Revision Task 3

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1. Compare evolution, microevolution and macroevolution.


2. Determine the best definition of a genome.

a. The amino acid sequence that produces a polypeptide
b. All the coded DNA in the nucleus
c. The ordered list of genes along a chromosome
d. The complete complement of an organism’s genes

3. The table gives a comparison of a certain protein’s structure found in four animals:
Organism Number of different amino acids in the cytochrome c relative to humans
Human 0
Monkey 1
Turtle 15
Moth 31

Determine what is shown by this data?

a. Humans evolved from moths
b. Turtles and moths are more closely linked on the evolutionary tree than turtles and
c. Mammals evolved from reptiles
d. Monkeys and humans are closely related

4. According to studies of DNA sequencing, there is a 97.6% similarity between humans and
chimpanzees, a 94.7% similarity between humans and gibbons and a 91.1% similarity
between humans and rhesus monkeys. What can be concluded from this information?
a. Humans and chimpanzees have the most recent common ancestor
b. Humans and rhesus monkeys have the most recent common ancestor
c. Gibbons and rhesus monkeys diverged at the same time
d. Chimpanzees and gibbons are apes

5. Which of the following would not be studied in molecular homology?

a. Structure of haemoglobin
b. Composition of cytochrome c
c. Nucleotide sequence
d. Pentadactyl limb structure

6. Use the following information to construct a cladogram.

Feature Lancele Lamprey Eel Frog Snake Koala
Notochord X X X X X X
Backbone X X X X X
Hinged jaw X X X X
Lung X X X
Amniotic egg X X
Fur X

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