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July 1, 2022 • Volume 108, Issue 2 • nique.



. .

technique GT Golf goes to Nationals p16 ‘Superache’ review p10

News 2 Opinions 4 Life 7 Entertainment 10 Sports 16


reflects on the

On the morning of June 24, the

Supreme Court of the United States
(SCOTUS) voted in a landmark de-
cision to strike down Roe v. Wade, a
1973 precedent that ensured the con-
stitutional right to abortion. After al-
most 50 years of reproductive freedom,
the recent decision has resulted in an
increase in state’s ability to regulate
reproductive healthcare as seen prior
to the original ruling that guaranteed
abortion as a federally protected right.
The SCOTUS decision does not
come as a surprise — in a leaked
draft authored by Justice Samuel
Alito and obtained by POLITICO in
early May, it became clear that Roe v.
Wade’s precedence as settled law was
uncertain. Moreover, the constitu-
tional legitimacy of Roe v. Wade has
been under constant scrutiny since its
passage nearly 50 years ago, with the
related discourse and dialogue be-
coming more partisan in recent years.
In 2018, the Center for Reproduc-
tive Rights filed the case, Dobbs v.
Jackson Women’s Health, in order to
combat Mississippi’s ban on abor-
tion following 15 weeks of pregnancy.
The Jackson Women’s Health Or-
ganization, the only abortion clinic
in the entire state, claimed that this
ban was unconstitutional as it di-
rectly violated the reproductive free-
doms enshrined within Roe v. Wade.
A federal district court immediately
struck down the ban in Mississippi on
the basis of constitutionality, and the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Cir-
cuit corroborated the decision based on
See ROE V. WADE, page 3
Top L: Photo courtesy of GTAA; Top R: Photo courtesy of Republic Records; Above: Photo by Joey D’Adamio Student Publications


Project H.E.L.P. ATL hosts Juneteenth service event

ISA CARDONA chapter as an opportunity to be a organization that helped people
ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR part of the community on a dif- that were experiencing house-
ferent level and become more lessness in his hometown of
Project H.E.L.P. ATL is a non- involved in the local happen- Indianapolis, Ind. He lost his
profit organization that provides ings. He came to Atlanta right job when he arrived in Atlanta
a hands-on service experience at the beginning of the pandem- and had to stay with friends.
dedicated to providing neces- ic and saw the city shut down. This opened his eyes to the
sities for the houseless and less One of the things that he no- support system and resources
fortunate, as well as developing ticed is that the pandemic shed he had and just how quick-
educational and mentorship op- light on people who were not get- ly someone’s life can change.
portunities for underserved com- ting the resources they needed. He made a pledge that once
munities throughout Atlanta. Shelters were no longer able to he was able to get back on his
The organization was founded service people who required assis- feet, he would work to get on
in 2020, and Daniel Farr is the tance or even provide hot meals. the committee to help those Photo by Isa Cardona Student Publications
founder of the Atlanta branch. Before coming to Atlanta, that are forgotten and over- Project H.E.L.P. volunteers pose for a picture
Farr saw establishing the Atlanta Farr had been part of another See PROJECT HELP, page 9 after working with members of the community.

NEWS EDITOR: Enterprise growth technique
Tehreem Hussain
Morgan Whittemore
The Institute’s research enterprise has seen
significant growth in recent years; the 2022 2
fiscal year is expected to surpass 2021’s 43 July 1, 2022

Tech faculty appointed by President Biden

commanded a fighter squadron,
EMILY RUSSELL the amphibious ship USS Cleve-
STAFF WRITER land, and the aircraft carrier
USS Enterprise.”
On May 4, President Joe Biden He also acted as a flag of-
disclosed his appointments to the ficer, wherein “he command-
President’s Intelligence Advisory ed a carrier strike group, two
Board (PIAB). In that list, Admi- NATO commands, the United
ral James A. “Sandy” Winnefeld – States Sixth Fleet, United States
a Tech alumnus and professor in Northern Command, and the
the Sam Nunn School of Interna- North American Aerospace
tional Affairs (IA) – can be found. Defense Command [NORAD].”
Winnefeld will serve as chair His efforts have amassed him a
within the board. According to plethora of accolades; prior to his
the White House, those work- retirement from the Navy in 2015,
ing alongside him will be Gil- Adm. Winnefeld received the
man G. Louie, Secretary Janet Defense Distinguished Service
A. Napolitano and Ambassador Medal three times, the Legion of
Richard J. Verma. Merit award two times, the Navy
As the chair of the President’s Distinguished Service Medal, the
Intelligence Advisory Board, Defense Superior Service Medal,
Adm. Winnefeld will afford the as well as the Bronze Star Medal.
President with guidance on how His decorations exceed far be-
the Intelligence Community can yond his work within the Navy.
be both effective and in alignment Winnefeld has published several
with the nation’s needs. books, such as Career Compass:
Adm. Winnefeld has been a Navigating the Navy’s Officer
member of the Tech community Promotion and Assignment Sys-
long before his employment at tem (2015), and Joint Air Opera-
the Institute began. He gradu- tions: Pursuit of Unity in Com-
ated from the school in 1978 with mand and Control (1993).
a degree in aerospace engineering He and his wife, Mary, are
(AE). Following his college gradu- also the co-chairs of a nonprofit
ation from Tech, Adm. Winnefeld organization called SAFEPro-
had a tenure in the United States ject.US. It is dedicated to curb-
Navy that exceeded 35 years. ing the addiction epidemic
He flew the F-14 Tomcat in the United States.
and served as senior-de-camp Furthermore, in addition to
to General Colin L. Powell, an being a professor and member Photo courtesy of Wikipedia
American diplomat and the 65th of the Engineering Hall of Fame Adm. Winnefeld was recently appointed to President Joe Biden’s Intelligence
Secretary of State. here at Tech, the Sam Nunn Advisory Board and has been a longtime faculty member of the Sam Nunn School.
Following his first tour of duty School of IA reports that he “[is]
in 1984, he became an instruc- a senior non-resident fellow at the sues of our time, the Sam Nunn and Georgia Tech. representative for the IAC, says
tor at the Navy Fighter Weapons Belfer Center for Science and In- School of International Affairs is “Sandy’s work with the PIAB that “Winnefeld will continue to
School– more commonly known ternational Affairs, John F. Ken- no stranger to working with some is, of course, completely separate serve in his role here at Tech as
as TOPGUN. According to a re- nedy School of Government at of the best minds in international from his work here in the Nunn a distinguished professor of the
cent Tech Instagram post, “Win- Harvard University.” affairs and security.” School. However, this engage- practice in the Nunn School.”
nefeld was training pilots when Adam Stulberg, a Sam Nunn Adm. Winnefeld is the sec- ment clearly demonstrates that the This appointment is a well-
Paramount Pictures began the Professor and a chair within the ond Nunn School faculty mem- Nunn School and Georgia Tech deserved accolade for Adm. Win-
production of the original Top college, elaborated on what Adm. ber to take a key role in the are well-positioned for the future nefeld and his illustrious career.
Gun film. Winnefeld and his fel- Winnefeld’s role in the adminis- administration. as we work to understand and For more information regarding
low instructors flew the fighter jets tration means for the community. This distinction demonstrates improve the world around us and Adm. Winnefeld’s accomplish-
seen throughout the movie.” “As a School named for an es- the caliber of faculty the Institute train a new generation of leaders ments, appointments, and his
Beyond TOPGUN, the Cen- teemed senator with an incredible attracts and reflects well on the to work on the world stage.” course offerings at Tech, refer to
ter for Strategic and International record of working on the most stature of the Nunn School, the Despite his appointment, Mi-
Studies says that “[Winnefeld] pressing international security is- Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts, chael Pearson, a media relations sandy-winnefeld.

sliver // your thoughts
Andy is the best EIC!!! Thank you to her for all he does!
I miss nacho fries, bring them back Taco Bell!!!!
The South’s Liveliest College Newspaper
Thankyou to Tehreem for the best soggy CFA sandwich
Valorant lowkey slaps NEWS EDITOR
The student center needs to jst be done alreadyyyy Hope Williams MANAGING EDITOR OPINIONS EDITOR
FASET is so dumb why are there freshman all over the place Yashvini Deva
when I’m wlking to class Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the LIFE EDITOR
I wish I was stronger Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an official publication of Anoushka Mehrota
My body my choice!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. The Technique ENTERTAINMENT
Y’all heard Atlanta gonna have the world cup 2026 boutta be lit publishes on Fridays, weekly in the fall and spring and biweekly in EDITOR
anyone wanna go to trader jeos with me? the summer. Isa Cardona
if i could swap my bank account balance with my snapchat score
I’d be somthing else let me tell you ADVERTISING: Information can be found online at
wap ads. The deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one
Will Fuss
tech is mid at best change my mind week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing infor- PHOTO EDITOR
football boutta be another disappointment mation or for any other questions please e-mail us at ads@nique. Joey D’Adamio
if only my glow up came net. You may reach us at 404-894-2830, Monday through Friday
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
I really don’t wanna go to Target rn Abby Ellison
I love blick so much Copyright © 2022, Andy Borst, Editor-in-Chief, and the Georgia
Abby is the best friend everr Tech Board of Student Publications. No part of this paper may be
Clara Templin
spotify over apple music who actually uses apple music reproduced in any manner without written permission from the
anybody wanna join the technique? Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of Student Publications. The TECH EDITOR
I wish my computer would work ideas expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do Rahul Deshpande
One dy, I too will have money not necessarily represent the views of the Board of Student Pub- HEAD COPY EDITOR
lications, the students, staff or faculty of the Georgia Institute of Emily Joe
kinda missing insomnia Technology or the University System of Georgia. First copy free;
Perffff for additional copies call 404-894-2830.
// NEWS technique • July 1, 2022 • 3

78-page opinion highlighted the the First Amendment of the Con- limit abortion access in Georgia students, and not just one side of
ROE V. WADE FROM FRONT relevance of state autonomy in stitution. When asked about the do go into place. They, in collabo- resources. For example, I think it
the same premise. However, deciding how the SCOTUS rul- protest, Grace Trebilcock, ME ration with Stamps Health Ser- is helpful that those who believe in
in 2020, Mississippi appealed ing would impact abortion laws in ‘24, said, “It was quite the experi- vices, should work to make educa- abortion are being made aware of
to the Supreme Court to de- a particular state. ence. There were so many people tion on abortion more accessible their safe resources. However, you
cide whether pre-viability limi- State autonomy will result in there, and so many people on the to all students, faculty, and staff; do not hear a ton about pregnancy
tations on abortion defy the vastly differing policies and laws streets that were supportive. It I hope that we students can edu- resources or the number of centers
reproductive rights outlined on abortion in states depending was as if we all moved with one cate ourselves and each other, that that work with women to support
by Roe v. Wade. on their politics. 15 states have heartbeat and one soul. I just hope we may organize events and dem- them in their pregnancy, wanted
Four years after the Dobbs v. trigger laws in place that were that everyone that goes to protests onstrations, and engage in cru- or not. So, if organizations worked
Jackson Women’s Health case first orchestrated to be enacted imme- remembers that this is a ruling cial conversations about abortion to make students aware of resourc-
gained national notoriety, the Su- diately following the overturn of that affects everyone — women, rights post-Roe.” es supporting both sides, whether
preme Court of the United States Roe v. Wade. Even when the land- LGBT, POC, minorities — and However, student sentiment pro-life or not, that would be
did not side with the plaintiffs mark decision was regarded as that it’s not just a women’s rights regarding the ruling is not ho- the right path.”
with a vote of 6-3 and, addition- settled law, many states including issue. I fear it’s only the begin- mogenous. For pro-life leaning Differences in opinion regard-
ally, withdrew the constitutional Georgia, Ohio, and Idaho tried ning, but we must do all we can students, the SCOTUS ruling ing the controversial SCOTUS
right to abortion by overturning to implement bans on abortions to protect the groups that are go- affirms their religious and social ruling exist in various pockets on
Roe v. Wade. Among those who following six weeks of pregancy. ing to feel the consequences of the ideologies, but even those views campus and on a state and na-
voted in favor of the overturn Those proposed policies will be ruling the most.” aren’t always black and white. tional level. During such times,
were Justices Alito, Thomas, Gor- re-introduced in many of the Other frustrated students em- One such student, Grayson the student body looks to the In-
such, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. same states now that the consti- phasized the importance of in- Nour, CHEM, ‘24, said that, stitute administration and health
The smaller group dissenting tutional right to an abortion is no creased healthcare and well-being “Originally, I have always stated organizations on campus for lead-
was comprised of Justices Breyer, longer protected. support on campus in the absence that my religious beliefs support ership and resources to combat
Sotomayor, and Kagan. During a live briefing last Fri- of access to legal abortions. Ce- the overturn, to choose life and in misinformation. With the rise of
Chief Justice Roberts, while day, President Biden assured a na- lina Wu, BME ‘24, said, “Georgia any instance, fight for the life of legal dilemmas and partisan dis-
not in favor of completely over- tional audience that it is still legal Tech will need to allocate more re- a fetus. However, as a woman, I course surrounding the ruling,
turning Roe v. Wade, made it clear for individuals to travel to other sources to support their students have come to also believe that it only time will tell to what ex-
that he concurred with the judg- states for abortion access, if it be- who need reproductive healthcare. should not be up to the govern- tent the overturn of Roe v. Wade
ment of the conservative-leaning comes illegal in their home state. I can only hope that students can ment to decide; at the end of the will alter abortion access in the
majority of the court. In his opin- Attorney General Merrick Gar- be there for each other and con- day, it is my body, and it should United States.
ion, he wrote that, “The Court’s land strongly echoed President nect as a community now to fight be my choice, no questions asked. For more resources on campu
decision to overrule Roe and Casey Biden’s remarks. for choice. We can encourage My faith has led me to believe that for mental health support, stu-
is a serious jolt to the legal system The SCOTUS decision has USG to expand their healthcare abortion is wrong, but that is my dents can access care.gatech.
— regardless of how you view sent reverberations throughout benefits to all employees, like in- own personal belief that does not edu/. Healthcare inquiries on
those cases. A narrower decision the nation, with a microcosm of creased maternal leave and more have to be shared by others, and in campus can be directed to health.
rejecting the misguided viability that discourse present in Atlanta paid time off for parents in the no way is it my job or responsibil- and more informa-
line would be markedly less unset- and, more specifically, at the In- absence of legal abortion access.” ity to push that belief onto other tion regarding birth control and
tling, and nothing more is needed stitute. This past weekend, hun- When asked about what role people. I may have an opinion, legal abortions can be accessed via
to decide this case.” dreds of protests took place across organizations on campus like but so does everyone — it is their
The SCOTUS decision has the United States. Pro-choice Stamps and C.A.R.E could play choice, not the government’s.” The Georgia Tech Student
been met with national anxiety and pro-life advocates filled the in supporting students, faculty, In terms of the Institute’s role Government Association (SGA)
and uncertainty. While many an- streets to either voice disapproval and staff, Wu replied, “I hope that in supporting students, Nour has also put together a thor-
ticipated the decision to overturn or support for the decision and healthcare organizations on cam- wants to see the campus com- ough guide outlining resources
the landmark precedent since the the atmosphere in Atlanta was pus can lead a conversation on munity handle the situation in a for reproductive health and ad-
draft leak in May, the actual re- no different. reproductive healthcare and show multi-faceted manner. vocacy that can be found at
percussions of the decision are Many Tech students attended support for people in the Georgia Nour said, “I hope that Stamps
not as concrete and are mani- the protests in Downtown Atlanta Tech and the Atlanta community and other healthcare organiza- d /1T K pt x 5I VG F6Z C Q2G _
festing as a plethora of legal gray to take part in their civic liberty who need help finding access to tions will work to help make re- Mu x K Ma-V9I1fqYCOZCH-
areas. Specifically, Justice Alito’s of assembly afforded to them by an abortion if proposed laws to sources known and available to peuU9X8/edit.

Institute promotes research enterprise growth

MIHIR KANDARPA Research Institute (GTRI), ten in- ing and was the only university With such large investments Among the changes to the
CONTRIBUTING WRITER terdisciplinary research institutes, without a medical school in the and grants, Tech has been able EVPR’s office include the estab-
teams of faculty, students, and re- top 20, according to a National to significantly grow its research lishment of a Chief Research
1.2 billion dollars: that was the search throughout the six colleges, Science Foundation survey. The impact. Operations Officer (CROO)
record total of Tech’s research en- and hundreds of research labs and economic impact of Tech’s re- With increasing expenditures that will manage the newly cre-
terprise in fiscal year (FY) 2021, centers across the Institute. search on Georgia alone was and investments, and a new stra- ated Associate Vice President
and the Office of the Execu- Research at Tech covers all $4 billion dollars. tegic plan for research developed (AVP) of Research Integrity
tive Vice President for Research fields addressing issues such Tech’s large investments in re- by the Commission on Research Assurance and the Vice Presi-
(EVPR) expects to break that re- as artificial intelligence, ad- search have been made possible Next, the Institute saw the need dent of Research Development
cord in FY 2022. vanced manufacturing, and by the many grants that it has for administrative changes to the and Operations.
As research grows at the Insti- critical infrastructure to bio- received for research in a variety EVPR’s office. Two additional positions – the
tute, the EVPR’s office has laid medicine, architectural design, of fields. The Office of the Executive AVP of Research Administration
out plans to hire “additional em- and European security. In particular, Tech receives Vice President for Administra- reporting to the CROO and the
ployees at all levels, including 19 Researchers at Tech have ex- millions of dollars in funding tion and Finance (A&F) and General Manager (GM) of the
new positions for [FY] 2023 in plored a wide range of questions from the federal government. the Office of the General Coun- Georgia Tech Research Corpora-
research administration, grants over the past year alone. Last In October, the Department of sel worked alongside the EVPR, tion (GTRC) and Georgia Tech
and contracts accounting, and re- May, School of History and So- Defense awarded Tech a $6 mil- with consultation from Deloitte, Applied Research Corporation
search integrity and compliance,” ciology associate professor Amit lion grant spanning three years to to re-evaluate the Institute’s (GTARC) – will be created by
according to an official statement. Prasad examined why COVID-19 enhance U.S. hypersonic capabili- research organization. splitting the current position of
Chaouki T. Abdallah, the conspiracy theories spread, lead- ties by tapping into Tech’s aero- Currently, the EVPR’s of- Vice President and GM of GTRC
EVPR, serves as one of three Ex- ing a different approach than space and mechanical engineering fice oversees all research units at and GTARC.
ecutive Vice Presidents within characterizing these theories research portfolio. the Institute with leadership for While these changes may
President Cabrera’s Executive as “anti-science.” Last December, the U.S. De- Corporate Engagement, Strat- seem trivial, they will sig-
Leadership Team and works This past February, a team of partment of Commerce’s Eco- egy & Administration, GTRI, nificantly reshape the Tech
with leadership across the Insti- researchers in the School of Eco- nomic Development Agency Interdisciplinary Research, the research enterprise.
tute to foster growth in the Tech nomics examined the impact of awarded Tech a grant for the cre- Enterprise Innovation Institute, As Abdallah explains, “[by] in-
research enterprise. trade liberalization on gender ation of an artificial intelligence Research Development and Oper- vesting in our research infrastruc-
He explains that these invest- wage gaps and work patterns. manufacturing corridor in Geor- ations, Research Administration ture and creating more efficient
ments in personnel and resources Just last week, cybersecu- gia as part of its Build Back Better and Commercialization. processes, we ensure that all facul-
“will enable us to fully serve the rity improvements developed by Regional Challenge. The EVPR also works in tan- ty and staff are fully supported as
strategic research endeavors of GTRI in collaboration with the And in March, Cisco funded dem with the Provost’s Office to they carry on the work to improve
the Institute and ensure our en- U.S. Navy are anticipated to im- 30 research projects across Geor- oversee academic research units, the human condition.”
terprise can innovate and scale to prove protection for the identifi- gia Tech including the Institute the Office of General Counsel In the next year, it remains to
its full potential.” cation system used to track com- of People and Technology which for grant compliance and ethics, be seen what the impact of these
But to better understand where mercial and military ships across received funding for projects to the Office of Development for structural changes will yield for
research at Tech is headed, it is the globe. develop augmented reality tools research and corporate growth, research at Tech.
important to know what it con- To be able to explore so many to improve healthcare workforce and A&F to manage research One thing is for sure
sists of, how it is funded, and the different issues, Tech has relied on productivity and contactless in- financing and planning. though: the Institute will cer-
way it is organized. an increasing number of grants ventory management solutions. The Georgia Tech Institute Re- tainly be creating the next in
As it stands, Tech’s research en- and greater funding over the past The Advanced Technology De- lations team has also played a cru- many ways to improve the daily
terprise – which consists of grants, few years. velopment Center at Tech has also cial role in securing many federal lives of countless people across
contracts, and other sponsored ac- In FY 2020, Tech ranked nine- attracted $3 billion in investment and state funding opportunities, the world. For more informa-
tivities – is expansive. Research is teenth among universities across capital, generating $12 billion grants and contracts for research tion on research around campus,
conducted in the Georgia Tech the nation in research spend- in revenue. and development. visit
OPINIONS EDITOR: Micah Veillon technique

All the adversity I’ve had in my
life, all my troubles and obstacles,
have strengthened me .
- Walt Disney
July 1, 2022

OUR VIEWS | Consensus Opinion

A look into Yellow
Should Olympians be allowed to protest
on the international stage? Jacket Rollber Derby
As the Supreme Court prepares to issue for decades to come. For an institution that wanting the other team’s jam-
its final set of rulings for this term, many has historically been seen as a political bal- mer to pass them, try to stop or
are citing the Court’s recent, controversial ance, it is concerning to see the amount of knock the jammer out of bounds
to prevent them from passing.
decisions as a symptom of a larger, underly- power that is bestowed upon them. While scrapes and bruises are
ing issue of the balance of power within the However, it would be remiss to discuss unavoidable in roller derby, there
government and the Court. the Supreme Court without also discussing are lots of rules to make the sport
as safe as possible.
The Court has long been accused of being some of the massively positive benefits the Players may touch their own
a fundamentally undemocratic institution, Court has created, even when going against teammates however they wish,
but we believe that this sentiment has more the popular opinion. The additional nuance but when it comes to making con-
tact with the other team, they can
credibility than ever after the overturning that sometimes the popular opinion is in- only use the parts of the body that
of Roe v. Wade. Recent polls conducted by correct further complicates the question of can be covered with a T-shirt and
shorts — and cannot hit oppo-
NPR show that a majority of Americans are the Supreme Court’s power and role. Mov- nents square in the back. Protec-
against the decision, which has led many ing forward, we think that there are action- LAUREN ZHOU tive gear that must be worn to play
to wonder how such an overarching ruling able items the Court can do to limit its CONTRIBUTING WRITER includes a helmet, mouthguard,
wrist guards, elbow pads and knee
could be made without reflecting the inter- power and better reflect the will of modern Yellow Jacket Roller Derby pads. Players may also wear face
ests of the public. The very nature of how America. First, we believe that limiting the [YJRD] is a co-ed club sport team shields and shin guards if they
the justices of the Supreme Court are cho- tenure of justices will be greatly beneficial. at Tech in Atlanta. While there are wish. Contrary to popular belief,
over 2,000 roller derby leagues, roller derby does not allow elbow-
sen by the president rather than voters, and By doing this, the court will reflect the sen- YJRD is one of the only collegiate ing, tripping, kicking or punching
the lifetime terms they serve rather than timent of the time they serve. Second, we teams in the world! During the — that’ll get you sent straight to
pandemic, the popularity of roller the penalty box! There are many
a set period like other elected positions, encourage the Court to show transparency skating skyrocketed, and the in- more nuances to the rules of play-
seems to alienate the public from being di- in how they choose their cases. The inner terest from people who wanted to ing roller derby, like what a “lead
rectly involved in the creation of the court. workings of the Supreme Court are highly join our team followed — in the jammer” is, “star passes” and oth-
past seven months, we’ve tripled er things that qualify as penalties,
As the question of whether the Court is secretive, especially in regards to choosing the size of our team and now have but this is the main gist!
even a democratic institution looms heavy, cases to review. If the court will not take 65 beautiful teammates. We’ve Roller derby is different from
many question the amount of power the public input on which cases they choose or grown as quickly as we possibly other sports in that it is truly
could, as we can only get as many meant for anyone and everyone!
Supreme Court is given seeing as it may their decisions, we urge them to be trans- new members per semester as sets This past year was one of the worst
not necessarily be derived from the people. parent on how they choose these cases, as of gear we have to lend out. years for the transgender, inter-
We are an incredibly diverse sex and nonbinary communities
The Court was originally put into place as any one case could have massive impacts on team of women, non-binary folks with over a hundred bills across
a way to check and balance the power of how we view constitutional rights and law. and men brought together from the U.S. enacted to limit their
the executive and legislative branches, but While change to the structure of the gov- all types of backgrounds, inter- participation in sports, access
ests, majors, sexualities, gender to affirming healthcare, privacy
as court decisions change the very way we ernment in any form will be viewed as radi- identities… you name it! Every- and, in general, prevent this com-
make laws, it is important to ask “who is cal, we believe that, in the interest of better one is unbelievably inspiring and munity from safely presenting
checking the court?” Decisions made by representing the people, these changes and intelligent, with teammates con- as their true self.
ducting state-of-the-art research, Roller derby is a sport dedi-
the court become the new precedent; they their subsequent implications should at the working on cars and robots, ac- cated to fighting against these
become the fodder for lawyers and lawmak- very least be considered as we move into a ing multivariable calculus exams, restrictions and providing a safe
and just collectively changing the space for the LGBTQIA+ com-
ers alike and chart the course of legislation post-Roe world. world for the better — all in their munity. Our team especially has
free time apart from roller derby tried very hard to make YJRD
practice. Though we are all so as inclusive and welcoming as
The Consensus Opinion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the different in our identities and in- possible by creating a Diversity
Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors. terests, we are all tied together by and Inclusion Committee dedi-
our devoted love for roller derby. cated to publicizing workshops
technique editorial board At YJRD, there is no way that you
won’t fit in!
held by our school educating
about the gender nonconform-
Andy Borst EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Roller derby is a fast-paced, ing experience, enforcing a safe
full-contact, collision sport played space for our members, provid-
Hope Williams MANAGING EDITOR on quad roller skates on an oval- ing mental health awareness and
Tehreem Hussain NEWS EDITOR Isa Cardona ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR shaped track. A game, or what highlighting skaters of color and
Anoushka Mehrota LIFE EDITOR Yashvini Deva OPINIONS EDITOR we call a “bout,” is an hour long fat-positive skaters.
and split into two 30-minute We also skate through the
halftimes. Each halftime is fur- Atlanta Pride Parade together!
Rahul Deshpande TECHNOLOGY EDITOR Abby Ellison DESIGN EDITOR ther split into two-minute “jams.” In order to be on the team, ev-
Joey D’Adamio PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Clara Templin ONLINE EDITOR There are two teams of 15 skaters eryone must sign a Member-
with each team being able to sup- ship Agreement Form protecting
ply five skaters for each jam. One our teammates against bullying,
of the five skaters is designated as harrassment and discrimination
Write to us: nique. Along with these letters, we are open to receiving the “jammer.” They are the point- — which can be hard to notice in letters that focus on relevant issues that currently affect
Georgia Tech as a university, including its campus and
scoring players and are identified
by a star on their helmet. The four
a sport where we physically hit one
another. This trust that we have in
Got something to say? Then let your voice be heard student body. other skaters are called “blockers,” each other is what allows us to re-
with the Technique. Sliver at, tweet us @ When submitting letters we ask that you include with one of them allocated with main best friends even though we
the_nique, check us out on Facebook at your full name, year (1st, 2nd, etc.) and major. For let- the “pivot” position (they have a make each other bleed and bruise.
thenique and follow us on Instagram @gt_nique. We ters from faculty and staff members, we ask that you in- stripe down their helmet), mean- No one falls without an apol-
want to hear your opinion and make it known to all of clude your position at the Institute. We ask that letters ing they are capable of trading ogy, another teammate checking
campus. be thought provoking, well written and in good taste. positions with the jammer in the in to make sure they’re okay or
We also welcome your letters to the Editor We reserve the right to both reject or edit letters for middle of a jam if need-be. The a congratulations!
in response to Technique content as well as top- length and style. team with the most amount of Unlike other sports, people of
ics relevant to campus. We will print letters on a For questions, comments or concerns, please points at the end of the bout wins! all ages are able to start from the
timely and space-available basis. Each week we contact the Opinions Editor, Micah Veillon, at Jammers earn points for each ground up to learn how to play
look for letters that are responses to or commen or the Editor-in-Chief, Janat blocker on the opposing team and master our sport, regardless
taries on content found within the pages of the Tech- Batra, at that they pass, which is where the of if you’re a kid or 40 years old.
hitting comes in! Blockers, not See DERBY, page 6
// OPINIONS technique • July 1, 2022• 5

The case for abortion access

MIHIR KANDARPA health and financial impacts.” The case is very clear: restricting abor-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER study found that these women tions will not decrease the loss of
experienced greater violence from life, it will only exacerbate it.
On July 24th, the Supreme the men who had fathered these While it may seem as though
Court of the United States (SCO- children and faced more health there is no hope, there are still
TUS) issued its opinion in Dobbs problems than the women who many ways to receive the repro-
v. Jackson Women’s Health Orga- were able to obtain abortions. ductive and sexual healthcare
nization: “The Constitution does The long-term impacts of the you or someone else may need.
not confer a right to abortion; Roe trauma from violence and seri- You can find a verified abor-
and Casey are overruled; and the ous health problems is well docu- tion provider at abortionfinder.
authority to regulate abortion is ments, so there is little doubt that org, and there are still options to
returned to the people and their restricting access to abortion will obtain an abortion pill and use
elected representatives.” With only exacerbate health inequities mail forwarding to get it to you
that, for the first time in US his- in the United States. (even if you’re in a state that bans
tory, SCOTUS revoked a right Public health experts often tout or is planning to ban abortions)
that it had previously granted. No that a person’s zip code is a large at For those who
Stranger Things Goodreads matter your views on abortion, determining factor in their over- need it, there is financial assis-
Stranger Things will be re- Goodreads has announced this decision was a big shock. all health. Beyond reproductive tance available at abortionfunds.
leasing the second part of its that they are planning on In the past 50 years since Roe health, this will surely be the case org and practical support, such as
fourth season on July 1 to an only allowing material listed v. Wade was decided, advocates in the post-Roe world. No states transportation, childcare, etc., at
adoring audience of fans who on Amazon or bookstores to on different sides of the issue that ban or are likely to ban abor-
have loyally kept up with the be reviewed on their website. have fought to expand or restrict tion offer paid family leave. The And you can advocate for re-
show since 2016. This season is This will be extremely harmful access to abortion. While some opposite is also true: every state productive justice by support-
the second to last season with to self-published authors, in- states sought to codify Roe and that offers paid family leave has ing organizations such as Unite
plans for the beloved show to dependently produced books increase the availability of a wide protected the right to an abor- for Reproductive and Gender
end with season five. Many and small presses. Many read- range of reproductive and sexual tion. Without social nets and ac- Equity (URGE), Access Repro-
fans are speculating who will ers are turning to alternative health services, others have dou- cessible reproductive healthcare, ductive Care, National Abortion
be killed off in the second part reading tracking websites, bled down on making access to the financial burden on families Federation Hotline, the Center
of this season, so make sure to namely Storygraph, to fill the these services as difficult as pos- is exacerbated. The effects also for Reproductive Rights and the
tune in to find out! Goodreads void. sible. Since Roe, 1,381 restrictions go beyond an economic impact. Abortion Care Network. Final-
have been imposed on abortion, The Turnaway Study demon- ly, checkout resources the Stu-
with 46% of those being enacted strated that children birthed dent Government Association
in the last decade alone. And now to peoplewho sought abortions (SGA) at Tech has put out for
with the Dobbs decision final- showed worse child development reproductive justice by visiting
ized, over half of US states are when an abortion was denied as
expected to restrict or completely opposed to when a mother was Get involved at Georgia Tech
ban most abortions. This decision able to receive one. Women who by visiting the Women’s Resource
and the policies enacted across the were denied abortion were more Center, Stamps Women’s Health
country are an embarrassment in likely to develop life-threatening Clinic, VOICE, Health Initia-
the global arena, and reflect the complications during child-birth. tives, and joining different stu-
steep turn American politics has As it stands, maternal mortal- dent organizations that support
taken away from public health ity in the US is higher than ev- sexual and reproductive health
and basic science. But we’re not ery other so-called “developed on campus including the Pub-
Hot Deals Too much summer here to examine how the govern- nation.” Denying access to lic Health Student Association,
After an unfortunate elec- On June 26, Ashton Irwin, ment at all levels has continued to
trical ceiling fire earlier this the drummer of 5 Seconds of abortions will only worsen the People Against Unwanted Sexual
divest from public health. We’re maternal mortality crisis. Experiences (PAUSE), Stamps
month at the much-loved Summer, had to be taken to here to discuss the public health
Rocky Mountain Pizza, the a local hospital after experi- Even amidst all of these exist- Health Services Ambassadors,
case for abortion and reproduc- ing issues (and there are far more Support Health and Education
restaurant is back in busines encing physical symptoms of tive freedom as a whole, and the
with some much safer wiring extreme heat exhaustion on implications of the Dobbs deci- (SHE) for Women, Buzz Mo-
implications of Dobbs on the sion on reproductive health in the bile Health and the SGA Public
and some FIRE specials. These stage. The show and the band’s health of all Americans.
specials include the Flamin’ following performance had to US), more than half of US states Health Committee.
The University of California will clamp down on restricting ac- The Dobbs decision will surely
Hot Pizza, The Roof is On Fire be rescheduled as a result of in San Francisco led the Turn-
Spicy Marg and the Atomic the drumer’s medical condi- cess to abortions. The only justi- be studied and debated for many
away Study, a 10-year longitudi- fication they have for taking such years to come, and maybe in the
Fireball Shooter. These spe- tion, but much to fans’ relief, nal study that “followed nearly
cials are sure to be hot stuff, so Irwin is feeling much better action is a lack of interest in truly near future the decision will be
1,000 women who either had addressing population health is- overturned. But for now, the best
make sure to drop by! and is recovering well. or were denied abortions and sues that are worsening the health we can do is reignite the fight for
tracked their mental and physical of the nation. The public health reproductive freedom.
6 • July 1, 2022• technique // OPINIONS


photoshoots. For example, our truistic and collaborative environ- masculine; that being fat is some- space for those who can’t express
teammate Fly Fieri will always be ment is just the culture of roller thing to be ashamed of. At every their true selves in their day-to-
The average age of a derby team covered in flames, and JoJo Jolt derby! There was such an amazing turn, anything and everything we day life and fosters a family of
is early-to-mid-30’s and the old- will always have a storm cloud and turnout to the bout — over 150 could do or be is something that’s individuals to help guide and
est derby player kept playing until lightning bolt painted across her people showed up and all of the wrong and needs to be fixed — re- protect people on their path of
they were 75 — proving that age face. These names can be based on chairs we rented out were filled. gardless of whether it’s hypocriti- discovering themselves. Bullying
is truly just a number. Anytime anything the skater wants: their Many people had to stand or sit cal. Roller derby has this excellent and hurtful commentary about
we hear, “I wish I could play roller interests, a play on words of their on the ground to watch. After the balance between harnessing mas- peoples’ physique, race, gender,
derby,” the only answer is “You real name, a physical trait, their pandemic halted our ability to culine and feminine energy and disabilities, sexuality or any-
can!” Regardless of prior experi- heritage or nothing at all! They’re play in a bout for two years, it was supporting the concept of how to thing that cannot be controlled
ence or pre-existing injuries, any- typically a little dark, dangerous amazing seeing the support from be human. Being a woman-dom- or healthily improved are rejected
one and everyone can learn how or aggressive. Other examples of friends, family, fans and others inated sport — and a sport that and are unwelcome in the world
to skate and play — all it takes is derby names from the team are from the community for the first originated for “outsiders” — roller of roller derby. Hate does not
some practice and dedication. Primm Reaper, Executie, Sylvia game that really any team in the derby was able to set its roots and belong here.
Roller derby is also special in Wrath and She Creature. world was able to play. We were grow welcomingly away from the We foster an environment for
that everyone develops an alter So far, our team’s biggest so happy to expose roller derby harsh commentary of a world individuals to be themselves and
ego! This tradition began in the achievement would definitely be to the Tech community and we made for men. Our rough sport to strengthen themselves; not just
early 2000s during roller derby’s the GymShark feature! It was so were asked countless times when is wholly athletic and aggressive. to become more physically fit but
revival from its theatrical origins shocking that out of all the teams our next game was, even before The whole point of the game is to to help accept themselves better in
in the 1930s. Derby skaters are in the world, our small team — the bout had ended! Outside of use our bodies as a weapon against a world determined to make them
hardly ever addressed by their barely five years old — was cho- roller derby, we would also love to the other team. Points are earned feel less-than. If you would like to
legal name… rather everyone sen. YJRD also had a joint-mixed see more inclusivity for all women by whether or not the jammer can support us, we have a GoFundMe.
chooses their own name to go by Exhibition Bout with Atlanta’s in fitness. The world as a whole is, maneuver quickly enough or hit Your donations will help us pay for
on the track (and in effect, real main roller derby league, At- unfortunately, terribly misogy- hard enough to make their way venues for future bouts (the only
life)! It’s actually a running joke lanta Roller Derby, last semester. nistic. Women from a young age through the pack. place we can host is on an out-
on the team about how new mem- We held a couple practices with are trained to be pitted against On the flip side, our sport is door, uncovered basketball court
bers don’t actually know their them beforehand and we learned one another, to be called “bossy” impressively welcoming, inclusive with no public parking nearby),
teammates’ real names because so much from them. Being non- rather than “assertive,” to learn to and supportive. The kind-hearted pay for other bout necessities (ref-
we only address each other by our collegiate, most of the skaters on hate their physical appearance, to nature of all players and consis- erees, announcers, EMTs, etc.),
derby names. It’s definitely funny their team were older and have doubt themselves and to believe tently being surrounded by posi- replenish our team gear, pay for
to be out in public calling a team- been skating for years, some even that they could never be enough. tive women who understand what team jerseys, pay for coaches, pay
mate “Wench” or “Hardass” and on the international scale. They There’s this belief that women life is like in the real world allow for travel for away games and sup-
watching strangers look confused were all so supportive, kind and need to be docile, fragile and everyone to connect on an un- port our teammates whose finan-
at seeing them smiling back. This ready to give us tips and tricks to submissive to be feminine. We’re spoken and intimate level. Roller cial hardships might prevent them
goes on even further as we dress gameplay even if we were practic- taught that being strong, ambi- derby is especially supportive and from having access to our sport.
up as our derby persona on fancy ing as the opposite team. I really tious and decisive is a bad thing; welcoming of the LGBTQIA+ With much love, we thank you so
occasions like our bouts and team mean it when I say that this al- that to have muscles is to be too community. It provides a safe so so much in advance!

Summer, regrettably, has more cons than vacation

with multiple stipulations that mindset to have. Internships extra with their degree, they are only serves to worsen this state
people tend to brush under the are a source of high stress and thrust into the deep end of their of mind. Seeing peers add to
rug. Summer is not truly a time worry, especially for students who degree, having to worry about their lists of accolades and work
for enjoyment and relaxation, require that experience along with internships and work experience hard all year forces a sense of
because as college students we bear their transcript when applying earlier than their peers. It may guilt onto the average student.
other responsibilities unrelated for colleges post-graduation. seem like there is an easy solution: Why am I not being wise with
to our coursework. These same Summer classes do not feel the Just take the summer off! But it is my time and opportunities when
responsibilities often leave same as employment, but render not so simple. Imposter syndrome they are? We live in an endless
students feeling burned out and the summer sad, dry and lacking runs through our student cycle of crawling on our hands
unsatisfied with their break. They in fun or excitement. Those populace like rats through the and knees, fighting to get towards
never even got the chance to take same semesterly obligations, on-campus apartment buildings. the end of the semester. Yet, the
a rest! Summer break is not the assignments and exams continue Not spending the summer moment we reach our destination,
free, high-flying and comfortable into the summer; this is not productively feels like a waste of we are again faced with work,
NITHYA JAMESHENRY vacation it is advertised to be. It much better than the stresses time. It is valuable time down the pressure and stressors. In high
STAFF WRITER is a three-month long lie that we we experience during the school drain! We could not possibly let school, I used to look at my sister’s
have been trained to accept.The year. Though we usually take less that time escape us when it could summertime and pine for those
There is a single thing keeping most notable con with summer classes, the difference is easily be used to better our futures and three months. The two months
students sane while they drown break is internships. With a made up via speed. Summer shape our careers. We are expected we received paled insignificantly
in a tsunami of midterms, final school as competitive as our own, courses move at a quicker, more to maximize our available time in comparison. The harsh truth
projects, papers and assignments: there are heavy expectations and painful speed than their fall and before entering the workforce or is that there is no break. After
summer break. Summer break pressure to get a good internship, spring counterparts. Students the graduate school application college, we look for work, then we
is a college student’s salvation. even among friends. This forces coming in with existing credits field. Students do not have the work and then we die. There is no
It is the light at the end of the them into a place where they and classes have an advantage and luxury of time off, especially when end in this capitalist reality, and
semester-long tunnel. The road begin to obsess over finding some disadvantage. While they do not their classmates are optimizing summer is certainly not any real
to rest, relaxation, vacations and manner of employment or resume- have to take summer classes to every second to improve their reprieve, despite what we all may
freedom. Yet, summer comes boosting, which is not a healthy catch up or move forward a little candidacy. LinkedIn stalking hope for it to be.
LIFE EDITOR: technique
Anoushka Mehrotra Beating the summer heat
How students can stay cool and combat the Atlanta 7
heat while on campus49
July 1, 2022

Second-year BA goes beyond studying while abroad

ANOUSHKA MEHROTRA water because it’s so clean.” countries outside of their set studying in Dusseldorf and my talked about. They raised a toast
LIFE EDITOR Charron also enjoyed visiting schedules. Weekend trips to new dad was living there for work. at McLaughlin’s, saw her dad’s
the Italian city of Bellagio cities are not uncommon. They met at McLaughlin’s Irish apartment and ate brötchen.
After spending the last month “In Bellagio, I enjoyed walk- “One of the reasons I love Pub and then ran into each other With travel restrictions loos-
studying abroad at Tech’s Lor- ing up and down the streets and Georgia Tech Lorraine specifi- in the train station a few days lat- ening, students are eager to get
raine campus in Metz, France, taking pictures of every single col- cally is because I’m able to visit er, where my dad officially asked back to studying abroad.
Aubrey Charron, rising second- orful building (which was all of so many new places in one sum- my mom out on a date. They’ve Charron, along with many
year Business major, has discov- them). I also found a little beach mer and I have the flexibility to been married over 26 years other students, have had the
ered a newfound sense of appre- tucked away and watched sail- choose where I want to go. One now,” Charron said. opportunity to explore differ-
ciation for the countries she has boats sail by,” Charron said. thing on my ‘Study Abroad Charron and her two best ent countries through Tech’s
visited, experiences she has gath- In the coming weeks, she is Bucket List’ was to take a solo friends traveled to Dusseldorf to many study abroad programs
ered and memories she has made headed to Prague, Barcelona, Ma- trip, so this weekend I’m solo see everything her parents have this summer.
alongside other Tech students. drid and the U.K. to explore more tripping in Milan, Como and
Charron has traveled to Lux- of Europe’s beauty and history. Bellagio,” Charron said.
embourg (Luxembourg City), “There are so many things I Studying abroad is a reward-
Belgium (Brussels and Brugge), love about studying abroad, but ing experience that helps students
the Netherlands (Amsterdam), one of the smaller things I’ve real- gain more insight into different
Germany (Dusseldorf, Berlin and ly enjoyed is getting coffee at local parts of the world and teaches
Munich), Switzerland (Interlaken coffee shops. It’s fun seeing locals them skills that will benefit
and Geneva) and Italy (Milan, order their coffee at their favorite them in the long-run.
Como and Bellagio). place as they do everyday (maybe “I am an incredibly Type A
“It’s hard to pick a favorite city I’ve romanticized that a little, but person. I love my little schedules,
or country because each place is you get the point),” Charron said. to-do lists and plans and don’t
so different and special for its own “While the big tourist sites are enjoy deviating from them. How-
reasons, but my top three favorites cool to see, I just love the vibes ever, I’ve been working on being
as of now are Munich, Interlaken of sitting in a cafe. I feel like it’s more flexible this summer,” Char-
and Bellagio,” Charron said. a more intimate way to see a city. ron said. “I’m only six weeks in
To Charron, each location had And bonus — you get a much and I already feel like I’m better at
its own charm. She found herself needed caffeine hit.” going with the flow.”
appreciating different aspects of Some of her favorite coffee Having flexibility while
each country and city’s nature, shops so far have included Cafezal traveling is essential.
culture and history. in Milan, The Barista Lab in Ge- “If there’s anything GTL has
“Munich had the coolest neva and Velo Cafe in Interlaken. taught me, it’s that you can plan
vibe. We saw everything from When asked what drove her all you want, but sometimes
people surfing the Eisbach river to study abroad, Charron said, you’re thrown into situations
wave to the old city center of “My family loves to travel and where being flexible is your only
Marienplatz and came across studying abroad in college was a choice and there’s no time to even
so many musicians playing huge priority for me. I’ve known be upset about your failed plans.”
some of the best music I’ve ever I wanted to go abroad for as long Charron had a chance to vis-
heard,” Charron said. as I can remember.” it Dusseldorf, Germany, a city
“Interlaken was our outdoorsy Many students use their study which has great significance to
trip. We paraglided, hiked the abroad experience at the Insti- her. Charron’s parents met in Photo courtesy of Aubrey Charron
famous Harder Kulm and even tute to step out of their comfort Dusseldorf back in 1993. Aubrey Charron ventures to Harder Kulm in Interlaken,
filled our water bottles with river zones and travel to cities and “My mom (a Tech grad!) was Switzerland. She is currently studying abroad at GT Lorraine.

Photo courtesy of Aubrey Charron Photo courtesy of Aubrey Charron

Charron was able to visit Bellagio, Italy, a city with Charron enjoys the Hofgarten located in Munich, Germany alongside her
colorful buildings, beaches and plenty of sailboats. friends, who are also participating in the GT Lorraine program this summer.
8 • July 1, 2022 • technique // LIFE

Familiar faces return to Student Center Dining

concept,” Greene said. concept,” said Greene. fall,” Greene said.
Greene promised an expanded “They’ll sit beside each other MODEL A FOOD TRUCK
menu for the Student Center’s and they’ll have smoothies, fresh TECH IT TO GO Owned and operated by
franchised retail dining options. pressed juices, grain bowls and Tech it to Go is a grab-and-go Tech Dining, the Model A Food
“It’ll be much expanded com- some other healthier hot options concept, similar to Wreck Stop Truck will travel across cam-
pared to what you saw in the Ex- as well.” Express in the Exhibition Hall. pus, bringing allergen-friendly
hibition Hall. It’ll definitely have food to parts of campus without
the menu variety that you saw CAMPUS CRUST BENTO SUSHI nearby access to it.
in the old Student Center and Campus Crust is a pizza con- Bento Sushi is a dining loca- “A lot of food trucks have ca-
then some,” Greene said. cept, owned and operated by Tech tion that will sell fresh rolled tered more towards more tradi-
Schneider said he would Dining. sushi, ramen, poke bowls tional palates, and maybe weren’t
probably frequent the Student and bento boxes. as accommodating when students
Center’s dining venues. TEST KITCHEN had dietary needs,” Greene said.
“Just having them be in a Test Kitchen is a research and THERE BURGER BAR Greene said that in essence,
RAHUL DESHPANDE building with air condition- development concept, owned and There Burger Bar is the late it is an expansion of the already
TECHNOLOGY EDITOR ing or heating would be a lot operated by Tech Dining. night food option, open as long existing MindfulBytes concept
more attractive,” Greene said. Featuring a rotating menu, the as Tech Rec is. An offshoot of present in dining halls.
As the construction in the cen- Here’s a first look at some of test kitchen is where Tech Dining There on Fifth, the eatery in
ter of campus comes to a close, the newcomers to Tech’s campus: plans on getting feedback on reci- Tech Square, it will feature a flat- GYRO CHEF MEDITERRANEAN
students anxiously await the pes and what students want to eat. ter menu at a lower price point The same Gyro Chef as the
opening of the John Lewis Stu- YOM/SOL “We’ve planned on doing with a focus on speed of ser- food truck that frequented Tech
dent Center and Stamps Com- Yom and SOL are sister an Indian concept in there to vice. Their menu includes vegan Green will be moving indoors,
mons — not just for a space to brands, and they’re a “healthy start out the semester in the and vegetarian options. featuring an expanded menu.
relax and recharge, but also due
to the slew of dining options it
Since the closure of the Fred
B. Wenn Student Center in May
2020, students found themselves
without permanent fixtures for
dining in the center of cam-
pus, an issue that was addressed
by the food trucks that became
regular installments to the Tech
Green landscape.
“I went there a couple times
when my friends were there…
Also a couple times when there
was no way to get back to Nave
[North Avenue Dining Hall] and
back to where I needed to go in
time,” said Andrew Schneider,
third-year ME.
The Student Center project,
after years of deliberation, plan-
ning and building, will finally
open its doors to students this
fall, with a grand opening cere-
mony scheduled for early Septem-
ber. With it, the project brings 12
dining options to campus, some
of which will be very familiar to
Tech students.
The road to choosing dining
options for the Student Center
has been a long one, and dif-
ferent agencies have been in
charge of making decisions.
From Sodexo, who held the
dining contract until 2019, to
Aramark, which held a contract
from then until 2021 (when self-
operated Tech Dining took over),
priorities and opinions differed.
Tech Dining Director, Ryan
Greene, said over a Teams
call, “We really just wanted
to find the best offerings of
food that we could.”
Of the 12 dining options that
will be available in the Student
Center, four were already deter-
mined as staples to return: Chick-
fil-A, Blue Donkey, Panda Ex-
press and Twisted Taco.
“So Chick-fil-A, we’ve been
negotiating that contract for a
year and a half. They’ve actually
put some money into the space
in terms of buying the equip-
ment themselves and owning it,”
Greene said. “Chick-fil-A will
be operating this one, and then
Panda Express is in a similar situ-
ation. They’re gonna operate that
location as well.”
Twisted Taco will move into
the Student Center into a space
they designed and branded, and
Blue Donkey will open another
location on the second floor of
the Student Center.
“They’ll be in there on Photo courtesy of Tech Dining
the second floor and it’ll be The map above displays the dining options in the John Lewis Student Center. There are 12 total dining options,
the only dedicated coffee four of which are familiar options that have been available on Tech’s campus before; eight are newcomers.
// LIFE technique • July 1, 2022 • 9

PROJECT HELP FROM FRONT scale events, including their recent now, they’re going to be providing in, sits down and relaxes. They community. Volunteers, attend-
Juneteenth Day of Service. a lot of clothes and resources that were then served food and could ees and staff gathered for a special
-looked. That is what led him to Project H.E.L.P. as a whole are going to allow for these indi- go around from station to station announcement from the Fulton
found Project H.E.L.P. ATL. focuses its mission through the viduals to almost have an experi- getting resources that they need. County Board of Commissioners.
The chapter started with a use of their slogan: “Humanity ence of shopping,” Farr said. “I’d say that’s one of the big- The board recognized Farr
small group of people who wanted Evolves from Loving People.” The The event this year was much gest things that we’ve learned, and Project H.E.L.P. ATL for
to make a change in the commu- second annual Juneteenth Day of larger, with Coca-Cola joining is that we can have these huge the memorable impact that they
nity by making and passing out Service showcases the action that Walmart as a corporate sponsor. events where for a brief 30 min- have made in the community
sandwiches, water and hygiene the organization is taking to help They collaborated with many other utes to three hours, you’re hav- and on the event’s second year
products. Farr took videos of the those experiencing houselessness. organizations, including First Re- ing this whole experience where of operation, they proclaimed
process of packing these lunches, The event took place the day sponse and the Georgia Labor De- you can possibly briefly forget June 18 as “Project H.E.L.P
and others throughout the city before the official holiday, and partment in order to focus on self- about the situation that you Appreciation Day.”
of Atlanta reached out asking was a full-fledged festival with sufficiency and help people stay are in, and you get to have that Project H.E.L.P. ATL is al-
to join the effort. food, games and plenty of re- off the streets long-term. human feeling,” Farr said. ways accepting volunteers. To
In the past, Farr and some of sources. This is the second time Project H.E.L.P. ATL was The organization creates reach out to the organization,
the other volunteers would go out Project H.E.L.P. ATL has hosted also able to provide mobile show- these large quarterly experi- individuals can contact them
in search of people to give lunches this event, and received double ers, hair cuts through the Atlanta ences, while also having differ- through their website or on
and care packages to, but they the amount of attendees this Barber Institute, clothes and STD ent weekly and monthly service Instagram (@projecthelp_atl).
soon realized that they needed year. It was conducted on such testing, as they are committed to opportunities that focus on hu- The organization works
to find a way to help people in a large scale that they needed making sure that healthcare is at manizing the experience of those mainly around the downtown
a more efficient way. a permit from the city to block the forefront of all of their events. facing houselessness. Atlanta area, so Tech students
Now the organization has out a whole street. It was a one-stop shop where The city of Atlanta also ac- who are interested in serving
evolved through donations and “We’ve actually created a full- attendees could get an entire ex- knowledged Project H.E.L.P.’s their local community have the
support to include multiple large- blown partnership with Walmart perience: the individual comes work and commitment to the opportunity to get involved.

Photo by Isa Cardona Student Publications Photo by Isa Cardona Student Publications
Members of Project H.E.L.P. ATL, a non-profit founded in 2020, help to facilitate At the Juneteenth Day of Service, individuals experiencing houselessness could
a Juneteenth Day of Service taking place on a blocked-off street. visit various stations providing a variety of resources, including clothing.

How to survive Atlanta heat waves this summer

the heat does not affect your plans
this summer?

You can’t control the weath-
er, but you can react to it. Do
not get caught off-guard by the
weather — check the forecast
and ask the important questions.
Is there a chance of rain? How
long will I be out?
Make a getaway bag, or even
add essentials to your backpack.
Stock it with sunscreen, water,
ANUSH SINGHAL a light snack, an umbrella some-
STAFF WRITER times and even an extra pair of
socks (for when you eventually
As July rolls in, the Institute get blind-sided by the rain).
has already dealt with two months Why fight hard — when you
of hot weather. Unfortunately, can fight smart, by packing all the
the worst is yet to come. summer essentials to stay safe.
Already feeling the effects
of triple-digit temperatures and BE FLEXIBLE
100% humidity, surviving the As much as you would
sustained heat that is approaching like to move a mountain, it is Photo by Janat Batra Student Publications
is a whole different ball game. nearly impossible to. It is even Students explore campus while the Atlanta heat bears downs on them.
The boiling weather may cur- harder to move the sun. As the temperature rises, make sure to follow these tips to say cool.
rently be deterring you from go- Try to switch between indoor
ing outside, but remember that and outdoor activities, limit your five minute break under the shade As much as an iced coffee ter to understand the signs and
internalized conversation you time in the midday sun and take of a tree to combat direct sunlight. seems appetizing, remember symptoms leading up to an illness
had with yourself when it was advantage of cloudy days. to also take a sip of water here to identify as you approach your
below freezing or raining sheets. It definitely is challeng- HYDRATE and there to hydrate. limit so you can take the correct
If you cancel plans due to ing to plan around the envi- Along with all these sugges- Understanding the signs of steps to not surpass it.
the weather, the unfortunate ronment. However, it ensures tions, it is crucial that you drink heatstroke, which include nau- While the Atlanta heat reigns
truth is they will never hap- that the positive vibes last. water. Even stadiums bend strict sea, headache, dizziness and be- down on us, it is important
pen since Atlanta loves to give Additionally, these changes do rules of external products for ing unable to sweat, may seem that we take initiatives and ac-
exactly what we do not want. not have to be drastic. While hik- one sealed water bottle per per- extreme until you have to treat tions to protect ourselves and
So how can you ensure that ing, this could look like taking a son to curb heat-related injuries. yourself for it. It is always bet- survive the scorching sun.

Isa Cardona
Friday, July 1, 2022

Conan Gray's evolution in music and love

within a catchy refrain set to a Watching” shows a new level more nuanced take on a topic as rectly addressing even back in
MUSIC memorable track. In “Kid Krow,” of self-reflection in Gray’s music. complicated as love. his YouTube days in 2015.
Superache he uses this to tell a twisted love As opposed to the angry take Finally, “Family Line” — a With a memorable chorus,
story — not one of breakups and in “Crush Culture” where Gray song with a very different top- Gray laments how he feels like he
makeups, but rather a shoutout warns himself and his listeners that ic and vibe than the rest of is nothing but a combination of
ARTIST: Conan Gray to those in unrequited love, those love is cheap, fake and dangerous, the album — addresses Gray’s his family and his trauma.
stuck in relationships they know “People Watching” shows an traumatic family history, a The song addresses how
LABEL: Republic Records are not good for them and those evolution in thought and a topic he has skirted around di- trauma, especially at a young
being left behind. age, reframes how he sees his
"Superache" takes it one step entire life and how your fam-
RELEASED: June 24 further, exploring the less obvi- ily feels like something you can
ous but equally painful parts never quite escape.
OUR TAKE: ««««
« of falling in and out of love. In Keeping “Family Line” in
songs like “Memories,” Gray mind, Gray’s entire discography
sings about trying to move on can be seen in a new light.
YASHVINI DEVA from the toxic relationship that Stories of toxic relationships,
OPINIONS EDITOR punctuated “Kid Krow.” unrequited love and escaping
His choice to delve into a re- your hometown have another
In 2017, Conan Gray burst lationship as something to learn dimension through the lens
into the pop scene with his self- from and grow from — rather of “Family Line” — mak-
released EP, “Sunset Season,” than a stagnant, painful thing — ing it a powerful song for not
a bittersweet ode to growing shows a new maturity to not only only “Superache,” but Gray’s
out of small-town life. Gray’s music but his perspective entire discography.
From there, his music has only on love. All in all, “Superache” is an
grown more popular with the Other songs like “People incredible album — not just
release of his debut album, “Kid Watching” are much clos- for its musical merit, but for
Krow,” which rose to meteoric er to Gray’s older music — a the sheer amount of evolu-
fame thanks to painstakingly re- sweet hopeful song with a tion Gray manages to show in
latable hits such as “Heather” bitter undercurrent. the span of twelve songs. Some parts
and “Maniac” that blew up Throughout the song, and do come off as repetitive and seem
on TikTok. honestly most of his discography, almost like they could just be an
With no signs of stopping, Gray reveals his true romantic extension of “Kid Krow.”
Gray has just released his sec- notions and how he craves to fall However, seeing how relatively
ond album, “Superache,” which in love, but in “People Watch- new Gray is to stardom and the
has enjoyed similar success, ing,” he reveals that he knows music scene, as well as the re-
and for good reason. that his own fear of heartbreak is the markable progress he has already
“Superache” plays to Conan only thing holding him back. Photo courtesy of Republic Records made, there is little doubt that
Gray’s strength — his ability to Compared to “Crush Cul- Conan Gray excites fans with his second studio al- the only direction his career has
capture universal experiences ture” on his debut EP, “People bum "Superache" after great success with debut album. left to go is up.
// ENTERTAINMENT technique • July 1, 2022 • 11

Dungeons & Dragons and Stranger Things

Rule Book, leads the party The first step in the demoni- vative Christian media outlets, is a proven common response
SLOAN SALINAS through adventures, during zation of the game took place in warning parents that Dungeons to childhood abuse.
STAFF WRITER which the players use polyhedral 1979 when a young college stu- & Dragons would lead their chil- At its peak in the 90s, recov-
dice and basic math to make dent, James Dallas Egbert III, dren down a dark and dangerous ered memories were used to sup-
[This article contains minor decisions for their characters. went missing from his dorm. The path. “Stranger Things” fans saw port numerous accusations of
spoilers for Stranger Things Season One campaign is usually private investigator hired for the these warnings referenced in the ritualistic abuse from people sup-
4 Vol. 1.] drawn out through several ses- case learned the student played first episode of the new season, as posedly involved in Satanic cults.
sions of play and therefore, many D&D and determined that the Eddie Munson dramatically reads People were suddenly “remember-
Since season one, fans of parties choose to meet on a re- boy had lost touch with reality from a magazine article claiming ing” being forced to do things
“Stranger Things” have seen the curring and preestablished basis. and wandered into tunnels be- that the game has been linked to such as participating in animal
classic roleplaying game Dun- Despite its age, D&D has mil- neath the school, unable to differ- “violent behavior…Satanic wor- sacrifices and devil worship.
geons & Dragons (D&D) as a lions of players worldwide to this entiate between real and fantasy. ship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy, sui- Many people lost jobs and
central part of the young protago- date, with new platforms such as However, the teen returned lat- cide and even murder." went to jail because of recovered
nists’ lives. Twitch allowing people not just to er, confessing that combined pres- While this article specifically memory-related accusations.
Now, as the release of season play, but watch others play as well. sure from his parents and school was fabricated for the show, it was In the mid-1990s, the FBI fi-
four, volume two draws closer, However, the game was not had made him suicidal and the most likely adapted from a real nally published a report showing
Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Dustin always so popular. Prior to the game had nothing to do with it, article from Newsweek in 1985 ti- that Satan-worshipping activity
Henderson and Lucas Sinclair have creation of Dungeons & Dragons but by then it was too late: Dun- tled “Kids: The Deadliest Game?” and ritualistic abuse had never
grown up significantly since that in 1974, the publication of An- geons & Dragons had been con- which blamed D&D for teen sui- actually been proven, despite the
first D&D game of the show in ton LaVey’s “The Satanic Bible,” demned by the public. cides and even included a state- many people whose lives were ru-
the Wheeler’s basement. the Manson Family murders, a The controversy only grew ment from the aforementioned ined by the claims.
Nevertheless, the game is once fabricated Evangelical memoir from there. In 1983, a woman Patricia Pulling. Psychologists came out to say
again front and center in the new- and the 1973 film “The Exor- named Patricia Pulling founded Something else that helped to that the process of recovered-
est season with the addition of Ed- cist” began a culture of paranoia the organization “Bothered About build the case against Dungeons memory therapy more often in-
die Munson, metalhead leader of amongst devout Christians across Dungeons & Dragons” (BADD) & Dragons during this time was volved the power of suggestion
the “Hellfire Club,” the Dungeons the United States. after her son took his own life two "recovered-memory therapy." This and manipulation of memories
& Dragons club of Hawkins High This paranoia continued to years earlier. She blamed the trag- was the process in which psy- that more often led to creating
School. When Vecna, a dark grow and by the beginning of the edy on D&D, saying her son had chologists helped patients “recon- false memories and harming the
wizard from the Upside-Down 80s, people were terrified of the been “cursed” by another player struct” traumatic memories that patient’s mental health even more.
and the season’s main antago- mere idea of the occult. This hys- during the campaign. they had repressed or forgotten, As years went on and more re-
nist, starts murdering students teria led to a surge in accusations Pulling and members of BADD usually related to abuse. search was conducted, psycholo-
in Hawkins, the authorities, and of abuse and ritualistic practices conducted an aggressive media It is important to note that gists actually began to see that
soon the public, are quick to in a Red Scare-Esque phenom- campaign through both main- recovered memories are not people who participated in role-
place Munson as their number enon known as “Satanic Panic.” stream media outlets and conser- the same as dissociation, which playing games such as Dungeons
one suspect. & Dragons saw lower rates of
Already labeled as a “freak” suicide, improved problem solv-
and “outcast” by the general pop- ing and teamwork and an increase
ulation of Hawkins High, Mun- in confidence, especially among
son’s widely-known participation kids with behavioral struggles and
in D&D only acts to solidify or anxiety.
his position as a scapegoat, with In addition to these findings,
people claiming the game involves leaders of BADD, including Pa-
devil-worship and ritualistic tricia Pulling herself, were shown
sacrifice. to have lied about their qualifi-
While viewers of the show to- cations, cherry-picked data and
day might scoff at such dramatic twisted words and personality
accusations, the portrayal in traits to fit the narrative of evil
“Stranger Things” of the public they worked to spread.
opinion of D&D is much closer to Today, D&D is enjoyed by
the truth than one might expect. people of all ages and genders,
A Dungeons & Dragons game and the times of recriminations
(known as a “campaign”) involves of witchcraft and otherworldly
a group of players (that form a evil are buried within the past.
“party”) and a “dungeon master” Now, the Satanic Panic is des-
(also called a “DM”). Each mem- tined to live in works of fiction
ber of the party has their own such as “Stranger Things” where
character and special skills. audiences can have a laugh about
Each character's special- dramatic claims of Devil wor-
ty contributes to the success Photo by Sloan Salinas Student Publications shipping teenagers, instead of
of the overall party. Non-traditional dice for the game Dungeons & Dragons scatter the table. The game, played worrying about being on the
The DM, armed with a with the help of dice, character models and a game book, is popular among students. receiving end of them.
12 • July 1, 2022 • technique // ENTERTAINMENT

BENEE lights up the Variety Playhouse

ALLISON WILLIAMS like “Snail,” and “Soaked,” along soon-to-be fan favorite. BENEE saved the best for last, ing in the bathtub because of how
CONTRIBUTING WRITER with some songs featuring other “Find an Island” was like most artists do, and played her lonely she is. She is “Supalonely.”
artists like Mallrat, Grimes and also played, along with breakthrough song, “Supalonely” Finally, BENEE ended the
June 17 was a big night for Kenny Beats & Bakar, BENEE “Marry Myself.” near the end of the concert. Col- night with “Sheesh,” accompanied
alternative electro-pop musician was irresistible. Both songs clearly illuminate ored lights illuminated her in blue by strobe lights, throwing the au-
BENEE. It marked the first time She even played a new, unre- how BENEE feels, and with lyr- as pink spotlights created a ray ef- dience into an energized frenzy of
she had ever performed in Atlan- leased song, “Morning Routine.” ics such as “Find an island far fect into the crowd. The song went dancing and cheering.
ta, a stop on her world tour. It shared the same characteristic away from me,” and “Put the viral back in 2020, during the With the combination of mu-
Originally from New Zealand, vibes that are present in all of BE- ring down, I want to marry my- start of the pandemic. sic, lights and human interaction,
this was quite the way away from NEE’s work, a strong beat with an self,” it is clear to listeners that she “I’m a sad girl in this big world. BENEE created another lively
home for BENEE. electronic sound mixed with dark- is not interested in somebody’s It’s a mad world,” she sings, con- night at the Variety Playhouse for
The opening artist, Dreamer er lyrics and overall aesthetic — a company. tinuing to explain how she’s cry- the audience.
Boy, sang songs like “Puppy Dog”
with lines including “You make
my wheels turn. You make my
heart ache,” and “When I’m with
you, girl, it’s like I’m on a cloud."
Dreamer Boy offered a nice con-
trast for what was to come.
Chants of “BENEE” filled
the Variety Playhouse as soon as
the lights went down on Dream-
er Boy. It was soon replaced by
cheers when the eerie notes of
“Make You Sick” sounded from
the stage.
Darkness dissolved over the
stage and colored lights blasted
into the audience as BENEE be-
gan singing. The crowd went wild.
There was a new energy to the
room — BENEE was there.
Eventually, concert-goers
could make her out in the lights.
Opposite of the opener who was
overly dressed, BENEE was al-
most underdressed, wearing a
white blouse with a black collar
and white flowy pants. The only
color on her was two red circles
painted on her cheeks.
BENEE's interactions with the
audience really charged the room
up. From accepting gifts like a rose
and a necklace to singing happy
birthday to someone named Se-
bastian in the audience, she really
connected with the crowd.
Many different chants ran
through the room throughout
the night. “Girls are cute,” “Wa- Photo courtesy of Republic Records
ter,” and “Atlanta Love” are a few A picture of TikTok breakout star BENEE. A native New Zealander, BENEE has made a name for herself with
examples. Playing fan favorites smash hits such as "Supalonely," "UH OH!" and "Glitter," and has recently been on a concert world tour.
// COMICS technique • July 1, 2022 • 13

Proofs by Peebles Lab XKCD by Randall Munroe

Galileo's Totem by Peebles Lab


SMBC by Zach Weinersmith

14 • July 1, 2022• technique // SPORTS

Braves Surge Back Into Playoff Picture

their schedule against weaker ment to fans that the Braves may
opponents. During this streak not have peaked just yet.
the Braves swept the Rockies, On offense the Braves are per-
Athletics, Pirates and Nationals forming well as a unit and are
and during this time they were near the top of the league in most
able to claw themselves back in categories. They are second in
the race in the NL East. the MLB in home runs and lead
As a team currently in con- the league in slugging percent-
tention for one of the three age. Even with an above average
Wild Card spots in the National offense the Braves are still strug-
League, the Braves need to try gling in some areas at the plate,
and gain ground on the Mets to the biggest being strikeouts. The
secure a spot in the playoffs rather Braves currently lead the league in
than have to fight with the west strikeouts at the plate with almost
coast powerhouses for a wild 9.5 per game. Atlanta’s on-base
card spot. Atlanta will have their percentage is about average right
chance to do so as they still have now and if they are able to fix
15 remaining games against the the strikeout problem on offense,
New York Mets. Currently their their offense could explode even
season record is tied 2–2. further in the future.
Defensively the Braves are be- The Braves current offense is
ing led by starting pitchers Max being led by Dansby Swanson,
Fried and Kyle Wright. Both have Michael Harris II and Orlando
ERAs near or below 3.00 and Arcia who are all batting above
they both have allowed the low- or near .300 on the season. Acu-
est averages and earned the most na leads the team in stolen bases
wins on the team. Starting pitch- with 13 and in on-base perrcent-
ers Charlie Morton and Ian An- ages of .372, and Austin Riley
Photo courtesy of Brett Davis USA TODAY Sports derson have struggled so far this is leading the team in home runs
Shortstop Dansby Swanson, pictured here celebrating on second base, has been having season, and although they both with 18 as of June 26.
a career year for the Braves. He has helped lead the team up the standings as of late. have winnings records, neither of The Braves’ first half of the
them are pitching as well as they season is coming to a close and
JOSUHA SEXTON The Braves season started baseman Ozzie Albies. have in the past. As a team the although they have shown major
STAFF WRITER slowly and they remained below With a record of 23–27 the Atlanta pitching staff is just bare- improvement and gotten a lot of
.500 for most of their first 50 Braves needed to turn their season ly inside the top ten in terms of wins as of late, there is still a lot
The Atlanta Braves have al- games in the season. They expe- around to maintain any hopes of overall ERA, opponent’s batting more room for improvement. If
most reached the midway point rienced some injuries highlighted repeating as World Series Cham- average and wins. The fact the the Braves peak at the right part of
of their season and have been by the late return of Ronald Acu- pions with the Mets beginning to Braves have turned their season the season again and can take care
able to maintain their hold onto na Jr. from an injury last season run away in the division. Atlanta around without the help of two of of the division rival New York
second place in the NL East be- and the loss of relieving pitchers did so in June where they began their best starters playing well and Mets, Atlanta will have another
hind the Mets despite their many Tyler Matzek and Luke Jack- the month with a 14 game win- with the Achilles injury to Mike opportunity to repeat and win
ups and downs. son along with All-Star second ning streak during a stretch of Soroka should give encourage- the World Series again.
// SPORTS technique • July 1, 2022• 15

Tech’s Season Ends in Knoville Regional


It has often been said that true

character is revealed in defeat
not victory. The second-seeded
Jackets came into the Knoxville
Regional alongside Campbell,
Alabama State, and number one
overall seeded Tennessee. The
Jackets dropped their opening
game against Campbell by a score
of 15–8 but demonstrated great
resiliency as they bounced back in
dominant fashion.
In their opening matchup
against Campbell, senior John
Medich started at pitcher. Tech
found themselves in an early defi-
cit after they gave up five runs
in the second inning, leading to
an early 5–0 hole. Sophomore
catcher Kevin Parada’s score made
it a 5–1 game, but every time the
Jackets had a chance to creep back
in, Campbell would score. Quick-
ly Campbell’s runs added up and
they came out on top. The Jackets
only recorded four players with
runs scored. Now, Tech was in a
situation where every game had
become an elimination game with
their backs against the wall.
The next day against Alabama
State they came out with just that
mindset. Parada and sophomore
infielder Chandler Simpson set Photo courtesy of GTAA
the tone, and each put themselves Junior pitcher Chance Huff unloads a fastball pitch during Tech’s win over Alabama State in the Knoxville Regional.
in scoring position in the third Huff picked up the win with seven innings of three-run work, allowing tech to move forward in the regional.
inning. Sophomore Tres Gonza-
lez topped it off with a three-run full display. They scored five runs the Jackets would score four runs one overall seed. However, Ten- tial chance to end the game with
home run to give the Jackets a in the second inning and showed without giving up one. But, in the nessee had other plans, and a se- a walk-off homer, senior Colin
4–2 lead. Tech kept the momen- no signs of slowing down. Scoring fifth inning, Tennessee got on the ries of miscues by the Jackets saw Hall stepped up to the plate. He
tum rolling in the fourth inning at least one run in every inning, board by bringing two runners their lead evaporate away. Tennes- faced a full count and struck out.
by adding on an additional four they totaled 16 runs. On the other home. After six innings, Maxwell see’s six runs in the ninth inning The game ended the Jackets’ sea-
runs to make the score 8–2. The side, sophomore Josiah Siegel put would come out. He gave them brought the score to 9–4. For the son and saw Tennessee advancing
Jackets had finally begun exuding forth a strong showing on the everything the team could have majority of teams in the nation, to the Super Regional.
confidence in the post-season, and mound giving up only one run asked for and more as he recorded this daunting task would likely Sophomore Andrew Jenkins,
carried it with them the rest of the and three hits through 6 1/3 in- 11 strikeouts and only gave up mean the end, but everyone knew Parada, and Simpson each made
way as they emerged victorious nings. The Jackets’ 16–5 win put five hits and two runs. Holding a that Tech was amongst a hand- first-team all-region and Borden
13–4 to keep their season alive. them in the regional final against 4–2 lead, the Jackets had multiple ful of teams that could overcome made second-team all-region.
On the third day of the region- Tennessee. The final began just scoring opportunities but were this type of deficit at this point Once again, the Jackets were
al, the Jackets were slated to have a hours after their win over Camp- unable to convert off their chanc- in the game. In big moments, big eliminated in heartbreaking fash-
rematch against Campbell to avoid bell. Tech’s most reliable pitcher es. In the seventh inning, Tennes- players shine the brightest. Hits ion. While the year ended earlier
elimination and avenge their loss. this season, sophomore Zach see was able to drive in one more by Parada, Simpson, Gonzalez, than hoped for, the Jackets put
Once again they found themselves Maxwell, would get the call to run to cut the deficit in half. After and sophomore infielder Tim forth a record-breaking season
with their backs against the wall, be the starter. The Jackets got off a scoreless eighth inning, Tech Borden II led to the Jackets tal- filled with accolades that will have
but this time came out on top by to just the start they would have was three outs from being one step lying two runs to make it 9–6. this team etched in the record
putting their offensive prowess on hoped for. Through four innings, closer to knocking off the number With bases loaded and a poten- books for a long time.
SPORTS EDITOR: Braves soaring technique
Will Fuss
Julia Balot
The Atlanta Braves rushed back into
playoff contention with a 14-game win
streak.414 July 1, 2022

Tech Golf Finishes in Top Ten Nationally

the second round within four ship with an overall 18-over-par Tech was tied with both A&M to par and their score of 294(+14)
JULIA BALOT strokes of each other. 298. Forrester and Lamprecht and Ole Miss for the advancing brought them to 12th place, the
ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR The Jackets went into round tied for 42nd place while Steel- place and was once again paired highest in seven years for the
two with No. 3 Arkansas and man and Howe tied for 101st. with A&M for round three. For- Jackets at the NCAAs. Tech’s
Tech’s men’s golf team com- No. 11 Kentucky. Steelman shot a Texas A&M scored 300 (+20) and rester shot a 17-foot birdie putt final round partners, Ole Miss
peted in both the NCAA regional 4-under-par 67 with only one bo- Stanford posted 295 (+15). while his partner senior Sam Ben- and Oregon, ranked 14th and
and championship tournaments gey and ranked second individu- Tech brought themselves up nett bogeyed on the hole. Lampre- 15th respectively.
this May, marking Tech’s 31st ally after Tuesday. Lamprecht, to 17th place with 9-over-par 289 cht and A&M sophomore Daniel The championship and Tech’s
appearance in the championship Howe and Reuter shot a 3-under- the next morning for round two. Rodrigues also bogeyed the 18th successful season places Tech
tournament. The NCAA Division par 68, earning the latter two Tech’s partners Texas A&M and hole. Tech tied with Ole Miss men’s golf ranked No. 10 by
I Men’s Golf Committee hosted rankings in the top ten individu- Stanford placed 17th and 14th for 14th place and advanced to Golfweek, marking the 19th top-
six tournaments from May 16 to als. Tech ended with a 13-under- respectively. The top fifteen move the final stroke play tournament ten final ranking since 2000, a
May 18 throughout the coun- par 271 in round two. onto the final stroke play round on May 30. Forrester had a good remarkable stretch for any golf
try for the regional. The regional The final round of regionals of the championship to deter- round and shot 2-under-par 68, program. With a great end to the
qualifiers would go on to compete paired Tech with Oklahoma and mine the top eight teams that will tying 15th at the championship. season, many are excited for what
in Scottsdale at the Grayhawk Ohio in a cloudy forecast. While move on to match play. The Tech team lost six shots comes next for the Jackets.
Golf Club from May 27 to June 1 the round began with Oklahoma
for the championships. tying up with Tech, Reuter and
The regional, which Tech has Steelman shot birdies to main-
competed in for 24 years in a row, tain the team’s position. Steelman
began on May 16. Tech was seeded shot his final round 3-under-par
second behind Oklahoma State to 68 while the other players shot an
compete in Columbus at the Ohio even-par 71, making Tech tie with
State Golf Club. The Columbus Oklahoma State for first place and
tournament saw thirteen teams qualify alongside Arkansas, East
and ten individuals competing in Tennessee State and Ohio State.
a 54-hole, stroke-play tournament Tech qualified with the lead in
on a par 72 course. par-5 holes and 48 collective bird-
Tech began round 1 paired ies, ranked second in par-3 scoring
with Oklahoma and Arizona in and third in par-4 scoring. Reuter
cold weather. Junior Ross Steel- tied for fourth with 2-under-par
man and freshman Benjamin 211 (-2) and Howe tied for seventh
Reuter shot 1-over-par 72 and with 1-under-par 212. Lamprecht
tied for 14th place. Sophomore tied for 29th with 217 and Bart-
Christo Lamprecht clocked two ley Forrester tied for 40th place
double bogeys in the back nine with 219. Howe and five others
and shot a 78 for the day. Juniors tied for 7th with 212 (-1).
Bartley Forrester and Connor The NCAA championship saw
Howe each shot 2-over-par 73 and thirty teams play a 54-hole tour-
tied for 25th place. nament with Oklahoma seeded
The Jackets ended the day tied first. Tech was the No. 10 seed
with No. 6 seed, Ohio state, for going into the NCAA champion-
the fifth championship-qualify- ship and paired with Texas A&M
ing spot. The top five winning and Stanford for the first two
teams and top individual of each rounds. Arizona State, Florida,
regional qualified for the cham- North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pep-
pionship tournament. The Jack- perdine, Texas, Texas Tech and
ets were 6-over-par for a total of Vanderbilt also competed.
290 while No. 1 seed, Oklahoma Forrester and Lamprecht be-
State, went 4-under-par for 280. gan the first round shooting Photo courtey of GTAA
Clemson, Duke, Ohio State, San 3-over-par 73s, bringing Tech Junior Christo Lamprecht watches a shot during round two of the NCAA Men’s Golf
Francisco and Tech went into to 23rd place in the champion- Championship. Lamprecht helped Tech finish 12th at the NCAA Championship.

United Facing Road Woes Through Mid-season

WILL FUSS Boosting the team in recent homegrown talent Caleb Wiley win, and while the team make- ating chances, and if United can
SPORTS EDITOR games is the return of Josef Mar- have played minutes on the back up is widely different, some of clean up its play away from home,
tinez, Atlanta’s star striker and line while also contributing on the core pieces remain. they can make noise on the back
Atlanta United have yet to 2018 League MVP. the scoresheet, with Lennon re- Young talent and veteran pieces end of the season playing some of
put a run together after a quick He is tied for the team lead in cording two goals and two assists combine for a team capable of cre- the best in the league.
start to the season that saw them combined goals and assists despite and Wiley netting a goal at only
hold a record of 3-1-1 (wins- only appearing in eight matches. 17 years old. Brad Guzan and
draws-losses) through five games. Luis Araujo has been United’s big- Robby Shuttleworth led Atlanta
Road struggles have pushed the gest contributor after joining the goaltending, each recording seven
team down the standings as team from Ligue 1’s Lille last sea- appearances, until June 19, when
United have only secured one son. He is tied for the team lead in Rocco Rios Novo stepped in net
win away from Mercedes Benz goals, combined goals and assists, for United. Guzan and Shuttle-
Stadium, a 1–0 victory over DC nearly besting his 2021 totals in worth allowed nine goals apiece
United on April 2. just 10 matches. Dom Dwyer is a across their minutes, with Guzan
Since the hot start, their re- veteran contributor who has seen leading Atlanta to a 3-2-2 record
cord has fallen to 5-4-6 as they a resurgence in 2022. in seven starts. Shuttleworth fell
now sit on the outside of the After not scoring any goals in victim to an anemic offense dur-
playoff picture as of June 29. De- the 2020 and 2021 seasons, he ing some of his appearances, lead-
spite the road struggles and lack netted his first early in 2022 and ing to a 1-2-3 mark for him.
of wins over the past couple of has scored three times in only Rios Novo was promoted
months, Atlanta boasts a positive 234 minutes through his first from Atlanta United 2 to give
goal differential and has games ten appearances. Only Ronaldo the team a younger option in net,
in hand over some of the teams Cisneros and Araujo have out- a 20 year old compared to Gu-
higher in the standings. scored Dwyer, as the 31-year-old zan and Shuttleworth being 37
After two games in New York, far outpaces the rest of the team and 35 respectively.
the team returns to Atlanta for a in goals per 90 minutes. Rios Novo is 1-0-1 in his first
three-game homestand. They will The defensive corps is led by two starts with a clean sheet and
need to secure points in the weeks Miles Robinson, George Camp- only two goals against, lending
ahead to remain viable in the bell, Andrew Gutman and Alan hope that the goalkeeper position
playoff hunt, but with 19 games Franco, with Gutman and Franco will have stability for a time. Photo by David J Griffin Icon Sportswire via Getty Images
still remaining on the schedule leading the team in tackles and Atlanta is only a few years Defender Brooks Lennon delivers a pass during
there is plenty of time to improve. pressures. Brooks Lennon and removed from an MLS Cup Atlanta United’s recent home win over Inter Miami.

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