Latihan Soal Us Ujian Sekolah Kelas Vi 21 22

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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d!

Pilih jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang huruf a, b, c, atau d!

1. Spongebob did not go anywhere last holiday. It was his … .

A. great holiday
B. fun holiday
C. boring holiday
D. awesome holiday

2. Barbara was excited to go traveling last winter holiday. Her holiday was
so … .
A. boring
B. great
C. bad
D. tiring

3. Last September, Nancy went to the … .

A. zoo
B. beach
C. waterfall
D. swimming pool

4. Amber … some meals for his family last Sunday.

A. cooks
B. cook
C. cooked
D. cooking

5. What did he Sophie do last holiday?

A. She climbed a tree

B. She stole a camera
C. She danced on the stage
D. She took some pictures

6. How did Goldilocks enter the Bear’s house?

A. She climbed through the window.
B. She used a key.
C. She knocked on the door.
D. She broke the door.

7. Which room did Goldilocks go to, after entering the door?

A. bedroom
B. living room
C. bathroom
D. kitchen

8. How was the Mama Bear’s porridge? It was … .

A. just right
B. sweet
C. delicious
D. too cold

9. What did she find in the living room?

A. She found three bowls of porridge.
B. She found three chairs.
C. She found three beds.
D. She found three tables.
10. In the bedroom, Goldilocks found three Bear’s beds. The Papa Bear’s
bed was … .
A. too high
B. just right
C. too hard
D. comfortable

11. How did the Mouse woke the Lion up?

A. The Mouse squeaked loudly.
B. The Mouse bit the lion’s head.
C. The Mouse played with his friends.
D. The Mouse played with the lion’s mane.

12. What did the Lion say to the Mouse after he woke up? He said, … .
A. “How dare you touch my mane. I wanna eat you.”
B. “You are so little and sweet.”
C. “I promise I will help you someday.”
D. “Help! Somebody please help me!”

13. After Mouse promised to the Lion, the Lion said, … .

A. “ Okay, I forgive you.”
B. “How can a little mouse help me.”
C. “I believe that promise.”
D. “I know you can do something for me.”

14. The mouse promised to the lion that he wanted to … .

A. play with the Lion one day
B. bite the Lion one day
C. annoy the Lion one day
D. help the Lion one day

15. What is the moral value of the story of The Lion and The Mouse for us?

A. Don’t underestimate the other people.

B. We can play with the wild animals.

C. Don’t play in the forest alone.

D. We can’t help our friends in any situation.

16. It is a fruit stall/market. We usually buy … there.

A. carrot and spinach
B. banana and orange
C. bread and cake
D. fish and meat

17. What does Jamie want? He wants … .

A. a plate of noodle
B. a bowl of salad
C. a bowl of porridge
D. a plate of fried rice

18. To keep us healthy, we can eat some … every day.

A. junk food
B. fast food
C. fruit and vegetable
D. fried food

19. “In the Fruit Stall” (Text for the question number 5)
Seller : What do you want, miss?
Queen : I want some oranges. How much is it?
Seller : It is twenty five thousand rupiah a kilo.
Queen : That’s too expensive. How about these apples?
Seller : It is twenty three thousand rupiah a kilo.
Queen : Okay. Give me two kilos, please.
Seller : All right.

Does Queen buy some oranges?

A. Yes, she does.
B. Yes, she do.
C. No, she don’t.
D. No, she doesn’t.

20. Oliveira wants two buy 3 kilograms of snake fruits. The price of a kilo of
snake fruits is Rp12.000. How much should Oliveira pay?
A. It’s thirty thousand rupiahs
B. It’s thirty six thousand rupiahs
C. It’s threety six thousand rupiahs
D. It’s thirteen six thousand rupiahs

21. What does the sign mean? It says that … .

A. we must save the water
B. we must not use plastic bags
C. we must not pluck the flowers
D. we must keep the area clean

22. We have to throw it in the green/organic dustbin. It is … .

A. a banana skin
B. a glass bottle
C. a can
D. a plastic bag

23. What can we make from the left-over food? We can make … .
A. a water sprinkler
B. a photo frame
C. compost
D. an oil candle lamp

24. We can make a pencil holder by recycling a … .

A. plastic cup
B. leaf
C. plastic bag
D. banana skin
25. What should Nurul answer?
A. We mustn’t cut the trees.
B. We must cut the trees.
C. We must pluck the flowers.
D. We mustn’t save the forest.

26. Where are the children?

A. They are at a technopark.
B. They are at a market.
C. They are at a garden.
D. They are at a zoo.

27. People usually use it to talk to other people in different places. It is a … .

A. tablet
B. smart phone
C. telephone
D. game console

28. What is a telescope for? It’s for … .

A. monitoring traffic and weather
B. browsing the internet and reading e-books
C. producing electricity
D. looking at something far away

29. What do the students do?

A. They take a selfie.
B. They stand in line.
C. They see the exhibit.
D. They buy the smart phones.

30. What is a drone for? It’s for … .

A. monitoring traffic and weather
B. browsing the internet and reading e-books
C. producing electricity
D. looking at something far away

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