Black Out

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Black Out

24690, book 3
International Bestselling Author
A. A. Dark
Black Out
24690, book 3
International Bestselling Author
A.A Dark
Copyright © 2019 by A.A. Dark
To all of my readers. To my girls, Dee and Nadine, who helped keep me sane and live through
this series. To Amelia, Nicole, Kelli, and Devon for being such amazing betas. And a special shout
out to Karen. Girl, you went above and beyond. Thank you! I LOVE YOU ALL!
All Rights Reserved

All characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. The scanning,
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copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.
There were very few memories remaining from my childhood. You would think spending ten
years with a family, I’d recall more than a handful of elaborate occasions with my mom and dad.
Maybe it was because I didn’t see them often. Maybe due to all the trauma, I had blocked out the only
good times in my life as a form of survival. As an owner and CEO, my father was always away on
business. When my mother was home, she spoke more to the mirror or herself than to me. But even in
the darkest times, there were things I remembered. Elements, I greedily clung to.
“I come to you today, not as the wife of Henry Davenport, owner of Northway Airlines, nor
as co-owner in the world’s most luxurious cruise line, The Queen Fleet. I’m here today to talk
about an important issue. A disturbing trend I see growing in our corporate community. Women
these days have more freedom than we ever have. More drive to finally go after what we want.
Despite our small victories here and there, we are so far from equality in the workplace. We earn
less, at the same position as men, who make twice the amount. We get overlooked for promotions.
We deal with harassment, sometimes facing situations that are demeaning and vile to our
character…Not good enough.” She shook her head. “I have to be blunt. They have to see the
Eyes lowered in the reflection as my mother’s full lips tightened upon seeing me. She turned,
crouching in her high-neck silk blouse and business trousers. Her dark hair was piled in high curls on
her head, some escaping while she forced a smile. We shared the same blue eyes, but somehow today
hers were darker. Sad. My mom was an angel to me. Far more beautiful than I could ever be.
“I’m not getting this right at all, but I will, Evie. I’m going to change the world, baby, so
you never have to put up with the things I do. You watch and see. Mommy’s going to pave the road
for women all over this world. No one is ever going to tell you you can’t do anything. I promise.”
I couldn’t have been more than six years old that day. It was one of the memories I could
recall of my mother directly addressing me before I was kidnapped and trafficked to Whitlock at the
age of ten. What she would never know is the impact her words left on me. How each time she spoke,
her strength seeded into my young mind, growing stronger through all the times I was knocked down
and beat by men. Raped by men. Being a slave didn’t give me much to work with in terms of making a
statement like she did in the real world, but I did my best when I was forced to marry West Harper,
the murdering Main Master of Whitlock. Although he wasn’t who unlocked her personality in me, he
gave me a position where I could test my skills. And it was all the fuel I needed to try to follow in my
family’s footsteps. The Davenport powerhouse in me blossomed. I learned. I got better. I got myself
into lots of trouble. Love for Bram Whitlock almost ruined everything.
When Bram returned as Main Master and begged me on the tarmac not to leave, I knew my
mother would die in me if I listened. I’d never get a taste of freedom or equality had I returned. Love
could kill everything. It would keep me a slave forever. So, I left love. I killed Bram’s scouts and
anyone who got in my way. I even secretly returned on occasion to the hell I’d escaped from. But my
love never faded through all his months of searching. After our back-and-forths, I saw my growing
authority win over the man who obsessively loved me too. He bent his rules for a slave. He offered
me the unthinkable. He gave me my biggest accomplishment to date: he kept me, a traitor to Whitlock,
hidden from his world when it wasn’t allowed. I loved him even more for that. But we had both
ended up paying for his choices, and it was up to me to set things straight.
“Ms. Harper, we land in D. C. in fifteen minutes.”
My eyes left the darkness outside my jet’s window. I glanced at my main guard, Luke, taking a
deep breath as he eyed me warily. “Is everyone ready?”
“The reporters are in place. We’re gunned-up and on alert just in case.”
The steady pounding in my chest sped up as I nodded. My mother’s voice kept coming back to
me. Her words, more important than she’d ever know.
“Mom? Why are crying? Is dad not coming home?”
My voice caught her off-guard, and she quickly wiped away the tears. “He’s on his way,
sweetheart. It’s not your dad. It’s…” The anger returned as she began to pace the kitchen floor. I
pulled out my homework, surprised to see her home.
“What is it? Did…I do something?”
“You? Of course not. It was a friend. I thought I could trust them with my idea. I was
wrong. They stole it.”
“That wasn’t very nice of them.”
“No. People aren’t really nice, Everleigh. Not unless they want something. Sometimes they
do very bad things to get them.” She paused, looking over me as she weighed her words. “You’re
almost ten. You’re a smart girl. I’m going to let you in on a little secret, okay?’
My mother came to the table, sitting and grabbing my hands as she stared deep into my gaze. In
that moment, I felt special. Privileged to gain her attention and advice. People paid a lot of money for
my mother’s opinion, and she was going to share herself with me.
“You’ll be going to a new school soon. Time is going to fly. Be careful who you get close to.
Trust slowly. Listen eagerly. Talk only when you believe in what you have to say, and only if you
know it to be the truth. Never break your word to those loyal to you, but never believe loyalty is
unbreakable. It is our friends that will be the first to hurt us. React gracefully. You’re a Davenport.
Someone is always watching. The way the world sees you is a mirror of how you see yourself. Let
them see nothing but love. Then, when they’re not looking…drop the match and burn them to the
Chapter 1
There was this thing about humanity, about life, and emotion. Almost everyone felt a degree of
love or hate. Maybe it was greed or rage. Seven and a half billion people on the planet, each
experiencing a mass of emotions due to actions they could or could not control. It was the cause of
miracles…of genocide. Emotion controlled everything, especially us.
Whitlock had seen its fair share from those who mattered. From my board, who was hell bent
to hunt down my slave, to the guards and high leader who had their growing insatiability to take over
Whitlock for themselves. To me…love, greed, suspicion. My emotions were vast. What I had even
more of though was secrets. I had so many. Some would come out. Others would follow me to my
grave. Maybe sooner than later. Overall, none mattered. Nothing existed for me but twenty-four-six-
Over the months, we’d play cat and mouse. She ran; I located her. She’d leave and kill my
scouts before I could close in. I’d rage. At first it was aggravating. I was on the edge. Angry. But then
I started receiving my gifts. The skinned faces of my scouts in a white box with red bows didn’t make
me happy, but the messages she attached to them did. She loved me, and with each little wisp of
sentiments, I felt her claws dig deeper into my heart.
Time passed; I got closer. I found her.
Athens hadn’t ended well. Not for me, not for her, and not for the girl-slave and her twin,
twenty-seven-o-eleven. Everleigh got burned pretty badly before Luke, her main protector, escaped
with her. And it was all my fault. One way or another, I never learned. Or did I?
I may have failed to physically get my slave, but in ways, I had her more than ever. And that
landed her right back here. Right in my arms. It was one night. Six hours and forty-two minutes, to be
exact, but one night that I had Everleigh to myself. In truth, after all these months of her on the run, she
shouldn’t have been at Whitlock to begin with. I knew the risks when I broke our law and accepted a
traitor’s secret return. But what was I to do, reject the possibility of seeing her again? Kissing her, or
smelling her sweet scent? Never. Everleigh wanted this—wanted me, and I was done chasing her
away. For too long, I’d been my own worst enemy. It was the reason she’d run from me to begin with.
The time had come to change my ways and leave fate up to someone other than myself. Faith was
never a friend, but I had to believe my slave’s motives included me.
Emotions. Perhaps they were the downfall of us all.
I crushed my lips into Everleigh’s for only a moment before I pulled back. The way she kept
checking her phone, something was wrong. And that wouldn’t fair well for either of us. We were in
trouble. Or, I was. I knew that the moment I climbed out of bed with her. Maybe I didn’t want to
believe. Maybe my obsession clouded my need to care. All I could see was her…and she was
“What’s happening?”
Everleigh glanced at her new slave, Eleven. Tears were still streaming down his face. He
belonged to her now and was planning to leave with her so they could go after his sister. It wasn’t the
right thing to do, but I was past the point of giving a shit. My cards were tumbling down just like I had
predicted they would. Time wasn’t on my side. Not anymore. And it was my fault. I should have put a
stop to things weeks ago. Days ago. Hours.
“The high leader just left the barracks. He’s on his way. Be careful.” Her unease sent heat
through my blood. She rushed from the room for only seconds. When she returned, she was throwing
her robe over her shoulders. I lifted the hood, my kiss more desperate as I pressed my lips into hers.
It was a joining of passion and sadness as we broke away. Neither of us said a word as she grabbed
Eleven’s arm and pulled him to the door. She paused to wave to Alvin, giving me one last sorrowful
glance. And just like that, the love of my life disappeared just as fast as she’d returned to Whitlock.
I didn’t have the power to speak in that moment. If I had, I might have rushed and called after
her. One last kiss. One last touch. But no. I gestured with my finger for Nineteen to lock the deadbolt.
Everleigh had gone. It wasn’t safe for her to stay. Not yet.
“I’m afraid there’s more, Main Master.”
“Yes.” Scout Nineteen took a deep breath. “The super archbishop. He’s dead.”
A groan left me. “You or Eleven?”
“The slave. He witnessed a girl getting thrown out of the apartment. It set him off. I tried to
stop him but…guards came. They didn’t know what happened, but at some point, the Master will be
A good minute or two went by as a coverup weaved through my mind. “I’ll take care of it. Is
that all?”
“Barclane knows I’m still here. He cornered me and the slave. I told him a big story about
how I was working with an unnamed source on the Mistress’s location. He believes I’m using Eleven
as bait to lure her out. I forcefully left the situation. He accepted my story, but I suspect he doesn’t
believe me.”
“Of course he doesn’t.” I put my hand on Nineteen’s shoulder and led the scout towards the
hallway. “I’m aware you made a deal with Everleigh on my safety, but for now, I need you to hide. Go
up these stairs,” I stopped in front of them, “and do not come down until the high leader leaves. If for
some reason—”
Banging erupted on the door, causing both of our heads to whip over. I pushed Nineteen up the
step and threw him a look as I turned and headed for the door. Loud knocking slammed into the metal
and I gave Ms. Pat a look as she took Alvin and rushed to his bedroom. The moment he was safe, I
swung open the barrier. Deep pants were coming from Derek, and he didn’t pause as he pushed past
“Where is she? I know she was here. I know her slave came into your quarters as well.”
“You’re mistaken.”
“Bullshit! Did you really think you could reroute my guards off the field and I wouldn’t know?
She was spotted leaving and no one was there to intercept her. She escaped again, and this time it’s
on you. Guards!”
Four men eased into the room, trepidation following their every step. Their eyes wouldn’t
meet mine, but they didn’t have to for me to know their intentions. I glared at Derek, seething as he
met my stare head-on.
“Bram Whitlock, you are under arrest for harboring and aiding in the escape of fugitives. You
will go to the White Room, where you will await sentencing from the board. However long that
should take. As of now, Martial Law will go into effect. Whitlock belongs to the guards. To me.”
“Does it?” Two guards came up behind to grab my hands but paused as I threw them a
murderous glare. “If I remember correctly, the new law states—”
“Twenty-Four-six-ninety and those slaves are fugitives!”
“Were fugitives. Eleven and Nineteen escaped the White Room. They’re to be returned to
Slave Row. Everleigh will face the board if she ever returns.”
“She did return. You let her leave. You aided in her escape.”
I let a few seconds pass as I gave Derek time to calm. I needed him to think. To not overreact
and do something rash. “Whitlock runs very much like its own country. It has laws, and those laws tie
in to our board, which is very much like a courthouse. Once upon a time, I was a lawyer. I have to
ask, do you have evidence that I committed this crime?”
“Are you denying that she was here, or that the slaves came into your apartment posing as
guards? What about taking my men off the field so they could get away?”
“If she was here, would I have let her leave? As for taking the men off the field, I admit that.
We needed more guards at the doors. You even told me how great their promotions were. Did you
not? Then, the slaves escaped. I didn’t have the time to put them back on the field. It didn’t seem
important at the time.”
“I told you what you did was great before I realized you let those slaves escape the White
Room to reclaim their status! They should have gone back to their cells. They should have been
killed! But, no. You were going to return them to Slave Row. Instead, you sent them off with that
traitor slave of yours.”
I had my knife in my hand before I could stop myself. The guards behind me tensed, clearly
confused on what to do.
“I warned you not to call her that.”
“And I warned you what would happen if you broke the law. What are you planning to do with
that knife, Bram? Are you going to kill me too? Are you going to kill us all?”
The blood pulsing in my ears quieted as I reigned in the rage. “Of course not. I broke no law. I
told you, she was never here. As for the traitor part, that’s not for you to decide. It’s up to the board.
By right, she can leave when she wants. But the circumstances are special. She’s a Mistress. She was
under West Harper’s influence. What he did while they were married messed up her mind. There’s a
lot of contributing factors that have to be weighed before she’s found guilty or not. Right now, we’re
all closing in and she’s cornered. She may still come to her senses and turn herself in. Maybe that’s
what she was trying to do before you scared her away. How am I to know?”
Derek shook his head as he narrowed his lids even more.
“You are a piece of work. On and on you go with lies, but I’m done listening to them. She was
here. She was in this apartment, and you broke the law. Guards.”
I jerked my hand free of the grasp, pointing my knife at a man no older than twenty-five.
“I’d like to see the evidence before I let you take me anywhere. If you can show me beyond a
shadow of a doubt that I let Everleigh into my apartment, and then let her leave, I’ll walk to the White
Room myself.”
“I have two guards that say they saw her leave your apartment with the slaves.”
“That’s a lie. And hear-say. I guarantee if they saw her, they sure as hell wouldn’t be alive to
tell about it. That’s not how she works. I have the faces of scouts to prove it. Now leave my
apartment, High Leader, before I find someone who knows how to do your job. You’re grasping at
straws. You’re either being paranoid or played. Martial Law will not happen today. I’ve committed
no crime.”
Derek stood straighter, his jaw clenching through his anger.
“Let’s pull up the feed. Show me the tapes from when she was here.”
“While I’m pulling it up, should we pull up Medical too? Maybe we’ll bring up your
conversation with a certain Master concerning my heir, Alvin? How convenient after your whispers,
you walk away to leave him with a sick, pedophile, fuck like Master Hunt.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I got intel we had intruders. I had no time to waste.
For all I knew, we were being breached by the outside, and it could have been anyone.”
I grabbed the younger guard, dragging him to the door next to Derek.
“The only ones who pose a threat to Whitlock are the Masters who hope to use you to gain
power. They’re twisting you, Derek. They’re fucking with your head because that’s what they do. I
didn’t almost die for nothing. You saw how that went down. You usually have good judgement, but not
today. I’ve kept you at my side because I trust you. I have to admit, I’m starting to find that a little
hard. Think about the example you’re setting. Where’s your evidence for accusing me of anything?
What sort of high leader comes and lashes out at his Main Master without certainty that he’s right? Is
this what the guards of Whitlock should see? Is this the character of someone they should look up to?”
The silence between us lasted for what felt like an eternity. The guards shifted as Derek
weighed everything he knew and heard. The word of two guards weren’t enough to lock me up. The
guilt rested in the footage. Knowing Everleigh, it no longer existed. I had no worries as I pointed the
knife to the door.
“You need to leave while I’m still in a generous mood.”
“The only place I’m going is to check my own footage. She was here. My men wouldn’t lie.”
I shrugged. “Good idea. You go check that. You probably should have done it before you tried
beating down my door.”
“I thought she could still be here.”
My head cocked to the side. “You said the guards saw her fleeing with the slave. Why would
she be in my apartment if that were the case?”
“I had to make sure.”
“Your story isn’t adding up, and you just shot your guards credibility through the fucking
ground. Go check those tapes. Better yet, we can check them together. I’d like to see this conversation
between you and Master Hunt.” I stepped closer, knowing he was lying about far more than the call.
Everleigh got word he was on his way before she left. “Do you know the price of willingly putting the
heir of Whitlock in harm’s way?”
“You can’t threaten me for doing my job. Not one single Master on the board would find me
“Your job was protecting Alvin. That was priority. Now get out before I put you out.”
“Oh, I’m going, but they’re not. Until I see the footage, you’re under house arrest. You don’t go
into your office. You don’t pick up a computer or phone. You stay here, in this room, where you can
be watched. If you disobey or run, we will hunt you down like any traitor of Whitlock. Do you
understand me?”
My teeth clenched regardless that I threw him a smile. It spoke of challenge. Of confidence.
Maybe even of guilt. I didn’t care. He had nothing on me. He couldn’t. Everleigh wouldn’t allow it.
“I understand everything. Completely.”
Chapter 2
Scout 19
One wrong step, I was done for; one wrong move, possibly dead. I stood at the top of the
second-floor stairs in Bram Whitlock’s apartment like a statue. The high leader was gone, but I hadn’t
missed the part where he’d mentioned leaving the guards to watch over the Main Master. I didn’t trust
them not to turn against him. Money could buy anything here. So, I froze, trapped between a creaking
floor and the exposure from the stairs. All it would take was one guard in the hallway and all chaos
would break out. Worse, the Main Master would know I didn’t listen. But what was I to do? I
couldn’t go against my word to Everleigh and not protect him. Not even at his order for me to hide. I
was stuck, torn between what I should do and what I was obligated to do.
“I’m going to get my coffee. If any of you want a cup, help yourselves.”
No one replied which didn’t help me place their loyalty.
Footsteps headed away, and I followed them to where I knew was the kitchen. After a few
seconds more followed. A single pair from the sounds of it.
“What?” A guard, snapped. “I’ve been helping with the search. I’m tired.”
At the continued silence, the Main Master laughed.
“It’s alright to be cautious. Henderson, is it?”
A pause. “Yes, Main Master.”
“You didn’t think I would know your name. That’s okay. I make it a priority to try to know all
those who bravely protect Whitlock. You may all believe I live in my own bubble of entitlement, but I
assure you, that’s not the case.”
“I’d never think that,” Henderson said, lowly.
At the Main Master’s deep chuckle, more footsteps.
“Maybe a little. Not that I think badly of you, Sir, I just figured you had a lot on your plate
with the happenings of this place.”
“The slaves who escaped the White Room, or Mistress Everleigh?”
Silence lasted all of a few seconds.
“Can I let you in on a little secret?”
From the previous voice, I knew it was Bates who answered.
“I can keep a secret, Main Master.”
“What about the rest of you? Can I tell you something with the hopes that you’ll believe me?”
The multiple voices had me straining to hear.
“Those slaves you search out are not truly slaves. Not both of them. You see, Whitlock is not
always a safe place. You all know this. One of those men was in danger. Let’s call it a political
sacrifice, if you will. Twenty-seven-o-eleven belonged to Mistress Everleigh. Now, that’s not the
issue. I meant to sell him anyway, but to assure my merchandise did not get killed out of spite for her,
I assigned Eleven a protector. He’s a scout of mine, and a former guard. Some of you may know him.
He was very deep undercover, doing what I ordered, when danger presented itself to both of them. I
haven’t heard their side of the story, but I have seen the footage. Our scout was doing what he had to.
Their escape was not premeditated from what I could tell. They were running during a red light, and
they saw an opportunity to escape. It was that or die from the group chasing them. I would hope that
any of you who were following my orders would sacrifice just as much as Nineteen has.”
“Nineteen? Scout Nineteen from Chicago? That’s what he was doing in the White Room? He
was working for you, Main Master?”
I sighed in relief as I recognized the voice. Albert. I’d seen him in the holding area of the
White Room when I had first gone undercover. He knew I was on a mission, even though I couldn’t
tell him what it was.
“That’s right. You all know Mateo, who heads up the scouts. He was very aware of this job.
The only reason I’m letting you all know is because Nineteen may be in trouble. If I’m wrongfully
taken, he may be at risk. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“I saw her.” A soft but forceful voice cut through the room. “I saw twenty-four-six-ninety. I
didn’t tell anyone, but she looked right at me as she passed with two men. She wore a hood like most
slaves here, but I know it was her. We’ve met before.”
My breath held as I waited.
“When was this?” Bram’s tone didn’t waver.
“You must have been mistaken.”
“No. I’m not. She was here, and she was leaving from this vicinity. I wasn’t originally part of
this group of guards brought to your apartment. The high leader pulled me from watch a hall over, on
his way here.” A pause. “I don’t care that it was her. I have much respect for Everleigh Harper. I was
new during the late Master Harper’s reign, but I saw what a lot of other guards did. I saw what he did
to her.”
A rush of breath left me as I placed my palm on the wall, steadying myself. Sweat was
collecting on my brow. Nothing was going as expected.
“If you saw her, you have to tell the High Leader.” The guard’s sharp bark had me shaking my
“I will not, and neither will you, Kemp.”
“There’s nothing to tell,” Bram ground out. “She wasn’t here. End of story. Right now, I’m
worried about Nineteen. If something happens, which it shouldn’t, but if, I need you to watch out for
one of your own. He’s going to need all the help he can get. The high leader will not be so forgiving.
Especially, if he’s swayed.”
“What do you want us to do?”
Albert once again took the lead as they waited.
“Get him out of here. Out of Whitlock so that he can contact Mateo and handle this right—the
real Whitlock way.”
“Out…?” Kemp’s voice trailed off. “You want us to help him escape? The slave-scout that the
high leader has us looking for? Behind his back? That’s treason to Whitlock. To the high leader.
That’s illegal.”
The gush of air and a painful grunt sent my fingertips pushing into the wood as weight
downstairs hit the ground. A body? Bram’s voice shortly followed.
“Not illegal. Just manipulative. There. Settled. Anyone else worried about morality over the
safety of one of your Whitlock brothers?”
“Good. Now, I’d never condone helping anyone escape Whitlock, but he’s technically a scout,
and you must understand something a lot bigger is going on. The high leader may be compromised. If
he is, I will be taken. I may be killed. Should either of those happen, Nineteen is your top priority.
Find him and have him take my heir, Alvin. Get them out of here as quickly as you can. Nineteen will
know what to do.”
More, my head shook as I tried to unravel what the Main Master was up to. He wanted them to
know about me, but not that I was here in his place. He wanted me free to contact Everleigh. I
couldn’t leave the Main Master or take care of some kid. Who was I to give her the news that I’d
failed to protect him, anyway? No, I wasn’t going anywhere. If they took him, there had to be another
I leaned forward, seeing right into the Main Master’s dark office. Was there still footage
existing of Everleigh Harper having been here? I couldn’t believe that, but what if she hadn’t erased it
My heel lifted, and I froze at the creaking. The buzz of voices downstairs continued. Dammit.
I was helpless. There was nothing for me to do but wait for the high leader’s return. And what if
Bram was right? What if they arrested him, or worse?
Scanning the hallway behind me, my stomach twisted. I’d have to hide if I stood any chance to
help Bram. But where? For how long?
As if Albert had read my mind, his question stopped my thoughts in their tracks.
“If the High Leader is compromised, can’t you fire him or…kill him?”
“I’m afraid it’s not that easy. The high leader is technically protected by the board. If I kill
him, they’ll have reason to arrest me. Not just on harboring and aiding, but for his murder as well.
That’s a death sentence.”
“Shit. What if he mysteriously dies a few days from now?”
“Too risky. It won’t work. Derek may have me arrested, but I don’t think he’d go as far as
killing me. I can get him to tell me who turned him. I can find out whoever it is that really wants me
out of their way. That’s the most important thing. Once I root out the problem, I can deal with the high
“For Ms. Harper?”
“Everleigh,” Bram growled. “She should have never been a Harper. That bastard almost
killed me. He’s lucky she beat me to the punch. I was barely getting started when I took his sanity.” A
deep breath sounded. “I won’t think about West. I hate him more than I can begin to explain. Right
Heavy boots pounded, followed by what I assumed were more guards. I left the stairs, racing
to the first door, easing it open, and cringing when it creaked.
“What is this? Why is there a dead guard bleeding all over the fucking floor?”
“Because I killed him,” Bram said, dryly.
The High Leader’s voice was full of accusation as Albert cut in.
“He went after the Main Master. Bates, Henderson, and I barely had a chance to react before
Kemp went to draw his gun. He was saying something about another Master just before. It was
completely unexpected,” Albert rushed out. “I don’t know how the Main Master reacted so quickly.
We would have never of saved him had he not taken care of it himself.”
“Another Master? What Master?”
“He didn’t say,” Bram broke in. “Only that I had wronged a Master, and I was going to pay.”
Footsteps grew closer as Bram’s voice lowered. “Derek, did you send him in here to kill me?”
“You have some nerve asking me that.”
“Do I? I’m not so sure. Don’t you see the Masters playing their games? They don’t want me
here. They want me dead. I think they may have gotten to you. I trusted you.”
“Don’t you start with me, Main Master. I trusted you, and you ruined that trust, time and time
again. The only games going on here are your own. It’s time.”
“What are you saying, you’re arresting me? You’re taking me to the White Room?”
At Bram’s incredulous laugh, all that was heard was silence.
“Not anymore. I’m taking you somewhere else. Somewhere only me and a handful of others
have access to. It’s a secret place. A special place. I made it, myself, while we were searching for
your slave. It was meant for her. I think it’ll be fitting for both of you.”
“You can’t arrest me. On what charges? What evidence?”
“Funny you should ask. I’m no fool, Bram Whitlock. I may not be able to get into the secret
surveillance of your apartment, but your slave can. The board and I have known about her access to
the entire Whitlock system for weeks and were monitoring the situation. So not to alert either of you,
we installed separate cameras and microphones in the apartment next door. They’re in the hallway
outside as well.” He paused. “I know she was here. I know everything.”
Chapter 3
(27011) Aamir
“He’s going to arrest him.”
“For what?” Everleigh Harper snapped at her lead guard. “He has nothing to arrest him for.
We left no evidence.”
“You heard him. He’s claiming—”
“I know what he claims, Luke, but he lies. You saw him meet with Master Hunt next door.
They have nothing.”
“That doesn’t seem to matter to either one of them. We knew shit was going to get worse. We
talked about this.”
“I know, but…” Everleigh took a deep breath. “This is too soon. Too sloppy for either of
The dim interior light of the large van barely revealed blue eyes that were narrowed. They
lifted from the laptop monitor to stop on me. I hadn’t said a word since we had rushed down the white
halls, hiding in the underground garage. Multiple guards studied me uneasily when we approached the
entourage of Mistress Harper’s guards, but I didn’t care that her hired guns didn’t trust me. All I could
think of was my twin, Layla. Hours ago, I never thought I’d see her again. But that was over now.
Shortly, we’d be on my way to Red Island, back to face The Dragon who’d kept my sister as his
prize. I couldn’t wait. Was it true, she was being treated like a queen? That she was safe?
Everleigh’s stare left me as fast as it had come. I pushed my questions to the background as I
walked the few feet to the other side of the van. Luke was still staring at the screen…at the Main
Master being surrounded. The volume was low, but I didn’t miss Bram’s booming, threatening tone as
he stared down the high leader.
“I’m the Main Master. You can’t do this without presenting me evidence.”
The beginning of a smile came to the high leader’s face. His emotions were just as clear as his
intentions. “You can see it when the board reviews my findings.”
“You met with them already, Derek. That’s why you left. There is no evidence.”
“But there is.” The smile he tried hiding tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Bram Whitlock.
You’re under arrest—”
“No. No.” Repeatedly, Everleigh shook her head.
“I fucking knew it. Son of a bitch. What do you want us to do, Mistress?”
Everleigh let out an aggravated sound to Luke’s question, but continued watching. I had
expected Bram to pull out his knife, to put up a fight, but he didn’t. He let them take it as they spun him
“I have…an idea. It isn’t good.”
“Great. I don’t like the sound of this. Is that why we haven’t left? Do you plan to use the
“Eleven,” she corrected. “And, maybe. I’m still thinking.” Everleigh closed her lids, inhaling
deeply as my pulse skyrocketed. “I told Bram. I told him this was going to happen. He wouldn’t
“There’s nothing we can do about it now. We’re running out of time. We have to leave.”
Dark hair swayed as she shook her head. “We both know this has little to do with Bram and
everything to do with me and Whitlock. You’ve studied the high leader just as I have. How far do you
think he’ll go to get what he wants?”
“You and power?” Luke’s lips twisted as he looked between the two of us. The glow from the
monitor highlighted my Mistress’s fear. It was building amongst my own. “He mentioned a secret
place. That speaks volumes on its own.”
“He’s been planning this for a while.” At my voice, Everleigh nodded, clicking a button to
switch cameras as the guards led Bram through the apartment’s main door. The men outside looked at
each other, almost in shock as their Main Master passed by in handcuffs.
“I heard rumors while we were at Whitlock.” Luke glanced to the front of the van but came
back to Everleigh. “They’re restoring an area of the top floor. We don’t have cameras there. I can
almost bet that’s where they’re taking him.”
“What about Nineteen, Mistress? You left him there to protect the Main Master. Can he help
“No. There’s nothing he can do. I should have been better prepared. I should have known this
was going to happen. I thought…I was sure they’d wait a little longer.”
“You can’t blame yourself. Nothing’s predictable at Whitlock.” I paused, feeling my stomach
flip at the question I felt obligated to ask. “What do you want me to do?”
Blue eyes flickered to me for only a moment. Multiple expressions crossed her face as she
kept her stare on Bram being led deeper into the halls. He wasn’t fighting. He was blank. Stoic.
“What do I want you to do?”
It was barely a whisper as her stare darkened. With each step Bram took, I watched her anger
grow. There was a rage brewing. One I couldn’t begin to understand. It made my heart race faster than
facing the guards. Faster than running for my life. I heard the stories of her wrath. Something told me I
was about to become part of it in more ways than I could imagine.
“You said Whitlock is unpredictable. You have no idea how true that is. It’s a place of games.
Games you’ll pay for. Games you’ll kill over. It’s a curse for anyone associated with it. The
admittance comes with a price. All those who serve and participate know this. Unfortunately for
them, it’s time to pay up. Before we go to your sister, you’re going to collect their debt. You’re going
to help me make them pay.”
My voice nearly cracked as she handed the laptop to Luke.
“The High Leader, in association with the Master Hunt, have illegally taken our Main Master.
Derek may not have any trace of existence, but the CIA Director does. A wife.”
“You want me to take her? Like…kidnap her?”
“But not kill her, right? I mean, we’ll return her at some point, won’t we?”
“She’ll be heavily guarded,” Luke said, ignoring my questions.
“She will,” she agreed. “It’ll probably be an almost impossible task, but that’s why he has
“Me? Not us?”
Luke groaned. “Why do I feel like you’re about to throw a rift in our plans?”
My head cocked to the side, closer to the beautiful face that suddenly wouldn’t turn to either
of us. Everleigh sat still, gazing longingly towards the monitor. I could feel Layla slipping away from
me. Falling just as far back as she’d been hours ago.
“I will take a few men back inside Whitlock.”
“Have you lost your mind? Absolutely not,” Luke ground out. “No. No way am I leaving you
here. If they find you, they’ll kill you on the spot.”
“He’s right,” I cut in. “You’re not safe here, Mistress. No one is.”
“Do you not see this,” she said, pointing to the laptop. “Whitlock is being taken over. A little
boy is now left defenseless in a fortress full of monsters. A little boy who was just clinging to my
neck. I can’t leave Alvin to suffer what they have planned for him. I can’t do that. I may not be able to
get to Bram, but I can do something for this child. My child. I just have to hurry.”
“We’ll all go get him. Together.”
“And lose any possibility to have the upper hand?” Everleigh stood, grabbing the cloak she’d
worn to escape. “They’ll kill Bram unless they have a reason not to. It’s up to you and Eleven to get
us that reason. This goes beyond Master Hunt. It goes to the entire board. I want their relatives,
children, pets. Whatever they hold dear in their normal life, take it from them. Do that and head for
Red Island on jet three. It won’t be detected. You’ll be safe with your brother. If you don’t hear from
me by midnight, three days from now, start killing them until Derek sets Bram free. If he doesn’t, and I
don’t surface…you know what to do.”
“The package.” Luke’s eyes widened the smallest amount before he gave a sharp nod.
“It has everything you need. I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that. Once I have Alvin, we’ll keep
underground. These roads lead in every direction. My intention is to head towards Miami. Send jet
two to meet us there. They’ll be watching the one that left Whitlock. Keep that one in Italy long
enough to refuel and then have them head towards Thailand. I want them jumping continents every two
days. It’ll keep the board busy.”
“I don’t like this. There’re too many elements. That only leads to trouble.”
“It’s the only way.”
“It’s not,” Luke argued. “Let me go in with you to retrieve Alvin. After that, we’ll plan and
take the steps for the board. Your judgement is clouded. We’re a team. Let me help you.”
“If we get caught our team is finished. I stay here; you go and help Eleven. I’ll keep Disher,
Hall, and Fox with me. I’ll see you at the island. Three days, Luke, then start killing them. One a day
until Bram is free.”
My lips parted to say something, to beg her to stay, but the back doors to the van were already
flying open. Before my brain could process any of it, the doors slammed closed and we were leaving
her. Speeding into the dark tunnels as if some sort of demon was chasing us. And perhaps it was. My
demons, her demons, a hell full of Whitlock demons. The screams were almost so real, I had to
squeeze my lids shut just to get rid of the internal panic that was festering in me. But it wasn’t from
leaving the only person I trusted. Although my new Mistress had my word, I knew what I was about to
do was going to be the ultimate test. Taking innocent people was the only way to get back to my sister.
It was the only way to keep both of us safe. I had to do this. I might possibly have to kill again. There
was no way around it.
“We shouldn’t have let her go. She’s not safe there.”
It took a moment to realize I’d spoken out loud. What went from a thought had turned into a
verbal admission that I had no control over. I wasn’t right in the head. I couldn’t even process what I
was thinking. I wasn’t even sure how long I’d been staring at the doors. I was still looking at them as
if I expected for her to magically walk back inside.
“Everleigh is the strongest woman I know. She’ll be okay. If she’s not, there will be hell to
Luke’s attention stayed glued to the laptop. Reality dawned, and I quickly moved in. Five
small screens were displayed, showing different areas of Whitlock. In some, guards stood at the
entrances. Others, it was empty. Orange lights from the overhead tunnel kept flickering in the
darkness, and I tried to ignore how hard it made it to focus. Flashes of guards, of blood, had me
blinking hard.
“I don’t see her. Is she on here?”
“Not yet. They’re probably still in the garage area planning—”
Luke got quiet as two guards appeared on one of the screens. They walked relatively close,
standing tall in their form fitting uniforms. I recognized them immediately as the two Whitlock guards
who’d escorted us down to the underground garage. Seconds later, a hooded figure and another guard
“There we go. There she is.”
“The Main Master’s apartment will be swarming with guards. I didn’t see the high leader
follow him out. Is he still there?”
Luke clicked a button, adjusting his seating against the wall. It was a nervous tick; one I didn’t
miss as he repeatedly clenched his jaw. Master Hunt was standing with the high leader in Bram
Whitlock’s living room, and it didn’t look good as a guard pushed Ms. Pat roughly into view. The
little boy was screaming, his legs kicking out as a second guard tried to hold him.
“Shit.” Luke reached for his radio and froze. Quickly, his hand searched the darkness around
his feet. “She took it. She fucking took it. Leo!” He leaned forward as the passenger in the front of the
van turned back towards us. “Are you in contact with Disher?”
“From Whitlock? No, I thought you were.”
Luke’s stare jerked to me.
“She’s going to be walking right into a trap. You’re in uniform. Tell me you have a radio.”
My head shook while my pulse practically stopped. “Nineteen. He had it. One wrong move
and they’re all going to be found. What do we do?”
Chapter 4
As far as planning went, I liked to think I always made sure to cover everything. Sure, it was
impossible to predict the exact outcome of every situation, but my intuition concerning human
behavior wasn’t usually that far off. I had a gift for predicting decisions before they were made. I only
prayed I was right concerning this one.
Words broke through the silence from the radio at Disher’s hip, and I clung to mine tighter as
Fox and I turned left at the intersection. The incline of the floor was barely noticeable, but I knew
these halls like home. Fourteen doors. Seven on the left. Seven on the right. One left turn. A steady
uphill for two floors. One right…My Main Masters apartment.
“Don’t. Please!”
The pop from inside the closed apartment didn’t so much as make me flinch. I kept my eyes
ahead, ignoring the black brim of the hood that shadowed my face. The cloak went down to just above
the black flats I wore. If I wanted to criticize myself even more, I could have easily chosen the shoes.
I hadn’t thought this through good enough. If I wanted to be even more honest, I hadn’t thought about
much of anything besides Bram. Which turned out to be the biggest mistake I could have made.
“Almost there, Mistress. Two more doors.”
“Hey. Hey! You. Guard!”
The yells behind us had me reaching for Fox’s forearm.
“We stop. Tell him you’re busy.”
“Okay. Keep your head down.”
Footsteps were already approaching. My head lowered as the familiar voice grew closer.
“Where do you think you’re going? I called for a team and a clean-up almost ten minutes ago.”
“Forgive us, Master Barclane. The guard is pretty busy right now with the Main Master’s
arrested. We’re a little preoccupied with all the outbursts in the ranks.”
“Wait…arrested? Bram Whitlock?”
“The Main Master, yes, sir.”
My head lifted the smallest amount just in time to see Barclane’s profile as he stared ahead
confused. The fact that Barclane had no idea of the high leader and Master Hunt’s dirty plot left my
mind reeling. They were leaving him out of the planning. This was bigger than the board. This was a
weave of tangled plans, not including the one person it should have.
“Master, if you’ll excuse us, I’m in the middle of a transport. I’ll radio in your clean up. Is it
your slave or—”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Barclane snapped. “Of course it isn’t my slave. I’m not even on this
floor. It’s the super archbishop. I just found him beaten to death in his room. I called for a team. I
meant to take it up with the Main Master but…” Again, he grew quiet. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll
handle this myself.”
Footsteps echoed from the walls at Barclane’s determined stride. I let out a deep breath,
glancing to Fox who had his hand sitting on the hilt of the knife on his belt.
“That was close. Let’s get going. The faster we can get in, the sooner we can get the hell out
of here.”
I nodded, following at such a speed, my mind immediately went back to my shoes. If it
wouldn’t have drawn attention, I would have taken them off. Running would come easier, but it’d be a
beacon to anyone we passed. I couldn’t afford a mistake like that.
We turned and immediately jolted to a stop at the three guards we almost collided with.
“Fox. Where the hell you been?”
A laugh came from the guard next to me as his fingers wrapped around my bicep.
“Transport. Are you here for Master Barclane’s cleanup team?”
“Did you see him? He said it was urgent and needed an investigation. We would have come
sooner, but shit, man, the fucking Main Master got arrested. Can you believe that shit?”
Fox stepped us off to the side. “I just saw Disher and Hall. They told me. What the fuck
“Supposedly his slave was here or some shit. He snuck her in, and let her leave. I’m not sure
on the details. I hear something different from everyone I run across. I can’t believe they actually
arrested him. She’s not even a slave.”
One of the guards in the back moved in closer, lowering his voice. “You know how the high
leader is. He’s so gung-ho for this place. He eats, lives, and shits Whitlock. Blows my mind. I can’t
believe this shit. She’s a Mistress for fuck’s sake. Did Hall or Disher mention if they were taking the
Main Master to the White Room, or is he going to the board first?”
“They didn’t say. I was hoping one of you had more information.”
The guard in the front shrugged at Fox. “Doplar’s going to fill me in later. He’s pulling patrol
at the White Room now. He says they haven’t got word the Main Master will be there. You’d think
they’d start setting up his room, or preparing the guards. Maybe put him in one of the side halls where
there’s less action. Hell, everything’s a mess. No one knows what’s going on, and I already heard
some of the guard is refusing to stand against Master Whitlock.”
Fox’s grip tightened. “Really? I don’t blame them. What do you know about the restoration on
the higher floors?”
The three guards looked at Fox confused.
“That’s exactly what I asked when Disher mentioned they were secretly fixing rooms up there.
So, none of you knew about that, either?”
“No, man. I haven’t heard shit. Why would they be doing that in secret?”
Fox took another step, pulling us further away. “No idea. That’s what I want to know. Call my
cell if you hear any more on it. Disher has some inside intel, too, so he’s going to fill me in when he
hears something. I’ll let you know what happens on my end. Shit is about to hit the fan. I can feel it.”
“Fuck.” The three guards looked at each other but came back to us. “We’ll ask around and let
you know.”
Fingers eased against my arm as the guards continued on. I glanced up at Fox who threw me a
“You did great.”
“So did you, Mistress. I was hoping to learn something new, but they were just as confused as
the rest of us.”
“They’ll start asking around. That’s the important part.”
“True. Almost there.”
Saying something like ‘almost there’ didn’t hold much weight in Whitlock. Every door, every
turn held dangers we could never come back from. I knew that as we entered the steady uphill. There
were no doors, but that made it an even bigger threat. There was nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide.
Each breath became even more labored as we grew higher. One floor. Two. The opening rested
twenty feet away. One left was all that was remaining. But it was a left I wouldn’t be taking.
“Fuck. High leader and Hunt. They got the kid. Keep your head down.”
“How many guards?”
“How many guards, Fox?”
I clipped the radio at the top of my slacks and reached for my own knife I kept on me for
“Four. No, five. Six. They keep coming around the corner.”
Screams exploded around me. Scared screams. A child’s screams. My vision blurred and
sound wavered as they grew closer. Time slowed—death called.
“Do nothing, Mistress. Do nothing.”
Fox’s voice was so low, it barely made it into the mass of my own crazed internal screams. A
child. If I wanted to accept Bram’s terms of us being a family, Alvin was my child. Mine. I never
thought I’d have a child, but Bram wanted us to raise him. And the boy liked me. He might even grow
to love me given the attachment he’d already showed. He was three. Still young. Mine. Mine.
“Do. Nothing.” A pause. “High Leader. Master Hunt.” Fox’s weight crashed into me, pinning
me to the wall with a force that only riled my monster even more. My fingers dug into his side,
squeezing, as he let the group of guards pass. Louder Alvin’s screams grew. When the heavy sobs
followed, I couldn’t help but spin my head towards them. I didn’t expect to meet the child’s stare.
“Ev! E-Ev-Leigh!”
“Do nothing. Nothing.”
“You hear that,” Master Hunt burst out. “Evidence! She was here. The child knows her.”
“Ev! Ev, get A-Al-vin.”
The sobs cut him off while tears burned my eyes. The round, little face was flushed, but his
swollen, blue eyes didn’t stop him from seeing me. The little hand reached forward, over the high
leader’s shoulder, and I threw my elbow into Fox as I watched them get further away.
“I swear I’m going to kill them. I’m going to cut them apart.”
“When the time comes, I’ll find you a room, but now is not the time.”
“Alvin saw me. Didn’t you hear him? He needs me. He needs me now.”
“And we’ll get him. Let the high leader and Master go. We’ll figure out a way. Hall and
Disher are at the door waiting for us. Let’s get inside the apartment. We’ll come up with a plan.”
Voices distracted me, and I recognized them immediately as my other men. I took another
glance at the group of guards I wanted to destroy. Fox led me towards the entrance of the hall,
stopping us as an argument made itself known.
“No, I told you,” Disher snapped to the two men standing next to the door, “we have this
guard. Y’all are free to go.”
“We didn’t get a call. The paper said me and Brine are on until seven. If either of you have a
problem with that, I suggest you go flag down the high leader and take it up with him. We’re not
leaving the Main Master’s door.”
“Are you stupid? Did you not just see what happened?” Hall’s head shook. “He’s too busy to
deal with this shit.”
“It’s too risky,” I rushed out. “Put the signal over the radio so they abort the mission. We don’t
need any more problems. We’ll turn right and they can follow. We don’t need the front door. There’s
an entrance into the second level.”
“It might be too risky. Should we still go? The kid isn’t there anymore.”
“No, but my scout and Bram’s laptop is.”
Fox’s lips parted and he quickly nodded. He reached for the radio, hitting the button twice as
we started walking at a fast pace. The voices died off almost immediately.
“Fine. You want to guard this door, we’re out of here. I won’t argue for free time.”
Just as we broke into the hall and turned right, I felt the presence of my guards come up from
behind. More talking between the other two continued as we went around a turn and entered a new
uphill hallway. We went a few feet before I turned to face them.
“Sorry Mistress, they wouldn’t budge. You wouldn’t have been able to get in there anyway.
The guard hasn’t fully left.”
“The high leader took Alvin.”
“We saw that. He mentioned he was keeping the kid protected. I think they’re about to have a
meeting, but the high leader kept changing the subject. He was acting very strange. Even Master Hunt
was picking up on it. I don’t like this. What do we do now?”
“My top priority is Nineteen. He’s still in the apartment. I know another way in.”
“Another way?”
I didn’t bother to explain the secret rooms and pathways littered throughout the fortress. When
I started back up the hall, the guards followed. They kept close, boxing me in as another guard passed
just before the turn. When we entered a large lobby area, I turned right, heading to the abandoned
apartments of Whitlock. Only four doors down, I pushed open the door, coming face to face with the
one person I meant to rescue. Nineteen jumped, leveling his gun even with my face, only to drop it.
“Fuck. You scared the shit out of me. Mistress, I thought you’d left?”
“I did. How did you know about the hidden door in the closet?”
Nineteen glanced behind him. “The Main Master made me to go upstairs and hide. Guards,
they came. They’re searching the apartment. The high leader took him. They took the Main Master.
I’m sorry—”
“It’s not your fault; it’s mine. The door. How did you find it?”
“My grandfather’s old apartment had a hidden room. He used to let me play in it when I was
little. I prayed his wasn’t the only one. I got lucky.
“That’s an understatement.”
“Tell me about it. I thought I was a goner. Did you come to rescue the Main Master?”
“I wish I could. I’m afraid I don’t have enough men for where they’re taking him. Not yet. I’m
here for Alvin.”
“I heard cries. I think they took him too.”
“They did.”
I threw back the hood, rubbing my hands over my eyes as I tried to think.
“How many guards would you say are inside searching?”
Nineteen’s brow drew in. “Three. Maybe four.”
“How thorough is their search? Were they tearing the place apart, or were they being
“I would have looked better. They’re not taking their time, that’s for sure.”
I nodded, looking between the three guards and Nineteen. If I didn’t act fast, taking the board’s
family members might not be enough.
“We have to go in. One of us needs to retrieve the Main Master’s laptop from his office before
they take it. Whoever holds that computer, holds Whitlock in their hands. They can torture him all day
long, but if I control the system, I control them.
Chapter 5
Some things were better left untouched. They remained preserved, beautiful…alive. This
wasn’t news to me. It was the reason I’d initially kept my distance from my slave. To be associated
with the Main Master was her downfall. It had also been mine.
“She was here and you let her go. Admit it.”
“You’re wrong.”
Blood washed over my tongue as I kept my eyes murderously locked on the one person at
Whitlock I kept my faith in. Derek unclenched his fist, shaking his hand as he yelled out an order. The
blue metal door to the strange holding room flew open as one of the four guards ran out. Still, the high
leader kept his stare level with mine. Neither of us would budge. He wanted me to look away as a
sign of guilt. I refused.
“That was a mistake, Derek.”
“Serving under you was a mistake. I never thought you’d risk death for a slave.”
“I’ve died for her before. Seems I may die for her again.”
“You’re a stupid man.”
“Stupid maybe, but stupid does not mean guilty. You’re making a mistake.”
His hand rose while he battled whether to hit me again.
“You think beating me will unlock the truth? I told you she wasn’t here. The fact that you
haven’t shown me proof means you have none.” My head shook as blood tickled my chin. “You were
my high leader. I trusted you to have my back. How much are they paying you to overthrow me?”
My head snap to the side at his punch. Pain branched through my lower lip as it split open
wider. The metallic taste of blood grew, and I spit the dark red substance onto the white floor at his
feet. When my gaze cut up, he was inches away to meet it.
“Enough. You think your lies will sway my guard? You think by making me look like the bad
guy, they’ll come rushing in to save you? No one is saving you, Bram. Not the Whitlock soldiers, not
the board, and certainly not her. You did this to yourself.”
“Again…you’re wrong.”
But he wasn’t. I did do this, and now I was in trouble. I was weak for my slave. Just like the
walls around my heart, the walls of Whitlock were crumbling down. Betrayal. Power. The two went
hand-in-hand at this fortress. Once you threw in love, you had the holy trinity for impending doom.
Before I submitted to my feelings for Everleigh, I was untouchable. I was feared. But that was gone.
West Harper saw vulnerability in my love. And the Masters and guards had seen it after I let her
leave. There was no going back no matter what fantasy I tried to dream up in my obsessive,
delusional mind. No matter what I did or who I killed, I had to face the truth: I’d never reign at
Whitlock like I once had. Everleigh and I would never be able to be a family here with Alvin. I was
at an end and it was either going to go one of two ways: life or death. Those had problems of their
“High Leader, the board is requesting you.”
Albert, the guard who knew Nineteen, kept his attention on Derek. If I had anyone I could rely
on, it was him, Bates, and Henderson. The three guards watched, appearing the loyal soldiers to the
high leader. They weren’t. They were mine, and I trusted they’d help Nineteen break free after they
left me. Everleigh had to know what was going on, if she didn’t already. She had to stay away. If they
got their hands on her, we were both as good as dead.
“Don’t get comfortable. I won’t be long.”
I bit my tongue, staying quiet as he threw me one last glare and pushed open the door. Albert
waited a few seconds before he stepped forward.
“Let’s go. We have to get you out of here.”
“Are you crazy?” Bates cut in. “Even if we wanted to, we couldn’t get passed the three sets of
guards we passed to get here. Did you not see them? They’re different than us. They have orders they
won’t break. I heard the high leader give them as we passed. He’s prepared for this. He flat out told
them the Main Master was to be killed on the spot if they saw him leave this room. Hello. We can’t
just march him back out. Everyone will know what’s happening by now.”
“There’s three of us. We’ll join this new guard. Then, we can grab a door on the morning shift.
If our partners won’t agree to help get the Main Master out, we’ll kill them.”
“What if we can’t join,” Henderson ground out. “It’s not like we can make them accept us. The
high leader runs this, and he’s a little busy if you haven’t noticed. Besides, the schedules are made a
month in advance. I’m at the Cradle in the morning.”
Albert growled. “We find a way. Like you said, the high leader is busy. If we can get in, we
make them switch us.”
“And if they don’t?”
My head shook as they looked at each other. I stopped on Albert, watching as panic and
aggravation tightened his features.
“I appreciate your loyalty, but I can’t leave here. Not until this is resolved. Derek will do the
right thing. He won’t have a choice when the Board shows their true colors on wanting to lead as
well. They’ll eat him alive, and he has no idea. He can’t hold Martial Law forever.”
“My apologies, Main Master, but have you lost your fucking mind?” Albert wiped the sweat
from his brow. “The high leader wants to kill you. I can see it. I can sense it. He smells blood, and
he’s willing to shed it if it puts him in control. He’s using your slave as an excuse to lead. He’s
covering his tracks. He’s not going to let this pass him by, and when it comes to the Board, there’s no
telling what he’ll do. Maybe he’ll kill them all. Maybe he’s already chosen a replacement. It’s
impossible to know. What we have to do is kill him and set you free so you can handle this however
“To kill him is death. There’s no way around that sentence. Even if I am set free.”
“But you’re the Main Master.” Confusion had Albert staring at me in disbelief. “You can
pardon the person. You can say you never saw a thing. I’ll do it. I’ll kill him when he returns. Close
your eyes. You know nothing.”
The beginnings of my smile melted as the high leader swung the door open. It was sooner than
I had expected. So much so, we all looked over surprised. He was holding Alvin’s hand. The boy’s
cheeks were tear stained, and his eyes were swollen and red. Relief had me sighing before I realized
it. Yet, deep down, twisting nausea began to bubble. I wouldn’t be able to keep him safe. I wouldn’t
be able to protect him from Master Hunt or anyone else who saw Alvin as a prize. But if he was here,
he wasn’t with anyone who could hurt him. He was safe.
The high leader’s booming voice was directed to the guards. Albert looked at the boy and then
back at me. I gave a hard shake, meeting the crystal blue that stared up at me with fear and hope.
Alvin didn’t need to see any more blood than he already had. The constant drip on the floor from my
lip was enough for him to witness.
“I said go.”
Boots retreated while I kept my attention on the child I’d pretty much claimed as my own. He
tried to run forward but jerked to a stop as Derek’s hold tightened on his hand. The sadness and tears
that followed emptied any kindness from my soul. If I would had ever become a father, I assumed I’d
react the same way. After all, I did love the boy to the best of my ability. It meant something. When I
loved, I loved.
“Bram. Alvin wants Bram.”
“Let him come to me. He’s three. I assure you he won’t be setting me free.”
Derek paused, releasing a laugh I’d never heard from him before. It was a familiar tone. A
dead one. It had suspicion growing as he released the boy’s hand.
Dark hair swayed against his face as he crashed into my leg and wrapped himself around it.
With the way I was cuffed to rings on both sides, I couldn’t lower to offer comfort to his trembling,
little frame. I could barely move at all.
“It’s okay, Alvin. You don’t have to be scared.”
“Alvin wants to go home. Bram take Alvin home.”
My jaw clenched as I held to the anger. I couldn’t focus on anything else. To expand my
thoughts and feel would lead to a fear I couldn’t let consume me.
“I’ll be home soon. This nice man is going to take you to the Cradle to be watched after by
Ms. Pat, okay? I promise I’ll come get you when I’m finished here. It won’t be long.”
“So easily you lie.”
My gaze lifted, zeroing in as Derek came to kneel behind the boy and stare up at me. That
damn smile was there. The one I didn’t recognize. It left me uneasy. It was as though I were looking at
a stranger. I didn’t know his laugh. Not his true one. And now this expression. What else had he kept
hidden that I’d overlooked?
“I wasn’t lying. You’ll see I didn’t do anything wrong and let me go.”
“Will I?”
“Yes. Alvin can leave now. I want him in the Cradle with Ms. Pat. He’s to be protected until
I’m released.”
The high leader’s smile grew as he reached over and brushed back Alvin’s hair. Tighter, the
boy hugged to my leg.
“You’ve never been a cruel person, Derek. Take him to the Cradle to be watched over.
The last was clipped, stolen by the colliding emotions I tried to keep at bay.
“I’ve always tried to be the epitome of what I expected a high leader to be. I’ve stood by your
side. I’ve defended you. There were times bribes were insinuated, but I shot them down. Millions
upon millions of dollars, Bram. I passed the test for a high leader. I was true.”
“And I’m grateful.”
“You’re not or else we wouldn’t be here. The Main Master is meant to be the same way as the
high leader. Where I’ve been supreme leadership for Whitlock, you have unraveled and betrayed us.
All for a woman. You have broken laws. Written knew ones. You made worthless pardons and denied
requests. My only request. You have disgraced this place with your lies, and all for what? Love? I’m
going to put a stop to it, just like you put a stop to mine.”
“What are you going to do? Kill me so you can make Whitlock perfect? So you can rule this
place? Is that why Alvin is here? To say goodbye?”
That laugh again. Derek stood, stopping inches below my own tall form.
“Alvin’s not here to say goodbye, Bram. You are.”
Chapter 6
Scout 19
I never wanted to go back inside a place so much in my life. It wasn’t that I feared getting
caught and going to the White Room. If the guards spotted us and we couldn’t escape, there’d be no
one to rescue the Main Master. His life was what mattered more than ours. Without him running
Whitlock, there was no telling what would happen amongst these stone walls. Without him, I was
dead anyway.
“There’s five us,” Everleigh whispered in the hidden closet. “Out of everyone, I know the
apartment the best. I can get in and out without them finding me.”
“No way.” My voice joined in with the other’s refusal, but I continued. “The laptop is in the
Main Master’s office. I know exactly where that is. Besides, no one is making it down those stairs
without being heard. They creak at every step. Let me go. They know I’ve escaped anyway. If I’m
caught, you still have your men to help you get Alvin and the Main Master.”
“I need you free.”
“I’ll go.” Fox, a guard I wasn’t familiar with, gestured towards the hidden entrance. “I know
where the Main Master’s office is. Just explain to me where I’m coming out at.”
Everleigh tried to hide her cringe, but I saw her nervousness. She didn’t want to risk anyone’s
“We have one chance.” I crawled closer to the door. “If they discover any of you, they’re
going to know something is wrong. It can only be me. I can do this.”
A nearly silent curse left her lips as she nodded. “Hurry, but be safe.”
“If something happens,” Everleigh rushed out, “I’ll find a way to get you out.”
“You worry about the Main Master. He’s top priority. I can wait it out if I have to.”
The look she held said she understood but didn’t want to. Nothing was going as it should. Not
for her, for Bram, or for me.
I closed the distance to the wall, leaning in to listen for any voices. When my hand pressed
into the wall, I closed my eyes. A good few minutes passed with silence and no vibrations of boots.
Slowly, I pushed the hidden door open, easing into the dark closet of the second-story apartment
bedroom. The soft click of it closing left my teeth biting down. But gaining entrance was the easiest
part. Each step could send the guards racing up after me.
The voice had my hand reaching back to the divider. It hadn’t been in my room, but it was
definitely on my floor.
Boots made a path closer and I used the noise to my advantage by taking a big step to the
closet door. I prayed they’d already searched my room. I couldn’t be sure, but I couldn’t wait around
to make a move either. I had to take every opportunity I could.
“This is bullshit. I went over my double two hours ago.”
“You’re bitching up the wrong tree. I don’t give a shit. We were given orders, and we’re going
to do ‘em.”
“Are you on a double? Let me guess. No.”
“You act like we do this every day. Shit is bad at Whitlock. Stop being a pussy and keep
“For what? No one even said what we’re looking for. They already have the Main Master.
Who else do they need?”
“The slaves? Fuck, I don’t know. Just look.”
“I’m done. We searched this place. It’s good.”
“It’s good when I say it’s good.”
Pounding echoed past, heading down what I knew had to be the stairs. I opened the closet
door, keeping my steps light as I covered the distance of the small bedroom. Just as I reached the
door, I jolted from the loud creak under my foot.
“Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
“I…” The one doing all the complaining, paused, letting out a groan. “Nothing. Probably some
hallucination brought on by exhaustion. Or my stomach growling. I’m fucking starving. Let’s get this
over with. I haven’t even had breakfast, more-or-less lunch.”
“One more walk-through. You take the left side of the hall; I’ll take the right.”
Voices from further away muffled before growing louder. New guards arriving?
“We just checked those, buddy. We got everything we need. We’re out.”
“Got what? And, on who’s orders?”
My brow creased as the one complaining suddenly sounded defensive.
“Tanz, the lead guard for the group, of course. Didn’t you two dipshits even listen to the
briefing outside?”
“What fucking briefing? I’m sorry, who the hell are y’all? Where’s Martinez?”
“Short dude? He already took off because we got everything. Like I said. You can go. The
apartment is clear. You’re done.”
“Fuck this,” the complainer growled. “Whatever, I’m grabbing lunch and going to sleep. Tanz.
Who the fuck is Tanz?”
The voice and multiple boots faded, drowning out until the sound of a door left the space
silent. I waited all of a few seconds before racing to the stairs. Creaking echoed around, but I didn’t
have time to wait. I took the steps two at a time, jerking back just as I reached the bottom. A guard,
stepped in my path and I fell at the force of my stop, banging my back against the wooden steps.
“I’ll be fucking damned.”
I threw myself forward, grabbing his hand as he thrust it out. Two more men came into view
and I froze, praying they were the ones conspiring with the Main Master.
“We’re good. No worries, Nineteen. We’ve got orders to get you out of here.”
“No way. I’m not going anywhere without the Main Master. You left with him. How is he?
What’s happening?”
Albert’s lips parted, but he didn’t speak. He wasn’t even looking at me. None of them were. I
turned, seeing Mistress Harper three steps behind me. She hadn’t made a sound. She could have
killed me, and I would have never of known. It had me looking at her differently. Cautiously.”
“Mistress Harper, I…” Albert swallowed but Henderson quickly stepped forward. There was
a look on his face. Love? Admiration? Respect? I couldn’t tell, but it wasn’t normal.
“Mistress. It’s good to see you again.”
“Henderson. I take it you’ve been well.”
“You remember me.”
It wasn’t a question, more of a surprised statement.
“Of course. I remember everyone who has stood guard for me.”
“I wasn’t able to for as long as I would have liked, but when I did, I tried my best.”
“And I appreciate it. I’m afraid I’m going to need your help again. All of your help.”
My hand lifted as I excused myself and rushed into the Main Master’s office. The laptop was
still sitting on the desk and I quickly grabbed it and the charger, placing myself back on the stairs, next
to Everleigh. Her other guards were not far behind.
“The guys and I were talking. We may be able to come up with a plan to help the Main Master
escape. The high leader,” Albert pressed, “he has to die. It’s the only way.”
“And the board?”
At Everleigh’s question he paused while she continued.
“If the high leader dies, the board will decide Bram’s fate, which will probably consist of
conspiracy to kill the high leader. I know this game. I know how they play. That’s why as we speak, I
have my men headed to their personal homes. They took something I love. I believe I’ll return the
favor. They have a certain amount of time to release the Main Master. After that, people start to die.”
The long stretch of silence was broken from Bate’s incredulous laugh.
“They weren’t lying. You’re vicious.”
“They haven’t seen nothing yet.”
“You do what you must. You’ll have to change their minds. The high leader won’t be swayed.
I’ve seen him. He wants that power, Mistress. He wants it bad. I tried to tell the Main Master, but he
wouldn’t listen. Something is wrong. I can’t explain it.” Albert shifted on his feet. “Something is bad-
“I feel it too.” Everleigh glanced around at all of us.
“What if your plan falls through? What if the high leader or board still refuses? Maybe we
should just get the Main Master out of here,” I urged. “He’s better off alive than dead. I don’t think we
can wait.”
The Mistress eyes lowered as sadness swept over her face. “I wish we could. I don’t have
enough men or guards on my side for that. Trust me, we keep tabs on who favors me and who doesn’t.
The high leader is good to his men. He’s passionate about what he does for Whitlock. He holds the
“What do we do, then?”
“The only thing we can. First, we rescue my son, Alvin. Bram meant for us to raise him. I plan
to do just that. From there, we’ll play their game.”
Henderson’s head jerked to Albert, then back to us.
“We can’t rescue that boy, Mistress. The high leader has him. He brought him in to see Master
Whitlock and told us to get out. So long as he’s on the top floor, he’s unreachable.”
“Then we wait for Alvin to be brought down, but I refuse to believe that the Main Master’s
cell can’t be reached. There’s a way in here; there has to be a way up there.”
Everleigh grabbed Bram’s laptop from my hand, waiving us up the stairs. When we reached
the bedroom, she opened it, taking her time as she scanned through multiple screens. The minutes
dragged on until she was letting out a long breath.
“While we wait for Alvin to be brought down, we figure out a way to the Main Master. It’s a
last resort, but I need to know how to get to him if shit gets worse. He may not want to leave this
hellhole, but I will not let him die in it.” Her fingers brought up more screens while her eyes squinted.
“My plan was to get my son and leave, but—”
“You’re not thinking of sending Alvin away and staying, are you?” I stepped forward. “It’s not
safe for you or the boy to be here. Take Alvin and get him to safety. Let me help the Main Master. I’ll
head to the fifth floor and start the search for a secret entrance to the floor above. With a radio, me
and the guys can come up with a way to secure him. He still has followers here. So do you. We stand
a chance to break out the Main Master if worse comes to worse. We got this. You have my word I’ll
do everything I can. Just focus on you and Alvin. The Main Master would want you two out of here.”
Her stare met mine.
“You’re very dedicated to him.”
“You know I am.”
“I do. Thank you. Again.”
“No thanks required. I want the Main Master back in rule just as much as you. Whitlock needs
him. We all do.”
Chapter 7
(27011) Aamir
I wasn’t sure what to expect when Luke rented a shithole hotel room on the outskirts of
Denver. His phone kept ringing, and the room was crowded with more men than I thought possible.
They all seemed to be doing their own thing, like a perfectly orchestrated organization. I was the only
one lost. And watched. Out of the handful that were close, their heads followed my every move. They
didn’t have to have their eyes on me to sense when I changed direction in pacing.
“How many?” Luke nodded, wedging the phone between his ear and shoulder as he entered
something into a spreadsheet. “Names?” More typing. “Anything out of the ordinary? Anyone see?”
He paused. “Good job. Make it fast.”
“Boss.” An older man in a black turtleneck leaned towards Luke. “Barclane. Four.”
Another man walked into the room as he waited for the older gentleman to finish. I turned,
grabbing my bottled water as the three by the door began whispering to each other. When they glanced
towards me, my spine straightened. Intimidation was something I didn’t like to feel. I wasn’t afraid,
but I didn’t know if their conversation pertained to me, and I didn’t like surprises. Trust was
something that didn’t exist for me anymore.
“Who do we have left?”
The man who’d hung up, stood from the cracked leather chair, walking over. “There was an
accident at the King residence, Sir.”
“An accident? What sort of accident?”
“The family dog, Sir. It attacked our guy pretty badly. He’s going to need stitches, but he had
to put it down. It was the only way.”
“He killed Master King’s dog?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“The one man we have on our side, and we kill his dog. Jesus fucking Christ. You’ve got to be
shit’n me.”
“I wish I was, Sir. We do have his wife and son, though.”
“Jeanette King. Warren King.”
“Alright.” Luke sighed, noticing the three men who now had their attention on him. He moved
the laptop, standing as they approached.
“The target is leaving the theater now. She’s escorted by three bodyguards. ETA is fifteen
Luke glanced to me. “We leave in twenty. That’ll give them time to arrive home and do their
checks. Somebody gear the kid up. Clothes, vest, weapon. You can shoot a gun, right?”
My lips parted as all eyes turned to me. They were going to give me a gun?
“Of course.”
“Excellent. Where’s my camera, Jose?”
A man huddled over a laptop in the corner lifted his head. “Almost there, Bossman. The guard
just made it to the floor. He’s on his way to the room as we speak.”
“Good. I want eyes on Bram Whitlock. I want to know what the fuck is happening in that
“Sir, my sources say the high leader is in there with the kid. I got the impression it wasn’t
Luke’s brow creased as he walked towards laptop. I followed, seeing the white shaky walls
as the guard headed forward.
“What’s the camera on, his belt?”
“For now,” Jose said, addressing me. “Once he gets in the room, he’ll stick it on the wall. It’s
so small, they won’t even notice it.”
“What about Mistress Harper? Can we see her?”
“No. She hasn’t surfaced from the higher floors.”
“Do we have contact info yet on Fox?”
Jose lifted a paper, handing it over. “Took me a bit, but I was able to trace the Whitlock cell
he carries. They kicked us out, but we’re back in system. It should work now.”
“Fucking excellent. You’re the man, Jose.”
Luke’s fingers were already moving over his phone as the guard stopped in front of a door. It
was different than any other in Whitlock. A bright bluish-teal. It was metal and appeared impenetrable
from the outside. It didn’t stay that way for long. Jose turned up the volume just as the barrier swung
“Fox, tell me Mistress Harper is with you.” A pause. “Mistress.” The relief was clear in
Luke’s tone. “I was afraid I wouldn’t get ahold of you. Are you okay?”
The soft feminine voice responded, just enough for me to hear.
“We’re good. I got Bram’s laptop from his office. We’re in an abandoned apartment waiting
for the high leader to bring Alvin down. I have guards with me that saw the boy being taken into
Bram’s cell.”
Luke paused as the Main Master’s face came into view. Blood covered his chin, smeared
slightly to the bottom of his left cheek. There was a look he wore that I couldn’t place as a small boy
clung to his leg.
“What the fuck do you want? I said I was not to be disturbed.”
“I’m sorry, High Leader. I’ve been advised by Master Hunt that the boy is to be delivered to
“Master Hunt?” The high leader laughed under his breath, glancing toward Bram. That’s all it
took for the camera position to change. He did it. The guard placed it on the wall.
“That’s right. I’m just the messenger, Sir. I can tell him you said no if you’d like.”
“You tell Master Hunt the boy is not his concern. I thought I already made that clear.”
“Will do, High Leader.”
“Is that audio? Do you have audio from Bram’s room?”
The Mistress’s excitement couldn’t be contained as her volume rose.
“Who are you talking to?” Luke asked, smiling. “I did you better. I got video as well.”
“Send it to me. I want to see.”
Luke gestured his index finger to Jose, who nodded.
“It’s on it way to the Main Master’s laptop now.”
“You’re amazing, Luke. How are we on the families?”
“So far, so good. Eleven and I are about to take Master Hunt’s wife. That should go easily
enough. We did have an incident with Master’s King’s dog, though.”
“An incident?”
“He attacked our guy pretty badly. He had to put it down.”
“No worries. He has a safety net with one of his kin. He has a son. The boy will remain
“Noted. How’s the feed. You got it yet?”
Everleigh sighed. “I’m staring at my Master’s bloody face, and my terrified child, yes.”
Luke stiffened a little as he glanced at the footage on the laptop.
“I think we should discuss your getaway plan. I’ve sent Korbin back to Whitlock as your
driver. He’ll be waiting. As for…the…child.”
“Where were we?”
Luke paused as the high leader withdrew a large knife from his pocket.
“That’s right, you were saying goodbye.”
“Wait a minute,” Everleigh cut in. “Goodbye? What is this?”
“I’m not sure. We just got the feed going. I don’t know what’s going on.”
“Don’t do this, Derek. This isn’t you. You’d never go this far to prove some point.
Especially if you had any doubts. And I know you do. I wouldn’t lie to you about this. She wasn’t
here, okay? She was never here. Now, let Alvin go. Take him to the Cradle and let Ms. Pat put him
down for his nap. You want to hit me more? Fine. You can do whatever you want to me. Don’t hurt
the child.”
“Bram,” Alvin sobbed. “Take Alvin home. Alvin—”
Arms flailed out as the high leader ripped him from Bram’s leg. Screams filled the room,
making my hair stand on end as he gave the boy a hard shake.
“You think you have everything under control. You think someone is going to come in and
save you. I hope she tries. I hope she sweeps in here with her hood and cape and tries to slice off
my face. I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere until she does.” The high leader turned the sobbing
child to face him. “You called for her. Tell me about Everleigh. Is she your friend?”
“Al-vin…wants…Ev…leigh. Alvin w-w-wants Bam. Bram! Alvin wants…Alvin w-w-
“For fucks sakes!” Bram exploded. “Let him go or so help me, I’m going to be the one who
slices off your face. Do you fucking hear me? Let him go right now or you’ll suffer worse than
anyone you’ve ever heard of. You think Master Kunkin had it bad, eating himself to death? It will
be nothing compared to what I do to you.”
“Is that so?”
“You have fifteen seconds to get Alvin out of here, or I promise you, once these chains are
removed, you’ll pay. And don’t let your ego or our current position fool you. I’m already free. You
don’t have me. You don’t have her. You never will.”
The beginning of Everleigh’s scream mixed with the room’s gasp. Or maybe just mine. I could
feel the men around me, but I saw nothing but the blade stab into the little boy’s side. Bram’s knees
buckled and a sound left him so deep and demented, the room spun around me.
“Get her out of Whitlock now. Get her out!”
Even Luke’s yells evaded my sanity as the little boy crumbled to the ground. He was curling
into himself, but not able to stop from kicking out his legs from the pain.
“Only an inch or two of my knife. What sort of damage do you think that would do to a boy
his size? How long do you think he has?”
“I’m going to fucking kill you. Alvin, baby. Alvin, Bram’s here. Bram’s going to make it
“Not in his lifetime, you’re not. The only chance Alvin has to live is if slave twenty-four-
six-ninety surrenders. I want her here. I want her at Whitlock. She has until his last breath, or he
bleeds out waiting for her.”
“I told you she’s not here!” Long pieces of Bram’s hair fell over his eyes as he shook his
head aggressively. “Stop this. Rush him to medical now. You can stab me. You can kill me. I don’t
care. Please! Let me trade places with him. I’ll do whatever you want. Alvin, baby. Alvin!”
“You had your chance. The boy stays until the slave appears.”
“You want a confession, fine. You have my confession. I’ll tell the board whatever you want.
The boy’s cries were hysterical as he tried to crawl in the Main Master’s direction. Blood
smeared on the floor in his feeble attempts, but he wasn’t getting far.
“No! No!”
Luke yelled, pacing as he continued to keep his stare on the screen. Bile burned my throat and
I could hardly breathe with all the men who crowded in at Everleigh’s screams. Each twitch of the
boy’s fingers. Each time he tried to push off his knee to move forward, I fought not to throw up. Tears
stung my eyes, and for the life of me, I couldn’t turn away. This was an innocent child who was being
used as a pawn for power. Did the world get more evil than sacrificing a toddler for status? For
killing for some warped sense of justice based on a place that should have never existed to begin
“We’re trying to get her under control, Sir. Hall and Disher can barely contain her. She’s
trying to get out.”
“Well, don’t let her. Do what you have to. Knock her ass out. I don’t give a shit. If she goes in
there, she’s just as dead as that boy. She’s no use to anyone.”
“Do it!” Fox yelled. “Any louder and she’ll blow our cover.”
Within seconds, all that was left was Bram’s screams. No matter how loud he pleaded for the
child, the high leader wouldn’t budge. He leaned against the wall with his arms over his chest,
watching until the boy lay still at Bram’s feet. Hours felt like they went by. Long, agonizing hours. But
they didn’t. Blood pooled under the tiny body, and Bram’s sobs shook his limp frame as he tried his
best to get as low as possible. Or maybe he couldn’t stand the sight any longer. My brain buzzed a
numbness I knew all too well. For the life of me, I couldn’t stop watching. We were all dying a little
in the moment. Whether we wanted to admit it to ourselves, or not, there were emotions building
inside that the most scarred hearts couldn’t handle. Not mine. Especially not hers.
Chapter 8
I was no stranger to nightmares. They came, they went. I cried, I calmed. I got over it.
As I stared at the dark metal ceiling above me, I knew the real nightmare was only beginning.
The clinks and bumps in the swaying vehicle increased my throbbing headache, confirming my flash-
flood of memories. Even the rawness of my throat was a reminder of what I never wanted to
I couldn’t un-see the horror. I couldn’t block out the terrifying cries. He was a baby. He was
supposed to be my baby to raise and love. The worse part was that I let myself believe it. I let my
emotions become involved when I knew I shouldn’t. The dream was too good to resist. To imagine
me and Bram together…having a child we could say was our own. It was a joke to think anything
good could blossom in Whitlock. Flowers didn’t grow in the dark. Love didn’t flourish amongst evil.
My child was dead by now. He was dead and it was all my fault.
“Forgive me.”
I turned, wincing at the pain. The back of my head felt cracked open. I could barely recall the
agony when the dark took me over. Even that hadn’t mattered when it came to fighting my way to the
high leader. I would have killed him. One way or another, I would have tried.
“Henderson?” I cleared my throat, swaying as I tried to sit.
“I didn’t mean to hit you so hard. It’s just, none of them could do it, and you were screaming
so loud.”
“Did they hear me? Do they suspect—”
“No, Mistress. I don’t think so.”
I nodded, glancing around at the others who were silently sitting against the van walls. With
all the seats out, it was just us in the back.
“Is he dead?”
Fox’s jaw clenched repeatedly as he averted his gaze. For such a strong man, I could tell he
was trying not to break.
“He’s dead,” I breathed out. “You don’t have to say it. He’s dead.”
More silence.
Fox stared down at his bent knees, and Henderson threw me apologetic expressions. It took a
moment before I caught the obvious.
“Where’s Hall and the others?”
“Hall and Disher stayed behind with Albert and Bates. They’re going to wait for our plan
concerning the Main Master.” Fox swallowed hard. “I wanted to stay and kill that bastard high leader.
There’s things you don’t fucking do. Ever. If it was my kill, he’d be dead. If that Master of yours
doesn’t do it first, I will personally take you back when things are secure and let you finish the job.
I....” His head gave a hard shake. “I’m sorry, Mistress. I’m really sorry.”
“I’m sorry, too.” My eyes closed, and I took a deep, shuddering breath. Tears wanted to come.
The soul-wrenching sobs that I only shed when I was alone. I had wanted that boy. I wanted him with
everything I had left of me. I could have been a good mother. I dreamed of trying. But now he was
dead. Everything I loved always ended up dead.
“I need the laptop and a phone.”
Fox knew better than to argue. Apprehension showed as he handed over the two devices.
Everyone grew quiet again as I took in Bram and the tiny curled-up body still laying at his feet. My
tears blinded me. With where my Master’s hands were cuffed at chest level on each side of him, he’d
given up on standing. He hung from the metal devices that kept him upright. His eyes didn’t leave
Alvin. They barely blinked as he remained as still as a statue. If I hadn’t seen his shoulders lift from a
deep breath, I would have thought him dead, too.
“I’ll fix this. I promise you, Master, I’ll make it stop.”
My whisper had Fox shifting, but I ignored it. My heart cramped in pain. No amount of
revenge would do as I promised. Bram would always feel this torment when he thought back on
Alvin. He’d never not blame himself. But if I could set it right; if I could set the board straight and kill
the high leader, at least we could begin to heal. Or was I still not thinking logically? There may have
been no saving any of us. If I could only see outside the box. I was so enclosed in the skeletons of
Whitlock, they kept me blind to the bigger picture.
“What’s the number for Luke?”
“Star eleven.”
I nodded to Fox, keeping my gaze fixated on the silent room. Even the high leader didn’t
Ringing sounded but ended with voicemail. They were probably going after the CIA
Director’s wife. I wasn’t sure how long it had been since we’d escaped Whitlock, but they had to be
finished soon.
Bringing up Bram’s contacts, I went through, finding the high leader’s extension. Just the sight
of his name sent my bottom teeth biting into my lip. I wanted to call him. To threaten his very
existence. But threats would make matters worse. It wasn’t about him right now. I needed the board at
my mercy. I needed them to believe Bram was innocent whether they wanted to or not. Our future
rested in the hands of our enemies, and it was going to take some clever, but bloody persuasion to
make things right again. And if all else failed…I’d have that covered too.
“When was the last time you talked to Luke? Where are we?”
Orange from the lights of the underground highway flashed. I blinked back the pain from the
strobing as Fox leaned forward. We were going fast. Faster than I probably wanted to know.
“We’re on our way to Miami. About an hour or two outside of Whitlock. Luke said he’d call
you when things were tied up on his end.”
I kept quiet, losing myself in the silent footage before me. Still, Bram or the high leader barely
moved. They were waiting on me. Waiting. Waiting. Would Alvin’s body stay there until I called?
Bram couldn’t wait that long. He couldn’t take another minute of that torture.
“No one speak a word. Not one.”
Henderson sat straighter as he looked between the three of us.
“What do you plan to do, Mistress?”
“Nothing, stupid,” I assured. “The Main Master is not well. I need the boy moved out of the
cell. I’m willing to do what I must to make sure that happens.”
I swallowed hard, again, closing my eyes to breathe in deeply. Sweat and leather filled my
nostrils, and I let all sense of self leave me with my exhale. I wasn’t the slave anymore. I wasn’t a
broken woman who just lost any hope of becoming a mother. She was gone. Safe, tucked inside of me.
Right now, I was a killer. A conniving, smart, blood-thirsty bitch determined to rise above all those
who thought they could break me. Well, it wasn’t going to happen. I was Everleigh Harper. The high
leader was about to find out first-hand just who that was.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Mistress? I hit you pretty hard.”
One of my eyebrows lifted at Henderson as I recalled the look on his face when I saw his
hand raise. It all came back in a flood of anger. “I’ve been hit a lot harder.” I pushed star one, turning
to watch the high leader pull the phone from his pocket. He squinted at whatever number he saw,
pushing the button and bringing the phone to his ear.”
“If this is one of the guards, I don’t want to hear it.”
“And if it’s not?”
A smile came to his face. He pulled the phone away from his ear to push the speaker button.
“Slave. I’m a little disappointed you’re calling and not knocking on my door. Are you ready to
turn yourself in?”
“And spend my days in the white? I think not. I much prefer the ocean. The sunsets are
beautiful, and the sun feels great. You should try it, high leader. Perhaps if you asked the Main Master
nicely, he might grant you a small vacation. After all, I’m sure things are just as bland there as they’ve
always been.”
“Don’t play with me. I know you’ve heard what’s happened. I know you were here.”
“Here? Where, there? At Whitlock? No, thank you. If I wanted to torture myself with a boring
time, I’d continue to pretend to be friendly to this scout whose been tailing me. Since your pigheaded
Main Master won’t answer his phone, you need to tell him I’m getting sick of these men. How many
more faces do I have to send for him to get the point? I’ve done my time. I deserve freedom. I want
him to leave me alone. I wasn’t a real slave anyway. I was kidnapped and brought into a fake auction.
That, alone, should make my status void from corruption. We won’t even go into the fact that I was
pardoned and made a Mistress. Tell me, High Leader. You live from the Whitlock Bible. What does it
say about false bids?”
The high leader’s brow drew in as his anger rose. He glanced at Bram, who was still hanging
there, glaring up with enough hate for both of us.
“Stop this. You were here. I know you were here.”
“Not that it should matter. I think I’ve made my case on how your manhunt is a waste of time.
But, out of curiosity, how do you know? Did you see me? Did anyone you trust truly see me, or did
they assume it was me? I promise you I am halfway around the world from Whitlock. Sure, I snuck in
once, but that’s because I had reasons. If you remember correctly, the Main Master wasn’t even there.
Don’t you think if I wanted to see him, I would have met him on my terms, far away from the one
place he could keep me? I don’t know if you’ve realized, but I’m not stupid. And neither are you.
You’re probably the best high leader Whitlock has ever had. Your dedicated. You’re loyal. Surely,
you’re not letting peons whisper lies in your ear.” I laughed as Bram tried pushing to his feet. The
high leader didn’t look so cocky anymore. The rage had his face as hard as stone. “I’m sorry. Is that
the right word? Peon? The lingo in this outside world is sometimes hard to understand. The guards, I
mean. The ones who are not clearly as smart as you. I mean, you earned the title for a reason. There’s
no way you’d be listening to such nonsense.”
“The only nonsense I’ve heard is the shit you just fed me. You were here, and the Main Master
conspired to help you escape. He’s a traitor. A liar. And now he has to face what he’s done.”
“A liar…that’s a given for anyone in those horrid, stone walls. A traitor, though…Come on,
Derek Lane. You know better than that. He’d never betray Whitlock. He couldn’t, it’s his home. It’s
everything to him. Believe me, I know. I once tried to get him to leave. To run away with me. He
turned me down. Very angrily, I might add. He obviously loves that place more than he loves me, or
we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”
Seconds passed as the high leader paced in front of Bram. Animalistic sounds were beginning
to leave my Master as he jerked his hands against the cuffs.
“He broke laws for you. He rewrote them. He could have done that for me. But no. He stayed
true. He stayed in his role. I was content with that until he decided to save your slave. A Main Master
knows better. He should have known better. You have twenty-four hours to turn yourself in or the
lights will go out. Whitlock will go into an authoritative black out. No Main Master. No board. When
this room gets dark, I’ll be the only light shining. I’ll be the one finally in control.” He paused. “And
don’t you ever use my fucking middle name again.”
Again, I laughed, but I was far from the disbelief I pretended to have. I was just as livid.
“Black Out? You want to go into Martial Law? Don’t be ridiculous. There’s no reason to go that far.
Being the Main Master covers many sides. I highly doubt Bram did any of that for me. He has to have
his own reasons. Reasons you’re clearly missing. Look, that’s not why I called. I want you to tell
these scouts to back off. I want you to look into the books and see if I was ever meant to be
considered a slave. I bet you anything, you won’t find information on that supposed status. You could
write it. You could make a new law and let me go. You’d be done with me, and I’d be forever
grateful. Maybe I could even give Whitlock a cozy little donation to help with new uniforms or gear.”
“You want me to pardon you?” An evil laugh filled the phone. “Me pardon you, when the
Main Master couldn’t pardon what was mine?” Deep breaths. Rage-filled pants. “I will make no
pardons for you. Stop babbling your bullshit. Your boy is dead. I killed him, and if you don’t turn
yourself in, your precious Main Master will be next.”
I paused, holding to my temper with everything I had. I needed to stop trying to decipher the
high leader’s words and give Bram ammunition and clues. It was all I could do for the moment. Derek
wasn’t going to work with me. His hate was all too clear. “Oh, high leader, I’m afraid you truly
messed up. What’s the law say for killing the heir of Whitlock? That boy was no more a slave than I
am. What’s the law on false imprisonment? What’s the law on threatening the board or on assaulting
the Main Master? You’ve hit him, haven’t you? What do you think the board will say to all these
charges you’ve committed? What would The Dragon say?”
“Dragon? What are you going on about? I’m the high leader. I answer to no one. Not the Main
Master, and sure as fuck not the board. We’re separate. If anything, they answer to me. I run this
“Let’s find out, shall we?” I moved in closer to the monitor, searching out Master King’s
number. He was my connection from the board. My only connection with status. “I love you, Bram.
Stay strong. I’ll have you out soon.”
Chapter 9
27001 (Charlee)
“Do you have a…three?”
I glanced at my cards, shaking my head while I stole another glance at the door. “Go fish.
What about you? Do you have a Jack?”
“Not again!” Bianca tossed the card over, pouting her bottom lip as she went back to twirling
the long blonde curls she sported. She was Master King’s slave and was meant to look like a doll, but
in these rare moments when our Masters were preoccupied, we were friends. I was Charlee and she
was Bianca, and we were two girls playing the only game our Masters allowed us to while they were
gone. I shouldn’t have complained. Not many slaves got to associate at all, but after some convincing,
my Master did the unthinkable. He asked Master King if we could be friends. For some unbelievable
reason, he had said yes. And secretly I knew why.
Mistress Harper. I had her to thank for my new life. Not for becoming a slave but surviving as
one. I hated my Master for who he was—for what he could do. Yet, I learned to separate it from the
part that could show him staged affection. Love. He thought he’d brainwashed and broken me into
adoring him. But the beatings only did one thing. They made me stronger. They made me think like
“Your turn again.”
My eyes jerked from the door, back to Bianca. “Sorry.” I lowered my voice. “They’ve been
gone a lot longer than usual. Do you think everything’s alright?”
A seriousness washed over her features. Her porcelain skin somehow got paler and her eyes
glassed over. She looked on the verge of passing out. “They’re fine. Everything is fine. You’ll see.
Fine. Just. Fine.”
“Don’t shut down on me, now. We’ve never finished a game before they returned. We’ve been
playing for almost four hours. If I say Go-Fish one more time, I’ll scream. This isn’t like them to
leave us alone for so long.”
“Fine. We’re fine.” Her head shook, sending curls bouncing. “It’s the Main Master.”
Bianca’s hand slapped to her pink stained lips.
“What do you mean? What about the Main Master? Bianca.”
Her hands covered her ears and the blue eyeshadow was all I saw as she shut her lids. To say
she was terrified of betraying her Master was an understatement. He had all his previous slaves
preserved in their living room as dolls forever.
“Alright. Calm down. It’s okay.”
“I won’t. I won’t.”
“You’re not doing anything wrong.”
Her eyes opened and her hands came down, fluffing the lace covering her flat chest. When she
finished, she pulled at the puffy, pink sleeves.
“I’m a good doll.”
“You’re the best and the most beautiful. Bianca, is the Main Master okay?”
Shoulders sunk in at my question and she seemed to be getting smaller by the second.
“I’m going to take that as a no.”
“Cell. Bad.”
“Cell?” I pressed my lips together, once again moving my stare to the door. “My Master
seemed in a hurry, but he didn’t say anything to me when he left with yours. Now that I think about it,
they both appeared…odd.”
“I’m suddenly not feeling well. Can I use your restroom?”
“Bianca, please. Don’t go make yourself throw up. You’re skinny enough, I promise.”
“I’ve been a bad doll. I’ve said too much.”
The short dress bounced revealing her thick petticoat as she sprung to her feet and headed to
the back at a fast pace. In her mind, I knew she thought by looking more the part, she’d stay in her
Master’s good graces. I just couldn’t bear to see her go through it. She was my only friend. A part of
me even loved her.
“Shit.” I stood, jolting to a stop as my Master burst into the room.
“The nerve! Can you believe he refused? What the hell is going on here?”
Master King didn’t respond. Instead, his hand lifted, pointing to the table. “Where is she?”
“She’s in the bathroom. She was so worried. I think it made her sick. She was in tears over
how long you were gone. We both were. I was so afraid.” I rushed to my Master and threw myself at
his feet. Fingers weaved through my hair, giving me permission to wrap my arms around his leg. I
held tightly, knowing exactly what he liked.
“We had no intention of being gone so long. I’m pissed at the damn high leader. Who the fuck
does he think he is?”
Barclane’s leg broke through my hold as he began to pace. I stayed in position, not moving as
Master King walked by. When he returned, he was holding Bianca’s hand. She stared ahead, only
moving to walk. She was no taller than five feet and looked like a child next to his six-and-a-half-foot
“My doll and I are retiring for the night. I’m hungry and I’m an hour late for dinner.”
“That’s it?” My Master shook his head as if he were on the brink of some massive episode.
Heart attack, stroke, panic attack, fit of rage…I could only hope.
“There’s nothing left to say, Barclane. We said it all and more at the board table. The high
leader arrested the Main Master. He refuses to leave the cell without a confession or appearance by
Everleigh Harper. What do you expect us to do, break the door down and demand he get his ass to the
board room?”
“Well…yes! Something. Anything but allowing him to ignore us. We’re the board! He
answers to us.”
“Apparently he doesn’t think so.”
Knocking had all but Bianca turning to the door.
“That better be news on what the hell is going on.”
Barclane made it to the entrance in four large strides. The guard was one we knew well. It
was my Master’s informant. He quickly waved him in. I didn’t move for fear he’d send me away. I
barely breathed.
“Well? Did you learn anything?”
“I did, Sir. I’m afraid there’s a situation.”
“What does that mean?”
“The ranks are unstable. The high leader did more than arrest the Main Master—”
Ringing filled the room, both from my Master and Master King’s phone. They ignored it as the
guard continued.

“The high leader, Sir, he killed the child, Alvin. The boy’s body is still in the room. He
refuses to have it removed until slave twenty-four-six-ninety turns herself in.”
“He did what? Is he fucking crazy!”
Large hands lifted as my Master rubbed them on each side of his balding head. The red tint
was growing over his face with each breath, and I saw his fear. I saw it deep in his eyes as he turned
to Master King.
“Do you think she knows?”
“Sir, she does,” the guard continued. “From what I’ve been told, she called the high leader.
He told her everything.”
Master King swallowed hard, unlocking his hand from Bianca’s. He reached for his phone,
checking the screen. “I have to return this call. May I use your room?”
“Of course.”
Barclane gestured as his attention went back to the guard.
“Does anyone know what Mistress Harper said? Did she…mention any names? Make any
“I’m not sure. The only reason the guard even knew she called was from the high leader’s
remarks when he demanded his dinner be delivered there. He requested an extra tray in case “the
traitor bitch” followed through with his warning and came to the cell. When the guard asked what he
meant, the high leader informed him that she called. He mentioned giving her an ultimatum.”
“What was it?”
“The high leader didn’t say.” The man paused, his spine stiffening. “From what I hear, half of
Main Master’s face is nearly unrecognizable. It’s not sitting well with the guard. They’re angry at his
treatment, or that this is even happening, in truth. Mistress Harper was no slave. Not according to the
guard. But aside from that, I think it was the Whitlock heir that created the most anger. The Main
Master walked that little boy around everywhere. They had matching suits. We were being groomed
to looked up to him. To embrace his future rule. The guard was growing fond of him. Some even
played or waved at him when they could. It’s not right.”
I wiped a tear from my cheek, trying to hold in the sadness at the news. I’d met the boy a
handful of times. The first time was on my tour. Other times it was in passing when Barclane talked
with Master Whitlock. It was sad such a little life had to be taken that way.
“I’ll be sure to pass the news to the board when we meet in the morning.”
The guard’s lips parted. “I don’t think it would be wise to wait that long. There’s a growing
unease. I get the impression some know more than I do. I’ll be surprised if nothing happens between
sunset and sunrise. The nights at Whitlock are long. Sometimes an hour can stretch to eternity. The
high leader says Martial Law. I’d say more like a strike or riot. I can’t see this turning out well. And
that’s the guard. I don’t know the Mistress well. I don’t even know what to correctly call her, but the
way some talk, Whitlock will be lucky to remain standing once she finishes with her wrath. That boy
was hers. At least that’s the buzz amongst the guard. If she claimed him, and he’s dead…”
“The gloves are off. Shit. Her voice speaks, even when she’s not here.” Barclane took an
uneven breath. “Thank you. That’ll be all.”
The red was mixing with a paleness as my Master shut the door. For a long moment, he didn’t
say a word. He stared at the white wall in a daze.
“Where’s that damn scout I sent after her?” He reached for his phone, squinting as he tried to
make out the missed phone call. Master King swooped in, just as disturbed as Barclane.
“What did I miss?”
“In a nutshell? We’re fucked.”
“Good to know, old friend, but what did he say?”
Barclane finally looked up from his phone. “A good amount of the guard is behind the Main
Master. Or Mistress Harper. Both. Fuck, whatever way you want to look at it. This Martial Law, shit,
the high leader enforced is about to backfire on his ass. They want no part of it now that he’s killed
the boy. Killed the boy, Percy! What in tarnation made him do something so stupid? That’s personal to
the Main Master and the Mistress. That’s—”
“Illegal,” Master King cut in. “Completely uncalled for, yes, but illegal. We have to get the
board back together. The high leader has gone far enough. He must be stopped and dealt with.”
“White Room?”
“After what he’s done to the Main Master and his heir? Do you really think Bram Whitlock
will settle for that?”
“I don’t give a shit,” Barclane hissed. “The high leader is my least concern. She’s gonna
come. She’s going to blame us. She’s going to want her revenge.”
“So we give it to her,” King snapped. “Let her have him. That puts her back here, and that puts
us free and clear of anything she’s capable of. We’ve talked about this. She has power. She has
connections. What she went through with West Harper wasn’t right. She was a Mistress. She had a
right to refuse that marriage, yet no one did anything to help her. We all threw her to the wolves. We
created the monster she is today by not saying something before. We can make this right and save
ourselves in the process.”
“By just forgiving and forgetting? That’s what you want?”
“I want my life. I want my doll, and I want to do whatever I please to it without the drama or
stress this bullshit job with the board is giving me. Everleigh Harper is the Main Master’s woman.
Period. They love each other. We accept that. We grant her immunity for her fucked up life and bury
the hatchet before it comes around and chops off our heads.”
“Tell that to the others. You can convince me all you want, but Hunt will not budge. For him,
it’s personal. He rules the outside world, and yet he can’t find one damn Mistress and her entourage.
It gets under his skin. There’s no way he’ll let it go so easily.”
“He’s going to have to,” King stressed. “He’ll do it, or by God, he’ll wish he would have.”
“Who was that on the phone?”
The Master let out a deep exhale.
“A close friend. Then, my security detail called in the middle of that. Seems something is
going on at my house. They’re going to get back to me, being my family isn’t responding to the calls.
Tell me, Barclane, should I be worried? Who called you?”
My Master brought the phone up again, squinting at the screen.
“I think it’s my wife. Maybe I should call her back.”
“It would probably be wise.”
Chapter 10
My father always told me I didn’t know when to shut my mouth. On and on I would go, trying
to prove my point, trying to intimidate or best the person I was faced-off against. It’s what made me
an amazing lawyer. It had also ended an innocent little boy’s life.
Why hadn’t I stayed in my role? Why did I have to say anything at all?
There were so many questions that kept going through my head and none of them were helping.
If I would have remained quiet, would Alvin still be alive? If I had admitted I snuck Eveleigh into
Whitlock, would he have taken Alvin straight to the Cradle? Alvin could have been asleep by now.
He would have had a warm blanket and a full belly. Not one drained of blood while he was curled at
my feet on a hard cement floor. Perhaps if I wanted, I could imagine he was sleeping. It was easier to
deny the truth. To push away what I’d done. But I couldn’t ignore the discoloration of his skin. I
couldn’t ignore the dark substance stopping just short of my shoes. It haunted me in depths I never
thought could be reached.
Derek sat off to the side, picking at his nails as his empty dinner tray sat at his feet. The one
meant for my slave rested beside that. The apple was missing a big chunk where he’d taken a bite
when hours had passed. I wasn’t sure of the time, but I knew it was late. I also knew from Everleigh’s
call, she wasn’t coming. She’d save me, but not by playing the high leader’s game. She even
mentioned The Dragon. Pride wanted me to yell no. That I’d figure this out myself without Master
Draper’s help. But I wasn’t stupid. I was handcuffed with little I could do. I was running out of time. I
No. I wouldn’t think of myself. My slave was all that mattered. How was she taking Alvin’s
death? Had she known before she called? A knife twisted in my stomach at the thought. She had
sounded fine, but I knew her better than that. The tone was just as fake as her call had been.
Somehow, she knew everything. And she was hurting inside, which only made my heart ache worse.
We were both cursed when it came to love. Everything we dreamed died one way or another. All we
had was each other and even that didn’t look promising anymore.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
The pounding on the door had me tearing my eyes from Alvin. I didn’t want to. It was my fault
he was dead, and I wanted to remember what my actions had caused. But I needed out of here. I
needed help. The door swung open and the tall guard glanced me at, then Alvin, clenching his jaw as
he met stares with the high leader.
“We have an issue in the bunkhouse, Sir.”
“An issue? You couldn’t call me over the radio for that?”
The dark-haired man shook his head. “They would have heard. The guard is splitting into
different teams. Leadership is falling apart. We need you there to restore order.”
“That’s what team leaders are for.”
“No, Sir. They’ve refused to command their teams.”
“Idiots. If they can’t act like guards, they won’t be treated as ones. They’re traitors. Shoot
“No!” I jerked at the cuffs, ignoring the sting of metal cutting through my flesh. Everleigh’s
words came rolling through, just as she’d meant them to. “Don’t you dare give that order. The only
one that needs to be shot is the man you’re speaking to. He’s no high leader. Look what he’s done.
Look. What. He’s. Done!” With each word, I threw myself towards Derek. “You tell those guards this
man wants them dead. Then you bring them to me. I want him arrested for killing my heir. I want him
The high leader laughed, roughly shoving the guard back into the hallway.
“No one is arresting me. You’re the one guilty of treason.” He looked over his shoulder. “If
anyone disobeys orders, they die.”
The door went to slam shut at Derek’s push when it suddenly came to a stop against Master
Hunt’s palm. He didn’t make it two steps into the room before he groaned.
“Shit. It’s true. Now that’s a damn tragedy.”
His stare stayed at my feet long enough to make my blood boil. He’d wanted Alvin. The
guards and Nineteen had intercepted him trying to take my boy once. With the way he was staring
down, he was probably upset it wasn’t him who killed my heir.
“I want this man arrested right now. Right fucking now.”
Master Hunt’s eyes lifted to mine. The mask he wore quickly slipped into place. The
authoritative CIA Director was who I was staring at, and the dismissal towards me was immediate.
“I’m sorry Master Whitlock. Until this situation has been concluded, I’m afraid there’s nothing
I can do. The high leader has charged you with treason. If he will so kindly remove himself from your
cell and meet with the board, we’ll be able to determine if that’s the case.”
“Is that why you’ve come?” Derek snapped. “There’s nothing to determine. He’s guilty. We
both know it. I thought we already talked about this. I told the board I’m not leaving until the slave
turns herself in.”
“Then you’ll be waiting forever.” Master Hunt’s tone deepened. “She will not come.
Especially now that you killed the child. Twenty-four-six-ninety is too smart to act out of rage. Even
if she wanted to, she has people protecting her. They wouldn’t allow their employer to face certain
death. You’ve been tracking her. Have you learned nothing? If you ask me—” Ringing had the Master
bringing up his phone. His brow furrowed and I saw his battle to answer. A growl left him as he shot
the high leader a glare.
“I have to take this. I’ll be back.”
“Don’t bother. She’ll come for Bram. When she does, I’ll be here.”
“You’re a fool. I will be back. You may think you’re running the show, but you’re not out of the
woods concerning the board. You’re walking a very gray line, High Leader.”
“No, he’s broken laws,” I yelled out. “And you know it. I want him to change spots with me.
He belongs in these cuffs. He doesn’t even have evidence. I do. Look at the floor. It is illegal to kill
the Master’s heir. That’s murder. Alvin was no slave, and everyone here knows it.”
Master Hunt didn’t respond as he stomped from the room. The high leader took two steps,
jerking his hand over his head. I never saw the knife he’d pulled from his belt until pain was splitting
the skin just below my collar bone. A mix between a growl and a roar left me as I tried lunging in his
“You’re lucky I don’t kill you now, Main Master.”
“You better, or so help me, you’ll be the one dead once I get free.”
“You don’t scare me. You’re not getting free. In roughly fifteen hours, the lights will go out.
Darkness, something you’re familiar with, will be all you know. You believe that living a life in
Whitlock has made you strong? I disagree. We’ll see how strong you are when we’re finished.”
My lips curled back in disgust.
“Darkness?” My head shook. “Take all the pages you want from my book. You think reversing
the white room torture is going to break me like it broke West Harper? Good luck. That takes time,
Derek. You don’t have much left. Every second Everleigh is getting closer. Each second, she’s
plotting a death you can’t begin to imagine. Can you feel her? I can. I’ll sit here and happily bleed
knowing before this is over with, you’ll be the one who’s blood we’re playing in.”
The door swung back open. Master Hunt paused as he took in the gaping slash in my button-
up. Blood was soaking the material, sticking to my chest.
“You will report to the board right this minute or so help me, I’ll have you drug down there.
We have problems. Big ones.”
“Nothing is too big to make me leave this room. That’s what the traitor wants. She wants me
away so she can rush in and rescue the Main Master. That’s not going to happen.”
Master Hunt stepped forward, slamming the back of his hand across the high leader’s cheek.
The force knocked Derek to one knee.
“I’m the profiler, not you! I say what she’s going to do next. You don’t run this place. You
enforce. That’s it. And she won’t be coming here because my sources say she’s not in the country, you
twit. Her men are though, and do you know what they’ve done because of you?”
My pulse exploded as I watched the high leader stand. He came face to face with the CIA
Director as he licked the blood from the side of his mouth. Master Hunt’s usual perfect hair was in
disarray and sweat was beginning to bead on his face as his rage grew.
“Whatever she did better be good, or else I’m arresting you for assaulting the high leader of
“Piss off, you cunt. Our deal is off. I don’t want to lead at your side. I’m two seconds from
shoving my fist straight through your fucking face. That bitch had my wife taken. My pregnant wife.
Do you think just anyone can get into my house and make it out alive? No. Do you have any idea what
I’ll be forced to do, now? What I have to deal with? Media will be following my every fucking move.
I won’t be able to return until my wife is found, if she’s found, and who’s to say that’s anytime soon?
They’ll look at me as a suspect. They’ll dig, and dig, and what do you think they’ll find?” At my
laugh, his glare came to me. “You think this is funny? Your slave bitch is dead. Do you hear me? She’s
fucking dead.”
“She’s not a slave. You’re just embarrassed right now because her men made it past yours.
She did what you thought was impossible. Now your cards are tumbling down and the man you
thought you could manipulate and push around isn’t budging. Derek is stubborn like that. We can fix
this though, Master Hunt. I can forgive you for wanting to take my position. I can get your wife back.
We’ll forget it ever happened.”
“Bullshit. Those men were top professionals. The best.” His fingers pushed back his hair as
seconds went by. “Fucking bitch. She’s got some nerve. She—”
“Set me free, Master Hunt.”
He was staring towards Alvin, lost in his thoughts. Lost in what he could lose.
“I can’t afford this. I can’t let this get out. They’ll dig. The media…”
“You’ll never be able to come back here. They’ll be watching. Master Hunt, call the guards.”
“You’ll fix this?”
“Out!” Derek grabbed the CIA director’s shoulder, but lost grip as the Master slapped his
hand free.
“Don’t you fucking touch me. You lied to me. You said this would go down without a hitch.
That you had everything under control. You failed. Where’s the fucking key? I want my wife back
before this hits the news.”
Master Hunt reached for the high leader’s belt but gasped as his body jolted with force. Blood
began to run in a river over his lips, and his knees buckled as he reached to his heart. My lips fell
open, and the yell was one I couldn’t control. One, I couldn’t stop.
I should have suspected Derek was capable of killing Master Hunt. Especially after Alvin, but
I never thought he’d go against Whitlock protocol and murder a board member. The main board
member. I couldn’t think where this was going. I didn’t want to. Without Master Hunt swaying the
council to stop this spectacle, they’d fall apart. They wouldn’t dare go against Derek knowing he
killed the strongest one of them all. Whitlock would truly go into Martial Law. It’d go to the high
“I don’t think they understand how serious I am, Main Master. Let’s show them, shall we?” He
pulled the knife free, letting the director fall to the cement floor. Reaching down, he jerked his black
suit jacket free. Blood was gurgling in his mouth as he clawed at the high leader’s hands. With each
breath, he tried scraping in every ounce of air he could, but he was dying. I knew exactly what he was
feeling. I’d been there when West Harper pierced my heart. Master Hunt was a dead man, and it
wasn’t going to take long.
“God, what have you done? I didn’t fucking know you at all, did I?” The last was said under
my breath. Reality wasn’t making sense. Nothing was.
“I would have been a great Master here.” Buttons sprung free, rolling over the floor as the
high leader roughly removed the director’s shirt. Grabbing the long end of the tie, he slid his other
hand up to the knot, sending the blood rushing to the Master’s face as he pulled and pushed with
everything he had. Feet looked for placement, and survival instinct sent Master Hunt’s legs kicking in
all directions.
“Jesus fucking Christ. Don’t do this. Derek, stop. You have to stop.” My head shook as the
shade went from a deep red to a sickly purple. Dark brown eyes dotted with broken blood vessels
bulged, and his swollen tongue slid just past his lips as he jolted, repeatedly. Within seconds, Derek
let go, dropping the dead Master to the floor like garbage. My mind reeled. My voice caught in my
throat. Everything was starting to fall into place, and I knew I had to keep talking. It was my only
chance to delay what was coming.
“You said you would have made a great Master. So, you like to kill. Is that it? That’s your
Derek didn’t look at me as he walked to the door and called out to the guard.
“Get me some rope. A lot of it.”
I waited. “You didn’t answer me. You like to kill?”
One-by-one, he walked around my room, opening thick, white blinds to expose windows.
They were a good four feet tall and stretched the length of my room to the left and right. There was
even one that was next to the door, a good six feet long.
“We’re getting quite the collection, Main Master. I wonder if we’ll have a view before this is
over with?”
“Don’t you dare hang my boy up there.”
Derek laughed, ignoring my outburst as he stabbed the blade into Master Hunt’s chest and
sawed to his naval. “I like law and order more than killing. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind taking
lives, I just like rules better. Doesn’t matter what they are, so long as they’re followed.”
Blood splashed and poured in heavy amounts as he shoved his hands into the incision and
began jerking and pulling at his insides until they were spilling over.
“Laws,” I continued “But you broke the law. You killed my heir. He was like a son to me,
Derek. I wanted him to be. How could you do that?”
Hardness tightened his features and his lips grew thin with anger.
“I was your friend. I nursed you back to health. I was there to help you when no one else was.
What do titles mean to you? Nothing. In the end, you only think about yourself. The boy was no more
your son than I was your friend. You used us both as a means to an end. To her. Do you see how she’s
ruined you? There’s no Bram Whitlock anymore. He’s been dead for a while.”
Tears burned my eyes. “That’s a lie. I loved Alvin.”
“My point exactly. I’ve known you since we were both in our early twenties. Bram Whitlock
does not love. He never has. He ruled. He was groomed to do so, and he did it well. Women, the
mothers of all, they can’t help but take in and foster every brat and bastard that comes their way. Deep
down, you knew this, and you used it to your advantage. Because to twenty-four-six-ninety, her life
wouldn’t be complete without the fairytale every little girl dreams of. Let me ask you, was it your
idea to be together initially, or did she proposition you with it first?” He paused, narrowing his eyes
as he stared into mine. “I bet she did. I bet she begged you to take care of her.”
“I love her.”
“Of course you do.” Derek ripped out Master Hunt’s heart, looking over it as his fingers gave
a gentle squeeze. “She’s poisoned you. It’s what women do. You love her because she wants you to.
Where’s the Main Master who put Whitlock first? The one who denied my request to have my own
love set free? What would he do if he were looking in on your situation?” Hate oozed from his eyes
as his gaze returned to me. “Would he have mercy on a Master who allowed in a traitor, only to let
them escape?” Derek’s head went back and forth as he tossed the heart hard enough to bounce from
my own blood-soaked chest. “Absolutely not. A traitor is a liability to our existence. To his
existence…and to mine. I can’t have that. You may be too far gone, but this is my life. I won’t have it
ruined by the likes of her. If I don’t get love, neither do you.”
Chapter 11
Scout 19
It was impossible. Room after room, I scoured through the fifth floor, searching for a hidden
entrance that would lead me to the sixth, but there was nothing. Not even secret entrances to
adjoining-rooms like on the lower floors. It was impossible. Short of cutting a hole through the
ceiling, there was nothing I could do to get to Bram. I was desperate. Without the Main Master safe,
there was no telling what Whitlock would become. Whatever that was, it wouldn’t include me. Not
with the high leader in charge. He was out for blood. Bram’s blood. Everleigh’s blood. And mine—
an escaped slave.
“There has to be a way.”
The words tumbled from my lips, lost from my racing mind. Greedily, my hands and fingers
traveled the walls, desperate to find some sort of secret entrance. The dim closet I was in smelled of
mold. The walls even felt sticky from the cool moisture in the air. But it wasn’t cold inside the stone
fortress. It was the same temperature as always—cool, yet stuffy. Breathing was a chore. The thick
layer of dust spoke of decades of untouched treasures. And there were. Gold accented the remaining
furnishings, and the delicate vases remained poised in their elegance. It was the old Whitlock. The
one created of money and life. The slave’s lives. Seeing another side of their existence, I could almost
feel the slightest touch race up my spine. Like, a recognition from the dead. I didn’t like it here. Once,
all these rooms had been filled. Every single one of them. Now, they sat abandoned thanks to the Main
Master I was trying to save. But how many children and slaves had been killed on this floor? In this
very room?
I swallowed hard, pushing the question away. I didn’t want to know. I shouldn’t even care…
but I suddenly did. Me. A scout who put these innocent people here. Who condemned them to a fate
worse than death.
Bitterness filled my mouth and I swallowed back the tang as if I’d bitten on tin foil. No. I
wouldn’t think about who I was. I had one mission: the Main Master. I had to save him so he could
bring Whitlock back to order. So he could keep these monsters contained. Right?
“Get a hold of yourself, dammit.” Harder I pushed, hoping part of the wall would spring back
and give way to some sort of tunnel or room. It didn’t. “What do you care anyway? Once the Main
Master is returned and safe, you’ll go back to being a scout. Scout Nineteen.” My palm hovered just
short of the wall. I wouldn’t be a scout. I’d be rich after this. I could finally be a Master. I could own
my own slave. Slave…did I want that anymore?
Anger had my hand shoving into the wall, full-force. One minute I was thinking of punching
through, the next I was falling into pitch black. Stone came up fast and my wrist rolled to the side. My
weight sent my head smashing into stone, and I fell to my knees groaning as my shoulder throbbed
from taking the brunt of my hit. Warmth trickled down the side of my forehead, but I didn’t care as my
curse echoed through the tiny entrance. It was colder here. Stale and promising to close my throat
from the dryness if I stayed a moment longer. I coughed, waving my hand through spiderwebs.
Buzz. Buzz.
The Whitlock phone vibrated at my hip as I fumbled to unhook it in the dark. There wasn’t
many who knew I had it on me, and the surprise left me jerking it to my ear before I missed the call.
“Luke figured out your number. I hope I’m not calling at a bad time.”
A twist of comfort and protectiveness had me standing at Eleven’s voice. He sounded off…
like he had when he killed the super archbishop.
“I’m good to talk. How are you? Where are you?”
A sigh of relief sounded, but my questions didn’t do much to change his uncertain tone.
“I’m on the jet waiting for new cargo. Took care of some business for my Mistress. It was a
little…” he paused, “wrong, but cool, I guess. I don’t know. Luke said I’m a natural. I guess that
means I did a good job. Whether it was right or not—”
“If it’s helping Mistress Harper, it’s right. Don’t question the morals. They don’t exist in this
world. They can’t.”
“I guess.” He paused. “So, you’re good? I wasn’t sure on leaving you. I mean, I’m pissed that
you lied to me, but it’s whatever. I’m starting to see nothing is what it seems anyway.”
“You left for the higher good,” I forced out. “You’re safe. You’re alive. And look at you.” I
smiled, fumbling to get my flashlight free. “You’re about to take off on a jet. Are you finally headed to
see your sister?”
“Yeah.” His tone lightened. “Our next stop is Red Island. I can’t wait. I just have to make sure
she’s okay. See her, you know?”
“I’m sure she’s fine. Did your Mistress say what happens afterward? I mean. Any news for
our Main Master? Will she send back-up, or…?” I trailed off, pushing the button to the flashlight and
shining it down the narrow, stone hallway. This was different. Not like the other secret passages at
“I’m not sure. We haven’t heard from her since our return.”
“You got my number. Keep me updated if you hear anything, will ya?”
“You bet.”
I went to hang up when a sound had me pausing.
“Dakota? I mean, Nineteen?”
“Yes, Eleven?”
A rugged breath. “Are you sure you’re okay there?”
“I’m somewhere no one can find me. I found a passage that might lead to the Main Master’s
floor. I’m safe. Tell your Mistress one way or another, I’ll get to Bram. Will you do that for me?”
“Of course.”
And, Eleven…Aamir?”
“Don’t do anything stupid. Follow orders no matter what, okay?”
“I’ll try.”
“No.” I pressed my lips together until they were nearly numb. “Don’t try. Follow them. Don’t
lose your temper. I kind of like having you around. Besides, your sister needs you alive.”
“I’ll do what I’m told.”
I hung up before I sounded softer than I already had. Who was this person who was getting
emotional? I usually didn’t get sentimental or fall easily into anger. Yet, I’d almost taken my rage out
on the wall. Not to mention, admitting my need for Eleven to return. I liked him. And it wasn’t just as
a friend. We could have died together in the White Room. We had looked out for each other. He was
like a new brother to me, and I wanted to keep it that way.
I turned, feeling my shoulders cave in as I tried not to think about anything more than the
moment. If I did… “Fuck.” How could I not let the truth in? Whitlock wasn’t safe. There was no
living outside of these walls for me. I had no one. No family. No purpose. Nothing. I technically
didn’t even exist anymore. Scout Nineteen did, but they’d be looking for him. They’d want him dead.
Whitlock was it; my only home. The more time that went by, the more reality was sinking in. I
couldn’t ignore the fact that I’d be just as dead as Bram if I didn’t save him. Everleigh was gone.
What if she couldn’t return, or get help here fast enough? What if that crazy son of a bitch high leader
decided to kill him? Derek could do it. I knew that in the pit of my stomach. Saving the Main Master
was my top priority. Nothing else mattered.
Stone led down the tiny hallway on one side for as far as my flashlight would shine. My
shoulders were barely wide enough as I pulled the entrance shut, closing me in. Instantly, it became
harder to breathe. I pushed forward, ignoring the one thing I feared—being trapped. And I was, to an
extent. But I wouldn’t think of that now. I continued on the straight and narrow path, training my eyes
to stay at the edge where dark met light. Wasn’t that where I was, anyway: half in hell at Whitlock,
and half in the light, gallantly charging ahead to save my leader?
Gallantly. I wanted to laugh. It was bullshit. This mission was bullshit. How did I always
manage to get myself into these messes? How? Because somewhere deep inside of me, even though I
helped traffic people, even though I was a piece of shit, there was a part that always tried to do the
right thing. Most of the time it was something small, but the need was always present. It was me
telling the Main Master about Barclane wanting to kill his slave. It was me making friends with a
male slave I should have turned off emotionally. It was me risking my fucking life for a Main Master I
might get killed over. Me. Me. Me. The thing was, I needed Whitlock. I liked Eleven. And with Bram,
I respected the fuck out of him. More so than anyone else I’d ever met. He was the one consistent
thing holding my chaotic mind together. And he was fair for what he had to do. I respected that too.
Now here I was, probably about to die for the only slice of home I had. For him.
“Get it together.”
The words grumbled out as I picked up the pace. Room after room, I must have passed.
Although I felt the constant curve of the fortress, I continued on a straight path. Not up. Not down. Just
forward. There wasn’t even what looked to be an exit point. Would I be able to find the one I’d
entered if I backtracked? I wasn’t so sure.
My light lowered as I brought the beam to the wall a few feet ahead of me. I made an arc,
moving to the opposite side that was made of stone. It was cool and damp against my palm as I began
to walk at a slower pace.
If I wanted a secret tunnel here, what would I have it go to? Why would I put it through the
entire length of the floor with only one entrance?
No. Something wasn’t right. I was missing something important.
I shined the light ahead at what seemed an endless night. How far down did it continue to go?
At some point it would come to an end…wouldn’t it? It would have to. But considering how far I’d
already walked, that end should have come and gone. And I hadn’t gone higher or lower, I would
have noticed.
Coming to a stop, I closed my eyes, feeling along the stone as I forced myself to focus. Why
the passageway if no exits? A safe-space? My thoughts went back to the room I’d been in where I
found the entrance. It didn’t appear special, but then again, it would have been used over fifty years
ago, if not longer.
Think. Think. Think.
Light met me as I opened my lids. Stone and wall. No doors. No…ceiling. My head titled
back as let the light shine a good two floors above, exposing a wooden rafter. Two floors. Not one.
Baffled, I blinked through the memories I had of Whitlock. One floor below, Bram, with an extra
above him. An attic? I hadn’t been aware Whitlock even had one, but why wouldn’t it? It had a
basement. It had underground garages. What was an attic compared to those? Nothing. So why the
secret entrance? Was the attic hiding something even the Main Master hadn’t known about?
Excitement pinged in my chest for the first time in years. I holstered the flashlight and leveled
my palms on each side of the walls. With as close as they were, it didn’t take much for me to find
footing and begin to inch my way up. I couldn’t have been more than a few feet when I nearly fell
from the slippery stone. The moisture was almost too much. My boot pushed, barely able to hold my
“Come on. Just…” A grunt left me as I turned, wedging my back and hand to the stone to
switch positions. With both feet on the sheetrock, I could at least rest without falling to the floor. It
wasn’t going to help with the climbing through. The moment my foot went back to stone, I risked
falling. If I stood any chance of rescuing the Main Master, I didn’t have time to make mistakes. He
needed me, and we all needed him.
Chapter 12
Brown eyes. There was nothing remarkable about them. They weren’t doe-shaped or even
exotically almond. They were just round, lined with the remaining eyeliner left from the random tear
that escaped them. If this had been weeks ago, I’d say the woman was scared. But the expression went
beyond fear or anticipation. Her brown eyes saw everything. They were trained. Rehearsed for this
very situation, had her life ever taken this path. Given the nightmare she was in, it had.
“Enough,” Luke bit out.
Master Hunt’s wife wasn’t what I expected. Maybe I thought since he was older, she would
have been too. I was wrong. Where he was in his fifties, she couldn’t have been a day over thirty-
five. And that was being generous. If I hadn’t been aware of who her husband was, I would have
thought her a few years older than my own eighteen years. Looking at her, confusion was the only
thing I knew. Confusion and attraction.
“If it’s money you want, I’ll get it to you. If you let me make a call—”
“She obviously can’t follow rules. Gag her.”
I wasn’t going to lie to myself. For being slightly plain, there was something appealing about
her. My gaze kept returning to her body, overlooking the obvious curves. Her lips weren’t lusciously
plump or even pouty. They were thin. Barely even there. And her nose was a little wider than what
appealed to me. Still…there was something about her. Something…beautiful.
Brown curls were escaping the bun on her head. One swept over her neck as her head cocked
and she blinked back another tear. The messy aspect made her look younger. She was mid-thirties,
wasn’t she? Surely, she wasn’t in her twenties.
“For fuck’s sake.” A water bottle hit my chest. I barely caught it before I realized Luke was
glaring at me. “Earth to Eleven. Do you want to gag her or kiss her?”
“Gag her. I don’t know why you took it off to begin with.”
“She wasn’t yelling or putting up a fight. I didn’t see a reason to keep it in.”
“Well, I do. We have Barclane’s four coming. Keep the gags on all of them until told
otherwise, do you hear me?”
Luke stormed towards the cockpit, snapping at another guard as he neared.
“Please.” The woman’s lip trembled as her eyes darted towards Luke but came back to me.
“My name is Sammy Jo. My husband is a very important man. I know you probably already know that,
but whatever he wants, money” she said, tearing her gaze to Luke, only to come back to me, “I’ll give
you double if you help me escape. Please. I can’t be here. I’m pregnant. I’m begging you. Don’t think
of me. Who cares about me. Help my baby. Please. ”
Butterflies twisted my gut as my hands hovered above the gag that hung loosely around her
“Double. You have my word. I’ll never tell a soul who you are. Just help me escape.”
“Eleven! Why do I still hear her?”
Luke narrowed his eyes as I stared between them. Money. Freedom. An innocent child in her
womb…the beautiful vision of life staring at me pleadingly. Hopeful. But it wasn’t Layla, and it
wasn’t real. None of this was. Not anymore. I was a slave. Mistress Harper’s slave, and I did what I
was told. It was the only way to get my sister back, and the only way I’d make it to her.
Anger bubbled at what I was becoming. So did happiness as I thought how close I was to
seeing my sister again. She was more important than anything or anyone. “I know who your husband
is. Nothing personal, but he’s the reason you’re here. He’s an evil man. A pedophile. I’m truly sorry
for your child. Maybe overall, this is a blessing for you both.”
I pushed that gag roughly through her parted lips. A great amount of fear flashed as she stared
at me in building terror. Was it the news of her husband? Maybe she thought I’d be her savor. Or
maybe she was seeing that escape wasn’t going to happen. I didn’t care as I stood and moved further
away. I didn’t need to feel sorry for her. I didn’t need to be distracted by the odd pull I felt. I needed
my sister. Afterward, I’d think about who I was becoming. But not now.
Luke returned, pulling the phone from his ear as he approached.
“They’re here. Do what I told you and take your position on the far side of the room.”
At the phone ringing, he brought it up. His finger went to push the ignore button but stopped
short as he jerked the phone to his ear.
“Mistress, I was just about to call. Are you okay?” At his pause, he nodded. “It took a few
hours, but it’s done. I have Master Hunt’s wife, and Barclane’s four are about to board now. Can I
call you once we have them secure?” Another pause as his tone grew softer. “You’re sure you’re
okay? Yes.” He turned to stare at Master Hunt’s wife as seconds passed. “Shit. Fuck. You’re
positive? Okay…Okay.” Something changed in his expression as he stared her way, but it didn’t last
as footsteps came up from behind him. He turned, directing the guards to take the two women and two
small boys to the seats and strap them in. Tears stained their cheeks and the older woman sobbed as
she rubbed her forehead against her daughter’s face as some form of comfort.
“Eleven.” Luke strode over, lowering his voice as he brought his lips inches from my ear.
“The high leader has killed Master Hunt. He has him and the boy strung up on the wall. Took their
insides out or something. Mistress Harper didn’t go much into detail. She’s not good.”
I glanced at the Sammy Jo, pushing away all emotion. “That’s horrible. What does she want us
to do?”
“I’m not sure. I want us in the air though before I call her back. These families will be priority
amongst authorities. Once all four families get reported, the world will be on fire with the search. We
won’t give them the chance to find us.”
“Sounds good. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
Luke gave a hard nod and motioned his hands. Within minutes we were in the air. It didn’t take
him long to make his way back towards me. When he did, he was followed by Jose, holding the
laptop. Luke had the phone to his ear and the screen was still focused on the Main Master. Blood was
soaked into his gashed shirt, and the side of his face was swollen as the high leader pointed and
appeared to be screaming in his face.
“Damn. What the hell happened?”
Luke’s eyes left us as Jose leaned in closer to me.
“Shit has hit the fan. That’s what. The high leader has lost it. He started hanging them up in
front of the windows and all hell erupted. I can’t see what all happened, but from the shots it sounds
like some guards tried to break through the line and get in. They obviously weren’t successful. I’ve
been keeping an eye on the bunkhouse ever since. It’s pretty quiet in there, but you can see
something’s up. Lots of whispering. The place isn’t safe for anyone right now.”
Luke leaned back against the sofa, closer to me, as I shook my head and zeroed back in on the
“Mistress, I’m back. We’re in the air.”
“Perfect. So, we have everyone?”
Her tone was so soft, I could barely hear.
“We do. Barclane and Hunt’s family are boarded and we’re already in the air. Torres and
King’s family are in route and will be on the jet waiting for you in Miami.”
“Mistress?” So much time passed, Luke was pulling the phone back to look at the screen.
“I can’t leave him.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“I can’t go to Red Island. I have to stay close to Whitlock. I have to go back.”
Luke pushed to his feet, and I was right there joining him.
“Don’t do this. We had a plan; we need to stick to it.”
“Do you see how things are progressing? Any longer, and the high leader may kill him. I can’t
let that happen.”
“I know you don’t want that but think this through. Going back is what may kill him. We’ve
talked about this. From the outside, you’re in charge. You can see the bigger picture. Inside Whitlock,
you’re blind. You won’t have the connections there to get the job done. You need my brother. You
need his men. Without them, you can’t win. You don’t have the power to sway the Whitlock guard.
There’s too many, and not enough of us. Think about it, Everleigh. We need my brother. He won’t give
them to me without you there to help persuade him. I need you. Bram needs you.”
“Don’t pretend you give a shit about him. You can’t stand Bram Whitlock.”
Luke’s jaw tightened. “You’re right. I can’t. But I care about you. Returning is a death
sentence. You will never make it out alive if you go back without more men. I don’t have to tell you
this. You know.”
A groan. “I can’t let him die. I just can’t.”
“So you’re ready to meet the same fate as him? For what? What does that accomplish?”
“For who? You? That’s not the Mistress I know. She wouldn’t take the easy way out for love.
She’d fight. She’d kill. She’d protect. She can’t do that dead.”
“You’re wrong. You have the package.”
“Which is nothing compared to the real thing.”
Again, a long silence followed.
“You’re right. I need to be alive. But you forgot revenge. I fight. I kill. I protect. But boy do I
get the best revenge. The high leader is going to pay one way or another for what he’s done to Bram
and my boy.”
“There’s the Mistress I know. Remember the revenge. Hold to it until you get to Red Island.
Then, we bring my brother’s home to life. Blood will flow. The tables will turn.”
Chapter 13
As connections went, I always thought I held a good amount at Whitlock. After all, I had one
of the board members. I had at least a third of the guard that I knew of. The statistics were pretty
good. But not good enough. When it came down to it, it didn’t matter. It was a start, but my power
couldn’t assure me a victory in this war between me and the high leader. It couldn’t keep Bram safe.
So, what was it good for?
My eyes stayed on the monitor, watching every move the high leader took. With each step, my
brain buzzed. My rage roared. I was a ticking timebomb and my patience was so thin, my fingers were
pushing buttons into the phone, even though it wasn’t on. I needed to do something. Anything. But I
was clueless concerning the high leader. He had no family. He had nothing I could take away. The
only thing he appeared to love was the one thing I couldn’t obtain: Whitlock.
“Is there someone you want to call?”
I glanced to Henderson, momentarily confused as he checked his watch. My fingers were still
moving. Still following the same repetition. Star one. Star two. Star three. It repeated over the keys,
calling no one—calling everyone.
“I…” My jaw tightened as I bit down.
Orange flashed from the lights above. I wasn’t sure how long we’d been driving, but I knew it
was too long since I’d made a move. I didn’t like sitting idle. Not when my Master was getting his
face beat in. It was driving me crazy. All I wanted to do was strip flesh. I wanted to kill. Massacre
through the hate that was boiling in my veins. How dare the high leader take what was mine. How
dare he use an innocent child to lure me in. My boy was not bait to be bled and gutted for the shark
Derek viewed me as. Now he was going to pay. The scent of blood couldn’t be erased. I would come
for the high leader. Maybe not right now, but the time would come where Whitlock would see me
again. When I returned from the Red, there’d be no white walls or stone left.
“Mistress? Do you want to talk? Maybe there’s something I could do to help you.”
I paused, weighing the way Henderson was watching me. He hadn’t taken his eyes from me
since we’d met again. Now, was no different. I wasn’t sure what to think about it. From what I
remembered of him from my husband’s time, he was quiet. Just as observative. But I never got the
impression he supported me back then. The only reason I pretended to be so happy to see him is
because I needed him. But did I trust him? I wasn’t sure yet. “I have an idea. Let’s stir things up, shall
The high leader’s extension was star one. I didn’t need to call him. I hit star two, bringing the
phone up to me ear. It rang twice before a deep tone echoed through.
“Hello, Dodson. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Are you on guard right now?”
The pause was followed by him clearing his throat.
“I am. May I ask who this is?”
“Mistress Harper. You probably don’t know me, but—”
“I know who you are.”
“You don’t sound happy to hear from me.”
“Can I help you with something? Are you looking for the high leader so you can turn yourself
“No. I have his number. I want to talk to you.”
I took a deep breath, frowning as I glanced at the laptop. “I want to know what you think of
your Main Master. Of Bram Whitlock. Would you say you’re fond of his character and position?”
“Of course I am.”
“You are?”
My sarcastic was thick as he became defensive.
“Of course I am. He’s a good Main Master.”
“Then what are you doing letting him get tortured by the high leader? Are you aware the heir
of Whitlock has been murdered? Did you know the high leader has put a noose around his baby neck
and hung him in the window for all to see? What about how the high leader has gutted his tiny tummy
and broken laws? He’s murdering any member of the board who tries to dismiss him from his
position. Are you okay with this?”
“Dodson. You sound like a good man. You may not like me and that’s okay, but your Master
needs your help. You have to tell the others. If you don’t believe me, have someone you trust go look
outside the Main Master’s cell. See my baby hanging there dead. See what your high leader has done
so that he can rule Whitlock on his own.”
“You don’t need to speak to me anymore. Listen to yourself. I already know what your mind is
saying. I can feel your devotion. Your Main Master needs it right now.” I paused. “The guards are
meeting up on the top floor to put a stop to this. I think we both know you should join them.”
I hung up, dialing star three.
“Porter, hello. Mistress Harper, here. Are you on guard right now?”
A pause. “Mistress Harper? The slave Mistress…Is this a joke?”
I laughed regardless I didn’t think it was funny. There was a slight appeal in his surprised
tone, and I needed to use it to my advantage. “So, you’ve heard of me?”
“I think everyone has. Wait. This can’t be you. Did Cory put you up to this?”
“Who? No. I assure you it’s me. I’m calling because I need to know what you think of your
Main Master.”
“Well. I…uh…Have you heard he’s been arrested?”
“I have.”
“They say he betrayed Whitlock. That he, uh, snuck you in and then let you go free.”
“That’s a little hard for him to do when I’m out of the country. I’m not necessarily calling
about that, though. You see, I’m not going to lie to you. I love your Main Master. But what he’s
accused of is not the truth. He’s being set up by the high leader. Are you aware of your Master’s
“Yes.” My heart ached as his face projected in my mind. I could still see his excited smile…
feel his little hand in mine. “The high leader has murdered him, Porter, and hung his little body by a
noose inside your Main Master’s cell. He gutted him,” I choked out.
“What? No. The high leader wouldn’t do that.”
“The high leader told me himself he killed the boy so that I’d turn myself in. But that’s not all.
It gets worse than his crimes against Alvin. Beside my boy, you’ll see the main board member he’s
also killed and gutted. Does that sound like a high leader getting control over someone he views as a
traitor? That’s murder. This Martial Law is not for me or the Main Master. We’re no threat. It’s for
him. He’s broken laws and must be stopped. I hear the guards are gathering on the top floor to see the
truth for themselves. They want to help their Main Master. They know it’s the right thing to do. Maybe
you should join them.”
Again, I hung up. Fox and Henderson were staring at me. Fox had a sly smile on his face
while Henderson was more uncertain.
“How many extensions is there?”
Henderson’s eyes flared at my question. “Lots. You’d be up all night.”
“I don’t have all night. I need something big. Do leaders have certain extensions?”
“No.” Fox shook his head. “I’ve studied everything on Whitlock when you told me you needed
me to infiltrate. Leaders don’t have certain extensions, but I happen to know one that might benefit
My eyes narrowed at Fox. “Which one would that be?”
“It’s a gamble. It can go either way.”
“I’m listening.”
“Mateo. The scout leader.”
My lip immediately peeled back in distaste. “He’s a snake. I could use a snake.”
“It’s worth a try,” Fox shrugged. “Last resort…he fucks us over, and we finally give the go to
kill him.”
“What’s his extension?”
“Star zero-one.”
“Like the high leader, but with the zero.” I nodded, pushing the buttons and bringing it to my
ear. I didn’t like Mateo. I didn’t trust him to not get my information and somehow use it against me or
Bram. But what choice did I have? He could shift Whitlock in our favor, and I needed a miracle.
Blood ran a river from my Master’s cheek where it’d been split open by the high leader’s constant
abuse. It was as though he’d picked a certain spot and wasn’t leaving it. Even as I watched, his fist
reared back to make crushing contact.
Mateo’s voice had me closing my lids through Bram’s continued beating.
“Your Main Master needs your help.”
A long moment passed before laughing echoed through.
“Well, the ever-evasive twenty-four-six-ninety. I’ve spent months sending my scouts to look
for you, and here you are, calling my phone.”
“Did you hear me? Your Main Master needs you.”
“I’m sure he does, but I don’t help anyone associated with you.”
“He did nothing wrong. I wasn’t there. The high leader—”
“Save it. You’re not fucking with my head.”
I squeezed the phone tighter in my gasp as I took in Fox and Henderson.
“Let’s talk your language then. Name the price. How much for you to go in and set the Main
Master free?”
“Against the high leader’s authority? Just, set him free? Like I can do that? Or are you
insinuating something else entirely? Murder, perhaps?”
“I’d never condone such a thing, Scout Leader. I’m saying, set him free however you must.
What you do to accomplish the task isn’t up to me.”
“Of course.”
“Well…How much?”
“You killed my scouts.”
“And I’ll kill more if they come near me. How much?”
“Hmm. I’m pretty wealthy. I’m not sure I need more money.”
My head cocked at the truth I could hear in his words. “If not money, what do you want, then?”
“I’m actually pretty content right now. I got my cash. I got pussy whenever I want it from the
blue slaves here. Yeah. I…don’t think I really want to do anything other than finish this chocolate bar
and drink my coffee.”
“Fuck you,” I spat out. “How long has Bram kept you around, knowing what you were doing
behind his back? You owe him help. You owe him your life.”
“Fate doesn’t seem to think so. If I’m correct, the Main Master’s life is the one that hangs in
the balance. Unless you’d like to change that. I’m sure the high leader will gladly let the two of you
change places.”
“Have a great day, Mateo.”
I hung up, cutting my eyes up to Fox.
“He’s worthless to us. Do it.”
The two words were ones I’d longed to say. Ones that had been in the works for weeks. I tried
to tell Bram the scout leader wasn’t to be trusted, and I was right.
“You’re positive?” Fox took the phone I handed him. “The Main Master didn’t want him dead,
remember? You okay with making the decision for him?”
I looked back at the screen, raising my eyebrows as I drug my gaze back to him. “Yep. I really
don’t think the Main Master will mind.”
“You got it, Mistress.”
“While you’re at it, tell your scout to pass along a little message and save me time. Twenty-
five million to the man who can break through and get to the high leader. I want him alive. My Master
will want his revenge.”
I waited until Fox made his call and handed the phone back to me. At his nod, I smiled. Mateo
was as good as gone. He spoke of fate. Little did he know, fate was on my side. I was fate. He’d
never take dirty money for children or relatives again. His evil ended today. As for the high leader, it
was only a matter of time. The more calls I made, the more guards I’d stir. If I could keep them
distracted, they weren’t taking orders from their main leaders. They’d be taking orders from me.
“Lovely name. Hello, Everett. This is Mistress Harper…”
Chapter 14
Four. Four sets of eyes watched from around both sides of Master Hunt and Alvin: two guards
and two board members. Horror widened their stares as the high leader’s fist crunched into my face,
and they did nothing. Nothing but gape and whisper amongst themselves as I bled out all over myself.
“Get! The! Guard!”
Blood filled my mouth from the solid hit, but I didn’t stop shouting orders. Someone had to or
they’d never jump into action. Or maybe they weren’t afraid. Maybe they just didn’t want to. I wasn’t
sure. I could barely see them from the exhaustion and pain. My face threatened to explode at any
moment, and nausea was constant
“Who are you talking to? Them?”
The high leader laughed as he jerked my head back and pushed the blade of his knife into the
side of my throat. Warmth trickled down my skin at the small incision.
“She’s not coming. It d-doesn’t matter what you do to me. Everleigh would never…save me.
She’s learned from the best.”
“We’ll see about that in eight hours.”
“Fuck eight hours. I’m telling you s-she’s not coming. If you’re going to do something, do it
He laughed as if what I said was the funniest thing in the world.
“Don’t tempt me. Come eight hours, you’ll be thanking me we didn’t start sooner.”
“Empty threats. You’ve got n-nothing. Short of killing me, whatever you do is not going to
break me.”
The smile melted as he let go and traced the tip of the blade over the pad of his thumb.
“You’d be surprised. There’s certain things in our youth that mold us into the men we become.
They leave a lasting impact that scars us to our core. Do you remember what it was that formed your
personality? What did little Bram see or do that killed pieces of the innocent child he used to be?
What turned him into a monster?”
Flashes blinded me before I could stop them. A man. Hands touching me on numerous
occasions. I couldn’t have been but a few years old. Then, blood covering a floor. A naked girl lying
in it as my dad thrust his fingers into her dead body as he jacked himself off over her chest. “Bram,
what have you done?” I blinked fast, giving a hard shake as I pulled against the cuffs.
“The past is dead. Nothing you do is going to bring it back to life.”
“Are you sure about that? What did you see that nearly made you pass out? You’re awfully
“That’s because I’m bleeding out.”
“No. I think it’s more. I think there’s things you’re too afraid to face. How old were you when
you were first brought to Whitlock? Four? Five?”
“However old you want to think.”
“Almost three.” Derek smiled as he made a path from his thumb to his palm. “You were
almost three, and your father lied to your mother about where you were going. He told her he was
going to visit his parents in the Hamptons, and you’d both return by the end of the week. She was
battling a bad stomach flu at the time and could have cared less. But he took you, and he brought you
here. Do you want to know what happened in those four days?”
“Stop it.”
“Is that fear I hear?”
“Fuck off.”
“Eight hours and I’ll do more than tell you, Main Master. I’m going to show you.”
“Barclane! Get the fucking guard!”
Eyes. They were right on me, but something seemed to move the older man. Something…His
stare shot to Master Hunt, hanging against the window before he turned and said something to Master
King. Red blossomed his face and he was angry. That was evident as his finger pointed towards his
friend. The man nodded, nudging his face towards me before they both stalked to the door. The high
leader’s hands immediately went to his hips. A smile pulled at his mouth and all I could do was shake
my head as the two men opened the barrier.
“Don’t come in. Get the guard! I want the high leader arrested for murder. Murder of my heir,
and murder of the main board member who tried to stop him from taking over Whitlock.”
“Stop him? Do you know what your slave has done?”
“She’s about to do a lot more if you don’t get the fucking guard and have him arrested.”
“I told you,” Master King growled. “She’ll kill our families. She’ll kill them all. I happen to
want mine alive.” He pulled out a gun, but barely had it raised at the high leader before his body
jolted. The smallest red appeared, only to grow in size between his eyes as his knees buckled and he
fell to the floor.
“No! No!” I thrashed, growing wild as I yelled for Barclane to run. But I was yelling at a dead
man. Blood oozed from his eye, running a river down towards his nose as his body pitched forward
and he fell across King’s dead corpse. Guards were crowding in at the window. Not two. Not four. A
dozen. More. And they were witnessing the ultimate sin of Whitlock. Not a single one of them moved
or spoke. They watched…and waited.
“Anyone else want to become a wall decoration? If not, get back to work!”
Two stepped back while others began to lean in and whisper. They moved, but slowly, as they
began to disappear. My volume grew, and for the first time, I felt fear. Perhaps the high leader had
been right. Maybe somewhere deep down inside, I expected someone to save me. Maybe I figured by
now, the board or guards would have pulled together to help, but that wasn’t the case. In my growing
threats to Derek, I saw my slave and what she must have gone through being a captive to West
Harper…To Whitlock. I felt helpless. Truly alone in a place that had always felt like home.
My stomach rolled, and I gagged as my eyes rolled. The high leader’s voice kept coming
back. He’d show me what my father had done. Show me. Show me. My father recorded his most
vulgar and violent shows, but me? So young. Hands. Hands. Again, I gagged. I wanted to forget. I
didn’t want to see what was on there. I couldn’t.
“If you don’t catch your breath and calm down, you’re going to—”
Weight was pulling me to the floor as it moved under my feet. I had to get out of here. I had to
kill. Blood. If I could only get to Derek. If I could get free I could make it stop. I could tear him apart
with my hands. Yes. I’d do it. I’d…
More I spun, falling forward as I heaved and searched the darkness. Unconsciousness was
taking me. Although I started to fight it, relief had me giving in. Yes. Here, I could escape. Here, I’d
be free.


“Wake up.”
Pain sent my eyes flying open. I was screaming, but I didn’t know what was happening. Fire
burned over my chest, just short of my shoulder, and my eyes could barely focus enough to see a blur
of someone standing before me. He was digging his finger down the length of my wound, like he was
scooping my insides free.
“Welcome back, Main Master. How was your nap?”
I gasped, standing in the cuffs, only to collapse against my weak legs.
“I wasn’t going to let you sleep so long, but I figured you’d need your strength. Don’t want you
passing out during the best part.”
Gunshots had me jumping. I forced myself up, noticing blood splattered against the window.
There was so much. And it wasn’t from the inside. It was the outside.
“Don’t mind the noise. Just taking care of business with an unruly lot. They think they’re
smart, but they won’t get passed my guys. Now, where were we?”
I took in the newest bodies that hung in front of the window by the door. There was one extra.
Torres, the last board member. It had me swallowing back bile as I tried to speak.
“E-Enough. You’ve made your point. I’m a bad Main Master. I broke laws. I let the w-woman
I love come and go just so I could be with her again.” My breath was raw as I searched for strength.
“I put everyone at risk. Fine. T-There. End me. Throw me in the White Room. I don’t care. Just no
more killing.”
“Was that so hard?”
I tried to keep my eyes opened while I swayed on my feet. The blow to my injured cheek had
me collapsing all over again.
“Fool. You put us at risk, yes, but I’m taking care of it. With no board members left to run to
their families, the authorities aren’t going to be able to trace them here. The entrance to Whitlock is
always secret. As far as investigators will know, they got in their cars and disappeared off the face of
the earth. It’s quite perfect, actually.”
“If you say so.”
“I do. Your slave was stupid taking the board’s families in the first place. Did she really think
using them as leverage would set you free? I thought she was smarter than that?”
I managed to stand, forcing my eyes opened. “She’s smarter than you give her credit for. I’ll
admit, I t-thought her reasons were the same as you, but they’re not. Everleigh would never settle for
the obvious. You’re missing the bigger picture.”
“The bigger picture? What’s that?”
“You’ll find out soon e-enough.” I smiled, grunting as Derek’s hand shot out and grabbed
around my neck. The squeeze progressively grew tighter until my throat promised to collapse into
itself. Air was all but gone and the burning sensation was unreal as I tried thrashing against his hold.
“I’m not worried about this bigger picture you speak of. I don’t think there is one. You’re just
trying to make me worry, but I’m not scared of your slave. Her plan failed. She’s failed. If she doesn’t
want you to die, she’ll come.”
Air flooded my lungs as he let go and checked his watch. I coughed, gasping and inhaling with
everything I had. Dots of light made the vertigo worse and I tried everything I could to blink them
“You should be…scared. You should be terrified. One day…they will speak of a slave who
rose from the ashes of hell to bring multiple governments to their knees. They will tell stories of how
that slave was an h-heiress to one of the most powerful families in the world, and how her parents
were k-killed all because of a man’s jealousy, and the love of her as a child. She has the power to do
it. She has all the evidence she needs. Will she make the world weep?” I sucked in air, trying not to
laugh at the madness of what I spoke. Of the truth of what it would mean for me and my own family’s
legacy. “If the people knew what we did. If they knew what was happening to their children, do you
think they’d come running, guns in tow, to bring them home?” I did smile then. “Think of all the
missing people in the world. All those parents and siblings. If they had an address, would they not
come? They’d want to check for themselves. They’d have to. Maybe she’ll end this,” I breathed out.
“Maybe we’ll all burn as she finally rises to who she was meant to be, the heiress…Everleigh
Davenport Harper.”
It wasn’t a question. Derek’s eyes turned to slits as he processed what I told him.
“Think about it, high leader. She was never some random missing girl. And you’ve taken and
hurt the only two things she’s cared about. She has nothing left to lose. Once the world discovers she
lives and what’s happened, t-there will never be a more powerful person. She doesn’t just know
about Whitlock; she has locations all over the globe. N-No one is safe. Not even her. But do you think
that bothers her? Frightens her?” Wider, my smile grew. “You can’t set hell’s playground on fire and
expect it to make a difference. She’s already made friends with the flames. Everleigh’s untouchable
now. Especially to you. Even if she did return here and you killed her, her story is already seeded. My
slave would have made sure of that. That seed will bloom, and you’d go down. It’s just a matter of
time. For all of us,” I breathed out. “It’s over. Whitlock is finished.”
Pain exploded to the untouched side of my face, bringing on a new pain. A fresh one, far
worse than the numb explosion I continued to feel.
“Whitlock will never be finished. You think your slave is a step ahead, but she can’t outrun
me. If there’s one thing I know, it’s my guards…and the ones that are missing. You don’t think I’d just
let anyone watch over you while I set up my stage for your arrest, do you? I was ready for anything.
So were they. It’s only a matter of time before they bring her back.” Evil tightened his features as he
pulled his phone free. “Your twenty-four hours are up. She had her chance to return on her own free
will. She failed. Light’s out, Main Master.”
Chapter 15
Scout 19
Was I even in the same place? Was this the attic of Whitlock, or had I climbed onto some five-
star luxury penthouse? This couldn’t be right.
I hesitantly rose from my knees, removing my gun. I scanned the large open space that seemed
to go on forever. It was morning now. Light was beginning to come through the large windows lining
the wall, and my pulse was racing as if I’d just broken into someone’s private residence. From the
looks of it, I had.
A white leather sofa and loveseat were resting on a fancy rug not a hundred feet away,
surrounded by glass tables. One of the lamps was still on. A large flat screen, newer than the one in
the scout’s lounge, was sitting in the middle of a large entertainment center. I was afraid to move,
afraid to breathe, as I listened for any sort of sound to break the silence.
Minutes must have passed before I eased forward. I kept the top half of my body lowered,
afraid at any moment I’d be caught. It didn’t appear anyone was near, but I wasn’t going to overlook
some sort of trap that might have been set, either. My eyes scanned the floors, the ceiling. I took in
every inch, and paid special attention to my peripheral, listening for any sound outside of my own
Ten steps.
I walked wide, noticing a white comforter peeking out from behind the entertainment center. It
rested atop a queen-sized bed, neatly tucked in with hospital corners. The entire space was
impeccably clean. Not a speck of dust was accounted for as I took in the studio-type living space.
There was even a book resting on the bedside table with a bookmark sticking out of the top.
Someone definitely lived here. Out of all the floors of empty rooms, who would choose this
location? And why?
The ‘who’ I had my suspicions on. The why was more confusing. Did the Main Master know
about this?
I looked towards the large arched window closest to me. It was a couple hundred feet away. It
was risky to go into the open so far, but I had to know where I was in the fortress. It was the only way
I could get an idea of where Bram might be in relation to me. Being above could have its benefits. It
could also give my position away. Whatever I did, I had to be careful.
I took out my phone, dialing the extension Everleigh’s guard had given me just before I took
off. Mistress Harper had to know I was in the attic above Bram and that I stood a chance to find him.
I paused, expecting her to answer.
“This is Scout Nineteen. I need to speak with the Mistress.”
“She’s a little busy. Can I take a message?”
“No. I’ll wait.”
Her voice blurred together in the background. I wasn’t sure what she was saying, but it didn’t
sound like a threatening tone. More upbeat, which had my brow creasing in confusion. Was the Main
Master already free? Had I missed something?
“Henderson, what’s the news? Has there been any change?”
“Things are changing by the minute. Not for the better, if you ask me.”
I rushed to the window as fast, but quiet, as I could. Where there was usually a pretty active
City Center with slaves and Masters strolling about, all I saw were a few guards heading away from
me. I was on the other side of Whitlock, clear opposite of where I should have been. Fuck, this wasn’t
“What the hell is going on? What did I miss?”
“Lots. Where are you? Did you find the Master?”
My teeth bit against each other. For reasons I wasn’t sure of, I felt lies bubbling to the surface.
“No. Not even close. I’m lost on the fourth floor. I’m not even sure where I’m at. Tell me more
about what’s happening.”
“I can’t really see with the way the screen’s turned. Something about snuff films of the Old
Main Master and Bram when he was a kid. The high leader took down Alvin. Danced his dead body
around the room before he stripped him. The Mistress is…well, you can imagine.”
“Fuck.” More confusion set in. “She sounded…different.”
“That’s a front. She’s calling every guard she can to start a rebellion. She’s trying to gain their
favor and has succeeded for the most part. The majority are listening and heading to the sixth floor,
but all they do is stand there to observe what they can. The ones who have tried to rush the high
leader’s men have been shot and killed. There was a shoot-out earlier, but so far, our side of the
guard haven’t been able to breach the area. I think most of them are too afraid to even try.”
“I see.” I turned and headed further down the windows when a desk had me stopping and
turning in its direction. Multiple boxes behind were emptied and flipped. The entire area was so
unlike the rest of the large space. It was in disarray as if it had been searched and quickly. “Is she
available yet?”
“She just got off. Let me get her.”
Mumbled sounded as I ran my fingers over the oak.
My throat nearly closed at her tone. The desperation was something that couldn’t be missed.
“Tell me you have good news. Did you find him?”
“I’m not sure yet.” I opened the top, center drawer, seeing pens and paper clips. When I
moved to the far right, I paused at a large folded paper. It was so big, it barely fit. “I’m going to tell
you something, but you have to keep it between me and you. Only me and you. Your men…” My head
shook as I pulled the thick paper free. The risk was high. Too high, but I couldn’t ignore her fear.
“You have my word. Always.”
Straight lines. Dotted lines. I squinted, only for my eyes to go wide as I stared at the blueprints
before me.
“I’m in the attic. I lied and told your guard I was lost on the fourth floor. Something about him
seemed off. Maybe it’s just me. I trust no one but you.”
“As it should be. I’m actually relieved to hear that. I thought maybe I was the only one picking
up on it.”
“Tell me about where you are.”
I glanced around the large opened space, making sure no one was in the distance. “Someone’s
been living up in this attic. I think it might be the high leader. The place is spotless. Remarkably so.
Except next to the office area, off to the side. This part is ransacked. There’s so many boxes emptied
and contents spread all over the floor. I found something in the desk that looks like blueprints. I’m just
not sure of what.”
A broken breath left the Mistress. “I’ll wait while you check it out.”
Small words were labelling rooms. Nothing informative from what I could see: movie room,
lounge, new Master’s quarters, Whitlock Top Guard. I followed the top guard rooms counting sixteen
before three words had my pulse exploding in rhythm.
“Specialty holding cells. Mistress, I think I’m looking at the renovations that are going on for
the fifth floor. It’s…all catered to the guard. There’s a movie room, lounge, and a new Master’s
quarters. I’m guessing that’s for the high leader because then there’s sixteen rooms labeled Whitlock
Top Guard. They’re in caps, as if that’s what they’re called. There’s no Top Guard here. Not formally.
Just guard leaders, and that position is new. And ‘specialty holding cells’? That sounds like a place
you put people too good to go to the White Room.”
“Exactly. You’re doing great. I’m sure you’ll find your way to him soon. Just do what you did
with this room and give the walls a good push. I know you’re not moving up, but it’s progress if it
took you to another room.”
“Mistress,” I said, ignoring her lies. “How is he? Really?”
“The Main Master’s not good. Not good at all. He’s weak and pale. He’s lost a lot of blood.
Nothing fatal yet, but that’s not my concern at this point. A broken body can heal. A broken mind isn’t
so easily repaired. I’m not sure what’s left for him to see, but from what I know of Bram’s past, it’s as
dark as it comes. If the high leader continues to physically play out what’s on those tapes,” she
“I’ll try to hurry.”
“Please do.”
The line went dead, and I attached the phone back to my belt. I pulled the other drawers open,
rummaging through the contents for anything that might help. Most were files, papers, and random
office equipment like staplers and white out. When I pulled the far bottom drawer open, I swallowed
back the surprise. Stacks of Polaroids loosely filled the drawer. Severed body parts, breasts, and
spread female legs were on the majority of them, but there was a face on a few. Only one face: a
young, rage-filled face. It was smeared with blood as his fingers were digging into the eye sockets of
a slave. The young Bram Whitlock couldn’t have been but a young teen. His arms were thin, his small
chest bare. He appeared to be yelling or screaming as his focus stayed glued to his victim. In one
picture, his entire palm was flattened to the slave’s face. His thin fingers were buried as he used her
head like a bowling ball. Up, it was pulled, feet from the floor, only in the next picture, it was back on
the bloody floor, and his weight looked to be pushing down. There was even one with both of his
hands smothering over the face as if he could push it through the ground. It was easy to see that’s
exactly what he was trying to do. But, so young?
I hadn’t given the Main Master’s younger life much thought. I’d never really had a reason to.
But from what Henderson had mentioned, and now this, there was no denying what sort of life Bram
had lived. A horrifying one.
I shut the drawer, wishing I had a lighter to burn the fuckers to the ground. I wouldn’t forget
this. I’d come back and destroy them, one way or another. First, I had to find where the specialty
holding cells were. If I could locate them, I could figure out how to distract the high leader and get
Bram out of that room. That was the most important thing.
I lifted the blueprints, keeping a fast pace as I walked along the windows. From the looks of
it, the cells were not far from the inclining hall that led to the sixth floor. An opening rested on top,
serving as a small waiting area, where it turned into another hall housing three special cells. But
which one was he in? The first? The third? I had no idea, but I knew someone who might. Albert. If he
could figure out the exact room, I stood a chance to set Bram free.
Chapter 16
“Enough, Eleven.” Luke lowered his voice as he moved in closer. “The Mistress can offer her
to my brother, but I can’t see him wanting to take a slave with a baby in her womb. Besides, she’s not
very pretty. She’d be either Red or Whitlock scraps. Don’t you see? There’s nothing left to discuss.”
“So that’s it?” I hissed as quietly as I could. “That’s the best that can be done?”
“What did you expect was going to happen when we took her? We certainly can’t set her free.
Not now that her husband is dead. Let the government think he ran off with her, or killed her. I don’t
care at this point. All I know is she’s probably beyond help. She’s as good as dead.”
“There has to be something. Did the Mistress give the order to kill her? Like, say it?”
Luke shook his head. “Not like that, no. She said Master Hunt was dead. She’d get back to me.
She was busy.”
“And, that’s it?”
“That’s enough.” Luke’s threw me a look as if I was daft. “He’s dead. She means nothing to us
anymore. She’s a liability.”
“No. She’s still of use to the Mistress, then. If she didn’t say to kill her, she couldn’t have
wanted her dead. I don’t know her as well as you, but I can’t believe she’d want someone dead and
not give the order. Like you said, she was busy. She didn’t get to finish what she wanted you to do.”
Jose looked between us, raising an eyebrow. I shouldn’t have been a part of this conversation
to begin with, but I couldn’t help overhearing Luke mention Sammy Jo’s fate. Death. As if murder
was as easy as taking out the garbage. To these killers, perhaps it was, but I wasn’t used to it quite
yet. She was pregnant. There was a baby to consider. Wasn’t there?”
“The baby,” I mumbled. “The Mistress wants a baby. I mean…she wanted Alvin, right? What
if we just kept her alive long enough for her to deliver?”
“You’re sick. You know that kid?”
“Me?” I threw Luke a look. “You were just talking about killing a pregnant woman. By
wanting to give my Mistress what she wants, and by wanting to save a kid’s life, I’m the one that’s
sick? No. Think about it. It’s like fate.”
“It’s sick,” Luke argued, pulling the laptop back to his lap. “You’ll prolong an inevitable
death, just to bring a child into this world to live…what? On a jet? In Whitlock?” His eyes turned to
slits. “I don’t know if you’re still in shock, or if you’ve looked around recently, but I don’t see how
any of this is a healthy environment for a child. Alvin was already here. His fate, as you called it, was
sealed. He was bound to Whitlock by circumstance. This child doesn’t have to face pedophiles or
killers. It’s better off dead with the mom.”
A loud exhale left me. My mouth twisted and I leaned over, taking a peek at the monitor. The
cell the Main Master was in was mostly dark. I couldn’t see where the illumination was coming from,
but the haunted look Bram wore told me whatever he was seeing was taking its toll. Even from the
distance, the sickly hue couldn’t be mistaken. It was worse this time than an hour before. What
happened between then and now, I wasn’t sure. None of us could continue when the high leader
stripped the little boy down. Jose managed to stomach it the longest, but when he held his hand over
his mouth, we didn’t ask why. We pretty much assumed the worse.
“Maybe you’re right. Maybe it’s a bad time to be talking about babies or kids.”
“Exactly. Just look at the fucking screen.”
I’m done doing that,” Jose mumbled. “I can’t take anything else today. Once we land, I’m
going for a long walk, finding me some beer, and drowning that shit out. That’s something I don’t ever
want to remember.”
“Don’t tell me,” I rushed out. “I’m good not knowing.”
“Where’s the child? I can’t see him anymore?”
Jose leaned over at Luke’s question long enough to point to the top right of the screen.
“High leader walked him over there after they moved out the projector.”
“I didn’t see that part. He was watching a movie on a projector?”
“That’s right. They wheeled in a bunch of different shit. Projector, big television with what
looked like a VHS, DVD combo. Looks like the projector part is done. Not that I could see what was
playing. Which is fine. If it was anything like the show the high leader was putting on, I’m glad as
fuck I couldn’t see it.”
Luke’s hand went up, cutting him off before he could say more.
“I need to call the Mistress and see how she’s handling it. She’s been watching. We can’t risk
her losing her shit and heading back.”
“You don’t think she’s made it to the plane yet?”
Luke checked his watch at my question.
“I’m sure they’re hauling ass, but they should still have a ways to go before they hit Miami.
Has anyone talked to the driver for an ETA?”
Two men closer to the front shook their heads.
“ETA for the Mistress?” Luke yelled, louder. “Someone want to get on that shit, or am I going
to have to do everyone’s fucking job here? Come on.”
One of the men scrambled with his phone as Luke turned back to us and the screen. The Main
Master was still staring ahead, but the high leader was pacing between him and the television. We all
leaned forward, not speaking as we waited to see what happened next.
“Turn it up,” Luke breathed out. “All the way.”
The whispering I barely picked up became clear as the high leader stopped a few feet from
the Main Master.
“You act so brave. You stare ahead pretending what I show isn’t affecting you. You’re not as
strong as you try to appear to be, Main Master. That hard expression with moments of slipping,
shows me everything I need to know. You’ll break easier than I thought. You’re breaking right now.
My voice is causing your walls to crumble from the decades of building you’ve done. From the
things you’ve never wanted to face. How did it feel seeing your daddy do that to you? How does it
feel seeing your first recorded kill? Do you regret beating that poor slave to death as you fucked
her? Do you think what Daddy did made you a better Main Master? That’s what you’ve secretly
tried to convince yourself of, isn’t it? That he did what he had to do to prepare you to run this
place? Or do you see it for what it is?”
Nothing. Bram stared the high leader down, not responding.
“Your daddy was demented. Sinister. A pedophile, just like his daddy. Just like a big chunk
of the people here.” He paused. “Like you?”
“Ahhh!” Bram lunged forward, bowing at the force from the cuffs. “Never. Fucking never!”
“No? You didn’t like what you saw with Alvin? With daddy? No.” He said, smiling. “Not
you. You broke the ancestral cycle. At least in that department. But not the murdering one. That,
you love. That, you love so much, you know what will happen if you give into your cravings.”
“I’ll give into them right now. Set me free!”
Another smile from the high leader, but this one held something different. Something…
“Funny you say that. Are you reading my mind?”
“You’re going to let me kill you? Perfect.”
“You wish,” Derek said, motioning his fingers at the side window. “Not me. It’s time.”
The Main Master’s lacerated lips separated as a fighting slave was drug in by a guard. He
didn’t say a word. He just pushed the slave in the high leader’s direction and headed back out.
Whimpering turned to screams as the slave’s wide eyes took in the bodies strung up around her.
“Let’s have some more fun. You ready?”
The high leader was practically yelling as the slave went wild in his arms. With one hit, he
dropped her to her knees. The top of her body swayed as unconsciousness almost took her.
“Perfect place for you. You see your Main Master? He’s in need of your attention. You’re
going to suck his dick, and then you’re going to bend over in front of him and fuck him. Do you
hear me?”
“No.” A growl rumbled from Bram’s throat and didn’t stop as the high leader pushed from the
girl and headed over, jerking the Main Master’s pants and brief’s down.
“Doesn’t she look familiar? Same color hair. Same pretty little lips as the slave you killed
in that video. I happen to think the resemblance is rather eerie. Don’t you think?” He nudged the
girl forward. “Do it, slave.”
“Don’t touch me,” Bram snapped, looking towards her. “Don’t touch me!” But it was too
late. The crying slave was already crawling closer. “Don’t you dare fucking touch me. Hey! Slave,”
he roared.
Shaky hands lifted to grab his cock. More thrashing came on Bram’s part, but with how he
was cuffed, his body wasn’t swaying as far away as he wanted.
“Fuck this,” I choked out. “We shouldn’t be watching. The Main Master wouldn’t want us to
see this.”
Luke’s lips twisted as he pulled out his phone. He went to dial, stopping to look at the two
“Where’s my ETA?”
“Sir, Korbin isn’t answering.”
“What the fuck do you mean he’s not answering?”
“I’ve called four times. It just rings.”
Luke jerked up the phone, dialing. Seconds passed while I saw the phone tremble.
“Mistress,” he breathed out.
“Luke?” Everleigh’s voice was low. I stood to hear better, knowing something wasn’t right.
“Remain calm, but know I am not calm right now. Do me a favor and smile. Pretend I give you
good news.”
“What is happ—” A small gasp. “I was on the…phone. I didn’t. I…I’m going to kill him. I’m
going to kill him. Who is that slave? Why is she doing that?”
“Bigger worries, Mistress. Do not speak. Do not say one word. I need you to look at the
driver. Is it Korbin? One word: yes or no?”
Heavy breaths were slow but deep as seconds passed. The Mistress’s throat cleared and her
tone hardened as she came back through. Emotion was gone.
“Shit. Are you sure?” Luke pushed his fingers through his short hair.
“Yes. Why?”
“He’s not answering his phone. There’s no reason for him to have it off unless he doesn’t want
to be reached. I don’t like this. Don’t say anything yet. What marker are you at? I want your exact
location before I have you pass me to him.”
“Let me see.” She paused. “One-twenty-seven.” Her voice was so quiet I could barely hear.
“Not possible.” Luke spun, diving for his leather notebook five feet away. He came back,
throwing it open and scrambling through the pages. “One-Twenty-seven. One…twenty” his finger ran
down and he stiffened. “No. Fuck! He’s driving you in the fucking Cheyenne circle. You’re about nine
miles from Whitlock. This is a trap. You’ve been fucking set up.”
“But...” Silence, then an incredulous laugh. “Of course. You’re right, Luke. Nineteen is a good
scout. He knew.” She laughed again, a little too happy. Adrenaline. Her killer? “I guess I did too. It’s
going to be fine. It really is. Let me call you back.”
“Not yet. Do you have your knife on you?”
“Don’t do anything rash. Use Fox’s codename. He’ll know something is wrong.”
“Luke, hold on. You called at the worst time.” Everleigh sighed. “Fox, I need to go to the
restroom. Get the driver to stop at one of those cubbies along the side, will you?”
“Sure thing, Mistress.”
“Driver, stop the van.” Fox’s voice was loud as a small groan followed. “I’ve had to piss for
two damn hours.”
“Ladies first, Foxtrot. I’ve held it longer.”
A pause. A long pause. “Anything for you, Mistress.”
Chapter 17
I never thought I could hate anyone more than West Harper, or my first Master, Master
Vicolette. As I stared down at the high leader and waited for the van to stop, I couldn’t erase the
image I was witnessing. His fist was full of the slave’s hair, and he was forcing her to take Bram’s
cock deeper into her mouth. Witnessing it, I felt a new hate. A fresh blossoming of heat and hellfire. It
brought out my slave just as much as my killer. How many times had I been raped? How many times
had men like the high leader silenced my voice with their power? Now, it was happening to the man I
loved? The pain was intense. Blistering.
No more.
My mom’s speeches echoed in the distance of my sanity, pushing me deeper over the edge.
She’d never been weak. She had always stood up for people who were powerless. For women. My
mother…What would my mother have done had she known of these circumstances? If she could see
all of what I had?
I didn’t have to ask. I knew.
I closed the laptop, spinning to sit next to Fox. It didn’t matter than I couldn’t see what was
happening. My mind kept replaying it on a loop. I knew how this was going to end. I knew what was
going to happen. It teetered my mind into dark spaces. Into a blissful state of a home I sometimes
couldn’t recall. But I’d been there before. Numerous times. Insanity always held the sweetest lullaby.
It called me back. Always reminded me how close we were.
“Driver, I’m not going to tell you again. Find that cubby or I’ll go up there and find it myself.
I’m about to piss my pants.”
Fox’s gun was already out. It appeared to sit loosely in his grasp, but it was pointed at the
main threat.
At Henderson’s annoyed tone, the van began to slow.
“Thank God,” I forced out. “I have to go so bad I didn’t think I was going to be able to hold it
a minute more.”
Henderson smiled. “That makes all of us. We’ve been driving so long. It has to be a record.”
“Indeed.” I leaned into Fox, lowering my voice as much as I could. “Korbin’s turned. Follow
my lead, and just focus on taking him out. I got the rest covered.”
My lips pressed together as I pulled the hood of my cloak over my head. I leaned forward,
smelling the faint scent of aftershave as I whispered against Henderson’s cheek. It reminded me of
West’s. For the briefest moment, it was almost as if I were there against him again—my lips hovering
just over his cheek.
“You go first. Fox will have my back. I need you to go in and pretend to check the restroom.
Guard me in there. Something’s not right with our driver. Fox is going to take care of him.”
Henderson pulled back enough to meet my eyes. It didn’t matter that I couldn’t see the color in
the darkness. My mind was having no problems conjuring what it wanted me to see. West Harper’s
eyes. West. West. How I did love to hate him. Perfect nose. Lips big enough for me to bite against. My
gaze dropped, taking them in with lust. But not the kind Henderson probably detected, or even the
kind one would feel for sex. This was more intimate. More final.
“Almost there.” Again, I inhaled, smelling that spicy scent. Wishing for the impossible. I
could remove his face with the blade I so lovingly trailed with my finger. I could do it, where with
West, I couldn’t. My heart ached, still not over the heartbreaking loss of missing out on my prize.
“Yes, Mistress?”
The van came to a stop and my head pulled back just the smallest amount. Henderson’s lids
were lowered more than they should have been. Regardless of who he was with, or what he was
thinking, I had him just where I wanted him.
“You lead. Stay closest to his door just in case he tries to run.”
He gave a nod, blinking rapidly as he leaned to the double doors. I stayed in sync, following
just behind his lead. But I didn’t see Henderson, or the way he was suddenly looking at me different. I
saw my Master’s face twisted with a horror-filled pleasure as he yelled ‘no’. I saw my late husband’s
face elated with rage-induced ecstasy as he beat me in preparation for rape. And I saw my own
monster, just as I had when I once caught my reflection during my attack of a scout. Three souls. One
dead, two possibly on the way.
Henderson jumped down, turning to offer me assistance. I didn’t give him time to think of how
I was going to take it. I was already jumping right for him, wrapping my hand around the back of his
neck to bring my knife into its target. The orange illumination of the overhead light added to the
surprise on his features as both targets hit their mark. Whether it was the surprise from the pain, or the
shot that exploded behind us in the van, I didn’t care. I held tighter, using the handle for leverage as
Henderson began to spin to break me free. I wrapped my legs around his hips, holding with
everything I had. Hands clawed into my arms and chest while he continuously gasped, but the wound
quickly brought his attention back to his neck. Panic was winning, causing him to send us crashing to
the ground. Fire lit up my injured shoulder, but it was only recognition. I knew I was in pain, but I felt
nothing. Saw nothing but the kill. The structure of his face.
More, I ground the blade in bigger, deeper circles. Blood sprayed and poured over my hand
and neck as he tried rolling. Movements slowed. I didn’t.
I forced myself on top, removing the knife, and seeing Bram again. Seeing his face. Horror.
Pleasure. Dark hair bobbing in front of what was mine. Fingers in the dark hair, forcing her forward.
Taking what was mine. Taking it as if it were in control of the decision.
Sounds tore their way free as I stabbed the blade just below Henderson’s earlobe. Bone had
my wet hand slipping as I cut my way along the jawline. Louder, I screamed from the sting, pulling
back and shoving the knife into his opened, gaping mouth, filling in for his silent yells. My madness,
my hatred, echoed through the tunnel, probably embedding the energy there forever.
This was the high leader’s fault. He was responsible for Henderson one way or another.
Nineteen and I both suspected so. The only one I knew was safe was Fox. And I wasn’t making any
more mistakes. No more risks. I was supposed to be close to Miami, but I failed to make sure. I was
further away than ever to getting Bram safe, and now I was out of time.
“Mistress? Mistress.”
I pulled my knife free, going back to his chin. Fox was behind me, but I didn’t care as I drug
the blade up towards his other ear. The dark tunnel around me faded and disappeared completely as I
focused and tried slowing down my pulse. There was no one but me and the blood. No one but me
and the man who probably intended to hand me over to my enemy. But that would never happen. Not
the way he’d wanted. The only one being gifted to the high leader was the one who’d be residing in
my pocket. And on my terms. Mine. Me.
My wrist flicked as I let the tip of the blade separate flesh from muscle. I wouldn’t think of
what I needed to do. Focus. Focus, Everleigh. I scraped bone. I’d become so at home in my craft, I
didn’t even criticize myself on it. I was moving fast, but only because need and fear drove me to. I
still wanted to stop and stab. To stop and explode from the flashes and position I’d been cornered
into. This was it. This was love. I couldn’t erase what I’d seen of my Master. And not just him, but
Alvin. Hours of having to endure in their torture, murder, beatings, making calls…
I was panting as reality began to roll away. I blinked the guard back into focus, pulling his
face free, and tearing the remaining skin just at his lower cheek. I was gasping in short breaths,
shaking my head as the tunnel flickered in and out. I was cornered. Cornered. Trapped. Love. Love.
I pushed the face into my pocket, raising my arm and plunging the blade into his chest. When I
pulled it free, I immediately stabbed the weapon even higher. Words slipped past my lips as I
continued. Denials. Angry curses for what the high leader had done and caused. Betrayal. When I
finally began to calm, all I could see was what no longer was. Henderson was a mess. Meat,
ligaments, tendons, and joints were exposed at each side of his jaw. One of his eyes were missing.
The other was diced and resting half-an-inch inside the socket. Fox pulled me to stand, but I refused
to look away from what the day had amounted to.
“Are you okay, Mistress?”
Light brown eyes scanned me as he took a rag from his back pocket and wiped my face. My
mouth wanted to move, but I could barely force out the words. I kept twitching. Jolting. It always
happened after I finished my kills. I couldn’t control the movements, and I couldn’t stand it.
“I will be. Give me a minute.”
And he did. He gave me many as he continued to wipe and wrap up my hands.
“Not too deep this time. So, it was him, then? He and Korbin were rats?” Fox’s jaw flexed as
he let out a quiet rumble. “I knew it was too good to be true. Things were going too smoothly. He was
too helpful.” His head shook as his voice grew quieter. “Beware wolves who clip their claws. Their
teeth are always ready. That’s what my ex-wife used to say. We got lucky to strike before they did.
“We did. Luke did good having them try to contact Korbin. He wasn’t answering his phone.
He must have had it off.”
“Yeah. But Henderson…” My stare lowered as I battled through the flashes of blood. They
kept coming, twisting with emotions I didn’t want to feel. “I have no proof if he was or was not a rat,
but I couldn’t take the chance. There was something there. Something he was hiding. I saw it in his
eyes when he hit me. Nineteen picked up on something with him too.” I cocked my head, staring at the
six-foot built killer before me. “ Wolves…Wolves are pretty easy to read. Let me ask you this. What
scares you more, the wolves or your ex-wife?”
“Fox’s mouth opened, only to close. “Not even a contest. My ex-wife.”
“That’s what I thought. Beware of women. Period. We always find a way to survive.”
“Yes, you do. So, what now, Mistress? I can drive. We can’t be that far from Miami.”
I wiped my blade on my cloak, holstering my knife. “We’re very far, actually. We’re only nine
miles from Whitlock.”
A pause. “You can’t be serious.”
I pointed at the marker to the right of the orange light. “I gave the number to Luke, and he
tracked us. We’ve been going in circles from Whitlock to Cheyenne.”
“Shit. Why would we be doing that?”
“My guess is the high leader. He knows, and we’re in trouble. The Main Master is in trouble.”
“I think we should head back to Cheyenne. We can catch a flight out of there to Miami.”
My head shook.
“They’ll be expecting that. I’m surprised someone isn’t already here. Henderson had to have
informed him we were together. It’s the reason Korbin took Luke out of here, but kept us close. The
high leader thinks we’re playing his game. He thinks he has me. He’s wrong. But someone will come.
That’s why I need you to leave. They’ll follow the van once they realize it isn’t circling. They’ll come
for you.”
“We’re not separating.”
“We are. If you want either of us to live, you don’t have a choice.”
“I can’t leave you here.”
“You can.”
“What are you supposed to do?”
“Don’t worry about me. Worry about you. They’ll try to kill you if you’re looking out for me.
You can’t give them the opportunity. We’re already on the path to Cheyenne. Turning back takes us
right to them. You have to drive the van and get to Cheyenne as fast as you can. With as close as we
are to Whitlock, you have a little time. That’s if they don’t have someone watching elsewhere.
Probably at the Cheyenne exit. Maybe we’re being watched right now, or maybe there’s checkpoints
along the way. I don’t know. We have to prepare for the worst.”
“Then come with me. We both stand a better chance.”
“I can’t leave.”
Fox’s teeth ground together as he started to pace. “Neither can I.”
“You can. You will leave me.”
“What will you do? Go back to Whitlock? Try to save the Master yourself? What’s your
“I’ll find a cubby to hide in, and I will call for a ride. A trusted ride. But it will take time. I
can’t rush this or they’ll know. You, make for Cheyenne and fly to Salt Lake City. I’ll have Luke
reroute the jet from Miami. I’ll meet you there in Salt Lake.”
“You’re positive this is your plan? Swear to me.”
My expression stayed emotionless as I nodded. “I swear. I’ll be in Salt Lake probably before
“You better be, or I’m coming back.”
“Not without Luke you’re not. He’ll be in Red Island, but not for long. If for some reason I
don’t show, you better all come in guns blazing. Together,” I stressed. “You’re no use to me dead.” I
walked over, grabbing Bram’s laptop, and my Whitlock phone. “Now go. The next cubby won’t be
far. I’ll be hiding there. You make it to Cheyenne as fast you can. Don’t slow. Not for anyone. Your
turn to swear.”
Fox’s face hardened. “I swear.”
“Good. Off with you.”
I didn’t wait to see him head to the van. I began jogging in the direction of Whitlock. Back to
the one place that never wanted to let me go. Or maybe it was the other way around. Perhaps our pull
to one another was the culprit of my circumstances. We were linked by blood. No matter how hard I
tried to break free, somehow it always found a way to bring me back.
Chapter 18
I shouldn’t have been semi-hard. I wasn’t aroused. Yet, I couldn’t fight what was happening.
My brain could, but not my body. It had a mind of its own. I could induce pain from my wounds. I
could heave. I could even throw up all over the slave who sucked my cock. It did nothing to make her
stop. And it did nothing to stop my body from reacting after she worked on me all over again.
Pressure from her tongue cupped the underside of my nearly limp dick, but with her tightening
grasp, I could already feel my length growing and thickening in her palm. I hated it. I hated her for
breathing. For living. The spiral of my childhood spun around me. I yelled through the emotions I
couldn’t escape. Or the room. Or my mind. With my eyes closed, I got harder. With my eyes open, I
got to soak in my young self fucking and hacking up slaves. At least there, I stood a chance to win. But
was I really winning? My words were starting to slur. All I could see was me or my father. Or Alvin
being defiled. Being pushed into my hand and my face.
I gagged again, but nothing would come. My knees buckled and I swayed, forcing myself
deeper into the slave’s mouth. Tingling pleasure had me yelling out, but my voice was almost gone.
How long had this been going on for? An hour? More?
“Stop.” My head rocked from the lightheadedness. “I said…stop!”
A new round of sobs started, but the slave continued, stroking me faster. Sucking me harder.
“Don’t you like what you see? Maybe I should pull the television closer and rewind the tape
I glared, looking back to the screen. Keeping my vision there so I could go limp again. “Do
what you want.”
“What I want? What I want!”
The high leader jerked the slave to her feet, sending blood spraying across my face as he
crunched his fist into her nose. My eyes flared at the sudden change of energy, but I couldn’t turn away
from the brutality of the second blow. More blood gushed out as he fisted her hair, caving in her cheek
with a solid punch. Harder, he hit, breaking teeth before swinging her head straight for the cement
floor at my feet. When he pulled her up, inches from my face, the knife blurred through slicing open
her neck. Her mouth was opened, but only blood poured out. No screams. And her eyes…they
pleaded to me. Blamed me.
“I’ll tell you what I want.” He dug and pushed into the gaping wound at her throat, collecting
the blood to spread over my face. “I want the big, bad Main Master to step forward. The one who
would have fucked this slave, cum in her mouth, and rejoiced in watching me murder her. Not the
celibate, pussified, sissy before me now. Stop. Stop,” he mocked.
Light burst into my view as Derek dropped the girl and slammed his fist into my battered
“Stop, he begs. Stop, he pleads.”
“Say it again. Cry, big, strong, Main Master. Tell me to stop.”
My weight crashed as the room spun out from under me. The high leader’s voice distorted,
sounding far away and slow as he turned and picked up his chair.
“I’m a lovesick pussy. Stop.”
Metal crashed into my hip and ribs sending me sucking in air that wouldn’t come. My body
impossibly twisted and he caught my back with the next swing. Unbelievable agony shot through my
insides like lightening, and all I could do was try to will myself oxygen. Dark spots dotted my vision
while neither that or unconsciousness would come.
“I’ll stop, alright. I’ll stop showing you mercy. Guard!”
Within seconds the door opened.
“Bring in the next.”
The high leader reached down, kicking the dead slave off to the side of the room. He walked
over, grabbing the remote, and fast-forwarding it to the next clip.
“Bram. Come here, son.”
My dad’s voice came just as air filled my lungs. I sucked it in, coughing and crying out as I
fought to find some sort of footing. Just moving my legs increased the pain. I fell back down, trying
my best not to move at all. The door opened and another slave was brought in. A gasp followed as
she looked around, but I barely heard it. I didn’t even care to see her.
“Please. I don’t want to be here. Please.”
“Shut the fuck up and start sucking his cock.”
“I…I can’t do that.”
“You’ll do it, slave!”
“What is it, dad?”
I looked back at the television. My young voice was full of dread and anger. I knew what he
wanted. I always knew.
“I have a friend for you. She’s been waiting all week for you to get out of school.”
“Not today, dad. I—”
The hit sent me flying to the ground. Blood poured from my nose and mouth as I turned to look
up at him.
“Get undressed. You’re going to fuck this slave, and you’re going to show me what I want.”
“I won’t.”
I was pulled up so fast and shaken, I didn’t get a chance to fight back. Not that I would have
dared step up to the Main Master of Whitlock. I didn’t want to experience the White Room again, or
spend an afternoon with Executioner Kessy, who made me pick up the body parts and cart them down
to the incinerator.
“Do you want to repeat that?”
I sniffled, wiping away my tears. Maybe the last tears I ever shed. “No, father.”
“Good. Take off your fucking clothes and get ready for my orders. I want something special
Pressure grasped my cock and I jumped. Scared eyes stared up at me from below the veil.
Familiar eyes. I looked back to the screen as a blonde headed in my direction. I remembered this one.
I remembered those eyes. I looked back down as she slid me into her mouth. Then, back up. Down.
Up. Down. Fuck, I was hard. Special. Special.
I roared, trying to force my legs to work so I could get away. But there was no escaping. Not
from my first real bloodplay, where I secretly enjoyed it, and surely not from the slave who I
suspected was about to get decapitated because of my childhood rage.
“There we go.” The high leader pulled back the veil, wrapping his fingers in her hair. “That’s
what he wants. Isn’t it, Main Master?”
Did I say yes? No? For the first time, anger wasn’t ruling my words. It was there, but it wasn’t
working as it should. I wasn’t working. The high leader was somehow warping into my father.
My eyes went back to the screen. I was stiffly walking to the bed. She was following. Tears
still left my young self, but I wasn’t crying. Maybe this was where I had changed. Where I’d learned
to follow orders so well. At least in my own way. I still won in my mind. But just because I was
committing such brutal murders, was I really winning? Killing wasn’t winning. Yet, I hadn’t thought
about it like that back then. I went from slicing girl’s necks to decapitation. I had spent nearly an hour
sawing that girl’s head off. It was so much harder than I had thought it was going to be, but I didn’t
give up. I couldn’t with my father sitting there watching. Jacking off. How many times did he come as
I went to the extreme for the first time? Three?
Pressure from bile pushed at my throat as my head fell forward.
“Nope.” Derek put his palm on my forehead, bringing me back up. “No shutting down. Look at
her. You want her, don’t you? You want to kill her for what I’m making her do.”
My brain sputtered through the question.
“Oh. No. Someone isn’t tapping out so soon, are they?”
“Fuck you.”
A smile pulled at his face as the words came from nowhere. Reality was back, but barely.
“There you are.”
“Is this all you got?” I looked down at my softening cock. “You’re wasting your time. I know
how these movies end. I know each one by heart. You can bring in hundreds of slaves and the result is
going to be the same.”
“You think so, but I’m saving the best for last.”
“Everleigh? How’s that going?” I paused, grunting as I tried to catch my breath. Black dots
were returning. I was starting to forget what to say. “Your guards. Didn’t you mention they pretty much
had her? That was forever ago. Where is she?”
Multiple expression crossed his face. I wanted to bask in the slight disappointment, but I was
already starting to blank out. I wanted to stare into nothingness. To disappear.
“Let’s see, shall we?”
Derek withdrew his phone, hitting numbers, before pulling it up.
“Where’s twenty-four-six-ninety?”
Voices buzzed in the back, inaudible. I almost didn’t care. Derek would never have her. She
was safe. Probably far away from here on some island somewhere, waiting for her moment to expose
us all.
“Is that right? Mmhmm. Really?” He smiled and I felt my stomach drop as I began to sober.
“You’re sure?” The high leader rushed to the television, hitting buttons before four surveillance
screens appeared. “I see her. How sure are we?” He brought one up, enlarging it to fit the entire
television. The hood couldn’t be mistaken. I twisted at the cuffs, using my entire strength to stand on
my own.
“That’s not her,” I managed. “That’s not her.”
Derek laughed under his breath. “Search her again at the next set of guards and then let her in.”
“That’s not her. That’s not her!”
Fear engulfed me more than I had ever experienced. Renewed strength came from nowhere as
I managed to knock the slave away with my thrashing.
“That’s not her. That’s not Everleigh.”
“It is. Seems your slave has offered to trade places.”
“You’re lying. This is a lie. Everleigh’s not a slave. She’s a Mistress. She can’t trade places.
She’s free. She doesn’t belong here!”
The high leader shrugged. “That’s not what you thought when you let her back into Whitlock.
When you changed laws for her. You were fine keeping her here. Fucking her here. Maybe I’d like
her as much as you if I fucked her too?”
“You touch her—”
The door opened and my legs gave out again as I was faced with the dark hood she wore.
With a yank, the high leader pulled it back, revealing my worst nightmare. A cry escaped and tears
fell before I could realize I was crying.
“This isn’t real. She’s not here.”
“Let him go, High Leader. You have what you want. I’m here.”
“Yes, you are.”
Derek grabbed her arm, pulling her into the room and shutting the door. With a twist, she
broke free, rushing towards me.
“You’re not real. I’ve passed out. I’m unconscious. Yes.” I sucked in, catching my breath as
the room tilted. “This is a dream.”
Everleigh wouldn’t look at me. Fingers lightly pushed into my sides causing me to wince and
jerk from the pain. But I couldn’t have hurt because I wasn’t awake. I wasn’t talking to anyone. A
hallucination, then? Had I truly lost my mind? No.
“Broken.” She moved up to trace over my face, wiping my blood and tears, but all I could do
was try to snuggle into her hand. I wanted to wake up. I wanted this to end. “You’re not here. This
isn’t real.”
The touch left me as she lowered and pulled up my pants. She barely managed to get them
buttoned before she was jerked back.
“What good care you take of your Master. Did you have a fun ride here?”
A smile came to her lips as she withdrew something and held it up. It took me two blinks
before I realized it was the back of a face. Eye holes. Opening for the nose and mouth. “I did. I
believe this belongs to you. Have you found the van?”
My lids fluttered for focus, seeing the blood soaked in places along her cape. More, I blinked,
trying to erase her from the room, entirely. All it was doing was making the scene more vivid. This
couldn’t be right. This couldn’t be real. Everleigh wouldn’t do something so stupid. Something…for
me. No saviors! It was an unspoken promise between us. No. Harder, I forced my lids down. When I
re-opened them, the high leader was pulling her cloak off. Everleigh didn’t fight. She stood there as
he ripped open her shirt and began tearing at her pants.
“Slaves don’t get finery. Slaves get nothing. Isn’t that right, Main Master?”
“T-That’s not Everleigh.”
Derek drug her to me, pushing her beautiful face an inch from mine.
“It is. Close your eyes. I bet loverboy inside can identify her smell. Can you, Main Master?
Doesn’t she smell sweet?”
Smell? Why the fuck wasn’t my brain working? I could barely conjure what smell meant.
Smell, smell. Perfume. Yes. Didn’t I know that scent?
Derek didn’t wait around for my answer. He pushed her to the side, jerking up Alvin’s tiny,
hallow body to push at her chest. Everleigh stiffened, twitching the smallest amount as her eyes nearly
rolled. She wasn’t alright. She wasn’t okay. What was I missing? What was happening? Was this
“I believe that’s yours. Hold him, Mommy, while I grab you a chair.”
“Jesus.” My lip trembled as more tears escaped. Reality weaved with the black dots again.
“You’ll be better soon, Master. Close your eyes. Go to sleep.”
“Listen to me, Bram. Close your eyes.”
“No. Wait. Wait.” My head shook as more spots tried to come. Harder, I pushed into my toes,
trying to make myself stand, but it was impossible. My mind wasn’t working, and now my body
wasn’t either. There was pain on my side. I was exhausted.
Derek grabbed the metal chair, opening it and walking over. When he reached Everleigh, she
slapped his hand away.
“I’ll sit when you release the Main Master.”
“You’ll sit now.”
One step. Two. She retreated further back, closer to the curled-up slave, while she held tighter
to Alvin. Blurriness stole her face. Just as it was coming in clear from my blinking, it was stolen by a
light. A light and pain so intense, I couldn’t process what it even was. I sucked in air, realizing in the
deepest parts of me that I was flailing like some fish out of water. But I wasn’t sure why. Was the high
leader by me? More pain. His yells. Hers.
“No! No!”
“I’m the Main Master now, and I say sit down!
Everleigh’s tone was all over the place. Wild. Animalistic. Maybe even disassociated, as if it
was her making the noise, but she wasn’t really present to provide the screams. Or was that me?
The room flickered in black.
Everleigh running forward.
Everleigh swinging Alvin…at me? No. The high leader was by me.
Everleigh…being thrown across the room.
Derek on Everleigh.
My sounds gurgled and merged into screams as I did everything I could to stay awake. To
make sure she was okay. But I couldn’t. I hadn’t wanted to be here, and now I wasn’t getting a choice.
My body was shutting down. I was fading, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
Chapter 19
27001 (Charlee)
There were many times I feared for my life at Whitlock, but I never thought it’d be because I
didn’t have my Master. To say I was surprised by the news of his death was an understatement. I
wasn’t even sure to believe Mistress Harper when she called and begged me for a favor. But I did.
She saved my life. She wouldn’t lie to me. Now, faced firsthand with the truth and the monster who
committed the act, I never had more reason to fight. I would never go back as a slave. I wouldn’t stay
at this place just to be resold. I’d fight by her side, even if it killed me.
“What have you done!”
The Mistress continuously screamed the question as she swung upward towards the high
leader. He had her pinned down, trying to get a good hold of her as she fought him off. A bruise was
already swelling where he’d hit her, but he wouldn’t again.
I jumped from where I was curled in the corner, grabbing the metal chair. My swing connected
with a thud, sending the high leader falling to the side, surprised. I reared back to hit him again, but
the Mistress was already back on top of him. Back to trying to rip off his face with her bare hands.
Deep gouges were bleeding along his cheek, and with the fistful of flesh she squeezed in the other, I
knew it wouldn’t be long before he had more cuts. But it wasn’t going to stop him. It wasn’t going to
kill him.
I stayed ready to hit him, remembering the entire reason she’d wanted me here. I threw up the
long robe I wore, removing my Master’s small pocket knife I had strapped to my inner thigh.
“Mistress, please! Mistress, move!”
The connection from the high leader was solid, sending Everleigh flying to her back. I didn’t
wait to check on her. I lunged for his chest, catching the high leader in the shoulder as he dove
towards me. A cry echoed from the walls as he grabbed the small knife embedded in his muscle, and
threw it to the far end of the room. But he was barely able to right himself before Everleigh was
swinging the chair back towards him. Metal hit his forearm as he blocked her blow and surged for
both of us. The impact was solid. Air rushed out in a gush as we hit the ground, but the blood below
left me sliding and kicking free. I caught the side of his knee as he tried to stand sending him roaring
and diving back towards me.
A gust of air fanned my face as Everleigh brought the chair down to the back of the high
leader’s head. Weight fell into me, but he didn’t seem phased as he pushed himself up.
I wrapped around his feet, freezing as the barrel of a gun became level with my face.
“Either of you move, and I pull this trigger.”
All I could hear was my heartbeat as Everleigh slowly straightened.
“If you kill that slave, I’ll swallow that barrel and you’ll get nothing more from me. You want
something or you wouldn’t have waited this long.” She took a step back. Then, another. “I’m going to
say goodbye to my Master. I want him going to Medical, now.”
“You have some nerve giving me orders. Did you not hear me tell you I was in charge?”
“We all heard you.”
Slowly, I let go, putting distance between us. Everleigh was still trying to catch her breath,
and glaring towards the high leader as he began to step wide towards the door. She raced to the Main
Master, whispering something to his unconscious body. There was so much blood saturating down his
I scrambled further at his booming voice, looking to the Mistress for direction. For anything.
She seemed to sense that as she kissed Bram’s lips and headed for me.
“You’ve done right by your word. You risked your life, and I can’t thank you enough. I have a
gift for you. I also have another favor, but you will find that out in time. Take care of yourself, brave
My lips parted at hearing my name. I hadn’t heard it from anyone in forever. Her words gave
me strength. They had me nodding and standing as the door opened.
“Take the blonde slave to the White Room and let Dr. Cortez know I’m ready. The Main
Master can be taken next door now.”
“Roger that.”
The dark-skinned guard didn’t have to get me. I ran forward, not wanting the high leader to
change his mind. I had heard stories from my Master about the White Room, but it was better than
death. Especially knowing the Mistress would somehow take care of me.
“Let’s go.”
Fingers wrapped around my bicep. I took a deep breath as the door closed behind us. I was
shaking so badly, I could barely walk. One step in, and I almost collapsed.
“You’re okay, now. Breathe. Just don’t say anything. Don’t look at any of the guards. Mistress
Jane is waiting for you.”
Words choked in my throat. Mistress Jane? Another Mistress? And she was waiting?
Tears burned my eyes as more hope sparked. Mistress Everleigh called me Charlee. She said
to take care of myself. She had a gift for me…
Wetness streamed down my cheeks as I kept my head down. It was too much to hope that I was
going to be taken in by a woman. By a friend of the Mistress who kept helping me. I wouldn’t be beat.
I wouldn’t be raped or killed. Maybe I could live a semi-normal life. Maybe we could even be
friends in this dark place.
We passed two sets of guards, then three. The man who held to me kept giving them orders,
telling them what the high leader wanted, or what was going on. But I barely heard. I didn’t even
really come out of my thoughts until we entered a large group of guards near the incline that led to the
lower levels. There was so many. More than when I had been brought up to pose as the next slave. I
hadn’t been paying much attention then. I had been so scared, not knowing what to expect.
“What’s happening? Where’s the Main Master?”
“Is it true the Mistress is in there? Did she turn herself in?”
Questions were coming from all directions as men moved in closer.
The guard who held me lifted his hand to quiet them. “It’s true. She’s traded herself for the
Main Master, who appears in critical condition. He’s been taken to the doctor in the next cell.”
“Critical Condition?”
A roar erupted in the back. “This isn’t the Whitlock I signed up for! She wasn’t a slave,
anymore. The Masters and Mistresses get to leave whenever they want. Why shouldn’t she be able
to? That’s not how it works here. If the high leader can’t keep true to the Masters and Mistresses,
who’s to say he’ll keep true to us? So many of us are already dead over this. It’s bullshit!”
Shouts went up.
“If it’s true she returned, then she returned in good faith. She loves him. She wouldn’t have
come back to risk her life if she didn’t. This isn’t right. We have to do something.”
Agreements followed, but we didn’t stick around to hear them. The guard pulled me fast,
leaving the others to raise chaos in the large waiting room. When we rounded the curved hall and
went down two floors, my feet slowed. A woman stood in front of an apartment door with what
looked to be a personal guard. Her hair was long and blonde, and she wore a leather skirt and heels.
The jacket she sported could have been taken from any office building. She was tall, but not taller
than me. And gorgeous.
“Thank you, Albert. I’ll take it from here. I’ve been told to tell you to call Nineteen.” She
paused, smiling. “Tell him I said hello.”
“I’ll be sure to do that.”
Dark eyes gave me one last look before he turned and left us. I was still shaking, still
overwhelmed with emotions I couldn’t process.
“Are you my new Mistress?”
A laugh had her putting her hand on the middle of my back and leading me into her front door.
The finery could have matched my Masters. The layout was identical, but the sofa was a different
“You’re taller than I expected, but I have some clothes laid out for you. You’ll have to dress
fast. We don’t have much time.”
We stopped inside the bedroom as she turned to me.
“Before Mistress Harper called you, she called me. I was told that if you lived, I was to take
you far away from here. Now, I don’t take orders from anyone, but I’ve been looking into this mystery
woman for quite some time.”
“You’re not friends?” I grabbed the long, slip dress, pausing at the silk material between my
“No. In another life, we would have been. In another life, had she not been taken, she would
have probably been like a sister to me. The rich work like that. But that’s not what I mean. Her mother
was a very important woman. Everleigh Davenport Harper was robbed of a life that would have
made her just as important. Not just to the elite, but to the world. One that operates a little like
Whitlock. But for good.”
“Good?” I let my bloody clothes fall to the floor, grabbing the towel the woman offered to
wipe off the blood. “If you’re good…why are you here?”
She gave me a smile I couldn’t read.
“With the good comes the bad. It matters not. We all have our demons, and our missions.
Hurry. Get dressed. My friend will be driving you to Chicago. From there, someone else will take
you to your new home. I was told you have no family. You do now. We’ll be setting you up with a new
life. A new start.”
“I’m being set free?”
More tears. They burst from me so hard that the sobs were instant. I didn’t want to cry, but I
couldn’t fathom what she was saying. It was too much to comprehend.
“In a sense, yes. But you’re not quite free to go into society until this mess here gets resolved.
Do you understand?”
“I understand. But, I’m free? I mean, no more Masters?”
“Never again. Just the Janes while we integrate and take care of you.”
I ignored everything but the never again. Clothes be dammed, I threw myself into the
Mistress’s arms. She held me while I completely broke to pieces.
“No more. Dry those tears, darlin. We have to get going. Your ride is waiting for you in the
underground garage. They’re not letting anymore Masters out, but we Mistress’s have our pull.
They’ll think you’re me.”
“You’re not going?” Fear had me nearly reaching out.
“And miss all the fun? Honey-love, this is what I do. This is what I’m trained for. Blood and
blondes go together like salt and pepper. Jack and Coke.” She smiled. “Like Bram and Everleigh. You
get me?”
The southern accent was thick as I nodded. Whether it was real or not, I wasn’t sure. I didn’t
care as I pulled the dress over my head, put on the flats the Mistress handed over, and rushed to the
large man standing at the bedroom door gesturing for me to follow. I was out of Whitlock. I was as
good as gone, and no one was going to stop me. I’d be free, and I’d be gratefully awaiting Mistress
Everleigh’s call. Whatever she had planned for the future, she had me on her side.
Chapter 20
To be back on the fifth floor was something I didn’t want to have to do. Luckily, I didn’t have
to go down, the way I had come up. If I would have gone the opposite way to begin with when I found
the secret entrance, I would have seen all the other trap doors and the metal stairs that led straight to
the sixth floor and attic. As it was, my location wasn’t the issue. The pissed, yelling man on the other
end of the phone was.
“Luke, calm. I had no idea she was coming back. I warned her something about the guard
didn’t feel right. I probably saved her life.”
“Not if she’s there. He’s going to kill her. He has no reason not to.”
“We don’t know that. He’s gone pretty far to have her. There has to be something else he
wants. Something we haven’t discovered.”
“Bullshit. I see it for what it is. Revenge,” Luke snarled. “There’s no ulterior motive. There’s
no missing piece to the puzzle for us to pray for. The bastard damn nearly killed the Main Master and
now that he has the one person who’s evaded him after all this time. He’ll kill her for sure.”
My hand slammed into the wall. Nothing was going right. “I’ll see what I can do. I’ll try my
best. You’ve seen the Main Master. Tell me about Bram. You said he was nearly killed.”
“He may be dead now, for all I know. The high leader moved him into the next room for
medical attention after he took a knife to his back. His spine, I think. I can’t see him. I don’t know
whether he’s alive or not.”
“His spine?” I tried to ignore my strained tone. “It’s my fault. I should have gotten there in
time. I should have been there instead of cutting into a room I knew he wasn’t in.”
There was a pause. “But you’re in? I mean, you can get to his floor?”
“Yes. There’s secret passages to some of the sixth floor rooms, but none are close enough to
bypass the guards. I had to cut in from the attic. The majority of the sixth floor is being renovated, and
luckily, I picked an empty room far enough away not to be heard. I’m about five rooms over, but I’m
on the same hall.”
“Yes. Yes. That’s perfect. We’re going to need a way in.”
“We? Where are you? Will you be here soon?”
Luke let out a deep breath. “No. We just got to Red Island. I’m about to go speak to my brother
now. Fox, though, he’s on his way back to Whitlock from Cheyenne. Once he found out the Mistress
lied, he left the airport. He’s pretty pissed. From what he says, she was supposed to be hitching a ride
from a trusted source to Salt Lake City.”
“Fox. Yes, I met him. Do you have his extension?”
“Star eighty-nine. Give him a call, and stay in touch. I’ll try to be there as fast as I can.”
“Hurry.” I hung up, pushing the phone in my pocket as the door knob jiggled and then opened. I
held my breath, trusting in the signal of the jiggling knob.
The guard smiled, shutting the door and throwing his arms around me.
“I thought you were a fucking goner. Where have you been?”
“Exploring. And you wouldn’t believe what I found.” I waved him in the closet, pushing into
the wall until it gave way and opened up. Once we were inside, I turned on my flashlight, leading him
towards all the entrances and stairs. “I found a blueprint in the attic. Seems the high leader has been
holed up there, planning all this shit.” I shined my light on each entrance to apartment rooms we
passed. “These will get into other closets, but this,” I said, slowing, “is the doozy.” I reached up,
pulling a handle that sent the secret door open.
“Not the only stairs,” I said, turning to look over my shoulder as I let him peek into the
stairwell. “These go up and down. To every floor. It conveniently opens to the back janitorial room in
the bunkhouse. No one would have ever seen him come or go.”
“You’ve got to be shitting me.”
“It gets better,” I said, moving back into the entrance on the fifth floor and shutting the door.
This other staircase at the end of the hall take us to the attic, which is where I’ve been working. I’ve
managed to cut a hole in one of the ceilings on the same hall as the Main Master, but I can’t get to him
alone. I need help.”
Albert laughed as he followed me back to the main bedroom.
“Have you seen the crowd gathering? You’ll have help. What’s the plan? How many do you
think you’ll need?”
I cringed coming to a stop just outside the closet, remembering what Luke had said.
“How bad is the Main Master? Have you seen him?”
Albert’s face grew grim as he stepped into the abandoned bedroom, next to me. “I was the one
who took the Mistress in. I’ve been waiting. The Master is bad. Real bad. He was unconscious when
I left.”
“I was told the high leader stabbed into his back. My source thinks it was the spine.”
Dark eyes widened.
“I saw the blood, but his spine?”
“I don’t know. It’s what I was told from the Mistress’s main guard. Luke is watching
everything, but he can’t see the Main Master anymore. They moved him into the room next door for
medical attention.”
Albert nodded. “I heard the high leader mention that. There’s windows. He’ll be watching that
room. I’m not sure you can get in without him noticing.”
“We’re going to have to figure out a way. We get the Main Master first. If we can do that, we
stand a chance to get to Mistress Everleigh. I need you back on that first guard. You have to distract
your partner so we can get through. But you have to get that window closed too so we can slip in
without being seen.”
“You’re not asking for a lot, are you?”
I shrugged at the sarcasm, giving him an apologetic look.
“I’ll try my best. I have to go, though. They’ll be expecting me back. You should come with
me. You’re in a guard uniform. Join the men on the sixth floor. Bring some back with you. It won’t be
hard to convince them. They want what we do.”
My brow creased as I shook my head. “I’m not sure. It’s risky.”
“You’re a scout. You belong to Whitlock.”
I pulled down my shirt, exposing the tattoo. “I am a slave in Whitlock standards. I can’t just
wipe this off.”
“You’re right. Stay. I’ll try my best to send some guys your way. But if I can’t…”
“Don’t worry about it. You’re already doing more than enough. I’ll figure it out. Do what you
can, but be safe.”
I nodded, gesturing towards the door. Albert paused as he went to leave.
“Mistress Jane says hello. Seems to me she’s got the hots for someone.”
“Mistress Jane?” I laughed, shaking my head. “Get out of here.”
He laughed, jogging through the hall until he turned and vanished. Heat crept up my face at the
memories of the blonde helping us from the White Room. No. I wouldn’t think of her now. I couldn’t.
Reaching for my phone, I hit Fox’s extension. He picked up almost immediately.
“Fox, this is Nineteen. Luke told me you’re headed back to Whitlock.”
“Damn right I am. That Mistress…” he let out a deep rumble. “She swore to me she wouldn’t
do this. I trusted her.”
“She loves him.” My lips pressed together as he grunted.
“How is she? Have you heard anything new?”
“Nothing besides the fact that she’s here. I know he has her in the room he had the Main
Master in.”
“And Bram Whitlock? Where’s he?”
“They moved him into the room next door for medical attention. The high leader stabbed him
in the back. Literally. It’s possible he cut his spine.”
“Fucking shit.”
“It’s bad.”
“I’m going as fast as I can. I shouldn’t be but another hour. Getting in won’t be too hard. I still
have my Whitlock uniform on, and as far as they know, I was on a Master-run whenever this shit went
down. Where can I find you? Do we have a plan?”
“We do. Sort of.”
“What do you mean?”
“I found a way into a room a few doors down from where the high leader is. We’re going to
get the Main Master out of Whitlock first. He’s top priority and it makes rescuing the Mistress easier.
Once we get him out of here, we start the next stage of the plan. That’s figuring out how to draw the
high leader out of the room so we can either kill him or rescue the Mistress.”
“Draw him out? Fuck that. I’m going to walk in that room and put a bullet between his eyes.
There’s no drawing him out.”
“The moment you do that, his guards are going to come in and kill you. That’s if you can make
it past them.”
“You have little faith. I’m not so sure they can take me out. How many are there?”
“From what I hear from my contact, there’s six just outside the room. What most don’t know is
that there’s at least fifty on the sixth floor. They’re called the Whitlock Top Guard. Sixteen rooms,
three to four soldiers to a room. They’re his most trusted, and from what Benoit told me, they’re there,
waiting. Patrolling. Other than that, there’s hundreds in the bunkhouse. One call and they’ll come to
his aid from all sides. We have to be careful. This mission will not be easy.”
“I don’t like those numbers. How many guards are collected outside the sixth floor? Did any
show up from the Mistress’s calls?”
I paused. “Yeah. A lot from what I’m told. I was actually going to try to recruit some of them
to help me get the Main Master out. As much as I want to wait for you, I’m not sure I can. I need him
out now. I need him safe.”
“I get it. Do what you need to. I’ll be coming regardless.”
“Perfect. Call me when you get here. Star twenty-two.”
I hung up the phone, staring at the door to the apartment. How was I ever going to get guards to
join me without going down there to check them out for myself? It was dangerous, but did I really
have a choice? I couldn’t rely on Albert to do all the work. It might blow his cover. It wasn’t worth
the risk. Time was of the upmost importance, and the Main Master’s was running out. My eyes closed
as my hand came to settle on my gun. Trust. I had to trust that if this was meant to be, I’d be okay.
Fuck if I ever had that mentality though. The world wasn’t on my side, or on the side of men
like Bram Whitlock. We were the devils of the world. Devils burned.
“Fuck it.” I clipped the phone to my belt and threw open the door, freezing as I came face to
face with a man I’d never seen before.
“Albert said you were in need of assistance. That you were rescuing the Main Master.”
“Isn’t that the runaway slave?”
Another man stepped around the first. Then, another. I kept my hand on my gun, not sure what
to expect with the way they were looking at me.
“I’m Scout Nineteen. And yes, I’m the runaway slave.” I pulled down the top of my shirt,
exposing the tattoo. “I was undercover for the Main Master when all this happened. Now, I’m here to
save him. Have y’all come to help, or are we all going to fight it out? I’m not dying today. Not until
the Main Master is safe.”
Multiple faces stared at me. Hard. Angry.
“You gotta have balls and be pretty fucking loyal to go that undercover.” The first guard
stepped in, lifting his hand to shake mine. “Nice to meet you, Nineteen. I’m Lewis. I’m actually
Albert’s bunkmate, and was married to his sister, Amelia. High school days. Long gone. He called
and let me know what’s up. I heard a lot about you, way before this. He said you used to be a guard.”
My shoulders fell the slightest amount in relief. What was I saying about the world not being
on our side? It sure was starting to look like it was.
“That’s right. I was a guard, once. Nice to meet you. How about you all come in. I think it’s
time we come up with a plan to rescue the Main Master.”
Chapter 21
I felt like a kid in a candy store, or an over-excited dog bouncing from one window to the next
just to see everything all at once. My feet were going. My mind was racing. I paced and nearly panted
from my soaring adrenaline as I held to my gun and walked the prisoners off the jet. My eyes were
searching everywhere, scanning everything from the beach in the distance, to the large castle on the
hill. I wanted to run. I wanted to race forward as fast as I could to find my sister. To scream her name
until she appeared.
“Calm kid. You’re freaking me out.”
I ignored Luke, bringing my attention back to the five people before me. The five dead people,
if I wanted to be honest. Even knowing they were surely goners, I didn’t care. I couldn’t think of them
now. Not when Layla was so close.
“Faster,” I snapped. “Just…go.” My free hand balled into a fist as my patience wore thin.
Sobbing and small cries were like bugs against my skin. Maybe deep down their turmoil was wearing
on me, but my mind was doing a great job of turning it to agitation.
“Aamir! Aamir!”
My head shot up, scanning the tower attached to the castle. Everleigh had mentioned Layla
living there, hadn’t she? I couldn’t remember anymore. I followed the stone, searching every window
I could.
Left. My brain detected the voice was coming from off to the side. I side-stepped. I held to
Luke’s shoulder. I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing. Tears were starting to blind me, and I
couldn’t stop the raw burning of my throat as I fought it.
“Where is she? Do you see her?”
My head whipped back and forth until I wanted to yell out from the torture.
Luke snatched my gun, shrugging out of my hold.
“There,” he said, pointing to a pink and gold blur that was racing right for us. My feet were
shuffling and I knew why. “Can I go? Can I go?”
Luke lifted my gun, showing me that he had it. “I think you’re okay. Go ahead.”
I was gone before he could finish the sentence. Tears poured from my eyes, and I ran faster
than I could ever remember running. Faster than when I was running for my life in the White Room.
Faster than running down the white halls of Whitlock to escape the guards. My feet barely touched the
luscious lawn of Red Island as I closed the distance between us.
Dark hair was flying out, longer than I remembered. And she was skinny. Way skinnier than
before. I saw big, beautiful almond shaped eyes, and a huge smile. And tears. She was crying too as I
slowed and swept her in my arms.
“Easy. Easy!”
The deep tone had me looking up to see Luke’s brother, Master Gavin Draper. He was
approaching, but I wouldn’t worry about The Dragon now. No. Gavin didn’t exist in our moment. I
wouldn’t let him.
“Aamir.” Layla laughed and wiped her tears as she pulled me in closer again. The pressure
against my stomach as she hugged me tight, had me pulling back to look down, confused. “No,” she
said, lifting my face. “Look at me. See me.”
“I see you,” I laughed. “I see you, and I love you, and I’ve missed you.”
Again, the pressure made itself known as she clung around my neck. Emotions swarmed again.
Ones, this time, I couldn’t quite process. Layla had been raped on the ship. Not just by Ram, the giant,
but by the crew…and by me. But not because I wanted to. Ram had made me rape my sister.
Nausea was overwhelming as I pulled back and searched her eyes.
“You’re pregnant.”
It wasn’t a question. I knew she was. The bump wasn’t big, but I definitely could feel it on her
small frame. How long had I been gone? Weeks? Months? I tried calculating, but my thoughts were
blurring together.
“Aamir, look at me, remember?”
I pulled her in, meeting Master Draper’s watchful gaze.
“You all must be exhausted from your journey. Let’s put the captives in the cells and get some
Layla didn’t wait. She grabbed my hand, pulling us towards the large castle. For a slave, she
didn’t appear as one. She seemed to do as she pleased, minus, Master Draper falling into step behind
us. He stayed close, despite he didn’t need to. I wasn’t going to hurt my sister. She was twin—my
Brown eyes lifted, only to return forward again as she pulled us faster. Her smile was
wavering and I hated myself for ruining such a beautiful moment between us.
“Let me see you.”
I stopped us, turning her to face me again. The scar had lightened. Or maybe it was because
she was so much paler than I was used to.
“You look…happy. But.” I paused, not sure how to word what I was feeling. “Are you sick?
You look different. Not bad, just different. You’re pale.”
She laughed, wrapping her arm around one of mine as she pulled us forward again. “Of course
I’m sick. I could barely keep anything down at all, but my Master’s taken good care of me. I received
my medicine last week so I’m much better than I was before.”
“Your Master?” My head shook. “No. You have a Mistress. The Dragon isn’t your Master.
You’re coming back with me, Layla. We’re going to go to Whitlock like before. Back with Mistress
Everleigh. Or maybe we won’t go back yet. It’s sort of a mess there at the moment. But you’ll go, and
she’s going to take really good care of us.”
Her bottom lip quivered and she held to me tighter as we neared two large double doors.
“You are coming back, right? I mean, you don’t have a choice, but you want to be together
again…don’t you?”
Tears filled her eyes as she clung to me. I was so confused on what was happening.
“Enough for now. Food. The twins need her to eat.”
My world all but stopped. I stopped. The Master held his hand to my sister and she took it
with such eagerness. A blush crept up her cheeks, but something else. There was an expression she
held that had me looking between the two of them as he pulled her close and headed for the doors.
Time all but slowed as anger pinged in my chest. I was going to lose my sister. Again. And to him.
Luke finally stepped up alone, pulling me from the fog. I glanced behind us to see the
prisoners being pushed through a side door, fifty feet back. The word kept coming back. The
realization of what I’d be missing.
“Twins?” I mumbled.
“I thought she was showing a little more than normal. I guess it makes sense. She’s gotta be
what…eight weeks along, give or take?”
“Twins. My sister is having twins. Not one. Two. Just like us.”
Luke’s hands settled on my shoulders. Was I swaying?
“We better get some food in you. You’re not looking too good.”
“I don’t feel very good.”
I let him pull me forward, regardless that I wasn’t sure I wanted to go inside. There were too
many questions. Too many fears surfacing that I didn’t know whether I could face. Was I going to lose
Layla to The Dragon? What if it was me who got her—? No. But, what if…?
Guards were on both sides of the door as we passed. The large entry way opened to an area
with stone stairs. We headed up, barely catching Master Draper and my sister in the distance. When
we finally joined them on small balcony, Layla was already nibbling on pieces of a croissant. From
the air, I could tell it was evening. The temperature was slightly cool, and colors were beginning to
paint the sky. Darkness would come soon, and I was far from tired. What I had were these plaguing
questions. Ones I wasn’t sure I’d ever get the answers to. Maybe I didn’t want to know.
I forced a smile, pulling up a chair to sit closer to Layla. Gavin had already taken the one to
her side. He was close. Closer than I could stand him being.
“Tell me how you’ve been. Tell me what’s happened since we were separated.”
Another blushed darkened her slightly pale face. Chewing slowed and she took a drink before
another smile appeared.
“I’m afraid there’s not much to tell.”
“The Mistress said you live in a tower?”
Layla almost choked on her water. Gavin was right there, rubbing her back. It had my eyes
shooting to his with anger. Yes…there was something going on between them. It was unmistakable.
“Excuse me,” she said, patting her mouth. “Yes. The tower is lovely. Sort of reminds me of a
fairytale of sorts. Remember the ones mother used to tell us when we were little?”
The fake smile was purely for my sister’s benefit. I was still fixated on the Master’s hand
settled on her back. Rubbing just enough to add comfort. It took everything I had to force my eyes up
to meet hers.
“I remember well. You loved those stories. They were your favorite.”
“Still are, I guess.”
At my stare going back to Gavin, my sister squirmed uncomfortably. “Brother, eat. You’ve lost
weight. Tell me about you. About Whitlock.”
The Dragon’s eyes finally left my sister to come to me. With a hard shake of his jaw, he said
all the warning he could. He didn’t want me to tell her the truth. He knew. Probably everything. I
wasn’t sure how, but he did.
“Whitlock. Well…It’s very white. White walls. White…rooms. I met a scout for a friend. His
name is Nineteen. We get along okay. Uh…” Gavin’s eyes stayed focused on me. One word, that’s all
it was going to take to trigger him. And he wanted me to know that too. It ignited my own need to
explode. “You’re going to love it there. You really will. Mistress Everleigh…” I turned, taking in
Luke’s hard expression as he stared ahead, not looking at us. “She’s great. You’ll love her. Luke
His head swung to me as I smiled and pretended, I meant as an employer.
“It sounds great,” Layla said, quietly, putting down her croissant. “I’d really love to hear
more, but I’m afraid I’m a little tired, and I’m not feeling so well. I guess my excitement has taken its
toll. You don’t mind if I take a little nap, do you, brother?”
Master Draper was already standing, helping Layla to her feet. His hands were so cautious,
yet claiming.
“Of course not,” I said, pushing up to join them. “Get all the sleep you need. I’ll be here when
you wake up.”
Layla nodded, jerking to a stop as she started to go around me.
“Have you seen Jessa? Is she okay?”
“Wonderful,” Luke said, leaning forward. “She has a nicer Master than most. She’s very
happy. Go rest up.”
She seemed to relax even more, and I waited for Layla and The Dragon to disappear before I
whispered to Luke.
“Does she? I haven’t had a chance to check on her whereabouts. She’s okay?”
Seconds passed before he grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl.
“I have no damn idea, but did you see my brother? If you think he’s going to let one thing upset
your sister, you got another thing coming. We can’t stay here long. We’re in his territory. He doesn’t
like it. I know Gavin, and he’s best left alone when he gets like this.”
“When he get like this?” My head shook as my temper sparked. “That’s my sister. He can butt
the fuck out. Don’t you think she needs to know what she’s in for? What she faces?”
At the deep tone, my head snapped around.
“Your sister isn’t leaving this island.”
“I beg your pardon.”
I went to step forward, but got jerked to sit down at Luke’s pull.
“You heard me. Layla is facing a very difficult pregnancy. Already, she has problems with
being able to carry the twins. She wasn’t even supposed to be out of bed, but I allowed her to come
so that she could see you. She’s safer here. She needs to remain at Red Island.”
“But…that’s not up to you. She’s not yours.”
Master Draper lifted one of his eyebrows, throwing me a look that said otherwise.
“Mistress Everleigh—”
“Will understand,” he continued. “If what I hear is correct, she going to be in need of a little
saving herself.” He glanced at Luke. “That’s why you’re here, correct? You need my men. You need
my help.”
Luke finally stood, letting me lift with him.
“We do. The high leader has gone crazy. He’s taken over Whitlock and nearly killed Bram
Whitlock in the process. My Mistress has traded herself for the Main Master’s release so that he can
get medical attention. She needs your men, brother. I need them.”
Brown eyes with specks of gold narrowed at Luke.
“And because we’re blood, you expect me to say yes?”
“No.” Luke looked down. “I know our relation means nothing when it comes to these matters.
I’m asking as a man who is looking out for the woman he loves, to a man who is doing the same. You
wish to keep Layla and her children safe. I understand that.”
“My children,” he stressed. “They’re just as much mine.”
“That’s impossible,” I snapped.
“Is it?” he said, moving in closer and glaring down. “Would you prefer them be yours?”
I swallowed hard.
“I didn’t think so. She’s mine and so are they.”
“Mistress Everleigh, she would understand your protectiveness. She would want the twins
safe. The high leader killed her boy. The one she and Bram Whitlock meant to raise as his heir. He
gutted that boy, Gavin. Did unspeakable, vile things to his dead body while the Main Master was
forced to watch. While she was forced to watch. The fortress is in complete chaos. People are dying
at every turn. I’m begging you. Everleigh…she doesn’t love me, but I can’t change the way I feel. I
hurt for her. I’m scared for her. I’m begging you to spare as many men as you can. She needs our
“And if I say no?”
“Then you sentence us both to death. I will go back for her. Even if it’s by myself.”
“Don’t do this. She’s a good Mistress,” I rushed out. “A good person when it comes down to
it. You can’t let her die.”
“I can. That woman is a risk for Red Island. Not just for me, but anyone like me. And you’d be
a fool to return, Luke. She’s exactly where she needs to be. Leave it and walk away.”
“You can’t mean that,” I ground out.
“But I do.” Anger rose in his tone. “If I free her, what do I have to look forward to? To her
exposing me and a long list of other Main Masters? I won’t do it. I can’t risk that.”
“Not even for me?”
Gavin spun, turning to throw me and Luke a look that could have crumbled an entire country.
With a deep breath, he turned, moving in next to my sister.
“Lovie, please. Let Jean take you back to bed.”
“You can’t be upset. You know the risk.”
“I also know what my brother goes back to face if you don’t save this Mistress. Your brother
too. They’ll die, Gavin.”
“They won’t. Let’s get you back to bed.”
“No!” she said, pushing against the hand he had on her. “You promised you’d make sure
Aamir was safe. You promised you wouldn’t hurt me.”
“I’m not. I’m trying to help you.”
“You’re hurting me now! I don’t want my brother to die. I don’t w-want to lose him again.”
Sobs shook her shoulders as she side-stepped his reach and raced into my arms. The heartbreaking
cries left tears strolling down my own face.
“I can’t do it,” Master Draper said, softer. “Layla, that Mistress can destroy everything.”
“You’re destroying everything,” she said, turning deeper into my chest. “You gave me your
word. You said you’d make sure my brother was safe. That he was being taken care of. Now he’s
going to die and it’s all your fault!”
Repeatedly, Gavin’s jaw tightened as his emotions came to a boiling point. His fists clenched
while he paced and watched us.
“Make her stop crying. Calm her down.”
“I’ll be okay,” I whispered, pulling her closer. “Do you really think I could die so easily? I
survived red lights, full of weapons and murdering prisoners. I killed people. I escaped facing certain
death, and they still didn’t find me. I’m a fighter, Layla. You know that. What’s a few hundred trained
guards led by a greedy psychopath?”
Gavin’s fist rose as he pointed at me, threateningly. But I didn’t stop. I continued, listening to
my sister cry even harder.
“You d-didn’t say that b-before. You didn’t say you were i-in danger.” She lifted enough to
look at The Dragon. “You lied to me. You said he was safe.”
“Don’t blame him, sister. He didn’t want you to worry. If Master Draper doesn’t want to help,
at least I’ll go back knowing you’re safe. That’s the important part.” I tried not to flinch as I placed
my hand on her rounding stomach. “This is what’s important. Why don’t you go back to bed? We’ll be
okay. If I’m gone when you wake up, at least we got to see each other one last time. I love you, Layla.
I’ll always love you.”
“Don’t leave. Stay here. Stay with me. D-Don’t…”
“We both know that’s not possible. I’m sorry. She’s my Mistress. She owns me now.”
Layla spun, throwing herself at Master Draper’s feet. He was so fast, he met her on the
ground, still trying to protect her. She practically climbed on top of him, wrapping her arms around
his neck and clinging like a child. “Please. Please, I beg you,” she sobbed. “Send the men. I’ll do
anything. I’ll do a-anything. I can’t lose him. I c-can’t. I can’t bear it.” Shuddering breaths were
choked out by even heavier wales. It was enough to snap me out of my desperate greed to see just
how fragile my sister was. She wasn’t merely crying…she was breaking into pieces.
“You p-p-p-romised. You, you prom-mised. I-I-I.” Her hand went to her stomach as she tried
to catch her breath.
I lowered, fear driving me forward. What I was met with was a fist, snatching my shirt
“You take my men to free that Mistress and get the hell off my island. If I ever see you again.”
Gavin stopped, wild eyes shooting daggers into mine. “You tell your Mistress I have her payment
right here as thanks. You tell her she is bound to me. Permanently. One word on her part about Red
Island, and she’s dead. Now, leave.”
“You can wait on the plane until they’re ready.”
“I’m…sorry. Layla, please.”
Chapter 22
From my first step back onto Whitlock grounds, I knew how this was going to play out. I knew
I wasn’t getting out of this room without facing the high leader’s wrath. Pain was to be expected.
Death was to be expected. I accepted that so long as my Master was safe. But he wasn’t. He was on
his back, hooked to machines, and surrounded by nurses and Dr. Cortez as she reached in through his
stomach to try and save his life. I didn’t pretend to know what they were doing. Surgery on his
insides? His spine? I’d think they’d flip him on his stomach for that. But what did I know? I wasn’t a
doctor. Plus, I could barely see. From what I knew from their movements, he wasn’t out of the water
yet. They were frantic, and moving fast. So that meant no matter what I was faced with, the pain I
could take. Death wasn’t on the table. Not yet.
Clinking sounded behind and off to each side, but I didn’t turn. I stayed at the large glass
window watching Bram as the guards set up whatever the high leader had in store for me. For now, he
left me alone. That told me everything. What was coming was bad. So bad, he was more consumed
with what was going on in the room than with me. It gave him pleasure at the thought of torturing me.
The question that kept coming back to me was, why?
What also kept surfacing was how little there was on Derek at all. He was a ghost. No
friends. No family. It was as if he were born into Whitlock at the age of nineteen. He just appeared,
and he was here. That spoke of secrets. Of favoritism. But wasn’t that what Whitlock was all about:
who you knew. Who you were.
So, who was Derek? If no one of importance, why the hate towards me? We hadn’t known
each other but a few months after Bram returned, and even though we did, he kept his distance. He
didn’t express hate, then. Or maybe I hadn’t noticed. I had been planning my escape.
My arm lifted as I pressed my hand against the glass. The barrier was cool to my heated skin.
Bram. That knife had stabbed into the middle of his back. I had seen the puncture wound when they
carried him out. Did it hit his spine? It looked in the right place. The question kept coming back to me.
My recollection was a blur. I saw the strike. I saw the brutality on the high leader’s face as he made
it. But the damage was unclear. Was he going to be okay?
A sound left me. It was something between a whimper and a soft cry. I hated that I couldn’t
hold it in. Damn Derek for going this far. Maybe Luke was right. Maybe it was revenge-based and I
was looking too deep into a situation that had no merit. People loved revenge. They lived for it.
Still random sounds came from behind. I straightened, standing tall as I refused to turn.
“I’m Mistress to you. I’m only a slave to my Master. And only behind closed doors. You can
call me Mistress Harper. For now.” I did turn, then, taking in his slightly red face. He didn’t like me
putting myself above a slave status. “I’m hoping after all this is over, the Main Master will still want
to take vows. Did you know he asked me to marry him?” I paused, reading how my words affected
him. “I think I might just say yes. Officially. I’ve gotten a little attached to the idea of Everleigh
Whitlock. It has quite the ring to it, doesn’t it?”
“Everleigh Whitlock.” The high leader forced a smile to cover the disgust. His hands lifted a
rope lined with hooks that hung from each side of the ceiling as he shook his head. “I don’t like it. Not
at all. You’re not worthy; you’re a slave. But I’ll indulge you and let you believe that.”
My eyes slightly rolled as I twisted my lips. “You’re wrong. I’m a Mistress, and you know it.
If I were a slave and unworthy, why bother indulging in anything associated with I want?”
The high leader’s smile fell the smallest amount, but remained as he put his hands behind his
“Because it’s going to be so much more rewarding for me to see it taken away. Do you have
any idea what you’ve taken from me? Who you took? What about what you’ve done to Whitlock?
What you’ve done to the Main Master?”
“What are you talking about? I’ve never taken anything from you.”
Veins bulged in his face as the top of his body lunged towards me. The rage was so intense, I
took a step back, regardless I didn’t want him to see my fear.
“Excuse me,” he said, composing himself. “You may not think so, but I assure you you have.
You, a slave, have been the downfall of this place ever since Master Vicolette was killed. Killed…
because of you. It doesn’t matter what you do. Standing there, you cause death. Breathing, people die.
Don’t you see? Everything bad you’ve ever experienced is a reflection of your actions. Think about
it.” He paused. “Guards!”
More, I stepped back, watching two men enter. One, I recognized. The other, I did not. Albert
gave me a sympathetic look, only for it to disappear a second later. He was doing his job, but he was
here. Hopefully, soon, everyone else would be too.
“Turn her to face the window and hold her arms out to her side. She wishes to be Mrs.
Whitlock. Let’s show her the cost of that title while she looks on to what she’s caused.”
“You’re not putting those hooks through me.”
Derek laughed, walking back over to grab the rope.
“Actually, I am. You can stand there and take it, or you can fight my guards, and I’ll restrain
you even more. It’s up to you.”
I glanced at the approaching brown-haired guard, jerking my arm away as he reached for my
“Are you with Whitlock or the high leader?”
The soldier paused, glancing to his boss before locking around my wrist.
“Whitlock, of course. We’re all with Whitlock. That’s our job.”
“Is it your job to help torture the ones who provide your job? I am a Mistress. You are aware,
“You’re a traitor, ma’am.”
“Ma’am,” I laughed. “You know I’m no slave. Mistress’s can’t be traitors. We come and go as
we please. Hence, the ma’am. Deep down, you know this is wrong,” I hissed. “You took an oath. Stop
this right now or you’ll wish you did. The time will come when there’s a shift of who runs this place.
Maybe in Eleven, maybe in Nineteen minutes from now—”
Blinding pain dropped me to my knees as the high leader’s fist connected to my cheek.
“Your codewords will not work here. Who do you think is listening anyway? You have no
friends in these walls. Besides, you named that slave Eleven after what was mine. After my Eleven
got killed. You took the new one as your own, and helped brainwash my Main Master to help you do
“Your E-Eleven?”
“That’s right. Why do you think he was helping you in the White Room? Do you think he was
doing that on his own? No. I told him to watch out for you. I made him befriend you. He should have
been released when you were. He should have been mine! We loved each other, and you killed him.”
I screamed as the high leader jerked me to my feet and yelled for the guards to hold me still. I
tried to kick out, but Albert was at my feet, squeezing my legs together. I couldn’t fight my way free.
Not even as he lifted a thick section of excess skin on my upper bicep and shoved the giant hook
“What about now, slave? Do you see what I was saying? Do you see the deaths you cause just
by being alive? People die, and what makes me sick is they die loyal to you. They die trying to help
“No! No!”
The rope twisted around the back of my lower bicep, coming up just before the bend of my
elbow. A hook dangled and I thrashed as he pinched my skin and shoved the next one through.
“Master Vicolette never stood a chance because of you. West Harper had him killed. He
couldn’t bear you belonging to no one but him. So what did he do?”
The rope wrapped around my forearm as he hooked the loose skin again. With each twist of
my torso my flesh slid along the barbed metal, tugging with every move. I screamed from the pain, but
more from the tiny spikes that refused to let me break free. They kept me trapped, like a fish on a
pole. There was nowhere to go. Nothing to see but the outcome of what I’d caused.
“That’s right. Look at him! You did that too. You almost killed him once because of West
Harper’s obsession over you. Now, you’ve ruined everything the Main Master has been meant for
because you killed his . He’s not even Bram Whitlock anymore. That’s you in there. You’re just
wearing his skin. How does it feel to be the cause of so much death? Hmm? How does it feel,
Mommy? Do you revel in it!” Another hook was jerked through the inside of my forearm just above
my wrist. “Do you fucking love the power you have to take lives? How powerful do you feel now!”
“Ahhh!” I screamed, as he dropped my arm. The barbs on the hooks did their job of keeping
me in place. Blood dripped free, but they didn’t budge as I tried to lift and grab at him. “I am not
responsible for what you or West did. I didn’t kill my Master, Alvin, or Eleven. I loved them.”
“You…loved them?”
The hit had me crashing into the guard. The high leader’s voice sounded so far away as I
looked up into Albert’s worried face. He blinked rapidly as he helped me stand. Derek was already
lifting my other arm, pinching a big chunk of my higher bicep to force the hook in. The popping of the
flesh sent me screaming all over again.
“You loved them. You don’t know what love is. Seven years. Seven fucking years I took care
of Eleven. I loved him. Then came you and your fucking reign of bullshit, turning this place into a
fucking madhouse, disgrace.” The hook pierced into my lower bicep, and I managed to hold in the cry
while I kept my focus on Bram. “You should have paid for that shit with Eli. But, no. What did you
do? You sunk your hooks,” he said, tugged at the weapons, “into Jarrett. Into the high leader. The
second fucking high leader of Whitlock! Do you know what it means to have this position? The
honor? Of course not.”
Sobs broke through as my skin tore from his constant pull on the hooks. My shoulder was
aching and on fire through the extended position of my arm. I’d been through plenty of pain, but this
wasn’t something I could have prepared for. I was trapped. More so than being tied. I couldn’t stand
the way the large pieces of flesh kept tearing, little by little. Each time he tugged the rope, I felt
myself lifted and torn in different locations. Even my breaths were adding to the pain.
“Do you remember the expression on Jarrett’s face before you killed him?”
I sniffled, forcing myself to stop crying. I had to stop. I wasn’t weak. I wouldn’t be so in front
of him.
“I remember everyone I’ve killed. Jarrett lied to me. He said he had kids on the outside. He
said we would go our separate ways once we hit Cheyenne, but that was not his intention.”
A jerk sent another thick hook through my forearm and I bared down through the sharp stinging
as the barb set into place on top of my skin.
“Here you are, lying to me again.”
“It’s not a lie. That’s what happened.”
“It is a lie.” Derek tore through the flesh at my wrist roughly. “You knew he was lying. You
planned killing him long before he ever snuck you and West Harper out of here.”
“So. What.” I looked at him through blurry, hate-filled eyes. “I killed him. I knew I was going
to kill him eventually. He wanted to fuck me. I didn’t want that. Yet, he kept touching me in little
ways. It was irritating to my unstable mind. I wasn’t okay back then. But that’s irrelevant. Let’s cut to
the chase. What are you going to do about his actual death? It didn’t happen here. It’s out of your
jurisdiction. And, for your information, I’m not responsible for his actions. Just like I wasn’t for
West’s, or Eli’s, or yours. I’m me. What did I do to be put here? What law did I break, high leader?”
“You escaped.”
“I’m a Mistress. I can leave any damn time I want.”
“You conspired and helped in the escape of West Harper.”
“Where’s your proof? What I did was get hit by the Main Master, and then follow a man I
trusted, while I had a concussion,” I stressed. “Like I said before, I wasn’t thinking right. All that
aside. I left on a plane. The Main Master let me leave. You know this. You know he could have
stopped me, but he didn’t. Why? Because I’m a Mistress and he knew it. I told it to a scout, and I’ll
tell it to you. You were caught in a lover’s war. That war is now over. I chose Bram over running. I’m
here at Whitlock to stay. Now, let. Me. Free.”
The last was half growl, half yell. I looked over my shoulder as the high leader stepped back
and waved the guards away. Albert paused, edging closer to the door, but not quite leaving.
“High Leader, do you want me to close that window for you?”
“Why would I want that? I said I wanted her to see what she’s done.”
He shrugged, gesturing his hand to me. “I thought you were torturing her. Figured she knows
that already. He’s the one thing she wants and maybe he’ll die and she’ll miss it. Not much torture if
she can see he’s okay. I could be wrong though. Just thought I’d suggest it.”
“You suggested. Get out.”
Albert’s jaw tightened. It was enough to stop the protests pushing into my lips. I worried he
was turning on me. Seemed there was something bigger going on that I didn’t quite know.
“Where were we, slave?” The high leader turned back to me as the door closed. “Oh yes, you
were asking for your freedom. Not going to happen. You tell a nice story, but it’s not the real one.” My
eyes widened as Derek picked up an all too familiar weapon. One that almost broke me once. One…I
had hope to never experience again. “Shall we see if new elements come to light for your story?
Maybe these leather straps can help you remember the real version.”
Chapter 23
The Dragon
During my time on Red Island, I had heard every sort of cries imaginable. Women, children,
men, boys, girls, bird, dogs. You name it, I’d heard it. Even in war, before I’d come here, I had been
plagued by them. Those, I tried to not think about. Mine, during my own torture with fire, I had
learned to lock away. But out of every tormented sound, nothing affected me the way Layla’s did.
There was something about her that stole my armor. Some unexplainable connection we held that left
me defenseless against her pain. I couldn’t bear her agony or fear. It put me into a panic. It made me
wild with wanting to protect her.
From the moment I laid eyes on her curvy form walking up the pier, I knew I was in trouble.
Not just because she was beautiful, but because she fought Ram with no care for falling almost three
stories. She even offered her life to me, if I’d let her kill him. Maybe it was hearing her choose
murder over life that had me falling immediately in love with her. Maybe it was that she was ready to
die. It was so clearly written on her face. I knew that expression. That, passion yet hollowness in the
eyes. I had seen it masking me every day for as long as I could remember.
Regardless, I had fallen in love with her. And I had fallen fast. Saying the twins were mine
wasn’t too much of a lie. I knew of the rapes from the admission on the pier. I also hadn’t had her in
the tower three days before I convinced her to be with me. It was wrong. Disgustingly so, if I wanted
to be honest. But I didn’t care. I wanted her with everything I had. To see her not move. To see her
just lying there every day with no will to live. I made her want. I made her want me.
The pregnancy hadn’t been too unexpected. Truthfully, I hadn’t thought much on it until she
started getting sick. But I adjusted. I accepted the fact that it could have been before me. And I locked
that fucking truth in the closet and set it on fire like the rest of my past. I claimed those babies from the
moment I knew. And I made her well aware of it. It was me and Layla from here on out. Me and my
little family. At least until Mistress Everleigh called and reminded me Layla wasn’t really mine. I
meant to offer her whatever she wanted. I meant to bankrupt myself if that’s what it came down to.
Now it appeared I wasn’t going to have to do anything but send my men. At the worst fucking price
there was.
I should have killed the Mistress when I had the chance. Now, I had to pray she kept her mouth
shut. Maybe she’d be dead before my men could get there. Maybe she’d be true by me and keep Red
Island off her fucking lips. I didn’t know, but what I did know was that if Layla didn’t stop crying, I’d
drop a bomb on that fucking mountain and kill them all before my men or her brother could leave
Aamir. The name made me want to torch something. Him, preferably. I knew what he was
doing. In his place, I probably would have done the same damn thing. But I wasn’t in his place. The
woman I loved was lying in bed still crying. Still clinging to my arm, begging me to save him.
“I told you I’m doing everything I can. Slow breaths. He’ll be okay.”
“You said that b-before.”
“And he was okay. He’s here. He’s in one piece. He’s more of a little shit than ever.”
Layla laughed, but immediately went back to crying.
“I don’t want him to go back. I want him to stay. I want my brother.”
“We’ve talked about this. I can’t keep him, Lovie. I just can’t. There’re rules we Masters must
abide by. Now, if Mistress Everleigh dies and Bram Whitlock dies, I supposed he could stay. But
we’re talking going into Whitlock and deleting any record there is of him there. If they find out he’s
missing and I have him…” I shook my head. “There would be big trouble to pay. Like I said, there’s a
system. He’s Whitlock property. It can’t be done. Not unless the Mistress freely sold him to me.”
“Sold him? So, he can be bought?”
I paused, feeling my teeth grind together. Why had I said that?
“I’ll buy him, then.” Layla said, sitting and rubbing her swollen eyes. “I mean, I don’t have
money here. I had money. Not much. How much do slaves sell for?”
My hands settled on her shoulders. I was glad she wasn’t crying anymore, but I also didn’t
want to give her false hope either.
“For him.” I paused, going over everything I knew. “The Mistress doesn’t see him as a slave.
He’s her guard. And he’s worth a few good. …million.”
“Oh.” Her head lowered as she stared at the red comforter. “I don’t have that kind of money.
Papa could figure it out, but…”
“Look at me.”
Brown eyes filled with tears as she met my stare. I could have cursed myself for softening.
Her lip was quivering and she was right on the verge of having another episode.
“When this is over, we’ll speak to the Mistress. We’ll see what can be done.” The smile had
me lifting my finger. “She may not agree to anything, but it won’t hurt mentioning it. How about that?”
Arms flung around my neck, and I glared at the windows surrounding our room. There was no
way I was bringing Aamir to live here. No way in hell. Once he had her, he’d try to take her. He’d
keep planning their escape. Layla wasn’t going anywhere. Layla was mine.
“I know you’re mad, but can I see him before he goes? One last time, please?”
I eased back, trying to control my anger as I reached up and cupped her cheek.
“Here. In this bed. You’re not getting up again after what just happened.” I eased my palm to
her stomach, molding it to the small bump I had grown to love. “How are my babies?”
The smile was instant as she pressed her lips to mine. I knew she wasn’t okay with the
pregnancy. Not as much as she would have been had she not been raped, but I was getting her there.
The more I claimed the children, the easier it was becoming.
“They are a little hungry, I guess. I want to eat, but I’m just not sure I can.”
“Let’s have the girls bring you some platters. Fruit, meat, crackers. You can sample
everything. Something will taste good.”
At the nod, I kissed her again and stood, pulling my phone from my pocket. As I walked to the
balcony, I watched her lay down and snuggle into the pillows. Her eyes were already closed. She
was so small in my massive bed. But she belonged there. She belonged here with me.
“I want three platters. Meat and cheese, fruit, and sweets. Bring some juice and water, too.”
I hung up, nearly crushing the phone as I dialed my brother’s number.
“I’m here.”
“It’s your brother. You can relax.”
“Gavin. I’m sorry about—”
“Don’t you dare fucking apologize,” I said, quietly. “You, more than anyone, are probably
rejoicing in that little bastard’s show. If it wouldn’t hurt Layla, I’d kill him now. As it is, she wants to
see him. Send him to the front. The guards can escort him up. Then, I want all of you off my island. Is
that clear?”
“Good.” I took a breath, trying to ignore how much I missed him. “How many of my men are
you taking?”
Luke paused. “There’s forty guards in the bunkhouse. I had my guys looking over the village. I
figure a hundred total might be enough. I’m trying to figure out transport.”
My eyes closed as I shook my head. “You’re not taking the damn slaves, Luke. They’ll get you
nowhere when it comes to fighting. The forty are the ones on duty. They’re for show. The bulk of the
guard live under the bunkhouse. They’re always ready for anything. Most of my men are former
military. They’re from countries all over, but they can understand orders. They’re killers, and they
thrive in the sort of environment you’re taking them to. Don’t worry about the transport. I have that
“What, do you have a fucking airliner hidden around here too?”
“Actually, I do. It could carry a hundred people easily. It’ll follow you out. Now, send the
damn boy before I change my mind.”
“Are you kidding. The kid is at my shoulder constantly. He must have heard you because he
already hauled ass out of here.”
“Fantastic,” I snapped. “Fine. Do me a favor, don’t die. We have unfinished business.”
“I love you too, brother.”
The hard expression I wore fell as I stared down at my phone. Luke had always been such a
good brother to me. He was always the good one. Unlike me who got into trouble at every turn. I may
have excelled in the military, but not everyone who wore a uniform had good intentions. It hadn’t
taken me long to figure that out.
I turned, seeing Layla’s heavy eyes watching. The smile came naturally as I headed back over
and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Feeling better?”
“Still hungry?”
“Mmhmm. When I was little, my mom used to make these special cookies. Aamir and I would
wait for my parents to go to bed and he’d be the brave one and sneak in the kitchen to steal us one.
He’d even wake me up if I fell asleep so I didn’t miss out. I wish I had one of those cookies now.”
“Do you know the recipe?”
She shook her head, frowning. “It’s probably for the best. I don’t feel like cookies.”
“You just said you did.”
“I want something different now.”
“Holy hell, Lovie. Is this what we have to look forward to? I’m going to have my cook up at
all hours making one thing, just to turn around and make something else because you changed your
mind.” I smiled as she did. “But that’s okay. Feeding my babies are top priority for you. You’re going
to get stronger, and so are they. We’re dragons. We’re stronger than anyone. Isn’t that right?”
She nodded, meeting my lips as a knock sounded on the door. My mood immediately soured as
I pulled back.
“Wonder who that is.”
“Come in!” Layla ignored my dry tone, already sitting up, strumming her hand against the
blanket as Aamir was brought in. “There you are. I was hoping you hadn’t left yet.”
Cautious eyes watched me as he headed around the other side to sit next to her.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Layla.”
“No. Shh. We’re not talking about that anymore. Do you remember that story mother used to
tell us about the girl who lived in a tower? About how she wanted so badly to be free, but that she
couldn’t be because she couldn’t swim? Then came the alligator?”
“The moat one. Yeah. I remember that.”
Aamir’s brow creased as Layla patted for him to lay next to her. She reached for his hand,
putting it on her stomach.
“I want my babies to hear my favorite story from their uncle before they hear it from me. I
want you to tell it to them first. Tell them that there was never anyone as close as the two of us. Tell
them,” she sniffled. “Tell them that you love them and that when you’re able, you’re going to come see
them. Tell them—”
Tears burned my eyes as they left hers. Aamir pulled her into his arms, hugging her while he,
himself, broke down. I couldn’t stand the emotion. I couldn’t stand seeing her hurt like she was.
“You’re going to be back, right? You’ll come back?”
“He’s coming back,” I forced out. If anyone is going to live through this Whitlock crisis, you
can bet it’s going to be your brother. Luke knows how much you mean to me. He and my men will take
good care of Aamir.”
“You heard it from the man, himself.” Aamir kissed her forehead. “I’ll be back before you
know it. Then, me, you, and my…nephews, or nieces, or both, will spend our days telling stories and
making sandcastles at the beach. It’ll be like a dream. One, that will finally have a happy ending.
Now, lay back and relax. It’s story time. And boy do I have some good stuff to tell you.”
“Fairytales,” I snapped. “Happy ones, only.”
Chapter 24
Scout 19
The plan was flawless. The execution, easy. Seven men, and all we had to do was wear the
scrubs we stole from medical. One by one, we’d infiltrate the room where Bram was being looked
after and rescue him from there. But even with as good as the plan was, it didn’t take into account
Bram’s condition. We needed him out of that room, and onto a chopper, far, far away from here. How
were we going to manage that without getting caught? I wasn’t sure. Every minute we wasted was a
minute we didn’t have.
“Remember the plan. I’m going to head in first and let Dr. Cortez and her staff know what’s
going on. When I do, I’m going to send someone back to take my place. When they arrive here, pull
them up, and we can start moving in to replace them. Is everyone on the same page?”
The nods had me peering through the ceiling that was cut out.
“Alright. I’m going to head out. When my replacement shows up, Vana, you head to the room.
Mav, Lewis, you follow, and so on.”
“Got it.”
I dropped my feet through the hole, pausing as I took in their serious faces. They were scared.
And they had every right to be.
“Don’t forget to cover the hole behind me. Only pull it back a small amount to check who it is,
but don’t let them see you until you’re positive it isn’t a guard.”
“We’ll remember.”
I gave one last nod as I eased myself down, jumping and falling silently below. I pulled up the
mask, covering my face as I eased the door open to peer down the empty hall. There was no waiting. I
shut the door as quietly as I could, and wide strides carried me as I counted the doors. One. Two.
Three. I continued on until I stopped at the right one. Multiple faces looked my way as I opened the
barrier. I took three steps in before fingers rose and pointed to the far end of the room.
I headed over, washing them and grabbing some gloves before I made my way to the far side
of the bed. There were enough people around me. I braved a glance to the side, frozen from being
able to turn to the nurses. The sight was enough to take my breath away. Everleigh’s arms were up
high to her sides. Chunks of her flesh extended from the pressure pulling against the hooks as she
flinched through the leather straps that I knew were tearing into her back. Streams of blood were
dripping all down her body and her eyes were barely opened. She looked on the verge of passing out.
For the first time ever, I couldn’t move. I couldn’t speak. I could barely breathe. The weight of the gun
at my back had never felt so tempting.
I blinked through the calls quietly directed my way.
“If you’re going to stand there and stare, I’m going to need you to get out of my nurse’s way.
Either hand me that scalpel, or inch over so Deena can.”
The sight of the Main Master’s skin peeled back and his stomach contents pushed to the side
to reveal his spine snapped me back to reality. I’d never seen surgery before, but I’d witnessed plenty
of gore in my time. It’d just never looked so neat and clean.
“Sorry. Right.”
Dr. Cortez stole glances up at me, studying my every move.
“You’re not one of mine. What are you doing here?”
“You saved the Main Master’s life before, away from here. I’m going to need you to do that
An eyebrow arched as she continued to look down. I took the scalpel a nurse held out and
moved in, handing it to the doctor.
“Can we do it? Can we get him out of Whitlock?”
“Not anytime soon. Even when I finish, he’s not safe for transport.”
“Is he…gonna…?” I swallowed hard. “You’re working pretty low on his back. Will he
No matter how much I wanted, I couldn’t say it. This was my fault. If I would have worked
faster, or got to him before he was injured, I could have saved him. Or at least did something.
“It’s hard to say anything right now.”
“I need you to say something. Give me something to work with. You can’t just leave me
staring at a spine and expect me to be cool with that.”
At the anger, she let out a huff.
“If I had to guess from what I see, the injury is incomplete.” She paused at my confused shake.
“There’s hope,” she stressed. “But only hope. He may never walk again. If he does, it may have to be
with assistance. It’s going to be a long road.” She hesitated as she peeked up to the room next to us.
To Everleigh and the high leader. “A very long road. That man intended to sever his spine. He damn
near succeeded.” Her lids narrowed. “I trusted him. He was so good to the Main Master before. Even
helped nurse him back to health. Now he takes it away.”
“What about the Mistress? Do you know anything on her yet?”
“Besides the fact that he’s been lashing her off and on like that for nearly two hours? No.
She’ll be lucky to have any skin left when he’s finished. I’m a little amazed she’s still standing. I’ve
never seen anything like it.
I turned, stiffening a little as Everleigh’s eyes fought to widen. She was looking right at me
and trying to lift her head.
“She’s a fighter. It’s all she knows.
“I’ve heard the stories. Do you have a plan besides observing?”
“Not if you tell me he can’t be moved. Are you sure we can’t get him out of here? There’s
nothing stopping the high leader from walking in this room and putting a bullet in his head. None of us
can afford that.”
“You’re right. But…Maybe.” She straightened, rotating her neck before leaning back to
continue her work. “I have to finish. If we can wheel him straight to the chopper, maybe.” She
stopped. “But there’s no way the high leader is going to let us leave.”
“He’s not going to know. I have men out there waiting to take your nurse’s places. They’re
already dressed and everything. If you can finish and say he needs more attention in medical, we can
get him to safety.”
“You don’t understand. He made it clear when he came to me days ago. I was to have
everything I needed here. That once this started, I wasn’t allowed to leave again. Not until he said
“So, you knew?”
She let out a long sigh. “He didn’t tell me who it was. Just that special circumstances had
arisen, and I was going to be needed. Had I known this…Shit.” She straightened her neck again,
blinking back tears.
“I’m sorry. I’ll be quiet. Just finish.” I moved more to the back, standing as much behind the
nurses as I could. I pulled out my phone and texted Lewis that it was going to be awhile. When I
pulled up the camera, I nearly cursed. “Please don’t move,” I mumbled, hiding the phone as much as I
could as I captured a picture of Everleigh. From where I was standing, I couldn’t get anything but the
high leader’s legs. It was enough. Seeing her punctured arms suspended with the streaks of blood
painted down her chest and thighs, it said everything. I pulled up Luke’s, Aamir’s, and Fox’s numbers,
sending over the picture.
“Are those going to your guards?”
I glanced up at Dr. Cortez, sliding the phone back in my pocket.
“Not the ones here. Others are coming. Just not fast enough.”
“Someone needs to.”
“We’re working on it. Nothing is happening that’s not being watched or heard. There’s a
hidden camera in the room…it’s more on the other side. They may not see her, but they can hear
everything. I want them to see what I’m seeing.”
Dr. Cortez jolted upright as a scream echoed through. But it wasn’t coming from our room. My
lips parted and I was planting my feet so I wouldn’t follow the nurse out as she raced for Everleigh.
One arm was still hooked while Everleigh’s body hung limply below. The skin was pulling out
grotesquely as the hooks held her weight.
“She’s out,” Dr. Cortez whispered. “I knew it wouldn’t be long.”
“Her arm.”
“The hooks weren’t strong enough. They weren’t made for what he was using them for.
Bastard,” she snapped. “They probably ripped right through her skin. She’ll be bleeding pretty badly.
She needs help.”
I watched as the high leader pushed the nurse out.
“She’s not going to get it. Not from any of us”
“Nope. Sort of goes against the rules of torture.” The doctor continued working, barely
looking up as time passed. I kept my attention on Everleigh instead of Bram. He was safe for now.
She wasn’t. The high leader let her hang as guards came in. They talked for a while, but about what, I
wasn’t sure. I could hear more movement in the halls. More talking, as if the Whitlock Top Guards
were starting to roam about. I didn’t like it, but there wasn’t much I could do. The Mistress was in
trouble, and I had no idea how to help her.
“We’re done. We’ll stitch him up. If you got a plan, better get it going.” She paused. “I don’t
know what to call you.”
I ripped off the gloves, tossing them in the trash as I headed for the door. Glancing over, my
feet nearly stumbled. The high leader was talking, but my movements had him looking over, right at
Keep going. Keep going.
To turn right would give my men away. To turn left was suicide. I shut the door behind me,
leaning against it as I stared across at the white wall before me. Like I feared, Everleigh’s door
opened and a head stuck out. One, I happened to know.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
Albert looked like shit. I wasn’t sure the last time he’d slept, but it had been way too long.
And he was doing the high leader’s work, asking me what I was doing.
“Taking a breather before I go back in. The rooms are damn hot.”
He disappeared and so did I. I hauled ass as he stepped back into the room. Within seconds I
was slipping in and calling for Lewis. The board was removed and a hand came down, pulling me up.
I was barely through the opening when sounds erupted and bullets sprayed into the ceiling right next
to me. I fell into the attic, rolling over Lewis as he jerked me to the side. Fire was burning my
shoulder, but I didn’t pay attention as I pushed Lewis further away.
“Run! Go!”
I scrambled to the side. The men were racing for the stairs and I was right behind them. Some
were bleeding like me, but we were all accounted for as we slipped into the dark tunnels, racing for
the fifth floor.
“The high leader.” I pulled the handle to gain access. “He saw me. He sent Albert to question
me. When Albert went back into the room, I ran. Someone must have seen me and followed. Fuck.”
“You’re already on the run. Stay here,” Lewis said, closing us in the closet. “We’ll get more
men. We’ll gather up and meet back here.”
“No. I’m not staying in one spot. Gather more guns. As many as you can get. I have to make
some calls. I’ll text you when I’m ready.”
With a nod, they raced out. The guards were going to be coming for me. This time, they’d
leave no stone unturned…no secret door untested. I was in real trouble. More so than ever.
Chapter 25
Laughs, my sister, a buffet of food. I could almost pretend I was still on vacation on the coast
of Greece. That I had never been to hell, and wasn’t still doomed to return. But I knew it was too
good to be true. The moment I heard the Whitlock phone go off, intuition told me my good luck had
run out.
“No. Boo. Pretend you didn’t hear it.” Layla pouted as I withdrew the phone from my pocket.
We’d been telling stories for over an hour, and I couldn’t remember feeling so happy. Master Draper
on the other hand didn’t seem so amused. He was also on his phone, but had his laptop on the desk,
going back and forth while he randomly glanced towards us.
“Don’t do it,” my sister whispered. “You didn’t hear anything.”
“I wish I didn’t, but I can’t ignore this.”
My eyes squinted at the text alert, and I clicked the button nearly dropping the phone at the
picture that appeared on my screen. A gasp sounded next to me, followed by Layla heaving and
rushing from the bed. The action had Gavin scrambling from his devices to make it to Layla.
“What the hell is going on?”
“She—” Layla paused as she gagged again. But me, I couldn’t stop looking at my Mistress. I
glanced at the number, rising from the bed with anger I couldn’t begin to process. That woman. That
woman being tortured on the screen had saved my life. She might not have set me free, but she gave
me back my sister. At least for the time being. She saved me. Believed and was trying to trust me. She
needed me.
“I have to go.”
Draper’s voice boomed with anger. I glanced in the adjoining restroom at the Master holding
my sister’s hair, nearly curled around her body. A few more inches and he’s be wrapped around her.
He’d be her! He was so close. So…loving.
“It’s the Mistress.” I walked forward, showing him the picture. “Do you see why we need
your help? Do you see what’s happening to her?” Tears burned my eyes. “I have to go. She needs me.”
Something changed on The Dragon’s face as he gently took the phone.
“She’s a good woman…despite that I know what she really wants. She was very kind for what
she did for the two of you. I will never forget that.”
“Is there nothing we can do now? Please.”
Gavin’s features tightened.
“You don’t understand the politics. The US has Whitlock. Each country has their main…place.
Sure, there are smaller ones that try to compete, but they’re nothing. They’re dangerous to even
associate with. They’re not as protected as we are. I leave those alone, and anyone smart would too.
There’s a place in Canada, but it’s not like I can call and tell their Main Master to race over his men
and save them. If anything, it’ll backfire. We don’t want that. Weakness is weakness. Whitlock is
under the lead of that man right there,” he said, pointing to the high leader’s leg in the picture. “We
take him out, we take out anyone else who has a problem with that, and then we restore order.”
“To who? Last I heard Master Whitlock isn’t doing so well, himself.”
Confliction flickered as Gavin helped clean up my sister and put her back to bed.
“Who sent you that picture?”
“Nineteen. He’s the scout the Main Master sent undercover to save me.”
“Congratulations. He’s your new high leader. He can run Whitlock until the Master recovers.
Bram Whitlock obviously trusted him the most. He’s the man for the job. If you ask me, he’s doing a
damn good one getting so close.”
I nodded, still not able to stop looking at the picture. Just as I started towards the door, it burst
open, Luke panting as guards were trying to tackle him down.
“We’re leaving. We’re…leaving!”
“It’s okay. Let him go.”
Luke pushed the last man off, pulling his phone from his pocket. “Did you see this? Have you
seen what he’s done?”
Although he was talking to Gavin, I answered. “He sent it to me too. I was just headed your
way. We have to go.”
“Damn right we do. I told her. I fucking told her not to return.”
The last was strained as he headed to a bar at the side of the room, pouring amber liquid in a
glass. In one shot, he downed it, pouring another and throwing that one back as well. Master Draper
was getting off of his phone as Luke headed in my direction.
“The men will be ready in five minutes. Go ahead and take off. I’ll make some calls and clear
the air. They’ll meet you at Whitlock.”
“Thank you.”
I rushed over, giving Layla one last hug.
“I wish you didn’t have to go.”
“I know. But you saw why I do. I’ll be back when I can. I’m glad we got to see each other. I’ll
miss you, and love you every second I’m gone.”
Her arms flew around me.
“I’ll love and miss you too. Please come back. Beg her to bring you back.”
“I will. I promise.”
I broke away, stopping in front of Master Draper. Our eyes held, both filled with anger
towards the other. “Take good care of my sister.” I lowered my voice. “If you don’t, I will be back.”
A smile pulled at the side of his lips. “If I hurt her, I give you permission to do as you wish.
But I won’t. Ever.”
I nodded, throwing Layla one last look before I ran forward and followed Luke through the
castle. We kept a fast pace, trying our best not to crash into any of the slaves or guards in our way. By
the time we made it to the plane, everyone was already waiting. Silent. Watchful.
“Let’s get fucking going!”
Luke took his seat by Jose, and I followed next to him. It wasn’t long before we were in the
air. Once we were, Luke had the laptop in front of us, and we were watching. Jose kept shaking his
head, apologizing.
“I’m sorry, boss. I’m fucking sorry. I thought I’d get in a quick nap while you were getting
everything together. I couldn’t see her. I had no idea—”
“Not right now. Let me watch.”
Silence once again filled the space as our main focus rested on the screen. The high leader
was standing there with what looked like a flogger hanging from his hand while he yelled at three
guards. And Everleigh wasn’t like she was in the picture. From her angle, she was barely in the
picture at all. From what I could see, she was just hanging by the hooks from one arm. Motionless.
Unconscious. Luke make a sound as he quickly turned it up.
“I give you one fucking job. Watch the halls. And what happens? That slave makes it into
the Main Master’s room. The Main Fucking Master. Do I need to lash all of you to death!”
“No, High Leader.”
“Did you get him?”
“I think so. Edwards lifted me through the hole he cut in the ceiling of the back room.
There’s blood, but I’m not sure where I shot him.”
“Fuck. Fuck!” Luke lifted his phone, but I already had mine in my hand calling Nineteen. My
heart was racing and I couldn’t stop shaking as it rang. And rang. And rang. I hung up, dialing again.
“Come on,” I growled. “Answer the phone. Answer the fucking phone.”
Ringing filled my ear. I was just about to hang up again when a broken-up voice came over the
other end.
“Nineteen? Hello? Dakota!”
“No, no, no. Don’t say that. You were right the first time. What did I tell you about Dakota? I
can’t stand that name.”
“Oh my God. You scared the shit out of me. Are you hurt? The guards said they saw blood in
the attic.”
“Flesh wound. It’s already stopped bleeding. I’m good. Where are you? Please tell me you’re
on your way.”
“We just left. We got men. We’re coming back.”
“How the Mistress? Have they said anything about the Main Master?”
My head shook as I continued to keep my eyes on the screen.
“Nothing on him yet. I’m looking at the Mistress though. She’s not like she was in your
picture. She’s only hanging by one arm now. Her back.” I shut my eyes, trying not to get sick at what I
was seeing.
“How long has he been doing that to her? I think I might see part of a rib. I don’t know. It’s
hard to tell.”
Luke’s fist was at his mouth as the high leader continued to threaten them. I went ahead and put
it on speaker phone.
“Fuck. I knew it was bad. I think he’s been at her for over two hours. She finally went
unconscious when the hooks gave way on one of her arms. Dr. Cortez thinks they probably tore right
through her skin. Is she bleeding out? Can you see anything?”
“Not really. Just a little of her back. She’s just hanging there from one arm. Jesus. Her skin. I
don’t think those hooks are going to hold for too much longer.”
“Pray they do. The faster she wakes up, or those hooks give out, the faster the high leader will
move to something new. What’s he doing now?”
“Still yelling at guards about you. What are you doing? Where are you?”
“Headed to meet a friend. One who’s saved our asses before. She don’t know I’m coming, but
she will soon enough.”
“Mistress Jane?”
“That’s the one. She’s got a hell of a shot. If she’s still here, I need her.”
“She’s tough. I like her.”
“Albert tells me Mistress Everleigh called her before she turned herself in. If that’s the case,
Mistress Jane may know something that could help us out.”
Luke’s face snapped my way. “Mistress Jane? I wonder why she would call her? What about
Fox? Have you talked to him?”
“Hey, Luke. Albert didn’t tell me what the two Mistress’s talked about. Only that they did. I
tried calling Fox, but he didn’t answer. I’ll text him once I get to the room and know whether Mistress
Jane is there. We’ll regroup and figure something out. Any idea how long it’ll be before you get
Luke’s sighed, confusion and worry clearly muddling his thoughts. “Five, six hours, give or
“Fuck, that’s a long time. Too long for Mistress Harper.”
“You have to do something, Nineteen.” Still, Luke stared at the screen with his fist near his
mouth. “You have to keep the high leader distracted until we get there. I don’t care what you have to
do to. Be creative. Stir up some shit. I don’t care.”
“Wait.” I moved in, seeing the high leader heading back for Everleigh. Her extended hand was
moving. She was trying to wake up.
“What’s happening?”
“Look,” I said, pointing to her moving fingers. “Don’t wake up. Don’t wake up.”
“God dammit.” Luke fumbled for his phone as the high leader grabbed her hair and lifted. He
went to stand her on her feet, but the other hooks gave way and her hair slid through his grasp. She
fell to the floor, rolling upon impact as the high leader lunged after. One minute I thought he’d have
her, the next, she was jerking to life, upward, right towards the high leader. His arms flailed, half
hitting, half dropping her, as he stumbled back holding to the side of his neck. What looked to be some
sort of object was protruding from his skin. A small knife? Everleigh hit the ground hard, but she
wasn’t unconscious again. She was crouched, waiting. Seething like some animal ready to attack.
“Where the fuck did she get that? What the hell just happened?” I breathed. “Holy fuck. Holy
“Come on, Mistress.” Luke had the screen pulled so close, it was as though he thought he’d be
able to go into it.
“Hey! Guys, what the hell’s going on?”
Nineteen’s voice broke my spell. I didn’t even want to talk for fear I’d cause the high leader
to react.
“She found something. I think it’s a small knife. She stabbed the high leader.”
“What do you mean, she found one?”
“I don’t know. She just suddenly had it. I think she found it on the floor.”
“I don’t know. Down on the damn floor somewhere. It happened so fast. I didn’t quite see. I
think it might have been the one the blonde slave used to stab the high leader with in the shoulder.”
“Good. Is he dead?”
I watched as the high leader jerked the blade free and stumbled to the door. Blood was
pouring over his fingers. Luke was holding so hard to the laptop, his fingertips were going white.
“Not yet. She got him in the neck. It looks pretty bad.
“He’s at the door,” Luke said, cutting me off. “He’s…going. He’s gone. He’s out of the room.
Go back and get her. Get her now before it’s too late!”
Chapter 26
Mistress Jane…Elaine. Out of everyone who could have been on my mind as I clung to
consciousness, all I saw was blonde hair and that wicked smile. I hadn’t known what to expect when
I called and asked her to come get me. After all, she was friends with Bram. It didn’t mean she’d be
my friend as well. But she was kind, and more than welcoming. So much so, I almost felt as though a
part of me had known her my entire life.
With the way she talked, I should have. It made asking my favor for Charlee come so much
easier. It was as though she had been waiting for me to call. Where I usually felt defensive and
mistrusting to too much niceness, she spoke of my mother. She told me things I knew, and things that
brought tears to my eyes.
I could have sat in that car with her for hours and listened to the life that had been stolen from
me. Listened to stories about our mothers and their college days together. Their secret society, and
oaths. But Bram was waiting. And me, I didn’t have time to hold to stolen dreams. Mistress Jane
didn’t try to sway me. She didn’t even call me crazy for trading myself for the man I loved. There was
an unspoken relationship with death we all held to. That’s what Whitlock was all about. Elaine had
her own demons. As she made me promise to live, she seemed to want to help me survive my own.
The room moved under my hands and feet as I blinked away the specks of light that hung in the
air. My pulse was roaring in my ears and to move made it worse. I crouched, wanting nothing more
than to collapse and never move again. But that would be the end of me. If I sat down, I’d sleep. I’d
disappear. I couldn’t do that. I had to get up, and get out.
“Ah.” The sound pushed free as I lifted my hands and tried to ease to my feet. The sound was
more of a cry as I inched higher. And more pleas came as my knees begin to straighten. Dark, wet
strands of hair was sticking to my face. More than anything I wanted to push them away. Just thinking
about lifting my arms sent my back seizing in pain. I almost fell, managing to make it up all the way
up. Knocks on the glass from Bram’s room sent panic and I turned, crying louder at the fast movement.
Before I could make out the woman’s face behind the window, the door behind me was opening.
Fear sent more specks of light in my vision, but the voice almost made me collapse.
“Mistress. I’m a nurse.”
The one banging on the glass was suddenly gone, and I wasn’t sure how long I’d been staring.
Was she the one behind me? Had I been looking at this window the entire time? She’d just been there,
hadn’t she?
“It’s okay. Just hold still.”
At the small touch of my shoulder, I gasped, almost dropping to the floor again.
“Don’t. G-Get…me out. Get.”
“Shh. He doesn’t know I’m here.”
“Get me out!”
I turned, ignoring how my knees buckled as I walked towards the door. I didn’t have time to
wait, I had to leave. I had to get out.”
“Give me your clothes.”
Big green eyes blinked rapidly as she just stared at me.
“Mistress…he’s right next door. The high leader…”
I looked at the glass, seeing his back as Dr. Cortez stole glances to me. She appeared to be
working, assessing his wound, but she had a needle and she was looking at me as she stuck it into his
neck. I didn’t wait. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t have a chance like this again.
I staggered, pulling the barrier opened. Two guards met me, holding guns and appearing
bewildered on what to do. There was blood dripping down the hall, and even some on one of their
uniforms. The older of the two went to lunge for the nurse but stopped as he rounded me. The look in
his eyes as he took in the damage told me whatever he saw on me was bad. Worse than I probably
wanted to imagine.
“Let me help her. Please. Look at her, she needs help.”
“I don’t. I’m, I’m leaving.”
The younger guard went to reach for my bicep stopping just before he made contact. For the
first time, I saw how badly my skin was split open. The muscle was showing. My entire arm was
filled with tears and opened wounds from the jagged barbs. There was blood all over my chest and
legs. His hands were so big, there wasn’t really anywhere for him to grab without sinking into a
gaping hole.
“Don’t touch me. Please.”
No words. Just confliction as he let me stumble around him. Each step was harder than the
next as I rounded the room and headed for a pair of soldiers further down the hall. Whispers erupted.
They buzzed in my ears like bugs crawling on my brain. Footsteps sounded behind, but I didn’t turn. I
couldn’t fucking turn. I kept going. One slow step after the next. No grand scheme other than walking
until I couldn’t anymore.
Guns lifted, but I didn’t so much as pause.
“Mistress. You have to turn around and go back.”
“Oh.” I took a shuddering breath. “You want to see what he’s done to the Mistress you
address. To someone y-you’re supposed to protect?” I did stop then and turn enough to show them the
damage. It was almost my undoing. Had it not been for the faces looking at me, I may have hit the
floor again. Not just the two guards from the room I’d just left, but three total. One standing behind
them. One…that slit their throats before I could blink.
“I am so fucking mad at you.”
Shots rang out as I was swept up so fast and ran with. The lights were inevitable. My scream
caught in my throat and before it could come, I was reaching into darkness for help. Reaching to
nothing but a dream.


“I can get her out but it’s going to be risky. The high leader may still be unconscious, but his
loyal guard is out for blood. We need to keep still and stay hidden until help arrives.”
“I’m coming. I’m fucking trying.”
Luke’s echoing voice sounded far away as I tried to wake up. I was aware Nineteen and
Mistress Jane were present as my eyes rolled open, but they were gone just as fast as the darkness
took me again.
“I can see you all on screen. We’re watching the halls that lead to the apartment. So far, you’re
safe. Talk to me, more. How’s her breathing? She is breathing, right?”
“Better than breathing,” Fox answered. “She’s starting to stir.”
Tremors shook me as I spasmed through the pain that was beginning to make itself known. The
more I came to, the more I wished I wouldn’t. But there was no stopping it. Burning sent me sucking
in air, and I could barely catch my breath as I let the stinging register.
“Hurts.” My fists were squeezing as tight as they could, only intensifying the agony. It was too
“It should be working by now. I only have one more shot left.” Mistress Jane’s voice sounded
unsure. “It’ll only calm her. She needs pain medication. Something good.”
“Wait…I’ll be back.”
Nineteen’s voice faded as the footsteps sped away. My mouth opened but it was so hard to
“You…saved me.” I cracked my lids. “Both of you.”
Blonde hair scattered over the bed as Mistress Jane eased to lay across from me. The look she
wore said more than I could understand. More than I could process in the moment.
“I don’t think providing shelter counts as that, but I’ll take it. You did good, Everleigh. Your
mother would have been proud. We all are.”
I managed a few breaths before more words would come. “I didn’t save Bram. I made it…
She shook her head. “He’s alive and being treated because of what you did. From what
Nineteen tells me, he may walk again because of you. Imagine if you wouldn’t have come. Imagine
how worse it could have been? If you didn’t go, the high leader would have surely killed him.”
“No.” A sob left me and my body jerked through the torment. “He only…spine…me. Cut his
spine because of...” Nothing was coming out as I wanted. I couldn’t even think as I felt myself
beginning to get tired. “I killed his Eleven.”
“West Harper did that and we all know it.” The sound of Luke’s voice had more tears falling
down my face to soak into the comforter. “Do not for one second blame yourself for anything that has
happened. None of this was your fault. You could have died trying to save Bram. You both could have
died. Dr. Cortez knows we’re watching. Nineteen mentioned telling her. She’s been saying things out
loud for us to hear. She said the high leader was angry with her when he walked in the door. He was
having a hard time talking, but he still found the strength to yell, I said keep him alive. Not fix him.
That says everything. He didn’t want Bram to recover. You sacrificing yourself may have saved the
Main Master. You took his attention away, and you’re paying for it. But you’re both alive and that’s
all that matters. From the sounds of it, he had no intention on rushing this.”
I blinked through the words knowing there was something I was supposed to be catching.
Something in Luke’s words that I should have been afraid of.
“Where?” I cried out, squeezing my lids shut. “Where is Derek?”
“Unconscious. I don’t know what the doctor gave him, but it knocked him out good. The
guards arrested her afterward they made her sew him up. She’s in your room now waiting for the high
leader to wake up. If he wakes up.”
Luke paused and I felt my heart skip a beat. “Still being monitored by the nurses.”
“With the high leader…there? Together?”
More hesitation. The fear was back. The one that should have been there. It was fleeting as my
emotions were stolen by the shot they gave me.
“Yes. They’re in the same room. But don’t worry about that right now. We’re going to figure
out a way to save Bram. Mistress Jane has help on the way. It’ll buy us some time before I arrive.”
“The Dragon? Did he…?”
“Whitlock will be under control before you know it. We have his men. More than enough to
take care of the job.”
“Hurry.” Relief had my eyes closing through the heaviness that pulled them down. I was
beginning to float. To feel a sense of lightness from the inferno on my back. But I couldn’t fall asleep.
I couldn’t miss any news on Bram.
“She’s doing better. The shot is finally kicking in. Luke,” Mistress Jane’s volume lowered,
and I winced as she stood from the bed, whispering to where I could barely hear. “Why would you
tell her I have help on the way? You lied.”
“I put her at ease.”
“Well, I’m not at ease. You can’t see what I do. She’s bad. She needs a doctor. She can’t stay
like this.”
“Until that high leader is dead, there’s nothing we can do. Everleigh is a risk. If you move her,
every guard on that floor will hear her scream. I can’t lose her. Do as much as you can. We’ll be there
Chapter 27
I often wondered what sort of man I was, questioning who’d I’d become in my life. Had my
sins justified killing men who were just as evil as me? Was there any redemption for the deaths of
There must have been. God hadn’t turned his back on me like I had assumed. A damned man
wouldn’t have been able to survive what I had. Twice. Who was I to deserve another chance? What
made me special enough to cheat death when Alvin couldn’t? It didn’t make sense. Yet, here I was,
blinking back the darkness to see the light.
“It’s been almost three hours. How much did she give him?”
Beeping sounded in my ear. A manta for survival for those who awoke to hear it.
My throat was raw as I tried to swallow. A nurse immediately reached over, giving me water.
“Main Master, try to relax. You’ve just had surgery. Don’t move.”
As if I could. I pushed back the sleepiness realizing it wasn’t as bad as before with my heart
surgeries. I barely felt groggy at all.
“How long?”
“I’m sorry?”
My head lifted, blinking back the blurriness. All I saw was nurses standing around me, staring
down as if I’d grown three heads. No…not just heads. There was something else. Terror. Yes. They
were afraid.
“You said surgery. How long have I been out of surgery? What happened?” Deep exhales left
me as I groaned. “I’m making sense to you, aren’t I? Where’s Everleigh?”
“I told you to let him sleep,” one of the nurse’s snapped at another.
“I didn’t wake him up. We’re lucky he slept this long.”
“I’m not asking again. What…”
I tried moving my legs, noticing pain far off in the depths of my body. I was drugged. Good.
Good enough to paralyze me. My hands lifted. Arms…they moved up. Legs…no.
“What. Happened?”
“What’s going on in here?”
At the sound of a guard’s deep voice, I eased my head down the two inches and closed my
eyes, growing quiet. Something told me not to move. To keep as still as I could. When had I ever
feared my guards?
“Nothing going on. Just checking on the patient.”
“The high leader isn’t up yet?”
“Not yet.”
My eyes flew open at the door closing. My heart was racing. Something…wasn’t right.
Something…What couldn’t I remember? Everleigh. Everleigh. I needed her. She’d been here right?
Flashes blinded me, filling in all the missing memories. The beep on the machine skyrocketed as one
of the nurse’s hands shot to my chest.
“Please, Main Master, try to calm.”
“Someone start talking right this minute. Is he here? Where’s that son of a bitch?”
“Main Master, please.”
“Where is Everleigh? She took my place, didn’t she? She was here? I didn’t dream that. I
couldn’t have.”
“She was here. Yes, Sir.”
My throat squeezed through the panic as I tried to see past the nurses. They wouldn’t move to
let me view the room. Was I in Medical?
“Wait. She was here? Where is she now?”
“She…escaped, Sir.”
A broken-up breath left me as my hand covered my eyes, briefly, and I laid my head back
“Thank God. How the hell did she do that? Did she have help?”
“No, Sir. Well, not exactly.”
One of the nurses stepped to the side, revealing a body lying on another hospital bed. From my
slightly elevated position I couldn’t see the face, but I didn’t have to.
“That’s him?”
“Yes, Main Master. Mistress Harper stabbed the side of his neck. He ran in here and Dr.
Cortez told him she was going to help. She shot him up with enough anesthesia to knock him out.”
“More like almost kill him,” an older nurse mumbled.
“Stop this medicine right this minute. Sit me up. He’s going to pay for what he’s done.”
“We can’t do that.” The nurse directly beside me met my eyes before she moved her gaze
down. Again, there were emotions I couldn’t read. “You couldn’t walk if you wanted to, Main Master.
Not right now.”
I followed her stare, trying my best to get my legs to work. They wouldn’t. “I can’t... What did
he do?”
“You don’t remember?”
My head shook as I tried recalling more of the events that led me here. Cuffs. Alvin. The
board members. The tapes…
Nausea swept over me until I was sure I was going to throw up. I gagged, bringing my hand to
my mouth.
“Whoa. Hold on.”
“No.” I waved her away, sucking in breaths to try to calm myself. “Pain. Just pain.”
“He cut into your spine, Sir. Not much, but enough.”
“My spine?” My eyes shot to my legs. “I’ll never walk again?”
“We’re not sure. Dr. Cortez mentioned to the man that she thought there was a chance you
could. At least with assistance.”
“Assistance?” I repeated the word, trying to get my mind to focus. Alvin kept coming back to
me. Alvin and the tapes. No matter how hard I tried, I kept drowning in the blood that was spilled in
that room. My heart ached. My stomach was in knots, and I couldn’t think. Not about what was being
said. I was spinning in rage. But I couldn’t ignore the black hole of something undetected either. What
I saw my father do, what the high leader did to my boy... “You said man. What man?”
“He said he was here to help you. He gave a number when he was asked for his name. I don’t
remember it.”
“Yes. That was it. I’m…not sure how things went when he left here. I’m assuming it was okay
given the high leader was angry, but there were shots that went off.”
“Shit.” My eyes closed as I fought the lure to stay in the dark. The pain was increasing, and I
wasn’t sure I liked that. I had plans. Big plans. None that required sleep.
“Tell me about Everleigh. She escaped. What happened to her? Do you know where she
A nurse with curly hair quickly shook her head at the brunette feeding me the information.
“No, you don’t know where she went? Or, you don’t want her to tell me?”
“The second,” she whispered. “I don’t think you’re well enough to take this sort of news.
You’ve been through too much. I can see it on your face. You need rest.”
“Someone mentioned three hours. I’m guess that was for the high leader, but I’m awake now.
I’ve been out of surgery for some time. I’m fine. I’m feeling pretty fucking good considering—"
“That’s the medication, Sir.”
“Great. I’ll need more soon. First tell me about Everleigh, and fast, because you women are
about to do some surgery of your own.”
They grew quiet as the brunette shifted uneasily next to me.
“It was horrible. The Mistress, he tied her arms up to her sides, stretching her out.”
“He didn’t just tie her,” the older woman popped off from next to the brunette. “Tell the Main
Master the truth. He used hooks, Sir, all down the rope. That’s what held her in place while he lashed
the flesh off her back. She withstood it for two hours before she passed out. That’s when it got worse.
Her weight pulled though the hooks. Tore her arms wide open.”
“It’s the truth. When her other arm couldn’t hold her up anymore, the hooks did their job there
too. And the high leader, he let that happen. Just left there until she hit the ground.”
“Jesus. No.”
“Yes. He was standing before her, she fell, and whoosh, like that, she springs up. Seconds
later, he comes running in here bleeding like a stuck pig. I look up from him screaming at us fixing
you, and bam, she’s gone.”
My lips separated as I searched for words.
“She didn’t just disappear.” A shy nurse in the back moved in closer to my feet. “I went to
help her when the high leader was getting medical attention. She told those guards she was leaving…
and then she walked right passed them. They didn’t dare touch her. She was covered in blood from
head to toe. Her arms and back were…bad. She looked them down and just went. She could barely
walk but she made it to the second set of guards. That’s when I peeked out and saw a man grab her
and take off running.”
“The same man that came in here? Nineteen?”
“No. This one was different. A big man. Really big muscles. Short hair.”
“Must have been one of hers. We need to find her. We need to make sure she’s okay.”
The brunette quickly shook her head. “When the high leader didn’t wake up after an hour, they
arrested Dr. Cortez. The guards are out looking for the Mistress now. No one is allowed to leave
anywhere. I overheard them talking outside about how they’re doing checks in all the apartments.
Everyone is under lockdown. No one can leave. They haven’t been able to since this started.”
I rubbed my face, not knowing where to start.
“Go to the high leader and get me his gun and his phone. While you’re at it, drug him some
more. I don’t want him waking up.”
The older nurse laughed, shaking her head.
“He isn’t waking up, Main Master. Not anytime soon.”
“I’m not taking that chance. Give him more.”
The brunette stepped away, and I caught a glimpse of Dr Cortez standing next to the window.
She was looking right at me, smiling as I gave a small wave.
“Here you go, Main Master.”
I put the gun at my lap, staring at the phone, clueless on who to call. I didn’t have Everleigh’s
number. I didn’t even have Nineteen’s. Without my laptop, I was blind. But I did have an idea. One
that would have never crossed my mind in a million years before today. But that would come. First…
“Wheel his bed over here.” My eyes searched the room, spotting the table with medical
instruments I was sure they used on me. “And that. Bring that too.”
The nurses easily followed my orders. I was beginning to sweat. Alvin’s sweet face was all I
saw. I could still feel his little arms holding around my leg, regardless that I couldn’t feel anything
from the waist down. Tears were threatening. I wasn’t good. But I was about to feel a lot better. At
least temporarily.
“We’re going to have to be quick.” My head fell back onto the pillow as the brunette and the
older nurse stopped the bed next to mine. “Turn him. Take that,” I said, pointing to a scalpel. “He cut
lower down my back, correct?”
“…Yes, Sir.” The scalpel shook in the brunette’s hand as she held it.
“He wanted to take my legs. I’m not so forgiving. Cut higher. He’ll move nothing, no more.
Nothing but his eyes. I don’t even want him to have the ability to speak.”
“I. Sir, I…”
“That’s not all. He took my Everleigh’s skin from her back. For her, as my gift, you’ll take his
face. She’ll like that.”
The brunette’s head was shaking. The older woman reached over, grabbing the scalpel as her
lips twist.
“Move over, child, and help me flip him. Did you not see what he’s done?” At her point to the
window, I couldn’t follow. She jerked open his shirt removing it as more nurses crowded in to help.
The older woman’s fingers walked up his spine, stopping between his shoulder blades. “I’m no
doctor, but this should work as a good beginning. Would you like to say anything before I start, Main
I took in Derek’s face, peaceful as he slept. It was a look I wasn’t ever sure I’d have again.
Alvin never would. He’d never grow and become a man. He’d never find love. Never have children.
And me, I was left with the horror of the worst part of having one: losing them. Biologically, he may
have not been mine, but in my heart he was. And now I had felt every parent’s worst nightmare, and
I’d relive it every day as memories haunted me. And Everleigh…Fuck. She’d sacrificed herself for
me in a way I couldn’t begin to repay. But I would try. Starting now.
“The damage you’ve done to me and the woman I love, I’ll never come close to inflicting on
you. I’m not even going to waste years trying. As for my boy. I don’t care what you say. Alvin was my
son. It wasn’t as much as he deserved, but I loved that little boy with everything I had. You took him
away from me in the most heartless, disgusting way imaginable.” I wiped the single tear. More
threatened to come, but by a miracle, I held them in. “I could so easily kill you right now. I want to.
God, I do. But you won’t die without knowing you didn’t win. You’re going to see what Whitlock’s
really about. And when the ants and bugs begin eat you away in City Center, you won’t even have the
ability to scream and call for help. You’ll stay there, right at the heart of this place, and you’ll rot all
by yourself.” I nodded, giving my ‘go’.
For seconds, no one could move. When the older nurse made the incision and dug the scalpel
in to his spine, I didn’t so much as blink. Blood sent my hands fisting as flashbacks returned, but I
stayed grounded enough not to lose myself in the haunting scenes I had witnessed. One deep incision.
Two. More blood. Three incisions.
They rolled him to his back and for the first time the older nurse hesitated. She brought the
scalpel up, starting at the top of his forehead, glancing up at me after she moved the blade across an
“Keep going.”
“Yes, Main Master.”
Blood ran a river down the top side of his face, keeping me trapped in the hypnotizing color
as she cut her way around. The crimson thickened, spread, and increased as the time stretched out. I
faded in and out of my thoughts, only focusing again when she began to peel back the skin. A nurse hit
the floor, fainting, but the others stayed quiet as she lifted the flesh just under his eye to separate the
cheek area from the muscle. Sweat beaded on her face and she kept swallowing, but she didn’t stop.
The scalpel moved quickly while she rounded his jaw and moved up to the other side.
“Almost done, Main Master.”
“You’re doing great, Freeda.”
Her nod was shaky. She shifted, moving to his temple as I picked up the phone and dialed one
of the only numbers I knew by heart. One, I had memorized when I thought it was my link to getting
Everleigh back. It was outside of Whitlock, but just as corrupt.
“Here you go, Main Master.”
I took Derek’s face just as ringing filled my ear.
“You have some nerve calling me, high leader. Are you not dead yet?”
“He will be soon enough. Master Draper, I hope your life has been treating you well.”
“Master Whitlock.” A pause. “You’re awake.”
“Awake and pretty fucking pissed. I need your help.”
“They’re on their way.”
“That’s not what I mean.” I moved my hand back and forth, looking at all the different angles
of my high leader’s face. “What I want is more than the services I’m sure you’ve offered. We need to
Chapter 28
Scout 19
One tunnel. Two tunnels. Up. Over. I was becoming amazing at traveling through the secret
entrances and finding my way around Whitlock without using the halls. Once I had discovered the
Master stairs, there wasn’t a single floor I couldn’t get into. That meant no facing the guards while
getting back and forth to Medical. To make things better, the entrance opened right into the supply and
medicine closet. Whoever had designed this place, new exactly what they were doing.
I eased into the room, opening Mistress Jane’s handbag I’d grabbed from her closet. I didn’t
bother reading labels from the stack of pills and vials resting on the shelves. I tossed handfuls in,
swiping stacks of gauze, bandages, needles, and everything else I could get my hands on. Before
anyone could open the door, I was back out, closing myself in and racing through the darkness to the
floor above. I took the stairs two at a time, turning to my hall and right into a pair of waiting arms.
“What the—” My fist drew back, freezing as I was faced with an all-too familiar face.
“Lewis. What the hell are you doing? I could have killed you.”
“Shh,” he hissed, pulling me down. “They got our men. Shot them dead outside the entrance of
the sixth floor. Just unleashed on them. Shit is falling apart fast. One chased me, but I think I lost him
when I went through the entrance in the closet. Doesn’t matter. He’ll know I didn’t disappear into thin
Five minutes passed before I leaned forward, listening.
“Let’s just go slow. I don’t hear anything. I think we’re good.”
“Where’s your men? Where’s the help?”
“On their way. They should be here anytime. Follow me.”
I took three steps, ducking as a shot went off in the distance. There was no sitting there,
waiting. I pulled his arm, feeling nothing but dead weight as he fell over to the side. My heart sunk
and I let go, ducking and running as more shots went off. Without light, I could barely see shit, but I
knew the path led straight. That was a good and bad thing.
A pop of metal zinged not inches away, and I ran my hand high along the wall, sliding to a stop
as I pulled a rope and pushed into the closet, closing the door behind me. I dropped the bag, pulling
my gun free as I pushed behind hanging suits. Like I suspected, ten minutes passed and the door
popped opened and a guard raced out. He didn’t make it to the door before I pulled the trigger. Blood
and a chunk of his skull splattered on the inside of the door. Without waiting, I grabbed the bag,
pushing back through the trap door and not stopping until I reached Mistress Jane’s entrance.
Let whoever’s apartment that was discover the dead mystery guard inside. I didn’t care. So
long as it didn’t lead back to us. With the ten rooms I bypassed, I prayed it wouldn’t.
Heavy breaths left me as I shut the trap door and burst into the bedroom. Mistress Jane and
Fox had their guns pointed right on me.
“Whoa. Hey. It’s just me.”
“Yeah, just you running in here like you’re being chased by the devil, himself ,” Mistress Jane
whispered. “What happened? You’ve been gone for over an hour. I was about to go looking for you.”
“Do you know how far Medical is from here? Why do you think something happened?”
She cocked her head, pointing to my uniformed shirt. Blood was splattered all over it.
“Oh. A rebel I knew, Lewis, was hiding in the tunnels. A guard tracked him down there. He
shot him and nearly got me. Some Master a few doors down is going to find a bloody mess in his
closet. Doesn’t matter. That’s not our worry. Whitlock is what we need to focus on. Lewis said it’s
chaos up there. The Top Guard, they opened fire and shot all those men Mistress Everleigh called to
the top floor. They’re out of control.”
“Son of a bitch.”
Fox shook his head, grabbing the bag from me and placing it on the bed. As he rummaged
through the content, I noticed he was almost finished stitching Everleigh’s arms. How she was taking
it without the heavy pain meds, I didn’t know. She was tough. Tougher than most. I tried to ignore
Mistress Jane as she moved in next to me. She kept looking at me. She was always watching, seeing
more than I probably wanted her to. I pulled at my collar, stealing a glance. She still had her gun in
her hand, but her eyes were on me as I went back to watching Fox.
“This is good. Damn good,” he said, making a pile.
“Do you even know what you’re looking at?”
He laughed, injecting some medication into a syringe. “I’ve treated more wounds than you can
imagine. I was Pre-Med. Military after I lost interest. I needed something faster. Something that would
put me on the front lines. I guess you get what you ask for.”
My lips twisted as I stole another glance over. Mistress Jane was still staring.
“Do I have something on my face?”
“Besides blood?”
I wiped my hand over my nose and cheek, frowning as she laughed.
“What is so amusing? Did I get it?”
A deep sigh left her as she reached over and grabbed my hand.
“Let’s let Fox focus. Come with me.”
Fox’s lips were drawn up at the side as the Mistress pulled me from the room. And she was
pulling. My feet kept wanting to plant. It’s not that I didn’t find her attractive or know what she was
up to, I just wasn’t sure it was a good idea.
“Carter.” She nodded her bodyguard towards the room. I couldn’t stop my pulse from
skyrocketing as he shut himself and Fox inside.
“Mistress Jane. I—”
“Elaine.” She pulled up her skirt to holster her gun at her thigh, lifting it higher than she
needed. “And calm down. I’m not getting naked yet. I just want to talk.”
My eyes were having a hard time leaving her stocking-covered thighs. When she stood, her
smile said she knew what was on my mind. She stepped in close, pushing her breasts into my lower
I stepped back.
“Us? I wasn’t aware—”
“Don’t play stupid. You’re so much smarter than that. I knew it the moment I saw you outside
the White Room. There’s going to be an us.”
My mouth opened but nothing would come as she pushed in harder.
“You don’t have to speak. I’m going to tell you how this is going to play out. You’re going to
make me dinner next Saturday, and then I’m going to tempt you into spending the night with me.”
My eyes cut over to the bedroom door.
“Mistress. Elaine.” Her hand came up, gripping my shirt. “I love how you have this all figured
out, but I’m not sure if you’re aware, we may die here today. There may be no dinner.”
“Exactly. If we have plans, neither of us can die. Dinner. Saturday. You cook.”
“Me? Why me?”
“You think because I’m a woman I should?”
“What? No. Of course not. I mean, I’d never—”
Lips crushed into mine, and the back of her hand locked onto my neck, holding me into place.
For a woman, she was strong. My eyes flew open, only to feel myself soften as she thrust her tongue
into my mouth. Pressure applied to my chest, lowering as her hand slid down my stomach. Just as I
was starting to give into the kiss and meet her tongue, she broke away, leaving me there while she
headed back to the room. It took me seconds to get my brain to start working. I spun, catching her
wrist just before she reached the knob. When I pulled her in, she was ready.
“You can’t just kiss me like that and walk away. You shouldn’t have kissed me at all.”
I wrapped my hand around her hair, pulling, and biting into her bottom lip.
“No. And if you were smart, you’d stay away. You and I are not the same.”
“We don’t have to be,” she whispered. “You just have to know how to eat pussy and make me
food. I bet you fuck really good.”
I laughed, shaking my head, despite her words shocked the shit out of me. I wasn’t used to
women talking so blunt. “You’re a dirty one.”
“I’m an honest one. You can, can’t you.”
It wasn’t a question, and I wasn’t answering it. I was confident enough I didn’t have to. It had
her smiling.
“I knew it. Saturday.”
“If we’re alive.” I brought us back to the door. “In the meantime, behave. No distractions.”
But it was too late. I couldn’t look at her the same after that kiss. And I sure as hell couldn’t
think about anything but her. Dinner. Pleasure. I couldn’t remember the last woman I’d had dinner
with. And Elaine wasn’t just any woman. She was one of my world. The Whitlock world. That could
mean anything. It could mean trouble.
“Mistress. Elaine.”
Everleigh’s head was lifted and her hand outreached. She was sobbing, trying her hardest to
be quiet. The Mistress ran up, falling to her knees on the floor to take Everleigh’s hand. Their faces
were only a foot apart and I’d never seen such care as Elaine brushed back her hair. Had I missed
something between them? It was as if they were best friends.
“It’s okay. I’m here. No more Mistress to you. I’m Elaine, just like I told you before.”
“I’m sorry. I’m trying to be quiet. Fuck. It hurts so bad. I…I want Bram. I want to know about
Bram.” Another round of cries had her burying her face in the comforter.
“Breathe through the pain, honey. Squeeze my hand if it’ll make it feel better. You squeeze as
hard as you want. Bram’s okay. He is. The fear, the panic, the crying, it’s all part of shock. The high
leader did a number on you. But you were stronger than him,” she whispered, smiling. “You got free.”
“Yes.” Everleigh agreed.
“Let me tell you a funny story that happened not long ago. It wasn’t a lashing, but pain,
nevertheless. It was about six months ago. Me and three of my friends, sister’s really, decided we
were taking a trip to London. Elizabeth got screwed over by this dipshit little actor who had an
apartment above a bistro. It wouldn’t have been bad had he not stolen her grandma’s diamond
necklace. Anyway, we figured we wouldn’t be there long. You know, in-and-out job. Compared to
what we do for a living, this was cake. So, we go and get us a table. We’re scoping out the area.
Seems the actor’s daddy owned this fancy little place. And what do you know it, a few feet over,
serving a table, was his lover, wearing Elizabeth’s grandmomma’s jewels.”
Everleigh lifted her head, wiping away tears as more collected in her eyes.
“The lover? What happened?”
Elaine smiled. “Elizabeth is sort of a sore loser. And a bit dramatic at times. She walks up to
the woman, gives her her best smile, and says, “Excuse me, but I’m afraid I’m going to need my
deposit back. You see, Oscar didn’t tell me he was double-dipping, and I don’t like thieves that steal
more than one cunt at a time.”
Everleigh let out something between a sob and a laugh. “She r-really said that? She used that
“Yes. I’m afraid she gets it from me. I’m a bad influence. Anyway, confused the hell out of the
waitress. Even made an older lady choke on an olive. After hearing that, the waitress clearly doesn’t
want to hand the necklace over. So, what does Elizabeth do? She goes to take it anyway. The two start
wrestling like savages. Down goes tables. Down goes the old lady. I’m throwing people out of the
way trying to get to them. And, an entire pot of coffee goes flying, right down the front of my new
white dress. I. Was. Pissed. And burned to hell and back. Luckily, from those burns, daddy-dearest
makes her return the jewels. And me,” she said, smiling, “free food anytime I’m in London.”
Everleigh winced, jerking as Fox taped the bandage.
“It sounds like quite the adventures you all have.”
“And mouths,” I added in.”
Elaine threw me a look. “Adventures is a good word to call it. We’ve seen some things. Done
some things. Tore up some shit.” Elaine glanced over at me, her smile staying as she turned back to
Everleigh. “You’ll get to hear more about everything soon enough. Right from the source.” Her hand
brought Everleigh’s closer. “Everyone’s going to be so excited to meet you. To finally learn the
“The truth about what?”
The women looked over at my question.
“About what happened, of course. To who she is. To what she is.”
“What’s that?”
Elaine smiled as I looked between them. Before she could answer, a loud bang sent all of us,
but Everleigh, to our feet. Men poured through the door, guns in hand, and we were ready. Waiting, as
we met them with ours.
Chapter 29
Whitlock was somewhere I could have never come again, and I would have been more than
okay with it. As dead guards lined our path from the adjoined field to the underground fortress, I
knew I was seeing the work of The Dragon’s men. They had beat us here, and they were already
elbow’s deep in the blood of what we’d come to take out.
“Faster,” Luke said over his shoulder as he began running. His hand was already at his ear,
and he was waiting for what I assumed was someone to pick up. Blood smeared a path along the
cement as we came up to the underground garage, but there were no guards to be seen.
We kept moving, racing into the white halls. More guards lay in the distance, crumbled and
sprawled out. Shots rang out, and Luke and I immediately slid to a stop, pointing our guns ahead. A
man flew into the hall four doors down, his face bursting into pieces as a Red soldier stepped out,
shooting him in the face.
“That’s a Master!” Luke’s head was shaking in shocked confusion. “Not the Masters, the
soldiers! The guards!”
An older man in what looked to be his late forties with black paint slicing down his face gave
us a look that sent chills down my body. There was nothing there. No emotion. No tone that was his
own. Monotone. A robot. His eyes, dead. “New orders. Everyone dies.”
“Whoa. Whoa!” Luke moved in closer as the next door opened, and the next. More people
were getting thrown out. More shots and blood. “What the hell is this? Whose orders?”
“Master Draper’s, of course. Via Master Whitlock.”
“Master Whitlock?” Luke pushed buttons on his phone, slapping at my shoulder for me to
follow. The hall became a game of hop-scotch as we jumped and hurdled over expensive suits.
Slaves were beginning to peek out. I couldn’t begin to grasp what was happening as we entered the
second level.
More red. It painted the walls for as far down as I could see. How were the men working so
Sheetrock exploded not two feet away and my gun jerked up as I threw myself to the side. A
guard dropped in the distance, a soldier from Red Island appearing behind him. Breath nearly got
caught in my throat as more men appeared and a group of familiar faces became apparent between
I ran past Luke, but he was just as quick to react. Everleigh was being carried, but sobbing
with almost every step.
The men split, letting us through. Fox eased Everleigh to stand at her order, but she could
barely support herself.
“You m-made it.”
“Bet your ass I did. In record time too.” Luke’s hands went to her shoulders, stopping as she
cringed just before he could make contact. “Medical. You need—”
“She’s to be taken to the Main Master,” a Red soldier cut in. “A doctor is waiting.”
“He’s alive and awake. Thank you, Luke. For everything.” Her smile was beaming despite the
tears that continued to force themselves free. “Fox,” she continued. “You’re going to have to…”
The guard was already lifting her. I got into step next to Nineteen, towards the back, not
missing Mistress Jane turning to take peeks as we started to walk again.
“You look like shit. You get shot or is that blood and hole in your shirt just for attention?”
Nineteen laughed, throwing me a look, but I could see his sights on the path of dead Masters
“It’s definitely for attention. I was feeling a little neglected after you left me here. I thought if I
pretended to hurt myself, perhaps you’d stay this time.”
I stepped over a pair of legs, addressing what I knew we were both trying to avoid.
“I’m not sure there’s going to be any staying. I don’t know what the hell is going on, but this is
the Main Master’s doing. Maybe he wants a fresh start. Maybe…”
Hell, I had no idea. I couldn’t see him letting us all go. Not with how risky that was. But why
else would he kill off all the Masters? Perhaps he’d lost it after the torture. Maybe he wasn’t truly
thinking about anything at all.
“This doesn’t sound like the Main Master. He wouldn’t do this.”
Anger tinged Nineteen’s voice. It seemed to be growing with each Master we came across.
And the higher floors weren’t any better. Screams were increasing. Masters were becoming aware.
Bodies. Blood. Slaves. They were everywhere. Some slaves were wandering. Some laughing wildly
and joining in on the violence. But not to the living Masters. To the ones who lay there dead. Some
were even crying, holding to their dead owners, clearly lost and mentally battling what any of this
meant. It was unlike anything I could begin to comprehend. I knew ownership, but not like them. Not
like the ones who’d lived this Whitlock life for multiple years of their existence.
A mass of bodies met us on the sixth floor. All were guards, and the sight had Everleigh
gasping. Her head shook as she tried scrambling from Fox’s arms. He held tighter, trying to calm her
as they went past.
“Did…Did they? I did this. This is my fault. I brought them here.”
“It wasn’t the Red soldiers who did this,” Nineteen assured her. “Lewis mentioned this before
he died. It was the Whitlock Top Guard. They took the guards out after the high leader went
“I still did this.”
“They would have died anyway. Look around. It’s over, Eveleigh.” At Luke’s words, more
tears escaped down the Mistress’s face. Something wasn’t quite right with her. Perhaps the
medication they’d given her was affecting her thinking. She seemed to becoming very delayed and
We slowed at the blood-splattered windows, watching as a few guards were lowering the
bodies of the dead. Hollowed stomachs and empty chests burned into my brain, clearly a mirror of the
Masters that had made this nightmare their home. My home? No. I was lucky to never have to
embrace this place. My time behind these white walls were nothing more than a glimpse inside the
darkness of humanity. A darkness my sister would never escape.
My throat closed, and I had never wanted to blend in or disappear so much before. I knew
where she was. I could tell the world about Whitlock and Red Island. But I’d never get to. They
wouldn’t let me be free if that were the case. They wouldn’t let me live. So what did that mean for
“Bring her this way.”
A woman’s voice had me looking away from the corpses of the main board members. She was
in the next room, waving us in her direction. But not me. Luke already had me by the shoulder as Fox
carried Everleigh away.
“Stay here. Do not move.” He paused, glancing at the men who looked more foe than friend.
“I’m going to see what’s going on. I’ll be right back. Nineteen, watch him.”
But he didn’t mean watch. He meant protect. Luke felt just as I did. Suspicious. And with the
way we were being carefully watched, I didn’t blame him. I didn’t trust any of these killers. They
managed to take down six stories of highly trained guards like it was nothing. Hundreds to their mere
one hundred. Sure, shots were still going off in the distance, but wasn’t this place supposed to be
impenetrable? Maybe it was to normal people, but these murderous soldiers of Red Island weren’t
normal. They were lethal, and they’d all be going back to my sister, to keep her safe. To keep her
“I need to go with the Mistress.”
Nineteen grabbed my arm, but a soldier quickly stepped in my way before I could so much as
take a step.
“The man said stay.”
“Luke isn’t my Mistress.” I glared up to the Red soldier, not letting him see my intimidation.
“He told me to stay. She did not. I go with her.”
The soldier shook his head.
“I’m sorry. Are you my Mistress? Did anyone tell you to make me stay besides Luke? No. And
you don’t take orders from him, now do you? You take them from Master Draper. From The Dragon.
Do I need to call him? I got his number right here.”
The soldier rolled his eyes as he let me push past. Once Nineteen saw me not being stopped,
he raced ahead to join. I eased the knob, seeing the Main Master with his hand locked onto my
Mistress’s neck. Her head was lying on his lap and she was straddling a chair while the doctor
examined her back. The sight was enough to turn my stomach. It didn’t even look like she had any skin
left. It was all exposed muscle and meat.
“Didn’t I tell you to stay outside?”
Luke’s voice had the Main Master’s other hand pausing from stroking Everleigh’s hair. Blue
eyes took me in, then Nineteen. His grin was immediate.
“They’re okay being here. Nineteen.”
At the wave, he left my side, heading to the Main Master. I ignored Luke’s glare as I caught the
high leader lying unconscious a few feet over. My lips parted and I slowly turned in horror to the
Main Master. Had he taken the man’s face? Was the guy even alive anymore? Blood was clearly
soaking into the sheet at his sides, but…his chest rose and I quickly turned away. I couldn’t look. I
couldn’t unsee him that way.
Luke threw me a look, knowing my dilemma, but he didn’t mention it as he leaned in. “You are
shitty at following orders.”
“I didn’t get any. The Mistress told me nothing, so here I am.”
“Watch it. When she can’t give them, you take them from me. You’ve been good up until now.
Don’t get on my bad side.”
My teeth clenched as my pulse stayed at a steady, quick rhythm. I didn’t care about Luke’s
threat. Not when I was faced with a faceless man. What was going to happen to me? What about all
the slaves? I wanted to ask. I wanted to know. But after seeing the high leader, it clearly wasn’t the
time. Besides, if I faced the same fate, did I really want to have someone tell me? No. I would just
stick with my Mistress. She saved me once. She wouldn’t let them kill me now.
A loud cry left Everleigh and Bram fingers tightened in her hair. But she didn’t raise.
“Turn and let me see.”
“No. Just hold me. I’m getting so sleepy.”
“Let. Me see.”
“Dr. Cortez is working. Let.” She yawned. “Her work.”
The doctor stood at Everleigh’s slurring words. “It’s not safe for her to be up, moving around,
after what Fox gave her. It’s pretty strong medication. And actually, I’m not working. I can treat you
for possible infection, but this is beyond what you want me to do, Mistress. We need to see about
nerve damage. Definite skin graphing. This—”
“Just needs to be rebandaged and cleaned.” Everleigh brought Bram’s hand under her chin,
holding as her eyes stayed closed.
“I think I see your rib.”
At my voice, her head lifted, as did Bram’s.
“It’s not. But I thought I did.”
A deep breath left them both, but it was Bram who spoke.
“Jesus, kid. Do not scare me like that.”
“You should be scared. It’s why she doesn’t want you to see. It’s bad. Mistress.” I took a step.
“I know the last thing you want is to be away from the Main Master, but if you could see what I do. If
this was him, wouldn’t you want him to be taken care of?”
One word from her, and it was full of exhaustion.
“He’s right.” Bram’s fingers sunk into her hair, his other thumb tracing over her bottom lip. “I
have to see what he did to you, and then we’ll let the doctor do her job, whatever that may be. You’re
safe now.” He brought her chin up so that she’d have to look at him. When he lifted the high leader’s
face, I felt the blood drain from my own. “Tonight, everyone at Whitlock is safe. I’ve made sure of it.
You can get help and rest assured that when you wake, all will be fine. Me and you, baby. From here
on out.”
Chapter 30
Bram’s words had me blinking as I tried to make sense of them. I looked at the face, and back
to him. A million different drugs couldn’t erase what I knew in my heart. Guards were dead. Possibly
all of them. And Masters. We’d stepped over so many to get here. He said Whitlock was safe. Maybe
it was, but that didn’t change the fact that I wasn’t anywhere near finished. I’d bleed out before I let
them take away what was mine by right. But what was mine?
Again, I looked at the face, trying to figure out who it was, or what it meant. The shape. The
missing features. Narrowing my lids didn’t help. Where was I again?
“Wait. No.”
I fought the drowsiness, trying to keep my head steady as I stared at what he held. Mine. It was
mine? Bram looked at me confused. The dark circles couldn’t hide his exhaustion or pain. This
wasn’t right. I wasn’t right.
“Is that? Wait.” Memories came back. Face. Face. Yes. There was someone whose face I
should have had. “Where is he?”
I turned my head, slurring through my words as I took in the body lying on the bed, feet away.
Guard pants. Boots. I knew the uniform, but this one was different. Tan boots. Not black. I knew those
boots. It was him.”
Again, I looked at the face Bram held.
“I took it for you. It’s yours. You probably wanted to take it yourself, but I felt safer doing it
before you arrived. While he was out.”
“Out? I…Yes. What is this? What…are we all doing here? I don’t understand?” Hatred
blossomed for the unconscious figure just as much as the confusion that came when I looked at Bram.
He put down the face, wiping his hand before he cupped my cheek.
“You were going to let the doctor take care of you, remember?”
“It’s the medication,” Dr, Cortez whispered. “She’s not thinking straight. Give it a few minutes
as it kicks in. She’ll get better.”
“No. I am thinking straight. I…love you. I…” I gripped to the railing at the upper part of the
bed as I shakily stood. Whispering erupted as I grabbed the high leader’s face, but none I could focus
on. Turning, I stared at the scene of blood and death in the next room. All the bodies were lined in the
middle of the floor and tears blinded me as I walked forward watching them clean up the evidence of
our torture. I pinched the face between my middle finger and thumb, stroking my index finger over the
texture of his skin. The memories were coming back or trying to. Medication. Yes. She was right. I
couldn’t think straight. Each step was harder than the next. I was so tired, but I couldn’t sleep. I
couldn’t let this go until it was over with. Face. Face. I drew the flesh up, feeling the squish in my fist
as I squeezed. Was it finished? I hadn’t ended it. There was something I need to do.
Alvin’s tiny body disappeared as the guard quickly covered it with a sheet. I felt myself sway,
but was able to right myself as Bram’s words were choked out from behind.
“Jesus. Fuck. Her back.”
“I was trying to tell you,” the doctor said lowly.
My free hand settled on the window. I barely noticed Fox as he came to stand at my side. He
was there to catch me, but I didn’t need saving. If I fell, I’d stand again on my own. It was me. I was
me. And I wasn’t finished.
“Everleigh, baby, come sit back down.”
“Hook him. Strap him up.”
I did turn then.
“Hook him!” Sobs shook my body, increasing my anger. I didn’t want to cry. I wasn’t even
sure why I was, but I knew what I wanted. “Fox, hook and strap him up. Hook! Him! Hook him!”
“Everleigh.” Bram’s lids narrowed the smallest amount. Something was off behind the gaze
that weighed my sanity. I could see him analyzing me. I could feel his concern. My lips parted as I
looked back towards Alvin’s silhouette.
Yes. Bram. He’d seen so much. He didn’t need to see me like this.
“I’m sorry.” Rapidly, I blinked, trying to gain control over myself. The door opened, and I
reached out to Elaine, but I turned my attention to Fox. “Hook him. But shut that window before you
do. This will not be seen.”
“Everleigh. Come to me. I know you want him to pay, and he will. Trust me. I’ve already
made sure he’ll never move from the neck down, again. I took his face for you. Right now, though, I’m
worried. You need to let Dr. Cortez do her job and take care of your back. Then…afterward, you can
do what you wish.”
Fox searched my depths waiting for my answer. I closed my eyes, knowing that if I walked
away, there may never be an afterward. If the high leader wasn’t dead, he more than likely would be
by the time I was able to get back to him.
“I want to be the one to do it. I…can’t, right now.”
“No,” Fox said, letting Elaine help me back towards the bed. “Right now, you can barely
“But I can. It’s his fault I’m like this. I’m…” I turned out of their reach, pushing the cart of
surgical tools to the high leader’s bed. My eyes scanned the muscle of his face, not able to fight the
anger that it brought me. The fog and sleepiness were still there, but I could think more as I stared
down at him. Death was sobering like that. Or maybe the medication was settling in like the doctor
had mentioned. Regardless, I knew what an important moment this was. And I’d never get it back.
This man—this monster took our boy, our dream. He stole things from Bram that we hadn’t even
scratched the surface on, mentally. My Master might never be okay again. I could see it in the depths
of his eyes. Hear it in his voice, even though he pretended to be fine. And me…the nightmares would
return. The rage and cravings for death, stronger.
I scanned over the surgical instruments, not able to hold in my nearly silent laugh as I took
them in. So many scissors and things resembling them. It was as if I was reminded of West all over
again. Of fate and it’s cruel joke towards me. Or maybe I was looking at it wrong. Maybe I truly was
I grabbed a larger pair, not hesitating as I brought them over my head. I slammed the pointed
end into the high leader’s chest, feeling it easily slice through the layers of flesh. When it hit bone, my
limbs locked. I swayed as my knees nearly gave out, but I could barely feel the pain. I didn’t care.
The high leader had no reaction, and something in that burned into my brain. It triggered my anger
even more. I wanted him to hurt like he hurt us. I wanted him to scream for mercy. Not be silent. That
might have been what Bram needed in his damaged mind, but not me. I wanted him to see me. Fear
“Wake up. Wake him up!”
“I know you’re angry, but you’ll kill him if you do.”
I glared at a small nurse in the back, watching as Dr. Cortez stood frozen, glancing to Bram for
“I’m going to kill him anyway, and I don’t need anyone’s permission. Fox.”
My guard gave a swift nod and reached over to the cart. When he grabbed a vile and syringe, I
could see fear flash in Bram’s eyes. He was terrified. His face was turning paler by the second.
“I end this now. For both of us. For Alvin.”
Blue eyes were glassed over, and his face hardened through the nod. He didn’t want to show
any emotion. Maybe others couldn’t see what I did, but I saw the harm that had been done. It rattled
the cage of my killer. The cage of my slave. My Master, he needed this. He needed me.
Fox shifted, drawing my attention as he pulled the large needle free from Derek. Eyes rolled
back a little before a large inhale broke the silence. Oxygen came in panting gasps as Derek fought to
breathe. When his unlidded stare shot to me, I smiled, relishing in the gargled grunts of his stolen
“What’s the matter, High Leader? Can’t speak? Can’t blink? How about your legs or arms?
Can’t feel them, can you?”
“Fox, move over, I want to see.”
Bram’s voice had Derek’s eyes jerking to the side. But they didn’t stay. They came back to me,
showing more terror than I could have hoped for.
“I’ll make this quick since I don’t have much time. You’re already on death’s door. You may
die before I can finish speaking. Just know, Bram cut your spine. That’s why you can’t move.” I lifted
the loose skin, letting if unroll from my palm as it dangled above him. “This is your face. That’s why
you can’t blink or close your eyes from what you see. And right now, you have a pair of surgical
scissors embedded in your chest. I’m about to put in a lot more. This is for Alvin.”
More hallowed wheezing filled the silent room as I grabbed another pair. He followed them,
growing louder as I hovered over the area of his heart. I let the image sink in before I stabbed them
down almost right next to the other pair. Fox’s hands held to my hips, keeping me up as the cry ripped
right past my lips. My stare shot to his meaty expression and blood was beginning to build against the
inside of his lips. The fluid in his throat was increasing, feeding me as I forced myself through my
own pain to grab another pair.
“For Bram.”
I waited a good few seconds before I plunged them close to the other two. Lights blinded me
as I once again hit bone. I would have collapsed had it not been for my guard. I was so tired, and
sweat was beginning to bead my face.
I grabbed a smaller pair as blood overflowed past Derek’s parted mouth. The choking sounds
that left him were endless. Panic reflected in his haunted depths. But not in his unresponsive limbs.
Even his head couldn’t turn as he fought to live.
“For me. The Mistress you so stupidly thought you could kill.”
My hand came down hard, directly over one of the eyes that frantically jerked back and forth.
The jolt that locked up my body had darkness nearly taking over my gaze. Hands were on me, holding
me from collapsing, but all I saw was the motionless figure growing further away.
“Okay. You’re done. There. Revenge served.” Fox tightened around my waist, turning and
bringing me back to the chair next to the bed. Bram’s eyes tried searching mine, but I wouldn’t look at
him. I couldn’t. Tears were blinding me, and his hand was right there as I sobbed, fitting around my
head as he brought me back to his stomach for comfort.
“It wasn’t enough. He deserved worse. He—”
“I know, love. I know.”
“I need him out of here,” Dr. Cortez said, gesturing to the high leader. “I need all of you out of
here, and back in Medical.” She paused, glancing at the Derek. “I can’t work in this place anymore.”
“The high leader doesn’t leave my sight,” Bram snapped. “Not for a second. We stay.”
Shaking had me looking at the heartrate monitor hooked to my Master. The beating was at a
steady increase. Just the thought of Derek being gone set him off in ways that invoked fear. It didn’t
matter what I’d just done, or that Derek was more than likely dead or dying. The emotion was real,
and one I knew all too well.
“Then, stay.” Dr. Cortez glanced at me. “But she has to go. What I need for her, I don’t have
“She can’t leave me. Isn’t there something you can do? There has to be a way. We’ll have
them bring whatever you need. It can be done.”
Faster his pulse climbed at the thought of us separated. Dread. Fright. Anxiety.
My head lifted and I swayed. “I’m okay.” I wiped my eyes and fought the need for sleep. The
medicine was messing with my mind. I had things to do. I had stuff to figure out. I couldn’t rest now.
This wasn’t over. “My men will go with me. I’ll be safe. You stay with him. Watch him for me. Make
sure he’s dead. I’ll be back.”
It took a good minute, but I saw when my Master’s mask slipped into place. He wasn’t okay
with it, but he gave a hard nod, inhaling deeply. A nurse pulled a wheelchair up, and I let him kiss my
hand before Fox helped me over. The moment the door was shut behind us and my men were at my
side, I motioned with my fingers for them to come closer.
“What happened between your brother and the Main Master? Everyone is dead. I’m so out of
it; I can’t think straight. What have I missed?”
Luke pulled his phone free from his pocket, kneeling to get level with me.
“Are you sure you want to have this talk now? You probably won’t remember it in a few
“I’ll remember. Tell me.”
He sighed. “I don’t know. I was just about to call and ask. His men were supposed to help
free you, the Main Master, and take out anyone who got in their way. Whitlock was supposed to be
put back in order. When we got here, Masters were being executed outside their doors. I am just as
surprised and confused as you. I’m almost afraid to ask. The Red Soldiers did say this was Bram’s
I blinked heavily, fighting to keep my thoughts straight. “I think they’re right. You heard him.
We’re safe for tonight. He did that. What about your brother’s business with me? With the soldiers?” I
glanced at Eleven, but kept my attention on Luke. Vertigo hit for the briefest moment, and I couldn’t
stand it. “Do I need to ask what it is? How much?”
“I’m sure you can guess. He…” Luke’s brows drew in, “appears to be having twins with your
slave. He worries for all of their safety and has insisted on your silence and your…” He stopped.
“My what?”
“He pretty much owns you now.”
My head jerked to Eleven, and I grabbed the armrest of the chair to steady myself.
“Excuse me?”
“He wasn’t going to help you, but me and my sister, we persuaded him. He said Red Island is
never to leave your mouth and you’re bound to him,” he glanced at Luke, “he said permanently,
Luke’s lips tightened.
“He said that?”
“He was angry. Then, you were being tortured. We needed his men.”
“Call him, and hand me the phone.”
The door opened as Dr. Cortez came through. I grabbed the phone, wincing as Fox started
pushing. The phone rang twice before his smooth tone came through.
“I hear you have a BBQ going on downstairs in your city center. What’s on the menu?
Masters? Guards? Both?”
A pause. “If it isn’t my favorite Mistress. I see you’re alive, thanks to me.”
“You have my thanks, but not at the price you’ve charged.”
“Oh, no, the price hasn’t changed. A life for a life.”
“I am but one life. You have three.”
“They’re mine. I saved more lives than just yours. Did you forget about your Main Master? I
believe Whitlock is secure now because of me. I did that for you. I did more than you even know. You
should be thanking me.
“Two. You have two lives. You owe me one.”
“They’re mine. End of story.”
“Then your story ends with setting me free. I am no one’s slave. Never again. Bound
permanently? No. I will offer my loyalty to your precious island, but I will not be monitored. Not by
Bram, and not by you.”
“How do I know I can trust you?”
“Your trust issues are not my concern. I said I’d never speak of Red Island. You believe me or
you don’t. It’s up to you.”
“You’re slurring awfully bad. You could use your condition as an excuse to go back on your
“I won’t.”
“You know what will happen if you’re lying.”
“You’ll kill me. Yes, I know how this works.”
Muffled voices had me trying to listen harder. The Master had his hand over the phone. Why, I
wasn’t sure, but I was almost positive he was talking to Eleven’s sister. As it was, I could barely
keep my eyes open a second longer.
“Whitlock is pretty much out of commission. At least for a while. What of the slave? The
My mind slowed as I glanced over my shoulder. “You’re going the wrong way, Dragon. You
want to add another life to your list?”
“I merely asked.”
“Are you looking to buy him?”
“No. I didn’t say that.”
Master Draper’s voice was clipped. Strained. It had me smiling. “You didn’t have to. You
don’t want him, but she does. Someone is in love. So sweet.”
“Watch it.”
“Hold on.” I put my own hand over the phone as I told Fox to stop. “Eleven.” Brown eyes
scanned mine as he shifted. “This decision is entirely up to you. You are not pressured to choose one
way or another. But…what would you think about making Red Island your home for good?”
“You’d let me do that? I mean.” Multiple emotions flashed as tears filled his eyes. “You saved
“And you saved her by your outburst.” Luke shoved his hands in his pockets. “If you wouldn’t
have forced my brother’s hand, we might not be here right now.”
I glanced between Luke and Eleven, knowing I’d have to hear everything later.
“Your choice. Red Island or at my side, wherever that is.”
His stare dropped to the ground.
“My sister, she needs me, but…there’s him.”
“Exactly. Careful with your choice. He’ll own you.”
Eleven ran his fingers through his hair. “Do I have time to think on it?”
“I’m afraid not. Master Draper may change his mind if we wait too long. I need your answer
A sound left his lips. “She needs me.”
I nodded and uncovered the phone as I motioned for Fox to continue. “I’ll tell you what,
Master Draper.” I closed my lids, pushing back the fog as it continued to grow. “I happen to prefer the
twins together. Your slave needs her brother, and he needs her too. No fee, but there may come a time
when I need something of you. Nothing ridiculous like your position or an outrageous amount of
money. Maybe…a nice little home at an island away from the world. Or, a few killers to knock off
some bad people in my way. There’s no telling. The future is uncertain at the moment. Let’s just call
the payment what it is, a favor.”
“A favor? Those favors are pretty expensive.”
“So is what we’ll do for love. What do you say?”
A small growl left him as I glanced at Eleven. “I say I should take the slave and to hell with
your favor. I’ve done enough for you and your Main Master. As it is…Bram Whitlock has offered to
pay me a pretty hefty fee for my services, and I’m not ready to be an only child. My brother would die
trying to save you. I can’t have that. Send the slave back with my men. If your favor is bullshit—”
“What, you’ll give him back? Okay.”
“You test my patience, Mistress.”
“I test everyone’s. Goodbye, Master Draper.”
I hung up the phone, handing it to Luke as we rounded the hall. When my hand came out to
Eleven, he took it. “You’ll be leaving with the soldiers for Red Island. If things aren’t working out
there, I’m a call and a favor away. You’re that favor. Do you understand?”
Eleven’s jaw repeatedly flexed as he wiped a tear from racing down his cheek.
“Yes, Mistress. You’ll bring me back. You’ll take care of me. Thank you.”
“No thanks required. I’m here for you. You have to know that. Now, best hurry. Luke, find him
a trusted man to be paired with. I want him looked after.”
Luke nodded, and I felt my shoulders sag. Pain sent me jolting, and I gripped to the handles,
cursing the agony. Cursing Derek for what he’d taken from me. A family. Alvin. But I wasn’t going to
take what I had left for granted, either. I had Bram. I had an empty Whitlock without any Masters. And
I had Derek’s death and face forever. I was okay with that.
Chapter 31
Hours. With each one, my madness grew. Nurses came. Nurses went. Even a doctor showed
up. He attempted to check my wounds, but one point of my knife and he stayed back. I kept my
weapon in my hand permanently. Just as I kept my eyes on Derek’s dead body. One breath, and I’d
see. One twitch, and I’d know. But so far, he hadn’t moved. Something told me he wouldn’t; Everleigh
killed him. I didn’t care.
My fist stayed glued around my knife. The gun in my lap was double protection. It still didn’t
feel like enough. Memories were right there. They begged for recognition. For me to just watch a
second or two. There was no way in hell I was going down that road again. I saw nothing. I knew
nothing. I was the same Bram Whitlock I’d been before. Nothing had changed.
Yet, everything had.
“Main Master?”
Nineteen’s eyes flew open from a deep sleep at Luke’s voice. His own gun was already in his
hand as he answered for me. “Luke.” His head returned to lean against the wall, but his eyes stayed
“I’m sorry to disturb the two of you. Mistress Harper is resting. The skin graphing went well.
They’re giving her antibiotics and fluid through her IV. Dr. Cortez told me they’ll be monitoring her
closely for the next thirty-six hours to make sure the graph takes.”
“She’s okay?”
Luke shrugged. “As good as she can be, I guess. She’s sleeping now. The medication they’re
giving her is pretty intense.” He paused. “I’m surprised you’re awake, considering.”
“Considering what?”
He paused. “I saw what he did. We saw everything.”
Nausea had me holding tighter to my knife.
“Mostly. We had one of the guards put in a camera shortly after you were taken.”
“Everleigh saw? Of course she saw.” My head shook angrily. “She came back.”
“Yes, she did. I told her not to, but being as I wasn’t there, I couldn’t stop her. I guess none of
us could. The high leader.” Rage swept over Luke’s face as he glared over. “He had her going in
circles from here to Cheyenne. When we discovered Korbin and Henderson were rats, well, she took
care of it. But she was bound to return. Hell, she was only 9 miles away. There was no changing her
mind. She played right into the high leader’s game. Little did he know, Everleigh always wins.”
I tried shifting and moving my legs as anger suffocated my underlying fears.
“She doesn’t know how to lose, but she played it too close this time. It could have been
worse. He could have killed her.”
“He almost did.” Nineteen set up, resting his forearms just above his knees. “He would have
too. I saw her hanging there. I thought she…I was sure…” He glanced my way. “She was in big
trouble, and I felt helpless. I was right here, and there was nothing I could do to save either one of
Silence was thick in the room as I shook my head.
“It’s my fault. Everleigh tried to warn me about Derek. I should have listened. I should have
done a lot of things differently. I’m seeing that now.” My lips pressed together as I looked towards the
dead body. “Thirty-six hours to see if the graph takes?”
Luke nodded, standing straighter. “That’s right. They say it’ll be three to four weeks before it
heals. Maybe a little longer. I assume they’re going to want her to stay close until then. I’m sure
you’re okay with that.”
“Of course,” I breathed out. “But.” Our separation was beginning to break through anxiety
associated with my high leader. Just talking about her and not having her at my side left me in cold
sweats. I couldn’t swallow or breathe. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t be away from her. Reality won
over the trauma my high leader had inflicted. Or maybe the separation from Everleigh was just
feeding it. “I have to get to Medical. I want to be there, but…” Words wouldn’t come. They kept
getting stolen as I stared at my old friend’s body. Friend. He’d been my friend, just as West Harper
had. We weren’t as close as West, but I’d trusted him to a degree.
“Main Master.” Nineteen slowly stood, coming closer. “He’s dead.”
“That means nothing to Whitlock. He can be brought back. He—”
“Nobody is bringing him back. You have my word. Let me watch over him for you. Go to
Medical. Stay with the Mistress and comfort her. She’s not going to be okay once she wakes. Not after
what I saw her go through. I’ll take care of the high leader until you’re ready for him.”
“I don’t know.”
“I won’t let anyone in this room after you leave. You have my word.” He lifted his phone. “I
can call every hour if you want. And you can call me too. It’ll be okay. I promise.”
My hand rubbed down my face as love battled logic. Or maybe I should have just admitted it
was something well past fear.
“Let the Main Master take his time.” Luke moved to the door as I felt that familiar ping of
jealousy hit. This time, it wasn’t just about possessiveness. It was laced with desperation. Survival.
It was about what was mine and everyone’s need to take it away. “She’ll be sleeping for the next
couple of hours anyway. No rush. I just wanted to update you.”
“And keep her a little longer to yourself?”
Luke didn’t hesitate to meet my glare. His silence said everything.
“Nineteen, call Dr. Cortez and make the arrangements. I’ll be going back, right now. Everleigh
and I have been apart long enough. I should have gone with her to begin with.”
“Sure thing, Main Master.”
Luke didn’t turn his back to me as he stepped from the room. He didn’t say a word, but he
didn’t have to. The man loved my slave. He loved her like I should have long ago. It ate at me.
Everything was: Who I was. Who I should have been. What I should have done versus what I allowed
to happen. It was all bombarding me to the point that my gown was nearly drenched in sweat. I’d
already killed the majority of those who posed a threat, yet, there was always someone new. And I
couldn’t kill Luke for loving what was mine. But what if he tried to kill me to take it away?
Nineteen paused, putting his hand over the receiver.
“Main Master, are you okay? You don’t look so good.”
My hand waved. “Pain meds are wearing off.”
Truth was, I didn’t feel well. Sure as fuck not in my body or my head. I couldn’t get a grasp on
who I was. And these legs, they weren’t working! I could fight all day long if I had to, but what if I
was put to the test? I’d be screwed. I’d be fucking dead. All because of what? Because I didn’t listen
to my slave? Because I thought I had Derek under control? I should have known when I made those
new laws for Eleven and Nineteen, I was pushing him too far. He petitioned for his own Slave,
Eleven. I denied to free him. I denied his plea for love. It was another point against my slave in his
eyes. It was the tipping point. This was all my fault. I could have lost her, just like I lost Alvin. And
where was I? Guarding a dead man I was terrified of?
I wiped the sweat away, feeling the room move from under me. But it wasn’t moving. I was. I
was damn near about to pass out. I was tired, but the last thing I wanted to do was sleep. Not with the
chance I’d dream. I couldn’t see Alvin like that again. I couldn’t feel the fear of my slave taking my
place. Of losing her. Of losing them both.
Again, I swayed, but it brought my attention to the room. To this one and the one next to it.
New walls. New paint. New. New. New.
I blinked through my broken mind. Derek planned this for a long time. Longer than a few
weeks. Everleigh’s back, her arms, it took over my mind’s eyes. All I could see was his hate. It would
be scarred into her for the rest of her life and I had to live with knowing it was all my fault. All roads
of this karmic bullshit led back to me.
“Yeah. Hurry up.”
Footsteps brought my gaze up to Nineteen as he hung up and stared over at me worried. The
sight was enough to make me laugh. This man…this man who pretty much tried everything in his
power to save me was still here. Still putting me first. All while trying to bring me peace of mind so I
could be with the woman I loved. And I was a mess. Undeserving of his devotion.
“I owe you a lot.”
Nineteen gestured with his hand, but I wasn’t about to let it go.
“When was the last time you slept, minus that chair just now?”
“Sleep’s overrated.”
“I’m serious. I owe you for what you’ve done.”
“You don’t. I couldn’t save you.” His head dropped. “I couldn’t even save your Mistress.”
“Sometimes trying is a hell of a lot harder than doing. I sent you on a suicide mission with
Eleven, and you both came back to me. When shit got bad and you faced death, you risked it to be by
both me and Everleigh’s side. You’re still here. You never gave up.”
He shrugged. “You’re my Main Master. And you’re a damn good one considering what this
place is. I know you didn’t ask for this, but you take care of what’s yours. You had a hell of a crowd
out there standing against the high leader and his men for you. They saw in you what I did.”
“A crowd?”
A smile appeared on his face, only to fade. “The Mistress. She made some calls. A lot,
actually. It was her who informed the guard what was really going on. She told them to go see the
injustice for themselves. They did. Sadly, the high leader’s Top Guard shot them down for it. All of
them are gone now. All of us,” he mumbled.
My heart cramped as the events sunk in. The guards were the blood of Whitlock. They kept it
alive regardless if there were Masters or not. And I had Master Draper’s men kill almost all those
who remained. I killed Whitlock. And I wasn’t done.
“What have you heard on the White Room? On the other locations?”
Nineteen hesitated.
“A Red soldier told me all the slaves have been moved to Slave Row. The prisoners, though,
they didn’t make it. They were shot in their cells.”
“As ordered.” I nodded, taking a deep breath.
“Ordered? You…did this? Not just the Masters but…the prisoners, the remaining guard in the
bunkhouse? The scouts that were here? No. Tell me they weren’t right. You wouldn’t do that.”
Again, my chest tightened. “I never thought it would come to this. Whitlock was out of control.
I didn’t have a choice.”
“But.” Nineteen glanced at the high leader. “I mean, I can see how you’d want to be safe.” His
head shook. “I’m sorry. I’m fucking confused. I had friends…I do understand, I’m just wondering,
what’s happening, Main Master? What are your intentions? Will you be getting a new guard? Starting
over? Is that what you’re doing?”
I paused, trying to adjust myself on the bed. To do anything, and not face what I knew was
coming. “I think the first thing I’m going to do is get married.”
“That’s right. Before I make a decision, I believe I’ll consult first with my wife. That seems to
be the smartest thing to do. Don’t you think?”
Nineteen’s mouth opened, but nothing came out. Before he could speak, a knock sounded and
nurses began to walk in. Dr. Cortez followed, checking over me before I allowed anyone close. Even
when I did, my focus stayed on Nineteen.
“We’ll continue this later. We have much to discuss. Call me if anything changes. If he
“I will.”
“Even if it’s a finger. Or if someone wants to take him.” The bed was rolled towards the door,
but it didn’t stop me from getting louder. “Don’t forget.”
“I’ll call.”
My head shook. “I’ll call you just in case.”
“If you feel you need to, I’ll be here.”
“Albert’s outside,” I yelled. “He was here for me. He’s pulling guard by the field.”
Nineteen grew further away, and so did the high leader as I was pushed out, but I saw
Nineteen’s relief. Knots twisted my stomach and deep down, I knew I had to let it all go. I had to
overcome this anxiety that Derek was going to somehow come back from the dead and take over
again. Or that’d I’d wake up and this would be a dream. I had bigger issues to deal with now. I had to
get control. I was the Main Master.
So why didn’t I feel like it?
“Are you okay?”
All I could do was nod to the nurse. The truth was too much to bear. There was this weight
festering inside. An internal clock attached to my life, and it was ticking down with each second.
Someone else, they’d come. They’d want what was mine, no matter the cost. But I wasn’t going to
give it to them. I’d get better. I’d walk, and I’d fight. I’d…burn those fucking films. Don’t think about
that right now!
Dr. Cortez stepped from the room, pulling me from seeing flashes of my father’s face. How
long had she been in there? She looked preoccupied. Tired, just like me.
“What did you do?”
The dark haired woman took her position next to the side of my bed as we headed past the
room I’d been tortured in. All that remained was white. White walls. Clean windows. It was like a
nightmare I couldn’t escape. It was white, but all I could see was red. I could see the bodies still
hanging against the windows. They were swaying. A foot here. A finger there. Twitch. Twitch.
“I checked on the high leader again. I had to make sure. Again. He’s dead.”
My head tried to turn, but I couldn’t see the room anymore. Anxiety was growing at the mere
mention of his name. Leaving was torment, but I couldn’t be away from Everleigh, either.
“Are you sure? Can he be brought back?”
She paused. “To life?”
Swallowing was impossible. “Yes. Can he be brought back?”
“No. Not even close. It’s impossible. Did you want—?”
“No. No. I.” I pulled at the neck of the gown. “Just making sure.”
“You’re safe now. I couldn’t bring him back if you wanted me to. The high leader is dead.”
The silence was just as unbearable as thinking about the possibility. “I don’t want to talk
about him anymore. How’s Everleigh?”
“She’s doing great. She was sleeping when I left. I suspect she’ll be sleeping for quite some
“Any nerve damage?”
“I don’t think so. It’s going to take time, but I think she’ll be okay.”
“What about me?”
She glanced over, but went back to staring ahead. “Your road will be longer. A lot longer.”
“My legs still won’t move. Do you think I’ll walk again?”
“One hundred percent on your own? No. I don’t think so. But anything is possible.”
“You’re lying. You could have left off the end. You don’t mean it.”
She did turn back to me, then. “Anything is possible. Look how far you’ve come after all your
heart surgeries? I didn’t think you’d live past the first day. You proved me wrong. Given your track
record, you’ll probably do so again.”
Chapter 32
Scout 19
I locked the door and collapsed into the chair as I replayed the Main Master’s words. Albert
was in the field. Alive. I could have understood if he’d been killed in the massacre, but I sure as shit
didn’t want him to be. Albert was a good man. Dependable and faithful to the Main Master like me.
And to know he’d survived because of his loyalty, there was something about that news that made it
feel like despite the major loss Whitlock had taken, we’d somehow won. Us, a handful of devoted
followers to Bram Whitlock. True, The Dragon’s men saved the day, but the majority of us who
started this, lived. That had to count for something, didn’t it?
My sleepy yawn filled the room as I smiled and closed my eyes, resting my head against the
wall again. For what had to have been hours passed as I drifted off and on to sleep. Dreams came.
Bloody violent dreams of me running. Of guard’s heads exploding next or in front of me as I dodged
bullets. It was dark. So dark I wasn’t sure where I was or where I was going. But I saw the men. They
were always close. Always right next to me, screaming, yelling for me to continue. And bam. Brain
matter, splattering my face. Blood tinting my visions. Run. Run. It wasn’t right. This wasn’t right.
I groaned, cracking my eyes open. My heart was racing, but I wasn’t afraid. Not like I should
have been. We won. We were alive. There was nothing to fear. I wasn’t going to have to run anymore.
And the dreams would pass. Come Saturday…A yawn forced its way through, followed by my smile.
My pulse slowed from the nightmare and I laughed, letting my eyes open wider as the realization hit
home. But I didn’t see the ceiling above. I saw her. I saw Mistress Jane. No…Elaine. That was her
real name. And a beautiful name. Just as beautiful as her.
I rubbed my eyes until I found myself sitting. The high leader was still motionless, and deader
than dirt. The doctor had confirmed it. I shouldn’t have even been here, but if it made the Main Master
happy, I’d hang out with a corpse. It’s was downtime, anyway. It gave me time to think. Elaine…Jane.
Jane…What was this Jane business anyway?
I stretched, wanting to shake my head.
Ridiculous. Damn elites. They had something for everything. There was no telling what all
that was about. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. The meaning had one way or another led Elaine to
Whitlock. What did that say about her? About Elaine’s life, or upbringing? About her sanity? She
couldn’t be right in the head if she was here. We were all crazy behind these walls. How far did her’s
I glanced towards the door. Maybe it was better not to know. Now wasn’t the time to read into
things too much. Maybe she wasn’t even serious about the date. We could have died. Perhaps the
realization got to her. Or maybe she just wanted a fling. Either way, I’d take it a day at a time. If
Saturday happened, it happened. If it didn’t—
My mouth twisted. The kiss came back knocking me in the stomach like a fist.
I grabbed my phone, staring down at it, debating whether I should call her. Was she busy? The
doctor said Everleigh was sleeping, and she’d gone to be with the Mistress. Was now the time to ask
if she was serious about Saturday, or should I give it time?
Damn her for messing with my head. I’d call tomorrow. After sleep. After I figured out how
long I’d be here. After all, I didn’t want to appear desperate. Was I desperate? Of course not. I’d just
been caught unaware by the kiss.
I stood, prepared to pace. A smile had me stopping in my tracks. In the room next door, stood
a woman. One who was leaned against the wall watching me. Her arms were crossed over her chest
and she appeared amused by my sudden shock to see her.
“Elaine? What are you doing?”
Both my hands were up. Whether she could hear me or not, I wasn’t sure. It didn’t matter. She
seemed to understand as she walked right over where the dead bodies had once been.
“What are you thinking about? So…serious.”
I read her lips, realizing I couldn’t hear her voice. At my hesitation, she appeared to laugh.
Her eyes were sparkling as she held to her stomach and genuinely tried to right herself. Except, she
almost couldn’t stand up straight. She was still smiling. Laughing. Happy in the moment.
“You know I was thinking about you. Why are you over there? How long have you been
watching me?”
Her brow creased while she cocked her head at my questions. Full lips parted and moved
while she tried to make sense of them.
“I like to…watch.”
Elaine said something else, but I couldn’t understand. It didn’t matter that she was speaking
slowly or overly mouthing the word. I glanced at the door as she pointed towards mine, and looked
back at her as she nodded. My head immediately shook.
“You want to come in? No. Sorry, you can’t.”
A pout appeared as her hand rose, displaying her fingers.
“Five minutes.”
Again, my head shook as she spoke the words slowly.
“Not going to happen.”
“What. If.” She began lifting her skirt. I stepped closer. The top of her stockings appeared and
I groaned, swallowing hard. “Five minutes, Nineteen.”
“Dammit, Elaine.” My head shook harder, and my hand was pushing through the air as if I’d
somehow manage to cover the hint of black lace panties. “No. Fuck. That’s not fair. No one comes in.
I gave my word.”
My head went back and forth as I closed my eyes. I couldn’t see this. I…
The top half of Elaine’s body eased up as my lids cracked open. Her eyes were on me, but
something about them was different. The playfulness was gone. They were cold as she reached into
her clutch, easing a phone to her ear. Just the sight of it had me walking closer. It wasn’t a Whitlock
phone. It wasn’t like any phone I had ever seen. It was thin, versus bulky like ours, and it was purple.
“Jane.” Or had she said Elaine? “Yes. I…here.” Long pause. “…for me. I…control. No. I
don’t want…” Her shoulders caved in as she spun to put her back to me. A good minute went by
before she straightened and her shoulders widened. She didn’t even turn to face me. Elaine stormed
from the room and within seconds, the door knob caught and pounding erupted.
“I told you, you can’t come in. Who was on the phone?”
“Open the door, Nineteen.”
“I gave my word. Who called you?”
Within seconds a click sounded and the door swung open.
“What the—” My hands lifted and my words disappeared as I stared down the barrel of a gun.
“What are you doing, Elaine?”
“Sorry, honey-love. I’m going to need you to leave the room.”
“Stop playing. This isn’t funny.” My hands went to lower as she side-stepped, shaking her
“Don’t. No games. I hate games. Just walk out—hands up. I’d hate to have to put a bullet in
you, but I got orders.”
“Wrong, I have orders, and I’m not going anywhere. What the hell is happening? Who called?
Is this Jane stuff?”
Something close to a cringe started to come, but disappeared just as fast. “Don’t mention
anything Jane again. Pretend you never heard it. Please, go. I won’t touch the high leader or remove
his body. I just have to secure this room.”
“It’s secure. And I gave the Main Master my word that I wouldn’t let anyone in. I need you to
“I can’t. The Main Master is in trouble. You have to leave. Now. I won’t tell you again.”
“Trouble, from who? He’s the Main Master.”
“Even Main Masters have to answer to someone. This is government stuff, Nineteen. Out.”
“You’re government?”
“Jesus.” Blue eyes darkened and I heard the explosion before I felt the inferno slice through
my bicep. My lips parted, going from shock to rage.
“You shot me. You fucking shot me!”
“Think about it as something to tell our grandkids about someday.”
“Grandkids? Are you fucking crazy?”
“I bet you a thousand dollars it went in and out. You’re fine. Now get to Medical and let me
take care of this. You don’t want to be here when they come.”
I had my gun in my hand so fast, Elaine took a step back.
“I told you I have orders. I’m not going anywhere. Unless you want to sport your own bullet
hole, I suggest you call back your little government friends and tell them you were unable to get in.”
“For one, I can get in anywhere. For two, I better be dead if I can’t.”
I grunted at the stinging, cursing the day I let myself fantasize at the idea of a damn date.
Women were crazy. Especially this one.
“No, do not call me that. I am not your ‘dear’, Elaine. I don’t even know you.”
A wounded look had her red bottom lip pouting. “That hurts. It really does.”
“You want to know what hurts? My fucking arm.”
“It’s not that bad. I have one to match. Same arm and everything. Now, every time you look at
it, you can remember me.”
All I could do was shake my head.
“You’re really not all there, are you?”
“Depends who you ask. You think I’m insane, but really my IQ is off the charts. Since I got that
call, I’ve already rearranged our future in three different timelines. All I need is to figure out which
one we’ll take. One.” She walked to the side, moving her gun from my shoulder to my chest. “You
walk out and go to Medical. Inform Bram Whitlock of your condition and let him know I got it taken
care of. You don’t get another bullet, and we continue with our date on Saturday. Two. I shoot your
other arm. Disarm you of your weapon and your ego takes a pretty big blow. I figure it’ll set us back
two months, but I’ll wait for you.”
“Absolutely ridiculous.”
Thickness rooted in my neck before I could so much as process the black blur of her suit dress
as she lunged towards me. My knees instantly gave out, and I felt myself falling as the sting finally
registered in my neck. When I hit the floor, I hit with dead weight. My limbs were unresponsive. I
couldn’t move anything if I wanted to, and I wasn’t sure why. Nothing made sense as I blinked up at
her in shock. Nothing but the pain. It was going down my throat, and into my chest. It was so intense, I
couldn’t move.
“I’m sorry, babe. Considering the consequences for shooting you twice, I felt for our future,
this was the best option. I know it hurts, just bear with me. Give me one…minute.” She picked my gun
up from the floor, placing it at the high leader’s feet as she brought up her phone. My legs and arms
jerked as she twisted her lips. “Secure. ETA?” She sighed as she switched to a language I didn’t
know. Multiple expressions crossed her face: concern, uncertainty. It felt like a lifetime had passed
before she went back to English. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll worry about being in trouble later. Call me when
you get back here. I’ll be in the room, begging forgiveness from my future husband.”
A foreign voice was loud enough for me to hear, but I had no idea what she was saying. I
could barely function at all.
“You keep laughing Katia and see if I let you be my maid of honor.” She smiled, kneeling as
she pulled something sharp from my neck. “No. He’ll forgive me. You’ll see.”
“See. He’s already seeing the error of his ways. Talk to you later.”
“Don’t talk, darlin’, it’ll make the pain worse.”
“Yeah, well, it takes a good half hour before the numbness wears off. Just a small dose.
Nothing that’ll hurt you.”
“It. Hurts.”
“Well, yeah, but it won’t hurt you. Not permanently.”
I groaned while my body jerked, even though I couldn’t feel it move.
“Who’s.” Again, I made sounds, closing my eyes through the pain. “Main Master. Who’s
coming…for him?”
Elaine gently brushed back my hair. Her eyes searched mine for so long, I almost forgot I’d
asked a question. I was getting lost in the blue. In the sadness and longing void she held inside.
“I’m not sure who’s coming. Master Hunt, he took charge of this place on the outside world.
It’s how Katia learned of Whitlock. It’s what brought us here. But he’s dead, and she’s been getting
calls from some very scary people on where the Master can be. Very scary. It’s only a matter of time
before the leeches discover this place and what’s happened. Before they do, I’ve made sure to secure
the threat. That’ll go over good with the uppers. I’m mainly here to secure the room for them. They’ll
be arriving soon, and they’ll relay the message to the leeches so they can back off. I’ll probably get in
trouble for even being here, but I’m willing to do that for you. And from Bram. Let’s just hope it
makes a difference.”
Chapter 33
It was a pattering. A quiet click, click, click, mixed with whispering that pulled me from deep
sleep. In the darkness, I could hear the pattern evolve. Tap, tap. Pause. Tap, tap, tap. Words. Tap, tap.
Pause. Tap, tap, tap. More of the conversation.
The need to open my eyes was there, but I managed to remain still, listening to familiar voices
lull me from unconsciousness. In my moment, I was happy. Calm, and almost blissful. It didn’t take
long for my emotions to come crashing down, and the truth of my whereabouts to expose itself. I
wasn’t okay. I wasn’t just merely sleeping. I was medicated, and the stiff, numbness of my back was
becoming all too unbearable. And I knew why. I remembered my orders on the lowest possible
dosage possible.
“So, let me get this straight. You’re ordering me—a man who doesn’t work for you, to
compose a list of all the slaves remaining?”
There was a hint of sarcasm in Luke’s voice as he blew out a fake, nearly silent laugh a few
feet away.
“Do you have something better to do?” Bram’s voice was louder. Less amused. More
“Actually, I do. I’m doing it.”
“Staring at my slav—” Bram stopped. “I can see Everleigh perfectly fine from here. Our beds
are up against each others. I can take care of her if something happens, trust me. She doesn’t need you
right now. She’s mine. She’ll always be mine. And she’s safe, here, next to me.”
“Maybe you’re right. I’m still not going anywhere. I don’t work for you, and I’m not taking
inventory of the slaves you have.”
“You’re in my fortress. You either take orders or you get out. It’s that simple.”
“Who do you plan to get to make me leave?”
A click sounded, but I knew it wasn’t the tap of one of their fingers. It had my eyes flying open
as flashes from hours before blinded me. My body jolted and I couldn’t help but cry out from the
stinging that raced down my back.
“Don’t threaten me,” Luke snapped, lunging to my side. “Put that gun away.”
“I may not be able to walk yet, but you’ll damn well listen to anything I tell you while you’re
under my roof. Now, leave us. Everleigh, baby, you okay? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. I—”
“You’re here. Where’s the high leader?”
Before Bram could speak a word, the door floor open. Nineteen stumbled in, falling to the
floor as a nurse dove to his side, applying gauze to what looked like a gunshot wound.
“What the hell?”
“Main Master.” Deep pants left him as he tried to lift his hand. Bram was already in a sitting
position on the reclining bed, but I could see him try to pull himself closer.
“Where is he? Did he wake up? What happened!”
“He’s dead. Been dead. Mistress…Elaine,” Nineteen managed to yell. “Fucking shot me.
They’re coming. Someone is coming. They want her staying with the high leader’s body. She…” He
sucked in breaths, groaning as he tried to roll and sit. “She fucking shot something into my neck.
Paralyzed me. Then she had me dumped just inside Medical.”
“They know. Shit.” Bram closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “That was faster than I
“Someone’s coming? Wait?” Nothing was making sense. It was all too fast. Too hectic as I
tried to process what the hell was happening. I grabbed Luke’s arm, watching Bram’s eyes narrow at
my gesture. “Is the jet outside?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Get it ready. I want…Dr. Cortez, some nurses.” My head was still spinning as my back flared
in flames. “Have them set the bedroom up in the back for the Main Master. We’re leaving.”
“No.” Bram’s head shook frantically. “We can’t risk moving you. You just had the graphing
done. It could fail.”
“I will not stay just to have us die. I’ve been doing nothing but digging into this place and the
people who tie themselves to it. If they’re as bad as I believe, they’re not coming as friends.”
“Everleigh.” Bram’s hand lifted to attempt to calm me. “I’ve been waiting for this. It’s sooner
than I thought, but I knew this would happen. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I am still the Main
Master. They need this place. They are indebted to me. Not the other way around.”
Fog clouded my mind as I tried to think. Planning was what I did. Uncovering was what I’d
become good at. But I was in the lion’s den now. In the arena of death. I couldn’t win standing front
and center. Especially, when I didn’t know who I was up against.
“How many Masters would you say you had killed? Over a hundred? Two? These are high
profile men. You can’t bring them back. Whoever’s coming is going to want answers. They’re going
to want justice.”
“And they’ll get it, Luke. The man responsible is being guarded by one important lady. One,
who I brought in with the awareness of her reputation and occupation. If it were me the men were
after, she wouldn’t be guarding the high leader’s body. She’d be sitting here with a gun to my temple,
begging me to move so she could put a bullet in it. If we were in trouble, Elaine would tell me.”
My hand dropped as I tried to take a deep breath.
“Mistress Harper?”
I glanced back at Luke, torn between my need for survival, and my need to trust. I loved Bram.
Shouldn’t I put my faith in him? Shouldn’t I do the same for Elaine?
“What if you’re wrong? What if—”
Bram reached over, offering his hand. When I took it, he gave a squeeze.
“Don’t think for a second, I’d risk your life. If I thought I was wrong, I’d have Luke rushing
you out of here as fast as I could. The thing is, I need you to stay. I need you to help me. They may not
want my life, but what I want from them, I can’t get on my own. I need your help at negotiating. I want
you to have a say in this.”
“What do you mean? You’re the Main Master. What is it you want me to help negotiate?”
The room became silent, minus Nineteen’s grunts as he was helped to a chair.
“Everything. What we handle as a team from here on out is just the beginning of our new life
together. I was wrong about you, Everleigh. About everything. I thought I knew how my life was going
to end up. I thought I knew what Whitlock had in store for me. I even thought I had our future figured
out.” His eyes lowered to look at our joined hands. At our fingers woven with each other’s. “I knew
nothing. You knew it all. You said Derek was a threat, and you were right. You were right about every
board I’ve chosen. You were right on what you thought would be best for Whitlock. I don’t want to do
this without you anymore. When I make a stand, I lose. I’m done battling invisible ghosts who are out
to kill me. I’m tired of running a slaughter/sex house of innocents. Mostly…I’m tired of being the me
that isn’t living a life for you. For us. I’ve never said in my head, more or less out loud, but I don’t
want this. I don’t want anything to do with it. I want to be finished. I want to be free,” he whispered.
“Free, like your wish.”
I wiped the tear, trying not to crumbled into a sobbing mess. The slave in me couldn’t make
sense of the words. She saw her Master as broken, afraid, even though he would never admit it. She
saw the raw scars the high leader had inflicted, far worse than the injury to his spine. He wanted to
run. He wanted to escape what I knew deep down he never would. He held the wounds of a slave. Of
a person who’d been broken by the events they’d undergone. This wasn’t just about Derek or the
tapes. This was about a boy who’d never stood a chance. Who not only lived a hellish life, but one
he’d repressed, only to relive again. Just clearer this time. With an adult mind, and not the guarded
one of a child. It was easier to forget with youth. Kids blocked traumatic events sometimes daily.
Bram couldn’t do that anymore. He couldn’t forget what his innocent mind had once locked away to
protect itself.
“There is no free.” My throat closed as more tears tried to come. “Not the way you mean.
Leaving here isn’t free. Running or hiding from the truth of who we are isn’t free. I know. I tried.
Even if we did jump on a jet and never come to Whitlock again, we can’t escape knowing what we
leave behind. It’ll still exist, and that’s not free, Master. You know this. I know you do.”
“Then, what? How? Tell me. What do we do? Who do Bram and Everleigh become? Are they
happy? Are they together? Are they safe?”
I slowly leaned over, bringing Bram’s hand to my mouth. The kiss was soft. Just a brush of my
lips as his eyes stared into mine.
“Yes. They’re safe. And they wouldn’t dare be apart again. Together, they’re happy. Together,
location is but a scenery they’re oblivious to. All they see is each other. They always have. They
always will. And they’ll adapt wherever that is. They’ll survive. It’s what they do. It’s what I do.”
“But if you could choose the scenery. If you could choose for us to leave here, would you?
This may be the only fresh start we’ll ever have. Where is your heart? Where does it want to be?
Surely, not here. Or, is it?”
I let destinations play out in vivid, beautiful colors. Sunrises. Sunsets. Beaches and mountains.
Warm and cold. Country after country. White walls. The fortress I always found myself running back
to. All of my possible lives shuffled through with Bram. But given the choice from my Master, where
would I want to go? Who did I want to be? Who was I supposed to be? I had a file. I had a plan for
this sort of thing, but did I really want to go through with it? I’d lose Whitlock forever. It was all I
knew, and I kept coming back. Because to me it was home. The only home I had after mine was taken
“You’re going to make so many friends at your new school, Everleigh. I remember when I
attended Court Ivy.” My mother’s smile grew as she tucked me in for the last time. “I’ll never forget
those days. Lessons and dances. Secret meetings with my girlfriends. You’re going to come home
with so many stories to tell. This is the beginning for you, baby. What I’ve worked so hard for.”
“Will I be gone long?”
My voice cracked as she reached forward, rubbing against my cheek.
“Sometimes it may feel like it, but I’m never far away. One plane ride. One telephone call.
That’s all it will take to bring us back together.”
“I can call whenever I want?”
“Any time.”
“Okay.” Tears came, but I tried to be brave. “Do you really have to leave this weekend?
Can’t you stay a little longer. We could go to Court Ivy together. You could show me around.”
“I wish I could, but there’s meetings I can’t get out of. I was barely able to make it here for
your birthday tomorrow.”
“I know.”
Her smile wavered. “Someday you will see where all this hard work is going. You’ll
understand it.”
“I do.”
“Not like this. Different. With grown up eyes. But let’s not talk about that now. Let’s leave
this off at tomorrow. Cake. Balloons. Rides. It’s going to be the best and biggest celebration ever,
and you’ll get a chance to meet all your new friends before you even start school. Tomorrow’s
going to be a day no one will ever forget. Okay?”
At my nod, she kissed my forehead, sliding my pink stuffed kitten under my arm.
“Good. Dream about that. Dream of the fun. Of the treats and goodies. I love you, Evie.
Don’t be afraid anymore. You’re destined for such great things. It’s in your heart, not just your
blood. Once everyone meets you, they’ll love you just as much as I do.”
“Hmm?” I swallowed hard. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. What were you thinking about?”
“My mother. She’s been on my mind a lot lately.”
Bram’s eyes lowered. “I’m sorry you lost your parents. That this is what you were dealt. They
were good people. They really were. No rush on a decision. We still have a little time.” Bram
brought my hand to his mouth, kissing against my fingers. “I can probably delay business a year while
I recover, but…if you wanted out of here…we could find someone to take over. We could do it, me
and you.
“And then?”
A slight smile tugged at his lips. “Marry me? We can run away together. I hear there’s great
places to elope. Islands. Dolphins. I hear you can even swim with them if you want.”
I laughed, wanting nothing more than to lean in and kiss him with everything I had. The
smallest movement forward had me seizing from the pain. Still, I couldn’t stop laughing.
“Bram Whitlock, swimming with dolphins. I did want to see that.”
His free hand rose, wrapping around the side of my neck.
“What about the marriage part?”
“Uh oh. Is that a yes or no? You don’t sound confident.”
“The idea is a ‘yes’. The truth is, it’s more complicated than that. Who would I be marrying?
Bram Whitlock is dead.”
“He is. And he can stay dead. Right here, at the place that killed him. We can come up with a
new name. Any name. I don’t care what it is.”
My head slowly moved back and forth against his light hold.
“Everleigh? Talk to me. Something is on your mind. You’re holding back. What is it?”
“I can’t. I mean.” He was right. I was holding back. As much as the slave in me wanted to
give in to her old identity, into the submissive woman and forget all the pain and fear she’d faced, that
wasn’t who I was anymore. It wasn’t who I was meant to be. I couldn’t keep pretending, or relying on
familiarity when I knew in my heart it was wrong. “I’m not sure I can marry anyone but the man I fell
in love with. That man lives. Or, he can. Let me tell you a story.”
“The man I love’s death was staged. He’s kidnapped, but he’s secretly alive. We met at a
horrendous underground fortress full of trafficked slaves, in a cell block they call Slave Row. He was
deathly injured when he arrived. I hadn’t been there long, after my Master’s death. Our time as
tortured captives together uncovered many missing pieces to who I was. The real me. Everleigh
Davenport. And I learned a lot about him as well. We fell in love. And now that we’re finally
escaping and safe from this elite trafficking ring we were smuggled into because of who we were
born as, we’ve come back to the real world to expose it all. Back…as Bram and Everleigh
For seconds Bram didn’t speak. “And all the dead Masters?”
“I only planned for your board members to be exposed. I guess since the FBI or CIA is
coming, they’d love to claim this mess as a victory. It’s what they do. They lie. Cover their asses.
Today, they’ll cover ours, and we’ll set the slaves free.”
“You really planned to expose this place all along, didn’t you?”
I paused. “I’ve battled the idea of it. Of who I am. My mother didn’t raise me to sit back and
do nothing. She taught me to fight. To be heard. To make a stand when no one else would. For people,
who no one else would. But she also taught me to always have options. I’ve had a file of evidence
ready for quite some time. You see, the world will believe anything you tell it. Especially, if you have
proof and the authorities to back you. What I want is happiness. True happiness. I want it for both of
us. We deserve it for what we’ve gone through. But I also want justice. I think it’s time to figure out
what that is. You wanted a partner to negotiate with. Well…you chose the right one.”
Chapter 34
To say I wasn’t terrified to let Whitlock go was a lie. This place was part of me. The role of
Main Master had been beat into my very soul. Every stone from the foundation up had my last name
written all over them. They were forged in blood. In sin. Whitlock was my security. My namesake.
And I was about to walk away from it forever. To what…? Hand it to someone else? Turn my back on
what it was all about? I said I was ready, but Everleigh mentioned freeing the slaves. Exposing this
fortress. I’d wanted to be free. The words came. I meant them. So, what was this little voice that had
my heart suddenly racing at the thought? The slaves, they knew me. They knew who I was. And the
woman I loved wanted us to appear to the world as if we’d…no, as if I’d been on the other side of
Whitlock as a slave. Not as the man responsible for them.
“Your plan won’t work. I’m the Main Master. The slaves know that. They won’t be silenced if
they’re set free.”
“I’ve done a lot of thinking about that.”
“Then you know your story can’t possibly work. Not even close.”
“I don’t want to run anymore. I don’t want to lie or hide from society. I want them to know the
truth. I want…”
My hand squeezed into Everleigh’s. Tears ran down her cheeks and she made no attempt to
wipe them away.
“You can’t have us both. To leave here, I couldn’t be who you want me to. I can’t be Bram
Whitlock. I can’t even be associated with you if you were to expose the truth of who you are or what
happened. You’d become an overnight celebrity. Followed. Stalked by paparazzi and news crews.
That could last for years depending on what all you told the world. When I said that we leave, I meant
secretly. We leave Whitlock and we focus on us. We live for us.”
“And the slaves? Do they remain? Everything…remains? Bram.”
Everleigh’s hand left mine as she finally wiped the wetness from her face. Luke handed her a
tissue, and I took in Nineteen’s guarded features. He was afraid of what she was going to do, and
nothing could hide it.
“I love you, Everleigh. You know I do. If you feel you need to leave, I understand. I won’t
stop you. I won’t even try to convince you not to go.”
“And if I do what I say?”
A deep exhale left me. Sadness and even a tinge of fear crept in. I pushed them away, focusing
on the facts. “Then the world will know. People will come after you. Not my men, but others who are
part of this. They will come and will not stop until you’re dead. I’m sure civilians, police officers,
and others will come for me. Legally, nothing will happen. Even if the CIA or FBI want to expose this
place, it will be all words and no action. A fake story will appear to appease the public, and
Whitlock will go down in history as nothing more than a fictional horror story. No bodies will ever
be recovered. They’ll have no proof other than what they decide to scheme about around their
conference table. And they’ll keep getting paid, just as I will.”
“And if you and I leave, and then I expose them?”
I smiled. I wasn’t even sure why.
“Then I guess we’ll be living as you were, always on the run. Always looking over our
shoulder. I just…”
To go on was almost impossible. It didn’t seem right. Nothing about our conversation was
making sense, and I knew she was picking up on it. Tears were welled in her eyes and more wanted to
fall as she stared ahead in a daze.
“This isn’t going to work. I thought…I just can’t.” She turned, searching my depths for
answers I didn’t have. “I love the man I want to destroy. But you didn’t ask for this. It’s not really
even you in control. You’re a face and a title. That’s all you are. A face of a villain, with a title for
authority. But you’re trapped, just as we all are. How do I destroy something I can’t see? Someone
who technically doesn’t even exist?”
“There is no destroying it,” Nineteen cut in.
“There is,” I corrected. “It’s just not going to be easy.”
“No.” Nineteen stood from the chair. “Whitlock isn’t going anywhere. Main Master, you’re
not going anywhere. You’re both fucked up right now. You’re both on who knows what for
medication. You’re not thinking straight. We have Whitlock under control now. The slaves are safe.
We’re safe. The guard is fucking annihilated. There’s nothing else to discuss. We rebuild. We recruit
new guards, make new laws. We start over, and we do things the way you see fit. No cradle. No—”
“Slaves,” Everleigh exploded. “No slaves. Never. None.”
“Then no more slaves,” Nineteen argued back. “Earn money another way. Give the
government something else. Give them convicts to torture. Bad people. I don’t give a shit. But this is
my home. I’m not leaving, and I’m sure as hell not going to see two more people I care for die
because they’re trying to fight a war they can’t win.”
Nineteen stepped around Luke’s hand as it shot out to keep him back, but he didn’t care as he
faced Everleigh.
“We both know if you expose the truth, you’re dead. You’re dead. There’s no way around it.
You have the man you love. Work with him. Help him straighten this place out. Help him rebuild.
Make it what you want. But for fuck’s safe, don’t risk your life for it. You lose if you do. You’ll just
be what you were always meant to be. Not a martyr. A fucking Whitlock statistic. Think about it,
Mistress. You have nothing left to prove. Nothing left to do but be happy. Take that. Embrace it.”
“Enough.” Luke stepped between them, glancing at me before he put his focus on Nineteen.
“This is Mistress Harper’s decision. She has the right to make whatever one she feels is best. She
deserves that.”
“She does.” I winced as I tried to sit up straighter. “The decision is hers. Whatever it is. And I
go with her if that’s her choice. I’m not going to pretend it won’t be dangerous. We will probably end
up dead, but if you ask me, this place isn’t much safer. Look at us. All of us. We’re in trouble. Real
trouble. If we rebuild, who’s to say this doesn’t happen again? If we leave and Everleigh exposes
these crimes, who’s to say we don’t get hunted down and killed on the spot? I’ve gone my entire adult
life giving orders I didn’t question. I thought it was who I was. I thought I didn’t have a choice. I do. I
choose Everleigh. She can choose our fate.”
A thick heaviness settled over the room as we all looked around at each other. I was
conflicted over everything but the woman I loved. I wouldn’t lose her again. If she left me here and
exposed this place, it was her choice. If she took me, and sacrificed me to the angry world for my
family’s sins, I’d accept that too. If she chose to continue her mission while we outran the evils of the
world, so be it. As long as we were together.
“I need to think. I can’t…think.”
“Let’s go.” Luke refused to look at me as I glared in his direction. “Let the Main Master deal
with whoever is coming. This is his place. If they come, you may never have the chance to leave
again. We have no idea who they are or what will happen. If he loves you, he’ll agree with me.”
“She’s safe here,” I cut in. “We’re all safe. This is business. The threat is contained. Elaine
has the high leader. They’re here for him. Nothing more.”
“Wrong. You killed the Masters.”
“I did. It’s called damage control. I had the threat eliminated. Any of those Masters could have
done anything. With me in my condition, I couldn’t monitor them to make sure they didn’t come at me
too, or leave here and run their mouths. It’s the Whitlock way. No one leaves if they’re not trusted.
I’m not so sure I can trust you.”
“Are you threatening me?”
“Stop it.” Everleigh looked between us. “Don’t. Not right now.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t trust him.”
“Luke wouldn’t say anything. And he would never hurt me.”
“Not you. But would he hurt for you? Because of you? Would he kill for you? I think we both
know the answer to that.”
All eyes went to Luke. His arms were crossed over his chest.
“What you mean to say is, you’re afraid I’ll kill you to be with her? Is that it? Like West
“If the shoe fits.”
“It doesn’t. I’d never force the Mistress to be with me, or to love me. To do so would make
me lose her. Doing something as stupid as killing you would push her away, not to mention put
extreme suspicion on me. I’d much prefer to keep doing what I am now, and that’s making sure she’s
safe and happy. She is not safe here. Not right now. Probably not ever.”
“Well she’s sure as shit not safe out there either, and when the men come and she’s gone,
because they’ll know eventually, they’re going to want answers. It’s best she puts everything to rest
now and avoids complications. Here, she has the upper hand. Here, she can win against them if she
wants to. Quit trying to make Everleigh run. She’s finished with that. It’s time she stands up to become
who she’s meant to. Whoever that is.”
“He’s right, Luke. This all started with Whitlock; it’s going to end here. I have so much to
think about and I can’t do that with all this talking. We don’t have much time. I need to make some
calls, and I need my laptop. If Elaine is any part of this, that changes things. Hopefully, even more in
my favor.”
“How so, child?”
Our heads jerked to the door as an older woman with salt and pepper hair entered. She was
wearing black slacks and a black suit jacket. I knew her immediately. Following, was a man I hadn’t
seen in more than five years. A man, I didn’t ever want to see again. Following him, a threat, if I ever
had one.
Or was he?
Chapter 35
“Gabriella. Mr. Wexler. Elec,” Bram said between clenched teeth. “About time you all
showed up. Isn’t your job to keep a prying eye over this place? What took so long?”
The older woman smiled, but walked closer, pointing her finger at Bram to wait.
“You were saying?”
Everleigh’s lids narrowed for the briefest moment.
“What I was saying was private. I don’t believe I heard a knock.”
Gabriella smiled even more.
“No. I didn’t give one. I don’t do that here.” She paused, scanning over Everleigh’s face as the
older man rounded the bottom of Bram’s bed. I walked around him, immediately taking my position
next to my Main Master. Bram seemed to ease some, but I could tell he didn’t like the two males
who’d entered the room.
“How’s Whitlock treating you these days, nephew? We didn’t pass very many guards to get to
you. Now that I think of it, I do believe I saw some men burning at the court?”
Bram’s eyes rolled. “I don’t care if you’re my mother’s brother, I disowned you. You’re not
my uncle, and it’s not called The Court. It’s City Center. And yeah, they’re burning. The guards tried
to take over after my high leader turned rogue.”
“So, you burned them?”
“I’m sorry, did you miss how my high leader turned rogue? Maybe all that greed clouded your
ears. Of course I had them burned. Did you want me to give them a raise? Perhaps, I should have let
them finish me off so you could finally…” he paused, glancing at Everleigh. “Get your hands on
“If I ran Whitlock, it would have never come to this.”
“If you ran Whitlock, they’d be no Whitlock. You have gambling issues. Everyone knows it.
You’d squander all the money away, or end up with a blade across your throat.” He stared over at the
younger man. “No offense to you, Elec. Your father and I have never gotten along.”
“I’m well aware. We hardly get along these days, either.” He stepped closer. “What happened
to you?”
“The bastard high leader tried to cut my spine. He only half succeeded. If it wasn’t for my
new high leader, Nineteen, he might have killed me for good.”
I stiffened, but remained silent. I wasn’t sure if he was serious, or needed me to play the role.
Either way, I wasn’t about to blow his cover or deny what I was being offered.
“Your spine? Are you—”
“Paralyzed? No way. I don’t go down that easily. I’ll be fine after a few months or so of
therapy.” He pointed at the door. “Where’s the rest of the crew? They’ll be here soon, I assume?”
Gabriella would barely look away from Everleigh. The only thing that broke her gaze was the
door opening. Elaine jolted to a stop, quickly walking around the bed to Everleigh’s feet. If it wasn’t
for the guests, I would have been all over her, and not in the way she wanted.
“What a surprise to see you. Been here long?” Gabrielle’s voice was deeper. Angry at Elaine.
“Only a few weeks, Madam.”
“Why was I not informed of your involvement in Whitlock? What brings you here, business or
Elaine’s head lowered. “Both?”
“Both?” The older woman cleared her throat, trying to hide her surprise. “Does no one inform
me of anything anymore? We will speak of this issue later, is that clear?”
“Yes, Madam. Before we get into anything else, if you haven’t already met her, I’d like to
“I know who she is. What I’m trying to figure out is why she’s here? I think I know.”
Everleigh quickly glanced at Bram only to spin back to Gabriella. “You know who I am?”
“You’re a splitting image of your mother. Of course, I do. You’ve been going around as
Everleigh Harper, though. Stirring up a shitstorm in the airways for me to wade through. Using West
Harper’s last name, posing as his wife. Where is that kiss-ass son of bitch?”
“There was no posing. We married. And, he’s dead. I killed him. You knew my mom? Did you
work together? Were you friends?”
Gabriella’s lips tightened as she threw the two men a look. “A little of both. We’ll discuss it
at a better time. Why don’t you tell me what happened? Where have you been? Here, at Whitlock? Or
is there something else I’m missing? You said you killed West Harper. Yet, here you are with Mr.
Whitlock, his best friend. How did you meet these men?”
“I’ve been at Whitlock since the night of my tenth birthday.”
“Here? As a slave?”
Everleigh’s jaw tightened. “That’s right.”
“Mr. Whitlock?” Gabrielle’s piercing eyes met the Main Masters. “Want to explain this to
“Master Vicolette had her kidnapped. He brought her here, and my father almost killed him for
it. Instead, he charged the Master a very large sum of money and had her parents killed. She’s been
here ever since.”
Gabriella could have frozen water with how cold and angry she appeared. “A waste. Truly
sickening. But you’re not telling me the truth. I’ve been trying to locate West and Everleigh Harper for
months. If she was a slave, how did she escape Whitlock? West? Is that why their jets were all over
the damn place? Evading you?”
“No?” One of her eyebrows rose. “How long has he been dead? Did you know?”
“I did know he was dead. I just hadn’t gotten around to reporting it. It didn’t seem important at
the time, and there’s so much paperwork with the job, and all. You know how crazy this place gets.
As for Everleigh, she wasn’t a slave when she left so there was nothing to report. She was a Mistress.
She’s been doing her own thing.”
“A Mistress? How so?”
“Because I made her one.”
Gabrielle’s hands lifted, confused, and Bram let out a deep breath.
“She went up for auction when Master Vicolette was killed. By West, but we’ll get there. She
was left a large inheritance from her Master. Enough to buy herself, and establish a status within these
walls, per my condition at the time.”
“Which you changed, obviously, because you let her free.”
“That’s right.”
“What of this marriage to West Harper?”
“He tried to kill me to get to Everleigh. He almost succeeded. But you must remember that.
Where were you all then? Hmm?”
“Whitlock was never in trouble or without a Master. You got attacked by a guard and the place
was taken over by your successor, so said him and the paperwork.”
“He wanted me dead.”
“Well, you came back and all was righted. Or so I was told.”
“It was until my high leader went crazy.”
“More omissions? Nice, try Mr. Whitlock, but there’s holes in your story. I have intel that tells
me you were searching for Ms. Davenport. That doesn’t sound ‘righted’ to me.”
“Harper,” Everleigh corrected.
“You said you killed him.” Gabriella looked down at her confused.
“I did. But I earned that name. I have the scars to prove it.” She paused, blinking rapidly.
“Well, I did until the high leader decided to make his own.”
Gabriella’s finger slid along the neckline of the gown, exposing the bandages along the
Mistress’s skin. “Your back?”
“That’s right. Men seemed to get vast pleasure in lashing women. My husband worshipped
those scars, and how he’d made them. The high leader couldn’t get enough of drawing blood and
pretty much stripped all the skin clean off. Like I said, I earned every status and name I got. It might
have been the hard way, but Harper is mine until I choose another.”
“Davenport was a good name,” the woman said, softly. “Your mother.” She stopped, once
again clearing her throat. “We could make you a Davenport again, Everleigh. You could come home to
the outside world. Start over. There are people who could be there for you. Friends. Women you can
“I’m sure there are, but I can’t do that. You wanted to know why Bram was searching for me.
He was searching because he loves me. What if I want to leave here and be a Whitlock, instead?”
Gabriella’s eyes widened as she looked between Everleigh and Bram. “Whitlock? Am I to
understand the two of you are together?”
“That’s right.” Bram reached for Everleigh’s hand. “I’ve asked her to marry me. I’m still
waiting for the answer.”
“I told you yes.”
“I thought you were still deciding on your path?”
“Our path is together. Didn’t I say that? I could have sworn I said that.”
“What about the fortress?” Mr. Wexler leaned in. “As overseer of Whitlock, there’s never
been a married couple running things. It’s not done. I mean…a woman should be taking care of the
outside estate. Out there, just as Bram’s mother had. I suppose if—”
“Mr. Wexler.” Gabriella narrowed her eyes. “Don’t tell us women our place. I think we’re
smart enough to decide where we want to be. Everleigh.” Her voice softened. “Where do you want to
Everleigh turned Bram’s way again, glancing up at me before she met Gabriella’s dark brown
“What is your part in Whitlock, Gabriella? What do you do for this place? Do you condone
the activities that happen here? You allow it to continue?”
The woman pulled a chair next to her bed, putting her face level with Everleigh.
“There is no condoning. No allowing. This place just is. It’s like a disease without a cure.
Sure, radiation can burn it out, but like a bad disease, it’ll always return. Always find a way to grow.
We can either monitor the one we have and shut down the others, or we can burn our biggest source,
lose control, and watch the disease infiltrate the masses. There is no winning here. Only surviving.”
Everleigh gave a hard shake. “This disease you speak of has already infiltrated the masses.
It’s everywhere. Children. Women. Boys. Men. Has anyone in this room ever been forced to skin their
friend alive? Have you had to watch a monster eat your friend? How about see a little girl as nothing
but bones from being starved to death?” Silence. “Rape? Have any of you three been violated so
badly that you couldn’t walk or sit for days? Have you been lashed? Beaten because you breathed?
Choked? Degraded so badly, for so long, that you actually believe it? What about deaths? Has one of
your children ever been killed in a gruesome manner? Has someone taken away the rights to your
body? Has your choice to bear children been taken away?”
More silence.
Everleigh turned to Bram. “Are these the ones you spoke of? The ones who are coming?”
“Everleigh.” Gabriella flicked her hand at Bram before he could speak. “You have sympathy
for the slaves. I get it. You relate to them. Your mother was an advocate as well, but you have to know
you’re going against an unstoppable force. A very dangerous one. I can’t, in good conscious, leave
this room without explaining just how dangerous you even bringing this up is.”
“I’ll die if Whitlock so much as leaves my mouth in the outside world. I know.”
“Then tell me you’re not considering what I think you are.”
“Of course she’s not,” Mr. Wexler laughed. “She just said she wanted to marry my nephew.
She can’t marry Bram and then expose his work.”
“Tell me.” Gabriella placed her hands along the bed’s railing. “Say you’re in shock and you
were just asking to gauge my views of this place.”
“I want the slaves released. I want to be Everleigh Whitlock, and I want to have a normal life
with the man I love, Bram Whitlock. Away from here. Far away from here.”
“Slaves?” Gabriella glanced at the two men, then to all of us. “What slaves? I was told
everyone was dead.”
Bram’s hand lifted. “No. I ordered all slaves be taken to Slave Row.”
“We passed Slave Row.” Gabriella stood. “There were no slaves alive that I saw. Jerry?
The older man’s mouth went to open, but the younger one stepped forward. “Dead. All of
them. I made a note of it in my log. There are no survivors.”
“Are you sure?” Bram addressed Elec, but he glanced up at me. “Nineteen?”
“The Red Soldier said they were all being taken to Slave Row. I assumed alive. He didn’t
mention killing them. Just putting them there.”
“They can’t be dead.” Everleigh, pulled back the blanket sending Luke scrambling to her side.
“Wait. Draper,” she breathed out. “Your brother. That’s what he meant. I did more than you even
know. You should be thanking me. He said that. He killed him.”
“He cut your ties here. Both of yours.” Luke glanced at Bram, only to return to Eveleigh.
“Mistress, you need to stay in bed. I’ll go check. I’ll make sure.”
“Thank you.”
“I’ll accompany just in case there are survivors. I’ll have to document it.” Elec followed Luke
out, and Gabriella pulled a card from her clutch.
“What you said. I’m sorry about the slaves and for how you hurt for them. I truly am. Your
mother had a big heart too.”
“What I spoke of didn’t happen to them. It happened to me.”
The woman’s face paled the slightest amount. “Like I said, I’m sorry. You have compassion. I
can see that. What happened to you and your family was a tragedy. It should have never of been like
“But it was. Just as it was for all of those slaves who are now dead. All those families who
lost their loved ones. Their children. Daughters. Wives. You say this disease can’t be stopped, but I
say it can be fought with one small victory at a time. I want my victory, or I will expose not just the
five men I have evidence against. I will expose hundreds of dead elites and ruin their names forever.
We’re talking governors, senators, FBI, CIA, movie stars, rock stars, very high men amongst the
church. The videos of their crimes are already on standby waiting for either my word, or some sign
that I’m dead. I want Whitlock finished, gone from the lips of the scum who come here. Everleigh and
Bram Whitlock will not have any more blood or slaves associated with the name we carry. If the
slaves are dead, so is Whitlock.”
Chapter 36
I wasn’t sure who the woman was who stood before me, but she couldn’t stop the edge of her
lips from pulling back at the side. Her dark eyes left me, going to Mr. Wexler, before stopping back on
“You say you have video evidence?”
“I do. But I have a lot more than that.”
She paused for a few good seconds. Her smile wavered but returned. There were shadows of
something. Regret? Sadness? I couldn’t tell as her shoulders straightened. “Of course you do. I’m not
the least bit surprised. Your mother.” She stopped, standing taller. “You two are very much alike. I
told you we were friends, but that wasn’t always the case. I stole her ideas and betrayed her at the
end. Never to hurt her, but to help her. Spare her. She didn’t understand the reasons. She died
thinking…” Gabriella studied my depths. “I loved her. I wanted the best for her. She deserved to be
happy. I guess it didn’t matter in the long run.” She cleared her throat, glancing to Bram before coming
back to me. “So. You have evidence and you’re wanting to make a deal. If I understand you correctly,
you’re threatening to expose everything unless you’re allowed to leave Whitlock with…” she paused,
once again taking in Bram. “This is your decision as well, Main Master?”
“It is. But not merely just leave. I never want to hear about this place again. I never want to be
contacted. When we’re out, we’re out for good.”
Gabriella moved her focus back on me, but it didn’t stay long. The door opened and three men
in dark suits were followed in by others in tactical gear. Gabriella’s hand settle on my shoulder, light,
and comforting. It was meant to be a reassurance, but I didn’t like the looks of the men who were
heading for Bram. These were the men I was expecting. The ones I didn’t trust. They were ghosts.
Nonexistent in the world of digital identities. They had none—they had infinite.
“Main Master Whitlock.”
“Not anymore.”
“I’m sorry?” A tall dark-skinned man wearing a suit glanced towards Gabriella as if she were
in charge. Maybe she was. I still didn’t have the faintest idea who she was. Out of all my research,
she’d never come up. It was like she didn’t exist, either. Had she not fit into one of the memories I
recalled from my mother, she’d be indifferent to me. As it was, I remembered how upset my mother
had been at the thought of her friend stealing her idea. My mother was heartbroken. She’d obviously
loved this woman. And Gabriella…possibly sparing my mom from having something to do with
Whitlock or illegal activities? She might have saved her life. At least for a little while.
“It appears Mr. Pates we’ve come into some real estate that needs an overseer. We’ll talk
about that later.”
“Wait” My head shook as the grip on my shoulder increased. It was enough to have me nearly
crying out from the damage already done there.
“If you’ll gather the men, we’ll meet you in conference room.”
At Gabriella’s order, the suits filed out of the door. None spoke. They were all business as
they shut the barrier behind them. My heart was racing as I face the woman who was running the
entire show.
“I said I wanted Whitlock finished.”
“It is, my dear. Whitlock is done. Mr. Wexler, would you please wait outside.”
“Wait a minute,” Bram ground out. “I know what’s going on here. That,” he said, pointing at
his uncle, “is not to run the next place. Elec. If I have any say left, go with Elec.”
“Bram.” My eyes were wide. This was not what I wanted. I wanted it done. Not transferred
over. But I also wasn’t stupid. I bit my tongue, letting the anger fill me.
Maybe Gabriella was right. Maybe it was better to have the disease monitored, but why
couldn’t it be killed? Why couldn’t it be actively destroyed? I knew why. I was looking at it. Money.
A bigger evil than the sins that were committed. It made the sins possible. It gave the excuse to
commit them.
“We’re done, Everleigh. Make the call. Get the jet ready. We don’t belong here anymore.”
I ignored Bram as I shrugged Gabriella’s hand off my shoulder. “You twisted my demands.
You knew what I wanted.”
The door closed behind Mr. Wexler and she waited a few seconds before she moved in.
“Your mother would be proud, but she also understood when she was facing an impossible
task. She knew when to walk away. When she didn’t, I stepped in, just like I’m stepping in with you.
Heal for a few weeks here in this bed, and then walk away, Everleigh. Walk away and never look
back. Take the happiness your mother never got. You’ve seen the worst. It’s over now. For both of
Gabriella headed to leave, pausing just as she reached for the knob. “High Leader? Are you
going to follow?” Nineteen gave a glance toward Bram, who nodded for him to go. What passed
between them was more than I could understand. But I couldn’t think about that as I stared down
“Everleigh…When you go to expose the place you were held at, and tell your story, because
we both you know you will, it might be smart to omit the location. For safety reasons. Names tend to
pose a threat. People are protective over them. Play stupid, girl. Sometimes it’s the smartest thing you
can do. Elaine will stay in contact. Take care of yourself.”
Gabriella, Nineteen, and Elaine slipped from the door, and I knew I’d probably never see
them again. Not under good terms, anyway. And good was what I wanted. It’s what I deserved.
Bram’s fingers travelled down my cheek, bringing me to face him. I wanted to smile, but I
knew this entire situation was a war I’d never win. Even if I actively pursued its destruction, there’d
always be another. There’d always be Masters, and there’d always be slaves. They’d be guards and
men ready to die to protect the evils of mankind. I could have easily become one. Even as I leaned
into Bram’s palm, kissing his fingertips, it could have still gone that way. But I wouldn’t submit and
be slave twenty-four-six-ninety, or a Mistress. I wasn’t going to choose either. The two would go
down as chapters of an unfinished story. One that would live on until my dying day. If that was sooner
than later, there was no telling. I was still unsettled. I was still healing. But I had the upper hand, and
the tides could change at any moment. The path was up to me. The world was full of Masters and
men. I knew the difference, and I’d use my experience for the good of those I could help. Those, I
could secretly save.
“You did it. We’re out. We’re free.”
“Everleigh, Whitlock is no more. We can’t control what they do outside of this place.”
“No. But we can make sure they never use it.”
Bram’s brow creased before a smile beamed over his face. “That would make you happy?”
“That’s as close to closure as we’ll get.”
“If that’s what you want, so be it. First, we heal.”
I laughed, groaning through the pain as I closed my lids and took a deep breath.
Whitlock would be no more. I’d make sure of it. As for Elec and Gabriella, whatever they
were conspiring, I’d find out. They’d need scouts, guards, and slaves. They weren’t going to find
them easily. Even if I stayed secretly behind the scenes, I’d have the funds to pay people to be on my
side. The good side. The right side.
“Ms. Harper, we land in D. C. in fifteen minutes.”
My eyes left the darkness outside my jet’s window. I glanced at my main guard, Luke, taking a
deep breath as he eyed me warily. “Is everyone ready?”
“The reporters are in place. We’re gunned-up and on alert just in case.”
The steady pounding in my chest sped up as I nodded. My mother’s voice kept coming back to
me. Her words, more important than she’d ever know.
“You’ll be going to a new school soon. Time is going to fly. Be careful who you get close to.
Trust slowly. Listen eagerly. Talk only when you believe in what you have say, and only if you know
it to be the truth. Never break your word to those loyal to you, but never believe loyalty is
unbreakable. It is our friends that will be the first to hurt us. React gracefully. You’re a Davenport.
Someone is always watching. The way the world sees you is a mirror of how you see yourself.”
“You’re doing that on purpose. She’s Mrs. Whitlock now. Whitlock. Not Harper.”
I tore myself from the window in time to catch Luke’s brief smile to my husband. They were
always pushing each other’s buttons, but not in a bad way. I was beginning to think they liked each
other. As much as they could, given the situation.
Bram pushed the wheelchair closer to my seat. His legs moved the smallest amount on their
own, and he reached around Luke’s neck to be lifted so he could strap himself in next to me. Minutes
passed as we snuggled close, staring into each other’s eyes. Kissing, when we couldn’t help
“Are you sure you want to do this? I can go out there with you. I can be by your side.”
“No. It’s safer here. This isn’t going to take long. Gabriella made it clear in her statement
what I should and should not say. I think she’s still mad at us for what we did.”
Bram laughed. “Let her be. I happen to have enjoyed watching the place burn to stone. I
enjoyed it even more when they knocked the rest down.”
“Me too.” I pressed my lips to his for what had to be the millionth time since we’d left
Whitlock months ago. “You’re happy.”
It wasn’t a question. As I took in Bram’s smiling face, I could see it. I could see the man he’d
hid away while he was Main Master. That man was coming to life. He was being created and
growing past the nightmare and torture he’d always known. He was turning it around. Fighting for not
only our future, but the future of our legacy together.
“I’ve never been happier. But what about you?”
My lids closed as the jet bounced at the landing. Bram’s touch helped provide a sense of
calm, but my heart wouldn’t stop pounding. I didn’t trust for this to go down smoothly. I knew my
announcement was going to bring out those in the woodwork who were still for the world Whitlock
once held. They’d see us as a threat. They’d see us rise.
“I’ll be better after this.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to go? I want to be there for you. You don’t have to do this
on your own.”
“I do. I’ll be okay. I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Blue eyes were clear as they stared at me. No anger. No pain. Just adoration. Bram turned to
Luke, who gave a nod at their silent communication. As the plane came to a stop, I stayed in my mind,
remembering my mom. Remember everything she’d ever told me. Basking in every memory I could
dig up. I held to them as I kissed Bram and followed my group of men off the jet. The further we went,
the more hired guns crowded in on my side. The walk wasn’t far, but I wasn’t taking any chances.
Gabriella had a conference room inside the airport ready to go. All they needed was me.
“Everleigh! Excuse me. Hey, watch it.”
Elaine cut through the crowd as we left the terminal and began the walk. She made her way to
my side, wrapping her hand around my bicep.
“How are you feeling? You good?”
My shoulders shifted as I tensed my back. It’d been months since Whitlock fell. Since I’d
healed. I still wasn’t the same. I’d never be again. Maybe the numbness was all in my mind, a
rejection of events I still didn’t want to face. Regardless, I met her eyes, forcing a smile.
“Like brand new. Is everything good here? You’ve checked the room?”
“We’ve gone over it a million times. You’re good. Plus, you got me at your side.” Her eyes
scanned over the new men I had brought it. “I won’t let anything happen.”
“Thank you, Elaine.”
“What about the speech? Did you memorize it?”
At one of my raised eyebrows Elaine smiled.
“I didn’t think so. Try your best to keep it close, okay? Heads will spin, and I don’t want to
risk some rogue reporter trying to storm the stage. That’s paperwork, and I don’t have time for it. I
have a date this Saturday that I don’t intend to miss.”
“You’re kidding. Nineteen finally forgave you for shooting him?”
“Not exactly. He doesn’t know about our date yet.”
I laughed, following the men through a door. The loud buzz of voices immediately grew
louder, only to get quiet as I stepped up to the podium. Flashes were nearly blinding, and again, my
mother’s voice filled my ears. But not her words. Just her voice. Her smile.
“Thank you for coming. My name is Everleigh Whitlock. Everleigh Davenport to all of those
who knew me as a little girl. I am the daughter of Henry and Melissa Davenport, founder and former
CEO of Northwest Airlines. For those who don’t know, my parents were murdered, and their crime
was never solved. Neither was mine. To this day I am still considered a missing person.” The buzz
grew louder, dying just as fast.
“When I was ten years old, I was kidnapped from a theme park on my birthday. I did not know
the man who took me, nor do I know who he is today. He’s not even important as sad as that sounds.
Where he took me, and what he took me to, is the real story.”
I took a deep breath, glancing around the room.
“Buried deep below the everyday life of our society lived an underground world of
nightmares—of violence and murder no one dared speak about. In it, housed slaves who were
auctioned off to be beaten, raped, and killed in the most gruesome ways possible. By…the most elite
people in this outside world. People like my parents. People like your congressmen. Your idols. Rich
people. Important people. Government people.”
An explosion of voices boomed while lights blinded me. I glanced to Elaine, who was closer
than ever.
“Who are these people? Why do you go by Everleigh Whitlock? Do you have names!”
“T-This—” Multiple reporters yelled, but my gaze connected with a blonde’s. She wore big
glasses, not at all fitting for her beautiful face. There was something about her narrowed stare that had
me stuttering. The intensity cut right to my core. It threw flags to my killer but in ways I couldn’t
understand. Next to her stood a younger man with a large scar across his forehead. The two were
enough to give me pause as I grabbed the remote. Elaine cleared her throat, and my hands were
shaking as I hit the button. The large screen behind me came to life, and I swallowed hard as Master
Vicolette came into view standing in the room below. In our old living room, near the same spot he
“This is Alexander Vicolette. Most of you knew him as the owner of AA Cruises and Flight.
He was my father’s friend, and then, rival.” I hit the play button as my ten-year-old self walked into
view. I was just getting into my routine but still fighting it as best as I could. My eye was blackened,
and my cheek split open and bruised.
“This was my life.” Master Vicolette’s hand buried in my hair as he pulled me deeper into the
room and pushed me to my knees. A few gasps sounded from the reporters. “I was ten years old and
inside an apartment in the place I mentioned. This was the monster who had me kidnapped, although I
didn’t find that out until over a decade later. I merely thought he bought me at the auction. This is who
he really was.” I stared at the screen as his hand came back, striking me across the face. I fell to the
floor, but he was already there to pull me back to my knees. When he started jerking hastily at the
button of his pants, I paused the video. Shocked faces stared back at me. “He said he loved me. I can
probably spare you all from seeing what happened next. It wasn’t the first time. It definitely wasn’t
the last. This man was one of hundreds. One of thousands from over time. Although I am not allowed
to speak of certain things because of the active investigation, I will leave you with a short slideshow.
You can form your own opinions. What you see may shock you. It may open your eyes to what you’re
all so quick to dismiss. Your children, your relatives, and your neighbors are not safe. You are not
I started the slideshow. “Every man you see has committed illegal acts. Vile acts. Right now,
there are numerous scouts in every city. They’re looking for the next slave for these Masters. If they
can get me, a rich little girl at an amusement park for her birthday party, they can get yours too.
Cameras don’t matter. Age doesn’t matter. They’ve infiltrated with the police, the FBI, and the CIA. If
they don’t want you found, you won’t be. No one is safe. I come with a solution. One with more
influence than a last name. I come backed by a gender—a revolution. We are women. We are guides.
Protectors.” I glanced at Elaine, watching her smile as her attention went to a tall, gorgeous Indian
woman standing at a side door with her arms crossed over her chest.
“This is the beginning. No woman, man, child, or previous slave ever has to be afraid again.
Whitlock Enterprise has paired with Jane Doe Inc. and has set up a very generous fund for those
trying to escape trafficking. If you can’t escape, we will help you do so. If you know a location that
you suspect is associated with these crimes, we’ll find you. We will stop you. We are all over the
globe, and you better believe we’re coming. Expect us.”

About the Author

Alaska Angelini is a Bestselling Author of dark, twisted happily-ever-afters. She currently

resides in Wisconsin but moves at the drop of a dime. Check back in a few months and she's
guaranteed to live somewhere new.
Obsessive, stalking, mega-alpha hero's/anti-heroes are her thing. Throw in some rope, cuffs,
and a whip or two, and watch the magic begin.
If you're looking to connect with her to learn more, feel free to email her at, or find her on Facebook.

WHEN DARK IS WHAT YOU’RE CRAVING... Step into Pitch Black with Alaska's
International Bestselling pen, A. A. Dark.
Other titles from this Author:

A.A Dark books

White Out (24690 series, book 2)
27001 (Welcome to Whitlock, 24690 series, book 2.1)
27009 (Welcome to Whitlock, 24690 series, book 2.2)
27011 (Welcome to Whitlock, 24690 series, book 2.3)
Mad Girl (Anna Monroe series, book 1)
Never Far
MasterMind (An Anna Monroe and Never Far crossover)

Alaska Angelini books

SLADE: Captive to the Dark
BLAKE: Captive to the Dark
GAIGE: Captive to the Dark
LILY: Captive to the Dark, Special Edition 1
CHASE: Dark and Dangerous CCTD Set 2
Watch Me: Stalked
Dom Up: Devlin Black 1
Dom Fever: Devlin Black 2
This Dom: Devlin Black 3

Dark Paranormal/Sci-Fi lover? Check out Alaska’s other reads…

Wolf (Wolf River 1)

Prey: Marko Delacroix 1
Blood Bound: Marko Delacroix 2
Lure: Marko Delacroix 3
Rule: Marko Delacroix 4
Reign: Marko Delacroix 5

Atlas Lost
To my wonderful betas:
Amelia Lewis
Kelli Young
Karen Preiato
Nicole Johnson
and Devon Brugh

Thank you so much for keeping it real with your honest feedback. As an author, I am beyond
lucky to have been blessed with all of you. You made Black Out amazing, and for that, I will be
forever grateful. Here’s to many more. I love you, girls!
Acknowledgement #2
I couldn’t end this book without giving a very special thank you to my two girls, Dee Trejo
and Nadine Flotte. You’ve been with A.A. from the very beginning. Whitlock would have never of
come to life without your encouragement and support. You both have my heart for that.
Also, a huge thank you to the behind-the-scenes that no one knows or gets to see you both do.
The teasers, the planning, the organizing, the ARC’s, interaction with the fantastic bloggers, the
parties, the amazing giveaways, and the SWAG…the majority of that is y’all. I will never be able to
thank you enough for that. You two are my rock. You’re the first to see my work, and the first to say
hell no, fix that, lol. I love you both with everything I have.

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