqliire ir1cubation ticed. (.)tl1er tick-borne diseases (ehrlichiosis, babesiosis.
for severa! weeks, depending on the rickettsial species borreliosis) should be considered along with RMSF in tick-
i11volved. infested dogs. RMSF is limitcd t o the New W<>rlc!. Cas5
Glutan1ate is a key nutrient for rickettsiae, which utilize occur most commonly (and are increasing in prevalence

Chapter 41 Rlckettsiae: Rickettsia, Coxtella, and Orientia 251

Table 41.1. some Dlseases due to Rlckertslae: Agents, Reservoirs, veaors, and Horu

Disease Causative Agent Vertebrate Reservoir Vectors Transovarian Passage Oinically Affected Hosts

Epidemic typhus
Classlcal Rickertsla prowazekli Humans (recovered) Uce Huma ns
Sylvatic R. prowazekii Eastem flying squirrel~ FIP~~ Huma ns
Endemic (murine) typhus R. typhi Rats, opossums, cats fleas Hu11 1d11~

Endemic typhus-like R. fe/is (ELB aqent) Opossums, cats Fleas Humaris

Scrub typhus Orientia tsutsugamushi Mice, rats Mitcs + Huma ns
Rocky Mountaín sponed fever, R. ricketrsii Various feral mammals TICks + Humaris (dogs, sheep)"
Q fevl'r Coxie/la bumetii Mammals. birds, fish? Ticks, mites, insectsl> 7 Humans (ruminants)

• Occasionallv affected.
b Airborne transmission commonly ocrurs in absence of vectors..

in castcrn North Amcrica. Scasonal incidcnce parallels and enzymc-linked imn1unosorbcnt assay (ELISA) are
adult tick activity: lJ. andersoni is active in spring and early most commonly performed to detecl TgG specific for rick-
summcr, whilc D. variabilis is active from midspring to late ettsial antigens. Negative or Jow titers may occur carly in
sw11111cr. Tlu.: rcscrvoir for RMSF is smaJI mammals, which disease. Rlckensiae can be demonstrated in cells by direct
constitute a primary sylvatic: c:yclP with immature ticks. immunofluorescence. Polymerase chain reaction-based
tests a1c available Lo evaluate for R. rickellsii DNA in tlcks
and dogs.
Rickettsia ríckertsii replicates in the epithehum of the tick,
and is transfcrred to salivary glands and ovarían tissue. Treatment and Control
..\ftcr tl1e tk:k bites a suitable host, R. rickettsii Is injected
anci targPts vasr11lar i>ndothelium, where they are endocy- Rickerrsía rickettsii is susceptible to chlocamphenicol, tetra-
tosed, escape the phagoson1e, and n1ultiply in cell cylo- cyclines, and fluoroquinolones. Aífccted dogs must receive
;ilasrn and n ucleus. Rickettsial phospholipase and pro- aggre:>:>ivc supportive therapy and posslbly steroids. Pre-
teascs damagc cndothclial ccll mcmbrancs, lcading to vention of RM.SF in ciogs rPquirP<; tirk <:ontrol. Transmis-
:iecrosis, vasculitis, hemorrhage, edema, perfusion inade- sio11 depends on prolonged feedi11g IJy liLk:. auu 111ay lJe re·
quacies, thrombosis, and dyspnea. Clinically, the infec- duccd by prompt tick removal.
=ion 1s rarely fatal, wtth affecrea aogs presenting wttn hJgh
:~er (40ºC), anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, petecchiated or
ecchy111vliL 111uLou:. 111e1111Jra11es, a11u le11ucr11ess ovcr (OX IELLA BURNETll
.:-mph nodes, joints, and muscles. Purpuric and central
~ervous disturbances may occur later. These, and heart
::.'ld kidney involvement, account for most fatalities. Un-
;ortunately, scvere nec.r osis of extremitics may occur whcn Reservoir and Transmission
·ne dog appears to be in convalescence.
'fhe agent of Q fever, Coxiella burnetii, is distributed world
wlde. lt survives in the environment, unlike other rick-
:nmunologic Aspects ettsiae, and can be disseminatcd by the airbome route.
Survival 1nay be 1elaLed Lo Llie ":.111all-cdl-variant," an
•:rimune complexes are suspected in thc pathogenesis of endosporc-like growth phase. Natural hosts an<l vec:tors in .
-~e vascular man ifestations of RMSF. Humoral and cell elude sorne 125 mammalian spccics and many spedes of
-edlatcd responses occur. The Janer especlally are signifi- arthropods, including ticks, mites, tleas, lice, and tlies,
nt far rcmoval of the agents by activated macrophages. sorne of which support a sylvatic cycle of C. burnetii.
o vaccine is available for RMSF. Recent re:search suggests that the organlsm can occur in
amoPhaP anrl crayfish, which may be an important mech-
anism of environn1el1tal persisle11ce, and a source (vr iu-
_aboratory Diagnosis fection of humans and other animals.
Most hun1an cases of Q fcvcr can be traced to exposure
me rickettslal antigens, including those of R. rickettsii, to infected sheep, cattle, and goats, either directly or via
-.,,.,_rpart \vith somatic antigens of certain Proteus (OX) unpasteurized milk products. Outbreaks have occurred
-ains, a phenon1enon (Weil-Felix reaclio11) ulilizeu iu tl1c aftcr wtnd currcnts carried infecttous "spores" from in-
::.:3gnosis of rickettsiaJ infections. This approach generally ft>rtPci ciairies. Cattle and small r uminants can shed the
'-Cks spccics spccificity. Indircct fluorescent antibody (FA) bacteria in feccs, spern1, ai1d u:vrvuuLtive discharges.
252 PA.lrr 11 ilnctcria and fungi

Parturient cats a11d dogs 11avc becn in1plicated as sources of Laboratory Diagnosis
hun1an infection.
Coxicl/(I burnctii has bccn wcaponizcd, and is consid- G1menez or other sta1ns on suspect tissues \Vill not differ-
ered an important agent of possible biological terrorism. entiate between C. burnetii and Chlarnydoph ila psittm..-.
Coxiella burnetii can be isulated fulluwing ir1jectiun in:
Pathogenesis guinea pigs and mice, embryonated eggs, or cell culturt
but cells dissociate to phase 11. In additíon, the agent :_
Coxiella bur11etii is acquired through inhalation, ingestion, considered dangerous to laboratory personnel. l'aradox.-
or arthropod bite and gains access to vascular endothe- cally, cven though animnls are infected only with phase.
lium and rcspiiatory and renal cpithclia. Coxiella bun1etii bacteria, titers of ant1bod1cs to phase I antigen in acute;-
multiplies within the phagosome, thanl<s to an enzvme infected people are low, while antibodies to phase II anti-
system adapted to low pH (5.0). After hematogenous dis- gens ~hvw a IélJ,.JÍd fvu1fo ld increase. lgM a11libodie
sem l natlon, 50ºA> of humans are asymptomatic or have against phase I do occur. If the infection becomes chronic
mild, self-limiting infection. Less t h an 10% develop severe levels of antibodies to phase 1 becomc ir1creased. This pat-
<.liscasc ~vi t lt vasculi lis, µ11cu11 1u11 ilis, sµleno111egal y, fever, tern may occur in animals, but long-term observations o.
and lymphocytosis. In animals, the pattern may be simi- acutcly and chronically infectcd ani1nals of various species
lar, although mildly affccted animals may have latent in- are scarce. lndlrcct 1m1nunofluorescence, complen1ent fu..-
fection . persisting particularly in the lactating mammary ation, or El.ISA tests are used to detect antibodies. In ceL
glar1d and the pregnant uterus. Latent ínfection ís reactí- culture, eggs, and experirnental a1liII1al li:.sui::s, direcl iu1·
vated during parturition: sporadic abortion may result munofhH)rt>stPnt st;iinin g will idcntify an isolate. Poly-
from placentitis or thc delivery may be normal and pro- merase chain reaction-bascd assays employing specific
duce viaule yuu11g. Iu t:!itl1er case.:, rickcttsiae are auun- DNA primees are also used to docun1ent infections witr
rl;:intly <;hPrl . 'l'hP f)íltho logic lrsion in animals w ith mild or thís agcnt.
self-limited disease is a granuloma; people and animals
with c11ronic active infcction fail to contain the b acteria in
a granuloma and thcrc are abundan t bacteria •-vith severely Treatment and Control
vacuolared macrophagcs. Mortality in human cases is due
to pneu1nonia, hepatic infection, or endocarditis. ·rhe major challenge for succcssful therapy is that the
In culture, C. burnetii transitions from a virulent phase I phagosome where C. burnetii persists is highly acidic, and
(resists m;:icroph;:igp killing ;:inri m11ltipliPS slo\.vly) typP to most antimicrobial agents are not effective at such lo"-
an avirulent phase ll. Phase 11 bacteria have altered expres- pHs. AlkaJinizing cells by using chloroquine has been
sion of cell wall lipopolysaccharide, do not occur in na- shown to improve clinical efficacy of tetracycline. Drugs
ture, and are killcd by macrophnges. with modcratc efficacy for C. burnetii infectlon include
tctracyclinc, chloramphenicol, clarithromycin, enrofloxa-
cin, ru1<.l Lri111i::tltuµri111-sulfa. Lu11g-Len11 lelrdcycli11e feeu-
lmmunologic Aspects ing has been used in attempts to control mammary excre-
tion of C. bur11etii, which has met with mixed results.
A phase 11 vaccine is available in sorne countries but has re- Pregnant sheep and goats n1ay be treated with tetracycline
portcd poor cfficacy. A whole cell killed vaccine is given to to reduce the probability of abortion.
rescarcl1ers. Thcrc is considerable interest in thc dcvclop-
ment of a phase T Q rever vacc1ne, whicl1 has proven effec-
tíve experimentally in rum inants and hu1nans.
Ehrlichiae: Elzrlichia and

DWIGHT C . l-lIRSJ-J t:/

-.. r

Descriptive Features EHRLICH/A CANIS, f. CHAFFEENSIS, ANO f. EWINGI/ r

\1.ernbers of the order Rickettsiales are 1ninute obligate in- Ecology

ttacellular gra1n-negative bacteria. They are basicaHy para-
:.i te::; of arthropods. 'CWo families (Rickettsiaceae and Reservoir and Transmission
Anaplasmatar.eae) w ithin this order are of veterinary inter-
est. The family Ricket-tsiaceae, which iI1cludes vara::>ite::; of Thc brown dog tick, Rhipicepltalus s1~.ngui11eus, is lhe vector uf
the vascular endothelium (Rickettsia, Coxiella, and Orien- E. canis, t11e agent of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis.
tia), commonly referrcd to as "rickcttsiae," and parasites of Although dogs and other can id hosts of E. canis muy rernain
phagocytic cells (Ehrlichia and 1Veorickettsia), commonly bacteremic for years, their blood is infectious for ticks gener-
referred to as "ehrlichiae." 'J'he family Anaplasmataceae, ally far 2 weeks or less during the ac..ute disease. Puppies and
composed of the genus Anaplasma, parasitizes erythro- Gern1an shepherd dogs are most severely affected. 'fhe infec-
cytes, phagocytes, and p latelets. tion is concentrated in tropiral and subtropical latitudes, but
T11e rickellsiae a1e discu~::;ed in Cl1apter 41, and 1nem- occurs on ali continents except Australia. Tl1e vecL01 of E.
bers of the family Anaplasmataceae are disc.nssr<l in ewingii, the agent of one fonn of canine and human granu-
Chaptcr 43. Discussed in this chapter are the ehrlichiae: locytic ehrlichiosis (but distinct from granulocytic "ehrli-
Ehrlichia and J'Jeorickettsia. ChiOsis" caused by Anaplasma phagocytophilum) is Arnb/yom-
Ehrlichiae are white blood cell parasitcs that multiply ma americanum, the lone star tick. E. eivingii appears most
•vithin membrane-lined intracytoplasmic vesicles. Colo- cuuuno11ly in central North America although there are re-
nies (morulae) less than 4 µm in diamcter that consist of ports from c.oasta 1a reas of North America as \"7ell. Although
~elerne11tary uodie::;" smaller than l µm in diameter are a few rare cases of hun1an n101i.ocytic el1rlichiosis 111ay !Je uue
demonstrahlf~ hy examination of Giemsa-stained blood to E. canis infection, n1ost are dueto infection with R. chaf-
smears (Pig 42. l) or immunofluorescence. A cell wall is (eensis, which is closcly rclatcd gcnctically and serologically
present. to E. canis. Its vector is LJermacentor variabi/is, the American
The ehrlichiae are comprised of E. canis, E. chaffccnsís, E. dog tick, and its ma\nmaliar1 reservoir m.ay be deer.
ei.vingii, E. (formerly Cowdria) ruminantium, Neorickettsia
helminthoeca, N. (formerly Ehrlichia) risticií, a11d N. (for- Pathogenesis
rnerly Ehrlichiu) sennelsu. Ehrlichia equi has been reclassi-
fied as Anaplasma phagncytnphilum (see Chapter 43). Each of these ehrlichiae is inoculated into its host hy tir k
J:hrlichia canis, 1!,. chaffeensis, N. risticii, N. scnnetsu, and E. bite. J\cute onsct of discasc follovvs an incubation period of
n1tninantiu1n have been propagated in cell culture, which l to 3 vveeks, during which the agent proliferates by binary
simulates host conditions in vitro. Thc tick-transmittcd fission vvit hin monocytes (or granuJocytes in the case of E.
species (E. canis, E. cha{feensiS, E. eivingii, and t:. ru1ninan- ewingii). In severe acute disease, lasting up to severa! weeks,
-i11m) are passed transstadially, but not transovarially, there may be vasculitis and thrombocytopenia. lntravas-
\vithin ll1e vecLors. Bluuu 1nay rernain inJectious for 10 cular coagulation n1ay occur, aud leukoper1ia anc.! anemla
days at room ten1perature, 14 days at rrfrigerator tempera- are common. CUnically, there may he fevrr, n1alaise, de-
:urc, and 1.5 years if frozen . pression, inappctcnce, v•eight loss, pale n1ucous n1en1-
branes, lymphadenopathy, and joint pain (the latt er par-
ticularly in E. ewingii infection in dogs and people).
E. ewingii and E. chaffcensis occasionally progress to
chronir or severe disease in humans, with polyarthritis,
CNS disturba11ce, and vulluuuary infiltrates. Canlne
rnonocytic ehrlichiosis appears uniquP. in that affected

254 PARl 11 Béi<.:terié1 a11u Fu11gi

F 1G u RE 4 z. 1 . Neorickettsla helm inthoeto lo/ony (11101 u!d,

arrow) in canine lymph node impression. Giemsa stain, TOOOX.

dogs may entera late11t :stagc a11u a fi11al ch1orlic pl1asc. In Treatment and Control
thl' ch rnnir ph;ise, whirh may occur months to years after
quicscent infection, reduction of ali blood ccll typcs may ·retracycllne ls eJfective in early 111u11ucytic el11lichiosis bu.
accompany 11emorrhagcs (commonly epistaxis), edema, less so irr adv;i nrPn rasP.~. 1m idocarh dipropionate has alsc
serosa! cffusions, dyspnea, interstitial pneumonia, ane- 1Jcc11 re1.:u111111ended. Lale-stage monocytic ehrlicl1iosis has
mia, secondary Lnfect1ons, and enlarge1nent of spleen, a poor prognosis and is 1nanaged with doxycycline anc
liver, and lyn1ph nodes. Hyperglobulinc1nla, glomerulon- stcroids.
ephrltls, and witlespread plasrna <.:ell il1flllréili011 suggesL For prevention, tick controJ is imperative. People w1th
immunopathogen ic mf'rh;:inisms. rcccnt tick b ites receive doxycyclil1e prophylactically for
10 days.
lmmunologic Aspects
Progression to Iatent and chron1c can1ne ehrhchiosis oc-
curs more frequently in dogs '"'ith genetic predispositions fH RLICHIA RUMINANTIUM ANO f. OVIS
and possibly impaired cell-mediatetl lmmunity. Lateut iu-
fection appears to reside in thP spli>i>n. Although hyper-
gan1n1aglobulil1en1ia usually is polyclonal, several cases of Ecology
monoclonal ga1nmopathy have been reported, suggcsting
almost malignant transformation of B lymphocyte clones Reservoir and Transmission
antl/or suppression of n1ost oll1cr clones. "African heartwater disease," caused by E. ruminantium, at-
Cellular and hurnoral imn1une-mediated responses to fccts mostly ruminants. The disease is passed only by par-
infectcd mo11onuclear cells anti ]Jlatelet:s are sus¡;e<.:teu Lu cnteral 1ntroduction of blood. Tlck vectors are Amblyornrna
contribute to bloncl cf'll c1f'str11rtion and hone marrow de- spp. Strains of E. ruminanti11111, though serologically 11ni-
pression, polyarthritis, and uveitis; mcrlingiti:s may be due form1 vary in viruleu<.:e. TIJe i11fecllon is endemic in tropi-
to irnmunc complex deposition. Resistancc to reinfection cal Afric-;i ;:incl p;irts of thc Caribbean.
is antibody and ccll-mcdiatcd. Elirlichia avis parasitizes bovine or ovlnc mononuclcar
cells, and E. ondiri also invades granulocytes. ·rhe latter
causes bovine petechial fcvcr (Ondiri disease) in the high-
Laboratory Diagnosis lands of East Africa, a disease marl<cd by fever, lowereu
milk yield, mucosa! hemorrhages, and v;:iri<ihlP P<irly mor-
Gic rnsa-stained sxnears of buffy co;it <irP ex;imined for in-
t<ility. Artl1ru¡;ull vecL01s are assun1ed.
lract:llular n1orulae. 'fl1c:sc are scarce and found mainly
during the acute stage.
The agents of hun1an and caninc monocytic ehrlichio Pathogenesis
sis may be cultured in canine cell lines.
Serodiagnosis by indirect immunoOuorescence may de- Ehr/ichia n11ninantium multipliP_<; in cells lining the sinu-
tcct antibodies to these ehrllchlae, anu pulyrnera:se 1.:liai11 soids of lymph nodes, disscminates to the bloodstrcrun, and
rcaction testing (utilizing specifi<' ONA primers) is recom- colonizes endothelial cells, particularly cerebrocortical cap-
1uc11ueu Lu delect active infcction in blood. illarics. 1'hcir prcscnce induces little cellular inflammatory
Chupter 42 Ellrlicfliae: Eflrlicfzia and Neorickettsia 255

response, bue does rcsult In wtdcsprcad vasculitis with effu- causcd by N. ristidi. Neorickettsia ristidi is acquired orally
-;ion an<I C'pitht>lial an<I Pn<lotht>lial hemorrhage. Pericardial probahly in association with fluke metacercariae in water.
effusion, v.•hich gave the disease its nan1e, is inconsisle11l. 'fhe i11Ler111eúialc 11ust uf tl1c fluke is a snail, alrhough thc
Affcctcd animals also may develop encephalitis. Splecn, full range of possihle sna il spc-ciPs as~ociatt>rl with N. risticii
lymph nodcs, and usually livcr are grossly cnlargcd. has not heen describcd. Thc gcographic clistribution of N.
r:Unical signs vary. In the peracute form, a tever ot sev- rísticií includes .m ost of North America. Dogs and cats can
era! hours' duration precedes collapse and death under be experimentally infectcd w ith N. rislicii. Scnnctsu fcvcr
cunvulslons. In the acure forrn, rever occurs follo\-ved (N. sennetsu) is a disease in Malaysla and Ja pan that targets
\Vithin hours hy c1ish1rhancpo; including hyperexcitability, human monocytes. Little is known of its ecology.
muscle tremors, ataxia, deficits in conscious propriocep-
tion, head pressing, coma, and seizurcs. Dcath within 2 to Pathogenesis
10 days is the rule in sheep and likely in cattlc. A subclinical
form is aJso recognizecL Mortality in sheep is trom 6- 80%. Thc PHV agent infects equine monocytes, intestinal ep-
Little is known about the pathogcncsis of Ondiri ithclium, and colonic mast ce lis. Clinically, PHV resemblcs
disease. ehrhch1oses with fever, listlessness, anorexia, variable leu-
kopenia, diarrhea, and, as a late complication, laminitis.
U tcline infeclio11 11a:> lJcc11 ulJservetl. The fatallty rate of
lmmunologic Aspects cases with diarrhea is 20o/o to 10'M>. l Jlct>r11tivP g;istroenteri-
tis is thc most notable lesion at necropsy.
Ncwborn anin1als a11d so111c cattlc lJreetls are relatively re-
sistan! to Ji. rurnínantium.
rn surviving cattle, the agent disappears within 2 lmmunologic Aspects
months alter recovery, but cell-rnediatcd immunity per-
sists for up to 5 years. I1nn1unologic faclors art: uot fully understood. Antibodles
to N. risticii cross-react with N. $ennet~u, hnt not with Ana-
plas111a phagocytophilum (formerly E. equi). Recovered
Laboratory Diagnosis horses are immune.

Hcartwater rnay he diagnosed by dcmonstration of thc

agent in a Giemsa-stained smear of cerebral cortex. ln- Laboratory Diagnosis
fected cerebral extracts ,..,.¡n agglulinate with specific anti-
1.Jutly. Polymerase chalo reactlon-bascd testing utilizing Microbiologic diagnosis involvP.s clt>mon.~trati on of the
<;pPcific 1)NA primPrs c::;in doc:ument the presence of E. r11- agcnt in monocytes in Wrigh t-staincd blood smears.
tnina11tit1111 DNA in t he sample. !)crologic diagnosis is by an indirect fluorescent antibody
test or by cnzyme linked immunosorbcnt assay (ELISA).
Neorickerrsia risridi DNA can be detected by the polymerase
Treatment and Control chain rcaction.
Tetracycllne treatrnent is effective if the disease is treated
early. Tick control anrl vaccin;ition 11re important preven- Treatment and Control
tivc :stcp.s. Young calves and (..:4 vveeks) or gotlls ( <:6
\veeks) a re vaccinated with virulent rickettsiae. Older ani- 'letracycline, if given early, has bccn crcditcd with rcduc-
mals may be infected and then treated w ith antimicrobial ing n1ortality to under iorKl. Supportive care also is irnpor-
drugs, thus developing immunity. Heartwater is exotic in tant. J\n effective bacteri11 is commercially available.
'-'orth America although cornmon in thc Caribbean .
.\t11blyo111rr1a licks have beeu i11 lroúuccú iutu North
.\merica a numbcr of times on imported wildlife, inclu<l-
.ng ungulatcs and reptiles. In 1999, leopard tortoises being NEORICKETTSIA HELMINTHOECA ANO ELOKIMIN
~ported through rlorida were inlcstcd with A. sparsun1 FLUKE FEVER
:hat were test-positive for E. runrinantiutn.
Descriptive Features

NEORICKETTSIA RIST/CI/ ANO NEOR/CKETTS/A SENNETSU ThP agt>nt of salmon "poisoning," Neorickettsia heln1in-
thoeca, infects lyn1pl1orellcula1 lissut:s of canids. Neurickell-
sia helnlinthoeca multiplies in the cytoplasn1 of macro-
phages, frequcntly forming multiple morulae and filling
~ese rvoir and Transmission the en tire cell. Individual neoricketlsiac may be dispersed
through the cytoplasm. ·rhey are coccobacilli measuring
.'otomac horsc fcver (PIIV), an acute equinc dia11heal sy11- u:;ually less than 0.5 µm in any dlmension and are demon-
drome first noted in North American horses in Mont- strahlt> hy Gie1nsa stain. Neorickettsía helnúnthoeca has been
~omery County, Maryland, is a monocytic ehrlichiosis propagated in ccll cultu1e.
256 PART 11 13acteria and Fungi

Ecology Withln 5 tlays to several weeks of exposure, tlogs de-

vf'lop fPvPr, ;inorc>xi;i, c1Pprf' ~sion , wf'ight loss, swollen
Reservoir and Transmission lymph nodes, and often hemorrhagic enteritis. Vomiting
and persistent, eventually hemorrhagic, diarrhea are typi-
'fhe resC'rvoir of f\I. hPlrninthnPra is th<' fluke, NannJ>hyetus cal. Death occurs in up to 90% of untreated cases within 2
sa/111i11cola, "vhosc lifc cyclc includcs passage through a fish weel<s.
and a snail. ·rhc gcographical distribution ot salmon poi-
soning is limited by the range of the snail intermediate
hosts ot N. saltnincola (Oxyrre111a silícula) and includes lmmunologic Aspects
coastal areas of North America (northernmost California,
Oregon, Washington, anti Britlsh Columbia). Infections in lJogs recovered from salmon disease are immune. The
nonPndPmic arp;i<; ilTP ch1P to planting of inff'ci"f'c1 fish. agcnt docs not induce immunity to the closely related, epi-
Dogs (a5 well as bears, raccoons, and other animals) are the dem10Iog1cally 1dent1ca1 Elokimin fluke fever agent.
definitive hosts of the fluke, harboring the adults in their
intcstinc, and are infcctcd by N. hclmh1thocca by cating
tluke-i ntected tish . t<luke eggs are shed in canine feces, em- Laboratory Diagnosis
bryonat<.!, and hatch m iracid ia that invade tl1e s11ail.
Cercaría euH::rge fru1n tllt! au u iuvade a fi.~11 1 1Jecu111- Presence oí eggs ot 1V. saln1incola in the teces of a dog shov.--
ing sPssilP rnE'tacc>rc::iria C'ncysted in the kidney. Upon ing pcrtiner1t clinical signs constitut es strong evidence of
being ingcstcd by thc dcñnitive host, they become adults salmon discase, although many affected dogs do not shed
within 6 days. Uninfcctcd flukes produce little disturbance fluke eggs in feces. Demonstration of rickettsiae in Wright-
i11 dogs. stained lymph node aspirares is tlefinitivc (see Fig 42.1).
El0Kom1n lluKc tcvcr, a mtl<.1 form ot sa1mon ct1sease, at-
tacks canids, fcrrcts, raccoons, and bears.
Treatment and Control
Pen1c1111n G, tetracycline, chloramphenícol, and sulfon-
From the ingested fish kidney, metacercarial flukes emerge amides given parenterally are usually effective. Supportive
in the dog's intestine, develop into adults, attach, a11d rc- rreatment ts essentlal.
lease into the tissues 1V. l1ehni11t/1oeca, \vhich colonizes The best p reven ti ve measure is the exclusion of infected
Iy1nphoreticular tissues throughout the body. Enlarge :.al111u11 fru111 llu.: ca11i11e tliel. Flukes aud N . helrninthoecu
ment of lymphoid organs rcsults from proliferation of re- are killed hy cooking and hy freezing for 24 hours.
ticuloendothelial components. A nonsuppurative menin-
gueuceplialili:. i:. Lu111111u11.

embers of the ordcr Rickettsiales are minute obligate in- hranf'. Tnitial bodies contain DNA and RNA but lack cell
-3cellular gram-negativc bnctcria. Thcy are basically para- walls. The orga1lisn1 has IJt:t:JJ serially propagated in a tick
·•es of arthropods. Two families with in this order are of cell culture. It requires an oxygPnatf'<l atmosphcre, is cata-
i::terina ry interest. Thc family Anaplasmataceae, com- lasc-positivc, and utilizes exogenous an1ino acids.
J~t:ll of the genus Anaplas1na, parasitizes erythrocytes,
-hagocytcs- and platf'lf'ts . 1'he family Rickettsiacene, which
.;:eludes parasite::; of vascular endotheliun1 (ge11e1a Ri1.-- Ecology
.ettsia, <..:oxiella, and Orientia). commonly refcrred to as
~ickettsiae," and parasites of phagocytic cclls (genera Reservoir and Transmission
- '1rlichia and iVeorickettsia), commonly referred to as
Phrlichiac." lnfected ruminants are the reservoi r of A. n1arginale.
1'he chrlichiae ar e lli=>~u~~ctl ir1 Chapter 42 and the rick- Although m.any species can b e infcctcd, few regularly de-
.::ttsiae are discussed in C:haptr.r 41. l)isc11ssed in this chap - vclop disease. So1ne, such as deer, 1nay be nat urally in-
fc~cted and serve as a source of bovine anaplasmosis. Thc
:er are mcmbcrs of the genus Anaplasnza.
1·he genus Anaplasrna includes the species Anaplasma infection occurs 011 ali ~011tinen ts. Transmission is by par-
'71arginale, /\. centra/e, A. ovis, A. caudatu1n, A. (formerly enteral introduction of infected blood, in nature probably
Ehrlic/1ia) bovis, A. (formerly lif1rlichia) platys, and A. (for- most often by ticks and blood-sucki11g ílyi11g insects, but
-nerly Ehrlichin) phnsocrtophilum . .4nnplasn1ntnceae para also bv contaminated instruments, transplaccntal, and
51tiz;e erylh1ocyles, µlalclct~, and granulocytcs In severa! conjunctival exposurc.
1..lasses of vertehrates anrl may rause anemias. The genera
Aegyplianella, Tlaen1obar/011ella, and Eperytl11 oz.oon !Jav<:: Pathogenesis
been reevaluatcd phygenetically and are classed currently
\Vith the family Mycoplasmntnccac (Chaptcr 40). Tnitial bodies enter crythrocytes by cndocytosi:; aftcr ad-
Of the erythrocyte-infecting species, only A. rnarginale herlng to the cell surfacc by v.1ay of ma¡or surface p rotein-
is a significant pathogcn. Anaplasrna avis rarcly causes 1 (M-;p-1) and multiply by binary fission within thc endo-
anaplasmosis of sheep and Is infective for goats and deer. some. Ncw ir1ilial bodie=> ar<:: releasetl from the crythrocyte
4naplasrna caudaturn, which has a tail-Hke appendage, has surface, possibly to contiguou.~ cf'lls, \Vitho11t d isr.crnible
been sccn in bovine infeclions alu11g=>idc A. rnurginale. Its ccll damage. Erythrocytc destruction occurs following an
significancc is uncertain. Anaplasrna centra/e, a l~o fo11n rl immune response to parasitizcd erythrocytes, resulting in
in cnttlc, is of interest asan immunizing agcnt against A . indiscriminate erythrocyte ren1oval by thc macrophage
margina te. sysrem. Anemia, icterus, b1le stasis, splenomegaly, and hc-
1'hc agents of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (previ- patomegaly follow. 'fhere is little intravascular hemolysis
ously unnamed), eqtúne ehrliChiOsis (prcviously Ehrlichia and no hen1oglobi11uria.
equi), ;ind ehrlichiosis of n1minants (previously E. phagocy- Tllncsses, following incubation pf'riod-; of up to 5 weeks,
topl1ila) have been con1bined inLo a :-i 11glc ~vecies, A . rangc from subclinical to peracutely fatal. Signs include
phagocytophilurn . anemia, tever, anorexia, depression, weakness, constipa-
tion, and abortion. Severity oftcn varics dircctly with age
and duration from hours to weeks. In mature cattle (>3
ycars), m o rtality may reach 50%. Disease is generally seen
ANAPLASMA MARG/NALE in ca l lle 1 year uf agc or older. Long-tcrm carriage occurs in
Descriptive Features
In Giemsa-staincd blood smcars, A . rnarginale appears as lmmunologic Factors
purple structurcs (l pm in diameter) near the periphery of
erythrocytes (Fig 43.1). 1'hcse marginal (inclusion) hodies Humoral and cell-mediatcd responses dcvclop afler i11ít:~­
art: 111c111urane-lined vacuolcs containing up to 10 initial tion with A. rnargina/e. Anaplasma ntarginale cxpresses at
bodies (400 nm i>arh) Pnrloscd in a two-layered inem- least five Msps, all of which display antigcnic variation due

258 PART JI Bacteria an<.l Fungi

~ 1<.;u K E 4 3 . 1 . A naplasma marginale in bovine e1yt/11otytt:!>.

Wright's stain, 1OOOX.

in largc port to the polymorphic nature of the encoding Treat ment <lnd Control
msp genes. The antigenic varlatlon may explai11 tht:
chronic naturc of anaplasmosis Antihnrly ri>spnn.~e is di- Tctracycline is effective against A. marginale. Clinical Casé.
rectcd also to host antiger1s, au<.l µlay:s a lole i.n patl1ogen- are treated by parenteral therapy, whereas the carrier sra:
esis Tmm11nity following recovery may not be permanent. is treated by feed medicatio n for up to 2 months. VacciP~
Natural ir1fection in calves is subclinical and confcrs rc- tlon and vector control are helpful.
sistance to subseque11t cxposure. It may produce im medi-
atc or dclaycd cli.nical c.lisease in the individual and may
spread to other stock, requiring vector control. Resistance
of calves outlasts maternal antibody and can be termi- A NAPLAS MA PHAG OCYTOPHILUM AN O A. PLATYS
natect by splenectom y.
lnfcction with A. r.mtralt', ri>sulting in mild disease, in- Descriptive Features
duces resistance to A . 1nargi11ale. Two commercial vacci.ncs
are available for A . tnargínale. An inactivated A . mar~nale In Giemsa-stained blood smcars, Anaplasma phagnq-
vaccinc produces immunity of severa! months' duration µltilurr1 avpears as n1en1brane-bound morulae consisting
subject to rc1nforcen1ent through natural cxposure. The 1 to 10 bacteria within ncutrophils and, Jess common:
erythrocyte constituents of thc inactivatec.l vaccine ac- monocytes of rumi.nants, horscs, dogs, and humans. 11.n.::
cou n t fo r occasional imrnu11u!Jer11ulylic problen1s il1 plasma platys occurs on the surface of canJne platelets ar-_
11conat;.il c;.ilvi>s n11rsing in1muni7.ed an imals. A modificd causes a cyclic throm bocytopenia.
livc va<.:cine also is produccd and induces lifelong im mu- Anaplasma phagocycophilum has been seri<tlly .(JfUP"·
nity. 1lowever, this vaccine is contraindicatcd in pregnant gated in a tick cell culture ilnc1 hnm;in neutrophilic leuk
cows and cattlc older than 21 months. 111ia cells. ll is aerobic, catalase-posJtive, and utilizes exo •
nous amino acids.
Laboratory Diagnosis
Anaplasn1a rnarginale is dcmonstrable by routine blood
statns, acridtne orange, or immunofluorescence. The latter Reservoir and Transmission
is most specific and sensitive. Acridinc orange produces
nonspcclflc stalnlng of nuclelc act<.ls, whereas ruutine Tht: lt:se1 voil l1osls of A. phagocytopliilurn include rodents
blood stains may not dctect inff'rtion hi>yoncl tht> first ft>w and possibly larger wildlifc species such as coyotes and
weeks. Molecular tcch11i.ques su<.:h as the polymerase chain deer. Ecology varíes significantly in diffcrcnt gcographical
reaction utilizü1g spccific DNA primers has been devel- regions, with the primary cycle in eastern North An1erica
oped a11d are vcry sensitivc. involving the white-footed mouse (Peromrscus Ieukopus)
Scrologic methods include complement fixation, cap- and the deer tick (Ixodes scaputaris). In Europe, the maln
illary agglutination, radioimmunoassay, enzyme-)jnked vector is l. ricinus, and reservoirs include a variety of ro-
immunosorbent assay (ELJSA), and a carc.l agglutinatiun uer 1t:s. 111 Wt:Sler11 Norlh A.111e.rica, ll1e vector to humans
t est for field use All are useh1l in df'ti>rting s11hrliniral and veterinary patients is thc western black-legged tick
cases. (/. pacificus), although a rodcnt-spccific tick, l. spini
C1zapter 43 Anaplas1nataceae 259

;.1/pis, may be an important vector in the sylvatic cycle.

:>onkeys, sheep, goats, dogs, cats, and monkeys can be ex- F 1G U RE 4 3. 2 . Anaplasma phagocytophilum (formerly
~rimentally lnfected. [hrlichia equiJ (arrows) in smear of buffy coat from horse. Wright's
The reservoirs and vectors of A . platys are not known. sta1n, 1UUUX.


!,11aplasrna phaxocytopflilurn occurs in granulocytes and,

ess commonly, monocytes primarily of ruminants in

l:.uropc (whcrc lt Is called "tick-borne fcve r," TBF) and
"orses, dogs, and humans in North America . Ali hosts de-
-elop vasculitis associated with thromboses, thrombocy-
:npenia, edema, and hemorrhage, especially in the distal
..mbs. Vascular changes are pronounced in testes and
varíes of ruminants. Leukopenia successively affects lym-
;)hoeytes and neutrophils. Lesions includc splenomegaly 1
.i;1d hernorrhages along tl 1e intestinal tract. Histologically,
::. striking l;:ic:k of ly1nphoid el<~ments is ohsPrVPcl.
Clinically, there is fever accompanicd by depression, ac-
.::elerated breathing, inappetence, hemorrhage, edema,
a.'1emia, icterus, and ataxia (especially in horses), and, in
co•vs, a clrop 1n milk yield. Ewes and cows may abort. 'fhe
.:!isease is mildest in young animals. A heightened suscep-
_!Jili ty to :.ccoudary iufec1:ior1s u1ay IJt: <.Jut' to parasirtza-
:::on of neutrophils, leukopenia, anda lymphopeni;:i t1fft>ct-
.:1g 13 Jymphocytes. Tick pyem.ia (due to Stap11ylococcus Laboratory Diagnosis
~lfection) is commonly linked with TBF. Fatalities are due
orare secondary complications, such as respiratory infec- Morulae in neutrophils can he demonstrated in Wright-
.:ons or Iamini tís. stained blood and buffv coat film s most readily 48 hours
Dogs infected with A . plat}'S develop cyclic thrombo- after onset (Fig 43.2). Índirect immunofluorescent anti-
;:ytopcnla vJa lmmune-mediatcd dcstructlon,. possibly body (11:-'A) and ELISA tests have been developed using in-
ccompanied by mild fever, anci secondary 1mmune- fectcd equine neutrophils and human Ieukemia cells for
:nediatcd discasc such as uveitis. thc If.A and recombinant antigens for the ELISA. 1"he poly-
1111.:ra!>e cl1ai11 reactiou (utilizlug :spt:<.:ificall y <.Jesignt'<.l DNA
prímcrs) is uscd to detect the microorgt1nisms heforf' ;:inti-
mmunologic Aspects bodies are produced.
lndividual A . plat}'s organisms can be visualized on
:,.s for A. n1argi11ale, there is antigcnic strain variability in- Wright-staincd platclets of infcctcd dogs. Prcvious cxpo-
·-olving mainly the major surface protcins, although the sure can be documented by IFA .
..:levaJ1cc in A. phu;sulyLuphilulft ir 1ft:clio11 is u11 k11uwn.
-:Oere is sorne serological cross-reactivity with Ehrlichia
spp. although animals with A . pl1agocytophilu1n in fec- Treatment
tion usually have higher specitic, compared with cross-
reacting, titcrs. Recovered animals are refractory to reinfec Tetracycline is effective. ·rhe first dose can he given intra-
:ion, although rccurring illnesses have been reported in vcnously followcd by daily doses intravcnously or orally
successive years. Recovery occurs after a peak in produc- for l wcck. Reduction of exposure to ticks is desirable .
..:on iu i11le1 fero11 gan11na. No vacciues exisl.
Splenectomy can reactivate or exacerbate A. platys-
associated thrombocytopenia.
44 Bartonellaceae

Members of the Family Bartonellaceae are small gram- capreoli- have only IJeeu isulatt:tl fron1 Lhe blood of
ncgative rods. Until recently, the genus Rartonel/a con- vario11s ;:inim;:il spPriC's, including various wild ro-
slstcd of only one species, ll. bulilli(urrni~ . The gen us now dents, squirrels, rabbi ts, fclids, canids, bovids, and
contains :.ill thf' "PPCiPs thatwerc once included in the gen- cervids. At present, these species are not .known to
c r<1 Bartonella, Rochalirnaea, <1nd Graha1nella. I'he ge11us induce any spccific disease in the infected an imal.
Barto11ella, has been placed into the tamily Bartonel/aceae
(which hos olso been removed from thc order Ríckattsia/e.~) .
Members of the genus Barto11ella belong to the alpha-2 Descriptive Features
subgroup of the alpha-proteobactcria . Most of thesP h;:irtf'-
ria are erytluucyte-adhe1e11L bacilli. Morphology and Staining
·rhc present family con'\i'\t'\ of morr than ZO species or
Bartonellaceae art! fa:>titliuu~,
ae1obic, sl1ort, pleomorphic
subspecies, of which ni ne are human pathogens:
er;:im-npg;:itivP rorrohacillary or bacillary rods (0.6 µm br
1. As:>u1..:iatcu w ill1 tli:>ea:>t:: i11 l1 uma11 patients. 1.0 µm) that takc from S to 15 days and up to 45 days on
/lartnnella hacilliforrnis is the etiologic agent of primary culture to form visible colonies on enrichec..
Oroya fever, an acu te bacteremic infcction charac- blood-containing medi•t, as they are highly hem in-
terized by sepsis and hemolysis, and ot verruga pe- depender1t. In infected tissues, warthin-Starry silver im-
ruana, mainly a cutaneous nodular vascular erup- pregnation staiI1 reveals s1nall bacilli, which te11d to ap-
tion reprcse n ting chronic infection. pear as c lumps of tightly co1npacted organisrns. Siulilarl}
Bartonel/a quintana, the agent of trench fever, has sma11 organisms can be identified in rPc1 hlooci rells h;
also been founc.l to be une uf tl1c agc11t~ uf 1.Jacillary May-Grü11wald Gien1sa coloration. Bartonellae have a
::ingiom;:itosis (BA), ;:i vascular proliferative lesion close evolutionary resemblance with members of the ger.-
observed i n immunocompromised individuals, era Bruce/la, Agrobactcriun1, and Rhizobium.
mainly with acquired immunodeticiency syndrome
(A!DS). Bacillary angiomatosis can also be causcd by
Cellular Composition
!3. /1e11selae.
Bartonella henselae causes cat scratch disease Bartonella bacillifonnis and B . clarridg<~iae :.irf' thf' only m f'r--
(CSD) in immunocompetent indivil.lual~. !)1::1:s uf Lhe ge11us that are 1notile by n1eans of unipolar f_
Rartnnr.lla elizahethaP is associated wit h endo- gella. Bartonella quintana and B. henselae have a twitch.ÍJ"' .
carditis in ünmunoco rnpctent patients . motility as:;ociatcd to fimbrioc o r pili. Because of their slo-
Bartonella vinsonii subsp. /Jerkl1oftii and H. washo- grO\>Vth, standard bioch emical methods for identificatio-
e11sis are associat ed with endocarditis or 1nyocarditis. are notas useful for identification. The bartonellae are O."Ll-
Bartonella grahatnii has been associated \~1 ith neu- dase and catalase-negativc. M1::11:>u1e111e11ls of prefor111 _
roretinitis. enzymes :.ind st::inci;:irci tf'sting have revealed differences be
Bartonella vinsonii sulJ:>p. iirupe11:>i:> was isolated tween species. Most species are biochemically inert excf"'."
from tl1e blood of ;:i r::inrhPr \Vith fever and rnild for the production of peptidases. The MicroScan Ra;-
11eurological symptoms. Anacrobc Panel (Baxter Diagnostics, Deerfield, IL) has tx._
Bartonella clarridgeiae is suspected to also be a reported to provid e spec1es identification . Whole cell fa:-
minor agent of cat scratch discasc. acld (Cf.A) analysis for the gcnus has proven useful for idt-
2. Associated with a11imal patients. sorne of the tlflcatiun b1::1..:aust: Burlunellii ha ve a unlque and character
Btirtonl•llo species th<it <1 r1>p:ith0gPnir tn h11m;.ins (R. tic w holP c:Pll fatty acid compositlon. The Bartonella h a:
VÍllSOrtii subsp. berkhoffli, B. clarrhlgeiae, n. henselac, gas-liquid chromatography fatty acid profiles consistí.:-_
B. eliLabethae and B. washoe11sis) have recently bcen mainly ot C 18 ,09 , C 18, 19, and C11'·0· Molecular genetic me~
associated with various clinical entities, including ods such as restriction fragrnent length polymorph! -
endocarditis, in domestic dogs. (!U:Ll') of genes encoding citrare synthase, 165 riboso:-
Severa! other Bartonella species- such as B. vin- RNA (rRNA) or 16S-23S rRNA spacer regían, and mor""
sonii subsp. vi11sonii, B. aoshiae, B. taylorii, B. peror11y- cently analysis 1.Jast:tl 011 polyn1erase cl1ain reaction r
sci, B. birtlesii, B. tribocor11n1, B. alsatica, B . talpae, R . of r;inclom, repetitive extragenic palindrornic seque.::
koehlerae, JJ. buvi:;, B. ~tliuc11/Juchensis, and B. have been used to distinguish strains and spccic,

Chapter 44 Bartoncllaceae 261

Epidemiology of Bartonella Species or Subspecies Presently Described

Bartonella sp. Reservoir Vector or Potential Vector Current Geographic Distribution

B. biici/liformis Huma ns Phcblotomincs (Lutzomyi~ verrucan;m) Andes (Pcru, Ecuador, Colombi¡i,
(sand tlies) Bolivia, Chile, Guatemala)
B. quintana HtJmans Human body lice (Pediculus humanis corporis) Worldwide
B. flensetae Cats (fefü catus) Fleas (C1enocepflalldes feHs) Ticks? worldwlde
B. clarridgeiae Cats (fe/is catus) Fleas (Ctenocepha/ides fe/is) Cosmopolite
B. koehlerae Cats (Fe/is catus) Fleas (Ctenocephalides fe/is) California, France
8. vinsonii subsp vinsonii Meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) Ear mites (Trombicula microt1)? Cana da
B. vinsonii subsp arupensis White-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) Fleas? ticks? USA (Midwest)
8. Vinsonli subsp berkhoffii Coyotes (canis Jarrans), dogs (Canis familiaris) Ticks? Cosmopolite
R talpae Moles (Tafpa europaea) ? United Kingdom
B. µe1u11Jy)ti Fielú lllÍle (Pl!tOllJ~lW )¡i¡i.) ? United States
B. birtlesii Wood mice {Apodemos spp.) )
France. United Kingdom
B. gr¡¡homii Bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) ? United Kingdom
B. taylorií Wood mice (Apodemus spp.) ? United Kingdom
8. doshfae Meadow vales (Microtus agrestis) 7 United Kingdom
B. ellzabethae Rats (Rattus norveglcus) fleas Worldwide
B. tribocorum Rats (RattuI norvegiru1) ? Cosmopolite
B. ~lsatica Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) fl"dS? Tilk~? Frartle
B. washoensis California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beechey1) Fleas? Ticks? Western USA
B. bovis Oomcstic c~ttlc (Sos tuurus) Biting flies? ticks? Cosmopolite
B. capreo/1 Roe deer (capreolus capreo/us) Bitinq tlies? Ticks? Europe
B. schoenbuchensis Roe deer {capreolus capreolus) Biting flies? Ticks? Europe

ijarfnnt'J/a. R;iT.P nr '>Pí}11Pn<'P ::in::ily<;i<; nf f)NA Pncnciing 16S Pat hO!JP.nesis

:R,'IA, c it ratc synthase genes after PCR an1plification both
directly from spec.:imens or pure cultures have been Jargely A4echanisms. Bczrtonella quintana and B. henselae are clini
•..ISed for detecting and characterizing Bartonella. More re cally associated with proliferativc ncovascular Iesions. ·rhe
Lently, 1dcnt1flcation has also heen performed 'l·\lith the am- pathogcncsis of bacillary angiomatosis involves injury
?lification of the DNA encoding the 165-235 rRNA inter- a11u ¡.¡ruliferaliuu uf the va~cular e11uull1eliu1u l.Jutl1 ~vilh
:;enic spaccr region (ITS) or protein-encotling genes. ·rhe R. hen.<;Plae and R. quintana. ThcsC' organisms induce en-
¿;enes most widely used are those enco<ling thP citrate syn- dothclial ccll proliferation and migration in vitro, a11d a
thase (gltA), lhc hcal shock protein (groEL), the riboflavine protcin fraction was idcntificd as thc angiogcnic factor.
ribC), a cell division protein (ft~Z). anda 17kDa antigen. Bartonclla infcction (in vitro) stimulatcd c11dothelial cell
pro! i Feration and induced obv1ous morr>hological changes
dueto modifications of the cytoskeleton. Bartonella hense-
Growth Characteristics lac has been shown to intluce infec.:ted cells to protluce vas-
Tradltlonally, members of the genus Bartonclla are culti- cular Pn<lothPlial growth f;:ictnr, wh ich in tum stimulatP<I
•-,¡ted in St'misolid nutrient ;ig:ir cont;:iining frf'Sh r::ibbit the proliferation of endot!1elial cells and the growth of B.
~lood (or sheep or horse blood) at 3SºC (except for B. bacilli- l7enselae.
·onnis, which gTO\-VS best at 28ºC) in So/o C0 2 . On primary Bartonclla hcnsclac sccms to sharc with B. bacillifomiis a
isolation, sorne Bartoncll.a, such as B. ltcnsclac, B. clarri.dgciac, common mcchanism for mediating pathogeneSis. A bacte-
B. vinson11, or l3. el1zabethae havc colonics with a white riophage-like particle similar to thc bacteriophage ob-
:ough, dry, raiscd appcarancc and pit the mcdium. They are' served In B. bacilliformis has bccn found In culture super-
~ard to break up or transfer. Other bartonellae such as B. n::it::int from R. hr•115p/np This particle has at least thrce
quintann h::ivP colonif'S th::it ::irP 11sn::illy sm::i llf'r, gr:iy, associated proteins and contains 14 kbp Iil1ear DNA scg-
uanslucent, and somewhat gummy or slightly mucoid. ments that are heterogeneous in sequen ce. Jt has been
spcculatcd that an anccstor of B. hcnsc/ac a11d B. bacilli-
forrnis acquirect the ability to m ediate angioproliteration as
Ecology a mea ns of enhancing it s dissemination or its acquisition
of nutrlcnts within the host. It Is possible that a common
tr::in~<l11cting phage may be thc mcchanism of genetic ex-
Reservoir, Transmission, and Geographic Distribution.
change by which the two organis1ns acquited tl1is patho-
~fost members of the genus Bartonella species are vector- genic trait.
bo rne organisms. The reservoirs, vectors, and gcographic Ali Bartoncl/a spccics multiply and persist in red blood
d istribution are shown in Table 44.1. cells. J:Jartonella bacilliforrnis posscss polar tlagella that have
262 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungi

been shown to mediate erythrocyte acthesion. For non- chronic tati}..'lle syndrome, anda case of aggressive H. /1f!' -
flagcllatcd Bartonella, bundlc-forming pili as well as sur- lae endocarditis in a cat owner. Bartonella henselae was a.
face proteins may play a role In erythrocyte adhesion. recently deterrnined as a fre4ue11t cau:.c uf vrulu11ged f~ •
Until recently, mechanisms of persitence of Bartonella bac- and fever of unknow11 in children. Rh P1 1 m~tic mar
Le1enJia in 1ua1nn1als were 11ot well underslood . Recenl 1e- fcsla lions of Bartonella infection have been recently ...
ports have revealed the intraerythrocytic localization of scribed in cbjldren, including a case of myositis and a ca.
thcsc bacteria, which is a unique strategy for bacterial per- of arth.ritis and skin n odulcs. Arthritis has olso bccn d.
sistencc. Nonhen1olytic intracellular colonization ot ery- scribed in a very limited number of cases. Other rheuma· _
throcytcs would preserve the organisms for efficient vector manifcstations related to Bartonella infection i_n humar
transm1ss1on, protect Bartonel/a from the host immune re- lnclude erythema nodosum, leukocytoclastic vas<.ul -
sponse and contribute to decreased antimicrobial efficacy. fever of unknO\'Vn origin with myalgi;i, ancl arthralgia.
Per:.l:.te11cc uf i11fecliu11 ~va~ rece11lly ueu1u11;)l1dlt:u ii1 d tdl E111Joi::u11iitis. Several Dartr.uH:lla spp. have also been =e-
moclrl 11~ing B. tribocon1n1. After a 5-day "hidden/silent" ognized as causative agents of blood culture-negatiYe e
phase follo~ving experimental infection, the organism docarditis or myocarditis in humans, including B. hensel
multiplied until there were an average of eight Bartonella B. quintana, H. elizabethae, 13. vinsoníi subsp. berkhoffti, an-_
per red blood ccll. Thcrcaftcr, thc orgonisms ren1ained B. washoensis. Bartonella spp. account for approximarc
within the cell tor the life of the erythrocyte. Nonbemo- 3% of ali h uman cases of endocarditis, a percentage sim .~ -
lytic intracellular colonization of erythrocytes is likely a to endocarditis cases cau sed by Cnxir~lla humelii, the age
bacteria! pcrsistence strategy that preserves t he Bartonellu uf Q f1;:v1;:1 (see Ch aplei 41).
spccics for potentiaJ transmission by arthropocls, hrcausc Bacillary Angiomatosis. For bacillary a11giomatosis in h--
thc rc:>crvuir liusl would serve as a source of infection for munocomprornised pcrsons, thc signs and symptoms 1-_
hloocl-fe>rding arthropods, which could then subsequently vcry different from U>V. t5acillary angiomatosis, a.
infect a new host. called epithe/ioid angiomatosis, is a vascular proliferatr
d1sease of the skin charactcrized by multiple, blood-ftllec.
Disease Patterns and Epidemiology cystic tumors. It is usually characterized by violaceous •
colorle:ss papular ar1d uullula1 :.ki11 lesions Lhat clínica:·
Human Patients. Cat Scratch Diseast'. Cat scratch diseasc m~y <;1Jggrst K;iposi's sarcoma, but histologically resemb
(CSD) i!) cau~ed !Jy Burlune/111 lien~elue. In <:so, 1 lo 3 wecks epithelioid hemangiornas. When visceral parcn chymal c·-
Pl~psr brtwrrn the scratch or bite of a cat and the appear- gans are involved, the condition is reterred to as bacill;r
ance of clinical signs. In 50% of the cases, a small skin le- peliosis hepatis, splcnic pcliosis, or systernic bacillary a·
sion, often resembling an inscct bite. appears at the i11ocu- giornatosis. Fever, weight loss, malaise, an d enlargem ent
lation sitc, usually the hand or forearm, and evolves from affected organs may develop in people with disserninatE--
a papule to a ves1cle and partially healcd ulcers. These le- baclllary angiomatosis. Endocarditis has alsu 1.Jt'.en r~.
sions resolve within a few days to a fcw weeks. Lympha- ported in patients with bacill~ry ;ingiom;itosis.
tlenltls tlevelups appruxüuatel y 3 week=> dÍler exposu1e and
is grne>rally unilateral. It commonly appears in the epi- Cats. No major clinical signs of CSD have been reported ·-
trochlear, cixiUary, or cervical lymph nodes. 5,-velling of thc cats undcr natural conditions, but infection is very corr
lymph node is usually painful and persists tor severa! mon, especially in young kittens. It is estimated t hat abo'_
wccks to severa! months. In 25% of the cases, suppuration 1Oo/o of pet cats and up to 30-50% of stray cats are Bartone/1~
occurs. The large rnajority of the cases show signs of sys- bacteremic at a g¡ven time. In western North An1en ...
temic infection: fever, chills, rnalaise, anorexia, head- (<.:alifornia), a 40% prev;ilencr nf h:irtPrPmic cats \vas folll'
aches. In ger1eral, tl1e djsca:>i;: i:> l.ie11ig11 a11d l1eals sponla- in l he San Francisco-Sacramento a rea. Mino r clinical sigr.
nro11sly without sequelae. Atypical manifestations of CSD including fever, en larged lymph nodes, uveitis and 1~~
occur in 5% to 10% of the cases. "fhc 1nost common of ncurological sym ptoms have been reported in experime:-
thcsc is Parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome (periauricu- tally infccted cats. However, severa! cases of u veitis and _
lar lymphadenopathy and palpcbral conjunctivitis), but case of Bartonel/a henselae endocarditis were recently dia~­
also meningitis, encephalitis, ostcolytic lesions, and nosed in pct cats. Atlditionally, repruducli ve disorders (la-.
thrombocytopenic purpura may occur. Encephalopathy is of pregnancy or prrgnancy only after repeated breedinl!
ene of the mo:;t seriuu:; cu111plicalitH1:. o( CSD, wl1icl1 usu- slillbirths) have been obse.rved in experimentally infectcc
.:illy ocn1rs 2 to 6 weeks after the onset of lymphadenopa- queens. J3acteremia usually lasts a tew weeks to a to-
thy. l lo'<.vcvcr, it usually resolves with complete rccovcry months. Th c orgai1isms have bccn reported to be intraer· -
and few orno sequelae. throcytic, and pili may be a pathogenic dcterm1nant i
Thcre were an estimated 22,000 hun1an cases of CSD in this Bartonel/a species. Cats can yield more than 1 milli1 -
thc Unltetl Sta tes in 1992, sorne 2000 of whom were hospl- colony-fornung units (CPU) l'er 1nillililer of blood. Dire..
talizcd. The estimated annual hcalth cost of CSD was n1ore tr;in~m i s~ion from cat to cat, as well as vertical transm issi -
than $12 million. From 55o/o tu 80% uf CSD palienls are fron1 bacteremic fernale cats to kittens, was unsucccssfu! -
undPr thP ;igr of 20 yrars. ·rhere is a seasonal pattern, with various experiments. Transmission trom cat to cat \.vas St:~
n1ost ca~es seen in autumn and winter. ccssfully achieved by depositing infected fleas collecte
Ne'v clínica! presentations associated '\'ith H. henselae from bacterernic cats onto nonlnfected kittens. Presence
infcction have been reported in immunocompetent per- B. henselae DNA was found in infected íleas. EpidemiolC"_-
sons, 1nclud1ng neuroretinitis or bacteremia as a cause of cal studies dearly deu1ull~lrC1Lt: Lhal a11libody prevaler:~
Chapter 44 Bartonellaceae 263

nd bactcremia prevalence is thP highest in stray cat popu- quintanu i11duce proliferation and migration of cndothe-
tions living ln warrn cuid hun-iid areas whcre flea infesta- lial <"Plls. These effects are due to a trypsin-sensitlvc:: factor
on is usually highPr. lhat appears to be associated with thc bactc~ria l r rll \\rall or
membrane or intracellular molecul1:::.. Barto11ella lzensclac
s. Rnrtonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffil has b~c11 id en ti- infccts and activates endothcli<il r ells. Bartonella hensclae
ed as a n important cause of canine endoc.arditis, espe- outer membra ne prutci11s (OMPs) are sufficient to induce
.ally in large brecd dogs. ln a t wu-year prospectivc study NF1d~ activatian and adhesion m o lecule expression, fol-
f endocard itis cases, almost onP-third of the 18 cases were lowect by c1ú1anced ro lling and adhesion of leukocytes.
:aused by Barconella :.pecics. Bartonella clarridgeiae and B. Tn infected individuals, spcc1fic antibodles c.:a11 be de-
.ashoensis have recently heen associated wit h dog endo- lected a few days to a few weeks after infection. Most of the
arditis cases. ·r1ie clinical spectrum of this infection in c.linica1 cases of CS.IJ or BA are associatetl wilh elevated
ogs h:i" ;:ilso been expanding, as it has been associa led titers against B. Jie11selae or B. quintn11a. fmmunity is usu-
··itb cardiac arrhythmias, e ndocarditis <ind myocarditis, ally long laSting In ca:>c::~ uf CSD. Tlumnn co:ic:; of endo
.::ranulomatous lymphadenltis, a11d granulon1atous rhini carditis are fre<J11Pntly associated with very high lndirecr
;,s. In sorne dogs, intermittent lameness, bone pain, or fluurescen l anti body (IfA) titcrs (> 1 :800).
;ever of unknown urigin can precede thc diagnosis of en- ln a rnurine model, spleen cells from infectcu C 57BL/G
docarditis far <>Pveral months. Bartonella clarridgeiae DNA n1ice prolifcratcd specifically upan stimulation "vith heat-
' ·as lk:lc::cled il-i a d og with lymphocytic hepatitis. Rarto- killed Bartonella antigen, and CD4 T lyn1phocytes mainly
•1plfa henselae DNA was initially detected In a uog "1-vith pe- mcdiate proliferative response<>. 'fhese respo nses increased
iosis hcpatis, and more recently in a rlog wtth hepatopa- dunngthe course uf i11fection and peakcd at 8 weeks post-
•hy and in three dogs with various clinical entities. These jnfection. (}anima interferon, b ut not intcrleukin-4, was
:hree B. /1ense/ae- DNA-positive dogs presentcd nonspecific pruuuced in vitro by spleen cells from infected animal<:
..:lin ical abr1uri11alities, such as scvere weight loss, pro- upon stimulation with Hartonella antigens. A:. described
rracted IPthargy, and anorexia. A fourth dog v.ras diaguused also in hurnans, cats, and dogs, Bartonella-~pccific lgG an-
.is being infccted with B. elizabet/Jae by PCR amplification tibodies were detectable in the ~eru111 of the infected n1icc
and sequencing, increasing the n u1111Jer of Bartonella by the second week, and thc antibody concentration
specics idcntified in infectcd dogs. Serological studies in peaked ar 12 we~ks posl-infection. IgG 21> was the pron1i-
:-.:ort h An1erica and F.urupt! indicate t hat Bartonclla infec- n ent isotype amon g the Bartonella-specific serum IgG
. ion in domestic dag~ is quite rare (less than .)lYo), whereas anlil>odic:;. Thcreforc, B. hcnse/ae induces cell-mediatPrl
high seroprcva.lence has been rcported fron1 dogs living in immune responses ,,rith a -rH 1 phenotype In iuu11unocon1-
tropical cauntries (up to 6So/o of dogs tested from Sudan). pctent CS7BL/6 mice.
In Nurlh An1erica, espccially in the Southeast, high '\Pro- In cats, H. henselae antibOdies tlct1::cted by !FA or cn-
"!lrPvalence has been reported in dogs also seruposi tive for zymc-Hnked immunoso rbent a-;~;iy (ELISA) appcar 2 to :~
various tick borne pathogens (111ainly Erlic/1i(I, Babesia, weel<s afrer exper.IJ11e111al inoculatio n and usualJy persist
.\11aplas1na). A high seruprevalcnce (35%) has been re- for several months. Most infccted cats are bactcremic for
ported in coyotes from California, and in one spcc1flc Cali- severa! ~veeks despite high antibody titers. Chronic bac-
!ornia c.:uuuly, 28% of the coyotes tested were bacteremic. tPrPmia, despite a hu1noral imn1une respor1sc, Is co ru-
mon ly obscrved among cats. 'fhere is no d irect corrplation
Rodents. Experimental infection of prcgnant lahoratory between. antibody titcr and the magiliLudc of bacteremia;
mice with B. birtlesii showed pathogenic.: t:!fects o n the re- however, cats '"'ith IFA serologic titers of 512 or more are
productive function of these mice. Bartf'remia was signifi- n1ore likely to be bact~1eu1ic than cats with loy..•er titers.
cantly high er in virg1n femalcs lhan in males. In m icc in Dogs with enrlocarditis often show high antibody
fected befare pregnancy, fPtal loss and resorption \.vas titcrs. In ~perin1entally infcctcd dogs, B. l'insonii subsp.
h 1gher in infecteu 111ice than controls, and the weight of vi- brrkhnffii establishes chronic infecnon, V>'hlch may result
able fetuses w:is significantJy lower tor infected than for u1t- in in-imune supprcssion, characterized by d cfects in mono-
;11fc::.cted micc . ·rransplacental transmission w;is also cytic phagocytos1s, an impalrecl suu:.c::l of CDS T lympho-
nPmonstrated, since /6º;ó of tl1e fetal resur¡.¡Lions werc cu l- cytes, and impaired antigcn prcsentation within the
ture-positivc for B. birtlesii. The histopathological analysis lymph node.
of tl1e placentas of infected mi ce sl1uwed vascular lesions in
thc maternal placenta, which ro11ld explain the reproduc-
ti,·e d1sorders observ~u. The isolation and characterization Laboratory Diagnosis
of the complete virB homologue (virBZ-11) and a down-
strean1 lucaled virD4 gene in B. tribocoru1n has been recently For years, the diagnosis of CSD v.ras based on clilii ca l crite-
described. An essential role for rrus v1rB/VlrD-t 1'4SS iu es- ria, history o f cxposurc to a cat, failurP. t() i~nl<itP other bac-
tablishing in tracryt hrocyt ic infection Wil.<: demonstrated. teria, and/or histologlc exa111i11alion of biopsies of lymph
nodcs . .4. skin test using ll ntigen prepared from pasteuri.zcct
exudate fru1u lyn1ph nodes of pat1cnts with CSD was also
lmmunologic Aspects used in rli;:ignosing CSD, but this test ~vas n ot standardi.zed
a11d elicited concerns about the safety o f such a product.
Infcction by Dartonc/la organisms stimulates both thP rel- Serologic tests, such as IFA or f.LISA, and t~cl111iques to
lular and the humoral responses. Bartonellu /Jenselac and B. isolate the organism fro1n human , dog, anc1 specimens
264 PART II Bacteria and Fungí

have been developed since tlle mld 1990s. Because Barto- timicrobial administration. Intravenous administration ~­
ne71a <ire intraerythrocytic bacteria, cell lysis using a lysis- gentamicin and doxycycliue and oral adroinistration :
centrifugation technique greatly facilita tes bacterlal lsola- erylhro111yci11 have been used successfully i11 lhe lrt:i:.-
tion from the b\ood. However. blood isolation is seldom ment of disseminated CSD and therapy of patients ,,-r,.;.
obtaincd. from human cases of C'.SD and fro1n don1cstic ncuroretinitis. In cases of Bartonella endocarditis, pati~
dogs. C>n t he contrary, isoJation is more common ly suc- receiving an aminoglycoside '"'ere 1nore likely to fully ~=­
cessful from human BA cases, for which serology is often cover, and those treated witl1 aminoglycosides for at leas;:
negative. Isulation from the l>loocl of natural reservoirs is 14 days were more likely to surv:ive than those wlth shorter
also quitP common with hactPre.mia prPvalPnce. ranging thPrapy ch1r;ition.
from 10 to 20 percent (such as for wild felids or coyotes) to In cats, antibiotic treatment (doxycycline, 25 mg to sr
up to 95o/o (beef cattle, deer). mg twice daily; lincomycin, 100 mg twice a day for 3 weeks
For blood culture fron1 cats, 1.5 n1l of blood is drawn may suppress bactercmla. Various antibiotics (doxycycline.
into lysls-centrilugation tubes (lsostat Microbial Systen1, erythromycin, enroJ:loxacin) have been sho;vn to reducr
Wampole Laboratorles). More recen tly, cat blood collec- the leve] of bacterernia in experimentally infected cats bu:
tion in EDTA rubes l<ept frozen at - 70ºC for a fevv days or do 11ot eliminate infection, and t he Jevel ofbacteremia ma...-

weeks has been a preferrcd alternative because of easier surpass the initial leve! a few weeks after t he cessation o~
11auul.i111:) a.11u lvvv1::.1 1..v:>L. Fln dog:; lJl caLLle a la1ge1 volu1ne L1ealrnenl. In dogs, n1acrolide:; (erylhro111ycin, a;;itluo111y-
of blood can be collected (3- 5 mi). The t11bes are cen- cin) most probably represent tl1e oral antibiotic class of
trifugcd ancl thc pcllct sprcad onto infusion agar platcs choice for treating Bartonclla infections, but to date no op
containing 5% fresh rabbit blood, which are maintaLned at timal protocol has been established.
35ºC in a high l1u1nidity cl1ambcr wltl1 5% C0 2 for 3 or 4
weeks. c:olonies usually vvill develop in a fe'"' days from cat
blood, although sorne strair1s 1nay require a few weeks. Prevention
O Lhe1 1ueau:> uf i:,vlcilivu vf J3u1 luru:llu l1ave lJeeu lJy
using Bactec blood-culture systern or BacTIAlert blood- /\. large reservoir for B. henselae and possibly for B. clar-
culture system. ldcntificat ion of isolatcs as Bartonella can ridgeiae cxists a1nong thc 68.9 million pct cats rcsiding ir:
be perforrned by using enzyme-based identification sys- one-third of homes in North America. Consequently, neg-
te1ns, but is usually confirn1ed by DNJ\ an1plification using ative publicity about the perceived hazards of cat owner
PCR-RFLP ana1ysis. Severa! restriction ene1onuc1eases, such snip is likely, especially for immunocompromtsed people.
as TaqI ancl I-JhaI for citrate synthase gene, are used to di- Sero.n egative cats are likely not to be bacteremic, but youné
ge:;L llie siugle pruúucl a 1nplified l>y svecific J!ri1uers. PCR ki.tt1::1ts, <::spe<.:lally iluµou11<.l1::<.l kitt<::us a11d ílea-i 11 feslt:d kit-
has ;i lso hPPn nsPcl to iclPntify Rartonflla spp. in tissues, in tens.. are more likely to be bacteremic. Therefore, peopb?
absence of culture. Diagnosis of Bartonella endocarditis re- who want to acquire a pet cat, especially if they are in1-
lies 11eavily on this rnethod in hLtmans and dogs in con- munocompromised, should seek a cat raised in a cattery-
junction with high antibody titers. if possible, an adult cat coming from a flea controlled en
Evidence of infection can be detected in humans oran- vironrnent. Unfortunately, there is no correlation between
hnals by dctection of antibodies by IFA or ELISA. An IFA seropositivity and bactere1nia. Bacteremia can also be tran -
titer uf at least 1:64 is cunsidered positive. Bartunella hense- sient w.itb relapses. Declawing cats has also been suggestee
lae antihodies can he de.te.ctPd de.spitP conc11rrPnt hac- bnt h;is a limited value, because íleas can transmit iniec-
tercmia il1 cats and sometimes in humans. tion from cat to cat. Flea control, therefore, appears to be
011e of the major control measures to prevent cat ir1fectio.E
and its sprcad from cat to cat. The most effective means o:
Treatment preventing B. hensetae infection are common sense, ny-
giene, flea control, and, possibly, modification ofbehavio:
In hun1ans, a11tin1icrobial treatn1e11t is ge11erally ü1dicated of tl1e cat ow11ers tl1en1selves. Wasl1 J:ia11ds after handling
for patients with hacillary angiomatosis, hacillary peliosis, pets and clean any cuts, hites, or scratches promptly with
or relapsing bactere1nia. I3acillary angion1atosis patients soap and •vater.
respond dcan1atically to macrolide antibiotics. Treat111e11t For dog bartonellosis, where tick infestation could bea
with erythromycin, rifampicin, or doxycycline for at least m ajor risk factor for acquiring infection, tick and flea con
2 to 3 months in immunocompromised people is recom- trol measures should be used duri11g the tick and Flea sea-
mended, but relapses can occur. ln such cases, patients son. Systematic inspection of the dog for the presence of
s!Jouhl receive Ji(eloug lreal!Heul vvi l!J uue uf Llte::.e aulil>i- Lick:, afler a vvalk iu infesled areas is 11ighly reco1un1e11d.
otics. For CSD, antimicrohial treatment is not generally in-
dicated, becau5e mo::;t typical ca::;e::; clo not respond to an-
Yeasts Cryptococcus,
Malassezia, and Candida

Vhelhe1 a fuugus is caLeguri;1,eu a~ r11 ulu ur yea~t i~ 1.Ja~e<.I tion, stimulates suppressor lymphocytes, is toxic to
".lpon. the microscopic app earance in tissue or on routi ne mac.rophag~s, :in<l rlPrreases inflammatory responses.
::ulturc media (thc asexual stage). Microscopically, if hy- Melanin and Mannitol. Melanin and n1annitol are free
::>hal structures are observed, the tu ngus is termed a mold; radical scavengers (reduce the toxicity of hydroxy radi-
I single-celled, budding structures are observed, the fur1 cals, superoxides, and sü1glct oxygcn radicals found
sus is termed a yeast. C)n routine culture media, molds will within the phagolysosome). Melanin is producecl from
!lave a "fuzzy" or wooly appearance, and a yeast will be phenols by phenoloxidase vía the lacease pathway.
oocle1 \a-like ü1 il:. L.ulu1Iial 111u1pl1ulugy auLI cuu::;i~ Ler 11.:y. Pr1usphul1pase. Phosphol1pase Ls imporrant for survival
.Sorne pathoge11ic fungí >-vill produce either hyphal-like ,.v ithin mac.rophagPs, ;:inrl is needed for the systemic
structurcs or ycast-U.kc structurcs, depending upon the spread of thc yeast fron1 the respiratory tract to t he ce11Lral
conditions in which they are growing. Such h1ngi are nervous system. How tl1is enzyme functio11s in this regard
ca.lled dimorphic (ungí (Chapters 47, 48). is not known.
In this chapter, three yeast fungí wiU be discussed, Cryp- Sialic Acids. Sialic acids found within the cell \vall direct
-:ncoccus, Malassezia, and Candida. complement proteins toward the degradative pathway,
rather than generatlng effectlve opsonizing fragments and
Growth Characteristics
::-ryptococcus neoformans is associatcd with ulccrativc lc-
s~ons affecting t he mucous me1nbranes of the upper respi- Cryptococcus ncofónnans grows on co1nmon laboratory
ratory tract (including nasal sinuses), the central 11ervous media at ambient or body temperatures. Other members
system (menin.ges), and eye (chorioretinitis) of cats (do- of this genus do not grow consistcntly at 37ºC. Encapsula-
~estic animal most commonly affected) and dogs, and is tion is optimal on chocolate agar plates (see Chapter 14)
a.u unco11u11011 cause of 1nasLi lis in caLLle. However, Llü:, incubated under 5º/o carbon dioxjde at 37ºC. Colo11ial
~-east has the potential to affect all animals, including hu- growth rnay be apparent \.Yithin 2 days or requlre several
:nans. ln all spccics, thcce is the tendency foc the central weeks. C:olonif>_~ :ire gr;:iyish \Nhitf> to white ;'tnd mucoid
.::ervous system to become involved. and ca11 reach dian1elers of severa! cenli111elers.

Jescriptive Feature.s Biochemical Reactions

Cryptococcus spp. hydrolyze urea. Their carbol1ydrate as-
' orphology shnilation pnttcrns are utilizcd in idcntificution procc-
::ryptococcus neo(onnans is a yeast. 1'he spherical cells (3.5 dures. Cryptococcus neo{orn1ans (but few other c:ryptococcus
--lll Lo 7.0 µ111 dia111eter) produce single (usual) buds at-
spp.) utilizes creatinine and produces melanin-pigmented
:ached by slender stalks and surrounderl hy polys;:irrh:i- colonies 011 rueuia coutaining diphenolic and polyph.e no-
:!de capsules (Pig 45.1). lic con1pounds. These :irf> 11sP<l in me<lia for se-
Strains of C. neof(Jrrnans have bcen cxperimentally con- lective recovery of C. neofonnans.
--erted to a mycelial, sexually reproducing phase, Filobasi-
.;;iella neoformans, a basidiomycete.
Resistan ce

:.C.llular Products of Medica! lnterest Cycloheximide concentratio11s found in sorne fungal

isolation media inhibit e:. neoformans. Replication ceases
::.1psule. The polysaccharide capsule (composed prin1arily above 40ºC. Higltly itlkaliue e11vironrnents kill the
-,i a glucu ronoxylomannan) prevents effective opsoniza- agent.

266 PAKr 11 Bacteria and fungi

F 1G U RE 4 5. 1 . Cryptococcus neoformans in nasal granulom~

of a mouflon. India ink wet mount showing encapsulated budding
.r ') spherical yeast ce/Is. 400X. (Photograph courtesy of Dr. Roy

Variability Transmission
four antígenic types, A, B, e, and D based on the antigenic TI1e route of iI1fectio11 is usually res·pi.ratory, rarely percuta-
makeup of the capsular polysaccharides bave been de- neous. Cryptococcosis is no.ncontagious.
scribe<.l. Phenotypic, genetic, and epidemiological differ-
P.nct>s hP.tvvf'f'n thf' ;:intigt>n ic typt>s hilvf' rP.~11ltPd in thP PS-
tablishment of three varieties of C. 11eofor1nans: var. grubii
(serotype A), var. gattii (serotypes .B and C), and var. neofor- In an environment where moisture and nutrients are plen -
rnans (scrotypc D). Varictics grubii and ncoformans prcdom- tiful, C. neofi:Jrnzans makcs littlc if any capsular material. l::
inatc in tl1e tempera te zone except for an area in Southern arid conditions, t he capsule collapses and protects thE
California, where variety gattii is pron1inent. yeast from dehydration. In either case, the size (approxS
There are two 111atlng types (sexual stages): MAfa and mately 3 µm) is small enough to make lt to the lung alve-
MAl'cx. oli. At physiologic concentrations of bicarbonate, CO:-
a11d free iro11, a capsule is produced. The cryplococcal cap-
sule is a very efficient activator of tl1e alternate comple-
Ecology n1cnt pathwuy rcsulting in thc dcposition of C3b on i3
surface. ·rhus opsonized, the yeast will adl1ere to the su:-
Reservoir face of phagocyt ic cells, but is poorly phagocytosed eve::
in the presence of anticapsular antibody. Capsular poly--
Cryptococcus neofnrmans (v;:ir. gruhii ;:ind neofórrnans) lives saccharide increases participation of suppressor T lympho-
in surfacc dust and dirt. In soil it does not con1pete well cytes and dccreases a11Lige11-processü1g, leadi11g Lo a poor
vvith resident microbiota. Acantharnoeba, an an1oeba, antibocty response. Capsular polysaccharide also dinliI:-
phagocytoses and destroys 1;01ne strains of cryptococci. ishcs t11c chcmoattractivc cffccts of thc anap!1ylotoxins
lnterestingly, tl1ere are ott1er strains that are capable of sur- C3a and C5a generated by activation of the alternate com-
viving withit1 amoeba by using the same intraceJlular sur- plement pathway. h1 the event phagocytosis occurs, the
viv<il strategies that are used for their survival withln rcspiratory burst is dlminished (capsule), a11d tl1e proctuc-
macrophagP.s. ·rhus, somP str;:iins arP rlPStroyed, while oth- tion of .m elanin and mannitol by tl1e yeast scave.nge free
crs cndosymbionts using amoebae as an environn1en- radicals and Teduce the hostile environn1ent within the
taJ niche. Jn dried pigeon droppings (ricl1 in creatinine, phagolysosome by inactivating superoxides, hydroxyl,
which inhibits other inicroorganis1ns), the fungus reaches and singlet oxygen radicals. In addition, phospholipase is
higl1 conce11tratlons and survives for more than a year at proctucel1, further diminishing the ability ot phagocytic
much reduccd capsular and cell size. Cryptococcus neofor- cells in eliminating the fungus. Thus, inflammatory re-
rnuns Vdf. ;;uLLii lives Illé!inly in association with <.lecaying sponses are minimal and cryptococci grow into Iarge
wood of thc red rivP.r gum gro11p of i>11c;:ilypt11s trf'PS. space-oc<'11pyine "myxo1natous" masses, consistine of
Though cucalyptus trees are the main habitat for var. gat- capsular slin1e, yeast cells, a11d few inflan1n1atory cells.
tii, this variety has also been isolated from other tree types, Eventually these n1asses acquire histiocytes, epithelioid
bat guano, and a wasp nest. Cr}'ptococcus ncoforn·1ans var. cclls, and somc giant cclls.
neoformans and var. gru.bii are occasionally isolated from Develo_p ment of pulmonary lesions is erratic. lnfections wood in hollows of a variety of different species often localize ü1 the central nervous system (perhaps due
uf Lrt:t:s. to lower compleme11t conce11tratlons in the CNS a11d to
Chapter 45 Yeasts- Cr,vptococcus, Ma/assezia, and r:andida 267

high conccntrations of catechols, a suhstrate for phe- Laboratory Diagnosis

noloxidasc, thc cnzyme the yeast uses to produce
melanin) tollowing dissemination fron1 the lungs and are Direct Examination
m anifested by neuroloi,>ic signs (see Fig 71.3). involve-
m ent, leading to chorioretinitis and blindness, is relatively A small an1ount of sedin1e11l fro111 exu<.lates, trat:l1eo-
c ommon. bronchial washes, and cerebrospinal fluids is mixed with
a11 cqual amount of India ink on a slide anda covcr slip is
added. MicroscopicaJJy, the encapsulated organisms ap-
Disease Patterns
pear as brigh.t circular Jacunae in a dark field, containing
Cats and Dogs. Cats and dogs are most otten clinically af- the yeast cells in their centers (see Fig 45. l ). Preparations
fected. Sig11s include ulcerative lesions of the mucous stained with Rom;:inovsky-type stains (Wright's, Giemsa)
membranes in nose, mouth, pharynx, and sinuses or myx- are also used to den1011strate ll1e capsule (Ll1e !Jo<.ly uf tl1e
om;:itous nasal 1nasses. Central nervous system involve- yeast will stain darker bluc than t he capsule). Fungal
ment is con1111on. Tl1csc lcsions inay arise fnn11 lot:al infet:- stains- c.g., pcriodic acid Schiff (PAS) and (.Jomori methe-
tions. Most skin lesions are probably hematogenous. na1nine silver (CrMS)- deli.neate the cell wall but not the
capsule, '"'hich is stainable by mucicarmine. With Gra1n
l:attle. Cattle acquire cryptococcosis during administra- :;ta.iu, cryptococcal cells often appear gran1-positive.
C:on of contaminated material of lntramarnmary n1edica Tn sections proct>ssed by tl1e usual histologic methods,
.:on. Tltt::n:! is gross swe!Jing, hardening of the gland, and the capsules are unstained 11alos separaling Ll1e yeast cells
gradual changes in the secrt>tions. Destruction of the lact- fron1 tissue constituents or from each other.
ierous epithelium is extensive. Severa! glands n1ay be irre-
--ersibly damaged. 1'he disease rarely advances beyond re- Culture
_;ion al Jymph nodes.
Blou<.l agar an<.l Sabouraud's agar cultures (without cyclo-
heximide) arf' inc11h;:itecl, respectively, at 37ºC and room
.:~idemio logy
temperature (see Chapter 46). Suggcslive colo11ies are ex-
::~yptococcus can proh;i hly ;:ifft>ct any mam mal. Its occur- amined by India ink wet mount . If found to consist of
-ence is sporadic and worldwide. Birds, particularly pi- encapsulated yeasts, (~. ncofon-nans is confirmed by
:eons, often carry the agent in their intestinal cont ents demonstration of urease activity, absence of lactose, meli-
:_-,d contributc to its rcscrvoir (see above). They are rarel.y biose and 11itra te assimilation, and lt.~thallty for mice upon
iliected clinically, a11d then mostly on mucosal surfaces. intracerebral or intraperitoneal injection.
Human cryptococcosis is often assodated with im- St>lective media incorporating antibacterial a11d anti-
-unosuppressi.on (organ transplants, Hodgkin's disease, fungal drugs, creatinine and dlpl1e11yl, are used for 1::11 vi-
::-:egnancy, acquired immunodeficicncy syndrome) or in- ronmental sampling.
=e!isive exµosure . Atteruµts tu relate anirr1al infections to Sorne normal dogs and cats harbor small numbers of e;.
.Zlílar circun1stances have heen spec111;1tive. neoforrnans in their nasaJ cavities. ·r herefore, care should
Sovine cryptococcal rnastitis usually starts as an iatro- be taken when interpreting (Ulture rcsults from samples induced inoculation infection. obtained from this site. Examination of direct smears (the
Cr yptococcosis in l<oala bears is associatcd with contact numbers of yeast in smears from clini.cally nor1nal animals
-~ eucalyptus leaves conta:ininated wi tl1 var. gattíí . are too Jow l.o see) and/or analysis of seru111 fo r t:apsular
antigen are helpful adjuncts to culture. Capsular antigen is
not detectable in scrum of 11ormal dogs, regardless of
--munologic Aspects wl1ether they harllor (; . neoformans in their nasal passages.

-.:nunosuppression is a predisposing factor. 1'he capsular lmmunodiagnosis

·-ysaccharides ¡>roduce immune paralysis, complcrncnt
_p!etion, and antibody masking. Antlgen demonstration in serum and cerebrospinal fluid is
Humoral and cell-mediated pheno1nena (TH l subset re- attempted in diagnosis and assessment of patient progress.
.lng iu 111at:ropl1agc at:tivatiun) evidently contribute to Latex par Ucle suspensious cuaLe<.l ~vi tl1 antit:apsular anti-
;ense against cryptococcal infection. M;:icroph;:iges par- body are marketed as slide agglutination test· kits.
- "'pate in disposal of the agent.. 1'here is sorne evidence Antibody is irrcgularly demonstrable bccause of the
_.__: r Lymphocytes (CD4 and CD8) as well as natural killer "sponging" action ot circulating capsular antigens. lts
- s kili or inhibit e;. neoformans directly. presence (d.e monstrated by ü1direct fluoréscent antibody
Resu lts of ex perirnent al immunization have been tests or by Jatex particles coated with capsular polysaccha-
..ivocal. No vaccines are available . is a favorable sign of decreasing antigen levels .
.::::ryplococcosis does 110L appear tu !Je a d.isease in cats
=cted with feline irnmunodeficiency vi rus (FIV) ;:is it is
!!um an patients infected with human immunodefi- Treatment and Control
::FLlCY virus (HlV) . FIV-positive cats respond to appropri-
- antifungal therapy; human 1-IIV-positivc paticnts re- 1'hc trcatmcnt of choice for dogs and cats is fluconazole.
, :id p oorly if at ali. Alternative therapy is 5-fluorocytosine, but its efficacy
268 l'ART ll Bacteria and funt,.'1

should be tested periodically as strains may be resistant or (0.9 µm - 1.1 µm) (Fig 45.2). Filaments are not usually ob-
become resistant. served, regardless of culture conditions. 1"he cell wall is
'fherapy should be continued until clinical signs are re- composed ofglycoproteins (75-80o/o), lipids (15- 20%), and
solved and antigen disappears from seru1n and cere chitin (1 2o/o).
brospinal fluid.
Conta1ni11ated surfaces (pigeon lofts, attics) ca11 be dis-
ir1fected witl1 lirue solutiou (1 llJ l1yuraled lirne/3 gal
Growth Characteristics
water) prior to phys.ical cleanup. Dirt ren1oved is placed in Though not requiring lipids for growth, M. pachyde-rmatis
conttiiI1cr.s ond covcrcd with J1ydrotcd lime powdcr, which i:> lipophilic, c:tud g1owlh is in1proved vvl1cr1 lipi.d::; are
can also be used on exposed floors and beams. Masks are added to the medium. Most strains of M. pachydernzatis
worn during the operation. grow on blood agar plates, though th.e colonies will be
very small (<1 mm in diameter, and sometimes 011ly a
"greenish" tint will be seen on the surface of tl1e plate)
after several days of incubation (optimum temperature Is
MALASSEZIA PACHYDERMATIS 37ºC, although it will grow at temperature ranging from
25ºC Lo 41 ºC). T!Je yeasl will grow il1 eilhcr an aerobic, or
Me1r1bers o[ Lhe genus Malassezia are parasitic yeasts. microaerophilic atmosphere (it does not grow well anaer-
There are seven spccies: M. pachydermatis, i\!f. restricta, M. obically).
globosa, M. obtusa, M . furfur, M. sympodialis, nr1d i\1. sloof
fiae. All, except M . pachydermatís, require lipids for growth
(though lvf. pachydermatis is lipophilic). 011ly M. pachyder- Blochemical Reactions
rnatis is commonly associated with animal disease, most Afalassezia pachyderrnatis assimilates the carbon of glucose
often otitis externa, and dermatitis in dogs. However, a11d D-ma11nitol, but ctoes not ferment carbohydrates.
eaclr uf tl11:: lipid-ueveudeul species 11as bee11 isolated Urea hydrolysis is strain-dependent.
from skin and externa! ear canals of norn1al and clinically
affected dogs, cats, ruminar1ts, and horses. Thus, thc
reason why M . pachydern1atis is more commonJy tound Resistance
may be due to the relative ease i11 whicl1 this species is
Malassezia pachydermatis is resistant to cycloheximide. lt is
demonstrated. sensitlve to cold.

Descriptive Features Variability

There are a number of biotypes of M . pach)'dermatis as
Morphology and Composition
reflected in variability in D-mannitol anti sorbitol assi111i-
Malosse7.ia par:hydt,rrnatis is <in oval h11d<ling yf':ist (2 pm hy l:ition, hy<lrolysis nf nrf'a, anct Cf'll wall fatty acid con-
5 µm). In direct smears (and from colonies obtained fron1 centration.
culture), there will be a single b ud attached by a bread base Seven genetic types (a through g) have been described

F 1G U RE 4 5. 2. Exudate of canine otitis extern;¡ rnnt;¡ining

Malassez:ia pachydermatis. Note characteristic "shoe print" pattern
of budding yeasts (arrows). Gram stain, 1000X.
Chapter 45 Yeasts-Cryptococcus, Malassezia, and Candida 269

LLc;ing thf' c;equenc.e of l)NA encoding the large rihosomal Laboratory Diagnosis
ubunit as thc basis for comparison. Others have delin-
eated four genetic types (A through D) after using the ran- Direct Examination
jom amplification of polymorhic DNA method, togeth cr
· 1th sequence co1nparisons of the gene encodu1g chit1n 'fhe nu1nbers of yeasts on norn1al skin or in tl1c 11orn1al ex-
terna! ear canal are usually too IO\.Y to visualize il1 samples

takcn from such sitcs. Thus, dctcrmin ing whcthcr M .
pac/1ycten11atis is a co11tributing factor to otitis externa orto
a dermatological condition is relativcly easy, because the
écology IIU111lJers of yeasts will be high enough to be seen In sa1n-
ple<; taken from affectP<l arf'ac;. HowP\·Pr, sorne atopic dogs
havc been sho,>Vn to have increased nun1bers of M. pacliy-
• !alassezia pacf1ydennatis hves on the skln and external ear dcnnatis in normal as well as affected areas .
canal of hcalthy animals, including dogs, cats, ferrets, Samplcs takcn with cotton-tippcd swabs are the casicst
¡.>igs, and rhlnoceros (from v;hich it gets lts nan1e). The sur- to obta1n from cases of otitis externa . .Swahs are "rolled"
:ace of M. pachydermatis has mannosP-C'Ontaining glyco. over the surface of a rnicroscopc slide ;vhich are then
proteins that are responsibk: for binding to mannose re- :>lCtiJ1cu with a Rornanovsky-type stal n (Wrlgl1t's, Giemsa)
-:eptors on the surface of corneocytes. thus allowing or G ram's stain . r.xamination of c;mp;irs will reveal ycasts
adherencc in this niche. It is rarely isolated from human with charactcristic "bottle-shaped" or "shoe print" n1or-
skin, or thc cnvironment. phology (see Fig 45.2). lf the swabs are also streaked onto
the surface of a blood agar plntc, small colonics (ora grccn-
ransm1ss1on 1sh colorat1on) will appcar withín Z4-48 hours after incu-
bation of the plate ~t 37ºC in air.
falassezia pachyden1Jatis is an opportunistic fungus, con- Thuugli 1\11. pachydennatis can be dernonstratcd on af-
:ributing to disease processes already in progress (e.g .. al- fected arcas of the skin, <lermatologic;t.; rPcommend that
.oergic dermatitis). Thc source of the yeast is endogenous sorne measure of numbers be madc in order to gauge the
..e., a mcmbcr of the patient's normal flora). latrogenic success of treatn1ent . Numbcrs are approximated by using
.:tisease has been reported for the transmission of the yeast adhesive tape to remove yeasts from the skin and thcn
.~Ul ll él uog witlJ. Otitis ext efild to d hurnan patient Via the staining (Wright's, or Giemsa), followcd by a microscopic
'1anrls of a carPgivPr (the rlog's ownPr) who handled a examination o f the tape. For cxalnplc, the tape is placed
~pid-rich intravenous solution (for total parenteral nutri- "yeast-s!de" tlovvn on a microscope slldc in a puddle of
ion) subsequently administered to the patient. Wright'c; stain . 'l'hP "prPparation" ic; Px:1mined throtrgh a
microscopc with the tape acting as a coverslip. Less than
two ycasts per lOOOX field is about the maximum to e,xpect
~athogenes is
from prcparations madc from thc skin of a normal dog .
.Jalassezia pacl1ydern1nris plays a secondary, but sigruficant
¡ole in otitis externa and dermatitis in a variety of animals,
.... ul 111u:>l l:o111111011ly i11 dogs, aud lo a lesse1 exle11L, cals Molecular Techniques
see Fig 69.4). The exact role played by M. pachydennatis re- Poly1nerase cha in reaction amplification of DNA encoding
'"Ilains unclear, and what causes the yeast to change from a elther thc large or the small rlbosomal subunit together
'larmlcss commensal t o one that con tributes to disease, is with the interna! transcribcd spacr.r rcgi.o n maybe used to
unknown. If its presence is ignored when formulating a detect 1'vfalassez.ia spp. The san1e technology l1as been. ap-
rreatment regimen, l1owever, resolutlon of the disease plied to speciation of the yeast.
process is p roblematic.
: pidemiology
As a means of determining \vhether M . pacllydern1atis is a
'.falassezia pacl1ydennatis is a parasi te of skin (including the contributor in otitis externa, culture is not worth the cf
c.xtcrnal car canal) of nonhuman animals. Malassezia fort, bccausc most samples caken from such conditions
~Jc/1ydern1atis-assocíated dermatitis is more commonly re- contain bacteria (e.g., Pse11domo11ns) that quickly overgrow
portcd in Australian silky terriers, basset hounds, cocker the slower gro,vi11g yeasl. 1'he dele1111i 11alio11 Llial M.
<ipanicls, dachsh unds, poodles, and west Highland white pach,vdennatis is involved can be made quicker by micro-
+f'rriPrs. Thc yeast has '""orldwidc distribution. scopic cxu1niT1ution of sa1nplcs.
Cultu re plays a role in assessing the microbiological
makeup of dermatological conditions, as well as formulat
lmmunologic Aspects lng a trcatment regim en. Either tape preparations (press
the tape on the surface of medium) or contact plates (petri
• Jalassczia pachydennatis is ai:1 opportunistic yeast, con- plates with agar mediu1n Lhal "IJul~t::>" alJuve the riln) .
=::-ibuting to preexisting compromises of the skin and ex- Media that have proven useful include Dixon's (mo<1ifie<1
:.:rnal ear. lt is unknown how M. pachydcm1atis contributcs to contain lipid), Leeming Notman's, or Sabouraud's.
~o d1seasc. Plates are incubated at 37uc in air or an atmosphere con-
270 PART 11 Bacteria and Fu11gi

taining C0 2 . Greater than two colonies per 0.5 square .i nch separa te. In vivo, mycelial (a collection of hyphae) or pseu-
is considcrcd abnorn1al. domycclial growth is associated with active proliferation
and invasiveness.
The so-called chlamydospore (chlamydoconidium) is a
Treatment and Control thick-walled sphere of unknown function, attached by a
suspensor cell to (pseudo)mycelium and essentially con-
Corre<..-tion of tl1e underlyi11g co11ditio11 is tl1c i11osLil11po1- fü1ed Lo ü1 viL10 giowlh (Fig 45.4) of G. albícans (1a1ely
tant aspect of t reatment of M. pachyderrnatis- associated otitis other Candida spp.).
externa or dcrn1atitis. Altnost ull conlillcrciully avuilublc top- Thc ccll wall contains glycoprotcins; thc polysaccha-
ical preparations that contain an antifungal agent (nystatin, ride portions are glucans and especially mannans. Lipids
clortrimazole, or rniconazole) are e.ffective in treating the and chitin are also present. Mannoproteins are found on
fungal component of otitis externa. Meclicatect shampoos the cell surface. c:ellular products include peptidolytic en-
(e.g., miconazole + cl1lorhexidille), along •vith systemic an- zymes, wl1ich may be virulence factors . Two major c.ross-
lifu11gal adn1illisL1alion (keLoco11azole 01 il1aco11azole) a1e 1eaclil1g se1og1oups are recogrlizcd. These are termed A
effective in reducing the influence of M. pachydermatis upon and B, and are identifiable with absorbed sera.
dern1atological diseases. Griseofulvin is not effective. Gandida can be staincd with pcriodic acid Schiff (PAS),
Gomori methenamine silver (CiM::-i), and other fungal
stains, but is usually studied in culture unstained. Poly-
chrome stains (Wrlght's, Gle1nsa) are suitable for <.lemon-
strating it iI1 tissue or exudate. With Gr;:im st;:iin, <:andida
cell.s oflen appear gran1-po.sitivc.
Candidiasis is usually dueto tl1e parasitic yeast Candida al-
bicans, whicl1 iuhal.Jits u1ucous u1e1111.Jrd11es of 1110:.t 111<1111-
mals ano hiros. ()f t hP. mor<> than 150 othP.r spP.ciP.s of Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest
Curul.ida lhal a1e associaled will1 i11a11y dive1se 11abilaLs,
Adhesins. Various cell wall components (chitin, manno-
few are associated with animal disease. Disease produced
proteins, a11d lipids) have been associated with adherence
by mcrnbcrs of thc gc11us Gandida usually occurs in a11 im-
to extracellular matrix proteins.
munoco1nprom ised .host.
Mi:;c:ellaneuus Pruducls. Prute<1!>e."1 dIH.l i1eurauüuidases
The subsequent discussio11 deals with G. albicans unless
have hP.P.n proposP.o to play a rolP. in pathogenesis. Cell
ot.herwise indicated.
wall glycoproteins have endotoxin-like activity (see
Chapters 7 and 8).
Descriptive Features
Growth Characteristics
Cell Morphology, Anatomy, and Composition
Gandida albicans, an obllgate aerobe, grows on ord.i nary
On routine lahoratory mP.dia ano n111co11s mf'mhranf'S, r. mf'di;:i nvf'r :1 widf' rangf' of pH and tf'mpf'rilti1rf'. At 25°(:,
albícans typically grows as oval budding yeast cells (blasto- creamy to pasty white colonies consisting predominantly
con.idia), 3.5 µ111to6 µ111 by6 µn1 to lOµm in size. Undercer- of yeast cells appear in 24 to 48 hours. Production of
taiJ.1 conditions of tempernture, pH, nutrition, and ntmos- (pscudo)mycclium is cnvironmcntally influenced, but thc
phere, yeast cells sprout germ tubes (Fig 45.3) tl1at develop controllillg factors are disputed. lncubation temperatures
into septate-b ranching myceliurn . "Pseudoh.yphae" is pro- above 3SºC, a slightly alkaline pH, anda rich, carbohydrate-
duced by elo11galion of Lhe blasloconiclia aud Lheir failure Lo free fluid 1uediu111 are ofLeu recouuueuded .

F 1G U RE 4 5. 3. Germ tube production (arrows) by Candida albicans in serum.

Ur:istained wet mount, 300X.

·..... ,

Chapter 45 Yeasts- C:ryptococcus, Malassezia, and Candida 271

F 1G U RE 4 5. 4 .Ccir1dido olbiloll~ culture on tfllarnydospore agar with trypan blue,

showinq pseudomycelium, yeast ce/Is (blastoconidia) (right), and chlamydoconidia (left);

Differential ability to ferment or assimilate carbohy bly the anterior digestive tract from mouth to stomach; it
drates is the basts of species identification.. typically remains confined to areas of squamous epithe-
Candida species are k.illed by heat above SOºC, ultravio- lium. 'fhe genital tract, skin, and cla"l<vs can be involved as
leL ligl1t, <.Jlluriu<::, c.u1<.l yuater11ary aII1n1oniuu1-typ<:: <.lisir1- well. Occasional respiratory, Intestinal, and septicemic in-
fectants. They withstand ano SllíVÍVP WP.11 in thP fprtion.s orc11r_
inartimate environ1n.e nt. They are susceptible to polyene On epithelial surfaces, candidiasis forn1s whitish to yel-
antimycotics, and usually to flucytosine and the azoles. low or gray plaques, marking areas of ulceration with vary-
ing dcgrcc of inflammation. Diphthcritic membranes muy
Reservo ir form in the gut or respiratory tract, and abscesses may
form in the v íscera. Granulomatous lesions are rare.
Candida albicans is associated witl1 mucocutaneous areas, lnflammatory responses are predominantly neutrophilic.
particularly of tl1e alin1entary and lower genital tract, of
llldlllllléll::. clllU uil u::.. Eu VÍl Ullllll.:l 1Lal ::.uu11,,1.:::. dl t: Ílll¡JUl l clll l Disease Patterns
especially for other Gandida spp.
Birds. Avian candidiasis affects chickcns, turkeys, pigeons,
Transmission and other t)irds. lt resembles thrush ot humans involving
the anterior digestive tract (see Fig 68 .2). In th.e you11g, it
Yfost Gandida diseases arise from a.n endogenous source, can be a stunting clisease and cause considerable rnortality.
that is, they are caused by a commensal strain. The bovine
udder l.Jecu111e::. i11fecle<.l via tite Leat canal l.Jy way uf ad- Swine. ln the alimentary tract of pigs, candidlasls Is seen
ministered medication, during milking, by cow-to-covv as ulcerative lesions that n1ay lead to rupture.
sp rcad, or from thc environ1nent.
Equine. ln tl1e alimentary tract of foals, candidiasis is seen
Pathogenesis as ulcerative lesions that may lead to rupture. Equine gen-
ital infections cause infertility, metritis, and abortions.
Mer.hanisms. r.hitin, 1n.annoprotei11, and lipids are possible
adhesins, and in hun1an car1didiasis; several exlracellula1 Cattle. Pueurnuuic, <::11teric, anll gene.ralized candidiasis
matrix proteins have been shown to be the receptor. Germ affects calves on intensive antihiotic rPgimt>ns. Candida
tube forrnation is corrclated with experimental patho- mastitis in dairy cows is typically 1nild and self-limiting,
genicity, but the role of mycelium formation in virulence e.nding in spontaneous recovery within about a week.
is under dispute. Proteases a11d !1eu.raminidase may be vir- Rovine abortions have been reported.
ulence factors. Cell wall glycoprotelns have endotoxin-like
ac.tivity. Dogs and Cats. In dogs, candidiasis produces ulcerative le-
1~athology. Candidiasis n1ost freque11tly aJiecls lhe 1nu- sluus iu tl1e digestive anll genital tract. Rarely, dogs de-
cous surfaces on which the igent is normally found, possi- velop septic:Pmía with lt>sions in muscle, bones, skin, and
272 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungí

F 1G U RE 4 5. 5. Candida albicans in nasal exudate from a dog. Note yeast ce/Is

(blasroconidia and pseudohypha. Gram srain, IOOOX.

lower urinary tract (especially those witl1 diabetes melli- stained wet mounts, or in fixed smears stained with
tus); feline pyotl1orax may rarelybe due to C. albicans. Grarn':; stain, RoII1<1uov:;ky-ly¡Je slai1 1s (Wrighl's, Gien1sa)
or f11ngal stains- e .g., periodic acid Schiff (PAS) and
Other. Lowcr primutcs und murinc mamrnals may acquirc Gomori methenamine silver (GMS) (Pig 45.5).
1nucocutaneous candidiasis. Candida albicans grows well on blood or Sabouraud's
agar, with or without inhibitors (scc Chapter 46). Othei
Epidemiology <:andida spp. rnay be inhibited by cycloheximide. Yeast
isolates producing (pseudo)mycelium can be considered
l'he common age.r1ts of car1didiasis are commensal '">i.tl1 Gandida spp. lsolation of Gandida spp. fron1 mucous mem-
n1ost warn1-blooded species. Visease is linked to immune hr;inps (PvPn in J;i reP n 11mhPrs) s11ggf'sts a rli;ignosis of c<in -
and hormonal inadequacies, reduced colonization resist- didiasis only in the presence of compatible lesio11s, and
ance (a rnea~ure oftlle "health" ofthe norrnal flora), or in - abundant (pseudo)hyphal forms in direct smears.
tensive exposure of weakened hosts or vulnerable tissues. Incubation at 37°C for >2 hours of a lightly inoculated
·r11ese condilions accounl for susceplibilily o f i11fa11Ls, d ia- tu be of seru m will p roduce ger1n t ubes if thc isolate is<:. al-
betics, subjects on antibiotic and steroid regimes, patients bicans (see Fig 45.3), wl1ich also producect chlamydospores
with i11dwelling catl1eters, and ma1nmary gla11ds of lactat- 011 cornmeal-tween 80 agar (see fig 45.4). Yeast identifica-
ing cows. tion ki ts are commerci<il ly availahlf'.
DNA probes and tests for circulat"ing antibody, antigen,
a11d metabolites have had n o adequate tria! in veterinary
lmmunologic Aspects medicine.
Immu11oincompetent lndividuals are preferred targets for
infection . Treatment, Control, and Prevention
Poly111orpl1011uclcar neutrophil leukocytes (PMNs) and
activated 1nacrophages form the chief defense against Correcting conditions underlying clinical candidiasis may
candidiases. 1'he role played by opsonins (antibody; coin- ü1 itself lead to recovery.
p lemer1t) is to facilitate pl1agocytosis. Macrophages are ac- In poultry, copper sulfate in drinking water is a tradi-
tivated by gan1ma in terferon secreted by ·rHl cells stimu - tional treatment. Nystatin can be given in feed or water. lt is
lated by ínterleukin 12 fro m macrophages actively also used topically in mucosal and cutaneous forms of can-
engaged in phagocytosis. didiasis of 111a1I1111al:;, a:; are <'UHJJl 10Lericin B and n1icona-
·rhere i:. r1u <1rliflt:ial ir11111 u11izalion. 1.nle. Fluc.ona7.ole (preferred) or flucytosine is useful for
treating dogs or cats vvith lower urinary tract candidiasis.
In disseminated forms, oral fluco11az0Je or tlucytosine
laboratory Diagnosis are drugs of choice. Susceptibility testing is advisable.
Con1bined flucytosine-an1photericin B is sometimes used
In exudate, Gandida appears a::; yeast cells (blastoconidia)
in humans and occasionally in animals.
or (pseudo)hyphae. Ali forms are demonstrable in un-

\Vhether a fun¡_,rus is cateeori7ed as mold or yeast is b ased Growth Characteristics

upon th e n1icroscopic appearance in tissue or on routin e
culture media (the asexual stage). lf hyphal structures are Th c trudition al n1cdium fo r propagating dermatophytes
observed, the fungus is termed a mold; if a single-celled, (and other pat hogenic fungi) is Sat)ouraud's d extrose agar,
buddin g st ructure is observed, the fungu s is termed a yeast. a ?o/o agar containing 1% peptone and 4% glucose. Its acid-
On routinc culture media, molds will have a "fuzzy" or ity (pI-I 5.6) renders lt m lldly bacteriostatic and selective.
•VUUly ap pcararH.:C, l:tl\U a yeast ~vill lJe lJa<:teria-like in itS Th f' sPIPctivity is enhanced by addition of cyclo hexirnide
colonial morphology and consistency. So1ne p at hogPnic (500 pg/ml), which inhibits oth cr fungi, and genla1nicin
fungi will produce cither hyphal-likc structures or yeast- and tetracycline (100 µg/ml of each) or chloramp h enicol
.ike struch1res, depending upon the conditions in which (SO pg/rnl), which inhibit bacteria. Dcrmatophytes are aer-
~hey are gro\~•ing. Such fungi are called din1orplzic fungi obes and nonfcrmenters. Sorne attack proteins aod dcam-
Chapters 47, 48). inate amino acids. They grow optimally at 25ºC to 30ºC
Dermatophytcs are molds capable of parasitizing only and re4uire severa! days ro weeks of lncubation.
~e1ali 11 izeu eµiuer111a 1 sl rucl ure:>: su µerficial skiu, hair,
SomP <lf'rmatophytpc; in c;ki n íl nd ha ir (but not in cul-
:eathers, horn, hooves, claws, and nails. Those that havf' a ture) produce a green fluorescence due to a tryptophan
sexual reproductivc phasc bclong to the ascomycetes. inetabolite that is visible under ultraviolet light (A. =
:;)ermatophytc infections are called ring~vorm ( tinea). 366 nm), somctimcs rcfcrrcd to as a Wood's light. Of ani-
mal dermatophytes, only Microsporurn canis produces this

Descriptive Features
\1orphology Dermatophytes are susceptible to common disinfect ants,
particularly thosc containing creso!, iodinc, or chlorine.
:n their nonparasitic state, including cultu re, d ermato -
·rhcy survive tor years in the inanimate enviro11ment.
phytes p roduce septate, branching hyphae collectively
called rnJ1,·c·li11m. The asexua l reproductive un its (conidia)
a1e fo u11d in l h e ae1ial 111yceliun1. ·r11ese u11ils 111ay be ei- Variability
ther macroconidia: pl uricellular, podl ike structures up to
100 µm lo ng; or 1nicroconidia: uniccllular sphcrcs or rods Th ere are a number of strains of each specles of M icro-
s¡H1n11n an rl 'f)·irhnphytnn, making ronstn1ction of pfff'ctivf'
!ess tnan JU µm 1n any <.11mens1on. ~ nape, s1ze, structure,
immunizing products difficult .
arran gem ent, and abundance of conidia are diagnostic cri-
teria . Hyphal peculiarities-spirals, uod ules, "rackets,"
~rhan rlf'lif'rc;," ;:i nrl ch ll'11l1y<1ocon irl ia (rh lamydosporPs)-
are more common in sorne species than others, but th ey
are rarely diagnostic. Pigmcntation is useful in dermato-
phyte differentiation.
In the paras1ac state, only hyphae and arthrocon1dia One speaks of geophilic, zoophilic, and anthropopllilic
arthrospores), another asexual reproductive unit, are dermatophytes when discussing dermatophytcs having a
seeu. Exceµt in size rauge::., wlúch uverlap among dermato- soil, anlmal, or human reservoir, respectively. Table 46.2
phyte species, arthroconiclia arf' inclic;tinguish;:ihlt> from shows the important dermatophytes affecting animals,
:>pecies to spccics. with rcscrvoi1 s a11d clinical ho:1l:>.
Sexual spores (ascospores) are absent in the parasitic Rare causes of animal dermatophytosis are the anthro-
phase. pophilic, globally prcvalcnt M. audouinii, T. rubn.11n, T. ton-
Thc distinguishing features of the three genera of surans, and c.. floccosi11n, and the zoophilic i'vf. distorturn,
dermatophytes-Microsporurn, Trichophyton, and Epidermo- which has been recovcred from Iesions of dogs, cats,
pf1ylurt-<1rc sl1uwu iu 'l'al.Jle 46.l . Only 1\tlic.Tosporurn and Tri- horses, monkeys, and humans and appears to be restricted
chophyton affect ;:inimaJc; consistPntly. to Australia, New Zcaland, and the Americas.

Chapter 46 Dcrmatophytes 275

-able 46.3. lmportant Oermatophyte lnfections in Domestic body; protPin mnif'tif'~ stim11liltf' rf'll-mf'di!ltf'd responsf's) .
.:.'lima Is Antibody-mediated and cell-mediated hypersensitivi-
ties occur in the course of dermatophytoses. 'fheir onset
Host Agenl Ndlure of Lesions gcncra1ly coincides with that of thc inflammatory phasc
of infection and may contribute to its manifestations.
Horse T. equinum Dry, scaly usualtv noninflammatory Sterile inflammatory skin lesions (phytids) occur in
(unless se<ondarily infected) human rlngworm lnfccttons. 1'hcy are allcrgic reactlons to
M. gypseum Often suppurative under alopecic circ11lating f11ng;il ;intigPns
thickened areas
M. equinum Not more than míldly inflammatory,
resembling T. equinum lesions Recovery and Resistance
Cattle T. verrucosum Painless, thick, white, "asbestos• Antibodics play at bcst a limited role in resistance.
plaoues, local alopecia Evidencc favors ccll mcdiat<'d mechanisms as decisive in
Swine M. nanum Tanni1h, crusty, 1preading centrifugally protcctlon and rccovcry.
on trunk; painless, margins slightly Rf>rnvPrP<i indivich1i1l<: rP<;ist rPinfection, althcn1eh local
infl~med No hair loss. reactions n1ay be more acute and intense than on prin1ary
Dog M. canis Typlcally noninflammatory, scaly, exposure. i\cquired reslstance varíes in degree and dura-
alopecic patches, occasional kerion tion with host, dcrrnatophytc spccies, and possibly
T. mentagrophytes Often spreading, extensively scating to anatomical area.
intlammatory lesions, secondary
M. gypseum As T. mentagrophyres Artificial lmmu nization
( ;¡t M. r;ini~ Oftpn 'uhrlini<;il in ;irlult\. CiPnPr;illy
MyceliCJI T. vern1cus111n va<.:<.:lnes, inCJ<.:tivated and live aviru-
noninflammatory except in young lent, are us<>d in F.11ropP. Thf>y !lrf> crf>ciitf>c1 with rf>c111cing
kittens; may become generalized in the number of infected hcrds and ncw infcctions. Mixtures
debilitated kittens. Occasional of ,\1icrospon1m and Trichophyton-either as a live, attenu-
mycetoma (Persian cats). ated vaccine ora killed product have been disappointing
T. mentagrophytes As in dogs
in protecting cats from developing dermatophytosis,
Chicken M. gal/inae Generally affecrs unfeathered portions. though they do appear to restrict spread upon individual
Whitish chalky scaling on comb and <.:CJts. Althuugh live va<.:clne!) appear to eli< a better im-
Wdtll~. 11onirtlldmmdlory
m11nf' (protf>rtivf') ri>,pon,f', thf' f)rf>Sf'11Cf' nf n11mf>ro11s
T. simii Superficially similar to M. gallinae but strains of Microsporu111 and Trichophyton make concocting
often inflammatory and even such products difficult.
necrotizing. A poultry problem only
in India.

Ringworm is rare in sheep. Agents are T. verrucosum, T. mentagrophytes, anó M. canis.

Laboratory Diagnosis
The same species affect goots.
Direct Examination
In 50o/o to 70% of cases, hairs anti skin scales infected with
M. canis oc M. a11do11inii may emita bright greenish-yellovv
fluoresccnce u11dcr ult.raviolct light, c.g., a Wood's light
~vith incrcascd prcvalcncc. hnprovc1ncnt in calves often (/, = 366 i1m).
follows their release from damp, dark, crowded winter
quarters to the outdoors.
Infected indlvlduals of thc samc spcclcs pcrpetuate the Microscopic Examination
important der1natophytoses nf ¡¡nimal~ . Roclent sources of
Skin scrapings and hair are cxamincd microscopically tor
sporadic T. r11e11tagrophytcs infections in dogs and cats seen1
the prescnce of hyphac and arthroconidia. The scrapi11g
:ikely. Sporadic occurrence of the soil-derived M. gypseu"1
shoulc.l include material from the margins of any lesion
~•fcctions contrasts with cndcmic to cpidcmic but bland
and the full thickness of the keratinized epidermis. The
.nfections of swinc w1th geoph1llc M. nanurn.
hah is plucked, so as lo include Lile iuuafollicula1 po1 lio11.
Thc major agcnts of animal ringworm are globally dis-
The sample is placed on a slide, flooded '1-vith 10% to 20o/o
potassium hydroxide, covered ~vith a cover slip, and
heated gently. ·rhe treatment clears the sample (makes it
"transparent") whilc lcaving fungal structures and enough
lmmunologic Aspects of the hair and epidermis intact to rcvcal the agcnt in its
relation to the parasitized structures.
lmmune Mechanisms of Disease
Mic1oscopiL t:.>.a111i11alio11 ~liuult.l l.Jt:gi1i u11ucr low
The majar antigens associated ~-vith dermatophyte infec- power (lOOX) and subdued light. Tnfected hairs are encasen
tions are the keratinases (elicit cell-mediated responses) in an irregular sheath of arthrospores that may doublc thcir
and glycoproteins (carbohydrate moieties stimulate anti- normal thickness (Fig 46. 1). At higher magnification
276 1>A1tT 11 J3acteria and fungí

F 1G U RE 4 6. 1 . Cot hoirs infcctcd (ccntcr) ond uninfcctcd F 1G U RE 4 6. 2. Cot hoir infcctcd with Microsporum can is.
(right) with Mlcrosporum canis. 15% KOH mount. TOOX. Focus is on arthroconidla surrounding the hair (ectothrix). 15% KO~
mount. 400X.

• • '


_,_ -
' ·

•1' •

' \·~

•• I

• • • •




F1GU RE 4 6. 3 . Dog skin scraping infected with Tricophyton

mentagrophytes showing septate hyphae and chain~ nf arthrnroni-
dio. 15?i K011 mount. 400X.

(400X) of such hairs, lntlividual, spl1t'rical artluucu1litlia cyclul1cxi111itlc Dt:1111alupl1yte ·resl Mediun1 [DTM),

are recogni2able (Fig 46.2). In 11<ürless skin, branching hy- R;:ipicl Sporlll;:ition MPc1i11m íRSM]), which are incubated
phae a11d chai11s of ar throconidia occur (Fig 46.3). at 25°C (room temperature) for up to 3 weeks. Samples
Stains and penetrating and wetting agents (permanent suspccted of containing T. verrucosun1 are incubated at
ink, lactophcnol cotton bluc, dimcthylsulfoxidc) improvc 37ºC. On DTM and RSM, an alkaline reaction suggests
visualization. Calcotluor white reagent imparts fluores- presencc of a dermatophyte. (Dermatophytes, if given a
cencc lo fungal structures and facilitates diagnosis \'l1l1ere a choice of glucose and protein, will usually digest the pro-
fluorcsccnt microscope IS avallable. tcin flrst, lead!ng to aJkali11t' pruuuct~; ~aprophylic fungí
will most oftPn 11tili7.P glucosc, leading to acid by-
Culture products. Cautio11: Aftcr the preferred substrate is utilized,
the microorganism will make use of the other, shitting
Scrapings are plantcd onto and into thc surfacc of sclcc- thc pH in thc other direction.)
tivc media (::>abouraud's agar with chlorampl1enicol a11d Susp1c1ous growth is examined microscopically. The ad-
Cliapter 46 Dcrmatophytes 277

F1Gu RE 4 6. 4. Microsporum can is. Lactophenol cotton blue mount from patato flake
glucose agar. Note thick- and rough-walled spindle-shaped macroconidia, absence of
microconidia. 400X.
--- ·- ' ~

• ..

... . .... --._


- ..-


Ir , F1G u RE 4 6. s. Microsporum gypseum. Lactophenol cotton
blue mount from Sabouraud's agar culture. Macroconidia are cigar-
shaped and thin-walled; microconidia are absent. 400X

Molecular Techniques
,.e side of a clear ccllophane tape strip is pressed gcn tly
·he suspect colony (takcn from RSM, or Sabouraud's ·rhere are a number of DNA-based tccl111iques Lhal a1e
• \\'ith ch loramphenicol a11d cycloheximide-ctermato- available for direct examination of clinical sarnples, or for
'es do not sporulate well on 'l)'l't-.1) and mounted in a use in identification of an isolntcd dcrmato phyte. 'l'hese
p of lactophenol cotton blue on a slidc and examined tcchniques include dctcrmination of the sequcnce of DNA
-o~ropically (sec ·rabie 46.1, Figs 46.4- 46.6). With encod ing specific products (c.g., chitin synthase 1 gene),
· 1ophyto11 :;pp., in Ll1e abse11ce of tlia~11o:stic conidia, decermlnation of the sequencc of che interna! transcribed
trophic tests are used for speciation. ~pacer regían, determination of the sequence of the DNA
'lO\vlcdgc of sourcc (host spccies, type of lesion) aids encoding large riboso111aJ :.ulJu1lit (28S), and generatlon of
- ~1cantJy in provisional 1dentitication ot animal der- uniquc DNA fragments following arbitrary or randomly
phytes. primed polymcrasc chain rcactions.
278 PART II Bacteria and fungi

F1G u RE 4 6. 6. Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Lacrophenol cotton blue mount frorn

potato flake glucose aqar culture. Microconidia in single rows ("en thyrse," 1) and c/usters
("en grappe, • 2); thín-walled, long macroconidia (arrows). 400X

•• \

Treatment and Control Povidone-iodine (Betadine, Purdue Frecteric:k) anci

chlorhexidi11e (Nolva~a 11, Forl Dodge), available as lotio::5
Cuu11.Ji11cd Lovical and syslemic treatn1ent is often prefer- and ointment'\, are general antiseptics with antifunga..
ahle. Of two systemic agents available, griseofulvin and ke- action.
toconazole, the latter is more costly and lcss preven. Both A thorough cleanup of premises involving use of an io-
drugs are given orally and are relatively 'vell tolerated. dinc, chJorinc, or phenol-containing disinfectant is essen-
Griseofulvin in small carnivores is given for at least a tial. Utcns1ls and equ1pment are disinfected with Capta!:
month, or 2 weeks beyond cllnlcal recovery. Use in largc or Bordeaux orchard spray.
anim;il" is ina<lPqnately <loc.umented. lt is not approved for Ic.lentiflcation of (;arricr~ i11 ke1111els a11d callerics can be
use in food animals. It is teratogenic in pregnant cats. attempted hy culture of brushings. The Wood's light (ui-
Terbinafine (an allylamlnc antifungal that inhibits ergos- traviolet light) is useful in population scrccning of ca¡
tcrol biosynthcsis, und concentrates in skin and nails) may colonies v.1 here M. ca nis is the only concern. lnfected indi-
be a useful altcrnativc. viduals should be isolated and treated. Exposed animals
Antifungal orchard spray is effective on ringworm of are treated prophylactically.
large and srnall anlmals (Captan 45o/o puwucr, 2 tal.Jle- Successful vaccinatlon is widely practiced on European
spoons/ga I). Affertecl arPas are first clipped. In large ani- cattle. A livc atte11ualeu ~L1<ü11 (T. verrucosurn) appears to be
n1als, t wo applications at biweekly intervals are recom- most imrnunogenic. Neither livc attenuated vaccines nor
mended. With dogs, weekly dips can be repeated to ettect. killc<l products have been cffcctívc in prcvcnting dermato-
Contact with human should be avoided. Thiabenda- phytosis in cats.
zote (" rresaderm, Merck) LS used on small and large animals.
Agents of Subcutaneous

\'hcther a fungus is categori7.P<I a~ molci or yPast is based Descriptive Features

_¡pon thc micro:icopic nppct1r1.1ncc in tissue or on routine
culture media (the ase>..'Ual stage). 11 hyphal structures are Morphology and Staining
>bserved, the fungus is termed a n·10/d; if a single celled,
..itkling structure is observed, the fungus is tcrmed a yeast. Sporothrix schenckii is a di111urµhic fungus, i.e., l t exhibits a
~ routine culture media, molds vvill havc a "fuzzy" or different 1norphology depending upon the conditions of
-ooly api;1::a1a11c1::, a1J<.l a ye11st will be hacterla-like in its growth. At room temperaturc (2SºC, ou Sal.Juurau<.l':; agar),
- '.onial morphology and consistPncy. SomP pathngPnir S. sc/Jenckii gro"''S as a mold. This so-called saprophytic
a!lgi will produce cithcr hyphal-likc structures or yeast- phase consists of septatc hyphae, \vith oval or tcar-shapcd
..Ae structurcs, depencling upon thc conditions in \vhich conldla (Z to 3 ~un by 3 to 6 µm) in clusters on conidio-
ney are growing. Sucl1 fungí are called dirnorphic fi1ngi, phorf''\ and along hyphae (Fig 47.1). At 35- 37ºC (in tissue
hich are dlscussed below and in Chapicr 48. or on rich 111cdia, e.g., blou<.l agar, i11cul.J11ted at that tem-
This chapter deals \.vith dimorphic fungí and fungus- perature), it cxists as hudding plPomnrph ic ("cigar-
_.;e n1i.croorganisn1s af fecli11g ski11 a1i<.l sul.)(.:utis. l'o be d is- shapcd") yeasts measuring up to 10 µm in the longcst di-
_:;ssed are Sporothrix schenckii, wh ich i~ thf' cause of mension (l·ig 47.2). 'fhe yeast phase stains with the Grarn's
.?Qrotrichosis in a variety of animal spccies, but n1ore fre- stain, and either pl1aseaccepts Gicmsa or fungal stains (pc-
..:ently in humans. horses. dogs, and cats; Histoplasma rlodtc acid-Schiff, Grocott methenam1nc silver, Gridley) .
.;;psulatun1 var. farciminosu1n 1 the cause of cpizootic lym-
'1angitis in eqwds (horses, donkeys, mules); the agents of Cellular Constituents and Products
mycosis (AphnnonT}'ces, Lagenidi111n, Pythi11n1 and Sapro-
'fia), whlch cause a variety of dlseases in flsh and mam- Sporolhrix schenckii possesses a typical fungal cell ~vall con-
-al'; ;ind miscellaneous conditions involving the skin taining chitin, and ergosterol. Various glycoconjugates
"1d subcutis, i ncl udi ng chron1oblas1on1ycusi::i, pliat::ol1y- found upon the \o\'all have adhesive propcrtics (scc ncxt
~ '"lomycosis, and rnycetoma. Systemic mycoses, of which sectton, "Cellular Products of Medica! Intercst").
i.ln lcsions may be onc manifcstation, are described in
_>:apter 48. Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest
Adhcsins. The cell \.Yall of S. schcnckii contains glycoco11ju-
gates wíth attinity for extraccllular matrix proteins (fi-
bronectin, laminin, and Type II collagcn). l'his intcraction
does not involve an "Arg-Gly-Asp" (H.GU) sequence.
ufOtTiChOSÍS is a relative!y rare disea'e cau,P<I hy the Ce// Wnll. The cell wall of S. schenckii contains severa!
-?rophytic, dimorphic fungus, Sporothrix sclzenckii. l"his subsla11ct:=> that rnay play a role in the virulence of this
-'<ase usually manitests as a chronic, ulcerative lymphan- microorganism . ThP'\P inchulP lipid, melanin, peptide-
:::.~ of skin and subcutis. Systcmic (disseminated) discasc rhamnomannan, and sialic acid:
.::urs occaslonally in imn1unocompromised human pa-
'lt~ (P .g ., alcoholics; individuals affccted with the 1. Liµi<.l . 'fhe lipi<.I portion of the cell wall of s. schenckii
- -!llan in1n1unodeficiency virus). Ev<.:11 though dissemJ- inhihits ph;igocytosis by monocytes and macro-
~áon co1nn1only occurs in cats, no assoc.iatínn hPtween phages.
-Jerlying compromise and disseminatcd disease in vet- 2. Melanin. Melanin found in the cell wall protP.cts S.
..!:ary spccies has been de1nonstrated. schenckii froin thc cffccts of reactive oxygen interme-
diates withín phagolysosomes ot phagocytic cells.
Melanin is a free radical scavcnger (reduces thc toxi-
clty uf hydroxy radicals, supcroXides, and singlet
oxygPn radicals found within the phagolysosome).

280 PART 11 Bacteria and Fungi

F1G U RE 4 7. 1. Sporothrix schencku. Hyphal rtrands on a

p/;itp of S;iho11ra11d'.~ agar incubated at 25ºC. Hyphae bear
conidiophores with daisy likc clustcrs of ov.?tc conidia. Wet
mount, about 400X.

, ..
r.: .,,•
o· ºº

• ~
F 1G U RE 4 7. 2 . Exudate from sporotrichosis lesion in a cat.
Wright-Giemsa stain. Note pleomorphism of dark-staining yeast
. - ce/Is, some of which are budding. 1000X.

3. Pcptidc-rhao1nomannan. Thc pcptidc-rhamno- Growth Characteristics

mannan traction ot the cell wall acts asan immuno-
suppressive substance by suppressing the liberation After .se~~ral days un SalJourauú':; agar at rvv1u Le1upe1·a-
of prolnflam1natory cytoklncs by phagocytic cells. h1rP, 1n1t1ally moist, off-white to hlack colonies develop
4. Sialic a cid s. Sialic acids fotn1d in the c:ell vvall in hibit that bccomc wrinkled and fuzzy. On blood agar at
uplakc of S. schenckii by phagocytic cell:>. Sialic acid 35-37ºC, whitish, smooth yeast colonies appear within a
directs complement protcins towards the degrada- fcw doys.
tivc patl1way, rathcr than generating effective op
son1z1ng fragments and anaphylotoxins needed to Variability
gcncrate an effective inflammatory response.
Examination of mitochondrial DNA (by restriction Iength
J>roteases. Sporothrix schcnckii produces two protcascs, I
polymorphism analysis) shows that there are at least 20
a~d 11. ·rhc signilicance ot these enzymes in the pathogen-
different types or strains of S. schenckii (1-20) .
es1s of sporotrichosis is unclear.
CJiapter 17 Agents of Subcutancous Mycoses 281

Ecology The agent grows readily in culture. Idcntificalion 1e-

quires demonstration ofboth phases.
Reservoir Serologic tests (ycast ccll und latex agglutination, agar
~el diffusion) have had limited use in animals.
Sporothrix schenckzí is associated with plant material and Molecular techniques utilizing the polymerasc chain
soil worldwide. Occasionally it is isolatcd &om mucous 11::al:liu11 wtth pr11ners ues1gned ro ampllty segments ot the
men1b1a11c::s uf nur1ual auiinals an<.l animal products. gene encoding thP chitin synth ase 1 have been used to
The disease occurs- rarcly-in humiinc:, horses, dogs, demonstrate the fungus in clínica! samplcs, as well as il.11::11-
and cats, and has been reported il1 n1ice, pigs, raLs, can1t:ls, t ification of isolates (uscful when an isolatc rl?.sists thP
dolphins, foxes, mules, goats, and chickens. mold-yeast convcrsion).

Treatment and Control
Thc agcnt cntcrs through skín contact, usually trauma.
Rare cases of interna! intection are dueto inhalation or in- ·rhe cutaneous for1111espo11d:; gt:11t:rcdly tu the oral admln-
gestion. Discharging lesions may be contagious, especially istration of inorganic iodides. The azolc <ln1gs, f'SpPri;;illy
.i1 Lc1 t:. wl!e1e ll1e J1u1ulJt:rs uf nllcruurganlsms tn exudares
itraconazole, are effective. Tcrbinafinc (an ullylamine anti-
from this species are quite large. Tt has h PPn isol;;ited from fungal agent which inhibits ergosterol biosynthesis) has
nails of affcctcd cats, and from clinically normal cats in shown sorne success in treating human patients with the
contact with in tected individuals. culaneous ruru1 uf sporotrichosls. Amphotericin B and
flucytosine are 11sf'<l on <1eep and disseminated forms.
, athogenesis
Proteases are possible virulence factors and protcase in-
h1bttors have been shown to suppress nodule formation. H ISTOPL ASMA CAPSULATUM VAR. FARCIMINOSUM
':'ell wall constituents and adhesins d elay elimination of
·he 111icroocgauisni. Typically the first Ieslon Is an ulcerat- Histoplasma capsulatum is a dimorphic fungus existing as a
ng c11tiineous nodule. 1'he infectious proccss follows sub- mold at 25 30ºC (saprophytic pilase) andas a yeast at 37ºC
cutaneous lymph cha11nels, produciug suppurating ulcers (parasitic phase). Th1s fungus has three varieties: H. capsu-
::t intervals. These heal slowly but often re-erupt. Lympha- latum v ar. caps11/at11m, H. capsulatun1 var. duboisii, and H.
:::ics bccomc thickcncd. Disscmination to viscera, joints, capsulaturn var. [urc. imiriusum. Varietles capsulacun1 and
bones, and the central nervous system is common in cats. duboisii cause histoplasmosis, a c;y<;tf'mi< fungal dísease
Lesions are pyogranulon1atous, having a purulent cen- thut will be discussed in Chapter 48. Variety farci111inosu1T1
t.'f surrounded by epitheliotd cens, giant cells, and, p e- causes epizootic lymphangitis (pseudoglanders), a cl1ronic
:-:phera lly, lymphocytes and plasma cells. pyogranulomatous discasc of cquine (and rarely donkcys
T11e course is protracted. Observatlons on humans sug- and mules) skin. Adjacent tissues, regional lymph nodes,
.:e'>t possihlP spont;;ini>o11c; rP<OVPriPc: and, rarely, interna! organs may be involved. Epizootic
ly111phangitis is dlscusscd below.
.: :iidemiology
porotrichosis is acquired from the no111iving envirou- Descriptive Features
.....,ent, but transmission from suppurating lesions is possi-
.e, particularly from cats. Tn humans, disscmin.utcd dis- Morphology and Staining Is seen in the immunosuppressed (e.g., alcoholics;
:idividuals affected with the human immunodeficiency Histoplasma capsulatum var. farcimí11n~u1n , ;;i di morphic h1n-
-~). Sucl1 an associat1on has not been demonstrated in gus, produces budding yeasts (2 to 3 µm by 3 to 4 µn1) u1 lis-
-her animals. sue, and usually sterile hyphae in its mycelial form when
grown at 25ºC or room tempcraturc. J::xccptionally, arthro-
conidia, chla1nydoconidia, and spherical, thick-walled
::imunologic Aspects macroconidia (spheroidal cells, 8 to 14 µm in diameter,
sludded vvill1 ííugcrlike pro¡ections, scc Flg 48.4) are secn.
e.1-mediated reactivity is significantly related to resist- The yeast phasP. is hi>st demonstrated with a
..,cc. No artificial immunization procedures exist. Romanovsky-type slai11 (e.g., Wrigl1t '~ or Giemsa) or fun-
gal stains (periodic acid-Schiff, Groc:ott mi>th enamine sil-
vcr, Gridlcy, scc Fig 48.5).
. :boratory Diagnosis
l:lrowth Lharacterist1cs
- ~ect examination of cxudatcs is often unrewarding ex-
~pt with feline specimens, which gencrally contain abun- Hístoplasrna capsulatum var. farcirninosum grows on com- yeast cells (see Fig 47.2). Witb other hosts, fungal mon laboratory media (Sabouraud':s, ir1fusion, an<.l
11~ (see above) and lmmunofluorescence may help de- blood-supplemented m edia with or without cyclohex-
....,_ yeast ci>lls. imide and antibactcrial agents) over a broad temperaturc
28 2 PARr 11 Dactcria and fungi

range. The optimum for mycelial gr(n·vtl1 is 25~ to 3o~c, keys 1nay also tJe affected. Yuur1g 11urse~ (les::. Ll1a1.1 6 yt.:a.cs
tilking St>vf>riil wf>f>ks tn fnrm a cottony, white to hrown of age) are 1nost susceptible.
colony. Pigmentation parallels abundance of macroconi-
dia. 'I'he yeast phase requires rich media (e.g., glucose cys-
tcinc blood agar; brain hcart infusion blood agar) and tem- lmmunologic Factors
peratures of 34º to 37ºC, taking severa! days to form a
cream to tan, yeast-like colony. Co11version of mold to The role of immu ne mechanisms in pathogenesis or resist-
yeast on blood-contalnlng agar requlres incubation at an ce is not known, but cell mediated immunity is proba-
37ºC under 1.So/o to 2.0º.1i C0 2 . Sever;i 1 p;.issagi>s may hf> bly t he key host defense . Skin sensitivity develops follow-
needed to convert tl1c n1old to the yeast phase. i11g expusure, 1::ve11 ilJ Lhe absence of d isease. Circulatil1g
antibodies, den1onstrahle by indirect fluorescent anti-
body, agar gel diffusion, or by the serurn aggluti nat ion
tests are indicative of infection.
Histoplas1na capsulaturn var. farciminosum is quite rcsistant
to physical and chen1ical agents. lt sur vives at amb ient
temperatures for months (severa! weeks in corrals and sta- Laboratory Diagnosis
bles) a11d ar refrigerator temperature or in a desiccated
form for years. Differential d iagnosis includes sporotricl1osis (see above,
Sporothrix schenckii) and ulcerativc lymphangitis produced
by Corynebacteri um pseudotuberculosis (see C:hapter 31). The
Ecology agent must b e demonstrated. Direct examination o f
stained exud ates (Wright 's or Giemsa stained) or biopsy
Reservo ir material (hematoxyUn -eosin, periodic acicl-Schiff, Grocott
rnethenamine silver) may reveal intracel\ular (1u acro-
The reservoit is unk11ovvn ; presumatJly infecteü el1uid~ phages) or extracellular ypasts.
(horses, donk.eys, m.ules). Histoplasrna capsulaturn var. farcirninosu111 grows on
Sabouraud's glucose agar \o\1ith inhibitors (cycloheximide
Transmission and chloramphcn icol). Mycclia1 extracts contain genus
specitic antigens demonstrable by agar gel diffusion or by
Infection is thought to occur t hrough skin wo1.111ds. Ar- the seru1n agglutination test. Growth patterns and in.icro-
thropods may p lay a part. Rcspiratory, conjunctival, a11d scopic morpJ1ology d:ifferentiat e H . capsulatum var. farcimi-
gastrointestinal infections are also reported . nosum from H. capsulatum var. capsulaturn (Chapter 48).

Treatment and Control
A local skin noclule is founu, which l.Jecurnes al.J~ce~~ed
and u lceratf>ci . Thf> i1lcer may r ec11 r , f>n larging each time, Inlravenous iodides (witl1 or witbout griseofulvin) have
an cl ultimately heal by scarring. 'fypically, adjacent lyn1- been relatively succcssful. A1nphotericin B has been used
phatics develop nodules along their course, showing the with so1ne su cccss. ln noncndcmic arcas, dcstruction of
samc altcrnating activity. Adjacc11t lyn1pl1 nodcs develop inlected animals is advisable.
abscesses draining by sinus tract s to the outside. Hemato -
genous spread a.nd visceral involvem en t is possible. His-
tologically, the p rocess evolves from suppurative tu gra11u-
lom;.ito11s (pyngran11 lnmatou.s), marked hy Jymph ocytes, ÜO MYCOSI S
n1ac::rophages, and giant cells, to eve11tual fibro5i5. Yeast
cells occur extracellularly and intracellularly, especially in Oomycosis is caused by a mem ber of a group ot eukaryotic
macrophages. m icroorgan isms belonging to the Ki ngdom Stra1ne11opiles
Skin Jesions, chiefly on head, neck, and li mbs, are the (which also contains t he d iatoms and brown algae). They
predominant signs. ·rhe ge11eral condition is u sually u naf- are saprophyt ic microbes that usually live in water and
fected except in t l1e prln1ary respirato ry tract or dis~e1ni­ moist soil . Though they are n1orphologically similar tu
n;.itprl infc>ctions. Snmf> m ilci ca.sf>.s do n ot p rogress heyond fn n gi (thPy p rnrhtrP hyphriP in t iss11f> an rl grow as mold-
thc local 5tage. like colonies on media in vitro), t hey are not mcmbcrs of
the Kingdom Fungí. Me1n bers of this group are the agents
of severa! plant and animal diseases. Historically, the most
r1otorious is Phytophthora, the cause of tl1e Jrish potato
Endcmic arcas includc parts of Africa, much of Asia, an d famine, which at present is responsible for killing oak t rees
the Mediterranean littoral. 'f he epide1u iology of H . capsu- along the Pacific coast of North America. The following
latuni var. farci'minosun1 infection is un clear. Ma11ifesta- genera are associated with. c.Usease in ;inima ls: Aphanomy-
tions vary with geographic area. Seasonal peaks ~ugge~t Les (ulcerali ve disease of fisl1 and crustaceans), Lagenidiu111
arthropod transmission. (pyogranulomatous disease of dogs and cats identical clin -
'fhe disease n1ainly involves horses, but mules and don- ically to pyth iosis), I'ythiu111 (pyogranulomatous disease,
Chapter 47 J\.gents of Subcutaneous Mycoses 283

called pythiosis, of a variety of animal species), and Sapro- clín ica l san1ples as well as for identification of isol;ites. The
legniu (sysLenlic disease o[ cullured saln1011ids). Tl1c discus- PCR assay also successfully identifies members of the
sion that follows is focused on J>ythiurn insidiosurn, the genus Lagenidiurn (another oomycete), which produces a
cause of pyogranulomatous conditions (pythiosis) of dogs similar clinical picturc in dogs and cats.
("swamp cancer"), horses ("Flori<la horse leeches"), cattle, Early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment.
cats, and humans. ·rreatments include surgery and antifttngal therapy (am-
photericin B). lmmunotherapy utilizing killed whole or-
ganisms or cxtracts has shown promise.
Cutaneous Pythiosis ("Swamp Cancer"-
"Florida Horse leeches")
1'he genus J>ythiu111 contains abou t 85 species, and only P.
tnsidtosum is assoclated wlth dlsease In animals. Pythiurn Chro1noblastomycosis and phaeohyphomycosis are caused
;nsidiosum causes ulcerative pyogr::tnulomatous or fibro- by d::trk-pigmented (den1ati<iceous) fungí . Most of th.e
granulon1atous skin infections in horses, cattle, dogs, and roughly 70 species implicated belong to the genera Alter-
cats, mainly in tropical or subtropical areas (in Nortl1 naría, Cladosporiurn, Cladophialophora, Curvularia, Exsero-
i\ rncrica this discasc is sccn most frcqucntly along thc Gulf hil un1, Exophiala, Fonsecaea, and l'hialophora. ln chromo-
c oast). uogs anc.t horses are the spec1es most con1mon1y af- blastomycos1s, the rungal eJements 1n tissue are large t<ll
fected. The agent is an aquatic oomycete \.Vith wide (4 µm), µrn ), pig.mented, "sclerotic bodies" (Fig 47.3). lnfections in
sparsely septate hyphc1e. Lesions in horses are large (~45 which hyphae are presentare called phaeoflyphornycosis.
c:m) <iisch<i rgi ng swPll i ngs, 11s11a lly on PxtrPrn itiPs, vPntr<i 1 C:hromoblastomyc:osis is rare in nonhuman mammals,
trunk, or head. The nasal n1ucosa may be involved . but occurs in frogs and toads. Ph¿teohyphon1ycosis is see11
Hyphae are demo11strablc within granulomatous coagula sporadically in cats, dogs, horses, cattle, and goats and
tcrmcd "kun kcrs" or "lccchcs" in horscs) consisting of nc- niay be systcmic. Cladophíalophora bantiana is the fur1gus
crotic macrophages, epithelioic.1 cells, and giant cells, with n1ost commonly see11 in dogs and cats, with central nerv-
eosinophilic admixtures. ous system localization frequently observed.
Diagnostic methods incluc.le serology (an enzyrne- 'rtie agents, soil- and p.lant-associated saprophytes,
rnked imm.unosorbant assay), molec:11lar technicp1es (uti- enter through skin ancJ n1u ltiply subcutaneously, c:ausing
lizing prin1ers designed to an1plify P. insidíosurn-specific pyogranulon1atous reactions. No tissue colonies or gran-
::>~A by means of the polymerase chain reaction [PCRJ), ules are seen. Nodular or larger swellings develop, which
•mmunohistochemical cxamination of cxudatcs, and cul- may ulccratc and dischargc pus.
,ure. Cultural techniques are tedious and time consuming Diagnosis is t)y biopsy and culture. Sclerotic bodies
and e11tail growt h of a 1nold-like 1nicroorganism on (chromoblastomycosis) and hypl1ae (phaeohyphomyco-
Sabouraud dextrose agar or brain heart infusion agar after sis) are seen in stained (hen1atoxylln-eosln, perlodlc acld-
:4-48 hours at 30ºC. Identification requires den1onstra- Schiff, Grocott n1ethenamine silver) biopsy sections.
::!on of n1otile zoospores a11tl/or reacUou uf ex Lra<.:LS of U1e Cullure, on Sabouraud's agar wilhoul il1hibilors, oflen re-
..:solate with reference antisera. 'l'J1e PC:R-based assay men- qui.res lengthy inc:ubation . ThP res11lting colonies r<ingP.
-~ned is used Lo eslablish Ll1e presence of P. insidiosurn in fron1 olive to bro\vn to black.


~ ,_ ..

~ . ' \ F1G U R E 4 7. 3. Chrnmnhla~tnmyrn~i~ in thP ~kin of ;¡ horse.
Pigmented bodies suggestive of yeast ce/Is (blastoconidia) are
surrounded by inf/ammatory reaction. Hematoxylin-eosin stain,
~· ~· ~•'-- 400X.
284 PART TI nac.te.ria and Fllngi

Lesions are excised, but may recur. Medica! treatment Fungí associated with eumycotic mycetoma fungí in-
(flucytosine, itraconazole, amphotericin B, ketoconazole) clude i'Seudalfescherta boydii, c·ochltObOlUS Spici(erus (t'.:E
has given mix.ed results. sexual forros of Scedos;1ori11m a;1ios;1ermum a11d Bipolar~
spicifera, respectively), ar1d Curvularia geniculata. All a.<0
sapropbytes that presu111ably enter via a wound. It is no.·
elcar what triggers this coursc of pathogcncsis, because th t:
(EUMYCOTIC) MYCETOMAS same age11ts can cause other pathologic patterns.
Fungal colonies are surroundecl by suppu ration bo:-
Swelling, granule formation, and discharging sinus tracts dered by granulomatous reactions. Sinus tracts carry pus
are characteristics of mycetoma. They may be associated ancl granules, consisting of microorganisms and inflam -
wit h bacteria, most notahly an actinomycetesuch as mem- 111a tory con1po11e11ts, to tl1e surface. The processes are
ber~ of the ger1era Nucardia or Aclinurnyces (actiuornycotic slowly progressive, involving adjacent tissues.
1nyrPto1n;:i, sPe. C:haph~r 17) or ;:¡ fu ngus (eumyc.otic. n1yce- Treatment is cxcision if possiblc. Antifungal agen:s
toma). Mycetomas are occasionally reported in cattle, (azoles, an1photericin 13) have been disappointing.
horses, dogs, and cats. 'fhe cutaneous form is often nodu-
lar ánd is associated with similar nasal lcsions.
Agents of Systelllic

· \·hether a fungus Js categorlzed as mold or yeast is base<.! spherical structure in tissue (parasitic phase) . 'fl1e ge11u:;
1pon thc microscopic appp;ir;:inct> in tissue or on routine <:occidioides c:ontains two species, immitis and posadasíi.
cu!Lure 111edia (lhe asexual sLage). Microscopically, if l1y- The disease, coccidioidon1ycosis, i.s caused by both.
?hal structures are observed, the fungus is termed a mold; if Coccidioides imm.itis and C. posadasii differ i11 their pre-
:íinglc-ccllcd, budding struct urc is obscrvcd, thc fungus is fcrrcd gcographic habitat:J. Both spccic5 occur only in thc
termed a yeast. On routine cullure medía, n1olds will have a western hemisphere in the Lower Sonaran Life Zone, ap-
-n1zzy" or wooly appearance, and a yeast vvUJ be bacteria- parently as a result of that area's peculiar soil properties
llke i11 its colonial morphology a11d conslstency. Sorne and temperan1re and ralnfall patterns. Coccidioídes immitis
pathogenic fungí will produce e.ither byphol-likc? structures is found in the Centr<ll Valley of California in the llnited
tir yeast-like structures, depe11dil1g upon the conditio11s in States (n1ai11ly tl1e San Joaquil1 Valley), whereas C.
-,·hich they are growing. Such fungi are called dimorphic posadasii is found in non-California locations (Texas, New
i mgi. Thesc fu11gi are discusscd bclow and in Chaptcr 47. Mcxico, Arízona in thc Unitcd Statcs, and i.n South
'fhe agents oí most systemic tor "deep") mycoses are America). Of domestic animals, dogs are most frequently
saprophytic fungí. Morphologically and ecologically di- affected, although horses are occasionally affected as we!L
~erse, they sllare disease-related features: Jnfections also occur in cats, swine, sheep, cattle, human
and nonhuman primates, and sorne 30 species of nondo-
L Many are dimorphic, that is, their saprophytic and
u1eslic u1an11nals.
parasitic phases differ morphologically. Coccidio-
ides, Histoptasma, Blastomyces, and Paracoccidioides
grow as molds in their inanimate habitat. In tissue,
Coccidioides pro<luces sporangta, whereas the others Descriptive Features
grow as budding yeasts.
2. Infection is usually by inhalation. Morphology, Structure, and Composition
3. Host factors are often the decisive disease determt- In thc soil, Coccidíoidcs is a mold made up of slender sep-
nants. Sorne mycoses (aspergillosis, zygomycosis) are tate 11ypllae that give rise, on thicker secondary branches,
seen primarily in tmn1unocompromised animals. to chains of infectious arthroconidia (arthrosporcs,
4. Lesions tend to be pyogranulomatous. After pri- arthroaleuriospores, arthroaleurioconidia). These are
mary pulmonary infection, the course of disease is bulging, thick-waUed cells, 2.5 to 4.0 µm by 3.0 to 6.0
determü1ed by the effe.ctiveness of cell-mediated µ111, se¡;arale<l lJy ernpty cells (<lisjunctors), through
i rruuuue respu11st:s. If these are inaclequate, dissem- which hreaks or.cur whPn <irthroconidia are dispersed
ination may oc:c:ur to hone, skin, c'Pntr;il nervous (Fig 48.1).
system, or abdominal víscera. In tissue, arthroconidia grov.i into sphericaJ sporangia
5. Systemic mycoses are no11contagious. AJthough the >vith birefringcnt walls, "spherules" (10 µm to 80 pm di-
agent is oftcn dcmonstrably shed, it fails to infect ameter), vvhich by inter11al cleavage produce several hun-
indiv1duals on contact. dred "endospores" (2 µ1n to S µm dia1neter) (Fig 48.2).
l'his chapter discusses the dimorphic fungi Coccidioides 'fhe \-vans disintegrate, allowing dissemination of en-
~mmiti.s, Histoplasma capsulatu111, and Blastonzyccs der1nati- dospores, each of 1>Vhich may repeat the cycle or, on a
¡fdis, togethcr vvith the mold Aspergil/us. '!'he fungus nonliviug su!Jstrate, give rlse to mycelial (a collection of
Pneumocystis and the alga Prototheca are briefly mentioncd. hyphae) growth. Thoueh only arthroconidia are natu-
rally infectious, endospores can experirue11tally initiate
disease. Sexual spores are not known.
"Coccidioidin" in supcrnatants of mycelial Coccidioides
(OCCID/OIDES broth cultures is largely polysaccharide, but co11tains sorne
a·m ino acid nitrogen. It is used in cutaneous hypersensitiv
~embers of the genus Coccídíoides are din1orphic fuugi, ity an<l serologic tests. "Spherulin," a lysate of cultured
existi11g as a mold in soU (saprophytic phase) and as a sphPr11 les, is olso used in skin tests.

186 PART 11 Ractf'ria an<l i:11ngi

F 1G U RE 4 8. 1. Coccidioides imn1itis. Teased preparation from a 5-day-old culture on

Sabouraud's agar. Lactophenof cotton blue mount. 1htel<-walfed barre!- or bríck-sriaped
;irthrnronidia a/ternate with empty ce/Is. On lower left an isolated arthroconidium with
fragments of ¡;¡dj<Jccnt ce/Is (disjunctors, hyalinc pegs) attached. 400X.

- ••'
, + I

,. •
• \
\¡ • ..

4 .... 1 •
I· l

• • ... .
, •

' ..




• 4 1 ~ •
. ~

• •

. t~ F 1G U RE 4 8. 2. Coccidioides immit is. Transtracheal aspira te

. L-1 from a dog. Unstained. Top left: mature spherule (sporangium)

with endospores. Rnffnm right: immature spherule. 400X.

Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest

l . Beta-glucosidas<' ?.. Rgl2 (for heta-g/ucosidase 2) is
Adheslns. SOWgp (for spherule outer wal18ly1.:u¡;rulei11) is a <111 e11z.yn1e secreted by the e11dospores of Cocci-
prolinc-rich. glycoprotein ad he sin 011 th e su rfac·p of dioides that most likely plays a role in endospore
:sµlu.:ruh;:.. SOWg¡; has affiniLy for exlraccllular n1atrix pro- morphology. Antibodics (IgM isotypc) to Bgl2 are
tC'ins (laminin, fibronectin, collagcn). SOWgp stimulates a made early in the iniectious p rocess, and are useful
strong T H2. lymphocyte response, rcsulting in clcvatcd lcv- diagnostically (detected by t he p recipitin test) to
els of antibody and suppression ot the protecttve ccll- s1gnal that a reccnt lnfection has occurred.
mediated immu11e response. Mutants unable to produce 2. Chitinase l. Ctsl (for chilinase 1) is one of Sf'vf'ral
S()Wgp have greatly reduced v1rulence. chitinases tl1at are i11vulved will1 ll1e forn1ation of.
Miscellaneous Prod11cts: an<l release of, endospores from the spherule. An
Chapter 18 Agents of Systcmic Mycoscs 287

important ta rget for the Cts enzymes is thc "sc- Pathogenesis

gregation apparatus" (a weblike mesh of chitin-
contain ing structures within the sph erule). Mecflanisms and Patflology. Following inhalation, the
A11liuullit::> (lgG i:>utypt:) to Ctsl are macle late in the barrel-shaped arthroconidia round into spherical-shaped
infectious process (in clissPminatPcl clisPasP), and are endospores, which-fvlluwi11g e1tlarge1nent and interna]
useful diagnostically (detccted by the complen1ent cleavage-differentiate into multinuc.lPatP sphPn1lPs ron-
lixation test). taining hundrcds of endosporcs, a process that takcs
3. Beta-1, 3 glucanosyltransferase. Gel (for glucan- severa! days. Spherules rupture, releasing endospores, and
elongating glucanosyltransferase) is Iocated on the the cycle is repeated. Arthroconidia, endosporcs, and
surface of endospores. Gel elicits a strong T H t spherules trtgger an lnflammatory response in the lung
lyn1hocyle re~¡.¡011st:, rt::>ultiug iI1 elevated Ievels of (serine proteases are partly responsible). Arthroconidia
gamma interferon followed hy protPrtion against and endospo1es a1e eugulft::LI uut uot killecl by phagocytcs,
disseminated disease (activatcs macrophages). and are conveyed to the hilar Iymrh noclP, where another
4. Serinc proteases. These enzymes play a role in the inflammatory focus develops (as wcll as more spherulcs).
stimulation of the inflammatory response clicitcd lnflammation .is stimulated in part by serine proteases.
by Cocctdlotdes. These enzymes digest elastin , colla- which are liberated during the growth of t hc fungus.
gen, and immunoglobu!ins Normally, cell-medtated ln1mune responses arrest the
5. Ureast:. Tliuugh lt:> rule in virulen ce Is u nknow n , process at this stage following stimulation ofT Hl lympho
the enzyme urease (l Jrf') Plirits a .~trone r rotPrti vP cyLes ll1al ac.:tivate:: rna<.:rophages (following specific re-
ünmunc response followin g stimulation ofTHl lym- sponse to Gel), permitting destruc.tion of thP endospores.
phocytes (activates macrophages) . Antibodics to Bgl2 are made during this phase of the infec-
tious process. With inactequate cell-mediated iromunity
(caused by SOWgp directed immunomodulation, gcnctic
Growth Characteristics makcup, lnfect1ous dosc), dissemination can occur to
hones, skin, abdominal visccra, heart, genital tract, and
Coccidinides grows on simplP mPdia overa broad tempera- eye (and rarely in anin1ab lu uraiu ancl meninges). Gross
~re rangc. On Sabouraud's or blood agar, growlh is u1y- lesions are white granulomas varying from miliary ood-
celial (mold). Over severa) days, initially dull gray colonies ulcs to irregular masses. Peritoncal, pleural, and pericardial
develop with sparsc acrial mycclium, which gradually bc- effusions occur. Antibodies to Ctsl are made during this
comcs more abundant. Arthroconidia are produced in 5 to phase of the infectious p rocess. Microscopically, the pre-
- days. Bovine blood agar is hemolyzed. Much colonial dominant response 1s pyogranulomatous: to arthroconi-
-:-arlability existS. dia an d endospores, the response is suppurative; and to
Spherules (sporangia) can be demonstrated in vitro by spher ule~, Lhe re:::>µo11se Is proliferatlve, witl1 epithelioid
g¡owU1 al 40ºC in 111edia cuulai1li11g casei11 h ydrul ysate, cells t he chief componPnt, acimixPcl with giant cells, lym-
slucose, biotin, glutathione, ancla salt mixn1rP (spherule phocytes, and neutrophils (Fig 48.3).

Disease Patterns

Ecology Dogs. Disseminated diseasc of dogs is Ll1e paLLeru :;ee11

most commonly by veterinarians. The complaints are Ias-
iteservoir situde, anorexia, and loss of condition. Thcrc may be respi-
ratory signs (includ 1ng cough), fever, and tan1 eness dueto
Cocddioides inhabits the soil in the Lower Sono ran r .ife bone involvement or arthriti.s, or discharging sinuses fro1n
Zone, including parts of Cali fornia in North America (C. ueep lesions.
anmitis) and the southwestern portion of the United
Statcs, Mexico, Central America, the northcrn and west- Cats. Dissen1inated disease in cals p rese11 Ls witl1 les:; os-
ern rim states of South Ameríca, Argentina, and l'araguay seous and more visceral involvement.
C. posadasi1). High prevalence is assoc..;ated with an an-
n ual rai11fall vf 5 tu 20 ll1cht::s anti mean summer and win- Horses. As with cats, there is usually less osseous and more
¡:er temperatures of over 80ºF ancl 4."ºF, rPspPctively. visceral involvement.
Arthroconidia resist drying and tolcrate heat and salin-
'.ry better than do competing soil organisms. In summer Cattle, Sheep, and Swine. In these species, the disease is usu-
~eat, Cocddioides survives in soil laycrs ncarcr thc surfacc ally asymptomatic, li1niLed Lo luug:; a1H.I regional lymph
:han its competitors. When cond1t1ons favor gro\.vth again nodes, and undiagnosed until slaughtrr.
after rains, Coccidioides repopulates the superficial soil lay-
ers fitsl, eu:.uriug i LS wiucspread dispersa l.

Transmission In all species, overt disrasP is thP Pxreption. Highest preva-

lcnce of canine systemic coccidioidomycosis is obse1 ved i11
rnfection is malnly by inhalation of arthroconidia. male dogs, 4 to 7 years of age, with peak occurrence of ill-
Primary cutaneous infections are rare. nesses January to March nnd May to July. 1"hese peaks may
288 P ART Il Bacteria and Fungi

F1G U RE 4 8 . 3 . Coccidioides immitis in lung tissue of a Bengal tiger. Hematoxylin·

eosin stain. Note prominence of neutrophils in exvdate. 400X. (Photograph rn11rtP.~Y nf
Dr. Roy Henrickson.)


• ••
reprcscnt seasonal stress and incrcased exposure, respec- Stained tissue sections (hematoxylin an<.l eosi11 [H&t.1
tivc!y. Geographic and climatic facto rs have been men- Gomori metl1enamine silver, Gridley) show hoth thP
tioncd. YoungBoxer dogs and Doberrnan pinschers appear agent anll the characteristic lesion (see Fig 48.3).
particularl y susceptible.

lmmunologic Aspects Blood agar and Snbouraud's agar \.Vith or without antibi-
Otics are inoculated, tape-sealed, and incubated at 37ºC
Ct:U-u1cuialcu liypersensiLivity, as dctern1ined by skin and 25ºC, respectively. Ali processing of culhues is don"'
tests, develops •vithin one or more wccks of exposure and under a microbiological :.afety l1ood. Mycelial gro"'·tr.
can persist indefinitely. lts presencc is an indicator of rc- should be evirlPnt within a wcck and is examined for pres-
sistance to progressive diseasc. lts absen ce is the rule in dis- cnce of arthroconidia in a lactophenol cotton bluc wet
sem inated infections, and lts return is a favorable sign. mount. The isolate can be reconverted to thc sporangia,
IgM antibody (specific for Bgl2), demonstrable by tubc phusc by nnilnnl inoculation or cultivatlon in a spherul<:
precipitin or latex particle test, appears temporarily after medium (sce above, "Growth Charactcristics").
inft:ctiou a11u u::;ually disappears agaln. JgG antibody titers A commercially availablc "exoantigen" test kit fur-
(spc>cific for Ctsl), which are detectable by complement nlshes preparetl a11ti::;era Lu Cvlt.idioides, Histoplas111a caps11-
flxation anu immunodiffusion tests, risc in disscminated lat11m, and Rlastomyces dennatitidis to be tested against ex-
discase and remain high (1:16) until the p rocess is brought tracts of suspect cultures in an im munodiffusion agar
under control. plate, where precipitation lines develop between extracts
No vaccines are presently avallable. und their homologous antisera.

Laboratory Diagnosis ·rh P. con1plement fixation (CF) and immunodiffusion
tests detect disseminated d iscusc. Bcc<tuse it is quantifi
Direct Examination of Specimens
able, the CF test gauges prog ress and cure of infection
Anin1al fluids and tissues are examined for sphcrulcs by more accurately.
wet mount in saline containing lüo/o KOH. Spherules are The coccidioidin skin test has becn use<.l in a11ilual
10 to 80 µm in dian1eter, have a thick wall (<2 µm), and surveys.
conta1n cndospores when maturc (see Fig 48.Z). Free cn -
dospores look indistinct in wet mounts but are recogni7a- Molecular Methods
blc In flxe<.l smears staiI1t:u 1.Jy a fu11gal stai..11 (e.g., periodic
acid-Schiff [PAS], r.ridley, or Gomori methenamine silver Most molecular methods used to identify or ctetect Cocci-
slaillS). dioidcs make use of primers spedfic for sequences con-
Chaprer 48 Agents of Systemic Mycoses 289

:ained within the DNA encoding nbosomal RNA. 111csc se- histoplasmosis. ln this chapter, histoplas1nosis will be dis-
~ences are amplified using the polymerase chain reaction. cussed without regard to this varietal distinction, i.e., H.
capsulatu1n var. capsulatum, and H. capsu/aturn var. duboisii
will be regarded as H. capsulaturn.
:reatment and Control

\:nphotericin B J1as been the mainstay o( anticoccid- Descriptive Features

oidal t herapy in human patients. Limitations are its
:uxicity and thc intravenous route of administration, re- Morphology, Structure, and Composition
quir iug hospitaUz.atiou or fre4ueut visits. Liposorr1al pre-
parations of amphotericin R show promisP. hP.causP of The free-living form of ll. capsulatu111 consists of septate
o•ver toxicity, which n1akes possible l1igl1er doses. Kelo- hyphae bearing spherical to pyriform microconidia 2 to 4
µ1n in diamctcr, and "tubcrculatc" macroconidia, thick-
::onazole and itraconazole are sometimes used in small
3Il.imals. Civcn orally ovcr u pcri<)d of m .onths, thcy havc walled spheroidal cells, 8 to 14 µm iI1 diameter, studded
i!ffectcd permanent cures. Toxic effects are relatively with fi11gerlike projections (Fig 48.4). In animal hosts or
minor except during pregnancy, when fetal deaths may appropüale culture, tl1e rnol<l ! a yeast consisting
..x.:cur. ·rhe corr1plernent fixation titer .is used to monitor of ova l, singly bndding cells that rneast1re 2 to 3 µm by 3 to
~he effec.t of trP.atmP.nt.
4 µm. A sexual, ascon1ycetous state, Ajellotnyces cupsululus,
Vaccines are not available. has bcen described.
Histoplasn1ins 1 vvhich are u::;cd in immunodiagnosis,
are obtaincd from mycelial culture fUtrates. ·rhey contain
polysaccharides, with variable admixtures of glycopro-
HJSTOPLASMA CAPSULATUM VAR. CAPSULATUM Lei11:; a11t.l cellular breakdown proclucts. Mycelial and yeast
phases differ in cellular c.onstituP.nts, somP of wh'ic:h (e.g.,
."::fistoplasma capsulatum is a dimorphic fungus cxisting as a cell wall glucan) have been relatcd to virulence.
m old at 25- 30ºC (saprophytíc phasc) and as a yeast at 31º<..:
parasitic phase). 1'his fungus has three varieties: H. capsu-
Cellular Products of Medical lnterest
l.1tum var. capsulatum, H. capsulatum var. duboisii, and H.
cap s11/ah1m var. farcímínosum . Variety farciminosum causes Adhesins. Inhaled microconidia and yeast-phase parasitic
epizootic lynJphangitis (pseudoglanders), a cl1ronic pyo- fonn:; recognized by, and bin<l to, beta-2 integrins on
granulomatous disease of equine skin and is discussed in the surfacP of nc>11trophi Is anrl macrophages. It is un-
Chaptcr 47. Varietics capsulatu1n and duboisii cause histo- known what fur1gal structure is involved. Likewise, an u11-
plasmosis, a systemic tunga1 disease o t ma1nmals. Variety knO\.Yn adhesin is responsible for tl1e adherence of Ji. cap-
luboisíi is found only in Africa, whereas vad.e ty capsulaturn sulatum. to fibronectin rcccptors on dcndritic cclls.
!S found worldw:icle, ancl is the most commo11 cause of Adherence in this fashion to neutrophils, macrophages, or

F 1G U RE 4 8. 4. l listoplasma capsu latum, myce/ia/ phase. Teased preparatíon fron1 a

1-day culture on Sabouraud's agar at 25"C. Lactophenol cotton blue mount. "Tuberculate"
macroconídia and hyohae. The "tuberc/es" appear as projectíons from the thirk rell wallt
most obviously on the conidium in the center of the fie/d. 400X.
290 PART 11 Bacteria and rungi

dendritic cells allows the tungus to enter the cell \.Y.i thout celium is white, brown, or intermediate. Pigmentatior:
triggering a11 effective oxidative burst and the generation parallels abundance of macroconldia. The yeast phase re-
of reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediates. quires ricl1er medía (e.g., glucose cysteine l>luu<.l agar) an.._
Miscellaneous Products. Histoplasma ca¡1sulaturn pro- temperatures of 34º to 37°\.. r.rowt h may take a week o -
<.luces a varíe l y of producls thal n1ay play a role ü1 11isto- n1ore before characteristic colonies are seen .
plasmosis: Histoplasma capsulatu1n survives at ambient tempera-
turcs for rnonths and at rcfrigcrator tcmperature for years.
1. Calcium-b inlling protein (Cl>p). Tl1e yea:st (¡.¡ara- lt withstands freezing and thawing and tolerates heatin~
sitic) ph:is<> of H. capsulaturn produces a calcium- for more than an hour at 45ºC.
binding protein (Cbp) that pern1its the yeast phase
to grow in low-calcium environments (the phago-
lysosomc) by efficiently chelating calcium and de- Variability
livering it to tl1e fUngus. In addition, since Cbp Histoplasma capsulatum exists as three varieties: capsula-
chelates available calcium wit hin the phagolyso- tum, duboisii, and farciminosurn. Varieties capsulaturn
some, this impedes effectiveness of :severa! calciu111 (worldwide) and duboisii (Africa) produce hjstoplasmosis
requiring lysosomal enzymes. Normal acirlificiltion and variety farcirninosum causes cpizvvl.ic ly1npha11giili
of Ll1e pl1agolysoso1ue is also a calcitlm-depe11dent (pseudoglanders) of <>qni<ls (see Chapter 47). 'fhougl1 H.
event. Histoplasrna capsulatum mutants unable to capsulaturn var. capsulatu111 is found worldwide, its central
produce Cbp are avirulcnt. focus is in the Americas. Genetically, variety capsutatun1 is
2. H an tigen. Host immune responses to H antigen dividcd into 6 Classes: Class 1 and Class 2 are found L-:
were originally used as a diagnostic too! in the diag- North Ameríca; Class 3 is found i11 Central and South
nosis of histoplasmosis. Subsequently, H antiger1 America; C!ass 4 is found in Florida (Nortl1 America); anC.
was found to be a beta-glucosidase that elicits a cell- Class 5 and Class 6 are found in 11urna11 patieu ts wi ll,
llH!Uiatc<.l (¡.¡rvtective) il11n1u11e response to the yeast acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AJJ)S) frorn Ne,,-
(parilsitic) phase of l-I. capsulatum. York (NvrLIJ A1nerica) and J>a11a1ua (Central 11.merica),
3. !ron acquisition. Iron is an absolute growt11 requi rc- respectively.
ment for H. capsulatum (as it is tor al! lite forn1s).
Hístoplasma capsulatun-1 acq uires iron in several
ways: production of hydroxamate siderophores ca-
pable of ren1oving iron from host iron-binding pro- Ecology
teins (trar1sferrir1, lactvferri11); cx ¡.¡ re::.::.ior 1 of a
ht>min-hinding r<>r.t>ptor on the surface of yeast (par- Reservo ir
asitic) forms; glutatl1io11c-dependent ferríc reduc- Although most concentrilted in the Mississippi and Ohio
tase which reduces Fe(III) to Fe(II), thereby releasing River watersheds of North Amerlca, 11. capsu.latu1n oeeurs
it from host iron binding proteins; and several sporadicallyworldwide. It is found in the topsoil layers, es-
poorly aefineel iron reductases on the surtace ot tl1e pecially in the presence of b ird (m ainly starlings in North
yeast phase. Ameríca, and chicken.s in South America) a11d bat guano,
4. M anligen. Hosl in1111une respo11se to M a11tigen vvas wl1icl1 provide both enrich1nent and inoculum. Birds are
originally used as a diagnostic too! in the diagnosis mainJy passive carriers, 1.Yl1ereas uats u11<.lergo iliteslinal
of histoplasmosis. Subsequently, M antigen was infec:tious process<>s. Histnplasn-1a capsulaturn is favored by
found t o be a catalase enzyn1e, >vhich plays a role in neutral to alkaline soil environments with annual rainfall
the survival of the yeast phase within the phagoly between 35 and 50 inches and mean t emperatures be-
sosome. twcen 68º F and 90ºF.
S. }vfelanin. Mela11in is produced by H. capsulaturn.
Mela11i11 is a free rauical scaveuge.r (Jeducing lhe
toxicity of hydroxy radicals, superoxides, and sin - Transmission
glet oxygen radicals found within thc phagoly-
sosome). Tra11s111ission is mostly by inhalation o f microconidia or
6. Phagolysosome acidification . Normal phagolyso- hyphal fragments, possibly by ingestion, and, rareiy, by
somes have a pH <5, a pH that optimizes the activ- wound infection.
ity of many o f the digestive enzyn1es found in this
envirvnn1er1t. Hisluplusrrut cup:;ululurn raises lhe pH
of tht> phagolysosorne to 6-6.S, thereby reducing Pathogenesis
the activity of these lysosomal cnzymcs. How the Me.chunisrn:, uncl Puthology. Microco11idia, hyphal frag-
fungus does this is un1<11o>vn. m ents (from the environment), or yeast cells (from an in-
traphagocytic cell environment) attach t o macrophages in
the lung by way of a beta-2 integrin. It is immediately
Growth Characteristics
phagocytoscd, a minimal respiratory burst occurs, and a
Histoplasrna capsulatum grows on co1nmon laboratory pl1agolysosome results following fusion >vith lysosomes.
i11cdia over a b road temperature range. The optirnum for Microconidia and hyphal elements differentiate into
mycelial grov"th is 25" to 30"C. The cottony aerial my- yeast. Survival within the pl1aguly:;u:;v111e is 1elaled t o
<.:hapter 415 Agents ot Systemic Mycoses 291

F1G u RE 4 8. 5. Histoplasma capsulatum, yeasr phase.

Sediment of peritoneal exudate from a dog. Wright-Giemsa stain.
Fovr y@ast c@lls within a macrophagl?. 1OOOX.

:nodulalion of phago1ysosome pi 1 (around 6 - 6 .5), secre- Epidemiology
- on ot M antigen (a catalase), secrelion of Cbp, meianin, Sul.Jclinical infections with hlstoplasmosis are comn1on in
-id successful acquisition of iron from intraccllular iron clog.~ ;in<I r;its- and humans-in cndemic areas. Clinical
:ores. The yeast 1nultíplies '-vithin thc phagoJysosome, ul- discasc is most prevaJent in dogs aged 2 to 7 years, in eally
;;.;nately killing the cell and thc rclcase of yeast cells autumn (September to November) and la ter winter to early
hlch cuntinue the c:ycle). Tntrac:ellular multlpllcation spring (f.ebruary to April). No scx prcdilcction is rcported,
"'ntin111>~ 11nti 1 an pffprtive cell-mcdiatcd immune re-
but the po1nting breeds, weimaraners, and Hrittany
:x>nse occurs resulting in activatcd n1acrophages, 1'\ hich1
spaniels have the greatest risk. Disseminated histoplasmo
mectively control the multiplication of the yeast. sis in human patients and dogs Is found in association
Early events and lesions resemble those of tuberculosis. with immunosuppression .
_'loracic Jymph nodes become enlarged, and Jungs may
~untain grayish white nodules. "fhe histologic response
aries from suppurative to granulomatous inflammation. lmmunologic Aspects
~.aseation necrosis and calcification are c.:ommon.
In dlsscn1ina led disease, ly111pl1 uodes a1 1d pare11cl1y- Recovery and resistance are governed by cell mediated im-
~atous organs are enlarged and may contain gross nodu-
mune responses, while circulating antibodies have no ap-
iar Icsions. T11crc rnay be ulcerations of skin and mucous parent protective function . Recovery from histoplasmosis
membranes, abdominal and pleural effusions, and in-
appears lo curúcr inuuunity.
olvement of the central nervous system (including eyes), No v;irrines are available.
.:dn, and bone marrow. The ínflammatory exudate con-
sts of macrophage elements colonized by yeast cells
!'ig 48.5). Laboratory Diagnosis
Disease Patterns. Histopl;ismo~is r;in oc:cur in almost
.J.."'ly nnimnl spccic.s, but dogs are the con1n1only clÍ-
Direct Examination
:ected. Uogs may develoµ a primary pulmonary form with
coughing, fever, regional ly1nphadenopathy, and Iadi- Smcars of buffy coat, scdiment of aspirates, and tissue im-
ograph!C abnormalities. Thc Inore common fonn in dogs pressions are stained '-vith a Romanovsky-type (e.g.,
s disscminated d isease, marked by lcthargy, anorexja, Giemsa, or Wright's) ora fungal stain (peri odie acid-Schiff
·,·eight loss, diarrhea, del1yd1aliu11, a11c.l cir1crnia. Hepato- (PASJ, Grldley, or Gomori mcthcnamine silver) and exam-
;:negaly, splenomegaly, mesenteric lymphadenitis, ;incl 11s- ined for intraphagocytic yeast cells (see fig 48.5).
citcs mny cause abdorninal distention. In sections slail1ed willi lic111atoxylin-eusin, H. capsula-
Comparable pattems have rarely been observed in cats. turn appears as tiny dots surrouncie>ci hy h;i loPs. A duplica te
Disease patterns in human patients parallel thosc fungal stain (e.g ., periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), Gridley, or
descrlbed. vomori methenamine silver) can be helpful.
292 PART IT Bacteria and Fungí

rmmunofluorescence has been used to identify thc those encodin g the M protein. ·rhese sequences are ampli-
ycast in tissuc and cxudatcs. fied using the polymerase cha in reaction.

Treatment and Control
Specimens are inoculated onto h lonc1 ;:ig;:ir ;:incl S;:iho11-
1aud's agar (will1 inlúbitors) and incubated in jars or plas- Azolcs (keto conazole, itraconazoJc, fluco nazolc) and am-
tic bags at room tempcraturc for up to 3 months. Colonial photericin B have been used successtully in the treatment
growth may look rcddish-wrinklcd bcforc the appcarance of sorne cases of canine histoplasmosis.
ot cottony brown1sh to wh1te myceuum. Relapses are common. The progr1osls for u isse::111i11a1w
Microconidia and macroconidia are demonstrated in cases is grave.
lactophenol cotton blue wet 1uou11t~. Di111orpliisu1 n1usl
be proven by convi>rsion to t hC' ypast phase in culture or by
IV il1jc1.:tiv11 uf 11úce. Mice will die within a few weeks. 8 LASTOMYCES DERMATITIDIS
'f'hPir mac:rophages will contain the yeast forms.
A comn1ercially available "exoanJigcn" test kit fur-
Blastomyces dermatitidis is a dimorph ic fungus existing as a
nishcs prcpared antisera to c·occiclioicles, Histoplasma capsu- mold in thc soil (saprophytic stage), andas a yeast in tíssuc
latum, an<l Bl astornyces dermatitidis to be tested again st ex- (parasitic stage). lt causes th e systemic fungal d isease
t racts of suspect cultures in an tmmunodiffusio11 agar
called "blastomycosis," "vhich occurs most cornrnon ly in
plate, where preclpltation lines develop between <:>xtr;icts
the eastern trurd of No rth Aruerit.:a. Cases of ll1e d isease
and tl1eir 11ornvlvgous a11 lise1 a. arise sporadically in Africa, Asia, a nd Europe. Affectcd
l 1osls are l1u1uan patients, dogs and, rarely, ho rses, cats.
lmmunodiagnosis and wildlife species.
Histoplasmin skin and CF tests using antigens of cither
mycelial or yeast or1h11ns have not been reliable diagnostic Descriptive Features
aids in anin1al infections. The position of the precipitin
band In lmm unodiffu sion tests dífft>reulialt:s t:arly and re- Morphology, Structure, and Composition hurnan c;isps (ni>;:ir seru m wcll) from active and
prog(cssive ones (near antigen well). Llmitcd use of these ln the saprophytic phasc (in soll or on artifi<..ial inedia at
tests on animals has given erratic rcsults. Z!>-:5UVC), the 11ypnae of ts. dermatitiáis produce coni<llo-
A radioimmunoassay for antigcn dctection h as been phores with spherical o r oval smooth-walled conidia, 2¡.Im
described. to 10 µm ln dlameter. In tissue or 011 l>lvou agar al 37ºC, lht!
agcnt isa thick-w;:i1Jpc1yi>ast,8 pm to lS µm in diam eter that
Molecular Techniques reproduces by single buds attached by a broad base (Fig
48.6). The fungus has a sexual form Ajellomyces dermatitidis.
Molecular methods used to ídcntify or dctcct H. capsula- Ccll wall extracts contain 3 to 10 parts of polysaccharide
tum make use of primers for spccific scquences contained to 1 partot p ro tein. JJrotein is highest in the mycelial phase,
within thc DNA, c.g., genes cncoding ribosomal RNA, o r whlle chltin is rughest i n the yeast phase. The lipid content

F 1Gu RE 4 8. 6 . Blastomyces dermatitidis, yeast phase, in

/ung of dog. Hematoxylin-eosin stoin. Note bud (lower right of
upper yeast ce//) arrached by broad base to mother ce//. 1ooox.
Chapter 48 Agen ts of SystP.mi<' Mycoc:Ps 293

of B. dern1atitidis is highe.r than in othPr fungi . T.ipid, pro- (with minimal respiratory burst) by phagocytic cells. Down
tein, and chitin lcvels vary directly with virulence. regulalion of tu111or i1ecrosi:> factor prouuct:ion by affect:ed
macrophages delays stimulation of cell-mediaterl imm11-
Cellular Products of Medical lnterest nity (which is necessary to kill the yeast). In dogs, a11 in-
flammatory response involving macrophages and neu-
Adhesin. The yeast phase of B. dermatitidis produce.s a pro- trophils and rcsulting in pyogrnnulomatous lcsions occurs
tcin adhc:;i n tcrmcd Bad 1 (for Blostomycc:s adhc:iin 1), for- 1n tne terminal broncl110Ies, foUowea t>y s1m1 1ar reactions in
mally called WI- l. Badl has two functions related to viru- satellite lymph nodes. Blastomycosis is more often progres-
lence of the fungus: 1) Bad 1 adheres to beta-2 integrins on sive than histoplasn1osi:; aJ 1Ll cuct.:idiuiuo1nycosis. Dissemi-
tlie surface of pl1agocytic cells, triggertng uptake of the nation involves superficial lymph nod~!\, skin, honPs, hone
yea~t. invoking a mínima! rPspiratory burst, resulting in mnrrow, cyes, víscera, mammary glands, and urogenital
little generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen interme- tract. ·rne nodular Jesions can be tubercle-like, with mono-
cliates; 2) Badl down regulates the production of proin- nuclear cell types predominating, or thcrc may be signifi-
flammatory cytokines (particularly tumor necrosis factor cant suppuratlve admiXtures. L1quefacnon and caseation
:TNF]) by affected macrophages. The amino acid sequence occur, but calcification and encapsulation are cxceptional.
of Badl is homologous to the invasin protein produced by Signs include skin lesiu11s dud rc.spiratory distress wlth
Yersinia (see Chapler 10). Bluslurnyl·es <lermatilidis mutants fever, depression, anorPxi;i, ;ind weight loss. Locomotor
that do not prochJC'P R;icll ;ire ;ivirulent. disturbances res ult from bone or joinl infection or-
Miscellaneous Products. Blastonzyces der111atitidis pro- rarely-central nervous system involvemcnt. Ocular dis-
duces a varicty ot extracellular enzymes and products t hat easc is common in disseminated blastomycosis. Most dogs
may be involved with disease production. Thesc includc wlth multiple organ system involvement die within
;>rateases, phosphatases, esterases, and glycosidases. months. Evidence for a benign form is uncertain. Blasto-
Culture filtrates are leukotactic for human neutrophils. myces induce 111ac1opl!ages lu produce elevated amounts
-:ne role played by Lhese pruduLts iu the production of dls- of calcitriol resulting in hypercalccmia.
rase is unknown. Thc discasc in cats resembles that in dogs.

:irowth Characteristics Epidemiology

3/astomyces dermatitidis grows on most media at roon1 tem- Highest prevalence in dogs is from spring to fall. Malc dogs
perature and 37ºC. Colonies develop from ~"lithin 2 to over Iess t:han 4 years of age are n1ost often affected. Differential
- uays. Mold colonles, formed at amblent temperatures breed susceptibility has not been found. 'fhough generally
2.)-~0ºr.), :irP <'ottony white to tan depending on t he 11onco11Lagious, 011e liurua11 il1fcctlou resulted from a dog
abu11dance of conidia. Yeast colo11ies dcvelop 011 blood bite. Risk factors for infection includc proximity to watf'r-
~gar at 37ºC. They are opaque off-white to tan, with rough ways and excavation.
surlacc anda pasty consistcncy.

.ariability lmmunologic Aspects

-:be two recognized serotypes are. re.Jateo to gpogr:iphic ori-
lmpaired cell-mediated responsiveness may explain ca-
tin of the strains. Similar geographic rclationships are seen
nine disseminated blastomycosis.
::.-hen polymerase chain reaction-based fingerprinting
Humoral and cell-mediated responses occur as a resu lt
svstems are uscd.
• of infection. Cell-mediated immunity in mice is decisive
in determlnlng resistance. Artificial lmmunization is not
Laboratory Diagnosis
:bere is 11mlted evidence of natural reservoirs. Moisture,
m" pH, animal wastes, and decaying vegetation appear to Direct Examination
:aYor coloniLalion. lluntidiLy !Jlv111vlt::> 1clcd:>t: vf cu1liLlia.
Blastomyces dermarttidis can be dcmonstrated in wet
mo11nts of exudates and tissue smears as thick-walled yeast
cells with single buds allached l.Jy d 1.Jroac.l base. In section,
3lastomycosis most commonly begins by respiratory expo- intracellular yeasts may be found (sr.c Fig 48.6). Smears of
~ure. Pcrcutancous infcction probably occurs in dogs. aspiratcs, and tissue impressions are stained with a
Romanovsky-type (e.g., Giemsa, or Wright's) or a fungal
stain (periodic acid-Schiff [PAS], Gridlcy, or Comori
methenamlne silver) and examined for yeast cells.
!icroconidia hyphal fragments are inhaled and c:onvf>rt to In sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin, B dermati-
::b.e ycast form within the alveolar spaces of the respiratory tidis appea1s as Lltick-wallt::d yea:;t cells wtth single buds at-
;:ract. The yeast expresses Badl, which is followed by uptake tached by a broad ha~e. A c1uplicatP fungal stain (e.g., peri-
294 PART JI Bacteria and Fungí

odie acid Schiff [PASJ, Gridley, or Gomori methenamine

silver) can be helpful (see Fig 48.6). f 1G U RE 4 8. 7. Anatorriy uf¡¡ 111e111úe1 uf lile yenus
Asperc¡illus (Asperc¡i ll us clavatus). Lactophenol cotton blue
mount from slide culture on Sabouraud's agar. 1 = foot celf.
Culture 2 = conidiophore, 3 = vesic/e, 4 = phialides, 5 = conidia. 400X.

Cultures on Sabouraud's agar (wit h o r without inhibitors)

are incubated at ambient temperature (25- 30ºC) for up to ,
3 wccks. It is difficult to obtain the yeast form on primary
isolatio11 but it is relat1vely easy to convert the mold to the
yeast phase by increasing the temperature to 37ºC..
A co1u111ercially available "exoa11tigen" test kit fur-
nishes prepared antisera to Cocddioides, Histoplasma capsu-
latu1n, and Blastonzyces derniatitidis to be tested against ex-
tracts of suspect cultures in an immunodiffusion agar
plate, vvhcrc prccipitation lincs dcvclop bctween extracts
and their 11on1ologous antisera.

BlasL01nycü1 skil1 a11d con1plen1ent fixation tests lack ac- ..
ceptable sensitivity and specificity. ·rhe commercially
available agar gel do u ble diffusion test (making use of anti-
gens composed of a cell wall autolysate called "Antigen A")
appears to be specific (96%) and se11sitive (91 % ), bttt titers
remain after successful treatn1ent. Antibodies to Badl de-
tectecl by various mea11s (e.g., raclioimmunoassay [RlA])
iucn:'.dse duriug uisea~e. a1 id decline vvilh successful treat-
mP.nt, 1naking detection of antibodies with specificity to
Dad! more useful clinically.

Molecular Methods
Molecular methods used to identify or detect B. dermati- ,.
tídi.s rnake use of prin1ers for sµecific se4 ue11ces cv11Laü.1ed
within DNA encoding rihosomal RNA (e.g., 28S RNA; the
internally transcribed spacer region). ·rhese sequences are
amplified using t he polymerase chain reaction.
conidiopbores. Conidiophores are hyphal bra11ches orig.-
nati ng by a foot cell in the vegetatlve mycelium and e ne~
Treatment and Control ing in an expancled vesicle.1'he vesicle is covered by ;:i laye:
or layers of flask-sl1aped pb.ialides, from which chains c.-
Rl;istornycosis rP.sponds to amphotericin B and ketocona- pigmented co11idia (the asexual reproductive units) ar'..5<:
zole (or both togcthcr), and to itraconazolc. Fluconazolc is (Fig 48. 7). They give the fungal colony its color.
mode¡ately ettective. In tissue, only hyphae are seen. In aerated caVlties (e.;;
nasal passages, air sacs, cavitary lesions), fruiting
tures rndy !Je fuuud (:see Fig 73.8).
Fruiting hodies are i rnportant diagnostic features -
Aspergillus spp. by which species are identified.
Me1nbers of the genus Aspergillus are u1Ji4uito u::. savro-
pl1ytic n1olds with opportunistic pathogenic patterns de- Cellular Products of Medica! lnterest
pending on impaired, overwhelmed, <>r bypassed host de-
Adhesins. Members of tbe genus Aspergi11us procluce a n u-
fenses. Of sorne 900 species. A . filmigatus is most frequei.1t
IJer of surfa<.:e µruLi:.ius (conidial and 11ypl1al) tl1at bine -
in animal and human infections.
i>xtrac.P.llular n1at rix proteins (collage11, fibronectin, ff-
rinogen, and laminin).
Cell Wall. The cell wall oí A spergiflus clisplays _
Descriptive Features "pathogen-associated molecular pattern" that is reco!f
nized by Toll-lil<e receptors (see Chapter 2) on the surf?.~
Morphology and Co1nposition
of host macrophages. Binding to these receptors leads -
Asperxiltus spp. are molds consisting of septate hyphae a11d t he secretion of prolnilam1natory cytuki11es.
characteristic asexual fruiting structures that are borne on E.xtrace11ular Enzyrnes. Aspr.rgill1L~ produces a nun1bfi
(;hapter 48 Agents of Systemtc Mycoses 295

enzymes that have the potential to function in vivo to Transmission

areak down host tissue. TJ1ese incJude elastase, proteases,
m d phospholipases. In addition, members of this genus Aspi>rgillosis is acquirecl from environme11tal sources, gen-
produce catalases that reduce the effectiveness of perox- erally by iuhalaliou or i11gesliou. Musl Aspergillus iuastitis
_des ge11eraled l>y phagocyLic cells. follo\>VS intramammary inoculation. Tntrauterine infec-
tion:> in cattlc rc:iult from di:;scmination of subclinical
Iron Acquisition. Aspergi//us produces severa! hydroxam-
~te siderophorcs (a ferriChro1nc and a fusarinine) necdcd
lung or intestinal infections. In poultry, egg transmission
<a acquire iron from host iron-binding proteins (transfer-
sometimes occurs (rare).
:ín, lactoferri.n).
Pigment (Melanin). Conidia of Aspergiflus are pigmented. Pathogenesis
The pigment, melanin, is a free radical scavenger (reducing
Mechanism. Follo\~1 ing their deposition in tiss11e or on a
the toxicity of hydroxy radicals, superoxides, and singlet
oxygen radicals found within the phagolysosome). surface (adhesins hinder removal) recognition (by way of
"pathogen-associated molecular pattern") by phagocytic
cells triggers an inflammatory response. Inflammation,
Growth Characteristics along with rclcase of fungal elastase, proteases, and phos-
-~pergilli grow 011 all con11nor1 lalJoratory rnedia over a pholípasi>s, res11lts in tissuc damage. Pigment and catalase
l'<ide range of temperatures (up to SOº\.). hioc:hi>n1i- delay destruction by phagocytic cells.
cal activities have not been clearly related to virulence or Allergenic factors, which are recognized in l1uman asper-
utilized diagnostically. gilloscs, are insufficiently documcnted in animal disease.
Aspergilli thrive in the environrnent. Sorne are highly Patholo,zy. In pulmonary infection, ~uppuratíve exudate
:esistant to heat and drying. Most do not grow in cyclo- accumulates in bronchioles and adjace11t parenchyma. It
hex.imide-containing fungal inedia. surrounds colonles of m ycelial growth, which 1.nay extend
into hlood vessels ancl produce infected thrombi and vas-
culitis, leading to dissen1il1ation. Infeclion 1nay also
Ecology spread directly into adjacent air spaces. Granulomas de-
velop; tl1cy are grossly visible as grayish whitc nodules and
Reservoir consist of mononuclear cells and fibroblasts. ln older le-
sions, colonies are fringed by acidoph.ilic clubs (asteroid
•.\spergilli are present in soil, vegetation, feed, and second- bodies), which resemble actinomycosis (see Fig 37.2).
a rily in air anrl wati>r anrl obji>rts exposec.1 to them . As- Lesions in avían lungs are caseous nodu.les. On serous
pergillus fi1111í.gatus becon1es predon1inant over con1peting n1enJbrancs 1 caseous foci are covered by n1acroscopic 111vld
microbiota in fermented plant material (e.g., hay, silage, colonies. accompanied by thickening of the 1nembranes
compost). Animal disease outbreaks are oftcn traced to (e.g., air sacs) (Fig 48.8). Thc ccllular response is acute sup-
such sources. purative to chronic granulomatous.

F 1G U RE 4 8. 8. Aspergillosis in a waterfowl (grebe). The exposed air sac in the center

contains one /arge mold co/ony (arrow) anda smaller one on the upper /eft. The air sac on
the lower riqht (*)has hada portion removed(*), revea/inq /uxuriant mold qrowth within.
(PhotO[)fri(lh ro11rtP~Y nf f)r M11rrriy Fowler)
296 PAKr II Bacteria anu Fu1igi

Movine abortion results from hematogenous seecting of Stress aspects are usually recognizable in outbreaks.
placentomes, which is possibly a response to a growth fac- Avían aspergillosis is seen under conditions of poor hus-
tor in placental tlssue. There Is hyphal invasion uf l>loou l><uJLlry. J11 oilt:u seabirds, Lhe1e is severely irnpaired ther-
vessels producing vasculitis anrl íl nPcrotizing, hemor- mal regulation. In pregnant cattle, advanced gestation
rhagic placentitis. The fetus undergoes disseminated in fcc- combined with low-quality fccd and poor wcathcr and
tion with signs of emaciation and dehydration. Lympl1 housing add up to severc challenge.
nodes, visccra, and b rain may be involvcd. Ringworn1-like Canine nasal aspergillosis occurs especially in young
plaques on the tetaJ skin are often seen. dogs of dolichocephalic breeds. Sorne T lymphocyte defl-
On mucosa] surfaces (e.g., nasal passage, trachea), mold ciency may exist.
colonles form on top of necrotlc tlssue, which is sur- lu keratu111ycusis uf ho1ses, lhe frequc11t history of top-
rounded by a hemorrhagic zonc. ical antihacterial and steroid treatment suggests immuno-
suppression and impaired colonization rcsistancc.
Disease Patterns
Pulmonary and disseminated intections, frequently in- lmmunologic Aspects
volving kidneys and the central ncrvous system, occur in
most species. Circulating antibody with no demonstrably protective
role may be present in dogs with nasal aspergillosis
Avian. Avia11 aspergillusis, w h ich affecls 111a11y species of (see under "Treatment, Control, and Ptever1tio11"). C~ll­
hir<ls, sometimes in epidemics, reflects heavy exposure or mcdiated immunity may be relat1><l to resistance.
severe stress on dorncstic flocks or pct bird opcration~, or 1111111 u11il.dtion procedurcs nrc not available.
the ettects ot oil spills on marine b1rds. The ctisease is usu-
ally a respiratory tract infection, sometimes "'rith hemato-
genous dissemination. 5igns are lnappetence, llstlessness, Laboratory Diagnosis
weight loss, dyspnea, sometimes diarrhea, and abnormal
behavlor and posture. The eyes are oftt:u afft:clt:LI. Mo1 ta1- Direct Examination
ity may approrich :'iOºAi, PspPcially in young birds. In mild
cases, only gasping and hyperpnea may be seen. 1"11e Hyphae, fruiting heads, and conidia can often be demon-
course varíes from a day to severa! v.1ceks. strated in samples elther In wet mount~ iI1 10% KOH ur
with calcofluor white. Far flx.ed-stainPrl smears, fungal
Ruminant. Movine abortions usually occur late in preg- :.taü1:. (pt:riouic acid -Schiff IPASJ, G ridley, or Gomori
nancy and resemble abortions duc to other causes. Fetal methenamine silver) are best; Giemsa is satisfactory, and
Skin plaques occur also in other mycotlc abortions. Gram of limited use. Septate branching hyphac constitutc
Mastitis due to A. f11migah1~ i<: rPportPrl atan increased strong evidence of aspergillosis. Other tungi (11enicill1um,
rale, especially from Europe. It is usually chronic progres- Pseudallescheria, Paecilon1yces) presenta similar picture but
sive, producing abscesses in the udder. rare. Conidia may occur in alr passages or other exposed
sites in the absence of infection (see Fig 73.8) .
Dogs and Cats. Aspergillosis of mucous membranes occurs lu :.tail1t:LI lis:>ue seclions, sepla le 11yphae dividing
in dogs, rarely in cats, in nasal passages or paranasal si- dichotomously at acute angles are the only strt1cture~
nuses. It is manifested by snecztng and unilateral or bilat- sccn.
eral persistent 11aséll discl1arge th~t i<: 11nr<>sponsive to med-
ica! LJcaLtnent. lsolation and ldentification
Aspergillus terreus and A. deflectus cause disseminated as-
pcrgillosis in dogs, particularly German shepherd dogs. Aspergil/11s is readily cultured Rec;i11sP it is a 11hiqu itou~
Osteomyelitis is a common feature. cu11L<:1111inanl, inlerprclalion of positive cultures is often
problematic. Presence of the agent must always be corre-
Horses. Aspergillus infectlon of the cornea is the leauil1g lated with pathologic and clinical findings. Identification
cause of keratomycosis. of agents rests upon morphologic features and growth
Vague upper respiratory signs may point to an as- characteristics of isolates.
pergiHosis of the equine guttural pouch.
Miscellaneous Species. 1I1testinal aspergillosis, presenting as
diarrhea, occurs in calves, foals, and cats. Serologic tests are useful a<lj11nct<: to the diagnosis of as-
¡.>t:1gillosis. Because tl1c tests that are available are species
Epidemiology specific, it is necessary to know whichAspergíllus to expect.
r:or example, A. fun1igatus is most comn1only seen in nasal
Intensity of exposure is a significant feature in animal as- aspergillosis ot dogs, whereas dissemínated aspergillosis in
pergillosis. Bovinc abortion outbrcaks are often related to that spccies is either A. defiectus or A. terreus. An immunod-
moldy todder. Aspergillosis in ctucken flocks commonly lffusion kit for antibody detection i:; cuu1JJ1ercially avail-
coincides with the use of heavily contaminated litter. able for detection of antibodiPS to A. fumigatus.
Chapter 48 Agents of Systemic Mycoses 297

'\olecular Methods Conidiobolus spp. and Basidiobolus spp. may cause nasal
gronulomos in hor3C5.
-ri mf'rs rlPsigned to ¡¡mplify DNA encoding ribosomal Dematiaceous fungi (See Chapter 4/, "l'haeol1ypho1ny-
-:-"-A (including the "interna! tcanscribed space1" iegiou) cosis") have been associatcd with mycotic nasal granulo
-·e available for demonstration or identification of mem- 111as in cattle.
-...:rs of thc gcn\.1S. Amplification of DNA is by the poly-
•erase chain reaction.

Treatment , Control, and Prevention
Members of the genus Pneumocystis are fungi capable of
.spcrgillosis in birds is gcncrally not treated. causing pneumonla In immunocompromised individuals.
The nasal form in ctogs is treated topically with instilla- 'l'hPy have only been isolated from affected hosts (e.g., hu-
::ion of clortrimazole or enilconazole into the nasal pas- mans, dogs, cats, ho1ses, pigs, goal::;, ft:rrcti., n1ice, rats). At
..ages and slnuses. Itraconazole (given orally) has been suc- present there are two species, jiroved (affecting human pa-
::essf11 lly 11c;f'ci to trcat nasal aspergillosis whcn topical tients) and carinii (affccting all the rest). Pneurnocystis
:::-eatmcnt was not possiblc. carinii is composed of at least JO varieties or "special
Itraconazole has been beneficia! in treating dissemi- forms,'' ,.vith each "special form" affecting a particular
""'ª ted aspergillos is. !1ust. flor example, P. cartnii f. sp. ratti, affccts rats, while P.
There is no establishcd treatment lor rnammary as- cari11ii f . .sp. rn11ris, only mice. Thus, Pne111nocystis is a host-
:--ergillosis. spccific fungus (and it is nol zoonolic).
Fur intestinal infectlons In pigs, foals, and calves, oral Sprcad is by way of aerosol. Affected hosts are almost al-
~\"<itati n is rPcommPnrlPrl ways irnmunocompromiscd, though therc are reports of

Keratomycosis is treated topically wilh an Lil11yculic animals (maínly foals) that have pneumocystis pneumo-
.ntments and solutions. nia without an obvious underlying condition.
/\voidance of inassivc cxposurc rcquircs cllmination of 'file fungus has not been grown in a cc\1-free culture sys-
..:attle feed, partícularly hay and silage that has undergone tem. Diagnosi~ is made by examination of material con-
-:oticeable deterioration. Aspergillus furnigatus only reaches taining alveolar macrophages (in whose cyluplas111 spheri-
..igh concentrations under conditions of "biologic heat" cal to crescent shapcd cysts 4- 7 µm in diametPr arP
~... neration, after other microbiota are eliminated. With obscrvcd) staincd with a Romanovsl..)'·typc stain (e.g.,
:coullry lille1, p1ope1 slu1ag1:: a11<.l fn::4uc11t changes of litter Gicmsa, Wright's) ora silver stain (e.g., Gomori methena-
can prevcnt such buildup. mine silver). DNA primers have also been designed to am-
pllfy speclflc segments of the fungal gcnome, so that <.le-
tc•c·tion and identification is possible using the polymerase
chain reaction.
0 THER SAPROPHYTIC fUNGAL PATHOGENS Treatment incl11rl P~ one or more of the following:
trimethoprim-sulfonan1ides, dapsone, aLovaquo11e, ¡..>t.:H-
en1cilliun1 spp. are occasional causes of a nasal m ycosis in tamidine, clindamycin, or trimetrexate/leucovorin.
Scedosporium apiospennun1 is prominent asan agent of
!!l)"Cetoma (see C:haptPr 47).
I'seudallcschcria boydii causes visceral myceton1a a11d PROTOTHECOSIS
:'"'.leumonia in dogs, ocular discase and abortion in horses.
~nd mastitis and abortion in cattlc. J'rototheca is an alga lacking chlorophyll. It 111ulliplies by
Paedlomyces spp. 1s associated with disseminated ca- endosporulatioo, producing roughly sphcrical cells that
-1nc and feline paecilomycosis ,.,ith bone involvement are 8 µm to 25 µm in diamctcr (Fig 48.?). l'rototheca zopfii
_.,<.la rt::>piiatory epidemtc In captlve turtles have been re- and P. •vickerha1nii (which probably belongs to the genus
~rted. Auxenochlorella) are occasionally pathogenic. They grow
Rhizopus spp, Absidii1 spp, Mucor spp, <tnd Mortierellu spp 011 fungal n1edia (wtthout cycloheximlde) at 25ºC and
a use mycotic bovine abortion, gastrointestinal infections, ~?ºC., respec:ti vPly, int(l white to tannish dull colonies in
~arkcd by ulcerative lesions and mcscntcric lymphadeni- less than a week and are differe11tialed se1ologically a11d l>y
:is, in ruminants, swine, and dogs, as well as respiratory carbohydrate assimilation tests.
;.nd hcmatogenous infections affecting various víscera Prototheca spp. are widcspread in nature. Exposure is by
... i<.l tite central nervous system. 'fhey are secondary to 1ngest1on, percutaneously, or, in dairy cows. by intramam-
..tress, such a-; rliPtary changes and inadequacies, antibi- mary injection.
~ic suppression of the gastrointestinal flota, concurre11L Disease occurs l.n dogs, cats, cattle, deer, bats, snakes,
-'1tections, recent parturition, or traun1a. fish, ano humans. In dogs, it is usually disseminated and
Rhinosporidium seeberi en uses a granulomatous mucocu- accompanied hy hcn1011hagic d ia1rltca. Central nervous
~neous i11fection affect1ng hurnans, horses, cattlc, 1nules, systcm involvement and eye lesions are frP<J.11Pnt . In cats
.:.ogs, goats, and sorne wild waterfowl. and humans, cases to date have been cutaneous. In1n.1u110-
298 PART II Bacteria and Fungi

deficiency is suspected. In cattle, chronic progressive mas-

F1G U R E 4 8. 9 . Prototheca sp. in bovine mastitis. Wright titis develops. Tissue reactions are pyogranulomatous.
stain. The /ess intense/y stained organisms show evidence of The agent is easily cultured and can be demon strated in
endosporulation. IOOOX. unstained wet mounts from specimens or in fixed smears
stained with a Romanovsky-type (Wright's or Giemsa) or
fungal (per iod ic acid-Schiff [PAS], Gridley, or Gomar¡
met hena mine silver) sta in (see Figs 48.9 and 69 .7).
Amphotericin B and ketoconazole are used on humans.
The agents are susceptible to the aminoglycosides in vitro.
Treatment of an imals has not been effective, although ¡¡_
posomal formulations of amphotericin B show promise.
Pathogenesis of Viral

Virus-Host Relationsh ips replication at the site of entry and in regional lymph
11odcs, 2) progen y virus sprcads through b lood (primary
The outcorne of an y virus-host in leraction c:an c! ifff>r, c!f'- viremia) and lymp hat1cs to additional paren chymal o r-
pcnding on critica! facto rs such as virus-ccll interactions, gans, where 3) further viral rcplication takes place, 4) virus
species oJ an imal host, ro ute of exposure, mode of v irus is uis~c11tiI1a ted to t he oth er targct organs via a secondary
dissemination, and host rcsistancc. Most virus-infected viremia, and S) it m u ltiplies further in these target organs
.in1mals that present to veterinarians do so because thev wherc it causes cellular dege11erativ11 a!ltl/or necrosis, tis-
exhibit clinical signs of thei r infection. However, it is very sue injury, and clinical disease.
mpo1 lanl lo 1eLog11ize Llial 111i1,;rul.Jial i11fcctiuns of ani- ·rhe incubation period is thc asyrnptomatic pcriod aftcr
:nals often do not result in clinical discasC'. rn fact, thf> ma- infection and prior to express1on of clinicat disease. In
·ority of virus-animal in teractions result in asymptomatic generalizcd virus infections, overt discasc begins only after
•r subclinical intection, and viruses, however virulent, will ll1c viru~ l.Jecornes ~vitlely <.lissemlnatcd ln the body and
::ot infect animals that are resistant to thcm. Thc potcn tial has attainP<l maxim11n1 titf>r'> . Tt is al this stage of t he infec-
consequences of virus-an imal relationships are shown in tion that the veterinarian usually is firs t aler ted . Canine
Table 49.1. distcinpcr illustrates a generalized virus infection of an i-
There are severa! ma¡or routes of v lral entry lnto a host: n1als. Thc caninc distcm pcr virus initiatcs th c in fection at
·hp rPspiratory, ;:i limf>ntary, ancl 11rogc>n ital routes and di- the s1te of entry, but then d isseminates through the blood
:ect transmission (such as by an insect or anin1al bile) . or the lymphatic syste1n to produce generalized in fec..Tion
Successful establishment of viral infection dcpends on the with lnvolvement of a varlety of target o rgans (Fig 49.2).
~~cscncc of susceptible ccll rcccptors and the physico-
The sequcncc of events during the incubation period and
~nem ical nature ot the viral agent. 1-'or example, viruses devclopn1cnl of signs of disease i11 ex¡ie1 i111e11lal <.:a1li11c
:~at infcct animals through thc alimcntary tract typically
distC'mper infec:tions in<licatf> th;it thP different cllitical
_re resistant to the lo'"' pH and potent enzymes that occur signs that occur in individual animals depend on which of
~• the digestive tract.
the various organ systems are infected by the virus. The
virus is disseminated to thcsc organs during vircmia,
which may be charactenzed by thc prcscnce of free virus
p<lrtir.lP.s in the b lo od o r, as 11Vith caninc d istemper v irus,
~ odes of Uissemination of Viruses Within blood cclls also can serve as can icr~ lv tl i~scruiIIate virus to
~h e Hosts target organs (cell-associated viremia). l.P ll-as<;oci;:itpcl
viremias typically involvc blood leukocytes hu t son1e
· ·uuses cause two basic patterns of 1nfcct1on: localized and viruses, such as bluetongue virus, hog cholera virus, or
;eneralizcd (Fig 49.1). In localized infections, viral m u lti- parvovirus, can associate \vith red blood cclls of thc in-
.,,licaliu11 anti <.:cllular tlarnage remaín locallzed near the fected host. The dissemination ofv1rus to the central nerY-
-.te of entry (e.g., the skin or the 1n11co11~ mf>mhranes of ous system (CNS) can occur by viremia or, in the case of :a-
·he respiratory, gastrointestinal, or genital tract), so that bie~, by l1a11~111i~~io11 aluIIg peripheral nerves.
-,e intecting virus spreads only to neighboring cells im- Viral infcctions that occur \Vitho11t producing overt dis-
-ediately adjacent to the orih>inal sitc of infcction . For cx- ease are vcry common and are potentially in1portan l in
-':lple, rhinoviru s infection s of animals are often re- the d issemination of viruses. Significantly, inapparent in-
~ictcd to the nasal epitheliun1 and do not even spread to fections can confcr protcctivc immunity against subse-
_.t: luwcr rcspiratory tract. Other respiratory viru ses, such quent challenge with virulent strains ol the same agent.
:;.,, parainfluenza a nd res pi ratory syncytia l viruses rcplicate Severa! factors are involvcd in producing inapparent infec
itltin the lungs of infccted animals, but tissue injury ü1- tivu~: 1) the nature of the virus (e.g., vtrulent or anenu-
_Jced by these viruses typically remains restrictecl to the atPct strain~), ?.) <lPgree of host immunity, 3) appearance of
:.-spiratory tract. Generalizcd infcctions dcvclop through viral interference, and 4) failure of lhe viru~ tu rca<.:l1 the
e ·eral sequentlal steps: 1) the virus undergoes primary target organ (e.g., dueto the blood-brain harrier)_

302 PART llI Viruses

Tabl e 49 .1. PotPntir1l Con~f>quPn(e~ of Virus-Animal itlpha, hf'ta, anci ga1nma. Two distinct mechanisms ha,·e
Relationships been identified in intcrfcron-treated cells (Fig 49.3). Thc
first involves the production in interteron-treated ceHs of a
1. Animal is resistant to viral infettion-110 1eldliu1t)l1iµ ~slablished protcin kinase (Pl/e!F2alpha kinase), which in the pres.
2. Asymptomatic or subclinical infection- recovery or persistent infection cnce of double-stranded RNA, blocks initiation of protelf'
3. Acute viral infection-<leatb, cecovery, or persistent infection synth esis by phosphorylating the p rotein synthesis initi-
4. Chronic viral infection-<ecurrent clinical disease, or persistent infection atlng factor eIF-2. Tl1e othc..:r u1echanisn1 ü1volvcs an cn -
S. Tumor formation zyrne, ?.-SA synthf'tasf', which, in the presence of adeno-
siJ1e triphosphate (Al'P) and dsRNA, synthesizcs a group o:
oligoadenylates collectively known as Z-5A. Z-~A in tur:-:
activatcs a specific endonuclease that degrades viral an¿
cellular RNA and so inhibits protein synthesis.
Host Responses to Viral lnfections Besides its action on viral replication, interferon f'xf'~
other effects on cells, iI1cluüi11g effecls 011 cell n1ultiplica-
'rhe resistance of animals to virus infection is dependent tion and regulation of such cellular functions as phago-
in part on factors that act inlliscrir11i11.alely vu 1uosl viiuses cytosis, production of antibodies and lymphokincs b:
and are thcrefore callf'ci nn11~peciftc or innate resistancc lymphocytes, expression of cell surtace antigens, and cyto-
faclol's. Tbe:;e include horn1onal factors, temperaturc, in- toxicity of ccllular i1nmunity. lnterferon plays an impor-
hibitors other than antibody, and phagocytes. l'hagocyto- tant role in host resistance to viral tnfection.
sis is an important defense mechanism ü1 bacteria! infec-
tions. l-towever, many viral agents are capable of infecting
lymphcytes and/or monocytes/ macrophages, and thus Humoral and Cellular lmmunity
these cells actually can serve as a vt::l1.ü.:h:: tv :.vread virus
through the host. Viruses are antigenic and typically induce a strong im-
mune response aftcr infcction. Humoral immune re-
sponses lead to the productlon of antibodies that can be
lnterferon demonstratcd by the usual serologic procedures, such as
complemcnt-fixation, agglutlnatlon, precipitaliu11, auc
Interferons are a group of cell protclns (cytokines) that can gel diffusion techniques. 'fhe basic principies governing
modulate thc imtnune system, regulatc the differentiation these tt:::.t:; are iden Lical wilh thosc used in bacteriology.
of certain cells, confer antiviral resistance o:n Sf'nsitivf' Sf'rological reactions like viral ncutralization are unique
ct::ll:s, alJU cxerl <u1Lica11cer effects. Many viruses will in- to viruses and play an impo rtant role in tcrminating pri-
ciuc:e interferon synthesis in infected cells, and many cell mary viral infection, limiting viremia, and preventing dis·
types have the ability to synthcsizc intcrfcron aftcr appro- case and reinfection. When preparations of virus are
priate stimulation. At least three different types of inter- m1xed w1th appropriate antisera and the miXtures are ln-
feron can be produced in the course of a viral infection: oculated in susceptible ho<;t<;, inff'ction will not occur if

FIGURE 49 .1. Modes of viral dissemination within the host.


Disease +-- - - - - -- - - -- -- - Local site
(P..g.. rhinovirus)

Disease + - - - -- - - Target organs Peripheral nerve

(e.9 .. (e.g .. rabies)
Typ'=' 3)

Blood Di~co~e
(prlmary vlrem1a) central
nervous system

Target organs _ _ _ __ __,. Blood
1 (e .g .. canine distemper)
'4- (secondary viremial
(e.g ., feline
Chapter 4.9 Patl1ogenesis of Viral Diseases 303

FIGURE 49 . 2 . Schem;¿¡ti( rli;igr;im nf p;ithngPnP~i~ nf r;ininP rli~tPmpPr vir;i/ infP.rtinn in rlng~.


o Exposed to viral aerosol.

Macropha~es in bronchial lymph nodes and tonsils: multiplication.

3 Lymph nodes, parenchymaf organs, eyelid, leukocytes: multiplication.


6 Blood stream: vlremla.


1.ymph norle". parenchymal organs, foot pad, leukocytes, a limentary tract, urogenital tract, conjunctiva, eyelid,
respiratory tract: multiplication.

Most dogs with serum neutralizing antibody titer 1: 100 or greater recover and virus rlisAppP.Ars.

Dogs with antibody titer 1: 10 or le~~. viru::o in vorious tissucs including CNS (meninges, cerebellum, cc:rebrurrl,
brain steni, spinal cord).


Figure 55.2. Schematic diagram of pathogenesis of caninc distcmpcr viral infection in dogs.

rhe antlsera contain virus-neutralizing antibody. 1'hree plexes, production of interferon, cytotoxicity for virus-
classes ofimmunogloh11lins, lg<~. lgM, anrl lgA, can Sf'rVf' ; nff'ct~rl <f'lls, anrl imm11norf'g11 latory f11nctions.
as 11eutralizing antibodies. 1'he interaction of virus and
antibody, particularly antibodies specific to the v iral anti-
gcns responsiblc for attachmcnt to spccific ccll rcccptors, Viral lmmunosuppression
results in a virus-antibody comp1ex formation that pre-
vents attachment of virus to cell receptors, and to a lesser Severa! viruses of veterinary importance can infect lyrn-
extent prevents the penetration ofvirus into the suscepti- phocytes, including canine distemper virus, feline pan-
ble cell. It is possible to recover infectious virus from such leukopenia virus, feline leukemia virus, bovine viral diar-
appan::1 1Ll y i11erl virus-a11libody n1ixlures by sin1ple dilu- rhea virus, 11og cl1olera vlcus, Newcastlc disease virus, and
tion or centrifugation, suggesting that the virus and anti- infectious bursal disease virus of chickens. The destruction
body rnay be linkcd h1 a loosc co1nbination in thc initial of lymphocytcs and rcsultant atrophy of lymphoid tissucs
stages ot reaction. ·rhe interaction between virus andan- by the viruses can suppress or compromise immune re-
tibody <loes not physically alter viral structure; however, sponse, predisposing the affected host to other oppor-
the compleinen.t system and antiviral antibody can in- tunistic bacterial or viral infections.
duce lysis of enveloped viruses as well as destroy virus- A variety of spontaneous primary immune deficiency
i11fct:teLl cells. diseases occur iu clornestic a11i111als (equi11e, bovi11e, ovi11e,
Cellular immunity in viral infections, discussed in porcine, canine, feline) that can predispose them to infec-
Chapter 2, is irnportant factor in host resistan ce to tious diseases. A good example is the fatal respiratory tract
sorne viral i.níections. ·1ne destruction ot virus-intected intection oí Arabian toals with combined immunodefi-
cells by immune lymphocytes can limit the dissemination ciency disorder (lack of production of functional 1' and n
ot virus, particularly in instances where Virus is transmit- lympl1ocytes) by equine adenovirus.
ted from infected to noninfected cells through cell fusion..
Ret:e11L evide11ce also i11dicates ll1al 111acrupliage:; play a
role in host resistance to viral infections. l\1acrophages are Persistent Viral lnfection
key participants in the inflammatory response, and they
can be activated either by interaction "vith viruses or by Persistent and latent virus infections are characterized by
the soluble products produced by virus reacting with lym the fact that virus is not eliminated from the host. Discase
pllocytes. Activated macrophages have been sho,v11 to may or may not occur in such chronically infected ani-
participate in a wide range of host responses to viral infec- mals. Potential mechanisms of viral persistence include
lions, iJ1cl udi ng pl1agocytosis of virus-a11UlJud y coII1- r1oncytocida1 infection of host cells, destructlon of lm-
304 PART III Viruses

FIGURE 49.3. Mechanisms of interferon action on protein


Ccl l ~

~~ ~----- ~

:2' - '.:» synthetase Pl/elF-.7a k in ase


2'-5' A

./.\ct ivates cellular
iniLiaLiun faclur el F-2
(RNase L)

Degrades rnRNA
lnhibits init iution
of protein synthesis

lnhibits protcin synthcsis

mune effector cells or growth within these ceU types, eva- of disease. Uisease, when it does occur in persistently in-
sion of protective host responses including cytokines and fected anin1als, often is a result of immunopathologic
antibodles, and integration of the viral genome into that mechanisms. Latent infections are those in which virus is
of tl1e host cell. Persistc11t infections are those in which demonstrated only when reactivation (recrudescence) oc-
virus continuously is prese11t, witl1 or will1oul expression curs; lhis is highly characterislic of her pesvirus infectio11s.
Parvoviridae and

PARVOVIRIDAE and the otl1er, whicl1 en codes tl1e capsid proleins of lhe
virus. VP3 constitutes the major capsid protein, and it ap-
Parvoviruses are small (18- 26 nm), nonenveloped icosahe- pcars to control tíssuc/ ccll tropism of thc virus. Virus rcpli-
dral viruses that contain a linear single-stranded DNA cation occurs within t he nucleus of host ce lis and, because
geno111e (MW approxin1ately 6 x 106 dallons). Men1bers of the viru s lacks its own DNA polymerase, replication of par-
the family Parvoviridae, genus Parvovirus, are the causative voviruses requires cells that are cycling (late S phase or
agcnt s of specific diseases (Table 50.1). A variety of other early G 2. phase of the cell cyc!e) so that they can l.ttilize
an imal parvoviruses h.ave been identitied, including host cell enzyn1es for tJ1eir ow n replicatio11.
ch icken parvovirus, mink enteritis virus, rnice minute Feline panleukopenia virus is closely relat ed to canine
virus, mouse parvovtrus 1, anli raccoon parvovirus. parvovirus and to mink enteritis virus, althougb thc thrcc
viruses can be distinguished by sequence analysis.

FELINE PANLEUKOPENIA Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents

Feline pa11leukopenia virus is very resisla11L lo environ-
Disease mental factors and many commercial disinfectants. A
0.175')-Q sodiutn hypochloritc solution (Clorox 1 :30) is the
FE'l ine p::inlE'11kopeni::i (syn . feline infec.tious enteritis) is ;:i most effective and practica! virucidal disintectant.
h igl1ly co1llagious, acule v iral disease of cals characler-
ized hy high fever, anorexia, depression, vomiting fol- lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
lowed by dehydration, diarrhea, an.d deat h. Leukopenia
is characteristic of feline panleul<openia, and t11e severity All u1eu1l..H:!r:; uf tlle fau11ly Felidue are likely to !Je :;u:;ceµtl-
of clinícal dísease often m irrors the severity of leukope- hle to infec.tion wi th feline panleukopenia virus. A very
n ia. Cats of all ages are susceptible to infection, but mor- closely related virus that .is antigenically indistiuguishable
tality is highest arnong kittens. Cats can be infected by ei- from feline panleukopenia virus causes enteritis in ranch
th er Ll1e oral or respiralory routes, and tl1e incubatio11 mink, and the same virus can produce disease in raccoons
p eriod after infec.tion is short. Intrauterine infection and in coatimundi. Canine parvovirus Type 2 has emerged
'vi th feline panleukope11ia virus may lead to neonatal relatively recently, and it is ancestrally closely related to fe-
death or congen itaI abnormalities of the central nervous line panleukopenia v irus.
system (CNS) manifested by cerebellar ataxia in kittens Feline prinleukopeni::i vin1s grovvs in pr.imary or con-
after birth; k.ittens up to 2 ,.,,eeks of age are susceptible to tinuous feline kidney cell cultures but not in canin:e cell
t h e same teratogenic effects of feline panleukopenia cultures.
virus infeclion.

Host-Virus Relationship
Etiologic Agent
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
Feline panleukopenia occurs worluwi<.le, auu iufecteu cats
Felíne panleukopenia virus is a typical parvovirus. 'fhe are the principal reservoir. Both infected c.ats suffering
vírions are unenveloped (18- 26 nm in diamctcr) with from acute disease and t hose having clinically inapparent
icosahedral symmetry. The genome is a single-stranded intection excrete virus in their urine, teces, and various se-
DNA molecule that includes two open reading fram es, one cretions. The infection spreads rapidly by contact wit h
uf whic!1 encode:; at least four proteins that mediate the contaminated utensils, cages, ar1d bedding, and the virus
fu nc.tions require<l for tr::insrription ::in<l DNA repHcation, is highly stable in the environment.

306 PA1u 111 Viruse:,

Ta b 1e 5 O. 1 . Diseases Caused by Pa rvoviruses

Vernacular Name Disease Natural Host

Fclinc panlcukopenia virus Enteritis, ataxia Cats
Mmk entent1s virus Enteritis Mink
únine parvovirus Type 2 Enteritis, myocarditis Dogs
Por<lne parvovirus Stillbirth, mummification emblyonic Swine
death. infertility
Bovine parvovirus Non e Cattle
Minute virus of caninesª Non e; dia.rrhea? Oogs
Minute virus of micc Dcvclopmcntal anomalies Mice
Aleut1an m1nk d11ease Aleut1an disease Mink
Kilham rat virus Developmental anomalies Rats
Goose parvovirus Hepatitis Goose

0 Also known as canine parvovirus Type l.

Pathogenesis and Pathology interferes with active immunization by modified live or in-
act1vated feline panleu.kopcnia viral vaccines.
Cell-free viren1ia occurs for severa! days in kittens experi-
mentally infected intranasally or orally with feline pan-
leul< virus, durlng whi<.:h the virus is tlis,:seulil1ateu Laboratory Diagnosis
throughout thP hndy ;incl inff>cts Cf>lls with the necessary
receptors. The virus then replicates in those cells that are Clinical signs, the presence of lcukopenia, and histopatho-
in S phase of the cell cycle, particularly hcmatopoietic cells lohTical cxamination are uscful for the presumptive diag
within thc bonc marrow and lymphoid tissues (thymus, nosis ot teline panteukopenia. The diagnosis can be con-
spteen, ano 1ymph nodes), lead1ng to severe ano pro- firmed by one of the following laboratory methods:
tracted leukopenia that affects all white blood cell types J) isolatlon of fellne panleukopenia virus fru1u tlle fece:. u;
anu atruphy uf lyu1phuiu ti:,::.uc.:s. Tl1e rapiuly ui vidi11g ct'll:. urine on feline kidney cells, 2) detection of viral antigen ir.
of the intestinal crypts ;il~o ;irP highly snsci>ptihli> to inff>r- i11f1:cled lissu1:::s by caplure .ELISA or i..n1.n1unofluorescence
lion, which leads to n1arked destruction of the intestinal staining with a felinc panleukopenia virus-specific antis-
epithelium with resultant malabsorption diarrhea. Histo- era conjuga te, 3) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifi
logic Jesions are charactcrizcd by necrosis of the epithe- cat1on ofviral nucleic acid, 4) serologic diagnosis is acco1n-
lium of the intestinal crypts and marked destructlon and pllshed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA
depletion of lyn1phocytcs in tl1e lympl1 nodes, thyrnus, o r indirect tmmunofluorescence, altl1ough paireu sera are
and spleen. Regeneratlve lymphoid hyperplasia may be required to confirm the diagnosis.
present in tl1e later ph¡¡se of the d isf>asi>.
111 lalc tern1 fetuses and very young kittens, the virus iI1-
fects and ctestroys the cell s within the external granular Treatment and Control
!ayer of thc ccrcbcllum, lending to cerebellar hypoplasia
and atrophy as a conscqucn<.:c of fail ure of the interna! 'rhere is no effectivc trcatrnent for ff>l inf> panleukopenia
granular !ayer to dcvclop, and to degeneration and loss of l11us conlrol ls achicvcd by vaccination, quarantine of cau
Purkinje cells. Similar congcnttal lesions can be pruuuceu that survivc infcction. and rigorous sterilization of prem-
hy in-ntf>ro infPrtions of rats, hamsters, ferrets, and rnicc iscs that havc housed affected cats. Higl1ly effective inaeti-
after infection al critica! stages of gestation with the ap- vated and modifted Uve feline panJcukopenia viral vacctne
propriate species of parvovin1s. are commercially availablc, although maternal antibodi3
can interferc wlth thc tmmunizatiun uf yuu11g kitte11s.
Host Responses to lnfection
Neutralizing antlbodles flrst appear in cats at appruxi-
mately 1 week after infcction, and high titf>rs of antihody (AN INE PARVOVIRUS 0 1SEASE
gene1ally are present after 10 to 12 days. I Iemagglutination-
inhibiting antibodies rise from the fourth day after infec- Disease
tion, rcaching a peak on thc scvcnth day. These antibodies
can persist in cats for severa! ycars. Maternal antibody with Parvoviral dlsease in dogs ts characterized lJy tl1e suudd.
neutralizing titer of 30 or grcatcr against feline panleukope- onset of diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, ff>vi>r, cit>pre.ssior
nia virus protects klttcns agalnst viral infectiun, but it alsu ly1r1phvv1:::11ia, and del1ydration. Mortality is higl1er ;;:.
Chapter 50 Parvoviridae and Circoviridae 307

!JUppies than adults. Very young puppies sometin1es de- nized as a consequence of in-utero infection of dogs with
eluµ r1.1yocar<.liti:s vvill1oul cli11ical signs of enletilis. canine parvovirus. Sinlilarly, n1yocardilis is a poleILlial COIL-
The disease occurs worldwide. It vvas first recognized in sequence of parvovirus infection ofyoung pups, whereas it
Xorth America in 1978, but retrospective serological stud- is not described in panleukopenía-virus infec'ted kittens.
:es indicate that the virus rapidly spread around the >'llorld Cell-free viremia precedes infection of the intestinal ep-
:..'1 the early 1970s to cause. a subsequent global pande.míe. itheliun1 and lymphoid tissues, including thymus, tonsils,
canine parvoviral disease is caused by canine parvovirus retropharyngeal and mesenteric lymph nodes, and spleen
-:-y'Pe 2, which is a variaot of feline paoleukopenia virus. of infected puppies, and '"'idespread infection of the intes-
C<t.! Lir1e varvoviru~ Type 211a~ co11U11ueli Lo evulve :si11ce il Liual u1ucu:sa uccur:s ur1 a!JouL Ll1e :sixll1 <.lay a(Ler experi-
~merged in dogs, vvith the appearance of newvariants that mental inoculation. Fecal excretion of virus begins as soon
have been designated as canine parvovirus Type-2a and as the third day after infection and peaks soon thereafter.
•ype-2b. ·rhe Ininute virus ot carllncs that does not pro- Most infected dogs stop excreting virus by the n..,elfth day.
duce disease in dogs be.en desigoated as canine par The 1nost striking lesion of parvovirus enteritis in dogs
,-ovirus Type l .. is hemorrhage '"ithin the lumen of the small bO\..,el and
accompanyi og cnlargement and edema of the mesenteric
1yrnph i rode:s. MuLlle<.l w lllle :streaks withi11 the n1yucarc.liurr1
ftiologic Agent are indicative of cardiac involvement in young puppics.
Microscopic lesions associated with can.ine parvoviral
:ihysical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties in1ection are confined to o rgans \·vith large populations of
rapidly proliferating cells, such as the small intestine,
Type 2 is very sin1ilar to fr~line pnnlf'11-
.Canine. parvovirus
.lympl1 nades, and bone marrow. rhe most frequent find-
ings in the small intestine are necrosis of crypt epithelii1m
aud alrophy of epillielial villi. Reger1erC1tiur1 uf ir1testinC1l
~esistance to Physical and Chemical Agents epithelium occurs in dogs surviving the acutc~ phase of en-
teric infection. Lymphocytolysis in the thyn1jc cortex and
Parvovirus is very resistant to environmental factors, such
ger1uü1al centers of lymph nodes is common and results in
as extremes of temperature, pH, and sorne disinfectants. cellular dcplction. Jn thc n1yocardial form of p arvoviral in-
Th P vir11s r;:in pP r<;i<;t fnr long pPrincls in prPmi<;P<; whPrP in -
rect1on, the ventricular myocard1um shows myof1ber de-
fected dogs are kept and can be trans1nitted to other areas
generation and 11ecrosis that is accompanied by infiltra-
by fomites. It can be inactivated by comrnon bleach such
tiuu lJy 1Ilü11U11U<..:leC!I <..:ells.
as Clorox (1:30).

nfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems Host Response to lnfection

Canine parvovirus 1'ype 2 infects dogs of all breeds and Dogs infected vvltl1 parvovtrus rapidly dcvelop hlgl1, long-
\;:i<;ting titPr<; nf vir11<; nPntr; ;:intihncliP<; ThP irnmn -
ut lrer Iue1u!Jer::. uf Ll1e íarILily Cuniúue, :>uch a:- vvvlve:>,
foxes, and r.oyotes. Do1nestic cats without antibodies to nity that develops after natural infection appears to be life-
the virus are susceptible to experin1ental infection but re- long in dogs that survive. Cellular imm une responses also
DJain asyn1pto1natic. are gcncratcd during infcction, and likcly are important in
Canine parvovirus 1'ype 2 can be propagated in primary hmitü1g virus replicatio11 during acutc il1fection.
cell cultures of canine or feline fetal lung and l<idney, as
';\·en as continuous cell lines such as canine cell line A72
au<.l fcliue ccll liue:s NLFK alH.l CRFK. 1'1Je virus al::.o gruw:s Laboratory Diagnosis
in sorne r.ells frorn son1e other animal species.
CJinical signs, history, contrast radiography, a11d histo-
pathological exan1inatio11s are useful il1 a presun1ptive di-
Host-Virus Relationship agnosis of canine parvoviral disease. Laboratory proce-
durcs uscd to confirm thc diagnosis includc the following:
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
l. lsolation ot canine parvovirus ·rype 2 from the teces
Type 2 parvovirus infection of dogs and other members of or tissues of infected animals on susceptible ce.Il cul
rbe family Cantdae is prevaJent in many areas of the worlct. tures, or by identification of parvoviral nucleic acid
Parvovirus-infected dogs continue to excrete infectious in infected tissues by PCR.
virus in LheiJ feces for up Lo 10 days afler Lhe onsel of infec- 2. DeLecliur1 uf JJC1rvuvirC1l C1Htiger1 ir1 the histological
tion, and the virus is readily transmitted bet,.veen dogs by sections of intestine hy the imm11nof111orf'S<f'nt or
rhc fcco-oral routc. immunohistochemical staining with virus-specific
~athogenesis and Pathology 3. Dem.onstration of parvovirus in feces or infcctcd
tissue by electron rnicroscopy or immunoelectron
~he patl1ogenesis of Type 2 parvovirus infection of dogs is in1croscopy.
~n1ila1 lo Lhal of panleukopenia v irus infeclion of cals, al- 4. Jc.leutification of parvovirus in teces by hcmaggluti-
though cerebellar hypoplasia and atrophy is not recog- nntion test 11sing S\~>inf' or rht•sus tnonkey red blood
308 l'ART 111 Viruses

cells and t h e specific hemagglutination-inhibition 0.06% potassium dichloroisocyanurate for 5 minutes, or

by nnticnninc pnrvov irus nnti:icrum. to 3'){, formaldchydc for 1 hour.
5. Detection of parvovirus in feces by ELfSA using
monoclonal antibodies to the canine parvovirus
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
Type 2 bemagglutl11atlng protein.
6. Demonstration of anticanine parvovirus antibody Porcine parvovirus apparently infects only swine. 'l'he
i11 :;eru111 l.Jy sucl1 serulugic t est:; as l1eu1agglutiua- viru:; <.:a11 !Je .LJIU.LJagated 011 vri111ary or secor1dary cultures
tion inhihit ion, virus n eutralization, or ELTSA. The of fetal porcine kidney cells and swine testicle cells.
IgM-cnpturc .CLISA cnn. be u3cd t o co1úirm rcccnt in-
tection ot dogs.
Host-Virus Relationship
Treatment and Control Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
Parvovirus infection is endemic in. many hPr<ls, anrl in -
Severe cases of canine parvoviral rlisPasP arP c.harac.terize<l fecled swine serve as tl1e reservoir of i11fection. Infected
by n1arked dehydration and n1etabolic acidosis, thus sup- swine develop a viremia and shed virus in their oral secre-
portive treatment relies on replaling lost body fluids and tions and feces. Sincc thc porcinc parvovirus can pcrsist in
corrccting disturbcd clcctrolytc balance nnd acidosis. the environment for long periods of time, contaminated
Hroad-spectrum antibiotics are used to prevent secondary premises serve as a major reservoir of virus that is respon -
bacteria! iI1fections. Vacci11ation of susceptible canine sible for its transmlssion to susceptible anirnals. Cdirier
populations remai11s tbe best prophylaxis for canine par- boars also can disseIDÍI1ate the virus in their se1nen. Al-
voviral infection. An tibody levels correlate directly with ll1ough rals n1ay be h1fected experin1entally with porcin e
lhe deg1ee oí p1otecliort. Effective inactivated and modi- parvovirus, they are unlikely to serve as natural reservoirs
fied live parvoviral vaccines are available, although the of the virus.
presence of mater11al antibodies illterferes with active im-
munization ot puppies. Canine parvovirus is very resistant
to environ1nc11tal fact ors and can persist under adverse Pathogenesis and Pathology
conditions for a long period, thus prompt disinfection of Swine infected with porcine parvovirus produce antibod-
premises where infected animals are being kept and vacci- íes without developir1g clirlical <.lisease or obvious lesions.
uatior 1 of .LJU.LJpies vrior lo lheir inlroducllon lo such Reproductive disPasP orrnrs when seronegative sows are
premises are important in preventing this disease. exposed to the virus during gestation, and the conse-
quences (fetal death with or without mummification, em-
bryonic dcath, or infcrtility) of transplacental transmis-
PORCINE PARVOVIRUS INFECTION sion of the virus are reflective of the gestational stage of
the sow at lnfection. Lesions within stillborn fetuses are
Disease ofte11 i1011svecific, bul can include foci of necrosis anc
mononuclear cell infiltration in organs such as the liver.
Jnfection of swine wit h porcine parvovirus occurs world- heart, kidney, and cerebrum.
wide and sometimes leads to reproductive failure in swine
and cutaneous lesions in piglets. Transplacental infection Host Responses to lnfection
of fPt11sPs IP:irls to stillhirth, m11mmiñration, Pmhryonic.
death and infertility, the so-called SMEDI syndrome. 'fhe Piglets and no.npregnant adult swine infected wit~
porci11e reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus is porcine parvovirus tlevelop virernia witl1uut olJviuus clini-
now considered to be a more important cause of SMEDI ral <lisease. 'fhese animals develop a strong humoral im-
syndrome tha11 porcine parvovirus. mune response and are resistant to subsequent reinfectior.
\vith the virus. Piglets acquire high titers of virus-specific
antibodies tl1rough the colostrum of immune sows.
Etiologic Agent
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties Laboratory Diagnosis
Porcine parvovirus resembles feline and ca11ine parvovi- Parvovirus antigen can be detected in the tissues of affected
ruses. 1'here is only one serotype, and porcine parvovirus is fetuses by lm1nunofluorescent or immunohisto<.:henli<.:al
antigenically different than other parvoviruses. staining or by capture ELISA. A PC~.R assay has ;i lso hPen rle-
veloped for tl1e detectio11 of porcine parvovirus.
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
Pon..:iue parvoviru:; is very resislaul lo heal, e11¿yrnes, ar1d Treatment and Control
most commercial disinfectants. The virus is inactivated by
heat at 73ºC for 30 minutes or at 70°C for 1 hour, or by ex- There is no treatment for reproductivc failurc produccd
posure to 0. ~o/o SOdium hypochlorite tor ~ minutes, to by porcine parvovirus, and vaccinat1on of breed1ng g1lts
CltuJ1ler 50 Pur voviriclae and (;ircoviridae 309

remains the best method to ensure tbat gilts develop ac- Pathogenesis and Pathology
tive immunity prior to being bred. Both inactivated and
rr1otlifietl live v<1cciJ1e~ are <1vailable, bul vaccina lion n1usl In mink experimentally infected with ADV, viral antigen is
be carefully timed to ensurP that anirnals a rP i mm 11 n first detected in the intestine and kidney and subsequently
in the spleen, liver, kidney, lymph nodes, and bone mar-
afte1 passive antibodies are lost and before the animals
row. 1'here h: a significant increase in the amounts of
are bred.
gamma globulin and anti-DNA antibody in the sera of in-
fected rnink. 'rhe serum garnma globulin does not neutral-
ize Al)V, a11d i111111une con1plexes appea1 in circulatlon as
ALEUTIAN DISEASE IN MINK early as 2 weeks after infection. The glomerular deposition
of iinmunc complcxcs rcsults in glomcruloncphritis.
Di sea se
Host Responses to lnfection
.<Ueulian clisease (AD) in n1ink is a cl1ronic progresslve dis- Hypergammaglobulinemia (predominantly IgC;) is the
easP. c.harac.tP.rizerl hy anorexia, polydipsia, severe anemia, u1ust proullnent fedture of ulink infected with ADV, l>ut
and hemorr.h ages. The disease has a long incubation pe- the prcsencc of t his antihody <loes not fac.ilitate virus
riod. Characteristic features of the disease in adult minks clcarancc.
are dissemianted plasmacytosis (aggregates of plasma cells
in many tissues), uveitis, vascular damage, hypergamma-
globulinemia, and glomerulonephritis, the last of \.Yhich is Laboratory Diagnosis
caused by deposition of circulating imn1une con1plexes. In
newborn mink kits, Aleutian disease virus (ADV) causes a Solid-phase radioilnn1une assay, direcl ilnn1u11oíluores-
fatal, acutc intcrstitial pncumonitis. A gcnctic prcdisposi- cence, and immunoperoxidase staining techniques ca11 be
tion for the disease exists in Aleutian mink. lt appears that uscd to dcmonstratc AD viral antigcn in tissucs. Thc cou11-
mink homozygous for the recessive Aleutian gene have a
terimmunoelectrophoresis ((JE) t est for AIJ viral antibody
genetic defect in preventtng the clearance of ctrculating can be used to identify infected mink.
irnmune complexcs.

Treatment and Control

Etiologic Agent
No effective vaccines have been developed for the AD of
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties mink. Control is achieved through the isolation and/or
elimination of affected animals.
Aleutian mink virus resembles tb.e other parvoviruses that
p rcviously wcrc dcscribed. Tl1e Aleutian disease virus is
antigenically unrelated to mink enteritis virus, which is
closely related to feline panleukopenia virus. CIRCOVIRIDAE
Circoviruses recently have been shown to be important
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
pathogens of animals. Like parvoviruses they are small
Aleutian mink virus is in::ictivatPcl hy socli11m hypoc.h lo- no11enveloped icosahedral viruses (approximately 1?.- ?.6
rite, iodophor, glutaraldehyde, formalin, and phenols. 11111) witl1 a ge110111e of si11gle-stranded DNA. In1portant
viruses witl1in the family Circoviridae include beak and
feather disease virus, chicken infcctious anemia virus, and
lnfectivity for Other Species and Cell Systems
porcine circovirus. A pathogenic circovirus also has been
Alcutian discasc virus infccts mink of all typcs, although idc11tified in pigeons, and sirnilar viruses infect humans as
disease is more prevalent in the Aleutian. Ferrets can well as o the r bird species.
be infected wit h ADV, but they do not develop clinical
signs of the disease. 'fhe virus can be propagated in fetal
mín k kiclnPy cPI 1 c11 lt11rPs or in fpJ i nP c.ell l i nP.s.

Host-Virus Relationship Disease

Distribution, Reservoir, and Transrnission

Beak and feather disease (BFD) is a disease of psitaccine
birds. Thc scvcrity of BfD varíes with the age and species of
Aleutian disease of mink is present in many mink ranches the affected bird. 'J'he characteristic changes associated
worldwide. The virus is found in the blood, saliva, feces, with BFD are the appearance of necrotic and abnormal
and urine. Mink with overt cllnical signs or with inappar- feathers (feathers that are bent, contain hemorrhages, or
ent infection are the reservoirs of infection. 'I'he disease is are prematurely shed), although the pattern of abnormal
transn1itled by fecal-oral or respiratory roules. feall1erin,g varjes wiLl1 ll1e age of tl1e l>ird at iI1fec"tion. Beak
310 PAKr 111 Viruses

and nail deformities occur in sorne chronically affected gressive feather abnormalities, and eventual death. Death
birds. Severe, acute disease characterized by pneumonia, in sorne birds likely is a conseque11ce of secondary iI1fec-
Ciltt'.ritis, i:aµid weigl1t loss, ano U<;:ath is µartiLularly t:o1n- tion!), perl1aps a!)sociated witl1 iluu1uue supµression.
mon in neonatal cockatoos and Africa11 grey par.rots, an,d Histologic Jesions are dependent on the (h1ration ancl
death niay occur in these birds before feather abnorn1ali- severity of the disease in individual birds, but characteris-
ties occur. tic intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies
may be prcscnt in the epithelial cells lining thc fcuthcr
shaft, and in macrophages in the thymus, bursa, and other
Etiologic Agent ly1nphoid tissues.

Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties Host Responses to lnfection

Virions of BFD virus ure upproximately 19 26 nm, nonen Birds that previously were exposed to BFD virus are resist-
veloped, with a ge11on1e of circular single-stranded DNA ant to reinfcction . Maternal antibodies likcly provide pas-
that is transcribed to produce a single, polycistronic m RNA
sive protection of chicks against BFD virus infection for
that encodes at least threc proteins. several >veeks after birth.

Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents

A1tl1ough tl1c spccific properties of BFD virus ren1uin to
Laboratory Diagnosis
be determined, other circoviruses are resistant to low pH Dicfgnosis of DF.D currently is dependent on idcntifi cation
(pH 3), high temperature (>70ºC), as well as ma11y chemi-
of tl1e clinical signs and characteristic gross and h istologic
cals, such as chlorofor1n, ether, and alcohol.
changcs in tl1e tissues of affect ed birds. Botl1 11ucleic acid
hybridization and imn1u11ohistocbemical staining assays
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems can be used to detect BFD ' 'irus in the tissues of affected
The DPD virus appears to infect only psittacine birds, and
it has yet to be propagated in cell culture systems.
Treatment and Control
Host-Virus Relationship
Control of BFD currently is dependent on the elilnination
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission or qu aran tine of carrier birds to preve11t transn1ission of
BFD virus to susceptible cohorts. Severa! vaccines have
Psittacine BFL1 has been described among birds in North bee11 devcloped to prcvent BFD virus infection, but they
An1erica, Europe, Asia, a11d Australia. Tl1c virus likcly 11as currently are not •videly avaUable.
been disserninated by the moven1ent of infected Aus-
tralian psittucinc birds, bccausc BFD virus is cndcmic i11
tree-ranging populations of severa! psittacine species in
Australia, notably cockatoos. A wide variety of cockatoos, (HJCKEN INFECTIOUS ANEMIA
parrots, lovebirds, and parakeets are susceptible to BFD.
The virus is sp read directly beti'\Teen infected and suscepti- Chicken infectious ane1nia (CIA) is a d isease of young
ble birds by aerosol or by fo1niles. ·rhe fea ll1er dusl, excre- chickcrts (2-4 weeks of age), characterized by aplastic ane-
tions, and secretions from infected birds all contain BFD mia, generalized lymphoid atrophy, a11d profound im.-
virus, a11d th.c virus is vcry stablc and resistant in thc cnvi- mune supprcssion that leads to secondary (opportunistic)
ronment. Vertical tra11sm ission of the virus from infected viral, bacteria!, and fungal infections. Bin.1s become resist-
birds to their chicks also n1ay contribute to disse1nination ant to CIA disease after approximately 3 wee.ks of age, but
of the virus. the disease causes serious economic losses to tl1<::: µoultry
industry vvorldwide. Genetically clistinc:t strains of CTA
virus are recognized, although these are a11tigenically sim-
Pathogenesis and Pathology
ilar or identical and tl1ere is little difference in the viru-
'I'he majority of free-ranging and captivc birds cxposed to lence of individuul struins. C IA virus is highly resistant to
BFD virus develop only subcJinical infections and are re- n1ost treat1nents. The virus is infectious only to chicl<ens,
sistant to reinfection . The age of the bird at initial expo- although related viruses may infect otl1er bird specif'S. The
sure, the presence and levels of p rotection provided by rna- ClA virus cau !Je µropagaled in chicken en1bryos, day-old
ternal antibody, a.nd the route and titer of the infecting chicks, and in avi~in T ;:incl R lymphoc:yte lines. Diagnosis is
viru!) all likcly iufluence Ll1e oulcon1e. 1'he incubalio11 pe- by virus isolation, PCR detection of the virus, or immuno-
riod of BFD virus infection is often p rolonged, and signs of histoche1nical staining of the tissues of affected birds,
disease including death n1ay not occur until long aftcr ini- using ClA virus-spcclfic antiboclies. Serological assays
tial infection. Acu tc or peracute death occurs in very (ELISA, indirect immunot1uorecsence, and vir11s neutral-
young birds that lack maternal im.munity. Affected young ization) have been developed for serological detection of
birds n1ay exhibit inappetance, lethargy, crop-stasis, pro- ClA virus infection of birds. 1'he virus is Ui!)se1uü1aled bolh
Chupler 50 Purvuviridue a1H.l Circuviridue 311

:Corizontally and vertically, and vaccination of breeding in swine. PMWS ts an economJcally important disease of
:':ocks wi th modified live virus is used to prevent vertical young pigs that is characterized by generalized lymph
u a11sn1ission of ll1e virus. No specific lrealn1e11l is avail- node e11largerne11l, cl1rorlic pneurno1lia, aucl weighL loss.
able for chickens infected with CIA virus. Characteristic histologic lesions include generalized lym-
phoid depletion and granulomatous inflammation. Ma-
crophages in affected lymphoid tissues may contain ba-
sophilic inclusion bodies. Whereas Type 2 circovirus
PORCINE PosTWEANING MULTISYSTEMIC WASTING infection is ubiquitous in swine herds, PWMS occurs only
SYNDROME sporadically in susceptible svvine, suggesting that other
fac tors may potent iate development of PWMS in
Two distinct types of porcine circovirus (Types 1 and 2) circovirns-infecterl pigs. The porcine circovirus TypP ?. may
h avc been idcntificd in pigs. Typc 1 porcinc circovirus ori- be detected in the tissues of pigs by immunohistochem-
ginally was identitied as a celJ cu.Lture contaminant and is istry, in situ hybridization, or by PCR assay. The virus can
not known to cause any disease in pigs. In contrast, Type 2 be propagnted in ccll culture, and ELISA assays havc bccn
porcine circovirus recently vvas incriminated as t he cause developed for serological detection of ·1ype 2 circovirus in-
of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) fection of swine.
Asfarviridae and

ASFARVIRIDAE of enzymes and proteiI1:; reyuirell Coi ieplicalio11. The viral

eenomf' ;i lso Pncod~s proteins that appear to modulate the
Thf' Asfarviridae includes just one genus, the gen us Asfi- protective host ant iviral response.
virus, of whi<.:h African swine fcvcr virus is t hc typc Severa! gcnetically distinct groups of ASF virus have
specics. bccn idcntificd by rcstriction endc>nuclease analysis of the
gcno1nes of ASF viruses 1solatcd in different regions of t he
world. Strains of ASf virus can vary markedly in their viru-
lencc in swlne.
Resistance to Physic;il and Chemical Agents
Afriuiu ~wi 11e feve1 vi1 us is stable iI1 tissues and excretions.
African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious disease of The virus can withstand a considerable range in pH (pH
domestic and somc spcclcs of wiltl swine. Visease iI1 ASF 4 to 13). The ASP virus is inactivatcd by hcating to 60ºC for
virus-infected pigs ranges from per.icutf' to chronic .ind in- 20 minutes and by lipid solvents and some disinfectants
appa1enl¡ incursions of the virus into native populations (paraphcnylphenolic disinfectants are very effective
of do1nestic swine typically result in extensive outbreaks of against thc virus).
acutc ASr, and thc subacutc and chronic forros appear
alter the virus becomes established m the p1g popuJatíon. lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
Acute, severe AS!-' has a high mortality, often approaching
lOOo/o, and dcath may occur prior to tleveloprnent uf clirli- African swine fevcr viru~ u1ft:cl~ do111eslic and wild pigs
cal signs. Thc discasc is ch;ir;ictf'ri7.f'd hy high fever and (incl11ding wild hoars), warthogs, giant forest
leukopenia, oftcn followed by the appearance of erytl1ema hogs and bush pigs. Soft tick::; of the genus Ornithodoros
(red arcas on the skin), weakness, accelerated respiration tra11smit thc virus as biological vectors. 011ly domestic and
and pulse.:, vomiting, bloody diarrl1ca, a11d nasal and con- wild pigs (feral pigs and European ~vild boars) express clin-
junctival tlischarges. Subacute ASF is charactertzed by less ícal disease, whereas African wild p.igs do not.
dramatic clinical signs and dcath or recovery in 3 to 4 African swine fever virus replicates in pig macrop.h ages,
weeks. Affectcd plgs typlcally experience a lligl1 fever; and can be ¡Jrv¡.¡agateu i11 vít10 on cultures of swine bone
abortion is common ;.ind n1;iy hf' thf' on ly .sign of illness. rnarrow cclls, monocytes, and alveolar macrophages. 1'he
Pigs wilh chronic ASF fail to thrive (sh111ting and emacia- virus can also be adapted to various cstablishcd ccll lines
tion), and cxhibit swollen joints and lameness, skin ulcer- (pig kidney, VERC), and 13HK).
ations, and pncumonia.

Host-Virus Relationship
Etiologic Agent
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
African swinc fcver was first described in European domes-
Afr1can swine fever virus is an enveloped DNA virus with a tic pigs In Kenya In the early 1900s, a111l Lhe disease regu-
nucleoprotein core of 70-100 nm that is Sl.urounded by larly has emcrg<>rl in to othf'r rf'gions of the world since that
lipid layers anti an icu~al1etlral LatJ:>id oC 170-190 nn1 in di- tiI11e. The disease spread outside of Africa for the first time
ametf'r. Thf' virion is .surrounded by a lipid-containing en- in 1957 when it appeared on the Iberian Península, aná
velope (fig 51.1). Thc genome is a single largc (170- 190 kilo subscqucntly has occurred in Mediterranean Europe
bases) molecule of double-strandcd UNA that includes ap- (Spain, Francc, Ttaly, Malta, SardiI1ia), northern Europe
proximatcly 150 open reading frames. Virions contain (Belgium and the Netherlands), tl1e Caribbean (Cuba, the
more t11an 50 d1fferent proteins, including a Jarge number Dominlcan Rcpubllc, anti Haiti), a111l Soull1 Arneric.a

Chapter 51 Asfarviridae and Iridoviridae 313

Pathogenesis and Pathology

f 1G U RE 5 1. 1. A frican swine fever virus in thin section of
infected tissue culture ce/Is. 58,000X. (Courtesy of te Pang.) Following oral ur r1a:;al ex.pu:;urt:: uf llu1n1::stic pig:; to ASF
v irus, virus replication initially occurs in the upper respira-
tory Lracl '1'Vitl1 subsequenl dissen1il1atio11 to adjacent
lyn1ph nodes and then systemic spread via leukocytcs, ery-
throcytcs, or both ir1 thc lymph ond blood; this occurs
within 3 days postinfecti<.n1 and corresponds closely vvith
the onset of pyrexia. TI1e virus replicates in macroph ages;
thus highest titers uf virus uccur in those tissues in w!licl1
macroph;:iges <lrf' most ;:ihunclant.
Ac.ute severe ASF is c.haracterized by edema and hemor-
rhage vtithin internal organs, particularly the lymph
nodcs and splccn, whic.h can be vcry largc and intc11scly
11emorrhagic. Pulmo11ary edema and intestinal congestio11
and he1norrhage also are com¡non. The lesions of sul1acute
ASF are similar t>ut less p ronounce<.l, whereas anin1als with
chronic ASF rriay shO\<V fihrino11s peric;:irciitis ;:ind plP11ritis,
lobular consolidation of the lungs, swollen joints, and
patchy necrosis of the skin. Lesions in aborted. piglets are
rclati.v cly nonspecific, but may il1clude disseminated pe-
tecl1ial hemorrhages.
Microscop ic lesions are most pronounced in the Jy1n-
p hoid tissues, and in elude extensive necrosis of both lym-
phocyte<; ;:inci monon11cle;:ir phagocytic cells. F.nrlothelial
cell necrosis and thrombosis of the puln1onaryvasculature
is common in fulminant cases of acute ASF.

Host Responses to lnfection

!'igs that survivc infection witl1 ASF virus develop a strong
humoral immune (antibody) response; hovvever, this re-
sponse is largely ineffectual in the virus. Wliy
the antibody responsf' of swine to ASF is largely ineffectn;:il
ren1ail1s u11certain, but it clearly is a reflectio.n of the inher-
ent properties of ASF virus itself. Nevertheless, efforts at
developing an effective vaccinc are complicatcd by thc in-
ability ot swine to produce !1igll titers of neutralizing anti-
bodies to the virus.
(Brazil). African $\<Vine fever has been described through-
out much of Africa.
'f'he ASF v irus e.xists in tvvo distinct cycles of infection: Laboratory Diagnosis
first, a sylvatic cycle in ticks and "vild pigs in Africa;
and, second, epidemic a11d endem ic cycles in domestic Laboratory tests are requirecl to d istinguish between hog
swinc. '!'he rcscrvoirs of the sylvatic cycle of ASF virus in- cholera and .l\SF, beca u se the two diseases cause very similar
fection in Africa are perststent or inapparent infections in signs ancl Jesions in susceplible pigs, inclucling fever, high
.'\frican \.vild pigs ('"'arthogs in particular) and the soft mortality, and hemorrhages within interna! organs. 11ssues
tick vector. Vertical trans1nissiun uf ASP virus iI1 the tick submitted should lnclude spleen, liver, lympl1 nodes, and
ve.ctor makes them an e.specially efficient reservoir of the blood. Virus isolation ca11 be used to identity ASF virus, and
virus. 'fhe virus sprcads in to dornestic swine through the then confirmed with hemadsorption. In1.munofluorescent
bites of infected ticks, or by ingestion of tissues from car- or immunoperoxidase stalntng o.f sections of rtssue fro1n af-
rier swinc. Tl1e virus the11 is readily transmitted to suscep- fected pigs using ASFvirus-specific antisera provides a rapid
tible pigs by di rect contact, including aerosols and 1ueLI1od oJ lli<lguusi~. Tecl1uiques l.Jdsed 011 puly1nerase
fo1nites . The virus is easily transmitted over long dis- chain reaction (PC.R) can also he used to rapidly identify the
tances because uf its stability in infectell tissues, inclu<.1- presence of ASP virus genomic material.
ing uncooked and sorne cu red pork products. 1mpor-
tantly, soft ticks become infected '-vith t he virus after they
feed on viremic swine, and thus they can beco1ne reser- Treatment and Control
voirs of the virus after it incurs into previously nor1iI1-
fected re¡.,>ions. Pigs that survive infection with r'\SF virus There is no effective vaccine or treatment for ASL". Eradica-
beco1ne carriers of the virus. tion of the dísease is accomplished by slaugh.ter and dis-
314 PART III Viruses

posal of all exposed pigs after the virus incurs into new the majority of the outer capsid. The double-strande:.
i:lreas. These dri:lstic IIH:'dsures, however, rndy not prevent DNA genome is circular dntl terrnir1ally re<.lur1ddnt \.\i::.
the virus fron1 spreading to the local populations of soft many of the interna! cytosine residues heing h iglL
t icks and wild pigs. Prcmiscs t h .a t un.dergo cradication pro- mcthylated. Dcfinitivc diagnosis is bcst madc by v iral iK-
cedures must not onJy slaughter all. pigs but also must be latiOn an.d/or characterization of the genome by molec.:-
treated with insecticides and disinfectant containing O - lar biology techniques.
phenylpl1enol wíth surfactants and must remain free of Lymphocystis virus infects a wide variety of fish ~-i-:
livestock for at least a montl1. Prior to restocking, suscepti- causes unsightly "''art-like c-utaneous lesions. 'fhese lesia__
ble sentinel anlmals should be placed on the premises to con.sist of benign proliferations of l1ypertruphied, vi~
confinn eradication of the virus. infectf'cl cells (fihrohlasts and osteohlasts) on the s~
perito11eum, and inesentery. The lesion.s typically resol.-.e
with mini1nal mortality. The virus spreads by direct co::-
tact through abrasi.o ns, especially when fish are crowdec..
IRIDOVIRIDAE thus disease caused by lymphocystis virus is especially ~­
port ant in fish raised in aquaria and in sorne commerd.:...
The family /ridoviridae includes four genera (genus lridovi- aguaculture operations. ·rwo st rC1ir1s uf ly111phucystis tlb-
rus, Chloriridovirus, Ranavirus, and Lyrnphocystísvirus) that ease vi rus (T.CDV) h;:ivp hef'n clescrihed, with LCDV-1 heir.::
are serologically distinct. Viruses in the genera Ranavirus associated with flounder and LCDV-2 being associateé.
and Lyrnµhu<.yslisvirus ci:luse ilui>OrlaIJL disease:> of fish . wit !1 dabs. In contrast, the Ranavirus genus has been as-
I ridoviruses are enveloped viruses that ha ve icosahedral sociated with high mortality in both farmed and fret;-
symmetry vvith a virion d iameter of 120- 200 nm but occa- ra11ging fish . These pathogenic iridoviruses causing fara¡
sionally up to 350 nm. The geno me is a single molecule ot systemic disease are closely related to frog virus 3 (F\'3
double-stranded DNA of between 110 and 300 kilo base the latter servln.g as the prototype ran¡-¡virus. Meu1lJers c.:
pairs. Iridoviruses, like asfarviruses, are structurally com- this genus l1ave been reporteti to causf' Ppizootir hematr-
plex with large ¡1umbers of virus-specific proteins (at least poietic necrosis a11d syslcn1ic hen1orrhagic disease in fisJ-"-
36) e11coded by the genome. A single p rotein constitutes
Papillomaviridae and


The papillomaviruses are widespread among marnmals, At least six types of bovine papilloma virus are distin-
!laving been identified in cattle, sh<::'.cp, goats, dccr, clk, guishcd on thc basis of thcir antigcnic and nuclcotidc sc-
!lorses, rabbits, dogs, monkeys, pigs, opossums, mice, ele- quence homologies. They can be further distinguished on
~hants, and several species of birds. Cottontail rabbit pa- the basis of the nature of the lesions that they cause in cat-
pillomavirus is the type species. Virus-induced papillomas tle. Cutaneous fibropaplllomas (wart s) caused by paplllo-
~varts) are benign, hyperplastic epithelial proliferations of maviruses Types l , ?., and .5 o r.c11r c'ommonly in c::ilves
•.h e ski11 or 111ucous n1eu1branes Ll1al n1ay u11dergo n1alig- tl1an two years old. They appear n1ost frequently on the
=1ant transformation in certain circumstances. Sorne papil- head, especially in tl1e skin around the eyes. 'fhey may also
_o maviruses also cause proliferatio11s of mcscnchymal tis- appcar on thc sidcs of thc neck and less commo11ly on
S'..ies in the skin, with or without associated epithelial other parts of the body. They begin as sma.11, nodular
z¡roliferations. Those proliferations with exclusively ep- growths that then grow rapidly into dry, hor11y, whitish,
::helial proliferation are papillomas, whereas those \.Yith cauliflower-like masses tl1at event ually regress sponta-
:;'T-Oliferatlon ofboth mesenchymal (fibrous tissue) and ep- neously. ·rhe histological appearance is a vari.a ble mi.xturP
Lhelial tissue are termed fibropdpilloruC:Js. Papillonra- of proliferaling dern1al fibrous tissue and overlying epithe-
""iruses are highly species-specific, and thus are gener::illy li11m. lnfP.c.tious papillomas (without a fibrous tissue com-
,_;JUtC:Jgiou:; ouly Lo Lbe ani1nal species iI1 whicl1 they natu- ponent) that occur on the skin and teats of dairy cattle are
-ally occur. Virus-induced et1taneous papillomas (warts) also associated >-vith intection by bovine papillomaviruses,
:L~ con1mon in horscs und cattlc and infrcquent in dogs, as are sorne epithelial proliferations (polyps) that occur in
·'heep, and goats. Not all papillomas are caused by viruscs, the bladder and gastrointestinal tract, particularly those
:I'ld p apillomaviruses have yet to be identified in cats. that affect the esophagus, forestomachs, and intestines.
Fibropapillo1na is a ¡.iapillo111avirus-i11duced Lun1or thal
occ11rs on the penis of young bulls and the vagina and
:=:iologic Agents vulva of young heifers. 'rhese are fleshy, raised multinodu-
lar proliferations that consist ot abundant tibrous tissue
~pillomaviruses havc i1akcd icosahcdral capsids approxi- covered by epithelium ofvariable thickness.
=:ately SS nrn in diarneter (Fig 52.1). ·rhe viral genome is a rlost immune responses eventually control papillo-
...::-!glc circular 1nolccule of double stranded DNA that en- mavirus infections because most warts persist for variable
.xles betwee11 8 and 10 proteins; 2 are structural (Ll and periods and usually spontaneously regress. The host Is
:...: an d the remainder are nonstructural proteins that are then imrn11nP to rPinfP.rtion with the samic virus, hut not
~n Lial for virus replicalion. to other types of bovine papillomavirus. Treatment of
bovine papillomatosis with finely ground wart tissue sus-
pended in a 0.4o/o formalin !;olution has been used for
,apilloma Types many years to com.bat outbreaks ofthe disease, but it is dif-
ficult to evaluate the efficacy of this procedure since the
Papillomaviruses are highly restricted in l)Oth their host disease ls self-llmiting and its duration varies IJetween in-
specificity, tissue and cell tropis.m, and sequence related- dividual animals. A significant proportion of vacciI1ated
ness. 'fhey are distinhruished also 011 the l>asis uf tl1e lesiou:; aJ1irnal~ appareuLly fail Lo re ject Lheir warls afler vaccina-
dley induce, including skin papillomas (warts), prolifera- tion with autologous tumor preparatio11s. Cattle vacci-
4ion of nonstratified squamous cpithclium (polyps), and natcd w ith thc L2 structural protein of bovine papillo-
Sl1bcutaneous fibromas with o r \'Vithout associated cuta- mavirus Type 4 did not develop alímentary papillomas
aeous papillomas (fibropapillomas). when challenged w ith that virus type.

316 PARr Ill Viruses

F 1G U RE 5 2. 1 . Negatively stained preparation of equine papillomaviruses.

75,000X. (Reproduced with permission from Sundberg JP, O'Banion MK. C/oning
and characterization of an equine papillomavirus. Viro/oqv 1986; 152:100.)


Skln warts of horses are notas comn1on as thnsf> ;iffpcting (~a ninf> p;:ipillomavirus induces warts in the n1ouths of
cattle. TI1ey develop n1ost often on the nose and around dogs. ·rtie warts genera lly develop 011 the lips and spread to
the lips of you11g horses, appearing as small, elevated, pap- the buccal mucosa, tongue, palate, and pharynx. Tl1e
illary (horny) masscs. Thcy atso occur in t hc inncr aspccts \~'arts are usually bcnign and disappear spontancously
of ear (auraJ p laques). ·rhe causative virus is spread by di- after severa! months. Uogs recovered from the infection
rect contact of infectious material through ivounds and develop immunity to reinfection. The i.nfection is highly
cutaneous abraslons. ·rhe virus ca11 be experilne11tally contaglous, ofte11 spreadll1g tl1rougb aJJ tbe dogs in a ken-
h·ans1nittecl to horsf>s by intrarlermal inoc11lation of a sus- nel. Wa rts have been experimentally tr;:insmittf'd hy n1h-
pension of >vart tissue, but not to other ani1nal species. bing pieces of \<Vart tissue on scarified m ucous membranes
Equine papillomas are usually self-limiting and disappear of susceptible dogs. Under such conditions the incubation
spontancously in 4 to 8 wceks, although they can progress p eriod was from 4 to 6 wccks. Infectious vc11crcal papillo-
to squamous cell carcinoma in rare instances. Natural in- rnas (vvarts) also h ave been described in dogs.
fection provides solid immunity.
Sarcoids are com1non skl11 tumors ofl1orscs tl1at grossly
a nd histologica lly resen1 ble fibropapi llom;:is of c;:ittlf>.
Interestingly, the genon1e o f bovine papillon1avirus (Types POLYOMAVIRIDAE
1 or 2) is present \Nithin sorne of these tumors, whereas
that of cquine papillomavirus is not. Sarcoids havc been Polyomaviruses have not been associated with diseases of
reproduced by direct inoculation of bovine papillomavirus domcstic animal:; with thc notable exccption of un avian
into suscepti ble horses. The turnors range from being polyon1avirus that causes an acute generalized infection in
largely epithelial in nature to ll1tcnsely flbroblastic, ancl fledgling budgerigars. Polyomaviruses are i1onenveloped
the histological diagnosis is dependent on df'monstra ting 40 nm in d iameter, wlth an icosahe<.lral capsi<.I ar1<.l a
both epithelial and n1esenchymal components to the ge11ome of a single molec.ule of circ11lar <1011hlP.-stranded
tu mor. Sarcoids are frequently multiple in affected horses, DNA. The genon1e encodes at least tl1ree structural and
and thcy comn1only are ulccratcd. Rccurrcncc aftcr surgi- five nonstructural proteins.
caJ removal is common, but metastasis has not been de-
scribed¡ thus t hey are not malignant tu mors despit e tl1eir
Jocally aggressive behavior.

Adenoviruses have been isolated from many species of an- (CAV-1 is most unlikely to be a significant cause of either
.mals, but it is likcly thnt ndditionnl animal ndcnoviruscs of thcsc two common discascs of dogs) .
cxist that have not yet been identified . ·111e host range of
~•dividua! adenoviruses frequen tly is highly restricted.
.\lthough adenovirus Infectlons of animals are often Etiologic Agent
asymptomatic or subclinical, sorne adenoviruses are path-
ogenic a11d cause respira Lory and/or syslen1ic diseases. Physical, Chernical, and Antigenic Properties
~able 53.1 lists the diseascs of domcstic animals caused by
:tdenoviruscs. can1ne adenov1rus 1ype l lCAV -1 ) is antigenically related
The fam1Iy Adenoviridae is div1ded into two genera: but dístinct from canine adenovirus 2. Canin.e adenovirus
~Jastadenovirus, which includes adenoviruses that infect 1 i:s 111urµli o logically ~irnllar tu uther atlenoviruses, but
m an1rnals, antl Aviadenuvirus, which includes aden- antigenically distinct.
o•iruse_~ th;it infect hircl~. Memhers of these t"''º genPra cio
1ot share a common group antigen. Adenovirus virions Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
.:re nonenveloped icosahedrons that are 70 run to 90 nm
.n diamctcr nnd nrc composcd of 252 capsomcrs (Fig 53.1). CAV-1 is resistant to ether, alcohols, and chloroform. It is
E.xtended fibers project from the virion surface. ·rhe stable for at least 30 minutes ata wide range of pH (3 to 9),
;enome of adenoviruses is a Iarge molecule (26- 45 kilo a11tl is alsu staule in solle<..l material at room temperature
for ' f'Vt>ral ci;iy~ . Vir;il inff'ctivity i~ lo~t ;iftf'r hf'!!ting for 10
:,ases) of double-stranded DNA. ApproXimately 40 differ-
.::it proteins are encoded by the adenovirus genome. minutes at 50 to úOºC. Steam cleaning and treatment with
:\tlenoviruses replicate i11 the uucleus uf ir1fectetl cells. iodine, phenol, sodium hydroxide, or lysol are effective
mcans of disinfcction.

lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems

Canine adenovirus 1 causes clínica! disease in dogs and
Disease oth.c r Canids (wolvcs, foxcs, and coyotes). Skunks ai1d
bears also are susceptible. Infection in foxes can manifest
:Ufectious canine hepatitis (TCH) is a disease of dogs ns cnccphnlitis. Cnninc ndcnovirus 1 rcplicntcs ;vcll in ca-
caused by canine adenovirus 1 (CAV-1). Although oncean nine kidney cells.
:mportant disease of dogs, ICH is increasingly rare in Although sorne strains of CAV-1 and CAV-2 are onco-
:nuch of the world, perhaps as a result of widespread vacci- genic in inoculated hamsters, these viruses have not been
::?.ation. The maio rity of infections are asymptomatic, but associated with neoplastic disease in dogs.
tlle disease in susceptible dogs is characterized by fever, he-
patic necrosis, anti witlt:s¡.¡rt:atl l1t:rnurrhage as a cunse-
quence of vascular injury. Affected dogs may exhihit in-
Host-Virus Relationship
creased thirst, anorexia, tonsillitis, petechial hemorrhages
Distribution. Reservoir, and Transmission
on the mucous membranes, and diarrhea, and be reluctant
ro move. During the acute phase of illness, dogs may also Infectious canínc hepatitis has a worldwidc distribution,
develop conjunctivitis and photophobia. Severe ICH is although clinical disease is increasingty rare. ·rhe intection
:nost likely to occur in pups that are not immune to the is sprcad through the urine of infected dogs. Dogs may re
disea:st:. tain virus In thetr kldneys and shed it in urine for months
Most dogs that survive acute JCH recover uneventfully, ;iftf'r inff'rtion.
out transient cornea! edema may occur in sorne convales-
..:ent animals after acute signs disappear. The CAV-1 also
h as been irnplicated as a cause of chronic progressive hep-
Pathogenesis and Pathology
atitis and interstitial nephritis, but its role in spontaneous Following aerosol infection, the virus localizes in the ton-
occurrence of these disorders in dogs is highly conjectural sils and spreads to regional lymph nodes and then to the

318 PART 111 Viruses

Table 53.1. Diseases of Domestic Animals Caused by

J\denoviruses F 1G U R E 5 3 . 1 - Ncg<1tivcly st<1incd prcp<1r<1tions of <1vi<1n <1dcn
ovirus. 204,000X. (Courtesy of R. Nordhausen.)
Virus Type of Disease

Bovine adenovirus, Types 1-10 Conjunctivitis, pneumonia, diarrhea.
Canine adenovirus Type 1 Hemorrhagic and hepatic
(CAV-1; iní~tiou~ tdnin~
Canine adenovirus Type 2 Respir¡¡tory
Equine adenovirus Types 1-2 Respiratory
Ovine adenoviruses Types 1-6 Respiratory and enteric
Porcine adenoviruses 1ypes 1-4 Uiarrhea or meningoencephalitis, or
Deer adenovlrus Systemic vasculitis, with hemorihage
and pulmonary edema
Chicken adenoviruses Types 1-12 Respiratory disease, enteric disease,
egg-drop syndrome, aplastic anemia,
atrophy of the bursa -0f ~abricius
Turkey adenoviruses Types 1-4 Respiratory disease, enteritis, marble
spleen disease

Deer adenovirus, egg-drop syndrome viru) of poullly, bovine •de1111vi1U> 4, am! dtJ<..l
adenovtrus 1 are proposed to be membeB ot a new genus Atadenov1rus; simílarly,
hemorrhagic enteritis of l\l!keys virus and marbte spleen disease of pneasants ,;rus are
proposed to be membeB of a new oenus Siadenovirus.

systemic circulation. Viremia results in rapid dissemi11a-

tion of virus to nll body tissucs and sccrctions, including
saliva, ur1nc, and fcccs. Thc virus has a particular trop1sm
for hepatocytes and endothelial cells, which produces the
characteristic slgns uf tlle tlisease. Virus-incluceú injury to Laboratory Diagnosis
énciothPl i;:i 1 <'Plls Jp;icl'\ to cnnsumptivP cnag11 lnpathy (<lis-
seminated intravascular coagulation) and a generalized The d iagnosis of TC ll can be confirmed by serologic test-
bleeding tenclency (hemorrhagic diathesis) that is re- ing (complement tixation, hemagglutination inl1ibition
flected by abnormal clotting parameters. enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA]) to dernon-
Vogs that die during the acute phase generally have strate rislng titcrs of antlbody to CAV-1, polymt:!rast:! chair'.
edema and h emorrhage of superficial nodes and reaction (PC R) detection of viral nucleic acid or virus isola-
cervical subcutaneous tlssue. Tt1e abclominal cavit y ofter1 lio1 1 f1on1 afft::cled lissues, or in1111u11ol1istochen1ical stain-
cont;iins f111icl , which m::iy v;iry in color from c:Je;ir to ing of tissues with CAV-1-specific antibodies.
bright red. 1Ten1orrhages are present on all serosa! surfaces.
A fibrinous exudate may cover the liver, which can be
swollcn and congcstcd. Thc gall bladdcr chaiacteristically Treatment and Control
is edematous. Large characterist1c intranuclear 1nclus1on
bodies may be prcscn t in hcpatocytes, vascular endothe- Therapy for dogs that develop ICH involves supporti\>'-
lium, and macrophages. a11d sy1npto1nallc treatn1enL Control is by vaccinatio::
Thc ocular IP<;inn<: th;:it <lPVPlop in sorne clogs that re- and strict sanitation of affected p remises '.vith quarantir.e
cover fron1 JCI-J are the result of deposition of immune of exposed dogs. Availablc vaccincs includc both inacti-
complexcs within the ciliary body of the eye. vated and modilicd livc virus varieties, including CA\ --
vaccines that induce heterologous protection against CA\ -
l. CAV-2 vacclnes do not induce immune complex uveit:!:
Host Response to lnfections
in dogs as do so me other modified livc virus vaccinf>s. C;i·F
Recovery from ICH, rcgardless of the severity uf illr1t:!ss, rt:!- u1usl be t::xe1cised lo ensure that ni.aternal antibodies e_
sults i11 lo11g-lasting imm11nity th;it likely is life.long_ not intcrfcrc with active immunization of pups, because
Recovercd a11ln1als have high titers of neutralizing anti- vaccination succcss is di rcctly rclatcd to the lcvel of n eu-
body to CAV-1. tralizing antibody.
Chapter 53 Adenoviridac 319

microscopy or by immunofluoresccnt (JF) nr imm11nohi<:-

- ~E ADENOVIRUS T YPE 2 tuchc111 ic<1l staining of infected tissucs. Adenovirus nu-
'1e adcnovirus ·rype 2 (CAV-2) has been isolated from
c:leic acid also can be detccted by PCR assay. Viral neutral-
ization and hemagglutination-inhibition test are uscd to
_ \vith acute cough and is one of severa! intectious
_:.-ts implicatcd in infcctious tracheobronchitis (kennel detect the presence and rise ot antibody titers for serologi-
cal diagnosis of adenovirus infections.
-;'1J. 1::xperin1ental infection produces mild pharyngi-
: nsillitis, and trachcobronchitis, and virus persists in There is no commercially avallable vaccine.
_ =esplratory tract for up to 28 tlay:.. Uulike CAV-1, CAV-
...<s not ptoduce gf>nf>Ta\\1.E>ct cti~<'a~e. i~ not exc1eted in
. ..irine, and does not produce renal and ocular lesions. Ü VINE ADENO VIRUSES
-- ·-2 is antigenically related to CAV-1, and CAV-2 vac-
- ....., havc bccn dcvcloped as ICH vaccine since they do Adenoviruses have been isolated fro m thc fcccs of appar-
- IlTOduce postvaccina1 ocular les1ons. ently normal sl1ccp and from \ambs with rcspiratory dis-
ease. Six serotypes have becn identiticd. ·rhe pathogenic
role of 1nost of the ovine adenoviruses is uncertain because
tl1ey typ'l cally produce only mild or tnapparent infection of
! J/IN E ADENOVIRUS ES the respiratory or gastrointestinal tracts. However, appar-
en t outb1eaks of adenovirus-i11duced pneun1011ia a11d en-
-.., bovine adcnoviruses (BAV) are <.."urrently classified into
teritis have been described in lambs, as have sporadic cases
~ serotypes (BAV 1- 10), of which BAV 3 anti BAV 5 ap-
of generalized (systemic) infections of very young lambs . to be more patl1ogenic than the other serotypes. Ade-
iru:.e:s tyµically µruuuct:: µ11t::u111u11ia ur t::11teriti:> \Jut
-..y in vcry young or imn1unosupressed cattle. Adeno-
.:-uses are frcqucntly isolatcd from appurcntly normal cat- DE ER AD ENOVIRUS
e. and serologic surveys indicate that asymptomatic or
... bclinical BAV infection of cattle occurs worldwide. Bo- A unlque adenovirus recently was ldentified as the cause of
_.,e adenovtrus 3 can produce mild pneumonia in suscep- a fatal systemic hemorrhagic disease of mule deer (includ-
'-le calves, with necrosis of the epithelium lining termi- ing black-lailed <leer). ·r11e vi1us 0 1igi nal ly was idenlified as
.,J airways in the lung:;, cau:;iug necrutiziug \Jrunclüuliti:; thc' c;i 11s<' nf PXtPnsivP 011thrPilk<: ()f f;:ital disease in rnule
~th c:-haractPrist i< intran1111Par in1 l11 <:i()n h()cliPS in the af- deer in North A111erica (Califo1nia), bu l s ubsequently ha:.
.cted epithelial cells. been recognized to havc a much wider distribution. A sim-
ln1munocompetent calves inoculated with bovine ade- ilar discnsc hns ruso bccn idcntifi cd in moose. TJ1e causa-
--;~wcf o'crr/opneum?/@/,~f'c?.t7d~/C'f/n .?~ro.?#o'v/:J; tive aáenovirus is geneác:a«y unique and is sero(og{caffy
_-:?unity after natural infection is long-lasting. Uiag- relatcd to sorne adenoviruses of cattle (BAV) and goats. lt is
-~u\1e<E. v\ra\ \<;o\at\on ot <E.<!to\o'b)'. \'!.ov\n~ ad~no'»\ µro-pose<l t'nat <lee.r aue.nov\1us 'be \nc\u<.ic<l m a ne.w ~,
_,e, can be isolated from rectal, nasal, or con\unctiva\ Atndcnovirus, along "'' ith BA.V 4, duck adcnovirus l, and Most typcs do not produce cbaracteristic cytopath- ccrtaln othcr adenoviruscs. ihc virus causes either local-
: enic cffccts until after scveral bl\nd passagcs. i7ed or systemic vascular injury as a consequence of infcc-
Although no vaccines are li<Pn<:P<I fnr 11sP in the TJnited tion of endothelial cells and subsequent thron1bosis, lead-
5ta tes, there is JinJited use of vacciI1es against BAV 1, 3, and ing to severe pulmonary eden1a, ulceratio n of the o ral
~ in Europe. cavity and gastrointestinal tract, and widcsp rcad hcmor-
rhagcs. The vir us can be propagated in p ri ma ry deer respi-
ratory epithelial cell cultures, but diagnosis is based on the
characterlstic gross and histologlc Iesions, immunohis-
t QUIN E ADENOV IRUS tochcmical staining with antisera to B.A.V, and electron
•denovirus infection rarely results in respiratory tract dis-
ase In hcalthy horses, and urununocomperent foals nor-
-i;i!ly dcvclop cither subclinical or asymptomatic infec-
:!Ons. Howcver, Arabia11 foals wil h sevcre con1bined AVIAN ADENOVI RUSES
.:nmunodcficiency (SClD) are highl y susceptible to infec-
~on \vith cquinc adcnovirus l. Thc rcspiratory disease in- Adenoviruses infect poultry and other bird species world-
~uced by cqui ne adenovirus in SCll) Arabian toals is pro- wide. Although adenoviruses are oftcn isolated from ap-
:::acted and characterized by coughing, dyspnea, and fever. parcntly normal birds, spccific discascs also are associatcd
riese foals also develop generalized adenovirus infections, with adc novirus infections. 'J'hese include egg-drop syn-
ith involve1nent of a variety of organs and tissues. drome, a disease of both wild and domestic birds that is
'I'Jiere are twu :;crutyµc:. uf cquiuc <1uenovirus, as deter- characterized by production of cggs that lack shells or have
mined by serum neutralization. For laboratory diagnosis, ;ihn()rmally soft shells, and hemorrhagic enteritis of
irus may be isolatcd from infcclivc tissue and nasal and turkeys and marble-spleen discasc of pheasanl:>, whicl! ar1;:
.cu lar swab material in equine letal kidney or equine fetal similar diseases characterized by intestinal hemorrhage
....ermis cell cultures. Thc virus can be identified by electron and cnlurgcmcnt of thc spleen of affected birds.
H erpesviridae

Thc family Hcrpcsviridac consists of viruses that have (EHV 6 8; asinine herpesvlruses 1-3), and one that likely is
been isolated frorn a wide ra11ge of animal species, hu- l1eríved from zebras (EHV-9). EHV-1, EHV-3, EHV-4, EHV-6
mans, fish, and invertebrates sucl1 as oysters. Herpesvi- (asinine herpesvirus 1), EHV-8 (asinine herpesvirus 3), and
ruses !1ave been found In vJrtually every species that has EHV-9 are typical alphal1erve::;viruses ancl EHV-Z, EHV-5
been investigated . tbis group of vin1si>s, thi>ri> is and EHV-7 (asinine herpesvirus 2) are classified as gan1ma-
wide variatio11 il1 biological properties including patho- l1erpesviruses. EHV-1 has been associatcd with abortions,
ge11icity, a propensity to form latent infectio11s, a11d 011- upper respiratory disease, and neurologic disease. EH V-~
cogcnic potcntial. Hcrpcsviruscs are morphologically has been isolated from cases of chronic pharyngitis, mild
sin1ilar, with a double-stranded DNA core andan icosahe- respiratory disease in young horses, severe respiratory dis-
dral capsid consisting of 162 capsomeres, surrounded by ease in foal s 3 to 4 months old, and from clinically norma:
a granular zo11e composed of globular protelns (tegu- horses, and its pathogenic sig1lifica11ce re1uai11s uncerlai1..
ment) and encompassed by a lipid envelope (Fig 54.1) . Venereal. disease (coital <>xanthe1na) is a well-recognizerl
Tl1e ge11vu1e oí lJerpesviruses is large, 125-135 kilobases, clinical n1a11ifestation of EIIV-3. EIIV-4 sharcs a close anti-
and encodes many clifferent proteins; functions of the genic relationship with EHV-1 and has been associatee
proteins encoded by the viral genon1e includc virus rcpli- vvith rcspiratory discase and sporadic abortions. EHV-;1
cation, virus structural proteins, anda variety ot proteins like EHV-2, has been isolated from horses with upper re-
that regulate cell growth and i11odulate tl1e host's antivi- spiratory diseases, but its pathogenic sig11ificance still is
ral response. u.ncertain.
·r11e fa1nily Herpesviridae co11sists of three n1ajor subfam-
ilit::., dl !.Jhd- 1 l.Jt Ld- 1 d llU ¡)dlUUJdlt t:l )-'t::> vil i 11 dt:, vv lii t. l 1 vvt: 1e
initially distinguished by host range, duratioo of repro-
ductivc cyclc, cytopathology, und lutcnt infcction churac-
Etiologic Agent
teristics. ·rhe alphaherpesvirinae have a variably-restricted
Physical, Chemical, and Antigen Properties
host range, are generally 11ighly cytopathic in cell culture,
have a relatively short replicative cycle (24 hours), and fre- ·rhe equine herpesviruses have typical morpholo~ry anc
quently cause la tent viral infections ir1 sensory ganglia . cannot be distinguished from each other based on thei:
l3elal1er pesvlrinae 11ave a variable l1ost range and a long morphology. They are, however, antigenically distinct aI:c
replicative cycle; infected cells often become enlarged (cy- can be distinguishi>cl hy s<>rological assays.
tomcglia, thus thcir dcsignation as cytomcguloviruscs).
Latency can be established in numerous tissues. Ga1nma-
herpesvirinae, with sorne exceptions, tend to be tropic fo r Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
B or T lymphocytes (lyrnphotropic), replicate in lympho- Thc equine herpesviruses are inactivated by etl1er, aéc.
blastoid cells, and 1nay cause lytic infections ln certaln (pH 3), and exposure to heat of s6•c for 30 minutes.
type~ of epitl1elial a1H.l filJrulJla!>tic cell:;. luit::cl.io11 is [re-
q11<>ntly arreste<l at a prclytic stage with persistent and
minimu1n expression o f viral genome in the cell. Latency lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
frequently is established in lymphoid tissue. Host range is
narrow with experimental 11osts usually lln1ited to the Equine herpesviruses 1-5 usually infect only horses
order of tI1e natural host. Ocular disease dueto EHV-1 chuructcrizcd by vitritis, re-
tinitis, and optic neuritis leading to l)lindness has been ct-
scribed in new-world camelids (alpacas, llamas). Limite::.
serologic surveys have not demonstrated widespread Jnfe.:-
EQUINE HERPESVIRUSES tion in these species. EHV-1 can be propagated in equú:
fetal kid11ey, rabbil kidney, a11d L (n1ouse fibroblast) cefu
Disease resulting in formation of cytopathic effect and intra:r:~
clear inclusio11 bodics.
There are nine proposed equine herpesviruses, five th.;:it in-
[ecl horses (EHV 1 lhrough 5), lhree tl1at infect do11keys

(;hapter S4 Herpesviridae 321

F 1G U RE 5 4. 1 . Negatívely staíned preparatíon of infectíous bovine rhínotracheitis

virus. n = nuc/eocapsid, ev = enve/ope, rv = enve/oped virus, tn = twin nuc/eocapsids.
17,000X. lnset: Minute projections on the enve/ope of a matured virus. sp virus spikes,
cd = virus core, ve =virus envelope. 100,000X. (Reproduced with permission from
Tatens LT, Zee YC. Purification and buoyant density of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
virus. Proc Exp Biol Med 1976;151:132.)


EQUINE HERPESVIRUS-1 Pathogenesis and Pathology

1'he pathogenesis of EHV-1 abortions remains an enign1a.
Di sea se Viremia in the presence of neutralizing antibodies has
been detected in experimentally induced abortions and
Equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) causes abortion in mares, virus cultured from the buffy coat, but not from the cell-
respiratory tract disease in young 11orses, and occasio11al free plasma or from washed red-cell suspensions. 'l'he cell-
n eurologic disease. Wl1ile abortion in 111arcs n1ay occur as associated virus may escape neutralization by ar1tibolly,
early as 4 months of gestation, it n1ost frequently occurs h11t the. me.c.h<inism hywhic.h the. virus re.<ic.he.s the. fe.tus is
between the seventh and eleventh months of gestation unknown.
and usually without any premonitory signs. roals infected Macroscopically, the inost prominent lesions of the fetus
in i.1tero may be born alive but are usually weak and die are jaund.icc, n1ucous mcmbranc pctcchiation, subcutanc-
within z to :~ aays. Mye1oencepnalitis with signs of ataxia ous and pleural edema, splenic enlargement with promi-
and posterior paresis has been associated with certain nent lymphoid follicles, and focal hepatic necrosis. Histo-
slrains of cHV-1. logicalJy there Is bronchlolitis, pneumonltls, severe ne<.1osls
of the splenic wbite pulp, and focal hepatic necrosis, all ac-
con1parlied by intrar1uclear inclusion bodies. The early fetus
Host-Virus Relationship ( <3 months) shows little or no response to the viral infec-
tion. Howcvcr, thc fctus in its last 4 months of gcstation
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission shows a marked ability to react in a specific manner to the
presence of the virus. Lesions in the fetus less than 7
EHV- 1 is prevalent in horscs worldwide. The vi rus appears
to be maintaincd in thc horsc, but it i.s possiblc that dogs, months of age differ from those in older fetuses, suggesting
foxes, and carrion birds rnay carry infection with frag- that the lesions represent a fetal response to the virus.
m en ts of aborted fetuses from one farm to another.
Respiratory disease is transmitted by droplet infection. In
Host Responses to lnfection
a<1<1ition, transmission may also occur by direct contact
with virus-laden aborted fetuses or placentas. Tl1e annual Experiu1e11tally, within 24 hours after exposure to EHV-1,
occurrence of respiratory disease in young 11orses suggests foals an<l mare.s <lemonstriltf> ;i IP11kopPni;i nf ?.4 to 48
the existence of carriers and latent infecti ons. hours' duration. Virus persists in circulating leukocytes for
322 PART IJJ Viruses

as long as 9 days following infection. Abortion in mares and ill horses. It has bcen isolated from cases of superficial
may occur as long as 90 to 120 <.lay:> fulluwu1g iiút'<.tiu1i. a11tl c1Jru11ic .IJilary11geal ly111phoid follicular hyperplasia,
Roth complPmf'nt-fixing anct vi rus-neutralizing anti- mild respiratory disease in young anirnals, and foal pneu-
bodies appear in tl1e sera of infcctcd hor:;cs. In general, monia and from foals with kcratoco njunctivitis. 1' hcrc is
complcmcnt-fixi11g antibodies are den1onstrable for 6 considerable skcpticism by sorne concerning its role in
months <.lftcr i11fcction, with virus neutralizing antibodies diseasc.
persisting longer. lgG ant1bod1es aga1 nst the viral envelope
neutralize virus, wlúle those against the nucleocapsid
do not. Experlmentally pregnant mares with antibully Host-Virus Relationship
to EHV-1 may abort when ch;1llPngi>cl with EHV-1. ·rhe
lesions fro1n which virus cannot be isolated suggest an Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
antigcn-antibody complex pathogenesis.
EHV-2 has been isolated trom borscs worldwide. Hoth
"hcalthy" and dinically ill horses act as a reservoir far the
Laboratory Diagnosis virus. 111 ponies experirnentally lnoculated with EHV-2,
thc virus was recovered up to 118 days postinoculation
In case of abortions, diagnosis is based on cbaractP.ristic li>- EHV-2 has been associatt'd witli :>ig11~ ~,r upper respiralory
siuu~ wil li i 11 l1a1 1uclear inclusions prcscn ti 11 the fetal liver, t r;:ict di~f'i!Sf', with thf' virus pe rsisting for 418 days.
splccn, lung, and thymus. ·rhe same tissues provide a good
sourcc of virus, v.1hich can be demonstrated by irnmuno- Pathogenesis and Pathology
tluorescence or immunohistochemical staining of tissue
sections or by virus isolation. The virus is usually relatively Little i~ k11uw11 aboul lhe palhogenesis of EllV-2. Nincty-
easy to isolate. ·rhc mares' sera may, but does not invari- seven percent of horsPs IP~s than 1 year old have antibod-
ably, demonstrate a rise in titer. Diagnosis of EHV-1- ies lo EHV-2, and the virus could be isolated from the
lnduced myeluenct'pllaliti~ i:> liifficull a11le11101 len1 becausc leukocytes of 88.7% of normal horscs. Similarly, virus was
~Prology may hP c.onfusing and EHV-1 is rarely isolatecL
isolated from 68 of 69 fonls samplcd once ben,•een 1 and 8
T!i.:1topnthologic11lly thcrc is (1 v(13C\.1Jiti3 prc::;cnt nl::;o ::;ug- months ot agc. lt is suggested that 1nfcct1on is initiated in
gesting an a ntigcn-antil,ody complex mechan1sm. On sev- tonsils, with replica tion in other sitcs based on an ob-
era! occasio11s, n1yeloencephalitis has occurred in North. served vlremi.a and it.s cell-associatt'tl uCJlure.
American (California) horses exposect to mules. With aspe-
cific enzyme-linked imm unosorbent assay (ELlSr'\.) i1ow
avatlable, tt is possible to <.listinguish .EHV-1 fru1u EHV-4 Laboratory Diagnosis
sernlogic;illy, anct a polymPrasP chain rPaction (P~R) assay
has been described far the diagnosis of CI IV-1 abortion. ·rhPrP arP no specific diagnostic features associated with
Cl!V-2 infection. The virus can be isolated from nasal and
pharyngeal swabs and trom blood butty coats ancl iclenti-
Treatment and Control fied by PCR assay.

Llmltlng traffic in and out of brood-n1are 1.Ja11ll:; a1i<.l wt'au-

ling fields ¡¡nd n1inirnizing stri>ss to prPgnant rnares have Treatment and Control
bccn suggested to help prevent abortion d i:scasc. Vaccincs,
although widely used, havc not bccn cornpletely effective Cuotrul 111etliuds l1ave 11ol beei1 eslablishcd, anda vaccine
in clinúnating abortion loss. J\ hamster adapted live viral is not available for EHV-2.
vaccme that was fully capable of causing disease in young
animals and pregnant mares is no longer used. A modificd
live viral vaccme of cell culture origin, altl1uugh ca paule uf
evoking antibody responsi>s, has not provPn effective. An EQ UJNE HERPESV IRUS- 3 ( EQUINE COITAL EXANT HEMA)
inaclivaled cell culture vaccine, given at the fifth, seventh,
and ninth months of gestation, was shown to be effective Disease
in ficld trials, but abortions have been seen in mares vacci
natect with tl1is product. More recently, combined EHV- Equine cuita! t'XCJI1tl1e111a (ECE) is a11 acute, :;exuall;-
1/EHV-4 inactivatcd vaccines are being used. transm ittPd disease characterized by the forrnation o :
papules, vcsicles, pustules, and ulccrs on thc pcnis anc'..
prepuce of stallions and on the externa! genitalia anc'.
perineal skin of tnarcs. Thc lcsions usually heal after ap
EQ UINE HERPESVIRUS-2 proximately 14 days, leaving dcp1~mented patches or
the vulva and erosions and ulcers on the prepuce a r.e.
Disease penis of the male. Leslons bave uccurretl, ilúreguenll.
around the lips, extern<il narPs, nasal mucosa, and co~­
Equlne herpesvirus-2 (EHV-2) Is prevalent in l1ursc~ wurltl- juncUva.
widc and has been isolatcd from hoth clinically healthy A unique characteristic of equinc herpesvirus-3 (EH \'-j
Chapter 54 Herpesviridae 323

is its inability to grov.r in cell cultures other than those of EQ UINE HERPESVIRUS-5
~uine origin.
In a study of multiplc cquinc hcrpcsvirus-5 (EHV-5) iso-
J istribution, Reservoir. and Transmission lates, severa! were íou11d to diíter signiticantly genomically
and in their protein co1nposition. EHV-5 has been pro-
EHV-3 wns first isolatcd in 1968 concurrently iI1 North posed for this group of Viruses that were isolated from
America and Australia. The only known reservoir for the eql.line respiratory tracts. The pathogenic significance of
•irus is the horse and the usual mode of transmission is EHV-5 has nol been adequaLely defined.
>enereal, but EHV-3 can be spread without coitus. 1'he
n.1lva and vagina need not be damaged far infection to
occur. The ü1fectiol11uay also spread via fonlites, or insects
may actas mechanical carüers. It is suggested t hat in sorne RUMIN AN T HERPES VIRUSES
infected stallions and mares, EHV-3 becomes latent in the
nonbreeding season an.d is reactivated during t he breeding Herpes viruses, representing alpha- and gammaher
pesviruses, are responsible for a wide range of conditions
in rumina11ts, including neurologic, genital, fet al, and
í'athogenesis and Pathology res pi raLory ui:;ea:;e:;. Iufet:tiuu:; 111ay range frorn inap-
parent to fatal. Severa! herpes v iruses infe<.t <.flt t le
Li ttle is known about the disease pathogenesis. but virus (bovine herpes viruses [13IIVJ): infectious bovine rhino-
and an antibody increase can usually be demonstrated tracl1eitis virus (BHV-1), bovine mammilitis virus (BHV-
during development of the lesions. Perivascular and. peri- 2), and bovine encephalitis virus (BHV-5) are alphaher
glandular lymphocytic accumulations suggest that an pesviruses. BHV-1 causes both respiratory (infectious
i111111u11e-1nedialed reacLiou 1uay play a role i11 palltuge11e:;i:;. bovine rhinotracheitis) and genital d isease (infectious
Microscopic examination ofvulvar tissue demonstrates pustular vulvovagiliitls) in catlle. BHV-4 is a gan1n1aher-
sballovv erosions along with occasional typical intranu- pesvirus, but its role in causing disease is uncertain. ·r,-vo
clear inclusions scattered in germinal epithelium or in nu- gammahcrpcsviruscs prcviously wcrc designated as
clear remnants in necrotic areas. BHV-3 have now been named .1\lcelaphine herpesvirus
(AlHV): AlHV-1 is the cause of African malignant ca-
Host Responses to lnfection tarrhal fever (MCF) associated with wildebeest and AIHV-
2 is the cause of atypical MCF associated with the harte-
~ n ti horl i f>S 11sn;illy ;ippP;ir <lnring thf> flC11tf> st;:¡gp of thf> beesl. There are Lwo sheep gan1n1aheJpes viruses (ovine
disease. l1erpes viruses [OHVl 1, 2): OHV-1 is associated w ith p ul-
monary adenomatosis, and OHV-2 is the cause of the
sheep-associated torm oí MCf. Alphaviruses also have
Laboratory Diagnosis been isolated from goats (CpHV 1) and deer (CerHV 1
and CerHV-2), and the CpHV- 1 is the cause of reproduc-
Clinical signs, serologic tests, histopathologic exa1nina- tive disease in goats.
tion, and viral isolation can be used in diagnosing ECE.

Treatment and Control BOVINE HERPESVIRUSES

There i:; uu EHV-3 vaccilH:: availal>le. Treat1ue11t:; iut:lutle
use of topical ointmeots to reduce pain and sexual rest for
at lcast 3 wccks.
Bovinc hcrpcsvirus-1 (BHV-1) infcction in cattle may pres-
f QUINE HERPESVIRUS-4 (fQUINE RHINOPNEUMONITIS) ent as ocular, genital, respiratory, and, intrequently, neu-
rologic disease. Respiratory disease typically presents as
Clinical manifestations of equine herpesvirus-4 (EHV-4) are rhinotracheitis (infectious bovine rhinotracheitiS [IBR]),
seen principally in foals and younger horses, with a seasonal which may lead to severe and often fatal bronchopneumo-
peak of disease in fall a11d winler. Signs oflen L11clude nia. Conjunclivilis is conHno11. Occa:;iu11ally the <.:ur11ea iS
malaise and elevated temperature up to 105ºF, which may involved anda panophthalmitis 1nay occur. BHV-1 ca11 in-
pcrsist for 2 to 5 days; watery nasal discharge, which be- fect genitalia, resultir1g in abortion, balanoposthiti s, and
comes mucopurulent in the Jater stages; congested conjunc- vulvovaginitis (lntectious pustular vulvovaginitis llP\lJ).
tiva; and, infrequently, enlarged submandibular nodes. Meningoencephalitis in young calves occurs infrequently
'I'he agent appears to have worldwide distribution; how- with BHV-1, and herpes virus isolates from cattle with
ever, it is infrequently isolated. Both inactivated and mod- neurologic disease are most commonJy designated BHV-5.
ified live vaccines are used bul resulls are noL u11jfo11uly BHV-1 has bee11 isolaLed fruu1 ve:;lcular lesiuns un the
favorable. udder and teats of a cow.
324 P ART III Viruses

Etiologic Agent brca.ks of simultaneous respiratory and genital ~

are rare.
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems Abortion is often sccn in prcgnant c;ittlt> with TRR r-p
casio11ally followü1g vaccination with n1odified Jive ,-:.-
Altho ugh cattle appear to be thc major species affected by vaccine. Tl1e il1cubation period between infection of
BHV-1, the virus has been lncriminatcd in swine vaginitis da1n and fetal dcath varíes from 15 to 60 days. Sincc ,
and balanitis, itTHl has beell i::.UléJtCU ÍfUlll ::.lill1Ju.r11 élltd dea th occurs severa! days befo re abortion, the fetus is o.
n<>whnrn pig<;. Apprnximiltf'ly 11 OA1 of swi ne tested in parts severely autolyzed. Fetal edema, especially of the ;-.,.
of North An1erica (Io'" 'ª and ·1exas) had antibodies to TilR. membranes, occurs along Wlth cxtensive hemorrhz_
The virus has been isolated from red deer with ocular dis- edema in the peri.renal tissue F.xtPnsiv<> hf'mnrrh
casc, and could be activated in Malaysian buffalo by 111:c1osis of ll1e cortcx i.s scen along with a foca! ::-
steroid administration. It docs not appear that BHV-1 virus crosis in the liver and usually in the lymph nades. !>c,-
is a signiflcan t pathogen of goats. Only 3o/o of 1,146 serun1 nccrosls n1ay be observed in placentomes, which are u
samples of captive ruminants in Unlte<l States zuus 11a<l a11- ally good sources of vi rus for isolat1on attempts. Nec -
tibodies to lBR virus. lesions occur in ovaries of cattle cxperimentally infec _
BIIV-1 virus can be grown in a wide variety of cells, in- by nongenital routes.
cluding bovine, cani11e, fclinc, equine, ovine, rabbit, mon- Conjunctivitis is common in RT-fV-1 inff'cti~­
key, and hun1an, whcrc it produces a cl1uractcristic cyto Ty1-1il.:ally il p1esen ls wilh profu:;e lacrimat ion a11d occ_
pathic ettect. sionally extends into thc cornea, resulting in a keratitis.
sorne cuttlc, ¡¡ inultifocal lymphoid hyperplasia ma~
seen in the palpebral conjunctiva.
Host-Virus Relationship Meningoencephalitis has been recorded in natural a:- _
experimental dlscase. Histopélthulugic lesious i11c1 __
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission those of a nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis, neuron
necrosis, focal malélcia, autl uíle11 i11 l1anudear ü1clusion _
fhc u1sease occurs \"70rldwidc. During the late 1950s, an astrocytp<; and nf'urones associated with lesions.
apparently i<lentical virus to IBR virus was isolated from Latent infection.s 11avc been de monstrated in thc tri-:.
tnfcctlous pustular vulvuv<1gi11ilb (TPV). minal ganglia of clinically normal cattle. Kecrudescer
Tt h::is ht>f'n <;11gge.sted t hat wildli fe may play a role in dis- shcdding of virus has been observed naturally and in : e
case transn1ission, but in ligh.t of demonstrated viral re- to corticosteroid adtninistration.
crudescer1ce, cattle must be considered the primary reser-
voir. Virus is transmitted by respiratory, genital, and
conjuncttval sccret1ons of infected cattle. Host Response to lnfection
The i1un1u11e respo11sc Lo BHV-1 involves many factors !::-
Pathogenesis and Pathology addition to the stimulation of neutralizing antibodie--
most of which are dircctcd toward surface glycoprotein_
Thc virus replicates in the upper respiratory tract and lg(j and lgM antibodies appear I days follo' exposur~
spreads via the lacrimal ducts. Virus can be recovered from The lgG response during this primary phase is restrictec.
nasal secretions for alrnost 2 wccks following infection. primarily to the IgGl subclass. Scconctary set..,
Although viremia is difficult to demonstrate, experimen- mainly in the IgG class are due to incrf'il<;f' in Tgc;.2 anr-
tal infe<.:tiur1s 11av1:: yiel<leu vi ru:. ÍHHU va1ious orga11s, per- body. Seco11dary int ranasal exposure did not produceª'"'
h::tps as a conscquence of a leukocyte-associated viremia. increase in IgM antibody, whereas an increase in IgM le\··
Genital infections are most likcly venercally transmit- cls was sccn following nbortio n. The neutralization of ex
tcd. Lcsions consisting ot postules and later fibronecrotic tracellular virus prevent s extracellular spread of viru
plaques are usualiy lunitcd to 1h e vulva and posterior stressing the importance of an tibody at mucosa! surfaces
vagina 1n the female. Similar lesions are seen on the pre- Antibody can also play a role in the cu111µleweol- 111ediat~
puce of affected bulis. Rcspiratory disease has been pro- lysis of infected cells an<I in ilntihody dcpendent-cell cyto-
duced with genit<1l isulatc~. a11u ge11ilal lesio11s have been Loxiclly. TI1e induction of cytokines can activate effecto:
prnc111cf'd \'Vith rf'_<;piratory isolates. Viral shedding "''ªS cells that <lestroy infected cclls directly or through anti-
observcd in cows 14 <lays after experimental genital infcc- body intcraction. ·rhcsc actions occur in concert with each
tion and in males up to 19 days tollowing infection. Virus other, n1aklng it dífficult to ascribe a lcvcl of in1portance te
was she<l following prednisolonc treatinent in these cattle each. Por vaccine development, it is important that con-
2 and 7 months, respectively, fo ll owing initial lnfectlon. Slderallon be given to él protlu\:t':> alJiliLy lo boll1 induce
'fhcsc observations suggest tl1at the virus may be rnain- antibody and ceJl-mPrli;itpcl immunity.
talncd by perioc..lic she<ltlir1g wl!cu <.111i111als aJe subjecled
to stress. Although the frcquency is low, occasional bulls
a re encountered that shed BHV-1 intcrmittcntly in semen. Laboratory Diagnosis
lnscmination ot cattle with such semen may result in en-
dornetritis, reduced conception, and shortened estrus pe- ·rhe fibrinonccrotic plaques commonly prP<;f'nt in the. f'X-
riods. Experimentally, semen lsolares can induce sevcre ter11al 11élrc::. autl u11 Lhe nasal scplun1 of cattle with infcc-
rhinotrachcitis and vulvovaginitis in c;ittlf'. N;ih1ral out- tious hovine rhinotracheitis are good sources of material
Chapter S4 Herpesviridae 325

:Or viral isolation. The conjunctival form can be tent a- \.Yith genera1ized skin disease, subsequently termed pseudo-
tively diagnosed by ll1e observation of nlul tifocal white le- lurrzpy skin disease. Man1n1illilis due Lo BrIV-2 was clescribed
sio11s in the palpebral conjunctiva. In their abse11ce, viral ill Africa and England, and subsequently in the United
isolati.on is nccdcd. Thc virus can be rcadily isolatcd from. States. Stomatitis in bovine and buffalo calves has been de-
:he conjunctiva! swabs. Abortion may be (1iíticult to diag- scribed in association with calves nursing co\-vS wit h mam-
nose as the fetus is often presented in an autolysed condi- millitis. Suggested modes of infection include transmission
:ion. Tf placenta is available and relatively fresh, isolation at milking, by insects, o r activation of Jatent virus.
a ttempts can be macle from the placentomes. While im- Intravenous exposure produces generalized skin le-
rnu11ofluoresce11l slai11ü1g lecl1niques 11ave been used 011 sions, which a1e cl1araclerizet.l 1.Jy a severe iI1tercellular
~tal tissue '"'ith varying degrees of success, immu11operox- edema in the epidermis along with syncytia with int ranu-
idasc staining that has bccn positivc in IFA ncgativc tissucs clear inclusions. An epidermal mononuclear cell and neu-
h as improved abortion diagnosis associated with HHV- 1. t rophll in1iltrate is present along wit h mononuclear and
Diagnosis based on serology may be difficult because ani- lymphocytic dermal perivascular infiltration.
m als often have high titers at tlle time of abortiOn, regard- The diagnosis of pseudolumpy skin disease and mam-
-ess of cause, making it difficult to demonstrate rising mill itis can be based on clinical signs and viral isolation in
:iters. Detection of BHV-1 ü1 sen1en is difficult by c.onven- cell cullu1e. Serulugy uu paired sau1ples will de1nonstrate
tional methods. A PCR-based technique has been used to a11 increase in antibody.
detect .BHV-1 in semen.

Treatment and Control
Bovine herpesvirus-4 (BHV-4) consists of a group ofviruses
•.\ 1nodified vaccine used intramuscularly was associated that have bee.n isolated from diffcrcnt clinical syndro1nes
·v-it.h reduction in disease but could cause abortiot1 in preg- and normal cattle. Their importance as pathogens is un-
uaut cdttle. Au iI1trC:1nC:1sC:1! vaccine was shc.n-vn to be safe for clear. ()nly strain DN-599 has been reported to produce
use in r.attle. This var.cine r.ontaining a tPmpPratHre- conjunctivitis ancl respiratory disease. Viruses related to.
sen sitive n1ula11l virus lhal will replicale only al lhe lowt:r this group have been repeatedly .i solated from cases of
remperature found only in the upper air\\>ays of cattle is n1elrilis ü1 son1e Nor Lh A1nerica11 (Cali fornia) cattle and
? romotcd as snfc and cffcctivc for use in prcgnant animal~>.
are suspected of causing vaginitis in heifers. 'fhe North
Corticosteroid treatment of anirnals vaccinatecl \-vith mod- American a.nd Europcan strains appcar to be closely re-
L'led Jive vaccines has resulted in recrudesence of virus. lated. Latency has been suggested for this group as tbere
9 espite these uncertain t ies, modtfied live BHV-1 vaccines appears to be reactivation in response to other inflamma-
are widely used because of the potentially heavy economic tory processes.
1oss resulling f10111 infeclion.
Inactivated vaccines have not heen consistently effica-
cious. Subunit vaccines have been suggested as an alter-
native to modified live vaccines, as have gene-deletion BOVINE HERPESVIRUS·5
Nonsuppurative meningoencephalitls has been assoclat.ed
with hovinf' hPrpPsvin1s-.5 (RHV-.5) infection of cattl.e. Iso-
latcs have been obtained in Argentina, Australia, lfungary,
Countries >vith relatively small cattle populations have Ja pan, and the United Sta tes from cattle with sporadic cases
used serology to guide eradication efforts¡ hovvever, co1n- of encephalitis. BHV-5 strongly cross-rcacts \vith BHV-1
:non prattices in larger countries prevent thi.s approach. an<i currently the two cannot be distinguished serologically
·"ppropriatc scrology uscd \-vith genctically cngincercd but can be differentiated by their restriction en.donuclease
-.-acc1nes may nold prom1se. parrerns. It appears that BttV-5 nas neen circulating in cat-
tle for at least 20 years, witl1 only sporadic disease occur-
rences. Mortality is usually reporled Lo be 100%. Lesious
vary as to severity but usually co11sist of pertvascular infil-
BOVINE HERPESVIRU S-2 {BOVINE MAMMILLITIS) trates throughout thc brain, witl1 neuronal necrosis, dis-
ruption of the neuropil, and gliosis. Experimental infec-
Bovine herpesvirus-2 (RHV-2) has hef'n isol;ited from cat- tions produce similar sign.s and lesions as those naturaJJy
rle with generalized skin disease (pseudolun1py skin dis- occurring and BHV-5 can be reisolated from the brain.
ease), mamin.illitis, and stomatitis.
BHV 2 will replicate in a wide tange of cells, but bovinc
:.;1dney cell culture is most widely used. c::attle appear to be
p illfected, with mild experimenta.! disease pro- ALCEPHALINE HERPESVIRUS · 1 ANO -2 {MALIGNANT
d uceu i11 sl1eep, goats, C:111d pigs. (ATARRHAL f EVER)
BHV-2 has heen isolaterl from rattlf' skin and 1nucosal
~nfection in the ·united States, Africa, Europe, and Auslra- Malig11aul catarrl1al fever (MCF), an often fatal infection
:ia. Ori¡,'inally virus >.vas isolated from South African cattle of many species of hovi<iaf' :incl cervidae, occurs as t'"'' º
326 PART lll Viruses

epidemiologically distinct entities: wildebeest-associated by DNA analysis to be caprin.e herpesv.irus (CpHV-1). Tu-=
a11J :>l1ee.[J-a:>:>uciatetl MCF. Alct!.[Jlialiue l1erpesvirus-l California isolate of CpHV-1 replicates in canine, rabbit
(AlHV-1) is responsihle for '"'ildeheest-derived (or Afri- fel ine, equine, hovine, and lamh cel ls.
can) MCP, which occurs when cattle and wildebeest graze Virus was isolated from vaginal secretions of does ex-
together. A virus isolated from clinical MCF in cat tle in posed intranasally, intramuscularly, and intravenous~:­
North America (Minnesot a) is closely related to J\JHV-1. with CpHV- 1. Pregnant does abort, but no virus was iso-
An etiologic agent for sheep-associated (or European lated from the tetuses. Infections were severe in kids, ~ié
and North American) M(~F has not been isolated; how- signs of conjunctivitis, rhinitis, and diarrhea. FÍbronecro-
ever, evidence basec.l on competitive-inhibition ELISA tic lesions on the nasal septum were rernarkalJly sirnilar LG
;:inri ;:i PCR ;:iss;:iy strongly implic;:itp ovinf> hPrpPsvinis-2 thosf> of cattlf> \Vith TRH.
(OIIV-2) as the cause of sheep-associated MCF. AlllV-2, Gross lesions are 1i1nited to the gastrointestinal tracr
which is associated with the hartebeest, has not been in- with necrosis and uJceration in rumen, cecum, and colon
criminated in naturally occurring MCF disease of domes- Intranuclear inclusions are present in epithelial cells nea;
tic cattle. the 11ecrotic areas.
AlHV-1 is a typical gammaherpesvirus. Infectivity is lost The disease can be diagnosed by viral isolation fron:
by freeze-tl1awiug a11d sorlicatiuu of iufecteJ cell:.. Tl1t: r1a:>al ~ecrelio11:. aud fecal n1alerial. fl appears lo be u11com-
virion is reported to range from 98 nm to 240 nm. Virus mon, and no vaccine is available.
has been propagated ir1 bovine thyroid and testicle cell
The clinical disease is limited to cattle, buffalo, and sev
eral species of wild exotic ungulates (Pere David deer, ban- OVINE HERPESVIRUSES
teng, gaurs). Disease is associated \.vith mixing wildebeest
a11d cattle during periods when the wildebeest are calving. ÜVINE HERPESVIRUS · 1
Newborn wildebeest calves shed virus in nasal and ocular
secrt:tiu11s uµ Lo 3 t11u11Lh:. o[ age. Viral :>hedding also oc- Ovine herpesvirus-1 (OV-H-1) '"'ªs lsolated from the lungs
curs in adult wildebeest given corticosteroid. ·rhere is no of sheep with pnlmonary adenomatosis (j;:iagsiPkte)
evidence for congenital infection of sheep with OHV-2; Alll1ougl1 tl1e virus causes experin1ental pneumonia ir;
rather, lambs appear to become infected during the first lambs, pulmonary adenomatosis is caused by a retrovir us
year of life. While sheep associated MCF in cattle has been and the pathogenic role of OVH-1 is u11ccrtain.
associated with lambing, it appears that the newborn
la1nb does 11ot play tl1e same role as the newborn wilde-
beest. lt also appears tl1at all domestic United States sl1eep
Diagnosis of MCf is made based on hi.stopathology and
a recent ly developed PCR test. Affected animals present OVine herpesvirus-2 (OHV-2) is proposed to cause the
with mucopurulent nasal and ocular discharge and sheep-associated form of malignant catarrhal fever in cat-
corneal opaclty. Oral Iesions may be present, consisting of Lle. ·r11e virus has never been isolaled¡ however, OHV-2
multiple erosions preceded by a diffuse hyperemia and J)NA has hPen dPtec.tecl hy Pl.R in cattle with MC:F. Tt
µrofust! :>alivatio1i. Ce11tral r1ervuus disturl>ances are fre- shares a close genomic relatio11ship with AlIIV-1.
quent and diarrhea is c.ommon.
Tiistologic lesions are those of a lym.p l1oproliferative
disorder characterized by perivasc-ular mononuclear infil-
tration, necrotizing vasct1litis, and tissue lymphoid infil PSEUDORABIES (AUJESZKY'S DISEASE) VI RUS
tration. Deposition of immunoglobulin and con1plement
has been described in the glomeruli of affected cattle, sug- Disease
gesting an irnrnune-n1ediated disease. Viral a11tige11 was
rarely detec.terl, however, and virus-spec.ific. antihodies Pseudorahies in swine is rn ost severe in younger animals.
were not detected. The virus commonly affects the nervous system and the
mortality rate varies from 5o/o to 10011/o. lntection of so'"'s
during mid to lat e pregnancy can resu lt in abortion, fetal
death, mummification, or stillbirths. In adult pigs, severe
(APRINE HERPESVIRUS-1 n ervous disorders are rare, and pseudorabies usually pre-
:>e11L:. a:> a 1all 1e1 vague illness of Lra.11sie11l pyrcxia, dull-
A herpesvirus (previously designated BHV-6) was isolated ness, inappetence, incoordination, a11d ataxia. Respiratory
from young goats (1 week) dying in North An1erica discasc can also be sccn in pigs of various ages but is most
(California) with enteric sig11s and necrosis and ulceration con1mon in grower and finishing pigs. l11apparent or mild
in thc rume11, cecu1n, and colon. Signs of conjunctivitis disease may be missed or 1nisdjagnosed in older swine.
and rh1n1ns were observed in 5Wiss goat l<ids. Althougn in- Pseudorabtes also occurs In a number of otht!r :>pt!cle$, 111-
fection in adults usua!ly is apparent, genital diseases 1nay cluding cattle, sheep, dogs, cats, ancl rac.c.oons, in which
occur as vulvilis or balanoposlhilis. A 11erpes virus tl1at t11e clinical signs are usually neurologic and manifested by
was isol;:itPrl from a l.a lifornia shePp fP.tus was determ i ned an intense pruritis.
Chapte:r 54 Herpesviridae 327

Etiologic Agent suggests that the route of infectioi1 is via the axoplasm.
Vir1::r11 ia is uifficult to dernonstrate; however, V.ira! shed-
?liysical, Chemical, and Antigenic Propertics ding may persist in nas;il serrPtions for 11p to 14 days.
Lower airway infection often results, and cardiac and
'!'he pseudorabies virus (PRV) is au alphal1erpesviru~
tl1at splanchnic ganglia beco me involved.
is designated Suid herpesvirus 1 (SuHV-1). ()nly one The virus produces a nonsuppurativc mcningocn-
serotype has been identified; however, strain variability cephalomyelitis with exter1sive damage to neurons, wide-
:las been shovvn by restriction endonuclease digestion of spread perivascular cuffing, and gliosis. 'fhe brain stem is
tjruses from different geograpbi.c a reas. Attenuated strains particularly <1ffected, but lesions also occur tl1roughout the
have been demonstrated to have a deletion. in their ge- cerehral cortex and r.erehPllnm. There may be il1tra11uclear
nome, suggesting that specific regions are associated with inclusion bodies in all types of cells. In the respiratory
. irul1::11<.:<.:. form of the disease, a necrotizing tracheitis and pneumo-
nia occur that result in loss of epithelium in airways and
5.ensitivity to Physical and Chemical Agents necrosis ot alveolar cells.
Microscopic Iesions ln aborted fetuses include necrosis
The PRV is fairly sensitive to high temperatures and is sta- of many organs, but primariJy liver, spleen, visceral Iymph
ble i11 cell cultur<:: lluiu lJ1::tw1::en <1 pH of 6 to 8 at cooler nodes, and adrenal glands. Intranuclear inclusion bodies
temperatures. Virus has heen ohserved to s11rvivP in are often. prcsent in degeneraling he!J<'tlo1..yt1:::>, 1..1::11:> uf Lhe
u ncl1lorinatcd water for 7 days and for 2 days in an anaer- adrenal cortex, and occasionally mononuclear phagocytic
ob1c lagoon. Chemicals that cleave chlorine appear to be cells of the spleen and lymph nodcs. Placenta] lesions are
:he most effective disinfectants. cl1aracterized by degeneration and necrosis ot tl1e tro-
phoblasts and mesenchymal cells of the chorion. "
.ofectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems l
The disease occurs naturally in cattle, sheep, dogs, cats, Host Response to lnfection
and rats. In all b ut adult swine, tbe disease is almost always
lgM antibodies are first detectable about the fiftl1 day after
fatal; hence, other animals are essentially "dead-end"
infection followed by xncasurablc IgG antibodics about tl1e
hosts. Although one report exists of hi.1man infection, PRV
seventh day, reaching maximum levels by the t\velfth to
is 11ol readily Lransnlilled Lo hurnans. fourteenth day.
'l"he virus replicates readily in cell cultures from m;iny
species and tissues, including cat, dog, cattle, badger, coy-
ote, deer, buzzard, chicken. an.d goose. Laboratory Diagnosis
.Becausc signs of thc discasc in swinc vary widely with the
Host-Virus Relationship
age of t he animal, the dose of virus received, the strain of
virus, and the route of exposure, clínica! diagnosis is often
)istribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
Pseudorabies is recognized as asevere, highly fatal disease of In the laboratory, a definitive diagnosis of pseudorabies
newborr1 J>igs in Europe ar1d tI1e United Sta tes, and has been can be n1ade by viral isolalio11. II11u1u110fluures<.:ent stairling
reported in other rarts of the world. The princip;il resPrvoir of frozen tonsil or brain tissue can provide a rapid diagnosis.
of PRV appears to be the pig and transmission is frequently Scrologic tests for pseudorabies antibodies include solid-
pig to pig. The virus is transmitted by ingestion and inhala- phase radioilrununoassay, im1nunodiffusion tests, enzyme-
tion, and during coitus the virus can be transmitted from linked assay (ELIS1\), con1plement-fixation
ooar to sovv or vice versa. Transmission can occur ín a con- test, serum virus-neutralizing test (SVN), counterneuronal
taminated environment under crowded conditions. immunoelectrophoresis,. and indirect hemagglutination.
Feral swine c<u1 tr<1nsrnit tl1e virus to domestic svv1ne ELISA Lesls are U$<:!U to <lifferentiate antibody to
and among wild animals, the r;icr.oon h;is hPPn the niost gene-deleted vaccines and field infPction. Tn an acute out-
studied. Infected raccoons may t ransmit by close contact break, serology may not be helpful because of the tin1e
" ·ith swine and swine may be exposed by consuming 11eeded for antibodies to develop. In the United States, the
infected raccoon carcasses. l'he pig is the primary sourcc rnost commonly used tests ure latex agglutination (LAT),
of viral sprea(l to other species. Cases in dogs have been ELISA, and SVN. rn eradícation efforts, the sensitive LA'l',
linked to consumption of feral swi11e tissues. 'fhe cat which is quick and easy to perform, is commonly used as a
appt:ar~ to !Je rnore se11sitive, and infection .in cats VI.ras ~creenir1g <1ssay. For conftrmation, the SVN and ELISA are
observed in SlºA1 of f>RV-infer.te<l farros \<VhPrP cats were used '"'ith specific ET .TSA tPsts, which are especially useful in
o resent. detecting anirnals vaccinated >vith ge11e-deleled vacci11es.

Pathogenesis and Pathology

Prevention and Control
The virus replicates prirn;irily in thP i1pper respiratory ep-
itheliu1n including the tonsillar tissue. Virus can be iso- ln an effort to avold tl1e disease in a breeding herd, a pro-
Iated from the brain 24 hours following infection, which d11cPr should J.) purchase animals from sources free of PRV,
328 PART 111 Viruses

2) rcquirc testing prior to purchase, 3) isolate 11ew arrivals indirect contact with dogs No othPr animals have heen r.·-
and test for antibodies a mir1irnu111uf12 uay:, after receipl po1 Led lo sl1ow susceptibil ity to Cl IV. Limited grov.'1:h oc-
and isol;.ition, 4) restrict human traffic among the swine curs in human lung cells and calf, monkcy, pig, rahbit, an'-
and practice hygienic measurcs, and S) make efforts to hamstcr kidncy cclls.
restrict contact of the swine with other animals. fecd is a
potcntial sourcc of virus and appropriate measures should
be used. Host-Virus Relationship
ln infected herds, quarantine is the most urgent obliga-
tlOn and it is recommendcd that the muveruer1t uf :;wil1e Distribution. Reservoir, and Transmlsslon
be limited for slaughtcr only. Porcinf' origin antiserum
with Lilers of at least 1:256 has proven effective il1 reducing C:anine herpesvírus has been isolated in Europe, Japan
death losses if adn1inistered to neonatal pigs. However, Australia, New Zealand, and thc Unitcd States. The onl•
none is con1mcrcially availablc. known reservoir oí CH V in ali geograph.ic a reas is the do,
Attcnuatcd live vaccines are avatlablc and have been with the possible exccption of coyotes in tl1e United Stato
successful in reducing death losses in endcmic areas. 1'hese Modes of tra11smission of CliV may incluc.le transpl--
vaccines do not prevent reinfectlon Witl1 virulent field cental, congenital, oral, and airborne transmission . ·rhe~­
vi rus or the shedding of virulent virus for v;i ri;.iblt> perio<ls. IS abo su1111;; evidt::11<.:t:: uf L1 ansnllssioi1 by indirect contac-
Latently íuf1;;cleu a11d vaccinated aJ1in1als 111ay shed thc via an anin1al handler.
virus for indeterminate periods while asyrnptomatic.
Inactivated vaccines are commcrcially available. Their Pathogenesis and Pathology
principal use has been in susceptible SO\.\'S in endemic
arcas lo provide antibodies to colostrum for protection of Can1ne herpesvirus has been associatcd with respirator
ncwborn p1gs <.Iuring the first fcw "veeks of lile. Genctically disease in adult dogs, but the severe acute ari
enginecrcd (gene-deletion) vaccincs are currently used in hemorrhagic disease uccur:, u11ly i11 puppies infected at lt
deslgnated ~<ates in the U11itl'U Sldle:, :,i11ce co11uol pro- than approximately 2 we<>ks of age. 1-he virus can be i5<-
grams utili7f' <iifferential serolo¡,ry as part of a federal erad- latcd fron1 the nose and pharynx of young dogs cxposc...
ic<1tion progran1. intranasally. It can multiply in the respiratory and tema,-.
genital tructs of oldcr dogs and can be isolatcd for up to -
days l-ron1 the vagina of bitches inoculated i11travagina ll~
lt has also been isolated fro1n pharyngeal mucosa. The
(ANIN E HERPESVIRUS virus is disseminated hematogcnously, resultíug in y

nccrotizing vasculitis in many organs. (; ros~ly, th<' ki<lnry-

Di sea se 111ay appea1· 1uoltled a11d thcrc n1ay be pulmonary conges-
tion and edema, splenomcgaly, lymphadenitis, and non-
Canine hcrpcsvirus (CHV) causes neonatal dcaths, abor- suppurative meiúngocnccphalitis.
tions. and mun1mification as well as fatal systemic infec- Widespread toci ot necrosis and hemorrhages chara\.-
tion in ncwborn pups and rclativcly mild infections in terizc the histologic lesions in affectcd organs such as kid-
oldcr dogs. ·rhe virltS induces a genera!Jzed, often lethal in- ney, livcr, and lung. Intranuclear lnclusions may !Je pre -
fection within the first 2 ,.vccks of life. Pups are either still- ent il1 areas adjacent to necrotic les.ions.
born or die after a short illness.
CHV has been isolated frorn <lo~~ with re~p iratory ctis-
Host Response to lnfection
eases, a11d, '"'ilh other viruses and bacteria, may be in-
volved in thc "kennel cough" syndromc. Nculralizing antibOl1ies dcvclop 1n ctogs inoculatcd witl
CHV can induce gc11ital lcsions in n1ale and female CHV, but the duration of imrnunity is not known. CHV in-
dogs. Altected animals appear hcalthy but often presenta duces serum-neutralizlng anrltJuuíe:> iu iilft::<.:Lt::d puppi~
history of infertility. Reactivation of CHV in expPrimf'ntally infected pups an1.-
uu~s has been den1onstrated with administration of corti-
Etiologic Agent
Physical. Chemical. and Antigenic PropertiP.s Laboratory Diagnosis
Caninc hcrpcsvirus is a typical alphaherpesvirus. 'fhere is
no cross-neutrallzation between C.HV and the viruses of C linical signs and histopathology can be useful in diagn0-
herpes simplex, pscudorabies virus, or infectious bovine SiS. IJefinitive diagnosis is by viral isolation and 1nore rap-
rhinotracheltls. However, CHV aµµear:> lu lJt:: a11 ligenically i<lly by immunofluorescent staining of affected tissues.
rPl;.itf'<1 to hPrpes simplex virus.

lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems

Prevention and Control
A coyote herpe:;viru:., :>liu\v11 Lu be a11ligcn.ically related to Commercial CHV vaccincs are not available. Hyperim
CHV, was found in coyote p11p~ helieve<l to he infected by mune globulin may be useful but ditlicult to obtain be-
C11apter 51 Hcrpcsviridac 329

cause the virus is poorly immunogcnic. Rcmoval or scpara- Pathogenesis and Pathology
tion of infected animals should be consldered.
The pathogenesis of the infectíon d1ffers w1 th thc route of
inoculation. As FHV-1 infection is often manífested in the
uµµcr rc~piratory tréict, experimental studies have been
FELINE HERPESVIRUS - 1 (FELINE VIRAL donP. hy nasal ancl ocular ro11 tP~ . When introduced in-
tranasally, the virus produces rapid, cytolytlc li1fection of
epithelial cells of the nasal passages. The virus generally
persists in the upper respiratory tract for 2 wccks. Although
Disease many cars aeve1op con¡uncnv1ns dunng the pr1mary a1s-
ease, very few develop cornea! disease. Experimentally, sup-
Fcline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) is the cause of feline viral pression of local ilnmw1e iespo11st:::. µt::rrnitted viral access
rhü1ouacheiLis (fVR). Alo11g will1 u¡Jµt:r rc:.¡Jiréitory dis- to the cornea. 1'he resulting keratitis appears to hP cl11P to
ease, the virus is also associated with conjunc:tivitis, 111- thc immune response to the virus.
ccrative kcratitis, ulcerative stomatitis, abortions, and In the respiratory tract, changes occur in both stratified
pneumonia. squamous and pseudostratified columnar epithelial cells.
Lung changes consist of intcrstitial pneumonitís with
foc11l nccrotic lesions in the bronchi, bronchioles, and
Etiologic Agent alveolar sepla wilh alveolar accurnulations of inflamma-
tory cells and fibrinous exuclate.
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties Intranuclcar inclusion bodies are numcrous in the strat-
ífiea squamous epithelium of the conjunctiva w ith con-
Fcline herpcsvirus is a typical alphaherpesvirus. Serologic
junctival and cornea! lesions. Histologically, cornea} ulcers
comparisons suggest that FHV from around the world are
reveal dlsorientation and degeneration of the ep1thelial
similar; howevcr, diffcrences in the clinical manifestations
cells, sorne of lvhich contain nuclear inclusions.
caused by varlous isolates have been observed.

Host Response to lnfection

Sensitivity to Physical and Chemic¡¡I Agents
'l'he primary immune response of cats to intranasal infec-
fhe i11fc<.:tivity is reduced or eliminéitec.I by ether, chloro-
tion as rneasured by scrum ncutralizing antibodies is not
form ancl sodi11m hypochloritP. Vir11.~ in cPll cu lture fluid
impress1ve. Antibodies usually persist tor 1 to J 1nonths, al-
loses 90% of its viabilíty -..vithin 6 hours at 37°C, 6 days at though titers havc been observed to fluctuate in a cat bc-
75ºC, and 1 month at 4ºC. ·rhe virus is most stahle at pH 6, tween 1 :48 and l :256 overa 12-month period. Correlation
and complete activity is lost in 3 hours at pH 3 and pll 9. between presence of antibodics and resistance to infection
t-HV can be recovered tor up to 18 hours in a moist envi-
is noL absolute.
~onmcnt at lSºC, but for less than 12 hours in a dry room.

1nfectivity tor Other Species and Culture Systems Laboratory Diagnosis

'\atural infcctions with FHV have been observed onlv , in
Immunofluorescent staining can dcmonstrate viral anti-
the cat faniily. fHV-1 i.n vitro growtl1 is lin1iled 1naiI1ly Lo
gcns in thc tissucs of cxpcrimcntally infected cats. Early in
cells of feline origin . The virus propagatcs to high titers
thc course of fVl{, the conjunctival and nasal mucosa
'·"ith dcmonstratcd cytopathic cffcct in primary cell cul-
contain sufficient numbers of infected cells for antigen
tures of feline testicle, lung, and renal cclls.
fclinc herpesvin1s is isolated from tissue samples and
fron1 swabs of tl1e ocula1, 11a:.aJ, vr oroµltaryugeal mucosa.
Host-Virus Relationships The virus can be cultuied from nasal or swah-
bings for 14 to 21 days after infection, but most consis-
)istribution, Reservoir, and Transmission tently during the fust week.
~atural cases of the disease have been reported through- Virus-neutralizing antibodies can be detected in thc
out the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and New serum of convalescent cats. Paired samples, the fírst col-
Zealand. Cats serve as reservoirs. Healthy cats that are la- lected during acute illness, the other collected 2 or 3 weeks
tently infectec.1 with FHV may shed virus when stressed, .for lale1, can be used Ior tl1e serologlc c.lléigiiosis of FVR.
~xa1nple, by corticosteroid administration, and viral tran-
scripts have been detected li1 Lrigeuti 11al ga11glia uf latently
_,_fectecl cats. Prevention and Control
The major avcnuc for spread of FHV-1 is by direct cat-to-
cat contact through intec."tious discharges and aerosolized Care should be taken to avoid intro<lucing cats with devel-
::1icrodroplets. Indirect or fomite transmission via a con- oping, subclinical, or latent infections to a colony. A nlodi-
~mlnated environment, personnel, or feedíng and clean- fied live teline viral rhinotracheitis vaccine is available.
'lg utensils appears important only in catteries. Protectivc immunity appears to be rclativcly short, and re-
330 PAHT III Viruses

vaccinatio11 evcry 6 to 12 months is rcco1n1ncndcd. An in- 2 (GaHV-2), which is synonymous with MDV type 1, in-
tranasal vaccine is also available. A rccornbinant vaccine is cludes isolates that cause mild to severe signs of dlscaSt
rcported experimentally to result in a reduced latency load. gallid herpesvirus 3 (GaHV-3), which is sy11onyn1011s witl-
MDV type Z, i11clulle~ suains lhal are nononcogenic .....
third species is meleagrid herpesvirus-1 (MeHV-1), whict
includcs viruses from turkeys.
S IMIAN HERPESVIRUS 8 {CERCOPITHECINE Progressive paralysis ot one or more extremities, 1ncoo --
HERPESVIRUS -1) diI1ation1 d rooping \-vings, and lowered 11ead position a;.
tl1e most common sigr1s ofMD. Mortality varles from 10'
Hcrpcsvirus 13 cnuscs a .natural infection in Old World with. 111ild MD to over SOO;ó in unvaccinated bircls.
rnonkeys (rhesus and cynomolgus specics). The infection
in monkeys is characterized by oral vcsicles similar to the
cold sores in humans caused !Jy herpe:. :.i111plex virus. The Etiologic Agent
disease in monkeys i<; not fatal and the virus may rcmain
lale11L u1 li1feclcd anin1als. Direct contact is the most com- Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
mon mea11s of viral spread in monk~ys, since virus can be
GaHV 1 and 2 a11d MeHV-1 are alphaherpesviruscs.
rccovered from saliva and fro1n the central nervous tiss ues
of clinically asymptomatic, pers1stently infected arun1als.
1'he virus can cause fatal central nervous infection in Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
hu1nans and laboratory animals such a:. ral.Jl.JiLs and un-
Cell-free virus is readily inactivated at temperah.1res grcat
\veancd mice. Most hu1nan infPctions ílr<' caused by a bite
than 37ºC and is only relatively :.-ra!Jle al 25ºC (4 days) af'
fro1u a Luo11l-.ey ~ec rew1g infectious virus, although han-
4ºC (2 weeks). MDV ca11 be maint;iin<'d for long periods
dling virus-infected prilnary monkey kidney cell cultures
27ºC. Viru:. i:. iuaclivaled by pl-1 3 and pll 11. lnfectivity
can also lead to infection . Thc incubation pcriod in hu
ciriecl MDV-infected feathers is destroycd by chlorine, :-
mans is JO to 20 clays. Usually there is local inflammation
ganic iodine, a q uaternary ammonium con1pound, ere
ot the bite site followcd bv , vesicle formation and necrosis
sylic acid. synthetic phenol, and sodiu1n hydroxide .
of thc a rea. Virus reachcs the central nervous system uy pe-
ripheral nerves, and death may occur duf' to :in1tf' Pn-
ccphalitis or en<.:l'phalu111yelitis. lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
HerpP<;vír11s B i<; morphologically similar to other al-
phaherpesviruscs. lt is readily inactivatcd by dctcrgcnts. The chicken ls the p rimary 11atural liusl for ll1e MDV, a:-
disease is rare in othPr spPc:ies except for quail. Marek's d
The virus can be cultivated on thc chorioatlantoic mem-
branc of embryonated chick eggs and in rabbit, monkey, ease virus has not been sl1owo to affect any no11avian ar
and human cell cultures that produce lntranuclear lnclu- mals. No etio logic link has b een demonstrated bet\>\'et
sion bodies and syncytia forn1ation. Strong cross-reactivity MDV and human cancer. The virus is lnost <>ften cul
exist~ !Jetwl'L'H liu1111u1 he1pes si1nplex viruses and her-
vatect on chicken or duck embryo fibroblast cells. Chicke
pP~vin1s B.
kidney cells have also been used.
llerpes süniac ,·irus infection can be diagnoscd by iso-
lating virus from the central ncrvous tissues of fatal
human cases. /\ PCR based assay has been developed for Host-Virus Relationships
viral identification; however, diagnostlc dete.ction of her-
Distribution, Rescrvoir, and Transm ission
pes B specific antibodics is difficult. 'fhere is no treatn1Pnt
for herpesviru~ B i11 fecliuu in 11u111ans, nor ha::; an effective Marek's Liisease is a n1ajor disease of domestic chickc-
vaccine heen developed. Human gamma globulin tha t flocks worldwide. The virus can persist in excreta, litter
contains virus-specific antibodics should be uscd imn1cdi and poultry housc dust, and horizontal infection '"
ately after cxposure to monke.y bites. c_:aution and \'Vear1ng aerosols ot chickens appears to be the main method __
of protcctive gear for handling monkeys remain thc best transmission. Egg transmission is doubtful. Marek's d.~
way to avoicl infection. ease virus matures to its enveloped lnfeL"tiuu:s furr u 0111) 1-
the feather fo llicles a11d can thf'n ht> srread to the environ-
111e11 Lvía Liesquan1atcd cells. Wholc live cells from blood o-
tumo r material, or infected whole cell cultures, are intec-
MAREK'S DISEASE tious expcrimcntally. Ccll-frce fluid does not appear to l>é
infectious. Certain chicken llnes are geneticaJly resistan-
Di sea se to MDV, and resistan ce in most bi rds is associated with th
development of serum-neutralizing autil.Juuy.
Marek's disease (MD) is a lymphoproliferative disease of
chlckcns that may involvt: 11u111e1ous LlsslJcs. Most fre- Pathogenesis and Pathology
cp 1Pntly periphPr;il nPrves are affectcd. Prior to vaccine dc-
velopment, MD was responsible for hcavy losscs, and in- The incidence of MD is variable, depending on the stra·
creased losses to MD in vaccinated tlocks have suggestcd of the virus and the strain and age of the cliicke11. TLu:.-
an cvolution toward greater virulcnce. There are two ally occurs in chickens ben-veen?. ;ind .'i months old and
species of Marck's d1sease virus (MDV): gallid herpesvirus- commonly felt I1ol Lo l.Je seen ü1 birds older than 22 week.
Chapter S4 Herpesviridae 331

howf'Vf>r, <liSP.flSf> hPen ohsf>rvf><I in hirrlc: .ac: yo11ng as 3 den ce of ML). 'fhe three live virus serotypes have been used
to 4 wccks and in 60-week-old laying hens. 'fhe virus pri- for vaccincs resulth1g h1 inore vacci11e~ beco111i11g avail-
marily affects the nervous system although visceral organs able. ITVT vaccine (serotype 3) is the most economical to
and other tissues may also be involvcd. Lcsions are present produce and is most cffcctivc whcn cxposurc is not hcavy.
in the nervous system and il1volvc pcriphcral nerves and vacc1nat1on does not prevent infection or shedding ot vir-
spinal roots. The principal ncrvc trunk involved shows ulent ~!fDV, but it does prevent tumor formatio n. Bivalcnt
gross le::.iur 1:-. cur isi::.Li r tg uf a glaybl 1-wl 1i le :;wclliug, which anti polyvalent vaccincs llave been used successfully
histologically are characterizecl by extensive lymphocytic wh PTP m on ov;:i 1Pn t v¡¡ cci n es h<1vc bcen ineffective. Em bryo
infiltratlons. Edema may be present and myelin degenera- vaccination is currently used in at least 55% of broiler ern-
tion ot nervc sheaths may be apparent. bryos. Gcnctically resistant lines of chickens havc been
Ocular lymphomatosis is another possiblc outcome of maintained experimcntally.
YIDV infection, with blindness resultlng due to iris in-
"-olvement. Histologically, a similar infiltration oflympho-
cylcs is prcscnl, wllich cair also ulcu1 i11 Ll1e uptic I1crve.
In thc visceral form, lymphoid tumors of varying de- INFECTIOUS lARYNGOTRACHEITIS VIRUS (GALLID
grccs of scvcrity infiltra te thc gonads, livcr, lung, and skin. HERPESVlRUS-1)
Affected chick.ens have enlarged visceral organs with white
nodular or miliary foci. Oclusive atherosclerosis has been Di sea se
ub~ervec.i expcrl mcntally.

111fecliuu~ laryugutracheitis virus (Tl:TV) usually occurs as

Host Response to lnfection an acute clisPasP in chickPns and represents a serious prob-
lem in arcas of intense poultry husbandry. 1·11e vil us p1u-
Thc immunc response to MDV is complex, in that both duces signs of respiratory distress and coughing that ofter1
humoral and ceLJ-mediated immunity (CMl) develop in produce a bloody dischargc. Mild cnzootic forms of JI.:fV
normal birds. MDV infection can be immunosuppressive. infection may result in reduced cgg production, conjunc-
In addltlon, the i1nmune response may be involved in tivitis, and pcrsistent nasal clischarge.
t11mor form<1tion. Bursectomized birds survive experimen-
tal infcclion, suggesling tl1al CM! is i111po1 La1 1L. Trr chicks,
passivcly acquired antibody is thought to limit the r.xtPnt
of infection rather than prevent it or clear thc virus. Viral-
Etiologic Agent
specific antiboclies appear within 1 to 3 wecks following
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
infection and neutralizing antibodies persisl for tl1c lifc of
the bird. rollowing infection, transient CM l suppression is ¡¡; rv is a typical alphaherpP_<>vin1<> that is al<>o <IP<;ignatPd as
common; it may persist in birds that develop ncoplasms. gallid herpesvirus 1 (GaIIV-1).
Both B and T lymphocytes have bccn idcnrified in tumors,
and thymectomy has been shown to reduce the level of
ly111plro111<1s i11 affecte<.l bir<.ls. It l1as ueen suggestec.i that Sensitivity to Physical and Chemical Agents
YID might have an autoimmune compon<'nt hasf>cl on an- TLTV is inactivatcd by 3% crcsol, 1% sodium hydroxidc,
tibody responses to myelin and periphcral ncrves. and 1% lye, 24 11ours' exposurc to et her, and 10 to 15 min-
utes at SSºC:. The virus can be stored for lengthy periods by
lyoplllli:¿ation anti freezing.
Laboratory Diagnosis
lnf Prtivity fnr Other Species and Culture Systems
011 111;:1.1vv::.y, g1u:>:> 11;::-ivu:> al\.'. 1.u111111u11 i11 pe1ipl1eral
nerves, root ganglia, and tl1c spinal roots. Lyrnphomatous IL'fV is primarily a disease of chickcns, but thc discasc has
lcsions are charactcristically composcd of smaH lympho- also been reported in pheasants and peafowl. Young
cytcs, lymphoblasts, and reticulum cells. Arterial lcsions of turkeys havc bcen infected experimentally, and the virus
atherosclerosis are often present. Confirmatory diagnosis replicates In cmbryonated turkey eggs. Starlings, sparrows,
is made by viral isolat ion or by antigen detecnon usiog flu- crowc:, <IOVf>'> , d11rk<:, pigPon<;, anrl g11ine;i fowl h;ive been
orP<>cPnt antihody, immunoperoxid<1se, or ELTSA on found to be resistant to lLfV.
ieather follicle cells. Antibodies can be deLecLed by agar gel C~hicken kidney monolayer cell cultures, embryonated
immunodiffusion, indirect imm11nofh1orf>scPnce, and chickcn cggs, and cl1icken embryo (kidncy, liver, and lung)
,·iral neutralization and ELISA assays. cell cultures have been used to culture TLTV.

Prevention and Control Host-Virus Relationship

I.xpcrimentally, MDV-free flocks can be 1nai11Lai11eu by
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
strict isolation. constant surveillance, and frequent moni-
toring far virus and antibody, but these techniqucs have ILTV has bcc11 idenLified in al111o~t cvery country in the
been of limited commercial use. Commercial vaccincs are world; it occurs primarily in arcas with high concentra-
available and have been effectivc in reducing the il1ci- tions of chickcns and occasionalJy occurs in pheasants.
332 PART Ill Viruses

Chickens are assumed to be the primary reservoir and nity can be dernonstri"ltPci in hursectomized chicken~
mode of tran!i1ni!i!iio11, wllicl1 vccu1s by direcl co11Lacl thc absence of a humoral response.
through droplet in fection of the ocular and respiratory se-
cretions. Mechanical transmission can occur via contami-
natcd equipment and litter. Egg transmission of !Ll'V has Laboratory Diagnosis
not b ccn demonstrated. A carrier statc can develop in birds
with sublethal disease, and ILTV has been isolated from Vlrus ca11 be lsolate<.l frorn tra1.:h1;:C1l a11d lung lissue in e•. -
chickens 2 years after infection. Unvaccinated birds are bryoni"lted chi<kPn Pggs, c.ell culture, and ILl'V DNA can_
susceptlble to infection fron1 vC1cciualc::u 1.Ji1d:s, and vacci- den1onstrated by PCR. lmmunofluorescent staining of ~
nated birds mi"ly hP<nmP c:arriers. Acutely infected birds chea can demonstrate presence of viral antigen up to __
representa greater source of virus than clinically recovered days postinfcction. ELIS/\ based serology is widely used
carrier birds.

Pathogenesis and Pathology

Prevention and Control
lLTV in natural conditions enters through tht: uµµc::r n:::.¡;i- Use of live ILTV vaccine results in carriers, which can sr '-'-
ratory tract and ocular tract. Tn thP ni"lh1ral d isease, the to nonvaccinated susceptible birds. Since the virus can s-_-
gn.:alt:=>l concenlralio11 of TLTV is found in the trachea, vive for 10 days at temperatures of 13ºC to 23ºC, t he cli:r
since the virus repllcates only in the nasal cavity, trachea, ing of infected premises is very important. Complete c.
and lower respiratory tract. Latcnt virus has been demon- population and disinfection of premises has been used ·
strated in the trigeminal ganglion. Viremia has not been control the disease.
reported. Varrination has been successful via the cloaca, infra -
In lethal lnfections of ILTV, thick1;:11i11g of Lracl1eal mu- bital sinuses, intranasal instillation, fcathcr follicles, a!:
cosa, hemorrhage, congPstivP ht>art failure, and severe drinking water. Birds youn ger than Z weeks of age do ~
Lu11geslio11 of all interna! organs have b een found. rcspond as wcll as older birds. Water administration
rlistopathology demonstrates fibrinous tracheobronchi- 1Ll'V vaccine does not give as complete or 1ong-Iast111g l~
tis, with detachment of the trachcal cpithclium and large munity as otl1er methods. For water vaccine to be effecti"'""¿,
intranuclear inclusion bodies in detached cells that are the th e virus has to penetrate tnto the nasal cavity or tracl!t:_
basis fo r a strong p resumptive d iagnosis. Cloaca! administration of the vaccine lei"!cls to ri"lpid a'°l-
sorption uf t he viru:. iulo L11e bursa of Fabricius and resu,-
in ;¡n immune response. This route is undesi"rable, h o' -
Host Response to lnfection
ever, since ILTV da1nages the bursa of young bird
ThP fi r~t signs of TLTV infection usually appear 6 to 12 days Adequate lLl'V vaccination occurs vía aerosol procedure<
following natural exposure. Resistance to discasc following Modificd live TLTV vaccines have been associated with d?s-
the infection or vaccination usuaUy persists tor approXi- ease and chicken embryo origin vaccines have bee:-
mately 1 year. lnfected birds develop precipitating and demonstrated to increase in virulence after in vivo pa .
serum-neutraliZing antibodies; however, the cell-medlated sage. The develop1uent uf genc::lically engu1eered vaccint'"
response appears to be important in resistance. ful! immu- holci~ promise for improved control strategies.

Poxviruses infect many vertebrate and invertebrate various orthopoxviruses can be distinguished on the basis
5pecics. Discascs caused by poxvhuses often affect Lhe uf ll 1t:i r ge11ornic DNA :se4uence, and by pock formatlon
skin, although sorne cause systemic infcctions in which on chick em hryo chorioallantoir mPmhr<inPs (pork ;ip-
clinical signs of discasc may or may not be apparcnt. pearance and t he highest tcn1pcrature at which they de-
Poxvi rus infections often cause proiiferative epithelial le- vclop ). ·rhe an imal h ost-species of origin is sometimes pre-
sions in birds, '"'hereas papular and/or pustular epithelial dictive of the type of orthopoxvirus, but not invariably so.
lesions are characteristic of poxvirus-lnfected mamm als
an<l on ly in ~omP infPctions do these become proliferative.
Poxviruses are large and con1plex and rcplicale u1 lhe Host-Virus Re lationship
cell cytoplasm. Of the two subfamilies of poxviruses,
:nembcrs of thc Chordopoxvirinnc infcct vcrtcbratcs, T1ansn1ission of ortl!uµoxviru=>t::. occur:; by contact,
-,·hereas v1ruses w1thin the Ento1nopoxv1nnae infect insects. aerosol, arthropod bites, or exposure to fomites. l"hp pnx-
There are eigh t distinct genera in thc Chordopoxvirinae viruscs tcnd to be very stable in the environmcnt.
Table 55.1 ), and there is considerable antlgenic cross- Hoth cellular and humoral responses are critica! to im-
·p;ictivity between viruses in tbe various genera. Chordopox- munity against poxviruses. Cellular immunity facilitates
" irinae have plcon1orpl1ic, roughly brick-shaped v irions destruction of vir us-infected cells and is important in con-
approximatcly 220- 450 nm lon g x 140-260 nm w ide) t hat fin ing the virus to a localized area. Defects in cellular im-
in elude a Ji poprotein surface membrane anda biconcave or 11 1u1 1ily µenui t witlt:spread distrilJutlon uf viru s, resultl ng
cylindrical core. 'l'he gen ome is enclosed in the core and in generalized disease. Ne11tr;¡lizing ;:intihn<liPs <irP impnr-
consists of a single, very large (up to 130 kilobases) mole tant in recovery from i nfection. Immunity appears to be of
cule of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). Tl1e viral genome long duration.
encodes sorne 150- 300 proteins, and approximately 100 of
tl1ese are contained wíthir1 virior1s. lncluded are manv, en-
"'}'111P~ that arP involvP<I in virus rPplic<ition . Laboratory Diagnosis
Diagnosis of Orthopoxvirus infection can be madc by clcc-
tron m1croscopy of virus extractcd from lesions or by v iral
ORTHOPOXVIRUS isolation. Isolation m ay be achieved by inoculation (scari-
flcatlon) of Iat>oratory antm als (especlally rabblts), of cell
Disease c11 lt11rPs, nr nf thP chorio~1ll::into i c membrane of embry-
onated chicken eggs. The latter procedurc 11as been widely
Orthopoxvirus infections cause a variety of papular diseases u sed and may differentiate viral typcs.
of humans and animals. Papules are raised epithelial pro-
!iferatio ns thnt oftcn ulcernte rnpidly. Lcsion dcvclopmcnt
:nay be conñned to speciftc areas of thc skin or the infec-
tion may be generalized. Skin Iesions often appear first as a V ACCINIA or papule followed by pustule formatlon that rapidly
•s followed by crusting and scab formation. Vaccinia virus is the genus prototype and was used to vac-
ciIJC:tte humans against smallpox (varlola), which was a
<lPv<istating rlisease prior to its eradication from the world
Eti ologic Agent in the second half of t l1e 20lh cenlu1y. Vaccinalion o í liu-
mans with vaccin ia was responsiblc for the global elin1ina-
Orthopoxviruses include vaccinia (and rclated bu ffalopox tion of smallpox, using the principlc devclopcd by Edward
dl tu ralJIJitµox ), cowpox (Fig 55.1), camelpox, monkeypox, jenner prior to 1800. Vaccinia was oriKJnally believed to be
.:>etromelia, and variola (human smallpox). They are mor- a cowpox, but its origin is uncertain since it is quite dis
phologically iJ1disliJ1guisl1able, a11d Lltt:lt: b CUll:Sideral>Je tinct from lts purported ancestor. Buffalopox and rabbit
-erological cross-reactivity between the viruses within this pox (<in infPrtinn of l;ihor;itory r¡¡bbits) are caused by
:;enus. Orthopoxviruscs contnin a hcmagglutinin. 'I'he viruses that are closely related or identical lo vacciJ1a.

334 PART JJJ Viruses

Ta b 1e 5 5 . 1. Genera (Subfamily· Chnrrlnpn1<virinriP) nf

Significance in Veterinary Medicine F 1G U RE 5 5. 1 . Cowpox virus in skin lcsions undcr thin scc
tioning. BOOOX. (Courtesy of A. Castro.)
Genus Members

Orthopoxvirus Vaccinia (and highly related buffalopox and rabbitpox

Cowpox (rodents, cats, cattle, and humans)
Mouse pox (ectromelia)
Parapoxvirus 8ovine papular stomatitis
Contagious ecthyma of sheep (Orf)
Pseudocowpox virus of cattle (Milker's nodule ot
Squirrel parapoxvirus
' -~ .'
Sealpox vir1.1s

Avipoxvirus Fowlµox
Junopox (peacocks)
Pigeonpox (AM ELPOX
Capripoxvirus ShPPflf)ílX
Gudl¡;ux Camelpox is ;1 c;PvPrP, gc>neralized pustular disease of t ...
lumpy skin disease (Neethling virus) skin of affec"ted carnets. lt is of economic importancc
Suipoxvirus Swinepox countries with an indigenous carne! population, includi" ~
leporipoxviru5 Myxoma, rabbit, and squ1rre1t1llroma thosc of thc Middlc East, Africa, and p:lrts of Asia. Dise:i
Molluscipoxvirus Molluscum contagiosum occurs pr1nc1pal ly in younger anJmals and is charactcriZ<.-
unnamed vlruses of horses and donkeys by fever, gcncralized rash, and scquential development
Yatapoxvirus Yaba monkey tumor viru1 papular, pustular, anli sc¡-¡l.JlJing k:~ iu11::. vu lhe lin1bs, ncc
and head.


Vaccinia n1ay infect cattle vía handling (milking) by in- Mousepox occurs in laboratory mice, although the vi r~
fected personnel; infected c:attle can also intcct personnel. readily is excludcd from appropriately n1anaged facl.
Vaccinia irlfcction of cattle can produce lcsions that are in- ties. Mousepox is asevere, rapidly fatal cl ist>asP charaC"tf'--
distinguishable from those causcd by cowpox virus; thcsc izcu l>y ex l e11:>i ve uecrosis of thc Ji ver of affectcd m ice.
occur on the teats and udder and appear as small papul<'s more chronic form also occurs, charactcrized by necro
that progres.s to pu~tuh:'~ a111J, fi11ally, exudalivc scabs. of the distal extrcmitics (fcct, tail, and snout) of affect.,._
Buffalopox is a clic;p;ic;p of milking \Vater buffalo in Egypt, m1ce.
India, a11d Southeast Asia that also resembles cowpox. Likc
vacci na, buffalopox virus can infect humans.
(OWPOX P;ir;iroxviruses infect a wide variety of anin1als, prin .. -
pally ungulatcs and domcstic livcstock, although seve:--
Cowpox virus is closely reJated to vaccinia, hut antigeni- are also contagious to humans (zoonoses). Parapoxviru~
l'Cilly <.li~Li11ct. c:owpox ü1 cattle is characterizcd by papular, typically produce localized papular and proliferative cut..-
pustular, and crusty cxudative lesions on the udder and neous lcs1ons¡ examples in.elude t>ovine papular stornati-;:.
adjacent areas of skin . Rodcnts serve as reservoir hosts of virus, orf virus (contagious ecthyma), ancl psr.11docowr-
the virus, which also is contag1ous to humans, cats (do- virus (milkt:r'::. nullule) .
mestic and large wild cats), and a variet)r of othcr animal P;irapoxviruses are rnorpl1ologically unique in that.:
specics. Cowpox appears to be a disease tl1at i:> cu11fi11ed to organized tubular, threadlikc structurc forms a crisscn..
Europe incl11ding th<' Rritish Isles. pattern on the virion surtace. 1h e v1r uscs are ali anr1ger:
Chaptcr SS Poxviridae 335

cally relatcd, but the envelope contains antigenically dis-

tinct epltopes. The viruses are stable for long periods of f 1G U R E 5 5 . 2 . Negatively sta1ned preparation ot contagious
time at ambient tem peratures. ecthyma viru~. 4(},000X. (íourtesy of R. Nordhausen.)


Bovine papula1 slon1alilis is cliara~tt:rizcd uy the presence
of papulcs, which are raised epithelial prolift>rations, on
thc mu.zzlc, nares, lips, bucea! cavity, dental pad, palate,
anct tongue. Hyperemic papules, with central necrosis and
concentric colored rings, are highly characteristic. Thc dis-
easc Is generally o f minor i1uportance, although it occa-
~ion;illy can mimic important vesicular diseases of cattlc
like foot-and-n1outh disease ancl vesicular slu1uatitis.

Host-Virus Relationship
Bovinc papular stomatltls virus lnfcction of cattle occurs
lvorlrlwirle; humans sometimes are infccted with the virus.
lt is believed to persisl i11 a lalelll :.tale iu cattle. Virus is
present in oral and nasal seaetions and transmission m;iy
occur by dircct contact. Host-Virus Relationship
In addítion to sheep and goats, contagious ecthyma virus
Laboratory Diagnosis and Control may also infect humans (zoonoses), deer, and pcrhaps
other spcc!es. Related vin1ses il1fcct chamois and seals. ·rhc
Buviuc ¡;a¡;ular stomatitis must be dlfferentlated from im- vir11<; is clístributed worldwide and is maintained in naturc
portant vt>sic11la r clist>ast>s. Vir11s may be isolated on cell by persistenl infeclions of sl1eeµ, a~ wcll as survival of the
cultures or directly visualized in skin scrapi11gs 01 biopsy virus for prolonged periods in dri~<i scah~. 'fhP virus is
material by electron microscopy. Vaccines have not been rcadily transmitted on rough feed that causes erosions and
dcvclopcd. ulccrs in the oral cavity of affectcd sheep.

Laboratory Diagnosis and Control
Presum ptive diagnosis is hast>rl 11pon clí observations
Disease and pathology (e.g., epilhelial p1ulifcralio11 witl1 intral:el-
lular edema leading to cytoplasmic vacuolation oftf'n with
Contagious ecthyma virus (fig 55 .2) is the etiologic agent thc prcscncc of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies). Virus can
of contagious ecthyma of shccp and goats (synonyms in- be identified by electron microscopy and isolated in em-
clude scabby mouth, contagious pustular dermatitis ot bryonic sheep skin or testicular cells.
sheep, soremouth, infectious labial dermatitis, and orf). Vacclnation is used to control the disease in endemic
Q1f i:. llie le! 111 u:.etl LU tle:.l:ri!Jc ti IC Ulsease In human s. a reas, ancl imm11nity i.s considered to be long term in dura-
Contagious ecthyma of sheep and goats initially is char- tion. Virulent virus is used in vaccinalion by :s1.:arification
actcrizcd by the appearance of papules and vesicles on of thc skin in areas not affccted by the disease; a potential
the lips, mouth, interdigital skin, genitalia, and udder. adversc impact of this approach is that it does ensure per-
Papules and vesicles ra pidly progress to pustulcs, fol- petuat1on of the virus in nature.
lowed by scab formation. Lesions on thc lips interfere
with suckling or grazing, and thus to loss of condition of
affccled anin1als. Youug a11i111als are rnost likely to be af-
fected, and the virus rapidly spreads among .~11sceptible PsEuoocowPox
animal s.
A related Parapoxvirus causes ulcerative dermatosis of Pseudocowpox is a mil<i disp;a~p of cattle that particularly
sheep, a disease characterized by the prcscncc of ulccratcd affccts lactating animals. Teat lesions develop as papules
papules on rhc lips, face, legs, feet, and externa! genitalia. with an ulcerated center that becomes cncrusted. 'fhis re-
Genital infections are transmitted by sexual contact. sults in a pathognomonic scab with a ring or horseshoe
336 PAHT III Viruses

appcarancc. The causative l'arapoxvirus ls closcly rclatcd to lowing lnfection and apparcntly confer long-term im-
bovinc papular stomatitis virus, and can intect humans vía munity. Maternal antibody docs not confer protectlon to
dircct contact, producing so called milker's nodules. h atched chicks.
Pseudoco\<Vpox occurs in most countries but 11as llttle
cconomic signiflcance because m ost infections are either
asympturnatic or vt::ry iuilu. !111111un iLy is of sl1ort duration Laboratory Diagnosis
and rPcnrrPnt infPctions are common. Cattle occasionally
dcvelop chronic infections. Diagnosis of avían poxvirus infcctions is based on clínica!
signs and histopathology and electron microscopy. Virus
can be isolated by lnoculating susceptible birds, the chori-
oallantoic membrane of embryonated chicken eggs, ;111ll
AVIPOXVIRUS cell cultures (chicken and duck cmbryo fihrohlasts).
Avipoxviruses infect many avlan speLies (see TalJle 55.1).
Fowlpox virus is the genus prototypP. Treatment and Control
Control of avian poxvirus infcctions can be aided by pro
Disease viding adeq uate nutrition, housing, a nd insect control
among birds. Livc virus vaccines are used to i1n1nunize
Pox is a common diseasc of commcrci<il chickens and tur- bi rds against pox; tl1ese vaccines induce a milll lllstase Lhal
kcys, and of many ditterent species of pet and wild birds. leads to protective immunization. RPcomhinant vaccines
Fowlpox causes decreased egg production and increascd rccently have lJeeo ueveloped and provide a vector for
mortal1ty on affected commerclal premlses. The lesions iI1 the incorpor;ition of heterologous genes for protective im-
affectcd birds are designated as either cutaneous or <liph- n1un ization.
thcrltlc. Cutaneous lcsious <11e cha1aclcrlz:ed by nodular,
wart-likP p roliferations of hyperplastic cpithelium tha t in-
volve the skin of the head (con1b, wattlcs, corncrs of the
n1outh, nostrils, and eyes) . 'J'he d ipl1theritic form is char- CAPRIPOXVIRUS
actcrizcd by proliferat ive lesions on the m ucous 1nem-
IJranes and 1uay extend into the slnuses; involvement uf Tl1e ge11us Capripoxvirus lnclutle~ i;ht:t:]J]JOX, goatpox, and
the larynx and trachea results in dyspnea ;incl ril lPs. The le- lumpy skin disease (Nef'th li ng) viruses; sheeppox virus is
sions are characterizec.I by ir1fla111 111aliu11, epidern1al 11ypcr- the genus prototy¡;e;:. TI 1e vi1 uses are n1ore elongated than
plasia, an<i <iPvPlopmPnt of eosinophilic intracytoplasmic othPr poxviruses and m easure about 115 nm x 194 nm:
inclusion bodies. hemagglutinin is absent. 'l"hc viruscs are closcly related but
Mortality in affected commercial chic1'ens and turkeys, differ antigenically. Iníection with any virus produces
pigcons, and psittadnes is typically fo,v, \vhereas infection cross protection to hetcrologous virus, witl1 the exception
in canar1cs is almost always fatal. of certain strains of goatpox virus. ·rhe viruses are pret10111-
inantly host-specific, though sorne strains prod11<'P Jp-;ionc;
in sheep, goat~, aud/or hu1nans.
Etiologic Agent
Th<' :ivipoxviruses are antigenically related but are differ-
entiated by ho:;t rungc, scrologic tc:;t~, plaque formation SH EEPPOX ANO GOATPOX
in cell cultures, and pock formatron on the chorioallantoic
membrane of embryonated chicken eggs. 1'he viruses are Disease
also distinguished by analysis of thclr genomic D:-iA. Li ke
other poJ<.-viruses, avipoxviruscs are highly resistant to Sheeppox and goatpox are important poxvirus diseases of
desiccatton. livestock, allhougl1 il1fection with these viruses can pro-
duce clinical signs that range in scvcrity from inapparcnt
to a severe gencralizcd condition. Animals of ali ages are
Host-Viru s Relationship susceptible but disease is more severe in younger animals.
especially in endemic arcas. Breed and im mune status also
Avipoxviruscs .bave a worldwidc distríbution. Viral t rans- affcct disease severlty. Both shet:ppux a11u goalpox vicuses
mission can occur by direct contact o r 1nechanical trans- cause system ic infections of .~ll~<'Pptihle h osts, and vircm ia
mission. Virus can survive for long periods in scabs, lead- occurs soo1 e afler infection. Virus is dlsseminated to thc
ing to cutancous or respiratory infection. The viruses also skin, lymph nodes, and multiple organs, including the
can be transn1itted by lJitir1g i e1s1::cl:., especially n1osquitoes spleen, kidneys, and lungs. ·rhc first clinical signs of dis-
and mitP~. c:hronic infections of individuals may con- ease include pyrexia, rhin1t1s, an<l con¡unctiVitis, follO\.'\'ed
tribute to viral persistence on a given prcmisc. by varylng degrees of lesion development on extern<>1
Humoral and cellular immune responses develop fol- nares, lips, tongue, gums, and skin (cspe<.:ially wl1ere woc
Chupter 55 Puxviridue 337

or hair is minimaJ). Skin lesions are initially papules and Host-Virus Relationship
vesicles that rapidly bec:ome pustular and necroti.c: with
scab forn1ation. Infected epithelial cells 111ay contain eosi- Neethling virus is confined to ,'\frica ancl Madagascar. Viral
nophilic cytoplasrnic inclusion bodies. Lesions may also transmission probably occurs by dircct contact, aerosol
d cvclop in thc rcspiratory and alimcntary tracts, livcr, kid- and insect vectors. Persistence of Virus iI1 nature is proba-
n eys, and other organs. A nodular form of the disease has hly similar to t hat desc(ibed for sheeppox and goatpox, but
been referred to as stone pox. Increased mortality rates are it is proposed that buffalo n1ay serve as viral reservoirs in
associated wíth secondary bacterlal infectlons and disse1n- sorne areas.
in ated in te.rnal lesions.

Laboratory Diagnosis
Host-Virus Relationship
f)efinitive diagnosis requires fluotescent ant ibody staining
Infections occur predominantly in Africa, the Middle East, or electron microscopy of tissues, viral isolation in cell cul-
11nd the lndian subcontinent. Viral transmission is by tures (lamb and calf kidney) or embryonated chicken eggs
aerosol, direct contact, and possibly ar tl1ropod vectors. (developn1e11l of pocks on lhe chorioalla11lui<.: u1e111-
Viral persistence is probably dueto the sur viva! of virus io brane), or serology.
scabs and its transmission to susceptible anin1als within an
endemic area.
Antibodies, including those with viral-neutralizing ac- Treatment and Control
tivity, develop within 1 week of Iesion deve.lopment.
Tmrnunity is considered to be lifelong. Treatment is confined to supportive therapy. Vaccination
resul ts i.o lo11g-lern1 i111n1u11ily. Cou11trie::; free uf. lu111py
skin disease have irnposed import restrictions on stock
laboratory Diagnosis from infcctcd countrics.

Histupatl1olugy, fluurescent staining, electron

m ic.rosc.opy, ;:incl serology c:an help c.onfirm clinical
n osis. Virus can be isolated in cell cultures of ovinc, bo-
vine, and caprine origin. The virus grows relatively poorly
Swlnepox vir us is lhe only n1e1nber of Llie ge11u::; Suipux-
in embryonated chicken eggs as compared to orthopoxvi-
virus. It is the cause of swiI1epox, a disease characterized hy
ruses and parapoxvíruses. dissc1Tiinatcd cutancous pox lesion s.

Treatment and Control Disease

Prcvcntativc mcasurcs such as ilnport rcstrictions are prac- Swiuepux u<.:<.:urs ir1 pigs uf all ages, a.lthuugh yuunger ani-
ticed by countries free of the virus. Attcnuated and inacti- mals are more commonly affec.tecl. ·rhe disrasP. ns11ally i.~
vated viral vaccines are used in endemic areas. very mi.Id, '"'i th virtually 110 mortality. Lesions typically
develop on the abdomen and inner thighs and sornetimes
on other areas of the skin. Lesion development progrcsscs
from papular through pustular and scabbing stages. Micro-
lUMPY SKIN DISEASE scopic lesions are similar to other poxvirus lesion and
include hyperplasia of epidermal cells with hydropic de-
Disease genrr;=ition and thr formation of eosin ophilic intracyto-
plasmic inclusion bodies. Inflan1n1atory cells are fou11d it1
Lumpy skin disease o f cattle (and buffalo) is caused by a tl1e dermis. Vaccinia can cause an identical disease in pigs.
virus (Neethling virus) closely related to shccppox and
goatpox viruses. Infection is followed by v1rem1a and fever,
witl1 tl1e subsequent formation of nodular lesions on the Host-Virus Relationship
skin (predorninantly on the neck, tace, muzzle, brisket,
flank,, prrinr111TI, ;ind scroh1m) and internally in the Swin.epox has a worldwide distributi.on. Virus n1ay b e
respiralory, digeslive, and reproduclive tract:;. Tlie <.:uta- svrea<l IJy dire<.:t <.:untact ur mechanically by Uce. Transpla-
neous lesions are firm, raised and circumscribed, and they cental transmission may also oc.cur. Thr virus persists for
oftcn undcrgo central nccro:¡j:; and ul ccratio11. Similor lc- long pcriods in dric<l scabs.
sions occur within the epithelium lining the upper respi- Swine develop immunity in the absence of detectable
ratory and alimentary tracts. 'fhe virus causes a dissemi- neutralizing antibody, suggesting that local humoral im-
11atec.J infe<.:tion that results in vasculitls, lymphangitis, rnunity or cell-rnediated immunity is important in viral
ancl lymphaclrnopathy. clearance and protcction against reinfection.
338 PART 111 Viruses

Laboratory Diagnosis Control

The skin lesions of swinepox are highly characteristic, and Control ot swinepox is best rca11zea by e11m1nanon of ex-
oftcn are associated with !ice infestation. Laboratory con- terna! parasites. Vaccination is not commonly used.
firmat1on may be required to rule out other important
vesicular diseases. Definitive diagnosis can be obtained by
fluorescent antibody staining, electron 1nlcroscopic evalu-
ation of lesions for the presence of poxviruses, or virus iso-
latiou iu purcl11t: ct:ll cul Lu1 es.


"'tcornavlruses comprise a large family of small RNA FOOT- AND - M OUTH D tSEAS E
·"irnses. 'l'he fa mily Picornavíridae recen tly was proposed to
~'1cl ude nin e genera: Aphthovirus, Erlle1ovir us, Curdiuvirus,
Although foot-an d-mo11t h cl i sPil~P (f.Mn) is n·o t as widely
Rlrinovirus, I Iepatuvirus, Parechovin 1s, Erbovirus, Kobusvirus,
d istributed as it once was, particularly in iI1dusl1ialized
:nd Tcschovirus, most of which contain members that are
countries, it remains an enormously important disease of
_'TIporta nt in veterinary medicine(" l'able 56.1 ). A variety of
food animals. The economic impact of FMD reflects not
m an picornaviruses including duck hepatitis viruses l
only direct losses associated with disease in attected ani-
"-rid 3 and turkcy hepatitis virus are not yet classified into
mals but also interference with international and regional
'.')ffifir gPnPr;i '
n1ovt:111t:11L uf a11ilr1étls. The vlrus lnfects all wild and do-
mestic cloven-hoofed anim;il~, h11t th<:> disease typically is
most dramatic in cattle and sv.•ine; sheep a11d goals are
GENERAL FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS usually not as severely affected. Economic \osses due to
FMD con be vast; t hc 2001 Unitcd Kingdom outbreak, for
ne viruscs includcd within t11c various genera of the fam - example, is estin1ated to have cost producers severa] b illion
.Jv Ficornav1nclae nave sim ilar general properties. ·rhe dollars in Jost revenue, and tbe loss of revenu e from re
-iruses lack an envelope and exhibit a ct1bic symmetry uuccd tourism that resulted from quarantine m easures im-
~ ith diameters of approXimately 30 nm and densities in pose<i 011 ri ng thP out bre;i k was estima ted to have cost a
;::esium rh loriciP of 1 ..~3 to 1.4.5 g/cm3. The capsid, which is similar amou11t.
.cosahedral, is composed of 60 subunits, cacl1 consisling of
:hree surface proteins (VPl, VP2. and VP3 or, respectively,
:o, 1 B, and lC) and (gcncrally) an interna! protein (VP4 or Disease
: ...\) that is closcly associated with the genomic RNA. Each
0: these proteins is derived by systematic cleavage of a sin- FMD In cattle and swine is characterized by fever, depres-
: le precursor protein, fron1 which 11 or 12 viral proteins sion, excessivc salivation, lameness, and formation ofvesi-
,·cntually are prod1.1ced by post-translational cleavage. cles on the n1ucous n1en1branes of Lht: vral 1.:avity (tungue,
Thc vi1al ge110111e consisLs of a si11~lt: iJit:1.:t: uf :siI1gle- dental pad, and b>ums) and muzzle, epidermis of t h e co ro-
rranded RNA of 7-8.S kilobases. 'fhe genome is p ositive- nary band a n d intcrdigital spaces, uclder, and teats.
'SC'n sc RNA, thus lt serves as messenger RNA and it also Vesicles may also develop i.n the epithelium of th e p h ar-
J.S infectious. A small viral-specilied protein, VPg, is linked ynx, larynx, trachea, esopl1agus, and rumen. Necrosis of
to the S' terminus of the geno1ne and may play a role in the heart muscle occurs in some young animals. The vesi-
.nltlatlng RNA synthesis and in viral maturation (RNA clcs rapidly erode to leave ulcers that result in reduced food
:-ackaging). consun1plion, weighL lu:.:., a11<.l ernaciation. Secondary
hacterial infPrtions ;ilso occur in thc ulcers of sorne af-
fected animals. While mortality is gc11e1ally less LJ1a11 3%,
morbidity is very high and economic losses reflect de-
APTHOVIRUS creased productivity and protractcd convalescence of af-
fectea an1ma1s. Mortallty is notably 1ncreaseá in young
-:ne gcnus J\phthovirus incl.u des foot-0J1d-mouth discasc pigs and somctimes calves.
and equínc rhinitis A v_ i ruses. Thesc are typical p icor-
naviruses with the notable exception that they are labile
".lelow pH 7 (acid-lal>ilt:) a11<.l they havt' a leac.ter protein Etiologic Agent
:~at is cncodcd immediately prior to thC' r;ipsici proteins.
.oot-and-mouth disease virus is thc type species. The VPl Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
:::=otein ol aphthoviruses is responsiblc both for cellular at-
::lchmcnt and for viral neutraliwtion. FMD viruses are Lypical picon 1aviru:.c:. (Fig 56.1 ). There are
seven distinct serotypes, desi&rnatPci í!<; O, A,\., SATl, SAT2,

340 PAKT 111 Viruses

Table 56. 1. l'icornaviridae ot Veterinary Significance

F 1G U RE 5 6. 1 . Negatively stained preparation of foot-and-
Genus Member Disease mouth discasc virus (A 12). 108,000X. (Courtesy of B. Baxt.)

t.phthovirus Foot and mouth disease Foot and mouth disease of

virus ctoven-hoofed anlmals
fquinP. rhinitis A Systemic infectíon with
respiratory signs
Enterovirus Porcine enteroviruses Reproductive (SMEDI) and
A and D(formerly dermatitis (skin)
enter-0viruses 8-10)
Swine vesicular disease virus Vesicular disease
Bovine enteroviruses 1 & 2 Uncertain
Simian enteroviruses Uncertain
cardiovirus Encephalomyocarditis virus My1X.ardilb
Theilovirus Polioencephalomyelitis
-Theilers murine
- Rat encephalomyelitis
Rhinovirus Bovine rhinoviruses Upper respiratory (mild)
1, 2, & 3
Heparovlrus Avían encephalomyelitis- Neurologic disease
lilc:P. virus
Erúoviiu) Equine rhinitis Bvirus Respiratory
Teschovirus Porcine teschoviruses Neurologic disease
1-7, 11-13 (formerly (poliocnccpnJlomyclitis)
porcine enteroviruses
1-7, 11-13)
Unassigned Duele hepatitis virus Hepatic necrosis
Turkey hepatitis virus HPpatir necrosis

SA'f3, and Asia l . There also is extensive genetic hetcro-

gencity \Vithin individual serotypes, with many distinct
virus subtypcs occurring within cach serotype.
'l'he V Pl protein (lLJ) is respons1ble for virus neutraliza-
tion and contains a conservcd RGD integrin-binding
motlf that is responsible for the blndlng of virus to inte-
Susceptible laboratory animals include guinea pigs, suc!.-
grin <'Pl111l;ir rpc.e.ptors.
ling Inii.:e, rat:;, rauuil:., cllld han1slers. Son1.c viral strain
have heen propagated in chick embryos, day-old chick
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents and severa! other avian spccics. FMD virus rcplicatcs in ::
variety oí ceH cultures ot l)Ovine and ovine onh>in, bab·
FMD virus can survive for extended periods in animal se- hamster kidney (BHK) cells, and rabbit and mouse cells.
crctions and products. The virus is inactivated by heating
abovc 50ºC and is sensitive to uotl1 <11.:itl (IJH less lhan 6.5)
and alkaline (pH greater than 11.0) treatmf'nts. FMD virus Host-Virus Relationship
re::.i:.b i11aclivalio11 by lipid solvents. Sodium hydroxidc
(lo/o) is recommended for disinfecting premiscs following Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
The worl<.lwt<.le <lt.strll.>utlo11 vf P1v1D vi1u:. lat~t:ly 111i11 u1
th;it of tht> gloh;i 1e.c.onom ic situation, thus the d isease OI..·
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
cur:; principally in dcvcloping countries; most industrial-
A widc varicty of animals are susceptible to inff'ction ;inct countries are free. fMD is endemic in Africa, Sout• i.:<tu::.etl by FMD virus, lncluding cattle, domestic America, and parts oí Europc und Asia. North and Centra
anct wild pigs, sheep, goats, ccrtain wild ruminants, buf- America, the United Kingdom and Ircland, Japan, Au -
falo, camels, South American camclids, and humans tralla, New Zealand, Scandinavia, and the Caribbcan re-
(rare). J\mong domestic livestock, cattlc and swine are usu- gion are currently free of FMD, altl1ougl1 u1a11y of Lhe
ally most scvcrely affected. E.xperimcntal infections of countries have previously suffPrPct outhreaks, sorne ver
dogs, cats, rabbits, and chinchHlas have been reporteo. rei.:e11 LI y.
Chapter 56 l'icornavi ridae 341

The epizootiology of FMD differs somewhat depending Laboratory Diagnosis

-?On whether or not fMD virus is endemic iI1 a country/
~on . Outbreaks of fMD iil preViously free regions spread Due to the econ on1ic and political significance of FMl)
· ery rapidly, as a consequence of the highly infectious na- and its sin1ilarity to otl1er vesicular diseases- vesicular
::re uf the virus a1H.l its sl1ort i11cuuatio11 perio tl, tl1e large stomatitis (VS), swin e vesicular disease (SVD), and vesicu-
~n tities of v in1s exc.retect from the respiratorytrac.t of af- lar cxan thcma of swine (VES)- a rapid definitive diagnosis
~ed animals, and the relativc stability of t he virus in the is essential. Polymerase ch ain reaction (PCR) techI1iques
~\ironment. Virus may be transmitted by direct cont act, are increasingly used for rapid identification of f.MD virus,
:3?rosol, and fomites and possibly arthropod vectors. Virus and sequence analysis of any PCR-positive material t hen
=:¡y be recovered f rom all body secretions/discharges can be used to type t he ü1fecting strain of FM11 virus and to
:ears, nasal, saliva, urine, teces, .m ilk,, semen, and undertake molecular epiden1iologic studies. FMD vicus
;.:;e p laceula of abor Led feluses) . The survival of virus i11 can also be isolated from clinjcal samples (vesicular fluid
......:h excretions depends upon temperature, pH, an d hu- and othcrs) by propagation in ccll cultures or laborato ry
- dity. FMD can be transported over long distan ces via i n- anirnals followed by physicochemical characterization
=cted animals or their products and is v iable for up to 3 and serology using viral neutralization, enzy.m e-li.nked im-
-on ths in frozen meat and up to 2 month.s Ln ha1n, bacon, m u.n osorbent assay (ELISA), fluorescent antibody (FA), or
::.rd certain sausages. When discarded as garbage, contam- agar gel i1n 1n11nodi.ffusion (AGID). Electron microscopy
-ated pork products constitute a source of FMD virus in- (EM) and immuno-EM 111icroscopy also can be used for
;a:tion for s~vint: ill ¡Jarlicular. A11 irnal hides ca11 serve as a rapid diagnosis.
-Jrce of virus for extended p eriods of tirne. Hurnans may Serologic diagnosis of FMD virus infection can be made
.::sseminate virus mechanically (fomites) or biologically by EL1SA, AGID, and viral neutralization (either in cell cul-
- t>ecoming- intected. Long-d - istance airborne spread of tures or suckling m ice). The AGID test can be used to iden-
-=us 11as also been implicated as the source of som e out tify antibody to group-reactive an.tigen (viral infection-
:_eaks. It ls to be stressed that epidemics of FMD can occur associated antigen); such antibody is typically found only
~ en demic areas whe11 new serotypes or strains of the
i n a1li1J1als Lh al 11ave experienced an act ive infection and
-..!S a re u1troduct:d a11d tl1at the severity of a11y outhreak not in animals vaccinated with i nac.tivatrcl virn.~ . Rec()m-
-;::'lects the inherent biological properties of tl1e infecting binant FMD virus nonstructural proteins (ZC and 3AI31)
--:_-us strain. can also be used in serology to distin guish vaccinated from
naturally infected animals as vaccinates do not make anti
;:~ogenesis and Pathology body to these proteins.
:--:e predominant route of FMD virus infection is respira-
!)', altl1ough i11gestio11 uf co11ta111inated food or direct
~lation also are hoth highly effec.tive in transmitting Treatment and Control
:.fection. Viren1ia precedes developn1enl of lesions and
-i::.Ll disease, and virus c:an he isolated from hody fluid s No treatment exi.sts for FMD . tlO\l\lever, \)IO\)E:I an-
=.nü seciet\ons at t\\\s t\rn e_ \T\iu s ia-p\<i\-y mo\les ~iom t\\e\ h\.\'O.band1y -p1ac.ti.c.e':> an<i t1eatment o1 seconO.a1'j 'oac.-
':>!ood during viremia to intect the epith elium ot the oral terial intections reduce Josses.
cavity and feet, where lesions develop. ·rhe v irus can per- Control of FMD is difficult dueto its highly contagious
:>Jst in the oral cavity of infected animals for long periods nature, multiple hosts, viral stability, multiple antigenic
"ter the acute infection. types an d subtypes, and transient in1munity. Countries
The cbaracteristic epitl1elial lesio11 of FMD is tl1e vesi- free of FMD in1pose stricl in1porl regulalions on anirn,
:~e, which forms as a consequence of both int racellular animal products, a11d potentially contaminated materia.Is
spongiosis) and intcrccllular edema. Thcse vcsicles rap- from FMD countries. Previously unaffected countries have
dly rupture to leave erosions and ulcers in the attected ep- often resor ted to massive slaughter and quarantin.e pro-
thelium. In young animals, FMD virus can infect the grams to control outbreaks; for instance, more than 1 mil-
::eart n1usculature, causing degeneration and necrosis; the lion ruminants were killed in order to control the recent
-naracteristic yellow-wl1ite strcaks of myocardial necrosis out break of FMD in the United Kingdom.
a:!e reft:rred Lo a~ L(s;er h eurl. Quarantine and vaccination programs are aiso used to
c.ontrol 011thrraks and to prevent spread of the disease_
-uist RP.sponsP. to lnf P.rtion Cou11tries with enden1ic FMD rely 11eavily on vaccines
to control t he disease; however, steps still need to be taken
5erum IgG develops about 2 weeks postinfection and is to avoid importing additional v iral strains sincc cross-
::pe-specific. Colostral antibody in newborn calves l1as protective immunity betvveen strains is not complete. •
'"IE'f'n reported to interfcre with vaccination. The relative Ina<..'tivated vaccines of tissue cuJture origin that are ad-
"IDportance of local :secretory, syslen1ic, and cell-111edialed 1ninislered i11 adju va11t are rnost commonly uscd in FMD-
-:rununity is not well defined. Duration of im1nunity is endemic countries_ The safr~ty of livr attenuated vaccin es
_'Qngcr in cattlc than in swinc but apparently persists for is questionable, so their use is not widespread. Vaccil1ation
Jllly about a year. Serum-n eutralizing antibody, actively is conducted one to three times a year since immunity is
-i: passively acquired, appears to correlate wit h p rotecti.o n short term. Vaccincs m u st be of thc appropriate type/ sub-
.:: p!gs. type. c:urrent research is d irect ed at developing subunit,
342 PART 111 Viruses

synthetic peptide, and recombinant-typc vaccines. The Host-Virus Relationship

lnttcr two nppronchcs hnve been directed at VPl \.Yith en
couraging results. Porcine enterovln1sf's oc<11r in mo~t swi ne-raising areac;
These viruses generally cause asymptomatic enteric infec-
tions of swine. Viral persistence is probably facilitated b·
EQU INE RHINITIS A VIRUS the continucd introduction of susceptible pigs and tho:
presence of carrier animals. Transm1ss1on occurs by diret..~
The equine rhinitis A virus is an economicatt y important contact and exposure to viral-contaminated feces.
pathogen of horses that is closely related to FNfD virus. Porcine enterovlruses rypically lnfect the l1vst vi<i iugc)-
Equine rhinitis /\virus produces a systemlc infection wlth tion, inl1alation, or hoth . Snnn aftPr i nfection, virus can lx
respiratory signs in affccted horses, and outbreaks of dis- isolated fron1 the respiratory system, blood, and intestina..
ea:ot:! t1avt:! l.Jeeu th::>tril.Jeu. Di:.li11cl sl1ain s of eq uine rl1ini- contents. The virus has a tropism for the intestinal trae:
ti~ A vin1s havc hc>c•n identified by sequence analysis. Sero- and may also be isolated from mesenteric lymph nod~
lo¿)ical surveys indicatc -.v;dcsprcnd infcction of hor:;c:;, liver, spleen, kidney, tonsils, turbinates, lung, diaphragrr
although the true impact of equine rl1initís A virus re- and sometimes the central nervous system (brain af'I
mains uncertain. Thc vi rus is difficult to isolate in cell cul- cor<.!) an<.l/or fctuses vf µreg 11a11L a11in1als. Tl1e properties c.
ture, thus it is best dctected using polymerase chain reac- individual virLIS stra ins arP rlParly v~r i ahle.
tion (PCR). Tl1e vi rus can be detcctcd in the feces of SMEDl infections result in fetal mumn1ificat ion, stiL-
infected horses, as Wt:!ll a:; in tl1eir re:.¡.¡iratv1 y sec1elions. births, and reduced litter size, although porcine reproduc
tivc and rc:;piratory syndrome virus and porcine pa •-
vovirus are more important causes of tlús syndrome. Th ~
consequences (infertility or fetal death/ n1ummificatiol'
ENTEROVIRUS ANO TESCHOVIRUS reflect the stage of gestativ11 wlien :-.uscepLible so"vs are in-
fected . Sows generally are infectecl with porcinP entf'rc~
The genus Enleroviru:; e11<.:v1uµa:>:>e:> a la1ge nun1ber of di f- vir use:> µrivr Lv :sexual n1alurity, thus they are typically im-
ft>n>nt vin1sE>s that typically are species-specific ü1 their mune hefore they become pregnant, although ir11rnunit:
host range, including viruses that infect humans (polio, is serotype-specific.
coxsackie, entero, a nd echoviruses), cattle (bovine en-
tcroviruses 1 and 2), pigs (porcine enteroviruses A. and B
ffo rmerly porc1nc c nteroviruses 8, 9, and 10] and S\>Vine Laboratory Diagnosis
vesicular disease virus), and monkeys (simia11 enterovi-
ruses). 1'he porclne Enterovirus serotyp1;:::. 1-7 auu 11-13 f)pfi n itive
diagnosis requires fluoresccnt antibody stainin .
now are included in;¡ prnpnst><1 gPn 11s 7P.schovirus. Entero- of the tissucs of affected pigs (or fctuscs), virnl isolation, or
viruses are thern1o labile (infectivity destroyed quickly at PCR. Viral isolation can be atternpteCI on primary pig kJd-
SOºC), insensitive to detergent treatme nt, and stable at low ney cell cultures. Serologic diagnosis can be done usin:::
pH (can survivc pH of 3).
paired serum samples to demonstrate seroconverslon or ª"
increase in antibody titer.


Control of porctnc En terovirus !J1fectivr1 is uifficull dut l
A variely of cntcroviruses and teschoviruscs have been de- the multiplicity of sPrntypPs an<l thcir ubiquitous naturt
scribed in S\>vine, including S\>vine vesicular disease virus in sv.'ine opcrations.
(closely relatcd to human coxsackie B virus), ten se.rotypes
of porcine teschoviruses and tvvo of porc1ne enteroviruses
(/\ and .8). T.h ese viruses are the cause of severa! important
diseascs of swine. Teschoviruses (especlally serotype 1) are TESCHEN ANO TALFAN DlSEA SES
t he cause of encepl1<ilomyelitis in pi g.~, .~o-called Teschen
ar1d Talfa11 discasc. Tnfections with porcinc enteroviruses Disease
are generally asy1nptomatic, but they also have been asso-
ciated V.' itl1 infcrtility (so-callcd SMEDI, refle<.."ting still Teschen and Talfan are the na mes given, respectivPly, tn ~.. -
birth, mummitication , embryoruc death, and infertility), vere and milo forrns of pvlive11tephalo111yelitis in pif
d ermatitis, and pneumonia. Swinc vesicular disease virus, caused by i nfPrtinn with teschoviruses. The diseases ari::
which is caused by a distinct porclne F,nterovirus tilat b nan1ed after towns in Europe where they first wcrc d .. -
closely related to human coxsackie R virus, is thP cause of scribed in detail. ·rhe 1nild d isease ("faltan) also is referra.
:swlue ve:sicula1 discasc, which n1ust be distinguished from to ns bcnign cnzootic paresis or polion·1yelitis suum. Sucklin .
foot-and-mouth disease. The various disease entities or weaner pigs are most susceptible. Acute dlscase is cha;--
caused by these viruscs in swine are discussed separately acterized by fever, anorexia, weakness, and variable rf.--
below. grees of central nervous systcu1 uy:.fu11clio11. As the disea .e:
Cflupler 56 Piiurnuviridue 343

:¡:irogresses, anlmals may have trouble standing or walklng virus Is highly contagious to swtne and is spread by direct
and PxpPriPn<P trPmors, convulsions, ;¡n<l nystt'tgm11s with conttlct and by ingestion of contaminated foods. The virus
eventual development of paralysis and death. is very stable in pork producls such as sausage. Followiug
oral infection , the virus first rcplicates in the intestinal
tract and thcn is disse1ninated throughout the body and
Host-Virus Relationship can be isolated trom a varicty ot tissues and from feces.
Encephalitis occurs in sorne infcctcd pigs. Mortality usu-
Teschen dtsease, first described tn the Teschen region of ally is Jow in uncompl1cated 1nfections.
r7Prhn~lflv!iki::i, ~ti ll flrrnr~ in (~Pntr::il f..nropP Mild~r
forms of E11terovirus-induced poliomyclitis in young swine
analogous to Talfan disease) have been described Laboratory Diagnosis
throughout the world. There are no characteristic gross lc-
sions in pigs with polioencephalomyehtJs. Microscopi- Kapid diagnosis ot SVlJ is critical because it must be distin-
cally, poliomyeJitis is most evident in thc spinal cord and guished from FMD and other vesicular diseases like VS and
....crc!Jcllurn. Lesions are characterlzed by neuronal degen- VES. ·rhe diagnosis is best done by PCR, and sequence
eration, gl iosis, and lymphoc:ytic infl;imm;ition. Thf' p;ith- analysis can be used to distinguish SVD virus from other
ogenesis of polioencephalomyelitis in pigs is analogous to enteroviruscs. ·rhe vir us 01 vi1al a11 lige1t:. also can !Je iuen-
that ot human polio (also caused by an En tcrovirus), with tified with vesicles by ilnmunohistochemical staining or
initial virus rcplication in the intestine and then dissemi- clcctron microscopy, or by virus isolation on primary
nated to the central nervous system in immunologically porcine cell cultl1res or in suckling mice. Serological diag-
naive animals. nosis can be accomplished in convalescent animals by
ELTSA or viral neutralization.

Laboratory Diagnosis
Treatment and Control
The clínical signs described and the histopathologic obser-
vation of neuronal necrosis and Iymphocytic polioen- No specific treatrnent for SVL> is available, and only exper-
cephalomyelitis cellular aggregations are suggestive, but imental vaccines have been described. 'fhe real economic
defi 11il.iv1;: Jiaguusis re4uires de111uustration of virus in tis- importance of SVD is that lt readlly can be confused with
<;ues hy irnm11nohistochPmical stt't ining, vir:il isolation, FMD, so control requires strict quarantine and import re-
o r PCR. slriclions in counl1ies free of ui::.ea~t:. Strict 4uara11tir1e anti
animal depopulation are also used to control inc:ursions of
the virus into previously unaffected regions.
Treatment and Control
Treatment of t:nrerovirus-induced polioencephalomyelitJs
is usually futile, since most affected pigs die. Inactivated
\ dLLÍl 1e~ llave 1Jee11 u~eLl i11 Eurupc willt varia!Jle succt:s~
Two scrotypcs ofbovinc cntcroviruses (1 and 2) have been
but have not been used else\·vhere. Strict quarantine is often
dcscribed. ·rhese viruses are ot uncertain si&>nificancc be-
used to prevent introduction of the most highly path-
cause they have been isolated from both healthy and dis
ogenic lorms ot t11c virus to regions free ot such viruses.
cascd cattle.


Disea se 'fhe genus Hepatovirus 1ncludes human hepatitis A virus as
wcll as avian encephalomyocarditis like virus.
Swine vesicular diseasc (SVD) rcscmblcs foot-and-mouth
disease (FMD), vesicular stomat1t1s (VS), and vesicular ex-
anthema of swine (VES). Affected swine exhibit signs sim-
ila1 Lo ll1u~e uf PMD, willt fever, la111 c111::s~. a111.J veslcles In AVIAN ENCEPHALOMYE LITIS
and around their feet (coronary hands, snlcs, and 'ntt>:rdig-
ital arcas) and, less commonly, the oral cavity and nares. Di sea se
Avian cnccphalomyclitis virus (AEV) causes neurologic
Host-Virus Relationship discase and high rnortality in young chickens (1 to 2 weeks
of age). Mortality can be 25<Jlo oc higher in susceptible
SVD was fi1sl desc1ibed i11 ILaly auu :.lill ut:curssporailically young blrds, depending on the virulence of the infectrng
in Europe and Asia. 'fhe causativc virus i<; closPly rPlt'tted to virus strain and flock immunity. lnfection of adult birds is
human coxsackie virus 135, and SVD is a zoonoses. The usually subclinical.
344 PA l{T 111 Viruses

Etiologic Agent CARO/O VIRUS

Although l\.f.V is a typical picornavtrus in terms of its ENCEPHALOMYOC ARDITIS V I RUS
virion structure, its nucleotide sequence is dissimilar to
those of other picornav1ruses. The virus is stable and resist-
ant to acid pH.
Be:.iue:. l;l1il.:k~11:. a11u lu1k~ys,Japru1ese quail ru1d pl1eas- Encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus naturally infects ro-
ants are susc.eptihle to AEV infection. Ducks, pigeons, and dents. The virus Is transmltted from rats to humans anc!
guinea fowl can be experimentally infected. Chick em- domcstic animals, in which it can cause myo1aniitis. in
bryos can be infected (the yolk sac route is the most com- uuuie~lic a11in1als, Lhe disease most common ly occurs in
mon), but rapid passage of field isolates is required before young pigs. The disease in swine is typically manifested by
clinical s1gns (muscular dystrophy) are observed in the em- sudden death '.vith few, if any, prcccding clínica! signs.
bryo. Cell culture systems for viral propagation include Mortality can be high, especially in young pigs.
chicl<en neuroglia! cells, e1nl.Jryu filJrulJl asLS, brai11 cells,
and pancreatic 1ells.
Etiologic Agent
Host-Virus Relationship There are a number of strains of EMC virus, including
mengovirus, Maus .Elberfcld virus, an d Columbia SK virus.
Avia11 encephalomyelitis occurs wherever poultry are
raised commercially. 'fhe virus replicates in t he intestine
and thcn sprcads to thc central nervou s systern in suscep- Host-Virus Relationship
tible young birds. 1he virus is transmitted via the feco-
oral route, although vertical transmission hen-to-egg also Encephalomyocaruitis virus µriuc ipally ü1fects rodents.
occurs. but it al~o can infP<t nonhuman primates, humans, ele-
Microscopic lesions occur in the hrain and spinal cord phants, squirrels, calves, horses, and pigs. Lack of pig-to-
of affecled birds and are those of viral encephalomyelitis, pig transmission following experimental in!ections sug-
characterized by neuronal degeneration, perivascular cuff- gcsts that infcction usually derives from rodents.
ing, and gliosis. Visceral lcsions, charactcrized by hyper- l·oci of myocardial necrosis in affected pigs manifest as
plasia ot lymphoid tollicles, occur in the proventriculus, white trac."ts of coagulation necrosis with associated lym-
pancreas, and myocardium. phocytic inflarnmatton and calclflcation.
·rhc humoral immune response to AEV results in viral
clearance and protection. Neutralizing antibodies develop
witlii11 2 w~eks of infectio11. 111101unity is apparently of Laboratory Diagnosis
long duration as exposcd flocks rarely have recurrent out-
breaks. Maternal antibody protccts young chicks for sev- Viral isotation is advised since im1nune responses require
era! weel<s, thus mortal1ty is n11n1m1zed 1n 1mmune nocl<s. about S days and may not develop prior to d eat h . PCR
techniques have also tJeen succe:;:;fully used for diagnosis
of i11fection.
Laboratory Diagnosis
/\vian encephalomyelitis must be distinguished from
other neurolog1c d1scases, especially other viral diseases
like Newcastle diseasc. Histopathology provides a pre-
A varicty of related strains of cardioviruses cause enteric
sumptive dlagnosls, whlch then can IJe l;U11fir111eu uy virus
infections in rodents. Like human p olioviru scs an d por-
isolation or by immunohisto1hen1i1::il staining of the tis-
cine tcschoviruses, these viruses can spread to the ce11tral
sues of affecLed blrds.
nervous system to cause polioencephalomyelitis in im-
munologi.caUy naive animals. These viruses can be <.ie-
tected by serological screening, and control is hy qllaran-
Treatment and Control til1~. t~:.tiug, c111u sa1tilalion.

No tre::itment i<; availahle for affected birds. Attenuated

and inactivated vaccirles have been successfully used to
control the disease. Birds in high AEV incidence areas may RH/NOVIRUS ANO ERBOV/RUS
be vaccinatcd prior to reaching breeding age with live viral
vaccine strains. Only part of the flock need be vaccinated Rhinovlruses are characterizell uy acid sensiUvity (pH of
sirlce the virus will spread througl1out the flock. Inacti- less th;in:; to 6). ThP gPnus Rl7inovirus includes human and
vated vacclnes sl1uulu l.Je u:.1;:11 if ureediug flocks are to be bovine viruses, whereas equine rhirloviruscs 2 and 3 are
immunize<i . Chi1kens horn to immune hens are resistant now tentativcly classified together as equine rhinitis B
Lo AEV-induced disease. virus in thc gcnus Erbovirus. All of these viru ses share a tro-
Chapter 56 I'icornaviridae 345

¡nsm for the upper resp1ratory tract, best exem phfied by Etiologic Agent
human rhinoviruses that cause the majority of common
colds. At least 2 serotypes of duck hepatitis virus (DHV) currently
are listed as unnssigned membcrs of thc family l'icorna-
vináae, along with turkey hepatitis virus. ·rhese viruses ap-
oovine Rh inovirus parently can infect other avían species, and experimental
infcction of young chickens, pigeons, geese, pheasants,
Bovine rhinov1ruscs 1nfect the upper respiratory tract of and guinea fowl has been reported, sometimes with high
susceptible cattle. The majority of infections are asympto- 11101 Lalily.
inatic ur v«:!ry uül<.l, re:;ultiug i11 1uiui111al seruus nasal tlis- The viruses can be propagated hy allantoic inoculation
charge, mild fever, and c:oughing. Morhidity is ve.ry high, of embryonated chicken eggs (ECEs). Infected chick em-
as determined by serologic studies, but the sig11ificance of brvos die 5 to 6 days postinoculation and appear stunted
Rhinovirus as a pathogen ot cattle is uncertain. R11inovi- and edematous. Various chick, duck, and goose embryonic
:uses have been implicated in the pathogenesis of the bo cell lines support viral replicarion. Developmen t of cyto-
vine shipping fever complex. pathic cffect is variable.
Transmission of the virus is probably by direct contact,
aerosol, and co11tan1inated n1a terials.
Protective immunity is best correlated to n eutralizing Host-Virus Relationship
antibody in scrum nnd nnsnl sccrctions. 1"itcrs of seru1n an-
tíbody to Rhinovtrus tend to increase with age in cattle, Duck 11epatitis virus appears to have a worldwide d istribu
probably dueto reinfection with homologou s an d h eterol- tion. Transmlsslon of virus occurs by direct and indirect
ogous viral stralns. contact with contaminated feces. The virus apparently
Diagnosis of cl inical R~1i11ovirus infection is difficult due replicates in the intestinal tracl of infecLed uir<l::,. Tlie cllC!I-
to the n1ultiplicity of viruses associated will1 respiralo1y acteristic gross lesion is an enlarged and hemorrhagic liver.
disease. Viral isolation is often difficult and requires spe- Additional lesions may includc an enlarged and mottled
cific bovine cell cultures; n sandwich ELISA has bcen de- spleen and congested, swollen kidncys. Microscopic le-
scribed for confirmation of bovine J<hinovirus identity. LJe- sions include hepatocellular necrosis, bile duct hyperpla
monstration of a rising neutralizing titer on paired serum sia, and lnflammatory responses in various organs.
samples is somettmes useful. Imrnunity develops following infection, and maternal
lra11sfer of anlibody p10Lecls duckli11g::. fur :;everal weeks.

Equine Rhinovi ruses and Erboviruses

Laboratory Di agnosis
Equine rhinitis A virus is an Aphthovirus that causes a sys-
temic iiúection in horses that is sometimes characterized Diagnosis is suggested by the rapid spread and peracute
by respiratory discasc, whereas equ1ne rhinitis B virus naturc of the discasc. Hemorrhagic lesions in the Iiver of
causes inapparent or 1nild upper respiratory tract in fect ion aff«:!<.:t«:!<.l 1Jiru::. are very characteristic, but m u st be distin-
of susceptible horscs. Although rhinltis B v irus has been guished from oth0.r ra11Sf'S of hPpat i< nf'rrosi<;. Df'finiti vP
isolatcd from horses with acute respiratory disease, its true diagnosis may be n1ade by demonstration of viral antigen
pathogen ic sign ifica11ce is poorly defined. Diagnosis is b est in the affected tissues by immun ohistochemical stainin g
acco1nplished using PCR assay, because virus isolatio n or by virus isolation in ECF. or cell cultures.
rarcly is successful.

Treatment and Control

1·here is no effective treatment for clinically affected biJds.
Attenuated and inactivated DHV vaccines are available,
D ucK ANO T URKEY H EPATITIS and immunization of brecding birds facilitates maternal
transfer of an t1body. Ducklings mayal so be immunized di-
Disease rectly but successful vaccination of ducklings requires that
they be free of marernal antlbody.
Duck hepatitis is a contagious and highly fatal disease of
young ducl<Jings. t\ffcctcd ducklings are dcpresscd and
death follows qu1ckly. Morb1dity is often high and mortaJ-
ity may approach 90o/o. A similar disease caused by a re-
lale<l viru:; uccurs 111 young turkeys.

Callc1virtL~es are smaU (27-40 nm in diamcter), nonen- wl1icl1 il 111usl be distioguished. Thc last occurrence
veloped, icosahedral viruses with a genome of singlP- this disease occurrcd in the Unitcd States in 1956. ~u
stranded, positive-:.e11:.c RNA (Fig 57.1). Tl1e viral RNA sequently, the U.S. Dcpartmcnt of J\griculture in 1959 d
serves as mRNA é!ncl is infectious. ·r11e namc calicivirus is clared VES an cxotic disease; howcver, viruses capable
dccived from thc chalice-~haped sphcrcs on thc surfacc of causing VES are endemic in marine mamn1als, wher_
negatively staíncd viral particles. ·r11ere are four d1st1nct they also cause vesicular dtseases C:111tl revrvductive fa_
groups in thc fa mi ly: Lagovirus, Norwalk-like viruses, uxe. A wide variety of se;i 1"· si>a 1ions, \~alrus, and do
~apporo-like viruses, and Vesivirus. Severa! members- pl1i.u:. a1e infecled with these viruses. Outbreaks of \ t-
specifically vesicular exanthema of S\~ine virus, San occur >vhen thcse marine mammal caliciviruses sprcad ·
Miguel sea llon virus, feline calici vir u:., European brown swine, likely as a rcsult of fccding of dead marine mac:
hare syndrome, and r;ihhit hPrnorrhagic disease viruses- mals to swine.
a11:'. ilnporlanl anin1al pathogens.

Etiologic Agent
GENERAL PROPERTIES Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties

The genome of caUciviruses has only tv"v vr three open VES virus (VESV) is a typical calicivirus and viral particl
reading frames. Virions are comprised of a singlP major are associC:1tetl \<VitlJ cytvvlasn1ic cislcrnae in infected S\~·ir.e
capsid proteiu. Tlic 11v11slruclural ptolcins of caliciviruses ri>lls (Fig S7.2) and in crystallinc arrays in the cytoplasr::
share features with those of picor11aviruses. Replication of (Fig 57.3). VESV is stable at low pH (pl-J S) . A largc numb..-
caliciviruses occurs in thc cytoplasm, altl1ough both cyto of antigenícally distinct typcs 0 1 Vi-:~v have been idcnt1-
plasmic and intranuclcar i nclusions occur m infected ce lis. fied (at least 13), and a nu1nber of antigenically <listinc<
v1ruses that originally were isolated from species othe-
than S\vine are capable of causing VES and so ;ire cl;:i-;<;ifir
as Vf..'> viru:.e:., i11clutliug bov~ne calicivirus, Cetacean ca!.-
VESIVIRUSES rivin1s, primate calicivirus, and a nun1ber of so-called Sa:-
Miguel sea !ion viruses (17 typcs). Similar viruscs ha·~
Vesicul;:ir P)(élnthf'n1a and feline calicivirus are classified to- been isolated fro1n fish, birds, reptiles, and othcr rnarr-
gether in the genus Vesivirus. Viruses within this gcnus are mals, including skunks. These viruses are distinguished b·
readily propagated in cell culture, in <11st1nct contrast to sero1ogica1 reses, usually serum ucucralJzaliou, cu11.l ll11:: ';..-
caliciviruses in the other genera. túence of thr<;c> vir11sPs to pigs varíes significantly.

Resistance lo Physical and Chemical Agents

VESICULAR EXANTHEMA OF SWINE VES virus can persist in thc environment and in contam.-
nated meat products for very long time periods. "fhe vin......
Disease 1s completely i nacrivate(1 by 2o/o sodl um hytlroxltlc or 0.1
sodiu1n hypochlorite.
Vesicular exanthema of swine (VES) IS an acute viral dts-
ease characterized by the formation of vesicles in thP ora 1
lnfectivity for Other Species or Culture Systems
cavity, interdigltal spaces, cu1tl coru11a1 y ba.nd of the foot.
VES clinically is inclistinguishahle from foot-and-mouth Naturally occurring VES disease is conflned only to S\,·i..c..
disease (FMD), swi ne vesicular disease, a11d vesicular of all ages and breeds. Experimentally, VESV causes \"es,
stomatitis. Thc incubation period of the disease is ap- eles at inoculated si res in seals. Veslcles are al~v prvtluLt:-
proximatcly 24 to 72 hours and the cou rse is about 1 to 2 at the sites of inoculation in horsi>s ;:inrt hamsters. Virus
weeks. ·rhe discasc has a high rnorbidlty but a lo'"' mortal- i~u!C:1tc<.l i11 low Lilers fron1 son1e sites of inoculation an-
ity. It is of sorne economic importance as a disease in pi3s; clraining lymph nodcs. VES virus can be propagated in et
however, 1ts rual11 i111v<tLl i:. Ll1al il 111i11ücs .t'MD, from lines of swinc kidncy or Vero monkcy kidney.

Chapter 57 Caliciviridae 347

Host-Virus Relationship
f 1G U RE S 7 . 1 . NP.gativP./y stainP.d prP.paration of fP./inP r:ali-
civirus. 240,000X. (Courtesy of A. Castro.)
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
VES was first described in North A.m erica (California) in
1932, and outbreaks were reported every year in California
between 1932 and 1951 (with the exception of 1937- 1938).
Tl1e disease firsl appeared ouLside of Califorula ü1 1951,
and from 1952 to 1953 it spread to a total of 42 states in the
Unitcd Statcs. Thc discasc had ncvcr becn reported else-
where in the world except Jceland and. H.awaii, and these
two incidents resulted from shipping contaminated pork
products from California.
Marine marnmals serve as reservoirs for VESV infection .
.A calicivirus was firsl isolaLed iu 1972fru111 :sea liuu:s 011 San
Miguel IsJand off the coast of southern California. This
calicivirus was nam.ed San Miguel sea lion virus (SMSV),
which was indistinguishahle tro1n VESV by morphologic,
biophysical, and biochemical criteria. Experime11tal SMSV
infectlon of swine produces a disease indistingtlishable
from. VES. SMSV also has been isolated from asymptomatic
don1e.stic swh1e. Serun1-11eu L1aliz:iug <111 Lil.Jullit:.s to .several
serotypes of SMSV and VESV have been demonstrated in
marine man1mal.s and both wild and domestic S'.Yine in
California. Earlier epidemiOIOgic studies during the out-
breaks of VES confirmed the relationship between feeding
of raw garbage and outbreaks of the disease, and dead sea
lions are to have been utilized as a food source for
Although outbreaks of VES li.kely originated from feed-
ing SMSV-infected marine animal parts to swine, the infec-
tion subsequently spread rapidly within affected herds by
direct contact.

Pathogenesis and Pathology

VES is characterized hy the appearance of fluid-filled vesi-
cles on the snout, coronary band, and tongue of infected

F 1G U RE 5 7. 2. Para/le/ ruw~ uf VESV particles in cytop/asrnic cisternae. 72,000X. (Reproduced

with permission from lee YC, Hackett AJ, Talens LT. Electron microscopic studies on the vesicular
exanthema of swine virus. //. Morphogenesis of VESV Type H54 in pig kidney ce/Is. Virology 1968;34:596.)


\ ..

348 PART 111 Viruses

F 1G U RE 5 7. 3 . Seetion of a viral crystal ín VFSV-infP.cted

ce/Is. 64,000X. (Reproduced with permission from Zee YC,
Hackett AJ, Talens LT. Efedron microscop1c studies on rhe
vesicular exanthema of swine vini~. ti. Morphogenesis of VESV
Type H54 in pig kidney cells. Virology 1968;34:596.)

swine. ·r11ese samc lesions ueveluµ iu lliaL are inocu- chain reaction. Although the vesicular discascs ali product
lated intraderrnillly with either VF.<;V or SMSV. lnfectcd similar signs in swine, there are 1najor differences: whereas
anin1als are febrile, and virus is prcsent in blood and nasal- VES and swine vesicular disease are almost exclusively dis-
oral secretions for severa! days aftcr infection. Vesicles ap- eases of sw1ne, vesicular stomatitis frequcntly affeLt.
pear on the eoronary band and interdigital space of the horses as well as ruminants, and FM11 also affeC"t<: r11m·-
feet at 3 to 4 ctays after infection. Thc vesicles rapidly rup- nants (Table 57.1).
ture a11d healing takes place unless complicated by sec.:ond-
ary bacteria! infcctlon. High titer:> uf viru::. i:tre presenL
within the fluid in vesicles, which may also contaminare
ll 1e enviror1n1ent. Mild encephalitis occurs in sorne swinc Ta b 1e 5 7 . 1 . Susceptibility of Domestic Animals to Four Viruses
infected ''\fith VESV, and virus also may be recovercd trom That Cause Vesides in Swine
brain tissue of swinc infcctcd with SMSV.
Animal Spedes SVD VES FMD vsv
Host Response to lnfection Cattle ++ ++
Swine ++ 11 +f +
Neutralizing antibodies to VF.'\V ;inct SMSV appear in the
::.era uf auirnals infccted with viruscs soon after inocula- Sheep + -·
! ion and titers peak within 7 to 10 days after inlection.
Guinea pig
-·_.. +
Suckling mice + + +
Laboratory Diagnosis Humans + -· +

• Occasíonal le1ioru produced by spe<ific virus strain1

VES must rapidly be differentiatecl from othcr vesicular svo = Swine vesicular dlsease
di:;ca:;1:::; uf :-.wi111::, such as FMD, swinc vesicular diseasc, VES = Vesicular exanthema ot swine
;¡nci vesicular stomatitis. Laboratory diagnosis is accom- fMD = Foot·and·mouth disease
plished by virus isolation in ccll cultures, direct elcctron VS = Vesiculor <tom~titis
microscopic exanunation ot ves1c1c nu1a, or polymerase
Clrapter 57 Calicivirida.e 349

Treatment and Control cats recoverell íru111 Llie uisea:se n1ay carry virus in their
oropharynx for long periods of time and serve as reservoirs
There is no treatment for VES and there are no vaccines tor of infcction. 'T"he virus is transmitted by horizontal aerosol
control of thc discasc. Jt now is considered to be eradicated infection and by contaminated tomites.
in the United States. l:.nforcement of laws requiring cook-
ing of garbage beforc fccding it to swine was the most im- Pathogenesis and Pathology
portant factor In cllmtnatlng the;ea::;e.
Cats acquire FCV iI1fcLtiu11 via lile;: rc:.piraLory 1oule, eilher
hy aProsol or from fomites. The primary sites of viral rc-
plication are epithelial cells of thc oral cavity and rcspira-
fELINE (AL ICIVIRUS tory tract and in the tonsils. Viremia occurs during acute
Di sea se The characteristic lesions in typical cases of FCV infec-
tion in susceptible kittens and young cats are vesicles
Feline c<1 l i civirn~ (i::(~V) in fpc.ts the oral cavity and upper within rile oral cavlty (tuuguc, harll pahtlc) aud OH lile
respiratory tracts of cats to produce fever, sneezing, and narPs. ThP VP.sic.les rapidly rupture, leaving erosions and
nasal and ocular discharges. Clinical signs in elude rhini tis, ulccrs. llighly virulent strains can cause pneumonia in kit-
conjunctivitis, oral ulcerations, and, in severe cases, pneu- tens. Regeneration of the o ral mucosa occurs rapidly in un-
monia. Joint or muscle sorcncss, hyperesthesia, and complicated cases.
c hronic oral ulceration also have been attributed to FCV Virulent systemic strains of FCV cause epidemics of
infection, anc.J a c.Ji::;:,c1t1i11alcll liiglily virulenl and fatal fatal disease in susceptible cats. Affected animals may ex-
~y~tPmic cli~PasP associt1te.rl with specific strains of FCV re- hibir severe oral ulccratiuu, cxtcu::;ivc ::;ulJcuLa11e;:ous
cently has bccn dcscribed. The incubation period of the P<IPma, ancl variahl<' 11lcC'ration of the pinnae, Pª"'' pads,
disease is 2 to 3 days and infected cats usually recover in nares and skin. Sorne affected cats also have pneumonia as
7 to 10 days in the absence of secondary bacteria! infec- well as liver and splenic necrosis, and fCV antigen is de-
tions. V1r ulent systemic FCV infection is characterized by tected by immunohistochemical staining in both epithe-
alopecia, cutaneous ulcers, subcutancous edema, and high lial and endothelial cells.
Host Response to lnfection
Cats infected with fCV or vaccinatcd "\Tith inactivated or
Etiologic Agent live modified fCV vaccines develop serum-neutralizing
antiboclics. Kittcns born to cats that are immune to FCV
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
acquire maternal serum-neutrahz1ng antibody to fCV vía
There are multiple strains of FCV, and thc virulcncc of in- colostrum.
dividual strains varics substantially.

Laboratory Diagnosis
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
Feline calicivirus is resistant to rnany con1mon disinfec- Laboratory tests are requircd to distinguish FCV infection
tants. lt is rcadily inactivated by a 0.175o/o sodi11m hypo- fron1 other agcnts t hat produce similar respiratory signs in
chlurilc :;ul ulio11 (Clo1ox), is the disinfectant of cats, particularly fcli ne viral rhinotracheitis (her pesvirus).
choice. The virus is stablc at a pI-I of 4 to 5 and is inacti- ·111ese lnclude the 1so1ation of FCV in feline cell cLJltures
vated at 50ºC within 30 minutes. from nasal sccretions, throat swabs, or conjunctival scrap-
ings and the Jdenttflcatlon of FCV antigen in cunjunctival
scrapings of tonsillar hiop<;ipo; hy im n111nohistoc.h Pmical
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems :staining. The characteristic appearance of the virus by
FCV is a ubiquitous pathogen that has been isolated from electron microscopy can also be used for rapid diagnosis.
cars all over rhe worlc.J. There 1::; uo cvtuc11cc tl1at FCV pro-
duces di~Ptl~P in lahoratory animals. The virlL~ can readily
be propagated in fclinc ccll lines. Sorne strains have been Treatment and Control
grown in Vero monkey kidncy and dolphin kidney cells.
Treatment for Fl.V infPction in cat<; is mainly s11pportivP
and sympton1atic. Broad-spectrum antibiotics help pre-
Host-Virus Relationship vent secondary bacteria! infections, and fluid therapy is
uscful in thc cvcnt of dchydration. /\ll strains of FCV are
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission considcred variants of a smgle serotype because there is
considerable serologic cross reactivity among viruses.
The diseasc occurs worldwide, and ali species of cats likely Furthermore, cats immunized with onc variant of FCV are
are susceptible. Tnfer.tion ;ind dise;ise ;1re m ost r.ommon in protected against other strains. Both inactivated and mod-
young cals, and oldcr cats usually are in1n1une. Infected ified live fCV vaccines are co111n1ercially available and af-
350 PAHT 111 V1ruses

ford reasonable protection against FCV infection. The FCV ot the EBHS calicivirus led to the emergence of RHD\-
vaccincs are usually combincd with fcline rhinotracheitis causing the lcthal pandemic of rabbits. The disease is
(a herpesvirus) and feline panleul<openia (a parvovirus) transmitted by the oral-fecal route.
and administered either intranasally or intramuscularly.
FCV infection Is controlled primartly by isulatiI1g <.:at:. Pathogenesis and Pathology
that show respiratory signs ano oisinft>rting c:ages and
pre111ises wilh Clorox before susceptible animals are in- Rabbits with RHD havc an cnlargcd splcen, swollen live::.
troduced. and disseminated hemorrhages . .Extensive liver necrosis is
highly characteristic and potentially explains the dissem!-
nated intravascular coagulatlo11 (DIC) that u<.:cur$ i11 af-
fectcd animals. The DIC induced hy R.HDV is not charac-
LAGOVIRUSES tcri:.lic uf uthe1 calicivirus infections, but does occur ir
such flavivirus-induced diseases as yellow fever anc

Laboratory Diagnosis
Iuuuu11ufluu1escence a11d ELISA tests have been developec
Rabbit hen1orrhagic disease (RJID) and European Brow11 for the rapid diagnosis of RI-ID. ·rhe genome of RHDV has
T-Iare Syndromc CEBHS) are similar diseases t hat are caused bccn complctcly scqucnccd, so polymera se chain reactior:
by rclatcd but antigenically distinct caliciviruses. RHD is (I'Cl{) readily can be developed and used for rapid diagno-
an acute infectlous disease of the European rabbit, Orycto- sis of the infection.
lagus cunniculus, and frequently has a very high mortality
rate in susceptible rabblt populations. A novel feature of
RI-ID is that the disease is only fata l to rahhits over 2 Treatment and Control
montl1:. uf agt::. TI 1t:: disease is cl1aracterized by a short incu-
hation period, followed by fever, disseminated hemor- There is no treatmcnt for the acutc discasc. A formalir.-
rhage in ali body tissues, and rapid dcath. Thc disease "vas inactivated vaccine that incorporates in.tected rabbit tissuc
first described in China in 1Y84 and it then rapidly spread providcs cffcctivc immunization against tbe disease
throughout much of the rest of the world. EBHS occurs in Control also can be ach1eved through strict quaran-
the European hare, Lepus europaeus. tine and isolation to prevent transportation of RHD\·.
contamlnated materlals lnto comm~r<.:ial ral>l>iLrie:.. Il .:.
interesting to note th<Jt, althn11gh most c:ountries have fo-
Etio logic Agent cused on lhc control and prevention of RI-ID, RHDV ha...
becn used as a biologic weapon to control rabbit numbers
Physical, Chemical and Antigenic Properties in othcr countrics.
Various strains of R.HO anc1 EBHS v iruses are recognized
a11d distinguished serologically.
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
Neither RHD nor EBHS viruses are readily propagat ed in Euleiic callcivi ruscs have been described in cattle, dogs
cell culture, whlch 1uc<111~ Ll1al Ll 1e viruses have been chickens, and pigs, among others. At least sorne ot these
J;.1 re<'ly rh;:ir;:ictt>ri7.Pcl usi ng homogenates of tl1e livers of af-
appcar to cause clinical signs of intestinal disease anal~
fected animals. The viruscs appcar to be highly species- gous to that caused by the Norwa11<-111<e v1ruses in humans.

Host-Virus Relationship

Distribution. Reservoir. and Transmission

J\lthough RHD was first reported in China, EBHS had bee11
recognized earller ln Europe. It is posslble that a mutatiu11
Togaviridae and

TOGAVIRIDAE and tren1ors. WUd birds 111ay also be infecled bul rarely
experience disease, and they serve as vertebrate reservoirs
The family Togaviridae derives its name from "toga," the of virus.
T.atin word for gown. or cloak, which refers to the envelope
possessed by all me1nbers of the fan1ily. The fan1ily iI1-
cludes two genera, Alphavirus and Rubivirus (the cause of Etiologic Agent
human rubella). Viruses in the Alphavirus genus are ar-
bov1ruses that are transm1ttea by mosqu1toes; thus tney Physlcal, Chemlcal, and Antigenic Properties
have the capacity to replicate sequentially in insects and
Alphavirus virions are spherical, enveloped, and approxi-
mately 70 nm in dia1neter. "fl1cenvclopc is derived from thc
plasma membranes of host cells through which Virions bud
as they mature. The envelope encloses an icosahedral nu-
ALPHAVIRUS cleocapsid that is approximately 40 run in d!ameter and
consists of ;:i single capsid protein as well as the genome of
Sindbis virus is the prototype of the genus Alpliavírus. AJ- linear single-stranded positive-sense .RNA. Tl1e e11velope
phaviruses of veterinary significance include eastern contains a heterodimer of 2 viral glycoproteins (El and EZ),
equine encephalitis (EEE), western equine encephalitis and some alphaviruses (Semliki Forcst virus) havc a third
(WEE), anct Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE, incluc!- glycoprotein (E3). At least four different nonstructural viral
ing subtype 11 Everglades) viruses, along with severa! other proteins are produced in infected cells. The alphaviruses ali
viruses (Getah, Highlands J, and Semliki Forest). The three are antigenically related as determined by seroiogicaJ as-
equine encephalitis viruses are also zoonoses, and they are says, and are grouped into di.stinc..i: antigenic complexes
described in detail below. wilh nun1erous sublypes or slraiI1s ,.,,ilhin each. The exlen-
sive genetic and antigenic variation that occurs \.Yithin the
various subtypes and variants of each antigenic complex is
Disease reílected by ditferences in their v irulence, biochemical
characteristics such as elcctropl1oretic mobility of protein
EEE, WEE, and VEE all cause encephalitls in horses, but the and RNA digests, physicochemical characteristics, host
sig:ns can vary from inapparen.t to fatal disease. Mild and/or range, geographic distribution, and vector/host tropism.
i.napparent infections are n1ore con1111011 witl1 WEE,
whereas EEE and VEE are typically more virulent. Death
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
from VEE n1ay occur in the abser1ce of neurologic signs.
Central nervous system (CNS) involvement of .h orses fol- Alphaviruses are sensitive to lipid solvents, chlorine, phe-
lowing encephalitis virus infection is characterize.d by aim- nol, acid pH, and heating to 60ºC for 30 minutes.
less walklng, followed by severe depression and behavioral
changes (dummy), central blindn.ess, paralysis, and death
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
soon after the 011set of dinical signs. Mortalily ca11 be very
high (up to 90º/o), especially with VEE and EEE.. Young The equine encf'ph;:ilitis viruses can infect a wide host
horses are more susceptible to scvcre disease. range, including humans, horses, rodc11ls, repliles, an1phí-
EEE and W.EE may also cause significant disease in do- bians, 1nonkeys, dogs, cats, foxes, sk11nks, cattle, pigs, birds,
mestic birds; EEE is more common and mortality can be and mosquitoes. Alphaviruscs can be propagatcd in a vari-
very high. Clinical disease is especlally common in pheas- ety of cell cultures, including chick anc! duck fibrobfasts,
;:ints an<1 riltites (emus, etc.) EEE also occurs in swine and Vero, L cells, and mosquito cells; cytopathology is often ab-
cattle. Equine encephalitis viJus disease i!1 birds is char- sent in the latter. A variety oflaboratory animalscan be ex-
acterized by encephalitis with leg paralysis, torticollis, pPrimenta.Uy infected, with suckling mice being the. rnost

352 l'ART 111 Viruses

c.:0111Iuu1i. E1ulJryoIJdtell clücken eggs dlld young chicks sion of EEE ln Central and South America, where smal1
may also he susceptihle to infection . m;im mals an.d birds serve as the vertebrate reservoirs of the
'fhe host-virus relationship of WEE is similar to that of
Host-Virus Relationship EEE, v. ith thc virus bcing 1naintaincd in a transmission

cycle between inosquitoes (Culex tarsalis) and do1nestic

Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmissíon and passerine birds, with periodic spillover into humans.
horses, and domestlc birds. Other species of mosqultoes
·rhf' f'Cp1inf' f'nct>ph<ilitis vir11ses occur in the Western can transmit the virus durine outbreaks.
IIen1isphere, although related viru:ses occur elsewhere in The lifecycle of VEE i:; n1ore con1plex. There are severai
the world. EEE occurs in eastern North An1erica (predon1i- distinct clusters of VEE viruses (1ºypes I-Vl), most o~
nantly cast of thc Mississippi Rivcr and thc i\tlantic which do not cause disease in horscs (1'ype 1, varietics D
Seaboard region in particular), the Caribbean Hasin, and through f, lypes 11-V l). ºlhese viruses are ende1ruc
Central and South An1erica. WEE occurs throughout throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the
much of North America, particularly in areas west of the Americas (including Florida, where VEE Type II [Ever-
Mississippi River, and South America. VEE is confined to glades] occurs). These endernic VEE viruses are main-
Soulh aud Cenl1al Arnerica, alll1ough incursio11s inlo tai11cd il1a11atural cycle of infection between Cu/ex mos-
North America have occurred periodically. The U11ited quitoes and small rodents in tropical swamps. Only VEE
States considers VEE to be a forcign animal discasc; how- Types 1 AB und 1 C are virulent to horscs, ¡u1d tl1ese are
ever, an avirulent VE.E virus ('l"ype 11, Everglades) is en- only isolated during the epidemics of VEE that regular!~
de1nic in portions of Florida. occur in northern South America. lt is believed that thes.e
1'he equine encephalitis vtruses are transmitted by mos- epidemic strains emerge after mutatlon of the E2 enve-
quitoes and, despite their names, horses and humans are lope glycoprotein of endemic ·rype lD strains of VEE that
llead-eull hu~t~ that are uuilupurtaut tu tltt: 11alural c.:ycle cousla11lly are circulaling in enden1ic areas but are 11ot
of EEF. and WF.F. virus infecrions. Th e viruses ali persist in pathogenic to horses. Once strains of VEE e1nerge that
similar but distinct natural cycles of infection that include are virulent to horses and humans, infected horses are e
mosquitoes and birds or rodents that function as the verte- major source ofvirus because, unlike EEE and W.E.E, VEE
brate reservoirs of each virus. Except in tropical areas replicates to high titers in horses. 'fhus, the endemic anc
\.Yhere infection occurs year-round, the peak incidence of epidemic (epizootic) VEE viruses have very different cy-
these diseases typically is in late summer and declines cles of infection.
when cün1atic conditions are less favorable for the mos-
q11ito vPctors. Mosqnitoes are biological vectors of these
Pathogenesis and Pathology
viruses, which requires that the n1osquito actually becon1e
infected with the virus rather than simply transmitting it Alphavirus infections can range from in.apparent to severe.
mechanically. For a biological vector to bccomc infcctcd it fatal discasc. Infcction follows thc bite of an infcctcd mos-
must obtain a blood meal from a viremic vertebrare host. quito. Primary viral replication occurs i11 regional lymph
1'he leve! of viremia required to infect the vector is dictated nodes adjaccnt to the site of the bite and is followed by
tJy viral strain, species of mosquito vector, or both. Upon generalized infectlon and viremia in whlch thc virus repl.:-
ingestion, thf> virus infects thf> insPct g11t ;.ind thf'n sprt>;.ids c ;ites in the lyn1phoid tissues throughout the body, bone
to the salivary glands, where replication p rovides a ready n1arrow, and certain other tissues. The encephalitis viruses
source of virus to infect additional vertebra te hosts during likely gain entry into the CNS after replication in the en-
insect feeding . The time requircd for this proccss is the cx- dothclial cclls lining blood vcsscls iI1 thc brain, and pas-
trinsic incubation perioct. l)nce infected, the vector re- sage ofvirus to the brain occurs after the acute phase of i n ·
mains infected for life. fection and virernia. Lesions occur throughout the gray
EE-E virus iIJfectiun cduses clínica! disedse in huu1aus, IIldtter uf the tJrain and ir1clude pt:rivast:uldr t:uffiug with
horsPs, and hircis, Pspecially ring-n Pcked pherisants, inflammatory cPlls, infiltration of neutrophils into the
ratites, and sorne commercial poultry (Pekín ducks, etc.). gray matter 1-vith neuronal and parenchymal necrosis, a11d
EEE also has been described in cattle and pigs, sometimes vasculitis, thrombosis, and hemorrhage. Neutrophils are
\.Yith high 1nortality. EEE virus cxists in two distinct ccosys- especially characteristic of the early cerebral lesions of EEE
te1ns; North An1erica11 (eastern Un1ted States and Canada) and VEE.
and Caribbean strains of the virus are transmitted by
Culiselu melunuru rnosy_uitoe:;. 'l'ht: viru~ i:; u1<JiutaiI1t:ll ir1
Host Response to lnfection
;in Pnzootic cyrlP of infection that inclucies these or-
nithophilic mosquitoes ru1d the passerine and wading The dcvelopment of neutralizing antibody to encephalitis
birds that serve as vertebrate virus reservoirs in coastal and viruses appears to be important in limiting viral replica-
inland S\-vamp env ironn1ents. Periodic spillover of the tion and spread and is clearly important in preventing re-
virus occurs in al1jacent horses, humans, birds, and otl1er lnfection. Antibodies develop to all viral proteins, and
animals. A variety of mosquito species can transmit the peak titers of neutralizing antibody typically develop
virus cluri11g epitle111ics, aud cli1ec l horiLonlal spread oc- wilhi11 2 Vl'eeks o[ infeclio11 h1 anin1als that survive. 'fhis
curs among b irds vvhen they peck viremic birds. Another antibody may be effective in virus, enhancing
n1osquito (Cu/ex n1elanoconio11) is responsible for transrnis- viral clearance, and lysil1g infected cells via complement
Chapter 58 'J(Jgaviridae and Flaviviridae 353

u r Natural Kill<::r c<::lls. C<::ll-1ut:diatt:Ll ilnu1urllty alsu ap- reCJring pens CJnd locating such pens avvay from freshwater
pears to contrihute to viral clearance and protective in1m u- s\o\ra1nps is also a possihilit·y . Atten11atP.rl (VEE) anrl inacti-
:iity. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes can be identified as early as vated vacci.nes h.ave been developed for the equine en-
3 to 4 days postinfection. cephalitis viruses. Re&>ular vaccination of susceptible ani-
m.als is reguircd to inaintain immunity if inactivntcd
vaccines are usect.
La boratory Diagnosis
Alphavirus infection may he suspected hased on the occur- Other Togaviruses
rence of neurologic disease among susceptible animal
species in endemic areas, thus prior history and seasonal A nun1ber of other togaviruses can infect animals, includ-
occurrcncc ca11 be important. Dcfinitivc diagnosis rcquircs ing Sindbis, Scmliki Forest, Higl1lands J, and C1etah
laboratory confirmation, which usually is done by serol-· viruses. Highlands .l virus has a sirnilar distribution in
ogy with an IgM-capture enzyme-linked immu nosorbent North America as EEE virus, b ut only rarely causes en-
assay (ELISA) tu Lletect virus-specific antiouuies in the cephalitis in horses. It ls, however, an important patho-
serum of acutely affected animals. The diagnosis is u n - gen o f h 1rkt>ys, pht>as;:ints, c:hukrir partrjdges, ducks, emus,
equivocally confir1ned by virus isolation from blood or and whooping cranes. Getah virus infect5 horses a11d
CNS tissue, the latter beü1g preterable due to t he variable swine in Asia and Southeast Asia . Infection in horses is
occurrence of viremia by t he time signs of encephalitis are sometimes characterized by fcvcr, rash, and limb edema
manifest in infected anin1als. Virus may be isolated in a va- (but not encephalitis), and Getah virus also can cause
riety of systems, including cell cultures, chick embryos, abortion in p regnant si;.vine. Getah virus is included
and sucklir1g mice. vvit hin the Semliki Forest virus complex of alphaviruses,
and Semliki Forest virus also can cause a febrile disease of
ho (.:;c;.:; in Africa .
Treatment and Control
·rhere is no treatment for clinically ill antmals. Control of
Alphavírus infections can be achieved through vaccil1ation
and pest111a11age1neJ1L prograrus. V1::ctor cuutrol cC1r1 ue Clp-
The family Flaviviridae contains a large number of viruses
proachi>d through eliminating mosquito hreed ing site.~ hy
within three antigenically distinct geneia (Table 58.1):
water control or spraying programs. In the case of domes- .Flavivirus, Pestivirus, and Hepacivirus (human hepatitis C
tic bird farms, the use of tightly screened (insect-p roof)
virus). Altl1ougl1 not dlscussed here, the family Flaviviridae

Tab 1e 5 8 . 1 . Flaviviruses ot Veterinary lmporta nce

Genus SerogroupfAgent Vector Affected s~cies Di:Stribiliion.

Tick-borne encephalitis group 1 icks Humans turope, Asia
Louping 111 T.icks Sheep
PUWilS~on Tícks Horses North America
Japanese enceflhalitis group Mosr¡uitoe.~
Japanese encephalitis virus Swine, humans, birds Asid
Murray Va11ey encephalitis Humans, birds Australia
West N1le VlfUS (Kun¡in) Humans, horse-S, birds Americas, Europe,
Asía, Australia,
St. Louis encephalitis virus Humans, birds Americas
Yellowfever group Mosquitoes
Wes.selsbron virus Sheep Africa
Pestivi~us .Nonc
Sorder disease virus Sheep Worldwide
Bovine virus diarrhea virus Cattle \JIJorldwide
Classical ~wine fever virus Swine Wodrlwide*

· • Eradic¡¡tedin,a substantial number of countriés

354 PART 111 VLruses

includes a substantlal number uf very importar1t l1U111cu1 Pathogenesis and Pathology

}' /avivirus intection can produce inapparent to fatal dis-
ease. Encephalitis and hemorrhagic fever are characteristic
of Flavivirus-lnduced diseases, depending ur1 tl1c spccific
fLAV IVIRUS virus.

MPmhPrs of thc gcnus Flavivirus include arboviruses that

Host Response to lnfection
are transmittcd by cithcr ticks or mosquitoes. The tick
borne tlaviviruses include tick-borne encephalitls (Euro- Both humoral and cell-mediated il11mune responses de-
pean, Far Eastern, and Siberian), Powassan, and Louping-ill velop in anima Is following Flavivirus infection. Antibodies
viruses. T11osc that are mosquito-transmitted include the (HI and viral-neutralizing) develop within a few days after
Dengue virus group (the cause of human Dengue hemor- infection. Neutralizing antibodies largely are directt>d ilt
rhaglc fevcr), Japanese encepl1nlitl:. viru:. group (i11cludiJ.1g the E envelope prutciI1, wl 1ereas cyloloxic T lymphocyte
Japanese encepht1litis M11rrt1y Val ley encephalitis, St. Louis
1 responsPs arP <l i rPltf'd at the nonstructural viral proteins.
encepl1alltis1 and West Nile and I<unjin viruses), and Yellow Hun1oral responses appear to play a11 im.portant role in
Fever virus group (including Yellow Fever and Wesselsbron both recovery and long-term protection against reinfec-
viruscs). Thcsc viruses cause either encephalitis or systemic tion. Ccll-rnediated immune responses (cytotoxic T .ly1n-
hemorrhagic-septicem1a 10 animals and/or humans. phocytes) hkely contribute to viral clearance. Immunity is
probably lifelong after natural infectio11, b11t only to the
homologous viru:s.
Etiologic Agent
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
The namc Flavivirus is derived from thc Latin word flavus,
which 1neans yellow, since Yellow Fever virus is the famíly
prototype. Members of the genus consist of spherical (50 JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS
nm in diameter) enveloped particles with small surface
projection (peplomers). A single nucleocapsid protein en- Japanese encephaliti:> virus OEV) i:. tl1e prololype of theJE
capsidates the geno111e 1 a11u l l1e e11velope co11lains two antigenic complPx within the Flavívirus genus. The JE
viril! mPmhranP prot<>ins (F. and M). Severa! nonstructural con1plex includes St. Louis encephalitis virus, Murray
viral proteins are also produced in virus-infected cells Valley encephalltis virus, and West Nile virus (and related
(NSl-5). ·rhe viral genome is a single linear strand ot Kunjin virus), in addition toJEV itseli. Theseare allhuman
positive-sense RNJ\. The genomic RNA is infectious and pathogens, butJEV and west Nile virus are important vet-
encades a single large polyprotein that is co- and post- erinary pathogens as well.
translationally cleaved into the various viral str1.tctural and JEV infectlon Is typlcally inapparent l.Jut ca11 cause clin-
nonstructural µrulei11:>. ical disease in hl1m;:ins, horsPs, ;inci swine. Tnfection of
ThP flt1viviruscs are a ll serologically related as deter- dogs and do111eslic poultry also occurs. ·rhe major adverse
mined by group-spccjfic assays such as ELISA and hemag- impact of JEV infection of swine is the occurrence ot abor-
glutination inhibition. 'l'hey are distinp;uisl1ed by neu- tions ond neonatal deaths after infection of nonimmune
tralization assays, although there is considerable cross- pregnant swine, whereas infected horses can develop sc-
rcactivity among vlruses wlthln tl1e same serogroup (sero- vere neurologic disease that resembles eastern equinP Pn-
complex). ·rhe envelopc E protf'in rnn t;iins the major de- cephalitis (EEE), altl1uu~h u1orlality is lower.JEV infection
terminants uf viru:> llt::Ulralizalion. currently is confinP<l to temperate and tropical areas of
Asia, where serological survey:; indicate that infcction of
horses, cattle, and swine is widespread. ·rhe virus occurs
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents throughout much of Asia, fro1n the Indian Subcontinent
Virions are stoble ata pH of 7 to 9, but are inactivated by to the west to the l'aciúc Islands in the east. Most infec-
acid pli, temperatures above 40ºC, lipid solvents, ultravio- tions are inapparent or mild. Horses and humans are
let light, ionic and nonionic detergents, and trypsin. unimportant to the epidemiulugy ufJEV i11feclio11 because
viremias arP. vPry low-titered in these species, insufficient
to serve as a virus reservoir for susceptible mosquito vec-
tors. In contrast, infected swine and birds serve as ampltfy-
Host-Virus Relationship ing hosts for the virus because they have high-titered
viremias. Cu/ex mosqu1toes are the principal vectors of
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission JEV. In swine, virus may also be transmitted from the in-
The t1aviviruscs ot veterinary importance are arboviruses fected dam to the fetus and frorn l.Joar tu sow via insen1ina-
that are transmitted by either ticks or mosquitoes; thus tion ofviral-cont;:imint1tP<1 semen. The virus is maiI1tained
they share the ability for sequential replicntiu11 i11 verle- il1 tropical regions probably by continua! transmission be-
brate and invertebrate hosts. ThPy infPc:t a range of verte- tween mosquitoes, birds, and swine.
urate svecies, including 1nan1mals and birds. Diagnosis of JEV is accomplisl1ed by isolating virus
Cfzapter 58 Togaviridae and Flaviviridae 355

from the tissues or blood ot attcctcd animals using cell cul- swine also occur, and the virus is a zoonotic pathogen. The
tures (vcrtebrate or insect) or suckling mice. Viral antigen virus causes extcnsivc livcr necrosis, jaundice, subcuta
may also be demonstratcd dlrectly In braln tissue sections neous edema, gastrointestinal hcmorrhage, and fever in
by immunohistochemical staining A variety of serological infected sheep; mortality in lambs can be high, and abor-
assays also are available, but den1on stration of virus- tio11 is con1n1011 in prcgnanl cwcs. Wesselsbro11 vi1us is
specific lgM (indicativc of recent infection) is generally re- transnlitted by Aedes mosquitoes.
quircd as IgG assays often detect antibodies to rclatcd fla- Diagnosis may be based upon viral isolation using a va-
viviruses, which complicates interpretation. riety of cell cultures (13HK and lamb kidney), chick em-
Vaccination is uscd for control of JEV infection in bryos, or suckling mice. Vaccination and/or prior exposure
endemlc a reas, and both attenuated and killed vaccines to other flavlvlruses compllcate the interpretation of sero-
are available. Vector con trol measures are another possi- logical assays. Attenuated vaccines are used to prevent the
ble app1oacl1. tli~easl.! i111;:11dl.!111il.: arcas.

• r
Wcst Nilc virus (WNV), a rncn1bcr of thc JEV antigenic Louping-ill virus is a tick-transmitted navivirus that natu-
complex, occurs througl1out Africa as well as portions ot rally infects many species, including humans,
Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia (where it is sheep, horses, deer, and birds. Thc virus causes encephalo- i
called Kunjln virus). '!"he virus recently emerged in the myelitis in sheep, and high mortality may resultwhen sus-
Western Hemisphere, precipitating a massive epidemic of :i: 1
discasc iJ1 hu111a11s, hotscs, birds, andan eno1111ou::. varieLy
of other animals (alligators, squirrcls, mountain goats,
cte.). Thc virus is maintaincd in a mosquito-bird cycle of in-
ceptible slieep art: i11Lrudu<.:l.!U intu ar1 enuemic area.
Louping-ill is characterized hy neurologic signs s11ch as hy-
pcrexcitability, cerebellar ataxia, and progressive paralysis.
·rhe ctisease derives its name trom the Ieaping gait some-
fection, and humans and horses are "dead-end" hosts be- <( •
times observed in ataxic animals. Louping ill is a zoo
cause viremia is not sufficient to infect susceptible mosqui-
toes that feed on infected individuals. There are two
noses, and dlsease also somctimcs occurs in cattle, horses
and goats.
::> •
distinct genetic lineages of WNV, so-called "lin eage l" and Loupi11g-ill is cu11fi11ed Lo ll 11:: Britisli Isles a11d purtio11s
uli11eage 2." Li11t:age 2 viruses are e11dt:111ic soutl1 uf tl1e
eq11ator in Afrira, whC'rC' th<'y ca11st- littl<~ if any diseasP in
horscs. In disti nct contrast, li neage 1 strains of ~ havc
of continental Europe. Txndes rincinu~ ticks arP thP princi-
pal vector. Diagnosis of louping-ill is done by viral isola-
tion, immunohistochemical staining of CNS tissue sec-

been associated with outbreaks of disease in Mediterranean tions from affcctcd animals, or scrology. Virus can be
and castern Europc, North Africa, Asia, and North A1nerica. isolated usinp; vertebrate or insect cell cultures and intrac-
Whereas many bird species undergo subctinical or erebr al inoculation of suckling rnice. Propagated virus can
asympton1atic infection and have viremias of sufficient !Je uefinitively itlt!Iltlfit!tl IJy viral neutralization.
111agnitude to serve as ampllfylng reservolr hosts of the l .011p ing-ill rfln hP controllrrl thro11gh tick control hy
virus, other species of birds suffcr high 1nortality similar to dipping and spraying of sheep. A forn1alin-inactivated cell
horses. ·rhe 11eu1ological discase thal occurs ir1 son1e culture-origin vaccine is available and effective. Lambs
WNV-infected horscs is characterized by ataxia, weakness, born. to immunc dnms are protcctcd by colostral antibody
rccumbcncy, musclc fasiculations, and high fatality ratcs. for approxirnatcly 4 months.
Among birds, raptors and corvids have been especially
hard hit by the WNV epidemic in Nortl1 An1erica .
Speclfic specJcs of mosqultoes transmlt WNV in en-
de1nic areas, whercas a wide varicty of mosquito species POWASSAN ANO RELATEO TICK-BORNE
have been ü1crin1inaled in thc trans111ission of WN\T il1fec- ENCEPHALITIOES
tion in North Arnerica.
Diagnosis of WNV is best done by polymcrasc chain re- Powas<;fln virus is the cause of a tick-transmitted en-
action (i'CK), which is rapid and very sensitive. Virus isola- cephalitis of hun1ans and horscs in Norll1 An1erica. 'l'l1e
tion in appropriate cell cultures also is possible. WNV-spe-
virus infects a wide variety of animal species, both lVild
cillc IgM capture ELJSA Is very usefu1 for the serological and domestic, as well as :;everal species of ticks. lt causes
identification of animals that are acutely infected with
encephalomyelitis in horses that mimics that caused by
VVNV. Au iI1altivated vaccine currently is availa!Jle for pro- other flaviviruses like WNV, frorn which it m u st be <listín
tective immunization of horses. guished by elther PCR assay or by virus isolation. Similar
tick-borne enccphalidities of humans are caused by related
viruses in Europe and Asia, including On1sk hernor1hagic
WESSELSBRON fever virus, Tick-borne cnccphalitis viruses (European, Far
Eastcrn, and Sibc.rian), and Kyasanur forest disease virus.
Wesselsbron v1rus is a membcr of the Yellov.r rever virus rhese viruses are maintaincd in a cycle of infection that in-
antigenic group and causes disease of sheep in sub- cludes ticks (which vcrtically transmit the viruses) and ver
Saharan Afrlca. Subclln tcal lnfcctlon of cattle, horses, and tebrates (livesrock and dogs) that serve as amplifying hosts
356 PAKr 111 Viruses

of the virus. Encephalitis occurs sporadically among ani- caused severe, fatal mucosa! disease-like signs (see
mals in areas where these viruses are endemic. below) in calves when they first emerged, often ac-
co.111va11ied l>y wide:svread he111orrhages as a conse-
quence of thrombocytopenia . However, Type 11
strains of BVDV are now increasingly associatcd
PESTIV/RUS with mild disease i11 calves, similar to that produced
by most Typc I strains.
'fhe genus l'estivirus ineludes the etiologic agents of bovine 3. Mucosal disease is characterized by low morbidity
viral diarrhea (BVUV; ·rypes 1and2), border disease (BUV), but high morta]ity in cattle of several months to
and hog cholera (also referred to as classlcal swine fever severa! years of age. Tt is characterized lJy severe,
[CSFV]), all of whicl1 are important pathogens of livestock. fata l ciis<"ase with f'Xtt>nsive.11lc:e.ration of the upper
In contrast to the Flavívirus, members of the genus gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, and lymphopenia.
Pe:sliviru:s ar1:: 11ul arllirovud-bor11e. They a1e ieadily inacti- Mucosal disease occurs only i.n persistently infected
vated hy low pH, heat, organic solvents, and detergents. animals t hat were originally infected with BVDV in
Virio11s are spberical to pleomorphic (40- 60 nm in diame- u tero, thus it 11as a 11ighly distinctive patl1oger1esis.
ter) a11d enveloped small surface projections (spikes)
cmanating fro1n the viral envelope. The virions consist of BVDV also causes reproductive losses in cattle from
an envelope and nucleocapsid and include four structural abortion and fetal tcratogenesis.
proteins- a nucleocapsid protein (C) and three envelope
glycoprotein~ (Ern•, El, anti E2). Su1ue seve11 ur eigJ·1t viral
nonstr11ct11 ral p rote.ins also are produced in infected cells. Etiologic Agent
The genome is a single molecule of positive-sense, single-
stranded RNA that contains a single, large open reading Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
frrunc that cncodcs a largc polyprotein that is co- and post- BVDV is the type species of the Pestivirus genus (Fig 58.1);
translationally cleaved into the various structural and thus it is serologically related to hog cholera and border
nonstructural viral proteins.
111e pestlvlruses are all antigenically related and in-
clude cross-reactive epitopes. Several other pe.stivin1st>s
have bee11 isolated that are ge11etically distinct from BVDV
(fypes 1 a11d 2), BDV, and CSFV, and it is p roposed that F 1G u R E 5 8 . 1 . Negatively stained preparation of bovíne virus
pestiviruses isolated from a giraffc and from rcindccr, for diarrhea virus. 250,000X. (Reproduced with permissíon from Chu HJ,
Zee YC. Morphology of bovinc viral diarrhca virus. Am J Vet Res
example, be identitied as new species. Neutralizing anti-
bodies are directed against the Erns and E2 envelope glyco-
proteins. Infected animals also mount a strong immune re-
sponse against the NS3 protein, whereas the antibody
respo11se to otl1er viral proteil1s is ge11erally weak.
All three viruses are i1nportant food-animal pathogens
and will be dcscribcd scqucntialJy. Thcy are vcry closcly rc-
lated and can only be distinguished by application of
monoclonal a11tibodies and/or molecular biology tech-
niques; however, they tend to be host-specific.


Di sea se
BoviI1e virus diarrl1ea vir us (BVDV) is responsible for bovine
virus diarrhea-rnucosal disease (BVD-MD). Tl1is disease com-
plcx actually includcs t hrcc distinct disease syndromes:

1. Type 1 viral diarrhea is a usually rnild disease of young

calves characterlzed by leukopenia, fever, an<.l ero-
sions and ulcers of the upper gastrointestinal tract,
oflen wilh accon1pa11yiI1g diarrl1ea. T11e il1fection is
typically characterized by hlgh morbidity and low
Z. ·1ype .U viral diarrhea is the consequence of infection
of calves with genetically distinct strains of BVDV
(so-called Type JI BVDV). Tl1ese viruses 1nit1ally
Cliapter 58 Togaviridac nnd Flaviviridac 357

diSease vtruses. ·rhe two types of BVDV (fyv1::s I a11Ll TI) aie Highly virulent strains of DVDV can produce severe le-
distinguishcd by genetic ancl antigenic methods (using sions in susceptible calves that mimic mucosa! discase
m onoclonal antibodies in particular). It also is clear that (sec bclow).
there is cnormous genetic variation among field strains ot Fetal infections are important to both the epidemiology
BVDV of bolh typcs, which likely influences their biologic of BVDV infection of cattle and to the pathogenesis of mu-
;>ropertics. cosa! dtsease. BVDV lnfectlon ofbovtne fetu:se:s witl1a11011-
'l'here also are two distinct biotypes of BVDV; one is cy- cytopathogenic strain of Bvn vir11~ prior to micl-ge.station
:opathogenic for cell cultures anc.I the other is I1ut. TIJe cy- oflen leads to tl1e birth of calves that are persistently in-
ropathic strai ns apparently hy mutational or recombi- fccted with BVDV (if they survivc infection). These ani-
n ational events in noncytopathic strains (deletion or mals subscqucntly serve as a reservoir of virus in the herd,
~eduplication of the viral genome or insertion ot host cell which they transmit both hor1zontally and vertically (to
scquences into the genome of the noncytopathogenic their own progeny); furthermore, they develop weak orno
virus). obvlous humoral lmmune response to tl1t:: virus witli
which they are persistently infecte<t . M11cosal <lisease man-
ifesls when a cylopatbogenic strain of BVD virus emerges
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
in thc animal. Interestingly, the noncytopathic and cyto-
BVDV ts sensitive tu lipi<.l :sulvt:11ls such as elhe1 and cl1lo- pathic strnins of BVD virus isolated from cases of mucosa!
ro form anrl is inactivated by treatment with trypsin. The disease are extremely similar gcnctically. Recent evictence
,;rus is most stable in the pH rangc from 5.7 to 9.3, with clearly índicates that the cytopathic virus arises from
maximum stability at pH 7.4. 'fhc vi rus is readily main- changes (genome deletlon or reduplication or insertion of
rained in a lyophilized or frozen state for many years. ccllular gene sequences into the viral genome) in tl1e orig-
iual vcr:.istc11t 11u11cytupalliic :.llai1i. Mucosal disease is
characterized by the presence of erosions and ulcers on thc
nfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems muzzlc, throughout thc ornl cnvity, esophagus, and small
Pestiviruscs infect cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and wild rumi- intestine (ulcers over Peyers patches are characteristic).
nants, l>ut BVDV vri11cipally is a11 infeclious pathogen of There also is widespread necrosis of lymphocytes. The
c;ittlP an<I sometimes sheep. Isolates of BVDV, whether cy- mechanlsm of tissue destruction tn this fulrninar1t <.liseast::
topathogenic or noncytopathogenic, can be grown in ccll currcntly is uncharacterized h11t might involve. apoptosis
culture systems, il1cluding various bovine embryonic cell of cells.
cu ltures. lmrnunofluorcscence or other immunohisto- BVDV is capable of crossing the placenta of immuno-
chemical staining methods are used to detect noncy- logically naive pregnant cattlc, and BVDV infcction of
topathogenic strains of BVDV, which contaminate many the developing tetus can result in fetal death, developmen-
commonly used cell Unes. Cytopatt1ogt::uiL straius vru- tal abnormalities, or persistent infection in fetuses prior
d uce plaques and can be userl for ac-c-11rate viral titrations. to mid-gestation. Ocular leslons (retlnal degeneration
and hypoplasia, optic neuritis) and cerebellar atrophy/
hyvoplasia art: Ll1aracLe1islic of fetal BVDV infection.
Host-Virus Relationship
Host Responses to lnfection
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
BVDV infection of cattle usually results in the production
BVDV has a worldwide distribution, and inlection ot cattle of high tlters of neutralizing antibodics in serum, and cat-
is vcry common, as determined by serologic surveys. tle that recover from infection have long-lasting immu-
Transmission is by contact and horizontal transfer of ntty. BVDV infectiuu uf aniiual:; i11 ule10 can 1esull in pe1-
virus, particularly frorn persistcntly i nfected carriers of the sistent po~t-natal infe.c.tion, and these animals have no or
vtrus that shed high titt::rs of virus i11 a 11 of lheir body sec1e- very Iow titers ofvirus-spccific antibodies.
tions ancl exc-retions, and transmit the virus vertically to
t heir progeny.
Laboratory Diagnosis
Pathogenesis and Pathology
CUnlcal dlagnosls may be d!fflcult. Mucosa! dise11st:: 111u:st
The conscquences of infection of cattle with BVDV vary be differentiated from other rlisea~e<: that cause nlc.e.ration
from an tnappart::nt infeLtiu11 tu scv1::rt:: (atal disease. The of lhe gastroil1testi11al tract, including malignant ca-
pathogenesi~ ;.in<I of BVDV infection of tarrhal fever and rindcrpest. Rapid diagnosis is best ac-
cattle are dependent on thc age and immune status of complishcd by immmunohistochcmical staining of the
cattle at infcction, as '1-vell as the biological properties tissues ot attectect anirnals with ~VUV-specific antibodics,
of the infecting virus strain. 'I'ype l and 11 BVDV infection or by poly1nerase chain reaction to detect viral nucleic
1n calves results in systemic infcction of variable severity. acld. Virus isolation also can be uscd, as can serology;
l esions in affected calves range from mild erosion and ul- however, the widespread use ofvaccines complicates sero-
cerat1on of the upper J:laStroi11tc.sti1111I tr11ct to .severe ul- lugicaJ diaguosis of BVDV infec 1io11, as does ll1e fact that
ceration thro11gho11t the gastroi nte.sti nal tract and di.s- persistently infected cattle have little or no obvious titers
.sen1 i nated hemorrhages (characteristic ofType II DVDV). to DVDV.
358 PART 111 Viru:;e:;

Treatment and Control ovine or1g1n and in established cell lines, including :::_:
kidney, fetal lamb muscle, and bovine turbinate.
Control of BVDV infcction of cattle is generally achieved
by vaccination wlth cithcr attcnuatcd (live) or k.illed BVDV
vaccines, and by the identification anc.1 removal ot persist- Host-Virus Relationship
entlv , infected carriers of the virus. Concerns have been
.ratsed about the use of Uve attenuated BVDV vaccines, Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
including their potential reversion to virulence, dissemi- BDV was initially described in thc late 1940s as a congcni-
rtaliu11 ir r callle pupulaliu11:,, a11d pole11 lial lo cause i111- tal disease ot sheep in .England and \!Vales. ·rhe disease has
munosuppression as vvell as fetal infections. ln the past, in- since been rccognized in many European countries, Au:;-
advertent contamination of bov ine cell cultures used for tralia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States. "fhe
vaccine p roduction wit h virulent but noncytopathogenic virus persists in shef>p, likf>ly in ;i m;innf>r simil;ir to that of
BVDV strains has also occurred. Vaccination of persistently BVDV in cattle, a11d extensive outbreaks of J3DV can occu::-
infected cattle vvith attenuated vaccines can son1etilnes when the virus is in troduced into im1nunologically naive
produce mucosa! disease. flocks. 'frunsmission of BDV is probably most co·m.moo b~­
Si11ce colosl1al anlibodies n1ay persisl for 6 n1onlhs or the oral and intranasal routes, from infected ani.Jnals or in -
more in calves, vaccination prior to this time may not be fected fetuses.
effective and repeated re.vaccination muy be ncccssury.
Pathogenesis and Pathology
BDV infection of immunologically naivc sheep results ir:
vire1nia, with subscqucnt sprcad of thc virus to tl1e fetus ir:
pregnant animals. <Jeneralized infection of the fetus can
Disease lcad to fetal dcath, with or without expulsion, or teratoge
nesis. The consequences of fetal infection are inversely re-
Border disease (BD) is a congenital Pestivirus disease of lated to fetal age, thus infection during the first trin1ester is
shccp charactcrizcd by thc birth of lambs with ubnormal relatlvely more severe ttJan infectio11 later iu ge~tatiou_
("hairy") \.YOOI and tremors that ret1ect abnormal n1yelina- Tnfection after 80 days' gf>st;ition often resul ts in vira
tion in the central nervous system (so-called "hairy- clec1rance without disease. Tl1e teratogenic effect of BD\-
shaker" lambs). Expression of disease varies depending on ü1fection also is dependent on fetal age. fnfection of the
gestational age of the lamb at infection as well as the in- developing ce11tral nervous systcm lcads to rcduccd or al-
fecli11g viral slraln. I11feclio11 of lhe developing fe lus n1ay tered myelination and demyelinization, resuJting in the
result in fetal death, rnumrnification, abortion, stillbirth, cl1aracteristic congenital tremors of the affected newborn
or birth of ahnormal lambs, whcrcas infcct ion of adult 1an1bs. Necrosis of the developing brain can cause more se-
sheep is subclinical. rious developmental injury, resulting in hyd ranencephaly,
porencephaly, and/or cerebellar dysplasia.

Etiologic Agent
Host Response to lnfection
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties BDV infeclion of ad ull sl1eep usually results in a pron1pl
13order disease virus (I3DV) is a Pestivirus that is genetica1ly hu1noral im1nune response characterized by the appear-
a11d antigenically distinct from bovine virus diarrhea uncc of long-livcd ncutralizing antibody in scrum. T'hc
(J3VDV) and hog cholera viruses. Multiple strains of BDV fetal immune response ret1ects 1ts gestat1onal age at the
I1ave been isolated, n1ost of which are noncytopathic i11 ti me of in fection . Infection during the first half of gesta-
ccll cultures. Sorne viruses isolated during outbreaks of RD Liuu usually lead:s lo pt::rsisle11t posl-nalal infeclion anda
are in fact BVDV. rninimal, inadequate irnmune response. Such animals
may rcmaln persistently lnfected and seronegative to BDV
for the remainder of their lives. Infection during the sec-
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents ond half of gestation, at a time when the fetus is gaining
Border disease virus exhibits physicochemical properties immunologic competence, usually results in im mune re-
similar to BVDV. The virus is inactivated by chloroform, sponses t hat resolve the infection.
ether, trypsin, and heating to 56ºC for 20 minutes.

lnfectivity for Host Species and Culture Systems Laboratory Diagnosis

While Bl)V is classically associated with infection of sheep, Tl1e clinical signs of BDV in affectecl lambs are variable, but
it also can infect cattle and goati:, and pregnant sowf: that detailed necropsy and histologic evaluation is often diag-
\.Yere experimentally infected with BDV gave birth to nostic, espeeially when immunol1istochemical staining is
piglets with cerebellar hypoplasia. ·rhe virus can be propa- used to identify viral a11tigens in the t issues of ;ifff>ctf>cl
galed in prin1ary and seco11dary c.ell cultures of bovl11e a11d lan1bs.
Chapter 58 Togaviridae and Flaviviridac 359

Treatment and Control stainlng rechnlques. Sorne cytopathogenic strains have

been repnrtPcl .
Control of BDV is difficult. Losses can be high during ini-
tial infcction of nnivc nnimnls, whereas losses are relatively
minimal when the virus is cndemic on a tarro. BVDV vac- Host-Virus Relationship
cines are sometimes used.
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
HCV occurs worldw1de, but it has been eradicated from
HoG C HOL ERA V1Rus Nnrth AmPrir;:i, l.ri>;:it Rrit;:iin ancl lrPlancl, Scanclinavia,
Australia and Nelv Zealand, and portio ns of Europe. It is cn-
demic in extensive areas of Asia, Africa, Europe, and South
Di sea se and Central Amcrica.
uomestic swine and wild hogs serve as reservoir hosts,
Hug <.:hulera (I-TC, a l:.u kuvwu as clussicul switte feve1) is an
often as inapparent carriers. Pigs infected in utero may bc-
importilnt cliSPilSP of swinP worlclwiclP; ;ilthough it has
come persistently tnfcctcd carriers of the virus, analogous
bee11 eliminatcd in many inten:;ive :;wine-producing to th P rP,Prvnir~ nf nthPr p1>,tivir11'P' li k P RVnV ;inrl RnV
countries but otten reemerges to cause serious, economi-
·rransmission is by droplet, fomites, and ingestior1 of in -
cally devastating out breaks. HC is characterized by fever
fccted matcrials, particularly uncooked garbage.
(104ºF or hlghcr), leukopcnla, and loss of appetite.
Affectcd anilnals may appear dull and drowsy and crowd
togcL11cr as if ch illcd. Von1 i ting and diarrhca are con1111011, Pathogenesis and Pathology
as is conjunctivitis, erythema of the skin, and neurologic
signs such as paralysis and locomotory disturbanccs. Hog cholera Is an acure, hlghly contaglous disease that is
ch;:ir;irtPri7Pci by cli~~Pmin:itPcl intr;:iv;isr11l;:ir co;:ig11l;:ition
!nfectio n of pregnant sows can result in small litters, fetal
leading to hemorrhage and infarction in many tissues. The
death, premature births, stillbirths, and the birth of
incubation period is short (3 to 8 days), and the virus first
piglets wlth cerebellar ataxia or congenltal tremors.
replicates in the lymphoid tissues of the upper respiratory
!viorbidity and mortality are both high during epide-
tractor tons1ls. The virus thcn sprcads \Vtdely and repli-
nlics caused by virulent strains of the virus in fully suscep-
cates in endothelial cells and mononuclear inflammatory
tible swine, whereas disease is less apparent when the
cells throughout the body. The characteristic lesions are
virus is endemic, making detection and eradication more
petechial hemorrhages on a 11 serous surfaces, lyn1ph nodes
(hen1orrhagic lymphadenitis), and kidney, and the pres-
ence of infarcts in the spleen.
More chronic forms of HC occur in somc cndcmic arcas.
Etiologic Agent Affected pigs may exhibit growth retardat1on (stuntrng),
chronic diarrhea, and secondary bacteria! pneumonia.
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
Hug chulera virus (HCV) is a n1en1ber of the genus Pesti- Host Response to lnfection
virus , and there is considerable genetic and antigenic vari-
ation among strains of thc vi rus. Animals that recover from hog cholera have a long-lasting
immunity. Ncutralizing antibody titcrs corrclatc with rc-
sistance to HCV intectio11. ~uck.ling pigs acquire colostral
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents antibodi es from the immune dan1. The half-life of this
HCV is chloroform- and cthcr-labile and relatively pH sta- colostral antibody Is 13 days. Pigs that have maternal anti-
ble. Virions are quickly inacllvated by drying but can per- body titers of 1: 1000 or above still have son1e antibody at 4
sist for long periods in uncooked pork or garbage. The IJIUll tllS.
virus is complctcly inactivatcd in canncd hams whcn an Pigs infected in utero with the virus are often per-
interna! temperature ot 65"C is maintained for 90 min- sistently infected carriers, \>Vhether or not they are healthy
utes. The virus survives for 3 days at SOºC in defibrinated at birth.

lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems Laboratory Diagnosis

Domcstic swinc and wild hogs are the only naturally sus- Diagnosis of hog cholera can be suspected in free areas by
ceptible species. cxplosive outbreaks ot severe disease in pigs, but the dla;-
HCV replicates in cultures of porcine cells such as nosis always requires laboratory confirmation to distm
spleen, kidncy, tcstlclc, and perlphcral blood lcukocytes. guish it from other septicemias. Thc virus is identified in
Vfost strains of the virus are noncytopathogenic and the tiSS"1.1es of affected pigs by immunohistochemical min-
n1ay persisl in cullure for n1any cell passages. Tl1e pres- i11g Uf IJy V ÍfU:> Í:>VlcllÍUfl ÍCUlll tlH.: S)JlCCU, tun~ib. }vmph
ence of HCV in infcctcd cell cultures is rcadily demon- nodes, and hlood. Sinc:P- many strains arP nonry1<''12-'-
stratcd by immunofluorcsccnt or imn1unohistochcmical genic in cell culture, the fluorcscent antibody :I!et=:oc ~
360 PART 111 Viruscs

1equired for tl1e deleclion of HCV. Polyn1era~e chain reac- of ll1e virus is accon1plished by regulati11g tl1e n1ovem~
tion detection 11ow also is available. (importation) of swine from endemic areas and by prc-
The diagnosis of chronic forms of HC is more difficult hibiting the fecding of garbagc and/or food scraps COG-
and requires caretul laboratory investigation. taining pork products to swine. In endemic areas, vacn-
nation and/or eradication are used. Vacch1es for HC'\. <:..:-:e
attenuated and, although effective in preventlng disea..~
Treatment and Control they complicate efforts to eradicate HCV from a region -
Control of HC depends on whether the virus is endemic
in a particular countr y or region. In free areas, exclusion
Orthomyxoviridae and


:nfluenza viruses are included in the family Orthornyxo- Hemagglutinin
'iridae, and are divided into thrcc typcs (A, B, and C)
All strains of influenza are capable of agglutinating ery-
based on the antigcnic diffcrcnces beti,,veen their nucleo-
JJlU Léi11 (NP) d!IU llld l 1 Í)I (lVf) !J I Ult:i 11:.. Ty jJt: A i11 fl Ut:l IL<l
throcytes from humans. guinea pigs. and chickens as well
as many other species. Antibodies to the HA prevent infcc-
-Uuses naturally occur in humans, horses, S\.vine, and
oirds. Typcs B and C infcct humans, and ·rypc C also in- tion of host cclls. The HA and NA are the twO ma¡or strain-
specific surface antigens and are important to host immu-
:ects pigs. lnttuenza A viruses are further divided into sub-
rypes. The nomenclaturc systcm includes the host of ori- nily. In facl, il is Lhe va1iation of lhese 1uolecules Lhal is
~in, geographic or!gln, straln number, and year of
primarily responsiblc for cmcrgcncc of new strains of the
solation . A description of thc two majar surfar.e antigens, virus leading to ncw outbreaks of influenza, and the fail-
_he he111aggluLinin and ll1e 11euran1inidase, is given in
ure to control thcm by vaccination. ·rhe HA tunctions in
inítial virus attachment to its cellular reception, and sub-
]arentheses-for example, A/swine/New Jersey/8/76 (Hl
"I ). Gy convention, the host of origin for human strains
s now omitted.
sequent HA clcavagc allO\VS fusion of the viral envelope
with an intcrccllular mcmbrane allowing transfer of the
nuclcuca11:.i<.l i11lv ll11:: ct::ll cytuvla:.u1. The1e a1e 110\"\T 15
rc.cognized influenza HA proteins.
•:1f1uen2a virus particles a rP i rrPg11 l;:i rly sh;:i perl spherical
? ar licles 80-120 111n in diameter (Figs 59.1, 59.2). The ·rhe NA is responsiblc for the cleavage of the sialic acid-
~irion envclope is derived frorn the membranes of host containing rece11tur ari<.l thc elutitJ11 of lhe viral parlicle
cells. Thccc are two distinct typcs of surface spikes (pe from th<' host c.c~l l. This phenomenon prevents self-
µto n1ers); one is rod-shapcd and corresponds to the aggrcgation and promotes release of the virus from thc in-
nemagglutinin (HA), and thc other is mushroom-shaped fected cell. Antibody against the NA does not protect
anct possesses ncuramlnlclase (NA) activity. Butl1 the HA. against infection but does confcr protcction against dis-
and the NA are v iral glycoprotPins th ;:it ;:itt;:ic.h to the viral ease and reduces transmissibility. There are nine recog-
envclopc by short sequences of hydrophobic amil10 nized NA subtypes.
3cids. The viral envelope surrounds a matrix protein (M)
shcll, which in turn Sl1rrounds thc gcnome of eight
seven in ·rype C influenza viruses) individual molecules
of single-stranded RNA, along with the nuc!eoprotein 'íhe nucleoprotein (NP) was originally designated the sol-
:-.IP) and thrcc large protelns (PB 1, PB2, ancl PA) that are uble, or S, antlgcu <111tl i:> thc iJ111cr111v:;t cuu111011e11t uf t lte
;esponsible for RNA replication and transcription. Each influenza virion. lt is coiled into a double helix SO nm to
Jf Llte eigl1t ge11v111ic RNA species encades fo1 one, 01 60 11111 in dia111eler and is il1timately associated wit11 each
someti1nes two, polypeptides. l'his independent nature RNA segment and the three different polymerases.
of the individual viral gene segments results in the phe- ·rhe NI' is one of the type-specific antigens uscd to dis-
:iomena of high trequency rccombination (rcassortment tinguish genera ot intlucnza virus, and can be identitied bv
of gene scgmcnts from two parental viruses to generate enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELJSA), double im-
progcny wlth new genotypes) during mixed infections, munodiffus!on, complement fixation, single radial diffu-
'lnd explain~ thP origin of <:omp nPw p;:in<1Pmir ~trains of ~ion, ::ig;:ir-gPI prPripit;:ition, ;in<l tht> hem;:iggl11tin::ition in-
!n fl u enza vi rus. hibition tests.

362 PART 111 Viruses

F1G U RE S 9. 1 . Negatively stained preparation of influenza A virus. 150,000X.

(Reproduced with permission from Air GU, Laver WG. The molecular bas1s of antigenic
v;iri;itinn in;i virus. Adv Virus Res 1986;31 :53.)

F 1G U R f ~ q. 2. Diagr;im of infl11P.nza virus. The diagram illustrates the main

structural features of the virion. The surface of thc p;:irticlc cont;:iins thrcc kinds of spike
proteins- the hemagglutinin (HA), the neuraminidase (NA), and matrlx (M2) protein-
embedded in a lipid bilayer derived from the host ce// and covers the matrix (M1 J protein
th;:it surrounds thc viral corc. The ribonucleoprotein complex making up the core
consists of at least one of each of the eight single-stranded RNA segments associateú
with the nucleoprotein (NP) and the three po/ymerase proteins (P82, P81, PA). RNA
segments have base pairing between their 3' and 5' ends forming a panhandle. Their
u1ydt1iLdliu11 dllÚ lile role of NS2 in tfle virion 1·e1n<1in unresolved. (Reproduced with
permission from Murphy 8, Weneter RG. Orthomyxoviruses. In: Fields 8, Knipe DM,
Howley PM, et al., eds Fields virology 3rd Prl NPw York· I irrinrntt-RavPn, 1996:1401.)

ANA ., ..- PB2



Chapter 59 Orthomyxoviridae and Bunyaviridae 363

Matrix Protein F.q11inf' virnsf's arf' TypP A virnses. They have
been divided into two subtypes, A/equine/1 (I-I7N7) and
Thc nonglycosylated matrix protein is also a type-specific A/equine/2 (H3N8), based on antigenic differences in their
antigen of influenza viruses. I-Iowever, antibodies against HA. A/cquinc/l has onc prototypc, A/cquinc/l/Praguc.
M little, if any, protection against infection. This
Antigenic drift has occurred among A/equine/l viruses
structural proteln surrounds the nucleoprotein to form with the subsequent designation of two subgroups that do
the inner part of thf' vir;i 1 f'nvf'lOpf'.
not appear to differ significantly in terms of their immu-
nity after . Significant drift has occurred
Nonstructural Proteins among A/equine/2 viruses fron1 the original p rototype
A/equine/2/Miami/63 first isolated from a severe 1963
There are at least two nonstructural proteins, NSl and NS2. outbreak in Plorida horses. Additional prototypes
Thcir function is at this time tu1known. A/eq uine/Z/ J!ountainbleu, A/equine/2/Kentucky, along
wit h other variants including the 1989 Chinese virus, have
Polymerase Proteins shown that considerable drift occurs in the A/equine/2
viruses, \\•hich m ay have implications for efficacious vacci-
Thc polymcrase protcins (PB1 , PB 2 , PA) localize with the nation. Influenza occurs in horses worldwide, wilh the no-
NP and viral RNA. They are Lhe largesl o( Lite viral pruteiu:; table exceptions of countries such as New Zealand and
and are responsible for RNA polymerization of the viral Australia, and is a common and troublcsome problem
gcnome. PB 1 and PB 2 are necessary for complementary whe11 horses are congregated at shows, sales, stal)les, and
RNA synthesis, while PA and NP are required for viral RNA - -

Viral Genome Etiologic Agent

Th e influenza A genome contains at least 10 different ope.n Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
reading fra1nes (genes) it1 ils 8 segn1e11Ls of negative-seuse
RNA. The segme11ted genome of influenza viruses facili- Equine iníluen:.:a vir us is usually iuactivated at 56ºC ir1 30
tates reassortment, resulti11g in the production of new minutes. Like Type A tnfluenza viruses, the virus is inac.ti-
strains. Influenza viral variation is frequen t and occurs in vated by phenol, lipid solvents, detergent, formalin, and
two ways, drift and shift. Antigenic drift is due to point oxiclizing agents such as ozone.
rnutations resulting in amino acid substitutions mainly iJ1
t he HA protein. Antigenic shift occurs with reassortment lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
of individual RNA segments when a cell is infected with
n vo different influen7.a vin1ses, genPr:iting nf'w vin1Sf'S Equlne Jr1fluenza virus Jufects hurses, asses, and 1nules. lt
that cause pa11den1ics of J1un1an influenza. can he experimentally adapted to infer.t m ice when intro-
duced intranasally. Ali orthon1yxoviruses, including
equine influenza virus, can be propagated in the amniotic
cavity of embryonated chicken eggs. Equine influenza
tQUINE INFLUENZA virus can also be grown in chick embryo kidney, bovine
kidney, rhesus monkey kidney, and human embryo kid
ncy cells.
Influenza is an acute respiratory disease of horses. While
h orse.s of all ages are affected, thu:;e 1Jetwee11 2 a11d 6
Host-Virus Relationship
months of age are at greatest risk. The mortal it.y rate of
Pathogenesis and Pathology
equine influenza is lowwhereas the morbidity rate can ap-
proach 100%. The incubation period lasts from l to 3 days. Equine influenza virus infects both the upper and lower
!)isease is manifested by a high fever, up to 106ºF, which respiratory tracts. Thcrc is an carly lymphopcnia with ac-
t:ists about .3 days. lJther clinical signs include a frequent, companying e11largement of the lymph nades of the head.
&trong, dry cough lasting 1 to 3 weeks, a nasal discharge Initially there may only be a slight serous nasal discharge,
tl1at is iuitially serou:; ir1 character tJut that later tJecorr1e.s which later becomes mucold. Fatal p11eurnonia can occur
m ucoid, anorexia, depression, photophohia, l:icrim:ition in foals ancl on occasion in older animals. Occasionally
'ith a mucopurulent ocular dischargc, and corneal opac- there is ventral edema of the tru11k and lower lin1bs.
~ty (somet iroes with Joss of sigl1t). LiJnb edema and 1nuscle A/equine/2 has been known to cause a postinfection en-
soreness can occur and, in sorne severe outbreaks, acutc cephalopathy in foals. Catarrhal and cvcn h en1orrbagic;;
,eaths due to fulminant pneurnonia have occurred. ent eritis 1nay occur. Necrotizing bronchiolitis in which the
Enteritis was described in a 1989 outbreak in northern bronchioles are progressively obstructed is characteristic of
Cl1iua due tu a new ey_uine influenza virus, A/equine/2/ equine Severe necrotiZing myositis with ele-
~~lin ; this virus is considered to havP PmPrgPcl from birrls vated serum enzyme levels has been observed wit h A2 in-
~:ltO b.orscs. fections. Mosl a11in1als recover wilhin 2 Lo 3 weeks; Ll1ose
364 J'ART IJl Viruses

that do not may develop chronic obstructive pulmonary SW!NE INFLUENZA

disease (COPO). Prolonged recovery and severity ofdisease
appear to be related to the level of stress an affected horse
undergoes, thus adequate rest is important for recovery. Di sea se
Equinc influenza virus is most commonly transmitted
vía aerosol and can spread cxtrcmely rapidly dueto the frc- Swine influenza is an acutc upper rcspiratory disease of
quent, viulcnt cuugh uf iiúc1.:tcu hurses. 111fecteu a1li111als pigs. Thc natural disease comn1only affects large numbers
contin11c> to c;hc>cl virus for ahout .'i days after thc first signs of animals in thc hcrd almost simultaneously. Swine in
appcar. ]'he virus also can be sprcad by fomites. fiuenza occurs more frequently during colder months.
Disease caused by swin e influenza alone is usually mild;
ho,.vevt!r, disease may !Je severe wheu secu11J¡iry iilfccliuus
Laboratory Diagnosis ·rhe incubation period is short, requ.i ring at most se,·-
eral days. Discase sympton1s include fever, anorexia, leuko-
/\. t entativc clln ical diagnosis of equine influenza can be
pcnia, cxtrcn1c wcakncss, and prostration. Respiratory
madc fron1 thc charactcristic r<1pirl sprt>;icl of thc> <lisp;ise,
signs also occur, 1ncludu1g hyperpnea, dyspnea, sneezing,
especially an1ong stabled hor:;es, and the frequent dry
paJnful coughing, anda nasal discharge. Some animals de-
cough of affcctccl horscs. A d efinitive diagnosis requires
velop con 1unctlvltls, pulmunary euc111a1 ur tJrur 1cltuµr 1eu-
isolation of thc vi rus, dcmonstrntion of virnl nntigcn, or
mnnia . Most ilnimills rPcover uneventfully in 2 to 6 days
demonst ration of risin¡; antibody titers between acute and
but with considerable wclght loss.
convalescent sera by complcmcnt fixation (CF) and
Swine influenza was first recognized during the mas-
hen1agglutination inhibitlon (HJ) tests. During outbreaks
sivc human influcnzn pnndemic in 1918, and subsequen:
it is in1portant for the success of futurc vaccination pro-
studies confirm that a s1m1lar H1N1 virus caused disease
gra111~ Lu i~lJialt: auu typt: Lhe causalive slrains of inJluenza
in both humans and swine. Swine influenza virus can
spread from ptgs to humans causl.J.1g illn.ess, and there Is
concern that swine may serve as a reservoir from which
i11ílue11a vi1 us can en1ergc to precipitate human epi-
Treatment and Control
Swine influenza occurs in many parts of thc world, in-
Vaccination is somc"vhat cffcctiYe in preventing influenza
cluciing Europe, Asia, and North America. 'lhe Hl Nl virus
ir111ursl':>. Prutcltiuu, huwcvcr, is ucpc11ue11L u11 Liie 111ar1-
is most commonly responsible for disease outbreaks ~
nf'r of vaccination anrl th<' quality of the vaccine, \Vith par-
ticular cmphasis placed on proper selection of vaccine sw1ne worldvvide, although H3NZ viruses also circulate ir.
son1e regions.
strains. Available vaccines contain inactivated virus of
both A/equine/1 :ind A/ equine/ 2 subtypes. Classically, Antigenic tlifferences arnur1g straiI1:; uf :;~vine ir1flueu.a
A/equine/Prague/56 (H7N7) and A/equlne/l\.1iarnl/63 virus have not been great enough to justify the designa-
(H3N8) havc bccn 11scrl as thc prototype A/equine/1 and tion of subtypcs.
A/equinc/2 strains, rcspectively. There is increasing evi-
dence of antigcnic diversity among conten1porary equine
Host-Virus Relationship
influenzas that circulate in nature, suggesting that the ef-
fectiveness of the conventional vaccine strains in provid-
Pathogenesis and Pathology
ing protection will become limited with time. for this rea
son, current vaccincs include sorne of the newer variant ()n postn1ortem examtnatlon of s"vlnc wlth Influenza, the
A/equine/2 viruscs. Thc various inactivated vaccines avail- inucosa of thc u pper rcspi ratory tract is congestt>cl ;in el t r ...
¡itJle ilre i11curpurc1 leLI wit l1 aLljuva11l;:, l11al have p1oved lo cervical and n1ediastinal lymph nodes are edcmatous
significan tly augment their im111unogenic potential. Affected lung lobes may be atelectatic and emphysema-
lnitial im1nun1zation requires two doses of vaccine 2 to 4 tous. Thcrc 1nay be pncumonia with consolidation. Th~
\.vecks apart. Thcsc should be followed by a single booster spleen is often 1noderately enlarged, and the gastric mi...-
whcn thc horsc is 1 year of age and then repeated every 6 cosa is often hyperemic.
n1onths unt1l the horse is about 3 years of age, at which Transmission of the diseasc Is by droplet infection. Vil::.
time the booster interval may be increased to not more maintenance and S'l<vinc exposurc> '"'PrP prt>viou_c;ly thougr
than 1 ycar. to depcnd on earthworms containing viral-infected Jar-r....e
In horscs, a relationship has been shown between titers of the pig lungworm (Metastrongylus spp.). Pigs fed suc-
of nasal antibody to influenza Yirus and resistance to infec- carthworms and simultancously cxposed to Haemophí/:...,
tion. The prcscncc of prechallenge serum antibody has (para) s111s often developed typ1cal s"vine influenza. l\ le.
also bccn sho\.vn to shorten the <luration of viral excretion elaborate explanation assumed that recovered anima_
and fEbnlc response. actetl as vtral carrlers. Prcvluu:. evitle11Lt: uf uau:.plrtLe1 ........
ln addition to vaccination, isolation and quarantinc infPrtion has hf'<'n rlisputed hy recent stuciies. ·1ranslll!r
111ea:.u1e:. a1e advised ducing oulbrcaks to reduce the sion of inílucnza viruses between pigs and birds has bccr
sprt>;i<l of clisPa'\P, anci rlisinft>ction of affected premises, suggested by the isolation of an influenza from si~
equipment and clothing is csscntial to prevent n1echanical turkcys of an l-llNl virus strain antigenically and gene::
transmission of thc virus. cally iclentical to viruses isolated from pigs.
C'hapter 59 Orthomyxoviridae and Bunyaviridae 365

Laboratory Diagnosis aquatic bird popu lations, including ducks, gulls, and
shorcbirds. Most infcctions in aquatic birds produce no
Swine influenza is suspected wh.enever there is an "explo- clinical signs. ln wild d ucks, irlíluenza virus replicates in
s1ve" appearance uf upper re~µiratury ubea::.1:: i11vulvi11g intestinal mucosa! cells and is excretcd in high concen-
m.any pigs, p;:irtirul;:irly <luring the fall or winter months. A trations. Virus has lJeen isolilte<.l frurn lakt: aJJ<.l p uu<.l
definitive d iagnosis requires either viral isolation from \.v;:itf>r, ;:ino survP.ys havP oP.1Tionstrated that as many as
nasal secretions or the lung or demonstratior1 of a rising 60% of juvenile birds may be infected as they congregate
titer between acute ancl convalescent sera. Swine influenza prior to migratio.n.
virus can be cultivated in 10- to 12-day-old embryonatecl
chicken eggs and various tissue culture monolayer systems
involvir1g prirnary ur ~ta!Jle cell cullures. Host-Virus Relationship
Geographic Distribution, Reservoir, and Mode of Transmission
Treatment and Control
Highly virulent avian influenza is a major t hreat to the
Swine tllat have recovered fron1 influenza cteve!op Hl, world's poultry industry. To dat e, it h as been found in Asia
serum neutralizing (SN), complement fixing (CF), precipi- and South and North America, and historically has beer1
la ling, and neuran1i11idase-il1l1ibiting an.tibodies. There is associated with HA subtypes HS and H7. In both the
a controversy as to whether recovered animals are im- Pe 1 ut~ylva11..ia uut!Jrt::ak uf 1983- 1984 a11<.l tlJe rect:r1t uut-

mune. Sorne researchcrs bclicvc thcy are and that subsc- hreak in Mexico involv ing HSN2 virus, early isolations
quent respiratory outbreaks in a herd in a given season yielded virus o f low pat hogenicity. It appears that the HA
must be caused by another agent. Others have demon gene is important in pathogenicity in that highly patho-
srrated that pígs \.Yith neurralízír1g antíboay rnay stíll suc- gcni c virut.ct. p055C55 HA5 thut are rc.-:tdily clcuvcd. Enrly
cumb to challenge with swine influenza virus and H . l'ennsy!vania isolates hada glycosylation si te in the cleav-
(para) suis cornbined. Pigs born to i111n1u11e sows are pro- age rcgion that may l1ave blocked clcavage. It appears tl1at
tected for as long as 13 to 18 weeks by passive transfer of a ~i11gle u1 utaliuJJ rernoved tl 1at gl ycosylalio11 sile, wl 1ich
maternal antibodies. resulted in a h ighly pathogenic virus. Similarly, in the
lmmunization using various viral preparations has Mexican outbreaks differences were observed in low- and
been attempted wíth little success. In the United States, high-pathogenicity H5N2 viruses involving the cleavage
there are no commercial vaccines for swine influenza. site. As a result, it is recommended that the HA cleavage
Treatment entails supportive measures including a site sequence also be determined in evaluating patho-
draft-free environment with clear1, <.lry, <.lu::;l-fn-:e 1Jeddi11g; genicity of isolates.
fresh clean w<'ltf>r; ;:incl a goo<l source of feed. Anti biotics The c.lisease is trar1srnit tec.I thruugh poultry fluck~
given on a herd basis n1ay help prevent secondary bacter- 1TI<'l inly thro11gh ingPstion of virus, hut it may also he
ia! infection. Recovery often occurs as suddenly as the transmitted by inhalation and by mechanical means in-
onset of discasc. volving movement of personnel throughout flocks or be-
tween premises. f.urthermore, sorne believe that for wa-
terfowl, a fecal -water-cloacal route ot transmission may be
important in addition to the fecal-,-vater-oral route.
AVIAN INFLUENZA Outbreaks of highly virulent avian influenza roay be self-
liiniting because fe'"' birds survive the disease to servf> as
Disease carriers.
Waterfowl have been implicated as the major natural
Avian influenza affects the respiratory, entcric, or ncrv- reservoir for ilúlucnza. Infcctcd ducks can shcd virus for
ous systems of many species oí birds. Viruses of relatively prolonged periods without sho>ving clinical signs or pro-
lovv virulence may cause few signs wl1ereas others cause duci11g a detectable anti.body response. There is evidence
high rnortality. Most outbreaks produce respiratory signs that influenza can persist in sorne b irds for severa!
sucl1 as sneezing, coughing, rales, sinusitis, and lacrima- months after infection . In the past, although avian in-
tiu11. Otlit:r s.ig11::; iuclude depression, diarrhea, anda de- fiueuza has freq ueully beeu isola Led fron1 in1porled exotic
cline Íl1 egg proch1ction or fprtili ty. 'fhP. oisP.aSP. ca11SP.O hy hirrls, prompting strirt q11;:ir;:intinf> mp;:is11rf>-~ on nPwly im-
a highly pathogenic virus was once called fowl plague. ported birds, there is no evidence for spread in this n1an-
Viruses t hat cause virulent disease should be classified as ner as has been demonstrated with Newcastle disease
highly pathogenic avían influenza (HPAI) viruses. virus. Furthermore, avían influenza may be transmitted
Domestic turkeys, in particular, have often been infected or1 such objects as shoes, clothing, and crates that come
b y influenza, vvhicl1 has caused substantial losses over the in contact with infected birds or _premises. While the pos-
years. There is n1arked genelic d ive1sily an1ong avian silJili ty uf v1:: rtical tra11~ r 11 i :s:sio11 uf aviar1 iufluellza
viruses and at least 15 HA and 9 NA proteins have beer1 th rough infected eggs P.xists, no evidence exists for its
identified among avian influenza viruses. Thus, a large spread by this means.
num ber of su btypes of avian intluenza viruses are possi- .l\vian influenza viruses 11ave been found to be capable
b le, and birds serve as the natural reservoir of influenza. of in fecting a wide ra11ge of mammalian spccics in addi-
Evidence exists tllat all HA subtypes are maintained in tion to birds. In fact, avían strains have been ímplícated ín
366 PART III Viruses

the deaths ot mink during an epidemic in Sweden and in important. New birds should not be introduced into c.
the disease of seals as well as the emergence of new strains started flock, and careful precautions should be taken re
in northern China affecting horses. Avian influenza virus prevent either dir.ect or indirect contact with wil<.1, m1gra-
ca11 b e propagated h1 cell cult ures of hu1nan, bovine, ca- tory, or exoti.c birds. Since turkeys ha ve been fou11d also t-o
11il1c, <.JJilkl:!lL, anll ralJlJit urig.i11. be susceplible Lo a sLrain of influenza Lypically associa tec.
with pigs, it is a good management practice not to h a"'e
Pathogenesis and Pathology pigs on the same farm as turkeys. Eggs for hatchin;
should come from flocks demonstrated to be free ot thé
Tl1e patl1ogenesis of avian influenza vttries widely depend virus. Virus l1as bee11 demonstrated to persist for 105 days
íng on strain of virus, age and species infected, concurrent in manure followi11g depopulation. Strict measu ro
infections, an d husbandry. At necropsy, lesions include should be employed to eliminate movement of personnt.
foci of necrosis of various sites including tl1e ski11, luu11J, ar1ll c4uip1ue11l, poLeuLially co11Lan1ii1ated by nlan ure..
wattles, spleen, liver, lung, kicinry, intrstine, ilncl pilncreas. hen-veen flocks and premises. During an outbreak, isola-
Tl1ere n1ay be fibrinous exudates in the air sacs, oviduct, tion of a flock along with orderly marketing of thc fl oc~·
pericardial sac, or peritoneum. Other lesions include pe- should be considered.
tcchiation of t he heart muscle, abdominal fat, and tl1e 1nu- Drugs such as amantadine, used for human influe=
cosa of the proventriculus, a nonsuppurative encephalitis, p revention, have not been cleared for use in tJin.l:; for l un-
an d a serofibrinous pericarditis. sumption and to date there is no satisfactory treatment fo;-
avla11 influe11za. Treatment of infected flocks with broac-
spectrum antibiotics is useful in controlling seconda0-
Laboratory Diagnosis bacterial infcctions, and propcr nutrition and husbandry
inay help reduce mortality.
A definitive diagnosis requi res viral isolation and identifi-
cation or th e de1non stration of rising antibody titer by Hl,
viral ncutraUzation tests, soluble antigen fluorescent anti- Zoo notic Significance of Animal lnfluenzas
body test, agar gel precipit ation, or ELISA rechnique.
Avian influenza can be cultivated in chick embryos¡ duck- A growing body of evidence s11ggf>sts that pandemic
ling, calf, and rnonkey kiduey l ell lullurcs; a11d fro rn sa111 - sLrains of hun1an i11fluenza ar ise as a result of recombina-
plrs of trar.h ea, h1ng, air sar., sinus exudate, or cloaca! tion between human and animal strains of influenza virus.
swabs. Antigen capture ELISA tests have been used for Waterfowl appear to be of particular significancc in thc
rapid viral detection. o rigin of new human isolates. Ducks appear to act as a
"melting pot" where various strains of influenza can come
together ancl undergo genetic reassor tment, resulting i1:
Treatment and Control t he generation of new strains of influenza. $\>Vine have also
lJccu lruµlilatcll as iu tcr111.ecliale ho:>Ls of "avian-like" and
Recovered hirds remain imrnune to suhsequent challenge "human-like" influenza viruses. Since the interna! genes
by a 1101nologo·us strain for at least severa! mon ths. Dirds are critica! for host range, and the HA and NA are impor-
irnn1ur1ized parenterally inactivated vaccines are tan t to host immunit y, recombination events can result in
con1pletely protected agai11st challenge by a heterologous t he formation of new virus strains that contain the same
straln wit l1 the same HA and are partially protected or similar interna! genes but possess very dlfferent HA and
agai.nst heterologous st rains possessing the same neu- NA proteins. Tl1e novel viruses generatecl in this manne'
raminidase. Following immunizatiur1, l llilk1::11s ren1aiIJ 111ight :still lJe iufective Lo l1un1a11s bul possess su1face anli-
imm11nr for at least 84 clays, approximately n-vice as long gens that are very different than those to which the
as turkcys ren1ain immune. Tt has been demonstrated that human population prcviously was cxposcd (and im -
anti-HA a11tibody is important for protection against in- mune). ·rhe result could be a substantial influenza pan -
fectio11 while antlneuram.inidase antibody protects demic as the new strain rapidly spreads through a suscep -
against disease and reduces virus shedding but does not tible population.
prcvcnt infection. In the past, major antigenic shifts 11ave takrn plar.e
In practice, however, appropriate vaccines are rarely among human Influenza viruses lealli11g Lo ,pande111ics ü1
available to t hc poultry industry owing to great genetlc the human population. Ea ch of thr lilst three shifts !1ad its
and antigenic diversity among avían viruses. In several origiI1 tralcll Lo Chii1a. The role of China in the emergen ce
states in North America (such as Mil1nesota and Califor- of these pandemic strains has i1ot been compJetely re-
nia), the rapicl isolatlo11 of virus durir1g ouLbreaks 11as per- solved; however, China is known to contain a Jarge reser-
mittecl th e devPloprnent of inactivated vaccines felt to be voir of different influenza A viruses among wild ancl do-
effective in lirniting t he severity of an outbrcak. There is mestic species, partic'Ularly ducks. Furthermore, the mass
hope that a polyvalent vaccin e vvith a broader protective production of ducks and the proxiulity uf hun1an 11abita-
rangc may be developed. tions to the farms, also in close association witl1 swine,
For the most par t, control of avian influer1za i:s ha ve bee11 in1plicated by sorne asan ideal situation for cs-
through the prevention of exposure. Carrf11l hushandry t ablishing new antigenic strains and int roducing tl1ese
to preve11t t lte i11lroduclio11 o f the virus into the flock is viruses to t hc human population.

Chapter 59 Orthoniyxoviridae and Bunyaviridae 367

3UNYAVIRIDAE these may be represented only as fluid filled sacs as a con

sequence of virus-mediated destruction of the developing
~e fa1nily 81111yaviridae in.eludes the genera Bunyavirus, cerebrum during gestation (hydranenccphaly). An inacti-
.'iantavirus. Nairovirus. Phlebovirus. and Tospovirus. There vated vaccine is used to protectlvcly 11nmunize ruminants
are several hundred bunyaviruses, and v iruses of veted- p rior to conception.
;iary significance are cJassified within the genera Aino viru s causes a similar discasc as Akabane vi rus
Bt1nyavir11s-California encephalitis serogroup viruses and and has much the same global distribution. Cache Valley
'.kabaue virus (as well a:> Ai11u ilr1u Cacl1t Viilley viruses); virus has bccn documented as the cause of outbreaks of
."'hlebovirus-Rift Valley fever virus; and Nairovirus- arthrogryposis-hydranencephaly of sheep in the western
~airobi shccp disease virus. Many of the bunyaviruses are and south\vestern United Sta tes.
..:boviruses that are transmitted by arthropods such as
::nosquitocs, ticks, biting flies, etc., and thus have the
capacity to alternately replicare in vertebrate animaJs and CA LIFORNIA ENCEPHALITIS SE ROGROUP VIRUSES
Scve1al bunyavi1uses a1e i1uvur lilrrl zuu11utic µathu- California encephalitis scrogrollp viruscs are rclatcd (scro-
::ens, including hantaviruses (t he cause of I Iantavirus pul-
logically cross-reactive) 1nosquito-transmitted vi ruses ot
-.:ionary syndromc and h cmorrhugic fcver with renal syn-
the genus Bunyavirus and include La Crossc, snowshoe
..:1rome in people), which are carricd by rodents and
ha1e, a11u Ja111estuw11 Canyun viruses. Thcsc vlruses occur
.;ifection of humans occurs by inhalation of v irus
in endemic cycles of inft>ction in rlifferent regions of North
-..ontaminatcd rodent excreta and detrlrus; Rift Vallcy fever
America and, although infection occurs in a variely of
·-in1c;; Crimcan-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus; and
mammalian species, encephalitis is rarely documcnted
'airobi sheep discasc virus. even in humans.
Othcr members of the genus Bu11yav1n1s have been spo-
radically incriminated as the cause of cncephalitis in ani-
Gen eral Family Properties 1nals-Mair1 DraiI1 virus in 11urse~, for example.
Bunyaviruses are enveloped, pleonltHphic viruses, 80- 120
~m in diameter, with surface projections (spikes) e manat-
ng from the envelope surface of mature v irio ns. The viri- GENUS PHLEBOV/RUS-R IFT VALLEY FE VER
vflS COOSiSt Of fou r StructuraJ protei OS, including two exter-
na] glycoproteins in the envelope, a nuclcocapsid protcin Rjfl Valley fe ve1 virus (RVFV) i:> a :t.l>o11utic, n1u::>l{Uitu-
·hat encaps1dates the genome, anda transcnptase protein transm itted virus that causes epidemics of severe, fre-
:. . ·rhe envelope glycoproteins are responsible for neutral- qucntly fatal systemic disease of ruminants, especially
.l.dtiun and hemagglutination. A var1ety of nonstructural shecp and goats. Mortality is highest in young animals,
~·otPinc; 11 l<:O i!TP PD\OOPci hy thl:' vira 1 eenome and pregnant ruminants often abort following infection.
The nuclcic acid is helical and includcd in three dislincl RVFV causes extensive liver necrosis in affected sheep and
.egments (large ILl, medium fMl, and small [S]), each com- goats, and widespread hemorrhages are common. Enceph-
?riscd of singlc-stranded, ocgativc-scnse RNA. aliti:> with neurur1al necrosis also occurs in sorne affected
rhere is consic.terable genetic diversity and serologically animals.
~:oss-reactivity among viruses within the various genera Rift Vallcy fcver (RVF) is endemic in sub-Sah¿tran Africa
~r rhe Bunyaviridae. and periodically incurs into ad jacent northern regions
such as Egypt. Climatic conditions influcncc thc occu r-
rence of epidemics, particularly h1gh rainfall that results in
rapid expansion of the populations of Aedes mosquitoes
that harl.Jor the virus. RVF is a zoonoses, and human mor-
CACHE VALLEY VtRUSES tality can ht> vi>ry high during epidcmics.
RVFV is '"idely feared 1.Jecau::.c uf its virulence tu hu-
~1.;abancvirus is the cause of periodic outbreaks of fetal mans and animals, as well as its capacity for rapid spri>ad
~alfo rmation in ruminants, cspccially cattle, in Asia, by a varicty of species of mosquito during cpidemics. Thus,
ustralia, the Middle East, and Afric;:i. Thc v iru5 Í5 tran5- rap1a 01agnosis is imperative, usually by virus isolation or
"Il.ltted by mosquitoes and Culicoides midges and causes serology. An inactivated vaccine is availablc, and unvacci
istinctive teratogenic defects of the musculoskeletal and nated veterlnarlans and laboratory staff working '.vith
-.:rvous syslerns (ar Lhrogryposi~-li yJn111euceµha ly) in fe- RVFV-infected 1naterial are at risk of infecl'ion.
~ses that are born to dams that become infccted du ri ng
:7:cgnancy. Thc gestational age of the fetus at infection de-
ermines the type ot lesions that will be present at birth; fe-
-uses infected prior to mid-gcstation are typically born GENUS NA/ROV/RUS- NAIROBI S HEEP D ISEASE
1th thclr l!mbs held in rigid fleXion (arthrogrypos1s),
ith variable deviation of their vertebral columns. The Nairobi sheep disease (NSD) and rclatcd viruscs cause sc-
rains of affecLed feLuses ruay Jack ccrc!Jral hernispheres, or vere dlseasc of ruminants, pnnc1pally sheep and goats, in
368 P..\RT 111 Viruses

Africa and Asia. 'fhe virus is transmitted by the brov.rn ear tential veterinary slgnificance include Crimean-Congo
tick. NSD i:s chi:tri:lcterized by 11igl1 fever, ir1testinal hernor- hemorrhagic fever, a zoonotic disease that occurs through-
rhage, and death of susceptible ruminants. Pregnant ani- 011t Africa, eastf'rn F.nrnpe, thf> Midclle F.ast ancl Asia. Thf'
.m als typically abort. NSD is a 11ighly virulent zoonotic virus is transmitted by ticks, and both wild and domestic
pathogen. animals can serve as reservoirs of the virus, although dís-
Other mernbers of tl1e genus Nairovirus that are of po- ease apparently is rare in species other hu1nans.
Filoviridae, and

The order Mononegavlral es !ncludes vlruses withln the fam- PARAMYXOV/RINAE

ilies Paramy.xoviridae, Filovirdae, l{ornaviridae, and Rhabdo-
viriúae (Chaple1 61). "fhese viruscs are a11cestrally related as
reflected by their common fcatures. includi.J1g genome of a
single-strand of ncgativc-scnsc TlNA, sin1ilar rcplication
Although the various morbillivirttses are ali closely related
strategy and gene arder, and virion morphology that in -
cludes an envelope. as evidenced by cxlensive serological cross-reactivity be-
tween them, thcy are distinguishcd on the basis of their in-
dividual host rangc, gcnocnc scqucnccs, and antigcnjc dif-
terences. ·rhese viruses al1 have a hemagglutin (H) surface
PARAMYXOVIRIDAE protein, but only rinderpest virus has a neuraminidase(HN).

Thc Para111yxoviridac family is subdivided into two subfam-

iliPs, the. Paramyxovirinae and thc Pneu1novirinae that are (AN IN E D ISTEMPER
furthcr subdivided into three (R.espirovin1s, Rubulavirus,
1\!Jorbillivirus) and two genera (lJneurnovirus, Metapneumo-
virus), respectively (Table 60.1) . Viruses in this family cause Disease
a number or senous resplratory ancl/or sysrem1c a1seases of
humans, animals, and birds. Canine tlistemper (CD) is au iluµortaul viral disease of
Paramyxoviruscs art: <.:haraclerized by virio11s are dogs. Ac:ntP r.n i~ rh::ir::irtt=>ri7.P.rl hy any comhination of
Pnvt=>lopt=>cl, plc•omorphic (filamentous or spherical; ap- diphasic fever, ocular and nasal discharges, anorexia, de-
proximatcly 150 nm or more in diameter), and contain a pression, vomiting, diarrhca, dehydration, leukopenia,
genom e of linear, negativc-scnse, sin g le-stranded iZNA. pncumonin, nnd ncurologic signs. The severity of clinical
The viral nucleocapsid has helical symmetry and is ap- signs exhibltcd by 1ndlv1dua1 an1mals can vary rnarkedly.
proximately 13- 18 nm in diameter (Fig 60.1). At least threc Thc dísease has an incubation period of 3 to 5 days. 'fhe
p roteins are associated with the nucleocapsid, including mortallty rate uepends largely on the irnrnune status of
ar1 RNA-l.Jindi11g prvlt::i11 (N 01 NI'), a phospl1oproteil1 (P), thc i.nfected dog, ¡¡nd i<> hight=>st ;imong p11ppit=>s. Anim;ils
anrl the viral polyrnerase (L) . ·rhe nucleocapsid is eo.closed survive the acute disease may develop other signs, in-
by a lipoprotein envelope derivcd from thc host ccll cluding hyperkeratosis of the footpads (hard pad dlsease)
plasma membrane, and contains two or three transmem- and ncuro logic discasc that is charactcrizcd by any combi-
brane viral glycoprotcins that form spikes (8- 12 nm) that nation of convulsions, tremor, myoclonus, locomotory
pro¡ect from the surface. The spikes are formed by the at- disturbances, paralysis, and blindness. The onset of neuro-
tachment protcin (hemagglutinin [H] or hemagglutinin- logic signs frequently Is delayed until several weeks atter
11eura111i 11 iua~t: [HN] in Lile Pu1u111yxovirir1ae; G pr0Leit1 it1 the systemic signs of acute CD are manifest. Old dog en-
the P11eu1novirinae) and the fusion protein (F) that is essen- cephalilis is a tate forn1 of cl1ro11ic neurologic disease
tial for virus infectivity and for cell-to-cell spread. Another caused by defective CD virus.
protein, the matrix (M) protcin, lines the inner surtace ot
the envelopc. Various nonstructural viral proteins are also
formcd in infected cells. Etiologic Agent
Physical. Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
Caninc distcmpcr virus (CDV) cxl1ibits thc propcrtics dc-
scribed above for paramyxoviruses. '!he surface H protein

370 PAHT III Viruses

Ta b 1e 6 o. 1 . Major Subgroups of the F;imily ParamyxoviridaP.

Subfamily G~n1.1s Yemacular Name Natural Host

R111pirovirus Bovine parainfluenza virus 3 Cattle
Human Rarainfluenz¡¡ virus 1,3 Humans
Sendai virus Mice
Rubu/avirus A"<oin poromyxovirus 2··9 Birds
Human paraintluenza virus 2, 4 Huma ns
Mumps virus Huma ns
Newcastle disease virus Birds
Pordne Rr1huf;wir11s Pigs
Sirnidn virus 5 (similar to canine
parainfluenza virus 2)
Mo(billivirus Measles virus Humans
Canine d1stemper Canioes
Phocine disternper virus
Ceta,cean Morbillivirus
Rinderpest virus Rurninants
Pe~le des pelils rurninants virus Gócts and sheep
Equine (Hendra) Morbillivirus fruit bats
Pneumovirus Bovine respiratory syncytial cattle
Human respiratory syncitical virus Humans
Murine pneurnonia virus Mice
Metapneumovirus Tu11\ey rhirrolracheitis virus Birds-

lacks 11euraminidasc activity, and is rcsponsible for attach-

F 1G U RE 6 O. 1 . Negatively stained preparations of bovine
1ne11t ot CIJV to ceus. ·rhere is only one antigenic type of
parainfluenza Type 3 virus. 120,000X. (Courtesy of A. Castro.)
CDV, although d istinct strains of the virus wit h different
biologic propertíes clearly occur.

Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents

Canine distemper virus is labile to er1viror1rneutal fa<.:tor:,
sucl1 as extren1es oftem pi>n=i t11rP, pH, and to severa! disin-
fectants. It is inactivated by visible and ultraviolet light,
and heating at 60ºC for 30 minu tes. The virus can survive
in tissucs for 48 hours at 25°C and for 14 days at SºC. Viral
1nfectivity is Jost ahove ptt 10.4 or belov• pH 4.4, and the
virus is most stable at pH 7. CaniI1e distemper virus is read-
lly lnacrivated by disinfectar1t!;, lJ ualerua1 y an1111011iun1
compounds (surh as 0 .2% Roccal), and O. 75o/o pher1ol solu-
tion. Labile viruses like CDV persist longer in cool, sl1ady
environments or in seru.oJ or tissue debris.

lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systen1s

Ca11ine distemper virus intects a •vide range of an.i.mals. In
addition to dogs, other membcrs of the C~anidae (e.g ., fox,
coyote, wolf, wild dogs), Ailuridae (red parida), Hyaenidae
(byena), Must elidae (e.g., ferret, mink, skunk, b;idgi>r),
'fyassuidae (javelina:> (collared pecca1ies]), Ursidae (bears),
Viverridae (civet, mongoose), a11d Procyonidae (c.g., rac-
coon, panda) are ali susceptible. Sorne n1cmbcrs o f the Feli-
dae Oio11, tiger, and leopard) also are susceptible, a11d dev-
Chapter 60 Param.vxoviridae, Filoviridae, and Bornaviridae 371 outbreak~ of ciistemper recently have occurred Dogs that survive acute CD may subsequently develop
~:nong lions in Africa. neurologic signs that rcsult from virus-induccd dcmycli-
Canine distemper virus can be isolated and propagated nation. ·111e lesions with1n the central nervous system of
: :1 p rimary canine and ferret kidney cell cultures. tl1ese dogs begin as focal areas of demyelination that in-
The v irus has been successfully adapted to embry- creasingly are acco1npanied by Jymphocytic inflarnrn<1tiun
onated chicken eggs and various cell cultures including and accumulati.on of m.acrophages. T.i>sions occnr "\Tithin
bov iIH:! kidney, Veru 111u11kt:y kid11ey, and hu111a11 an1nion tl1e cerebellun1, brain sten1, and cerebrum, and CDV inclu-
or fibroblast continuous cultures. The virus can also be sion bodies may occt1r in astrocytes, ependymal cells, and
adapted to newborn Swiss micc and wcanling hamstcrs. ncurons. Although CDV prcdominately replicates in astro
cytes and microgJ1al cells within the brains of infected
dogs, direct virus-1nediated injury to oligodendrocytes is
Host-Virus Relationship proposed to be responsible for mucr1 of tl1e initial virus-
induced demyelination that occ11rs in rlf'myi>linating
:>istribution, Reservoir, Transmission forn15 of CD.
Old dog encephalitis is a rare d isease of mature dogs
C.anine distemper occurs world;vide, and remains en- that rcsults from vcry long-tcrm pcrsistcnt CDV infcct.ion
demic in n1any areas despite the widespread use of vac- of the central nervous system, leading to dementia. The
cines that are highly effective i11 preventing the disease. disease is characterized by severe lymphocytic e11cephalitis
Dogs are the prirtcipal reservoir of CDV. Infected dogs se- with neuronal degeneration an<.I, often, the presence of
crete virus i.n their nasal and ocular secretions, and CDV is (~JJV inclnsion horlies. Demyf'lination is lf'ss promini>nt
? rcscnt in thc urinc of cxpcrimcntally infcctcd dogs 6 to than in typical neurologic CD. It is proposed that a replica-
1.2 days atter infection. reces of infected dogs may also tion defective form of c:Dv is responsible for old dog en-
contain CDV. Infection usually is transmitted by aerosol ccphalitis, analogous to thc role of dcfcctivc mcaslcs virus
or by direct contact, leading to resplratory 1nfectlon of in subacute sclerosing pa11enecephalitis (Dawson's dis-
~u sceptible animals. ease) of humans.

Pathogenesis and Pathology Host Response to lnfection

"!'he CDV is pantropic and has an especially strong tro- Canine distemper virus infection induces lor1g-lastü1g
p ism for epithelium and lymphoid tissucs. Thc lungs in1rr1unity in dogs that rccovcr fron1 natural infcctio11.
are also central to the pathogenesis ot CVV intection. Neutralizing antibodies first appear in seru1n of infected
illitial replication of CI)V occurs in 1n.acrophages in the dogs 8 to 9 days after infection and persist for years there-
b ronchial lyrnph nodes and ronsils tmmed.i ately follow- after. Cell-mediated immune responses are also gener-
:ng respiratory infection. The virus then is spread to other ated by dogs infected w.itb cnv and arf' likf'ly important
.ymphoi.d tissues (lyrnpl1 r1ude:>, s¡..¡lee11, lhyn1us, and to recovery fron1 tl1e disease. Virus-induced immune
bone marrow) whi>rf' f11rther n~plic:ation occurs prior to suppression contributes to the pathogenesis of COY in-
·1iJen1ia that dissen1inates CDV to virtually all organs of fection by predisposing affected dogs to sccondary bacte-
the body, including the central nervous system (CNS) and ria! infections and by facilítating spread ot the virus to
eyes. Thts gcncralizcd disscmination of CDV to the ep- the CNS.
1theli11m ot the alin1entary, respiratory, and urogenital
rracts; the skin and mucous membranes; and endocrine
glands and the CNS occurs at approxirnately 8 ur 9 <lay:> Laboratory Diagnosis
after infection and only in rlogs that fail to rlevelop suffi-
cien.t titers of neutralizing antibodies to CDV by that Since the clinicaJ signs of CD are variable and so1netimes
time. nonspecific, definitive diagnosis requires identiticatíon ot
Thc Jcsions of CD occur in thcorgans in whicl1 the virus C.DV by virus isolation or the staining of CDV antigen in
replica tes, and the respiratory and al üne11tary tracts are es- the censor tissues of affected dogs using cr>V-specific an-
pecially affected. Tl1e lungs of dogs with acute CD have dif- tibodies and the immunofluorescent or immunoperoxi-
fuse lnterstltial pn.eun1onta characterized by necrotizing tl<1:>e technique:> . .1-\ltern<1ti vely, :>erolugical üiagr1osi:> cau
broncl1iolitis and a lveolitis with thicki>ning of thf' a lvf'olar he rloni> hy rlemonstration of rising TgG titers in pairerl sera
septae. Secondary bacteria! pneumonias are common in by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (E.LISA).
dogs with prin1ary CDV-induced interstitial pneumonia.
Charactcristic cosinophilic intranuclear and intracyto-
olasmic inclusion bodies are often present within respira- Treatment and Control
tory epithelium and in the epithelium lining tb.e stomach,
u rlnary bladder, anc.\ renal pelvis. Extensive necro:>is of Treatment for CD is supportive, such as the use of anti-
tymphocytes is characti>ri~tic of ac:11te l.11, li>a<ling to lym- hiotics to pri>vi>nt si>conrlary hacterial infecti ons anrl
p hoid depletiOil and immune suppression. In1mune sup- electrolyte solutions to restore fluids and electrolytes.
pression predisposes affected dogs to secondary bacteria! Vaccination against CD is the best means of preventíng
pncumonia and may assist thc virus in gaining acccss to thc discasc. Both modificd livc and inactivatcd CD \;ral
the nervous system. vaccines are available, and vaccination has greatly re -
372 l'ART 111 Viruses

duced the incidence of this disease in dogs. New gene- RINDERPEST

ration recombinant distemper vaccines are increasingly
being developed, including canary pox virus-based
Di sea se
Matcrnally derivcd antibody to CDV can interfere with
Rinderpest (also known as cattle plague) has long bcen rec-
the SllCCessfu} vacr..ination of puppiP.S <igainSt CDV
ognizeel as a Clevastating pandemic viral disease of domes-
Puppies sl1ould be vaccinatcd for CD at a11 age when ma- tic cattle, buffalo, and sorne wild ruminant species.
ternally dcrivcd antibody has declined to a leve! that does
Rinderpest Is characterized by fever, lymphopenia, nasal
not intcrfcrc with immunization. Although both inacti- and lacrimal discharges, diarrhea, and erosions and ulcers
vated and modified live virus CDV vaccines safely have tl1roughuut tl1e oral c.:avily (ulcerative ston1aUlis). ·r11e dis-
been u sed to immunize a variety of ,.,.¡Jd animal species, in-
Pase has an incuhation period of 3 to 8 days and the virus
cluding foxes, ferrets, mink, bush dogs, and maned wolves, is cxtremely contagious, so morbidity rates are vcry high.
there have been reports of vaccine-induced CD in a variety
The mortality rate also can be high (up to lOOo/o) in cattte
of spccics, lncludlng mlnk, kinkajous, anc.J lesser pa11c.Jas that have no immunity, but varíes depending on the viru-
alter immunlzation with moc1ifiPc1 livP r.nv vac:c:ine.
lence of the infecting virus strain. The dlsease has been
S.intilarly, lnstances of vaccine-induced CD have been dc- eradicated from many parts of the world, but it persists in
scribed in dogs. parts uf Asia, th~!le Easl., a11tl Africa and ll1us contln-
11es to pose a serious threat to cattle production worldwide.
The international community has e1nbarkcd on un ambi-
tious program to completely eradicate r1ncterpest by 2010.

Phocine distemper is an infect.ious discase of seals that re-

sembles canine distemper (CD). The disease first was rec- Etiologic Agent
ognizcd in thc late 1980s whcn massive die-offs of seals oc
curred in the Baltic and North seas. ·rhe tesions and Physic:il, Chcm ical, and Antigenic Properties
clinical s.igns in a(fcctcd scals were remarkably similar to Tl1t:n: is u11ly 011e anligenic type of rinderpest virus, but at
those ot CD, and thc <.llsease uf seals sulJseyue11tly was Jeast three distinct genetic lineages of the virus currently
shown to be caused by phocinP distPmpPr virus (POV), a cxist. Onc lincagc is prcscnt in Asia and two different line-
Morbillivirus that is closcly related to CD virus. A similar ages occur in eastern Africa. Strains of rinderpest vary in
disea<;e caused hy dolphin distemper virus caused exten- their virulence to cattle.
sive mortality among dolphins on the Atlantic coast of
North America in the early 1990s. The dolphin and pho-
cine distemper viruses are closely related, and other genet- Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
ically distinct morbllllviruses have been shown to cause Rinc1PrpPst virus is inac:tivated hy sunlight within 2 hours
similar diseases in other pinnipeds and cet aceans. Like CD, and is rapidly inactívated by ultraviolet light. The virus is in-
1.1J1euJnonia don1inales the clinical and pathological 111an- activated by heat exponentially, but small amounts ot virus
ifestations of morbillivirus-induced distemper in marine may survive heating at 56ºC for SO to 60 minutes or at 60ºC
mammals. for 30 minutes. Rinderpest virus is relatively stable between
pH 4.0 to 10.2. It is inactivated by lipid solvents or disinfec-
tants, such as phenul ur stroug alkalir1t c.:ur11pou11ds.
lnfectivíty for Other Specíes and Culture Systems
Equine 1\lforbillivirus disease is unique to Australia, where it Rinderpest virus infects ali species of the order Artioda-
'"'ªs fir:;t recognized in 1994 during an outbrcak of scvcrc ctyla, which includes cattle, water buffalo, pigs, warthogs,
rcspiratory disease that killed a number ot horses and their sheep, and many species of African antelope. The virus can
trainer. The disease also is kno"vn as Hendra (and the !Je ac.Japte<l to gruw íu lal.Joratory ani1uals, such as rabblts,
causatlve agent Hendra virus) after the town in which the mir.e, and guinea pigs, and in embryonated chicken eggs.
disease \.Yas first described. Affccted horses develop severe Rinderpest virus can be cultivated in pdmary or continu-
iI1t<.:rstitial v11eu111u11ia a11tl JJUII11onary edema U1at rapidly ous cell cultures ot bovine, ovine, and porcine ort.~in.
is fatal. The disease is caused by a unique paramyxovirus
that tentatively is classified as a Morbillivirus . Thc virus is
harbored asymptomatically by severa! species of fruit bat Host-Virus Re lationship
(flying foxes). /\lthough fruit bats are thc reservoir of
cquinc Morbillivirus, the virus is contagious between Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmíssion
horses and to humans by direct contact with nasal secre-
tions or furr1it~:; tllat c.:011tai11 lhe viru:.. A sintila1 virus Rinderpest historically occurred t hroughout Europc,
(Nipah) is <>nrtemic in fruit hats in Malaysia and adjacent Africa, and Asia but never became established in either the
regions of Southcast Asia, and periodically emerges to Amcricas or in Australasia. "I'he virus currently is enzootic
cause fatal discase in humans and swine. only lil certaln regions of Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.
Chapter 60 Para111yxoviridae, Filoviridae, and Romaviridae 373

Domestic and wild animals infcctcd with rinderpest efforts to eradicate the virus and the very serious consc
vi1 us :-.erve as re:;t:rvuir:; fur tlie Llisea:>e, esµecially thuse quences of incursion of rlnderpest into free areas of the
species that have a high innate resistance to thP clisef!sP. worlcl, lahoratory diagnosis is required to confirm the di-
These species, includin g certain breeds of indigcnous cat- agnosis and to differe11liale rinde!pesl f101n oLIIt:r i11fec-
tle, 'l'hompson's gazelle. and others. do not show clínica! tious d iseases such as bovine viral diarrhea, infectious
signs of the d isease but can shed virus fo r long pcriods of bovinc rhinotrachcitis, inalignant catarrhal fever, a11d
time. Similarly, s~vine, goats and sheep can serve as impor- foot-and-mouth d isease. ·rhe rinderpest viru s can be iso-
tant rescrvoir hosts that disscminatc virus to susceptible lated in appropriate cell cultures. Thc prcsence of viral
callle. Ri11Lle1pesl virus b pn:::;t:11L i11 l1igli Liter:; í11 tl1e r1asal anttgens or viral nucleic acíd in tissues or ocular secretions
discharges, saliva, ocular secretions, and excretions of in- of infPrtPcl ;inimals can rapidly be confirmed agar gel
fcctcd animals, and transmission requires direct contact of immunodiffusion or PCR assay, lespeclively. Tlie cu111µt:ti-
susceptible animals with secretions and excretions of in- tive ELISA and virus neutralization tests are used for sero-
fectcd animals. logical diagnosis ofrindcrpest virus infection .

Pathogenesis and Pathology

Treatment and Control
Rinderpest vi rL1s infection normally occurs th rough thc
uppcr rcspiratory t ract, ulthough cattlc can be experimen - 'fhere is no effective treatn1enl fo1 1iuderpesl. Cu11trul is
tally infectecl by any parenteral routc ol inoculation. 1'he accomplished by vaccination in endemic areas ancl rigor-
virus first rcplicates in the tonsils and regional lymph nodes, ous quarantinc of run1inants from infected arcas as out-
anda prcdominantly lyn1phocyte-associatcd viremia then brcaks of rinderpest in arcas trcc of disease are always
cli~e1ninates the virus throughout the body. The virus repli- associated with the introduction of infected animals. In-
ca tes in lyn1phoid Ussues (splet:u, 1Ju11e 111arruw, lymph a<.-rlvated rlnderpest virtts vaccinc was preViously used to
nades), and the mucosa of thP alimPntary and 11pper respi- immunize cattle, but it has been replaccd by modified live
ratory tracts. Nasal and ocular secrclions contain high titers vaccines LhaL induce a lvugcr-lastlng immunity. Recom-
ot virus at this time. rever (up to l07uF) and leukopenia binant rinderpest vaccincs also have been developed that
occur prior to the appearance of oral ulccrs and onset of di induce strong protcctivc immunity.
arrhea that may con ta in b lood (dyscn tcry). Titers of virus in
the tissues and secretion s of infcctcd cattle decline after th.e
apvt:an:11 1cc uf ocutr< antilJouies In serun1. Th e co11va-
lescent phas<' hegins \.Vith thP hPfll ing of mo11th Jpo;ions, an rJ
complete rccovcry from the diseasc may take 4 to 5 weeks.
Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) virus is a Morbillivirus that
Lcsions of rinderpest occur in the tissues in ;vhich the
produces a rinderpest-hke disease in goats and sheep. ·rhe
virus replicates. Oral ulccrs are charactcristic of scvcrc
virus is closely related to rinderpcst virus, thus distinction
cases or rtnderpest in cattle, and these begin as areas of
betv.reen the two is very lmportant g1ven the current effort
necrosis with the basal cell layer of the epithelium.
to eradicate rinderpest from the world. Of particular im-
"ecrosls also occurs in the mucosa of the abomasum and
portancc is thc facl Lhal PPR vil us infectio11s of s111all ru111i-
small intestine. ·rhe presence of syncitial cells wi.thin thc
nants frequently are suhclinica l, th11~ sm;ill n1minants are
affcctcd cµitl1elíurn is lligt1ly chélracteristlc of rinderpest,
the major reservo ir of this virus.
hut nol other ulcerative disef!SPS li kP 111alignant rat :irrh;:il
fever or bovine viral d ia rrhcu. Thcrc also is extensive
necrosis of gu t-associated lymphoid tissues as a result of
virus mediatecl clestruction of lymphocytes, and siinilar RUBULAVIRUSES
lympholysis occurs in other lymphoid t1ssues (lympl1
nodes, splccn, bone marrow). ·rhe rubulavi.ruses are included in the subfan1ily Para1nyxo-
vírínae, family Paramyxovíridae. Ali viruses within this
Hosl Response lo lnfection genus have both hcmagglutinin and ncurnmini.dase (HN)
proteins. Included in the rubulaviruses are nine ditterent
cattle recovered trom rinderpest dcvclop a Jong-lasting species of avian paramyxoviruses (avian paramyxoviruscs
immunity that is 1ikely rnediated by lhc prcsence of neu 1- 9) th<1t are c.listinguished on thc basls of their lacl< of sig-
trallzl ng a ntlbody in theír serum. In cattle vacciI1ated with nific:ant cross-nPutrali7.: ition and cross-protection. Avian
modified Uve rinderpest viral vaccine, both IgM and lgG 2 paramyxovirus 1 is the cause of Ncwcaslle disease (ND).
serun1 antibodies ap pear 2 ·weeks afler vacci 1.1C1tiou .

laboratory Diagnosis N EWCASTLE D ISEASE

lnitial diagnosis of rinderpest is based on the clinical signs Disease

ancl "1>xplosive" nature of the disease in naive cattle, char-
acteristic lcsions, and herd hislu1 y vf rcccut introduction Ncwcastle disease (l'-'D) is a highly contagious disease of
of animals from a rinderpest-infectcd ar<'a. l.ivPn current chickens that is characterized by respiratory distress, diar-
374 PART ITJ Vir11ses

rhea, and neurological signs. The severity of the disease is shed virus 2 to 3 days after exposure from their respira-
dependent upon the age and lmmune status of the birds, tory tracts and continut! to ~ln.:u viru:. for severa! weeks
and on the virulence of thc strain of ND vi.rus th;it is rP- 'íhe virus also is readily spread hy fomites because of its
S_1Ju11sible for tl1e ir1feclio11. The n1ost virulent strains are stabi!ity.
desigr1atecl as velogeníc and produce mortality rates in af-
fected birds as high as 90% or more. Thc discasc causcd by
Pathogenesis and Pathology
mesogenic strains is less severe and the mortality rate is
often less than 25%. The lentogenic strains are relatively Tnitial replication of NDV occurs in the mucosa of th~
avirulent and are often used as vacclnes. upper respiratory tract fullowi11g aero:.ol i1úeclion. Vire-
mia then clisseminates the virus throughout the body, anc
widespread multiplication of virus in cells of parcnchyma!
Etiologic Agent organs leads to a secondary viremia, which in sorne in-
stanccs leads to the infection of the cells of the CNS.
Physical. Chemical, and Antigenic Properties lJiseasc tal<es severa! different forros in chíckens, depend-
ing on the virulence of the strain involved. l'he very viru-
Thc properties of ND virus are sim ilar tn thosr o f other
lc11t velogenic strains caust: vcry raviuly fatal il1feclions in-
rut:111ut:r~ of genus and subfan1ily.
volving the;il organs or the CNS. Mesogenic strains
of NDV cause respira tory and, occasionally, ncurologic dis-
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents ease in infected chickens with low mortality, while lento-
gcnic strains produce a mild or often inapparent disease.
Newcastle disease virus (NDV) can be inactivated by heat, lJifferences in the virulence of individual strains of ND\-
ultraviolet light, pH, oxidation, and chemicals (lysol, are correlated with differences in the cleavage and activa-
phenol, detergents, and butylated hydroxytoluene). The
tlon of theír HN protein, anu thu~ tl1e:.e :.tsai11s rapidly can
rate uf viral iI1a<.:tivatio11 va1 ies will1 ll1e strain of NDV, be differentiated by sequence analysis of the gene encod-
q11;intity of virus initially exposed, time of exposure, and i11g HN.
prcscncc of organic matter in thc cnvironmcnt. Infc.c-
Lesions in ND vary greatly. lnapparent infections cause
tious virus has been recovered .trom contaminated areas few, if any, lcsions whcrcas hc1norrhagic necrosis that af
and eggs h~lls severa! weeks following an outbreak of ND,
tects tl1e intestinal tract, resp1ratory tract, and visceral or-
and can survive for long pcrlods tn eggs and in frozen gans is characteristic of more severe forros. In chickens
with CNS involvement, necrosis uf tl1e glial cells, neuronal
degeneration, perivasculilr c11ffing, and hypertrophy of
lnfectivity far Other Species and Culture Syslerns e11doll1ellal cells are often present.
Newcastle disease virus infects chickens, guinea towls,
turkeys, and a large number of species of domestic and Host Response to lnfection
wild birds. Sea birds are less susceptible but may actas car- Chickens infected with NDV produce antibodies 6 to 10
riers. Humans accideotally infected with ND\l v;hen ex-
days after infection. AntibOdles to the envelope glycopro-
poseu tu iI1feLteu 1.Jiru~ or livt; viral vaccines 111ay develop a
tein, HN, exhibit viral neutralizing and hemagglutination
self-limiting conjunctivitis.
inl1iuitio11 aLtivities a11d are responsible for 11ost imn1unity
Newcastle disease virus can be propagated in the
to thr. disease. Humoral antibodies (lgM and IgG), secre-
chorloallantoic cavities of 10- to 12-day-old embryonated
tory a ntibody (IgA), and cell-mediatcd immunity ali ap-
chicken eggs. The most commonly used cell cultures for
pear to play a role in im.m unity to NlJ.
the cultivation of NDV are prlmary chick embryo kidney,
primary chick fibroblast, and baby hamster kidney (BHK)
Laboratory Diagnosis

As the clinical signs and pathologic lesions of ND are vari-

Host-Virus Relationship
able and nonspecific, definitivc diagnosis of the disease
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transrnission must depend on laboratory methods to ident1fy NDV. This
now is best accomplished using PCR, and sequence and/or
Newcastle disease occurs worldWide and domestic birds are nucleic acid hybridization analysts to tlistinguisll wlit;llit::r
the major reservoir for NDV. Although NDV has been iso- the virus is a velogenic fielc.1 strilin or ;i live vaccine strain.
lated from a targe n umber of wlld blrds such as sparruws, Al Le cualively, NDV ca11 be isolated by inoculating embry-
crows, d ucks, and geese, they a ppear to pl;iy a minim;i l role onated eggs or cell cultures with respiratory exudate or tis-
iu trau:.uülli11g Lhis disease. 1"he epizootic outb reak of the sue suspensions (splcc11, lung, or brain), and NDV antigen
exotic. velogenic strain of NDV in North America (Califor- in affected tissues or cell cultures can be identified by iln-
nia) in 1971 has been attributcd to thc introduction of munofluorescence or immunohistochemical staining.
caged birds. Serological diagnosis requlres demonstratiou uf ri~iu~
Aerosol respiratory infection is the most common NDV antibody titers by the hemaggl11tin;ition inhibition,
route for transmission of NDV. Infected birds begin to i1t:utralizalio11, 01 ELISA n1cthods.
Chapter 60 Param)1xoviridae1 Filoviridae, and Bomaviridae 375

lreatment and Control Inactivated and modified live PI 3 viral vaccines are
available, usually comblned with otl1cr viral vaccines or
Sanitary managcmcnt to prcvcnt cxposure of susceptible \'\/ith bacterms.
-:-hickens to NIJV is an important aspect ot control against
die disease. Since therc is only onc scrotype of NDV, vacci
C!ation with either lnacttvared or live Virus vacctnes is also
1sed to prevent ND. The majority of Iive vaccincs incorpo- PNEUMOVIRINAE
:ate lentogcnic strains of NDV adn1il1islered iu drillkiug
"l·ater or applied as aerosols. P NEUMOVIRUSES

'fhe genus Pncurnovirus is includcd in the subfamily

RESPIROVIRUSES Pneu111ovirinae in the family J1aramyxoviridae (see 1'able
60.1). Viruscs w ithin the genus include respiratory synci
The respiroviruses are includcd in the su bfamily tia! viruses that lnfect humans, cattle, and mice, as well
Paran1yxoviri11ae, fa111ily Pu1ur11yxovi1 iclue. All viruses within as thosr. that infPrt <;h<'r.p and goats, which are closely re-
this genus have both hcmagglutinin and neuraminidase lated to bovinc respiratory syncitial v irus. The viruse~
HN) proteins. Included in the respiroviruses are parain- within th·is gcnus are distinguished on the hasis of thPir
:Iuenza viruses from cattle, primates, and mice (Sendai host rangc and lack of cross neutralization. The members
tj rus) . The parainfluenza virut.e$ :\re distin.guishcd bythcir of this group lack neuraminidase and the nucleocapsid
host range and scrological reactivity. They are frequently has a diameter of 13-14 nm, which is smaller than the
a~~oriated upper respiratory infections in humans nucleocapsld of the paramyxoviruses (18 nm). Ali mem-
and anin1als. hers of thf> gPnn<: Pnr 11n1ovir11s are antigenically related

but are antigcnically distinct fro111 olhe1 _l)arau1yx-

oviruses. Their hcmagglutin protein is designated as G, as
compared to H or HN in mcmbcrs of thc subfamilv , Para-

Canine parainfluenza virus 2 has bcen implicated as a

cause of illfecliuu:> Lraclicul.lru11clúti:s (kennel cough) in
dogs, a.long with canine acif'novirus anci HnrdP.tP.fla hron- B OVINE RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS
chiseptica. 1'he disease is characterized by sudden onset, e
mild fever, slight to copious nasal discharge, and a harsh, BoviI1e respiratory syncyttal virus (BRSV) causes an acute
nonproductive cough. Parainflueoza Typc 2 virus is anti- pneumonia in r;ilvP<;, which show such clinical signs as
genically related to the SV-5 vírus of monkeys, and it ap- coughing, fever, anorexia, nasal discharge, and respiralory
pears that the same or very silnilar viruses infecta wide va- distress. The pneumonia is characterized by b ronchitis
riety of animal species. Live modified parainfluenza Type 2 and alvcolitis with multinucleated syncytia and alveolar
viral vaccines are availablc, L1sually combined with other epithelial hyperplasia. ·rhc disease has been reported in
canine viral vaccincs such as canh1e dislen1per and ca11iI1e North America, Japan, Europc, and Australia. Not ali cattle
hepatitis or with a Bordetella bronchiseptica vaccine. infected with BRSV show clinical signs of the disease.
Tnfected animals serve as the reservoir of the disease and
the virus is shed in the nasal secreliuu~ uf iufectetl ani-
mals. BRSV infection can be diagnosed hy direct staining
80VINE PARA INFLUEN ZA 3 of nasophuryngcal smears with immunofluorescent anti-
body to HKSY.
Parainfluenza Typc 3 virus (Pl-3) 11as been ilnplicaleu i11 Cattle infectcd with BRSV develop serum-ncutralizing
so-called "shipping fever" of cattle, a clinical disease syn- antibody 3 days after viral exposure, reaching a peak after
dromc in thc bovinc rcspiratory discase complex. ·rhe dis- 3 to 4 weeks. There is also evidence of a cell-mediated im-
ease is charactcrizcd by high fever ( 107UF or above), con- 111une 1espo11:.e i11 cattlc to BRSV. An attenuated live
junctivitis, rcspiratory distress, mucopurulent rhinitis, bovine respiratory sync:ytial viral varrinP is available.
anú pneumonla, and occurs after cattle are congregated on
fee<llots. ThP ciic:e;ise is widcspread in the United States and
remains one of the major causes of econon1ic lo:.:ses il1 tl1e
cattle industry. A number of viruses including PT-3 anci METAMOVIRUSES
bacteria, cspccially Mannhcitnia hae1nolytica, have been
implicated 1n thc pathogenesis ot "shipping fever," but the Metapneumoviruses are disti ng11i<;hPd from pneumo-
precise role of PT-3 virus in the disease, iJ any, is poorly viruscs on the basis of their gene order and virion proleil1
defineú. Similar vlruses havc been isotated from upper res- composition. ·rurkey rhinotracheitis virus (aVian pneu-
pi ratory infPttions of humans, sheep, horses, and water movirus) is assigned to this group. This virus causes upper
buffaloes. respirarory tract disease ín young turkeys and chickens.
376 PART TII Viruses

FILOVIRIDAE a gcnon1e o[ single-stranded, ncgative-sense RNA. Barna

dlscase virus (BDV) is tl1t: prululy_¡Je virus of lhis fan1ily.
Viru~es wilhin lhis fan1ily are characterized by envelopcd, ShPep ¡¡ncl hnrses are considered to be the natural reservoir
p leomorphic (filan1entous) virions and a gcnome of host of BDV, but infcction occurs in a varicty of othcr ani-
singlc-strandcd n1olecule of negative sense RNA. There are mal species including humans, cattle, rabb1ts, goats, dogs,
two major groups of filoviruses: Ebola and related viruses, cats, and selected species of birds. The BDV is neurotropic
and Marburg and related viruses. Viruses within these and it has been incriminated as a cause of a variety uf ue-
groups cause severe, fatal diseases of humans that are char- havioral disorders in humans and encephalitis in animal~ .
acteri:zed ;is "hemorrh::ieir fPvPrc:" hpc;i11c:P of thf' spi>ctacu- .13orna dlsease is descrilJetl a:> :>t:vt:1 e 11eurologic disorder of
lar diseascs they cause in affectcd hurnans. These viruscs horscs that largely is confincd to regions of central Europe,
infect primates and can be adaptcd to laboratory animals. whereas apparently asyrnptomatic BDV infection of hu-
mans and horses apparently occurs worldwide. The precise
significancc ofBDV as a veterinary pathogen remains to be
adequately defilled.
Viruscs within this family are characterized by enveloped
spherlcal virions of approximately 90 r1u1 ill Llia1ueler, a11d

- -abdoviruscs (the Greek word rhabdo means rod) are ical signs of rabies in cals a1e siuülar lt1 l11u:.e i.I1 dugs, but
...:iet-snaped, envetopea, s1ng1e-strandcd KNA viruses rabid cats have an even greater tendency to hide in se-
-at have a broad host range. Members of the family Rhab- cluded places and are often more vicious t han affected
- iridu.e are iru.:luded ili. fuur geuera (Lyssavirus, Vesicu- ctogs. Clln lcal. signs of rabies 1n horscs often include pro-
irus, Ephern1erovirus, Novirhabdo viru.~) a nrl infPrt verte- gressive ataxia and eventual paralysis, and difficu lty in
;atcs, invcrtebrates (arthropods), and plants. Rhabdo- swallowing. Calllc affected with rabies are usually excit-
~ses cause a variety of important diseascs: rabies (and able and restless. Typical signs inrl11clP salivation, choking,
~,ies-related virus diseases), vesicular stomatitis, bovinc abscnce of rumination , rectal straining, and paralysis of
::"lemeral fever, and diseases of fish that 1nclude spring the hindquarters.
:.:emia of carp, infectious hematopoetic necrosis, and Several viruscs that are closely related to rabies virus can
--11 l 11::murrhagic septicemia of salmon (fa ble 61. 1). Rhab- also cause a rabies-like disease in intectcd animals and hu-
:. •iruscs sharP a rommon morphology, reguire a viral mans (see Table 61.1). Bat s are an important reservoir host
- ~-.\-depcndcnt polymerase for replication, and llave 1na- uf severa! of rhese viruses.
-.;:e virions that bud from plasma mem branc or into intra-
-.oplasmic vacuolcs (figs 61.1, 61.2).
Etiologic Agenl
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Propertles
-• ABI ES ·rne virion ot rabies virus is shaped like a cone ora bullet,
approximately 180 nm in length and 80 nrn in width, and
-- .sease
... contalns an envelope with short spikes (peplomers 6 nm
to 7 nm in length). A central cylindrical core of ribonucle-
--bies virus infects ali \'varrn-blooded ani1nals, includu1g op1olei11 ru11s tluuugl1out tl1e longitudinal axis. The virus
-mans, causing a severe and invariably fatal disease of has a huoyant rlPnsity of 1.?.ílg/rm3 in cesium chloride.
- e central ncrvous systcm (CNS). Thc incubation period The viral RNA is single-stranded, negativc-sense, a11d ei1-
prolonged, varying from 2 weeks to 6 months and even codes ftve subgenomic mRNAs t hat are translated into five
!1ger in cxceptional circumstances. Clínica! signs h1volve n1ajor prot eins designatcd as L (thc RNA-dcpcndcnt RNA
~e CNS but vary depending on the spectes of animal that polymerase), G (the glycoprotein that for ms the envelope
affpctPcl . 'íhP t>arly signs ilnd symptoms of human rabies spikcs, N (the nucleoprotein), P (a part of the viral poly-
_;:e headache, exl1erne lhirsl, vu111illug, <1ud anorexia. merasc) and M (or M 2 for rabies virus) . The major surface
·ore advanced signs and symptoms inrl11clP painful glycoprotein G contains the neutralizing epitopes of the
pa:;m:; of thc pharyngcal mu:;clcs "vhc:n drinking (hy- virus. The nucleoca¡.>sid Lu11sisls uf v!Jal RNA a11u ll1e N,
_::ophobia), exciternent to sensory stimuli, and general- NS, and L proteins, and tl1e M protein links the nucleoc.ap-
-2d paralysis. Oeath is the inevitable outcome once clini- sid to thc lipid cnvclop that contains the G glycoptotein.
~ signs d evelop. ·rhe course of rabies In dogs usually lasts 5tralns of rabies virus isolated trom naturally occurring
1!y ~ to R cli'iys. Rehavioral changes are common during cases are referred to as "street virus," and attenuated labo-
·-e early phases of disease, and Ieve1, dilaliu11 uí tl1e ra tury stralns are referred to as "fixed virus." These strains
~.ipils, and photophobia are sometimes present. The furi- cliffpr in their bi.ologic properties in laboratory anirnals-
- llS form of rabies occurs latcr, when the affected dog be- for exan1ple, virulence, lengll 1 oí thc iuculJation period,
_on1es nervous and progressively irritable. Affected dogs and distribution and nature of h istologic IPsions in target
::iay bite without provocation. Clinical signs include pro- tissucs. Thc antigcnic variation betwccn street and fixed
-Se sa!ivation a nd frothing at the mouth, difficulty in strains of rabies virus can be distinguishcd by their reac-
· ~ llnwing an<I rlrinking, convulsions, and muscular inco- tion with monoclonal antibodies. It has bcen shown that
:dination. Sorne affected dogs exlubil 011ly a ¡.iaralytic ur vacclnatcd mice were protcctcd against challenge 'vith the
~umb" stage without going through a furiou.-; phasP. field strain that was more closely related to the vaccine
21aracteristic clin ical signs of this form of rabies are paral- strail1 lhan 11101ea11Uge1úcally di:>tant stralns. Thus, the se-
'""SlS of thc muscles of the pharynx and lower jaw, and in- Iection of appropriate strains nf thP virus for vaccine pro-
.:oordination that progresses to coma and death. Thc clin- duction can be critical.

378 Pl\ICT JIJ Viruses

Table 61.1. Mdjur Ger n:~r d of Rhabdoviruses

uenus Virus Natural Host Dlsease

Vesicular stomatitis Horses, cattle, swine Vesicules ~nd ulccrs
Alagoas virus
lndiona virus
New Jersey virus
Spring viremia of carp Carp Abdominal distention
R~hi~ Ali warm·blooded animals Rabies
Au)lfalian bat lyssavirus Bat Rabies·like
European lyssavirus (1 & 2) Bat Rabies·like
lagos bat B~t Rabies-like
Mokola Shrews Rabies·like
Bovine ephemeral fever canle Systernil i11le1.liu11, rt!Vt!I
lnlt!<.liuu) 1i~111i1lopoietic necrosis Salmonids Systemk; nervous system
Viral hemorrhagic septicemia ~lmonids Tissue necrosis and

Resistance to Physical and Chemic:al Agents

F1G U RE 6 1. 1. Vesicular stomatitis virus budding trom plasma
membrane of an infected L ce//. 40,000X. (Reproduced with Rabies vir us is i11activated t)y heatlng at 56ºC for 30 rnin-
permission frou1 lee YC, Hatkell AJ, Tdlen L. Vesicular ston1atitis virus utes and by cl1emical agents such as formalin (1 ºA>), creso!
maturation sites in six different host ce/Is. J Gen Viro/ 1970;7:95.) (3%), and beta-proplolactone (0.1 %). ·r11e virus u1ay JJt:rsi::.l
in infected brain tissue for up to líl <iays at room te1npera-
Lu1e a11d íor severa! weeks at 4°C, but is relatively suscepti-
ble to disinfection.

l lnleclivity for Other Species or Culture Systems

Rabies virus infects and repllcates in aH warm-bloodcd an-
imals. The virus can be rea<lily propagated in chicken em-
bryo or duck embryo as well as in a 11u111uer o[ ct:ll cul lure~.
especlally in b<iby hamstPr ki<lncy cells (BHK21) and
hun1an diploid cells (Wl-26).

Host-Virus Relationship
Distribution, Reservoir. and Transmission
Rabies is distributed throughout the world, with the no.
table exception of Australia (altl1ough AusL1alia11 bal Lys-
b snvír11s .is closely rPlatPc1 to r;ihics virus and causes aniden-
tical disease in humans), thc United l<i.ngdom and Ircland,
Cyprus, Ja pan, New Zealand, and Scandinavia. · rhe di sease
is cndcmic in many countries in Africa, Asia, North and
South America, and Western Europe. Extensive epizootlcs
of rabies have occurred in Asia and Africa in particular.
Rabies virus is included in the genus Lyssavirus, along Rabies recently has been eratli<..:ate::u fn.>111 exle11sivc por-
with rabies-related viruses like Australian bat lyssavirus, tions of EuropP hy vacci nation of wildlife reservo ir hosts of
European bat Iyssaviruses l and 2, Lagos bat viru::., a11d ll1e virus, especially foxes.
Mokola virus, all of which can in<1111P a rabiPs-like disease Of the many animais that are susceptible to rabies,
i11 l 1u111a11s (see Table 61.1). dogs, foxcs, skunks, wolvcs, raccoons, mongooses, coyotes,
Chapter 61 Rhabdoviridae 379

F 1G U RE 6 1 . 2. Vesicular stomatitis virus budding

into the lumen of cytop/asmic vacuo/e in an infected chick
fibroblast. 17,000X.

_\.u1lks, and bats ali can serve as rcscrvotrs of rabies Virus. rakes place in str1ated muscle cclls near the inoculation
~e <;ignificanci> of inclivi<h1al ri>~i>rvoir host species differs si te. Thcrc is no evidence that a viremia is necessary for dis-
bt:twccn gcographic regions. For example, foxcs are an in1- se111i11aliu11 uf ral>ies virus to the CNS; rather, rabies virus
70rtant reservoir host of rabies virus in Western Europe. is taken up at motor and sensory ni>rvi> i>ndings and the
Similarly, foxcs are the most important reservoir hosts of virus then ascends vvithin Lhe axons oí 11e1 vt:: c.:e::_ll::; lu Ll1l!
:abics virus in portions ot Canada, Alaska, and thc dcscrt ventra l horn cells of the spinal cordata rate of 12 mm to
southweste rn regions of the Vnited Sta tes, where:is skunks 21 mm pcr duy. Antibodics do not inhihit viral transpoct
and raccoons are the critica! reservoi r of rabies virus in once virus is present within thc axon. Viral replication oc-
Dther regions of North An1erica. 'fhe mongoosc is a11 in1- curs in the spinal cord cells and subsequently spreads to
po1La11L1es1::1 vui1 of rabie:> viru::; iu Afric.:a a11J A::;ia. ·rhe tlu- the IJrain. '!'he virus then dissernlnatcs wlthin the brain
mestic dog, however, remains the most important source li>acling to thi> rlinical <;ign<; and symptoms of rabies. lt
of rabies for humans, especially in the developing coun- should be pointed out, however, that thc virus ca11 persisl
tries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. in the brain of infected skunks, rats, raccoons, bats, and
Most rabies cases stem from thc bite of a rabíd anímal- foxcs for many months without producing overt clínica!
the saliva of most infected animals contains infectious signs. 1t has been sho\vn experimenta Uy in rodents that ra-
virus. Howcvcr, transmission from bats is an increasing bies virus after peripheral inoculatíon can be found in the
problcm, and rabies virus maybe transrnlttcd from bats to spinal cord 24 to 72 hours after iooculation and in the
h uman~ \'\lithnnt any histnry of" hitP Thibies rnay be ac- brain 96 to 192 hours after inoculation. Rabies virus ulti-
quired by inhaling aerosol containing rabies viru~ in in- n1alcly spreads fron1 tl1e CNS Lo 0Lhe1 oi¡~a11:s, :sucli as ::;ali-
fectcd ba t caves or by virus passing through intact n1ucous vary glands, cornea, and tonsils, via the peripheral nerves.
me111brancs. Viral rcplication in salivary glands occurs rapidly, and in-
fected saliva is the major source ot infection.
Lymphocytic polioencephalomyelitis with perivascular
Pathogenesis and Pathology
cufflng is thc most prominent histologic lesron in thc
Thi> prim;iry ro11ti> of infection in rabies is through the bite brains of animals with rabíes, although the severity of this
of a rabid animal that contains infectious virus iI1 ils chaugt: i:> liiglily varial>le. The pre:;ence of acidophilic ln-
saliva. Severa! factors, including the virulence of the iI1- tracytoplasmic inclusion hocties (Ni>gri hoclii>s) in the in-
fecting virus strain, thc quantíty of infcctious virus in thc fcctcd neuron s of the hippocampus or cerebellum is char-
saliva, and the susceptibility of the spccies, are important actcristic ot rabies.
in determining whether or not infcction is established in
the rec.:lplent animal. Foxes, cattle, hamsters, and coyotes Host Response to lnfection
arp pnrticnl;:irly <;11scPptible to rabies, <ind dogs and cats are
more susceptible than either hu111ans or rode11ts. "!'he A11i111als aud l1umans vaccinatcd wlth rabies virus vaccine
length of lhc incubation period after viral exposure varíes develop c:irculating ni>11trali7ing antibodics to the vir11s
greatly and dcpcnds on thc anatomic distancc between within 2 to 3 weeks of vaccination. High tilcrs of neultali:t.-
the hite s1te and the CNS, the sevcrity of the bite, and thc ing antibody may occur in aoimals with rabies; thus it is
amount of infcctious virus in the saliva. Jikely that antíbodics must be prcscnt at thc time of expo-
Follow1ng viral cxposure, the rabies virus persists in the sure to rabies virus if they are to be protective. Both cellular
loral m11scle tissues for hours or days, and viral replication and humoral immune responses are important in prevent
380 PART III Viruses

ing rabies in vaccinatcd animals, although ncithcr mecha- The disease in cattle is characterized by the formation of
nism is eítective in preventing disease in naive animals. vesicles in the mucosa] lining of the mouth and tongue.
Lcsions ra11ge from mild punctatc rrosi.ons on the. rle.ntal
µau lo :.t:vere ulcers on lhe lo¡1gue. Forn1ation of vesiclcs is
Laboratory Diagnosis also ohserved on the teats, on the skin of the coronary
band, and in t he interdigita l spaccs of thc foot. The lesions
·rhP rliag nosis of human rabies centers on a history of an of VS in cattle and p igs mimic those of foot-and-mouth dis-
animal bite and, logicully, cvcry cffort :;hould be takcn to case, and in swine they also mimic those of swine vesicular
locate and quarantine the suspected animal. Clinical diag- disease and vesicular exanthema; thu~ thc 111ajor in1pacl of
nosis of rabies in animals requires differentiation from VS is the restrictions impo~Prl on animal movement that
other infectious or noninfectious diseases of the CNS. adver:.ely iluµa<.:L lrade and co1nn1erce. The important dis-
Rabies should be suspected in endemic or epizootic are;is tinrtion, however, is that only VS occurs in horses, and
wl1c11 a11 a11i111dl exl.ül.Jil:. al.J11u1111al behavior and/or paral- hor:;e:; frcqucntly are thc scntincl spccics affccted during
yc;is. The definitive laboratory diagnosis is typically done outbreaks ot v::;. Jndeed, spectacular epidemics of VS oc-
by direct immunofluoresccnt antibody staining of sec curred in the past when horses were congregated in the
tions of brain, which is a vcry rapid and accurate ctiagnos- United States during times of military confllct.
tic test. Dircct immunofluorescent staining of the skin can Vesicular stomatitis is a relatively benign ;ind self-
be used asan antemortem diagnostlc test al so. Highly se11- limltíug <.li~t:a~t:, a11u infecled an irnals usually recover un-
sitive PCR assays have heen developed for laboratory con- PvPntfully. Hovvever, milk production can be markedly
firmation. The diagnosis cau l.H.: cu11fi11ned by intracere- impacted in dairy cattle, and affcctcd animals and the oral
bral inoculation of yo11ng mice with brain suspension lesions can be painful so that affected animals cease eating
frun1 suspected animals. lnoculated mice usually develop and lose condition. The VS virus produces an acute, in-
clinical signs within 17 days of inoculation, and Negri fluenza-like illness in humans, and severe con¡uncti viti~
bodies are usually prcscnt in thcir ncurons at the time of when virus directly is introduced to the eye. Experiment;il
death. Monoclonal antibodies directed aga1nst the glyco- lnfec..lion of mice wlth VSV can pruuuce fa tal encepl1ali tis,
protein of rabies virus can be uscd to distinguish rabies and the susceptibility of VSV in mice is age-dependent.
virus from rabies-related vlruses, and to confir111 ca:.e:. uf
vaccinc-induced rabies in dogs, c<1ts, ;inri foxe.s.
Etiologic Agent
Treatment and Control
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
Rabies in animals can be controlled by eliminating or im-
munlzlng wlld animal reservoir ho~t~, <u11.l 1.Jy v<11.:1.:i11ali11g 1'he VS virus ger1erally resembles rabies virus in its mor-
susceptíblP ciomf'sti< anímale;. Strict quarantine of im- phology, genome, and protein structure. Three diíterent
ported wild and domestic animals for up to 6 months from spccics of VS virus occur in the Americas; New Jersey,
rabies-endemic regions has kept island nations such as Indiana, and Alagoas v1ruses.
New Zealand, Australia, the Unitcd Kingdom and Hawaii,
free of rabies. 'fhe elimination of wild animal reservoir
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
hosts is difficult and increasingly unacceptable in many
countrles, tl1us vacc1nanon of i:tu:!se hust:. l~ a u1ure accevt- V1:::.h.. ula1 :.luJ11dlili:> vi1 u s is inactivatcd by high tempcra-
a ble and successfu 1 stratPgy. tures (50ºC to 60ºC for 30 1ninutes) and by light, ultravio-
Va.rious types of inactivatcd and live attenuated rabies lct light, and lipid solvents. lt is also scnsitive to common
vaccines are commercially available for vaccinating dogs disintectants such as sodium hypocl1lorite and quaternary
and cats, including ncw gcncration rccombinant vaccines ammonium compounds (Clorox, Roccal, respectively)
that do not include intectious rabies virus. New generatjon phenol, and formalin. The virus Is more re~i:.taul Lu l)e
vaccines do not suffer from the instances of vaccine- (NaOH); 2% to 3% !ye fails to inactivate VS vi rus after an
tnduced rabies that sporadically occurred With tbe original t:xpu:.ure uf 2 hours. 'I11e virus can be preserved for years at
live-attenuated low-egg passage vaccine Caution shonlc1 - 70ºC and by freeze-drying under vacuum.
be exer<.:iseu wlte11 live vacci11es are used, especially in a dif-
fPrPnt species. lntectivity tor Other Speties or Culture Systems
ihere is no ef-fective treatment for rabie:; in animals.
Vesicular stomatitis virus 111fects anll causes ui~eases :.
horses, mu les, cattle, swine, dcPr, ;incl humans. Mo
mamrnalia11 svecies can be infected witl1 VSV, and t h.
VESICULAR 5 TOMATITIS viruc; can he propagated in laboratory animals such as mic.
and guinea pigs and in cmbryonatcd chick eggs. Vesicula-
Disease stomatitis virus readily is propagated in a wide variety ....
cell cultures and produces a cytopathic effect and visib. ~
Vesicular stomatitis (VS) virus causes an acute febrile dis- plaques. 1'he virus can also replicate ir1 u1u~4uiloes a1.~
casc of horscs, cattle, and swine in the western hemisphere. certain other insects.
Chapter 61 Rhabdoviridac 381

Host-Virus Relat ionship days aftcr cxposurc. Scrologic response can also be meas-
urcd by the complement tixation test and enzyme-linked
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Tmm.unity, however is tran-
slent, and animals wit h high titers of neutrali2ing anti-
vesicular sromatitis is a disease of North, Central, and South body can be susceptible to reinfection with t l1e homolo-
.l\merica. Vesicular stomatitis virus is endemic in regions gous virus. ·r11ere is liLLle crv:.s-µru lt:<.:lio11 IJet vvcen the
closesLLO ll 1e equalur, auu t:¡Ji<leuli<.: Íll<.:UISÍUIIS uf the virus Indiana and New Jerseyviruses.
into ad jacent temperate regions (such as thc {Jnitecl StatPs)
occur at regular intervals (3- 10 years or so). Doth Ncw Jersey
anct Indiana viruses cause epizootics of VS in North Laboratory Diagnosis
An1erica, although New Jersey now is more common .
Yl.olecular epldemiologic studies indicate that each VS epi- Diagnosis of VSV is important because its lesions resemble
demic in North America is caused by a single genetic variant thosc caused by foot-and-mouth discase; horses are not af-
o f VS vi1 us, suggesli11g Lhal Ll 1e virus er ncrgcs frurn an en- fPctPrl by foot-and-mouth disease, whereas they are com-
demic focus further to the south. Multiplc gcnctic linP.agPs monly affected it1 oulbreaks uf VS. Lauoratury diagno::;is is
of VS viruscs oc<.ur in tropical regions of the Americas. required for the definitive identification ofVSV infertion .
The definitive reservoir host ot VS virus is uncertain, and The ani1nal inoculation test was once the only one avail-
insects havc bccn implicated as biological vectors. Direct able for the differential diagnosis ot vesicular diseases, but
<.:ontact Is an lmportant mode of transm1ss1on of VSV as now the following laboratory tests are used to detect VSV:
la rgP q11ilntities of virus are present in the vesicles in t he 1) electron mícroscopy or immunoclectron microscopy on
mouth, thus contan1j11ation wilh itúected saliva <.:ar1 trans- vl'<:irle fluid , 2) immunofluoresccnce antibody staining of
mit the infection to healthy animals. Cattle can also he ex- vesicle tissues, 3) isolaliou uf VSV usi11g susceptible cell
perirncntally infcctcd by thc aerosol route. Severa! insects cultures, and 4) demonstration of a rise in antiho<iy titl'r
estable fly, tabanids, mosquitoes) have been demonstrated by thc ELISA mcthod.
to be mechanical carriers ofVSV and presumably can trans
mit the dlsease. Sandflies perpetuate the vlrus in tropical
anrl ~11htropical regions of the Americas, including Ossa-
baw Tsland off the coasl of Geo1gia i11 ll 1t Uuitetl States.
Treatment and Control
Epizootics of VS typically end after the fi rst killing frost in
A varicty of VSV vaccines are available to prevent eco-
tcmperate regions of North Am erica, and the seasonal oc-
nomic losses from interruption of milk production in
currence of outbreaks of VS in the warmcr months furt her
dairy cattlc. There is no effect1ve treatmcnt for the disease
implicatcs insccts in thc disscmination of the virus. nthPr th;in providing good nursing care. Sick anirnals
should be separated fron1 clinically lieallhy 011es.
Pathogenesis and Pathology
Vesicular stomatitis has a short incubation period in ani-
mals lnfccted through an abrasion, after which the virus BOVINE EPHEMERAL fE VER
rapidly disseminates to a wide variety of tissues. Cattle with
VS are febrile (103ºF to 104ºF) and develop oral lesious Lhat Bovme ephemeral fever (ilEr), also known as 3-day sickness,
begin as papules that progress to vesicles which rapidly ul- is a noncontagious disease of cattle and water buffalo that
ccratc, lcaving punctate erosions on the dental pad and ul- ls characterlzed by fever, la1neness, anct nasal discharge.
cers that can be cxtensive on the tangue and oral mucosa. The morbidity of the disease is high but the mortality is
In severe cases, sloughing of the mucous membrane on t he vcry lo"Vv. Econon1ic l os:> is il:>:>v1..ialcu will1 lv:>:> vf u1ilk ¡Jrv-
~urfac.:e of the tangue causes extenstve salivation and ductíon in infected cows. Bovinc ephemeral fever virus
anorPxiil. lJ lcerated vesicles can be extensive in the mouths (BEFV) can infcct othcr spccics of ruminants. The virus can
of affected horses. High titers of virus a1e p1esenl i11 Lite v1::si- be propagated in suckling micc, mammalian cell cultures
clc fluid and saliva but not in the blood. 'fhese lesions usu- such as BHK-21, Vero cells, and insect cell cultures such as
ally hcal rapidly, although rccurrcnt and/o r chronic ulcers Aedes albopicrus cells.
can develop. Similar vesicular lesions that rapidly ulcerate l .ikP rahies and VS viruses, BEF viruses are bullet-shaped
occur on the feet and teats of affected cattle and swine, and or cone-shaped particles wilh a le11gllt uf 140 1101 to 200
tl!csc <.:an IJec.:ome secondarlly lnfected wlth bacteria. nm anda diameter of 60 nm to RO nm . The genome and
Histologic changes in affectcd arcas of oral mucosa and virion organization also are similar. The virus is inacli-
skin adjacenL to lhe hoof ü1<.:lutlc c¡.¡ltl1elial hyperplasla vated by heat (10 minutes at 56ºC) and by high pH (12.0)
with marked intracellular and interccllular edem a. Neut ro- orlo~"' pH (2.5).
phils infiltratc affcctcd rcgions, whic h rapidly undergo ne- Bovlne ephen1eral fevcr is enzootic in tropical and sub-
crosis leading to eplthelial ulceration. tropiral regions of Africa, Australia, the Middle East, and
Asia. It has ncve1 been repurtt:<l ir1 tl1e An1erlcas. The dis-
Host Response to lnfection ease is not transmitted by direct contart, and BEFV has
bccn isolated from mosquitocs and bitiJ1g n1idges
lufcLtc<.J or vaccinated antmals develop high neutraliZing (c;ulicoides) that serve as vectors.
antihorly titl'r<: (~3?,,000; 80o/o plaque reduction assay) 10 Lesions described in fatal cases of BEF include serofibri-
382 PART III Viruscs

nous pulyserusiti:. wilh accw11ulation of fluid in thc joints D ISEAS ES OF f lSH ( AUSED BY RHABDOVIRU SES
and pericardial, peritoneal, and pleural cavities, and con-
gestion of lymph nodcs. Histologic lesions include necro- lnfeclious 11e111atopoietic necrosis, Spring vircmia of carp
sis oi 1nuscte, generali.zed J1yperemia and edem a, and vas- ;inct viral hemorrhagic septicemia ot sailnonids are diseases
culitis that apparently is mcdiated by neutrophils. of fish that are all caused by rhabdoviruses, and tl1ere ar"'
lJiagnosis is accomplished by the dcmonstratiur1 uf several others. Infectious hematopoietic n ecrosis is a dis-
BEfV by isolation in cell culture or intracerebral inoc11lri- cnsc of salmon and trout that cause substantial losses ir
tlon of suckling mice witl1 ulvvd of infccted aI1imals 1 or hatcl1er1es in North America, Asia, and Eurupe. Di:>ea~e :
by the dPtPction of a rise in neutralizing antibody titer in characterized by anemia and hPmorrhrige. Viral hemor-
paircd serum samplcs. Animals infcctcd with BEFV are rhagtc septiceuua is the cause of a similar disease of salmo-
immune for severa! years. Experimental attenuated live, nict~. Spring viremia of carp virus causes a fatal discase Oi
rccombinant, and inactivated vaccines have been de- carp that also is chnrnctcr izcd by hcmorrhages and edema
veloped. ot abdominal viscera leading to abdo1ninal distentiun.

Coronaviridae and

The vi rus families Coronnviridae and Arteriviridae are in Two viral-spccificd structural glycoprotcin s (spike [S]
cluded i11 tire orut:r Niduvirales (Table 62.1), alo ng with and M) are present in t h e envelope. c;1ycoprotein S is
the newly ident ified fa m ily Rnniviridae. All members of largely external to the m embrane perimeter and forros
the order Nidovirales are enveloped viruscs will1 lir1ear, tite club-shapcd pro¡ections (approximately 20 nm in
positive-sense, single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) genomes. lr.ngth) from the virion membrane. Neutralizing anti-
Thcy share a strikingly similar gcnomc organization and bodies and cell-1nediaLed cytutoxlclty are directed
replication strategy, but d1ffer considerably in their genetic against epitopes in the S glycoprotein, which ;.il.;o is rc-
complexity and virion architecturc. "Nido" derives from sponsible for binding of virions to host ccll membranes.
l11e Lali 11 wurd nidus fur nest, which rcfers to the 3' co- G lycoprotein Mis a trans1nembrane protein that is more
tcrminal n ested suhgr.nomic v ir;i l m RNA that is p roduced deeply embedded in t he envelopc. Antibodies d ircctcd
during replicati.on of thcsc v iruses. against lvl may ncutralize t he virus in the presen cc of
1'he family Coronaviridae is further dividr.<l into two complement. The small envelope protein (E), together
genera, Coronavirus and Torovirus. The Coro11avin1s genus wilh the M prolt:in, µlays an essential role In Coronavírus
conta1ns numerous pathogens ot veterinary significance, particle assembly. Sorne of the coronavin1sPs contain a
and coronaviruses commonly are associated with respira- hcmagglutinin-csterase (HI:,) protcin that forms short
tory and enteric infections of a variety of animal species. surface projections. ·rhe n ucleocapsid protcin (N) is a
·rhe toroviruses infect humans and ani mals (horses, cattle, basic phosp h oprotein tl1at forms a long, flexible, hclical
and pigs) a11d are predo1ninantly assu <.:lalt:d with enteric nucleocapsld enc1os1ng the gen omic RNA. The M and N
disease. The family Arteriviridae (gen us Arterivirus) con- p rotcins fo rm an interna) core structure in at least two
tains four species- specific viruses that infcct horses and coronavir uses (Lra11:>111i:>:>ilJle gdstroenter1tls virus and
donkeys (equine arteritis virus), pigs (porcine reproductive mouse hepatitis virus).
and respiratory syndromc virus), monkeys (simian hcmor- Coronaviruses infcct a '-vide range of nian1n1als (includ-
rhagic fever virus), and mice Oactate dehydrogenase ele- ing humans) and birds. They exhibit a marked tropism for
vating viru s) . l'he outcome of Arterivirus infection s is cpithelial cells of the respiratory nnd enteric tracts, as well
Jiigllly varialilt: dud iu<.:ludes p ersistent asymptomatic in- as macrophages for sorne viruses. Coronaviruses cause a rc-
fections, respirato ry dis~ase, reproch rctivP f;.iilure (abor- markably diverse spectrum of d iffcrcnt diseases in di ffer-
tion), and lethal hemorrhagic fever. 'fhe family Roniviridae enLhosLs (st:t: Tal.lle 62.1). They typically have a restricted
(gcnus Ronivirus) contains a number of closely related host range, in fec:ti ng on ly t heir nat1.1ral host and closely re-
viruses that infect farmed prawns in Australia and Asia, but lated animal species. Based on tl1ei1 se1ological crus:>-
wilJ not be further discusscd here because these viruses are reactivity, coronaviruses are divided into three an tigenic
not yct wcll characterized. groups, including tv.•o groups of mammalian coron-
aviruses an da single group of avia11 coronaviruses.

Coronaviruscs have a unique morphologic appearance.
l hey are spherical, enveloped vi rions with large club- Po RCI NE RES PI RATORY (ORONAVI RUS
shaped surface projections (peplomers) cxtending from
the viral envelope. Thc envelope en closes an icosah edral Disease
int1•rn::il con> <;tr11rh1rP within which is a helical nucleo -
capsid (f.ig 62.1). Virion size ra nges fron18011111 tu 220 r1m Transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) is a hlghly con tagious
in diameter. Coronavirus genomic ssRNA (linear, positivP- enteric disease of swine caused by TGE virus (TGEV). The
sense) is the largcst viral fl.NA gcnome and rangcs in size discase is characlt:rit:e<l liy :;evere diarrhea, vomiting, dehy-
from 27.6 to 31 kb. dration, and high mortality in young piglets (less than 2

384 PART 111 Viruscs

·1ab1 e 6 2. 1 . lmponant Animal Vlruses in the Order Nidovirales, Which lntlude) Tluee Vi1 us Fan1ilies. Coronaviridae (Genera Corona virus and
Torovirus), Arteriviridae {Genus Arterivirus), and Roniviridae (Genus Ronivirus)

Family Genus Species Primary host Diseasemssue affected

CurufldVÍI iúae Coronavirus Transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV)• Swine Enteric infection
Porcine respiratory coronavirus (PRCoV)ª Swine Respiratory infection
Fclinc coronüvirus (FECoV)ª Feline Enteric infection
Feline infect1ous pentonrtis virus (flf'V)• Peritonitis, respiratu1y, e11le1it, and
neurofogical infection
Canine coronavirus (CCoV)º Ca ni ne Enteric infection
Rabbit coronavirus (RbCoV)ª Rabbit Enteric infection
Humen coronoviru> (l ICoV 229[)• Humon Re<piratory infoction
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus {PEDV)• ~wine Enteric infeaion
Porcinc hcmagglutinating encephalomyelitis (HEV)b S\vine Enteric. rPspiratory, and neurological
Canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV)b Canine Respiratory infection
Bovine coronavirus (BCoV)b Bovine Enteric and respiratory infection
FntPric hovinPcoronavirus (EBCoV)
Respiratory bovine COfonavirus (RBCoV)
Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV)b Mouse Hepatitis, enteric, and neurologlcal infection
llat coronavirus-syn. Sialodacryüdcnitis virus (SADV)b Rat Sialodacryadenitis
Human coronavirus (HcoV·OC43Jº Human Respiratory infection
Scver acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV)b Human Re1piratory infection
Equine coronavirus {ECoV)b Equine E11teric infection
lnfectious bronchitis virus {IBV)< Avían (chicken) Respiratory, reproductive, and kidney
Turkey coronavirus (TCoV)' Avian (turkey) Respiratory and entenc mfection
Torovirus Equine torovirus (ETV) Equine Enteric infection
Bovine torovirus (BoTV) Bov1ne Enteric infection
Porcinc torovirus (PoTV) Porcine Enteric infection
Human torov1rus (Hul V) Human Enteric infection
Arteriviridae Arterivirus Equine arteritis virus (EAV) Fquine Respiratory and reproductive infection
Porcine reproductive and respiratory synú1 orne vir u~ (PRRSV) Po reine Respiratory and reproductive infection
Simian hemorrhagic fever virus (SHFV) Simian Hemorrhagic fever
lactate dehydrogenese elevating virus (lDV) Murinc Neurological infection
Roniviridae Ronivirus Gill-associated virus (GAV) Prawns Lyrnphoid organ
lymphoid org~n viru~ (LOV) Prawru lymphoid nr!J•n
Yellow head virus (YHV) Prawns lymphoid organ

• An.t1genK group 1
• Antigenic group 11
<Antigenic group 111

weeks of agc). Murlality in oldcr pigs (greater than 5 which ca11 alter thc scvcrity of diseasc and associatcd clio-
wPPks) is 11s ual ly low. ical signs.
Porcinc rcspiratory coronavirus (PRCoV) is a deletion
mutant ofTGEV (delction ot nucleotidcs 621 to 681 in the
S gene) and has a tropism for respiratory epithelium and
Etiologic Agent
alveolar m acrophages. PRCoV is nonenteropatl1ogcuic
and can. i.nfcct pigs of all agcs by aerosol or direct rontar.t
Physical, Chernica\, and Antigenic Properties
transmission. PRCoV infectiu11~ art: generally subclinical,
but strains of the virus cliffPr in the severity of thc clinical TC;Ev is antigenicauy related to coronavtruses of human~­
~ig11~ t111::y induce. Clinical signs include moderatc to sc- dogs, and cats. Only one serotype of TGEV is recogni1E>d
VPTP rPspiratory di.scase with i.11terstitla\ pneumonia. Ln and TGf.V and PRCoV antigenically c1oss-react, although
addition, PRCoV infection can be concurrently associ- sorne antigenic sites of TGF.V are ahsent from PRCoV be-
ated with other respiratory virus infcctions, such as wlth cause uf tl1e delelion in the amin.o terminus of thc S pro-
porc\nc rcproduct\ve and resp\ratoty syndrome virus, tein \n ~R\,oV .
Chapter 62 Coronaviridae and 385

Host-Virus Relationship
F 1G U RE 6 2 . 1 . Negatively stained preparation of bovine
coronavirus. 204,000X. (Courtesy of R. Nordhausen.)
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
'fGEV infection of swinc occurs worldwidc and has been
documented in North, Central, and ~outh America; .Eur-
ope; and Asia. Epizootics of 'l'GE are often seasonal in the
Uniteú States, occurring ir1 the winter months. The pri-
mary modf' of 'T'GF.V tr;insmissi.011 appears to be ingestion
of feed contaminated with infected feces (fecal-oral).
Persistencc of 'fGEV in nature is likely vía the fecal
carrier/shedding statc in rccovcrcd swinc; thus the virus is
maintained 1n e11demically infected herds through ongo-
ing fecal-oral i11fection of susceptible pigs. Infection of
swine in endemlcally infected herds is often subclinical or
rnild, whf'rf'a<; thf' virus spreads rapidly in nonimmune
herds and can cause devastating outbreaks of disease. I11
aclclition to movement by infected swine, 1'GEV is poten-
tially transmitted bctwccn hcrds by fomites and other
animal s.
PRC~oV virus has been isolated in North America and
Europe. The vlrus is not shed in the feces, and therefore
there. is no f'viclf'nr.e for the fecal -oral transmission.
Tnfectcd pigs shed virus in tl1eir respiralory secreliou:;, arH.l
PRCoV may persist in herds by continuous infection of
newly weaned pigs.

Pathogenesis and Pathology

TGEV survives in tl1e gastrointestinal tract after ingestion
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
because of its resistance to low pli and trypsin, thus it
TGEV and PRCoV are inactivated by lipid solvents (ether passPs through t1.1e stomacl1 without inactivation. Six to
;u1ll chloroforrn), ~oúiurn hypochlorite, c.¡uaternary arn- twelve hours following il1L1agaslric inoculaLio11, viral
monium c.ompouno, iooinf's, hP;:iting ;:it S6°(~ for 4.5 min.- replication occurs in villus epitl1elial cells of the small
utes, and exposure to sunlight. Both viruses are stable intcstinc with highcst titers of virus in t he jejunum.
when frozen but somewhat labile at roorn ternperrih1re. ·rGEV infects and destroys tl1e columnar epithelial cells
1·GEV resists inactivation by trypsin and acidic pl1 (p11 of lin.i ng the intestinal v illi, rcsulting in atrophy of thc villi.
:-{) and is relatively stable in pig bi .le. Villous blunt1ng and 1ncreased crypt <1eptJ1 (as a con-
sequence of replication of the progenitor cells in the
cry pls i11 au effurl Lu repopulate tl1e Jenudeú villi) occurs
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
24 to 40 hours postinfection and coinc.ioes with thf' oc-
TGE has only been described in swine; however, ·rc.JEV has curcc11ce of severe diarrhea. The loss of entecocytes lining
been isolated from the feces of cxperimentally infected the villi results iI1 malabsorption and maldigestion,
cats, dogs, foxcs, and starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) for up to which in turn results in diarrhea and dchydration.
lO days. Serologic stuclies have also suggested natural in- Uodigested lactose in the intestinal contents passes to
fection of skunks, opossums, 1nuskrats, and hurnans. the large bowel, where it exerts an osmotic effect that fur-
Virus has also been demonstrated in house flies (Musca Llrer ex<:1<.:erbiltes the diarrhea.
domestica Linneaus) following experimenta] a11d natural Affected piglets ;:irp clPhydr.ated with fecal staining
infection. around the pcrineum. 'l'he typical lesions i11clude Lhin-
'f'GEV has been propagated in various cell cuJture sys- ning of the interstitial wall, villous atrophy, and gastroin-
tcms, ir1cluding pig kidncy, tcstis, salivary gland, and thy- testinal distension with ycllow fluid containing curds of
roid; organ cultures of esophagus, ü1testine, and nasal ep- undigestec1 milk.
itl1elium; canine kidney cell cultures; and embryonated ·rhe characteristic microscopic lesion of PRCoV infec
chicken eggs (arnniotic cavity). Pig kidney and swine testi- tior1 is c.liffuse intestinal pneumonia, whereas the intestine
cle (S1') cell lines have been the choice of cells for virus iso- does not exhibit atrophy of the ~rilli .
laliou fror11 tl 1<.: feces ur gut contents of infected pigs.
Development of cytopath·ic effec.t rn;:iy rPcprire multiple
passages in cell culture.
Host Response to lnfection
l'KCoV replicates in pig kicl11ey a11cl s·r cells, as well as a Neutralizing antibodies develop within approximately 7
cat fetus cell line. days of'I'GEV infcction of swine. 'fhe presence of secretory
386 PART 111 Viruses

IgA plays a major rolf' in protPctivP im rnunity and viral the environ1ncnt with virulent TGEV that subsequently
cleara11ce. Tntra1nuscular imrnunization of pigs with TGEV can sp rcad to susceptible pigs.
rcsults in development of a humoral IgG response but not
protcctivc immunity. Conversely, pigs immunized orally
with ·rc;Ev develop protecttve vtrus-specific IgA in thelr
intestinal mucosa! secretions. Infection of sows with TGEV HE MAGGLUTINATING ENCE PHALOMYELITI S V IRUS
results in the secretlon of protecttve IgA in culustruru (su-
ca!led lactogenic immunity), whirh i.~ protPrtive in suck- Disease
llug JJigs. Cell-1nedialed in1niunity also is likely ilnportant
in the im mune response to Tc;Ev infection, as passive HemaggJutinating encephalo myelitis virus (HEV) is tlle
transfer of mononuclcar Jcukocytcs from immu ne donor cause of vomiting a11d wasting disease (VWD) of young
pigs to susceptible histocompatible p1glets results in re- swine, a disease that is charactcritcLI l.Jy e11cepl1alon1ye-
duced disease expression. High levels of Type 1 interferon litis, vomiting, and wasting. VWO occurs in pigs less than
are produced by infected intestinal cells, \>Vhich alsu ruay 3 weeks of agc, although older Sl>vine may exhibit mildcr
play a role in controlling viral replication. signs of the disease. VWD in young piglets is characterized
Plgs infecte<.l with PRCuV develop antibod- by anorexia, lcthargy, vomiting, constipation, and signs of
ies to t hP virus. Antihodies against PRCoV p rovide partial central nervous system disturbance (hyperestllesia, muscle
protection against TGEV, and t hcrcforc thc incidcnce and trem ors, paddling of the legs). Mortality is h igh, up to
severity of TGE may decline in swine herds with endemic 100º/Ó; pigs also may develop chruuic i11feclions a11d even-
PRCoV infection. tually die from starvation or sPcondary infections.

La borato ry Diagnos is Etiologic Agent

TGEV ii1fection of young pigs is usually diagnoscd Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
through the demonstration of viral antigen in mucosa! 1-IEV is antigcnically rclatcd to bovine coronavirus. 'fhe
scrapings or frozcn scctions of jejunum and ileum by i1n-
virus hemagglutinates chicken, rat, mouse, hamster, and
munohistochemical or lilUTiunofluorescent staining with
turkey erythrocytes.
virus-specific antibodies. Definitive diagnosis can be done
by viral isolation through inoculation uf arúruals (µigs 2 Lo
7 days old) or cell Cl1ltures (pig kiclnPy, tP~tis, or thyroid). Resist ance t o Physical and Chemical Agen ts
Elcclron rnicroscopy (EM) or in1n1uno-EM can also be used
HF.V is sPnsitive to lipid solvents, including socliu m deoxy-
on fecal cont ents or intestine.
cholat e; it is also heat labile and rclativcly stablc when
Serologic diagnosis is appropriatc when acute and con
valescent sera are available. Hovvcver, serologic diagnosis is
complicated by the finding that both PRCoV and TGEV in-
duce neutrallzlng antlbodies that cross-ucutralU.e:: e::ach lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
other. Therefore, l'GEV strains arP not c1istinguished from
HEV grows in priruary µig kidney (PK) or pig thyroid (P'f)
ils nonenleropatliogenic variant PRCoV by the virus neu-
cells \vith formation of characteristic syncytia.
tralization t est but can be distinguished by a b locking
E.LISA test.
Host-Virus Relationship
Treatment and Control Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
Tr1:::at111enl of 1"GEV-ilúected pigs is usually unrewarding. HEV was first isolated and associated with VWD in
Rcplacement of fluids and antihacterial drugs to reduce canad1an sw1ne 1n 1958. sunsequenrly, the virus has l.Jce::u
complications associated with enteropathogenic Esche- identified in swinc in many areas of the wnrlc1. Pigs are the
ric/7ia coli may be of benefit. only kn u w11 110::.L of HEV, and subclinical or inapparent
Inactivated and modified live attenuated virus vaccines r;:i rriPr states likely exist. Nasal secretions contain virus
are avallable for vacc!n<:1tiu11 uf µigs Lu _preve11l 'fGE. These and horizontal aerosol an d dircct anirnaI contact are
can be used for vaccination of newborn piglets or jmmu- mechanisms ot transmission.
ni¿atiu11 uf sows, or bolli. Vaccination of prcgnant sows
provides lactogenic immunity that is passively transferred Pathogenesis and Pathology
to piglets vta colostrum. Vaccincs havc bccn variably suc
cesstul in preventing rGt... ural 1mmu111zat1on p rovides The uf JiEV i11f1::1..tiv1¡ has been. ch.'1racteri:z:ed
optima! stimulation of local immunity (secreto ry IgA) in hy Pxperimental inoculation of colostrum-deprived day-
the intestine. The practice uf i:ufccti11g :-.uws will1 virulcnt old pigs. Following oroJ1asal inoculation, primary viral re-
TGEV at least 3 weeks prior to farrowing to induce an im- plication occurs in the epithelial cells ot the nasal mucosa.
mune rcspur1st uy _provid.il1g colostral immunity to piglets tonsils, lungs, and small intestine. Virus subsequen tl~
i~ romplic.ated hy the fact that this practice contaminates spreads atong per1phcral nerves to the central nervous sy!)-
Chapter 62 Coronaviridae and Arteriviridae 387

tf'm (\.NS). Prior to ctisease expression, viral antigen is tinf'S. Afff'cteci pigs have sm.all lntesti.nes that are distended
present in the trigen1inal, inferior vagal, a11d superior cer- with yellow fluid; the lesions are sil11ilar to those of TGE.
vical ganglla. solar and dorsal root ganglia of the lower PEDV particles can be demonstrated in the feces of in-
thoracic region, and the int estinal nerve plexuses. fected pigs by direct EM, and the virus can be propagated
lnfecti.on in the brain stem is initiated in the trigeminal in so1ne African gree11 monkey (Vero) cell and not t.n
and vaga! sensory nuclei and subsequently spreads to others. Viral growt h depends on the presence of trypsin in
0 L11e1 11uclei a11d Lile roslral porLion of lile brain Slt:111. Ll1e Lt'.11 t:ulture 11u::diu111. Generally, fielu strains of PEDV
Later stages of the infection may be charact erized by viral need to be adapted to grow in cell culture heforf' t hey c;in
rcplication in the cerebrum, cercbellum, and spinal cord; be used as a routin.e diagnostic assay. A direct lf test and
virus is typically tound in nervous plexuses ot the stomach immunohistochemical technique applied oo a section of
late in infection. small intestine are the most sensitive, rapid, and reliable
There are fevv characteristic gross Jesions in natural HEV inethods of diagnosis of PEDV. A serologic diagnosis ca11 be
infections; a mild catarrhal rhin itis is sometimes evident made by demonstration of PEDV antibodies by IF and
in ei1c.epl1alon1yelitis cases, and gaslroenLerilis is so1ue- ELISA.
ti1nes observed i.J.1 VWD. Currently there is no vac.c.inf' for prf'Vf'ntion of PF.OV in-
Lcsions in thc CNS are o f a nonsuppurativc cnccpha- fection in pigs, thus control is dependent on managen1ent
lomyelitis characterized by perivascular cuffs of mononu- and husbandry practices.
clear cells, for1nation of glial nodes, neuronal degenera-
tion, and meningit is. Respiratory tract lesions consist of
foc;i 1 or diffuse interstiti.a 1 peribronchiolar pneumonia
with cellular infiltrates con1posed of n1onocytcs, lyn1pho- 80VINE (ORONAVIRUS
cytes, and neutrophils.
Host Response to lnfection
Bovine coronavirus (BC:oV) is an e11teric pathogen that is
Humoral immune responses may be quantitated by viral responsible tor both neonatal diarrhea in nevvborn calves
neutralization, hemagglutination inhibition (HI), and (1 to 3 weeks) and winter dysentery in adult cattle. The
agar gel inu11unodiffusio11 (AGID). Tl1e disease is clinícal disease in newborn calves is characterized by
self-limiting in pig populations and is dueto the rapid de- anorexia anda liquid, yellow diarrhea that pers;ists for 4 to
velopment of maternal antibodies and their transfer by 5 <.lay::>. WiI1t<::r <.lysentery is a sporadic acute disease in
colostrum. adult cattle that is c.harac.terize<l hy f'xplosivf' hloo<iy cti<Jr-
rhea accompanied by decreased milk production, depres-
sion, and anorexia. The BCoV strains that are isolated frorn
Laboratory Diagnosis d iarrhea fluid or intestinal f.lui.d are now identified as cn-
teropathogenic bovine coronaviruses (EBCoV) .
Diagnosis of HEV e11cephalomyelitis or VWD in piglets re- Other strains of bovi11e coronavirus more recently have
quires immunohistochemical staining of viral antigens in been identified as respiratory pathogens in cattle; these
the tissues of affected pigs, virus isolation on primary PK strains of coronavirus have been isolated from the nasal
or PT cells, or demonstration of a rising antibody titer by secretio11s artd lu11gs of cattlc witl1 severe sl1ipping íever
nP11tr;:i liz;ition or hf'm;igglutin;it ion in hi hition ;iss;iys. pneumonia, and are designated as respiratory bovine
coronaviruscs (RBCoV) . Rcspiratory discasc causcd by
RBCoV typically occurs in calves aged 6 to 9 months, and
Treatment and Control is characterized by fever, nasal discharge, and r.espiratory
No effective treatment has bee11 described fo r HEV-
induced encephalomyelitis or VWD. Clinical outbreaks
are self-limiting. No vaccines are available and good ani- Etiologic Agent
rnal l1usbandry practices are essential for the preventlon
anrl control of the rlisPase. Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
BCoV particles hemagglutinate erythrocytcs from ham-
sters, mice, and rats. BCoV is antígenically related to coro-
PORCINE EPIDEMIC DIARRHEA VIRUS naviruses of other species. Although there are significant
pl1er1otypic, antigenlc and genetic differences between
Coronavirus-like viruses have been isolated from swine ER\.oV anrl RRC:oV strain.s, the precise relationship be-
w!th diarrhea, thus their dcsignation as porcine epidem ic tween enteric and respiratory strains ofBCoV is uncerlain.
ctiarrhf'il vin1Sf'S (PF.DV). These viruses are antigenically
distinct fron1 'fGEV and HEV, and cause diarrl1ea, von1it-
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
iI1g, and dehydration in. inoculated swine. Pathogenesis
studics indicatc that PEDV rcplicatcs in both the small and BCoV is acid stable (pll of 3.0), but is inactivated by lipid
large intestines, but lesions are contined to smalJ int es- solvents, detergents, and high temperatures.
388 PART 111 Viruses

lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems tions. This can be achieved by viral isolation, electron mi-
croscopy, fluorcsccnt antibody or immunohistochcmical
lnfcction with BCoV is limited to cattlc (bovids), but the
staining. Nasal swabs collected <.Iuring the acute stage of
virus has been propagated in suckling mice, and following
upper respiratory tract disease are the spccilnens of choice
such passage, will infect suckling rats and hamsters by
for the diagnosis of RBCoV. Rt:s¡Jiralury epil11elial cells
both lntracerebral ano SUULUtallCUU:> ruule:.. EBCoV has
present in the nasal swabs arP .c;pottPrt onto slides for exam-
been propagatecl in M;iclin-l)arhy hovine kidney (MDBK),
inalio11 by dirccl fluorescent antibody test.
Africcu1 green n1onkey kidney (Vero), bovine fetal thyroid
(13fTy) cells, and bovine fetal brain (BfB) cells. ·rrypsin
trcatmcnt of thc lattcr two fetal cell cultures enhanccs
Treatment and Control
plaque forn1ation and cell fusion. Certain isolates are diffl-
cult to propagate in vitro and may require passage in the
Treatment is dlctated by the sevt:rity a11d lype of disease.
natural host. in contrast, only a hurnau rt::ctal lu111u1 Lell Electrolyte solutions can hP artministered for dchydratíon
Une (f-TRT-18) is permissive for initial i~olation of RBCoV. ü1 calves wilh diarrhea caused by EilCoV infections, and
antibiotic therapy may be used to control secondary intec-
tions. AH BCoV infcctions are best controlled by good
Host-Virus Relationship management practices to minimize exposure to these
viruses, such as by avoiding introducing new (infected) a n-
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
imals into an lntensive calviug uµ1:::1alio11 . Il is difficult to
'fhc distribution of DCoV is \vorldwide, and transmission control enteric disPasf' hy vacci nation because very young
of EBCoV is likely fecal-oral by ingestion ot virus from con- calves are 111ost affected, beforc they have the opportunity
taminatcd fccd, tcnts, and fomites. RBCoV is shed in respi- to respond to vaccination. The altemative is to immunize
ratory tract secretions of mfected animals, and thus is the dam to incrcasc antibody lcvcls in colostrum.
spread horizontally by aerosol.

Pathogenesis and Pathology (ANINE (ORON AVIRUS

Diarrhea develops within 24 to 30 hours tollowing oral in-
fcction of calves with EBCoV. Four hours after onset of diar- Disease
rhea, viral antigen is dete(table ln the epithelium of the
small intestinc and colonic crypts. lnitiation of infection is Canine coronavirus (CCoV) infection ot dogs is highJy
facilitated by proteolytic enzymes iI1 tl1t! i11tt!slü1al lracl contagious nnd gcncrally causes inapparent or mild gas-
since trypsin trf'atrnPn t of coronaviruses in cell culture re- troenteritis. ·rhe virus occasionally is associated with more
sulls in enhanced viral growth. Thc virus also infects the ad- severe enteric disease, and puppies are most susceptible to
jacent n1esenteric lymph nodes. Destruction of the mature CCoV-induced enteritis. Signs iru..:ludc a11ur1::xia, lelhatg) ,
cntcrocytcs that Une the intestinal villi leads to atrophy and vomiting, and rliarrhf'a. Morf' rf'cently, CCoV also has
fus1on of affecte<l vi.JI!, Witn suosequenr J.ntesnnal maltllges- been proposcd to be an importnnt cnusc of trnchcobron-
tion and inalabsorption, rapid loss of fluids and electrolytf'~, chitis ("Kennel-cough") in dogs as well.
and, il1 :>t::vt::rc ca:>e:>, dehydraU011, acidosis, shock, and death.
HKC:oV infection in calves causes interstitial pneumo-
nia with conge:;tion, t1emorrhagc, and edema ofthe inter- Etiologic Agent
lobular septa of the lung. Histologica lly there is interstitiaJ
pncurnonia with infiltration of mononuclear infla111ma- Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
tory cells and th1cken1ngs of alveolar septa.
canine coronavlrus (CCoV) i:> au1ige11ically rclalcd 10
other coronaviruses, inclu<ling transmissible gastroenteri-
Host Response to lnfection lis virus, feli11e enteric coronavirus, and feline inicctious
Boll1 EDCoV and RBCoV infections in calves result in a hu- peritonitis virus. Multiple antigenically and geneticall}
moral in1mune response that readily can be quantitatcd by distinct strains of CCoV have been recognized, including a
viral ncutralizntion, hcmagglutination inhibition (Hl), nove.I respiratory coronavirus.
hemadsorption inhib1t1on (HAI), and ELISA tests. Local im-
mune responses play an important role because drculating Resistance to Physical and Chemic;:il Agcnts
antiboclies do not prote<-t calves fruu1 iJú1::cliv11. Neonatal
ingestion of colostral TgA protPrt.<: th<' intestinal lumen Canine coronavlruses are iI1aclivalt!d by lipid solvents and
agai11sl EBCoV infcction for a limited pcriod of time. are heat-labile. Tht> vin1se..c; are acid-stable (pH of 3.0) and
relain i11fcctivity under cool conditions.

Laboratory Diagnosis lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems

Oiag1tu:>is of EBC0V-i11duced neonatal diarrhea requires Caninc coronnvirus infects domestic and wild canini:
irtPntification of the virus in fecal samples or intestinal sec- spet.ies; severa! prunary and continuous canine cell cu:-
C hapter 62 Coronaviridae and Arteriviridae 389

tures, including primary kidney and thymus; and contin- fELINE INFECTIOU S PERITON ITIS ANO fELINE ENTERIC
uuus liut:s uf thyu1us, erul>ryu, syuuviun1, and kidney (line
A-72). The v irus·infec:ts feline kic1ney anc1 emhryo fi-
broblast cell lincs.

Host-Virus Relationship Feline infectious perito11ilis (Fil') is a co11Lagiou:;, ¡Jrogrc:.-

sive and highly fatal disease of domestic and sorne wild
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission fcline species. The signs are highly variable and rcflcct
the tlssues affected by the disease, but persistent fever,
Ca11i11t: curuuavirus was first isulated in 1971 from an epi- weight loss, lethargy, dyspnea, and abdominal distension
demic of c1iarrhca in dogs in Germany. ThP virus .sincP has ali are:: 1.:0111111011 diilical signs. 'fhe dlsease can occur In
been recognized virtually worldwidc, including North cats of ali ages hut is i>spPcially common in young and
America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. very old cats.
lnfected dogs excrete virus in their fcccs for 2 wccks or 'l"wo distinct forms of f IP are recognized: 1) an effusive
longer, and fecal conta1nination of the env1ronment is the (wet) and 2) a noneffusive (dry) form. "fhc cffusivc form,
primary source fo r it s tra.nsmission via fecal-ora l infection . which Is two to three times as common as the dry form, is
ch aracterized by accumulation of protein-rich fluid (exu-
Pathogenesis and Pathology da Le) i11 Ll 1e µ eri tuneal cetvity. "l'he noneffuslve form is
characterized hy formation of granulomas in interna! or-
rollowing an incubation period of 1 to 4 days, the virus gans, CNS, and eyes. Mortality rates are high.
causes infection of intestinal epithelial cells that progrcs- FIP has an unusual and highly complex pathogenesis
sively passes through the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea that involves the mutation of relativcly nonpathogcnic fc-
occurs 1 to 7 days postinfection, virus being present in line enteric coronavirus (FECoV) 1nto FIP virus (rll'V) that
íeces wiú1iJ1 1 Lo 2 days folluwi11g Lile aµµcarance of clini- replicates in macrophages to produce an immune-medi-
cal signs. Viral replicatíon in the intestinal epithelium aled disease i11 a.ffectt:d cat~.
rcsults in desquamation and shortening of the villi. The
diarrhca associated with CCoV infection occurs as a conse-
qucnce of intestinal maldigcstion and malabsorption. Etiologic Agent
While Cl~ov infection is widespread , mortality is typi-
cally very l o~v. Thus, necropsy of CCoV infected dogs is Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
un usual.
FIPV is antígenícally related to other coronaviruses anci is
vcry closcly rclated to feline enteric coronaviruses (ffiCoV)
Host Response to lnfection
that do not produce FIP; it now is evident that FIPV arises
Mucosa! immunity appears to be protective because dogs by mutation of FECoV. The virulence to cats of strains of
orauy infectcd with CCoVbecome immune and those im- FIPV is directly correlated to the1r abihty to gro"v in cul-
munizcd parcntcrally do not. tured feline macrophages. The virus is rcsistant to add and
tryµsin L>ut is readily inactivated by most disinfectants, in-
cludíng lipid solvents.
Laboratory Diagnosis
lnfectivity for Olher Species and Cul ture Systems
Vin1<; or vir;il ;intigens can be visualized by electron mi-
croscopy (EM) or fluorescent antibody (fA) stai11i11g of feces In addition to infecting domestic cats, FIPV has been asso-
or necropsy tissues. Antiserum, spccific for CCoV, is com- ciated with disease in wild Felidae such as lions, rnountain
monly used to aggregate virus prior to negativc staining for liuns, leopards, ¡aguar, lynx, caracal, sand cats, and pallas's
EM. Virus can be isolated from teces or intestinal tissue on cats. Young pigs can be experimentally infected with FIPV,
cell culture. A reverse-transcriptase-polymerase chain reac resulling in devetov111e::11t uf lt!sions similar to those in-
tion (RT-PCR) assay has been developed to detect CCoV in duccd by"fGEV. Suckling niic:e are suscPptihlP to infPction,
feces. Serum virus neutralization anci F.l .ISA tPsts for detec- with vi rus rcplicating in thc brain. f.IPV primarily repli-
tion of CCoV antibodies have been dcvcloped. cates in macrophages, but virus can be propagated ín vitro
in feline organ cultures, cell lines, and mononuclear
Treatment and Control
Treatment of CCoV-associatcd gastroenteritis is limited to Host-Virus Relationship
relief of dehydratíon and electrolyte loss in severe cases.
Inactivated and modified live virus vaccines are avail-
Distribution. Reservoir, and Transmission
al>lc for µarcntal administration for protection against
C.C.oV infPction. HowPvPr, thPir use is questionable dueto FECoV and FIPV occur worldwidc. Persistently infected
the apparcnt importance of local in1n1unily al Lhe leve! of cab :.t:rvc as tl1e virus reservolr, and the virus ts readily
thc intestinal mucosa. spread horizontally hetween cats.
390 PART 111 Viruses

Pathogenesis and Pathology niques. A serum titer of greater than 1:37.00 s11pports th
lli<tg11v~i:. uf FIP al L11ough cals -¡,vilh f-TP can have low titcr
Tlie pall1oge11esis of FJP is complex, and much remains to
of virus-specific antibody and, conversely, unattected cat:.
he resolved. Initial FECoV infectio11 rarcly is characterized may havc high titcrs of antibody to the virus.
by obvious discasc, but rcsults in persistent, low level in-
fection of macrophages in many tissues. 1he developmcnt
of clinical FIP is associated \.vith incrcased viral replication, Treatment and Control
usually secondary to sorne immunosuppressive event that
suppresses cellular imn1unity. h1crcascd virus replication No treatment fur FIP lias been dcscribed that consistcnt!:
results ill the cn1ergence of vlr<1l varia11L:-. (FIPV) ll1at repli- rPVf'TSPS the discase pIOCeSS.
cate with increasing pfficiency in 1nacrophages where they A temperature-sensitivc mutant FIPV is available fe,:
persisl, safe fron1 immunc clearance. Antibody cxaccrbatcs vaccination of cats. lts use is n ot recom rnended in seropos-
tl1c disease, which suggests that FIP is at least in part an itive cats. Control of FIP is best realized by decontaminat-
immunc-mcdiatcd discasc. Virus specific antibody actu- mg (with quaternary ammonium compound$) i11fe1..ll:\.l
ally tacilitates uptakc of FIPV by phagocytes in which premises, isolating serologically positive c;its from tho<.e
pathogenlc strains of the virus replicate. with no titer, <IIIU :>cree11iug i1ewly acquired cats for ~erurr
Botl1 "wet" and "dry" forms of FIP <lf\.'. cl1araclerized by a n tibo<ly.
thc appearance of p, r<1 ni Jlnn1;is (or pyogran ulon1as) around
1.Jluuu vessels. ll is pro posed that dcposition of complcxes
of FTPV and spccific antibody (ilnm une complexes) in the
walls of blood vcsscls is rcsponsible fo r the charact eristic MousE HEPATITIS VIRU S
perivascular location of these lesions. l 'hese perivascular
granulomas can occur in the bo'l>vel, kidneys, liver, lungs, Mouse hepatitis viru:. (MHV) is highly contagious anc.
C NS, eyes, and lymph nades of affccted cat$, anu are c:.µe- causes "explosive" onthreaks of disease in mouse coloni~
cially common on thc serosa of the abdomi n;il visce.r;i in lhrougl1ou l Lbe world. The scverity of thc clinical discos..
cats with the wt:l fvri 11 of FIP. depends on severa! factors. These tactors can be broadh
distinguisl1cd into viral (strain, dose, and route of infec-
Host Response to lnfcction tion) and host factors (strain of mi ce, agc, and im1nune sta-
tus). There are many different strains of MHV, each with
·rhe IJasi:. vf i111111u11ily lo FIPV is poorly understood. Cats characteristic tissue tropism and assuciatt:<.l cliuical 1nan1-
di>ve.lop humoral and cellular immune responses soon festatio11s. Infection of mice \<ITith c1iffPrPnt virus strain
after FECoV infection, and tl1csc responses hold the in can c<1ust: e11tt.:rili:., hepatitis, ncphritis, and dcmyelinat-
fcction in check until so1ne stress or concurre11t infection ing Pncephalomyelitis. For example, the A59 strain or
causes imn1une suppression. Antibodies to FECoV cross MlIV in.duces moderate to scvcrc hepatitis, whereas the
react witll flPV, and these cause diseasc expression rather MHV-4 strain does not.
than protcction; this antibody facilitatP<; vir;il 11pt;ikp The enteropathogenic strains of MHV cause severe di-
IJy ¡Jl1agucy lic 1..ells vv hece ll1e virus effectively replicatcs, arrhea in suckllng mice, with nearly 100% rnortality. Tht.
anrl viral antigens complexed 'l.vith specific antibodies intestines are distended and filled with yPllowish fluid
(and complement) contributc to immunc-mcdiated vas 01<.ler ruice llt.:velov jau11dice, lose weigl1t, and cease
cu litis. hrPerling. C:haracteristic histological lesions include
blunted (cl ub-~haped) intestinal villi with cxtensive syn
cytiun1 formation. AH 01ice develop acute hepatitis witl1
Laboratory Diagnosis focal hepatocellular necrosis and inflammatory cell infil -
tration. Othcr strains of MHV are the cau$e uf respi1aL01~
FIP is a common disease of cats that often can be diag- and central nervous system (l.NS) disease in mouse
nosed based upon the characteristic cllnlcal signs coupled colu1úe:.. CNS infeclio11 with neurotroplc ::;trains of MH\
with serology and he matology. Fluid accumulation in thP causes paralysis dueto den1yelination (used as a model 01
peritoneal o r pleural cavity, (1$ uel1::n11ined by paracente- chronic demyelinating dlscascs of human s, such as multi-
sis, in assoc:i;:itinn vvith a positive serum or fluid antibody ple sclerosis}.
li lcr i:; indicative of c ffusive PIP. Noneffusivc FIP is more MHV infection in mouse colonies is diagnosed with the
difficu lt to diagnose and must be ditterentiated from detection of characteristic gross and hí:>tulugical lesions in
othcr infcctious, granulomatous, and neoplastic condi- the intestines and liver, altho11gh sorne strains of MHV are
tions. Histolog1c examination for pyogranulomatous or lligltly alle11ualed a11d cause littlc pathology or discasc.
fibronecrotic inflammatory lesions and vasculitis, in asso- The diagnosis is confirmed by immunohistochemistr\
clation ivlth scrology, faLilitate~ uiC1g11t1sis. Reverse tran- and serology using an cnzyrne immunoassay. Virus can be
scri p tion-polymer;isi> rh;iin reaction (RT-PCR) techniques isolated u sing any ot severa! mousc cell lines.
have been developed for identification of FIPV sequcnces The v irus pcrsists following epidemics in persistently
in clinical material, as has immunobistochemical infected mi ce that contin ually inft:ct ::;u:;ccplible n1icc l hat
ing fo r FIPV. are introduced into the colony. \.ontrol is achicved b)
:>erologic diagnosis may be determined by viral neutral- brt:al<iug thi:. cycle of transmission through thc use of
ization, ELISA, o r indirect fluorescent antibody tech- ~trirt quarantine measures.
ChaplL'r 62 Coronaviridae and Arterlviridae 391

SIALODACRYADENITIS VIRUS (RAT (ORONAV IRUS) polyacrylamide gel electrophores1s (PAGE), oligonu-
cleotidc fingerprinting, and nucleotide sequencing.
Sialodacryadcnitis virus is the etiologic agcnt of sialo- Strai r1-sµ<.:cifíc <:!pitopes for viral neutralization and hemag-
dacryad(~n i tis in laboratory rats. Tt is a scvcrc, sclf-limiting glutination have he.en idPntifiPd on thP Sl protein with
1nflammatory d1sease of the salivary and nasolacrin1al monoclonal antibodies.
glands of rats. The v irus is highly contagious and causes
higl1 morbltllty anti lo\v mortality In lnfcctcd colonies. Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
\.linical signs of infPction incl11clr ~wPlling of the face and
ncck, excessive Jacrimation and blinking, squinting, and Most strains of lBV are inacti.vatcd within 15 minutes at
exophthalmia. Lcsions in the lacrimal duct may lead to 56ºC . ·rhe virus is quite stable at cold temperatures.
cornea! drying. Lesions typically resolvc within 2 weeks. Stability at acidic pH is strain-variable; with sorne stralns
lhe virus is transmitted by aerosol, direct contact, and by survlVlng at pH 3 for 3 hours at 4ºC. Lipid solvents inacti-
fomites. vate the virus.

lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems

EQUIN E (ORONAVIRUS Thc chicken is the only k'Tiown natural host of 1HV.
1-Towcvcr, quail and gulls have becn experimentally in-
Coronavirus-likc virions have been isolated fron1 both n1a- ft:Clt:u. Suckl iug ulice car1 ue infected by l ntracerebral inoc-
ture horses and foals expericncing enteritis. The viruses ulation. The virus hP cultivated in developin g avían
found in horses were antigenically distinct from group l embryos, ccll cultures, and organ cultures. Turkey en1b1yos
1c.g., T(1EV and HCV 229E) a11d group :5 (e.g., lBV and have also been succcssfully infected with IBV, but less
TCoV) coronaviruses, but hada close antigcnic and/ or ge- efficiently.
111::Lil.: rclatiouship witl1 group 2 coronavlruses (e.g., BCoV). lBV can be in ch1ck cmbryo ceLls (kidney, lung,
Howcver, thC' pathogenic.ity of thPsP P<J.11inf' coronaviruscs, and livcr), cmbryonic turkey kidney cells, and monkey kid-
as well as thcir role in entcric discasc has nol bee11 ney (Vero) cells. Organ cuJtures have been used to propa-
ined in dctail. g;itp TRV including tracheal and oviduct cultures.

Host-Virus Relationship
Dislribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
llJV has a \>'lOrldwide distribution. ·rhe virus Jíkely persists
..\vian infectious bronchitis virus (!BV) causes rcspiratory in persistently infected birds and/or continuous cycles of
disease in chicks 10 days to 4 weeks of age; however, all transmtssion. Virus has bccn recovered for up to 49 days
dge:., sexes, an<l lJree<ls are susceµtilJle to ir1fection, al- from infected chickens held in isolation and for even
~hough mort·ality is low in hirds grC'atC'r than 6 WPPks of
lo11ger pcriu<ls i11 tl1ose l1el<l uu<ler natural conditions.
age. Thc virus also causes discasc of thc rcproductive tract Viral transmission oc.c:urs hy inhalation, thi> rPspiratory
and kidneys. The respiratory disease is characterized by tract being the primary site of infcction. Virus is shed in
rcspiratory distress, rales, coughing, nasal discharge, and rcspiratory and fecal materials, with subsequcnt spread by
deprcssion. Thc clinical course lasts 6 to 18 days. Morbidity contaminatcd fomites and aerosol.
is lOO<Yo and mortaJity may cxcccd 25ºA>. Chicks with no
1nal1::n 1al a111ilJu<ly 111ay <.:XJJL'.rie11cc pl'rn1aueut ovitluct Pathogenesis and Pathology
damage and fail to lay eggs when maturC'. lnfPction of lay-
ing flocks results in a drop of cgg production and hatcha- Thc incubation period of lBV infection is 18 to 36 hours.
bility. Pullets in good condition return to normal produc- Viru:- gains entry via the respiratory tract and the respira-
tion within a few weeks. tory form of fRV rf's11lts in trac-heitis and bronchitis.
!BV-associatcd renal discase is ctependent upon Vlral Mortality may be as high as 25% in young chicks. Strai11s
strain. Many viral strains with an affinity for the kidneys exhibiting an affinity for thc kidneys damage the renal
ca.use OJJly 11til<l ur i11apvar1;;11L r<.:sµiratory signs, but can tubules, resulting in renal failurc.
cause substantial mortality in susc:cptihlC' hi rds. lnfection produces pr1marily a serous, catarrhal, or
cascous exudate in the trachea, nasal passages, and si
nuses. 'f'he ai.r sacs may contain a caseous exudate, and
small foc i of hronchopneumonia may be apparent. Young
Etiologic Agent chi<.:ks may experience a more scvere ii1fecU011, will 1 le-
lhysical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties sions <leveloping in the oviduct. Chickcns infected with
nephrotropic viraJ strains dcvclop renal tubular necrosis
:BV is autigl'uically tlistinct from other coronaviruses, and charactenzed by swollen and pale kidncys with accumula-
;nultiplP di~tinrt vin1s strain~ h;ivp bccn identified and tion of uric acid crystals causing distension of the tubules
.::roupcd by serologic techniques, polypcplide palle1n5 i11 anú ureters.
392 PAitT 111 Viruses

Microscopic lesions of the respiratory tract include cel- have a reduced invasiveness and gencrally require aerosol
lular infiltration, mucosal edema, vascular congestion, administration.
and hemorrhage. The multiplicity of IBV stralns an<.l serotypes 11a:. HléH.le
it difficult to develop efficacio11<; varrines. No single strain
Host Response to lnfection 11as bee11 ideJ1tified as capable of inducing more than lim-
itcd protection to heterologous viruses. Multivalent vac-
TBV elicits humoral and cellula r immune responses. cines are availablc, butin ccrtain instances prolonged reac
Humoral responses can be measured by viral neutraliza- tio11s to vaccination and sorne interference between
tion and hemagglutination inhibition (HI) tests. Titers of vaccine strains have been reported.
passively transferred maternal antlbody decrease to negll-
gible levels within 4 weeks of hatching.
Cllicke11:. rt::<.:uvt::rt::LI fro1n natural ilúecU011 are resistant
to homologous viral challPngP. ·rhP ciuration of immunity T URKEY (ORONAVIRUS
is variable and difficult to determine dueto the multiplic-
ity of lBV strains. Passive transfer of maternal antibody Di sea se
does not confer to tal protcction to thc chick but reduces
disease severity and mortality. Turkey coronavirus (TCoV) Is the causative age11t of curu11-
Local tracheal immunity appears to play a rnajor role avi rus enteritis (CE) of t urkPys. lt is an acute and highly
in resistance to IBV. 'Ihe relatlvc lmportance of !1urr1ural cuulagious disease of turkeys of all ages. Synonyms of the
versus cellular immunity is 11nclPar. 1-he ohservation disease include bluecomb disease, mud fever, transrnissi-
tl1al chickens u1ay be protccted in the absence of demon- ble enteritis, and infcctious enteritis. It is of major eco-
strahle antibody would suggest an important role for cell- nomic importance to the turkey industry a11d affects
mediated immunity. turkeys of all ages. The disease affects primarily the ali-
mentary tract and is characterized by depression, sul.Juor-
mal body temperature, anorexia, inappetence, loss of hoc1y
Laboratory Diagnosis welght, a1H.l wt::t Llruvviugs. Darken.lng of the head and
<;kin anci h1cking of the skin over the crop are characteris-
Dlagno:1i:. of il1fectiuu:. 1.Jru11cl1ilis 1nay be based upon di- tics of infectcd growing turkeys. A rapid drop in cgg pro-
rPct visualization of viral antigen in tracheal smears using duction with formation of chalky eggshells occurs in pro-
immunohistochemical or fluorescent antibody staming, ducing brceder hens. Morbidity is essentially lOOo/o, and
viral isolation, or serology. Intectious bronchitis must be mortahty var1es w1t!1 agc and envtronmental condttlons.
differentiated from other acute respiratory diseases of
birds, such as Newcastle disease, Jaryngotracheitis, and in-
fectious coryza. Etiologic Agent
Vi1al i5olaüo11 i5 conducled by inoculation of tracheal
or rPspiratory exudates in to the chorioallantoic sac of 10- Physical. Chemical. and Antigenic Properties
to 11-day-old embryonated chicken eggs (ECE). Serial pas-
·rcov is mactivated by lipid solvents and detergents, bnt is
sage in ECEs may be required betore embryo dwarting or
mortality occurs. re:>i:.ta11t tu acidic vH (JJH of 3 al 20ºC for 30 n1inutes). The
Scrologic diagnosis of IBV infection requires paired virus is resistantto SOºC for 1 hr. TCoV is apparently unre-
serum samples and the use of 113V-specific viral neutraliza- lated antigenically to other coronaviruscs. TCoV aggluti-
tlon, he1nagglutination inhiuitiu11 (Hl), agar gel ünn1un- nates rabbit and guinea pig erythrocytes, but not thosc f1om
oc1iff11sion (AG 11)), or F.T.TSA assays. cattle, horse, sheep, mouse, goose, monkey, or chi<.:kens.

lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture systems

Treatment and Control TCoV infection is confincd to turkeys. Laboratory propa-
gation of thc virus has been limited to turkey and chicken
No specific treatment for infectious bronchitis is availahlP.
embryos, and attempts to grow ·rcov m cell cultures have
Propcr husbandry practices that reuuct:: e11virorune11Lal
been unsuccessful.
stress are logical. Control of infectious bronchitis may be
approached through managcment procedures and vacci-
nation. Spread of the virus may be reduced by strict isota- Host-Virus Relationship
tion of an affccted flock, and restocking >vit h day-olcl
c hicks reared in isolation. Attenuated anct inactivated vac- Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
cines have been developed for the control of IB.
Inacrtvated vaccmes induce neutralil.il1g a11Ul.Jodies, but CE has been described in North America and Australia.
their efficacy has been <}11PstionPci. Live viral vaccines at- The virus persists in turkeys for lite tollov.ring recoverv
lenualed by serial passage in cmbryonated chicken eggs from thc discase. Tt is stable in frozen feces and survives
have reducect pathogenicity but also decreased immuno- throughout the winter months in infected droppings.
genicity. Vaccincs may be administered via aerosol or in thus transmission of TCoV principally is fecal-oral from
drinking water. High passage vaccine viruses apparently the lnfected teces of carrier 1.Jin.l:.. T11lroduclio11 of virus
Chapter 62 Coronaviridae and Arteriviridae 393

onto a premise may occur via carrier turkeys, teces- morphology. ·roroviruses are p leomorphic and n1easure
contaminated fomites such as personnel and equipment, 120- 140 nm in diameter. Spherical, oval elongated, and
and possibly mechanical transmission by free-flying birds. kidney-shaped particles have all been observed. Torovi-
ruses are enveloped with a tubular nucleocapsid of helical
:;y n11neL1 y. The 11uck:v1..ap:,iu fv1111:, a uvugl111uL-:>haped
Pathogenesis and Pathology
structure, and the envelope contains a large number of
The incubation period of CE varies from 1 to 5 days. Gross spikcs that rcscmblc thc pcplomeres of coronaviruses.
lesions are largely confined to the intestinal tract, with pe- Torovirus particles consist of at least tour structural pro-
techial hemorrhages sometimes apparent on the serosa! teins: nucleocapsid protein (N), u nglycosylated membrane
surf<H.:c. l.c:;iu11:; drc ruu:,t di:;t.inct i11 the jcjur1u1n but mé:!y protein (M), spike glycoprotein (S), and hemeagglutinin-
;:ilso occur in the duodenum, ileum, and cecum. Gas and esterase protein (1-IE). The Toro11irus genome consists of a
fluid typically distend the sn1all intestine and ceca. Tl1e polyade11ylaled, vosi l.ive-:;e1.1se, li11ear rnulecule of ssRNA,
breast muscles are typically dehydrated and the carcass which is estimated to he 20 to ~O kh in lengt h . ·rhe mem-
generally appears emaciated. bcrs of this gcnus Torovirus include equine torovirus (E1'V;
Microscopic lesions include destruction of enterocytes formally named Heren virus), bovine torovirus (Borv; orig-
lining the intestinal villi, leading to theír shortening, loss inally narned Breda virus), porcine torovirus (PoTV) and
of n1icrovilli, and inononuclear cell i11fillraLiuJJ oí tl1c lau1- human torovirus (HuTV). Toroviruses have also been de-
ina propria of the affected bowel. tec.tecl hy f>lf>c.tron m ic:roscopy in the feces of dogs and cats.
Toroviruses infect the epitl1elial cells of l11e sn1all a11d
Host Response to lnfection large intestine extendiI1g from 1nid-jejunum to colon. ETV
was originally isolatcd from thc rectal swab of a horse with
Turkeys respond Lo 1'CoV iufecliu11 witlt 11u1uural arH.l ccl- d.i arrhea. BoTV has been idenütied as a pathogen causing
lular imn1une responses. Serum antihodies (TgM, TgA, an<i gastroenteritis an d diarrhea in calves and possibly pneu
IgG) develop follo\"7ing infection but by 21 day:; only IgG is rnonia in o lder cattle. Antlbodies to BoTV have been
present. Local lgA antlbody appears in intestinal secretions demonstrated in severa] countries around the 1Norld. PoTV
and bile for at least 6 months. Passívc transfcr of maternal was origi11ally isolaled fror11 Lhe íeces uf piglets tt1at did
immunity has not been observed and administration of an- not show any signs of enteritis or diarrhea, hut it sinc.e has
tiserum to young poults does not afford protection. been isolated from pigs with diarrhea at the time of wean-
ing. Much remains to be determined regarding the patl10-
genic irnportance of Torovirus infections of animals.
Laboratory Diagnosis
Definitive diagnosis of CE requires identification of viral
a11tige11 in i11testil1al tissue sections by i111111unohisLo- ARTERIVJRUS
chemical staining, viral isolation, or demonstration of
serum antibody. Virus may be isolated by inoculation of Thf> mf>mhf>rs of f;imi ly Arteriviridae, genus Arterivirus, in-
embryonated turkey eggs or young poults and its presence clude equine art.eritis virus (EAV), porcine reproduclive
confirmed by fluorescen t antibody staining of infected tis- and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), lactate dehydro-
sues. Serologic diagnosis can be conducted on paired gcnasc-clcvating virus (LDV), and simian hemorrhagic
serun1 sarnples by viral neutralization or indirect FA tests. fever v irus (SHrV). rhree ot th.ese viruses >vere first discov-
ered and characterized long ago (EAV-1953, LDV-1960, a11d
SHFV-1964), whereas PRRSV was first isolated tn North
Treatment and Control America in 1987 and in Europe in 1990. The arteriviruses
are each. antigenically dislincl, bul LDV and PRRSV are
No spec.ífic. treatment is effec.tive in re< morhirlity of most closely related to each other. There are two geneti-
CE, although various treatments may be used to prevent cally distinct subspecies of PRRSV (European, Type I;
other intestinal infections. TCoV vaccines are not available, American, 'lype 11). '!'he arteriviruses are hjghJy species-
butprevention ofinfection ispossible. Thcdiscaschasbccn specific, but sl1are many biological and molecular propcr-
eliminatecl in sorne areas by depopulation and decontami- ties, including their virlon morphologies, unique proper-
nation of affected premises. An alternative to viral elimi na ties of t heir structural proteins, and the ability to establish
t1011 ls exposlng poults (5 to 6 weeks of age) to recovered pcrsistent infection. EAV and PRRSV are of veterinary sig-
c'arriPr hircl-; 11ncl0r icl0;il environmi>nt;:il ronrlition~ for the nific.anc.e an<i V\rill hf> rlisc11S'(f'd in cli>t;iil
purpose of inducing protective immunity. Such a progran1
is reco·m mended only on farms with continued problems
and when all other methods of control havc failcd. Etiologic Agent (EAV, PRRSV, LDV, and SHFV)
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Propertíes
T0Rov1Rus Jlrtcrivirus virions are spherical, 45 to 60 nm in diameter
and consist of an isometric (probably icosahedral) nucleo-
·roroviruses resemble coronayjruses in their genome or- capsid of 25 to 35 nm il1 diameter, surrounded by a lipid
ganizalion and replicaLl011 SLraLegy lJut u iffer in virion envelope. ·rhe envelope includes 12-15 nm diameter ring-
394 PART 111 Viruses

like structures. ·rhe large spikes that are typical of coron- SHfV intects and rep!icates in primary cultures of per1-
aviruses are absent from the !lrtcrivir11s envelope. The toneal macrophages from rhesus and patas monkeys and
Arterivírus genome is a linear, posítive-sense, ssRNA mole- also replicares in the MA-104 cell llne.
cule oí 12. 7 to 15. 7 kb. The buoyant density of arteriviruses
rangcs from 1.13- 1.17 g/cm 3 ir1 sul'rost!, wl1ert!as tllt: scJi-
mentalio11 coefficíent is ?.14S to z:~OS.
Arterivirus particles consist of a nucleocapsid protcin EQUINE ARTERITIS VIRUS
(N) and six envelope proteins (E, GP2, GP3, GP4, GPS, M).
However, thrcc additional cnvclopc protcins (GP2, GP4b, Disease
and <.11'7) have been reported for SHFV. The GP5 (glycosy-
latcd) and M (unglycosylated) are thc major envelope pro- EAV is thc causativc agcnt of cquine viral arteritis (EVA) ir.
tci ns of the arteriviruses and thcy form a disulfide-linked horscs, a respiratory and reproductive disease that occurs
heterodimer in the maturc virus pa cticles. Tn acldition, the throughout the world. ºfhcre is o nly one serotype of EA\·-
Arleriviru:> e11velope conlai11s a hcterotrin1er of three howcver, field strains differ In their viruler1l'e aBd 11t:ulrdl-
minor memhrane glycoproteins (GP2, GP3, and GP4) and ization phenotype. 'l"he clinical signs displ;iyed hy EA\--
an unglycosylated envelope protein (E). Thc GPS protcin iufc1.:tt:J ltorses depend 011 a variety of factors, including
contains the known neutralization determinants of EAV, thr. age and physical condition of the horse(s). ch allenge
PllilSV, and LDV, and monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) spe- <lose and route of infcc..i:ion, strain of virus, and environ
cif1c to the GP4 of PRRSV also neutrallze the virus indicat- mental cond itions. 'J'he vast ma1ority ofEAV infections ar(
ing that sorne of the neutralization epitopes are ;ilso Jocal- inapparent (or subclinical), but acutely infected animals
lzed in tllis prott::i1i. may develop a Wide range of cllnical sig11s, il1cTudi ng P> •
rexia, depression, anorexia, dependPnt t><lema of (scrotum
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents veulldl Llu1lk, a11d li111bs), slÜÚlC):S of gait, conjunctiviti'
lacrimation and swelling around the eyes (periorbital and
Both EAV and PRRSV are rcadily inactivated by lipid sol- supraorbital edema), rcspiratory distress, urticaria, and
vents (ether and chloroform) and by com1no11 disinfec- leukopenia. Tl1e incubation period ot J to 14 ctays (usuaUr
tants and detergents. EAV survives 75 days at 4ºC, between 6 to 8 days following venereal exposure) is followed b~
2-:~ ctays at 37ºC, and 20 to 30 rriinute::. dt 56nC. Ti::.sue cul- pyrexia of up to 41 ºC that may persist for 2 to 9 days. The
ture fluid or o.rgan s;implPs ront;iining f./\V can he stored at virus causes abortion in pregnant mares, and abortion rates
- 70ºC Ior years without significant loss of the infectivity. during natural outbreaks of EVA can vdry Iro1u 10 to 60%v.
PRRSV inícctivlty is lost within 1 week at 4ºC, but is stable infected mares. EAV-induced ahortions occur at an:
for a long time (months to ycars) whcn frozen -70ºC or Li111e belwee11 3 a11d 10 n1onths of gestation. EAV infectior
-zuvc). PIU{.'.)V is rapidly inactivated by lo>v and high pli of neonatal foals can cause a severe fulminating interstitia
(below 6 and above 7.5). LDV is not stable at -20ºC: and pneumonia, and of oldcr foals a progrcssive pneumoen
raptdly loses its infcctlvlty. teric syndrome. A high proportion of acutely infected stal-
1ions (30 to 60%) become persistently infected and shed thc
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems vlrus in semen; however, thcrc ls no evidence uf ar1y aualv-
gous persistent infection of marPs, gt>ldings, or fo;ils . 11'
EAV can infcct horscs, donkcys, mulcs, a11d zebras, and víius persisls iI1 Ll1e an1pula ofthe male reproductivc traC"
rcplicates in pcimary cultures of equine pu!Jnonary artery and the establishment and maintenance of the carricr stat.c
cndothelial, horse kidney, rabbit kldney, and hamster kid- in stallions ls tcstostcronc-dcpcndent.
ney cells. It also replicates In ccll llnes such as Bli K-21, RK-
1 .~. African green monkey kidney cells (Vero), rhesus mon-
kcy kidncy (LLC-MK2), hamster lung (HmLu), SV-40
transformcd equine ovary, and canine hepatitis virus-
Host-Virus Relationship
transformed hamster tumor cells (HS and HT-7). PRRSV
Distribut ion. Reservoir, and Transmission
primarily intects pigs, but recently, chlckens and ducks
that wcre exposed to PRRSV in "''ªter shed the Thc EAV is distribl.1ted throughout thi> worl<l, although tr
virus in their feces, suggesting that they are susceptil>le tu ::.c::r~iprevalence of EAV infcction varíes between countrit
infec.."tion witl1 the virus. North AmPrir;in PRRSV (Type TI) and horses of dilierent breeds and agc in the same countr
i:.ulaLes repllcale i11 porcine alveolar macrophages (PAM), in the Unitcd Statcs, sorne 70 to 90% of adult Standard bree
C:llL-11171, and African green monkey cell line (MA-104), horses are seropositive to EAV, as compared to only 1-3
and derivativcs thcrcof (CL2621 or MJ\.RC- 145). Most, if of thc Thoroughbred population. Similarly, a high pe:-
not ali, Europcan 1'!\KSV ( l'ype l) isolates repllcate best or centage of European warmblooc.l horses are scropu::.i li v1:: •
exclusivcly in PAtvfs. However, Europcan PRRSV isolates EAV. Seroprevalence to E.AV incrPilSt>S with age, inc.licati r.~
have becn adapted to grow in CL2621 cell lines. Vaccine LI 1al ho1ses 111ay be rcpeatedly exposcd to the virus as the'
strains of PRRSV replicate much morP i>ffiriPntly (100 to age. Persistently infected carrier stallions function as thr
1000 luues) i11 derlvalivcs of nionkey kidney cell lines than natural rcscrvoir of EAV and disseminate the virus to sus
in PAMs. LDV primarily replicates in primary cultures ot ccptible mares at breed1ng. The two principal modes
mouse macrophages from 1- to 2-wcck-old mice and other EA.V transmission are horizontal transmission by aeroso -
mouse macrophage cell lines, but not other cell lines. zation of infectious res pi catory tract se1.:rc::Liu11::. fru1
Chapter 62 Coronaviridae and Arteriviridae 395

acutely infected horses and venereal transmission during serum samples taken ata 21 - to 28-<lay intPrv;i 1. F.AV can be
natural or artificial inscmination with infcctivc semen isolated from nasal swabs or anticoagulated blood col-
from pcrsistcntly infectect stallions. EAV also can be trans- lcctcd from adult horses with signs of EVA, or the tissues
mitted through indirect contact with fomites or person- (including placenta) of aborted cquinc fctuscs. Carricr
nel. Congcnlral lnfection results from transplacental stallions are first ictentified by serology because they al-
tr;in~mis~ion (vertical transm.ission) of virus when preg- ways are seropositive, and persist.cnt infection is con-
nant n1ares are infected late in gcslaUon. firr11 t:u uy virus isulation from semen In ce!l culture, by
test-hreeding using st>ront>g::itivP m;ires (and monitoring
these for seroconversion to EAV after breeding), or by RT-
Pathogenesis and Pathology
PCR to identify viral nucleic acid in semen. Histopath-
Most information on the pathogenesis of EAV infection is ologic examination coupled with immunohistochcmical
derived from experimental studles ln horses inoculated in- staining also is useful for diagnosis of abortion in particu-
tranasally with a highly vir.ulent strain of EAV. lnitial mul- lar, as are RT-PCR assays.
tiplication of virus takes place in the alveolar n1acrophages
in thc lung. and the virus soon appears in the regional
lymph nodes, especially thc bronchial nodcs. Within 3 Treatment and Control
days the virus is present in virtually all orp;ans anct tissues
(viremia), where it replicates in 1nacrophages and en- There is no specific treatment for horscs infcctcd with EAV.
dolhelial <.:t:lls. Currently there are no 111eans available of eliminating the
EAV infec.tion of aclult horsf'.~ is almost never fatal. EAV carrier state in stallions persistently infected with EAV
infection of pregnant mares can result in the abortio11 of fe- olher Llia11 <.:astration. Modified llve attenuated and killed
tuses, which are usually partially autolyzed at the time of virus vaccines are av;:ii l;:i hit> for prevention of EAV infection
expulsion. Aborted fetus may cxhibit intcrlobular pul- in horses. Colts should be vaccinated wilh a11e11ualeu
monary edema, pleural and pencard1al effusion, anct pe- vaccines after they lose colostra1 immunity but befare
techial and ccchymotic hemorrhages on the serosa! and puberty.
mucosa! surfaces of the small intestine. Neonatal foals occa- Outbreaks of EVA can be prevcnted by the identifica-
~ion;illy rlPVPlop ;i VPry <:PVPrP, :ir11tP intPrstitial pneumonia. tion of perslstently infected stallions and the institution of
The characteristic histologic feature of EVA is a severe 1na11age1 ut:nt µractices to prevent the lntroduction of EAV-
necrotizing panvasculitis of small vessels. Affected muscu- infected horses. C:a rrit>r st;:illions should be kept physically
lar artcrics show foci of intima!, subintimal, and medial isolatcd and bred only to mares that are seroposilive fron1
necrosis, with ecterna and intiltration ot lymphocytes and previous natural exposure or vaccination. Mares should be
neutrophils. Prominent vascular lesions are also seen in kept isolated from othcr scroncgativc horscs after being
the placenta, brain, liver, and spleen of the aborted fetuses. bred by carrier stallions.
Lungs of affected neonatal foals have severe interstitial
Host Response to lnfection SYNDROME VIRUS
Animals that recover from EAV infcction or thosc that are
vaccinated with either inactivated or attenuated strains of Di sea se
EAV dcvclop neutralizing antibodies and are resistant to
suuse4uc111 1.:halle11ge with EAV. Neutrallzing antibodies The European ('Iype I; prototype Leylystacl virus [LV]) and
are detected within 1 to 2 weeks following t>xpo~11rf' to the American (Type 11; prototype VR-2332 virus) isolates of
virus, reach maximum titers bctwccn 2 to 4 months, and PRRSV represenl genelically a11u autigeuically distinct
persist for 3 years or more. With the exception of persist- groups of the same virus. Both virus0.s ::irf' ;:issoci::itt>d with
ently infected stallions, EAV is eliminatcd from thc tissucs outbreaks of similar reproductive and respiratory disease
of infected horses by 28 days after the exposure. foals born in pigs, dcspite the fact that there is only 55 to 70o/o nu-
to imn1une mares are protected against clinical EVA by pas- cleotide identity in the various genes of thc two typcs.
sive Lra11:.fer uf ncutralizing antlbodles In colostrum. Cllnlcal slgns of porcine reproduct1ve and respiratory syn-
?-leutralizing antihodies appear a few ho11rc: ;:iftf'r rolostrum drome (PRRS) are extremely variable and influenced by
feeding, peak at 1 week of age, and gradually decline to ex- sLrain of vi1 u:., i11lllluuc status uf the herd, and manage-
tinction between 2 to 6 .m onths of age. ment practices. Low-virult>nr.f' str;:iins of PRRSV may result
in widespread infection of SVl'ine with n1ini1nal occu1rence
of disease, whereas highly virulent strains can cause severe
Laboratory Diagnosis clinical disease in susceptible hcrds. Ali agcs of pigs are sus-
ceptible to infection with PRRSV in immunologically
EVA is uncommon in horses, ancl othf'r, more important naive herds. Acute PRRSV infection of susceptible pigs is
viral respiratory infections clinically resen1ble EVA. cha1a1.:lerizttl uy ilnorexia, fever (39º to 41 ºC), dyspnea,
Contormation of a diagnosis of EVA currently is based on and Jethargy. Afft>rtt>cl swinf' are lymphopenic, and exhibit
virus isolation and/or serological dcmonstration of raising transient cutaneous hyperemia or cyanosis of exLreutltics
neutrali2ing antihody titers (fourfold or greater) in paired that is most visible on the ears, snouts, mammary glanrls,
396 PAR1· 111 Viruses

and Vl1lvas. Transplacental transmission of PRRSV occurs postinfi>ction an<i pPrsist for thP lifP of commerc:ial feeder
n1osl efficie11lly in lhe Llúrd trin1cster of pregnancy (usu- pigs. Ilowever, neutralizing antibodies appear slowly, usu-
ally aftcr 100 days of gestation), and the abortion rate in ally between 4-5 weeks postinfection, and peak at about 10
uffcctcd :;ow:; con rangc from 10 to 50%. Sow mortality is ,..,ccks postinfcction. Piglets born to immune sows acquire
cons1derably lower. Affected liters contain a variable miX- anti-PRRSV antlbodies by ingestion of colostrum. Thc ceU-
ture of normal pigs, weak small pigs, stillborn pigs, and mediated immune response to PRR.SV has not been well
partially or complctely mummified fetuses (so-called characterlzcd; however, T lymphocyte proliferatiou re;;-
SMEDI: stillbirth, mummification, embryonic death, and sponses in pigs infected with PRRSV havi> heen demon-
iI1fcrtility). :.uw:. ctl:.u cdu exl1ibil nervous signs slratcd bctween 4 and 12 weeks after infection.
such as ataxia and circling. PRRSV infected boars may con-
tinue to shed virus in their semen for prolonged periods of
time. Laboratory Diagnosis

Diagnosis of PRRSV may be complit:atec.I lJy tl1e;; f<tt:l lhctl

Host-Virus Relationship many infections are in<ipp;irPnt, hut PRRS should he con-
:sidered when Lherc are clinical signs of respiratory disease
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission associated with reproductive failure in a 11erd. PRRSV anti-
bodies are dctccted by usir1g n vnriety of serological assays,
Despite lts very rccenL rccognition, PRRSV appear~ tu \Je;; including I::LJSA, immunofluorescence assay (lfA), in1-
endemic in virtually ;ill ~winP-pro<iurin g c:ountries of the munoperoxidase rnonolayer assay (IPMA), and serun1
world. Th c original source of the virus a11d the circum - virus neutralizatlon assay (SVN). Serolugit:al exa1ninalion
stances undcr which it was introduced into the domestic of acute and convalescent pig ser;i may provide evidence of
swine population a re unknown. ·rransmission of PRRSV :;e;;ru1..:u11ve1 sion. Virus lsolation from clinical specimens
usually occurs by close contact benveen infected and unin- such as hronchioalveolar lavage fluid, lung, lymph node,
fected animals. s~vine are susceptible to PRRSV by a num- buffy coat, and serum can be done in PAMs, MA104 and its
l)er of routcs of exposure, lncluding oral, intranasal, vagi- derivatives. and CRL-11171 cell lines, although different
nal, intrarnuscular, an<l intraperitoneal. PRRSV is sl1ed in strains or isolates of PRRSV vary in their ability to replicate
re:.piralury l1c11..l :.eL1eliun:s, saliva, :sen1en, 111arnn1ary :se- in different cell types. Various PCR assays have been devel-
cretions, urine, and feces of infected animals. Susceptible oped to detect viral nuclcic acid in blood, semen, and
pigs are naturally infected by inhalation of infectious other clinic.:al spet:irr1en~.
aerosols or ingestion of PRRSV-contaminated tood.
Congenital infection results from transplacental transrnis-
s1on (vertical transnússion) of virus. ·rransmission of PRRSV Treatment and Control
to females has been demonstratcd during breeding 11vith
~c1ucu fru111 pcr:.ble11Lly i11 fecleu cctrrier IJoars. PRRSV aJso
There is n o effective treatment for PRRSV infection in pigs.
can he transn1itted through indirect contact with fomites or
Both rr10<.1ified live attcuuate;;l.l (MLV) ct11d killed vaccines
personnel, and sorne pigs harbar the virus in their tonsils
arE' ;ivailahlf' for prevcntion of PRRSV infection. They can
long atter the virus is cleared trom other tissues.
be used to immunizc sows o r wcanling piglcts; howcvcr,
there is considerable variation in t he relative safety and ef-
Pathogenesis and Pathology ficacy of MLV vaccines. Ml,V vaccines induce long-Jasting
protectlon as c.:ompared to l<illed vacc111es, but do not t:om-
PRRSV rcplicatcs Jn macropl1ages and dendritic cells, espe- pletely prevent reinfection with wild -type virus and subse-
cially thosc in thc lungs and lymphoid tissues. Viremia oc- quent viru:. tra11:.111i:.:.iu11. Furlhe11nore, ll1erc have been
curs :.uu!I afl1::1 i11fe1..:liu11, a11d ca11 lasl for 1 Lo 2 wecks in reports of under-attenuation and reversion of MLV vaccine
n1at ure animals and 8 weeks in young pigs. Gross lesions viruses to a more virulent type can be spread from
are usually observed in only a few organ systems (e.g., rcs- vaccinated to unvaccinated swinc. Control programs have
pirato ry and lymphoid). Microscopic lesions ot PKK.S in- been developed to eradicatc the virus from infected herds.
clude diffuse interstitial pneumonia, myocarditis, vascu-
ht1s, and encephalitis. Lymphoid tissues exhibit lymphoid
hyperplasia and follicular necrosis with mixed inflam-
matory t:cll i11fillratiu11. Cliilical oulb1eaks of PRRSV can LACTATE DE HYDROGENASE -ELEVATING VIRUS
hi> compliratt'd hy hacterial pneumonia, septicemia, or
enteritis. Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (LDV) can cause a
lifelong persistent infcctíon in inbred laboratory strains of
mice, nlthough infection of laboratory mice now is very
Host Response to lnfection
uncommon. The vi rus has also been isolated from wlld
Pigs infected with PRRSV mount a11 immune response and house mice (Mus rnusculus domestia1s) in several countries,
virus-specific antibodics have been identified using a varl- although the wurl<.1wiú1: i11t:ille11ce is uol known. Atten1pts
ety of assays. 'l'he antibody response is detected by th e ap- to infE>rt PP.rnmysru.~ mi ce, rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits
pearance of viru:.-s¡.11~t:iflt: IgM \Jy 7 U.ay:; and specific IgG by with LDV have been unsuccessful. LDV replicates in per-
14 rlays afti>r infPrtion. An libody titers peak by 5 to 6 weeks missive macrophagcs ln the spleen, lymph nodes, thymus,
Chapter 62 Coronaviridae and Artertv1ndae 397

a1H.I liver of infectcd mtce. ·rhe subpopulation of macro- patas ft:1ythrocebus patas¡, and baboon 1.Papio anuibus]) are
phagcs thrit riri> pP.rmis~ive to LL)V infection also are re- persistently infected in the w ild with the SHFV, and thcy
sponsible for the i1orn1al clcarance of lhe laclale uel1yuro- clo not exhibit any cll nical signs of d 1seasc. Accidental
genase (LDH) enzyme from circulation. '!'he continuous tr;insmission of SHFV from African monkeys to any of
dcstruction of these macrophages by LDV leads to elevated Lliri::t:: species of Aslan macaque monkeys (Macaca mulalla,
levets ot LIJH in blood. thus the name of the virus. The Macaca arctnides, and Mnrnra fasciculnris) results in a gener-
persistent infection that characteri~es LJ)V infcction of nlly fotol hcmorrhagic fcvcr. Clinical :.i~u:> uf StiP i11
1uice is maintained by replication of LDV in new pern11s- macaques include anorexia, fever, cyanosis, skin petechia,
sivc mac.roph;igps th;it ;irc continuously regenerated from and hemorrhages, nosebleeds, facial edema, bloody diar-
apparcntly nonpern1issive precursor cells. ()l11er thar1 the rhca, dehydration, adipsia, and protc1nuria. Veath gencr-
elevated LDH leve! and subtle cha11ges in host immunity, rilly occurs Sto 25 days after the onset of clinical signs, and
persistent LDV infection of n1icc gcncrally is asympto- mortality approachi::::. lOOo/o . The high lethality observed
matic. Ho~vever, micction of rnice ot certain strains (C58, in macaque monkeys may hP cl11P to ;in extreme sensitivity
AKR, PL/J, and C3H/f.gl3oy) by neurovirulent strains of of thcir macrophages to cytocidal infeclion by SHFV.
LDV can leatl to fatal age-depcndent poliomyclitis. Jnfection ot captive patas monkeys with SHFV from per-
Anti-LDV antihocliP~ hPein to appear 4 to 5 days postin- sistently infected patas monkeys results in pcrsistent infec-
fcction and peak at J to 4 weeks. Antibodies ll 1al rieu tral- tlon without any clinical signs. However, infection ot cap-
ize LIJV appear in n1icc only after 4 wecks postinfection, tivP patas m onkeys with SHF\1 from diseased macaques
and these antibodies are tlirccted against thc GPS protein. results in transienl 111ild disease, indlcatlng selection of
of the vi rus. The rep1icat1on of LDV in macrophages allovvs more virulent variants during i>pi7ootics in macaque mon-
it to avoid host defense mechanisms, although the precise keys. 'fhc humoral immune response againsl SHFV varíe;)
n1echa11i:.111 uf iJJ1rr1une evaslon and persistent infection 1s with the specics of monkey and the infecting virus strain.
still unclear. SHFV induces neutralizing antibodics in putas monkeys 7
I.DV transmission betwcen mice is relatively i11efficie11t, days after experimental infect1on. However, onty lo'l-v lev-
despitc the lifelong vircmja that occurs in infected mic.P. Pls nf anti-SHfV antibodies are found in rnany persistently
and the secretion of the virus in urinc, fcccs, and saliva. infected patas 111onki::y::..
LDV transmission from mother to offspring through the 'l'he prevalence and incidenre of SHFV in fcction among
p lacenta or vía breast milk is highly efficient if the mot her /\frican monkeys in endemic areas of Africa is not know11,
.s i111111unologically naivc. However, transmission via these but the incidence of persistent subclinical infections in
; o ut<'<; from persistently infected mothers is rare because wild patas monkeys appears to be high. The method of
anti-LOV antibodics block t1ansplace11tal transmission of rransmission of SHFV among African monkeys in the wild
the virus and its release into milk. Generally hori7.ontal is unclear. Jnfcction rnost likely occurs through wounds
transmission of LDV bctween m ice is restrictcd by n1uco.sal and biling, 1.JuL sexual transmission has not been ruled out.
barriers, although horizontal transmission of LDV does SHFV is not transmlttP<l trflnsplricentally from persisteotly
occur among laboratory m ice that fight and bite onc an- infected mothcrs to their offspring. Severa! epi;:oolics uf
'Jther. -rhe sexual transmission of LDV has not been SHF in captive macaque colonies originated from acciden-
demonstrated. tal mechanical transmission of SHfV from asymptomatic,
LDV can only ve quantltated by an end-point dilution persistently iiúected African 1no11keys. Once illness bc-
assay in mic.e, whirh i<; h;ispcl on the incrcase in plasma comes apparent in the macaque colony, the SHFV spreads
:..OH activity that accompanies LDV infection in n1ice. 1'11e rapidly throughout thc colony, most likcly by direct con-
;>resencc of LDV in mice or in other materials is readily de- tact and aerosol<\.
•ected by injecting p lasma, tissue homogcnatcs, or other Pcrsistently infected n1onkeys cau 1.Je ideutified tJy the
:nater1a1s (e.g., transplantable mouse tumors) into groups presence of SHPV that replicates in primary c.ulturi>s of
·f two to three mi ce and assaying their plasma LDH activ peritoneal rnacrophagcs from rhesus and patas monkeys.
.ty 4 Lo 5 uays later. ·rransplantable mouse tumors can be The most sensitive mcthod for detection of persistent in-
·eadily freed of LDV hy ;¡ ~-wPPk in vitro propagation or fection is experimental inoculation of macaque monkcys,
7assage in a host animal other than micc. tintl currently there are no molecular d1agnostic assays tor
clPti>rtion of SHFV. fndirect immunofluorescent assay
(TFA), ELISA, and neuL1aliz.aliu11 asst1ys are available for
serological diagnosis of SHFV infertion . Howi>ver, these as-
StMI AN HEMORRHAGIC FEVER VIRUS s<iys are not rcliablc because of thc low lcvel of ai1li-SHfV
antibodies found in many persistently infected monkeys.
5.n1ia11 hc1nurrhagic fever (SHF) virus (SHFV) was first iso- Accidental transmission of SHFV from pcrsistently in-
:ated from rhi>s11s m;.ir¡¡qucs suffering frorn hemorrhagic fectcd African monkeys to macaque monkeys in primate
:cver, in primate research ccntcrs iI1bolhll1e foru1er SoViet C'Pnters can be minirnized by strict adherence to proper
_ nion and the Unitcd States. African monkeys of thrPe sanitary condilious a11<.l anirntil care practlces.
~enera (/\frican green monkcy [Ceropithecus aethiops1,

Viruses in the Reoviridae fan1 ily infect a wide ran ge of

spccics, including mammals, fish and shcllfish, in sccts, F 1G U RE 6 3 . 1 . Negatively stained preparations of avían
and plants. Ali of the vi ruses in t his family have a seg- orthoreoviruses. 204, 000X. (Courtesy o f R. Nordhausen.)
men te<l genome of doublc-stran<led RNA (dsRNA), ai1d t he
number of tndtvtdual genom e segments varies 1)etween
genera. ·rhe family is grouped into nin e genera: ()rthoreo-
virus, Orbivirus, J<otavirus, Aquareovirus, Coltivirus, 01yzavi-
rus, Cypovirus, J>flytoreovirus, and Fijivirus . The latter four
genera are conflncd to insccts, plants, or both . The Colti
virus genus 1ncludcs Colorado tick fevcr virus, which is an
insect transmitted human pathogen. Orthoreoviruses (Fig
63.l) and rotaviruses (fig 63.2) infecta wide variety ofver-
tebrate species. ·rhe host range of orbivíruses includes both
vcrtcl.Jratc:> <:111<..l iuvcrtcl.Jratc:>, with 1.Jluctuuguc viru:; :;crv-
ing a~ the prototypc. The aquarcovirus host range includcs
fish and shellfish, \-vith goldcn shiner virus serving as the
prototype. Table 63.1 includcs a list of genera and species
that are important in veterinary medicine.



Di sease
Rcovi rusc:; (gcnus Orthoreovirus) have been isolated from
t he respiratory anc.1/or gastroi ntestin al tract oí m any ani-
mal species, including non h uman p rimates, roden ts, F1G U R E 6 3 . 2 . Negatively stained preparations of bovine
l1orses, cattle, sheep, sw1ne, cats, and d ogs. Reoviruses are rotaviruses. 204,000X. (Courtesy of R. Nordhausen.)
usually isolated from healthy animals, thus their designa-
tion as "respiralory enleric orpha11" viruses because Lhey
typically are not associated with any disease. However, re-
oviruscs are somctimcs isolated from animals with mild
respiratory and/or enteric disease, and reovirus in!ectio11
of infant (neonatal) mice can cause severe system ic dis-
ease. Experimental infection of kittens with reovirus
sProtypP ~ h;i~ r<111~P<l ronj11nrtivitis, photophohi;i, gin-
givitis, serous lacrimation, and nasal discharge. Ali three
serotypes of reovirus have been isolated from sheep, and
experimental infcctions with scrotypc 1 havc bccn rc-
ported to cause enteritis and pneumonia.

Chapter 63 Reoviridae 399

Ta b 1e 6 3. 1 . Genera With in the Revviridae Thol l nliuue Vir u~e~

Etiologic Agent
Relevant to Veterinary Medicine

Physical. Chemical. and Antigenic Properties

Genus Serogroup Mioimum Number
There ate three serotypes (1, 2, and 3) and many stratns of o.f Serotypes
111au1wallar1 reoviruses. SLrai11s of reovirus that vary in
vi rulen ce have been identified by sequence analysis of in- Orthoreovirus Mammalian
, 3
dividual viral genes and protcins. Mammalian rcoviruscs Avían 11
all possess a genome ot ten distinct segments of dsl<.NA. Orbivirus Bluetongue 24
The genomt~ segments are of different sizes (grouped as Epizooti< hemorrb:agk di;ease 8 (pt:>~5ihly 9)
large, medium, and small). Each encodes a single protein African hor.sesickness 9
except the Sl gene, which includes two distinct open Equine ente¡:itialosis 1
reac.ling frames . Tl1e cou1plete reovi rus parlicle has 110 e11- Palyam 1'f
velope and exhibits icosahedral inorphology with a diam- Rota virus 5 majorgroops Uncertain
eter of approximatcly 85 on1.. Thc rcovirus particlc con- Aquareovirus Not designated Uncertain
sists ot eight structural p roteins arranged into inner and
outer protein capsids (coats) . ·rhe inner protein core con-
tains the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (tran-
scriptase), as well os otber enzymes that mPciiatP mRNA
synthesis and capping, helicase activity, and other func-
tions that are necessary for virus replication. 'l'he p redom-
inant outer coat protein sigma 1 is the primary determi-
nant of virus serotype and hemagglutiI1atio11 and also is Pathogenesis and Pathology
the cell attachrnent protein. Enzymatic digestion of the Studies in mice have shown that reoviruses can intect ei-
outer capsid protel.11 sigma 3 from lntact reov1rus partlcles ther intestinal or respiratory epithelial cells after, respec-
genera tes infectious subviral particlf'S, <in<I rf'mova 1 of the tively, orofecal enteric or aerosol respiratory infection. Ini-
outer ca.psid proteins si.g ma l, si.gma 3, and mu 1 gener- tial virus replication ocet1rs in regional lymphoid tissues
atP.s c.ore partic.les. All three particles are important in the afler reovirus infeclion of eilher Lhe gaslroil1testinal (Peyers
lifecycle of reovirus replication. Genetic diversity of patches) or respiratory (bronchus-associated lymphoid tis-
strains of reovirus occurs through accumulation ot muta- sucs) tracts. 1'hc virus somctimcs gains cntry to thc sys-
tions within individual viral genes (genetic drift) and hy temic circulatio11 in infected neonatal mi ce, leading to pan-
the exct1ange of entire ge11es (reassortment) between creatitis, myocarditis, m.y ositis, encephalom.y letitis, or
viruses during mixed infections with more than one re- hepatitis, with the specific disease process and pathogene-
ovirus strain or serotype. sis reflecting the properties of the indivici11al infPcting
slrain of reovirus as well as the age and resistance of the in.-
fected mouse. Reoviruses can cause encephalitis and hepa-
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
titis in primates.
Reoviruses are stable at low temperatures (4 "C to room
tcmpcraturc) and are resistant to high temperature (SSºC)
for short periods of time. Reoviruses are also resistant to Host Response to lnfection
detergents and many disinfectants and stable over a wide Botl1 respiratory and enteric infection of n1ice with mam-
pH range (pH Z to 9). T11ey are inacLivaLed by exposure Lo malian reoviruses results in induction of humoral and cel-
9SºAl ethanol and sodium hypochlorite. lular immunc responses, natural killcr cclls, as wcll as in-
terterons and other cytokines, ali of which are potentially
important in terminating infection.
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
Reoviruses infect most mammals and they replicate in a
variely ()f cell cuILures.
Laboratory Diagnosis
Reovirus infections can be diagnosed by virus isolation or
Host-Virus Relationship
detection, and by serolob'Y· Virus can be isolated from tis-
sues ¡¡nd from rectal, nasal, and t hroat swabs by c:ell culture
Dlstribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
techniques, although blind passage n1ay be required before
Mammalian reoviruses l1ave a wide geographic distribu- cytopathic effect (CPE) becomes visible. Virus isolates can
tion and are commonly present in river water, untreated be scrotypcd by cithcr hcmagglutiI1ation inhibition (HI) or
sewage, and stagnant water, likely reflecting fecal contam- virus ncutralization (VN) testing with serotype-specific
ination hy infected animals and/or humans. The mode of antisera. Reoviruses can be identified in tissues or cell cul-
transrnission is apparently l.Jy tlirect co11tact or exposure to ture by lmmunofluorescent antibody staining (FA) or im-
matPrials hy fr.c.r.s (orofPcal) m un ohistochemistry. Serologic testing is done using paired
and/or respiratory discharge. sera a11d VN or ELISA.
400 PAJlT 111 Viruses

Treatment and Control the o rofecal route and occurs through both direct and
indirect contact. Vertical transmission has been demon-
Since reovirus iJ1fectior1 in marnmals is usually mild, treat- :;tratell fulluvvi11g urdl, trdclit:~dl, dnd Ildsdl inuculdtiur1 uf
ment is i1ot requircd. No vaccincs or control mcasurcs hreeder chickens.
have been described and are unlikely to be developed in
the future unlcss rcoviruses are determined to be of greater Pathogenesis and Pathology
in1portance as anlrnal patl1ogens.
Infection with avían reoviruses is usually inapparent,
and the occurrence of disease reflects the age of the bird at
infection (your1g dre predisposed), tl1e virule11ce of
AVIAN ÜRTHOREOVIRUSES the infecting virus strain, and the route of exposure.
Reovirus-induced arthritis is initially characterized by
Disease acute inflammation within affected joints that progresses
to pannus formation \vith erosion of articular cartilage;
.! \vian reoviruses (ge11us Orthoreovirus) are of economic sig- thus, reovi rus-induced arthritis in chickens somewhat
mimics h uman rheumatoid arthritis. Cross lesions iI1 af-
11ificance to tl1e poultry industry. Syste.m ic reovirus infec-
tio11s of poultry can cause a variety of clínica! syndromes, fected chickens often also include extensive :;wellir1g of thtt
digital flf'xor and metatar.~al extensortendons that can lead
including gastroenteritis, hepatitis, myocarditis and peri-
to chronic hardening a11d fusion of the tendon sheaths.
carditis, pneumonia, and ill-thrift. Acute reovirus infec-
Lions also lead Lo inc1eased n101Lalily a11d ca1cass co11den1-
nations in affected ±1ocks, as well as poor growth and food Host Response to lnfection
conversion efficiency (stunting syndro1ne). Arthritis a11d
Antibody responses to avían reoviruses have been demon-
tenosynovitis are common in birds that survive acute re-
ovirus infection; reoviruses are a major cause of avían strated by AGID, CF, and VN tests. l'he mechdnism or rne-
chanisms responsible far protective imn11.1nity t1rf' poorly
arthritis, and this disease occurs principally ill broiler
defl11ed, a11d variable degrees of cross-strain protection
chickens and, less often, in !ayer birds and turkeys.
have been reported.

Etiologic Agent Laboratory Diagnosis

Physical, Chen1ical, and Antigenic Properties Reovirus-induced avían arthritis must be differentiated
'l·he avian reoviruses Jargely resemble their mamn1alian frou1 artl1riti:; d11d syr1ovitis c<Luseu lJy otl1er viru:;e:; auu
counterparts but differ in t hat t hey produce cell fusion in hacteria. A defi nitive d iagnosis requi res demonstration of
ce11 cultures (syncltia), lackl1emagglutinating activity, and reoviru::; infection by dircct f.A staining of tissues (tendo11
arf' typic;:¡ lly 11nt1 hli> to grow in man1mal ian cell 1.i11es. sheaths), virus isolation, or serology.
Avían and mamn1alian reoviruses exhibit varying degrees
of antigenic relatedness. At least 11 serotypes of avian re-
ovirus havc bccn dcscribcd, and strains of avian rcoviruscs Treatment and Control
vary significantly in their virulence. AH share common
antigens as determined by agar gel immunodiffusion There is no treatment for avían viral arth ri tis, and the in-
(AGID) and complement fiXation (Cf). fection is be::;t controlled by proper management pro-
cedures and vaccination with either attenuated or killed
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems

Avian rcoviruscs rcplicatc in cmbryonatcd chic.kcn cggs,

primary avían cell cultures, and, once adapted, certain es-
tablished mammalian cell lines. ORBIVIRUSES
ürbiviruses are iinportant pathogens ot Uvestock. four-
teen serogrou ps ha ve been described and five are of real or
Host-Virus Relationship
potential veterinary sig11ificance: 1) bluetongue virus
(BTV), 2) epi.zootic hem orrhagic disease virtts (EHDV), 3)
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
Palya111 viru:;, 4) A(ricaJJ ho.rsesickness v irus (AHSV), and
Avian reoviruses are prevalent worldwide in chickens, .S) equine encephalosis virus (EEV). Like mammalian re-
turkeys, and other avían species. Avían reoviruses persist oviruses (orthoreoviruses), orbiviruses have a doublc cap-
in nature tl1rougn environmental contamination and by sid structure, possess a segmented dsKNA genome ( LU seg-
continued transmissio11 of tl1e virus from infected birds, ments), a11d replicate in tl1e cytoplasm of infected cells.
including those persistently infect ed with t he virus, to sus- OrbivJruses are dlstinguished from ortl1oreoviru:;e:; dILU
ceptible birds. Transmission oC(urs both horizonta.11y and rotaviruses because they repllcate in both insects a11d
vertici:llly. Huril:o1rtal tra11::.uli:.::.iu11 b predo111i11a11lly lJy 1uaII11ual:;, a11u lJy tl1e fact Ll1al Lhey are nol e11Le.ric pall10-
Cllapter 63 Reoviridae 401

gens of vertebrares. Orb1v1ruses replicare wtthln the diges- Ta b 1e 6 3. 2. Molt:!tular Con~lilut:!rtb uf Oruiviru~~~
:i\·e tract of the hematophagous (blood sucking) inst>cts
.hal l1ansn1il Lhcsc viruses between susceptible mam- Gene Encoded Role
:nalian hosts. protein

1 VPl RNA polymera5e; minor component of viral tore

partid e
BLUETONGUE VIRUS 2 VP2 Re<eptor binding; serotype determination; romponent
of outer capsid
Di sea se 3 VP3 lnteracts with gonomic RNA; rlructural componont of
viral core partlcle
4 VP4 RNA rapping Pnzymes; minor component viral core
Sluetongue (BT) Is an artltropotl-trar1:s111ittctl viru:s <.li:sca:se
nf clomt><;tic ;incl wi lcl r11min;int spec.ies c.a11sed hy RT virus particle
BTV). BT occurs most commonly in shecp (soremuzzle, 5 VP5 Structural interactions with VP2; component of outer
catarrhal fever) and ccrtain species of wildlife, particularly capsid
1vhite-tailed deer. BT in sheep and deer is characterized by 6 NS1 Virus tubules; not a virion cornponent; nonstructural
congestion, hemorrhage, and ulceration of the mucous 7 VP7 Group antigen; structural component of viral core
membranes of thc mouth, nose, and upper gastrointesti- partlcle
:1al tract. Otl 1cr ella racLcri::.lic 11:::.i vns i ncl ude hyvere111 ia of 8 NS2 Binds RNA; viru1 indusion bodies; honstructurnl
-he coronary btind :-ind nPcro~is of hnth c;ircliac ancl skt>lt>- 9 VP6 Helka1e; bind1 RNA; rni1101 co1nponent of viral tore
tal muscles. B'rV infection of sheep and deer is sometimes particle
10 NS3/3A Virus egress frorn infected cells; nonstructural
~atal. with terminal occurrence of disserninated intravas-
cular coagttlation. Sheep that survive severe bouts of B1" are
:requently emaciated, wcak, and lame, and have a pro-
rracted convalescence duringwhich they are susceptible to
~couc..lary iltft!ctio11::.. Brt!ak:; 111ay vccur i11 ll tt:: wool íiber of
convalesc.ent shcep. C.attle are commonly infected with five the inner core. The outer capsid protein, YP 2, contains
BTV in endemic arcas, but clinical disease is extremely un- the serotype-specific epitopes recognized by neutralizing
common. Vaccinc strains of BTV and those propagated in anc..l l1ernagglutinatlun-ir1hiuitirtg (HI) a11tiuutlit!:>. Tl1t!
cell culture can cross the placenta of prcgnant shccp and other outer coat protein, VPS, contributes to the confor-
cattle to infect the developin_g letus, leading to tetal death, 111alio11 of Lhe neul1alizil1g epilopes on VP2. Four i1or1-
abortion , stillbirths, or teratogenic defects in progeny. structural (NS) protcins also occur in BTV-infected cells,
The ma¡or economlc lmpacr of BT is that it is included with NS-1 forming cytoplasmic macrotubular structures
in List A of the Organization Internationa le des F.pizootit>s, that are charactcr1st1c of orb1v1rus-1nfected cells. The core
aloug wilh fooL-and-n1ouLh disease and son1e fourteen protein VP7 contains epitopes that are common to all
othcr diseases t h at are considered to have major adverse serotypes and stralns of BTV, 1'Vhich is the basis of group-
economic and societal ramifications. As a consequencc, specific serological assays such as agar-gel immmunodiffu-
the intcrnational movement of rumiI1ants and their sion (AG ID) and con1pelilive enzyn1c-linked in1n1unosor-
gcrmplasm from BTV endemic is frequently re- bent assay (cELlSA).
strícted by non-tariff trade barriers pertaining to BT. The There is considerable hctc:rogcncity within thc B'[V
validity of thesc tradc barriers is highly conjectural given serogroup, with l4 distinct virus seroty pes and many
that :>lrcaiu:> a11d se10Lypes of B1'V, alo11g 1-vith strains, each with potentially distinct biological propcr-
unic¡ue specics of insect vectors, occur in different regio11s ties. This gen etlc dtverslty has arlsen as a consequence of
of the world, implying that the global spread of BTV was both genetic drift of individual gene segments as well as
nota recent event and certainly not associated with recent Ll 11:: rea~sv1l11 1 1::11 l of geue seg111enls d u1ing n1ixed infec-
trade in animals or their germplasm. tions of either insect o r ruminant hosts vvith more than
BTV recently was recognizcd as a potential pathogen of one 13'l'V serotype or strain . lnterestingly, recent sequence
carnivores. lnadvertent infection of pregnant dogs with a and phylogenetic analyses have shown that prolonged co-
BTV-cunta111i11alt:u vacciut:: 1:aus1:d abo1lion a11d deall1. evolution of BTV with the different species of vector in-
Serologic evidence of Bl'V infection has also been demon- sects that occur In various regions ofthe world has resulted
strated in African carnivores. in strains of BTV that are uniquc to each rcgion, so-called
viru.s "Loµvtyµc!) ."

Etiologic Agent lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems

Physical, Chemical. and Antigenic Properties B'l'V commonly infects domestic (sheep, cattle, and goats)
and wild (deer, antelope, wild sheep species, etc.) rumi-
The genome of BTV and other orbiviruses includes 10 seg- nants. The viruses can be adapted to growth in suckling
ments of dsRNA, cach of whlch cncodes at least one pro- mice, cmbryonated chlck eggs (ECEs), and a variety of
tf>\n (l':\h\f> f\'\ ?) 11-\f> \\i\1 l':\Tt\r\f> \<. C'C"lffi\'C"l<.f>c\ C"I~ <.f>Vf>n m:\mm:\\\:\n :\ne\ \n~f>rt C'f>\\ rn\hlTf><. \{f>I'\\r:\nC"ln of R\\l \n
structural proteins, nvo of which form the outer coat and ECEs is facilitatcd by an incubation temperature of 33.SºC .
402 PART 111 Viruses

Host-Virus Relationship associated. Virus initlally is associated with ali blood cell
typP.s, ;inri of vi rus in P.<1í.'h rPll fr::ic'tion rPflPrt thP príl-
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission portion of each cell type in blood; thus s1·v initially is most
associated with platelets and erythrocytes, and less so
Bluetongue virus has heen isolated from ru minants in ali leukocytes. Late in the course of infection, bowever, virus
continents exccpt A.ntarctica. 1I1fectio11 occurs ll1rougl1oul appears to be exclusively associated with erythrocytes. lt is
tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions of the '.vorld, this association of BTV with erythrocytes that facilitates
coincide11t with tl1e distribution of susceptible rurninants both prolonged infection of ruminants as well as infection
a11c1 co1npetent vector insects (Culicoides spp.). ·rhe virus is of the hematophagous Culicoides i nsect vectors that feed on
not contagious betwee11 rumir1ants; rather, infection oc- lheuL Il i:> Lv lJe :>Li.e:>:>ed Lhal although BTV in!eclion oí ru-
curs onJy following the bites of BTV-infected Cu/icoides in- minants can be prolonged (up to approximately 60 days),
sects. Subclinic:al and/or asymptom.atic RTV infection of pcrsistcnt B'fV infcction of ruminants <loes not occur.
r u1nina11ls occurs lhroughoul endernic regions of lhe 'fhe gross lesions oí 1rr include tacial edema and hyper-
world. Outhreaks of BT occur only sporadically, most often emia, with or without hemorrhage (petechial and ecchy-
at the northern and southern extremities of the virus' motic) of the oral and nasal mucosa, skin, and coronary
range following incursions of BTV into immunologically band. Ulcerations and erosions also may occur in and
n.aive populations of ruminants. C1ruunu tl1e ruuutlr, e:sµecially 011 lile hard palale. He11101-
Vector Culicoides insects become persistently infected rhages at the hase of the pulmonary artery are very charac-
with BTV after feeding on a viremic rumir1ant. 'fhese teristic of severe cases of B1'. Petecl1ial hcmorrhagcs may
hematophagous insects are tr ue !Jiulugic vecturs uf BTV also occur in the myocardium, pericardium, sl<eletal mus-
ht>causf> they only trans1nit virus to other ruminants after culature, a11d the tissues of the upper gastrointestinal tract.
an extrinsic incubation period of approximately 10 days.
During this time the virus disserninates from tl1e n1idgut
of thc infcctcd inscct to its salivary glands. Rcplication of Host Response to lnfection
H·rv within the insect vector is dependent on ambient RTV-infected r11min;:ints dt>velop hoth humoral and cellu-
temperature; thus increased replication of BTV in vector lar in1n1une responses. Virus-neutralizing (serotype-
insects occurs at higher temperatures, but the lifespan of specific) and non-neutralizing (group-specific) antibodies
these insects is inversely to temperature. dcvclop 7 to 14 days aftcr infcction. However, virus canco-
Tra11sn1issio11 of BTV ca11 occur year-rou11d il1 clin1ates tl1at exist in blood •vith high titers of neutralizing antibody for
permit insect (Culicoides) activity in ali seasons, with the several weeks because of the intimate association of BTV
virus pcrsisting il1 a pcrpctual vcctor-rumina11t cycle of in- with the cell membrane of infected erythrocytes. Varying
tection . In contrast, transrnission oí H'l"V is highly seasonal degrees of cross-serotype viral neutralization may occur
in regions of the world at the northern and southern ex- following infeclion of an anin1al will1 a sil1gle n·rv sero-
tremities of the virus' range (approximately 35 ctegrees lat- type and subsequent exposures to additional serotypes can
itude south and 45 degrees latitude north). In these areas ge11erate production of broadly cross-reactive neutralizing
BTV t ransn1ission typically occurs 011ly il1 ll1e la le sun1n1er antibody, including antibodies that neutralize serotypes ot
and fall '"'hen vector populations peak a11d wl1en ambient BTV other than those witb wbich the animal was infected.
tcmpcraturcs are highest (likcly reflecting thc influe11ce of
temperature-dependent virogenesis), 'fhe traditional
global range of BTV has recently expanded into Mediter- Laboratory Diagnosis
ranean Europe after the northern spread of competent
vectors, perl1aps as a consequence of global warming. Initial diagnosis of BT in sheep aod <leer is bascd on thc
characteristic clinical signs of affected animals in l<nown
B'fV-endemic areas. BT typically occurs in the late sum mer
Pathogenesis and Pathology
and fall. Conflrmatíon of the diagnosis requires virologtc
Sheep and sorne species of dee.r are most susceptible to RT, testing, usually by eitl1er polymerase chain .reaction (PCR)
whereas cattle are resistant. The patbogenesis of BTV in- assay or by virus isolatio11 usil1g i11oculation of susceptible
fection appears to be identical in ali ruminant species. The sheep, ECEs, sucklir1g mice, or cell cultures. The cell cul-
virus n1ultipliC$ initially in thc lymph nodc(s) draining thc tures most often used include Vero and BHK; multiplc
si te of infectior1, and viremia occurs as early as 3 days later blind passages are otten required before cytopathic effect is
with a subseque11t febrile response. Upon systemic distri- observed. Upon adaptation to cell culture, virus can be
bution, virus repllcates in mononuclear phagocyti.c cells identified by fluorescent antibody stalnlng or virus neu-
and the endothelium of small blood vessels, resultine in tralization assay. BTV is very commonly detected in the
vascular injury, thro.n1bosis, and il1farctio11 of tl1e affected blood of 11ealll1y run1i11anls il1 ei1dcn1ic areas, especially if
tissues; these include the upper gastrointestinal and respi- sensitive nested PCR assays are used because these can de-
ratory tracts, thc coronary bands, thc hcart, and skclctal tcct BTV 11ucleic acid for up to 200 or 111orc days aftcr infcc-
muscle. Visseminated intravascular coagulation likely tion. 'l'hus, the mere demonstration of J:5 rv or .B1' V nucleic
contributes to tl1e vascular injury, hemorrhage, a11d tissue acid in the blood of ruminants certainly is not proof of dis-
l1Jfarctiu11 tl1ar are cltaracteri:sLic uf :severe ca::;e:s uf BT i11 ease causallty.
sh<-~ep and deer. Serologic diagnosis can he performed using tests for
Viremia ir1 l3TV-infcctcd ruminants is higbly cell- group-specific (AGID, CF, ELISA, IFA) or type-specific (viral
Chapter 63 Reoviridae 403

neutralization, HI) antibodies. Paired serum sam ples are re- vectors, pathogenesis of infection of ru1ninants, repHca-
quired to dcmonstrntc scroconversion oran increase in titer. tion strategy, molecular structure, and 1nethods of diagno-
A single serological test ts often meaningless beca use a high sis. There currently are eight recognized serotypes of
proportion of ruminant s are seropositive in BTV-endemic EHDV- nine if Ibaraki virus is classified as EHDV serotype
areas, and the vast majority of these animals never experi- 7, as recently has uee11 µruµused . Wilh Lhe exceplion of
ence obvious clinical disease following BTV infection . lh::ir::iki virus, vaccines are not widely available for EHDV.

Treatment and Control

There is no specific treatment for BT, although stress ap-
pears to exacerbate expression of disease. Furthermore, Palyam viruses a re insect-transmitted orbivruses that
trans1nission of B1'V to unaffected ru1ninants can be pre- cause abortlon and teratogenesis a111ong cattle in Afri<.:a,
A ~ i;i , ;inri A11~tr;1l i::i . FPfl 1sPs t h::it s11rvivf> infPction w ith
vt::JJ Lt::LI l;y 111oving anin1als ii"ldoors (if fca .5i])le) 'l'vher e in -
sect vectors are 11ot present . Vaccination of sheep with at- Palyam viruses prior to m id -gestation may develop brain
t.cnuatcd strains of BTV has been practiced for mallY years malformations, including hydranencephaly and/or talse
1n South Africa and North America; the South African vac- porencephaly. Like the ot her orbiviruses of vet erinary iln-
cine incorporates a large number of different BTV sero- portance, Palyam vi..ruses are disseminatecl by Culicoides
types, antl requires va<.:<.:i11alio11 on Lhree d iffere11L occa- insect vectors. There are ll serotypes of Palyam viruses,
sions. Potential disadvantages of live attenuated vaccines a11tl tlie µa tlioge11e:si:s a11d Leralogeuic effecls of ChuL:an
include rcversion to virulence and their ability to be t.rans- (Kasaba) virus infection of fet al cattle have been especially
m itted il1 n.ature. Furthermore, live attenuated vaccines well déscribed.
potentially can reassort t heir genome segments witl1 field
strains of BTV to create novel variant viruses. Finally, live
attenuated vaccine strains of BTV repeatedly have been AFRICAN HORSESICKNE SS VIRUS
shown to !Je a u le tu <.:rus::. ti 1e place11La Lo cause felal dealh
o r inj11ry, \~>hereas fíeld strai ns of the virus apparently can- Di sease
not. Recon1binant baculovirus-expressed virus-like parti-
cles recently have been used as a BTV vaccine, avoiding the African horsesickness (Al IS) is an arthropod-transn1itted
proble1n s inhcrcnt to livc attcnuat ed vaccines. Orbivirus disease of equids, includi11g horses, mules, and
donkcys. 'l'hc cnusnt ivc ngcnt, A.HS viru~; (J\HSV), is zoo
notic, alt hough fatal infection of humans only rarely has
EPIZOOTIC H EMORRHAGIC 0 JSEAS E ANO IBARAKI been described. Fatal AHSV infection of dogs also has been
described. AHS of horses varíes greatly in severity, tlepentl-
VIRUSES il<g on the infecting strain of virus anrl thf> _.;uscPptihility of
Lile infected horse. Severa! distinct forms of Al-IS have been
Epizootic hernorrhagic disease (EHD) is an arthropod- descrihed, including 1) a peripheral form characterized by
t ransmitted virus disease of wild ru1ninants caused by edema of the head; 2) a central forro chnractcrizcd by pul-
EHD virus (EHDV). EHDV is an important cause of disease monary edema, high fcver, severe depression, coughing,
and n1ortaJity in white-tailed deer in North America and, dischnrgc of fluid from the nostrils, and rapid death of
to a lesser extent, prongl1orn antelope and bighorn sh.eep. many affected horses; 3) an intermediate for1n tl1at is char-
Altt1ougl1 Elil)V luíecliur 1. uf Lluu 1e~ liL 1u1uiua11l:. i:. 1..v1u- acterized by fever, eden1a of the head and subcutis (supra-
mon in endemic a reas, EHDVis not regarded as a pathogen oruital e<.1e111a is highly characlerislic), and sig11ificant
of don1estic livestock, and authentic cases of EHD in do- n1ortal ity of affected h orses; and 4) horse sickness fever,
mestic livestock are lacking. A notable exception is lbara.l<i wl1ich is a febrile di.sease with a more benign course.
discasc of cattle in Ja pan and Korea; t he causative agent,
Ibaraki virus, is closely related to EHDV serot.ype 2. EHDV
shares many features "'' ith BTV, and EHD of white-tailed Et iolog ic Agent
deer closely resern!Jles fulu1l11a11l '[Jlue tougue will1 hype1-
emia, hPmorrhage and ulceration of the upper gastroin- Physical, Chernical, and Antigenic Properties
Leslinal Lracl, 11ec1osis of cardiac and skeletal muscle, and
terminal disseminated intravascular coagulation with The causative agent of AHS belongs to a distinct serogroup
\.videspread blecding. fcaturcs of lbaraki discasc within the genus Orbivirus. serotypes of J\HSV have
ln cattle in.elude rnarKeC1 dyspnag1a as a consequ ence of been identif1ed by cross-neutralization <.n1aies in mice. All
necrosis of muscles of the larynx, pharynx, esophagus, types share co1nmon group-specific antigens.
anc! tongue.
l.ikP 1rrv. F.HDV infection occurs throughout tropical lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
and temperate regi.ons of the world, and EI-IDV in fection of
ruminants has been described in Africa, Asia, and the AHSV infections have been documented in horses, don-
Amcricas. EHDV closely reseo1bles BTV in terms of its epi keys, rnules, zebras, goats, dogs, and large African carni-
demiology, including dissemination by Culicoides insect vores such as lions. Disease has been described in horses
404 PART 111 Viruses

and dogs. ·r11e virus can be propagated in suckling mice and signs. Polymerase chain reaction tests are available, wl1ich
adapted to grow in ECEs a11d cell cultures (Vero and BHK). provide a rapid and accurate resul t if done propcrly. 1'11e
presence of virus also can be rapidly identified in tissue
specimens using an AHSV-specific capture ELlSA. Virus is0-
Host-Virus Relationship latiun i:; a slower but accurate method of virus detectlon .
lnt r;:irerebr;:i l inocu l;:ition of suc:kling .tnice with blood or
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission tissue suspension is a very sensitive n1etl1od of isolating
African horscsickness occurs tl1roughout southern Africa, AHSV, although time-consuming serial passage may be re-
with periodic epizootics in northern Africa, the Middle quircd for viral adáptation. Cell cultures are notas cfficicnt
East, Asia (the h1dian subcontincnt), and, on occasion in in isolating virus as mouse or horse inoculation. Virus can
the past, Mediterranean Europe (tbe Iberian Península). be identified by virus 11eutralizatio11, Hl, or PA.
AHS is not contagious; rather, the virus is transmitted only Serologic diagnosis requires paired serum sa1nples for
by Culicoides i11secls Lhal serve as lrue bivlvg.ic vt:ctvr::.. Like demonstrating seroconversion or an increase in ;:intibody
bluetongue, AHS occurs n1ost commonly in the late sum- ti ter. Assays routinely used for such ptirposes include con1-
mer and faH in endemic areas, an.d the distribution of AIISV petitive ELISA and CF, which are group-specific tests and
is dependent on the presence of compete11t insect vectors detect antibodies to AHSV regardless of the infecting virus
and ambient temperatures that facilitate temperature- serotype, and vi.ral neutralization assay, which is very sen-
dependent virogenesis within these vectors. Zebras have sitive but serotype-specific.
been in1plicated as potential n1ammalian reservoirs of
AHSV ir1 :;vutl1err1 Afric«, !JecC1u:;e AHSV iufectiur1 i:; C1:;yrup-
tomatic in zehras and AHSV viremia is more prolonged in Treatment and Control
zebras tha11 iI1 horses. Dogs may become infected with
AHSV by eating infected horse 1neat, and serological sur- No specific treatment of AHS is available. Hyperimmune
vcys l1avc sl1own that ar1tibodies to AHSV are common horse serum confers transient .rrotection. Stabling of
among large wild carnivores in soutl1ern Africa. horses in insect-secure facilities is assumed to reduce expo-
sure of animals to the Culícoídes vector. Annual vaccina-
Pathogenesis and Pathology lion of l1orses wilh allenualed virus vaccü1es tl1at i11clude
the nine recognized serotypes of AHSV is widely practiced
The incubation pcriod of AHS is gcncrally less than 7 days in southern Africa, and to control incursions of AHSV into
following the bite of an AH.SV-in.tected <.;u/icoiaes insect. Europe. "l'here are severa! potential problems inherent to
The incubation period is shortest il1 11orses infected with use of multivalent modified live /\HSV vaccines, including
virulent strains of AiiSV, and mortali ty in susceptible lack of protection against ali serotypes of the virus, rever-
horses iI1fected with highly vir1.tlent AHSV can reach 9SºA>. sion to virulence of vaccine strains of virus, acquisition
AHSV replicales i.J.1 n1011onucleai cells of Lite ly111vl1 llVUt:::i, C1r1u ui:s:;1::1uini:ltiu11 uf Vi:lccine viruses by vector insects, and
spleen, thymus, and pl1aryngeal inucosa, and in vascular reassortment of gene segn1 ents between different v irus
endotheli1un. Thc lcsions of AHS rcsult from vascular in- strains/serotypes during n1ixed infections.
jury to small blood vessels, although it is uncertain whether
the vascular injury that characterizes AHS is a result only of
direct Virus-mediated endothelial injury or if vasoactive
mediators released from AHSV-infected mono11uclear EQUINE ENCEPHALOSIS VIRUS
pl1agocylic cells also co11Lribule. 1'he severe c1::11lral fun 11 uf
AHS i.s cl1aracterized by pulmonary edema, hydrothorax, Equine encephalosis virus (EEV) has been isolated from
and hydropcricardium, with epicardial and endocardial horses with hep;:itir lipidosis ;:ind v;ig11P ni>11rologic signs,
hemorrhages. Subcutaneous edema can be extensive iI1 but its iinportance as a primary pathogen is uncertain. ·rhe
horses that suffer a more protracted form of tl1e disease. virus has also been isolated from aborted fetuses. Serologic
studies have shown that EEV infection is very v1idespread
and com1non among 11orses in southern Africa. The seven
Host Response to lnfection recognized serotypes of equine encephalosis virus (EE\7)
Ali serotypes of AHSV share con1mon group antigens and sl1C1re cummon group antigens anu closely rest:!rnble
induce devclopment of antibodies that may be recognized African horse sickness vinises (AHSV). 'fhe epiderniology
by CF, AGID, and FA. Viral neutralizing antibodies of LEV infcction is also like that of ATISV, with transmis-
:ilso rlPvPJl)p fl)Jlowi ng infPction; the~P. arP. pn~r.lomin<1n.tly sion by Culicoides insects.
serotype-specific, but so111e;atio11 activity
has been observed.
Laboratory Diagnosis
ri.eld diagnosis of AH.S, especially in n.o nendemic ar.eas,
should be supported by viral isolation or serolob'Y to distin- Rotaviruses cause enteritis and diarrhea in many mam
guish other infections that ca11 produce similar clin rnalian species (lncluding huma ns) and birds. Rotavirus in-
Chapler 63 Reovirhlue 405

fections are an important cause ot diarrhea in young farm Pathogenesis and Pathology
animals, including calves, lambs, foals, and p.iglets. Th.e
The pathogenesis of Rotavirus infection is similar regard-
Virus infects mature adsorptive cells at th.e tips of the intes-
tinal villi with resulting malabsorption, maldigestion, ;:incl less of the animal species affected. After oral infection, thc
<.liarrl1ea. The clinical severily of tl1e infection depends on virus infects the mature adsorptive epithelial cells that line
the apical (lumenal) aspects of the intestinal villi. The in-
factors such as t he ageand susceptibility of the affected an-
imal, the viruler1ce of the i.nfecting strain of Rotavirus, and fection progresses from t tle upper to the lower portions of
the small intestine, and in some species, to the colon.
the presence of other enteropathogenic organisms.
Destructiu11 uf 1uature vUlus e!l Le roe y tes leads to vil-
lus atrophy, and the mature absorptive cells t hat line the
vflli are replaced by more immature cells from the intes-
Etiologic Agent tinal crypts, leading to maldigestion, small intestinal mal-
absorption, and diarrhea. Interestingly, the NSP4 protein
Physical. Chemical. and Antigenic Properties
of rotavirus alone can induce intestinal hypersecretlon
Rotaviruses represent a distinct genus within the family from crypt cells, su.ggesting that both malabsorption and
Reoviridae. Tl1e are J1011e11veloped, conlain a seg- hypersecretiu11 uf fluid au<.l t~lectrulyle.s cuulril!ule Lo Lile
mented (11 segments) dsRNA genome, and exhibit a dou- diarrhea of rotaviral enteritis. The disease is worstin young
ble-.shelled capsid morphology 1.vith an overa U d iamctcr of animal.s and can rapidly lead to fatal acidosis, dehydration,
the mature virion of approxjin.ately 100 nm (see rig 63.2.). and hypovolemic shock.
At least 13 differe11t rotavirus proteins bave been identi- /\nimals t hat die of Rotavirus enteritis are dehydrated
fied, with 2 of the 11 gene segments encoding 2 distinct and have very liquid intestinal contents. Diarrhea is fluid
proteins. Of these 13 proteins, 7 are stn1ctural virion com- and yellow/white (the so-called white scours), which fre-
po11e11t.s (i11cludi11g e11:¿y1nes) and 6 are i1011slruclural pro- tiuently .stair1.s tlu; µeriueu 1n of affecte<.l aniHtal~. Hi~to­
teins that are produced in Rotavin1s-infected cells but that logic lesions in elude Villus atrophy with loss of mature ad-
are not incorporated into virions. sorptive cells covering the villi, and hyperplasia of the
1'he rotaviruses currently are organized into five major immature cells within t he intestinal crypts.
groups (A E), with two possible additional species (F,G).
Many distinct strains and/or serotypes of Rotavirus occur
within each group. Rotaviruses within each group share Host Response to lnfection
common antigens, can rea.s.surt tl1eir genon1e seg1ue11Ls Animals infected With J.<otavirus develop local and sys-
during mixed infertions, h;:ivp ronsidc~rahle sequence hn- temic humoral immune responses that can be identified
n1ology of conserved viral genes, a.nd tend to infect the by various serologic technigues. Vira.1-neutral!zlng antl-
same species of animals. Neutralizil1g antibodies are in- body is serotype-specific and directed at VP4 and VP7. Tht>
duced by thc outcr capsid protcins VP7 and VP1, whereas Rota.virus ELISA detects antibodies to group and subgroup
VP6 expresses determinants common to each rotaVirus determinants. Local immu11ity within the bowel is very
group and subgroup. important in preventing scverc rotaviral enteritis in young
animals; thus ingestion ot colostrum with high titers of
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems Rotavirus neutralizing antibody provides temporary im-
munity against disease in neonates.
Although rotaviruses obtained from one species can some-
times infect other specics, strains of Rotavirus are largely
species-specific in their tropism. Rotaviruses are difficult Laboratory Diagnosis
to propagate in cell culture. A major advance in the propa-
gation of rotaviruses was the discovery that low concentra- Diagnosis of Rotavirus-induced diarrhea requires identifi-
tions of trypsin are required to initiate virus infection and cation of t he virus in teces or in tissues obtained at
replicatiu11 iu cell cul Lure. 'frypsin cleaves ll1e viral outer necropsy. Electron microscopy (EM), immune EM, and flu-
coat protein, VP3, to facilitate infection of cell cultures, OI(;!.St:eut a.ntil!o<.ly (JFA) $Lai11i11g ofreces and/or inlesli11al
and once adapted rotaviruses grow well i.n ccll culture. The tissue sections ali facilita te direct visualization of virus or
most common cell lines used are kidney epittlelial cells, es- viral antigens, but Rotavirus in feces is most easily detected
pecially the rhesus monkey kidney cell line, MA104. by antigen-capture ELISA. ·rhe ELISA is very sensitive and,
depending on the capture antibody used, can distinguish
different types. Direct examination of the dsRNA genome
Host-Virus Relationship of rotaviruses in the feces of animals can be done by poly-
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission acrylamicle gel electrophoresis, which also identifies t!1e
spec:ific: gro11p of Rntavirus that is present. Polymerase
Rotaviruses are considered to be distributed worldwide, and chain reaction assays also are available.
occur in many different animal species. High titers of virus Virus isolation is usually done on MA 104 cells in the
are cxcretcd in the feccs of infccted animals, and the virus presence of low concentrations of trypsin. /\vian ro-
is very stable in the environment if associated with feces. taviruses are isolated on primary chicken embryo hver and
Transmissior1 to other animals occurs by ingestion of virus, kidney cells.
following elther director lndirect orofecal transmission. Serologic diagnosis can be done by ELISA or virus neu-
406 l'A1u 111 Vlruses

tralization assays; however, the utility ot data obtained nates, to cnsure that high titers of antibody a re present in
usually is uncertain beca use of the widespread distribution the colostrum and mili< of thcsc animals.
of Rutavirus lnfectlon, whlch means that a high proportioo
of animal' arP 'Propositive rcgardless of disease st atus.

Treatment and Control
Aquareoviruscs are 111orpl1ologically a11d pl1ysicocheuú-
'freatment of clinically ill animals is guided by disease cally similar to orthoreoviruses, but have 11 segments of
severity, and treatment of scvcrc cases involves replace- dsRNA. Scvcn of thc 12 protcins (gcn o m c scgmcnt 11 en-
ment fluid therapy to treat dehydration and acidosis, min- codes two proteins) are structural, wit h V F7 rep resen ting
i111iza lion of environ1nenlal sl1ess, a11d lrt:al1111::ut uf :ieL- the major capsid protein. Six genotypes (A- F) have been
ondary infcctions. proposed fo r Aquareovlrus. Viruses in thls genus infect
Control is often difficult because of the stability of the bot h fish ;ind shellfish, causing 11ccrosis in th e pare11chy-
virus in teces lead ing to long-term environmental contam- n1al organs of infected fisb a nd h.igl1 i11ort ality i11 fish
ination. Although often challenging to implement, strin - hatcheries. Aquareoviruses replicatc in fish or shellfish cell
gen t sanltation practices can rninimize exposure. vaccine lincs at 16ºC and can in d uce syncytia formation .
stratcgics are bcst directed at the dams of suckling neo -

The fam1ly Birnaviridae includes three genera: Avibirnavirus anti tht: viral prulea:.e (VP-l). Gene seg111c11l B encocles the
(infects poultry), Aquabimavin1s (infects fish), and F.ntnmn- viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (VPl). There are
birnaviru~ (i1 Lft:.:1.:L:> i11:>ecls). lnfectious bursal disease virus two serotypes of IBDV and markcd antigcnic and gcnctic
(genus Avibirnavirus) is the best studied. lnfectious pancre- variation within each typc. Strains ot LBIJV serotype 1
atic necrosis virus (gcnus Aquabirna~·irus) is a significant cause disease in chickens throughout the world.
pathogen o t salmonid fish.
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
Tnf<>c:tious bursal disease virus is extremely stable and re-
INFE CTIOUS BURSAL DISEASE sists i nactivation following a cid trcatmcnt (stablc at pH 3),
lipid solvents, various disintectants, and heat (survives
Disease 60ºC for 30 minutes).

lnfectious bursal disease (IBL)), also known as r.11mhnrn di.~­

ease aft4::!r tite Luwu in Dela,'\Tare (North Ani.erica) where it lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
was first identified, is an important virus dis- lnfectious bursa 1 c1isPase virus pri nci pally affects chickens,
ease of young cl1ickcii.s. The IBD virus replicates in imma- although turkeys, ducks, and some other species of domes-
ture B lymphocytes iI1 the Bursa ot Fabricius, leading to re- tic and wild birds also can be intccted with the virus. ·rne
duccd immunologic responsiveness. The virus can cause virus can be p ropagated in cmbryonating chicken eggs,
relatively high mortality in chickens 3 to 6 weeks of age, wtth subsequent embryo morrallry, as well as in a varlety
and profound iminunosuppression in birds infected earlier of avian cell cultures.
in life. The clinlcal disease in lJirtls uvcr 3 wt:.:eks of age is
characterized by soiled vent fPathPr~ (hirdc; often peck at
th4::!ir uw11 vt:.:uls), diarrhea, depression, anorexia, trem- Host-Virus Relationship
hling, s<'vert• prostration, dehydration, and eventual death.
In the United States, economic losscs are typically due not Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
so much to bird death but rather to reduced weight gain
lnfectious bursal disease occurs worldwidc in intcnsivc
and carcass condemnation due to hemorrhages in skeletal
poultry-raising areas. 'l'he virus persists in nature because
muscle, whereas highly virulcnt stralns uf IBD virus tl1al
of its stability.1.he v irus has reportedly persisted in poultry
cause high mortality in affected floi'k~ arP inr.reasingly im-
houses, following depopulation, for over 100 days. There is
portaut lu Eurupe and olher rcgions of the world. Infection
no evidence of a true carricr state in birds.
of hircis less than 3 weeks of age results in economically
Transmissiun uf IBDV uccur~ IJy i11geslion ofvirus fron1
devastating inapparent infection. Such birds are exten-
feces or fpcpc;-contaminateci fomites, feed, and \~>ater.
sively i1nmunocompromised and exhibit increased suscep-
tibility to a variety of other infectious diseases. Further-
more, affected birds respond poorly to vacclnation. Pathogenesis and Pathology
lnitial repllcatlon of IBDV occurs in the intestinal traer
within hours of ingestion of the virus, from wbere it dis-
Etiologic Agent
semlnatcs to numerous tissu4::!s, lnclutliI1g the IJursa o f
fabricius (BF). Other lymph()icl ()rgans surh as thymu\,
Physical. Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
spleen, and toi1sils also niay be affected, and disseminated
lnfectious hursa 1 c1isPase vi rus (TBDV) particles are nonen- Jymphoid atrophy is especially characteristic of birds in-
veloped with icosahedral symmetry (60 nm in diameter; fcctcd with vcry virulcnt strains of IBDV.
Fig 64.1). The genome includes two segments ot double- ·rhe striking age-dependent nature of the response of
strandcd RNA (dsRNA), designated A and B, that encode chickens to IBDV likely reflects the maturation of the BF at
five protems. Segment A has two open reading trames and the time of infection. Speclftcally, blrds are most suscepti-
encodes a nonstructural protein (VPS) as \'\Tell as a polypro- ble to 1BL1 from 3 to 6 weeks of ag<.>, wherea5 hur~Prtomi7.Prl
teln that Is cleaved into two structural µrutci11s (VP2, VP3) bi1ds of lhe san1e age do i1ot develop disease. Birds older

408 PART TII Viruses

Laboratory Diagnosis
F1G U RE 6 4. 1 . Negatívely staíned preparations of ínfectious
bursal dísease virus. 250,000X. (Courtesy of R. Nordhausen.)
Field diagnosis can usually be made based upon the ch<ir-
actcristic clinical signs and high morbidity and rapid re-
covery of most attected birds. Atrophy of the cloaca! bu rsa
is characteristic of inapparent IBDV infection in young
chicks. Definitive diagnosis of IBD can be carried out by
direct fluorescent antibody (FA) stainit1g of sectioned tis-
sues 01 viral iSulallu11 fru1u tlrc u ursa c111<.l spleeu. Isola-
tion can be made by inoculation of emhryonated chicken
cggs or cell cultures. Serology is also useful for diagnostic

Treatment and Control

No treatment has heen descrihed for affected hirds.
Control of the disease may be facilitated by proper sanita-
tion practices. Vaccination programs are widely used to
control IBD. Immu11ization of breeder flocks is done to fa
cUitate passive transfer of immunity to chicks. Vaccination
of chicks is also practiced, but to be effective, levels of ma-
tt::r11al dlltiuu<.ly lllUSt ue luw. Butl1 atte11uateL1 a11L1 killed
vir11s vaccinc>s <ir<> av<iil<ihlc>.

than 6 weeks also do not dcvclop scvcrc discasc, nor do INFECTIOU S PANCREATIC NECROSIS
those infected prior to 3 weeks of age. ·rhe impaired iln-
munologic responsiveness that occurs in chicks infected Infectious pancreatic 11ecrosis virus (IPNV) is the cause of a
early in life has bee11 attributed to bursal injury, which re- highly contagious and fatal disease of salmonid fish (trout
s11lts in failure to seed B lyn1phocytes to peripheral lym- and salmon) that is increasingly important to the aquacul-
phoid organs and d i111i.nisl1ed11un1oral in1n1 uui Ly. Cell u lar Lure i11<.lu:;try wurl<.lwi<.le. Tl1e <.lisease is especially severe in
irnmunity also is reduced in IBDV-infected young chicks. fish that are less than 6 months old, hut <ilso occi1rs in
Gross lcsions may includc dcl1ydration, darkened pec- older fish following strcsses such as that associated with
toral m.uscles, and hemorrhages in the pectoral and leg relocat ion from fresh to salt water. Affected fingerlings ap-
muscles. The appearance of the BF is dependent on the pear dark in color and swim with a rotating action (whirl-
state of disease. The BF illitially becomes enlarged d ueto ing). Petechial hemorrhages may be present in the abdom-
P.dc>ma <inci hyperemia, but this rapidly is followed by pro- inal víscera of affected fish, along wit h necrosis of the
gressive atrophy is n1arked by app1oxi111alely 8 <.lay:; va1 H.: reas. Tl1e virus also affects commercially raised ycl-
after infection . Bursal necrosis and he1norrhage are char- lowtails with high mortality and is classic<illy rc>fP.rrc>ci to <is
actcristic of advanccd discasc. viral ascites due to accumulation of fluid in the abdomen
H1stolog1cany, the ep1t he1Ja1 surtaces ot t11e HF nave tascites) and associated abdominal ctistension. Eels can be
multiplc erosions, and there is extensive necrosis of lym- infected with resulting clinical disease. Fish that survive
phocyles wiLhil1 ly1uµl1uiL1 fullicles so that these become infection with IPNV become carrlers and serve as a source
ciPpleted of lymphocytes. Edema and infiltration of het- of infection to other fish, especially u11der 11atcl1ery condi-
erophtls occurs il1itially il1 ll1e aifec Led BF, followed by for- lions. The virus ls very slaule iI1 tl1t:: t::11viru111ue11t. The
mation of cystlc cavities bound by columnar epithelial virus can be identified in the tissues of affected or carrier
cclls and lymphoid dcplction. Pathology in other lym- fish by virus isolation in fish cell cultures or reverse-
pl1oid organs is less severe and recovery more rapid, except transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (Rf-PCR) tech-
in birds infected with very virulent strains of IBDV. niques. Up to 10 serotypes of IPNV have been described,
with the neutralizing epitopes being mapped to VP2.
Host Response to lnfection P.fforts to clc>v<>lop efff'ctive vaccines are complicated by the
multiple serotypes of IPNV and the d.ifficulty in in1111uni.z-
following infection, birds develop a humoral immune re- ing very you ng fish that are especiaily susceptible to the
sponse that is 111casured by viral neutralization, agar gel virus. Co11trol is based on husbandry efforts that ma,'<i-
imn1unodiftusion, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent mize hygiene and sanitation and minimize crowding,
assay (ELISA) tests. Adult birds transfer maternal antibody stress, and introductlon of infected replacernent stock
to developing en1bryos, and if present in sufficient titer, and/or eggs. Vigorous identification and culling of carrier
the antibody lends protection to the hatched cbick for fish is advocated as a method of controllin.g the disease.
variable periods of li1ne.

Rctroviruscs (family Retroviridru~) are enveloped, single- pathogenic for their host anlmals auu are oflen not ex-
stranded RNA virusc:> lhal replicate th rougl1 a DNA inter pressed. When replication of Pn<logenous viruses docs
n1ediate u~ing an RNA-dependcnt DNA polymerase (re- occur ln the host cell of origin, it is usually restrictcd. Cclls
\ t:1se uanscriptase). ·rhis largc and diverse family includes from anim:il sp<>c:ies other than thc host specics are some-
membcrs that are oncogenic, are associated with a variety Lin1cs unrestricted, howevcr, and can support the replica-
of in1munc system disorders, and cause degencr;itivf' and tion of the retrovirus in an exogcnous manner. Thc cn-
neurologic syndromes. dogeno us modc of transmission occurs in many of the
oncoviruses, but is oot known to occur In the lentiviruses
or thc spumaviruses.
~! ' 1
Some membcrs of tite u11coviruscs are also classified by 1
their intpr;irtion with cells of diffc rent specics. Ecotropic
1"hc fa111ily Retroviridae is classificd in to scven genera (Table strains replicate only in cclls from animal spccies of origin dt 1

ó.S. 1). Classification is based on genomc structure and nu- and xenotropic strains replicate only in cells of other
spccics. Amphotropic strains replicate in both. Most of thf' 1
cleic acid scqucncc, in addition to older classification cri-
teria based 011 1norphology, serology, 1Jiuclle1nical fea- endogcnous retroviruses are also xt:nutrupic.
tures, and the species of animal from which the retrovirus ·rhe morphology of rctrovin 1sPs in transmission elec- '1
tron microgra¡.¡h is also useful in classification (Fig 65.1).
>vas isolated .
1'hc si1f' rangc of retrovirus particles is from 80 nm to 130
The genus Lentiviru.s (latín lenti, mcaning slow) in-
11111. Type f\ particles occur only i.nside cells and consist of
cludes tll<.: ltun1an i1nmunodeficiency viruses (HIV) as well
a ring-shapcd nucleoid surrounded by a membranc. B-
as many important animal retroviruses. Lentiviruses are
typc virions havc an cccentric core, and C-type virions a 11'
rnu:.t. ofLen associatcd ~vith chronic immune dysfunction
and neurologic diseases. ·rne genus spurnavtru:; (Laliu central core. D-type virions have a morphology inter111eui- 1

ate between B ande virions with an Plongated, dense core.

spu1na, n1caning foan1) are nononcogenic virusPs fou nd in
The core of lentlviruse:. has a shape that resemblcs an icc-
spontaneously degenerating cell cullu1 es, causing the for-
cream cone.
mation of multinucleated vacuolatPd (foamy) giant cells.
No d iseascs have beeu (1:.socialed with spumaviruscs in hu
mans or animals. ThP rPmaining retrovirus genera are
termed tl!c oucoviruses (Greek 011kos, meaning tumor) or GENERA L fEATURES OF RETROVIRUSES
thc RNA tumor viruses becausc ot their ability to induce
neoplasia, althou gh t hey are now known to cai.1se othPr Many o f the fcatures ot retroviruses are kno\-vn in great uc-
kinds of discases as weJJ. ·r11ese genera are Llie Alpharetro- tail because of the exten sive '""ork done on thc onc'oviruses
virus (e.g., Avian Ieukosis virus), RetaretrovinJS (Mouse in cancer research and thc i11 acquired im-
mammary rumor virus), Garnrnaretrovirus (e.g., Murine munodeficiency syndrome (ATD~) r<'search. The members
lcukemia virus), n1~ltaretrovirus (e.g., Bovine Ieukem ia of the family Re/ruviriúae share many common fcatures in
virus) <Htu Epsilonretrovirus (e.g., Wallcyc der1nal sarcoma their composi tion, organization, and lite cycle, although
virus). thc delails of individual retroviruscs vary.
Severa! additional features need to be considered in thP
classificatio n and description of the Retruviriúue. Exogen-
ous retroviruses spread horizontally (or vertically but non- Components of Retroviruses
genetically) from animal Lo anin1al, similar to thc mccha-
nism of transroission of other kinds of viruses. ln contrast, A typlcal retrov1rus viriu11 is con1posed of 2% nuclcic acid
endogt:Jl OLl.S are transmittcd genet.ically. 'fhcse (RNA), 6QOJ, protPin, ::\.Sº/o lipid, and 3% (or more) carbohy-
rf'tro,riruses persist as integratcd UNA proviruses that are urale. 1Ls buoyant density is 1.16 to 1.18 g/rn L.
passed from gcncration to generation through the DNA in
the gamctes of thc host animal species. 'I"hus, Lhe et1doge- Retroviral Lipids
no us proviral genomc occurs in earh C0. ll of thc animal.
Man y vertebrates pu~:;e:;s su ch endogenous retrovi ral DNA Retroviral Iipids are mainly phospholípic1 anci occur in the
sequences. Thf'~P Pndogenous retroviruses are usually not viiion envelope. They fun11 a bilayered structure similar to

410 PART 111 VirnSf>S

Table 65.1 . Genera and Selected Species of Retroviridae in the classificatio11 of rctroviruscs. ·rhc 3' tcrminu:; oí
each RNA monomer has a poly (A) tract. The 5' terminus
Genus . Spedes a n1ethylated nucleotide cap .
Pro virul DNA. Witlli11 <1 cell, tl1e retroviral RNA geno1ne
Alpharetrovlrus Avfan Leukosis Virus is reverse tran.scrihed into a DNA copy, and it is t hf> provi-
Avian Erythroblastosis Virus ral DNA fonn that serves as the intracellular ret roviral
Avían MyeloblastosisVirus genome. The retroviral DNA is several hu11dred bases
Avian Myelocytomatosis ViFus longer than the retroviral RNI\ genome duc to duplication
Rous Sar.coma Virus of repeat ed and unique terminal sequences prese11t in the
Betaretrovícvs Mouse Mamma¡:y Tumor Virus RNA genome during the reverse transcription process.
Símian Type O Rctrovirus• Tl1ese se4ueuces furrn the long t errninal repeats (LTR) thac
Ovine P.ulmonary Adenocarcínoma v¡rus flank the genes in the retroviral ONA (see Fig 6S.2B). The
Squirrel Monke¡r Retrovirus p roviral DNA is covalently intcgrated in thc DNA of the in-
Gd111111d1e!1 uvi1 u; Mufirn~ Leuk~rnid 'l'ifu~ tected host ce.LL ·l"his integration is lacilitated by a viral en-
Feline leukemfa Virus zyme, appropriately termed integrase, which is encoded in
Porcine Type C Oncovirus the polymerase open reading trame.
FeUne Sarcoma Viruses Retroviral Nucleic Acid Structure and Sequence. The se-
Mur.ine Sarcoma Virus tiuence of structural genes of retroviruses, frurn the 5' ene
\1Voolly MonkeY. Sarcoma Virus to the ~ ' end of genomic RNA, is Gag-Pol-Fnv. Sorne retro-
Avían Reticulendotheliosis Virus viruses, sucl1 as the lentiviruses, spumaviruses, and delta-
Delraretrovírus Bovine Leukemla Virus retroviruses have additional genes (tax ancl rex) that regu-
Human Í'lymphotrork Vin1~ i late expression of the retroviral geno1ne and othe
Hunran T·lympholropic Virus 2 accessory functions. Highly oncoge11ic retroviruses ofter:
Simian T-lymphotropic Virus have an oncogene in place of a portio11 of the Pol and/o:
Epsilonretrovítus Walleye Dermal Sarcoma Virus E11v gene.
Lentivirus VisnaiMaedi Virusb
Caprine Arthritis Encephalitts Viws
R~troviral Prot~ins
Equtne inrecuous Anemia virus
.Boyine lmmunodefiáency Vir11> Rctroviral Structural Protcins. Rctroviral structural protcins
Feline lmmunodeficiency Virus are e11coded by tl1e Gag gene and the Env gene (Fig 65.3).
Primate Lentiviruses (HIV-1, HIV-2, SIV) Gag (group specific antigen) proteins form the core of the
Spumavirus fluman Spumavirus virus and consist of three major proteins. The nucleocap-
Simian Foamy Virus sid (NC) is a srnall protein (about S kd to 10 kd) t hat inter-
-Bovine Sy.ncytial Vírus acL:; witl! rt:trvvir<1l RNA. 1'he capsi<.l (CA) protein (about 25
feline-Synq'tial Virus kd) forms t he major structural element of the rf>troviral
core. ·rhe matrix (MA) protein (about 15 kd) serves to join
ªSimian AIDS·related virus (SRV). the retroviral core •vith the retroviral envelope. In sorne
~Ovine progressive pneumonia virns is.synonomous with maedi virus.
retroviruses, there are additional SJ.llal! core proteins.
The Env (envelope) gene is responsible for th.e sy11thesi.S
of two glycoproteins that are non-covalently linked. T.hese
lwo glycupruteius fvr1n tri1neric II1ultiiners in sorne retro-
v iruses. The glycoprotein outsideofthe retrovirus (SlJ, sur-
the outcr ccll mcmbranc from \vhich thc rctrovlrus enve- face) is a knob-like glycoprotein (about 100 kd) that is re-
lope is derived. sponsible tor binding the retrovirus to its cellular receptor
during 111fection. The other glycoprot ein (TM, transmem
Retroviral Nucleic Acid bra11e) is a spike-like structure (about 50 kd) that attaches
the SU protein to tl1e retroviral envelope.
Retroviral RNA. Retroviral parlicles co11lain RNA as Lheir ge- Relrovirul Enzyrne~. TI tt: Poi ge u e t:r1c0Jt:s sevt:ral IJrott::iI1s
netic material. This genomic RNA is present in each viral with enzymatic activities t hat are important for the replica-
particlc as a dimcr of two linear, singlc-strandcd, positive- tion of retroviruses. 1'l1ese enzyrnatic proteins are found
scnse copies that are noncovalently joined near t heir 5' wit hin tl1e retroviral particle, but in a n1uch lower molar
ends (Fig 65.2A). Hence, the virion is d iploid. 1·he genomic concentration than the retroviral structural proteins.
R1'1A has a se<.lluit::11tatlun stze of 60 to 705 In neutral su- The reverse transcnprase (RT) enzyme Ls responslble for
crose gradients. lJpon dt=>nati1ration, t=>arh RNA copy a t hf> procluct ion of tl1e retroviral DNA genon1e from the
sedimentation coefficient of 38S. The molecular we.i ght of retroviral RNA ge11on1e. To accon1plish this, reverse tran-
n1onomcr RNA-determined by electrophoresis in polyacry- scriptase possesses severa! catalytic functions, inclucling
lamidc gcls is approximately 2 to 5 x 106 daltons, or about an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase and an RNase H ac-
! to 11 x 10:~ bases. Host cell transter !:{NA (tl{NA) is associ- tivity. 1rr req uires the preseoce ot a d.ivalent cation to tunc-
ated vvith genomic RNA near the 3' terminus and serves as tion, and the type of divalent cation (magnesiurn or man-
a primer for the synthesis of DNA by the reverse poly- ganese) that a particular retrovir us requires is useful in
mt=>rasf>. "fhf> typt=> of tRNA parkagt=>ci in the vi.rion. is useful retrov:ira l class.ification. Tl1e measureme11t of reverse tran-
Chapter 65 Retroviridae 411

F 1G U RE 6 5 . 1 . Transmission electron photomicrographs of budding and mature virions of

feline immunodeficiency virus (A,B); feline leuki:111Íd viru) (C,D), feline syncytium-forming virus
(E,F); human immunodeficiency virus (G,H); simian immunodeticiency virus (l,J); and v1sna-maed1
virus (K,L). Uranyl acetate and lead citrate stain. (Reprodvced with permi~~inn frnm Y;imamoto JK,
Spa1ye1 E, Ho EW, et al. Pathogenesis of experimental/y induced feline immunodeficiency virus
infection in cats. Am J Vet Res 1988;49:1 246.)


~~' ;:oq: "),~ ;

. -
. . ,

-~ ~ ~~ ~

Gag Poi Env

A. 5'1 "-':..._illl________/// AAAAAAA 3'
cap R U5 U3 R

Gag Poi Env

F 1G U RE 6 5 . 2. The nucleic acid of a retrovirus.
LTR LTR Rctrovirul RNA (A); rctrovira/ DNA (B).

scriptase activity is one of the principal laboratory meth- provirus. Sorne retroviruses also cncode a deoxyuridine
ods for thc detection and assay of retrovlruses. trlphosphatase enzyrne (uUTP) tl1at b rt:quired for virus
'fhe Poi gene also encodes other enzymes. The retrovir;i 1 rPplir.:ition in nonclividing c:ells.
prutcasc (PR) 1uediates cleavagc of Gag and Poi polypro- Otl1er Retro viral Proteins. Forman y members of the Retro-
tPi ns d11ring retroviral assembly and maturation. The viridae, only the proteins encoded by the Gag, Pol, and Env
retroviral integrase (IN) functions to covalcntly link thc genes are prcscnt. Othcr rctroviruses contain additional
retroviral DNA into the host cell's lJNA as an integrated genes whose products serve functions such as controlling
4 12 PART 111 Viruses

RT, Reverse Transcriptase

-..--_ IN, Integrase

RNA FIG URE 6 5. 3 . The struct ure o f a retrovirus.

FI G URE 6 5.4 . The life cycle of a retrovirus.


Penetr /
and ---

/ Reverse • .A e t ro v~·-1
1/ Transcription lntegrated DNA
"""IJ lntegrat~on ·'t \ Transtation

lntegratio n w~ 1,
Complex ~\~
Rett ira l
P t ei ns

Maturatíon ~

the Ievel of provirus transcription, facilitating transport of complex ca11 access the 11ost DN.I\, wh ile in other retro-
retroviral mRNA, and e11hancing retroviraJ replication u1. viruses tbe integration complex is actively transported lnto
specific cell types. · the nucleus of the cell, allowing such retroviruses to repll-
1.:aLe iu uvudi vidlng Of Lern1inally differe11Lia ted cells.
The retroviral DNA is in tegrated into the h ost cell's
Retroviral Replication DNA by th e activity of the lN enzymc. Thc intcgration of
ret roviru ses is not ata specitic si te within the cellular DNA,
¡\general scheme of retroviral replication is shown in Figure integration can occur at many sites. "fl1e integrated
65.4. A rctroviral particle bi11ds to a specific receptor on the DNA provirus behaves very n1uch as a eul<aryotic gene. lt
surface of a target cell via the SU protein. The retrovirus may be transcribed into inRNA and genomic RNA i1sing
penetra te::. tl1e cell a11Ll Ll1e It'.LrO\firal core u11dergoes specific l1osl cell enzyn1es to produce n1ore virus, or it may remain
stn1c.tural c.hanges. The retroviral RNA within the modified latent for long periods of time a11d replicate when t he cel-
core is reverse transcribed by RT using the associated t RNA lular DNA is replicated by thc cclL
primer, first toan RNA/ DNA hybrid form, then to a linear New retroviral particles are produced by budding from
double-stranded DNJ\ form with long terrninal repeats. ·rhe cellular membranes. lmmature retroviral Gag polyprotein
newly made retroviral DNA is still associated with sorne and genomic RNA assemble and acqulre envelopes as they
viral core proteins and enzyn1e <ictivitiP.s in a structi.n:e P)(it in fPrtPrl rPll <; h y hnrlrli ng thro11gh thf> pl;:isma m~n1-
Lern1ed Lhe irztegratiorz cornplex. 111 son1e retrovi ruses, infec- branes into '"'hich retroviral SU and TM envelope proteins
tion must occur v\Tithin dividil1g cells so that tl1e integration have been inserted.
Chapter 65 Retroviridae 413

In the final step, the retroviral protP.asP. (PR) cleaves the products of proto -oncoge11es usually have sorne function in
Gag polyprotein in to the mature structural proteins of ma- growth regulatory pathways, such as protcin k.inases,
::ix, capsid, and nucleocapsid. growth tactors or their receptors, G rP binding proteins, or
transcriptional activation factors. When they are part of a
retroviral genome, these proto-oncoge11es are under the
control of the retroviral LTR rather than being regulated by
. !"t1 MUNOLOGIC (HARÁCTERISTICS OF RETROVIRUSES nurutdl cellu1ar 1uechanisn1s, a11d oftc11 expressed at
high levels. The v-oncogene mayal so b e truncated, contain
:1etroviral protcins posscss various types of antigenic sites. point mutations, orbe fuscd with anothcr rctroviral gene.
. ype-specific antigens that defin.e the serologic subgroups ·rhis aberrant expression of n1utant p rotein can lead to ab-
are associated with the envelope glycoproteins. Group- normal growth of the infected cell and the b eginning of
specific antigens are shared by relatetl viruses arH.l, in ge11- progression to neoplasia.
eral, are associated with the virion corP. protP:ins. There are For example, in RSV the src oncogene is responsible for
al:su iI1terspecie:s a11ligeus Lhal are shared by otherwise un- sarcomatous transformatiun. 'l'he v -src; ger1e wa~ uriginally
related viruses derived from differe11t host species. Reverse acq11irPcl from thP normal c.-src cellular proto-oncogene
unnscriptnsc (KI") is nlso nntigcnic and contain$ typc , °l'vhen illegitimatc rccombjnt1ti on occurrcd bctwccn i:ctro-
group-, and interspecies-specific determinants. viral a11d tbe cellular genomic sequences for c-src. ·rhe c-src
gene product is a 60 kd protein that has p rotein kinase ac-
tivity and is Jocated near the inner surface of the plasma
membrane. The kinase activity is part of a11 .intrica te cellu-
ÜNCOGENIC VIRUSES ANO ÜNCOGENES lar signa! Lransduclion pa lh>-vay that n1ediatcs ccll growtl1.
Other examples of v-oncogenes with c-oncogene counter-
Oncogenic viruses can produce inappropriate cell growths parts in normal cells are found in o tl1cr acutc transforming
in the tissues of susceptitJle l1o:st:s. Cancer:s are 111aliguauL retroviruses, for example, myb (avían myeloblastosis virus),
tum.ors th;it ;irp charac.tP.rizP.d hy loss of normal cellular erb (avían erythroblastosis virus), myc (avian myelocyto-
controls resulting in unregulated growth and ability to in- matosis virus), and ras (mouse sarcoma virus).
vade adjacent tissues and to metastasize to other parts of Highly oncogenic retroviruses are usually defective. The
thc body. Canccrs are classified by their tissue of origin: reason they are defecrive is that tl1ey lack their full con1ple-
sarcomas are malignant tumors of connective tissue (mes- ment of Gag-Pol-Env genes because the v-oncogene takes
.enchy1ne); carcinomas are maligna11t tumors of epithelial the p lace of a portion of the retrovi· geno1n c. In ordcr to
origin. replicate, these detective retroviruses require a replication-
The ability of oncogenic viruses to cause canci>rs 11nclPr competent helper virus t o supply the missing gene prod-
either nat urdl or experin1enlal conditions has been the ucts. 'fhe helper retr ovirus ts usually a closely related retro-
suhjP.ct of intense study for almost a century and this work virus that is not defective and contains the usual Gag-
h as made significant contributions to thc un.derstanding Pul-Env cu111pleu1e11l of geues. Since Lhe defective, higl1ly
of viruses, neoplasia, and cell biology. ·rhe fundamental oncogP.nic virus is packaged into a virion composed of the
discovcry in the field is that oncogenic viruses cause can- envelope proteins of the helper virus, the host range of the
ter via genes they carry or activate. These genes are terrned highly oncogenic virus is dependent u pon the helper virus.
oncogenes. 'fhc prescncc of the genome of one retrovirus with the pro-
tein components of another virus is termed a pseudotype.
Weakly oncogenic (nonacutely retro-
Oncogenesis by Retroviruses viruses cause neoplasia less rapiuly a11u u1ucl1 less effi-
cien t ly t han clo highly oncogenic retroviruses. Such
There are sever<ll ruecha1ü:s1us by vvhich relrovir uses are as- viruses exist in don1estic animals. Weakly oncogenic retro-
sociatPcl with cancer. Highly oncogenic or acutely tra11s- viruses do not carry a v-oncogene and do not requiré a
forming retroviruses cause cancer rapidly and efficiently, hclpcr virus. HO'-'<Cvcr, examination of the tumors pro
often within days or weeks of infection. Such retroviruses duced by the '"'eakly oncogenic viruses usually shows a
are rarc in natural animal populations, but are used exten clona! proliferation of c<o~lls with a retroviral genorne near a
sively in the laboratory for the study of cancer. Rous sar- cellular oncogene. For exan1p1e, avian leukosis virus is
coma v irus (RSV) o f chickens, IAlhich was discovered in o ften intr~gr<i ted n e;i r or in t hP 1'-myr gPnP ' l'hp rnPrh;i -
1910, is the prututype llighly oncogenic relrovir us. nisn1 by wl1ich weakly oncogenic retroviruses cause cancer
In 11ighly oncogenic retroviruses, all or part of an onco- is known as insertional or cis-activational oncogenesis. Dur-
gene exists in the viral genome, usually in place of viral ing retroviral rcplication, proviral DNA is inscrtcd into
genes. Th is retroviral oncogene is responsible for the ability man.y random locations in the host genorne. Occasionally
of a highly oncogenic retrovirus to cause oncogenic trans- the integration of the provirus occurs close to a cellular
forrnation of a cell. There are more than 20 different retro- proto-oncogene. ·rhis can sometimes produce inappropri-
viral oncogenes known. Each of these has a corresponding ate transcription of the oncogene, either by read-through
gene tl1dt cau l.Je found iI1 Lhe genon1e of norn1al cells. The íron1 tl1e rclrovlral pron1oter, or by c11l1ancer activity by
normal gene that corresponds to a viral oncogene is termed the retroviral LTR. Integration of the provirus near a proto-
a c-oncogene or proto-oncogene, and the viral version is called oncogene tends to be a very rare event and therefore oc-
a v-oncogene. In a normal cellular environment, the gene curs m uch less frequently and at much lower efticiency
414 l'ART 111 Viruses

than when the retrovirus carries its own oncogi>nP. The tu- induced neurologic syndrome, and immune-complex
mors are clo11al in origin because, although many cells are glon1erulonephri üs.
infected, only one rare cell has undcrgone insertional Lymphoma (lymphosarcoma) is the most c:ommon
oncogenesis and progresses to a tumor. In addition, thc in- ncoplasm in cats, although only about 70% of all lym-
appropriate activation of a proto-oncogene is ¡ust one phomas in cats are caused by feLV infection. Multicentric
event in a multifactorial process that leads to cancer. lymphosarcoma that affects a variety of tissues (including
A lhird n1echa1 ú~1u uf retruviral onc:ogenesis occurs in !!ve r, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, spleen, bone marrow,
the bovine leukemia virus-h11m::in ·r lymphotropic virus and central nervous system) is the most common tumor in
genus of Rctroviridae. These viruses have a regulatory ge11e FeLV-i11fecleu ca~, wl1ereas ·thyulic <HH.I alimentary (gas-
called lax in addition to Gag, Poi, and Env. The protein trointestinal) forms predomina te in u ni nfec:ti>cl c;:its.
product of Tax functions as a transactivator to uprcgu.Iatc Young cats with lymphoma tend to be infected with feLV,
rcrrov1ra1 rranscription by t>1n<11ng to spec1fic U NA se- w hereas oloer cats with lymphoma ten<! not to be. cats
qucnccs in the L1'R of the retrovirus. Under sorne circum- with Iymphoma typically present with weight Joss, often
stances, lhe 'fax p1olei11 ca11 ~u 111eli111c~ al~u !Ji1H.l tu tran- ac:companied by any comblnatlon of respiratory difficult y,
sc:ription;il ;ictiv;itor si>qnences in cellular genes and may diarrhea, vomiting, and constipation. FeLV can also cause
disrupt regulatory pathway:; of the infeclcd cell. U11like i11- ab1101111al prul iferatiu1L uf erytl1ruiu auu 1uyeluid cells, rt!-
sertional oncogenesis, the integrated provirus is not neces- sulting in a variety of myeloprollfcrative disorders includ-
sarily adjacent to a proto oncogene, since it is tl1e Tax pro- ing lcukcmias.
tcin that produces the oncogene activation (in trans), 'rransmissable fibrosarcoma in cats is associated with
rather than tl1c retroviral DN1\ itself. Like insertional onco- infection by feliI1e sarcoma viru s (FeSV) and typically oc
genesis, the transacrivation of a proto-oncogene is just one curs in young cats. The more common fibrosarcomas that
f'Vf'nt in;¡ m11ltif;irtori;il 11rocP<><> th::it fp;¡<i<; to r::inrer occur in older cats are not associated with FeSV. The PeSV-
induccd fibrosarcon1as le11d lo be poorly dilfere11lia led
. and more invasive than non-FeSV-induced tumors .
Oncogenesis by DNA Víruses
1vfany of the DNA vi ruses, including the adenoviruses, pa- Etiologic Agent
povavlruses (polyoma, papillorna), herpesviruses, hepad-
naviruses, and poxviruses, havc oncogenic potential. In Classi fication
conLi'asL lo highly 011c.:ogeulc.: n.:lruviru:;es, the v-oncugenes
of DNA viruses are not ceJlular dcrlvatives but are true viral ·rhrec subgroups ot exogenous reLV (A, B, and CJ are dis-
genes. 1'hc normal functio n of these viral genes is to acti- tinguished by viral interference tests and antibody neu
vate ccllular path,-vays for UNA replication. ·rhis activation trallzatton tests. These two properties are associated with
is requircd for DNA viruses to multiply in resting cclls that the envelope glycoprotein.
lack the enzymes and materials the virus needs for its own Feli11e sarcuu1a viruse~ (FeSV) are replication defectlve,
D A replication. The mcchanism of neoplastic transfor- highly oncogenic (acute transforming) vin1sP.<> th;:it h;:ivp
mation by oncoge11ic DNA viru:. i:. tl1at the vi ral genes that acquired an oncogene through rccombination of the FeLV
actívate cellular DNA replication ::trf' f11nction;:il. hut thP genome with one of severa! cellular oncogenes. FeSVs are
genes for viral production for sorne reason are not. This thought to arise de novo in FeLV-infected cats and not to
causes the infected cell to get inappropriate activation sig- be naturally transmitted from cat to cat.
na ls without the subseguent viral production that dcstroys r.:ats also have endogenous feline retroviruses such as
the cell. The result is inappropriate cell ac:t1vation and di- RD-114 lhaL are lra11:.111lttcu gcrn.:tically. Multiple copies of
vision, and is one of the initial steps that can lead to the thc RD-114 provirus are found in ali cat cells. T hese P.n-
devclop1nenl of a ca11cer. Like ll1e wcakly uncogenic retro- dogcnous viruses are not associated with any known felin c
viruses, insertion and transactivation mi>ch;:inisms arP ::i lso disease.
known for D~A viruses.
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
Morphologically, the feline rerroviruses are typlcal mam-
FELINE LEUKEM JA/SARCOMA VIRUS malian Type <~ retroviruses of the Carnmaretrovirus genus.
FeLV is con1posed of two ei.1velope proleins, gp70 (SU) and
Disease p15E (TM) . and three Gag proteins, plO (NC), p15 (MA),
and p27 (CA). The Gag proteins are produced in grcat cx-
feline le ukemia virus (FeLVJ causes a variety of important cess in infected ceus and are usetul m laboratory diagnosis
diseases of cats. The most significant conseguence of per of FeLV infection of cats.
sistent feLV infection is severe immunosuppression that re-
sults in the development of opportunistic secondary infec- Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
lio11s. Cli11ical ~y1u.lruu1es pruuuceu l>y FeLV infection in
cats also include tumors of th<' h<'molymph::itic systi>m T.ikemost enveloped viruses, feLV is sensitive to inactiva-
(lymphoma, leukemia), refractory anemia, ulceration of the tion by lipid solvents a11d detergents. FeLV is rapidly il1ac-
oral cavity, a feline panleukopcnia-like syndrome, FeLV- tivated at 56ºC, but only minimal inactivation occurs at
Chapter65 Retroviridae 415

~ for up to 48 hours in culture m edium. The virus is not been determined, and FeLV-viremia 1nay be reacti-
""!!>1dly inactivated by drying. vated under conditions of stress or cortlcosteroid therapy
in sorne of these cats.
In cals lhal do not n1ou11t an adequate in1n1une re-
_;;ctivity for Other Species and Culture Systems sponse, the FeLV replicates in the rapidly dividing cells of
-=.::..V-A replicates exclusively in cat cells, whereas FeLV-B the bone marrow. 'fhese cats are persistently infected with
~d FeLV-C replicate in a variety of c:ell types, inrh1rling fe LV and are positive for FeLV a11tigen by the IFA test in pe-
~<nan e.e\\:,. "\'\11: \10:;\ nYngc :;pcc.\'iic.\t.y <:>'i 1'tLV i:1 a:1:1oc.i- r~?h~ral blood leuko<:ytet. The <:y<:le of infection it com
:::ed w ith t he envelope glycoprotein, gp70. No relation- plete after viral replication in epithelial ce lis of the salivary
-ip has been shovvn hetween FeLV and human disease, glands, where infectious FeLV is shed in the saliva .
-=id there is no evidence that FeLV disease is trans1nissihle 1'he lin1e fron1 ll1e onset of vire1uia to the appearance of
-~ humans. the later signs of FeLV infection is tern1ed the induction pe-
Since the much rarer .sdrcuu1a viru~, FeSV, i:s defeclive, riod. This period ranges from months to years, with an av-
""'1E' host r::ingP. of this virus is dependent upon the helper erage of about 2 years. Most persistently vire1nic cats di.e
~ukemia virus that supplies the protein for its envelope. within 3.5 years of it1fection. Persistently infected cats
!ost experimental studies have been conducted wit.h the often develop leukopenia, immune deficiency, and sec-
eSV (FeLV B) pseudotype. FeSV ca11 transform fibroblasts ondary opportunistic infections. FeLV-induced immune
>:om nonfeline species, including dog, mouse, guinea pig, deficiency n1usl be disliI1guisl1ed fron1 ll1al induced by fe-
~r, mink, sheep, monkey, rabbit, and httman. FeSV has line immunodeficiency virus (FIV), which is a different
.:ieen fou11d Lo be 011cogenic in inany of Ll1e anin1al species retrovirus .
~ested, although inoculation of fetal or newborn animals is
;enerally required to show oncogenesis of PeSV in species Host Response to lnfection
.:;ller tha11 cats.
About half of FeLV-infected cats produce protective
a111ounls of neulralizü1g anlibodics to lhc n1ajor e11velope
-fost-Virus Relationship glycoproteins while FeLV is confincd to cells of the local
lympl1 nodcs, a11d thc virus is climinatcd or rcmains la-
Jistribution, Reservoir, and Transmission tent. ·rhese cats do not becon1e persistently infected wit h
FeLV, a11d usually live out a nor1nal life span. The response
~LV lnfectlon of cats occurs t hroughout tl1e wurl<.l, ar1<.l to FeLV infectio11 depe11ds on the age of the cat, the dose of
m e cat is the only knO\Nn reservoir of thP. v irus. Ahout 2% virus receivecl, and probably other genetic and virologic
of the cats in the United States are seropositive, indicating facturs. Kilte.1 1s Le11d lO respond poorly and, as a resull, are
eit11er past or current infection, and sorne 50°16 of these predisposed to persistent FeLV infection.
seropositive cats are positivc for l'cLV antigens by im-
:nunofluorescent antibody test (!FA) of their peripheral
nlood leukocytes, h1dicating current infection. FeLV-A Laboratory Diagnosis
occurs in infected cats eithcr alone (50o/o) or in combina-
-áon with feLV-B or FeLV-C. Because sorne cats are able to ciear a PeLV infection, and
FeLV is excreteu i11 ::;aliva and tears a11d possibly tlle many cats have been vaccindted dgaiust FeLV, tt:st~ for au-
urine. Transmission appears to occur during close contact tihocly to Fel.V nrP. of li1n ited utility. The inost useful tests
':ia biting or licking (grooming). Tt is possiblc that infcc- for FeLV diagnosis detcct feLV antigens. An enzyme-linked
tion may occur v ia contaminated feeding dishes. l'ro- immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is availahle for FeLV anti-
longed, extensive cat to-cat con taet is required for efficient gcns in scru1n or saliva and is especially useful as a rapid
spread. In environments \.Vith multiple cats, the presence screening method. An immunofluorescence antibody test
of oneinfected cat greatly increases the risk of infection for (IFA) is used to detect FeLV a11tigens inside of infected ce lis,
other cats. FeLV i.s al~u tra11s111illed congenilally, a11d n1osl which is evldence that the virus is replicating in the bune
k ittens exposed in utero or befare 8 weeks of age become marrc.Y1.v and that the cat is persistently virem ir.
persistently viremic.

Pathogenesis and Pathology

Treatment and Control
Upon penetrating the oral, ocular, or nasal me1nbranes, Vaccines against Fe LV are available, although th.e ir efficacy
the FeLV replicates in lymphocytes in the local Iymph under field conditions is controversia!. Current FeLV vac-
n odes of the head and neck. Acute FeLV disease, mani- cines either contain the inactivated ("killed") whole virus
fested by fever, lyn1phadenopall1y, and n1alaise, develops 2 or a subunit protein preparatío11 of tl1e virus. Kitte11s
to 4 weeks after infectio11; however, these signs are seldom should be vaccinated twice starting at 9 to 10 weeks of age,
conspicuous. Tn about onc·half of infcctcd cats, thc ani- with thc sccond <lose of thc vaccinc givcn ?, to 4 wccks
mals recover quickly and becorne feLV antibody positive, tater, and with annual booster vaccinatio.n s. Eight-tive per-
FeLV antigen negative. Some of these cats have probably cent of cats under 12 weeks of age, ·if exposed, be.come per-
cleared the virus and the virus remains latent in others. sistently infected, but cats over 6 months of age have only
The long-term significance of latent feLV infection has a lüo/o- 15% chance of becoming persistently infected if ex-

posed. Use of FeLV vaccines are thus potentially most ben- SRV consists of at least five serotypes based on ncutrnl-
eficia! in young cats. ization properties of the envelope.
FPl .V infPction in c:;itteries c;111 be co11trolled by test and
removal procedures and can be con1bined will1 FeLV vacci-
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
11ation, si11ce vaccination will not interfere witl1 the labo-
ratory detection of PeLV antigen in infected cats. SRV infccts scvcral spccics üf monkeys. Scrologic surveys
A diagnosis of FeLV infection does not 11ecessarily dic- have shown no conclusive evidence ot .'.>RV iníection in an -
tate euthanasia, since an FeLV-positive heaJthy cat n1ay imal handlers who work \.Yith rnonkeys.
Uve for years. Because the cat is probably shedding virus SRV isolates replicate in both T and B lymphocytes as vver:
tl1at could infect other cats, however, precautions to re- as in macrophages. Various hun1an and rnonkey cell lines
duce the cha11ce of spreading Lhe virus and conlact wilh of T aud B ly111¡.¡l1ucyte, 111dcrupl1dge, dHli filJrulJlast urigi.r:
opportunistic pathogens should be instituted. support the growth of SRV. SRV induces syncytia in Raji
cells, which can be used as a method to quanti.tate the virus.
A human counterpart of SRV- a human Type D retro-
virus- has been reported. The distribution and clinicai
SIMIAN TYPE 0 RETROVIRUS significance of t his virus remains to be determined, as does
its relationship to SRV.
Simian Type D retrovirus, '.\Thich is a member of tl1e Be- Host-Virus Relationship
taretrovirus genus (Simian AJDS-related virus, SRV), pro-
duces a falal iu 1111 UllO:>U!JIJft!SSi ve ui:;t:a~e Íll lllUllkt:y:;. Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
Infected animals show an initial generalized lymphadeno-
pathy and spleno1negaly acco1npanied by fever, weight SRV is indigenous and widespread in Asían macaques but
loss, diarrhea, anemia, lyn1phopenia, granulocytopenia, <loes not 11aturally infect African mo11key speci,~s. In one
and thro1nbocytopenia. Profoundly immunosuppressed study, about 25(Yo ot captive macaques in United .'.>tates
animals develop diseases caused by opportun1st1c patho- primate centers were seropositive; 11owever, the prevalence
gens, tl1e most comn1on of which is dissen1inated cytome- varies widely based on the Iocation and the species
galuviru:; (CMV) infection. Stl..tdied.
SRV is transruittell priruarily iu the saliva by h iting.
Mortali ty has he.en Psti matPcl to hP :~OO/o to SOºAi, anrl of-
ten occurs at an early age. lnapparent carriers that are
Etiologic Agent vire1nic but antibody negative n1ay be an important reser-
voir for SRV.
Primate rctroviruscs are rcprcscnted in four distl11ct gen- Pathogenesis and Pathology
era: I) Betaretrovirus genus, which in eludes the simian type
D retrovirus (SRV); 2) the Deltaretrovirus genus, whicl1 in- SRV infects hoth T ;inrl R lymphorytes in vivo and causes a
cludes the sinúan T-lymphotropic viruses (STLV) a11d profound depletion of both of these kinds of Iymphocytes
hum;in T-lymph.otropic viruses (HTLV); 3) t he prin1ate leading to fatal immunosuppressive disease. 1'he absolute
lentiviruses, vvhich include Ll1e 11un1a11 ü11n1 Lu1odefi- Iymphocyte count decreascs but thc CD4/CD8 ratio rc-
ciency viruses 'fypes 1 and 2 (HIV-1 and HIV-2) and the mains relatively stable. In the ly.n1pl1 11odes there is a de-
simian immunodcficicncyviruscs (SIV); and 4) thc sitnian pletion of lymphocytes and an absence of p1asma cells.
and human spu1naviruses. Alt hough .)!{V is in a separate SRV al:>u i11fect:; IIldCIUIJhage:;, out IlUt grar1ulucyte:;.
genus from tl1e prhnate lentiviruses (HIV and SIV) that
cause acquired llnmunodeficiency in humans (AJDS) and Host Response to lnfection
siln.ians (SAIDS), many aspects of the imrnunüdeficiency
an.d associatcd opportunislic ir1feclions are sinlilar. Sorne infected monkeys die acutely 7 to 20 weeks after ex-
The Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (MPMV) was the origi- perimental inoculation, wnereas sorne remain persistently
nal SRV to be isolated. infected, a11d sorne develop neutralizing antibody and be-
con1e nonviren1ic and ren1ain healthy.
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
S.RV i.s a Type D retrovirus (Betaretrovirus genus). The Type Laboratory Diagnosis
D viruses are characlerized by lhe forn1alion oí cytoplas-
mic 1'ype A precursor core particles. Mature 'fype D viruses Serologic screening methods include ELISA and Western
are plco1norphic in shapc, spheroid, ei1veloped, and 80 immunoblotting. I3ecause infected monkeys may be
nm to IUU nm in diamet er. ·rhe r1ucleocapsic.1 is isometric seronegative, 11ov.7ever, it is necessary to incl.ude virus iso-
to spl1erical with an asymmetric, spherical nucleoid. lation as part of the screening process. Techniques based
111e R'f of SRV has a preference for Mg2 ... and uses tRNALys on a11tigen capture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
as a prirner far negative-strand DNA reverse transcription. have also becn developed.
Chapter 65 J<etroviridae 417

Treatment and Control that determine v irus-serum neutralization propertíes and

viral intcrfcrcncc pattcrns with membcrs of the same or
It is important to establish and maintain specific retro- different subgroups. Subgroup E viruses include ubiqui-
virus-free breedlng colonles, both for animal health as well tous endogenous leukemia viruses of low pathogenicity.
as improving the quality of nonhum;in prim;itp<; 11sf'<l in Addinonal subgroups (P, G, H, 1) comprlse retrovlruses
bio1nedical 1esea1cl1 and, potentially in the future, trans- from pheasants, quail, and partridges and have antigenic
plantation. A serial test and removal p rogram can elimi- p1ope1 Lies and hosl 1ange disliucl frou1 U1at of thc viruscs
natc SRV infcction in group-houscd monkeys. in subgroups A to E.
Vaccines against S!ZV have demonstrated effectiveness It is important to note that many of thc highly onco-
under experimental conditions. genic avían alpharetroviruses (type C) that are used in re-
search studies are defective and require a helper virus to
replicate. 'fhese v1ruses are packaged as pseudotypes usíng
the envelope proteins of a helper virus. They therefore take
AVIAN LEUKOSIS/SARCOMA (OMPLEX on the inle1fe1ence and 11eul1alizalio11 properlies of 1l1cir
helper virus.
Di sea se
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
The avían leukosis/::;<1n.:u1na t:urn¡.¡lex uf viruses (ALSV) iI1-
rl11cf' ;i wi<lf' Vílri<>ty of <liseases in c:h ickens. These have In size, shape, and ultrastructural characteristics, viruses of
been of great cconomic importance to the poultry indus- thc avían leukosis/sarcoma complcx are alpharetroviruses
try, as wcll as being important research tools for the under- (Typc C) and are indislli1guishable fro111 011e a11ot11er.
standi ng of canccr. These diseases include lymphoid leu ALSVs within a subgroup cross-neutralize to varying
kos1s, erythrob1astos1s, myeloblastosis, myelocytomatoses, cxtcn ts. Vi ruscs of diffcrcnt subgroups do not cross-
sarcomas, osteopetrosis, hemangiomas, and nephroblas- neutralize except tor partial cross-neutralization between
toma. 1'he signs of tli~ease prutlut:<::tl uy tl1e ALSVs ar<:: IlUt subgroups ll and D.
<>pPciñc, an<l <lifff'rf'ntial <liagnosis requires careful histo-
pathologic examination and laboratory testing. Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
In lymphoid leukosis, the most common and econom-
ically important discasc causcd by ALSVs, the comb may 1'he infectivity of ALSVs is abolished by treatment with
be pale, shriveled, and occasionally cyanotic. Inappe- lipid solvents such as ether or detergents (sodium dodecyl
tence, emaciation, and weakness occur frequently. sulfate). ·rhesc viruscs are rapidly inactivated at higher
Enlargement of the llver, bursa of Pabricius, kidneys, and tcmperatures, whcreas viruses of this group can be pre
thc nodular nature of the tumors can sometimes be de- served for long pcnods at temperatures below 26 C . The
tect<::d 011palpaliu11. stability of viruses of this group changes little between pH
AJ _<;y ;i lso c:auses sporadic cases of nonlymphoid tu- 5 anti pH 9 . Ou l~itlc lhi:> raoge, howeve1, inaclivaLion rales
1nors, such as erythroblastosis, myeloblastosis, and myelo- are markedly incrcascd .
cytomatoses. C linica l sig ns of these diseases include
lethargy, general wcakncss, and pallor or cyanosis of thc lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
comb. In more advanced disease, weakness, emaciation,
diarrhea, and occasionally profuse hemo:rrhage from AL:SVs occur 1n cn1c1<ens ana nave a1so been isolated trom
feather follic:les are ol.Jservetl. pheasants, quail, and partridges. More distantly related re-
()stPopPtrosis, in whic:h thc long bones ofthe limbs are troviruses ot:t:ur In turkeys. Exp<::riiuent<1lly, :surue uf Lli<::
commonly affected, is also caused by ALSV. Thickening of A1.SV<:. havi> a wirlP host rangi>, rspP.ciíl lly RSV. Sorne strains
the diaphyseal o r metaphyseal region can be detected by of RSV induce neoplasms in other species of birds and
inspcction or palpation. Affected chickens are usually even mammals, including monkeys, although only very
stunted, pale, and walk with a stilted gait or limp. young or immunologically tolcrant animals generally are
Reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) is a retrovirus found susceptible.
in chic:kens and turkl!ys tl1at i:> u11reléit<::d to th<:: viru:;<:::; uf The avian oncovi ruses, likc many retroviruses, are not
thP Alpharetrnvirus g<'nus (lcukosis/sarcoma group). REV is cytocldal for the cells In \-Vhlch they replicare. In chic:ken
actually classified in the genus Ga111111arctrovirus based on cmbryo fibroblast ccll culture, RSV and other highly onro-
nucleic acid homology and biochemical properties. REV ge11ic men1bers of the ALSV group induce rapid transfor-
causes n eoplastic disease and nonneoplastic runting in mation of cells characterized by alterations in cell growth
several spccics of poultry. propcrtics and cell morphology. These cells proliferate to
produce discrete colonies or foci o f transformed cells
within a few days. The number of transformed foci is in
Etiologic Agent versely proportional to the viral dilution and can be used
as a gauge of viral concentration. Various strains of sar-
Classification co111a virus can il1ducc l1ansfo1n1aU011h1111ouse, ral, a11d
hamster embryo fibroblasts, as well as in chickens.
ALSVs urc classificd into fivc subgroups, A to E, on thc basis Although members of the weakly oncogenic ALSV
of differences in their viral envelope glycoprotein antigens group induce neoplastic disease, they produce no obvious
418 PAllT Ill Viruses

cytopathic effects or detectable levels of transformation in of insPrtional oncogenesis .for these viruses in which the
chickcn fibroblast cult ure. 'f heir presence is as::;essed by an ALSV infects and replicates i11 a variety of cell types bul, L .
immunofiuorescence tocus assay with type-specific order to produce neoplastic transformation, must int.e-
chicke11 antisera or by their ability to induce resistance to grate near an appropriatc ccllulnr proto oncogcnc.
tra11::;furu1atiur1 by RSV. This resistance occurs when the Under natural conditions, the most common disease
glycoprotr.ins (attarhmPnt sites) of <ln identical or related caused by ALSV is lymphoid leukosis. Transformation o:-
virus block ll1e cell recepLors for lht: super-iI1fe<.:tiI1g virus. lymphocytes occurs in the bursa of Fabriclus, usually at a
Stocks of leukosis virus originally detectcd hy intr.rfr.rr.nrP fpw months aftPr infection . These ALSV-induced le~
with RSV are referred to as resistance-inducing factor (Rlf) sions son1etimes reg.ress, w.h ile oth.ers e11large an.d evenlu-
strains. ally spread to other visceral organs. Grossly visible n eo-
plasms are of variable sizc and organ distribtition, almost
always involve tl1e liver (a synonym for lyrnphoid leukosiS
Host-Virus Relationship is hig Ji ver dísease), spleen, and bw·sa of Fabrich.1s. Indi-
vidual 11eopla$111s are sufl, s111uuLh, a11d glisle11i11g aut:
Distribution, Reservoir, ¡¡nd Tr¡¡nsmission are usually miliary or diffuse, hut may he nodular, or a
combination of these forms. These neoplastic masses are
ALSVs occur nat urally in chlckens and most flocks of composed of large B lyn1phocytes that express surface im-
chic:kens worldwide 11arbor various strains of ALSV, except munoglobulin. 'rhcrc are oftcn no consistcnt or sig11ifi -
for those derived fron1 specific pathogen-free (SPF) birds. cant hematologic changes il1 circulating blood, and fra11k
Even in infected flocks, the frequency of lymphoid tu1nors ly111phoblastic leuken1ia is rare. Fully developed ly1nphoid
is typically low and mortality is usually 2<Yo or lcss, al- leukosis occurs in birds at about 4 months of age and
though sometimes losses can be much higher. l"he reser- olde.r.
voir host for ALSV is the infected chicken. Erythroblastosis occurs sporadically in ALSV-infected
·rransmission can be either vertical (fro1n hen through cl1icken flocks. The liver and spleen are enlarged by a dif-
egg) or horizontal. Vertically infected chicks are immuno- fuse Wiltration of proliferating erythroblasts, and the
logically lolera11l lo lhe virus and fail lo p roduce 11eulral- bone marrow is ettaced by the same cells. Attected chick-
izing antibodies, and remain viremic for life. Horizontal ens become al1emic and t.hrombocytopenic. Blood smears
infcction is t hrough infected saliva and feces and is charac- show an erythroblasrtc leukemia. Indu.ction of erythrol>-
terized by t rm1sitory viremia tollowed by the development lastosis by naturally occurring, slo,.,ly transfor1ning ALS\.
of a11tibodies. Tumors are 1nore frequent in vertical than ü1vulve:; iJLtiviJtiu11 uf the <.:ellular uucugeue c-erbB by in-
horizontal infections. sertional oncogr.nesis. High ly onc.ogr.nic., lahoratory
Endogenous leukosis viruses, such as those of sub- strains of ALSV carry tl1e v-form of this oncogene and are
group E, are usually Lra11:;r11itt1::u gE:!llE:!ti<.:cilly in the germ termed avian erythroblastosis virus (AEV). Sorne strains of
cells in the form of a DNA. provirus. Many o f thr.sP r.n - AEV can kili chickens by erythroblastosis withir1 a wcck
dogcnous ALSVs are defective, but sorne (RAV-0) are re- after experimental infection.
Jeased in an intectious .torrn and can be transmitted hori- Myeloblastosis is relatively uncon1mon under natural
zontally, although n1ost cl1ickc11s are genetically resistant <.:outlitiuu:; arH.l tenlls to occur in atlult chickens. The target
to infection. organ in this ctisf'aSP is honP marrow, and the first neoplas-
tic alteration is in the form of inultiple foci of proliferating
Pathogenesis and Pathology myeloblasts, •vhicl1 is followed by leukernia and invasion
of other organs, especially liver, kidney, and splcen.
ALSV.s tnduce a wlúe varlery of neoplas1ns. The patho- Microscopic examination reveals massive intravascular
gr.nPsis of infPrtion of hircts with AT.SVs depends on and extravascular accumulations of inyeloblasts vvitl1 vari-
"l>vhcther the particular ALSV in question carries an onco- able proportions of pron1yelocytes. The v-rnyb gene is car-
gene or not. ALSVs containing a v-oncogene are highly ried hy the highly oncogenic avian myeloblastosis virus
oncogenic retroviruses, transform cells in culture, are (AMV) strams. These laboratory strains produce mortality
usually defective, and are 1nost often products of the a few '"'eeks after experimental infection.
research laboratory and occur only sporadically in na Myelocytomatosis is another forxn of leukosis that oc-
ture, if at ali. ALSV strains that contain a particular curs sporadically in chickens. In this disease, tumors char-
v-011cogene usually cause a rapid and relatively repro- acteristically occur on t he surface of bones in association
ducil.Jle tyµe uf 11eupla$lic tlisea:;e i11 a liigh µer<.:e11Lage uf wi lh Lhe periusteu111a11tl11ear carlilage, and al ll1e costo-
infected chickens. chondral junctions, posterior stemum, and cartilaginous
In contrast, naturally occurring ALSVs are •veakly onco- bones of the mandible and nares. 'fhey consist of compact
genic, cause disease by insertional oncogenesis, do not masses of uniform myelocytes. Earliest changes occur in
tra11sfor1n cells at detectable levels in culture, are usually bone marrow in which there is crowding of intersinu-
not defective, and áre naturally transmitted. The onco- soidal spaces by myelocytes, destruction of sinusoid walls,
genic spectrum of non-oncogene-containing strains of and eventual overgrowth of the borre marrow. Tumors 1nay
ALSVs tu uvE:!rl<1p, .su t11at a giver1 str<1in uf A LSV <.:an <.:ruwtl througl! the lJ011e a11d exleud Lhrough lhe perios-
induce many kinds of t111nors clepending on other factors, teum. The v -rnyc oncogene is carried by the higl1ly 011co-
such as thc arnount of vi.rus, age, and gcnotypc of chicken, genic avían myelocytomatosis virus.
and rou te of infection. This is consiste11t with the concept Various benign and malignant connective tissue tu-
Chapter65 N.etroviridae 419

Drs occur sporadically in>d c.h ickens. There ducers (NP) of infectious RSV. Superinfection of NP cul-
.::e a nun1ber of laboratory strains of avían sarcoma virus tures by anot hcr ALSV act ing as a helper virus results in
..5\'), the most famous of which is Rous sarcoma virus production of infectious RSV, vvl1ich produces trans-
"1.SV) . AS\ls induce sarcomas (tumors of connective t is forn1ed foci on susceptible chicken embryo fibroblasts.
s::e), induding fibrosarcoma and fibroma; myxosarcoma
-:Jd Inyxoma; h istiocytic sarcoma, osteoma, and o s-
3lgenic sarcoma; and ch.ondrosarcorna. 1'hese higl1ly Treatment and Control
=:icogenic ASVs carry an oncogt>nf' suc.h as src (in RSV), fps,
'"'lS, or yes. Allen1pts to produce effective vaccines have been largely
Infection with ALSV is important in its own right. As unsuccessful. Moreover, congenitally infected chicks,
rompared with specific pathogcn-frcc chickcns, ALSV- vvhich constitute the majar source of virus and are most
-=úected chickens exhibit poor grovvtl1 and egg produc- likely to develop neoplasms, are immunologically tolerant
.:-0n even in the absence of tumor formation. The pat.ho- to AL.<;V and cannot be immunized.
_enesis of subcllnical ALSV infectíon of .i s µoorly It is possible to eradícate ALSV Cro1.n chickens t>y estatJ-
-nder.stood . lishing breeder flocks that ;ire frt>f' of t>xogt>no11s AT.SVs.
He11s are selected that are negat ive for ALSV antigens in
- ~s.t Response to lnfection their eggs. The fertile eggs laid by t he selected hens a:re
hatchcd and thc chicks rcarcd in isolation in small groups.
~hickens exposed to ALSV virus fall in to four classes: 1) no ·rhe birds without leukosis virus antigen or antibody are
~rem ia, no ant ibodies; 2) no virem ia, antib ody; 3) used as the breeders for a leukosis virus-free flock . The
'1.remia, antíliolly; e:u1u 4) virt:iuia, 110 anlibody. Calego1y flock 1nust t11en be n1ai.n tained in isolation fro1n llntested
· inc.h1clt>s h irds that are genetically resistant. Most ex- chickens.
;x>sed chickens are included in category 2, and antibody
.;iersists throughout the life of these birds and is passed via
-~e yolk t o progeny chicks. ·rhe passive immunity pro-
4 ded by such antibodies generally lasts for 3 to 4 1veeks. In BOVIN E LEUKEMIA VIRUS
addition to t he neutralizing antibodies clirected against
:he envelope proteins, a11tiliodies are procluced lo Ll1e in- Disea se
-ernal group-speciñr antigens (Gag proteins), which are
::101u1eutralizing and not protective. Althou gh virus- llovine leukemia virus (BLV) is a cause of lyrnphon1a (lym-
:ieutralizing antibodies restrict the amount of virus. they phosarcoma; lymphoreticular neoplasia) in older cattle-
h ave little dircct cffcct on growth of the virus induced so-called enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL), whicli occurs
neoplasms. J<ew chickens occur in the third category, very sporadically in BLV-infected cattle. Cattle with F.RI.
·,·hich may represent chickens that are in t he process of are u:;ually older lhan :) years, ><Vilh tl1e peak of tun1or 1n -
clearing an acute infection wit h ALSV. Most chickens in c.idt>nc.e hetween .S and 8 years. Affected cattle typically
category 4 acquire ALSV vertically when in the egg ;in<l ;irP. are afebrilc with nonpainful cnlargcrnc11t of peripheral
immunologically tolerant to lhe virus. He11s i.n category 4 lymph nodes (ly1nphadenopathy). Depending on t he in -
-r;insmit vir us to a high proportion of their progeny volvement of d ifferent organs, affected cattle can exhi-
through the egg. bit signs of gastrointestinal dysfunctJon, paralysis, ex-
Since there are mult iple subgroups (A to V) that co1n- opthalmu s, and cardiac dysfunction . Neopl;istic lympho-
monly occur in chicken flocks and are not cross-neutralized cyLes can i11vade lhe blood to cause lyn1phoid leukemia
by antibody, the status of a chicken for one subgroup of in sorne affected cattle. The forms of lymphomas tl1at
..\LSV is independent of ot her viral subgrou ps. occur in calves (less than 6 mont hs of agc) and juvcnilc
cattle (6- 18 months ot age) are not associated w ith BLV
Laborat ory Diagnosis
.l\LSV can usually be isolated from plasma, serum, t umor Etiologic Agent
tissue, and albumin, or from the embryo of infected eggs.
Since ALSV is generally not cytopathogenic, complement Classification
fixatio11, fluorescent antibody, o r rauioi11u11u11oassay
( RrA) tP~ts m11st hP 11st>ci to cit>tt>c.t and idt>ntify the viruses Because of its genome structure, nucleotide sequence. a11d
in cell culture. A.11 ELISA test is used for direct detcction of sizc and amino acid scqucncc of thc structural and non-
virus in egg albu1nen or vaginal swabs. ·rhese tests have structural Viral proteins, BLV has recently been grouped in
bccn uscd d ircctly on test materia.! (egg albumin) or indi a genus (I>eltaretrovirus) with the human T-lymphotropic
rectly on the cell cultures used for viral isolation. All tests viruses (HTLV-J and HTLV-TI), and the closely related
require a source of chicken embryos free from e11doge- simian T-lympbotropic viruses (S1'LV). "l'hese viruses can
nous ALSV. inLluct: Lliseases wi lh si111ilar pall1ologies, cl1aracLerized by
Another means of icft>ntifying virus is hast>d on ph~no­ low viremia, long latency period, and a Iack of preferred
typic n1ixin.g of viruses. Chicken fibroblasts that are trans- proviral intcgration :;itcs in thc tum<>rs (i.c., thc provirus is
formed with envelope-defective strains oí RSV are nonpro- 11ot necessarily found near an oncogene).

420 PART 111 Viruses

Physical. Chemical. and Antigenic Properties ever, field observations do not support a major role for
such vectors. DLV-infected cattle with virus-induced per-
Morphologically, BLV resen1bles other·rype C retroviruses.
sister1t lymphocytosis are major reservoirs of the virus and
AntilJody to gp51 is neutralizing. pose the greatest risk for transmission.

Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents

Pathogenesis and Pathology
'fhe infectivity of BLV is abolished by lipid solvents, perio-
Most BLV infections are asymptomatic. There is a brief
date, phenol, trypsin, and formaldehyde. Infectivity is rap-
viremia soon after infection of susceptible cattle, followed
idly destroyed at 56ºC but can be retained for prolonged
pcriods at less tha11 SOºC. Pasteurizalion deslroys Lhe infec- by a long incubation period when the virus remains quies-
cent as provirus that is randomly integrated into the
tivity of: this virus, which is of interest because infected
genome of infected cells. Only a low percentage of BLV-
lyrnphocytcs ar<.: found in thc rnilk of lnfccted dalry cattle.
in fected a11irnals ever develop lyrnphoma, suggesting tbat
Lhe i11culJalio11 ¡;eriud for i11duclio11 of neoplasia is longer
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems than the lifespan of rnany infected animals. Sorne cattle
BLV been shov.rn to be in fectious for severa! animal develop only a transient viremia \-vithout seroconversion,
spec.ies other tha11 catt le, i11cludi11g sl1eep, goats, a11d plgs. and after 3 to 4 months viru s can no longer be isolated,
whereas others develop persistent lymphocytosis within
Under natural conditions, the oncogenic potential of BLV
months or years after infection.
appcars to be cxprcsscd only in cattlc and shccp. Sincc
Neoplasms in cattle with enzootic bovine leukosis typi-
tt1ere are no significant antigenic or genetic differences be-
cally ü1volv!::! auy cou1lJiuallo11 of inLernal and superficial
tween bovine and ovine isolates, the agent designated
lymph nodes, heart, abomasum , intestines, kidneys.
ovtne leukemia virus is regarded as BLV infecting a heterolo-
uterus, liver, spleen, epidural space of the lumbar spina!
gous host.
cord, and retrobulbar fat (of the eye). Distribution of the
BLV 1eplicates i11 cell cullure fr(!lll a wide V<triely or ~¡;e­
tu1nor is unprcdictablc, but blood is often not involved.
cies, including bovine, human, simian, canine, caprine,
Botl1 ·r lymphocytes and B lympl1ocytes can be ilúected
and equine cells. Alt hough 13LV replicates in human cells,
with BLV but t he tumors are composed only of proliferat-
humans are not known to be intected. Seroepictemic stud-
ies among high-risk humans (veterinarians, farmers, ani lng B lymphocytes.
mal keepers, and slaughterhouse personnel) revealed no
infections, and BLV 11as not been associated ~.vith human Host Response to lnfection
Most BLV-infected cattle develop antibodies to 13LV struc-
tural proteins. A greater response is usually detected to t h e
Host-Virus Relationship glycosylated proteins gpSl and gp30 than to the interna!
proteins p24, pl5, pl2, and plO and to the reverse tran -
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission scriptase. Whereas mostiofected cattle develop high titers
of v irus-specific anUbodies, so1ue re1ual11 ¡;er::.isteutl~
·rhe geographic distribution of BLV is worldwide. 1'he seronegative.
rcscrvoir is infcctcd cattlc. Discasc is dircctly rclatcd to BLV Antibodies to 13LV are a lso detected in the milk an d
prevalence, which can vary widely but is highest in intc11- colostrum and are partially p rotective against infection of
sive dairy areas (up to 50% or even higher). In addition to calves. Antlbodies do not provide protection against tumor
productlo.n losses associated with BLV infection of cattle, development tn infected animals, however, and do n ot
;i<iclition:il losses result fH)m exportation restrictions by prevent the spread of infectious BLV by carriers.
foreign countries t hat halt export of BLV-positlve cattle 01
semen from infected bulls.
BLV ir. trun5rnittcd horizontully undcr condi tion~ of Laboratory Diagnosis
close contact, and rnost con1monly occurs when heifers
are introduced into the milking herd. The virus is highly A variety of serologic tests (agar gel immunodiffusion
cell-associated, ar1d transmission is by blood o r tissu_e con- [AGID), in1munofluorescence, and ELISA.) that detect BL\ ·-
taining lymphocytes between a11in1als, by trauma, co11- specific antibody can be used. 'fhe animal usually becomes
tan1inated veterinary equipn1ent, or other lcss defi11cd seropositive 4 to 12 weeks after viral exposure.
routes. Transmissíon of BLV can occur t hrough t he skin Bovine leukemia virus induces syncytia in target cells.
and thc rcproductivc, alin1cntary und rcproductivc tracts,
and is easily transmitted to susceptible calves or sheep by
as few as 2500 lyn1phocytes from infected animals. Treatment and Control
Experimental transmission has also been accom plished
with milk and colostrum, both of which contain lympho- Infection, once established, appears to be lifelong in in -
cyles, bul Lhis route is likely uJ1in1porlanL In tra11s- fecled call.le. Tl1ere ls J10 Ueatn1ent for lyn1phon1a or BL\ -
.1uission of BLV has been documented, but occurs ilúre- infection in cattle. BLV can be eliminated from a herd by
qucntly. Thc transmission of BLV by hcmatophugous flics rcpcatcd scrologic tcsting and immcdiatc rcmoval of p osi-
and ticks has been demonstrated experimentally; hovv- tive animals.
Chapter 65 Retroviridae 421

VISNA/MAEDl/PROGRESSIVE PNEUMONIA VIRUSES Vi~ua/11raedi/progressive p11eu111onia virus a11d CAEV

show extensive cross-reaction by immunodiffusion assays
involving the 1najor structural protein.

Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
These viruses cause severa! different diseases that involve Lcntiviruses are relatively resistant to ultraviolet irradiation.
the lungs, joiI1ts, n1ammary glands, and central nervous Infectí.v ity is abolished by lipid solvents, periodate, phenol,
system of affected sh.eep and goats. Inttial signs of visna are trypsin, ribonuclease, formaldehyde, and low pl-I (less than
subtle and insidious, consisting of a slight aberration of 4.2) . I11feclivily is rela lively slable al O lo 4ºC in lhe presence
gail, especially of Lhe hi11dquarlers; lren1bling of lhe lips, of serurn, but infectivity is rapidly destroyed at 56ºC.
unnatural tilting of t he head; and in rare il1stances, blind-
ness. 'fhe signs progress to parcsis or cven total paralysis.
rever is absent. Unattended a11imals die ot inanitio11, lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
bence the name visna, which means "wasting" in Tcelan- Visna and ovine pneumonia have been de-
dic. Signs of visna typicauy occur in sheep over 2 years of scribed only in sheep anc\ goats. Sorne breeds of sheep ap-
age, and tl1e clinical course is protracted. pear tu ve ruure su:;ceptilJle, especially Icelandic sheep,
Maeui and progressive pueun1011ia viruse::; cau:;e a :;üui- which are highly inhred. The visna virus inferts c.ells <le-
lar chronic pneumonia in infected sheep. Early manifesta- rivc:d fron-i rnany vcrtcbrutc spccies but replicates effi-
tions includc progrcssivc loss of condition accompanicd ciently only in sheep cells. Unadapted vir us isolates repli-
by dyspnea. Eventually, breathi11g requires the use of ac- cate best in macrophage cultures.
ct~ssory inuscles and is accompanied by rhythmic jerks of
the head. There is sometimes a dry cough, but 110 nasal dis-
charge. The clinical phase is protracted, although affected
anilnals ofLen die f1on1 seconda1 y baclerial p11eun1011ia. Host-Virus Relationship
Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (C.l\.EV) induces
severa! discasc syndromcs i11 domcstic goats, including Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission
chronic progressive arthritis, mastitis, and occasionally in- These viruses cause disease in sheep and goats throughout
terstitial pneumonia in older goats, and an acute paralytic much of the world. Tl1e freguency of infection varíes
syndrome in kids that is characterized by ·h ind limb ataxia, widely based on control programs, but can range to greater
weakness, and paralysis. than 75% in sorne flocks in the United States. lnfected
sheep serve as the reservoir.
Tra11s.mission is via respiratory exudates and aerosol.
Etiologic Agent Virus i~ excreleu iu Ll1e urilk, a11d larul>:; raised ou iufected
e\'\Tes are infected at a young age. Infection rates are in-
Classification creased by p ractices tl1at pool n1ilk. Intrauterine tra11sn1is-
sion is infrequent.
The agent of visna/maedi/pr.ogressive pneumonia and
th.e closely related organism of CAEV are lentiviruses. ·r11e
n.ame designations are largely historical and refer to the Pathogenesis and Pathology
sile of vi1us isolalio11 or Ll1e predo111ina11l patl1ology in an 'l he ovine lentiviruses infect cells of the monocyte-
individual animal. OviI1e progressive pneun1onia vi.rus is macrophage system. Visna is a chronic and progressive en-
synonomous with macdi virus. cephalomyelitis characterized by multifocal areas of
chronic inflammation with accompanying demyelina-
Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties lion. 'fhe process begins in1n1edialely benealh lhe epen-
dyrna bordering the ventricles. but spreads throughout
The virion is cornposed of four structural proteins desig- the brain and spinal cord.
nated gp135, p30, p16, and p14. Minar structural proteins The lungs of sheep with progressive pneumonia are
include a reverse transcr iptase, integrase, and dUTPase. markedly expanded, vvith as much as a two- or threefold
Neutrallz;aLiuu Le:;t:; have :;l1ovvn ll1al variatlu11:; iu viru:; increase in lung weight. The histopathologlc changes ln-
strains occur during infection in individual anitnals. Tf an cht<l<' thickening of the intera lveol<! r septa as a rest1lt o f in-
animal is inoculated \.Yith plaque-purified virus, many filtration of lyn1ph.ocytes, n1onocytes, a11d n1acrophages.
months latera virus can be isolated that is not n.eutralized ·rhe thickening may be so pronounced as to obliterate the
by antiserum that neutralizes the original inoculum alvcoli. Lymphoid accumulations with the formation of
strain. Both the inoculum strain and the variant strains follicles and germinal centers are scattered throughout the
can be isolated simultaneously, indicating that new strains lung parenchyrna.
do uoL replace pare11lal viru:;. Willt tirne, rreut.raliz;ir1g au- Sorne adult sheep infected with avine lentiviruses de-
tibodies are produced to the ne\'\' strains. velop chronic arthritis and/or mastitis.
The RT of these viruses has a pr.eference for Mg2.+ and Caprine a1tl1Iitis encepl1aliUs virus (CAEV) causes a pe-
uses tRNALys as a primer tor negative-strand DNA reverse culiar motor spinal dysfunction in goat kids at 2-4 months
transcription. of agc. The lesions in affected goats resemble those of
422 PART III Viruses

visna. Goats that survive infection with CAEV as l<ids highly variable. In the acute form, slgns develop suddenly
oftPn ciPvPlop progrPssivP, chronic arthritis, mastitis, anci, 7 to 7.1 dilys postinfection . Signs can incluclf' ff'vf'r, ano-
occasionally, interstitial pneumonia that resen1bles ovine rexia, thron1bocytopenia, and severe anemia. 'fhere may
progressive pneumonia. also be profuse sweating and a serous discharge fro1n the
nose. Such a ttacks often last for 3 to 5 days, after which
Host Response to lnfection the anilllal appears to recover. Horses in the acute stage of
the disease are se.ronegative for ETA.
Most lentivirus infections of ruminants are subclinical, Subacute disease otten follovvs the acute infectior1 after
likely because of the prolonged incubat ion per:iod of the a convalescence of ?. to 4 1Nf'f'ks. Ar11tP signs arf' rPpPatP.d
diseases th.ese viruses il1duce. Lesions in all of these d is- along with '~reakness, eden1a, petechiae, lethargy, dcprcs-
eases include chronic, ongoing inflan1mation; t hus t he le- sion, anemia, and ataxia. 'fhe animal again appears to re-
sions t hcmsclvcs likcly rcsult in part from thc host's im- covcr and thc cyclc n1ay then recur.
mune response. Chronic EIA is the classical presentation of so-called
In experimental infections, complen1ent-fixing anti- "swarnp fever," whlch rese1nbles the subacute form but is
bodies appear a few weeks after inoculatio11, rise to a max- mllder and seldom leads to death. 111e cycle of fev1:.'.r, welght
imum wit hin 2 months, and remain consta11t thro ughout loss, anorexia, and clinical signs ran rPc.11r six or more ti1nes.
Lhe course of disease. Neulralizi11g a11libodies appear later, Each cpisode usually lasts 3 to 5 days, a11d the interval be-
reach a maximum at about 1 year, and then ren1ain con- tween cycles is irregular (weeks to months). The frequency
stant. Ho\ovever, thc virus pcrsists dcspi tc a vigorous hu- and scvcrity usually decrease after 6 to 8 episodes, usually
moral immune response, possibly because most infected ~.vithin tl1e first year. Most horses are tl1en without dinical
cells are l10t producing vira] antigens and are therefore un- signs but carry the virus for the remainder of their lives. EIA
detectable by the imrnune surveillance mechanisms. ca11 be induced by stress or irrnnu11osuppressl vt:: drugs.
EIAV il1fection in horses gPnPra ll y resnlts in clinical
sig11s lhal are inapparent, subclinical, or mild. These
Laboratory Diagnosis horses remain asymptomatic but have anti body to tl1e
virus and are lifelong carricrs of thc virus. Asymptomatic
In its early stages, visna is dífficult to dístinguish from other but chronically viremic animals have been observed for
central nervous system (CNS) diseases¡ however, th.e pro- periods in excess of 18 years.
gressive protracted course, the absence of fever, and the
pleocytosis in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSI<) are all character-
islic of visna. ·rren1or of ll1e 11ead, grii1ding of leelh, and il1- Etiologic Ag ent
tPnse itc.hing arP 1nore c.ha rac.teristic of scrapiP than visna.
Virus can be isolated frorn CNS, lung, spleen, peripl1eral Classification
blood leukocytes. and CSF, but because of the limited viral EIAV is a Lentivirus, and was thc first anilnal discasc to be
replication that occun: in vivo, tissue explantation and 1aent1t1ed as caused by a tllterabie v1rus (1YU4).
blind passage are often required. Group-specific tests t hat
detect antibodies that appear early a11d are m aintained
tl1rougl1out tl1e disease are preferred over seru111 neulral- Physical. Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
ization for serologic diagnosis. Neutralization tests are of ElAV is composed of two er1velopc-e11coded glycoproteins
less value in diagnosis because they become positive much (gp 90 = SU and gp 45 = TM) and four 1na¡or nonglycosy-
later in disease and are strain-specific. Thus, serologic tests lated proteins (p26 = CA, plS = MA, pll = NC, and p9). 1'he
such as agar gel immunodiffusion are now used to identify _p26 is lhe inajor core _proleü1 a11d den1011strates group speci-
lentivirus-infected sheep and goats. ficity, •vhile the envelope-associated glycoproteins demon-
stratc hcmagglutination activity and are typc-spccific.
'l he ElAV genorne is highly mutable. When the virus is
Treatment and Control placed under selective pressure by the l1ost immune sys-
te1n, individual nucleotide substitutions (mutatlons) pro-
No effective vaccine currently exists ai1d no useful thera- duce novel antigenic variants of the gp 45 and gp 90 f'nvf'-
peutic agents are available. C:ont rol of these viruses and lope _proleins. ll is ll1ought t hat these antigenic variants
their diseases is by serologic testing and the elin1ination of cause EIA's characteristic episodic recurrence. In cell cul-
infected animals. Visna and maedj were eliminated from ture (v.rhcrc thcrc is no immune selection), antigenic types
l\.:t'.hu1u a:, llie rt'.::;ull uf au eradicalio11 p1ogranl. remain stable and neutralizable by serum antibodies from
the horse from 1"7hich the virus '"'ªs isolated. Wl1en intro-
cluced into a new horse, these same strains prouu\.:e r1t'.1.,,
antigenic viral variants that no longf'r ari> nP11 tralizPci by
lhe original antibodies.

Disease Reslstance to Physlcal and Chemlcal Agents

Equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) can cause severe EI1.\V is readily inactivated by common disintectants tha t
anemia in horscs, but thc ciinicru prcscntation of EIA is contain dctcrgents. The virus is also inactivated by sodium
Chapter 65 Retroviridae 423

hydroxitle, so<.liurn hypuchlurite, 1uust urga1lic sulve11t:;, tl1e latter as a cunsequence uf severe, acute-unset anernia.
and c.hlorhexidine. ETAV heated in horse serum at 58ºC for Granulomatous ependymitis, meningitis, choroiditis,
30 minutes shows no infectivity for horses. However, at subependymal encephaliti:s, and hydrocephalus are assocj-
25ºC, EIAV remains infectious on hypodermic needles for ated with ataxia.
96 hours.
Host Respon~e to lnfection
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
Hurses infected with EIAV develop persisting antlbody
Horses, ponies, donkeys, and mules are susceptible to in- titees •-vithin 45 days. Most animals become ELISA-positive
fectlon by EIAV. There is only one report of human infec- within 12 days a11d AGID-positive will1in 24 days of ir1-
tion, ;inc1 no c;isps of EIA-likP <1ise;isp have heen i<1PntifiP<1. fection.
Attempts to propagate the virus in lambs, mice, hamsters,
guinea pigs, and rabbits have laíled. Primary ísolates of
EIAV can be propagated only in equine leukocyte cultures, laboratory Diagnosis
where it grows in cells of the monocyte/macrophage line-
age. Laboratory strains of EIAV can be propagated in a va- Laboratory diagnosis depends 011 lhe delecliu11 uf specific
riely of cell llnes fro111 severa! species, including hu1nan antibody using an agar gel immunodiffusion test (the
fetal lung fibroblasts. These laboratory strains display sig- Coggins test). More sensitive ELISA tests are also n.o w
nificant scqucncc diffcrcnccs from primary isolates, par- available. r
ticularly in the U3 region of the LIH..

Host-Virus Relationship Treatment and Control

No specific Lrealrnenls are available. Sup¡;orlive Lltera¡;y i:;
Distribution, Reservoir, and Transmission the most import ant factor iI1 recovery.
The llistril.Jutiur1 uf EIAV is wurlllwille l.Jut is rnost prevalent Affcctcd animals should be either euthanized because
in warm climates. lnfection rates vary widely but the dis-
ease is increasingly rare in countries such as the United
t ne virus is contag1ous or physically isolatecL ~pread ot
EIAV can be reduced by control of stable flies and mosq_ui-
States. Horses, donkeys, and mules are the only known toes. Repeated use of hypodermlc needles and transfusio11s
reservoirs and natural hosts of the virus. from untested donors must be avoided .
Mechanical inoculation of blooa is considered t11e Infected stallions should not be bred to seronegative
major mode of ELl\V transmission. EIAV is naturally trans- mares, altho11gh the reverse need not he true. Uninfected
mitted by hematophagous insects, especially deer and sta- foals can usually be obtained from positive mares and pos-
ble flies. E.IAV does not replicate in the insect cells, but flies itive stallions if they are isolated from the infected mare
cau tra11:;1ujL Lhe virus by sin1ple n1echanical lransfe1 oJ in- and her milk.
fected hlood. The transmission of EIAV vía blood can also A v accine against EIAV is used in sorne co1mtries (Cuba,
be through contuminutcd nccdlcs; thus it is importunt not China) but probably does not provide broad protection
to share needles or use unsterilized needles in veterinarv
agai11sl ali varianls of EIAV.
procedures. Viral transmission to the nursing foal from a
carrier mare is well documented. EIAV can also be trans-
mitted in u tero but tl1is is probably rare.

Pathogenesis and Pathology

Disease .
:\cute EIA is related to massive viral replication. Anemia re-
flccts rcduccd lifc span of red blood cclls (RBCs) as a consc- Despite its provocative nan1e, the significa11ce of bovil1e
q uence of hemolysis a11d erythrophagocytosis by acti- immunodeficiency virus (BIV) as a cause of immune dys-
vated macrophages. A decrease in complement levels and rcgulation and chronic inflammation in cattle is uncer-
the presence of complement-coate<.l erythrocytes have tain. Unsubstantiated reports implicate HIV as a cause ot
hPPn ohsPrvP<1 in F.IAV-infPctrcl horsrs. DrcrP<lSPd erythro- lethargy, mastitis, pneumonia, lymphadenopathy, and
poiesis levels and pertubations in iron metabolism also chronlc dermatitis, but these reports are viewed \<Vith in-
contribute to anemia in chronic cases. creasing skepticism.
Lcsions of EIA rcflcct thc duration and scvcrity of infcc-
tion and dísease, and can include widespread hemorrhage
and necrosis of lymphatic ti.ssues, anemia, edema, and
e1n<1ciatiun. Micru:;cupic lesions inclu<.le activation of the
Etiologic Agent
mononuc:lear rhagoc.ytic systrm in ali lymphoid tissues,
activation of Kupffer cells, and hemosiderin deposition in
many organs. Immune complex-mediated glomerulon- BIV is a Lentivirus that is not closely relate:d to any othPr
ephritis and hcpatic ccntrolobular necrosis are common, known Lentivirus.
424 PART 111 Viruses

Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties causes µroívu11d iuuuu11udeficiency Ieading Lo secondary
chronic infections. FIV infection of cats shares cornmon
Tl1e 1norphology and physical properties of BIV closely re- features with AIDS of huma11s, and PIV infcction of cats
sen1ble those of other lentiviruses. BIV 11as an SU glycopro- has become an important animal n1octel for AllJS re-
tein of 100 kd and a -rM glycoproteirl of 45 k.d , and Gag search.
proteins, MA, CA, and NC, of 16, 26, and 7 kd, respectively.
BIV also produLes several 11011stru<..tural µrvtei i1s. Tite RT
of RTV has ;i prPfPrPnrP for !'vfg2+_ Etiologic Agent
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems Clossificotion
Experimental infection of rabbits and sheep with BlV is FIV is a Lenlivirus Lhal is nol closely related to any other
possible, but these ani.mals do not develop disease. BIV can known Lentivirus.
be cultur1::u ilt c~l.l:s fro111 a variety oí species, ü1cluding
boviI1e, rabbit, and canine, b11t not primates or humans. Physical, Chen1ical, and Antigenic Properties
'!'he morphology a11d physical properties of FIV closely re-
Host-Virus Relationship semble those of other Ientiviruses. FIV l"l<ls an ST Tglyrnpr0-
teil1uf95ku a11d a TM glycop1oteil1 of 41 kd, and Gag pro-
Oistribution, Reservoir, and Transmission teins, 1vfA, CA, and NC, of 16, 27, and 10 kd, respectively_
rrv also codes for several nonstructural proteiI1s. 1'he RT of
The distribution ot Hl V is probably worldvvide. In the FIV has a preference for Mg 2 +.
United States, the prevalence of BIV infectio11 is low but
may be mucl1 higher i.n individual herds. Herds lnfected
Resistance to Physical and Chemical Agents
with BIV are often also illfected with BLV.
FIV is inactivated by appropriate concen trations of uisin-
Pathogenesis and Pathology fectants such as chlorine, quatern;iry am moni111n com-
JJOu11ds, phenolic con1pou11ds, and alcohol. It survivcs at
Cells of the monocyte/macrophage support replication of 60ºC for only a fe'"' minutes.
BIV ill infected cattle.
lnfectivity for Other Species and Culture Systems
Host Response to lnfection
FIV infects dornestic cats, althougll th.ere is serologic evi-
RIV infPrtion in c.attle result·s in a strong host antihody re- dence that FIV-like viruses infect wild Felidae in Africa
spo11se. Jlowcvcr, like most other lentiviruses, DIV induces (lions, cht:!etahs) arH.l tl1e Ai 11ericas (pun1a, bobcals,
a chronic lifelong infection. The vast majority of infec- jaguars). FTV isolates replicate in primary cultures of feline
tions are subclinical. n1ononuclear cultures stimulated to divide with m.itogcn
and supplemented wit h interleukin-2 (lL-2; ·r cell gro,-vth
factor) . Sorne isolates of FIV are also able to replicate in es-
Laboratory Diagnosis tablished feline cell lines. FIV does not replicare in nonfe-
line cell lines. 'fl1en~ is 110 li.nk between FTV an<l any human
lnfected cattle can be detected by serologic tests for anti- disease, including AIDS.
bodies to BIV. BIV isolation from blood can also be used to
detect infected animals.
Host-Virus Relationship
Oistribution, Reservoir, and Transrnission
Treatment and Control
FJ V is enc.temic in cats throughout the world, although th e
There is no vaccine or treatment for BIV infection. 1'11e im- virus is notas cont agious as FeLV. FIV is shed in saliva, anc
portance of BIV infection as a pathogen of cattle remains the most important route of transmission is pro!Jabl_
most uncertaiI1. through bites. Free-roaming rnale c.ats, which are mas:
likely to fight, are most frequently infected with fIV. Tu-::
virus is not efficiently spread by casual, nonaggressive cor:-
tact an1ong cats. Sexual contact probably is nota pri-
fELINE IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS mary means of spreading FIV. lransmission from an iI:-
fected queen to her kittens can occur.
Disease Cats rema.i n infected witl1 FIV fvr life, allhough Lhe re.c.-
jority of FTV infec.tions are c.linically silent.
Feline imn1unodeficie11cy virus (FIV) iníeclio11 of cats pro- Dual infection of FIV and FeLV is 11ot uncommon , a:-_
duces ;icntP fpvpr and 1ymphadenopathy, followed by an cats infected with both FlV and FeLV appear to hav~ _
asyn1ptomatic carrier phasc. In sorne cats, FIV infection more scvcrc discase course.
Chapter 65 Retroviridae 425

Pathogenesis and Pathology contrast, the Asian macaques, which are not infected with
SIV ir1 the wild, are susceptible tu a fatal immunosuppres-
Thcre are no definitive gross or histologic changes in the siv<> .~yncl rome c:allecl simian A l/)S (SA ff)S) when inferterl
tissues of FTV-infected cats, even in more advanced stages by sorne strains of SIV.
of disease. Following initial infection, the virus replicates SIV-infected Asian macaq ues often develop a transient
in regional lymph nodes, then spreads to lymph nodes skin rash soon after infcction. Lymph nodcs und splccn
throughout the body, sometimes resulting in a transient may be inítially enlarged. r11e architecture of Iymph nades
geuerali:t.ed ly1npl1<1c.le11up<1tl1y. Must infectiuns are becomes disrupted and eventually atrophies. ·rhe main
asymptomatic, whereas lymphoid depletion and immune cUHical features uf SAIDS in Asian macaques are wasting
suppression occur in sorne cats that are then susceptible to ancl persistent diarrhea. Opportuni~tic infertions orrnr
secondary opportunistic infections. FIV appears to infect and often persist in the immunocompromised monkey.
both CD4 and CD8 lymphocytcs, as wcll as macrophages Virtually aJI Asían macaques infected with pathogenic SIV
1n vivo. Many cats marufest an absolute decrease in the strains dcvclop fatal SAIDS within 2 months to 3 years.
numbcr of CD4 lymphocytcs with an inversion of t he ·rhe tatal immunodeticiencv discase caused by SIV in
CD4/CD8 ralio. Asian macaques is the major animal model for AIDS in hu-
111a11s. Further, an awareness of the hlology of SIV ls Impor-
Host Response to lnfection tant for thP. oc:c:upational hPa lth of animal Ci'lretakers,
technicians, a11d veterinarians who handle 1nonkeys, as
lnfected cats typically respond with vigorous hun1oral (an- well as use of primates in biomedical research and medi-
tibody) and cell-mediated immune responses. These re- cine. Artificially generated Simian/Hurnan Immunodcfi-
~ponses appear to be sufficient to limit the initial acute
ciency virus (SHIV) strains of virus have been constructed
phase of thc discasc. Likc n1osl lc11liviruses1 howeve1, FIV i:. that contain HIV-derived envelope genes with SIV-derived
never eliminated. It probably produces various degrees of g1::r1u11res tltat llave beer1 used extenslvely In the laboratory
subclinical immunc dysfunction in thc majority, and clin- for studying immunity and pathogpne~i~ to HTV envPlope
tcally significant immunodeficiency and associated sec- proteins in a nonhuman primate modcl system.
ondary infections in a minority, of infected cats.

Etiologic Agent
Laboratory Diagnosis
FIV infectton ts most eastly diagnosed by detecting anti-
bodies in the blood. Antibody to FIV can be detected using The primate lentiviruses existas a bread continuum. For
ELISA te:>Ls, Weste1 n i1nn1unobloLLing, alld indi1ect nuores- example, the prototype SIV Lsolate from Aslan macaques
cent antibody (IFA). ELISA is often used as a first screening (rlP~igna terl STVmac) is only about 50% related to HIV-1,
test, followed by Western blot as a confirmatory test. fIV in- but is 75% related to HIV-2 based on nucleic acid seque11ce.
fection can also be diagnosed by virus isolation and poly- Other STV isolates from chimpanzees (SIVcpz) are much
mcrasc chain rcaction (PCR) to detect FTV nucleic acid. more closcly rclatcd to HIV-1 than to HIV-2. Further, sorne
Young kittens may be ant1body pos1t1ve (and thus have SI V isolates trom other Atri can primate species are even
a positive test result) without actually being infected with closer to HIV-2 than is SIVmac. Many isolates of SIV and
FIV due to passive transfer uf FIV antlbudies frum their HIV have been made and thelr nucleic actds sequenced
rnothPr. and classified in phylogenetic trees of sequence related-
ness in an efforl to u11dersland Lile origin of AIDS a11d Lhe
diversity and epiderniologic potentials of the primate
Treatment and Control lcntiviruses.

Treatment of f.TV-associated disease is largely supportive. Physical, Chemical, and Antigenic Properties
Secondary and opportunistic infections are treated with
appropriate antimicrobial therapy. Control of FIV infec Thc morphology and physical properties of SIV closely re-
tion is by avoiding contact with stray cats and avoiding cat semble those ot other Jentiviruses. Sl V has an SU glycopro-
fights. Experimental vaccines appear promising. tein of 120kd and a TM glycoprotcin of 32 kd, and Gag
proteins, MA, CA, and NC, of 16, 28, and 8 kd, respectively.
SIV also cedes for severa) nonstructural proteins that
funclion in regulallou u[ vinil 1.:xpressiuu anll accessury
The RT of S!V has a preference for Mg'-+ and uses tRNALys
Di sea se as a primer tor negative-strand DNA reverse transcription.
On the basis of seroepidemiologic data, as many as 30
Tl1e ~Irnlan immunodefic.iency virus (SIV) comprises a d1Stlnct SIV strains may be harbored in their African mon-
numhPr of IPntivin1sPs inrligenous in many simian species key hosts. The prototype SIVmac strain is antigenically
living in the >vild in Africa. In their natural AfTica11 sin1ia11 11ro1e clu:;t:ly relatec.I tu HlV-2 than to HTV-1, in agreement
hosts, these viruses apparently cause Jittle orno disease. ln with the sequenc:e homology ovPrall. STV isolated from

Translllissible Spongiforlll

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (fSE) is the col- species (exotic ungulate species, felids where it is known as
lecttve term given to a unique gro uµ uf µrugre:ssi vt:, u11 i- feli11e spongiforn1 encephalopalhy, and co111pelling evi-
form ly f;:it;:i 1, ctegener;:itive, central nervous system (C~NS) dence to suggest it is also responsible for vCJD), transmis-
diseases of humans and a11imals that share a similar pat- sible mil1k encephalopathy (TME) in inink, and chron.ic
tern of clinical disease, neuropatl1ology, and etiology. wasting disease (CWIJ) in deer and While there are
While sorne human 'fSEs are inherited or sporadic, most m.any similarities shared by all TSE d.i seases, there are also
TSEs are 1nfectious diseases t hat can be transmitted to sus- salient differences in the behavior of the various TSEs,
ceptible hosts. For many years the identification of the in- most notably related to t heir tissue distribution and d.etec-
fectious cause ren1air1ed elu:sivt:, lJul Sta11ley Prusi11e1 pos- Lio11 wilhín hosts, ll1eír n1ea11s of transn1ission 1 a11d very
t11l;:itect in 1982 that an ahnormal host protein called a prion importantly the zoonotic potential of BSE. Scrapie, t he
(derived from protein.aceous ínfectious partícals; abbrcví- TSE has bccn studicd most cxtcnsivcly.
ated as PrPRes) >-vas the infectious agent anci that propaga-
tior1 of this protein was a post t ranslational event, not re-
quiring nucleic acid or genetic material. Prusiner's prion
hYI)Othesis incorporated mechanisms to explaín both tl1e SCRAPIE
heritable and infectious disease presentation:s uf the TSE:s.
Since his initíal proposal, a large bociy of t>xq11isite research Disease
work by Prusil1er, colleat,rues, and other researcl1crs (work-
ing mostly 'With sera pie) has been amassed that supports Scrapie is a chronic, progressive, and. uniformly fatal de-
bis original hypothesis, and Prusincr rcccivcd the Nobel generative CNS disease that occurs naturally in only sheep
Prize for this work in 1997. ·rhe concept of the prion as an and goats. ·rhere is no evidence to indicate that sera pie is a
infectious agent is now widely accepted, and few believe zoonoses. Scrapie occurs throughout the world, \>Vith a few
that genetic material still may be found. Counter hypothe- exceptions (e.g., Australia, Nl:!\-V Zt:ala11d). The disease íncí-
ses in elude 1) the virion hypothesis, which suggests the in- dence, h;:ist>cl on c11rrent detection methodology, is low in
fectious org<11lisu1 l 1as a $111all ce11lral core of nucleic acid endemic countríes. Scrapie is caused by an abnormal prion
protected and/or surrounded by protein; and 2) sorne sort protein designa ted PrP5 c (PTion Protein. Scrapie). Within
of unconventional virus. Givcn thc vast amount of rc- tl1e world's sheep population, there is a varying degree of
search work supporting the prion hypothesis, and the ap- susceptibility and resistance to scrapie following exposure
parent lack of data supporting the other hypotheses, the re- to PrPSc_ The reasons for this diversity in disease suscepti-
mainder of this discussion is based on the premise that the bility are complex and poorly understood, altl1ougl1 sl1e::ev
prion is the infectious etiology for this group of díseases. breed ;incl gf'notypt>, ;:is w~ll ;:is Prrsc str;:iin diversity, likely
·rsEs g(;!JJl:!rally ha ve a lin1iled hosl ra11ge. With one ap- ali play son1e role. For sera pie the genotype of individual
parent exception, the human 'fSEs are limited to humans sheep at three specific DNA sites encoding amino acids
(excluding experimental studies). Thcy includc two forms within thc prion protcin scquence is a major factor in de
of C~reutzfeldt~Jal<ob disease (C.JlJ), Gerstmann-Straussler- termining the degree of d1sease susceptibility and/or re-
Scheinker syndrome (GSS), fatal insomnia (FI), Kuru, and sistancc. Like all TSEs, scrapie has an extremely long incu-
newvariant CJD (vCJD), which is the exception because of batlon period fron1 infection to the onset of clinical signs,
its relationship with bovine spongiform encephalopathy rangíng roughly from 24 to 60 m ontbs. The progression of
(BSE). So1ne of these human 'rSEs (farnilial CJD, GSS, a11d cli11ical :sigu:s is dirt:ctly correlaLed with Lhe progressive ac-
fatal familia! insomnia) are inl1erited, while sporadic C.TD cumulation and spread of PrP~c throughou t the CNS, and
occurs spontaneously in a small pcrccntagc of humans. is accompanicd by a uniquc pattcrn of dcgcnerative and
·rhe a11ima1 ·r::;i::.s are ali considered to be infectious and, vacuo lar lesions in the CNS that is shared by alJ TSEs.
with t h e notable exception of BSE, they have a narrow host Sera pie is spread by direct contact with infected sheep,
range. The animal TSEs and their respective natural hosts probably through oral infectlon (Le., lngestlon) of Prrsc. It
íncludc scrapie in sheep and goats, BSE in cattle and other is also possible that natural infectio11 could occur húre-

428 PART 111 Viruses

quently by direct il1oculation, such as through scarified of ali n1ammalian species. Tl1ey are cell mcn1branc-
mucous membranes. Scrapie can be experimentally trans- associatecl proteins found as a constituent part ot a larger
mitted by inocu.lation, including transn1issio11 through surface sialoglycoprotein. PrPC is a 35- 36 kDa p rotein that
large volume bloocl transfusions from infected sheep. This is especially abundant in the CNS (approximately 50 times
suggests there is a low lr.vt>l of Prrsc in tht> hlon<l nf srr;;ipie- mo re than other tissues) witl1il111eurons a11d glial cells. It
infected sheep that cannot be detected by other means. also occurs in cells of the 111011onuclear phagocytic syste111
Natural co11tact transmission occurs most frequently when (macrophages, dendritic cells, follicular dendritic cells).
naivc shccp or goats are cxposcd to infcctcd ewes shedding Thc precise fu nction of PrPC is unccrtain. Possiblc func-
PrP5<- at, or soon after, lambing, and this trans1nission likely tions include aspects of copper metabolism, interactions
results from tl1e expulsior1 of PrPSc infected placenta and/or ~·Vith the extracellular matrix, and apoptosis and signa!
contaminated fetal/uterine fluids. ·r11ere is as yet no clear transduction. Prrc ctoes not cause t1isease. rrr1tc>s are iden-
evidence of true vertical transmissio11 (either true genetic tical in ami110 acid seguence and lengtl1 to PrPC of the l1ost
transn1ission or i11 utero tra11s111ission). La111bs appear to be species vvl1ere tl1ey 11ave replicated, and differ only in their
more susceptible to infection than adults. The tern1 "mater- secondary a11d tertiary spatial co1úor.mation from their
nal tra11smission" has been adopted to define transmissi.on originating Prrc. Thc tcrtiary conforn1ational changc in
trom intected ewe to ottspril1g at, or shortly alter, .Lambing J>rJ>R~s is the putative basi.s for transforn1ation into an in-
and to differentiate it from vertical transmission. Epiden1i- fectious pathogen t hat propaga tes and spreads within l1ost
ologic studies suggest that indirect transmission of scrapie tissues to cause disease. rrrRcs has a protease-resistan t core
also occu rs, through exposure to contaminated environ- (27- 30 Kl)a; 142 amino acids) desig11ated PrP?.7-30, whirh
n1enLs w here scrapie-infecled sheep llave previously bee11 11as bee11 fou11d il1 braiI1s fron1 hu.r nans and anin1als with
kept. This likely occurs more often where tl1ere has been prion diseases. This sn1aller portion of the PrPRes retains
prcvious high-density confincmcnt of scrapic-infcctcd ani- infectivity. i\n even smaller segment of the PrPRes, consist -
mals and especially \.Yhere previous lambing has taken íng of 011ly 106 amino acids, .is sufficient for replication of
place. One study suggests that scrapie can be transrnitted Pri>Rcs. These smaller segment s of PrPRes are termed
vía hay mites in contaminated environments. miniprions. 'fhe PrP27- 30 segment of PrPc is derivect from
1'he clinical signs of scrapie are progressive and co11sist a single copy mammalian gene in humans and animals
of 011e ur 1uore of tl1e folluvviI1g CNS :;ig11:;: l>chaviorcll (PRNP a1Hl Pr11µ, re:;µectively) . Wlúle ll1e ¡;recise nalure of
changes, locomotor prohlems (i ncoordination, paresis, these structural changes hetween PrPc and PrPKes is diffi-
proprioccptivc limb dcficits, l1ypcrmctriél), mild 11cud or cult to dctcrn1ine, thc c<::ntréll fcélturc thought t o be rc-
neck tremors, hyperesthesia, and pruritis, often resulting sponsible tor the pl1ysicochemical and in.tectious trans-
in patchy wool loss from r ubbing or biting. Behavioral formation of PrPRes is a change in the portion of an
changes include withdra;val fro1n tbe flock, nervousness, alpl1ahelical and coil structure of PrPC to a larger percent-
or aggression. Scrap ie-infected sheep also progressively age of refolded and rigid beta-pleated sl1eets in PrPRes (the
lu:;e body conclitiun. A classic behavior often used to aid in percentage of beta-pleated shects íncreases from 3% to
clinical d·i agnosis of scrapif' ronsists of opwarcl t>Xtt>nsion 43ºAI v.rith th.e transformation to PrpRcs) . Once .in a suscep-
of the head and neck witl1 a.11 accompanying licking, nib- tible host, the propagation of nevv PrPRcs occurs by a post-
bling motion, or t eeth grinding in response to rubbing the translational event (not involving DNA or RNA), \-vhereby
sheep's rum p region. However, it should be en1phasized existcnt host PrPC is transformcd to PrPRes. Experimental
that the particular clinical signs seen 111 any individual in- evidence suggests t11at the l'rf'Res actually serves as a phys-
fected animal are highly variable. ical templa.te for refolding of PrPC ;vhen the latter approx-
imates the PrpRcs template. The process also appears to re-
quirt> tht> p rest>nce of a second spt>cit>s-specifi< host protein
Etiologic Agent ("X") that binds to PrPc and facilitates the transformation
to ne'"' PrPRes_ Once completed, the i1ew PrPRcs releases
It is generally accepted that the etiology of scrapie is a from the tem pla te and can then serve as a new te1nplate for
p rion, an abnormal isoform of a normal host protein of further propagation of PrPRcs. In t he case of inherited TSEs
sheep (PrPS<"). PrPSc is very similar in its size and shares of humans, mutations or insertions in the human PH.NP
many similarities in its amino acic.l sequence and biochem- gene are postulated to cause t he resultant alterecl f'rpC to
ica I physicochr.m irill p ropt>rtit>s to ilhnormill prion pro- spont;;int>o1 1sl y convt>rt to nf'w PrrRes_
teins responsible for other TSEs. Mu ch of the following ex- Iliocl1emically, PrPC is labile and can be destroyed rela-
p anded discussion ot Pr Ps~ (and scrapie) also holds tr ue tor tively easily !)y a variety ot insults, such as enzyme destruc-
other abnormal prions and the respective disease t hey tion a11d heat. In contrast PrPRes is very resistar1t to .insults
cause. In the following discussion t l1e abbreviation prpRcs like enzyrne digestion, heat, ultravlolet light, iooizing ra-
(referring to "resist ant" PrP) will be used to reference all ab- diation, acids, bases, certair1 autoclavlng procedures, for-
norrnal p rion p roteins as a group, and PrP5'" to reference rnalin fixation, aud disir1fecta11t:;. Becau~e uf ll1e resisla11ce
tht> spt>cifir ahnorm;;il prions Ci111sing scrapir.. of PrrRes to dt>_~truction or inactivation, effective proce-
dures to inactivate f>rpltess are extre1n.ely li111ited in n u mber
and very severe in nature, including autoclaving at
Prion Origin, Structure, and Biochen1istry
13·1 138º(~ for 18 minutes for porous-load and gravity-
PrrRcs is clerived from normal cellular proteins ("cellular displacement autoclavir1g, autoclaving at 132ºC for 1 hour,
prion protein" or PrPC) t hat are found in multiple tissues exposure to lN NaOH for 1 hour, or both. One authority
Chapter 66 Trans1nissible Spongiform Encepha1opathies 429

suggcsts that thc only means to effectively achieve com scrapie positive Suffolk sheep has ever been diagnosed
plete decontamination involves either exposure of Prl'Res with the R/R polymorphism at codon 171. Further data
to strong sodium hypochlorite solutions or to hot solu- suggests that when scrapie sheep are found with the QJR
tlons of Na OH. This resista11ce to <.lestructio11 t:X(Jlaius tl1e µoly1norµJ1i~111 al co<.lon 171, lliese :.lieev al:.o are 111ore
potential longPvity of PrrRes in thf. P.nvironment. lt also al- likely to have the A/V polymorphism at codon 1:~6. In
Jows for transrnissio11 of the ·rsEs even tl1rough conta1ni- North A.tnerica, the "United States Department of Agricul-
nated feeds that cooked or processed, as well as trans- ture sera pie flock clean up program" used these ge11etic
mission through thc use of inadequately autoclaved and susceptibility patterns to establish criteria for removal or
contaminated surgical instrument s, or via human/veteri- movement-restriction of scrapie-exposed sl1eep. The crite-
nary b iologicals derived from tissues or fluids harvested ria are based first on determining the polymorphism of
from infectell aniruals/hu111ans. tlie µositively <liaguost:d scraµie -i11fecte<l sht:eµ . This l1elµs
Evidence suggests that not all Prrsc causing scrapie is establish information on the potential strain of S<:Tapie
ll1e san1e; .catl1er, the1e are n1ultiple Prrsc strains. Initially, preser1t . Once the scrapie-infected genotype pattern is
PrPsc strains were discovered through experimental inocu- known, criteria are established for removal or restriction of
lation studies in laboratory animals Vlhere differences were remaining sheep in the flock with susceptible genetic
noted in the laboratory animal susceptibility profile, d is- polymorphisms, as a means for disease eradication. These
ease incubation periods, and tl1e CNS les ion p:rofile within criter.ia are lengtl1y and complex, but salient fea tures in-
these laboratory animals. Similar differences have also clude the following: Jf positive scrapie sheep are Q/Q at
hPPn following P.xpP.rimP.ntal transmission sh1cliP.s coclon 171, ali rPm;;iining Q)Q sheep in the flor.k are re-
in sheep. moved or under restricted moven1ent. In rare instances
where scrapie is diagnosed in a OJR sheep, it has been
found almost cntircly in sl1ccp with A/V 136 Q)Il 17t poly-
Host-Prion Relationship morph1sms. n 1erefore if scrap1e 1nfect1ons are áetectea in
.fl../V136 QJR171 sheep, then all A/V136 QJR 171 sheep, in addi-
The ho5L-prion relalionships for scrapie and 0 Lhe1 TSEs are Lion Lo Lhe QJQ171 sl 1eeµ, are Largele<l for re1uoval or re-
complex, as expected with diseases caused by infectious stricted movement.
agents that actually represent modification of the host PrP genetic polymorphisms are also docu.m ented in
proteins. goats, although there is much less data regarding the im-
pact of specific polymorphisms on susceptibility/resist
anee of goats to scrapie.
Host Genetic Polymorphisms
The susceptibility of sheep to contract scrapie following Prion Strains
p,psc exposure appears to be controlled by a poorly under-
stood co111µlex of faclors Lhal include ll1e sl1eep genolype Data f.ron1 various arlin1al studies indicates that strains of
(referred to as its genetic polymorphism), the strain of the prions can exist within a single prion disease. ()nly one
scrapie PrPsr. to which it is exposed, and other poorly un- strain howeyer has bccn idcntificd for many prion dis-
derstood tactors such as sheep breeá. üne major tactor eases. !Jitterent strains ot scrap1e are reportea. ·rhe aata
that affects both the incubation period and the suscepti- supporting different PrrRes strains initially carne from two
bility of sheep to scrapie is the sheep's genetic makeup at observatlons: experimental inoculation of different PrPsc
codons 136, 154, and 171 of the PrP gene. Each possible isolates into susceptible hosts resulted in variable clisPast>
ge110Lyµe al Lhese siles is referred to as a gerletic polyn1or- incubation tin1es and t he brain lesions induced by these
phism. At codor1 136, valine (V) is associated with suscep- isolates also differed in both distribution and nature.
tibility and alanine (A) with rcsistancc. At codon 154, his- Subscqucnt studics havc shown that thcsc isolatcs consist
tiáine (H) is linked to susceptibility and arginine (.!<.) with of different isoforms of the f'rp.Res, although the specific
resistance, and at codon 171, glutamine (Q) and histidine factors responsible for "strain" differences are unclear. The
(H) are associated with susceptibility and arginine (l~) with strain of prion, which seems to be enciphered in the con-
resistance. Of the possible polymorphic combinatio11s at for1nation of PrPSc, conspires with the PrP sequence,
lhese Lhree codo11s, only five have bee11 foui1d witl1 a11y wl1icl1 is specified by t l1e recipient, to deternú11.e the terti-
frequency in nature, including: Ai36R1s1R17i. A136R1s1Q17v ary structure of the nascent PrP5c. This infers that each
At36H154Q17v A136R154H171, and V136R154Q171· Codon 171 strain has a uniquc tcrtiary structurc, but also suggcsts that
appears to be the n1ost significant in determining sheep the affect each strain has on a .h ost is dependent to sorne
susceptibility or resistan ce, at least within North America, degree on the PrPC amino acid sequence of the host,
while codon 136 is next in importance and codon 154 \<Vhich is d ictated by the host genome, and which takes
seems to be less of a factor. In particular the QJQ polymor- part in determining the final conformational st:ructure of
phisn1 at codo11 171 ls linked witl1 a l1igl1 deg.ree of suscep- lhe Prl'Res.
tibi]jty for scrapie, while OJR and R/R polymorphisms at
codon 171 are associatcd with rcsistancc to scrapic. In Scrapie Disease Pathogenesis
North America, scrapie is diagnosed most commonly in
sheep with the QJQ polymorphism at codon 171. Scrapie The putative pathogencsis of scrapic includcs thc follow-
has only been very rarely diagnosed in Suffolk sheep with ing: Prrsc is first detected in follicular dendritic cells and
the QJR polymorphism at codon 171, and only one 1nacrophages within the tonsils and gut-associated lym-
430 PART JII Viruses

phoid tissues (GAL1; especially ileal Peyer's Patches) after rized that the more developed GALT in. young anirnals
oral exposure of genetica1ly susceptible sl1eep. l'rrsc multi- (which atropllies in older animals) may be responsible.
plies at these sites and then spreads througl1 the lymph
vascular sysle111 Lu peri plieral 1y111 ph Lissues, i11cl ud i11g lhe Cross Species Barriers
spleen, and numerous lymph nodes \Vhere it is next de-
tected. PrPs,- may be detected at this time in the retropha- for most TSEs, the susceptible host spccics rangc is vcry
ryngeal lymph nodes and in lymph follicles of the third limited and specitic. ·r11e barrier limiting cross species
eyelids of sheep. PrPSc also is found in spinal ganglia of the transmission is termed the cross species barrier. Experin1en-
autonomic nervous system, the adjace11t thoracic spi11al tally, these cross species barriers can often be overcome,
cord, and in the dorsal vaga! nucleus of the vagus nerve albeit. with so1ne difficulty. The factors that are used to pro-
\-Vithin the caullal IJrain ste111. 1'llis early CNS iuvasiu11 1110Lt: Lraus1Hissio11 across ll1ese barriers are direct intra-
likely occurs through invasion of nerve endings \-Vithin the cerebral inoculation of the candidate PrPRes in to the resist-
lymph follicles of the ileum or elsewhere in the gastroin- ant host species and rnultiplc serial passagcs of infcctcd
testinal tract and travcls through these nerves of t he auto- CNS tissue through the resistant species. T'l1e exact basis
nomic ncrvous systc.m an<l va¡,,'US nerve to the thoracic for these species barriers is poorly understood an<l proba-
cord a11d vaga! 11ucleus of the brain stem, respectively. bly very complex, but contributing facturs k.r1uwu tu affect
Once withiI1 the CNS, the PrPSc 111ultiplies and spreads. the species barrier incl11clP:
'l'l1e iIH.:reast'.U PrPsc produclio11 wiLhin lhe CNS is directly l. 'rhe degree of homology in the ami110 acid se-
related to the progressive development of CNS degenera- quence of the llonor anu recipie11L oI PrP. This ge-
tive lesions and the onset of clinical sig11s. netically deterrnined host PrPC amino ac.icl se-
There is no humoral or cellular imn1une response to the quence is ilnporlanl as it is thought to have a direct
Prrsc bccausc thc protcin is idcnticul in its amino acid se
affect on the abi1ity of PrPC to refold in a manner
quence to the host l'rl'c. ·rhus, there is 110 seru1n antibody that rnirnics the PrPltes tertiary conformation.
test to allow for antemortem detection of exposure, and 2. The strain of prion. As 1nentioned alJove this is enci-
cellular infiltrates are not present wlth.i.11 the CNS of af- phered in the conformation ofthe PrPRes.
fected sheep. Lesions associated witl1 scrapie or an.y othPr
3. The species specificity of the helper "X" protein.
TSE are foL111d 011ly '"'itl1in tl1e CNS (aside froni. seconclary This may also be an important deterrninant in the
lesions such as hair loss). These 1esions are bilateral in dis-
specie:> barrier.
tribution and limitcd to tbc gray muttcr arcas. Thcy consist
o t three basic changes: spongiforn1 change, which refers to As a side note, evidence now suggests that the process of
vacuolation within the neuropil of gray matter that repre- experimentally adapting the ca11didate PrPRes across the
sents intracytoplasmic vacuolation of nerve processes; previous cross species barrier actually creates resultant
neuronal degeneration/loss, t"1hich includes intracytoplas- modifications of the Pr.PRes, ;:inc1 th11s PSSf'ntially
nlic vacuolalio11 of neuro11s, sl1ru11ken, dark, a11gula1 neu- creates a oew strain of PrPRcs. For this reason, isolates
rons, rare necrotic neurons, and neuronal loss; and astro- are now designated not only according to their original
cytosis or thc hypcrtrophy and hypcrplusiu of ustrocytcs natural host, but ulso by any spccies tl1rough. whjch it has
within the gray matter (see f ig /1 .4) . !he lesions occur first been adapted experime11tally.
in the caudal brain stem and progress from there to other
regions of the brain stem, cerebellum, and cerebral cortex. Subcfinical Carriers of lnfection
PrPSc c;in hf' il111str;itpcl f'Vf'n i1rior to cl f'tf'ction of r.NS l f'-
sions by the use of irnmunohistochemistry. The PrPs,. de- 1'here is sorne experiment al evidence to suggcst that,
posits around and within neurons and glial cells within under certain circu1nstances, and >vith certain PrJ>R~•s from
the neuropil. certain TSEs, PrPHes in fcctions can result in subclinical car-
Recent studies u1 pregnant scrapie-infected sheep indi- riers that do not develop disease. ln addition, it may be
cate t bat fetal genetic susceptibility plays a major role re- very difficult to detect the PrPRes in these carriers except by
gardtng both maternal transmission of infection to the bioassay. As a11 exau1ple, exµeriu1e11lal i11(ecLion across lhe
fetus and th.e potential spread of scrapie within a flock. spPc.ies harrif'rs in rodents rnay require multiple serial pas-
Th.e results i11dicate tbat in utero fetal infection does not sages through tl1at rodent species. In such instances fol-
occur in infected ewes. I-Iowever, the fetal membranes can lowing initial inoculation of the resistant host, the l'rl'R~
bccomc infcctcd witl1 PrPSc during gcstation, scrving us a may not be detected, and t he host may live i.ts entire life
source for shedding of Prpsc int.o the environment both at wit hout contracting a ·rsE. e ·o;vever, when brain material
and for sorne ti me after Jarn bi11g. Whether the placenta be- from such a host is subsequently serially passed tl1rough
comes infecte<.l is controlle<.l by the fetal ger1etic puly111ur- tl1at sa111<:: ::.pecie:;, a TSE disease n1ay eve11tually result as
phism. Asan examplP, Prrsc tv;is fo11ncl in pl;icenta of in- th e cross species barrier adaptation results.
fected ewes where the fetal genot ype was c¿Q at codon 171
but was not detected in the p lacenta if the fetus was a re-
sistant QR gcnotypc ut codon 171. At lambing, place11tal Laboratory Diagnosis
.Pr¡>St: is a high risl<. source for infection, and very young
lambs witl1 susceptible genetic polymorphisms are at the Severa! diagnostic tests for prion clisease have been devel-
higl1est risl< for infection. The reason for this increasetl sus- upeu fur speclfic deleclion of f'rpRes ü1 tissues. These tests
ceptibility of young anirnals is nnknown, h11t it is theo- rely on the use of polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies to
Ch.apter 66 'lransmissible Spongitorm Encephalopathies 431

thr. PrP . Since these antibodies cannot differenti- that new additions come from flocks with clisease-free sta-
ate between PtPr. and PrPR"\ thc test mcthodologics utilizc tus a5 can bcst be dctcrmincd (oftcn difficult). ·rhird cyclid
th e biochemical differences between PrPC and PrPRes to testing of animals over 14 months of age can be considered
first destroy the PrPC epitopes using digestion or denatur- in making this assessment but is not foolproof. Genotype
il1g procedures (Le., proteinase K or formlc acld digeston, testing to select for new a<l<lítions with resístant ge11otypes
aod/or denaturation by autoclaving), only PrPRcs is ;:ilso 11sr.f11 I, although researc:h has not elim thr.
witlt its intact a11Ligenic epitopes. This group of tests, possibility of a resistant genotype carrier animal. ·rh.e feed-
which includes immunohistochemistry (lHC) and ing of ruminant ineat and bonemeal to rumjnants is pro-
enzymc-bnkcd immunosorbcnt assay (ELISA) nlethodolo- hibited in many countries.
gies, has been utilized successfully for detection of PrPRcs
in a variety of TSE diseases.
Scraple can be dlagnosecl anternortern by irnrnur1ohis-
tochemical (IHC) detection of Prrsc in thircl PyPlicl hiop- 80VINE SPONGIFORM EN CEPHALOPATHY
sies. ·r11e l>iopsy <.:011::;ist.s of a s111all aggregate of Lhe lyn1-
phoid fo!Hcles that can be visualized and excised on the Disease
inner surface of the tbird eyclid. A ncgativc test rcsult <loes
not completely ensure the animal is scrapie free for the fol- Hovine spongiform encephalopathy (HSE or "mad cow dis-
lowing reasons: t he animal may be in the early incubation ease") is a chronic, progressive, and uniforrnly fatal degen-
stages of infe<.:tior1, or represent 011e of tl1e su1<:lll per<.:e11t- erative CNS Jisease tltat o<.:<.:urs 11aturally iu <.:attle, exotí<.:
age of clinically affected sheep where Prpsc is not present/ ungulates, and domestic and exotic felids, and is the likely
detectcd in lym.p h tissue p rior to CNS infection; or t here cause of vCJD, a newly recognized TSE in hun1ans. BSE
may not be sufficient lymphoid tissue present (this seems emerged as a newly recognized TSE in England in 1986.
to occur more in very aged animals and possibly in sorne The inciden ce of BSE in cattle rapidly increased, Jargely in
sheep breeds more than others). dairy cattle throughout the United Kingdo·m (U.K.) over
The postmortem diagnosis in clinically affected ani- the next few years. Shortly thereafter, additional new TSE
mals is often made by hlstopathologic evaluation of the diseases were then recognized in both captive exotic ungu-
hTain (<.PP Pig 71 .4) ThP PXtPnt of thf> 1Psi<ins, anrl therPforf> liítP<; anrl ff>lirl.s from zoos in F.ngl;:inrl, ancl ;:iLso in rlomPstir
the accurac-y in diagnosis through routine histology, is di- cats in the U.K. Experimental studies and characterization
rectly related to the severity of the clinical disease at death. of the PrPRcs from this latter group of prion diseases estab-
lished that PrPBSE was the cause, indicating that 13SE, un
like ottler T'SEs, had an unusually \-Vide susceptible host
Treatment and Control range. Significantly, vCJD also emerged in a small number
of young hurnan patieuts íu EuglauJ at tl1e sau1e:: Lüue.
There is no treatment available for scr.apie, so thP rlisPasP is lJnlikr. sporaciic: C'JD, vC:JD occurs in humans ata much
llaJ1dled by prevenlion, co11trol, or eradication. In North younger age and has a diffcrent time course, EEG pattern,
America there is a federally regulated program t o eradicate and pattern of clinical CNS slgns. Sheep, pigs, primates
the disease, which includes: (macaqucs), marmoscts, lcrnurs, a11d mice are experimen-
tally su sceptible to BSE infection, altl1ough natural occur-
l . A "S<.:rapie Flo<.:k Cerlificalion Progran1" ll1al n1011i- rence of disease has not been described in these species.
tors flock disease status over an extended period
Sheep are susceptible experimentally to oral inoculation
with the goal of assigning status to flocks with no vvith RSF., whirh raisPs suhst;:int ial conc:erns as to how i1'
evidence of scrapie. ·rhe program has requirements
would be differentiated from sera pie. Because of the asso-
for individual animal identification, record keep-
ciation with vCJD, BSE is considered a major threat to pub-
ing, reportin.g, and restricrtons on flock addítlons to lic hcalth, which is thc basis for national cradication pro-
ensure scrapie is not introduced into flocks free
grams in all countries where it eXists, and extensíve
froin deLeclable serapie.
national surveillance and prevention programs in coun-
2. The eradication of scrapie through disease survejl-
t ries where the disease does not.
lance, and diagnosis, identification of infcctcd/
Following the widespread detectio11 of BSE in the TJ.K.,
exposed tlocks, elimination of positive or suscepti-
cases of BSE occu1-red in other countries through the ex-
ble/exposed animals, ar1d monitoring of sheep
port of infected meat and honemeal, infected live anima Is,
movement to control potential spread of scrapie
and possibly other infected animal products. As of August
and to allow for .successful trace-back from posi-
Li vel y liiaguu:,eli aui111al:. lu Lliei1 IluLk:. uf u1igi11.
2003 a total of 23 countries had reported cases of BSE.
These include severa! cou.n tries in Europe, as well asJapan,
Within an individual flock, determinatior1 of the flock Israel, and Canada.
status and strict limitations on the addition of new ani- Epidemiologic analyses strongly suggest that the pri-
111als are tl1e best 111ea11s for preventi.ou a11d con trol. Ini tial 111ary n1ode of i1alural BSE transn1ission is Ll1rougl1 Lhe il1-
determination of tbe flock status can best be obtained gestion of contaminated meat and bonemeal contai11ing iI1-
through thc Scrapic Flock Ccrtification Program. Main- fcctcd offaL Horizontal transmission from animal to animal
tenance ot a disease-free fJock is achieved by maintaining does not occur to any signiticant extent. Young cattle ap-
a closed flock, particularly a closed ewe flock. If n.ew intro- pear more susceptible to infection than adults, and there is
ductions are to be made, care should be taken to ensure an i.ncreased risk for BSE among calves born from BSE-
432 PART III Viruses

affected cows, suggesting a lovv leve! of 1naternally associ- BSE (PrPllSE) has been identified. Unlike scrapie, suscepti-
atcd transmission. Howcvcr thc rncchanisrn rcsponsiblc for bili Ly to BSE 11a::; 11ut yet l.Jet:11 G1s::;uciatt:d witl1 a11y cattlt: PrP
this in creased calf riskis unknown (i.e., what role does direct gene polymorphism s. There are no detec"table differences
cow-to-calf n1aternal il1fection vs. ge11etic predisposition vs. in age susceptibility or incubation periods reported for var-
feed-borne exposure play?). There is no strong evidence to ious cattle breeds. PrJ>BSE has not been found in sheep nat-
suggest tr;:insm ission from a contamil1ated environment, al- urally infected with sera pie, although the pote11tlal risk of
though the occurrence of a sn1all 11un1bcr of 11ew BSE cases BSE-infected sheep is recognized. No strains of PrPSc have
in the U.K. followi11g the enforced anilnal protein feed ban been found that are similar to PrPllSE, although the nurn-
in animal$ born aftcr August 1, 1996 is 1;0:::1 uf :>lla.i.u 1..uUlJJ<1li::.utl::. l1 a::. l;o:::o:::u liu1ilo:::LI.
The initial source oft he infected material responsible for
the emergen ce of BSE in the U.K. n1ay never be known. T'"'º
theories have been offere<.I to explain the emergence of BSE: Host-Prion Relationship
1) BSE arose from the feeding of meat and bonemeal con-
laining sheep offal conlanlinaled will1 scrapie lo cal lle or While polymorpllisms in the PrP gene of cattle have been
2) BSE arose from a single spontaneous case of BSE in cattle identified, there is no evidence suggesti ng thP~P pnly rnnr-
tl1at \"las thcn rcndcrcd and fcd as contaminatcd mcat and phis111s 11avc a11 affcct on d isease susceptibility. Unlike
bonemeal to other cattle. A third theory- that BSE arose scrapie, PrPBSE is not readily detected in lyn1ph tissues
from the feeding of infected offal from sorne other man1- prio r to t he onset of CNS infectivity and cllnical discasc.
malian species- has also bee11 proposed. Epidemiologic ev- PrPBst has been detected only in the CN:> (brain and spinal
idence suggests tl1at a change in the rendering process in cord) and retina of naturally infected cattle. Experimental
E11gla11d lu Ll1.e Ja le 1970s u1ay llave allowed for incteased studies indicate tl1at it does track through Jymph tissues,
survival of PrPRcss, regardless of the source (offal from in - but it is detected inconsistently and in relatively small
fected sheep, bovine, or other species), increasing exposure arnour1t::; as curnpared tu scrapie. Tl1c followi11g is a brief
of cattle to these PrPRcss. Additional epidemiologic data sumrnary of experimental studies in c.attle.
support ing scrapie as the lnltiaJ sou.rce for BSE incl ude the Following oral inoculation of cattle, PrPRSE is first de-
fol lowing: the sheep population increased significantly in tected in lymphoid follicles of the distal ileum at 6
the 1980s, when BSE likely emerged, possibly increasing months postinoculation (PI) . It can be occasionally
the prevalence of enllern ic :;crapie in the U.K.; anll meat found in the ileum at later PI dates. lt also has been de-
ano honemeal was ;:¡ cheap feed so11rce liste<i for ct;:iiry c;:ilf tected in the t onsil between 6 - 14 months PI in one study.
starter feeds. I Iowever, it is difficu lt to explain by these It is first detected in the CNS and dorsal root ganglla at
point source theories (whether it arose initially fron1 32 months PI, followed by trigeminal ganglia at 36
scrapie-infcctcd sl1ccp or a BSE-lnfcctcd cow) how BSE si- n1011 Lhs PI. Prf>BSE has i1ol bee11 delecled in ei ll1er
multaneous1y emerged at multiple sites in tlle U.K., unless retropharyngeal, mesenteric, or popliteal lympl1 nodes
this single source ,,v as "''ldely distributed. Once BSE infec- of naturally infected cattle. Within the CNS, lt progres-
tions were established in the cattle population, tra11sm1s- sively accumulates and is associated with degenerative
sion c.011 Id he e;:isi ly ;:implifiect hy repeated recycli ng of RSF.- CNS lesions t hat are gene rally sim ilar to other TSEs. As
infected bovine tissue into meat and bonen1eal fed to \'\1'itl1 oth erTSEs, there is no immunologic response to the
cattle. BSE soon reached epidemic proportions in the U.K. PrrBSE by the host.
The epidemic peaked i11 1992- 93 \.vitl1 37,280 cases diag-
nosed in 1992. Disease eradication and prevention pro-
gi-ams that '"'ere established (see "Treat1n e11t and Control," Laboratory Diagnosis
below) have been successful In greatly reducing the num-
hers of cases. 'fr;:insn1ission of RSF. to felicts ;:ind exotic 11ng11- ·rhere is no ;:intemortern test c.urrently availahle for diag-
lates is thought to have occurred through feeding of in- nosis of DSE. Postmortcrn diagnostic tests on the brain are
tected animal protein, and although the source tor vl;JD available that are similar to those tor scrapie (immunohis-
(human) is not proven, ingestion of contaminated animal tochernistry, ELlSA, a11d vvestern blot tests on CNS, not
products is considered the most likely source. lymph tissue). These tests are utilized in BSE-infected
BSE has a long incubation period with a mean incuba- countries as part of their national eradication programs.
tiu11 veriuu uf 4-5 year::;. Cli11ic..:aI ::;ig11::; i11c..:lude a Ju::;::; uf Rouline h islopalhology of ll1e brail1 of cli11ically affccted
conclitio n or weight loss, couplect vvith one m o re CNS anima Is will show lr.sions compatible •vith BSE, hut confir-
signs tl1at include behavioral changes (apprehension, fear, mation of the diagnosis requires confirrnatory testing. In
easily startled, depression). hyperesthesia, hyperreflexia, the United States, a national surveillance program tor HSE
muscle fasciculations, tren1ors, myoclo11us, ataxia, 11yper- is conducted by Animal Plant Health Ir1spection Service
metria, pruritis, and autonomic dysfunctio11s (reduced ru- (APHIS) of the United States Departme11t of Agriculture
1nination, bradyca rdia). (LTSDA). The surveillance samples include field cases of cat-
tle exhibiting neurologic tlisea::;e, c..:attle cu11de11111ed at
slaughter for neu rologic. reasons, rahies-negative cattle
Etiologic Agent submlttcd to public hcalth laboratories, neurologic cases
submitted to veterinary diagnostic laboratories and teach-
BSE is causcd by PrPBSE prion with physicochcmical prop- ing hospitals, cattle that are "nonambulatory" ("down-
erties comrnon to all abnorn1al prions. Only one strail1 of ers"), and cattle dying on farms.
Chapter 66 Transmis'>ihlP Spongiform Enccphalopathies 433

Treatment and Control Aside from the relative ease of transmission, geographi-
cal sp1ead of Lite Llisease 11as alsu been facilitated through
There is no treatment for BSE. Countrics with confirmed Lransportation of farmed dP.<'r ;incl Plk hi>tween. farms . In
BSE cases are attempting to eradicate 1t, and countries V\1 here North America (as of 2002), the disease had been detccted
it is not present institute preventative/surveillance pro- in tree-ranging deer ir1 Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska,
gran1s Lo prevenl ils occurrence. l11 Ll1e U.K., a series uf key Wisconsin, South Dakota, Ncw Mcxico, Illinois, and Sas-
regulatory measures were taken by the govern ment to stop katchewan, Canada, and in farmed cervids in South
thc food-bornc transmission of BSE. 'fhese measures, cou- Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Oklaho1na, Kansas, Minne-
plcd with detection, diagnosis, and cradication programs suta, Montana, Wlsconsin, and the Canadian provinces of
have provento be very successful in stemming thc cpidcmic Alhf'rta i'!nc1 Si'!skatchewan. lt has also been diagnosed in
an<.1 urasticany redudJlg the number or bovine cases. lhe farmcd cervids exportcd to lb.e Republic of Ku1ea. Mal1::1-
first of thP'>P measures was a ban on the use of meat and nal transmission may occur (there apparently is no dircct
bonemeal in run1 ina11l feed in July of 1988. Tl1i:. \.vas ful- evidence whether maternal transmission docs or does not
lowed in September of 1990 by a further ban on the tL'>e of occur), although modeling studies suggest that CWD epi-
specificd bovinc offal in fccd stuffs of any species; these were demics cannot be explained solcly by maternal transmis
bov1ne tlssues thougl1t to harbor the highcst concentration sion. I11 Ll1e wild, it is pussible thattransmission might also
of infective material. Whlle these measures resulted in a re occur from clecay of \.WD-infi>ctPrl c;ircasses, with release
ducliu11 i11 new cases, eviden ce suggested that new feed- of thc Prrc:wn into the environment through scave11ging,
borne cases c:ontin11ecl in i'lniméllS, and in March 1996, thc and maggots, exposing foragin g cervids.
feed ban was extended to a total ban on the use of 111a111- Experimental CWD infections havc bccn documented
n1alian proteins in feed produced for any farm animals. in cattle, sheep, and goats, but only following intracerebraJ
inoculation. There appears to be a substantial species bar
ric1 belwee11 Llte:.e ho:.1: speLies and lnfection with PrPcwo.
1 atura] transmission from clPPr or Plk to these species has
( HRONIC WASTING DISEASE not bccn documented. Therc is no evidence of experin1en-
tal transmission to cattle either by direct contact or oral in-
Disease oculation more than five years following cxposurc.
Based on cxamination of natural cases, cw lJ is though t
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal ch ronic progrPs- to have a m.inimum incubation period of 16- 17 months,
sivc dcgcncrative CNS disease of mule dccr, white tail deer, which i:. a11 apµre ciauly shurter tncubatlon periocl than ei-
and eJk that is tound primarily in North Amcrica. ·rhere ther scrapie or RSF.. Thi> clinici'll '>iens in cleer or elk with
are no reported human 1'SE cases associatcd '"'ith CWD. CWD include loss of body condition and 011e or n1ore of
CWD was ñrst diagnosed in 1967 in Colorado. The disease the tollowing CNS abnormalities: behavioral changes
was subsequently recognized asan endemic disease in deer (changes in interac..1:ions with handlcrs, walking pattcrns,
a11d clk íu <111 area that encompassed portlons of Colorado, depression, lowered head and ears), polydipsia, polyuria,
Wyoming, ancl Nehri'!ski'I. ThP rangP and incidence of the increased salivation or drooling, incoordination, ataxia,
disease began to increase after 1990. Thc rcasons for lhis head tremors, wide-based stance, and hyperexcitability.
suddcn sprcad are not clear, but both unique features of HowPvPr, because clinical signs may not be observed in
thc discasc and thc husbandry of captivc cervids likely free-rangir1g deer, the salic111 findings al 11ecrupsy u1ay iI1-
contributed. CWD can spread laterally vía direct contact clude Joss of condition and dcath dueto aspiration pncu-
transmission, in distinct contrast to BSE where contact rnonia, possibly duc to dy~phag i a or ptyalism.
trausulisslon <loes not appear to occur. ·rhe lateral trans-
1nission of C:WI) i'lppi>i'lrS to be even more efficient than
that of scrapie. 'l'he source of the shcdding P1rcvvo fru1u Etiology
infected animals and mode of inoculation of uninfected
animals are not known, although oral inoculation is con- CWD is caused by ll1e P1Pc"vo priu11, wllich has physico-
sidered the n1ost likely route of natural intection. chemical properties similar to other ahnormal prions. l 'he
Modeling studies suggest that lateral transmission origin of PrrDVDwill probably nevcr be known, but might
through shedding of Prrcwn probably begins even before include a spontaneous mutation in a cervid or cross
the onsct of clinical signs in infcctcd deer and elk. CWD spccics adaptation following initinl cxposurc of deer or elk
sprcads fro111 iJ1fecled Lo u11i11fe1...Leu ue1::1 u1 elk whe11 ro scrapte. Strain-typ1ng stuc11es 1n mice indicate tt1at
comingled in confined surroundings. To addition to dircct PrPCWD is unique frotn severa! strains of scrapie, BSE, and
contact transmission, indircct transxnission from contam- Transn1issible Mi11 k EuccphG1lopat~1y (TME) agents. ·rhere
inated pastures or paddocks occurs, and this indirect trans- is no currcnt information rcgarcling PrPCWD strains.
mission also appears to be more effícient than is reported
wil11 :iLT<t¡,>ic. Tllis relative ease of both direct and indirect
contact transmission likPly Pxpl11ins the very high preva- Host-Prion Relation ship
lence of CWD in sorne infected captivc hcrds (n1ore Lh<:111
90o/o of mule deer over a 2-year period in one herd). The Multiple deer PrP gene polymorphisms have been de
prevalence of CWD in frcc-ranging ccrvids from endemic sc1ibed, buL the affelts uf these polymorphisms on discasc
areas can also be high (<1- 1.)%). susceptibility is unknown . 'rhe rathcr uniform CWD sus-
434 PA irr TTI Vi ruses

ceptibility noted in captive <leer would suggest that resist- mortero diagnostic tests, and incomplete unciPr<;tanc1ing
ant gcnorypes, if p resent, are infrequent. uf t lie 111ude of Lrans1nission all co111plicate effo rts to con-
Lik.e scrilpie, Prrcvvo is rt>ilc1ily c1Ptt>ctahle in lym p hoid trol oreraclicate CWD. Quarantine and depopulat ion of af.
tissuc:s throu ghout t h e body of infcctcd dccr a nd clk, nn d fcctcd hcrd s ¡¡re prim¡¡ry mcont. for control in fa rmed fa cil
the pathogen esis of tissue distribution shares many simi- itlcs. Eve11 with depop ulation of infcctcd farmed facilities,
larities to scrap ie. Following oral exposure, Prrcwo is de- thcrc is concern of reinfection follo,.ving placement of n ew
tected first in lymph tissucs prior to detection in the brain. uninfected sto<.:k, due to possiblc cnvironmental cor1tarni-
Experimentally it has b een found in the Peyer's patches of nation . There also are concerns for spri>acl from in fectPcl
the lleum, ileocecal lymph node, tonsll, anc.l retropl1ary11- fd1111eu facililies Lo co111iguous free-ranging populations
geal lymph node by 42 days ;:iftf'r inff'rtion. lt is first dc- across fence lines or, conversely, from endernic-free popu-
Lecled in the brain within the dorsal nucleus of the vagus lations to farmed facilities. An active, cfficient surveillance
nerve locatcd in the caudal brain stem (obex), similar to program is theretore recommended in far med facilities,
sera pie. In onc study, Prrcvvo was first dctected in the obex not only to identify and remove infected animals, but also
:~ months touowing n rst aetecnon in the GALT. Lesíons to prevent movem ent of tnft::<.:tt::cJ au1 u1al:. Lu uLhe1 fcu1ueu
specific for CWD are con fined to the CNS and are similar facilities. ManagemPnt of frPP-rangi ng populations is even
in overall nature to other T.SEs. n1orc problen1atic. Cu rrent management involves active
surveillance to determine p revalence, coupled with con-
tai n ment and reduction of prcvalcncc tl1rough culling in
Laboratory Diagnosis focusect end ernic areas. Human-fac1litated relocation, or
feeding of free-ranging cervids, is banned in endemic
There is no antemortem diagnostic test for CWD. Postmor- areas. Selective cu lling of cUnlcal animals l.Jy itselI lla:. 11u1
tem diagnostic tests available are similar to those used for significantly affected prevalence in endi>mic ar~as. A pro-
scrap1e, and sorne of the monoclonal antibodies used for graIU uf localiz.ell populalio11 reduction in Colorado has
dctection of scrapie in the United States also are utilized hPPn instituterl, hut the effectivencss of this program has
for dete<.:tion of PrpC\\'D. A pre:.u111plive diag11osis ca11 also yet to be determincd. Tt is thought that a n aggrcssivc pro-
ht> mac1P hasPrl o n routine histopathology in clinically af- gram of selective culling or general popu lation rcduction
fected anin1als if sufficient CNS lesion dcvclopmcnt h as may be effcctive in regions where ncw cases of free-ranging
occurred . Confirmation of the diagnosis through ad di- infect1on are detected early, and prior to establish1nent of
tional tests con firms the diagnosis. endemic p opulation infections. 'fhc potential for trans-
port of h unter-killed in fected <.:<tr<.:a~~e~ to u1liufec led areas
and subsequcnt co11tamin;:ition of t h esc n ew environ-
Treatment and Control 1ne11Ls vía discardcd infected offal also re presents a signifi-
cant concern for potential spread of CWD to n ew regions.
There is no trcatmcnt for CWD. The long incubation pe- Thcrc is a USDA program currcntly in place to eradicate
riod, resistant etiologic agent, absence ot reliable ante- cwu from farrned elk operat1ons 1n the United Statcs.

Clinical Applications
Circulatory Systeni and
Lyniphoid Tissues

The circulatory system includes the blood-vascular and vascular endothclial cclls at thc pcriphcry of the lesionare
lymphat1c systems. The blood-vascular system is composed able to proliferate and reendothelialize those areas that af-
of t h P. hP.ílrt, ílrtf'ri f'~. c;:ipillaries, veins, <1nd components of fcctcd vessels supplied.
blood itself. Infections involving the pericardial sac, wl1ich T l11.: ly1nphoid tissue plays a n1ajor role in defense of the
enclo:;es the heart, are also included in this chaptP.r. ·rhf' hody from infection. It is central to the development of
lymphatic systcm includes lymphatic capillaries, afferent the anin1al's inunune syste111 (priu1ary lymphoid tissues)
lvmphatic vessels that drain interstitial fluid and cells from and plays an ongoing role in immunC' survf'ill;:incf' t1nrl rlP-
tissues, lymph nodes, and efferent lymphatics that recircu fense. Details on mcchanisms of immune defense pro-
late lyrnph and cells (primarily lymphocytes) from lymph vided by lyrnpho1d tissues are covered in Chapter 2.
nodcs to the blood-vascular system. Because of the func- Beca use of the surveillance role it plays, lyrnphoid tissuc is
tional associalion wilh a11d cellula1 lraffil.:ki11g tl1rough tl1e exposed to numerous potentially pathogenic microbes,
drculatory system. infections involving othcr lymphoicl which if nnt ront;:iinPrl m;:iy involve the lymphoid tissue in
tissues (splccn, bonc marrow, and thymus) are included in the diseasc process or cause a systen1ic infeclion.
this chapter. Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues, al-
though less organized, are included with other lymphoid
tlssues. 1·he role of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissues in Transient and Persistent Microbes
imrnune surveillance and as potential cntry sites for sorne
palhogens in LO lile hOSl art:: ui:;cus:;e<l ill tl1ose As a rule, the clrculatory system and lymphoid tissues are
chapters on systems where they are found or chapters cov- not rf'cogni7ed to have a normal roicrobial flora. Transient
ering specific agents involved. bacteremias do occur, oflen as a 1esull of Lrau111alic or il1va-
While functionally similar, there are anatomic differ- sive events (e.g., dental extractions, endoscopic proce-
ences in the organization of lyrnphoid tissucs of animals durcs of thc digestive tract, and urethral catheterization)
and b1rds. Bí rds possess a Bursa of Fabricius, a lymphoep- or subsequent to treatments that compromise mucosal
ithelial organ, which is dorsal to and comm unicates with barriers (e.g., chcmothcrapy, radiation thcrapy). This al-
the cloaca. It IS a primary lymphoid organ serving as the lows normal mucosal inhabitants to enter t he blood-
ni;i in ~itP nf H lymphorytP rliffprpntirition Fr.r t h e lnost stream. Chronic condition s, such as severe gingival dis-
part, poultry do not have lymph nodes but rat her rely on ease, Ll1a Lcon1p10111ise Lhe 11vru1al hv:>t l>arriers rnay al::;o
cecal tonsils, Peyer patches, and Meckel's diverticulum in lead to spontaneous bacteremia. In sorne inst;:inc.P.s, no
thc intcstincs; lymphoid follicles in various organs; t he predisposing event or conditioi1 is recognized Lo accounl
spleen; anda special paranasal concentration ot lymphoid for a bacteremic episode. The resulting bacteremia is usu-
tissue (Harderian gland) for secondary immune functions. ally ttansicnt, lasting only a short pcriod of time (less than
30 minutes) before removal by phagocytes in the liver and
spleen. Not ali microorganisms appear to be removed that
Antimicrobial Properties rapítlly and may persist in the vascular system for longer
periods. for example, a pPrsistf'nt h11t <:ubclinical bacte-
Phagocytic cells in the spleen and livcr providc thc pri- rcmia with Dartonella species occurs in son1e cats. Baclere-
mary defense for the vascular systcm by removing poten- mias can serve as a source of microorganisms for serious in-
tial pathogens from circulatio11. Depending on the loca- fections of the circulntory systcm (c.g., infectious
lilH 1 .l11 tl 11.: vascular systern anc.I severtty of lnl ury caused endocarditis, bacterial sepsis).
directly hy an infectious agP.nt or its toxin oras a result of Microscopic and molecular-based studies suggest that
the subsequent inflammatory response, ability to repaiJ: lhe bluvu:.lrc::arn rnay in fact be colonlzed with specific mí-
damage is variable. Cardiac muscle has Jittle regenerative crobes rather than just hf'ing pf'riodically exposed to organ-
capability following infectious proccsscs that rcsult in rny- isms through transient bacteremias, and ll1al lhese "rt::si-
o cardial cell death. Such injury leads to scar formation. dents" persist in the blood in a benign fashion. However,
Injuries to small vessels that destroy cndothelial cells can evidence that a true normal rnicrobial flora of the blood-
resull iI1 tllro111l>us forrnation in those vessels. Unaffected stream exist remains to be conclusively demonstrated.
438 PART IV Clinical Applications

Sorne viruses, particularly retrovlru:>e:>, persisteutly iu- ra viuly fatal iufeclio11s \'Vilh few orno premonitory sign~
fect cells in the lymphoirl ti-.o;11 p ;:ind hlooci for tht> Jife. of (c.g., anthrax, hlackleg) . Sorne of the most comn1on
lhe anin1al. and/or important infectious agcnts affccting thc circula-
tory system and lymphoid tissues of domestic animals and
poultry are listed in Tables 67.1-67.7. Specific chapters on
lnf ect ions each of these pathogens should be refer red to for more de-
tails on pathogenesis, spectrum of clinical signs, ::ind thf
Access of microbial pathogcns to tl1e clrculatory systern ¡Jathulugy Lliey L-duSe.
occ.:urs through a number of mech;:inio;m<;, incluciing direct
i11uculalíon inlo l11e blood (e.g., insect bites, contami-
Bacteria! Sepsis
nated needles, blood transfusions) or by spread from ini-
tial site of infection via thc vascular systc1n or the lym Bacteria! sepsis and septic sh ock are characterized b y vas-
phatics draining that site. cular collapse and multio rgan failure. Tn addition to tht-
Microbial agents that enter via the lymphatic system signs specifically related to altered organ pt>rfusion, clin -
may be ell1n1nace<1 or, ac leasr, arresrcd at regiu11al ly111plt Ldl :>i!)ll:> vf :.epsis include f~r, tachypnea, and hypothcr-
nades, or, if they avoid cont::iinment ::it the lymph nodes, mia. The most common agents involved in sepsis are
they sprcad lo tbe bloudstream and can dissen1inate t o gram-ncgativc bacteria bclonging to the fan1ily En terobac-
othc>r sites in the body. 'fhe circulatory system, thereforc, l'eriaceae, altho ugh other gram-negat1ve path ogens (e.g.
provides a means for delívcry of many microbial age11ts Pseudomonas aeruginosa, m embers of the Farnily J>asteurel-
from their site of entry to thcir ultimate target organ(s) in laceae) and gram-positive coccl (c.g., staphylococci, stre¡.r
the body. Depending on the agent invo!ved, the circula- tococci) also cause sepsis élnd SPptic shock. Sepsis fre-
tory system itself may oc may not be affected . For many yueutly uccurs in neonates, and is especially important i:-i
viral infections a viremia is the p ri mary means of dissemi- proc111ction animals, horses, and poultry. In veterinary me-
natlon in tl1e host l>ut is ufte11 a clulically li1apparent dicine, the mcreasing level of mtcnsivc carc affordcd an.-
event. Similarly, sorne hacteria and fungí in animals reach mals with debilitating conditions has inc.reased the risk fo:
their primary or sccondary target organs via thc circula- acquiring nosocomial infections and thus the poten tia! foz
to ry system without obvious or major clinical signs of cir- bacteria! sepsis to ctevelop in those patients.
culntory systcn1 involvement. Central to the development of septic shock is lipopoly-
Thc focus of this chapter is on infeceions in which the saccharide in gram-negative urg<J1üs111s or other n1a jor ce!..
circulatory system an d/or lymphoid tissues are one of the wall co111.ponents in gram-positive organ isms (e.g., peptido-
pri1na ry si tes affected in the infectious ¡;roce~~. !11 addi lion gylca11, lipoteicl1oic acid). 'J'hese pathogen-associated mole-
to specifir lt>~ions or rliniral signs directly related to the cules bind to receptor signaling complexes on monocytt:"I
circulatory system and/or lymphoid tissues, many of these and macrophagcs. Toll-likc rcccptors, transmembrane sig
agents also cause systemic, nonspetific signs that include nal transducing coreceptors, play a central role in thL
fcvcc, anorexia, depression, prostration, and weight loss. process. Exposure of cells to these rnicrobial products resul~
Sorne 1nfeetions of the blood-vascular system present as in a dysregulation of the lmmune re~pu11~e a11<l tlic vrutluL-

Table 67 . 1. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of Circulatory System and Lymphoid Tissucs of Dog$

Agent Dlsease

Vi ruses
Canine adenovirus 1 lnfectious cuninc hcputitis Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, oral petechial hemorrhages, lymphadenopathj
Canine distemper virus Canine distemper Leukopenia, myocarditis in neonates
Canine herpesvirus 1 Canine herpesvirus disease Generalized ecchymotic hemonhages in neonatal puppi~. lymphoid necrosis
lanine parvovirus Canine parvovírus disease Leokopenia, lymphoid necrosis, myocordilis
Bortonc/fo spccics" lnfectious valvular endocarditis Heart murmur, valvular endocarditis
Borrel1a burgdorteri Canlne Lyme borreliosis cardlac arrhyttimias, myocarditis
Ehrlich;a canisb Canine ehrlichiosi~ Anemia, bleeding tendencies, limb edema. lymphadenopathy. splenomegaly
Eryslpefu!/11 ix )µµ. 1t 1 r~,Livu> volvulo1 e111.lvcanliti5 l leort murmur, cmboli formotíon, volvulor endocarditb
Leptospira spp. Leptospirosis Generalized hemorrhages, icterus, septicemia
Neorickettsia he/minthoeca Salmon poisoning Lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly
Rickettsia ricketts;; Rockv Mountain spotted fever Edema, hemorrhages, fymphadenopathy, myocarditis, vascular obstruction

•1nchJdes B. ~insonii subsp ber'mofli and B. damdgeiae.

tioiher Ehrfichia 5J)ecies cause dinical siqns related to anemia, leukopenia, .:nd thrombocytopenia.
Chapter 67 Circulatory System and Lymphoid Tissucs 439

Table 67.2. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of Circulatory System and Lymphoid Tíssucs of C.:its

Agent Diseese Circulatory/Lymphoid Associated Findings

Feline immunodeficiency virus Feline immunodeficiency Anemia, leukopenia, lymphadenopathy, secondary infcctions
Felíne infectlous peritonitis virus Feline lnfectrous peritonitis lmmune complex vasculitiS/perivasculitis, lymphadenopathy, pericardial ettusion
Feline leukemia virus Feline leukemia AnPmia, lymphoid depletion, lymphosarcoma, myeloproliferative disease, secondary
Feline panleukopenia virus Feline panleukopEnia Leukopenia. mesenteric lymphadenopathy
Fclinc s;ircoma virus ~line sarcoma íibrosarcomas
Mycoplasma haemofelis Feline infectious anemia Anemia, icterus. splenomegaly
fr;¡ncisclfo tuforcnsis Tularemie Leukopenia, lymphadenopathy. lymph node abstt!))~), )¡il~11om~galy
Streptococcus canis Cat stranqles Cervical lymphadenitis. lymph node abscesses
Yersinía pestis Plague Ccrvícal/submandibular lymphadenitis, lymph node abscesses, septicemia

Table 67.3. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of Cirrul;itory <iystem and Lymphoid Tissues of Horses

Agent Oise¡se(s) ~~~~~~~~

Circulatory/lymphoid Associatcd Findfugs
African Horse Skkness virus• African Horse Sickness V;i1ruliti~ with pulmonary, subcutaneous and eyelid edema
Equine infcctious anemia virus Equine infcctious anemia Ane111id, l 1e111or1 lidye), itlerus, splenomegaly
Equine viral arteritis virus Equine viral arteritis Edema, hemorrhages. leukopenia. vessel infarction
Vene2uelan equine encephalitis virus• Venezuelan equine enccphalitis Ccllular depletion of lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow
Actinomyces spp. Actinomycosis Mandibular lymph node abscesses
An;;p/Jsma phagocytophila Equine ehrlichiosis Anemia, edema of the legs, hemorrhages
Agents of neonatal septicemiab Neonatal septicemia Septicemia, hypotension, organ failure
Burkholderia maller Farcy, glanders Lymphangitis, lymphadcnitis, splenk absccsses
c.orynebacterium pseudotubercu/osis Ulcerative lymphangitis lymphangitis
Neorickettsia rirticii Potomac horse fever Leukopenia, mesenteric lymphadenopathy
sueprococcus equl subsp. equl Strangles PharyngeaVsubmandibular lymphadenitis/abscesses
Purpura hemorrhagica lmmune-complP.X v;i1ruliti~, PrlPm;i
Hi~'toplasma farclmlnosum• Eplzootlc lymphangltls Lymphangitis. regional lymphactenitis
Sporothrix schenckii Sporotrichosis 1ymphangitis

ªClassified as a foreiqn animal disease aqent fn the United States.

btndudes Actinob~ci/11~ Pquulí, Ell'hPrkhi11 rnlí, ~lmnnPll~. 5treptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus.

tion of excessive levels ofpro1ntlam1natory cytokines ('l'N1~­ ent in high enough numbers to be detected by direct mi-
alpha, IL-1, IL-6), which are largely responsible for the sys- croscopic examination. Sorne bacteria are, however, pres-
Le111i<.: 1;:ff1::<.:ts ulJservec.l in sepsis. Toll-llke receptors are also ent in large enough numbers in thc blood in the terminal
found on endothelial c.ells lining hlc'inrl vessels. stagcs of disease to be detected in direct smears. Bacillu.s an
Sorne gram-positive organisms produce superanUge11s lftrui·is, t!Je etiologic agent of anthrax, causes an over-
that nonspecifically actívate largc populations of T lym- whelming Sf'pticf'mi;i, predominately in run1inants, and
phocytes to produce excessive an1ounts of proinflamma- resuJts in largc numbers of organjsn1s beiug fuuutl lrI tl1c
tory cyrokines. Coagulation abnormalities, specificaUy blood during the time just prior to death (Fig 67.1 ). Pasteu-
disseminatcd intravascular coagulation, can also be a con- rella n1ultocida, thc agcnt of fowl cholera, and Dorrelia anse-
seque;:11<.:c uf se::¡.>sis. rina, the agent of avían spirochetosis, can also be found in
Duri ng a hac.tP.rial Sf'ptiremja, rarely are organisms pres- large numbers in the blood of affccted birds.
440 PA1rr IV Clinical Applications

To ble 67 .4. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious /\gents of Circulatory System and Lymphoid Tissues of Cattle

Agent Disease Circulatory/lymphoid A5'0Óated Findings

Alcelaphine herpesvirus-1ª Malignant catarrhal fever Hemorrhages. let1kopenia, lymphoid prnlifPration, lympharlimopathy
Bovlne leukemia virus Bovine leukemia Lymphosarcoma
OvinP herpPwin 1<- / Malignant catarrhal fever Hemorrhages, leukopenia, lymphoid proliferation. lymphadenopathy
Rlft Valley fever virus• Rifl Vdlley feve1 Splenomegaly, widespread hemorrhages
Rinderpena Rinderpest leukopenia, destruction of lymphoid orqans
Anapfasma margina/e Anaplasmosis A11emia, kleru~, ~leuomegaly
Arcanobacterium pyogenes Traumatic reticulopericarditis Pericarditis (often polymicrobial)
lnfectious valvular endocarditis 1leart murmur, heart failure, valvular endocarditis
Bacillus anthracís Anthrax Edema, septicemia, splenomegaly, bleeding trom orífices
Clostridium chauvoeí Blackleg Myocarditis, pericarditis
C/ostridium haemofyticum Bacillary hemoglobinuna lcterus, intravascular hemolysis, hemorrhages
Ehrlichía ruminantíumª African heartwater disease Edema, hemorrhagPs, hydroperirardium, splenomegaly
Leptospira spp. Leptospirosis A11errrid, ille1u~, intravascular hemolysis
Myco.bacterium avium subsp. paratuberculn<i< lohnes disease Granulomatous lymphangitis of mesenteric lymph vessels
Myu1/Jdlle1iu111 /Juvi> Bovine tuberculosi> Cronulomatous tr<>chcobronchioVmcdiortinol Jymphodcniti>
Pasteuref/a multocida serotypes 8:2 or E:ia Hemorrhagic septicemia Edema, hemorrhages, hemorrhag1c lymphadenopathy
Salmone/111 spp.h Su lmoncllosis Septicemia, splenomegaly

•Clo»ified os a fo1ei9n animal disca:c ogent in the United States.

bcommuu ~rulype> inlluu.s Dublfn •nd Typhimurium.

Table 67.5 . Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of Circulatory System and Lymphoid Tissues ot Goats and Sheep

Agent Circulatoryllymphoid Associated Findings

Bluetongue virus Bluetongue Edema ot head and neck, hemorrhages, hyJ)Erem1a
Peste des pctits virus' Peste des p€tits Generalized lymphadenopathy, leukopenia, splenomegaly
R1ft Valley fever virus• Rift Valley Íever Splenomegaly. widespread hemorrhages
Rinderpest vir~ Rinderpest Leukopenia, de<trurtioa of lymphoid organs
Anaplasma ovis Anaplasmosls Anemia
Bacillus anthracis Anthrax Edema. septicemia, splenomegaly, bleeding from orifirP.~
Corynebacterium pseudotubercu/osis Caseous lymphadenitis Lymphadenitis, lymph 1101.le óU)lf!))f!)
Myroplasma haPmnvi< Eperythrozoonosis Anemia
Mdm1f1dmid /Jaemolytic (S) Septicemic pasteurellosis llemorrhagic septicemia in lambs
Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides (G) Septicemic mycoplasmosis Septicemia, pericarditis
(large colony type)
Pasteurella trehafosi (G) Septicemic pa,"teurellos1s Hemorrhagic septicemia in lambs
Staphylococcus aureus Tick pyemia of lambs Lymphadenopathy, septicemia

(G) =goats. (S) =sheep

G(l311ified as 3 foreign animal agent disease in the United States.

lnfections lnvolving the Heart and Pericardium

tious process from adjacent tissues (e.g., pleuropulmonarv
The major infectious processes of the heart are infcctious infcctions).
valvular endocarditis (usually bacteria!) and myocarditis
(bacteria) or viral). Infcctions of thc pericardium occur ei lnfectious Valvular Endocarditis. Valvular endocarditis results
thcr as a result of a systemic infectlon, trom a focus within from bacteria from another site in tl11:: IJuuy =>eedi11g one
thc hcart (e.g., endocarditis) or by extension of an infec- of the heart valves. Prr.exi<:ting injury ora functional ab-
Chapter 67 Circulatory Systen1 and Lymphoid Tissues 441

Table 67.6. (0111111011 and/or hnportant lnfectious Agents of Circulatory Systen1 and Lyn1phoid Tissues of Pigs

pisease- Circti.latoi:y/Lymphoid Associated findings

,., African'SWine feyei 11iru.5" Afrrcan swine fever Generalized .edemalhemorrhageS/infarctioos, hemorrtiagic [ymph nodes, ,
pericarditis, skin cyanosis, splenomegaly
Enccph¡¡Jomyocarditis virus Encephalomyocarélitis Hydropericardium,. myocarditis" pericarditis
HOQ' cholera virus" Hog cholera, Classical swine fever Generalized hemorrhages/in1arctions, llemorrhagic Jymph nodes,
lympnoiffi depletion; skin qanosis, splenic infarcts
Lelystad virus Porci11e reproductive and respiratory l)'ndrorne Secondary ihfectioos due to ma~rophage dep!etion
•. Pordne Circovirus 2 eost-weaning multisystemir wasting syridrome lymphadenopathY, myocarditis, poof grbli.1h.
Baci/lus anthracis Anthrax Pharyngeal Iymphadenopathy and edema, septi(emia
BurkholdP.ria psP.11domalleiª MeJk1idosis Lymrih OC\de ~nd splenk ~hsce<<el
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Erysipelas Hemorrhages, splenornegaly, skin cyanosis, infectious valvuld1 e11UUld1dili~
E5cherichía ·co/i Septicemia Septicemia in unweaned pigs. skih cyanosis. c0ngested organs.
fsche.richia co/i-(Shiga-like toxin positive) Edema disease Edema in subcutaneous tissues/stomach mue.osa due to vasculitis
Haemophilus parasuls Glasser's oisease Pericarditis, septicemia

Mycobacterium a'viíJmb Swine·mycobaaeriosis Granulomatous <ervi(af, pharyngeal, and mesenteric lymphadenitis
Myrnrfa<ma <rr.' Myropl~<m~ pol~Prn<iti< PPrir~niití< with nthPr <Prn<itirlP~
Mycoplasma hae.mosuis Por,cine epérythrozoonosis Anemia, icterus, splenomegaly
SalmoneJlad Salmonellosis Lymphadenopathy, skin cyanosis, septicemia. spleoomegaly
Streptococcus porcinus Jowl absc-ess Ccrvic¡¡J Jymphudenitis
Strep:tecoccus suis: StFeptococcal septicemia PericarditiS, sepficemia

•c1ass1l!ed as a·fore19n ammat drseas.e agent~o'lbe Unrted ~tates.

bpfO{>OSed tbat swine straíos of Mycobac:terium avium be induded in the subspecies hominissuis. Other-mycobacterial species involved incJode M. kansasii, M. xenopi, allQM. forliiitum.
Rhodococcus equi is also occasionally involyecf.
'lncludes Mycopfasma hyopneumoniae, M. hyprhinis, ano M. hyos.ynoviae.
dMost common ser0types are Choleraes!li.s var Kunzendorf and Typhimurium.

normal.ity of he;irt Vil lve ;i llows for platelet anrl fihri n rlep- tnnella, another gra rn-negative organism, is inc.rcasingly
osition. These deposits provide sites for attachment for being recognized as a cause of infectious valvular endo-
bacteria that are present in the circulation, often as a re- carditis in dogs.
sult of onc of thc mcchanisms o.f t(ansient bactere.mi.a
previously described. Attachment to the heart valve is Myocarditis. Myocard.it1s, an infla1nmation of the heart
mediated through a number of bacteria! surface adhesins muscle, usually is the result of systemic infection with
that include surface glucans ar1d fibronectir1-l>inding pro- foci of infection in the heart. Darr1age occurs directly to
teins. F.xposed extr;ic.el111lar matrix on the valve m;iy also myoc.ytes o r to v;isc.11lilr enclotheli;il VPSSPls s11pplying
serve as a receptor favoring bacteria expressing fibrino- heart tnuscle. 'fhe mechanisms of in jury to the heart n1us-
gen- or laminin-binding proteins. A preexisting heart cle vary and include 1) direct toxic action of an agent on
valvc lcsion is not an absolutc requircment for infcctious myocytcs, 2) cffccts of circulating toxic products, or 3) im-
valvular endocarditis to develo p. Other cardiac abnormal- mune-mediated mechanisms. A Wide variety of infectious
ities (e.g., subaortic stenosis in dogs) or invasive vascular agents have potential to cause myocarditis. Sorne com-
procedures, including catheterization, also predispose to mon microbial age11ts speclflcally associated with my-
he;irt v;ilve infec.tions. Sequelae to v;ilvu lilr enclocaT<iitis oc;irciitis in ani1nals inclt1de canine parvovirus, en-
include embolization, multiorgan infarction, and sudden cephalomyocarditis virus i11 pigs, Clostridiutn chauvoei
death. in cattle, and Listeria 1nonocytoge11es in ruminants and
Bacteria involved in infectious endocarditis are prc- poultry.
dominantly, but not exclusively, gram-positive organisms
and include streptococci, enterococci, staphylococci, Cory- lnfections lnvolving the Pericardium. T-Tydropericardiun1, a serous
nebac.Leríurn, and Ar<.anobacteríurn spp. ·rhe genus Erysipe- fluid accumulation in the pericardial cavity, in con¡unc-
lothri.x is specifically associated with valvular endocarditis tion with other systemic signs is a characteristic of certain
i11 sorne a11il11als (swine, dogs, poullry). When gra111- i ufectiou:; <.lisea:;e,s (e .g., heartwater in cattle, Af.rlcan
negative organisms are involved.. they are usually memhers Horse Sic.kness, c.hirkP.n ilnPmi;i virus infPction) rind i<; thP
of the families Erztcrobactcriaccac or Pscudomon.accac. Bar- rcsult of vascular damage. Fluid accumulations il1 the
442 PART IV Clinical Applications

Table 67. 7. (0111111011 dlltl/ur lr11µorld11l lr1fe1.liou) Ayer1b uf Cir1.uldlory Sy)ler11 d11tl Lyr11µhoid Tissues of Poultry

Agent Disease Circulatory/Lymplloid Associated Findings


Avid11 i11 flu~11Ld viru)·HS or H7• Avian influenza, fowl pla'iJue Generalized hemorrhages; edema of head, wattles, and como; lymphoid
(highly pathogenic) necrosis; myocarditis
Avian leukosis viruses (C) Lymphoid leukosis Anemia, hemangiomas, lymphoid tumor5, SJrcoma5
Chicken anemia virus (C) Chicken anemia Anemia, hemorrhages, hydropencard1um, hypoplasia of lymphoid and
hemopoetic tissues
Exotic Newcastle disease virus• Exotic Newcastle disease Generalized hemorrhages (especially intestinal), edema
lnf1>rtin11< h11r<.>I rli<P;i<P vinK (C) lnfPrtin11< h11r<nl rii<Pa<P. <iumborn rii<ea<P. Enlarged/hemorrhagic bursa of Fabricius. lymphoid necrosis. B lymphocyte
deficiency. immunosuppression
Marek's disease virus (0 Marek's disease Lymphoid tumors of heart, bursa, thymus. spleen
Reticuloendotheliosis virus m Reticuloendothcliosis lymphoreticular neoplasia, lymphomas
Turkey adenovirus 2 (i) Hemorrhaqic enteritis of turkeys lmmunosuppression, intestinal hemorrhage, splenomegaly
But ttdíd dll)t:t ina Avían spirochetosis Anemia, hemorrhages, splenomegaly
Chlamydophila psittací (T)b Ornithosis, chlamydiosis Pericarditis, splenomegaly, fibrin exudates
Erysipelothrix rhusiopothiae Erysipcl~s Generalized hemorrhages, splenomegaly with infarcts, valvular endocarditis
Escherichia coli Colisept1cem1a Pericarditis, omphalitis, septicemia, splenomegaly
A4ycobamrium ;wium Avían tuborculosis ~fl!Pnit !Jr~n11lnm~~
Pasreuretta multodda Fowl cholera hemoni1ages, pericarditis, septicemia
G~11~1 d!it~tl
Sillmnnp/l,lb Salmonellosis< Myocarditis. omphalitis. pericarditis. splenitis

(0 =chicken. (T) = turkey

ªClassified 05 a forei9n •nim"I rii<P•«> •9•nt in th• tlnit•cl ~tate<.
b1nc1ud~ scrovar. Pullorum, Gallinarum, and Typhimurium.
'lnduJes Pullo1um disease, Fowl Typhoid, and Paratyphoid.

F 1G U R E 6 7. 1 . Blood smc<Jr from v cow with anthrax. Blood Pericarditis and pleuritis in a goat caused by a
F 1G U R E 6 7 • 2 .
was collected 1 hour prior ro the cow's dearh. Numerous, /arge, Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mytoitle) (ldrye to/uny Vdtidnl) }ep-
squared-end rods typical of Bacillus anthracis are present in the ticemia.
smear. Wright's stain.



pPrir;:i rc1i;:i 1 s;:ir ;i lso res u lt fro m dama ge due to immune- Tl1c most common traumatic pericardial infection in
comp lex deposition in vesscls (c.g., fel ine infectious peri- animal:; is t raumatic rcticulopcricarditis (hardware disease)
tonitis). in cattle. ·rhis is m ost often assoc1ated with the extension
Pericarditis denotes an inflammation of t he peri of an ingested linear metallic object (e.g., wire, n ail
cardium. Like myocarditis, a number of viral and bacteria] through the reticulum and dtaphram intu the peri<.:aruial
agents can be involved. Pericarditis is often part of a sys- sac. lt provides bacteria thf' nf'Cf'S<>a ry ;:iccess to the pericar-
tcmlc lnfection involving other :.urface:. a11u cavi- dial space il1 order for infection to establish. Such infections
ties (e.g., Gl;:iss1>r's c1is1>;:isp in pigs, mycoplasma septicemia are usually polymicrobial, with Arcanobacteium pyoge11es
in goats) (Fig ó7.2). and Fusobacteriurn necrophorurn fccquently involved.
Chupler 67 Circulatory System and Lymphold T!ssues 443

lnfections Affecting Blood Vessels

FJ G U RE 6 7 . 3 . Blood smear from a cow with anaplasmo~i~.
In general, the endothelium of blood vcssels plays an in- Anisocytosis <ind polychrom<isi<i <irc evident. A number of Ana plasma
tcractivc role in most infla.m matory rcactions through organlsms are present in red blood ce// margins. Wrighr's srain.
endotheliaJ-leukocyte interaction, pro-coagulation activ-
ity, and release of mediators (cytokincs, chemokines) .
Microbes that specifically infect endot11elial cells of small
vessels and capillaries can cause necrosis with increased
vascular pcrn1eability resulti11g fron1 dirccl vascular e11-
dothelial injury by an agent or its toxin (e.g., Shiga-like
toxin) or by immune-complex deposition andan ensuing
inllammatory response. Disruption ofthe endothelial bar-
rier leads to edema and/or hemorrhages in affected organs.
Cllnlcal s1gns depend on the agent ano vascular Síte(s) 1n
the body primarily affected (e.g., African Horse Sickness
and the puhnonary vasculature an ensui11g pul-
monary edema). Central nervous system sign s in dogs as a
result of bleeding il1to the bruin are attributcd to Rickettsia
rickertsii, t h e Rocky Mountain spottcd fcver agent, and the
vascular damage it causes. Similarly, damage to the in-
tegrlty of vessels >'Valls dueto immune-complex deposition
in feline infectious peritonitis in cats résults in the fluid ac- (Fig 67.3). Infections elícit an immune response that re-
cumulations in serosal cavilies, as is fou11d i11 tl1.t: "wct Sltlts in removal of both infected and uninfected RBCs and
form of the disease. In addition to severe hepatic necrosis,

n1ay lead to a packed cell vulu111t: a:-. luw as 6%. The anerni<1
Rift valley fever virus causes massivc gcncralizcd cndothc- observed with chicken anemia virus disease and Fel.V in-
lial damage resulting in widespread hemorrhages. Loss of fcctions in cats are cxamples of anemia due, at least il1 part,
endothelial anticoagulant activity and platelet activation to decreased erythropoiesis. ·rhe bacteria! hemoparasitc,
ru<1y cause thrombosis of blood vessels and lnfarction in M)'coplasn1a haemofelis, causes anemia in cats by multiple
<;omP <>ystPmir infections ultimately le<iding to tissue rnechanisms including RBC scqucstration and antibody-
necrosis at the affected site (e.g. 1 skin lcsions of erysipela::. mediated hemoJysis. Irnmune-mediated hemolytic ane-
in swlne). Details on the pathogenesis of these and other 111ia is also inq.Jorli:url ilr Fe LV iofl!ctiun:; anu canine el1rli-
infcctious d iscascs that affect thc b lood vasculature andas- chiosis. lmmune-mediated hemolysis can he. the. re.sult of
sociated pathology are covered in greater dctail in chapters 1) prcscnce of microbial antigens on the RilCs, 2) cross-
on the specific agent or system(s) involved. reactions between antigens of normal RBC proteins andan
Omphalitis, an tnflammation of the umbilicus of ínfectious agent, o r 3) exposure of usually unexposed RBC
neonates, deserves special attention. Both the umbilical ant1gens during the infeetious process. Intravascular he-
artcric:-. a11LI vci11s car1 l.Jc ir1vulvcu. ll i:-. ~pt:cially irnpur- molysis resulting in anemia can be the result of action of
tant in farm animals anrl horst>.'i. ThP h;ir.teria rP_<>ponsihle. certain l.Jacterial toxin:; (e.g., phospholipase C). Leptospira
are either of enteric origin, inl1abitants of mucosa! sur- spp. ano (./nstridíum hen1n/ytir11n1 (ITP notable agents that
faces, or environmental contaminants (e.g., Actinobacillus destroy RllCs by this mechanism. Anen1ia in these cases is
sp, /\rcanobacteriun1 pyogenes, E. coli, streptococci). Umbil- often accompa11ied by 11emoglobinuria.
ical infections can lead to local abscess development or,
somctimcs, serve as a site for establishment of Clostridiinn
leluni a11LI ll1t: Llt:vt:luµ111t:11 l uf Lcla11us. A scµticcruia ruay lnfections lnvolving White Blood Cells
also develop from umhilical infections (nave! ill), whir.h A uu1nl.Jer uf viruses affect cells of the myelold and lym-
can lead to infections elsewhere in the body, including phoi<i si>rii>s. Vi>nPznf'lan Pquine encephalitis vin1s is a
polyarthritis and meningitis. Failure of passive transfer is a prominent example of a virus that destroys 11emopoelic
common predisposing factor in these cases. Tn poultry, and lymphoreticular cells Jeading to cellular depletion in
yolk sac infcction and omphalitis is also a serious problem. bone murrow, lymph nodcs, and thc splccn. Manyviral in-
A variety of organisms are involved, E. coli, Salmonella, and fections that target cells in these series predispose animals
PseucJu1nurtus l.Jt:i11g µrurui11t:11l t:tiulugit.: age11ts. to secondary infections consequent to the immunosup-
press1ve effects that occur. One of the main targets of infec-
tious bursal disease virus in chickens is the cloacal bursa,
lnfections lnvolvl ng Red Blood Cells
which inilially is eI1largeu ar1LI euernatous but eventually
Anemia is a common finding in many in fectious processes. bccomes atrophied (Fig 67.4) . ThP. re.sulting R lymphocyt<'
A numbcr of mechanisms lead to anemia <tnd includc sup- deficicncy lcads to sccondary infcctions. Feline leukemia
pression of erythropoiesis, sequestration of red blood cells virus, feline immunodeficiency virus in cats, and porcine
(RBCs), antibody-mediated hemolysis, erythrophagocyto- circovirus in pigs similarly make animals more su sceptible
sis, dliecL ufRBCs, ar1LI altcratíuus in RBC rnembranes to secondary lnfections through tmmunosuppresive ef-
that decrease overall lifespan. fi>rt~ . These effects can be long-term; however, other viral
A11aplas111a 111arginale specifically infects RBCs in cattle infections (e.g., disLeo1pe1 vir u:-., l1ug cllulera virus, par-
444 PART IV Clinical Applications

F1G U R E 6 7 . 4 . Enlarged edematous bursa in a chicken with F1G U RE 6 7 . 5 . Swolfen mandibular Jvmph node in a cat with
infectious bursal disease. (Courtesy Dr. H. Shivaprasad.) Streptococcus canis Jymphadenitis. (Courtesy Dr. P. Blanchard.)

voviruses) cause temporary leukopenlas and the immuno- cats from geographic regions whcrc plague is endcmic.
suppressive cffcct is short-term. Francisella tularensis cau ses lymphactenopathy with absces-
Ba<.:teri<d <tg1::1 1t::. 111ay also infecl white blood cells. Cer- sation in cats, along with generalized signs of infcction..
tain members of the genera Anaplasrna, Ehrlichia, and Streptococcus canis also causes puruJent inflammauon of
Neorickettsia are pathogcns of cclls bclonging to thc myc- lymph nodes on the head and neck in cats (Fig 67.5)
Ioid or megakaryocyte series. Fungal agents are not com- Outbreaks, prt;:sumauly vi<:t oral 11ausn1ission, have been
monly associated \.vith infections of the myeloid or lym- described in cats kept in roloniPs.
pho1d cell series. liowever, the syscemic fungal agent Ge11eralized or regional lymphadenitis is encountered
flistoplasrna capsulaturn specifically infects macrophages v.'ith tl1e systemic mycotic infections (blastomycosis, coc-
and, therefore, hi:>tuµ la:>1110::.i::. i::. co11side1ed a disease of cidioidom.ycosis, cryptoco ccosis, histoplasn1osis) and typ
thP monocyt·c-macrophage system. ically results in a caseous-type necrosis in the affected
lymph node.
lnfections of Lymph Nodes, Lymphatics, and Other Lymphoid
Lymphangiti:. i:s a11 a<.:uli;: u1 ch1011ic üúla1n111alion of
Tissues thP lymphatic: channels that results when infections are
not contained locally. lnfections mostly involvc subcuta-
The lymph nodcs play a major role in filtering primary neous lymphatics. Lymphangitis is not common in ani-
sitt>s of i11ft><.:tiou vía tire ly111viraliL v1::ssels and, ll1erefore, mals, but whcn it occurs t hc ctiologic agents are most
art as p rincipie sites for containment of potential patho- otten bacteria! or fun gal. l'arasitlc agents sh ould also be
gens. Many viral infections are dispersed to oth cr parts of consid ered as causes of lymphangitis in an imals b ut are
the body (target organs) by this route. not within the scope o f t h is booi<.. lr1fla11u ualio11 of l1 1t
Lymphadenitis, an inflammation of the lymph nodc, lympha tic w;ill~ ra n rPs1 1lt in lymphatic obstruction and
can occur in a single lymph node or multiple lymph nodes persistent lymphedema in sites drained by thc affcctcd
draining a comroon region (regional lymphadenitis) o r lymphatics. Lymphatic vessels may be swollen (corded1
manift>!>"t as <:t gt;:111:raliL.1;:1.i ly111phadenilis il1 systenlic infec- with sporadic discharging abscesses occurring along the
tio ns. 0Ppe.nding on the agents involved, the inflamrna- lymphatic tracts. Lymphangitis is most commonly recog-
tory response can be non-supp u rative, suppurativc, n ccro- n ized in horses. Sporothrix sch.enckii, a dimo rphic fungus
tizing, or granulomatous. In sorne cases, dependin g on the and Corynebacterium pseuduluberc..ulu~fa a1e classical causes
agent and the host response, lymph n ode abscessation oc- of equine lymph;ingitis. Although considered foreign ani-
curs. Microbial agents causing lymph node abscesses are mal disease agents in t h e United States, Burkholdcria mallci
usually but not cxclusively bacterial or fungal. Partin1l;ir (agent of glanders) and Histoplasrna farciminosum (agent ot
organisrns con::.istc1llly a:.sociaLed with lyn1pl1 node ab- cpizootic lymphang:itis) should also be considered as po-
<;ct>sS<-''\ inrlu<IP r:nrynebacteriurn pseudotuberculosis in sheep tential causes of Iymphangitis in horses in cou ntries where
and goats (caseous Jymphadenitis) and Streptococcus cqui t hese agents are fou nd. Mycobacteri11rn avium su bsp. paratu-
subsp. equi in horses (stran gles). Although less com mon berculosis, the agent of Joh11t;:s l.ii:;c.::a:.e iu rurn ü1a11ts, causes
nowadays, Streptococcus porcinus was an important cause of a gra11ulom;ito11s lymphangitis in the mesentery of the in-
cervical lymph n ode absccsscs in swine (jowl abscess). testines in conjunction with granulomatous enteritis.
Yersinia pestis should al-.-vays be con sidered when mandibu- The spleen plays an active role in antigen trapping as
lar ly1nph notlt> au:.ce:.:>c:> (vft1;:11 bilale1al) are detectcd in wcll as rcmovnl of defective erythrocytes. Splenitis com-
Chapter 67 Circulatory System and Lymphoid Tissucs 445

(P.g ., fplinP lP11kPmia vin1<;, fplinP imm11nodeficiency

F 1G U RE 6 7. 6. Splenomegaly in a calf that died from virus) cause thymic atrophy. A lymphohistiocytic thy-
Salmonella Dublin septicemia. (Courresy Dr. M. Anderson.) musitis with depletion of cortical thymocytes is a major
pathologic fcaturc in cpizootic bovinc abortion, a discasc
limitcd to the western United States. lt is caused by an in-
fectious agent of, as yet, unknov;n etiology.

Neoplasias of the Hemopoetic and Lymphoid Tissues with lnfectious

Etiologies. Various viral-induced neoplasia involving he-
rnopoetic and lymphatic tissues occur in animals. Marek's
discasc virus, a hcrpcsvirus, causes a lymphoprolifcrativc
discasc that affects predominately nervous tissues but also
causes lymphoid htmors in a number of other tissues in-
cluding thc heart, bursa, thymus, and spleen. A number of
animal rctroviruses exist and are able to integrate proviral
v-v11<.. l:)CI u::::. i11 Lu l 1u:,L 1..ell ula1 l)f-JA. TlH; al.Jilil y uf feliue
leukemia virus to infect different hcrnopoctic cells ac-
cou11ts for thc varict y of disordcrs of thc hcmopoctic sys-
tcm sccn in infected cats. In addition, salid neoplasias in-
cluding lymphosarcoma (e.g., thymic lymphosarcoma)
• can occur. Thc bovine leukemia virus, also a retrovirus,
c;iuse-: lymphosarco1na that can involve a number of or-
monly occurs as a consequence of generalized infcctions gans including hcarl, kidncy, splcen, ly n1pl1 uodes, auu
due to acute congestion and/or reactive hyperplasia. brain. Avían retroviruses of thc lcukosis/sarcoma group
Saln1011ella septicemia is a common cause of splenomegaly cause various neoplasias of hcmopoctic origin (crythrob-
in many animals (Fig 67.6). In cattlc, anthrax and anaplas- lastosis, myeloblastosis, myelocytomatosis}, as well as lyin-
u1osi:. al:.o shoultl lJc cousiucrcu. lu µigs, African swine phoid Jcukosis and endothelial tumors (hen1angiomas).
fPvC'r anct C'rysip<'las, along with Salrnnnt>lla, arf> potr.ntial Viruscs of rctlculoendothellosls group cause lymphoid
agenls Lo consider wl1en splenon1egaly is deLected. lcukosis and reticuloendotheliosis in turkeys.
·rhe thymus is an u ncommon site for infections to
occur in animals. Viruses that infected ·r lymphocytes
Digeslive Sysle111 a11.d
Associated Organs

'!'he primary function of the dlgestive system is to p rocess viduals with achlorhydria or in individuals when stomach
food in order to providc nutrition for thc body. ·T his is pcr- acid l1as been neutralized.
tormcd by a series of complex physical, secretory, and ab-
sorptive processes. An in-depth descriptíon of all of the Peristalsis
varied and interactive functions of the dlgestive system is
well beyond the scope of t his chapter. Because the díges- Peristaltic activity in the digestive system is a mechanism
tivc ::.y::.tc111 i11 il::. ::.i111vlesl le1n1 1ep1esenls a11 open tube to whcrcby nonadhcríng microorganisms are swept distally
thP Pnvironment. the opportunity for exposure of thc di- In the small bo\vel, per1staltic act1vity plays a major role iP.
gestivc systcm to potcntial pathogens is grcat. host defense. Likelihood of discasc is directly related to size
·rhe anatomy ot the digestive svstem vartes markedly of a populatiun of a patl!ugc11ic ::.µecic::. vf bacle1 ia i11 Lht:
among different animals. In carnivorous animals, it in- small intestine. The most important rPg11lator of thP si7P o ·
cludes the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, and srnall and ll 1is populalion is perislallic activity, since there are fe\·
large intestines. The digestive systexn of 11crbívores is sub- other regulators sucl1 as thosc that exist in the Jarge bo\ve1
stanttally tlifferent frorn carui vure::. l.Juth <:111<1tuulic<:1ll y <:1utl (Eh, fatty acids, and pH). Pcristalsis also has an indircct
f11nctio na lly. Among thP hPrhivorous anima Is the re is also protective role by maintaining distribution and numbcrs
great variation in the digestive system makeup depending of the normal bacteria! flora. ·
on the digestive mechanisn1s cmployed (e.g., rumination,
cecal digcstion). Tn poultry, further specialization of the Mucus and Mucosa! lntegrity
d1gest1ve system 1s seen by the presence of a crop (a diver-
ticulum of the esophagus for storage of food) and the divi- 'fhe mucus !ayer and thc integrity of mucosal surface are
sion of t!Je ::.to1nacl1 i11to a gla11tlular ::.tu1uacl1 (pruveu- important factors in providing a barrier to ínfection in th1:;
trin1 l11s) ano muc;c:ular <;tom;ich (vPntrin1Jus OT gizz;irci). d1gestJve system, as well as to systemic infections that orig-
Sorne of these anato1nic differences selectívely predispose i nate through the digestive system. The mucus barrier.
to specific infectious processes. Infectious diseases of tl1c compo~ec.J of mucin glycoprutein.s .secreted l.Jy gul.Jlct cell::.,
acccssory organs of tl1c digcstivc systcm are also covered in bine!~ o rg<inisrr1s thPrPhy hlocking intt>rac:tion with under-
this chaptcr and ínclude comn1on dlseases of the liver, gall lying epithelial cells a11d 1 along with peristalsis, promotes
bladde r, and pancreas. tl1cir rcmoval. The n1onolayer of epithelial cells lining the
digestive syst em provides an addítíonal barrier to entry by
luminal o rganisms. 1I1testínal enrerocytes are zippered to-
gether by intercellular junctional complexes. Damage to
Antimicrobial Properties of the Digestive System inte!)tinal epitlleliun1 alluw::. fui i11le1cellu1ar lrai1slocalion
of potPntially pathogenic microbes. Sorne microbes are
'fh<'r<' are a number of anatomic, physiologic, and im- able to translocate across intestinal mucosa by il1traccllu-
munologic mechanisms in place to protect the digestíve lar mcans.
system from infection by potentia!ly pathoge11ic mi-
crobes. Following are the 1najor p rotective features of the
dígestive system. Bacteria( lnterference

Once the nor1nal flora is established, it gives thc animal a

Gastric Acidity very pote11t defense against microorganisms that might
cause disease, if they establish. An example of the effec-
Acid production in the stomach provides a major protec- t1ve11ess of this "colonization resistancc" is the exclusion
tive barríer agaínst patbogens reaching dist al sites in the of Saln1onella from the intestinal tract of poultry by "cock-
digcstive system. The normal acldlc environmeot in the taJls" containing r1ur1nal ílura 111il:1uu1garúsn1s. Disrupt-
stomach effectively inactiva tes sorne viruses and kills most ing colonization resistance puts the animal at risk by ex-
e11lt: riL l.Jacleda. Ils il11po1 Lance is evídc11l in l<un1ans by posing receptors on potcntial target cells and eliminating
thc increased risk for enteric infections observed in indi- a mechanism for regula ti ng the population size ot taculta-

Chapter 68 D.igestive Systetn and Associated Organs 447

tive. organisrns, including species or strains with patho- crobial con1munities in t he oral cavity provide for an ac-
genic potential. Produci:s of normal bacteria! flora, espe- tive surveillance in the gingival crevices against potential
cially the anaerobes that make up the majority of the oral oral pathogens.
and colonic flora, are important in controlling pathoge11 Asan associated organ of the dige.stive system, t he liver
establishment (see "Microbial Flora of the Digestive plays a major role in rernoval of pathogens from the blood-
System," bel<>'A'). stream.1.his innate host defense is accomplished by a com-
The 11ewborn anirnal is pi:lrticulcirly susceptiule to e11- pl<::x ueutruphil-Kupffer ct::ll (resitleut Jiver rni:lcrophage)
t eric disease hecause, besides being im1nunologically interaction.
n<live, it is devoid of established flora. The most vulnerable
area is the midjejunum and distal ileum. Other Antirnicrobial Products
Saliva, along with provid ing an important flushing effect,
lmmune Defense
contains a number of potential antimicrobial agents, in -
Passive protectlon ls afforded the neonate by colostrum. clud1ng antibodies, complement, lysozyme, lactoferr in,
Tmrn unoelobul ins in colostrnm, Spf•cifir fnr rin t ieenic de- peroxidases, and defensins. In t11e intestines, bile salts and
ternlinants on adhesins used by pathogens for attach - antimicrobial peptide:s contribute to lin1iting and influ-
ment, combine >"lith tbese structures to block attachment encing t he microbial makeup. Bot h alpha and beta de-
of the pathogen to its target cell . Failure of p assive transfer fcnsins are produccd by cclls of t hc intestinal tract (c.g.,
anct tnus t he absence of tnese protective immunoglobu- Panetl1 cells). Lactoferr1n and perox1dase from tne pan-
lins is one of the major factors Ieading to the in creased sus- creas 1nay also affcct bacteria! growth in t he intestine. In
cepLiblily of neonales lo enleric i11feclions. a<.ldi.Uun tu tl1e i:IIltilJodies in colostrum, the p resence of
·rhe active imrnune defense mechanisms in the diges- other factors such as lactofe.rrin ano JysozymP providP ad-
tive systen1 rely on patrolling phagocytes and humoral ditional protection for the digestive system in neonates.
and ceH-mediated immunity. "lhere is a normal back-
ground of neutrophils, inacrophages, plasma cells, an.d
lym.phocytes found in the lamina propria indicating a Microbial Flora of the Digestive System
continuous surveillance activity. When stin1ulated by po-
te11 LiaJ ]JaLhoge11s, iufla1nn1atory n1edialors a11d cheu co- A ru icruuial llora tl1at is pi:lrt of a cou1plex t::cusysterr1 in-
tacf'ic agP.nts are produc:ed and result in an influx of adcli - hahits the oigestiVP. t ract. l n aooition to its rolf> in prOtf>C-
tional inflammatory cells. As part of the body's mucosal tion against the establishment of pathogens, the normal
immune system, thc gut-associated ly111phoid tissue t1ora plays an important role in physiological health of the
(GAI.:r) is composcd of ly1nphoid tissuc in Peyer's patchcs }1ost througb fu11ctio11s that includc promoting fu11ctional
and ly mphocytes in the lamina propria. The n1icrofold (M) intestinal villi formation, synthesis of nutrients (e.g., vita-
cells overlying follicles of Peyer's patch play a role i.n anti- min K), and contributing to the establishment of a func-
gen samplir1g for the immune system but n1ay also provide tional il1testinal mucus consistency by degradation of the
a portal of entry for sorne pathogens. Tl1e benefits of GALT secreted glycoproteins.
i:tr1<.l i:H ttige11 sa111vling in Ll1e d igeslive syslen1 are nol jusl
local hut rather henefit the entire host through the com-
n1on n1ucosal in1111une systen1. Secretory lgA and associ-
ated secretory piece, "\-Vhich provides resistance to lumiI1al The result of i11teractions bet>"leen host and microbe is an.
dcgradation, has a role in osponization and neutralizing. ecosystem comprised of many thousands of niches, each
spec1f1c IgM antibOdies are a1so invo1vea. innabitect by tne species or straíns of microbes most aptly
Commensal bacteria play an important role in the de- suited to that location, to the exclusion of others. 'fhe host
vt:lü]JJ r1er 1Lof Lile n1ucosal ünn1une syslen1 of lhe gastroin- conlribuLes Lo lile establisl1rnen Lof a norinal llora by fui:-
testinal tract by promoting lymphoid follicle develop- n ishing receptors for adhesins on t he surface of prospec-
ment; however, the immune syst em responds more tive niche dwellers. The niche dweller is the one that has
vigorously to pathogenic organisms than it does to com- successfully competed for t hat particular site.
mensal organisms. This is possibly dueto the closer attacl1 The fetus is microbiologically sterile as it starts down
inent of patl1oge11s to n1ucosal cells or that commensal or- the birth canal. Microorganisms are acquired from th·e
ganisms, being more permanent residents, temper the b.i rth canal and, after b irth, from t he environment. 'fhe
in11ntu1e response directed to1'vard Lhern by blockillg ]JrO- iuuue<.liatt: t:11virourueut uf the newtJorn is populated
inflammatory responses. lnappropriate inflammatory re- with microorganisrns excretf'.d hy t he. oam ancf othPr ani-
sponse to normal commensal bacteria is hypot hesized to mals. These microbes are ingested, compete for,
be an underlying cause for ínflammatory bowel disease in and ;vith t ime becorne established as part of the normal
human s. flora. During the first days to 1nonths aftcr birth , thc flora
, In parts of the digestive tract, the normal flora is inte- is in a state of flux c.tue to the interplay between the vari-
gral to maintaining an active innate host surveillance ous microbes, the n iches of the host, and the changing
sysLen1. In lhe n1oulh, for inslance, Lhe ]Jerio<.luntal rni- uiet. Diet ir1fluence~ the nutrittonal envlronment at the
crobiota stimulates the formation of an interleukin-8 leve! of thP n ir.hP, whirh in turn influences the kinds of
(IL-8) gradient tl1at pron1otes migration o f neutrophils to microbes that will successfully con1pete for tl1ese i1ulri-
bacterial/epithelial interfaces. 'fhus these commensal mi- ents. Throughout its life the bost's normal flora is influ -
448 I>ART I V Clinical Applications

enced by a number of other factors (e .g., aging of the host)

and adapls accordi11gly. F 1G U RE 6 8. 1 . f'haryngeal swab from a dog. Simonsicllil,
Members of the normal flora establish themselves in showing characterisric monoseriate fílaments, are attached to an
a particular nlchc utilizing various bacteria! and host epithe/ia/ ce//. Other bacteria/ rods are a/so present. Wright's stain.
properties in tl1e process. A powerfut way for bacteria to se-
curc a particular niche against other species is to secrete
antibiolic-like substances such as bacteriocins (cattonic
mcmbrane-active con1pounds that form pores in the tar-
gc::l 1..c::ll~) a111.l 111iuuci115 (si111ila1 lll bac le1iocil1s bul sn1allcr
than 10 kDa and active against gram-negative microorgan-
isms). 13oth of these substances are signilicant, cspccially
in the communities living in the oral cavity. Microcins
probably play a significant role in rcgulating the popula-
tton composition in the gastrointestinal portion of rhe di- •
gcstivc system. The role of bacteriocins in this region is less
An i111port;int merhanism for rcgulating population
size and e11suring niche sccurity is fatty acid excretion by
obligate anaerobes. In the gingival crevice, dental plaque,
and the largc bowel, the obligate anaerobes in tl1is 1nan-
ner play a central role in regulating the siZe and composi-
tion of the normal facultative flora, the members of
whlch may include potentlal pathogens. Under tl1e cu11- fo1 fowl. Tl1e description that follows is general and applies
<litions of the bo~vel (low Eh {<500 mv} ancl pH of .'\to 6), to carnivores and herbivores. The bucea! surface, tongue,
liul y1 ic, acelic, a11d la clic acids are extremely t oxic to fac- an<l teeth (plaque) are inhabite<l by facultative and oblí-
ultative anaerobes, especially members of the fa1nily gate aerobes. ·rhese include streptococci (alpha and non-
J.!,nterobactcriaccac. Anothcr wuy for bacteria to compete hemolytic), xnembers of the family JJasteurellaceae, Actino-
successtully is to acquire nutrients more successfully than rnyces spp., enterics (Escherlch ia coli belng the n1osr
competltors. common), Neisseria spp., CDC group Ef-4 ("eugonic fr.r-
menter"), an<.l Simunsiellu (a uuilfUt: 01al co1nn1e11sal lhal
Disruption forms ch;ir;irteristir monos0riatC' fi lan1ents) (Fig 68.1). 'rhe
flora of the gingival crevice is com posed almost entirely of
Antimicrobial drugs are the single most efficient agents at obligate anaerobes, the most co1n mo n genera being Bacte-
decreasing colonization resistancc. Most antimicrobial roidcs, Fusobactcriu1n, Peptostreptococcus, Porphyron1011as,
agents allect the microbial tlora ot the oral cavity by cte- and I'revotella. Sa!Jva conta1ns a mixture of facultative and
pleting the nun1ber of streptococci that inhabit the surface obligate species of anaerobes and aerobes. The esophagus
of the cheeks and tongue. As a result, these areas are usu- does not possess a norrnal flura but i~ cu11ta11Jl11ated wilh
ally repopulated with resistant (to the antimicrobial agent org;in isms fo11ncl in saliva.
1Jci11g ad111i11isle1ed) n1e1n be1s o[ the fa111ily r.:nterobacte- In ruminants, rumen flora is composed of a complex
riaceae within 24 to 48 hours. Resistant members of the en- microbial community that includes bacteria (eubacteria
vironmental flora are also found. Me1nbers of the genus and archaea), fungí, and p rotozoa. The rumen flora is in a
Pseudornonas are notorious examples ot this group. dehcately balanced symbiotic relationship witl1 tl1e llost
J\ntimicrobials also affect the members of the obligate that is necessary to maintain rurne n health for its proper
anacrobic comn1unities that inhablt the gingival crcvtce fermentative fu11Ltiuu. Th e uulk uf lhe nora are obligate
and dental plaque in the mouth and the large boivel. ;in;ierohes, with Prevntella spp. and Bulyrivibrio spp. being
OvergruwllJ uf va1iou:> 1111::111be1s of Lhe fanlily Erzterobac- among the most common genera found. Also includcd
tt>riaceae rC'_'iult'i hecause of decreases in levels of fatty acids. are bacteria (Riuninococcus, Fibrobacter) specitically re-
Colonization by potcntial pathogcns (e.g., Salrnonclla) is quired for digestion of cellulose-rich foragc. Disruption!>
enhanced by antibiotics affecting obllgate anaerobes liv- in the normal rumen flora can lead to serious metabolic
ing in the bowel. and physiologicai problems (see "Tnfertion .~ of th<>
Stum<1ct1, Rurr1iI1a11t fure:.lo111acl1, a11d Abon1asum,"
Composition helow). 'í h e. flora of t he rest of the alimentary canal varíes
substantially a1nong different anin1als, as is shown in
B;irterial spec:ics as "''cll as sorne protozoal and fungal ·rables 68.1- 68.5.
species constitut c tbc bulk of thc microflora in the alimcn- Digcstive system-associated organs (liver, gall bladder,
tary canal o! animals. 'l'he overwhelming ma1or1ty of the and pancreas) are not generally considered to llave a uur-
normal flo ra is obligately anaerobic bacteria (up to 99.9%). mal llora but may be transiently seeded as a result of
V1ruses are typically only transicnt residents of the ali- asymptomatic b<1ctc::n::111ia. Clu:.l1iuial spoces are readily
mcntary canal. fo11nc1 in the live.r of many animals but remain dormant
The mi<:robial flura uf tl!c 111uulh i:> 1ougil1y u1liiorn1 unless tissue oxygen tcn sion becomes low cnough to allo"'
;imong <lomestir man11nals. No information is available spores to germinare and vegetative cells to proliferate.
Chapter 68 Digestive System and Associated Organ s 449

Table 68.1. Microbial Flora of t he Chicken

NUmber of Viable MlcroorganlsmS/uram of U>nten~

Stomach Small lntestine Cecum Feces

Crop Gizzard Upper Lower

Total 6 6 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9

AnaProhM 3 'i-6 <] <] ~q 7-il
Enterobacteriaceaeb 6 <2 1-2 1-3 5-6 6-7
Streptococci/Enterococci 2 <2 4 3-5 6-7 6-7
lactobacillus 5-6 2-3 8-9 8-') 8-9 8-9

•Expr~scd .is logm of thc numbcr of orgonisms cultured.

~M.i11ly E. <uli.

Tabl e 68.2. Microbial Flora of t he Bovine

Number of Viable Microorganisms/Gram ot Contents"

• Small lntpc;finP

Abomasum Upper lower Ce<:um Feces

·1otal 6-8 >7 6-7 8-9 9

Anaerobes 7-$ NA' 5-6 8-9 &-9
Enterobacteriaceaeb 3-4 >7 5-6 4-5 5-6
~frPptn<orci/ FntPrn<orri 6-7 7-3 3-4 4-5 4-5
Yt!d)~ 2- 3 <3 2

"l:xpremd a> log1o of the num~ of organisms cultured.

tMalnly E. col/.
<Not available.

Table 68.3. Microbial Flora of t he Horse

Numb'J!r of Viable Microorganisms/Gram of Contentsª

Small lntestine

Stomach Upper lower Cecum Feces

Total 6-8 NJ\< 6-7 8-9 8-9
Ana erobes 3-5 3-4 4-6 3-4 j-)
Fnterobacteriaceaeb 6-7 5-6 5-6 6-7 5-6
Sl• t!¡Jl.o<.Ullil Elllt!IUlUld <3
Yeasts 6-8 NA' 6-7 8-9 8-9

1Expressed as log
10 of the number of organisms rultured.
l>Mainly f. coli.
'Not •v•íl•bfe.
450 PAnT rv Clinical Applications

Table 68.4. Microbial Flora of the Pig

Number of Viable Mlcroorganlsms/Gram of Contenb•

Small lntestine

Stomadt Upper lower Cacum kces

Total 3-8 3-7 4-8 4-11 1(}-11

Anaerobes 7-8 f..-7 7-8 7-11 10-11
E11le1uúdtle1 Ídtedeb 3-5 ~ 4-5 6-9 6-9
Streptococci/ Er1terococci 4-6 4-S 6-7 7-10 7-10
Yeasts 4-5 4 4 4 4
Spiral organisms NA' NA' NA' NA' 8

4Exp1essed as log of the number of organisms cultured.

bMainlv E. coli.
'Not availablP.

Table 68.5. Microbial Flora of the Dog

Number of \fiable Microorganisms/Gram of Contents•

Small lntestinc

Stomach Upper Lower Cecum feces

Total >6 >6 >7 >8 10-11

Anaerobes 1-2 >5 4-5 >8 11>-11
Enterobacteriaceaeb 1-5 2-4 4-6 7-8 7-8
Streptococci/ Entcrococó 16 56 s7 89 ~10
Spiral organisms {relative amounts) 1+ 1+ 1+ 4+ u

'l:Jlpressed as 10910 of the numlJer of organisms rul1ured.

0Mainly E. coli. •

lnfections of the Digestive System and often contagtous and may, tl1erefore, affect large pupula-
Associated Organs tions of ;:in im;:ils ;:it ;:¡ timr. lnfrctions fro m endogenous mi-
crobes tend to involvc onc ora limited number of animals.
lnfections of the digestive systen1 and associated organs A nu1nber of viruses cause diseases of the oral cavity.
are in1portunt in all domcstic animals. Sorne digestive sys- 'fhc viruscs that cause the vesicular sto1natides variously
te1n pathogen s (e.g., enterotoxigenic E. coli, rotaviruses) affect ruminants, horses, and s>V'ine. Included in this
are specific for a particular animal family '"'hile others af- group are foot-and-rnouth disease virus (picornavirus),
fect a wide variety of animals (e.g., Sallnonella enterica vesicular stomatltls virus (rl1aulluviru~), ~1>vi11e vesicular
serovar ·ryphimurium). ln addition to differences in disease vir11'> (PntProvir11s), and vesicular exanthema of
anin1al susceplibility-agc, in1n1une status, and genetic swine virus (calicivirus-now believed to be extinct).
susceptibili ty-individuals \Vithin a species may also pre- These are contagious viruses. Lesions initially present as
di:;po:;c to infcction by spccific pathogcns. Sorne of thc vcsiclcs that cvcntually cuptuce and leave painful ulcecs in
most common and/o r important pathogens of the diges- oral mucosa. The coronary band and hcel ¡unctions of the
tivc systcm of n1ajor domestic animals and poultry are digits may also be involved, causing moderate to srvrrP
listed in Tables 68.6-68.12. lameness. Thc exotic na.ture uf ~u1ue u( tire vesicula1
viruscs makes thPm of s11hst;:intial economic importance
lnfections of the Oral Cavity in countries free of these diseascs. Other viruses are impor-
tant causes of crosivc stomatitis and inciude bovine virai
'fhe oral cavity of ani1nals is susceptible to infcction by a diarrhca virus in cattle, fe line calicivirus, rinderpest viruc
various endogenous (usually bacteria! or fungal) and ex- in sheep and cattlc, blueton~ue virus in sheep, and the ma-
ogenous 1nicrobcs (usual ly viral). Viral pathogens are lignant catarrhal fcver viruses in cattle. Clinical signs and
Chapter 68 Digcstive System and Associated Organs 451

Table 68.6. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of the Digestive System of Dogs

Agent ----------~~-~--~......
MajorCllnltal..ManifestatiOns (Commón Disea~e Njl(Tle)_______________ A~ Group{s) Commonly Áffecteél
Canine adenovirus 1 Diarrhea. jaundice, vomitiog Typically less than 6 mos
(anine coronavirus Di~rhea, vomrting Any age, typical!y in puppies
Cariine distemper virus Diarrnea, vomiting, dental enamel hyoplasia (distemper) Any age; most suS:Ceptible at ~ mos
Canine oral papillomavirus Oral cayity warts (oral papillomatosis) Typiéally less than 1 yr
Canine parvovirus Dianhea, vo¡ Any age, most susceptibl.e at 2-4 mos

C<1mpylob<1ctcr jcjuní!co/i. Diorrhco with or witnout blood Any age, typicalty less than 6 mos
Leptospira spp.• Hepat1t1s, vom1tmg (1eptospiros1s) Any age
Neorickettsia helminthoeca Diarrhea, vomiting (saJmon poisoning) Any age
Sa/monefla spp. Diarrhea, vomiting Any age, young ¡¡nd old mostsusceptible
Histoplasma capsulatum Diarihea with or without blood, oral ukers, weight loss (histoplasmosis) Any age, typically less than 4 yrs
Prototheca spp. Bloodyodiarrhea (protothecosis) Any age

ªlncludes teptospira serovars canicola, gtippotyphosa, and icterohemorrhagiae.

Table 68. 7. Con1111on and/or hnportant lnfectious Agents o f t he Di y.,1Liv" Sy1Le111 o f Cob

Maiet CliniEal Manife5!j!tions \Common Oisease Name} A~ Grot¡ s} Commonly Affectett

feli11e talidvir u1 Uk e.c1!ive ~lomalitis Typically le11 Litan 1 y1 oí aye
. Fe!ioe immunodeficier:icy virus Secondary gingivitis/stomatitis. diarrhea Any age
Feline infectíous peritonitis virus lleal or colonk granulomas with vomitíng or constipation Any age, typically less tlían 2 yrs of age
Feline Jeukemia virus Seconcfary gingivitis/stomatitis, diarrhea, vomiting/diarrhea dueto Any age
alimentary lymphoma
~eline panleukopenia Diarrhea, vomiting Any age, typically kittens 2-12 mos
Feline rotavirus Diarrhea 1-8 wks of age

Campyiobaeter jejunifcoli lJiarrhea Any age, typiEally less than 6 mos
Safmonella Diarrbea Any age, young and old most susceptible

Table 68.8 . Common and/or lmportant lntectious Agents ot the Digestive System ot Horses


Mafor.Oinkal Maniffitatlons (Common Dis~ase ~ame)

Equine rotavirus Diarrhea 1-8 wks of age

Vesicular stomatitis virus Oral ulcerslvesides Anyage
Clostrídíum perfdngens (Types A.B.C) Bloody diarrhea {hemorrhalJÍC ente¡ocolitis) Less than 1 wk of age
Clostddium diffjcil,e Di¡¡rrbea Adults and foals less than 2 wks
C/ostridium piliforme Diarrhea, hepatitis, sud den death (1y2zer's disease) 1-8 wks of age
Neorickett5ia risticii Di,arrhea (Potomac horse fever) Typical!y in adult anlmals
RhqúutULlU5 e4ui Dia1 rh~a. mesente1 ic \ymphadenitis 2~ .roos ot age
Salmone/la spp.4 Diarrhea with or without blood Any age

•commonserofypes include Sa/monel/a s_erotypes Typhimurium, Anatum, and Agona.

452 PART IV Clinical Applications

Table 68.9. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of the Digestive System of Cattle

Agent Major ainkal Manifestations (Common Oisease Name) ___.....,.. __ Age Group(s) Commonly Affected

Alcelaphine herpesvirus 1ª Oral ulcers, diarrhea (malignant catarrhal fever) Any age
Bovine coronavirus Diarrhea 1-4 wks of age
Bovine papular stomatitis virus Oral ulcers Less than 6 mos ot age
Bovinc rot;ivirus Diarrhea (white scours) 1-3 wks of age
Bovme viral d1arrhea Virus Ural/esophageal ulcers, diarrhea Typically 6 mos-2 yrs of age
Ovine herpesvirus 2 Oral ulcers, diarrhea (malignant catarrhal fever) Any agP
Rlnderpest virus• Oral ulcers, diarrhea (rinderpest) A11y dye
V~irular viru~b Vesicles/ulcers on tongue. oral mucosa Any aoe
Actinobaci/lus /igniersii Oral pyogranulomas (wooden tongue) Adull d11imdb
Actinomyces bovis Granulomas of mandible or maxilla (lumpy jaw) Adult animals
Arcanobacterium pyogenes Liver dU)le))e), weiyli Llu)I Adult animals
Clostridium haemolyticum (C. novyí Type O) Hepatic necrosis, sudden death(bacillary hemoglobinuria, red Any aqe
water disease)
Clostridium perfringens-Types B&C Bloody diarrhea (hemorrhagic enterocolitis) Less than l wks of age
E. co/í-enterotoxigcnic< Diarrhea (ffiC diarrhea} Less than 1 wk of age
E. co/i-anaching and effacing Uiarrhea (AttCdiarrhea} calves
Fusob<icterium necrophorum Liver abscesses, weight loss Arlult animals
Necrotic lesions of oral cavity (necrotic stomatiti5) CdlV~
Mycob<icteri11m avium ~11h~p parnh1hPrr11ln~i~ Diarrhea, weight loss (Johnes disease) Greater than 2 yrs of age
5d/111u11elld ~pp.d Cholecystitis, diarrhea with or without blood (salmonellosis) All ages affe<:ted, calves 2 wks 2mos most
Yersinia pseudotubercu/osis Diilrrhca, wcight loss Calves, adults

Agents of mycotíc rumenitise Decreased appetite and weight gain (mycotic rumenitís) Ruminating animals

•considered a foreign animal disease agent in the United States.

llindudes foot-and·mollth' aJld vesicular stomatitis virmes.
<tndudes fimbrial types K99 {also dosignatad fS) and fd 1 •
dcommon serotypes indude Sa!mone/lil serotypcs Dublin, Montevideo, Ncwpon. anó Typhimurium.
' ln<ludes Abstdla, Asperglllus, MucOí, and Rhlzopus specles.

pathogcncsis of infections are described in detail in spe- sult of undcr]ying immunosupprcssivc viral infections
citic chapters related to t hese viruses. Uther common viral ll' eLV, FIV).
infections of the oral cavity are bovine papular stomatitis, Mycotic oral infections a re uncommon in most ani-
whlch causes papules 011 varlous structures throughout 1ual:.. Oral ca11JiJia::.i::. (ti 11 ush) caused by Gandida species
the oral cavity and canine oral papillomatosis, \.\lhich in (usllally C. olbicans) is thf> most common mycotic oral in-
turn presents \.vith cauliflu"''er-like g1vwlhs (papillon1as) feclion encountered. Prior antibiotic treatment, stressful
th;it c;in hP widespread throughout the oral cavity. conditions or debilitating diseases that disrupt normal
Bacteria! causes of oral infcctions typically origina te en- oral flora ali prcdisposc to infcction. Jt occurs in all ani
dogenously from normal oral flora. Infections such as acti- mals but with varying frequency. Candidiasis is especially
nobacillosis (woody ton gue) and actinomycosis Oumpy common in poultry, where it frequently also involves
jaw) 1n cattle are initiated by sorne preceding traun1a that other parts of tl1e digestlve systern. Lc:.iu11:; i11 the 111oulh
breaches the normal mucosa! barrier and a llows the intro- appear as ulcer-likf> pl;iq11Ps. In dogs, oral granulomas as a
c.luction of Ac:linubuttllu:; lirt~rtier~ii aotl Ac..Linornyces bovis, result of dissen1inat ed llistoplas111a capsulatun1 infections,
res pectivf> 1y. one of the systemic mycoses, occur with enough tre-
Gingival and periodontnl di:scn:ics urc more common qucncy to be worth noting. Other fungal infections of thc
problems in dogs and cats than other anin1als. Multiple oral cavity are rare.
bacteria! species, predominately gram-negative anaerobcs,
are involved. Spirochetes also make up a large percent of lnfections of the Esophagus
the bacteria) population found in gingivitis and periodon-
tal dlseases, but their role in disea:.e patl1ugeue~i::. i:. u11- húeclio11s of the esophagus are relatively uncommon,
clear. Tn cats sPcon<l;iry h;ictPri;iJ gingivitis can be the re- probably due to the rapid passage of material through the
Chapter 68 Oigestive System and Associatcd Organs 453

Table 68.1 O. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of the Digestive System of Goat.~ and Sheep

Major Olnical Manifastations (Common Disease Name) Age Group(s) Commonly Affected
Bluetongue virus (S) Cyanosis of mucous membranes. oral ulcers Any agP.
Nairobi sheep disease virus• (S) Dloody diarrhea Any age
Peste des petits virus~ Diarrhea, necrotic stomatrtis Any age
Rota virus Diarrhea Typically 1 8 wks of agc
Rift Valley fever Virus• Hepatic necrosis, diarrhea Any age
Rinder¡ipst virusª Oral ulcers. diarrhea {rinderpest) Any age
Veiluldl vi1~b V~itl~uker~ on to11gue, oral mucosa Anyage

C/ostridium haemolyticum (S) Hepatic necrosis, sudden death (bacillary hemoglobinuria, red water disease) Any age, usually adults
C/ostridium novyi·Type B Hepatlc necrosis, sudden death (lnfectlous necrotlc hepatitis, Black disease) Any age, usually adults
C/ostridium perfringens-Type B Bloody diarrhea (lamb dysentery) 1ess than 2 wks of age
C/ostridium perfringens·Type C Dloody diarrhea (necrotic enteritis) L~11 ll 1a11 1 wk uf age
Clostridium perfringens·Type D Diarrhea, sudden death (enterotoxemia) Rapidly growing animals
Clostridium septicum (S) Hemorrhagic abomasitis (braxy) Usually young animals
E. coli·enterotoxigenic' Uiarrhea Less than 1wk of aqe
Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis Hypoproteinemia, weight loss (Johnes disease) Greater than 2 yrs of age
5d/111011e/ld ~l'I'· Oiarrhea All ages affected

G - goats, S - shttp
•consldered a forelgn animal disease agent in Unit.ed 5tates.
~lncludes foot-and-mouth virus• and »esicular stomatitis virus.
qndudes fimbria! types K99 {also designated FSl and f4 I.

TahlP 6R . 11 . Common .and/or lmport.ant lnfectious Agent s of the Digest ive System of Pigs

Agent Major Clinical Manifcstrtions (Common Discasc Name) Age Group(s) Commonly _____
_,__Affected __,
African swine fever virusa Diarrhea. vomiting (african swine fever) Anyage
Hemayyluli11ali119 entephalomye!itis viru> Vorniting (vorniting and wasting disease) up to 3 weeks of age
Hog cholera virusª Diarrhea. vomrting (classical swine fever) Any age
Porcine circovirus type 2 Diarrhea, icterus Nursery and growing pigs
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus Diarrhea, vomitinq Typically piglets postweaning
Swine rotavirus Diarrhea 1 8wks of Dgc
Transmissible gastroenteritis virus Diarrhea and vomiting (transmissible gastroentent1s) AIJ ages, most severe in piglets
Vesicular virusesb Vesideslulcers in oral cavity Any age

Brachyspira hyodysenteriae Bloody diarrhea (swine dysentery) Growers and finishers
Brachyspir~ pilosico/i Di•rrhea (colonic spirochetosis) Wc0Jnc~1 growc~, ond finishcrs
Cfonridium perfringens (lype·A) Diarrhea ~ucklings, weaners, and growers
Clostridium perfringens {Type O Rloorly rliarrhPa (necrotízing enteritis) Typically less than 1 wl: of age
E. co/i-attaching and effaci119 Diard1ea 1-a wks of age
E. co/i-enterotoxigenic:' Diarrhea (colibacillosis) 1 day to 8 wks of age
E. coli Shiga likc toxin positivc Dinrrhea, edema of stomach wall (edema disease) Typically re<ent postweaning
Fusobacteríum necrophorum Necrotic ulcers in oral cavity (oral necrobacillosis) 1-3 wks of age
L¡¡wsonii intracel/u/aris Diarrhea (intestinal ad.enomatosis) 6 20 wks of Dge
Bloody diarrhea {prolfferative hemorrhagic enteropathy) Finishers, breeders
Salmonella speciesd DiarrhPa with or without blood. rectal s1rictures Typically postweaning

•considered a foreiqn animal disease aqent in United States.

btncludes foot-and·mouth.• v~rular rtnm~titi<. "'""" ~icular disease•. and vesicular t>Xanthom• of <wine viru~.
qndudes fimb<~I types KSS. K99, 937P (also desigll3ted F4, FS, ~nd F6, rcspcctivcly), and F41. F18 ¡, as>Ocieted with ~aning diarmea ami edema di>ease.
"usual serovell are Typhimurium varCopenhagen or Cholttroui> vo1 kuuteuuoif.
454 PART IV C:linical Applications

Table 68.17. Common and/nr lmrnrtant lnfPrtinu< AgPnt< nf thP OigpqivP <;yqpm nf Pnuftry

Major Oinical Manifestations (Common Disease Name) Age Group(s) Commonly Affected

Hemorrhagir enteritis vin1s (T) Blnody droppings 4-9 wks of age
Avid11 1vlavirus Watery droppings Up to ~ wks of age
Turkey coronavirus ffi Watery dropping, weight loss (bluecomb disease) Any aqe, typicallv 1-6 wks
Exotic Newcastfe disease virusª Stomatitis, esophagitis, nccrohcmorrhagic enteritis Any agc
8orre/ia aruerina Greenish diarrhea (avian spirochetosis) Anyage
Chlamydophila psittad (O Green gelatinous droppings, hepatitú (ornithosis) Anyagc
C/ostridium colinum Watery droppings, liver necrosis (ulcerative enteritis) 3-12 wks ot age
Clostridíum perfríngcns Typcs A&C (C) DiJrrhea, sudden death (necrotic enteritis) 2-16 wks of age
Salmonella serotype Pullorumb D1arrhea, hver ne<:rosís Typlcally less than 3 wks
Sa/monella serotype Gallinarumb Diarrhea, liver necrosis Mnrp rnmmon in adult birds
r11nrlirl11 11/hir11n~ Diphtheritic membrane on crop, esophagus. and mouth Young birds more susceptible
(thrush, sour crop)

C - diickens, T - turk~
• Consldered a toreign animal disease agem m Unlted States.
bOther Salmonella serot}-pes {paratyphoid inte<tions) are usuail'y asymptomatK except rn very young birds (<.l wks of age).

;incf thP tough str;itificd squa1nous epithelium lnfections of the Stomach, Ruminant Forestomach. and
that lines it. Sorne viral infcctions, typically as part of a sys- Abomasum
te1nic infection, cause esophagca.l crosions or ulcers. Most
notable among thcsc are bovinc viral diarrhea virus in cat Bccause its contractile nature causes relatively rapi<.l transit
tle and exotic Newcastle d1scasc virus 111 poultry. Mucocu- of il1gested 1naterial, as well as its mucus coatine ;incl <iciclic
taneous candidiasis in birds 1nost commonly involves the t::r1vicvr11 111::11t, Lile sto111ach does nol providc a very hos-
crop (so ur crop, crop mycosls) but can also involve tl1e pitahle environment for pathogens. Recently, 1nuch atten-
l:'soph;igu~ propi>r ancl provi>ntrin1h1~ . A psi>11clomi>mhrani>
tion has been paid toHe/ícobacter spccics, an organism that
composed of necrotic material ovcrlying n1ucosal surfaces has adapted to live in the stomach, as the cause of gastritis
is the typical presentation (Fig 68.2). and gastric ulcers in humans. Many Helicobacter species
have been identified in animats; however, their role tn dls-
casc ren1ains to be clearly established, in part duc to their
fr1.:4ut..:11l cvlv11izalio11 of clinically i1orn1al anin1als. Tn
sheep, a severe hemorrhagic aboxnasitis (braxy) caused by
Clostridiu1n septicu111 occurs and is rclatcd to particular fccd
F 1G U RE G8. 2. Crop mycosis in a turkey caused by Candida types. A Sarcina-likc organism has been associatcd with
alb1cans. 1-'seudomembranous patches and necrotic material on the abomasal tympany in lambs and goats.
mucosa/ surface are evident. (Courtesy Dr. H. Shivaprasad.) Tn ruminants, damage LO mucosa! surface uf tl1e fon~­
sto mach or disrt1ption in thc ru mi>n flor:i can le:icf to si>ri-
vu:> d11d polenlially fatal consequences. In dairy cattlc, L
integrity of the reticulum is penetrated by forcign linear
objects such as ir1gestcd wirc (hardware disease), peritoni
tis and pericarditis may develo p. fhese infcct1ons are poly-
microbial with Arcanobacterium pyogenes and Fusobacte-
r1L11n 11ecropt1urum corn111ouly l11volvel..l.
Sncfcfen clii>t:iry c.hangcs to carbohydra te rich feeds.
which are easily fcr1nentable, leads to a dccrca:;c rumcn pH
'T'he lower pH kills acid-sensitive run1en tlora and damage~
rumen mucosa. Bactcrial rumcnitis inay develop and can
serve as a source ot organisms for embolic hepatitis tha¡
eventually result in Jiver abscessalion. Common agents re-
covered from liver abscesscs are the familiéir a!!>:. pru-
ducers of ruminants, A . pyog<'nP.~ :inci F. necrophorurn
M y LvliL iu111e1úlis also dcvcl o p:s subsequent to ruminal aci-
dosis or prior antibiotic treatment that has disrupte'-
Chapter 68 Digestive System and Associatcd Organs 455

ruJ1 1t:11 flora. l'he fungal age11ls involved in n1ycotic ru-

1nenitis are often angioinvasive, causing asevere vasculitis, F1G U R E 6 8 . 3 . Transmission e/ectron micrograph ot teces
which leads to further tíssue necrosis. Thc zygomycctcs from a 10-day-old Holstein calf with diarrhea. Both rotavirus (arrow)
(Mucor, Rhizopus, and Absidia) and Aspergillus spp. are the and coronavírus (arrowhead) particles are present. A phage particle
is a/so present. (Courtesy R. Nordhausen.)
fungí most frcqucntly involvcd. Mycotic rumenitis may
a1so serve as a source ror hematogenous disseminanon or
fungal elements leading to mycotic abortion.

lnfections of the Small and Large lntestines

Microbial intect.ions ot the small and large intestines affect
all do1n~~stic animals. Effective vaccination against many of
the major Viral enteric pat hogens (e.g., parvoviruses, dis-
temper virus) in dogs and cats has substantially decreased
lhe inciLience of conlagious enteric diseases in con1panion
animals. When dogs and cats are held in el ose confinement
such as kcnncls, shovvs, and animal shelters, the risk for
contracting cont agious e11teric diseases increases.
Intestinal infections of both bacteria! and viral origin
remain of great clinical and economic significance in
horses, production animals, and poultry c1ue to intensive
iearil1g co11dítio11s, n1anagen1ent factors (e.g., failure to il1-
sure adequate passive transfer or proper nianure Tnanage-
mcnt), and thc absencc of cffective vaccines against sorne
of the major pathogens. Host age susceptibility exists for
sorne enteric pathogens (e.g., Clostridium perfringens I'ype
C, enterotoxigenic E. coli, rotavirus). Neonates, in general,
are most susceptible.
Tl1e 1uajur cli 11ical 1na11ifeslalions of Inicrobial infec-
t ions of the intestinal tract are diarrhea and vorniting.
VomitiI1g occurs in enteric infections as part of the
enteric defense response and is regulated by the vomition it helial cells resulting in loss of absorption and resorption
ccntcr ill tl1e brain. Diarrhea is defined as increase in fre cnpncity nnd disruption in osmotic cquilibrium is mnnifcst
quency, fluidíty, or volu1ne of feces due to an increase in by diarrhea. Rotavirus and coronavirus are common
water content . h1sults to the intestines that cause in- causes o f viral enteritis in many animals (Fig 68.3) and af-
creased secretion or decreaseci absorption can result in di- fect predominantly vUlus epithelial cells. ·rhe time course
arrhea. Severity, duration, and characteristics (watery, from exposure to manifestation of clinical signs is usually
bloocly, ele.) of diarrl1ea differ on t he agent in- shorl. O Lher viruses affecl crypl epilhelial cells (e.g,
volved. Whether diarrhea is actualiy a benefit to the host, Rinderpest virus in sheep, canine parvovirus) and cause
pathogen, or both is unclcar. Diarrhca not only serves the more severe tissue damage. ·rhe spectrum of clinical signs
host. as means to elimina te a buildup of pathogens but also and details on pathogenesis associated with specitic viral
serves the pathogen by providing a ineans for dissemina- agents that affect the jntestines of domestic animals are
t ion and, thereby, maxlmlzes potential for the pathogen to found in the specific chapters on those agents.
infect other hosts. Bacteria are also major pathogens of the s1nall and large
Vi1al infeclio11s i11volving tl1e small and large il1testines i11lesti11es. Tu µruuuce disease il1 ll1e intestinal tract, µu-
may be li1nited to the digestive tract (e.g., rotaviruses, tentially pathogenic hacteria rnust fi rst adhere to target
coronaviruses) or be part of a multisystem infcctious ce/Is . Tf the target ccll is part of a n iche occupied by normal
process (e.g., Atrican swine fever virus, canine distemper flora. the microorganisms \l\ ill encounter "colonization re-

virus, and parvoviruses). Intestinal viral infections may be sistar1ce," which they must overcome before adhe.rin.g.
acquired directly vía the oral route or as a result of a Adherence results from the interaction (selective adsorp-
viremia with localization to intestinal epithelial cells. tion) of microbial surface structures (adhesins) with recep-
Son1e viruses acquired by tl1e oral route are acid resistant, turs un target cells. Allhe:sins are con:stder<:!d v.i ru.l ence fac-
V\rhic.h allows their passage through the stornac.h, while t ors becau se most pathogens cannot produce disease
others are acid-sensitive but can be protected by the b uffer- will1ou l firsL adhering Lo a largel cell. Fi1nbrial adhesi11s
ing action and fats in milk or in feedstuffs with a rapid gas- are protein in na tu re and protrude from the surface of the
tric transit time. Attachment to intestinal epit helial cell re- bacteria! cell. Thcy are rcsponsiblc for ndherence of sorne
ceptors (e.g., sialic acid-containing oligosaccharides) via bacteria to carbohydrate moieties that are part of glycopro-
viral attachment proteins is the initial step in establishing teins on the surface of host cells. The most commonly
infeclion. This is follovved by uplake of Lhe vi1us inlo Lhe found fimb.riae (Type 1 fi.n1briae) on the surface of gran1-
cell, often through receptor-mediated endocytosis, and negritive bricteria have affinity for mannose-containing
replication within the ccll. Subscquent destruction of ep- glycoproteil1s 011 the surface of cells. BacLeria expressing
456 PART IV Clinical Applications

·rype 1 fir111Jriae, wlleu 11lixeu with red IJluud cells, aggluti- Orgaui~u1~ k11uw11 tu IJc )J<lll1ugt:u:> uf Ll1e i11Leslinal
nat<> th<>s<> ci>ll~; this agglutination is inhibited by mannose tract in ccrt.ain animals may be found as normal flora in
(mannosc-sensitivc). Intestinal cpithclial cclls display others. Their role in causing disease in sorne animals, if
structures that serve as receptors tor timbriae exrpressed by any, remains to be established. As an examplc, c;an1py10-
entcropathogenic strains of bacteria. bacter jejuni is the most common cause of diarrhea in hu-
Other strucrures on rhe surface of batterial ceJls influ- mans and is commonly found 1n the Intestinal tract of
ence how the bacterium will interact with host cells. These companion and domestic ani1nals- but its ability to cause
structures are carbohytlrares and influence the interaction in sorne a11irual:. i:> urrclt:ur. TI 1t:rt:: i:. a h igh ca11iage
by rcndcrine th<' ~11rf;:ic·p nf th<> hacti>rial ci>ll ri>latively hy- rat<> of C. jejuni in chickens with no apparent adverse ef-
drophilic. This hydrophilic property imparts a rep ulsive fccts on birds greater than 2 weeks of age.
force relative to the host cell surface, since the host cell sur- Various factors predispose or make more likely that an
facc is somcwhat hydrophobic. On thc othcr h and, pro- enteric pathogen will establish and cause disease. The im-
tein receptors on the surface of sorne host cells h ave affin- po rtance of antimicrobials on the disruption of normal
ity for these surface carbohydrates. ·rhe o utcome o f th e fl o ra and in allowing pathogens to establish has already
latter interactlon IS a<lheslon . been dlscusst:!d. Other factor:> tl1at <.: n.:alc ::.lress for Lhe h ost
;\ftcr ad h erence, the pathogen may produce disease by will alsn r<>s11lt in ch;:i ng0s in t h c intestinal flora, 1nainly rc-
1) ::.t:crt:Lio11 l Jf <111 exoLoxin, res ulling, for cxan1p le, in dis- sultin g in a drop in th c a naerobic com p onent . Thc lcvcl of
ruption of fluid and electrolyte regu lation of t h e target coliform bacteria w il l be h igh er atter a decrease in con cen-
cell; 2) invasion of thc targct ccll, cuusing its d cat h , usually tral'ion of fatty acids produccd by anaerobic flora. '!'h e ac-
by t he action ot a toxin (a cytotoxin); or 3) in vasion of t h e tual reason for the decrease io t he number of obligare
ta rget cell and thc lymphatics, resu lting in a system ic in- anaerobes is not known. In addition to these cha11gcs, the
fection . Tne mecnan1sn1s by whtch the host Is affectetl l>y itlllUUJI l uf fl1.J1 UI lt:Llill (d glyLup1ul1;:ü1) CVdling epilhelial
d ifferent bacteria! enteric pathogens ar.e varied and cnm - r.ells in t he oral cavity decreases. Since this glycoprotein
µlex . T11 ~01111:: Lases, as i11 lhc c11lcroxigenic E. coli, t he diar- possesses rcccptors for gram-positive specics in t hc oral
rh<>a is sol<>ly a ri>s11lt of the production of enterotoxin and cavity, dccrcasc in this population occurs with a corre-
little to no pathology is observed (fig 68.4). Other patho- sponding incrcasc in gram-ncgative species, especially
gens (c.g., Saln1011ella) use complex communication sys- members ot the family J:.nterobacteriaceae.
tcms to translocate effector proteins into host cells (e.g., Fungal infections of the intestincs are not com mon . Of
Type TTT secrction systems) as \vell as produce both entero- those cncountered, granulomatous enteritis in dogs
toxic and cytotoxic effects. Still other pathogens, such as causcd by Histoplasma caps11/ah1n1 is among the most com-
Mycohacteriu111 aviurn subsp. paratuberculusis, exert their ef- 111011. Pyll1iurn i11:;ic./iu:;urfl, au oou1ycele, causes gra11ulon1as
fect on thP int<>~tinal tract hy tr;inslocating through mu- in thc suhmucosa or muscularis mucosae of tl1e small
co:sal epithelial cells and existing in macrophages in thc intcstinc (and sometímes stomach) in dogs, and it is man-
lamina propria and regional lymph 11odes. A granuloma- ifest by vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. Rare alga! in-
tous enteritis results, however, the severity of t h e lesion fections caused by Prototheca spccics result in an in tract-
does not necessarily correlate with tne severity of clinical able diarrhea as part of a 1nore generalized p rocess (usually
signs. Specific details on the mechanism of p athogenesis with ocular involvcmcnt) in dogs.
a 11tl rt:~ ul li 1 1g pall1u lugy uf Ll1t:: 11upu1 La ul !JaLLt:::1ial
pathoge ns of the intestines of domestic an im als are cov-
lnfections of Digestive System-Associaled Organs
ered in the respective chapters on each agen t .
lntections o t t he liver occur through a numbet of routes
ancl include tl1e 1) portal vein, 2) h epatic artery, 3) ascen-
sion thro ugh the b il iary system, an d 4) con tiguous spread
fro m adjacent infectious processes (e.g ., reticulitis).
F 1G U R E 6 8 . 4 . Enterotoxigenic (K99) Escherich ia coli infection TIJt::: live1 111ay be a la1gel for a 11lu11ber of viruses, often
in a 1-day-old calt. Numerous gram-negative rods are adhered to as part of a systemic infection. Livcr damage can occur by
intestinal villus. Brown & Brenn stain. infection of endothelial cells (c.g., caninc adcnovirus 1)
causing vascular stasis and hypoxia as well as t !1rough in-
fection of parenchymal cells resulting in hepatocellular
A number of bacteria! genera and speciP'\ can affi>rt th<>
livt:1. Clo:.l1 idial species are an1ong the most importan t .
C.lostridial spores of C. hae1nol,vticun1 (C. novyi 'fype D) and
C. novyi Type B, the agcnts of bacillary hcmoglobinuria
and intectious necrotic hepatips, respeetively, are present
in the liver of cattlc and sheep. They germinate when local
liver necrosis rcsults subsequent to immature flu ke migra-
tion or when sorne other event da m ag<>s th<> liver (e.g.,
livt:r IJiuµ Upon ge1111l11alio11 under this anaerobic cn-
v iron ment, a number of cytolytic toxin s are 1)roduced that
fur th er dan1age the livcr. Th c agent o f 'l'yzzcr's d isease,
(;haprer 68 Digestive System and Associated Organs 457

FIGURE 68.5. Modified Steiner si/ver stain of a liver le~ion FIGURE 68.6 . lnfP~tinal
11/rPr in ;¡ rhirkPn with 11/rPrativP
from a foal that died of Tyzzer's disease. Silver-stain positive enteritis caused by Clostridium colinum. Liver necrosis was a/so
Clostrid tum p iliforme organisms are evident in the typica/ "pickup present. Clostridium colinum was iso/ated from the /iver.
sticks" arrangement. Modified Steiner si/ver stain.

Clostridium piliforme, causes a .rare but ac"l!te and h1ghly calves) in ctiology. lnfectio11s of the pancreas are rarely re-
fatal infection in a number of animals. It is most important ported in domestic animals.
in laboratory animals. Foals are 1nost commonly affected
among domestic éll1imals. Characteristic spindle-shaped
Diseases of the Digestive System of Unknown but suspected
bacilli are fou11d in tl-ie liver alo1-ig th.c cdgc of cireas of 1-ic-
lnfectious Etiology
patic necrosis (Fig 68.5). Clostridium colinu1n causes hepatic
necrosis along with ulccrativc lcsions in the intcstincs of lt is not unco1nmon for the cause of diarrhea in domcstic
chickens and turkeys (ulcerative enteritis) (Fig 68.6). a11imals to go undiagnosed. ·111ere are a number of impor-
Certain serovars of Leptospira will cause a nonspecific tant conditions of the digestive tract of do1nestic a11imals
reactive hepatitis. severity of the lesions can vary from se- that are believed to be infectious in origin; however, no
vere chronic hepatitis to mild diffuse hepatocellular vac- specific agent has bee11 conclusively demo·nstrated to be
uolalion. Oflen renal involven1ent also occurs. tl1e cause. 111 son1e cases n1ultiple age11ts are likely iJ1volved
As already mentioned, rumenitis provides a source of and/or sorne interplay betwee11 host and cnvironment is
bacteria tt1rough the portal system that can result in liver necessary for clinical signs to devclop. Sorne major dis-
abscesses. Miliary liver abscesses, most commonly in rumi- eases of suspected intectious etiology, but where the spe-
nants, rcsults from h.e matogenous seeding by a number of cific agent(s) has not been conclusively identified, include
differcnt bacteria. Common agents include Yersinia poult enteritis mortality syndrome in turkeys, colitis X in
pseudotuberculosis and Rhodococcus equi. In poultry, liver horses, he1norrhagic gastroenteritis in dogs, and winter
granulomas are periodically reporteu to l>e cau:scu by a uy:selllt!ry Íll c.:alllt! (pü:S$ibly cau:st!tl by 1.Juvi11e c.:oru11a-
gram-positive anaerohic rod, Rubacterium tortuosum, and virus).
are thought t o be of intestinal origin.
Tl1e gall bladder infections can be viral (e.g., canine in-
fectious 11cpatitis virus, Rift Vallcy fcvcr virus in shccp)
and bactcr.ial (e.g., Salmonella enterica serotype LJublin in
Integunientary Systeni

·rhe integument 1s the largest organ of the body. It plays a Dryness

major role in temperature regulation, se~sory per~eption, ThP norma 1 o ryness of the skin surface limits the ability of
and protection against fluid loss, and prov1des a b.arr1~r from n1any microbes to survive and establish. Cond·itions
externa! insults, including potentially pathogen1c m1croor- interfere witl1 the norn1al evaporative process cause prohf-
gaui:>1u:>. It b <.:u1uposed of epidernlis, dernlis, subcu1is, h.air cra tion of resident and translcnt skin flora th.rough Jn-
foil ir.les, and glandu lar structures. Glandular structures in- creased moisture retention and changes in temperC:tture,
clude sweat and sebaceous glands as wcll as spccializcd pT I, and C0 2 tensio11. Excessive folding o~ tl1e s~in in cer-
structures such as anal sacs. Hair type and density vary on tain anirr1al tJreeü:. a11<.l ubese individuals is a prime exam-
thc body according to functional need, including sensory, ple of an anatomic condition that increases hydration and
thermoregulatory, and protective functions. Birds have tcmpcrature of the stratum corn~um, providing a more
evolved feathers, probably originating from scales, in plarP
hospitable environment tor bacter1a1 proliteratíon.
uf 11air. Fuulpalb, l 1un 1:>, hooves, 11ails, and beaks are ali spe-
cialized keratinized struchues of the integumentary system.
The epidermis is in continual contact "''.ith t hc sur- Dcsquamation
rounding enviro11ment and providcs a home tora res1dent Continuous she<.l<.li11g uf :;u¡.¡e1fiLial skin layers eli111i11ates
flora. 'J'hc outcr layer of the epidermis, keratinized stratum t r;.insiPnt organisms. Residcnt flora numbers are also re-
corneum is held togetl1er by a lipid cement, anct together duced but are p romptly replcnishcd from thc residual
they for~ the major physical barrier of the skin. Epíder-
rnal tl1ickr1e:>s varíe:> ¡.u11u11g a11i111al:> 1 a1 lll>llg l1reeds, aud al
difff'rf'nt sites on individual animal~;. The dermis, through
collagcn and clastic fibers, provides tensile strength and Secretions and Excretions
elasticity to the integumentary system and also varies sub- Hoiocril1e sebaccous glands secrete lipids, including long-
stantially in thickncss throughout thc body. The hypoder chain fatty acids, many of which inhibit bacteria. They
ffilS prov1des additional ncx1b1hty along \vith insulation and thc apocrinc swcat glands con tribute toan intercellu
through adipose tissue. lar seal in superficial epidermal layers, limiting microbial
'fhe externa! ear canal is included in this chapter be- access. Apocrine and eccrine sweat glands excrete lactate,
cat1sc the external surface is covi>rPcl with <;kin (pinna) nr propionate, acetate, caprylate, aod htgh conce.11trations of
epilheliun1 and glandular structures (externa! auditory sodittm chloride. lnterferon, lysoi.y1ne, transff'rn n, ;inc1 ali
rneatus). Overall, the lesions found in otitis externa are classes oI in1n1unoglobulins are also present. Keratinocytes
similar to thosc found in skin infcctions, and sorne of the synthesize the antimicrobial peptides-cathelicidins and
important pathogens respons1ble for ot1t1s externa ~re the bctu-dcfcnsins. AH thcsc substances contribute to the self
same oncs that cause infections elsewhere on t he skin. sterilizing action of thc sk1n-that is, its resistance to colo-
'fhe mammary gland, although technically nut part uf nization by transient mjcroorganisms.
the integumcntary system , isª'"º incl11c1ec1 in this chapter
because of its dircct con1n1unication ~vith the skin.
Mammary gland pathogens, sorne of which are resident or Microbial lnteractions
transicnt flora of thc skin, primarily cntcr tbrough the Resident bacteria exclude intruders by excreting in-
streak canal of the teat. ·rhe teat sph1ncter and a keratin hibitory mctabolit cs (c.g., volatile fatty acids) and bacteri
plug produced by epitl1elial cells lining the teat canal pro- ocins, and by occupying available niches.
vide the prllnary physical barrler for the rnamrnC:try glauü.
lmmune System
Antimicrobial Properties of the Skin A ski11 in1mune systen1 responds to local antigenic stimuli
including microbial ones, and comprises cell types corre-
The skin provides a less favorable environment for micro- sponding functionally to those operating on mucosa! sur-
bial growth than do mucous membranes of the alimen- taces. Langerhans cells, an antigen-presenting cell, and in-
tary, rcspiratory, and urogenital systems owing to proper- traepithelíal T lymphocytes are prominent constituents
ties presentcd 1n the following sections. the system. Keratinocytes partll:ipate in ilwuu11e defe11~e L.

Chapter 69 Integumentary Systen1 459

producing immune-modulating substances. 'fhe interac- Sterilization of the skin is impossible due to the pbysi-
tions between these cells constitutes tl1e skin-associated cal inaccessibility to mttch of the skin flora. 1'horough
lymphoid tissue. Complement, cytokines, and irnmunoglo- clea11sing of shaved skin " 1ith soap and water, followed by
bulins are found in the emulsion layer of the skin and are soaking with 70% alcohol, will remove 95% of the flora.
important to overall lntegumentary lmmunocompetence. More tha11 99o/o removal of skin flora is claiined for re-
pP;:itprl povirlonP iorlinP ;:ippl ir;:ition' ;:inrl rin'"'' with
chlorhexidine (O.So/o) in alcohol. Following such treat-
Microbial Flora of the Skin ment there is rapid repopulation, usually by tl1e saine
·r:p.e microbial flora of the sl<in plays an important role in
defense and is probably acquired at birth from the dam.
These mlcroorganisms are limitec.l to the superficial epider- lnfections of the Skin
mal layers, where intercellular cohesion is relaxed prior to
desquan1ation, ancl to the distal portions of gland clucts Susceptibility of sk.i11 lo ü1feclion is inversely relaled lo
and hair follicles. "fhe microbial flora exists predominately thickness and co1npactness of tl1e stratum corneum.
in .microcolonies, ratl1e.r tban being evenly distributcd Spccific animal brccds, bccausc of anatomic conforma-
over the skin. Bacteria! ad.hesion, througt1 Jipoteichoíc tions, physiologic factors, or genetic factors, are more pre-
acicis in gram-positive cocci, is critica! to t he establish- disposed to skir1 infections than others.
n1enl a11d persistence of resident llora. Kerali11izalion de- lI1Leguu1eI1tary irrfectiuus are uften secundary, rec1uir-
fects, as found in seborrhca, provide additional attach- ing a disruption in the host's innate clffP.nsP rnech;inisms.
mcnt sites and allow for increased nu1nbers of resident ractors such as trauma, excessive 1noisture, irritants, insect
tlora, as weU as clJanges in overall tlora makeup. or animal bites, and burns are all predisposing causes for
Bacteria and yeast variably colonize sites on the skin of skin infections to clevelop. Undedying discascs, including
animals. 1'he greatest numbers are found in 1noist, pro- preexisting sl<in conditions, and immunological disorders
tected areas such as the axilla, inguinal region, intercligital also predispose to secondary skin infections. Deep dermal
spaces, and ear canals. 1'heir concenlralion is Jov.7 er than a11d sulJcuLa11euu:; ir1fectiun:; typically require sorne fonn
on colonized mucous membranes, rarely exceeding of traumatic in1plantation that allows for t hP introrlurtron
10'/cm2 and,. in sorne areas, 102 /cm 2 . of microbial pathogens that \<Vould otherwise not persist
Gram-positive organisms predominate among resident on the externa) epiderrnal layer.
flora . Among the gram positives, coagulase-negative Systemic u1fections somctiincs involvc thc intcgumcn-
st aphylococci constitute the majority. Certain strains of tary systen1. Agents with trophisrn for vascular endothe-
coagulase-positive staphylococci are also considered to be lium or epithelial ce!ls can cause focal or gen.eralized le-
.resident organisms in sorne anirnals. Facultatively anaero- .sion.s in the skin.
bic diphtheroids (Corynebacterium and Propionibacterium
spp.) are conslstenUy presenl, as are i'vficrococcus spp. and Viral lnfections of the Skin
virirlans streptococci. ()f gram-negatives. only Acinetobac-
ter spp. are co11sidered a major part of thc rcsi.dcnt flora. A numbcr of viruscs gain cntry to thc host via thc skin, ci-
·rhe main fungal resident is a Jipophilic yeast, Malassezia, t her tl1rough abrasions, insect or a11imal bites or by expo-
which resides on the skin and in the externa] ear canal. sure to contaminated equipment (e.g., needles, harnesses).
Viruses are not generally considered part of the normal Sorne of these viruses simply use t he integum entary sys-
skin flora. Viral agents that directly infect the skin are ten1 as a rou te for entry into the host and cause either
n1ainlaí11cd in a11in1al populati.ons by persistently infected systemic infections or 11ave prin1ary Largels ll1al are organs
individuals but are also capable of surviving for extended or systems other than the skin (e.g., rabies virus). Details
periods in thc cnviro11mcnt, which can serve as an altcr- 011 mcchanisms used for entry, replication, and spread via
nate source tor infecting other animals. t h e integumentary syste1n tor specitic viruses are covered
Various trans.i ent microbial flora can be encountered. in chapters on those individual viruses.
Beta-hemolytic streptococci (generally Lancefield group Por so1ne viruses the skin is the primary site of infection
G) on cat or dog skin are usually associated with abnormal or is one of the principal sites where clinical signs mani-
condilions. Men1bers of Lhe fan1ily Erzterobacteriaceae, pa1- fesl. The papillu111aviru:se:s allu ¡;uxviruse:; are prurninent
ticularly Escherichia coli and Proteus rnirabilis, and entero- víral pathogens of the integumentary system in animals.
cocci are common transicnts. Thc fcct of farn1 animals 1"he papillomaviruses are inu·oduced through skln abra-
carry fecal bacteria, sorne of t-vhich participate in toot in- sions and infect epithelial cells. Infected epithelial cells be-
fections, most notably Fusobacteríum necrophorum and come hyperplastic. Hyperkeratosis is the rcsult. 1'hc lc-
Prevotella melanínogenica. The agent of ovine footrot, sions (papillomas) are typically raised and filiform, and
Llíchelobacternodosus, although hardly a normal commen- may be pedunculated. The papillo1naviruses are fairly
sal, is lin1ited to epidern1al tiss ues. l1ust-specific1 alt11uugl1 bovine papillomaviruses 1 and 2
Transient fungal flora of tl1e skin represent contami- are associaterl with eq11 ine sa rroirls.
nants of airborne or soil origin . Many genera can be iso- Men1bers of the fan1ily Poxviritlu.e also affe<.:t a 11u1111.Jer
lated from the skin . Con11non transient fungal genera of animals and birds. Many viruses in this family have a
íound on the skin include Aspar3íllus, Chrysosporium, Cla limitcd host rangc, altl1ough sorne are zoonotic. Transfer
ctosporium, Penicl//íum, a11d Scopulariopsis. occurs through contact with skin Jesions, scabs trom in-
460 PART IV Clinical Appllcations

tected ani1nals. or mechanically by biting insects. ·rhe

parapox virus that causes sore mouth in shcep and thc F 1 G U RE 6 9. 1 . Waves of inflammatory exudate and
fowlpox virus i11 poultry can be transmittcd by rcspiratory regenerated epidermis from a cow with dermatophilosis
d roplcls, as well as by direct contact with lesion mat erial or (hematoxylin and eosin).
<.:011lar11 i1 ialeLI eyui¡.1111e11 l. Depe11Lli 11g 011 lhe vil us in-
volved, clinical can he 111ilcl to severe. Generalized
signs include fever ar1d anorexia. 'fhc skin lesions are ty-
pically papulonodular and become pustular or prolitera-
tivc, cvcnlually resulting in the production of scabs that
Icavc scars.
Cutaneous manifestations are part of the overall clini-
cal presentation of sorne generalized ur ruultisysteu1 viral
infection;;. Vir11s1>s that ca11<;1> vC'c;icular ctiseases (foot-and-
mouth <lisease, S\vine vesicular disease, vesicular exan-
thema of swine, and vesicular stomatitis viruses) produce
vcsicles that variably affcct thc tcnts, coronnry bnnds, and
intcrcligital areas of the skin. 'the vesicles readíly rupture
lcaving ulcerative lesions that may bccome secondarily in-
fectect wlth bacteria. In addltlon to the Iyrnpt1oreti<.:ular
and neurological lesions it prochrcPs, thP MarPk's diseasc
vi1 us of cl1icke11s causes nodules to develop in the feathcr tory reaction is induccd, which rcsults in profuse cellular
follicles and uses fcather follicle dander as a primary exudation. li predisposing conditions remain to promote
means of spreading virus to other birds. Caninc distempcr invasion of newly gencratcd epidermis, the infection/in-
virus causes nasal and tootpad hyperkeratosis in dogs as a flammatory cycle repeats, giving rise to the characterlstlc
late clinical manifestation. histopathology; otherwise, thc infection resolves.
Deep bacteria! pyuLler1ua:, i11volve lhe der111is and
Bacteria! lnfections of the Skin <;om1>tim1>s the s11hc.11taneous tissue. lnjury or trauma al-
most always precede tl1c development of deep pyodern1as.
Bacteria associated with skin infections primarily origi- In son1e cases, deep skin infcctions occur as a result oi the
natc from the cnvironment or director indirect contact cxtension of a superficial pyoderma. J\gain , coagulase
with carrier animals, orare resident flora of the skin, oral positive staphylococci are frcquently involved, although
cavity, genital tract, or lower digestive tract of the affected other bacteria may be secondarily involved. Furunculosis
an1 mal. Bacteria! skin infections are classified as superficial (lnflammation of the dermis and subcutis) and folliculitls
pyodermas (e.g., impetigo, superficial bacteria! folliculitis) (inflammation of the ha ir foil iclt>) are most c'ommon ly r1>c-
or tleep pyuder1na:> (e.g., fulliculiti:>, furuu<.:ulu:>is, celluli- ir1 dogs but also occur with some frequency in
tis, and suhcutaneous ahscesses). Coagulase-positive horscs, goats and sheep.
staphylococci (e.g., S. aureus, S. intennedius, S. hyicus) are Subcutaneous absccsscs nre typica!ly thc result of a bite
thc primary agents of superficial pyodermas. They pro- wound or penetrating foreign body. ·rhe bacteria intro-
duce a myriad of enzymes and toxins that contribute to duced usually represent rnembers of the oral flora and
the disease process. Along with cell wall components, cause an accumulation of purulent exudate in the dermis
sorne of these microbial products have potent chemotactic and subcu taneous tissue. Subcuta oeous absc:PSSPS most
effects that accuunt fur tl1e µyogc1ü<.: ir1fla11uuatory re- con1n1011ly occur in cals and n1ost frequently involve Pas-
sponse observed in staphylococcocaJ infec.."tions. Staph_vlo- teurella multocida and obligate anaerobic bacteria. ~ubcu­
coccus hyicus, thc cause of grcasy pig tliscasc, produces nn taneous abscesses are also co1nmon in ruminants, with
cxloliative toxin that specifically causes separation of in- Arcanobacrerium pyogenes frequently being recovered.
traepidcrmal layers resulting in focal erosions in the epi- Corynebacterium pseudot11berc11/osis causes subcutaneous
dermis. In neonaral pigs, this generalized epiderrnitis is as- auscesses iu sl1eeµ aud hur:>e:>. 111 callle il n1a11ifests asan
sociatcd with substantial mortality. ulcerative dermatitis rathPr th<in forming ahscesscs.
Derrnatophilus congoll?lsis, an ac..tinuruycetc, alsu cau:,e:, Cellulilis is a loose purulent inflammation of the sub-
" s11p1>rficial ciPrmatitis, most oftC'n in horses and run1i- cutaneous tissue. It is generally poorly cootained and ex-
nants. lnfection stimulates an intense inflammatory re- tcn<ls rapidly along tissuc planes from the site of initia
sponse that is characterized by alternating waves ot in- tion. A variety of bacteria! agents cause cellulitis. Among
flnn1mntory cclls followed by newly generated epider1nis the most serious forms of cellulitis is the anaerobic celluli-
(Fig 69.l). In contrast to the abunctance of products pro- tis caused by one of a number uf llistutoxi<.: <.:luslriLlidl
duced by coagulase-positive staphylococci, few virulencc species. LJnder anaerohic Pnvironments specie<.
factors are rccognizecl in Dermatup/Jilus. lt produce:. au ex- produce potent and highly destructive toxins. Horses, ru-
traccUtil11r serine protP<iSP that may contrihute to the over- minants, swine, and poultry are most commonly affected
all disease process; however, environmcntal factors are key by clostridia1 ccllulitis. lnfcctions have a high fatalir
to the development of disease. Persistent wetting of the rate, even in the face of aggressive treatment. An E. co/:-
skin or inscct bites are nccdcd for Derrnatophilus to initially associated cellulitis in broiJer chickens is ar1 especially ec ....
invade the epidermis. Once 1nvas1on occurs, an inflamma- nomically important dlsease for the poultry indu:>try, a-.-
(~1zapter ó9 Tnt<>.gumentary Syste1n 461

counting for a substantial percentage of condernnations at "fhe dependent ede.n1a resulti11g from tl1e vasculitis that
slaughter plants. Staphylucuccus aureus causes a11 acute ccl- uccurs i11 ¡;ur¡;ura l 1eI11orrhagica i11 horses is a sequelae lo
lulitis in horsf>s that sprPacls rapi<lly an<l causes necrosis of infection with Streptococcus equi suhsp. equi.
the overlying skin. 'fhoroughbrcd racehorses are most
commonly affected. Fungal lnfections of the Skin
Othcr bactcrial infcctions of the skin include mycobac
terial granulomas. Cats are most commonly affected by Fungal infections of t he skin are classified as superifical cu-
tl1ese organisms, although infections also occur in swine, t aneous mycoses or subcutaneous mycoses. In addition,
canle, an<.I <.logs. ·rhe sapropl1ytic u1yco1Jacteria rcspuusi- fu11gal age11ts lltal cause sysleulic ruycu:ses (
l)lt> arf> intro<lnc:ed hy sorne trau1na. Jf they estahlish, infec- derrnatitidis, Coccidioides imrnitis, Cryptococcus neofbrmans,
tions are characterized by chronic, nonhealing wounds Histoplas111a capsulatu111) cause pyogranulomatous lesions
'\-Vith draining fistulas. A specjfic entity in young cats re- in tl1e integumentary system subsequent to clisseminated
fcrrcd to as feline leprosy is caused by Mycobacteriu1n leprae infection.
n1urium and presents as cutaneous nodules of the head and The most important of the superficial mycotic infections
extremities that sometimes ulcerate. A regional lympha- is dermatophytosis or ringworm. lt denotes a specialized
<.leuopat!1y is ufte11 µreseu t. A secu11Ll, 111ure geJJeralí uer111at<.1111ycusis causeü 1.Jy fu11gi tl1at sµecifically attackker-
form of the disP;:isi> c;:i11sPcl hy ;in nnidf>ntifipcf mycoh;ic- ;itinizPd stn1cn1res. ThPse fi.1ngi (Mícrosporum spp, Trichophy-
terium has been described in older cats. Pyogranuloma- torz spp.) produce enzyn1es (keratinases) that digest keratin
tous dermatit is caused by Actinomyces spp. occurs in dogs and infect growing hair and stratum corneum (Fig 69.3).
(A. viscosus or A . hordeovulneris associated with plant awns) Lesions are inflamed, crusty, or scaly and often circular to
and cattle (A. bovis). Draini11g tracts and the presence of oval in shape due to the centripetal p rogression of the le-
yellow gr<u1ules composed of bacteria] colonies, some- sion. Affected hair is brittle, leaving areas of alopecia. Der- surruu.1uJe<l by a hu111oge11ous eosi11o¡;liilic 111alerial, 111atupliytes are uut always patl1ogens anti can represent

are fo11nd in th f' clr;iiningm::itf'ria l (Fig 69.7.). tr;:insif'nt flor;1 of the skin (usually geophilic dermatophytes)
Son1e bacteria! skin infections involve two or more bac- orbe carried inapparer1tly (zoophilic dern1atophyte:;).
teria working in concert. In contagious ovine foot rot, Malassezia, a lipohilic yeast, is the other main fungal
Fusobacterium necrophorurn causes an interdigital dermati agent involved in superficial rnycotic infections of the skin
tis in macerated skin, which allows Dichelobacternodosus to (Fig 69.4). It causes an erythernatous, scaly Iesion. Since it
establish by fim.brial attachment and proliferate. Produc- can be found i11 low numbers on normal skin, clínica! rel-
tion of a nu1nber of serine an<.I basic pruteases 1.Jy D. nu- evance of its isolatio11 rnust !Je <.leci<.led 1.Jaseu on clirlical
dosus results in an undf>rn1nning of thf> solf> an<l, thf'rPhy, signs.
allows for additional opportun istic bacteria to invade, fur- The subcutancous mycoses involvc thc dermis and sub-
ther aggravatingthe condition. cutaneous tissues and may be localized lesions or spread via
A substantial intcgumcntary componcnt is part of cer- the lymphatics. Most of the fungal agents involvecl are
tain systemic bacteria! infections. ·rhe urticaria! plaques from an environmental source (e.g., soil, plant material)
and diffuse erythematous lesions in the skin of swine, re- a11d gain entry by traurnati.c introductiOl1. A number of dif-
sulting from cutaneous infarctions, are characteristic of ferent subcutaneous mycotlc infections are recognized and
erysipelas. ·rhe effects on vascular endothelium of bacter- classified by their gross and histopathologic characteristics.
ia! toxins or l1yµcr:se11silivily reaclio11s lo bacterial anli- Tl1ese different conditions include chron1oblaston1ycosis,
gP.ns may also n1anifest in the skin. Subcutaneous swelling phaehyophomycosis, and eumycotic mycetoma. They are
of the eyelids, lips, and forehead occur in edema discasc in dcscribcd in more clctail in thc chaptcr on agcnts of subcu-
pigs, caused by Shiga-like tox.i n producing strains of H. coli.

F1GU RE 6 9. 3 . Funqaf hyphae and arthroconidia on the haír

F 1G U RE 6 9. 2. Numerous granules from Acti nomyces bovis shaft from a goat with dermatophytosis caused by Trichophyton
lesion in a cow (hen1atoxylin and eosin). verrucosun1. Gomori methenamine si/ver stain.
462 PAJtT IV Clinical Applications

F 1G U R E 6 9. 4. (A) Skin of pig with Malassezia dermatitis F 1G U RE 6 9. 5. Grdin fru111 d eu111ytulit 111ytelu111d in llie >ki11
(hematoxy/in and eosin). (B) Numerous broad-based budding yeast, of a horse. The qrain, composed of aberrantly shaped fungal
characterirtic of Malassezia are found in stratum corneum. Periodic hyphae, is surrounded by a mixture of neutrophils. macropha9es.
acid·Schiff reaction. plasma ce/Is, and giant ce/Is. Gomori methenamine si/ver stain with
hematoxy/1n countersta1n.

F 1G u RE 6 9. 6. Numerous yeast forms of Histoplasma

capsulatum are present in skin from a dog with disseminated
histoplasmosis. Gomori methenamine si/ver rtain with hematoxylin

taneous mycoses. More than one h1ngal age11t may be re-

sponsible for each of these conditions. For example, eumy-
cotic mycetomas-which are characterized by 1) localized
swelling at the infcction sitc (tumcfaction), 2) draining
sinus lrac.Ls, and 3) lh.e prcsel1.CC: o( gJanulcs or grains con1-
posed of colonics of the causative agent (Fig 69.5)- are
causcd by over 14 species of dematiaceous (pign1ented)
fungi and over 9 species of hyaline (colorless) h1ngi. 'l"l1ey
produce dark and white grained mycetomas, respectively.
Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous mycosis caused by rhe
dimorphic fungus, Sporothrix schenckii. Lesions of sporotri-
chosis are ulcerative 11utlult0~ ur rct.:urrcut tlrdi11i11g LracLs in
thP skin. !nfí'rtions rnay also involve the Jymphatics caus-
ing a lymphangitis, in additíon to the skin lesions. Cats,
horses. and dogs are most commonly attected.
Cutaneous pythiosis is caused by an oomycete, Pythium When one of the systemic mycotic agents involves the
insidiosu111, and therefore ís nota true fungal infectíon. It is lntegumcntary system, the lesiuns are typically ult.:erali\t
found in swamps and ponds, and the dísease is associated nodules that may dPvi>lop clr;iining tr;icts. These pyogran-
with exposure to tlio!>t! t!11víro1uue11t~. Sk.i.r1 ilúecLio11s a1e ulomatous skin lesions (Fig 69 .6) may be the initial clinica1
char;irtPri7.Pc1 hy firm or <;pongy, ulcerated lesions that manifcstation of an infection even tbough organisms re-
often have draining fistulous tracts. Necrotic masses of tis- sponsiblc for thc skin lcsions almost always origina te from
suc (kunkcrs) may be tound in the lesion. Althougl1 un- 01ssem1natea resprratory Lract infections.
conunon, horses and dogs are most frequently affected. A.n Common and/or important agents of the inte¿,'l.1men-
addirional genus, Lagenícliurn, has also been reported to be tary systern uf tlu1111;;~tit.: a 11i111<:il~ aud poulti:y are listed ir.
involvcd in such lcsions. 1'ables 69.1-69 7
ChuJ1ler 69 I11 lcguu1cutary Systeru 463

Table 69.1. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of the lntegumentary System of Dogs

Agent Major Oinical Manifestations (Common Disease Name)

canine dlstemper virus Nasal and footpad hyperkeratosis (distemper}
Canine papillomavirus Cutaneous papilloma~ CraninP papillnmato~i~)

Aaínomyces víscosus, A. hordeovulnerls Orainin91raas, subcutaneous absce~s
Bruce/la canis Scrotal dermatitis
Staphylococcus intermedius' Ce!lu!itis, fo!liculitis, furuncul05is, impetigo
M;i/assezia p~chydermatis Exfoliative dermatitis
Microsporum Cdllfa, M. yyµ)eu111 7iilhuphytu11 Cirtulij1, ~toly, t•u~ly, alorrettic skin lesions (dermatophytosls, rtngworm)
Pythium insidiosum Ulcerative and pyogranulomatous skin lesions (cutaneous pythiosis)
Systemic mycotic agents~ Paputes, nodules, abscesses, draining tracts

'Other co•gulase-posit1ve Staphylococcus sp. mvotved mpyoderma mclude s. auteus and S. scllleiteri subsp coagulans.
b1ndudes 8/astomyces dermatitidit Coccidioides immitis, Cryptococcus neoformans, and Histopfasma capsulatum .

Table 69.2. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Aqents of the lntegumentary System of Cats

Agent Major Oínical Manifestafion~ (Common Oio;pao;p NamP}

Cowpox viru~ Macules, papules, nodules (cowpox virus infection)
Feline sarcoma virus Cutaneous and subcutancous nodulcs
Mycobacterium sppb Chronic nodular dermatitis. draining tracts. panniculitis (atypical mycobacteriosis)
Mycobacterium lepraemurium Noduloulcerative skin lesions with lymphadenopathy (feline leprosy)
Obligate anaerobic bacteria' Subcutaneous abscesses
Pasteure/la multodda Subcutan~us abscesses

Cryptococcus neoformans Draining tracts. nodules. ulcers {cryptococcosis)
Microsporum canís Alopectic annular skin leslons (dermatophytosis, ringworm), pseudotnycetoma
Sporothrix schenckii Draining tracts, lJlcerafive nodules (sporotrichosis)

'Not seen in the united States.

btncludes M. fortuitum, M. chelonei, M. xenopi, M. smegmatis, and M. phlei.
'lncludes Peptortreptococcus spp.. Fusobacterium spp., Porphyromonas spp.. and Clostridirrm ~pp.
464 PART IV Clinical Applicatioi1s

Table 69.3. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of the lnt egumentary System of Horses

A ent Ma·or Oinical Manifestations (Common Disease Name)

Bovine papillomaviruses 1&2 Verrucous, fibroblastic or flat and thickened skin lesions (equine sar(oid)
Equine papillomavirus Cutaneous papillomas of lips and nose (equine papillomatosis)
Equine viral arteritis virus Edema of distal limbs, scrotum, and ventrum
Vesicular stomatitis virus Vesicles/ulcers on coronary band
Bacillus anl11rati~ Diffuse subcu:taneous and dermal edema (anthrax)
Burkho/dería ma/fe¡a Subcutaneous nodules that ulcerate. lymphangitis (farcy)
C/ostridium perfringensh Ccllulitis
Corynebacterium pseuáotuberculosis Pectoral (pigeon breast) or inguinal abscesses, lymphangitis (ulcerative lymphangitis)
Dermatophi/us congolensis Exudative dermatitis (dermatophilosis, rain rot)
Rl1oáococcus equi cutaneous abscesses, cellulltls
"Staphylococcus aureus Celfulitrs, folliculitis, furunculosis

Histoplasma farciminosumª Nodutes of head, neck, and leg; lymphangttis (histoplasmosis farciminosi)
PythitJm insidiosum Ulcerative pyogranulomatous 1esions (cutaneous pythio,js, ~w~mr canrer)
Sporothrix schenckii Ulcerative nodules on feys, lympho11yilb (;pot ulridru>i>)
Trirhnphytnn er¡11in11m, T. mentagrophytes, Crusty skin lesions; hair loss often involving head, shouldets, and back (dermatophytosis. ringworm)
M. equinum

'CoosÍdéred a forei911 a·níJnal disease agent in the Uníted States.

bOther closiridial species include c. sepricum, e sordellii, alld c. sporogenes.
'é?ther ctfagulase·positive species affecting horses include 5. intermedius and 5. hyicus subsp. hyicus.

Table 69.'1, Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of the lntegumentary System of Cattle

Agent Mejor Ciinicel Menifestations (Common Disease Name)


Bovine herpesvirus 2 Mammary vesides and ulcers (bovine mammilitis)
Bovíne papillomavirus Cutaneous papillomas (bovine papillomatosis, warts)
Lumpy skin disease virusª Generalized or local papules and nodules that ulcerate (lumpy skin disease)
Pseudocowpox virus Mammary vesícles, papules, and scabs (pseudocowpox)
Pseudorabies virus Uncontrolled pruritis (pseudorabies)
Vesicular virusesb Vesicles and ukcr; on coronory b<ind and intcrdigital arcas
Actinobacíllus /igniersii Head and neck abscess. draining fistulas
Actinomyces bovis Draining tracts, subcutaneous abscesses (actinomycosis, lumpy jaw)
Arcanobacterium pyogenes Subcutaneous abseesses
Clostridium s.epticum Cellulitis (malignant edema)
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Ulcerative dermatitis
Dermatophi/us congolensis Exudative epidermiti1 (derm>itnphilosis)
Fusobacterium necrophoruml Prevotel/¡¡ hrlerúiyildl de1111dlili>, celluli tis (interdigital necroba<illosis, footrot)
Sa/mone/la Dublin Gangrene of distal extremities, ears, and tail duc to terminal cndartcritis

Trichophyton verrucosum Round to oval. crusty skin lesions with alopecia (dermatophytosis. ringworm)

'Considered a foreign animal disease agent in the United States.

bindudes foot·and-mouth rli<P><P viru<' anrl ve.<indar <tomMítis virus.
<Agents act synergístically.
Chu¡1ler 69 Tuteguu 1eulary Sysle111 465

Table 69.5. Common and/or lmportant lnfectlous Agents of the lntegumentary System of Sheep/Goats

Agent Major CUnlcal Mallifestations (Common Disease Name}

scrapie prion PFUfítus, exc0riatíons, self-mutilation (scrapíe)
Bluetongue virus Erythema, edema of ears.and n:iuzzle, corc<>nitis (bluetongue)
Goat pox, ~heep pox víruses• Papules, veslcles, pustules (goat pox, sheep pox)
'l'arapoxvirus Crusting proliferative mucocutaneous lesions, teat lesions (contagious ecthyrna, soremouth)
Vesicular virusesb Vesicles a11d úlcer~ on teats, coronary bands, and i11terdí9ital areas
Clortridiun¡ novyi Edema of the head, neck, and tnorax (bíg head in Farns)
corynebacterlum pseudotuberculosis Skin abscesses (caseous lymphadenítls)
Dermatophilus congo/ensis E~udative dermatitis (dermatophilosís, lumpy wool rliseasE>, !ttrawherry fo¡:¡trot)
Dichetobactet nodosus/Fusobacterium necrophorum' lnterdigital dermatitis, underrunning of the sale .(contagious footrot)
Stap/Jylococcµs aureus<! Pustular dermatitis of face, udder, teats, and ventral abdomen (staphylo~occal dermatitis)
Trichophyton verrucosum, T. me11tagropl1ytes Crusting, circular skin lesions witli alo¡.¡~cio (<le1rmitophytosis, ringworm, club lamb fungus)

3 Considercd a for~ign animal dise;ise agent in the tJnited States.

blltLludtt~ foul·d11U·1noull1ilb>eC!:ie vj1 U).;. d11U-v~it.uld1 .)to111a'litj~ virus.
'Agents act synerg\stically.
dStaphylococcus aureas subsp. ana8fobíus isassociated with subcutaneous abscesses in sheep.

Table 69.6 . Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of the lntegumentary System of Pigs

MÍ!jor Clínica!·Manifestátions {Common Disease Name)


Viruses ·.···
AfriGan swine fever virus" Reddish-purple discoloration of si<in (African swine fever)
Hog Cholera virus• Erythema, purple discoloration of skío, necrosis of ears and tail (hog cholera)
Swinepox vtws Macules, papules, pustules (swlnepox)
Vesicular Vesídes aorl ulre~ nn cnronary banrl anrl intPrnigital arpas

Bacif/us anthracis Diffuse and dermal edema of neck and thorax (anth,raX)
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Ccingested raisP,d skin lesions, rhoml\nidal,shapPd nec;rotk skin lesinns (ery,sipela~
fatl1e1it/Jid to/i (Shiga-like toxin positive) S·ubcutaneous edema of lips a~1d eyelids (edema disease)
Salmone//a Choleraesuis Reddish-purpfe discoloration of the skin
Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus, P1.1stular dermatitis, subcutaneous abscesses
S. dysga/adiae subsp. equisimilus
Staphylococcus hyicus Generalized exudatíve dermatitis (exudative epidermítis, greasy pig disease)

Microsporum nanum, Trichophyton spp. Reddish circular skir:i lesions with crusting at periphery (dermatophytosis, ringworm)

'Considered aforeigo aoimal disease agent in the United States.

b1ncJudes foot-and-mouth.'vesicular stomatiti~virus, swine vesicular disea1e. and ~esicular exanthema of swine viruses.
466 PAHT IV Clinical J\pplications

Ta b 1e 6 9. 7. (0111111011 a11d/01 lmportant lnfectious Agents of the lntegumentary System of Poul try

-- Ma" r Oínical Manifestations (Common D1sease Name)

Fowlpox viro) Pdpul~ dlld nodul~ uf be.ik, co1nb, .:md wdttles (.ivicln pux)
Marek's disease virus (Q Nodular lesions of feather follicles (Marek's disease)
sraphylococcus aureus Plantar abscesses (bumblefoot), gangrenous dermatitis
Clostridium septicum, C. perfringens Gangrenous dermatitis
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Turgid/red·purple snood, erythema (erysipelas)
Escherichia coli (C) Cellufitis
Microsporum galfinae White, powdery le;ion; oí ~omb, Wdltle), dlld l~y) (u~1111dlu¡.ihylo)Í5, íovus)

Table 69.8. Common Agents of Canine Otitis Externa and Key Organism Characteristics

Typical Colonies On: Aridll;iry TP'it~

Agent Blootl A!Jdí {244311~) MocCorikey Agar Gram stain Oxidase

Staphylococcus intermedius White or off·white, often with No growth Positive cocci NA Posítive
double-zone hemolysis
Staphylococcus schletfert Whrte, hemolytic No growth Positive cocci NA Positive
subsp. coagulans
Proreus mirabills Swarms. no discrete colonies Colorless Negdlive rod; N~yotive NA
PsPudomonas aerugino.!il Gray to greenish, fruity odor, Colorless, sometimes pigment Negative rods Positive NA
hemolytic deteded
Streptococcus canis Small, white, 6 hemolytic No growth Positive cocci • NA Negative
Eschcrichiu coli Smooth, grey, some strJins ore Pink to red with red hilzc NcgJtivc rods Negative NA
Klebsiella pneumoniae Mucoid, whitish-grey Mucoid, pink without red haze Negative rods Negative NA
Malassezia pachydermatis No growth or tiny colonies• Nogrowth variable staining, NA NA
budding yeast

NA= not appticable

iMay rPquirP prnlnng•rl inrnh>linn RP<t rPrnv•ry on ~ahouraud'< dP.xtmse agar at 37'( under microaerophilk rondition<.

Otitis Externa bial. c:ommonly recovered agents fron1 c;ininf' otitis P.X-
Otitis externa in dogs is one of the most cornmon derma- te1 na aie listed in "la ble 69.8.
tological problcms cncountcrcd. ·rhcrc is a dircct rclation
between ear conformation and otitis externa, 'v1th pendu- Mastitis
lous-eared dogs being predisposcd to infection. The L-
shaped configuratlon of the external meatus is a ftuther Ma::.tili::., a11 iníla11uualiu11 of lhe n1an1mary gland, occurs
complicating factor bccause it limit~ at>ration ano orain- in ali animal species. lt is most common in dairy cattle a11d
age. An abundancc of lipid-rich ear•vax and heavy ear is of greatest economic significancc to thc dairy industry.
canal hair additionally contribute to development of otitis For mastitis to develop, the innate physical barriers must
externa. A brccd prcdilcction (c.g., cockcr spanicls) for dc- he breached. Once that occurs, both innate immunity
velopmcnt ot otitis externa is aJso evident. (lactoferrin, complcmcnt, resic.ient immune cells) anc.1 spe-
The agents of canine otitis externa are endogenous in cific immunity play ;i rnlP in prPventing microbial patho-
origin and <tre not thougllt tu play tlic irlilialíng role iu the gcns fron1 establishing. lf a pathogcn does establish in thc
disease process, but rather actas opportunists once otht>r mammary gland, chemotactic gradients formed by in-
faclo1~ a1t'. in place. lnfeclions are frcqucntly polyn1icro - flammatory cytokines and cl1emokincs rcsult in rupid re-
Chapter 69 Integumentary System 467

cruitmen ton i nl"lamn1atory cells in an ettort to control tl1e

F1G U R E 6 9 . 7 . Lactophenol aniline blue wet mount infection. Most of the clinical sign.s associated with masti-
preparation of a Prototheca iso/ate from a cow with mastitis. tis are a con sequen ce of the inflan11natory respo11se.
Sac·ltke structures (thecae) containing variable numbers of daughter Bacteria are the main infectious agents of mastitis, al-
ce/Is (autospores) are seen.
lhough v iruses aie iniportaul u1a11 uuary patl1ugeus iI1
.. sorne animals (Maedi-visna, sheep; c:AE, goats). Fungí
(e.g., Candída, Aspergíllus, I'seudallesclu~ría) andan acbloric
algae, J>rototheca (Fig 69.7), are rare causes of mastitis in
cattle but can occasionally cause 11erd outbreaks.
Different organisms predominate as pathogens
depending on the involved. Coliforms (dogs,
swi11e), Stuphylococcus uureus (slteep, guats), l.H::ta-J1e1nulytic
streptococci (horses), Mannhehnia haen1olytica (sheep), and
lvtycoplasnta species (sheep, goats) are the n1ost commonly
encou11tered bacteria.
The age11ts associated witl1 mastitis in cattle are exten-
sive and are classified as either "contagious" pathogens
where the mammary gland is the source or as "environ-
n1enlal" palhogens when lhey origi11ate fru1n tra11sient
skin flora or environmental reservoi rs. C:ow agP., p;:irity,
stage of lactation, milking operation management meth-
octs, anc1 environmental sanitation control (housing and
bedding) are underlying factors in most cases of mastitis.
Common agents ofboVine inastitis are listed in Table 69.9 .

Table 69.9. Agents of Bovine Mastitis

S eciflc Featúres.

:Arcanobacterium pyogenes (){casionaJ Associated Wlth teat inju¡y or cannulafdilator use, poor treatment resp0nse.
Clostridium peffríngens Rare Causes gangrenous mastitis
Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp. frequent Source is skin, many infections transient
Escberichia có/i Frequent Environmental source, acute infections, may cause systemic illness
Klebsíella pneumoniae Occasional Severe mastitis, asso~iated with sawd!Jst/wood shaving beddíng
Mycoplasma spp,b,c Frequent Cow is source, spread by milkinc:¡, destructive mastitis, cow not usually systemically ill, cah
be eradicated
Mycobacteaum spp Ka~e ~pread by con¡aminated treatment equipment oc materiats.
Nocardia spp. Rare Spread by (Ontaminated treatment equfpment or materials
PiJsteu11,d/¡¡ multutÍÚil R~re Sputodit i11lecliu11~. ~uyye'l' uu~~.,_u11lamimilio11 úwi11y lsedlmenl
Prototheca spp. R:are Achloric algae, associated with poor environmental hygiene. noftreatable
Staphy/ococcus aurec{fl rrequent Source is infected udder, spread by milking, rar.e cause of gangrenous mastitis, can be
Streptococcus 39~/;,cti;,eb OccJ~lonJI CaU$C$ hígf:i bulk tank $Omatic Gel! count, can be cradiC'.ltcd
s. dysgalactiae subsp. cl'{.sgalactiae Frequent Bovine origin, survives in environment
'>trepto(ocn1s uberis Frequent Fom1d on bovine skin and environment

ªAlso consider Corynebaderium bovis, Serratia. Bacillus. f'seudomonas; andvario¡¡s othe~ Enterobaderiaceae.
b(ontagious p;ithogens. '
<f.Aost common spccics-rccovcrcd \JfC M. bovis, M. c::iJifomicum( ~r.d M. cana.cJcnsc.
Musculoskeletal System_

·rhe musculoskeletal systen1 provides a structural fra1ne- lnfections of the Musculoskeletal System
work for the body, protects vital organs, and provides the
capacity for locomotion. It is composed of the axial and Tnfections of t he musculoskeletal system are initiated by
appendicular skeleton and associated Iigaments, muscles, introduction of microbial agcnts through 1) dircct inocu-
ctnc.l ten<.1011::;. Juiut ::;pace::; a11d b ursas and their sy11ovial lation from traun1atic or iatrogenic events, 2) extension of
me.rnhranes are included in t his system. infectious processes from contiguous focuses, or 3)
The musculoskeletal svste1n , does not havc a normal hematogenous seeding from distantly infected ::;ites ur
flora per se, although seeding trom transient bacteremias during septicemia. Within the 111usc:11loskP.lP.tal systern
or "trafficking" through supposed sterile sites may occur. sites o( Lrauinalic injury, arcas of active growth vvitl1 in-
Bacteria! spores (Clostridium sp.) rnay be found dormant c:re.aserl vascularity or sites with spccific vascular features
in muscle, particularl y in ruminants, subsequent to en- (e.g., discontinuous epithelium in capillarics in vertebral
try through the c.ligestive trctct an<.l l1eu1cttuge11uu::; <.li:>- end plates and 1netaphyses) are predisposed to infection.
tribution. Viral, bacterial, and fungal agents can be involved.
Parasite infections of muscle are also in1portant but are
not witb in the context of t his book. As a rule, bacteria are
Antimicrobial Defenses of the Musculoskeletal the most com1non micru1Jial ctgents iuvulve<.l a111011g Lhe
System three groups of age.n ts disc11sst>rl ht>re.. Spe.cific bacteria!
faclors are i111porta11t for infection to develop. Adherence
The antimicrobial defenses of the musculoskeletal system factors (e.g., fibrinoge11 or fibronectin -hinding proteins),
predominately rely on the circulating imn1une defenses. toxins that promotc inflammatory response and tissue
Normal healthy bone is considered falrly resistant to in - damage (e.g., superantigens, cytotoxins), and factors tl1at
fectiu1i. Eve11 <.lirect iuuculatiu11 uf lJuue wi Lh paLltogeuic aid in evasion of the ilnmune system (e.g., capsules, pro-
hacte.ria does not usually lead to infection unless predis- tein A) ali provide an advantage to establishtnent and
po::;i ng factors are present. 13one undergoes constant re- persist ence.
modeling, ~tnd injured/infected bone can be resorbed -and The 111ajor infeclious processes ir1 tl1e n1usculoskeletal
replaced with new bone. system are 1) infections of bone including vertebral body
Muscle has a rich blood supply and, therefore, benefits and associated intervertebral disk infcctions; 2) infections
from its intimate association with circulating in11ate in1- involving articular surtaces or bursas including their syn-
rnune <.lefen:>1;:s. Skel(.!tal u1u::;cle al~u Ita~ great alJiliLy Lv re- ovial tnen1branes; and 3) infections of skeletal muscle, te11-
ge.nerate necrotic muscle segments resulting from intlam- dons, and surrounding fascla. l'l1esc lnfectious p rocesses
matory/infectious processes. do not necessarily occur as distinct enti tit>s (t>.g., inft>c:tion
Jn synovial membrane-lined sites (synovial joiI1ts, bur- of n1elaphy.seal bon.e and associated joint infcction:; in
sas, and tendon sheaths), the sy novium lining is com- 11eonatal septicemia in sorne animals). Diseases of neuro-
posed of a thin cellular surface layer of predominately logic origin that affect muscle activity as a result of inhibi-
m.acrophages and fibroblast-like synoviocytes and an un- tion ot neurotransmitter release (tetanus and botulism) are
<lerlying ricl1 vascular layer. Pru<.luctiur 1 uf p rui11flau u11a- covered in chapter 71 . Microbial agents causing cellulitis
tory cytokines hy cells at these sit es (chondrocytes, syn- may overlap with musculoskeletal infections and ctrt! al::;u
oviocytes, synovial macrophages) promotes a strong covered in chapter 69. Co1nmon ¡:¡nd/or important agents
inflammatory response in the face oí infection. ·rhe rich associa led wilh n1usculoskeletal infections of domestican-
blood supply to synovial membranes predisposes to local- imals and poultry are listed in 'fables 70.1- 70.6.
ization of microbial agents but also allo,\ls for rapid recruit-
ment of vascular im1nune defenses. Wl1ile the inflamma- lnfections of Bone (lncluding vertebral Body and lntervertebral
Lu1y re~puu~e i~ itupur laul fur cuul1vlli11g i11fe1..liv11, i l ca11 Disk lnfections)
also lead to degradative cha11ges to articular cartilage in
synovial joints by stimulating production of cutabolic Osteítis is an inflammatio11 of the bone. Osteomyelitis and
rnetalloproteinases and inhit)iting synthesis of collagen periostitis denote involvernent of the medullary cavity and
and proteoglycans. As inflamn1ation resol ves, fibrosis may periosteu1n, respectively. Osteomyelitis can be furtl1er di-
lead to decreased functionali ty. videc.l into t1erncttuge11uu::; ur pu::;t-trau1ualic osteon1yelitis.

Ch.apter 70 Musculoskeletal System 469

Table 70.1 . Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of Ta b 1e 7 O. 3. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents ot
t hP M11~n 1ln~kPIPt;il <;y~tPm nf (;ittlP

A'.genl Major Clinical Manífestatíons Agent ,Majc¡r (ijnical Manifestafiom;

•J€í mmor¡ J)isease Name) (Common Disease.Name)

Viruses Bacteria
feline sy11cytium·fu1miug vi1u1 (Cl Aflhritis Actit1obad/lus lignieresii Myosítis (actinobacillosis)
Actinomyces bovis Osteomyelitis (lumpy jaw). myositis
Bacteria Arconolx>ctc(ivm pyogcncs Arthrtti:;, di$l<O$pondyliti::;, f.::i:;cíiti:;,
Actinomyces spp.ª Oisko,rnndylitis. oiteomyelitis
myositis, ¡>steomyelitis
Beta·hemolytil 5úeptocottU) Arthritrs, diskospontlylitis, myo,sitis,
G:lostridium chauvoei Myositis (l:ilackleg)
spp. (D) necrotizing fasciitis
Escherichia coli Arthritis, osteomyelitis
Dorre/ia burgdotf~ri (D) Arthritis (Lyme disease)
Fusobacterium necrophorum Arthritis, diskospondylitis. osteomyelitís
Bruce/la canís (O) Diskospondylitis, osteomyelitis
Histotoxic Cfostridium spp' Myositis (malignant edema)
Leptospira spp Polymyositis
Mvcopfasma spp.b Arthrüis; bursitis, tenosvnovitis
Oblig¡¡te anaerobesb Myositis
5almonella spp . Arthritis, osteomyefitis
PastP11rpJ/;¡ m11/tncid;i (C) .Myositis
StaP.liy/ococcus intermedíus Arthritis, diskospondylitís, myositis,
•1ndude~ e perfringens, e nollj'i, c. seplicum, and e sordellii.
osteomyelitis bincludes M. bovis, M. calífornícum, M. a/kalescens, and M. arginini.
Aspergillus spp. (D) Diskospondylitis, 01teomyelitís
Blastomyces dermatitidi~ (D) Osteomyelitis
Coccidioiqes immitis (D) Osteomyelitis Ta b 1e 7 O. 4. Common and/or lmporta nt lnfectious Agents of
t he Musculoskeletal System of Sheep and Goats
(C) = cots, (D) = dog< •
' lndui;les A yíscosus and A bordeovuln.eris. Agent MafoJ Clí f>l@nífestations
b1ncludes rasobacterium, Bacteroides, f'orphyromonas, and Peptostreptococcus.
(Comrnon Dise.ase Name)
Bluetongue virus {S} Muscle intarEtion
Ta b 1e 7 O. 2. Com mon and/or lmportant lnfectious /\ge nts of Caprine arthritís-encephalitis virus (G) Arthritis
Muscu loskeletal system of Horses
Arcanobactenumpyogenes (S) t>iskospondy[itis, my:ositls
Agent Major Ch"nlcal Manífestátíons Chfamydophila percorum Arthritis
{Co'mirton Dísease .Naroe)
----- corynebacrerium pseudotubercu/osis
Frysipeiothrix rh11~inp;ithii1P (S)
Arthritís (P.rysirP.las)
Actinnbaciflu~ eqüuli ssp. equali Arthritis, osteomyelitis Goinf ill) Hblutoxic C::Joslridium spp• Myosítis
Bruce/la a.bortús Atlantal or supras~ínous liursitis {poli Mycoplasma spp. (G)b Arthritis. tenosynovitis
evillfístulous withers), osteomyelitis
EschcrichiJ coli Arthritis, osteomyelitis (joint ill) {G) := goats, (S} =sheep
'lnclud~ C perfringens. C novyi. C septicum. and C sordellii.
Hístotox1c Clostridium spp.• Myositis·(clostridial myositis) btncludes M. mycoides subsp. mycoide; Qarge colony o/P•), M. capricolum sub~P- capd-
Salmonel' a spp. Arthrítls, osteomyelitis fjoint ilf) colum, and M. patJ;~fadens.
Staphylococcus aureus Artflritis, atlantal or supraspinous
b11~itís (poli P.villfi~ulo11s wither'},
myosilis, osteomyelitis, tenosynovitís
Streptococcus e.qui subsp. equi Muscle infarctíon- immune complex-
mediated organisms encountered include enterics (E. coli, J>roteus
Streptococcus eqw subsp. Arthrttis, osteomyelitis úoir.i¡ ill) spp.) and obllgale a11aerobes. 111 l1orses, Lhe agents n1osl.

zooepidemicus commonly isolated from osteomyelitis il1 neonates are Ac·
tinobacillus cquuli subsp. equuli, F,. coli, Streptococcus equi
•1ncludes C. perfringens, C sordellii, and (. septícum. sut)Sp zooepidernicus, and Salmonella, while coagulase-
positive stapl1ylococci predomll1ate il1 .a dults. In rurrúnants
an d pigs, Arcanobacterium pyogenes a11d Sal1nonella are
major causes of osteomyelitis. Others of note in production
ai1in1als ai·e E. coli ar1d Fusobucleriurn neLrophorurn.
Most bone infections are bacteria! in nature. While a vari- 'I'he rnicrovasculature (discontinuous epithelium and
ety of bacteria can cause bone infectio11s, a select number lack of basement membrane) and possibly the slow blood
predomin.ate wittlin groups. ln compa11ion animals tlow through capillaries in areas of active growth favor the
and poultry, coagulase-posítive Staphylococcus species (S. in- establishment of infections (hematogenous osteon1ye-
terrneáius, s. aureus, s. hyicus) are frequently involved. Other litis) . Macrophages associated With vascular endothelium
470 J>ART IV Clinical Applications

Ta b 1e 7 O. 5. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agent s ot Use ot sy11thetic material in reconstructive or replace-
Mu~culoskP.IP.till SystP.m of Pig~ ment surgeries (e.g., hip replacements) 1nay also disrupt
the innate resistan ce of bone to infection by providing an
fíllajor C{inical Manlfestlltions avascular surface and protection from in1mune defenses.
(Common Disease Name) Bone ce111e11-l used in so111e replacen1ent surgeries n1ay it-
self inhibit phagocytosis and co1nplement activity. I-Iost
Bacteria fibronectin deposited on implant n1aterial allows for bac-
A_rcanobocterium ,oyogenes Arthritis, osteo¡nyelitis teria! attachment, '"'hich is tollowed by p roduction of
Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus spp. Arthritis exopolysaccl1arides (glycocalyx) by bacteria. Along with
Bruce/J¡j suis Arthritis, diskospondylitis (bruccllosis) host products, the glycocalyx forms biofilms that provlde
C/ostridium sépticum Myositis (malignant edema) bacteria protection from host defenses and killing by
Etysipelothrix rhusiopathiae Arthrítis, diskospondylitis (erysipelas) anli biolics.
Jiaemophilusparasuls Arthrltls (Gtasser's disease) Bite wounds, pe11etrating fore ign bodies, orthopedic
11Aycnpfasm;i hynrhini~ Arthritis surgical procedures, and trauma tic in jurics are possible ini-
MyLupla~ma lryosynovia~ Artbritis tiat ing events for develop1ne11t ot osteomyelitis in compan-
Pasteurella multocida AtrÓ'phy of nasaf turbinate bones ion animals. 'fhe long bones are most commonly affected.
(atiophic rhioitis) In productio11 a11in1als, hematogenous osteomyelltls ls
Streptococcus suis (Type 2) Mhritis a frequent event. Hematogenous osteomyelitis in nf>On.1-
Lal ru1ui 11a1 1ls is associaled vvitl1 failure of passive t ransfer.
Infections begin at the metaphysis or the epiphysis be-
neath articular cartilage and oftcn occur in conjunctiOll
with or subsequ ent to intectious synovitis. fn neonatal in-
Table 7 O. 6. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agent s of fections, vessels that cross tl1e growt.h p lates are impor-
Musculoskeleta 1System of Pou ltry
tant for spreading infection to the metaphysis from
joints. Ep.iphyseal osteomyelitis in conjunction with arth -
Agcnt Major CfiniCal Manifestatfons ritis in calves is commonly cau:;eu uy Sulrnuriellu serovar
....,....,....;._,..__,.,,_..,_......,,.............,.,,...-. (t:ommon Disease 'Name} D11blin. Arr:annhar:terium pyngenes osteon1yelitis in older
calves and adults n1ore commo11ly begins on t he meta-
Reovirus Arthritis, bursitis, tenosynovitis physeal side of the growth plate. Arcanobacteríurn pyogenes
also causes a hcmatogcnous vertebral osteomyelitis in
Bacteria pigs associated '"'ith t ail biting o r foot lesions. Commer-
Arcanobacterium pyogenes (T) Osteomy;elitis cial turkeys develop focal areas of osteomyelitis caused by
Ety>ipefu(/j1Jx rl1u>iupal11ide (T) Ar l1 uífb {er~ipel•>l' s. aureus or E. cou. The p roximal tltJlutarsus a11u pruxilual
Escherichia coli Arthritis. bursitis, osteomyelitis, ff>m11r .1rf> most oft f>n ;iffecte.d ;ind infections are associ-
tenosynovitis at ed ·with a green discoloratio11 of the live.r in adole::;cen.t
Mvcoplasma meleac¡ridis (T) Bowinc¡ of tibiotarsal bone, cervical 1nale turkeys (turkey green-liver osteon1yelitis complex)
vertebrae deformation (Fig 70.1). Hcmatogcnous ostcomyclitis is uncommon in
Mycopla~ma synoviaé Arthritís, bursitis, tenosynovitis dogs a11d cats.
(infectious synoviti>) Post-traumatic osteomyelitis is also common in produc-
staphylococcus aureus, 5: hy:iéus Arth¡jtis, bursitis, osteomyelitis, tion ani mal~;, usually in adults. In cattle a chronlc pyo-


F f G U RE 7 O. 1 . O~leo111yelítís in l/Je feo1ur of a 17-week·old

turkey wíth qreen-líver osteomyelitis complex. Staphylococcus hyicus
was isolated from the bone lesion. (Courtesy Dr. H Shiv;;1pr;;~;ui.)
are the main defense in tl1ese areas. Infections also occur
in areas of bone with poor or interrupted vascular supply
fruu1 trauiua (pu:;t-trau111alic u~leu111yel i lis) 01 when adja-
cent tissue infections result in ischemic ínjury. lf both the
medullary and periosteal vascular supply to bone becomes
comprornisect cturing a11 in!ectious process, a sequestra-
t ion of necrotic bone may result. In son1e cases, persistent
drainage fron1 sinus tracts develops. U11der these condí-
tions, bacteria are better able to cstablish and more diffi-
cult tu eli1niI1ate ue<..:ause tl1ey uecou1e irraccessible LO iin-
m11ne defcnscs and rcfractory to antibiotic t reatment.
Host ccllular products, and pcrhaps sorne bacteria! prod-
ucts, stin1ulate 1nonocytes and fibroblast to produce oste-
olyti.c cytokines and stirnulate osteoclastic activity, caus-
ing greater separation of living from dead bone.
CIIapter 70 Musculoskeletal Sy.ste1n 471

granulomatous intlammatJon lovolvlng th.e mandible basement membrane. Tnfection results in expression of a
("lumpy jaw") or maxilla is caused by Ar:tínnmyr.P.s hovis. c.ascarle of inflammatnry mP.cliatnrs (TNF, TT.-1, TT.-6, ancl
Viral agents rarely cause inflani.mat ory bo11e disease. NO) that result in increased blood flow to the area, in-
Distemper vir11s in dogs may damage osteoblasts and cause creased capillary permeability, and an influx of inflamma-
growth rctardation. Canine hepatitis virus can cause meta- tory cells. Tl1c agcnt involvcd dictates the typc and intcn-
physeal t1emorrhage and necrosis. sity of inflammatory response. Synovitis in unchecked
Fungal bone infections occur but at a low frequency. infections results in increased synovial fluid containing
fungal osteomyelitls ls usually the result of d.i ssen1ination cellular exudates that subsequently progresses to involve
from another si te, most often the h1ng. Many of the sys- thf' artir11lar s11rfaces. Alnnf' nr in c'nmhin;ition, bacteria]
ten1ic 1nycotic agents are capable of causing fungal os- products, products resulting fron1 the inflan1ni.atory re-
teomyelitis. Coccidioides immitis is notable for disseminat- sponse, and proteases already present or produced by cells
ing to the appe.ndicular skeleton in dogs. Disseminated in the joint damage articular cartilage. Once damaged, ar-
Blastomyces dermatitidis intections in dogs can involve the ticular cartilage 11as limited capacity for repair.
bones in up to 30Qk> of t hc cases '"it h vertebrae, and long Current evidence suggei:ts that when viable bacteria are
bones are most commonly affected. no longer detectable ln cases of septlc arthritis, the inflam-
Diskosponclylitis, an inflammatory proc.ess of the inter- matory respnnsf' contin11Ps ancl furthe.r destruction. to
vertebral disk and adjacent vertebrae, is a particularly com- articular cartilage ensues. This is likely dueto residual bac-
mon site for bone infections to occur. lt usualJy begins at teria! products such as peptidoglycan-polysaccharide
the vertebral end plates. The discontinuous capillary ep- co1nplexes that continuc to promotc an infla1nmatory re-
itheliurn and slow-flowing venous channels predíspose sponse. Even bacteria! I>NA, specifically unmethylated
this area to bacteria! seeding. Diskospondylitis is most CpG motifs, appears to stilnulate a variety of cell types to
conunor1 in dogs <1nd rurnir1ants and often results via produce pro-inflamm.atory cytokines leading to further
hematogenous <lissemination. The l.7-Sl region is;¡ tiss11e clestr11ction . Joint fun ctionality may be further af-
monly affected si te in the dog but any vertebral body can fected by fibrosis that results during resolution of the i.n-
he affected. Staphylococcus intermedius is the most common flammatory process. ln sorne cases ankylosis of the joint
agent identified. occurs.
Vertebral infections of'fl3- L3 in the dog are associated Post-infective art hr1tis, which. is associated with micro-
with migration of foreign bodies (e.g., plant awns). bial fragments localizing in t he joint during a septicemia
Actinon1yces spp. are the usual agents involved. Diskospon- but vvithout microbial replicat ion in the joint ltself, is less
dylitis associated with Bruce/la species deserves particular wellrecognized in veterh1ary medicil1e than it is in human
alle11lio11. Tl1e persiste11t bacteren1ia that occur.s with n1edicine. When it occur.s, joint dan1age resulls solely fron1
sorne Brucella species predisposes to infection at extragen- immune rnechanisms.
ital sitcs and Bruccl/a should always be considcrcd as a po- Morphologic variants of bacteria huvc also bccn associ-
tential agent in diskospondylitis in dogs (H. canis) and pigs ated with joint infections. Hacterial L - forms, which are
(B. suis). Calves with di.skospondylitis caused by hemato- wall-less bacteria, 1AJhich have "turned off" the genes re-
l{enous disseminatio11 of either A. pyogenes or Fusobacte- sponsible for cell ~vall synthesis, and small colony variants
riu111 necrophorum present vvith paresis or paralysis. ofbacteria, which have decreased growth rates presurnably
(;erman shepl1erd dogs are particuldrly proJJt: tu Jevt:l- due Lo defeclive respiralory 111eLabolis1n, have been associ-
oping diskospondylitis 1n1cl osteomyelitis of fungal origin áted with persistent joint infections.
caused by Aspergillus .spp. Aspergillus tcrrcus and A. dcflcctus In spe.cies where transphyseal vessels provide a direct
are the most cornmon species recovered. connection between the metaphyses and the epiphyseal
cartilage (e.g., ruminants, horses), both acutc ostcomyc-
lnfections lnvolving Articular Surf¡¡ces, Bursus, and Synoviul litiS and joint infections are commo11. This is also true
when metaphyseal bon e is included within thc joi11t cap-
sule. Sornetimes synovitls represents only one of a number
Arthritis denotes a11 inflammatory process of a joint space. of clinical 111an ifestations of sy stemic iI1fectious processes
lvfost joint infc:ctions an: l:ntctcrial, but viral and fungal in- (c.g., polyscrosi t is i·n pigs Ciluscd by Mycoplas111a 1zyorhi11is
fections do occur. Monoarticular infections typically arise or Haemophilus parasuis).
from direct inoculation or spread from a contiguous site Bacterial arthritis is uncommon in companion animals.
(e.g., distal interphalangeal joint infection in cattle follow- When it occurs, coagulase-positive Staphylococcus species
ing sole abscessation) . Hen1atogenous infections fre - a11d Streptococcus species are the most common agents in-
qu1::11lly rt:sull iu pulyarlhrupdlhies. Iu in:u11a les, tl1e uu1- vul ved. lnfections result frorn direct inoculation from
hilicus or gastrointestinal tract are common cntry points. trauma or s11rgery. 'l'he ranint.> stifle joint appears particu-
Arthritis is a common scquelae to septicemia, especially in larly predisposed to post-surgical infectio11s. Recurrent
young animals and especially where there is failure of pas- lameness, sometimes involving multiple joints, is associ-
sive transfer. In aduit animals, joint abnormalities, im- ated wit h a cl1ronic and progrcssivc arthritis duc to Borrelia
munosuppressivc diseases, infections at other sites in the burgdorferi, the Lyme d.isease agent.
body, intra-articular injections, surgery, and joint prosthe- Arthritis is co1nmo11 in production animals and horses,
~es ali preubµu~t: tu juiI1t iI1fectious. anda variety of organlsms ca11 be involved. In neonates,
Infection of the joint usually he.gins in synovia 1 tissue- Salmonella and E. coli are tl1e main agents. Mycoplasma
in part, because of the rich vascular supply and lack of arthritis in run1inants is also an in1porlanl enLily in (eed-
472 PART IV Clinical Applications

F1G U R E 7 O. 2 . Pofyarthritis invofving the carpa/ joints of a FIGURE 70.3. Gram stain of exuda te from a fistufous withers
Holstein dairy calf. Mycoplasma bovis was isolated from the joint Jesion in a horse. Clusters of gram-positive cocci are present.
fluid. (Courtesy Dr. P. Bfanchard.) Staphylococcus aureus was isolated.

The d lgltal flexor an<.I rnetCJtCJr:sCJl exLe1 1::;ur leuúou:> duú

hock joints are most rommonly affected. The stability of
Ll1e virus, polcntial for horizontal and vertical transmis-
sion and high-dcnsity rearing practices used today make it
a potcntially scrious flock problcm.

lnfections of Skeletal Muscle, Tendons. and Fascia

lot cattle and dairy calves. In addition to arthritis, which lnfcctions of skeletal muscles are uncommon. While viral
usually involves carpal and hock joints (Fig 70.2), tenosyn- and fungal agcnts occaslonally cause musde infectiu11:s,
ovitis and bursitis occur. Mycoplns1na bovis is the usual bacteria again are the most fretjuent of the thrPP gronp.~ in -
:>pecie:> 1ecove1ed. In guals, n1ycoplasma arll1rilis affecls volved. Myositis can be in the forn1 of a localized abscess,
both kids and adults. Mycoplasn1a 1nycoides subspecies rny- granuloma or diffuse inflammatory process that spreads
coides (largc colony typc) and M. capricolurn subsp. capri- along fascial planes. Prcccding cvcnts includc trauma, in-
colu1n are principal species isolatecl. 1\1ycoplasma arthritis is jections, bite wounds, or a contiguous infectious process
also important in pigs. Chlamydial joint infections (Chfa- (e.g., cellulitis, subcutaneous abscess, osteomyelitis). Pyo-
mydophila percori11n) are commonly recognized in goats genic bacteria cause locallzed abscesses (e.g., Pasteurelfa
and sheep ("stiff lamb disease"). Infections can p resent in nn1/tocida in cats). Granulo1na tous and pyogran11 lomatis
coll j ur 1clio11 wilh cunj u11cli vi lis. ·rhe chlan1ydial species n1yosilis are assocla led wit b bacteria! species known to
in volved is different from the species associated with goat evokc g ranulon1atous pyogranulomatis int1ammatory re-
and sheep abortions. ln horses, joint infcctions in nco- sponses (c.g., Mycobactcrium bovis, Actinomyccs spp.,
natcs are causcd by organisn1s also associated with neona- Actinobacill11s li~1ieres1í). Clostr1dial n1yos1t1s is typically a
tal ostco1nyelitis and include E. cofi, Sc1/monella, .4ctinoba- more diffusc infcclious proccss ancl spreads rapidly along
cillus, and Streptococcus spp. In adult horses, Staphylococcus fasclal planes. Jt Is the most severe anc.l aggre:ssive furu1 uf
or Streptococcus spp. are usually involved. thc .infcctious myo<;iti<IP'\ rl11P to thP procluction of potent
Bur:.ili:> 1efe1:, lO an inflan11naUon of lhe sy11ovial li11ed histotoxins. Myositis n1ay occur subsequent to or in con-
hursas and can be affected in a manner similar to synovial junction \-vith clostridial cellulitis. Most a11imal species are
membranes in joints. Of specific importancc are Bruce/la affcctcd; howcvcr, clostri.dial myositis is most common in
abortus and S. aureus inlcctions ot the atlantal and ruminants and horses. Clostndial agents usually reach af-
supraspinous bursas in horses (Fig 70.3). These infections fected si tes by direct penetration (e.g., penetrating wounrl,
may spread to lnvolvec.l $plnuu:s pruce:s:se:s uf C1djace11t i11jecliull:>) u1 1 i11 lhe case of Clostridiutn chauvoei, the agent
vertebrae of hlackleg, are already present in muscle as dormant
Although bacteria are responsible for most cases of in- spores. When tissue becomes dcvitalizcd, producing an
fectious arthritis, viral agents are someti.rnes involved. anaerobic environment, the spores germinate and vegeta-
Fclinc syncytium-forming virus infcctions cause both pro- tive cells proliferate (Fig 70.4). Numerous cytotoxic exo-
liferative and erosive forms ot joint involvement in cats. toxins produced by thcse clostrictial spectes contribute co-
Caprine arthritis encephalomyelitis virus is of substantial agulative muscle necrosis.
importancc in goats causing a hyperplastic polysynovitis, Hemolytic Streptococ<-11S spp. l1C1vc lJee11 associaled will1
usually in goats oldcr than 12 months. Avian reovirus severe necroti7.ine fa<>riiti<> in ctogs. In horses, immunc
cause::; arthriti:, a11d lcJJu:,y11uvili:, iu lu1keys a11d chickens. con1plcx vasculitis is the supposed mcchanism by which
Chupler 70 Musculu:.keletal Sy.steru 473

muscle damagc due to vcsscl infarction and hemorrhage

F 1G u R E 7 O• 4 . DirPrt f/11nre~cent antibody test using results post-Streptococc11s eq11i subsp. eq11i infections.
fluorescein-labeled, anti·Clostridium ch¡¡uvoei antiseril on un Te11uu11 :.lteall 1:. l 1ave ;111 Lt 111er :.yuuvial 1ue111bra11e a11d
impression smear from muse/e of a cow wirh a fibrinohemmorhaglc, may hecome infected as a result of hematogenous dissem-
necrotizing myositis. Fluorescent C. chauvoei organisms are ination, trauma (e.g., bite wounds), treatments (e.g.,
apparent. sheath injections in horses) or spread from a contiguous
focus. Tenosynovitis is especially important in horses,
most commonly invo!ving digital tendons. lnfections typ-
ically result from a wound with a variety of bacteria being
i11vulvet.I ur :.uu:.e4ue11l lu :.lteallt i11je<..:Liu11, wl1ere S. uureu~
is usually the cause .

N ervot..1s Systern

Thc ncrvous system is <.livitletl iutu tl1e ce11tral autl vc::ri vil- AsL1ocyle processes and pcricytes, a subclass of microglial
era! ncrvous systems. ThP cPntr::il nPrvous system includes cells, that surrou11d capillaries andan extracellular matrix
Lh.e braLn ¡u1d spinal cord, the cerebrospil1al fluid that contribute to th e ovcrall makcup of tl1c b lood b rai n bar
h::ithPs it, an d th e meningeal layers that cover it. The pe- rier. Not all areas are prot ected ])y t he bloo<i brain barrier
riphcral ncrvous system is comprised of ncrvcs that a risc (c.g., pituitary, choroid p lexus). ·rhe secretory selectivity of
from the central n ervous system (cranial or spin al nerves) choro1d p lexus epithelial cells an d epenctymal cclls con-
and innervate muscles or cffector organs. The peripheral tribut e to a barrier betwcen the blood and cerebrospin::il
nervous system is furthcr divlded into somatíc-sensory fluid. Nerves of tl1c veri J.Jheral nervous systen1 are pro-
and autonomic divisions. tected from inflammatory reactions and immune re-
Ne1 vous syslen1 ilúeclions n1ost commonly involve the sponses by a blood ncrvc barricr, although it is not as re
central nervous system. In sorne cases, peripheral nerves strictive as the bloo<i brain barrier.
are the targeted site for infcctious or immunological
processes or microbial toxin action, or serve as the site tor
cntry of infcctious agcnts or toxic products that act on the lmmunol ogical Defenses
central nervous system . The nervous system does not have
Much of o ur knowledge of immunc defense of t he nervous
a normal mlcroblal flora . Sorne viruses (e.g., herpesvir uses,
system is based on stu<iies in rodents a11d humans. '["he cen-
dlstempcr virus) can cau se latent infectiuu:;, autl il1 :.01ue
tral nervous system h as lo ng been considered an immuno-
cases viruses integrate intn thP hnst gPnomP <is p rovi ruses
loglcally prlvileged slte bec<1use it lacks a11 urgau izetl 1y JJ1-
(c.g., visna virus).
phatic system for antigen rlPlivPry to ly mph nodes and
norn1ally greatly reduced expression of major histo-
compatibility complex determinants. Current evidence in-
Antimicrobial Defenses dicatcs that thc ncrvous systcm has a much more advanced
immunological defense system than was previously
Spnsitivity of the nervous system to injury makes exclu- thought. Antigens from the cerebrospinal fluid are able to
sion of microbial pathogen:; or their toxins of paramount access lymph nodes (cervical) by lymphatic drair1age alu11g
importance. Anatomic and immunological defenses are cranial nerves. Major h istoromp::iti hility <intigens are cx-
thc prün¡1ry defense mec.:han isms available; the following pressed by cells i11 th c central nervous system pare11chyma
scct1ons present these ctefen ses. (e.g., astrocytes anti microglial cells) under proper con d i-
tions. Thc blood bruin barrlcr con tributes to the relative
immu ne privilege of the healthy central nervous systc1n by
excluding en try of large molecules from the blood anc1 hy
'rhe skull and vertebrae provlde rlg1d cuverings that pru- r1;::.trlclü1g il un1 une cell enLry. 111ls restriction is not ab-
tect the braLn and spinal cord from traumatic or penetrat- solute anci, alt ho11gh fpw immune cclls are normally found,
ing injuri~:; tl1at llligl1l lc::atl Lu i11l1oduclion of rnicrobial both activated and naive 'f lymphocytes can penetratc thc
p::ithogPns. ·rhc meníngea] layers (pía, arachnoid, and blood brain barrier and are present in the absence ot in-
dura) providc further anatomic barriers that act to contain flammation, suggestLng a "patrolling" function. While an
or prevent infectious processes trom progressing into t he active immune system 1s in place, it is geared to provide a
nervous system parenchyma. degrce of protection and yet minimize in nocent bystander
The blood brain barrier provtdes the ma¡or anato1nlcal damage. This is rnea11t tu avuitl i11flar11n1alory responses
separation between the ncrvollS system paren chyma and th;it lP<irl to profo11nrl or i rrcversible d istu rbances in n eu-
cu111pu1 1e11l~ uf Lile va~L ulc11 :>y:>Lo::111. fl v1olec ls lhe central ron al functio n . Local in flammuto ry rcspon:>cs nrc rcgulatcd
nervous syste1n frorn agcnts d isseminated via the blood by im mu nosuppressivc mechanisms. Subclasses of glial
stream from other sitcs in thc body. Central to tl1e blood cells express cytokir1es (e.g., TL-6, TGFE2) that h elp restrict
brain barrier are the capillary endothelial cells, which the inflanunatory response. An abillty to Ln<iuce T Jympho-
form tight intercellular junctions that prevent movement cyte apoptosis is also present.
of blood constituents into thc central nervous system. The central nervuus sy:.tc111 vu:.sesses cerlail1 il1r1ate in1-
Movcment of substances across thc cndothelial cells is fur- mune capabilitiPs. C:omrlPment plays an esse11tial role in
thcr controlled by specializctl c.:arric::r lra11spor l syslen1s. innate in1mu ne defense. Doth neuronal cells and astro-

4 74
Cha¡>ter 7.1 Nervous System 475

cytes have ability to produce complernent components. A fecting vessels supplying the central nervous systern (e.g.,
number of nervous systcrn patl1oge11s w ill i11duce co111ple- feline infeclious perilo11ilis virus, equine herpesvirus 1)
mPnt c.omponent synthesis (e.g., exotic Ne\.YCastle disease are responsihle for important nervous system diseases.
virus, Listeria 111011ocytogenes) which plays both a direct
'l'he role of infectious agents in autoimmune diseases is
role in pathogen killing by membrane attack con1plex for- still poorly understood. ln humans, cross-reacting path-
mation, as well as in recruitn1ent of leukocytes. Uncon ogen and host antigens results in molecular mimicry and
trolled complement activation, resulting from progressing has been associated with certain nervous systen1 diseases.
infectious processes, contributes to pathology whe11 host Notable is the mi.Jnic(y between lipopolysacchadde struc-
cell rnerr1lJr<1ne co1uple1ueul l ul 1J.l1i to.r:s overwl tel u 1.ell. ture~ of ::;elected serul yµe::, uf CurnpylubuLler jejurti a11d gar 1-
Various cell types are also critica! to central nervous sys- gliosides (e.g., GMl, GDla) of motor neurons. 'fhis is
tcro defense. Microglia cells are rr1yeloid bone marrow- thought to account for the association between antece-
derived cells. When activated, they produce various dent Campylobacter infections and sorne cases of c;uillain-
chemokines and cytokines, actas macrophages, and poten Barré syndrome, an acute demyelinating polyneuropathy,
tially llave a role in antigen presentation. Dendritic cells, in humans. Some cases of acute canine polyradiculoneu-
which are potent antigen-presenting cells, have also been ritis (coonhound paralysis) may similarly be associated
den1onstrated in the brain. Astrocytes have tJeen shown with im1nune reactions to viral or bacteria! lnfectlons.
to be involved in antigen presentation and chemokine/ Sorne of the most comn1on and/or important microhial
cytokine production. ln the face of an inflarnmatory re- agents associated with nervous system infecti.ons il1 do-
sponse, astrocytes becomc activatect anct can torm glial mestic animals and poultry are Jisted in Tables 71.1-71.7.
scars to insulate damaged areas of the brain parenchyma.
Nerve cells, themselves, are capable of producing certain
Routes of lnfection
cytokines (interferon y).
Duri11g i11feclious processe:>, 111igralio11 of i11fl<1111111a- Tlie liernatogenou:; ruute is tl1c n1ost coIIunon route of
tory cells from the vascular system to affected sites is im- entry for microhial pathogens. Othcr important routes in -
portant for controlling progressing infectious processes. clude retrograde moveme.nt within neurons or extension
lnflammatory cell migratio11 is mectiated, as elsewhere in of the infectious processes from contiguous sites. Sorne
the body, through productlDn of chemokines and expres pathogens appear capable of using more than one of these
sion of adhesion ligands (selectin and integrins). rou tes (e.g., Listeria).

Hematogenous Route. Systemic infections or infectious

lnfections of the Nervous System processes that involve multiple organ systems typically
.reacl1 ll1e nervous syslen1 by Ll1is roule. InfecHon occurs
Formicrohial pathogens to affect the nervous system. they wl1en pathogens enter through vessels of the choroid
or thcir products must rcach thc ncrvous system (route of plexus, meninges, or paren,chyma, or from septi.c: emboli
intection'), be able to penetrate or interrupt anatomic bar- that Iodge in vessels and result in ctirect da1nage to vascu-
riers, and establish and persist by evading or subverting lar endothelial cells. Sorne viruses are able to cross the
in1mune ctefenses. Clinical signs resulting from infection blood brain barrier themselves or are carried· across ln in-
depend on whether and wher.e the infection is Iocalized, fected imrnune cells, while others directly infect the en-
wl1at age11t i:s i11volveLl a11Ll Lite lype and degree of inflan1- doll1eliun1 of capilla.des or cells of tl1e cl1oroid plexus or
1natory response induced. Most nervous system infectious ependyma.
processes have a rapid progression, requiring timcly intcr- Studics with E. coli shO\.Y that 1) a high dcgrcc of bac-
ve11tion. Most infections involve the brain or meninges; teremia, 2) invasion of brain microvascular endothelial
l1owcvcr, other areas can be involved concomitantly or cells, 3) host cell actin cytoskeletal rearrangement, and 1)
serve as the pr1nc1pa1 targetea sire. The aecreased fre- specific signaling mecnanisms promote trans1ocation of E.
quency of spinal cord involvement is most likely dl.1e to re- coli across the blood brain barrier. Different bacteria use
duceu l>loou íluw Lo ll1e spi11al cord ralher Lhan sorne differenL signali11g ruechanis1ns. Cy Loki11es ¡;roduced by
greater inherent resistance to infection than the brain. In astrocytes and microglial cells and nitric oxide from in-
sorne cases, the major or sole clinical 1nanifestation is re- flammatory cells in response to insults contribute to dis-
lated to spinal corct lesions. For example, equil1e her- ruption otvascular barrier anct further loss of ability to ex-
pesvirus 1 infections may result in immune con1plex- clude entry of pathogcns.
related vasculitls causlng necrosis that affects both the
brain and spinal cord. Lesions in the spinal cord are some- Retrograde Movement Within Neurons. Some infections result
liioes lile source for Lile predon1ir1a11l cliuical sigus. whe11 au ageut iufects peripl1er<!l nerve::; anti rnoves in a
Péripheral nerve involvement is less frequent but is the site retrograde fashion to reac:h the central nervo11s systPm
for important neurological diseases (e.g., Marek's disease (e.g., rabies virus, pseudorabies virus) . Ilinding to specific
in cl1ickens). cell receptors is necessary for entry. For exa1nple, rabies
The presence or growth of a microbial agent in th.e viruses use nicotinic acetylcholine and low-affinity
nervous system is not necessary for signs to develop. nerve- growth-factor receptors to attach and penetrate
Microbial toxins ingested or produced at another site i11 cells. In sorne cases cell-to-cell junctions, ·including synap-
Lhe hosL (e.g., (~. perfring·e ns epsilo11 LOxlr1, l!oluliuuu1 tic junctions, are crosseu. 5orne herpesviruses Iatently in-
toxin, and tetanus toxin) and imn1une-mediated events af- fec.t <a~nsory g;ingli;i ilncl ;ire la ter activated and may extend
476 PART IV l.linical Applications

Table 71 . 1 . Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of the Nervous <iystem of nogs

Agcnt Disease(s) Neurological Sign5"

C;ininP ildPnnviru1 1 lnfP.rtio111 r~ninP. hP.p<ititis Seizure.~
Cdl lÍll~ uill~lllfl~I
virus C<1nine dislemper Ataxia, seiiures
Canine herpesvirus Canine herpes virus disease Depression. opisthotonus. seizures
Pseudorabies virus rseudorabies Intense pruritus, seizures
Rabies virus Rabies Temperament change, aggressive behavior, paralysis
Agents of otitis externa' Otitis media·intema Vestibular dysfunction
Ehrlichia úlnis Ehrlichiosis Ataxia, cerebellar and vestibular dystunctions, seizures
Clostridíum botulínum Botulism Flaccid paralysis, paresis
Clostridium tetani Tetanus Upisthotonus, seizures, tremors
Rickettsía rickettsii Rocky Mountain spotted fever Ataxia. depression, seizures, vestibular clysfonctinn1
Crvptococcus neoformans Cryptococcosis Ataxia, head tilt, paresis, seizures

~lncludes E. coli, Proteus spp.• Pseudomonas spp., Staphylococcus spp., and Streptococcus spp.

Table 71.2 . Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of the Nervous System of Cats

Agent Oi<P~SP

BSE prionª Feline spongiform encephalopatl\y Ataxia, behavioral changes, muscular tremors

Fellne panleukopenia virusb Cerebellar hypoplasia Ataxia
Feline immunodeficiency virus Feline acquired immunodeficiency Aggre55ive or psychotic behavior. seizures
Feline infectious peritonitis virus Feline infectious peritonitis Ataxia, paresis, seizures
Fclinc lcukcmia virus Epidural lymphoma Posterior paresis
fe/me leukemia Abnormal vocalization, hyperesthesia, paresis
Pseudorabies virus Pseudorabies Hyperexcrtability, paralysis, par~is
Rabies virus Rabies Aggressive behavior, paralysis
Cryptococcus neoformans Cryptococcosis Ataxia, paresis, craniafnerve deficits, seizures

~aassifi~ as a forei(¡n animal diSs>""' ;ig•nt in th• tlnitPrl ~t~IP<.

beongcnit~I infcction.

in to thc central ncrvous systcm. Tctanus toxin moves in a spinal cord by direct extension or as a result of pressure
retrograde fashio11 in the penpheral nerves to reach the from epidural abscessation.
central nervous system .

Extension of lnfectious Process from Contiguous Sites. lnfections of the Central Nervous System
inal or n1e11i11geal il1fections niay result from extensio11 of
infectious proccsses involving paranasal sinuses, tooth Once a pathogen establist1cs, injury results from either di-
roots, or thc middlc car (c.g., otitis media-interna in rect cytotoxic cffects by the pathogen or as a result of in.
calves). lntect:J.ons of the ep1dura1 and subdural spaces usu- 1ury due ro rhe mflammarory rc:.puu~e üi1e1...leü c1L 1li1.:
ally result by direct invasion of pathogens subsequent to pathozen, ora comhin;:ition of hnth. l.linical signs associ-
trauma or :.urgery (e.g., tail-uuckl11g i11 :.heep). Baclerial in· alcd with infections are varicd and typically progrcssivc.
fections of vertebrae or intervcrtcbral disks can involvf> thf> Sp<'c:ific clinical signs may aid in localizing the infections
Chapter 71 Nervous Systern 477

Table 71.3. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of the Nervous System of Horses

.. '
l\gent Dlsease
~quine encephalornyelítis vrrus~s Equine encephalomyelitides Ataxia, drowsí¡iess, head·pressing, paralysis
Equine herpesviru~ 1 Myeloen(ephalílb Ataxia, tetnr ór pdi'ápfegia
Rabies vin,1s Rabiep Ascending paralysis, ataxia, depression, vocaJization
West Nile·virus West Nile encephalitis Ataxia, muscle tremor, paresis, seizures, somnolence

Clostridium.botulinumb Botulism (shaker foal disease, forage disease) Flacdd paralysis, muscle fasciculations, pa esís
Clostcidíum tetani Tetanus Muscle spasms, prolapsed third eyelid, rigid "sawllorse• stance, seizures
Streptococ.cus equi subsp. equi Brain abscess, meningitis Blindness, cirding, coma, head-pressing, seizures
Guttural pouch infectíon Dysphagia, fiead-shakíng

Aspergíl/usJumígatus Guttural pouch mycosis Dysphagia, head-shaking

•classifled as a foreign animal dis.éase agent ih tlle<Uílited States.

bMost commonly lypes B and (.

Ta ble 71.4. Conirnon and/or lrnportant lnfectious Agents of Lile Ne1 vous Sy>Le111uf Cdllle

Neurological Sígns

BSE p1ionº

Akabane virus•,b Hydran'tnCefl.hafy, neurogenic arthrogryposis Sénsory and motor defiéits at óirth
(Akabane diseas~
Ak.P.phaline herpeSVírus 1ª Malignant catarrliál fever (wildebeest) Ataxi'a, head-presslng, paralysis, tremors, seizures
Bovine'viral diarrhea virusb Cer.ebelfar hypóplasía Heaq tremors, inGoordioation
lnfecti9us bovine rhinotracheitis IBR encephalitis Ataxia, hyperexdtability, tremors
t!Jvine herpesvírus 2 Malígnant cataaha/ fcvcr (shccp) Ataxia, head,pressíng, paralysis, tremors, seizures
Pseudorabies virus Pse.uilorabies Intense pruritus,
salivatlon, seizures; vocalization
Ralilcs virus Rabies Ataxia> paralysis

Areanobaeterium pyogenes Brain/pituitary afucess Ataxía, blindness, depression, tascial paralysis
Hhtophi/us "omn~ 1'.tiromboembolic meningoencephalitis, otiti$ A:taúa, blindnQ'" qpi,tliotonu<, 'ttsp.o r
<:Jostridium botulinumd Botulism Flaccid paralysis, loss of tongue wifhdrawal a11d blirik responses, m1:Jscle
fa5ciculations, paresis
Clostridium tetani Tetanus !)pisthotonus. seizures, tremors
Eschedchra co/i Meningitis Blindness, head.-pressing, ·seizures, somno1ence
Fusobacterium necrophorum Bra!rilpituítary abs€ess Ataxia, blindness, depression, tacial paíalysis
listeria monocytog,cnes Listerio1is Ataxia, cirdíng, facial.palsy, head tift
Mycoplasma bovis Otitis media-Interna Ataxia, droopy eat, head t ilt
Pasteurella multocída Otitis media-interna Ata~ia, droopy ear, nead tilt

'ClassifiecJ.aS'a foreign ánima! disease ageot in.t~e \111itell $tates.

b(ongenital:iofectí~n. · · •·
,.Hae¡nopSilus ;omtfus"·-i~ tlle obsólefe nome for this, ocganism.
dMost commcmlyTyp~.s B,..C, aml D.
478 PART IV Clinical Applicatíons

Table 71.5. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Ac¡ents of the Nervous System of Sheep and Goats

Agent Di sease Neurological Sigos

Scrapie prion Scrapie Ataxia, exaggerated nibbling retlex, intense pruritus, muscle tremors
AkdUdll~ virus•·b Hydranencephaly, neurogenic arthrogryposis Sensory and motor deficits at birth
(Akabane disease)
Bluetongue virus• Ccrcbcllür hypoplasia, hydrancnccphaly Blindness at birth, inability to walk
Border disease virus' Hypomyehnogenes1s Ataxia, tremors
Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (G) Caprine arthritis-Encephalitis Paralysis. paresis. tremors
Louping ill virusb Louping ill Ataxia, muscle tremors
R~hiPI virus Rabies Ataxia. constipation. paralysis
Visna virus (S) Visna Abnormal gait, ataxia, paralysis, paresis
Arcanobacterium pyogenes Cerebral abscess, pituitary abscess Ataxi~. he~ci rrP11ing, hP~ci tilt, hlindness
Clostrld/um botulinum Botulism AldXid, flaccid paralysis
C/01tridi11m perfringens Type D Focal symmetrical encephalomalacia Coma. depression, head-pressing, opisthotonus
Clostridium tetani Tetanus Opisthotonus, seizures, tremors
Escherichia coli Meningitis Blindness, head-pressing, seizures, somnolence
Lirteria monocytogenes listcriosis Ataxia, cirding, facial palsy. head tilt

(G) • goat::, (S) = sheep.

'Coogenital disease.
bClasslfied as a foreign animal disease agem In the Unlted States.

Table 71.6. Common an d/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of the Nervous System of Pigs •

Agent Disease Ncurological Signs

Hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus Vnmiting anci wastin9 cii..,.asP O?pre11inn, jerking movements. paralysis, seizures
E11te¡.>hdlumyU1.dl di lb vil U) E1 lltphalo1 nyocarditis Ataxia, depression, tremors
Porcine enterovirus 1 Porcine polioencephalomyetit¡s (Talfan/Teschenl Ataxia, paresis, coma, paralysis, seizures
1log cholera virus•,h Cerebellar hypoplasia Ataxia, seizures
Nipah virusª Nonsuppurative meningitis Paresis, tetanic spasms, se1zures
Pseudorabies virus Pseudorabies Ataxia, tremors, seizures
Rabies virus Rabies Aggressive behavior, ataxia, paraly1i1, 1eiLu1e1
Clostridium tetani Tetanus Opisthotonus, mu~le rigidity, seizures, stiff gait, tremors
Eschench1a co/1 (Shrga toxm pos1tJve) ~dema disease Ataxia, edema of tace, paralysls, stlffness
Haemophi/us parasuis Meningitis (Glasser's disease) Ataxia, paddling, tremnrs
Lisrerla monocyrogenes Usteriosis Aldxid, hypeiexuldbility, trembling
WrPptn<nrr111 1ui1 (Type 2} Meningitis Ataxia, depression, paralysis. seizures. tremors

•c1assified as a foreign animal áJSease agent in the United States.

b(ongenit>I infPrtinns r;iu<P rnngPnit~I trPmni< in pigleK

to the n1eninges (nuchal rigidity, depressed mental status), genic cerebral ede1na tl1rough effects on the blood braln
cerebrum (circling, behavioral changes, seizures), brain- barrier and resultant lcakage of proteins into extr;icPlh1 J;:ir
stem (cranial nerve deficits, head tllt), cerebellu1n (ataxia, spact!S. Tllis i:; tl1c µruµuse;:d 1necha11isn1 of action of C. per-
trcmors), or spinal cord (tetra or paraplcgia). fringe1i~ 'fypc D epsilon toxin, which produces a focal sym-
mctrical encephalomalacia, cspccially involving thc tha la-
mus, hippocampus, and midbrain in sheep (Fig 71-1) and
Mechanism of Central Nervous System lnjury
the Shiga like toxin of toxigenic Escherichia coli strains as-
Vascular Oamage. Damage to blooct vessets may be the initi- soc1ated with edema disease In swine_ Viral effects on the
ati ng factor in disease. Microbial toxins can cause vaso- vascular system include immune-mediated vasculitis ::inrl
Chapter 71 Nervous System 479

Table 71.7. Common an d/or lmportant lnfectious Aqents of the Nervous System of Poultry

Disease Neurological Sígns

Avian encephalomyelitis virus Avian encephalon¡yelitis Ataxia, paralysis, tremors
Avian influenza virusª J\vian influenza Ataxia, depression
Eastern equine encephalitísvirus m Eastern equíne encephalitis Ataxia, depresslon, paralysis
Exotit. Neyvr.astle disease virusª t=xot ic Newr.astle disease Depression, paresis, torticol liS; tremors
Ma1el\\ úi,ea'e vi1u' (Q Ma1ek's tlisease Aldxid, l~y 01 winy pot~)is/por aly)b

Cíostridi1.1m botu{inumb Botulism (limberneck) Flaccid paralysis, inability to support head
Listeria monocytogenes tisteriosis Ataxia, opisthotonus, tortlcollls
Sa/monella enterica subsp. arizonae (T) Meníngitis/encephalitis (Arizonosis) Ataxia, paralysis, seízures

Aspergí/lus fumlgatus Mycotic eocephalitis Loss of equflibrium, torticollis
Ochroconis ga//opavum' Mycotic encephalitis Ln" nf eq11ilihri11m, torticollis

(12) "'mickens, =turl<eys.
ªOa«ifiP.rl a< ;i for.Pign animal rli<P!!<P •gen¡ in the llnit•d State<
.bMost commonly Ty~ C.
' Dactylaria ·gallopava is the obsolete oame for this organjsm.

mation results in sorne cases (e.g., distemper, visna).

F1G U RE 7 1 . 1 . Focal syn11netrical encephalon1alacia in a sheep Movement of lnfectlous agents may occur within the
brain. Lesions are associated with enterotoxemia due to Clostrídíum cerebrospinal flu.\d or interstitiu m, orwithin different cell
perfringens Type n . (Cnurtesy nf nr. F. /17¡¡ /.) t}'pes .

Viral lnfections. Viruscs wtth. neurotrophic properties affect

al! anim al species (see ·tables 71.1-71. 7). Sorne viruses
specifically affect the nervous system (e.g., rabies virus in
all species, pseut1orabies in most species), and ot her
viruses involve the nervous system as part of a multisystem
d isease process (e.g., n1alignanL calarrhal fever v irus in caL-
tle, exotic Nevvcastle disease virus in poultry, distemper
virus in dogs). Viruses usually reach the central nervous
systern via the blood strearn, often as the result of a sec-
ondary viremia. Entry is v ia one of the methods described
previously (see the section "Routes of Infection," above).
Effects on specific cell types in the nervous system are ei-
Ll 1er due Lo <.lirec.:L viral cytuc.:i<.lal effect:; ur <.laiuagt:: re:;ult-
ing fo r t he ensuing inflammatory response. Gliosís,
perivascular cuffing, and 11euronal degeneration typically
characterize viral encephalitis. Viral infections in the ce11-
perivascular inflammation (e.g., feline infectious peritoni- tral nervous system only rarely serve as thc primary mech-
tis, equine herpesvirus 1). R.ickettsial agents (Ehrlichia and anism for transmission between. hosts. Typica1ly transmis-
Rickettsia) induce endothelial damage and vasculitis that sion relies on infection at other si tes in the body.
lt::a<.l to blet::<.ling i11 tl 1t:: braír1. Tliror11bo:si:s uf vt:::s:st::l:s rnay So1ne viral infections in the tlam affect the fetal nervous
cause malacia of hrain parenchyma (e.g., Histnphilus snmni system ;incl Jp;icJ to cli>vi>lopmi>nta 1 p roblems, includiI1g
in calves, Saln1011e/la. enterica subsp. arizonae in turkeys). cerebellar hypoplasia (bovine viral diarrhea virus, pan-
Septic emboli may resu lt in brain abscesses. leukopenía virus), hydranencephaly (bluetongue virus),
and hypomyclinogcncsis (Bordcr discasc virus).
lnjury to Brain Parenchyma or Meninges. Injury to cens in the
central nervous system is by direct action of the pathogen Bacteria! lnfections. Bacteria! meningitis in dogs and cats is
or fr~J111 tl1t: re::;ulti11g i11lla111u1atory re:spou:se. 'fhe inflarr1- relatively u n.common and often associated with primary
m;itory rPsponsf> c;in be suppurative, nonsuppurative, infections at other sites (e.g., urinary tract infection , endo-
granulon1atous, or son1e con1bination of these a11d is pre- cardilis). I11volve1111::ut uf the r1ervuus system rnay also
dominately influenced by the agent involved. I11flamma- arise from local extension of infectíous processes (e.g., ear
tory processes of the brain parenchyma (encephalitis), infcctions, tooth root abscesses, sinus infections). Organ·
rneninges (meningitis), or spinal cord (myelitis) occur isms involved are usually endogenous and include aerobes
independently or in combination. Disorder i..n 1nyelin for- (Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, l'asteurella, Actinornyces) and
480 PART IV C:llnical Applications

anaerobes (Bacteroides, Porphyromonas, Fusobacterium, J1ep- e;. perfringens in enterotoxemia and :)higa-like toxin of E.
tostreptoroccus). coli in edema disease). On the other hand, tetanospasmin
Bacterial meningitis is more common in neonates, with (tetanus toxin), the toxin produced by Clostridiurn tetani,
horses and production animals most commonly affected. binds to peripheral nerves and travels to thP CPntral nPrv-
T11 Llie:>e a11i111al:>, Lht: t:liolugy age11l is ofle11 ai1 e11leric or- ous systen1 where it block:; release of inhibitory neuro-
ganism (e.g., F.. coh) and is associated with failure of pas- transmitters from presynaptic inhibitory motor nervc
sivc transfcr of maternal immunoglobulins. J-Jaemophilus, endings.
Pasteurella, Saln1onel/a, and Streptococcus are other genera
cncountcrcd with sorne frequency in bacterial meningitis. Fungal lnfections. As a general rule, fungal infections of the
Prolongcd bacteremia and the total bacteria! numbers ap- central nervous system are infregue11t. When they occ.ur,
pear directly related to the likelihood that the blood brain the inflammatory response is typically gran11lnmatou.s.
barrier wi ll be crossetl. In ln1cteri<1l 111e11i11giti:>, a fil.iri110- MosL of lhe syslen1ic n1ycotic agent s (Blasto111yces,
purulPnt rPspnnsP typira l ly 1ts. Cocddíoídes, Cryptococcus, flistoplasma) have the poten ti al
Brain abscesses are also more commoo in horses and ru- to be involved in ncrvous systcm discasc, b ut this usually
n1iI1ants than in companion animals and develop as a re- occurs secondarily and late in the cottrse o f th e infection .
sult ofbactc.:rc.:mia, trauma (dircct imp lantation ), or sp read Most fungal infections result from h ematoge11ous dissem-
.trom a conti~ruous site. Streptococcus equi subsp. equi is the in ation. Crypcococcus neofi>rmans is the n1ost con1mon fun-
inost common cause of brain abscesses in h o rses, a form of gus encountcred in nervous system discase ancl con1-
so-called "bastard stranglcs," and is relatetl to a bact ereruic 1uv1 1ly aífecls dogs and cats (Fig 71.3) . It produces a
event subsequcnt to rhi noph;:iryngiti.s ancl lymph node ah- number of virulence factors, inclu ding a large polysaccha-
scessalion (slranglcs). Brain abscesses in cattle are also as- ride capsule, which allows it to pcrsist (see Pig 45. l ). Evi
sociated with primary extraneural infections (e.g., hard- dence suggests it uses monocytes and end othelial cells to
ware disease). 'fhc pituitary gland is an cspccially common cross the blood brain barricr. Granulomatous e11cephalitis
site in ruminants, possibly due to the anatomy and close wíth focal caseonecrotic lesions caused by Aspergíllus sp.
association of the rete mjrabilis with the pituitary gland. has been described in poultry. Outbreaks of mycotic en-
Common ruminanr pyogenic agents (A rcanobaaerium pyo- cephalltls in poultry flvck:. cau:.t:l.l liy a the1n1ophilic fun-
genes, J:usobacteri111n necrophor11n1) are the usl.ial suspects in 811s, Orhrnroni~ gallnpavum (Dactylaria gallopava- obsolete
tl1e:;c ca:.c:.. 111 íecliv1 t:> i11volving verlebrae a11d interverte- name), have also been reported.
hral disks, especially in dogs, ruminants, and swine, may
involvc thc spinal cord and manifest as posterior paraly- •
Prion Diseases
sis/paresis. Sorne bacteria! species exhibit a greater degree
of neurotropism than others (e.g., Listeria in ruminants, Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies or prion dis-
ffistophilus sornni ["Hal>rnopflilus somnus" is the obsolete eases (bov1ne sponglform er1cepl1alvpatl1y [BSE), :>crapie,
name] in beef cattle). Lcsions associatcd with Listeria en- feline spongiform encephalopathy) are rare bnt important
c1::µl1aliti:. tyµically are in Lhe iu Lhe nervous syslen1 diseascs because t h ey are largely untreat-
hrainstem (pons, medulla oblongata) and are almost able, may cross spccies barriers. and can have su bstantial
pathognomonic for Listcria cnccphalitis (Fig 71.2). economic impact bec~use of public health con cer11s. An
As already mentioned, bacteria! toXins rather than the abnorrnal conformer of normally p resent prion protein
agent itself may be responsible for clinical signs an d (PrPc) <lesignated PrrRcs (for "resista11t" PrP) is b elieved to
pathology. Sorne bacterial toxins directly affect th e vascu- cause conversion of normal PrPc into tbe pat hological iso-
latu re of the central nervous systen1 (e.g., epsilon toxin of

F1G u Rt: 11 . 3 . Cryptococcus neoformans meningítis in a cat.

F1G U R 1: 7 1 . 2. Micro1Jbscess in the brainstem of a cow t hat Numerous yeast ce/Is are present. Spaces around stained yeast bodies
died from Listeria encephalitis. Listeria monocytogenes was isolared. :irc thc rcsult of shrinkage of the po/ysaccharide capsule duríng the
Hematoxylin eosin stain. stainlng process. Mayer's mucicarrnine st'ain.

Chaptcr 71 Ncrvous Systcm 481

F1G U R E 7 1 . 4 . Sponqiform encepha/opathy characterized by F1G U R E 7 1 . 5. Botulism in a cow. F/accid paralysis of the
vacuolation of neurons and neuropil in the brain of a sheep with tongue has resulted in an inahility nf thP rnw tn retr;irt it~ tnnguP.
scrapie (H&E). (Courtesy Dr. 8. Barr.) Clostridium botulinum type C was the cause of botulism in this case.
(Courtesy Dr. R. Moel/er.)

form . Acquired principally through ingestion ot PrPR~~­ tral nervous system, however sorne important diseases
contarninated material (e.g., meat and bone mea! in BSE specificall.y or predominantly involve the peripheral nerv-
a11d possibly infectec.1 placenta or feces in scrapie) p rions ous systen1. Th.e toxi n of Clostridiurn botulinurn affects pe-
are able to pass from the digestive tract and are potentially ripheral nerves, specifically components of the synaptic
a.111plifit:cl i11 Lhe ly1nphorelicular sysLen1 before n1ovi11g up vcsiclc docking and fusion complcx at pcriphcral motor
the pt~ripheral nervous system to the brain. ·rhe accumula- nerve terminals. l'his blocks the release of acetylcholine
tion of PrPRes is responsible for the pathology (neuronal resulting in the flaccid paralysis characteristic of the dis-
intracellular spongiosis) associated with t ransmissible ease (Fig. 71.5). Involvement of peripheral nerves, usually
spongiform cncephalopathies (Fig 71.1). sciatic and brachial nerve plexuses, is a characteristic fea-
lure of Marek's disease virus. Grossly enlarged 11erves with
both inflammatory and neoplastic histologic characteris-
lnfections of the Peripheral Nervous System tics, as v'lell as myelin degeneration, are found. Mycotic
and bacteria! infections ot the guttural pouch ot horses
As 1101.ed previously, the peripheral nervous systen1 is less may involve the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves, re-
frequently involved in infectious processes than the cen- sulting in s•vallowing difficulties or laryngeal hemiplegia.
Ocular Infections

'rhc primary function of thc cyc is vision. Factors that af- Antimicrobial Factors
fect vision impact overaJJ animal well-being. 111 this chap-
In addition to serving asan ir1terface to auieliurale lhe ef-
ter, the ocular system includes the eyelids, lacrimal appa-
fects of PxtPrn;il sti muli; tPars c.ontain non.specific antimi-
rarus, con¡unctiva, the eye itself, and the surroundlng
crobial substances that includc:
fascia. The eye includes tl1e cornea, sclera, lens, uveal. tract,
relina, oplic nerve, and aqueous a11d vltreous cl1an1bers. 1. Lactoferrin. Lactoferrin is a substa.n tial protein com-
The majar sites far infectious ocular disease to develop are ponent of tears (up to 25%). By b.i nding free iron,
t!1c conjunctiva, cornea, and uveal tract . lactoferrin xnakes this esscntial enzyme component
unavailable to bacteria, thereby lirniting bacteria!
gro>vth . In adllition, laLtoferriI1 ruay l1ave a role in
Antimicrobial Properties of the Eye enhancing natural kiUer cell function ancl inb.ibit-
iug for1uaUou uf C3 converlase.
Consiclering the frequent exposure to environmental ele- 2. Lysozyme. Tears are rich in lysozyme (up to 4091> of
ments, the eye is remarkably rcsistant to il1fcction. tear protein) . The enzymatic action of lysozyrnc on
Mechanical, anatomical, antimicrobiai, and imrnunologi- the glycan chain ot the peptidoglycan ot bacteria!
cal factors all play roles in protectlng the eye from infec- cell walls provides nonspecific protectio11 frorn exo-
tion. Tl1e followi11g sectio11s. detail these spccific factors. genous and resident bacreria. Variat ion in lysozyn1e
concentration occurs a.m ong differen t animals and
may, in part, account for variation in susceptibility
Mechanical and Anatomic Factors of different animals to externa! oc11l;ir infPctions.
The eyelids, including the cilia, and blink (menace) and Decrease in the lysoz:yn1e concentration in tears
cornea! reflexes provide a barrier to externa! insults that correlates with increased ocular infectio11s.
n1ay Lraun1alize Lhe eye and p1edispose lo infeclion by en- 3. Antitnicrobial Pcptídcs. Broad-spectrurn cationic an-
dogenous or exogenous microbes. Intact conjunctiva and timicrobial peptides are innately produced by ocu-
cornea epitheliu1n provide addit ional barriers to i11fection. lar surface tissues. These peptides act as natural an-
Precorneal tear tilm, a complex multilayered tluid, contin- tibiotics through interactions with bacteria! cell
uously coats ex posed surfaces of tl1e eye without irnpairing su:rfaces. They lnay also play a rolP in sign;:iling that
v.ision . The tear filin has a nuLnber o.f functions including activates host cell processes in volved in immune de-
lubrication, retarding evaporation, and nutrient trans- fense. Antimicrobial peptides can be detected in the
po1 l. Meibo1n iar1 and lacrin1al glands, lhe conj uncliva, co11junctiva, cornea and tears.
and cornea all contribute to the composition of the tear
filni. 'lears provide overa11 protection for tl1e eye surfacc
lmmunological Factors
through the unitorm coating ettect and by rnechanicaJ ty
rinsing the eye of i1oxious n1aterials and rnicrobes. The conjunctiva is part of t he common inucosal immune
l'rotectio11 far i11ternal structures oí the eye comes fron1 system, which includes gastrointestinal, respi ratory, uro-
tight junctions of endothelial and epit helial cells that form genital, and marnmary n1ucosa. It is unclf>ar if antigen-
llie bloucl-aqueous ancl blood-reli11al barriers. 'fhe blood prese11tiug capabilities exbt in t he conjw1ctiva or lacrimal
aqueous barrier is forxned by ciliary epithelial cells betwee11 gland lyn1phoid tissue. It is plausible that ocular imn1uniza-
capillaries in the ciliary stroma and aqucous fluid in thc tion occurs by passagc of antigcn through the nasal lacri
postedor chambet ot the eye. 'fhe blood-retinal barrier is ma l duct to GA.i.:r or JJAL:l sites. Plasma cells in the lacrimal
composed of tight junctions of endotl1elial cclls of retinal glands are derived by clona! expansion a11d d.ifferentiation
capillaries and cells of the pigmented reti11al ep.itheliun1. of IgA committed B lymphocytes that localize in tl1e
'fhese barriers afford protection to intraocular structures of lacrimal gland. lgA is produced, which in h 1rn c.omhines
tire eyt'. froJI1 Hli<.:ro!Je:; uf l1e111aluge11ous origi11. When nli- will1 secrelory pleces. Secretory IgA is resistant to prote-
crobes from systemic infections do involve intraocular olytic enzyn1es in tears and constitutcs the major immuno-
sites, it is these areas \-vhere infectior1 typically initiates. globulin in tcars. lts role in microbial defense includes pre
BreakdO\~·n of blood-ocular barriers is largely tl1e result ot venting bacteria! attachme11t and neutralization of viruses.
inflammatory p rocesses that disrupt tigl1t junctio11s. A functional complement system is also present in tears.

C:ha¡1ter 72 Ori1l;ir lnff'ctions 483

Beca use of its rích vascular supply, an aggressive inflam-

n1atory response, prcdomínately con1posed of !leu- F 1G U RE 7 2. 1 . Endophthalmitis in a chicken caused by
trophils, occurs in the conjunctiva. The cornea, dueto its tschench1a coh. (Courtesy Dr. H. Shivaprasad)
avascular naturc, is supprcsscd or dclaycd in its inflamrna-
tory response.
The intraocular immune response is programmed to
prevent an overexuberant response that may irreparably
damagc intraocular structures and ultimately vision.
Subsets ofT lymphocytes that cause subsla11Ual bysla11de1
injury are suppressed, and the immune response is more

Competitíve lnhibition Effect of Microbial Flora

Tt i<; po~sihl1> th;it thl' norm¡il flora, as elsewhere in the
body, plays a protective role in the ocular syslen1 by in-
hibiting cstablishmer1t of more pathogenic species.

Microbial Flora of the Eye

A norn1a l ronj11nrtívíll floríl i.~ present but varíes by ani- process can and frequcntly does involve structures in tl1e
mal, brced, geography, housing conditions, and lime of eyc adjaceul lo llit: ~ile uf i11itial lnfection or, especially In
year. The most commonly recovered flora are gram- uncontrolled infections, hecomcs widespre;id to involvf>
positive organisms and includc staphylococci, micrococci, intraocular cavitics and surrounding structures (endoph-
streptococc1, d1phthcro1ds, and Bacillus spp. Less fre- thalmitis, panophthalmitis} (Fig 72.1 ). Route ot exposure
quently nonenteríc, gram-negativc bacteria are isolated of the eye to infectious agcnts is through surface contact
and include predomlnately Moraxella, 1Vetsseria, and Pseu- with endogenous or exogenous microbes or vía the blood
dotnonas species. In rumiñants, Moraxella species may be stream or lymphatic systcm and, perhaps, by extension
tl1c predomina11l bacle1ial type in no11nal eyes. Myc.u- fro111 11e1 vou~ li~~uc~.
plastna spccics are also found as conjunctival flora in sorne c:ommon and/or important ínff>rtío11s agf>nts of thf' oc-
animals. Fcw studics havc been done to actually quantitate ular system in domestíc mammals and poultry are listed in
the relative numbers ot cach ot the ditterent species that Iables 72.1-72.7.
constitutc normal flora. Not ali conjunctival specimens lnfectious processes of the eye frequently includc thosc
from normal animals yield microbial growth, indicating presented in the follow1ng sect1ons.
that the conjunctiva is not heavily populated by normal
flora. Interna! strucrures of the eye are normally sterile. Eyelid and Lacrimal Apparatus lnfections
Bacteria are the n1ost con1111on c¿tusc of in fcclions of eyelid
Ocular lnfections margins (blepharitis) and lacrimal glands. The source for
bacteria is cndogcnous, with staphylococci an d strcpto-
()cu lar infections can be primary infection s or part of mul- cocc1 be1ng the most common agents. In dogs, a purulent
tisystem infectious processes (e.g., upper respiratory tract blepharitis occurs in conjunction with ju venile pyoderma.
infections). ·rhe organisrns involved are often contagious Dermatophyte lnfectlons may extend to invo.lve eyelids.
and may afff'rt pop11lation.~ of ilnimílls rather than indi-
viduals. ln other cases, ocular infections are secondary to Conjunctival lnfections
insults that comprise the intcgrity and innate defenses of
the eye. Compromising factors in thcsc cases includc dc- lnfcctions of thc conjunctiva induce an inflammatory re-
creased tear productlon, excess ultrav1olet radiation, im- sponse characterized by hyperem ia, chemosis, and cellular
munosuppressing diseases, trauma or penetrating injuries, cxudate. Conjunctivitis occurs both as a local infection
a11atu111ic tlcfc1..ts (t!.g., entropions), or surgical interven- (e.g., Chlarnydopl1ila lnfections in cats) oras part of a srs-
tions. Jn such sítuation<:, normíllly hf'nign ocular or other tcmic disease (e.g., distemper in dogs).
endogenous flora can cause serious infections once t11ey Viral-i11duced co11ju11c.:livili~ (c.g., alphatJerpesviruses
gain entry to unprotected sites. A number of systemic in- conjunctivitis) often occurs in conjunction \-vith npp¡>T
fectious diseases also include ocular manifcstations as a rcspiratory or digestive tract infections when virus specifi-
consequence of disseminaaon from the initial focus of cally attaches lo and replicates in surface epithelial cells.
infection . Cytopathic effects causcd by viruses and induction of an
Deµe11tli11g 011 1l1c 111icro1Jial agent involved, the agent's inflammatory response account for din1cal s1gru ob-
tissue trophism, routP. of f'xpos11rf', ílnc1 the host's ability to served. Conjunctival infcctions may spread to or concur-
contain infi:ction, ocular infections n1ay or n1ay ilOL be 1enUy in vol vt: ll 11:: curuca (keratocon¡unctivitis) .
limited to specific parts of the eye. The inflamrnatory Bacterial infections of thf' ronj11nctiva may begin in the
484 PART IV (]inical Applications

Ta b 1e 7 2 . 1 . Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of Ta bl" 7 2 . 3. Common anrl/or lmportant lnfectious AgPnt s of
the Ocular System of Dogs the Ocular System of Horses

Agent Major Clinical M¡¡nifeg¡¡tions :Ayeot ~jor ,Glinital ~anifestatións

(Common Dis~ase Name) {Commort Disease'llame)

Viruses Viruses
Canine adenovirus 1 Cornea! edema, immune-complex Atricail Horse Sickness virus• Conjunctiv1t1s, eyelid and periorbital
uveitis, keratitis (bhie ey'e) edema
canine distemper virus Choriore¡ioil:ls, conjunaivitis, cptic Equine ar¡eritls vlrlis Conjunctivitís, períorbita! edema
neuritis (di>tempP.r) Equine herpesvirus 2 Conjunctivitis, keratitis
Cánine papillomavirus Pdpillun1d~ of eyelids and conjuoctiva Equine influenza virus Conjunctivitis

Bacteria Bacteria
Beta-hemolytic streptococci Coojunctivitis, dacryocystitis Leptospira spp. Panuveitis (equinP rP.rurrent uveitis)
Bruce/la <ai:Jis. Anterior uveitis, endophthalmitis Pseudomonas aeruginosa Kerdlilb, cornea! ulcer
Coagulase-positive staphylorórri Rl~pharitis, coojunctivitis, dac¡yocystitis
fl11/it/1/<1, S!Jfl· Anterior uveitis, conjunctival hyperemia,
Aspergil/Jus spp. Keratitis, cornea! ulcer
Fusarium spp. Keratitis, cornea! uker
Leptospira spp. Anterior uvcitis
Rickettsia ríckettsíi Anterior uveitis, cborioretm1tis,
conjunctival hyperemia, retina!

8/astomyces dermatitidís Antcfior uvcitis, chorioretinitis,
T~ b I o 7 2. a. Common a nd/or lmportant lnfect ious Aa ent < nf
t he Ocular System of Cattle
Cryptococcus neoformáns Chorioretinitis, optic neuritis

Algae Agent Mator Olnlca! Manlfestations

Prototlíeca spp. Anterior uveitis, chorioretinit1s

(<;ómmon Disease Name)
Alcelaphine herpesvirus '1ª Anterior uveitis, conjunctivitis, cornea!
edema, eyelid edema, kerntitis
Ta b Je 7 2 , 2. Cu111111ur1 et11u/u1 lr11pu1 ldll l ln feLliuu~ A\Jell b o[ (málignant catarrhal teverJ
the Ocula r 5ystem of Cats Bovine herpesvirus 1 Conjunctivitis, cornea! edema/opacity
(lntectious bovlne rhlnotracheltis)
Agent Major C!inical Manifestations Bovine papi!lomavírus Papilloma<-of P.yeliil ;mn ronjunctiva
(Common Disease Name.) Bovine virar dia1rhea virus Cd laracts, retina! atrophy, optk neuritis
(bovine virus diarrhea-in utero
Viruses infection)
Feline herpesvirus 1 Conjunctivitis, cornea! ulcer, stromal
Ovine herpesvirus 2 Anterior uveitis, conjunctivitis, cómeal
keratitis (feline viral rhinotracheitis)
edema, eyelid edema, keratitis
FelinP imm11norlefiriPnry vinll Anterior 11veitis, chorinrntinitis
(rnalignant catarrhal fever)
Feline infectious peritonitis virus Anterior uveitis, chorioretinitis, keratic
precipitates, keratitis (feline Bacteria
infectious peritonitis) Arcanobactcrium pyogenes Orbital fjellulitis
Fe!ine leukemia virus Anterior uveitis, lymphosarcoma, Ristophilus somnib Ketinal hemorrhages, retinitis
retí hemorrhage (tbromboembolic meningoencernaliti~)
feline panleukopenia virus Retina! degeneration, retina! dysplasia Listeria monocytogenes Conjunctivitb, ker alilb, uveitb
(teline panleukopenia-in t1tero Moraxella bovís Conjunctívitis, kératitis, corneal ulcer,
infection) panophthalmitis (infectious bovine
keratoconjunctivitiS' or pirikeye)
Bacteria Mycoplasma bovoculi Co:níunctivitis
<Shlamydophila fe/is Conjunctivitis {feline pneumonitis)
Mycoplasma fefir> Conjum:tivítis ªClassified as a forei9n animal dlseas• agent In the United States
b•Haemophilus somnus' is the obsoletc n~mc for this
Cryptococcus neoformans Chorioretinitis, optic neuritis

' Role asan ocular pathogen is uncer:tain.

r:hapter 72 Oc.u lar Tnfec.tions 485

Ta b 1e 7 2. 5. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of Ta b 1e 7 2. 7. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of
the Ocular System of Sheep ;;ind Go;;its thc Oculi:ir Systcm of Poultry

Agent' Majot-€1inifal Mánifestatioos Ayerit Ma}qr ClínícaLMapifestati.oris ,

(Common Disease Name) ________..._ _ _ _,.. _mon Disease N~'l?!!.l

Prions Viruses
scrapie prion Retina! deta.chment Avían encephalomyelitis virus {C) Cataracts; uveitis
lnfectious laryngotracheitis virus Conjunctivitis, keratitis
Bacteria Marel<.'s di;ease virus (C) less of ifis pigrnentation, panuveitis
Chlamydophila peco.rum• Conjunctivitis, kerutitis
Newcastle disease virusª Conjunctjval edema, hemorrhage
Listeria monocytogenes CoojunctiVitis, keratitis, uveitis
Moraxefla spp. Branhamel/a ovísª Conjunctivitis, keratifis Bacteria
Mycoplasma conjunctívae· Gonjunctlvltis, keratltis (lnfectious Bordetella avlum (i) <;onjunctivltis
ker;,toconj1inctivitis) Chfamydophíla p.~íttarí Conjunrtiviti~
fscherichia coli Conjunctivitis, endophthalmitis
'Role asan °'ul¡¡r pathogen is uncertain. f1aemophilus paragailinarum Conjunctivitis, periorbital edema
fAycop/asma gallisepticum Conjunctivitis,
.Pasteureila multocida Conjunctivitis, eyelid edema, orbital
Salmonel/a spp.b Endophthalmitis
Ta b 1e 7 2. 6. Common and/or lmportant l nfectious Agents of
the Ocular System of Pigs Fungi
Aspcrgil/us spp. Endophthalmitis, keratitis
M:.jnr rlinir;il ManifM>f;itinn<.
(Common Disease Name) ((} = Chicke~. (T) = Tutl<ey
oC!aosificd o; a forcign animal di:;casc agcnt in thc Unltcd St<i\cs.
Viruses blndudes Salmonellaarizoi11Je.
African swine fever virus<' Conjunctivitis (African swine fever)
Classical swíne fever virus• Coníunctivitis (Classical swine fever,

hog cholera)
Porcine rubulavirus Cornea! opacityledema, keratitis (blue inflammatory response in tl1e cornea results from migra-
eye disease) tion of neutrophils from the conjunctiva or limbic sclera.
fseudorabies virus Conjunctívitis, keratitis ln chronic ctisease the cornea. becomes vascularizect anct
Swine influenza virus Conjunctivitís directly participates in tl1e lnflammatory respo11se.
Bacteria Among the most co1nmon causes of viral keratitis are
Chlamydia suis Conjunctivitis members of the herpesviruses. Cats and cattle are most
E1rhPrirhia rnii (Sniga toxin positive) Palpebral edema (edema disease) frey_uently affectetl. In so1ne herpesvirus iufectious, recur-
l'<istetirella multocida <::onjunctivitis, nasolacrímat duct rt'nc.P somPtirnPs lts from rPac.tivation of latPnt i nfec-
occlusíon (atrophic rhinitis) tions in sensory ganglia (e.g., trigeminal ganglia) follow-
ing stress.
ªClassified as a foreign animal d.isease ageot in the Unjted States, Primary bacteria! keratitis is rare. However, once the
cornea is l)reached a numt)er of bacterial species will read-
ily establish and spread to involve the cornea! stroma.
'fhese opportunistic bacteria inctu<.le staphylococci, strep-
tococri, ;in<l Psf'udornonas species. Darnage to th.e cornea
conjunctiva or n1ay resu1t from extension of eyelid or dueto bacteria! toxins and enzyrnes (e.g., proteolytic en-
lacrin1al gland infections. Chlarnydia/Chla1nydophila con- zymes of Pseudomonas) is further exacerbated by enzymes
junctivitis occurs in a numbcr of animal spccics and can be from rccruitcd ncutrophils (c.g., collagcnascs, clastascs).
a primary con¡unctivitis or, il1 addition, involve other f'seudornonas aeruginosa ca11 be an especially virule11t
sites. Bacteria! conjunctivitis inay develop secondary to cornea) pathogen once it is established and is associated
pri1n.ary viral con¡unctival infections. As with viral con- with so-called "tnelting ulcers" but stlll requires a break in
junctivitis, conn1rrt'nt cornt'<'ll involvt'mt'nt may occur. the cornea! epithelial barrier in order to establish. Mor-
Fungal infections of the conjunctiva are rare. axe/la bovis is 011e of tl1e few bacleria in velerinary 111edi-
cine that cause a prin1ary bacteria! keratitis. lt produces
spccific virulcncc factors including adl1esins (fimbria) for
Cornea! lnfections
adherence to epithelial cells a11<.1 toxins that cause necrosis
Cornea! inflammation (keratitis) with or without loss of of epithelial cells (fig 72.2).
the epithelium anti part of the stroma (cornea] ulcer) is a Mycotic keratitis (keratomycosis) is of greatest signifi-
common conclition in most ;inim;ils. Kt>ratitis can begin cance in horses. Exposure of the eye to plant material
externally on the epithelial surface or inte.n 1ally at tl1e often i11Lroduces Lhe fungus, allhougli :;uu1e :;tutlie:; llave
leve! of the endotheliun1. Because it is avascular, the initial found various fungi on the conjunctiva from normal
486 PART IV Clinical Applications

proximity of other structures (e.g., retinal involvement),

F 1G U ll E 7 2 • 2 .Cornea/ u leer in a cow with "pinkeye" caused Lhe fluid 11ature u1side lhe eye, a11d Lhe ope11 con1n1unica-
by Moraxella bovis. (Courtesy Dr. J. Angelos.) tion between intraocular chambers. Depending on the
agcnt, stagc of thc inflammatory response and cvcn thc
an1ma1 invotvect, tne 1nflammatory response in tl1c uvcal
tract can be suppurative, lymphoplasmacytic, granu-
lomatous, or sorne cornbinatlon uf these re:;puu:;c:;.
The pathogenesís of viral-induced uveitis is either by
di11::cl infeclion of Lhe uveal Lracl a11d subsequent inflan1-
matory response or through dcposition of irnrnune
complcxcs rcsultillg ill immune-mcdiatcd Typc III hypcr-
sensitivity reactions. Likewise, bacteria! uveitis occurs sub-
sequent to bacteria! (e.g., Bruce/la) localization to the uveal
tract or in sorne cases from immune complex cteposition
(e.g., Leptospira). Nonspecific bacteria! uveitis c;:in rPs11lt
::.ulJ~eyue11l Lo 0Lhe1 p1eexisling bacteria) co:nditions (e.g. 1
equine eyes. 1·11ese most likely represent transient flora as a gingivitis, prostatitis). All of the systemic mycoses agents
l l:!~Ull ur ¡¡:u1don1 env ironn1enlal exposure. The intact (Dlasto1nyces, Histoplas1na, Coccidioidcs, Cryptococcus) hnvc
corneal epithelium provides an cxccllent barrier to fungal t!1e capability ot causing a panuveitis. Most prescnt clini-
infections, lhus rcquiring trauma to thc corncal cpithclinl cally as a chori.oretinitis, with dogs and cats predomi-
as a preceding event to the development of keratomycosis. nately affected. In dogs, Prorotheca, an achlorophylluus
Corticosteroid use enhances the likelihood of fungal ínfec- alga, causes a granulomatous chorioretinitis in conj11nr-
tions of thc cquil1e cornea and exacerbates the condition tiu11 witl1 utlJcr sy:;Le111ic 111anifeslalio11s (e.g., bloody diar-
once present. Typically, mycotic infcctions of the cornea rhPíl, pí!rPsis).
úo not havt> a co11currt>I1t coIJjuuclivili~. Congenital defects of ocular structures in utero infec-
tions, usually viral in origin. occur in sorne animal species.
Intraocular lnfections l3ovine viral diarrhea virus infections in pregnant cows
have been hnked to retina! atrophy and cataracts in calves.
Intraoc ular infections are frequently the consequence of a Panlcukopenia in cats is associated 1.vith dysplastic ocul;ir
systemic inft>ction with exogenous organisms that localize <.lt!v~lop111c11t iu kitte11~.
in the uveal tract (iris, ciliary hody, choroid). The infection
111ay iuiliale aud/or predonlinale al a paJlicular sile in tl1e lnfections of the Orbit
nvPíl 1 trílrt; howPvPr, involvPmPnt of othPr sitP~ in thP trílrt
is co1nmon. At sorne leve!, at lcast histologically, wide- Tnfcctions in the orbit can be thc rcsult of a forcign body,
sprcad involvement of the uveal tract occurs in most infec- penetrating wound trorn the oral cavity or hematogenous
tions. Uveitis can be divided on the basis of the anatomic dissemination. Purulent infections in the form oí orbital
site most prominently involved in the inflammatory celluHtis and retrobulbar abscesses most often result. Ali
process (e.g., anterior uveitis) and whether adjacent sites animal species can develop orbital infections, although
are also involvec.l (e.g., chorioretiuitis). lr1 i11traocular iIJ- n1osl occur if1 dogs and cats. Thc etiology is usually a mix-
fPction~, PXtPnsion to othPr parts of thP PYP oc.c11rs clue to ture of bacteria! agents, oftcn .including Pasteurelfa species.
Respiratory Systelll

The primary function of the respiratory system is gaseous viruses, bacteria, and fungí. 'fheir expression is increased
exchange. The structure of the respiratory tract ts such upon exposure to microbial components (e.g., lipopoly-
that nnxiou.~ s11hstanc:P-~, partic:u latP matPrial, and m icro- saccharide) . The antimir.robial reactive nitrogen species,
bial pal11ogc11s are prevcntcd fro1n entering and con1pro- nilfic oxide, is also l'roduce::u l.Jy ciUatt:u e¡.>ithelial cells,
n1ising t he distal portions of respi ratory t ract where primarily by inducible nitric oxide synthetase (íNOS).
gascous cxchangc occurs. Innatc protcctivc propcrti.c:; urc Buctcrinl product:i modulntc thc cxprcssion of iNOS. Nitric
present at all Jevels of the respiratory tract. oxide plays an important role as a biological mediator i11
In most vertebrates the respiratory system is composed the regulation of host d.efense and inflammation, produc-
of tl1e n<1sctl cC1vity, sinuses, Jarynx, pl1arynx, trachea, ·1ng both pro- and anti-inflammato ry effects ..Also present
h ronc:h i and hronc:hioles, and lungs. Tn hirds, thP rPspir;i- in the mucus are imn1unoglobulins and interferon and
tory syste1n is more complex and markedly different from lactoferrin, which by binding iron, n1akcs il unavailable Lo
other vertebrates. Most notably, birds possess large, subcu- most bacteria. Alpha-1 antitrypsin, an enzyme inhibitor
taneous, infraorbital sinuses that com1nunicate with tl1e that reduces the dcstructivc cffcct of inflamn1atory rcac-
nasal cavity and are especially p redisposed to infection- tions, plays a protective role.
in part, because of poor drainage. 'fhe lungs of birds are
fairly rigi.d comparect to other vertebrares. Air sacs are pres-
ent that co1nmunicate with the lung-s and are located in. Nasopharyngeal Co1npartment
ll1e coelon1 a.n d n1cdullary cavity of son1e bones. l1rotective 1nechanisms in the nasopharyngeal compart-
ment include vibrissae (guard hairs) around the nostrils of
so1ne anlrnals that arrest the largest inhaled particles (15
Antimicrobial Properties of the Respiratory pm in diameter) and th.e nasal r.oncl1ae. Tl1e nasal r.onchal
System arrangen1e11t creares a turbulent airflow thal increases Lhe
chances that particles will impact mucosal surfaces. Once
'fhe act ot breathing involves exposure of the respi ratory impinged on t he mucus-lined nasal turbinates or the na-
tract to airborne microorganisms, including potentially sopharyngeal wall, they encounter m ucociliary action (see
pathogenic ones. Resident microorganisms are present in "Mucociliary Apparatus," below) and are transporte.d to
most upper parts of the tract, while various defense mech- tl1e caudal pharynx to be swallovved and eliminated via
cu1isn1s operale lo exclude or t~lin1inate then1 fron1 other the digestive tract.
sites. 111 Lhe huinid, wan11 nasal vas::,agt::>, ¡.>arU<.:le:> :>well
Diffcrcnt protcctivc mcchanisms opcratc in thc na- through hydration, hecoming more likely to impinge on a
sopl1aryrrgeal, tracheobronchial, and puln1onary portions mucous men1b.rane. Warming of air in the nasal passages
of the respiratory tract. Aerodynamic filtration operates also benefits coJd-sensitive clearance 1nechanisms in the
through c!ifferent forces at these Ievels in depositing vari- lovver tract. Pharyngeal lymphoid tissues act in thc filtra-
ously sized airborne particles. Inertial forces deposit larger tion of microorganisms and initiation or the í1nmune re-
parlicles (>5 µn1 ii1 dian1cter) in the 11asophary11geal a11d sponses as a constituent of the mucosa-associated lym-
upper tracheobronchial sections through impaction. In pl1oid ti:;:;ue.
small bronchi and bcyond, whcrc air vclocity is reduced, The resident flor;i p rovidPs coloni;1ation resistance as
gravity acts to sediment particles 5 to 1 µin in size. ln the well as production of antibacterial substances. 'fhe sneeze
smallest bronchioles and alveoli, particles measuri11g less reflex aids in clearing ínfectíous particles from tbis area.
than 1 µm gain contact with membranes through Brown-
ian movement.
Tracheobronchial Compartment
111e ruucus lirli11g coveriI1g airwCJy epithelium contains
numerous suhstances •vith antimicrohi;il propPrtiPs or The tracheobro11chial compartment includes the larynx,
that provide protective effects. Lysozyn1e, which is selec- trachea, bro11chi, and bro11cl1ioles. Closure of Lhe glolli~
tively bactericidal by its action on peptidoglycan, is pres- during S\vallowing protects this area from contami11ation.
ent in varying quantities throughout the respiratory tract. C~oughing removcs gross accumulations of fluid . Th.c tra-
Broad spectrum antimicrobial peptides, beta-defensins, cheobronchial co1npartment is lined by mucociliary epithe-
produced by ciliated epithelial cells are active against lium, which traps particles and transports them cranially to

488 PART IV Clinical Applications

the phnrynx (see "Yfucociliary Appaiatus," below). Dcpo- Mucociliary clearance is inhibited by temperature ex
sition of particles on airway membranes is favored by tren1es, respiratory viruses, sorne bacteria (e.g., Bordecella),
bronchial dueto direc."tional alrflow changes. dryness, general anesthetics, dust, noxious gases (sulfur
Bronchiolar-assoclated lyinphoid tissue (BALT) is dis- diuxíc.le, carbun dioxide, au11uuuia, tulJacco =>111oke), a11d
tributetl Cllong the aiJways ::inrl is rnnrf'n tr::iterl ::it hrnn- hyrnxia. Mucus prod uction through disrupt ion of goblct
chial bifurcations, which corresponds to sites where t he cell integrity increascs in rcspon~e to irritant exposure.
greatest trappil1g of inl1alcd particles occurs. BAI;r in-
cludcs both ccllular and humoral immune responses. Epi
Pulmonary Alveolar Macrophage
thellal cells med1atc the active transport of IgA from the
lamina propria to the air,.vay lumen. Thc pulmonary alveolar macrophage (PAM) is a monocytP
adapted to the lung enviru11111c11t a11d lucated in Lhe alve-
Pulmonary Compartment ol::ir sp::ice. lt is rerr11ited from the hlood when needed. ·rhc
pulmonary alveolar macrophage is a pleomorphic cell, 20
Clearance mechanisms of the pulrnonary con1partment to 40 µm in diametcr, with man y tysosoma1 granules con-
(alvcoli) co nsist of pulmonary alveolar macrophages taining nun1erous bioactívc substances. Also produced by
(PAMs), neutrophils, and monocytes recruited from the PAMs are mediator substances-complernent con1po-
blood. Particles are d isposed of by phagocytosis. Suscep- nents, interleukin l, a nd tumor necrosis fa ctor- which f'n -
tible rnicroorganisms are kllled and dlgested. Phagocytes alJI<:: auuitiu11al <.:cll ula1 aud dcfcnses to be mobi-
migrate to si tes 1-\lhere n1ucoci)iary transport occurs or via li7<'rl. Cn1nplement ::ind JgG rcccptors on PA1v1s enhance its
the lymphatics tu r<::u1uvc ul111:1 e11gulfed parlicles. Tl1c phagocytic capability. PAMs are motile and usually cxist in
'\::ime prott>rtive sul1stances as in tracheobroncl1ial secre- the alveolus less than a wcck. Energy is obtained mai n ly by
tions operate at the pulmonary level, supplcmcntcd by oxidative phosphorylation. The absence of ciliated epithe-
those derived trom alveolar macrophages. hal cells and mucus-producing cells in the alveolus rc-
q uircs that PAMs remove particles that reach the alveoli.
Parrlcles ingested by PAM~-utln:r ll1a11 =>uscepüble bac-
Mechanisms tcri<1 killed 11pon ingestion-;i rc removed via the mucocil-
iary escalator or via interstitial centrípeta] or centrifuga!
Overall, tl1c n1ucociliary ::ippar::it11s ;i nct PAMs constitute lymphatics. The centrípeta! routc Jcads directly to the hilar
Ll1e 111ain cl<:'.arance 111echanisn1s of the respiratory tract lymph nodes and may requlrc two wccks. Thc centr ifu ga!
and are described in greater detail belo1~1. route goes via t h e pleura and may take n1onths. Agents
thnt cannot be removed are sequestered by inflammatory
Mucociliary Apparatus processes (abscesses, granulo m as).
PAM activities are inhibited by sulfur dioxide, ozone,
The mucoclllary apparatus Is composed of clllated and se- n!trogen oxíc.les, anc.l respiratury viiu=>c~. Baclcrial leuko-
cr<>tory cclls. C.iliated cells are pseudostratified in the nasal toxins and hemolysins dcstroy PAMs and are majar viru-
and cranial tracheobron chial portions of the tract, simple lcnce factors produccd by sorne important bacteria! rcspi-
columnar in the smaller hronchi, and simple cuboidal in ratory pathogens (e.g. , Mannlle1mía haemolytica in cattlc,
thc smallcst b ronchioles. Thc cilio, sorne 250 pcr ccll, Actinobacillus pleuropncun1oniae in swine).
measuring ~.o x 0 .3 µm, resem ble eukaryotic nagella and
beat up to 1000 times a m inute. 'fhe density of ciliated cells
<.lecreases grauually frurn t!H:! prux11ual tu dl~tal lJru c1<.;J 11- Microbial Flora
nl e.~. Altrratinns in cilia activity or <leciliation of the ep-
ithclial cells hjnder clearance activity and promote inva- 1'hc dcnsity and constitucncy of thc microbial flora of the
sion by opportunistic pathogens. In addition, Joss ot respiratory tract varíes an1ong an1mals and wit hin the res-
ciliatcd cpithclial cell function rcsults in dccreased pro- piratory tract itself. Resident flora are limited to the nasal
duction ot antimicrobial substances and cytokilles that cavity and pharynx wherc a highly diverse flora can be
mcdiate the inflammatory response. found. For example, ovcr 30 diffe rent gram-positive bactc-
The secretory components of the mucociliary appara- rlal speLies alon<:: ca11 ve rc<.:uv1::1 ed IJ.0111 lhe i1asal conchae
tus are goblet cells, intersperscd with ciliatecl cells, ::in<I, in ;ind tonsils of unweaned and weaned piglcts. Overall, the
Lhe nose, lracl1ea, and largcr bronchi, submucosal serous nasal ílora consistently includes viridans streptococci and
and mucous glands. Serous fluid bathes tl1e cilia, while a coagulase-negative staphylococci along with potent1a1
viscid mucus layer engages their tips. Mucus is propelled, pathogens that vary w ith thc a nimal host. Altl1ough not
along with particJes trapped in it, caudally in the na- usually considered a respiratory tract patl1ogen, coagulase-
sopharynx an.d cranially in the tracheobronchial compart- positive staphylococci can colonize the 11ose and b1' c::ir-
ment toward the pharynx by cilla beatlng ata rate of up to rled ata higl1 rate i11 ~uu11: J.JV.lJUlalions. ·rhere tl1ey serve as
20 mm/n1in. The particle clearance rate is fastest in the tr;i- ::i source for infections elsewhere in the body (e.g., integu-
<.:hta au<.l slowesl i..n Lhe sn1allcs1 airways, vvhere goblet cells mcntary infections). Sorne of thc rcsident flora of thc
are abscnt, mucus is sparse, and cilia beat xnore slowly- an upper respiratory tract and orophar ynx represent ma1or
arrangcmcnt t hat preven t.'> logjams in thc largc airways. respiratory bacteria! pathogens (e.g., members of the
'J'he trachca (e.g., cat) can be cteared witlun an hour, and Pasceurellaceae and Streptococcus and Mycoplas1na species) if
ali airways witl1in a day. they are able to establish in lower parts of thc tract. M::iny
Chapter 73 Respiratory Syste111 489

potentially pathogenic mycopl;ismas are normal residents Ta b 1e 7 3 . 1 . Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of
of lhe upper respiratory tract of the host they affect orare t he Respiratory System of Dogs
carried there by persistently infected ind ividuals. They
play a promincnt role as pathogens at most levels in the Major Clinkal Manifestations-
respiratory tract, contributing to "respiratory disease con1- {Eommon o· easa Name)
plexes," or under the proper circumstances are by them-
seJves significant pathogens.
As with the digestive tr;ict, the resident flora of the res- caníne adenovirus .2 N.asal dlscharge, tracheobronchitis
piralory systen1 confer colonization resistance tl1at is re- (keFmel cough syndrome).
duced by antibiotic treatment and environmental changes bronchointerstitial pneuinonia
that alter its composition . Caoine diste¡nper virú~ N.asopharyngitis, laryilgitis, bronchitis,
Nonresident organis1ns 1nclude both potential patl10- bro1wh0interstítial pneumonia
gens and har1nlcss tran sients. 1"ransient flora are com- (dístemper)
prised of 1nlcrobes t hat enter lluring the !Jreatlli11g Canine parainfluenza virus 2 Nasal·di·scharge, tracheoj:lronchitis
process anrl, thf>rf>forf>, reflec.t the environmcnt in v. hich 1 (canine kennel cough syndrome)
the anin1al is maintained. f.nviron m ental factors, such as Bacteria
dry, dusty envi ron ments or confined environments Actinomyces spp. Pyogranulomatous pneumonia, pleuritis
where ventilation is poor, increase the microbial load and Borderella br.onchisep,tica Tracheobronchitis (infectious
types of transient flora an animal is exposed to. It is not tracheobronchitis, kennet cou!J.h),
uncommon to isolate E. coli a11d otl1er enteric bacteria bronchopneumonia
from t he uppcr respiratory tract as t ra11sie11l flo ra. Tl!e sig- Escherichia co/i Br-0nchopríeumonia
nifir;ince o f presence in the nasopharynx is difficult Nocardia spp. l'yogranulomatis pleuritis
to assess without corresponding clinical and pathologic Oblígate. ana.erobesª Bronchopneumonia
information.. Pasteurel!a multocida Brondiopneumonia
Th e Jarynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs lack a resident
flora. H.ovvever, the lower portion of the respira tory tract is Fungi
con tinually being exposed to microbes that are present in Agents of systemic mycosesb Granulomatous pneumonia
the upper portion. In tl1c uucu111pruuliseu respiralory Aspcrgíflus fumigatus Rhinitis, sinúsítis (nasaf asp~rgillosis}
tract, these organi.srns are q11ickly remove.ct hy th e natural Cryptococcus neoformans Ciranulomatous nasal masses
• (cryptoco,¡cosis)
hosl defense n1echanisms. Fluid from the distal tract may
contain up to 103 bacteria/mi in normal animals (e.g., Protist
cats). Rhinosporidium seeberi Nasal granulomas (tare)

•!ncludes Bacteroides, Peptostreptococws; Fusobacterium, and Porphyromona~species.

lnfections of the Respiratory System b¡ncJudes Blastomyces dermatitídis, Coccidioides immitis; Oyptofoccusneoformans, and
Hi<topla<m;i rap.1tilatum.
Respiratory tract iufcctiu11s are of subsLanlial in1porlance
il1 all anim;ils. Sorne. of the 1nost common and/or ímpor-
ta11t agents responsiblc for respiratory tract diseases in Ta b 1e 7 3 . 2. Co1n n1on and/or ln1portant lnfectio us Agents of
major domestic animals and poultry are listed in Tables the Respiratory System of Cats
73.1-73.7. Agcnt chnractcristics, route of infection, host
susceptiblity, and host ímmune response determine the Agent Major Clinical Manifestations
location(s) in the respiratory tract affected, severity of the {Common Oi~ease Name)
infection, and associated pathoiogy. Pathogens of ttte res- -------.,,-~
pi.ratory tr::ict covPrPcl in t his chaptf>r inch1clf> viral, h;irtf>r- Viruses
ial, and fur1gal agents, as well as one aquatic protistan p ar- Feline Ealicivírus Rhinitis, inte~stitial pneu((ionia, tracheitis
asite, l~hinosporidium. ffellne calici.virus disease)
Potential respiratory viral pathogens belong to a range Feline hefpesvirus l Rhinotracheitis (feline viral rhino.tracheitis)
of families (e.g., Adenoviridae, Caliciviridac, l-:oronaviridac, feline infectious peritonitis virus Pleural·effusion, pyogranl!
Herpesviricla.e, Paramyxoviridae, Orthomy:J(ovíridae). 'fhe ma- pleuritis ·
jority of thc l.JC1Lterial respiralory lJ'acL paLhogens belong Lo Bacteria
the family fJasteurellac:eae or to thf> gener;i Rnrdl'.tt!lla, Bordetella bronch/septlca Tr.acheo.bronchitls, br.oochopneumonia
Mycoplasrna, and Streptococcus. So1ne in1portant respiratory (felinP. horcietello1L1)
tract pathogens are associated with specific. well-defined Chla111y:dophi!d f.:lis l'neumo11ia {felh)e pneumonitíl), rhinitis
clinical entities (e.g., Rhodococcus equi and pyogranuloma Obligate anaerobic bacteria Pleural empyema {pyotnorax)
tous pneumonia in foals). Under th.e proper conditions, a Pasteurella multocida Ple1:1ral empyema (pyotnorax)
number of opportunistic bacteria (e.g., Actinon1J1Ces spp.,
IIH.:rn!Jer~ uf tlte fa111ily EnlcrubuLletiuccue, o!Jligale auaer- Fungí
ohes) from the oral cavity and lower digestive tract can Cryptococcus neoformans Rhinitis,.granulomatous nasal masses.
cause o r contribute to respiratory disease (e.g., aspiration sinusitis, pneumonia
pneumonia) . Fungal agents of the respiratory tract are pre-
490 P ART IV (]inical Applications

Ta b 1e 7 3. 3 . Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Ag ents of Ta b 1e 7 3. 4. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of
the Respiratory System of Horses the Respiratory Syst em of Cuttlc

Agent Major Cllnlcal Manifestations

(Common Disease Name)
Age11t Major Clinical Manifestations
(Common Disease Name)..._...,. ____
Viruses Viruscs
African Horse Sickness virusª Pulmonary edema (Atrican horse Bovme herpesvirus 1 Khinotracheitis (infeaious bovine
sickness) rhinotracheitis)
Equme adenovirus 1 Bronchiolitis, interstitial pneumonia Bovine respiratory coronavirus lnter~lilidl pneumuuid
(equine adenovirus di<;?ase) Bovine respiratory syncytial virus lnterstitial pneumonia (bovine respiratory
Equine herpesvirus 1 Rhinili~, p11~u111unili> (equine syncytial virus disease)
rhinopneumonitisl Parainfluenza virus 3 Rhinitis, interstitial pneumonia
Equine herpesvirus 4 Rhinitis, pneumonitis (parainfluenza virus 3 infection)
Equine influenza virus Rhinitis, tracheobronchitis, interstitial
pncumonia (equine influenza)
Arcanobacterium pyogenes Embolic pneumonia, lung abscesses
Equine viral arteritis virus Rh1mt1s, interstitial pneumonia
fusobacterium necrophorum Nccrotic IJryngitis (calf diphtheria)
Hendra virusª Pulmonary edema with respiratory
Histophi/us somniª Bronchopneumorna, otitis media
Mannheimia haemolytica Bronchopneumonia (enzootic
Bacteria p11eurriu11id, ~ltippiny feve1 )
Actinbadllus equuli ssp. haemolytica Bronchopneumonia, pleuritis Mycnbacterium bovís Granulomatis pneumonia, pleuritis
Burft:holderia mallei" Rhinitis, pyogranulomatous nasal (bovine tuberculosis)
nooules (glannPT1') Mycoplasma bovis Bronchopneumonia, otitis media
Burf<hofderia pseudomallef' A!x.~ Íll lldXSI lllUlUXI, e1nbolk Mycoplasma dispar l'neumonia-alveolitis
pneumonia. pulmonary abscesses Mycoplasma mycoides subsp Bronchopneumonia, pleuritis (conta91ous
Escherichía coli Dronchopneumonia, pleuritis mycoidcs smatl colony typeb bovine pleuropneumonia)
Mycop/asma fe/is Pleuritis Pasteurel/a mu/toada Bronchopneumonia tenzootic
ObligJtc JnJcrobcsb Bronchopneumonia, pleuritis pneumonia. shipping fev~r), ntiti~

Rhodococcus equ1 l'yogranulomatous pneumonia media
Streptococcus equi subsp. equi G11tturñl rnurh Pm[, Salmonella Dublin lnterstitial pneumonia
1l1i11uµl1d1 y119itis, retropha1y11geal
lymph nodes abscesses (strangles).
Morrierella wo/fii Embollc pneumonia
Streptococcus equi subsp. Bronchopneumonia, pleuritis, sinusitis
•·memophilus somnus- Is me obsolete name ol lhis organism.
bConsidered a foreign animal disease agent in the Unrteil States.
Aspergi/lus species Guttural pouch mycosis
Rhino~µoridium ~eeberi
nants, is the role playcd by p ulmonary intravascular ma-
crophagcs in rcrnovin.g bloodborne pathogens.
'Considertd • foreign animal disease ogent in the United Stotes.
~lncludes fusobacterium, l'eprosrreptococcus, and Prevoie//a. lnfections of the Nasopharyngeal Compartment
The major infectious dist>;i<;P<; of tht> nasopha ryn geal com-
pa1 l1nenl a1e rllli1itis and sinusitis, which can occur indc-
pendently or concomitan tly. 1U1initis is an inflammation
uun1inately l11e age11ts of systemic mycoses (fllaston1yces of the nasal mucosa. Common signs of rhinitis are sneez-
dennatitidis, Cocddioides hnn1ilis, Cryptococcus neoforrnans, ing and nasal discharges of vary1ng composition. The
Histoplasrna capsulatun1) and Aspcrgillus spp. Individual characteristic of the exudate in rhinitis is th e result of
chapters on particular respiratory tract pathogens sl1ould serous or m ucus sec retions, dlt«::ri:ltiuu:. i u vascular pern1c-
be consulted fo r details on pathogenesis and pathology ability (fibrin ogen dt>po<:ition), ilnd influx and type of in-
spcclfl<.: to d p drttcular dgeu L. n an1n1atory cclls.
Many inft>\tious respiratory diseases are m u ltifactorjaJ, Viral rhil1itis can be caused by a n um ber ofviruses (e.g.,
rcquiring environn1ental, host, and agent factors to b e in hcrpcsviruses, adenoviruses, in íl uen za viruses) and oc-
play. Respiratory infections commonly involve seque ntial curs, to sorne degree, in most animals. ln general, ciliated
infection ;vith diffcrcnt pathogcns (c.g., viral p n eumonia cpithelial cells are infected, sloughed, and subsequently
lcading to secondary bacteria! pneu1non1a). Respiratory replaced. ClinicaJ slgns refl«::<:t tite a:.:.o<..:ialed i11flan1n1a-
tract infections can initiate cithcr by the aerogenous or tory response. Second;iry harterial infections can be a
hcn1arogenous route. A factor predlsposing to ir1fe::<..tiu11 of co111plicatio11 of a primary viral rhinitis (e.g., rhi n otra-
hematoe<'no11s origin, espt>rially in cats, pigs, and rumi- cheitis virus and calicivirus intcctions in cats predtspose
Chapter 73 Respiratory System 491

Ta b 1e 7 3. 5. Com mon and/or lmportant lnfectious Ageots of Ta b 1e 7 3. 6. Common and/or lmportant lnf ectious Agents of
the Respirat ory System of Sheep and Goats thc Rcspiriltory Systcm of Pigs

l'flajqr Clinkal !:/loniféstalions Agent Majorflinical Manlfestations

~~~~ .....
(Cóiinnon 01sease Nlíme)
............. (Comrilon Disease Name)

Viruses Viruscs
Caprir:ie arthritislenceplíalitis lnterstitial pneumonia Lelystad virus lnterstitlal pneumonia (porcine repro-
virus (G) ductive and respiratory syndrome)
Jaagsiekte slíeep fetrovirus (~) lnterstitial pneumonia, pulmonary Nipah virus• Alveolitis, bronchointeF~iitial pneumonia
carcinoma (ovine·pulmonary Porcine herpesvirus 1 Rhinopharyngitis. tracheitis
adenocarcinoma} (pseudorabies, Aujeszky's disease)
Maedi/visna virus (S) lnterstiiial pneumonia (ovine proqres:slve Porcine h.erpesvirus 2 Rhínitis (inclusion body rhinltis)
pneumonia, maedi} Swine influenza virus RhinÍtis, trachcobronchitis, bronchoin
Paramfluenza vtrus 3 lnterstitial pneumonia terstitiaf pneumonia (swme influenza)
Bacteria Bacteria
Arcanobacterium pyogenes Pulmonary ilbsc0Sscs, traumatic Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Bronchopneumonia, pleuritis (por,cine
pllaryngitis pleuropneumonia)
Fusobact.erium neaophorum Necrotic laryngitis, traumatic pharyngitis Bordete//a bronchisepticab Rhinitis (atrophic rliinitis),
Mannheimia haemolyUca Bronchopneumonia, pleuritis (pneumonlc bronchopneumonia
pasteurellosis) Fu~oh;irtPrium nerrnp/)()n1m NPaotic navil cellulitis (necrotic rhinitis,
Mycoplasma caprkolum subsp 8rond1opneumonia, pleuritis (contagious bull nose}
capripneumoniae fG)ª caprine pleuropneumonia) Haemophi/u5 parasuis Bronchopneumonia, polyse-r-ositis
Mycoplasma mycoidcs subsp Pncumoniii, pleuritis (Glasser's disease}
mycoiaes-large colony Jype (G) Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Broncliopneumonia (enzootic
Mycop/asma ovipneumoniae (S) lnterstitial pneum:onia (ovlne . pneumonia)
nonprogressive pneumonia) Mycop/asma hyorhlnls Polyserositis
Pasteurella treh~losi Broocnnpneumonia PiÍsreureff;¡ m11ltocid;ib Rhinitis [atrophir rhi"nitis),
• bronchopneumonia
(S) =sheep. (G) =goats. Salmoneila species Bronchointerstitial pneumonia
'Considered a fc¡reign animal disea~ agent ih the United Statiis. Streptococcus sws Brond'.lcpneumonia, pleuritis, embolic

•considered a fore1gn animal d1sease agent mthe Umted ~tates.

hB.bronchiseptica and P. multocida sometimes act synergistiC3lly.

to bact eria! rhinitis and sinusitis). Latently infected ani-

1nals that periodically shed virus (e.g., infectious bovinf>
rhinolracheilis virus) are <t con1111on source for infections
in naive animals. result from strangles infections includi11g guttural pouch
Bacteria! infcctions of thc nasopharyngeal compart- empyema (see belovv), "bastard strangles," and purpura he-
ment, while notas frequent as Viral infections, ar.e still sig- morrr1agica.
nifican t . Notable among these are atrophic rhinitis in. pigs, Sinusitis is an inflammation of one of the nasal sinuses.
contagious rhinopharyngitis (strangles) in horses, ancl It ca11 result fro1n extet1siou of a J1asa.l cavity infection into
sinus infections in poultry (see below). Tn atrophic rhinitis sin1 1ses or be rel;ited to othf>r problf>n1s of the or;il-n;is;il
ir1 pigs, the dern10.necroti.c toxin of Pasteurella n1ultocida cavities (e.g., extension of infection fron1 an infected
Crype D) induces osteolysis of nasal turbinates and distor- toot h). It is an occasional occurrence in most animals.
tion of thc nasal cavity (Fig 73.1). To a lcsscr cxtcnt, thc Agcnts involvcd are typically rcsidcnt flora of thc nasal cav-
dennonecrotic toxin of Bordetella broncfliseptica is also i11- ity or those involved i11 rhinitis.
volved. Pigs present ivith sneezing and a clear to cloudy Tn poultry, sh1usitis is an especially common problem
nasal discharge. The dlsease can be a mild, nonprogressive, that has majar economlc conseqnences due to the conta-
ar more active, progressive form . Reducc~d weight gain, gious nature of sorne of the agents involved and pot ential
poor feed conversion, a11d il1creased su sceptibility to otl1er for large i1un1bers ofbirds Lo be allecled (Fig 73.2). A nun1-
respiratory infec"tions are the main consequences of at- ber of m icrobial agents can infect the sinuses of birds, and
rophic rhinitis. typically sinusitis is found in conjunction with clinical
Streptococcus equi subspecies equi, tl1e cause of conta- signs in other areas of the respiratory system (e.g., Gallid
gious rhinopharyngitis (strangles) in horses, typically also herpesvirus 1 in chicke11s, avían influenza viruses). 1'vfyco
involves submandtbular and/or retropharyi1geal Iy1npl1 plasma gallisepncurn in ru rKeys (ir1fecrtous Sinusitis) and
nodes. The res11 lting intf>nse infl;:immatory response pro- Haemophilus paragallinarum in chickens (fowl coryza) are
duces a tl1.ick, bilateral, purulent nasal discharge. Stra11gles an1ong lhe n1osL econon1ically irnporLar 1.L cau~e~ of ~ü1u~i­
is considered .highly contagious. Serious consequences can tis in poultry. Poor growth performance and decreased egg
492 PART IV Clinical Applications

Ta b 1e 7 3. 7. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of

the Respiratory System of Poultry F 1G U RE 7 3. 1 . Atrophic rhinitis in i1 pig. Cross scetion of
snout showing severe arrophy of nasal turbina tes. (Counesy Dr. M.
Agent Majur Manifestations Anderson.)
(Common Disease NameJ

Avían infeaious bronchitis virus (Q Air sacculitis, tracheobronchitis (avian
infectious brond1itis}
Avlan influenza virus Air sacculitis, sinusitis, tracheitis (avian
Avían paramyxovirus 1• Hemorrhagic tracheitis (exotic Newcastle
Avían pneumovirus Rhinotrochcitís, sinusitis (turkey rhinotra-
cheit1s), penorbital and mfraorbital
sinus swelling in chickens. (swollen
heacl syndrome)
Avían poxvirus f)iphthPritir IP.1ions of nare_1, pharynx.
larynx and trachea (pox-díphtheritic
Gallid herpesvirus 1 (C) Laryngotracheitis (infcctious loryngo

Bñrtf!ri<l F 1G U RE 7 3. 2. Sinusitis in iJ 5 wcck old turkey Sinus cavity is

Botú~lella avium Rhinotracheitis, sinusitis (bordeteUosis, greatly enlarged. (Counesy Dr. H. Shívaprasad.)
turkey coryza)
Escherichia coli Coli~ptíccmío, secondary pneumonia
Haemophilus paragallinarum (CJ Rh1mt1s, smusrtis (fowl coryza)
Mycop/asma gallisepticum Aír sacwlitis (chronic respiratory disease),
rhinitis, sinusitis (infeaious sinusitis)
Mycoplam'l<I synovi;¡e Aír sarrulitis. sinusitis
Or11il11ul.idtle1 ium //1irHJtr oúreole Air sacculitís, bronchopneumonía,
P.:istcurd/;:i multocid;:i Air sacculitis, pneumonia
Aspergillus fumigatus Tracheitis, air sacculitis, pneumonía
(brooder pneumooia)

(C) ~ chickcm only.

'Con>i<lt•w • ío1tiy11 •ni111•I di>••>• •genl in lhe United Stales.

production are among the main reasons for econor111c

Fun8;:il in fPC'tion~ of th<> nasopharyngcal compartment F 1G U RE 7 3. 3 . Rlrino)µoriúiu)i) in d doy. Section o f a nasal
polyp showing the variable·sized spherules. Mature spherules (up to
C1re iufre4 u1::11 t a1 rd when Lhey occur Lhey evoke a granulo-
300 µm in diameter) contain numerous endospores. One large
matous inflammatory response. Aspergillus rhinitis and si- spherule fa µre)enl 11ed1 !11e )Ut face of the lesion (H&E).
nusitis in dogs and nasal cryptococcosis in cats are among
the most important tungal intections ot the nasal cavity.
Rhinosporidiu111 seeberi, a protist in the class ~1esomyce­
tozoca, is a rare cause of granulomatous nasal masses con-
tain ing large spherules and endospores of Rhinospnridi11m
(Fig 73.3). lile nasal lcsio11s resemble multilobed
granular polyps. Although any animal including poultry
can be infccted, most cases are rcportcd in dogs and
horscs. Infections are associated with exposure to freshwa-
ter ponds, lakes, or rivers.
Si tes that communicate with the upper respiratory tract
may be affcctcd by the direct extension of <111 infectio11s
process iu thi..: llCJ::>UIJI 1a1 yugeal con1par ln1cnt or becon1e
inft>rtt><l ín<lPp<'ndent of other nasopharyngeal disease by
Chapter 73 Respiratory System 493

residents of thP na<:opharyngeal compartrnent. Guttural

pouch empyema in., caused by S. equi suhsp. equi, F 1G U RE 7 3. 4. Necrotic laryngitis in a ca/f. Fibrinonecrotic
develops as a sequel to primary rhinopharyngitis or rup- material is covering the arytenoid cartilages. (Courtesy of Dr. M.
turc of an abscessed retropharyngeal lymph node (stran Anderson.)
gles). Unilateral nasal <1.ischarge, especially whe11 the head
is down, is a common way for guttural pouch infections to
prese11t. Tncomplete c.lrainage frorn the guttural pouch,
sc;irring of thP. pharyngeal opening, and development of
concretions (chondroids) on the floor of the guttural
pouch interfere with resolution of the infection. Fungal
infections also occur in the guttural pouch of horses (gut
tura! pouch mycosis), typically iI1volving the dorsal wall of
the medial compartrnent. Aspergillus species (especially A .
nidulans) are tl1e u1ost cu11u1.1u11 t::tiulugic agt::nts. Tlit:: i 11 iti-
ating factor(s) for guttural pouch mycosis has not heen
clearly elucidated. When guttural poucl1 infections in-
volve neural or vascular structures, serious (dysphagia, la-
ryngeal 11emiplegia and Horner's syndrom.e due to nerve
injury) or even fatal (rupn1re of the interna! carotid artery)
consequences may result.
Olilis n1edia in calves is con1111only caused by respira-
tory pathogens (e.g., A1ycoplasrna bovis, Pasteurella multo-
cida, Histoplúlus so1n11i) harbored as resídents of the upper
respiratory tract. ·rhe likeJy route oí intection is vía the au- dogs is considered contagious and is associated with dogs
ditory tube into the middle Calves present with a head maintained in confir1ed, close-contact_environments (e.g.,, nystagmus, and c.1roopy ear(s). The tympanic bullae are kennels, a11imal shelters). Viral agents include canine ade-
typically partially or completely filled with caseous debris novirus 2 and paraínfluenza virus 2. Mycoplasn1a species
and ::;erosa.11guineous Cluid. In so1ne cases Lile dísease p10- 11avc bee11 in1plicated, bul ll1eir ínvolven1enl is unproven.
grt>ssc~s ancl results in otitis interna and meningitis, vvhere The bacterium, Bordetella bronchiseptica, is also associated
calves may exhibjt severe neurologic sig.ns. Other species with the ken.nel cough syndrome. It is considered a pri-
of animals are silnilarly but less commonly affected. mary pathogen o! the respiratory tract because of its abil-
ity t o adhere to ciliated cells and affect epithelial
cell functi.ons. Infections invo!Ving B. bronchiseptica tend
lnfections of the Tracheobronchial Compartment
to be more productive than those caused by viral agents.
·rhe ma¡or diseases of the tracheobronchial compartment Evideuce is growil1g ll1al B. brur11.J1iseplic,u is also a siguifi-
are laryngitis, tracheitis, and broncl1itis. Viral ancl bacter- cant respiratory pathogen in cats.
ia! age11ls are lhe prin1ary causes of i11fectious diseases of In poultry, flordetella aviu111is a common cause of upper
the tracheobronchial compartment. Aspergillus infections respiratory infections (rhinit is, sinusitis, tracheitis) 1n
in poultry can, however, involve thc trachca and bronchi. turkeys and to a Jesser extent in chickens. Sneezing is the
Viral intections ot the trachea and bronchi (e.g., equine most common sign, along \-Vith an oculonasal discharge.
influenza, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, ínfectious After colonization, damage to ciliated respiratory epithe-
laryngotracheitis in chickens) da1nage resplratory cplthe- lial cells anll ciliustatic effects uccur. Cullapse uf the tra-
lial cells and interrupt the mucociliary apparatus. Tracheal chi>a ci11P to softrning of rings may also ri><:ult.
lesions caused by n1any dífferent víruses n1ay not have par- Infections v, ith B. aviuni predispose birds to ot her infec-

ticularly distinguishing features; however, inclusions in tions, such as colibacillosis.

some infectíons asslst in idcntifyin.g thc particular virus Somc microorganisms that affcct thc trachcobronchial
involved (e.g., intectious laryngotracheitis in chickens, compartmcnt concurrently involve other parts of the res-
avían pox viruses). Viral tracheitis is often sufficiently de- piratory system (e.g., felinc viral rhinotracheitis, ínfectious
structive to predispose to seco11dary bacterial infections. bovine rhinotracheititis, Bordetella avium ln turkeys).
Necrotic laryngitis in young feedlot cattle is one of tl1e Additionally, systemic infections n1ay involve epitl1elial
!UU~l LUUUUUU UaLle1ial }a1y11t;t::a) Ui~t::d~t'.~ (Fig 73.4). cell:; Íll lhe li<tCI 1evl11 ~JI ILI li<tl LUUl¡JaJ L1 Ut::Ul (t::.g., fiuli uu-
Fusobacterium necrophorurn, the etiologic age11t, establishes hemorrhagic tracheitis in exotic Newcastle disease in poul-
in preexisting contact ulcers found on the laryngeal mu- try) (Fig 73.5), along \vith sitcs in thc host outsídc the res-
cosa, which are suspected to originate trorn sorne preced- piratory system.
ing trauma (e.g., reflex coughing). Once established, F.
necrophorurn causes a severe necrotic laryngitis that can be
lnfections of the Pulmonary Compartment
fatal if un.treated . Other run1inants are affected but less
frequently. The 111ajor infeclious dísease of ll1e pulrno11ary con1parl-
In dogs, the kennel cough syndrome, an infectious tra- ment is pneumonia. Pneumonia can be classified 1norpho-
chcobronchitis, involvcs rnultiple potential etíologic logically as a(n) bronchopneun1onia, interstitial pneumo-
agents, sometimes working in concert. Kennel cough in nia, granulomatous pneumonia, eml)olic pneumonia, ora
494 PART IV Clínica! Applications

tious agents and host response. It constitutes one of the

F 1G U R E 7 3 • 5 • Exotic Newcastle disease in a chicken. Exposed most cconomically sígnificant disease complexes of cattle.
!d1y11x dll<Í lrdtlit!dl lu1fft!fl dft! tUVt!Ft!<Í wil/1 d (iurinuliernorrhagic Env1ronmental or management-related stresses (weather,
exudate. (Courtesy Dr. H. Kinde.) transportation) and/or viral ínfcctio11s (e.g., aden.ovirL1s,
l.luviut: 1t::>püatu1y :.y11t.ylic1l vi1 u:., i11f1:clio u 5 bovine
rhinotracheitis virus, parainfluenza virus 3) are believed to
alter respiratory tract cpithcliun1 and innate defenscs.
Possible immunosuppressive ettects relatect to bovine viral
diarrhea virus may also contribute to increasing suscepti-
bility to bacteria! infections. These factors allow one of rhe
primary bacteria! agents in bovine respiratory disease
complex, Mannhein1ia hal?nulylku, tu c:;talJlish in Lhe pul-
mon;iry compartment. Armed with a number of virulcnce
factors, lvf. haetnolytica is able to engage the host defcnscs.
Endotoxin activatcs pulmonary intravascular 1nacro-
phagcs, ncutrophils, and lym ph()cytes, and precipita tesan
inflammatory response tllat ultimately determines the de-
gree of pulmonary injury and whether the pathogen is
conralncd. In addition, leukutux..i11Iru111 M . ftaernolytica de-
stroy~ ph;igocytic cells and, at lower concentrations, fur-
ther enhances the inflammatory respo11se (Fig 73.6). If
mixture of these types. The agent, ro11tP of infpction, and pulmonary defenses are compromised sutticiently, more
i111111u11e 1esponse delern1inc the type of pneumonia that opportunistic bacteria! pathogens are established a11d fur-
develops. Viruses, bacteria, and fungi are alJ potentialJy ther aggravate the condit1on. It 1s common to recover
important pathogens of thc pulmonary compartment. Arcanobacteriurn pyogenes, a major abscess-former of rumí-
Chapters on specitic pathogens shoulct t)e consulted for nants, from n1ore chronic bovine respiratory disease cu1u-
details on pathogenesis and pathology associated "1-Vith plex lesions (Fig 73 .7) .
that particular agent. TJ 11;: syste1níc n1ycoses (coccidioidon1ycosis, cryptococ-
lnfcctlons of the puhnonary compartment often rc- cosis, blasto1n ycosis, and hi'l;toplastnosis), for the most
quin:: a vrc1.:cLli11g evenl(s) Lhal i1npairs the innale anlin1l- part, begin in t he lo\-ver respíratory tract t.C1using a granulo-
crohial factors. Confined housing environment, ammonia matous pneumonia and an associated lymphadenopathy.
build-up (noxious gas), and tra.nsportation stress would Severity of respiratory infection varíes based on individual
typify the type of factors that sufflc1ently 1mpair defe11ses animal immune status, breed, and animal species. Dogs,
and allow pathogens that would otherwise be rapidly horses, and cats most commonly devclop clinical disease.
cleared by innate host defense mechanisms to establísh in InalJility of tl1e cu1iinal to cu11tai11 til~e i11feclions Lo the
the lower respiratory tract. rt>spiratory tract leads to disseminated infections involv-
Su111e of Lhe saine viruses found in Lhe upper respiralory ing other systems in the body. Other than the systcmic
tract cause mild lovver respiratory tract disease (e.g., mycoses, fungal poeumonias are not common in animals.
parainfluenza virus, adenovíruses). Serologic evidcncc in- The exception is aspergillosis in poultry wl1ere pneumo-
dicates that a large percent ot populations are inappar- nia, often with concurrent tracheitis and a ir sacculitis, is a
ently or subclinically infected by thcsc organisn1s. Other major respiratory tract discase. Th is is a disease of su bstan-
viruscs are substa11tial pathogens of the puln1onary com-
partment in their own right, sometimes causing fatal in-
ft:~Liu11:> (e.g., Africa11 Horse Sickncss virus, He11dra virus).
Viral respiratory pathogens in animals with the potential F 1G U RE 7 3. 6 . BronchnpnP11mnni;¡ in ;¡ r;¡/f r;¡11sed by
to be transmitted from animal to humans (c.g., influenza Mannheimia haemolytica. Cranioventral lung lobes are predomi
viruses, Hendra virus, Nipah virus) are ot substantial pub- nantly 1nvolved. (C.ourtesy ur. M. Anderson.J
lic health concern.
While sorne bacteria! pathogens are consictered pri-
mary pathogens of the pulmonary compartinent (e.g .,
R/iuclu1..ut1..u.~ equi in horses, Actinobacillus pleuropneunzoniac
in pigs). viral infections often precede bacteria] infections
and create an environment that allows bacteria to cstab-
lish by damaging the mucociliary escalator system or alter-
ing the i1nmune response by impairing pbagocytic func-
tion. Once predisposing facrors are in play, it is not
uncommon to find multiple bacteria! pathogens involved
Íll luw1:1 n.::.pi1dlV1y lidLl ii1f1:LliOJl~.
The bovine respiratory discasc complex is an example
of thc complcx a.nd, as yct, incomplctcly understood in ter
actions of environmental factors along Wlth specific infec-
Chapter 73 Respiratory System 495

F 1G U R E 7 3 • 7 • Chronic bronchopneumonia in a calf. Mu/tiple F 1G U R E 7 3 . 8 . Aspcrgillosis in iJ turkey Conidiophores,

areas of abscessation are apparent. (Courtesy Dr. M. Anderson.) vesic/es, and phia/ides are evldenr In material from lumen of the
trachea. Numerous conidia are dispersed throughout the field.
Hematoxylin-eosin stain.

tia! economic significancc to thc poultry indu5tr y, cspc-

cially the turkey industry. Closed environments that allow
for increased concentration of aerosolized asexual repro-
duc live :sl1uclu1es (co11idia) a11d/ur r11oldy ft:t:ds are corr1-
n1on predisposing factors. Grü\Vth in aerated air sacs, ing, impropt=>r <:tom::irh tubing), bottle or bucket feeding of
bronchi, and trachca pcrmit the production of large num- young animals, poor sucking reflcxes, nasopha1yngeal
bers ot conidia that are not typically produced in solid tis- tube feeding, choke, o r aspiration of gastric or rumen flu-
sues (Fig 73.8). ids that might occur during thc ancsthcsia recovery pe-
Aspiration pncumonias in most cases are polymicrob1al riod. In newborns, aspiration of meconium may also lead
in nature, and bacteria are usually the microbial agents in- to aspiration pneumonia. ·rhe bacteria most frequently in
volved. füpiration pneumonii:l'in animals results \<Vhen im- volved lo asplratlon pneumonia typically reflect organ-
pairt=>rl airway prott=>ction allow<: fluirl<: or matf>rial to enter isms found in the upper respiratory or digestive tracts and
the lower respiratory tract, initially causing a chemical include E. coli, Bordetella, Klebsiella, Pasteu1ellu, Pseudurnu-
pneumonia. Common events leading to aspiration pneu- nas, Strcptococcus, and oblígate anaerobes (Fusobactcrium,
monia are ilnpropcr trcatmcnt proccdurcs (c.g., drcnch- Pcptostrcptococcus, Prcvotclla, l'orphyromonas).
Urogenital Systelll

·rhc urin;iry an11 genital tract.s a re included togetl1er in this S. Local and Systemic ln1n1une lJefenses. Cysteine-r1ch
cl1apter because of tl1eir anatomical proximity, sl1arcd antimicrobial peptides play a role in inhibitiI1g bac-
structures (urethra in rnales), and sorne overlapping dis- teria from establishing. lmmune response to url-
ease proccsscs. Common and/o r important urogenital nary tract infections has been studied mostly in h11-
tract agcnts o f domestic animals and poultry are listed in man.s and laboratory a11 i111 ctl~ . Sludies i11dicate that
Tables 74.1-74.7. sen1m an<111rinary antibody titers tend to be low in
cystitis and asympton1atic infcctions and high in
pyelonephritis. Secretory lgA (slgA) tends to be
The Urinary Tract most promiJ1ent in urine, but IgG and lgM antibod-
ies also occur regularly. Serum IgA, IgG, IgM, and
The urinary tract has a numbcr of important functions, sigA antibodies are produced in renal infections.
including eliminatioo of metabohc wastes, aeid-base The protectivc functlon of tl1ese a r1Liliuliies is un-
regulation, maintenance of the cxtraccll ular potassium rlP;ir ·rhP ;ihility to rf>aclily mohilize Jeukocytes pro-
ion concenrration, and entlucri11t fu111.: Livn:s (viLan1i11 D motes rapid clearance of uropathogcn s from thc
convcrsion ;ind prod11ction of erythropoietin and reni11). urinary system.
'fhc n1a1nn1alian urinary system includes the kid11cys 1 6. Antirnicrobial fJropert.jes o( Urine. Urine itself has
11rr.·t c rs, hladcler and urethra. T he functional filtration properties tha t may p lay a role in lirniting bacteria!
unit of the kidney is the n ephron, which includcs tl1c growth and include:
glomerulus, p roximal and distal tubules, loop of ttenlc, a . High osn1olalir.y: Urlne osmolality (1000 rnC)sm/
and collecting duct. In birds, the urinary tract differs kg) reduces growth, particularly of rod-shapf>cl
from mammals. The kidneys are dlvided into lobcs. A bacteria. It 1uay, l 1uweve11 depress lcukocyte ac-
bladder is absent and ureters enter the cloaca, medi;il to tivity and preserve bacteria with cell walls dam-
tlH.: tlefe1e11l ducl in Ll1e 111ale and dorsal to the oviduct aged by immune reactions or antibiotic thcrapy.
in the female. Urine, concentratcd as a slurry, is voided Combined with high concentrations of ammo-
with feces . nia, which is anticomplementary, tuine osmo-
lality may contributc LO the susceptibility of thc
Antimicrobial Defenses renal rnedulla to infection.
l.J. Urine pH: WI 1i lt t:X Lren1es in pH discourage mul-
Becausc it is p rim;irily an f>xcretory system, the urinary ti plication of sorne bacteria, ranges bactericida!
lracl is not subject to n1assivc microbial expo~ure but !1as to common urinary tract pathogcns are unlikely
developed specific an ti1nicrobial defenses to counter occa- to be reached.
sional cxposurc to potcntial pathogens. Protective fcatures c. Urine constitucnts: Urea imparts to tuine an unex-
include: plained bacteriostatlc effect, which is
by rem oval of urea from urinf> ancl enhanced
l. Washout by Urine. 1'he flo'"' of urine- its direction,
liy dieLa1 y suppleo1c11tation . Methionine and
diluting cffcct, and frcquent periodic removal-
hippurtc and ascorbic acids produce an antibac-
discourages the cstablrshment of microorganisms
terial effect largcly by acidifying the urine. Uri
in the normally sterile portions of the tract-that is,
tl1c klu11ey:, 1 un:Le1:., 1.Jlauu1::1, <11 1u J.J•VAi1nal 111ale narv ammonium nitrogcn also has antibactcrlal
urethra. Urine retention is correlated with increascd
urinary tract infections.
2. Bacteria/ lnterference. Colonization of the distal ure- Normal Flora
thra by no rmal flora may block attachment sites for
colonization o f the lower unnary tract by poten- For most of the urinary tract there j:, 110 reside11t flora. The
tially pathogenic organisms. distal urethr;i dof>s ht1ve a rcsident flora and is colonized by
3. Glycoprotein Slirne Layer. Mu~ln cuvcring Llu: epilhe- bacteria that generally are not associated with urinary tract
lium may inhibit bactf>rial t1cihe-~ion. infection.1'he flora is predominantly gram-positivc and 1n-
4. Hpit11elial Desqua111atio11. Exfoliating epithelial cells cludcs coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus
promote shedding of uropathogens. spp., c;orynebacteriun1 spp., and Enterococa1s spp. but varies

Chapter 74 lTrogenital System 497

Ta b 1e 7 4. 1. Common and/or lmportant lnfe ctious Agents of Ta b 1e 7 4. 3. Common and/or lmportant linfectious Agents of
the Urogenita 1 Systen1 of Dogs the Urogenita 1 System of Horses

··.. IVlªi~Oiní~al Ma.nifestations ~gent Major- Qinicat Má'nifestatíoQs

.· (~6fülíl9f\ D$li.$e Ná~I (<?Ommon Dise~~~aml?) ·

Vir.uses Viruses
Canioe adenovirus l lmmun~-(omplex gl0merulonephrltrs Equine herpesy.irus 1 Abortion (equine viral rhinopneumonitis)
(infectious caníne l'lepatitis) Equine herpesvirus 3 Vesicles/erosions on external genit.alla
eanine h.erp·esvirus Abortion¡ balanoposthitis,infertility in females (coital exanthema), ba)anoposthit1s
Equíne infectious anemia lmmune<omplex glomerulonephrit1s
fa¡oine v.iral arteritis virus Abortfon (equine viral arteritis)
Brucellu cu.nis Aoortion, epididymítfs (caninc brucellosis)
Escherichia coli Cystitis, epic!füymitis, ordtitis, prostatitis, Bacteria
pyometra, va$initis Actin0bacil/us equuli subsp. eqvulf Glomerulonephritfs(sleepy foal dlsease)
Leptospira spp. lnterstitial nephritis, renal failure fscheric/iía coli Abortion
(leptospir.osisl Leptospirif spp. Abortion
Other agents ot UTI Cyrtítis Pseui:Jomonas aeruginosa Pyometra
(see Tapie 74.8.) St¡¡phylococcus aurevs Post-castration spermatic cord infection
(sdrrhous cord)
Streptococcus equi subsp. Abortion, endometritis
Ta b 1e 7 4. 2. Common and/or lmporta nt lnfectious Agents of fayJorella ·equigenita/ísa Cervicitis, endnmetritis (rnnt~ginu'
the Urogenital System o f Cats equine metritis)

'Maj9r Glinica.1ManifeStittions
A¿pergil/11.1spp. Ahortion
tCcwmon 9iseasé NameJ Candida spp. f ndonietrítis
Felin.e infectlous peritonitis virus lmmune-mediated pyogranulomas of 'Considered a foreign animal disease agent in the United States.

Felifle leukemia vírus lmmune-complex glomerulonephrttis,
ietal absorption, abortion, renal
Feline panleukopenia virus Abortion, c,ongenital abnormalities terial involveme11t in feline urinary tract disease is
(panleukopenía) uncommon. lnfections, particularly cystitis and
~eline rhinotracheitisvirus Abortion pyelonephritis, are important in cattle and swíne.
Urinary tract infections are less common in goats,
sheep, poultry, and horses.
2. Anatumic and J>hysiulugic Facturs. lnterferer1ce witl1
the free flow of urine ano with c.omplete ernptying
of the bladder predisposes to UTT. This can be dueto
according to animal, housing, and hygiene. Small numbers
tumors, polyps, calculi. anatomic anomalies (e.g.,
of bacteria rnay enter the lJladder via tl1e urethra, especia Uy
ectopic ureters, patent urachus), and neural defects.
in the fema le, l111t are normally removed during urination.
Vesí.co-ureteral reflux, tl1e reentry of urine i11to the
·rhe significance of asymptomatic bactcriuria is unclear,
ureters during urination, causes bladder urine to
however, when detected investigation into potential un-
reach the renal pelvts, posstbly carrylng bacteria
derlying diseases is warranted.
in to a susceptible area. R.e flux is aggravated (perhaps
c:ertain viruses that persistently infect tubular epithelial
inítiated) by infectior1 and con1plic<ttes existing in-
cells, although not normal flora, may cause a prolonged
viruria (e.g., equiue rhiI1itis A virus a11u areuaviruses). fections by increasing the likelihoocl of renal in"
3. Other Host ractors. ()ther host factors incluáe en-
Diseases docrine disturbances such as diabetes mellitus and
Host Factors. /\. num ber of host factors can prcdisposc an hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing's áisease). Long-
animal t o urinary tract infections (U'l1): term use of corticosteroids appears to predispose
dogs tu UTI.
l . Animal Suscepti.bilily. Urinary tract infections are
most common and of grcatcst significancc in dogs. Routes of lnfection. The primary means by which uropatho-
In cats, 1<11opatl11c lower ur1nary tract a1soraers are gens reach the urinary tract are the ascending and 11ema-
fr~~qucntly encountered. Viral, nutrit ional, and togenous routes. The ascending route vía the urethra is
1uetalJolic f¡¡ctors llave tJeen in1plicated in the etiol- most common. The presence of potential pathogens near
ogy, particularly of ohstruc.tive forms. l-lowf'vf'r, bac- the uret hral orífice and the usual Jocalization of infection
498 PART TV Clinic':il Applir:itions

Ta b 1e 7 4. 4. Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of Ta b 1e 7 4 . 5 . Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of
the Urogenital System of Cattle the Urogenital System of Sheep and Goats

Agent Major Cllnlcal Manlfestatlons Agent Major Clínica! Manifestations

(Common Dísease Name) (Common Disease Name}
= ...,..-
Viruses Viruscs
Bovine papillomavirus Penile and vaginal tibropapillomas Akabane virus• Abortion, dystocia <fue to arthrogryposis
Bovine viral diarrhea virus Abortion, congenital abncrmalities of fetus
lntect1ous bovme rh1notrachert1s Abortion, mfectious pustular Bluetongue Virus (S) Abort.ion, congenita¡ abnormalities
virus vulvovaginitis, balanoposthitis (hhtPtongue)
Rlft Valley fever virusº Abortion (Rift Valley fever) Congenital abnormalitíes, stillbirths
(Border disease, hairy shaker disease)
Bacteria Cache V.:illcy virus Abortion, congenital abnormalities
Arcanobacterium pyogenes Abortion, metriti), pyomelra, seminal Rift Valley fever virus• Abortion
Bruui/liJ abur (U) Abu1 tion, epididymitis, orchitis, seminal Bacteria
vesiculitis "Actinobacillus seminis"(S) Epididymitis
Campylobaeter fetus subsp. Early embryonic de~th (bovinc venere~! Bruce/la abortus, B. melitensis<1 Abortion, orchítis
venerealis campylobacteriosis, vibriosis) llrucel/a ovis(S) Epldidymitls, rare abortions
Corynebacterium rena/e group Pyelonephritis Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus Ahnrtion
tpizootic bovine abortion agent Abortion (foothlll abortion) Campylobacter jejuni Abortion
(unidentified) Chlamydophila abortus Abortion (enzootic abortion of ewes)
Escheríchia coli lrtle!)lilidl 11~pl11 ilh (white-spotted Corynebaeterium rena/e group Dalanoposthitis (ukerative posthitis,
kidney disease). pyelonephritis. pizzle rot), pyelonephritis
pyometra Coxiella burnetti Abortion {Q-fever)
Fusobacterium necrophorum, Post·parturient metritis Histophilussomnf> (S) tp1didymitis
othcr anaerobes Leptospíra sp. Abortion
Leptosp1ra spp. Abortion Lfsterla monocyrogenes, L. ivanovtl 'Abortion
Listeria monocyto9enes, L, ivanovii Abortion 5almonPllil 'fl- Abortion, metritis
Mycoplasma spp., ureap!asma spp. Granular vulvitis
(G) =goats predominately. (S) =sheep predominately.
Fungí •Ú>nsider@d a foreiga animal disease agent in the United St~tP'
Asper9illus sp. Abortion b•Histophilus ovis• is !he obsolctc Mmc.
Morrierella wolfii Abortion

"Co~ide1ed 6 foreign animal tf1>ease <>gent in 1111:' Vnil<ll Sl•l~

Ta b 1e 7 4. 6. Common ;:ind/or lmportant lnfectious Agents of

the Urogenital System of Pigs

Agent Major Clínica! Manifestations

in the bladder point to it as the portal of e11t rance.
(Common Disease Name)
Pyelonephritis is a conscqucncc of retrograde extension of
infcction from tl1e bladder. Viruses
lnfcction of the unnary tract via the hematogenous African swine fever virusa Abortion, immune-complex glomeru·
routc occurs secondary to bacteremia/viremia and prima- lonephritis (African swine fcver)
rlly affects the kidney, causing glomt>ruloueplllitis ur iJ1- Classical swine tever vir!W Abortion, embryonic death, immune-
terstitial ncphritis. Tt occ11r<; lP<;<; commonly than lo\.-\rer uri- complex glomerulonephritis (dassical
nary tract infectious, due probably to the high resistance swine fever, hog cholera)
of the renal cortex, where infection bcgins. Young animals lelystad virus Ahortion (porrinP reproductive and
are cspccially at risk bccausc of the greater Jikelihood for cespiratory syndrome)
septicemia to occur in that age group. Pseudorabies virus Abortion (pseudorabies)
Swine parvovirus Embryonic dcvth, mummification
Glu111t'r ulullt>JJI 11 ilb dllU 111 lt'r~ Li lial Nt>fJI 1ri lb. G Juu11::1 ulu11t: ¡;Ju i-
ti .<; is an inflammation of the glomerulus dueto localiza- Bacteria
tion of an infcctious agent in the glomerulus and cnsuing Actinobacufum suís Cystitis, pyclonephritis, ureteritis
inflammatory response or from deposition ol i1nn1 une Bruce/la suis Abort1on, orch1t1s
complcxcs. Viral glomcruloncphritis is the result of se Eschcrichi.;i co/i Vaginitis (discharging sows)
lected viruses (e.g., infect1ous can1ne hepatitis virus, Leptosp1ra spp. Abortlon (leptosplrosls)
equine arterltis virus, n ephrotoxic infectious bronchitis
virus In chickens) replicating in glorn~ru1C:1r <..:C:1pillary 1::11- •considered a foreign anmlal disease agent In the Unhed States.
dothelial cclls, usually as ;i con<;rqurnrr nf ;i systemic vi ral
Chaptet 74 Urogenital System 499

Ta b 1e 7 4 . 7 . Common and/or lmportant lnfectious Aqents of

the Urogenital System of Poultry F 1G U RE 7 4. 1 . Embolic nephritis in a foal caused by
Acli nobacillus e4uuli su/J)p e4uuli. MictOdU)(e))e) dre )tdlleteú
Major Clióital Manifestatil>ns. throughout the renal cortex (A). Bacteria/ microco/onies anda
suppurative inflammatory response are present (B).
'(Cammo1r Dtsease:Namer
Avian adenovir\Js (C) Soft -shelled or shell-less egys (egg drop
Avian encephalomyelitis virus Decreased egg production
Avian influenza virus Decreasec:f e,Qg production, oophorítis
Avian leukosis virus (C} Nephrqblastoma, renal ca;rcinoma
Avían pneumovirus Decreased egg production
lnfectious bronebitis virus .(C) Decreased egg productron, decreased
haltltaüili Ly, 11eµl11 ili1 (infetliuus
bron(hitis-nephrotoxic straíns)
Newcastle disease virusª Decreased egg pr.oduction

Gsch~richia coli (C) ~olpingitis
Gallibacterium analis (Qb Oophoritis, salpingjtis
Haemophilus parag;¡/linarum {C) Decreased egg production (infectious
Mycoplasma ga!lkentirum Oecre~sed IO!J!J production, salpingítis
Mycoplasma iow&e (T) Reduced hatch~bility, i1;Ued1ed e1111í1yo
5almonella Pullorum Oophor·itis, salpingitis {pullorum disease)
Salmonel/a Gallinarum Oophoritis, sálpingítis (fowl typhoíd)
5almonel/a Enteritidis Oophoritis; salpingitis
(phage fype 4)

(Q= chickens predominately, (T) = turkeys pred.ominately.

•co.nsidered a foreigh animal diseaie agent in !he United .States.
btncludes organisms previous!y identified as •Actinobacillus salpingitidis,• "Pasteurella- or "Pasteurella haen¡olytíca-Actinobaci!lus sa/pín9itídis-<omplex,•

i.n fcction. In bacteria! glomcruloncpl1ritis, bacteria from a

septicem.ia/bacteremia settle i11 tl1e glomerulus (e.g., A.cti- pathogen that subsequently reaches t he blat1der through
nobacil111s equuli subsp. equuli in foa ls). The ensuing in- rnultiplication, extension along the epithelial surface, or
flaIIl!Halury re::;¡.iu11se is Ly¡.iically suppuralive. Tlle re:>ulL is n1igration tl1ro ugl1 aclive n1otilily or randon1 n1oven1enl.
an emholic nephritis (Fig 74.1). The resulting infection, after further multiplication, is
In sorne hematogenous infections, the renal tubules inarkcd by bacteriuria (fig 74.2) . Pyuria and low-grade p ro-
rather than the glomeruli are the primary target. Intersti- teinuria may be prese11t. lntlanunation is triggered by the
tial nephritis is commonly seen with E. coli septicemia in in teraction of lipopolysaccharide (gram negatives) or mu
neonatal ruminants (whitc-spotted kidney) and leptospi- ramyl dipeptides (gram-positives) transitional cells of
rosis in a J1umber of different an imals. the hladder that secrete proinflammatory mediators,
Depo~iliou of iu1111u11e cou1plexes i11 Lhe glu111eruli i11 V\l'hich a llracl polyn101 pl1011uclear 11eulrupliil leukoc.:ytes.
the case of persistent viral infections (e.g., infectious ca- Signs, when present, include clysuria or urinary frequency
nine hepatitis, equine infectious anemia, feline infectious or urgency. 1'here may be hematuria and. incontine11ce.
peritonitis), specific bacteria! infections (e.g., Borrelia 'l'he prevalence of the comn1on agents impUcated in ca-
spp.), or chronic bacteria! infections at other sites in the n ine urinary tract infections and characteristic features are
body may result in immune-complex glomerulonephritis. summarized in ·rabie 74.8.

Cystitis, Bacteria! cyslilis (i11flarr11nalio11 of L!Je uri11ary Pyelonephritis. Tl 1c lllU~t :><::riou::; c.:u1nplication of lower uri-
bladder), especially in dogs, is the most common u rinary nary tract infection is pyeloneph ri tis, wh ich is ca11sPc1 hy
tract infcction encountered byveterinarians. 1'he ability of an ascending infection vía th.e ureters. Pyelonephritis is es-
bacteria to a<ihere to epitheliwn is considered a prerequj- sentially an int1ammation of the renal pelvis and renal
site to establishment of cystitis. 'fhe infection may begin parenchyina. Once bacteria rcach tl1c renal pelvis thcy are
with colo11lzation of the urethral orífice by a potential hard to elin1 inate dueto the poor vascular supply and in-
500 PART IV Clinical Applications

n1ost common cause of pyelonephritis in animals. Other

F 1G U RE 7 4. 2 . Gram stains of urine sediment from a dog with bacteria} agents that cause cystitis have the potential to
cystitis. Stain in A is fron1 a dog with Escherichia coli cystitis, and the cause pyelonephritis, .if they reach the renal pelvis.
stain in B is from a dog with Enterococcus sp. cystitis. Diphtheroid bacteria, belonging to t11e Corynebacteriurn
renule group are specifically associaled wlth pyelonephritis
in cattle. They colo11ize the lower genital tract and pass be-
tween anima1s by direct and iI1direct co11tact. Many clini-
cal cases are probably endogenous. "111e process is an as-
{ cending urinary tract infection, beginning with cystitis,
which proceeds to ureteritis and pyelonephritis. An a11aer-
obic diph.theroid, .Acrinohnc11l11rn ~11i~, c'::t11<;i:><; 11 r in;:iry tr;irt
.i.l1fection of sows (Fig 74.3). Like bovine pyclonephritis,
the d isease is an apparently ascending infection caused by
un u rcalytic diphthcroid agent, limited to females and
/ often related to breedi11g operations, pregnancy, and par-

Uroliths and Urinary Tract lnfections. TJroliths of dogs a rf' p rf'-

<.lorni11a11tly (70%) Lhe result of infectio11 and consist of
struvite or apatit e, or various combínations, and are often
referred to as triple phosphate stones. Urcasc-p roducing bac-
teria are implicated- in dogs, chiefly coagulase-positive
staphylococci, and to a Iesser extent Proteus mirabilis.
Inhibitio11 of urease activity by urea a11alogues (e.g., aceto -
hydroxamic acid) can suppress iI1fectious ston,e formation .
t Uroliths in ruminants are relatetl to 11utriU011al faclors
rather that infec'tio1 1s onf's .

Virulence Factors of Bacteria! Uropathogens
Bacteria capable ot in itiating U 11 require virulence deter-
minants, the most firmly established of "''hich are adhesins
(e.g., t11e pyelonephritis-associated pilus, Pap). Fimbria! at-
tachment of E. coli to surface slime glycoproteü1s by Type J
(rnannose-sensilive) pili is probably of less s.ignificance
hibitory effects of urine osmolarity and ammonia on im- than that mediated by several mannose-resistant adhesins,
mune defenses, as mentioned pTeviou sly. Signs of pyelone- one of which is Pap, that attach to ccll mcmbranc glycol-
phritis are vague. Fever is t ransient even during the acute ipids . .Cscherichia coli isolates from different animals appear
phase. Pain in the thoracolumbar area is not specific un- to nlaintain the sam.e Pap alleles. Mannose-resistant ad-
less directly associat ed with kidney palpation. Urinalysis hestns occur co1nn1only in u ropathogenic E. coli, but lr.reg-
may revea! lowered specific gravity a11d casts. In adva11ced ularly in other strain s. Other properties associated wit h
l..C:l:>t::., ulvuu U ll;:d ulllV~t:ll i:. t:k:vctled. E~c,lict íc,ltiu e.olí i5 lhe uropall1oge11ic É. t:oli i11clude rc:;i:;tancc to serun1. bacterici-

Ta ble 74.8 . Leading Bacteria! Causes of Urinary Tract lnfections in Dogs

Preva!ence Typical Colenies On: (Qnfirmatory Tests.

. ' •
Spedes (o/o) BIOOd Agar MacConkey Agar Gram Staln Oxidasl! Catalase

EsGherichia co/i 42-46 Smooth grey; often hemo~ytic Red discrete, surrounded by red haze Negative rods Negative NA
Entcrococcus 11 14 Very small (<1 mm) Nogrowth Positive cocd NA Negative
Coagulase-pos1tive lL White or off·wllite (otten nemolytic) Nogro.wth Positive coccl NA Positive
Proteus mirabllis 6- 12 Swarms; no diserete colonies Colorless ttegative rods Ne~ative NA
KfPh5ie//;¡ 8- 12 large, wet mucoid, whitish·grey Pink, slimy coalescing; not surrounded Negative rods Negative NA
by red haze
PSeudomonas <5 Gray to greenish·gray; fruity or ammonia Colorless, surrounded by blue-greeil Negative rods Positive NA
odor; often hemolytk pigment

NA: not applicable.

r:hapter 74 TJrogenital System 501

Antimicrobial Defenses
F 1G U R E 7 4 . 3 . Hyperemic mucosa/ surface of the bladder
with whlte mucfnous material from a sow with Actinobaculum suis Antimicrobial defenses are in place at all levels of the gen-
cvstitis. ital tract and include:
l. Anatomic Defenses. Stratificd squamous epit helium
in the v agina and vulva provide for resistan.ce to in-
fection. ·rhe cervix provides a physical barrier to in-
fections of the upper genital tract, especially during
pregnancy. The long urethra in males provides a
barrier to retrograde infections.
2. l lorn1011al Dr:fr:11sr:s. l-lo1111u111::~ ¡.Jlay d ¡.Jal l i11 p1ult:cl-
ing the genital tract from disease. Estrogens increase
the blood supply to the vagina and uterus, the num-
ber of polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocytes in
the cervix and uterus, and the myeloperoxidase ac
tivit y o f phagocytlc cclls In the uact. These activi-
ties are importi'lnt becatisc the vagina and perhaps
the uterus may become con1an1inaled wilh JJulcu-
tially harn1ful agents during coitus.
3 . Immune Definscs. '!'he immune system of the genital
tract appears to be similar in structure and tunction
to other mucosa) surfaces. ·rhere are lymphoid folJi
dal action; hcmolytic activity; and possession of certain 0- ele~ ir1 tl1e ~ubmucosa from the cervix caudally.
antigens, 1ron-scavengíng protcins, and bacteriocins. ·rhese These follic]p_<; snpply cPll~ th::tt will ultimately se-
properties are rare in random E. coli strains, suggesting that crete IgA. IgG a11d lgM will be fou11c.l i11 tlús area as
agents of urlnary rract infections representa select subpop- well, but these isotypes probably arrive through
11 b1tion within thPir ~pecies tr;:insudotion. In thc utcrus, lgG nnd IgM, nnd ~omc
Pili-mediated attachn1ent to urotheliun1 and urea hy- slgA are found. In the prcpuce, mainly slgA is
drolysis are considered critica! virulcncc factors in patho- found; it is p robably secreted by the accessory
gencsis of the Corynebacteriun1 re11ale group infections. Urea or locally frorn cells arlslng from the Jym-
breakdown witl1 production ot a1nmonia initiates an in- phoid folliclf's in thi~ ;ire;i . The defensive potential
flammatory process, high alkalinity in urine (pH 9.0), and of these antibodies depends upon tl1e lsolype.
suppress1on of antibacterial defcnscs, possibly through Antibodies of the IgA isotype make particles inore
complement inactivation by ammonia. hydrophilic, thcreby negating any surfacc attrac-
tion an organism might have for usually hyctropho-
bic host cell surfaces as well as sterically hindering
Miscellaneous Urinary Tract-Associated lnfectious Processes
attachment. lgG anct IgM, on the other hand, will
Fungí are rarcly involved in urinary tract infections. opsonize, trigger the complement cascade, and ster-
Fungal hyphae can be detcctcd in thc urine of dogs with ically hinde1 allacl1111enl. Ali in1n1uuoglolJuli11::;, ií
dissem1nated Aspergillus infections. Rarely, mycotic cystitis specific for epitopes comprising flagella, immohi-
is identified. 'fhe yeast Candida ci/bitans is sometimes iso- lize bacteria that use motility as a way to ascend the
latctl .frorn tite urine uf tlogs with diabetes mellitus. tract from the n1ore caudal rcgions.
Kidncy tumor.~ ;ire associ;:itpcl with inff'ctions with the
avian leukosis/sarcoma complex of viruses. Renal lyn1- Normal Flora
phoma is associated with feline leukemia virus infections
in cats. Lower portions of the genital tract in all ailin1als possess a
normal flora. The flora varíes by animal and within an in-
dividual is dynamic over time. Factors including age, par-
The Genital Tract ity, and hormones affcct flora makeup. ·rhe actual micro-
bial flora of the genital tract is likely to be more complex
The pri1riary function of the genital tract is reproductio11. Lhan p1ese11lly recug1liz1::c.l IJ1::cause opti1nal culture meth-
·rhe genita l tract in mammals includes the ovaries, ovi- ods for highly fastidious org;inisms h;ive not always been
ducts, uterus, cervix, vagina, and externa genitalia in fc- employed in past studies on normal flora prevale11ce. Pop-
males and the testes, ductus ctcfcrcns, accessory sex or- uiation densi ty of individual flora members is less well un-
gans, pcnis, and p repuce in males. Tn poultry, the genital derstood, yet it is probably equully or more important than
lracl diff1::r:. sul>stautially frorn mammals. Tn males the the particular flora makeup 1n the ovcrall ecology and sta-
testes are interna] and, lacking ;icc<'~~ory c;ell'. glands anda bility of the microbial population of the genital tract.
distinct copulatory organ, the ductus deferens parallels 111 ge11eral, the female genital traer possesses a resictent
the ureter into the cloaca. Females typically have only a microhial flor;i c;:iucl;:il to the externa! cervical os. The
single functional ovary (left) and oviduct with the shell uterus is normally sterile or transienllyconlau1i11aleu \vith
gland (uterus), which empties into the cloaca. small numbers of microorganisms. The vagina contains a
502 l'ART IV Clinical Applications

flora that is mainly composed of species of obligate anaer- ing in the vagina predisposes to cervicitis and en-
obic bacteria, including both gram-ncgativc a11d gram- domctritis. Phimosis in males can lead to nonspe
positive species. l 'he aerobic and lacultative anaerobic or- cific inflammatíon and infection of the prepucc and
ganisms, about 011c-tenth the number of obligate pcni.s.
anaerobes, include gram-posttlve and gram-negatlvc 2. Hormonal Factors. Huru1u11e~ µI<1y a role in n1aking
species, as well as Mycoplasma anct Ureaplasrna. the genit;il tr;ic.t rnorP. susceptihle to disease. In gen-
A-s i:; the c<1~t: witl1 ull1t:r 111ucosal surfaces, Lhe flora eral, under the influence of progesterone, the uterus
shoulrl h<> thought of as protective insofar as other, per- is more prone to infection. Neutrophil activily in
haps more pathogcnic, strains are excluded through colo- thc genital tract is suppressed under t he influence
nization resistancc. Mechanisms tor exclusion include ot progesterone, inc1uaing aecreased m1.grar1on an<.1
blocking attachment, efficient use of availablc substrates, phagocytic ability. At least in bitches, d11ring thP
and production of antimicrobial substances. In a more luteal vJ1a~e, recepto1s for E. coli are expressed.
practica! sense, the normal or transient flora does include Coloni7.ation hy F.. coli expressing appropriate ad-
sorne specles that \-vill contarnit1ate tltc uleru::. ::.l!ould it be- hesins allows for establishment and can ultimatcly
come compromised. Somi> i>x;impl~s include Streptococcus lead to developmcnt of pyometra. 'vVhether the
equi subsp. z:ooepide111icus in mares with endometritis, Arca- sume occurs in other species is unknow11.
nobacterium pyogenes along with Fusobacterium necro- ::S. Uther Factors. 'frauma that may occur during partu-
phorurn in cows with pyometra, and Escherichia coli in rition can compro1nise integrity of the epithelial
bitches with pyometra. Ali of the organisms mentioncd barrler leading to infectiu1i. Dy~Lucias ai1d retained
above are part of the normal or transient vaginal flora of fetal me1n bTani>s increase chances for post-parturi-
the affected animals. The potential fur tl1es1:: urga11is1ns to c11t infections. Nutritional factors sometimcs influ-
cause disease does not simply ri>~11lt from their presence cnce genital tract disease development. for exam-
uul u:qulres a critica! leve! of replicative dominance over plc, posthitis in shcep occurs typically in anjmals
other flora before disease can occur. lf the normal flora is 011 rich legume pastures that are high in proteins,
<listurbed, as duriI1g antibiotic trcatmcnt of bacteria] en- which increase urea excretion, and estrogens. This
dometritis in the mare, the vagina w1ll be repopulated leads to preputiaJ swelling and urine reter1tiu11 ir1
with othcr, more resistant strains, which may ultimately the sheath.
infect thc uterus if the under1y1ng compromising condi- •
tion goes uncorrected. lnfectious Processes. For most genital tract pathogens, the
TlH.: l flo.ra of the externa! genitalia il1cludes routes of exposure are venereal or by ingcstion. Localiza-
c.01n mensal anaerobes, which are largcly gram-negative, tion to the genital tract occurs by ascer1ding or hernatoge-
non-spore-forrners; Mycoplas1na spp.; alpha-hcmolytic nous routes. In sorne diseases, although venereally trans-
and beta-hemolytic streptococci; Jactobacilli; Haemophilus mitted, pathogens localize to areas in the genital tract by a
spp. (particularly H. hae1noglobinophilus in dogs); coryne- hcmatogenous means. Some genital tract pathogens re-
bactcrla; propionibacteria; and coa&'Ulase-negative staphy- side In the digestive tract a11u 1Je1.:u111e lJlood-borne Lo
lococci. Taylorella equigenitalis, a venereally transmittPrl ca11si> clisi>;isp in thi> genital tract (e.g., Campylobacter fetus
vatl1oge11 of n1ares, n1ay be carried inapparently in the cli- subsp. fetus in sheep).
toral fossa.
The prepuce a11d the distal urcthra of thc n1alc genit al Fcm;ife Reproductive Tract. The most common ü1fections of
tract possess a resident Uora tl1at plays a role similar to that the female reproductive tract involve the vulva, vagina,
p layed by the flora in the vagina. 'fhe origin of organisn1s cervix, and uterus. Vulvitis in cattle is associated with
responsible fo r bacteria! c.lisease ln these areas is alm.ost al- Ureaplasma ar1ú Jvlycuplu:;rnu ~1'1'·• bul a solid eliological
ways endogenous. Sorne venereally transmitted org;inisms link n~ m ai ns to he shown . Infectious bovine rhinotra-
rt:~iut: i11 Lhe prepuce (e.g., Car11pylobacter fctus subsp. vene- cheitis virus causes vulvovaginitis in cattlc. Various col-
reali.~ in cattle, 1aylorella equigenitalis in stallions) causing iforms, especiaJly E. coli, cause vaginal-vuJvar discharge 1n
no advcrsc cffccts at tl1cse sites. The preputial cavity, in sows. Such infections are often related to hygiene and
cluding the preputial diverticulum of swine, is home for management practlces. Vaginitis in <lug:; i:; 111u~t 1.:u1n-
agents of pyelonepl1ritis in cattle (C. renale group) and monly associated with Staphylococcus spp, Streptor.nrr.u~
swine (Actinobaculurn suis) . spp., ur E. c:uli. !J1 prevubt:rlal fe1nales, vagmitis tends to rc-
solve on its own as the dog matures. Tn older bitches, therc
is usually an underlying factor involvcd.
Disea~e~ Uterine intections are typically related to breeding,
Host and Environmental Factors. For d1sease to occur in the pregnancy, or parturition, the nonpregnant uterus being
genital tract frequently sorne predisposing host and envi- fairly resistant to infection. Durlngbreedll1g or parturitiuu
ronmcntal factor(s) must be in place and include: when the cervix is open, infections of the uter11s ílrP most
often a:;cenc.li11g. I1lieclions of Lhe uterus can involve thc
1. Anatornic Factors. Vulvar conformation of mares is ;i Pnclometrium (endometritis) or t he entire wall of the
wcll-k11uw11 predisposing factor LO infection of the utcrus (metritis). Endomctritis occurs in all animals but is
vagina and uterus. 'fhe more horizontally posi- most common and ot greatest consequence in the horse.
tione<l the vulva, the grcatcr thc tcndcncy for fecal Tnability of sorne horses with endometritis to resolve infec-
contamination ot the vagina to occur. Urine pool- tions is in part due to defects in rnlgratlon of neutrupllil~
<:hapter 74 1Jrogenita 1Systf'm 503

to the site of infection as well as decreased phagocytic abil-

ily of ll1e neutropllils. Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepiderni- F 1G U R E 7 4. 5 . Areas of hepatic necrosis in the fíver of
cus is the patl1ogen most commonly associated vvith en- aborted ovine fetus. Campylobacter f et us subsp. fetus was isolated.
dornctritis in 1narcs, although othcr organisrns (cntcrics,
other streptococci, Fseudomonas) can be involved.
Jf p rior to resolution of a uterine infection th e cervix
closes and pus accumulates, a pyometra develops. Pyo-
metras occur in ali animals but are most frequent in dogs,
cats, and cai-tle. Overall, E. coli is tl1e organisn1 n1osl oflen
associated with pyometra. A numher of other organisms,
including Streptococcus sp. and Pseudo1nonas, can also be
involved . In cattle, Arcanobacterium pyogenes and oblig-
ately anaerobic bacteria are frequently found.

Fetus. Abortion, especially in farm animals and horses, is

one of the n1ost C<>111n1011 and eco11on1ically sig11ificanl
genital tract diseases. Abortion is essentially expulsion of
the fetus before full dcvclopmcnt. A numbcr of viral, bac-
teria!,. and fungal agents can trigger this process (see ·tables
74.1- 74. 7). During p regnancy, the placenta and/or fetus
are infected predon1inately by the hematogenous route. those cases, the infection prese11ts clinically as an infertil-
Ma rf's arf' a n f'XrPption; bacteria 1 and fungal placen tal in- ity problem (e.g., Camp)'lobacter fetus subsp. venerealis in
fections most often originate through the cervical os. calllt:).
A nurnber of viruses can cause abortion in animals. The Fungal ahortions are most c.ommon in horses and cattle
herpesviruses are pronlincnt among thc viruscs involvcd and typically are the result of a placentitis. The portal of
and affect a number ot ditterent animals, most notably entry in cattle is either the respiratory or gast rointestinal
horses (equine herpesvirus 1). Viral induced abortions re tract with subscqucnt hcm:atogcnous spread to the pla-
sult subsequent to fetal 1nflammatory lesions With n ecro- centa. In horses, an ascenct1ng 1ntection through the
sis, fetal anoxia, ar e11dometrial lesions. cervix is the most co1nn1on route. Fetal lesions in cattle, if
Bacle1ia tespo11sible for abo1Lio11 oflen cause a p lace11 li- present, are for the most part limited to focal, hyperkera-
tis or placental edema. lf the fetus becomes in fected, typi- totir lf'sions on thf' skin; in horses fetal lesions are uncorn-
cally large numbers of organisms are found in the fetal mon. Mortierella wolffi, a zygon1ycete, causes a fuln1inating
stomach fluid (Fig 74.4). ln some bacteria! abortions, le- p11eumonia with a high mortality rate in about 25ºh of af-
sions in the fetus rnay suggest the likely agent. As an exam fected cows as a rcsult of a lung-utcrus-lung infcctio.n
ple, the focal areas of hepatic necrosis in the fetus are sug- cycle. Fungal elements absorbed from tl1e uterus cause a
gestive of- however, not exclusive to- abortions in st1eep fulminating embolic pneumonia in the cow that typically
caused by C:ampylobacter fe.tus subsp. fetus (Fig 74.5). Whlle follows the abortion.
most bactf'ria 1 :ibortions orC11r in thf' l:ist trimester, early Sorne v iral infections o f the fetus result in congenital
fetal death ar1d resorption occurs with son1e agents. In abnorn1alities. Facto1s iniluencir1g wl1elher abnonnaliUes
develop are dependent on the stage of fetal development,
immunc cornpctcncc of tbe fetus, and the particular viral
strains responsi bJe (e.g., teline panleukopenia v irus;
bovine viral diarrhea virus; and Akabane, Cache Valley,
FIGURE 74 . 4 . Gram stain with carbolfuchsin counterstain
Border disease, and bluetongue viruses in sheep).
of abomasal fluid from an aborted bovine fetus due to Orucella
abortus. Mu/tiple gram-negative rods to coccobaciffi are present.
Details on the pathogenesis and pathology as it relates
lo individual abo rlifacienl age.u ts are found in specific
chapters on those agents.

Mate Reproductive Tract. ln males, the predominant genital

tract infections are orch itis, epididymitis, and infections
o f the accessory sex glands (prostatitis, vesiculi-
tis). Orch itis can develop by an ascending or hematoge-
nous rouLe. Occasiu11ally periorchitis develops from de-
scending peritonitis, which suhsequf'ntly involves the
testes. Epididymitis affects all animal species but is n1ost
common in rams (Fig 74.6). In younger rams, an ascending
infection by agc-dcpcndcnt prcputial residents ("Actinoba-
cillus seminis", Histophilus somni r"Histophilus ovis" is the
obsolet e name]) is the rule. In adult rams, Brucella avis is
Lile rualu agent tnvolve<.L Tt locallzcs to the epiaiaymal
ductule.s vi;:i t hf" hf"1natogenous route. Inflammation and
504 PART lV Clinical Applications

F1G U RE 7 4. 6. Epididymitis in yf!i:Jr/íny ldfll (rdfl1-ldfl1ú F 1G U R E 7 4 . 7 • Oophorítis in a chícken with pullorum dísease
epídidymitis) caused by Histophilus somni ("Histophilus ovis" is the (Salmonella Pullorum). (Courtesy Dr. H. ~hivaprasad.)
obsolete name). Tail of the epididymis is greatly en/arged (A) and
co11tai11s a greenísh purulent n1aterial (8).

scesses, which c::in r11pt11re and cause peritonitis. Seminal

veslculitis occurs most commonly in bulls and is thc most
common cause for inflammatory cells dctected during
semen examination. Many potcntial agents have been im-
plicated, \·v ith Arcanobacterium pyoge11es t l1e n1ost fre-
quently rccovered.
lnfections of the penls Qr prepuce can l.Je fru111 t::J 1doge-
nous or cxogenous sources. Vario1 1o; hf'rpPs viruscs cause
tJalauupustl1ilis i11 ani1nals. Men1bcrs of the C7orynebactc-
r i11111 renale group cause a necrotizing inflammation of the
prepuce a11d adjacent tissues in or rams. The dis
ease develops in the presencc ot these urealytic agcnts 1n
an area constantly irrigated with urine. Ammonia is
thought to initiate the inflammatory process. A similar
condition occurs occasionally in goats and bu lis.

Genital Tract of Poultry. Tnfection s of the oviduct (salpingitis)

in poultry can be the result of an asccnding infcction from
thc cloaca o r occur in con junction with colibacillosis
whcn the left abdominal air sac is involved. Escherichia coli
is the most co1nmon parhogen recovercd. Although pullu-
rum discase and fowl typhoid havP hPcome uncommon
tlislo!ases i11 developed countries, oophoritis, salpingitis,
and orchitis are all possible consequences of the sep-
ticemia associated with infcctions by Salrnonel/a serovars
Pullorum and Gallinarum , respectively (Fig. 74.7).
Decreased egg production and/or hatchability can re-
sult from a number of systemlc infectiuns il1 puultry. A
cxtravasation of spern1 lead t o development of a spermatic number of viruses (e.g., avían ac1P novin1s, infectious bron-
gran u loma. ~J li Lb vh u:s, avían in f1 ucn z:a virus) and bactcrin (c.g.,
J3acteri<1' pro<;t;:ititis most cornmonly occurs in dogs and Mycoplasrna, Haemophílus paraga llinarurn, Salmonella) can
is, in facl, the n1ost con1mon cause of prostatic diseasc in uffcct ovcrall egg production and hatchability. So1ne poul-
clog<;. ln fPctions are mostly ascending in origin and can be try pathogens (e.g., 1\tJycoplasr11a, Salmonella) are rransmit-
acute or chro11ic. Consequenccs incl udc prostatic ab- ted vertically in eggs.

AAF adhesin , 61 structurc, 91 Blastomyces, 293

Abiotrophia, 167 transmission, 93 Bordctclla, 100
abortion, 503 treannent, 94 Burkholderia, 115
Acholeplasrna, see Mycoplasma variability, 93 Catnpylobacter, 134
Absidia, ?97 wooden tongue, 94 Candida, ?70
acitl fa~L ~Lain, 223 Actinobacillus h e1nolysin, 92 C/1/utnydiue, 235
acquired iinmunity, 10 Actinobacillus spp., 92- 94 Clostridiurn diftici/e, 207
activa tion of n1acr.ophages, J ?., 48 Artinnhao1/11rn <1Ji.<, 180 C lostridiurn perfringens, 198
ADCC (antibody depen den t cellu1ar A cti1101nyces pyogenes, see Arca11obacteriu1n Coccidioides, 286
cyt.otox1c1ty), 12 pyogenes Corynebacrerium, 178
antihody dependen t cellular cytotoxic- Actinornyces, 215- 218 Dichelobacter, 195
ity (ADCC), 12 abortion, 216 Erysipelothrix, 181
antibody production, 10 biochenlical characteristics, 215 Esclzerichia coli, 61
• cats, 216 f:lelicobacter, 1.41
antigen presen tation, 1O
detecbon o f, 13 cati:le, 216 l·listophilus, 95
endogenous pathway, 10, 48 c:u11 trol, 218 Hisloplus1nu, 289
exogenous pat hway, 10, 48 disc:ospondylitis, 216 Lawsonia, 139
lgA, 11 dogs, 216 Listeria, 185
¡,,.E 11 epidenliology, 2 17 Mannhcirnia, 84
" ' 10, 11
IgG, goats, 216 Moraxella, ] 19
IgM, 10, 11 gn)\Vth rharartl'r istirs, 21S MSC:RAMM, 1S3, 1S9
second ary response, 10 humans, 216 norn1al flora, 6
Actinobacillus, 91- 94 immunity, 217 T'asteurella, 84
\iltl'le., 94 laboratory diagnosis, 2J 7 Pseudomonas, 122
cc ll products of medica! interest lumpy jaw, 216 Sa.lmonella, 69
adhesins, 91 marsupials, 216 Sporolftrix, 279
Apx toxin, 92 n1astitis, 216 StaphylococaJs, 153
Aqx toxin, 92 n1orphology, 215 Streptococcus, 1S9
cap~ule::,91 Nocardia, con1pared with, 216 l'ersinia enterocolitica, 79
cell wall, 91 pat hogen esis, 215 Yersinia pseudotul1erc11/osis, 78
iron, 93 p lant >1wns, ?.16 Adennviridal'. (;i<l0novin1.~P.s), .~1 7-319
RTX toxin, 92 rcsistancc, 215 adcnovirus, avían, 317, 318
urease, 92 sheep, 216 adenovi rus, bovine, 318, 319
composit ion, 91 staining, 215 aden ovirus. c:hicke.n, 318
control, 94 structurc, 215 adcnovirus, dccr, 318
epidemiology, 94 sulfur granules, 217 adenovirus, equine, 318, 319
horse, 94 sv.rine, 216 adenovirtL~, ovine, 318, 319
¡,'Towt h chara cteristics, 93 transnlission, 215 adenovirus, porcinc, 318
irr1rr1u11ity, 94 lreat111e11t, 218 aden ovirus, turkcy, :·H8
laboratory diagnosis, 94 actin on1yc:osis, 215 adenovirus-1, canine, see infectious
morphology, 91 arti nomycotic my<"Ptom;1, ?.19 canine hepatitis vi.rus
pathogcncsis, 93 acyclovir, 43 adenovirus·2, canine, 319, 3¡8
swine, 94 J\DCC (antihody dependent cellular cyto- adenylyl cyclase toxin (Bordetella), 102
reservoir, 93 toxicity), 9. 11. 12 adjuvant, 48
resistance, 93 adhesin, ·1, 57 J\cgyptianclla, 257
septicernia, 94 Acl inobacillus, 91 aerobactln, 63, 82
staini ng, 91 Aspergil/us, 294 African heart•vater disease. 254

506 lndex

African horscsickness virus, -103-40-1 anacrobcs, obligatc, 193 antibiolic, scc antimicrobial
control, 404 anacrobes, obligatc, non-spore-forming, antibody dependent cellular cytotoxiciry
discasc, 403 193- 197 (/\DCC), 9 , 11, 12
distribution, 404 abscesses, 194 antibody, function, 48
l1ur~e~, 403 cats, 195 anlifungal agents, see antimicrobials
host response, 404 cattle, 195 anti tungal chcmott1erapy, 41- 42
infectivity for other specics, 403 cellular products of medicill intP.rPSt, ilntig<'n pr<'S<'Otill'ion, se.e 1n acro phage
lab()ratory diagnosis, 404 193 antigcn proccssing, cndogcnous puthway,
pathogenesis, 404 capsule, J93 48
propC'rtit>s, 403 cell 1-vall, 193 antigcn processing, exogenous pathway.
rcscrvoir, 404 entero toxin, 193 '18
transmlssion, 404 control, 195 antlmicroblal ct(.tivity, 26
treatment, 404 dogs, 195 antimicrobial drug combinations, 37-38
African s"ine fevcr virus, 312-314 draining tracts, 194 anti microhial drug dosage predictions,
<.:on trol, 314 goab, 195 36-37
discasc, 312 gr(nvth characteristics, 193 antimicrobiai arug, mechanisn1 of act1on,
<listribution, 312- 313 horses, 195 ?.6,28
host rcspousc, 313 i1111nu1lil y, 194 ccll mcmb ra ne function, damagc to, 28,
infectivity for other .species, 312 laboratory djagnosis, 194, 195 ji
laboratory diagnosis, 313 n1orpho lop,y, 193 cell wall synthesis, inhibiU.o n o f, 26, 28
pathogenesis, 313 pathogencsis, 194 nuclcic acid synt hesis, inhib ition of, 28
properties, 312 pericardial effusion, J 94 pro leln synt hesis, inhibitio11 or, 28
rC'~<'rvoir, :~12-31 :~ peritoneal effusion, 194 anti1nicrobial drug rcsistance, 38- 41
rcsistancc, 312 pleural effusion, 19'1 acquired, 38, 46
swine, 313 reservolr, 193, 194 cu11jugdliun, 39, 46
transmission, 312- 313 sheep, 195 constitutivc, 38
treatment, 313 314 staining, l 93 integrons, 39, 46
Agf adhes ln, 69 ~lruclure, 193 niutation, 38, 45
Ail, 78 transmission, 193, 194 normal llora, 4ó
Aino virus, 367 treatment, 195 R plasm icl, :{8, 39
Akabane virus, 367 anaphylotoxins (C3a, CSa), 7 transduclion, 39, 46

Alagoas virus, 378 A naplasrna, l:::il-l:::i9 transfcrable, 39
Alcephallne h erpesvin1.~- 1 ilncl -?., c:attle, 2S7, 2S8, 2S9 transfonnation, 46
325-326 control, 258, 259 transposilion, 39, '16
cattlc, 325- 326 dogs, 258 anthnlcroblal reslstance, public health
malignan! catarrhal fever, 325 goats, 258, 259 issues, 40, 45-47
sheep, 326 horses, 258, 259 anti1nicrobial spectrum, 26
wlh.lebecst, 326 iuuuuuity, 257, 258, 259 anli111i~1ubia.l ~usccpl.ibilil)' testing, 35-36
Alcutian mink disease, 309 laboratory diagnosis, 258, 259 antimicrobial therapy, miJestones, 27
Aleulian mink virus, 309 pathogenesis, 257, 258, 259 antimicrohial~, topiral ;intifnngills, 41
Aleutian mink disease, 309 rcserYoir, 257, 258, 259 antitoxin, 52
control, :~09 sheep, l.'.>8, l.'.>9 a n t1v1ral chcmothcrapy, -'!2- 43
clistrih11tinn, 309 tick horne fever, 259 Apfu1110111,vccs, 282
host response, 309 transmission, 2S7, 258, 259 Aplltho1•irus, 339, 3~0
infectivily for other species, 309 treatment, 258, 2 59 aquareovlruses, 406
laboratory diagnosis, 309 A naplasrna bovis, 257 Are, 70
pathogencsis, 309 Anaplasl'na caudat11n1, 257 Arcnnobncteri11111 p)loge11es, 168- 169
propertie~, 309 Aru1µ/u~1nu cen/1ule, 257 abscess, 169
reservoir, 309 Anaplas111a nu1rgi11alc, 257 a rthritis, 169
resistance, 309 Anoplns1na ovis, ?.57 hiorh<'mical characteristics, 168
transmission, 309 A11aplas1na pl1agocytopllilr1111, 258 cntllc, 169
treatment, 309 Anaplas111a platys, 257, 258 cellular products of medica! lnteresr,
Alpllnvir11~, 1."il anaplasmosis, 257-258 168
Alpllarctrovirus, 410 antibody cell wall, 168
Altcn1aria, 283 antlbacterlal, 11, 48 llt!UICllllillÍl..ld~t!, 168
amantaclinc, 43 antiviral, 11, 48 pyotysin o, ló!:>
amikacin, see a n1inoglycosides colonization resisla11re, 4 toxi ns, 168
anünocycl ito ls, 28, 33, 34 IgA, 11 control, 169
an1inogJycosicles, 28, 33, :-;4 lgE, 11 endomctrltls, 169
absorplio11, cl istribntinn, i>xcrPtion , :~4 fgG, 10, 11 epidemiology, 169
adverse effects, 34 lgM, 10, 11 growth charactcristics, 168
antimicrobial activity, 34 normal flora, 6 immu ntty, 169
rC'~i~tanct>, .~4 opsonin, 8, 11, 48 Jaboratory diagnosis, 169
aminopcnicillins, scc pcnicillins Anguillina coli, see Brach)'spirn pilosicoli liver abscess, 169
amoxlclllln, sce pcnictllins anthralysin O, 171 1norphology, 168
amphotcricin. see polyene antimicrobials anthrax, 170 pathogenesis, 169
ampicillin, see pcnicillins anthrolysin O, 171 reservoir, 168
lndex 5 07

res1stance, 168 Atadenovirus, 318 rrans m 1ss1on, 3 91

staining, 168 atrophic rhinilis, 87, 103, l04 treatment, 392
structure, 168 Aujeszky's d isease, 326 avian influenza virus, 365- 366
summer mastitb, 169 autoclielin, 155 birds, 365
transmission, 169 Australian bat lyssa v irus, 378 control, 366
tr<~»tment, 169 >1vi;in (nnn-pn11ltry) di<P:l <;P, ~6S
Arcobactcr spp., 138 Aspergillus spp., 294- 297 distribution , 365
Arcobacter, 134- 139 avian influenza virus, 365 laboratory diagnosis, 365
abortion, 138 avian paramyxovirus, 370 pathogenesis, 366
cattle, 138 botulism, 209, 210 poultry, 365
d1arrhea, 138 Bru~hyspiru pilushuli, 131 re~ervuir, 365
cpidcmiology, 138 Gandida albicans, 271 transmission, 365
growth characteristics, 138 Chla1nydia spp., 237 treat ment, 366
hnnJunity, 139 C!tlaniydop!tila spp., 237 avían leukosis/sarco1na complex, 417- 419
Jaboratory diagnosis, 1:~9 Clostridium botulinurn, 209, 210 chickens, 41/
111 nrp h o l ngy, 1~4 Clostridium colinum, 209 cnn1Tol, 419
rcscr voir, 138 duck hepatitis virus, 345 discasc, 417
staining, 134 castern cquine cn ccphalitis Virus, distr ibution, 418
structurc. 134 351- 353 host response. 419
sv1ine, 138 Erysipelothrix, 183 infectivity for ot her species, 417
trans111ission, 138 goosc p<1rvovirus, 306 labo1alo1y diagnosis, 4 19
treatrncnt, 139 Helicobactcr canadensis, 145 pathogenesis, 418-419
Arizona, see Saltnonella f·lelicobacter pametensis, 145 properties, 417
aroA mutant vaccine {Saltnonella), 72 llelicobacter pulloru1n, 145 reservoir, 418
Arterivrrus, 384, 393- 397 H1gh lands] virus, 351, 353 resistan ce, 41 l
infPc'tivity fnr othf'r ~pPciPS, ~84 f'ncepha litis vi r us, ~S~, ~.'í.'í tr11n~mi.~sion, 4 18
propcrtics, 384 Jvturrny Vnllcy cnccphnlitis virus, 353, trcntmcnt, 419
resistance, 384 355 aVian 1nyeloblastosis Virus, 410
arll1ritis, 471 Mycobacteriu1n avium ssp. aviurn, 227 avian myelocytomatosis virus, 410
Asfarviridao, 312 314 AíJ•copltJsn-JCJ spp., 2 4 1-248 avían r0t iculoendotheliosis virus, 410
Asfiviru.~, 312- 314 Newc,1sllc disease virus, 373 avían sarco1na, sec avían Jeukosis/sarcoiua
aspergillosis, 294-297 Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale, 99 co111plex
Aspergillus, 294-297 •
poxvirus, 334 Avipoxvirus, 334, 336
abor tion, 296 St Louis encephalitis virus, 353 avoparcin, vancornycin resistance, 26, 28,
airsacculitis, 296 thrush, 2/1 41, 165
b irds, ?.96 VEF. virus, 3S1- 353 azithromycin, see n1acrolides
cats, 296 Vcnczuclan cquinc cnccphalitis virus, aztreonam, 30
cattle, 296 351-.353
cellular products of medica! interest, WEE virus, 351-353 B ccll, see lymphoc:y-te
294 West Nile virus, 353, 355 bacillary angiomatosis, ?62
adhesin, 294 western equine encephalitis virus, 1.J¡1cillary dyse::11te::ry, ~ee:: Sltizellu
cell wall, 294 351- 353 bacillary hen1oglobinuria, 204
iron, 295 Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, 78 baci.lle de Caln1ette et Gu~rin (BCG), 2 28
lUe l<tllill, 295 avian adenovi(us, 317, 318 Bacillus anthracis, 170- 174
pigment, 295 avían arizon osis, see Saln1onella biochemical cl1aracteristics, l/l
control, 297 aviiln ch o lPra, 88 cats, 17:~
discospondylitis, 296 avinn cnccphalomyclitis virus, 340, cattlc, 172
dogs, 296 343- 344 cellular proclucts of medical interest,
e.piden1iology, 296 chicken, 344 170
gro~vth characteristics, 295 control, 3·11 anthralysin O, 171
guttura.l pouch, 2 96 disease, 343 ant hrolysin O, 171
horses, 296 laboratory diagnosis, 344 capsule, 170
imrnunity, 296 properties, 344 Dps-like protein, 171
11101phology, 294 treatn'lent, 344 ederna factor {EF), 1.70
nasal cavity, 296 avian erythrohlastosis virus, 410 edema toxin (EdTx), 170
nasa l sinus, ?.96 avi;in in fect io11s hron<h itis v in 1s, ~91-~9?. in1m11ni> inh ih itor p rotf>in (Tnh), 171
pathogencsis, 295- 296 chickcns, 391 lethal factor (LF), 170
pneurnonia, 296 control, 392 lethal toxin (LeTx), 170
poultry, 296 disease, 391 multiple peptide resistance factor
reservoir, 29,S distribution, 391 (MprF), 171
srrucnue, 294 host response, 392 pOX1, 170
transmission, 2 95 infectivity for other species, 391 pOX2, 170
treatn1ent, 297 laboratory diagnosis, 392 protective antigen (PA), 170
Aspergilh1s fu1nigc1tus, 294 pat hogenesis, 39·1 1egulalion o[ virulence deleuninants,
Aspergillus terreus, 296 properties, j91 171
A ~pP.rgillus defl!!r.his, ?96 rf'.~Prvnir,
.391 toxins, 170
aspiration pncumonia, 495 rcsistance, 391 control, 174
508 Indcx

Bacillus anthracis (continued) Bartonella spp. , 260, 261 control, 358

dogs, 173 Basid.iobolus, 297 disease, 351>
epidenüolo8)', 173 1-l(~G (bac:ill P ciP C;ilmPttP Pt Gnc>rin), ?.?.8 clistrihn tinn , 358
gamma phage, l 73 beak and feather diseasc virus, 309- 310 hairy sh¡¡kcr lan1bs, 358
goats, 172 control, 309 host respon se, 358
growth characteristics, 171 disease, 309 infectivity for oth er species, 358
horses, 172 distr ibution, 309 laboratory diagnosis, 358
llun1ans, 173 host response, 309 p<1thugcuesb, 358
imn1unity, 173 infectivity for other specics, 309 properties, 358
laboratory d iagnosis, 173 Jaboratory diagnosis , 309 reservoir, 358
iuurpllulugy, 170 p roperlies, 309 resistance, J58
pathogenesis, 172 psittacine birds, 309- 31 O sheep,3.)8
reservoir, 171, 172 reser,vo ir., 30() transmission, :~58
rcsistancc, 171 resistance, 309 trcutmcnt, 358
sllecp , l/Z transmission, 309 Bordecel/a, 100-104
staining. 170 treatment, 309 atrophic rhinitis, 103, 104
string of pcurls test, 173 bcnign cnzootic paresis, 312 biochemical activities, 102
structure, 170 benzyl penlclllln, see pen icillins u::llul<ir prouucls o f 111edical inlerest, 100
swine, 173 Birnaviridae, 407- 408 adenylyl cyclase toxin, 102
tran ~;mission, 172 beta-lactamases, 29, 30 adhesins, 100
treatmeut, 174 Beturetrovirus , 410 capsule, 100
variability, 171 Bfp adhesin, 61 cell wall, 100
Bacil/11s cere11s, 170, 171, J 74 highParl, 7.03 filamentous haemaggluti.n in (rha),
biochemical characteristics, 171 Bipolaris, 284 100
cattle, 1/4 black dJsease, 203 ft.mbriae, 100
cellular products of medica! interest, 174 blackleg, 206 iron, 102
ccrculidc, 174 bladder stones, 500 outer membrane protein, 101
enreroroxins, 174 Blastonzyces de11nalilidis, 292- 294 ll"'' la<: Un, 100
HBL, 174 cats, 293 pertussis toxin, 100
NHE, 171 ccllular products of 1nedlcal interest, 293 regulation of virul.ence genes, 102
T, 174 adllcsiu, 293 lracheal colonization factor, 100

diarrhea, 174 Badl,293 tracheal cytotoxin, 102
food poisoning (human), 174 Wl-1, 293 type III secretion system, 10?.
grvwl!J cl1a1aclelislics, 171 c.o nlrol, 294 con1positio n 1 100
mastitis, 174 dogs, 293 control, 104
morpholo8)', 170 PpidPm inl ngy, ?.CJ3 clng, 104
resistance, 171 growth charactcristics, 293 cp idcmiology, 104
rice, J74 imn1unity, 293 growt h characteristics, lOZ
staining, 170 laboratory diagnos is, 293- 294 imm uníty, 104
structure, 170 morpholo¡:,ry, 292 kennel cough, 104, 319, 375, 388
bacitracin 26, 28
bacteria] endocarditis, 262, 263, 440-441
pathogeuesís, 293
reservoir, 293
lal!ur<1lury uiaguu~b, 104
morphology, 1.00
bacteria] overgrowth (sn1all intestine), 17 structure, 292 pathogenesis, 103
baclerial v,1ccine, 53 1-ransnJ iss·ion, 293 p n eurnonia, 104
bactericida! antünicrobials, 26 t reatment, 294 reservoir, 1U::S
bacterir1, 48, 57. Vilriilhili ty, ?.9.3 resistance, 103
bacteriocins and iru1ate immunity, 6 blastotnycosis, 292- 2 94 staining, 100
bacteriostatic antimicrobials, 26 bluecomb disease, 392 structure, 100
Bacteroides spp., 193-197 b luetongue virus, 401- 403 swine, 103
Bartonella, 260 261 cattle, 401 transmission, 103
baci llary angioma tos is, 262 cuutrul, 403 lrea L1nenl, 104
cat scratch disease, 262 deer, 401 turkey coryza, 104
cats, 262 disease, 401 variability, J 03
control, 263 distribution, 4 02 liordetella adcnylyl toxin, 102
dogs, 263 goats, 4Ul Bordetella dern1onecrotic toxin, 102
Pnclncaniitis, ?.6?., 2.63 host response, 402 Bordete//a spp., 101- 104
growth chllrllctcdstics, 261 infcctivity for other species, 101 Borna disease virus, 376
11un1ans, 262 Jaboratory diagnosis, 402- 403 Bornaviritlue, 376
immunity, 263 pathogenesis, 402 Borrelia, 128- 130
laboratory dia6'11osls, 263 properties, 401 avian, 129
n1orphology, 260 rcscrvuir, 402 ca ltle, 129
reservoir, 261 sheep, 401 cellu lar products ot medica! interest,
rodents, 263 transmission, 402 128
slaining, 260 treatmen t, 403 ccll wall, 128
structure, 260 bone, see musculoskelctal system hemolysín, 128
tr:.1nsmissinn , ?.61 horder disease virus, 353, 358- 359 outer surface protein A (OspA), 130
treatme nt, 263 central ncrvous syste1n, 358 control, 130
lndex 509

growth characteristics. 128 control, 424 cell wall, 131

in1munity, 130 disease, 423 cytotoxin, 131
laboratory <liag11o~is, 129 distribution, 424 flagella, 131
Lyme disease, 129 host response, 424 hemolysin, 131
morphology; 128 infi>ctivity for othvr spPcies, 424 Hly, 131
pathogenesis, 129 laboratory diagnosis, 424 Tly, 131
poultry, 129 pathogenesis, 424 control, 133
reservoir, 128 properties, 423- 424 dogs, 132
staining, 128 reservoir, 424 growth characterist.ics, 131
structure, 128 tra11s111bsiuu, 424 iJUJJlU llÍ Ly, 133
trans1nission, 129 treatrnent, 424 intestinal spirochetosis, 133
treatment, 130 bovine leukernia vin1s, 419-420 laboratory diagnosis, 133
variabilily, 128 Cllttle, 419, 420 morphology, 131 •
Borrelia afielli, 129 control, 420 pathogenesis, ·132
Borreli1111nserina, 1?.8, 1?,9 <iisPase, 419 reservoir, IJ2
Dorrelia burgdorferi, 128, 129, 130 distribution, 420 staining, 131
Borreliagarinii, 129 nost response, 420 strucn1re, 131
Borrelia herrnsii, 128 infectivity for other species. 420 swine dysentery, 131, 132
Borrelia parkeri, 128 laboratory diagnosis, 420 S'A'Íne, 131, 132
Burreliu lheileri, 128, 129 palhogenesis, 420 Lransnlission, 132
Rorrelia turicata, 128 properties, 419-420 treatment, 133
botulinurn toxin, 209 reservoir, 420 varia bül ty, 132
botulism, 209 resistance, 420 Brachy~pira aalborgi, 131
bovine adenovirus, 318, 319 transmission, 420 Brachysp1ra carus, 131
hovinecoronavirus, 387- 388 treatment, 420 Brachyspira hyodysenteriae, lJl, 1J2, 133
cattlc, 387, 388 bovine mammillitis, 325 Brachyspira intermedia, 131, 132
control, 388 bovJne mycobactertal ulceratJve lymphan- Brachyspira rnurdochii, 131
diarrhea. 387 gitis, 233 Brachyspira pilosicoli. 131 , 133
disease, 387 bovine papillomavirus, 315 Brachyspira innocens, 131, 132
dblriUUlÍOIJ, 388 bovine papular slon1alilis virus, 334, 335 bradsot, 205
host respon se, 388 bovine parainfluenza 3 virus, 370, 375 braxy 205
infectivity for other species, 388 bovine parvovirus, 306 brilliant green ag<ir, 59
laborarory diagnosis, 388 • bovine pyelonephritis, 179 Urk, 101
pa thogenesis, 388 bovine respiratory syncyt.ial virus, 370, bronch1tis, 493
properties, 387 37.S Bntcel/a, 105- 112
reservoi r, 388 bovinc rhinovirus, 340, 345 C3ttle, 107, 108
resistance, .387 bovine spong¡form encephalopatl1y (BSE) cellular products ot medtcal lnterest
sh ipping fever, 387 agent,431-433 A antigen. 105
rrnns1nission, 388 bovine, 431 cell waJI, 105
treatment, 388 control, 433 eryll1rilul, 105
>vinter dysentery, 387 disease, 431-432 M antigen, 105
bovine enterovirus, 340, 345 host prion relationship, 432 porins, 105
bovine cphcrneral fevcr viru~, 378, 281 laboralory diagnosis, 432 vir operon, 106
bovine farcy, 219 properties, 432 control, 112
bovine herpesvirus-1, 323-325 trP;itmPnt, 41.~ ciogs, 107, 108
bovine herpesvirus-2 (bovine mam- bovine syncytial virus, 410 cpidcn1iology, 108
1nillitis), 32~ bovine torovirus, 384, 393 growth characteristics, 106
hovi ne herpesvirus-4, 325 bovine virus diarrhea virus, 353, 356- 358 horses, 107, 108
bovine bcrpcsvi.rus-5, 325 cattle, 356 immunity, 109
lJovine herpesviruses, 323-325 control, 358 laboratory diaguusis, 110
conjunctivitis. 323 diarrhea, 356 morphology, 105
control, 325 disease, 356 pathogenesis, 106
tlbea~e, 323 distribulion, 357 (eservoir, 106
distribution, 323 host response, 357 resistance, 106
genital ];; horatory cii;:ign()$i!>, :\S7-:\SR ShPPp, 107, 108
host response, 323 pathogenesis, 357 staining, 105
infectious bov1ne rhinotracheitis (IBR), properties, 356, 357 structure, 105
323 reproductive problems, 356 s1"1ine. 107, 108
lahorntory diagnosis, 321 325 reservoir, 357 trans1nission, 106
meningoencephalltls, 323 resistance, 357 treatment, 111
pathogenesis, 323 transmission, 357 variability, 106
rcscrvoir, 323 treatment, 358 Bruce/la milk ring test, 111
rhinotracheitis, 323 Bn1chyspi ra, 131- 133 8rucella ssp., 105-106
transmission, 32:~ birds, 132 BSE, see bovine spongiform encepha-
tre;itmi>nt, .~?..'> cats, 1::\?. Jopathy
bovine immunodeficiency virus, 423- 424 cellular products of medica] interest, bubo, 76, 77
cattle, 42.3, 424 1.31 bubonicplague, /6, 11
510 Index

bumblefoot, 157 transmission, 135 javelinas, 370

Bunyaviridae, 367- 368 treatrnent, 137 laboratory diagnosis, 371
Bunyavirus, 367 variability, 135 leopards, 370
Hurkholderia, 113-116 Carnpylobacter coli, 134 lions, 370
hiorh1'mira l rha ra\tf'r istics, 113, l lS C:arnpylnhacter 1:nncis1L<;, 1:~4 minks, 370
cattle, 115 Campylobacter fctus, J.34, 135, 136, 1.37 mongoosc, 370
cellular products of n1edical interest, Ca1npylobacter helveticus, 134 neurologic discase, 369
113, 115 Carnpylobacter hyointestinalis, 134 old dog encephalitis, 369
adhesins, 115 Cmnpylobacter jejuni, 134, 135, 136, 137 panda, 370
capsule, 113, 115 Cur11pylolJut te1 lulÍ, 134 palhogenesis, 371
con trol, 114, 116 Carnpylobacter mucosa/is, 134 pneun1on ia, 369
dogs, 115 Campylobacter sputon1111, 134 propertiE's, 369-370
ep iue1 11io logy, 114, 115 Can1pylobac:ter upsaliensis, 134, l3(i reservoir, 371
glanclers, 113, 114 Can adian horse pox, 177 resistance, 310
goats, 115 r;in;irypnx vin1s, 3 .1 4 skunks, 370
growth characteristics, 113, 115 Ca11dida a/bicans, 270-272 tigcrs, 370
horses, 114 bu<ls, 271 transrnission, 371
irnm unity, 114, 11 .S cats, 271 treatn1ent, 371- 372
laboratory diugnosis, 114, 116 cattlc, 271 canine herpesvirus, 328-329
rnelioidosis, 113, 115 cellular p rocluc:ts of mellical iutercst, 270 a1Jor lio11, 328
morphology, 113, 114 adhesins, 270 control, 328-329
pathogencsis, 114, 115 control, 272 disease, 328
reservoir, 114, 115 dogs, 271 distribution, 328
resistan ce, 114, 115 epidemiology, 272 dogs, 328
staining, 113, 114 growth characteri.stics, ?.70 clogs, :~28
sl1uclure, 113, 115 horscs, 271 host response, 328
treatrnenl, 114, 116 immunily, ·¡,;;-¿ infectivlt.y for other specics, 328
BTJrkholderio spp., 113 laboratory diagnosis, 272 laboratory diagnosis, 328
bursae, infection, 471 nio rphology, 270 pathogenesis, 328
bursal disease, see infectious bursal pathogenesis, 271 properties, 328
disease reservoir, 271 rese¡voir, 328
structure, 270 transm ission, 328
Cache Valley virus, 367 s~viue, 271 caJ 1iue leproid g1anulo1na synctron1e, 233
Cafl, 75 thrush,271 can ine 1núnocytic ehrlichiosis, 253
C:ag (cytotoxin associated gene product), transmission, 271 canine parainflucnza Type 2 virus, 370,
142 treatn1ent, 272 375
Caliciviridae, 346- 350 Candi da spp., 270 canine parvovirus 'l'ype 2, 306-.308
¡-;ifi•ivirll!;, fpfinP, SPP fp]i nP c<il icivin 1s canclicliasis, 270- 272 conl'rol, 308
California encephalitis viruses, 367 canine adenovirus 1, 31 7, 318 diarrhea, 306, 307
ca1nelpox vlrus, 334 canine aclenovirus-2, 319, 318 <lisease, 306
CAMP reaction (test), 164, 188 canine coronavirus, 388- 389 distribution, 307
Ca1npylobacter, 134-138 control, 389 dogs , 307
ca Ls, 134 discase, 388 infectivity for other species, :307
cattlc, 134, 136 distribution, 389 laboratory diagnosis, 307- 308
cellular products of n1edical interest, <logs, 388, 389 pathogenesis, 307
134 gastroenteritis, 388 properties, 307
adhesins, 1:14 11ost response, 68Y reservoir, 307
Cilps11IP, 13.S in fectivity for other species, 388-389 transmission, 307
ccll ,,vull, 13 5 laborat ory diagnosis, 389 treatment, 308
Cia, 135 pathogenesis, 389 canine respiratory corouaviru~, 384
cytotoxin, 135 properties, 388 caprine arthritis en cephalitis virus,
enterotoxin, 135 reservoir, 389 421- 422
type nr secretor y systcrn, 135 re~hta11ce, 388 arthritis, 421
dogs, 134, 136 transmission, 389 control, 4¿;¿
epiden1i0Jogy, 136 treatn1en t , 389 clisease, 421
g<.>élt:->, 136 cuninc distcmpcr virus, 369- 372 distribu tion, 421
gro•vtl1 cl1aracterislics, 135 baclgcrs, 370 enccphaliti>, 421
imrnunity, 136 bears, 370 goats, 421
laboratory diagnosis, 137 civets, 370 host response, 422
morpl10Jogy, 134 control, 371-:~72 i11fcctivity fur oll11::r :.pecies, 421
pathogenesis, 135 disease. 369 laboratory dia¡,rnosis, 422
reproductive disorders, 136 distribution, 371 mastitis, 421
reservoir, 135 Llog~, 369 pat hogencsis, 421- 422
sheep, 136 fecrets, 370 pneu n1onia, 421
staining, 134 hard pad di seilsf', 369 p roperties, 421
5tructure, 134 host response, 371 rcscrvoir, 421
s~vine, 1:14 infect1v1ty for other species, 370- 371 resistance, 421
Indcx 511

transmission, 421 integumentary system, infectious black disease, 203

treatn1ent, 4L.Z agents, 463 blackleg, 206
caprine herpesvirus, 326 Lagenidiurn, 282 bluetongue virus, 401
Capripoxvirus, 334, 336 leuke.m ia virus, 111 116 botulis1n, 209
carbapenems, 30 Listeria spp., 187 bovine adenovlrus, 318-319
carbcnicillin, scc pcnicillins lung, infectious agents. 489 bovine coronavirus, 384, 387-388
Cardiovirus, 340 lympho·id lissues, infectious agenlS, 439 bovine enterovirus, 340, 343
<.:dr¡Jet.iluy<.:i ll~, 30 Mulu,,.\/::ziu )/Jf'·• 269 l.Juvi ue e(JheJueral fever, 378, 381
caseous lymphadenitis, 177 Microsporurn canis, 274, 275 bovine h erpesvirus, 323- 325
CiltS Mnra-xP.lla r.anis, 12.0 bovine itn1nu11odeficiency virus,
Actinon1yces spp., 216, 217 rnusculoskeletal system, infectious 423- 424
anaerobes, obligate, 193, 195 agents, 469 bov1ne leukcm1a vuus, 419-420
anthrax. 170. 173 Mycohacterium bovis, 227 bovine mammillitis virus, 32.5
l\spergillus, 291 297 Mycoplasma spp., 2-11 218 bovine parainflucnza virus, 370
Bacillus anthracis, 170, 173 nervous system, 1nfectlous agenrs, 476 bovine parvovirus, 306
Rartonel/a spp., 260- 264 Nocardía spp., 219, 220 bovine respiratory syncytial virus, 370
Blaston1yccs, 293 oblígate anacrobes, 193, 195 bovine rhinovirus, 310, 315
calit:i viru~, 349-350 o<.:ular ~ysteu1, iHfe<.:liuus ¡1geuts, 484 !Juvi11e spongiform encephalopatlly
Carnpylobacter coli, 134, 136 otitis externa, 269 (BSE), 431-433
Ca1npylobacter helveticus, 134 paoleukopenia virus, 30S-306 bovine torovirus, 384, 393
Can1pylobactar jcjuni, 134, 136 l'asteurella rnultocida, 84, 85, 88 bovine virus diarrhea virus, 353- 356
Ca111pylobacrer lari, 134 plague, 75 Brucella abortus, 106
Campylobacter upsaliensis. 134 plant awn, 216, 217 Bruce/la melitensis. 106
Candida albicans, ?71 poxvirus, 334 Brucella suis, 106
Chlurnyúophilu (elis, 237 11ytl 1i.u sb, 283 BSE, 431-4'.~3
circulatory system, infcctious agcnts, Pythiurn insidiosurn, 283 Burkholderia pseudornallei, 115
439 rabi<?s virus, 377- 380 Cc1rnpylobc1cter spp., 134- 1:~6
Clostridiurn difficile, 208 reovirus, 398 Ca.n dida albica11s, 271
Clostridiu1n per(ringens, 200 respiratory system, intectious agents, chlamydiosis, 237
C/ostridium pí/iforrne, 208, 209 489 <.hlamyrlophila ahorh1s, ?.:~7
Closlridium l'etaní, 211, 213 .rhin<)trachcitis virus, 329 Chlamydophila pecorum, 237
Coccidioides spp., 285, 287 ring\vorm, 273- 278 circling disease, 187
coccidioidomycosis, 285, 287 •
Salmonel/a, 72 circulatory system. infectious agents,
coronavirus, 381, 389· 390 sarcoma virus, ,111 116 110
Cpe,200 skin, infectious agents,, 463 Clostridiun1 botulinum, 209- 210
Cryptococcus neofi>rmans, 267 spongifonn encephalopat hy, 427 Clostridiu1n chauvoei, 206
d<?rmatophytosis, 273- 278 Streptococc11s canis, 163 Clostridium novyi, Typc B, 203
digestivc sysle1n, infeclious agents, 451 tetanus, 211, 213 C/ostridiurn pe1fiingens Type A, 200
EF-4, 90 Trichophyton 1nentagrophytes, 274, 275 Clostridiurn per{ringens Typc B, 200-201
Enterococcus durans, 166 lul<1remi<1, 117- 118 C/ostridium perfringens Type C, 201
Enterococcus hirae, 166 Tyzzer's disease, 208, 209 Clostridiu1n perfringens Type l), 201
Enterococcus villorurn, 166 urogenlta l syste1n, il1fectlous agenls, Clostrid1u1n sept1cu111, l04-l0~
eugonic fermen ror-4, 90 497 C'/ostridiurn sordel/ii, 209
cyc, iofcctious agcnts, 484 viral rhinotrachcitis virus, 329 Clostridium Ü!tani, 211, 213
feline corona virus, 384, 389- 390 Yerstnia pesris, 75 Cocciáioiáes spp., 285, 287
fcline herpesvirus-1, 329- 330 Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, 78- 79 coccidioidomycosis. 285, 287
feline infectious per.itonitis virus, 384, cat scratch disease, 262 coronavirus, bovine, 384, 387- 388
389- 390 Clla11hal
e feve1. ' 401
. Coryr11:buclt:riurn p~eudolubt:rc:ulosis, 178
feline leukemia virus (FeLV), 414-416 cattle Corynebacteriurn renale group, 178-179
feline panleukopenia virus, 305-306 Abiotrophio, 167 Coxiella burnetii, 251- 252
felinc sarco1na virus, 414-416 abscess, 178, 195 Cryptoc(1cc11s 11eofi1r111a11s, 267
feline spongiform encephalopathy, 427 Actinobacillus spp., 9l, 94 dcrn1atophilosis, 220, 221
feline viral rh inotracheitis virus, 329 Actinornyces spp., 216- 217 Derrnatophilus, ?.20, 221
r:eLV, 111 116 adcnovirus, bovinc, 318- 319 dcrr.n atophytosis, 273-278
foxra11, 216, 217 Afr!can llearrvvater disease, 254 eastern equine encepl1alitis virus,
Francisella tularensis, 117- 118 Aino virus, 367 351-353
gastn>intestinal system, infectious Akabane virus, 367 Ehrlichia ruminantium, 254
agents, 4 51 anaerobes, obllgate, 193, 195 Enterococcus durans, 166
Haemophilus fe/is, 98 Anaplasrna phagoc.vtophilurn, 259 Enterococcus hirae, 166
}Jelicobacter bi7.zozeroni, 142 Anaplc1sma spp., 257 Enterococcus villoru.m, 166
llelicobacter ce1nis, 145 anthrox, 170, 172 C::IJ l<::1.VlVJ<.<::111Íd, 200-201
HelicofJacter Cinaecli, 145 Arcanobacteriurn pyogenes, 168- 169 enterovirus, hovine, 340, 343
fielicohacter marmotae, 145 Arcobacter spp., 138 t>ph<>mf>r>l 1 ff>vf>r, bov\ne, 378, 381
T-l'elicobacter pylori, 115 Aspergí/tus, 296 F,scherichia co/i (EAggEC), 64
herpesvirus-1, 329-330 bacillary hen1oglobinuria, 204 Escherictlia coli (EPEC), 65
infectious peritonitis virus, 384, Bacillus anthracis, 170, 172 Escherichia coli (ETEC), 63
389-390 Sacillus cereus, 174 Eschcrichia coli (invasivc), 64
51 2 Index

\..d l l h:: (Lu11Li1111el/) Pseudo111011<1S aeruginosa, 123 mcchanism of aclion, 28, 30

F.scherichia coli 0157:H7, 65-66 pyelonephritis, 178 rcsistance, .$U
cyc, infectious agents, 484 pythin.~is, 7.R1 cephalothin, see cephalosporins
foot and mouth disease virus, 339-342 Pythiurn insidiosun1, 283 ccphurnyc ins, 30
foul s, 197 Q fever, 251-252 ccrcoplthcclne herpesvtrus-1, 330
gastrointestinal tract, infectious agents, rabies virus, 377-380 cervical lyn1phatlcnitis, 162, 216
452 ra in rot , 220 221 cervicitis, 502
gastrointestinal tract, normal flora, 449 rain scald, 220, 221 celacea11 lvforbillivirus, 370
Granulicatella, 167 red ~vatcr disease, 204 chauveolysin, 206
Hae1nophilus so1nnus, see Histophilus reovirus, 398 chickcn adenovirus, 31R
:.u1111 u respiratory syncytial virus, bovin11, 370 chicken infectious anemia virus, 310-311
hcmorrhagic enteritis, 200 respiratory system, intectious agents, Cl1/a111ydia, see also C/1/arnydiaceae
herpesvirus, bovine, 323- 325 490 Ch/a111ydit1ceae, 235- 239
Histoplrilus so11111i, 98 rhinovirus, bovinc, 340, 345 abortion, 237
IBR, 32:$ rinderpest virus, 370 arthrlrls, 237
imm11no<lrficirncy virus, hovine, ringwor1n, 273-278 avian, 237
423-424 rotavirus, 101, 105 cats, 236
1nfcct1ous bovine rl1inotracheiti~ virus, Salrnonella, 71 callle, 237
323 sh ipping fever, 87 cellular products ot medica! interest,
infcctious pododer matitis, 197 skin, infectious agen ts, 464 /.3.'\
lnfecrlous bovine keratucu11ju11clivil b, ~po1adic bovine encephalomyclitis, 237 adhcsins, 235
121 Staphylococcus aureus, l.'>6 cell wau, 235
intcgumentary system, infectious Stnphylororn1.~ PpidPrn1idis, 1:'i6 chickens, 237
agents, 464 Staphylococcus hyic11s, 156 conjunctivitis, 236
Johnc's disease, 230 Staphylococcus sdurí, 156 control, 239
Leptospirn serovar cnnirola, 14R Staphylococcus xylos11s, 156 ecology, 237
Leptospirc1 serovar. grippotyplrosa, 148 Strcptococcus agalactiae, 163 enteritis, 236
Leptosp1ra se rovar. hardjo, 148, 150 Streptococa1s dysgalactlae, 163 eµ¡;y, 238
1.eptnspira serovar. icterohaernorrlzagiae, Streptococcus uberis. 163 goats, 237
148 sununer 1nastitis, 169 growth characterístícs, 7..3.S
Lepcosplra serovar. pornona, 148, 150 TEME, 98 hu111ans, 236
Jcukcmia virus. bovine, 419-420 tetanus, 2 11, 213 imniunity, l.i8
Listeria spp., 187 thromboe1nbolic mcningocncephalitis, lahon1tory d iagnos is, 238
lu11.1vy jaw, 216- 217 98 life cycle, 235
lung, infectiuus agents, 490 tick-borne tevcr, 259 lyn1phogranuloma venereun1, 236
lymphoid tissues, infectious agent~. 440 torovirns, hovinr, 184, :~9:~ morphology, 235
malignan! catarrhal fever virus, 325 Trichophyton vcrrucos11111, 374, 375 ncrvous sys te1n, 237
mallgnant edema, 205 tuberculosis, 226 ornlrhosls, 237
mammillitis virus, bovine. 325 urogenital system, infcctious agents, pathogcnesis, 237
Man11heilnia glucosida, 85 498 pncurnonia, 236
Mannhei1nia gra11ulun1alis, 85 Vl:'~h.:ular ~tu111alili) vil u~, 378, 380-381 psittacosis, 237
Man11'1ei1nia haen1olytica, 84- 85, 87 virus diarrhea virus, bovine, 353-356 reservoir, 237
/'v1an11heimia n1minalis, 85 wooden tonguc, 94 resi~t;i n r-P, 7.1.'\-216
M111111h11i11úa varig11na, 85 Yersi nia e11terocolitica, 79 roc.lents, 236
mastltis, 219, 241, 267 Yersinia pseur.totuberculos1s, 19 sexually transmitted disease, 236
mastitis, in fpcti ons agPnt.~. 467 (~CFA 111edi um, 208 sheep,237
me lioidosis, 115 ccfudroxil, scc ccphalosporins staining, 235
Moraxella /Jovis, !Zl cefamandole, see cephalosporlns stru<.:lur~. 235
musculoskeletal system, infectious cefeplme, see cephalosporins tracho1na, 236
agents, 169 cefopecazone, see cephalosporins transmission, 237
Myco/Jacrerit11n aviu111 ssp. parat11ben11- ct::fula,'tj111e, ~ee cephalosporins treatmcnt, 239
losis, 230 cefoxitin, see cephalosporins turkcys, l.$1
Mycobacteri11n1 bovis, 226 cefpiromc, scc cephalosporin~ variahility, 236
Mytoplusnia spp., 241- 248 ceftazidime, see cephalosporins C/1/an1ydia 11111ridar11tn, 236
nervous systen1, intectious agcnts, 4/ I cefuroxime, see cephalosporins Chlan1ydta SI/IS, 236
Norardia ~pp., 7.19 cell mediated imrnunity, infectious Chla111ydia traclzo1natis, 236
normal flora, gastroin testinal tract, 449 disease, 118 Chla111ydophila, see also Chlamydiacene
nutritionally variant strepto<X>CCI, 167 cellular 1n1munlty, viral, 302, 303 C/ilur11yiloplriht abort11s, 236
obliga te anaerobes, 193, 195 CEM (contagious equinc metritis), 125 Chlan1ydopl1ila caviae, 2 36
ocular system, infectiou s agents, 484 cep halex in, see ccphalos porins Chlan1ydophila ft'lis, 7.36
paralnHuenza virus, bovine, 370 ct::plialu1 idinc, sce cephalosporins Clrlarnydophila pt·coru111, 236
parvovi rus, bovine, 306 cephalosporins, 28, 30 Cl1/an1ydopt1íla pne11111oniae, 236
l'aste11rella lymphangitis, 85 absorption, 30 C/1/a111ydophila psittaci, 236
P<1st<:u1clla 111ultocida, 84, 85, 87 antimicrobial activity, 30 chlamydospore, 270
l'asteurella trelzalosi, 84-8~ <listribution, 30 chloramphcnicul, 28, 33
po<lo<IPrmatítís, infrctious, 197 excretion, 30 absorption, 33
poxvirus, 334 generations, 30 adverse effects, 34
Index 513

cHlli1uicrobial aclivity, 33 ducks, 210 red water disease, 204

distribution, 33 epidcmiotogy, 211 reservoir, 204
<->xcrf'tion, ~~ fish, 21 O t·ransrnission, 204
rcsistancc, 33 gccsc, 210 trcatincnt, 204
Chloririáovirus, 314 grass sickness, equine, 211 Clostridium novyi, 202- 204
cholcra. avian, 88 horses, 210, 211 bigheacl, 203
Chordopoxviridae, 333 hun1an, 210 black disease, 203
chor1oretln1tts, 486 la!Joratory diagnosis, 211 cellular products of 1n edtcal lnterest,
chromoblastomycosis, 283, 284 lamzickte, 211 203
ch.ronic wasting disease agent, 433- 434 lin1bern eck, 211 alpha toxin, 2 03
control, 434 rnink, 210 beta toxin, 203
deer, 4~3 pathogenesis, :llU, <'.11 delta toxin (novyilysin), 20:~
rl isease, 4:~3 reservoir, 21 O Pp silon toxin, 20~
clk, 433 rcsi:;tancc, 210 eta toxin, 203
host-prion relationship, 433 sheep, 210 gamma toxin, 203
laboratory diagnosis, 434 trans1nission, 210 novyilysin. 203
properties, 433 treatment, 211 zet a toxin, 203
lr e<1l11 re u L, 434 varial>ili ly, 210 control, 204
Cia, 135 waterfowl, 210 epidemiology, 203
C'.1D(co111bined imrounode.fici.en t) foal, Clostridi//rn chauvoei, 206-207 Fasciola hepatica, 203
Nocardia, 219 hlackleg, 206 gas gangrene, 203
ciprofloxacin, sec fluoroquinolones cattle, 206 goats, 203
circling disease. 187 cellular products of rnedical interest, irn1n11nity, 20~
Circoviridae (ciccoviruses), 309 311 206 J.aboratory diagnosis, 203, 204
c1rculatory system and lymphotd ttssue, alpl1a roxin, 206 liver flukes, 203
437- 445 beta toxin. 206 pathogenesis, 203
antimicrobial properties, 437 chauveolysin, 206 reservoir, 203
Jlotcl, 437- 438 della Loxin (chauveoly sin), 206 )lieep, 203
infections, 438 gam1na toxin, 206 transmission, 203
infectious agents and conditions, neuranünidase, 206 treatn1ent, 204
438- 442 sialidase, 206 water buffalo, 203
cats, 439 control, 207 Clostridium perfringens, 198- 202
C<l ttle, 440 •
epid<->rniology, ?.06 1pacas, 7.00

dogs, 438 imn1unity, 206 cats, 201

goa rs, 4':1U lanoratory a1agnos1s, zoo, 207 cattle, zoo, 201
horses, 439 pat hogenesis, 206 ccllular products of medica! interest,
poultry, '1A2 reservoir, 206 198
sheep,440 tra11~111b~iu11, 206 atlht:!)Í!l), 198
S\vine, 441 treatrnent, 207 alpha toxin· (Cpa, Ple), J99
CJL) (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease), 427 Clostridi11rn colin11m, 199, 209 beta toxin (Cpb), 199
Cladophialophora, 283 Clu:;tridiurn difTilile, 207- 208 l>t:!la2 loxi11 (Cpb2), 1.99
Cladosporium, 283 cats, 208 capsule, 199
c larithro1nycin, see macrolides cellular products of n1edical interest, entcrot oxin (Cpe), 200
clc1ssical swine Cever virus (hog cholera 207 epsilon toxin (Etx), 199
virus), :~53, :~59 adhesins, <:O/ fibronectin-binding protein, 198
clavnl;:in i c ;:ici rl, 29, ~O AO P-ri hosyltra n sferase, 207 hemolysin, 200
clindamycin, scc l:incosa111·idcs capsule, 207 i()ta toxin (ltx), 199
cJostridial enterotoxemia, 200, 201 Cwp66, 207 kappa toxin (couagenase), 200
Clostridiutn. 198- 214 toxin A (ToxA). 207 mu toxin (hyaluronidase). 200
biochernical charactcristics, 198 toxin B (ToxB), 207 perfringolysin O, 200
growlh charac.lerislics, 198 toxins, 207 regulation of viru lence genes, 200
morphology, 198 diarrhea, 208 sialidase, 200
resist;:incP, 198 rlogs, ?.08 theta (perfringolysín <)), 200
staining, 198 horscs, 208 contro l, 202
strucrure, 198 pathogenesis, 208 diarrhea, 201
Clostridiurn argentinense, 209, 210 primates. 208 dogs, 201
Clostridium botulinurn, 209- 211 reservoir, 208 enterotoxemia, 200, 201
hotulism, 209 transm ission, 208 epidemlology, 201
cattle, 210 varia bility, 207, 208 focal symmetrical encephalomalacia.
cellular products of medica! \nterest, Clostridium haemolyticum, 204 201
209 lJacillary lit:!11Juglul>iuuria, 204 gas gangren e, 200
botulinuro, 209 cattle, 204 goats, 200, 201
( '.2 toxin, ?,JO control, 204 horses, 200, 201
C3 cxc>cnz)'·mc, 210 cpidcn1iology, 204 in\n.1.uni.ty, 202
chickens, 210 tmmunity, 204 laboratory diagnosis, <:U<:
control, 211 Jaboratory diagnosis. 204 lamh dysentery, 200
dogs, 210 pathogenesis, 201 Naglc.r rcaction, 202
514 lndex

Clu~li idiurri per (r in¿;ens (curtlirtut:d) gvaL~, 213 con Lagious caprine pleuropnetu11onía,
overeating disease, 201 gro•Nth characteristics, 212 241
pathogenesis, 200 horscs, 213 cornbined i n1munorlf'ficif'nt (<~TD)foal,
pulpy kidney dísease, 201 immunity, 213 Nocardia, 219
reservoí r, l 98 laboratory d1agnos1s, 213 commcnsal microorganis.m.s, 3
sheep, 200, 201 morphology, 211, 212 co1nn1ensal, 3
!.; truck, 201 pathogenesis, 213 con1n1ensalism, 3
svvine, 201 reservoir, 213 competitive exclusion, 72
transmission, 198 sheep. 213 complement, 7
treatment, 202 sivine, 213 anaphylotoxins (C3a, <.::Sa), 7
yellow larulJ tlbt:ast:, ZOO le laJt u~, 213 innale i.L11111unity, 7
yellows, 200 transmission, 213 c:onidioholus, 297
Clostridium pilifornre, 208-209 treatmC'nt, 214 con junctivitis, 48::1
cats, 208 varíability, 212, 213 contagious bovínc plcuropncumonia, 243
control, 208 clotri.n1azole, see imidazoles contagious caprin e pleuropneumonia,
floes, ?.08 cloxacillin, see penicillins 244
epi<lemiology, 208 CNF (cytotoxic nccrotizing factor), 62 contagious ecthyma of sheep ( orf), 334,
gerbils, zos coah'lllase (stapllylococcal), 15 3, 155 335
hamsters. 208 Coccidioides spp. , 285-289 contagious equine metritis (CEM), 125
hares, 208 cats, 287 Corynebocterium pilns11n1 (Type JTT), 178
horst:s, 208 cattle, 287 Coronaviridae, 383-393
lahoratory diagnosis, 208 cellular prottucts ot rnedical interest, Coronavirus, 383, 384
pathogcnesis, 208 28S- 287 corona virus, bovine, see bovine coron-
rabbits, 208 adhcsin, 285- 286 av1rus
rats, 208 beta i,3 glucanosyltransferase, 287 coronavlrus, canine, see cauine corou-
rf'Sf'íVO ir, 208 bcta-glucosídase-2 (Bgl2), 286 avir us
rhcsus rnonkcys, 208 chitinase 1 (Ctsl), 286 287 coronavírus, feline, see feline enteric
snow leopards, 208 serine protease, 287 coronavirus
transmission, 208 SOVVgp, 286 coronavirus. equine, 384, 391
trcatment, 208 urease, 287 coronavin.ts, human, 384
Tyzzer's dlsease, 208 coccidioidiu, 285 COf O!laVit us, 1abbil, 384
Clostridiurn septicurn, 204- 206 control, 289 coronavirus, rat, 384, 391
bradsot, 205 dogs, 287 coronavirus, resp irator y, canine, 384
IJrax.y, 205 epidenliology, 287, 288 Corynebacteriu111 spp., 175- 180
cattle, 206 growth characteristics, 287 c;orynebacteriu111 cystirlis (l'ype 11), 118
cellular products of 1nedical interest, horses, 287 <~orynP.har.tP.riu1n psr.udntuherculnsis,
204 in1munity, 288 175- 178
a lpha toxin, 20.'.> laboratory diagnosis, 288 biocl1e1nical characreriStics, 175
heta toxin, 205 rnorphology, 285 c: anadian horse pox, 177
delt3 toxin (septicolysín O), 205 pathogenesi.s, 287 caseous lymphadenitis, 177
gan1111a toxin, 205 reservoir, 287 cattle, 178
septicolysin O, 205 sheep, 287 cellular products of 1nedical interest,
toxins, 204, 205 spherulin, 285 175
cunLrvl, 206 slruc Lurc, 285 ce11 wall, 175
cpidcmiology, 205 swíne, 287 exotoxins, 175
goats, 206 transmission, ?.87 iro n acquisition gene, 175
imtnunity, 205 trcat1ncnt, 289 iro n , 175
laboratory diagnosis, 205 valiey fever, 285 phosphollpase D, 175
malignant edema. 204 Coccidioides inirnitis, 285- 289 seríne protease, 175
pathogenesis, 205 Coccidioides posadasii, 285-289 control, 178
prlrnates, 206 C()CCidioidin, 285 t:pidenliology, 178
reservoir. 205 coccidioido1nycosis, 285-289 equine type, 176
sheep,206 Cochlíobolus, 284 goats, 177
Lrcut:>Hti5sion, 205 coi ta) exanthen1a, equine, 322 growth characteristics, 175
trcatment, 206 colibacillosis ot towi, 66 rlaematobius irritans, 177
Clostridi1un sordPllii, 199, ?.09 c:olonizat ion resistance, 4, 446 hockey puck, 175
<::lostridiu111 spiro/orme, 199, 209 antibody, 4 horses, 177
Clostridium tetarli, 211- 214 defensins, 4 horses, 177
cats, 213 innate irnn1unity, 6 humans, 178
catt!C', 213 lactoferrin, 4 immunity; 178
celiular products of n1edlcal interest, lysozyrue, 4 laboralory diagnosis, 178
212 norrnal flora, 4, 6, 47 morphol.ogy, 17S
tetanolysin (tetanospa smin) , 212 org<>nic <>cids, 4 pathogf'nf'sis, 177
tctanus toxi11, 21 2 Sa/Jnonella , 70, 71, 72 pectoral ab scess, 177
control, L:l4 Shigella, 82 plgeon fever, 177
<1ogs, 21 :3 stress, 47. 70 reservoir, 176
cpidcn1iolo¡,,ry, 213 contagious hovine pleuropneumonia, 241 resistance, 175
lndex 515

sheep type, 176 growt h charactcristics, 265 bemagglutination inhibition test, 24

sheep, 177 laboratory diagnosis, 267 immunodiffusion, 24
staining, 175 111a~li u~, 267 itn 1nunofluorescence, 23
structure, 175 meningitis, 267 n10Jecular techni ques, 24
treatment, 178 morphology, 265 nu clei<: <icid hybridization, 7-A
ulceralive ly1nphangitis, 177 pathogenesis, 265 poly1nerase chain reaction (PCR), 24
varia bilily, 1/6 res1stance, zo:i rad101.IDmunoassay, z~
Coryne1Jacteriu1n renale (Type l), 178 t ransmission, 265 serology, 24
Cor}nabact<:riurn renale group, ·178 - 180 trcatment, 267- 268 serum virus neutralization test, 24
bJochemical characteristlcs, 179 Cryplulvl·l·us neu(urrnuns, 265- 268 ~pe<.:i11le11 l 1a11tlli1 1g, 20
cattle, 179 CS31A adhesin, 61 specimens to collect, 18- 20
cellular products of medical interest, culture techniques (bacteria!) Western blot analysis, 25
178 "split plates", 16 dend ritic cells, 10
adhesins, 178 aerobic, 16 deoxy-V-glucose (Z-deoxy-l>-glucose), 43
cell w:il l, 178 ;in;ie rohir., 16 /)ermatophi/us congn/ensis, 220- 222
control, 180 brilliant green agur, 59 cattlc, 220, 22J
epidemiology, 179 differential media, 59-60 con trol, 222
goats, 179 enrichment media, 60 epidemiology, 221
growth characteristics, J 79 gen eral, 16 goats, 220, ?21
i.UHllUHily, 179 g 1a1n nega ti ve (GN) brolh, 60 g1 ease heel, 220, 221
laboratory diagnosis, 179 Hektoen enteric agar, 59 gro\-vth charactcrist ics, 221
morphology, 178 MacConkey agar, 59 horses, 220, 221
pathogenesis, 179 selenite broth, 60 inJn1unity, 221
pizzle rot, 179 tetrathionate broth, 60 laboratory diagnosis, 221-222
pyf>lon f>phriti~ (hovinP), 179 XT.O (xylosP lysin <> c!PoxyrholritP), S9 lnmpy wonl, ?.?.O, ?.?.1
reservoir, 179 xylose lysine deoxycholate (XLD) agar, 1norphology, 220
resistance, 179 59 pathogenesls, 221
sheep, 179 curli, 61 rain rot , 220, 221
staining, 178 Curvularia., 283, 284 rain scald, 220, 221
~l1 uclu1e, 178 cycloserine, 26 reservoir, 221
transmission, 179 cystitis, 499 sheep, 220, 221
treatment, 180 cystitis, infectious agents, 500 staining, 220
CO"'POX virus, 333, 334 • cytolethal-distending toxin (Cdt), 63 strawberry footrot, 220, 221
Coxiel/a burnetii, 251-252 cytolysin A, 63 structure, 220
abortion, 7.:'i7. cytotoxic necrotizing factor (CNF), 62 transmission, 221
amoebae, 251 cytotoxic' f' ccll, scc lymph ocytc treatmen.t, 222
cattle, 251 cytotoxin (Moraxella), 119 dermatophllosls, 220
control, 252 cytotoxin associated gene product (Cag), dermatophyte test medium (DTM), 276
crayfish, 251 142 dermatophytes, 273- 278
goats, 251 <.:ab, 275
irn1nunity, 252 danofloxacin, see fluoroqu inolones cattle, 275
laboratory diagnosis, 252 deer adenovirus, 318 chickens, 27$
rnilk, 251 defen.stDs, 6 control, 278
pathogenesis, 252 Veltaretrovin1s, 410 dogs, 2/':>
pneumonia, 252 ciPmatia<Pons f11ngi, 28'.i, 297 epiciemiology, 274-275
Q fever, 251 de1nonstration of infectious agen.t (bacter- goats, 275
sheep,251 ia!, fungal), l'.> growth charactcnstics, 273
trp;1tm f>nt, 7.S?. culture techniques, 16 horses, 275
vasculitis, 252 cytological t cchniqucs, 16 immunity, 275
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), 427 direct smear, 15 laboratory diagnosis, 275
(~rimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, Giemsa stain, 16 morphology, 273
368 Gram's stain, 16 pathogenesis, 274
C1ossiella equi, 219 n1olecular, in1n1unologic technigues, 17 rese1:voir, 273
cryptococcosis, 265- 268 nucleic acid hybridization, 17 resistance, 273
Cryptococcus, 26$- 268 polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 17 sheep, 275
biochemical characteristics, 265 Romanovsky-type stain, lG swine, 275
cats, 267 serology, 1/ trans1nission, 274
r.attle, 267 specimen handli n g, 1.'i tr<>J1tment, 278
cellular prodi1cts of mcdical intcrcst, Wright's stain, 16 variabilily , 273
265 demonstration of infectious agent (viral), dermatophytosis, 273-278
mannitol. 265 17 dermonecrotic toxin (Bordetella), 102
1n elanin, 265 animal inoculation, 23 dermonecrotic toxin (Pasteure/la), 86
pliuspholipasc, 265 co111ple111e11l fixalio11, 24 tliau1outl 5kü1 tli5<::a~e, 182
sialic acid, 265 cultivation, 20-23 cliarrhea, infectious agents, 451, 452, 453,
rontrol, 267-268 <>IP<tron mi<ros<opy, ?.3 454
dogs, 267 enzyrne linked immunosorbant assay cats, 451
epidemiology, 267 (ELISA), 24, 25 cattle, 452
516 Intlex

diarrhea, infectious agents (co11ti11ued) Brachyspirapilosicoli, 131, 132 lung, infcctious agents, 489
dogs, 451 Bn1cella canis, 106 lymphoid tissues, infer.tio11~ agPnt~, 41R
goats, 453 Cantpylobacter coli, 134, 136 Malcrssezía spp., 269
horscs, 451 Carnpylobacter ftelveticus, ·1,34 Microspor111n canis, 274, 275
pn11l1 ry, 454 Carnpylobacter ¡ejuni, 134, 136 Microsporurn gypseurn, 274, 275
shccp,453 Ccnnpylobacter /ari, 134 musculoskeletal system, infectious
swine, 453 Can1pylobac1er upsallensls, 134 agents, 469
Dichelobacter nodosus, 195-197 Candida albicans. 271 Mycobacteriu111 bovis, 227
catlle, 196 canine adenovirus 1, 3 17-318 Neorickeltsi(/ hel11ti11thoecn, 255
cellular proclucts of meclical intcn:~t, <.a1úue tli~te1uver viru), 369-372 ncr vous syste1u, i.nfecliou5 agents, 476
195 canine herpesvirus, 328-329 i\Jocardia spp., 219-220
adhcsins, 195 canine monocytic chrlichiosis, 254 norm:il f1or;i, g;1'>trointf'_~tinal tracl, 450
ccll 1v,1ll, 195 canine parvovirus Typc 1, 306 obligate anacrobcs, 193, 195
virulence associated locus (Vrl), 195 canine parvovirus ·1ype :l, JUó-308 ocular systcm, infectious agents, 484
virulence associatPrl prntPin (V;ip), canine respiratory coronavirus, 384, otitis externa. 269
195 388-389 parvovi rus Type 1, 306
control, LY/ circulatory system, lnfet:tlous agcnts, parvovtrus Type 2, 306- 308
rp ide111io logy, 196. 197 438 Pasteurella canis, 85, 88
growth charactcristics, 196 C /ostridium botulinurn, 209-210 Pcrsle11rella dagnratis, 85
lmmunlty, 197 Cluslridi urn difll<.ilc:, 208 Pasteurr.:lla 111ultodda, 84, 85, 88
laboratory diagnosis. 197 Clostridiun'I perfrinxens, 200 Pasteurella ston1aNs, 85
n1orphology, 195 Clostridium pilifonne, 208-209 pie'~ Pl!r~. Sa/111onella, 72
(JélllJO¡)CllC~b, 196 ClostTidhun tetani, 211, 213 plague, 77
reservoir, 196 c.;occidioides spp., 285, 28/ plant awns, 216, 217
resistance, 196 corridioic1nmyro.~i~. 2R."i, 287 Pse11do111011as aeruginosa, 123
shecp, 196 Cpe, 200 pythiosis, 283
staining, 195 Cryptococcus neo(onnans, 267 Pythl11111 l11sldtos11111, 283
tr;in~mi~~ion, 19¡:; <lermatophytosis, 273-278 rabies virus, 377-380
trcntincnt, 197 distcmper virus, 369 372 reovirus, 398
Dicnes stain, 240 .EF-4, 90 re~¡.iiratucy 1..u1u1 1avi1 us, 384, 388- 389
difloxacin. see fluoroquinolones Ehrlichia canis, 255 resµiralory system, infectious agents,
digestive systcm, 446-457 Enterococcus durcrns, 166 489
antl m lt:robial propert ies, 446 Enlr:ruLUC.LU~ hirue, 166 Rickcttsia rickct:tsii, 250- 251
flora, 447-450 Enterococcus villon11n, 166 ringworm, 273-278
infcctions, 450 ErJ1Sipelothrix, 183 Rock)' Mo11nt;iin ~pnttf'c1 frvP r, 2S0- 2S1
infecliOU$ agent5 and conditions, Escherichia coli (EPEC), 65 salmon poisoning, 255
451-45:~ Escherichia coli (.E.TJ:,C), óJ Sal111011ella spp., 72
<'lit~. 4."i1 E~c/1erichia coli (i nvasive), 64 skin, infectious agents, 463
cnttlc, 452 cugonic fcrmcntor-1, 90 Staphylococc11s hyicus, 157
dogs, 451 cyc, infcctious agents, 48'1 Srapl1ylococL11s inlt'nnedius, 153, 156
goats, 453 Fle.xispira (Helicobacter). 142 Stapl1ylococa1s schleiferi ssp. coaxula11s,
horses, 451 foxtails, 216, 217 153, 156
puultry,454 ga:.lrui11le~li1 1 al l1a1..t, i11ít:1..Liuu5 agents, Streptococcus canis, 163
shccp, 453 451 teta nus, 211, 213
s1.vine, 453 gastrointestinal tract, 11or1nal flora, 450 ti«k-hornp fPvi>r, ?.S9
d iphtheroid, 175 llacn1opltilu.s ltac111oglobí11ophilus, 98 Trichoph)'ton rncntagrophytcs, 274, 275
l1ircct sn1ear, 15 1-1e/1cobalter bilis, 142 Tyzzer's dlsease, 208- 209
rl isrnspondyl itis, 108, 156, 2 16, 296 Helicobacter bizzozeronii, 142 urinary tract, infeclious agents, 500
disscminnlion ofvirus, 301 Hclicobactcr canis, 1'15 urogcnital system, infectious agents,
dlst emper, canine, see canine disremper Helfcobaaer cinaedl, 142 497
distemper, phocine, 370, 372 Helicobacter fe/is, 142 UTI, 500
DNA vac<.ines, -18, 52 Hclicobacter fennelliae, 145 Yersinia pestis, 77
dogs Helkobuc.ler su/0111011is, 1'12 draining tract, 194
Acti110111yces spp., 216, 217 hcrpcsvirus, 328-329 UT 104, see ::,a/1no11ella fyplumunum DT
adene>virus 1, 317-318 Histoplasrna cnp~11lnh1n1, ?.91 104
anacrobcs, obligatc, 193, 195 histoplasmosis, 289-292 DTM (dcrmatophyte test medium), 276
Anaptas111a przagocytopl11lu111, 2;:, 9 integumentary system, lnfectious duck hepatitis vi rus, 340, 345
A11apla.~n1a platys, 259 agents. 463 control. 345
onthrnx, 170, 173 kennel cough, 10'1, 319, 375, 388 di seas e, 345
Aspr1;<;illus, 296 Lagenidium, 282 du<.k~, 345
Racillus anthracis, 170, 173 Cawsonia, 139 host-virus relationship, 345
/Jartonella spp., 260- 264 Leptospircr serovar. cnnicola, 148-149 laboratory diagnosis, 34.<i
/Jlastu111yces, 293 Leplospira scrovar. gríppotyplrosa, propcrties, 345
Rordetella bronchiseptica, 10-l 148- 149 treatmcnt, 345
botulism, 209 l Rptn~pira ~Prov;ir. ictern/1ae111orr/1agiae,
Bmclrrspira canis, 131 148-149 EAggEC, see enteroaggregative Esc/lericlria
lirac11ysp1ra f1yodyse11tenae, 1J:l Listeria spp., 187 col/
lndex 517

EASTl, 61- 62 endogenous pathway, antigen processing, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC),
eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) , 48 65
351- 353 endo111etTitis, 502 cnterotoxemia, clostridial, 200, 201
birds, 351 endothrix, 274 enterotoxigenic Hscf1erichia coli (ETEC),
cattle, 353 Pndotoxi>mia, 64-6.'i 6'.~-64

control, 353 endotoxin, 5, 57 Enterovirus, 340
disease, 3~1 CD14, 5, 57 enterovirus, bovine, 340, 345
distribution, 351 host response, 65 enterovirus, porcine, 340, 342
horscs, 351 Toll-Jike receptors, S, 57 enterovirus, simian, 340
llost response, 351 - 352 euriclunent rnellia, 60 Ent.urnupuxviridue, 333
infectivity for other specíes, 351 enrofloxacin, see fluoroquinolones enzootic bovine leukosis, 419
laboratory diagnosis, 353 enteric redmouth, 80 en2yn1e linked immunosorbant assay
pathogenesis, 351 enterics, see En.terobacteriaceae (E.LISA}, 14
properties, 351 enteroaggregativc E. coli heat-stable toxin eosinophil, AVCC 12
reservoir, 35:1 (F.AST l ), 61 - 62 a nti-p;i rasite rPsponse, 12
resistance, 351 cntcroaggrcgativc Escherichia coli major basic prot.cin, 12
svvine, 353 (EAggEC), 61- 62 EPEC, see enteropathogenic Escherichia
transm·i ssion, 351 Enterobacteriaceae, 57- 60 coli
treatrnent, 353 ceJJ anatomy, 57 Eperythrozoon, 248
El>ola viru~, 376 co111posiLioJ1, 57 e¡.il1e111entl fever virus, l.>oviue, 378, 281
ectothrix, 274 culture characteristics, 59 Epherrnerovirus, 377
ectrome.lia virus, 334 grotvth characteristics, 58 epididyn1itis, 503
edema discasc, 66 Jaboratory diagnosis, 59 epizootic hcmorrhagic disease, 399, 403
EEE, see eastern equine encephalitis morpl101ogy, SI epizootic lympl1angitis, 279-281
EF-4, 90 resistance, .'i8 F.psilonretrnvirus, 410
P.HEC, ~ce cntcrohe1norragic Eschcrichia staining, 57 cquinc adcnovirus, 318, 319
co/i variability, 58 equinc arteritis virus, 394- 395
Ehrlich, Paul, 26 enterobacterial common antigen. 57 control. 395
Ehrlichia, 253-254 enterobactin, 7J disease, 394
Africau lleartwater dbease, 254, 165- 167 di:;Lrj!Ju liu11, 394
canine monocytic ehrlichiosis, 253 biochernical characteristics, 165 horses, 394, 395
control, 254, 255 cats, 166 host response, 395
dogs, 253 • cattle, 166 Jaboratory diagnosis, 395
immunity, 254, 255 cellular prot1ucts ot medica! intercst, 165 pathogenesis, 395
Jabora tory diagnosis, ?.54, ?..SS aggri>gation s11hst;inr.P, 16.1' reproctuctive, ~94
Ondiri disease, 254 capsule, 165 reservoir, 394
pathogenesis, 253, 254 cell wall, 16) respnatory, 3 94
treatment, ?.54, ?.SS cytolysin, 165 transmission, 394
Ehrlichia canis, 253 cxtraccllular supcroxidc, 165 trcatment, 395
J::hrlicl11a cl1affeensis, 253 gel.atinase, 165 equine coita! exanthema, 322
Ehrlichia equi, see Anaplasma phagocy- iron, 165 equine coronavirus, 384, 391
tophilum control, 167 equine encephalosis virus, 399, 404
ehr/ichia ei.vin3ii, 253 Liogs, 166 cquine grass sickness, 211
Ehrlichia ondíri, 254 cpidemiology, 166 equine llerpesvirus-l, 321 -~~22
Ehrlichia ovis, 253 growth characteristics, 165 eq11inP hPrpP~vin1s-?., 3?.?.
Ehrlichia pha¿;ocy/'oplzila., see Anaplas1na horses, 166 equine herpesvirus·3 (equine coi tal
phagocytophilun1 Iaboratory diagnosis, 166 exanthen1a), 322- 323
F.hrlir.hía platys, see Anaplasma platys morphology, 165 cquine herpesvirus-4 (equine rhinopneu-
Ehrlichia risticii, scc lvcorickcttsia risticii pathogencsis, 165 monitis), 323
Ehrlichia rurninantium, 253 rcscrvoir, 165 equine herpesviruses, 320- 323
ELlSA (cnzyme linked iinmunosorbant resistance, 165 control, 322, 323
assay), 14 rodents, 166 disease, 3?0, 321, 3?2, 323
Eloki1n.iu fluke fever, 255 staining, 165 dislribulion, 321, 322, 323
EMJH medium, 151 swine, 166 equine coita) cxanthema, 322
encephalitis, 479 transmiss ion, 165 equine rhinopneumonitis, 323
cnccphalomalacJa, focal, 201. treatment, 167 horses, 320, 322- 323
enccphalon1yelitis virus, avtan, see avían Enterococcus durans, 16~, 166 llost response, 3Zl- 322
encephalornyelitis Enterococcus faecalis, 165, 166 infectivity for other species, :~20
cnccphalomyocarditis virus, 340, 343 Enterococcus faccium, 165, 166 laboratory diagnosis, 322, 323
discasc, 343 Enterococcus flirae, 165, 166 pathogenesis, 321, 322, 323
host-virus relationship, 343 Enterococcus villorum, 165, 165 properties, 320
laboratory diagnosis, 343 Enterococcus, avoparcin resistance, 41, 165 reservoir, 321, 322, 323
p1operlies, 343 Enterococcus, vanco1nycin resistance, 26, .resi~tauce, 320
rodents, 343 28,41, 165 transmission, 321, 322, 323
encephalosis virus, equine, 399, 404 enterohemolysin (E. coil), 63 treatment, 322, 323
endocarditis (JJorrelia), 262, 263 enterohemorragic Escherichia coli (El IEC), equine irifectious anen1ia virus, 422-423
endocardit1s, bactenal, 262, 263, 440- 44J 6~-66 control, 423
518 lndex

equine infectious anemia virus (continued) erythritol, 105 F6 adhcsin, 61

diseas1?, 422 ('rythroblastosis virus, avian, 410 factor V, 76
disltibulion, 423 erylhron1ycin, see n1acrolides farcy, 219
horses, 422 Escherichia coli, 61-68 ta.tal insomnia, 4li'
bost rPsponsP, 4?.3 cattl<', 63, 64, 6S felin e calicivirus, :149-350
i·n fectivily for other species, 423 cellular products of mcdical intcrcst, 61 cnts, 349
laborato ry cltagnosis, 423 acid tolerance response, 63 con¡uncttvltls, 349
pathogenesis, 423 adhesins, 61 control, 349-350
propcrtü.•s, 422 capsule, 61 disease, 349
rescrvolr, 423 cell wall, 61 tlistri!Ju liuu, 349
rcsistance, 422-423 enteric toxins, 62-63 hosl response, 349
swamp fever, 422 enterotoxins,61-62 infectivity for other species, 349
l1<111)1JU.>.>ivu, 423 J:PEC 5ignaling protcin.1 (.Wp), vJ laboratory diagnosis, 3 4 ?
lreatment, 42] hemolysins, óJ oral ulcerations, 349
eq11inP infl11pn7;i vin1s, 363-364 intimin, 63 pathogenesis, 349
control, 364 iron, 63 properties, 349
d1sease, 363 pathogenicity island (LEE), 63 reservo! r, 349
horses, 363 serum rcsistance, 64 resistancc, 349
infcctivity for othcr spccics, 363 Tir, 63 rhinitis, 349
laboratory diagnosis, 364 type Ill secrerlon system, 63 lr<::a l11 1 ~ 11 l, 349
pal hogenesis, 363 control, 68 feline enteric corona.virus, 389- 390
properti1?s, 363 <logs, 63, 64, 64 cats, 389
resptratory <.liscase, 363 ~de1na discasc, 66 control, 390
treatment, 364 enteroaggregative diarrheal disease, 64 discase, 3~9
equine Morbillivirus, 370, 372 enterohemorragic diarrhe;il nisp;:isi>, <listrihution, 389
<:quin\.'. papillon1avirus, 316 65- 66 host response, 390
cquine pectoral abscess, 177 enteropathogenlc d1arrheal d1sease, 65 infectivity for other spectes, 389
('quine rhil1ilis A virus, 340, .14.'i enterotoxigenic diarrheal disease, 63- 64 laboratory diagnosis, 390
equine rhinitis B virus, 340, 345 goats, 63, 64, 65 pathogenesis, 390
equ1ne rh1nopneumonitis, 323 horses, 63, 64, 65 propert11:!s, 389
cquinc sarcoid, 316 immunity, 66 rese,voir, 389
eq uine torovirus, 381 , 393 invasivc disease, 64 transmission, 389
Erbovtrus, 340 laboratory diag11u~is, 66-67 l1eallnenl, 390
erysipelas, 181 morphology, 61 feline herpesvirus-1, 329- 330
erysipeloid, 181 poultry, 66 cats, 329
E1 y:;ip1dotl11 úc rl1usiopathiae, 181-184 reservoir, 63 control, 329-330
birds, 182, 183 sheep,63,64,65 disease, .52~
rPll11l;ir prorl11rts of mPrlir;il intPrP~t. ~taining, 61 distribution, 329
181 structurc, 61 fclin(' viral rhinotracheitis, 329
adhesins, 181 transrnission, 63 host response, 329
capsule, 181 treatment, 67-68 infectivity for other spec:ies, 329
cell wall, '181 variability, 63 laboratory diagnosis, 329
c:oagu las«:!, 181 E~c:tu:rithfrt culi 0157:H7, 65-66 pallt11g~n~>b, 329
hyaluronidase, 181 esophagus, in fect ion, 453 propertics, 329
neura1ninidase, 181 ETEC, see enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli reservoir, 3?.9
co n lrol, 184 Eubacteriun1 suis, scc Actinobaculu1n suis resistance, 329
cJogs, 18:5 eu1nycotlc inycetoma, 484 transmission, 329
1'pi<1<'miology, 18:~ European brov.•n syndrome virus, feJine immunodeficiency virus. 424-425
crysipclas, 181 350 cats, 424, 425
fish handlers' disease, 183 European Iyssa virus, 378 control, 425
growth characteristics, 181 cvaluation of immune responses, 13 discasc, 424
humans, 183 exochelin, 223 distribution, 424-425
lmmunlty, 183 t::JCug~uuu:. palhway, antigen p1occssúig, host response, 425
laboratory diagnosis, 183 48 intectivity tor other species, 424
morphology, 181 Exophiala, 283 lahor;:itory diagnosis, 425
pathogenesis, 182 exotoxin, 4 pathogcncsis, 425
rcscrvoir, 182 f:xseroflilum, 283 propcrtles, 424
n'sist:i ne!', 181 extracellular palhogens, immune rcservoir. 424-425
shccp, 183 response, 10, 1l transmission, 424-425
staining, 181 exudative denna tlrls, 157 tn.·at1111::11t, 425
structure, 181 eye, see ocular feline in fectious anemia, 248
swine, 182 feline infe(."tious peritonitis (Fil>) virus,
transmlssíon, 182 Fl atll 1esi.n, 57 384,389-390
trcatmenl, 183, 184 F17 adhesin, 61 cals, .589
turkeys, 182, 183 F4 adhesin, 61 c:ontrol, 390
variability, 181 f41 adhesin, 61 disease, 389
J;rysipelolhríx spp., 181 F5 adhes1n, 61 disrrlbutlon, 389
Index 519

llu:;L re:;po11~e, 390 Flaviviru., , 354- 356 gauuua JJll<tge, 173

infectivity for other species, 389 disease, 354 gamma-delta T cells, see lymphocytes
labor;itory diagnosis, 390 distribution, 354 Gamrnaretrovin1s, 410
pathogenesis, 390 properties, 354 ganciclovir, 43
properties, 389 reservoir, :154 gas gangrene, 200, 203
reservoir, -~89 TPSi.StilnCP., 354 gastrointestinal tract, normal flora,
transmission, 389 transmission, 354 449-450
treatment, 390 florfenicol, see chloramphenicol cattle, 449
fe li ne leprosy, 233 Florida horse leeches, 283 chicken, 449
fcline leukcmia/sarcorna virus (FeLV), fluconazole, see imidazoles dogs,150
414-416 flucytusiue (5-flucytsine),42 horses, 449
cat, 414, 415 fluoroquínolones, 28, 31 swine, 450
control, 416 foal pneumonia, 92, 94, 191 gastrointestinal tract, 446-457
discase, 414 foamy virus, simian, 410 ,1nlinücrobia.l properlies, 446
distribution, 41.) toca! synunetrical encephalomalacia, 201 flora, 447-450
host response, 415 Fnnser:aea., 28'.~ infections, 450
infectivity for other species, 415 foot and inouth discasc virus, 339- 342 infectious agents and conditions,
JalJuralury úlaguu:;b, 415 carrle, 3 40 '±51-45.'S
pathog-enesis, 415 control, 341 cats, 451
properties, 414 disease, 339 cattle, 452
reservoir, 415 distribution, 340- 34J dogs, 451
resistance, 414- 41.) host response, 341 goats, 453
transmission, 415 infectivil·y for oth<'r spl'Cil's, 340 horses, 451
trcatmcnt, 415-416 laboratory djagnosis, 341 poultry,454
feline leu.l<einia virus (FeLV), see felinc pathogenesis, 341 sheep, 4.)3
leukemia vLrus/ properties, 339-340 s~vine, 453
sarcoma virus (FeLV) reservoir, 341 genital tract, scc urogenltal systcm
felinc panlcukopenia vi1 us, 305- 306 resislauce, 340 gentanl1c1n, see aininoglycosides
cats, 306 swine,340 germ tube, 270
control, 306 transrnission, 341 Gerstmann-Straussler-Schein ker
disease, 305 treatinent, 341 syndro1ne, 427
distribution, 30.) footrot (cattle), 197 Getah virus, 351, 353
host responsP., :~06 •
footrot (shPPp), 19.'i Ghon complex, 225
infcctivity for othcr spccics, 305 foscan1ct, 43 Ghon-Ranke complex, 225
laboratory diagnosis, 306 fouls, 197 (i1emsa staín, ló
pathogenesis, 306 fowl cholera, 88 gill-associated virus, 384
properties, 305 fowl cholera, 88 glanders, 113, 114
reservoir, 306 fowl spirochetosls, 121 G!asser's disease, 98
resistance. 305 fowl typhoid, 73- 74 glomerulonephritis, 498
transn1ission, 306 fowlpox. vi.rus, 334 GN (gram negative) broth, 60
t nc!all ne11 L, 306 fuxlail (pla11l aw11), 216 gualJJUX virus, 334, 336
fe line sarcoma virus, see feline Francisella, 117- 118 goats, sheep
leukernia/sarcoma virus cellular products of medica! interest, 117 Abi.otrophia, 167
fclinc spongiforrn encephalopathy, 427 acid phosphatase (Acp), 117 Acli11obacillus lisnieresii, 92, 94
feline syncytial virus, 410 capsule, ll/ Actinobaci/lus seminis, 92
feline viral rhinotracheitis, 329 cell wall, 117 Actinn1nyces spp., 216- 217
FcLV, sec fcline lcukemia/sarcoma vin1s intraccllular growth locus, 117 adcnovirus, ovinc, 318- 319
(FeLV) macropl1age growth Jocus, 117 AfTican hearn-vater disease, 254
fibronectin and stress, 47 control, 118 anaerobes, obligate, 193, 195
filan1entous haen1agglutinin (fha), 100 epidemiology, 118 Anaplas1na phagocytophilutn, 259
Filovi1 iúue, 376 growl11 cl1aracter i ~tic~, 117 authrax, 170, 172
fimbria, see adhesin imrnunity, 118 Arcanobacteriurn pyogenes, 169
FIP, 384, 389- 390 laboratory diagnosis, 118 arthritis encephalitis virus, caprine,
fish .m orphology, 117 421 - 422
aquareovíruses, 399, 406 pathogenesis, 118 8acillus anthracis, 170, 172
infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus, reservoir, 117 highp;i(i, ?.03
378 382 staining, 117 b lack disease, 203
infectlous 'pancreatlc necrosis vlrus, 408 structure, 117 bluetongue virus, 40J.
Pasteurella skyensis, 85 transmission, 118 border disease virus, 353, 358
Photobacteri11m darnse/a, 90 treatrnent, 118 botulism, 209
Spring viremia of carp, 378, 382 tulare111ia, 117, 118 bradsot, 205
viral herr1orrhagic septicemia virus, 378, Francisel/a philorniraJ(ia, 117 braxy,205
~82 Francisella tularensis, 117 Bruce/la rnelitensis, 106
fish handlcrs' discasc, 183 Pusobactcriu111 spp., 193- 197 Brurellu ovis, 106
fistulous withers, 108, 216 Burkholderia pseudornallei, J 15
flagella (H) antígen, 57 gal lid herpesvi rus-2, :~:~o ('.ache Valley virus, 367
Plaviviridae, 353 360 gallid hcrpcsvirus-3, 330 Can1pylobacter spp., 136
520 Indcx

goats, sheep (co11ti11ued) Mycobacteli11111 bovis, 226 llae111ophilus and llistophilus, 95- 99
caprine art hritis encephalitis virus, 1\4ycoplasn1a spp., 241-248 at)ortion, 98
421-422 Nairobi sheep diseasc virus, 367, 368 biochernical activity, 96
caseous lymphadenitis, 178 Nairovirus, 367, 368 cat, 97, 98
Cfztamydophila pecoru1n, 237 nervous system, infectious agents, 478 cattle, 97, 98
circling disease, 187 Nocardia spp., 219 cellular products of u1edical interest, 95
circulatory syste1u, infectious agents, nutritionally variant streptococci, 167 adhesins, 95
440 obligate an<terubes, 193, 195 <.:avsule, 95
Clostridiun1 botulinurn, 209-210 ocular systern, infectious agents, 485 immunoglobulin binding protein, 96
Clostridiu1n chauvoei, 206 overeating disease, 201 lipooligosaccharide (L()S), 96
Clost1 hlitufl 11ovyí T y pc A, 20J ovlnc cidcnoviru:s, Jl0 - Jl9 do g, 97, 98
Clostriclium novyi 'l 'ype .B, lU3 Pasteurella 1nultoc:ida 84, 85, 88
Glasser's disease, 98
l:lnstridiurn perfringens Type A, 200 Pasteurel/a treha/osi. 84. 85, 88 growth ch aracteristics, 96
Clostridiurn pcrfringcns Typc B, 200- 201 peste des petits ru1ninants virus, 3 70 morphology, 95
Clostrídíurn perfringens Type e;, 20 l Phlebovin1s, 367 pat hogenesís, 97
<:lostridiurn perfringens Type D. 201 pizzle rot. 179 pneun1onia. 98
G'lostridium scpticurn, 205 poxvirus, 331 reservoir, 96
Clostridiurn sordellii, 209 progresslve pn eun1onia virus, 421- 422 resbtacu.:e, 96
Clostridh1111 tetani. 211, 213 pulpy kidney disease, 201 septicenlia, 98
Coccidioídes spp., 285, 287 Q fever, 251 Sh PPp, 97, 98
coccidioido1uycosis, 285, 287 rabies virus, 377- 380 staining, 95
Corynebacteriun1 pseudotubercu/osis, 178 reovirus, 398 swine, 97, 98
Corynebacteriurn rPnale gro11p, 178- 179 respiratory system, infectious agents, TEME, 98
Coxiella bur11etii1 251 - 252 491 thromboe1nbolic meningoencephalitis,
der1natoph1losis 1 220-221 Rift Va\Jey fever virus, 367 98
Dennatophih1s, 220- 221 rinderpest virus, 370 transmission , 96
Dichelobacter nodosus, 195- 197 d .n gworm, 275 variability, 96
Ehrlic/1ia ruminantlun1 1 254 rutaVin1s, 404, 405 fluernophí/us ag11i 1 see H is tophilus so11111í
enterotoxemia, 200- 201 Salrnonella spp., 71 Haemophi/us sornnus, see Histophilus son111i
Erysipelothrix, 182 scrapie agent, 427- 431 Haemophilus spp., 97, 98
Escherichia coli (EPEC), 65 s.l<lrr, iuft::l:liuu~ agen Ls, 465 h ae111oplas1nas, 240
Fscherichia co/i (ETEC), 63 Staphylococcus aureus, 156 hairy shaker 1a1nbs, 358
fo.scherichia coli (invasive), 64 sti.ff lamb <lisease, 2 37 hard pad disease, .369
eye, infeclious agcnls, 485 stra,<Vberry footrot, 220- 221 l lavcrhill fever, 222
Flexispira (Helicobacter) rappini, 142, 145 struck, 201 heart, infection, 440, 441
focal .symn1etücaJ encephalomal;;ci;i, tPtrlrlTTS, 7J l , ?.1~ Hektoen en teric (HE) agar, 59
201 tick pycmin, 15 6 Rc/icobact<'r !;pp., 1'11 117
foot and inout11 dlsease virus, 339- 342 tick-borne feveJ, 2-59, 142, 145
footrot, 195 tularemia, 117- 118 cats, 142, 14·5
Francisella tularensis, 117- 118 urogenital system, infectious agents, cellular products of medica! interest,
gaslroinLeslinal Lrac L, infec lious agents, 498 141
453 visna virus, 4 21- 422 adhesins, 141
Granulicatella, 167 Wesselsbron virus, 353, 355 blood grou p antigen-bindine adh Psin
Helicobactcr rappini, 142, 145 \<VOoden tongue, 94 (DabA), 141
Histophilus sonnli, Y8 ye llo'"' lamb disease, iou Cag pathogen1c1ty island, 141
i ntPgu1nPntary systen1. in fec:tious yello'"'s. 200 cell ~val! . 141
agents, 1165 Yersinia enterucolitica, 79 cyto lethal distending toxin, 142
Johne's disease, 230 Yer:sínía psi-itclulubc:rculo:>i.>, 78- 79 flagella, 142
Jamb dysentery, 200 goose parvovirus, 306 sialic acid-bin dlng adhesin (:>abA),
Listeria spp., 187 gran1 stajn, 16 141
loupi11g ill vir us, 3531 355 Gnu1ulicatella, 167 urease, l.42
Jumpy jaw, 216- 217 granzymes, see lymphocytes vacuo lating toxin, 142
lumpy v.•ool, 220- 221 g rass sickness (equine) , 211 chf'f'tilh.~,
lung, infectious agents, 491 g rass sickness, equine, 2J l control, 147
lyn1phoid system, intectious agents, 440 grease heel, 220 ctogs, 142, 145
lvtannheimia granulo1natis, 85 greasy pig disease, 157 ferrets, 142, 145
Mannheimia hafünolytica, 8 4, 85, 88 griseofulvin, 4 2 g rowth characteristics, 143
Mannhei1nia n1minalis1 85 Gruuv .E SLTeplutut1-us, Slteplucuccus inununity, 146
Mannheimia varigena, 85 porcinus 1aboi:atory diagnosis, 146
melioi<losis, 115 Gsr, 75, 76, 78 m<i rinP n1ammals, 142
Mon1xel/u boevrei, 120 guidelines for rational use of antimicro- morphology, 141
Moraxella caprae, 120 bials, 4~ nonhu1nan prin1ares, 14 2, 145
Moraxella ovis, 120 (~11mhoro ctisease, 407 pathogenesis, 144
n1usculoskeletal system, infcctious reservoir, 144
agents, 469 H antigcn, sce flagella an tlge n rodeuts, 142, 145
hrfyr.ohar.teriu1n avium ssp. paratubern1- Hae1natobius irritans, 177 sh eep, 142, 145
losis, 230 Haernobartonella, 218 staining, 141
Indcx 521

.swine, 142, 145 treatment, 292 circulatory system, infectious agents,

transm ission, 144 variability, 290 439
tre::itmPnt, 147 Histoplas111a capsulatum var. duboisii, 289, C/ostridium botulinurn, 209- 210
variability, 143 290 Clostridium difficile, 208
zoonotic potential, 146 Hísroplasma capsu/aturn var. farctmtnosum, Closrridiurn perfringens Type A, 200
hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis 281-282 Clostridium perfringens Type C. 201
virus, 386 387 control, 282 Clostridium piliforme, 208-209
control, 387 epiueuliology, 282 Clu~lr hliurn .1orrlel/i i, 209
disease, 386 epizootic lymphangitis, 281 C/ostridium tetani, 211, 213
d.istribution, 386 growth characteristics, 281- 282 Clostridium J1P.rfringe.ns TypP. B, ?.00
host response, 387 horses, 281 Coccidioides spp., 285, 287
intectivity for other species, 386 1mmunity, 282 coccidioidomycosis, 285, 287
lahoratory diagnosis, 387 laboratory diagnosis, 282 combined immunodeficient (CID), foal.
pathogcncsis, 386- 387 1norphology, 281 219
properties, 386 pathogenesis, 282 contaglous equlne metrltls (CEM),
reservoir, 386 pseudoglanders. 281 125- 1.26
resistance, 386 reservoir, 282 coronavirus, equine, 384, 391
~wi11e, 386 resislance, 282 Cushing's disease, 219
transnlission, 386 skin, 281 Oennatophilus, 220- 221
treat1nent, 387 staining, ?.81 rlPrm;1tnphyto!>is, ?.73-?.78
vomiting, 386 trans1nission, 282 eastern cquine encephalitis virus,
wasting, 386 treannent, 282 351- 353
hemagglutination inhibition test, 24 histoplasmosis, 289-292 .EEE. 351- 353
11emolysin (Actinobacillus), 92 HIV,110 Ehrlíchia risticii, see Z..leorickettsia risticii
he1nolysln (Esc/-zerichia co/1), 63 Hrns phenotype, 75, 76 Enterococcus durans, 166
hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), 66, 83 hockey puck, 175 Enterococcus hirae, 166
Hendra disease virus, 370, 372 hog cholera virus, 353, 359- 360 Enterococcus villorum, 166
Hepatovirus, 340 classical svvine fever, 359 enterotoxen1ia, 200-201
Herpesviridae (herpésviruses), 320-332 conjunctivitis, 359 epizootic lymphangitis, 281
herpPsvin1~ R, simian, 330 c.ontrol, 360 e.quine. (He.n ora) Morhíllívirus, .~70
herpesvirus, bovine, see bovinc hcr- diarrhca, 359 cquinc adcnovirus, 317- 318
pesvirus disease, 359 equine arteritis virus, 384, 394- 395
herpesvirus, canine, see canine her- • distribution. 359 equine coronavirus, 384, 391
pcsvirus host response, 359 equine herpesvirus, 320 323
hei:pesvirus, caprine, 326 lnfecttvlty for other spedes, 359 equine infectious anernia virus, 422-423
herpesvirus, equine, see equine her- Jaboratory diagnosis, 359 equine influenza virus, 363-364
pesvirus pathogenesis, 359 equine rhinitis A virus, 340, 342, 345
herpesvirus-1, feliue, 329- 330 properlies, 359 equine rhinitis 13 virus, 340, 342, 345
herpesvirus-1,2, ovine, 326 reservoir, 359 equine torovirus, 384, 393
high pathogenicity island, 75, 78, 79 skin Jesions, 359 .E.srherir.hia coli (F.PF.C), 6.'i
Highlands J virus, 351, 353 swine, 359 Escherichia coli (ETEC), 63
Histophilus, see Haernophilus, Histophilus transmission, 3~9 Esc/1erichia coli (invasive), 64
Histophilus ovis, see J-listophilus .~omni 1-re.arme.n t, .~60 eye, infectious agents, 484
llistoph ilus so11111i, 96, 97, 98 vomiting, 359 fistulous withers, 216
H"istoplasn1a capsulatum, 28.l- 282, horses Florida horse, 283
289- 292 Abiotrophia. 167 foal p n eumonia, 191
Histoplas1na capsulatum var. capsulatum, Actinobacillus arthritidis, 92 Francisella tularensis, 117-118
289- 292 Actinobacíllus equuli ssp. equulí, 92, 94 gas gangrene, 200
cellular products of medica! in terest, Actinobacillus equuli ssp. haemofytica., 92, gastrointestinal tract, infectious agents,
289 94 451
atlhe::si11, 289 Actinobacillus, 92, 94 gastrointestinal tract, norn1al flora, 449
calcium-binding protein (Cbp), 2':10. Actinornyces, Z16- Z1/ vetan virus, J~J, J~l
H antige.n, 290 adenovirus, equine, 317- 318 glanders, 113-114
iron, 290 African horscsickncss virus, 403 Granulicatalla, 167
M antigen, 290 anaerobes, obllgate, 193, 195 grease heel, 220- 221
melanin, 290 arteritis virus. 384, 394-395 Haematobius irritans, 177
phagolysosome acidification, 290 Aspergillus, 294- 297 he1norrhagic enteritis, 200
coutrol, 292 Ba~illus unlllfulis, 170, 173 Heudra viru~, et¡uiue, 370
dogs, 291 botulism, 209 herpesvirus, equine, 320-323
epiderniology, 291 Burkholderia mallei, 113-114 Histoplas1na capsulatum var. farcimi-
growth characteristics, 290 C'arnpylobacter lari, 134 nosutn, 281
laboratory diagnosis, 291- 292 Canadian horse pox, ·17/ infectious anemia virus, equine,
rnorphology, 289 Candida a/bicans, 271 422-423
pathogenesis, 290 291 CEM (contagious cquinc mctritis), influenza virus, cquinc, 363-364
reservolr, 290 125-126 integumentary system, tnfectious
structure. 289 cervical lymphadenitis, 216 agents, 464
transmission, 290 CID, foal, 219 kunker, 284
522 Indcx

horses (co11ti1111ed) WEE, 351-353 laboratory diagnosis, 318

Lawso11ia, 139 \oVest Nile virus, 3.)3, 3.).) pathogenes1s, 3J7-3l8
l .P(ltn~pir11 ~Provar. hratislava, 148-149 western equine enc:ephalitis virus, properties, 317
Leptospira scrovat. icterohaemorrhagiac, 351-353 rescrvoir, 317
148-149 host re.sponse to viral tnfectton, 302 reslstance, 317
Lcptospira serovar. pornona, 148-149 host-virus relationships, 301 trans1nission. 317
Listeria spp., 187 human coronavirus, 384 treatmen t, 318
lung, ln (ectious agents, 490 llurr1a11 paraiuflue::uza vi ru~, 370 i11feclious coryza, 98
lymphoid tissues, infectious agents, 439 human respiratory syncytial virus, 370 infectious ente ritis, 392
niain drain virus, 367 human spumavirus, 410 infectiotts hPm;itopoiPtic necrosis virus,
Miuo~po11u11 eq11inur11, 274, 275 human T-lymphotropic virus l, 410 378,382
Microsponu11 gypscurn, 274, 275 human torovirus, 384, .5Y.5 1nfecnous laryngotracheitis Virus,
moon blindness, 150-JSt humoral immunity, viral, 302, 303 331-332
Morbillivirus, equine (Hendra), 370 HU5 (hcmolytic urcmic syndromc), 66 chickens, 331
musculoskeletal sy~tem, infectious hypercalcemia, 293 control, 332
agents, 469 diseasc, 331
A.1ycobactcriun1 aviun1 ssp. aviurn, 226 lbaraki virus, 403 distribution, 331
Mycobacteriu1n bovis, 226 'IBR (infectious l>ovi11e:: rliinulraclt~ilb) hosl response, 332
Mycoplasrna spp., 241- 248 virus, 323 infectivity tor othcr species, 331
na vcl ill, 94 les, see Shigl!lla J;ihoratory diagnosis, :~52
NeuriU<ell~iu d~lilii, 255 ldaD adhesin, Bl pathogcncsis, 332
nervous system, infectious agents, 477 idoxuridine, 43 properrles, 331
J\locardia spp., 219 ilt>itl symhiont intracellularis, see reservoir, 331
normal flora, gastrointestinal tract, 449 La1vsonia resistance, 331
nutritionaily variant streptococc1, 167 1midazoles, 28, 31, 41, 42 rransmlsslon, 331
ohlig;itp an;iprohes, 195, 195 imipenem, 30 infectious pancreatic necrosis virus, 408
ocular systcm, infcctious agcnts, 484 immune response to extracellular infectious peritonitis virus, see feline
Pasceurella caballi, 85, 88 pathogens, 10, 11 inf1:ctious peritonitis virus
periodic ophthalmia, 150~151 immune response to infectlous agents, 6 infectious pododermatitis, 197
pigeon fever, 177 immune response to intracellular influenza virus, ¡ivi:in, sPP ;ivi;in infht<'n7.a
poi 1cvll, 216 palhogens, 10, 11 vlrus

Potornac horse fever, 255 immunodiffusion assay, 25 intlucnza vuus, equ1ne, see equine
Powassan virus, 353, 355 inununosuppression, vi r.1i l, 303 influenza virus
pscudoglanders, 281 Indiana virus, 378 influenz¡¡ virus, swinc, scc swinc
l'seucto1no11as aeruginosa, 123 infectious anemia, fellne, 248 influenza virus
pythio~i~. 7.81 infectious hronchitis virus, avian, see influenza, zoonotic significance, 366
l'ythit1111 ;,,sidiosum, 283 avian infectious innate immunity, 6
rabies virus, 377-380 bronchitiS virus bati:erioclns, 6
rain rot, 220-221 infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis, complement proteins, 7
rain scald, 220-221 J?l defensins, 6
n:curn:ul uvcili~, 151 infeclious bovinc rhinol!acheitis (IBR), núcrocins, ú
reovirus, 398 323 natural killer cetl, 7
respiratory system, infectious agcnts, infectious bursal disease, 407-408 norm:il flora, 6
490 chickens, 407 organic acids, 6
rhinitis A virus, cquine, 340, 34L, 64!1 control, 408 phagocytes, 6
rhinitis R virus, equine, :~40, :~42, :~4.'i disease, 407 polymorphonuclear neutrophil .leuko-
!lhodococcus cqui, 190-191 distribution, 107 cyte (PMN), 6
rlngworm, 273- 278 ducks, 407 i11t~gru11, 39, 46
rotavirus, 404- 405 Gumboro disease, 407 bovine, 40
Sa/111011ella, 71-72 host response, 408 Enterobncterincl'nl', .'\R
Sc111llk.i Fu1c~l vi.tu~. 3.31, 3.33 uúcclivity for othcr $pccic$, 4-07 Sa/111011cl/a Typhimuriurn DT 10, 73,
skin, infeclious agents, 464 laboratory diagnosis, 408 104
sleepy foal disease, 94 pathogenesis, 407-408 Saln1011ella, 40, 73
strangles, 162 propcrtics, 407 integumcntary system, 458-467
Screpcococcus equi ssp. equi, 162 reservolr, 407 auti111 ic.:rul.Jial p1upe1 tics, 458
Strcptococcus equi ssp. zooepidemicus, 162 resistance, 407 flora, 459
'lay/ore/Ja asinigenitalis, 126 transmission, 407 infections, 459
1i1ylore//(I equi8er1iluli~, 125 t1caln1enl, 408 infectious agents and conditions,
tetanus, 211, 213 turkeys, 407 463-467
torovirus, cquine, 384, 393 infectious canine hepatitis virus, 317-318 Cllt~, 4n::\, 466
Ttil'/1upt1ytur1 equinu1n, 274, 275 canine adenovirus-1, 317 cattlc, 464, 467
tularemia, 117- 118 control, 318 dogs, 463, 466
Tyzzer's disease, 208-209 clisPa'I', 117 goats, 465
ulcerativc lymphangitis, 177 distribution, 317 horses, '164
urogenital system, infectJous agcnts, dogs, 317 poultry, 465
497 host response, 318 shccp, 465
vesicular i.1:omatitis Virus, 378, 380-381 infectivity for other species, 317 swine, 465
lndex 523

integu1nentary system, bacteria! infec- kerion, 274 cattle, 149

tion , ·1 60 integumen tary system, ketocon azole, see irnidazoles cellular products of medica! interest,
fungal infcclion, 461 Kilharn 1a l vil us, 306 148
integumentary system, viral infection, Koch, Rober t, 3 cell wall, 148
459 Koch's p ostulates, 3, 148
inte1feron, 9, 12, 43, 48, 302, 304 Kunjin virus, 354, 355 con tr<>I, 152
intestinal spirochetosis, tri disease, 3:,4, 3;,;, dogs, 149
intestinP, in fPction, 4SS- 4Só distrihution, 354, 355 epidemiology, 149
intjmin, 63 p roperties, 354, 355 growth c h aracteristics, 1'18
intraceJJular pathogens, imrnune reservoir, 354, 355 h orses, 149
response, 10, 11 resistan ce, 354, 355 immunity, 150, 151
Inv, 78 tran smission , 354, 355 laboratory diagnosis, 151
Ipa, see Shigella kuuker, 283 1.UOOU bli11<lJ lt:~~. 150, 151
lridovirdae, 314 Kupffer cell, 8 morphology, 148
Jridovirus, 314 pathogenesis, 149, 4, 57, 63 La Crosse vi (ttS, 367 periodic ophth aln1ia, 150, 151
Actinobacillus, 93 Jabile toxin, J::. coli, 61- 62 primates, 149
A '/U?rgi/111s, ?.9S lacta te dehydrogenase elevating virus, recurrent uveitis, 150, 151
aurochclin, 155 384,396 rcscr voir, 149
Bordetella, 102 Lageniaium, 282 resistancc, 149
Corynebacterium, 175 Lagos bat virus, 378 staining, 148
Enterococcus, 165 Lagovirus, 346 structure, 148
t.'l.U<..htlilJ, 22·3 la1ub dy " :nle1 y, 200 L1d1 l:s 111 i s::.iot1, i49
ferritin, 57 lamziekte, 211 treatment, 152
high p:.ith ogPn ic' ity isl::incl, 7S, 78, 79 l .angPrh;ins rc>ll, 8 v;i riah ility, 149
Histophilus, 96 Lnnsficld grouping, 165 lcukc1nla virus, bovinc, scc bovinc
Histoptas111a, 290 Lansfield, Rebecca, 165 leuken1ia virus
lactoferrin, 4, 57 laryngitis, 4 9 3 leukotoxin (Pasteurel/a, Mannhei1nia), 85
lvlannheimia, 96 laryngotracheitis, 493 limberneck, 211
f>vforaxella, 119 Law:;uniu inlrui·el/uluri:;, 134, 139- 140 liucu111y<.:iu, ~t:t:: liuco~auli<lt:~
Mycobacteriu111, 223 blue fox, 139 li n cosamides, 28, 33, 35
mycobactin, 223 cellular products of medica! interest, lipid A, see endotoxjn
Pusleurella, 86 • 139 lipop o lysaccharide b inding protein, 57
Pseudomonas, 122 adhesins, 139 Listeria, 185- 189
pyoch elin, 122 c:ell 1.v;ill, 139 ;ihortion, 187
Saln1onella, 70-71 Lsa, 139 CAMP rcaction, 188
Shigella, 82, 83 deer, 139 cattle, 187
sic.lPrnphon>s, S7, 6'.~. 70, 71, 7S dogs, 139 cellular products of medica] interest,
Staphylococcus, 155 cmus, 139 185
staphyloferrin, 155 epidemiology, 140 ActA, 185
transferrin, 4, 57 growth characteristics, 139 adhesins, 185
Ycrsínia, 75, 78, 79 h amsters, 139 internalin s, 185
isoxazolyl penlcilllns, see penicillins 139
lJU (St;::;, lecilh.inase, 185
itraconazole, see irrlidazoles immun ity, 140 listeriolys in (), 185
laboratory diagnosis, 140 phospholip;:isp l., 18S
]5 vaccine, 73 morphology, 134 chjnchillas, 187
Ja1nestown <..:anyon vin1s, 367 ostrich, 139 colesla\'\1', 187
Japanese PncPph;i li tis vi r us, .1S4 pathogenesis, 139 conjunctivitis, 187
disease, 354 prolifcrativc enteritis of swinc control, 189
distribut ion, 354 rabbits, 139 encephalltis, 187
properties, 354 reservoir, 139 epidemiolo¡,ry, 187
reservoi1·, 35.'f rodents, 139 goats, 187
resistance, 354 ~lai ni11¡;, 134 growth cha1acterislics, 185
trans1nission, 354 structure, 134 horses, 187
Johne's disease, 229 transmission, 139 hot dogs, 187
job nin, 232 treatrnent, 140 immunity, 187
jowl abscess, 162 wet tail (hamsters), 139 laboratory diagnosis, 18/
J11nopox virus, 1'.~4 1.crV. 75, 76, 78 l.ati n-style cheese, 187
LEE,63 livcr paté, 187
.K88 adhesin, 61 Lenei:virus, 410 milk, 187
K99 adhcsin, 61 Leporípoxvirus, 334 morphology, 185
kanamycin, see arninoglycosides lepr<>id granul<>n1a syndr<>me, canine, 233 pathogenesis, 186
Kauffu 1a11 -Wl lile sche1na, 69 lc:prosy, 233 rt:servoir, 186
kennelcough, 104, 319,375,388 leprosy, feline, 233 sh eep, 187
keratitis, 485 Leptospira, 148-152 staining, 185
ken ttoconjunctiv itis sicca, sulfon amides biochemical charact eristics, 149 structure, 185
and, 32 California sea lions, 149 transmission, 186
524 Index

Listeria (continued) dendritic cell, 10 reservoir, 330

treatment, 189 Histoplasrna, 281, 282 resistance, 330
variability, 185, l86 innate irnmunity, 6 turkcys, 330
listeriolysin O, 185 Kupffer cell, 8 mastitis, 156, 157, 163, 466, 467
liver abscess, 169, 194 Langerhans cell, 8, 10 Mbx, 119
louping ill virus, 351, 355 Listcria, 185, 186 Mbx, 119
dlsease, 354, 355 mesangeal cell, 8 M cel!, 71
distribu tion, 354, 355 Mycobacteriun1, 223- 233 Mycobacl'erium, 229, 230
proper ties, 354, 355 phagocyte, 6 Salmone/la., 71
rt::~t::rvui (1 354, 355 Rhuúucc1tcc1~, 190, 191 Sltigellu, 81, 82
resistance, 354, 355 Saln1onella, 71 Yersinia, 78, 79
transmission, 354, 355 Sporothri.x, 279, 280 lneasles vírns, 170
Lo'"cnstcin-Jcnscn mcdium, 224 Ycrsinia, 76 meleagrid herpcsvirus-1, 330
Lpf adl1esin, 69 maedi vtrus, see visna/maedi/progressive melioidosis, 113, 115
J.T enterotoxin, 61 - 62 pneumonia viruses meningitis, 479-481
lumpy jaw, 216 Main Drain vin1s, 367 mesangial ce11, 8
lumpy sl<in disease virus, 334, 337 Malassez.ia pachyderrnarts, 268- 270 meta.m oviruses, 375
lump y wool, 220 bioche1nical characteristics, 268 Mel'apneumovirus, 370
lung, see respiratory systcm cats, 269 methicillin, see penicil lins
Ly1ne disease, 129 control, 270 metllisazone, 43
lyn1ph nodes, infection, 444 dermatitis, 26~ metnt1s, 502
Lymphocystisvirus, 314 dogs, 269 metronidazole, see nitroimidazole
ly1nphocyte cpidcrniology, 269 Mgts, 70
Al1CC (antibody ctepenctent cellular growth charactenst1cs, 268 miconazole, see imidazoles
cytotoxirity), 9- 1?. immunity, 269 xnicrocins and innate immun\ty, 6
antibody dependent cellular cytotoxic- luboratory diagnosis, 269 Microsporum canis, 271, 275
1ty (ADCC), 9- 12 morphology, 268 Mtcrosporurn gallinae, 274, 275
B lyxnphocyte (cell), 10 otitis externa, 269 Microsporurn gypseum, 274 , 275
cytotoxicT lylnphocyte (cell), 9, 12, 48 pathogcncsis, 269 Microsporum nanum, 274, 275
gamma delta T lymphocyte (cell), 9 reservoir, 269 Middleb1ook 7H10 1nedlurn, 224
granzymes, 12 resistance, 268 milker:s nodules, 334, 335
innate immunity, 7,9 structure, 268 mínima! bactericida! concentration
inLerferon, 9, 12, 43, 48, 302, 304 transnlission, 269 (MDC), 36
natural killer cell (NK cell), 9, 10, 12 treatment, 270 mínima! inhibitory concentration (MlC),
NK re ll (nat111"al k illerrell) , 9, 10, 17. v;.i ri ahility, 7.68 .16
pcrforin, 9 Malassczia .spp., 268 mink enteritis virus, 306
T helper lymphocyte (cell), 9, 10, 12, 48 malignant catarrhal fever, 325 minute virus of canlnes, 306
T lymphocyte (cell), 9, 10 malignantedema,204.205 minute virus of m ice. 306
TNi; (tun1or necrosis factor), 9, 12, 1$ mamn1ary tumor virus, mouse, 110 Mokola virus, 378
nunor necrosis factor (TNF), 12 rnarnmillitis, bovine, 325 rnollicu tes, 241- 249
lymphogranuloma venereum, 236 Mannheimia leukotoxin, 85 Molluscipoxvin1s, 334
lyn1phoid organ virus, 384 Mannheirnia, see Pasteurella, Mannheirnia molluscun1 contagiosum virus, 334
ly111phoid tissuc, see circulatory syste111 111arine n1an1n1<lls n1onensin, 31
and lymphoid tissue Actinobacil/11s delphinicola, 92 monkey ll virus, 330
lysosomf', 7 At:tinohaf'illus .w :ntiaP., 9?. monkPypox virus, 334
lysozyme, 7 Actinomyces spp., 217 n1onobacta1n s, 30
Lyssavirus, 37 7 Bruce/la cetaceae, 106 monocyte, see macrophage
Br11cel/a pinnipediae, 106 monocytic ehrlichiosis, canin e, 253
MacConkey agar, 59 Helicobacter ceton1m, 142 rnoonblindness, 150, 151
n1aci:olides, 28, 33, 35 Leptospira scrovar. por11011a, 148, 149 Moraxe/la bovis, 119-121
absorption, 35 Nocardia spp., 220 biochemical characteristics, 119
antimicrobial activity, 35 phocine diste111per virus, 370, 372 cattle 121
' products of medica! interest,
dislcibu Lion, 35 Phocoenobacter uteri, 85
excretion, 35 Photobaderium da111sela, 90 l l9
norm;1 l flor;i, ~.'i Streptococcus phocae, J 63 adhesins, 119
rcsistancc., 35 Mar locus (Staphylococcus), 39, 46 capsule, 1.19
macrophage, 6, 8 Marburg virus, 376 cell wall, 119
Af)CC, 12 Marek's disease virus, 330- 331 iron, 119
antibody dependent cellular cytotox- chickens, 330 RTX toxin, 119
icity, 12 coutrol, 331 conlrol, 121
antigen presenting cell, 6, 10 disease, 330 epidenliology, 121
antigen processing cell, 6 , 10 distribµtion , 330 growth c.haracteristics, 119
Bacillus, 170, 171 host response, 331 infectious bovine keratoconjunctiviti:;
cell mediated immunity, 48 intectivity for other species, 330 (IEK), 12.1
r:nr.ddínides, 28.'\- 287 laboratory diagnosis, 331 laboratory diagnosis, 121
Corynebacterium pseudotubcrculosis, 175, pathogcncsis, 330- 331 morphology, 119
176 properties, 330 pathogenesis, 121
Iuuex 525

reservoir, 121 horses, 226 bursltis, 241

resistance. 11.9 imn1unity to 1nycobacterial infections, cats, 241, 244, 245
staining, 119 223- 224 cattle, 241, 243
~l l U LlUtt:, 119 i.tl1.lllll11.ily, 227 cellular producls of 111cdic,1l inLercsL,
transrnission, 121 laboratory diagnosis, 228 240
tn»ltmi>nt, 1?.1 morphology, 22'.i pt>roxidt>, 240
variability, 119 mycobactcriaJ ulccrallvc ly1nphangitis supcroxidc, 240
Moraxella cytotoxin, U9 (hovine), 234 urease, 240
Moraxella spp., 119-121 pathogcncsis, 224-226 conjunctivitis, 241
Morbillivirus, equine, 370, 372 pri.n1ates, 226 contagious bovine pleuropneumonia,
n1orb11l1vlruses, 369 reservoir, 224 241
Mortierella, 297 resistance, 224 contagious caprine pleuropneun1onia,
mouse hepatitis virus, 384 sheep,226 241
!11.0USC 111.ilf)'l.lllllTY tu111()1. viT'Lt:S, 4 10 staining, 223 conttol, 243
nlouse pox Virus, 334 structure, 223 cysti tis, 241
moxalactam, see cephalosporins swine, 226 dogs, 241, 244
mucoid enteritis (rabbits)., 209 transmission, 224 cpi.dcrniology, 245
Mucor, 297 treannent, 228- 229 feline infectious anemia, 248
mud fever, 392 tuberculosis, 223. 224- 226 FeLV, 248
mtunps virus, 370 u lcerative dermatitis (rapid growers), FIV, 248
n1urine leuken1ia virus, 410 234 goals, 241, 244, 245
murine pneumonia vi.rus, 370 variahility, 224 growth characteristics, 241
m11 rini> sarc.oma virus, 410 ssp. avium, 2?.4
Myr.nhat:fPri111n avi11n1 horses, 241, 244
Murray Vallcy cnccphalitis virus, 353 Mycobacteriurn aviu111 ssp. hon1inissuis, 226 immunity, 245
musculosl<eletal system, 468- 473 Mycobacterium Ctvium ssp. parahiberculosis, Jaboratory diagnosis, 246
antin1ic:robial properties, 468 229- 233 mastitis, 241
infections, 468 cattle, 230 morphology, 240
iufectious ageuts a11tl co11tlitious, control, 232, 233 pathogenesls, 242
469-470 epidemiology, 230 pleuropneumonia, 241
cats, 469 goats, 230 pneumonia, 241
cattle, 469 growth characteristics, 229 poulLi y, 241, 243
ctogs, 469 hnmunily, 223-234, 231 reservoir, 242
goats, 469 • Johne's disease, 229 resistance, 242
horses, 469 laboratory diagnosis, 231 rodents, 241, 245
poultry, 4/0 morphology, 223 se1ninal vesi.culitis, 241
sheep,469 pathogenesis, 229- 230 sheep,241,244,245
:;winc, 470 rescrvoir, 229 staining, 240
mutattonal reststance, 38 sheep,230 swine, 241, 245
mutualism, 3 staining, 223 synovitis, 241
mycetonia, 21.9, 281 structure, 223 transmission, 242
lnycobacterial ulcerative lymphangitis, transrnissiou , 229 treatrnent, 248
bovinc, 233 treatment, 232 varia bility, 242
Mycobacterium. (not 1\lf. avium ssp. paratu- }.lfycobacterium a1d11rn ssp. silvaticum, 229 1nyeloblastosis virus, avian, 410
berculosis). 223-234 Mycobacteriun1 bovis, 224 n1yelocytomatosis virus, avian, 410
birds, 226 Mycobacteriurn chelonae-abscessus, 234 rnyeloperoxidase, 7
c;ininP lPproid g ran11loma syndroml', Myr.ohar.tPriurn flavP.w:ms, 2'.-\4 myoc.a rditis, 441
233 Mycobactcrium fortuiturn , 234 myxo1na virus, 334
cats, 226 Mycobacteriurn genavense, 227
cattle, 226 Mycobacteriurn haernophilurn, 227 nafciJUn, see penicillins
cellular products of medica! intercst, Mycobacterium leprae, 233 Nagler reaction, 202
223 lvfyc;obacterium leprae, 233 Nairobi sheep üisease virus, 367, 368
alkyl hydroperoxidase reductase Mycobacterium lepraemuriurn, 233 Nairovirus, 367, 368
(Ahp), 223 ,\lfycobacteriurn marin111n, 227 nalidixic acid, 31
dimycolyltrehalose (cord factor), 223 °A1ycobacteri11111 ph lei, 234 nasal cavily, Aspergillus, 296
exochelin, 223 1\ltycobacterium simiae, 227 nasal sinus, Aspergillus, 296
iron, 22'.i Myr.ohar.teríum smP3mati.~. ?.::\4 n<i tu ra 1 killer cell (NK cell), see lympho-
mycobactin, 223 Mycobactcrium thcnnoresistiblc, 234 cyte~
phosphatidyl inositol n1annoside, 223 Mycobacteriurn tuberculosis, 224 navel ill, 94
sulfolipids, 223 Mycobacteriurn ulcerans, 234 necrotic Jaryngitis, 493
surface 1nycosides, 223 Mycobact:eriu,.n xenopi, 234 necrotizing fasciitis, 163
waxes, 223 l11ycobacti11, 223 Neethl ng virus, 334, 337
control, 229 Mycoplas111a spp. (haemotrophic), 248 neomycin, see aminoglycosides
dogs, 226 Mycoplasma spp. (nonhaemotrophic), 241 neoplasia o f lymphatic tissue, 445
epidemiology, 227 Mycoplasrna, Ureaplas111a, 240-249 Neorickcttsia., 253, 255- 256
feline leprosy, 233 abscesses, 241 control, 255, 256
goats, 226 airsaccn litis, ?.41 dogs, 256
growth charactcristics, 224 arthritis, 241 Elokimin fluke fever, 255
526 Index

Neu1 itkt:ll~iu (cunlinut'd) dolphins, 220 shecp,485

horses, 255 epidemiology, 220 swine, 485
immuni ty, 255, 256 goats, 219 o lñ ñog Pn<"Pph;i l iti~, ~lí9
laboratory diagnosis, 255, 256 gro,v-th characteristics, 219 OmpA adhcsin, 61
path.ogeoesis, Z.'.l.'.l, Z.'.l6 horses, 219 Ondiri disease, 254
Potomac horse fever, 25.'i immunity, 220 001nycosis, 282-283
rcscrvoir, 255, 256 laboratory diagnosis, 220 oophoritis, 504
Salmon poisoni ng, 2 55 1nastltls, 219 upsonins, 7, 8, 11
transmission, 255, 256 morphology. 218 oral cavity, infeclion, 450-451
lreatment, 255, 256 mycetoma, 219 orbifloxacin, see fluoroquinoloncs
f\leoril*ettsia /1e/111inlhul:'cu, 255 11uca1uiufuu11 placcnlilis, 219 orbit, infection, 466
Neorickettsia risticii, 255 pathogenesis, 219 orbiviruses, 400-404
NeorickC!ltSia SC!lllLC!tsu, 255 rescrvoir, 219 orchiti~, .'íO~, .'í04
ncphritis, 498 resistance, 219 orf (contagious ccthyma of sheep), 331,
nervous syste m, 474-481 sheep, Z19 335
antimicrobi;il propi>rtiPs, 474 staining, 218 organ ic acids, 4, 6
infcclio ns, 474 structurc, 219 Orientia ts11tsugarnushi, 251
lnfectious agcnts and conditions, swine, 220 Or11ilhubulleriur11 rhinvlruch~ule, 99
476-478 tran smission. 219 ornithosis, 237
cats, 176 trea t1nent, 220 Orthon1)'xOviridr1e, 361-366
cattlc, 477 va ria\Jilil y, 219 m orphology, 361
dogs, 476 whales, 220 propert 1es, 36 t -363
goats, 478 nocardioforrn placenlitis, ?.19 ()rtJ1opoxvirus, 333, 334
liu1 ~t::., 477 nocardiosis, 218 Orthorcovirus (rcoviruses), 398 100
poultry, 478 normal tlora cats, 398
sheep, 478 rirr11latory system, 437 cattle, 398
swinc, 476 colonization rcsistuncc, 4, 6, 47 control, '100
ncutrophil, see polymorphonuclear digestive system, 446-450 dlsease, 398, 400
neutrophil leukocyte establishment, 6 d istribution, 399, 400
Newcastle diseasc virus, 373- 375 gastrointestinal tra ct, 449-450 dogs, 398
ch1<.:ke11s, 373 CdLLle, 449 gastrointestinal disease, 398, 400

control. 375 chicken, 449 horses, 3\:18
diarrhea, 373 dogs, 450 ho~t r<'~ponse, :199, 400
disease, 373 horses, 449 infectivity for othcr spccics, 398, 400
dislribution, 374 swine, 450 Jaboratory diagnos is, 399, 400
host response, 374 innate immunity, 6 p;ithogenesis, :{99, 400
infcctivity for other species, 374 inte¡,TUmentary systcm, 458 poullry, 398
JabOratory diagnosis, 3/4-J/.'.l lympho1d tissues, 437 primates, 398
neurological signs, 374 musculoskeletal system, 468 propertics,398. 400
pathogenesis, 371 nervous system, 474 reservoir, 399, ..JOO
propertles, 374 olular sy~-rem,482 re:.bla111..e, 398, 400
rcscrvoir. 374 respiratory system, 487-489 respiratory disease, 398, 400
resistan ce, 374 urogenital system, 496 rodents, 398
1 t:~¡ 1i1 al\11 y ubl1 "'"• 373 / \1ovi1'/1abdovi1·us, 377 jhecp, 3?0
transmission, j74 Nori.valk-like vi rus, 346 swine, 398
trl':i tm l'n t, .~7.'i novyilysin, 203 transmission, 399, 400
lurkcys, ~{7:{ n ucleic acid hybrídi zation , 17, 2'1 treatment, 400
new tluck tllscasc, 89 nurrl t lonally varlant Streptoc:uc:cu:;, 167 us1eu111yelilb, 468
New Jersey virus, 378 nystatin, see polycncs osteopetrosis (avian), 417

nitric oxide (NO), 9 otitis externa, 466
nitrofurans, 28, 31 O antigen, see so111alil.: <u1li~e11 ove1caling disease, 201
nitroimidazoles, 28, 31 0157:H7, 65- 66 ovinc adcnovirus, 318, 319
'.'!K cell (natural killer cell}, see lympho- obligate anaerobes, 193 ovine herpe~vir11~-l,?., ~26
1..yle~ obligate anaerobes, clucs to prcsence, 45 ovine progrcssivc pncumonia virus, scc
Nocardia, 218- 220 obligate anacrobes, see anaerobes maedi virus
Actinornyces, r.omp;i red wi th, ?.llí ocula r infections, 482-486 ovine pulmonary aclcnocarcinorna virus,
actinomycotic mycetoma, 219 antimicrobial propcrties, 182 410
l11ochcrn1ca1 characteristics, 219 flora, 483 oxat:illiu, ~ee ve11 ít:ill i11~
hovinc farcy, 219 infections. 483 oxidase test, 58
cuts, 219, 220 infectious agcnts and co nd itio ns,
cattle, 219 484- 485 P987 adhesin, (il
combincd imn1unodeficient (CID) foal. cats, 484 Paecilo111yces, Z':J'I
219 cattJe, 484 P" li~an<'~. 17.S
1..011llol, 220 dogs, 464 Palyum virus, 399, 403
Crossiella cqui, 219 goats, 48!'> panleukopenla, fcllne, see feline pan-
Cushing's disease, 7.19 horses, 484 lcukopenis virus
dogs, 219, 220 poultry, 485 papillomavirus, bovine, 315
Index 527

papillornavirus, 315- 316 modes of dissen1ination, 301-302 Pie, see Shi.gella

papillomavirus, bovine, 315 persistence, 303-304 J>icornavirictae, 339-34~
papillom::ivin1s, 0q11in0, 316 v i rus-host rela tionsh ips, :~01 pi geon fever, 177
papular stomatitis virus, bovine, 334, 335 pathogenicity, 3 pig's ears, Sa/1nonella, 72
parainfluenza 3 virus, bovine, 3?0, 3?5 pathogenicity island, 62 pigeonpox virus, 334
pa rainfl11en7.a 'fype 2 virus, canine, 370, Escherichia co/i, 62, 6~ pilus, see adhesin
375 Hclicoba~tcr (Cag), 111 pinkcyc, 121
paratnfluenza virus, hurnan, 370 RhudulVC:lus, 190 pipl:!racilliu, Sl:!t: .[Jl:!Uicillins
Para1nyxoviridae, 369-375 Salmonella, 69 p izzle rot, 179
Parapoxvirus, 334 Shisella, 81 plague bacillus, 75
parasite, 3 Staphylococcus, 153, 155 plant awns (foxtails), 216
paratyphoid (poultry), /3 Yersinia, 75, 78, 7 9 plasmid, 46
Parvoviridae., 30.5- .309 PCR (polymi>rasP ch::iin reattion), 1.7, ?.4 plasminoger.i ac:-tiva tor, 75, 76
parvovirus Type 2, canine, see canine pectoral abscess, equine, 177 pleural effusion, 194
parvovírus Pef adhesin, 69 PMN, see polymorphonuclear neutrophil
parvovirus, bovine. see bovine parvovirus penicillin, 28-30 leukocyte
parvovirus, porcine, see porcine par- a bsorption, 2 9 P1nt, 86
V(JVi l US adve1 se cffects, 30 )JMTl, 75
Pasteurella dermonecrotic toxin, 86 antimicrobial activity, 29 Pneu1nocystis, 297
PastP.11rP.lla 1P11kotox in, 8.'i clistrib11tinn, ?.9 pneumonia, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493
Pasteurclla, Mannheimia, 84- 8'> cxcretion, 29 cats, 489
atrophic rhinitis, s'"'ine, 87 mechanism of action, 28 cattle, 490
avían cholera, 88 resistance, 29 dogs, 489
av;an, 88 penicillin binding proteins, 28, 155 goat s, 491
cattle, 87, 88 penlclllin G, see penlctlllns horses, 490
dog, cat, 88 penicillin V, see penicillins poultry, 492
cell products of medical interest Peptostrcptococcus spp., 193-197 sheep, 491
adhesins, 84 perfingolysin <), 200 swine, 491
capsule, 84 pertorin, see lymphocyte pneumonia, aspirat ion, 495
fihronectin hind ing p rotein, 84 perica rdia 1 eff11sion, 194 pn P11monic pl;ii'11P, 75, 76
hyaluronidasc, 86 pcricardiu111, infcction, 440, 441 P11cu1novíri11ae, 3 75
iron, 86 periodic ophthalmia, 150, 151 pneumoviruses, 375
Ieukotoxin, 85 •
periodontal disease (Shigella), 82, 83 poliomyelitis suum. 342
ncuraminidase, 86 perltoneal effusion, 191 poll evil, 108, 216
P1nt, 86 Perslan car, myceroma, 274 polyenes, 28, 31, 4 l - 42
Rho activating toxin. 86 pertactin, 100 polymerase chain reaction (PCR). 17
RTX toxin, SS pertussis toxin, 100 polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocytc
tuxius, 85 peste des petilis fL11ninanLs virus, 370 (PMN), 6, 7
transferrin binding protein, 86 Pestivirus, 353, 356-360 antibody dependent cellular cytotoxic-
co1nposition, 84 pesticin, 75, 76 ity (ADCC), 12
control, 89 Pet (plasmid encoded toxin), 62 complement, 7
horse, 88 pgrn Jocus, 76 innat.e im1nunity, ó
goats, 88 phaeohyphomycosis, 28:~. 284 phagocyte, 6
growth charactcristics, 86 phagocytc, 6 polyomavirus, 316
human, 88 phagocytosis, 7 porcine aden ovirus, 318
immunology, 88 catalase, 7 porcine enteroviruses, 340. 342
laboratory d iagnosis, 89 compiement receptor (CR), 7, 11 control, 342
rnorpholugy, 84 Fe r.;cl:!pl.ur, 7, 8 <.lisei:l~I:!, 342
sheep, 88 halide ions, 7 host response, 342, 86 hydrogen peroxide, 7 laboratory diagnosis, 342
pueu111onia, 87, 88 inna Le ilnn1unily, 6 swine, 342
rabbit, 88 lysosome, 7 porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, 387
reservoir, 86 myeloperoxid<ise, 7 porcine parvovirus, 308- 309
resistance, 86 opsonin, 7, 11 control, 309
roaent, 88 pnago1ysosome, 7, s d1sease, 308
staining, 84 respiratory burst, 7 distribution, 308
structure, 84 superoxide dismutase, 7 host response, 308
tri:lu~u.1.b~iuu, 86 ~U.[Jl:!fUXÜ.11:! fi:IUicals, 7 infectivity for other :;pecies, 308
treatment, 89 phagolysosome, 7, 8 laboratory diagnosis, 308
variability, 86 pharrnacodynamic activity (antimicro- pathogenesis, 308
capsule serotype, 86 bials), 26 properties, 308
somatic serotype, 86 pharyngitis, 491 reproductive disorders (SMEDI),308
pathogenesis of viral diseases, 301-304 Phialophora, 283 rf'Sf'rvoi r, 308
host response, 302 Phlcboviru.$, 367 rcsistancc, 308
11nmunlty, 302- 303 phocine distemper, 370, 372 swine, 308
immunosuppression. 303 Photobacteriun1 damsela, 90 transmission, 308
interferon, 302 Phytophthora, 282 treatment, 309
528 Index

porcinc postwcaning multisystcmic wast- Clzlmnydophila, 237 propertics,354,355

ing syn<trome, 311 circulatory system, 1nfecttous agents, reservo1r, 354, 355
porcine reproductive and respiralory 442 rcsistancc, 354, 355
syndrome virus, 395 Clostridium botulinurn, 209, 210 transmission, 354, 355
con crol, 396 Clu:;tridium per(rir18ert:; Tyye A, ZOO l'u.xvi1idue, 333-338
tliscasc, 395 coronavirus, 384, 392-393 poxviruses, 333-338
distribution, 396 digestive system, infectious agents, 454 birds, 333
husL 11:sponse, 396 encephalomyelitis virus, 343-344 cats, 333
Jaboratory diagnosis, 396 i:,rysipelothrix spp., 182, 18.:S cattle, 333
myocarditis, 396 PYP, inffftious ag<'nts, 48.'\ chicken, 333
pa thogenesis, 396 fowl cholcra, 84, 85, 88 control, 336, 337, 338
pneumon1a, 396 fowlpox virus, 334 fowl, 333
rP~Prvoir, 39n Gallibacteri11111 anatis, 85 goats, 333
res pi ratory discasc, 396 gastrointestinal tract, iniectious agents, ho~"t-virus relationship, 333, 335, 336,
SMEDI, 396 454 337
swinc, 395, 396 gastrointestinal tract. norn1al flora, 449 laboratory diagnos is, 333, 335, 336, 337,
trQnsmission, 396 Haen1ophilus paragallinnrum, 98 338
trcaunent, 396 Helic:ubuc:ler pullu1111n, 142 n1onkeys, 333
porcine respiiatory corona virus, 383-386 infectious anemia v irus, 310-311 peacocl<s, 3;~3
contro l, 386 infectious bronchitis vlrtis, 384, prop&r ties, :1:1:1, :136
IJ' 1eu111onia, 383 391- 392 quail, 333
discasc, 383 infectious bursal d1 sease virus, 407- 408 rabbitS, 333
d istribution, 385 infectious laryngotrachcitis virus, 331 racoons, 333
host response, 385 influenza virus, 365 rodcnts, 333
intcctiv1ty for other spec1es, 385 integumenrary sysrem, Jnfectlous seals, 333
l;ihoratory diagnosis, 386 agents. 466 shecp, 333
pat hogenesis, 385 Jaryngotracheitis virus, 331 squirrel, 333
propertles, 384 ly111phctliL :.yslc1n, i1úeclious agents, swinc, 333
reservoir, 385 442 treatment, 3.:Só, 337, 338
rcsistance, 385 Marck's diseilse viri 1~, ~30-.~ 11 tu rkey, ::¡::¡::¡
swine, 383, 385 lvlicrosponun gallinae, 274, 275 pPCPl, 75, 76
transrni ssion, 385 musculos.keletal system, intectious J>l'lJ (punf1ed protein derivative), 228
lreal'1nent, 386 ¡igents, 470 PP!.(), see moll icutes
vo111itin¡;, 383 Mycobacteriu1n aviu111 ssp. avium, 227 primate lcn tiviruscs, 410
porcinc J<ubulc1vin1s, 3l ü Mycoplasn1a spp., 241-248 primates
porcine tcschovirus, 340, 342 nervous system, infcctious agents, 479 anthrax, 170, 173
cont rol, 3'13 Newcastle disease, 373 Bacil/11s nnlhracis, 170, 173
dtsease, 3~2 uunual flora, ga:.lrui11l1:::.li11ctl L1ctc.:l, 449 Bu1to11ella spp., 260-264
host response, 343 ocular system, infectious agents, 485 botulism, 209
laboratory diagnosis, 343 Ornithobncteriu111 rfiinotracl1eale, 99 (_'nn1pylobncter spp., 134-138
:.wiue, 342 Pasteurel/a anatis, 85 Clostridi11111 botulinum, 209
treatment, 343 Pasteare/la avi11tn, 85 C.:lostridi11"1 per(nngens, 199- 201
porcinc torovints, 384, 393 Pasteurella dagrnati~. RS í.lnstridiun1 píliforn1e, 208, 209
I'orphyro111011as spp., 193- 197 f>astcurclla sallinan11n, 85 C/ostridium s<·pticum, 205
postwcaning 1nultisystemic wasling syn- Pasteurel/a langaa, 85 Clostrldtum tetani, 211, 213
dro1ne, porcine, 311 Pasteurella rnultocída, 84, 85. 88 Corynebucleriutn pseudotuberculosis, 178
l'otomac horse fcver, 255 Pasteurella volantium, 85 Helicohncter bizzozeronii, 142
µoult ry 1~ovi1us, 398 I l elicobacter fteil111anii, 142
Arti11obacillus salpingitidis, 92 respiratory system, infectious agents, Helicobacter pylori, 142, 145
adenovirus, chicken , turkey, 318 492 Listprin (pp , 1R7
AnuúettLC!I "!JI'· 138 dlinotracheitis virus, 370 Mycobacteriu111 spp., 227
acizonosis, 74 Rien1erella anatipestifer, 89 obllgate anaerobes, 193, 195
Aspergil/11s spp., 294-297 rinewo rm , ?.73-?.7R reovirus, 398
avian cholcra, 84, 85, 88 Saltnonella spp., 73-74 Sal1nonella spp., 69 7'1
avían encephalomyeht1s VIrus, 343-344, infecrious agenrs, 466 Shtgella spp., 81-83
avían leukosis virus, 417- 419 Staphylococcus aureus, 157 simian hcmorrhagic fever virus, 384,
avion influenza virus, 365 thrush, 271 397
avJan para1nyxovlrus, 370 Trithuphylun :.irnii, 274, 275 5jn1ian immunodcfi1..iency virus (STV),
Bordctclla avi111n, 104 turkey coronavirus, 384, 392-393 42~-426
Bonle~elia bronchiseptica, 104 turkey hepatitis virus, 340, 345 si mi;in typ<' n rí'trovirus, 416-417
1.Jut u li:.111, 209, 21 O turkey rhinotracheitis virus, 370 Staphylococcus aurcus, 154- 158
bu n1ble foot, 157 turkeypox virus, 334 Srrepcococcus pne11n1oniae, 163
c:nndida a/bicnns, 271 urog&nital system, infectious agents, Streptococcus pyogerzes, 160
chickcn adenovirus, 318 499 tetanus, 211, 213
c111c1'en 1nrecnous anemia virus, 3J0- Powassan vtrus, 354, 355 Tyu.c1 ':. \.li~t:Cl~t:, 208, 209
3 ll disease, 354, 355 Yersinía spp., 75-80
Clilnmydia, 237 distribution, 354, 355 prion, 477
lndex 529

procine lype C: oncov in 1s, 41 O purified protein derivative (PPD), 228 red water d iscase, 204
progressive pneumonia virus, scc purpura hemorrhagica, 162 redmouth, 75, 80
visna/maedi/progressive pyelonephrltls, 499 Reoviritlue, 398-405
pneumonia vjruses pyelonephritis, bovine, 179 reovirus, see Orthoreovirus
p rophylactic use of antimicrobials, 47 pyochelin, 122 reproduct:ive and respiratory syndrome
prostatitis, 503 pyocln, 122 vjru~, ~ee po1ci11e

Prototheca, 297, 298 pyocyanin, 122 reproductive and respiratory syn-

1'$-C<)mpounds, 30 pyolysin O, 168 drome virus
Pseucluilc::schl-riu, 284, 297 pyoJnetra, 503 reptiles, Sailnonella, 72
pseudocO\'Vpox virus ot cattle, :~34, ::ss::. pytn1os1s, 28.:S resistance (arug), sce anttmicroblal arug
ps<>11<loglanclers, 279- 281 Pythium, 282-283 resistance
Pseudornonas, 122- 124 pYV, 75, 78 resistance plasmids (R p lasmids), 38, 39,
cattle, 123 46
cellular products of medica! interest, Q fever, 251 Actinobacillus, 93
122 quailpox virus, 334 Enterobacteriaceae, 58
a<.lhesins, 122 quinolones, see Jluoroquinolones Escherichia coli, 40
capsule, 122 Mannheirnia, 86
cell wall, 122 r;ihi<"S virus, :'177-380 norn1al flora, 47
iron, 1.22 cuts, 378 Past'eurella, 86
p1gments, 122 cattle, 378 Pseudo111011as, 123
pyochelin, 122 control, 380 Salmonella , 40, 73
pyocin, 122 disease, 377 Staphylococcus, 155
quoru1n sensing, 123 c.listril>utiuH, 378 Yer~iniu, 80
regulation of virulence determinants, dogs, 378 respiratory burst, see phagocytosis
122-123 foxes, 378 respira tory coronavirus, canine, 384
toxlns, 122 goats, 378 respicatory syncytia) virus, bovine, 370,
control, 123, 124 horses, 3/8 3'75
dogs, 17.:S host response, 379 respiratory syncytial virus, human, 370
epiden1iology, 123 infcctivity for othcr species, 378 respir:itory system, 187 195
gro~vth characteristics, J.23 laboratory diagn osis, 380 antJmtcrobtal properttes, 487
horscs, 123 neurological disease, 377 flora, 487
imn1unity, 123 pathogenesis, 379 infec;tions, 489
laboratory diagnosis, 123 • pruperties, 377 i11fecliou~ agenls and condilions,
n1orphology, 122 rabies, 377 489- 492
pathogenesis, 123 reservoir, 378 dogs, 489
reservoir, 123 resistance, 378 cat.s, 489
staining, 122 sheep,378 horses, 490
structure, 122 s kun ks, :'178 cattle, 490
lfans1nission, 123 swine, 378 shccp, 491
trcat1nent, 123, 124 transmission, 378 goats, 491
Pseudornonas aerugi nosa, 1?.::>. treatrnent, 380 swine, 491
pseudorabies virus, 326-328 R plasrnids, 38, 39, 46, 58, 73, 71 poultry, 492
al)ortion, :'126, 327 rabbit coronavirus, 384 respiruviruses, 375
Aujeszky's disease, 326 rabbits reticuloendotheliosis virus, avían, 410
cats, 326 Actinobacillus capsulatus, 92 Retroviridae, 409- 426
cattle, 326 Bo11letel/u. bronchisepth:a, 104 classification, 409
control, 327 Clostridium piliforme, 208- 209 components, 409- 412
diseasc, 326 ClostriditJrn spiroforrne., ?.0() ft>at11rf'$, 409
disltibulion, 326 coronavirus, 384 im1nunologic charactcrization, 413
dogs, 326 Franccsella tularensis, 117, 118 oncogenesis, 413-414
bost respon.~f', :S?.7 Lawsonia, 139 repllcation, 412- 413
infectivity for o thcr spccics, 327 Lcporipoxvirus (myxom:i virsu), 331 Rhabdoviridae, 377 382
laboratory diagnosis, 327 Mora.xella cunlculi, 120 rhln!tis A virus, equine, 340, 345
rneningoencephalitis, 326, 327 l'asteurella 1nultocida, 84. 85 rhinitis B virus, equine, 340, 345
patho genesis, 327 tularen1ia, 117, 118 rhinitis, 490
properties, 327 334
l'iiCO O llf)OX V it US, rhinopharyngilis, 491
pruritis, 326 raclioimmunoassay, 25 rhinopneumonitis, equine, 323
reservoir, 326 rain rot, 220 R11inosporidi11rn, 297
resistance, 327 Ranavirus, 314 rhinotracheiti.s virus, turkey, 370
sheep,326 rapid sporulatJon medium (T{SM), 276 rh1notraclleitis, 493
swine, :~26 rapidly growing mycobacteria, 234 rhinotracheitis, virus, feline, 329
transmission, 326 rat coronavirus, 381, 391 Rhinovirus, 310
psittacosis, 237 rational use of, guidellnes r111novirus, bov.tne, 340, 345
pullorum disease, 73 for. 45 Rhizopus, 297
pulmonary adenocarcinoma vi.rus, ovine, fecurrent uveitis, 150, 151 Rho activating toxins, 62, 85, 86, 102
410 reu l>luuu ceUs, lufe1.:liuu, 443 Burcl1:LellcJ, 102
pulpy kidney disease, 201 red nose (IBR), 323 CNF, (Escherichia coli), 62
530 111dex

Rho activating toxins (continued) treatment, 373 RTX toxin, 63, 85, 92, 102, 119
Mannheirnia, 85 ulcerative sto1natitis, 372 Actinobacillus, 92
f'ct,\{CLll t:l/u 1 8(> 1 i 1lgV\1 \Jl 1t1, ~te dt:.1 11 1a LO~'Jl 1y l t::j Boalel~llu, l 02
l'rnt, 86 IZMSJ:'' 250
J:'.scherichia coli, 63
Rhodor.or.ciLs equi, 190- 192 Rocky Moun tain .s ported fever, 250 Mannheirnia, 8S
American nlligntor, 191 rodcnts lvforaxclla, 119
bioche1nical characteristics, 190 Acrinobacillus rnuris, 92 Pasteurella, 85
cellu lar producl's of1nedical interest, Bartonel/a spp., 260- 264 Rubulavirus, 370
1.90 Clostridiu1n piliformc, 208, 209 Rubulavirus, porcine, 370
capsule, 190 Enrerococcus durans, 166 rubulavlruses, 373- 375
tell wall, 190 Enterococcus hirae, 166 run1en, infection, 454
cholesterol oxidase, 190 Enterococcus 1•illorum, 166
phospholipctS<:: C, 190 Flc:xispiru (Hc:/iL(1/:JuGler), 142 Suc:c/11.uornyces /Joulardii, 83, 208
virulence associated proteins (Vaps), Francise/la tularensis, 117, 118 Shigella, 83
190 He/icobacter bilis, 145 Clostridi111n d iffir:ilP., ?.08
c.onlrol, 192 Ilelicobacter bizzozeronii, 142 salmolysin, 70
crocodiles, 191 Helico/Jacter c/10/ecystus, 14:l salmon poisoning, 255
epidenüolo¡;,y, 191 Helir.ohar.ter cinaedi, 142 Salmonella, 69- 74
growth characteristics, 190 Hclicobactcr ganrnani, 142 abortioo, 71
horses, 191 flelico/Jacter hepaticus, 145 artzonosi$ (avian}, 74
human, 191 Helicobac/er mesocricetorum, 142 aro A rnutant vaccine, 72, 73
iinmunity, 191 He/icobacter muridarun1, 142 cats, 72
laboratory diagnosis, 191, 192 Hel i<:ubucler rriuslc:luc:, 145 callle, 71
n1orphology, 190 Helicobacter rodentiurn, 142 cellular products ot medica! interest, 69
pathogenesis, 191 Helicobader trogontum, 142 Are, 70
pueu11 1v11ia (fual}, 191 Helicobacter typlilo11icus, 142 capsule (Vi), 69
reservoir, 1.91 lacta te dehydrogenase elevating virus, cell >vall, 69
resistance, 190 384, .396 effector proteins, 69- 70
staining, 190 Lawsonia, 139 cn tcrobactin, 71
structu re, 190 Leptospira serovar. grippotypllosa, 148, 149 en terotoxin, 70
sivine, 191 Leptospira serovar. icterohaemorrhagiae, iron, 70
transni.ission, 191 118, 119 M (:ell, 71
treatment, 192 1Vforaxella caviae, 120 neuropenia, 71
variability, 190 mouse hepatitis virus, 384, 390 pathogenicity islan ds (SPI), 69
Rickett.sia rickettsii, 250- 251 murine pneu1nonia virus, 370 PhoP/Ph oQ, 70
cvutrul, 251 J\tfyl<JjJ/u~rnu .\ f'f'·, 241-248 RpoS iegulaLion, 71
/)errnacentor, 251 Pasleurel7a pneumolropica, 85, 88 seru1n resistance, 71
dogs, 251 rat coronavirus, 384, 391 ShdA, 70
immunity, 251 reovirus, 398 SlyA, 70
laboratory d1a¡,rnos1s, 251. Senda1 virus, 370 stress proteins, 70
morphology 251 Streptococcus equi ssp. zooepidemicus, 163 type III secretion systen1, 69- 70
path<>gcnc!;i~, 251 tularcmia, 117, 118 virulence plasmids, 70
Rocky Mouutaiu spotted fever, 250 Ty;:zer's dbease, 208, 209 cvutrul, 73
staining, 251 Yersinia pestis, 76 diarrhea, 71
ticks, 251 Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, 78 dogs, 72
treatn1ent, 251 Rornanovsky-typc stain, 16 DT 104, 72, 73
J<ickettsia spp. , ;¿:,o, 2!>1 Xon1virus, Jl'.$4 En tentidis phage type 4, 72
Riernerello anatipestifer, 89 rotavi n JSPS ( Rotavi rus), 404-406 fowl typhoi d, 73- 74
rifan1pin, 28, 32 cattle, 404, 405 horscs, 71- 72
Rift Valley fever virus, 367 control, 406 immunity, 72
rinderpest virus, 370, 372- 373 diarrhea, 404 J5, 73
buffalo, 372 disease, 101 laboratory diagnosis, 72
catt le, 372 distrlbutJon, 405 uornt:uclature, 69
control, 373 enteritis, 404 paratyphoid, 73
diarrhea, 372 horses, 404, 405 pathogenesis, 71
Llisease, 372 host response, 405 pig's ears, 72
distribution, 372- 373 intectivity tor other species, 40!> pneumon1a, 71
host response, 37.3 lahor;itory di agnosis, 40S- 406 poultry, 73
infectivily for other species, 372 pathogcncsis, 405 pullorum disease, 73
laboratory diagnosis, 373 properties, 405 reptiles, 72
pathogenesis, 373 reservoir, 405 rcservoir, 70
propcrtics, 372 sheep,101,105 septicemia, 71
reservoir, 372-373 swine, 404, 405 ~heep, 71
resístance, 372 transnlission, 405 structuce, 69
sheep, 372 treat1nent, 406 swine, 71
:,w i11e, 372 Rous sarcon1a virus, 4 10 t.ransmission, 70
transrnission, 372- 373 RSM (rapid sporulation n1edilun), 2/6 treatment, 73
Index 531

Salrnone/la aroA mut ant vaccine, 72 horder disease virus, 353, 358 Mannfleimia varigena, 85
Salmonel/a culture characteristics, 59- 60 botulism, 209 melioi cio.~i.~, ns
Sulrno11clla .En teritidis p h age type 4, 72 bradsot, 205 Moraxe//r¡ boevrei, 120
Salmoneila genomic island 1, 40, 13 braxy, 20~ Moraxel/a caprae, 120
Saltnonella pathogPnicity i.~lanrls (SPI), 69 Bruce/la melitensis, 106 Moraxella ovis, 120
Sal!none/la Typhimu rium DT 104, 40, 72, Bruce/la ovis, 106 muscu loskeletal system, infectious
73 Burkholderia pseudomallet, 115 agenrs, 469
salpingitis, 504 Cache Vallcy virus, 367 Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuber-
sa1nple collection, 15 Campylobacter spp., 136 culosis, 230
sarnple tra n sport, 15 capt ine a1th1ilis encephcililis vir us, 1vfycobaLT.eriurn bovis, 226
Sapporo-li ke v irus, 346 421- 422 Mycoplasrna spp., 241-248
saprophyte, 3 caseous lymphadenitis, 178 Nairohi .~hPPp cliS<'ilS<' vints, 367, 368
sarafloxacin, see fluoroquinolones Chlarnydophila pecoru1n, 237 Nairovirus, 367, 368
sarcoid, equine, 316 circling d1sease, 187 nervous system, infectious agents, 478
SA RS (sPVPrP ac:11l'P respiratory syndrom e) circulato ry system, in fectious agents, Nocardia spp., 219
coronavirus, 384 440 nutritionally variant. streptococci, 1.67
SgE (sporadic bovtnc encephalomyelltis), ClosrrldJun1 /Jorul/nurn, 209- 210 obllgate anaerobes, 193, 195
237 Clostridium chauvoei, 206 ocular system, infectious agents, 485
Scedosporiun1, 284, 297 Clostridium novyi Type A, 203 overeating disease, 201
sc1apie cigent, 427- 431 Clostridiurn novyi Type B, 203 ovine adenovirus, 318- 319
control, 431 Clostridiun1 perfi'ingens Type A, 200 l'asteureila multocida, 8 4, 85, 88
disease, 47.7-47.8 <:Jnslridiunz pP.r(iingP.ns TypP R, 200-?.01 PastP.urP.lla trP.halosi, 84, RS, 88
gciats, 427 Clostridium perfringens Typc C, 201 peste des petits ruminants virus, 370
host genct1c polymorphisms, 429 Closrriáiurn per(ringens Type r>, 201 Phlebovirus, 367
laboratory diagnosis, 430- 431 Clostridiun1 septicurn, 205 pizzle rot, 179
pathogcncsis, 429- 430 C/ostridiun1 sordcllii, 209 poxvirus, 334
prion strains, 429 C/osrridium cetani, 211, 213 progrcssive pneumonia virus, 421-422
properties, 428 - 429 Coccidioides spp.. 285. 287 pulpy kid ney disease. 201
sheep,427 coccid ioidon1ycosis, 285, 287 Q fever, 251
llt:dlUlt:lll, 431 C(11 yri~}JL-4.( ittr11 fJ~')tud,Jli1l1c1 c...ul«.1~i.>, 178 v i1 u~, 377- 380
sealpox virus, 334 Corynebacterium renale group, 178- 179 reovirus, 398
sccretory IgA, see antibody COJfi!?.lla hurnP.tii, ?..Sl - ?.S?. rPspir;ito ry sys tt>rn, infe.c:t io11s agents,
selenite broth , 60 · dermat ophilosis, 220-221 491
seminal vesiculitis, ~03 Dermatophi/us, 220- 221 Rift Valley fever virus, 367
SPm li ki Fo rPst vi rus, :i.S-1, :ts3 Dichelobacter nodosus, 195- 197 rinderpest virus, 370
sen, 81 Ehrlichia ruminantiurn, 251 ringworn1, 275
sepsis, 438 enreroroxemla, 200- 201 rotavirus, 404, 405
septicemia, 438 Erysipelothrix, J 82 Salrnon.e/la spp., 71
scpticolysin (), 205 Escherichia coli (EPEC), 65 scrapie agent, 427- 431
Serpullna, see Brachyspira Esclu:ric:hiu luli (ETEC), 63 skin, infeclious agen ts, 465
sertun resistance Escherichia coli (invasive), 64 Staphylococcus aureus, 156
Escherichia coli, 64 eye, infectious agents, 485 stiff la1n b disease, 237
Salrnunellu, 71 Flexispira (llelicobacter) rappini, 142, 145 strawberry foot.rot, 220- 221
Yersinia, 76, 78, 80 focal symmetrica l encephalomalacia, struck, 201
seru1n virus neutralization test, 24 201 tPt!lDlJS, ?.11, ?.l .~
severe acute respiratory syndrome coron- foot and mouth disease virus, 339- 342 tick pycmia, 156
a vir us ()Al{)), 384 footrot, 195 ticl<-borne fever, 259
" ' xn;i lly t ransm itt ed disease (chlamydio- Francíse/la tularensis. 117-118 tularemia, 117- 118
sis, h uman), 236 gastroin testinal tract, infectious agents, urogenital system, in.fectious agents,
ShdA, 70 453 498
sheep, goats G ranuJicatella, 167 visna virus, 421-422
Abiotrophia , 167 l·Telicohn cter rnppini, 142, 145 Wessclsbron virus, 353, 355
Actinobacillus lignieresii, 9 2, 94 1Iistophilus so1n11i, 98 '"'ooden tonguc, 94
Actinohaciilus seminis, 92 integu1nen ta ry system, inJ:ectious yellow lamb disease, ZOO
Ar.tinomyr.P.~ .~pp. ,
216-217 agen ts, 46.S yellows, 200
adenovirus, ovinc, 318- 319 Johnc's discasc, 230 Ycrsinia cntcrocolitica, 79
Atrican lleartwater disease, 2~4 lan1b dysentery, 200 Yersinia pseudotu/Jerculosis, 78- 79
anaerohes, ohligate, 193, 195 Listeria spp., 187 sh eeppox virus, 334, 336
Anaplasrna phagoGytophilum, 259 louping ill virus, 353, 355 ShE1' 1, 8 1
ant hrax, 170, 172 lumpy jaw, 216- 217 shiga (and shiga -lll<e) roxin, 62, 81
Arcano/Jacterium pyoxenes, 169 lumpy W()OI, 220- 221 Shigella, 81- 83
arthritis encephalitis vints, caprine, lung, in fectious agents, 491 cellular ptoducts of medica! jnterest, 81
421- 422 lymphoid system, infectious agents, adh esins, 81
Hacillus anthracis, 1/0, 1/2 440 cell wall, 81
highParl, 20:~ fvfannhP.imia granuln1natis, 8.S PntPro toxins, 81-8?.
black discasc, 203 Mannhcimia haemolytica, 84, 85, 88 invasion plas1nid, 81
bluetongue Virus, 401 Mannheimia ruminalis, 85 invasion proteins (Ipa), 81
532 lndex

Shigella (continued) laboratory diagnosis, 416 biochemical characteristics, 155

path og<'nicity islands (Shi-0, Shi- 1)), p;ithogenesi.s, 416 bumblefoot, 157
81 primates, 416 cattle, 15 6- 157
regulatory genes, 82 properties, 416 cats, 1S6
shiga toxin, 81 reservoir, 416 cellular products of 1nedical interest, 153
type !11 secretion system, 81 transmission, 116 adhesins, 153
colonization resbtance, 82 treatment, 417 alpha toxJn, 154
control, 83 simian virus 5, 370 aurochel in, l55
diarrhea, 82 Sindbis virus, 353 beta toxin, 154
dysentery, 82 sinusllis, 490 capsule, 153
epiderniology, 83 skin, see integumentary system cell wall, 153
immun ity, 81 sleepy fo;i 1clise;ise, 94 cielt;i toxin, l 'i.'i
laboratory diagnosis, 83 SLT, 62,81 ente rotoxin, 153
morphology, 81 Sly, 70 exfoliative toxin, 153
pathogenesis, 82- 82 SMEDI, 306, 308, 396 ga1n1na toxin, 154
primates, 81, 82 snowshoe hare virus, 367 hemolytic toxin, 151
reservoir, 82 so1natlc (O ) antlgen, 57 tron, 155
staining, 81 Sop. 70 leukocidin , 155
structure, 81 soremuzzle, 401 MSCRAMMs, 153
lla11~ 1 11i)siun, 82 spanowpox virus, 334 111ultiple peptide resistance factor, 155
treatment, 83 specünen handling, 15, 20 Pan ton-Vatentine toxin, i:i:i
variability, 82 spec:rinon1yc:in, see ;iminocyclitols pyrog<'nic toxin, ts :~
Shigella boydii, 81 spherulin, 285 regulation ofvirulcncc dctcrm inants,
Shigella culture characteristics, 59- 60 spHan1yc1n, see macrolides 155
Sh(<?el7a dysenteriae, 81 sporadic bovine enceph alomyelitis (SBE), SCCcap, 153
Shigclla flcxncri, 81 237 SCC1nec, 155
Shigella sonnei, 81 sporotrichosis, 279- 281 staphyloferrin, 155
Shi-0, 81 Sporothrix schenckii, 279- 281 toxic shock syndron1e toxi n, 153
shipping fcvcr, 87, 97, 243, 323, 375, 387 cats, 281 coagulase, 75, 153, 1.55
Siucienuviru:;, 318 celluli:lr vrouucL~ uf 1uecJici:ll iuleres t, cuulrvl, 158
sialodacryade11itis virus, 384, 391 279 derruati tis, 156
siderophores, 57, 63, 70, 71, 75, 79, 82, adhesins, 279 dogs, 156
122, 155, 223 cell wall, 279 epideroiology, 157
aerobactin, 63, 82 n1elanin, 27') exudative dern1atitis, 157
a11rnchC'lin, l 'i'i pi>ptidP-rh;imnnmann;in, 780 go;its, 1.56- 1.57
cntcrobactin, 71 sialic acid, 280 greasy pig disease, 157
exocheli n, 223 control, 281 gro~vth cha racteristics, 155
mycobactin, 223 dogs, 281 horses, 157
pyochelin, 155 epidemiology, 281 imn1unity, 157
~laphylofeniu, J55 growtll cllaracteristics, 279 laboratory diagn osis, 158
yersiniabactin, 75, 78, 79 horses, 281 mastitis, 156, 157
SigA, see Shigella immunity, 281 morphology, 153
simian AIDS-related virus, 416-417 laboratory diagnosis, 281 osteon1yeliris, 156, 15 7
simian enterovirus, 340 morphology, 27') otitis externa, 1S6, 157
sirn ian foa1ny virus, 410 path oge nesis, 280 pa t hogt>nf'sis, 1.'i 6
sin1ian hcrnorrhagic fcvcr virus, 384, 397 prima tes, 2 81 rcscrvoir, 156
simian hcrpcsvirus B, 330 reservoir, 280 resista n ce 155
sirnian immunodeficiency virus, 425- 426 staining, 279 ruminants, ' 156- 157
pritnates, 425, 4 2 6 structure, 279 sheep, 156- 157
disease, 425 transnlission, 280 staining, 153
properties, 425 treatment, 281 structure, 153
infec:tivity for o ther species, 426 variability, 7.79- 780 s'.vinf>, 1'i7
distribution, 426 Spring viremia of carp vi rus, 378, 382 transmission, 156
reservoir, 426 Spu1navirus, 410 treatment, l58
t ra nsmission, 426 spu1navirus, hu1nan, 410 variability, 155
pathogcncsis, 426 Spv plasmid, 70, 71 Staphy/ococcus aurcus, 153, 156
host response, 426 squirrel monl<ey retrovlrus, 410 Stapflylococcus hyicus, 15 3, 157
laboratory diagnosis, 426 squirrel parapoxvirus, 334 Staphylococcus inl'ermedius, 153, 156
treat1nent, 426 Ssa, 70 Staphylococcus schleiferi ssp. coagulans, 153,
control, 426 s~e, 70 156
simian T-lymphotropic virus, 410 Ssp, 70 staph yloferrin, 155
sin1ian type D retrovirus, 416- 417 ST enterotoxin, 61- 62 starlingpox virus, 334
control, 417 St, Louis encephalitis virus, 353 stiff Jamb disease, 237
d1sease, 4lo stat)te tox1 n, c. cot1, hl - hL. stomach, infecnon, 454
distribu tion, 416 Staphylococcus, 153- 158 stones, bladder, 500
host response, 116 abscess, 156, 157 strangles, 162
infectivity for other species, 416 avían, 157 strawllerry fuv ln.>l, 220
lndex 533

Srrepcnbacillus tnonllifonnis, 222 streptomycin, sce aminoglycosides Francisella tularensis, 117, 118
Stteptococcus, 159-165 stress, 47, 70 g¡¡strointestinal tract, infectious agents,
alpha hemolysis, 159 string of pcarls test, 173 453
l.Jeta heu1vlysb, 159 SlTUCk, 201 gastromtestina l tract, normal tlora, 450
biochemical characteristics, 161 suilysin, 162 Getah virus, 351, 353
birds, 160 .'>uipoxvirus, 334, 337 Hclicobactcr suis, 142
CAMP test, 164 sulbat:Lau1, 29 hemaggluttnatl ng encephalomyeht1s
cats, 160 sulfonamides, 28, 32 virus. 384, 386
cattle, 160 ;ibsorplion, 32 hog cholera vi rus, 353, 359
ccllular products of medica! interest, ad verse effects, 32 iuflueu:i:a, 364-365
l59 antimicrobial activity, 32 integumentary system, in fectious
adhesins, 159 distrihution, ~2 agents, 465
capsule, 159 cxcrction, 32 intestinal spirochetosis, 133
cell wall, 159 resistan ce, 3 2 Japanese encephalitis virus, 353
M protein, 159 sulfur granule, 217 La1vsonia, 139-140
VIS<:'.RAMMs, 159 summer mastitis, 169 teptospira scrovar. bratislava, 148-14?
pyrogenic toxins, 159- 160 superoxide radicals, sce pl1a¡;vt:ylv~i~ Leptospira serovar. canicola, 148-149
streptolysins, 160 swamp cancer, 28:~ Leptospira serovar. grippotypllosa,
suilysin, 162 swa1n p fev~r, 4?.?. 148-149
control, 164 swinc Leptospira se1ova1. icte1ohuernurrhugiue,
uugs, 160 Acttnobacillus indoticus, 92 148- 149
epiden1iolO,l,'Y, 163 Actínobacillus "1i11or, 92 T.eptnspira ~Prnvar. pomona, 148-149
gamma hemolysis, 159 Actínobacill11s ple11ropneun1oniac, 91- 94 lung, infectious agents, infectious
goats, 160 ALliriubacillus porcinus, 92 agents, 491
gro,vth charactcristics, 160 Actinobacillus rossii, 92 Jymphalic tissuc, infec:tious agents, 441
h orses, 160 Actinobaci/lus suis, 92 Mannhei111ia varigena, 85
. 16?) .., Acti110111yces spp., 216, 217 Mic.Tuspuru111 nanum, 274, 275
¡owl absccss, 162 aden ovirus, jl8, :~lY m usculoskclctal system , infectious
laboratory diagnosis, 163 A frican swi n e fever virus, 312-314 agents, 470
mastitis, 163 anthrax, 170, 173 MycobuLie1 iurn avhtnt ssp. avium, 226
morphology, 159 Arcobacter spp., 138, 139 Mycobacteri11n1 bovis, 226
necrotizlng fasciitis, 163 Asfivin1s, 312-314 Mycoplasrna spp., 241- 248
pathogenesis, 162 • atrophic rhinitis, 87, 88, 103, 104 nervous systcm, infectious agenls, 478
pueurnonia, 162 Bacillus anchracls, 170, 173 t\locardia spp., 220
poultry, 160 benign enzootic paresis, 342 normal flora, ga.~troint<>sti n;il tritCt, 4.50
prlm<'ltP.S, 160 f?ordatalla bronchi.~optica, 103 o c ular oyatcm, i11fcctioua ngcnt3, 485
purpura hen1orrhagica, 162 B111clzyspira /1yodysente1 iue, 131-133 parvovirus, 306, 308, 309
reservou, 162 Hrachyspira innocens, 131, 132 Pasteurella aerogenes, 85
resistance, ·161 Tlrarhyspira pilosicoli, 131, 132 Pastcurclla nu1iri, 85
rodcnts, 160 Bn,cella suis, 106 l'asteurclla r1111ltociua, 84, 85, 88
ruminants, 160 Can1pylobactcr coli, 134 poliomyelitis suum, 342
sheep, 160 r.andida albicnns, 271 porcine adenovi rus, 318, 319
staining, 159 circulatory system, infectious agents, porcine epiden1ic dia11hea vil u~, 384,
strangles, 162 441 387
structure. 159 c:lassical swine fever virus. 353, 359 porcinP parvovirn~ ..~Ol'i , :~OR, '{()()
swine, 160 C /ostridi1nn perfringens Type C, 201 porcine rcproductivc and rcspiratory
transmission, 162 Clostriuiurn teturti, 211, 213 syndrome vtrus, 384, 395-396
treatment, 163 Coccidioides spp., 285, 287 porcine respiratory coronavirus, 384,
variahility, 161 coronavirus, rcspiratory, 384, 383-386 383-386
Str,·ptococcus agalactiac, 160, 162 dermatophytosis, 273- 278 po1cine Ruúuluvirus, 370
Srreprococcus ca11is, 160, 163 d1amond skln discase, 182 poxvirus, 334
Streptococcus didelpllis, 163 digestive system, inf~c.r-ious agi>nts, 45~ pseudorabics virus, 326- 328
Streptococcus dysgalactiae ssp. dysgalactiae, eastern cquinc cnccphalitis virus, rabies virus, 377-380
160, 162 351-353 reovtrus, 398
Streptococcus dysxalactiae ssp. equisimi/is, edem a disease, 66 respiratory c:oro navir11s, ~84, 38~-.:lR6
160, 162 EEE,351-35 3 rcspiratory systcm, infectiou~ agents,
Strcptococcus cqui ssp. equi, 160, 162 Et1terocOLLL1:> cluran:,, 163 491
StTeptococcus equ1 ssp. zooepiden1icus, 160, Enterococcus /1irae, 163 Rhodococa1s equi, 190- 191
162 Enterococc11s villon1m, 163 ringworm, 273 278
Strcptococc11s iniac, 163 enterotoxemia, 201 rvlaviru~, 404, 405
Srreprococcus pl1ocae, 163 cpidemic diarrhea virus, 384, 387 Rubulavirus, 370
Streplococcus pne11111oniae, 160, 163 F.rysipelnthrix, 1R/. skin, infectious agents, 465
Streptococcus porcinus, 160, 162 Escherichia coli (EAggEC), 64 SMEDI, 306, 308, 396
SLreplucuc:t11s pyu¿;enes, 160 Escherichia coli (EPEC), 6.'.> Streptococcus porcinus, 162
Streptococcus suis, 160, 162 Escherichia coli (ETEC). 63 .'\trpptnrnrr11c c11ic, 16?
StrPptococcus 1Jberis, 160, 163 eye, infectious agcnt s, 485 swincdyscntcry, 131 - 133
streptolysin O, 160 fool and 111vull1 uiscasc virus, 339-342 swine influenza, 364- 365
534 lndex

swlne (continued) -ieschen disease, 342 transmissible spongiform encephalo-

swine vesicular disease, :~4:~ Tescfznvirus, :~40 pat h ies, 427-434
Talfan di:;ca!;c, 342 tcschovirus, porcinc, scc porcinc transport media, 1S
Teschen clisease, 342 teschovirus transport of samples, 15
tetanus, 211, 213 tetanolysin, 212 transposons. 39
TGE, 384, 383 tetanus, 211 Trichophyton equinum, 274, 275
tra11s111is~i1Jle gastrueuteritb viru:. tetauu~ tuxiu, 212 7 rkhuphylufl rflenlug1o¡;hytes, 274, 275
(TGE), 384, 383 tetracycline, 28, 33 T1ichophyl'on sin1ii, 274, 275
tularem ia, 117, 118 adverse effects, 33 Trichophyton vern1cos11m, 274, 275
urogel1ita l systen1, infectious agents, 498 antimicrobial activity, 33 trimethoprim-sulfonalnides, 28, 32
vesicular disease, j 4 j Clostric/iu1n diftlcile, 33 absorptíon, d1stnbution, elimination,
vc>sir11lar stomatiti.~ vi rus, ::\78, ::\80-381 normal flora, :~3 33
Yersinia e'11terocolitica, 79, 80 rcsistancc, 33 advcrse effects, 33
Yersinia pseudotu/Jerculosis, 78 Salmonella, 33 antimlcroblal acrtvJty, 32
swine dysentery, 131. 132 TG.E vi rus, see t ransmissible gastroenteri- normal flora. 33
s,.,íne influenza virus, 36'1 365 tis virus resistance, 3 3
cuutrul, 365 Theilovi1us, 3 40 tubercle, 225
disease, 364 thiena1nycin, 30 tuberculin test, 228
laboratory diagnosis, 365 t hromboen1bolic: m en ingoPncPp ha litis t11he.rc:ulosis, 223- 229
pathogenesis, 364 (fLME), 98 tularcm.ia, 117, 118
resp iratory tra ct disease, 364 thrush, 271 tumor necrosis factor, see ly1nphocytes
s~"i'ine, :~64 tiamulin, see n1acrolictes turkey adenovirus, 318
trcatmcnt, 365 tick pyemia, 156 turkey coronavirus, 392-393
swinepox virus, 334, 337 tick-borne fever, 259 1Jluecu1111J dbt:ase, 392
S\.vine vesicular disease, 343 tinea, see dermatophytosis control, 393
con trol, 3'13 Tir, 63 disease, 392
dtsease, 343 Tly, 131 disLribution, 392
host-virus relationship, 343 1'-lymphotropic virus 1, human, 410 enteritis, 392
la boratory diagnosis, 343 T-lymphotropic virus, sirnian, 410 11ost response>, 393
swine, 343 tobramycin, see aminoglycosides infectious enteritis, 392
treatment, 343 Togaviridae, 351- 353 intes:tivity tor other species, 392
symbiosis, 3 Toll-like receptors, 9 J.;ibor!t tnry oiagnosis, :~9:{
syncytial virus, bovine, 410 bacteria! DNA, 9 mud fever, 392
syncytial virus, telinc, 410 bacterial flagella, ':J pathogenes1s, 393
synovif'i.~. 471 inflammation, 10 properties, 392
innatc immunity, 9 rcservoir, 392- 393
T cell, see lymphocytes virus recognition, 10 transmlsslble enteritis, 392
Talfan diseasc, 342 Torovirus , 393 transmission, 392- 393
Taylorella, 125-127 torovirus, bovine, 384, 393 treatment, 393
cell ula1 p1 oducts of 111edical in Le1 es L, LOH'lvi1us, equine, 384, 393 Lu1keys, 392
125 torovirus, h uman, 384, 393 turkey coryza, 104
capsule, 125 torovirus, porcine, 384, 393 turkey hepatitis virus, 340, 34.S
cell wa ll, 125 toxic shock syndrome (dog), 163 control, 345
contagious equtne metritis (CEM), lZ~ toxoid, 48, ~z disease, 345
control, 126 t racheal colonization factor, 100 host-virus relationship, 345
cpidemiology, 126 tracheal cytotoxin, 102 laboratory diagnosis, 3'15
grov\Tth cllaracteristlcs, 125 trachetcls, 49:3 properties, 345
horses, J26, 127 tracheobronchitis, 493 treatment, 345
i1nn1un ity, 126 trachoma, 236 turkeys , 345
labrn alt11 y d iagnos is, 12<) Lransnüsslblc enteritis, 392 turkcy rhinotracheiti3 virus, J70
n1orpholoh'Y· 125 transnlissible gastroenteritis virus (TGE), turkeypox virus, 334
m11l1>~, 1?.6, 17.7 :{8:~-:~86 type 1 adhesin, 57
pathogencsis, 126 control, 386 type 111 secretion system
reservoir, 126 diarrhea, 383 Bordetella, 102
resistance, 125 ctisease. 383 Campylobacter, 135
staining, 125 distributi<>n , 385 Escherichia coli, 63
~ t r uclure, 1 25 hosL response, 385 Saln1011ella, 69-70
transn1ission, l 26 infectivity for other species, 385 Shigella, 81, 8 2
treatn1ent, 126 J;iboratory di ;ignosis, 386 Yersinia , 7S, 76, 78, 79
variability, 125 pathogenesis, 385 Tyzzcr's discasc, 208
Taylore/la equi.~enitalis, 125- 127 properties, :~84
Taylorella osinigenitalis, 126- 127 reservoir, 385 ulcerative lymphangitis, 177
Tbilisi phage, 111 resistance, 385 Urcaplasma, sce Mycoplasma
·1·t.ME(thron1boen1bol!c men1ngoen- s1Nine, 383, 385 urinary traer lnfectlons (UTI), dogs, 500
cephalitis), 98 transm ission, 385 urinary tract, see urogen ital system
tcmocillin, see penicillins treatment, 386 u.rine
tendonltls, 471 vorniting, 383 anlirnlc1oblal pi:operties, 500
Index 535

direct smear, 16 rcsistance, 346 hircls, 3Sl

culture Lechniques, 16 swine, 347, 348 control, 353
urogenital system, 496-504 trans1niss.i on, 347 disease, 351
urinary tract, 496 treatment, 348 distribution, 351
anti1nicrobia] propert ies, 496 vesicular stomatitis virus, 380 381 horses, 351
llora, 496 cattle, 380 J IU:>l lt:>¡JU11>C 1 351- 352
infections, 496 control, 381 infectívity for other species, 351
infcctious agen.ts and conditions, 496 d isease, 380 labor<itory diagnosis, 3.'i3
<.logs, 496 dbtribution, 381 pat hogenesis, 3S1
genital tract, 501 h o rses, 380 properties, 351
antimicrobial propf>rtif>s, SOl infectivity for oth er species, 380 reservoir, 351
flora, 501 lab<>ratory diagnosis, 381 resistance, 351
infectio n s pathogenesis, 381 transn1ission, 351
infectious agents and conditions, properties, 380 treatment, 353
407 500 rcservoir, 381 v\Test N ile virus, 354, 355
ctogs, 497, 500 resbt<iuce, 380 di5ease, 354, 355
cats, 497 ston1atitis, 380 distribution, 354, 355
horses, 497 s~vinc, 380 propPrtiPs, 3.'i4, .1.'i.'i
cattle, 498 transmissi.on, 381 rescrvoir, 3 54, 3 55
sheep,498 treatmen t, 381 resistance, 354, 355
goa1s, 498 Vesiculovirus, 377 trans1nission, 354, 355
swinc, 498 Vesivirus, 316 wet tail, 139
poultry, 499 Vl antigen, 69 vvhlte blood cells, infection, 443
urolit.h, 500 vidarabine. 43 \.Yinter dysentery, 387
lJTT (urinary tract infections), dogs, 500 viral hem<>rrhagic septicemic virus of Wood's light, 275
uveitis, 486 salrnonids, 378, 382 wooden tongue, 94
viral im1nunosuppression, 303 wooly monkey sarcoma virus, 410
vaccin e, hacterial, 53 viral vaccine, 49- 52 wound, infection, 472
vacc ine, definilion, 48 virulence, J Wright's stain, 16
vaccine, viral, 49- 52 virus disseminatio n , 301
vaccin ia virus, 333, 334 vir11.~ nf'11 t ra li 7.ation test, 24 xylose lysine deoxycholate (XLD) aga r, 59
va¡,>in itis, 502 virus, dcmon stration, scc Dcn1onstration
vaJJey tever, z~::i • of infectious agent Yaba monkey rumor v1ru~. 334
vancornycin resistan ce. avoparci.n, 26, 28, virus-h ost relationsh ips, 301 Yad, 78
41, 165 visna/maedi/progress.ive pneumonia Yatapoxvin1s, 334
vancomycin, 26, 28 vi(u~e~, 421-422 yello>v fever virus, 353
vasculitis. 443 con trol, 422 yello\v head virus, 384
vector, 4 disease, 421 yellow lamh diSf>'1S<', ?.00
VEE, see Veueztu::l<1n eyuine encephalilis distrihution, 421 yellows, 200
Venezuelan equine enceph alitis (VEE), goats, 421, 422 Yersinia, 75- 80
351- 353 host respon~<>, 4??. morphology, 75
bilds, 351 infectivity for oth e·r spccics, 421 staining, 75
control, 35:~ laboratory diagnosis, 422 yersiniabactin, 75, 78, 79
ni'<>;JSP, .1.'il pathogenesis, 421 - 422 Yersinia enterocolitica, 79-80
distribution, 351 ptoperties, 121 cellular products of rnedical intcrest, 79
horses, 351 reservoir, 421 adlleslns 79
host response, 351- 352 resistance, 421 Ail, 79 '
infectivity for other species, 351 sheep,421, 422 ccll wall, 79
laboratory diaguosb, 353 transnüssion, 421 Gsr, 79
pathogenesis, 351 treatment, 422 high pathogenicity island, 79
properties, 351 visn~ virus, Sf>f> visn;i/mai>cli/progressive lnv, 79
reservoir, 351 pneumonia viruses LcrV, 79
resistance, 3~1 vulvar infection (vulvitis), 502 toxins, 79
trans1nission, 3S1 vulvovaginitis, 502 type III secretion system, 79
trcatn1cnt, 3S3 Yad,79
vero toxin, see shiga (shlga-lll<e) toxtn walleye dermal sarcoma virus, 410 Yops, 79
vesicular exanfhema of swine virus. vVEE, see western equine encephalitis Yst, 79
346- 349 Wesselsbron virus, 354, 355 control, 80
co11trol, 348 disease, 354, 355 epiden1iology, 80
disease, 346 distribut ion, 354, 355 gastroenteritis, 79
distribu tion, 347 properties, 354, 355 immunity, 80
host response, 348 reservoir, 354, 355 laboratory diagnosis, 80
infectivity tor otl1er species, 346 resistance, 3~4 1 3~~ mesenteric lymphadenitis, 79
J;ihnratory diagnosis. :~48 transn1ission , .1S4, 3.'iS pathogenesis. 80
pathogcnesis, 317 318 Western blot assay, 25 reservoir, 79
properties, 346 western equ!ne encephalitis (WEE), septicemia, 79
reservoir, 347 351 - 353 structure, 79
536 lndex

Yersinia enterocolitica (continued) Yops, 76 LcrV, 78

transmission, 79- 80 control, 77 toxins, 78
trc<1tu1e11t, 80 cpídculiology, 77 typc lll sccn:tiou systcu1, 78
variability, 79 ilnmuníty, 77 Yad, 78
Yersinia pestis, 75- 77 laboratory diagnosis, 77 Yops, 78
cellular proc\ucts of n~ec\ical interest, pathogenesis, 76- 77 control, 79
75-76 plague, 75 epi<temiology, 19
c<ipsnlC' (C:<ifl), 7'> rC'SC'rvoir, 76 immunity, 79
ccll wa ll, 75 structurc, 75 la boratory diagnosis, 79
coagulase, 76 rransmission, 76 pathogenesis, 78- 79
Gsr, 76 treatment, 77 reservoir. 78
high pathogenicity island, 75 variability, 76 structure, 78
T·Ims phenotype, 75 Yersinia pseudutuberculusis, 77- 79 Lraus1ui s~iv11, 78
iron, 75- 76 cellular products of 1nedical in terest, 78 treatment, 79
LcrV, 76 adhesíns, 78 variability, 78
p eslicin, 76 Ail, 78 Ymt, 75, 76
p lasminogen activator, 76 cell wall, 78 Yops, /5, /6, 18
toxins, 76 c:;sr., 78 Yst, 79
type III secretíon syste1n, 76 high pathogcnicíty island, 78
yersiniabact1n, / :;, Inv, 78 zidovudine, 43
Y1nt, 76 iron, 78 Ziehl-Neelsen stain, 223

Second Edition

The most recent revision of this comprehensive text • Part 1 deals with the QP.nP.rt!I r:h;:¡r;:¡r:teristics ot the host-parasite
relationship, laboratory uiay11usis uf conditions invoiving an
covers the bacteria!, fungal , and viral pathogenic
infectious etiology, antimicrobial trcatmcnt, and prevention of
agents that are signiflcant cau::;es uf anin1al disease. infectious disease.
The focus includes pathogenic mechanisms and • Part 11 (Bacteria and Fungi) and Part 111 (Viruses} µresent the
processcs in infcctious diseases; methods of diagnosis; infectious agents that affect the veterinary species. The chaptcrs
and principies of resistance, prevention, and therapy. deaiing with the bacteria! agents are grouped mainly by morphol-
oOY <lnct their gram-staining characteristics. The fungai agents
are yruuµe<.J 111ai11ly by n1orQhologic characteristics (yeast, mold}.
In addition to serving as a resource for veterinary students, The viruses are groupcd along taxonomic grounds.
Veterinary Microbiology, Second Edition also serves as a
• Part IV, an enhancement nP.w to this ectition. deals with the
convenient reterence tor vetennarians and veterinary scientists
infectious aQents in the contexl uf ll 1e llusl. Tl1is section is
whose expertise is outside the area of microbiology.
organized by organ system. Each organ system is discusscd first
Veterinary Microbiology, Second Edition is now organized in tour as a microbial habitat, followed by discussion of those infectious
parts according to the most appropriate methods of instruction: agents that mainly affect that particular system.

ABOUT THE EDITORS: --ft-----~~~----r-----------.~

Dwlght C. Hish, DVM, PhD N. JalrleS , DVM, PhD RiChard L \Valker, DVM, PhD, MPVM

UETEtlfiAIY KICID810lOCY / OMl&HT C. lll~H, 9. "

SF110 .l HS lOD~ ;

1n111u11,1n111u ~~
I~BN0-8138-0379- 9

11 111111 1 111 111111

9 780813 803791

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