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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the researcher would like to present the introduction that concern with the background of the study which the writer will discuss. This chapter will discuss about background of the study, statement of problem, purpose of the study, significance of the study scope and limitation and definition of the key term. 1.1 Background of the Study The writer is interested in analyzing novel because novel is usually concerned with human being, and another could see of fiction to convey his message. A good author gives the readers the illusion that in real life they face a lot of problem but they should also remember that believing in something is important. The writer is more interested in analyzing Dombey and Son. Because it has many lesson for our life, especially about the principle of life. For example we have to get up when we have big problem 1.2 Statement of the Problem Base on the background of the study above, the writer decided to formulate the problem as follows: 1. What are the psychological conflicts that are faced by Dombey? 2. How does Mr. Dombey do to overcome their psychological conflicts? 3. What lesson can be taken from psychological conflicts faced by Mr. Dombey? 1.3 Purpose of Study After knowing the statement of the problems, so the purposes of the study are: 1. To identify the psychological problems that faced by Mr. Dombey 2. To know what Mr. Dombey do to maintain her self-respect. 3. To find out the lesson from Dombeys life? .

1.4 Significance of the study Generally, the writer hopes that this study will encourage the readers to be enthusiastic to read books as many as possible on literature to add their knowledge or moral values, because by reading one of the literary will gain knowledge about ethics and the art of living. The writer also presents this for the students in Muhammadiyah University of Malang especially for English department students who want to understand the literary works. 1.5 scope and limitation Actually the scope of this study is to discuss the subject matter of the novel whit title Dombey and Son written by Charles Dickens And the limitation itself is that the study focussed on one of the subject matter in this novel that is Dombeys psychological conflicts include his struggle. 1.6 Definition of the key term To avoid a misunderstanding, so the writer will explain a definition of the key term based on the title: 1. Analysis: is a description about the element that has a purpose to comprehend the relationship between one element and others in supporting the meaning of the literary work (Sudjimin, 1964). 2. Psychological conflict: is the problem that faced by human being and it just can feel and it cant see directly or abstract. (Oxford, advanced learners dictionary).

CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE In this chapter the writer would like to present review of related literature that concern with the topic of the study. It is necessary to discuss it before presenting further analysis. This chapter will discuss literature, novel as literary work and element of novel and theorist of loyalty. 2.1 Literature According to Michael Meyer (1990:30), literature describes as fiction consisting of carefully to arrange the words designed to stir the imagination. Meanwhile Hornby (1986:496) mentions that literature is the writing or the study of books, etc valued as work of art (drama, fiction, essay, poetry, and biography) contrasted with technical books and journalism. 2.2 Novel as Literary Work Novel is one of literary works which is a part of prose fiction. A novel is always composed of two aspects. The first is intrinsic aspect and the other is extrinsic aspect. The intrinsic aspect deals with aspect in the novel itself, such as subject matter, theme, character, and conflict. The extrinsic aspect deals with aspect outside the novel. According to Waldo Clarke (1979:73), a novel is primarily a narrative events arranged normally in chronological order. This event involves certain character or group of characters and lastly. There is a planning, selection and curiously. There are the fundamental other aspects of the novel will emerge as the gradual development of this particular from of literature. Moving from it is primitives beginning up to day. A novel in some aspect is like short story. Both are prose fiction and with truth, problems and conflict. Both of them have some aims to entertain and inform but novel is longer and more detail than short story.

According to Sumardjo and Saeni (1988:29-30) novel can be divided into three: 1. Romance novel usually tells about a love between a man and a woman. It includes the actress and actors to make balance in performance. And even the actress is more dominant in playing. 2. Adventure novel tells about someones experiences. The most dominant role is a man because the content of story involves mans problem. If the woman is mentioned in the novel, may be just a little of it. 3. Fantastic novel talks about unrealistic setting of plot and also uncommon. 2.3 Element of novel There are many element of novel but dealing with this study it is necessary to discuss only some, which are related with this study.

2.3.1 Character Character is the most important part, which derived plot in the story (Robert, 1975, 16).In the novel or story, characters are categorized into two groups that are simple character or flat character and complex character or round character. 2.3.2 Plot Plot is in fact a technical term to say about a series of event in a story. Different literary theorists purpose different definition of plot. Some people say that it is a selection of events arranged in time and has causality (Perrine; 1959). A plot had beginning, middle, and the end. It is according to Aristotles. Plot also can be divided into two group, they are open plot and plot. 2.3.3 Conflict Conflict is related to the element of instability Observed in first paragraph the story or novel. According to Hocker (1991), conflict is an appreciation of two factors

or struggles between contestant and components of a conflict which might be ideas, wishes, impulses, and tendencies to respond in apprehensive direction, instinct emotion, and event perfect. There are three kinds of conflict: 1. Psychological conflict 2. Physical conflict 3. Social conflict Based on the story of this novel, all of the conflict are happens, but the writer only focus on Psychological conflict that related with this study. The conflict happens between sister peters and professor van Essen, 2.3.4 Subject matter and theme Subject matter is not what the work contains, but what the works refer to. Subject matter answers to the question of what a subject of a story is. It is exist before story was written and would exist if the story were never written (Kenney; 1996; 11). Theme is the topic of the story. Kenny (1966; 91) describe that theme is meaning of the story release.

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY In this chapter, the writer discusses about the methodology use in analyzing the novel. Research design This study use descriptive research. Descriptive research studies are designed to obtain information concerning with the current status of phenomena. They are directed toward determining the nature of situation as its existing at the time of the study (Ary, Donal; 1986; 295). The writer tries to analyze the study descriptively that emphasizes of subject matter in the novel . The writer also used certain techniques to get the data that is library research. It is use to get information dealing with the problems that have correlation with the study of books and dictionary. Approach Actually there are many kinds of approaches in appreciating literary works. And according to Kennedy (1983: 1348), literary approach consists of four divisions that are objective, mimetic, expressive, and pragmatic approach. In this study the writer will use the objective approach. The writer only discusses about the content of the novel only, without observing another aspect, such as the background of author, social economic, and phenomenon that happen in society when the novel was written. Object of the Study The object of this study is original text of Charles Dickens novel Dombey and Son. The writer collects the data from sentence, paragraph, event, and dialogue that tell the struggle of Dombey that found in this novel. Instrument The main instrument is researcher and the other instrument is novel Dombey and Son written by Charles Dickens.

Data Collection The writer uses some steps to collect the data, these are: 1. Reading and understanding the novel written by Charles Dickens with the title Dombey and Son 2. Choosing data that related with the problem which is going to investigated. 3. Selecting data that related with the purpose of this study on the novel. 4. Examining towards paragraph or dialogues in the novel. Data Analysis To analyze the data, the writer use some steps, these are: 1. Reviewing the data that have been collected. 2. Predicting the data that related with the purpose of study. 3. Analyzing the data that based on psychological conflicts that refers to sister peters conflict in Charles Dickens novel Dombey and Son 4. Writing conclusion based on analyzing data.

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