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MoFA Union Minister meets Thai Deputy Myanmar hosts 7th Mekong-Lancang Cooperation
Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Bagan

Vol. IX, No. 80, 8 th Waxing of Waso 1384 ME Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Five-Point Road Map of the State Administration Council

1. The Union Election Commission will be reconstituted and its mandated tasks, including the scrutiny of voter lists, shall be implemented in
accordance with the law.
2. Effective measures will be taken with added momentum to prevent and manage the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Actions will be taken to ensure the speedy recovery of businesses from the impact of COVID-19.
4. Emphasis will be placed on achieving enduring peace for the entire nation in line with the agreements set out in the Nationwide Ceasefire
5. Upon accomplishing the provisions of the state of emergency, free and fair multiparty democratic elections will be held in line with the 2008
Constitution, and further work will be undertaken to hand over State duties to the winning party in accordance with democratic standards.

SAC Chairman Commander-in-Chief of Defence

Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects
local airbase in Pathein

State Administration Council Chairman Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects the enhancement of the capacity of riverbed soil on the strand
road in Pathein on 4 July 2022.

HAIRMAN of the State ed Pathein Airbase yesterday al staff, adjutant and quarter- ilies, operation of agriculture local naval and air bases in un-
Administration Council morning. master functions of the airbase, and livestock farms and others. dertaking rule of law and local
Commander-in-Chief of Commander of the airbase taking security measures, pa- In his response, the Senior security in respective areas with
Defence Services Senior Gen- Brig-Gen Tun Win reported on trolling process, the welfare of General stressed the need for aviation and naval patrolling for
eral Min Aung Hlaing inspect- the implementation of gener- Tatmadaw members and fam- military command to work with SEE PAGE-3



Eighth 47-member State MoBA Union Minister Delegations to 7th Mekong- Myanmar sends
Sangha Maha Nayaka attends Nantsalein bridge Lancang Cooperation 9,328 workers to
Committee holds 11th opening on Khamti- Foreign Ministers Meetings Thailand in
Plenary Meeting Sinthay-Lahe road leave Myanmar May-June
5 JULY 2022

Eighth 47-member State Sangha Maha Nayaka

Committee holds 11th Plenary Meeting
THE first-day session of the Bhaddanta Sandavamsa Lan-
eleventh plenary meeting of kara Bhivamsa acted as the
the 8th 47-member State Sangha master of ceremonies.
Maha Nayaka Committee was First, the State Sangha
organized in the Maha Pasana Maha Nayaka Committee
Cave on Thiri Mingala Kaba Chairman Sayadaw recited
Aye Hill in Yangon yesterday. Saraniya Ovada Gatha to start
The meeting was attended the meeting.
by members of the State Sang- Union Minister U Ko Ko
ha Maha Nayaka Committee presented matters related to
led by Chairman Sayadaw Ab- religious affairs.
hidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Ab- Then, Joint Secretary
hidhaja Agga Maha Saddham- Sayadaw Agga Maha Sad-
ma Jotika Bhamo Sayadaw Dr dhamma Jotikadhaja Bhadd-
Bhaddanta Kumara Bhivamsa, anta Jotissara reported on the
Union Minister for Religious activities of the eighth Sangha
Affairs and Culture U Ko Ko, Nayaka Committee (second
the Director-General of Reli- subcommittee) conducted dur-
gious Affairs Department and ing the fourth term.
other officials of departments The Sayadaws also dis-
concerned. cussed Vinicchaya and reli-
The first day of the eighth 47-member State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee's eleventh plenary meeting is in
Bhamo Sayadaw Dr gious affairs and concluded progress.
Bhaddanta Kumara Bhivamsa the first session.
presided over the meeting and During the second session, lated matters and concluded dhamma Jotikadhaja) and fam- Than Swe (Retd) and wife Daw
Joint Secretary Sayadaw Agga the Sayadaws discussed reli- the event. ily donated the first meal to Kyaing Kyaing offered the day
Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita gious affairs and education-re- Daw Pyone Wai Thi (Sad- Sayadaws and Senior General meal.— MNA

Judgements given to 4 special civil appeal cases and 11 new cases of COVID-19
1 special criminal appeal case; 3 special civil appeal
cases and 1 special criminal appeal case heard
reported on 4 July, total figure
rises to 613,659
THE special appeal tribunal containing Chief Justice of the Union U Htun Htun Oo and Su-
preme Court Judges U Myo Tint, Daw Khin May Yee, U Thaung Naing, and U Thein Ko Ko MYANMAR’S COVID-19 positive cases rose to 613,659 after 11
passed judgements on four special civil appeal cases and one special criminal appeal case at new cases were reported on 4 July 2022 according to the Ministry
the Union Supreme Court Office (1). of Health. Among these confirmed cases, 592,590 have been dis-
Furthermore, they heard one special criminal appeal case and three special civil appeal charged from hospitals. Death toll still stands at 19,434 without
cases following COVID-19 health rules. —MNA more casualties.—MNA

Announcement for opening reception centres to receive CDM

staff, students and youths
THE State Administration Council has been striving for the all-round development of the country including economic, social, education and health sectors. In addition,
security forces are performing their duties day and night so that the entire mass of national people in various regions across the Union should be able to lead their lives
and earn their living in the peace of mind. The State Administration Council gives priority to achieving genuine and perpetual peace, building up the united strength
of the national brethren.
In order to prevent the unnecessary loss of human resources, the State Administration Council has publicly invited the basic education staff who are absent from
duty to resume their duties and those who take part in armed resistance under various names of groups, including PDFs, to return to the legal fold if they wish to, and
is systematically receiving the returnees.
It is found that, due to the persuasion, instigation and coercion of CRPH and NUG terrorist groups, some CDM staff, students and youths went to the strongholds
of some ethnic armed organizations and received training in arms, ammunition and explosives.
It is known that some of those who have completed the training no longer want to be involved in terrorist attacks and so they fled to the regions within and without
the country and are working there for their living. When they see terrorist attacks with their own eyes, they cannot accept such terrible acts at all. On the other hand,
they have come to believe in the government’s five-point roadmap and its endeavour for durable peace. Moreover, they want to live peacefully in their hometowns
again with their parents and relatives. Nevertheless, they cannot do so because of the coercion and intimidation by CRPH and NUG terrorist groups and their sub-
ordinates, it is learnt.
Therefore, the government is taking measures to be able to open reception centres in border areas for those who would like to return homes to their respective
regions. Moreover, those wishing to return home can contact Tatmadaw units and police stations. It is guaranteed that they will be able to lead their daily lives peacefully.

Information Team
State Administration Council
5 JULY 2022

Tatmadaw is also steering and monitoring to be straightforward on building the Union

Republic rooted in democracy and the federal system having peace and tranquillity
HAVING duty consciousness among the country and people, loyalty and a variety of selfless performances with a spirit of goodwill by Tatmadaw have been wit-
nessed in the past. Currently, Tatmadaw is also steering and monitoring to be straightforward on building the Union Republic rooted in democracy and the federal
system having peace and tranquillity, and community development. I would like to highlight that every effort partaken by Tatmadaw tend to be beneficial for our
motherland and ethnic people, and Tatmadaw also performs the tasks with a spirit of goodwill to be able to stand rigidly as a country among the world.

(Excerpt from the message sent by Republic of the Union of Myanmar State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister
Senior General Maha Thray Sithu Min Aung Hlaing on the occasion of 74th Anniversary Union Day which fell on 12 February 2021)

SAC Chairman Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services ...

controlling the areas and the
sea. They must always be ready
to do so. They have to always
monitor seaside and delta area
security with security knowl-
edge and awareness.
The Senior General gave
guidance on the successful un-
dertaking of unit-wise agricul-
tural and livestock farms for the
welfare of Tatmadaw members
and families and consumption of
meat, fish and eggs as well as
vegetables at fair prices.
The Senior General inspect-
ed duck farms, layer farms, and
patches of seasonal crops of the
airbase and attended to the nec-
essary things. The Senior General gives guidance at the Pathein Airbase.
The Senior General inspect-
ed the enhancement of the ca- neers and Director-General U capacity of riverbed soil. for smooth flow of commodity tion of fresh water.
pacity of riverbed soil on the Win Hlaing of the Department of In his guidance, the Senior to Pathein, implementation Then, the Senior General
strand road in Ward 1 of Pathein. Water Resources and Improve- General stressed the need for of solar-powered river water inspected the progress of en-
Director Maj-Gen Myo Thant of ment of River Systems reported efficient use of water sources pumping projects in Ayeyawady hancing the capacity of riverbed
the Directorate of Military Engi- on the process of enhancing the to benefit waterway transport Region, and systematic utiliza- soil. — MNA

MoBA Union Minister attends Nantsalein bridge

opening on Khamti-Sinthay-Lahe road
Tun Win, regional government ministered Zone, are being de-
ministers, region/district/town- veloped by the annually allocat-
ship department officials and ed funds. So it would benefit the
local people. development of the Naga zone.
First, Union Minister Lt- The better transport will facil-
Gen Tun Tun Naung said that itate trade flows of the upper
the state is working in the var- Chindwin regions and the Naga
ious sectors for the balanced zone and develop businesses
development of all states and based on ethnic traditions and
remote areas. For the economic nature, he said.
and social development of the After cutting the ribbons
local ethnic people living in the to open the bridge, the Union
underdeveloped Khamti district Minister and party inspected the
and in the Naga Self-Adminis- bridge and presented traditional
tered Zone, efforts are being dance groups with cash awards.
made to construct new roads The Nantsalein Bridge is lo-
and bridges and upgrade exist- cated on the 24/4 milepost of the
MoBA Union Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung takes the group photo at the bridge opening event. ing roads. Khamti-Sinthay-Lahe Road and
The Thekkekyin-Phaung- is a reinforced concrete bridge.
THE opening ceremony of the ny was attended by Union Min- Commander of the North-West- pyin-Homalin-Khamti road, This 330.45-foot long bridge was
Nantsalein Bridge located on ister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen ern Command Brig-Gen Than Khamti-Sinthay-Lahe road and built by the Ministry of Con-
the Khamti-Sinthay-Lahe Road Tun Tun Naung, Sagaing Region Htike, Chairman of the Naga Sinthay-Lahe-Nanyun road, the struction with a K1,600 million
was held on 2 July. The ceremo- Chief Minister U Myat Kyaw, Self-Administered Zone U Tun entrances to the Naga Self-Ad- fund. — MNA
5 JULY 2022

It is necessary to correctly understand the undertakings of

the Tatmadaw for the national interests of the State due to
political changes in successive eras: Senior General

State Administration Council Chairman Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses the meeting with officers, other ranks and families of the
Pathein Station of the South-West Command yesterday.

ARTICIPATION of the officers, other ranks and families To restore peace and stability, sequently, they have a narrow 10 years with might and main.
Tatmadaw in the leading of Pathein Station of South-West the country needs a firm insti- scope of knowledge. Health and
role of national politics of Command yesterday morning. tution. Such an institution is the fitness are of importance in in- Only when the nation re-
the State is based on the need Tatmadaw which will control the creasing the number of educat- stores peace and stability
of the State, and it is necessary Role of the Tatmadaw and nation as a guardian of the State. ed persons, so it is necessary to based on political and secu-
to correctly understand the national politics uplift education qualifications rity measures will the nation
undertakings of the Tatmadaw In his address, the Senior Enhancement of education in harmony with the health and develop
for the national interests of the General said according to the Weakness in political knowl- fitness of the entire nation. It Only when these armed con-
State due to political changes State history, geographical con- edge is related to the education is necessary to take adequate flicts of ethnicities cease can de-
in successive eras, said Chair- ditions and current situation, the standard of the citizens. Myanmar time for the future of the na- velopment tasks be undertaken.
man of the State Administration Tatmadaw participates in the na- has been facing low qualifications tion by enhancing the educa- Only when the nation restores
Council Commander-in-Chief of tional cause of the State and the of education in successive eras. tion qualification of the entire peace and stability based on po-
Defence Services Senior General leading role in national politics People have a lesser num- nation which is the basis for the litical and security measures will
Min Aung Hlaing in meeting with in accord with the constitution. ber of educated persons. Con- country within at least five to the nation develop. Myanmar is
on the track to democracy, and
the Tatmadaw is taking State re-
sponsibilities under the Constitu-
tion (2008), and all tasks must be
done under the law.

Practising a genuine, disci-

plined democratic system
Efforts are being made for
the nation to reach the politically
regular path, and national visions
and political visions were adopt-
ed. In realizing the multiparty
democratic system, the people
aspire to, it must be a genuine
and disciplined one, and the act
should not be done under the
The Senior General presents foodstuffs for Tatmadaw members and The wife of the Senior General gives cash assistance for the station disguise of democracy musk.
families. maternal and child welfare association. SEE PAGE-5

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5 JULY 2022

It is necessary to correctly understand the undertakings ...

In building the Union based on
democracy and federalism, the
federalism means sharing of ex-
ecutive powers.

Only when the nation

peaceful will the Union
based on development and
democracy and federalism
be built
In undertaking the prosper-
ity of the nation as a national vi-
sion, economic development is of
importance, and it is necessary to
boom the economy of the people.
Currently, although some basic
situations are good, there remain
armed conflicts of ethnics. As all
are to make efforts for ensuring
the prosperity of the nation, talks
are held with the ethnic armed
organizations for the restoration
of perpetual peace. If peace talks
achieve success, further develop-
ment tasks for the nation can be
done as well as an administration
based on democracy and federal- The Senior General warmly greets officers, other ranks and families from the Pathein Station of the South-West Command yesterday.
ism can be implemented.
individual conscience, the coun- politics for the interests of the to the officers, other ranks and the commander, and the wife of
Continuation of appropri- try will have deserved progress nation and continues the appro- families with the background top- the Senior General gave cash
ate tasks in the leading role within five years. The Tatmadaw priate tasks in a correct manner. ics and asked about their needs. assistance to the station ma-
of national politics leads the reform process of the The Senior General explained The Senior General then ternal and child welfare asso-
If the people try hard to cor- nation, and the Tatmadaw will the political changes, national presented foodstuffs to officers, ciation through the wife of the
rectly carry out the tasks with take a leading role in national visions and development tasks other ranks and families through commander. — MNA

MoFA Union Minister meets UEC inspects Shan Nationalities

League for Democracy under
Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Election Commission Law
Foreign Minister THE Union Election Commis- Shan State Auditor-General
sion looked into the political Office, the Internal Revenue
parties whether they conduct- Department and the Bureau
ed systematically for the mem- of Special Investigation led by
bership of the parties, party UEC members U Than Soe
funds and property, savings, and U Min Min Oo actioned
maintenance, usage, audition inspections on Shan Nation-
and liquidation and parties’ alities League for Democracy
procedures under the UEC between 30 June and 3 July.
Law Section 10 (L) “supervis- The UEC has inspected
ing, causing to supervise and 85 political parties from Au-
guiding the political parties to gust 2021 up till today, taking
carry out under the law”. measures to examine the seven
The inspection team con- remaining political parties. —
sisted of the officials of the MNA

U Wunna Maung Lwin, Union sidelines of the 7th Mekong-Lan- tifaceted bilateral cooperation
Minister for Foreign Affairs of cang Cooperation Foreign Min- between the two countries,
the Republic of the Union of My- isters’ Meeting, held in Bagan, maintenance of peace and
anmar, met Mr Don Pramud- Myanmar. stability, and security along
winai, Deputy Prime Minister At the meeting, both sides the Myanmar-Thai border, the
and Minister of Foreign Affairs cordially exchanged views on implementation of the ASEAN
of the Kingdom of Thailand at matters pertaining to the fur- five-point consensus as well as
2:15 pm on 4 July 2022 at the ther enhancement of the exist- closer collaboration at regional
Aureum Palace Hotel, on the ing friendly relations and mul- and multilateral arenas.—MNA The inspection of the SNLD party is underway.
5 JULY 2022

SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General

Min Aung Hlaing meets departmental personnel at
different levels in Ayeyawady Region
HAIRMAN of the State
Administration Council
Prime Minister Senior
General Min Aung Hlaing vis-
ited Pathein, Ayeyawady Re-
gion, and met with regional-,
district- and township-level
departmental personnel at the
Ayeya Shwewah Hall yesterday
First, the chief minister
and responsible personnel of
Ayeaywady Region presented to
the Chairman of the State Ad-
ministration Council and Prime
Minister the progress of imple-
mentation of the guidance given
by him during his tour of the
region in 2021, expansion of dis-
State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addresses the meeting with regional, district and
tricts and employment of staff, township-level departmental personnel of the Ayeyawady Region on 4 July 2022.
measures taken for agricultural
and livestock breeding sectors, there is no good drainage sys- ple capitalizing on politics, that people. opment of fish and prawn farm-
steps taken for irrigation and tem, that it is necessary to main- the SAC still sticks to the 2008 The Prime Minister also ing and try to be able to export
electric power generation and tain roads as more and more Constitution and it will move said that the country’s econ- marine products every year. He
distribution, efforts being made people are visiting the region on forward under the law. omy should be based on agri- also added that the development
for increasing monsoon rice business or for pleasure, that it The Prime Minister went culture and livestock breeding, of industrial zones is required to
yield, production of meat, fish is also necessary to upgrade the on to say that the SAC is dealing that using up natural resources produce value-added products
and eggs for local consumption, Yangon-Pathein road meeting with the existing political situ- can lead to their depletion and from products of agriculture and
protection of the natural envi- ASEAN standards. In addition, ations and striving for national so production based on natural livestock breeding sectors and
ronment, public housing, oper- he called for regular production development at the same time, resources should not be encour- that, if industrial development
ation of factories in industrial of healthy salt enough for local that the country will be left be- aged, that priority should be giv- occurs, job opportunities can
zones, expansion of the people’s consumption. hind if the government and the en to agricultural and livestock be created for the people in the
hospital, the opening of schools, Then, the Prime Minister people are indecisive and hesi- breeding production through ap- region.
colleges and universities and said that, due to the fraud re- tant because of hardships, that plication of respective branches A government must win the
development of social, economic sults of the 2020 election, the there should not be a lull in the of studies, that measures are trust of the people and must
and health sectors. State Administration Council education sector and so steps being taken to open agricultural be reliable to the people. The
After hearing the presenta- was formed, that it is now hav- were taken for the reopening and technical training schools Tatmadaw will implement the
tion, the Prime Minister gave ing to take the responsibilities of schools in 2021 and priority at all district level across the political and national visions as
necessary instructions, saying of the nation for a temporary pe- is being given to the enhance- country to produce human re- adopted. State service person-
that Ayeyawady Region has a riod, and considerable restraint ment of education and that the sources required for the devel- nel are to strive for serving the
lot of rain and rivers and creeks was exercised in controlling country will lag behind if there opment of agriculture, livestock interests of the State.
and so roads can be damaged if violence caused by some peo- is a limited number of educated breeding and industrial sectors, The Senior General in-
that local economic enterprises spected the construction of the
will develop only if agricultural nine-storey extended building
produce can be increased and of Pathein General Hospital and
the government sees to it that stressed the need to take emer-
quality strains of seeds and ped- gencies into consideration. It is
igrees are available to farmers. necessary to supervise the time-
The Prime Minister urged all ly completion of construction for
the responsible personnel commissioning it into service.
of the Ayeyawady Region to After viewing the worksite,
strive for high productivity the Senior General attended to
and work in concert for their the necessary things.
region to be one the country In the afternoon, the Senior
can be proud of. General and wife paid homage
Regarding the livestock to Shwemuhtaw Haha Pagoda
breeding sector, the Prime Min- in Pathein and made cash dona-
ister said that fish and poultry tions to the fund of the pagoda.
farming should be encouraged At the pagoda, the Senior
as more and more people live General instructed officials to
on meat and fish, that the gov- maintain the durability of the
ernment releases fingerlings pagoda, carry out maintenance
into rivers and creeks every tasks to be free from the danger
year so that they are rich in fish of electricity and keep albums of
resources, calling on all those documentary photos of mainte-
The Senior General views the construction of the nine-storey extended building at Pathein General Hospital.
concerned to work for the devel- nance tasks. — MNA
5 JULY 2022

Myanmar hosts 7th Mekong-Lancang Cooperation Foreign

Ministers’ Meeting in Bagan
MYANMAR hosted the 7th Me- The meeting issued the
kong-Lancang Cooperation For- Joint Press Communique’ and
eign Ministers’ Meeting on the four thematic statements in the
morning of 4 July 2022 at Aureum areas of agriculture, disaster
Palace Hotel in Bagan. management, custom, and mu-
The meeting was co-chaired tual learning among the peoples
by U Wunna Maung Lwin, Un- of the Mekong-Lancang region.
ion Minister for Foreign Affairs After the meeting, all For-
of the Republic of the Union of eign Ministers of Mekong-Lan-
Myanmar and Mr Wang Yi, State cang Cooperation attended the
Councilor and Foreign Minister opening ceremony of the “Me-
of the Peoples’ Republic of Chi- kong-Lancang Cooperation Na-
na. Mr Prak Sokhonn, Deputy tional Coordination Unit Build-
Prime Minister and Minister of ing” built at the premises of the
Foreign Affairs and International Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nay
Cooperation of Cambodia, Mr Pyi Taw.
Saleumxay Kommasith, Depu- The two Co-chairs, For-
ty Prime Minister and Minister eign Ministers of Myanmar and
of Foreign Affairs of Lao PDR, China, also made a Joint Press
The seventh Mekong-Lancang Cooperation Foreign Ministers’ Meeting is in progress in Bagan.
Mr. Don Pramudwinai, Deputy Conference on the outcomes of
Prime Minister and Minister of the meeting.
Foreign Affairs of Thailand and port of the “Global Development rection under the Mekong-Lan- cooperation under the MLC Mekong-Lancang Cooper-
Mr Bui Thanh Son, Foreign Min- Initiative” of China as it effec- cang Cooperation which includes framework including the plans ation was established in 2016
ister of Viet Nam attended the tively responds urgent needs of promoting strategic leadership to enhance cooperation in ag- with an aim to assist regional
meeting. the Mekong-Lancang region. He for sustainable development, riculture, water resources, dig- efforts to achieve sustainable
During the meeting, the highlighted the importance of expanding agriculture cooper- ital economy, space cooperation, inclusive development and nar-
Ministers reviewed the work regional peace and stability as ation, to promoting green de- human resources and public row development gaps in the
done in the past and discussed a basis for sustainable develop- velopment, to enhancing coop- health. region while promoting peace
the future direction of the coop- ment, and support the “Global eration on digital innovation and The Foreign Ministers of and prosperity. Cambodia, Chi-
eration. They also exchanged Security Initiative” of China. strengthening people-to-people Mekong countries also discussed na, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand
views on the ways and means to The Union Minister pointed exchanges. the matters to be included in the and Viet Nam are the members
address the current challenges. out the need to enhance coopera- The State Councilor also future work of Mekong-Lancang of the Mekong-Lancang Coop-
At the meeting, Union Min- tion in the area of non-traditional explained the plan for future Cooperation. eration.—MNA
ister U Wunna Maung Lwin security including suppression
stated that collective efforts of transnational crime, illicit
with solidarity under the Me- drug production and traffick-
kong-Lancang Cooperation ing, illegal weapon trafficking
framework would be the best and anti-terrorism. He also sup-
means to address current and fu- ported the establishment of the
ture challenges as per the theme Mekong-Lancang Disaster Man-
of the meeting; “Solidarity for agement Cooperation Mecha-
Peace and Prosperity”. He also nism for the improvement of the
mentioned having close coop- disaster risk reduction capacity
eration for the prevention and of six member states. He also
control of infectious diseases in- touched upon the other areas
cluding COVID-19 for regional of cooperation such as water re-
health security and thanked Chi- sources, agriculture, production
na for the assistance rendered capacity, power generation and
to Myanmar in the fight against renewable energy.
COVID-19. In the meeting, Mr Wang
The Minister stressed pri- Yi, State Councilor and Foreign
oritizing the cooperation for the Minister of the Peoples’ Republic
The two Co-chairs, Foreign Ministers of Myanmar and China make the joint press conference at the event.
economic revitalization and sup- of China discussed the future di-

Public Notification Public Notification

THE Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee was reconstituted under the THE Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee was reconstituted under the
State Administration Council’s Order No 366/2021 dated 10.12.2021, and action State Administration Council’s Order No 366/2021 dated 10.12.2021, and action is
is being taken effectively against illegal trade under the law. being taken effectively against illegal trade under the law.
The following telephone numbers, fax and email address can be reached to Regarding the “request for money from departmental organizations in conduct-
safely report information in connection with illegal trade. ing trade”, the following numbers can be reached to safely report such information.
Auto telephone number - 067 409 883 Auto telephone number - 067 409 881
Mobile phone - 09 404339969 Mobile phone - 09 699611116
Fax - 067 409 886 Fax - 067 409 887
Email address - Email address -

Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee
5 JULY 2022

Protect already- WHO calls for ‘urgent’ action in Europe over monkeypox
planted saplings to be “Urgent and coordinated so far have been observed in Control.
MYANMAR Daily Weather Report
(ISSUED at 7:00 pm Monday 4 July 2022)

free from destructions

action is imperative if we are men who have sex with men, of London’s chief public health
to turn a corner in the race to young age and chiefly in urban doctor Kevin Fenton on Thurs- BAY INFERENCE: Monsoon is strong to vigorous over
reverse the ongoing spread of areas, according to the WHO. day urged anyone with symp- the Andaman Sea and south Bay and moderate to strong
this disease.” It is investigating cases of toms not to take part in the Pride elsewhere over the Bay of Bengal.

ARIOUS kinds of media express the good news on growing Since early May, a surge in possible sexual transmission but march in the British capital at
saplings across the nation through public activities. The monkeypox cases has been de- maintains the disease is primar- the weekend. On Friday, the FORECAST VALID UNTIL AFTERNOON OF THE 5 July
news and documentary photos bore all the saplings thriv- tected outside West and Central ily spread through close contact. Danish laboratory Bavarian Nor- 2022: Rain or thundershowers will be scattered in Lower
ing whereas participant people from the ceremonies were active. African countries where the viral Monkeypox is related to dic, the only laboratory manufac- Sagaing, Mandalay and Magway Regions, fairly widespread
The people understand the important role of trees which can disease is endemic. smallpox, which killed millions turing a licensed vaccine against in Nay Pyi Taw, Chin, Kayah, States and widespread in the
change climatic conditions and social conditions. Bad consequenc- Ninety percent of all labora- around the world every year be- monkeypox, announced a new remaining regions and states with likelihood of regionally
es of barren areas can bring drought to the people. Currently, no tory-confirmed cases registered fore it was eradicated in 1980, but shipment of 2.5 million doses to heavyfalls in Taninthayi Region and isolated heavyfalls in
one wishes to experience the drought triggered by deforestation. worldwide — or 4,500 infections has far less severe symptoms. the United States. upper Sagaing, Ayeyawady Regions and Kachin, Rakhine,
As such, the authorities at different levels arrange the culti- — are in Europe, Kluge said. The disease starts with a US health authorities said Kayin, Mon States. Degree of certainty is (100%).
vation of saplings in all parts of the nation this monsoon similar Thirty-one countries and fever and quickly develops into a Tuesday they were immediately
to that of previous years as part of public movements. Hence, areas have now reported infec- rash, with the formation of scabs. releasing 56,000 doses of mon-
STATE OF THE SEA: Ocassional squall with rough seas
relevant departments have been making preparations for holding tions. It is usually mild and typically keypox vaccine — five times the
will be experienced in Gulf of Mottama, off and along
the tree-growing ceremonies Kluge said Europe remains clears up spontaneously after number distributed so far — to
Mon-Taninthayi Coasts. Surface wind speed in squalls may
with the nurturing of saplings at the centre of the expanding two to three weeks. areas of high transmission as
Myanmar has 49.19 at respective camps. outbreak and the risk remains Britain has the highest num- part of a major escalation of the
reach (40) mph. Squall with moderate to rough seas are
The environmental Cases of Monkeypox have tripled in Europe in the last two weeks.   PHOTO: ULAK.NEWS/AFP high. likely at times in Deltaic, off and along Rakhine Coast.Wave
per cent coverage of ber of reported cases to date country’s immunisation strategy.
height will be about (9-13) feet in Gulf of Mottama, off and
greening activities this year The WHO does not think the — 1,076 according to the UK au- The European Medicines

forest area according comprise the growing of sap- HE World Health Organi- in the region over the past two prevent monkeypox from estab- outbreak currently constitutes a thorities — ahead of Germany Agency announced on Tuesday along Mon-Taninthayi Coasts and (7-10) feet in Deltaic, off
and along Rakhine Coast.
to the statistics of lings in monsoon at State- zation called on 1 July for weeks. lishing itself across a growing ge- public health emergency of inter- (838), Spain (736), Portugal (365) that it had begun reviewing a
owned forest plantations and “urgent” action to prevent “Today, I am intensifying my ographical area,” WHO Regional national concern but will review and France (350), according to smallpox vaccine to extend its
the FAO in 2020. As forest reserves, cultivation the spread of monkeypox in Eu- call for governments and civil Director for Europe Hans Henri its position shortly, he said. data from the European Cen- use against monkeypox. OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Contin-
such, State-owned of saplings for improving the rope, noting that cases had tripled society to scale up efforts... to Kluge said. Most monkeypox infections tre for Disease Prevention and Source : AFP uations of increase of rain in Bago, Yangon, Ayeyawady,
natural forests, activities of Taninthayi Regions and Shan, Rakhine, Kayin, Mon States.
forest reserves are special greening, and es-
established one after
COVID-19: BA.4 and BA.5 variants spur 20 per cent rise in cases
ral firewood plantations. To AREA FOR 5 July 2022: Isolated rain or thundershowers.
another, in addition be able to do so, plans were Degree of certainty is (100%).
to expanding the earmarked to nurture 30.57

million saplings to be dis- OVID-19 cases are on for all countries to vaccinate at boosted, as soon as possible.
forest areas under tributed to the people at the the rise in some 110 least 70 per cent of their popu- “For the general popula-
AREA FOR 5 July 2022: One or two rain or thundershow-
the Myanmar ceremonies. countries, driven by the lations is looking unlikely, with tion, it also makes sense to
ers. Degree of certainty is (100%).
Myanmar has 49.19 per BA.4 and BA.5 variants, said the average rate in low-income keep strengthening that wall
Reforestation and cent coverage of forest area the UN health agency chief on countries, standing at 13 per of immunity, which helps less-
Rehabilitation according to the statistics Wednesday, amounting to a 20 cent. en the severity of the disease
AREA FOR 5 July 2022: Isolated rain or thundershowers.
of the FAO in 2020. As such, per cent spike overall, and a rise On the bright side, in the and lowers the risk of long- or
Programme-MRRP State-owned forest reserves in the number of deaths across past 18 months, more than 12 post-COVID condition.” Degree of certainty is (100%).
from 2016 to 2026. So are established one after an- three of the six world regions billion vaccines have been dis- He said continuing ‘mild’
other, in addition to expanding monitored by the World Health tributed around the world, and cases are disruptive and dam-
far, more than 42,000 the forest areas under the My- Organization. 75 per cent of the world’s health aging, keeping children out of
acres of watershed anmar Reforestation and Re- WHO Director- General workers and over-60s are now school and adults from their
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus vaccinated. jobs, “which causes further
forests and mangrove habilitation Programme-MR-
RP from 2016 to 2026. So far, stressed in his weekly briefing 20 million lives saved by economic and supply chain
forests have been more than 42,000 acres of wa- to journalists that the global shots disruption.”
tershed forests and mangrove figure overall remains “relative- The influential Lancet He said the goal of 70 per
established. forests have been established. ly stable”, but nobody should medical journal, estimates cent coverage was still desira-
Growing trees is a good be under any illusion, that the that 20 million lives have been ble, based on the principle that
thing. But, it is necessary to seek the best ways for thriving these coronavirus is on the way out. saved because of vaccines, said if we don’t share vaccines eq-
saplings until these plants grow up with resilience to bad climatic “This pandemic is changing Tedros. uitably, “then we undercut the
conditions. In so doing, officials need to manage nurturing of these but it’s not over. We have made Last year, it was the hoard- philosophy that all lives have Singapore has detected its first community cases confirmed to be infected with the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5
subvariants of COVID-19, the Ministry of Health said in a press release on 16 May 2022. The National Centre for
already-planted saplings to be free from destruction in various progress but it’s not over.” ing of vaccines by rich and equal worth.”
Infectious Diseases is the city’s first line of outbreak response, a critical piece of infrastructure in the fight against
forms by animals and naughty persons. Act together manufacturing countries which Second generation vaccines COVID-19.   PHOTO: REPRESENTATIVE IMAGE/ROSLAN RAHMAN/AFP /FILE
If the already-planted saplings are kept under carelessness, “Only with concerted action proved to be the major barrier Tedros said that it was crit-
they will not be thriving for many days. If so, no one can guarantee by governments, international to access, but this year, it’s what ical for funding to be secured
their survival. Consequently, the cost, labour and time used in agencies and the private sec- he described as the wavering for “second generation vac- “This is feasible, WHO con- als of new vaccines could take “With new variants of con-
growing the saplings will be wasted unacceptably. tor can we solve the converg- “political commitment to get- cines”, as well as testing and tinues to convene scientists and place to rapidly establish their cern likely - genomic sequenc-
Hence, some bodies emphasize the growth of saplings at ing challenges”, said the WHO ting vaccines out to people - and treatments. researchers and there has been safety and efficacy. ing remains critical. I also call
the ceremonies one after another whereas some bodies need to chief. challenges of disinformation”, “The ideal solution would be a lot of research into this virus “Now is the time”, he con- for accelerated efforts and in-
protect the already-planted saplings to be free from destruction He warned that our abil- which are thwarting the pace the development of a pan-coro- and understanding immunology cluded, for government health centives to be developed around
for ensuing safety thriving with rapid growth. If so, thick foliage ity to track the virus is under of inoculations at the national navirus vaccine that covers all overall.” departments to integrate tests the moonshot of developing a
of lush and green forests will emerge one after another in all threat as reporting and genomic level. the variants so far and poten- New global trials and anti-virals into clinical care, pan-coronavirus vaccine.”
parts of the nation in a few years. sequences are declining. The He called for all at-risk tially future ones”, the WHO He said through the agen- so that people that are sick can Source : UN News
optimistic mid-year deadline groups, to be vaccinated and chief declared. cy’s Solidarity Trials, global tri- be treated quickly.
5 JULY 2022

IPRD officers’ capacity-strengthening training (3/2022) opened

THE Ministry of Information times for state/region deputy
held the opening ceremony of directors to improve the quality
the officers’ capacity-strength- of work and management skills.
ening training (3/2022) conduct- The previous two officials’ ca-
ed by the Department of Infor- pacity-strengthening training
mation and Public Relations courses were held in May and
yesterday morning in Nay Pyi June with 56 deputy directors
Taw. and assistant directors.
At the opening ceremony, In the current training, four
Union Minister for Information deputy directors and 15 district
U Maung Maung Ohn said that assistant directors will attend.
the Ministry of Information was The course provides leader-
reforming the State media with ship skills and competencies
youthful programmes. The De- to become competent leaders
partment of Information and and to carry out management
Public Relations is one of the functions in line with the proce-
reform activities of the min- dures. The subject of successful
istry. Public library activities, implementation of departmen-
which are the main function of tal activities, the Civil Service
the Information and Public Re- Law, the rule of law, and finan-
MoI Union Minister U Maung Maung Ohn gives the speech at the opening ceremony of the training.
lations Department, are being cial regulation subjects will be
upgraded to the digital library taught. He urged the trainees
in line with evolving technol- ship offices to be upgraded to the subject of using e-Library the operation of upgraded digi- to do their best to achieve the
ogies. Three training courses the digital library system were Management System Software tal library services. objectives of the training and to
on how to use e-library man- provided with the necessary will be introduced in this train- Although officer training apply it effectively in practice
agement system software were equipment including comput- ing so that deputy directors and courses are scheduled to be by strictly following the train-
conducted with 89 trainees. In ers. assistant directors who will at- held twice with district assistant ing rules during the training.
addition, the district and town- The Union minister said tend the training can supervise directors, it is being held three — MNA

China will play a constructive role in the interests of the


50 million COVID-19 vaccines to stepping up cooperation in the for economic rehabilitation. the two countries. Due to insuf-
Myanmar, and two million more prevention and control of the COVID-19 is a global ca- ficient power generation in My-
vaccines were successfully pre- virus, and one of the important tastrophe and is affecting both anmar, we will continue to pay
sented to the ASEAN Special activities is the Sino-Myanmar countries. Under the leadership attention to cooperation in the
Envoy to Myanmar. joint venture between China and of the Communist Party of Chi- electric power sector. China wish-
Last winter, the situation of Myanmar to produce Chinese na, China has adhered to the es for the better development of
COVID-19 cases became severe Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines COVID-19 policy and is working its neighbour and strives for fur-
in Myanmar, and China provided in Myanmar. It is seen that the to prevent and control the dis- ther cooperation between the two
Myanmar with relief supplies to vaccines produced in Myanmar ease, ensuring China’s econom- countries.
Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Mr China’s border areas and border are effective. In the ‘Myancop- ic stability and development. The donated COVID-19
Chen Hai.  PHOTO: KANU crossings, as well as Oxygen cyl- harm’ vaccine, Myan is Myan- China is confident that it vaccine will be available in all
inders and fluids, were helped mar and co refers to COVID, will successfully achieve the parts of the country where need-
AMBASSADOR of the People’s Re- to reach Myanmar as soon as and pharm is Sinopharm, which economic development goals ed, and one of China’s hopes is
public of China to Myanmar Chen possible. indicates the deepening of Si- set out in the beginning. Chi- that all aid will be available to
Hai presented two million doses of Not only the Chinese no-Myanmar cooperation. The na will work with Myanmar to all Myanmar people. COVID-19
COVID-19 vaccines, which were do- government but also Myan- Chinese Embassy will co-oper- prevent and control the disease vaccines have also been provided
nated to Myanmar, to Deputy Prime mar-based Chinese companies ate in the joint production of the and will do its utmost to help in border areas of Myanmar bor-
Minister and Minister for Foreign have donated to monaster- COVID-19 vaccine from start to Myanmar’s economic recovery. dering China’s Yunnan province,
Affairs and International Coopera- ies and charities during their finish, and the Ministry of Indus- We, the diplomats, live in My- and efforts have been made to
tion of Cambodia, Special Envoy of project implementations. The try and the Ministry of Health anmar and share the common increase disease control. Now
the ASEAN Chair Mr Prak Sokhonn Chinese government has sent are proud to see the results of feelings of the people affected that Myanmar has been able to
on 30 June at his residence. medical experts to help prevent the two countries’ cooperation by COVID-19 disease. The dis- control the COVID-19 virus, it is
The ambassador made the re- and control COVID-19 in Myan- in medicine. ease cannot stop the bilateral one of the 10 least affected coun-
marks in an interview regarding the mar. China and Myanmar are Experts in China are re- cooperation, and China has been tries in ASEAN, according to a
donation of the COVID-19 vaccine to connected by mountains, and viewing the Myanma vaccine continuously cooperating in vari- government release. We need to
Myanmar as follows: - it is a mutually supportive com- to improve the quality of the vac- ous fields by reviewing the needs be aware of the risk of recurrence
Through efforts of the govern- munity. China is proud of My- cine, which is still being vacci- of Myanmar people’s living and of the disease if we come in con-
ment and individuals from various anmar’s success in COVID-19 nated and is guaranteeing public economic difficulties. tact with the international com-
fields, Myanmar’s COVID-19 disease disease prevention and control health. We have also raised the As agriculture is a major munity, and we will continue to
prevention and control efforts have measures. China will continue to standard of the pharmaceutical factor in the country’s devel- cooperate in disease prevention
been successful and the COVID-19 cooperate in disease prevention industry in Myanmar and would opment, China is the largest activities while maintaining the
disease prevention situation has and control measures, taking like to discuss other industrial importer of agricultural prod- control outcome. He said China
been controlled domestically. My- the need for friends of Myan- cooperation issues from the joint ucts and fishery products from would play a constructive role
anmar is a neighbouring country and mar into account while there is venture with Myanmar friends. Myanmar, and efforts are being in the interests of the people of
China has provided effective assis- little transparency in the global Through this, the living stand- made to facilitate cross-border Myanmar and wished Myanmar
tance to prevent and control the dis- COVID-19 pandemic. ards of the people will be im- trade in the control of COVID-19 peace.
ease. China has provided more than The two countries are also proved and there will be benefits disease in the border areas of Translated.
5 JULY 2022

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Mr Prak Sokhonn,

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation,
Laotian delegation visit Bagan pagodas
MR Prak Sokhonn, Deputy
Prime Minister of Cambodia
and Minister of Foreign Affairs
and International Cooperation,
and Laotian delegation paid
a visit to Bagan pagodas yes-
First, they went to
Shwezigon, Htilominlo and
Ananda pagodas and offered
flowers and water to the pago-
They also viewed the an-
cient objects.
Then, they went to the U
Ba Nyein Lacquerware Work-
shop and studied the work pro-
Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation kowtows to the Buddha Image at Htilominlo Pagoda.
cesses.— MNA

Delegations to 7th Mekong-Lancang Cooperation Foreign

Ministers’ Meetings leave Myanmar
THE Chinese delegation led by ed the seventh Mekong-Lancang by Thai’s Deputy Prime Minister Airport. dalay Region’s Natural Resources
State Councilor of the People’s Re- Cooperation Foreign Ministers’ and Minister of Foreign Affairs They were seen off by Depu- and Environmental Conservation
public of China and Foreign Affairs Meetings left Bagan yesterday and Minister of Foreign Affairs of ty Minister for Foreign Affairs U U Myo Aung and departmental
Minister Mr Wang Yi, that attend- evening while the delegations led Viet Nam at noon from NyaungU Kyaw Myo Htut, Minister for Man- officials at the airport. — MNA

Chinese FM leaves Myanmar. Thai FM leaves Myanmar. Vietnamese FM departs Myanmar.

Training on value-added livestock products to be opened in August

TRAINING on value-added live- food security for the people cess during the instructions.  The value-added meat items every year. The centre
stock products, organized by the ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌and food safety. The federation The modules of the production production courses offer the also asks for ideas from the
Myanmar Livestock Federation is joining hands with local and of value-added dairy products principles of value-added meat trainees as well.
and the Department of Live- international organizations to in the last batch were funda- products, slaughtering man- The trainees bear the Yan-
stock Development of Thailand, enhance the value-added busi- mentals of value-added pro- agement, dried meats and gon-Chiang Mai-Yangon flight
is slated to kick off in August, nesses on livestock products.  duction of cream, yoghurts jerky production, displayed cost, training fees and training
MLF reported.   The COVID-19 travel and ice cream, production of items (smoked, BBQ, roasted, materials. The centre set the
The training will offer restrictions shut down those various cheeses, production steak and curry), study tour affordable courses.
technical know-how on val- training courses. Now, they are of condensed milk and evapo- to meat cow and native poul- Those enthusiastic entre-
ue-added dairy and meat prod- planning to resume.  rated milk, production of cos- try farms, value-added meat preneurs and startups in val-
ucts at the Livestock Product They are one-week in- metics with the use of milk products processing factories, ue-added markets can enquire
Research and Development tensive courses. The pro- such as lotion and salt scrub, restaurants and shops and about the training programme
Centre in ChiangMai, Thai- fessionals from Thailand milk creamy coffee, innovative grocery stores. through contact number 09
land.  will conduct practical and products and the field trip to The Livestock Product 752278795 and myanmarlive-
MLF is making efforts to theoretical training. The ex- the small, medium and large Research and Development of the Myan-
effectuate the development of perienced interpreters will dairy enterprises, retail shops Center adds new modules re- mar Rice Federation. — NN/
the livestock sector and ensure provide communication ac- and restaurants. lated to popular marketable GNLM
5 JULY 2022

Myanmar sends 9,328 workers

to Thailand in May-June
ABOUT 9,328 Myanmar migrant Myanmar Labour Attaché Office 5,252 males and 4,076 females—
workers have been sent to Thai- to Thailand. were sent to Thailand via the
land under MoU, according to the A total of 9,328 workers – Myawady-Mae Sot border in May

Myanmar workers under the MoU system are seen being welcomed on
the Myanmar Thai border.

and June. comed and sent to their respec-

The labour export was sus- tive workplaces by officials of the
pended temporarily during the two countries.
outbreak of COVID-19 and re- The purpose of the MoU pro-
sumed starting on 10 May 2022. cedure is to support legal stay
In the May-June period, and work in respective countries,
workers were sent to Thailand protect their rights and legal pro-
under an MoU system 23 times tection under the existing law
and 9,328 workers were wel- of the countries. — TWA/GNLM

Palm oil prices on the rise

Seven people injured ON 9 June, the palm oil price metric ton between 9 and 30 unload soon.

in building collapse outside Yangon was K8,000 per

viss and it dropped to K6,300
June. Within 21 days, the oil
price dropped about K1,000
Therefore, the local oil
demand will be high in the
per viss on 28 June. per viss. Yangon market and the peo-
In early July, the prices In the foreign palm oil ple watch the market situa-
drastically rose and it became market, as the soybean oil tion as the foreign oil price
K8000/8200per viss outside prices dropped dramatically drops and they bought only
Yangon on 4 July, said Ko Oo, within 50 years and due to a certain amount of oil they
palm oil seller at Nyaung Bin declining China’s demand, need in June end and the de-
Lay Market. exceeding palm oil produc- mand was high again when
In the market, the price tion rate of Malaysia, export the prices rose.
declined about K1700 per viss permit of 1.6 million tonnes by In early July, the palm
within 21 days and it rose to Indonesia, the foreign palm oil price outside Yangon rose
K1,700 per viss again recently. oil prices drastically declined and the people, who run fry-
The Yangon’s reference price recently and the prices of pre- ing businesses, need extra
was K5,815 per viss between paid would decline in coming cash when they buy the oil.
21 and 30 June. But the au- months, according to the for- The peanut oil price is
thorities have not announced eign data. between K8,500 and K11,000
the reference prices in state- The oil tankers will arrive per viss. — TWA/GNLM
Rescue work is underway at the collapse site.  PHOTO : FSD
owned newspapers between 1 in the country recently and
to 4 July, the oil dealers said.
A total of seven people were injured in the collapse of a
People criticized the local
building under construction in Yangon. The incident hap-
and foreign palm oil prices de-
pened at around 10:10 am on 4 July on Padamyar road in clined by the end of June as
Shwepyitha Township. the foreign oil prices dropped
After the news that a building under construction col- sharply and the prices rose
lapsed on Padamyar road, search and rescue crews from again recently.
the Myanmar Fire Brigade conducted search and rescue On 9 June, the foreign palm
operations. The back side of the 20-by-60-foot steel structure oil was priced at $1,438.39 per
under construction collapsed. metric ton and only $1,311.42
Two women who were seriously injured were sent to on 14 June.
Insein General Hospital and five men were transported to On 17 June, Malaysia’s
Yangon General Hospital by ambulance from the We Love palm oil price was $1,240.72
Care Social Welfare Association. per metric ton, $1,172.15 on
Search and rescue operations by the Myanmar Fire 20 June, $1,061.62 on 24 June,
Brigade are continuing in time to find out if there are any $1,088.20 on 27 June and
more people trapped at the scene. TWA / GNLM $1,107.75 on 30 June.
The foreign palm oil pric- A vendor is pictured using the palm oil to fry snacks.
es declined by about $330 per
5 JULY 2022


KDDI says mobile network almost

recovered across Japan
KDDI Corp said Monday ers, did not have a firm The disruption, Secretary Seiji Kihara
voice calls and data com- timetable set for com- which occurred around said the trouble is “ex-
munications have almost plete service restoration 1:35 am Saturday, has af- tremely regrettable” as
been restored nation- as of 4 pm. fected up to 39.15 million mobile networks are im-
wide, two days after the Users of its “au” mo- mobile connections and portant infrastructure
Japanese telecom giant bile phones continued to disrupted banking sys- for the public and their
An “au” mobile phone service shop is pictured in Tokyo on
suffered disruptions on have difficulty making tems, the transmission of activities, and he has
4 July 2022.   PHOTO : KYODO
up to 39 million mobile calls Monday due to a weather data, parcel de- demanded an “in-depth
connections during main- temporary limit placed liveries and network-con- explanation for users” for digitalization as one everything from cars to
tenance work. on network traffic, even nected cars. from the carrier. of its top priorities. It factory equipment be-
But KDDI, the coun- after internet and data Speaking at a press KDDI’s problems also highlights the risk comes connected to the
try’s second-largest mo- communication services c o n f e r e n c e M o n d a y, come at a time when the of a large-scale commu- internet. —Kyodo
bile carrier by subscrib- were largely restored. Deputy Chief Cabinet government is pushing nications breakdown as

Pub numbers in England and Wales Australian resources

exports estimated to hit
hit record lows: study record high
THE number of pubs in England ries, have either been demolished with a new challenge. THE value of Australia’s resources exports has been
and Wales has plunged to its lowest or converted into homes and offices, “Whilst pubs proved remarka- estimated to hit a record high despite floods and COV-
ever level, according to analysis pub- it added. bly resilient during the pandemic, ID-19 interrupting the industry.
lished on Monday which blames the The analysis comes after the they’re now facing new headwinds The federal Department of Industry, Science and
coronavirus pandemic and soaring pub trade and wider hospitality sec- grappling with the cost of doing busi- Resources on Monday released Resources and Energy
costs. tor suffered a slump in business due ness crisis through soaring energy Quarterly (REQ) data for June 2022.
In the first half of this year, pub to the series of coronavirus lock- costs, inflationary pressures and tax It revealed that Australia’s resources and energy
numbers dropped below 40,000 — downs and social distancing restric- rises,” Altus Group UK president export earnings are estimated to reach a record 405
a fall of more than 7,000 since 10 tions. Robert Hayton said. billion Australian dollars (277.6 billion US dollars) in
years ago. Throughout the public health Separate research from indus- the financial year 2021-22, up from about 320 billion
A total of 200 pubs called “last crisis, industry bodies urged the gov- try bodies the British Beer and Pub Australian dollars (219.3 billion US dollars) in 2020-21.
orders” for good from the end of De- ernment for more financial support Association (BBPA), the British In- The 2021-22 earnings were lower than the 425 billion
cember to the end of last month, real to prop up affected businesses and stitute of Innkeeping and UKHospi- Australian dollars (291.3 billion US dollars) projected in
estate advisers Altus Group said. prevent many from going to the wall. tality, suggests only about one-third the March REQ — a drop that was attributed to flooding
Pubs, which have been central But with inflation now at 40-year (37 per cent) of hospitality business- along much of Australia’s east coast and disruptions
to British communities for centu- highs, pubs have been confronted es are in profit. —AFP caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Minister for Resources Madeleine King said the
data proved Australia was a stable source of resources
NEWS and energy. —Xinhua

China’s car purchase tax cut benefits over 1 mln cars in HOLIDAY NOTICE

one month AS the wharves, warehouses and chellan Offices

of Yangon Port will be closed on the 10th JULY 2022
(Qurbani Eid), 12th JULY 2022 (Full-moon Day of Waso)
SOME 1.09 million cars enjoyed China’s car purchase tax cut during the first month of the policy’s implementation, and 19th JULY 2022 (Martyr's Day), Loading, Unloading
according to the country’s top taxation agency. The tax cut policy, which applies to some low-emission passenger and delivery for Goods will be received on Payment as
vehicles, had saved about 7.1 billion yuan (about 1.06 billion US dollars) for car buyers, data from the State Taxation Holiday Fees.
Administration showed. China decided in late May to halve the car purchase tax for passenger vehicles priced at no
more than 300,000 yuan and with 2-litre or smaller engines, which will last from 1 June to the end of the year.
The move is part of China’s policy mix to keep the economy stable as auto sales matter much to the country’s MYANMA Port Authority
consumption growth. Latest industrial data showed that car sales in China are perking up. Retail sales of passenger
vehicles topped 1.42 million units during the 1 June - 26 June period, up 27 per cent year on year. —Xinhua “NOTICE of High Tide”
EXCEPTIONALLY high spring from 20.08 feet to 20.64

Vietnam’s footwear export up 14.8 % in 6 months

feet high above the chart datum are expected to occur in
Yangon River during the period of July 13th to July 17th, 2022.
VIETNAM raked in more than 11.9 billion US dollars from exporting footwear from January to June, wit- Please be noted that it is not serious level of tide because the
highest tide level have reached up to 22 feet above the chart
nessing a year-on-year increase of 14.8 per cent, according to the country’s Ministry of Industry and Trade
datum in year 2014 and 2015, and this notice is normally
on Monday. In the first half of 2022, the Southeast Asian country also earned more than two billion dollars
issued whenever high tide of Yangon River is expected to
from exporting handbags, wallets, suitcases, hats and umbrellas, up 20.4 per cent year on year. In 2021,
reach over 20 feet high above the chart datum in order to
Vietnam reaped over 17.6 billion dollars from exporting footwear, up 4.9 per cent year on year, according
take precautionary measures to the public living near river
to the country’s General Statistics Office. — Xinhua
foreshore area of Yangon City.
5 JULY 2022

Protests in US after release of video of police killing Black man

SEVERAL hundred protesters marked the fourth straight day Sunday: one that was a com-
marched Sunday in Akron, Ohio of protests. Demonstrations pilation of body-camera foot-
after the release of body camera were peaceful but for a tense age, body-cam still frames and
footage that showed police fa- moment in which some protest- voiceover, and another of the
tally shooting a Black man with ers got close to a line of police complete body-cam footage of
several dozen rounds of bullets. and shouted at them. the entire chase and shooting.
As anger rose over the After the first rally, a crowd The voiceover explained
latest police killing of a Black of people remained in the street that Walker did not stop and
man in the United States, and protesting. drove off. Police engaged in a
authorities appealed for calm, Fearing potential unrest, car chase and said a shot had
a crowd marched to City Hall authorities in the city of 190,000 been fired from Walker’s vehi-
carrying banners with slogans people moved snowplows and cle.
such as “Justice for Jayland”. other heavy equipment near the After being chased for sev-
The slogan refers to Jay- police department to serve as eral minutes, Walker got out of
land Walker, 25, who was killed a barrier. his car while it was still moving
Demonstrators hold “Justice for Jayland” signs as they gather outside Monday after officers tried to After initially providing few and fled on foot. Officers tried to
Akron City Hall to protest the killing of Jayland Walker, shot by police, in stop his car over a traffic vi- details of the shooting, Akron subdue him with their tasers,
Akron, Ohio, 3 July 2022.   PHOTO : AFP
olation, police said. Sunday authorities released two videos but he kept running. —AFP


resignation rumours Facts about Russia-Ukraine conflict: Russia

POPE Francis has rebuffed the 85-year old said: “We don’t announces control of Lugansk, Kyiv denies
suggestions he may be readying know. God will say.”
to resign, saying in an interview Francis said he had suf- reports on Lysychansk’s capture
published Monday that rumours fered a “small fracture” in his
he was suffering from a serious knee, which was treated with THE following are the latest
illness were “court gossip”. laser and magnet therapy. developments in the Ukraine
“It never crossed my The knee pain forced him crisis:
mind”, Francis told Reuters to indefinitely postpone a July Russian Defence Minister
news agency after weeks of trip to Africa. Sergei Shoigu has informed
speculation. He denied rumours that he President Vladimir Putin of the
Pressed on whether he had been diagnosed with stom- control of Lugansk, the Defence
might emulate his predeces- ach cancer during his colon op- Ministry said Sunday.
sor Benedict XVI, who was the eration in July 2021, saying it The region has been “liber-
first pope since the middle ages was merely “court gossip”. ated” after Russian troops and
to resign, the Argentine said Francis will travel to Can- the armed forces of Lugansk
“for the moment, no. For the ada this month, after which he took full control of Lysychansk, a
moment, no. Really”! said he would like to travel to key city of Lugansk, and its near-
But in the interview, which Moscow and Kyiv if possible. by settlements, according to a
took place Saturday at the Vati- The pontiff has repeatedly brief statement by the ministry.
can, he repeated his often-stat- offered to help mediate in the Shoigu told Putin that the
ed position that he might resign war, saying he was hopeful for total area of territories taken Ukrainian soldiers ride an armoured vehicle on the main road
someday if failing health made an invitation to visit Russian over the past day amounted to to Lysychansk in Ukraine’s eastern region of Donbas on 26 June
it impossible for him to run the President Vladimir Putin follow- 182 square km, it added. 2022.   PHOTO : AFP
Church. ing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ----
Asked when that might be, in February. — AFP AN official of the Ukrainian De- tinue as Ukrainian forces military-technical assistance
fence Ministry on Sunday de- control much of the Donetsk to Ukraine, the report said.
nied reports that Lysychansk region, Sak said, noting that ----
has been under the full control several other large towns in THE Russian Defence Minis-
of Russian armed forces, the Donetsk remained under Ky- try said Sunday that Ukraine
government-run Ukrinform iv’s control. has launched an attack by
news agency reported. ---- Tochka-U ballistic missiles
Yuriy Sak, adviser to De- UKRAINIAN President Volod- with cluster munitions and
fence Minister Olexiy Reznikov, ymyr Zelensky on Sunday held Tu-143 Reys unmanned aerial
told BBC that the situation in a meeting with visiting Austral- vehicles on the residential ar-
Lysychansk has been “very ian Prime Minister Anthony eas in the southern cities of
tense for quite a long time,” Albanese to discuss security Belgorod and Kursk.
and Russian troops have been cooperation, the presidential The Russian air defence
“constantly attacking the city”. press service reported. has destroyed all the three
Even if Russian forces were During the talks, Zelensky missiles, the ministry said,
to seize the entire Lugansk re- informed Albanese of the situa- adding that fragments of one
Pope Francis leaves after celebrating a Holy Mass for the Congolese
gion, the battle for Donbass, tion on the frontline in Ukraine, of the destroyed missiles fell
community, at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican on 3 July 2022.   which comprises the Lugansk while the Australian prime down on a residential building
  PHOTO : AFP and Donetsk regions, will con- minister announced more in Belgorod. — Xinhua
5 JULY 2022

Thousands evacuate from ‘dangerous’ Sydney floods

RAPIDLY rising rivers swamped has been at the sharp end of climate
swathes of rain-lashed Sydney on Mon- change, with droughts, deadly bush-
day, forcing thousands to flee “danger- fires, bleaching events on the Great
ous” floods as the city’s largest dam Barrier Reef and floods becoming
spilled torrents of water. On the third more common and intense as global
day of torrential east coast rains, emer- weather patterns change.
gency workers said they had rescued Higher temperatures mean the
more than 140 people since the stormy atmosphere holds more moisture,
weather began. unleashing more rain. About 32,000
But evacuated residents in one people were under orders to evacuate
area of western Sydney were now or be ready to flee across New South
being allowed to return home, offi- Wales, the state’s emergency services
cials said, as weather conditions in said. The army sent 100 troops to help
New South Wales were forecast to operations in the storm-battered state.
ease over the next 24 hours. Many of “The ground is saturated, the rivers
those rescued had been trapped in are fast flowing, the dams are overflow-
their cars trying to cross flood-swept ing,” said State Emergency Services
A general view shows a flooded area from the overflowing Hawkesbury river due to torrential roads or were unable to leave homes commissioner Carlene York. “It is par-
rain in the Windsor suburb of Sydney on 4 July 2022.   PHOTO : AFP surrounded by rising waters. Australia ticularly dangerous out there.” —AFP

Iran says US failed to take

12 bodies found after South China Sea
initiative in Doha nuclear talks typhoon shipwreck: official
THE United States failed to be constructive in the latest TWELVE bodies have been found
round of the talks on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal, the following a shipwreck in the South
Iranian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Monday. China Sea over the weekend that
According to the statement, Iranian Foreign Minister left the crew of 30 missing, Chi-
Hossein Amir-Abdollahian made the remarks in a phone nese authorities said Monday.
conversation with his French counterpart, Catherine Col- The announcement came days
onna. after an engineering vessel 160
Though describing the Tuesday and Wednesday talks nautical miles (296 kilometres)
in Doha as positive, Amir-Abdollahian said, “we should southwest of Hong Kong suffered
wait and see how the American side would seek to use the substantial damage and broke
opportunity of diplomacy.” into two pieces during a typhoon.
“We maintain that reiterating previous positions should “As of 3:30 pm on 4 July, res-
not replace a political initiative,” he said. cue forces found and recovered 12
Amir-Abdollahian added that Iran is serious about bodies, suspected to be of victims
reaching a “good and lasting” agreement and has always who drowned, in an area around This handout file photo taken and released by the Hong Kong
presented its proposals and ideas in the negotiations. 50 nautical miles southwest of the Government Flying Service on 2 July 2022 shows a ship after it broke
The two-day indirect talks between Iran and the United site where the vessel sank,” said into two amid Typhoon Chaba, during a rescue operation of the crew
States in the Qatari capital last week failed to result in any the Guangdong Maritime Search members in the South China Sea, 160 nautical miles (296 kilometres)
southwest of Hong Kong.   PHOTO : HANDOUT / GOVERNMENT
agreement to settle remaining differences amid interna- and Rescue Centre in a notice on FLYING SERVICE / AFP
tional efforts to restore the nuclear deal, formally known Monday.
as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Iran “The relevant departments early hours of Monday, according earlier showed a person being
signed the JCPOA with the world’s major countries in July are stepping up identity confir- to Chinese state media, leaving 26 airlifted onto a helicopter while
2015, agreeing to curb its nuclear programme in return for mation work,” the notice added. more people still unaccounted for. waves crashed over the deck of
removing sanctions on the country. —Xinhua Three people had been rescued Dramatic footage provid- the semi-submerged ship below.
on Saturday and one more in the ed by Hong Kong authorities —AFP

Bezos slams Biden appeal for lower gasoline prices

AMAZON founder Jeff Bezos has ting prices at the pump is simple: amounted to “either straight Gasoline prices at the pump well-being of the average con-
criticized President Joe Biden this is a time of war and global ahead misdirection or a deep have become a symbol of broader sumer.
for calling on oil companies to peril,” Biden tweeted Saturday. misunderstanding of basic mar- price rises in the United States, The companies say in turn
lower sky-high gasoline prices, “Bring down the price you ket dynamics”. and they are sapping Biden’s ap- they have increased production to
prompting the White House to are charging at the pump to re- “Ouch. Inflation is far too im- proval rating ahead of legislative try to tame prices but that these
come to the US leader’s defence flect the cost you’re paying for the portant a problem for the White elections in November. are set on the world market and
on Sunday. product. And do it now,” Biden House to keep making state- Biden has regularly attacked are subject to dynamics that are
“My message to the compa- added. ments like this,” the US billion- oil companies, saying they only not under the control of US oil
nies running gas stations and set- Bezos said Biden’s remarks aire tweeted Saturday. care about profits and not the giants. —AFP
evacuate from
Sydney floods

Myawady beat ISPE 2-0 to grab Republic of the Union of Myanmar

their first victory State Administration Council
Nine Objectives
1. Political affairs
The ISPE team had a (a) To build a Union based on democracy and federal-
chance to score in the first half ism, through a disciplined and genuine multiparty
but could not use it and had to democratic system that is fair and just.
(b) To emphasize the achievement of enduring peace
concede a goal near the end of
for the entire nation in line with the Nationwide
the first half. Ceasefire Agreement (NCA).
The first goal for Myawady (c) To continue implementing the principle of peaceful
was scored by team captain Wai co-existence among countries through an independ-
Yan Oo in the 43rd minute. In the ent, active and non-aligned foreign policy.
second half, ISPE tried to get 2. Economic affairs
an equalizer but missed due to (a) To enhance production based on agriculture and
some weakness in the end. livestock through modern techniques and strengthen
The winning goal for all-round development in other sectors of the econ-
Myawady FC was scored at 73 omy.
(b) To develop a stable market economy and promote
minutes by Thet Paing.
international investment in order to enhance the
Out of the three matches economic development of the entire National people.
An ISPE FC player (yellow) vies for the ball against the Myawady FC
played previously, the winners (c) To promote and support local businesses to create
player during their Myanmar National League match at Thuwunna
Stadium in Yangon yesterday.   PHOTO: MNL of the first match were Ayeyar- employment opportunities and increase domestic
wady United, Myawady FC and production.
MYAWADY FC beat ISPE FC by defeating ISPE. Maha United, and the losers 3. Social affairs
2-0 on the third day of the sec- ISPE team defeated the Ra- are ISPE FC and Hanthawady (a) To ensure a strong and dynamic Union spirit, the
ond week of the 2022 Myanmar khine team in their first match United. genuine spirit of patriotism.
National League played at but missed the chance to win The second match of the (b) To respect and promote the customs and traditions
of all National peoples and preserve and safeguard
Thuwunna Stadium in Yangon this match. second week will be held at 3 pm
their cultural heritage and national characteristics.
yesterday. It was a tough meeting be- on 6 July at Thuwunna Stadium (c) To enhance the health, fitness and education quality
Myawady lost to Yangon tween the two teams, so both and the defending champions of the entire nation.
in the first match, but in this teams opened attacks and Shan United will play against
match, they won the first victory scored chances. GFA. — Ko Nyi Lay/GNLM

Djokovic sees Sinner in himself

ahead of Wimbledon clash
NOVAK Djokovic admits he can last 16 on Sunday, saving all sev- In 2021, he became the
see a lot of Jannik Sinner in him- en break points faced. youngest player in the year-end
self as the pair face off for a place Before this Wimbledon, he top 10 since Juan Martin del Po-
in the Wimbledon semi-finals on had never won a grass court tro in 2008.
Tuesday. match. Earlier in the year, still 19,
Six-time defending cham- Sinner has been breaking he became the first teenager to A Myanmar team player (red) attempts to pass over Thai defenders
pion Djokovic is in familiar new ground since his teens. win an ATP 500-level event in during their group match of AFF U-19 Championship 2022 in
Indonesia on 4 July 2022.   PHOTO: MFF
territory, targeting an Washington.
11th semi-final at the
All England Club
He was also the first Italian
finalist in the history of the Mi-
Myanmar suffer 0-3 loss to Thailand
a n d ami Masters last year. in AFF U-19 Championship
Physical frailties, however,
43rd at the Slams. are never far away. —AFP MYANMAR U-19 boys’ football team changed players and in-
Italian 20-year-old Sin- team faced a 0-3 loss to ASEAN creased their attacking power,
ner is yet to get past the quar- powerhouse Thailand team in but could not make any come-
ter-finals of a major. the AFF U-19 Championship in from-behind actions.
“I kind of see a little bit of Serbia’s Novak Djokovic returns Indonesia on 4 July. In another Group A match,
myself in his game from the back the ball to Netherlands’ Tim van Myanmar will have to fight Viet Nam beat the Philippines
Rijthoven during their round of 16
of the court, playing flat back- men’s singles tennis match on the
for a place in the semi-finals 4-1.
hand, constantly staying on the seventh day of the 2022 Wimbledon after losing to Thailand, one The Thai team wins two
back of the line, trying to put Championships at The All England of the potential rivals. matches and earned six points
pressure on opponents,” said Tennis Club in Wimbledon, The Myanmar team tried and the Myanmar team has
Djokovic. southwest London, on 3 July to get a good result but had to three points from two match-
2022.   PHOTO : AFP
The Serb easily won the concede three goals in the first es.
pair’s only previous meeting in half, which made it difficult to Viet Nam has four points
straight sets on clay in Monte get equalizers. and the Philippines have lost
Carlo last year. The winning goals for the two games in a row. Team My-
But beanpole Sinner im- Thai team were scored in the anmar will take on the Philip-
pressively dismissed Spanish 7th, 25th, and 33rd minutes. In pines on 6 July.—Ko Nyi Lay/
teenager Carlos Alcaraz in the the second half, the Myanmar GNLM

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