NZIM Diploma in Advance Management (Level 6) Subject Code:-Marketing Research

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NZIM Diploma in Advance Management (level 6) Subject Code:Marketing Research

Tutor :Sandeep singh Mangat

Table of Content
Executive summary

Background Methodology Limitations of study Finding Appendix

Executive summary
This project come into existence as per the subject requirement . This is a marketing research subject which it self denotes by its name that it will be a research based on marketing . This is an work of three members of group .We have been chosen one New Zealand company and start research on it .We taken telecom into our focus and start research as a marketing manager .The telecom service has been recognized the world over as an important tool for socioeconomic development of nation. Telecommunication is one of the prime support services needed for rapid growth and modernization of various sectors of economy . Our main motive of doing research about the Telecom is bring out something new which is lacking behind. There may be many thing in which the Telecom is lacking behind, so we have to get those things . We had try to find out the problem faced by Telecom customers it may be of any issue either they may facing network problem or internet problem. We had try to find out reason for the problem so that company authorities can have benefits of our work .This research is made with proper technique in which we had prepare one Performa having some question about the service provide by the company. We also gone through the company background what they had faced the problems and did they able to rectify the problem and how they done so, did they can give benefit to their customer . So in last as short we can say this all about the customer response toward the company (Telecom).

Limitation of study
Some of these limitation can be overcome whole some can be overlooked for a smooth conduction of research . some of those restriction that some on my way during the research. And due to time limitation , it was not possible to cover all the areas. Scope of study was limited , so it can not said that it is true representation of whole nation. On the basis of data analysis we cannot assume the final situation of the market . Sample size of 20 respondent is not enough to collect accurate data of information . Legal : Marketing research is not a complete solution to any marketing issue as there are many dominant variables between research conclusions and market response. MR is conducted in open marketplace where numerous variables act on research settings. Many business executives and researchers have ambiguity about the research problem and its objectives. They have limited experience of the notion of the decisionmaking process. This leads to carelessness in research and researchers are not able to do anything real.

Ethical : Any information collected for the purpose of marketing research from the respondent should not be misused for any other purpose .Marketing research is not free from bias. The research conclusions cannot be verified. The reproduction of the same project on the same class of respondents give different research results. Marketing research is not an exact science though it uses the techniques of science. Thus, the results and conclusions drawn upon by using MR are not very accurate.

Cultural : During the study, on many occasions the respondent groups gave us a cold shoulder. Lack of proper information and experience also become hurdle for me . Huge cost is involved in MR as collection and processing of data can be costly. Many firms do not have the proficiency to carry wide surveys for collecting primary data, and might not also able to hire specialized market experts and research agencies to collect primary data. Thus, in that case, they go for obtaining secondary data that is cheaper to obtain .

Industrial : Confidential data of company. Some retailers refuse to cooperate with queries. And some retailers gave biased or incomplete information regarding the study .Interviews must be trained in the technical terminology and the proper approach to the conducting personal interviews , often with manager from different backgrounds. These interviews sometimes used to collect the data in the industrial marketing research projects and require training.

The role of statistics in research is to function as tool in designing research analyzing its data and drawing conclusions there from most research studies result in a large volume of raw data . which must be suitable reduced so that same can be read easily and can be used for further analysis .Descriptive statistics concern the development of certain indices from the raw data where as inferential statics concern with the process of generalization . According to case study of marketing research of Telecom , I have found following facts :*On the basis of primary data we can say that 65% customer want to be with telecom any who permanently . *Most of the mobile user also using landline and broadband also of same brand . *If we measure the awareness of Telecom , it is 92% according to survey. *Telecom need some modification in its advertisement . *According to report 32% respondent think that Telecom services are costly . *Vodafone and 2 degrees are best competitor in the same segment .

*According to research there are very less retailers in the market for Telecom . *Strong network coverage made makes it popular among common man.

The study was conducted by the mean of personal interview with respondent and the information gathered were directly recorded on questionnaires . For the purpose of analyze the data it is necessary to collect the vital information . There are two types of data primary data and secondary data . primary data can be collected through the questionnaire form . A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purposeof gathering information from respondents. for my study I had chosen structured non disguised questionnaire , because my questionnaire is well structured , listing of question are in a prearranged order where the object of enquiry is revealed to the respondents. These types of question are easy to understand and easy to give required answers .

Questionnaires are frequently used in quantitative marketing research and social research. They are a valuable method of collecting a wide range of information from a large number of individuals, often referred to as respondents. Good questionnaire construction is critical to the success of a survey. We made two type of questionnaire form one for customer and second for companys employees . We did this two type of questionnaire so we can get to know that is their views are toning with each other . In the questionnaire most of the questions asked based on attitude rating scale, which consisted rating scales and composite scale . This is kind of face to face interaction between customer and company and their outcomes are always positive . And this is main reason we selected this method to make our research possible .

We also gone through the another type data collection that is secondary data . Secondary data means data already available in the market i.e. they refer to data which already been collected and analyzed by someone else . when the researcher utilizes secondary data , than he has to look into various sources from where he can obtain them. Secondary data may be published data or unpublished data . So we collected data from

mostly through the internet , because this was easy for us due to time limitation .

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By :-Daman bir(1082) Jobandeep singh Jaspreet singh


As we are doing research on Telecom company , let me give you squat introduction about that company . Telecom is New Zealand's largest telecommunications service provider, and touches almost every New Zealander through the range of products and services we provide, and the work we do within our communities.They employ almost 7,000 people here in New Zealand and around 1,600 more in Australia and around the world . On 31 March 2008, Telecom was operationally separated into three divisions under local loop unbundling initiatives by central government Telecom Retail; Telecom Wholesale; and Chorus, the network infrastructure division.
In this paragraph you will have knowledge what is the intention of this project. "Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it." This phrase was said many centuries ago and is still wo rth today. Any time customer, in fact these customers whose costs are driven by what they purchase, increasingly look to purchasing as a way to increase profits and thus pressure suppliers to reduce prices. A good example beside the one in the article is when you are going to buy a car and you start searching about what car dealer is the best for you to buy yours. How can you decide which of the dealers it's the best for you, it is a good question. A growing number of suppliers have created a customer value models, that is no more than datadriven representations, of the worth in monetary terms, of what the suppliers are going to could do for its customers.

I have been talking about values, but what they are and what values are in business is what I'm going to explain right now. In business market values are the worth in monetary form of the technical, economic, service and social benefits any customer receives in exchange for the price it pays for a market offering.

So our main motive is to gather the information about what the company service is providing and is the consumer is getting that is ok for them . As we have three members in our group so firstly we get the information through internet than we discuss on the topics which we selected than after that we analyze on the topic and we visit the library as well over there we capture certain information so in this way we are able to get all the information related to telecom . Now after knowing about the company deeply , we were able to identify what and how we can do marketing research . Than we prepared some technique to do our research

. First we prepared some questioner which we will ask to some of its customers and to the employees of Telecom . Actually our main motive

is to come up with the problem or what is lacking behind and what is the demand of the current customer wants from its service provider telecom. Our purpose for doing research on Telecom is because this is an very large and oldest company in Newzealand but from last year they facing some of the problem with its customers . Thats why we had chosen this company because we had scope in research about its market . So our main objective is to come up with why they are having such problem . And our research can crop up what they should do to solve that problem .

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