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The Impact of Tertiary Education Subsidy on Students Motivation to Graduate in College


Marbe T. Ochia

Angela Mae A. Datuon

Anica B. Saranggaya

Rico G. Merabeles

Mary Jane A. Quirog

Elementary Education Department

Pob. Manukan, Zamboanga del Norte

Cell.No. 09165519577

you are being asked to take part in a research study. Before you decide to participate in this study, it is
important that you understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please read the
following carefully. Please ask the researcher if there is anything that is not clear or if you need more

The purpose of this study is to determine the Impact of Tertiary Education Subsidy on Students
Motivation to Graduate in College.


Should you wish to participate, we will ask you for your personal information, and your family
background. Then, you will answer a series of survey questions, in order to determine what are your
views and responses. Then you will be ask another series of analytic questions about your opinion on
certain matters.

We will be asking about 20 individuals to take part in this Study.

This study will take more or less 3-5 minutes per individual consisting of the quick personal interview
which takes more or less about 1-2 minutes, and the rest for the answering of survey questionnaire.

Respondent’s Initials ____________

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You need not to worry about privacy as we will not share the information we have gathered from this
study. Other than statistical and non - identifiable personal Information.


There will be no direct benefit to you for your participation in this study. However, we hope that the
information obtained in this study may help you to understand the study and it make sense for your
personal knowledge.


If you have questions at any time about this study, or you experience adverse effects as the result of
participating in this study, you may contact the researcher whose contact information is provided on the
first page. If you have questions regarding your rights as a research respondent, or if problems arise
which you do not feel you can discuss with the Primary Investigator, please contact the Dean of
Education Department at


Your participation in this study is voluntary. It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part in this
study. If you decide to take part in this study, you will be asked to sign a consent form. After you sign the
consent form, you are still free to withdraw at any time and without giving a reason. Withdrawing from
this study will not affect the relationship you have, if any, with the researcher. If you withdraw from the
study before data collection is completed, your data will be returned to you or destroyed.


I have read and I understand the provided information and have had an opportunity to asked questions.
I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw anytime, without giving a
reason and without cost. I understand that I will be given a copy of this Consent form. I voluntarily agree
to take part on this study.

Respondent’s Signature ____________________________ Date: ____________

Investigator’s Signature _____________________________ Date: ____________

Respondent’s Initials _______________________

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