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Original Article

Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge of Grade 11 Students:

Impact of Senior High School Disaster Education in the
Mark Anthony Catedral Mamon, Regin Adrian Vargas Suba, Ignacio Lakip Son Jr.
School Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (SDRRMC), Las Piñas City National Senior High School – Doña Josefa Campus, Department of Education,
Division of Las Piñas City, National Capital Region, Philippines

Introduction: The Department of Education of the Philippines implements one of the provisions of the Philippine disaster risk reduction and
management act of 2010 (DRRM Act) to integrate DRRM in the school curriculum and other educational programs, and to heighten the level
of resiliency of students toward natural disasters. Hence, this study was conducted to assess the disaster‑related knowledge, preparedness and
readiness, adaptation, awareness, and risk perception of Grade 11 students. Materials and Methods: A total of 120 respondents answered the
survey questionnaire about DRRM. Responses of Grade 11 students were assessed using the five‑point Likert scale. Results: There is a high
percentage of students who understood some disaster‑related concepts and ideas. Moreover, Grade 11 students are ready, prepared, adapted
and aware on the risks inflicted by disasters. However, students were found to have low‑disaster risk perception. Conclusion: Senior high
school students have high levels of disaster‑related knowledge, preparedness and readiness, adaptation, and awareness. This could possibly
be the effect of the integration of disaster education in the senior high school science curriculum.

Keywords: Department of education, disaster risk reduction and management, K‑12 curriculum, natural disasters, Senior High School

Introduction is an average of 20 tropical cyclones entering the Philippine

area of responsibility. With this location, the country has high
The Philippines is a country with high vulnerability to natural
susceptibility to flooding, storm surges, and strong winds.[1,3]
hazards. According to an international report, the Philippines
The 36, 289 km coastlines of the Philippines also contribute
ranked third out of 173 countries vulnerable to disaster risks.[1]
to the high susceptibility of the country to coastal flooding
This evaluation was based on the potential of a natural hazard
and storm surge.[5]
to cause heavy human casualties, damage to properties and
infrastructures, and decline of human welfare such as health The significant and catastrophic impacts of natural hazards led
status and livelihoods.[2] Aside from the impact of disaster risks, countries and nations to prioritize disaster risk reduction (DRR).
the country is also vulnerable to the effects of climate change.[1] In January 2005, 168 countries adopted the Hyogo Framework
for Action (HFA) during the World Conference on Disaster
The Philippines is a disaster‑prone country because of its
Reduction held at Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture Japan. This
geographical location.[3] The archipelago is located in the
action‑oriented response has a goal to integrate effectively
Pacific Ring of Fire, making it prone to geological natural
disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness, and vulnerability
disasters such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.[4] The
location of the Philippines is also highly susceptible to Address for correspondence: Mark Anthony Catedral Mamon,
various meteorological hazards.[5] The country is located in the Josefa Avenue, Doña Josefa Village, Almanza Uno,
path of tropical cyclones that can be categorized as tropical Las Piñas City, Philippines.
depression, tropical storm, severe tropical storm, typhoon, E‑mail:
and super typhoon. According to Philippine Atmospheric,
Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration, there This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak,
Access this article online and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the author is credited and the
new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
Quick Response Code:
Website: For reprints contact:

How to cite this article: Mamon MA, Suba RA, Son IL. Disaster risk
DOI: reduction knowledge of Grade 11 students: Impact of Senior High School
10.4103/ijhsdm.ijhsdm_16_17 disaster education in the philippines. Int J Health Syst Disaster Manage

© 2018 International Journal of Health System and Disaster Management | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow 69
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Mamon, et al.: Disaster risk reduction knowledge

reduction to the policies, plans, and programs of sustainable to assess the disaster‑related knowledge, preparedness and
development.[6] Governments all over the globe implement readiness, adaptation, awareness, and risk perception of senior
DRR, which is an organized and step‑by‑step approach to high school students.
identify, assess, and reduce the risks inflicted by disasters.[2] It
is an integral effort in managing disasters by strengthening the Materials and Methods
capacities of communities toward the risks and adverse impacts
This research used a cross‑sectional study design wherein it
of natural hazards.[6] The Philippines is one of the countries
attempts to assess the disaster‑related knowledge, preparedness
who agreed on the implementation of HFA.
and readiness, adaptation, awareness, and risk perception of
The Philippine government is committed to promote and Grade 11 or senior high school students. A  simple random
implement measures and guidelines for DRR. To strongly sampling technique was used to obtain 120 respondents from
implement this international standard of DRR, the Fourteenth a total population of 712 students at a selected Senior High
Philippine Congress passed the Republic Act 10121 or the School in Las Piñas City, Philippines.
Philippine DRRM Act, also known as the DRRM Act. This
A survey questionnaire was adopted by the researchers from
Republic Act was formally signed by Pres. Gloria Macapagal
the study of Tuladhar et al.[2] The survey questionnaire from
Arroyo on May 27, 2010. This law strengthens the Philippine
this study is a validated data collection tool based from
DRRM system by institutionalizing the National DRRM different research studies and literatures in investigating DRR
Plan.[6] The DRRM Act mandates the National Disaster Risk knowledge. Some of the criteria in the survey questionnaire
Reduction and Management Council to develop a National were based on the suggestions in the report of Southern
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework, which California Earthquake Center on public awareness, education,
serves as the principal guide to conduct efforts on DRRM all and knowledge transfer,[11] and Peru’s National Educational
over the country. Program for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation on training
This law also provides a proactive approach in addressing and education for improving earthquake disaster management
disaster risks, wherein the people become presently prepared in developing countries.[12] Some criteria were also based on
for the imminent risks and threats of natural disasters. [7] the study of Tanaka[13] that investigates the effect of disaster
DRRM Act also requires the integration of DRR Education education on improving people’s readiness and preparedness
in the school curricula of both basic and tertiary levels. It in Fukui, Japan and San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA,
was opportune to incorporate DRR education because the and based on the study of Ronan et al.[14] that correlates hazard
Philippines’ Department of Education  (DepEd) recently education on hazard awareness, risk perceptions, psychological
implemented a new basic education system known as the factors, knowledge, and hazards adjustments of youth.
K‑12 Basic Education Curriculum which follows the rules, The respondents answered twenty  (20) questions that were
regulations, and guidelines of Republic Act 10533, also categorized into five. These categories on DRR knowledge
called as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013.[8,9] This are the following: disaster‑related knowledge, disaster
educational program added two more years to the 10 years preparedness and readiness, disaster adaptation, disaster
of basic education in the Philippines.[8,10] Specifically, these awareness, and disaster risk perception. Disaster‑related
2 years are known as senior high school education, an added knowledge refers to the information and familiarity of the
educational level to Kindergarten, 6 years of elementary, and respondent on the occurrence of disaster, and of being informed
4 years of junior high school.[10] In the curriculum of senior high about disaster risk education training and seminar. Disaster
school, DRR education is integrated in Earth and Life Science, preparedness and readiness refers to the knowledge and
a core subject offered to all tracks, and to a specialized track capacities of a person, community, institution, or a government
subject Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction. to efficiently anticipate, and effectively respond to and recover
With the provisions of DRRM Act, comprehensive, and from imminent and present disasters. Disaster adaptation refers
integrated knowledge building about disaster education to the adjustment that a person, community, institution, or a
is intensified among students under the K‑12 Education government can conduct or implement in response to actual
Program. The youth are empowered to be proactive members or expected disasters and their effects. Disaster awareness
of community on DRR and sustainable development. It is evaluates the respondent’s level of consciousness on disasters.
relevant and significant to assess the capacity of students on Disaster risk perception evaluates the individual judgement
DRR to ensure that the senior high school education of the toward the dangers and other impacts of disasters.
K‑12 curriculum is substantial on the culture of safety and A five‑point Likert scale  (5  =  Strongly Agree, 4  = Agree,
resilience toward disaster risks. Furthermore, an assessment 3 = Disagree, 2 = Strongly Disagree, and 1 = I do not know)
about the DRR knowledge of senior high school students will was used to determine the responses of students on different
be a significant report on the impact of disaster education in issues of DRR. The five responses in the survey questionnaire
senior high school level in the Philippines. Hence, this study were also rephrased with terminologies suited for DRR issues
was conceptualized to determine the DRR knowledge of based on the study of Tuladhar et al.[2] Table 1 shows the DRR
Grade 11 students in the Philippines. Specifically, it aimed issues and the responses.

70 International Journal of Health System and Disaster Management  ¦  Volume 5  ¦  Issue 3  ¦  July‑September 2017
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Mamon, et al.: Disaster risk reduction knowledge

The responses on the five‑point rating scale of each question and prepared on disaster risks, because they find it significant
were descriptively presented as percentages and were analyzed on sharing knowledge and experiences of disasters, they
using nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test. This statistical test is recognize the importance of making conversations about
a rank test that is a nonparametric substitute to ANOVA used disasters with their family and other people, they know their
in testing the difference between three or more independent government can give assistance during disasters, they are
groups. Nonparametric tests are used if the data are not confident that there will be an immediate rehabilitation after
normally distributed and have unequal variances.[15] Statistical a disaster and because they gain knowledge from experts of
test was conducted using Statistical Package for the Social disaster risks as shown in Table 3.
Science (SPSS) Version 22 (IBM Corporation, 1 New Orchard
Road Armonk, New York, United States). It is a software Table 4 shows the mean percentages of each response option
package that is used for comprehensive data analysis. SPSS of Grade 11 students on disaster adaptation. Responses in
contains all basic parametric and nonparametric tests. It all cases are significantly different. The highest percentage
can also be used in creating tables and charts. The level of of students are adapted on disaster risks because they are
significance in all cases was set at P < 0.05. A small P value aware on the location of shelter areas, evacuation centers,
that is less than the predetermined significance level such as and open spaces, they are confident that government
0.05, which is a common alpha value, means strong evidence institutions can give assistance during the disaster, they
against the null hypothesis or in favor to the alternative. are aware on disaster prone areas, they obtained sufficient
information on disaster adaptation implemented by local
government units and nongovernmental organizations,
Results and they are aware about the evacuation system and plan
Table 2 shows the mean percentages of each response option of their locality.
of Grade 11 students on disaster‑related knowledge. Responses
in all cases of disaster‑related knowledge are significantly Responses in all cases of disaster awareness and risk perception
different. Out of 120 respondents, 33.33% understood when a are significantly different. Most of the students are aware on
disaster will take place, followed by 30.00% who find it unclear DRR at local, regional, and national level because of various
on this DRR issue. Majority of respondents  (42.50%) have disaster awareness campaigns, and most of the respondents
no clear knowledge on the idea that there is no prevention for are aware on the importance of building or infrastructure
the occurrence of disasters. There is also a higher percentage retrofitting as shown in Table 5. However, high percentage of
of students  (35.00%) who understood the importance of students is not aware on the importance of preparing emergency
participating on a disaster risk education seminar and training, kits and bags in case of disaster.
followed by 20.83%, and 20.00% of Grade 11 students who Table 6 shows that the highest percentages of students,
have no clear idea and find it confusing on this important issue.
29.17% and 25.00%, have not perceived and have no idea
Responses in all cases of disaster preparedness and readiness that large‑scale disasters will definitely happen in the next
are significantly different. Most of the respondents are ready 10 years. Most of the students, 36.67% and 25.83%, also have

Table 1: Disaster risk reduction issues and responses

DRR issues Responses
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree No knowledge
Disaster‑related knowledge Well understood Understood Not clear Confusing No idea
Disaster preparedness and readiness Very ready Ready Not ready Confusing No idea
Disaster adaptation Well adapted Adapted Not adapted Confusing No idea
Disaster awareness Well aware Aware Not aware Confusing No idea
Disaster risk perception Well perceived Perceived Not perceived Confusing No idea
DRR: Disaster risk reduction

Table 2: Mean percentages of each response option on disaster‑related knowledge

DRR issues Mean percentages of response options (%)
Disaster‑related knowledge Strongly Agree (4) Disagree (3) Strongly No knowledge Significant
agree (5) disagree (2) (1)
I know when a disaster will happen 5.00 33.33 30.00 11.67 20 S
I know there is no prevention for the occurrence of disaster 18.33 20.00 42.50 20.00 6.67 S
I have been a participant in a disaster risk education 15.00 35.00 20.83 20.00 9.17 S
seminar and training
Values are given as mean percentages of response options (%). S: Significant, DRR: Disaster risk reduction

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Mamon, et al.: Disaster risk reduction knowledge

Table 3: Mean percentages of each response option on disaster preparedness and readiness
DRR issues Mean percentages of response options (%)
Disaster preparedness and readiness Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly No knowledge Significant
agree (5) (4) (3) disagree (2) (1)
I know the significance of sharing knowledge and experiences of 22.50 57.50 11.67 3.33 5.00 S
I recognize the importance of making conversations about disasters 31.67 54.17 7.50 4.17 2.50 S
with family members, neighbors, relatives, friends, and colleagues
I know the government is ready to provide assistance after disaster 16.67 51.67 18.33 6.67 6.67 S
I am confident that reconstruction activities can be implemented 10 40.85 32.50 6.67 10 S
after disaster
I gain enough knowledge about disasters from experts who work 9.17 51.67 25.83 8.33 5.83 S
or conduct activities for disaster reduction and management
Values are given as mean percentages of response options (%). S: Significant, DRR: Disaster risk reduction

Table 4: Mean percentages of each response option on disaster adaptation

DRR issues Mean percentages of response options (%)
Disaster adaptation Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly No knowledge Significant
agree (5) (4) (3) disagree (2) (1)
I am aware of the shelter areas or evacuation centers, 15.00 52.50 19.17 8.33 5.00 S
and open spaces in case of a disaster
I am aware about which government institution needs 15.83 46.67 25.83 4.17 7.5 S
to be coordinated and contacted with after disaster
I am informed about disaster prone areas 10.00 45.00 27.50 8.33 9.17 S
I obtained sufficient information about disaster 5.83 40.00 35.00 6.67 12.50 S
adaptation from the local government or from NGOs
I am fully aware and informed about the evacuation 10.83 46.67 27.50 6.67 8.33 S
system and plan in my locality, or area
Values are given as mean percentages of response options (%). S: Significant, NGOs: Nongovernmental organizations, DRR: Disaster risk reduction

Table 5: Mean percentages of each response option on disaster awareness

DRR issues Mean percentages of response options (%)
Disaster awareness Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly No knowledge Significant
agree (5) (4) (3) disagree (2) (1)
I actively participate for disaster awareness campaigns 7.50 43.33 31.67 8.33 9.17 S
I am prepared with emergency kits and bags in case of disaster 15.00 34.17 35.00 9.17 6.67 S
I prioritize awareness in the local, regional, and national level 10.00 49.17 25.83 9.17 5.83 S
I am aware on the importance of building or infrastructure retrofitting 12.50 46.67 22.50 5.00 13.33 S
Values are given as mean percentages of response options (%). S: Significant, DRR: Disaster risk reduction

Table 6: Mean percentages of each response option on disaster risk perception

DRR issues Mean percentages of response options (%)
Disaster risk perception Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly No knowledge Significant
agree (5) (4) (3) disagree (2) (1)
I am sure that large‑scale disasters will definitely happen in the next 11.67 24.17 29.17 10.00 25.00 S
10 years
I think my locality is safe from all types of disasters 4.17 20.00 36.67 13.33 25.83 S
I think my house/building is well designed to withstand an earthquake 3.33 15.83 37.50 13.33 30.00 S
Values are given as mean percentages of response options (%). S: Significant, DRR: Disaster risk reduction

not perceived or have no idea on the safety of their localities or Discussion

areas. Same trend was also observed regarding their perception
about earthquake resistant structures such as their houses and The United  Nations International Strategy for Disaster
other buildings. Reduction (UNISDR) mentioned and established the

72 International Journal of Health System and Disaster Management  ¦  Volume 5  ¦  Issue 3  ¦  July‑September 2017
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Mamon, et al.: Disaster risk reduction knowledge

fact that effective DRR education in the basic education and saltwater intrusion. These competencies possibly improve
curriculum solidifies and strengthens the culture of awareness, the understanding of the students on the basic concepts of
preparedness, and resiliency among the students.[16,17] They are natural hazards, and the measures of mitigation and adaptation.
the most vulnerable victims of disasters wherein risks can affect Disaster risk perception must be improved among students
their physical, emotional, and psychological well‑being.[16] to have a correct judgement toward the imminent dangers
These aforementioned calls and concerns by UNISDR urged all of natural hazards. Risk perception among students shall be
governments and institutions to conduct disaster management developed to ensure an effective and protective public response
and mitigations. [17] The present Philippine government and action.[18]
addresses and implements these recommendations of UNISDR
The success implementation of the school and community‑based
by disseminating disaster risk assessment, reduction and
DRRM relies on public awareness and public education.[19]
management knowledge among government employees, local
Disaster education aims to increase the resiliency of students
households, students, and other stakeholders, and designing
on disaster risks by solidifying knowledge about disasters,
frameworks of DRR measures.[3] The DepEd of the Philippines
developing skills that can be used to prepare, adapt, mitigate,
prioritizes the incorporation of DRRM into the national basic and respond to the damaging effects of disasters, and elevating
education system. awareness that widens the scope of understanding on DRR.[20]
The responses of Grade 11 students in this study reflect how With these objectives, DRR is advocated by promoting a
K‑to‑12 curriculum and other educational programs of DepEd culture of safety and resiliency in the community, most
are effective in addressing DRRM. DepEd implements the especially at the school level.[21]
comprehensive DRRM in the Basic Education Framework Aside from the centralized competency‑based approach
which seeks to protect students and education staff (teachers adopted by the Philippines’ DepEd, communication and
and nonteaching personnel) from death and injury in schools, promotion of DRR can materialize through strategic
promotes risk reduction and resilience through education, and planning, development, and improvement of educational
plan for a steady educational program despite of imminent materials according to the United  Nations Children Fund
natural hazards. Schools should be guided by this Framework and United  Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
for an effective assessment, planning, and implementation of Organization,[22] schools all over the country should integrate
DRR, prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, and DRRM through textbook‑driven approach, wherein students
rehabilitation have reliable sources on the different concepts and issues about
The DRRM in the basic education framework is fully natural hazards. Other approaches include interactive and
reinforced by the present curriculum. School and community action learning for the students and professional development
stakeholders are engaged and are asked to participate in of teachers on DRR education.
the integration of DRR in the educational programs. Based
from the School DRRM Manual of DepEd, the children or Conclusion
the youth should have a great involvement in educational
Grade 11 students understood some disaster‑related concepts
activities that promote DRR awareness. It is a priority
and ideas, and are prepared, adapted, and aware on the risks
that students should have an in‑depth understanding on
inflicted by these natural hazards. Low perception on disaster
school‑based disaster risk reduction and management.
risks are evidently observed among senior high school students.
Students should know what makes their school or community The responses of Grade 11 students could be based on the
unsafe, and how can they make these places safe from efficiency and impact of the integration of DRR education in
disasters. Moreover, students should be knowledgeable on the senior high school curriculum. Specifically, integration
what to do before, during, and after natural disasters. It is of the concepts about the hazards, hazard maps, disaster
clear that the active participation and cooperation of students preparedness, awareness, mitigation, prevention, adaptation,
is vital to the success of DRRM. and resiliency in the science curriculum possibly affect the
Some aspects of disaster risks are understood by the knowledge and understanding of students on DRR.
respondents, and most of them are ready, adapted and aware on
the hazards that natural disasters can cause. However, students
The authors are grateful to the support of the Department of
have very low disaster risk perception. Based on these findings,
Education – Division of Las Piñas. Specifically, the authors
the core subject Earth and Life Science somehow elevated
would like to thank the Schools Division Superintendent,
the knowledge of the students on natural hazards. Learning
Dr. Loreta B. Torrecampo, CESO V, and the Division Planning
competencies include the hazards, hazard maps in identifying,
Officer III, Dr. Raymond Magno, for encouraging us to conduct
and practical ways of coping geologic, hydrometeorological,
this research study. We also like to express our gratitude to the
and coastal processes. Geologic processes include earthquakes,
students who became the respondents of this study.
volcanic eruptions, and landslides. Hydrometeorological
processes include tropical cyclones, monsoons, floods, and Financial support and sponsorship
tornadoes. Coastal processes include erosion, submersion, Nil.

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