Retailmanager Standard: Test Drive

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test drive

Introducing the MYOB

RetailManager family 2

MYOB RetailManager Standard

Introducing the MYOB
RetailManager family 3

MYOB RetailManager Standard Welcome to MYOB RetailManager Standard 4

—Retail point-of-sale MYOB RetailManager Standard Overview 7
management software 4
5 Easy Steps to the GST 11

Guided Tour 12 Let’s get started! 12

1. How do I order stock? 13
2. How do I receive goods into stock? 14
3. How do I make a sale? 16
4. How do I make a lay-by sale? 18
5. How do I make a lay-by payment? 19
6. How do I make an account sale? 20
7. How do I create a quote? 22
8. How do I process returns? 24
9. How do I create a new stock item? 25
10. How do I handle stocktakes? 26
11. How do I cashup? 28
12. How can I monitor business performance?
(Reports) 29
13. How can I monitor business performance?
(Graphs) 31
14. How do I export from RetailManager
Standard? 32

Frequently Asked Questions 34

© MYOB Technology Pty Ltd 2002. All rights reserved

2 test drive
Introducing the MYOB RetailManager family

Introducing the MYOB RetailManager

Designed specifically to meet the needs of MYOB RetailManager Professional
Australian retailers, the MYOB
RetailManager family of products replace
the cash register with a point-of-sale system
that streamlines store operations and
manage sales, stock, GST, staff
and customers.
Whatever the size of your store, the type of
business you run, or the number of outlets
you operate, the RetailManager family
provides a range of flexible retail solutions Enhanced retail point-of-sale management
that can be tailored to suit your needs, with pad till, touch screen and scales
giving you the facts and support you need interfaces.
to control your business.
And if your business situation changes – MYOB RetailManager Enterprise
through growth, legislative changes or
technology advances – MYOB will be there
for you with an integrated software and
support package.

MYOB RetailManager Standard

Centralised retail business management

software that consolidates data from
multiple point-of-sale locations and
provides critical retail reports for your
business analysis.

Retail point-of-sale management that From single to multiple point-of-

replaces the cash register and streamlines sale or store locations
store operations.
You can operate RetailManager Standard or
RetailManager Professional as stand-alone
retail point-of-sale management solutions
or combine them with RetailManager
Enterprise to provide centralised
management of multiple point-of-sale or
store locations.

Test Drive 3
MYOB RetailManager Standard —Retail point-of-sale management software

MYOB RetailManager Standard —Retail

point-of-sale management software
Welcome to MYOB RetailManager Standard
Welcome to MYOB RetailManager While the specific setup of these hardware
Standard—retail management point-of-sale items is beyond the scope of this guide, you
software that lets you take control of your can use RetailManager Standard’s online
retail business. help to view instructions on how to set up
Increasing retail hours, a deluge of these hardware items. Simply press F1
paperwork and shrinking margins can while you are in the Hardware setup
make it difficult for retailers to have a life window in RetailManager Standard (Setup
outside of their business. > Hardware) to display the online help. We
recommend that you seek advice when
A cash register does very little to help you purchasing these items, to ensure that your
manage better and faster—it only keeps hardware best fits your retail needs.
track of today’s sales. You would have to
deal with the other parts of your business
manually. RetailManager Standard replaces Installing RetailManager Standard
the cash register with a system so simple Test Drive
that anyone can use it. Follow these procedures to install the
Unlike a cash register, RetailManager MYOB RetailManager Standard Test Drive
Standard knows all about your stock, on your computer. If your computer meets
customers, staff, and suppliers, putting you the minimum specifications for
firmly in control of your business. RetailManager Standard, then you should
be able to run the Test Drive. If you are
About this Test Drive installing on a computer already set up
The RetailManager Standard Test Drive with hardware such as cash drawer, docket
software has been designed to provide a printer, or pole display, these must be re-
brief overview of MYOB RetailManager configured within RetailManager Standard.
Standard . The Test Drive software can be To set a default Windows printer
used 25 times or for 30 days (which ever
comes first), and accepts up to 500 You must have at least one default Windows
transactions. printer driver installed. An actual physical
The RetailManager Standard configuration printer need not be attached but a
options are unavailable with the Test Drive Windows default printer driver must be
software. This means you can only use it specified.
with the sample Clearwater shopfront, and
not across a network. PR INT E R DRI VE RS I NS TA LL E D

Hardware 1 Click the Start button and choose

Settings > Printers.
RetailManager Standard supports the use of 2 Right-click a printer icon and choose Set
a number of hardware devices in addition as Default Printer.
to the actual computer you are using as a
till; these include a bar code scanner, cash
drawer, docket printer, report printer, 1 Click the Start button and choose Settings >
EFTPOS terminal, and pole display. Printers > Add Printer.

4 Test Drive
MYOB RetailManager Standard —Retail point-of-sale management software

2 Follow the on-screen instructions to add 4 Click Install Now. The Install Wizard
a printer driver. starts and the Welcome to MYOB
After you install the Test Drive, you need to RetailManager Standard Test Drive
set RetailManager Standard to the default Setup window is displayed.
printer (go to the Setup menu and 5 Read the information in the MYOB
choose Options, then Printing). RetailManager Standard Test Drive Setup
To check your regional settings window.

1 Click the Start button and choose 6 Click Next. The Choose Destination
Settings > Control Panel. Location window proposes to install the
program files in the C:\RetailTestDrive
2 Click the Regional Settings icon (or folder. Click the Browse button to specify a
Regional Options icon, depending on
different location, if necessary.
your version of Windows) and then click
the Regional Settings tab (or Input 7 Click Next. The Setup Type window is
Locales tab). displayed.
3 Set the Input Language field to English 8 Click Next to accept the Typical
(Australia). installation. The Select Program Folder
RetailManager Standard prompts you to window proposes MYOB RetailManager
change your regional settings if they are Standard Test Drive as the name of the
not already set to Australia. program folder to be added to the Start
4 Click the Number tab and type 2 in the menu. You can edit this name or select
No. of digits after decimal field and -1.1 in another folder from the Existing Folders
the Negative number format field. list.
5 Click the Date tab and set the Short date 9 Click Next. The Start Copying Files
style field to dd/MM/yyyy. window summarises your installation
6 Click Apply and then OK. (or just OK). options.
7 Restart your computer. Click the Back button to alter any of these
To install the Test Drive
10 Click Next to start the installation. A
dialogue displays the progress of the
Installation requires restart When it is installation and, finally, the Installation
finished, the installer automatically restarts your Complete window is displayed.
computer. Save your work and quit any running
applications. 11 Click Finish. The computer now
restarts automatically and the
1 Quit any programs you have running. RetailManager Standard Latest News and
Updates help file displays important
2 Insert the MYOB Test Drive CD-ROM
into the CD-ROM drive.The CD will start
up automatically.
If your computer doesn’t restart If your
If the CD does not start up automatically, computer doesn’t restart, this means that the
double-click the My Computer icon on the installer has not completed the installation.
desktop, double-click the CD icon, and
Go to the Start menu, choose Shut Down, select
double-click autorun.exe.
Restart from the drop-down list and click OK. The
3 Click Install. the Install window installation completes after the computer restarts.

Test Drive 5
MYOB RetailManager Standard —Retail point-of-sale management software

To specify the printers to be used Add/Remove Programs in the Windows

Control Panel or run the install again, from
When you install MYOB RetailManager
the Test Drive CD, and select Remove
Standard in your business, you may have a
when the Setup Type window is displayed.
number of printers installed on a network.
Docket printers attached to each computer If you need assistance...
will print dockets, another printer may be
permanently loaded with barcode labels, RetailManager Professionals and
and another may be loaded with stationery Consultants provide independent on-site
for invoices and purchase orders. assistance on MYOB RetailManager
Standard and associated products and
Setting up several printers for different
services, including:
kinds of output can take some time. For
this Test Drive, you set up just one printer • Retail business systems needs analysis
for all types of printed output. • RetailManager Standard installation,
1 Launch RetailManager Standard. setup and implementation
• Double-click the MYOB RetailManager • Point-of-sale hardware and peripherals
Standard Test Drive icon on the desktop.
• Onsite training and support for
• Choose Start > Programs > MYOB RetailManager Standard
RetailManager Standard Test Drive >
MYOB RetailManager Standard Test
• RetailManager database maintenance
Drive. • Integration with MYOB accounting
2 Choose Setup >Options, and then click
As independent businesses, MYOB
Printing in the Options window.
RetailManager Professionals and
3 Set the printing options. Consultants have different levels of
Click all of the Report (A4) radio buttons experience and qualifications and offer a
[this clears all the Docket (40 col) radio varying range of services at different prices.
buttons] For a list of RetailManager Professionals
and Consultants, you can call 1300 555
Uninstalling the Test Drive
111, email, or visit
To remove the RetailManager Standard Test
Drive from your computer, use r/onsite_support.shtml

6 Test Drive
MYOB RetailManager Standard —Retail point-of-sale management software

MYOB RetailManager Standard Overview

This MYOB Test Drive is a guided tutorial to and sub-categories before you implement
MYOB RetailManager Standard . We’ve RetailManager Standard.
kept the tutorial simple, so you can use the
Test Drive to evaluate RetailManager MYOB RetailManager Standard
Standard for your business. features sophisticated pricing
MYOB RetailManager Standard is designed structures
to manage a wide variety of retail business You can define rules for default RRPs along
types. Some highlights are shown below.
with up to four pricing grades. These grades
MYOB RetailManager Standard can be allocated to specific customers. For
gives you control of your stock example, you can set up automated rules to
establish pricing for regular customers,
RetailManager Standard has sophisticated trade customers, and government
inventory management features. Some customers. You can also set up independent
items in your business may not require all pricing rules for product categories and
these options. A typical RetailManager sub-categories; and again for specific stock
Standard stock item includes an item bar items. These hierarchical pricing rules let
code, description, extended description, you manage even the largest inventories
cost price, stock management options, with ease.
bonus commission value, category, sub-
category and more. MYOB RetailManager Standard has
You can choose to set a stock item as a static powerful customer management
quantity, disabling inventory management features
for that item. This is ideal for stock items
such as labour or service charges, along These include lay-by and account sales,
with stock items such as dishes on a quotes, sales orders, statements, credit
restaurant menu (meals and coffee for notes and debtor payments. Customers can
example), for which inventory levels are be allocated different pricing grades, and
not recorded. can also be shown as a preferred customer.
You can set up credit limits and review your
MYOB RetailManager Standard customer’s account and purchase history.
helps you categorise your stock
MYOB RetailManager Standard sales
A product category and sub-category are transactions include complete sales
allocated to each stock item. You create
product categories for your business, based
on department, supplier, or any other This information includes customer
classification you define. These are a key number, selling price and discount. A
ingredient in a successful retail operation complete sales transaction lets you enter
for many businesses. delivery addresses, discount, comments
Once product categories are established, and a customer reference. RetailManager
you can report on and stocktake your Standard lets you skip a number of these
inventory by category and sub-category; fields if they are not normally required. You
you can also create flexible set pricing rules can also set up RetailManager Standard to
to automate pricing of inventory. It’s scan individual lines at a time—similar to a
important that you have a clear supermarket cash register when using a bar
classification for your product categories code scanner.

Test Drive 7
MYOB RetailManager Standard —Retail point-of-sale management software

MYOB RetailManager Standard their stock items according to the shop

works with standard retail point-of- layout, others according to product type.
sale hardware You will be able to find which areas of your
store or inventory are the most profitable,
RetailManager Standard is compatible with which product lines are working for you
most cash drawers, bar code scanners, and which are not.
docket printers and pole displays, and
RetailManager Standard can also keep track
includes preset configurations for a
of your customers, what they are
number of popular docket printers and
purchasing and what they are returning.
pole displays. In addition, you can use
You can define discount grades, and assign
programmable keyboards to provide
a grade to a customer, entitling them to a
completely customised solutions.
certain level of discount. If you use
MYOB RetailManager Standard customer accounts, RetailManager
measures staff performance Standard tracks debtors—after all, bad
debts have an affect on your bottom line.
RetailManager Standard records which staff
RetailManager Standard has a 3D graphing
member makes each sale, and provides
tool, which graphically represents how
reports on sales commissions and sales
your business is performing. This can also
performance. Because your staff know their
be a valuable tool for highlighting where
actions can be traced, RetailManager
your business is making money.
Standard helps reduce internal theft.
If you use RetailManager Standard’s staff
You can also choose to set up just one
module, RetailManager Standard can tell
default staff member for your entire
you which of your staff are the most
profitable. You can also use the bonus
commission facility to set up sales
How can MYOB RetailManager incentives for staff.
Standard help me increase my
RetailManager Standard gives you
control of the discounts you provide
Here are some ways in which
RetailManager Standard helps you increase Discounts have to be closely controlled:
your profit. there’s little point in making a sale if you
are not making any profit on it.
RetailManager Standard tells you If you are making a sale to a customer and
where your profit is coming from the customer asks for a discount, you can
RetailManager Standard’s extensive reports quickly view the cost and profit you are
enable you to quickly highlight where your making on the sale, giving you enough
business is making money and where it information to make a wise decision about
isn’t, and to respond to that information in giving the customer a discount on the sale.
your inventory decisions. There are profit You are always warned if you are about to
by product, by supplier, by custom field, sell a stock item below cost price.
and by category reports. RetailManager RetailManager Standard’s customer grades
Standard’s stock categories and sub- give you total control over your discount
categories are crucial to effective reporting practice—who you give discounts to, how
and information management in much discount you give and on what
RetailManager Standard: some stores group products you give discounts.

8 Test Drive
MYOB RetailManager Standard —Retail point-of-sale management software

RetailManager Standard lets you spend more time in your back office than is
monitor your stock shrinkage absolutely necessary. RetailManager
Standard makes every effort to save you
Shoplifting is an unfortunate fact of life. It’s time.
important that you closely monitor your
stock in any problem areas of your store. RetailManager Standard saves you
RetailManager Standard’s partial stocktake time with your stocktake
is ideal for doing a quick stocktake of a
specific area of your store, while RetailManager Standard can slash hours
RetailManager Standard’s Stocktake report from the length of your average manual
will quickly identify any missing stock. stocktake. RetailManager Standard allows
you to use either manual stocktake sheets
You can always make a sale in and perform a simple data entry process for
RetailManager Standard stocktake information, or you can use a bar
code scanner to scan items into your
RetailManager Standard is designed so that stocktake.
you can enter a sale no matter what you are
doing—even during a stocktake. If you Discrepancies are automatically located
can’t process sales as quickly as possible, and a detailed variance report can be
customers will simply walk out. That’s why printed. RetailManager Standard’s partial
so much time has been invested in making stocktake and single item adjustment
RetailManager Standard fast and flexible. facility allow you to adjust the inventory
level of a specific stock item or group of
For example, if you are half way through stock items. You can even make a sale
ringing up a sale and your customer has during a stocktake.
some questions, you can simply open up
another sales window. That way someone RetailManager Standard makes
else can ring up a sale in the meantime and receiving goods into stock fast and
you can resume the sale again where you simple
left off.
Receiving goods into stock can be a time-
RetailManager Standard saves your consuming job. RetailManager Standard
floor space gives you two options when creating new
stock items:
RetailManager Standard is also an
electronic filing cabinet—there’s no need • you can enter either the full details of the
stock item, including re-order thresholds
to fill up expensive retail floor space with and holding quantity, or
paperwork, because RetailManager • enter the minimum details required to
Standard stores electronic copies of your get the stock item into the system and out
sales, lay-bys, quotes, invoices, reports, onto the shelves as fast as possible. You can
customer lists, stock lists, and so on. then return to enter additional details at a
later stage.
How can MYOB RetailManager Using a bar code scanner can save you
many hours each week.
Standard save me time?
Administration is always a big pressure on a
busy retailer’s time, and you don’t want to

Test Drive 9
MYOB RetailManager Standard —Retail point-of-sale management software

RetailManager Standard makes You can run RetailManager Standard on a

transactions fast Windows network, and have all your
computers updating a single database.
RetailManager Standard can be customised
You can even cashup multiple cash drawers
so that you can reduce the number of
at once from a single terminal.
keystrokes required to make a sale. This can
be done by setting Skip Field options for MYOB provides you with plenty of
the Sales window. Just ‘switch off’ options help within reach
that you don’t require, such as customer
accounts. The RetailManager Standard Getting Started
guide leads you through the simple
Looking up historical transactions is fast installation and registration procedure.
and easy with the Lookup window. Just
The RetailManager Standard User Guide is a
press Ctrl + L, enter the information you
comprehensive guide to the RetailManager
have at hand, and your record is retrieved.
Standard program, and includes a
You can have multiple windows open at Troubleshooting chapter.
once, and Ctrl + Tab between them. You The RetailManager Standard Online
can also have multiple transactions going Reference and Procedures Guide provide you
at the same time. with instant troubleshooting tips and step
by step procedures. Simply press F1 in any
RetailManager Standard can export
RetailManager Standard window to view a
to your accounting package help topic on the screen you are in, or go to
You can export your accounting the Help menu, select Help Overview and
information from RetailManager Standard choose the RetailManager Standard Help
to your MYOB accounting software. file you want to view.
Priority Technical support is also available
RetailManager Standard’s reports under MYOB Enhancement and Support
only include the required data for RetailManager Standard.
If you have set up your categories and sub-
categories carefully to reflect the How can MYOB RetailManager
departments, areas or suppliers in your Standard help me with GST
retail store, then there are several compliance?
RetailManager Standard reports you can All retailers have to deal with tax collecting
run for a single category or sub-category. and reporting requirements. You need
This saves you having to wade through accurate and timely information to ensure
pages and pages of reports to find the data you meet your compliance obligations to
you need. the ATO.
RetailManager Standard can save RetailManager Standard handles the GST
you time in other ways… with ease, tracking the GST collected from
Sales and then reporting in the format
There is probably no greater timesaver than required for your business. By exporting
a backup copy of your database if your from RetailManager Standard to your
computer crashes or your database gets MYOB accounting software product, you
corrupted. RetailManager Standard does a can create a complete front-of-house to
separate backup for each day of the week. back-office GST solution.

10 Test Drive
MYOB RetailManager Standard —Retail point-of-sale management software

5 Easy Steps to the GST

1. Set up the tax codes you can quickly see the Tax Exclusive
values, the Tax Amount and the Tax
Tax codes are attached to all your stock
inclusive amount for a line item or the
items and tell RetailManager Standard the
invoice. Even when you print invoices,
amount of tax that applies to an item you
sales dockets, and purchase orders, you can
have set up. To set up tax codes, select Set
choose to have them in the Tax Inclusive or
Tax Codes from the Admin menu. A
Tax Exclusive formats.
number of default GST-based tax codes are
already set up for you. 4. Track your GST Collected
2. Set up your items RetailManager Standard’s tax reports
Once your tax codes are set up, simply go clearly show the GST that has been
to the Stock window (press Ctrl + O), enter collected from sales, both on a cash and
the bar code of an item, and then enter the accrual basis. You can use the reports to
Tax Code that applies to this item when complete the Supplies you have made
purchased and when sold. section of the Business Activity Statement.

3. Entering sales with GST items 5. The complete GST solution

When you sell an item that attracts GST or For the complete GST solution, use MYOB
is GST-free, the Sales window will provide Accounting v12, Accounting Plus v12, or
you with the information you need Premier v6 to track your input credits (GST
immediately. By clicking the Tax paid on purchases) on a cash or accrual
Information button (or pressing Ctrl + T), basis.

Test Drive 11
Guided Tour

Guided Tour
Let’s get started!
This Guided Tour takes you through some Notes
of the day-to-day events in a retail store,
and shows you how RetailManager
• The exercises in this Guided Tour assume
that you have not entered any transactions
Standard handles them.
into the Clearwater sample file provided
Keep in mind that your business may not with the test drive. If you have entered
use all the features detailed in this Guided transactions, you may find some
Tour. For example, a cafe or restaurant will differences in a few of the exercises.
not use lay-by or account sales. When
you’re up and running with RetailManager
• In this Guided Tour you will be manually
entering in stock code numbers. If you use
Standard, you can in effect turn off the
bar code scanners in your retail outlet, you
features you don’t require.
would normally be scanning in bar codes
When you have completed this Guided rather than manually entering them.
Tour, we recommend that you continue to
• If you haven’t set up your default
experiment with RetailManager Standard
printers in the Setup > Options > Printing
using the Clearwater database. The Guided
window, you will receive a warning
Tour has been designed to give you a taste message when you commit a transaction.
of what RetailManager Standard can do. You can click OK to ignore this message.
The Guided Tour is by no means For more information, see “To specify the
exhaustive—you will find many more printers to be used” on page 6.
features in the actual program than are
explained here.

12 Test Drive
Guided Tour

1. How do I order stock?

You need to know when your stock levels 3 Enter the items that need ordering.
run low, then order more goods, and then After selecting the supplier in step 2 above,
keep track of what has been received... RetailManager Standard notices that a
RetailManager Standard can do this for number of items that you normally
you, and more! Ordering stock in purchase from this supplier are below their
RetailManager Standard is easy. To track recommended stock level.
the stock that is still to come in, enter a Show the items that need ordering by
purchase order, alternatively you can skip clicking Yes to the message “Do you wish
the purchase order and just enter the goods to populate with standard shop orders?”
into RetailManager Standard when you that appears after selecting the supplier.
receive them. The Purchase Orders window will display
S T O R Y: the items that need ordering. Press Enter to
Let’s say you are staff member, Gina accept these items without changing any
Campbell, of the Clearwater general store. details.
You need to order a number of stock items 4 Enter comments (optional).
that have been selling unusually well this Type a brief note in the Comments field,
week, and next week looks like being for example: ‘Purchase Order for items
another busy week. below their reorder point’.
1 Open the Purchase Orders window. 5 Enter an Order Suffix (optional).
Press F9 to open the Purchase Orders Press Enter to move to the Order Suffix
window. field where you can type an identification
2 Enter staff and supplier details. code to help you find the transaction. In
Enter a staff number. Your staff number is this example, enter ‘Standard Order’.
‘3’, so type 3 in the Staff field and press 6 Commit the transaction.
Enter. The due date RetailManager Standard
If the message “You have some unallocated displays is based on the supplier’s setup.
customer orders. Process Now?” is The date shown is when we expect to
displayed, click No to ignore the message. receive the goods.
Mark the Costs Include Tax checkbox by To check a supplier’s setup, go to the
pressing the space bar on your keyboard. Information menu and select Supplier (or
Press Enter. The supplier’s name is Bernies press Ctrl + P). Type the supplier number in
Biscuits Pty Ltd. The supplier’s code is 4, so the Supplier field and press Enter to view
type 4 in the Supplier field and press Enter. information about a supplier).
A dialog window is displayed. Press Enter to accept the date, and press
Enter again to commit, or proceed with
the transaction. Click Yes to the Commit
Transaction question.

Test Drive 13
Guided Tour

2. How do I receive goods into stock?

When goods arrive, all you need to do in Tab to the Unit Cost field and update the
RetailManager Standard is enter the unit cost price from $9.90 to $10.90. Tab to
supplier information (supplier name, the RRP column, and increase it to $16.99.
invoice number and amount), and then
5 Commit the transaction. Press Enter
enter or scan the items being received. If
twice to accept the changes to the box of
you haven’t had time to enter the items
chocolates information.
received into RetailManager Standard, you
can still sell those items, and then enter the Press Enter twice again and type 228.90
Goods Received at a later time. This is into the Expected field. This is the total
another example of how flexible showing on the invoice from the supplier.
RetailManager Standard’s inventory 6 Press Enter twice to commit the
handling really is. transaction.
7 Click Yes to the “Commit Transaction”
The goods you ordered from Bernies question. The transaction is committed
Biscuits have arrived. You enter these items and the items are added to your inventory.
as Goods Received in RetailManager
Questions about inventory
1 Open the Goods Received window.
Press F7 to open the Goods Received How do I organise my inventory in
window. RetailManager Standard?
2 Enter staff and supplier details. Your staff You can organise your inventory by
number is ‘3’, so type 3 in the Staff field grouping your stock items into categories
and press Enter. and sub-categories.
Mark the Costs Include Tax checkbox by Give each stock item a category and a sub-
pressing the space bar on your keyboard. category—for example a 40-inch TV
Press Enter. could be part of the ENT (Entertainment)
Press F2 on the Supplier field and use the category, and the sub-category of APP
up and down arrow keys to find Bernies (Appliance). You can then run your reports
Biscuits from the list and press Enter to according to categories, and compare the
select the supplier. sales and profit from the sub-category of
APP. You can also run stocktakes on a per
3 Select the outstanding purchase order.
category basis, such as for the ENT
RetailManager Standard informs you that
category. This gives you great flexibility
there is an outstanding purchase order for
when checking and adjusting your stock
this supplier. Click Yes and select the order
we entered in the first exercise.
RetailManager Standard will fill in the Can I create a new stock item
details that were entered in the Purchase without receiving it into stock?
Order into the Goods Received window.
Yes. You can create a new stock item,
4 Check the purchase order details. The
entering full stock item information such
tax inclusive price of the box of chocolates
as cost and retail prices, reorder thresholds
has increased from $9.90 to $10.90. Press
and so on, in the Stock window (Ctrl + O).
Enter twice to go to the Code field and
This is useful when you order a new
then with your keyboard’s arrow keys,
product you haven’t stocked before.
move down to highlight the box of
chocolates and then press Enter.

14 Test Drive
Guided Tour

Where do I set my stock holding you simply open a Stock window (you
levels for a stock item? don’t have to close the Goods Received
window), display the existing stock item
In the Stock window (Ctrl + O), in the and click Duplicate Item. You can now set
Holding and Threshold Qty fields. The up another item with the same bar code
Holding field displays the quantity of the but with a different description and setup.
stock item you would like to keep in stock. When you select the Item code in the Sales
When you reach the Threshold Qty for the window, you will be presented with a list of
stock item, a message is displayed, items that have the same bar code as the
reminding you to reorder the stock item. one you entered, and you can select the
Can products have the same bar item you need.
code in RetailManager Standard? Can I track stock in fractional
Yes. This is easily done in RetailManager quantities?
Standard. A common situation in which Yes. When setting up the item, simply mark
this is used is when you stock the same the Allow Fractional Quantities checkbox
product in different colours and quantities, if you want to buy or sell part quantities of
such as a mobile phone case in red or black, an item. This allows you to enter decimal
or cans of beer sold individually, in a six- values and fractions in the Qty field in
pack, or as a 24 can carton. If you are transaction windows.
receiving a product into stock with the
same bar code as an existing stock item,

Test Drive 15
Guided Tour

3. How do I make a sale?

Every retail business depends on sales to highlight the EFTPOS payment type and
succeed, and how sales are recorded can then press Enter again. The amount
dramatically affect the speed of the sale. (126.42) is displayed in the Paying field.
Different businesses require different The information you have entered should
information to be recorded for a sale. appear as illustrated in the screen below.
RetailManager Standard allows you to
Press Enter to accept the amount.
customise how the Sales window behaves.
Lorraine Gibson is a regular customer to
the store. She wants to buy the coffee
percolator that you sell. She will pay the
full amount by EFTPOS.
1 Open a Sales window.
Press F6. The Sales window is displayed.
Your staff number is ‘3’, so type 3 in the
Staff field and press Enter.
2 Enter the customer details.
Press Shift + Tab (or F12) twice to return to 6 Commit the transaction.
the Customer No. field. Lorraine’s Press Enter to commit the transaction.
customer number is ‘6’, so type 6 in the RetailManager Standard records the sale
Customer No. field and press Enter twice. and prints a sales docket.
3 Enter the stock items being sold.
With the cursor in the Code field, type 5 Questions about sales
and press Enter. This is the bar code (stock
item number) of the percolator that Can I skip fields in the Sales window
Lorraine is purchasing. that I don’t need?
The stock item details are displayed in the Yes. You can choose to skip the customer
Sales window. Press Enter to accept the number, selling price, custom, and
quantity of one. Notice that this stock item discount fields in the Sales window. These
has a tax code of ‘GST’. In this database, the settings are made in the Setup menu >
GST tax code is allocated to all items that Options > General, and they can save you
attract the Goods and Services Tax. A quick hours of time.
way to see the tax information for this sale
is to press Ctrl + T. You can also lock fields using the option
settings in your Security options. These
4 Enter the discount amount. settings are made in the Setup menu >
You decide to give Lorraine a two percent Options > Security window.
discount on her purchase. With the cursor
in the Discount field (located in the For example, you can lock the Staff
bottom, right-hand frame of the Sales Number field so that the default staff
window), type 2% and press Enter. The member always appears in the Sales
discount will be calculated and deducted window and on printed dockets and
from the total invoice price. invoices. This is useful where each staff
member has a separate till, and you want to
5 Process the Payment. prevent one staff member from processing
While ‘Cash’ is highlighted in the transactions using another staff member’s
Payment Details window, press E to number.

16 Test Drive
Guided Tour

Can I make the quantity always How do I move back a field in the
default to ‘1’ as supermarkets do? Sales window?
Yes. RetailManager Standard has a Scan Press F12 to move back a field in any
Individual Units option in the Tools RetailManager Standard window.
menu. Select it and a quantity of one will
always be assumed. I can’t remember the bar code of an
item, how do I search for the item?
How do I enter a delivery address?
There are several methods for searching for
It’s easy. Press Ctrl + A while in the Sales records in RetailManager Standard. In the
window and enter the delivery address Code field, you can type the equal sign (=),
details. You can also add a delivery date. then the first few letters of the item
The details are printed on the docket or description, and press Enter to display a list
invoice. of stock items that start with these letters,
from which you can select the required
How can I avoid giving away too stock item.
much discount on a sale?
You can also click the Code field’s Assist
RetailManager Standard lets you quickly button, or press F2 while the cursor is in
view the Cost, Gross Profit (dollars) and the Code field to display the Search for
Gross Profit (percentage) of a sale before Bar code window.
you enter the discount amount. Simply
press F3 in the Discount field.

Test Drive 17
Guided Tour

4. How do I make a lay-by sale?

A lay-by sale is just as easy to record as a Richmond, Melbourne, Vic 3997, ph. 9771
standard sales transaction, except there is 3874 — in the Create New Customer
the added step of recording the customer’s window that appears. Press F10 to commit
name and address details. RetailManager the information, and click Yes.
Standard also handles lay-by payments
3 Record the sale. Press Enter to move to
with ease.
the Code field and type 5, and then press
Enter. Press Enter to accept a quantity of
Jane Petrie sees Lorraine walk out of your one.
store with the coffee percolator, and
decides she also needs a coffee percolator. 4 Record the deposit. Press Enter until the
She decides to lay-by it, leaving a $20 cash Cash payment method is highlighted. Press
deposit. Jane is a new customer to Enter, type 20 in the Paying field. Press
Clearwater. A week later, Jane returns to Enter again.
make another $20 payment on her lay-by. 5 Record the lay-by amount. Type L to
1 Open the Sales window and enter the select the Lay-by payment method and
staff number. Press F6 to open a Sales press Enter. The balance of the sale,
window. Your staff number is ‘3’, so type 3 ‘$109.00’, is set to lay-by as the payment
in the Staff field and press Enter. type.
2 Record the customer’s details. You need 6 Commit the lay-by transaction. Press
to record the customer’s details before you Enter to commit the transaction.
can process a lay-by. Press F5 in the Cust RetailManager Standard will record the lay-
field, and enter the customer’s name and by, allocate a unique lay-by number, and
address — Jane Petrie, 15 Malachi St, print a lay-by docket.

18 Test Drive
Guided Tour

5. How do I make a lay-by payment?

1 Open the Lay-by Payments window. Can I refund a lay-by payment?
Press Shift + F7 to display the Lay-by
Payments window. Yes, you refund a lay-by in the Lay-by
Payments window. If payments have been
2 Display the customer’s lay-by. Enter your made against the lay-by, another window
staff number (3), the customer number (9). appears in which you can select how to
Jane’s original lay-by is displayed in the refund the customer.
window. The lay-by number is listed in the
Lay-by No. field. How can I keep track of how many
outstanding lay-bys there are?
3 Record the lay-by payment. Press Enter
until the Cash payment method is Go to the Tools > Reporting window,
highlighted. Jane is making a $20 payment choose Customer menu and then select
on her lay-by, paying by cheque, so type ‘C’ the Lay-by Detailed, Lay-by Summary, or
to select the Cheque payment method, and Lay-by Lay-by Debtors report. The
type 20 in the Paying field. Press Enter. Detailed report lists each stock item, the
4 Put the balance owing back on lay-by. amount paid and balance outstanding for
Type L to choose the Lay-by payment each lay-by. The Summary report lists how
method, and press Enter to reassign the many of each stock item you have on hand
remaining $89.00 back on lay-by. and on lay-by.
5 Commit the transaction. Press Enter to What if the customer wants to pick
commit the transaction. up half the lay-by now and half next
Questions about lay-bys Say, for example, a customer has two $50
Can I make changes to a lay-by? products (‘A’ and ‘B’) on lay-by, with an
initial $20 deposit, and wants to make
Yes. In RetailManager Standard you can another $40 payment and collect product
change the price or quantity of a lay-by A. In this case you would delete product B
stock item. You can also add and delete from the lay-by, record the $30 payment to
stock items on an existing lay-by. This is complete the lay-by for product A, and
done in the Lay-by Payments window then create another lay-by for product B
(Shift + F7). with a $10 deposit against it.

Test Drive 19
Guided Tour

6. How do I make an account sale?

An account sale is very similar to a normal How do I make an account payment?
sale. Simply use Account as the payment
1 Open the Debtor Payments window.
type in the Payment Details section of the
Press Shift + F6.
Sales window. The entire amount of the
sale is displayed on the account. Any 2 Enter staff and customer details. Enter
deposit paid by cash, cheque, or credit card your staff number (3) and Donald’s
for example, will be shown as a payment customer number (4).
on account. Donald’s invoices are listed in the window.
S TO R Y: 3 Record the payment. Press Tab to move
Donald Sundstrope wants to purchase two to the Paying field. Type 50 in the Paying
new kettles and put them on account. He is field for invoice number 40 and then press
a regular account user, and his account is Enter until the Cash payment method is
up to date. He returns the following week highlighted.
to make an account payment of $50. 4 Commit the transaction. Press C to
1 Open the Sales window. Press F6 to open highlight the Cheque payment method,
the Sales window. The Sales window is and then press Enter three times to commit
displayed. Enter your staff number (3) in the transaction.
the Staff field and press Enter.
2 Enter the customer details. You can’t Questions about accounts
remember Donald’s account number, so
type ‘=Don’ in the Customer No. field and Are there any accounts reports in
press Enter. His name and number (4) are RetailManager Standard that I can
displayed. run?
Press Enter to go to the Code field. Yes. Debtors reports are listed under the
3 Enter the stock item. Type 1, the bar Customer menu in the Tools > Reporting
code of the kettle, and press Enter. Change window. The Aged Debtors report lists all
the quantity to 2 and then press Enter until your outstanding debtors, giving totals for
the Cash payment method is highlighted. each month overdue. The Debtors report
4 Process the payment. Press A twice to can be run for a variety of criteria,
highlight the Account payment method. including for individual customers, and
Press Enter. ‘$51.98’ appears beside the lists the details of each invoice, with totals,
Account payment method. per customer.
5 Commit the transaction. Press Enter or What do I do at the end of the
click Yes to commit the transaction. month when I send out accounts?
Simply print out your statements. To do
this go to the Admin menu and select
Print Customer Statements. You can also
run the Aged Debtors report as a quick
check before printing the statements.

20 Test Drive
Guided Tour

I know I have to record customer Can I charge customers a penalty for

details to record a lay-by — is that late payment and give customers a
the same as setting up an account? discount for early payment of
No. A customer record is only used to
record customer information required to Yes, you can do this in the Debtor
record lay-bys and credit notes. A customer Payments window by entering a positive
account is created when you complete the or negative percentage in the Discount
Show Account Details section of the field for a discount or penalty charge for
Customer window. each payment.
Can I set individual terms for each
customer account?
You can specify any number of days, either
from the end of the month or from date of

Test Drive 21
Guided Tour

7. How do I create a quote?

A quote is a non-sale transaction that 5 Select the Quote payment method.
enables you to provide a customer with a While ‘Cash’ is highlighted in the
price for goods and/or services you sell. You Payment Details window, press Q to
can print quotes as a hardcopy record for highlight the Quote payment type and
your customers. Quotes can be cancelled or then press Enter again. The amount
converted to a sale, lay-by, customer special (881.02) is displayed in the Paying field.
order, sales order or account sale, if the 6 Commit the transaction. Press Enter or
quote is to be processed as an actual F10 to commit the transaction.
transaction. RetailManager Standard records the quote.
Jane Petrie is interested in purchasing a No stock adjustment The stock level of the
cappuccino machine for her staff at work. products put on quote is not adjusted.
She would like a written quote for the
cappuccino machine so she can make an
How do I convert a quote?
informed decision about the purchase. She
returns two days later to purchase the The Quote Converter enables you to
cappuccino machine. convert a quote to a sale, lay-by, customer
special order, sales order, or account sale.
To create a quote
1 Open the Quote Convertor window.
1 Open a Sales window. Press F6. The Sales Press Shift+F9 or choose Quote Convertor
window is displayed. from the Transaction menu.
Your staff number is ‘3’, so type 3 in the
Staff field and press Enter. 2 Enter Staff and customer details. Enter
your staff number (3) in the Staff field, and
2 Enter the customer details. Press Shift + Jane’s customer number (9) in the Cust
Tab twice to return to the Customer No. field.
field. Jane’s customer number is ‘9’, so type Jane’s quote is displayed in the Quote Id
9 in the Customer No. field and press field.
Enter twice.
3 Display the quote. Select the displayed
3 Enter the stock items being sold. With
quote, and press Enter. The details of the
the cursor in the Code field, type 2 and
quote are displayed in the window. The
press Enter. This is the bar code (stock item
Date field displays the date and time the
number) of the cappuccino machine that
quote was made.
Jane is interested in purchasing.
Click on the Profit Details button to view
The stock item details are displayed in the
the cost and estimated gross profit as a
Sales window. Press Enter to accept the
dollar amount and as a percentage on the
quantity of one.
total quote. Press the Profit Details button
4 Enter the discount amount. You decide again to display the payment fields.
to give Jane a two percent discount on the
quote. With the cursor in the Discount 4 Choose the payment type. In the
field (located in the bottom, right-hand Payment Details frame, select Cheque, as
frame of the Sales window), type 2% and this is the payment method that Jane wants
press Enter. The discount will be calculated to use to pay for the cappuccino machine.
and deducted from the total quote price.

22 Test Drive
Guided Tour

5 Process the quote as a sale. Press Enter Questions about Quotes

twice to process the quote as a sale.
Note: If you are converting the quote to a Can I place a deposit on a quote?
lay-by or other form of payment type that No. Quotes are processed in RetailManager
will not require an initial customer Standard as a non-sale transaction and you
purchase payment, commit the quote cannot record payments against them. You
conversion and continue to process must convert a quote to another type of
payment as you would normally for the transaction before you can record a
new transaction type. payment. You convert a quote using the
6 Enter the Serial Number. Type 1024 in Quote Converter.
the Serial Number column and press
Can I set an expiry date on a quote?
Enter. The serial number is recorded and
the transaction is completed. Yes. You can set the expiry date of a quote
RetailManager Standard enables you to using the General view in the Options
keep a record of the serial numbers of items window. Go to the Setup menu and select
you have in stock. This is particularly Options. The General options window is
useful for tracking manufacturers’ product displayed. Click the Other tab and in the
recalls, or where manufacturer warranties Quote Options group, mark the Quotes
may apply. The test drive Clearwater expire in checkbox and type the number
shopfront has a number of items that are of weeks before the quote expires.
marked for tracking serial numbers,
Are there any quote reports that I
including the cappuccino machine. You set
tracking of serial numbers for a stock item can run to view my outstanding
by marking the Track Serial Numbers quotes?
checkbox, in the Stock window. Yes. Go to the Tools menu and select
Reporting. The Reports Index window is
displayed. Select Customer and then either
select Quotes Detailed or Quotes
Summary to view or print a report about
outstanding quotes.

Test Drive 23
Guided Tour

8. How do I process returns?

While you cannot delete transactions in 1 Open the Sales window. Press F6.
RetailManager Standard, you can refund a 2 Enter your staff number and customer
sale simply by entering negative quantities number. Enter your staff number (3) and
of an item. Process the refund as normal, Lorraine’s customer number (6).
and choose the payment type appropriate
for the refund. In addition to being able to 3 Enter the stock item with a negative
refund by cash, credit card, EFTPOS, and so quantity. Type ‘=coff’ in the Code field to
on, you can also refund by Credit Note. search for the stock item and press Enter.
When a refund is allocated to the Credit Two items are found. Press the down arrow
Note payment method, the available credit key to select ‘Coffee Percolator’ and press
for the customer is increased by the Enter. Enter a quantity of -1 in the Qty
amount of the refund—that credit can be field. Type the discount of 2% in the
spent in your retail business by the Discount field, as we had given Lorraine a
customer at a later date. discount on the original purchase. The
amount of the sale is updated to ‘-$126.42’
Lorraine Gibson is returning her coffee 4 Enter the payment details. Press Enter
percolator. Lorraine decides she doesn’t until the Cash payment method is
want the percolator, instead she wants the highlighted, and then use the up and down
wok she saw last week. Unfortunately you arrow keys to select the Credit Note
don’t have any woks in stock today, so you payment method. Press Enter again.
refund her by credit note, which she can 5 Commit the transaction. Press Enter to
redeem when the woks are back in stock. commit the transaction.
A credit note is recorded against Lorraine’s
customer record, and a credit note docket is
printed out.

24 Test Drive
Guided Tour

9. How do I create a new stock item?

When you’re receiving a new stock item supplier’s invoice (for this example use the
into stock, you don’t always have time to invoice number 103347).
enter the full details of the product there 5 Scan the new stock item bar code. Enter
and then. You might be busy and you just the bar code of the new stock item (10) and
want to get the stock out into the store as press Enter. Click Create to create a new
fast as possible. RetailManager Standard product and then click No to use the fast
allows you to enter just enough detail to method of creating a new stock item. (To
get the stock item into the system so it can enter the full details for a new stock item,
be sold. Of course, if you aren’t so pressed click Yes to the Extended Stock Creation
for time, you can enter the full details of message, enter the details, and then you are
the stock item too, which will save you automatically returned to the Goods
time in the long run. Received window.)
S T O R Y:
6 Enter the stock item details. Type
You receive a delivery of stock from the Electric Can Opener in the Description
Sampson Supply Company. It is an electric field. Press Enter to move to the Cat
can opener which you haven’t stocked column, and use the up and down arrow
before, and isn’t on record in keys on your keyboard to choose the
RetailManager Standard. ELECT category.
1 Open the Goods Received window. Press Enter to move to the Sub column and
Press F7. choose the ELECT sub-category. Select GST
as the Tax Code. Press Enter. Type a unit
2 Enter staff and supplier details. Enter cost of $49.95, a retail price of $59.95, and
your staff number (3). Press Enter. Mark the a quantity of 5 for the stock item. Press
Costs Include Tax checkbox by pressing Enter.
the space bar on your keyboard. Press
Enter. 7 Complete the Goods Received
transaction. Click Yes to make Sampson
3 Enter the supplier’s number. Type 2 in Supply Company the default supplier of
the Supplier field and press Enter. electric can openers, and then tab to the
4 Enter the supplier invoice details. Press Expected field and type 249.75.
Tab twice to move to the Invoice No. field. Press F10 and Enter to commit the
Enter the invoice number showing on the transaction.

Test Drive 25
Guided Tour

10. How do I handle stocktakes?

Monitoring your inventory is an important The quantity currently in stock is 11, but
factor in running a successful retail you can only find 10, so type 10 in the
business. Increasingly these days, Stock count field and press Enter. A new
companies no longer rely solely on the line appears in the Stocktake frame with
traditional annual stocktake to bring their the product description ‘Kettle’ and a count
actual stock levels into line with their book of ‘10’.
stock levels, but monitor their inventory Enter the bar code of the second stock item
more closely and more often. in this category, 2 and press Enter. The
RetailManager Standard has powerful and quantity currently in stock is 7, so type 7 in
effective tools to help you adjust your the Stock Count field.
inventory. So whether you’re running a Press Enter. Repeat this process for these
complete stocktake manually or items in the ELECT category:
electronically, running a partial stocktake • Code 3 (Toaster): 15 on hand
of a specific category or sub-category of • Code 4 (Food Mixer): 7 on hand
your inventory, or simply adjusting the • Code 5 (Coffee Percolator): 9 on hand
inventory level of a single stock item, • Code 6 (Iron): 12 on hand
RetailManager Standard masters the job.
• Code 7 (Water Cooler): 5 on hand
S TO R Y: • Code 10 (Electric Can Opener): 5 on
Run a partial stocktake for the category of hand
ELECT. There are nine stock items in this Note: Code 8 (Toaster/Kettle package) is
category. In this exercise you will enter not counted in the stocktake. Package
counts for the nine stock items, and then items are composed of other items (in this
adjust the count for one of the stock items. case Code 3 (Toaster) and Code 1 (Kettle)).
1 Open the Stocktake window. Press Shift You only count individual items in a
+ F11. Click Yes in response to the message stocktake.
to close all windows. A warning appears 4 Run the ‘Stocktake’ report. Before you
saying any items not counted will be commit the stocktake, run the Stocktake
zeroed. Press Enter. report, which checks on any variance
between the stocktake and the inventory
2 Choose the partial stocktake criteria. quantity of the stocktake items.
Check the Partial Stocktake checkbox in
Click the Display Shortages button in the
the top right corner of the window (by Stocktake window to run the report. Click
pressing Alt+P). Mark the ELECT primary OK to display only outages in the report.
category (in the Cat. Primary list box) Click OK to select <none> as the group.
either using your arrow keys to highlight Click OK to accept the RetailManager
the ELECT category and pressing the space Standard default sort orders. The report
bar, or by clicking the checkbox beside the appears on screen.
category using your mouse. The report lists stock item ‘1’ as having a
3 Run the partial stocktake. Press shortage of ‘1’, and stock item ‘8’ as having
Shift+Tab twice to move back to the Stock a shortage of ‘1’. As stock item 8 is the
Number/Count field. Enter the bar code of Toaster/Kettle package, ignore this outage.
the first stock item in this category, product After recounting the stock item, the
1, and press Enter. missing kettle is found behind the counter.

26 Test Drive
Guided Tour

Close the Report window and the already been counted. If so, you can simply
Stocktake window is displayed again. Click enter a negative quantity count for the
in the Count column for the line showing stock item. If not, then you don’t have to
information about the kettle in the adjust anything.
Stocktake grid, change the count to 11 and
press Enter. Can I still do a manual stocktake in
Click the Display Shortages button, and RetailManager Standard?
click OK to the report criteria options (as in Yes. In RetailManager Standard you can
step 4). still print out stock sheets which list all
The report shows no variance for single your stock items for a manual stocktake.
items (there may be a variance displayed The stocktake counts are then directly
for a packaged item, but you can ignore entered on these sheets. You can then enter
this as packages are not counted in a the counts manually into RetailManager
stocktake). Standard if required.
5 Commit the stocktake. How do I make corrections to a
Click the Commit button. Two dialogs stocktake in RetailManager
appear asking if you are sure you want to Standard?
commit the stocktake. Click Yes in each of
them. If you have already committed the
A warning appears saying you should not stocktake, then you can do a single item
use RetailManager Standard on any adjustment. Go to the Admin menu and
computer (in a network situation) during select Single Item Stocktake. Enter the bar
the commit. code for the stock item and the new count
Click OK and then click Yes to back up the for the stock item in the Single Item
database. Stocktake window and press F10 to record
the new count. Repeat this for each of the
The stocktake is committed. Close the
stock items you want to correct. If you
Stocktake window.
haven’t already committed your stocktake,
you can select one of the lines in the
Questions about Stocktaking stocktake grid and change the count
Can I still make transactions during
a stocktake in RetailManager Can I use a bar code scanner?
Yes. You can use a bar code scanner.
Yes, you can. If you are still trading while However you may require a very long
running your stocktake, you can continue extension cord to reach your computer,
to make sales. After each sale, you will need and, depending on the brand of scanner
to return to the Stocktake window and you are using, there are often limits on how
determine if the stock items sold have long the cable can be.

Test Drive 27
Guided Tour

11. How do I cashup?

You’re tired; it’s the end of the day, and you Questions about Cashup
want to cashup as fast as possible with
minimum effort. But you also want to be If I have a network, can I cashup tills
sure that your takings are all entered together?
correctly. RetailManager Standard’s cashup
Yes, you can. In RetailManager Standard,
procedure gets the job done without any
you have the option of cashing up each
cash drawer individually, or cashing up
RetailManager Standard defines a session as multiple cash drawers from a single
the period of time between two computer. For example, in a store which
consecutive cashups. So whether you has four tills, you may need to cashup two
cashup once a day, three times a day, or cash drawers from your back office
once a week, RetailManager Standard caters computer, and have the other two
for your business. Every time you cashup in computers cashup individually. The cash
RetailManager Standard, you can run drawers each computer uses in your
transactions, sales, account sales and network are set in the Setup > Hardware
debtor payments reports for the session. window. All computers that share the same
1 Close the session. Go to the cash drawer, such as ‘Cash Drawer A’, will
Reconciliation menu and choose Cashup be cashed up together.
/ End of Day. Click Yes to close the session. Can I reprint old cashups?
2 Enter your staff number. Enter your staff
number (3). Click OK to the information Yes. Go to the Reconciliation menu and
message. choose Print Cashup Reports. You can
reprint any of the Reconciliation reports
3 Enter the takings amount for the cash for the selected cashup. Use the arrow keys
drawer for each payment type as follows: to choose the required cashup.
a Select the Cash Payment Method and
Can I print a till balance during the
press Enter.
b Enter the Paying amount of $20.00
Yes. A till balance tells you what you should
c Press Enter to return to the Payment currently have in your till, per payment
Method field. type. This should match the actual physical
Repeat this process for both the EFTPOS contents of your cash drawer (minus your
and Cheque payment types: float). To print out a till balance, go to the
Reconciliation menu and choose Print
• EFTPOS $126.42 Till Balance.
• Cheque $951.02
These amounts are totals of the What’s the best way of checking
transactions you have entered in this how sales are going during the day?
You can view the Sales Summary window
4 Commit the Cashup. Press F10 to (in the Reconciliation menu). The Sales
commit the transaction. Click Yes to the Summary window displays graphically
warning. Click OK to the information sales and profit totals for the current day or
message. Check your takings against the selected period, for all tills on your network
Transaction Summary report for the cash (not per cash drawer). You have the option
drawer (Cashup reports can be selected of viewing the number of sales, gross profit
from the Reconciliation menu). in dollars and gross profit (percentage).

28 Test Drive
Guided Tour

12. How can I monitor business performance? (Reports)

RetailManager Standard comes equipped will be displayed in your report depends on
with a range of reports which allow you to the dates used in these exercises.
keep your finger on the pulse of your
business. These reports are accessible from
the Tools menu > Reporting. The What’s
Selling report and the Profit by Product
reports are reports you are often likely to
run in RetailManager Standard.
How to view the What’s Selling
The What’s Selling report lists what’s
selling in your store. This includes for each How to view the Profit by Product
stock item sold the cost, quantity currently report
in stock or on lay-by, and new lay-bys and Whenever you want to find out what profit
sales for the specified time period. you are making on sales of a specific
1 Open the What’s Selling report window. product or range of products over a specific
Go to the Tools menu and select period of time, you would run the Profit by
Reporting. The Reports Index window is Product report.
displayed. Select Sales and then the What’s This report, like many RetailManager
Selling report. Standard reports, has flexible report filters,
2 Using the report filters, enter the report making it easy to ensure the report only
criteria. includes the information you require.
• Click Date(s) and enter the date range 1 Open the Profit by Product report
you have used in this Tour and click OK. window.
• Click Range(s) and enter the range as Go to the Tools menu and select
Minimum 1 and Maximum 5, and click Reporting. The Reports Index window is
OK. displayed. Select Profit and then the Profit
• Click Categories and select all the by Product report.
primary and sub categories and click OK. 2 Using the report filters, enter the report
• Click Suppliers and select all Suppliers criteria.
and click OK. • Click Date(s) and enter the date range
3 Click Preview to view the report. The you have used in this Tour and click OK.
What’s Selling report is displayed on your • Click Range(s) and enter the range as 1
screen. You can then choose to print out in the Minimum field of the Gross Profit
the report, save it to file, email it or close Range window and 100 in the Maximum
the screen. field, and click OK.
The following is an example of the What’s • Click Categories and select the ELECT
Selling report. The actual information that primary and sub categories and click OK.
• Click Suppliers and select all Suppliers
and click OK.

Test Drive 29
Guided Tour

3 Run the report.

Click Preview to view the report. The
report is displayed on your screen. You can
then choose to print out the report, save it
to file, email it or close the screen.
This following is an example of the Profit
by Product report. The actual information
that will be displayed in your report
depends on the dates used in these

30 Test Drive
Guided Tour

13. How can I monitor business performance? (Graphs)

Complementing RetailManager Standard’s
reports is RetailManager Standard’s
graphing tool, which graphically displays
how your business is faring. Seeing this
information graphically will often tell you
very quickly what the message is, whether
your sales are up or down.
RetailManager Standard’s graphing lets you
view the graph from various perspectives.
1 Open the Graphing window.
Choose Graphing from the Tools menu or
press Ctrl + G.
2 Choose your graph criteria. 3 View comparisons on one graph.
To view the graph below, Select the You can choose to show the number of
Months by Year Data Grouping type. Enter sales versus the dollar turnover versus the
the Start and End date range that applies to dollar gross profit - all in one graph. This
the dates you have used in this tour. Set the can help you further analyse your profit
graph types to Area Graph and check the results.
Show 3D Graph option. Click on the 4 Zoom in and focus.
Display button at the bottom of the screen.
Drag an area down while pressing your left
mouse button to zoom in, and drag an area
up to reset the graph. Drag while pressing
the right button to scroll the graph.
5 Print out the graph.
Print out the graph by pressing F4 or
clicking the Print – F4 button.

Test Drive 31
Guided Tour

14. How do I export from RetailManager Standard?

You can export your sales and purchase where RetailManager Standard will store
transactions in RetailManager Standard to the export file it creates. It is important that
an MYOB accounting product such as you specify your MYOB program folder (for
MYOB Accounting v12, MYOB Accounting example, C:\MYOB11), as it is the folder
Plus v12 or MYOB Premier v6. Follow the where your MYOB accounting software will
steps below. look for a file to import. When you have
located the folder, click Open.
1. Set up MYOB accounting 3 Enter the corresponding account
software numbers in the blank fields (Asset, Income,
Before you can import MYOB Cost of Sales, Expense and Liabilities). If
RetailManager Standard information into you are unsure which numbers to use, have
MYOB accounting software, you need to a look in your accounting software’s Chart
set an option in your accounting software’s of Accounts (Accounts List).
Preferences window to look for a
RetailManager Standard import file when it Accounts Make sure that the numbers entered are
starts up. for postable accounts and not header accounts.
Header accounts can be distinguished by their bold
To do this, start up your MYOB accounting
lettering in your Chart of Accounts (Accounts List).
software. Go to Setup>Preferences and
If you link to a header account, your Retail.txt file
click the System tab. Mark the I Use MYOB
will be rejected when you attempt to import. Also,
RetailManager checkbox.
do not include the hyphen when entering account
numbers in this window. For example, if your bank
2. Set up RetailManager Standard account in your MYOB accounting software is1-
1100, you should enter it as 11100.
In RetailManager Standard, you will need
to set up your accounting options and
specify the export tax codes to be 4 Select the GST reporting method your
consistent with those in your MYOB business uses—Accrual or Cash.
accounting software.
3. Set up tax codes
To set up accounting options
1 Go to Admin>Set Tax Codes.
1 Go to Setup>Options. Click Accounting
in the side menu. Select your MYOB 2 Compare this tax code list with the one
accounting package from the drop-down used in your MYOB accounting software. If
list in the Package field. necessary, adjust the tax codes list of your
MYOB accounting software to include the
codes used in RetailManager Standard.
Ensure that an MYOB account number is
entered in the A/C for tax on Sales field for
each of the RetailManager Standard tax
codes and that the Export Tax Code is set to
the corresponding MYOB accounting
software tax code.
Your GST and FRE accounts should be
linked to your GST Collected account
number. If you are unsure what your GST
Collected account number is, please refer
2 Click the Browse button to locate your to your MYOB accounting software’s Chart
MYOB program folder. This is the directory of Accounts (Accounts List).

32 Test Drive
Guided Tour

3 If you have other tax codes (eg. S0, S12 If your MYOB accounting software is
and S22), you need to create a new liability already running, go to the File menu and
account in your MYOB accounting choose Import Data>RetailManager.
software called Sales Tax Collected and
then link these other tax codes to the new Re-exporting RetailManager
account. GNR and INP do not need to be Standard transactions
linked to an account. With RetailManager Standard, you can re-
4 Click Commit and then close the export your cash-up sessions as well as any
window. purchases within that session.
1 Go to File>Accounting Export.
4. Export from MYOB 2 Double-click the Session ID field of the
RetailManager Standard to MYOB session you wish to re-export. A message
accounting software appears, asking you if you wish to re-export
that session. Click Yes.
1 After you have completed your cashup, A message appears, asking you if you wish
go to File>Accounting Export. to include Purchases/Returns dated with
2 Click the Export button or press F10. this session.
3 When the export has been successfully 3 If you need to re-export the purchases
completed, a dialog box appears, stating and returned goods that were entered
the number of vendors, purchases and during the cash-up session you are re-
sessions exported. All are exported together exporting, select Yes. If you have already
in a single file called Retail.txt. Click OK. imported the purchases into your MYOB
accounting program, select No.
The ‘comment’ next to the selected cash-up
5. Import from RetailManager session will change from ‘exported’ to ‘will
Standard into MYOB accounting be exported’.
software When you next perform an accounting
Start up your MYOB accounting software. A export, this cash-up session will be re-
dialog box appears, asking you if you wish exported.
to import the Retail.txt file. Click Yes.

Test Drive 33
Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use serial port docket printers still have the option of using this computer
and cash drawers with MYOB in-store as a till. You can either cashup your
RetailManager Standard ? tills at once, or cash them up individually.
Several RetailManager Standard settings,
Yes, RetailManager Standard supports both
such as the messages that appear on your
serial port and parallel port docket printers,
dockets and your security settings, apply
and cash drawers that connect directly to
globally in a RetailManager Standard
your docket printer and serial port cash
drawers. RetailManager Standard also network. Most other RetailManager
supports other hardware items such as pole Standard settings apply locally, to each
displays, programmable keyboard devices, individual computer. These are all detailed
and bar code scanners. We strongly in the RetailManager Standard User Guide
recommend that you consult your and the Online help. If you need more than
RetailManager Professional for further one sales point you can easily buy extra
advice when deciding on your hardware MYOB RetailManager Standard
setup to run RetailManager Standard. workstation licenses at a reduced price.

Can I use RetailManager Standard on For more information...

a network?
We hope you found this test drive overview
Yes, RetailManager Standard can run useful.
successfully on a Windows network. This
If you need more information on specific
means that you can have several computers
features of RetailManager Standard, please
running as tills in your store, all running
and updating a single database. You visit our internet website at
designate one computer to act as your, call 1300 555 111, or
server and on which you locate your email
RetailManager Standard database files. You

34 Test Drive

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