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To start this test, we configure the Trigger for Channel 1:

- go to the Menu top bar and select “Tools”
- then “Preferences”
- and “Channels”

The checkbox for Channel 1 must be checked.

Default trigger level is set at 1 mm/s but if the vibration is

already high because other machines are nearby, then
increase this value to the level where the trigger is not
activated by itself.

Start a New Analysis with 1 Channel.

Depending on the interface (2-channel or 4-channel) and how many vibration sensors are already placed in other
directions, select more channels:
Select the time for the recording (in this example 5 seconds) and select the trigger recording mode with the right
opening-menu arrow next to the recording button :

You are now ready.

Click on the trigger recording button and you can see that the function is working and waiting the bump because:
- the left column shows measurements of small vibrations where the sensor is placed
- the graphics in time-domain and FFT are updating
- the decreasing counter (showing how many seconds are left to finish the recording) is inactive
With a rubber hammer, hit the structure in a rapid movement and let the vibration atenuate until it stops:

On the time domain graph, zoom-in the interesting zone:

The structure resonant frequency (right click on FFT graph for markers) is at 1332.53 CPM:

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