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2000 Copyright © Physiologia Plantarum 2000

Printed in Ireland —all rights reser6ed ISSN 0031-9317

Spatial-resolved analysis of histological and biochemical alterations

induced by water-soaking in melon fruit

C. du Chateneta,b, A. Latchéb, E. Olmosc, B. Rantya, M. Charpenteaua, R. Ranjevaa, J. C. Pechb and A. Grazianaa,*

Laboratoire CNRS/UPS UMR n°5546 de l’Uni6ersité Paul Sabatier, Pôle de Biotechnologie Végétale, 24, chemin de Borde Rouge, BP 17
Auze6ille, F-31326 Castanet-Tolosan, France
ENSAT, UMR INRA n°990, Pôle de Biotechnologie Végétale, 24, chemin de Borde Rouge, BP 107 Auze6ille, F-31326 Castanet-Tolosan,
CSIC-CEBAS A6enida de la Fama, E-30080 Murcia, Spain
*Corresponding author, e-mail: graziana@cict.fr
Received 10 November 1999; revised 16 February 2000

Water-soaking, a physiological disorder characterised by a developed during the late stages of fruit ripening, but no
glassy texture of the flesh, depreciates greatly the commercial correlation was found with ethylene biosynthesis. Thus, fruits
quality of early-season Charentais cantaloupe melons (Cu- in which ethylene action was blocked by 1-methylcyclopropene
cumis melo L. cv. Talma). Although it is accepted that the remained sensitive to water-soaking. Moreover, the expression
genotype and a number of physiological and environmental of two genes encoding key enzymes in ethylene biosynthesis
factors play a role in the development of the syndrome, the remained unchanged in response to water-soaking. The major
intimate mechanisms responsible for water-soaking remain changes observed concerned a protein implicated in calcium
unknown. We report here on an integrated study of the signalling processes. While the amount of total calmodulin,
development of water-soaking in fruit. Using nuclear magnetic the ubiquitous calcium binding protein, was not modified, a
resonance (NMR) imaging, we have shown that water mobil- particular calmodulin-binding protein (CaM-BP) was absent
ity increased in the diseased tissues. Alteration of the cell wall in water-soaked but not in sound mature tissues. This CaM-
and the presence of large intercellular spaces were correlated BP may be a marker or a determinant of this physiological
with a severe depletion of cell wall calcium. Water-soaking disorder.

Water-soaking is an economically important metabolic dis- related chitinase gene) and has important physiological con-
order which causes considerable loss in early season produc- sequences such as on phenotypic plasticity (Raz and Fluhr
tion of melon. It is characterised by an alteration of the flesh 1992, Kacperska 1997, Kathiresan et al. 1998). The onset of
texture which becomes dark and glassy, and by an early ethylene production is the result of the concomitant increase
over-maturity of the fruit. It is thought that calcium and in the activities of ACC synthase and ACC oxidase (ACS
ethylene may play a role in promoting the disorder as these and ACO). In melon, a gene encoding ACS (ME-ACS1 ) has
signals are known to be involved in many processes includ- been isolated and shown to be preferentially expressed in
ing fruit ripening and organ senescence (Sams et al. 1993, response to wounding (Miki et al. 1995). Moreover, three
Deikman et al. 1998). However no critical assessment of this genes encoding ACO homologues have been isolated from
hypothesis has been performed to date. melon and were found to be expressed differentially. One of
Ethylene synthesis is induced either at specific stages the three genes (CM-ACO1 ) is up-regulated in response to
during plant development or by biotic and abiotic stress biotic and abiotic stress such as wounding, salt stress or
(Fluhr and Matoo 1996). It has been shown that this drought (Bouquin et al. 1997).
stress-stimulated ethylene production serves as a secondary In addition to ethylene, it has been suggested that calcium
signal for the induction of specific genes (eg a pathogenesis- may be implicated in water-soaking. Calcium has long been

Abbre6iations – ACC, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid; CaM, calmodulin; CaM-BP, calmodulin binding protein; CM-ACO, Cucumis
melo ACC oxidase; CM-ACS, Cucumis melo ACC synthase; 1-MCP, 1-methylcyclopropene; ST, sound tissues; WST, water-soaked tissues.

248 Physiol. Plant. 110, 2000

recognised as an essential plant nutrient involved in a number ms, and for multi slice multi echo (MSME), TE =25.5 ms (8
of physiological processes and in preventing physiological echoes), TR= 3000 ms. The field of view was 15 cm, the slice
disorders in fruit and plant tissues during growth and devel- was 20 mm thick, and the image matrix, 128×128.
opment (Fry 1986, Dawson et al. 1993, Stow 1993, Lester
1996). It has been hypothesised that the development of
water-soaking in the melon is related to a deficiency in calcium Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis
(Bernadac et al. 1996, Jean-Baptiste et al. 1999). Moreover,
Tissue ultrastructure and mineral element contents were
it has been shown that calcium acts as a second messenger
determined by electron microscopy coupled with X-ray anal-
in plant cell signalling (Knight et al. 1997, Mazars et al. 1997,
ysis according to Olmos and Hellin (1998). Mineral elements
Frohnmeyer et al. 1998, Gong et al. 1998, Long and Jenkins
were individually identified and quantified automatically. For
1998) generally via interactions with calmodulin, a small
each ion of interest, the apparent concentration was deter-
calcium binding protein. Changes in internal cellular calcium
mined in three independent experiments according to the
concentration may thus regulate the activity of many enzymes
equation (AC = intensity element A /intensity element
through the formation of functional complexes with calcium-
Astandard × weight percent (Wt%) of the element Astandard).
activated CaM, leading to changes in cell organisation and
gene expression (Zielinsky 1998).
In the present paper, we have combined physical (NMR
RNA extraction and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain
imaging), biochemical (ethylene production, calmodulin-
reaction (RT-PCR)
binding proteins activity), molecular (expression of calmod-
ulin and genes encoding enzymes involved in ethylene Total RNAs were isolated from melon fruit according to
biosynthesis) and ultrastructural (SEM coupled to X-ray Balagué et al. (1993) and cDNAs synthesised as described by
analysis) methods to address the relationship between water Lasserre et al. (1996), using 20 mg of total RNA, followed by
soaking, ethylene and calcium. The non invasive, non destruc- PCR with appropriate primers. Primers were chosen from the
tive attributes of 1H MRI, and its ability to provide highly 5% and 3% regions of the genes of interest. Primers amplified
resolved spatial information concerning the distribution and full length cDNAs for ACO and CaM, and a 3% internal
magnetic environment of water in soft tissues (Clark et al. fragment for ACS1 (Miki et al. 1995).
1997) has been used to detect water-soaking. We have been
able to show that although being structurally disorganised,
water-soaked tissues were not affected in terms of ethylene
production and calmodulin gene expression, suggesting that
they remain metabolically active. In contrast, the tissue
texture was greatly affected and a calmodulin-binding protein
ACO1 5%),
was not detected in water-soaked tissues.
ACO1 3%),
Materials and methods 5%-TCCTCGTAGTTAATCTGGCC-3% (CM-CaM 3%).
Plant material All RT-PCR reactions were carried out in triplicate on two
independent RNA extractions. The accumulation of mRNA
Melon plants (Cucumis melo L. cv. Talma), provided by
was estimated by RT-PCR using the constitutively expressed
INRA (Domaine de la Grande Ferrade, Bordeaux, France)
CMe-56.10 gene (Pech et al. 1999). RT-PCR analysis was
were grown in soil-less culture in a glasshouse, with a
chosen for the expression studies as it is more amenable to
day/night temperature of 20/18°C. The ripening stages of the
the study of low copy number transcripts such as ASC1.
fruit were assessed by measuring ethylene production (Ayub
et al. 1996) and the development of water-soaking was
monitored by NMR imaging. After harvest, fruits were stored
Southern blot analysis
at 14°C. Pedoncular (sound tissues) and distal (water-soaked
tissues) parts of the preclimacteric fruit were frozen in liquid PCR products were resolved by electrophoresis on a 0.8 or
nitrogen and stored at −80°C. For inhibiting ethylene action, a 1.4% (w/v) agarose gel, transferred to nitrocellulose mem-
preclimacteric fruits were treated overnight with 1 ml l − 1 of branes and hybridised at 65°C with a [a-32P] dCTP random
1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), harvested and stored at primed cDNA insert (ACS or ACO or CaM). Membranes
14°C. Ethylene production was measured and fruit samples were washed at high stringency in 2 × standard sodium citrate
were then frozen. buffer (SSC), 1% (w/v) SDS at 55°C for 15 min. Membranes
were autoradiographed using Amersham Hyperfilm-MP with
intensifying screen at −80°C.
NMR imaging
The NMR images were taken with a TOMIKON R23 whole
Production of GST-CaM fusion protein in E. coli
body imaging system (0.23 T, 10 MHz proton frequency). The
parameters for gradient echo fast imaging (GEFI) were as A GST-CaM fusion protein was produced in order to
follows: echo time (TE) =13 ms; recuperation time (TR) =50 prepare a 33P-CaM protein probe, and to allow CaM-BP

Physiol. Plant. 110, 2000 249

purification by affinity chromatography. A synthetic VUC-1 and incubated 1 h 30 at 37°C. After washing, the membrane
CaM gene (Roberts et al. 1985) was fused to a sequence was incubated 1 h at 37°C with secondary antibodies raised
which encodes a peptide carrying a phosphorylation site and against chicken IgY (1:60000 in PBS) coupled to
this modified CaM was expressed as a fusion protein with horseradish peroxidase. The signal was detected by chemilu-
the glutathione S-transferase (GST) in the pGEX system minescence (kit ECL + Plus, Amersham).
(Pharmacia). The GST-fusion protein was expressed in E.
coli according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. The
GST-fusion proteins in E. coli crude extracts were purified P-labelling of calmodulin and detection of CaM-BP by
by affinity chromatography with Glutathione Sepharose 4B overlays
beads (Pharmacia).
An aliquot of gluthathione Sepharose 4B containing the
fusion protein (100 mg of calmodulin) adsorbed on beads,
Extraction of proteins from melon and purification of was incubated (2 h at room temperature) with 18.5 MBq
CaM-BP 33
gP-ATP and 500 units of protein kinase A catalytic sub-
unit (Sigma). Residual ATP was removed by successive
All procedures were carried out at 4°C. Melon fruit tissue (5
centrifugation. The labelled protein was cleaved by
g) was ground in a mortar with 10 ml buffer (100 mM
thrombin digestion (1 unit) in 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8; 150
Tris-HCl, pH 7.5; 5 mM EDTA pH 8; 5 mM EGTA; 14
mM NaCl and 3.5 mM CaCl2, 30 min at 25°C, and after
mM b-mercaptoethanol; 1 mM PMSF; 4 mM leupeptine
centrifugation,33gP-CaM was recovered in the supernatant.
and 5% [w/v] PVPP). The homogenate was centrifuged for 33
gP-CaM was used to detect target CaM-BPs by overlays.
15 min at 20000 g to yield a supernatant which was termed
Crude proteins extracts of melon were separated by SDS-
the crude extract. Protein concentrations were determined
PAGE and electrotransferred to nitrocellulose membranes.
using the BCA protein assay (Pierce). The CaM-BP in crude
Membranes were incubated 60 min at room temperature in
extracts was purified by GST-CaM affinity chromatography.
TTBS buffer containing 5% non fat dry milk, and washed 10
The extract was loaded on an affinity column (100 ml, 50 mg
min in TTBS buffer containing either 1 mM CaCl2 ( Buffer
CaM) equilibrated with Tween Tris-buffered saline (TTBS)
A), or 5 mM EGTA (Buffer B). Membranes were incubated
supplemented with 1 mM CaCl2. After extensive washing
overnight at 20°C with 33gP-CaM in TTBS buffer contain-
with TTBS containing CaCl2, CaM-BP was eluted (fractions
ing 1% non fat dry milk and either 1 mM CaCl2 (Buffer A)
of 100 ml) by TTBS buffer supplemented with 5 mM EGTA.
or 5 mM EGTA (Buffer B). Membranes were washed three
Proteins are separated by SDS-PAGE and the protein bands
times in the respective solutions without CaM, dried, and
were visualized by silver nitrate coloration.
exposed to Kodak Biomax™ – MR scientific imaging film.
Calcineurin, a 60-kDa Ca2 + -dependent CaM-binding
Immunodetection of calmodulin protein was used as a positive control.
Proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE with 15% (w/v)
acrylamide gels according to the method of Laemmli (1970).
Proteins were electrotransferred onto PVDF membranes Results
(PolySreen™; NEF-1000) by the method of Hulen et al.
Structural and ultrastructural characterisation of
(1991), and cross-linked to the membrane by a 45-min
incubation in 0.2% (w/v) glutaraldehyde in Phosphate-
buffered saline (PBS). The membrane was blocked for 2 h at The non-invasive nature of MRI makes it suitable for
room temperature with 5% (w/v) non-fat dry milk in PBS. studies of water-soaking, where external symptoms are not
After washing, polyclonal IgY (1:500 in PBS) raised against visible until after injury development is well advanced. It
spinach calmodulin (Sigma) were applied to the membrane, was used to monitor water-soaking development in a non-

Fig. 1. Tissue structure of

water-soaked melon fruit. A.
Photograph of a longitudinal
water-soaked melon section. B.
NMR imaging of the same fruit.
NMR images were obtained by
gradient echo fast imaging. Zone 1
indicates the sound pedoncular part
(control area) and zone 2, the
water-soaked distal part of the fruit.

250 Physiol. Plant. 110, 2000

Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrographs of sound (A,B) and water-soaked (C,D) melon tissues. Sound and water-soaked tissues correspond
respectively to zone 1 and zone 2 of Fig. 1. Arrows indicate intercellular spaces. A and C: × 25; B and D: ×300.

destructive manner by measuring physical parameters that Ethylene production and expression of ethylene biosynthetic
cannot be determined by other methods. Fig. 1A shows a genes in water-soaked tissues
photograph of a water-soaked melon section and Fig. 1B
shows its corresponding GEFI NMR image before cutting Water-soaking is known to appear during the early stages of
(whole and intact fruit). Comparison of an NMR image of the climacteric phase of fruit ripening, suggesting a possible
a whole fruit and a photograph of the same fruit after slicing relationship with the upsurge of ethylene production. How-
ever we have not found any clear differences in the pattern
revealed a good agreement between areas of affected and
of ethylene evolution of water-soaked and sound fruit nei-
unaffected tissues. Symptoms appeared at first in the distal
ther on the vine nor after detachment (data not shown). The
part of the fruit. It appeared that the ‘normal’ (zone 1) and
onset of climacteric ethylene production occurred 37 days
‘water-soaked’ (zone 2) areas of a melon fruit could be
after pollination in both cases.
discriminated by visual observations (Fig. 1A) and by GEFI
ACS and ACO transcript accumulation was determined
sequence NMR imaging (Fig. 1B). Strong signal intensity
by RT-PCR. The RT-PCR products were visualised after
(bright areas) corresponding to high density could be ob- agarose gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining
served in the distal part of the fruit (zone 2). In MSME and their identity were confirmed by Southern blot hybridis-
sequences, a water-soaked area displayed a T1 hypersignal ation. The evaluation of ACS and ACO transcript accumu-
(relaxation time) of 572920 ms as compared to 4609 20 ms lation indicated that the level of expression of ACS and
in a sound area (data not shown). High relaxation times T1 ACO was identical in sound and water-soaked tissues (Fig.
in water-soaked areas indicate that structural changes have 3).
occurred in the tissue that allow higher proton mobility. In order to further substantiate the absence of correlation
Scanning microscopy observations (Fig. 2) showed that, between the development of water-soaking and ethylene
whereas sound tissues (Fig. 2A,B) displayed normal shaped synthesis, preclimacteric melon fruit were treated with 1-
and regular cells, water-soaked tissues (Fig. 2C,D) are col- MCP, a potent inhibitor of ethylene perception (Sisler et al.
lapsed and have large intercellular spaces. Moreover, water- 1995). Fig. 4 shows that ethylene production of 1-MCP-
soaked tissues showed very low turgescence, and cells had an treated melons was delayed by four days as a consequence
irregular form with few connections between them, suggest- of the inhibition of the autocatalytic process of ethylene
ing a disorganisation of the cell wall. production. Interestingly, the water-soaking syndrome ap-

Physiol. Plant. 110, 2000 251

Fig. 3. RT-PCR analysis of ACS and ACO1 expression. RT-PCR
was performed on total RNA extracts of sound (lane ST) and Fig. 5. Apparent concentration of various ions in sound (hatched
water-soaked tissues (lane WST) of the same fruit. PCR conditions bars) and water-soaked (grey bars) tissues. Determination of total
were as described in Materials and methods. Experiments were ions was performed by X-ray microanalysis in zones 1 and 2
performed in triplicate using two different sets of RNA. described in Fig. 1.

peared at the same time (35 days after pollination) in been shown that some CaM genes are stress sensitive
both control and 1-MCP-treated fruit, indicating that the (Braam et al. 1996, Polisensky and Braam 1996) and
development of water-soaking is ethylene-independent. therefore, we searched for possible variations of CaM
gene expression in affected tissues. To evaluate the poten-
tial role of calcium as a second messenger, we studied the
Calcium content of the cell wall
changes in CaM and CaM-dependent events in melon
Little information is available on water-soaking, but cal- fruit.
cium has been proposed to be implicated in the disorder The expression of the CaM gene was monitored in
(Bernadac et al. 1996). The ionic composition of the cell sound (Fig. 1, zone 1) and water-soaked samples (Fig. 1,
wall middle lamella was analysed by scanning electron mi- zone 2) by RT-PCR. Fig. 6A shows that CaM expression
croscopy (SEM) coupled with X-ray microanalysis. The was similar in sound and water-soaked tissues. In addi-
results depicted in Fig. 5 showed that the apparent con- tion, the CaM protein was immunodetected in both type
centrations of Na + , Mg2 + , Cl − and K + were identical of tissues and no difference was observed in the level of
in the two sets of samples but the apparent concentration this protein (Fig. 6B).
of cell wall calcium was 100-fold higher in the sound than The putative role of CaM-dependent events in water-
in the water-soaked tissues. soaking was addressed through a search for calmodulin-
binding proteins (CaM-BPs) in protein extracts from
Calmodulin and calmodulin-binding proteins water-soaked and sound tissues. For this purpose we used
a novel overlay assay using a 33gP-CaM probe (see Mate-
Beside its structural role, calcium is involved as a second rials and methods) on crude extracts or proteins purified
messenger in cellular regulation. Calcium is not directly by CaM affinity chromatography. Proteins of sound and
active but requires protein sensors such as CaM, derived water-soaked tissues were analysed on SDS-PAGE and sil-
from an evolutionary well-conserved protein family. It has ver nitrate coloration (Fig. 7A) and the results show that
proteins from water-soaked tissues are not degraded (lane
2). Blots incubated with 33gP-CaM in the presence of
EGTA resulted in no detected band (data not shown)
ruling out non-specific interactions independent of Ca2 + .
Fig. 7B shows intense binding of CaM to the 60-kDa
calcineurin-positive control in the presence of calcium
(lane 5). In sound tissues (lanes ST), a single CaM-BP of
60 kDa was detected in both the crude extract (lane1) and
the purified fraction obtained by CaM affinity chromatog-
raphy (lane 2). This CaM-BP was absent in crude extracts
(lane 3) and affinity-purified fractions (lane 4) of water-
soaked tissues taken at the pre-climacteric stage. Observa-
tions made at earlier or later stages of ripening have also
indicated the absence of this 60-kDa CaM-BP protein in
water-soaked tissues while it was always detected in sound
Fig. 4. Ethylene production of control (
) and 1-MCP-treated ( ) tissues of both the pedoncular and distal part of the fruit
melons. 1-MCP (1 ppm) was applied overnight before harvest (data not shown). The absence of the protein in water-
(day =0). Ethylene production by individual melons was deter-
mined by gas chromatography. The arrow indicates the onset of soaked tissues was independent of whether EGTA and
water-soaking appearance. calcium were added to the extraction buffer.

252 Physiol. Plant. 110, 2000

Fig. 6. RT-PCR analysis of CaM
expression (A) and western blot analysis
of CaM expression (B). Analysis were
performed on extracts of sound (lane
ST) water-soaked tissues (lane WST) of
the same fruit. RT-PCR experiments
were done in triplicate using two
different sets of RNA. PCR and western
blot conditions are described in Materials
and methods.

Discussion production (Fig. 4) and mRNA levels of genes involved in

ethylene biosynthesis (Fig. 3) lead to the conclusion that the
We have studied the relationship between water-soaking,
development water-soaking is ethylene-independent. One of
ethylene production and calcium during ripening of melon.
the strongest arguments for this conclusion is the dissocia-
The results show that water-soaking appears during ripening tion of ethylene production and development of water-soak-
of the fruit and is not externally visible on whole fruit until ing using the ethylene action inhibitor 1-MCP (Fig. 4).
symptoms have reached very late stages of development. In Furthermore, melons expressing an antisense ACO gene
this study, the development of water-soaking of fruit tissues (Ayub et al. 1996) were able to develop water-soaking even
was monitored, in a non destructive manner by NMR though their ethylene production was inhibited by more
imaging. NMR can detect physical parameters such as water than 99.5% (Guis, unpublished data). Taken together, these
mobility and proton density which are not accessible by data demonstrate that ethylene is not directly involved in
other methods (Wang et al. 1988, Wang and Wang 1989, water-soaking.
Sonego et al. 1994, Clark et al. 1997). The NMR images A possible correlation between calcium and water-soaking
obtained can then be correlated to the texture of the tissues. has been suggested by Bernadac et al. (1996), who found less
Our results indicate that water-soaking symptoms of melon total calcium in the distal part of melon fruit. Calcium may
first appeared in the distal part of the fruit. A higher water be involved essentially as a structural or nutritive element
mobility associated with a higher density observed in water- but also may play a role as a second messenger. Calcium is
soaked areas as compared to sound tissues indicates an involved in maintaining the dynamic shape of the cell and
increase in the level of free water i.e. water unbound to integrity of cellular membranes (Bangerth 1979, Paliyath et
cellular material. al. 1984, Poovaiah 1988). Microscopic analysis showed the
In addition, scanning electron microscopy showed that presence of large intercellular spaces and a severe disorgani-
water-soaked tissues exhibit an abnormal morphology with sation of the cell walls in water-soaked tissues. X-ray analy-
a disorganisation of the cell walls and an increase in intercel- sis coupled to scanning microscopy, a versatile technique for
lular spaces. Similar symptoms have been observed in plant qualitative and quantitative estimation of chemical elements
tissues grown in vitro in which hyperhydricity was responsi- from a well defined region of the melon sample, has demon-
ble for the translucency and ‘vitrification’ of the tissues strated that while the apparent concentrations of Mg2 + ,
(Deberg et al. 1992, Sato et al. 1993). In this latter case, a Cl − , Na + and K + were similar in water-soaked compared
hypo-lignification was considered to be responsible for the to sound areas, the calcium concentration was 100-fold
alteration of the mechanical properties of the cell wall higher in the sound tissues. The very low levels of calcium
(Kevers and Gaspar 1985). Water-soaked tissues of melon that we have measured in the water-soaked areas of the fruit
also exhibited a disruption of the cell wall that could reduce is not due to the distal localisation as Bernadac et al. (1999)
cell turgor, alter water potential, increase water uptake and have shown that total calcium concentration in the flesh of
finally result in an hyperhydricity of the tissues. sound fruits was generally lower by only 3.5% in the distal
Since ethylene is known to participate in various physical part than in the pedoncular part of the fruit. Thus the
and environmental stress (English et al. 1995, Banga et al. alteration in calcium that we have measured is associated
1996), its involvement in the development of water-soaking with water-soaking. Calcium is known to stabilise cell walls
in melon can be hypothesised. However, data on ethylene by establishing bridges between pectin polymers. A lower

Fig. 7. A. SDS-PAGE analysis of proteins

in crude extracts of sound (ST) and water
soaked tissues (WST). Proteins are colored
by silver nitrate. B. Overlay detection of
CaM binding proteins in extracts of
water-soaked and sound tissues of melon
fruit. Total proteins were separated on
SDS-PAGE, transferred to nitrocellulose
membranes and then incubated with a 33gP
CaM probe. Samples were prepared as
described in Materials and methods. Lanes
1 and 3 correspond to crude extracts (80
mg), lanes 2 and 4 to fractions eluted from
a CaM affinity column and lane 5 to a
control CaM-BP, calcineurin (20 ng).

Physiol. Plant. 110, 2000 253

calcium concentration in the cell wall could explain the with the physical properties of the walls during growth. Plant J
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Acknowledgements – This work was supported by the E. U. grant melon. Acta Hortic 481: 417 – 423
AIR 3.CT94.1961. and the EU (postdoctoral fellowship to EO). It Kacperska A (1997) Ethylene synthesis and a role in plant responses
represents some of the research submitted by CD in the partial to different stressors. In: Kanellis AK, Chang C, Kende H,
fulfilment of the requirements for the doctorate degree. The authors Grierson D (eds) Biology and Technology of the Plant Hormone
are grateful to F. Libes (AGROTEC, Agen, France) for his help in Ethylene. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, pp 207–216
NMR imaging and S. Thunot (INRA, Bordeaux, France) for the Kathiresan A, Nagarathna KC, Moloney MM, Reid DM, Chinapa
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Edited by L. Dolan

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