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Case 5:63-cv-00613-MHH Document 1 Filed 12/18/63 Page 1 of 11 FILED

2015 Apr-23 PM 12:02


For Plaintiff: Orzell Billin

'-i?-eoee¥ A,iiJ..a"l"l,.- Bt rmtngha
JOHNATHAN BENNETT, minors by their parents
and next rrieuds,Sgt.8Ud Mts.Etic 'Benuett
J.Levonne Chambers
United States of America - Intervenor
10 Columbus Citcie,N.
Vs. :' (See be low )-,
Madison County, Alabama, L.E.HERFORD,Chairman F D ·I da /. Montgomery~
or eJen n. ¥~id:i::ven(l
OF the Uadison County Board of Education,

NATHANIEL AI..MAN, Superintendent of Education

of the Madison , County Schools, H.B.SANDERS,

102 South Side Square
t Runts'll l1e, l',iaeama

as members of the Madison Cou~ty Board of Education

BASIS OF ACTION; Action to enjoin the defendants from'continuing Reid B.Barnes
the i r po lic y and p r ac tic e 0 f opera t i ng a b i r ac i a 1 schoo l' I--;:E..-x-c-;'h-a::-n-:g-e---S..-e-c-u-r-.ic-:t::-y----.,B"l-d.-:g-.
system and frem' discriminatifl:g against the plaintiffs ' Birmiaghiltn,A1.a.
because of race or color ~ontrary to the provisions 'of the:, : " , t ' ".,
Fourteenth Amendment to the, Constitution,etc'- ,'<; , .., ',' ~". ..
., :CirrY1'P. P.r:ivett, Asst.
:..=.:::..::.:::.......:..:..:.::.:..:.::=-=:.=..:.:..:.;==-:.-------'-------------~L.'T:,Lt-'7'Lrl--1~\'f?<-l:tr five.""

ON • B 'haI'!!.,~35203 2S2-9203 (For:}.'


Dec. 18 •Ck-
I Orze-ll
. , ' ,:f • • >~..

" , ~,~, .:." O~"j ",- '.' <....'c..·.:.:.'._i:

.. pr .1.6
...- Mad1son County
Ck-Bo~J:,,~;LEc;l.ucat-ion 101
....;. Pu'tHic··School Fur d
DEC. 19 Cr 102411 ,'. • - :". . 15 0;0 .... j ,',.
1969 - .:-:::-~: . -: ~ 11 Apr. ~7 Pd .Orzel1 BillingslE iY'. Jr.
~ ". '.' and Peter A.Hal1
July 7 .Ck.-GraYlJ 8eay; Lans· ..... II .. , ... 1, ]
ford "Pryor- ;:" : ~, 250 ,. -00:-:­
July 7 paid Resistry - " ' . :250: eo
July 7 Ck. -Gray, SeaYt iang:'
ford & Pryor-

July 8
Nov. 24

Nov .26 '


TQ WH0'!l DUE Attorpeys fOT U. S. A. - IntervenoT
Nichc)l~sdeB-., Katzellbae~, Atty Gen
Clerk, U>S.District Ct. lS QO
U.S.Marshal's".<:!ost.s' 66. .48 ... , I>;1acon L.Weaver lJ U. ·S; Atty
'" Frank U. Dunbstlgft,' Atty Dept OfL!~~
Attorney docket fee 20 00
101! 48

};'Hl11'hin:':' - - ­
'i'RT iIT, ..--- '.
Case 5:63-cv-00613-MHH Document 1 Filed 12/18/63 Page 2 of 11

)ec. 18 Complaint filed
, 18 Summons and complaint issued - U.S.Marshal for service
.n;AC> .. ,.,.",,..h,,,n I"n al,....",.....,a Ji., ",..,,",,,,,,1 ""n" ~

n. 2 18 s:=o~: :.::X
ag:~t:t~~rfefffi~~~I:~~~c~E~afJo;;' ~n. defendants except the H.W. -.
Esslinger~unexecuted, not a member of the board of Educatiou and filed
8 Motion of the defendants to strike the complaint and to dismiss the complair t
herein filed - copy served by counsel
16 Interrogatories of the plaintiff to the defendant filed - copy served by cO,nsel
17 Motion of the plaintiffs for leave to amend complaint herein filed - copy served
by counsel ----11--­

20 Order granting leave to the plaintiffs to amend the complaint herein filed-
copy served by counsel creer eated January 17,1964 ----!I--­

20 Order overruling motion of the defendant to strike, and overruling the motion of
I..ut: Ut:Lt:LlUi:1lll.. I..V ul.sml.SS, .l.U V.l.I;:W U.l. LUI;: 'UL L.U LUI;: .... ..,utl:'oL".... U ... WUL..... UC10

been allowed -
24 Hearing on motion for preliminary injunction - introduction testimo y­
continued and setting for hearing on the merrits on May oma) -
24 Clerk's court minutes filed -
11 27 Order setting this case for final hearing on i 10 A • • ane
in the meantime the Court will withhold the granting of any temporary i unctio ~
~ .. ...l
~~~---~"b -..
~~- t"~' ...
-~--~ '-~-~-"b -~ --~
.. ~--~ ~-
.. ~~-
, 1 ..t


the Madison County Board of Education not later than Wednesday January ,·1964 and
requesting the Board to consider any such applications so filed and a se the pourt
'I. "','1., r::: 10t: lO"...l...l ..t 'ro.' '1 .l

Feb. 3 Motion of the defendants separately and severally for an extension of time ~ithin
w-hieh to file aftswers to iftterrogateries afta .§Irde.r~ ~yt-pnrlinC!" to 'Ma,..,..h 5,] 964
filed - copies served by counsel
Feb. 5 Answer of the dfendant, County Board of Education of Madison County.Alabam~ et al
in compliance with the request of the Court contained in its order of ~an.21,
1964 filed eopies served by couRsel

'eb. 5 Order that the answer of the defendants filed herein pursuant to the Co\rt's or er
• , • , ,.,. . t.
01: January L I . 1.:10'+ 1.1.e uvec LUI; LLVt: Ui:1)'" ...., .,. ..... vw ........ 1:"......................... ........ ... "'O::; guy~

reSDonses which they desire to make and it aopearing from the summar contai led
herein that none of the eleven students referred to are at this time Entitled to
a cransfe.L 1:0 i:ue SCUUUl.::i 1:.U W1J~""1J ....o::;y "CIoV"" """'.."" "'1:"1:" .. .:. ....... .:. ........ .......... ':::.led and
entered (Grooms) - copies mailed to attorneys
Feb. 10 Plaintifes regly to the answer of the defendants filed - copy served by ceunsel
Order overruling the motion of the plaintiffs for preliminary injunction j:ending the
hearing on the merits of this cause on May 20.1964 filed and entered Grooms)­
evpies mailed to attorneys 1_ _

" 17 Answer of the defendants, separately and several~y, to the complaint as at ended
fl.led - cop1es §~FVeo oy counSd!

lrch 16 Answers of defendants Madison County Board of Education and Nathaniel A1mo nSuDerintender
o~ Ma01son ~ounty Schools to the interrogatories of the plaintiff filed - copie~ serv
by counsel
Case 5:63-cv-00613-MHH Document 1 Filed 12/18/63 Page 3 of 11




April 20 Memorandum of Authorities in support of plaintiffs' obj!ectiol s tc

defendant'S plan of' des,egregatioil filed-copy serv!ed by COUI sel
II 20 Plaintiffs' objectiorito "the defendants plan of desegregat on
f:iled_; -. copy served by.-.c:ounsel , - . . I
20 Plain'tiffs',proposed;plan of d~seg~ega~io~: pf the Mad:Lsc n COUl ty ( ounty
.A1abama filed. - copy seIT~d b~ cpun~~l c"

May 12 jI~arldg, conti~~~d )to June 24 ~~p~~'tiesl1o~~fi~d by judg~'Groo~s'
Jun,24 Hearing'Defore the Hon. ,H.H.GRoomson'.objectionsof. the plain ifff I to. I"
the plan of desegregation. of Madison Collnty Scllo01s - all ~riOl evid£1nce
. '...... '... ~-.1.', '.1 ' ..:I. , .. ~,.;~ ~ ",1 .. il... l-; 1f'1., "1
testimony,-- . -. 'oral ·motion.of the, defendants to dismis s ~ crdet over~uli !
defendants required to; .file plan of .desegregation in l' ght c f tt e Armf tro !
~ n 1.. nel. .1 ' ,~~ ·~'1 ,~'
"'~"'.L".LVU vu V.L
. 1. T_.1
U~.LV.L~ . . . . . . . . . )' '" .. .,·I:'·-,o....·r-u~~...
I ,11
-= .l -'
on·or before July. 16,1964, and setting for hearing on July 27,U64 -: :
25 Findings of fact and conclusions of La\-J by the Honorable H.H.GrooD s fil~d.-
- copies mailed to attorneys I
'25 judgment restraining and e!=ljoining the defendants; Madi~on c~unt) Boar1 of
Educat~on, . and. all. members at the Mad1.son county Boa:o or l1!;auc anon ;Iana
.. 1-.0;,.. <>no ... l-., ",........ 1"""'0., '<> ... 1'1 .," ... ";0"'".',." -1="'1"\'" r1·;"",..; ... 'rult-;rJo- ~,I,qinl':t- t-hp I.
tiffs arid . th~s~r si~ilarlysit~ated because of race 0 c'a19r ir sE!ek'ng I
ment, transter or adm~ss:L0n to the publ~c scn90Ts o-t Maa~Slon lounty,Ala c
~,.. ';,,1-.;0';1-;,.,n- t- .... ·... ,.;1-0,..;<> .;.."',.. ,;'';''''',,",0,,1'-,,' <> ... ,-1 ..,·,..o,...n ,;·<; .rE(]ui '(
J v 4 j ,I ..
\-Jhite children seeking: assignment or transfer or adm'ssiolf to schoo~s, I
-enJ01.n1.hg andrestra1.n~ng them from·requ1.r~ng segreg~l:1.on OI:IaCeS n a ;
.,,.},nI"\1 ,nn",,.. I-},,,,;,.. ., ,n",,..,i.,;nn' :>nn .,,,.,I-:>;n;no-:·I-},,,, n !OIintilff'!;' ohip- Itio.'

to the original plan for desegregation, andrequirin~ the defendants to

'0 ..•. I
subm1.t to'thlS Court not later than July ~,1~b4 a pl~n uncer \llnlCn tine
,-Iof'o ... ~","f-" "''''''''''1"\'''''
.- .•
1-1"\ ,-1"'<>"''''''0,,:>1-0
"0 '0
1-1-.", ... ,,1-.1'; ... ., ... },,,;"'1,, " f 'M, Ini l':1 In· It-v 91
. allowing plaintiff seven days' within to file-objectipns at d sE tting for 'oncJuly 27, 1964 , and ffie l.nJunc ~on t ere granl:Elo 1:1
-in. force and effect pendjng a" £jna1' orde" on the pl a ;ulfin III v l,qnnrmlpd ,
the Court filed and entered (Grooms) - copies maile~ to ~ttolneys
JULY 10 Plan of the defendants Madison County Board of Education lof MalHsoh r.oml"v 11
for de:s;gregation of the public schools of 'said c'oUlty fi ed copi~s
o~ .. vcu uy L;UUllbl;:.L I
11 10 . Amendment of the defendants to the ulan desegregation of the publi' schobls c
M'ad:i5son County, Alabama heretofore ·fi led as of 'this date lFile~ - copief
. .ser-veo Dy counsel ., ,
July l' Objections: of the plaiiltiffs to'-'defendants I. amended plain for desEigniga ion 1
the public schools of Madisqn County,Alab~ma filed - COpiE s SE rv~d ~yCtl

" 28 Order· approving plan for desegregation and ordering samE intoleffc ct aslaga
the objections made by plaintiffs except ln toe To~rrng rl spec ts: TI e a~
1-. _ _ ~..:l _ ............... .: ... _...:1 ...... ~ ..1-.1-l ... 1-. 1-.. . . . ...:I .. _ ..... .: ... __ .... ~ .. .:~ "'1'J.I~ U" ... leu",. 11 ... '1'; hoe"
''I r. . •J I... ~
daily newspaper published in the City of Huntsville arlO in [ adil on Co nty
day for each of thr'ee successive weeK's, commencing this ·weel, a notlc st
...1-._ ... .: __ .... __ ...:1 _1_ ............... ~. ~.:l.:.~n .. _~1.: ....._ .. .: .... ~ ~ ....... _ ...... .:n~_I .....,t- n· t- .... ~"C!f'o ... 11Inrl
r - '0 'rr- '0

.p lan, such date. to be fixed as being on or before Augt st . 11 anc the I eth)
.filing applications for assignment or transfer to be i~ aCC(r<1alce W1.rn ttl
...... ~ ....... 1'-.: ...............1-. .... __ ••l.'l-l.,h .... ...:1 .. " ......... ,...~ ....h.:,,1-. .. ~ .......... .: ... "' .... I.. ".h ...rI.l .. n fhil':.-.n1·neT
, ~.J .1
;a p~rt hereof, and approved as to its sufficiency. Nc tice (f tl e act on
D. C, 110 u.s. GOVERNMENT i

Case 5:63-cv-00613-MHH Document 1 Filed 12/18/63 Page 4 of 11



July 28 all app1icat.ions. for assigt)mentor transfer. ~balcl be.. g~, en, by conn ~unica ion .
1n wr1.t1ng, to the. parent or parents or, t.he. pUp1!; in "rhos e eh~. Lf app 1­
"..,to; ....... 4", .......:1'" ... Afo 1 .. fo ..... t-h"," .Auoner?1
.... 1 O&'I,/~f:! ton "'1-4 ,.. to'; ,n'" .f:,.. fol. "' .... 1."'"
1...... .1

965 year 1964)!' - .filed .~~opies maileq... attorneys~ J(Groom ~i' - '0

Feb. 15 Final judgment that the preliminary injunc tion here'tofore gran ed gains th e
defendants and continued in effect by thiS court s urCi er tl. eo .':» .L::1' ~'+ a [lU

.. .1..
~ &:.'1

by the defendants be and they

...1' ·T.. ' : '')Q '1'0&'1,
a~~' 'hereby
··'-l~n.·"foli;"·; .... l,,,':' nT:II., i",,,,er,.,,,, 'Jlt-i }n AlIh1 ad

mad~ final aqd' fin 1 j dgment be and

is rendered against tl1e defendants subject to the tern s ot alG oraer , a no
. - ._-­
'. '. . ~. &:,;..~ #I .
,,' '.} ~ ,f!'; 1,;,'..:1 ' \..... ~ "".... fo ..... ""..:1· ir'
' ••;1.. ' ,fo'", . ,\ ·".nn ~A m.Ail


to attorneys for the plaintiff copies del. . to ,I1ttor! eys .f )r t e.def ~nda nts

Mar. 25
Costs taxed -
bill mailed toattorn~ys for . th~ defendant .' I'
-mfr. 7 Motion of Constance Baker Motley to· attorney 0'£ rE cor( in t~iS ause
the grounds that she is no longer associated with'the law 0 £iCE s mait tai ~ed at
, n ,....• , -­..... ._
___ u_· .
', "y, . ..." u. ,...~
.t=.' 1

.......·v .... ....J ,

, ........ LV. -. ,-­
. .... V ...... "'· .
" 7 Order granting leave to Constance Baker Motley to withdra 'iI as ( oum elof rec ~rd foJ
plaintiffs .in this cause
. . w _.1
for good cause shown filed (t.Yl'me, ( opies ser ed by - I
April 12 Notice of motion, and motion of United States of America ~y Nic lOiS ; deB. Kat zenbac ~.
Attorney Ge:neral of the United States, to intervene a plai IlUf F and not' on for
", ...,.,... lemA...... :;,'
t ..
.. :"'I'1·m"..:I-f.f:4ol'1 ;"'""1-1",,f' -1 ... ,.,..,.. ......1'1 ..... ,.. ....... .: .. 1. ':1 ,,.. ......
". ..1'1 .. •.. 1
...... • rl '"
I, -I....... ., ....
forth , by:~~[teD~partmerit, o'f Health,Edu~ation alld Welf. r~l~
olicie stat ement ~)f ~
ot Schoo! desegregat10n plans etc. wl.thmemorandu~ of point 9 an ~ auth prit ies at ached
filed :.oC' servedbv counsel
Order granting'. ~he motio~ of the. United States of Americ a to ln~e vene n this BC ion
May 9
and the .'. United ~tatefl of America .. is hereby impleaded as .. ~:L part plai ~tiff in t is
,;. .,., . .:, .
.... ""YO'" , '.' ........ v ........ uu .....o .el ....... ,uo..Ut:a. . PO:::11...... '.10
... .LULl/:> !$ellel ICI.L.LY . .L. .Lc' aUY fUo..", .cy \L~ mne)

copies mailed toattornevs .' " ,.

June 3 Notice to the' parties and'attorneysof. r.ecord for the p~ rties tha the he ~nited State s
will move the.cour.t on June lU, 1~t:lt:l at l:JU ..I:'.M. l.n c()urcj oom OJ: u. .111- ~:ll: r 1. C I:. Il...ourl:
• "Q
plaintiff intervenor's attorneys to l.nspec t, copyanc .phot I>gra )h at ~hei r pres nt
-1 ...",,-1 ....... 1-. ",..,111-",1-. " ..n" -Fn.... "n n,.r1';,. """'''11; ,.;no rhl'> II", f",n, :::Inrl'l, ro n' 'ndnce and nermi the

location or other place convenl.ent tor detenaancs cnE 'aocu flem: , rep' 'L ... :; ,llli:lpil lr et
.... 0:.,.,...... .-1'" .",,,,, ",,,,t­ n11I-.; .... t-1-.i", ""nt-inn fil",rI - Affin,g"it­ nf .Toltm.M .Rosenl tJer2 attac ed to
the motion for p roduction and filed copies serve< :by. c ,Puns ~l -
Jun.14 Order dated June. 13, 1966 that the Court is taking the III o .tio! S f( r p r( duc ions <nd
,for supplemental relief under submissions on briefs, 8 nd pll int ffs bl ief to be
. +=.' 1 .. . :i.. . c: A ...1 ...1 ..i:....1 I • += += ., ...1 .. \. c:
- ,A
. -J

continuing the motion for supplemental relief .to July 15, l( 66 Hed nd :mtere(
.(Grooms) -
copies mailed to at torneys
" 16 Memorandum in support.of Pll:1.inti,ff-Intervenor's Motions for P odul tion f

Records, filed copies served by counsel
28 .'. DefE;nd;il.nts "reply to memorandum of tla United States on
- -
- "

moti~n ·f or prE duc ion ofr

rec l.1ed­ copy served by counsel
29 Order continuing the to·produce and he lding thet .in a eya flce p e din g
cne ac Clon upon tne mo nons ,to reopen ,:t:l.Lea a ll a:enceI ea ~l71 001ll ;J; c pl.e p mal..lE~ -
1967 attnrnpvl'l ..
· ,

,pr. 5 Notice of Motion and Motion of the United States, plain iff-i flter l.renor o cmend
and supplement its order entered in this case,on Jul 24', .. 904 and F ~brt 'ary 1:> . 1 ~O-'

J ...
attached hereto, which shall. apply to
-"" ..:t . ...1 .:t. ,..,
. -
,1 , ...... 1 ~;r'" ~
- 1-1-." f',...,. ....
the 1967,..68 sc ooly =ar and th ~rec fter f led­
,01­ ","/-. ;1'\
.. · .
An lonNiv servea By counseI

Case 5:63-cv-00613-MHH Document 1 Filed 12/18/63 Page 5 of 11
. , . .
CIVIL DOCKET Northeastern Division - 63- 613

l\.pri 1 10 Motion of the plaintiff for :!Wrrther relief in this acti on fi ed

copies served by counsel
May 15 Notice of Motion and Motion of Alabama State Teachers As sociat ion, Inc.,
for leave to lntervene as pla1ntu:l: nere1n, comp La1m::: Il.n

June 19
Notice of defendants,
"'01 ~ ,...... _1.~A
-. 4=01 1 ~A
Madison County Board of Education of Mac isor Count '1,
" ....... .; ....... ",,,",,y... A
1.... " n. . . . .
,.. 1 _ ~h_'J,
h,.~Q 11 1 .... iI.

Alabama, et al.,
. '1 ~
• "t"r--­ -­ ..........
1:• .... ..
of its intention to appear and argue the
.&0. . . . . . . . . "' ................
n of
_. ....-­ ._' -'­
. . . . . .- ,­ yy, ,~ .1­ I:
u . . -.. --:. . . . . . ..-.....­ ........
~ ~ti(
~ .t.

on Ftiday.June 20. 1969. at 1:30 P.M•• filed -copy ser \Ted b, COt nsel-
July 7 Notice of Appeal by Alabama State Teachers Association,!1 IlC., fr pmO ..der
denyins its motion for leave to intervene as a party rPlaln :U:% nerel n,
-----·r L!~ 'I

Cost Bond on Appeal

..I 4

($250.00) cash deposited in lieu of urety fi led -

A 1.
_ ...., ,e",'

" 7
" 28 Designation of Record on Appeal by Alabama State Teacher ~ Ass( ciaf ion, II c.,
Appllcant tor lnterventlon, tlled. - coples served by coun! el-

Aug. 1 Notice of Motion and Motion of The National Education A~ socia ion Inc.,
tor leave to lntervene as Plalntltt ln tb.1S actlon, " rUb. CI mpl, lint

" 8
­ ....
overruleC1 ,{Groorru;J
~Y! l"'O~ -
··"'..... ian .. t-t-.. ,.h... t'I
Certified record on appeal maile Clerk.U.S.Court of
als.N laW 0 Irleans La-
~; l ...iI _ IOn...; ..........·...n ... iI

Itna... ' -
Oct. 1 Certified copy of motion of appellant and entry of dismi ~sal c f at:Ipeal
of Alabama State Teachera Association, Inc.,received f Fom U. S.Ce urt
~ .~ I" 4

VoL .~..Sj " ........ vol9ft?~~r;( .I.L.Lt;:u

" 9 Memorandum in support 0 e a ional Education Associat on. In ::.
for leave to intervene , filed - copies served by cou se1­
Oct. 10 Memorandum o~ attorneys for Madison County Board of EdUCe tion
against Motl.on ot The National l!;(1ucatl.on ASSoclation or Ie ve 0
;n' ",. ~-I 1 .. ..:1 _
22 Order, dated October 14, 1969, overruling the motion of t he Ns ion 1
Jl;C1ucatlon AssociatiDn, Inc. for leave to'intervene as plain iff
toh.,. f'n ..... t­ ~.,..,. 1'; ... ", ... 1............ .;... .......... ""_ ........ .: ... _ 4:.
~ -J
..\, .I ,., .. 1­

if at some time in the course of the litigation in thj 8 cas~ tel chen
are being discriminated against, the Court will then ( onsid r a new
. ,.,. . .
...... ..,v ,..... " 0 ...... .­ ..

...,.... of".......... .;~ .. .,1..,,, .. 1.. .~ L.. ~ L!

~ '"
,- ,­ _.,,-, ••­ •• •• .. J ....­ ...... -~--, -~ ~ ~ ~

opinion that the said motion is without merit. filed a nd en erec

(Grooms) - copies mailed attorneys
Nov. 21 ~otice
.­ ~
of appeal of National Education Association, Inc,
..1 ,..
rom d~cre ~ of
-'­ ,
.......c .. 'cUc "0
-' ,
1 nr n
... -,v-"
~"'LLJ " ' U 5 ... v ..... vu

... v . . . . . c a v c .. v

party plaintiff, filed - Certified copies mailed to Attor evs and t o U.S.
~ourt of Appeals, New Orleans, La.
II ", , '­uvuu \VL.JV.vv
'" ...... " ..1
nn "'tH'U
, L.LLt;:U

21 Designation of record by National EducatipIKX~ Aal'lnr' I"H nn Tn, fi p-c1
Dec. 12 Certified record on appeal mailed to Clerk, U. S. Court of Ap eal. , New
Orleans, La.

( 1.2.' v
Feb. 9 Order that the Clerk of this court reimburse the cash a peal bond herein
by drawing a check on the Registry Funds payable to ~ray, Seay 0: Lan g­
... v_~,
..3 A~
........ v _ u - J ... , .LU ...
-,­u'­ "''''v~" ...
" ...... n nn
...... J ..... vv a •• y
. •
.uc. ........
1 •
u, "", ...... ...v ..,..J .... '" <1 ...

352 Dexter Avenue, Montgomery. Alabama 36104. the' ap eal 0 f Al 3.. Sta e
Teachers Assoc. having been dismissed - filed and en ered (Lyn :1e)
D. C. 110
Case 5:63-cv-00613-MHH Document 1 Filed 12/18/63 Page 6 of 11


June 24 Application of plaintiff-intervenor fort!x parte order, filed - copies ~en ed by ~ounsel

" 24 Order on plaintiff-intervenor's application for ex part~ orde th it the dei endantli
forthwith request the Office of H.E.W., in collabora :1on w th repres ent~ tives
,.I! fo'h .....1-. ......' rl~"""".f ..... #
...... 1 ......

I!,...... ........; .......u
.. ,.h .... "'l ,........'" ..........
h", .. t>~ ....... ... . ,. ..
which meets the requirements of law; the defendants ~ hall nake avail iblE to the!
Office of Education, or its deSignees, all requested infor nati pn reI !lttr g to t le
......: . ,I! ..1-._ ............
..... .1 ",1-. .. 11 .................. _ ..
,.............."' .., ,,,. ,
-.. "1
........ .,.. ..... " 1 1 n ..... 1- no,.. " an·

further that on July 24, 1970, the defendant school ~hal ~ file wit h"the oard "
Court and serve upon tne parties a plan to be implem nted )y A ~gU8t .!4, 1197U,
.\. ..1':1. •.111&•• 11 .
.I . . .
'co' '0'
,. . . . . . ..1 • • ,...
• •
&. ,1· ... ..1 .....&&
,- r---,.
,A_ , . I",.,.

services, athletics, etc and in all other ways elimi1 18.te t Ie v ~stige 9 01 the d ~al
school system based on race; all parties shall have peri )d 0 5 da 'fS rom th~
.1:.1 '.1
- - - ­ •• f:>
. .1:

.t. .t. .1 'I.
- -­
.I ., .. .'1.,.1.1.. .. .1:.1 ,
J:'" - -J
.:U& ,.,. , .I. , ....
or alternatives; any plans, modifications, etc must rovid ! a !nap sh ~iI g the
zones created or changed along with statistics for e ch sc ttool in th ~ sJ stem
-"-~-··o 0----...._- --, _..­ -..1----­ _... ---."_.._.. -- he..
..1 .. 1.
~ ••­
the number of faculty and staff of each race. A pr~ ~pt
..1. ..

~rin g shal ~ bE condu ::ted

... ..\. _,,'.I
.11 ..... .1: .. .I~ t.
"J .--. , .I

on the adoption of a plan; further ordering that the Clerk sen d a copy ( f this
' " .I • .'1. ...&&.1
...... ............. - .1: " ' . 1 . . 1 1 n.
, -"'r'" V_
.& U t:' T.T
",OJ, ., 1:, 0 ... 1. ... . . , ~. t:' .,' ... "
Georgia 30323, and to all parties and their counsel ~f rec Jrd file II ar d ente red
(Grooms) - copy mailed to H.E.W., Atlanta, Ga. and c pies gerv ed by COUl: sel for
July 24
•• .I ~ L!.If: ..
r---..---­ _ •. --­ _ ..... -­ --._-­
Plan of defendant" with maps
---------=>­ -­ --­ --­
attached, filed - copies
.1: .I

8 ~rved by ( ounse
" 28 Plan of U. S. Office of Education, Dept. of Health, Educ tion Ind ~elfar e, lled - copy
del. to U. S. Attorney, Birmingham, Alabama and copy maile Atty. Gel eral, ~ashingl
n" .." .II' ~ U. ~" ,>
~ ."
I. ., 'D. ~
•• "J:'" .• ,J -" -

" 31 Obiections of plaintiffs to desegregation plan filed Jul '( 24, I. by t he ]lfadisor
County Board of Education - filed - copies served by couns el
.ug. 12 Order that the plan of the Madison County Board of Educa tion i Hee here n 0 ~ July 24,
1 n.,n.\. .... . 1 . ' ., ..I. .I. ..1 .t:• ~
..... y, .......... ­ r '" , "

staff assignment deSignated by the Board for the sev eral ~ cho 18 in the systen as sho
by the attached exhibits, be hereby tentatively appr oved; fur her 0 der ng thi t the
.'1. ..
,------­ ~ -
,­ ---­ r---- -- -- --­
".I _, 'L ... I! ••_ h", .. _.: ...
_ ••
'D.f 100-.: .......1­ ,ft
- - 1-"'-'·0' r-'"
A1 ..h . ., ... ~.
-.­ .t. ?

1970, at 9:30 AM, r~ fquel ts fo an I modi ication

at which time the Court will eQnsifder
amplification, and amendments to the plan, or any re quest fo inte ven ~ion - filed a
.iJ,.... _.... 1 ~

.................. , ..................... " . , . ­ ....................Jv

:;ept 2 Hearing before the Hon. H. H. Grooms on plaintiffs' and laint ff nterv enOl • S obj !c­
tions and request for modification of the Board's p an fi ..ed )n Jul " 2~ , 1970;
... tic ...""'... '
. ~ ...
v... ...
.... ...
Boar i',
.LIve............ .I:' ....... u ............... ) ' ......'" .t".t""'..... ,

its amendment to plan; Order to be entered approvin Ta en S !mende d ;1 an;

under advis'ement
• .
........ "" .. '" .......v ........ •·............."'0 ""..............5 " ,..
. .un "':/ ... •'" vvu .. ~cu.......t. .....•
~ .... VLl ..
taken under advisement' written ,;udgmentto be ente ed - File and entE red
16 Order that the plan of the Madison County Board of Educa ion f ~led on Ju y ~ 4, 197 l,
as amended by the defendants on
...... v .....""' .. ,
. ~
, .. - '"
1 .'
September 2, 1970, s app rove ~ sub ~ect
v ....."' ....... 5
,. ..
to prpvisionl
..1-1..­ ........
......... "" ............. "'...... ".,
fO" _J, _.......
1 '"
... ­ --­ -- r- ­ --­ ,­
otherwise. the defendaats shall report to the Court with ~erv ce on thE parti ~s, the
information listed in Appendix B - filed and entere (Gro Oms) - cop lies mailed attorn.
1 " ... ,
.... "', ....
Jan 27 Certified copv of Opinion and Judgment issued as mandat Janu ary 25, 19 7l~ ffirmi tlg the
decision of the U. S. District Court denying interv ntion of ~EA; furd er ord ering I.V pay [,0 ueJ:Cl1U<:!.LL' -::<:!.~!' ........ "''''.., ....,"'
bv the Clerk - filed (Rives. tVisdom and Godbold. C rcuit Jud ges) . SeE lette r with
.. -, ....... . V.L ...
.~ ~~ - -_ -­
reproduced appendix attached in file .
Case 5:63-cv-00613-MHH Document 1 Filed 12/18/63 Page 7 of 11

D. O. llOA Rev. Civil Docket Continua.tlon CA 63-613 - Northeastern Division 14

Mar 22 Notice of Norman C. Amaker of withdrawal as attorney for plaintiffs - filed -
copies served by counsel
July 26 Motion of defendants to approve amendments to desegregation plan of defendants
submitted to the Court on July 24, 1970 and amended by defendants on
September 2, 1970 - filed - copies served by counsel
Aug. 6 Amendment by defendants to their motion dated July 23, 1971and filed with the
Court July 26, 1971, by adding thereto Amendment F, and hereby moving to
amend the original desegregation plan approved by the Court September 16,
1970, filed - copies served by counsel del. to J. Grooms by attorney
Aug 9 Order, on petition of Madison County Board of Education for modifications to
the previous orders of this Court, that: Amendments A, B, C, and Fare .
approved and ordered to be implemented beginning with the first day of classe~'
for the 1971-72 school year; Amendments D and E are approved on the condition :
that the Board of Education shall not consent to transfers where the cumulati,e
effect of such transfers will reduce desegregation in any of the transferring
zones; All other previous orders in this case, unless modified herein , shall ,
continue in full force and effect - filed and entered (Grooms) - copies mailed.
1973 attorneys .
Aug. 20 Motion of defendants for Court to approve certain amendments to the desegregation:
plan of defendants approved by this Court in its order of Sept. 16, 1970
filed - CS del. to J. Grooms
Sept 5 Order directing that objections to proposed amendments to plan of desegregation
be filed within ten days from the date of this order. The Court will
consider any such object:l1aaJ on Monday, September 17, 1973, at 10;00 a.m.,
otherwise, the amended plan will be approved - filed and entered (Grooms) em
" 17 Notice (letter dated September 13, 1973) from the U. S. Attorney that the
United States has no objections to the proposed amendments filed - CS
.. 17 Notice (telephonic) from the Madison County Board of Education's attorney
that they have no objections to the plan received September 17, 1973
" 17 Order, there being no objections thereto, granting defendants' motion
(filed herein on August 20, 1973) to approve certain amendments to
the desegregation plan approved by the Court in its order of Sept. 16,
1970, and approving said amendments to the plan as set out in said
motion filed and entered (Grooms) cm
June 23 Motion of defendants for amendment to desegregation order with memorandum in
in support of motion attached - filed - cs - del HHG
July 7 Response of United States to motion for amendment to desegregation order -
filed - cs
7 On hearing before the Hon. H. H. Grooms on defendants' motion for amendment
to desegregation order -no objections - motion granted
7 Order g~~nting: motion to approve the closing of the Brownsboro School and the
absorption of its students by the Riverton and Central Schools and approving'
amendment as set out in defendants' motion - filed and entered (Grooms) - em'
Apr 11 REQUEST in letter form of MARGARET KNECHT for permission for her
daughter Cenchrea, a student in the first grade at Madison
Cross Roads School, to remain in that school - filed - del HHG
Case 5:63-cv-00613-MHH Document 1 Filed 12/18/63 Page 8 of 11

Date Orc

\.pr. 11 ORDER, upon request of MARGARET KN~CH~, Granting authority for
continuing attendance at Madison Cross Roads School, that the
Court grants the Board or Superintendent authority to act
favorable on the letter petition of Mrs. Knecht upon such term
as may be meet and proper under the circumstances; if there are
any objections favoravle action, same shall be filed with the
Court within 10 days from the date of this Order - filed and
entered (Grooms) - cm - dwm
ep 12 MOTION of Defendants, received in Judge Grooms office on August
28, 1977 and filed in the Clerk's Office on Sep. 12, 1977 of the
Madison County Board of Education to change the eastern zone
line of New Sharon Elemertary School and the western zone line
of Hazel Green Elemertary School - filed - dwm
ep 12 ORDER on this cause coming on to be heard on the ex parte motion
of the Madison County Board of Education to change the eastern
zone line of New Sharon Ele~entary School and the western zone
line of Hazel Green Elementary School to a point 660 feet to the
east so that said description will be amended as follows:
That that portion of the zone line description describing
_ New Sharon Elementary School Zone which reads:
Thence east crossing Loveless road to a point approximately
one-fourth (1/4) mile east of Loveless Road; thence north
to the Alabama-Tennessee State Line: thence westwardly to
the point of origin
be stricken and in lieu thereof there shall be inserted:
Thence east crossing Loveless Road to a point 660 Feet east
of Loveless Road; thence northwardly remaining 660 feet
east of and parallel to the north and south center line of
Sections 27, 22, 15, 10 and 3, all in Township 1 South,
Range 1 West, to the Alabama-Tennessee State Line; thence
westwardly to the point of origin.


That that portion of _the zone l.ine. description describing

Hazel Green Elementary School, to-wit:
Thence wastwardly to a point one-fourth (1/4) mile east of
Loveless Road at the east line of New Sharon School Distric
thence due north to the Tennessee State Line; thence due
east to the point of origin
be stricken and in lieu thereof there shall be added:
Thence eastwardly to a point 660 feet east of Loveless
Road at the east line of the New Sharon School District:
thence northwardly remaining 660 feet east of and parallel
to the north and south center line of Sections 27, 22, 15,
10 and 3, all in Township 1 South, Range 1 West, to the
Alabama-Tennessee State Line; thence 9ue east to the point
filed and entered (Grooms)cm-dwm
Case 5:63-cv-00613-MHH Document 1 Filed 12/18/63 Page 9 of 11
DOCKET NO. _ _ __


Sep 15 ORDER, counsel for the Madison County School Board has advised tl
Court that inadvertently information supplied the Court in its
application for said ex parte order appears to have been erronE
in certain particulars, and has moved the Court to vacate and!
aside the Order of September 12, 1977, which approved a ceitaiJ
zone line changej it is therefore ORDERED, that counsel's motic
is Granted, and said Order is VACATED and held for naught - fiJ
1978 and entered (Grooms) - cm - dwm
,Mar 23 M'JI'ION of Plaintiff-Intervenor, National Education Association for disburseme
of registry funds - filed - del. HHG - dwm
Mar 27 ORDER, that the Clerk is authorized and directed to draw a check
the funds on deposit in the Registry of this Court in the
principal amount of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) plus a
interest earned for a total amount of $251.36 payable to Attor
Solomon S. Seay, Jr., and mail or deliver the check to Solomon
Seay, Jr., at 352 Dexter Avenue, Montgomery, Alabama 36104 - f
1979 and entered (Grooms) -cm-dwm
Jun 27 MOTION of defendant Madison County Board of Education for an order amending t~
order of September 16, 1970 - filed - cs - del. HHG - dwm
July 2 ORDER that the defendant's motion is hereby set for hearing on the 24th day 01
July, 1979, at 9:30a.m. at Birmingham - filed & entered {Grooms)cm-dwm
July 24 Answer of plaintiffs to defendants Motion to Amend Desegregation Order - fi1ec
cs - del. HHG - dwm
24 Hearing before the Hon. H.H. Grooms on notion of Madison Co. Bd. of Ed. to m:x'i
9/16/70 order. :r.btion of pltfs. for substitution of counsel filed - GRANTE[
HHG. Opening statements by counsel. :!::eft IS. testirrony. :!::eft. rests. Cros
examination by pltfs. & govt. Lunch recess. Hearing resuned. Cross examin
resuned. Pltfs I . testirrony. pltfs. rest. Brief of deft. due in 10 days,
& govt. to respond in 10 days. - HHG. written order to be entered JOM Wea
rptr. lrc
24 Clerk I s Courtroom Minutes - filed lre
Aug. 07 Letter dated 08-06-79 from RalphH. Ford, counsel for defts, with information
concerning the net enrollment for the school year 1978-79 for Big COv
Farmer's Capital, Meridianville, New Sharon and Toney Schools attache
filed-jtd - del to HHG
10 Response of U.S.A. to Petition of Madison County Board of Education to close

certain schools, fi1ed-cs-jtd. del to HHG


filed and entered (Grooms) cm-jtd.

27 ORDER that the petition to amend the desegregation order of Sept 16, 1970, is
hereby GRANTED so as to permit and allow petitioner, Madison County Board
Education to close New Sharon, Meridianville, Toney, Farmers Capital and
Big Cove Schools and to change the zone lines of Harvest, Hazel Green,
Madison County, Madison Cross Roads, New Hope, Owens Cross Roads, Riverto
and Walnut Grove elementary schools; and New Hope and Madison County High
Schools in the particulars detailed in the petition filed herein on June
1979 and the motion for allowance of an attorny's fee is hereby OVERRULED
filed and entered (Grooms) cm-jtd.
Case 5:63-cv-00613-MHH Document 1 Filed 12/18/63 Page 10 of 11


DOCKET NO. _ _ _ __



Dec 31 ORDER that the application of E. J. Shanefelt for the transfer as applied for be
and the same hereby is granted, and the Limestone County Board of Education
is authorized to transfer Roger Shanefelt from its system to the Madison
County School System, and the Madison County Board of Education is authorized
to accept Roger Shanefelt as a student at Bob Jones High School; the transfer
is hereby approved; the Clerk shall forward a copy of tliis Order to the
Superintendant of Schools of each of said counties, filed (Grooms) ENTERED
12/31/80 ccm-dwm
Oct 13 ORDER that the agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A be and the same is hereby
approved - filed (GR.(X)MS); entered 10/15/81 - cm-d\IDl
Jun 17 Motion of defts to amend desegregation order of 9/16/70, with exhibit attached,
--­ SEE ORDER DATED 6/18/87
18 ORDER that Motiori to Amend Desegregation Order is set for hearing in the U. S.
Post Office and Courthouse, Room 309, Decatur, AL, on 7/15/87 at 9:30 a.m.;
The Clerk is directed to mail a copy of this Order to the attys for all parties
filed-(PROPST); entered 6/19/87-cm-ems
22 ORDER that the hearing set in this matter for 7/15/87 at 9:30 a.m., in Decatur
will be held instead at the U.S. Courthouse in Huntsville, filed (PROPST);
entered 6/22/87-cm-krk
Ju1 10. Request (letter) of Atty Demetrius C. Newton to be excused from attending the
hearing on 7/15/87 at 9:30 in Huntsville, filed-cs-ems (orig. del to mer)
ORDER that since plffs accepted the proposed plan and the intervenor having
consented to the plan, the amended desegregation plan is hereby approved filed
(PROPST); entered 7/27/87-cm-cpe
1 9 8 8
Mar 22 Motion of plff in CV 88-H-5072-NE to consolidate w/this action, filed-cs-cdr
29 ORDER that motion to consolidate this action & CV 88-H-5072-NE is denied, filed
(PROPST); entered 3/29/88-cm-cdr

June 7 Motion of dfts to amend desegregation order of 7/27/87 w/exhs att filed cs scI


ORDER that copy of motion and this order be mailed to all parties; obj to be

filedl~lt 10 days filed (PROPST): EOD 6/8/90-am scI

July 6 ORDER/d~s motion to Amend Desegregation Order of 6/7/90 and there having been no
objections filed, the court GRANTS said motion, filed (PROPST): EOD 7/9/90 am scI

Mar 2~ Motion dfts to arrend desegregation order & consent to suggestion of status rpt. ~

Mar 2~' Dfts suggestion of status & rrotion to arrend desegregation order wI exh. yag

APr 7 ORDER USDJ Propst any objection on rrotion that was file on war. 25 shall be file
w/i 10 days or otherwise be GRANTED. c/rr yag
Case 5:63-cv-00613-MHH Document 1 Filed 12/18/63 Page 11 of 11

PG 6
DC 111A CA-63-613 -NE
(Rev. 1/75)



998 4/ D
MJl'IQ\I.. to extend titre to respond to courts order of 4/7/98 by PLA. cIs yag
4/14 ' ~

JRDER USDJ Propst granting pIa an extension of 6 days to file respond to troti(
filed on Mar 25, .response due 4/20/98 clw yag
4/29 Town of Triana's consent to suggestion of Status and motion
to amend desegregation order. cis yag
4/30 USA response to suggestion of status & motion to amend desegreg
( order cis yag

4/30 PIa response to Madison Board of Education suggestion of status

motion to amend desegregation order cis yag

5/4 ORDER USDJ Propst as set out in this order wi attch (was faxed
all parties) clm yag

6/30 US statment concerning joinder of the city of Madison School Bo!

as a party cis y a g .
Jul 20 ORDER dated 7/17/98 that the City of Madison AL Ed. of Edu. added as a pty
this action for liwited purpose of court's retainin juris. to enforce 5/4
order; parties wishing to further irrplewent this order wust file appropri
pleadings within 20 days, filed (Propst); entered 7/20/98-ar-sjr

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