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This period was dominated by producer-driven commodity or value chains, which

in turn tended to be dominated by firms characterized by large amounts of

concentrated capital focused on large-scale or capital-intensive manufacturing or
extractive industries. 20th century

The mass migration of Indian and Chinese workers was principally from the
following labor-abundant areas. Burma, Malaya, Thailand (1882- 1936)

Immigration to Southeast Asia was almost entirely in response to?

Growing demand for workers
Markets are integrated if, what?
adjustment mechanisms operate to correct deviations from a wage
differential or “gap”.
Fowler and Bunck emphasized the elements of a sovereign state
Fowler and Bunck (1996) – emphasized that the sovereign state has
territory, the people, and a government.
The international system becoming less state-centric makes way into, what? 
into the political constitution of domestic policies
Chapter 2 Article 4 of the United Nations Charter states that the membership to
the United Nations is applicable to?
Chapter 2, Article 4 of the Un Charters – states that only sovereign states
can become members of the United Nations.
Membership in the United Nations is open to all other peace-loving
states which accept the obligations contained in the present Charter and,
in the judgment of the Organization, are able and willing to carry out these
Transnational actors assumed relevant roles in global governance by creating?
transnational law
Requirements of United Nation membership
1) the state must be a peace-loving state which accepts the obligations

contained in the present Charter, and

(2) in the judgment of the Organization, must be able and willing to carry
out these obligations.

The term globalization should be confined to a set of complex, sometimes

contradictory, social processes that are changing our current social condition
based on the modern system of independent nation-states.  Enumerate. 
that create, multiply, stretch, and intensify worldwide
This claim highlights the semantic link between globalization-market and the
adjacent idea of leaderlessness. – What is this?
Nobody is in charge of globalization (3rd claim)
The perspective of the relevant functions of free market as well as its alleged
ability to bring about greater social integration and material progress that can
only be realized in a democratic society.
First claim is Globalization is about the liberalization and global integration
of market
The perspective that sees globalization as the spread of irreversible market
forces driven by technological innovations that make the global integration of
national economies unavoidable.
second claim is , Globalization is inevitable and irreversible
This claim highlights that while globalization and capital development do not
automatically produce democracies, ‘the level of economic development resulting
from globalization is conducive to the creation of complex civil societies with a
powerful middle class.
Globalization furthers the spread of democracy in the world (fifth claim)
What do you mean by slowdown in American spending?
Meaning of Emerging world
 industrialized and newly industrialized, least developed or least advanced
countries, small and vulnerable economies or economies in transition.

what does the statement "KFC looks to conquer Africa with Chicken" mean?
(Newser) – Kentucky Fried Chicken wants to take over Africa. Like
McDonald's and other fast-food giants, KFC parent company Yum Brands
has been countering the slowdown in American spending with expansion
Define” More than 40% of Africans now live in urban areas”

What do you by Disposable income is surging?

Is the amount of money that a person has to spend or save after income
taxes are deducted.
Enumerate the International Organizations At the macro level
 World Bank
 International Monetary Fund
 World Trade Organization
 International Labor Organization,
 regional integration schemes like the European Union and the North
American Free Trade Agreement
Enumerate the building blocks for the economy At the meso level
countries and firms
What do you mean about - Globalization has exerted a tremendously serious
impact on each sovereign state. 
The transnational spread of capital and the formation of the global markets
have replaced the disintegrated economies of various countries
Globalization is the development of an increasingly integrated global economy. 
What are the factors in Global economy?
 advancement of science and technology, market oriented economic
reforms, and contributions by multinational corporations.
 people in different countries are to a large extent dependent on what
happens in the economies of other countries
 tied the value of national currencies to forces outside individual
 decreased the power of their central banks to intervene

Robertson (1992), in his article, Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture,
defined globalization as the “understanding of the world and the increased
perception of the world as a whole.”  Enumerate. 

Robertson (1992), in his

article, Globalization: Social
Theory and Global Culture,
Defined globalization as the
“understanding of the world
and the increased perception of the
world as a whole.”
Steger (2005) cited Freeden (2003)
who pointed out that
globalization denotes not an
ideology, but ‘a range of
processes nesting under one rather
unwieldy epithet. He
furthered that global flows occur
in different physical
and mental dimensions.
Opined that globalization should
be confined to a set of
complex, social processes that are
changing our current
social condition
opined that globalization should be
confined to a set of
complex, social processes that are
changing out current
social condition
Globalization ‘offers extensive
opportunities for truly
worldwide development, but it
is not progressing
Robertson (1992), in his
article, Globalization: Social
Theory and Global Culture,
Defined globalization as the
“understanding of the world
and the increased perception of the
world as a whole.”
Steger (2005) cited Freeden (2003)
who pointed out that
globalization denotes not an
ideology, but ‘a range of
processes nesting under one rather
unwieldy epithet. He
furthered that global flows occur
in different physical
and mental dimensions.
Opined that globalization should
be confined to a set of
complex, social processes that are
changing our current
social condition
opined that globalization should be
confined to a set of
complex, social processes that are
changing out current
social condition
Globalization ‘offers extensive
opportunities for truly
worldwide development, but it
is not progressing
Robertson (1992), in his
article, Globalization: Social
Theory and Global Culture,
Defined globalization as the
“understanding of the world
and the increased perception of the
world as a whole.”
Steger (2005) cited Freeden (2003)
who pointed out that
globalization denotes not an
ideology, but ‘a range of
processes nesting under one rather
unwieldy epithet. He
furthered that global flows occur
in different physical
and mental dimensions.
Opined that globalization should
be confined to a set of
complex, social processes that are
changing our current
social condition
opined that globalization should be
confined to a set of
complex, social processes that are
changing out current
social condition
Globalization ‘offers extensive
opportunities for truly
worldwide development, but it
is not progressing
Robertson (1992), in his
article, Globalization: Social
Theory and Global Culture,
Defined globalization as the
“understanding of the world
and the increased perception of the
world as a whole.”
Steger (2005) cited Freeden (2003)
who pointed out that
globalization denotes not an
ideology, but ‘a range of
processes nesting under one rather
unwieldy epithet. He
furthered that global flows occur
in different physical
and mental dimensions.
Opined that globalization should
be confined to a set of
complex, social processes that are
changing our current
social condition
opined that globalization should be
confined to a set of
complex, social processes that are
changing out current
social condition
Globalization ‘offers extensive
opportunities for truly
worldwide development, but it
is not progressing
Robertson (1992), in his article, Globalization: Social Theory and Global
Culture, Defined globalization as the “understanding of the world and the
increased perception of the world as a whole. ”Steger (2005) cited Freeden
(2003) who pointed out that globalization denotes not an ideology, but ‘a
range of processes nesting under one rather unwieldy epithet. Hef urthered
those global flows occur in different physical and mental dimensions.
Opined that globalization should be confined to a set of complex, social
processes that are changing our current social condition opined that
globalization should be confined to a set of complex, social processes that
are changing our current social condition Globalization ‘offers extensive
opportunities for truly worldwide development, but it is not progressing
The work of Giddens highlighted that globalization is the process of intensifying
social relationships among countries around the world.  What are the highlighted
works of Giddens?
globalization is the process of intensifying social relationships among
countries around the world connecting separate localities in a manner in
which local events are formed as a result of happenings that have occurred
from afar
example of international trade agreements  
Examples of regional trade agreements include the North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Central American-Dominican Republic Free
Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR), the European Union (EU) and Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC).

The withdrawal of US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership is felt primarily by what?

To free and fair trade, encourages future discussions on measures
designed to promote more efficient markets and higher levels of economic
What are the problems brought about by A retreat from a multilateral rules-based
system of trade?
Losing jobs
0.2 percent smaller
Pay more
Increased real wages by 0.5
Depression-era Smoot-Hawley Tariff, which raised tariffs on hundreds of imports,
was intended to, what?
An Act To provide revenue, to regulate commerce with foreign countries, to
encourage the industries of the United States, to protect American labor,
and for other purposes. The Tariff Act of 1930
An increase in the U.S.’ Gross Domestic Products is attributed to, what? 
The GDP of a country tends to increase when the total value of goods and
services that domestic producers sell to foreign countries exceeds the total
value of foreign goods and services that domestic consumers buy. When
this situation occurs, a country is said to have a trade surplus.
In the Article of Trade Take Center Stage, the imports of many staples from
overseas increases the purchasing power of domestic households is because of

North American Free Trade Agreement was an agreement between countries of?
Canada, Mexico, Us
Central to a multilateral, rules-based system of international trade is the, what?
World Trade Organization

To say that US has large trade deficit means what?

When a nation imports more than it exports
Different levels of analysis of the global economy by Gary Gereffi. 

Examples of value-adding activity

Assembling parts
These are importers and exporters typically without investment outside of their
home country.
International Companies
Enterprise that engages in activities which add value such as manufacturing,
extraction, services, and marketing in more than one country.
Global Value Chain
Firms that operate within the compound of their countries.
multinational enterprise (MNE)
More focused on adapting their products and services to each individual local
Multinational Companies
JFC Fuller mentioned that in small war against uncivilized nations, the form of
warfare to be adopted must tone with the shade of culture existing in the land.
What do you mean by that? 
 against peoples possessing a low civilization, war must be more
brutal in type
 The rules of International Law apply only to warfare between
civilized nations, where both parties understand them and
are prepared to carry them out. They do not apply in wars
with uncivilized States and tribes, where their place is taken
by the discretion of the commander and such rules of justice
and humanity as recommended themselves in the particular
circumstances of the case.

The commissioner for human rights said that Duterte needs “some sort of
psychiatric examination” because of, what reason?
Duterte's government sought to get a U.N. investigator, a former Philippine
lawmaker and four former Catholic priests declared as "terrorists."
According to Duterte, the Philippines can withdraw from the ICC because of what
The Philippines is withdrawing from the International Criminal Court
because its government fears investigation.
A proof in the news article “ICC is investigating Duterte…” that a country can
withdraw from the ICC is that?

Immigration to Southeast Asia was almost entirely in response to its growing

demand for workers which, in turn, derived from, what/where? 
Europe and China
The possible emergence of an integrated Asian labor market in the late 19th
century has attracted less attention because of, what?
analysis of the low-wage periphery, which is most relevant to modern
[globalization] debate, is restricted by data availability
John Stuart Mill described civilization as?
In savage life there is no commerce, no manufactures, no agriculture, or
next to none: a country rich in the fruits of agriculture, commerce, and
manufactures, we call civilized. – John Stuart Mill

As a generalization and adaptation of the values of the Concept of Europe,

international law was designed as an aid to the preservation of order among
sovereign states which means?
its principles were explicitly stated as applying only to civilized states

Victorian International Law divided the world according to its standard of

civilization.  Characteristics of Europe.
Inside Europe and in other areas of the world colonized by Europeans there
was the sphere of civilized life:
 the protection of property; the rule of law on the basis usually of
codes or constitutions;
 effective administration of its territory by a state;
 warfare conducted by a regular army
 freedom of conscience.
The laws of war, codified by the Great Powers at length at the end of the
nineteenth century was designed to, what?
to minimize the severity of conflicts between civilized states.
According to James Lorimer, categories of humanity.
civilized, barbaric and savage, and thus three corresponding grades of
The event which led to the concept of European civilization to become
fundamental to new understandings of international order and new techniques of
international rule. 
early nineteenth century after the defeat of Napoleon
He argued that the international law is a product of the special civilization of
modern Europe and forms a highly artificial system of which the principle cannot
be understood or recognized by differently civilized countries. 

The three corresponding grades of recognition according to James Lorimer?

 plenary political
 partial political
 natural, or mere human
It is a compact between the so-called civilized states not to unilaterally challenge
each other's legitimate right to rule. 
Belligerent occupation
factors at the micro level?
economic conditions, social and political factors, culture, and
environmental factors such as ecology, natural resources, employment,
economic development, and education
factors that are related to division of labor

The contribution in the birth of capitalism

sustained economic growth throughout history.

President Trump made it clear during the 2016 presidential campaign that he
intended to either renegotiate or withdraw from most of the United States’
international trade agreements.  What does Trump meant on this?
reducing or eliminating the U.S. merchandise trade deficit is a primary goal
of their trade policy.

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