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oRepublic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V, Bicol
Osmeňa Colleges
Osmeňa St., Masbate City

Detailed Lesson Plan

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21 st Century


At the end of the discussion the learners should be able to:

A. Define labor and migration;
B. Read and outline the laws on labor protection;
C. Discover agencies that assist in protecting the rights and welfare of the migrant workers; and
D. Cite specific ways on how to help protect labor rights.


A. Topic: Labor and Migration

B. References
1. Book: Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21 st Century (Gladys P. Mangiduyos), pp. 182-
2. Human Global Migration - Bing images: Google search

3. Instructional Materials
Colored Paper
Paper stripps
Manila Paper

A. Management of Learning

Teacher’s Tasks Students’ Response

1. Greetings
-Good morning class. -Good morning ma’am.

2. Prayer
-Okay class who will lead the prayer? -Ma’am.
-Yes (name of learner) Please come forward. -Okay ma’am.
*Once the prayer is done, the teacher will ask
learners to:
-Everybody, take your seat. Thank you, ma’am.

3. Checking of attendance

-For your attendance, say present if I call your

name. (The teacher will call the name and learners’
response is present.) -Okay maa’am.

4. Posting of heath protocols

Now, let me remind you of the health protocol to

follow in order for us to continue this face to face

Remember to wear your mask and always have a 1

meter social distancing.

-Is everyone following these protocols?

Yes ma’am, we are wearing face mask and in 1 meter
- Very good. social distancing.

5. Review

6. Motivation

-I will be showing to you a picture and your task is

to react, comment, share opinion about what’s on
-Are you ready?
-Yes ma’am

-What can you say about the picture?

-It is all about labor.
-Very good, you have given the exact answer. -It’s all about labor and migration.
-Give them 5 claps.
-Learners clapping.
-Okay, so everybody said that the picture is all
about labor and migration. How about the others, -No ma’am.!
do you have any other idea or interpretation about
the photo?

B. Presentation
-Now, let’s go farther. I will be showing to you
another picture and your task is to observe on it
in order for you to define two terms that I will be
giving to you after the picture.
-Are you now ready?
-Yes ma’am.

Pair and Share: With a partner, define the following terms

by using your observation from the picture I’ve shown to

1. Labor______________________________________ Students’ Answers:

__________________________________________ 1. Labor- working abroad for the needs of
2. Migration__________________________________ -forced to work in other country due
__________________________________________ to lack of work in their country.
Migration- Pilipinos are migrating from own
country to other countries to find job.
C. Discussion -Transferring from one country to another
-Now, we will have an activity, wherein it will focus to seek for a good paying job employer
more on the discussion of labor and migrants. This
activity is called an active reading, I will be giving each
group the copy of text and your task is to read it just like
scanning or skimming the text to get the ideas and
answer the questions I will be posting. Make it more
creative by presenting it in a form of:
a. Group-1 FLASH REPORT b. Group-2 Human
c. Group-3 Drama

Are you now ready? -Yes ma’am.

Students’ Activity and responses

-Start reading.
-(Students will be reading the text.)


The migration of Filipinos abroad is a product of extreme

poverty and joblessness in the country that is brought
about the decrepit social system perpetuated by US
neocolonialism. The deepening economic crisis in the
Philippines has simultaneously aggravated the migration
of Filipinos abroad to gargantuan proportion. More than
2,000 migrant Filipinos leave the country each day and
approximately one-third of these are composed of
unskilled workers. They can be found in 182 countries

Filipinos are driven abroad since the government cannot

provide them work. This is not surprising since the
Philippine economy is backward, agrarian, and without
basic industries. Hence, it cannot generate enough
employment for Filipinos. Millions of workers are being
thrown out of their regular jobs as foreign and domestic
capitalists resort to contractualization and downsizing so
as to maintain and generate more profits. Thus,
Phlippines, indeed, is a rich source of cheap labor by
developed countries.

Now here are the following questions: 1.The reasons why Pilipinos are migrating;
1. What are the reasons of why Pilipinos keep on a. Poverty
migrating and working abroad? b. Joblessness in the country
Now, let’s give 5 million claps to group 1. Thank you for c. No unskilled workers hiring
your great flash reporting, everyone take note that OFW d. Government cannot provide work for
are working abroad due to poverty, no offered work in them
country especially to unskilled workers, etc. e. Economy and agrarian cannot provide
basic industries and cannot give
employment to Pilipinos.
Any additional information or questions? No ma’am, it’s all clear maam.


Human Picture

Migrant Filipinos contribute a lot to the economy

through their remittances. From 1990 to 1995,
remittances of migrant Filipinos were registered at
US$14.543 billion. In 1999 alone, it registered a
high of US$6.9 billion. The government recognizes
this contribution. In fact, they are hailed as "new
economic heroes."

Migrant Filipinos are an exploited lot. The

Philippine government extracts exorbitant fees from
them as requisite to their deployment abroad.
Government rakes in millions daily in the
processing of their papers alone. These include
payments for passports, NBI and medical
clearances, administrative fees, forced contributions
and a litany of other expenses.

2. What are the advantages of our country to those 2.The advantages of our government to those
Overseas Filipino Workers? who are working abroad are the following:(a)
Migrant Filipinos contribute a lot to the
Let’s give very good clap to group 2. I appreciate your economy through their remittances, (b) The
Human picture activity which is very clear that you are Philippine government extracts exorbitant fees
depicting or showing on how OFWs help our country by from them as requisite to their deployment
through their million contributions/ remittances to its abroad, (c) Government rakes in millions
economy. daily in the processing of their papers alone.
These include payments for passports, NBI
and medical clearances, administrative fees,
forced contributions and a litany of other


1-2-3 Action
The abuses and exploitation they experience in their
place of work are prevalent. These range from contract
violations, rape, sexual harassment, mysterious deaths,
among others. Yearly, hundreds of thousand of Filipinos
are reported to have suffered various forms of abuse and
exploitation in the hands of their employers. Women
migrant workers in particular are most vulnerable to
abuses and maltreatment. They are subjected to sexual
and physical abuses, as in the case of domestic helpers,
while many become victims of white slavery.

Nothing can pronounce the exploitation and abuses

committed against migrant Filipinos than those inflicted
to Flor Contemplacion and Sarah Balabagan. Their cases
opened the eyes of the entire Filipino people and the
international community on the hapless plight of migrant

The anguish and ordeal of migrant Filipinos continue.

The conditions that confront them necessitate the
continued organizing, education and mobilization work
among their ranks in their struggle for their rights and
welfare, and for genuine freedom and democracy.
3. What are the struggles of OFWs? 3. The struggles that OFWs are facing and
experiencing are as follows (Abuse and
Wow for that you will receive coca-cola clap. Class exploitation):
everybody (1-2-3,1-2-3, coca-cola). It’s good to see a. Contract violation
that through your short drama presentation you b. Rape
have able to act out the struggles being faced by c. Sexual harassment
OFWs. Remember class that it’s not easy to work d. Mysterious deaths
abroad because some employer are harsh and
hurting Filipinos through abusive actions like; rape,
sexual harassment, etc.

Is the discussion all clear? -Yes ma’am.

So now, let’s proceed.

D. Application

E. Generalization


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