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“THis DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF HER BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT, and iglssued for the information of such persons only as need to know iis contents in the course of thet official duties. Any person fincing this document should hand it info Bish Forces Unt oF to a Police Station for its safe return to the MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, D MOD SY, LONDON SW1 2HB with parficulars of how and where found THE UNAUTHORIZED RETENTION OR DESTRUCTION OF THE DOCUMENT IS AN OFFENCE ‘UNDER THE OFFICIAL SECRETS ACTS OF 1911-1989 (when released fo persons outside Government service, this documient is issued on a personal basis and the recipient to whom itis entrusted in confidence, within the provisions of the Official Secrets ‘Acts 1911-1989. is personally responsible for its safe custody and for seeing that its, Contents are disclosed only fo authorized persons." ‘Army Code No 71090 (Revised 1991) Basic Battle Skills Prepared under the direction of the Inspector General Doctrine and Training © Crown Copyright Reserved VQHaEy ge © Mie Contents 1 eur Mim erates Fight. rotection. —_» Be an asset to your Commander, elive. — * Remain Fit. y4 Map Reading 31 * Find your positions. _* Select and follow routes. * Identify and report other positions, Maintain Direction. ey Basic First Aid 37 * Obstructed airway. * Bleeding from large wounds and Stoppage of breathing, head and chest injuries. 7 Health and Hygene rr) * Cause and spread of disease. + Health in extremes of climate. * Personal health discipline. 5 Dele oie ET *Nuclearimmediate action.» Chemicalsafetyrule. * Chemicalimmeaiate action aril (yj Administration and Morale 57 * Military discipline. Civil Law. _« Unit Security. * Military Law. ¢ The Rules of War and the Geneva Convention. vA Physical Fitness rg * Stamina. Strength. Skill. oo * Sabotage. * Terrorism. » Subversion. _« Protection. ul i

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