Business+Environment Assignment 2009

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Foundation Degree in Business & Professional Administration

Business Environment Assignment

Date: Format: 2nd September 2009 Report (incorporating P.E.S.T. Analysis) Approximately 2000 words (not including

Length: appendices etc) Scenario

You have recently been promoted to a junior management role and as part of your ongoing staff development have been asked to analyse the current business environment in relation to your organisation and/or department. Task Using an appropriate structure such as PEST or PESTLE produce a report discussing the current business environment as it relates to your organisation and/or department or an organisation that you are familiar with. The report should include recommendations indicating sensible responses that your organisation/department might take in view of your findings. Guidance For a reminder of appropriate PEST factors see the attached sheet. A good report will have an appropriate report format including appendices and bibliography. (There will be up to 10 marks available for this). Although identification of appropriate factors under the PEST or PESTLE structure will form the main part of the report, it is important that students discuss these in relation to their choice of organisation. It is by indicating the relevance and importance of the factors that they have identified in relation

to their organisation/department, that students will achieve the higher grades available. Higher level marks will also be awarded for well developed arguments leading to sensible recommendations about what actions the firm might take in view of the reports findings.

The PEST analysis

POLITICAL/LEGAL FACTORS Monopolies Legislation Environmental Protection Legislation Foreign Trade Regulations Employment Law Health & Safety European Union Government Foreign Policy ECONOMIC FACTORS Business Cycles GDP Trends Interest Rates Tax Rates Inflation Unemployment Exchange Rates SOCIOCULTURAL FACTORS Population Income Distribution Social Mobility Lifestyle Changes Changing Attitudes Consumerism Education/Skills TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS Pace of Technological Change Emerging Technologies Innovation

Assessment Criteria

Knowledge and Understanding There will be a maximum of 50% available for showing clear knowledge and understanding of factors and concepts relevant to the title. It is important that students make it clear through explanation and accurate application that they understand the appropriate theory and dont just drop in key words and concepts where they feel these might be appropriate. Analysis and Application of Theory There will be 20% available for analysis of relevant findings. Clear explanation of the implications of a particular factor for the organisation/department as well as informed discussion about possible solutions will gain high analysis marks. Theories or concepts that are applied specifically to a particular organisation, department or market will receive marks under this criterion. Evaluation There will be 20% available for evaluation. relevant importance of particular factors conclusions and recommendations supported evidence and logical argument will receive criterion. Presentation There will be 10% available for clear and presentation using an appropriate report format. Submission date: 2nd September 2009 well structured Discussion of the and appropriate and justified by marks under this

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