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Directions: Identify one of the underlined words or phrases A, B, C,

OR D that should be rewritten or corrected.
The brain is made up of billions of neurons that differ with each other greatly    

                              A                             B                                      C  

in size and shape.                


Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across to Atlantic, disappeared on June

1937 while

                                          A                                            B                                           C

attempting to fly around the world.


1. Differ whit
2. On

2. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions (Preposition List

stated on your modul look at the title)
1. Some people think it is necessary ……….forest fire to happen occasionally so that new trees
will grow.
2. Typical ……….American enterprise, a thriving cottage industry developed in marketing the
ash from Mt. St. Helens.
3. Volcanic ash in the atmosphere is responsible……….brilliant red sunsets and sunrises.
4. People were surprised……….the amount of destruction the eruption of Mt. St. Helens


1. Some people think it is necessary (FOR) forest fire to happen occasionally so that new trees
will grow.
2. Typical (OF) American enterprise, a thriving cottage industry dveloped in marketing the ash
from Mt. St. Helens.
3. Volcanic ash in the atmosphere is responsible (FOR) brilliant red sunsets and sunrises
4. People were surprised (AT ) the amount of destruction the eruption of Mt. St. Helen caused.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions (Preposition List

stated on your modul look at the title)
1. Poor farming practices contributed ……….the dust bowl as much as weather conditions.
2. When there is famine in a country, the people must rely ……….the goodwill of other
countries provide them with the food they need.
3. The 1989 San Francisco earthquake resulted ……….59 deaths and massive property damage.
4. One growing season after another without rain quickly leads ……….starvation in many parts
of the world

1. Poor farming practices contributed ( TO ) the dust bowl as much as weather conditions.
2. When there is famine in a country, the people must rely ( ON) the goodwill of other
countries provide them with the food they need.
3. The 1989 San Francisco earthquake resulted ( IN ) 59 deaths and massive property damage.
4. One growing season after another without rain quickly leads ( TO ) starvation in many parts
of the world

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