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December 15, 2020 1:05 PM

• Automotive SPICE - Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination

• ISO/IEC 15504 tailored to Automotive industry -> Now evolved to ISO/IEC 33020
• Processes
○ Main
 Engineering Process Group (ENG) - Development process
 Acquisition Process Group (ACQ)- Supplier Management
 Supporting Process Group (SUP)
 Management Process Group (MAN)
○ Others
 Supply Process Group (SPL)
 Resource and Infra (RIN)
 Process Improvement Group (PIM)
 Operation Process Group (OPE)
 Reuse Process Group (REU)
• Defines 6 capability levels
○ Level 0 - Incomplete
○ Level 1 - Performed
 PA.1.1 - Process Performance
○ Level 2 - Managed
 PA.2.1 - Performance Management
 PA.2.2 - Work Products Management
○ Level 3 - Established
 PA.3.1 - Process Definition
 PA.3.2 - Process Deployment
○ Level 4 - Predictable
 PA.4.1 - Quantitative Analysis
 PA.4.2 - Quantitative Control
○ Level 5 - Innovating
 PA.5.1 - Process Innovation
 PA.5.2 - Process Innovation Implementation
• Four point rating scale used
○ Not achieved - 0-15%
○ Partially Achieved - 16-50%
○ Largely Achieved - 51-85%
○ Fully Achieved - 86-100%
• A capability level is achieved if
○ All process attributes of lower levels are fully achieved
○ Process attribute of the level itself is largely or fully achieved
• Assessment has two objectives
○ Capability Determination - Review of process maturity within the company and suppliers
○ Process Improvement - Guidelines for inhouse process improvement
○ Assessment is done w.r.t to industrial best practices
• Top three typical failure point in any projects
○ Project Management
○ Configuration Management
○ Requirement Engineering
• Good Requirement Attributes
○ Completeness
○ Verifiability
○ Unambiguousness
• Traceability provides consistency
○ Evidence that all requirements are fully implemented and tested
○ Seamless traceability has to be demonstrated for safety related systems
○ Gives the yardstick to measure the completeness of validation
○ ASPICE looks for bidirectional traceability
 Vertical Traceability
□ System <-> Software <-> Implementation
 Horizontal Traceability
□ Requirement <-> Validation at each phase

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