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Original Studies

Recurrent Pneumococcal Meningitis in Children

A Multicenter Case–control Study
Laura Darmaun, MD,* Corinne Levy, MD, PhD,†‡§¶ Marion Lagrée, MD,*‡ Stéphane Béchet, MSc,†§¶
Emmanuelle Varon, MD,‡║ Rodrigue Dessein, MD, PhD,** Robert Cohen, MD,†‡§¶‡‡ Alain Martinot,
MD,*‡†† and François Dubos, MD, PhD*‡††; for the ACTIV-GPIP Study Group

Background: Pneumococcal meningitis (PM) is a serious disease that can

rarely recur at a later time after the initial episode.
P neumococcal meningitis (PM) is a major cause of morbidity and
mortality in infants and children.1–3 PM in infants and children
results in sequelae in 30%–50% of cases and death in 10.4%–11.4%,
Methods: A retrospective multicenter case–control study was conducted
with no improvement in prognosis despite the introduction of pneu-
with data for children 18 years of age or younger obtained from the National
mococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs).1,4,5 In rare occasions, some
Observatory of Bacterial Meningitis in Children between January 2001 and
children may have multiple episodes of PM. PM is recurrent when it
September 2015. Cases were all patients with RPM. Each case was matched occurs in the same individual more than 1 month after the first episode.
with 2 randomized controls with a single PM episode in the year of the first It is distinguished from relapse, which represents early recurrence (<1
episode of PM in the case and born the same year. Case and control data month after the first episode) due to inappropriate treatment, duration
were compared. of treatment or failure to treat the source of the infection.
Results: Among the 1634 PM episodes in children 18 years of age or The prevalence of recurrent invasive pneumococcal diseases
younger, 24 (1.5%) children had RPM. RPM cases were significantly less (IPDs) is estimated at 1.7%–10%.6–12 Of these, 11%–65% are recur-
frequent than single PM cases in winter (27% vs. 48%; P=0.03) and showed rent PM (RPM).6–8,12 The recurrence of IPDs in general should raise
significantly less concomitant ear, nose and throat infections when consid- suspicions of circumstances contributing to reinfection, found in
ering the first episode (30% vs. 56%, P = 0.04) and all episodes (28% vs. 50%–93% of cases.7–9,12 In children, the recurrence of IPD is linked
56%, P < 0.01). Cerebrospinal fluid leakage was frequent in RPM cases to immune deficiency (ID),7,12 anatomic defects such as cerebrospinal
versus controls (83% vs. 10%, P < 0.01), including 25% discovered after fluid (CSF) leakage7,12 or cochlear implants.13,14 Knowledge of child-
the third PM episode. Immune deficiency was absent in cases and present hood risk factors for recurrent IPD is becoming increasingly clear, but
in 15% of controls. Cases and controls did not differ in death rate or neu- few studies have specifically addressed RPM. CSF leakage is thought
rologic outcome. to be a predisposing factor for PM in 12%–22% of single PM (SPM)
Conclusions: RPM is rare in children. Cerebrospinal fluid leakage must cases5,15,16 and 30% of recurrent meningitis cases in children.17
be considered. The main purpose of this study was to estimate the frequency
of RPM in children by using the national Association Clinique et
Key Words: Streptococcus pneumoniae, children, recurrent meningitis, Thérapeutique Infantile du Val de Marne (ACTIV)/Group of Pedi-
case–control study atric Infectious Diseases (GPIP) database. Secondary objectives
(Pediatr Infect Dis J 2019;38:881–886) were to assess risk factors for RPM and to describe the outcome for
children with RPM.

Accepted for publication March 14, 2019. MATERIALS AND METHODS

From the *CHU Lille, Urgences pédiatriques & maladies infectieuses, Lille,
France; †ACTIV (Association Clinique et Thérapeutique Infantile du Val Study Design and Inclusion Criteria
de Marne), Saint Maur-des-Fossés, France; ‡GPIP, Groupe de Pathologies
infectieuses Pédiatriques, Paris, France; §Université Paris Est, IMRB-GRC A multicenter case–control study was conducted by using
GEMINI, Créteil, France; ¶Clinical Research Center (CRC), Centre Hospit- the prospective national database of bacterial meningitis in chil-
alier Intercommunal de Créteil, Créteil, France; ║National Reference Center dren. Since 2001, the National Observatory of Bacterial Meningitis
for Pneumococci, Laboratoire de Microbiologie, Assistance Publique-Hôpi- in children created by and ACTIV/GPIP has collected data on bac-
taux de Paris, Hôpital Européen Georges-Pompidou, Paris, France; **Uni-
versity of Lille, CHU Lille, Service de Bactériologie and ††University of terial meningitis cases from 222 pediatric units and 168 microbiol-
Lille, EA2694: Santé Publique, Épidémiologie & Qualité des Soins, CHU ogy laboratories throughout France. Participating units report all
Lille, University Lille, Lille, France; and ‡‡Unité Court Séjour, Petits nour- cases of bacterial meningitis. The data are representative of more
rissons, Service de Néonatalogie, Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Cré-
teil, France.
than 60% of all bacterial meningitis cases.5,18 This study used data
The study was funded by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Group of the French collected from January 2001 to September 2015. The data collec-
Pediatrics Society, Association Clinique et Thérapeutique Infantile du Val tion was approved by the Commission Nationale Informatique et
de Marne and Pfizer. The National Reference Center for Pneumococci was Libertés (CNIL, no. 913006). Patients and parental consent were
partially funded by the French National Health Agency.
R.C., C.L. and E.V. received grants and personal fees from Pfizer. A.M. has had
not required for this observational and retrospective study, approved
appointments for consultancy/advice (GSK vaccines, Pfizer) and invitations by the Créteil Ethics Committee. Inclusion criteria were 18 years
to European Society for Paediatric Infectious Disease meetings (GSK vac- of age or younger and a diagnosis of PM declared to the national
cines, Pfizer); F.D. received fees from Biocodex for 2 lectures. network during the study period. The primary endpoint was the fre-
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of
quency of RPM. Secondary endpoints were to assess risk factors
this article on the journal’s website ( for RPM and describe the outcome for children with RPM.
Address for correspondence: François Dubos, MD, PhD, Pediatric Emergency
Unit & Infectious Diseases, CHU Lille, 2 av. Oscar Lambret, F-59000, Lille, Definitions
France. E-mail:
Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
PM was defined by the presence of clinical and CSF signs
ISSN: 0891-3668/19/3809-0881 of meningitis and culture of Streptococcus pneumoniae in CSF
DOI: 10.1097/INF.0000000000002358 or blood and/or positive pneumococcal antigens or polymerase

The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 38, Number 9, September 2019 | 881

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Darmaun et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 38, Number 9, September 2019

Statistical Analyses
The frequency of RPM cases in the national database was
first calculated. Then, characteristics of children were compared
between the first PM episode in cases and the PM episode in con-
trols. The distribution of cases and controls over the study period
was described. All PM episodes in cases were compared with the
PM episode in controls. Cases and controls were compared for
patient outcomes and risk factors for PM. Quantitative data were
analyzed by Student t test or nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test
as applicable. Categorical data were analyzed by χ2 or Fisher exact
test. The analysis was performed with the software Epi-Info 6.04fr
(US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA) and
Stata SE 13.1 (Stata Corp, College Station, TX). P <0.05 was con-
sidered statistically significant.

FIGURE 1.  Details of the selection of cases (RPM) and From 2001 to September 2015, we collected data on 1634
controls (SPM) from the ACTIV national pediatric meningitis cases of PM in 1596 children (median age: 1.0 years [interquar-
database. tile range: 0.5–4.2]; male/female ratio: 1.39). In total, 24 (1.5%)
patients presented RPM, with 2 or more PM episodes. The median
time between the first and the second episode was 21 months (inter-
chain reaction results in CSF.4,5 Cases were all children 18 years
quartile range: 6–37). The distribution of first PM episodes in cases
of age or younger, with RPM defined as the presence of at least
(and controls) was homogeneous over the study period, with a peak
2 episodes of PM with an interval between episodes of at least in 2007–2008 (see appendix, Supplemental Digital Content 1;
28 days identified in the national database during the study These 24 patients were matched
period. Each case was matched to 2 randomized controls identi- to 48 controls with an SPM. Thus, we included 72 children (median
fied in the national database (Fig. 1) who had SPM in the year age: 3.9 years [2.5–7.5]; male/female ratio: 1.25) with a total of 110
of the first PM episode in the case and were born the same year. episodes of PM (Fig. 1).
The winter season was defined by the period between Decem- The comparison of the first PM episode in cases with the
ber and March. Risk factors for PM identified in the literature PM episode in controls and all PM episodes between cases and
were CSF leakage, presence of a ventricular shunt, congenital controls is presented in Table 1. The frequency of ENT infections
or acquired ID, any type of asplenia and presence of a cochlear was higher in controls than cases. RPM cases were less frequent
implant.4,15 Risk factors for CSF leakage were trauma (surgical than SPM cases during the winter season (27% vs. 48%, P = 0.03).
or not), inflammation, congenital factors and neoplasm.19 For Cases and controls did not differ in the proportion of identified
patient outcomes, deaths were those resulting from the men- PCV serotypes (15/47 [32%] vs. 18/34 [53%], P = 0.06). In these
ingitis episode; deafness was defined by a significant hearing patients, PCV serotypes were no longer identified after 2010. Sero-
loss and needing regular follow-up with an ear, nose and throat type 24F was the most common non-PCV serotype identified (see
(ENT) specialist and hearing aids. Neurologic sequelae included appendix, Supplemental Digital Content 2;
epilepsy, sensory-motor deficiency and mental deficiency, all INF/D478). Cases and controls did not differ in penicillin suscepti-
requiring follow-up in a neuropediatric unit. bility (69% vs. 81%, P = 0.11). Seizures overall were less frequent
in cases than controls (11% vs. 29%, P = 0.02). The only difference
Process of Data Collection in blood tests was for blood cultures, less often positive in first PM
Cases and controls were identified in the ACTIV/GPIP episodes for cases than controls (50% vs. 76%, P=0.05). Among
national database. For each PM episode, we collected data on 38 RPM cases, 8 (21%) occurred in 6 children with antimicrobial
anamnestic (sex, age and season at admission, presence of siblings, prophylaxis (penicillin V).
risk factors for IPD), vaccinal (PCV7, PCV13 data), clinical (ENT The rate of abnormal psychomotor development before the
infection, seizure, coma, septic shock, purpura, assisted mechani- first episode of PM was more frequent in cases than controls when
cal ventilation), biologic (blood cell count, C-reactive protein considering all episodes (47% vs. 22%, P=0.01) (Table 1). Other
and procalcitonin levels, CSF data, search for ID), microbiologic short-term outcome and sequelae did not differ between cases and
(method of pneumococcal identification, serotype if available and controls (Table 2).
antimicrobial susceptibility) and therapeutic (antimicrobial and At the first PM episode, cases and controls did not differ in
steroid treatment) features. Additional data on the outcome (com- identified predisposing factors for PM (Table 3). ID was searched
plications, search for and treatment of CSF leakage, intensive care in 48% of all PM episodes and was more frequent in cases than
unit admission, sequelae and death) were retrospectively collected controls (58% vs. 29%, P = 0.01). Only 1 additional ID was
from the pediatric units. detected, in controls. At the end of all episodes, ID was searched
in 88% of cases (see table, Supplemental Digital Content 3; http://
Microbiology The IDs were congenital (n = 4; 1 Down
S. pneumoniae was identified by standard methods in the syndrome and 3 functional asplenia) and acquired (n = 3; 1 HIV
microbiology laboratory of each hospital. Isolates were serotyped infection, 1 myelodysplastic disease and 1 chemotherapy for brain
at the National Reference Center for pneumococci by latex agglu- tumor). Brain imaging was performed in 86% of all PM episodes,
tination with antisera provided by the Statens Serum Institute with no differences between cases and controls. After the first epi-
(Copenhagen, Denmark). Antimicrobial susceptibility testing for sode, brain imaging was considered normal in 32/59 PM episodes
penicillin and ceftriaxone or cefotaxime was performed at National (54%), with no differences between cases and controls (55% vs.
Reference Center for pneumococci as previously described.1 54%, P = 0.93).

882 | © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 38, Number 9, September 2019 Recurrent Pneumococcal Meningitis

TABLE 1.  Description of the Population With RPM (Cases) Compared With 48 Children With
SPM Episodes (Controls)

Cases (RPM) Controls (SPM) P* P†

First Episode All Episodes

Variables (n = 24) (n = 62) (n = 48)

Male/female ratio 1.40 — 1.86 0.74 —

Premature birth, n/N (%) 6/21 (29) — 3/32 (9) 0.13 —
Median age, years (IQR) 3.8 (2.6 to 7.2) 6.1 (3.0 to 10) 4.0 (2.5 to 8.0) 0.82 0.08
Median weight, SD (IQR) −0.25 (−1.0 to 1.0) 0.5 (−1.0 to 1.0) 0.0 (−1.0 to 1.0) 0.34 0.70
Pre-PM abnormal psychomotor 8/21 (38) 27/57 (47) 8/37 (22) 0.18 0.01
development, n/N(%)
Community childcare, n/N (%) 19/23 (83) 54/60 (90) 31/39 (79) 1.00 0.14
≥1 Sibling, n/N (%) 9/20 (45) 25/54 (47) 15/28 (54) 0.56 0.53
PCV status‡§
 No PCV, n (%) 11 (46) 24 (39) 24 (50) 0.70 0.20
 PCV 7, n (%) 9 (37) 25 (40) 17 (35) 0.90 0.60
 PCV 13, n (%) 4 (17) 13 (21) 7 (15) 1.00 0.54
Wintertime, n‡ (%) 6 (25) 17 (27) 23 (48) 0.06 0.03
Clinical presentation
 Associated ENT infection, n/N (%) 7/23 (30) 16/58 (28) 27/48 (56) 0.04 <0.01
  Acute otitis media, n/N (%) 6/23 (26) 10/58 (17) 15/48 (31) 0.66 0.09
  Other ENT infection, n/N (%) 3/24 (13) 9/61 (15) 16/47 (34) 0.05 0.02
 Seizures¶, n/N (%) 3/24 (13) 7/61 (11) 14/48 (29) 0.12 0.02
 Shock, n/N (%) 7/24 (29) 12/61 (20) 12/48 (25) 0.71 0.50
 Purpura, n/N (%) 3/21 (14) 6/56 (11) 6/41 (15) 0.64 0.56
 Purpura fulminans, n/N (%) 0/23 (0) 2/60 (3) 1/48 (2) 0.68 1.00
 Assisted ventilation, n/N (%) 7/23 (30) 14/61 (23) 19/48 (40) 0.45 0.06
 Coma, n/N (%) 10/23 (44) 21/61 (34) 21/48 (44) 0.99 0.32
IQR indicates interquartile range.
*First cases vs. controls.
†All cases vs. controls.
‡No missing data.
§Twenty-three percent of cases before 2006: none had received PCV; 48% of cases between 2006 and 2010: 58% received the PCV; 29% of cases
after 2011: 97% received the PCV.
¶Seizures before or during antimicrobial treatment.

TABLE 2.  Number of PM-Related Deaths and Short and Long-Term

Outcome of Patients Alive After a Single and Multiple Episodes of PM

Cases (n=24) Controls (n = 48)

After First PM After Last PM

Outcome n/N (%) n/N (%) n/N (%) P* P†

Death — 4/24 (17) 7/48 (15) — 1.00

Deafness 7/20 (35) 5/20‡ (25) 10/31 (32) 0.84 0.58
Neurologic sequelae 10/23 (44) 11/20 (55) 12/36 (33) 0.43 0.11
 Epilepsia 2/23 (9) 4/20 (20) 3/36 (8) 1.00 0.67
 SM deficiency 6/23 (26) 5/20 (25) 11/36 (31) 0.71 0.12
 Mental deficiency 6/23 (26) 5/20 (25) 2/36 (6) 0.05 0.17
*First cases vs. controls.
†Last cases vs. controls.
‡Two patients with deafness after the first PM died.
SM indicates sensory-motor

At the first PM episode, CSF leakage was identified as a less frequent than SPM cases in winter, with fewer concomitant
predisposing factor in 25% of cases and 11% of controls (P=0.12) ENT infections. CSF leakage was highly frequent in RPM cases
(Table 3). At the end of all episodes, CSF leakage was identified when compared with SPM cases (83% vs. 10%, P < 10−7). No ID
in 20 cases and 5 controls (83% vs. 10%, P<0.01). Nine (64%) was found in RPM cases, but 15% of controls had an ID previously
cases of congenital CSF leakage were located in the anterior cra- known or discovered after the PM episode (P = 0.09).
nial fossa. The predisposing factor was still unclear in 4 cases, 3 of The rate of RPM in our study is close to data previously
whom died of the PM. reported. In 1999, Drummond et al17 reported a 1.3% prevalence
of recurrent bacterial meningitis in children. A multicenter study
in Denmark performed between 1980 and 2013 found 59/2418
DISCUSSION (2.4%) children with recurrent IPDs, 24 of whom experienced 1 or
The rate of RPM in children was 1.5%, representing 3.8% of more PM episodes.12 We show that RPM cases were less predomi-
1634 PM cases over a 15-year period. RPM cases were significantly nant in winter when compared with SPM cases. The predominant

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Darmaun et al The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 38, Number 9, September 2019

TABLE 3.  PM Predisposing Factors at the Last PM Episode in Children With

RPM (Cases) and SPM (Controls)

Cases Controls
Variables (n = 24) (n = 48) P

CSF leakage, n (%) 20 (83) 5 (10) <0.01

 Congenital 12 2 0.62
  Previously known 1 1 —
  Discovered after the 1st PM episode 2 1 —
  Discovered after the 2nd PM episode 7 — —
  Discovered after the 3rd PM episode 2 — —
Traumatic 8 3 0.62
  Previously known 2 3 —
  Discovered after the 1st PM episode 2 0 —
  Discovered after the 2nd PM episode 1 — —
  Discovered after the 3rd PM episode 2* — —
  Discovered after the 4th PM episode 0 — —
  Discovered after the 5th PM episode 1* — —
Search for immune deficiency after the 1st PM episode, n (%) 14 (58) 14 (29) 0.01
Immune deficiency identified, n (%) 0 (0) 7 (15) 0.09
 Congenital 0 4 —
  Previously known 0 3 —
  Discovered after the PM episode 0 1 —
 Acquired 0 3 —
  Previously known 0 3 —
  Discovered after the PM episode 0 0 —
Others†, n (%) 3 (13) 1 (2) 0.10
CSF leakage predisposing factors‡, n/N (%) 8/24 (33) 8/41 (20) 0.21
In cases, brain imaging was performed in 19/24 cases after the 1st PM episode, 22/24 after the 2nd PM episode, 8/9
after the 3rd PM episode, 3/3 after the 4th PM episode, and 2/2 after the 5th PM episode.
*In patients with known congenital CSF leakage with surgery.
†Among other predisposing PM risk factors, 1 case and 1 control had a ventriculoperitoneal shunt catheter, and 2
cases had a cochlear implant.
‡Risk factors for CSF leakage were trauma (surgical or not), inflammatory, congenital and neoplasm.

occurrence in winter of IPDs is reported in the literature, with a study by Gaschignard et al,6 ID was found in 26/163 patients with
peak in February in the northern hemisphere.6,20,21 Several studies IPD (16%; 95% CI, 11–22) but in none of the 11 with RPM. In the
have shown a link between seasonal viral infections (influenza, res- study by Mason et al,8 10/108 recurrent IPD cases were RPM; of
piratory syncytial virus) and the occurrence of PM21 and IPD.20,22–24 these 108 cases, 15 experienced more than 2 IPDs, and of these 15,
Because RPM was linked to the presence of CSF leakage, a winter- only 1 had RPM, with Mondini deformity. In the study by Ingels et
promoting factor was probably not necessary. al,12 among the 10 patients with at least 3 IPD episodes, only one
Many clinical cases have been published on the association had RPM that was related to CSF leakage. Seven of the remaining
between CSF leakage and RPM25–28 but not as systematically as 9 cases of recurrent pneumococcal bacteremia had an identified
our series. In the recurrent IPD cases in the study by Ingels et al,12 ID.12 In another Spanish study of 23 recurrent IPD cases in 10
only 4/24 patients (17%) with 1 or more PM episodes showed patients, 2 cases exhibited ID.7
CSF leakage. Alsina et al7 described 3 RPM cases in their recur- The short-term evolution of RPM was comparable to that
rent IPD cohort: all had CSF leakage. More generally for recur- of SPM. From the first recurrence, the PM was even less clinically
rent IPDs, CSF leakage was identified in 7%–75% of patients7,8,12 severe in cases than controls (fewer seizures, less ventilatory assis-
but sometimes never.9 The original feature of our study is that tance), which could be explained by earlier in-hospital medical
CSF leakage was the only source of infection found when the IPD advice by parents who recognized the first meningitis symptoms
was an RPM. early. The absence of differences in neurologic outcome and death
In our population, most congenital CSF leakage cases between cases and controls may also be related to this early medical
(58%) were diagnosed after the second PM episode. Therefore, alertness by parents of children with RPM. However, it may also
for the others, there was a real delay in the initial diagnosis of be due to the exclusion of patients who died or to a lack of power
CSF leakage. However, 33% of cases had a predisposing history of because of the small number of patients.
CSF leakage at the first episode (previous neurosurgery or inner- Although recruitment was multicenter for almost 15 years,
ear surgery). The risk of CSF leakage is estimated at 6.3% after RPM remained a rare event, with a small study sample (n = 24).
craniotomy in children29 and from 0.9% to 8.5% after transsphe- The number (but not the rate) may be underestimated, because
noidal endoscopic surgery.30,31 In our study, after the first PM epi- the completeness of the ACTIV database is estimated at 61%.18 In
sode, the source of infection remained unknown in 63% of cases addition, for children whose first episode occurred at the end of
and 75% of controls (P = 0.3). After all episodes, no source was the study period, recurrence could not be reported. To the best of
found for 4 of the 24 RPM cases (17%), including 3 who died of our knowledge, this is the only study that exclusively addressed
the PM and for whom investigations were not possible. The last RPM. Because of the study design and age matching, we could
patient had a full search for ID and underwent magnetic resonance not compare the occurrence of PM at different ages between the 2
imaging twice, with images examined at least twice to search for groups. However, the median age of patients with SPM in the whole
CSF leakage, which was not identified. No ID was found in cases, ACTIV register was much lower than that of patients with RPM (1
whereas 13% of controls had ID known before their PM. In the vs. 3.9 years).1 The PCV coverage rate may appear low; however,

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The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal  •  Volume 38, Number 9, September 2019 Recurrent Pneumococcal Meningitis

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