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Charles Vincent A. David BPED-2B

PHED0312: Athletic Sports and Management

∙ Activity.

The activity displays  four  pictures linked by  one word. Guess the missing word that best describes the
pictures below.


● Processing the activity

As a tournament organizer, how would you handle the situation

like this;

Two out of your 12 participants tell you that they can’t go because of some reason. What would you do?

In a tournament we have rules, usually 15 mins late is equivalent to disqualification. We cannot excuse
them for the sake of their own state. Valid or not they are going to be disqualified.

Enhancement Activity.

● As a tournament organizer, you are asked to do double elimination in basketball. Now your head asking for
the plan of the tournament elimination. How would you do if your sports league has 10 participants?

Usually in basketball tournament with 10 participants almost like in PBA (12) the type of tournament is
round robin so that the tournament will have more games and entertainment to the audience.

∙ Generalization.


● What would you like to choose if you are the one assign in making a
tournament schedule?
● How much did you know about the topic before studying? If you already
know to expand, and if don’t explain the importance of it.

● In scheduling a tournament, weekends are the best days because many of us individuals
are not busy and can make an effort to participate the tournament.

● I think I know slightly about single and double elimination but not the entire topic. I got
my idea on making some e-sports tournament before. But the topic is very important for
us students of physical education because we can stretch our career in the future and
became sports manager or similar.

∙ Application.

● What’s the most important thing you learned about the topic?
● What do you want to learn more about, and how could it help you as an
organizer of a tournament?

● The most important thing that I learned are all about making a schedule and type of
tournament and about leading the organization that implements the tournament.

● I want to learn more about the organization whether what kind of tournament suits and
will have more impact to the society. It will help me a lot as an organizer because it will
make my organizing smooth and accurate. It will also help me to catch the attention of
the society by giving them an excitement and hype about the up coming tournament.

Course Packet discussion Forum

Note: Create a video presentation that will discuss the following types of
tournament. The student should discuss it in his/her video.






Do it with your own;

A. Single elimination with 12 teams.

B. Double Elimination with 4 teams.


C. Round robin with 11 team

Additional Activity

As a sports organizer of having many participants as you always

conduct a sports tournament. What elimination do you want to use and

As a sport organizer I believe that Double Elimination is the best fit because Single Elimination games
are too quick and Round Robin games are too long to conduct. However in Double Elimination the
number of games are balanced and each team have 2 chances to give their best.

Learner’s Feedback Form

Name of Student: Charles Vincent A. David
Program : Bachelor of Physical Education
Year Level : 2 Section : B
Faculty : Jay Mark D. Sinag
Schedule : Thursday 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Course Packet : Code: LM-PHED0312-01 Title: Athletic Sports and
How do you feelv about the topic or concept presented?
□ I completely get it. □ I’m struggling.
□ I’ve almost got it. □ I’m lost.
In what particular portion of this course packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?
Did you raise your concern to your instructor? □ Yes □ No
If Yes, what did he/she do to help you?
He responded immediately through messenger.

If No, state your reason?


To further improve this course packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?
I think the course packet is already fine. The whole course packet is good enough to study
and learn.
How do you want it to be enhanced?

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