Principles of Accounting (Acc101) - Group Assignment: Tasks

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Issue date: 28/9/2021

Due date: 02/11/2021
Submission report online to LMS on due date.

COMPANY: …………………..……………………………
In the folder of group assignment, you will read the Financial Statements of the company for the year ended 31 De
english and in vietnamese.
In order to facilate your calcul and analysis, you will retype the english financial reports into excel. The vietnames
your reference, especially the Notes to the Financial Statements.
Your group analysis will be presented by Powerpoint in class and reported in submission by word file.
1) Briefly describe the background information on the company? (History, main brands, missions and objectives,
2)  Describe the position and market share of the company in the market. Which companies are their direct compe
3)  What is the method to calculate depreciation (amortization) expense? Useful lives of some main tangible and i
4)  Which company serves as independent auditor of the company currently?
5)  What is the accounting method the company use to calculate cost of ending inventories and COGS?
6)  Which activity brought the largest amount of cash inflows and outflows to the company during the year?
Could you give some pros and cons in company's cash flow management during the year?
7)  Which method did the company use to write off its Account receivables? How much was the provision/allowan
debts of the company (if any)?
8)  Look at the company’s Liabilities and Equity, which sources of financing do you think the company depend on
Could you give some pros and cons in company's source of financing during the year?
9)  Which kind of activity brings the largest revenue and profit for the company?
10)  Compare to the previous financial year, comment to the effectiveness of the company this year (using at least
indicators to compare).

Information on submission:
Language: Academic English.
A group has 5-7 members. Each member is responsible for each section in the assignment
Submission: 1 presentation by Power Point + 1 file word + 1 file excel (if any) + 1 file report of Group's acti
Each day late submission will lead to 10% of grade deduction in the assignment result.
The report will get zero (0) if you submit later than three days.
Plagiarism is not allowable.

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