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Contents Test Drive

Introduction page 2
What is AssetManager Pro? 2
Why is asset management important? 2
What types of assets does AssetManager Pro deal with? 3
Installing the Test Drive 4
MYOB AssetManager Pro minimum specifications 4
The Test Drive 5
Starting and Exiting AssetManager Pro 5
The Command Centre 6
AssetManager Pro techniques 7
AssetManager Pro windows and fields 7
Acquire an asset 8
Record the acquisition of an asset 8
Adding a header asset 8
Adding a detail asset 9
Editing and deleting asset acquisitions 12
Transactions 13
To make an asset transaction 13
Voluntary disposal of an asset 14
Involuntary disposal of an asset 15
Write off an asset 16
Revalue an asset 16
Viewing and Deleting asset transactions 17
Service Logs 18
Reports 19
The AssetManager Pro Analyst 20
Customising AssetManager Pro for your organisation 21
Asset Groups 21
Card Files 22
Types of cards 22
Frequently asked questions 23

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AMP040001\v2 © 2001 MYOB Technology Pty Ltd ABN 13 086 760 198. All rights reserved.
What is AssetManager Pro?
MYOB AssetManager Pro is a feature rich program that
keeps a register of assets along with their respective
costs, locations, serial numbers and service histories. It
is suitable for an organisation of any size and can be
used with MYOB and other accounting systems.
MYOB AssetManager Pro is a must-have software for
any organisation with fixed assets. Using AssetManager
Pro you can keep track of your assets, calculate your
monthly depreciation figures, and calculate losses or
gains made on the disposal of an asset.
You can customise AssetManager Pro to reflect your
organisation’s cost centres, personnel, locations and
accounting practices. AssetManager Pro helps protect
your investment in fixed assets.
AssetManager Pro has powerful service log features,
and helps you keep track of asset maintenance, costs
and schedules. The service log features can also be used
as a tool to manage hire or rental equipment, or to
keep track of clients’ equipment that you service.
At the end of the financial year, simply print a
depreciation schedule for your accountant or tax agent.
The AssetManager Pro reports have all the information
required by the Australian Tax Office. You can also
export and print comprehensive depreciation journal
reports that contain all the asset-related information
required by your accountant and accounting system.

Why is asset management

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has published A Guide
to Keeping Your Business Records. The Guide says: ‘You
must keep records that record and explain all
expenditure relating to assets’. AssetManager Pro
maintains all necessary information about an asset, its
value over time, and records of depreciation.

page 2 MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive

The depreciation reports that are printed from
AssetManager Pro can be handed straight to your
accountant, or tax agent. Note that you still need to
keep copies of invoices, accounts, valuations, records of
improvements and so on! Journal reports can be
Use MYOB AssetManager Pro to:
printed and handed straight to your accountant, or
o Create, edit and delete asset
acquisitions. If an asset is made up exported directly into your accounting system.
of several parts you can
create a Detail asset for each
When you use AssetManager Pro, you always know
part, and a Header to group them. what and where your assets are, along with their value.
o Make asset transactions: dispose of, In addition, lists of your assets including serial
write off, or revalue an asset.
o Transfer Assign Detail assets to
numbers are invaluable for insurance and record
different Headers. keeping purposes.
o Create Depreciation Schedules and
journals required by your The service log features of AssetManager Pro helps you
accountant and the ATO. ensure that your assets are properly maintained, and
o Create and manage asset groups
that you keep track of how much they are costing you
with default accounts, depreciation
methods, rates and calculations. and your business.
o Set up cost centres, locations,
vendors, custodians and What types of assets does
service providers for assets, to reflect
the structure of your organisation. AssetManager Pro deal with?
o Use the Service Log to
AssetManager Pro deals with fixed assets. Fixed assets
effectively manage and control asset
maintenance. have a relatively long life. Computers, office fitout,
plant and motor vehicles are fixed assets. Generally,
fixed assets will lose some of their value as they are
used. This loss of value is reflected by the depreciation
of the asset.
AssetManager Pro offers comprehensive management
of fixed assets, including powerful asset transactions
that let you write off, and dispose of your fixed assets
in accordance with ATO guidelines – refer to the note
Note: Disposing of assets shown at left about the disposal of assets.
Using AssetManager Pro you cannot AssetManager Pro also allows you to revalue your assets
dispose of assets for which variable for Book purposes.
formulae must be used to calculate the
value for disposal. A building is a good AssetManager Pro does not deal with current assets.
example of this. If you dispose of a Current assets can be turned into cash in a short
building asset, you need to take into
account factors at the time of disposal period, and generally do not lose their value over time.
such as the CPI. However, most Cheque and savings accounts, accounts receivable and
aspects of asset management are dealt
with in AssetManager Pro. petty cash are all examples of current assets. Current
Your accountant can advise on how to assets are often managed by software such as MYOB
calculate the correct disposal value for
assets that must use variable formulae.

MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive page 3

Installing the Test Drive
Installing the MYOB 3. Click Install MYOB AssetManager Pro.
AssetManager Pro Test Drive The Installer wizard is displayed.
is easy! Just insert the CD and
following the on-screen
The Test Drive is a fully functional version
of MYOB AssetManager Pro, including help
files. The Test Drive has the following
o no more than 50 asset transactions
can be made in a data file.
o the Test Drive expires after 90 days, 4. Follow the steps in the installer wizard,
and can no longer be used. choosing the ‘Typical’ setup type to
complete installing AssetManager Pro.
Data files that have been created with the
Once the Installer wizard has finished
Test Drive can always be used when a retail installing AssetManager Pro, your
version of AssetManager Pro is purchased. computer will restart automatically.
To install the Test Drive from the CD
1. Quit any programs you have running. MYOB AssetManager Pro
2. Insert the MYOB Test Drive CD-ROM minimum specifications
into the CD-ROM drive. The CD will The AssetManager Pro Test Drive requires
start up automatically. Windows 95, Windows 98, 98SE and Me,
If the CD does not start up or Windows NT 4.0 or later, Windows 2000
automatically, double-click the My or later; running on a Pentium I, II, or II
Computer icon on your desktop, and
processor (or equivalent) at least 200 Mhz
then double-click your CD-ROM drive
icon (usually the d:\ drive). or better. 200 MB of available disk space is
required, and at least 32MB of RAM. Your
display should be set at 800 x 600
resolution with 16 bit colour.

page 4 MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive

The Test Drive
To start AssetManager Pro
. To start AssetManager Pro go to the Start menu,
choose Programs and then
MYOB AssetManager Pro v2 folder, and click the
program icon. The Welcome to MYOB
AssetManager Pro window is displayed.
. Click the Explore button to open a sample set of
A dialog is displayed asking you to choose the
type of company (Large or Small) you want to
explore. To follow the examples used in this Test
Drive, click the Large Company radio button
and then click OK. The Test Drive opens a sample
data file (Clearwater Pty Ltd) that’s ideal for a
quick, guided tour.
You can also create a new data file from the Welcome
window if you want, or open an existing data file
you’ve previously created.

To Exit AssetManager Pro

. To quit the Test Drive,
choose the Exit command
from the File menu (shown
whenever a data file is
The Analyst open). AssetManager Pro
The Analyst is available
in each command centre,
will save your data file
and has four features. before exiting.
The To Do List opens a
schedule of
services to be performed.
Asset Inquiry lets you search
your assets using specific information.
Graphs opens a module that lets you
chart asset information on pie and
timeline graphs.
Use the Reports drop-down list to
choose a specific report, or click to
open the Reports window.
For more information about these
features, see ‘The AssetManager Pro
Analyst’ on page 20.

MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive page 5

The Command Centre Clearwater Pty Ltd – a sample
When you open a data file, the Command Centre data file
The sample data file included with the
window is displayed.
AssetManager Pro Test Drive is for a
large company called Clearwater Pty
A small sample of assets have been
entered to demonstrate the features of
AssetManager Pro. Clearwater has two
locations (physical locations) and five
cost centres (including administration
and marketing). A number of staff are
shown as custodians.
Some (but not all!) assets have vendors
shown against them (useful if the asset
breaks down under warranty), and a
number of assets have service providers
The icons at the top of the window – Acquisitions, and service contracts shown.
Transactions and Card File – take you to the three main Please note that the sample Test Drive
file is not intended to represent a
command centres of the program. The flowchart complete or thorough methodology
beneath the buttons changes to reflect the command for entering and describing assets. You
are free to use AssetManager Pro to
centre that is selected. Each button in the flowchart
reflect the requirements of your
can be clicked to activate the function. The Analyst lets business or organisation.
you open the To Do List, Graphs, Asset Inquiry, and
Reports windows from any command centre.
The menus across the top of the window also contain a
number of extra commands.
Acquisitions. You can record assets you acquire, set up
asset groups with default depreciation methods and
calculations, and keep a record of services performed
on your assets. You can also set up custom lists, view
the Low-value Pool and journal details.
Transactions. Allows you to perform and review asset
transactions such as disposal, write-off, and revalue,
and view the book and tax values of your assets. You
can also create a Balancing Charge to offset any profit
made through the involuntary disposal of an asset.
Card File. You can review, enter and edit cards for
custodians, vendors, locations, cost centres and service
providers. You can also enter identifiers that can be
used to consistently mark and select cards in the card
file and to select the cards to be used in reports.

page 6 MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive

AssetManager Pro
AssetManager Pro uses a simple flowchart interface,
along with the menus at the top of the window, to
provide access to powerful features and commands.
There are a number of short-cuts you can use to ensure
information is entered easily and consistently.

AssetManager Pro windows and

Most AssetManager Pro windows have a number of
fields used to record information about the asset, asset
group, card file, service log or transaction.
Many of these fields are text fields, such as description
k A typical Select from List window. fields. Other fields must use a value defined elsewhere
Click the Search icon next to the field
to display a listing of the available in the program, such as asset groups, locations, cost
values. centres and depreciation methods.
However, you can simply enter a value
into a field without using the selection A small button is shown next to many fields.
Click this button to select a value from a list ( ), or an
option from a drop-down menu ( ).
Zoom arrows ( ) are also used throughout
AssetManager Pro to select items and go to related

k Click the arrow to display a

drop-down menu and choose from
the range of available options that is
For example, drop-down menus are
used to sort your assets in a variety
of ways.

k Click a Zoom arrow ( )to open an

associated window.
For example, click the zoom arrow
next to an asset ID in the Asset List
window, to open the Asset
Information window.

MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive page 7

Record the acquisition
of an asset
Clearwater services have just purchased a new
computer system, and need to record it using
AssetManager Pro. A computer is made up of several
separate parts: CPU, monitor, and so on. In this
example we are going to record each part as a separate
Detail asset and create a Header to group the parts. Recording ‘total’ assets as
separate Detail assets
You can maintain a record of the
Adding a Header separate Detail assets that are part of a
. Open the sample data file and click the ‘total’ asset by creating Headers to link
them. If you do this, each of the
Acquisitions button. The Acquisitions command
linked Detail assets will be treated as a
centre is displayed. separate asset for the purpose of
Click the Asset List button from the flowchart to calculating depreciation and the rules
for pooling and full depreciation at
open the Asset List window, then click New to open
purchase for low-cost assets will apply.
the Asset Information window. To overcome this situation, record the
assets separately with an acquisition
cost of zero for most detail assets but
assigning the entire cost of the ‘total’
asset to one. For our example –
recording detail assets to link to the
Header ‘Personal Computer 2’ – you
could enter the mouse and
keyboard of the computer as separate
Detail assets with a cost of zero, and
include the cost of these items as part
of the monitor, or CPU asset.

, The Asset Information window

contains several tabs, the first of
which is the Asset Profile tab. In the
In this example, we’ll quickly cover the main steps Asset Profile tab you need to enter
the Asset ID, Name and Asset Type. If
needed to create a Header. you choose Header as the Asset type
. Asset ID. The Asset ID is a unique number used to the other tabs: Acquisition &
Depreciation, Asset Details and
identify the asset. It can be printed (with bar codes if Service Details are no longer
necessary) on labels and attached to an asset. If you displayed as these tabs only apply to
chose User-defined numbering in the Detail assets.
AssetManager Pro preferences, you will need to
enter an asset ID. For our example, we are using System-defined numbering
system-defined numbering so the Asset ID is AssetManager Pro automatically
automatically generated. generates the asset ID for a new asset.
. Asset Name. Enter the descriptive name of the User-defined numbering
actual asset. Make sure the cursor is in the Asset When you create a new asset you will
need to create a unique asset ID. This
Name field, then type ‘Personal Computer 2’ and
can be any alpha numeric, numeric or
press TAB. alpha code of your choice.

page 8 MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive

. Asset Type. An asset can be either a Header or a
Detail asset. Click the drop-down menu and select
Header, then press TAB. You will notice that the other
tabs in the Asset Information window are
no longer available, as these tabs let you enter
Asset Group information for Detail assets only.
Every Detail asset must be allocated to
an asset group. Click the Search icon . Click OK to record and close the Header.
next to the Asset Group field and
choose ‘Computer Equipment’ from
the list of available groups. Each Asset
Adding a Detail asset
Group is set up with default accounts, Now that you’ve created a Header you can create Detail
depreciation methods and the basis of
depreciation calculations. Assets will assets and link them to the Header. Detail assets allow
inherit the properties of the Asset you to record more information about the asset such as
Group to which they are assigned.
the location, cost centre, custodian and so on.
While using Headers can be useful to link separate
assets together as a ‘total’ asset, AssetManager Pro also
allows you to create Detail assets without linking them
to a Header.
. Click the New button to open the Asset
Information window. To complete a Detail asset
record you need to enter information in several tabs.

1. Asset Profile

Display a picture of the asset

If you have a graphic (jpg, jpeg, bmp,
ico, emf, or wmf) of your asset,
AssetManager Pro allows you to
display this picture in the
Asset Profile window. To link the asset
to a picture, double-click the box in
the right pane of the window. A Link
Picture window is displayed. Browse
and locate the graphic and click
Open. The graphic is then
displayed in the Picture Information
window which allows you to specify
the size. Click OK, and then Yes. The
graphic is displayed in the
Asset Information window.
. Enter the asset name ‘CPU’, select Detail Asset as the
asset type, select Header ID ‘36’ to link the Detail
asset to the Header ‘Personal Computer 2’ that we
created, and select the Asset Group ‘Computer
. Click the Acquisition & Depreciation tab.

MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive page 9

2. Acquisition & Depreciation
Effective Life
The Effective Life of an asset is the
estimated number of years required
for it to fully depreciate. The default
life, entered for an Asset Group,
should be in line with the standard
table of effective life periods as set
out by the commissioner.
The life field will only be displayed
if the acquisition date is on or after
the 21st September 1999, and your
business has been classified as

. Enter the date you acquired the asset in the

Acquisition Date field, and the cost of the asset in k Cost Limit and
Private Use Percentage
the Acquisition Cost field then press TAB. The tax
A Cost Limit is required by the ATO
code and depreciation method fields become for certain types of assets – notably
available, showing the default depreciation method, motor vehicles – and can be entered
rate, effective life (‘Large’ businesses only), and other in the Asset Information window.
values as defined for the asset group you selected. The Private Use Percentage is also
set in this window.
You can change any or all of these settings in this
window. Any changes made to the depreciation
information here will affect this asset only.
Note: once you have saved this record you will not
be able to modify the values in the Acquisition &
Depreciation tab. You can change the effective life,
or the private use percentage, however these
changes will only take effect from the beginning of
the next year.
. Click the Asset Details tab.

, Low-Value Pool
From 1st July 2000, those businesses that are
classified as ‘Large’ can optionally pool those
assets whose undeducted cost is less than the
upper limit of the low-cost value, which is
currently fixed at $1,000.00. Once a business has
elected to pool, all new low-cost assets acquired
in the current year and beyond must be pooled.
Once an asset has been assigned to the pool it
cannot be removed. To view the Low-value Pool,
click the Low-Value Pool button from the
Acquisitions command centre.
The Low-value pool option will not be available
if you are running a ‘small business’ data file.
For more information regarding pooling assets
see your accountant or the ATO.

page 10 MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive

3. Asset Details

Custom Lists and fields

If you have set up Custom Lists in
your data file, you can apply them to
the asset. You can also use the custom
fields to directly enter any additional
information you would like to record
about the asset.

. Asset Details is where you can enter extra

information about your asset such as the location
and serial number. All fields in the Asset Details tab
are optional, use them to record as much or as little
information about your asset as you would like.
For this example we are going to use the Search
icons to display lists of available options to find and
select the following: Location ‘Melbourne’, Cost
Centre ‘Administration’, Vendor ‘Compusell’, and
Custodian, ‘Sue Turner’. Then enter the serial
number ‘GW-00018888’, the warranty date ‘10/10/
2001’, and the extended description ‘Pentium III
128 RAM, Gateway’.
. Click the Service Details tab.

k Copy a detail asset

A computer system is made up of
4. Service Details
several different components, each . If you have acquired an asset that will need regular
of which need to be recorded as a servicing over the course of its life, you can record
Detail asset and assigned to the
Header ‘Personal Computer 2’. These
the details of the service provider, and the date
detail assets will share a lot of the when the next service is due when you create the
same information, such as record. However, service log entries can be recorded
location, service provider and so on. for an asset at any time and do not necessarily need
Once you have saved the CPU Detail to be recorded when you create an asset. For more
asset, select the asset from the Asset
List and click Edit. The Asset
information on service log entries, see page 18.
Information window is displayed. . Click OK to close and save the detail asset.
From here, click the Copy button. A
new Detail asset is created with a
new asset ID, and with all other
details copied from the CPU Detail

MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive page 11

Editing and deleting What information can I
asset acquisitions change?
Once an asset record has been created,
You can only edit and delete an asset in the year it is you cannot edit the Asset ID, the
entered. If an asset has been ‘rolled over’ into a new Asset Group, and most of the
Acquisition & Depreciation
financial year the asset is already ‘on your books’ and information. You can edit the Asset
depreciation would have been calculated for the Name, change the Header, edit the
information in the Asset Details tab,
previous financial year. as well as edit and create Service Log
Note that if you sell an asset, or if an asset is stolen, lost entries.

or damaged, then you would create an asset

transaction to dispose of, or write-off the asset, rather
than deleting the asset record.
To edit an asset
. Go to the Acquisitions command centre and click
the Asset List button. The Asset List window is
displayed. From here highlight the asset you want to
edit and click the Edit button, or click the zoom
arrow. The Asset Information window is displayed.
Edit the details of the asset, and click OK to close
the asset and save your changes. Use the Password
Protection function
To delete an asset acquisition
AssetManager Pro has a password
. Open an existing asset in the Asset Information protection function which allows you
window and click the Delete button, then click Yes to set up passwords restricting users
from accessing certain information, or
to confirm deletion.
performing certain functions, such as
This step deletes an asset from all records (and from deleting assets.
the data file), and can only be chosen in the year an
asset is acquired.

, Using the Asset List

The Asset List window displays a list
of the assets you have entered into
AssetManager Pro. From this window
you can easily find the assets you
require and sort them in various ways.
Display the Asset List window by
opening the Acquisitions
command centre and clicking the
Asset List button.
Click a zoom arrow next to an asset
number to display the Asset
Information window for that asset.

page 12 MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive

Asset transactions let you revalue, write off and dispose
of your assets according to your business needs. You
can also view the Book and Tax values of each asset as
you perform these transactions.

To perform an asset transaction

The Asset Transaction window is always used, and is
opened from the Transactions command centre. For
all transactions, you need to select the asset, enter a
transaction date and choose the type of transaction.
1. Open the Asset Transactions window.
Open the sample data file and click the
Transactions icon to open the Transactions
command centre. Then click the Asset Transactions
button shown on the flowchart.
2. Select the asset.
Enter the asset number in the Asset ID field, or click
the search icon next to the field and select a record
from the list of available assets.

Asset Transactions
3. Select the Transaction Type.
Click the arrow to display the drop-down menu
There are four types of asset
transactions that can be made. from which you can choose a transaction type.
AssetManager Pro keeps track of any
transactions you make, and they can
be viewed in the Transaction List.
Necessary depreciation and related
information is calculated by
AssetManager Pro.
o Voluntary Disposal of Asset
o Involuntary Disposal of Asset
o Write off an asset
o Revalue the book value of an asset

4. Enter the Transaction date.

This will appear on transaction reports, and is used
to calculate the written down value of the asset.

MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive page 13

Voluntarily dispose of an asset
Clearwater has sold one of its assets – a refrigerator. To
To dispose of a pooled asset
record the sale in AssetManager Pro, we need to create If you are a ‘Large’ business which has
a Voluntary Disposal of Asset transaction. elected to pool low-value assets then
you have the option of using another
1. Open the Asset Transaction window, and enter transaction type – Disposal of Pooled
the Asset ID ‘15’, the date the asset was sold Asset.
‘10/10/2000’ and Transaction type ‘Voluntary This option is only available if the
Disposal of Asset’. asset you have selected to dispose has
been pooled.

2. Enter the amount received for the asset in the Sale What is a Balancing Charge?
Amount field. In this case, the refrigerator was sold Sometimes a profit might be made
for $800. when you sell a depreciable item. This
profit is normally included in the
3. Click OK to record the transaction. assessable income of your business.
AssetManager Pro will calculate any loss or gain from If an asset is used 100% for business
purposes, you have the option of
the sale (against the written down value at the time of using the profit to reduce the cost of a
sale). If there is a gain, you can perform a Balancing replacement asset.
Charge offset. For more information, see page 15. This has the effect of spreading the
profit from the sale of the item across
a number of years.
A Balancing Charge is used to reflect
this process.
The Balancing Charge (Assessable
Gain) may be offset against one or
more assets based on certain
conditions. Your accountant or tax
agent can give you more information
about the use of Balancing Charges for
your business.
Note that for Voluntary disposals you
can only create a Balancing Charge if
you are a small business. Both large
and small businesses can create a
Balancing Charge for Involuntary

page 14 MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive

Involuntarily dispose of an asset
Clearwater has just sold an asset for greater than the
acquisition cost. In order to offset the Balancing
Involuntary Disposal
An Involuntary Disposal is used to
Charge to a replacement asset, we need to create an
offset the Balancing Charge to a Involuntary Disposal of an Asset transaction.
replacement asset.
1. Open the Asset Transaction window, and enter
A taxpayer that disposes of an asset
after 21/9/99 in either of the following the Asset ID ‘11’, the date the asset was sold
ways, may perform an Involuntary ‘10/10/2000’ and the transaction type ‘Involuntary
Disposal. Disposal of Asset’.
o an asset is lost or destroyed.
o an asset is acquired by an
Australian Government Agency
either compulsorily or by forced
Consult your accountant or the ATO if
you are not sure in what situations to
use an Involuntary Disposal.

2. Enter the amount received for the asset in the Sale

Amount field. In this case, the asset is being sold for
$4,000. Because the sale price is greater than the
cost, you can create a balancing charge.
3. Complete the balancing charge information.
4 Click OK to record the transaction.

Create a Balancing Charges

If you are able to offset the Balancing Charge
when disposing of an asset, the Create Balancing
Charges option will be displayed. Mark this
checkbox and decide the year to which you
want to offset the balancing charges:
o Next year Click OK. The balancing charge is
allocated to the next year and saved as
pending. Click the Pending Balancing
Charge button from the Transactions
command centre, to view this record.
o This Year Click the zoom arrow to display the
Balancing Charge window. Choose an asset
against which you want to offset the
Balancing Charge, the amount you want to
offset, and click OK.

MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive page 15

Write off an asset
A car used by the administration team has been stolen.
Clearwater needs to write off this asset. (Luckily, they
were insured and will soon be purchasing a
replacement; the serial number of the stolen computer
is recorded in AssetManager Pro.)
1. Open the Asset Transaction window, and enter
the Asset ID ‘12’, the date the asset was stolen
‘10/10/2000’ and the transaction type ‘Write Off

2. Enter a comment if required.

In this example, enter ‘Stolen – reported to police
and insurance’.
3. The option to retain the asset after rollover does not
need to be selected in this case!
4. Click OK to record the transaction.

, Revalue an asset
This transaction type is similar to the
write off an asset transaction. Follow the
same steps shown for writing off an
asset, using the Revalue an asset trans-
action type, and enter the revalued
amount in the New Asset Value field.
When revaluing an asset, only the Book
value can be changed.

page 16 MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive

Viewing and Deleting asset
Click the Transaction List button from the
Transactions command centre to display a list of all
k Delete transactions
asset transactions in the Transaction List window.
To delete a transaction, highlight
the transaction and click the
Delete button.
You will not be able to delete asset
acquisition transactions.
If you delete an asset from the
Acquisitions command centre, all
associated transactions will also be
deleted from your Transaction List
after you rollover your data file.

Filtering the Transaction Listing

This window lets you filter From the Transaction List window you can filter your
asset transactions. When you have a list of transactions to find one or a group of records,
lot of asset transactions, you can
choose to view only those that are of delete transactions, or view transaction details in the
interest. Transaction Summary window. To display the
Asset ID. Enter the Asset ID to view Transaction Summary window, click the zoom
transactions for a single asset.
Leave the field blank to view arrow or highlight a transaction and click the
transactions for more than Display button.
one asset.
Transaction. Select a transaction
type from the drop-down menu to
view all transactions, or
transactions of a specific type.
For example, you may want to
only review involuntary disposals
From and To. Enter a date range to
view asset transactions that
occurred within that period.
You can leave any or all fields blank,
and use them in any combination to
list the precise transactions
you require.

MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive page 17

Service Logs
Service and maintenance is an
important (and sometimes expensive)
part of asset management. Many assets
can require service, and your
organisation may need to deal with a
number of service providers, scheduled
services, service histories and contracts.
AssetManager Pro helps with all these
aspects of service management.
Each time the asset is serviced, you
create a service log entry that shows the asset, date,
Extra uses for service logs
service provider, due date for next service and Apart from ensuring that your assets
information about the nature of the service being are always covered by adequate service
provisions, the service log can be used
performed. to easily manage additional tasks.
The View Service Log window lists every service log Hire equipment
A company can use the service log
entry and can be filtered to only display entries for a features to record the hiring of
specific asset or entries created in a specific period. The equipment. In this case the Service
Provider could be the hirer. A service
service log is maintained for the entire life of an asset – log entry is made each time an item
it is not cleared when you start a new year. You can is hired. The period of hire (during
delete individual service log entries at any time. which the equipment is unavailable
to be hired to someone else) starts
Services that have been scheduled for the future will from the service log date; the length
of hire is shown in the notes, and
always appear in the AssetManager Pro To Do List. the estimated return of equipment
Service reports (shown in the Index to Reports from is entered as the Due Date of next
the Reports menu) are available that show the services Car rental
due and the service history. A car rental company can use the
service log similarly to the hire
equipment example shown above.
In this case, the car rental company
also keeps a duplicate
AssetManager Pro data file. One data
file is used solely to track rentals, the
other is used to track depreciation and
vehicle maintenance.
Service provider
A service provider (for example a
computer technician) can use
AssetManager Pro to keep track of
their clients’ systems. Once again, the
service log features, combined with
serial number tracking, ensure that the
service provider can instantly recall
past services on any item and
maintain a schedule of future services.

page 18 MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive

Reports can be displayed and printed to reflect every
aspect of AssetManager Pro – from asset listings, card
file listings, through to depreciation journals and
schedules. At the end of the financial year, you will
normally provide your accountant or tax agent with
depreciation journals and schedules – reports printed
straight from AssetManager Pro for use with your
accounting system and tax returns.

To display or print a report

Choose Index to Reports from the Reports menu. A
listing of available reports is shown. Choose a report
and click the button to Display or print the report.
You can use the Filters button to limit and define the
information to be shown in the report.

A few reports
Asset Listings. These reports lists your assets along with depreciation values. Asset Listings are available
that show your assets sorted by Asset Group, Cost Centre, Custodian or Location. A variety of options
are available that determine the level of detail to be shown, the period of the report, original or current
assets, and tax or book values.
Depreciation reports. The Depreciation Journal report shows depreciation expenses for entry into an
accounting system. The Depreciation Schedule displays the information required by the Australian Tax
Office. This report is printed in an ATO approved format, and is required to prepare your tax return.
Card File Reports. These include listings of vendors, service providers, custodians, locations and cost
Service Log reports. Details of service histories and more.
Transaction reports. Details of asset transactions that have been made.
Low-Value Pool reports. Statement and summary reports showing details of low-value pooled assets for
‘Large’ businesses.
More information about report filters
is shown on the next page .

MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive page 19

The AssetManager Pro Analyst
Information at your fingertips. The Analyst gives
you access to four useful functions – the To Do List,
Graphs, Reports, and the Asset Inquiry function.

k To Do List. Displays services that are due and

warranties that are about to expire. Services can be
scheduled in a Service Log entry, and warranty expiry is
entered when an asset is acquired or edited. More on Report Filters
Report filters let you choose the information
to be shown in the report. Filters work the
same way as the Transaction Listing filters
described on page 17.
When you click the Filters button shown on
the Index to Reports, a Report Filters window
is displayed. This window lets you enter
information to limit or define the report.
The options available in Report Filters will
vary from report to report. An example is
shown below.

k Graphs. Display information about your assets in a

variety of formats, including pie charts and time line

In this example, you can specify that the

report will display:
o Transactions created for all assets, or only
for a specific asset.
o Transactions of all types, or only a specific
transaction type.
o Transactions created within a specific date
k Asset Inquiry. Shows the Asset Inquiry window, Other Filter windows for different reports will
which is used to quickly browse or investigate assets, have options that work in a similar fashion,
components, service information and card files. such as date ranges, vendors and so on.

page 20 MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive

Customising AssetManager Pro
for your organisation
Asset Groups
Asset Groups can be created, edited, or deleted using
the Asset Group Entry window. Each group, with the
exception of ‘Buildings’, will be set up to include
default accounts, depreciation methods, and the basis
of depreciation calculations. By default, an asset will use
the properties that are associated with the asset group
to which it is assigned. As such, prior to assigning a
Detail asset to an asset group you should make sure that
the asset group has been set up with the correct
properties. When an asset group is defined, the method
of depreciation is allocated, along with the depreciation
rate for book and tax values, the effective life (‘Large’
Depreciation businesses only), and if the depreciation is calculated
The decisions you make regarding
how you treat asset depreciation can daily or monthly.
have a significant effect on your tax Click the Asset Groups button from the Acquisitions
return. We recommend you consult
your accountant if you are not sure of command centre to display the Asset Group List
the depreciation methods and rates window. You can delete a group, or open the Asset
you should use.
Group Entry window to edit an existing group or
create a new group. To open the Asset Group Entry
window, click the zoom arrow for an existing group, or
click the New button for a new group.

k Setting up your Account Codes

Using the export feature of
AssetManager Pro you can export your
journal entries to your accounting
package. If you want to do this you
must ensure that you set up your
Account List, with the account names,
numbers and formats exactly as they
are used in your accounting package.

MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive page 21

Card Files
AssetManager Pro Card files store contact and other
information about custodians, vendors, locations, cost
centres and service providers, that is unique to each
organisation using AssetManager Pro.
AssetManager Pro is suitable for most organisations –
from sole traders through to large scale enterprises.
AssetManager Pro allows you to use the card files to
record important information specific to your business.
All card files, and all card file fields are optional. You
can choose to use some or all of the available card files,
recording as much or as little information as you like.
To view your card files click the Card File button from
the Card File command centre. From here you can
delete a card or open the Card File Entry window to
edit an existing card or create a new card. To open the
Card File Entry window, click the zoom arrow for an
existing card, or click the New button for a new card.

Types of Cards
• Custodian. The user of an asset, or the person
responsible for the area an asset is located.
• Vendor. The company from whom an asset is
• Location. The physical location of an asset in your
organisation such as Level 1, Warehouse, Sydney.
• Cost Centre. The cost centre reflects the grouping
of assets for accounting purposes such as Sales,
Bar codes
Marketing, Warehouse, Manufacturing.
AssetManager Pro can be used to
• Service Provider. The individual or company generate bar codes for your assets.
These allow your assets to be easily
responsible for servicing an asset. This can often tagged and tracked.
differ from the vendor of an asset. Bar codes for a range of assets can be
printed using the Barcode Report. The
Card File Identifiers. These are a selection of 26 single filters for the Barcode report allow you
character ‘codes’ which can be added to any card. to choose the range of assets to be
printed, along with the custodian and
Identifiers allow cards to be clearly and consistently
marked and located. Examples might include ‘Preferred The Labels button shown on the
vendor’, ‘Trade Purchase Only’ and ‘Vehicle Related’. Asset Information window opens the
Barcode Report with the specific asset
already chosen in the report filter.

page 22 MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive

Frequently asked questions
Where can I buy AssetManager Pro? Does AssetManager Pro require any other
AssetManager Pro is available from MYOB software to run?
Australia. Phone 1300 555 131 to order. No. AssetManager Pro is a standalone asset
management application for the Windows
Who can I turn to for assistance with operating systems. AssetManager Pro can be
AssetManager Pro and my assets? customised to reflect your asset-related accounts
The Australian Taxation Office can provide by entering account codes in each asset group.
up-to-date guidelines and information on asset In addition, each asset can show a cost centre
management, depreciation schedules and that can reflect your accounting system.
Is AssetManager Pro multi-user?
Your accountant or tax agent can usually
provide this information, and can also advise No. AssetManager Pro is designed to be used on
you regarding specific accounting and asset a single machine that contains both the
management issues your organisation may application and the data file. The data file can
encounter. be located on a server, however simultaneous
access of a data file by separate AssetManager
Introductory Support. With your purchase of
Pro applications may corrupt the data file. Loss
AssetManager Pro, you automatically receive
of network connection to the data file may also
30 days of introductory telephone support, plus
damage it.
access to MYOB Support Notes via our website,
to ensure that your business is up and running Can I import my existing
fast. asset information into AssetManager Pro
MYOB Cover gives you access to unlimited, from a program such as Excel or Word?
priority technical telephone support and advice Yes. With the AssetManager Pro import/export
for the duration of your membership. Plus, feature, you can import data from any tab-
you’ll receive all software version upgrades delimited or comma-separated text file.
that are released during your MYOB Cover
subscription. Can I export data from AssetManager
On-site assistance. You can choose from a list
of hundreds of MYOB Certified Consultants and Yes. You can export AssetManager Pro data to
Approved Training Courses that will help you any program that can read tab-delimited or
get the most out of MYOB AssetManager Pro comma-separated text files. For example, you
and ultimately, your business. You’ll find a full can have your asset information in a spreadsheet
list of consultants in your area on the MYOB by exporting it from AssetManager Pro and
website at or by calling importing it to a program with spreadsheet
1300 555 111. capabilities.

MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive page 23

Does AssetManager Pro dispose of assets What do I need to do at the end of the
properly? year?
Yes. If you sell (dispose of) an asset, At the end of a financial year, you need to
AssetManager Pro automatically calculates the print a number of reports for your
loss or gain, and gives you the option of accountant and/or tax agent. These include
creating a Balancing Charge (refer to page 15). the depreciation schedules and journals. Your
accountant or tax agent may also request
The only exception is when disposing of
additional reports, such as a listing of any
buildings and certain other (usually
asset transactions that have been made. They
uncommon!) types of assets. AssetManager Pro
may also provide information to be entered if
cannot dispose of these items because the
any transactions or asset acquisitions need to
required calculation utilises irregular formulae
be adjusted.
that involve the CPI and other factors.
You should also make an extra backup of
In these cases, you will need to contact your
your data file and keep it in a safe place.
accountant to correctly calculate the disposal of
the asset. When you have the all clear from your tax
agent or accountant, choose the Start a New
Please note that you can still acquire and
Year command from the File menu.
perform all transactions other than disposal on
AssetManager Pro will ‘roll over’ the new
buildings and similar assets.
year and make the appropriate changes to
How do I protect my data? the data file.
AssetManager Pro includes commands to
Do I need to regularly save the data I
backup a data file.
To backup a data file and create a compressed
No, AssetManager Pro saves the data you
copy, choose the Backup command from the
enter automatically when you click the OK
File menu.
button and close a record.
You are prompted to verify and backup your
data file whenever you exit AssetManager Pro.
To protect your information in case of damage,
loss or theft, backups should be made regularly
and stored away from the computer.
In addition, a flexible yet comprehensive
password system lets you create a master
password for unlimited access to the data file
and all commands and features, along with an
unlimited number of sub-passwords.
You define the commands and functions that
are available for each sub-password.

page 24 MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive


MYOB AssetManager Pro Test Drive page 25

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