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Written assignment 2

The Case Study

Mr. Stevens is a twelfth-grade English teacher. His class is comprised of twenty students

at varying levels of academic readiness. Mr. Stevens is about to begin a unit on British

Romantic Literature. The class textbook provides several poems which Mr. Stevens will

cover. However, he is interested in finding at least two supplemental texts to use in order to

increase student interest and vary the reading material.

The Process for Selecting Supplemental Texts

The contextual investigation illustrated above is what is happening numerous English

educators find themselves. While starting another point, particularly one that might be strange

to a significant number of the class, it is critical that the educator chooses fitting and connect

with supporting materials both in actual structure and carefully. These might be some

necessary perusing however could likewise be suggested perusing for the individuals who

need to acquire a more profound comprehension.

As expressed by Berger et al (2014), "Making these sorts of text‐rich homerooms, with an

equilibrium of educational and scholarly texts, is an obligation regarding all K-12 educators".

They continue to take note that as students’ progress into auxiliary school, the Common Core

suggests 70 percent enlightening texts be utilized in the homeroom to help students in how

they might interpret points. This is with the expectation that students become free inquirers

(IBO, 2013) with a thirst also, enthusiasm for information. Making a "text-rich" study hall

requires exertion and examination yet it is worth the effort. As Painter (n.d.) states, that

educator examination can "significantly affect the turn of events and needs for schoolwide

preparation and evaluation endeavors". Fortunately for Mr. Stevens, there is now a great deal
of companion evaluated research on this theme as well as assets made by viable instructors to

assist him with picking valuable texts.

The Chosen Texts

One issue that the students might confront while concentrating on a point, for example, this

one is the contrasts in the way of life and knowing the standards of the period. Therefore, a

decent source would be the British Library. Specifically, a text, for example, Discovering

Literature: Romantics and Victorians (2017) is an important instrument for finding out about

the normal practices and decorum of the that is all. This assortment of assets contains pictures

from texts of the time and makes sense of them in truly available ways. Students would have

the option to see that life was altogether different in this period and would hence comprehend

the reason why a portion of the writers will likewise study insinuated nature among different

things, to show their sentiments.

The asset frames the distinction for people and shows the sort of things that were distributed

as guides for how to act. It incorporates a distribution from a kids' magazine so they can

perceive how youngsters were acquainted with these thoughts. There is likewise a convenient

rundown of inquiries to consider and a couple of other recommended readings so the students

have the chance to freely foster their examination. Each record in this asset is reported with

its date and spot as well as its organization of distribution which can likewise help as a device

for showing legitimate references which will be important as the students’ progress to college

study. Another significant asset is taking a gander at the workmanship made during this

period. The Victoria, what's more, the Albert Museum site has a page committed to the

heartfelt practice in British composition 1800-1950. (Victoria and Albert Museum, 2013).
A large number of the writers at the time were either painters themselves or intensely

impacted by the specialty of the period, this would give one more knowledge into the feelings

communicated in the expressions of the sonnets that may not be promptly obvious to current

students. By utilizing a scope of level texts (Schoenbach et al, 2012) students approach a

more extensive comprehension of the setting in which the sonnets were composed, the

considerations and sensations of the writers and the manners by which they would have been

gotten by the British public.


Berger, R., Woodfin, L., Plaut, S. N., Dobbertin, C. B., & Woodfin, L. (2014).
Transformational literacy: Making the common core shift with work that matters. John
Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Discovering Literature: Romantics and Victorians. British Library. (2017). Retrieved

February 6, 2022, from
texts-genderbehaviour- and-etiquette

IBO. (2013). The IB learner profile. Retrieved from

Painter, D. D. (n.d.). Teacher research could change your practice. National Education

Schoenbach, R., Greenleaf, C., Murphy, L., Cziko, C., & Hurwitz, L. (2012). Reading for
understanding: How reading apprenticeship improves disciplinary learning in
secondary and college classrooms. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Victoria and Albert Museum, D. M. (2013, October 23). The

romantic tradition in British painting 1800-1950. The Romantic Tradition in British
Painting 1800- 1950. Retrieved February 6, 2022, from

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