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I.E. "S.O.M.


LEARNING EXPERIENCE 8 - LEVEL A1 Let’s change our lifestyle!

ACTIVITY 3: Healthy Activities
Student’s name: ___________________________________________________ Grade: ___________
Infiere e interpreta información ✓ Identificarás estilos de vida saludables.
Lee diversos tipos Comprende información
específica de textos escritos de dos infografías con ✓ Leerás y escucharás dos textos con recomendaciones
de textos en para mantenerse saludable durante la pandemia.
sobre recomendaciones para recomendaciones para
inglés como ✓ Resolverás ejercicios de comprensión de lectura.
mantenerse saludable durante mantenerse saludable durante la
lengua extranjera. la pandemia. pandemia. ✓ Completarás textos con recomendaciones.

LEAD IN: Look at 1. Look at the pictures and tick “✔” all the people who have healthy lifestyle.

I tried online I dance for a few

exercising and I minutes everyday. I don’t do exercises.
liked it. I have gained some
What physical
activities do you

I enjoy eating
fruits. I eat apples, I love fast food. What do you like
grapefruits, and I like potatoes,
I don’t like quinoa, and carrots. to eat?
oranges every day. vegetables. I never They are delicious.
eat them.

LET’S LISTEN AND READ: Look at the WHO recommendations to stay healthy during the pandemic.

WHO = World Health Organization

= Organización Mundial de la Salud
EXP 8 – ACT 3 – A1 – SEM 30
English at home Team 1
UNDERSTAND - EXERCISE 1: Use Look at the people and identify their problem.
I.E. "S.O.M.M"

PART A: Which WHO recommendations PART B: Look at María and Dante’s information
each person needs A or B? chart and find out who has a healthy or an unhealthy
I don't like quinoa.
I like sweet. I hate sports but
I like fast food.

I eat a lot of chocolates.

Vegatables? No, no, thanks.

I don't like any sport.

Maria has _________________________

Dante has __________________________


Who needs a change in his/her lifestyle?

PART B: Complete the recommendations with the missing


Dear friend, (1) ______________

Dear friend, (1) ____________
You have to follow WHO recommendations to improve
your lifestyle. You have healthy habits, congratulations!

(2) _________ active. (3)________ exercise at home. (2) You go __________________ three times a week.

(4) __________moderate amounts of fats (3) You _____________________fruits

and oils. every day.

(5) __________ fruits and vegetables. (4) You don’t eat _______________.

It can cause diabetes! Help to campaign!

Take care, Sairy


AUDIO: Del ejercicio anterior, completa

los cuad ros, elige uno de los dos y léelo.
Luego graba y envía tu audio al profesor.

Sigue revisando lo que puedes hacer

con el inglés según los estándares
internacionales. Aquí algunas
preguntas más. ¿Lo puedes lograr?
EXP 8 – ACT 3 – A1 – SEM 30 2

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