Adsorption of Polyethylene Glycol On Platinum Electrode From Acidic Solutions

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ISSN 1023-1935, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2006, Vol. 42, No. 9, pp. 995–1000.

© MAIK “Nauka /Interperiodica” (Russia), 2006.

Original Russian Text © T.Ya. Safonova, N.V. Smirnova, O.A. Petrii, 2006, published in Elektrokhimiya, 2006, Vol. 42, No. 9, pp. 1104–1109.


Adsorption of Polyethylene Glycol on Platinum Electrode

from Acidic Solutions
T. Ya. Safonova,a N. V. Smirnova,b and O. A. Petriia,z
Moscow State University, Vorob’evy Gory 1, Moscow, 119992 Russia
b Southern-Russia State Technical University, ul. Prosveshcheniya 132, Novocherkassk, 346400 Russia
Received March 13, 2006

Abstract—The effect of the molecular mass of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on its adsorption on platinized plat-
inum from aqueous solutions of 0.5 M H2SO4 and 1 M HCl is studied using the methods of open-circuit poten-
tial shifts and voltammetry. In sulfuric acid solutions, the PEG adsorption is accompanied by dehydrogenation
and hydrogenation processes, which probably involve the terminal groups of polymers. For PEG with the
molecular mass of 600–40000, the established stationary surface states turn out to be close to one another.
Anions Cl– inhibit the PEG adsorption and electrooxidation. The adsorption behavior of PEG samples studied
substantially differs from that of ethylene glycol under comparable conditions.
DOI: 10.1134/S1023193506090163

Key words: polyethylene glycol, platinum, adsorption

INTRODUCTION play the role of a polymolecular polydentate ligand in

the surface layer also attracts attention [16]. By the
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) additions are conven-
example of PEG, it is possible, in principle, to develop
tionally used for regulating the processes of metal elec-
the approaches towards studying the effect of the chain
trocrystallization including those in practice ([1–17]
length of a molecule on its electrochemical and adsorp-
and references therein). In connection with this, the
tion behavior. The attempts to gather information in this
authors of [2, 4–16] studied the PEG adsorption on dif-
direction were undertaken in [23]. Finally, PEGs are
ferent electrodes. Certain data on the PEG adsorption
interesting as substances that change the solution vis-
on platinized platinum (Pt/Pt) electrodes were obtained
cosity at high concentrations and allow one to model
with the aim of gaining insight into the quasi-templat-
the effect of this factor on the electrode processes.
ing effect of PEG on the palladium electrocrystalliza-
tion [18, 19]. The studies of the adsorption of polymeric This work presents the results of studying the
molecules on electrodes are also of considerable inter- adsorption of PEG with the molecular mass from 600 to
est in their own right [20], making it possible to eluci- 40000 in acidic solutions at a Pt/Pt electrode.
date the role and character of the interaction of the
polymeric chain fragments with the electrode surface.
Particularly, it was concluded [21] that on a mercury EXPERIMENTAL
electrode PEG behaves as a cation-like surfactant and We used an electrochemical three-electrode glass
shifts the potential of zero charge of mercury to less cell with anodic and cathodic compartments separated
negative values. In [22], PEG was used as a model of an by a valve. The cell had a special vessel for introducing
adsorbate, a single molecule of which, when adsorbed, the additions of deaerated solutions of polymers into
should displace a considerable number of water mole- the supporting electrolyte solution. A reversible hydro-
cules; hence, the description of its adsorption behavior gen electrode in the same solution served as the refer-
should invoke the use of more sophisticated isotherms ence electrode; all potentials Er are related to this elec-
as compared with low-molecular adsorbates. Thus, trode. The Pt/Pt electrode was prepared by the deposi-
PEG may serve as an interesting model of a supramo- tion on a platinum plate at a potential of 0.2 V
lecular adsorbate. It was assumed that a PEG adlayer according to the procedure described earlier [24].
can be considered as a model of a surface-immobilized Cyclic voltamograms were recorded using a P-5827M
polymeric electrolyte permeable for low-molecular potentiostat and an N-308 potentiometer.
components of the solution [15, 16]. The PEG ability to
Different companies supplied PEGs with different
z Corresponding author, email: molecular masses, namely, 600 (Fluka AG); 1000,

996 SAFONOVA et al.


0.4 To study the adsorption of PEG on a Pt/Pt electrode,
we measured the potential shifts upon bringing the PEG
5' additions in contact with the open-circuited electrode.
6 The electrode potential preliminary stabilized at 0.4 or
0.3 0.1 V in 0.5 M H2SO4 solutions. After the potential was
stabilized to a such degree that its shift did not exceed
0.1 mV/min upon switching off the polarization, the
4 circuit was broken and a portion of deaerated polymer
0.2 solution was added to 0.5 M H2SO4.
3 5
2 4'
1 Figure 1 shows the results of potential shift mea-
surements. All the substances studied demonstrated the
0.1 1' same trend with respect to potential shifts, viz., for the
initial Er = 0.4 V, the potential shifted to lower values,
while for the initial Er = 0.1 V the potential shifted to
greater values. Thus, in the presence of PEG, the poten-
0 500 1000 1500 2000 tial ultimately reached the value of ~0.175 V irrespec-
t, s tive of the polymeric chain length.
Fig. 1. Open-circuit potential shifts of a Pt/Pt electrode According to the concepts developed earlier by the
upon introduction of (1,1') ethylene glycol and (2–6, 4', 5') example of organic substances of different classes [25],
PEG into 0.5 M H2SO4 and (5') 1 M HCl solutions at poten-
tials of (1–6, 5') 0.4, (4') 0.1, and (1') 0.05 V. Molecular a potential shift from 0.4 V to lower values points to the
weight of PEG: (2) 600, (3) 1000, (4, 4') 4000, (5, 5') 15000, electrooxidation of PEG molecules which probably
and (6) 40000. Ethylene glycol concentration 0.5 M; poly- occurs via the dehydrogenation mechanism. A potential
ethylene glycol concentration 4.4 g/l.
shift from 0.1 V to higher values is the result of elec-
troreduction of PEG molecules, probably, by the hydro-
1500, and 15000 (Shuchardt); as well as 4000, 20000, genation mechanism.
and 40000 (Lobochem). The weight distribution of In principle, it is possible to assess the PEG adsorp-
samples did not exceed 1.1. Ethylene glycol of the tion rate from the initial rate of potential variation upon
reagent grade was twice distilled under reduced pres- the introduction of the adsorbate, namely, iads = ëdE/dt,
sure. As a rule, the measurements were performed at where iads is the adsorption rate and ë is the total capa-
equal weight concentrations of PEG, because these citance of the electrode. These calculations should take
very concentrations were used earlier in our experi- into account that the molar concentration of PEG
decreases with the increase in the chain length in the
ments on the palladium electrocrystallization. Equal
solutions studied (see above). Assuming that, at the first
weight concentrations correspond to the equal content moment, the adsorption rate on a clean surface at 0.4 V
of –(CH2CH2–O)– groups in the studied solutions. depends linearly on the PEG molar concentration, one
However, this means that the molar concentrations would expect the potential shift rate to decrease by a
decreased with the increase in the chain length. For factor of ~70 when going from PEG-600 to PEG-
example, the concentration of 4.4 g/l, which was 40000. Actually, the experimental potential shift rate
largely used in this study, corresponds to the following decreased only by a factor of ~8. First of all, this result
shows that the adsorption is not limited by the adsor-
molar concentrations (mmol): 7.3 (600), 4.4 (1000), 1.1
bate diffusion in solution, because the diffusion coeffi-
(4000), 0.293 (15000), and 0.11 (40000). The systems cient also decreases with the increase in the chain
with equal molar concentrations in solutions will be length; hence, one should expect a still greater decrease
considered in further studies. in the potential shift rate. The diffusion coefficients of
PEG were measured in [26]. The results of that study
Solutions were prepared using water cleaned on a can be approximated by the following relationship:
Millipore unit. High-grade hydrochloric acid was sup- log D = 3.9022 – 0.55036 log M , where D is the diffu-
plied by Merck. Extrapure sulfuric acid was twice dis- sion coefficient in cm2/s and M is the mass of PEG mol-
tilled under a reduced pressure. Argon of ultra-high ecules. For the studied PEGs, the D values assessed using
purity grade was used for the removal of dissolved oxy- this equation are as follows (cm2/s): 3.71 × 10–4 (600),
gen from solutions. All measurements were carried out 2.80 × 10–6 (1000), 2.24 × 10–6 (1500), 1.31 × 10–6 (4000),
at (20 ± 1)°ë. 0.63 × 10–6 (15000), and 0.37 × 10–6 (40000). Thus, for



a slow diffusion stage under a condition of linear diffu- tion region and also the currents of PEG oxidation in
sion, in the solution studied, the potential shift rate the oxygen region. Irrespective of the PEG chain
would have been expected to decrease by a factor of length, the cathodic branches of curves change little in
~700 when going from PEG-600 to PEG-40000. Sec- the oxygen reduction region, only a slight decrease in
ond, the obtained relationship of the potential shift rates the oxygen amount can be observed. Obviously, this
for these PEGs allows one to conclude that the PEG result points to desorption of the PEG oxidation prod-
adsorption rate increases with the chain length. The rea- ucts in the oxygen potential region and to the absence
sons for this phenomenon require additional studies. of PEG adsorption on the surface occupied by oxygen.
For PEG with low molecular weights, the cathodic
It cannot be ruled out that the processes of dehydro-
curves demonstrate a decrease in the amount of
genation and hydrogenation are accompanied by the
strongly bound hydrogen; this effect decreases with the
destruction of PEG molecules. The ultimately estab-
increase in the chain length. The cathodic curves of vol-
lished potential is determined by the hydrogen
tamograms are virtually independent of the conditions
adsorbed on the electrode, the surface coverage of
under which the anodic curves were measured. At the
hydrogen being regulated by the rates of the mentioned
same time, the anodic curves in the potential range of
processes of oxidation and reduction of PEG mole-
0.05–1.2 V strongly depend on the preliminary opera-
tions before their measurement. As a rule, after the elec-
In hydrochloric acid solutions, the potential shifts trode was in contact with PEG at 0.05 V, a high peak in
much more slowly upon the introduction of PEG the hydrogen region and the oxidation currents in the
(Fig. 1, curve 5') as compared with sulfuric acid solu- double layer region appear in the anodic branch. This
tions, i.e. the adsorption of chloride anions hinders the can be explained by the appearance of the products of
adsorption and dehydrogenation of PEG. PEG reduction at 0.05 V and their subsequent oxidation
as the potential shifts in the anodic direction. After the
When ethylene glycol is introduced at 0.4 V, the electrode was kept at 0.2 V, the further voltammogram
potential reaches lower values as compared with PEG demonstrates a decrease in the adsorption of both
[27]. This points to a higher rate of dehydrogenation of weakly and strongly bound hydrogen. In cyclic volta-
ethylene glycol molecules as compared with PEG. At mograms measured in the range of 0.05–1.4 V, a certain
the same time, the potential shift from its initial value stationary state, intermediate between those observed
in the hydrogen region upon the addition of ethylene in the former two cases, is reached.
glycol occurs at a lower rate as compared with PEG,
even for the higher ethylene glycol concentrations, i.e. As follows from Fig. 3, when hydrochloric acid
the hydrogenation of ethylene glycol is a slower pro- serves as the supporting electrolyte, no effect of PEG
cess than that of PEG. It is this ratio of dehydrogenation on the hydrogen adsorption is observed, and the PEG
and hydrogenation rates that leads to the establishment oxidation currents appear only at the potentials above
of lower steady-state potentials in ethylene glycol solu- ~0.9 V. These experiments confirm the above conclu-
tions as compared with PEG solutions. sion that chloride ions inhibit the PEG adsorption and
Cyclic voltamograms were measured in PEG solu- electrooxidation.
tions after the potential shifts were recorded and the
With the aim of studying the behavior of PEG
steady-state values of Er were established. In some
chemisorption products, both the electrode and the cell
experiments, the voltamograms were recorded after the
were washed with the supporting electrolyte solution
potential reached its steady-state value and then was
after the experiments involving PEG. However, these
changed stepwise to 0.05 V. Voltamograms were also
attempts failed, because it proved impossible to com-
measured after stabilizing the electrode in PEG solu-
pletely remove PEG from the system even by repeated
tions at Er = 0.05 V or other hydrogen-region potentials
washings. This is apparently explained by the high sur-
(0.15, 0.2 V). The stabilization time was chosen such as
face activity of PEG and its adsorption on the cell walls.
to reach a steady-state surface state. Figure 2 shows the
Hence, the experiments were carried out in solutions
resulting voltamograms.
with the lower initial concentration of PEG. According
The analysis of Fig. 2 makes it possible to conclude to Fig. 4, in this case, the voltammogram demonstrates
that, on a qualitative level, PEGs with different chain a slight decrease in the amount of adsorbed hydrogen
lengths behave similarly but display certain quantita- and the appearance of an oxidation peak, which is
tive differences (these differences can be partly largely located in the double layer potential region and
explained by the changes in the electrode surface state typical of the oxidation of one-carbon species. Accord-
due to aging). For example, all the curves demonstrate ing to Fig. 4, the chemisorption of ethylene glycol, in
the PEG oxidation peaks at the potentials of the double- contrast to the adsorption of PEG studied, is accompa-
layer region and the beginning of the oxygen adsorp- nied by the intense removal of adsorbed oxygen and the


998 SAFONOVA et al.

I, mÄ
I, mÄ 4
10 (‡) (b)
6 3
0 1


0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5
6 5
10 (c) (d)
5 2
3 4
5 3

–5 –6

–10 –9
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Er, V Er, V

Fig. 2. Voltammograms of a Pt/Pt electrode measured in 0.5 M H2SO4 (1) in the absence and (2–6) in the presence of 4.4 g/l PEG
with molecular weights of (a) 600, (b) 1000, (c) 4000, and (d) 40000. Curves 1 and 2 are cyclic voltamograms in the potential range
from 0.05 to 1.4 V. Curves 3 were obtained upon introduction of PEG at the open-circuit potential of 0.4 V immediately after the
potential reached its steady-state value and was shifted to 0.05 V. Curves 4–6 were measured after the electrode was kept in a PEG
solution at (4) 0.05, (5) 0.2, and (6) 0.15 V for 10–50 min and the potential was shifted to 0.05 V. Potential scan rate 10 mV/s.

appearance of a considerable amount of one-carbon (QSCM) methods [14]. In the latter study, it was found
species characterized by a pronounced electrooxidation that the adsorption of PEG is hindered in solutions that
peak at ~0.8 V. contain chloride anions and this effect increases with
the chloride concentration in solution. Based on the
The obtained results show that platinum behaves QSCM results, the limiting surface coverage for PEG
differently in the presence of PEG and in the presence was found to be ~0.21, although the recorded anodic
of ethylene glycol; in any case, as regards certain
voltamograms demonstrated only a minor reduction of
details, this transition would probably be more distinct
for PEGs with molecular weights below 600. the hydrogen adsorption. Thus, a comparison of the
electrochemical and QSCM results indirectly confirms
It seems interesting to compare the results obtained that certain faradaic processes, which are unambigu-
on Pt/Pt electrodes with those on the adsorption of PEG ously observed on Pt/Pt in the hydrogen potential
on smooth platinum, which were obtained by the volta- region, could also occur on smooth platinum. At the
mmetry and quartz single-crystal microbalance same time, our measurements (Fig. 2) suggest that,



I, mÄ I, mÄ
8 1.8

4 1.2

0 0.6
–4 0

0 0.5 1.0 1.5

Er, V
0 0.4 0.8 1.2
Er, V Fig. 4. Voltamograms of a Pt/Pt electrode measured in (1)
pure 0.5 M H2SO4 and after the accumulation of adsorbate
at open circuit from solutions of (2) 0.5 M ethylene glycol
and (3) 0.44 g/l PEG-40000 and washing the electrode with
Fig. 3. Cyclic voltamograms of a Pt/Pt electrode measured the supporting electrolyte. The initial potential upon the
in 1 M HCl containing (1) 0 and (2) 4.4 g/l PEG-15000. introduction of additives was 0.4 V. Potential scan rate
Potential scan rate 10 mV/s. 10 mV/s.

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