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Senior High School Department



A Research Paper presented to the

Faculty of senior high school department

Prosperidad National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the subject







MAY 2022
Senior High School Department


We dedicated this

study first and foremost,

to our Almighty God for He gave us knowledge

and guide as throughout this study. To our family who gave

us the support, friends for their encouragement and

motivation, and the teachers who never

give up on us and guide us on this study,

specially to our adviser.

Senior High School Department

We thank you all.



1.1 Background of the Study

Technology, may it be mechanically or electronically, is widely being us

used as an instrument to make the production, communication, and other

human works simple, effortless, and productive. For years, invention of

devices have been very useful for the people and the community to make the

work and life easier and convenient. In today's generation, numbers of inventing

new technological tools are continuously increasing. Things are freshly made or

developed, with the application of human and scientific knowledge, for different
purposes that makes our technology more advanced and efficient.
Senior High School Department

As technology develops, the world is also undergoing its progressing

modernization, in which it includes the development of using different kinds of

gadgets that humans continuously patronize. According to Dr. Anatom (2019),

and Collins English Dictionary (2010), gadget is a technical device (including

digital technologies) with enhanced functionality and limited possibilities, and

that it is interesting for its ingenuity or novelty rather than for its practical use. It

is easy to operate and is mostly used among children, teenagers, and students for

entertainment, and for it helps them in their studies.

There are lots of electronic gadgets people use nowadays. Examples

are laptop, tablet, iPad, and especially cellphones, that supports a variety of uses

such as messaging, internet access, bluetooth, applications, games, and any other

services available.

As stated by Kahari (2013), among those electronic gadgets,cellphones

are used mostly of the respondents, mainly students, for study purposes.

Cellphones are increasingly one of the most popular information access devices,

and what stand out of this is it can be carried anytime, anywhere, and also the

high use of interactive, multi user functions which can at times be disruptive or

beneficial specially to the students. In the study shows that this devices are

useful for learning but learners have a tendency to abuse them. Its presence
became a host of options and challenges of today's students. Depending on the
Senior High School Department
attitude and use pattern of a student, using gadgets or cellphones can either be

convenient and helpful tools or a hurtful source of distraction.

On the study of Bertillo (2011), technology and using of gadgets plays a

big role and is advantageous in the history of education. In fact, it became one of

the ways that makes learning easier and effective. It helps with the student's

scheduling, reminders of school projects, storing of school information and

lessons, making school reports, listening to a desired taste of music that sets

great mood of studying, and any other helpful services. Hence, lots of students

adverts to use these devices and became dependent of it.

However, gadgets have negative impacts and affects students

especially in their study habit and academic performance. It was observed that

due to the upgrade of these devices, students most likely focus on what

entertains them than on what may help them with their studies. They usually

visit trending social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

YouTube or play mobile games that piques their interest the most. As a result,

they will not pay attention to the teacher anymore and will have failing grades

(Mendoza, 2012).

In addition to the disadvantage of using gadgets, students who spend

most of their time in these things and don’t pay attention to their posture,

screen brightness, and screen distance from their eyes will ultimately affect

their vision and health. According to the USA Centres for Disease Control and
Prevention, an average child spends about 8 hours a day watching electronic
Senior High School Department
screens.Staring at these screens continuously for long time causes distress.

They also suffer various problems like eye irritation or have difficulty to focus

for a while (Sundus, 2018). The impacts of using gadgets must be realized

especially the negative one that needs to have an immediate action in order to

prevent worst case scenarios, like this might lead to death. The students

themselves and the people around them must work together to control and to

use wisely of these .The main purpose of conducting this research is to know

more about the positive and negative effects of gadgets to the students in

physical, emotional, mental, social, and moral aspects and be able to

come up with a solution. The goal is also to know the cause of using gadgets

excessively, their use pattern of the device, the time they consume on using, and

the changes before and when gadgets came to the students especially the target

respondents of this research, Junior High Students of Agusan del Sur National

Sur High School.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effects of gadgets to the

Junior High School Students of Agusan del Sur National High School.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following question:

Senior High School Department
1. What is the reason of responsible use of gadgets help students?

2. What are the common effects of gadgets?

3. How do I stop my child from getting gadgets?

1.3 Significance of the Study

This study will be very significant to the following persons:

The Students. In reading this study the students are able to know the

positive and negative effects of gadgets in terms of physical, emotional,social

and moral aspects. The students will be able to realize the right way of

using gadgets in order to improve their academic performance.

The Teachers this study enables the teachers to recognize the common

cause of being addicted of students on using gadgets. The teachers will also

learn how to deal with students who have been excessively using their

gadgets.The Parents. This study is very significant to the parents of the students
since they have the right to educate their children. This study will also help
Senior High School Department
them learn the impacts of using gadgets especially the negative effects of

using it to have an immediate action in order to prevent worst case scenarios.



There are studies that shows the positive impacts of gadgets and

services while the other studies are negative impacts of the said technology.

Some of studies take both the positive and negative so that others know how to

approach the use of gadgets and services. The use of gadgets has a positive

impact to help every individuals. It enhances the strategic thinking and

creativity potential of the students. It’s a better sources to distract the stress that

people facing everyday. The following studies support the positive and

negativeeffects of gadgets and services.According to Statista, the number of

smartphone users is forecast to grow from 2.1 billion in 2016 to around 2.5
billion in 2019, with smartphone penetration rates increasing as well. Just over
Senior High School Department
36 percent of the world’s population is projected to use a smartphone by 2018,

up from about 10 percent in 2011.  Individuals who are engaged in high level

of technical activities through the digital devices are better in performing

cognitive tasks. The effective use of the gadgets may have positive impacts on

cognitive thinking and also makes them master multitasking (Ophir,

Nass&Wagner, 2009).Technology aids student expression and improve their

study habit. Present what they have learned. They can use software to make

presentations and project. This makes them more interested to the subject and

leads to better retention of information (Andersen and Becker,2009).Freeman

Dyson stated that “technology is a teaching aid: Computer offer an interactive

audio-visual medium. PowerPoint presentation and animation software can be

used to present information in an interactive way. Owing to the audio-visual

effects, this way of teaching invites greater interest from students. The method

is equally helpful for teachers.When students use laptops and other tech-devices

by the instructor’s advice they are connected to course learning objectives. The

classroom learning and engagement of the young students can be impacted

positively by the use of these digital devices (Samson, 2010). Technology has

revolutionized the field of education. The importance of technology in schools

cannot be ignored. In fact, with the onset gadgets in education, it has become

easier for teachers to impart knowledge and for students to acquire it. The use
of technology has made the process of teaching and learning enjoyable (Muir-
Senior High School Department
Herzig, 2008). If a school’s library is outdated or lacking in a selection of titles,

a student might find it difficult to compile the necessary research for an essay or

research paper. As long as the school has a computer laboratory, students are

able to use the internet and digital encyclopedias to obtain the research they

need (McCoy,2019 ). Although gadgets has positive impacts, there is also a

negative impact. Gadgets may develop unhealthy lifestyle and it affect the time

management. As they always use gadgets, it affects their study. They choose to

play than outdoor activities and spend time with family.Many researchers have

studied that children spend average of their time on different gadgets like

telephone, radio, TV, games, Xbox, iPod and stereo system [1]. Kids use

gadgets for various purposes like playing games, watching videos, listening

songs, chatting with their friends, browsing different websites. They spend most

of their time in these activities and don’t pay attention to their posture, screen

brightness, and screen distance from their eyes which ultimately affect their

vision and health. The voracious use of tech services has negative impacts on

the youth. Due to these effects youth want to do things faster, easier and

cheaply. Everybody wants to do things according to their own schedule and

pace, failing in which they become anxious. Face to face communication is

avoided by the young mass, which is not good for the society (Erickson, 2012).

Excessive use of mobile phones causes students to fare poorly in

elementary, junior high and high school, not only because it makes them lose
their concentration due to a lack of sleep, but also because it apparently
Senior High School Department
compromises what they have studied, researchers say.Students who spend

several hours each day staring into mobile phones or smartphones tend to

change their sleeping habits and stay up late to use the devices, education

ministry research published last week showed. The research was conducted last

November with 23,139 participants from the fifth grade of primary school up

to the third year of high school, at 771 public schools nationwide. It showed,

for instance, that 53.5 percent of junior high students who said they use a

mobile phone for more than four hours a day to talk, send email or surf the Net,

habitually do not get to sleep until after midnight. That ratio was much lower, at

14.9 percent, for those who don’t use mobile phones at all. The research also

found that overusing mobile phones affects the quality of students’ sleep.

Asked if they find it hard to get up in the morning, 78.1 percent of junior

high respondents who often watch or use electronic devices, including TVs,

game consoles, mobile phones and computers, immediately before bedtime

said they sometimes or frequently do have trouble the next morning. That

compared with 60.9 percent among those who don’t use gadgets at all.This

lack of sleep also affects school performance, said Junichi Sato, an education

board official who led the project, which was jointly carried out by the city of

Sendai and Tohoku University.

The research, published in March, looked into the correlation between

studying enthusiasm and smartphone usage. It found that using a mobile phone
for an extended time even affects students who habitually study a lot.That
Senior High School Department
implies a lack of sleep or reduced study time as a result of mobile phone usage

is not the only way these devices affect performance at school.The study

revealed that students who spent over two hours every day both studying and

using messaging apps, especially the popular fine, scored worse on a math

exam than those who spent less than 30 minutes a day studying but didn’t use a

smartphone at all. “When people talk about children using smartphones in a

negative sense, their main concern seems to be about their criminal use, but

this study calls the attention of parents and students to the risk that excessive

use of smartphones can compromise students’ effort to study,” Sato said.

Sato advises the use of smartphones and other mobile devices be

limited to just an hour a day. Internet gaming and shopping is causing

depressive symptoms among the college students. Implementation of programs

is needed to detect and decrease these activities among them (Cotton,

2001).The addictive internet use has negative impacts on mental health. There

is a positive relationship between Internet addiction and psychiatric disorders

like depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention

deficit disorder, etc. So the addictive internet use should need clinical help

(Young, 199). Excessive technology use may affect academic performance,

relationships, as well as overall development among youth. Such baffling

technology use has been identified as technology addiction and has many

negative impacts on health and social behavior (Young, 2004).According to a

study, a child will likely to become overweight and develop seizure and vision
Senior High School Department
problems when they spend too much time using gadgets. They may have a

difficulty in concentrating on their studies, when most of their time is spent on

these devices, and have a poor academic performance. It can cause many health

issues. Due to the increasing use of gadgets, children suffer from various health

problems, like back pain, weak eyesight. Additionally, due to less physical

activity, they even tend to become fat or obese. The effects of electronic

gadgets, can even a have a bad impact on social relationships. This is one of

the most common gadget addiction problems, in every household. Children, do

not have the time to sit with their parents and to spend some good quality time

with them. They prefer to connect with their friends and relatives, in the virtual

world, through text messaging, chatting, rather than meeting them.

Due to increasing technology, children are going far apart from

their moral values. Rather than using the internet in a more productive manner,

most of the children, use it as a source of adult content. Technology, also has its

negative impact on a child’s writing skills. Generally, in the text messaging or

chatting, Standard English is used. No one cares about the spelling, punctuation

and grammar, while writing text messages, which results in poor writing skills

of children.

The adverse effects of computers and television, increases stress,

and because of less physical activity, humans are more prone to physical and
internal organ disorders. Using the keyboard and mouse for a long time will
Senior High School Department
create pain in neck, shoulders and in the wrist. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, is

likely to occur, if mouse is not handled in the correct position or if it is used for

a long time. There can be many ways to prevent children from too much

tapping on their game app or watching their favorite channel on YouTube. A

health article advises parents to discipline their children by limiting the time of

their gadget use. It is also recommended that they spend more time with their

offspring and let them understand the matter. One of the best ways is to involve

them with an outdoor hobby. Keeping them active on sports or other physical

activity will distract them and would even improve their physical wellness.



3.1 Research design

This study will be in a qualitative research design. The information

that we will going to get in a qualitative research will provide us an in-depth

look and understanding about the reasons of the junior high students in Agusan

del Sur National Science High School.

3.2 Participant of the Study

The researchers of this study will randomly select the participants

coming from the junior High school students. The participants will consist of 30

person per year level. We will going to use random samplinginorder to choose
the respondent.
Senior High School Department
3.3 Setting of the Study

This study will be going to conduct in junior high school

Prosperidad, Agusandel Sur. This study will only be focusing on the classroom

where the students only enrolled in junior high.

3.4 Research Instrument

This research study will be using questionnaire. The questionnaire

will be used as their guide onwhat the will be answering. It will be determine

the reasons and common issues behind of abusive use of gadgets.

3.5 Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will gather all the finished questionnaire that will be

answer by the respondent. The researchers will be categorized all the answers

in a tabular or table form in order to identify what is the common or dominant

answers coming from them. The table will be divided into two, one will be

positive comment about gadget and the other one will be negative. It will

determine the reasons and possible solutions about this certain issue.

3.6 Data Analysis

The researchers will read all the answers coming from the junior
high students. We will going to analyze the data by counting all the positive
Senior High School Department
and negative side. After we count all the answers of the respondent, we will

going to analyze all their answers and we will give some possible solutions

about to much use of gadgets. In the year 2019 30% , 2020 25% and 2021




The chapter describe the analysis of data followed by the discussion

of the research findings. The finding can relate to the reseach questions

that guided the study.

Table 2 : Frequency of use of gadgets in Students’ Learning

Gadget Average Weighted Mean Descriptive Interpretation

Cellphone 4.56 Always

Computer 3.18 Sometimes

Tablet 2.18 Seldom

Senior High School Department

The results of the survey conducted showed that Cellphones were

always used by the student in learning with an Average Weighted Mean of

4.56. Computers were sometimes used by students with an Average Weighted

Mean of 3.18 and Tablets were seldom used by students with an Average

Weighted Mean of 2.18.

The 3 and 4 presented the tabulation of the impact of use of gadgets

in learning among junior High School Students with the corresponding

weighted mean ( WM) and the description interpretation (DI) of each

indicate including the average weighted (AWM) of each area.

Table 3 : Positive Impact of Gadgets in Students’ Learnings

Indicators WM DI

1. I am able to stimulate my senses and imagination better. 3.01 MI

2. I am encouraged to develop my analytical skills. 2.99 MI

3. I am more creative. 2.88 MI

4. I am more knowledgeable in using computers . 3.00 MI

5.I am able to relieve stress and use it for entertainment 3.09 MI


6.My hand- eye coordination improved. 2.62 MI

7. My mathematical skills improved. 2.30 SI

8. I am having more fun learning. 3.20 MI

9. I can research topics easier. 3.51
Senior High School Department HI

10. I can search for information anywhere. 3.57 HI

AWM 3.02 MI

The positive indicators arranged in order accoding to their weighted

mean and descriptive interpretation are as follows: “ I can search for

information anywhere” (WM= 3.57, DI = HI ), “I can research topics

easier”(WM = 3.51, DI = HI ), “I am having more fun learning” (WM =

3.20, DI = MI), “I am able to relieve stress and use it for entertainment

purpose”(WM = 3.09, DI = MI), “I am able to stimulate my senses and

Imagenation better” ( WM = 3.01, DI = MI), “I am more knowledgeable in

using computers” (WM = 3.00, DI = MI), “I am more encouraged to develop

my analytical skills” (WM = 2.99, DI = MI), “I am more creative” (WM =

2.88, DI = MI), “My hand - eye coordination improved” (WM =2.62, DI = MI),

and “My mathematical skills improved”(WM = 2.30, DI = SI).

This indicates that the use gadgets extends the ability of students

to search information, develop and entertain their selves with its features like

the internet, student - friendly websites and educational applications.

Table 4 : Negative Impact of Gadgets in Students’ Learning

Indicators WM DI

1. I am more likely to procrastinate. 2.63 MI

2. I am spending less time outdoors. 2.74
Senior High School Department MI

3. I am more short - tempered towards my classmates and 2.01 SI


4. I am having difficulty concentrating on my studies. 2.35 SI

5. I am having problems socializing with my friends and 1.94 SI


6. I am more reliant to plagiarism. 1.73 LI

7. My hand writing became worse. 1.78 SI

8. I am too lazy to go to school. 1.66 LI

9. I am having trouble falling asleep. 2.26 SI

10. I sleep less than usual. 2.57 MI

AWM 2.17 SI

The negative indicators arranged in order according to their weighted

mean and descriptive interpretation are as follows: “I am spending less time

Outdoors” (WM =2.74, DI =MI), “I am more likely to procrastinate” (WM

=2.63, DI =MI), “I sleep less than usual” (WM =2.57, DI =MI), “I am having

difficulty concentrating on my studies” (WM =2.35, DI =2.35), “I am having

trouble falling asleep” (WM =2.26, DI =SI), “I am more short - tempered

towards my classmates and teachers” (WM =2.01, DI =SI), “I am having

problems socializing with my friends and classmates” (WM = 1.94, DI =SI),

“ My hand writing became worse” (WM = 1.78, DI =SI), “I am more reliant to

plagiarism” (WM = 1.73, DI =LI), “I am too lazy to go to school” (WM = 1.66,

DI =LI).
Senior High School Department

The indicates that the students often get distracted by gadgets instead

of doing such things much important and more beneficial to them and on their


Table 5 : Effect of Gadgets in Students’ Learning

Impact Average Weighted Mean Descriptive Interpretation

Positive 3.02 Moderate Impact

Negative 2.17 Slight Impact

Based on the survey conducted by the researchers, the results

showed that the use of gadgets in learning has a Moderately Positive Impact in

the students learning with an Average Weighted Mean of 3.02.

It also shows that the use of gadgets in learning has a Slightly Negative

Impact with an Average Weighted Mean of 2.17.

Table 6 : Relationship between Frequency of Use and effect of Gadgets

Positive Negative

Frequency Pearson Correlation .139 .162

Sig. (2 - tailed) .194 .130

N 89 89

The result of the Pearson Correlation showed that there was no

correlation on both positive with 0.139 and negative effect with 0.162
between the frequency of use and the effect of gadgets in learning.
Senior High School Department
Graph 1 : Pearson Correlation between Frequency of Use and Positive

Effect and Negative Effect.

This indicates that frequency of use does not effects of gadgets in

students’ learning.



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations based from the findings undertaken by the researchers

from the study entitled “The Effect of Gadgets in Leaning among Junior

High School.

3.7 Summary of findings

The main purpose of the study was to determine the effect of

gadgets in learning among Junior Students at Prosperidad National High

School during the school year 2016 -2018. It sought answers to the
following problems:
Senior High School Department
1. The frequency of use the following gadgets in learning: cellphone,

computer, and tablet: 2. the effect of gadgets in learning as perceived by the

students; 3. the significant relationship between the frequency of use and

the effect of gadgets.

The study was conduct at Prosperidad National High School

(PNHS) which included 2.000 Junior Students respondents who are enrolled

in the school. This study made use of the quantitative research design with the

questionaire as the main gathering tool.

The data were tabulated into a contingency table and treated with

the proper statistical measures.For problems number 1 and 2 the Average

Weighted Mean menthod was used; a four - scale and likert scale was used

in the analysis. The problem Number 3 and null hypothesis were tested for

its significance using the Pearson Product Correletain method.

Relatives to the analyses and interpretation of data, the following

conclusions were drawn:

1. Cellphones were always used by the students, computers were

sometimes used by the students and tablets were seldom used by the

students in learning.

2. The use of gadgets has a moderately positive effect in learning because

of its features that extend the ability of the students to do more things but it

also has a slighty negative impact beacause students are most likely to be

distracted by it.
3. There no significant correlation between the frequency of use and the
Senior High School Department
effect of gadgets which means the frequency of the use gadgets does not

Effects but instead, it was based on how we use it.

3.8 Conclusions

The main goals of this study were to reveal the kind of gadget that is often

used by students; then it also aimed at finding the advantages of the use of

gadgets as tools in learning English, and the disadvantages of the use of gadgets

as tools in learning English. The reason why the researcher conducted this study

was that English Education Department of UMY is supporting the use of gadgets

in English learning process. Besides that, based on the researcher experience as a

student of EED of UMY, the use of gadgets is very familiar and provides an

alternative way to assist students in the process of learning. This study

successfully revealed the kind of gadget that is often used by students, the

advantages and disadvantages of the use of gadgets as tools in learning English.

Based on the results that have been discussed, the researcher found that there are

several types of gadgets that are owned by students. Most of them have already

used and prefered a mobile phone as their gadgets preference since mobile phone

is a flexible tool to use and to carry. However, another type of gadgets such as a

laptop, a personal computer, and a tablet is still used by the students, but, at the

certain times.

3.9 Recommendations
With all of the foregoing analysis, interpretation and conclusions

of this study, the following are strongly recommended for possible

course of the action.
Senior High School Department
1. Future researchers can conduct a similar study and improve some flaws.

2. Another research should be conducted as follow - up study to

investigate further the impact of gadgets in learnings.

3. Future researchers can use this study for references.


Letter to the Respondents

May 16, 2022

Dear Respondents:

We, the Grade 12 - GAS students, are currently enrolled in the subject Research

in Daily Life 2. We are presently working on a research entitled, “The effect of

using gadget among Junior High School”

Anent to this, we would like to ask permission to give questionnaires among

selected Grade 12- GAS students. The results of this study will serve as frame of
Senior High School Department
refrences on the impact of gadgets in Learnings.

Your most favorable approval is highly anticipated. Thank you

Very truly yours.



Letter to the Validators

May 16, 2022

Dear Respondents:

We, the Grade 12 - GAS students, are currently enrolled in the subject Research

in Daily Life 2. We are presently working on a research entitled, “Effect of using

gadget among Junior High School”

Anent to this, we would like to ask permission to give questionnaires among

selected Grade 12- GAS students. The results of this study will serve as frame of
Senior High School Department

refrences on the impact of gadgets in Learnings.

Your most favorable approval is highly anticipated. Thank you

Very truly yours.




Put a check (√ ) on the appropriate box that corresponds to your answers.

I. Usage of Gadget.

1. How often do you use gadgets ( cellphone, computers and tablets) per day ?

Always Very often Sometimes Seldom Never

(more than 4 ( 3-4 hours ( 2-3 hours a (less than 1
hours a Day) a Day) Day) hours a

II. Effects of gadgets in student’s learning

Senior High School Department
2. What is the effects of using these gadgets in your learning?

1.How do gadgets affect your studies?

2. How gadgets affect the academic performance of students?

3.How would gadgets affect teaching and learning?

4.How do you overcome a gadget addiction?

5.How will the technology empower students to control their own learning?

6.What are the benefits of gadgets to children?

7.What are the negative effects of gadgets to students?

8.What are the advantages and disadvantages of gadgets?

9.How electronic gadgets affect our life?

10.What can parents do about gadgets?

Part I. Common reason of using gadgets

When I use my gadgets

I am able to stimulate my senses and imagination better.

I am encouraged to develop my analytical skills.
I am more creative.
I am more knowledgeable in using computers .
I am able to relieve stress and use it for entertainment purpose.
My hand- eye coordination improved.
My mathematical skills improved.
I am having more fun learning.
I can research topics easier.
I can search for information anywhere.

Part II. Common effects of using gadgets

When I use my gadgets

I am more likely to procrastinate.
I am spending less time outdoors.
I am more short - tempered towards my classmates and teachers.
I am having difficulty concentrating on my
Senior Highstudies.
School Department
I am having problems socializing with my friends and classmates.
I am more reliant to plagiarism.
My hand writing became worse.
I am too lazy to go to school.
I am having trouble falling asleep.
I sleep less than usual.



III. Respondent’s Profile

Gadgets helps students be more responsible. Owning your own device or

borrowing the school's devices gives students the opportunity to improve their

decision making skills as well as taking ownership of a valuable (and often times

expensive) device.Studies have shown that too much gadgets may negatively

affect a child's brain on its functioning, and may even cause attention deficit,

cognitive delays, impaired learning, increased impulsivity, and decreased ability

to self-regulation.Schedule an appropriate time for using the device, and plan fun

physical activities for your child to engage in at other times. Refrain from putting

TV and electronic gadgets in your child's bedroom, and put away such devices

after use. Observe 'tech-free' times such as during meals, homework and bedtime.
Opined that mobile phones' usage is negatively impacting students' academic
Senior High School Department
performance, implementing that students who are using mobile phone more are

having poor GPA. This study found out that total time spent on electronic gadget

significantly associated to the academic performance of the Students.The

gadgets store the teaching and learning data systematically which can so easily be

accessed by anyone who wants it. Internet has further facilitated sharing of

knowledge available abundantly on all the subjects. School websites now provide

all the educational information required by parents and students.Deactivate

Mobile Data. Deactivate the mobile internet data feature on

your phone on leaving work, says Dhruv Desai, group HR head at Angel

Broking.The world's knowledge is a few clicks away and today learners can

decide how to get in touch with it. Thanks to technology, students can design

their own learning road, setting up their goals and deciding how to show what

they know, what they learn and what they can do.Electronic devices may help to

enhance speaking, listening, and creative skills.Toddlers and preschoolers learn

by listening to music or watching programs on handheld gadgets .Playing

competitive video games on electronic devices helps improve hand-eye

coordination.There are cost of Bad Posture, Back Aches, Neck and Shoulder

Strain. It's an instantly recognisable silhouette: the figure hunched over a device.

Pain in Wrists Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,Eye Strain,Headaches,Stress and

Physical Fatigue.Excess use of electronic gadgets can lead to children spending

less time outdoors and limiting their social interaction. It may lead to poor
Senior High School Department
concentration in studies and lack of interest in day-to-day activities. Excessive

gadgets use can lead to poor health, a sedentary lifestyle, and bad eating

habits.Children's continuous usage of gadgets has many adverse effects, such

as attention deficits, loss of focus, difficulty in learning, anxiety, etc. Thus, we

not become addicted to them.Set a Daily Limit on Screen Time.Allocate an

appropriate amount of screen time for your child, irrespective of the gadget

(based on the guidelines discussed in #2). Give your child the option to watch

TV, use the computer, etc. and let him choose what time of the day he wants to

use the gadgets.



students-ability-to-study-and-sleep/181132/ effects-gadget-overuse/ gadgets-



Senior High School Department




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