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Related articles

Due diligence when selecting contractors or


Mid-tender Interviews.
Last edited 04 Sep 2020
OJEU procurement rules.

Post tender estimate.

Tender report for construction contracts Pre-qualification questionnaire.
Pre-tender Interviews.
A tender report is a brief history of the tendering process and an analysis of each tender submission and any subsequent
negotiations. It is generally prepared by the cost consultant for submission to the client but should have observations and Tender.
contributions from the design team regarding the perceived value of each bid. Tender documentation.

The report should conclude with a clear recommendation as to the best value for money offer. If the tender process has any
implications for the project, or changes the position compared to the impression the client had been given pre-tender, then
these should be clearly set out.
The tender report provides an audit trail for the selection process and might include:

The background to the contract.

The scope of the contract.
Pre-qualification criteria.
The tender evaluation criteria. 3()%2)*4+&$*2&5-167*4)*11-12&'#11%
Reasons for rejection of unsuccessful tenders. 3()%2)*4+
Reasons for the recommendation.
A summary of any post-tender negotiations. $81-"9$1
Comparison with the pre-tender estimate.
Any implications for the project.

Related articles on Designing Buildings Wiki

Due diligence when selecting contractors or subcontractors.

Mid-tender Interviews.
OJEU procurement rules.
Post tender estimate.
Pre-qualification questionnaire.
Pre-tender Interviews. !"##$%&'($)(*+%,("-
Tender documentation.
Tender documents.
Tender evaluation.
Tender negotiations. 5-1,$<&=1#$%&3()%2)*4>&?(-$<%1&5-1,$<

External references C$A)#+#11%+#-(8#(-198"/

PACE Guidance on the Appointment of Consultants and Contractors P513.


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