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To achieve a better grade (A-/A/A+), ensure that

         The report is free from spelling and grammatical errors (No obvious lapses in punctuation / grammar / spelling)
         The report is free from formatting and referencing errors (Report format is always consistent including heading styles, fonts, margins, blank space, captions, etc.)
         The report is well structured and well written
         Comments are addressed appropriately
         Errors are corrected

Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

Lee Kong Chian Faculty of Engineering and Science
Final Year Project

Marking Rubrics

Progress Report
Maximum Unacceptable Poor Marginal Average Good Excellent
Criteria CO
Marks (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Problem area is very clearly stated,
Problem area is explicitly
Identification of the Poor description of problem Problem area is quite Problem area is correctly analyzed in depth, covering
4 2 Problem area not discussed identified, described and
problem area clearly stated identified, well formulated dependencies and inter-
relationships with other problems
Specific aims and Specific aims and objectives, which

objectives are clearly are obviously and unquestionably

Definition of aims and Aims and objectives not Unclear or vague aims and General aims and General aims and
16 8 1 formulated and obviously derived from the identified problem
objectives provided objectives provided objectives provided objectives are well defined
derived from the provided area in introductory section, are
introductory section explicitly and clearly defined

Overview is provided which Project overview of exemplary

Overview lacks important A simple and clear overview Detailed, clearly written and
4 Overview of project 6 Not provided is hard to understand or structure with clear coverage of all
details in some areas of the project structured project overview
lacking important details relevant aspects

A comprehensive review covering a

Limited review with few Sufficient review with mostly Adequate review with
Poor review of very few large number of relevant sources
12 Review of research topic 1 No review of research topic sources or a review which is relevant and reliable closely relevant, reliable
sources which is off topic which are well linked and described
partly off topic sources and reputable sources
in relation to the project scope
Sources are evaluated
Various sources are reviewed in
quantitatively or
depth, all relevant and necessary
No analysis of Sources are quite Sources are evaluated qualitatively, discussed in-
Poor analysis of sources is aspects discussed and /or
information/data is evident sufficiently analyzed and quantitatively or qualitatively depth and backed by
Analytical and Critical evident and poor attempt to evaluated, and experts' opinion
12 2 and no attempt to critically limited attempt to critically and moderate attempt to experts' opinion and good
Literature Review

thinking critically discuss the analyzed and clear and good

discuss the literature discuss the literature critically discuss the attempt to critically discuss
literature review. attempt to critically discuss the
review. review. literature review. the literature review and
48 literature review and highlight the
highlight the curent gaps in
current gaps in related research.
related research.
A clear structure is obvious,
The structure of the review is very
which allows a reader to
Poor structure; no clear Quite clear structure, but Well structured literature clear which expands a reader's
Structure and coherence No noticeable structure is see relationships and
12 6 relationship between not all sections follow a review where sections are deeper understanding of the topic;
of literature review evident transition between different
sections of the review natural or logical order well connected the content is arranged in
sections; the review content
unquestionable logical order
is complete

Limited references, with Sufficient number of Huge number of relevant, cutting

No relevant references Large number of relevant
12 References 7 No references provided questionable quality or relevant and reliable edge and wide variety of reputable
provided and reputable references
relevance references references

Methodology is clearly
Methodology is described in very
Methodology is well described providing all
Methodology & Project Management

Quite sufficient description clear unquestionable manner to

Incomplete description of described providing basic necessary information to
Methodology of the No description of project's of methodology and provide all necessary details to
8 3 methodology and not information to carry out a carry out a project and
project** methodology somewhat aligned with the repeat it and obtain reproducible
aligned with the objectives project and aligned with the reproduce the results and
objectives results and completely aligned with
objectives clearly aligned with the
the objectives
All tasks are clearly
All tasks are clearly identified and
identified and explained;
Main tasks are identified, Main tasks are well well explained; all necessary
Planning or resource necessary resource (time,
Planning and managing No evidence of project but resource (time, cost, identified and resources resources (time, cost, material etc.)
12 8 allocation is poor and cost, material etc.)
of project activities planning material etc.) allocation is (time, cost, material etc.) are allocated and clearly justified;
obviously insufficient allocation is clearly justified;
insufficient allocated all planned tasks/items are achievd
all planned tasks/items are
as planned and successfully
achievd timely

Numerous grammatical or Many obvious grammatical Some obvious grammatical

Few grammatical or spelling A very few grammatical or
spelling errors are present or spelling errors are or spelling errors are
Language: grammar and errors can be found which spelling errors can be
8 6 which cause most part(s) of present which negatively present which affect No grammatical or spelling errors
style does not significantly affect found which does not affect
Report Quality

the report to be effect understandability of understandability of the

the report's quality the report's quality
incomprehensible the report report
All citations and
Some of the citations and Most of the citations and
No citation or uses material bibliography are shown All citations and bibliography are
Citation of various Numerous citation and/or bibliography are correct, bibliography are correct,
8 5 from other sources without according to the guidelines shown exactly according to the
sources bibliography errors with a couple of major with a couple of minor
citation with very few minor guidelines, with no errors
errors errors
100 100
** Methodology of the project - If project's research field/area requires the use of certain standards, this criteria should also be used to indicate the appropriate use of such standards.

Oral Presentation Part 1

Maximum Unacceptable Poor Marginal Average Good Excellent
Criteria CO
Marks (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
A clearly structured
An outstanding presentation of
Structure and Poorly structured Well structured presentation presentation which
No indication of any A disjointed presentation smooth unquestionable structure
20 attractiveness of 6 presentation with erratic which provides good enhances understanding of
structure which is out of logical order and engaging content that captures
presentation topical shifts and jumps understanding of the project the project and engages an
sentation Skill & Style
Presentation Skill & Style Presenter does not make
Poor eye contact with
eye contact, mumbles or Presenter does not make Good interaction with Presenter speaks with Very confident presenter who
audience, voice not very
Preparedness and presentation or is eye contact, is hard to hear, audience, clear-voiced confidence in clear loud speaks and holds himself/herself
16 6 clearly heard, some minor
52 confidence interrupted in some major or constantly interrupts the presentation, with no voice and captures as a professional, completely
interruptions to the
way due to lack of presentation himself/herself interruptions audience's attention capturing audience's attention
Very minimal use of Creative presentation tools Novel, unusual, very creative
Presentation tools and/or
presentation tools and/or and/or aids are used that presentation tools used which
Use of presentation tools No presentation tools aids add no value to Presentation tools and/or
16 6 aids, distracts audience or highlight the quality and captures audience's attention and
and visual aids and/or visual aids used understanding of the aids are used appropriately
confuses undertanding of audience's interest to the enhances understanding of the
the presentation presentation presentation
Detailed straight to the point
Quality of provided Unable to answer Out-of-topic or evasive Partly appropriate answers Thorough, well elaborated and very
24 6 Concise answers provided and yet succinct answers
answers question(s) answers to questions to questions convincing answer provided

Visibly downcast, upset, or Attentive and adequately Calm, clear and confident Impressive composure as of a
Loses composure during Attentive when taking and
24 Attitude and composure 6 distracted during the Q&A responsive when taking and when taking and answering professional speaker when taking
the Q&A session answering questions
session answering questions questions and answering questions
100 100

Final Report
Maximum Unacceptable Poor Marginal Average Good Excellent
Criteria CO
Marks (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Clearly written description

of the project which can
both stand alone and Impressive, thorough and clearly
provide insight into the composed overview of the project
Description of the project is Overly long, or a disjointed Summarizes the project
significance of various which raises no questions from a

hard to understand or abstract which is not by well that enables to

4 4 Overview of the project 6 Not provided aspects of the project; reader; Background, purpose
misses out significant itself sufficient to describe understand the project's
Background, purpose (objectives), methodology, results
information the entire project scope
(objectives), methodology, and concluding remarks are
results and concluding availble in the abstract
remarks are availble in the

Unclear or vague Problem area, aims, and

Problem identification No problem Problem area, aims and Problem area, aims, and Problem area, aims, and objectives
statements regarding objectives are clearly
4 4 and formulation of project 2 identification/area, aims and objectives are quite clearly objectives all well are perfectly formulated, analyzed
problem area and/or aims formulated and explicitly
aims and objectives objectives provided stated formulated and evaluated
and objectives described

A comprehensive review covering a

Limited review with few Sufficient review with mostly Adequate review with
Poor review of very few large number of relevant sources
4 Review of research topic 1 No review of research topic sources or a review which is relevant and reliable closely relevant, reliable
sources which is off topic which are well linked and described
partly off topic sources and reputable sources
in relation to the project scope

Sources are evaluated

Various sources are reviewed in
quantitatively or
depth, all relevant and necessary
Sources are evaluated qualitatively, discussed in-
aspects discussed and /or
quantitatively or qualitatively depth and backed by
No investigation done with Poor investigation of Sufficient investigation of evaluated, experts' opinion
with an attempt to provide experts' opinion; provided
the presented information/data collected information/data collected analyzed, and provided strong
suitable conclusion on the appropriate conclusion on
Literature Review

4 Critical Investigation 4 information/data and no from sources and poor from sources and limited conclusion on the information/data
information/data collected the information/data
attempt to critically discuss attempt to critically discuss attempt to critically discuss collected from sources and clear
from sources and moderate collected from sources and
16 the literature review. the literature review. the literature review. and good attempt to critically
attempt to critically discuss good attempt to critically
discuss the literature review and
the literature review. discuss the literature review
highlight the current gaps in related
and highlight the current
gap in related research
A clear structure is obvious,
The structure of the review is very
which allows a reader to
Poor structure; no clear Quite clear structure, but Well structured literature clear which expands a reader's
Structure and coherence No noticeable structure is see relationships and
4 6 relationship between not all sections follow a review where sections are deeper understanding of the topic;
of literature review evident transition between different
sections of the review natural or logical order well connected the content is arranged in
sections; the review content
unquestionable logical order
is complete

Limited references, with Sufficient number of Huge number of relevant, cutting

No relevant references Large number of relevant
4 References 7 No references provided questionable quality or relevant and reliable edge and wide variety of reputable
provided and reputable references
relevance references references

Methodology is clearly
Methodology is described in very
Methodology is well described providing all
Quite sufficient description clear unquestionable manner to
Incomplete description of described providing basic necessary information to
Methodology of the No description of project's of methodology and provide all necessary details to
4 3 methodology and not information to carry out a carry out a project and
project** methodology somewhat aligned with the repeat it and obtain reproducible
Methodology & Project Management

aligned with the objectives project and aligned with the reproduce the results and
objectives results and completely aligned with
objectives clearly aligned with the
the objectives

All tasks are clearly

All tasks are clearly identified and
identified and explained;
16 Main tasks are identified, Main tasks are well well explained; all necessary
Planning or resource necessary resource (time,
Planning and managing No evidence of project but resource (time, cost, identified and resources resources (time, cost, material etc.)
4 8 allocation is poor and cost, material etc.)
of project activities planning material etc.) allocation is (time, cost, material etc.) are allocated and clearly justified;
obviously insufficient allocation is clearly justified;
insufficient allocated all planned tasks/items are achievd
all planned tasks/items are
as planned and successfully
achievd timely
Main tasks, difficulties and Difficulties and problems Difficulties and problems are
Difficulties and problems Difficulties and problems
problems are not Serious difficulties and clearly described; an described in very clear manner; the
briefly mentioned, with a well described; a detailed
8 Problem solving 4 mentioned; no attempts problems listed, but no optimal solution is explicitly best solution to a problem is
brief description of description of adequate
made to solve a complex attempt at solutions described and investigated described accurately and verified
attempted solutions solutions provided
problem appropriately thoroughly
Very detailed and in-depth analysis
Detailed in-depth analysis
and interpretation of results done
and interpretation of results
which greatly expands reader's
shows strong competency
Sufficient analysis and understanding of their significance
in the subject area;
interpretation of results as well as influencing factors;
Analysis and No analysis or interpretation Insufficient analysis or Basic analysis and analysed the discrepancy
12 4 shows sufficient detailed explanation on the
interpretation of results done interpretation done interpretation done between theoretical and
competency in the subject discrepancy between theoretical
experimental results (if
area and experimental results provided
applicable); The analysis is
(if applicable); The analysis is
consistent with the research
consistent with the research
objectives set.
objectives set.
Results & Discussions

Attempted solution do not Proposed solution achieves Proposed solution Proposed solution achieves
Proposed solution achieves all
Solution to a complex No solution shown or no actually achieve the defined some of the project achieves most of the project every project objective or
12 3 project objectives or provides the
44 problem attempt at finding a solution project objectives or resolve objectives or partially objectives or resolves the provides an optimal solution
best solution to the problem
the problem resolves the problem problem adequately to the problem
Overuse of area-specific All results presented in a
Results are extremely well
jargon or misusing area- clearly organized manner
Results are understandable All results presented in an organized, presented and
Presentation is very specific terms while with a detailed explanation
Presentation and to those familiar with the organized manner explained in depth, including
12 6 confusing; no explanation of presenting results, making of results and very good
explanation of results subject area; inadequate supported by substantial discussion of the complexities
results them hard to understand; discussion how each
explanation of results explanation involved and how each project
insufficient explanation of project objective is
objective is achieved
results achieved
Some results are
Results are thoroughly
Clearly misleading or improbable; least/weak Very thoroughly supported results
Reproducibility/reliability Unverified claims made Results are consistent and supported and related to
8 5 improbable claims made attempt made to justify of strongly proven unquestionable
of results about results convincing other sources to verify their
about results results using data and/or reliability, authenticity
reliability and authenticity
Conclusion & Recommen-dations Conclusion summarizes Conclusion emphasizes the
Address research Brief conclusion that misses Conclusion mentions and Conclusion mentions and
Conclusion is not touching clearly how the project has achievements of the research
question and out either the research matches most part of the matches the research
4 4 on the research question, achieved the research question and stated aims and
achievement of aims and question or the stated aims research question and question and stated aims
aims, or objectives question and stated aims objectives in a concise but
objectives and objectives stated aims and objectives and objectives
and objectives thorough manner
8 Mentions some of the Describes potentials, provides in-
Mentions most of the
No mention of the potentials and limitations Mentions the potentials, Describes potentials, depth analysis of limitations
Analysis of limitations potentials, limitations and
potentials, limitations and but leaves out some obvious limitations and limitations and realistic including proposals for solutions
4 and recommendations for 7 some unrealistic
recommendations for future obvious ones or unrealistic realistic recommendations recommendations for future and future development
future development recommendations for future
development recommendations for future for future development development in detail recommendations which are
development realistic and supported by evidence
Numerous grammatical or Many obvious grammatical Some obvious grammatical
Few grammatical or spelling A very few grammatical or
spelling errors are present or spelling errors are or spelling errors are
Language: grammar and errors can be found which spelling errors can be
4 6 which cause most part(s) of present which negatively present which affect No grammatical or spelling errors
Report Quality

does not significantly affect found which does not affect

the report to be effect understandability of understandability of the
the report's quality the report's quality
incomprehensible the report report
All citations and
Some of the citations and Most of the citations and
No citation or uses material bibliography are shown All citations and bibliography are
Citation of various Numerous citation and/or bibliography are correct, bibliography are correct,
4 5 from other sources without according to the guidelines shown exactly according to the
sources bibliography errors with a couple of major with a couple of minor
citation with very minor guidelines, with no errors
errors errors
100 100
** Methodology of the project - If project's research field/area requires the use of certain standards, this criteria should also be used to indicate the appropriate use of such standards

Oral Presentation Part 2

Maximum Unacceptable Poor Marginal Average Good Excellent
Criteria CO
Marks (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

A clearly structured
An outstanding presentation of
Structure and Poorly structured Well structured presentation presentation which
No indication of any A disjointed presentation smooth unquestionable structure
12 attractiveness of 6 presentation with erratic which provides good enhances understanding of
structure which is out of logical order and engaging content that captures
presentation topical shifts and jumps understanding of the project the project and engages an
Presentation Skill & Style

Presenter does not make

Poor eye contact with
eye contact, mumbles or Presenter does not make Eye contact with audience, Presenter speaks with Very confident presenter who
audience, voice not very
Preparedness and presentation or is eye contact, is hard to hear, clear-voiced presentation, confidence in clear loud speaks and holds himself/herself
36 12 6 clearly heard, some minor
confidence interrupted in some major or constantly interrupts the no interruption to voice and captures as a professional, completely
interruptions to the
way due to lack of presentation himself/herself presentation audience's attention capturing audience's attention

Very minimal use of Creative presentation tools Novel, unusual, very creative
Presentation tools and/or
presentation tools and/or and/or aids are used that presentation tools used which
Use of presentation tools No presentation tools aids add no value to Presentation tools and/or
12 6 aids, distracts audience or highlight the quality and captures audience's attention and
and visual aids and/or visual aids used understanding of the aids are used appropriately
confuses undertanding of audience's interest to the enhances understanding of the
the presentation presentation presentation
Technical Content / Demonstration

Solution falls short of Optimal solution to a

Solution fails to solve the
solving the specified An adequate solution to a problem is identified, The best solution to a problem is
specified problem and does
16 Problem solution(s)*** 3 No solution presented problem and does not problem is proposed and verified and applied to identified, formulated and
not achieve any of the
achieve a majority of applied resolve the problem implemented successfully
objectives successfully
Technical Content / Demonstrati 32
Demonstrated solution fails Demonstrated solution falls Demonstrated solution
Demonstrated solution Demonstrated solution provides the
to solve the specified short of solving the provides an optimal solution
Demonstration of Problem solution not solves the specified best solution to the specified
16 3 problem and does not specified problem and does to the specified problem
problem solution(s)*** demonstrated problem and achieves a problem and similar problems while
achieve any of the not achieve a majority of and similar problems;
majority of objectives achieving all project objectives
objectives objectives achieves all objectives

Detailed straight to the point

Quality of provided Unable to answer Out-of-topic or evasive Partly appropriate answers Thorough, well elaborated and very
16 6 Concise answers provided and yet succinct answers
answers question(s) answers to questions to questions convincing answer provided

Visibly downcast, upset, or Attentive and adequately Calm, clear and confident Impressive composure as of a
Loses composure during Attentive when taking and
16 Attitude and composure 6 distracted during the Q&A responsive when taking and when taking and answering professional speaker when taking
the Q&A session answering questions
session answering questions questions and answering questions

100 100

*** Technical Content/Demonstration - For projects with no demonstration, total weight of 32 applies solely to the first and only assessment (based on presentation)

General Effort Part 1

Maximum Unacceptable Poor Marginal Average Good Excellent
Criteria CO
Marks (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Correctly identifies the problem and

Mis-identifies the problem Correctly identifies the Correctly identifies the Correctly identifies the
Problem identification and No attempt made to identify is able to analyze the problem in-
24 2 or lacks analysis on a problem with some basic problem with adequate problem with insightful
analysis or analyze the problem depth, including the identification of
correctly identified problem analysis analysis analysis

Very brief plan or schedule A plan or schedule is A thorough plan or schedule is

Selection and implementation of A brief plan or schedule is A plan or schedule is
No planning or scheduling without explicit milestones selected which includes selected which includes well-
28 research methodology and 8 selected, including selected, including explicit
is evident and goals, or selected plan well-chosen and significant chosen and significant milestones
management milestones and goals milestones and goals
or schedule is not realistic milestones and goals and goals

Always punctual, meets all

Habitually late or absent, Mostly punctual, meets Always punctual, meets all
Compliance with FYP Frequent cases of absence Scattered cases of absence deadlines, and
often misses deadlines, or most deadlines, and is deadlines, and takes own initiatives
16 policies/guidelines and ethical 5 or lateness, or overly reliant or lateness, or reliant on demonstrates considerable
totally lacks independence reasonably independent of outside of supervisor's
norms on supervisor's guidance supervisor's guidance independence of
in carrying out project supervisor's instructions recommendations
supervisor's instructions

Log book is used

Log book is used to keep Takes initiative to inform supervisor
Non-existing log book, Sparsely filled in log book, appropriately to keep Log book is well compiled,
supervisor fairly updated on of progress while actively seeking
never reports to supervisor rarely reports to supervisor supervisor fairly updated on student regularly updates
16 Discipline and regular reporting 7 progress, but student is not supervisor's input where necessary,
or does not heed or not very receptive to progress, and student is supervisor and seeks the
receptive to supervisor's above and beyond the normal log
supervisor's advice advice receptive to supervisor's appropriate advice
advice book requirements
Limited interest in personal sufficient interest in Willing to develop
Eager to develop personally
development, participated personal development, personally and participated Very eager to develop personally
and often participated in
Personal development/life long No attempt(s) to develop in at least one activity for participated in a few in some activities for this and often participated in activities
16 7 activities for this purpose or
learning activities personally this purpose, or honed an activities for this purpose or purpose or improved an or self-learning of skills for this
picked up new skills for this
existing skill set for this improved an existing skill existing skill set for this project
project set for this project project

General Effort Part 2

Maximum Unacceptable Poor Marginal Average Good Excellent
Criteria CO
Marks (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Thorough investigation resulted in

Fell short of solving a Satisfactory/acceptable
Proposed solution did not Well justified problem an original, creative and well
Proposal of solution to a No attempt(s) made to complex research problem; problem solution; achieved
28 3 achieve any of the defined solution; achieved all justified problem solution which
complex problem propose a problem solution did not achieve majority of majority of defined project
project objectives project ojectives achieved more than the defined
project objectives objectives
project objectives

Very brief plan or schedule A plan or schedule is A thorough plan or schedule is

Selection and implementation of A brief plan or schedule is A plan or schedule is
No planning or scheduling without explicit milestones selected which includes selected which includes well-
16 research methodology and 8 selected, including selected, including explicit
is evident and goals, or selected plan well-chosen and significant chosen and significant milestones
management milestones and goals milestones and goals
or schedule is not realistic milestones and goals and goals

Correctly identifies the problem and

Mis-identifies the problem Correctly identifies the Correctly identifies the Correctly identifies the
Problem identification and No attempt made to identify is able to analyze the problem in-
20 2 or lacks analysis on a problem with some basic problem with adequate problem with insightful
analysis or analyze the problem depth, including the identification of
correctly identified problem analysis analysis analysis

Always punctual, meets all

Habitually late or absent, Mostly punctual, meets Always punctual, meets all
Compliance with FYP Frequent cases of absence Scattered cases of absence deadlines, and
often misses deadlines, or most deadlines, and is deadlines, and takes own initiatives
12 policies/guidelines and ethical 5 or lateness, or overly reliant or lateness, or reliant on demonstrates considerable
totally lacks independence reasonably independent of outside of supervisor's
norms on supervisor's guidance supervisor's guidance independence of
in carrying out project supervisor's instructions recommendations
supervisor's instructions
Log book is used
Log book is used to keep Takes initiative to inform supervisor
Non-existing log book, Sparsely filled in log book, appropriately to keep Log book is well compiled,
supervisor fairly updated on of progress while actively seeking
never reports to supervisor rarely reports to supervisor supervisor fairly updated on student regularly updates
12 Discipline and regular reporting 7 progress, but student is not supervisor's input where necessary,
or does not heed or not very receptive to progress, and student is supervisor and seeks the
receptive to supervisor's above and beyond the normal log
supervisor's advice advice receptive to supervisor's appropriate advice
advice book requirements
Limited interest in personal sufficient interest in Willing to develop
Eager to develop personally
development, participated personal development, personally and participated Very eager to develop personally
and often participated in
Personal development/life long No attempt(s) to develop in at least one activity for participated in a few in some activities for this and often participated in activities
12 7 activities for this purpose or
learning activities personally this purpose, or honed an activities for this purpose or purpose or improved an or self-learning of skills for this
picked up new skills for this
existing skill set for this improved an existing skill existing skill set for this project
project set for this project project

Poster Submission
Maximum Unacceptable Poor Marginal Average Good Excellent
Criteria CO
Marks ( 0, Special Penalty ) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Did not submit a poster, or

100 FYP Poster 7 submitted a blank poster Submitted a poster, with the specific grade allocated depending on the evaluation in the 'Poster' worksheet.
(Failing grade awarded)


Overall Ethical Compliance

Unacceptable Poor Marginal Average Good Excellent
Criteria CO
(Special penalty) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Overall similarity index
exceeds 20% or similarity
Similarity index of between Similarity index of between Similarity index of between Similarity index of between Similarity index of between 0% and
Report originality 5 with any individual source
12% and 20% 8% and 12% 5% and 8% 2% and 5% 2%
exceeds 3%
(Failing grade awarded)
Late by less than 2 days Late by less than 1 day
Late by 2 days or more (Deduction of 5 marks from (Deduction of 5 marks from
Timely submission of final report 8 On time On time On time
(Failing grade awarded) overall total score for overall total score for
Project) Project)
Summary of 3 posters
Summary of 3 posters Summary of 3 posters Summary of 3 posters Summary of 3 posters
signed and verified by Summary of 3 posters signed and
Submission of "Summary of FYP Posters" 7 signed and verifyed by signed and verifyed by signed and verifyed by signed and verifyed by
supervisors not submitted verifyed by supervisors submitted
supervisors submitted supervisors submitted supervisors submitted supervisors submitted
(Failing grade awarded)

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