Environmental Pollution: Peiyu Jiang, Xi Zhong, Lingyu Li

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Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115639

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Environmental Pollution
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On-road vehicle emission inventory and its spatio-temporal variations

in North China Plain*
Peiyu Jiang a, Xi Zhong b, Lingyu Li a, *
College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Qingdao University, Qingdao, 266071, China
Aquatic Technology Promotion Station of Weihai City, Wendeng District, Weihai, 264400, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Vehicle emissions are a major contributor to air pollution in China. In this study, a high-resolution in-
Received 1 June 2020 ventory of eight on-road vehicle-emitted pollutants in 53 cities within the North China Plain (NCP) was
Received in revised form established for 152 sub-sources. Monthly emission factors were then simulated using the COPERT v5
25 August 2020
model and their spatial distribution at 4 km  4 km resolution was allocated based on the transportation
Accepted 9 September 2020
Available online 11 September 2020
network. In 2017, emissions of BC, CO, NH3, NMVOCs, NOx, PM10, PM2.5, and SO2 were 38.3, 2900, 21.8,
578, 2460, 113, 85.9, and 4.7 kt, respectively. These emissions and their sources differed between cities,
mainly due to different vehicle populations, fleet compositions, emission share rates of different vehicle
North China
types, and emission standards in each city. Small-medium petrol passenger cars and both 20e26 t and 40
Vehicular emissions e50 t heavy-duty diesel trucks of China 3 and 4 emissions standards were the main contributors for all
Mobile source pollutants. Higher cold-start emission factors caused higher emissions of CO, NMVOCs, NOx, and PM2.5 in
Air pollutants winter. The cities of Beijing, Zhengzhou, Tianjin, Tangshan, Xuzhou, Qingdao, Jinan, Jining, and Zibo had
COPERT the highest emission intensities. Overall, emissions decreased from the city centers toward surrounding
areas. The higher contributions of heavy-duty trucks meant that higher emissions appeared along
highways in a vein-like distribution. These results provide a theoretical basis for the effective prevention
and control of air pollution in the NCP.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Vehicle emission inventories are usually estimated using

models such as MOBILE6 (US EPA, 2003), EMFAC 2002 (US CARB,
The on-road vehicle population in China has shown rapid 2002), IVE (International Vehicle Emission) (ISSRC, 2014), and
exponential growth since the 21st century, leading to vehicle MOVES (Motor Vehicle Emission Simulators) (Koupal et al., 2002),
emissions becoming an important contributor to air pollution and COPERT (Computer Programme to Estimate Emissions from
(Liang et al., 2019). The North China Plain (NCP), the second-largest Road Transport) (Ntziachristos and Samaras, 2000), of which the
plain in China, covers ~20% of the country (Fig. 1). It contains many latter is most commonly used. For example, Mensink (2000) veri-
urban agglomerations with dense populations, including some fied Antwerp’s urban emission inventory by comparing the emis-
megacities such as Beijing, Tianjin, and Shijiazhuang. It is also one sion factors simulated by COPERT v2 with the emulated traffic flow
of the most polluted areas in China (Ge et al., 2018; Hao et al., 2020; and observations. COPERT v3 and v4 have been commonly used to
Zhao et al., 2020), especially the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region calculate road transportation emissions and determine accurate
(Zhou et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2018). For example, vehicle emissions emission factors (Buro  n et al., 2004; Berkowicz et al., 2006;
could contribute up to 25% of ambient PM2.5 in BTH (Gao et al., Choudhary and Gokhale, 2019). In China, vehicle emission in-
2018). It is therefore essential to clarify the characteristics of on- ventories have been established based on emission factors simu-
road vehicle emissions in order to more effectively control air lated by models and activity data collected from field investigation
pollution in the NCP. and statistical analyses. Emission factors simulated by COPERT
were more similar to actual emissions of on-road vehicles in China
than those from other models due to the analogous engine tech-
This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Pavlos Kassomenos. nology and overlap vehicle emission standards (Xie et al., 2006). Cai
* Corresponding author. and Xie (2010) calculated the emission factors of different vehicle
E-mail address: lilingyu@qdu.edu.cn (L. Li).

0269-7491/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Jiang, X. Zhong and L. Li Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115639

Fig. 1. Location of North China Plain.

types under varied national standards using COPERT and estab- for on-road vehicles in the NCP were thus identified, which could
lished a vehicle emission factor database for China. The model has be helpful for improved air pollution control in this region.
also been used to establish national and regional single- and multi-
year vehicle emission inventories (Cai and Xie, 2007; Lang et al.,
2014; Liu et al., 2015; Xie et al., 2017; He et al., 2018; Li et al.,
2. Methodology
2018; Zhou et al., 2019; Jiang et al., 2020). In the NCP, research
has focused on specific cities or regions. For example, Jing et al.
2.1. COPERT v5 model
(2016) used COPERT with near-real-time traffic data along road
segments to develop a vehicle emissions inventory with high
The COPERT model originated from a research program on
spatiotemporal resolution for the Beijing urban area. Sun et al.
vehicle emission factors carried out by the European Commission,
(2017, 2019) used COPERT to establish historical and future
and is being continuously developed and improved. It is widely
vehicle emission inventories in Qingdao and Tianjin. Lang et al.
used in European countries and is compatible with varied national
(2012) established an on-road vehicle emission inventory in BTH
standards and parameters (Ntziachristos and Samaras, 2000). The
in 2014. Sun et al. (2016) combined COPERT v4 with the vehicle age
working conditions and engine technology used in COPERT are
distribution to develop a 0.05   0.05  gridded vehicle emission
similar to those in China. As European emission standards can
inventory at the prefecture level in Shandong Province from 2000
include recent national standards for on-road vehicles in China,
to 2014.
many studies have applied COPERT to estimate Chinese vehicle
Overall, there has been a lack of comprehensive vehicle emis-
emissions. In addition, COPERT can calculate the pollutant emis-
sion inventories in the NCP that makes it difficult to develop a
sions of a single vehicle or fleet within a year, and can be used to
systematic and detailed understanding of the emission character-
develop a high-spatiotemporal-resolution vehicle emission data-
istics of vehicles in this region. The narrow focus of most studies
base (Zachariadis and Samaras, 1995; Xie et al., 2017).
means that many parts of the NCP have not been researched in
COPERT v5 is an updated version of COPERT v4 that includes
terms of vehicle emission inventories. In addition, previous studies
revised methodological elements and a reworked user interface,
have mostly discussed only CO, NOx, PM10 and PM2.5 emissions and
aiming at a compilation of complicated annual national inventories
have not been updated for emissions after 2014. Meanwhile, most
that includes multiple countries and years in a single file (European
studies have applied COPERT v3 or v4, which have less detailed and
Environment Agency, 2016). Compared with v4, COPERT v5 has the
comprehensive vehicle-type classifications. In contrast, COPERT v5
following new features: (1) fuel energy calculations are used
has a revised methodology that is more suited for handling actual
instead of fuel mass, primary and end (blends) fuels are distinct,
on-road vehicle conditions, making the simulated data more ac-
and energy is automatically considered in the balance; (2) the
curate and identification more effective, as discussed in Section 2.1
vehicle category classification has been updated by adding new
of this paper (Dey et al., 2019). Therefore, this study applied the
vehicle types and updating emission control technology level,
COPERT v5 model to estimate the emission factors of 8 air pollut-
which is more detailed and suitable for actual vehicle types and
ants (BC, CO, NH3, NMVOCs, NOx, PM10, PM2.5, and SO2) from 152
driving conditions; (3) one function type for emission factor
sub-sources of 18 vehicle types within the NCP. Monthly emissions
calculation has been added, which also has the potential to
in 2017 were calculated at the city level with a high spatial reso-
distinguish emission factors between peak and off-peak urban
lution. The main sources and areas with high emission intensities
P. Jiang, X. Zhong and L. Li Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115639

2.2. Emissions estimation Vehicles were divided into 18 types and 6 national emission
standards including 152 sub-sources. The calculated emission fac-
2.2.1. Calculations tors in the NCP in 2017 are given in Table S3. The emission factors of
The algorithms used in COEPRT v5 to calculate vehicle emissions each vehicle type decreased from the emission standards from
in this study are as follows (Eq. 1e5): China 0 to those of China 5.

EHOT; i; k; r ¼ Nk  Mk;r  eHOT; i; k; r (1)

2.2.3. Vehicle populations
ECOLD; i; k ¼ bi; k  Nk  Mk  eHOT; i; k All newly registered vehicles in the year when the new Chinese
 national emission standard was implemented were assumed to
 ðeCOLD; i; k eHOT; i; k  1Þ (2) comply with that standard. For emission standards of China 1e5,
the vehicle populations of each standard were calculated by sum-
EHOT ¼ EHOT; i; k; r (3) marizing populations of the newly registered vehicles during the
implementation period for that standard. The annual populations
X of newly registered vehicles were derived from the statistics in the
ECOLD ¼ ECOLD; i; k (4) official statistical yearbooks of 53 cities during 1998e2017.
Considering that the official statistics on vehicle population of
ETOTAL ¼ EHOT þ ECOLD (5) China 0 were not comprehensive and most were absent, it was
calculated by Eq. 6:
where E is the pollutant emissions (g); N is vehicle populations
(veh); M is the mileage per vehicle (km/veh); e is the emission Np; i; 0 ¼ Np; i  j¼1
Np; i; j (6)
factor (g/km); b is the fraction of mileage driven with a cold engine
or the catalyst operated below the light-off temperature; i is the where Np,i,0, Np,i, and Np,i,j mean the vehicle population of China 0,
pollutant type; k is the vehicle technology in operation in the total vehicle population, and vehicle population of China j (j ¼ 1 to
period concerned; r is the road type; HOT represents hot exhaust; 5), respectively, for vehicle type i in province p. The China 0, 1, 2, 3,
and COLD represents cold start. 4, and 5 emission standards correspond to the pre-Euro, Euro I, II,
III, IV, and V standards. The implementation period for various
national emission standards, the average annual mileage of
2.2.2. Emission factors different types (VKT), and the lifetime mileage of on-road vehicles
COPERT v5 was applied to calculate the emission factors related all referred to the Technical Guideline for Establishment of Air
to fuel properties, circulation data including vehicle share and Pollutant Emission Inventory of On-road Vehicles in China (Trial).
speed, fuel evaporation data, and driving conditions including load Notably, Beijing took the lead in the application of China 0e5, while
and road slope. The calculation of cold-start emission factors was the city of Tianjin and the provinces of Hebei, Shandong, and
affected by meteorological parameters including minimum tem- Jiangsu adopted the China 5 standard ahead of other areas.
perature, maximum temperature, humidity, and Reid Vapor Pres-
sure (RVP), which varied monthly. These parameters were
determined as follows. 2.2.4. Mileage degradation parameter
The mileage degradation parameters were calculated by Eq. 7:
(1) Fuel properties. The sulfur content of various fuels was
determined by weight as 10 ppm for petrol, 10 ppm for MCc ¼ AM  MMEAN þ BM (7)
diesel, 50 ppm for LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), 150 ppm for
CNG (compressed natural gas), 50 ppm for biodiesel, and where MCc is the mileage correction factor for a given mileage
10 ppm for bioethanol, according to the latest Chinese na- (Mav ); MMEAN is the mean fleet mileage of vehicles for which the
tional standards (including GB 17930-2016, GB 19147-2016, correction is applied; AM is the degradation of the emission per-
GB 19159-2012, GB 18047-2017, GB/T 20828-2015, GB 25199- formance per kilometer; and BM is the emission level of a fleet of
2015, and GB 18351-2017). The RVP of fuel was 88 kPa in new vehicles. AM and BM were input by default in COPERT v5, while
January, February, March, April, November, and December, MMEAN was determined according to the description given by the
and 72 kPa from May to October (Cai and Xie, 2010). Fuel European Environment Agency (2016).
consumption of on-road vehicles was obtained from national
statistics for each city in 2017. Before being input into
COPERT v5, these were converted from tons to terajoules (TJ) 2.3. Spatial allocation
by the conversion coefficient (c) for different fuels in v4
(Table S1). In order to investigate the spatial characteristics of vehicle
(2) Circulation data. The varied vehicle shares (%) on four types emissions in the NCP, gridded emissions at a 4 km  4 km resolu-
of roads (urban roads with and without peak traffic, rural tion were allocated by transportation network from the calculated
roads, and highways) were determined following Sun et al. city-level vehicle emission inventory using ArcGIS and MapInfo.
(2017) (Table S2). The driving speeds (km/h) of vehicles on The road distribution originated from OpenStreetMap (https://
urban roads without peak traffic, rural roads, and highways www.openstreetmap.org). The spatial allocation of emissions was
were 20, 40, and 80 km/h, respectively (Cai and Xie, 2010). determined by Eq. 8:
The minimum driving speed of 5e12 km/h given by COPERT .
v5 was used for urban roads with peak traffic. Egrid ¼ Etotal  Lgrid Ltotal (8)
(3) Meteorological parameters. Data for monthly minimum and
maximum temperature along with humidity in 53 cities where Egrid is the emissions in grid j; Etotal is the total emissions of
were obtained through the National Meteorological Science the city where grid j is located; Lgrid is the road length in grid j; and
Data Center (http://data.cma.cn). Ltotal is the total road length of the city where grid j is located.
P. Jiang, X. Zhong and L. Li Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115639

2.4. Uncertainty analysis vehicle population was only 1.27 million, much lower than Beijing,
which had the most vehicles. Xuzhou had a higher proportion of
Monte Carlo simulation was used to evaluate the uncertainty of HDTs and BUS (9.5% and 7.3%, respectively). Xuzhou City is located
estimated emissions for the studied pollutants (Streets et al., at the junction of four provinces and is a comprehensive trans-
2003a; Zhao et al., 2011, 2012). The uncertainties of emission fac- portation hub in China with busy transportation industry. Its higher
tors and activity levels (including vehicle population and mileage) and increasing freight traffic leads the highest proportion of HDTs
were determined by referring to the uncertainty assessment among all the cities in NCP except Shijiazhuang City. The pop-
manual published by the United States Environmental Protection ulations of 20e26 t and 40e50 t diesel HDTs at the China 3 standard
Agency (US EPA, 2007) and various studies (Streets et al., 2003a, were nearly 10.5 times larger than those in Beijing, resulting in
2003b; Zheng et al., 2009). The optimal probability density func- 675 t BC and 37800 t NOx emissions higher. The larger population of
tions were estimated for all collected data using statistical methods, BUS (9.5 times as many) with capacity of 18 t in Xuzhou also
in which the relative standard deviations were taken as the un- contributed to its BC and NOx emissions being higher than Beijing
certainties. The mileage for each vehicle type was assumed to by 850 t and 52200 t, respectively. In addition, the higher emission
conform to lognormal distribution. The emissions uncertainty was factors of these three vehicle types also contributed to higher total
estimated under the 95% confidence interval by extracting 10,000 emissions of BC and NOx in Xuzhou (Table S3). For example, NOx
samples from the distributions of emission factors, vehicle popu- emission factors for these were 9e13 g/km, significantly higher
lation, and mileage. The key factors contributing most to the un- than those of other vehicle types (0e2 g/km). In Beijing, PCs
certainty of the estimated emissions were also determined by accounted for nearly 90% of the total, and these had relatively lower
sensitivity analysis. BC and NOx emission factors. Therefore, Xuzhou emitted higher BC
and NOx despite its total vehicle population being much lower than
3. Results and discussion some other cities. The proportion of HDTs in Shijiazhuang City was
15.5%, the highest in NCP, but it had lower emissions due to the less
3.1. Emissions in 53 cities of the NCP vehicle populations. Another capital city, Zhengzhou City in Henan
Province is also an important transportation hub in China, but its
On-road vehicle emissions for all eight pollutants in the 53 cities proportion of HDTs was 4.4%. Its larger vehicle populations made it
as calculated by COPERT are given in Table S4. BC totaled 38.3 kt, CO the second largest contributor to BC and NOx emissions. A higher
2900 kt, NH3 21.8 kt, NMVOCs 578 kt, NOx 2460 kt, PM10 113 kt, proportion of low-emission vehicles, such as MCs, might lead to
PM2.5 85.9 kt, and SO2 4.7 kt. Xuzhou had the largest BC and NOx lower pollutant emissions. These were the primary vehicle types in
emissions, Beijing had the largest CO, NH3, NMVOCs, and SO2 Hengshui and Xingtai, resulting in lower emission contributions.
emissions, and Zhengzhou had the largest PM10 and PM2.5 Based on these results, reducing vehicle populations and
emissions. implementing stricter emission standards might be effective for
Differences in emissions between cities were attributed to mitigating air pollutant emissions. The vehicle population can be
different activity data (including vehicle population and fleet reduced by speeding up the elimination of vehicles with lower
composition) and different emission factors (influenced by fuel emission standards. Combined with the development of cleaner tail
consumption and meteorological parameters). Vehicle population gas emission devices, stricter standards for high emission vehicles
and fleet composition could also determine fuel consumption and can effectively reduce the vehicle emissions of air pollutants.
therefore emission factors. Meteorological parameters had rela- Changing vehicle fleet composition could be another choice for
tively small variations between cities due to the relatively short reducing vehicle emissions, by encouraging the use of vehicles with
distance from north to south within the NCP. Therefore, the low emission levels and reducing the population of high-emission
dominant factors causing emission differences between cities were vehicles.
vehicle population and fleet composition.
The emission compositions by vehicle type, vehicle population, 3.2. Source composition
and fleet composition in each city are given in Fig. 2. The emission
contribution of each city was the average of contributions for all The vehicle emissions and emission share rate by vehicle type in
studied air pollutants. The vehicle population differed greatly be- the 53 cities for the studied pollutants are given in Fig. S1. Overall,
tween the 53 cities, being as high as 5.46 and 3.50 million in Beijing HDTs had the largest contribution to BC, NOx, PM10, and PM2.5
and Zhengzhou but only 0.24 million in Hebi. Cities with a larger emissions. PCs contributed the most to emissions of CO, NH3, and
vehicle population usually had higher emissions, but some cities NMVOCs. PCs and HDTs were the two dominant contributors to SO2
with lower vehicle populations could still have high emissions, emissions. However, the source compositions by vehicle type
likely due to different vehicle fleet compositions, including pas- differed between cities and pollutants. For BC emissions, BUS were
senger cars (PCs), light commercial vehicles (LCVs), heavy duty the predominant source in Beijing (35.4%) and Xuzhou (48.8%). For
trucks (HDTs), buses (BUS), and mopeds and motorcycles (MCs). For CO emissions, emissions from MCs in Huaibei, Huainan, Bozhou,
example, the proportion of PCs to all vehicles in Langfang and Xinyang, Fuyang, Hengshui, Xingtai, and Cangzhou were higher
Tianjin was >90% but only 24.2% in Hengshui. LCVs and HDTs in than other vehicle types, while HDTs accounted for 41.3% in Shi-
Shijiazhuang represented 12.6% and 15.5%, respectively, much jiazhuang and were the largest contributor there. PCs produced the
higher than in other cities (~4% and ~5%). BUS represented 7.3% in largest proportion of NH3 emissions in all cities (72.6e95.6%). MCs
Xuzhou and <2% in other cities. MCs in Cangzhou, Xingtai, and produced 59.7% of NMVOCs in Hengshui, the most prominent
Hengshui represented 41.9%, 52.9%, and 72.3%, respectively, but source there. BUS produced 54.1% and 49.2% of NOx in Beijing and
were lower <5% in Dezhou, Qingdao, Langfang, Xinyang, and Xuzhou, respectively. In Beijing, PC emissions contributed the most
Tianjin. to PM10 (48.0%) and PM2.5 (40.2%). The contributions of PCs and
Different vehicle fleet compositions led to emission variations HDTs to SO2 emissions in most cities were ~40%, but were higher in
between cities due to different emission levels for each vehicle Langfang (68.5%) and Beijing (77.8%). In Huaibei, Bengbu, Lia-
type. Cities with larger proportions and populations of high- nyungang, Bozhou, Shijiazhuang, and Jining, > 50% of SO2 emissions
emission vehicles usually had higher overall emissions. For came from HDTs, especially in Shijiazhuang (66.4%). Overall, PCs
example, Xuzhou had the most BC and NOx emissions although its and HDTs were the major contributors of air pollutants from vehicle
P. Jiang, X. Zhong and L. Li Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115639

Fig. 2. Emission contribution, vehicle population, and composition in 53 cities.

emissions. In the NCP, the population of PCs (71.4%) was signifi- Chinese On-road Vehicle Environmental Management Report
cantly higher than that of HDTs (4.0%). However, higher emission (2018), for 2017, the population of Chinese vehicles under China 4
factors and higher mileage made HDTs a main contributor to air accounted for 47.5% of the total. Despite the stricter emission
pollutant emissions. standards of China 4 (compared to China 0e3), the higher vehicle
Vehicles under different national emission standards have var- population led to higher pollutant emissions. From 2008 to 2013,
ied contributions to pollutant emissions and different emission when China 3 was in force, the number of vehicles in China grew
compositions by vehicle type (Fig. 3). For the overall NCP, the China rapidly, resulting in a high total population of vehicles contributing
2 standard contributed the most to NH3 emissions, while China 3 to China 3 emissions. In addition, almost all of the existing MCs fell
contributed the most to BC, CO, NOx, PM10, and PM2.5 and vehicles under China 3. These factors made vehicles under China 3 and 4
under China 4 had the highest emissions of NMVOCs and SO2. In have the largest emission contributions for all pollutants.
addition, vehicles under China 0 had BC, NH3, NOx, PM10, PM2.5, and Due to the higher emission levels under China 3 than 4, the
SO2 emissions near zero, but had significant contributions to CO overall pollutant emissions from China 3 were mostly higher than
and NMVOC emissions, mostly generated by MCs. According to the those in China 4. Different vehicle types showed various

Fig. 3. Emissions by each emission standard and compositions of vehicle types. (Unit: BC, 103 t; CO, 2  104 t; NH3, 2  102 t; NMVOCs, 5  103 t; NOx, 2  104 t; PM10, 103 t; PM2.5,
103 t; and SO2, 5  10 t).

P. Jiang, X. Zhong and L. Li Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115639

characteristics in air pollutant emissions under these standards. had similar temporal variations but were less sensitive. The cold-
HDTs contributed the most to BC emissions under China 3 and 4 start NOx emission factors were relatively stable throughout the
and to NOx, PM10, and PM2.5 under China 3, while PCs were the top year but were slightly higher in winter. Under the same driving
contributor to PM10 and PM2.5 emissions under China 4. For all conditions, higher emission factors contributed to larger emissions
standards, the main contributors to NH3 emissions were PCs, which in winter and lower in summer, causing more air pollution under
also had most emissions of CO and NMVOCs for China 1e5. For SO2 the unfavorable meteorological conditions in winter.
emissions, HDT and PC emissions dominated under China 3 and 4,
respectively. The highest contributions of emissions from PCs and 3.4. Spatial distribution
HDTs could mainly be attributed to the large population of PCs, high
emission factors, and high HDT mileage. The spatial distributions of air pollutant emissions from on-road
The emission contributions by the 152 vehicle sub-sources were vehicles in the NCP at 4 km  4 km resolution are shown in Fig. 4.
investigated in detail and the top ten contributors for all pollutants Overall, high-emission-intensity areas were mainly concentrated in
were identified (Fig. S2). HDTs were the main contributor to BC the downtowns of Beijing, Zhengzhou, Tianjin, Tangshan, Xuzhou,
emissions, especially 40e50 t trucks, under China 1, 2, 3, and 5. Of Qingdao, Jinan, Jining, and Zibo. BC and NOx emissions had similar
the 10 sources, all vehicles fueled by diesel and five vehicle types spatial distributions: southern Xuzhou and northeastern Zhengz-
were under China 3. HDTs of 40e50 t under China 3 had the highest hou had the densest emissions of >20 t/grid for BC and >1200 t/grid
BC emissions (7.6 kt). PCs were the dominant type for CO emissions. for NOx, followed by Jining, Jinan, and Zibo (all ~16 t/grid for BC and
Motorcycles under China 0 emitted the highest amount of CO ~1000 t/grid for NOx). The central areas of Beijing, Tianjin, and
(259 kt). The top ten sources of NH3 emissions were all petrol PCs, Tangshan, and coastal areas of Qingdao also had higher distribu-
mainly those of small and medium sizes. The highest emissions tions of BC by > 5 t/grid and NOx > 400 t/grid. CO, NH3, and NMVOC
(>5 kt) were produced by small petrol PCs under China 2; these emissions were focused in central and southeastern Beijing and
vehicles were the dominant source of NMVOCs under any standard, northeastern Zhengzhou, where the emission intensity was all
of which China 4 had the highest emissions (107 kt), while emis- >1150, 8, and 200 t/grid, respectively. Central Tianjin, Tangshan,
sions from other sources were <5 kt. In addition, petrol motorcycles and Jinan, central and northern Jining and Zibo, and southern
and diesel HDTs were the other main source of NMVOCs. Similar to Qingdao also had high CO, NH3, and NMVOC emissions of 300, 3,
BC, diesel HDTs and BUS were the main emitters of NOx, especially and 90 t/grid, respectively. High emissions of PM10 and PM2.5 (20
40e50 t and 20e26 t HDTs under China 3. and 16 t/grid, respectively) were concentrated in southern Xuzhou,
PM10 and PM2.5 had similar source distributions, with 40e50 t northeastern Zhengzhou, central Beijing, Tianjin, Tangshan, and
and 20e26 t HDTs under China 3 being the top two emission Jinan, central and northern Jining and Zibo, and southern Qingdao.
contributors with more than 13 and 11 kt, respectively. SO2 emis- High SO2 emissions were mainly distributed in Beijing and
sions were clearly lower than other pollutants; the highest emis- Zhengzhou, where emission intensities reached 2 t/grid. In
sions (0.5 kt) were generated by small petrol PCs under China 4. PCs contrast, nearly 80% of the NCP had emissions of <0.2 t/grid.
and HDTs were the main emission sources and HDTs most were Generally, regions with high emission intensities were in or near
fueled by diesel. Overall, small and medium PCs, 40e50 t and downtown urban areas, and emissions decreased from city centers
20e26 t HDTs, BUS-coaches, and motorcycles were usually among to surrounding areas.
the top ten sources contributing to emissions of all pollutants. High The emissions followed a clear vein-like distribution that fol-
vehicle emissions were mainly concentrated under the national lowed the road network. High-emission lines mostly followed
emission standards of China 3 and 4. Diesel vehicles were capable highways, and high-emission areas were mostly distributed near
of producing large amounts of air pollutants. Therefore, it would be urban roads. Vehicles on highways were mainly HDTs and PCs.
helpful to better control emissions from small and medium petrol HDTs usually travelled for long distances, while PCs usually drove
PCs as well as 20e26 t and 40e50 t diesel HDTs under China 3 and relatively shorter distances. Thus, HDTs are expected to be the main
4. vehicles on highways. Due to their high emission factors and
mileage, their air pollutant emissions on highways were relatively
3.3. Temporal variations high. Urban roads had large, dense traffic flows of PCs with rela-
tively low speeds. On-road vehicles at low speeds tended to emit
Vehicle emissions in the NCP varied widely on a monthly scale more air pollutants than those at normal driving speeds, producing
and were higher in winter than in summer; monthly emissions of higher emissions on urban roads. Therefore, emission controls on
CO, NOx, NMVOCs, and PM2.5 are shown in Table S5. The highest HDTs and PCs can effectively reduce the emissions from on-road
emissions all occurred in January, while July had the lowest emis- vehicles in the NCP. Advocating for green and low-carbon vehi-
sions. The differences between maximum and minimum emissions cles can reduce the vehicle proportion of petrol PCs and decrease
were 244 kt for CO, 6.7 kt for NOx, 59.5 kt for NMVOCs, and 10.3 kt the high emissions caused by low-speed vehicles during traffic
for PM2.5. The temporal variations of vehicle emissions were jams.
affected by monthly variations in the emission factors. The cold-
start emission factors were influenced by both minimum and 3.5. Uncertainties
maximum temperature as well as humidity, while the hot emission
factors were constant throughout the year. Many studies have considered on-road vehicle emission esti-
The emission factors obtained from COPERT v5 were only for PCs mations in cities or regions within the NCP. Table 1 compares the
and LCVs, and the model output VOC emission factors including results of this study with previous research. CO emissions in
NMVOCs and methane, so only emission factors for PCs, LCVs, and Langfang, Tianjin, and Zhengzhou in this study were about twice
VOCs were investigated to explain the temporal variations in those in Sun et al. (2020), while those in Tianjin and Zhengzhou
NMVOCs. The average cold-start emission factors for PCs and LCVs were about half those in Sun et al. (2019) and Gong et al. (2017).
were calculated for each month (Fig. S3). VOC emission factors had NOx emissions in Qingdao and Tianjin were nearly twice as high as
the strongest sensitivity to time, being highest in winter in Sun et al. (2017, 2019). SO2 from on-road vehicles in Qingdao and
(December, January, and February) and lowest in summer (June, Zhengzhou were an order of magnitude different between this
July, and August). The cold-start emission factors of CO and PM2.5 study (0.1e0.2 kt) and both Sun et al. (2017) and Gong et al. (2017)
P. Jiang, X. Zhong and L. Li Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115639

Fig. 4. Spatial distribution of air pollutant emissions from on-road vehicles in North China Plain.

P. Jiang, X. Zhong and L. Li Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115639

Fig. 4. (continued).

(2e3 kt). CO and NOx emissions in Shandong Province were similar pollutants were similar between this study and others.
to those reported by Sun et al. (2016). NOx emissions in BTH were The differences in estimated emissions could be attributed to
about twice those in Yang et al. (2018). SO2 emissions in Henan calculation methods used and the determinations of parameters in
were lower than in Gu et al. (2019). The results for other cities and the establishment of the emission inventory. Gong et al. (2017),

P. Jiang, X. Zhong and L. Li Environmental Pollution 267 (2020) 115639

Table 1 emissions from vehicles in NCP. Higher cold-start emission factors

Comparisons with previous studies in cities/regions in North China Plain. (Unit: kt). possibly contribute to higher emissions in winter. Measures should
Region Year Method CO NMVOCs NOx PM10 PM2.5 SO2 be taken to reduce the frequency at idle for cars, especially in
Langfanga 2017 Formulah 46.6 25.7 1.0
winter. Additionally, control measures should differ among cities
Tianjinb 2016 COPERT v4 259 55.1 3.4 0.2 according to their specific emission characteristics. Overall vehicle
Henanc 2015 Formulah 1190 533 23.7 21.6 9.1 emissions showed a decreasing trend from the city center to sur-
Shandongd 2014 COPERT v4 1720 234 513 29.5 roundings. Due to the higher contributions of HDT emissions, high
Qingdaoe 2014 COPERT v4 155 57.8 2.8 2.4
emissions appeared on highways and presented a vein-like
BTHf 2014 Formulah 1620 544 23.5 26.1
Zhengzhoug 2013 Formulai 291 106 6.6 5.9 2.8 distribution.
Sun et al. (2020).
Sun et al. (2019). Data availability
Gu et al. (2019).
Sun et al. (2016). The estimated BC, CO, NH3, NMVOCs, NOx, PM10, PM2.5, and SO2
Sun et al. (2017).
emissions by each vehicle type, fuel type, and national emission
Yang et al. (2018).
Gong et al. (2017).
standard in 53 cities are available at https://zenodo.org/record/
E ¼ S(P  VKT  EF). 3970338#.XyeiAIgzapo.
E ¼ S(P  X  VKT  EF), where, P is vehicle population, VKT is average annual
vehicle mileage, EF is emission factor, and X is the share of vehicles with different Credit author statement
emission standard.

Peiyu Jiang: Methodology, Formal analysis, Investigation,

Yang et al. (2018), Gu et al. (2019), and Sun et al. (2020) all applied a Writing - Original Draft. Xi Zhong: Writing - Reviewing and Editing.
calculation formula to obtain emissions; their approach did not Lingyu Li: Conceptualization, Supervision, Visualization, Writing -
distinguish cold-start and hot emissions, and ignored the in- Reviewing and Editing.
fluences of fuel evaporation, beta factors, and lubricant consump-
tion emissions, which can be simulated using COPERT v5. In Declaration of competing interest
addition, different methods led to different emissions, and each
model was only used to calculate accurate emissions of some pol- The authors declare that they have no known competing
lutants under specific conditions but might have significantly over- financial interests or personal relationships that could have
or under-estimated emissions for other pollutants (Huang et al., appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
2018). Some studies used COPERT v4 to calculate vehicle emis-
sions, producing different results than those simulated using Acknowledgments
COPERT v5 due to updates to the latter and different parameters.
Emissions might also vary annually due to changing vehicle pop- This work was supported by National Natural Science Founda-
ulations under each emission standard and emission factors. tion of China (41705098) and Science and Technology Support Plan
Therefore, both the different version of COPERT used and the time for Youth Innovation of Colleges in Shandong Province
period studied could cause variations in the estimated emissions. (DC2000000961).
The simulated uncertainties for the estimated BC, CO, NH3,
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were [-7.63%, 8.45], [-5.64%, 6.00%], [-8.83%, 9.91%], [-6.72%, 7.38%],
[-7.14%, 8.15%], [-6.08%, 6.74%], [-6.46%, 7.16%], and [-5.55%, 5.99%] at Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
the 95% confidence interval, respectively. Sensitivity analyses https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115639.
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