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San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

Proposal for the Webinar

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research
San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

Program for the Webinar

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

Sample Certificate for the Speaker

Sample Certificate for the Participants

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

Sample Attendance Form

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

Sample Evaluation Form

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

Summary of Evaluation
San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

Narrative Report
“Team effort and collaboration is an assurance of an accomplished mission.” -J.Amrinto
The organized webinar is indeed an everyone’s challenge, a challenge which predicts whether we
will attain success or fail in our passion and desire to grow personally and most importantly,
professionally. With this class of Methods of Research, A.Y 2021-2022, we cried and cheered, “Yes!
mission accomplished!’
The webinar organized is entitled, ‘Scale Development: A Thorough Guide on How to Develop and
Validate a Scale’ by Dr. Leviticus M. Barazon Jr., CESE, Guest Lecturer-Professor of Cebu Normal
University and an Assistant Schools Division Superintendent- DepEd Danao City, Cebu.
The preparation of the webinar to be smooth and organized, the class was divided into groups
and assigned tasks and responsibilities. The whole class also approved to divide the task in every
group so that we can achieve success easily. For the Team Maasin, we took the chance to compose
a caption for the poster given by the Team Bato. The goal of the poster was to catch potential
participants of the webinar. Before the dissemination of the poster, an intensive correction of
grammar was done to ensure appropriate posting. With the suggestions and recommendations
of our adviser and the class, we then proceeded to posting and took immediately our other tasks.
Aside from the dissemination of the webinar, Team Maasin was also assigned to create an
attendance and evaluation form to be used during the webinar. The result of the evaluation was
used as the basis of whoever will be given an e-certificate.
After the preliminary steps in conducting the webinar, and then the proposal was approved, Team
Bato immediately created a draft webinar poster for the advertisement last April 12, 2022. It was
then presented for further suggestions and recommendations. The details on the said poster were
then scrutinized to perfection. When all the text was already correct, the team then proceeded to
the Pre-registration Form using Google Forms. Then, additional input was made on the
participants’ details that were in need to be included. On the first-time posting, there was an
additional correction on the school logo used, it was directly changed to the new school logo, and
no more additional corrections were done.
The Tomas Oppus group was tasked to craft program and certificates. First, we communicate with
our group and then we decided to divide the task into two; for those skillful and experienced in
crafting programs and certificates. Through teamwork, we work as one to attain our task, and
asked our teachers and classmates to any further clarifications. Throughout the task, we used
creativity and ICT skills.
Even the organizers were anxious to what to do next if possible unexpected happened, still we
maintain that our main objective is to learn well from our distinguished and high-caliber speaker.
Some of the insights that we learned are stated below.
✓ Measurement scales are useful in assessing attitude, technique, and intervention in a
variety of scientific applications. Despite the widespread availability of scales, there is still
a need to create new measurement scales when the nature of the study necessitates.

✓ It is important that we examine measurement from a unique perspective. When we

measure something, there is always an edge of error.
San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

✓ We should always remember that we establish a scale and instrument that is not
dependable or legitimate, and you do not follow the methods for developing and crafting
that scale, the outcome is deception. And that distortion might have serious consequences
for the individuals you’re assessing, especially if you do it to your students as part of the
program assessment. The result could be destructive.

✓ While the discussant is sharing his insights, the MalTo group were chatting in the group
chat about their realizations on each sub-topic, one thing is very common, they’ve realized
that developing a valid and a reliable measurement in any research fields is a demand
need to cater crucially. This is because the quality of data, and findings should be authentic
and based on standard set.

✓ Decisions and inferences drawn from any research depends on the validity and reliability
of the measurement instrument used. Accordingly, validity and reliability of research
instruments can ruin research efforts when neglected or inappropriately done.

✓ During the webinar, we’ve realized the rigorous processes involved in scale development
which includes item generation, theoretical analysis and psychometric analysis involving
validity and reliability assessment. Different types of validity and procedures involved.

✓ The concept of reliability of research instrument, types of reliability such as estimate of

equivalence, internal consistency, scorer/inter rater reliability and temporal stability
including the nature of instrument and research situations in which each can be applied.

After the webinar, the organizers had a feedbacking with our adviser and peers. We have found
out precious ideas and assessments for further enhancement of future possible webinars to be
conducted if given a chance to have. Also, participants from the Province of Southern Leyte and
outside, like from Vietnam, extended their congratulations for the well-organized webinar and
meaty discussion from the speaker. The whole class, with our adviser Dr. Marvin S. Daguplo, is
commended for a job well done.

The webinar indeed honed and developed the attitude and skills of the organizers to be more
professional and responsible to every assigned assignment. It became true to us the lines, “A
group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of himself and his contribution to praise
the skills of others.”
We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who contributed in any ways to make
our journey, with this webinar, a very successful and meaning one. THANK YOU!!!
San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research


PHASE I: Deciding what should be the topic for the webinar, when to conduct it, who will
give the lecture.

PHASE II: Creating of working committees for the activity.

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research


San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research


San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research


HEAD START. It was a good start for everyone who are eager to learn about the scale development.


FOR THE LOVE OF RESEARCH. The speaker, Dr. Leviticus M. Barazon Jr., expressed his “cannot say
no” to an invitation especially if it is for RESEARCH since his mission is to share about it.
San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research



first ever webinar the class
has initiated garnered
participants from all parts
of the Philippines, also, it
was noted that a Thai
participant also joined this
San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research


ALL IS WELL THAT ENDS WELL. After the webinar, the organizers together with their class
adviser took a time for a short conference, positive criticisms and words of gratitude were
expressed as this event was successfully conducted.
San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

In my journey of completing this course, I have realized some important aspects

of research that made me see research not just a subject/course that I need to finish but
a habit that I need to embody especially as an educator.
Having this course provided me an opportunity to learn, discover, and
share new things to the body of existing knowledge. It gave me a humbling experience to
be able to interact and collaborate with people who are experts on the field. It made me
realize that I am still a neophyte towards this development, and with that, I am with a full
heart willing to learn more about this.
This course also taught me that I can turn my mistakes into learning experiences because
as a researcher, mistakes are part of the package. I have been to experiences where things
haven’t turned out exactly how I expected them to, like losing my interest on the research
paper I am half-way done. Sometimes it’s good to laugh at these mishaps when it happens.
This class was so much more than what I expected. I enjoyed the discussion format
of the course, as it was extremely helpful and I was able to incorporate a lot of ideas into
my “toolbox” of ideas, however, some of the theory was something that I couldn’t really
wrap my head around. Now, I see myself more as both a learner and contributor to the
teaching-learning process. I am more engaged not just with my lecturers but also with my
classmates and experts in the field. I enjoyed the way that the topics of discussion each
week built upon the previous one and the variety of subject matter gave me a real feel for
the intentions for the class. I feel that with all that I have learned in the class; this will be
extremely helpful in my journey towards achieving the goal- to finish MAEd hopefully this
One of the highlights of my experience in the course which forever I will be
remembering is when we were tasked to organize our own webinar. From the making of
the proposal up to the evaluation part, we were the one who planned and organized it. I
would like to commend our speaker for such an informative talk regarding the topic in
the person of Mr Leviticus M. Barazon Jr., PhD, CESE. He was an eloquent speaker who
was able to convey his task well. Certainly, the success of the activity was because of our
collaborative effort that made the webinar a successful one.
I am personally thankful to our instructor Dr. Marvin S. Daguplo, for being with us,
for the unending guidance and mentoring. It is a great honor being one of your students.
You have given light to my “wa ko kaajo kasabot sir, unsa rto sir?” and with that I enjoyed
and gained much knowledge from this course.
In conclusion, I would just like to say thank you and I really appreciate everything
I learned so much more from the course than I expected. I do firmly believe that my
research skills, my critical thinking skills, my reading and writing skills have all improved
since I started this course. I do look forward to moving towards the end of the degree, so
that I can take the skills learned and polished in this course, out into the career path of
my choosing and make a difference.

Name: Abigail Fritz C. Golo

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

According to Jennifer Gayle, ‘Just remember, it has to rain for there to be a rainbow…
If you are going through a big storm right now, know that your rainbow will be even
greater.’ I know that each one of us, the students, undergo different trials and problems
in our lives. The fact that we continue to live means we still wanted to be productive and
grow despite the pandemic. The subject Methods of Research is quite a challenge because
it entails words, numbers, gathering data, analysis, and interpreting records. I am grateful
that I continued my desire to finish my graduate studies because through this my skills
are honed and molded to teach my students about research. They said that I should have
this subject before I had my Social Statistics subject. It will help me to be more acquainted
of the research processes and concepts which will help me to deal with Social Statistics
activities. Methods of Research encouraged me to push harder for my professional
growth and well-being. During this subject, I am also teaching my students in Grade 10
English about research and so I have already the information on what to teach on how to
properly undergo and craft their own research. Still, they needed more time to execute
the procedures in doing research, but I know for sure that this preparation subject will
aid them to do more better and if they wanted to do full-blown research in their senior
years, I am confident that they can do it.
Also, the task on organizing a webinar entitled, “Scale Development: A Thorough
Guide on How to Develop and Validate a Scale” helped me to be at par to the demands of
learning-teaching process in the world of technology. It taught me to try something new
and doing so helps me to realize that I can do it with the help of others. Doing something
in groups made the job lighter and meaningful. The speaker was so welcoming that we,
the organizers had nothing much difficulty in supporting his discussions particularly
when we had the question-and-answer portion. During pre-phase of the webinar,
together with my group, I was assigned to the editing text of the certificates, invitations,
and proposal of the webinar. I was privileged and felt having a purpose because it’s not
common to have this kind of programs especially if you are not connected in Division
office. Unlike this time, I actively participated and had an important role or function. In
addition, I am so blessed to have cooperative members because with them we have
accomplished the task very well. During the webinar, I was assigned already to technical
assistance for the Zoom Meetings. In addition, I collected and modulated the questions
raised to the speaker. Yes, it was my first time to organize a webinar with outside-the-
school participants.
Everything seems a big storm, a challenge needs to be accepted. Yes, everything
has its own rainbow to show and that implies that we need to continue. Just like this
subject, as my last subject before my comprehension test, I know that something positive
awaits me. Thank you very much to everyone and to my instructor, Dr. Marvin S. Daguplo
for sharing his expertise and insights.
May all of us be showered with more blessings and positive vibes along the way.
Name: Daryl M. Balaga
San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

Initially, enrolling in Methods of Research subject requires commitment, courage

and confidence because I am afraid that I will not be able to comply or complete some
tasks that require time and expertise to do well. I feel it will be a difficult experience
because there are so many factors to consider, each of which takes a great deal of effort
and motivation. However, I am reminded that all of our life’s decisions require
preparation. The ability to multi-task, the capacity to learn will be challenged, so I need
to be comfortable with the subject and be in a good emotional state. Furthermore, I know
that research takes a substantial amount of time. To finish all the process, I will most
likely have to sacrifice my leisure time and let efficiency kill procrastination for me to
meet all the requirements. Every time I sit down to write a research paper, I have to deal
with an intimidating blank page because when I stumble during this inconvenient time, I
often get easily upset. This process is comparable to a long marathon for many students.
To complete a race, an athlete must run mile after mile until they reach the finish line.
Unfortunately, there are really no shortcuts to success if you want to succeed.
Despite the negativity that runs in my mind, I still think of the brighter side because, with
persistence and commitment, I know that the blank page that causes me stress can be a
ray of light that gives me strength to pursue greater purpose as I touch the lives of my
students. I do believe that research exists because students deserve a quality education.
When I see the value and applicability of research in my classroom practice as a
professional teacher it motivated me to enroll.
Unconsciously, research has always been a great part of me as a teacher, because
education is dynamic, it is like a living organism that keeps on changing and some of our
practices are already obsolete and the strategies and methods that I am using are not
enough and need improvement and innovation. Teachers are not just a source of
information but a catalyst of change to make learning more meaningful.
In my class, some students had a hard time expressing themselves because Social
Science tackles social issues. This has been a personal struggle and that made me really
desperate to find ways to keep students from failing. Through my constant drive and
passion, I did my research through Google, listening to TED talks and to the point of
sharing my thoughts to my school head that imparted ways and techniques on how I can
improve my classroom management skills and, to my co- teachers, whom we shared the
same sentiments towards our students. Talking to parents or guardians was an eye-
opener for me because family background, the situation they are in was a contributing
factor to how they behave and how they process learning. Enrolling this subject is the
best decision I made. It gives me confidence in properly conducting research and to give
solutions to possible problems that truly exist in the teaching and learning process.
Research has taught me to be competent, innovative, passionate in everything I
do. Research is a necessity, it is like food that our body needs and that makes our system
work. Teachers are researchers because we are called to change, to impact, and to make
a difference to the lives of our students.

Name: Donna M. Oben

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

Enrolling in Methods of Research course makes me feel both thrilled and terrified. Excited
because I will be learning the part of a research paper and how to create the contents of
it here. Making a research paper is one of the requirements for some of my subjects along
my master's degree journey, and I am delighted that I completed it all, but to be honest, I
still have many questions, and I still do not understand how to do this research paper
with myself. I was scared because I had heard unpleasant comments from other students
who had taken this topic; they stated it was difficult to complete, defending your work
was one of them, and the professor who taught the subject was another. With these types
of sentiments, I used them to push myself and believe in myself to make it with the help
of God.
During our sessions, I got less frightened since I knew our lecturer, Mr. Marvin
Daguplo, teaches us everything we need to know about research and makes sure we
comprehend what he says. He enjoys addressing our questions, and we are pleased when
we receive responses that broaden our minds; it is fairly satisfying. Furthermore, my
classmates are constantly in a good mood, which helps the entire class feel good vibes;
the setting of our online class is so nice, with no pressure to feel, but we must remain
focused in all conversations. I learned that in order to create a title for your research
paper, you must first identify your problem. Next, when writing the paper's introduction,
you must adhere to the various components that contribute to your paper's best
introduction; additionally, searching for related literature was a difficult task. The
distinction between theoretical and conceptual frameworks was also necessary, and it
enlightened my mind to know what they were. One of the most difficult aspects of
research is the research design, especially if you are unfamiliar with it. There are several
research designs to choose from based on your problem; it must be given priority for your
study to be valid.
In our class, we were given the opportunity to create a webinar named "Scale
Development: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Develop and Validate a Scale." I am
pleased about this activity and the knowledge I will receive from it. I learnt that when
writing a research paper, you must also include the scale you want to use in order to
obtain a legitimate and succinct outcome of your analysis. It is really challenging; if you
select an inappropriate scale, your analysis will never achieve its precise result.
Measurement scales are useful in assessing attitude, technique, and intervention in a
variety of scientific applications. Despite the widespread availability of scales, there is
still a need to create new measurement scales when the nature of the study necessitates
it. Time passes, and I'm finishing up my master's degree with Methods of Research as a
last prerequisite for the Comprehensive Examination. I'm simply glad I made it despite
the strain, stress, and difficulties I endured. It is a huge difficulty combining academics
with job to merely accomplish my goal of growing and succeeding in life, both personally
and professionally. I understand that this is only the beginning and I did my hardest.

Name: Ellah Mae S. Ani

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

The occurrence of Covid-19 pandemic in the world brought radical changes to the usual
activities of humans. This change has been regarded as routines for the new normal. Lots of
institutions worldwide had been dealing with such radical changes in the way various situations
must be dealt with. In the Philippines, government agencies were actively cooperating with the
programs implemented by the Department of Health in such a way that the spread of the Covid-
19 virus will be minimized.
One of the agencies which implemented mandatory measures to minimize the spread of
the virus is the Department of Education. The Commission on Higher on Education was also at a
lead in implementing programs to contain the virus. Lots of programs per se had been
implemented and one of these is the implementation of the online classes in any schools in the
country. Along with it, are varied opinions based on their individual subjective perception on the
effects of conducting online classes.
As for me, being an enrolled learner on the online class at Southern Leyte State University
is not easy. Undeniably, such modality is very useful especially that the pandemic is in its
occurrence. However, though there were advantages on the conduct of such still for sure there
were lots of issues which confronted on the implementation of the online class.
Based on my own experience, the efficacy of learning is less as compared to face-to-face
teaching. There were less interactions between the teacher and students especially if problems
of internet connectivity will occur. I can still recall how motivated I was before to attend classes.
The conduct of an online learning is not really suitable for me as a learner. I know that I can learn
and grasp better informations thought in class if such will be conducted in a face-to-face set up.
I am just glad that Dr. Marvin S. Daguplo, our professor in research aside from giving
necessary and essential input to us made sure that he will be able to conduct online class with
humor in such a way that we will not get bored in listening the discussion.
Despite all these, this did not hinder us to conduct a very productive webinar entitled “
Scale Development: A thorough guide on how to develop and validate a scale”. This was conducted
last April 30, 2022. This webinar was conducted successfully despite the limited time allotted for
the preparation. It was successfully organized through messenger by our group.
I would like to commend our speaker for such an informative talk regarding the topic in
the person of Mr Leviticus M. Barazon Jr., PhD, CESE. He was a very smart speaker who was able
to convey his task well.
Our group was grateful to our speaker for enabling his time to attend our webinar despite
hectic schedules.
It is true that in everthing that we will do, problems are always part of it. I am very
thankful to my groupmates who despite varied views and opinions we still came up a very
informative webinar worthy of its conduct. Lastly, I would like to thank our professor Dr. Marvin
S. Daguplo for letting us experience this.

Name: Eric P. Garzon

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

Before enrolling the subject “Methods of Research” I really knew the importance of it in
our life. Research has a lot of impact on the daily functioning of life. First and foremost, research
leads to a better life by producing results that can be used to make life better. Through the process
of research, various methods of handling life’s problems and making the world a better place to
live in are facilitated. Secondly, the very process of research affects society in several ways. In the
enrollment process, this subject is offered on 2nd semester this year and to be honest I felt nervous
upon viewing the instructor handling the subject but this nervousness pushes me to trust myself
and I know Sir Marvin is expert in teaching research that will impart informative topics that will
help me throughout my journey of as MAED student and also as researcher.
Our 1st meeting was on March 5 2022. The day was so productive and the class exchange
different suggestion on the flow of the subject. I like this approach because the students are part
of the decision making in implementing various activities, and assessments. We are obliged to
share our ideas about the important things to learn, ways to learn and lastly what tangible output
to produce at the end of the semester. Throughout the duration of the subject Sir Marvin
imparted useful information and he approach everyone to talk and give ideas on a certain topic.
With the consensus of everyone we will conduct a webinar on a certain topic. The class decided
to choose a topic which is “A Scale Development A Thorough Guide on How to Develop and
Validate a Scale”. We communicate and plan the activity well so that we can achieve a fruitful
result. The class is divided into groups with different task to be done and I belong to Tomas Oppus
group in which we are assign to make program and certificates. Our group holds unity and
teamwork to attain our task effectively. We ask our teacher and classmates for the suggestion for
the program and certificates, the group is overwhelmed by their suggestions Throughout the
tasked we use our creativity and ICT skills especially in designing the programs and certificates
so that it will look presentable and organize. In the actual day of our webinar everyone is
prepared and ready. I was amaze on the credentials of our webinar speaker. In the beginning of
the webinar the speaker asks everyone to answer certain questions that are related to the topic
and he gave the coverage of his discussion. Throughout his discussion I learned what is scale in
research, the steps in conducting research, types of research questions, hypothesis, variable and
measurement scale with its definitions, kinds and also the typical scales for assessment like
binary, rating genuine Likert scale. They are an important aspect of research and statistics
because the level of data measurement is what determines the data analysis technique to be used.
I believe that understanding the concept of scales of measurements is a prerequisite to working
with data and performing statistical analysis. The different measurement scales have some
similar properties and are therefore important to properly analyze the data to determine its
measurement scale before choosing a technique to use for analysis.
As MAED student I encourage everyone to take importance on research. I believe that
Research is part and parcel of life, in fact without research life will not be as it is. To live better
life research is necessary; this is because research leads to innovation and invention. It is not only
the results of research that benefit society but also the process of research. Some several
opportunities and benefits that come with the process of research. As a result, the role of research
in society goes beyond its real purpose.

Name: Frits Gerard N. Sabsalon

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

Kulba, a bisaya word meaning fear or nervousness. This, I think, would best describe my
first day in the class Methods of Research. Fear of failing and a fear of losing interest in the subject.

All my life I thought research is just a burden. Research would give me fear. And research
is just a compliance. I have never seen an importance in researching not until I enrolled in this

Being enrolled to a subject handled by one of the finest instructors of SLSU in terms of
Research is such an honor and a privilege. Honor to be mentored on how to conduct proper
research. And a privilege to know the different approaches of research.

Methods of Research helped me find an approach that would best fit on my interest. It
helps me realize that researching is not a burden nor compliance but an instrument to solve a
problem. It makes me think that research improves the life and services of today and the future
generations. That research helps to develop new inventions and innovations that could address
societal issues and eventually lead to a better society to live in.

I have to mention the approach being used by our instructor. I love how he included us in
the decision making; implementation of various activities and assessments. The discussion also
gave me an “Aha!” factor. A factor that increased my level of preparedness as I will soon make my
thesis. I would say the whole class is superb.

As part of the class requirements, we were given a task to organize a Webinar entitled
“Scale Development: A Thorough Guide on How to Develop and Validate a Scale.” With Dr.
Leviticus M. Barazon Jr., CESE as the Guest Lecturer. For many years, measurement scales are
significant in assessing attitudes, techniques, and interventions in a variety of scientific
applications. Thus, there is a need for a researcher to understand such scale in order to come up
with a reliable and a valid research output.

Before the webinar, our group was assigned for the dissemination and posting of the
webinar. I was also tasked to create an Attendance and Evaluation Form. With the help of my
cooperative groupmate, we accomplished the task smoothly.

During and after the webinar, I was tasked to monitor the participants for the evaluation
form and send them their E-Certificates.

All in all, the webinar went well and successful. Thanks to our ever-supportive Research
Instructor, Dr. Marvin S. Daguplo for a constant reminder on our tasks and to my very cooperative
classmates. Such experience and learning will never be paid by money nor gold.

Kudos to our instructor and kudos to our class!

Name: James Michael P. Amrinto

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research
Research subjects are one of the most essential subjects at all levels, like
secondary, tertiary, or even graduate school. Hearing the subject alone is quite tough and
must have arduous preparation in order to complete the procedures. However, if you dig
deeper into research, although it is challenging, it can lead to satisfaction for an
individual, group, or community.
For our research subject, I learned a lot of theories, methods, terms, and
procedures for dealing with research. For a couple of months, our professor did not skip
sessions because he knew how important the research was to us. As part of our
requirements, we had to do a webinar within our group. We invited a resource speaker
from Cebu Normal University in the person of Leviticus M. Barazon Jr., Ph.D., CESE, with
the title Scale Development: A Thorough Guide on How to Develop and Validate a Scale.
During our session, the speaker discussed the overview of conducting research and
where the measurement fits; variables and measurement scales; reliability; validity; and
ways forward. During his discussion, I learned a lot of things, especially about the various
types of scaling. One of these scales is the Likert Scale, which is commonly used in a
particular assessment of research papers. He also talks about the different types of
validity, namely: face validity, content validity, concurrent validity, predictive validity,
and construct validity. Furthermore, he discusses the topic well and demonstrates
intellectual curiosity about it.
With regards to our session, our professor has given us a thorough discussion on
the step-by-step procedures for conducting a research paper. Dr. Daguplo is very
passionate, dedicated, kind-hearted, and patient with us. I may have missed some of his
questions, but he patiently encouraged us to be more confident and believe in ourselves.
In every session of our meetings, he always exaggerates his knowledge of each of the
topics. One of these is how to formulate a research title using the SMART principle and
the IRI. COM. I've also learned the two theories of theoretical and conceptual frameworks.
Other than that, what keeps in my head about our research subject is this line: "When
conducting research, I should keep asking why until the root cause is cured." Those lines
were few during our discussions with our dear professor. Although we were not able to
conduct the research because of the constraints of time, rest assured that all of the things
I learned during our session will be used for future undertakings.
Indeed, the method of the research subject is fun and enjoyable, even though we
meet via google meet with my classmates. I am thankful and grateful to be part of this
batch. I had my studious yet jolly classmates and was willing to help for the benefit of the
group. Even with the hectic schedules that we had, we still managed to set meetings and
"kumustahan" with our group, especially in the making of the virtual seminar. I
understand that some of my classmates cannot sometimes come to our meetings because
of the problem of connections and even signals in their area. But they still find ways to
join the class, and so they need to travel to a certain area that has a stable connection. I
believe that technology allows people to stay connected no matter how far apart they are.
With that, in our semester we survive with the use of technological platforms. It,
therefore, gives us a window to learn and continue the pedagogy of education.

Name: Jeden C. Beltran

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

Learning during this time of pandemic through the new normal using online class
is a bit challenging. Regardless of the challenges we are currently facing, we must remain
strong and mindful of what we do so that we can easily return to normalcy and secure
and maintain our safety.
I'd like to begin by stating that this class exceeded my expectations. I liked how
the topics of discussion each week built on and this gave me a good sense of the class
goals. Thanks to our mentor Dr. Marvin S. Daguplo for being such a great teacher. I believe
that everything I learned in class will be extremely useful in my chosen career path, and
that the ideas presented in class were intended to allow me to think about things in a
different light. I just wanted to say thank you and how much I appreciate everything. I
learned so much more from the course than I had anticipated. I am confident that my
research, and writing skills have all improved since beginning this course. I am looking
forward to the end of the degree so that I can apply the skills I have learned and polished
in this course to a career path of my choice and make a difference as a future researcher.

Scale Development: A thorough Guide on How to Develop and Validate a Scale

In a variety of scientific applications, measurement scales are useful in assessing
attitude, technique, and intervention. Despite the widely developed scales, there is still a
need to develop new measurement scales when the nature of the study requires it.
It is important that we examine measurement from a unique perspective. When we
measure something, there is always an edge of error. But from what point of view will
you conduct the measurement? There are numerous ways to validate it.
The perspective that we must keep in mind is that of the researcher. We need to
understand that you are attempting to measure a dimension of a specific construct to best
represent that construct you acknowledge that there may be a margin of error, but
researchers try and reduce it as much as possible by following the procedures, involving
experts, and attempting to create an instrument that accurately suits it.
Remember if we create a scale and instrument which is not reliable or valid and you did
not follow the procedures in creating and crafting that scale the result is that there is
misrepresentation. And that misrepresentation might have drastic effects to the people
that you are measuring especially when you do it to your learners doing it with a program
evaluation. The result might have a garbage effect.
The goal of research is not just to pass the master’s degree. It is always about in
making difference in our society, to our work and to the people around us.

Name: Jerold A. Jamen

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

Reasoning. Resilience. Responsibility. These are ‘The Other 3Rs‘ in a 2-year pilot
study funded by the James S. McDonnell Foundation which I would borrow as the best
words associated with my Methods of Research journey throughout the years.
It has never been my first time to be enrolled in this subject. But this never failed
to surpass my expectation- to have learned more. As this subject aims to develop us, the
students, to be of great help to the society by taking the extra mile doing research.
Research in one way or another is part and parcel of everything that happens around us
and thus develops my own version of the 3Rs.
Every time we have a discussion, it is expected that our Professor, Dr. Marvin S.
Daguplo, would call us one by one to know our thoughts on the matter being discussed.
He asked questions and follow-up questions to better explain the details of each design
presented. He deepened the concepts to understand better the lessons. And through his
teaching, research improves our reasoning skills. It allows us to think and reason
critically. More so, it develops our confidence as we try to express our point of view and
conceptualized ideas. This subject has basically expanded my reasoning beyond the text
and more into the research-based information.
It cannot be denied that this subject is one of the subjects others are having a hard
time with. That is true on my part. As this is my second time being enrolled in this subject,
I had known well that it would never be a piece of cake. It will take a lot of courage to
reach the goal- to pass this subject. It consumes time to read, bridge, and spot the gap in
different studies. And do the rest of the parts from Introduction down to
Recommendation. It needs ample of your time, treasure, and talent. In fact, when the
whole class organized a webinar on Scale Development: A guide on how to develop and
validate a scale, which is one of the ‘first’ experiences I had during this time of the
pandemic, we prepared very much and were thrilled of the outcome. We indulged our
3Ts to make it possible together with our subject instructor, Dr. Daguplo. It was one of
the highlights aside from the presentations from the start of the class. As we are about
the finish the semester, this subject taught me to be resilient in every circumstance that I
face especially on the tasks done in this subject.
In everything we have done on and for this class, we dealt with many mind-
wrecking sessions, yet we beat the presentation of title, organizing webinar, and mind-
blowing lectures. We took responsibility as part of the Method of Research Class. We did
our share. And though, we haven’t personally met each other in our class, we managed to
have a fair share of the things we need to accomplish. This subject made me internalize
my sense of being responsible to make things possible.
Time goes by so easily that everything we have been through on this subject seems
surreal. Our time is not even enough to understand to the fullest the methods of research.
But despite this, I know that through this subject what I have learned would prepare me
for what’s ahead of me with the 3Rs mustered- reasoning, resilience, and responsibility.

Name: Julieta E. Arapan

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

To begin my reflection on this subject let me share this quotes “If you are not willing to
learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you. –
Anonymous”. Like everybody else feels, I am also hesitant to enroll in this subject
knowing that Dr. Daguplo will be the instructor and most of the people I heard said that
he is strict. With strong determination and faith in myself I take the challenge. And I am
very happy because I made it to the end. I survived. All those things they said about you
is not true. You make learning more fun, enjoyable and exciting. I held on to this quote
because I always believe that determination is one of the keys to become successful.
Learning is the only thing constant in this world. On this journey, I have took many
fulfilling and very helpful learning.

I am thankful to be able to experience the round table discussion. I can say that
doing such activity is not an easy job. From the preparation alone it needs extra time and
effort. Gladly, the activity was successful because all groups assigned work together. All
are responsive to worked on their assigned task. I am also thankful because I have been
able to listen and learn new things from our knowledgeable speaker Dr. Leviticus M.
Barazaon Jr. The webinar was very timely for me because the topic being discussed is
very useful most especially in our worked in making a school research. Developing a scale
is very important to establish reliable and valid result. I have learned also that in
developing a scale it should minimize errors of misrepresentation.

I am also grateful to be part on the class with our smart, knowledgeable and well
– verse instructor Dr. Marvin S. Daguplo. I am thankful for all the learnings he shared to
the class. One thing that marked on mind is that in conducting a research it should be
beneficial to the community. It should help the community or institution to grow. And
also I loved the topic discussed each week. I learned from the class the different research
methodologies and designs to be used in conducting research. Research design should
effectively address research problem. While research methodology should justify the
research design of your choice that would best fit for the research aims and objectives
and will provide valid and reliable results. Overall, it was a great experience. I am
confident that all the learnings that I have learned from the class would be worth it. It will
be a great help on my career path and become a better researcher. This class inspire me
to pursue my master’s degree and overcome the challenges that I may face in the future.
Thank you, Dr. Marvin Daguplo you are an inspiration to me.

Name: Merly K. Baul

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

I am an educator with a tremendous ambition. That is why I am continuing my

master’s studies and have enrolled in this subject, Methods of Research.
I was hesitant at first because I was worried because I had no prior research
experience. On how to conduct research and what I should do to be able to relate to it. As
an educator, I should have a lot of questions and feel like I don’t fit in, yet my attitude is
always positive. I am really grateful and fortunate to have witnessed it, even if it is difficult
to comprehend because it is a pandemic with numerous challenges. The most difficult
thing is when you don’t have a fast internet connection. But then there’s our professor,
who understands my predicament, especially if I’m here and he wants to conduct a make-
up session, which I won’t be able to attend due to my bad internet connection here in the
mountain. But he want the students to know the subject we were digging into. He found
a way for most students to have time to take online make-up classes online. Also, we are
happy with the moment we share. Also, even if you know that the subject is difficult to
understand, the professor just wants us to smile and laugh. But I did my best to learn
about it. Then, he also creates a way for our knowledge to be expanded through research.
Therefore, conducting research is not easy, so we invited research speakers to help us
deepen our knowledge of research. The through webinar, I learned that research needs
to be done with fully valid information and also relevant to real-life experiences so that it
can be applied to people’s lives.
So, to Dr. Marvin Daguplo, I am very happy and grateful that you share your
knowledge about research with us and to gain more knowledge about research especially
I am a beginner in this field of and what I should do to be able to relate to it.
As an educator, I should have a lot of questions and feel like I don’t fit in, yet my attitude
is always positive. I am really grateful and fortunate to have witnessed it, even if it is
difficult to comprehend because it is a pandemic with numerous challenges. The most
difficult thing is when you don’t have a fast internet connection. But then there’s our
professor, who understands my predicament, especially if I’m here and he wants to
conduct a make-up session, which I won’t be able to attend due to my bad internet
connection here in the mountain. But he want the students to know the subject we were
digging into. He found a way for most students to have time to take online make-up
classes online. Also, we are happy with the moment we share. Also, even if you know that
the subject is difficult to understand, the professor just wants us to smile and laugh. But I
did my best to learn about it. Then, he also creates a way for our knowledge to be
expanded through research. Therefore, conducting research is not easy, so we invited
research speakers to help us deepen our knowledge of research. The through webinar, I
learned that research needs to be done with fully valid information and also relevant to
real-life experiences so that it can be applied to people’s lives. So, to Dr. Marvin Daguplo,
I am very happy and grateful that you share your knowledge about research with us and
to gain more knowledge about research especially I am a beginner in this field of research.
Name: Pretzel A. Tinio
San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

“The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The willingness to learn is a choice.” -
Brian Herbert
Ten beautiful years have passed since I decided to be a part of the DepEd family, but it seems that
I have been lacking in terms of my capacity and ability. In 2017, I decided to go back to school to
pursue my education, yet I couldn’t finish it in one try due to workloads, family problems,
personal struggles, and so on. Fast forward to 2021, I enrolled in my last subject-Methods of
Research. I was ready and so determined to finish it. Before the class officially started, I was busy
researching and watching YouTube videos about topics in Research for I know the subject is
arduous with the addition of the fact that my professor is Dr. Marvin S. Daguplo. I was enrolled in
his subject in 2018 but I couldn’t catch up because of pressure from work. Due to the pandemic,
our class was held virtually, which was very favorable for me since the university is far. It was
virtual but I could feel that everyone was there physically exchanging ideas and Sir Marvin was
very welcoming to our needs as a student.
Every class was very memorable for me. As a soft-hearted person, I easily get emotional and so I
was greatly touched by the realization of every topic: “take the lead, be a co-creator of knowledge,
do beyond what is expected from you”. These words coming from the professor have imprinted
in my heart and mind. It was a challenge to finish this semester but as sessions go by, these
challenges have been meaningful ones. Embracing the challenges every session was a great
opportunity for me to transform into a better teacher and a student at the same time. I am always
preceded by fear, but Sir Daguplo was a guiding professor. He always gives us the chance to
overcome our fears and he helped me to move forward, stronger, and wiser within myself. Every
after class, I always share what life lessons I have realized from Sir Daguplo to my husband, my
friends, and my students. I am also very thankful to my classmates for being professional yet fun
to be with. I am so blessed with these people who showed me their hard works, determination,
and tenacity.
Sir Daguplo has challenged the whole class to conduct a webinar. It was very scary since it was
our first. It was also my first time to host a webinar. But it was also an unforgettable experience.
Everyone has worked so hard for it to be successful. Indeed, all things are possible with a willing
heart. The experiences I had during the webinar will always be a treasure. I have learned that to
acquire knowledge one needs to be humble and be teachable.

The best investment you can make is to invest in yourself so you can give your best. Indeed, this
is true. As the saying goes, “you can’t give to others what you don’t have.” Enrolling in master’s
program has helped me to be fully equipped as a teacher and as a person. What I am most proud
of myself, is the moment when I have faith in myself and march out of my comfort zone.
To Sir Daguplo, thank you so much for making a subject I was worried about disliking, a class that
I was excited to show up to. You truly made my semester one of the best I’ve ever had. Thank you
so much for facilitating such a positive learning environment! I really enjoyed this class and I’m
excited to continue my education. This class solidified my decision to pursue my master’s degree!

Name: Roxanne A. Cabase

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

I would first like to start out by saying that this class was so much more than what I
expected. To be honest, I was hesitant to enroll this subject because I was not sure if I
would be able to keep up. At the end, our subject teacher never fails to share his
knowledge about research to us and it helps me to have interest about research even
though I know it will never be easy but he is always there to guide us systematically.

I enjoyed the way that the topics of discussion each week built upon the previous one and
the variety of subject matter gave me a real feel for the intentions for the class. I feel that
with all that I have learned in the class; this will be extremely helpful in my chosen career
path and that the ideas and theories set forth in the class were meant to allow me to think
about things in a different light.

I was lucky that our teacher decided to group us in our class to do the research and
blessed to be grouped with a very helpful people that also motivates me when I doubt
myself. With my groupmates, we created an interesting topic for our research. With the
topic that we chose, I reflect that research really is important to us especially teachers.
We should always be mindful to study and know what things or teaching tools we should
use for our students to learn better and in an effective way.

One of the best activities we had to complete was to find articles in our topic area. These
different articles we would review and they became part of our literature review sections.
This activity really had the most profound effect as I felt like I was working towards our
research goal.

As I mentioned previously, I was a little unsure of what to expect from the class at first, I
just knew that I had to take this class and it sounded kind of interesting as well. Last April
30, our class conducted a webinar on “Scale Development: A through guide on how to
develop and validate a scale” with speaker Mr. Leviticus M. Barazon Jr., PhD, CESE. I did
learn more and I know that the skills learned will help me become a better researcher, a
better writer, and the critical thinking skills I have learned, I will be able to look at
different topics in profession in a much different light.

In conclusion, I would just like to say thank you and I really appreciate everything I
learned so much more from the course than I expected. I do firmly believe that my
research skills, my critical thinking skills, my reading and writing skills improved and will
improved more. I need to read more professionals book and material, also I should pay
more time efforts to learn. I do look forward to moving towards the end of the degree, so
that I can take the skills learned and polished in this course, out into the career path of
my choosing and make a difference as an educator.

Name: Syradia Christine P. Pol

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

There are really a lot of factors that made me hesitate to take this subject at first. One
and the biggest is FEAR. Honestly, I was afraid of taking this subject specially that I was
not under Sir. Daguplo during my undergraduate studies. But on our first day of class, it
was a mixture of nervousness and excitement because of his motivating way of teaching.
We were given a task of making an organizational diagram to present our expectation
about the subject. But another factor intervened which is the POOR INTERNET
CONNECTION because we live on one of the upper baranggays in Tomas Oppus where
there is no electricity and internet connect because of the typhoon. During that time I was
at the next baranggay where people usually get a good signal on internet but suddenly
the connection was lost so I with my supportive driver travelled again to another place
to find a good signal until we reached to Bontoc and there my classmates started
presenting their outputs and I was silently proud because I was able to make it while
travelling. Afraid but excited to be called to present my output but I was ready.
I don’t want to mention the rest of the reasons because personally I don’t want to
make any excuses of failing to submit my outputs on time. But really, every class session
was exciting because I feel motivated to learn the lesson even if on the first glance of it
seemed so hard to understand and it looked not familiar that I don’t have any idea about
it but as I relate it to the basic knowledge that I can remember I started to slowly analyze
and little ideas come out from my mind which I am not sure if it is correct. This makes me
again feel excited because if I will be called then, I have a little to say but I don’t volunteer
myself to answer because I am afraid that it is wrong. As my classmates tried to share
their ideas I learned that some of the ideas on my mind are correct and most of the things
they are sharing are yet for me to learn.
Every discussion, I felt amused because of the ways concepts are presented and how
we are challenged to share ideas and my classmates are very fluent and has a lot to say
about the topics. Specially on the webinar, I am glad that I was assigned on the certificates
though it was my first time to make a certificate I am still happy because I am not sure if
I know how to work with the rest of the responsibilities given specially that I am not
always that updated like my classmates because of my situation.
Overall, I can say that despite of all the shortcomings due to so many reasons I learned
something from this class. It was a challenging yet exciting and a worthwhile experience.

Name: Rey Jean R. Virtudazo

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

Research warrants us with knowledge. We get to know the way of nature, and how our
actions affect it. We gain a broader understanding of people, and why they do the things they
do. Best of all, we get to augment our lives with the latest knowledge of health, nutrition,
technology, and business, among others. It urges us to apply critical thinking and exercise
objective judgment based on evidence, instead of opinions or rumors.

Being enrolled to a subject Methods of Research is such an arousing decision to make.

It is a bigger challenge that every MAED student must undertake. A challenge of sharpening
our minds in analyzing data to address certain issues. Personally, I would say, Methods of
Research subject exceeded my expectation. I thought, research would be very challenging for
me to take but it ends up easy. Challenging in a sense that research itself is hard and pandemic
makes it even harder. A lot of transactions were hampered and one of these is the face-to-face
class. Despite all these, Methods of Research becomes easy. Easy because our instructor,
instructed us the easiest way possible in conducting research. The approach and techniques
that our instructor used suits to my style of learning. Aside from that, I am also thankful to my
classmates for a constant reminder on the activities we need to submit regarding research.

As part of the class requirements, we conducted a Webinar entitled “Scale Development:

A Thorough Guide on How to Develop and Validate a Scale.” With Dr. Leviticus M. Barazon Jr.,
CESE as the Guest Lecturer. This was conducted last April 30, 2022 via Zoom App. The webinar
went smooth despite the bounded time allotted for the preparation. It was successfully organized
by every assigned group.

Before the webinar, our group was designated for the dissemination and posting of the
webinar through our different social media platforms. We were also tasked to create an
Attendance and Evaluation Form. With the help of my cooperative groupmate, we accomplished
the task steadily.

As for my insights, even it was so difficult for me to attend schedules of classes because
of internet factor and I am not so technology-oriented, my groupmates helped me to provide
to me the lesson that were discussed ang gave me the updates on what was goi ng on during
the class sessions. I have learned that our proposed research title is a longitudinal since it must
undergo several stages and so with out group decided to meet face-to-face in the plaza of
Maasin City to discuss the possible changes that we had. We change it to simpler and more
specific title so that we can process it within the allotted time. Fortunately, our instructor
advised us to have another task and since he was so happy that we had the webinar
successfully, so a change of output was set.

Overall, I am happy for this group, for this class and to our instructor Dr. Marvin S.
Daguplo for this meaningful learning. I am so blessed to have them, and I am hoping that I can
finish my course.

Name: Melvic G. Hinunangan

San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

Letter of Invitation for the Speaker
San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research
Presentation of Research Titles
San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research
San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research
San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

Methods of Research

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