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Assignment Chap 2 Subject:Business Communication Strategies and Skill

Submitted to:Sir Zia Ur Rehman

Submitted by:Muhammad Usman

Class: Reg #:Date: -

MBA Section (A) 10-NTU-5060 28-12-2010

National Textile University Faisal Abad

Review questions
1. Q: How do you analyze how people work together?
People work together in two kind of structures i.e. formal and informal structure

1. Formal structure:
Formal organization is a fixed set of rules of intraorganization procedures and structures. As such, it is usually set out in writing, with a language of rules that ostensibly leave little discretion for interpretation. In some societies and in some organization, such rules may be strictly followed; in others, they may be little more than an empty formalism.

Functional organization:
It tends to be stable a typical of companies where technology does not change fast and allow people to specialize.

Product Organization:
These kinds of organizations work better in fast changing environment because people integrate many tasks around one project.

2. Informal structure:
Informal networks and coalitions dont show up organizational charts but they are just as important e.g. Boss




Secretary Secretary In this example of informal structure your bosss secretary has the power to deny you access to the boss, to screen your bosss mail, or to decide whether or not to interrupt him or her.

2. Q: What four things can you learn about from an organization chart?
y y y y Over riding structure like, decisions and their implementation are organized, quick and through proper channel in time. Various kinds of reporting relationships, who reports to whom, at what level are you on? Where People are located and how to communicate with them. Hierarchy kind of organization., there must be authoritarian structure and less hierarchical organization

3. Q: What is an opinion leader?

Individual whose ideas and behavior serve as a model to others. Opinion leaders communicate messages to a primary group, influencing the attitudes and behavior change of their followers. They might have more credibility, more competence, more power, or more access to information or to the boss.

4. Q: How do you analyze what goals people work towards?

The goals towards the people work are of two kinds i.e. formal, informal goals.

Formal Goals:
Formal goals of a company can easily be defined because formal goals are officially published. To facilitate the accomplishment of the goals of the organization: In a formal organization the work is delegated to each individual of the organization. His/her works towards the attainment of definite goals, which are in compliance with the goals of the organization.

Informal Goals:
Just like the organizations have informal structures they also have informal goals. These types of the goals of any organization are also called the culture of this organization. Listen to the stories people tell and the language they use for your first clues about the organization's informal goals. So the informal goals are very important for the organizations. The companies assign special team to meet these goals these types of goals are not communicated by the management to the all the lower management and staff. But there are some special people who are assigned responsibility to carry these tasks. So the informal goals are not officially declared by the company but they are achieved by other means.

5. Q: List, and give an example of, each of the three aspects of business communication that electronic communication has affected.
Electronic communication has affected the following three aspects of business communication:

Gathering Information:
First, electronic data bases and storage system have significantly influenced how you gather information in business e.g. on a computer you can call stock prices, abstract of business articles or information about the current standing of a company or product.


Word processors are having a tremendous influence on business writing e.g. if you wanted to setup a meeting you might do so b locating the schedule of a group of people by electronic mail.

The way you speak in business will also be affected by changes in electronic communication. E.g. one major change that has been taken place is the change in the kids of graphics you can use for your oral presentation.

6. Q: What two major kinds of analysis and observation do you need to keep in mind in the increasingly international business environment?
To keep in mind about the increasingly international business environment the two major analysis and observations are: Firstly, In order to have effective communication you must know and have keen observation with the culture of the people to whom you communicate. Secondly, you must have the comprehensive approach on the language and gestures of the people to whom you are communicating.

7. Q: List three ways you can avoid writing Dear Sir?

Here are the three ways to over come the problem writing Dear Sir: This problem can be avoided y By using the job title, such as: Dear Sales Manager Dear Permission Editor y By using descriptive term, such as: Dear Customer Dear colleague Dear Subscriber y By using formal asexual salutation, such as: Dear Recipient To whom it may concern

8. Q:









Upward communication requires a lot of care, specially two most common used pitfalls must be avoided; tone and detail

Avoid the harsh tone, too brisk, argumentative or degrading voice tone.


On the other hand avoid the too much detail; assignment must be to the point. You must know the appropriate amount of detail according to the specific assignment and on his/her boss personality. Also avoided the flattering behavior to please your boss.

9. Q: What channel of communication takes the most time?

Writing is the most time consuming channel of communication. A writers time is usually high because you have to got the information first then arrange the data properly and edited it according to your required assignment. It also takes the postage time and then readers response.

y y y

Q: List three ways to overcome possible pitfalls in writing

Clear and legible hand writing Know the person to whom you write End written documents with Response Mechanism

as a channel of communication?

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