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Habits that will improve your life

Smiling not only makes you feel good, but it also boosts how appealing you are to others. And
it’s contagious.

Humility is one of the most appealing traits I can think of and I don’t say that lightly.
They have a quality about them that radiates kindness and love. When you speak with them,
you are enveloped in humility. It motivates you to improve yourself. It has an inexplicable effect
on you.

Live in the moment.

Simply expresses this practice enhances the beauty of your intellect. You spend your days
soaking up every detail and taking it all in. The sound of a cricket, the shapes clouds make, the
taste of delicious honey in your mouth. All of this meticulous observation transforms you into a
person that people want to be around.

Show kindness to strangers

It’s a clear window into your heart if you are nice to strangers. Someone who is empathetic
describes you as nice and welcoming to others. If you’re willing to open up to a stranger, envisioning
how you’ll benefit people you care about is really appealing.

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