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Vol. IX, No. 82, 10 th Waxing of Waso 1384 ME Thursday, 7 July 2022

Five-Point Road Map of the State Administration Council

1. The Union Election Commission will be reconstituted and its mandated tasks, including the scrutiny of voter lists, shall be implemented in
accordance with the law.
2. Effective measures will be taken with added momentum to prevent and manage the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Actions will be taken to ensure the speedy recovery of businesses from the impact of COVID-19.
4. Emphasis will be placed on achieving enduring peace for the entire nation in line with the agreements set out in the Nationwide Ceasefire
5. Upon accomplishing the provisions of the state of emergency, free and fair multiparty democratic elections will be held in line with the 2008
Constitution, and further work will be undertaken to hand over State duties to the winning party in accordance with democratic standards.

Only when the scrutiny has been completed over

the ground survey for the whole nation will correct
statistics reach the national database set up by the State
Administration Council: Vice-Senior General

State Administration Council Vice-Chair Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win presides over the work coordination meeting of compiling the voter lists for the election, in
Nay Pyi Taw on 6 July 2022.

ELEVANT departments eral Soe Win at the work coordi- citizenship scrutiny cards were members of the Tatmadaw and two months.
can verify the data in a nation meeting of compiling the compiled and these were put into the Myanmar Police Force and In the second phase, data
rapid manner by apply- voter lists for the election at the the data. The process was imple- volunteers, totalling over 3,600 from Form 66/6 will be checked
ing the facts and figures from the office of SAC Chairman in Nay mented by those from relevant with the use of more than 3,000 with statistics from Form (4).
national database main server, Pyi Taw yesterday afternoon. departments from regions and computers. They could put more Only when the second phase pro-
said Vice-Chairman of the State Speaking at the meeting, the states, election commission staff, than 51 million already-issued cess is complete will field trips
Administration Council Deputy Vice-Senior General said that as personnel from the Ministry of citizenship scrutiny cards to be made to the grassroots level
Prime Minister Vice-Senior Gen- of 21 April, data on already issued Immigration and Population, computer data till 21 June within SEE PAGE-3



Lahu Democratic Union Information Nationwide top- Private investment
Union-LDU peace Minister inspects scoring students called to develop six
delegation arrives The Global New for 2022 matric exam new hydropower
in Nay Pyi Taw Light of Myanmar visit Thailand projects
7 JULY 2022

Broader outlook and farsightedness

Everyone who knows the world’s history can consider that the nation-building task is too
difficult to avoid encountering various kinds of ups and downs in this mundane world.
Therefore, with a broader outlook and farsightedness, we shall seize whatever opportunity
we have. That’s the way we love Myanmar. We can build our Myanmar.
(Excerpt from the broadcasting speech made by Bogyoke Aung San to the national peoples in November 1944)

Announcement for opening reception centres to receive CDM

staff, students and youths
THE State Administration Council has been striving for the all-round development of the country including economic, social, education and health sectors. In addition,
security forces are performing their duties day and night so that the entire mass of national people in various regions across the Union should be able to lead their lives
and earn their living in the peace of mind. The State Administration Council gives priority to achieving genuine and perpetual peace, building up the united strength
of the national brethren.
In order to prevent the unnecessary loss of human resources, the State Administration Council has publicly invited the basic education staff who are absent from
duty to resume their duties and those who take part in armed resistance under various names of groups, including PDFs, to return to the legal fold if they wish to, and
is systematically receiving the returnees.
It is found that, due to the persuasion, instigation and coercion of CRPH and NUG terrorist groups, some CDM staff, students and youths went to the strongholds
of some ethnic armed organizations and received training in arms, ammunition and explosives.
It is known that some of those who have completed the training no longer want to be involved in terrorist attacks and so they fled to the regions within and without
the country and are working there for their living. When they see terrorist attacks with their own eyes, they cannot accept such terrible acts at all. On the other hand,
they have come to believe in the government’s five-point roadmap and its endeavour for durable peace. Moreover, they want to live peacefully in their hometowns
again with their parents and relatives. Nevertheless, they cannot do so because of the coercion and intimidation by CRPH and NUG terrorist groups and their sub-
ordinates, it is learnt.
Therefore, the government is taking measures to be able to open reception centres in border areas for those who would like to return homes to their respective
regions. Moreover, those wishing to return home can contact Tatmadaw units and police stations. It is guaranteed that they will be able to lead their daily lives peacefully.

Information Team
State Administration Council

Lahu Democratic Union-LDU peace Earthquakes hit inside and outside

Myanmar two times within day
delegation arrives in Nay Pyi Taw
EARTHQUAKES jolted inside seconds MST yesterday.
and outside Myanmar two On the same day, an earth-
times in one day, according to quake of magnitude 4.7 Rich-
the reports of the Department ter Scale with its epicentre
of Meteorology and Hydrology. outside Myanmar (Andaman
A slight earthquake of Islands, India Region), latitude
magnitude 3.7 Richter Scale 10.75°N, longitude 94.20°E,
with its epicentre inside My- depth of 31 kilometres, struck
anmar hit the area, about 5 the area, about 440 miles
miles north of Namsang, lati- south-southwest of the Kaba
tude 20.97°N, longitude 97.72°E, Aye seismological observato-
depth eight kilometres, about ry at 14 hours 31 minutes 13
six miles north-northwest of seconds MST, stated the De-
Namsang seismological obser- partment of Meteorology and
vatory at 16 hours 01 minute 40 Hydrology. — DMH/GNLM

The Lahu Democratic Union-LDU peace delegation is seen being welcomed on their arrival at Nay Pyi Taw Airport.

AS Chairman of the State Ad- Taw from Tachilek yesterday. and ethnic people from the De-
ministration Council Prime Min- The delegation was seen off partment of Fine Arts holding
ister Senior General Min Aung at Tachilek airport by officials miniature State flags and plac-
Hlaing on 22 April called for of Tachilek Station of Triangle ards bearing, “Perpetual peace
peace talks with ethnic armed Region Command, departments is the real aspiration of the peo-
organizations-EAOs to restore concerned, political parties and ple”, “Achieving peace is the true
perpetual peace in the country residents. desire of all citizens”, “Let’s hold
and make an end to the armed On arrival at the airport in talks for peace in the Union”,
conflicts, a peace delegation led Nay Pyi Taw, the delegation was “Only the ethnic nationalities
by General Secretary Kyar Sol- welcomed by members of the are in unity, stability, peace and
omon of the Lahu Democratic National Solidarity and Peace- tranquillity will be achieved”.
Union-LDU arrived in Nay Pyi making Negotiation Committee — MNA
7 JULY 2022

Tatmadaw will implement harmoniously with the people for national politics
WE, soldiers, always have to safeguard our three main national causes: Non-disintegration of the Union, Non-disintegration of the National Solidarity, Perpetuation
of Sovereignty as a national duty for the Union in which over 100 ethnic people live. National affairs mean safeguarding national interests, and religion, , traditional
culture and customs. Let the nation be led by any political system or any government, as our national policy, Tatmadaw has to maintain the Three Main National
Causes concerning all nationalities. I would like to urge that Tatmadaw will implement harmoniously with the people for national politics.

(Excerpt from the message sent by Republic of the Union of Myanmar State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General
Maha Thray Sithu Min Aung Hlaing on the occasion of 74th Anniversary Union Day which fell on 12 February 2021)

Only when the scrutiny has been completed over the ground
survey for the whole nation will correct statistics reach ...
FROM PAGE-1 Administration Council. Rel- manner. If so, the election will Soe reported on countercheck- compiling the correct voter
evant departments can verify be free and fair, correct and ac- ing the process for ensuring lists.
to do cross-checks among re- the data in a rapid manner by curate. That is why they have correct voter lists, Union Min- The chairman of Nay Pyi
gions and states. Only when applying the facts and figures to continuously cooperate with ister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Taw Council, chief ministers
the scrutiny has been complet- from the national database the ministry in the collection Soe Htut on the collection of of regions and states and offi-
ed over the ground survey for main server. Hence, it is nec- of immigration data to benefit the population in regions and cials discussed the collection
the whole nation will correct essary to systematically carry the citizens and departments. states and Union Minister for of immigration data. The meet-
statistics reach the national out the work programmes in Chairman of the Union Immigration and Population ing ended with remarks by the
database set up by the State Phase II and III in a timely Election Commission U Thein U Khin Yi on cooperation for Vice-Senior General. — MNA

Union Information Minister inspects The Global New

Light of Myanmar
UNION Minister for Information is necessary to assess the real
U Maung Maung Ohn inspected situation of the people and get
The Global New Light of Myan- the true information to make the
mar newspaper publishing house country and the people more in-
located on Nga Htet Gyi Pagoda volved. Afterwards, the Union
Road in Bahan Township, Yan- minister inspected the editori-
gon, yesterday morning. al department and the printing
During the meeting with room.
the employees of the newspa- In the afternoon, the Union
per, the general manager, the minister met officials from the
chief editor and members of the Centre for Myanmar Affairs Stud-
editorial department explained ies at the Information and Public
the circumstances of the news- Relations Department (IPRD) on
paper’s transformation in form Pansodan Road. He also inspect-
and essence. ed the major renovation work of
The Union minister dis- the Yangon Region IPRD office.
cussed the future position of The In the evening, the Union
Global New Light of Myanmar minister cordially met Myanmar
newspaper, adding the need to Pyi Thein Tan and artistes who
make it better, to make the news were filming the “Song Diary” MoI Union Minister U Maung Maung Ohn meets the employees of The Global New Light of Myanmar
interesting as the Ministry of In- programme to present the Friday English newspaper yesterday.
formation is working to dissemi- Night Show at the Myanma Radio
nate the true information to the and Television and watched the gramme will be broadcast by programme will include Myan- Hlaing as performers, and actors
people in various ways. He said filming of their performance. MRTV HD on Friday night at mar Pyi Thein Tan, Saw Dan- Nay Dwe and Thinzar Myint Mo
that as a State-owned media, it The “Song Diary” pro- around 9 pm on 8 July 2022. The iel, Cho Mie Mie Zaw and Ei Ei as presenters. — MNA

11 new cases of COVID-19 reported on 6 July, total figure rises to 613,683

MYANMAR’S COVID-19 positive cases rose to 613,683 after 11 new cases were reported on 6 July 2022 according to the Ministry of Health. Among these confirmed cases,
592,606 have been discharged from hospitals. Death toll still stands at 19,434 without more casualties.
COVID-19 vaccine is being injected to those of priority groups in regions and states for prevention and control of the disease. Up to 5-7-2022, a total of 29,937,340 people
above 18 have been vaccinated. A total of 5,595,894 people under 18 have been vaccinated. —MNA
7 JULY 2022

MoC Union Minister calls for ways to tackle

challenges of changing trade patterns
UNION Minister for Commerce Chairman of the Myan-
Dr Pwint San called for discus- mar Rice Federation U Ye Min
sions on ways to overcome the Aung discussed the status of
challenges in each sector due the priority procedures for the
to changes in trade patterns, continuous development of rice
including changes in product export, domestic production, ex-
quality standards, new forms of ports adjusted to the needs of
purchase, and export patterns. the local livestock industry, ex-
The Union minister re- ports of rice products and high-
marked at the virtual coordi- grade rice, and issues related to
nation meeting on the contin- state’s assistance on the export
uous development of the rice licence application.
export process held yesterday Afterwards, officials from
morning. At the meeting, he also relevant organizations who at-
said the need to work together tended the meeting discussed
for those who are involved in the needs of each sector
the process from cultivation throughout the process from
to export, and the need to ex- agricultural production to ex-
port the surplus by adjusting port for the development of the
to the domestic consumption rice sector, and the Union min-
and the domestic livestock food ister coordinated the meeting.
demands. — MNA

Nationwide top-scoring students for 2022 matric

exam visit Thailand
UNDER the guidance of the sunset, Pattaya Beach, Pattaya
Chairman of the State Admin- floating market and mountain
istration Council, the 33 top pagodas. They also visited Asi-
students who excelled in the atique and took a Chao Phraya
Matriculation Exam 2022 with River Cruise along the river.
the highest marks in the whole The students were also
of Myanmar, accompanied by treated to lunch at the Myanmar
teachers and officials, made an Embassy in Bangkok and spent
excursion to Thailand on 4 and the night at Holiday Inn Hotel.
5 July. In honour of the outstand-
Upon arrival at the Suvarn- ing students who excelled in the
abhumi Airport on 4 July, they 2022 Matriculation Examination
were received by officials from in various subjects, the Minis-
the Myanmar Embassy in Bang- try of Education, following the
kok, Thailand. During the two- guidance of the Chairman of the
day excursion in Thailand, they State Administration Council,
visited the Emerald Buddha, arranged the trip to enable the
Siam Ocean World, Madame students to have international
Tussauds Museum, Assumption experience and cultivate patri-
University, Baiyoke Tower for otism. — MNA

Daily newspapers available online

FOR those who would like to read the Myanma Alinn, the Kyemon and the Global New Light of Myanmar, published daily by the Ministry of Information, please visit,, and
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7 JULY 2022

Private investment called to develop six new hydropower projects

THE Department of Hydro- nouncement form are available
power Implementation of the at
Ministry of Electric Power In Myanmar, there are 27
have invited open tenders to hydropower plants with a ca-
develop six new hydropower pacity of 10 MW and 35 plants
projects with private invest- under 10 MW. These plants
ment. produce more than 3,000 MW.
The ministry invited hy- It is learned that project
dropower companies inter- developers can take at least
ested in the project to be im- three years to study the ground
plemented in Phone In Kha, conditions of the project area,
Kasan Ye, Namhmeseng, Nam geological conditions, rainfall,
Kan, Nam Tabat (Kayah) and water flow rate, water storage
upper Hsedawgyi. potential, and amount of elec-
The statement added that tricity to be produced. — TWA/
interested companies need to GNLM
conduct feasibility reports.
Tender forms will be on sale The photo shows an aerial view
until 8 August and bids must of the upper Yeywa Hydropower
be submitted by 18 Novem- Project site.
ber. Details of the tender an-

Instructions made to use US

CBM releases lists
dollars for border trade
THE Foreign Exchange Super- ings within 45 days, and within hall on the Chinshwehaw border
exempted from
visory Committee released a
statement saying to use only US
90 days if we export to other
countries,” said U San from the
and the banking entrepreneurs
can make enquiries. The yuan
exchange regulations
dollars to trade rice, bean, corn Bayintnaung Wholesale Centre. account opening and payment for
and edible crops at Myanmar’s Moreover, four offices of imports/exports using yuan can
border trading points on 2 July. the Myanma Economic Bank be made at these offices on 4 July.
Previously, the authorities al- and private banks were opened The exporting earnings re-
lowed Myanmar kyats instead of at Kokang Self-Administered ceived from border trade must
yuan and baht at China and Thai Zone and Chinshwehaw border be deposited at CBM’s reference
border trade camps and now they with the help of CBM due to the rate of K1,850 and those who fail
instructed traders to use only US proposals of Chinshwehaw bor- to do so will be blacklisted and
dollars starting this month. der trade points and chambers licences will be revoked.
The action aims to harmo- of commerce, according to Kun- The dollar was used in bor-
nize the fixed export prices and long-Hopan-Chinshwehaw-Lauk- der trading previously and the
trade via the sea route, the state- kai border trade chambers of current system is only for the
ment said. commerce. sea route trade payment system.
“We have to trade as per the The offices of the Myanma If the CBM grants the needed
reference exchange rates of the Economic Bank, Myanma Apex dollars in full, the business per-
Central Bank of Myanmar. When Bank, AYA Bank, KBZ Bank, sons can operate their business-
we export to Asian countries, we and United Amara Bank will be es properly, said U San from the Central Bank of Myanmar (Yangon Branch).
have to deposit the export earn- established at the Wamgli hotel wholesale centre. — TWA/GNLM
THE Central Bank of Myanmar released a list exempted
Lorries are pictured transporting freight on one land from exchange regulations.
border. The Foreign Exchange Supervisory Committee held
a meeting regarding Notification 12/2022 of the CBM
issued in April.
The list included the Woori Bank Representative
Office and foreign accounts at the Myanma Foreign
Trade Bank, Panjab National Bank, Yangon Represent-
ative Office, China National Oil Corporation (Myanmar
Branch), Thilawa and Dawei SEZs management commit-
tee companies, Kyaukpyu SEZ Development Committee
and Kyaukpyu SEZ Deep Seaport Company.
The companies with ten per cent and above foreign
investment, foreign direct investment and businesses in
SEZs are also exempted from the exchange regulations.
7 JULY 2022

Entrepreneur planning to embark on waste to energy business

AN entrepreneur called U Thant bris and municipal waste, I will Waste plastic is compressed into
Zin Tun is planning to execute connect to the municipal offices. two square feet blocks and then,
plastic waste to energy start-up. The objective behind this start- they are put into a pyrolysis re-
“I am trying to start on plas- up is to offer oil at a cheaper rate actor. Industrial fuel like fur-
tic to fuel recycling. I plan to than the current fuel prices for nace oil is produced after they
produce 10 to 20 barrels of oil the low-income family and small are refined and blended with
per day. This start-up is expect- businesses,” U Thant Zin Tun the chemical. The oil is put into
ed to commence in July. The elaborated. Catalytic Cracking Unit and pro-
project is located in Myittha, He carried out a pilot pro- ceeds to the depolymerization
Mandalay Region. I will convert ject with a small plant which process. He managed to manu-
waste plastic into fuel oil on a has a daily capacity of 20 gal- facture catalysts himself as the
commercial one,” said U Thant lons of diesel out of waste imported ones are expensive. As
Zin Tun. plastic in Butalin Township, a result of this, it is cost-effec-
Waste plastic oil with pyrol- Monywa District, Sagaing Re- tive. The oil from the Catalytic
ysis process will be upgraded to gion in 2015. He demonstrated Cracking Unit is blended so it
meet the quality of gasoline and his successful effort by drov- has to pass the refinery unit to
diesel. There are three to five ing tractors and agricultural produce standard gasoline and
An invented mini-plant is pictured processing plastic to energy. workers in this small business. machines with diesel-gen- diesel with chemical treatment.
In order to collect plastic de- erated from waste plastic. — Lu Lay/GNLM

Illegal timbers, household electronics, Traffickers sentenced to
consumer goods and vehicles seized jail for human trafficking
THE Pathein District Court earnings were exploited by
sentenced two men to impris- Win Naing Oo.
onment with labour for their The suspect was pros-
role in trafficking victims to ecuted at the Kangyidaunt
fishing industries on 30 June. Myoma police station under
The victims U …, aged Sections 25/ 32 of the Anti-Traf-
50, Ko…, aged 38 and Mg…, ficking in Persons Law. Sim-
aged 19, from Kangyidaunt ilarly, Pathein District Court
township of Ayeyawady Re- sentenced him to seven years
gion were convinced that they imprisonment with labour un-
would earn K150,000 in the der Section 25 of the Anti-Traf-
fishing industry of Hainggyi ficking in Persons Law.
island by Win Naing Oo from The victims U …, aged 44,
Kangyidaunt township of Ay- U…., aged 55 and Mg…, aged
Seized electronics at Yangon International Airport. eyawady Region. 24, from Thaboung township of
The suspect was pros- Ayeyawady Region, were sent
SUPERVISED by the Anti-Ille- official documents on 4 July. (Madama) worth K68,310 in ecuted at the Kangyidaunt to a fishing raft in Westmee
gal Trade Steering Committee, In addition, the Ma- Myeik township and a motor Myoma police station under village of Pyapon township by
effective action is being taken yanchaung Permanent Check- boat and accessories worth Sections 25/32 of the Anti-Traf- Win Naing Oo from Kangy-
to prevent illegal trade under point confiscated K1,805,208 K19,052,760 in Kyunsu township. ficking in Persons Law. Sim- idaunt township and Hla San
the law. worth of household electron- The action was taken under the ilarly, Pathein District Court from Ngaputaw township of
Under the instructions of ics that exceeded the Import Forest Law. sentenced him to ten years Ayeyawady Region, and the
the Chairman of the Anti-Illicit Declaration (ID) from a vehi- Afterwards, an unregis- imprisonment with labour victims’ earnings were ex-
Trade Task Force, an on-duty cle heading from Myawady to tered Honda Odyssey car worth under Section 25 of the An- ploited by them.
team made inspections at the Yangon on 5 July. The action K2 million was confiscated on ti-Trafficking in Persons Law The suspects were prose-
Yangon International Airport on was taken under the Customs the Pyapon-Kyonekadun Road on 30 June. cuted at the Thaboung Myoma
4 July, according to information. Procedures. in Pyapon township, and the ac- In addition, the victims U police station under Sections
Officials confiscated 100 Afterwards, a total of 0.7214 tion was taken under the Export …, aged 44, Ko…, aged 30 and 25/32 of the Anti-Trafficking in
Yoma watches and 64 le Plant- tonne of illegal timbers worth and Import Law. U…, aged 48, from Thaboung Persons Law. Similarly, the
eur watches worth K8.2 million K50,498 were confiscated in the At the Kawkareik (Tada- township of Ayeyawady Re- Pathein District Court sen-
and a pair of Drone, GPS-Smart East Yoma forest reserve of Sin- kyoe) Combined Checkpoint gion were sent to the fishing tenced them to seven years
Drone worth K150,000 without baungwe township of Thayet seized 21 car tyres of a Chinese industry in Hsin village of Ye imprisonment with labour
official documents which were district on 4 July. The action was brand worth K2,940,000 that township by Win Naing Oo each under Section 25 of the
hidden with languages. The ac- taken under the Forest Law. showed no declaration in the from Kangyidaunt township of Anti-Trafficking in Persons
tion was prosecuted under the In addition, on 5 July, the Import Declaration (ID) from a Ayeyawady Region, and their Law. — MNA
Customs Procedures. combined inspection team con- truck under the supervision of
Similarly, a patrol combined ducted the inspections under Kayin State Anti-Illegal Trade
team made inspections at the the Taninthayi Region Anti-Il- Task Force on 6 July.
Yepu Permanent Checkpoint in legal Trade Task Force. In addition, a total of
Shan State under the Customs Officials captured a total 12.1070 tonnes of illegal teak,
Department. They captured 250 of 0.5888 tonne of illegal tim- hardwood and other timbers
pairs of shoe worth K375,000 bers worth K70,656 in Bokpyin (approximately K5,921,286) in
and mobile phone accessories township, a total of 22.77 cubic the Bago and Toungoo districts.
worth K2,880,000 without any tonnes of mangrove firewood — MNA
7 JULY 2022

India likely to import 50,000-75,000 tonnes of black grams

INDIA is possible to import flecting an increase of K240,000
50,000-75,000 tonnes of black per tonne.
gram (urad in India) and they India is facing a crop yield
will purchase black gram from drop under drought conditions
Myanmar to keep them in re- and declining sowing acres this
serve, according to a report monsoon season. Their growers
cited by the Agri World Mumbai. are increasingly cultivating cot-
India’s government has ton and soybean. The sowing
110,000 tonnes of green gram acres of rice and various pulses
(Moong), 20,000 tonnes of black dropped. The areas of urad fell
gram (urad), 9,000 tonnes of pi- from 194,000 hectares to 93,000
geon peas (tur) and 7,000 tonnes hectares in 2022. Moreover, Pa-
of red lentils (Masoor) as buffer kistan, which is also a pulses
stock. supplier to India, has also black
India has a growing de- gram yield drop this year.
mand for pulses and the prices India, the main buyer of My-
of pulses in India remain on an anmar’s black grams, has a high
upward trend.   consumption of black grams.
Myanmar Trade Promo- Furthermore, it reexports them
Merchants are seen evaluating beans and pulses in the Mandalay market.
tion Organization (Aya Trade to the external market after pro-
Centre) notified the traders of cessing the grams. The annual
the policy changes in India to consumption of black grams in partners between 1 April and 24 lion worth of over two million Myanmar yearly produces
control price fluctuation and India is estimated at 2.7-2.8 mil- June 2022 in the current finan- tonnes of various pulses to for- approximately 400,000 tonnes
prevent inflated pulses prices.   lion tonnes. cial year 2022-2023. The country eign trade partners last finan- of black gram and about 50,000
Myanmar’s black gram India extended relaxations shipped $273.897 million worth cial year 2020-2021. The coun- tonnes of pigeon peas. Myan-
prices stood over K1.7 million of conditions regarding clear- of over 349,530 tonnes of pulses try shipped $966.4 million-value mar is the top producer of the
per tonne owing to the robust ance consignment for black and beans to foreign markets in 1.24 million tonnes of pulses black gram which is primarily
demand by India and low inven- gram and pigeon peas until 31 through the sea route, and over and beans to foreign markets demanded by India, while pi-
tory in the market. March 2023. 109,688.76 tonnes worth $72.984 through the sea route, and geon peas, green grams and
On 1 June, the black gram Myanmar conveyed million were sent to the neigh- $604.3 million-value in 786,920 chickpeas are cultivated in
was worth K1,456,500 per tonne, US$346.881 million worth of bouring countries through the tonnes were sent to the neigh- Australia and African coun-
whereas the price surged to K1.7 over 459,219 tonnes of various land border. bouring countries through the tries besides Myanmar. — NN/
million per tonne on 30 June, re- beans and pulses to foreign trade Myanmar exported $1.57 bil- land border. GNLM

Yangon Stock Exchange records K200 mln trading value in June

THE stock trading value of seven Only K4.63 billion valued in
listed companies on the Yangon 887,969 shares by seven listed
Stock Exchange (YSX) amount- companies were traded on the
ed to K200.63 million with 40,062 exchange in 2021, showing a sig-
shares in June, the Yangon Stock nificant drop of 63 per cent as
Exchange’s monthly price data against 2020, according to the
indicated. annual report released by the
Trading of 61,435 shares val- exchange.
ued at K282 million was recorded In 2020, K12.6 billion worth
on the exchange in January 2022 of 1.87 million shares by six listed
and the trading volume rose to companies were traded on YSX,
80,291 shares in February, with whereas over 2.4 million shares
an estimated value of K414.9 mil- from five listed companies, val-
lion. A total of 52,408 shares with ued at K13.39 billion, were traded
an estimated value of K233.634 on the exchange in 2019.
million were traded on the ex- The YSX was launched four
change in March. The trading years ago to improve the private
value slightly rose to K276 mil- Share traders look on the index panel at the Yangon Bourse. business sector. It disseminates
lion with 53,059 shares traded rules and regulations regarding
on the exchange in April. The Bank (MCB), First Private Bank K2,500 for TMH, K2,600 for EFR September 2020 in order to pro- the stock exchange and knowl-
equity market saw K314 million (FPB), TMH Telecom Public Co. and K4,800 for AMATA respec- vide unlisted public companies edge of share trading through
worth 55,024 shares traded in Ltd (TMH), the Ever Flow Riv- tively in June. with fund-raising opportunities stock investment webinars and
May, according to the monthly er Group Public Co., Ltd (EFR) Regardless of the collapse of and build a bridge toward listing training courses.
report of the YSX. and Amata Holding Public Co., the stock markets worldwide, the on YSX. Those enthusiastic can also
At present, shares of seven Ltd. (AMATA) were traded in the local equities market has been Next, the Securities and Ex- join the YSX Telegram channel
listed companies — First My- equity market. The share prices able to continue operating with- change Commission of Myanmar to get easy access to daily stock
anmar Investment (FMI), My- per unit were closed at K7,400 for out stopping trading. (SECM) has allowed foreigners market updates, event info, mar-
anmar Thilawa SEZ Holdings FMI, K2,650 for MTSH, K7,100 Additionally, YSX launched to invest in the local equity mar- ket research and investor learn-
(MTSH), Myanmar Citizens for MCB, K17,500 for FPB, and a pre-listing board (PLB) on 28 ket since 20 March 2020. ing tips. — KK/GNLM
7 JULY 2022

Weather Report

Modernize social
security measures to No breeding, no bleeding Myanmar Daily Weather Report
(Issued at 7:00 pm Wednesday 6 July 2022)

benefit insured workers By Chit Ko Pe

BAY INFERENCE: Monsoon is moderate to strong over the

Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.
HEN nightfall sets children with initial symptoms of cerned, people are used to say- adult, it takes about 7 days. To
in, there is a buzzing bleeding from the nose, mouth ing: “Prevention is better than lay eggs, female adult mosquitos

HE harmonious tripartite collaboration among the govern- whine here and there. and gums. Some bruises on the cure”. I observe that the said prefer stagnant and still, water • Engage a pest control coils or heat up mosquito
Rain or thundershowers will be scattered in Nay Pyi Taw, Man-
ment, the employers and the employees aims to emerge The tone is soft, but it is annoying skin signify internal bleeding. phrase misses out a chrono- that is usually found in storm- service provider to de- repellent vaporizers
dalay, Magway Regions and Kachin State, fairly widespread
peaceful and tranquil workplaces in accord with the existing and terrifying. How pesky it is! The disease is named dengue logical word between the ones water drains, flower-plant pots, stroy mosquito habitats • Keep personal hygiene
in Sagaing Region and widespread in the remaining regions
labour laws with planning to develop the nation. Given the clues of protec- haemorrhagic fever (DHF). The -“prevention” and “cure”. It is vases, buckets, discarded con- if found • Stay in an illuminated and and states with isolated heavyfalls in Bago, Taninthayi Regions
The Ministry of Labour is joining hands with regional and tive measures taken around patient’s worse conditions can “protection”. “Cure” is the last tainers, blocked gutters, used ventilated area and Rakhine, Kayin, Mon States. Degree of certainty is (100%).
international organizations in managing labour affairs while cre- the house, one can tell that it is develop into dengue shock syn- attempt in a health management tyres, etc. Generally, mosquitos Bleeding • Wear full clothing that
ating the chances for employees to have entitlement mentioned in none other than the mosquito. drome (DSS). system. In a safety context, “pre- prefer to dwell in cool, dark and Only female mosquitos suck minimizes skin exposure STATE OF THE SEA: Squall with moderate to rough seas
the labour law, ensure worksite safety, seek proper jobs, arrange Mosquito-proof screen shields In this monsoon season in vention” is used to describe a pre- humid places like desolate cor- blood that produces a protein to mosquitoes are likely at times off and along Myanmar Coasts. Surface wind
safe migration, giving training to workers to have skills, provide at windows and doors, mosquito Myanmar, the period from July cautionary measure against the ners at home and shady foliage to mature their eggs. When an • Set up a mosquito net in speed in squalls may reach (30-35) mph. Wave height will be
social protection as well as healthcare services to the employees. nets in bed, mosquito sprays and to August is notoriously noted hazard, and “protection” against in a garden. infected female mosquito bites the bed about (7-9) feet in off and along Myanmar Coasts.
The social security project covers 1.13 million insured work- mosquito repellent coils are to for peak transmission of dengue. risk respectively. And so is the for its blood meal, the bitten per-
ers from 116 countries with healthcare services and issuance of name a few. They stand essential Yes, dengue disease is an a-year- “cure” for disease. Prevention Prevention against breeding son gets the virus through its Cure OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Likelihood
compensation and cash assis- to keep mosquitos at bay. round risk for people living here. precedes protection. Protection • Dispose of solid waste saliva left on his or her flesh. It It is in the hands of medical of strong monsoon over the Andaman Sea and south Bay of
tance. To be able to provide A mosquito bite is a tiny red Other parts of the world are not precedes cure. Why not, let’s set properly is learnt that a female mosquito doctors. To date, there is neither Bengal.
healthcare services, the SSB spot on the skin but belies a viral spared, too. The report posted our minds on prevention first to • Remove stagnant water is attracted for its blood meal a curable vaccine nor specific
Achieving success established three workers’ infection in the body through the by the World Health Organiza- deter any chance of trouble at from the ground depres- by body odour, carbon dioxide, treatment available for dengue FORECAST FOR NAY PYI TAW AND NEIGHBOURING
for an organization hospitals, 78 branches of the bloodstream. A few days after tion (WHO) on 10 January 2022 its very inception. So, it is the sion and heat emitted. As mentioned fever. Supportive care serves as AREA FOR 7 July 2022: Isolated rain or thundershowers.
board, 96 township clinics, one being bitten by an infected mos- reads: “The global incidence of hazard of mosquito breeding that • Get domestic water stor- above, severe dengue fever can a sole option with the intake of Degree of certainty is (100%).
needs a smooth traditional medicine clinic and quito, the person experiences dengue has grown dramatical- our consideration is drawn first, age containers covered, cause bleeding internally and/or fever reducers and pain killers to
process to give 57 departmental clinics. some symptoms of fever, nausea, ly with about half of the world’s followed by the risk of human emptied and cleaned dai- externally. control the symptoms of muscle FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING AREA
Moreover, the SSB coop- vomit, rash, headache, eye pain, population now at risk. Although flesh bleeding. ly aches and pains, and fever. FOR 7 July 2022: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree
services to the erates with private clinics and joint and muscle pain before de- an estimated 100-400 million in- • Change fresh water in Protection against bleeding So, it boils down to the root of certainty is (100%).
people as well signed agreements with them veloping into a dengue disease. fections occur each year, over 80 Breeding the vases daily • Install window screens cause of mosquito breeding that
The life cycle of a mosquito • Apply insecticides on the • Spray mosquito repellent FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING
as those from to implement the free-for-ser- Though most cases are regarded per cent are generally mild and needs to be prevented to get us
AREA FOR 7 July 2022: Isolated rain or thundershowers.
vice payment-PPS system by as mild, some severe cases are asymptomatic.” has four stages namely egg, lar- depressed ground, storm liquid on the body protected from bleeding.
specific societies. observing the systems of social found serious and lethal among As long as health is con- va, pupa and adult. From egg to water drains and bushes • Burn mosquito repellent
Degree of certainty is (100%).

All work processes security boards abroad. In this

regard, the free-for-payment
should be eased,
New US study helps de-mystify Covid brain fog
system is being implemented
and responsible to run 12 social security clin-
ics and 24 SSB clinics through
officials need to capitation payment. To be able
analyze the status to give services to workers,

of the organizations
the SSB should be modernized This discovery could explain why some people have lingering effects from infection including headache, fatigue, loss of taste and smell, and inability
with better essence.
to catch up the The entitlements of in- to sleep as well as “brain fog” — and may also help devise new treatments for long Covid.
sured workers attract all
modernity. If so,

employees at various levels. SMALL new study pub- The paper, published in the cells lining the brain’s blood of events.” as targeted by the attack were
such organizations But, the SSB should arrange lished Tuesday by scien- the journal Brain, was based vessels, causing inflammation The nine individuals, aged severely disrupted, which had
a smooth process for the is- tists at the US National on brain autopsies from nine and damage. 24 to 73, were selected from the implications for things such as
will sustain their suance of cash assistance Institutes of Health suggests people who died suddenly after This discovery could explain team’s prior study because they their ability to de-toxify and to
positions with to insured pregnant female that the immune response trig- contracting the virus. why some people have lingering showed evidence of blood vessel regulate metabolism.
workers when they gave birth gered by coronavirus infections Rather than detecting evi- effects from infection including damage in their brains based The findings offer clues
success. under the rules of the SSB. damages the brain’s blood ves- dence of Covid in the brain, the headache, fatigue, loss of taste on scans. about the biology at play in pa-
It is necessary to issue cash sels and could be responsible for team found it was the people’s and smell, and inability to sleep Their brains were compared tients with long-term neurolog-
assistance which is one of the long Covid symptoms. own antibodies that attacked as well as “brain fog” — and may to those from 10 controls, with ical symptoms, and can inform
entitlements for insured workers without delay. also help devise new treatments the team examining neuroin- new treatments — for example,
Moreover, the board should remove the red tape process in for long Covid. flammation and immune re- a drug that targets the build-up
the issuance of cash assistance and other entitlements to the NIH scientist Avindra Nath, sponses using a technique called of antibodies on the blood-brain
insured workers. Achieving success for an organization needs the paper’s senior author, said in immunohistochemistry. barrier.
a smooth process to give services to the people as well as those a statement: “Patients often de- The scientists discovered “It is quite possible that this
from specific societies. All work processes should be eased, and The findings offer clues about the velop neurological complications that antibodies produced against same immune response persists
responsible officials need to analyze the status of the organizations biology at play in patients with long- with COVID-19, but the underly- Covid-19 mistakenly targeted in Long COVID patients result-
to catch up the modernity. If so, such organizations will sustain ing pathophysiological process is cells that form the “blood-brain ing in neuronal injury,” said
their positions with success. term neurological symptoms, and not well understood.” barrier” — a structure designed Nath.
Actually, Myanmar’s SSB is a real service organization for
insured workers as well as all entire workers. In its chronicle, the
can inform new treatments — for ex- “We had previously shown
blood vessel damage and inflam-
to keep harmful invaders out of
the brain while allowing neces-
This would mean that a drug
that dials down that immune re-
SSB has been sustaining good records and successes in improving ample, a drug that targets the build- mation in patients’ brains at au- sary substances to pass. Normal cellular processes in the areas targeted by the attack were severely disrupted, which had implications
for things such as their ability to de-toxify and to regulate metabolism.  PHOTO: REPRESENTATIVE IMAGE/
sponse could help those patients,
the socio-economic life of the workers including insured employees.
Hence, the organization should give priority to serving the interests
up of antibodies on the blood-brain topsy, but we didn’t understand
the cause of the damage. I think
Damage to these cells can
cause leakage of proteins, bleed-
GETTY/AFP he added. “So these findings
have very important therapeu-
of the workers forever. barrier. in this paper we’ve gained im- ing and clots, which elevates the The leaks also trigger im- to rush to the site to repair dam- The team found that normal tic implications.”
portant insight into the cascade risk of stroke. mune cells called macrophages age, causing inflammation. cellular processes in the are- SOURCE: AFP
7 JULY 2022


Aussie researchers’ findings identify Italy declares drought

drug target for lung disease emergency in 5 northern
ia’s Centenary Institute and ITALY declared a state of emer- The state of emergency pro-
the University of Technology gency in five northern regions vides “extraordinary means and
Sydney (UTS) have identified and announced emergency powers” to help guarantee public
a new drug target for the treat- funds on Monday over a wors- safety, compensation for losses
ment and prevention of chronic ening drought that has plagued while seeking to guarantee nor-
obstructive pulmonary disease the Po Valley in recent weeks. mal living conditions for those
(COPD). The cabinet approved a state in the area. 
In a research published of emergency in five regions — According to the country’s
in the European Respirato- Friuli-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia largest agricultural union, Col-
ry Journal, researchers said Giulia, Lombardy, Piedmont and diretti, the drought threatens
the drug target is an enzyme Veneto — until 31 December, the more than 30 per cent of nation-
known as mast cell chymase-1 government said in a statement al agricultural production, and
(CMA1), as inhibiting the that also announced a 36.5 mil- half of the farms in the Po Valley,
equivalent enzyme in mice was lion-euro ($39.5 million) fund to where Parma ham is produced. 
shown to provide protection in help those affected. Italy is fac- Lakes Maggiore and Garda
experimental models of COPD. ing an unusually early heatwave were also hit by lower than nor-
In the study, researchers and a lack of rainfall, particularly mal water levels for this time
discovered elevated CMA1 in the northern agricultural Po of year, while further south the
levels in the lung tissues of Valley, which has been hit by its Tiber River, which runs through
patients with severe COPD, worst drought in 70 years.  Rome, also dropped. —AFP
the CMA1 levels were approx-
imately double of that found in
the lung tissue of mild-COPD Researchers at Australia’s Centenary Institute and the University
patients and healthy individ- of Technology Sydney (UTS) have identified a new drug target for
uals. the treatment and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease. UTS Tower is prominent landmark on Broadway at the
Subsequent investigation
southern gateway to Sydney’s central business district.   PHOTO:
in mice, an enzyme equiva-
lent of CMA1, plays a pivotal and impaired lung function in that can drive the development
role in COPD. Mice with de- experimental COPD. of COPD and poor outcomes
ficient mMCP5 levels were “CMA1 induces mac- for patients,” said Gang Liu,
protected against cigarette rophages (a type of white blood the study’s lead author and
smoke-induced inflammation, cell) to release pro-inflamma- researcher at the Centenary
macrophage accumulation, air- tory cytokines in the lung. It’s UTS Centre for Inflamma- Italy has declared a state of emergency in five northern regions amid the
way remodelling, emphysema this increased inflammation tion.—Xinhua worst drought in 70 years. Two women wade into Lake Bracciano, 32 km

Monsoon rains kill 77 in Pakistan Freeze-dried mice: how a

AT least 77 people have died
in monsoon rains lashing Pa-
14 June, when the monsoon
by downed power lines.
The monsoon, which usual-
new technique could help
kistan, the country’s climate “When people die like that, ly lasts from June to September, conservation
change minister said Wednes- it’s not a small thing... It is just is essential for irrigating crops
day, warning more heavi- the beginning. We have to pre- and replenishing lakes and JAPANESE scientists have successfully produced cloned mice
er-than-usual downpours lay pare for it.” dams across the Indian sub- using freeze-dried cells in a technique they believe could one day
ahead. “For me, it’s a national Most of the deaths were in continent, but each year also help conserve species and overcome challenges with current bio-
tragedy,” Sherry Rehman told a the southwestern province of brings a wave of destruction. banking methods.
news conference in the capital, Balochistan, where 39 people Poorly built homes across The United Nations has warned that extinctions are accelerating
adding the toll was taken from drowned or were electrocuted Pakistan — particularly in rural worldwide and at least a million species could disappear because
areas — are prone to collapse in of human-induced impacts like climate change.
floods, which also destroy huge Facilities have sprung up globally to preserve samples from
tracts of prime farmland. endangered species with the goal of preventing their extinction by
The worst floods of recent future cloning. These samples are generally cryopreserved using
times were in 2010 — covering liquid nitrogen or kept at extremely low temperatures, which can
almost a fifth of the country’s be costly and vulnerable to power outages.
landmass — killing nearly 2,000 They also usually involve sperm and egg cells, which can be
people and displacing 20 million. difficult or impossible to harvest from old or infertile animals.
Pakistan is the eighth most Scientists at Japan’s University of Yamanashi wanted to see
vulnerable country to extreme whether they could solve those problems by freeze-drying somatic
weather caused by climate cells — any cell that isn’t a sperm or egg cell — and attempting to
change, according to the Global produce clones. They experimented with two types of mice cells, and
Climate Risk Index compiled by found that, while freeze-drying killed them and caused significant
Commuters ride motorbikes along a street during a monsoon rains in environmental NGO German- DNA damage, they could still produce cloned blastocysts — a ball
Karachi.  PHOTO: AFP watch.—AFP of cells that develops into an embryo.—AFP
7 JULY 2022


Fresh Covid outbreaks put millions CureVac sues BioNTech over

COVID-19 vaccine patents
under lockdown in China
CUREVAC filed a lawsuit in statement.
TENS of millions of people were Germany against COVID-19 “CureVac does not seek an
under lockdown in China on vaccine developer BioNtech SE injunction nor intend to take
Wednesday as businesses in a and two of its subsidiaries for legal action that impedes the
major tourist city were forced to alleged patent infringement, production, sale or distribution
shut their doors and fresh clus- the biopharmaceutical com- of Comirnaty by BioNTech and
ters sparked fears of a return to pany said on Tuesday. its partner Pfizer,” it noted.
blanket restrictions. CureVac was seeking “fair At the beginning of the
Health authorities reported compensation” for the infringe- COVID-19 pandemic, Cure-
over 300 infections Wednesday, ment of intellectual property Vac was one of the promising
with clusters found in the historic rights used in the manufac- candidates in Germany for the
northern city of Xi’an — home to ture and sale of the Comirnaty rapid production of a vaccine.
the Terracotta Army — as well COVID-19 vaccine by BioNtech In the clinical trial, however,
as the country’s biggest city and its US partner Pfizer, the the vaccine showed too little
Shanghai. A deliveryman carries daily necessities at a residential area under German company said in a efficacy.— Xinhua
The fresh cases and the closed-off management in Xi’an, northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, 31
December 2021. Xi’an imposed closed-off management for communities
official response to them have and villages on 23 December in an effort to curb the spread of the latest
deepened fears that China may COVID-19 resurgence.  PHOTO: XINHUA/TAO MING/FILE
be set to return to the kinds of
strict restrictions seen earlier story, Putuo district is sending weekend, closing all karaoke bars
this year, when Beijing’s hard- out vegetables again,” read one Wednesday after some infections
line zero-Covid policy saw tens of resident’s viral WeChat post. were linked to six such venues.
millions locked down for weeks “I’m so nervous, the epidem- And Xi’an — a historic city of
on end. In Shanghai, some resi- ic has destroyed my youth. I’m 13 million that endured a month-
dents on social media Tuesday about to go crazy,” posted anoth- long lockdown at the end of last
reported receiving government er Shanghai-based Weibo user. year — was placed back under
food rations – a throwback to the Officials launched a new “temporary control measures”
month’s long confinement in the round of mass testing in over after 29 infections were found, CureVac N.V. (Nasdaq: CVAC), a biopharmaceutical company
developing a new class of transformative medicines based on
spring. half of the city’s districts after mostly among waste recycling
messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), and Rentschler Biopharma SE, a
“Let me tell you a scary a rebound in cases since the workers, since Saturday.—AFP leading global contract development and manufacturing organization
(CDMO) for biopharmaceuticals, announced on 1 February 2021 that
the companies have initiated the set-up of manufacturing capabilities

Philippine schools to fully reopen in for CureVac´s COVID-19 vaccine, CVnCoV.  PHOTO: RENTSCHLER/

THE Philippines will fully re- last to resume full-time in-per- with some governments slow
open all schools in November son classes since the pandemic to reopen classrooms even as World half marathon cancelled due to
for the first time in more than began, with schools shuttered vaccination rates increased. Covid fall-out
two years, President Ferdi- in March 2020 in tandem with “We have a plan for full face-
nand Marcos Jr said Tuesday, lengthy lockdowns. to-face (schooling) by Novem- THE World Athletics Half Marathon Championships due to take
as experts warn of a growing The UN children’s agency ber of this year,” Marcos told place in Yangzhou in China this November have been cancelled
education crisis sparked by the has warned that school closures his first news conference after “as a consequence of the (Covid-19) pandemic” the sport’s gov-
Covid-19 pandemic. have caused enormous losses being sworn in as the country’s erning body said on Tuesday. The World Athletics Council has,
The country is one of the in education around the world, leader. though, “resolved to grant the World Athletics Road Running
“Let’s get this done quick- Championships to Yangzhou in March 2027”.
ly. Of course we’re careful but World Athletics took the decision following discussions with
we’re always in a hurry because the local organizing committee amd the Chinese Athletics Asso-
we have to get much done in ciation. The world half marathon will now be incorporated along
very little time,” he said. with a new world 5km championships into the World Athletics
Marcos said school reopen- Road Running Championships, which will make their debut in
ings will start from September Riga, Latvia, on 30 September to 1 October 2023. —AFP
and ramp up rapidly over the
next two months, accompanied Algeria to re-open land border with
by a vaccination campaign.
About 64 per cent of the
Tunisia: president
country’s population of 110 mil- ALGERIA said Tuesday it would reopen its land border with
lion are fully vaccinated. Tunisia later this month, more than two years after it was shut at
Former president Rodrigo the height of the coronavirus pandemic.
Duterte allowed children to re- “We have taken the joint decision to reopen the land border
turn to classrooms in just 100 from 15 July,” said President Abdelmadjid Tebboune.
A student wearing a face mask gestures after undergoing a voluntary schools out of more than 61,000 He was speaking at Algiers airport alongside his Tunisian
COVID-19 test before attending a face-to-face class at an elementary counterpart President Kais Saied, who was leaving the country
in November last year, but ruled
school in Quezon City, the Philippines, 6 December 2021. Selected
schools in the Philippines started the pilot run of limited face-to- out a full resumption before his after attending a huge parade marking 60 years since Algeria’s
face classes as the country continues to record declining COVID-19 term ended last month, citing independence from France.—AFP
cases.  PHOTO: XINHUA/ROUELLE UMALI/FILE health concerns.—AFP
7 JULY 2022

US, China discuss ‘severe’ economic challenges, supply chains

TOP officials from the United and the United States,” China’s
States and China held a “candid” official Xinhua news agency re-
video call on Tuesday to discuss ported.
global economic challenges, es- “And jointly maintaining the
pecially regarding supply chains. stability of the global industrial
The exchange between Chi- and supply chains is in the in-
nese Vice-Premier Liu He and terests of both countries and the
US Treasury Secretary Janet whole world.”
Yellen came as President Joe The Xinhua report said the
Biden considers lifting some tar- video call took place at the re-
iffs on imports from China to try quest of the United States, and
and ease soaring inflation. described the conversation as
The world’s two biggest “constructive”.
economies are also grappling Yellen and Liu “discussed
with Covid-snarled supply chains macroeconomic and financial de-
and rising global energy prices. velopments in the United States
“The two sides agree that and China, the global economic
as the world economy is facing outlook amid rising commodity
severe challenges, it is of great prices and food security chal-
significance to strengthen mac- lenges”, the US Treasury De- US President Joe Biden signed an executive order on 24 February 2021 to review the global supply chains of
ro-policy communication and partment said in a readout.— four key products including semiconductors, in a bid to shake off dependence on overseas suppliers, especially
coordination between China AFP Chinese ones.  PHOTO: VCG/XINHUA

Strike threatens to cut Norway gas Tunisia struggles to grow more

wheat as Ukraine war bites
exports by nearly 60%
TUNISIAN farmer Mondher the crop. With spare parts hard
A Norwegian oil and gas indus- Mathali surveys a sea of swaying to find, he fears a breakdown
try group said Tuesday that a golden wheat and revs his com- could cost him his entire harvest.
strike by oil and gas workers, bine harvester, a rumbling beast But even a second-hand re-
which has already closed three from 1976 which he fears could placement would cost him an
fields, could cut Norway’s gas break down at any moment. unimaginable sum: $150,000.
exports by more than half by Since the Ukraine war sent “Our production and even
Saturday. global cereal prices soaring, the quality would go up by maybe
“Almost 60% of gas exports import-dependent Tunisia has 50 per cent, even 90 per cent”
from the Norwegian continen- announced a push to grow all its with government help, he said.
tal shelf (NCS) will be affect- own durum wheat, the basis for “But our situation is getting
ed when the strike action is local staples like couscous and worse and the state isn’t helping
stepped up further from Sat- pasta. The small North African us.”
urday,” the Norwegian Oil and country, like its neighbours, is ‘No continuity
Gas Association said in a state- Norway’s pipeline gas export could hit all-time highs this year. desperate to prevent food short- Tunisia’s wheat produc-
ment. Picture taken on 9 May 2022 shows equipment operated by GCA (Gas ages and social unrest — but for tion has suffered from years of
The strike comes at a time Connect Austria) and TAG (Trans Austria Gas pipelines) at one of the farmers on the sun-baked plains drought and a decade of political
when energy prices have al- largest interconnection gas hubs in Europe at Baumgarten an der north of Tunis, even the basics instability, with 10 governments
March, Lower Austria.  PHOTO: JOE KLAMAR / AFP
ready soared as a result of the are problematic. since the country’s 2011 revo-
impact of Russia’s invasion of entirely dependent on Norway “A strike on this scale poses “I’d love to buy a new com- lution.
Ukraine and associated sanc- delivering as a nation at a time huge problems for countries bine harvester, but I could only That has exacerbated its
tions.  when Russian supply cuts have which are wholly dependent on do it with help from the govern- reliance on imports. Last year,
“Norwegian deliveries ac- created a very tight market for filling up their gas stores ahead ment,” said Mathali, 65. it bought almost two-thirds of its
count for a quarter of European natural gas,” the association of the autumn and winter,” it He reckons his outdated ma- cereal from overseas, much of it
energy supplies, and Europe is said. added.—AFP chine wastes almost a third of from the Black Sea region.—AFP

Sri Lankans return to cooking with firewood

as economy burns
AS once relatively wealthy across the country, killing at else in the country of 22 million
Sri Lanka suffers a dire eco- least seven people and injuring people, gas is either unavailable
nomic crisis with shortages of hundreds more. or too expensive for most.
everything from medicines to The reason was suppliers Some tried to shift to ker-
gas, people are returning to looking to cut costs and increas- osene oil cookers, but the gov-
cooking with firewood. ing the proportion of propane, ernment did not have dollars to
The switch began at the be- which raised the pressure to import it along with petrol and
ginning of the year when more dangerous levels. diesel, which are also in short A farmer drives a harvester through a wheat field in the Cebalet Ben
than 1,000 kitchens exploded But now, along with much supply.—AFP Ammar region, north of the capital Tunis.   PHOTO: AFP
7 JULY 2022


China’s commercial banks’ profits to Brussels Airlines cancels

nearly 700 summer flights
rise 8% in Q3
BRUSSELS Airlines, a 23-24-25 June strike that
the Belgian subsidiary of saw around 300 flights —
CHINA’S commercial see profits rise eigh per third quarter of 2022, wealth management, Lufthansa, said Tuesday around 60 per cent of the
banks are expected to cent year on year in the according to a report said the report. it is cancelling nearly 700 scheduled movements —
issued Tuesday by the Banks will also lev- flights over July and Au- cancelled.
Bank of China Research erage financial technol- gust to lighten the work- Brussels Airlines said
Institute. ogy to keep costs down load for staff, who recently it was “clearly meeting the
From April to June, and improve profitability. staged a strike. The airline demands of the unions and
banks increased support From July to Sep- said a total 675 flights were hope to thus definitively
to the real economy and tember, commercial being ditched in the peak rule out further actions and
ushered in more busi- banks’ non-performing summer period — 372 this reassure our passengers”.
ness opportunities, the loan ratio is likely to keep month and 303 next month. It noted that airlines
report said. falling, while their out- These “optimizations” and airports in many coun-
Non-interest in - standing non-performing were aimed at bringing “a tries were facing “a turbu-
comes will become a loans may rise moderate- better balance in the work/ lent summer” as passen-
driver of commercial ly, the report said, while life of our crews,” Brussels ger demand roared back
banks’ profits in the third calling for continuous Airlines said on its website. after two years of Covid
Founded in 1987, China Merchants Bank is the first
share-holding commercial bank wholly owned by
quarter, and lenders will attention on risks in key The decision came af- confinement, far outstrip-
corporate legal entities in China.  Pedestrians pass a China develop intermediary industries and small and ter the airline and unions ping capacity that had been
Merchants Bank outlet in Shanghai in October.  businesses including medium-sized banks.— held talks on Monday about stripped back during the
PHOTO: FAN JIANLEI FOR CHINA DAILY/XINHUA investment banking and Xinhua work conditions following pandemic.—AFP



fetch $8 mn
Consignees of cargo carried on M.V MAERSK (16/2022-2023)

at New York NARVIK VOY.NO. (224W) are hereby notified that the
vessel will be arriving on 7-7-2022 and cargo will be
1. Open tenders are invited for supply of the following respective items in Myanmar Kyats.
Sr No. Tender No. Description Remarks

auction discharged into the premises of MITT/MIP where it will

lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to
(1) DMP/L-031(22-23) (Retender) Mud Chemical (4) Items
(2) DMP/L-069(22-23) (Retender) Assorted Sizes of Pipe Fittings (11) Items
the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. (3) DMP/L-175(22-23) Spares for JC-70 B Drawwork Ex ZJ 70L Ks
A skeleton of a Gorgosaur- Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Drilling Rig (21) Items
us dinosaur is going up for to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now 2. The Open Tender forms including Description of Materials / Qtty with details specifications
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo and Tender Terms & Conditions can be available during office hours commencing from 6
auction for the first time July 2022 at the Finance Department, Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise, No. (44) Complex,
from the Vessel.
and is expected to fetch No claims against this vessel will be admitted after Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar.
between $5 million and the Claims Day. 3. The interested Bidders should submit the Technical Specifications and Commercial
$8 million, Sotheby’s said Phone No: 2301185 Quotation with Original Bid Bond in each separate sealed envelopes on which to be
Tuesday. Shipping Agency Department addressed to the Managing Director, Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise and should reach in
Myanma Port Authority Tender Box of the Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise not later than 12:00 pm on 20, July 2022.
The auction house will
Agent For: 4. Tender Closing Date & Time – 20-7-2022, 12:00 pm
put the specimen, which is
Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise
10 feet tall (three metres) M/S SEALAND MAERSK ASIA PTE LTD Ph No. + 95 67 – 411206
and 22 feet long, under the
hammer in New York on
28 July. In the matter of the Financial Institution Law, 2016

Sotheby’s described CLAIMS DAY NOTICE In the matter of uab bank Limited
[Under Paragraph 34 of the Directive on External Auditors of Banks
the skeleton as “one of M.V VENUS C VOY.NO. (2218S) of the Central Bank of Myanmar (10/2019)]
the most valuable dino- Public Notice regarding Publication and Exhibition of Financial Statements
Consignees of cargo carried on M.V VENUS C Pursuant to Paragraph 34 of the CBM Directive (10/2019), notice is hereby given that the Audited
saurs to ever appear on VOY.NO. (2218S) are hereby notified that the vessel will Financial Statement of the uab bank Limited for the Financial Period ended 31st March 2022 and
the market.” The Gorgo- be arriving on 7-7-2022 and cargo will be discharged into the External Auditors’ Report had been published on the website of the bank at
saurus roamed the earth the premises of MIP where it will lie at the consignee’s risk
approximately 77 million and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions
on the date of 6 July, 2022
of the Port of Yangon. Sd/- Nyein Sanda Kyaw
years ago.  A typical adult
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Head, Legal & Secretariat
weighed about two tonnes, to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now uab bank Limited
slightly smaller than its declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
more famous relative, the from the Vessel.
Tyrannosaurus rex. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after Transferring Registered Pesticides
the Claims Day. Registered pesticides distributing by Myanmar Byter Agro Tech Co., Ltd in the territory of
Paleontologists say it
Phone No: 2301185 Myanmar for the product as following are transferring from Crop-China Internationals Limited,
was fiercer and faster than Shipping Agency Department former producer to Anhui Byter Agriculture Technology Co.,Ltd as per mutual consent from both
the T-Rex, with a stronger Myanma Port Authority parties. Any objection regarding to this transfer can notify at Myanmar Pesticide Registration
bite of around 42,000 new- Agent For: Board within (14) days.
tons compared to 35,000. No Trade Name Active Ingredient Reg: No
The skeleton was dis- M/S SITC CONTAINER LINE CO., LTD
1 Crop-Harvest 41 SL Glyphosate 41% SL F2021-3284
covered in the Judith River
2 Crop-Growing 80WP Mancozeb 80% WP F2021-3283
Formation near Havre, in
Advertise with us Call
09 251 022 355 Myanmar Byter Agro Tech Co.,Ltd
the US state of Montana in
09 974 424 848 No.125-127, Kha 11st, Myoe Thit (A+B) Quarter, Inn Sein Township, Yangon.
7 JULY 2022

Japan party leaders repeat favoured

campaign lines as vote nears
AS the House of Councillors elec- chief and Prime Minister Fumio house’s 248 seats — half of the
tion looms Sunday with a solid Kishida is telling crowds his gov- chamber plus a vacant seat in
poll lead for Japan’s ruling coali- ernment has the competence to the other half — are up for elec-
tion, the heads of major political handle the problem, while the tion. A Kyodo News poll released
parties are making extensive use main opposition Constitutional this week tipped the LDP and
of a few choice phrases to present Democratic Party of Japan is urg- Komeito to win more than half the
their cases to voters across the ing voters to show their anger contested seats, with the former
country. With squeezed finances over the government’s response. set for more than 60 and the latter
amid rising prices a focal issue, Kishida has been touting his to retain 14. During campaigning,
ruling Liberal Democratic Party government’s actions to address CDPJ leader Kenta Izumi has re-
rising prices and COVID-19, of- peatedly mentioned a “livelihoods
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio ten concluding his speeches by perspective” in a bid to show em-
Kishida makes a speech in Aomori, saying the ruling coalition of the pathy with voters, criticizing the
northeastern Japan, on 6 July LDP and junior partner Komeito ruling parties’ response to price
2022, for the House of Councillors can surmount the challenges and rises and imploring people to “be
election on 10 July.   PHOTO:
KYODO “lead the way to the future”. angry together, and make your
This year, 125 of the upper voices heard.” —Kyodo


Russia metal giants eye FSB official takes over

merger to soften blow Moscow-occupied Kherson region
of sanctions AN official from Russia’s pow- conflict and survived an assas- Crimea, was the first major city
erful FSB security services took sination attempt in June, was to fall to Russian forces since the
THE head of Russian mining gi- The proposal comes as a over the government of the Mos- appointed as Yeliseyev’s deputy. Kremlin sent troops to Ukraine
ant Nornickel, Vladimir Potanin, deal between major Nornickel cow-occupied Kherson region in “Ukraine is forever in the in February.
has said he is ready to discuss shareholders expires in Janu- southern Ukraine, Kremlin-in- past for the Kherson region. Moscow has since launched
a merger with aluminium group ary 2023. stalled authorities said Tuesday. Russia is here forever,” the Mos- a campaign of so-called Russifi-
Rusal to create a juggernaut Potanin had always op- Sergei Yeliseyev, until now cow-installed authorities said on cation, trying to introduce the
capable of resisting the effects of posed a merger of the world the deputy head of government Telegram. ruble, giving out Russian pass-
Western sanctions, according to leader in nickel and palladium in the Russian exclave of Ka- Kherson city, which lies ports and opening a first Russian
an interview published Tuesday. with the aluminium giant in a liningrad, “became head of the close to Moscow-annexed bank at the end of June. —AFP
“I sent a letter (Monday) context of a conflict with Rusal, government in the Kherson re-
in which I indicated our agree- which already owns 25.25 per gion”, said Vladimir Saldo, who
ment to start the discussion cent of Nornickel. heads the Russian occupational
process for a merger with the But both companies are administration.
Rusal group,” he told Russian affected by Western sanctions His government takes office
business paper RBK. targeting Russia over its mili- on Tuesday, he added.
According to Potanin, it tary campaign in Ukraine. A graduate of the FSB
would be possible create a Potanin has also been hit Academy, 51-year-old Yeliseyev
“national champion” in met- by UK sanctions. served in the security services in
als capable of facing ecological A large number of key unspecified functions, according
challenges in a very polluting Russian companies are facing to the Kaliningrad region web-
industry, as well as broadening serious problems in the supply site.
the shareholder base and “ac- of equipment and spare parts, Alexei Kovalev, a former
quiring the capacity to resist the sale of which to Russia has Ukrainian lawmaker who has A young couple walks past a Russian soldier guarding an area in Kherson
sanctions”. been banned. —AFP switched to Russia’s side in the on 20 May 2022.   PHOTO: TASS/AFP

Ukraine, allies lay foundations for

ALLIES of Ukraine meeting in countries, international organ- Speaking on the first day
Switzerland were due Tuesday izations and businesses have of the Ukraine Recovery Con-
to adopt a declaration spelling been meeting in the southern ference, Ukrainian President
out the principles and priorities Swiss city of Lugano under tight Volodymyr Zelensky and a long
of rebuilding the war-shattered security since Monday, discuss- line of government ministers de-
country, estimated to cost at ing the best path forward for re- scribed the massive destruction
RUSAL is a leading company in the global aluminium industry, least US$750 billion. construction, even as Russia’s caused by Russia’s 24 February
producing metal with a low carbon footprint.  PHOTO: ISTOCK/AFP Leaders from dozens of war continues to rage in Ukraine. invasion.—AFP
7 JULY 2022

UK PM Johnson faces parliamentary

inquisition after top ministers quit
UK Prime Minister Boris servative back benches at the for appointing a senior Conserv-
Johnson faces two high-stakes weekly session of Prime Minis- ative, who quit last week after
encounters in parliament on ter’s Questions in the House of he was accused of drunkenly
Wednesday after his government Commons at 1100 GMT — which groping two men. Former ed-
was rocked by the shock depar- promises to be even more com- ucation secretary Nadhim Za-
tures of two senior ministers. bustible than usual. Johnson hawi has been elevated to the
Rishi Sunak resigned as fi- then faces an hours-long grilling finance brief. Days of shifting
nance minister, and Sajid Javid from the chairs of the Commons’ explanations had followed the
as health secretary on Tuesday most powerful committees, who resignation of deputy chief whip
night. Both said they could no include some of his most virulent Chris Pincher. Downing Street
longer tolerate the culture of critics in the Tory ranks. at first denied Johnson knew of
Demonstrators hold placards picturing British Prime Minister Boris
scandal that has stalked John- The exits of Sunak and Javid prior allegations against Pincher
Johnson in front of Parliament in London on 6 June 2022.  PHOTO: son for months. were announced minutes after when appointing him in Febru-
AFP/FILE They will now sit on the Con- the prime minister apologized ary.—AFP

French PM to face baptism of fire in

divided parliament
Blinken to hold rare talks with China FM on
Bali trip: US FRENCH Prime Minister Eliz- Borne has decided not to call a university in Paris.
abeth Borne will on Wednesday confidence vote on her policy “She made the right deci-
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will hold a rare meeting with lay out the government’s policy speech — something almost all sion, but she didn’t really have
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the sidelines of a regional priorities in her first speech in past prime ministers have done a choice.”
conference in Bali this week, the State Department said Tuesday. front of what promises to be a after their first appearances in But the hard-left France Un-
Wang and Blinken, who last met in October, will meet on the stormy parliament. the lower house. bowed (LFI) party, one of the big
sidelines of a Group of 20 ministerial meeting on the Indonesian The 61-year-old will make Holding a vote was “too gainers in June’s parliamentary
resort island, the State Department said, amid high tensions on a the customary “general political risky” for Borne, who would have polls, announced that it would
range of issues including Taiwan. declaration” to kick off the leg- been forced to step down if she immediately call for a censure
The meeting comes as US President Joe Biden voices hope for islative session, which is being lost, explained Bruno Cautres, a motion on Tuesday which would
a new conversation in the coming weeks with Chinese President Xi scrutinized closely given Borne’s researcher at the Cevipof polit- also bring Borne down if she lost.
Jinping, who has not travelled internationally since the Covid-19 weak position at the head of a ical studies unit at Sciences Po — AFP
pandemic. — AFP minority government.
Centrist President Emma-
nuel Macron suffered a setback
NATO says no plans for bases in Sweden or in parliamentary elections last
Finland month that saw his allies fall
short of a majority by 39 seats.
NATO has no current plans to send troops to Sweden and Finland He and Borne have since
once they complete the membership process launched this week, failed to tempt opposition parties
the defensive alliance’s deputy chief told AFP Tuesday. into a coalition.
“We don’t plan to have an additional presence in either country, “The prime minister is
they have formidable national forces. They’re capable of defending working round the clock,” a cabi-
themselves,” Deputy Secretary-General Mircea Geoana said in a net minister told AFP this week.
telephone interview. Russian President Vladimir Putin warned last “She’s meeting everyone, she’s
week that “if military contingents and military infrastructure were calling everyone. She’s really
deployed there, we would be obliged to respond symmetrically committed to listening, so we’ll
and raise the same threats for those territories where threats have manage.”
arisen for us”.— AFP Without formal allies in Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne will not call the customary confidence
the 577-seat national assembly, vote in parliament.   PHOTO: AFP

Colombian president-elect proposes

‘ceasefire’, talks with ELN
COLOMBIA’S left-wing presi- country’s last active guerrilla unlike the FARC, did not surren-
dent-elect Gustavo Petro on group, the ELN, to resume peace der under the Colombian peace
Tuesday proposed a “bilateral negotiations. agreement of 2016, collapsed
ceasefire” with the violence-hit Talks with the ELN, which, under outgoing President Ivan
Duque. “The message I sent,
The National Liberation Army is a Marxist–Leninist guerrilla group involved not only to the ELN but to all
in the continuing Colombian conflict, which has existed in Colombia since
existing armed groups, is that
1964. Security forces outside the police academy in Bogotá where a car bomb
exploded on 18 January 2019, killing 20 police cadets.   PHOTO: AFP/FILE the time for peace has come,”
Petro said.—AFP
Japan party leaders
repeat favoured
campaign lines as
vote nears

Republic of the Union of Myanmar

State Administration Council
Nine Objectives
1. Political affairs (b) To develop a stable market economy and promote international inves tment
(a) To build a Union based on democracy and federalism, through a disciplined in order to enhance the economic development of the entire National people.
and genuine multiparty democratic system that is fair and just. (c) To promote and support local businesses to create employment opportu-
(b) To emphasize the achievement of enduring peace for the entire nation in nities and increase domestic production.
line with the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). 3. Social affairs
(c) To continue implementing the principle of peaceful co-existence among (a) To ensure a strong and dynamic Union spirit, the genuine spirit of patriot-
countries through an independent, active and non-aligned foreign policy. ism.
2. Economic affairs (b) To respect and promote the customs and traditions of all National peoples
(a) To enhance production based on agriculture and livestock through modern and preserve and safeguard their cultural heritage and national charac-
techniques and strengthen all-round development in other sectors of the teristics.
economy. (c) To enhance the health, fitness and education quality of the entire nation.

Myanmar beat the Philippines 3-1 in Malacia becomes

AFF U-19 Championship Ten Hag’s first
signing at Man Utd
MANCHESTER United completed their
swoop for Feyenoord defender Tyrell Mala-
cia on Tuesday as Erik ten Hag made his
first signing since taking charge at Old
Trafford. United landed Malacia in a report-
ed £12.95 million ($15.4 million) deal after
making a late move to sign the Netherlands
full-back, who had been close to joining
A Myanmar youth player French club Lyon. The 22-year-old has
(red) attempts to clear the agreed a four-year contract with the option
ball from the opponent of a further 12 months.
during the AFF U-19
Championship third match
It is a landmark deal for Ten
against the Philippines on 6 Hag, who had been linked with a
July 2022.   PHOTO: MFF host of potential signings before
finally making Malacia the first
MYANMAR U-19 men’s nation- The Myanmar team lost to Rosquio scored the equaliz- acquisition of his Unit-
al football team beat the Philip- Thailand in the second match and er for the Philippines in the 29th ed reign. Ten Hag
pines team 3-1 in the 2022 AFF needed to win this match. minute, but in the 41st minute, arrived at United in
U-19 Championship held in In- The team was attacking from Zaw Win Thein scored the third May after finish-
donesia on 6 July. the start and scored two goals in or winning goal for the Myanmar ing his success-
The Myanmar team won this the first six minutes to control team. ful spell at Ajax,
match and the hopes of reaching the match. In the second half, the Myan- where he had
the semi-finals were revived. The deadlock was broken at mar team tried to score further plenty of oppor-
Team Myanmar has made the three-minute mark as the first goals but could not take advan- tunities to see
some changes to the starting goal for Myanmar was scored by tage of the opportunity and ended Malacia’s quali-
line-up. youth star Swan Htet. as the first half result. ty with Dutch ri-
Goalkeeper Hein Htet Soe, Again, the second goal Myanmar has won two vals Feyenoord.
Kyaw Wunna, Lan San Aung, Zaw for Myanmar was found at the matches and lost one match with —AFP
Win Thein, La Min Htwe, Hein sixth-minute mark and scored six points collected after playing
Zaw Naing, Tar Yar Win Htet, by Thein Zaw Thiha. three games. Myanmar will play
Manchester United completed their swoop for Feyenoord defender
Phyo Thant Ko Ko, Swan Htet, The 2-0 result made some their fourth match against Viet
Tyrell Malacia on Tuesday as Erik ten Hag made his first signing
Thein Zaw Thiha, and Khant Zin more confident for team Myan- Nam on 8 July. — Ko Nyi Lay/ since taking charge at Old Trafford.  PHOTO: AFP
Hein were on the line-up list. mar. GNLM

Hegerberg’s return for Norway sprinkles stardust on Euro 2022

EURO 2022 will be lit up by one duty with Norway. ing concerns over the inequality her comeback in March and in everyone involved,” Hegerberg
of the brightest stars in women’s The all-time top goalscor- of treatment given to men’s and typical fashion scored a hat-trick told AFP of her decision to return.
football thanks to Ada Heger- er in the women’s Champions women’s teams by the Norwegian in a 5-1 thrashing of Kosovo. “It “It was a great thing. Person-
berg’s decision to end a self-im- League stepped away from the federation. was important for me for it to be ally and also collectively, I think.”
posed exile from international international scene in 2017, cit- Five years on, she made authentic, that it was natural for —AFP

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