May 2022 Assignment Brief - Enterprise Skills

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School of Communication and Creative Arts

Department of Creative Arts

Assignment Brief

Enterprise Skills
ADDE 1054

Product Proposal & Prototype Presentation (50%)

Task 1: Product Proposal (25%)

This assignment should be completed individually.

Propose an affordable and reliable product that would be useful for the lower
income group in Malaysia. Students are required to submit a 1500-word
(minimum) proposal in soft copy via the google link provided by lecturer.

The goal of this assignment is to apply analytical and decision-making skills

for dealing with basic economic issues and develop an understanding of the
general role of small business enterprise.

Assignment Requirements:
Your project must meet these criteria upon day of submission.

1. The softcopy of the document must be sent to the google link that is
provided by lecturer. You can save your file in word or PDF.

2. The findings from the report must be summarized and presented in

video presentation. Student have to submit the video presentation via
google link provided by the lecturer.

3. The report should be arranged in the following order:

 Title Page : stated your full name, id numbers, subject, university
 Table of content
 An Introduction: Explain about the income groups in Malaysia and
the common lifestyle choices.
 The rationale: Explain about the lower income group and the issue
they face which led to choosing to produce 1 product.
 Form: Explain in detail about the materials which will be used to
produce the product.
 Ability to show creativity in gathering materials to reduce
production cost.

 Ideation: A simple sketch of the product and the estimated cost to
produce the product.
 Evaluation: Discuss the potential success or setbacks that may
arise (including sources of funding, competitors, and any relevant
information). How would you solve those issues and what can be
done to avoid any mishaps?
 A conclusion.

Due Date: 22/7/2022

Assessment Criteria – Product Proposal

Name: ________________________________

Student ID: ___________________________

Assessment Criteria
5 = Outstanding, 4 = Good, 3 = Fair, 2 = Poor but meets min criteria, 1 = V Poor, 0 = Unprepared 0 1 2 3 4 5
Product Idea
An Introduction: Explain about the income groups in Malaysia and the
common lifestyle choices.
The rationale: Explain about the lower income group and the issue they
face which led to choosing to produce 1 product.
Ideation: Explain in detail about the materials which will be used to
produce the product. Ability to show creativity in gathering materials to
reduce production cost.
A simple sketch of the product and the estimated cost to produce the
How much you are going to sale the product?
(Show the margin calculation)
Evaluation: Discuss the potential success or setbacks that may arise
(including sources of funding, competitors, and any relevant
Explain about how you are going to market/ introduce this product to the
How would you solve those issues and what can be done to avoid any
Summary : your future plan for your product : goal & vision

Total marks: ______ /25%

Feedback/ Comments

Task 2: Presentation and submission of Prototype (25%)


This assignment should be completed as individual.

Students are required create the prototype based on the proposed product
idea. The product must be an affordable and reliable product that would be
useful to the lower income group in Malaysia. Students are required to
prepare a recorded presentation about their prototype and at the same time
student are required to prepare a slide presentation summarise on their
presentation. Students must creatively display a physical prototype during
their presentation.

The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate skills to start, run and

entrepreneurship projects. At the same time to demonstrate the presentation
skills among students.

Assignment Requirements:

Your assignment must meet these criteria upon day of submission.

1. You are required to prepare the following before the presentation:

 A summary presentation about the prototype of the chosen product

(Recorded Video Presentation)

 The points of the presentation must be clear explaining about your

prototype. (using power point presentation)

 A physical prototype should be available during the presentation.

(Explain about the prototype)

 Physical prototype should be displayed creatively.

 Consistency of neatness in prototype design.

The students are required to include the following during their

 Well-designed slides. (Creative)- submit a day before your
 Meticulously prepared presentation (well proofread).
 Provides relevant and valid facts/figures.
 Ability to capture the audience attention.
 Excellent use of language skills in attempt to interact with
 Able to present within the given amount of time. (10 -15mins)
 Punctual.
 Professionalism (attire and mannerism).
 Ability to maintain eye contact with the audience.

 Good Voice projection.

Due Date: 5/8/2022

Assessment Criteria – Presentation and Submission of Prototype

Name: ________________________________

Student ID: ____________________________

Assessment Criteria
5 = Outstanding, 4 = Good, 3 = Fair, 2 = Poor but meets min criteria, 1 = V Poor, 0 = Unprepared 0 1 2 3 4 5
The Prototype & Presentation
Submission is on time. Meet submission requirements (hardcopy of
documents are available).
The prototype of your product is available. Physical prototype should be
displayed creatively. Consistency of neatness in prototype design. Ability
to explain the practicality of the prototype.
Ability to capture the audience attention. Excellent use of language skills
in attempt to interact with audience. Sequencing of information is
organized in a clear and logical form.
Well-designed slides (Creative). Meticulously prepare presentation slides
(well proofread). Excellent use of language skills in attempt to interact
with audience.
Able to respond to questions positively. Professionalism (attire). Ability to
maintain eye contact with the audience. Good Voice projection.

Total marks: ______ /25%

Feedback/ Comments

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