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*Academic Honesty Reminder

Please be sure not to plagiarize any portion of your submissions. Make sure to thoroughly cite any source of outside
information that you use in any part of your submissions. Moreover, make sure to put any portion of text copied directly
from another source in quotation marks and include an in-text citation directly after it. 
If you cannot paraphrase a quote properly, copy the original text but then put it in quotation marks and cite it properly. 

All your submitted output will be checked through a plagiarism checker. Ensure that the similarity index of the
submitted output is not more than 25%, or else it will not be checked.

*Choose one journal article related to your group research/individual research, and answer the following questions in
not more than three (3) sentences.

*Please do delete all the highlighted (with gray color) part once you are done filling out the template.

Name: Lian Rio Benemerito

Strand and Section HUMSS- Mercury

Journal Title: Changes in Family Chaos and Family Relationships During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from a
longitudinal Study
Author/s Name: Jenna R. Cassinat, Shawn D. Whiteman, Sarfaraz Serang, Aryn M. Dottener, Sarah A. Mustillo,
Jennifer L. Maggs, and Brian C. Kelly

1. What is the author's point of view? What is the main point he/she is attempting to make?
-The author's point of view is to explore how family chaos and parent to child relationship changed before and
the early months of pandemic. To know if there is changes between the relationships of every family.
2. What are the main assumptions that the author makes (and wants you to accept) in order to support that
- Aside from its related to our research study, it clearly stated and discuss the variables in the study that need
to stand and justify.
3. What are the implications for research or practice if the author’s thesis and underlying assumptions are valid or
-Basically, the study will be consistently used and it may help or support the other related study to make a
relevant research.
4. Critically reflect on and assess the article as a whole; what are its strengths and weaknesses?
-It may result a perfect research because -It can cause a long period of time to conduct the
It will help to know the relationships of every -the research may cost a lot of money
Family qualities. -Need a lot of participants
-Can be a strong literature for the future
-May able to measure/observe each family
Attitudes and perspectives.

5. What insights have you gained from reading and analyzing the article?
-For me, I learned from my chosen article be wise on your chosen study if your going to conduct the study make sure
its relevant and you really want it. Aside from that, I've learned the importance of knowing/observing your family's
attitude and secure or maintain the good relationship to avoid the possible poor circumstances within your family.

Reference: Cassinat, J. R., Whiteman, S. D., Serang, S., Dotterer, A. M., Mustillo, S. A., Maggs, J. L., &
Kelly, B. C. (2021). Changes in family chaos and family relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Evidence from a longitudinal study. Developmental Psychology, 57(10), 1597-1610.

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