Example Recommendations

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I nt
D e aro
r Bdeunny
c t ioSma
n ll,
The info rmatio n o n this repo rt is fo r educatio nal and info rmatio nal use o nly. The info rmatio n is no t intended to be used
by the custo mer fo r any diagno stic purpo se and is no t a substitute fo r pro fessio nal medical advice. Yo u sho uld always
seek the advice o f yo ur physician o r o ther healthcare pro viders with any questio ns yo u may have regarding diagno sis,
cure, treatment, mitigatio n, o r preventio n o f any disease o r o ther medical co nditio n o r impairment o r the status o f yo ur
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test S ample S ource :
Authorize d Orde r Pe rson: Benny Small Date Colle cte d: Not Available
Custome r Name : Benny Small Date Re ce ive d:
DOB: 12/10/1980 Date Issue d: Not Available
G e nde r: Male S ample ID: 131631830590176
Custome r Id: 52745e14


It’s here! Your personalized Viome recommendations.

Your recommendations
Your personalized recommendations are based on the activity of microbes in your gut and the information you’ve provided.
Your recommendations are aimed at balancing your overall microbiome. Let’s put it this way: Your food list highlights foods
that will be transformed by your microbes into beneficial substances while limiting foods that will be transformed into harmful
Remember, you and your microbiome are unique, and no single recommendation applies to everyone. The same foods can
be beneficial for one person, neutral for another, and harmful for others. Ready to dig in?

Your foods
Your food recommendations have been classified into 4 ranks to help you achieve optimum health and well-being. These

1. Superfoods. Meet your food destiny. These are your most beneficial foods.

2. Enjoy. Build a strong foundation with these nutrient dense foods.

3. Minimize. You should still eat these foods (but within limits).

4. Avoid. These foods are your personal kryptonite.

Your recommended servings

We all struggle to figure out serving sizes on food labels because they only act as measurement tools, they are not
personalized for you.
With your food list, you get personalized servings to inform you on how much you should eat from each food category in a
given day. And under each food, you’ll find Viome’s serving size, so you know the exact amount of that food to eat.
Tip: If you are very active in a day, you can increase your servings from each food category proportionally for that day.
Once you master your total servings per day, you can aim to achieve diversity by eating your recommended servings for
each food rank.

Before you get started

Your success means a lot to us. Read our tips below before you begin.

What About Allergies?

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

You may notice some foods that you are allergic or sensitive to in your recommended food lists. Err on the side of
caution. If you know you have a reaction or dislike to a recommended food, please do not consume it.
Foods are specifically chosen based on your unique microbiome rather than on allergies.

When is it best to eat?

Aim to eat three meals a day. Based on your metabolism, you will likely not need to snack in between meals. If you eat a
high protein or high fat meal, wait until you feel hungry before eating again. Avoid eating three hours before you go to

Go for variety

Explore foods that you haven’t tried and since we’re at it, alternate choices instead of eating the same food every day.
Choose different foods from each of your superfood, enjoy, and minimize food categories based on your recommended

Listen to your body

Your recommended amounts are a guideline on the quantity of foods you should aim for. Stop eating once you are
comfortably satiated or 80% full. Monitor how you feel, including your hunger, energy level, and mood or other forms of
discomfort 1-3 hours after eating. If you consistently feel worse in any of these areas, you may need to adjust your food

What else?

In addition to your food plan, your microbiome and your metabolism will gain an extra benefit from sustained movement.
Exercising 3 to 5 times per week is an essential component in balancing how well you metabolize foods.

Intermittent fasting with guidance may be incorporated as a strategy to improve metabolic efficiency.

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T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

My Foods

Ve g e t a b le s
52 reco mmended vegetables
1 avo id vegetables
4 servings o f vegetables per day

P r o t e ins & F a t s
57 reco mmended pro teins & fats
1 avo id pro teins & fats
3 servings o f pro teins & fats per day

F r uit s & G r a ins

49 reco mmended fruits & grains
2 avo id fruits & grains
4 servings o f fruits & grains per day

H e r b s , Sp ic e s & O t he r
52 reco mmended herbs, spices & o ther
0 avo id herbs, spices & o ther
4 servings o f herbs, spices & o ther per day

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T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

My S uperf oods
We recommend you eat more of these foods
These fo o ds pro vide the mo st benefit to yo ur gut health and bio diversity.

i Superfood
Fruits & Grains

Fruits & Grains
1/2 cup

Cranberry contains flavonoids which are a class of polyphenols. After an analysis of your microbiome and taking your
wellness goals into account, it has been determined that cranberry in your diet will be of benefit for you. Polyphenols are
a complex group of many compounds released following microbial metabolism. Polyphenols balance your microbiome,
encourage growth of beneficial Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria species and inhibit growth of harmful or pathogenic
bacteria. It has been reported that polyphenols decrease inflammation and benefit many biological systems including the
gastrointestinal, hormonal, neurological, ocular, and immune systems.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2054 0696
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/217 63290
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/257 93210

i Superfood
Herbs, Spices & Other

Herbs, Spices & Other
1 clove

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Garlic contains allicin which is a thiosulfinate. After an analysis of your microbiome and taking your questionnaire data
into account, it has been determined that garlic in your diet will be helpful for you. Allicin promotes richness and diversity
of your microbiome, specifically by promoting the activity of Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes species. It has been reported
that allicin is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and antioxidant. Allicin also has many health benefits ranging from cancer
prevention to neurological health.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/283264 4 6
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10594 97 6
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/297 56325
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/294 7 7 4 29

i Superfood

1 cup

Kale contains fiber which is a complex carbohydrate. After an analysis of your microbiome and taking your questionnaire
data into account, it has been determined that kale in your diet will be beneficial for you. Fiber is converted by your
microbiome to produce butyrate. It has been reported that fiber increases microbial diversity, prevents constipation,
helps manage weight, regulates blood sugar and aids with gastrointestinal distress.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/282307 37
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1517 34 15
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/299024 36

i Superfood

1 cup

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Sauerkraut contains probiotics which are beneficial microbes. After an analysis of your microbiome and taking your
wellness goals into account, it has been determined that sauerkraut in your diet will be of benefit for you. Probiotics
restore and promote diversity and balance in your microbiome. This helps to decrease and prevent inflammation, manage
symptoms of gastrointestinal distress, promote regularity, and balance your immune responses. A diverse microbiome
also optimizes conversion of dietary nutrients to enhance your health.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2332004 9
https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jfq/2017 /512357 2/

i Superfood
Fruits & Grains

Fruits & Grains
1 cup, diced

Melon contains vitamin C which is a water-soluble vitamin. After an analysis of your microbiome and taking your data into
account, it has been determined that melon in your diet will be of benefit for you. Vitamin C impacts the activity, enzyme
production, immune system regulation and nutrient absorption which are just some of the responsibilities of your gut
microbiome. Research shows that vitamin C affects the function of Bifidobacterium and Clostridium species. Vitamin C is
a powerful antioxidant, can protect against cardiovascular disease, boost immunity, promote nutrient utilization and help
fight vision loss.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2994 17 7 7
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28094 305
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14 4 98993

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

My Foods to Avoid
We recommend you avoid these foods
These fo o ds are unhealthy fo r yo ur gut health and bio diversity.

Bell Pepper (organic)

i Avoid

Bell Pepper (organic)


Your microbiome contains pepper mild mottle virus, which is known to cause disease in bell pepper. Since plant viruses in
the microbiome could potentially cause immune system activation in humans, it is recommended you avoid bell pepper.

Cherry (organic)
i Avoid
Fruits & Grains

Cherry (organic)
Fruits & Grains

Your microbiome contains cherry leaf roll virus, which is known to cause disease in cherry. Since plant viruses in the
microbiome could potentially cause inflammation in humans, it is recommended you avoid cherry.

Hemp Hearts
i Avoid
Proteins & Fats

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Hemp Hearts
Proteins & Fats

Your microbiome contains Cannabis cryptic virus, which is known to cause disease in hemp hearts. Since plant viruses in
the microbiome could potentially cause inflammatory symptoms in humans, it is recommended you avoid hemp hearts.

Rice Noodles
i Avoid
Fruits & Grains

Rice Noodles
Fruits & Grains

Your data indicates that you are likely to have an increased blood sugar response to rice noodles. Try substituting
cabbage instead.

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

M y Fo o ds
Vegetables 4 per day

We r e c o mme nd yo u b r e a k yo ur d a ily Ve g e t a b le s int a ke b y t he f o llo wing

a mo unt s

Sup e r f o o d + E njo y 3
M inimize 1

Alfalfa Sprouts Artichoke

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 1 cup, diced

Arugula Asparagus
Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 15 spears

Bamboo Shoots Bean Sprouts

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup, sliced 1 cup

Beet Beet Greens

Vegetables Minimize Vegetables Minimize

1 cup 1 cup

Bok Choy Broccoli

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 1 cup

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Brussels Sprouts Burdock Root

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 2/3 cup

Cabbage Cardoon (thistle stem)

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 1 cup

Carrot Cauliflower
Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup, sliced 1 cup

Celeriac Celery (organic)

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 1 cup

Chard Chayote Squash

Vegetables Minimize Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 1 cup, co o ked

Chicory (root) Collard Greens

Vegetables Minimize Vegetables Minimize

1/2 cup 1 cup

Cucumber Dandelion Greens

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Minimize

1 cup 1 cup

Eggplant Endive
Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 1 cup

Escarole Fennel Bulb

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 1 cup

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Gourd Green Beans

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Minimize

1 cup, sliced 1 cup

Hard Squash Jerusalem Artichoke

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1/4 cup, co o ked 1 cup

Jicama Kale
Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables S upe rf o o d

1 cup 1 cup

Kimchi Kohlrabi
Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 1 cup

Leek Lettuce
Vegetables Minimize Vegetables Enjo y

1/2 cup, sliced 1 cup

Mushrooms Mustard Greens

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Minimize

1 cup, diced 1 cup

Okra Onion
Vegetables Minimize Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 1 cup

Parsley Parsnip
Vegetables Minimize Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 1/2 cup

Peas Pepino Melon

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1/4 cup 1 cup

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Pickle (unsweetened) Potato (small, organic)

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Minimize

2 who le 1 half

Pumpkin Radicchio
Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 1 cup, sliced

Radish Rutabaga
Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Minimize

1 cup, sliced 1 cup, sliced

Sauerkraut Seaweed (fresh)

Vegetables S upe rf o o d Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 1/4 cup

Shallot Snap Peas

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 tablespo o n 1 cup

Spinach (organic) Spirulina

Vegetables Minimize Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 2 tablespo o ns

Sprouted Radish Seeds Summer Squash

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 1 cup, co o ked

Taro Tomato (organic)

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1/2 cup 1 cup, peeled, seeded

Turnip Water Chestnuts

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 1/2 cup

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Watercress Yam or Sweet Potato

Vegetables Enjo y Vegetables Enjo y

1 cup 1/2 cup

Zucchini Squash
Vegetables Minimize

1 cup, co o ked

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

M y Fo o ds
Proteins & Fats 3 per day

We r e c o mme nd yo u b r e a k yo ur d a ily P r o t e ins & F a t s int a ke b y t he f o llo wing

a mo unt s

Sup e r f o o d + E njo y 2
M inimize 1

Abalone Adzuki Beans

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

3 o unces 1 cup, co o ked

Almond Milk (unsweetened) Almonds

Pro teins & Fats Pro teins & Fats Minimize

1 cup 20 nuts

Enjo y Anchovy
Pro teins & Fats Minimize

3 o unces

Avocado Avocado Oil

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

1 half 1 tablespo o n

Beef (fatty, grass-fed) Beef (lean, grass-fed)

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

1 1/2 o unces 2 o unces

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Black Beans Black Eyed Peas

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

3/4 cup, co o ked 3/4 cup, co o ked

Bone Broth (fish) Bone Broth (mammal)

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Minimize

1 cup 1 cup

Bone Broth (poultry) Brazil Nuts

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Minimize

1 cup 5 nuts

Buffalo Butter
Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Minimize

3 1/2 o unces 1 teaspo o n

Cashews Catfish
Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

15 nuts 2 1/2 o unces

Caviar or Roe Cheese

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

2 o unces 1 o unce

Chestnuts Chia Seeds

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

3 o unces 1 o unce, dry

Chicken (dark) Chicken (white)

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

2 1/2 o unces 3 o unces

Chickpeas Coconut MCT Oil

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Minimize

1/2 cup, co o ked 1 1/2 tablespo o ns

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Coconut Meat Coconut Milk (unsweetened)

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats
1 1/2 o unces 1/4 cup


Coconut Oil Cod, Alaskan

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

1 tablespo o n 6 o unces

Cornish Game Hen Crayfish

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Minimize

1 half 6 o unces

Duck Dungeness Crab, Pacific

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

1 1/2 o unces 6 o unces

Eel Egg (large)

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Minimize

3 o unces 2 who le

Egg White Egg Yolk

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Minimize

3 eggs 3 eggs

Emu Fava Beans

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

4 o unces 1/2 cup, co o ked

Filberts or Hazelnuts Flax Oil

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

15 nuts 1 tablespo o n

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Flax Seeds Game Meat (venison, elk)

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats
2 tablespo o ns 3 1/2 o unces


Ghee Goat
Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

1 teaspo o n 5 o unces

Goat Cheese Goat Milk

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

1 o unce 1/2 cup

Goose Grape Seed Oil

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

3 o unces 1 tablespo o n

Haddock Halibut, Pacific

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

6 o unces 5 o unces

Heavy Cream (33% fat) Herring

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Minimize

2 tablespo o ns 3 o unces

Hickory Nuts Kefir

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

15 nuts 1/2 cup

Lamb Lentils
Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Minimize

2 1/2 o unces 4 o unces, co o ked

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Lima Beans Lobster

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Minimize

1/2 cup, co o ked 6 o unces

Lotus Seeds Macadamia Nuts

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Minimize

4 o unces 10 nuts

Mackerel Mussel
Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Minimize

3 o unces 3 o unces

Natto Olive Oil

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

2 1/2 o unces 1 tablespo o n

Olives Ostrich
Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

20 o lives 4 o unces

Peanuts Pecans
Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Minimize

20 peanuts 15 nuts

Perch Pheasant
Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Minimize

5 o unces 4 o unces

Pine Nuts Pinto Beans

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

1 1/2 tablespo o ns 3/4 cup, co o ked

Pistachio Pork (lean)

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Minimize

35 nuts 1 o unce

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Pumpkin Seeds Quail

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Minimize

2 teaspo o ns 2 1/2 o unces

Rainbow Trout Red Beans

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Minimize

4 o unces 3/4 cup, co o ked

Ricotta or Cottage Cheese (2% fat) Safflower Oil

Pro teins & Fats Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

3 o unces 1 tablespo o n

Enjo y Salmon, Pacific (wild-caught)

Pro teins & Fats
3 o unces

Enjo y

Sardine Scallops
Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Minimize

2 o unces 5 o unces

Sesame Seeds Sheep Cheese

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Minimize

3 tablespo o ns 1 o unce

Sheep Milk Shellfish Clam

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Minimize

1/4 cup 3 o unces

Shellfish Oyster Shrimp (domestic)

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Minimize

3 o unces 5 o unces

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Soy Milk (unsweetened) Soybeans (non-GMO)

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

1 cup 1/2 cup

Squid Sunflower Seeds

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Minimize

3 o unces 2 tablespo o ns

Tempeh Tofu
Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

1/2 cup 3/4 cup

Tuna (pole caught) Turbot

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

5 o unces 5 o unces

Turkey (dark) Turkey (white)

Pro teins & Fats Minimize Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

2 1/2 o unces 3 o unces

Veal Walnuts
Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Minimize

1 1/2 o unces 12 nuts

White Beans Whole Milk

Pro teins & Fats Enjo y Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

1/2 cup, co o ked 1/2 cup

Yogurt (plain)
Pro teins & Fats Enjo y

1/2 cup

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

M y Fo o ds
Fruits & Grains 4 per day

We r e c o mme nd yo u b r e a k yo ur d a ily F r uit s & G r a ins int a ke b y t he f o llo wing

a mo unt s

Sup e r f o o d + E njo y 3
M inimize 1

Amaranth Apple (medium, organic)

Fruits & Grains Minimize Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1/2 cup, co o ked 1 who le

Apricot Banana (small)

Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

3 who le 1 who le

Barley Blackberry
Fruits & Grains Minimize Fruits & Grains Enjo y

3 o unces, co o ked 1 cup

Blueberry Boysenberry
Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1 cup 1 cup

Breadfruit Brown Rice

Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1 cup, sliced 1/2 cup, co o ked

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Buckwheat Bulgur
Fruits & Grains Minimize Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1/2 cup, co o ked 1/2 cup, co o ked

Cantaloupe Cassava
Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1 cup, diced 1/2 cup, sliced

Corn Tortilla (organic, non-GMO) Couscous

Fruits & Grains Fruits & Grains Minimize

1 to rtilla 1/2 cup, co o ked

Minimize Cranberry
Fruits & Grains S upe rf o o d

1/2 cup

Currant Dates
Fruits & Grains Minimize Fruits & Grains Minimize

1 cup 2 who le

Dragon Fruit Elderberry

Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Minimize

1 cup, diced 1 cup

Fig Goji Berry

Fruits & Grains Minimize Fruits & Grains Minimize

2 who le 1/2 cup

Gooseberry Grapefruit
Fruits & Grains Minimize Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1 cup 1 who le

Grapes (organic) Guava

Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1 cup 2 who le

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Honeydew Melon Huckleberry

Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1 cup, sliced 1 cup

Jackfruit Kamut
Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Minimize

1 cup 1/2 cup, co o ked

Kiwi Kumquat
Fruits & Grains Minimize Fruits & Grains Enjo y

2 who le 12 who le

Lemon Lime
Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1 who le, juiced 1 who le, juiced

Loganberries Lychee
Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1 cup 1 cup

Mango Mangosteen
Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1 cup, sliced 1 cup, sliced

Marionberry Millet
Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1 cup 1/2 cup, co o ked

Mulberries Nectarine (organic)

Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1 cup 1 who le

Oats Orange
Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1/2 cup, co o ked 1 who le

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Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Papaya Passionfruit
Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1 cup, sliced 3/4 cup

Peach Pear (organic)

Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1 who le 1 who le

Persimmon Pineapple
Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

2 who le 1 cup

Plantain Plum
Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1/2 cup 3 who le

Pomegranate Prunes
Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Minimize

1 half 6 who le

Pummelo Quinoa
Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Minimize

1 half 1/2 cup, co o ked

Raspberry Rhubarb
Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Minimize

1 cup 1 cup, sliced

Rye (sprouted bread) Salmonberry

Fruits & Grains Minimize Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1 slice 1 cup

Sour Cherries Star Fruit

Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Minimize

1 1/3 cup 1 cup, sliced

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T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Strawberry (organic) Triticale

Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Minimize

1 cup 1/2 cup, co o ked

Watermelon Wheat (sprouted bread)

Fruits & Grains S upe rf o o d Fruits & Grains Minimize

1 cup, diced 1 slice

White Rice Wild Rice

Fruits & Grains Enjo y Fruits & Grains Enjo y

1/2 cup, co o ked 1/2 cup, co o ked

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support@ viome.com

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T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

M y Fo o ds
Herbs, S pices & O ther 4 per day

We r e c o mme nd yo u b r e a k yo ur d a ily H e r b s , Sp ic e s & O t he r int a ke b y t he

f o llo wing a mo unt s

Sup e r f o o d + E njo y 3
M inimize 1

Allspice Basil
Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1/4 teaspo o n 1/4 teaspo o n

Bay Leaf Black Pepper

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1/4 teaspo o n 1/4 teaspo o n

Black Tea (brewed) Cane Sugar

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Minimize

1 cup 1 teaspo o n

Capers Caraway Seed

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1 teaspo o n 1/4 teaspo o n

Cardamom Carob
Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1/4 teaspo o n 1 tablespo o n

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support@ viome.com

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T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Cayenne Pepper Celery Seed

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Minimize

1/8 teaspo o n 1/4 teaspo o n

Chervil Chili Powder

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1/4 teaspo o n 1/4 teaspo o n

Cilantro Cinnamon
Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

2 tablespo o ns 1/4 teaspo o n

Cloves Cocoa (unsweetened)

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1/8 teaspo o n 1 tablespo o n

Coconut Water Coffee (brewed, organic)

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1 cup 1 cup

Coriander Cumin
Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1/4 teaspo o n 1/4 teaspo o n

Dill (fresh) Fennel Seed

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

2 tablespo o ns 1/4 teaspo o n

Fenugreek Seed Garlic

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other S upe rf o o d

1/4 teaspo o n 1 clo ve

Ginger Grape Leaves

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1 tablespo o n 4 leaves

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support@ viome.com

29 / 34
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Green Tea (brewed) Herbal Tea (brewed)

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1 cup 1 cup

Honey Horseradish
Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1 teaspo o n 1 teaspo o n

Hot Pepper (organic) Mace

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1/2 teaspo o n 1/8 teaspo o n

Maple Syrup Marjoram

Herbs, Spices & Other Minimize Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1 teaspo o n 1/8 teaspo o n

Miso Molasses
Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Minimize

1 teaspo o n 1 teaspo o n

Mustard Seed Nutmeg

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1/4 teaspo o n 1/4 teaspo o n

Oregano Paprika
Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1/4 teaspo o n 1/4 teaspo o n

Peppermint (fresh) Poppy Seed

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1 tablespo o n 1 teaspo o n

Rice Milk Rosemary (fresh)

Herbs, Spices & Other Minimize Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

3/4 cup 1 teaspo o n

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support@ viome.com

30 / 34
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Saffron Sage
Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1/8 teaspo o n 1/4 teaspo o n

Savoury Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other
1/4 teaspo o n 1/8 teaspo o n


Spearmint (fresh) Stevia

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Minimize

1 tablespo o n 1 package

Tarragon Turmeric
Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1/4 teaspo o n 1/2 teaspo o n

Vanilla Extract Vinegar

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1/4 teaspo o n 1 teaspo o n

Vinegar Apple Cider Wheatgrass

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

1 teaspo o n 2 tablespo o ns

White Tea (brewed)

Herbs, Spices & Other Enjo y

8 o unce

Viome, Inc.
support@ viome.com

31 / 34
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

S upplements
The elements required for a healthy microbiome can be found in food but can be enhanced with
dietary supplements.
Lo o k fo r supplements with the fo llo wing ingredients:

Digestive Support Digestive Enzyme

Naturally stimulated by bitter fo o ds
Pepsin, pancreatin, amylase, pro tease,
lipase, o x bile

Polyphenols Probiotics
Naturally fo und in co lo rful fruits and Naturally fo und in fermented fo o ds
Lacto bacillus plantarum
Resveratro l

Vio me reco mmendatio ns are no t evaluated o r appro ved by FDA and are no t required to be appro ved by FDA. The
reco mmended fo o d and supplements are intended to suppo rt general wellbeing and are no t intended to treat, diagno se,
mitigate, prevent, o r cure any co nditio n o r disease. Please seek advice fro m yo ur medical do cto r and check all
ingredients fo r a kno wn allergy o r sensitivity prio r to taking

Viome, Inc.
support@ viome.com

32 / 34
T e st Name : Gut Intelligence Test
Custome r Name : Benny Small
DOB: 12/10/1980

Vi om e Met hodology

Micro bial to tal RNA is extracted, ribo so mal RNA mo lecules are remo ved fro m to tal RNA, and the remaining RNA
mo lecules are sequenced o n Illumina NextSeq o r No vaSeq. Pro prietary bio info rmatics algo rithms are used to perfo rm
taxo no mic classificatio n and functio nal analysis o f the sequencing data.

Met hod Li m i t at i on

Vio me’s results and reco mmendatio ns are based o n o ur ability to identify and quantify tho usands o f micro bial taxa .
Such vast diversity has no t been captured in the geno mic databases, so it is impo ssible to assess it co mprehensively.
There are micro o rganisms that thrive in the gut who se geno mes have no t been sequenced. Vio me is unable to identify
tho se specific o rganisms, but can identify their near neighbo rs, which have similar ho mo lo gy. There are also taxa that we
canno t discriminate because o f their sequence similarity, fo r example at the strain level. There are so me RNA transcripts
that may no t always align and match to specific kno wn o rganisms, which may be due to the fact that these sequences
are po o rly characterized, reliable co nsensus sequence may no t be available fo r reference. Vio me mo nito rs the gro wth o f
public geno mic databases and will update its o wn databases when there is sufficient new info rmatio n to be wo rthy o f
inco rpo ratio n.

Detectio n o f a micro o rganism by this test do es no t imply having a disease. Similarly, no t detecting a micro o rganism by
this test do es no t exclude the presence o f a disease-causing micro o rganism. Further, o ther o rganisms may be present
that are no t detected by this test. This test is no t a substitute fo r established metho ds fo r identifying micro o rganisms
o r their antimicro bial susceptibility pro file. Results are qualitative and identify the presence o r absence o f identified
anno tated o rganisms.

The Gut Intelligence Test was develo ped by, and its perfo rmance characteristics determined by Vio me Inc. It has no t
been cleared o r appro ved by the US Fo o d and Drug Administratio n. The FDA has determined that such clearance o r
appro val is no t necessary. This labo rato ry is CLIA certified (32D2156145) to perfo rm high co mplexity testing. Sequencing
was perfo rmed at The OMRF Clinical Geno mics Center (CLIA 37D2111727). Co ntact Vio me fo r any further questio ns.

Viome, Inc.
support@ viome.com

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VERSION: 2.2.1

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