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Gita Margareth Yolanda








In this chapter, there are some important parts going to explain. It consists of background

of the research, scope of the research, research problem, objective of the research, significance of

the research, research methodology, and key terms definition.

A. Background

Language is one important and characteristic of human behavior. It mean of

communication between individual. It also brings them into relantionship with their

environment. English became one of compulsory subjects it much be asserted for the students

who will be completed their study at secondary up to high school and it is one state

examination. Beside that English also is chosen local content or subject for elementary school

for several provinces or regencies of Indonesia republic.

English as an internasional language great influence toward the development especially for

Indonesia people, particular for students. Expecially in school, we start to learn basic English.

From start listening, speaking, reading and writting.

The aim of English teaching in Indonesia is not only for academic porpuse but also for

national improvement in science and technology, in Indonesia English as a foreign language

which tough as one of the compulsory subject from junior high school and even to come

colleges. It is expected that by knowing Eglish, students can at least impove their knowledge

themselves by reading scientific books because most of them are written in English.

Language can be devided into several forms namely : oral, written dan gestures. Oral and

written forms need sufficient knowledge of spelling, phonology, vocabulary, and especially

grammar. While in English there are four language skill namely: Listening, speaking, reading

and written.Those skill cannot mastered if students not know what the grammar, because

grammar is one of English component that must be learned and understood by students.

Grammar is the rules of forming words and making sentences. It is basic units of meaning

such a words and the rules to combine them to for new sentences constitute the grammar of

language. The author must use the correct grammar so as not confuse the reader when reading

the article, moreover, not everyone is good at writing even though they are good at speaking.

There are several part in grammatical one of them is a verb. Verb are important part in

grammar. Verbs are subdivide into two groups, regular verb and irregular verbs.

Jhon E.(2000:124) states that a regular and irregular verbs is one that forms its past and

past participle by adding –d or –ed to infinitive form. Teschner (2000:47) regularly preterit is

formed with the suffrage –ed : work-worked, if the base ends e, -dis is simply added to it:

sharpen-honed. Where the base ends with consonants plus y, y turns into I before –edis is

added: Deny-denied. Where the base ends in a vowel plus y, the y is retained: alloy-alloyed.

The role for doubling the final consonant regular weak verbs for the preterits is the same as

the rule for doubling in the present participle.

Regular verbs is a verb that ends in –ed or –d. Simply put regular verb can also be

interpreted both verb forms (past tense) and form the three (past participle) is obtained by

adding a –d or –ed of basic verb or verb basic form (infinitive). Irregular verbs is a form of

the verb past tense (verb II) and form fitting participle (verb III) experienced an irregular


Based on the writer is most of students are doubt to determine which is regular and irregular

verb. And the writer experiences than when she applied teaching practice, the writer found out

that most of students are lack of English structure, for example, the students has low competence

in identifying regular and irregular verb. The writer hopes that result of this research can give

contribution for the students of SMPN 2 Rantetayo in identifying regular and irregular verb and

the competence in identifying regular and irregular verb. That is way, the writer was interested to

conduct a research entitled “The Student’s Ability In Identifying Regular And Irregular Verb At

The Eighth Grade Students Of SMPN 2 Rantetayo”.

B. Research Question

Due to the statement above, the writer formulated the problem statement as “How is the

ability of the eighth grade students in identifying regular and irregular verb at SMPN 2


C. Objective of the research

Based on the problem above, the researcher formulated the objective of the research as

follow: to know the student’s ability in identifying regular and irregular verb at the eighth

garde students of SMPN 2 Rantetayo.

D. Significance of the research

The researcher formulates some uses of this research. The significance can be viewed

from some aspects, they are :


1. The students and teacher

It can give information about the students ability in reading story and also it can be

useful to help students and teacher to create the interesting and suitbable learning

process especially in reading story to find verb.

2. For the researcher

This study is expected to be a great experience to face the future when she becomes a

real teacher.

3. For other researchers

This study is expected to be one of references for relevant researches.

E. Research Methodology

In this research, the writer used quantitative method which is valuable “explaining

phenomenon by collecting numerical data that are analyzed using mathematically based

methods (in particular statistic)” (Gunderson 2002:81).

F. Key Terms Definition

1. Ability

The ability to read text, process it, and understand it’s meaning. And individuals ability to

comprehend text is influenced by their traits and skills one of which is the ability to make


2. Identifying

Identifying means the provision signs in group stuff or something, with the aim of

distinguish component with each other, so that a component that is know and know to be

class which.

3. Regular Verbs

Regular verbs is a verb that ends in “ed” or “d”. Simply put regular verb can also be

interpreted both verb forms (past tense) and form the three ( past participle) is obtained by

adding a “d” or “ed” of basic verb or verb basic form (infinitive).

4. Irregular verbs

Irregular Verbs is a form of the verb past tense ( verb II ) and form fitting participle (verb

III ) experienced an irregular changes.

5. Eighth grade students

The grade students are the eighth students of SMPN 2 Rantetayo in academic year




In this chapter, it consists of previous study, some pertinent ideas, theoretical and


A. Previous Study

The first previous study is from Nur Siti Alfiah (2019) with the tittle is “The Ability Of

Identifying The Forms Of Irregular Verb Of Simple Past Tense Of The Eighth Grade

Students Of MTs N Bawu Jepara In The Academic Year 2019/2020 Taught By Using Make

A Match Technique “. She concluded that the understanding of students at MTs N Bawu

about the use of irregular verbs from the final form by using the match technique can

motivate students in learning irregular words and develop their abilities. This can be seen

from the pre test and post test. The pre test was 9,39, while the pro test is 12,34.

The previous study from Sitepu (2014) with the tittle is “ An Errors Analysis of Regular

and Irregular Verbs In Writing Recount, Narrative, Procedure and Descriptive Text By the

Tenth Grade Students at SMA Negeri 2 Tanjungbalai”. The results of the analysis showed

that: (1) regular and irregular verb errors in recounts, narratives, procedures and descriptive

writings carried out by students of the tenth grade of Tanjungbalai State High School were

112 occurrences of all errors. The most dominant text getting regular and irregular verbs is

the narrative text occurs 40 cases (10 regular verbs and 30 irregular verbs ) or 36%, it’s

followed by the recount text occurs 36 cases ( 7 regular and 19 irregular verbs or 23% and

the latter is the procedure text occurs 10 cases (2 ordinary verbs and 8 irregular verbs) or


The previous study is from Adiwijaya (2015) with the tittle is “Error Analysis of Using

English Verb By Eleventh Grade Students of SMK’ . His research concluded that most of the

students have incapable to write verbs forms when the practice English either spoken or

written English.

Based on the previous research above, the writer finds similarities with this study which

talks about verbs. And the difference are, the first previous research focused on students

ability to identify irregular verb forms of simple past tense, the second previous research

focused on students mistakes in finding regular and irregular verbs in recount, narrative,

procedure and descriptive texts, the third previous research focused on students mistakes in

using verbs. Then, in this research, the writer wants to know about the students ability to

find regular and irregular verbs.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Ability

According to Thoha (2008) ability is the capacity that exists in a person who can

make the person able to pollute what is needed by working in an organization so that the

organization is able to achieve rapid results.


Wahjosumidjo (1999:34), ability is an integrative routine performance, which

combines resources (knowledge, assets and process, visible and invisible) that result in

higher and more competitive positions.

Robert Kreitner (2005: 185) ability is a stable characteristic related to a person’s

mental physical ability.

Based on the explanation above the writer conclude that ability is the effort or

potential or is the result of training or practice and is used for doing something that can

be realized through hid actions.

2. Part of Speech

There are eight part of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb,

adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. The part of speech

indicates how the word functions in meaning as well as grammatically within the

sentence. An individual word can function as more that one part of speech when used in

different circumstances. Understanding parts of speech is essential for determining the

correct definition of a word when using the dictionary.

1. Nouns

A noun is a person, place, concept, or object. Basically, anything that’s a “thing” is a

noun, whether you’re talking about a basketball court, San Francisco, Cleopatra, or

self-preservation. Nouns fall into two categories: common nouns and proper nouns.

Common nouns are general names for things, like planet and game show. Proper

nouns are specific names for individual things, like Jupiter and Jeopardy!

2. Pronouns

Pronouns are the words you substitute for specific nouns when the reader or listener

knows which specific noun you’re referring to. You might say “Jennifer was

supposed to be here at eight,” then follow it with “she’s always late; next time I’ll tell

her to be here a half-hour earlier.” Instead of saying Jennifer’s name three times in a

row, you substituted she and her and your sentences remained grammatically correct.

Pronouns are divided into a range of categories, and we cover them all in our guide

to pronouns.

3. Adjectives

Adjectives are the words that describe nouns. You might say the movie was funny,

engaging, well-written, or suspenseful. When you’re describing the movie with these

words, you’re using adjectives. An adjective can go right before the noun it’s

describing (I have a black dog), but it doesn’t have to. Sometimes, adjectives are at

the end of a sentence (my dog is black).

4. Verbs

These bolded words are verbs. Verbs are words that describe specific actions, like

running, winning, and being amazing. Not all verbs refer to literal actions, though.

Verbs that refer to feelings or states of being, like to love and to be, are known as

non-action verbs. Conversely, the verbs that do refer to literal actions are known as

action verbs.

5. Adverbs

An adverb is a word that describes an adjective, a verb, or another adverb. Take a

look at these examples. Here’s an example: I entered the room quietly. Quietly is

describing how you entered (verb) the room. Here’s another example: A cheetah is

always faster than a lion. Always is describing how frequently a cheetah is faster

(adjective) than a lion.

6. Prepositions

Prepositions tell you the relationship between the other words in a sentence.

Here’s an example: I left my bike leaning against the garage. In this sentence, against

is the preposition because it tells us where I left my bike. Here’s another example:

She put the pizza in the oven. Without the preposition in, we don’t know where the

pizza is.

7. Conjunctions

Conjunctions make it possible to build complex sentences that express multiple

ideas. I like marinara sauce. I like alfredo sauce. I don’t like puttanesca sauce. Each

of these three sentences expresses a clear idea. There’s nothing wrong with listing

your preferences like this, but it’s not the most efficient way to do it. Consider

instead: I like marinara sauce and alfredo sauce, but I don’t like puttanesca sauce. In

this sentence, and but are the two conjunctions that link your ideas together.

8. Articles

A pear. The brick house. An exciting experience. These bolded words are known as

articles. Like nouns, articles come in two flavors: definite articles and indefinite

articles. And just like the two types of nouns, the type of article you use depends on

how specific you need to be about the thing you’re discussing. A definite article

describes one specific noun, like the end this.

Based on the explain above, the writer concludes that part of speech is useful for

determining the correct definition of a word. The part of speech namely noun is a

word for a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns are often used with an article (the, an,

a, an). Pronoun is a word used in place of a noun. Verb in a sentence expresses action

or being. Adjective is a word used to modify or describe a noun or a pronoun.

Adverb describes a verb, an adjective or another adverb, but never a noun.

Preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to form a phrase modifying

another word in the sentence. A conjunction word, phrases or clauses, and indicates

the relationship between the elements; and, but, or, not, for, so, yet. Interjection is a

word used to express emotion. It is often followed by an exclamation point.

3. Grammar

Los Angeles (2003:xvi), the grammar of a language is the set of rules that govern

its structure. Grammar determines how words are arranged to form meaningful units.

Michael Swan (2005:xix) grammar is the rules that explain how words are

combined, arranged or changed to show some kind of meaning.

Than, according Barbara Dykes (2007: 5) grammar is a language to talk about

language because we can learn how to communicate with the language, we can not

be separated from the study of grammar; starting from vocabulary and functions,

sentence patters, expressions and meaning.

Based on the explain above. The writer concluded that grammar is the rules or

structure of the sentence structure. By using the correct structure. By using the

correct structure, a sentence will be perfect.

4. Verb

a. Definition Verb

According to the Merriem-Webster dictionary, a verb is a word that indicates

an action, behavior, or event experienced by the subject.

According to Thomas (2013) the verb is an important element in English.

Only nouns that occur more frequently in spoken language and writing. In

general, verbs are one of the easiest parts of speech, because there are only four

of five different forms.

Mess (1999:4) says, the verb is a job action or movement. Other physical

characteristic that have been shown traditionally are the possibility of occupying

the predicate function by a verb sentence. Physical characteristics the most

prominent is the ability to occupy a commanding position (imperative) directly.

Based on the explain above the writer concluded that verb is a word that

serves to show the action of the subject, indicating events or circumstances. In


the arrangement of the part of speech, the verbs is usually located right behind

the noun/pronoun.

b. Kind of Verb

The term primary verb refers to a word that expresses an action or helps

make a complete statement. Although the main verb consists of a single word, it

may have helped the verb in front of it. Without a verb, a statement or sentence

cannot be a compatriot or compatriot. Verbs are variable lexis. They have a

number of different forms of inflection that are required or permitted in a variety

of grammatical contexts. The most distinctive grammatical properties of verbs

are their inflection. Inflection is a variation in the form of lexeme determined by

syntactic properties such as single numbers and plural in nouns, preterite and

verb present tenses. In fact. Preterit of similar to past verb forms, such as watch-


Eugene J.Hall says that there are only two tenses in English characterized by

inflection. There are simple. Most modern grammatical also assume that only

two tenses in English have an unelected ending, the simple present and the

simple past.

c. English Verb Forms

Quirk (1993:27) classifies English verb into lexical verbs and auxiliary verbs.

Morphology, lexical verbs are considered two categories: Regular and irregular.

1. Regular Verb

Regular verbs are verbs that can change according to the tense and change

regularly. Regular verbs are verbs that change them according to normal rules,

namely by adding the letter –d or –ed to the first form of the verb/verb-1

(infinitive) so that it becomes the second form of the verb/verb-2 (past tenses).

Regular Verb Formation

There are several things that must be considered in the formation of regular

verbs by adding the suffic –ed or –d to the basic verb/verb-1(infinitive) as


a. In general, to form the second verb/verb-2 (past tense) and the third

verb/verb-3 (past participle) by adding the suffix ed to the regular infinitive



Verb-1 Verb-2 Verb-3 Arti

To add Added Added Menambahkan

To help Helped Helped Membantu

To listen Listened Listened Mendengarkan

To ask Asked Asked Bertanya

To lock Locked Locked Mengunci

To open Opened Opened Mendengarkan


a. In general, to form the second verb/verb-2 (past tense ) and the third

verb/verb-3 (past participle) by adding the suffix ed to the regular infinitive



Verb-1 Verb-2 Verb-3 Arti

To advise Advised Advised menasehati

To believe Believed believed mempercayai

To manage Managed managed mengatur

To use Used Used memakai

To close Closed Closed menutup

b. If the basic verb (verb-1) end in the better –y and is preceded by a consonant

(a consonant letter), the the letter –ed to then added the letter –ed to form the

past participle (verb-3).

Verb-1 Verb-2 Verb-3 Arti

To carry Carried Carried Membawa

To try Tried Tried Mencoba

To cry Cried Cried Menangis


To supply Supplied Supplied Menyediakan

To copy Copied Copied Menyalin

To reply Replied Replied Menjawab

c. If the root verb (verb-1) ends in the letter –y and is preceded by a vowel

( vowel), then the letter-y is not changed and the letter –y is added to form the

past tense (verb-2) and past participle (verb-3).

Verb-1 Verb-2 Verb-3 Arti

To annoy Annoyed Annoyed Menjengkelkan

To betray Betrayed Betrayed Mengkhianati

To enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed Menikmati

To play Played Played Bermain

To convey Conveyed Conveyed Menyampaikan

d. If the basic verb (verb-1) consists of one syllable and ends in a consonant that

begins with a vowel, than the last consonant is doubled, then added –ed to

form verb-2 (past tense) and verb-3 past participle.

Verb-1 Verb-2 Verb-3 Arti


To beg Begged Begged Meminta

To rob Robbed Robbed Merampok

To rub Rubbed Rubbed Menggosok

To ship Shipped Shipped Mengapalkan

To jog Jogged Jogged Berlari perlahan

e. If the basic verb (infinitive) ends with the letter –c, which is preceded by a

vowel, then the letter –c is added to the letter –k and then the letter –ed is

added to form the past tense and past participle.

Verb-1 Verb-2 Verb-3 Arti

To picnic Picnicked Picnicked Berpiknik

To mimic Mimicked Mimicked Memimikkan

To panic Panicked Panicked Membuat panik

Based on the explain above the writer concludes that regular verb is the use of verbs

according to the tenses. If there is a change, then only need to add ‘ed’ or ‘d’ at the end of

the word. However, it still depends on the ending words.


2. Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs are verbs that vary according to the tense and do not obey the normal

rules. The past tense of irregular verbs is not formed from the basic verb/verb-1

(infinitives) plus the letter –d or the letter –ed to form verb-2/past tense and

verb-3/past participle.

Types of Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs can be divided into 3 kinds, the types of irregular verbs are as


a. Verbs whose second and third forms do not change from their first form.

Verb-1 Verb-2 Verb-3 Arti

To cut Cut Cut Memotong

To hurt Hurt Hurt Melukai

To cost Cost Cost Berharga

b. Verbs whose second and third forms are the same but different from the first.

For verbs ending in-ch, -f, -k, -p, -s, -sh, and –x, if a second verb (verb-2) and

a third verb (verb-3) are formed, then written and pronounced with the suffix


Verb-1 Verb-2 Verb-3 Arti

To buy Bought Bought Membeli


To bleed Bled Bled Melukai

To bind Bound Bound Mengikat

To creep Crept Crept Merangkak

To fling Flung Flung Membuang

c. Verbs whose first, second and third forms are not the same.

Verb-1 Verb-2 Verb-3 Arti

To take Took Taken Mengambil

To forsake Forsook Forsaken Meninggalkan

To go Went Gone Pergi

To eat Ate Eaten Makan

To fly Flew Flown Terbang


Based on the explain above, the writer simplifies that the typical form of verb appear in a

particular tense. For example, infinitive appears in present tense, and future tense, past form

appears in past tense and past participle appears in perfect tense.

C. Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework

One of the skills honed at the beginning of school is reading. In learning english we

should have ability to read. Why? Beacuse in reading we will get something new, one of is

knowladge. There are many students read fluently but do not yet understand the meaning of

the text being read.This is evidenced by the 15,941 students in the even sample provinces, the

average reading comprehension is still below 80 percent. According to Wilis (2008:127) “ the

goal of reading comprhension stategies to build comprehension is available to increase neural

efficiency at every step of the comprehension process.

Based on the explain above, when the writter did PLP at the seventh grade students, there

are some students who undertsand what the meaning of the story. So, the writter wanted to

know how the students ability to find verbs in a short story when already learning grammar in

eighth grade students.



The writer would like to use quantitative method, and it contains six parts. There are

setting, population of sample, research Instrument, data source, technique of collecting data,

technique of Analyzing Data.

A. Setting

This research was be conducted at SMPN 2 Rantetayo. It is located on Rantetayo. The writer

took the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Rantetayo academic year 2021/2022 through written


B. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research is all the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Rantetayo. The

total numbers of this population is 5 classes.

2. Sample

The writer would like to choose class 8A that consists of 20 students. The writer used

cluster sampling method in this research.

C. Research Instrument

The instrument which was used to collect data namely written test. Written test aimed to

know ability of the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Rantetayo to identify regular and

irregular verb through.

D. Data Sources

1. Primary Source

The primary source is the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Rantetayo Academic year


2. Secondary Source

The secondary data sources from internet, articles, and other relevance sources.

E. Data Collection

1. .Library Research

In the library research, the writer was visit the library to read several books to find out

some concepts which relevant with the research, and also search to the internet to find

some books, journal, articles and relevant sources for this study.

2. Field Research

This data was be from the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Rantetayo. The writer will

give written test. It is to find out the ability of the eighth grade students of SMPN 2

Rantetayo in identifying regular and irregular verbs.

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

The data was be from the test analyzing by using the following procedure:

Student Score X 100

To find out the students mean score, the writter used the following formula:




∑ x=¿ total score

N¿ number of respondent Gay.L.R(1981:255)

Classifying the score of the students:

Score 0-29 is classified as very poor

Score 30-49 is classified as poor

Score 50-69 is classified as fair

Score 70-89 is classified as good

Score 90-100 is classified as very good

(Depdikbud, 1985:25)

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