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International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004.

(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479) 00

Performance of Combination of Ice Gel, Dry Ice

And CO2 Gas As Fish Cooling Media
Rizky Fajar Adys Hermawan1, Alam Baheramsyah 2, Sutopo Purwono Fitri 3

Abstract⎯ Indonesia is the largest fish-producing country in Southeast Asia. The fisheries sector is one of the largest export
commodities. This is because as a maritime country that has a very wide sea area, Indonesia has natural resources in the form
of very abundant fish products. The fish trade requires delivery under certain conditions required by the fish. This is because,
fish have certain storage air characteristics with the aim of extending the shelf life of fish. In addition, the fish trade in large
quantities requires ships as a mode of transportation. Because ships are the most effective mode of transportation for large
quantities of shipments. For this reason, a fish product storage device is needed that can condition the air according to the air
requirements for storing fish. In this case the fish storage equipment is adjusted to the specifications of the Pelra ship as a
transport ship in Indonesia. Fish storage devices with these characteristics are known as Controlled Atmosphere Storage,
namely storage that can condition the temperature in the fish storage room so that the shelf life of fish can be much longer
than the shelf life of fish in storage rooms that have normal temperatures. However, in reality cooling technology is a
technology that requires no small amount of money because cooling technology requires expensive materials and components.
Therefore, the ultimate goal of this final project is to determine the comparative performance of the cooling medium of ice
gel, dry ice and CO2 gas. Which aims to obtain the most economical and most effective air conditioning technology. Based on
the experimental results on three types of cooling media, namely a combination of ice gel, dry ice and CO2 gas, it can reduce
the temperature from 32°C - 0°C in 1 hour 20 minutes. Then the temperature can be maintained in the range of 0°C - 5°C
according to the needs of the fish for 19 hours 30 minutes. Meanwhile, ice gel and dry ice have their drawbacks, due to their
limited cold resistance.

Keywords —Modified Atmosphere Storage, Fish Handling, Fish Storage, Post Harvest Handling, Cold Storage.

electrical power and can be reused so as to reduce

I. INTRODUCTION1 operational costs.
Therefore, the ultimate goal of this final project is to

E xport of marine commodities such as fish is an

determine the comparative performance of the cooling
medium of ice gel, dry ice and CO2 gas. Which aims to
obtain the most economical and most effective air
important export commodity for the Indonesian economy.
Reporting from, Indonesia's marine commodity conditioning technology.
trade balance in 2020 reached 5.05 billion USD. This
figure has a huge impact on the economy of the II. METHOD
Indonesian people, especially the fishermen in Indonesia. A. Fish Storage Characteristic
However, the trade in marine commodities still has One of the problems that often arise in the fisheries
several challenges, one of which is the storage process sector is maintaining quality. Fish quality can be
which has an impact on fish quality. The quality of fish maintained if the fish is handled carefully, clean , stored
after being caught will decrease every day. This is due to in a room with a cold temperature, and quickly. The most
the process of spoilage in fish that continues after the fish common fish handling technique used to maintain fish
is caught from the sea so that the fish require fast shipping. freshness is the use of low temperatures. In addition, at
Several factors can accelerate the ripening process of fish, low temperature conditions the growth of spoilage
such as O2 and storage temperature. Therefore, to be able bacteria and biochemical processes that take place in the
to overcome this problem, a fish storage device is needed fish body which leads to quality deterioration becomes
that can regulate the levels of O2 and storage temperature slower (Gelman et al., 2001). Cooling is one way of the
in an ideal state with the aim of slowing down the process preservation process that uses low temperatures to inhibit
of spoilage in fish so that it can keep the quality of fish enzyme and microbial activity. Refrigeration will extend
fresh even though it has been stored for a long time. long. the shelf life of fish. At a temperature of 15-20°C, fish can
In general, controlled atmosphere storage systems be stored up to about two days, at a temperature of 5°C it
use a cooler in the form of a refrigerator. However, can last for 5-6 days, while at a temperature of 0°C it can
because the use of a refrigerator requires a very large reach 9-14 days (Diyantoro, 2007). The most common and
amount of electricity, the cooling medium in this system easy use of low temperature is ice. Ice is a cooling medium
is replaced with ice gel or dry ice and even CO2 gas. The that has several advantages, namely it has a large cooling
use of ice gel, dry ice and CO2 gas does not require

Hermawan, Rizky Fajar Adys Department of Marine Engineering, Fitri, Sutopo Purwono Department of Marine Engineering, Institut
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, 60111, Indonesia. E- Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, 60111, Indonesia. E-mail:
Baheramsyah, Alam Department of Marine Engineering, Institut
Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, 60111, Indonesia. E-mail:
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004. xx-xx
(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479) 00

capacity, does not harm consumers, cools fish faster, is oxygen levels, N2 gas injection is carried out through a
relatively cheap, and is easy to use (Ilyas, 1983). The tube that is connected through a pipe 7 to the fish storage
temperature that is usually maintained during the fish box. The use of ice gel, dry ice and CO2 is intended to
storage process is between 0-5°C. regulate the temperature in the fish storage box, stored in

Figure. 1. Ice Gell Cooling Media.

Figure. 2. Dry Ice Cooling Media.

a separate Styrofoam box and connected via ducting to the

B. Modified Atmosphere Storage Technology fish storage box. Cold air will come out of the ice gel
Modified atmosphere storage (MAS) is a storage placed on the edge of the box until it reaches the desired
technology in the atmosphere (air) containing high CO2 temperature (Saputra, 2017).
and low O2 compositions with consistently maintained
conditions (Libyawati, Suwandi, & Agustian, 2017). The C. Ice Gel Cooling Media
function of certain air conditioners is to inhibit the decay An ice pack or ice gel is a portable plastic bag filled
process. Fish storage boxes must also be made gas tight so with water, cooling gel, or liquid. To prepare for use the
that the conditioned air is not wasted. So polyethylene packaging is placed in advance in the freezer. Neither ice
terephthalate is used as a coating for fish storage boxes, in nor other non-toxic refrigerants (mostly water) can absorb
order to prevent gas leaks from fish storage boxes. Then a considerable amount of heat before warming above 0°C
to regulate CO2 levels in fish storage boxes, CO2 gas (32°F) is used to keep food cool in a portable cooler, or as
injection is needed (Libyawati, Lesmana, Raynold, a cold compress to reduce flavor. sick from minor injuries,
Agustian, & Mahardhika, 2017). The source of CO2 gas or in insulated shipping containers to keep the product
is obtained through a bottle containing a mixture of baking cool during transport (Singh, 2018).
soda and nitric acid which is connected through a pipe
with an automatic valve. To remove excess CO2, sodium D. Dry Ice Cooling Media
hydroxide is used as CO2 Removal. Meanwhile, to reduce Dry ice is a solid form of carbon dioxide that is usually
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004. xx-xx
(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479) 00

used as a refrigerant. Dry ice is also frozen carbon difference between the initial temperature and the
dioxide(CO²) which is usually used as a refrigerant in final temperature in the fish storage box as follows :
places where no refrigeration is available. The advantage ΔT = T1box Fish – T2box Fish
of dry ice is that it is at a lower temperature than ice from = 36°C – 0°C
water and does not leave any residue. Dry ice is usually = 36°C
used to keep frozen food cold where it is not readily From the above calculation, it is obtained that the
available (refrigerator or refrigerator). Dry ice sublimes at final temperature required for the ice gel box is 0°C.
78.5°C (−109.3°F) at atmospheric pressure. This
unusually cold temperature causes dry ice which is solid 2. Air load
to be dangerous to handle without protection because it Q = mudara x cudara x ΔT
will cause a frostbite. Dry ice is generally a harmless = 0,123 x 1 x 36
compound, but in high concentrations it can cause = 4,428 kJ
(asphyxiation) due to lack of oxygen. The formation of = 1,23 Wh
dry ice occurs because carbon dioxide gas undergoes a
change in form, namely deposition. 3. Fish Load
Qtranmisi = 3,5 x 3,35 x 36
A. Introduction = 115,2191667 Wh
This chapter discusses the results of the experiments 4. Fish Box Air Load
that have been carried out, discusses the components of Q Total Fish Storage = QAir + QFish
the tools that have been made, and the MAS design = 1,23 + 115,2191667
scheme. This chapter also discusses the calculations = 116,449167 Wh
needed in the MAS design such as calculating the cooling
load, calculating the need for ice gel, dry ice and CO 2
requirements. E. Experiment Result Chart
B. MAS Prototype Design 1. Graph Analysis with 50% Ice Gell Percentage

Figure 3. MAS Prototype Design. Figure 4. Temperature Graph with a Comparison of 50:25:25

The main Styrofoam as a fish storage box with a

capacity of 140 liters and has a thickness of 3 cm. This In the graphic above, you can see the performance of
Styrofoam is connected to the CO2 tube on the sides the cooling media in the form of ice gel, dry ice and CO 2
through a valve. CO2 cylinder as a CO2 gas storage. This gas in the appliance. With a total operating time of about
tube is connected to the fish storage box through a hose 24 hours, the fish storage room can withstand the desired
with a solenoid. The function of injecting CO2 gas is to temperature of 0°C – 5°C for 19 hours 30 minutes. Then
increase CO2 levels in fish storage boxes.. in the graph above, it can also be seen that over time, the
temperature in the fish storage room will linearly move
C. Determining the Set Point Temperature towards room temperature. This is because ice gel and dry
Before calculating the cooling load, it is necessary to ice cooling media have limited resistance. Ice gel will
determine the desired air characteristic set point in become hot over time, while dry ice will evaporate into
advance. That is, the set point is determined based on the CO2 gas.
characteristics of typical Indonesian fish as follows.

D. Cooling Load Calculation

1. Mixed Air Calculation
The cooling carried out in the Modified atmosphere
storage this time is forced air cooling, namely cold air
from the ice gel box is flowed into the fish storage
box with the aim of lowering the air temperature in
the fish storage box. It is necessary to calculate the
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004. xx-xx
(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479) 00

measure CO2 levels. From the results of measuring CO2

levels for 18 hours 25 minutes it reached 2.02956 lt/(m2
hr atm).

3. Graph Analysis with 70% Ice Gel Percentage

Figure 5. Graph of CO2 Levels with a Comparison of 50:25:25

In the graphic below, you can see the condition of CO2
levels in the fish storage room. Because the coolbox has
CO2 injection that continues to flow, it is necessary to
measure CO2 levels. From the results of measuring CO2
levels for 19 hours 30 minutes it reached 2.15998 lt/(m2 Figure 8. Temperature Graph with Comparison of 70:15:15
hr atm).
In the graphic above, you can see the performance of
2. Graph Analysis with 60% Ice Gel Percentage the cooling media in the form of ice gel, dry ice and CO2
gas in the appliance. With a total operating time of about
24 hours, the fish storage room can withstand the desired
temperature of 0°C – 5°C for 17 hours 30 minutes. Then
in the graph above, it can also be seen that over time, the
temperature in the fish storage room will linearly move
towards room temperature. This is because ice gel and dry
ice cooling media have limited resistance. Ice gel will
become hot over time, while dry ice will evaporate into
CO2 gas.

Figure 6. Temperature Graph with Comparison of 60:20:20

In the graphic above, you can see the performance of
the cooling media in the form of ice gel, dry ice and CO2
gas in the appliance. With a total operating time of about
24 hours, the fish storage room can withstand the desired
temperature of 0°C – 5°C for 18 hours 25 minutes. Then
in the graph above, it can also be seen that over time, the
temperature in the fish storage room will linearly move
towards room temperature. This is because ice gel and dry Figure 9. Graph of CO2 Levels with a Comparison of 75:15:15
ice cooling media have limited resistance. Ice gel will
become hot over time, while dry ice will evaporate into
CO2 gas. In the graphic above, you can see the condition of CO2
levels in the fish storage room. Because the coolbox has
CO2 injection that continues to flow, it is necessary to
measure CO2 levels. From the results of measuring CO2
levels for 17 hours 30 minutes it reached 1.89058 lt/(m2
hr atm).

4. Graph Analysis with 80% Ice Gel Percentage

Figure 7. Graph of CO2 Levels with a Comparison of 60:20:20

In the graphic above, you can see the condition of CO2

levels in the fish storage room. Because the coolbox has
CO2 injection that continues to flow, it is necessary to
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004. xx-xx
(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479) 00

Figure 10. Temperature Graph with Comparison of 80:10:10

In the graphic above, you can see the performance of

the cooling media in the form of ice gel, dry ice and CO 2
gas in the appliance. With a total operating time of about
24 hours, the fish storage room can withstand the desired
temperature of 0°C – 5°C for 17 hours. Then in the graph
above, it can also be seen that over time, the temperature
in the fish storage room will linearly move towards room
temperature. This is because ice gel and dry ice cooling
media have limited resistance. Ice gel will become hot
over time, while dry ice will evaporate into CO2 gas.
Figure 4. Comparison Chart Of The Four Experiments.
In the graphic above, you can see a comparison of the four
variations of cooling media. In the experimental graph
with more GAS CO2 the temperature can be kept in the
desired range longer and can reach the desired
temperature faster. Meanwhile, with less variation in CO2,
the temperature increases faster and it takes longer to
reach the desired temperature. Ice gel cooling media has
a limited ability to maintain its temperature because the
ice gel will melt.
Figure 11. Graph of CO2 Levels with a Comparison of 80:10:10

F. In the graphic above, you can see the condition of A. Research Overview
CO2 levels in the fish storage room. Because the In this study, testing the performance of combination of
coolbox has CO2 injection that continues to flow, it ice gel, dry ice and CO2 gas as fish cooling media. This
is necessary to measure CO2 levels. From the research is a refinement of previous research. That is in
results of measuring CO2 levels for 17 hours it the form of replacing components with other materials
reached 1.79256 lt/(m2 hr atm). that are more efficient, such as using 3 types of cooling
media, namely Ice Gell, Dry Ice and CO2 Gass. The
G. Performance Comparison of the Four Trials system is set with 2 sensors, namely a CO2 sensor and a
Table 1 Performance Comparison temperature sensor. The sensor reading results are used as
Cooling a signal to a computer to then be translated as display data.
Initial Conditioning Time Stable Time
B. Conclusions
50 : 25 : 25 1 hour 20 minutes 19 hours 30 minutes
Based on the research that the author has done, it can be
60 : 20 : 20 1 hour 40 minutes 18 hours 25 minutes concluded that :
70 : 15 : 15 2 hours 0 minute 17 hours 30 minutes 1. The performance of the cooler using Ice Gell, Dry
80 : 10 : 10 2 hours 15 minutes 17 hours
Ice and CO2 Gass cooling media can maintain a
temperature of 0°C-5°C for 19 hours 30 minutes and
to reach a temperature of 0°C from which all of the
From the table above, it can be seen that cooling using temperature is 34°C it takes 1 hour 20 minutes.
CO2 gas and dry ice has advantages over ice gel at the time 2. The MAS design has a fish storage room capacity of
of initial conditioning, namely a decrease in room 140 liters with a special room for its own CO 2 tube.
temperature to 0°C. Meanwhile, for temperature This MAS can be loaded in a conventional way,
conditioning in the 0°C – 5°C range, CO2 gas and dry ice which is lifted by 2-3 people because it has a light
can maintain a much more stable temperature than ice gel. weight.
This is because the cooling medium in the form of CO 2
gas does not have a resistance limit as in ice gel which will C. Suggestions
become liquid and dry ice which will evaporate over time. 1. Replacing the CO2 sensor with a sensor that has
Therefore, the cooling medium in the form of CO2 gas was a reading range of 100%
chosen as a coolant in Modified atmosphere storage. 2. Analyze strong MAS materials and have the best
cold storage
H. Performance Result Comparison 3. Perform calculations and design battery
requirements for MAS
4. Perform valve analysis on CO2 gas cylinders
5. Replace electronic components such as cables
with better quality in order to avoid errors when
the tool is working
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004. xx-xx
(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479) 00

International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research, Vol. x(x), Mar. 2004. xx-xx
(pISSN: 2541-5972, eISSN: 2548-1479) 00

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