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1. Theet y mol ogicaldef i

onofphi losophyemphasi zesi t
snat ur eas_ _
_ __ _
_ ___ (a)Abst r
act (b)
cal (c)Theor etical(d)Anact ivi
ty (e)Logi cal
2. Exi stent i
al i
sm st ressest hepr iorityof_ __ __ __ _
_ (a)Thei dealov ertheact ual( b)For m ov er
mat ter (c)Theoneov ermany (
d) Exist enceov eressence
(e)Essenceov erexi stence
3. Socr atesdi edby_ _ _______(a)Shoot i
nghi msel f(b) Hangi nghi mself(b) Drinki ngheml ock( d)
Burni nghi msel f(e)Commi t
tingsui cide
4. When wer eason, wecar r
youtoneoft hef ol lowi ng_ _ _______(a)Wemanuf act ur ef act (b)We
llf act s(C) Wedr aw i nference( d)Wenecessar i
lyappr ehendt het ruth(e)Noneoft he
abov e
5. Met aphy si cally,Pl at o’si deal i
sm i s opposed t o Ar i
stotle’s_ _______ __( a)Act ual ize(b)
Concr etism( c)Phy sical i
sm( d)Rat ional ism( e) Mat er ialism
6. Et hicalpr inciplesdi f f
erf rom or dinar yphy sicall awsi nt hatt heyar e_ __ ____ __(a) Lawsof
natur e(b)Lawsofconsci ence( c)Man- madel aws( d)Di vi
nel aws( e)Soci etal l
7. Thehi stor yoft heAnci entper i
odi sdi v i
dedi nt o_ __ ___
_ ___(a)Pr e-socr atic&Medi ev al( b)
Socr atic &Mi lesians( c) Moder n &Cont empor ary ( d) Socr ati
c&Cl assi cal ( e) Pre-
socr atic&Socr atic
8. The f al l
acy i nv olved i n beggi ng t he quest i
on i s cal l
ed i n Lat i
n as_ _ _____ __(a) Non
Sepui tur (b) I
gnor at i
oEl enchi(c)pet itionPr i
nci pii(
d)Ar gument um Adhomi nem.
9. Thef amousexi st ent i
alistthinkerwhopr onouncedGodi sdeadwas_ ___ _____ __(a)Immanuel
Kant( b)Kar lMar x(c) Fredr i
ckNi et zsche( d)Descar tes( e)Char l
esDar win( f )Dav i
10. Ev erypr oposi ti
oni nLogi chas_ __ ___ _(a)Answer (b)Tr uthv alue( c)Sol ution( d)Reason( e)
Solut i
11. Humanr ighti sequi v al
entt owhi choft hese?( a)Di viner i
ght(b)Nat uralr i
ght (c)Soci alright (d)
Legal right (e)Jur ialright.
12. One who st udi es t he nat ure oft he uni v erse,i ts or igin and pur pose i s cal led an
epistemol ogi st___ ______ _
_ _
(a)Tr ue/ Fal se( b)Tr ue( b) False ( d)Noneoft heabov e( e)Al lof
theabov e.
13. Phi losophyi s def ined as l ogi calcl ar ificat ion oft houghtby ________ __(a)Vi ttganst in(b)
Wi t
tgenst an(c)Wi t
tgenst ein( d)Genst ei nv ig( e)Fi ttgenst ei
14. Thecont empor ar yphi losophi calmov ementt hatseest hepr obl em ofl anguageast hemai n
task of phi losophy i s____ ____( a) Li ter ar y mov ement (b) Met a-lingui stic mov ement
(c)Anal y ticphi losophy( d)Logi cal posi ti
v ism ( e)Pr agmat i
15. Anot hernamef ort hemoder nper i
odi s_ __ _ _____ ___ ( a)Dar kage( b)Cl assi calper i
od( c)
Medi ev al period( d)Ageofr eason( e)Moder nper iod
16. Oneoft hemaj orchar act eri
st i
csoft hemedi evalper iodofphi l
osophywas_ _____ __ (
a) Faith
preceded r eason ( b)Reason pr eceded f ai th( c)Fai th alonemat tered( d)Reason al one
mat ter ed( e)Reasonwast heser vantoff aith
17. The“ unexami nedl i
fei snotwor thl i
ving”i sassoci at edwi t
h_ _ __
_(a)Pl ato( b)Ar i
st otle( c)
ReneDescar tes( d)Immanuel Kant( e) Socr at es
18. The_ _ ____ __ __ar gueagai nsti nnat ei deas( a)I deal ist(b) Empi ricists(c)Kant (d)Rat ional ists( e)
Existent i
al i

19. IntheAnci entper iod,t hepr obl em ofper manenceandchangewasacont rov ersybet ween
thef ollowi ngphi losopher s_ _ _____ ___(a)Par meni des& Cr aytlus( b)Her acl it
Zeno( c)Par meni des&Socr ates( d)Par meni des&Her aclitus( e)Py thagor as&Par meni des
20. Theont ogol ogi calar gumentf ort heexi stenceofGodi ssomet i
mescal l
ed_ _____ ____(a)
Apost er i
or iar gument (b)Causet oef fectar gumentorApr ior iar gument (c)Ef fectt ocause
argumentorApost erioriar gument (d)Apr i
or iargument (e)Cosmol ogi calar gument .
21. Parmeni desphi losophyi sar eact iont ophi losophyof_ __ _____ ___(a)Thal es( b)Socr at es( c)
Democr i
tus( d)Zer o( e)Her aclitus
22. Fora gr oup ofphi l
osopher s,at oms const i
tuted al lr eality__ ____ ____(a)Pl ato and t he
atomi st s( b)Her adi t
usandt heat omi sts( c)Socr at esandt heat omi sts( d)Democr i
theat omi sts( e)Ar istotl
eandt heat omi st s.
23. Thef amousSophi stsint heanci entper iodwhosaw knowl edgeasr elati
v eorsubj ecti
v e
wer e__ _____ ___( a) Pr ot agor as,Gor gias and Par meni des( b) Py t
hagor as,Pl ato and
Thrasmay chus( c)Socr at es, Pl at oandAr i
st otle(d)Gor gias, Thr asmay chusandPr otagor as( e)
Protagor as, Gor giasandPy t
hagor as
24. Thet erm“ cogi toer gosum”i sassoci at edwi thwhi chphi l
osopher ?(a)ReneDescar tes( b)
JohnLocke( c)I mmanuel Kant( d)ThomasHobbes( e)Fr ancisMi nimah
25. Thomas Aqui nas and Bar uch Spi noza bel ong t o whi ch per iods i nt he hi stor y of
philosophy ? (a) Anci entand medi ev al( b) Medi ev aland cont empor ary (
c) Anci entand
moder n(d)Cont empor aryandmoder n( e)Medi eval andmoder n
26. Thedi ctum “ mani st hemeasur eofal lt hings”i sassoci atedwi t
h_ __ _________ (a)Py thagor as
(b)Her aclitus(e) Pr otagor as( d)Pl ato( e)Ar istotl
27. Anot hername f orAest het i
cs as a br anch ofphi losophyi s_ __ _______( a)Theor yof
knowl edge( b)Theor yofbei ng( c)Thebeaut i
fulint hings( d)Thesci enceofr easoni ng( e)The
scienceofmor ality
28. Thebr anchofphi losophyt hatdeal swi thhumanknowl edgei scal l
ed_ _
_ _____ _(
a)Et hi cs( b)
Aest het i
cs( c)Epi stemol ogy( d)Logi c( e)Met aphy sics
29. ______ ____ _philosophywas t o show t he mat hemat icalbasi s ofr eality;( a)Thal es ( b)
Pythagor as( c)Epi cur us( d)Democr it
us( e)Socr ates
30. Oneoft hemaj orr easonswhyamanshoul dbemor ali sbecauseof _ ____ ____(
a)Nat ural
equal i
tyofal l(b)Peaceandhar monyi nt hesoci ety( c)Legalpuni shment( d) Reali
tyofHel l
re( e)Noneoft heabov e
31. Oneconsequenceofpr agmat ism asaphi losophi calmov ementi nt hecont empor ar yper i
s_ ____ ___(a)I tl eadst oobj ect i
vity( b)I tr elati
vizest rut h( c)I tpr oducesgoodman( d)It
helpsust ol ivehar moni ousl y( e)Ithel psphi losopher st oexpl aint hewor l
32. Inav al i
dar gument ______ __(a)Concl usi oni mpl iest hepr emi ses( b)Concl usi onent ailsthe
premi ses( c)Concl usionnecessi tatest hepr emi ses( d)Pr emi sesnecessi tatet heconcl usion
(e)Concl usi ongi v esr iset opr emi ses
33. Whoamongt hePr e-Socr aticphi l
osopher sdev elopedt he“ theor yoft heApei r
onort he
ndet er mi nat e boundl ess” (a) Anaxi mander ( b) Anaxi menes( c) Thal es ( d) Her acl itus(e)
Protagor as

34. Ther ight nessorwr ongnessofanact ioncanbedet ermi nedbyt hequant ityofhappi nessor
paint he act i
on pr oduces i s associ ated wi t
h:( a) Kant i
ani sm ( b)Ut il
itarianism ( c)
uat ioni sm( d)For mal ism ( e)Int uiti
oni sm
35. Accor dingt oKant ,obj ect i
vesci ent i
ficknowl edgei sachi evabl ei fwecont i
nueour sel vest o
ther eal m of_ _ ____ ___ __(a)Noumena( b)Phenomena( c)I deal (d)Abst ract .(e)Reason
36. The pr obl em t hat was f oremost i n t he mi nds of t he Mi lesian phi losopher s
was_ __ ___ _____ __(a) The pr obl em of per manence and change ( b) The pr oblem of
appear anceandr eality( c)Theor i
ginoft hewor l
d( d)Thechar acteri
st i
csoft hewor ld( e)
Mor al quest i
onsaboutmanandsoci ety
37. Whi choft hef ollowi ngphi losopher si st hei mmedi at esuccessorofSocr at es? (a)Thal es(b)
Anaxi mander (c) Sophi st s( d)Ar istot l
e( e)Plat o
(Not e:Sophi st swer et hepr edecessor sofSocr ateswhi lePl atot henAr i
st otle,hi sst udent s
wer ehi ssuccessor .
38. Phi losophyi sbel iev edt ohav est artedi nt heci t
yof _____ _
_ __ __(a)Cr ete( b)Al exandr a( c)
Crote( d)Mi l
et us(e)Rome
39. Skept i
ci sm i s a phi losophi cal posi tion t hat deni es t he possi bi l
ity of
knowl edge_ ____ ______ __ (
a) True( b)Tr ue/Fal se( c)Fal se( d)Noneoft heabov e( e)Al loft he
abov e
40. Thepur sui tofphi l
osophyi st hepur suit_ __ ______ ____ _
_ (
a) Oft hel ov eofwi sdom( b)Of
knowl edge( c)Ofsci enceofwi sdom( d)Oft hewi se(e)Oft hel ov erofwi sdom.
41. Onewhost udi est henat ur eoft heuni verse, itsor igi
nsandpur posei scal l
ed_ ___ _____ ____(a)
Epist emol ogist( b)Thi nker (c)Met aphy sician( d)Logi cian( e)Et hicist
42. TheGer manPhi losopherwhoat tempt edasy nthesi sbet weenr at i
onalism andempi r
was_ __ ___ _____ __(a)Dav id Hume,( b)Ludwi g Wi t
tgenst ein(c) ImmanuelKant (d)Thomas
Hobbes( e)ReneDescar t
43. Thephi losophi calmov ementt hatt ried to makephi losophysci enti
f i
ci nt heear ly20th
Cent ur ywas_ _ _____ ____
(a)Rat ional i
sm ( b)Empi r
icism ( c) Viennaci rcle( d)Ideal ism (e)Logi calposi tion
44. I fanar gumenti ssound,t hen_ __ _____ ______ (
a)I tcannotbev alid(b)Alli tsst atement smost
bef al se( c) Mi kei sat reecannotbepar tofi t(d)I tsconcl usi onmostl ogi cal lyent ailt he
premi ses( e)Thear gumentmostbesound
45. Whi chschooloft houghthol dsper cept ualexper i
enceast hepr i
mar ysour ceofal lt rue
knowl edge?
icism( b)Mat eri
al i
sm ( c)Pr agmat i
sm( d)I deal i
Usingthei ndexofconcept s,t imeort houghtsy stem i nquest i
on46-54chooset heoddone
amongt heseopt ions.
46. ( a)Sor enKi er kegaar d( b)Mar tinHei degger( c) JeanPaulSar t
re( d)Fr eder ickNi et zsche
(e)Noneoft heabov e
47. ( a)Specul ati
ve( b)Cr i
tical (c)Exper i
ment al(d)Anal ytical (e)Logi cal
48. ( a) Exi st entialism ( b) Logi calposi tivi
sm ( c)Rat ional i
sm ( d) Anal yti
c phi losophy ( e)
Pragmat i

49. ( a)Whysomet hingi nst eadofnot hi ng?( b)Ist her eanydi ffer encebet weenmor allyrightor
wrongact ions?( c)DoesGodexi st ?( d)I sreal it
yessent i
al lyspi rit
ualormat erial ?( e)Whati s
ther elationshi pbet weenmi ndandmat ter?
50. ( a)Anaxi mander( b)Democr itus( c)Anaxmenes( d)Py thagor as( e)Socr ates
51. ( a)ReneDescar tes( b)Bar uchSpi noza( c) I
saacNewt on( d)Got t
friedLei bni z
52. ( a)Rudol fCar nap( b)A. J.Ay er( c)Mor i
tzSchl ick(d) JohnLocke( e)Ot toNeur ath
53. ( a)Ber t randRussel l( b)Sor enKi er kegaar d(c)Mor itzSchl i
ck( d)Geor geBer kel ey( e)Char les
Sander sPi erce
54. ( a)Fr anci sMi ni
mah( b)JohnLocke( c)Socr at es( d)Ludwi gWi ttgenst ein( e)St .August i
55. Wi tht he emer gence oft he Sophi sts and Socr at es,Gr eek Phi l
osophy shi fted f rom
cosmol ogyandont ol ogyt ot hedev elopmentof( a)Manandt hewor l
d( b)Soci etyand
y (
c) Manandsoci ety( d)Phi losophyandt hewor ld(e)St udyofBei ng
56. The quest i
on of “ why “ and “ how “ aret he maj or concer n of whi ch br anches of
philosophy ?(a) Met aphy si csandEpi stemol ogy( b)Logi candEpi stemol ogy (c)Aest het i
Met aphy si cs( d)Et hicsandMet aphy sics( e)Epi stemol ogyandLogi c
57. Fr om t hephi losophi calper spect iv e, mor ali
tyder i
v esf rom man’ s_ _ ______ ____ __ (
a)Rel i
natur e( b)Pol iti
cal nat ure( c)Economi cnat ur e( d)Soci alnat ure( e)Sexual nat ur e.
58. Concept ual i
zat i
onofhumanr i
ght si nabsol ut et ermsi spossi bl eonl ywi thi nt hespher e
of___ ____ __ ____(a)Pol itics( b)Democr acy( c)Phi l
osophy (d)Law( e)Sci ence.
59. Thecont ent sofhumanr ight swasf irstar ti
cul atedgl obal lyint hey ear_ ______ __ __(a)1947( b)
1984( c)1960( d)1919( e)1948
60. A mi sconcept i
on ofnat ionaldev elopmentequat es dev elopmentwi th__ __ ____ _____( a)
Statisticalgr owt h( b)Spi ri
tualgr owt h( c)St ructur almat er i
algr owt h( d)Rel igiousgr owt h(e)
Humangr owt h
61. Thet hr eef amousi ndi v idual swhost oodi ncompl et eopposi tiont ot het eachi ngoft he
Sophi st si nt heAnci entper iodwer e_ ____ ___( a)Thal es,Anaxi mander ,Anaxi menes( b)Pl at o,
Pythagor as,Zeno ( c)Sophi st s,Jews,Her acl i
tus( d)Socr ates,Pl at o,Ar istot le(e)Pl at o,
Pythagor as, Democr itus
62. “ Truthi swhatwor ks” .Logi calPosi ti
v i
sm i st hecont empor aryphi losophi calschoolof
thoughtassoci at edwi tht hisexpr essi on( a)Tr ue( b) Fal se(c)Tr ue/f alse( d)Noneoft he
abov e(e)Al loft heabov e
63. ThePhi losopherassoci at edwi tht he“ tabul ar asa”conceptwas_ __ ____ ___ ____ _(a)Rene
Descar tes( b)Thal es( c)St .August ine( d) JohnLocke( e)ThomasHobbes
65. Phi losophy ’
scont ribut iont ot heconceptofnat ionaldev elopmenti smai nl yoni tsemphasi s
on_ ____ __ __( a) Popul at i
on gr owt h( b) Human/ mor aldev elopment ,( c) Economi c
dev elopment( d)Pol iti
cal andsoci al dev elopment (e)I nfrast ruct ural dev elopment
66. _ _____ _ar et henonmat erialessencesoft hingsi nPl at o’sphi losophy( a)Par ticulars( b)
Essence( c)Ideas( d)Subst ances( e)Pr edicament
67. _ ___i sof tenr egar dedast hef atherofmoder nphi losophy (
a)Fr edr ickHegel( b)JohnLocke
(c)Dav idHume( d)ReneDescar tes( e)Fr anci sMi ni mah
68. Thet er m met aphy sicsi sder ivedf rom t woGr eekwor ds_ _ ___ ___ _
_ _
aandLogus( b)Met aandPhy si ka( c)Met aandPhy sics( d)Epi stemeandLogos( e)Met aand

69. Whose def inition of phi l

osophy as “ criti
cism of cr iticisms” makes phi losophy
met hodol ogi callyr elev antt oev erybr anchofhumanendeav or ?( a)Kar lMar x( b)John
Dewey( c)Fr anci sBacon( d)I saacNewt on( e)Wi lli
am James
70. A st at ement i s ei ther t rue or f alse whi ch l aw of t hought does t his st at ement
expr ess_ _ _____ ___ (a)Lawofcont radict i
on( b)Lawofi dent i
ty( c)Lawofexcl udedmi ddle( d)
Alloft heabov e(e)Noneoft heabov e
71. A subst ancef orAr i
st otlei sacombi nat ion of ___ ____ ____(a) Mat t
er ,for m,pot ent i
actual ity( b)Mat ter,f or m,i deas & pot ent iali
ty(c)Body ,soul ,pot ent i
al i
ty& act uali
ty (
Subst ance, mat ter ,pot ent iality&act uality(e)Subst ance, exist ence, form &mat ter
72. The descr i
pt i
on ofphi losophyas a r ationalent erpr i
se i mpl ies_ _ _____ ____( a)Ext reme
rational ism( b)Knowl edgeofessence( c)Empi r
icalr at i
onal ism ( d)Knowl edgeoft hings(e)
Absol ut er ational ism
73. “Theendofat hingi si tsper f ect i
on.Deat hi st heendofl ife.Ther ef ore,deat hi st he
perf ect i
onofl ife” .Thi si sanexampl eofwhatf allacy ?( a)Equi v ocat i
on( b)Ci rcularr eason( c)
Amphi bol y (
d)Car tesianf al l
acy( e)Beggi ngt hequest ion
74. Givet heLat inequi valentof“ It hink,t heref oreIam”( a)Esseestper ci pi(b)Tabul ar asa
(c)Cogi toer gosum ( d)Cr edouti ntel l
igence( e)Rat i
onal i
75. Thef ollowi ngat tribut esexcept s_ _ _____ ___di stingui shesnat ur alr ight sf rom al lot herr ights
(a)I nv iol abi l
ity( b)I mmut abi lity( c)Legal i
ty( d)Inalienabi l
y (e)Mor ali
76. Ther oleofphi losophyi nHumanRi ght sdi scour sei sbasi cally_ _ __ _
_ ___(a)Topuni sht hose
thatabusest hem ( b)Toj ust i
fyt hroughr easont hedesi rabilityoft hem ( c)Tost udyt he
abuseofi t( d)Toconsol et hosewhosuf fert heabuseoft hem( e)Tocompensat et hosewho
respectt hem
77. A si tuat ion i n whi ch pr emi ses ar e af firmed,butt he concl usi on i s negat ed i s cal led
____ __ __ _( a)Ar gument( b)I nfer ence( c)Uni versality( d)Di lemma( e)Count erexampl e
78. Apr oposi tioncanbev alidori nv alid( a)Tr ue( b)Fal se( c)Tr ue/ Fal se( d)al loft heabov e( e)
Noneoft heabov e
79. Themaj ordi st ingui shi ngchar act er isticsofmoder nphi l
osophyi si tsemphasi son_ _______( a)
Scient ificmet hod( b)Under st andi ngman( c)A Goodunder standi ngofGod( d)Lov eof
Humani ty( e)Rat ional Met hodofi nqui ry
80. A pr oposi ti
oni nwhi cht hemeani ngoft hepr edicat ei snotcont ainedi nt hesubj ecti s
called_ _ __ _____ __(a)Sy nthet ic( b)Anal ytic( c)Apost er iori(d)Apr ior i(e)Sy ndicat i
v e
81. Aj ust ifiedt ruebel iefisequi v alentt o_ _____ ___(a)Fact( b)Knowl edge( c)Opi nion( d)Fai t
h( e)
82. Empi rici sm as a school of t hought i n t he moder n per iod i s consi stent
with_ __ __ ____ _(a)Senseexper ience( b)I nnat ei deas( c)Real ism ( d)Mat erialism( e)I deal i
83. Ethicalpr inciplesdi fferf rom or di nar yphy sicall awsi nt hatt heyar e_ ____ _____( a)Lawsof
natur e( b)Lawsofconsci ence( c)Man- madel aws( d)Di vinel aws( e)Soci etal l
84. Anot hernamef orapr emi sei s__ ___ _____ _(a)Logi c( b)Af f i
rmat ion( c)Tr uth( d)Gr ounds( e)
Thought s
85. Accor dingt oAr istot l
e,met aphy sicsbef oreSocr ateswaser roneousbecausei tconcei ved
realityi nt er msof_ ___ ____( a)I deal form( b) Mat erial principles( c)Subst ances( d)Theone( e)
Uni ver sal s

86. Mani sent itledt ot hef undament alhumanr ight sbyv ir

tueofbei ng_ ______ ____(a)Achi l
d( b)
Asoci al bei ng( c)Apol itical ani mal (d)Ar ational bei ng( e)Rel igiousbei ng
87. Theear liestl ogi cianwas: __ __ ___ __ __ _(a)Thal es( b)Pl at o( c)Ar istotle( d)Socr ates( e)
Descar t es
88. _ ___ __mov esf rom gener altopar ticul arpr oposi t
ion( a)Ar gument s( b)Induct iveargument (c)
Deduct i
v ear gument (d)I nference( e)Noneoft heabov e
89. Whoamongt hef ollowi ngpost ulat edAi rast hepr imar ysubst anceorr eality?( a)Thal es( b)
Epicur us( c)Anax imenes( d)Democr i
tus( e)Anaxi mander
90. Nei therJohnDeweynorChar l
esPi er cei st hef atherofpr agmat i
sm ( a)Tr ue( b)Fal se( c)
Unknown( d)al l oft heabov e
91. Accor dingt o_ _ ___ ___` economi cr ight sshoul dconst i
tutet hecont entofhumanr ight s.(
Liber al( b)Humanr i
ghtact ivist( c)Theuni versaldecl ar ationofr i
ght s( d)Mar xist( e)
Soci ologi sts
92. Pr iort ot hephi losophi calr ef lect ionsoft heMi l
esi ans,t hecl assicalGr eekmi ndshadt heir
sour cei n_ ___ ___ ___ (a)Pol ity( b)Pol itical (c)My thol ogy( d)Soci ety( e)Or acl e
93. _ ___ ___ __ _def inedphi losophyascr iticism ofcr it
icisms( a)Wi lli
am James( b)JohnLocke( c)
Kar lMar x(d)JohnDewey( e)Fr anci sBecon
94. Thepr ocessofder ivingonest atementont hebasi sofot her si s_ ___ _______ _(a)Consi st ency
(b)Logi c( c)I nf er ence( d)Thi nki ng( e)Epi stemol ogy
95. Thecosmol ogi calar gumentf ort heexi stenceofGodi ssomet imescal led_ _____
_ ____ _(
Causet oef fectar gumentorApr ior iar gument (b) Effectt ocausear gumentorApost eriori
argument (
c)Apr ior iar gument (d)Ont ol ogi cal argument( e)Cosmol ogi cal argument
96. _ ___ ___ __ ist hef or m ofgov ernmentmost lyaccept edwi thint hecont extofhumanr i
philosophy( a)Li ber iasoci alism ( b)Mar xiancommuni sm ( c)Tot ali
t ari
sm( d)Democr acy( e)
Platoni sm
97. The ev al uat ion ofv alidi t
y/ soundness ofan ar gumenti s appl icabl et o_ _____
_ ____ _(
Deduct i
on( b)I nduct ion( c)Impl icat ion( d)Conj unct i
on( e)Ar gument
98. Al lthechar t
er sonhumanr ight sagr eet hat_ __ ____ __isaf undament alhumanr ight( a)Ri ght
tof reehousi ng( b)Ri ghtt ov oteandbev otedf or( C)Ri ghtt ol i
fe( d)Ri ghtt oheal thand
educat ion( e)Ri ghtt ospeech
99. Thepr inci pleofLogi ct hatmai ntai nst hatsomet hi ngcannotbesai dt obeandatt hesame
mesai dnott obei sknownas_ __ __( a)Thedoct rineofbei ng( b)Thedoct ri
neofbei ngor
not-bei ng( c)Thepr inci pl eofnon- cont r
adi ct
ion( d)Thepr inci pleofbei ng
100. TheAnci entdi ct um “ youcannotst ept wi cei nt ot hesamer iver”iscr edi t
edt o_ ______ _(a)
Aristot le( b)Pl ato( c)Par meni des( d) Her acl it
us( e)Pr otagor as
101. poweri nst alledi nsomet hingbyv i
r tueofbeensomet hingi swhat _ ______ __( a)actual i
t y(b)
potent i
al ity( c)f or m ( d)wat er
102. anot hernamef ormedi ev alper iodi scal led( a)dar kage( b)mi ddleage( c)gol denage( d)all
oft heabov e
103. The r ootmeani ng ofPhi losophyi s……… ( A)Wi se l ov e(B)Wi sdom f riendl y
(C)Wi sdom
ov er (D) Wi sdom f ri
endshi p
Theapproacht ophi losophi cal pr obl emswhi chdi verts
attent ionf rom t hecl assi cal way sofdoi ngphi losophyi sbest

expr essedi n?( A)Met aphy sics( B)Epi stemol ogy( C)

Existent i
alism ( D)Et hics
104. IntheAv erroesThomi st i
ct r
adi t
ion, “Cr edout
ntel l
egam”means?( A)Ibel iev esot hatImaysee( B)I
believ esot hatImaybef ait
hf ul (C)Ibel ievesot hatImay
succeed( D)Ibel i
ev esot hatImayunder stand
105. Mat er i
al ism i sbestdef i
nedas: (A)Real ityisexpl i
cabl e
nt er msofi deal ism.( B)Real ityi swhol lyspi rit
ual (C)
Real i
tyi si nexpl icabl ei nt ermsoft heexi stenceofmat ter( D)
Real i
tyi sexpl i
cabl ei nt ermsoft heexi st enceannat ur eof
mat teral one
106. Thepr ocessofr easoni ngwher ebyt hehumanmi ndpassesf rom somegi venev idencesi n
ordert omakej udgementi scal l
ed( a)i nfer ence( b)l ogicalmov ement( c)deduct ion( d)
nduct ion( e)noneoft heabov e.
107. Themaj orcomponent sofanar gumentar e( a)v al i
dityandi nv ali
dity( b)pr oposi tions,
premi ses( es)and concl usion ( c)pr emi ss( es),concl usion and v al i
dity( d)pr oposi tions,
validityandt rut h( e)noneoft heabov e
108. TheMi lesianschooli ncluded( a)t hales,Anaxi mander ,anaxi menes( b)pl ato,Socr at es,
Aristot le( c)Py thagor as, Her acl itus, par meni des( d)al l oft heabov e( e)noneoft heabov e.
109. Thest at ement“ Johni shasnowi fe”i sanexampl eof( a)Ani nvali
dpr oposi ti
on( b)af al lacy
(c)induct i
on( d)deducdt ion( e)al loft heabov e
110. Thel awofcont radi ctionasser tst hat( a)t hewor l
di smadeupofopposi tes(b)cont r
adi ction
shoul dbeav oided( c)nost at ementcanbot hbet rueorf alseatt hesamet ime( d)a
proposi tioni st ruei fandonl yi fitcont radictsanot herpr oposi ti
on.(e)noneoft heabov e.
111. “Dr.Onii sat eacher ”.Isanexampl eof( a)af all
acyofi dent i
ty(b)apr oposi t
ion( c)thel awof
cont radi ct( d)AandC.
112. Thesear chf orr ealityi scal l
ed( a)et hics( b)mat t
er( c)met aphy si
cs( d)logi c(e)noneoft he
abov e.
113. Whi choft hesei st rueofphi losophy ?( a)ithasnot hingt odowi thot herdi scipl
ines( b)i thas
onlyonedef inition( c)i thasv erymanydef i
ni t
ions( d)i tcannotbedef i
nedatal l(e)noneof
theabov e.
114. Apost erioripr oposi t i
oni st het ypeofpr oposi t
iont hati susedi n(a)knowl edgeder ivedf rom
exper ience ( b)knowl edge ofet er nalv eriti
es ( c)knowl edge ofet hicalpr inciples ( d)
knowl edgeder i
v edf rom pur er eason( e)knowl edgeofi deas
115. Relat i
v ism asa br anch ofepi stemol ogyder i
ves( a)obj ecti
v eknowl edge( b)st andar d
knowl edge( c)cor rectknowl edge( d)apr i
ori knowl edge( e)apost erioriknowl edge.
116. ____ ____ ____ bel i
ev edt hatwat eri st hef undament alst uf fofnat ure(a)Anaxi mander( b)zer o
(c)Thal es( d)Her aclitus( e)noneoft heabov e
117. ____ ____ _deni edper manencei nnat ur e( a)Socr at es( b)Her acl
itus( c)Anaxi manes( d)
Par meni des( e)al loft heabov e
118. ____ ____ __bel iev edt hatev er ythingi si nt hest ageoff lux( a)Her aclit
us( b)Thal es( c)
Par meni des( e) Empedoci es

119. ____ __ ____bel iev edi nt het ransmi grationofsoul (a)socr ates( b)t hesophi st s(c)Py thagor as
(d)Her aclitus( e)al l oft heabov e.
120. One i mpor tantf eat ure ofphi losophy i s_ ____ _____ __( a)cr iticism ( b)r adi calism ( c)
dogmat i
sm ( d)i ndoct ri
nat ion( e)al loft heabov e.
121. ____ __ ____post ulat edt heecl ipseoft hesun( a)pl at o( b)t hal es( c)Ar istotle( d)Socr ates( e)
Noneoft heabov e.
122. Whi choft hef ollowi ngper sonal iti
esf allwi thint heper iodcl assi fiedast heGol denageof
greekphi losophy .( a)socr at es,pl ato,ar ist otl
e( b)t hales,Anaxi mander ,anaxi menes( c)
Par meni des, Democr it
us, Py thagor as( d)al loft heabov e(e)noneoft heabov e
123. Thef irstandgr eat estpr obl em ofphi l
osophyi s( a)phi l
osophyi tsel f( b)l aw( c)psy chol ogy
(d)r eligion( e)al loft heabov e.
124. Phi l
osophyemer gedi nt he( a)3rdcent ur y( b)5thBC( c)6thBC( d)al loft heabov e( e)noneof
theabov e
125. The phr ase “ Ex istence pr ecedes essence” i s associ ated wi th( a) pr agmat i
sm ( b)
phenomenol ogy( c)exi stent i
al i
sm ( d)per enni ali
sm ( e)Noneoft heabov e.
126. Thev alidityofanar gumentdependsont he_ __ ____ _oft hear gument( a)t ruthf ul
ness( b)
truthf ulnessandf al sity( c)f or m( d)cont ent s( e)CandD.
127. Thedi ctum *andunexami nedl i
fei snotwor thliving*i scr edi tedt o( a)Ar ist otl
e( b)t hal es( c)
Socr at es( d)Kar l Mar x( e)Noneoft heabov e
128. Thephi l
osopherwhoannouncedt ot hewor l
dt hatGodi sdeadi s( a)G. EMoor e( b)Kar l
Popper( c)Fr eder ickNi et zsche( d)St .Aqui nas( e)noneoft heabov e.
129. Exist ent i
al i
sm i saphi losophyof( a)Gl obal ization( b)t heUni ver se( c)humanexi stence( d)
spiritual i
sm ( e)noneoft heabov e.
130. Theessenceofphi losophyi s( a)Economi c( b)psy chol ogi cal( c)met aphy si cal( d)soci al(e)
my st ical.
131. Themet hodofr easoni ngf rom par t
icul art ogener ali scal led_ __ ______ __( a)i nduct i
reasoni ng( b)deduct iver easoni ng( c)v al i
dr easoni ng( d)psy chol ogi calreasoni ng( e)None
oft heabov e.
132. Oneoft hef ollowi ngst atementi snotpr oper lydescr iptiveofl ogi c( a)l ogicdeal swi tht hear t
ofcor rectr easoni ng( b)l ogi cdeal swi thi nf erences( c)logi cexami nesv alidityofar gument s
(d)logi cdeal swi thper suasi vepower( e)l ogi cdeal swi tht heor deroff orm ofar gument .
133. Anar gumenti sv al i
d( a)i fal lt hepr emi sesar et rue( b)i ft heconcl usioni st rue( c)i ft he
premi sesandt heconcl usi onar et rue( d)i fi tisi mpossi blef ort heconcl usi ont of alsei ft he
premi sesar et rue( e)noneoft heabov e
134. Whati snat ur all ogi c( a)l ogi casi texist si nnat ur e( b)pur el ogi cwi thoutar ti
ficialconcept s
(c)logi cinnat ural l
anguage( d)al loft heabov e(e)AandB
135. Thecent ralconcer noft hel ogi ciani s( a)t oseekt rut h( b)t odi scov erf act s( c)t or eason
cor r
ect ly( d)t o est ablish cr iteriaf ort he appr aisalofar gument( e)t o encour age
argument ation.
136. A v al i
dar gumenti sanar gument_ ___ ____ _( a)whosepr emi sesar er el ated( b)whose
premi sesar et hesameast heconcl usi on( c)wi tht ruepr osposi ti
onsonl y( d)cont aining
falsepr oposi tionsonl y(e)whosepr emi sespr ovideconcl usiv egr oundf ori tsconcl usi on.

137. Af al l
acyi s( a)agoodar gument( b)soundar gument( c)at ypeofar gumentt hatmayseem
cor rectbutwhi chpr ov es, uponexami nation,nott obeso( d)AandC( e)Noneoft heabov e.
138. Argumentandv er ecundi am means( a)appealt of or ce( b)appealt opi ty( c)appealt owr ong
aut hor it
y( d)i rrelev antconcl usion( e)appeal tov erificat i
139. Punct uat i
oni nl ogi ci si mpor tantbecause( a)i tmakesl ogiceasyt ounder stand( b)ithel ps
tomakel ogi csci ent ific( c)i thel pst oav oidambi gui tyandconf ussion( d)itmakesl ogi c
sophi sticated( e)al l oft heabov e.
140. Coher ence, cor respondence, andpr agmat i
ct heor iesar er egar dedas( a)t heGol dent heor i
ofet hics( b)t hecl assi calt heor iesoft ruth( c)t heexper iment altheor iesofcer tainty(d)t he
Ger mant heor iesofphi losophy( e)noneoft heabov e
141. Phi l
osophyor iginat edf rom ( a)USA ( b)At hens( c)Rome( d)Gr eatBr it
ain( e)noneoft he
abov e
142. Whi chi snotaper iodi nt hehi st or yofWest er nPhi losophy( a)Pr e-Socraticper iod( b)
Medi ev alper iod( c)Moder nper i
od( d)sophi st r
yper i
od( e)Noneoft heabov e.
143. Whi choft hef ollowi ngexpl ainswhyt her eisnosi ngl euni ver sallyaccept abledef init
philosophy ?( a)school soft hought( b)Ar eaper spect ive( c)di sput e( d)AandB( e)Noneof
theabov e
144. Whi choft hef ollowi ngi snotapat ter nint hedef initionofphi losophy ?( a)thest udyofbei ng
(b)t hest udyofcogni tion( c)t hest udyofal lt hatexi sts( d)t hest udyofexper ienceand
nat ure( e)noneoft heabov e.
145. Whi chi snotat hemei nExi stent ialism?( a)subj ect ivity( b)exi stencepr ecedesessence( c)
manandt hegods( d)f reedom ( e)aut hent i
146. Thef irstsetofpeopl ewhoof feredanswer st oquest ionst hatot herswoul dhav et akenf or
grant edi namanneraki nt ot hatascr ibedt ophi losophywer e_ __ _
_ __(a)t heGer mans( b)the
Amer i
cans( c)t heGr eeks( d)TheRomans( e)TheAf ricans
147. Whi choft hef ollowi ngi snota_ __ __ ___logical connect i
v e(a)conj unct ion(b)di sj
unct ion( c)
Bi-condi ti
onal (d)equi v alence( e)noneoft heabov e
148. Disjunct ivesy llogi sm i ssy mbol i
zedas_ __ _______ __( a)Pvq, ~p, q( b)p>q, p,q( c)p,q,p,g( d)
p,g,p( e)pq, ~q, ~p
149. Thel aw ofi dent i
fyasser tst hat( a)t ruthandf alsemeansv alidityandi nvali
dity( b)a
stat ementi sei thert rueorf alse( c)nost atementcanbebot ht rueorf alse( d)ifast atement
st ruet heni tist rue( e)noneoft heabov e.
150. Thest atement“ al lhumansar emor t al”isanexampl eof( a)uni versalaf fi
rmat i
vest atement
(b)uni versalnegat ivest atement( c)par t
icularaf firmat i
v estat ement( d)par t
icularnegat ive
stat ement( e)exi st ent ial stat ement
151. Thest atement“ Mani st hemeasur eofal lthings”asaphi l
osophi caldi ctum isassoci ated
with( a)ReneDescar tes( b)Ar istot le( c)Ber keley( d)Pr otagor asofAbder a(e)Noneoft he
abov e
152. ____ __ ______ ___i st hesy mbol forcont radicti
on( a)p, p( b)p, ~p( c)pv~p( d)Pq( e)all ofthe
abov e
153. Thebr anchofphi losophywhi chst udi est henat iveor iginandl imitofhumanknowl edgei s
knownas( a)phi losophi cal (b)met aphy sics

154. Meet ingsoft hel ogicalposi t

iv i
st swher et heyshapedt hei rphi losophi calposi t
ion( a)t ook
placei nFr ance( b)tookpl acei nLondon( c)t ookpl acei nGer many( d)t ookpl acei nU. S.A( e)
tookpl acei nVi enna, Aust ralia
155. Int henat ur est udyorcosmol ogy ,Thal est houghtt hatev erythi ngi nnat urewasi nt hef i
place.( a)f i
re( b)air( c)wat er( d)ear th( e)al loft heabov e.
156. Themai nbr anchesofphi l
osophyar e( a)met aphy sics, theol ogyandet hi cs( b)mat hemat i
epist emol ogyandet hi cs( c)et hics,axi ol ogyandcosmol ogy( d)met aphy sics,epi stemol ogy
andskept i
cism ( e)epi st emol ogy ,ethicsandmet aphy sics
157. Themai nt eachi ngofPar meni desi st hat( a)t hewor l
di set ernal lythesame( b)changei nan
llusion( c)i nr eali
tynot hingchanges( d)al loft heabov e( e)onl y( b)abov ei sr i
158. Int hemedi ev alper i
od( a)phi losophybecamet het ooloft heol ogy( b)phi l
osophymov ed
awayf rom Gr eekst oChr istiant hinker s( c)phi losophywasi ndependent( d)( a)and( b)
abov e( e)noneoft heabov e
159. .Whosai dPhi l
osophydeal swi thcl ar i
ficationandl anguageanal ysi s?( A)PaulFey erabend
(B)Kar l Popper( C)Ludwi gWi ttgenst ein( D)Dav i
160. Rat i
onal i
sm asopposedt oempi ricism,i sthePhi losophi calv i
ewt hat………( A)Reasonand
univ ersali deasand cat egor iesar et he ul ti
mat e sour ce ofpr iorknowl edge ( B)Sense
percept ioni st hesour ceofhumanknowl edge( C)Reasonpl ay sacompl ement aryrol ei nt he
attainmentofhumanknowl edge( D)Humanknowl edgei ssense- based
161. Thecent r
ali deaoft hepr agmat ict radi t
ionofphi losophyi s………( A)Ibel iev esot hatImay
under stand( B)Ibel iev esot hatImayr easonwel l(C)Ibel ievesot hatImaynotr easonwel l
(D)Thatweshoul ddeci det het ruthofabel i
efbyi tsut il
itarianv alue
162. Whosai ddef i
nedet hi csast hebr anchofphi losophydeal ingwi thr ightnessorwr ongnessof
humanact ionwi thmor alobl i
gat i
on,pr i
ncipl esofmor alityandt heirj ust if
ication?( A)T.
Hobbes( B)J.Locke( C)Br ost ein( D)A.Echekwube
163. Sy mbol iclogi ci sintendedt oel imi nat eoneoft hef ollowi ng( A)Ar gument( B)Pr i
nci pl es( C)
Ambi gui ty( D)Logi c
164. Logi ci sdef inedast hesci enceofr easoni ngbecausei tisi nter est edi noneoft hef ollowi ng
(A) Psy chol ogicalconcer n( B) Rat ionalj ust i
f i
cat ion ( C) Met aphy si calconcer n( D)
Theol ogical concer n
165. Thepr ocesst hroughwhi chanar gumentcanbeder ivedi sknownas………( A)Sy stemat i
ogi c( B)Pr oposi ti
on( C)Conj unct ion( D)I nfer ence
166. Doy oupr omi set ost opcheat ingi nexams?( A)Ar gument um adMi scer i
cor diam ( B)Accent
(C)Compl exQuest ion( D)Baccul um
167. Youei t
herbuyGSTTextBookory oucar ryov ert hecour ses( A)Ar gument um adBaccul um
(B)Ar gument um adVer ecundi am ( C)Fal secause( D)Conv erseAcci dent
168. For mall ogi ci ssai dt ocor respondwi t
h………( A)Ar gument( B)deduct ive( C)I nduct i
v e( D)
Informal l
ogi c
169. .………denot eany t
hingt hatcausesanar gumentt ogowr ong( A)Di sagr eement( b)f allacy( C)
Debat e( D)Di spute
170. Thesoundnessofadeduct i
vear gumenti sdet er mi nedbyi ts………( A)For m( B)Val idity( C)
Struct ur e(D)Cont ent

171. Anar gumentwi t

hexpl icat i
v econcl usioni sregar dedas………( A)P.~p( B)PÉp( C)Pºp( D)
172. Thequal ityofacat egor icalpr oposi tioni sdet er mi nedbyi t s………( A)Copul a(B)Subj ect-
term( C)Pr edicat e( D)noneoft heabov e
173. Theuseofsy mbol icl ogi ci sessent i
allyt oel imi nat e………i nar gument s(A)Compl exity(B)
Par t i
cul arity( C)Ambi gui t
y( D)Noneoft heabov e
174. The pr obl ems whi ch ar i
se f orphi l
osopher si n met aphy sics i nclude:( A)Cr iteri
on f or
knowl edgeandt rut h( B)Bei ng, univ ersal sandpar t
icul ar(C)Reasoni ngandl ogic( D)Human
conductandj ust i
175. InPr ot agor as’ wor ds, “mani st hemeasur eofal lthings” ,t
hismeans………( A)Manmeasur es
thel engt handbr eat hsoft hing( B)Mandet er mi neswhati st rueoff alse( C)Mani sthe
creat oroft heuni v erse( D)Mani sgr eedyi nnat ure
176. Pr agmat ism i st hedoct rinet hatt het ruthofabel iefl i
esi n………( A)I tsmet aphy si
cal value( B)
t spr act ical usef ulness( C)I tsexpl anat oryv alue( D)i tst heoretical value
177. Thebr anchofphi losophycal ledEpi st emol ogyi st hesamet hingas………( A)t hest udyof
whati snot( B)Thest udyofst udent st hatar eoutofschool( C)Thet heoryofknowl edge( D)
Bel iefordi sj unct ions
178. Cr i
ticalphi losophyseekst odo……… ( A)I nduct ionofconcept si not herdi scipline( s)(B)
Anal ysesandcl ar ifi
est heconcept sofot herdi sci plines( C)Conf l
ictt heconcept sofot her
disci plines( D)Fi ghtt heconcept sofot herdi sci pline
179. Oneoft hepr omi nentphi losopher soft her at i
onal i
stt r
oni s?( A)Av erroes( B)Thomas
Aqui nas( C)ReneDescar tes( D)Wi ll
iam James
180. Oneoft hemaj orbr anchesofphi losophyi s………( A)Pl ato(B)Ont ology( C)Phenomenol ogy
(D)Pr agmat ict radi tion
181. Phi losophyashumandi sci plinegr ew outoft heGr eekcul turei nt het houghtof………( A)
Plat oandAr istot le( B)Py thagor asandSocr ates( C)I .C.Ony ewueny i(D)ReneDescar t
182. Val idityofanar gumenti sdependentoni ts………( A)Soundness( B)For m( C)Cont ent( D)
Figur e
183. Thepr oposi ti
ont hati scl aimedont hebasi sofot herpr oposi tionsi sknownas………( A)
Concl usi on( B)I nfer ence( C)Deduct ive( D)Al l oft heabov e
184. Anar gumentt hatgoesbey ondt heev idencepr ov idedi nthepr emi sesi st ermed………( A)
Inv alid( B)I nduct ive( C)St ruct ur e( D)Noneoft heabov e
185. Fal laciesofr elev anceandambi guityar i
seonl yf rom ………( A)For mall ogi c(B)Deduct i
argument( C)I nfor mal l
ogi c( D)Al loft heabov e
186. Fal laciesofambi gui tycanbeav oidedt hrough………( A)Logi c( B)Ar gument( C)Def initi
on( D)
Lawsoft hought
187. Ut i
litar i
ani sm i sei t heractor………( A)Gent le(B)Aut hor ized(C)Rul e( D)Hy pot hetical
188. Thewor d“ philosophy ”isder i
v edf rom t heGr eekwor dsnamel y………( A)Wi sdom andl ove( B)
Knowl edgeandLov e( C)Phi losandSophi a(D)Sophi aandPhi l
189. Logi ci sa……… t ophi losophyj ustasmat hemat icsi st obasi csci ences.( A)Br anch( B)
Houses( C)Tool (D)Noneoft heabov e

190. Theconsci ousactoft hinki ngbef oreonespeaksi sr egar dedas………( A)Et hical(B)Pr i
ncipl e
(C)Geomet rical (D)Logi cal
191. Logi ci sder ivedf rom ………wor d.(A)Spani sh( B)Ar abi c( C)Gr eek( D)Esan
192. Logi ci snoti nt erest edi n………( A)Cor rectr easoni ng( B)Decei t( C)Ar gument( D)Al loft he
abov e
193. Anar gumentcoul dbev al i
dy etnotsound.( A)Fal se( B)Wewer enott aught( C)Tr ue( D)No
194. Logi ci sdef ined ast hesci enceof………….( A)Psy chol ogi cali nterest( B)Met aphy sical
nter est( C)Rat i
onal inter est( D)Theol ogi cal int erest
195. Thef ounderofempi ri
cism i s(a)Johnl ocke( b)Dav i
dhume( c)Fr anci sBacon( d)Noneof
theabov e
196. _____ __ __per iodmov edf r
om i dealism t omat er ialism ( a)anci entper i
od( b)cont empor ar y
period( c)moder nper i
od( d)medi ev al per i
od( e)noneoft heabov e.
197. _____ __ __i saphi l
osophi calposi ti
ont hatdeni est hepossi bil
ityofknowl edge( a)skept ici
(b)exi stent i
al ism ( c)empi ricism (d)r at i
onal ism
198. Who consi der ed wi sdom t o be possessi on ofGod orgodsal one ( a)Py t
hagor as( b)
Prot agor as( c)Socr ates( d)Ar i
stotle( e)StThomas
199. Alov erofwi sdom i scal led( a)philosophy( b)phi l
osopher( c)phi losopha( d)phi l
200. TheGr eekpoet st hatof feredexpl anat i
onont heor iginofgodsar e( a)homor&Socr at es( b)
Homer&Hesi od( c)Homer&Hesoi d( d)Homer&Py thagor as.
201. Thef irstt oaskf ort her at ionalexpl anat ionofr eal it
y_ __ __ _
_ofMi letus( a)Py thagoras( b)
Prot agor as( c)Thal es( c)noneoft heabov e(e)Socr at es
202. Thet wophi losopher swhoseanswer sl edt ocl assi f i
cat ionofphi losophyar e_ __
_ __and
_____ __ _(a)Pl ato&Socr at es( b)Pl ato&Ar i
st ot l
e( c)Ar ist otl
e&Socr ates( d)Pl ato&Thal es
(e)Thal es&Socr ates
203. _____ __ ___per iodexpl ainedt hrought hei nterv ent ionoft hegodsandgoddesses( a)
moder n
period( b) classi calper i
od( c)contempor aryper iod( d)anci entper iod.
204. Anci entper iod consi stof_ _______and _ ___ __ __ _stage ( a)cl assi caland cont empor ar y
(b)classi cal andmoder n( c) Socr at
icandpr esocr at i
c( d)Socr aticandcl assi cal
205. Thef irstt oaskf ort her at i
onal explanat ionofr eal litl
ywas( a)thal es( b) plato( c)Anaxi mander
(d)Pr otagor as
206. _____ __ _____ wer et hef irstexponent sofnew i nt ellect ualt rend aboutmanand soci ety.
(a)rational i
st( b)sophi st( c)pr agmat ist( d)exi st ent ialist
207. Thef irstsy stemat i
cont ol ogywaspr esent ed by_ _ ___ ___ met aphy sics( a) Aristotl
e( b)Pl at o
(c)Thal es( d)Pr otagor as
208. The per iod i n whi ch f ai th pr ecedes i s_ _ __ ___ __ ___ per iod ( a) moder n( b) mediev al( c)
cont empor ar y( d)anci ent
209. The per iod i n whi ch r easons pr ecedes f ai th( a)medi eval( b)moder n( c)ancient( d)
cont empor ar y
210. Themant hatt racedal l i
deast oexper iencei s_ ___ ___ __(a) johnl ocke( b)stAqui nas( c)duns
scot user iugena( d)bar uchSpi noza
211. Theschooloft houghtt hatwasagai nstr at i
onal ism ( a)empi rici
sm ( b)pr agmat i
sm ( c)
existent i
alism ( d)noneoft heabov e( e)al loft heabov e

212. ___ __ __ ___ _believest hatexper i

encei st het ruesour ceofknowl edge( a)pr agmat i
sm ( b)
rational ism ( c)empi ricism ( d)exi st ent i
al i
213. ___ __ __ ___ _reconci ledr easonandexper i
enceasasour ceofknowl edge( a)ReneDescar tes
(b)Got tf ri
edLei bni z( c)j ohnLocke( d) I
mmanuel Kant
214. ___ __ __ ___ ____per iodmov edf r om i deal i
sm t oomat erialism ( a)cont empor ary(b)moder n(c)
anci ent( d) medi ev al
215. Thef atherofexi st ent ialism i s( a)Dav i
dHume( b)Fr anci sbacon( c)Fr edr ickNi etzsche
216. Int he5 cent ury, thedoubt edt hatsur facedt hepossi bilit
yofknowl edgei s( a)skept icism ( b)
rational ism ( c)empi ricism ( d)pr agmat ism
217. Thepr ocessofder i
v ingonest at ementont hebasi sofot hersi s( a)ar gument( b)logi c(c)
premi se( d)deduct ivear gument
218. Thet er m phi losophywascoi nedby( a)Pr otagor as( b)Py t
hagor as( c) pat hagor as( d)Thal es
219. Thef i
r stphi l
osopher sar ecal led( a)mi l
esi an( b)Egy pt i
ans( c)sophi st( d)r ati
onal i
220. The f ounder ofmi lesi an schoolofphi losophy( a)Pr ot agor as( b)Py thagor as( c)Thal es
(d)Pl at o
221. “Theor i
gi norcauseofr eal itywasnumber s”t hest atementcanbeassoci at edt o( a)
Pr otagor as( b)ReneDescar tes( c) Py thagor as( d)noneoft heabov e
222. Thephi l
osopher swhost oodi ncompl et eopposi tiont ot he t eachi ngoft hesophi star e
___ __ __ __,____ _____ _,and_ _
_ ___ _ _
_ (a)Socr at es,Thal es,Pl at o( b) Socr ates,Pl ato Ar i
stot le
(b)Thal es, Ari
st otle,Democr it
us( d)Pl at o, Democr itus, thal es( e)noneoft heabov e
223. Thephi losophert hatseephi l
osophyast hedi seaseofwhatshoul dbecur edar e( a) gottlob
frege,Ludwi g Wi ttgenst ei
n,Ber trand Russel l( b) ImmanuelKant ,Dav id Hume,bi shop
Ber kel ey( c)j
ohnLocke,I mmanuelKant ,got t l
obf rege( d)sor enki erkegaar d,Dav idHume,
got tlobf rege
224. Thest at ement“ mani st hatwhi chhemakesofhi msel f”i smadeby( a) Sor enKi erkegaar d(b)
Socr at es( c)thales( d)Sar tre( e)Pl ato
225. “allt hosewhosayt hatmanev olv edf rom apel ikeDar winwi l
lsur elybur ni nhel l
”t he
for egoi ng i s an i ll
ust ration ofwhatsor toff allacy( a) ignor atio el enchi( b)false cause
(c)homi nenabusi ve( d)homi nenci rcumst ant ial (e)noneoft heabov e
226. “i
ranhasbet tercompl ywi tht heUN r egul at i
onsori twi l
lbecompl etelydest roy ed” t he
for egoi ng i s a goodli ll
ust r ation of what f allacy ?( a) homi nen abusi v e( b)homi nen
circumst ant i
al (c)bacul um ( d)v erecumdi am ( e)mi ser icor diam
227. Thef allacyar gument um ad popul um i sot her wi seknownas( a) appealt of orce( b)appealt o
reason( c) bandwagonef fect( d) appeal topi ty( e)noneoft heabov e
228. (Not e:i ti sot herwi seknownas' ar gumentt ot hepeopl e'bandwagoni sonl yonet ypeof
ndi rectf or m oft hef allacy' ar gument um adpopul um' .)
229. Thebasi cpr obl em ofphi losophyi s( a)phy si cs( b)chemi st r
y( c) l
anguage( d)hi story( e)
phi losophy
230. Thef allacyofi gnor at ioel enchi resul tsi ntowhatki ndofsi tuat i
on( a) beggi ngt hequest i
on( b)
rrel ev antconcl usi on( c) attacki ngt hest raw( d) bl ackmai l (e) appeal tof or ce
231. Theessent ialpur pose ofl ogi ct o humanexi st encei st o( a)pr ov ideapl anofact ion
(b)pr ov idet hest ruct ureoft hinki ng( c)( a)and( b)abov e( d)onl y( b)abov e

232. Whatpr inci pl eoft houghtst at est hatat hingi swhati ti sandnoot hert hi ng?( a) i
dent ity
(b)cont radi ct ion( c) excl udedmi ddl e( d)al loft heabov e( e)noneoft heabov e
233. Sy mbol ical lyspeaki ngt hest at ement“ being i snonbei ngi snot ”canber epr esent edt hus
(a)Pp( b) Pq( c) Qp( d)A- W( e) noneoft heabov e
234. Howi st hel awofcont radi ct i
onr epr esent edsy mbol i
cally?( a)t hatp, ~pcannotbe( b)t hatp,
~pi scor rect( c)t hatp, ~pi sv al id( d)t hatp, ~pi spossi ble(e)noneoft heabov e
235. Byt her uleofexcl udedmi ddl eoft hesy mbol icst at ementpv~pi s( a)t rue( b)false( c)bot h
trueandf al se( d)si mpl ycont radi ctor y( e) i
mpossi ble
236. Theadopt ionoft hepr inci pleofv erificat ionast hecr i
terionofmeani ngfulnessi scr edi t
edt o
(a)existent i
al ists( b)i nductv isit s( c)pr agmat i
sts( d) l
ogical posi ti
vists( e)emper icist s
237. Whi choft hesei sat y peofknowl edge( a) knowl edgeapr i
or i( b)knowl edgeapost erior i(c)
sy ntheticapr iori knowl edge( d) all oft heabov e( e)noneoft heabov e
238. Simpl est at ementcanbe( a) sai dt o consi stofasubj ectt erm and a pr edi cat et erm
(b)affirmat iveornegat i
v e( c)uni ver sal orexi stential (d)alloft heabov e( e)noneoft heabov e
239. Ar gumentas a r easoni ng pr ocess consi stoft he ( a) i
nfer entialpr ocedur e( b) i
nduct iv e
procedur eonl y( c) deduct i
vepr ocedur eonl y( d)deduct i
v eandi nduct i
v epr ocedur es( e)none
oft heabov e
240. Uni versal ar e( a)cl assnames( b)uni v ersal concept s( c)gener al names( d)al l oft heabov e( e)
noneoft heabov e
241. Thecent ralt eachi ngof pr agmat ism i st hatani deaort heoryi smeani ngf ulifi thas( a) cash
value( b)acapaci tyt osol v epr act i
calhuman pr oblems( c) pract i
calr esul ts( d) alloft he
abov e(e) noneoft heabov e
242. Whati st hesubj ect -mat terof l ogi c?( a)sy mbol s( b)language( c)ar gument s pr oposi tion
243. Indet ermi ningt hesubj ect -
mat terofl ogi c,wei dent i
fy( a) psy chol ogyandant hr opol ogy
(b)languageandar gument s( c)r easoni ngandsensat ion( d)t hinkingandsensat i
on( e)al lof
theabov e
244. Whi chi st heoddoneout ?( a)( -)( b)( v )( c)( ~)( d)( r)
245. Pq,p,q.t heabov esy mbol icr epr esent ationi sknownas( a) modust ollensMT( b)modus
ponensMP( c)hy pot het ical sy ll
ogi sm HS( d) absor pt i
onABS( e) noneoft heabov e
246. Val i
dityi st o_ __ __ __ _l
ogi cwhatcor rect nessi st o_ _______ _logic( a)ambi gui ty,r elev ance
(b)induct ion, deduct ion( c)deduct ion,induct i
on( d)alloft heabov e(e)noneoft heabov e
247. Theposi tionoft heor dinar yl anguagephi l
osopher si st hat(a) languagei sapi ctur eofr eal ity
(b)phi l
osophi calpr obl emsar iseoutofbadgr ammar( c)clarificationoft heuseofconcept s
eadst ot heav oidanceofambi gui tiesandobscur iti
esandconf usion( d)al loft heabov e
(e)noneoft heabov e
248. Some oft he r adi calmov ementt hatspr ang up i nt he cont empor aryper iod i ncluded
(a)logical ,
posi tivism and pr agmat ism ( b)phi l
osophy of anal ysis and exi st ent ialism
(c)aristotel iani sm,exi stent ialism andconsci encism ( d)onl y (a)and( b)arecor rect( e)none
oft heabov e
249. Wheni sanar gumentsai dt obecompl ete? (
a) wheni tsf ormalst ruct urei ssai dt obev al i
(b)wheni tsf ormalst ruct ur ei ssai dt obecor rect( c)wheni tsf ormalst ruct ur ei sbot hv al i

andcor rect( d)wheni t

ucturecohereswi thit
smat eri
ent( e)alloft
abov e
250. Allofthesear efeatur
esofargumentexceptone( a)
c)concl usi
udgement( e)int
251. Theessent ialpr obl
em withtheinducti
vepr ocedureist hehigh caseof( a)probabi
nty( c)st
noneoftheabov e


b12. c13.c14.c15.d16.a17.e18.b19.d20.B21.b22.e23.
c30.b31.b32. b33.d34.a35.a36.b37. c38.c39.d40.a41.a42.c
b69.b70.a71. a72.b73.a74.c75.d76.b77. e78.b79.a80a81.b
b86.d87.c88.b89.c90.b91. c92.c93.d94.c95.b96.d97.a98.c99.c100.
b102.a103.c104.b105.d106.b107.b108.a109. a110.c111.a112. b113.c114.
a115. a
c117.b118.a119.c120.a121.b122.a123. d124.c125.c126.e127. c128.c129.
c130. c
a132.d133.c134.e135.c136.e137.e138.c139. c140.c141.b142. d143.d144.
e145. a
c147.c148.e149.d150.a151.d152.c153.c154. e155.c156.e157. a158.d159.
c160. a
d166.c167.d168.b169.b170.a171.d172. d173.
b179.c180.b181.b182.a183.a184.b185. c186.c187.c188.c189.a190.
d191. c
b193.c194.c195.c196.b197.a198.a199. b200.b201.c202.b203.d204. c205.
a208.b209.b210.a211.a212.c213.d214.a215. d216.a217.b218. d219.a220.
c221. c
b223.a224.a225.c226.d227a.228.c229.b230. a231.a232.e233. a234.d235.
c246. d247.
a248. c249.e250.

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