Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions) Chapter: Thermodynamics

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Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

Chapter : Thermodynamics
1. What is  U for the process described by figure. Heat supplied during the process
q = 100 kJ.

1) –50 kJ
2) +50 kJ
3) –150 kJ
4) +150 kJ
2. During complete combustion of one mole of butane, 2658 kJ of heat is released. The thermochemical
reaction for above change is
1) 2C4H10(g) + 13O2(g)  8CO2(g) + 10H2O(l) CH = –2658.0 kJ mol–1
2) C4H10(g) + 13/2O2(g)  4CO2(g) + 5H2O(l) CH = –1329.0 kJ mol–1
3) C4H10(g) + 13/2 O2(g)  4CO2(g) + 5H2O(l) CH = –2658.0 kJ mol–1
4) C4H10(g) + 13/2 O2(g)  4CO2(g) + 5H2O(l) CH = +2658.0 kJ mol–1
3. Ammonium nitrate can decompose with explosion by the following reaction.
NH4NO3(s)  N2O(g) + 2H2O ; H = –37.0 KJ/mol.
Calculate the heat produced when 2.50 g of NH4NO3 decomposes
1) 1.06 KJ 2) 0.96 KJ
3) 1.16 KJ 4) 1.26 KJ
4. A solution of 500 ml of 0.2 M KOH and 500 ml of 0.2 M HCl is mixed and stirred; the rise in temperature
is T1. The experiment is repeated using 250 ml of each solution, the temperature raised is T2. Which of
the following is true
1) T1 = T2 2) T1 = 2T2
3) T1 = 4T2 4) T2 = 9T1
5. If the enthalpy of vapourisation of water is 186.5 J mol–1, the entropy of its vaporisation will be
1) 0.5 JK–1 mol–1 2) 1.0 JK–1 mol–1
3) 1.5 JK–1 mol–1 4) 2.0 JK–1 mol–1
6. For which of the following reactions H is less than E :
1) C12H22O11(s) + 6O2(g)  6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) 2) 2SO2(g) + O2(g)  2SO3(g)
3) N2O4(g)  2NO2(g) 4) N2(g) + O2(g)  2NO(g)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 1

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
7. An exothermic reaction has a large positive entropy change. The reaction will be
1) Possible  Spontaneous at all temperatures
2) Possible  Spontaneous at low temperatures only
3) Impossible  Non-spontaneous at all temperatures
4) Possible  Spontaneous at high temperatures only

 dE 
8. For an ideal gas, the value of  dV  is
 T

1) Positive 2) Zero
3) Negative 4) Interchangeable
9. One mole of a gas absorbs 200 J of heat at constant volume. Its temperature rises from 298K to 308 K.
The change in internal energy is :
1) 200 J 2) –200 J

308 298
3) 200 × 4) 200 × J
298 308

10. The reaction : NH2CN(s) + O (g)  N2(g) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
2 2
we carried out in a bomb calorimeter. The heat released was 743 KJ mol–1. The value of H300k for this
reaction would be :
1) –740.5 KJ mol–1 2) –741.75 KJ mol–1
3) –743.0 KJ mol–1 4) –744.25 KJ mol–1
11. A real gas is allowed to expand at constant pressure from a volume of 1.0 litre to 10.0 litre against an
external pressure of 0.50 atm. If the gas absorbs 250 J of heat from the surroundings, what are the
values of q, w and E. (Given 1 L atm = 101 J)
q w E
1) 250 J –455 J –205 J
2) –250 J –455 J –710 J
3) 250 J 455 J 710 J
4) –250 J 455 J 205 J
12. The work done in ergs for a reversible expansion of one mole of an ideal gas from a volume of 10 litres
to 20 litres at 25°C is
1) –2.303 × 8.31 × 107 × 298 log 2 2) –2.303 × 0.0821 × 298 log 2
3) –2.303 × 0.0821 × 298 log 0.5 4) –2.303 × 2 × 298 log2
13. For which reaction from the following, S will be maximum ?

1) Ca(s) + O (g)  CaO(s) 2) CaCO3(s)  CaO(s) + CO2(g)
2 2
3) C(s) + O2(g)  CO2(g) 4) N2(g) + O2(g)  2NO(g)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 2

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
14. Change in entropy is negative for
1) Bromine (l)  Bromine (g) 2) C(s) + H2O(g)  CO(g) + H2(g)
3) N2(g, 10 atm)  N2(g, 1 atm) 4) Fe(at 400 K)  Fe(at 300 K)
15. Calculate the entropy of Br2(g) in the reaction
H2(g) + Br2(g)  2HBr(g), S° = 20.1 JK–1 given, entropy of H2 and HBr is 130.6 and 198.5 J mol–1 K–1
1) 246.3 JK–1 2) 123.15 JK–1
3) 24.63 JK–1 4) 20 KJK–1
16. For hypothetical reversible reaction

1 3
A (g) + B2(g)  AB3(g); H = –20 KJ if standard entropies of A2, B2 and AB3 are 60, 40 and 50 JK–1
2 2 2
mole–1 respectively. The above reaction will be in equilibrium at :
1) 400 K 2) 500 K
3) 250 K 4) 200 K
17. A reaction A + B  C + D + q is found to have a positive entropy change, the reaction will be
1) Possible at high temperature 2) Possible only at low temperature
3) Not possible at any temperature 4) Possible at any temperature
18. Which of the following reaction is expected never to be spontaneous :
1) 2O3  3O2 H = –ve, S = +ve
2) Mg + H2  MgH2 H = –ve, S = –ve
3) Br2(I)  Br2(g) H = +ve, S = +ve
4) 2Ag + 3N2  2AgN3 H = +ve, S = –ve
19. Both q and w are ________ function and q + w is a _______ function :
1) State, State 2) State, path
3) Path, State 4) Path, Path
20. Consider the following two reactions :
(i) Propene + H2  Propane ; H1 (ii) Cyclopropane + H2  Propane ; H2
Then, H2 – H1 will be
1) 0 2) 2BEC–C – BEC=C
3) BEC=C 4) 2BEC=C – BEC–C
21. 4.48 L of an ideal gas at S.T.P. requires 12 calories to raise its temperature by 15C° at constant volume.
The Cp of the gas is
1) 3 cal 2) 4 cal
3) 7 cal 4) 6 cal
22. An athlete is given 100 g of glucose of energy equivalent to 1560 kJ. He utilizes 50% of this gained
energy in the event. In order to avoid the storage of energy in the body. calculate the weight of water
he would need to perspire. The enthalpy of vaporization of water is 44 kJ mol–1.
1) 31.909 g 2) 63.18 g
3) 319.09 g 4) 3.19 g

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 3

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
23. The bond dissociation energies for single covalent bonds formed between carbon and A, B, C, D and
E atoms are :
Bond Bond energy (kcal mol–1)
(i) C – A 240
(ii) C – B 382
(iii) C – D 276
(iv) C – E 486
This indicates that the smallest atom is :
1) A 2) B
3) C 4) E
24. A system does 100 J work on surroundings by absorbing 150 J of heat. Calculate the change in internal
1) 100 J 2) 50 J
3) 25 J 4) 150 J
25. Heat of reaction for C2H12O6(s) + 6O2 (g)  6CO2(g) + 6H2O(g)
at constant pressure is –651 Kcal at 17°C. Calculate the heat of reaction at constant volume at 17°C.
1) –554.5 Kcal 2) –654.5 Kcal
3) –354.5 Kcal 4) –154.5 Kcal
26. A cooking gas cylinder is assumed to contain 11.2 kg isobutane. The combustion of isobutane is given

 13 
C4H10(g) +  2  O2(g)  4CO2(g) + 5H2O(l); H = –2658 KJ
 
If a family needs 15000 KJ of energy per day for cooking how long would the cylinder last?
1) 22 days 2) 28 days
3) 32 days 4) 34 days
27. Calculate the entropy change in melting 1 mole of ice at 273 K, H°f = 6.025 KJ/mole
1) 11.2 JK–1 mol–1 2) 22.1 JK–1 mol–1
3) 15.1 JK–1 mol–1 4) 5.1 JK–1 mol–1
28. Determine the standard free energy change for the following reaction at 298 K
N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)
Given G°f for N2(g), H2(g) are 0, 0 and –16.66 KJ mol–1.
1) –11.22 KJ 2) –22.22 KJ
3) –33.32 KJ 4) –44.44 KJ
29. For a gaseous reaction 2A2(g) + 5B2(g)  2A2B5(g)
at 27°C the heat change at constant pressure is found to be –50160 J. Calculate the value of internal
energy change (E). Given that R = 8.314 J/K mol.
1) –34689 J 2) –37689 J
3) –27689 J 4) –38689 J

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 4

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
30. Among the following, which of the following is intensive property?
1) molar conductivity and heat capacity 2) emf and resistance
3) molar conductivity and emf 4) heat capacity and resistance
31. Which of the following are not state functions?
I) q + w II) q
III) w IV) H – TS
1) I and IV 2) II, III and IV
3) I, II and III 4) II and III
32. Given,
NH3(g) + 3Cl2  NCl3(g) + 3HCl(g), –H1
N2(g) + 3H2 (g)  2NH3(g) ; – H2
H2(g) + Cl2(g)  2HCl (g) ; H2
The heat of formation of NCl3(g) in terms of H1, H2 and H3 is

H 2 3 H 2 3
1) Hf  H1   H 3 2) Hf  H1   H 3
2 2 2 2

H 2 3
3) Hf  H1   H 3 4) None of these
2 2
33. Under which of the following conditions in the relations H = E + PV valid for a closed system?
1) constant pressure
2) constant temperature
3) constant temperature and pressure
4) constant temperature, pressure and composition
34. During isothermal expansion of an ideal gas its
1) Internal energy increases 2) enthalpy decreases
3) enthalpy remains unaffected 4) enthalpy reduces to zero
35. In the reaction CO2(g) + H2(g)  CO(g) + H2O (g); H = 2.8 kJ ; H represents
1) heat of reaction 2) heat of combustion
3) heat of formation 4) heat of solution
36. In which of the following processes, a maximum increase in entropy is observed?
1) Sublimation of naphthalene 2) Melting of ice
3) Dissolution of salt in water 4) Condensation of water
37. For which one of the following equation, H°react is equal to H°f
1) CH4(g) + 2Cl2(g)  CH2Cl2(l) + 2HCl(g) 2) Xe(g) + 2F2(g)  XeF4(g)
3) 2CO(g) + O2(g)  2CO2 (g) 4) N2(g) + O3(g)  N2O3 (g)
38. An ideal gas occuping a volume of 2 dm3 and a pressure of 5 bar undergoes isothermal and irreversible
expansion against external pressure of 1 bar. The final volume of the system and the work involved in
the process is
1) 10 dm3, 1000 J 2) 8 dm3, –800 J
3) 10 dm3, –800 J 4) 10 m3, –1000 J

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 5

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
39. A system absorbs 10 KJ of heat at constant volume and its temperature rises from 270C to 370C. The E
of reaction is
1) 100 KJ 2) 10KJ
3) 0 4) 1 KJ
40. The molar heat capacity of water at constant pressure, C, is 75 JK–1 mol–1. When 1.0KJ of heat is supplied
to 100g of water which is free to expand, the increase in temperature of water is:
1) 1.2K 2) 2.4K
3) 4.8K 4) 6.6K
–1 –1
41. Heat capacity of water is 18 cal–degree –mol . The quantity of heat needed to rise temperature of 18g
water by 0.20C is X cal. Then amount of CH4(g) to be burnt to produce X cal heat is
(CH4+2O2  CO2+2H2O, H = – 200K.Cal)
1) 1.8  10–3 mol 2) 3.6  10–5 mol
3) 0.0288 g 4) 0.288 mg
42. The maximum work done in expanding 1.6×10–2 kg oxygen at 300 K and occupying a volume of 10 dm3
isothermally until the volume becomes 50 dm3 is (R = 8.314 JK–1 mol–1)
1) –2.0 × 103 J 2) –2.81 × 10–3 J
3) 2.0 × 10–3 J 4) –2.0 × 10–6 J
43. In which of the following sets, all the properties belong to same category (all extensive or all intensive)
1) Mass, volume, specific heat 2) Temperature, Pressure, Volume
3) Heat capacity, density, entropy 4) Enthalpy, Internal energy, volume
44. 10 kg of four different gases (Cl2, CH4, O2, N2) expand isothermally and reversibly from 20 atm to 10
atm. The order of amount of work will be
1) Cl2 > CH4 > O2 > N2 2) CH4 < N2 < O2 < Cl2
3) O2 > N2 > CH4 > Cl2 4) CH4 > N2 > O2 > Cl2
45. For which of the following process q = U?
1) O 
2) O 
3) O 
4) O 
46. For a reaction R1, G = x KJ mol–1. For a reaction R2, G = y KJ mol–1. Reaction R1 is non-spontaneous
but along with R2it is spontaneous. This means that
1) x is –ve , y is +ve but in magnitude x > y 2) x is +ve, y is –ve but in magnitude y > x
3) Both x and y are –ve but not equal 4) Both x and y are +ve but not equal.
47. At 0 C ice and water are in equilibrium and H = 6.0KJ then S will be
1) 22 JK–1 mol–1 2) 35 JK–1 mol–1
3) 48 JK–1 mol–1 4) 100 JK–1 mol–1
48. For a reaction A(g) B(g) atequilibrium, the partial pressure of B is found to be one fourth of the
partial pressure of A. The value of G° for the reaction A  B is
1) RT In 4 2) – RT In 4
3) RT log 4 4) – RT log 4

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 6

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
49. The equilibrium constant for certain reaction is 100. If the value R is given to be 2 cal K–1 mol–1, then
standard Gibb's free energy change will be
1) – 2.745 kcal 2) 2.674 kcal
3) 2.764 kcal 4) None of these
50. H and S for a reaction are + 30.558 kJ mol and 0.066 kJ K–1 mol–1 at 1 atm pressure. The temperature

at which free energy is equal to zero and the nature of the reaction below this temperature are
1) 463 K, spontaneous 2) 443 K, non–spontaneous
3) 443 K, spontaneous 4) 463 K, non–spontaneous
51. H and S for the reaction Ag2O(s) 
 2Ag(s)+ 1/2 O2(g)
are 30.56 kJ mol–1 and 66.00 JK–1 mol–1 respectively. The temperature at which the free energy change
for the reaction will be zero is
1) 463 K 2) 35440 K
3) 20 K 4) 483 K
52. The enthalpy of elements in their standard states are taken as zero. Hence the enthalpy of formation
of a compound is
1) always negative 2) always positive
3) positive (or) negative 4) equal to zero
53. Which of the following reactions represents Hf0?

1 1
1) C(diamond) + O2(g)  CO2(g) 2) H2(g) + F2(g)  HF(g)
2 2

3) N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g) 4) CO(g) + O  CO2(g)
2 2(g)
54. Which of the following equation represents standard heat of formation of ethanol ?

1 Ni 1
1) CH3CHO l  + H2 g   C2H5OH l  2) 2Cgraphite + 3H2(g) + O  C2H5OH(g)
2 2 2(g)

1 1
3) 2Cdiamond + 3H2(g) + O  C2H5OH(g) 4) 2C graphite + 3H2 g + O2 g  C 2 H 5OH l 
2 2(g)   2  

55. Given that S (s) + 6O2 (g)  4SO 3 (g);ΔH 0 = 1590kJ
2 8
The standard enthalpy of formation of SO3 is
1) –1590 KJ mol–1 2) –397.5 KJ mol–1
3) –3.975 KJ mol–1 4) +397.5 KJ mol–1
56. The heat of formation of H2O(l) is – 290 KJ. The enthalpy change for the reaction in KJ is,
2 H2O(l)  2 H2(g) + O2(g)
1) – 580 2) 580
3) 290 4) – 290
57. The heat of combustion of acetic acid = –870 kJ. How much heat is liberated when 9 × 10–2 kg acetic
acid is completely burnt ?
1) – 1305 kJ 2) 652.5 kJ
3) + 1305 kJ 4) 1305 J

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 7

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
58. A person requires A kJ of energy daily. If the heat of combustion of can sugar is –B kJ, then his daily
consumption of sugar would be
A 342A
1) g 2) g

342 B B
3) g 4) g
59. Heat of combustion of C2H4 is –337 K.Cal. If 5.6 lit O2 is used at STP, in the combustion heat liberated
is ...... K.Cal
1) 28.08 2) 14.04
3) 42.06 4) 56.16
60. Equal volumes of equi molar HCl and H2SO4 are separately neutralised by dilute NaOH solution,
then heat liberated are ‘X” K.Cal and “Y” K.Cal respectively. Which of the following is true
1) x = y 2) x = y/2
3) x = 2y 4) x = y/3
61. The heats of neutralisation of HCl with NH4OH and that of NaOH with CH3COOH are repectively –
51.4 and –50.6 KJ eq–1. The heat of neutralisation of acetic acid with NH4OH will be
1) –44.6 KJ eq–1 2) –50.6 KJ eq–1
3) –51.4 KJ eq–1 4) –57.4 KJ eq–1
62. Heat liberated in the neutralisation of 500 ml of 1N HCl and 500 ml of 1N NH4OH is –1.36 K.Cals. The
heat of ionisation of NH4OH is
1) 10.98 K.Cals 2) –12.34 K.Cals
3) –10.98 K.Cals 4) 12.34 K.Cals
63. In which of the following combinations of HCl and NaOH, the heat energy liberated is maximum
1) 10ml of 0.1M HCl + 40 ml of 0.1 M NaOH 2) 30ml of 0.1M HCl + 20 ml of 0.1 M NaOH
3) 25ml of 0.1M HCl + 25 ml of 0.1 M NaOH 4) 35ml of 0.1M HCl + 15 ml of 0.1 M NaOH
64. Under the same conditions how many ml of 1MKOH and 0.5MH2SO4 solutions, respectively when
mixed for a total volume of 100 ml produce the highest rise in temperature:
1) 67:33 2) 33:67
3) 40:60 4) 50:50
65. If the bond energies in kJ mol of C = C, C–C, H–H and C–H bonds are A, B, C and D respectively, the
H for the hydrogenation of ethylene to ethane, in kJ, would be
1) [A + C – B – 2D] 2) [A – 2C + B + D]
3) [A + 2C – B – 2D] 4) [C – A – 2B + D]
66. Energy required to dissociate 4 g of gaseous hydrogen into free gaseous atoms is 208 kcal at 25°C. The
bond energy of H–H bond will be
1) 104 kcal 2) 10.4 kcal
3) 1040 kcal 4) 104 cal
67. The standard enthalpy of formation of NH3 is –46.0 kJ mol–1. If the enthalpy of formation of H2 from
its atoms is – 436 kJ mol–1 and that of N2 is – 712 kJ mol–1, the average bond enthalpy of N–H bond in
NH3 is
1) +1056 kJ mol–1 2) – 1102 kJ mol–1
3) – 964 kJ mol–1 4) + 352 kJ mol–1

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 8

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
68. The heats of atomization of PH3(g) and P2H4(g) are 954 kJ mol–1 and 1485 kJ mol–1 respectively. The P–P
bond energy in kJ mol–1 is
1) 318 2) 426
3) 213 4) 1272
69. Given
C(s) + O2(g)  CO2(g) ; H = –395 kJ
S(s) + O2(g)  SO2(g) ; H = –295 kJ
CS2 (l) + 3O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2SO2(g) ; H = –1110 kJ
The heat of formation of CS2 (l) is
1) + 125 KJ mol–1 2) 31.25 KJ mol–1
3) 62.5 KJ mol–1 4) 250 KJ mol–1
70. If the bond dissociation energies of XY, X2 and Y2 (all diatomic molecules) are in the ratio of 1:1: 0.5
and Hf for the formation of XY is –200 kJ mol–1. The bond dissociation energy of X2 will be
1) 400 kJ mol–1 2) 300 kJ mol–1
3) 20 kJ mol–1 4) None of these
71. The enthalpy of combustion of cyclohexane cyclohexene and H 2 are respectively –3920,
–3800 and –241 KJ mol–1. The heat of hydrogenation of cyclohexene is
1) –121 KJ mol–1 2) +121 KJ mol–1
3) –242 KJ mol–1 4) +242 KJ mol–1
72. If CH3COOH+OH– CH3COO– + H2O + q1, and H+ + OH– H2O + q2,
then the enthalpy change for the reaction CH3COOH CH3COO– + H+ is equal to
1) q1 + q2 2) q1 – q 2
3) q2 – q1 4) – q 1 – q2
73. Given : C + 2S  CS2 ; H = 117 kJ
C + O2  CO2 ; H = – 393 kJ
S + O2  SO2 ; H = – 297 kJ
The heat of combustion of CS2 to form CO2 and SO2 is
1) – 1104 kJ mol–1 2) 804 kJ mol–1
3) 1104 kJ mol–1 4) – 804 kJ mol–1
74. What is the heat of formation of PCl5(s) from the given data ?
i) 2P(s) + 3Cl2(g)  2PCl3(l) H = – 66 kJ
ii) PCl3(l) + Cl2(g)  PCl5(s) H = – 141 kJ
1) – 174 kJ 2) – 207 kJ
3) 75 kJ 4) – 75 kJ
75. Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of CH3OH(l) from the following data.
CH3OH(l) + 3/2 O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) ; rH° = – 726 kJ mol–1
C(s) + O2(g)  CO2(g) ; cH° = – 393 kJ mol–1

H2(g) + O2(g)  H2O(l) ; fH° = – 286 kJ mol–1

1) + 239 kJ mol–1 2) – 239 kJ mol–1

3) + 726 kJ mol–1 4) – 726 kJ mol–1

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 9

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
76. Latent heat of vapourisation of a liquid at 500k and 1atm pressure is 10K.Cal/mole. What is the change
is internal energy when 3 mole liquid vapourised at the same temperature
1) 27K.Cal 2) 7K.Cal
3) 33K.Cal 4) 25K.Cal
77. If W1, W2, W3 and W4 are work done in isothermal, adiabatic, isobaric and isochoric reversible processes,
the correct order (for expansion) will be
1) W1 > W2 > W3 > W4 2) W3 > W 2 > W 1 > W4
3) W3 > W2 > W4 > W1 4) W3 > W 1 > W 2 > W4
78. At 27 C for the reaction A(g)B(g) the value of G° is zero. Then the value of the equilibrium constant
1) 2.5 × 10–3 2) 10–2
3) 1 4) 100
79. Thermodynamics is not concerned about
1) energy changes involved in a chemical reaction
2) the extent to which a chemical reaction proceeds
3) the rate at which a reaction proceeds
4) the feasibility of a chemical reaction
80. The state of a gas can be described by quoting the relationship between,
1) pressure, volume, temperature 2) temperature, amount, pressure
3) amount, volume, temperature 4) pressure, volume, temperature, amount
81. The volume of gas is reduced to half from its original volume. The specific heat will
1) be reduced to half 2) be doubled
3) remain constant 4) be increased four times
82. U o of combustion of CH4(g) at certain temperature is – 393 kJ mol–1. The value of H is
1) zero 2) < U o
3) > U o 4) equal to U o


83. The pressure–volume work for an ideal gas can be calculated by using the expression W = P
ex dV.

The work can also be calculated from the PV – plot by using the area under the curve within the
specified limits. When an ideal gas is compressed (i) reversibly or (ii) irreversibly from volume Vi to
Vf. Choose the correct option.
1) Wreversible = Wirreversible 2) Wreversible < Wirreversible
3) Wreversible > Wirreversible 4) Wreversible = Wirreversible + Pex V

q rev
84. The entropy change can be calculated by using the expression, S = . When water freezes in a
glass beaker, choose the correct statement amongst the following:
1) S systemdecreases but S surroundingresmains the same.
2) S systemincreases but S surroundlngs decreases.
3) S systemdecreases but S surroundings increases.
4) S systemdecreases and S surroundlngs also decreases.

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 10

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
85. On the basis of thermochemical equations (i), (ii) and (iii), find out which of the algebric relationships
given in options (a) to (d) is correct.
(i) C(graphite) + O2(g)  CO2(g) ; H = x kJ mol–1

(ii) C(graphite) + O  CO(g) ;  f H = y kJ mol–1
2 2(g)

(iii) CO(g) + O  CO2(g) ;  f H = z kJ mol–1
2 2(g)
1) z = x + y 2) x=y–z
3) x = y + z 4) y = 2z – x
86. Consider the reactions given below. On the basis of these reactions find out which of the algebric
relations given in options (a) to (d) is correct?
(i) C(g) + 4H(g)  CH4(g);  f H = x kJ mol–1 (ii) C(graphites) + 2H2(g)  CH4(g) ;  f H = y kJ mol–1
1) x = y 2) x = 2y
3) x > y 4) x<y
87. The enthalpies of elements in their standard states are taken as zero. The enthalpy of formation of a
1) is always negative 2) is always positive
3) may be positive or negative 4) is never negative.
88. Enthalpy of sublimation of a substance is equal to
1) enthalpy of fusion + enthalpy of vapourisation
2) enthalpy of fusion
3) enthalpy of vapourisation
4) twice the enthalpy of vapourisation.
89. Identify the correct statement regarding a spontaneous process
1) Lowering of energy in the reaction process is the only criterion for spontaneity
2) For a spontaneous process in an isolated system, the change in entropy is positive
3) Endothermic reactions are never spontaneous
4) Exothermic reactions are always spontaneous
90. If the heat of formation of water is – 286 kJ/mole. The volume of water decomposed by 1430 kJ of heat
1) 22.4 ml 2) 66 ml
3) 11.2 ml 4) 90 ml

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 11

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

Chapter : Thermodynamics (Solutions)

RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * *
1 (2)
20. (2)

21. (4)

2. (3) 22. (3)

3. (3)

4. (2) 23. (4)

24. (2)
5. (1)
25. (2)
6. (2)

26. (4)
7. (1)

8. (2)

27. (2)
9. (1)
28. (3)

29. (2)
10. (2)

30. (3) m and emf are intensive.

31. (4) q and W are path functions
11. (1)
32. (3)

33. (1)
12. (1)
34. (3)
13. (2)
35. (1)
14. (4) 36. (3)

15. (1)
37. (2)
16. (2)
38. (3)

17. (4)

18. (4)

19. (1)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 12

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
39. (2)
46. (2)

RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * *
40. (2)

47. (1)
41. (4)

48. (1)

49. (1)
42. (1)

50. (4)

43. (4)
As both H and S are positive reaction is spotaneous
at high temperature eand nonspotaneous at low
44. (4)
51. (1)

45. (2)
52. (3)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 13

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
53. (2)
60. (2)

RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * *
54. (4)

55. (2)

61. (1)

56. (2)

57. (3)

58. (2)

62. (1)

59. (1)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 14


Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * *



Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified

Page: 15
Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
70. (4) 74. (1)

RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * *
75. (2)

71. (1)

76. (1)

72. (3)

77. (4)
73. (1)

78. (3)

79. (3) Thermodynamics is not concerned about how

and at what rate chemical reactions are carried
out, but is based on initial and final states of a
system undergoing the change.

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 16

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
80. (4) The pressure (P), volume (V), temperature (T) 86. (3) In eqn (i), no bond is being broken while in eqn
amount (n) etc. are the state variables or state (ii), 2 H – H bonds are broken. So, in eqn (ii) some
functions. of the energy is used up to break the bonds. Thus,

RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * *
81. (3) The balanced equation for combustion of x > y.
methane is 87. (3) The enthalpy of formation of a compound may
CH4(g) + 2O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) be positive or negative as it can be exothermic or
endothermic process.
Here, n g = 1 – 3 = – 2 Sublimation
88. (1) Solid   Vapour
H o  U o  n g Rt This process occurs in two steps,
H o = – 393 – 2RT Step 1 : Solid  Liquid

 H o  U o Vaporisation
Step 2 : Liquid  Vrapour
82. (2) Thus, Enthalpy of sublimation = Enthalpy of fusion
83. (2) As water freezes from liquid to solid, + Enthalpy of vaporisation.
randomness decreases, i.e. S systemdecreases.
Heat released during the process, is absorbed by 89. (2)
the surroundings hence, S surrounding is ncreases.
84. (3)
85. (3) C(graphite) + O2(g)  CO2(g) ;  r H = x kJ mol–1 .(i)

C(graphite) + O  CO(g);  r H = y kJ mol–1
2 2(g) 90. (4)
By substracting eqn (ii) from (i), we get
CO(g) + O  CO2(g);  r H = z kJ mol–1
2 2(g)
Thus, X – Y = z i.e., x = y + z

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 17

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