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Heather Soden

KIN 387
Student Assessment Report

Student name: Mallory Date of Birth: 6/18/20

Evaluator: Heather Soden Date of Testing: 11/18/20

1. Student background Information:

Mallory is a typically developing 10-year-old girl attending Dunlap Elementary
School. She participates in general education in all of her classes, including physical
education class. Mallory is smaller for her age but doesn’t have any health concerns
otherwise. She has many friends and enjoys participating in PE class. She is a helpful student
to have around and offers to put away equipment and listens to directions well. During PE
class, she is on task and gives as great effort when participating in activities. She is not easily
frustrated and is eager to learn new skills. Her competitive nature drives her ability to
perform well in everything she attempts. In her spare time, she likes playing soccer and
playing sports outside with her older brother. She enjoys being physically active and being
part of a team sport.
Mallory performed well in locomotor skills including running and hopping. While
performing the running locomotor skill, her arms moved in opposition and she had a small
flight phase between steps. While performing the hop locomotor skill, Mallory was able to
hop on both legs for four consecutive times while maintaining her balance. She struggled
with tasks involving ball skills including the one- handed strike and dribbling. While
performing the one- handed strike, the ball hit the ground before it hit the wall on one of her
attempts. While performing the dribbling skill, Mallory was not able to maintain control of
the ball and had to move her feet in order to regain control of the ball while dribbling.
Mallory was eager to attempt all the skills and maintained a positive attitude throughout the
entire test.

2. Standardized Assessment Information:

To measure Mallory’s motor development, the Test of Gross Motor
Development 3rd edition (TGMD-3) was administered on November 18th, 2020. This
test was selected because it is a standardized assessment with empirically validated
psychometrics which can be used to assess fundamental motor skills. The assessment
is composed of 13 skills. There are 6 locomotor skills, including running, galloping,
skipping, hopping, jumping and sliding. There are 7 ball skills including, two handed
striking, one handed striking, kicking, catching, dribbling, underhand throwing and
overhand throwing. When administering the skill, the examiner is required to
demonstrate the skill and give the child a practice trial. The examiner will allow the
child to attempt the skill 2 times and will score each attempt based on the criteria
provided for each skill in the test. The child can receive a score of 0 or 1 for each
skill. A child will receive a 0 if they did not perform the criterion of the skill correctly
and a 1 if they did perform the criterion of the skill correctly. The score from all the
locomotor skills category and ball skills category will be added up to get two raw
scores. The raw scores for each category can be used to determine the age
equivalence, percentile rank, scaled score and gross motor index. The age equivalence
provides a reference to the developmental age level the student is currently
performing. The percentile rank represents the percent of students that performed at
or below Mallory’s skill level. The scaled score is used to compare the skills between
each subtest and is added up to determine the Gross Motor Index. The Gross Motor
Index provides the descriptive category that rates the student’s motor development.
Categories of the Gross Motor Index include descriptive terms ranging from poor to
above average.

3. Summary of Scores:
Based on the Test of Gross Motor Development- 3, I was able to determine that
the raw score for the locomotor skills subtest was 44. Using this information in Table
B.1, I was able to determine that she is performing motor skills at an age equivalency
of a 10-11-year-old. Using this raw score and age equivalency, I determined the
percentile rank of her locomotor skills in Table C.2 were 84 percent, when compared
to her same aged peers. The raw score for the ball skills subtest was 51. Using this
raw score and age equivalency, I determined the percentile rank of her ball skills in
Table C.4 were 84 percent, when compared to her same aged peers. The scaled score
was 13 for both the locomotor and ball skills subtest. After adding up the scaled
scores to a total of 26, I was able to determine her percentile rank of both subtest
skills in Table D.1 was 87 percent and her gross motor index was 117. In Table 3.1, a
gross motor index of 117 falls into the descriptive category of having above average
motor skills.

Table B.1
Table C.2

Table C.4
Table D.1

Table 3.1

4. Cooperation/Motivation:
Throughout the entire assessment, Mallory maintained a positive attitude
and exhibited a willingness to learn new skills. She was able to focus on
performing the skills the entire duration of the test and followed directions well.
She was excited to be outside and doing something physical in the sunshine. She
excelled in many locomotor skills such as running and hopping. She performed
many criterion perfectly for running such as arms moving in opposition at a 90
degree angle and a brief period where both feet were off the ground. When
performing the hopping skill, Mallory was able to maintain her balance and hop
on one leg for more than 4 consecutive times while keeping her non hopping leg
behind her when verbally prompted to do so. She also performed well in various
ball skills such as catching and overhand throwing. Mallory caught the ball using
her hands only and was able to position her hands in front of her body with
fingers extended. While performing the overhand throwing movement, Mallory
was able to step with opposition and rotate her body towards the target. She
shows room for improvement in the locomotor skill of sliding and the ball skill of
dribbling. When performing the sliding skill, Mallory would turn and lead with
her dominant foot each way. When performing the ball skill of dribbling, Mallory
was not able to dribble the ball four consecutive times without moving her feet to
retrieve the ball. As she did perform many skills will proficiency and ease, there
are some areas of improvement. Based on this assessment and observation of
Mallory’s skills, the category of an above average motor skill placement is an
accurate representation of Mallory’s fundamental motor development.

5. Conclusions/Recommendations:
Based on Mallory’s scores on the TGMD-3, I recommend Mallory stay in
the general education PE placement at this time in, order to further excel in her
academic career. I do recommend that Mallory performs moderate to physical
activity for 60 minutes every day, in any manner that she enjoys. I recommend
Mallory continues to play soccer to maintain her cardiovascular health and
recommend that she incorporates basketball into her fitness regimen once a week
to progress on her dribbling skills.
KIN 387
Assessment Summary Student Report

Name: _______________________________________ Total Points: ___________/20

Student Background Information (3 pts)

(1, 2) ____ Background of student information is accurate includes age, disability, medical condition,
other information about student such as unique behaviors.

Standardized Assessment Information (3 pts)

(1, 2, 3)____ Accurate overall test selection, description & justification including test items & how to
score test specific to child’s needs. Includes standardized assessment and one supplemental
alternative assessment.

Summary of Scores (5 pts)

(0, 1, 2) ____ Overall test score results provided & briefly explain what overall test scores mean (e.g.,
percentile, age equivalent, GMQ, category places the child very poor)
(1, 2, 3) ____ Graphed results (tables: clear/easy to comprehend)

Cooperation/Motivation (1 pt)

(1, 2) ____ Types of behaviors exhibited during testing

Conclusion/Recommendation (2 pts)

(1, 2, 3) ____ Recommendation regarding placement/service minutes; specific program needs in

relation to areas of function. Suggestions for activities outside in community.

Clear Content, Organization and Writing of Report (4 pts)

(1, 2, 3) ____ Professional Content: accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation, clear sentence structure,
written in 3rd person
(1, 2) ____ Professional quality report: well organized with subheadings, sequenced, & clear for
reader/parents to read, understand & easily follow

Additional Comments:

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