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Trayecto:_______ Sección: _____________ Turno: ___________ PNF: ____________

Name: _______________________C.I. _______________________

Kinds of words (noun, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, articles, prepositions

and cognate words / false cognates)

1. - Classify the words below according the kinds of words studied in the guide. Put the word in
the right column.
Always, handsome, adventure, buy, definitely, Joseph, camera, cold, fast, come, efficient,
engineer, fly, go, now, happy, drink, car, dark, here.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

Joseph drink happy here

Engineer buy Fast Always

Adventure go Dark now

Car Come handsome Definitely

Camera Fly cold Efficient

2. - Below you have sentences. Identify each word according its class by placing the
corresponding abbreviations given under (A: articles N: noun, V: verb, adj: adjective, adv:
adverb, prep: preposition, pro: pronouns.

1. - They usually play soccer on Friday.

2. - Suddenly, a dog ran with an aggressive expression.

3. - The Venezuelans are very enthusiastic and kind people.

4. - This romantic letter is for you

5. - She is staying with us temporarily

6. – Nowadays, It takes about 90 minutes across the lake by ferry.

3. - Classify the preposition according to the type of. Put the preposition in the right column.
Through, since, opposite, for, around, near, before, until, towards, at, in front of, by, among, in,
under, into, beside, across, behind, over, on,

Place or position Movement Time

4. - Write the correct preposition in the following images.

__________Sunday _________________ _________________ __________ six o´clock

_________________ _________________ _________ winter _________________

5.- Write the correct preposition of time (for, until, since, at)

1. - I´m going to stay there ______ a year and a half.

2. - The man waited ______ eight o´clock. Then he left.

3. - Mr. and Mrs. Bianca have lived in New York ______ 1947.

4. – Bill hasn´t mentioned that matter ______ last election.

5. - He probably won´t say anything about it ______ the next election.

6. - ______ two days ago, practically everyone agreed with you.

7. - ______ that time, everyone has changed his mind about it.
6. - Write the articles: (a, an, the) in the following images

___ Tai majal ___ car ___ astronaut ___ Avila ___ hour

___ horse ___ Eiffel Tower ____ Uniform ____ book ____ Sahara

7. - Write the articles just a /or/ an in the following text.

I am English teacher. My sister is engineer in factory. We have

aunt and uncle. They live in house with beautiful garden. In their garden

there is apple tree and fig tree. They have daughter. She is singer.

My parents are artists. They paint paintings and sell them on the Internet. My mother is

also art teacher. She works in school in the mornings. My father loves flowers and

has a balcony.
8. - Fill in the correct pronouns.

1.- Is she writing to Chris Evans?. “Yes, she is in love with ________”
a) Them b) him c) us

2.- This is my dog. “Itś _____________”

a) yours b)mine c) theirs

3.- Do you know Sarah? “_______ is a chef”

a) They b) you c) she

4)He has a bad temper so he must learn to control _______________

a) myself b) himself c) itsel

5) You are French. _________ family lives is Paris.

a) their b) her c) your

9. - Fill each blank with suitable reflexive pronoun

1. - He rewarded _________ with an ice cream.

2.-They agreed amongst _____ that they would not tell anyone.
3.-I taught ______________ to draw.
4.-You must explain ___________ more clearly.
5.-He has a bad temper so he must learn to control___________
6.-That monkey is scratching__________.
7.-One must defend ____ against bullies.
8.-My brother and I bought ________ some apples.
10.- Read the text and underline 20 cognates words.
Tax collection has a very long history, and for all of this time tax collectors seem to have made use
of the most effective technology they could obtain. The best technology is the simplest technology
that effectively fulfills the operational purpose. The client population for tax administration has
become increasingly diverse. A major reason for the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax
(GST), Canada’s value added tax, was the distortion of economic activity caused by the large and
growing erosion of this tax base. The complexity of the tax system has also increased significantly
as governments have sought to use the tax system. Tax administrations today are faced with
perhaps the most complex operating environment in history.

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